Purpose Driven Campaigning
Purpose Driven Campaigning
Purpose Driven Campaigning
Growing from the outside in and avoiding a single focus on the core:
Begin by moving the unconverted from the community into the crowd. The problem with an inside-out approach is that by the time the organisation planter has discipled his core, they have often lost contact with the community and are actually afraid of interacting with the unchurched. Its easy to get what Peter Wagner called koinonitis developing such a close-knit fellowship that newcomers are afraid or unable to break into it. Too often, a core group planning a new organisation spends so long in the small group stage that they become comfortable with it and lose their sense of mission. The fire of evangelism (recruiting new people) dies out. The problem with most small organisations is that they are all core and nothing else. The same fifty people come to everything the organisation does. Theyve all been converted for so long they have few, if any, unconverted friends to convert.
Go slow:
I can tell you how to build a balanced healthy organisation but I cant tell you how to do it quickly. Do you want your organisation to be a mushroom (six hours to grow) or an Oaktree (sixty years). The first year, about all we tried to do was build a crowd and introduce them to Christ. Just as it takes an enormous amount of energy to move a rocket off a launch pad, it requires an incredible amount of effort to gather a crowd out of nothing. Our focus was very narrow. The second year I began turning the believers in the crowd into a congregation continuing the focus on reaching out to the community and increasing the size of the crowd, but also adding a strong emphasis on building relationships. We focused on converting attendees into members. The third year I instituted a plan to raise the commitment level of our members. I added staff to assist me in leading regular meetings for training.
Being Purpose-Driven
The books core premise is that you must ensure your organisation (and every department, budget sheet and staff member in it) is driven to achieve the core purpose of the organisation/ movement. Sounds easy and self-explanatory, right? Yes, but its harder to implement than you think. Too many nonprofits are being pulled in so many different directions that they arent really kicking goals in their core purpose any more; and some cant even remember what that purpose was in the first place!
The importance of purpose:
Nothing precedes purpose. The starting point for every organisation or movement should be the question Why do we exist? If you serve in an existing organisation that has plateaued, is declining or is simply discouraged your most important task is to redefine your purpose. If the leadership cant even agree on why the organisation exists, conflict and disagreement on everything else is inevitable. A clear purpose builds morale. A clear purpose not only defines what we do, it defines what we do not do. Once your purpose is set, decision making becomes far easier and less frustrating. There is no correlation between the size and the strength of your organisation. An organisation can be big and strong, or big and flabby. Big is not necessarily better better is better. If you want your members to get excited about the organisation, actively support it, and generously give to it, you must vividly explain up front exactly where the organisation is heading. Clearly explain your strategy and structure- this will keep people from joining the membership with false assumptions. Explaining your organisations purposes to people before they join will not only reduce conflict and disappointment in your organisation, it will also help some people realise they should join another organisation because of philosophy or taste. This is especially important when going through change or when recruiting people who have been part of other organisations.
Focused light has tremendous power. Diffused light has no power and all. Like a laser beam, the more focused your organisation becomes, the more impact it will have on society. Dont fall for the trap of majoring in the minors. This is when your organisation becomes distracted by good, but less important agendas, crusades and purposes. The energy of the organisation is diffused and then dissipated; the power is lost. Most organisations try to do too much dabble in forty different things and miss being good at any of them. The older an organisation gets, the truer this becomes programs and events continue to be added to the agenda without ever cutting anything out. The question to ask is Would we begin this today if we were not already doing it?
Share strategy:
A clear purpose attracts cooperation people want to join an organisation that knows where it is going. When an organisation clearly communicates its destination, people are eager to get onboard.
The vision of any organisation always fades with time unless it is reinforced. This is because people become distracted by other things. By continually fanning the figure of your purposes you can overcome the tendency of your organisation to become complacent or discouraged.
Rick Warren notes that many churches are driven by faith in their early years and by finances in later years. This is applicable to non profits! Programs Often the program-driven organisations goal subtly shifts from developing people to just filling positions. If results from a program diminish, the people blame themselves for not working hard enough. No one ever questions if a program still works. Buildings The tail ends up wagging the dog Events Meetings! What is the purpose behind them all? Attendance becomes the sole measurement of success. Seekers Should be seeker (new recruit) sensitive, but not seeker driven just like Labor lost its traditional base because it was too focused on recruiting potential new voters in Western Sydney.
Conviction is caught as much as it is taught. People acquire it by being around other people who have it. This is a major reason Saddleback emphasises small groups.
