7590 Letter Writing Book
7590 Letter Writing Book
7590 Letter Writing Book
Letter Writing
Published in 2006 by Junior Certificate School Programme Support Service Curriculum Development Unit Sundrive Road Crumlin Dublin 12 Phone: Fax: Email: 01 453 5487 01 402 0435 jcsp@iol.ie
First written and published by teachers involved in the School Certificate Project, CDVEC Curriculum Development Unit 1989. Revised and edited by Fiona Richardson, Junior Certificate School Programme 2006. Designed by Melt Design Ltd www.melt.ie. The Junior Certificate School Programme Support Service is funded by the In-Career Development Unit, Department of Education and Science and the European Social Fund. The Junior Certificate School Programme Support Service is a national Programme sponsored by the Department of Education and Science and the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment.
Letter Writing
Section 1:
7 12 14
Section 2:
Formal Letters
Letters of complaint Letters asking for information Letters making a booking Letters of application Curriculum Vitae
26 31 34 37 42
Section 3:
47 48 49 49
Letter Writing
This booklet is about writing letters. People can tell a lot from the way you write letters, so you will need to practice writing many kinds of letters.
* *
Informal or personal letters Formal Letters for example: Business letters Job application letters
Letter Writing
* * * * * * *
Section 1
Informal Letters & Postcards
Letter Writing
Section 1
* * * * *
Informal or personal letters are those you write to people you know friends, cousins, aunts, uncles, etc.
Formal Letters
Section 2
Informal letters should be friendly, chatty and relaxed as though you're talking to the person. You sign an informal or personal letter using phrases like Best Wishes, Love, Yours truly, Lots of love etc.
Formal Letters
Section 2
You must, however, obey the rules for all letters. Look back at page 2 and check these out. Look at the example of an informal letter below and do the exercises Formal Letters Section 2 that follow.
Your address
Dear Jim,
to ages so I decided not seen you for ave in Wicklow? I h Paragraph 1 How are things lentown. G all the news from rite and give you w ve reached the is season. We ha ell th is doing really w left is great. he football team we got after you T per The new goalkee Paragraph 2 final of the Cup. semie matches. thre a goal in the last He has not let in I an uncle. Maybe girl, so I am now baby a, has just had a en I can come My sister, Sandr by-sitting and th ba some money from Paragraph 3 be able to make will in to visit you. down on the tra s. now all the new on and let me k Write so Your friend,
The closing Your signature
Letter Writing
Write your own signature as you would write it at the end of a letter. Write out these endings as they would be written at the end of a letter. Use capital letters and commas. best wishes tom lots of love margaret
Letter Writing
Section 1
Look at the following letter and rewrite correctly using capital letters, commas, and full stops. There are 14 mistakes you need to correct! (9 capital letter, 4 commas Formal Letters Section 2 and 1 fullstop).
Formal Letters
ite k? Our class is qu new school in Cor r achers are ling down in you start. All the te How are you sett r for aKeywords Section 3 iete left. It's much qu erent since you diff ! remarking on it in today with rs. Byrne came M rs! yesterday. When ing out of her ea d an English test We ha early smoke com as n s so mad there w e results she wa th ps, down in the dum up. Phil is really split wn to the club andra Byrne have e are all going do hil Martin and S P rm. W dy is in great fo 't be with us. herwise everybo but ot 's a pity you won t. It e on Friday nigh the Sports Centr in . . Goodbye for now us all about Cork tell Write soon and love joe.
Pretend that you are Sally. Reply to Joe's letter above telling him all about life in your new school in Cork. Pretend you are Phil Martin. Write to Sally telling her all about your break-up with Sandra Byrne.
Letter Writing
Letter of invitation
1 Read Sallys letter below and write a letter back, letting her know if you can make the party or not. Use the blank paper on the opposite page to write your reply.
