Wholly Science

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Understanding the Process of Creation

Johan Oldenkamp

Wholly Science
Understanding the Process of Creation
First Digital Edition, December 13th, 2011 Second, revised Digital Edition, December 29th, 2011 Third, revised Digital Edition, January 16th, 2012

Foreword 4

To contact the author of this book: [email protected] www.pateo.nl

Publisher: Printing: ISBN: NUR:

Pateo Van Liere Media 978-94-90765-10-1 910

1. Science of Creation 5 1.1 Seven Days of the Week...................... 10 1.2 Seven Levels of Creation..................... 12 1.3 The Geometry of Creation ................... 21 1.4 Geometry of Wholeness ...................... 25 2. Plato Revisited 29 2.1 The Illusion of Matter.......................... 33 2.2 Harmonic Numbers.............................. 36 3. The Forbidden Apple of Knowledge 40 3.1 Dynamics of Time ............................... 46 3.2 The Clock of Giza................................ 57 3.3 Dynamics of Creation .......................... 64 4. Creation of the Shadow World 70 4.1 Deliberate Use of Numbers ................. 89 4.2 Dynamics of Interacting Energies ....... 95 4.3 The Code of the Source World .......... 103 5. Concluding Summary 114 Acknowledgements 115

As above, so below
2011, 2012, Dr. Johan H. Oldenkamp
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author. 2 Wholly Science Understanding the Process of Creation

The Emerald Tablets contain the writings of Thoth the Atlantean, later known as Hermes Trismegistus. Number 11 of the 13 original tablets is about the (mirroring) relation between above and below. The most common description of this proverb is: that which is above is the same as that which is below, and that which is below is the same as that which is above. This book shows the scientific meaning of this perhaps oldest proverb known to present-day humanity.
Wholly Science Understanding the Process of Creation 3

This is a science book. This book is meant for everyone who values understanding higher than believing. In this book, I share my understanding of the core principles behind the creation of the reality we live in. Before you begin to read this book, probably starting at the first chapter on the next page, I have one request for you: Please do not believe one word of this book. Please try to fully understand everything I wrote down. When you encounter something you do not understand, even after doing your own research, also based on other sources, then please totally forget about that part of this book. Apparently, it was not meant for you (or it might even be complete and utter nonsense). Believe in yourself, and in your capability to understand everything you want to understand. I believe in myself, and I want to fully understand the reality we live in. That is my Holy Quest to wholly understand the Wholeness of Everything. That is also the mission of the Pateo Academia. Are you a scientist who wants to help spread and develop Wholly Science? Then please contact me. My e-mail address is on the second page of this book. During the past four years, I have invested all my time and money in developing Wholly Science (for instance, I resigned from my wellpaid job as a university professor and I sold my house). In order to further professionalize the Pateo Academia, additional funding and appropriate housing is required. Can you help to transform the Pateo Academia into a world-leading science institute? Then please do contact me.

1. Science of Creation
Science without spirituality is dead and without soul. Spirituality without science, on the other hand, is fantasy and ungrounded. The universities offer us nothing but dead and soulless theories. The universities are like the emperor without clothes in the famous fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen. The naked truth is that the universities offer us fake science. The churches offer us nothing but ungrounded fairy tales. These churches not only include all organized religions, but also New Age and other woolly and vague examples of fake spirituality. This book shows that grounded spirituality is the beating heart of a living science. The whole of living science with grounded spirituality beating in its heart is called Wholly Science. Wholly Science studies harmony. This study is based on three pillars: numbers, music, and geometry. Each pillar reveals the universal principles of harmony, each in its own way. These are always dynamic principles, since everything is always moving. Let us start with the principles of harmonic music. A key principle of harmonic music is the octave. Octave means the whole of eight (since octo is Latin for eight). An octave is a set of eight consecutive tones. We generally identify these eight tones as Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si, and then again Do. The ratio between the oscillation frequencies of the first (and slowest) Do and the second (and fastest) Do is 1:2. The octave is the first harmonic ratio. The other two harmonic ratios are the quint and the quart. All harmonic ratios are always relative proportions of a multiple of 2 and a multiple of 3. That is why Wholly Science calls both numbers

Wholly Science Understanding the Process of Creation

Wholly Science Understanding the Process of Creation

the universal Harmonic Ratio Base Numbers. Two harmonic vibrations always have a ratio of 2a : 3b (where both a and b are always so called Fibonacci-numbers, as described later on in this book). 1:2 2:3 3:4 Octave Quint Quart 30 : 21 21 : 31 31 : 22

A harmonic octave contains four quints and four quarts, as shown in the figure below. The four upper bows represent the quints, while the four bows down represent the quarts. Now, we can understand why the names quint and quart are used. A quint (Latin for fifth) is a harmonic relation between a first and a fifth tone, while a quart (Latin for fourth) is a harmonic relation between a first and a fourth tone.

Numbers 2 and 3. This rhythm is clearly visible in the black keys of the piano or the accordion. The standard ratios are about 21/3 times larger than the small ones. Between the successive tones with a standard ratio, there is enough space for a semitone, right in the middle between both tones. However, the more than twice smaller space between the tones with a small ratio offers not enough space for a semitone. That is why a musical scale contains 8 wholly tones and (2+3=) 5 semitones. On the keyboard, the wholly tones are white, while the semitones are black. Together, these are the (8+5=) 13 (wholly and semi-) tones of a musical scale. In the figure on the previous page, the note A (or the tone La) vibrates exactly 432 times (per second). By tuning the musical A to this frequency of 432 Hertz (abbreviated as Hz), music resonates with our inner (emotional) vibrations. Please note that there is no first vibrational octave, nor a last one. The frequencies of each following octave are simply doubled compared to the previous one. However, when we start with a Do that vibrates exactly once every second (meaning an oscillation frequency of 1 Hz), then we arrive at the ninth octave at the frequencies mentioned in the figure on the previous page.
1 2 1115/128 175/256 111/16 119/32 11/2 15/12 11/3 117/64 125/128 11/8 11/16 1 2 4 351/64 375/128 33/8 33/16 3 25/6 22/3 217/32 225/64 21/4 21/8 2 3 8 719/32 711/64 63/4 63/8 6 52/3 51/3 51/16 425/32 41/2 41/4 4 4 16 153/16 1411/32 131/2 123/4 12 111/3 102/3 101/8 99/16 9 8 8 5 32 303/8 2811/16 27 251/2 24 222/3 211/3 201/4 191/8 18 17 16 6 64 603/4 573/8 54 51 48 451/3 422/3 401/2 381/4 36 34 32 7 128 1211/2 1143/4 108 102 96 902/3 851/3 81 761/2 72 68 64 8 256 243 2291/2 216 204 192 1811/3 1702/3 162 153 144 136 128 9 512 486 459 432 408 384 3622/3 3411/3 324 306 288 272 256 7

The ratios between the successive tones in a harmonic octave is 2 times standard (meaning 23:32, which is 8:9), then once small (35:28, which is 243:256), then 3 times standard (again 23:32), and finally once small again (35:28). In the length of the sequences of the standard ratios, we therefore see another rhythm based on the universal Ratio Base
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13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Wholly Science Understanding the Process of Creation

Each harmonic octave (meaning whole of 8) consists not only of 8 wholly tones, but also of 8 harmonic relations (4 quints plus 4 quarts). The frequency ratios mentioned above, originate from Pythagoras in Ancient Greece. Most music currently produced, is not based on these harmonic ratios, and neither vibrates the tone A on 432 Hz. That is, however, not the only vital knowledge humanity lost over the ages related to the essence of music, as we will see below. Why do we use the names of Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, and Si to refer to the wholly notes? The table below shows that these notes are abbreviations of Latin words. Each Latin word refers to a level within the Ray of Creation. We find a very accurate scientific description of the Ray of Creation in the first chapter of the first book of the Holy Bible. Wholly Science shows the true, scientific meaning of Holy, which is the same as Wholly. The title of the first chapter of the Book of Genesis (which is also the First Book of Moses) is The Creation. The content of that first chapter of the Bible has nothing to do with faith in God. On the contrary, it enables us to understand the true essence of God and the Wholly Work of God, which is The Creation. We find the highest God as the initiator of the Ray of Creation, also referred to as the Unmoved Mover by Aristotle, another (wholly) scientist form Ancient Greece. We also find a God on every other level of the Ray of Creation. To distinguish between these different creating Gods, each God has a different name on each level. The abbreviations of these (seven) names of God are Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, and Si. Tone Do Si La Sol Fa Mi Re Do

Latin Dominus Sidera Lactea Sol Fta Microcosmus Regina Dominus

English Lord Stars Milky Sun Fate Microcosm Regent Lord

Meaning The Lord all galaxies our Milky Way our sun Helios our solar system our planet Terra our moon Luna The Lord

Day 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

The Ray of Creation starts on Day 0 with the intention of the Lord God (Almighty) to create the whole of reality, mostly called the world. This is the tone of Do from Dominus, meaning the Lord. On Day 1, God separated the light from the darkness. This is the separation of the light (yang) of all the stars (or Sidera in Latin) from the darkness (yin) of the rest of the universe (or macrocosm). This is the tone of Si from Sidera (or all galaxies). On Day 2, God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters. The waters is a reference to a galaxy. The galaxy we can see in the midst of the firmament is our own galaxy called the Milky Way. This is the tone of La from Lactea, meaning milky. On Day 3, God said, Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place. At this level of Creation, water refers to light. The gathering of light into one place is a reference to our sun Helios. This is the tone of Sol, meaning the sun. On Day 4, God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to separate the day from the night; and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years. These lights in the firmament that enable us to keep track of time are the visible planets of our solar system, because they wander around against the background of the constellations of the Zodiac. These wandering planets play a key role in astrology, which provides us a scientific description of fate. This is the tone of Fa from Fata, meaning fate. On Day 5, God said, Let the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the firmament of the heavens. Again, the waters that bring forth living creatures refer to light, meaning all cosmic energies that support biological life. The microcosm includes all living creatures on our mother planet called Terra (Gaia means Mother Terra). Next, the birds that fly above the microcosm of Terra across the firmament of the heavens refer to the stars of the macrocosm. This is the tone of Mi as the abbreviation of the Latin word Microcosmus. On Day 6, God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them reign over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over the entire planet, and
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over every creeping thing that creeps upon the planet. This is the tone of Re of Regina, meaning Regent. Humanitys role is to reign or rule over biological life on Terra. At this level of the Ray of Creation, the moon Luna reigns (as a Regent) over the waters of Terra. On Day 7, we find again the tone of Do from Dominus, meaning Lord. Or to put this differently, the seventh Day is the Day of the Lord.

English Moon Mercury Venus Sun Mars Jupiter Saturn

Sumeric Nanna Enki Inanna Utu Gugulanna Enlil Ninurta

Babylonic Sin Nab Ishtar Shamash Nergal Marduk Ninurta

Greek Selen Hermes Aphrodit Helios Ares Zeus Kronos

Latin Luna Mercurius Venus Sol Mars Iuppiter Saturnus

Sanskrit Chandra Budha Sukra Surya Mangala Brhaspati Sani

1.1 Seven Days of the Week

The names we use to identify the seven days of the week refer to the seven heavenly bodies that can be seen with the naked eye from the surface of Terra. The figure below shows the astrological sign of each of these seven heavenly bodies.

The ordering of these seven heavenly bodies is based on the orbiting speed as perceived from the surface of Terra. Please note that the sun Helios is not really orbiting Terra, since it is actually the other way round. Also, a full orbit of the moon Luna around Terra (called a syderic cycle) lasts about 27.3 days. The illumination cycle of Luna (called a synodic cycle) lasts about 29.5 days. The average length of both is about 28.4 days. The table below shows the perceived orbiting time in natural days in rounded numbers. body orbit Luna 28 Mercury 88 Venus 225 Helios 365 Mars 687 Jupiter Saturn 4,333 10,760

The figure to the left shows these seven bodies placed in the same ordering in a circle. Next, seven lines connect each body with the opposite body on the other side of the circle. We find this ordering of the seven-pointed star in the days of the week. However, in the current English names of the seven days of the week, the relation with these heavenly bodies is not very clear anymore. By combining it with the French names, this relation becomes clearer, as shown in the table below. In the order of the planets in a week, we also find a perfect alternation of yang and yin. Please note that I consider Mercury to be feminine (yin), based on the feminine cross at the bottom of the astrological sign of Mercury. In the figure with the seven-pointed star, the yin bodies are on the left hand side, and the yang bodies on the right hand side. In the middle, we find the sun Helios (also yang). English Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday French Dimanche Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vendredi Samedi Body sun Helios moon Luna Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Gender yang yin yang yin yang yin yang

In all ancient cultures, these seven visible bodies played an important role. The table below shows the names of these seven heavenly bodies in five classical languages, together with English.
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1.2 Seven Levels of Creation

There is a remarkable symbol that represents the seven levels of creation as described in the first chapter of the Book of Genesis. The figure below shows this symbol. It is generally called the Enneagram (ennea or enni is Greek for nine). I call it the Octave of Creation.

and the Fa. The male, yang shock, on the other hand, is directed outwards, which means outgoing or negative (-). The outgoing, male shock starts between the Sol and the La, but his effect occurs between the Si and the Do (where this shock is needed to overcome the vibrational distance between Si and Do). Day 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Tone Do Si La Sol Fa Mi Re Meaning Dominus, the Lord Sidera, all stars Lactea, Milky Way Sol, sun Helios Fta, fate, planets Microcosm, Terra Regina, moon Luna Number 1 2 3 6 12 24 48

It was Georges Ivanovitch Gurdjieff (1868 1949), who brought the knowledge represented in this symbol out into the open. In order to make sure only the true seekers of Wholly Science would discover the knowledge hidden in the Enneagram, Mister Gurdjieff deliberately altered some details. That is why my explanation as described below differs from the ones Piotr Dimianovich Ouspensky (1878 1947) gives in his revealing books. The explanation of the mysterious symbol of the Enneagram begins with the two small triangles, corresponding to the two lower corners of the dotted triangle within the circle. The small triangle pointing upwards represents a male shock (yang), while the small triangle pointing downwards represents a female shock (yin). Both shocks are necessary to overcome the vibrational distances between the neighboring wholly tones that lack an intermediate semitone. The female, yin shock is directed inwards, which means incoming or positive (+). The ingoing, female shock occurs between the Mi
12 Wholly Science Understanding the Process of Creation

At the top level of the Ray of Creation, we find the wholeness or unity of the tone Do meaning Dominus or the Lord. The number 1 represents this wholly (or Holy) unity. In the first chapter of Genesis, this corresponds to Day 0 of the Creation. At the level of Si meaning Sidera (all stars of all galaxies), we find the creation of the division between the stars and the space in between these stars. This is the duality between light (yang) and darkness (yin). The number 2 represents this duality. In the first chapter of Genesis, this corresponds to Day 1 of the Creation. male female Light Dark Fire Water electric magnetic outgoing ingoing yang yin +

Light corresponds to the electric energy of Fire (yang), and the Darkness with the magnetic energy of Water (yin), as shown in the table above. Fire and Water are the names of cosmic energies. That is why the first chapter of Genesis repeatedly mentions both light and water. At the level of La meaning Lactea or the Milky Way, we find the creation of the trinity. The number 3 represents this trinity. In the first chapter of Genesis, this corresponds to Day 2 of the Creation.
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This trinity is shown by the dotted triangle in the circle. The two bottom points of the dotted inner triangle correspond to the duality of male and female. The Do at the apex of this triangle represents the union of this duality. Similarly, a sine wave (symbolized as ~) unites an upper and a lower bow. This union of the duality of male and female creates the wholeness. This is a whole-making or healing union, also referred to as a Holy or Sacred union. The table below shows some examples of such wholly or holy trinities. Mister Gurdjieff referred to this wholly trinity as the Law of Three. male affirmation transmitting Spirit father female negation receiving Soul mother ~ uniting learning communicating Body child

At the level of Sol meaning the sun Helios, we find the creation of the hexad, which is a six-parted unity. The number 6 represents this hexad. In the first chapter of Genesis, this corresponds to Day 3 of the Creation.

