Fire Safety For LPgas Storage
Fire Safety For LPgas Storage
Fire Safety For LPgas Storage
Developed by the National Fire Protection Association and the National Propane Gas Association Funded by a Grant from the Propane Education & Research Council
Authors: Phani K. Raj, Ph.D., Technology and Management Systems, Inc. Theodore C. Lemoff, PE, National Fire Protection Association
PRC 005025
This Manual is dedicated to Jim Hurley of Eastern Propane Gas, Inc located in Rochester, NH. During his 15 years with Eastern, and his previous experience in technical and non-technical aspects of the industry, he gained an awareness of the challenges facing propane marketers. Jim recognized that marketers needed help in complying with the requirement of a written Fire Safety Analysis for all facilities in the 2001 edition of NFPA 58. He discussed this need with the principal author, Phani Raj, who agreed with the need, and joined with NFPA and NPGA in requesting that the project be funded. While Jim did not play an active part in the development of the Manual, his recognition of the need helped to make it happen.
This project to develop a Fire Safety Analysis (FSA) manual was undertaken to fulfill a need for an easily used and simple aid for the members of propane industry to fulfill their obligations under the NFPA 58 (2001 and 2004 editions) which require developing a written FSA. The project was funded by the Propane Education & Research Council through the National Propane Gas Association (NPGA). The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) was the principal contractor. Technology & Management Systems, Inc. (TMS), developed the technical analyses and several chapters of the manual, as a subcontractor to NFPA. Mr. Theodore C. Lemoff, Principal Gases Engineer, was the principal investigator at NFPA. Dr. Phani K. Raj was the principal investigator and analyst at TMS. Mr. Bruce Swiecicki, P.E., Senior Technical Advisor at NPGA, served as a staff technical reviewer. Ms. Susan J. Spear, Vice President, Education & Training, NPGA served as the project manager. NPGA assembled an Advisory Committee consisting of representatives from the propane industry, a Fire Department of a major city in the US and a Fire Protection Engineer. The Committee provided technical inputs and guidance to the project team on industry safety practices, types of information that an authority having jurisdiction and emergency responders would want to see in an FSA, an insight into the levels of understanding of various issues related to FSA in the industry, etc. The Advisory Committee set not only the direction of the project but made policy decisions related to the scope of the FSA manual. Except for the contractors, every member of the Advisory Committee had a vote and many decisions were made on the basis of a Committee vote. The Advisory Committee consisted of the following (voting) members. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Michael Merrill (Chairman) Mr. Greg Benton Mr. Billy Cox Mr. James Howe Mr. Jerry Lucas Mr. Rob Scott Mr. Cliff Slisz Mr. Scott Stookey Mr. Ron Stover Mr. Robert Wallace Mr. Brent Wolcott Suburban Propane LP Georgia Gas Distributors O'Nealgas Inc. Howe Engineers, Inc. Heritage Propane Partners, LP Scott & Associates Ferrellgas City of Phoenix Fire Department Mutual Liquid Gas & Equipment Dowdle Butane Gas Co Inc Ag Valley Coop Whippany, NJ Atlanta, GA Choudrant, LA West Falmouth, MA Sallisaw, OK Kingsburg, CA Liberty, MO Phoenix, AZ Gardena, CA Maryville, TN Edison, NE
Mr. Theodore Lemoff and Dr. Phani Raj participated in the deliberations of the meetings of the Advisory Committee as non-voting members. The Advisory Committee met on four different occasions during the course of the project and provided valuable guidance and input to the contractors. Their efforts and
suggestions are thankfully acknowledged. We also thank Ms. Spear for her support and encouragement throughout the course of this project. In addition to the Advisory Committee, several people from the industry provided data on various hardware items that are used in a typical propane facility and shared the essence of other work that had been performed previously in connection with analyses similar to that required in the FSA. Our recognition of the concerns of the industry and the need for a manual describing how a FSA can be accomplished originated with our illuminating discussions with Mr. James Hurley, and Mr. Denis Gagne of Eastern Propane, Rochester, NH in 2002. The latter took one of us to visit six different size propane plants in New England to explain the safety designs in bulk plants. We thank them for their unwavering support for this effort and for their readiness to provide any help that was needed. Also, we thank Mr. Carl Peterson, Assistant Division Director, Public Fire Protection Division of NFPA, who provided input into Chapter 8 on the evaluation of the capability of the Fire Service. We wish to thank Mr. David Stainbrook of Rego/ECII for supplying us with the valve line art used in the sample configurations in Chapter 5; Mr. James Griffin of Fisher Controls; and, Mr. Greg McRae of Trinity Industries for sharing with us digital photographs of various types of appurtenances used in LP-Gas plants. A tour of various size LP-Gas facilities in California organized by Mr. Al Linder, Chairman of the NFPA 58 Committee, was extremely educational and we thank him for this. Our thanks are also due to Mr. Richard Fredenburg (Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, State of North Carolina) for sharing with us the essence of a sample fire safety analysis submitted to the state of NC. The authors also wish to thank Mr. Gerry Misel (Georgia Gas Distributors, Atlanta, GA), and Mr. Tim Wood (Northwest Propane Gas Company, Dallas, TX) for their input into the final product.
Table of Contents
Page # Acknowledgments About the authors CHAPTER 1 Introduction 1.1 Background 1.2 Scope of the Manual 1.3 Need for a FSA Manual 1.4 LP-Gas Safety Record 1.5 Organization of the FSA Manual CHAPTER 2 LP-Gas Storage Container Safety Features 2.1 A Historical Perspective 2.2 Current LP-Gas Storage Container Safety Features CHAPTER 3 Principal Elements of Fire Safety Analysis 3.1 Important Steps in Conducting the Analysis 3.2 Completing the FSA CHAPTER 4 Facility Information 4.1 Initial Data on the LP-Gas Facility 4.2 Facility Storage Capacity and Other Details 4.3 Additional Facility Information CHAPTER 5 5.1 Analysis of Product Control Measures in Containers and Transfer Piping Product Control Measures in Containers 5.1.1 Individual Containers of Water Capacity less than or equal to 2,000 gallons 5.1.2 Individual Containers greater than 2,000 gallons water capacity and less than or equal to 4,000 gallons water capacity A) Containers used in Residential and Commercial Facilities B) Containers used in Bulk and Industrial Facilities 5.1.3 Individual Containers of Water Capacity greater than 4,000 gallons used in Bulk Plants and Industrial Plants Product Control Measures in Transfer Piping 5.2.1 Manifolded and Remotely Filled Containers Alternate Provisions for the Installation of ASME Containers 5.3.1 ASME Container Appurtenances and Redundant Fail-Safe Product Control Systems 5.3.2 Low Emission Transfer Equipment (iii) (v)
2-1 2-3
3-1 3-2
5-1 5-2 5-8 5-8 5-11 5-17 5-23 5-23 5-26 5-26 5-28
5.2 5.3
CHAPTER 6 Analysis of Local Conditions of Hazard 6.1 Physical Protection Measures 6.2 Ignition Sources and Control 6.3 Separation Distances 6.3.1 Separation Distances between Container and Important Buildings, Other Properties and Transfer Points 6.3.2 Separation Distances between Transfer Points and other Exposures 6.4 Special Protection CHAPTER 7 7.1 7.2 Exposure to and from Other Properties, Population Density Exposure to off-site properties and persons from in-plant propane releases Exposure to propane plants from external events
7-1 7-3
Evaluation of Fire Services and Water Supply Requirements Details of the Fire Service Water Needs and Availability Evaluation Summary for a Proposed New LP-Gas Facility
8-1 8-3
CHAPTER 10 Fire Safety Analysis Examples 10.1 Illustrative Example # 1 10.2 Illustrative Example # 2 10.3 Illustrative Example # 3 10.4 Illustrative Example # 4 Glossary and Acronyms Appendix A: Appendix B: Fill-In Forms Results of Hazard Distance Calculations for Different LPG Release Scenarios
Copyright 2006 Propane Education & Research Council. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this publication in other than its entirety is prohibited without permission in writing from the Propane Education & Research Council and the authors.
List of Forms
Page # Form 4.1 Form 4.2 Form 4.3 Form 5.1 Form 5.2 Initial Data on the LP-Gas Facility Facility Storage Capacity Additional Information on the LP-Gas Facility Compliance with Code Requirements for Appurtenances on Containers of 2,000 Gallons Water Capacity or Less Compliance with Code Requirements for Appurtenances on Containers of Water Capacity 2,001 Gallons Through 4,000 Gallons Used in Residences and Commercial Facilities Compliance with Code Requirements for Appurtenances on Containers of Water Capacity 2,001 Gallons Through 4,000 Gallons Used in Bulk Plants and Industrial Plants Compliance with Code Requirements for Appurtenances on Containers of Greater than 4,000 Gallons Water Capacity Used in Bulk Plants and Industrial Plants Requirements for Transfer Lines of 1 inch Diameter or Larger, Liquid-into-Containers Requirements for Transfer Lines of 1 inch Diameter or Larger, Liquid Withdrawal from Containers Requirements for Vapor Transfer Lines 1-inch Diameter or Larger Evaluation of Redundant Fail-Safe Design Evaluation of Low Emission Transfer Equipment Evaluation of Physical Protection and Other Measures Ignition Source Control Assessment Separation Distances between Containers and Buildings, Property Line, etc. Separation Distances between Points of Transfer and Other Exposures Special Protection Measures, Passive Systems Special Protection Measures, Active Systems Protection Against Vehicular Impact Types of Occupancies Near or Surrounding the LP-Gas Plant Exposure to LP-Gas Plant from External Hazards Data on the Responding Fire Department Response Time Data for the Fire Departments Water Flow Rate and Total Water Volume Required to Cool Containers Exposed to a Fire Evaluation of Water Availability in or Near the LP-Gas Facility Analysis Summary on Product Control and Local Conditions of Hazard Analysis Summary on Exposure From and to the LP-Gas Facility Analysis Summary on Fire Department Evaluations 4-1 4-2 4-3 5-3 5-10
Form 5.3
Form 5.4
Form 5.5 Form 5.6 Form 5.7 Form 5.8 Form 5.9 Form 6.1 Form 6.2 Form 6.3 Form 6.4 Form 6.5 Form 6.6 Form 6.7 Form 7.1 Form 7.2 Form 8.1 Form 8.2 Form 8.3 Form 8.4 Form 9.1 Form 9.2 Form 9.3
5-23 5-24 5-25 5-26 5-28 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-5 6-6 6-7 6-7 7-3 7-4 8-2 8-4 8-5 8-7 9-1 9-2 9-3
Redundant and Fail-Safe Design for Containers Low Emission Transfer Equipment Special Protection Measures Passive Systems Special Protection Measures Active Systems
List of Tables
Table 3.1 Table 5.1 Table 7.1 Table 9.1 Table B-1 Table B-2 Table B-3 Table B-4 Table B-5 Description of the Various Steps in Performing the FSA Container Size Dependant Evaluations Distances to Various Types of Propane Hazards Under Different Release Models Suggested Alternative Methods for Industrial and Bulk Plants That Do Not Pose a Hazard But Lack a Water Supply LPG Release Cases for Hazard Assessment Distances to LFL Concentrations and Hazard Areas Various Parameters and their Values Used in the Cases Thermodynamic Properties of Propane Calculation of the Mass Fraction of LPG and n-Butane 3-3 5-1 7-2 9-8 B-2 B-4 B-6 B-7 B-9
List of Figures
Page # Figure 5-1 Schematic Representation of the NFPA 58 Requirements for Product Control Appurtenances on Containers of Water Capacity Less Than or Equal to 2,000 Gallons, With Different Service Configurations 5-4
Figure 5-1A: Single Vapor Service Line in a Manifolded Configuration Figure 5-1B: Regulator in the Vapor Service Line Figure 5-1C: Container with both Liquid and Vapor Service, Regulator in the Vapor Service Line Figure 5-1D: Container Feeding Liquid to a Vaporizer Figure 5-1E: Vertical Container for Liquid Service Figure 5-2 Figure 5-3 Figure 5-4 Figure 5-5 Figure 5-6A Figure 5-6B Figure 5-7A Figure 5-7B Vapor Inlet Appurtenances on Containers of Water Capacity Greater Than 2,000 Gallons Vapor Outlet Appurtenances on Containers of Water Capacity Greater Than 2,000 Gallons Liquid Inlet Valves on Containers 2,001 through 4,000 Gallons Water Capacity Liquid Outlet Valves on Containers 2,001 through 4,000 Gallons Water Capacity Liquid Inlet Valves on Containers with Water Capacity Greater Than 4,000 Gallons in New Bulk Plants and Industrial Plants Liquid Inlet Valves on Containers with Water Capacity Greater Than 4,000 Gallons in Existing Bulk Plants and Industrial Plants Liquid Outlet Valves on Containers with Water Capacity Greater Than 4,000 Gallons in New Bulk Plants and Industrial Plants Liquid Outlet Valves on Containers with Water Capacity Greater Than 4,000 Gallons in Existing Bulk Plants and Industrial Plants
5-4 5-5 5-6 5-7 5-8 5-13 5-14 5-15 5-16 5-19 5-20 5-21 5-22
CHAPTER 1 Introduction
1.1 Background
The Fire Safety Analysis (FSA) is a self-conducted audit of the safety features of a propane installation and an assessment of the means to minimize the potential for inadvertent propane releases from storage containers and during transfer operations. The assessment also includes an evaluation of the capabilities of local emergency response agencies as well as an analysis of potentially hazardous exposures from the installation to the neighborhood and from the surroundings to the LP-Gas facility. Since 1976, NFPA 58, Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code (hereinafter referred to as the Code or NFPA 58) has required that a facility operator or owner conduct a FSA for propane facilities having ASME containers of aggregate storage greater than 4,000 gallons water capacity. The FSA requirement was changed in the 2001 edition to require a written FSA. The requirements for fire protection are indicated in the 2004 edition of NFPA 58 in 6.23. Specifically 6.23.2 (Planning) and 6.23.3(Protection of ASME Containers) require the following: The planning for the response to incidents including the inadvertent release of LP-Gas, fire, or security breach shall be coordinated with local emergency response agencies. Planning shall include consideration of the safety of emergency personnel, workers, and the public. Fire protection shall be provided for installations with an aggregate water capacity of more than 4000 gal (15.1 m3) and of ASME containers on roofs. The modes of fire protection shall be specified in a written product release prevention and incident preparedness review The review shall be submitted by the owner, operator, or their designee to the authority having jurisdiction and the local emergency responders. Also, the 2001 edition of the code required a written document for new installations and for existing installations within three years of the effective date of the code (2001 edition) as determined by the state or local jurisdiction. The FSA and required assessment of the installation provides several important benefits: 1) A structured assessment by which each facility can be evaluated for conformity of installed equipment with Code requirements. A means to evaluate the capability of systems and equipment installed to control and contain potential LP-Gas releases during day-to-day operations.
An approach to evaluate the informational needs of the facility, based on factors such as the type and frequency of transfer operations, size of the storage containers, location of the facility with respect to other buildings and the existing procedures and systems in place. A means to describe product control and fire protection features which exceed the minimum requirements of NPFA 581. A tool for facilitating a cooperative and effective dialogue with local emergency response agencies and authorities having jurisdiction.
The manual addresses a number of subjects, including: (1) A review of the product control measures required in the NFPA 58, Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code (2) Local conditions of hazards within the facility site (3) Exposures to and from other properties (4) Effectiveness of local fire departments (5) Effective control of leakage, fire and exposure (6) Illustrative examples using four different sizes of typical LP-Gas facilities This FSA manual is intended for use by propane plant owners or operators, consultants, authorities having jurisdiction (AHJs) and emergency response personnel. The manual addresses the process by which a FSA can be conducted for a LP-Gas facility containing one or more stationary ASME containers. The FSA manual is designed to provide a guide for identifying the requirements in NFPA 58 and determining compliance with them. Section of NFPA 58 provides, in part, that: A review shall be an evaluation of the total product control system, such as the emergency shutoff and internal valves equipped for remote closure and automatic shutoff using thermal (fire) actuation pull away protection, where installed, and the optional requirements of Section 6.24. The philosophy of NFPA 58 is to minimize fires by minimizing the accidental release of propane if an incident should occur. Or put in simple terms, no fuel, no fire. The manual does not address the following: 1) Marine terminals, refrigerated LP-Gas storage and the transportation of LP-gas by either rail tank cars or by cargo tank trucks. Marine terminals are governed by the OSHA Process Safety Management regulations and the US EPA Risk Management Plan
All reference, henceforth, to the pamphlet or the code in this document should be construed as referring to NFPA 58, 2004 edition.
regulations; refrigerated storage of LP-gas is a high-volume operation requiring special considerations; and, the transportation of LP-gas is addressed by Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Transportation.i 2) Storage of LP-Gas in salt domes and caverns. 3) Installations ASME LP-gas containers on roofs of buildings. This type of installation is excluded from the scope of this manual primarily because roof mounted containers cannot exceed 4,000 gallon aggregate capacity ( -3) and because of the rarity of such installations in the United States. 4) Cylinder filling operations at a dispensing facility, unless the storage threshold for LPGas has been exceeded, requiring an FSA to be prepared. 5) The use of facility employees performing as a fire brigade. The above facilities may be required to comply with other safety analysis requirements.
Neither NFPA 58 nor the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code Handbook3ii provide detailed guidance on how to prepare or develop a written FSA. Since each facility or bulk storage plant presents unique physical and operational characteristics, the fire safety analysis is a tool used to assess the level of fire safety performance that a specific facility or bulk plant can be expected to provide. This FSA will also provide essential information on the facility and its operation to the local authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) and local emergency response agency. A recent informal survey of AHJs on the fire safety analyses used for existing and new plants in their jurisdictions (conducted by the author) indicated that there is no uniformity either in content, the details of information, or final assessment of the facility in the FSAs submitted. They range from a single page submission for medium size bulk plant to very detailed assessment including risk assessment and management plan for a 30,000 gallon bulk storage facility. Without a guidance manual, potential confusion would almost certainly occur as each AHJ would be required to establish an individual set of criteria that would meet the FSA in their area. Thus, there is clearly a need in the LP-Gas industry for assistance with the following tasks. 1) 2) 3) 4) Providing a FSA template that allows for consideration of different size installations Establishing a uniform approach and defining common elements Developing simplified checklists and an example-based methodology for completing the analysis Utilizing technically-based guidance and support
The intent of this FSA manual is to provide an easy-to-use procedure for LP-gas facility owners or operators who are most familiar with the equipment technology and system operations and therefore qualified to complete the document. Knowledge of fire science and engineering principles is not required for this document to be useable by an owner, operator or an AHJ, because those principles have already been factored into the assessment criteria contained within the FSA.
By utilizing the expertise of industry, engineering and fire service representatives in the development of the material to follow, this manual provides a comprehensive, uniform, objective approach that was designed to provide for the uniform and objective application of FSA requirements by the AHJs. Further, the joint input of the Propane Education & Research Council (PERC), National Propane Gas Association (NPGA), and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) provides additional assurance of the manuals depth, credibility and broadbased consensus. This FSA manual has been developed based on the requirements of NFPA 58, 2004 edition. Using this manual to perform a FSA at a facility constructed to meet the requirements of prior editions of NFPA 58 or other State specific Codes may produce conflicts between actual facility construction and the checklists in this manual. The code or standard in effect at the time of construction of the facility should be used as the source of requirements to perform the FSA. Checklist items contained within this manual can be revised to indicate the appropriate code items required at the time of facility construction. This document is not intended to serve as a basis for requiring existing facilities to be upgraded to meet the current requirements of the code.
The LP-Gas industry has a long history of safe operations. With the requirement in the 1976 edition of NFPA 58 to retrofit LP-Gas plants with emergency shut-off valves (ESVs) in transfer lines, the safety of LP-Gas facilities was further improved. The FSA provided in this manual, in addition to other safety programs currently enacted at any workplace, is intended to reduce or eliminate the risk of fatality or injury to both the plant employees and the public. In an effort to identify the level of risk a propane installation poses to the general public, as well as employees and emergency responders, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) instituted a studyiii in 1981. Accident data from a variety of sources was analyzed, including: the US Department of Transportation hazardous material incident report database, reports of the National Transportation Safety Board, National Fire Protection Association, technical journals and other sources. Data analyzed for the period 1971 through 1979 addressed LP-Gas transportation and product releases from stationary storage facilities. The special focus of the study was the fatalities suffered by employees and the general public. The study concluded that a fatality to the general public as a direct result of an LPG transportation or storage incident involving the loss of product is very small and the risk (expressed in expected number of fatalities per year) is smaller than that from natural phenomena (lightning, tornadoes, objects falling from the sky, etc). An analysis conducted by the National Fire Protection Associationiv of LP-Gas fire damage and casualty data also indicates that the LP-Gas storage facility operations in the US are very safe. The number of reported fires at LP-Gas bulk storage facilities remains small and has fallen since 1980, but substantial variation exists from year to year. During the five-year period from 1994 through 1998, an estimated 49 fires, on average, were reported per year at LP-Gas bulk storage facilities. These fires caused an annual average of one civilian death, five civilian injuries and $754,000 in direct property damage. In 1999, an estimated 58 reported fires on these properties
caused four civilian injuries and $722,000 in direct property damage. The 58 fires reported in 1999 accounted for .003% of all fires reported that year.
The manual has been organized to address the requirements outlined in NFPA 58 ( 6.23) and Appendix A ( A6.23.3). Chapter 2 discusses the requirements of the 2004 edition of NFPA 58 in regard to product control requirements, and their evolution. The philosophy and the advantages of product control systems are discussed. Also included are the various appurtenances used in a typical LP-Gas facility. More detailed information on the types of valves, their functions and example photographs of various appurtenances are provided in Appendix B. Chapter 3 provides an overview of the FSA process including its principal elements. The input of data into the FSA procedure begins with Chapter 4. In Chapter 4 basic information about the LP-Gas facility is input into appropriate tables and a decision is made (based on the data provided) as to the extent of the analysis that should be completed. The assessment of conformity with Code requirements of the product control requirements for containers and in transfer piping is performed in Chapter 5. To aid this assessment a series of sketches of possible configurations of container appurtenances (satisfying 2004 Code requirement) are provided. When necessary, the year when specific equipment was required by the Code is also indicated on the sketches to facilitate application of the Manual to facilities constructed to the requirements in previous editions of NFPA 58. The analysis of the local conditions of hazard is presented in Chapter 6, followed by the assessment in Chapter 7 of the hazard exposure to off-site properties and persons. Also, the potential exposure to LP-Gas installations from off-site activities is covered in Chapter 7. The evaluation of the capabilities of the local emergency responder (usually the fire department) and the availability of water to fight in-plant fires and exposures are presented in Chapter 8. Summary of evaluations and actions that may need to be initiated for proposed LP-Gas facilities are presented in Chapter 9. The use of this manual in preparing a written FSA for a LP-Gas facility is demonstrated with examples of four different generic cases. Several different sizes of facilities are considered. A set of blank forms required to perform a FSA is provided in Appendix A. The results of calculating the hazard distances for a set of credible LP-gas release scenarios are provided in Appendix B. Also provided in Appendix B are the thermodynamic properties of propane and the values of other parameters used in calculating the hazard distances.
U. S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Transportation Liquefied Petroleum Gas Handbook, Lemoff, 2001, NFPA, Quincy MA iii LPG Land Transportation and Storage Safety, Department of Energy report No. DOE/EV/06020-TS 9/18/81" iv Fires at LP-Gas Bulk Storage Plants Statistical Analysis, NFPA, 2003, Quincy, MA
A Historical Perspective
In the late 1960s and the early 1970s there were a number of fires and BLEVE (Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosions) of propane and other liquefied petroleum gases resulting from derailments of railcars carrying propane and other flammable liquefied gases. These incidents involved fire fighter fatalities and highlighted the need for safety improvements. As a result, the U. S. Department of Transportation (DOT) implemented new regulations for the tank cars used to transport propane and other liquefied flammable gases, and made them mandatory and retroactive in 1980. These improvements included: Head shields to reinforce the pressure vessel on the railcar Shelf couplers to reduce the potential for railcars to be uncoupled during a derailment Thermal protection to reduce the potential for the tank to experience a rise in temperature due to flame impingement
Since these improvements in rail car safety were made in the 1980s, there have been no firefighter fatalities from any railroad tank car BLEVEs and the number of these incidents has been greatly reduced. In 1973, product control requirements to prevent the uncontrolled release of LP-gas from storage containers consisted primarily of manually operated valves, back-flow check valves and excess-flow check valves. On July 3, 1973 a propane incident occurred in Kingman, Arizona involving a propane fire at a propane tank car unloading area in a propane bulk storage plant. Though the plants equipment conformed to the requirements of NFPA 58 and other safety standards for flammable materials at that time, the incident resulted in the death of several firefighters and one plant employee. A direct result of this incident (and others that occurred at approximately the same time) was the addition of a new fire protection requirement in the 1976 edition of NFPA 58. 2-1
The requirement stated that planning for the effective measures for control of inadvertent LP-Gas release or firei shall be done and coordinated with local emergency responders. In addition, the primary consideration of a fire safety analysis at that time was the use of water as a suppressing agent to control fires. The requirements today are very similar to those original requirements except in two areas. As of the 2001 edition, fire safety analyses are required to be written; The primary consideration in performing such an analysis has changed from the emphasis of using water for fire control to the emphasis of avoiding product release altogether using technology and training.
This modern approach takes advantage of the inherent safety present in a controlled environment such as a bulk plant, as well as the safety features of the most current product control hardware. In early editions of NFPA 58, the primary consideration of water as the means to control a fire was based on the fact that at that time, there were few reliable ways to stop the flow of LP-gas after failures in the system and the need to apply water quickly to storage containers being impinged by flames was important. Another significant change in the 1976 edition of NFPA 58 was the requirement for including an Emergency Shutoff Valve (ESV) in the transfer lines used between stationary storage containers of over 4,000 gallons capacity and cargo tank vehicles. This revision was intended to prevent product release from storage containers in the event of a vehicle pulling away with its hoses still connected. All existing plants were required to comply with this requirement by the end of 1980. Since this retrofit program was completed, there has not been, to the knowledge of the authors, a pull-away accident involving an ESV installation that resulted in serious consequences. The 1980s enjoyed a reduced number of propane incidents in the U. S., and the next major product control enhancement was the revision to introduce an optional requirement for internal tank valves in containers over 2,000 gallons in the 1992 edition of NFPA 58. These tank valve requirements included: Vapor and Liquid Withdrawal Openings in Tanks 1. Positive shutoff valve in line with excess flow valve installed in the tank, or 2. Internal valve with integral excess flow shutoff capability Vapor and Liquid Inlet Openings in Tanks 1. Positive shutoff valve in combination with either an excess flow valve or backflow check valve installed in the tank, or 2. Internal valve with integral excess flow valve, or 3. Internal valve with remote means of closure These revisions were made to enhance the operational features of product control hardware. Internal valves are capable of being closed from a remote location (using a
cable, pneumatic, or hydraulic device) and by thermal activation, which is accomplished using an element that melts when it is subjected to fairly moderate temperatures (in the 200F - 250 F range). The 2001 edition of NFPA 58 was further revised to require internal valves for liquid connections to containers over 4,000 gallons, with remote and thermal shutoff activation. This change was the result of the Committee desiring improved safety performance with this advanced hardware, due to the following incidents: Sanford, NC. A hose separation resulted in the loss of the contents of a transport vehicle (9700 gallons water capacity). The contents within the storage containers were also lost because of a failed check valve. Albert City, Iowa. An exposed liquid pipe installed in violation of the code between an 18,000 gallon water capacity storage container and a vaporizer was broken when a recreational vehicle accidentally drove over it. The leaking gas found a source of ignition and impinged on the container, resulting in a BLEVE. Truth or Consequences, NM. A small, parked truck rolled into a propane bulk storage plant, breaking plant piping. The resulting fire caused the failure of several cylinders.