Dear Joe,
am our new house I e have settled in w Cork! Now that . Greetings from rty to celebrate ouse-warming pa having a h my new school ublin and some of om D e of the gang fr I am inviting som k. friends from Cor me down on rd March. Why not co n to on Saturday, 3 Sandra and Bria fun begins at 9pm The d? I have asked ken stay for the wee Friday night and stay over also. .30pm. My dad ives in Cork at 7 nd arr lin at 4.15pm a train leaves Dub The the station. will meet you at you can come. on as possible if so Let me know as Love, Sally.
Letter Writing
Section 1
Formal Letters
Section 2
Formal Letters
Section 2
Formal Letters
Section 2
Section 3
You have been asked to your cousin Paul's 21st birthday party on Friday 15th April at 9pm. In your copy write your reply letting him know if you are going or not. You have just spent the weekend with your friend in the country. Write a letter thanking him/her, in your copy. You have just received a very expensive birthday present from your godmother. In your copy write and thank her. Your class tutor is sick in hospital. Write a letter to her/him on behalf of the class. Dont forget to give the news and gossip.
Letter Writing
Addressing an envelope
Look at the following envelope and note where the address goes and the use of capital letters, commas and full stops.
h y, Ms. S a ll y Mu rp 2 We st R o ad , Vio le t v il le , C o rk .
f the house the number o name and the street the county
This letter is addressed incorrectly. Using the blank envelope on the next page rewrite the address correctly. There are 8 capital letters missing, 3 commas and 1 fullstop.
m r. jo e o b r ie n 14 h il l s t re e t we s t p o rt m ayo
Letter Writing
Section 1
Remember to put the address and the stamp in the correct place on the envelope.
Formal Letters
Section 2
Formal Letters
Section 2
Formal Letters
Section 2
Section 3
Letter Writing
There are two types of postcards: plain postcards * picture postcards *
Plain postcard can be used for short messages. For example: to send for an application form. You would include your name and address on * the postcard. to enter a competition. You would include your contact details phone number * or address. to remind somebody of an appointment or a meeting. *
Picture postcards are often used to send greetings when you are on holidays. The message is usually fairly short and friendly. Leave out: your own address * the date *
Plain Postcards
This is the back of a plain card, asking for an application form.
Your address
The date
a P le a se se n d me ri ng . in mo u n ta inee
rm fo r th e su n a pp licati o n fo
mmer co u rs e
Jame s Bro w n
Your signature
You address the front of the plain postcard the same way as an envelope, leaving room for the stamp. 14 Letter Writing
Section 1
Formal Letters
Section 2
Send for a job application form for a summer job in a local clothes shop on the postcard below.
Formal Letters
Section 2
Formal Letters
Section 2
Section 3
Send for information on photography courses this college runs. Information Officer Marion College of Further Education Fairview Dublin 3 Write out the front and the back of the postcard in your copy.
Write a postcard to the members of your youth club, reminding them of a meeting on Friday 21st June, in St Josephs School at 7pm.
Letter Writing
Picture Postcards
Picture postcards are usually sent to friends and relatives letting them know how your holiday or trip is going.
Greetings All! Arrived safely. er are Hotel and weath king on the tan. wonderful. Wor l but Ill live! The food is awfu 1 See you on the 2 Love, Pat
1 Write the postcard you would send home to your family from a school trip to a hostel in Wicklow.
Letter Writing
Section 1
Write the postcard you would send to your friend from a camping holiday with your family.
Formal Letters
Section 2
Formal Letters
Section 2
Formal Letters
Section 2
Section 3
Write the postcard you would send to your brother or sister from a holiday with your friends family in Spain.
Section 2
Formal Letters
Letter Writing
Formal Letters
Section 2
Formal letters
Section 3
Formal letters are business like and get quickly to the point. Formal letters are different to personal letters. You do not write in a chatty manner or use slang. For example, you would write a different letter to your Principal inviting him to your class JCSP graduation as you would to your friend.
Formal letters are usually written for some of the following: To To To To To To To To apply for a job. make a complaint. order goods. the editor of a newspaper. ask for something a form, an appointment. ask for information. make a booking for a holiday etc. invite someone to an event or to visit such as a school open day or a JCSP celebration.
