Synopsis of Adv. On Children

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Every day we have seen different high-colored animated advertisements while surfing on internet, playing games, in magazines, newspapers, billboards etc. These days the influence of advertisements playing a keen role in children lifestyles and eating habits. Advertisers spend billions of dollars in manipulating the children mind that has devastating effects. Some countries have decided that the evidence of advertising influence on children is strong enough to take legal action. For example, Sweden has imposed a ban on all advertising to children under 12 years old Advertising is a pervasive influence on children. Children and adolescents view 35 ads each day on television, internet and on billboard. Marketers choose children because they can efficiently lure them in, even the advertisers steadily infiltrated school systems. We now a days see ads on school vans, books etc. Worldwide schools have signed contract with soft drink companies. In recent years, the food and beverage industry in the US has viewed children and adolescents as a major market force.

The children are our future and an important part of the present as well. We must understand the importance of a childs role in todays world and todays economy. Children are the one who enhances the knowledge of the human race and they are the future consumers. Advertisements gives rise to the children awareness regarding the availability of new products, it increases their information about the modern innovations in every field (especially in technology in field). According to McDonald and Lavelle, In todays families, many kids also serve as chief technology officers. When it comes to computer or any electronic purchase item so even the 7-year kids are most genius than their parents. A 1999 survey by Yankelovich found that 60 percent of parents dont shop for technology without kids suggestions. Coaxing ads which concentrate around healthy foods products e.g. milk ads can help to improve the diet of a child. But if we see the adverse side, so children in a very immature era developed a taste of the food products which are bluffed by advertisers by showing vaunted advertisement of the food products that are often insufficient nutritional values and have excessive calories and also results in children obesity. Purpose of research How advertisers play with the psychology of the children? How the children react towards the advertisements? What good and bad impact now a days emerging on their minds through advertising on them?

Do they always buy the product after watching the advertisement? How far the advertisements change the buying behavior of children?

Hypothesis On the basis of above review we hypothesized following relationships among media (Advertisements) and their impact on children memory as well as their behavior of buying: H1: Children try to imitate and rehears the advertisement. H2: Children insist on buying advertised products. H3: Ads targeted to children are effectual in selling children related products. H4: Ads impact negatively on memory and behavior of children. H5: Ads enhance the knowledge of children about the environment

I selected six schools (3 government and 3 private) in Karachi, Pakistan focusing on childrens below age 12 years and about 2000 questionnaires are distributed among children`s. Observation took place in departmental store and around 300 parents has been interviewed related to their children behaviors towards advertisements.

Primary data: Data has been collected directly from sample respondents through observation, questionnaire and with the help of interview. Secondary data: It has been collected from Magazines & Internet.

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