These improvements in product control are considered critically important, and in addition to requiring them for all new installations after 2001, the requirements were made retroactive to all existing installations, allowing 10 years for the conversion. All existing containers over 4,000 gallons water capacity will be retrofit with an internal valve or similar protection on all liquid connections. Alternatively, the use of an Emergency Shutoff Valve (ESV) as close to the container as practical is also allowed, in recognition that some containers cannot accommodate an Internal Valve without extensive modification. The ESV has the same remote and thermal activation closing features as an internal valve.
As of the 2001 edition, NFPA 58 requirements for product release control include the provision for a number of different types of valves or appurtenances in the product storage containers, transfer piping network and at liquid transfer facility locations. Generally, code requirements for product control appurtenances on containers used in industrial plants and bulk plants are more stringent than for residential and commercial use containers. Unless product is being transferred, product control valves are normally in the closed position. However, some of the installations require an automatic shut off feature when either a fire (or heat) is sensed or when other abnormal conditions occur. The product control valves include the following: Positive shut off valve: A manually operated shutoff valve used to control the flow of propane.
Back flow check valve: This valve allows flow in one direction only and is used to allow a container to be filled while preventing product from flowing out of the container. Excess flow valve(i): A valve designed to close when the liquid or vapor passing through it exceeds a prescribed flow rate. Internal valve(ii): A container primary shutoff valve whose seat and seat disc remain inside the container so that damage to parts exterior to the container or mating flange does not prevent effective sealing of the valve and which has the following features: (1) provision for the addition of a means of remote closure; and (2) automatic shutoff when the flow through the valve exceeds its rated maximum flow capacity or when pump actuation differential pressure drops to a predetermined point. Emergency shut off valve(iii): A shutoff valve incorporating thermal and manual means of closing the valve and that also provides for a remote means of closing to be attached. Hydrostatic pressure relief valve: A type of relief valve that is set to open and relieve pressure in a liquid hose or pipe segment between two shutoff valves when the pressure exceeds the setting of the valve. Container pressure relief valve: A type of pressure relief device designed to open and then close to prevent excess internal fluid pressure in a container without releasing the entire contents of the container. The valve is located in the vapor space of the container. Bulk storage installations incorporate several product release control appurtenances. This fire safety analysis manual outlines alternative schematics for the various facilities covered (2,000 gallons or less; 2,001 gallons through 4,000 gallons; and, greater than 4,000 gallons water capacity).
(i) NFPA 58, Standard for the Storage of Liquefied Petroleum Gases, 2004 edition, (ii) ibid, (iii) ibid,
The details of how each of the above items is evaluated in performing the FSA are indicated in Chapter 4 though Chapter 9. Shown below is a brief review of the various steps involved in conducting the FSA.
The development of a Fire Safety Analysis (FSA) involves a number of important steps. These steps are indicated in Table 3.1. Also shown in Table 3.1 are the chapters in this manual where the referenced analyses steps are discussed in detail. Each set of FSA requirements is presented in one or more tables and fill-in forms. The tables provide either factual information or calculated results; the user obtains information from the tables for further analyses. The fill-in forms specify NFPA 58 requirements or other assessment parameters, and provide two columns, one with a Yes column heading and the other with a No heading. In some cases either schematic or pictorial representations are provided to clarify a requirement. The fill-in forms require some information input from the user, either checking a Yes column or a No column or writing a numerical value. Also provided are notes under each table or fill-in form, which explains conditions, if any, associated with the table or the form or how a calculation is performed for entering data into the form. Appropriate explanations are provided in the text either preceding a form or after the form, if any action is necessary depending upon the values/contents in the forms. A blank copy of each form presented in Chapter 4 through Chapter 9 is provided in Appendix A. These can be reproduced and used for any number of LP-Gas facilities.
The FSA for a LP-Gas facility is conducted by systematically completing the forms in Chapter 4 through Chapter 9. The person completing the FSA must indicate a Yes or No in the appropriate column for each requirement, depending upon whether the LP-Gas facility fulfills the specific requirement. Any items, which may need to be undertaken to correct a deficiency in a proposed (as opposed to existing) LP-Gas facility are referred to in Chapter 9. Once the FSA is complete the forms, together with information about the facility, can be filed to satisfy the written requirement of NFPA 58, & Any emergency planning for the facility is required to be coordinated with the local fire department or equivalent responding authority (
Chapters 4 through 9 provide a framework with which the Fire Safety Analysis can be conducted to satisfy the requirements of NFPA 58. It is important to note the following in performing the analysis using the tables, fill-in forms and steps indicated in the following chapters. 1 All references to the Code in this manual are to the 2004 edition of the NFPA 58 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code. If a LP-Gas facility was built to satisfy the requirements of an earlier edition of NFPA 58, then only the requirements from the earlier edition need to be satisfied when performing the FSA using this manual. If an appurtenance or other requirement is specified in one or more of the forms in this manual (developed based on the 2004 edition), and this requirement was not in the edition to which the facility was built, then it is recommended that the Yes and No column corresponding to the particular appurtenance or requirement be left blank or marked NA, to signify the requirement is not applicable to the facility in question. If the facility for which the analysis is being performed was constructed to satisfy the requirements of a previous edition of NFPA 58, it must still comply with all requirements that have been made applicable retroactively in later editions of the code, through the 2004 edition. Such retroactive provisions are indicated where they are applicable.
Table 3.1
Description of the Various Steps in Performing the FSA Step #
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
FSA Steps
Gather data on the volume of LP-Gas stored and other information pertinent to the facility. Perform simple calculations and determine whether the facility is subject to the requirements for developing an FSA. Evaluate the product control appurtenances and other safety features of the facility relative to the requirements of the NFPA 58 Code. Assess the appurtenance requirements for containers of different capacities and compare them to the actual installation. Evaluate the requirements for valves on transfer piping and compare them to the valves provided in the facility. Assess conformance to the Code of a Redundant and Fail-Safe Product Control System, if such a system is provided in the facility. Evaluate the Code conformance of the Low Emission Transfer Equipment if installed in the facility. Analyze the protection measures against local conditions of hazard. That is, assess whether all requirements of the Code for the physical protection of containers and transfer piping are implemented. Analyze the Code requirements for the control of ignition sources and whether these requirements are complied with. Assess conformance to the code requirements for separation distances between (i) containers of different sizes and property and, (ii) LP-Gas transfer points and other exposures. Evaluate conformance to the Code requirements for Special Protection Systems, if they are provided on containers in the facility. Evaluate the potential hazards to off-site populations and property from propane releases in the facility. This step includes selecting credible LP-Gas release scenarios and assessing the distance (and area) over which the hazard exists. Assess whether any off-site populations, especially people in institutional occupancies, are potentially subject to the LP-Gas release hazards Evaluate whether there exists a hazard from other industrial operations around the LPGas facility Evaluate the effectiveness of the local Fire Department, including the availability and capability of response personnel, training level, equipment and response time to an emergency in the facility. Evaluate the amount of water needed to cool containers exposed to a fire and the adequacy of the facility (or locally available) water supply. For a proposed facility, develop corrective actions to address deficiencies found. Assess, based on specific criteria, the need to provide Redundant and Fail-Safe Product Control Systems. Assess, based on specific criteria, the need to provide Low Emission Transfer Systems. Assess when Special Protection Systems are needed Evaluate alternative approaches to using water in a special protection system
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
(Only applicable for proposed facilities)
Form 4.1
Initial Data on the LP-Gas Facility
A Item # 1 2 3 4 5 B Information Item C Data
Name of the LP-Gas Facility Owner or Operator Contact Name: Contact Telephone & Fax Numbers Contact Email Address Mailing Address
Street 1: Street 2: City, State, Zip:
Complete Form 4.2. Multiply Column B by its corresponding entry in Column C, write the answer in the corresponding cell in Column D, then sum all the entries in Column D and write it in Row 2, Column D. This number is the Aggregate Water Capacity of the facility.
Form 4.2
Facility Storage Capacity 1,2,3
B C D Individual Total Container Water Capacity (w.c.) Item Number of Water Capacity of each container # containers (w.c.) size (gallons) (gallons) 500 1,000 2,000 4,000 10,000 18,000 1 30,000 60,000 Other: Other: Other: Other: Aggregate Water 2 Capacity4 Notes: (1) Column D = Column B x Column C. (2) Parked bobtails, transports and tank cars should not be considered for aggregate capacity calculations. (3) Do not consider containers that are not connected for use. (4) For the purpose of this manual, Aggregate Water Capacity means any group of single ASME storage containers separated from each other by distances less than those stated in the aboveground containers column of Table 6.3.1. A
If the aggregate water capacity of the LP-Gas facility is less than or equal to 4,000 gallon (w.c.), no further assessment is required.
If the aggregate (water) storage capacity of the facility exceeds 4,000 gallons, complete the remainder of the forms below.
Complete Form 4.3 below and record additional information on the facility.
Complete also the remainder of Fire Safety Analysis indicated in Chapter 5 through Chapter 8 (plus Chapter 9 for proposed facilities).
Form 4.3
Additional Information on the LP-Gas Facility Existing Facility built to NFPA 58 Edition _______ a) b) c) Proposed Facility
Name of the Facility (if applicable) _____________________________________ Type of LP-Gas Facility Facility is located in
Agri. fields Commercial Bldgs. Flammable Liquids Storage Industrial Activity (metal fabrication, cutting and welding, etc) Manufacturing Others (explain) ______________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ Truck Transport Rail Tank Car
e) f)
LP-Gas liquid supply by: (Check all that apply) LP-Gas Distribution by: (Check all that apply) Number of Vehicle Entrances: Type of Access Roads to the Facility (One check per line) Entrance 1 (One check per line) Entrance 2 Staff presence
Bobtail Pipeline
Bobtail Truck Transport Vapor Piping Liquid Piping Dispensing or Vehicle Liquid fueling One Two Rural Dirt road Dirt road More than two City or Town Gravel road Gravel road Highway Paved Paved
i) j)
Not staffed Only during transfer operations Staffed always (24/7) Only during business hours Other (Explain) ___________________________
Location and distances to Institutional Occupancies surrounding the facility, if any, within 250 ft from the facility boundary in the direction of the assets. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Overview plot plan of the facility attached? Yes No
All properties either abutting the LP-Gas facility or within 250 feet of the container or transfer point nearest to facility boundary.
NFPA 58 requires the installation of several product control safety devices both on containers and in transfer piping to minimize the accidental release of LP-Gas, either liquid or vapor. The requirements for product control equipment depend on the following: The size of individual containers; Whether the containers in a facility are individually filled or filled through a common liquid manifold, Whether the product is transferred from the storage container as a liquid or vapor (or both). A facility may have LP-Gas containers of different sizes; it is therefore necessary to evaluate compliance with the Code requirements on a container-by-container basis as well as on a facility basis. In this chapter, the appurtenance requirements of the Code are listed for LP-Gas containers of different sizes and configured for different types of service. A series of forms are provided which indicate the Code-required product control hardware for container and facility piping. The forms also provide space to record the product control equipment actually installed on the containers as well as transfer piping at the facility. These forms must be completed as a part of this Fire Safety Analysis. Complete Form 5.1, depending upon the size of the individual containers in the facility. Then, perform an analysis of the product control appurtenances for each container located in the facility.
Table 5.1
Container Size-Dependant Evaluations If the LP-Gas facility contains individual containers in the volume range (gallons w.c.)
Greater than And Less than or equal to
0 2,000 4,000
2,000 4,000 -
NOTE: While the schematics of various container service configurations provided in this manual show separate product control valves (such as manual shutoff, excess flow, back check, etc.) on containers, multipurpose valves are also allowed. Multipurpose valves combine the functions of two or more valves. For the purposes of this FSA consider each function in the multipurpose valve as a separate valve for completing the forms.
5.1.1 Individual Containers of Water Capacity less than or equal to 2,000 gallons Containers of 2,000 gallons water capacity (w.c.) or less can be configured with product control appurtenances in a number of different ways. These are schematically illustrated in Figures 5-1A through Figure 5-1E. Note: Container appurtenances shown are illustrative of product control equipment only. See NFPA 58 for all container appurtenances required. Illustrations are not intended to be used for system design purposes Complete the following steps using the schematics in Figure 5-1A through Figure 5-1E 1 2 Select the first container at the facility, which has a water capacity of 2,000 gallons or less. Enter this as container number 1 in Column A of Form 5.1, below. Review each of the service configurations given in Figure 5-1A through Figure 5-1E. Select the schematic that most closely represents the configuration in the facility for this container. Enter the figure number of the configuration selected for this container in Column B. Count the total number of Yes shown in this configuration. This represents the number of required appurtenances for the specific configuration. Enter this number in column C of Form 5.1. Check Yes under each appurtenance that is actually installed on the container. If the appurtenance is not provided, then check No. Count the number of boxes checked Yes. Enter this number in Column D of Form 5.1. Repeat steps 1 through 5 for each container of 2,000 gallons water capacity or less at the facility.
4 5 6
Form 5.1
Compliance with Code Requirements for Appurtenances on Containers of 2,000 Gallons Water Capacity or Less
A B Service Configuration Sub Figure (in Figure 5-1) C D Number of Product Release Control Appurtenances Required by Installed on NFPA 58 the (applicable Container edition) E NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 edition)
Container #
1 2 3 4 5 6
If, in Form 5.1, any one of the numbers in column D is less than the number in Column C of the corresponding row, then these items must be addressed and brought into compliance with the specific edition of NFPA 58 that the facility was constructed to.
Figure 5-1 Schematic Representation of the NFPA 58 Requirements for Product Control Appurtenances on Containers of Water Capacity Less Than or Equal to 2,000 Gallons, With Different Service Configurations (Note: Container appurtenances shown are illustrative of product control equipment only. See NFPA 58 for all container appurtenances required. Illustrations are not intended to be used for system design purposes)
Excess-flow protection is not required for manual shutoff valves for vapor service where an approved regulator is directly attached or attached with a flexible connector (pig tail) to the outlet of the manual shutoff valve for vapor service, and the controlling orifice between the container contents and the shutoff valve outlet does not exceed 5/16 inch (8 mm) in diameter (Ref: (F), NFPA 58).
Figure 5-1C: Container with Both Liquid and Vapor Service, Regulator in the Vapor Service Line.
Figure 5-1E: Vertical Container for Liquid Service. 5.1.2 Individual Containers greater than 2,000 gallons water capacity and less than or equal to 4,000 gallons water capacity A) Containers used in Residential and Commercial Facilities
Product control appurtenance requirements for containers greater than 2000 and less than or equal to 4000 gallons water capacity used in residential and commercial establishments are the same as those discussed earlier having water capacity of 2000 gallons or less. Hence, the same analysis as in the previous section 5.1.1 should be performed. These are indicated below. Note: Container appurtenances shown are illustrative of product control equipment only. See NFPA 58 for all container appurtenances required. Illustrations are not intended to be used for system design purposes. 5-8
Complete the following steps using the schematics in Figure 5-1A through Figure 5-1E: 1 2 Select the first container in the facility of 2001 through 4,000 gallons water capacity. Enter this as container number 1 in Column A of Form 5.2 below. Review each of the service configurations given in Figure 5-1A through Figure 5-1E. Select the schematic that most closely represents the configuration in the facility for this container. Enter in column 2 the figure number of the configuration selected. Count the total number of Yes shown in this configuration. This represents the number of required appurtenances for the specific configuration. Enter this number in column C of Form 5.2. Check Yes under each appurtenance that is actually installed on your container. If the appurtenance is not provided, then check No. Count the number of boxes checked Yes. Enter this number in Column D of Form 5.2. Repeat the above steps 1 through 5 for each container of water capacity in the range of 2,001 through 4,000 gallons.
4 5 6
Form 5.2
Compliance with Code Requirements for Appurtenances on Containers Of water capacity 2001 gallons through 4,000 gallons Used in Residential and Commercial Facilities
A B Service Configuration Sub Figure (in Figure 5-1) C D Number of Product Release Control Appurtenances Required Installed on by NFPA 58 the (applicable Container edition) E NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 edition)
Container #
1 2 3 4 5 6
If, in Form 5.2, any one of the numbers in column D is less than the number in Column C of the corresponding row, these items must be addressed and brought into compliance with the specific edition of NFPA 58 that the facility was constructed to.
The Code requirements for product release control appurtenances on containers used at industrial plants and bulk plants are more stringent than those used for residential and commercial service. Several different service configurations are acceptable. These are indicated in Form 5.3. Note: Container appurtenances shown are illustrative of product control equipment only. See NFPA 58 for all container appurtenances required. Illustrations are not intended to be used for system design purposes. Enter the information in Form 5.3 by following the steps indicated below 1 2 3 Select the first container in the facility of 2,001 through 4,000 gallons water capacity. Enter this as container number 1 in Column A of Form 5.3 below. Complete, for each container, the rows identified as vapor inlet, vapor outlet, liquid inlet and liquid outlet service. Select the appurtenance configuration for vapor service corresponding to the design used in the facility. Figure 5-2 shows different vapor inlet configurations. Enter, in column E, the configuration number that corresponds to the design used in the facility. Count all YES in the schematic sketch corresponding to this configuration. This is the number of appurtenances required by NFPA 58. Enter this number in column F of the row corresponding to Vapor Inlet. Check Yes corresponding to each appurtenance that is installed on this container. If the appurtenance is not provided, then check No for that appurtenance. Count the total number of installed appurtenance boxes marked YES in the facility. Record this number in column G of the same row. Repeat steps 3, 4 and 5 for each vapor outlet configuration (using Figure 5-3), liquid inlet configuration using Figure 5-4, and liquid outlet configuration using Figure 5-5. Repeat steps 1 through 6 for each container 2,001 through 4,000 gallons water capacity located in the facility.
6 7
Form 5.3
Compliance with Code Requirements for Appurtenances on Containers Having a Water Capacity of 2,001 through 4,000 Gallons Used in Bulk Plants and Industrial Plants A B C D E F G
NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 edition)
Container #
Figure #
Total Number of Product Release Control Appurtenances Required by NFPA Installed on the 58 container (applicable edition)
4 **
Inlet 5-2 Outlet 5-3 Inlet 5-4 Liquid Outlet 5-5 Inlet 5-2 Vapor Outlet 5-3 Inlet 5-4 See Table Liquid Outlet 5-5 Inlet 5-2 Vapor Outlet 5-3 Inlet 5-4 Liquid Outlet 5-5 Inlet 5-2 Vapor Outlet 5-3 Inlet 5-4 Liquid Outlet 5-5 If the container does not provide an opening for the specific function listed, enter 0 (zero) in columns E and F corresponding to that row.
If, in Form 5.3, any one of the numbers in column F is less than the number in Column E of the corresponding row, these items must be addressed and brought into compliance with the specific edition of NFPA 58 that the facility was constructed to.
Note: Container appurtenances shown are illustrative of product control equipment only. See NFPA 58 for all container appurtenances required. Illustrations are not intended to be used for system design purposes.
Figure 5-2:
Vapor Inlet Appurtenances on Containers of Water Capacity Greater Than 2,000 Gallons 5-13
Figure 5-3:
Vapor Outlet Appurtenances on Containers of Water Capacity Greater Than 2,000 Gallons
Figure 5-4:
Liquid Inlet Valves on Containers 2,001 through 4,000 Gallons Water Capacity 5-15
Figure 5-5:
Liquid Outlet Valves on Containers 2,001 through 4,000 Gallons Water Capacity
5.1.3 Individual Containers Having a Water Capacity Greater than 4,000 Gallons used in Bulk Plants and Industrial Plants The product control appurtenances for containers larger than 4,000 gallons water capacity are similar to those for the more than 2,000 through 4,000 gallon water capacity containers. However, there are retrofit requirements for existing containers without internal valves in liquid service that must be completed by July 1, 2011. The compliance with the Code requirements for appurtenances in this container size range must be evaluated for LP-Gas flow both into the container (vapor and liquid) and out of the container (vapor and liquid). Several different appurtenance service configurations meet these requirements. These are indicated in Form 5.4. Note: Container appurtenances shown are illustrative of product control equipment only. See NFPA 58 for all container appurtenances required. Illustrations are not intended to be used for system design purposes. Enter the information in Form 5.4 by following the steps indicated below 1 2 3 Select the first container in the facility having a water capacity greater than 4,000 gallons. Enter this as container number 1 in Column A of Form 5.4 below. Complete each of the rows identified as the vapor inlet, vapor outlet, liquid inlet and liquid outlet service for this container. Select the appurtenance configuration for vapor service, which most closely corresponds to the design used in the facility. Figure 5-2 shows different vapor inlet configurations. Enter in column E the configuration number that corresponds to the design used in the facility. Count all YES in the schematic sketch corresponding to this configuration. This is the number of required appurtenances that should be provided according to the Code. Enter this number in column F of the row corresponding to Vapor Inlet. Check Yes corresponding to each appurtenance that is installed on this container. If the appurtenance is not provided, then check No. Count the total number of boxes with installed appurtenance marked YES in the facility. Record this number in column G of the same row. Repeat steps 3, 4 and 5 for each vapor outlet configuration (using Figure 5-3), liquid inlet configuration (using Figure 5-6) and liquid outlet configuration (using Figure 5-7). Repeat steps 1 through 6 for each container of water capacity greater than 4,000 gallons located at the facility.
6 7
Form 5.4
Compliance with Code Requirements for Appurtenances on Containers Having a Water Capacity Greater Than 4,000 Gallons Used in Bulk Plants and Industrial Plants A B C D E F G
NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 edition)
Container #
Figure #
Total Number of Product Release Control Appurtenances Required Installed by NFPA 58 on the container (applicable edition)
Inlet 5-2 Outlet 5-3 1 Inlet 5-6 Liquid Outlet 5-7 Inlet 5-2 Vapor Outlet 5-3 2 Inlet 5-6 Liquid Outlet See Table 5-7 Inlet 5-2 Vapor Outlet 5-3 3 Inlet 5-6 Liquid Outlet 5-7 Inlet 5-2 Vapor Outlet 5-3 4 Inlet 5-6 Liquid Outlet 5-7 ** If the container does not provide an opening for the specific function listed, enter 0 (zero) in columns E and F corresponding to that row.
If in Form 5.4 any one of the numbers in column F is less than the number in Column E of the corresponding row, these items must be addressed and brought into compliance with the specific edition of NFPA 58 that the facility was constructed to.
Figure 5-6A Liquid Inlet Valves on Containers With Water Capacity Greater Than 4,000 Gallons in New Bulk Plants and Industrial Plants
(NOTE: Prior to July 1, 2011 existing installations may utilize Configurations 3, 4 or 5 of Fig 5-6B, or
either configuration in Figure 5-6A. After July 1, 2011, installations must comply with Configurations 4 or 5 below, or Configuration 1 or 2 in Figure 5-6A.)
Note: The emergency shut off valve in configuration #5 must be equipped for remote closure. This valve must be installed in the line upstream as close as practical to the positive shutoff valve/excess flow valve combination. Figure 5-6B: Liquid Inlet Valves on Containers With Water Capacity Greater Than 4,000 Gallons in Existing Bulk Plants and Industrial Plants 5-20
Figure 5-7A: Liquid Outlet Valves on Containers with Water Capacity Greater Than 4,000 Gallons in New Bulk Plants and Industrial Plants
Prior to July 1, 2011, existing installations may utilize Configurations 2 or 3 of Fig 5-7B or Configuration 1 in Figure 5-7A. After July 1, 2011, installations must comply with Configuration 3 in Figure 5-7B or Configuration 1 in Fig. 5-7A).
Note: The emergency shut off valve in configuration # 3 must be equipped for remote closure. This valve must be installed in the line downstream, as close as practical to the positive shutoff valve/excess flow valve combination.
Figure 5-7B: Liquid Outlet Valves on Containers with Water Capacity Greater Than 4,000 Gallons in Existing Bulk Plants and Industrial Plants
The containers in some LP-Gas facilities, especially in bulk plants, may be remotely filled with an inlet manifold connected to one or more containers. The vapor withdrawal or liquid withdrawal from containers may also be through a common manifold. In such cases, there are several appurtenance requirements to control the potential release of product. If the facility contains a liquid transfer line header (manifold) 1-inch diameter or larger, and a pressure equalizing vapor line that is 1-inch diameter or larger, then continue with the analysis in this section by completing Form 5.5, Form 5.6 and Form 5.7. Otherwise, skip this section and go to section 5.3. Note: Container appurtenances shown are illustrative of product control equipment only. See NFPA 58 for all container appurtenances required. Illustrations are not intended to be used for system design purposes.
Form 5.5
Requirements for Transfer Lines of 1-inch Diameter or Larger, Liquid-into-Containers A Item # B Appurtenance (Either No. 1 or No. 2)** C Appurtenance Provided with the Feature
Installed within 20 ft. of lineal pipe from the nearest end of the hose or swivel-type connections. Automatic shutoff through thermal (fire) actuation with melting point of thermal element < 250 oF Temperature sensitive element (fusible link) installed within 5 ft from the nearest end of the hose or swivel type piping connected to liquid transfer line. Manual shutoff feature provided at ESV installed location. Manual shutoff device provided at a remote location, not less than 25 ft., and not more than 100 ft. from the ESV. An ESV is installed on each leg of a multi leg piping each of which is connected to a hose or a swivel type connection on one side and to a header of size 1 inch in diameter or larger on the other side. Breakaway stanchion is provided such that in any pull-away break will occur on the hose or swiveltype connection side while retaining intact the valves and piping on the plant side.
NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 edition) 6.10.2 6.10.6
NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 edition) 6.10.8 6.10.3 and 6.10.4
A BCK is installed on each leg of a multi leg piping each of which is connected to a hose or a 6.10.5 swivel type connection on one side and to a header of 1 inch in diameter or larger on the other side. Breakaway stanchion is provided such that in any pull-away break will occur on the hose or swivel6.10.8 type connection side while retaining intact the valves and piping on the plant side. The backflow check valve (BCK) is only permitted when flow is only into the container and shall have a metal-to-metal seat or a primary resilient seat with metal backup, not hinged with a combustible material
Form 5.6
Requirements for Transfer Lines of 1-inch Diameter or Larger, Liquid Withdrawal From Containers B A C D E F Installed in NFPA 58 Section the facility? Item Reference Appurtenance Appurtenance Provided with the Feature # (2004 Yes No
Edition) 6.10.2 6.10.6 6.10.6 6.10.10 (1) 6.10.10 (2) 6.10.5 (1) Installed within 20 ft. of lineal pipe from the nearest end of the hose or swivel-type connections. Automatic shutoff through thermal (fire) actuation with melting point of thermal element < 250 oF. Temperature sensitive element installed within 5 ft from the nearest end of the hose or swivel type piping connected to liquid transfer line. Manual shutoff feature provided at E SV installed location. Manual shutoff device provided at a remote location, not less than 25 ft., and not more than 100 ft. from the ESV. An ESV is installed on each leg of a multi leg piping each of which is connected to a hose or a swivel type connection on one side and to a header of 1 inch in diameter or larger on the other side. Breakaway stanchion is provided such that in any pull-away break will occur on the hose or swiveltype connection side while retaining intact the valves and piping on the plant side. Number of ESVs in liquid withdrawal service
Note: If more than one ESV is installed in the facility, use one Form 5.6 for each ESV.
Form 5.7
Requirements for Vapor Transfer Lines 1-inch Diameter or Larger A Item # B Appurtenance C Appurtenance Provided with the Feature
Installed within 20 ft. of lineal pipe from the nearest end of the hose or swivel-type connections. Automatic shutoff through thermal (fire) actuation with melting point of thermal element < 250 oF Temperature sensitive element installed within 5 ft from the nearest end of the hose or swivel type piping connected to liquid transfer line. Manual shutoff feature provided at E SV installed location. Manual shutoff device provided at a remote location, not less than 25 ft., and not more than 100 ft. from the ESV. An ESV is installed on each leg of a multi leg piping each of which is connected to a hose or a swivel type connection on one side and to a header of 1 inch in diameter or larger on the other side. Breakaway stanchion is provided such that in any pullaway break will occur on the hose or swivel-type connection side while retaining intact the valves and piping on the plant side.
NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 edition) 6.10.2 6.10.6 6.10.6 6.10.10 (1) 6.10.10 (2) 6.10.5 (1)
If a checkmark is made in the No column of any one of Form 5.5, Form 5.6 or Form 5.7, then these items must be addressed and brought into compliance with the specific edition of NFPA 58 that the facility was constructed to.
If the LP-Gas facility is designed using ALTERNATE PROVISIONS for the installation of ASME CONTAINERS, then continue the analysis below. Otherwise skip section 5.3 and go to Chapter 6.
Facilities may be provided with redundant fail-safe product control measures (section 5.3.1) and incorporate equipment designed for low emissions during transfer operations (section 5.3.2). These types of (redundant and fail-safe) product control measures and low emission transfer equipment provide additional safety and qualify the facility for the following benefits: 5.3.1 Reduced separation distances from adjacent properties, and Mitigation of the need for special protection requirements. ASME Container Appurtenances and Redundant Fail-Safe Product Control Systems
If the facility incorporates redundant, fail-safe equipment, complete Form 5.8 below. The evaluation will indicate whether the design of the facility complies with the requirements for redundant and fail-safe product control systems. If redundant, fail-safe equipment are not provided, skip this section.
Form 5.8
Evaluation of Redundant Fail-Safe Design
A I t e m # 1 B C D E Installed in the facility? F NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 edition) 6.24.3 and 6.24.4
Features Yes No
Redundant Fail-Safe equipment and Low Emission transfer lines are provided for each container of water capacity 2,001 gal. through 30,000 gal. Internal Valve with integral excess flow valve or excess flow protection Positive Shutoff Valve installed as close as possible to the Internal Valve Internal Valve with integral excess flow valve or excess flow protection or Back Flow Check valve Positive Shutoff Valve installed as close as possible to the Internal Valve or the back flow check valve Internal Valve installed in the transfer hose or the swivel-type piping at the tank car end
Container Sizes for which the appurtenances are provided Liquid or Vapor withdrawal (1-1/4 in. or larger)
Railcar Transfer
Flow Into or Out of Railroad tank car Flow Only into railroad tank car
Internal valve or backflow check valve installed in the transfer hose or the swiveltype piping at the tank car end
Actuated by Fire Detection Actuated by a hose pull-away due to vehicle motion Remote shutdown station within 15 ft of the (A) point of transfer? Another remote shutdown station between (B) 25 ft and 100 ft of the transfer point? Manually operated remote 7 Shutdown stations will shut down electrical shutdown of IV and ESV power supply, if any, to the transfer equipment and primary valves? Signs complying with the requirements of (C) (C) provided? Note: If the facility does not have a rail terminal, write the word NA in both the Yes column and the No column in item 4 of this Form in the railroad tank car row. Similar option is also available if there is no cargo tank vehicle transfer station. 6 Automatic closure of all primary valves (IV & ESV) in an Emergency
If the LP-Gas facility is provided with LOW EMISSION TRANSFER EQUIPMENT, then continue the analysis below. Otherwise skip section 5.3.2 and go to Chapter 6.
If the facility is designed with low emission transfer hoses and associated equipment, complete Form 5.9 below. Compliance with Section 6.24.5 of NFPA 58 results in a 50% reduction in the separation distances between transfer points described in Table 6.5.3 and Section If the facility does not have low emission transfer equipment engineered into the facility design, skip this section.
Form 5.9
Evaluation of Low Emission Transfer Equipment A I t e m #
NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 Edition) (B)
Transfer into Cylinders or ASME Containers on Vehicles Transfer into Stationary ASME Containers. Delivery valve and nozzle combination
Transfer into Stationary ASME (F) 3 Containers Maximum filling limit (E) Transfer into Stationary ASME Not used during routine transfer operations but 4 Containers used to calibrate other non-venting liquid level (C,D) Fixed Maximum gages in the container Liquid Level gage Note: 1) If the facility does not have a particular feature described in the table, write NA in both the Yes and No columns corresponding its row in item 2.
Fixed Maximum Liquid Level Gage not used during transfer operations does not exceed 4 cc During product (0.24 in3) from a hose of transfer or post nominal size 1 in or transfer uncoupling of smaller the hose, liquid does not exceed 15 cc product volume (0.91 in3) from a hose of released to the nominal size larger than atmosphere 1 in. Do containers of less than 2,001 gal (w.c.) have an overfilling prevention device or another approved device? Do containers of greater than 2,000 gal (w.c.) have a float gage or other non-venting device?
Delivery Nozzle and Filler Valve- Max. Liquid Release after transfer of 4 cc. (A) (B)
If separation distance reductions are intended, checkmarks made in the NO column of either Form 5.8 or Form 5.9 must be addressed and brought into compliance with the specific edition of NFPA 58 that the facility was constructed to.
LP-Gas facilities, systems and appurtenances must be protected against tampering and from accidental collision of vehicles with containers and/or transfer lines. Requirements to prevent such tampering or accidents are specified in the Code. Compliance requirements for the facility are indicated in Form 6.1. Complete all forms in this chapter. (NOTE: See NFPA 58 for complete requirements.)
Form 6.1
Evaluation of Physical Protection and Other Measures A # B Item
C Features
Provide lighting for nighttime operations to illuminate storage containers, container being loaded, control valves, and other equipment Protection against vehicular (traffic) impacts on containers, transfer piping and other appurtenances is designed and provided commensurate with the size of vehicles and type of traffic in the facility. (Example protection systems include but not limited to (1) Guard rails, (2) Steel bollards or crash posts, (3) Raised sidewalks. Provide protection against corrosion where piping is in contact with supports or corrosion causing substances.
NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 Edition) 6.16.6 and and
Complete only 4A or 4B
Is an industrial type or chain link fence of at least 6 ft high or equivalent protection provided to enclose (all around) container appurtenances, pumping equipment, loading and unloading and container filling facilities? Are at least two means of emergency accesses (gates) from the enclosure provided? NOTE: Write N.A. (not applicable) if (i) The area enclosed is less than 100 ft2, or (ii) The point of transfer is within 3 ft of the gate, or containers are not filled within the enclosure Is a clearance of at least 3 feet all around to allow emergency access to the required means of egress been provided? If a guard service is provided, does this service cover the LP-Gas plant and are the guard personnel provided with appropriate LP-Gas related training, per section 4.4 of NFPA 58?
Perimeter Fence 4A (A)
Guard Service
Lock-in-Place devices
Are Lock-in-Place devices provided to prevent unauthorized use or operation of any container appurtenance, system valves, or equipment in lieu of the fence requirements above? Note: Fill only items 1, 2, 3, and 4A or 4B. Indicate with NA when not filling the Yes or No column. Indicate with NA if the facility is not operated at night. (E)
The potential for the ignition of LP-Gas vapors released in a facility is reduced by eliminating as many ignition sources as possible, designing electrical equipment to reduce or eliminate sparking and ensuring that during transfer operations known ignition sources are turned off. The ignition source control involves both passive methods as well active methods. Form 6.2 is used to evaluate whether your facility satisfies the code requirements for ignition source control. (NOTE: See NFPA 58 for complete requirements.)
Form 6.2
Ignition Source Control Assessment
A B C D Is the Facility compliant? Yes Are combustible materials, weeds and tall grass not closer than 10 ft. from each container?
Is a distance at least 20 ft. provided between containers and tanks containing flammable liquids with flash point less than 200 oF (ex., gasoline, diesel)? Are electrical equipment and wiring installed per Code requirements? Is open flame equipment located and used according to Code? Are ignition control procedures and requirements during liquid transfer operations complied with.? Is an approved, portable, dry chemical fire extinguisher of minimum capacity 18 Lbs. and having a B:C rating provided in the facility? Is an approved, portable, dry chemical fire extinguisher of minimum capacity 18 Lbs. and having a B:C rating provided on each truck or trailer used to transport portable containers? Is the prohibition on smoking within the facility premises strictly enforced?
2 3 4 5 6
8 Note: (B) & 9.4.10 Insert NA in both Yes and No columns of any items that are not applicable.
Separation Distances
Separation Distances between Container and Important Buildings, Other Properties and Transfer Points
The separation distance provisions in NFPA 58 are minimum requirements and are intended to buy time in an emergency and to implement appropriate response. The requirements are dependent upon the size of the container. Complete the appropriate section of Form 6.3. (NOTE: See NFPA 58 for complete requirements.)
Form 6.3
Separation Distances from Containers to Buildings, Property Lines that can be Built upon, Inter-container Distances, and Aboveground Flammable or Combustible Storage Tanks
A B Container Size Range in gal (W.C.) 501 through 2,000
2,001 through 30,000
C Separation between a property line, important building or other property and the nearest container which is Above Ground Underground or Mounded Between containers Above Ground Underground or Mounded Between containers Above Ground Underground or Mounded
D Minimum Distance (ft) 25 10 3 50 50 5 75 50 sum of diameters of adjacent containers 100 50 sum of diameters of adjacent containers
Table 6.3.1
Between containers
Between containers
Separation distance between a LP-Gas container and an above ground storage and 20 tank containing flammable or combustible o liquids of flash points below 200 F. Note: If any of the container sizes indicated in the above form are not present in the facility, enter NA in both Yes and No columns.
If the LP-Gas plant is provided with every one of the redundant and fail-safe product control-design equipment indicated in Form 5.8, then the minimum distance in column D of Form 6.3 can be reduced to 10 feet for underground and mounded containers of water capacity 2,001 gal to 30,000 gal.
If the liquid transfer point is not on the container but is at a remote location complete Form 6.4. Do not complete Form 6.4 when the filling is through a container valve. (NOTE: See NFPA 58 for complete requirements.)
Form 6.4
Separation Distances between Points of Transfer and other Exposures
A # B Type of Exposure within or outside the facility boundary C Check if exposure is present D Minimum Distance (ft) E F Is the Facility compliant? Yes No G NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 Edition)
1 2 3 4 5
7 8 9 10
11 12
Buildings, mobile homes, recreational vehicles, 10 and modular homes with fire-resistive walls Buildings with other than fire resistive walls 25 Building wall openings or pits at or below the 25 level of the point of transfer Line of adjoining property that can be built upon 25 Outdoor places of public assembly, including 50 school yards, athletic fields, and playgrounds From points of transfer Public ways, including in LP-Gas dispensing 10 public streets, stations and at vehicle Section 6.5.3 highways, fuel dispensers. Table 6.5.3 thoroughfares, and From other points of sidewalks 25 transfer Driveways 5 Mainline railroad track centerlines 25 Containers other than those being filled 10 Flammable and Class II combustible liquid 20 dispensers and aboveground and underground containers Flammable and Class II combustible liquid dispensers and the fill connections of LPG 10 containers LP-Gas dispensing device located close to a 10 Class I liquid dispensing device. NOTE: Place a checkmark in column C against an exposure that is present in or around the facility. Fill columns E or F for only those rows for which there is a checkmark in column C.
If the facility contains low emission transfer equipment (i.e, all equipment identified in Form 5.9 are installed and are in working order), then the minimum separation distances in column D of Form 6.4 can be reduced to one half of the indicated values.
If the containers in the LP-Gas facility are provided with SPECIAL PROTECTION MEASURES, then continue the analysis below. Otherwise skip section 6.4 and go to Chapter 7. Also see Chapter 9.
Special Protection
In the event that a proposed installation is adjacent to a property containing an extremely high combustible fuel loading and the location of the storage containers is such that exposure of the containers to a fire on the adjacent property would severely impact the integrity of the containers, special protection methods may be utilized to reduce the exposure hazard to the containers. Installed special protection systems must comply with section 3.10.3 of NFPA 58, which addresses both passive and active protection systems. Passive approaches include insulating the outside of the containers, mounding above grade or burying the container. Active special protection includes fixed water spray systems or placement of monitor nozzles at strategic locations with respect to the containers to be protected. Complete form 6.5 to determine compliance of the installation with the Code. Similarly, Form 6.6 indicates the requirements for active protection. This Form also should be completed as part of the fire safety analysis process. (NOTE:. See NFPA 58 for complete requirements.)
Form 6.5
Special Protection Measures Passive Systems A # B Special Protection Option C Question
Insulation provided on each of the containers? Insulation material complies with the requirements of section NFPA 58? Each container in the facility is mounded? Mounding complies with each requirement under section of NFPA 58. Each container in the facility is buried? 3 Burying of containers Buried containers comply with each requirement under section of NFPA 58. D Is the Facility compliant? E
NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 Edition)
No and &
Container Insulation
Mounding of containers
Form 6.6
Special Protection Measures Active Systems Special Protection Option
Is the Facility compliant? NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 Edition)
Yes No
Are fixed water spray systems, complying with NFPA 151 requirements, used for each container in the facility? 1 Water spray systems Do fire responsive devices actuate water spray system automatically? Can the water spray systems be actuated manually also? Are the monitor nozzles located and arranged so that the water stream can wet the surfaces of all containers exposed to a fire? Can the water stream from a monitor nozzle reach and wet the entire surface of, at least, one half of a length from one end of each of Monitor nozzle the containers it is designed to protect? 2 systems Do fixed monitor nozzles comply with NFPA 151 requirements? Do fire responsive devices actuate the monitor nozzles? Can the monitor nozzles can be actuated manually also? 1. Refer to Chapter 8 for a discussion on NFPA 15 Standard for Water Spray Fixed Systems for Fire Protection
Form 6.7
Protection Against Vehicular Impact
Is physical protection provided? No Yes Type of physical protection installed
System Protected
1 2 3
Types of Propane Fires: A propane release inside the LP-Gas facility may affect adjacent properties and off-site populations if the release is of a sufficiently large size. An immediately ignited release will result in a local fire. Depending upon the characteristics of the release and ignition two types of local fires can occur, namely, a pool fire on any liquid pool of propane on the ground or a burning rising fireball. If the released propane is not immediately ignited, then a dispersing cloud (or plume) of vapor will form. The cloud or plume will move in the direction of the wind. Because of the mixing of air with the dispersing propane, propane concentration decreases continuously both with downwind distance as well as in the crosswind direction. This cloud or plume can be ignited at any distance downwind by an ignition source when the concentration at the point of ignition is within the Lower Flammability Limit (LFL) to Upper Flammability Limit (UFL) range. For propane the range of flammable concentrations in air is between 2.15% and 9.6% by volume. Ignition of a dispersing vapor cloud or plume may result in a flashback type of vapor fire. In extremely rare cases, and only when the physical conditions are conducive, with partial or full confinement of the propane-air mixture of proper concentration and its ignition, a vapor explosion can occur, resulting in a blast wave. If the dispersing cloud is not ignited it poses no hazard to the surrounding area. Propane vapor at ambient pressure and temperature is heavier than air. Hence, any vapor released will tend to flow towards and accumulate in low-lying areas adjacent to the release location. If a building or other semi-confined area exists adjacent to the release location wherein the vapor can accumulate in the lower parts of the building, a potential explosion hazard will result. Hazardous Effects of a Fire: The effect of a propane fire on an off-site property will depend on the type and material of construction of the structure and its distance from the fire and fire size. Similarly, the number of off-site persons adversely impacted by a fire inside a LP-Gas facility will also depend on, (in addition to the characteristics of the fire and the distance between the fire and the population) the type of population, the timeliness of notification, the effectiveness of the evacuation planning and implementation, etc. Release Cases: In this manual, a number of mathematical models were developed for credible accident scenarios, to describe the effects of the release of propane inside LP-Gas facilities and its subsequent behavior. These models were used to calculate potential hazard areas for each scenario of release. Each potential release discussed has very low probability of occurrence. However, because of the flammability of propane, such releases may pose hazards. The hazard
distance (to a property outside the facility boundary or to off-site persons) from a propane release within the facility will depend on the size and duration of release, and the type of fire that occurs. The calculated distance to which a hazard extends under each scenario of release and for each hazard behavior is indicated in Table 7.1. To assess the hazards posed to offsite population from in-plant releases of propane it is necessary to: 1. Note the type of occupancies surrounding the facility, and 2. Describe in detail the characteristics and density of the population surrounding the facility.
To evaluate the impact on the surrounding population from an in-plant propane release, complete Form 7.2 using the results indicated in Table 7.1.
Table 7.1
Distances to Various Types of Propane Hazards Under Different Release Models**
Vapor Dispersion Distance to LFL (ft) 250 230 190 135 Explosion Hazard Distance (ft) 110 103 90 120 Fire Ball Radiation Distance (ft) 50 45 40 25
Model #
Details of the Propane Release Model Releases from or due to 1 ID x 150 ft hose length 1 ID x 120 ft hose length 1 ID x 75 ft hose length Release of the inventory in a transfer piping 1" x 30 ft + @ 20 gpm for 10 min., due to failed excess flow valve. Bobtail hose failure. Release of the entire inventory in the hose, quickly. Release from the container pressure relief valve Release from a 1 ID x 150 ft transfer piping to a vaporizer and reduced flow from a partially open excess flow valve @ 20 gpm for 10 min. Leak from a corrosion hole in a transfer pipe at a back pressure of 130 psig (corresponding to 80 oF) for 60 min. Hole size is ID. Release of the entire inventory in a 2 ID x 20 ft., transfer hose. Transport hose blowdown: Hose size 2" ID, 20 ft length release for 3min., from a Transport after the tank is filled.
1A 1B 1C 2 3 4 5 6 7
110 195 75
120 90 30
5 40 <5
** Results from models described in Appendix B. The results are rounded to the nearest 5 feet.
Form 7.1
Types of Occupancies
Type of Occupancies
Assembly Occupancies (Places of worship, Libraries, Theaters and Auditoriums, Food or Drink Bars, Sports Stadiums, Amusement Parks, Transportation Centers, etc. with 50 or more people). Institutional Occupancies (Elderly Persons Home or Nursing Home, Hospitals, Alcohol & Drug Rehabilitation Centers, Prisons) Educational Occupancies (Elementary Schools, Day Care facilities, etc). NOTES: (1) Different types of occupancies are defined in NFPA 5000 (2) Table 7.1 provides a number of scenarios that can result in propane release, and the resulting area exposed for different ignition mechanisms. Determine the scenarios that are applicable to the facility, for the quantities that can be released. Use the hose diameters and length that will be used at the facility if they differ from the ones in Table 7.1 and recalculate the hazard distances using a spreadsheet method that is available at Some scenarios may not be applicable to an installation because of other mitigation measures implemented, such as a hose management procedure to minimize the possibility of hose failure.
A large fire or an explosion occurring outside the plant boundary may have detrimental effects on the plant equipment, containers or electrical systems. The most likely scenario is that the LP-Gas plant equipment is affected by intense heat radiation from the external fire. In order to assess the effects on in-plant personnel, equipment, containers and safety systems from exposure to off-site hazards it is necessary to: 1 2 Identify industrial or other operations surrounding the LP-Gas plant and also note the type of occupancies surrounding the plant; Discuss with owners of facilities or operations surrounding the LP-Gas plant any potential detrimental effect due to their presence or operations upon the LP-Gas plant; Implement suitable precautions and develop quick notification or other effective communication system protocol between the LP-Gas plant and its neighboring industrial plants, to minimize the potential detrimental effects on a proposed LP-Gas plant from surrounding operations.
The description of the LP-Gas plant surroundings was specified in Form 4.2. Form 7.2 should be completed as a part of the Fire Safety Analysis to note any outside hazards that may affect the integrity of the LP-gas system.
Form 7.2
Exposure to LP-Gas Facility from External Hazards
A Item # B C D
Petroleum and other hazardous material storage, wholesale dispensing, etc. 2 Metal cutting, welding, and metal fabrication 3 Industrial Manufacturing that can pose external hazards Ports, rail yards and trans-shipment terminals handling 4 flammable and explosive materials. Other operations that may pose hazards (gasoline and other 5 hazardous material dispensing stations, fertilizer storage, etc). NOTE: If a particular activity indicated in column B does not exist, fill both Yes and No columns with NA. 1
Where a YES has been checked in either Form 7.1 or Form 7.2: 1) For an existing facility, communicate this information to local emergency responders for inclusion in their emergency planning. 2) For a proposed facility, implement the actions indicated in Chapter 9.
External Fire Effects on LPG Containers: An evaluation of the effects of thermal radiation from fires outside the facility on LP containers in the LPG plant was conducted to provide guidance to those using this manual. (This evaluation, the associated mathematical model and detailed results with and without the effects of wind have been published in a peer reviewed technical journal)1. The maximum temperature attained by the vapor-wetted wall of a propane container exposed to heat radiation from an external, non-impinging fire was calculated for various sizes of containers. The assumptions made in regard to the size and location of the external fire included the following: The fire used in the model was a highly radiative liquid hydrocarbon pool fire. The value assumed for the heat radiation emanating from this liquid pool fire was greater than that from fires occurring due to the burning of wooden buildings, tires, forest trees, and other flammable liquids such as oil fires, which burn with high degree of smoke production.
Raj, P.K., Exposure of a liquefied gas container to an external fire, Journal of Hazardous Materials, v122, Issues 1-2, p 37-49, June 2005.
A fire diameter of 100 ft (30.5 m) was used for a duration of 30 minutes. This is a very large fire. The edge of the fire was located at distances to buildings required by Table 6.3.1 of NFPA 58 and consistent with the size of the container nearest to the plant boundary. Convective cooling of the heated surface and the effects of reflective paint on the containers were included. Bending of the fire plume towards the containers due to the effects of wind were also included.
The maximum temperatures calculated for the steel surface of the container in contact with vapor in different size containers were as follows: Maximum Temperature attained in 30 min exposure 660 F 648 F 507 F 507 F 437 F 384 F 340 F
Container Size Gal. (W.C.) 1,000 2,000 4,000 12,000 18,000 30,000 60,000
The temperature at which the yield strength of steel of a propane tank begins to decrease is close to 800 F. Based on this, there is no threat of propane tank failure from thermal radiation from an external fire occurring at the minimum separation distances specified in Table 6.3.1 of NFPA 58.
Use Form 8.1 to record the relevant data on personnel and resources from the local FD or fire company that is responsible for the area where the LP-Gas facility is located. This is a good opportunity to establish a working relationship with the fire department as you will need their support as you go forward with this planning and evaluation process and they will need to understand the facility to provide maximum assistance should an incident occur at the facility. Analyzing the data from Form 8.1: The designation of the fire fighters as career personnel or volunteers has no bearing on the expertise of the company. The purpose of items 4 and 5 in Form 8.1 is to help determine how fast the initial help might be available. Career fire fighters are in the station and available to respond. Volunteer fire fighters may have to come from home or their place of business. Career fire fighters can normally have a piece of fire apparatus responding within one minute of receiving the call, volunteers may take 4-5 minutes to reach the station before they can respond. Item # 6 helps determine the level of skill of the fire fighters in the fire department. NFPA 1001, Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications, defines the expertise required of a firefighter to be qualified to Levels I and II. A Level I firefighter can do general fire fighting tasks under close supervision and a Level II firefighter can do those and more tasks under general supervision. Item # 7A is critical to determining if an effective operation can be conducted. For fighting a fire, at least two firefighters are required for each 125 gpm hose line used. In addition, an incident commander, a safety officer, additional supervisory officers (depending on the size of the incident), and an operator for each piece of fire apparatus that is being used (pumping or performing some other function) is required. Also required is a rapid intervention crew (RIC) of 2 firefighters when the first firefighting crew is deployed into a hazardous area, with that team growing to 4 firefighters when the second and subsequent crews enter the hazardous area. The role of the RIC is to perform a rescue of one or more firefighters that may be injured during the operation. Item # 7B and Item # 7C help determine the training and knowledge of the fire fighters in hazardous materials and the specific hazards of LP-Gas. NFPA 472 is Standard for Professional Competence of Responders to Hazardous Materials Incidents.
Form 8.1
Data on the Responding Fire Department
A Item # 1 2A 2B 3A 3B 4 5 6A 6B 7A B Data Item Name of the Fire Department (FD). Name of the person in the FD assisting with the data acquisition. Position of the person in the FD assisting with the data acquisition. Date on which FD data was collected. Name of the person collecting the data. Number of firefighters on duty at any time. Average number of firefighters available for response. Number of firefighters qualified to Firefighter I level. Firefighter II level. Respond on the first alarm to the facility. Respond on the first alarm and who are qualified to the operations level requirements of NFPA 472 or local requirements Respond on the first alarm with specific knowledge and training on the properties of LP-Gas and LP-Gas fires. Number of fire apparatus that have the capability to deploy a 125 gpm hose line supplied by onboard water for at least 4 minutes, and, which: Are in service in the department. C Data Entry
Item # 8A and Item # 8B help determine the capability of fire apparatus that will or could respond to an incident. A 125 gpm hose line is a typical hose line used for firefighting where the fire fighters are expected to advance and maneuver the line while it is flowing. Response time: Another important consideration of the effectiveness of the Fire Department to respond to an incident is the time it takes the FD to reach the LP-Gas facility. Many fire departments have multiple fire stations or use mutual aid fire companies from other communities to assist them so resources are coming from different locations. It is therefore important to determine the total time for not only the first apparatus but for subsequently arriving apparatus as well. You will need to work with the fire department and gather this information as well. Using Form 8.2, determine the time for all resources that would be dispatched to an emergency at the facility. Start by identifying and listing in column A the fire companies that would respond on a first alarm to an emergency. Then, for each company record the time it would take to receive and handle an alarm, for the company to turnout, and the time to respond. If the fire department does not have data that can help, some good averages to use are:
Alarm Receipt & Handling Time - 1 minute for the fire department first receiving the
Total the times in columns B, C, and D for each company and enter the sum in Column E. This response time will give you an idea of how long it will take resources to reach the facility gate. Fire fighters must then determine the nature and severity of the emergency, determine how they are going to deal with the emergency, maybe establish a water supply from a hydrant or other source, and implement their attack. This can take anywhere from a couple of minutes to upwards of 30 minutes.
