MGU Btec s1 S6syllabus

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Mahatma Gandhi University

Course Regulations
of B.Tech. Degree Courses (Revised)
(With effect from 2010 admissions)

B.Tech. Degree Course Regulations


Conditions for Admissions

Candidates for admission to the B.Tech. Engineering degree course shall be required to have passed the Higher Secondary Examination of State Board of Kerala or 12th Standard V.H.S.E., C.B.S.E., I.C.S.E. or examinations recognized equivalent by any Universities of Kerala thereto with mathematics, physics and chemistry as optional subjects, with 50% marks in Mathematics and 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics put together. Candidates belonging to scheduled caste and scheduled tribe need only a pass in the qualifying examination. Candidates have to qualify the State Level Entrance examination conducted by the Commissioner of Entrance Examinations or State level/National level Entrance Examination approved by the Government of Kerala as equivalent. They shall also satisfy the conditions regarding age and physical fitness as prescribed by the Mahatma Gandhi University Criteria for selection and method of admission to merit/management seats for Engineering degree courses conducted by Government/Aided/Self-financing colleges affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University shall be governed by the rules/regulations framed by the Commissioner of Entrance Examinations or other competent authority appointed by the Government of Kerala, in consultation with the University and without contravening with the stipulation of the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). In all matters related to selection and admission, the decisions of the University shall be final. The students admitted by affiliated colleges violating the above regulations will not be eligible for registration to University Examinations and contravention of the regulations shall lead to withdrawal/suspension of affiliation.


Admission to Diploma Holders

A candidate who has a diploma in engineering awarded by the State Board of Technical Examination or an examination recognized equivalent by the State Board of Technical Education after undergoing regular course of 3 years in an institute approved by AICTE, securing a cumulative minimum of 50% marks in the second and third years diploma examination shall be eligible to be admitted to the first year B.Tech. programme of the Mahatma Gandhi University (hereafter, the University, unless otherwise specified) if he/she has qualified the entrance examination conducted by the Commissioner of Entrance Examinations or State level/National level Entrance Examination approved by the Government of Kerala as equivalent. Diploma holders with 60% marks (50% in case of SC/ST) are also eligible for admission to the 3rd semester (regular full-time batch) engineering degree course (B.Tech.) under the lateral entry scheme provided they qualify the Entrance Examination conducted for the lateral entry scheme by the state Government. These students are not required to study any deficiency papers of the combined first and second semesters. Admission of all candidates under the lateral entry scheme shall be completed latest by commencement of 3rd semester classes.

B.Tech. Degree Course Regulations


Subjects of Study

The subjects of study, both theory and practical, shall be in accordance with the prescribed scheme and syllabi of each branch of study.


Duration of the Course

The course for the B.Tech degree shall extend over a period of four academic years comprising of eight semesters. The first and second semesters shall be combined; the scheme and syllabi for combined first and second semesters (S1&S2) will be common for all branches of study. The maximum duration permissible for taking the B.Tech. Degree is fixed as 8 years. For lateral entry students maximum duration permissible for taking the B.Tech. Degree is fixed as 7 years. Classes of combined first and second semesters shall be started latest by 1st August in all affiliated engineering colleges of Mahatma Gandhi University; however admission to first year shall be completed by 31st August. The minimum number of working days in combined first and second semesters shall be 150 days. In 3rd to 8th semesters, there shall be minimum 90 working days.


Branches of Study
1. Civil Engineering (CE) 2. Mechanical Engineering (ME) 3. Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EE) 4. Electronics and Communication Engineering (EC) 5. Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering (EI ) 6. Instrumentation and Control Engineering (IC) 7. Applied Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (AI) 8. Computer Science and Engineering (CS) 9. Information Technology (IT) 10. Polymer Engineering (PO) 11. Automobile Engineering (AU) 12. Aeronautical Engineering (AN) 13. Production Engineering (PE)


Course Calendar

The course calendar, published by the University, shall be followed by all affiliated engineering colleges. Within a week after the commencement of classes of each semester, Head of each Institution should forward the list of faculty members working in the college along with their qualification and years of teaching experience, to the University. This is a mandatory requirement which should be strictly followed by Head of each Institution. Head of each Institution shall ensure the availability of sufficient number of regular faculty members having experience and qualifications (as per AICTE guidelines) in the institution.

B.Tech. Degree Course Regulations


Assessment of Students

Assessment of students for each subject will be done by internal continuous assessment and Semester-End examinations. Internal assessment shall be conducted throughout the semester. It shall be based on internal examinations, assignments (such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz, literature survey, seminar, termproject, software exercises, etc.) as decided by the faculty handling the course, and regularity in the class. Assignments of every semester shall preferably be submitted in Assignment Book, which is a bound book similar to laboratory record. Semester-End examinations of theory and practical subjects will be conducted by the University. Semester-End examinations of combined first and second semesters and 3rd to 6th semesters will be conducted only once in a year; failed or improvement candidates will have to appear for the Semester-End examinations along with regular students. However, Semester-End examinations of 7th and 8th semesters will be conducted once in every semester. Head of institution should take necessary steps to prevent any malpractices in the Semester-End examinations. If any such instances are detected, they should be reported to the University without any delay. Internal assessment marks of each theory subject should have a class average limited to 80%. If the class average of internal assessment marks of any theory subjects is greater than 80%, existing normalization procedure should be applied to limit it to 80%. If the class average is not greater than 80%, absolute marks should be given. For practical subjects, internal assessment marks and Semester-End examination marks individually should have a class average limited to 80%. If the class average of internal assessment marks or Semester-End examination marks of practical subjects is greater than 80%, the existing normalization procedure should be applied to limit the class average to 80%. If it is not greater than 80%, absolute marks should be given. All the students in the nominal roll of the class on the closing day of semester should be considered for normalization of internal marks. All the students who have passed the Semester-End practical examination should be considered for normalisation of marks of Semester-End practical examinations. Internal assessment marks of theory and practical subjects, both absolute and normalised, should be published in the college 10 days before sending it to the University so as to enable the students to report any corrections. (a) Assessment in Theory Subjects The marks allotted for internal continuous assessment and Semester-End university examinations shall be 50 marks and 100 marks respectively with a maximum of 150 marks for each theory subject. The weightage to award internal continuous assessment marks should be as follows: Test papers (minimum two) Assignments (minimum two) such as home assignments, problem solving, group discussions, quiz, 60%

B.Tech. Degree Course Regulations

literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc. Regularity in the class

20% 20%

The sessional marks awarded for attendance shall be awarded in direct proportion to the percentage of attendance secured by the candidate in the subject. Full credit for regularity in the class can be given only if the candidate has secured minimum 90% attendance in the subject. (b) Assessment in Practical Subjects Internal continuous assessment and Semester-End practical examinations will have weightage in the students performance of practical subjects, with 50 marks allotted for internal continuous assessment and 100 marks for Semester-End examinations. The weightage to award internal continuous assessment marks should be as follows: Test papers Regular work/drawing/workshop record/lab record/ Class performance Regularity in the class 30%

50% 20%

An external examiner and an internal examiner, appointed by the University, shall conduct the Semester-End examinations of practical subjects. These examiners should necessarily have minimum two years teaching experience at engineering degree level. Award of marks in the Semester-End practical examinations (except Project) should be as follows: Viva voce 30% Procedure and tabulation form, Conducting experiment, results and inference 70% No candidate will be permitted to attend the Semester-End practical examinations unless he/she produces certified record of the laboratory. Strict measures will be taken by the University to monitor the laboratory facilities, laboratory experiments conducted, standard of Semester-End practical examinations, etc. in every affiliated engineering college. In this regard, an expert team comprising of at least three subject experts from government/government-aided engineering colleges from within/outside the University shall be formulated to assess these aspects in affiliated engineering colleges. This expert team should visit each engineering college at least once in a semester and submit a detailed report to the University regarding the laboratory facilities, laboratory experiments conducted, and standard of Semester-End practical examinations in each college.

B.Tech. Degree Course Regulations


Pattern of Questions for Semester-End Examinations of Theory Subjects

The question papers of Semester-End examinations of theory subjects shall be able to perform achievement testing of the students in an effective manner. The question paper shall be prepared (a) covering all sections of the course syllabus (b) unambiguous and free from any defects/errors (c) emphasizing knowledge testing, problem solving & quantitative methods (d) containing adequate data/other information on the problems assigned (e) having clear and complete instructions to the candidates. Duration of Semester-End examinations will be 3 hours. The pattern of questions for theory subjects shall be as follows: PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 3 marks=15 marks All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module. PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 5 x 5 marks=25 marks All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module. PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 5 x 12 marks=60 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 100 Weightage for categories such as problem solving, descriptive, drawing, or diagrammatic questions shall be specified along with the syllabus of any subject, if necessary. Model question paper shall be prepared for each subject at the time of framing the syllabus. This same model question paper along with the syllabus must be sent to the question-paper setter every time for framing the questions. The model question paper shall be made available to students. It is permitted to have an entirely different pattern of questions especially for subjects involving drawing, design, etc. However, the modified pattern to be followed shall be clearly specified along with the syllabus of the particular subject. All question paper setters should supplement the scheme and key for the evaluation


Minimum for Pass

A candidate shall be declared to have passed in an individual subject of a semester examination if he/she secures not less than 40% marks for the subject in the university

B.Tech. Degree Course Regulations

examination and not less than 50% of the total marks of the subject i.e. university examination marks and sessional marks in that subject put togather. A candidate shall be declared to have passed in a semester examination in full in first appearance (first registration is considered as first appearance) if he satisfies the above criteria for each theory and practical subject. Candidates will be assigned grades according to the marks scored. For Seminar, Project, and Viva Voce (in 8th semester), the minimum for a pass shall be 50% of the total marks assigned to the respective examination. If a candidate has passed all examinations of B.Tech. course (at the time of publication of results of eighth semester) except Viva-Voce in the eighth semester, a reexamination for the Viva-Voce should be conducted within one month after the publication of results. Each candidate should apply for this Save a Semester examination within one week after the publication of eighth semester results.

10. Credit System

Each subject shall have a certain number of credits assigned to it depending upon the academic load and the nature and importance of the subject. The credit associated with each subject will be shown in the prescribed scheme and syllabi. Each course shall have an integer number of credits, which reflects its weightage.

