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This document appears to assert sovereignty and claim legal protections from government actions.
GEORGIA UCC-1 Secured Transaction Registry Number:
''FIAT JUSTITIA RUAT COELUM.''(“Let right be done though the heavens should fall”)
All State, Federal, and, International Public Officials, by and through:
Take a moment to read this before you proceed any further.I do not wish to communicate under any circumstances excludingFederal Judicial Review.THIS TITLE IS FOR YOUR PROTECTION!
I, One Jon Henry: Doe, Executor Office – JON HENRY DOE, Estate,
a/k/a ''Affiant,''the undersigned, herein request that you present anything that you wish to communicate tome in writing, signed under penalty of perjury as required by your law, and as shown in thisinstrument.
Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal. Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent.
Attachments are included / coupled hereto, and are part of this contract.
Your Failure
to timely do so leaves you in the position of accepting full responsibility for any and all liabilities for monetary damages that I incur, as indicated herein, by any adverselyaffecting injuries caused by your overt or covert actions / omissions, and / or the actions /omissions of any of your fellow public officers and agents in this and / or any relevant mattersas described herein. You have Thirty (30) Days, from the date that this document is receivedby the Clerk of the Public Record, to respond and rebut the presumptions of this contract bysubmitting to me signed, certified, authenticated documents of the laws that rebut thesepresumptions point by point, on and for the
Record under penalties of the law includingperjury. This document will be on file in the public record, and the clerk in charge of the publicrecord is charged to distribute this to any and all responsible parties, i.e., officers of the court,and / or law enforcement officers including local, state, federal, international, multi- jurisdictional, and / or any and all officers, representatives, contractors, agencies, and / or anysuch entity or person that may bring any type of action, whether civil, criminal, or other,against me, and whether in this county, state, region, area, country, corporation, federal zone,or in any venue and / or jurisdiction. Your failure to timely rebut the statements and warningsherein constitute your complete tacit agreement with all regulations and stipulations containedherein. Your presumptions that I, the undersigned, am a “Corporate Fiction” or “Legal Entity”and under your corporate “UNITED STATES” jurisdiction are now and forever rebutted.
This Notice
is in the nature of a Miranda Warning.
Take due heed of its contents.
If,for any reason, you do not understand any of these regulations, stipulations, or warnings, it isincumbent upon you to summon a superior officer, special prosecutor, federal judge, or other competent legal counsel to immediately explain to you the significance of this presentment asper your duties and obligations in respect to this private, formal, notarized, certified StatuteStaple Securities Instrument. As per Title 11 USC 501(a), 502(a), 11 USC 7001, 7013, andFederal Rules of Civil Procedure Sections 8-A, AND 13-A, the claim or presumption that I,Jac Neal: Linge, am a Debtor to the “UNITED STATES,” and / or any of its agencies / sub-corporations, is forever rebutted by this contract. This rebuttal is a counterclaim in Admiralty.
I, the undersigned,
tendering this document, am a Private People of Posterity; aSovereign Personam Sojourn by fact, and not a 14th-amendment citizen or surety within, or subject for, or allegiance to your corporate “UNITED STATES,” or to any
de facto
compactcorporate commercial states contracting therein, but to the
de jure
“united States of America,”nonetheless carrying with me exclusive original sovereign jurisdiction and venue, having onesupreme court and United States Court of International Trade. This is a matter of publicrecord tendered by way of registered mail to the GEORGIA SECRETARY OF STATE. Thesepages are recorded upon liber records in the Register of Deeds Office in Gwinnett County, inaddition to, but not limited by, the filing of Georgia UCC-1 # 045-2011-000150, Dodge County.
I, the undersigned,
now tendering this legally binding Legal Notice and Demand in handam not a surety under your jurisdiction nor a subject under your corporate “Color of LawVenue,“ being acknowledged by silence and acquiescence of office by Brian P. Kemp, inaddition to, but not limited by, all succession of GEORGIA SECRETARY OF STATE, unlimitedto any public officers, agents, contractors, assigns, employees, and subsidiaries of your officeregarding my Legal Notice and Demand tendered with liber number and page affixed.
By silence and acquiescence of Corporate Office,
severance of any and every nexus and / or relationship between Jon Henry: Doe and
de facto
corporate-commercial state offices, being fraudulent conveyance by operate under “Color-of-Law'' authority upon Affiant. Let this be known by the
“Good Faith (Oxford) Doctrine”
to allmen and women. I do not consent to any warrant-less searches / seizures, or such that arenot compliant with the “Constitution for the united States of America” and / or all amendmentsof the Honorable “Bill of Rights,” whether of my dwellings, cars, land craft, watercraft, aircraft,me, mine, current location, property, hotel rooms, apartments, business records, businesses,machinery, vehicles, equipment, supplies, buildings, grounds, land in my private possessionor control, past, present, and future, now and forevermore, so help you God.