The Holy Do is always an abstract process, just like walking along our way or path is a process. That is also the exact meaning of the Japanese word Do, that we find at the end of the names of many traditional (martial) arts. Fully practicing these fascinating arts always becomes a way of living. Unlike the Do at the apex of the inner triangle, which is an abstract process, both the male and female shock are concrete events required to keep this abstract process going. The essential disparity between the abstract top of the dotted inner triangle and both concrete base points (meaning the male and the female shock) is unfortunately hardly reflected in several classic descriptions of the Holy Trinity, as shown in the table below. Father Osiris Brahma Buddha Holy Spirit Isis Vishnu Dharma Son Horus Shiva Shanga

In the Enneagram, the six solid straight lines represent the hexad. The direction of these lines is reflected in the fractional series of 7. For instance, by dividing 1 by 7, we get the infinite repetition of the ciphers 1, 4, 2, 8, 5, and 7. Because of this remarkable numerical regularity with 7 as the divisor, Mister Gurdjieff referred to the hexad as the Law of Seven. At the level of Sol, the process of Creation includes 6 steps. In the Enneagram, this creational process is represented by the walking the path of the six solid straight lines. Each step of this path requires a different activity and point of focus. Line 14 42 28 85 57 71 Activity Exploring Wanting Being Knowing Arranging Releasing Focus Intention Motivation Competency Transformation Organization Synergy


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At the level of Fa meaning Fata or fate, we find the creation of the dozen, which is a twelve-parted unity. The number 12 represents this dozen. In the first chapter of Genesis, this corresponds to Day 4 of the Creation. Astrology shows us that fate is written in the stars. To be more precise, astrology shows that fate is caused by the movements of the heavenly bodies through the 12 houses of the Zodiac, each represented by a specific constellation of stars.
No. Latin English Gender Energy Type

main question reflects this crossing of the activity of the line with the essence of the nearby corner of the inner triangle. Line Activity Exploring Exploring Wanting Wanting Being Being Knowing Knowing Arranging Arranging Releasing Releasing Corner ~ ~ ~ ~ No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Main Question What do I have in mind? How does it affect me? Do I really want this? Is my will strong enough? Do I get the most out of myself? Do I stay loyal to my core values? What does my inner knowing say? What do I want to learn? What do I contribute to the whole? Do I accept my responsibility? Can I transcend myself? Which longing is arising?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpius Sagittarius Capricornus Aquarius Pisces

Ram Bull Twins Crab Lion Maiden Scales Scorpion Archer Water Goat Water Bearer Fishes

Fire Earth Air Water Fire Earth Air Water Fire Earth Air Water

~ ~ ~ ~

The table above shows these constellations of the Zodiac. In general, each constellation is known by its original Latin name. In the cases of Scorpio and Capricorn, this original name has been slightly modified by removing the us at the end (and adding an o or nothing). Next to both cosmic energies mentioned before (Fire and Water), the table above shows two more cosmic energies: Earth and Air. Within the 12 constellations, we find a quartet of trinities: one for each type of cosmic energy. Within the Enneagram, there are a dozen crossings of straight, solid lines with the dotted lines of the inner triangle. On each crossing, a
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At the level of Mi meaning microcosm, we find the creation of a 24parted unity. In the first chapter of Genesis, this corresponds to Day 5 of the Creation. Unfortunately, we have no single word to refer to this wholeness of 24, which is a double dozen, a quartet of hexads, or an octave of trinities. However, we do find 24 hours within a period of a natural day. This means that a natural day is an example of a 24parted unity, in which the parts are the hours. At the level of the microcosm, each of the 12 constellations has both a positive yin face, and a negative yang face. The table below shows these 24 faces of the microcosm. Each of these 24 faces is present within every human. Based on the moment of birth, the duality of two of these 24 faces dominates human consciousness at this level, as shown in the table below. Pythagoras said that (normal) man is two octaves below God. Now we can see what he meant. God (meaning Sol or Helios) is at 6, while man is at 24 (of Mi), which is indeed two octaves lower than 6.
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No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Zodiac Sign Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

I am I have I think I feel I want I analyze I balance I desire I see I use I know I believe

I am not I have not I think not I feel not I want not I analyze not I balance not I desire not I see not I use not I know not I believe not

maining day numbers (11 up to 20) belong to the third decan. The table below shows the corresponding disease for each decan per Zodiac sign.
Zodiac Sign Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Constellation Andromeda Aquila Ara Argo Navis Auriga Botes Canis Major Canis Minor Cassiopeia Centaurus Cepheus Piscis Austrinus Corona Australis Corona Borealis Corvus Crater Cygnus Delphinus

At the level of Re meaning Regina or Regent, we find the creation of a 48-parted unity. In the first chapter of Genesis, this corresponds to Day 6 of the Creation. Again, we have no single word to refer to this wholeness of 48, which is a quartet of dozens, an octave of hexads, or 16 trinities. We find a close example of this 48-parted unity in the humane genome, which consists of pairs of chromosomes. In total, there are 24 different human chromosomes. However, two of these chromosomes are gender chromosomes, and they are not doubled into a pair in each humans genome. The level of Mi from microcosm (ruled by Mother Terra) is the base level for human existence. At the level of Re from Regina, ruled by Regent Luna, human existence has dropped below this base level. We can refer to humans at this sub base level of existence as lunatics. A lunatic is innerly off balance. By remaining innerly off balance for a longer period, diseases start to surface. The table below shows the bodily locations of these diseases, based on the moment of birth. This relation is based on the three decanates (or decans for short) per Zodiac sign. A decan is the division of the full period of a Zodiac sign (of 30 degrees of arc) into three equal periods (of 10 degrees of arc). Roughly, we can say that the people who were born on the day numbers of 21 and higher belong to the first decan. The second decan corresponds to the day numbers from 1 to 10. The re18 Wholly Science Understanding the Process of Creation

Focus head throat arms chest heart belly kidneys genitals thighs knees ankle feet

1st Decan skull nose smell skin heart appetite metabolism sexuality farsightedness spine arms concentration

2nd Decan migraine throat lungs body fat blood stomach bowels genitals eyes bones legs nerves

3rd Decan concentration ears speak touch circulation digestion excrement hormones nearsightedness joints movement reflexes
Meaning The Dragon The Little Horse The River The Hero Hercules The Water Serpent The Hare The Wolf The Lyre The Serpent Bearer The Hunter Orion The Winged Horse The Hero Perseus The Whale The Arrow The Serpent The Triangle The Big Bear The Small Bear

Meaning The Chained Lady The Eagle The Altar The Boat Argo The Charioteer The Herdsman The Big Dog The Small Dog The Queen The Centaur The King The Southern Fish The Southern Crown The Northern Crown The Crow The Cup The Swan The Dolphin

Constellation Draco Equuleus Eridanus Hercules Hydra Lepus Lupus Lyra Ophiuchus Orion Pegasus Perseus Cetus Sagitta Serpens Triangulum Ursa Major Ursa Minor

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At the level of Re (ruled by Regent Luna) there are 36 extra decans, on top of the 12 Zodiac signs (resulting in a total of 48). These 36 extra decans correspond to 36 extra constellations of stars. Please note that these 36 extra (astrological) constellations of stars are only visible from the northern hemisphere (in total, astrology distinguishes 88 different star constellations). The table above shows these 36 extra astrological constellations, on top of the 12 astrological constellations that correspond to the 12 signs of the Zodiac (presented at the level of Fa from Fata or Fate). Each level of the Ray of Creation has its own primary Creator or governing God. The table below shows this hierarchy of Gods. At the highest level, we find the initiator of the Ray of Creation. The name I have given to this Unmoved Mover is Omni, meaning the whole of everything. Omni is the God of the seventh heaven (Do). Heaven 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Tone Do Si La Sol Fa Mi Re Governing God Wholeness Duality the Milky Ways core the sun Jupiter the earth the moon Name Omni Tao Hunab Ku Helios Zeus Terra Luna Faces 1 2 3 6 12 24 48

In the second heaven (Mi), which corresponds to the human base level, our Mother planet Terra is the primary Creator. Below the human base level, we find the (lunatic) hell of the first heaven ruled by Regent Luna.

1.3 The Geometry of Creation

The geometry at the level of Do from Dominus or The Lord God, is a perfect circle. The circle represents the oneness, unity, and wholeness of everything. This is the one and only circle of level 1. The geometry at the level of Si from Sidera or Tao, the God of the Duality, consists of two circles. Each circles heart is at the circumference of the other circle. The pointy oval in the middle of the geometric shape is called a vesica. By extending both (membrane) lines on one side a little longer, the shape of a fish (or pisces in Latin) appears. That is why Vesica Piscis is the name of that ancient symbol. The geometry at the level of La from Lactea or Hunab Ku, the God of the Trinity, consists of three circles. Each circles heart is at the crossing of the circumference of both other circles. The essence of this tricircular shape is the triangle. The result of connecting the hearts of these three circles with straight lines is an equilateral triangle. In the same way, also connecting the six points where two circumferences cross over each other (with just three straight lines) results in an equilateral triangle.

In the sixth heaven (Si), the reigning God is the Creator of yin (darkness) and yang (light). I refer to this God as Tao, representing both yin and yang. The Mayan name for the reigning God of the fifth heaven (La) is Hunab Ku, referring to the (beating) heart of the Milky Way. In the fourth heaven (Sol), the sun Helios is the primary Creator. The heavenly bodies surrounding Terra are the rulers in the third heaven (Fa). The largest of them (apart from Helios) is Jupiter. I therefore refer to the God on this level as Zeus, which is the name the Ancient Greeks gave to this giant gas planet.
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The geometry at the level of Sol or Helios, the God of the Hexad, consists of six circles forming a perfect outer ring. The original circle (of Do) at level 1 is fully enclosed by the six surrounding circles, all touching the heart of this first circle. This is the ring on level 1, since it is half on top of the first ring of level 1. Connecting the hearts of these six outer circles, results in the shape of the prefect hexagon. To me, this perfect hexagon is a fascinating geometric shape. This two-dimensional form of the hexagon is like the shadow of the threedimensional cube, also called the hexahedron. The geometry at the level of Fa from Fata or fate the God Zeus has a new outer ring of 12 circles, all touching the hearts of a circle from the previous outer ring (of 6), as shown in the figure on the left. This new outer ring is on level 2. In total, there are 19 circles at the geometry of Fa. The shape that results from cutting all vesica pisces in the second ring (of level 1) into half, is the ancient symbol of the Seal of Solomon, also known as the Star of David. The twodimensional shape of this ancient Seal of Solomon is like the shadow of the threedimensional shape of the star tetrahedron, which results from integrating two mirrored tetrahedrons.
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By drawing 12 leaves within each of these circles of the geometry of Fa, and drawing a circle exactly around these 19 circles, we get another ancient symbol. This fascinating symbol is called the Flower of Life, as shown in the figure to the left. Ring level number 1 corresponds to the geometry of Do. At the geometry of Sol, we saw a new outer ring (of level number 1) consisting of 6 circles. The following perfect outer ring consists of 12 circles, corresponding to the geometry of Fa (of ring level number 2).
Ring Level Outer Circles Total of Circles Tone

1 1 1 Do

1 6 7 Sol

2 12 19 Fa

2 18 37

3 24 61 Mi

3 4 4 5 36 36 54 48 97 133 187 235 Re

Between the tone of Fa and the tone of Mi, we find the incoming shock. The figure to the left shows the geometry of this female shock, having in total 37 circles of which 18 form a new outer ring (of level 2).

The geometry at the level of Mi from microcosm the Goddess Gaia, or Mother Terra has an outer ring of 24 circles (at level 3), as shown in the figure to the right. Within this geometry of the 61 circles, we also find a shape of 13 adjacent circles in three straight lines,
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representing the three orthogonal axes of space (or time). The figure below on the left accentuates these 13 circles. Connecting the hearts of all 13 circles results in another fascinating drawing called the Cube of Metatron. The figure below on the right shows this Cube of Metatron. The next paragraph discusses this special cube in more detail.

In all geometric shapes from the creational level of Sol and downwards, we find at the outer boundaries the shape of the hexagon. We find this fascinating shape also in the structure of honeycombs.

The geometry at the level of Re from Regina the Goddess Regent Luna has 48 circles in the outer ring (of level 5) of in total 235 circles, as show in the figure below.

Also the Cube of Metatron has this outer shape. The next paragraph shows how the two-dimensional shadows of all fundamental threedimensional shapes are present in the Cube of Metatron. This means that the hexagon is an essential two-dimensional shape. The hexagon is the basic, two-dimensional shape of Creation.

1.4 Geometry of Wholeness

There are five three-dimensional shapes, each of which consists of identical surfaces, edges, and vertices. As homage to the ancient Greek Plato, these shapes are called Platonic solids. The table below shows these five perfect, three-dimensional, solid shapes.

Faces : Edges : Vertices :

4 6 4

6 12 8

8 12 6

12 30 20

20 30 12


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By accenting some of the connecting heart lines of the Cube of Metatron, we can find the defining lines of the two-dimensional shadows of all five Platonic solids. The figure below shows the hexahedron (or cube), which is the most well-known wholly solid. Both the big cube and the small one are easy to find.

Also the star tetrahedron is present in the Cube of Metatron. Within a sphere, the star tetrahedron is completely in balance. Another word for the three-dimensional shape of the star tetrahedron is the Merkabah. In the figure below, we see on the left hand side the twodimensional shadow of the female Merkabah (yin), and on the right hand side the two-dimensional shadow of the male Merkabah (yang),

The ratio of the side lengths of the small cube versus the big cube is exactly 1: (later on, we will discuss this Golden Ratio, symbolized by ). Equally easy, we can find both tetrahedrons in the Cube of Metatron. Again, we find the same Golden Ratio between the side lengths of both drawings.

The figures below depict both octahedrons. Now, the big shape is exactly twice bigger than the small shape. Most people are familiar with the upper half of the shape of the octahedron, which is the pyramid shape.

In order to also show the remaining two Platonic solids, we need to draw a few auxiliary lines. With the aid of these additional lines, also the shadows of the decahedron (on the left hand side) and the icosahedron (on the right hand side) are visible in the Cube of Metatron,
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as shown in the figures below. In the same way, also the small versions of both Platonic solids can be found.

2. Plato Revisited
Plato lived about 24 centuries ago in the region we now call Greece. Perhaps his best-known legacy is the Allegory of the Cave. In Platos cave, chained prisoners believe that the projected shadows are real forms. They cannot see how the objects held in front of the fire project black shapes on the cave wall. In their world, only shadows exist. They only know World No. 3, the Shadow World. However, the overall reality is much larger than this.

In this, introductory chapter, we saw the outline of the process of Creation, that resulted in our present-day, three-dimensional reality. The next chapters will elaborate on this in more details.

Before the galanty show of the Shadow World, there is World No. 2. This is the Flow World. Because of the flowing nature of everything in World No. 2, everything in the projected Shadow World (No. 3) also flows. About one century before Plato, Heraclitus summarized this with his famous words panta rhei. The continuous flow in the second or inner world causes the perpetual movement of the manifested shadows in the third or outer world.
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The inner Flow World (No. 2) originates from World No. 1. This is the Source World. In this core, we find the meaningful code of everything in the overall reality. With this allegory, Plato tried to show that matter is like a shadow. Just like a shadow, matter is a (holographic) projection. Matter is projected energy, and energy is vitalized code. In order to understand why matter is like a shadow, we first need to understand the nature of energy. By definition, energy flows. It can never stand still. The sine wave describes this continuously flowing movement of energy. The amplitude of this wave represents the amount of energy, while the wavelength shows how fast this energy moves. The shorter the wavelength, the faster is the movement. The denotation for this energetic movement is oscillation or vibration. Please note that we cannot perceive or detect energy directly, just as Plato explained with his Allegory of the Cave. We can only see shadows of energy. In this Shadow World, we experience time and space. The energetic wavelength creates our experience of time, while the energetic amplitude creates our experience of space. In general, we experience time as a one-dimensional movement. For space, however, we distinguish all three dimensions. The picture below on the left hand side shows the energetic movement in two of these dimensions. In this graphical representation, time becomes circular.

By including also the third dimension, we see that energy moves spirally (according to our experience of time and space). The picture above on the right hand side shows this three-dimensional representation of energetic movement. Let us again place experienced space on the vertical axis, and experienced time on the horizontal axis. The picture below shows two energetic movements. The upper one moves twice as fast as the lower one. After two cycles of the faster wave (and one cycle of the slower wave), both waves synchronously pass through the zero point from the same direction.

When we combine both wave patterns into one graph, we see that these waves also have a shared null point in the middle, together with ones at the beginning and ending of one wavelength of the slowest wave. These shared null points are called nodes. The same happens with a vibrating string between two fixed points. What we call matter is in fact an energetic node (a seemingly fixed shadow).

The vibrational ratio between these two waves is 1:2. This is the first harmonic ratio of the octave. Only with harmonic ratios do regular nodes emerge. Only when we understand the harmonics of energy will we start to understand the origin of (the illusion of) matter. The figure below shows another harmonic ratio, which is 2:3, the ratio of the quint. After three cycles of the faster wave (and two cy30 Wholly Science Understanding the Process of Creation Wholly Science Understanding the Process of Creation 31

cles of the slower wave), both waves synchronously pass through the zero point from the same direction.