11. Grading
The university shall award the letter grade to students based on the marks secured by them in both internal assessment and Semester-End examinations taken together in the subjects registered. Each letter grade indicates a qualitative assessment of the students performance and is associated with a specified number of grade points. The grading system along with the grade points for each grade, applicable to passed candidates is shown below. All passed candidate will be allotted a grade S, A, B, C, D, or E according to the total marks scored by him/her. If a candidate does not pass a subject as per the conditions given in Section (9), he/she will be assigned an Unsatisfactory grade U irrespective of his/her total marks. If a student does not pass a subject in two attempts, the maximum grade he/she can get is C when he/she passes the subject in any subsequent examination, whatever be the marks scored by him/her. A student is considered to have completed a subject successfully and earned the credits if he/she secures a letter grade other than U in that course. Letter grade U has zero grade point and the candidate has to write the examination again to improve the grade. A student's performance is measured by the number of credits that he/she has earned and by the cumulative grade point average (CGPA) maintained by him/her.

B.Tech. Degree Course Regulations

Total marks scored by the passed candidate

Corresponding Grade allotted

Grade Points

136-150 121-135 106-120 91-105 83-90 75-82 Failed


10 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.5 0.0

12. Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)
(a) A Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) shall be computed for all the students for each semester, as follows:


Ci G i
i =1 n

i =1

where, n is the number of subjects registered during the semester, Ci is the number of credits allotted to ith subject as per the scheme, and Gi is the grade points corresponding to the grade awarded to the student for the subject. (b) A Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) shall be computed for all the students at the end of each semester by taking into consideration their performance in the present and the past semesters as follows:


Ci G i
i =1 m

i =1

where, m is the number of courses registered up to that semester, Ci is the number of credits allotted to ith subject as per the scheme, and Gi is the grade points corresponding to the grade awarded to the student for the subject. An up-to-date assessment of overall performance of a student is obtained by calculating CGPA. CGPA is weighted average of the grade points obtained in all the subjects registered by the students since he entered the B.Tech. course.

B.Tech. Degree Course Regulations

(c) Both the SGPA and CGPA shall be rounded off to the second place of decimal and recorded as such for ease of presentation. Whenever the CGPAs are to be used for the purpose of determining the merit ranking in a group of students, only the rounded off values shall be made use of.

13. Improvement
Candidates shall be allowed to improve the grade of any two theory subjects in a semester. This can be done only in the immediate subsequent chance. If the candidate gets more marks in the improvement chance, marks scored in the improvement chance will be considered for grading in the subject; otherwise marks scored in the first attempt will be retained. No candidate shall be permitted to improve the marks scored in practical examinations and internal continuous assessment.

14. Attendance
A candidate shall be permitted to appear for the Semester-End examinations only if he/she satisfies the following requirements: (a) He/she must secure not less than 75% attendance in the total number of working periods during the first year and in each semester thereafter; and shall be physically present for a minimum of 60% of the total working periods. In addition, he/she also shall be physically present in at least 20% of total attendance for each subject. (b) He/she must earn a progress certificate from the head of the institution stating that he/she has satisfactorily completed the course of study prescribed in the semester as required by these regulations. (c) His/her conduct must be satisfactory It shall be open to the Vice Chancellor to grant condonation of shortage of attendance on the recommendation of the head of the institution in accordance with the following norms. The shortage shall not be more than 10% Shortage shall not be condoned more than twice during the entire course. Candidate who is not eligible for condonation of shortage of attendance shall repeat the semester.

15. Eligibility for Promotion to Higher Semester Procedure for completing the course
(a) A student who has secured 75% of attendance and has exhibited satisfactory progress in the class will be eligible for promotion to the next higher semester.

B.Tech. Degree Course Regulations

(b) However, before being admitted to the VIII semester classes, the student should have passed in all subjects in the combined first and second semester examination in full. Note: As this is an academic prerequisite, no exemption should be granted in this case, whatever be the causes. A candidate shall complete the programme and pass all examinations within Eight (8) years since his first admission to the B.Tech programme.

16. Registration for end Semester examination

Every candidate should register for all subjects of the Semester-End examinations of each semester. A candidate who does not register will not be permitted to attend the Semester-End examinations; he/she shall not be permitted to attend the next semester. A candidate shall be eligible to register for any higher semester (i.e. 3rd semester onwards) if he/she has satisfactorily completed the course of study and registered for the examination of the immediate previous semester. He/she should register for the semester at the start of the semester before the stipulated date. University will notify the starting and closing dates for each semester.

17. Additional Requirements for the degree

In addition to the requirement prescribed for the award of B.Tech. degree, each student must complete compulsory social service for a total duration of 15 days during 3rd to 7th semesters of the course. A record is to be kept showing the details of social service activities undertaken and it should be approved by the Staff Advisor. Head of Institution should verify this compulsory requirement before permitting the student to register for the eighth semester. Students are expected to undertake industrial training(s) of total 10 days minimum duration or industrial visits (to minimum 2 industries) for studying about the industries of importance to the branch concerned during 4th to 7th semester. Students may also undertake an educational tour, the tour period shall be considered as part of the working periods of a semester. The tour maybe conducted during the vacation/holidays taking not more than 3 working days, combined with the vacation/holidays if required, between 5th and 8th semesters for visiting industries (at least two) of importance to the branch concerned. Faculty members shall accompany the students for the industrial visits/educational tour. Each student shall submit detailed bound report(s) of the training/visit/tour to the Head of Department within two weeks after the programme. These bound report(s), signed by the staff advisor or faculty in charge of tour/training/visit and by the head of department, shall also be brought during the final Viva-Voce.

18. Examination Monitoring Cell

B.Tech. Degree Course Regulations

Head of the each institution should formulate an Examination Monitoring Cell at the institution for supervising all examinations, especially the internal examinations. This cell, with a senior staff member as Convener, shall consist of minimum three members (one shall be a lady). The collective responsibilities of the examination monitoring cell are (a) officiate as the examination squad to keep a vigil on all Semester-End examinations. If any malpractices are found/reported by invigilators, inform these to the Head of Institution along with a report about the incident. Head of Institution shall forward all such complaints to the University. (b) schedule all examinations conducted as part of internal assessment of students. (c) to receive any complaint from students regarding issues like out-of-syllabus questions, printing mistakes, etc. of Semester-End examinations of theory and practical subjects. The cell shall investigate these complaints and if necessary forward it to university with specific comments. (d) to receive any complaints from students regarding internal examinations, enquire such incidents, and give a report to the Head of Institution for necessary action.

To conduct all the theory examinations, a Chief Superintendent and Senior Assistant Superintendent should be appointed internally by the Head of Institution. At least one external Additional Chief Superintendent from government/government-aided engineering colleges within the University should be appointed by the University for conducting theory examinations in all affiliated self financing Engineering Colleges.

19. Electives
All students shall choose four elective subjects, one in the sixth, one in the seventh and two in eighth semesters from a set of elective subjects prescribed in the syllabus and offered by the institution. There should be at least 25% students of the class for an elective subject to be offered. However, any student having a CGPA of not less than 7.5 shall be permitted to select an elective of his/her choice and register under a faculty subject to the permission from the faculty and Head of Department. The student will have to study this subject on his own (self-study mode) or the classes of this subject shall be taken during off-hours. A student can opt for interdisciplinary electives, termed as global electives in the syllabus, maximum one during 8th semesters subject to the permission from both Heads of Departments and the faculty handling the elective subject. Minimum number of students for a global elective shall be 15 and maximum 60. New electives may be introduced according to the needs of emerging fields in technology. The name of the elective and its syllabus should be approved by the university before the subject is offered as an elective.

20. Class Committee

Head of institution shall take necessary steps to form a class committee for each class at the start of classes of each semester. This class committee shall be in existence for the

B.Tech. Degree Course Regulations

semester concerned. The class committee shall consist of the Head of Department, Staff Advisor of the class, a senior faculty member of the department, a faculty member from another department, and two student representatives (one of them should be a girl in a mixed class). There should be at least two meetings of the class committee every semester; it shall be the responsibility of the Head of Department to convene these meetings. The decisions of the Class Committee shall be recorded in a register for further reference. Each class committee will communicate its recommendations to the Head of Institution. The responsibilities of the class committee are: (a) to review periodically the progress and conduct of students in the class. (b) to discuss any problems concerning any subjects in the semester concerned. (c) to identify weaker students of the class and suggest remedial measures. (d) to review teaching effectiveness and coverage of syllabus. (e) discuss any other issue related to the students of the class.

21. Eligibility for the Degree

No candidate shall be eligible for the B.Tech. degree unless he has undergone the prescribed course of study for a period of not less than four academic years in an institution affiliated to the Mahatma Gandhi University and has passed all subjects as per the prescribed syllabus. No candidate under lateral entry scheme shall be eligible for the B.Tech. degree unless he has undergone the prescribed course of study for a period of not less than three academic years in an institution affiliated to the Mahatma Gandhi University and has passed all subjects of 3rd to 8th semesters as per the prescribed syllabus.

22. Classification of Successful Candidates

(a) A candidate who qualifies for the degree, passing all the subjects of the eight semesters within 5 academic years after the commencement of his course of study and secures not less than a CGPA of 8.0 of all the semesters shall be declared to have passed the B.Tech. degree examination in First Class with Honours. (b) A candidate who qualifies for the degree, passing all the subjects of the eight semesters within 5 academic years after the commencement of his course of study and secures not less than a CGPA of 6.5 of all the semesters shall be declared to have passed the B.Tech. degree examination in First Class. (c) All other candidates who qualify for the degree passing all the subjects of the eight semesters and not covered as per Sections 22 (a) and (b) shall be declared to have passed the B.Tech. degree examination in second class. (d) Classification of the lateral entry student can be given based on the CGPA of 3rd to 8th semesters. The final mark-list of lateral entry students should indicate that (i) the student was admitted through lateral entry scheme (ii) classification is based on CGPA of 3rd to 8th semesters. He/she should have passed all the subjects of the 3rd to 8th semesters within 4 academic years after the commencement of the course of study.