Points to note:
* * * * * * * *
The sender's address (your address), is on the top right hand corner. The address of the company/person to whom the letter is being sent is written on the left-hand side. When you do not know the name of the person to whom you are writing, you may start with 'Dear Sir/Madam'. If you begin with 'Dear Sir/Madam', you end the letter with 'Yours faithfully', and your full name. If you know the name of the person you are sending the letter to e.g. Dear Ms Smith, you end the letter with Yours sincerely and your full name. Remember to use capital letters, full stops and commas. Use paragraphs in your letter at least 3. Look at the following example and try the exercises that follow.
Letter Writing
Your address
The date
rtment, Mail Order Depa Unisport Ltd., dustrial Estate, 26B Ardmore In Hightown, Co. Cork. , Dear Sir/Madam
erson dress of the p The name & ad u are writing to yo and company
f the w the name o you dont kno ting to use Sir/Madam If e wri person you ar
sed in today's hich you adverti ers, w ting r a pair of train on you are wri ould like to orde 1 give the reas Iw In paragraph Herald'. 'Evening . l Order for m25 . I enclose a Posta e main point of e five ir of trainers, siz graph 2 you write th ase send me a pa ara Ple In p
the letter
without delay. e letter n be sent to me s ca and finishes th raph sums up that the trainer g I hope This last para ow the , Yours faithfully Mark Black.
o not kn u use if you d the ending yo e writing This is m you ar person to who Your signature
Letter Writing
Formal Letters
Section 2
Section 3
Rewrite the letter below on the opposite page, using paragraphs (3) and the capital letters that are missing (11).
The Manager, Jeans World, Castletown, Co. Longford. , Dear sir/madam op. When I took jeans in your sh vi shop th I bought a pair of Le ent back to the Friday, June 9 On ere missing. I w sw the jeans for a I noticed 2 button the jeans home tant to exchange assis ect d asked the shop e jeans were perf h the receipt an wit fused. She said th re leaving the ot damaged. She en damaged since pair that were n had be wn on ld and said they ad never been se en they were so wh n that buttons h would have show the factory. shop. A quick look had happened in that or my money ost likely a fault for an exchange d that it was m an wish a consumer and le. on my rights as s soon as possib I insist above address a tact me at the back. Please con yours faithfully,
jeanne murphy
Letter Writing
Letter Writing
Formal Letters
Section 2
Look at the advert below. On the opposite page write a letter to the Mail Order Department asking for a tracksuit to be sent to you. Remember to include the colour Keywords Section 3 and size you are looking for.
Letter Writing
Letter Writing
Formal Letters
Section 2
On the envelope below address the envelope for the letter you have written ordering a tracksuit. Look back at the advert for the address.
Section 3
Pick out an advertisement for goods in a newspaper or magazine like Buy and Sell and write a letter ordering something you like. Write a letter to your local shop asking them to order a magazine you would like to be able to buy there.
Letter Writing
Letters of complaint
Another type of formal letter which you may have to write is a letter of complaint. You will need this kind of letter if you have bought faulty goods, or you have a complaint over a certain issue or topic. Remember always to include all the important details of your complaint.