The illusion of matter only occurs in the nodes. This is true on each level, ranging from entities as small as subatomic particles to those as large as clusters of galaxies. The shells of electrons and the orbits of planets are nodes in a cosmic symphony of energetic waves. Let us now investigate this illusion of matter a little further.

2.1 The Illusion of Matter

Again, both waves have a shared null point in the middle.

The figure below shows the third harmonic ratio, which is 3:4, the ratio of the quart. After four cycles of the faster wave (and three cycles of the slower wave), both waves synchronously pass through the zero point.

In trying to understand what matter really is, universities started to look for the smallest building blocks of these shadows. In the quest to find these elementary pellets, university scholars first found molecules. A molecule is the smallest particle that still possesses all the characteristic features of the whole. Next, the division of molecules resulted in even smaller particles, called atoms. For instance, a water molecule consists of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. For a long time, modern science thought atoms were the most elementary units. The word atom means indivisible. This meaning however, turned out to be inappropriate, since a further division of atoms resulted in a nucleus of protons and neutrons surrounded by orbiting electrons. Later, modern science also discovered antimatter, consisting of positrons (which are anti-electrons), antiprotons and antineutrons. The journey inwards did not stop at the level of protons, neutrons and electrons. On stepping further down the road of finding the (hard) core of matter, the division of these three subatomic particles resulted in quarks. In total, modern science has identified six types
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The shared null point in the middle is also present in this third harmonic ratio.

Each of these three harmonic ratios repeatedly create three nodes: one at the beginning, one in the middle, and one at the end.
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(or flavors) of quarks, which are called: up, down, strange, charm, top, and bottom. Each of these also has its negative counterpart, which are collectively called antiquarks. Modern science now uses very expensive equipment to smash these tiny quarks into pieces, hoping that the journey into the heart of matter will stop there. This ongoing exploration, however, is all in vain. The quest for the smallest particle is a never-ending journey, because matter does not really exist. Matter is an illusion, because it is actually but a superficial projection of deeper realities. Matter can thus be considered an illusion, or maya, as is described in the ancient scriptures found in India. By using words like electrons, protons and neutrons (or even quarks) we think of matter as tiny little pellets. However, this image is misleading. An electron, for example, does not exist as a single point, but travels around the nucleus in a cloud known as an orbital. This means that an electron is not a tiny little pellet, but an orbiting cloud with a negative charge. In order to describe the behavior of matter down to subatomic levels, modern science postulated the existence of four non-contact forces: the gravitational force, the electromagnetic force, the strong nuclear force, and the weak nuclear force. The gravitational force describes the attraction of a smaller mass by a larger mass. In order to mediate this gravitational force, modern science postulated the existence of particles called gravitons. The electromagnetic force describes the attraction and repulsion responsible for the structure of atoms and chemical reactions between atoms. By doing so, the electromagnetic force gives matter strength, shape, and hardness. In order to mediate this electromagnetic force, modern science postulated the existence of particles called photons. The strong nuclear force describes the attraction between the protons and neutrons within a nucleus. In order to mediate this strong nuclear force, modern science postulated the existence of particles called gluons.
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The weak nuclear force is responsible for the transmutation of quarks. In order to mediate this weak nuclear force, modern science postulated the emission and absorption of particles called bosons. Though gravitons, photons and gluons are postulated as particles, they have no mass. Modern science invented these hypothetical, massless particles only to explain the mediation of three of the four postulated forces. A boson, in contrast, has so much mass that it outweighs 100 protons. All this mass is theoretically required for the description of the mediation of the weak nuclear force. Modern science also discovered that all particles also exhibit wave properties. Because of the waveparticle duality, a particle can be viewed as a particle or as a wave, but not both simultaneously. Close examination of the theory of modern science on the nature of matter shows that it only describes the behavior of matter, and offers no real explanations for this behavior. This is because modern science only focuses on the outer world of shadows. It is clearly impossible to explain shadows without referring to the origin of these shadows. Yet modern science neglects or ignores the critical exploration of these origins. Ancient science explored the origins of the physical world within a framework of shadows. Wholly Science combines the insights of ancient science with the findings of modern science. Wholly science starts with understanding the three worlds of overall reality. Matter only exists in the Shadow World (World No. 3). To explain a shadow, we need to know what projects it. Material shadows are projected by energetic flows. However, what university scholars believe to be energy, is in fact just a shadow of real energy. Energy exists only in the Flow World (World No. 2). Without understanding the Flow World, science is fiction. That is why I consider the theory of postulated forces and particles to be more science fiction than science fact. Universities have turned science into religion. It excommunicates anyone who does not believe in the so-called forces of nature and its denominated particles as a blasphemous heretic.
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The objective of this book is to free mainstream science from its narrow-minded dogmas. By rediscovering the fundamental insights known in ancient science, a Wholly Science will emerge.

2.2 Harmonic Numbers

As the previous chapter showed, Wholly Science is the study of the (harmonic) process of Creation. Holy or Sacred means that it is from beyond our normal world (World No. 3). It originates from the supernatural or metaphysical world beyond the common, shadowy world. When we understand the Whole of Reality including the worlds before (or beyond) the Shadow World, then we become familiar with the origin of everything that some consider to be Holy or Sacred. Next, we can use the contrast between black and white to stress the dynamics between yin and yang in these identifying symbols, as shown in the next figure.

The symbol of oneness represents the inner circle of the Source World. In the second circle around this core, we find the duality of yin and yang. In the third and outer shadowy circle, we find the trinity in everything that exists (as a temporary shadow). The figure below shows the essence of these three concentric circles.

The Source World is the world of the Lord, the God of the Oneness. This is the tone Do from Dominus. The Flow World is the world of Tao, the God of the Duality. This is the tone Si from Sidera. Thirdly, the Shadow World is the world of Hunab Ku, the God of the Trinity. This is the tone La from Lactea. The figure below depicts the essence of each of three concentric circles of reality with an identifying symbol.

The circle (or the sphere) symbolizes the reality. The square (or the cube) symbolizes our understanding of this reality. In order to understand the essence of oneness in the Source Word, a single thinking
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square is sufficient. However, in order to fully understand the dynamics of the duality in the Flow Word, we require four thinking squares, each corresponding to a type of energy (Earth, Water, Air, and Fire). The following chapter will discuss this in full detail. Thirdly, in order to fully understand the essence of the trinities in the Shadow World, we require nine thinking squares. These are for instance the ciphers 1 to 9. Numerology shows us that the essence of everything in the shadowy reality corresponds to one of these nine ciphers. These are the same ciphers we saw earlier around the ancient symbol of the Enneagram.

As stated at the beginning of this book, Wholly Science studies harmony based on three pillars: numbers, music, and geometry. The numerical essence of the Source World is 1. Of the Flow World, this numerical essence is 2. Thirdly, the numerical essence of the Shadow World is 3. Both the summation as well as the multiplication of these three numbers is 6. Perhaps that is the reason why the hexagon is such a fundamental shape in the process of Creation, as we saw earlier. The next chapter discusses a fifth type of energy (Aether), which originates in the Source World. Together with the four types of energy from the Flow World, these are the five energies, casting the five elements as their shadows in the outer ring of reality. By adding up 4 and 9, we get 13. This is the number of the combined wholly and semitones within the unity of an octave. Under the bottom line, we find the total of 18. This number equals a trinity of hexads (that is: 6 6 6; have you ever heard of this number before?) or both a yin and a yang Enneagram. All the numbers mentioned in the above figure will come back frequently in the following chapters.

The figure above shows these thinking squares corresponding to the three concentric circles of reality. The figure below shows these squares on the same scale as the corresponding circles.

Also here, we can use the contrast between black and white to stress the dynamics between yin and yang in these identifying symbols, as shown in the next figure.
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3. The Forbidden Apple of Knowledge

The essence of the inner world of energies is that energies always flow. That is why I call the world of energies the Flow World. In order to understand the Flow World, we need to know the characteristics of the flow. The Bibles book of Genesis refers to the hidden nature of energetic flow as the Forbidden Apple of Knowledge. The figure to the right shows this apple, which has been kept secret since the beginning. In the inner part of the apple-shaped movement, the energy spirals downwards. In the apples outer part, the energy spirals upwards. This is an infinite flow of continuously spiraling energy. All energy spirals up and down along this apple shape. Exactly in the middle of the apple, the inward spiraling motion changes into spiraling outwards. This very center of the energetic apple is the null point (or zero point). When we assume the perspective of this null point, we perceive the incoming spiral as counter clockwise, and the outgoing as clockwise. To distinguish between inwards and outwards spiraling energy, ancient science uses the concepts of yin and yang. The inward spiraling (towards the center) called yin, brings energy in and represents a positive charge. The outward spiraling (away from the centre) called yang, sends energy out and represents a negative charge. To symbolize the yin movement, I use a white (meaning positive) triangle pointed down (meaning inwards). To symbolize the yang movement, I use a black (meaning negative) triangle pointed up (meaning outwards). At the end of the inner outward spiraling movement, the energy reverses into an outer inward spiraling motion towards the outer centre of the apple, which we could refer to as the apples equator.
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While passing this equator, the energy changes again into an outer outward spiraling motion. Finally, at the end of the outer outward spiral, the movement changes back into an inner inward spiral. The Forbidden Apple of Knowledge shows four different phases of spiraling energy. Starting at the apples top, the first phase is the inner inward spiraling movement. This matches with what ancient science refers to as Earth. The ancient-science reference to Air fits with the inner outward spiraling movement. Next, the outer inward spiraling phase corresponds to the concept of Water in ancient science. Fourthly, the concept of Fire in ancient science refers to the outer outward spiraling phase. The symbols used by ancient science (as shown in the figure to the right) perfectly match the direction of each phase, as the figure below shows. The horizontal inner lines in the ancient symbols for Earth and Air indicate that these two symbols represent the inner phases.

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The spiraling movement of energy has no beginning and no ending. Energy spirals infinitely. The figure below shows the four phases of infinitely spiraling energy plotted on the shape of the symbol for infinity ().

Some modern scientists believe that the electromagnetic force and the weak nuclear force are both aspects of a single force they called the electroweak force. In fact both forces refer to shadow effects caused by outward spiraling energies (called yang in ancient science). Modern Science Gravitational Force Electromagnetic Force Strong Nuclear Force Weak Nuclear Force Ancient Science Earth Air Water Fire Wholly Science Inner Inward Inner Outward Outer Inward Outer Outward

Modern science postulates four different forces of nature, as described in the previous chapter. Ancient science distinguishes between four types of energy. The hypothesis of Wholly Science is that both are the same. Wholly Science combines modern knowledge with ancient wisdom. By doing so, the outline for the Grand Unified Theory of Everything, also referred to as the Grand Unified Theory (GUT) or simply Theory of Everything (ToE), becomes easily clear. For more than a century, modern science unsuccessfully tried to construct such an overall theory. I hope that modern scientists are able to upgrade their thinking to the level of Wholly Science. The inner energy movement of going inwards (Earth) clearly matches the effect of gravity. Next, electromagnetic radiation matches with the inner energy movement of going outwards (Air). Thirdly, the strong nuclear force is oriented towards the centre, just as the energetic spiral movement of Water is. Fourth and finally, the weak nuclear force is oriented away from the centre, just as the energetic spiral movement of Fire, causing the phenomenon of decay (meaning disintegration).
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This means that the four forces of modern science are not really forces. They are descriptions of shadow effects of the outer world (World No. 3). In the same way, the four types of energy described by modern science are phenomena of the Shadow World, and not of the Flow World (World No. 2). Kinetic energy, chemical energy, magnetic energy, and electric energy are shadows of the four phases of spiraling energy (as summarized in the table below). All these energies describe in fact phenomena related to matter. Kinetic energy refers to the ability of matter to move. Chemical energy emerges from the structural arrangement of atoms or molecules. This means that nuclear energy is a kind of chemical energy. Next, magnetic energy describes the attraction and repulsion between particles. Fourthly, electric energy describes the transfer of charges between matter. Modern Science Kinetic Energy Chemical Energy Magnetic Energy Electric Energy Ancient Science Earth Air Water Fire Wholly Science Motion of Matter Structure of Matter Interaction between Matter Transfer between Matter

Ancient science reveals that all phenomena (in the Shadow World) result from the continuous interaction between yin and yang. This dual nature shows itself clearly in both magnetic poles of electric
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current. For chemical energy, it creates the difference between implosion and explosion. In the case of nuclear or atomic energy, this duality creates the difference between fusion and fission. Fourthly, the difference between gravitation and levitation is the expression of yin and yang within kinetic energy. Modern Science Kinetic Energy Chemical Energy Magnetic Energy Electric Energy Yin Gravitation Implosion South Pole Positive Pole Yang Levitation Explosion North Pole Negative Pole

the name of Gaia, which literally means Mother Terra (as said before). Our Mother Terra consists mostly of water. Without water, no life is possible on Terra. Therefore, our Mother refers to Water. Next, Earth simply refers to Earth. This means that Water and Earth are the two yin energies honored by the prayer of our Mother who art in Earth. In the (64) hexagrams (meaning six lines) of the I Ching (the ancient Book of Changes), yang is represented by a single long line (similar to the sign for negative: -), and yin by two short lines (just as the sign for positive constitutes two lines: +). The well-known symbol of Tao (the God of Si) also captures the four phases of spiraling energy. The white yin and the black yang are perfectly in balance in this ancient symbol of Tao. The black upper part in this symbol as shown to the left represents Fire, while the white lower part represents Water. These are the larger, outer movements of spiraling energy. Both small circles represent the smaller inner movement of Air (the small black circle) and Earth (the small white circle). The symbol of the Tao shows that the big black drop (Fire) disappears in the small white hole (Earth). Next, out of the small black hole (Air) the big white drop (Water) appears, that gradually turns over into the big black drop (Fire). The symbol of the Tao therefore shows the spiraling dynamic of the Forbidden Apple of Knowledge. Finally, we find another example of the shadows created by the four phases of spiraling energy in the four states of matter, each corresponding to a different heaven, as shown in the table below. heaven 4 3 2 1 tone Sol Fa Mi Re God Helios Zeus Terra Luna state plasma gas liquid solid energy Fire Air Water Earth

The Forbidden Apple of Knowledge shows the correct sequence of Earth, Air, Water, and Fire. The same sequence is also present in the Zodiac (as we saw before) and in the Mayan calendar called the Tzolkin, as the next chapter on the dynamics of time will show. The Forbidden Apple of Knowledge also shows that Fire and Air are both yang energies, and Water and Earth both yin energies. This brings us again to the Bible, since the prayer that starts with the words our Father who art in Heaven is actually an homage to the yang energies. Our Father refers to Father Helios, the central sun in our solar system. Father Helios (full of plasma) represents the yang energy of Fire. Similarly, Heaven refers to the yang energy of Air. This means that Fire and Air are the two yang energies honored by the prayer of our Father who art in Heaven. Reference Father Heaven Mother Earth Energy Fire Air Water Earth Nature Yang Yin Sign

The Essene Gospel of Peace contains a prayer that starts with the words our Mother who art in Earth. As this gospel is not part of the Bible, few people know of this prayer. Our Mother in this prayer refers to our mother planet called Terra. To address her, we also use
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3.1 Dynamics of Time

The projected Shadow World (World No. 3) has three metadimensions: space, time, and identity (which is again a trinity). Each of these metadimensions in itself is also a trinity, and has therefore three dimensions, as the table below shows.
Space Width Depth Height Time Day Year Aeon Identity Body Soul Spirit Type

will discuss this in more detail. To me, the D therefore stands for vibrational Density. We know that everything is a vibration, which means an oscillation frequency. To measure this vibration, we need space, time, and identity. In order to have a point of reference in our subjective reality, modern science uses the speed of light. This speed is of course space divided by time, and light is the identity. Each identity is a trinity. Each atom is a trinity of protons, neutrons and electrons. Next, each of these subatomic particles is a trinity of three quark orientations (up or down, strange or charm, and top or bottom). In the same way, each human is a trinity of body, soul, and spirit. The body corresponds with the level of our common consciousness. Underneath this common level, we find the level of our sub-consciousness, corresponding to our soul. Above the awareness level of our (common) consciousness, we find the level of our superconsciousness, also known as our spirit. Just like space and identity, time also has three defining dimensions. Time is not linear like space, but cyclical. In fact, time consists of three cycles: a daily cycle, a yearly cycle, and a very large cycle, lasting twelve aeons, as the remainder of this section will explain. The four phases of spiraling energy are clearly present in our experience of daily time. Night is the period from midnight until sunrise. This period matches the energetic phase of Earth. The morning period from sunrise until noon (or midday) matches the energetic phase of Air. The period directly after noon is called afternoon and lasts until sunset. This period matches the energetic phase of Water. Fourthly, the evening period from sunset until sunrise matches the energetic phase of Fire.
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All three metadimensions are essential. The interaction between these three metadimensions creates the experience of reality (in the Shadow World). Experiencing reality in the Shadow World requires a conscious identity, a moment in time and a place in space. Without an identity, space, or time, there is nothing. Therefore, we can define each of these three metadimensions as a function of both others: Space = function ( Time , Identity ) Time = function ( Space , Identity ) Identity = function ( Space , Time ) Everything in the Shadow World is a projection from the dynamics in the Flow World (World No. 2). In order to understand the nature of space, time, and identity, we need to understand from where these shadowy phenomena originate. Let us take a closer look at the three metadimensions of our reality. Everything in our holographic Shadow World is subjective by nature since the observing identity is a defining metadimension of that very same reality. Many people believe that our (shadowy) world will change from 3D via 4D to 5D, where the D stands for Dimension. While some actually do think that this means the birth of additional orthogonal directions, I see these dimensions as frequency domains in which all projections have a similar degree of density. Below, we
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Time is a function of space and identity, as stated in the beginning of this section. In order to determine the time of day, we need to know both the identity that experiences this time and the location in space of this identity. The relative position of this identity on the rotating crust of Mother Terra related to the direction towards Father Helios determines the time of day for this identity on that location. The rotation of Mother Terra around her vertical axis causes the experience of the four phases of a natural day. In fact, the sunlight rhythm rules the experience of time on a daily basis. Sunlight also rules the yearly experience of time. Let us refer to the daily period from sunrise until sunset as lightness, and the daily period from sunset until sunrise as darkness. At the day of the winter solstice, there is maximum darkness and minimum lightness. The opposite is true for the day of the summer solstice, with a maximum amount of lightness and a minimum amount of darkness. Exactly in the middle between both solstices, we find the equinoxes. Both at the vernal equinox and the autumnal equinox, the length of the lightness period and the length of the darkness period are precisely equal.