B.Tech. Degree Course Regulations

It may be indicated in each mark-list that the internal assessment marks and SemesterEnd examination marks of practical subjects are normalised.

23. Grievance Cell

Each college should setup a Grievance Cell with at least four faculty members to look into grievances of the students, if any.

24. Anti-Ragging Cell

Head of Institution shall take necessary steps to constitute anti-ragging committee and squad at the commencement of each academic year. The committee and the squad shall take effective steps as specified by the Honorable Supreme Court of India, to prevent ragging. Notwithstanding all that has been stated above, the University has right to modify any of the above regulations from time to time as per University rules.

Annexure Equivalency of Diploma Streams for Part-Time B.Tech. Admission

Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Specialisation in Diploma Applied Electronics Electronics Medical Electronics Electronics and Avionics Telecommunication Technology Electronics and Instrumentation Electronics and Medical Instrumentation Electronics Production Technology Medical Instrumentation Power Electronics Biomedical Engineering

Branch Equate for B.Tech. Admission

Electronics and Communication Engineering

B.Tech. Degree Course Regulations

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Civil Architecture Quantity Survey and Construction Management Mechanical Automobile Tool and Die Wood and Paper Technology Computer Engineering Computer Application and Business Management Computer Hardware Maintenance Information Technology Electrical Instrument Technology Chemical Engineering Electrical and Electronics Engineering Chemical Engineering Computer Science and Engineering Mechanical Engineering Civil Engineering

B.Tech. Degree Course Regulations

Mahatma Gandhi University Revised Scheme For B Tech Syllabus Revision 2010 (Civil Engineering)
Common for All Branches SCHEME S1&S2
Hours/week Marks L T P/D Inte- Endrnal sem End-sem duration- Credits hours



EN010 101 EN010 102 EN010 103 EN010 104 EN010 105 EN010 106 EN010 107 EN010 108 EN010 109 EN010 110 EN110 111

Engineering Mathematics I Engineering Physics Engineering. Chemistry & Environmental Studies Engineering Mechanics Engineering Graphics Basic Civil Engineering Basic Mechanical Engineering Basic Electrical Engineering Basic Electronics Engineering. & Information Technology Mechanical Workshop Electrical and Civil Workshops Total

2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 13

1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 11

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 100

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 -

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 30

5 4 4 6 6 4 4 4 5 1 1 44

3rd Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem Endsem duration hours




EN010 301 EN010 302 CE010 303 CE010 304 CE010 305 CE010 306 CE010 307 CE010 308

Engineering Mathematics II Economics and Communication Skills Fluid Mechanics Mechanics of Solids I Surveying I Engineering Geology Material Testing Lab I Surveying Practical I Total

2 2 2 3 3 3 15

2 2 2 1 1 1 9

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

3 3

3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 (3+1) 4 4 4 4 2 2 28

4th Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem End-sem durationhours




EN010 401 CE010 402

Engineering Mathematics III Construction Engineering and Management

2 3

2 1

50 50

100 100

3 3

4 4

CE010 403 CE010 404

Mechanics of Solids II Open Channel Flow and Hydraulic Machines CE010 405 Surveying II CE010 406 Civil Engineering Drawing CE010 407 Surveying Practical II CE010 408(ME) Hydraulics Lab Total

2 3 3 16

2 1 1 8

4 3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100

3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 2 2 28

5th Semester
L 2 3 Hours/week T P/D 2 1 Marks InteEndrnal sem 50 50 100 100 End-sem durationhours




EN010 501A CE010 502 CE010 503 CE010 504 CE010 505 CE010 506 CE010 507 CE010 508

Engineering Mathematics IV Computer Programming Design of Concrete Structures I Geotechnical Engineering I Quantity Surveying and Valuation Structural Analysis I Computing Techniques Lab Geotechnical Engineering Lab Total

3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4
4 4 4 4 2 2 28

2 3 3 3 16

2 1 1 1 8

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100

6th Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem Endsem duration -hours




CE010 601 CE010 602 CE010 603 CE010 604 CE010 605 CE010 606Lxx CE010 607 CE010 608

Design of Steel Structures Geotechnical Engineering II Structural Analysis II Transportation Engineering I Water Resources Engineering Elective I Computer Aided Design and Drafting Lab Material Testing Lab II Total

2 2 3 3 3 2 15

2 2 1 1 1 2 9

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 28

Elective I
CE010 606L01 Advanced Surveying CE010 606L02 Open Channel and Coastal Hydraulics CE010 606L03 Airport Engineering CE010 606L04 Advanced Mechnics of Materials CE010 606L05 Concrete Technology CE010 606L06 Soil Stability Analysis.

7th Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem End-sem durationhours




CE010 701 CE010 702 CE010 703 CE010 704 CE010 705 CE010 706Lxx CE010 707 CE010 708 CE010 709 CE010 710

Design of Hydraulic Structures Environmental Engineering I Design of Concrete Structures II Architecture and Town Planning Transportation Engineering II Elective II Computer Applications Lab Transportation Engineering Lab Seminar Project Total

2 2 2 2 2 2 12

2 2 1 1 1 2 9

3 3 2 1 9

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 -

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 -

4 4 3 3 3 4 2 2 2 1 28

Elective II
CE010 706L01 CE 010 706L02 CE 010 706L03. CE 010 706L04 CE 010 706L05 CE 010 706L06 Building Automation and Smart Structures Ground Improvement Technicques Prestressed Concrete. Environmental Impact Assessment Theory of Plates and Shells Traffic Engineering and Management

8th Semester
Hours/week Marks End-sem L T P/D Inte-rnal End-sem duration -hours




CE010 801 CE010 802 CE010 803 CE010 804Lxx CE010 805Gxx CE010 806 CE010 807 CE010 808

Advanced Structural Design Building Technology and Management Environmental Engineering II Elective III Elective IV Environmental Engineering Lab Project Viva Voce Total

3 2 2 2 2 11

2 2 2 2 2 10

3 6 9

50 50 50 50 50 50 100 -

100 100 100 100 100 100 50

3 3 3 3 3 3 -

4 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 28

Electives III
CE010 804L01 CE010 804L02 CE010 804L03 CE010 804L04 CE010 804L05 CE010 804L06 Advanced Foundation Design Environmental Geotechniques Earthquake Engineering and Design Advanced Hydrology and System Analysis Highway and Airfield Pavements Structural Dynamics and Stability Analysis

Electives IV
CE010 805G01 CE010 805G02 CE010 805G03 CE010 805G04 CE010 805G05 CE010 805G06 Finite Element Analysis Environmental Pollution Control Techniques Optimization Techniques Land Use Planning Numerical Methods Remote Sensing and GIS Applications

Mahatma Gandhi University Revised Scheme For B Tech Syllabus Revision 2010 (Mechanical Engineering)
Common for All Branches SCHEME S1&S2
Hours/week Marks L T P/D Inte- Endrnal sem End-sem duration- Credits hours



EN010 101 EN010 102 EN010 103 EN010 104 EN010 105 EN010 106 EN010 107 EN010 108 EN010 109 EN010 110 EN110 111

Engineering Mathematics I Engineering Physics Engineering. Chemistry & Environmental Studies Engineering Mechanics Engineering Graphics Basic Civil Engineering Basic Mechanical Engineering Basic Electrical Engineering Basic Electronics Engineering. & Information Technology Mechanical Workshop Electrical and Civil Workshops Total

2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 13

1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 11

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 100

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 -

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 30

5 4 4 6 6 4 4 4 5 1 1 44

3rd Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem Endsem duration hours




EN010 301A EN010 302 ME010 303 ME 010 304 ME 010 305 ME 010 306(CE) ME 010 307 ME 010 308

Engineering Mathematics II Economics and Communication Skills Fluid Mechanics Metallurgy & Material Science Programming in C Strength of Materials & Structural Engineering Computer ProgrammingLab Fluid Mechanics Lab Total

2 2 2 3 3 3 15

2 2 2 1 1 1 9

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

3 3

3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 (3+1) 4 4 4 4 2 2 28

4th Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem End-sem durationhours




EN010 401 EN010 402(ME) ME 010 403 ME 010 404 ME 010 405 ME 010 406(EE) ME 010 407 ME 010 408(CE)

Engineering Mathematics III Principles of Management Hydraulic Machines Manufacturing Process Machine Drawing Electrical Technology Hydraulic Machines Lab Strength of Materials Lab Total

2 3 2 3 3 16

2 1 2 1 1 8

4 3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 28

5th Semester
L 2 3 Hours/week T P/D 2 1 Marks InteEndrnal sem 50 50 100 100 End-sem durationhours




EN010 501A ME 010 502 ME 010 503 ME 010 504 ME 010 505 ME 010 506 ME 010 507 ME 010 508

Engineering Mathematics IV Computer Aided Design & Manufacturing Advanced Mechanics of Materials Kinematics of Machinery I.C.Engines & Combustion Thermodynamics CAD/CAM Lab Electrical & Electronics Lab Total

3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4
4 4 4 4 2 2 28

2 3 3 3 16

2 1 1 1 8

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100

6th Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem Endsem duration hours




ME 010 601 ME 010 602 ME 010 603 ME 010 604 ME 010 605 ME 010 606Lxx ME 010 607 ME 010 608

Mechanics of Machines Heat & Mass transfer Thermal Systems & Applications Metrology & Machine Tools Mechatronics & Control System Elective I Heat Engines Lab Machine Tools Lab Total

2 2 3 3 3 2 15

2 2 1 1 1 2 9

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 28

Elective I
ME 010 606L01 Computational Fluid Dynamics ME 010 606L02 Composite Matrials Technology ME 010 606L03 Automobile engineering ME 010 606L04 Advanced strength of materials ME 010 606L05 Industrial Hydraulics ME 010 606L06 Project management

7th Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem Endsem duration -hours




ME 010 701 ME 010 702 ME 010 703 ME 010 704 ME 010 705 ME 010 706Lxx ME 010 707 ME 010 708 ME 010 709 ME 010 710

Design of Machine Elements Dynamics of Machines Gas Dynamics & Jet Propulsion Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Industrial Engineering Elective II Mechanical Measurements Lab Advanced Machine Tools Lab Seminar Project Total