Identify the largest container at the facility and all stationary containers within 50 feet of the largest container. Record in column F of Form 8.3 the largest container. Next, record in Column F the two containers that are within 50 feet of the largest, and which have the most surface area exposed to the end of the largest container at which the appurtenances are installed. These are the containers, which are most likely to be affected by a fire occurring at the appurtenances of the largest container. Multiply the number of containers recorded in Column F by the required water flow rate per container in Column E and enter the result in Column G. Sum the values in Column G and enter the sum in Cell 2a, Column G. Round this number up to the next multiple of 125 (i.e. 725 gpm would round up to 750 gpm). This is done because the application of water by the fire department is generally going to be in increments of 125 gpm. Enter that figure in Cell 2b, Column G. You have now determined the application rate for cooling water that is necessary if the largest container is subjected to fire. Add 250 gpm (Cell 3, Column G) for use by firefighters to protect personnel when approaching the container or its valves to control the flow of product. Sum the numbers in Cells 2b and 3 of Column G. Enter that number in Cell 4, Column G. To determine the total volume of water required for a 10-minute application time, multiply the total water flow rate in Cell 4, Column G by 10 and enter that figure into Cell 4, Column H.
Form 8.2
Response Time data for the Fire Departments
A Company or Department B C D E
Form 8.3
Water Flow Rate and Total Water Volume Required to Cool Containers Exposed to a Fire
A B C D Surface Area of each container to be Cooled (ft2) 500 86 1,000 172 2,000 290 4,000 374 6,500 570 9,200 790 12,000 990 18,000 1,160 30,000 1,610 45,000 2,366 60,000 3,090 90,000 4,600 Other Size Calculated water flow rate for container protection Water flow rate rounded up to nearest multiple of 125 Water for firefighter protection, if required Total water flow rate and volume 250 2500 43 86 145 187 285 395 495 580 805 1,183 1,545 2,300 E Water flow rate required per container (gpm) 10.8 21.5 36.3 46.8 71.3 98.8 123.8 145.0 201.3 295.8 386.3 575.0 F Number of container s of the size indicated G Total Water flow rate required (gpm) H Total volume of water required for 10 min (gal)
Item #
2a 2b 3 4
Line 2a, Column G and Column H are the sum of numbers in each row above line 2 of each column. Line 4, Column G and Column H are the sum of numbers in rows 2 and 3. Consider only 3 containers for water supply evaluations even if the number of containers in a group is more than 3. 1 ASME container dimensions obtained from
The total water requirement for the facility is indicated in item 4, column G (water flow rate) and column H (total water volume or quantity) of Form 8.3. If multiple groups of containers are present in the facility, repeat the calculations in Form 8.3 for each group of containers. The total water requirement for the facility is the largest value for any single group of containers. 8-5
Water Availability Evaluation If a water system is installed, Form 8.3 calculates the total water requirement for a 10-minute duration. This time period allows for manual shutdown, rescue of any injured, and the possibility of dispersing unignited gas. If there is a public or private water supply with hydrants available within 1000 feet of the facility gate, determine the available flow rate from that system with 20 psi residual pressure. The water company may have flow test data or it may be necessary to conduct flow tests. If that flow rate is equal to or greater than the needed flow rate determined using Form 8.3, you can assume your water supply is adequate. If the hydrant flow rate is less than the needed flow rate, determine what other sources of water are available. Sources fall into two categories: water on fire apparatus responding to the incident, and water in rivers, ponds or lakes near the facility. Start by talking with the fire department about whether they have a tanker shuttle capability. Some departments have well-organized operations that can deliver 250 gpm or more on a continuous basis using tanker shuttles. This may be the only capability available or it may be a supplement to a weak hydrant system. Be sure to determine how long it would take to get the water shuttle established. If there is a river, pond or lake in the area, the fire department may be capable of drafting from that water source and pumping water through hose lines to the facility. There are a number of things that need to be considered before relying on this type of water supply. 1. Can a fire apparatus get close enough to the water source to reach the water with the suction hose it carries (normally 20 feet) and not have the lift (distance from the surface of the water to the center of the pump) greater than 10 feet? Is the water source available year round? Does it dry up in the summer or freeze in the winter? The strainer on the suction hose needs to be at least 2 feet below the surface of the water. Is the water source of adequate size or flow to supply the water needed? Does the fire department have the hose and pumping apparatus to relay the water from the source to the fire? How long will it take to set up this relay?
3. 4. 5.
These factors should be evaluated and discussed with the fire department before any decision is made to use such a supply. It might also be useful to have the fire department conduct an actual timed drill to deliver the needed water supply to the facility site using the normally responding complement of personnel and equipment. Complete Form 8.4 to document the water supply that will be available to the facility site.
Form 8.4
Evaluation of Water Availability in or Near the LP-Gas Facility
A Item # B Water from C Available? D Quantitative information Available Distance from water flow Hydrant Facility gate rate from all data hydrants(1) (feet) (gpm) Hydrant 1 Hydrant 2 Hydrant 3 Distance to water source = ____ Feet Time to set up relay = _____ min. Rate of delivery = 3 Only through mobile water tanker shuttle. ______ gpm
Public supply or from another piped-in supply through one or more fire hydrants in or near the facility
Yes Yes
No No
Time to set up shuttle = _____ min. Sustainable flow rate = ______ gpm
NOTE: (1) Obtain the flow rate in each hydrant from the local municipal water authority or the entity that supplies water to the hydrant or conduct a test to determine total available flow rate.
Having the water available does not guarantee that the fire department has the resources to apply the water in a timely manner. Completed Form 8.2 will indicate how much time it will take for the fire department to have initial resources at the facility and how long before additional resources will be on-site. If the capability to apply cooling water within the first 10 minutes of initial fire exposure to the container is not present, extremely dangerous conditions could begin to develop. Note that it will take several minutes after the apparatus arrives at the facility gate before cooling water is actually applied to the containers and that hand held hose lines will be used with water supplied from the water tank on the apparatus. Even if hydrants are available, the staffing on the first arriving fire apparatus will probably not be sufficient to establish a watersupply from the hydrant. Depending on the hydrant system and the fire departments standard operating guidelines, it may be necessary to connect a pumper to the hydrant. If the distance is over 1000 ft. it may also be necessary to use hose from more than one fire apparatus to reach the hydrant and in some cases, to use intermediate pumpers in the hose line to boost the pressure.
Form 8.1 contains information on responding apparatus capable of applying 125 gpm for 4 minutes. This is adequate to begin operations for a single container of 30,000 gallons or less water capacity if no other adjacent containers are exposed to the fire. However, a continuous water supply then has to be established within that 4 minutes or other apparatus must be available with onboard water to continue the cooling until a continuous water supply is set up. A larger facility or multiple containers exposing each other is a different situation. In those cases, cooling water may need to be applied using larger hand held hose lines or ground monitors to achieve the reach necessary with the water stream. Both of these require considerably more water than may be supplied by 125 gpm hose lines and need to be supplied by a hydrant system, a relay operation from a static water source, or a sustainable tanker shuttle operation. Using the data you have gathered, it is recommended that you discuss with the fire department the resources available to protect the facility. This would include evaluating the knowledge and training of the fire fighters who would be arriving at the facility.
1) 2)
For an existing facility, communicate this information to local responders for inclusion in their emergency planning. For a proposed new facility, refer to Chapter 9
Form 9.1
Analysis Summary on Product Control and Local Conditions of Hazard
A Item # B CHAPTER Title C Section & Title 5.1: Product Control in Containers 1 Product Control Measures in Containers & Transfer Piping 5.2 Product Control in Transfer Piping 6.1 D Reference FORM # 5.1 or 5.2 or 5.3 or 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 E Number of NO checked
Physical Protection 6.1 Measures 6.2 Ignition Source 6.2 Control 6.3.1 Separation distances; 6.3 Container and Analysis of Local Conditions 2 outside exposures of Hazard 6.3.2 Separation distances; Transfer points and 6.4 outside exposures 6.5 6.4 Special Protection Measures 6.6 The number of No for Forms from Chapter 5 is the difference between the required number of appurtenances according to NFPA 58-2004, and a lesser number found to be actually installed on the container or the transfer piping.
If, in any row of column E (No) of Form 9.1, the entry number is greater than zero, the proposed LP-Gas facility is not in compliance with the 2004 NFPA 58 Code requirements for product control appurtenances or other safety measures. The design of the proposed facility must be modified to conform to the Code requirements. In addition, the following items should be noted. If there are any No checks in Form 6.3, then the separation distance requirements for containers are not satisfied. An option that may be considered is the reduction in separation distance to 10 feet for underground and mounded containers by providing Redundant and Fail-Safe Product Control Measures. In this case, complete Form 9.4 below to ensure that each requirement of Redundant and Fail-Safe Product Control Measures is provided. If there are any No checks in Form 6.4, then the separation distance requirements for transfer points are not satisfied. In this case, relocate the transfer points so that the separation distances conform to the code requirements or provide the Low Emission Transfer Equipment. Complete Form 9.5 below and ensure that all requirements for Low Emission Transfer Equipment are fulfilled.
Form 9.2
Analysis Summary on Exposure from and to the LP-Gas Facility
A Item # B CHAPTER Title C Section & Title 7.1 Exposure to off-site properties and persons from in-plant propane releases 7.2 Exposure to propane facility from external events. D Reference FORM # 7.1 7.2 E Number of YES checked
If the entry number in column E (Yes), Form 9.2 corresponding to Form 7.1 is greater than zero, consider one or more of the following design alternatives.
1 Consider moving the container or the transfer point to a different location, if possible and
space exists, so that the property or the person is beyond the hazard distance.
2 Provide Redundant and Fail-safe Product Control Measures. Complete Form 9.4 to
ensure compliance.
3 Institute other technical measures such as installing gas and flame detectors (connected to
facility shut down systems), sounding alarm outside facility premises, etc.
4 Institute administrative controls such as additional training for personnel, more frequent
inspections of hoses and transfer piping, etc. If the entry number in column E (Yes), Form 9.2 corresponding to Form 7.2 is greater than zero, consider one or more of the following design alternatives. 1 Implement procedures to monitor neighboring activity. 2 Install means in the adjacent plant to shut down the LP-Gas plant in case of an emergency in that plant.
Form 9.3
Analysis Summary on Fire Department Evaluations
A B C D E Number zeros entered in Column C, Lines 6 through 8 of Form 8.1 F Number of Yes checked in Column C of Form 8.4
Item #
Reference FORM #
1 2
8.1 Data on the Fire Department 8.2 Fire response water needs and availability
8.1 8.4
If the entry number in row 1, Column E of Form 9.3 is greater than zero, consider one or more of the following design alternatives. 1 Discuss with the local Fire Department the needs of the LP-Gas facility and the evaluation results on the capability and training inadequacies of the Department. 2 Consider developing a cadre of personnel within the LP-Gas facility to respond to emergencies. 3 Institute container special protection system based on active protection approaches or passive approaches. Complete Form 9.6 and Form 9.7 below. If the entry number in row 2, Column F of Form 9.3 is equal to zero, consider one or more of the following design alternatives. 1 Provide special protection (other than water spray or monitor systems) to containers, satisfying the requirements of section 6.23.5 of NFPA Code, 2004 edition. Complete Form 9.6 to ensure compliance. 2 Consider implementing the various options indicated in Table 9.1.
Form 9.4
Redundant and Fail-Safe Design for Containers A Item # B Description C Features
Redundant Fail-Safe equipment and Low Emission transfer lines are provided for each container of water capacity 2,001 gal to 30,000 gal Internal Valve with integral excess flow valve or excess flow protection Positive Shutoff Valve installed as close as possible to the Internal Valve Internal Valve with integral excess flow valve or excess flow protection or Back Flow Check valve Positive Shutoff Valve installed as close as possible to the Internal Valve or the back flow check valve Emergency Shutoff Valve installed in the transfer hose or the swivel-type piping at the tank car end.
NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 Edition) 6.24.4 and 6.24.5
Container Sizes for which the appurtenances are provided Liquid or Vapor Withdrawal (1-1/4 in. or larger)
Railcar Transfer
Flow Into or Out of Railroad tank car Flow Only Into railroad tank car
Emergency shutoff valve or backflow check valve installed in the transfer hose or the swivel-type piping at the tank car end.
Protection provided in accordance with By fire actuation Automatic closure of all 6 primary valves (IV & ESV) In the event of a hose pull-away due to in an Emergency vehicle motion Remote shutdown station within 15 ft (A) of the point of transfer? Another remote shutdown station (B) between 25 ft and 100 ft of the transfer point? Manually operated remote 7 Shutdown stations will shut down shutdown of IV and ESV electrical power supply, if any, to the transfer equipment and primary valves? Signs complying with the requirements (C) of (C) provided? Note: If your facility does not have a rail terminal, write the word NA in both the Yes column and the No column in item 4 of the form in the railroad tank car row. Similar option is also available if there is no cargo tank vehicle transfer station. 5 Cargo Tank Transfer
Form 9.5
Evaluation of Low Emission Transfer Equipment A Item # B Description
Delivery Nozzle and Filer ValveMax. Liquid Release after transfer of 4 cc. During product transfer or post transfer uncoupling of the hose, liquid product volume released to the atmosphere
C Features
NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 Edition)
Transfer into Cylinders or ASME Containers on Vehicles Transfer into Stationary ASME Containers Delivery valve and nozzle combination Transfer into Stationary ASME Containers Maximum filling limit
Fixed Maximum Liquid Level Gauge not used during transfer operations (B)
Does not exceed 4 cc (0.24 in3) from a hose of nominal size 1 in or smaller Does not exceed 15 cc (0.91 in3) from a hose of nominal size larger than 1 in. Do containers less than 2,001 gal (w.c.) have an overfilling prevention device or another approved device? Do containers greater than 2,000 gal (w.c.) have a float gage or other non-venting device? (A) (B) (F) (E)
Transfer into Stationary ASME Not used during routine transfer operations Containers but may be used in calibrating other non(C,D) Fixed Maximum venting liquid level gauges in the container Liquid Level gauge If the facility does not have a particular feature described in the table, write NA in both the Yes and No columns corresponding its row in item 2.
Form 9.6
Special Protection Measures Passive Systems A Item # B Special Protection Option C Question
Insulation provided on each of the containers? 1 Container Insulation Insulation material complies with the requirements of section of NFPA 58? Each container in the facility is mounded? Mounding complies with each requirement under section of NFPA 58. Each container in the facility is buried? 3 Burying of containers Buried containers comply with each requirement under section of NFPA 58. D Proposed for the facility? E NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 Edition) and &
Mounding of containers
Form 9.7
Special Protection Measures Active Systems Special Protection Option
Is the Facility compliant? NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 Edition)
Item #
Are fixed water spray systems, complying with NFPA 15 requirements, used for each container in the facility? Do fire responsive devices actuate water spray system automatically? Can the water spray systems be actuated manually also? Are the monitor nozzles located and arranged so that the water stream can wet the surfaces of all containers exposed to a fire? Can the water stream from a monitor nozzle reach and wet the entire surface of, at least, one half of a length from one end of each of the containers it is designed to protect? Do fixed monitor nozzles comply with NFPA 15 requirements? Do fire responsive devices actuate the monitor nozzles? Can the monitor nozzles be actuated manually also?
Table 9.1
Suggested Alternative Methods for Industrial and Bulk Plants That Do Not Pose a Hazard But Lack a Water Supply Item #
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
11 12
Possible options to implement when adequate water supply is not available Reduce the service life of hoses. Increase frequency of equipment inspection. Establish a service life program for the maintenance of the container pressure relief devices. This could include the installation of a listed multiple port valve and certifying that the relief devices are properly set and maintained every 5 to 10 years. Increase the design strength of the piping and fitting systems. Install emergency shutoff valves in conjunction with container internal valves. Install emergency shutoff valves downstream of transfer pump outlets, and upstream of the vapor and liquid valves at the bulkhead. Install pneumatic tubing along the facility boundary to serve as a perimeter fire detection system. This would provide protection of the facility against exposure fires. Provide optical flame detection or linear heat detection, or a gas detection system connected to an isolation valve installed downstream of every liquid and vapor nozzle on the container. This system could also be monitored to send a signal to an alarm company that notifies the Fire Department of an event. Increase the separation distances of internal facility exposures to the container. These exposures would include a site dumpster, idle or waste pallets and combustibles, and increasing the parking distances between the bobtails and transports in relation to the container. Relocate overhead power lines away from all container and cylinder storage areas to protect against ignition in the event of a line dropping due to wind or power pole impact. Eliminate all combustible vegetation within 30 feet of the LP-Gas container. This can be accomplished using gravel, or paving the site yard. Install tanks using the mounding or burial method. 9-8
Form 4.1
Initial Data on the LP-Gas Facility
A Item # 1 2 3 4 5 B Information Item C Data
Name of the LP-Gas Plant Owner or Operator Contact Name: Contact Telephone & Fax Numbers Contact Email Address Mailing Address
Form 4.2
Facility Storage Capacity
B C D Individual Total Container Water Capacity (wc) Number of # Water Capacity of each container containers (wc) size (gallons) (gallons) 500 1,000 2,000 4,000 10,000 18,000 1 30,000 60,000 Other: 1,800 4 7,200 Other: Other: Other: Aggregate Water 4 7,200 2 Capacity Notes: (1) Column D = Column B x Column C. (2) Parked bobtails, transports and tank cars should not be considered for aggregate capacity calculations. (3) Do not consider containers that are not connected for use. (4) For the purpose of this manual, Aggregate Water Capacity means any group of single ASME storage containers separated from each other by distances less than those stated in the aboveground containers column of Table 6.3.1. A
Form 4.3
Additional Information on the LP-Gas Facility Existing Facility; Built to NFPA 58 Edition __1992___ a) b) c) Name of the Plant (if applicable) Type of LP-Gas Plant: Facility is located in Facility neighbors: (Check all that apply) Proposed Facility
_____ABC Propane Co., Inc._____ Commercial Industrial Bulk Plant City Commercial Zone
Agri. fields Commercial Bldgs Flammable Liquids Storage Industrial Activity (metal fabrication, cutting and welding, etc) Manufacturing Others (explain) ______________________
_______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ Bobtail Pipeline Truck Transport Rail Tank Car
LP-Gas liquid supply by: (Check all that apply) LP-Gas Distribution by: Plant (Check all that apply) Number of vehicle entrances: Type of access roads to the plant: (One check per line) Entrance 1 (One check per line) Entrance 2 Staff presence
Bobtail Truck Transport Vapor Piping Liquid Piping Dispensing or Vehicle fueling One Two Rural Dirt road Dirt road More than two City or Town Gravel road Gravel road Highway Paved Paved
i) j)
Not staffed Only during transfer operations Staffed always (24/7) Only during business hours Other (Explain) ___________________________
Location and distances to Institutional Occupancies surrounding the facility, if any, within 250 ft from the facility boundary in the direction of the assets. ___Institutional or other occupancies do not lie within 250 ft., of the facility._____ _____________________________________________________________________ Is an overview plot plan of the facility attached? Yes No
All properties either abutting the LP-Gas facility or within 250 feet of the container or transfer point nearest to facility boundary.
Form 5.1
Compliance with Code Requirements for Appurtenances on Containers of 2,000 Gallons Water Capacity or Less
A B Service Configuration # in Figure 5-1 5-1A 5-1A 5-1A 5-1A C D Number of Product Release Control Appurtenances Required by Installed on NFPA 58 the (applicable Container edition) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 E NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 Edition)
Container #
1 2 3 4 5 6
Form 5.5
Requirements for Transfer Lines of 1-inch Diameter or Larger, Liquid-into-Containers A # B Appurtenance C Appurtenance Provided with the Feature
Installed within 20 ft. of lineal pipe from the nearest end of the hose or swivel-type connections. Automatic shutoff through thermal (fire) actuation with melting point of thermal element < 250 oF Temperature sensitive element installed within 5 ft from the nearest end of the hose or swivel type piping connected to liquid transfer line. Manual shutoff feature provided at ESV installed location. Manual shutoff device provided at a remote location, not less than 25 ft., and not more than 100 ft. from the ESV. An ESV is installed on each leg of a multi leg piping each of which is connected to a hose or a swivel type connection on one side and to a header of size larger than 1 inch in diameter on the other side. Breakaway stanchion is provided such that in any pull-away break will occur on the hose or swiveltype connection side while retaining intact the valves and piping on the plant side. Annually tested and documented? Installed downstream of the hose or swivel-type connection BCKV is designed for this specific application.
NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 edition) 6.10.2 6.10.6 6.10.6 6.10.10 (1) 6.10.10 (2)
A BCKV is installed on each leg of a multi leg piping each of which is connected to a hose or a Back flow 6.10.5 swivel type connection on one side and to a header Check Valve of size larger than 1 inch in diameter on the other (BCKV)** side. Breakaway stanchion is provided such that in any pull-away break will occur on the hose or swivel6.10.8 type connection side while retaining intact the valves and piping on the plant side. Annually tested and documented? 6.10.8 The backflow check valve (BCKV) shall have a metal-to-metal seat or a primary resilient seat with metal backup, not hinged with a combustible material.
Form 5.7
Requirements for Vapor Transfer Lines 1-inch Diameter or Larger A # B Appurtenance C Appurtenance Provided with the Feature
Installed within 20 ft. of lineal pipe from the nearest end of the hose or swivel-type connections. Automatic shutoff through thermal (fire) actuation with melting point of thermal element < 250 oF Temperature sensitive element installed within 5 ft from the nearest end of the hose or swivel type piping connected to liquid transfer line. Manual shutoff feature provided at E SV installed location. Manual shutoff device provided at a remote location, not less than 25 ft., and not more than 100 ft. from the ESV. An ESV is installed on each leg of a multi leg piping each of which is connected to a hose or a swivel type connection on one side and to a header of size larger than 1 inch in diameter on the other side. Breakaway stanchion is provided such that in any pullaway break will occur on the hose or swivel-type connection side while retaining intact the valves and piping on the plant side.
NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 Edition) 6.10.2 6.10.6 6.10.6 6.10.10 (1) 6.10.10 (2) 6.10.5 (1)
Form 6.1
Evaluation of Physical Protection and Other Measures A # B Item
C Features
For nighttime operations adequate lighting provided to illuminate storage containers, container being loaded, control valves, and other equipment Protection against vehicular (traffic) impacts on containers, transfer piping and other appurtenances is designed and provided commensurate with the size of vehicles and type of traffic in the facility. (Example protection systems include but not limited to (1) Guard rails, (2) Steel bollards, (3) Raised sidewalks. Is the above ground piping in contact with a support or a corrosion causing substance protected against corrosion?
NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 edition) 6.16.6 and
Complete only 4A or 4B
Has an industrial type or chain link fence of at least 6 ft high or equivalent protection provided to enclose (all around) container appurtenances, pumping equipment, loading and unloading and container filling facilities? Has at least two means of emergency accesses (gates) from the enclosure provided? NOTE: (i) A second gate is not required when, (i) the area enclosed is less than 100 ft2, or (ii) the point of transfer is within 3 ft of the gate, or containers are not filled within the enclosure Has a clearance of, at least, 3 feet all around to allow emergency access to the required means of egress been provided? If a guard service is provided, is this service extended to LP-Gas plant and are the guard personnel provided with appropriate LP-Gas related training, per section 4.4 of NFPA 58? Are Lock-in-Place devices provided to prevent unauthorized use or operation of any container appurtenance, system valves, equipment in lieu of the fence requirements above?
Perimeter Fence 4A (A)
Guard Service
Lock-in-Place devices
NA (E)
Note: Fill only items 1, 2, 3, and 4A or 4B. Indicate with NA when not filling the Yes or No column. Indicate with NA if the facility is not operated at night.
Form 6.2
Ignition Source Control Assessment
A B C D Is the Facility compliant? Yes Are combustible materials, weeds and tall grass not closer than 10 ft. from each container?
Is a distance of at least 20 ft. provided between containers and tanks containing flammable liquids with flash point < 200 F (ex., gasoline)? Are electrical equipment and wiring installed per Code requirements? Is open flame equipment located and used according to Code? Are ignition control procedures and requirements during liquid transfer operations complied with? Is an approved, portable, dry chemical fire extinguisher of minimum capacity 18 Lbs. and having a B:C rating provided in the facility? Is an approved, portable, dry chemical fire extinguisher of minimum capacity 18 Lbs. And having a B:C rating provided on each truck or trailer used to transport portable containers? Is the prohibition on smoking within the facility premises strictly enforced?
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 Note: 1)
9.4.7 (B) & 9.4.10 Insert NA in both Yes and No columns of any items that are not applicable.
Form 6.3
Separation Distances from Containers to Buildings, Property Lines that can be Built upon, Inter-container Distances, and Aboveground Flammable or Combustible Storage Tanks
A B Container Size Range in gal (W.C.) 501 to 2,000
2,001 to 30,000
C Separation Between A property line, important building or other property and the nearest container which is Above Ground Underground or Mounded Between containers Above Ground Underground or Mounded Between containers Above Ground Underground or Mounded
D Minimum Distance (ft) 25 10 3 50 50 5 75 50 sum of diameters of adjacent containers 100 50 sum of diameters of adjacent containers
NA NA NA NA NA NA Table 6.3.1
30,001 to 70,000
Between containers
Between containers
Separation distance between a LP-Gas container and an above ground storage 20 and tank containing flammable or combustible o liquids of flash points below 200 F. Note: If any of the container sizes indicated in the above form is not present in the facility, enter NA in both Yes and No columns.
Form 6.4
Separation Distances between Points of Transfer and other Exposures
A B Type of Exposure within or outside the facility boundary C Check if exposure is present D Minimum Distance (ft) E F G NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 edition)
1 2 3 4 5
7 8 9 10
11 12
Yes No Buildings, mobile homes, recreational vehicles, NA NA 10 and modular homes with fire-resistive walls Buildings with other than fire resistive walls 25 NA NA Building wall openings or pits at or below the NA NA 25 level of the point of transfer Line of adjoining property that can be built upon 25 NA NA Outdoor places of public assembly, including NA NA 50 school yards, athletic fields, and playgrounds From points of transfer Public ways, including in LP-Gas dispensing 10 public streets, stations and at vehicle Section 6.5.3, highways, fuel dispensers. Table 6.5.3 thoroughfares, and From other points of sidewalks 25 transfer Driveways 5 NA NA Mainline railroad track centerlines 25 NA NA Containers other than those being filled 10 NA NA Flammable and Class II combustible liquid NA NA 20 dispensers and aboveground and underground containers Flammable and Class II combustible liquid NA NA dispensers and the fill connections of LPG 10 containers LP-Gas dispensing device located close to a NA NA 10 Class I liquid dispensing device. NOTE: Place a checkmark in column C against an exposure that is present in or around the facility. Fill columns E or F for only those rows for which there is a checkmark in column C.