Be open to change:
Saddleback met for fifteen years before being able to build their first building. This one factor alone helped shape their strategy of reaching, retaining and growing believers. It kept their focus on people and created a organisational culture very open to change. Some of their ideas were spectacular failures but they learnt from them. It is obvious that some methods that have worked in the past are no longer effective. There is a time to keep, and there is a time to throw away. Each generation of the organisation or movement must decide which methods to keep using and which should be thrown away because they are no longer effective. Be open to changing things (like the type of music you use at events) and processes to attract new people. In the average organisation it is probably easier to change the organisations theology than its order of service [added by Make Believe: easier to change an organisations policy than its processes!]
Show leadership:
You cannot let whiners set the agenda for the organisation. That is an abdication of leadership. Unfortunately the smaller an organisation is, the more influence the most negative member has.
Your community/crowd has everything you need: Anytime Rick Warren sees a program working in another
Find out about, and use, the skills of your membership! It is easy for talent to hide in the crowd. Unless they take the initiative to reveal their giftedness or expertise, talented members could be sitting in your crowd and you have no idea what they are capable of doing. You cant however copy your context, staff, or leadership. Were here to learn from each other; its flattering to have your methods copied. Remember were all on the same team. organisation, he tries to extract the principle behind it and apply it in Saddleback.
No silver bullets:
There is more than one way to grow an organisation. It takes all kinds of organisations to reach all kinds of people. Never criticise other approaches which are working just because they are different to yours.
Advertising is necessary in the first year then you can rely more on viral growth:
We also used a lot of advertising that first year because we didnt have enough relationships to rely on word of mouth to build a crowd. Today with thousands of members inviting friends to our organisation, advertising is unnecessary.
People similar to the leaders - leaders cast long shadows. Sometimes the wisest thing a leader can do is admit that he doesnt match the organisation or community and move somewhere else. To change your organisations profile: - Dont try and be something youre not. Strengthen what you already are and dont worry about what you cant do. - Reinvent your congregation. Much easier if you are a small organisation. - Start a new congregation.
- The church is more interested in my money than me. - We worry about the quality of the churchs childcare. Dont assume the problems people have will be theological (or policy oriented!) What seemed most interesting to me about our survey was that none of the complaints from the unchurched in our area were theological. I didnt meet a single person who said I dont go to church because I dont believe in God. [Added by Make Believe: dont assume that the barrier is convincing people on the strength of your policies or that climate change is real.] Read the defence. Understand and anticipate the objections unbelievers will have before they voice them. Catch fish on their terms. People dont voluntarily jump into your boat. You must penetrate their culture. To penetrate any culture you must be willing to make small concessions in matters of style in order to gain a hearing. Use more than one hook: It is not pandering to consumerism to offer multiple projects or ways of involvement. The goal is not to make it as difficult as possible but to make it as easy as possible for people to get involved. Money spent on recruiting new members is never an expense its always an investment. When finances get tight in an organisation, often the first thing cut is the advertising budget. That is the last thing you should cut. It is the source of new blood and life for your organisation.
Recruitment strategy:
Too many organisations have a lazy attitude towards fishing for new recruits. They dont take the time to understand the people they want to reach, and they dont have a strategy. Know what youre fishing for. Go where the fish are biting (we arent supposed to pick the green fruit, but to find the ripe fruit and harvest it). Learn to think like a fish. The problem is, the longer you are a believer the less you think like an unbeliever. If you look at Church advertising, its obvious that it was written from a believers viewpoint. One of the greatest barriers to evangelism is that most believers spend all their time with other Christians. They dont have any non-believing friends. Survey them e.g.: - What do you think the greatest need in this area is? - Are you actively attending any community organisation? - Why do you think most people arent involved? - If you were to look for a community organisation to join, what kind of things would you look for? Four basic complaints that come through the survey: - The church (organisation) is boring. - Church members are unfriendly to visitors (the greatest emotion new people feel when they attend a service is fear, they dont know the inside terminology, rituals, songs and feel foolish).
Further information
If youre interested in talking about how the lessons from The Purpose Driven Church can apply to your own organisation or social movement, give us a call on +61 2 9699 8690, email [email protected] or just look us up at makebelieve.me. Weve already helped several non-profits work the lessons from the book into their own recruitment plans and organisational strategies. Remember: the first step is to clearly define your purpose. We highly recommend you read the whole book. If youre based in Sydney we can lend you a copy, or you can order your own from The Book Depository (USA) with free delivery. Happy reading!