2 2 2 2 2 2 12

2 2 1 1 1 2 9

3 3 2 1 9

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 -

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 -

4 4 3 3 3 4 2 2 2 1 28

Elective II
ME010 706L01 Plant Engineering & Maintanance ME010 706L02 Turbomachines ME010 706L03 Theory of vibration ME010 706L04 Sales& Marketing Management ME010 706L05 Failure analysis & design ME010 706L06 Foundary & Welding Technology

8th Semester
L Hours/week T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem End-sem duration- Credit s hours



ME010 801 ME010 802 ME010 803 ME010 804Lxx ME010 805Gxx ME010 806 ME010 807 ME010 808

Design of Transmission Elements Operations Management Production Engineering Elective III Elective IV Mechanical Systems Lab Project Viva Voce Total

3 2 2 2 2 11

2 2 2 2 2 10

3 6 9

50 50 50 50 50 50 100 -

100 100 100 100 100 100 50

3 3 3 3 3 3 -

4 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 28

Electives III
ME010 804L01 Aerospace Engineering ME010 804L02 Advanced Machining Process ME010 804L03 Cryogenics ME010 804L04 Acoustics & noise control ME010 804L05 Non Destructive Testing ME010 804L06 Advance operations research

Electives IV
ME010 805G01 Industrial Safety ME010 805G02 Disaster Management ME010 805G03 Nano Technology ME010 805G04 Finite element analysis ME010 805G05 Optimization methods in design ME010 805G06 Petrochemical Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University Revised Scheme For B Tech Syllabus Revision 2010 Electrical & Electronics Engineering.
Common for All Branches SCHEME S1&S2
Hours/week Marks L T P/D Inte- Endrnal sem End-sem duration- Credits hours



EN010 101 EN010 102 EN010 103 EN010 104 EN010 105 EN010 106 EN010 107 EN010 108 EN010 109 EN010 110 EN110 111

Engineering Mathematics I Engineering Physics Engineering. Chemistry & Environmental Studies Engineering Mechanics Engineering Graphics Basic Civil Engineering Basic Mechanical Engineering Basic Electrical Engineering Basic Electronics Engineering. & Information Technology Mechanical Workshop Electrical and Civil Workshops Total

2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 13

1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 11

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 100

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 -

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 30

5 4 4 6 6 4 4 4 5 1 1 44

3rd Semester
Hours/week L T P/D 2 2 2 3 3 3 15 2 2 2 1 1 1 9 3 3 6 Marks Inte- Endrnal sem 50 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Endsem duratio 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Code EN010 301A EN010 302 EE 010 303 EE010 304 EE 010 305 EE 010 306(ME) EE010 307 EE 010 308

Subject Engineering Mathematics II Economics and Communication Skills Electric Circuit Theory Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instruments Electronic Circuits Mechanical Technology Electrical Measurements Lab Mechanical Lab Total

Credits 4 4 (3+1) 4 4 4 4 2 2 28

4th Semester
Hours/week L T P/D 2 3 2 3 3 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 3 6 Marks InteEndrnal sem 50 100 50 100 50 100 50 100 50 100 50 50 50 100 100 100 End-sem duration -hours 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Code EN010 401 EE 010 402 EE 010 403 EE010 404 EE 010 405 EE 010 406 EE 010 407 EE 010 408

Subject Engineering Mathematics III DC Machines and Transformers Linear System Analysis Electromagnetic Theory Digital Systems and Computer Organization Computer Programming Computer Programming Lab Electronic Circuits Lab Total

Credits 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 28

16 8

5th Semester
L 2 Hours/week T P/D 2 Marks InteEndrnal sem 50 100 End-sem durationhours




EN010 501A

Engineering Mathematics IV

3 4

EN 010 502(ME) Principles of Management EE 010 503 EE010 504 EE 010 505 EE 010 506 EE010 507 EE010 508 Signals and Systems Power Electronics Linear Integrated Circuits Microprocessors and Applications Electrical Machines Lab I Integrated Circuits Lab Total 2 3 3 3 -

3 2 1 1 1 16

1 3 3 8 6



3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 2 2 28

50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100

6th Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem Endsem duration hours




EE 010 601 EE 010 602 EE 010 603 EE 010 604 EE 010 605

Power Generation and Distribution Induction Machines Control Systems Digital Signal Processing Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems

2 3 2 3 3 2 15

2 1 2 1 1 2 9

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 28

3 3 3 3 3 3 3

EE 010 606Lxx Elective I EE 010 607 Power Electronics Lab EE 010 608 Microprocessor and Microcontroller Lab Total

Elective I EE 010 606L01 EE 010 606L02 EE 010 606L03 EE 010 606L04 EE 010 606L05 EE 010 606L06 7th Semester

High Voltage Engineering VLSI systems Artificial Neural Networks Object Oriented Programming Bio - medical engineering Renewable energy Sources



Hours/week L T P/D

Marks InteEndrnal sem

Endsem duration -hours


EN010 701 EE 010 702 EE010 703 EE010 704 EE010 705

Electrical Power Transmission Synchronous Machines Drives and Control Modern Control Theory Communication Engineering

2 2 2 2 2 2 12

2 1 2 1 1 2 9

3 3 2 9

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 -

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 -

4 4 3 3 3 4 2 2 2 1 28

EE 010 706Lxx Elective II EE010 707 EE 010 708 EE010 709 EE 010 710 Electrical CAD Electrical Machines Lab II Seminar Project Total

Elective II EE010 706L01 EE010 706L02 EE010 706L03 EE010 706L04 EE010 706L05 EE010 706L06 8th Semester

H V D C Transmission Industrial Instrumentation Power Quality PLC Based systems MEMS Technology Special Electrical Machines

Code EE010 801 EE010 802 EE 010 803 EE010 804Lxx EE 010 805Gxx EE 010 806 EE010 807 EE 010 808

Subject Power System Analysis Switch Gear and Protection Electrical System Design Elective III Elective IV Control and Simulation Lab Project Viva Voce Total 2 2 3 2 2 -

Hours/week T P/D 2 2 2 2 2 3 6 10 9 2 -

Marks InteEndrnal sem

End-sem duration- Credi ts hours

50 50 50 50 50 50 100 -

100 100 100 100 100 100 50

3 3 3 3 3 3 -

4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 28


Electives III EE010 804L01 EE010 804L02 EE010 804L03 EE010 804L04 EE010 804L05 EE010 804L06 Electives IV EE010 EE010 EE010 EE010 EE010 EE010 805G01 805G02 805G03 805G04 805G05 805G06

Advanced Power System Computer Networks Generalized Machine Theory Finite Element applications in Electrical Engineering. Digital Signal Processors Opto Electronics

Soft Computing Techniques Intellectual property rights Advanced Mathematics Virtual Instrumentation Digital Image Processing Distributed Power Systems

Mahatma Gandhi University Revised Scheme For B Tech Syllabus Revision 2010 (Electronics & Communication Engineering)
Common for All Branches SCHEME S1&S2
Hours/week Marks L T P/D Inte- Endrnal sem End-sem duration- Credits hours



EN010 101 EN010 102 EN010 103 EN010 104 EN010 105 EN010 106 EN010 107 EN010 108 EN010 109 EN010 110 EN010 111

Engineering Mathematics I Engineering Physics Engineering. Chemistry & Environmental Studies Engineering Mechanics Engineering Graphics Basic Civil Engineering Basic Mechanical Engineering Basic Electrical Engineering Basic Electronics Engineering. & Information Technology Mechanical Workshop Electrical and Civil Workshops Total

2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 0 13

1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 11

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 100

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 -

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 30

5 4 4 6 6 4 4 4 5 1 1 44

3rd Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks Inte- Endrnal sem End-sem duration- Credits hours



EN010 301A EN010 302 EC010 303 EC010 304 EC010 305 EC010 306 EC010 307 EC010 308

Engineering Mathematics II Economics and Communication Skills Network Theory Solid State Devices Analog Circuits - I Computer Programming Analog Circuits Lab Programming Lab Total

2 2 2 3 3 3 15

2 2 2 1 1 1 9

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 (3+1) 4 4 4 4 2 2 28

4th Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem End-sem durationhours




EN010 401 Engineering Mathematics III EN010 402(ME) Principles of Management(C,M,P,L,A,T) EC010 403 Signals and Systems EC010 404 Digital Electronics EC010 405 Analog Communication EC010 406 Analog Circuits -II EC010 407 Analog Circuits -II Lab EC010 408 Analog Communication Lab Total

2 3 2 3 3 3 16

2 1 2 1 1 1 8

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 28

5th Semester
L 2 2 Hours/week T P/D 2 2 Marks InteEndrnal sem 50 50 100 100 End-sem durationhours




EN010 501A EC010 502 EC010 503 EC010 504(EE) EC010 505 EC010 506 EC010 507 EC010 508(EE)

Engineering Mathematics IV Control Systems Digital System Design Electrical Drives and Control Applied Electromagnetic Theory Microprocessors and Applications Digital Electronics Lab Electrical Drives and Control Lab Total

3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4
4 4 4 4 2 2 28

3 3 3 3 16

1 1 1 1 8

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100

6th Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem Endsem duration hours




EC010 601 EC010 602 EC010 603 EC010 604 EC010 605 EC010 606Lxx EC010 607 EC010 608

Digital Communication Techniques Digital Signal Processing Radiation and Propagation Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing Microcontrollers and Applications Elective I Microprocessor and Microcontroller Lab Mini Project Lab Total

2 2 3 3 3 3 16

2 2 1 1 1 1 8

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 28

3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Elective I
EC010 606L01 Data Structures and Algorithms EC010 606L02 Data Base Management Systems EC010 606L03 High Speed Digital Design EC010 606L04 Medical Electronics EC010 606L05 Soft Computing Techniques EC010 606L06 Television and Radar Engineering

7th Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem Endsem duration -hours




EC010 701 EC010 702 EC010 703 EC010 704 EC010 705 EC010 706Lxx EC010 707 EC010 708 EC010 709 EC010 710

VLSI Design Information Theory and Coding Microwave Engineering Electronic Instrumentation Embedded Systems Elective II Advanced Communication Lab Signal Processing Lab Seminar Project Total

