Microsoft Dynamics CRM For The Enterprise

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Microsoft Dynamics CRM for the Enterprise

Achieve a complete and consistent customer view across the enterprise with Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Fits Your People

Rich CRM capabilities within a familiar Microsoft Office experience

Provide your people with the tools and information they need to create a 360 degree view of customers, using a highly flexible customer relationship management solution that can adapt, grow, and scale with your business. Built on a highly flexible platform, Microsoft Dynamics CRM business software provides a solution that is easy to adapt as your business changes. Achieve rapid return on investment and help keep costs down with efficient manageability and the ability to choose on-demand, on-premise, or to move between these deployment options. Provide enterprise level performance and scale to support the needs of local business groups up to the largest global enterprises. Microsoft Dynamics CRM helps enterprise organizations to: Attain a 360-degree view of customers Achieve reliable user adoption Adapt quickly to business change Accelerate project delivery and returns Microsoft Dynamics CRM Suite
Face to Face Fax Web

Fits Your Business

Flexible design and process automation with real-time business insight

Fits Your Environment

Fast to deploy, simple to customize and easy to manage



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Business Inte l li g

Point of Sale

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Mark et

Configurable Business Processes

360 Customer View

Service-Oriented Architecture

Flexible Deployment
On-Premise/ On-Demand Configure/ Customize Department/ Enterprise Single-Tenant/ Multi-Tenant

Weve experienced four times the user adoption with CRM than with our previous sales automation system. By keeping our approach simple, our team has been more willing to embrace CRM as a tool they use every day.
John JAssMAnn national sales Leader, Construction Vertical, Beecher Carlson

AChiEVE RELiABLE UsER ADoPTion Give users access to role-based information and customer management capabilities in the familiar applications that they use every day. Achieve high user adoption through integration with familiar Microsoft Office productivity applications. Improve user productivity by consolidating customer information into a single location with easy-to-use reporting, visualization, and customer management capabilities. Reduce training costs and enable users to get started right away by providing CRM functionality integrated with Microsoft Office productivity tools they already use. Enable users to work virtually anywhere with support for mobile users and offline access to CRM functionality and reporting from synchronized data. ADAPT QUiCkLy To BUsinEss ChAnGEs Adapt quickly to changing markets with a CRM solution that is designed with the flexibility to grow and change with your business. Quickly deploy and customize your CRM application to fit your business needs with point-andclick customization. Change quickly using visual tools that allow business units to rapidly customize Microsoft Dynamics CRM at the business analyst level. Create and change entities, forms, workflows and more to keep pace with changing business needs. Change deeply in on-premise deployments with standard .nET development tools and skill sets in IT to make upgradable customizations quickly and efficiently. Leverage the native SOA architecture and standard web services to unify customer processes across enterprise applications. Change completely by using Microsoft Dynamics CRM as a platform for relationship management solutions that reach beyond the traditional boundaries of CRM.

Point and click customization

ATTAin A 360-DEGREE ViEw oF CUsToMERs Turn disparate data into actionable information by making it available to the people who need it mostthe end-users. Consolidate data stored throughout the enterprise, whether in line-of-business systems, custom applications, or on users desktops, and empower everyday CRM users with easy reporting and actionable analytics. Put business insight in the hands of users with wizard-based tools for reporting so they can gain timely access to information and insight without the assistance of iT. Deliver actionable intelligence by combining predictive analytics with business automation so people have access to the information they need to help achieve a 360-degree view of the customer. Minimize costs by taking advantage of powerful business intelligence technologies included in standard Microsoft products such as Microsoft sQL server and Microsoft Excel. ACCELERATE PRoJECT DELiVERy AnD RETURns Deliver quick wins for business, IT, and finance with rapid return on investment and a low total cost of ownership. streamlined installation and simplified administration features help you get up and running rapidly. Take advantage of your investment in Microsoft products and technologies thanks to close integration with other Microsoft software and services, you can leverage the money, training and time investment your organization has made in Microsoft tools. Interoperate seamlessly with existing applications through the native services oriented architecture and standards-based web services Choose from deployment options that include on-demand, on-premise, and self-hosted implementations all delivered on a common architecture and data model. Change your mind at any time or host it internally for ultimate control and flexibility.

The close integration between Microsoft Dynamics CRM and our other Microsoft software, including Microsoft SQL Server , and Microsoft Office Outlook , Word, Excel and SharePoint Server, provides Cypress Care with enterprisewide customer management for the first time.

MARC DATELLE President, Cypress Care

Microsoft Dynamics CRM dashboard using Microsoft Office Outlook, SharePoint and PerformancePointTM in an on-premise deployment.

We needed all of our worldwide offices on one common CRM solution to harness the firms overall knowledge of our clients. Our clients are global and we need a unified view of their organizations to serve them effectively.
JEnniFER GRAssAn Project Manager for CRM system in the Americas, Jones Lang Lasalle

AVAiLABiLiTy, PERFoRMAnCE, sCALABiLiTy Scale efficiently to the needs of the largest global deployments with a CRM solution that is highly available and responsive. in on-premise deployments, take complete control with flexible options for load balancing and clustering for data and transaction volume, and configuring and optimizing for speed and bandwidth requirements. Best of all you can do all this economically with standard Microsoft technology tools and skills. Optimize performance with technologies that use established skills and standard optimization techniques, including Microsoft Internet Information Services, Microsoft sQL server database software, and Microsoft Exchange server. Configure to meet bandwidth requirements with highly flexible options for delivering responsive performance over the local area network (LAn) or wide area network (wAn). Scale up and out with load balancing, web farm clustering, exchange clustering, SQL Server mirroring to flexibly meet the needs of large or small enterprise deployments. Deploy for scalability with on-demand, on-premise, and mixed model options all based on the same data model and service grid architecture.

Marchitecture Microsoft Dynamics CRM Business Architecture

Outlook Browser Mobile Portals/ Custom UI

Role-Tailored Marketing, Sales & Service Configurable Business Processes Service-Oriented Architecture

Re In t a l - T i m e e gr a ti o n

360 Customer View


k C li c P o i n t & z a ti o n i C u sto m

Legacy CRM


Ap p M e li c a ti o n ta d ata

fl o w & E v e n


Data Warehouse

le si b l x t e n ode E M D ata

Integration Hubs Legacy Data eCommerce Legacy Applications


For more information about Microsoft Dynamics CRM, contact your Microsoft representative or visit:

This document is for information purposes only. MiCRosoFT MAkEs no wARRAnTiEs, EXPREss, iMPLiED, oR sTATUToRy, AsToThE inFoRMATion in This DoCUMEnT. 2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Microsoft Dynamics, the Microsoft Dynamics logo, outlook, Excel, sharePoint, PerformancePoint, sQL server and windows areeither registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United states and/or other countries.

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