Form 6.5
Special Protection Measures Requirements for Passive Systems A # B Special Protection Option C Question
Insulation provided on each of the containers? Insulation material complies with the requirements of section of NFPA 58? Each container in the facility is mounded? N.A. N.A. N.A. D Is the Facility compliant? E NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 Edition) and
Container Insulation
Mounding of containers
Mounding complies with each requirement under section of NFPA 58. Each container in the facility is buried? 3 Burying of containers Buried containers comply with each requirement under section NFPA 58.
Form 6.7
Protection Against Vehicular Impact
Is physical protection provided? No Yes N.A. Type of physical protection installed
System Protected
1 2 3
Table 7.1
Distances to Various Types of Propane Hazards Under Different Release Models**
Vapor Dispersion Distance to LFL (ft) 250 230 190 135 Explosion Hazard Distance (ft) 110 103 90 120 Fire Ball Radiation Distance (ft) 50 45 40 25
Model #
Details of the Propane Release Model Releases from or due to 1 ID x 150 ft hose length Bobtail hose failure. Release 1 ID x 120 ft hose length of the entire inventory in the hose, quickly. 1 ID x 75 ft hose length Release of the inventory in a transfer piping 1" x 30 ft + @ 20 gpm for 10 min., due to failed excess flow valve. Release from the container pressure relief valve Release from a 1 ID x 150 ft length transfer piping to a vaporizer and reduced flow from a partially open excess flow valve @ 20 gpm for 10 min. Leak from a corrosion hole in a transfer pipe at a back pressure of 130 psig (corresponding to 80 oF) for 60 min. Hole size is ID. Release of the entire inventory in a 2 ID x 20 ft., transfer hose. Transport hose blowdown: Hose size 2" ID, 20 ft length release for 3min., from a Transport after the tank is filled.
1A 1B 1C 2 3 4 5 6 7
110 195 75
120 90 30
5 40 <5
** Results from models described in Appendix B. The results are rounded to the nearest 5 feet.
Form 7.1
Types of Occupancies(1) Near or Surrounding the LP-Gas Facility
Model # from Table 7.1 Hazard Distance (feet)(2) Is an Occupancy located within the hazard distance from the Facility? Yes No
Type of Occupancies
Assembly Occupancies (Places of worship, Libraries, 1A 250 Theaters and Auditoriums, Food or Drink Bars, Sports Stadiums, Amusement Parks, Transportation Centers, etc.). Institutional Occupancies (Elderly Persons Home or 1A 250 Nursing Home, Hospitals, Alcohol & Drug Rehabilitation Centers, Prisons) Educational Occupancies (Elementary Schools, Day Care 1A 250 facilities, etc.) NOTES: (1) Different types of occupancies are defined in NFPA 5000 (2) Propane release from a bobtail hose rupture (model # 1A in Table 7.1) is selected for hazard
Form 7.2
Exposure to LP-Gas Plant from External Hazards
A Item # B C D
Petroleum and other hazardous material storage, wholesale dispensing, etc. 2 Metal cutting, welding , and metal fabrication 3 Industrial Manufacturing that can pose external hazards Ports, rail yards and trans-shipment terminals handling 4 flammable and explosive materials. Other operations that may pose hazards (gasoline and other 5 hazardous material dispensing stations, fertilizer storage, etc). NOTE: If a particular activity indicated in column B does not exist, fill both Yes and No columns with NA. 1
Form 8.1
Data on the Responding Fire Department
A Item # 1 2A 2B 3A 3B 4 5 6A 6B 7A Number of firefighters who would B C Data Entry
Data Item
Name of the Fire Department (FD). Name of the person in the FD assisting with the data acquisition. Position of the person in the FD assisting with the data acquisition. Date on which FD data was collected. Name of the person collecting the data. Number of firefighters on duty at any time. Average number of firefighters available for response. Number of firefighters qualified to Firefighter I level. Firefighter II level. respond on the first alarm to the facility. respond on the first alarm and who are qualified to the operations level requirements of NFPA 472 or local requirements respond on the first alarm with specific knowledge and training on the properties of LP-Gas and LP-Gas fires. Number of fire apparatus that have the capability to deploy a 125 gpm hose line supplied by onboard water for at least 4 minutes, and that are in service in the department.
Form 8.2
Response Time Data for the Fire Departments
A B Alarm Receipt & Handling C D E
Form 8.3
Water Flow Rate and Total Water Volume Required to Cool Containers Exposed to a Fire
A Item # B ASME Container Size (gallons) C Total Surface Area of each Container1 (ft2) D Surface Area of each container to be Cooled (ft2) 43 86 145 187 285 395 495 580 805 1,183 1,545 2,300 E Water flow rate required per container (gpm) 10.8 21.5 36.3 46.8 71.3 98.8 123.8 145.0 201.3 295.8 386.3 575.0 F Number of containers of the size indicated G Total Water flow rate required (gpm) H Total volume of water required for 10 min (gal)
2a 2b 3 4
500 86 1,000 172 2,000 290 4,000 374 6,500 570 9,200 790 12,000 990 18,000 1,160 30,000 1,610 45,000 2,366 60,000 3,090 90,000 4,600 Other Size Calculated water flow rate for container protection Water flow rate rounded up to nearest multiple of 125 Water for firefighter protection, if required Total water flow rate and volume
375 3,750 Column E = 0.25 (gpm/ft2) x Column D ; Column G = Column F x Column E Column H = 10 x Column G Line 2, Column G and Column H are the sum of numbers in each row above line 2 of each column. Line 4, Column G and Column H are the sum of numbers in rows 2 and 3. Consider only 3 containers for water supply evaluations even if the number of containers in a group is more than 3. ASME container dimensions obtained from
Form 8.4
Evaluation of Water Availability in or Near the LP-Gas Plant
A Item # B Water from C Available? D Quantitative information Available Distance from water flow Hydrant rate from all Facility gate data (feet) hydrants(1) (gpm) Hydrant 1 Hydrant 2 Hydrant 3 2 A nearby static water source (stream, pond, lake, etc). Only through mobile water tanker shuttle.
Public supply or from another piped-in supply through one or more fire hydrants in or near the facility
Distance to water source = ____ Feet Time to set up relay = _____ min. Rate of delivery = ______ gpm
Yes No Time to set up shuttle = _____ min. Sustainable flow rate = ______ gpm Pond 5 miles away NOTE: (1) Obtain the flow rate in each hydrant from the local municipal water authority or the entity that supplies water to the hydrant or conduct a test to determine total available flow rate. 3
Figure 10.2 shows a schematic plan view of the LP-Gas facility used in Example 2.
Figure 10.2 Schematic plan view of a LP-Gas facility used in Example 2 10-21
Form 4.1
Initial Data on the LP-Gas Facility
A Item # 1 2 3 4 5 B Information Item C Data
Name of the LP-Gas Plant Owner or Operator Contact Name: Contact Telephone & Fax Numbers Contact Email Address Mailing Address
XYZ Propane
Form 4.2
Facility Storage Capacity
B C D Individual Total Container Water Capacity (wc) Number of # Water Capacity of each container containers (wc) size (gallons) (gallons) 500 1,000 2,000 4,000 10,000 18,000 1 18000 1 30,000 60,000 Other: Other: Other: Other: Aggregate Water 2 1 18000 Capacity Notes: (1) Column D = Column B x Column C. (2) Parked bobtails, transports and tank cars should not be considered for aggregate capacity calculations. (3) Do not consider containers that are not connected for use. (4) For the purpose of this manual, Aggregate Water Capacity means any group of single ASME storage containers separated from each other by distances less than those stated in the aboveground containers column of Table 6.3.1. A
Form 4.3
Additional Information on the LP-Gas Facility Existing Facility; Built to NFPA 58 Edition __1995___ a) b) c) Name of the Plant (if applicable) _____XYZ Propane _____ Type of LP-Gas Plant: Commercial Industrial Facility is located in Facility neighbors: (Check all that apply) Rural Area, Suburban Area, City Industrial Zone Proposed Facility
Bulk Plant
Agri. fields Commercial Bldgs Flammable Liquids Storage Industrial Activity (metal fabrication, cutting and welding, etc) Manufacturing Others (explain) ______________________
_______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ Bobtail Pipeline Truck Transport Rail Tank Car
LP-Gas liquid supply by: (Check all that apply) LP-Gas Distribution by: Plant (Check all that apply) Number of vehicle entrances: Type of access roads to the plant: (One check per line) Entrance 1 (One check per line) Entrance 2 Staff presence
Bobtail Truck Transport Vapor Piping Liquid Piping Dispensing or Vehicle fueling One Two Rural Dirt road Dirt road More than two City or Town Gravel road Gravel road Highway Paved Paved
i) j)
Not staffed Only during transfer operations Staffed always (24/7) Only during business hours Other (Explain) ___________________________
Location and distances to Institutional Occupancies surrounding the facility, if any, within 250 ft from the facility boundary in the direction of the assets. ___Institutional or other occupancies do not lie within 250 ft., of the facility._____ _____________________________________________________________________ Is an overview plot plan of the facility attached? Yes No
All properties either abutting the LP-Gas facility or within 250 feet of the container or transfer point nearest to facility boundary.
Form 5.4
Compliance with Code Requirements for Appurtenances on Containers of Greater Than 4,000 Gallons Water Capacity Used in Bulk Plants and Industrial Plants A B C D E F G
NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 edition)
Container #
Figure #
Total Number of Product Release Control Appurtenances Required by NFPA Installed 58 on the (applicable container edition)
Inlet 5-2 Outlet 5-3-2 3 3 See Table 1 Inlet 5-6A-2 4 3 Liquid Outlet 5-7B-2 4 4 ** If the container does not provide an opening for the specific function listed, enter 0 (zero) in columns E and F corresponding to that row.
The types of appurtenances on the liquid inlet line do not satisfy the NFPA requirements. This is because the internal valve in the liquid inlet line is not provided with a remote shut down station between 25 ft and 100 ft from the valve.
Form 5.5
Requirements for Transfer Lines of 1-inch Diameter or Larger, Liquid-into-Containers A Item #
B Appurtenance (Either No. 1 or No. 2)** Emergency Shutoff Valve (ESV) (Ref 6.10.1)
NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 edition) 6.10.2 6.10.6
An ESV is installed on each leg of a multi leg piping each of which is connected to a hose or a swivel type connection on one side and to a header of size 1 inch in diameter or larger on the other side. Breakaway stanchion is provided such that in any pull-away break will occur on the hose or swiveltype connection side while retaining intact the valves and piping on the plant side. Installed downstream of the hose or swivel-type connection BCK is designed for this specific application.
N.A. N.A.
A BCK is installed on each leg of a multi leg piping each of which is connected to a hose or a 2 swivel type connection on one side and to a N.A. 6.10.5 header of 1 inch in diameter or larger on the other side. Breakaway stanchion is provided such that in any pull-away break will occur on the hose or swivelN.A. 6.10.8 type connection side while retaining intact the valves and piping on the plant side. ** The backflow check valve (BCK) is only permitted when flow is only into the container and shall have a metal-to-metal seat or a primary resilient seat with metal backup, not hinged with a combustible material.
Form 5.6
A # Requirements for Transfer Lines of 1-inch Diameter or Larger, Liquid Withdrawal From Containers B C D E F NFPA 58 Installed in Section the facility? Reference Appurtenance Appurtenance Provided with the Feature (2004 Yes No
Edition) 6.10.2 6.10.6 6.10.6 6.10.10 (1) 6.10.10 (2) 6.10.5 (1) Installed within 20 ft. of lineal pipe from the nearest end of the hose or swivel-type connections. Automatic shutoff through thermal (fire) actuation with melting point of thermal element < 250 oF Temperature sensitive element installed within 5 ft from the nearest end of the hose or swivel type piping connected to liquid transfer line. Manual shutoff feature provided at E SV installed location. Manual shutoff device provided at a remote location, not less than 25 ft., and not more than 100 ft. from the ESV. An ESV is installed on each leg of a multi leg piping each of which is connected to a hose or a swivel type connection on one side and to a header of size 1 inch or larger in diameter on the other side. Breakaway stanchion is provided such that in any pull-away break will occur on the hose or swiveltype connection side while retaining intact the valves and piping on the plant side.
Form 5.7
Requirements for Vapor Transfer Lines 1-inch Diameter or Larger A Item # B Appurtenance C Appurtenance Provided with the Feature
Installed within 20 ft. of lineal pipe from the nearest end of the hose or swivel-type connections. Automatic shutoff through thermal (fire) actuation with melting point of thermal element < 250 oF Temperature sensitive element installed within 5 ft from the nearest end of the hose or swivel type piping connected to liquid transfer line. Manual shutoff feature provided at E SV installed location. Manual shutoff device provided at a remote location, not less than 25 ft., and not more than 100 ft. from the ESV. An ESV is installed on each leg of a multi leg piping each of which is connected to a hose or a swivel type connection on one side and to a header of 1 inch in diameter or larger on the other side. Breakaway stanchion is provided such that in any pullaway break will occur on the hose or swivel-type connection side while retaining intact the valves and piping on the plant side.
NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 edition) 6.10.2 6.10.6 6.10.6 6.10.10 (1) 6.10.10 (2) 6.10.5 (1)
Form 6.1
Evaluation of Physical Protection and Other Measures A # B Item
C Features
For nighttime operations adequate lighting provided to illuminate storage containers, container being loaded, control valves, and other equipment Protection against vehicular (traffic) impacts on containers, transfer piping and other appurtenances is designed and provided commensurate with the size of vehicles and type of traffic in the facility. (Example protection systems include but not limited to (1) Guard rails, (2) Steel bollards, (3) Raised sidewalks. Is the above ground piping in contact with a support or a corrosion causing substance protected against corrosion?
NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 Edition) 6.16.6 and
Complete only 4A or 4B
Perimeter Fence 4A
Guard Service
Has an industrial type or chain link fence of at least 6 ft high or equivalent protection provided to enclose (all around) container appurtenances, pumping equipment, loading and unloading and container filling facilities? Has at least two means of emergency accesses (gates) from the enclosure provided? NOTE: (i) A second gate is not required when, (iii) the area enclosed is less than 100 ft2, or (iv) the point of transfer is within 3 ft of the gate, or containers are not filled within the enclosure Has a clearance of, at least, 3 feet all around to allow emergency access to the required means of egress been provided? If a guard service is provided, is this service extended to LP-Gas plant and are the guard personnel provided with appropriate LP-Gas related training, per section 4.4 of NFPA 58? (A)
Lock-in-Place devices
Are Lock-in-Place devices provided to prevent unauthorized use or operation of any container appurtenance, system valves, equipment in lieu NA of the fence requirements above? Note: Fill only items 1, 2, 3, and 4A or 4B. Indicate with NA when not filling the Yes or No column. Indicate with NA if the facility is not operated at night. (E)
Form 6.2
Ignition Source Control Assessment
A B C D Is the Facility compliant? Yes Are combustible materials, weeds and tall grass not closer than 10 ft. from each container?
Is a distance at least 20 ft. provided between containers and tanks containing flammable liquids with flash point less than 200 oF (ex., gasoline, diesel)? Are electrical equipment and wiring installed per Code requirements? Is open flame equipment located and used according to Code? Are ignition control procedures and requirements during liquid transfer operations complied with.? Is an approved, portable, dry chemical fire extinguisher of minimum capacity 18 Lbs. and having a B:C rating provided in the facility? Is an approved, portable, dry chemical fire extinguisher of minimum capacity 18 Lbs. and having a B:C rating provided on each truck or trailer used to transport portable containers? Is the prohibition on smoking within the facility premises strictly enforced?
2 3 4 5 6
8 Note: 1) (B) & 9.4.10 Insert NA in both Yes and No columns of any items that are not applicable.
Form 6.3
Separation Distances from Containers to Buildings, Property Lines that can be Built upon, Inter-container Distances, and Aboveground Flammable or Combustible Storage Tanks
A B Container Size Range in gal (W.C.) 501 to 2,000
2,001 to 30,000
C Separation Between A property line, important building or other property and the nearest container which is Above Ground Underground or Mounded Between containers Above Ground Underground or Mounded Between containers Above Ground Underground or Mounded
D Minimum Distance (ft) 25 10 3 50 50 5 75 50 sum of diameters of adjacent containers 100 50 sum of diameters of adjacent containers
30,001 to 70,000
Table 6.3.1 NA NA
Between containers
Between containers
Separation distance between a LP-Gas container and an above ground storage 20 and tank containing flammable or combustible o liquids of flash points below 200 F. Note: If any of the container sizes indicated in the above form is not present in the facility, enter NA in both Yes and No columns.
Form 6.4
Separation Distances between Points of Transfer and Other Exposures
A # B Type of Exposure within or outside the facility boundary C Check if exposure is present D Minimum Distance (ft) E F Is the Facility compliant? Yes No G NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 edition)
1 2 3 4 5
7 8 9 10
11 12
Buildings, mobile homes, recreational vehicles, NA NA 10 and modular homes with fire-resistive walls Buildings with other than fire resistive walls 25 NA NA NA NA Building wall openings or pits at or below the 25 level of the point of transfer Line of adjoining property that can be built upon 25 NA NA Outdoor places of public assembly, including NA NA 50 school yards, athletic fields, and playgrounds From points of transfer Public ways, including in LP-Gas dispensing 10 public streets, stations and at vehicle Section 6.5.3, highways, fuel dispensers. Table 6.5.3 thoroughfares, and From other points of sidewalks 25 transfer Driveways 5 NA NA Mainline railroad track centerlines 25 NA NA Containers other than those being filled 10 NA NA Flammable and Class II combustible liquid NA NA 20 dispensers and aboveground and underground containers Flammable and Class II combustible liquid dispensers and the fill connections of LPG 10 containers LP-Gas dispensing device located close to a NA NA 10 Class I liquid dispensing device. NOTE: Place a checkmark in column C against an exposure that is present in or around the facility. Fill columns E or F for only those rows for which there is a checkmark in column C.
Form 6.7
Protection Against Vehicular Impact
Is physical protection provided? No Yes Type of physical protection installed
System Protected
1 2 3
Table 7.1
Distances to Various Types of Propane Hazards Under Different Release Models**
Vapor Dispersion Distance to LFL (ft) 250 230 190 135 Explosion Hazard Distance (ft) 110 103 90 120 Fire Ball Radiation Distance (ft) 50 45 40 25
Model #
Details of the Propane Release Model Releases from or due to 1 ID x 150 ft hose length Bobtail hose failure. Release 1 ID x 120 ft hose length of the entire inventory in the hose, quickly. 1 ID x 75 ft hose length Release of the inventory in a transfer piping 1" x 30 ft + @ 20 gpm for 10 min., due to failed excess flow valve. Release from the container pressure relief valve Release from a 1 ID x 150 ft length transfer piping to a vaporizer and reduced flow from a partially open excess flow valve @ 20 gpm for 10 min. Leak from a corrosion hole in a transfer pipe at a back pressure of 130 psig (corresponding to 80 oF) for 60 min. Hole size is ID. Release of the entire inventory in a 2 ID x 20 ft., transfer hose. Transport hose blowdown: Hose size 2" ID, 20 ft length release for 3min., from a Transport after the tank is filled.
1A 1B 1C 2 3 4 5 6 7
110 195 75
120 90 30
5 40 <5
** Results from models described in Appendix B. The results are rounded to the nearest 5 feet.
Form 7.1
Types of Occupancies(1) Near or Surrounding the LP-Gas Facility
Model # from Table 7.1 Hazard Distance (feet)(2) Is an Occupancy located within the hazard distance from the Facility? Yes No
Type of Occupancies
Assembly Occupancies (Places of worship, Libraries, 1A 250 Theaters and Auditoriums, Food or Drink Bars, Sports Stadiums, Amusement Parks, Transportation Centers, etc.). Institutional Occupancies (Elderly Persons Home or Nursing Home, Hospitals, Alcohol & Drug Rehabilitation 1A 250 Centers, Prisons, Educational Occupancies (Elementary Schools, Day Care 1A 250 facilities, etc). NOTES: (1) Different types of occupancies are defined in NFPA 5000 (2) Propane release from a bobtail hose rupture (model # 1A in Table 7.1) is selected for hazard
Form 7.2
Exposure to LP-Gas Plant from External Hazards
A Item # B C D
Petroleum and other hazardous material storage, wholesale dispensing, etc. 2 Metal cutting, welding , and metal fabrication 3 Industrial Manufacturing that can pose external hazards Ports, rail yards and trans-shipment terminals handling 4 flammable and explosive materials. Other operations that may pose hazards (gasoline and other 5 hazardous material dispensing stations, fertilizer storage, etc). NOTE: If a particular activity indicated in column B does not exist, fill both Yes and No columns with NA. 1
Form 8.1
Data on the Responding Fire Department
A Item # 1 2A 2B 3A 3B 4 5 6A 6B 7A Number of firefighters who would B C Data Entry
Data Item
Name of the Fire Department (FD). Name of the person in the FD assisting with the data acquisition. Position of the person in the FD assisting with the data acquisition. Date on which FD data was collected. Name of the person collecting the data. Number of firefighters on duty at any time. Average number of firefighters available for response. Number of firefighters qualified to Firefighter I level. Firefighter II level. respond on the first alarm to the facility. respond on the first alarm and who are qualified to the operations level requirements of NFPA 472 or local requirements respond on the first alarm with specific knowledge and training on the properties of LP-Gas and LP-Gas fires. Number of fire apparatus that have the capability to deploy a 125 gpm hose line supplied by onboard water for at least 4 minutes, and that are in service in the department.
Form 8.2
Response Time Data for the Fire Departments
A Company or Department Alarm Receipt & Handling B C D E
Form 8.3
Water Flow Rate and Total Water Volume Required to Cool Containers Exposed to a Fire
A Item # B ASME Container Size (gallons) C Total Surface Area of each Container1 (ft2) D Surface Area of each container to be Cooled (ft2) 43 86 145 187 285 395 495 580 805 1,183 1,545 2,300 E Water flow rate required per container (gpm) 10.8 21.5 36.3 46.8 71.3 98.8 123.8 145.0 201.3 295.8 386.3 575.0 F Number of containers of the size indicated G Total Water flow rate required (gpm) H Total volume of water required for 10 min (gal)
2a 2b 3 4
500 86 1,000 172 2,000 290 4,000 374 6,500 570 9,200 790 12,000 990 18,000 1,160 30,000 1,610 45,000 2,366 60,000 3,090 90,000 4,600 Other Size Calculated water flow rate for container protection Water flow rate rounded up to nearest multiple of 125 Water for firefighter protection, if required Total water flow rate and volume
Column E = 0.25 (gpm/ft ) x Column D ; Column G = Column F x Column E Column H = 10 x Column G Line 2, Column G and Column H are the sum of numbers in each row above line 2 of each column. Line 4, Column G and Column H are the sum of numbers in rows 2 and 3. Consider only 3 containers for water supply evaluations even if the number of containers in a group is more than 3. ASME container dimensions obtained from
Form 8.4
Evaluation of Water Availability in or Near the LP-Gas Plant
A Item # B Water from C Available? D Quantitative information Available Distance from water flow Hydrant rate from all Facility gate data (feet) hydrants(1) (gpm) Hydrant 1 Hydrant 2 Hydrant 3 2 A nearby static water source (stream, pond, lake, etc). Only through mobile water tanker shuttle.
Public supply or from another piped-in supply through one or more fire hydrants in or near the facility
Yes Yes
No No
Distance to water source = ____ Feet Time to set up relay = _____ min. Rate of delivery = ______ gpm
Time to set up shuttle = _____ min. Sustainable flow rate = ______ gpm NOTE: (1) Obtain the flow rate in each hydrant from the local municipal water authority or the entity that supplies water to the hydrant or conduct a test to determine total available flow rate. 3
Figure 10.3 shows a schematic plan view of the LP-Gas facility used in Example 3.
Figure 10.3
Form 4.1
Initial Data on the LP-Gas Facility
A Item # 1 2 3 4 5 B Information Item C Data
Name of the LP-Gas Plant Owner or Operator Contact Name: Contact Telephone & Fax Numbers Contact Email Address Mailing Address
Street 1: Street 2: City, State, Zip:
LMN Propane
Westfield, NJ
Form 4.2
Facility Storage Capacity
B C D Individual Total Container Water Capacity (wc) Number of # Water Capacity of each container containers (wc) size (gallons) (gallons) 500 1,000 2,000 4,000 10,000 18,000 1 18000 1 30,000 60,000 Other: Other: Other: Other: Aggregate Water 2 1 18000 Capacity Notes: (1) Column D = Column B x Column C. (2) Parked bobtails, transports and tank cars should not be considered for aggregate capacity calculations. (3) Do not consider containers that are not connected for use. (4) For the purpose of this manual, Aggregate Water Capacity means any group of single ASME storage containers separated from each other by distances less than those stated in the aboveground containers column of Table 6.3.1. A
Form 4.3
Additional Information on the LP-Gas Facility Existing Facility; Built to NFPA 58 Edition __1992___ a) b) c) Name of the Plant (if applicable) Type of LP-Gas Plant: Facility is located in Facility neighbors: (Check all that apply) _____LMN Plant _____ Commercial Industrial Proposed Facility
Agri. fields Commercial Bldgs Flammable Liquids Storage Industrial Activity (metal fabrication, cutting and welding, etc) Manufacturing Others (explain) ______________________
_______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ Bobtail Pipeline Truck Transport Rail Tank Car
LP-Gas liquid supply by: (Check all that apply) LP-Gas Distribution by: Plant (Check all that apply) Number of vehicle entrances: Type of access roads to the plant: (One check per line) Entrance 1 (One check per line) Entrance 2 Staff presence
Bobtail Truck Transport Vapor Piping Liquid Piping Dispensing or Vehicle fueling One Two Rural Dirt road Dirt road More than two City or Town Gravel road Gravel road Highway Paved Paved
i) j)
Not staffed Only during transfer operations Staffed always (24/7) Only during business hours Other (Explain) ___________________________
Location and distances to Institutional Occupancies surrounding the facility, if any, within 250 ft from the facility boundary in the direction of the assets. ___Institutional or other occupancies do exist within 250 ft., of the facility._____ _____________________________________________________________________ Is an overview plot plan of the facility attached? Yes No
All properties either abutting the LP-Gas facility or within 250 feet of the container or transfer point nearest to facility boundary.
Form 5.4
Compliance with Code Requirements for Appurtenances on Containers Of Greater Than 4,000 Gallons Water Capacity Used in Bulk Plants and Industrial Plants A B C D E F G
NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 edition)
Container #
Figure #
Total Number of Product Release Control Appurtenances Required by NFPA Installed 58 on the (applicable container edition)
Inlet 5-2 Outlet 5-3-2 3 3 See Table 1 Inlet 5-6A-2 4 4 Liquid Outlet 5-7B-2 4 4 ** If the container does not provide an opening for the specific function listed, enter 0 (zero) in columns E and F corresponding to that row.