2 2 2 2 2 2 12

2 2 1 1 1 2 9

3 3 2 1 9

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 -

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 -

4 4 3 3 3 4 2 2 2 1 28

Elective II
EC010 706L01 Optimization Techniques EC010 706L02 Speech and Audio Processing EC010 706L03 Digital Image Processing EC010 706L04 Wavelets and Applications EC010 706L05 Antenna Theory and Design EC010 706L06 System Software

8th Semester
L Hours/week T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem End-sem duration- Credit s hours



EC010 801 EC010 802 EC010 803 EC010 804Lxx EC010 805Gxx EC010 806 EC010 807 EC010 808

Wireless Communication Communication Networks Light Wave Communication Elective III Elective IV VLSI and Embedded Systems Lab Project Viva Voce Total

3 2 2 2 2 11

2 2 2 2 2 10

3 6 9

50 50 50 50 50 50 100 -

100 100 100 100 100 100 50

3 3 3 3 3 3 -

4 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 28

Electives III
EC010 804L01 Nano Electronics EC010 804L02 Micro Electro Mechanical Systems EC010 804L03 Secure Communication EC010 804L04 Management Information Systems EC010 804L05 Pattern Recognition EC010 804L06 R F Circuits

Electives IV
EC010 805G01 Test Engineering EC010 805G02 E-Learning EC010 805G03 Mechatronics EC010 805G04 Bio Informatics EC010 805G05 Intellectual Property Rights EC010 805G06 Professional Ethics

Mahatma Gandhi University Revised Scheme For B Tech Syllabus Revision 2010 (Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering)
Common for All Branches SCHEME S1&S2
Hours/week Marks L T P/D Inte- Endrnal sem End-sem duration- Credits hours



EN010 101 EN010 102 EN010 103 EN010 104 EN010 105 EN010 106 EN010 107 EN010 108 EN010 109 EN010 110 EN010 111

Engineering Mathematics I Engineering Physics Engineering. Chemistry & Environmental Studies Engineering Mechanics Engineering Graphics Basic Civil Engineering Basic Mechanical Engineering Basic Electrical Engineering Basic Electronics Engineering. & Information Technology Mechanical Workshop Electrical and Civil Workshops Total

2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 13

1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 11

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 100

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 -

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 30

5 4 4 6 6 4 4 4 5 1 1 44

3rd Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks Inte- Endrnal sem End-sem duration- Credits hours



EN010 301A EN010 302 EI010 303 EI010 304 EI010 305 EI010 306 EI010 307 EI010 308

Engineering Mathematics II Economics and Communication Skills Network Theory Electronic Devices and Circuits I Basic Instrumentation Computer Programming Electronic circuits lab I Programming Lab(C,C++,Matlab) Total

2 2 2 3 3 3 15

2 2 2 1 1 1 9

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 (3+1) 4 4 4 4 2 2 28

4th Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem End-sem durationhours




EN010 401 Engineering Mathematics III EN010 402(ME) Principles of Management EI010 403 EI010 404 EI010 405 EI010 406 EI010 407 EI010 408 Signals&Systems Digital Electronics Electronic instrumentation Elecronic Devices and Circuits II Electronic circuits Lab II Basic Instrumentation Lab Total

2 3 2 3 3 3 16

2 1 2 1 1 1 8

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 28

5th Semester
L 2 3 Hours/week T P/D 2 1 Marks InteEndrnal sem 50 50 100 100 End-sem durationhours




EN010 501A EI010 502 EI010 503 EI010 504 EI010 505 EI010 506 EI010 507 EI010 508

Engineering Mathematics IV Industrial electronics and applications Linear integrated circuits and applications Transducer engineering Control engineering I Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Instrumentation lab I Integrated circuits lab Total

3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4
4 4 4 4 2 2 28

3 3 2 3 16

1 1 2 1 8

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100

6th Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem Endsem duration hours




EI010 601 EI010 602 EI010 603 EI010 604 EI010 605 EI010 606Lxx EI010 607 EI010 608

Process Control Instrumentation Digital Signal Processing Industrial instrumentation I Data acquisition and communication Control engineering II Elective I Microprocessor and Microcontroller Lab Mini Project Total

3 2 3 3 2 3 16

1 2 1 1 2 1 8

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 28

Elective I
EI010 606L01 Digital system design EI010 606L02 Data Base Management Systems EI010 606L03 Computer networks EI010 606L04 micro controller based system design EI010 606L05 Telimetry and remote control EI010 606L06 Robotics and automation

7th Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem Endsem duration -hours




EI010 701 EI010 702 EI010 703 EI010 704 EI010 705 EI010 706Lxx EI010 707 EI010 708 EI010 709 EI010 710

Fibre Optics and Laser Instrumentation Computerised Process Control Biomedical Instrumentation Analytical Instrumentation Industrial Instrumentation II Elective II Instrumentation lab II System simulation lab Seminar Project Total

2 2 2 2 2 2 12

2 2 1 1 1 2 9

3 3 2 1 9

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 -

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 -

4 4 3 3 3 4 2 2 2 1 28

Elective II
EI010 706L01 Optimization Techniques EI010 706L02 VLSI Technology EI010 706L03 Digital Image Processing EI010 706L04 Applied soft computing EI010 706L05 Instrumentation in petrochemical industries EI010 706L06 Reliability and safety engineering

8th Semester
L Hours/week T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem End-sem duration- Credit s hours



EI010 801 EI010 802 EI010 803 EI010 804Lxx EI010 805Gxx EI010 806 EI010 807 EI010 808

Instrumentation System Design Instrumentation in Process Industries Advanced Instrumentation and Applications Elective III Elective IV Process control lab Project Viva Voce Total

3 2 2 2 2 11

2 2 2 2 2 10

3 6 9

50 50 50 50 50 50 100 -

100 100 100 100 100 100 50

3 3 3 3 3 3 -

4 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 28

Electives III
EI010 804L01 Nano Electronics EI010 804L02 Micro Electro Mechanical Systems EI010 804L03 Biomedical signal processing EI010 804L04 Real time embedded systems EI010 804L05 Environmental monitoring instruments EI010 804L06 Air craft instrumentation

Electives IV
EI010 805G01 Test Engineering EI010 805G02 Total quality management EI010 805G03 Human factors engineering EI010 805G04 Bio Informatics EI010 805G05 Intellectual Property Rights EI010 805G06 Professional Ethics

Mahatma Gandhi University Revised Scheme For B Tech Syllabus Revision 2010 Instumentation & Control Engineering
Common for All Branches SCHEME S1&S2
Hours/week Marks L T P/D Inte- Endrnal sem End-sem duration Credits -hours



EN010 101 EN010 102 EN010 103 EN010 104 EN010 105 EN010 106 EN010 107 EN010 108 EN010 109 EN010 110 EN010 111

Engineering Mathematics I Engineering Physics Engineering. Chemistry & Environmental Studies Engineering Mechanics Engineering Graphics Basic Civil Engineering Basic Mechanical Engineering Basic Electrical Engineering Basic Electronics Engineering. & Information Technology Mechanical Workshop Electrical and Civil Workshops Total

2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 13

1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 11

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 100

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 -

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 30

5 4 4 6 6 4 4 4 5 1 1 44

3rd Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks Inte- Endrnal sem End-sem duration- Credits hours



EN010 301A EN010 302 IC010 303 IC010 304 IC010 305 IC010 306 IC010 307 IC010 308

Engineering Mathematics II Economics and Communication Skills Network Theory Analog Devices & Circuits Basic Instrumentation & Measurements Engineering Computer Programming Basic Electronics Laboratory Programming Lab(C,C++,Matlab) Total

2 2 2 3 3 3 15

2 2 2 1 1 1 9

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 (3+1) 4 4 4 4 2 2 28

4th Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem End-sem durationhours




EN010 401 Engineering Mathematics III EN010 402(ME) Principles of Management IC010 403 IC010 404 IC010 405 IC010 406 IC010 407 IC010 408 Transducer Engineering Digital Electronics Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Electrical Machines Laboratory Digital IC Laboratory Total

2 3 2 3 3 3 16

2 1 2 1 1 1 8

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 28

5th Semester
L 2 2 Hours/week T P/D 2 2 Marks InteEndrnal sem 50 50 100 100 End-sem durationhours




EN010 501A IC010 502 IC010 503 IC010 504 IC010 505 IC010 506 IC010 507 IC010 508

Engineering Mathematics IV Industrial Electronics & Applications Electronic Instrumentation Linear Integrated Circuits Linear Control System Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Microprocessor & Microcontroller Lab Linear Integrated Circuits Lab Total

3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4
4 4 4 4 2 2 28

3 3 3 3 16

1 1 1 1 8

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100

6th Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem Endsem duration hours




IC010 601 IC010 602 IC010 603 IC010 604 IC010 605 IC010 606Lxx IC010 607 IC010 608

Process Control Instrumentation Principles of Telemetry & Communication Industrial Instrumentation I Signals & Systems with Processing Advanced Control Systems Elective-I Industrial Instrumentation Laboratory Mini Project Total

2 2 3 3 3 3 16

2 2 1 1 1 1 8

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 28

Elective I
IC010 606L01 Mechatronics IC010 606L02 Computer Networks & Protocols IC010 606L03 Advanced Microcontrollers IC010 606L04 Embedded System Design IC010 606L05 Digital System Design IC010 606L06 Data Structures & Algorithm

7th Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem Endsem duration -hours




IC010 701 IC010 702 IC010 703 IC010 704 IC010 705 IC010 706Lxx IC010 707 IC010 708 IC010 709 IC010 710

Computer Control of Industrial Process Optical and opto Electronic Instrumentation Biomedical Instrumentation Analytical Instrumentation Industrial Instrumentation-II Elective II Process Control Laboratory Mechanical Measurements Laboratory Seminar Project Total

2 2 2 2 2 2 12

2 2 1 1 1 2 9

3 3 2 1 9

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 -

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 -

4 4 3 3 3 4 2 2 2 1 28

Elective II
IC010 706L01 Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems IC010 706L02 Robotics & Automation IC010 706L03 Embedded Instrumentation System IC010 706L04 Ultrasonic Instrumentation IC010 706L05 VLSI Design IC010 706L06 Virtual Instrumentation

8th Semester
L Hours/week T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem End-sem duration- Credit s hours