The date
epartment, Mail Ordering D Unisport Ltd., dustrial Estate, 26B Ardmore In Hightown, Co. Wicklow. , Dear Ms. Smith
riting to son you are w artment or per Dep to u are writing The address yo
The greeting
rder from your bought by Mail O it I t about a tracksu number 324SR. make a complain I wish to , small size, model reason you are writing cksuit th. It is a red tra paragraph 1 give the mpany last mon In co ions on g to the instruct shed it accordin I wa colour had faded e tracksuit and ing machine, the My son wore th e wash took it out of th e label. When I r fits my son. th int runk. It no longe sh of your compla e tracksuit had give the detail 2 and th In paragraph ace the tracksuit ld like you to repl I wou possible what satisfactory and know as soon as und this most un e I fo back. Please let m u e have my money ph say what yo or let m atter, In the last paragra about this m happen you intend to do would like to sons name Yours sincerely, Mary Black
per you know the this ending if Use Your signature
Letter Writing
Formal Letters
Section 2
Section 3
You have bought a pair of trainers which are faulty the sole of the trainer has become unglued after one day. In your copy, write a letter of complaint to the company/shop from which you bought it, giving all the details and asking them to replace or refund your money. You have recently bought a 3-in-1 stereo set from Murphy Electrical Stores, Talbot Street, Dublin 1. It has broken down and Murphy's have repaired it once. Now the CD part of it is broken and you would like a new one but Murphy's have refused to give you one. You have decided to write to the manufacturers/makers of the stereo to complain. (a) Write out your final version of one of these letters on the following blank page. Remember to use capital letters, full stops and commas. Also use at least 3 paragraphs in your letter. (b) Write to the manufacturer: Sonny Electronics Ltd., Newtown Road, Finglas, Dublin 11, and include these details: Name of shop where you bought it Date you bought it Model number (WVF 200GB/34) What is wrong with it What you want them to do
Letter Writing
Letter Writing
Formal Letters
Section 2
Another type of letter of complaint could be about an issue or topic that you are concerned about.
Section 3
Joe Ryan
Your signature
Letter Writing
1 Address the envelope for the letter written on the previous page.
Write a letter to your Principal telling him/her of a bullying situation in the school that you know about. Tell him/her what has happened, how long it is going on for and what you think is needed to improve the situation. Write a letter to your local politician asking for more bins to be put in your area to improve the litter problem. Write a letter to your favourite radio station asking them to have less stories of teenagers behaving badly and more about the good things teenagers do in their communities.
Letter Writing
Formal Letters
Section 2
Other formal letters that you can write are to organisations or companies looking for information.
Section 3
ice, Information Off An ige, quare, 39, Mountjoy S Dublin 1. , Dear Sir/Madam d. I am fifteen hostels in Irelan outh rmation about y with a group of ld like some info I wou e of the hostels som ould like to visit years old and I w mer. friends this sum rship fees and details of membe with the pplication forms, showing where se send me six a Plea also like a map would ing in hostels. I the cost of stay ted. hostels are situa . earing from you ing forward to h Look , Yours faithfully Pat Clarke.
Letter Writing
1 Write a letter to Redrock Adventure Centre, Castletown, Co. Galway, asking for information about summer courses for young people. Explain what kind of course you are interested in (football, basketball, canoeing, sailing, rock climbing etc.) and the cost. Also look for information on places to stay near the Adventure Centre.
You are the secretary of your local youth club. They have asked you to find out about taking a group of ten people on a cycling tour of Co. Wicklow, staying at three different hostels. Write to the Information Office, An ige, 39 Mountjoy Square, Dublin 1, asking for information about hostels in Wicklow, and about group rates. Use the blank page to write our your final version of one of these letters.
Letter Writing
Formal Letters
Section 2
Section 3
Letter Writing
Sometimes you might need to write a letter to make a booking for a trip or a concert.
Booking Office, An ige, quare, 39 Mountjoy S Dublin 1. , Dear Sir/Madam e sent me. I enclos telling which you hos e information on embership fees hank you for th rder to cover m T tal O forms and a Pos eted application compl and myself. for five friends e th Hostel for Jun in Knockree You ation d book accommod are available, an at these nights We would like to th . Please confirm th, 5th and 6th, 2008 4 ly. yment immediate I will send on pa l. ay at your hoste rward to our st Looking fo , Yours faithfully
Pat Clarke.
Letter Writing
Formal Letters
Section 2
Section 3
You have received a brochure from the Oaktree Hotel, Marigold Street, London EX12. Write a letter booking accommodation for your family of two adults and three children. You will be staying for one week and would like bed and breakfast only. Send a deposit to confirm your booking. An ige have sent you the information you asked for. Write to them, booking accommodation for your group. You will be staying for one night in each of the following hostels:
* * *
Copy out one of these letters neatly on the blank page opposite.