By this record let it be known
that I do not at any time waive any rights and protectionsacknowledged by the aforementioned Constitution and / or Honorable “Bill of Rights,”nonetheless demanding that you protect these as you swore an oath to do so. I accept your lawfully required Oath of Office, bonds of any type, insurance policies, and property of anytype for my protection and making whole. Furthermore, should you witness any public officersat this time, or any time past, present, or future, violate any of my rights or protections, it isyour sworn duty of oath to immediately arrest, or have them arrested. You are legally requiredto charge them as you should any law breaker, regardless of officer’s title, rank, uniform,cloak, badge, position, stature, office, or you shall thenceforth become accountable for monetary damages from, but not limited by, your public and private monetary liability, your corporate bonds, compensatory costs, punitive procurements, and sanctioned by attorneyattributions.
A true and correct, notarized copy of this
Statute Staple Securities Instrument
issafely deposited in the Register of Deeds Office in Gwinnett County Georgia. This securityinstrument has also been delivered to several trusted friends and accompanied by swornaffidavits certifying my policy of presenting this security instrument to each and every publicofficer who approaches me violating my unalienable rights, in addition to, but not limited by,my right of liberty and free movement upon any common pathway of travel. I have a lawfulright to travel, by whatever means, via land, sea, or air, without any officer, agent, employee,attorney, or judge, willfully causing adverse affects or damages upon me by an arrest,detainment, restraint, or deprivation. I will be granted the status and treatment of a foreignSovereign, a foreign diplomat, by all officers and customs officials. This document, or thedeposited copy, becomes an evidentiary document of manifest certified herein, as if now fullyreproduced, should any court action be taken upon me as caused by your acts under color of law with you, your officers, and employees.
Take note:
You are now monetarily liable in your personal and corporate capacity. I, Jon Henry: Doe,
Executor Office – JON HENRY DOE,Estate, the undersigned, a Sovereign, notwithstanding anything contrary, abide by all laws inaccordance with the aforementioned Constitution and Honorable “Bill of Rights” which areapplicable to all sovereigns. I,
Jon Henry: Doe, am a peaceful people of posterity who wishesno harm to any man. You agree by your non-response to uphold my “Right to Travel,” or youmust rebut my presumption by lawfully documented evidence in law on and for the publicrecord, under oath and penalty of perjury, within the thirty (30) days as aforementioned in thisadmiralty contract.
that I rely upon,
in addition to constitutionallimits of the “Constitution for the united States of America” and / or the Honorable “Bill of Rights,” governmental authority
the rights and protections guaranteed under UniformCommercial Codes, common equity law, laws of admiralty, and commercial liens and leviespursuant to, but not limited by, Title 42 (Civil Rights), Title 18 U.S.C.A. (Criminal Codes), Title28 U.S.C.A. (Civil Codes), and additional Georgia constitution penal codes, in as much asthey are in compliance with the aforementioned Constitution and / or "Bill of Rights." Therecan be no violation of any of these laws unless there is a victim consisting of a natural fleshand blood man or woman who has been damaged. When there is no flesh-and-blood victim,there is no crime or law broken. Unless this is rebutted within the time limit contained herein,and the conditions of the rebuttal are met, you, and / or any representative in any capacity of any agency, government, corporation, and the like, agree to abide by this contract anytimethat you interact with me. I, Jon Henry: Doe, Executor Office – JON HENRY DOE, Estate,a/k/a ''Affiant,'' the undersigned, am of lawful majority age, clear head, and sound mind.
you took a solemn, binding oath to protect and defend the original"Constitution for the united States of America," (1787) adopted circa 1791 to date. Violationsof said oath is perjury, being a bad-faith doctrine by constructive treason
and immoraldishonor, infra, ¶13, ¶14 & ¶15. I accept said Oath of Office that you have sworn to uphold. Ideclare that any and all presumptions that I am a Corporate / Statutory / Military / Maritime / Admiralty / Fictitious ''U.S. – citizen / consumer / individual / citizen-subject / plaintiff /defendant / taxpayer;'' ''STATE – resident / licensee / driver / gun/firearm owner;'' ''14
- Amendment – citizen / resident of the commonwealth / subject / person of inherence and/or incidence;'' ''CORPORATE – officer / agent / member / representative / participant / partner /employee / fiction / transmitting utility / ens legis / stramineus homo (straw-man) / dummy / juristic person / libelee / debtor / obligor / accommodation party / surety,'' and all the likethereof being subject to the seizure of ''Alien Properties'' within any and all jurisdictions of the
de facto
UNITED STATES and / or any of it's sub-divisions, agencies, entities, departments,subsidiaries, are now and forever rebutted. You may rebut my presumptions by submittingcertified copies of lawful documents that have been certified by the Georgia states attorneygeneral while under oath and on the official public record and under penalty of perjury andwaiving all immunities from prosecution. You have Thirty (30) Days to rebut my statements asindicated herein, or my statements will stand as true, lawful, and legal in any and all of your courts and / or hearings.