Our clock divides the period from midnight until midday into twelve hours. The first hour starts at midnight and the twelfth ends at midday. Meridiem is Latin for mid (meri) day (diem). These are the twelve hours before (or ante in Latin) meridiem, abbreviated as am. The abbreviation of pm means post (meaning after) meridiem. The period from midday until midnight also lasts twelve hours. In full daily circle, the analog clock goes round twice. The first round represents the inner spiraling phases of Earth and Air. Next, the second round corresponds to the outer spiraling phases of Water and Fire.


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In a period of one full orbit of the rotating Mother Terra around (the also rotating) Father Helios we experience four seasons due to this eternal battle between lightness and darkness. These four seasons (each lasting 13 weeks) fully match with the four phases of spiraling energy, as shown in the table below. Energetic Phase Earth Air Water Fire Daily Phase Night Morning Afternoon Evening Yearly Phase Winter Spring Summer Autumn

At the opposite day of the annual orbit of Terra around Helios, the winter solstice marks the beginning of the period of Capricorn. This is the day of maximum lightness on the southern hemisphere (and maximum darkness on the northern hemisphere). At noon on that day, the light from Father Helios shines perpendicular on the Tropic of Capricorn. Seen from this southern circle parallel to the equator, Helios is then exactly in the zenith position. In the figure below, Helios is at that moment in time at the right hand side of Terra.

As Mother Terra orbits around Father Helios, the background of stars behind Helios as seen from Terras surface, changes each day nearly one degree of arc. The twelve constellations of the Zodiac result from dividing the full circle of this background star view into segments of thirty degrees each.

Experienced from the northern hemisphere, the summer solstice marks the beginning of the period of Cancer. This is the day of maximum lightness on the northern hemisphere (and maximum darkness on the southern hemisphere). At noon on that day, the light from Father Helios shines perpendicular on the Tropic of Cancer. Seen from this northern circle parallel to the equator, Helios is then exactly in the zenith position. In the figure below, Helios is at that moment in time at the left hand side of Terra.
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The ecliptic is the two-dimensional plane of Terras orbit around Helios. Terras axis of rotation makes an arc of nearly 23 degrees with the ecliptic (23 degrees and 27 minutes, to be precise). The official name for this axial tilt is the obliquity of the ecliptic. Because of this tilted axis, the experience of the daily alternation of darkness and lightness differs for all locations, except those with latitude beyond the polar circle. On those locations, Helios does not rise in the winter, and does not set in the summer. The twelve constellations also preserve the right sequence of the four energetic phases, as shown in the table below. Fire Aries Leo Sagittarius Earth Taurus Virgo Capricorn Air Gemini Libra Aquarius Water Cancer Scorpio Pisces

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Every day again, the ball of Fire called Helios describes a semicircle in the sky as seen from Terras surface. Every morning, Helios rises in the east, and every evening he sets in the west. We do not perceive the other half of the full circle movement of Helios, because the other semicircle is below our horizon. At the day of both the vernal equinox and the autumnal equinox, the visible semicircle of Helios lasts exactly half a natural day, which is 12 hours. I refer to this (neutral) semicircle as the zero semicircle. Every day after the autumnal equinox, this semicircle very gradually keeps on shrinking. Therefore, both positions of sunrise and sunset crawl a little more to the south (as seen from the northern hemisphere, where most of humanity lives). At the same time, Helios climbs a little less as high in the sky as the previous day. This shrinking semicircle causing darkness to increase and lightness to decrease is continuous until the winter solstice. From that day, the darkness is no longer gaining in strength. During a trinity of three natural hours, the sun Helios describes exactly the same (smallest) semicircle in the sky. In order to describe this yearly event, we could say that the Light-bringer or the Messiah (meaning the sun Helios) is dead for three days. In Latin, this is the solstice, where sol means sun (as said before) and stice means standstill. As we saw earlier, Hunab Ku (being the beating heart of the Milky Way) is the God on the level of Creation right above the level of Helios. So we can say that the God Hunab Ku is the Father of Helios. That means that the Messiah (meaning the sun Helios) is the sun of God. The sun is the son (of God), and at the same time is Helios our Father (who art in Heaven). Both Messiah and Christ mean the anointed one, which refers to the (local) ruler. Helios is the ruler of our solar system. This means that the sun Helios is the Christ, the Messiah, and the son of God. And his sunlight is the healing plasma energy, which we could also call the Holy Spirit. Therefore, Helios is the trinity of Father, the Sun and the Holy Spirit. In the picture below, the smallest semicircle we see during the day of the winter solstice, is marked with the minus sign (-), and the
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largest semicircle, appearing on the day of the summer solstice, is marked with the plus sign (+).

After being dead for three days, on December 25th, the Messiah rises up from the dead and starts to move higher in the sky every next day (until the summer solstice). By drawing a straight line from the three stars (also known as the Three Kings) in the Belt of Orion through the star Sirius (which the Kings followed), the crossing of that line with the horizon marked exactly the location of the rising Helios (or (re-) birth of Christ) on December 25th. The biblical version is just a personalized version of this celestial dynamic. Many people mistakenly believe that Terras orbit around Helios is a circle. Neither is it an ellipse, because Helios is not in the center of this orbit. This orbit actually has the shape of an egg. In the picture below, the direction of Helios movement (with an incredible speed of about 250 kilometers per second) is to right hand side. The beginning of the new year (on January 1st) Terra is about at the point closest to Helios. This orbital position is called the perihelion. It takes Helios only seven natural days to cross that distance
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(147,100,000 kilometers). Six months after perihelion Terra reaches the aphelion, where her distance to Helios is the largest. The difference between both distances (peri- and aphelion) is 3.3%.

in the constellation Lyra.

In total, the yearly dark period (of autumn and winter) is one week shorter than the yearly light period (of spring and summer). In a leap year, this difference is six days. The extra day then occurs in the shortest season (which is the winter). Our experience of time combines the daily cycle (of morning, afternoon, evening, and night) with the annual cycle (of spring, summer, winter, and autumn). In this experience of time, a full 360 degree circle of the daily cycle takes nearly the same amount of time as a 1 degree of arc progress in the annual cycle. There is a third cycle of time. Plato referred to this very long cycle as the Great Year. A 1 degree of arc progress in this Great Year cycle takes 72 years. The cause for this long cycle is the tumbling movement of Terras rotation axis. Currently this axis points north in the direction of a bright star called Polaris (or the Pole Star). However, about 13 millennia ago the alignment of Terras axis of rotation was with another bright star called Vega
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The rotational direction of the Great Year tumble is the reverse of the yearly circle. That is why the Great Year tumble is called the Precession of the Equinoxes, meaning a reversed succession of the vernal and autumnal equinoxes. 1 Great Year = 1 25.920 Years = 4 Great Seasons = 4 6.480 Years = 12 Aeons = 12 2.160 Years During a full circle of the Great Year, Terras axis of rotation bends over to each of the twelve constellations. Dividing this full circle into four quarters results in the four Great Seasons of three aeons (or ages) each. The Great Winter starts with the Aeon of Taurus, which is an Earth sign. Next, the Great Spring starts with the Aeon of Aquarius, which is an Air sign. The Great Summer starts with the Aeon of Scorpio, which is a Water sign. Fourthly, the Great Autumn starts with the Aeon of Leo, which is a Fire sign. The figure below shows the ordering of the twelve aeons in the cycle of a Great Year, with an emphasis on the signs of the starting aeons per Great Season.

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3.2 The Clock of Giza

The previous paragraph mentioned the third dimension of time, referred to as the Great Year by Plato. But what is the cause of this temporal dynamics? The cause for the first dimension of time is the rotation of Terra around her own (tilted) axis. The cause for the second dimension of time is Terras orbit around Helios. In the third dimension of time, Terras tilted axis wobbles. In this third temporal dimension, Terra is like tumbling humming top. We find the cause for this relative very slow wobbling in the orbit of Helios. In the period of the Great Year, Helios completes a full orbit. In the middle of this orbital circle there is no superstar. We only find there empty space. Helios orbital movement is a result from Helios energetic dance with his bigger brother Sirius (officially called Sirius A, since this star is accompanied by a white dwarf star, which is officially called Sirius B, known by the Dogon People in northeast Africa as Po Tolo). Sirius (A) is nearly the closest star to Helios, and it is the brightest one we can see from the surface of Terra.

Before, we saw that the essential sequence of Earth, Air, Water, and Fire is present in the yearly ordering of the twelve constellations. Now, we see that this same correct sequence is present in the starting Aeon of the Great Seasons. Below, we see the very same ordering in the Mayan calendar called the Tzolkin, literally meaning the counting (tzol) of natural days (kin). The Tzolkin assigns each natural day to one of twenty Signs in a fixed sequence, as shown in the table below. Later on, we will learn much more about the Mayan calendars. red Earth Imix Crocodile Chicchan Serpent Muluc Offering Ben Reed Caban Earthquake

white Air Ik Wind Cimi Gate Oc Dog Ix Jaguar Etznab Flint

blue Water Akbal Night Manik Deer Chuen Monkey Men Eagle Cauac Rainstorm

yellow Fire Kan Seed Lamat Rabbit Eb Grass Cib Owl Ahau Sunlight

On January 1st, Terra is exactly in between Helios and Sirius. That is the reason our year starts on that moment. A half year later, we find another alignment of Terra, Helios and Sirius. Seen from the surface
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of Terra, Helios and Sirius fully align on July 4th. That is why the Founding Fathers of the United States of America selected that specific day as the most important national day of celebration. The number 6 plays a mayor role in understanding both time and space. That is why both the 24 hours per day and the 12 months per year are multiples of six. Also the number of years within the period of a Great Year is a multiple of six. Dividing 25,920 by 6 gives 4320. This number of 4320 help us to understand the amount of years per type of Yuga mentioned in the Hindu philosophy. In total, there are four types of Yuga. The total length of these four Yugas is 4,320,000 years, and the base length of each Yuga is 432,000 years, as shown in the table below. I think that these numbers are simple references to the length of one sixth of the Great Year. Kali Yuga Dvapara Yuga Treta Yuga Satya Yuga 1 432,000 years 2 432,000 years 3 432,000 years 4 432,000 years Iron Bronze Silver Gold Great Winter Great Autumn Great Summer Great Spring

Just like the daily time, and the yearly time, also the cycle of the Great Year has four parts. During the dark half of this cycle, meaning first the Bronze Age and then the Iron Age, the distance between Helios and Sirius is relatively great. During the light half of this cycle, meaning first the Golden Age and then the Silver Age, the distance between Helios and Sirius is relatively small. The start of the Silver Age is like the summer solstice in the yearly time. At that moment in the Great Year, the distance between Helios and Sirius is the closest, exactly halfway the vesica piscis. The start of the Iron Age is like the winter solstice in the yearly time. At that moment in the Great Year, the distance between Helios and Sirius is the greatest.
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The start of the Golden Age is like the vernal equinox in the yearly time. That is the moment the semicycle of light in the Great Year starts. The start of the Bronze Age is like the autumnal equinox in the yearly time. That is the moment the semi-cycle of darkness in the Great Year starts. As we saw before, the Golden Age starts with the Aeon of Aquarius. Therefore, Aquarius symbolizes the rebirth of Light in the Great Year. At the opposite position, we see the Bronze Age starts with the Aeon of Leo, symbolizing the rebirth of Darkness in the Great Year. The Bible shows the relation of the Aeon of Aquarius to the light. In Mark 14 we read: And he sent two of his disciples and said to them, "Go into the city, and a man carrying a jar of water will meet you. Follow him, and wherever he enters, say to the master of the house, . The man carrying a jar of water is a reference to Aquarius, which is Latin for the water carrier. According to my calculation, we will (re-) enter the house of Aquarius in the year 2012. In this house we will celebrate the Passover, which is the literal translation of the Hebrew word Pasach (or Pesach). What we then have passed over is the semi-cycle of Darkness in which the Pharaohs (meaning: The Powers That Be) tried to fully control life on this planet. To provide us in the present-day time with a clock that shows exactly when we will re-enter the house of Aquarius, the pyramids on the Giza plateau in Egypt were built. This was done many thousands of years before the first dynasty of a Pharaoh in Egypt. The Ancient Egyptians had no knowledge of Sacred Geometry. However, the Great Pyramid is nowadays a classic example of the application of
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Wholly Geometry. This clearly means that the Ancient Egyptians did not build the Giza pyramids. The Ancient Egyptians had no knowledge of the fixed ratio between the circumference of a circle and its diameter. Nowadays we refer to this constant as (Pi), which is a transcendental number since its decimal representation never ends, never repeats itself, and it cannot be caught into a scientific determination. The Pyramid Builders based their unit of measurement on . This unit, called the cubit, is exactly /6 meters. The Pyramid Builders divided by the amount of six (meaning the hexad) to honor the sun Helios, also called Ra. Now we can understand the word Py-Ra-Mid. Py refers to , Ra to the God of the Hexad (/6), and Mid is the mid between Dark and Light. We can find the proof of the /6 meters length of a cubit in the sizes of the Great Pyramid. When we subtract the original height from the summation of the width and the depth of the Great Pyramid, the result is exactly 100. Both the width and the depth of the Great Pyramid are 440 cubit, and the original height was 280 cubit. These sizes were selected very thoughtfully, since dividing the summation of the width and the depth by the original height (resulting in 22/7) is also a very good approximation of . By dividing the hypotenuse (that is the length from the middle of a base side to the apex) by the length from the middle of a base side to the middle of the pyramids base, then the outcome is (Phi, the Golden Ratio). The Pyramid Builders also new the exact sizes of the planet Terra. The height of the Great Pyramid represents the average radius of Terras sphere. The scale they used was 1 : 43,200. With the same scale the circumference of the Great Pyramids square base represents the equatorial circumference of Terra. Please note that the current scaling is no longer precisely this number, since Terra is constantly growing (which is another fact the universities try to hide from us). I hope that it is clear to you why the Pyramid Builders used
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a hundred times 432 for this scale. It is of course a reference to the precession cycle, in which one sixth (dividing by 6, just like /6) equals 4320 years (which is ten times 432). Using a scale ten times as big (meaning 1 : 4320) would clearly have been overdone. The base length of 440 cubits was selected for probably another reason as well. When we subtract the length of the circle that fits exactly within the square base of the Great Pyramid from the circle that fits exactly around the Great Pyramid, then the result is 299.7912558. This number is almost exactly the same as the speed of light (in vacuum), namely 299.792458 (in million meters per second). Did the Pyramid Builders choose 440 cubits to refer to their knowledge of the speed of light? Please note that the Pyramid Builders used the meter as a base for measurement. The meter is therefore an ancient unit of measurement humanity only recently rediscovered. Based on this unit, Terras present-day circumference is about 40 million meters, and the speed of light is about 300 million meters per second. We find another, perhaps even more convincing piece of evidence that the Pyramid Builders knew about the speed of light. The exact coordinates of the heart of the Great Pyramid (where we find the Grand Gallery) is 295845.28 North (latitude) and 310803.11 East (longitude). This means that the latitude of the Grand Gallery is exactly 29.9792458 North. These are precisely the first nine ciphers of the speed of light. By choosing exactly this point, 29.9792458 degrees of arc above the equator, the Pyramid Builders demonstrated their knowledge of the speed of light. That is at least the conclusion that I draw from this remarkable coincidence. Before I show the Giza Clock, I want to point out the meaning of the vertical locations of the chambers in the Great Pyramid. These locations were also thoughtfully chosen by the Pyramid Builders. The chambers in the Great Pyramid form a representation of the top three of the endocrine glands in the human body. The energetic function of
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each endocrine gland corresponds to the working of a chakra, as will be explained in one of the following chapters. The back of the Kings Chamber corresponds to the pineal gland, which enables us to see through the illusion of matter in the Shadow World. Apparently, the Pyramid Builders also knew about the chakras and the working of the endocrine system (many thousands of years ago!). Now, let us focus on the whole of the Giza plateau. Most people know about the Great Pyramid, the Great Sphinx and two more (great) pyramids. However, there are in total also 8 smaller pyramids accompanying the greater pyramids. The figure below shows a map of these 11 pyramids at the west side of the Great Sphinx. The squares with the inner crosses are all pyramids, and the rectangle with rounded corners marks the location of the Great Sphinx. Let us count the smaller pyramids, either from left to right (meaning from west to east), or from bottom up (meaning from south to north). First we count 3, then 1, and then 4. These are the first three ciphers of . Since is related to the circle, the Pyramid Builders used these amounts of smaller pyramids to indicate that there is a hidden circle on the Giza plateau. Lets us draw that hidden circle on the map: Not only do we find a perfect circle touching the corners of three pyramids and the bottom of the Great Sphinx, but also within that circle exactly fits a square perfectly enclosing the three greater pyramids. The southwest corner where the square touches the circle is a very important point in understanding the Clock of Giza. When we draw a line from that point to the Great Sphinxs tail, we see that
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this line goes straight through the heart of the smallest greater pyramid. In the same way does the diagonal from the square go straight through the heart of the greater pyramid in the middle. To cut a long story short, the line from the southwest corner to the Great Sphinxs tail is one of the six constituting lines of the Seal of Solomon, hidden on the Giza plateau. This seal cuts the circumference of the circle into six equal parts. The full circle represents the Great Year lasting 25,920 years. One sixth of this is, as we saw before, 4320 years. The position of the Great Sphinx allows us to understand the timing of this clock. The Great Sphinx was built many thousands of years before the pyramids, so the Pyramid Builders used the Great Sphinx to indicate the timing. We find this timing in the shafts the Pyramid Builders created in the Great Pyramid. These shafts all point to stars having a clear relation to the precession cycle. The last time the alignment of the four shafts with these four stars was perfect, was, according to my investigation, 2309 BC. This means that the semi-cycle of Darkness started in 10,949 BC, and that the semi-cycle of Light will start in the year 2012 (AD). Thanks to the work of Robert Bauval, we can understand that the three greater pyramids represent the three stars in the Belt of Orion (these are also the three Biblical Kings following the bright star of Sirius). The brightest star in Orions Belt is nowadays called Alnitak (of Alnitah). The Great Pyramid (below) is representing Alnitak (above). Also the southern shaft from the Kings chamber is designed to point towards Alnitak (once every 25,920 years). We could say that via this shaft, the Great Pyramid is pointed towards himself.
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Not only do the three greater pyramids represent the stars from Orions Belt, the trinities of the smaller pyramids do the very same. Around 10,949 the stars from Orions Belt rose horizontally above the horizon, in the exact same way as the smaller pyramids are placed on the Giza plateau near that represented moment in time. Nowadays, the stars in the Belt of Orion rise vertically above the horizon, in the exact same way as the smaller pyramids that are placed east of the Great Pyramid. If you want, you can watch me explain all this in short youtube videos you find on the English homepage of Pateo.nl.