IC010 801 IC010 802 IC010 803 IC010 804Lxx IC010 805Gxx IC010 806 IC010 807 IC010 808

Instrumentation System Design Power Plant Instrumentation Instrumentation & Control in Petrochemical Industries Elective III Elective IV System Simulation Laboratory Project Viva Voce Total

3 2 2 2 2 11

2 2 2 2 2 10

3 6 9

50 50 50 50 50 50 100 -

100 100 100 100 100 100 50

3 3 3 3 3 3 -

4 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 28

Electives III
IC010 804L01 Intelligent Control System IC010 804L02 Automotive Instrumentation IC010 804L03 Instrumentation & Control Paper Industries IC010 804L04 Digital Image Processing techniques IC010 804L05 Instrumentation & Control in Aerospace & Navigation IC010 804L06 Telecommunication & Switching networks

Electives IV
IC010 805G01 Test Engineering IC010 805G02 Multimedia Systems IC010 805G03 Total Quality Management IC010 805G04 Bio Informatics IC010 805G05 Intellectual Property Rights IC010 805G06 Professional Ethics

Mahatma Gandhi University Revised Scheme For B Tech Syllabus Revision 2010

Applied Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering

Common for All Branches SCHEME S1&S2
Hours/week Marks L T P/D Inte- Endrnal sem End-sem duration- Credits hours



EN010 101 EN010 102 EN010 103 EN010 104 EN010 105 EN010 106 EN010 107 EN010 108 EN010 109 EN010 110 EN110 111

Engineering Mathematics I Engineering Physics Engineering. Chemistry & Environmental Studies Engineering Mechanics Engineering Graphics Basic Civil Engineering Basic Mechanical Engineering Basic Electrical Engineering Basic Electronics Engineering. & Information Technology Mechanical Workshop Electrical and Civil Workshops Total

2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 13

1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 11

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 100

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 -

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 30

5 4 4 6 6 4 4 4 5 1 1 44

3rd Semester
Hours/week L T P/D 2 2 2 3 3 3 15 2 2 2 1 1 1 9 3 3 6 Marks Inte- Endrnal sem 50 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Endsem duratio 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Code EN010 301A EN010 302 AI010 303 AI010 304 AI010 305 AI010 306 AI010 307 AI010 308

Subject Engineering Mathematics II Economics and Communication Skills Network Theory Solid State devices Analog Circuits I Computer Programming Analog circuits Lab Programming Lab Total

Credits 4 4 (3+1) 4 4 4 4 2 2 28

4th Semester
Hours/week L T P/D 2 3 2 3 3 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 3 6 Marks InteEndrnal sem 50 100 50 100 50 100 50 100 50 100 50 50 50 100 100 100 End-sem duration -hours 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Code EN010 401 EN010 402(ME) AI010 403 AI010 404 AI010 405 AI010 406 AI010 407 AI010 408

Subject Engineering Mathematics III Principles of Management Signals and Systems Digital Electronics Signal Communication Analog circuits II Analog circuits II lab Digital IC lab Total

Credits 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 28

16 8

5th Semester
L Hours/week T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem 50 100 End-sem durationhours




EN010 501A

Engineering Mathematics IV

3 4

AI010 502 AI010 503 AI010 504 AI010 505 AI010 506 AI010 507 AI010 508

Industrial Electronics and Applications Basic Instrumentation & recording system Data Acquisition system Control Engineering I Microprocessors and microcontrollers Industrial Electronics Lab Measurements lab Total

3 3 3 2 3 16

1 1 1 2 1 8

3 3 6



3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 2 2 28

50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100

6th Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem Endsem duration hours




AI010 601 AI010 602 AI010 603 AI010 604 AI010 605 AI010 606Lxx AI010 607 AI010 608

Process Control Instrumentation Digital Signal Processing Industrial Instrumentation I Microcontroller based system design Control Engineering II Elective I Microprocessors & microcontrollers lab Mini Project Total

3 2 3 3 2 3 15

1 2 1 1 2 1 9

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 28

Elective I AI 010 606L01 AI 010 606L02 AI 010 606L03 AI 010 606L04 AI 010 606L05 AI 010 606L06 7th Semester

Mechatronics Micro Electronics Digital system design Industrial safety engineering Reliability Engineering Energy management



Hours/week L T P/D

Marks InteEndrnal sem

Endsem duration -hours


AI010 701 AI010 702 AI010 703 AI010 704 AI010 705

VLSI Computerised Process control Biomedical Instrumentation Analytical instrumentation Industrial Instrumentation II

2 2 2 2 2 2 12

2 2 1 1 1 2 9

3 3 2 9

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 -

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 -

4 4 3 3 3 4 2 2 2 1 28

AI010 706Lxx Elective II AI010 707 AI010 708 AI010 709 AI010 710 Industrial Instrumentation Lab DSP lab Seminar Project Total

Elective II AI010 706L01 AI010 706L02 AI010 706L03 AI010 706L04 AI010 706L05 AI010 706L06 8th Semester

Robotics Real Time system Optimization techniques Fuzzy Logic Digital Image processing Advanced microcontrollers

Code AI010 801 AI010 802 AI010 803 AI010 804 Lxx AI010 805 Gxx AI010 806 AI010 807 AI010 808

Subject Instrumentation system design 3

Hours/week T P/D 2 2 2 2 2 3 6 10 9

Marks InteEndrnal sem

End-sem duration- Credi ts hours

50 50 50 50 50 50 100 -

100 100 100 100 100 100 50

3 3 3 3 3 3 -

4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 28

Instrumentation in process industries 2 Computer Networks Elective III Elective IV Process Control Lab Project Viva Voce Total 2 2 2 11

Electives III AI010 804L01 AI010 804L02 AI010 804L03 AI010 804L04 AI010 804L05 AI010 804L06 Electives IV AI010 AI010 AI010 AI010 AI010 AI010 805G01 805G02 805G03 805G04 805G05 805G06

Neural networks Advanced DSP Embedded systems Artificial Intelligence VHDL BioInformatics

Total quality management Human factors engineering System engineering Professional Ethics Industrial Pollution control Simulation and modelling

Mahatma Gandhi University Revised Scheme For B Tech Syllabus Revision 2010 (Computer Science & Engineering)
Common for All Branches SCHEME S1&S2



Hours/week Marks L T P/D Inte- Endrnal sem

End-sem durationhours


EN010 101 EN010 102 EN010 103 EN010 104 EN010 105 EN010 106 EN010 107 EN010 108 EN010 109 EN010 110 EN110 111

Engineering Mathematics I
Engineering Physics Engineering Chemistry & Environmental Studies Engineering Mechanics

2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 13

1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 11

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 100

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 -

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 30

5 4 4 6 6 4 4 4 5 1 1 44

Engineering Graphics
Basic Civil Engineering

Basic Mechanical Engineering Basic Electrical Engineering Basic Electronics Engg. &
Information Technology Mechanical Workshop

Electrical and Civil Workshops


3rd Semester
Code Subject L Hours/week T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem

EN010 301B EN010 302

Engineering Mathematics II Economics and Communication Skills CS010 303 Problem Solving and Computer Programming CS010 304 Computer Organization CS010 305 Switching Theory and Logic Design CS010 306(EC) Electronics Devices and Circuits CS010 307 Programming lab CS010 308(EC) Logic Design lab Total

2 2 2 3 3 3 16

2 2 2 1 1 1 8

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 (3+1 ) 4 4 4 4 2 2 28

4th Semester
Hours/week Code Subject L T P/D Marks Internal Endsem EndCred sem duration its -hours

EN010 401 CS010 402 CS010 403 CS010 404(EC) CS010 405 CS010 406 CS010 407

Engineering Mathematics III Object Oriented Programming Data Structures and Algorithms Communication Systems Microprocessor Systems Theory of Computation Data Structures lab

2 3 2 3 3 3 16

2 1 2 1 1 1 8

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

3 3

3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 28

CS010 408(EC) Electronic Circuits lab Total

5th Semester
L Code Subject Hours/week T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem Endsem dura Cred tion- its hour s

EN010 501B EN010 502(ME) CS010 503 CS010 504(EC) CS010 505 CS010 506 CS010 507(P) CS010 508(P)

Engineering Mathematics IV Principles of Management Database Management Systems Digital Signal Processing Operating Systems Advanced Microprocessors & Peripherals Database Lab Hardware & Microprocessors lab Total

2 3 2 3 3 3 16

2 1 2 1 1 1 8

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 28

6th Semester
L Hours/week T P/D Marks End-sem Inte- End- duration Cred its rnal sem -hours



CS010 601 CS010 602 CS010 603 CS010 604 CS010 605 CS010 606Lxx CS010 607 CS010 608

Design and Analysis of Algorithms Internet Computing System Software Computer Networks Software Engineering Elective I Operating Systems Lab Mini Project Total

2 2 3 3 3 2 16

2 2 1 1 1 2 8

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 28

Elective I CS010 606L01 CS010 606L02 CS010 606L03 CS010 606L04 CS010 606L05 CS010 606L06 Distributed Systems Micro controller Based Systems User Interface Design Unix Shell Programming Embedded Systems Advanced Software Environments

7th Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks Internal Endsem Endsem dura Cred tion- its hour s



CS010 701 CS010 702 CS010 703 CS010 704

Web Technologies Compiler Construction Computer Graphics Object Oriented Modelling & Design CS010 705 Principles of Programming Languages CS010 706Lxx Elective II CS010 707 Systems Programming Lab CS010 708 Networking lab CS010 709 Seminar CS010 710 Project Total

2 2 2 2 2 2 12

2 2 1 1 1 2 9

3 3 2 1 9

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 -

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 -

4 4 3 3 3 4 2 2 2 1 28

Elective II CS010 706L01 CS010 706L02 CS010 706L03 CS010 706L04 CS010 706L05 CS010 706L06 8th Semester

Real Time Systems Data Mining and Data Warehousing Operating System Kernel Design Digital image processing Data Processing and File Structures Client Server and Applications



Hours/week T P/D

Marks InteEndrnal sem

End-sem durationhours

Cre dits

CS010 801 CS010 802 CS010 803 CS010 804Lxx CS010 805Gxx CS010 806 CS010 807 CS010 808

High Performance Computing Artificial Intelligence Security in Computing Elective III Elective IV Computer Graphics Lab Project Viva Voce Total