Form 5.5
Requirements for Transfer Lines of 1-inch Diameter or Larger, Liquid-into-Containers A # B Appurtenance C Appurtenance Provided with the Feature
Installed within 20 ft. of lineal pipe from the nearest end of the hose or swivel-type connections. Automatic shutoff through thermal (fire) actuation with melting point of thermal element less than 250 o F Temperature sensitive element (fusible link) installed within 5 ft from the nearest end of the hose or swivel type piping connected to liquid transfer line. Manual shutoff feature provided at ESV installed location. Manual shutoff device provided at a remote location, not less than 25 ft., and not more than 100 ft. from the ESV. An ESV is installed on each leg of a multi leg piping each of which is connected to a hose or a swivel type connection on one side and to a header of size 1 inch or larger in diameter on the other side.
NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 edition) 6.10.2 6.10.6
NFPA 58 Section Reference 6.10.8
A BCKV is installed on each leg of a multi leg piping each of which is connected to a hose or a 6.10.5 swivel type connection on one side and to a header of size 1 inch or larger in diameter on the other side. Breakaway stanchion is provided such that in any pull-away break will occur on the hose or swivel6.10.8 type connection side while retaining intact the valves and piping on the plant side. The backflow check valve (BCK) is only permitted when flow is only into the container and shall have a metal-to-metal seat or a primary resilient seat with metal backup, not hinged with a combustible material.
Form 5.6
Requirements for Transfer Lines of 1-inch Diameter or Larger, Liquid Withdrawal From Containers A # B Appurtenance Emergency Shutoff Valve (ESV) (Ref 6.10.1) C Appurtenance Provided with the Feature
Installed within 20 ft. of lineal pipe from the nearest end of the hose or swivel-type connections. Automatic shutoff through thermal (fire) actuation with melting point of thermal element < 250 oF Temperature sensitive element installed within 5 ft from the nearest end of the hose or swivel type piping connected to liquid transfer line. Manual shutoff feature provided at E SV installed location. Manual shutoff device provided at a remote location, not less than 25 ft., and not more than 100 ft. from the ESV. An ESV is installed on each leg of a multi leg piping each of which is connected to a hose or a swivel type connection on one side and to a header of size 1 inch or larger in diameter on the other side. Breakaway stanchion is provided such that in any pullaway break will occur on the hose or swivel-type connection side while retaining intact the valves and piping on the plant side.
NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 Edition) 6.10.2 6.10.6 6.10.6 6.10.10 (1) 6.10.10 (2) 6.10.5 (1)
Note: If more than one ESV is installed in the facility, use one Form 5.6 for each ESV.
Form 5.7
Requirements for Vapor Transfer Lines 1-inch Diameter or Larger A Item # B Appurtenance C Appurtenance Provided with the Feature
Installed within 20 ft. of lineal pipe from the nearest end of the hose or swivel-type connections. Automatic shutoff through thermal (fire) actuation with melting point of thermal element < 250 oF Temperature sensitive element installed within 5 ft from the nearest end of the hose or swivel type piping connected to liquid transfer line. Manual shutoff feature provided at E SV installed location. Manual shutoff device provided at a remote location, not less than 25 ft., and not more than 100 ft. from the ESV. An ESV is installed on each leg of a multi leg piping each of which is connected to a hose or a swivel type connection on one side and to a header of 1 inch in diameter or larger on the other side. Breakaway stanchion is provided such that in any pullaway break will occur on the hose or swivel-type connection side while retaining intact the valves and piping on the plant side.
NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 edition) 6.10.2 6.10.6 6.10.6 6.10.10 (1) 6.10.10 (2) 6.10.5 (1)
Form 6.1
Evaluation of Physical Protection and Other Measures A # B Item
C Features
For nighttime operations adequate lighting provided to illuminate storage containers, container being loaded, control valves, and other equipment Protection against vehicular (traffic) impacts on containers, transfer piping and other appurtenances is designed and provided commensurate with the size of vehicles and type of traffic in the facility. (Example protection systems include but not limited to (1) Guard rails, (2) Steel bollards, (3) Raised sidewalks. Is the above ground piping in contact with a support or a corrosion causing substance protected against corrosion?
NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 Edition) 6.16.6 and
Perimeter Fence 4A
Guard Service
Has an industrial type or chain link fence of at least 6 ft high or equivalent protection provided to enclose (all around) container appurtenances, pumping equipment, loading and unloading and container filling facilities? Has at least two means of emergency accesses (gates) from the enclosure provided? NOTE: (i) A second gate is not required when, (v) the area enclosed is less than 100 ft2, or (vi) the point of transfer is within 3 ft of the gate, or containers are not filled within the enclosure Has a clearance of, at least, 3 feet all around to allow emergency access to the required means of egress been provided? If a guard service is provided, is this service extended to LP-Gas plant and are the guard personnel provided with appropriate LP-Gas related training, per section 4.4 of NFPA 58? (A)
Lock-in-Place devices
Are Lock-in-Place devices provided to prevent unauthorized use or operation of any container appurtenance, system valves, equipment in lieu NA of the fence requirements above? Note: Fill only items 1, 2, 3, and 4A or 4B. Indicate with NA when not filling the Yes or No column. Indicate with NA if the facility is not operated at night. (E)
Form 6.2
Ignition Source Control Assessment
A B C D Is the Facility compliant? Yes Are combustible materials, weeds and tall grass not closer than 10 ft. from each container?
Is a distance at least 20 ft. provided between containers and tanks containing flammable liquids with flash point less than 200 oF (ex., gasoline, diesel)? Are electrical equipment and wiring installed per Code requirements? Is open flame equipment located and used according to Code? Are ignition control procedures and requirements during liquid transfer operations complied with.? Is an approved, portable, dry chemical fire extinguisher of minimum capacity 18 Lbs. and having a B:C rating provided in the facility? Is an approved, portable, dry chemical fire extinguisher of minimum capacity 18 Lbs. and having a B:C rating provided on each truck or trailer used to transport portable containers? Is the prohibition on smoking within the facility premises strictly enforced?
2 3 4 5 6
8 Note: 1) (B) & 9.4.10 Insert NA in both Yes and No columns of any items that are not applicable.
Form 6.3
Separation Distances from Containers to Buildings, Property Lines that can be Built upon, Inter-container Distances, and Aboveground Flammable or Combustible Storage Tanks
A B Container Size Range in gal (W.C.) 501 to 2,000
2,001 to 30,000
C Separation Between A property line, important building or other property and the nearest container which is Above Ground Underground or Mounded Between containers Above Ground Underground or Mounded Between containers Above Ground Underground or Mounded
D Minimum Distance (ft) 25 10 3 50 50 5 75 50 sum of diameters of adjacent containers 100 50 sum of diameters of adjacent containers
30,001 to 70,000
Table 6.3.1 NA NA
Between containers
Between containers
Separation distance between a LP-Gas and container and an above ground storage 20 tank containing flammable or combustible liquids of flash points below 200 oF. Note: If any of the container sizes indicated in the above form is not present in the facility, write NA in both Yes and No columns.
Form 6.4
Separation Distances between Points of Transfer and other Exposures
A # B Type of Exposure within or outside the facility boundary C Check if exposure is present D Minimum Distance (ft) E F Is the Facility compliant? Yes No G NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 Edition)
1 2 3 4 5
7 8 9 10
11 12
Buildings, mobile homes, recreational vehicles, NA NA 10 and modular homes with fire-resistive walls Buildings with other than fire resistive walls 25 NA NA NA NA Building wall openings or pits at or below the 25 level of the point of transfer Line of adjoining property that can be built upon 25 NA NA Outdoor places of public assembly, including 50 school yards, athletic fields, and playgrounds From points of transfer Public ways, including in LP-Gas dispensing 10 public streets, stations and at vehicle Section 6.5.3, highways, fuel dispensers. Table 6.5.3 thoroughfares, and From other points of sidewalks 25 transfer Driveways 5 NA NA Mainline railroad track centerlines 25 NA NA Containers other than those being filled 10 NA NA Flammable and Class II combustible liquid 20 NA NA dispensers and aboveground and underground containers Flammable and Class II combustible liquid dispensers and the fill connections of LPG 10 NA NA containers LP-Gas dispensing device located close to a NA NA 10 Class I liquid dispensing device. NOTE: Place a checkmark in column C against an exposure that is present in or around the facility. Fill columns E or F for only those rows for which there is a checkmark in column C.
Form 6.5
Special Protection Measures Passive Systems A # B Special Protection Option
Container Insulation
C Question
Insulation provided on each of the containers? Insulation material complies with the requirements of section NFPA 58? Each container in the facility is mounded? Mounding complies with each requirement under section of NFPA 58. Each container in the facility is buried?
NFPA 58 Section Reference (2001)
Buried containers comply with each requirement under section of NFPA 58.
Form 6.7
Protection Against Vehicular Impact
Is physical protection provided? No Yes Type of physical protection installed
System Protected
1 2 3
Table 7.1
Distances to Various Types of Propane Hazards Under Different Release Models**
Vapor Dispersion Distance to LFL (ft) 250 230 190 135 Explosion Hazard Distance (ft) 110 103 90 120 Fire Ball Radiation Distance (ft) 50 45 40 25
Model #
Details of the Propane Release Model Releases from or due to 1 ID x 150 ft hose length Bobtail hose failure. Release 1 ID x 120 ft hose length of the entire inventory in the hose, quickly. 1 ID x 75 ft hose length Release of the inventory in a transfer piping 1" x 30 ft + @ 20 gpm for 10 min., due to failed excess flow valve. Release from the container pressure relief valve Release from a 1 ID x 150 ft length transfer piping to a vaporizer and reduced flow from a partially open excess flow valve @ 20 gpm for 10 min. Leak from a corrosion hole in a transfer pipe at a back pressure of 130 psig (corresponding to 80 oF) for 60 min. Hole size is ID. Release of the entire inventory in a 2 ID x 20 ft., transfer hose. Transport hose blowdown: Hose size 2" ID, 20 ft length release for 3min., from a Transport after the tank is filled.
1A 1B 1C 2 3 4 5 6 7
110 195 75
120 90 30
5 40 <5
** Results from models described in Appendix B. The results are rounded to the nearest 5 feet.
Form 7.1
Types of Occupancies(1) Near or Surrounding the LP-Gas Facility
Model # from Table 7.1 Hazard Distance(2) (feet) Is an Occupancy located within the hazard distance from the Facility? Yes No
Type of Occupancies
Assembly Occupancies (Places of worship, Libraries, 1A 250 Theaters and Auditoriums, Food or Drink Bars, Sports Stadiums, Amusement Parks, Transportation Centers, etc.). Institutional Occupancies (Elderly Persons Home or Nursing Home, Hospitals, Alcohol & Drug Rehabilitation 1A 250 Centers, Prisons, Educational Occupancies (Elementary Schools, Day Care 1A 250 facilities, etc). NOTES: (1) Different types of occupancies are defined in NFPA 5000 (2) Propane release from a bobtail hose rupture (model # 1A in Table 7.1) is selected for hazard
Form 7.2
Exposure to LP-Gas Plant from External Hazards
A Item # B C D
Petroleum and other hazardous material storage, wholesale dispensing, etc. 2 Metal cutting, welding, and metal fabrication 3 Industrial Manufacturing that can pose external hazards Ports, rail yards and trans-shipment terminals handling 4 flammable and explosive materials. Other operations that may pose hazards (gasoline and other 5 hazardous material dispensing stations, fertilizer storage, etc). NOTE: If a particular activity indicated in column B does not exist, fill both Yes and No columns with NA. 1
Form 8.1
Data on the Responding Fire Departments
A Item # 1 2A 2B 3A 3B 4 5 6A 6B 7A Number of firefighters who would B C
Data Item
Name of the Fire Department (FD). Name of the person in the FD assisting with the data acquisition. Position of the person in the FD assisting with the data acquisition. Date on which FD data was collected. Name of the person collecting the data. Number of firefighters on duty at any time. Average number of firefighters available for response. Number of firefighters qualified to Firefighter I level. Firefighter II level. respond on the first alarm to the facility. respond on the first alarm and who are qualified to the operations level requirements of NFPA 472 or local requirements respond on the first alarm with specific knowledge and training on the properties of LP-Gas and LP-Gas fires. Number of fire apparatus that have the capability to deploy a 125 gpm hose line supplied by onboard water for at least 4 minutes, and that are in service in the department.
Data Entry
Form 8.2
Response Time Data for the Fire Departments
A Company or Department Alarm Receipt & Handling B C D E
Form 8.3
Water Flow Rate and Total Water Volume Required to Cool Containers Exposed to a Fire
A Item # B ASME Container Size (gallons) C Total Surface Area of each Container1 (ft2) D Surface Area of each container to be Cooled (ft2) 43 86 145 187 285 395 495 580 805 1,183 1,545 2,300 E Water flow rate required per container (gpm) 10.8 21.5 36.3 46.8 71.3 98.8 123.8 145.0 201.3 295.8 386.3 575.0 F Number of containers of the size indicated G Total Water flow rate required (gpm) H Total volume of water required for 10 min (gal)
2a 2b 3 4
500 86 1,000 172 2,000 290 4,000 374 6,500 570 9,200 790 12,000 990 18,000 1,160 30,000 1,610 45,000 2,366 60,000 3,090 90,000 4,600 Other Size Calculated water flow rate for container protection Water flow rate rounded up to nearest multiple of 125 Water for firefighter protection, if required Total water flow rate and volume
Column E = 0.25 (gpm/ft2) x Column D ; Column G = Column F x Column E Column H = 10 x Column G Line 2, Column G and Column H are the sum of numbers in each row above line 2 of each column. Line 4, Column G and Column H are the sum of numbers in rows 2 and 3. Consider only 3 containers for water supply evaluations even if the number of containers in a group is more than 3. ASME container dimensions obtained from
Form 8.4
Evaluation of Water Availability in or Near the LP-Gas Plant
A Item # B Water from C Available? D Quantitative information Available Distance from water flow Hydrant rate from all Facility gate data (feet) hydrants(1) (gpm) Hydrant 1 Hydrant 2 Hydrant 3 2 A nearby static water source (stream, pond, lake, etc). Only through mobile water tanker shuttle.
Public supply or from another piped-in supply through one or more fire hydrants in or near the facility
Yes Yes
No No
Distance to water source = ____ Feet Time to set up relay = _____ min. Rate of delivery = ______ gpm
Time to set up shuttle = _____ min. Sustainable flow rate = ______ gpm NOTE: (1) Obtain the flow rate in each hydrant from the local municipal water authority or the entity that supplies water to the hydrant or conduct a test to determine total available flow rate. 3
2) 3) 4) 5)
Figure 10.4 shows a schematic plan view of the LP-Gas facility used in Example 4.
Figure 10.4
Form 4.1
Initial Data on the LP-Gas Facility
A Item # 1 2 3 4 5 B Information Item C Data
Name of the LP-Gas Plant Owner or Operator Contact Name: Contact Telephone & Fax Numbers Contact Email Address Mailing Address
Street 1: Street 2: City, State, Zip:
PQR Propane
Central City
Form 4.2
Facility Storage Capacity
B C D Total Individual Water Capacity (wc) Container Number of of each container # Water Capacity containers size (wc) (gallons) (gallons) 500 1,000 2,000 4,000 10,000 18,000 1 30,000 4 120,000 60,000 Other: Other: Other: Other: Aggregate Water 4 120,000 2 Capacity Notes: (1) Column D = Column B x Column C. (2) Parked bobtails, transports and tank cars should not be considered for aggregate capacity calculations. (3) Do not consider containers that are not connected for use. (4) For the purpose of this manual, Aggregate Water Capacity means any group of single ASME storage containers separated from each other by distances less than those stated in the aboveground containers column of Table 6.3.1. A
Form 4.3
Additional Information on the LP-Gas Facility Existing Facility; Built to NFPA 58 Edition _____ a) b) c) Proposed Facility (2004 Edition)
Name of the Plant (if applicable) _____PQR Propane _____ Type of LP-Gas Plant: Commercial Industrial Facility is located in Facility neighbors: (Check all that apply) Rural Area, Suburban Area, City Industrial Zone
Bulk Plant
Agri. fields Commercial Bldgs Flammable Liquids Storage Industrial Activity (metal fabrication, cutting and welding, etc) Manufacturing Others (explain) ______________________
_______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ Bobtail Pipeline Truck Transport Rail Tank Car
LP-Gas liquid supply by: (Check all that apply) LP-Gas Distribution by: Plant (Check all that apply) Number of vehicle entrances: Type of access roads to the plant: (One check per line) Entrance 1 (One check per line) Entrance 2 Staff presence
Bobtail Truck Transport Vapor Piping Liquid Piping Dispensing or Vehicle fueling One Two Rural Dirt road Dirt road More than two City or Town Gravel road Gravel road Highway Paved Paved
i) j)
Not staffed Only during transfer operations Staffed always (24/7) Only during business hours Other (Explain) ___________________________
Location and distances to Institutional Occupancies surrounding the facility, if any, within 250 ft from the facility boundary in the direction of the assets. ___Institutional or other occupancies do exist within 250 ft., of the facility._____ _____________________________________________________________________ Is an overview plot plan of the facility attached? Yes No
All properties either abutting the LP-Gas facility or within 250 feet of the container or transfer point nearest to facility boundary.
Form 5.4
Compliance with Code Requirements for Appurtenances on Containers Having a Water Capacity Greater Than 4,000 Gallons Used in Bulk Plants and Industrial Plants A B C D E F G
NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004)
Container #
Figure #
Total Number of Product Release Control Appurtenances Required by NFPA Installed 58 on the (applicable container edition)
Inlet 5-2 Outlet 5-3 3 3 See Table 1 Inlet 5-6 4 4 Liquid Outlet 5-7 4 4 ** If the container does not provide an opening for the specific function listed, enter 0 (zero) in columns E and F corresponding to that row.
Form 5.5
Requirements for Transfer Lines of 1-inch Diameter or Larger, Liquid-into-Containers A # B Appurtenance C Appurtenance Provided with the Feature
Installed within 20 ft. of lineal pipe from the nearest end of the hose or swivel-type connections. Automatic shutoff through thermal (fire) actuation with melting point of thermal element less than 250 o F Temperature sensitive element (fusible link) installed within 5 ft from the nearest end of the hose or swivel type piping connected to liquid transfer line. Manual shutoff feature provided at ESV installed location. Manual shutoff device provided at a remote location, not less than 25 ft., and not more than 100 ft. from the ESV. An ESV is installed on each leg of a multi leg piping each of which is connected to a hose or a swivel type connection on one side and to a header of size larger than 1 inch in diameter on the other side.
NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004) 6.10.2 6.10.6
NFPA 58 Section Reference 6.10.8
A BCKV is installed on each leg of a multi leg piping each of which is connected to a hose or a 6.10.5 swivel type connection on one side and to a header of size 1 inch or larger in diameter on the other side. Breakaway stanchion is provided such that in any pull-away break will occur on the hose or swivel6.10.8 type connection side while retaining intact the valves and piping on the plant side. The backflow check valve (BCK) is only permitted when flow is only into the container and shall have a metal-to-metal seat or a primary resilient seat with metal backup, not hinged with a combustible material.
Form 5.6
Requirements for Transfer Lines of 1-inch Diameter or Larger, Liquid Withdrawal From Containers B A C D E F Installed in NFPA 58 the facility? Section Reference # Appurtenance Appurtenance Provided with the Feature (2004 Yes No
Edition) 6.10.2 6.10.6 6.10.6 6.10.10 (1) 6.10.10 (2) 6.10.5 (1) 6.10.8 2 Installed within 20 ft. of lineal pipe from the nearest end of the hose or swivel-type connections. Automatic shutoff through thermal (fire) actuation with melting point of thermal element < 250 oF Temperature sensitive element installed within 5 ft from the nearest end of the hose or swivel type piping connected to liquid transfer line. Manual shutoff feature provided at E SV installed location.
Emergency Shutoff Valve Manual shutoff device provided at a remote location, not less than 25 ft., and not more than 100 ft. from the ESV. (ESV) (Ref 6.10.1) An ESV is installed on each leg of a multi leg piping each of
which is connected to a hose or a swivel type connection on one side and to a header of size larger than 1 inch in diameter on the other side. Breakaway stanchion is provided such that in any pull-away break will occur on the hose or swivel-type connection side while retaining intact the valves and piping on the plant side. Number of ESVs in liquid withdrawal service
Note: If more than one ESV is installed in the facility, use one Form 5.6 for each ESV.
Form 5.7
Requirements for Vapor Transfer Lines 1-inch Diameter or Larger A Item # B Appurtenance C Appurtenance Provided with the Feature
Installed within 20 ft. of lineal pipe from the nearest end of the hose or swivel-type connections. Automatic shutoff through thermal (fire) actuation with melting point of thermal element < 250 oF Temperature sensitive element installed within 5 ft from the nearest end of the hose or swivel type piping connected to liquid transfer line. Manual shutoff feature provided at E SV installed location. Manual shutoff device provided at a remote location, not less than 25 ft., and not more than 100 ft. from the ESV. An ESV is installed on each leg of a multi leg piping each of which is connected to a hose or a swivel type connection on one side and to a header of 1 inch in diameter or larger on the other side. Breakaway stanchion is provided such that in any pullaway break will occur on the hose or swivel-type connection side while retaining intact the valves and piping on the plant side.
NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 edition) 6.10.2 6.10.6 6.10.6 6.10.10 (1) 6.10.10 (2) 6.10.5 (1)
Form 5.8
Evaluation of Redundant Fail-Safe Design A # B Item
Container Sizes for which the appurtenances are provided
C Features
Redundant Fail-Safe equipment and Low Emission transfer lines are provided for each container of water capacity 2,001 gal to 30,000 gal Internal Valve with integral excess flow valve or excess flow protection or Back Flow Check valve Positive Shutoff Valve installed as close as possible to the Internal Valve or the back flow check valve Internal Valve with integral excess flow valve or excess flow protection or Back Flow Check valve
NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004) 6.24.3 and 6.24.4
Positive Shutoff Valve installed as close as possible to the Internal Valve or the back flow check valve Flow into or out of Railroad tank car Flow only into railroad tank car Internal Valve installed in the transfer hose or the swivel-type piping at the tank car end Internal Valve or Back Flow Check Valve installed in the transfer hose or the swivel type piping at the tank car end.
Railroad Transfer
Actuated by Fire detection Actuated by hose pull-away due to vehicle motion Remote shutdown station within 15 ft of the point of transfer? Another remote shutdown station between 25 ft and 100 ft of the transfer point? Shutdown stations will also turn off electrical power supply, if any, to the valves? Large letter signs complying with the requirements of (C) provided? (C)
Form 6.1
Evaluation of Physical Protection and Other Measures A # B Item
C Features
For nighttime operations adequate lighting provided to illuminate storage containers, container being loaded, control valves, and other equipment Protection against vehicular (traffic) impacts on containers, transfer piping and other appurtenances is designed and provided commensurate with the size of vehicles and type of traffic in the facility. (Example protection systems include but not limited to (1) Guard rails, (2) Steel bollards, (3) Raised sidewalks. Is the above ground piping in contact with a support or a corrosion causing substance protected against corrosion?
NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 Edition) 6.16.6 and and
Complete only 4A or 4B
Has an industrial type or chain link fence of at least 6 ft high or equivalent protection provided to enclose (all around) container appurtenances, pumping equipment, loading and unloading and container filling facilities? Has at least two means of emergency accesses (gates) from the enclosure provided? NOTE: (i) A second gate is not required when, (vii) the area enclosed is less than 100 ft2, or (viii) the point of transfer is within 3 ft of the gate, or containers are not filled within the enclosure Has a clearance of, at least, 3 feet all around to allow emergency access to the required means of egress been provided? If a guard service is provided, is this service extended to LP-Gas plant and are the guard personnel provided with appropriate LP-Gas related training, per section 4.4 of NFPA 58?
Perimeter Fence 4A (A)
Guard Service
Lock-in-Place devices
Are Lock-in-Place devices provided to prevent unauthorized use or NA operation of any container appurtenance, system valves, equipment in lieu of the fence requirements above? Note: Fill only items 1, 2, 3, and 4A or 4B. Indicate with NA when not filling the Yes or No column. Indicate with NA if the facility is not operated at night. (E)
Form 6.2
Ignition Source Control Assessment
A B C D Is the Facility compliant? Yes Are combustible materials, weeds and tall grass not closer than 10 ft. from each container?
Is a distance at least 20 ft. provided between containers and tanks containing flammable liquids with flash point less than 200 oF (ex., gasoline, diesel)? Are electrical equipment and wiring installed per Code requirements? Is open flame equipment located and used according to Code? Are ignition control procedures and requirements during liquid transfer operations complied with.? Is an approved, portable, dry chemical fire extinguisher of minimum capacity 18 Lbs. and having a B:C rating provided in the facility? Is an approved, portable, dry chemical fire extinguisher of minimum capacity 18 Lbs. and having a B:C rating provided on each truck or trailer used to transport portable containers? Is the prohibition on smoking within the facility premises strictly enforced?
2 3 4 5 6
8 Note: 1) (B) & 9.4.10 Insert NA in both Yes and No columns of any items that are not applicable.
Form 6.3
Separation Distances from Containers to Buildings, Property Lines that can be Built upon, Inter-container Distances, and Aboveground Flammable or Combustible Storage Tanks
A B Container Size Range in gal (W.C.) 501 to 2,000
2,001 to 30,000
C Separation Between A property line, important building or other property and the nearest container which is Above Ground Underground or Mounded Between containers Above Ground Underground or Mounded Between containers Above Ground Underground or Mounded
D Minimum Distance (ft) 25 10 3 50 50 5 75 50 sum of diameters of adjacent containers 100 50 sum of diameters of adjacent containers
30,001 to 70,000
Table 6.3.1 NA NA
Between containers
Between containers
Separation distance between a LP-Gas container and an above ground storage and 20 tank containing flammable or combustible liquids of flash points below 200 oF. Note: If any of the container sizes indicated in the above form is not present in the facility, write NA in both Yes and No columns.
Form 6.4
Separation Distances between Points of Transfer and other Exposures
A # B Type of Exposure within or outside the facility boundary C Check if exposure is present D Minimum Distance (ft) E F Is the Facility compliant? Yes No G NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 Edition)
1 2 3 4 5
7 8 9 10
11 12
Buildings, mobile homes, recreational vehicles, NA NA 10 and modular homes with fire-resistive walls Buildings with other than fire resistive walls 25 NA NA NA NA Building wall openings or pits at or below the 25 level of the point of transfer Line of adjoining property that can be built upon 25 NA NA Outdoor places of public assembly, including 50 school yards, athletic fields, and playgrounds From points of transfer Public ways, including in LP-Gas dispensing 10 public streets, stations and at vehicle Section 6.5.3, highways, fuel dispensers. Table 6.5.3 thoroughfares, and From other points of sidewalks 25 transfer Driveways 5 NA NA Mainline railroad track centerlines 25 Containers other than those being filled 10 NA NA Flammable and Class II combustible liquid NA NA 20 dispensers and aboveground and underground containers Flammable and Class II combustible liquid dispensers and the fill connections of LPG 10 NA NA containers LP-Gas dispensing device located close to a NA NA 10 Class I liquid dispensing device. NOTE: Place a checkmark in column C against an exposure that is present in or around the facility. Fill columns E or F for only those rows for which there is a checkmark in column C.