Letter Writing
Letter Writing
Formal Letters
Section 2
Letters of application
Section 3
* * * * * *
It is very important to be able to write a good letter when you are applying for a job. This kind of letter is called a letter of application. Sometimes you will have to fill in an application form, but at other times you will be asked to write a letter. Many people send a Curriculum Vitae, or CV for short, with a letter of application. A CV gives all the basic details about you and means your letter of application can be quite short. If you have not prepared a Curriculum Vitae/CV, you will need to give all the important details about yourself in your letter. These are important things which an employer needs to know about you. age. school attended. educational record. work experience. any special skills. hobbies or interests. have you got references? are you available for interview?
Letter Writing
Your address
The date
title of the The name or e writing to person you ar to u are writing The address yo
e s advertised in th shop assistant a e writing r the position of ng why you ar I wish to apply fo Paragraph sayi 25th June. vening Herald' on 'E in Brooklawn pleted third year com old, and have just . My strongest Junior Certificate am fifteen years I the ntown. I received Metalwork. unity College, Gle Comm e Economics and ut your education , Hom o ish, Mathematics Information ab bjects were Engl su et where I a local supermark b in ad a part-time jo st year, I have h For the pa with the public. ence of working rk experience e experi t your job/wo have gained som rmation abou Info ember of my cycling. I am a m nd ming, athletics a the members. terests are swim My in ise activities for r hobbies & interests organ You and have helped local youth club . ry school, Ms. A pal of my seconda princi ny. rences from the rket, Mr. J. Ken I can supply refe Thrifty Superma who can give a reference the manager of ple Names of peo hat kind of person you are Burke, and from e. rview at any tim available for inte of letter I am Finishing line , Yours faithfully Karen Andrews.
saying w ot know hen you do n ng to this ending w Use are writi e person you the name of th
Your signature
Letter Writing
Formal Letters
Section 2
Section 3
Look at the following job application letter. Rewrite this letter on the following page. Divide the letter into 6 paragraphs and put in the 9 capital letters that are missing.
The Manager, Jean World, Castletown, Co. Monaghan. , Dear Sir/Madam e s advertised in th shop assistant a ve just r the position of ears old, and ha I wish to apply fo th June. I am fifteen y ived the Junior on 25 ity College. I rece 'Evening Herald' mun ics, in Brooklawn Com dies, Home Econom eted third year compl ish, Business Stu tics, Ir -time job in a glish, Mathema have had a part Certificate in En rs, I the past two yea with the public, ch and Art. For Fren ence of working peri where I gained ex sts are football, local newsagent cash. My intere ith ed, and dealing w club.I can supply ng shelves stock keepi my local football of e . I am a member hool and from th music and clothes my secondary sc principal of interview at rences from the am available for t. I refe op, Mr. P. Wrigh of Newstime sh manager any time. yours faithfully, keith lyons
Letter Writing
In the space below address the envelope that the job application letter from question 1 would be posted in.
Write a letter applying for one of the following jobs that appeared in the Evening Herald on May 23rd: Part-Time help required by fast food restaurant would suit student. Apply to: The Manager Pizza World Main Street Rathcoole Co. Wexford
Friendly, Honest young person needed for part-time work in busy sports shop Apply to: Sam Brown Manager Sports Scene O'Connell Street Limerick
Letter Writing
Formal Letters
Section 2
The following is an example of a letter that you would send along with your CV when applying for a job.
Section 3
The Manager, e, Mac's Superstor Red Lane, Dublin 8. , Dear Sir/Madam e s advertised in th shop assistant a r the position of I wish to apply fo on 25th June. 'Evening Herald' d rsonal details an ae, giving my pe Vit of my Curriculum I enclose a copy rd. educational reco a supermarket, ce of working in rien ve had some expe . you will see, I ha ed in this position As icularly interest I am part and that is why w at any time. ilable for intervie I am ava , Yours faithfully hy. Kenneth McCart
Letter Writing
ils Personal Deta arthy Kenneth McC 99 Thornbush Riverside, Jamestown, Dublin 8. Grove,
Name: Address:
: Date of Birth
hool, wn National Sc ool: Jamesto ch Secondary S The Hill, Dublin 8. ed: Dates Attend 98 2004 September 19 s Qualification te 2001 Junior Certifica cate 2004 Leaving Certifi Grade Subject C English D Mathematics B Irish C French D History C Biology
1. 2.