The fourth and final phase of creating is carrying it out according to the results of the previous phases. In total, the sequence of Earth, Air, Water, and Fire repeats itself 3 times in the series of the 13 Tones. The meaning of the number 3 is wholly, and this number is therefore widely present in all holy (or Wholly) writings. That is also the correct meaning of the concept of the Trinity. Trinity simply means that every whole is a unity of three defining aspects. For example, the world we experience daily (World No. 3) is a Trinity of space, time, and identity. The Whole Reality is another Trinity, namely the Whole of the Source World, the Flow World, and the Shadow World. The table below shows the defining function of each of the 13 Tones of Creation. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Attracting Opening Activating Defining Enacting Arranging Synchronizing Harmonizing Mobilizing Manifesting Releasing Completing Transcending Earth Air Water Fire Earth Air Water Fire Earth Air Water Fire Earth INitiating OUTlining Filling IN Carrying OUT INitiating OUTlining Filling IN Carrying OUT INitiating OUTlining Filling IN Carrying OUT INitiating

3.3 Dynamics of Creation

To the Mayans, the Tzolkin is a Holy Calendar. This Wholly Calendar indeed helps us to see beyond the world of shadows. It assigns each natural day not only to a Sign (as shown at the end of the previous chapter), but also to a Tone. In total, there are 13 Tones, each corresponding to a phase in the process of Creation. To symbolize each Tone, the Mayans simply use dots, and for every fifth dot a line.

The ordering of Earth, Air, Water, and Fire also appears in the sequence of the 13 Tones. To show this, we need to understand the energetic function of each spiraling phase, as mentioned in the table below. Yin = IN Yang = OUT Yin = IN Yang = OUT Earth Air Water Fire INitiating OUTlining Filling IN Carrying OUT

3 1

The first phase of each process of creation is taking initiative to start this process. The next phase results in an outline of the process and the intended creation. Filling in the details happens in the third phase.
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The 13 Tones follow an alternating yin yang rhythm, as shown in the tables in the beginning of this chapter. The figure below shows this rhythm as a wave pattern. In total, this Wave of Creation consists of 7 yin Tones and 6 yang Tones. The upper (or positive) white (yin) tones are also referred to as Days, and the lower (or negative) black (yang) tones as Night. Now we see again the 7 Days of Creation, with 6 Nights of Creation in between these 7 Days.
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The 7 Days of Creation are visible as the growing stages from seed to fruit. Day 1 is the stage of Seed, the start of the growing process. On Day 1, it attracts what it needs for growth. Next, the opening of the seed occurs at Night 1. On Day 2, the process of germination activates the seed. The germ defines the growth process on Night 2. This completes the first full cycle of Earth, Air, Water, and Fire. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Attracting Opening Activating Defining Enacting Arranging Synchronizing Harmonizing Mobilizing Manifesting Releasing Completing Transcending Day 1 Night 1 Day 2 Night 2 Day 3 Night 3 Day 4 Night 4 Day 5 Night 5 Day 6 Night 6 Day 7 Seed Germ Spur Leave Sol Flower La Receptacle Fruit Ti Do Do Re Mi Fa

The third and final full cycle starts on Day 5 when the flowers appear, meant to mobilize insects for pollination. After this, on Night 5, all ingredients are manifest. This is at Tone 10. We are used to counting until 10, but the Mayas knew that there are three more numbers in the total process of Creation. At Day 6 the flowers release their petals, leaving the receptacle. Completion of the third and final cycle takes place at Night 6. At Day 7, the receptacle transcends into fruit. Each piece of fruit is also full of seeds, which brings us back to the beginning of a following process of Creation. The series of the 13 Tones of Creation forms one overall wave. The intensity of this wave gradually grows and peaks somewhere between Day 5 and Night 5. Then, over the hill, the intensity diminishes again.

The second cycle starts on Day 3 when a boom appears above the soil. Now the process of growing is in the open, so to say. The function of this fifth tone is enacting, resulting in the first spur (or boom). Further arrangement takes place in Night 3. Next, on Day 4, the Leaves appear, enabling the synchronization with the environment. On Night 4, also the second cycle of Earth, Air, Water, and Fire reaches completion, resulting in harmony.
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The 13 Tones of Creation also rule the stages in a natural human life, as shown in the table below. Tone 5 (or Day 3) corresponds to birth of the new creation. As shown before, this is in fact the start of the second cycle of Earth, Air, Water, and Fire. The first cycle starts with the attraction force between both (future) parents, desiring to unite. The third and final cycle of Earth, Air, Water, and Fire starts with the stage of adulthood. Also in a natural human life, the intenWholly Science Understanding the Process of Creation 67

sity is highest around the fifth Day and Night, and so is the length of the physical body.
Tone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Day/Night Day 1 Night 1 Day 2 Night 2 Day 3 Night 3 Day 4 Night 4 Day 5 Night 5 Day 6 Night 6 Day 7 Function Attracting Opening Activating Defining Enacting Arranging Synchronizing Harmonizing Mobilizing Manifesting Releasing Completing Transcending Stage of Life Desire to Unite Coitus Impregnation Pregnancy Birth/Baby Toddler Child Adolescent Adult Senior Elderly Dying Passing Over Phase Earth Air Water Fire Earth Air Water Fire Earth Air Water Fire Earth Cycle 1

synchronizing both halves of this lemniscate. The first six tones are focused on vision, while the latter six tones are focused on action. In this lemniscate, we also find the four energetic phases attached to a group (or trinity) of 3 consecutive tones. The inner spiraling phases of Earth and Air create the circle of vision, while the outer spiraling phases of Water and Fire create the circle of action.

3 1

The 13 Tones of Creation rule all historic, present and future events in our world, the World of Shadows, as described in the following chapter.

Together, these 13 tones also form a lemniscate, as shown in the figure on the following page. Right in the middle, there is tone no. 7
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4. Creation of the Shadow World

In the first chapter we saw that the overall process of Creation occurs in 7 layers, also referred to as Days. In the previous chapters, we saw that also each creational step requires 7 Days, including 6 intermediate Nights. In total, the Creation of our (shadowy) world requires 9 Creational Waves of the 13 Creating Tones each.

The pace of the 9 Waves of the Overall Creation is fractional. On each Day 7, the following Wave of Creation starts at 35 percent of the total length of this Day. Within the remaining 65 percent (which equals 13/20), the 13 Tones of the next Wave of Creation occur. This means a 20-fold acceleration of creational time for each following Wave. To visualize these 9 Waves of 20-fold accelerating Creation, the Mayans built the Pyramid of Kukulcn in the town of Chichn Itz in the region of Yucatn. This step pyramid in the east of the current country of Mexico indeed shows exactly 9 levels. The Mayan calendar, generally referred to as the Long Count Calendar, keeps track of this 9 times 20-fold accelerating Creational Time. For practical reasons, the Long Count Calendar started at the beginning of the sixth wave, in 3114 BC. In Mayan writing, this starting date is Each position counts the Tone of the corresponding Wave. Taking into account also the fifth Wave, this starting date becomes Taking into account all Waves, the starting date of the sixth Wave in Mayan writing would be Wave 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Starting Date in Mayan Writing Wave Length 13 20-1 Tun* 13 20 0 Tun 13 20 1 Tun 13 20 2 Tun 13 20 3 Tun 13 20 4 Tun 13 20 5 Tun 13 20 6 Tun 13 20 7 Tun

The Beginning of the Overall Creation corresponds to the initiating of the space-time-identity Trinity in the Shadow World. Everything that has a beginning also has an end. This ending coincides with the Completion of the Overall Creation. This completion will mean both the end of the space-time-identity of our current Shadow World (also known as the Armageddon, referring to the Ending of the World) and the transcending into the space-time-identity of a new world (of shadows). At the end of the Old World, the new space-time-identity will reveal itself. That is precisely the meaning of the word Apocalypse, namely revelation or disclosure.
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(*A Tun is a period of 360 natural days.) The challenge with the Long Count Calendar is that the Mayans stopped using it a long time ago. While still using it, the Mayans also
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changed the original tracking of Creational Tones into a system that gives a unique coding for each day. To do so, they divided the final position into two positions, the last counting the remaining natural days (called kin by the Mayans) and the before last counting the remaining periods of 20 kin. I call the original calendar that tracks the 9 Waves of each 13 Creational Tones the Tzoltun, meaning the counting (tzol) of periods of 360 kin or natural days (tun). The period of a tun, lasting precisely 360 natural days, represents the 360 degrees of arc, meaning a full circle. To the Mayans, this period of a tun serves as the elementary unit for tracking Creational Time. During the eighth Wave each Creational Day and Night lasts exactly 1 tun. In the previous Wave, this length is 20 tun. The Mayans call this length katun. In fact, the Mayans have words for each of the 20-fold longer periods of Day and Night of all previous Waves, as the table below shows. Wave 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Mayan Word tun katun baktun pictun calabtun kinchiltun alautun hablatun Length in Kin 18 360 7.200 144.000 2.880.000 57.600.000 460.800.000.000 Converted 2 weeks nearly 1 year 19,7 years 394 years 7884 years 157 millennia 3 million years 63 million years 1 billion years

The Tzoltun is in fact a countdown calendar. This calendar points toward the end of time, which is also the end of space and the end of identity, since time, space and identity are part of the same Trinity. In Mayan writing, this End of Times is The big question is when precisely the end of this Day 7 (of the ninth Wave) will be. Some say this end is on December 21, 2012. Others follow the Swedish researcher Carl Calleman in this, and assume this end is on October 28, 2011. However, when we match all known historic events with the Creational pattern of the Tzoltun, it becomes clear that the correct ending date is July 14, 2012. To prove this, the last part of this chapter matches important historic events with the 13 Tones of the 9 Waves according to this countdown date. The table below shows the starting date of each of the 9 Waves. Please note that the start of the ninth and final Creational Wave coincides with Thanksgiving Day in the USA. Wave 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Starting Date November 24th, 2011 September 22nd, 1999 April 10th, 1756 March 2nd, 3114 BC 100.496 BC 2.048.135 BC 41.000.918 BC 820.056.569 BC 16.401.169.595 BC

The lengths in natural days of these Creational Days and Nights show some very remarkable numbers. First, also the Bible refers to the importance of the number 144.000. Secondly, the period of 18 days equals 432 hours (similar to the natural oscillation frequency in Hertz meaning cycles per second) or 25.920 minutes (similar to the length of a full circle of the Precession of the Equinoxes in years).

The ongoing Process of Creation keeps speeding up Creational Time. Since space, time and identity form a Trinity, space and identity are growing at the same pace. The growth of identity corresponds to the evolution of consciousness. Each Creational Wave creates a higher level of consciousness. Since each human being reflects the overall Creation, we can verify each of these hierarchical levels by investigating our own consciousness. At the first and lowest level of consciousness, we are only aware of our existence. At this level, the only objectives are survival or
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growth, but never both at the same time. We share this level with all living creatures, up from the single-celled organism. For example, our physical body consists of 50 to 100 trillion cells. Accordingly, the first Creational Wave created the first single cell organisms.