3 2 2 2 2 11

2 2 2 2 2 10

3 6 9

50 50 50 50 50 50 100 -

100 100 100 100 100 100 0 50

3 3 3 3 3 3 -

4 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 28

Elective III CS010 804L01 CS010 804L02 CS010 804L03 CS010 804L04 CS010 804L05 CS010 804L06 Elective IV CS010 805G01 CS010 805G02 CS010 805G03 CS010 805G04 CS010 805G05 CS010 805G06

E-commerce Grid Computing Biometrics Optimization Techniques Mobile Computing Advanced Networking Trends

Multimedia Techniques Neural networks Advanced Mathematics Software Architecture Natural Language Processing Pattern Recognition

Mahatma Gandhi University Revised Scheme For B Tech Syllabus Revision 2010 Information Technology
Common for All Branches SCHEME S1&S2
Hours/week Marks L T P/D Inte- Endrnal sem End-sem durationhours




EN010 101 EN010 102 EN010 103 EN010 104 EN010 105 EN010 106 EN010 107 EN010 108 EN010 109 EN010 110 EN110 111

Engineering Mathematics I
Engineering Physics Engineering. Chemistry Environmental Studies Engineering Mechanics &

2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 13

1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 11

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 100

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 -

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 30

5 4 4 6 6 4 4 4 5 1 1 44

Engineering Graphics
Basic Civil Engineering

Basic Mechanical Engineering Basic Electrical Engineering Basic Electronics Engineering.

& Information Technology Mechanical Workshop

Electrical and Civil Workshops


3rd Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem Endsem duration -hours




EN010 301B EN010 302

Engineering Mathematics II Economics and Communication Skills IT010 303 (EC) Discrete and Integrated Electronic Circuits IT010 304 Switching Theory and Logic Design IT010 305(EC) Principles of Communication Engineering IT010 306 Problem Solving and Computer Programming IT010 307 (EC) Electronic Circuits and Communication Lab IT010 308 Programming Lab Total

2 2 2 3 3 3 15

2 2 2 1 1 1 9

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 (3+1) 4 4 4 4 2 2 28

4th Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem End-sem durationhours




EN010 401 Engineering Mathematics III EN010 402(ME) Principles of Management IT010 403 Computer Organisation and Architecture IT010 404 Theory of Computation IT010 405 Data Structures and Algorithms IT010 406 Object Oriented Techniques IT010 407 Logic Design Lab IT010 408 Data Structures and Programming Lab Total

2 3 2 3 3 3 16

2 1 2 1 1 1 8

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 28

5th Semester
L 2 3 Hours/week T P/D 2 1 Marks InteEndrnal sem 50 50 100 100 End-sem durationhours




EN010 501B IT010 502 IT010 503 IT010 504 IT010 505 IT010 506 IT010 507 IT010 508

Engineering Mathematics IV Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Data Communication Operating Systems Language Translators Database Management Systems PC Hardware and Microprocessors Lab Systems Lab Total

3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4
4 4 4 4 2 2 28

2 3 3 3 16

2 1 1 1 8

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100

6th Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem Endsem duration -hours




IT010 601 IT010 602(EC) IT010 603(EC) IT010 604 IT010 605 IT010 606Lxx IT010 607 IT010 608

Computer Networks Digital Signal Processing Information Theory and Coding Software Engineering Design and Analysis of Algorithms Elective I Network Programming Lab Mini Project Total

2 2 3 3 3 2 15

2 2 1 1 1 2 9

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 28

Elective I
IT010 606L01 Simulation and Modelling IT010 606L02 Management Information Systems IT010 606L03 UNIX Shell Programming IT010 606L04 Advanced Database Systems IT010 606L05 Parallel Computing IT010 606L06 Optimization Techniques

7th Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem Endsem duration -hours




IT010 701 IT010 702 IT010 703 IT010 704 IT010 705 IT010 706Lxx IT010 707 IT010 708 IT010 709 IT010 710

Financial Management and E-Banking Object Oriented Modelling and Design Computer Graphics and Multimedia Systems Internetworking Web Applications Development Elective II Internetworking Lab Computer Aided Software Engineering Lab Seminar Project Total

2 2 2 2 2 2 12

2 2 1 1 1 2 9

3 3 2 1 9

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 -

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 -

4 4 3 3 3 4 2 2 2 1 28

Elective II
IT010 706L01 Software Project Management IT010 706L02 Optical Communication Networks IT010 706 L03 Digital Speech and Image Processing IT010 706L04 Real Time Systems IT010 706L05 Operating System Kernel Design IT010 706L06 Data Mining and Data Warehousing

8th Semester
L Hours/week T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem End-sem duration- Credit s hours



IT010 801 IT010 802 IT010 803 IT010 804Lxx IT010 805Gxx IT010 806 IT010 807 IT010 808

Wireless Communication Cryptography and Network Security Artificial Intelligence Elective III Elective IV Web Applications Lab Project Viva Voce Total

3 2 2 2 2 11

2 2 2 2 2 10

3 6 9

50 50 50 50 50 50 100 -

100 100 100 100 100 100 50

3 3 3 3 3 3 -

4 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 28

Electives III IT010 804L01 IT010 804L02 IT010 804L03 IT010 804L04 IT010 804L05 IT010 804L06 Electives IV IT010 805G01 IT010 805G02 IT010 805G03 IT010 805G04 IT010 805G05 IT010 805G06 Software Architecture Advanced Mathematics Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Electronic Business and Services Neural Networks Soft Computing Software Testing Information Retrieval High Speed Networks Network Administration and Management Enterprise Resource Planning Grid Computing

Mahatma Gandhi University Revised Scheme For B Tech Syllabus Revision 2010 (Polymer Engineering)
Common for All Branches SCHEME S1&S2



Hours/week Marks L T P/D Inte- Endrnal sem

End-sem duration- Credits hours

EN010 101 EN010 102 EN010 103 EN010 104 EN010 105 EN010 106 EN010 107 EN010 108 EN010 109 EN010 110 EN110 111

Engineering Mathematics I Engineering Physics Engineering Chemistry & Environmental Studies Engineering Mechanics Engineering Graphics Basic Civil Engineering Basic Mechanical Engineering Basic Electrical Engineering Basic Electronics Engineering. & Information Technology Mechanical Workshop Electrical and Civil Workshops Total

2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 0 13

1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 11

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 100

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 -

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 30

5 4 4 6 6 4 4 4 5 1 1 44

3rd Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem Endsem duration -hours




EN010 301 EN010 302 PO010 303 PO010 304 (CS) PO010 305 PO010 306 (CE) PO010 307 PO010 308 (CS)

Engineering Mathematics II Economics and Communication Skills Polymer Science - I Computer Programming Organic Chemistry Strength of Materials & Structural Engineering Chemistry Lab Computer Lab Total

2 2 2 3 3 3 15

2 2 2 1 1 1 9

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 (3+1) 4 4 4 4 2 2 28

4th Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem End-sem durationhours




EN010 401

Engineering Mathematics III Principles of Management EN010 402(ME) (ME,AU,PO,EC,IT) PO010 403 Polymer Physics PO010 404 Polymer Science - II PO010 405 Chemical Engineering - I PO010 406 (EE) Electrical Technology Polymer Preparation & PO010 407 Characterisation Lab PO010 408 (EE) Electrical Machines Lab Total

2 3 2 3 3 3 16

2 1 2 1 1 1 8

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 28

5th Semester
L 2 3 Hours/week T P/D 2 1 Marks InteEndrnal sem 50 50 100 100 End-sem durationhours




EN010 501 PO010 502 PO010503 PO010 504 PO010 505 PO010 506 PO010 507 PO010 508

Engineering Mathematics IV Plastics Science & Technology Polymer Processing - I Chemical Engineering - II Latex Technology Rubbers Science & Technology Specification Tests Lab Polymer Analysis Lab Total

3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4 2 2 28

2 3 3 3 16

2 1 1 1 8

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100

6th Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem Endsem duration -hours




PO010 601 PO010 602 PO010 603 PO010 604 PO010 605 PO010 606L PO010 607 PO010 608

Engineering Statistics & Quality Control Polymer Processing II Industrial Engineering Chemical Engineering - III Polymer Blends & Composites Elective I Latex Product Lab Product Manufacturing Lab Total

2 2 3 3 3 2 15

2 2 1 1 1 2 9

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 28

3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Elective I
PO010 606L01 Bio Medical & Bio Polymers PO 010 606L02 Information Technology PO 010 606L03..........Engineering Economics & Industrial Management. PO 010 606L04..........Total Quality Management & Reliability Engineering PO 010 606L05...........Production Engineering PO 010 606L06...........Project Management

7th Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem Endsem duration -hours




PO010 701 PO010 702 PO010 703 PO010 704 PO010 705 PO010 706 L PO010 707 PO010 708 PO010 709 PO010 710

Polymer Machinery, Moulds & Dies Polymer Testing Plastic Products - Design &Testing Chemical Engineering - IV Tyre Technology Elective II Chemical Engineering Lab Polymer Testing Lab Seminar Project Total

2 2 2 2 2 2 12

2 2 1 1 1 2 9

3 3 2 1 9

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 -

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 -

3 3 3 4 4 4 2 2 2 1 28

Elective II
PO 010 706L01 Paints & Surface Coatings PO 010 706L02.........Plastics Packaging Technology PO 010 706L03.........Process Engineering Economics & Management PO 010 706L04.........Process Control & Instrumentation PO 010 706L05 Object Oriented Programming PO 010 706L06.........Introduction to Photonics

8th Semester
L Hours/week T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem End-sem duration- Credit s hours



PO010 801 PO010 802 PO010 803 PO010 804 L PO010 805 G PO010 806 PO010 807 PO010 808

Polymers & Environment Rubber Products - Design &Testing Speciality Polymers Elective III Elective IV Polymer Blends & Composites Lab Project Viva Voce Total

3 2 2 2 2 11

2 2 2 2 2 10

3 6 9

50 50 50 50 50 50 100 -

100 100 100 100 100 100 50

3 3 3 3 3 3 -

4 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 28

Electives III
PO 010 804L01 Adhesive Technology PO 010 804L02 Dynamics of Machinery PO 010 804L03 Computer Aided Design & Manufacturing PO 010 804L04 Combustion PO 010 804L05 Industrial Hydraulics PO 010 804L06 Cryogenics