Form 6.5
Special Protection Measures Requirements for Passive Systems A # B Special Protection Option C Question
Insulation provided on each of the containers? Insulation material complies with the requirements of section of NFPA 58? Each container in the facility is mounded? Mounding complies with each requirement under section of NFPA 58. Each container in the facility is buried? 3 Burying of containers Buried containers comply with each requirement under section NFPA 58. NA NA NA NA NA NA D Is the Facility compliant? E NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 Edition) and &
Container Insulation
Mounding of containers
Form 6.7
Protection Against Vehicular Impact Is physical protection provided? Yes No
System Protected
1 2 3
Table 7.1
Distances to Various Types of Propane Hazards Under Different Release Models**
Vapor Dispersion Distance to LFL (ft) 250 230 Explosion Hazard Distance (ft) 110 103 Fire Ball Radiation Distance (ft) 50 45
Model #
Details of the Propane Release Model Releases from or due to Bobtail hose failure. Release of the entire inventory in the 1 ID x 150 ft hose length 1 ID x 120 ft hose length
1A 1B
1C 2 3 4 5 6 7
hose, quickly. 1 ID x 75 ft hose length Release of the inventory in a transfer piping 1" x 30 ft + @ 20 gpm for 10 min., due to failed excess flow valve. Release from the container pressure relief valve Release from a 1 ID x 150 ft length transfer piping to a vaporizer and reduced flow from a partially open excess flow valve @ 20 gpm for 10 min. Leak from a corrosion hole in a transfer pipe at a back pressure of 130 psig (corresponding to 80 oF) for 60 min. Hole size is ID. Release of the entire inventory in a 2 ID x 20 ft., transfer hose. Transport hose blowdown: Hose size 2" ID, 20 ft length release for 3min., from a Transport after the tank is filled.
190 135
90 120
40 25
110 195 75
120 90 30
5 40 <5
** Results from models described in Appendix B. The results are rounded to the nearest 5 feet.
Form 7.1
Types of Occupancies
Type of Occupancies
Assembly Occupancies (Places of worship, Libraries, Theaters and Auditoriums, Food or Drink Bars, Sports 1A 250 Stadiums, Amusement Parks, Transportation Centers, etc.). Institutional Occupancies (Elderly Persons Home or 1A 250 Nursing Home, Hospitals, Alcohol & Drug Rehabilitation Centers, Prisons, Educational Occupancies (Elementary Schools, Day Care 1A 250 facilities, etc). NOTES: (1) Different types of occupancies are defined in NFPA 5000 (2) Propane release from a bobtail hose rupture (model # 1A in Table 7.1) is selected for hazard
Form 7.2
Exposure to LP-Gas Facility from External Hazards
A Item # B C D
Petroleum and other hazardous material storage, wholesale dispensing, etc. 2 Metal cutting, welding , and metal fabrication 3 Industrial Manufacturing that can pose external hazards Ports, rail yards and trans-shipment terminals handling 4 flammable and explosive materials. Other operations that may pose hazards (gasoline and other 5 hazardous material dispensing stations, fertilizer storage, etc). NOTE: If a particular activity indicated in column B does not exist, fill both Yes and No columns with N/A. 1
Form 8.1
Data on the Responding Fire Departments
A Item # 1 2A 2B 3A 3B 4 5 6A 6B 7A Number of firefighters who would B C
Data Item
Name of the Fire Department (FD). Name of the person in the FD assisting with the data acquisition. Position of the person in the FD assisting with the data acquisition. Date on which FD data was collected. Name of the person collecting the data. Number of firefighters on duty at any time. Average number of firefighters available for response. Number of firefighters qualified to Firefighter I level. Firefighter II level. respond on the first alarm to the facility. respond on the first alarm and who are qualified to the operations level requirements of NFPA 472 or local requirements respond on the first alarm with specific knowledge and training on the properties of LP-Gas and LP-Gas fires. Number of fire apparatus that have the capability to deploy a 125 gpm hose line supplied by onboard water for at least 4 minutes, and that are in service in the department.
Data Entry
Form 8.2
Response Time data for the Fire Departments
A Company or Department Alarm Receipt & Handling B C D E
Form 8.3
Water Flow Rate and Total Water Volume Required to Cool Containers Exposed to a Fire
A Item # B ASME Container Size (gallons) C Total Surface Area of each Container1 (ft2) D Surface Area of each container to be Cooled (ft2) 43 86 145 187 285 395 495 580 805 1,183 1,545 2,300 E Water flow rate required per container (gpm) 10.8 21.5 36.3 46.8 71.3 98.8 123.8 145.0 201.3 295.8 386.3 575.0 F Number of containers of the size indicated G Total Water flow rate required (gpm) H Total volume of water required for 10 min (gal)
2a 2b 3 4
500 86 1,000 172 2,000 290 4,000 374 6,500 570 9,200 790 12,000 990 18,000 1,160 30,000 1,610 45,000 2,366 60,000 3,090 90,000 4,600 Other Size Calculated water flow rate for container protection Water flow rate rounded up to nearest multiple of 125 Water for firefighter protection, if required Total water flow rate and volume
Column E = 0.25 (gpm/ft ) x Column D ; Column G = Column F x Column E Column H = 10 x Column G Line 2, Column G and Column H are the sum of numbers in each row above line 2 of each column. Line 4, Column G and Column H are the sum of numbers in rows 2 and 3. Consider only 3 containers for water supply evaluations even if the number of containers in a group is more than 3. ASME container dimensions obtained from
Form 8.4
Evaluation of Water Availability in or Near the LP-Gas Plant
A Item # B Water from C Available? D Quantitative information Available Distance from water flow Hydrant rate from all Facility gate data (feet) hydrants(1) (gpm) Hydrant 1 Hydrant 2 Hydrant 3 A nearby static water source (stream, pond, lake, etc). 40 50 250 250
Public supply or from another piped-in supply through one or more fire hydrants in or near the facility
Distance to water source = ____ Feet Time to set up relay = _____ min. Rate of delivery = ______ gpm *Pond 5 miles from facility
Only through mobile water tanker Time to set up shuttle = _____ min. Yes No shuttle. Sustainable flow rate = ______ gpm NOTE: (1) Obtain the flow rate in each hydrant from the local municipal water authority or the entity that supplies water to the hydrant or conduct a test to determine total available flow rate. 3
If the entry number in column E (Yes), Form 9.2 corresponding to Form 7.1 is greater than zero, implement one or more of the following corrective actions.
1 Consider moving the container or the transfer point to a different location, if possible and
space exists, so that the property or the person is beyond the hazard distance. 2 Provide Redundant and Fail-safe Product Control Measures. Complete Form 9.4 to ensure compliance. 3 Institute other technical measures such as installing gas and flame detectors (connected to facility shut down systems), sounding alarm outside facility premises, etc. 4 Institute administrative controls such as additional training for personnel, more frequent inspection of hoses and transfer piping, etc. If the entry number in column E (Yes), Form 9.2 corresponding to Form 7.2 is greater than zero, implement one or more of the following corrective actions. 1 2 Implement procedures to monitor neighboring activity. Install means in the adjacent plant to shut down the LP-Gas plant in case of an emergency in that plant.
Item #
Reference FORM #
1 2
8.1 Data on the Fire Department 8.2 Fire response water needs and availability
8.1 8.4
If the entry number in row 1, Column E of Form 9.3 is greater than zero, consider one or more of the following design alternatives. 1 Discuss with the local Fire Department the needs of the LP-Gas facility and the evaluation results on the capability and training inadequacies of the Department. Consider developing a cadre of personnel within the LP-Gas facility to respond to emergencies. Institute a container special protection system based on active protection approaches or passive approaches. Complete Form 9.6 and Form 9.7 below.
If the entry number in row 2, Column F of Form 9.3 is equal to zero, consider one or more of the following design alternatives. 1 Provide special protection (other than water spray or monitor systems) to containers, satisfying the requirements of section 6.23.5 of NFPA Code, 2004 edition. Complete Form 9.6 to ensure compliance. Consider implementing the various options indicated in Table 9.1.
Form 9.6
Special Protection Measures Passive Systems A # B Special Protection Option C Question
Insulation provided on each of the containers? 1 Container Insulation Insulation material complies with the requirements of section of NFPA 58? Each container in the facility is mounded? Mounding complies with each requirement under section NFPA 58. Each container in the facility is buried? 3 Burying of containers Buried containers comply with each requirement under section NFPA 58. D Proposed for the facility? E NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 Edition) and &
Mounding of containers
Since this is a newly proposed LPG-Gas plant, the information developed in this Fire Safety Analysis must be communicated to local responders for inclusion in their emergency planning.
Bulk Plant:
Commercial Plant:
Industrial Plant:
ACRONYMS AHJ EPA EAP FD FSA Authority having jurisdiction US Environmental Protection Agency Emergency Action Plan (for the LP-Gas plant) Fire Department (Local) nearest to the Plant Fire Safety Analysis (Performed to satisfy the requirements of NFPA 58, section 6.23) National Fire Protection Association National Propane Gas Association US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (of the US Dept. of Labor) Propane Education & Research Council G-1
Form 4.1
Initial Data on the LP-Gas Facility
A Item # 1 2 3 4 5 B Information Item C Data
Name of the LP-Gas Plant Owner or Operator Contact Name: Contact Telephone & Fax Numbers Contact Email Address Mailing Address
Street 1: Street 2: City, State, Zip:
Form 4.2
Facility Storage Capacity
B C D Total Individual Water Capacity (wc) Container Number of of each container # Water Capacity containers size (wc) (gallons) (gallons) 500 1,000 2,000 4,000 10,000 18,000 1 30,000 60,000 Other: Other: Other: Other: Aggregate Water 2 Capacity Notes: (1) Column D = Column B x Column C. (2) Parked bobtails, transports and tank cars should not be considered for aggregate capacity calculations. (3) Do not consider containers that are not connected for use. (4) For the purpose of this manual, Aggregate Water Capacity means any group of single ASME storage containers separated from each other by distances less than those stated in the aboveground containers column of Table 6.3.1. A
If the aggregate water capacity of the LP-Gas facility is less than or equal to 4,000 gallon (w.c.), no further assessment is required.
Form 4.3
Additional Information on the LP-Gas Facility Existing Facility; Built to NFPA 58 Edition _______ a) b) c) Proposed Facility
Name of the Facility (if applicable) _____________________________________ Type of LP-Gas Facility Facility is located in Facility neighbors: (Check all that apply) Commercial Industrial Bulk Plant City Commercial Zone
Agri. fields Commercial Bldgs. Flammable Liquids Storage Industrial Activity (metal fabrication, cutting and welding, etc) Manufacturing Others (explain) ______________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ Truck Transport Rail Tank Car
e) f)
LP-Gas liquid supply by: (Check all that apply) LP-Gas Distribution by: (Check all that apply) Number of Vehicle Entrances: Type of Access Roads to the Facility (One check per line) Entrance 1 (One check per line) Entrance 2 Staff presence
Bobtail Pipeline
Bobtail Truck Transport Vapor Piping Liquid Piping Dispensing or Vehicle Liquid fueling One Two Rural Dirt road Dirt road More than two City or Town Gravel road Gravel road Highway Paved Paved
i) j)
Not staffed Only during transfer operations Staffed always (24/7) Only during business hours Other (Explain) ___________________________
Location and distances to Institutional Occupancies surrounding the facility, if any, within 250 ft from the facility boundary in the direction of the assets. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Overview plot plan of the facility attached? Yes No
All properties either abutting the LP-Gas facility or within 250 feet of the container or transfer point nearest to facility boundary.
Form 5.1
Compliance with Code Requirements for Appurtenances on Containers of 2,000 Gallons Water Capacity or Less
A B Service Configuration Sub Figure (in Figure 5-1) C D Number of Product Release Control Appurtenances Required by Installed on NFPA 58 the (applicable Container edition) E NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 edition)
Container #
1 2 3 4 5 6
If, in Form 5.1, any one of the numbers in column D is less than the number in Column C of the corresponding row, then these items must be addressed and brought into compliance with the specific edition of NFPA 58 that the facility was constructed to.
Form 5.2
Compliance with Code Requirements for Appurtenances on Containers Of water capacity 2001 gallons through 4,000 gallons Used in Residential and Commercial Facilities
A B Service Configuration Sub Figure (in Figure 5-1) C D Number of Product Release Control Appurtenances Required by Installed on NFPA 58 the (applicable Container edition) E NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 edition)
Container #
1 2 3 4 5 6
If, in Form 5.2, any one of the numbers in column D is less than the number in Column C of the corresponding row, these items must be addressed and brought into compliance with the specific edition of NFPA 58 that the facility was constructed to. A-4
Form 5.3
Compliance with Code Requirements for Appurtenances on Containers Having a Water Capacity of 2,001 through 4,000 Gallons Used in Bulk Plants and Industrial Plants A B C D E F G
NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 edition)
Container #
Figure #
Total Number of Product Release Control Appurtenances Required by NFPA Installed 58 on the (applicable container edition)
4 **
Inlet 5-2 Outlet 5-3 Inlet 5-4 Liquid Outlet 5-5 Inlet 5-2 Vapor Outlet 5-3 Inlet 5-4 See Table Liquid Outlet 5-5 Inlet 5-2 Vapor Outlet 5-3 Inlet 5-4 Liquid Outlet 5-5 Inlet 5-2 Vapor Outlet 5-3 Inlet 5-4 Liquid Outlet 5-5 If the container does not provide an opening for the specific function listed, enter 0 (zero) in columns E and F corresponding to that row.
If, in Form 5.3, any one of the numbers in column F is less than the number in Column E of the corresponding row, these items must be addressed and brought into compliance with the specific edition of NFPA 58 that the facility was constructed to.
Form 5.4
Compliance with Code Requirements for Appurtenances on Containers Having a Water Capacity Greater Than 4,000 Gallons Used in Bulk Plants and Industrial Plants A B C D E F G
NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 edition)
Container #
Figure #
Total Number of Product Release Control Appurtenances Required by NFPA Installed 58 on the (applicable container edition)
Inlet 5-2 Outlet 5-3 1 Inlet 5-6 Liquid Outlet 5-7 Inlet 5-2 Vapor Outlet 5-3 2 Inlet 5-6 Liquid Outlet 5-7 See Table Inlet 5-2 Vapor Outlet 5-3 3 Inlet 5-6 Liquid Outlet 5-7 Inlet 5-2 Vapor Outlet 5-3 4 Inlet 5-6 Liquid Outlet 5-7 ** If the container does not provide an opening for the specific function listed, enter 0 (zero) in columns E and F corresponding to that row.
If in Form 5.4 any one of the numbers in column F is less than the number in Column E of the corresponding row, these items must be addressed and brought into compliance with the specific edition of NFPA 58 that the facility was constructed to.
Form 5.5
Requirements for Transfer Lines of 1-inch Diameter or Larger, Liquid-into-Containers A Item # B Appurtenance (Either No. 1 or No. 2)** C Appurtenance Provided with the Feature
Installed within 20 ft. of lineal pipe from the nearest end of the hose or swivel-type connections. Automatic shutoff through thermal (fire) actuation with melting point of thermal element < 250 oF Temperature sensitive element (fusible link) installed within 5 ft from the nearest end of the hose or swivel type piping connected to liquid transfer line. Manual shutoff feature provided at ESV installed location. Manual shutoff device provided at a remote location, not less than 25 ft., and not more than 100 ft. from the ESV. An ESV is installed on each leg of a multi leg piping each of which is connected to a hose or a swivel type connection on one side and to a header of size 1 inch in diameter or larger on the other side. Breakaway stanchion is provided such that in any pull-away break will occur on the hose or swiveltype connection side while retaining intact the valves and piping on the plant side. Installed downstream of the hose or swivel-type connection BCK is designed for this specific application.
NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 edition) 6.10.2 6.10.6
A BCK is installed on each leg of a multi leg piping each of which is connected to a hose or a swivel type connection on one side and to a 6.10.5 header of 1 inch in diameter or larger on the other side. Breakaway stanchion is provided such that in any pull-away break will occur on the hose or swivel6.10.8 type connection side while retaining intact the valves and piping on the plant side. The backflow check valve (BCK) is only permitted when flow is only into the container and shall have a metal-to-metal seat or a primary resilient seat with metal backup, not hinged with a combustible material.
Form 5.6
Requirements for Transfer Lines of 1-inch Diameter or Larger, Liquid Withdrawal From Containers B A C D E F NFPA 58 Installed in Item Appurtenance Provided with the Section the facility? Appurtenance Reference(2004 # Feature Yes No Edition)
Installed within 20 ft. of lineal pipe from the nearest end of the hose or swivel-type connections. Automatic shutoff through thermal (fire) actuation with melting point of thermal element < 250 oF Temperature sensitive element installed within 5 ft from the nearest end of the hose or swivel type piping connected to liquid transfer line. Manual shutoff feature provided at E SV installed location. Manual shutoff device provided at a remote location, not less than 25 ft., and not more than 100 ft. from the ESV. An ESV is installed on each leg of a multi leg piping each of which is connected to a hose or a swivel type connection on one side and to a header of 1 inch in diameter or larger on the other side. Breakaway stanchion is provided such that in any pull-away break will occur on the hose or swivel-type connection side while retaining intact the valves and piping on the plant side. Number of ESVs in liquid withdrawal service 6.10.2
Note: If more than one ESV is installed in the facility, use one Form 5.6 for each ESV.
Form 5.7
Requirements for Vapor Transfer Lines 1-inch Diameter or Larger A Item # B Appurtenance C Appurtenance Provided with the Feature
Installed within 20 ft. of lineal pipe from the nearest end of the hose or swivel-type connections. Automatic shutoff through thermal (fire) actuation with melting point of thermal element < 250 oF Temperature sensitive element installed within 5 ft from the nearest end of the hose or swivel type piping connected to liquid transfer line. Manual shutoff feature provided at E SV installed location. Manual shutoff device provided at a remote location, not less than 25 ft., and not more than 100 ft. from the ESV. An ESV is installed on each leg of a multi leg piping each of which is connected to a hose or a swivel type connection on one side and to a header of 1 inch in diameter or larger on the other side. Breakaway stanchion is provided such that in any pullaway break will occur on the hose or swivel-type connection side while retaining intact the valves and piping on the plant side.
NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 edition) 6.10.2 6.10.6 6.10.6 6.10.10 (1) 6.10.10 (2) 6.10.5 (1)
If a checkmark is made in the No column of any one of Form 5.5, Form 5.6 or Form 5.7, then these items must be addressed and brought into compliance with the specific edition of NFPA 58 that the facility was constructed to.
Form 5.8
Evaluation of Redundant Fail-Safe Design
A I t e m # 1 B C D E Installed in the facility? F NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 edition) 6.24.3 and 6.24.4
Features Yes No
Redundant Fail-Safe equipment and Low Emission transfer lines are provided for each container of water capacity 2,001 gal through 30,000 gal Internal Valve with integral excess flow valve or excess flow protection Positive Shutoff Valve installed as close as possible to the Internal Valve Internal Valve with integral excess flow valve or excess flow protection or Back Flow Check valve Positive Shutoff Valve installed as close as possible to the Internal Valve or the back flow check valve Internal Valve installed in the transfer hose or the swivel-type piping at the tank car end
Container Sizes for which the appurtenances are provided LIQUID OR VAPOR WITHDRAWAL (1-1/4 in. or larger)
Railcar Transfer
Flow Into or Out of Railroad tank car Flow Only into railroad tank car
Internal valve or backflow check valve installed in the transfer hose or the swiveltype piping at the tank car end
Actuated by Fire Detection Actuated by a hose pull-away due to vehicle motion Remote shutdown station within 15 ft of the (A) point of transfer? Another remote shutdown station between (B) 25 ft and 100 ft of the transfer point? Manually operated remote 7 Shutdown stations will shut down electrical shutdown of IV and ESV power supply, if any, to the transfer equipment and primary valves? Signs complying with the requirements of (C) (C)provided? Note: If the facility does not have a rail terminal, write the word NA in both the Yes column and the No column in item 4 of this Form in the railroad tank car row. Similar option is also available if there is no cargo tank vehicle transfer station. 6 Automatic closure of all primary valves (IV & ESV) in an Emergency
A - 10
Form 5.9
Evaluation of Low Emission Transfer Equipment A I t e m #
NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 Edition)
Transfer into Cylinders or ASME Containers on Vehicles Transfer into Stationary ASME Containers. Delivery valve and nozzle combination
Delivery Nozzle and Filler Valve- Max. Liquid Release after transfer of 4 cc.
Transfer into (F) Stationary ASME 3 Containers Maximum filling (E) limit Transfer into Stationary ASME Not used during routine transfer operations but 4 Containers used to calibrate other non-venting liquid level (C,D) Fixed Maximum gages in the container Liquid Level gage Note: 1) If the facility does not have a particular feature described in the table, write NA in both the Yes and No columns corresponding to the row in item 2.
Fixed Maximum Liquid Level Gage not used during transfer operations does not exceed 4 cc During product (0.24 in3) from a hose transfer or post of nominal size 1 in or transfer uncoupling smaller of the hose, liquid does not exceed 15 cc product volume (0.91 in3) from a hose released to the of nominal size larger atmosphere than 1 in. Do containers of less than 2,001 gal (w.c.) have an overfilling prevention device or another approved device? Do containers of greater than 2,000 gal (w.c.) have a float gage or other non-venting device? (B) (A) (B)
A - 11
Form 6.1
Evaluation of Physical Protection and Other Measures A # B Item
C Features
Provide lighting For nighttime operations to illuminate storage containers, container being loaded, control valves, and other equipment Protection against vehicular (traffic) impacts on containers, transfer piping and other appurtenances is designed and provided commensurate with the size of vehicles and type of traffic in the facility. (Example protection systems include but not limited to (1) Guard rails, (2) Steel bollards or crash posts, (3) Raised sidewalks. Provide protection against corrosion where piping is in contact with supports or corrosion causing substances.
NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 Edition) 6.16.6 and and
Complete only 4A or 4B
Is an industrial type or chain link fence of at least 6 ft high or equivalent protection provided to enclose (all around) container appurtenances, pumping equipment, loading and unloading and container filling facilities? Are at least two means of emergency accesses (gates) from the enclosure provided? NOTE: Write N.A. (not applicable) if (i) The area enclosed is less than 100 ft2, or (ii) The point of transfer is within 3 ft of the gate, or containers are not filled within the enclosure Is a clearance of, at least, 3 feet all around to allow emergency access to the required means of egress been provided? If a guard service is provided, does this service cover the LP-Gas plant and are the guard personnel provided with appropriate LP-Gas related training, per section 4.4 of NFPA 58?
Perimeter Fence 4A (A)
Guard Service
Lock-in-Place devices
Are Lock-in-Place devices provided to prevent unauthorized use or operation of any container appurtenance, system valves, or equipment in lieu of the fence requirements above? Note: Fill only items 1, 2, 3, and 4A or 4B. Indicate with NA when not filling the Yes or No column. Indicate with NA if the facility is not operated at night.
A - 12
Form 6.2
Ignition Source Control Assessment
A B C D Is the Facility compliant? Yes Are combustible materials, weeds and tall grass not closer than 10 ft from each container?
Is a distance at least 20 ft provided between containers and tanks containing flammable liquids with flash point less than 200 oF (ex., gasoline, diesel)? Are electrical equipment and wiring installed per Code requirements? Is open flame equipment located and used according to Code? Are ignition control procedures and requirements during liquid transfer operations complied with.? Is an approved, portable, dry chemical fire extinguisher of minimum capacity 18 Lbs and having a B:C rating provided in the facility? Is an approved, portable, dry chemical fire extinguisher of minimum capacity 18 Lbs and having a B:C rating provided on each truck or trailer used to transport portable containers? Is the prohibition on smoking within the facility premises strictly enforced?
2 3 4 5 6
8 Note: 1) (B) & 9.4.10 Insert NA in both Yes and No columns of any items that are not applicable.
A - 13
Form 6.3
Separation Distances from Containers to Buildings, Property Lines that can be Built upon, Inter-container Distances, and Aboveground Flammable or Combustible Storage Tanks
A B Container Size Range in gal (W.C.) 501 through 2,000
2,001 through 30,000
C Separation Between Property lines, important building or other property and the nearest container which is Above Ground Underground or Mounded Between containers Above Ground Underground or Mounded Between containers Above Ground Underground or Mounded
D Minimum Distance (ft) 25 10 3 50 50 5 75 50 sum of diameters of adjacent containers 100 50 sum of diameters of adjacent containers
Table 6.3.1
Between containers
Between containers
Separation distance between a LP-Gas container and an above ground storage 20 and tank containing flammable or combustible o liquids of flash points below 200 F. Note: If any of the container sizes indicated in the above form are not present in the facility, enter NA in both Yes and No columns.
A - 14
Form 6.4
Separation Distances between Points of Transfer and other Exposures
A # B Type of Exposure within or outside the facility boundary C Check if exposure is present D Minimum Distance (ft) E F Is the Facility compliant? Yes No G NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 Edition)
1 2 3 4 5
7 8 9 10
11 12
Buildings, mobile homes, recreational vehicles, 10 and modular homes with fire-resistive walls Buildings with other than fire resistive walls 25 Building wall openings or pits at or below the 25 level of the point of transfer Line of adjoining property that can be built upon 25 Outdoor places of public assembly, including 50 school yards, athletic fields, and playgrounds From points of transfer Public ways, including in LP-Gas dispensing 10 public streets, stations and at vehicle Section 6.5.3 highways, fuel dispensers. Table 6.5.3 thoroughfares, and From other points of sidewalks 25 transfer Driveways 5 Mainline railroad track centerlines 25 Containers other than those being filled 10 Flammable and Class II combustible liquid 20 dispensers and aboveground and underground containers Flammable and Class II combustible liquid dispensers and the fill connections of LPG 10 containers LP-Gas dispensing device located close to a 10 Class I liquid dispensing device. NOTE: Place a checkmark in column C against an exposure that is present in or around the facility. Fill columns E or F for only those rows for which there is a checkmark in column C.
If the facility contains low emission transfer equipment (i.e, all equipment identified in Form 5.9 are installed and are in working order), then the minimum separation distances in column D of Form 6.4 can be reduced to one half of the indicated values.
If the containers in the LP-Gas facility are provided with SPECIAL PROTECTION MEASURES, then continue the analysis below. Otherwise skip section 6.4 and go to Chapter 7. Also see Chapter 9.