At the second level of consciousness, our instinct tells us what to do. We share this level with all cold-blooded animals, especially the reptiles, since our instincts settle in the reptile brain (officially called brain stem) in the middle of our heads. Accordingly, the second Creational Wave created the first (and last) dinosaurs. At the third level of consciousness, our feelings guide us. We share this level with all warm-blooded animals (such as mammals), especially the apes. Our feeling originates from the limbic system, which lies on top of the brain stem. Accordingly, the third Creational Wave created the first primates. At the fourth level of consciousness, we follow our reason or common sense. Reasoning and logic are typical for human beings. Our reasoning takes place in the neocortex, which lies on top of the limbic system. Accordingly, the fourth Creational Wave created the first Homo Sapiens, meaning us.
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At the fifth level of consciousness, we honor values. Based on these values, we develop cultures. Our values originate from our right hemisphere. Accordingly, the fifth Creational Wave created the first human cultures on Terra. At the sixth level of consciousness, we obey norms and rules, originating from our left hemisphere. Accordingly, the sixth Creational Wave created the first laws, imposed by both government and religion. At the seventh level of consciousness, we place ourselves above the law. We then justify whatever benefits us, and we gladly make an exception for ourselves. At this level, the ego is the dominating centre of our being. Accordingly, the seventh Creational Wave created well-organized power groups using every means to benefit themselves and get around any kind of obstructing legislation. At the eighth level of consciousness, our inner strength is guiding our lives. We then intuitively know what to do. Humanity is currently jumping from power-based consciousness up to strength-based consciousness. At this level, intuition is the centre of our being. Accordingly, the eighth Creational Wave creates a global uprising connecting people with open minds and hearts. At the ninth and highest level of consciousness, we are fully aware of the wholeness of everything. Some refer to this level as enlightenment. At this level, our loving heart is the centre of our being. Accordingly, enlightened beings co-create in the ninth Creational Wave a new world based on respect, equivalency and gratitude. Each higher level of consciousness enables us to experience a larger world. That is because space (meaning the experienced size of the world) is a function of time (meaning the experienced pace of Creation) and identity (meaning the level of consciousness), as stated before. At the first consciousness level of existence, the world is the micro-world of a living cell and its direct environment. The proteins within the cell play the central role in this world. The ruling principle
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of interaction in this world is that all action equals reaction, which is the basic concept of causality. At the second consciousness level of instinct, the world corresponds to the (anonymous) group around our own organism. An illustrative example of such a group is a school of fish, all responding in a similar way. The ruling principle of interaction in this world is collective stimulus response, which is the basic concept of conditioning.
Level of Consciousness Wholeness Strength Power Norms Values Reason Feeling Instinct Existence Seize of the World Macro-world Inner World Supranational State Region Area Family Group Micro-world Guiding Inner Centre Heart Intuition Ego Left Hemisphere Right Hemisphere Neocortex Limbic Systeem Brain Stem Proteins Principle of Interaction Co-creation Harmony Domination Legislation Coherence Classification Motivation Conditioning Causality

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

choice is simply between you dominating others or allowing others to dominate you. At the eighth consciousness level of strength, we understand why everything in the outer world is just a reflection of our inner world. The ruling principle of interaction in this world is harmony. By creating inner harmony, we will also experience harmony in the outer world. At the ninth consciousness level of wholeness, we understand that all worlds from the micro-world to the macro-world are one and the same. The ruling principle of interaction in this world is cocreation. At this highest level, we remember that we are all part of the same space-time-identity Trinity. The remainder of this chapter plots historic events to show the Creational Rhythm of 13 Tones times 9 Waves. The first Wave of Creation created organic life on Terra (on Day 7), completely on the principle of action equals reaction. Please note that according to modern science, the socalled Big Bang occurred about 13,7 billion years ago, precisely at the start of the stage of Germination. We could say that on Day 1 the projection of our Shadow World started in the Source World. On Night 1, it reached the Flow World, and on Day 2, the shadows arrived in the third and outer world.

At the third consciousness level of feeling, the world corresponds to our family. The ruling principle of interaction in this world is individual stimulus response, which is the basic concept of motivation. At the fourth consciousness level of reason, the world corresponds to the area we live in. The ruling principle of interaction in this world is logic, which is the basic concept of classification. At the fifth consciousness level of values, the world corresponds to the region we live in. The ruling principle of interaction in this world is the regional culture, which provides the basis for coherence. At the sixth consciousness level of norms, the world corresponds to the state we live in, as a unity of jurisdiction. The ruling principle of interaction in this world is the law, which provides the basis for legislation and law enforcement. At the seventh consciousness level of power, the world becomes supranational, overruling all national legislations. The ruling principle of interaction in this world is domination. In this world, the
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The second Wave of Creation brought instinct on Terra. This instinct is why a school of fish moves like a single organism. All fish in the school react collectively, exactly at the same moment and in the same manner (response) to, for example, a movement of an attacking shark (stimulus). Exactly on Day 3, when the boom cracks through surface of the soil, the first fish appeared on Terra.

For more than 200 million years, the cold-blooded dinosaurs were the highest evolved creatures on Terra. After their extinction, warmblooded mammals took over this position. The third Wave of Creation created the capacity to feel. This capacity (originating from the limbic system) is clearly present in the hominoids such as the anthropoid apes. These life forms learned individually how the beasts react (respond) to, for example, a hungry tiger (stimulus). This ability to feel enables a warm-blooded life form to protect and serve its own family.
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In the fourth Wave of Creation, consciousness jumped to the level of reason. Homo Erectus, the first manlike creature on Terra able to reason, appeared exactly at Day 3. Next, during the Night 6, suddenly the first Homo Sapiens arrived at the surface of Terra. How on Earth was this possible, because genetically Homo Sapiens differs totally from Homo Erectus? The whole story about the so-called missing link is utterly ridiculous. The genes of Homo Sapiens are so different from those of Homo Erectus, that an evolutionary chain of a hundred links lasting more then a millions of years would still not be able to explain this. A much more plausible explanation is that the Annunaki, coming from the red dwarf of Nibiru also part of our solar system (and also know as Nemesis, Hercolubus, Wormwood, or Planet X) genetically engineered Homo Erectus into Homo Sapiens. About five thousand years ago, the Sumerians wrote down this story on the origin of humankind in cuneiform on clay tablets. Thanks to Zecharia Sitchin, we were able to rediscover this ancient story. This means that Homo Sapiens have been present on the surface of Terra for a period of about 200,000 years. What do we really know about this period? Our official history books only tell us (a
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little) about what happened from the sixth Wave of Creation on. So what happened in the remaining 195,000 years human beings have been living on Terra?

However, much we do not know about these early human cultures. We only have the references Plato made in his writings.

The fifth Wave of Creation resulted in the development of human culture based on shared values. Each culture originates from a specific region. The first human culture was in Lemuria, also called the Land of Mu. In those days, all continents (as we know them now) were still connected. Mu was in fact one very large island surrounded by what we call now the Pacific Ocean, based on the Latin name Mare Pacificum, meaning peaceful sea. Later on in this fifth Wave of Creation, there were two periods of the culture of Atlantis. Atlantis was also an island, but then much smaller, at the place where we now have the Atlantic Ocean, at the West side of current Africa. The dynamics of the Great Year (meaning the Precession of the Equinoxes) provides an explanation for the rise and fall of both Lemuria and Atlantis. The Sphinx was built to help humanity remember the effect of the Aeon of Leo, wiping out Atlantis for the first time.
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Human writing, based on rules, started exactly at the beginning of the sixth Wave of Creation. This Wave created sovereign countries. National legislation keeps each nation tight together. Since then, formal rules

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written down in statute books have governed people. In the same way and for the same reason, also organized religion evolved in this sixth Wave of Creation. The industrial revolution formed the starting point for the seventh Wave of Creation. Technology enabled consciousness to jump to the supranational level. Every new Day of this seventh Creational Wave, new communication technology made overcoming physical distance more easy. On Day 3, we started to use the electronic telegraph, followed by the telephone on Day 4. On Day 5, the radio made its way into our lives, followed by the television on Day 6. Finally, on Day 7, the internet merged into our home environment. Since then, we have a supranational economy (or global village) on Terra, in which all national economies are closely connected.

Together with the individual jump to power-based consciousness, the seventh Wave created at the same time supranational power groups. During this seventh Wave of Creation, these groups (semi openly) started to join hands. Secret societies joined forces and seized control
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over sovereign countries through the monetary system. The top of this secret pyramid of these hidden powers calls itself the Illuminati, a global power group dominated by 13 families (or bloodlines). They became officially established precisely at the start of Night 1, opening the opportunity to seize global power. These Illuminati families exploited generation after generation the most profitable way to gain more power, which is warfare. Through manipulation and lies, they were able to create all major incidents of violence and wars in the last 250 years including the present ones. To ensure maximum returns, they always supplied both sides with both weapons and loans. Their strategy is simple. Let money control the world, since the Illuminati control money. At the end of 1933 (at the beginning of the 5th Night), these families took control over most of our home planet, by causing the financial collapse. These dominating families are now so rich and powerful, that they never appear in any top listing of the (multi) billionaires. However, bloodlines are much more difficult to hide than bank accounts. These lines show that nearly all presidents of the USA are bloodbond to the Illuminati, including Barrack Hoessein Obama. And also Adolf Hitler, the leader of the German party of National Socialism, who started the Second World War in 1939, belonged to one of the bloodlines of the Illuminati. To me, the clearest proof of the agenda of the Illuminati is visible on the back of the US one dollar bill. At the first layer of the pyramid in The Great Seal, we see in Roman numbers the year 1776. In this year, the Illuminati founded themselves on May 1st. The International Workers' Day is in fact the yearly celebration of this date, because the Illuminati think they are the offspring of the Gods and therefore own this planet including its workers. The pyramid has exactly 13 layers (under the All-Seeing-Eye), and there are at least ten more references to 13 in The Great Seal of the United States. These 13 layers represent the Days and Nights of the seventh Wave of Creation. The first Night indeed almost precisely starts at the beginning of the year 1776. By putting the ending year of 1776 on the first layer of the pyramid, and each layer lasting 19.7 years, the designers of this pyramid also pointed out that the 13th and final layer ends in 2012.
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Above the All-Seeing-Eye, we find the Latin words Annuit Coeptis, meaning Announcement of the Conception. The actual conception (of the Pyramid of Power) occurs at the 2nd Day (as we saw before), which means that this announcement is a clear reference to the 1st Night, in which the Illuminati were founded The Illuminati used the Latin words of Novus Ordo Seclorum under the pyramid to express their goal of a New World Order. This New World Order of the Illuminati is a global fascist regime, maximally controlling all life on Terra. It is the Big Brother as George Orwell described in his book Nineteen Eighty-Four. Not only the 13 layers on the US one dollar bill represent the 7 Days and 6 Nights of the Creational Wave. The national flag of the USA does the same. The 7 red stripes represent the Days, while the 6 white stripes represent the Nights. The Illuminati are very fond of turning things upside down in order to conceal the truth. That is why they represented the black Nights with white stripes. The Illuminati used Roman numbers on the bottom layer of the pyramid to stress their alliance with the Vatican in the heart of the Italian capitol Rome. In Italian, this city is called Roma, which is the reverse of the Italian word for love: amor. Vatican City in the heart of Rome is a sovereign state, independent of Italy. This is the Illuminatis centre of religious power. London City in the heart of London is a sovereign state, independent of the UK. This is the Illuminatis centre of financial power. Thirdly, Washington DC is a sovereign state, independent of the USA. This is the Illuminatis centre of military power. These three sovereign states are the pillars of the Illuminatis hidden empire. Due to this hidden coup on Terra, People's Representation turned into a sham democracy. It contaminated the entire planet with a selfish ego virus. Humanity started to think, to feel and to perceive based on selfishness and the need to control others. I want to have a good life; I do not care about others. This property is mine. Everything must happen exactly as I want it to happen. These selfish intentions dominated the consciousness of the people in this seventh Cycle of Creation. The (hidden) power groups made sure that they applied all
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means available to keep the collective consciousness on this relatively low level. They therefore intentionally contaminated our air, water, food, healthcare, media, education, science, technology and spirituality with poison or lies (which all produce the same kind of inner negativity). The overture to the new millennium was nearly at the same time as the start of the eighth Wave of Creation. The purpose of this Wave is to encourage the inner jump from power-based consciousness to strengthbased consciousness. During this eighth Wave, the task of the power groups is to prevent this jump, by all means. Their most spectacular measure to do so was clearly 9/11. Exactly on the right day, namely the first natural day of Day 2, the 9/11 attacks very precisely prevented the germination of strength-based consciousness as much as possible.

In order for our consciousness to jump to the level of inner strength, we allow our intuition to overrule our ego. At this level, we no longer need formalized rules, nor auditors and punishers to tell us what to do or not to do. We intuitively know, feel or perceive what is ethical to us, and what is not. This is the conscious decision facing each and every one of us in this eighth Wave of Creation.
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For every free human who had the courage to jump to strength-based consciousness, there is also ninth Wave of Creation. This Wave enables awakened humans to become enlightened. Enlightened people know, feel and perceive that all life, anywhere in the Cosmos, is one and Wholly. Enlightenment ends the imaginary duality, so dominantly present in all lower levels of consciousness.

third World War probably starting between Israel and Iran. The beginning of the year 2012 will therefore be the most crucial period defining the path our reality will take. More and more people see the Illuminati abused the Arab Uprising in order to gain control over more oil fields. This is in fact a new way of warfare. Crucial for this way is using the television for broadcasting propaganda and disinformation. For example, the footage of the attackers taking over Tripoli was shot in Qatar. By broadcasting this fake footage, the Illuminati were able to break the morale of the defenders. While the Illuminati try to seize full planetary control, Nibiru will probably return in the coming years. As briefly mentioned above, the so-called plaques of Egypt as described in the Bible, resulted from the passing by of Nibiru. This caused the gigantic eruption of the volcano under the Greek island of Thera (also called Santorini). This Minoan eruption was one of the largest volcanic events on Earth in recorded history. Historians date this devastating event between 1630 BC and 1500 BC. If this event took place in 1588 BC, and if it indeed resulted from the passing by of Niburu, then we can easily calculate the year in which Nibiru will reappear, namely 3600 years after 1588 BC, which is 2013 AD. There is a harmonic relation between the orbit of Nibiru and the Precession cycle. Within the period of five Precession cycles, Niburu orbits Helios exactly 36 times. Maybe the coming passage of Nibiru is the 36th that completes these five cycles. Maybe that is why the Mayans talk about the fifth Sun. Please note that all these numbers are multiples of 6, which is the Cartesian product of both Harmonic Ratio Base Numbers 2 and 3. Recently, there was a lot of excitement about what Nasa called C/2010 X1 Elenin. Please note that Nasa is not a governmental organization. This private company is known for hiding and manipulating astrological data. That is why many people interpret the name N.A.S.A. as an acronym of Never A Straight Answer. Let us look at the facts related to this object.
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The ninth Wave of Creation is the apotheosis. This ancient Greek word means raising up to the level of the Gods. God simply means Creator. Enlightened people remember their own ability to Create. Also the Illuminati are part of Gods Overall Plan. The coup of the Illuminati fits in perfectly with the objective of the seventh Wave of Creation, which is the creation of power-based consciousness. In the eighth Wave, the Illuminati also had a role to play. This was creating a counter weight to enable the rise of strength-based consciousness. In the ninth and final Wave of Creation, however, their role is over. This finalizing Wave creates unity in all possible ways. There is, however, the possibility that humanity gets stuck at the level of power-based consciousness. That scenario will include a
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In 1998, the movie Deep Impact is released in which an amateur-astronomer called Leo discovers an incoming comet called E.L.E. In this movie, the US president is an African-American, which, in those days, was science fiction as well. On December 10th, 2010 (which is 13 years later), an amateurastronomer called Leonid discovered an incoming comet. This comet gets called after his surname Elenin. Leo is exactly the first half of Leonid, and E.L.E. are exactly the letters of the first half of Elenin. Was the movie meant to tell us half of the real story? The object discovered by Leonid comes towards Terra from the direction of the constellation Leo. Further more, Leonid is an official name for an astrological phenomenon. The Leonids are a prolific meteor shower. These meteors appear to radiate from the constellation Leo and tend to peak in November. The object C/2010 X1 Elenin arrived at its closest distance to the sun Helios (called the perihelion) on September 11th, exactly 10 years after 9/11. In other words, this date is Nine Eleven. By reversing and abbreviating both words, we get Ele Nin. To me, it was very strange that Nasa with all her advanced telescopes did not detect this incoming object. What is the point of being able to see other galaxies while an object that comes very close to Terra within a year time remains unnoted? Nasas strange behavior regarding this object caused many people to think that Elenin is an acronym. These people claim that E.L.E. stands for Extinction-Level Event. For the N.I.N. part, there are more variations like Nibiru Is Near, Nibiru In November, Near Impact Nibiru, or Notable Impact Nemesis. In the next chapter, we will come back to the mystery of Elenin.

4.1 Deliberate Use of Numbers

The Whole Reality consists of three concentric spheres, as described in the first chapter. The Source World in the centre is the heart of the Whole Reality. Everything originates from this Source World. The Source World contains numbers and symbols referring to numbers.

