Learning Styles Essey

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Learners learn in different ways. Many studies have shown that every person has his or her own learning style; so that, this kind of style or preference plays a significant role in how human beings take in, process, and use information. According to (Dunn & Dunn, 1979; Claxton & Murrell, 1987; Garger & Guild, 1984; Saracho, 1989; Witkin, 1973). Gregorc (1979) described learning style asconsisting of distinctive behaviors which serve as indicators of how a person learns from and adapts to his/her environment. In the education field, understanding students` learning styles allows teachers and educators to adapt their methods and techniques of teaching to fit them in different ways of learning. By the same token, there are three main ways of learning that

determines how people learn either visual, auditory, or kinesthetic style. First of all, visual learners are those who learn by seeing something, they retain mere information when they use their eyes; this indicates, that learners always focus or pay attention to their teacher` gestures, facial expression, and body language as a learning strategy to acquire new information. A visual

learner is that who support on visual aids such as colors, maps, charts, photographs, and diagrams to make some changes in his or her mind to store information. In this sense, it is so usual for visual learners involve these types of aids as important tools for learning.

On the other hand, auditory learners learn best when they listen to someone speaks, independently if the transmitted message is done through a broad

casting station, a TV program, or a class conversation. These persons are able to remember or keep accurate information in their brains when they hear people conversations. Along these lines, learners feel more comfortable and motivated to follow working on any listening activity carried out during the class. Teachers who identify this type of learning style in their students, make emphasis in working on auditory materials, by which will enable them make easier the learning and teaching process.

Kinesthetic learning style is another important mode to learn. It has become as one of the most useful style of learning to get information; learners prefer learn by doing something in class rather than working individually, or listening a lecture. By the same token, it is also common for learners with kinesthetic style of learning involve physical activities during every lesson, since they need to be in constant action, the need to feel and touch elements or objects to retain information. When the teacher asks students make group works, they feel comfortable in order to carry out the activity; they participate actively in every task arranged by the instructor. In other words, this style of learning allows learners to be more active through out the class and learning better.

In general terms, identify learners` learning styles is so relevant, since teachers have the opportunity to know how their students learn best and how they receive, process, and doing use of the information. In this way, after knowing what are the students` learning characteristic, teachers and educators

can adapt their teaching methods and techniques for making more effective and easier the teaching and learning process.

REFERENCES: Dunn, R.S., & Dunn, K.J. (1979). Learning styles/teaching styles: Should they can they be matched? Educational Leadershin, 3: 238-244. Garger, S., & Guild, P. (1984). Learning styles: The crucial differences. Curriculum Review, a( 1): 9-12. Saracho, O.N. (1989). Cognitive style and classroom factors. Earlv Child Development and Care, 47: 149- 157.

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