Letter Writing
Formal Letters
Section 2
ence Work Experi n Ryan, yer: Mr. Joh market, ress of Emplo dd Golden Super Name and A venue, Churchgate A Dublin 8.
Section 3
2003 February 2002 mployment: Dates of E ely kly approximat 10 hours wee store, Part-time: elves, tidying t stacking sh an General assist uties: pricing. D packing, ring. , Mountainee otball, Cycling lic Fo , Hobbies: Gae wn GAA Club Interests and ber of Jamesto ross, Mem , Junior Red C et Youth Club High Stre eering Group. Ace Mountain ring. d Mountainee in First Aid an courses Have attended Referees: Principal, Ms. J. Nolan, e, munity Colleg Riverside Com New Road, Dublin 8. , Mr. John Ryan market, Golden Super venue, Churchgate A Dublin 8.
Letter Writing
1 Write a letter of application that you would put with your CV, in reply to the advertisement below. The advert appeared in the Evening Herald on July 2nd. Friendly, responsible young person needed part-time for busy petrol station and shop. Apply with CV to: The Manager Max Petrol Station Summerhill Road Naas Kildare
Use the headings that follow and complete this CV. (Use your own details for this CV.)
Personal Details Name: Address:
Date of Birth:
Dates Attended:
Letter Writing
Formal Letters
Section 2
Section 3
Dates of Employment:
Referees: 1.
Letter Writing
Section 3
Letter Writing
Section 3
for a priest
for a woman
for a man
for a doctor
Letter Writing
Letter Writing Quiz. Put a tick in the box beside the correct answer.
1 When you write an informal or formal letter you always put your address on: The top left hand corner 2 The date of a letter always goes: Under your address 3 Under your signature Under the greeting The bottom left hand corner The top right hand corner
When you do not know the name of the person you are writing to you begin your letter with: Dear Sir Hi Dear Sir/Madam
In a formal letter when you know the name of the person you are writing to the sign off you use is: Yours faithfully Yours sincerely Lots of Love
You are writing to a person called Ronan Quinn, who is the Manager at Sports World. You want to complain about a tracksuit you bought. The colour has faded after one wash How would you begin the letter? Dear Ronan Dear Mr Quinn Dear Quinn
You are writing to the Principal of a school. Which sign-off would you use? Yours faithfully Your friend Love
You are writing to the manager of Max Petrol Station to ask about vacancies for part-time work. It's on Summerhill Road, Castletown, Dublin 4. You don't know the name of the manager. How would you address your envelope? Max Petrol Station Summerhill Road Castletown Dublin 4 The Manager Max Petrol Station Summerhill Road Castletown Dublin 4 The Manager Summerhill Road Castletown Dublin 4
Letter Writing
Section 3
Across Short for avenue 2 4 Another way to write this is Rd. 6 This goes at the bottom of you letter 7 Short for a woman 8 Short for a doctor 9 If you don't know who you are writing to sign off with this
Down Most letters start this way- it's a greeting 1 2 You put this in the top right hand corner of a letter 3 Short for a man 5 It's on a calendar 6 If you know the name of the person you are writing to, you finish the letter with this Junior Certificate School Programme 49
Letter Writing
More abbreviations
You may see these short forms of words used in letters: Bros. Co. C/o C.O.D. Dept. Etc. N. B. P. S. Brothers (in a company name, e.g., Smith Bros). Company Care of (if you are writing to somebody at an address which is not their own). Cash on Delivery (means goods will be paid for when they are delivered). Department "and so on" (et cetera). "note well" (nota bene). post script (a message added on at the end of a letter, after the signature. Usually only used in personal letters).
R. S. V. P. please reply (French respondez s'il, vous plait). s.a.e. stamped addressed envelop (an envelope with a stamp, addressed to yourself).
Letter Writing