The world we consider ours is just a slice of the outer sphere of shadows. Everything we are able to perceive or detect as being real belongs to that (tiny) slice. To put this in numbers, we could say that our world only consists of numbers of the Fibonacci series. Starting with 0 and 1, each new number in this series is simply the sum of the two before it. After 0 and 1, the Fibonacci series grows as follows: 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181 6765 Metaphorically speaking, we could state that only the shadows of these Fibonacci numbers exist in our world. In this imaginary example, this means that we are not able to detect the shadow of the number 4. In the same way, we are not able to detect the presence of su-


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pernatural or metaphysical phenomena. However, in the total outer sphere, the shadows of all integers, fractions and even the zero exist, but all in different slices. This means that even though something is not detectable in our world, it is probably still real, but then in another (shadow) world. The numbers in the Source World provide the code for life. All life emerges from a specific set of numbers. In the Shadow World, we find these numbers in the genetic code of each life form. Now it might become clear why the Illuminati are so fond of playing with numbers. As painters sign their paintings, the signature of the Illuminati is in the numbers. The Illuminati planned their founding in 1776, right at the beginning of Night 1 of the seventh Wave of Creation. This was indeed the right energetic moment in time to openly start seizing global power. As mentioned before, they put the demarcation year of 1776 openly on the US one dollar bill (in Roman numbers). It tells us that Day 1 ends in (about) 1776, which is at the same time the start of Night 1. This claim is very accurate since the actual date of this transition is December 27th, 1775. By writing 1776, meaning January 1st, 1776, there is just a minor difference of only five days, which is a deviation of just 1 percent. That is also probably the reason the Illuminati used this 5 from the five days difference for their founding on the first day of the fifth month (May). That is not all. There is more to this date. The number 8 refers to infinity (). There are, for example, 8 geographical directions. The meaning of using three eights is complete infinity, since the meaning of 3 is completely. Since everything has both a yang side and a yin side, two of these triple 8s are required. That is another reason why the Illuminati put the year 1776 on the US one dollar bill. 888 + 888 = 1776 Their masterpiece (so far) is clearly 9/11. The date of this attack exactly corresponds to the beginning of Day 2 in the eight Wave, mak90 Wholly Science Understanding the Process of Creation

ing it the perfect day for blocking as much germination of strengthbased consciousness as possible. The date of 9/11 also matches with the North American emergency telephone number of 9-1-1. This date therefore triggers associations with fear and panic, and clearly not with inner strength. In numerology, which is a system that reveals the numerical root value of both numbers and words as presented below, the 9 represents the Ruler and 11 is the number of Mastery. With 9/11, the Illuminati demonstrated their dominating power, hoping for recognition as ruling master on this planet. After 911 intermediate days, the Illuminati again demonstrated their power. On March 11th, 2004, they brought terror to Madrid, the capital of Spain. The numerical root of this date is 11, and so is the adding up of 9 plus 1 and 1. In the Netherlands, the would-be Prime Minister Pim Fortuyn was killed on May 6th, 2002, just a few days before the elections. Adding up 5 (May) and 6 gives 11. Even though he was dead, he still received most of the votes. Just like with the murder of John F. Kennedy, the arrested shooter was a scapegoat, blocking the publics attention for the real killer and the ones responsible for these assassinations. Exactly 911 days after the murder of Pim Fortuyn, another famous Dutchman was brutally murdered on the streets of Amsterdam. The assassination of Theo van Gogh was on November 2nd, 2004. This date of 11/2 corresponds with the Dutch emergency telephone number of 1-1-2. I clearly see the fingerprints of the Illuminati in all these terrorizing events. All dates clearly show the number 11. Literally, Illuminati means Enlightened Ones, but instead of Lightness, they openly worship the Darkness. Referring to this Darkness, the Bible mentions the number of 666, being the Number of the Beast. Exactly 666 days after the brutal murder of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, on November 4th, 1995, the British Lady Diana was murdered in Paris, on August 31st, 1997. Rabins murder happened in the 11th month and the numerical root of the date of Dianas
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murder also is 11. The use of 11 is the trademark of the Illuminati, or should we write this name as I11uminati, with 11 (eleven) instead of ll (double el)? The Twin Towers also represented a gigantic 11. The Illuminati are responsible not only for these murders, but also for many and many more. Proud of their power to do so, they sign their acts of terror with meaningful numbers. The ultimate goal of the Illuminati is to create a New World Order. In the seventh Wave of Creation, they seized power, fully according to the purpose of this Creational Wave, establishing power-based consciousness. In the eighth Wave of Creation, the Illuminati represent the pyramids top stone of The Powers That Be. In the ninth and final Wave of Creation, we will refer to this pyramid as The Powers That Were. To me, the left part of the Great Seal of the United States (of America), as displayed on the backside of a US one dollar bill, reveals the bigger picture. Firstly, the Latin phrase Novus Ordo Seclorum, literally meaning a New Order of the Ages, refers to the birth of a new space-time-identity. In that new space-time-identity, our inner vision, also referred to as our third eye, will guide us. That is why after exactly thirteen layers, the top of this pyramid lifts itself up. Since each of these thirteen layers requires 7200 natural days for completion, and the first layer was completed in around the start of 1776 according to the Roman numbers written on it, this lifting off
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will occur on July 14th, 2012. God indeed approved (Annuit Coeptis) this lifting off into a new space-time-identity, since it is the sole purpose of the Overall Creation. God, being the Overall Force of Creation, created our Shadow World of increasing space-time-identity to allow consciousness to experience being limited in space, time and identity. We can very well compare our world with a threedimensional computer game. This metaphorical game has nine hierarchical levels. Our (dynamic) state of consciousness determines on which level we play. Most people play at level 7 and the levels below. The purpose of the current eighth Wave of Creation is to enable humanity to jump up and start also playing at level 8. Next, these level 8 players will start exploring level 9 from November 24th, 2011 on. Everyone who reaches level 9 before the End of Times will move on to a totally new game. That is how I interpret the One Dollar Pyramid. There is solid proof for this interpretation. That proof is present in the numbers. As presented in the previous chapters, we can picture the total creation as a pyramid of 9 layers each consisting of 13 tones (or stages). In The Great Seal, these numbers are alternated. The pyramid under the All-Seeing-Eye has 13 levels, and the amount of Roman numerals at the bottom level is 9. Further more, the US flag has 13 stripes and 9 rows of stars. Next, numerology translates letters into ciphers according to the table below. 1 a j s 2 b k t 3 c l u 4 d m v 5 e n w 6 f o x 7 g p y 8 h q z 9 i r

Adding up the cipher values of the words Annuit Coeptis results in 58, and 5 plus 8 gives 13. In total, Annuit Coeptis also consists of 13 letters. Adding up the cipher values of the words The Great Seal results in 49, and 4 plus 9 gives again 13. The words of the United States complete this trinity, because adding up the cipher values of these letters results in 67, and 6 plus 7 again gives 13.
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All words around the strange pyramid on the back of the one US dollar bill all refer to 13. The amount of layers of this pyramid is 13. The US flag has 13 stripes. Clearly the designers tried to stress the importance of the number 13. In his right claw, the eagle holds a branch with 13 leafs and 13 berries. In his left claw, the eagle holds 13 arrows. Above the eagles head, there are 13 stars. The number 13 represents the amount of stages of any process of creation, as explained in the previous chapters. On the right side of the Great Seal of the United States, we find the Eagle. At the left side, the eagle holds an olive branch with 13 berries, and 13 arrows on the right. There are 13 stars above the eagles head. The ribbon contains 13 letters making up the Latin words E Pluribus Unum meaning out of many, one. All these hidden messages point in the same direction: 13 becomes 1. That is why these messages are on the 1 US dollar bill. The top stone of the Illuminati pyramid of power consists of 13 families. Their goal is to become the one and only power of dominance on Terra. Now let us come back to the phenomenon called Elenin. The numerological value of this name is 32. Next we find exactly the same numerological value for Leonid. This means that Leonid Elenin is a code for 64, referring to the nascent oneness. The Illuminati also strive to realize this oneness, but then in a totalitarian way. This means that Elenin is not an ordinary comet (or officially a cluster comet), like Nasa claims. Please note that also C/2010 X1 has the numerological value of 13. I think that Elenin is a message helping humanity to evolve her consciousness to the level of oneness or wholeness.
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4.2 Dynamics of Interacting Energies

There is a fifth sort of energy, next to the four sorts already discussed. This fifth sort is the most mysterious of all energies. It is called Aether (or simply Ether). In the Forbidden Apple of Knowledge, we find Aether in the central null point. In this null point, the spiraling energy of the Flow World makes contact with the Source World. This means that there are five sorts of energy. There are also five Platonic bodies, as shown in the first chapter. Thirdly, ancient science distinguishes between five elements. The table below shows how these sorts of energy, Platonic bodies, and elements correspond based on their different functions. Energy Fire Earth Aether Water Air Function Transforming Stabilising Connecting Stirring Expanding Platonic Solid tetrahedron hexahedron dodecahedron icosahedron octahedron element fire earth metal water wood

We could say that each Platonic body is the particle appearance in the Shadow World of the corresponding energetic phase, while the element corresponds to the wave appearance. Three of the five elements have the same name as the corresponding energy. To distinguish between both, the sorts of energy are capitalised in this book. The other two have different names, because ether and air are not present as elements in our (shadow) world. All elements share the same function as the energy from which they originate. The function of Aether is to establish connections. We used the element of metal to connect ourselves with telephone lines. Now we use both metal (cord) and Aether (cordless) to interconnect ourselves.
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The function of Air is to expand. Air from high-pressure areas is always expanding towards low-pressure areas. In a similar way, the element of wood enables the expansion of trunks and branches. One of the oldest symbols found on our planet symbolizes the playful interactions between these five sorts of energy. Nowadays, this symbol is present in nearly 1 of every 5 national flags! This symbol is called the pentagram, which is Greek for a model (gram) of five (penta). Several harmonic ratios are hidden in the ancient symbol of the pentagram. For example, each crossing of one side over the other is exactly at the point of the Golden Ratio, which is the limit of the ratios of successive terms of the Fibonacci sequence. There is a very old saying that refers to this symbol. This saying is that whoever controls the elements, can dominate the world. The meaning of this saying is that whoever can exploit the never ending playful interactions between the five sorts of energy, can master anything in the Shadow World. That is clearly the reason why this symbol is the favorite of the governments on this planet. The Illuminati like to point the pentagram downwards, to make it resemble a goat head. They openly worship the Devil impersonated as Baphomet, a goat-headed figure. By stretching the pinky and the index finger, Illuminati members secretly signal their membership to each other. In order to discover the secret of the pentagram, we need to draw the surrounding circle as well. The five points where the pentagram touches the circle correspond to the five sorts of energy. The small circle at top, as shown to the left, symbolizes Aether. The pentagram together with the surrounding circle show that energies interact, in both a yin and a yang way. The circle represents the round, female shape of the nourishing yin cycle, while the straight, male shape of the pentagram represents the controlling yang cycle.
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In the generating yin cycle, each element nourishes the following element. Water nourishes wood. By watering plants, we feed them. Wood nourishes fire. By throwing in another wood block, we feed the fire. Fire nourishes earth. Earth eats ashes, the remains of fire. Earth nourishes metal. Metals grow within the earth. Fifthly, metal nourishes water. Water condenses most quickly on metal. In the destroying yang cycle, each element controls the following element. Metal controls wood. With a metal axe, we can cut a wooden tree. Wood controls earth. With wooden shelves, we push the earth back. Earth controls water. Dikes of earth are to stop the water coming in. Water controls fire. With water, we can extinguish a fire. Fifthly, fire controls metal. Fire heats up the metal, allowing it to be bent. By replacing the elements of ancient science with the words modern science uses to describe these wave-like shadows, it becomes clear that our technology is solely based on the controlling yang cycle. We produce electrical energy by spinning magnetic fields. This spinning results from physical energy. Both steps correspond to straight lines of the pentagram. Next, our combustion engines use chemical energy to control physical energy. As shown in the picture on the left, this corresponds to a straight line of the controlling yang cycle. Thirdly, chemicals called pharmaceuticals suppress physical symptoms of illness. This has nothing to do with healing. It also corresponds to a straight line of the destroying yang cycle.
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The reason why the pentagram is so widely used by the powers that be, is that it represents the controlling, yang cycle. By stressing the male yang cycle and suppressing the female yin cycle, we allowed our (shadow) world to become off balance, lacking harmony on all levels. Let us re-establish the balance between yin and yang, first individually internally, and then collectively externally.

Each chakra corresponds to an endocrine gland, as shown in the above picture. Our chakras transfer incoming energies into corresponding hormonal messages. In India, women create a red dot between the eyebrows precisely at the entrance spot of the sixth chakra. This chakra corresponds to the pineal gland. This gland is physiologically a real eye. With this inner eye, we are able to perceive outside our common World of Shadows. Knowledge about the metaphysical function of the pineal gland goes back to at least Ancient Egypt. Even today, we can find many examples that refer to this pinecone shaped gland. To find them, just take a better look at the artifacts used by the powers that be. Our Base chakra is facing downwards, allowing the incoming energies from our Mother to spiral upwards into our core. Our Crown chakra is facing upwards, allowing the incoming energies from our Father to spiral downwards into our core. Together with the other chakras they form an energetic rainbow bridge between the infrared energy of Terra and the ultraviolet energy of Helios.

Seen from the top (or bottom), the Forbidden Apple of Knowledge looks like a rotating wheel. The Sanskrit word from Ancient India for this rotating wheel of energy is chakra. Internally balancing ourselves means allowing our chakras to function properly. Entrance Summit Third Eye Throat Sternum Solar Plexus Pelvis Perineum Chakra Crown Brow Neck Chest Belly Sacral Base Sanskrit Sahasrara Ajna Vishuddi Anahata Manipura Svadhishthana Muladhara Gland Pituitary Pineal Thyroid Thymus Pancreas Gonads Adrenal

7 6 5 4 3 2 1

There are five intermediate chakras in between the vertically-oriented Base chakra and Crown chakra. Their orientation is horizontal. For yin persons, who are mostly females, three of these five chakras receive energies (with a + in the front), while the other two send out energies (with a - in the front). The opposite is true for yang persons, who are mostly males. That is why yin and yang persons fit together. Insemination is related to the sacral chakra. The semen is ejected (-) by yang and received (+) by yin. Next, the chakra of the solar plexus relates to self-esteem. In order to feel good about ourselves, a yin person spends money (-), while a yang person earns (+) it. The middle chakra relates to romance, in which yang persons seduce (-, outwards oriented), while yin persons desire to be tempted (+, inwards oriented). The fifth chakra of the throat relates to expression. The typical yin person commands (-) the typical obedient (+) yang
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person what to do. Finally, the sixth chakra of the third eye relates to intuition. A yin person more easily receives (+) intuitive messages, while a yang person more easily delivers (-) intuitive messages.

The process of creation starts with selecting the correct code. By bringing this code into our consciousness, it becomes alive, meaning energy. Finally, this energy will influence the manifestations we perceive in our reality. These three steps of creation are the essence of all successful approaches to creation, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). By balancing our inner world, we also help balance the outer world. The outer World of Shadows is just a mere reflection of the dynamics of interacting energies in the Flow World. By taking into account the Trinity of the Whole Reality, we can understand how to influence the events and shapes in our outer World of Shadows. The process of conscious creation starts with vitalizing the right code. Next, this vitalized code, which is energy, will project its shadows in the materialistic part of reality. Without this understanding, conscious creation is pure magic. That is why humanity is so fond of stories about magic. The magic disappears when we can see it as science. The (magical) process of creation is the reverse of the process of perception. Our senses translate physical quantities into energetic qualities. Then, in the back of our brain, these energetic qualities are translated into coded information.
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The aim of this book it to reconnect our modern day understanding with the insights of Ancient Greek scientists such as Heraclitus, Pythagoras, and Plato. However, the very first on our planet who wrote down references to Wholly Science was Hermes. The Ancient Greeks considered Hermes to be the three-times greatest in the passing on of Wholly Knowledge. They therefore honored him with the title of Trismegistus, meaning thrice greatest. The Ancient Egyptians called him Thoth the Atlantean. Their picture of him is on the left. This mysterious Thoth or Hermes is the greatest source of inspiration for my work. His most famous words are As above, so below (as mentioned at the start of this book). To me this means that as the Flow World is, so is also the Shadow World. Below (being the Shadow
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World) is nothing more than a reflection of above (being the Flow World). There is another meaningful interpretation of As above, so below. By understanding ourselves (meaning below) we also understand the Whole of Reality (meaning above). The nine levels of consciousness are present in each human (below), in the same way these levels are present in the Whole of Reality (above). To me, that is why the Ancient Greek carved the words know thyself above the entrance to the temple at Delphi. At the moment we were born, our personal energy values (below) fully reflected the energy values in the Cosmos (above). There are various methods for gaining more self-knowledge based on this below-above correspondence. These methods include the signs and tones from the Tzolkin and the monthly constellations from the Zodiak. Other revealing methods are Nine Star Ki based on the Bagua (pictured on the left), the Chinese Astrology, and the Enneagram (pictured below). To me, all five methods are astonishingly revealing. My advice to you: Question everything; keep what is good.