A - 15
Form 6.5
Special Protection Measures Requirements for Passive Systems A # B Special Protection Option C Question
Insulation provided on each of the containers? Insulation material complies with the requirements of section of NFPA 58? Each container in the facility is mounded? Mounding complies with each requirement under section of NFPA 58. Each container in the facility is buried? 3 Burying of containers Buried containers comply with each requirement under section NFPA 58. D Is the Facility compliant? E NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 Edition) and &
Container Insulation
Mounding of containers
Form 6.6
Special Protection Measures Requirements for Active Systems Special Protection Option
Is the Facility compliant? NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 Edition)
Yes No
Are fixed water spray systems, complying with NFPA 151 requirements, used for each container in the facility? 1 Water spray systems Do fire responsive devices actuate water spray system automatically? Can the water spray systems be actuated manually also? Are the monitor nozzles located and arranged so that the water stream can wet the surfaces of all containers exposed to a fire? Can the water stream from a monitor nozzle reach and wet the entire surface of, at least, one half of a length from one end of each of the Monitor nozzle containers it is designed to protect? 2 systems Do fixed monitor nozzles comply with NFPA 151 requirements? Do fire responsive devices actuate the monitor nozzles? Can the monitor nozzles can be actuated manually also? 1. Refer to Chapter 8 for a discussion on NFPA 15 Standard for Water Spray Fixed Systems for Fire Protection
A - 16
Form 6.7
Protection Against Vehicular Impact
Is physical protection provided? No Yes Type of physical protection installed
System Protected
1 2 3
A - 17
Table 7.1
Distances to Various Types of Propane Hazards Under Different Release Models**
Vapor Dispersion Distance to LFL (ft) 250 230 190 135 Explosion Hazard Distance (ft) 110 103 90 120 Fire Ball Radiation Distance (ft) 50 45 40 25
Model #
Details of the Propane Release Model Releases from or due to 1 ID x 150 ft hose length Bobtail hose failure. Release 1 ID x 120 ft hose length of the entire inventory in the hose, quickly. 1 ID x 75 ft hose length Release of the inventory in a transfer piping 1" x 30 ft + @ 20 gpm for 10 min., due to failed excess flow valve. Release from the container pressure relief valve Release from a 1 ID x 150 ft transfer piping to a vaporizer and reduced flow from a partially open excess flow valve @ 20 gpm for 10 min. Leak from a corrosion hole in a transfer pipe at a back pressure of 130 psig (corresponding to 80 oF) for 60 min. Hole size is ID. Release of the entire inventory in a 2 ID x 20 ft., transfer hose. Transport hose blowdown: Hose size 2" ID, 20 ft length release for 3min., from a Transport after the tank is filled.
1A 1B 1C 2 3 4 5 6 7
110 195 75
120 90 30
5 40 <5
** Results from models described in Appendix B. The results are rounded to the nearest 5 feet.
Form 7.1
Types of Occupancies(1) Near or Surrounding the LP-Gas Facility
Model # from Table 7.1 Hazard Distance (2) (feet) Is an Occupancy located within the hazard distance from the Facility? Yes No
Type of Occupancies
Assembly Occupancies (Places of worship, Libraries, Theaters and Auditoriums, Food or Drink Bars, Sports Stadiums, Amusement Parks, Transportation Centers, etc. with 50 or more people). Institutional Occupancies (Elderly Persons Home or Nursing Home, Hospitals, Alcohol & Drug Rehabilitation Centers, Prisons) Educational Occupancies (Elementary Schools, Day Care facilities, etc). NOTES: (1) Different types of occupancies are defined in NFPA 5000 (2) Table 7.1 provides a number of scenarios that can result in propane release, and the resulting area exposed for different ignition mechanisms. Determine the scenarios that are applicable to the facility, for the quantities that can be released. Use the hose diameters and length that will be used at the facility if they differ from the ones in Table 7.1 and recalculate the hazard distances using a spreadsheet method that is available at Some scenarios may not be applicable to an installation based on other mitigation measures taken, such as a hose management procedure to minimize the possibility of hose failure.
A - 18
Form 7.2
Exposure to LP-Gas Facility from External Hazards
A Item # B C D
Petroleum and other hazardous material storage, wholesale dispensing, etc. 2 Metal cutting, welding , and metal fabrication 3 Industrial Manufacturing that can pose external hazards Ports, rail yards and trans-shipment terminals handling 4 flammable and explosive materials. Other operations that may pose hazards (gasoline and other 5 hazardous material dispensing stations, fertilizer storage, etc). NOTE: If a particular activity indicated in column B does not exist, fill both Yes and No columns with N/A. 1
Where a YES has been checked in either Form 7.1 or Form 7.2: 1) For an existing facility, communicate this information to local emergency responders for inclusion in their emergency planning. 2) For a proposed facility, implement the actions indicated in Chapter 9.
A - 19
Form 8.1
Data on the Responding Fire Department
A Item # 1 2A 2B 3A 3B 4 5 6A 6B 7A B C Data Entry
Data Item
Name of the Fire Department (FD). Name of the person in the FD assisting with the data acquisition. Position of the person in the FD assisting with the data acquisition. Date on which FD data was collected. Name of the person collecting the data. Number of firefighters on duty at any time. Average number of firefighters available for response. Number of firefighters qualified to Firefighter I level. Firefighter II level. respond on the first alarm to the facility. respond on the first alarm and who are qualified to the operations level requirements of NFPA 472 or local requirements respond on the first alarm with specific knowledge and training on the properties of LP-Gas and LP-Gas fires. Number of fire apparatus that have the capability to deploy a 125 gpm hose line supplied by onboard water for at least 4 minutes, and that are in service in the department.
A - 20
Form 8.2
Response Time data for the Fire Departments
A Company or Department Alarm Receipt & Handling B C D E
A - 21
Form 8.3
Water Flow Rate and Total Water Volume Required to Cool Containers Exposed to a Fire
A Item # B ASME Container Size (gallons) C Total Surface Area of each Container1 (ft2) D Surface Area of each container to be Cooled (ft2) 43 86 145 187 285 395 495 580 805 1,183 1,545 2,300 E Water flow rate required per container (gpm) 10.8 21.5 36.3 46.8 71.3 98.8 123.8 145.0 201.3 295.8 386.3 575.0 F Number of containers of the size indicated G Total Water flow rate required (gpm) H Total volume of water required for 10 min (gal)
2a 2b 3 4
500 86 1,000 172 2,000 290 4,000 374 6,500 570 9,200 790 12,000 990 18,000 1,160 30,000 1,610 45,000 2,366 60,000 3,090 90,000 4,600 Other Size Calculated water flow rate for container protection Water flow rate rounded up to nearest multiple of 125 Water for firefighter protection, if required Total water flow rate and volume
Column E = 0.25 (gpm/ft2) x Column D ; Column G = Column F x Column E Column H = 10 x Column G Line 2a, Column G and Column H are the sum of numbers in each row above line 2 of each column. Line 4, Column G and Column H are the sum of numbers in rows 2 and 3. Consider only 3 containers for water supply evaluations even if the number of containers in a group is more than 3. ASME container dimensions obtained from
The total water requirement for the facility is indicated in item 4, column G (water flow rate) and column H (total water volume or quantity) of Form 8.3. If multiple groups of containers are present in the facility, repeat the calculations in Form 8.3 for each group of containers. The total water requirement for the facility is the largest value for any single group of containers.
A - 22
Form 8.4
Evaluation of Water Availability in or Near the LP-Gas Facility
A Item # B Water from C Available? D Quantitative information Available water flow Distance from Hydrant Facility gate rate from all data (feet) hydrants(1) (gpm) Hydrant 1 Hydrant 2 Hydrant 3 2 A nearby static water source (stream, pond, lake, etc).
Public supply or from another piped-in supply through one or more fire hydrants in or near the facility
Distance to water source = ____ Feet Time to set up relay = _____ min. Rate of delivery = ______ gpm
Only through mobile water tanker Time to set up shuttle = _____ min. Yes No shuttle. Sustainable flow rate = ______ gpm NOTE: (1) Obtain the flow rate in each hydrant from the local municipal water authority or the entity that supplies water to the hydrant or conduct a test to determine total available flow rate. 3
1. For an exiting facility, communicate this information to local responders for inclusion in their emergency planning. 2. For a proposed new facility, refer to Chapter 9
A - 23
Form 9.1
Analysis Summary on Product Control and Local Conditions of Hazard
A Item # B CHAPTER Title C Section & Title 5.1: Product Control in Containers 1 Product Control Measures in Containers & Transfer Piping 5.2 Product Control in Transfer Piping 6.1 Physical Protection Measures 6.2 Ignition Source Control 6.3.1 Separation distances; Container and outside exposures 6.3.2 Separation distances; Transfer points and outside exposures 6.4 D Reference FORM # 5.1 or 5.2 or 5.3 or 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 6.1 6.2 6.3 E Number of NO checked
6.5 Special Protection Measures 6.6 The number of No for Forms from Chapter 5 are the difference between NFPA 58-2004 required number of appurtenances and a lesser number actually installed on the container or the transfer piping.
If in any row of column E (No) of Form 9.1, the entry number is greater than zero, the proposed LP-Gas facility is not in compliance with the 2004 NFPA 58 Code requirements for product control appurtenances or other safety measures. The design of the proposed facility must be modified to conform to the Code requirements. In addition, the following items should be noted. If there are any No checks in Form 6.3, then the separation distance requirements for containers are not satisfied. An option that may be considered is the reduction in separation distance to 10 feet for underground and mounded containers by providing Redundant and Fail-Safe Product Control Measures. In this case, complete Form 9.4, below to ensure that each requirement of Redundant and Fail-Safe Product Control Measures is provided. If there are any No checks in Form 6.4, then the separation distance requirements for transfer points are not satisfied. In this case, relocate the transfer points so that the separation distances conform to the code requirements or provide the Low Emission Transfer Equipment. Complete Form 9.5 below and ensure that all requirements for Low Emission Transfer Equipment are fulfilled.
A - 24
Form 9.2
Analysis Summary on Exposure from and to the LP-Gas Facility
A Item # B CHAPTER Title C Section & Title 7.1 Exposure to off-site properties and persons from in-plant propane releases 7.2 Exposure to propane facility from external events. D Reference FORM # E Number of YES checked
If the entry number in column E (Yes), Form 9.2 corresponding to Form 7.1 is greater than zero, consider one or more of the following design alternatives.
1 Consider moving the container or the transfer point to a different location, if possible and
space exists, so that the property or the person is beyond the hazard distance. 2 Provide Redundant and Fail-safe Product Control Measures. Complete Form 9.4 to ensure compliance. 3 Institute other technical measures such as installing gas and flame detectors (connected to facility shut down systems), sounding alarm outside facility premises, etc. 4 Institute administrative controls such as additional training for personnel, more frequent inspection of hoses and transfer piping, etc. If the entry number in column E (Yes), Form 9.2 corresponding to Form 7.2 is greater than zero, consider one or more of the following design alternatives. 1 Implement procedures to monitor neighboring activity. 2 Install means in the adjacent plant to shut down the LP-Gas plant in case emergency in that plant.
A - 25
Form 9.3
Analysis Summary on Fire Department Evaluations
A B C D E Number zeros entered in Column C, Lines 6 through 8 of Form 8.1 F Number of Yes checked in Column C of Form 8.4
Item #
Reference FORM #
1 2
8.1 Data on the Fire Department 8.2 Fire response water needs and availability
8.1 8.4
If the entry number in row 1, Column E of Form 9.3 is greater than zero, consider one or more of the following design alternatives. 1 Discuss with the local Fire Department the needs of the LP-Gas facility and the evaluation results on the capability and training inadequacies of the Department. Consider developing a cadre of personnel within the LP-Gas facility to respond to emergencies. Institute a container special protection system based on active protection approaches or passive approaches. Complete Form 9.6 and Form 9.7 below.
If the entry number in row 2, Column F of Form 9.3 is equal to zero, consider one or more of the following design alternatives. 1 Provide special protection (other than water spray or monitor systems) to containers, satisfying the requirements of section 6.23.5 of NFPA Code, 2004 edition. Complete Form 9.6 to ensure compliance. Consider implementing the various options indicated in Table 9.1.
A - 26
Form 9.4
Redundant and Fail-Safe Design for Containers A Item # B Description C Features
Redundant Fail-Safe equipment and Low Emission transfer lines are provided for each container of water capacity 2,001 gal to 30,000 gal Internal Valve with integral excess flow valve or excess flow protection Positive Shutoff Valve installed as close as possible to the Internal Valve Internal Valve with integral excess flow valve or excess flow protection or Back Flow Check valve Positive Shutoff Valve installed as close as possible to the Internal Valve or the back flow check valve Emergency Shutoff Valve installed in the transfer hose or the swiveltype piping at the tank car end.
NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 Edition)
Railcar Transfer
Flow Into or Out of Railroad tank car Flow Only Into railroad tank car
Emergency shutoff valve or backflow check valve installed in the transfer hose or the swivel-type piping at the tank car end.
Protection provided in accordance with By fire actuation Automatic closure of all 6 primary valves (IV & In the event of a hose pull-away due ESV) in an Emergency to vehicle motion Remote shutdown station within 15 (A) ft of the point of transfer? Another remote shutdown station between 25 ft and 100 ft of the (B) transfer point? Manually operated remote Shutdown stations will shut down 7 shutdown of IV and ESV electrical power supply, if any, to the transfer equipment and primary valves? Signs complying with the (C) requirements of (C) (c) provided? Note: If your facility does not have a rail terminal, write the word NA in both the Yes column and the No column in item 4 of the form in the railroad tank car row. Similar option is also available if there is no cargo tank vehicle transfer station. 5 Cargo Tank Transfer
A - 27
Form 9.5
Evaluation of Low Emission Transfer Equipment A Item # B Description
Delivery Nozzle and Filer ValveMax. Liquid Release after transfer of 4 cc. During product transfer or post transfer uncoupling of the hose, liquid product volume released to the atmosphere
C Features
NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 Edition)
Transfer into Cylinders or ASME Containers on Vehicles Transfer into Stationary ASME Containers Delivery valve and nozzle combination Transfer into Stationary ASME Containers Maximum filling limit
Fixed Maximum Liquid Level Gauge not used during transfer operations (B)
Does not exceed 4 cc (0.24 in3) from a hose of nominal size 1 in or smaller Does not exceed 15 cc (0.91 in3) from a hose of nominal size larger than 1 in. Do containers of less than 2,001 gal (w.c.) have an overfilling prevention device or another approved device? Do containers of greater than 2,000 gal (w.c.) have a float gage or other non-venting device? (A) (B) (F) (E)
Transfer into Stationary ASME Not used during routine transfer operations Containers but may be used in calibrating other non(C,D) Fixed Maximum venting liquid level gauges in the container Liquid Level gauge If the facility does not have a particular feature described in the table, write NA in both the Yes and No columns corresponding to its row in item 2.
A - 28
Form 9.6
Special Protection Measures Passive Systems A Item # B Special Protection Option C Question
Insulation provided on each of the containers? 1 Container Insulation Insulation material complies with the requirements of section of NFPA 58? Each container in the facility is mounded? Mounding complies with each requirement under section of NFPA 58. Each container in the facility is buried? 3 Burying of containers Buried containers comply with each requirement under section of NFPA 58. D Proposed for the facility? E NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 Edition) and &
Mounding of containers
Form 9.7
Special Protection Measures Active Systems Special Protection Option
Is the Facility compliant? NFPA 58 Section Reference (2004 Edition)
Item #
Are fixed water spray systems, complying with NFPA 15 requirements, used for each container in the facility? Do fire responsive devices actuate water spray system automatically? Can the water spray systems be actuated manually also? Are the monitor nozzles located and arranged so that the water stream can wet the surfaces of all containers exposed to a fire? Can the water stream from a monitor nozzle reach and wet the entire surface of, at least, one half of a length from one end of each of the containers it is designed to protect? Do fixed monitor nozzles comply with NFPA 15 requirements? Do fire responsive devices actuate the monitor nozzles? Can the monitor nozzles can be actuated manually also?
A - 29
Table 9.1
Suggested Alternative Methods for Industrial and Bulk Plants That Do Not Pose a Hazard But Lack a Water Supply Item #
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Possible options to implement when adequate water supply is not available Reduce the service life of hoses. Increase frequency of equipment inspection. Establish a service life program for the maintenance of the container pressure relief devices. This could include the installation of a listed multiple port valve and certifying that the relief devices are properly set and maintained every 5 to 10 years. Increase the strength of the piping and fitting systems. Install emergency shutoff valves in conjunction with container internal valves. Install emergency shutoff valves downstream of transfer pump outlets, and upstream of the vapor and liquid valves at the bulkhead. Install pneumatic tubing along the plant boundary to serve as a perimeter fire detection system. This would provide protection of the plant against exposure fires. Provide optical flame detection or linear heat detection, or a gas detection system connected to an isolation valve installed downstream of every liquid and vapor nozzle on the container. This system could also be monitored to send a signal to an alarm company that notifies the Fire Department of an event. Increase the separation distances of internal plant exposures to the container. These exposures would include a site dumpster, idle or waste pallets and combustibles, and increasing the parking distances between the bobtails and transports in relation to the container. Relocate overhead power lines away from all container and cylinder storage area to protect against ignition in the event of a line dropping due to wind or power pole impact. Eliminate all combustible vegetation within 30 feet of the LP-Gas container. This can be accomplished using gravel, or paving the site yard.
A - 30
Appendix B Results of Hazard Distance Calculations For Different LPG Release Scenarios
In this Appendix are presented the results obtained by exercising various mathematical models to calculate the hazard distances for several scenarios of LPG releases from the containers, transfer piping, hoses and pressure relief valves.
TABLE B-1 LPG Release Cases(1) for Hazard Assessment Recommended for use in the FSA Manual by authors
Assumed to be in liquid(3) phase on ground
Aggregate Storage
Case #
Hose Length
Vapor+ Aerosol(2)
Details in Bobtail hose failure, Release of inventory in hose. Transfer piping 1" x 30 ft + 20 gpm, 10 min. PRV release @ 275 psig, 30 sec. Bobtail hose failure 1 in x 150 ft transfer piping to a vaporizer + partial flow from an excess flow valve @ 20 gpm for 10 mins Leak from a 1/4 inch dia pipe corrosion hole, 60 min PRV release at 12,390 scfm air, one hour 2 inch transfer hose, 20 ft. long Transport Hose Blowdown: Hose size 2" dia, 20 ft length x 3min after the tank is filled. PRV release at 12,390 scfm air for one hour 1.0 1.0 ---1.0 1.0 ft 150.0 30.0 ---150.0 150.0
Total Quantity gal 6.1 1.2 ---6.1 6.1 Lb. 25.1 5.0 ---25.1 25.1
Vapor + Aerosol(2)
# 1
4,001 to 8,000
2 3 4 5
8,001 to 18,000
6 7 8
60.0 60.0
18.8 ---NA
77.2 1,240.2 NA
4,629.0 74,413.5
> 18,000
Notes to Table B-1: 1. Assumes that storage temperature is 80 oF for all containers. The pressure in the container is the saturation pressure of LPG at 80 oF, which is 130 psig. 2. The mass of aerosol in a vapor + aerosol cloud is assumed to be one half of the liquid mass formed after flashing. That is the mass of vapor + aerosol is X + (1-X)*0.5, where X is the mass fraction of aerosol formed by the flashing process. 3. Instantaneously released mass of liquid released after the flash process 4. The volume flow rate of propane through the PRV is proportional to the inverse square root of the propane vapor density, assuming that the pressure drop and the orifice size are equal. Hence to convert from air flow SCFM to propane flow SCFM multiply air flow SCFM by sqrt(1/1.46). Also, the velocity of gases exiting the PRV is calculated assuming a 2 inch diameter at the exit section. 5. Pressure relief valve discharge based on a 1 1/16 in lift in a 1.75 in. diameter valve seat. Rated at 12,200 SCFM air.
Plume Type Dispersion Max Ground Hazard Area (ft2) 342 107 ---342 Maximum Values for Downwind Travel Distance (ft) ---115 ------Crosswind width (ft) ---8 ------Down wind Distance to Max.
1 2 3 4
7 8 9 10
Bobtail hose failure. Transfer piping 1" x 30 ft + 20 gpm for 10 min. PRV release 275 psig for 30 sec. 1/16 in lift x 1.75 in ID seat (Rated flow 10200 SCFM air). Bobtail hose failure 1 in x 150 ft length transfer piping to a vaporizer + reduced flow from a partially open excess flow valve at 20 gpm for 10 mins Leak from a 1/4 inch dia corrosion hole in a pipe: 60 min at a pressure corresponding to 80 oF (130 psig)(6) PRV release at 12,390 scfm air for one hour 2 inch dia transfer hose x 20 ft. long failure. Transport Hose Blowdown: 2" dia Hose, 20 ft long x 3min from a Transport after tank filling. PRV release at 12,390 scfm air for one hour
(ft) 53 26 ---53
---194 -------
---8.3 -------
---114.8 -------
---218 -------
------26 ----
------8 ----
------75 ----
------103 ----
---91 28 ----
---41 2 ----
NOTES to Table B-2 1. Dispersion of vapors: Assumes that the flashed vapor+ aerosol together disperse as a heavy gas in "F" stability weather at a wind speed of 1.5 m/s (3.4 mph). If a puff of vapor is released followed by a long duration (at least 5 minute spill time) release then the dispersion hazard is calculated using both the puff calculations and the continuous plume calculations. 2. Vapor explosion: Assumed hazard criterion is 1 psi overpressure (Ref: eqn C-1, Offsite Consequence Analysis Guidance, EPA 1999). If the release occurs instantaneously (as a puff of vapor + aerosols) then the mass used for the explosion hazard calculation is the total mass of flashed vapor + entrained liquid aerosols. If the release occurs over a longer period of time (continuous release), then the mass of vapor that can participate in a vapor cloud explosion is the mass of vapor + entrained aerosol released over the duration of time taken for the vapor concentration to decrease from 100% to LFL in the dispersing plume. This time is equal to the maximum downwind LFL distance divided by the wind speed. 3. Radiation from pool fire: Pool depth is assumed to be 0.5 cm for instantaneously released liquid. Also, it is assumed that all liquid formed after the flash forms a pool. In the case of continuous release the pool diameter is determined by a balance between evaporation due to fire and the full spill rate without consideration of the flashing. The evaporation rate for relatively small pool fires is given by the formula: liquid regression rate (cm/min) = 0.0076 * (lower heat of combustion/latent heat of evaporation) [Reference: Burgess, D. and M. Hertzberg, "Radiation from Pool Flames," Heat Transfer in Flames (Ed: Afghan and Beer), Scripta Book Co, Washington, DC, 1974. Radiation effect is calculated using equation 10-1 of Offsite Consequence Analysis Guidance, EPA 1999. The thermal radiation hazard is based on a radiant intensity of 5 kW/m2. 4. Fire ball: The hazard distance is approximately proportional to the square root of the mass of propane released. Table 30 of Offsite Consequence Analysis Guidance, EPA 1999.indicates that for 1000 lb propane release the distance is about 264 ft. The results in OCAG (Table 30) is correlated as, X (ft) = 12.83 * (M in Lbs)0.441 The mass used is the total release in the case of instantaneous release. In the case of continuous release, the total mass used is the mass released first instantaneously + the continuous release over the period of time equal to the dispersion time to LFL centerline concentration in the plume. 5. Hazard area for plume dispersion is calculated as the sum of two triangular areas. The first triangle is from origin to the maximum LFL. down wind distance. The second triangle is from maximum LFL width location to maximum downwind distance. 6. The hazard distances from explosion and the fireball are calculated using the mass of vapor in the dispersion plume where the plume ground level concentration is above the LFL concentration. This is equal to the product of the release rate and the duration of time it takes for vapor released at the source to reach the downwind distance where the ground level concentration is equal to the LFL. The vapor is assumed to move at wind speed.
7. Ground level hazard area from propane releases from relief valves: Results from the
investigation by Cornwell, et al., (Ref 1 below) of the dispersion of LPG vapors released from pressure relief valves (PRVs) on LP containers indicate that for release velocities greater than 100 ft/s no LFL concentrations were found at any level below the exit section of the PRV riser pipe. It is based on the results of the work of Cornwell, et al., that the ground level concentration is assumed to be below LFL and, therefore, the hazard distance is shown as zero in Table B-2, case # 7 and case # 10 for releases from PRVs.
TABLE B-3 Various Parameters and their Values Used in the Cases Parameter Description Pi = Circumference to diameter ratio of a circle Coefficient of discharge for a hole in transfer piping Wind speed for F stability weather Burning rate of a LPG liquid pool Value 3.141593 0.62 1.5 0.890026 0.0292 18.79816 2.512788 86.0534 10.46741
Reference #
Release rate from a 1/4 inch corrosion hole Area of liquid pool Diameter of pool fire (fire on the liquid pool) Distance (X) to a thermal radiation level of 5 kW/m (For this radiation level from a LPG pool fire with 40% radiation efficiency the X/d ratio is 4.71)
Cornwell, J.B., D.W. Johnson, and W.E. Martinsen, Relief Valves and Vents: How Exit Conditions Affect Hazard Zones, Presented at the American Institute of Chemical Engineers 1990 Summer National Meeting, San Diego, California, August, 1990. Also available at, Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 5th edition, p 5-13, Fig 5-18, 1973. Afghan & Beer (editors), Heat Transfer in Flames, chapter on Radiation from Pool Fires authored by Burgess & Hertzberg, p417, Scriptya Book Co. Washington DC, 1974.
(2) (3)
Conventional Units
Units Pure Propane
CH2 (CH3)2
Pure Propane
CH2 (CH3)2
Commercial Propane
Commercial Propane
635.6 741.4 859.6 991.3 1,137.0 1,297.9 1,475.1 1,669.3 231.3 85.7 582.5 503.8
92.2 107.5 124.7 143.8 164.9 188.3 213.9 242.1 -43.73 -305.8 36.36 31.45 4.20 31.45 4.20 -44 218.0 145.0
K K kg/m
kg/m3 kg/m3
30.70 4.10
SI Units
Property Item Density of saturated vapor at NBT Density of vapor at 60 oF (@ 1 atm pressure)
Vapor specific density at STP (1 atm o & 68 F) w.r.t. air
Conventional Units
Units kg/m3 kg/m3 Pure Propane 0.15181 0.1210 1.46 J/kg K 0.63 1.14 kJ/kg MJ/kg MJ/kg % 184 19905.5 21548 2.15 9.6 Btu/lb Btu/lb Btu/lb --0.63 Btu/lb oF 0.1155 Commercial Propane Units lb/ft3 lb/ft3
Pure Propane 2.432 1.937 1.46 2,637.2 1.14 427.98 46.30 50.12 2.15 9.6
Commercial Propane
Specific heat of liquid @ 60 oF Specific heat ratio of vapor (Cp/Cv) Heat of Vaporization @ NBT Heat of Combustion (lower heat) Heat of Combustion (higher heat) Lower Flammability Limit % Upper Flammability Limit % Liquid Enthalpy @ saturated at indicated Temp (Enthalpy is 0 @ -40 oF) -44 oF 60 oF 70 oF 80 oF 90 oF 100 oF 110 oF 120 oF
TABLE B-5 Calculation of the mass fraction of LPG and n-Butane, which Flashes to Vapor When released from pressurized storage
% Mass of released liquid, which flashes to vapor directly Propane 32.6 36.0 39.5 43.0 46.6 50.3 54.2 n- Butane 9.0 12.3 15.5 18.9 24.2 26.0 29.6