This legal and timely notice,
declaration, and, demand, is prima facie evidence
of sufficient Notice of Grace
The terms and conditions of this presentment / agreement are aquasi contract under the Uniform Commercial Code and Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.These terms and conditions are not subject to any or all immunities that you may claim,should you in
way violate my rights and / or allow violations by others. Your corporatecommercial acts against me and / or mine and your failures to act on behalf of me and / or mine are ultra vires and injurious by willful and gross negligence.
The liability is upon you
your respondent superior,
et al,
in addition to any and alllocal, state, regional, federal, multi-jurisdictional, international, and / or corporate agencies,and / or persons of the foregoing, involved directly or indirectly with you via any nexus actingwith you; and said liability shall be satisfied jointly and / or severally at my discretion. You aresworn to your Oath of Office, and I accept your Oath of Office and your responsibility touphold the rights of me and mine at all times.
Unlawful Arrest
Illegal Arrest
and / or Restraint
or Distraint
Trespassing /Trespass, without a lawful, correct, and complete 4th amendment warrant
:$2,000,000.00 (Two Million) US Dollars, per occurrence, per officer and / or agent involved.
Excessive Bail, Fraudulent Bond, Cruel and Unusual Punishment, Violation of Right toSpeedy Trial
Freedom of Speech, Conspiracy, Aiding and Abetting, Racketeering,and/or Abuse of Authority
as per Title 18 U.S.C.A., §241 and §242, or definitions containedherein: $2,000,000.00 (Two Million) US Dollars, per occurrence, per officer/agent involved.
Assault or Assault and Battery without Weapon
: $2,000,000.00 (Two Million) US Dollars,per occurrence, per officer and / or agent involved.
Assault or Assault and Battery with Weapon
: $3,000,000.00 (Three Million) US Dollars,per occurrence, per officer and / or agent involved.
Unfounded Accusations by Officers of the Court, or Unlawful Determination
:$2,000,000.00 (Two Million) US Dollars, per occurrence, per officer and / or agent involved.
Denial and / or Abuse of Due Process
: $2,000,000.00 (Two Million) US Dollars, per occurrence, per officer and / or agent involved.
Obstruction of Justice
: $2,000,000.00 (Two Million) US Dollars, per occurrence, per officer and / or agent involved.
Unlawful Distraint, Unlawful Detainer and / or False Imprisonment
: $5,000,000.00 (FiveMillion) US Dollars, per day, per occurrence, per officer and / or agent involved, plus 18%annual interest.
Reckless Endangerment
Failure to Identify and/or Present Credentials and / or Failureto Charge within 48 (Forty-Eight) Hours after being detained:
$2,000,000.00 (Two Million)US Dollars per occurrence, per officer and / or agent involved.
Counterfeiting Statute Staple Securities Instruments
: $2,000,000.00 (Two Million) USDollars per occurrence, per officer and / or agent involved.
Unlawful Detention or Incarceration
: $2,000,000.00 (Two Million) US Dollars per day,per occurrence, per officer and / or agent involved.
Incarceration for Civil or Criminal Contempt of Court without lawful, documented-in-law, valid reason
: $2,000,000.00 (Two Million) US Dollars per day, per occurrence, per officer and / or agent involved.
Disrespect by a Judge or Officer of the Court
: $2,000,000.00 (Two Million) US Dollars per occurrence, per officer and / or agent involved.
Threat, Coercion, Deception, or Attempted Deception by any Officer of the Court
:$2,000,000.00 (Two Million) US Dollars per occurrence, per officer and / or agent involved.
Unnecessary Restraint
: $2,000,000.00 (Two Million) US Dollars, per occurrence, per officer and / or agent involved.
Refusal of Lawful Bailment as provided by the aforementioned Constitution and / or Honorable "Bill of Rights”:
$2,000,000.00 (Two Million) US Dollars per day of confinement,to be prorated by the hour as per Traficant vs. Florida, per occurrence, per officer and / or agent involved.
Coercion or Attempted Coercion of the Natural Man or Woman to take responsibility for the Corporate Straw-man against the Natural Man or Woman Secured Party’s Will:
$2,000,000.00 Two Million US Dollars per occurrence, per officer and / or agent involved.
The Placing of an Unlawful or Improper Lien, Levy, Impoundments, or Garnishmentagainst any funds, bank accounts, savings accounts, retirement funds, investmentfunds, social security funds, intellectual property, and / or any other propertybelonging to the Natural Man or Woman Secured Party by any agency:
$2,000,000.00(Two Million) US Dollars per occurrence, and $100,000.00 (One Hundred Thousand) USDollars per day penalty until liens, levies, impoundments, and / or garnishments are endedand all funds reimbursed, and all property returned in the same condition as it was whentaken, with 18 % annual interest upon the Secured Party’s declared value of property.
Destruction, Deprivation, Concealment, Defacing, Alteration, and/or, Theft, of Property
,in addition to buildings, structures, equipment, furniture, fixtures, and supplies belonging tothe Natural Man or Woman Secured Party will incur a penalty of total, new replacement costsof property as indicated by Owner and Secured Party, including but not limited to purchaseprice and labor costs for locating, purchasing, packaging, shipping, handling, transportation,