4.3 The Code of the Source World

The codes of the Source World are ciphers. There are nine basic cipher codes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Each cipher has a yin or positive value and a yang or negative value. The ciphers themselves never move, because there is no motion in the Source World. In the Flow World, the codes interact according to specific functions. These functions create the dynamics in the Flow World. There are two yin functions (+ and ), which create higher numbers, and two yang functions ( and ), which create lower numbers. Two of these four functions (+ and ) are inner functions, which have smaller effects, and the other two are outer functions ( and ), which have bigger effects. The application of the four functions (adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing) to the cipher codes results in numbers. Each resulting number consists of one or more ciphers. By repeatedly adding up the constituting ciphers of a number, we eventually get the root cipher value of this number. Each number has a numerological root cipher. Let us now look at the tables of both multiplication and division. We start with the base ciphers of 1 and 8, as shown in the table below. 11= 21= 31= 41= 51= 61= 71= 81= 91= 1 (1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4) 5 (5) 6 (6) 6 (7) 8 (8) 9 (9) 11= 21= 31= 41= 51= 61= 71= 81= 91= 1 (1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4) 5 (5) 6 (6) 6 (7) 8 (8) 9 (9) 18= 8 (8) 28=16 (7) 38=24 (6) 48=32 (5) 58=40 (4) 68=48 (3) 78=56 (2) 88=64 (1) 98=72 (9) 18=0.125 (8) 28=0.25 (7) 38=0.375 (6) 48=0.5 (5) 58=0.625 (4) 68=0.75 (3) 78=0.875 (2) 88=1 (1) 98=1.125 (9)


Wholly Science Understanding the Process of Creation

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The rhythm of both the multiplication and division table of 1 is simply jumping to the next cipher (clockwise). The figure to the left shows this basic rhythm, which goes on infinitely. We find the opposite of this rhythm when we multiply with 8 or divide by 8. That rhythm simply jumps back to the previous cipher (counter clockwise). Since both multiplication and division result in the same sequence, both 1 and 8 are reciprocal ciphers of themselves. This means that the reciprocal cipher of 1 is again 1, and the reciprocal cipher of 8 is again 8. The figure above also represents the functions of adding 1 or subtracting 8. In both cases the resulting movement is clockwise. On the contrary, the functions of subtracting 1 or adding 8 result in a counter-clockwise movement. 12= 2 (2) 22= 4 (4) 32= 6 (6) 42= 8 (8) 52=10 (1) 62=12 (3) 72=14 (5) 82=16 (7) 92=18 (9) 15=0.2 (2) 25=0.4 (4) 35=0.6 (6) 45=0.8 (8) 55=1 (1) 65=1.2 (3) 75=1.4 (5) 85=1.6 (7) 95=1.8 (9) 17= 7 (7) 27=14 (5) 37=21 (3) 47=28 (1) 57=35 (8) 67=42 (6) 77=49 (4) 87=56 (2) 97=63 (9) 14=0.25 (7) 24=0.5 (5) 34=0.75 (3) 44=1 (1) 54=1.25 (8) 64=1.5 (6) 74=1.75 (4) 84=2 (2) 94=1.125 (9)

movement created by adding 2 or subtracting 7, and the counterclockwise movement created by subtracting 2 or adding 7. The table below shows the multiplications by and divisions with the reciprocal ciphers of the one used here. 14= 4 (4) 24= 8 (8) 34=12 (3) 44=16 (7) 54=20 (2) 64=24 (6) 74=28 (1) 84=32 (5) 94=36 (9) 17=0.142857.. (4) 27=0.285714.. (8) 37=0.428571.. (3) 47=0.571428.. (7) 57=0.714285.. (2) 67=0.857142.. (6) 77=1 (1) 87=1.142857.. (5) 97=1.285714.. (9) 15= 5 (5) 25=10 (1) 35=15 (6) 45=20 (2) 55=25 (7) 65=30 (3) 75=35 (8) 85=40 (4) 95=45 (9) 12=0.5 (5) 22=1 (1) 32=1.5 (6) 42=2 (2) 52=2.5 (7) 62=3 (3) 72=3.5 (8) 82=4 (4) 92=4.5 (9)

The reciprocal cipher for 2 is 5, while the reciprocal cipher for 7 is 4. The tables above represent the multiplications with 2 and 7, and the divisions with 5 and 4. Multiplying by 2 or dividing with 5 results in a clockwise movement, while multiplying by 7 or dividing with 4 results in a counter-clockwise movement, as shown in the figure to the left. This figure also represents the clockwise
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Multiplying by 4 or dividing with 7 results in a clockwise movement, while multiplying by 5 or dividing with 2 results in a counterclockwise movement. The figure to the left shows both movements. This figure also represents the clockwise movement created by adding 4 or subtracting 5, and the counterclockwise movement created by adding 5 or subtracting 4. Please note that proving the root value of the fractions with an infinite series of ciphers is beyond the scope of this book. Dividing by 7 results in an infinite repetition of a remarkable series of ciphers. The consecutive order in this series is always the same. The figure to the right shows this order. In this series, the ciphers 3, 6, and 9 never appear. These three ciphers form a special group. In the same way form the reciprocals 4 and 7 a group together with 1, and form the reciprocals 2 and 5 a group together with 8.

(147) (258) (369)

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The group of 3, 6 and 9 is special because the result of any function with these ciphers as base always is a 3, a 6 or a 9. The table below shows the multiplications and divisions for the reciprocals 3 and 6. 13= 3 (3) 23= 6 (6) 33= 9 (9) 43=12 (3) 53=15 (6) 63=18 (9) 73=21 (3) 83=24 (6) 93=27 (9) 16=0.1 666.. (3) 26=0.3 333.. (6) 36=0.4 999.. (9) 46=0.6 666.. (3) 56=0.8 333.. (6) 66=0.9 999.. (9) 76=1.1 666.. (3) 86=1.1 333.. (6) 96=1.4 999.. (9) 16= 6 (6) 26=12 (3) 36=18 (9) 46=24 (6) 56=30 (3) 66=36 (9) 76=42 (6) 86=48 (3) 96=54 (9) 13=0.333.. (6) 23=0.666.. (3) 33=0.999.. (9) 43=1.333.. (6) 53=1.666.. (3) 63=1.999.. (9) 73=2.333.. (6) 83=2.666.. (3) 93=2.999.. (9)

rocal. However, any division by 9 not always results in a 9. Dividing by 9 does not alter the cipher root value, and the same is true for adding or subtracting 9. The table above shows the basic multiplications and divisions with 9 as the base cipher. The figure to the left shows each of the three cipher groups as a triangle. The triangle is the symbol for trinity. Each of these groups is a trinity in itself. To accentuate that the trinity of 3, 6 and 9 is special, its triangle has dotted lines. All this belong to the basics of cipher mathematics, in which adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing are the four basic functions, which create movement in the Flow World. Let us now look at two advanced functions. The first is doubling. The table below shows the beginning of the doubling sequence and the cipher root values of each number. 1 1 2 2 4 4 8 8 16 7 32 5 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 1 2 4 8 7 5

Multiplying by 3 or dividing with 6 results in a clockwise movement, while multiplying by 6 or dividing with 3 results in a counterclockwise movement. The figure to the left shows both movements. This figure also represents the clockwise movement created by adding 3 or subtracting 6, and the counter-clockwise movement created by adding 6 or subtracting 3. 19= 9 (9) 29=18 (9) 39=27 (9) 49=36 (9) 59=45 (9) 69=54 (9) 79=63 (9) 89=72 (9) 99=81 (9) 19=0.111.. (1) 29=0.222.. (2) 39=0.333.. (3) 49=0.444.. (4) 59=0.555.. (5) 69=0.666.. (6) 79=0.777.. (7) 89=0.888.. (8) 99=0.999.. (9)

In the Shadow World, there are many examples of projections that result from this doubling series. Firstly, the process of cell division results in doubling the amount of cells. After 6 divisions, there are 64 cells that together form an independent unity. This cipher root value also shows this unity, since it is 1. Another example is the digital programming language based on this doubling series. Combining binary values (yin or yang) on three positions results in 8 different trigrams of the I Ching, while combining two trigrams (again yin and yang) results in 64 hexagrams. Lastly, the chess board also has 8 times 8 makes 64 fields. The doubling sequence is an infinite repetition of the series of 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, and 5. The opposite is true for the complementary function of
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The most special cipher of all is the 9. The result of any multiplication with 9 is always a 9. Just like 1 and 8, the 9 is also its own recip106 Wholly Science Understanding the Process of Creation

halving, as shown in the table below. Halving results in an infinite repetition of the series of 1, 5, 7, 8, 4, and 2. 1 1 0.5 5 0.25 7 0.125 8 0.0625 4 0.03125 2 0.015625 1 0.0078125 5

The table below puts both series next to each other. The ciphers 1 and 8 appear simultaneously in both series. At the other positions, the reciprocals pair up. 1 2 4 8 7 5 1 1 5 7 8 4 2 1 In both series, never a 3, a 6, or a 9 appears. Let us see what happens when we start doubling with 3. The table below shows the beginning of this series. 3 3 6 6 12 3 24 6 48 3 96 192 384 768 1536 3072 6144 6 3 6 3 6 3 6

The figure to the left shows each of these doubling and halving series. The name I use for this figure is Source Code. Starting at 1, the line to 2, 4, 8, 7, 5, back to 1 is the doubling series for the common ciphers. When we reverse the direction of this movement, it represents the halving series for the common ciphers, which is 1, 5, 7, 8, 4, 2 back to 1. In this figure, the dotted line represents the doubling and halving series for the 3 and the 6. This is not a straight horizontal line between the 3 and the 6, but instead a pyramidshaped line with the 9 at the apex. That is because these three special ciphers together create a special series. This series bounces back and forth between the 3 and the 6. This series is follows: 3 9 6 6 9 3. In the Whole of Reality, everything is always in balance. That is why, in the Source World, every cipher has both a positive yin value and a negative yang value. In total, there are 18 different cipher codes in the Source World: { -9, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, +6, +7, +8, +9 } That is why the unit of the Tzoltun is exactly 18 natural days. Series Doubling (+) Special (0) Halving (-) Coding Sequence +2 -4 +8 -7 +9 -6 +6 -9 -5 +7 -8 +4 Sum +3 0 -3

Next, the table below shows the first results when we start halving with a 6. 6 3 1.5 0.75 0.375 0.1875 0.09375 0.046875 0.0234375 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 When we apply the functions of doubling and halving to the exceptional cipher of 9, each result is always a 9. 9 9 9 9 18 9 4.5 9 36 9 72 9 144 9 288 9 576 9 1152 9 2304 9 4608 9 9216 9

2.25 1.125 0.5625 9 9 9

0.28125 0.140625 9 9

0.073125 9

-1 -3 +1

+5 +3 -2

The values of the ciphers in each of the three series (the doubling series, the halving series, and the special series) continuously alternate between being positive and being negative. The table above
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shows the sequences of these three series in which each cipher has a positive or a negative charge. Adding up the charged ciphers of the doubling series results in a positive outcome (+3 for each sequence). Therefore, the value of the doubling series is positive (+). Adding up the charged ciphers of the halving series results in a negative outcome (-3 for each sequence). Therefore, the value of the halving series is negative (-). Thirdly, adding up the charged ciphers of the special series results in a neutral outcome (0 for each sequence). Therefore, the value of the halving series is neutral (0).

Time Halving (-) Special (0) Doubling (+) Sum

1 +4 -3 +8 +9

2 -2 +9 -7 0

3 +1 -6 +5 0

4 -5 +6 -1 0

5 +7 -9 +2 0

6 -8 +3 -4 -9

The figure below shows the temporal changes in the sum values as represented in the previous table. This graph depicts the apples heart beat.

The three series constitute the threads of which the skin of the Forbidden Apple of Knowledge is made off. These three types of threads continuously spiral in and out of the null point in the center of this apple. This skin of threads is ultimately flexible, allowing infinite stretching at the apples equator and infinite compression in the apples core. In the apples skin, the threads are always in the same order, in which the +1 and the -1 always lie next to each other (and so do -8 and +8).
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In the structure of the apples skin, three threads form a trinity. An illustrating example of this trinity lies hidden in the genetic codes of all organisms found in deoxyribonucleic acid (abbreviated as DNA). This acid consists of two long polymers of simple units called nucleotides. These polymers are the shadows of the doubling and halving series. In between these polymers, there are the projections of the special series. This again shows why the special series is special, since its projections do not create material shadows, like the doubling and the halving series do.
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There are four types of molecules called nucleobases that enable the adjacent nucleotides of both polymers to connect, each corresponding to a different type of energy, as shown in the table below. Earth Guanine (G) Air Cytosine (C) Water Adenine (A) Fire Thymine (T)

Just like Earth and Air are the inner compressed phases of spiraling energy, the connection between guanine and cytosine is stronger, based on 3 hydrogen bonds. The connection between adenine and thymine is weaker, because it is based on 2 hydrogen bonds. This matches with the outer expanded phases of spiraling energy of Water and Fire. Again, the Harmonic Ratio Base Numbers of 2 and 3 play an important role. Both polymers form 2 helixes. Together with the invisible middle helix there are 3 helixes in DNA, forming a trinity. In the genetic coding itself we find another trinity. The fundamental unit with the genes consists of 3 consecutive nucleobases. For each of the 3 positions in this genetic trinity, there are 4 possibilities (G, C, A, or T). Therefore, the total amount of different unit codes is 64 (444). Again, we see an example of how a unit (1) corresponds to the amount of 64, as represented in the doubling or halving cycle in the Source Code. Each unit of 3 consecutive nucleobases contains the genetic code of a single amino acid. The amino acids are the fundamental units for the creation of proteins, which are the carriers of each cells life force. In human body cells, there are 20 different amino acids. This is precisely the same amount as the number of different signs in the Tzolkin (and the number of discs in the game of international draughts). At the cellular level, 20 amino acids play the game of life, as do the 20 personal identity types corresponding to the signs in the Tzolkin at human level. The root value of 20 is 2, which in the doubling series is the successor of 1, the root value of 64. Again, this fully corresponds to the connecting line in the Source Code.

Let us now look at a deck of playing cards. Both red motifs (of diamonds and hearts) represent the yin energies, while both black motifs (of spades and clubs) represent the yang energies. Spades corresponds to the first energetic phase after passing through the zero point. That is why the symbol of spades represents the number 1. The symbol of hearts represents the number 2, and hearts is indeed the first energetic phase after passing through the zero point. Clubs corresponds to the third energetic phase after passing through the zero point. That is why the symbol of clubs represents the number 3. The symbol of diamonds represents the number 4, and diamonds is indeed the fourth energetic phase after passing through the zero point. In total, there are 13 playing cards of each of these four motifs (or colors). Nine of these cards have numbers, each representing one of the nine ciphers. Next, each of the remaining four cards corresponds to one of the four types of energy, as shown in the table below. Earth Diamonds Ace Air Spades Jack Water Hearts Queen Fire Clubs King


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Wholly Science Understanding the Process of Creation


5. Concluding Summary
Everything we are able to perceive or detect belongs to the outer ring of the Whole of Reality. What we consider to be the real reality is in fact just a shadow. All material manifestations in this third ring are holographic reflections of movement in the second ring. That is why everything in the Shadow World always moves. Modern science is unable to explain these motions, because it has limited itself to investigating only shadow phenomena.

The content presented in the first chapter of this book is all new material, compared with the content of the other chapters, of which most was also present in my previous book in the English language, called The Bigger Picture; Beyond the Illusion of Matter (ISBN 978-94-90765-00-2). Among the people who inspired me to write this opening chapter is Santos Bonacci (Mister Astro Theology of Universal Truth School.com). For instance, the relation between the decans and the illnesses is based on his work. Next I want to express my gratitude towards Mary Pellegrino for helping me correct some language and typing errors. Thank you for reading (parts of) this book. Please pass it on to others, when you think that would be a good idea. The more people there are who understand the basics of Wholly Science, the sooner humanity can free itself from the barriers of the past. I thank you in advance for spreading the word. Zeist, The Netherlands, December 13th, 2011 Johan Oldenkamp

Ancient Science describes the flowing nature of life energy. The Forbidden Apple of Knowledge displays the continuous flow of life energy. The Apple represents the spiraling dynamics in the Flow World, being the second ring of the Whole of Reality. In the core of the Whole of Reality, we find only 9 ciphers, each having two possible charges. Each cipher represents a ratio, since each value in the Whole of Reality is always relative to other values. The Apples skin is made of threads of these charged ciphers in fixed sequences. The spiraling motions of these threads project the shadows we experience as being real.
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Previously published by Pateo of the same author:

Understanding Nature The Quest for Free Energy

2nd Edition (March 11th, 2010) ISBN 978-90-813871-01-9, 48 pages

Everything in nature has a rhythm. Nature is constantly dancing, on all levels. In order to fully understand this, we need a new scientific paradigm. The old paradigm beliefs that energy originates from matter. The new paradigm shows us that matter originates from energy. This book applies this new scientific paradigm to explain the essence of nature. It shows simple solutions for all the problems of the old science. However, this new science is not so new at all, since it brings us right back to the legacy of Pythagoras. This small book (of only 48 pages) explains how to solve all mayor planetary problems (such as poverty, violence and pollution). Since governments and universities are not able to do all this (in fact, they only make it worse), we better do it our selves. Everybody can understand and apply the fundamental insights of this new science. In short, it shows us the way to ultimate empowerment. Just like Wholly Science and The Bigger Picture, Understanding Nature is available as a free online e-book on the English section of Pateo.nl.


Wholly Science Understanding the Process of Creation

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