Electives IV
PO 010 805G01 Fibre Technology PO 010 805G02 Marketing & Sales Management PO 010 805G03 Structural Analysis PO 010 805G04 Environmental Impact Analysis PO 010 805G05 Air Pollution Control PO 010 805G06 Nanotechnology

Mahatma Gandhi University Revised Scheme For B Tech Syllabus Revision 2010 Automobile Engineering
Common for All Branches SCHEME S1&S2
Hours/week Marks L T P/D Inte- Endrnal sem End-sem duration- Credits hours



EN010 101 EN010 102 EN010 103 EN010 104 EN010 105 EN010 106 EN010 107 EN010 108 EN010 109 EN010 110 EN110 111

Engineering Mathematics I Engineering Physics Engineering. Chemistry & Environmental Studies Engineering Mechanics Engineering Graphics Basic Civil Engineering Basic Mechanical Engineering Basic Electrical Engineering Basic Electronics Engineering. & Information Technology Mechanical Workshop Electrical and Civil Workshops Total

2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 13

1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 11

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 100

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 -

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 30

5 4 4 6 6 4 4 4 5 1 1 44

3rd Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem Endsem duration hours




EN010 301 EN010 302 AU010 303 AU010 304(ME) AU010 305(ME) AU010 306(CE) AU010 307 AU010 308(ME)

Engineering Mathematics II Economics and Communication Skills Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery Metallurgy & Material Science Programming in C Strength of Materials & Structural Engineering Computer Lab Fluid Mechanics Lab Total

2 2 2 3 3 3 15

2 2 2 1 1 1 9

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 (3+1) 4 4 4 4 2 2 28

4th Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem End-sem durationhours




EN010 401 Engineering Mathematics III EN010 402(ME) Principles of Management AU010 403 AU010 404(ME) AU010 405 AU010 406(EE) AU010 407 AU010 408(CE) Auto Power Plant Manufacturing Process Machine Drawing Electrical Technology Auto Workshop I Strength of Materials Lab Total

2 3 2 3 3 3 16

2 1 2 1 1 1 8

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 28

5th Semester
L 2 3 Hours/week T P/D 2 1 Marks InteEndrnal sem 50 50 100 100 End-sem durationhours




EN010 501A AU010 502 AU010 503 AU010 504(ME) AU010 505(ME) AU010 506(ME) AU010 507 AU010 508(EE)

Engineering Mathematics IV Computer Aided Design & Manufacturing Auto Chassis Kinematics of Machinery I C Engines & Combustion Thermodynamics Computer Graphics & Drafting Electrical & Electronics Lab Total

3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4
4 4 4 4 2 2 28

2 3 3 3 16

2 1 1 1 8

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100

6th Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem Endsem duration hours




AU010 601 AU010 602(ME) AU010 603 AU010 604(ME) AU010 605(ME) AU010 606Lxx AU010 607 AU010 608

Mechanics of Machines Heat & Mass Transfer Automotive Transmission Metrology & Machine Tools Mechatronics & Control Systems Elective I Heat Engines Lab Machine Tool Lab Total

2 2 3 3 3 2 15

2 2 1 1 1 2 9

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 28

Elective I
AU010 606L01 Vehicle Transport Management AU010 606L02 Computer Aided vehicle Design AU010 606L03 Computer Simulation of I C Engines AU010 606L04 Tribology AU010 606L05 Alternate Fuels and Energy systems AU010 606L06 Quantitative Techniques

7th Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem Endsem duration -hours




AU010 701(ME) AU010 702 AU010 703 AU010 704(ME) AU010 705(ME) AU010 706Lxx AU010 707(ME) AU010 708 AU010 709 AU010 710

Design of Machine Elements Advanced Automotive Technology Auto Electrical & Electronics Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Industrial Engineering Elective II Mechanical Measurements Lab Auto Workshop II Seminar Project Total

2 2 2 2 2 2 12

2 2 1 1 1 2 9

3 3 2 1 9

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 -

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 -

4 4 3 3 3 4 2 2 2 1 28

Elective II
AU010 706L01 Vehicle Body Engineering AU010 706L02 Vehicle Performance and Testing AU010 706L03 Automotive Pollution and Control AU010 706L04 Project Management AU010 706L05 Industrial Safety AU010 706L06 Non Traditional Machining Processes

8th Semester
L Hours/week T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem End-sem duration- Credit s hours



AU010 801(ME) AU010 802(ME) AU010 803 AU010 804Lxx AU010 805Gxx AU010 806 AU010 807 AU010 808

Design of Transmission Elements Operations Management Special Types of Vehicles Elective III Elective IV Auto Workshop III Project Viva Voce Total

3 2 2 2 2 11

2 2 2 2 2 10

3 6 9

50 50 50 50 50 50 100 -

100 100 100 100 100 100 50

3 3 3 3 3 3 -

4 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 28

Electives III
AU010 804L01 Transport Refrigeration and Air Conditioning AU010 804L02 Engineering Economics and Automotive Cost Estimation AU010 804L03 Vehicle Dynamics AU010 804L04 Finite Element Method AU010 804L05 Microprocessor Application in Automobiles AU010 804L06 Foundry and Welding Technology

Electives IV
AU010 805G01 System Modeling and Simulation AU010 805G02 Robotics and Robot Application AU010 805G03 Farm Machinery and Equipment AU010 805G04 Aerospace Engineering AU010 805G05 Management Information systems AU010 805G06 Petrochemical Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University Revised Scheme For B Tech Syllabus Revision 2010 (Aeronautical Engineering)
Common for All Branches SCHEME S1&S2
Hours/week Marks L T P/D Inte- Endrnal sem End-sem duration- Credits hours



EN010 101 EN010 102 EN010 103 EN010 104 EN010 105 EN010 106 EN010 107 EN010 108 EN010 109 EN010 110 EN110 111

Engineering Mathematics I Engineering Physics Engineering. Chemistry & Environmental Studies Engineering Mechanics Engineering Graphics Basic Civil Engineering Basic Mechanical Engineering Basic Electrical Engineering Basic Electronics Engineering. & Information Technology Mechanical Workshop Electrical and Civil Workshops Total

2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 13

1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 11

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 100

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 -

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 30

5 4 4 6 6 4 4 4 5 1 1 44

3rd Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem Endsem duration -hours




EN010 301 EN010 302

Engineering Mathematics II Economics and Communication Skills AN010 303 Fluid Mechanics AN 010 304 Basic Thermodynamics AN 010 305 Elements of Aeronautics AN010 306 Basic Strength of Materials AN 010 307(CE) Basic Strength of materials Lab AN 010 308(ME) Fluid Mechanics Lab Total

2 2 2 3 3 3 15

2 2 2 1 1 1 9

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 (3+1) 4 4 4 4 2 2 28

4th Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem End-sem durationhours




EN010 401 AN010 402 AN 010 403 AN 010 404 AN 010 405 AN 010 406 AN 010 407 AN 010 408

Engineering Mathematics III Gas Dynamics Propulsion I Aerodynamics I Aircraft Structures I Electrical technology & Machines Structures Lab Propulsion Lab Total

2 3 2 3 3 3 16

2 1 2 1 1 1 8

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 28

5th Semester
L 2 3 Hours/week T P/D 2 1 Marks InteEndrnal sem 50 50 100 100 End-sem durationhours




EN010 501A EN 010 502(ME) AN 010 503 AN 010 504 AN 010 505 AN 010 506 AN 010 507 AN 010 508

Engineering Mathematics IV Principles of Management Computer Programming Flight Dynamics I Aerodynamics II Propulsion II Wind tunnel Lab Propulsion LabII Total

3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4
4 4 4 4 2 2 28

2 3 3 3 16

2 1 1 1 8

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100

6th Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem Endsem duration hours




AN 010 601 AN 010 602 AN 010 603 AN 010 604 AN 010 605 AN 010 606Lxx AN 010 607 AN 010 608

Avionics Experimental Aerodynamics Aircraft Structures II Heat Transfer Theory of Vibration Elective I Heat Engines Lab Aero EnginesLab Total

2 2 3 3 3 2 15

2 2 1 1 1 2 9

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 28

Elective I
AN 010 606L01 Composite structures AN 010 606L02 Fatigue and fracture AN 010 606L03 Finite Elment Analysis AN 010 606L04 Operation Research AN 010 606L05 Ecology & Environment AN 010 606L06 Non Destructive Testing

7th Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem Endsem duration -hours




AN 010 701 AN 010 702 AN 010 703 AN 010 704 AN 010 705 AN 010 706Lxx AN 010 707 AN 010 708 AN 010 709 AN 010 710

Computational Fluid Dynamics Experimental stress analysis Aircraft design Flight dynamics II Aircraft systems and instrumentation Elective II Experimental stress analysis Lab Vibration Lab Seminar Project Total

2 2 2 2 2 2 12

2 2 1 1 1 2 9

3 3 2 1 9

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 -

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 -

4 4 3 3 3 4 2 2 2 1 28

Elective II
AN 010 706L01Theory of plates and shells AN 010 706L02 Advanced Materials in aircraft manufacturing AN 010 706L03 Failure analysis AN 010 706L04 Helicopter Aerodynamics AN 010 706L05 Optimization methods in Design AN 010 706L06 Rotor Dynamics

8th Semester
L Hours/week T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem End-sem duration- Credit s hours



AN 010 801 AN 010 802 AN 010 803

Rockets & Missiles Introduction to space technology Air transportation & Aircraft maintenance AN 010 804Lxx Elective III AN 010 805Gxx Elective IV AN 010 806 Aerodynamics Lab AN 010 807 Project AN 010 808 Viva Voce Total

3 2 2 2 2 11

2 2 2 2 2 10

3 6 9

50 50 50 50 50 50 100 -

100 100 100 100 100 100 50

3 3 3 3 3 3 -

4 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 28

Electives III
AN 010 804L01 AN 010 804L02 AN 010 804L03 AN 010 804L04 AN 010 804L05 AN 010 804L06 Project management & TQM Air navigation Aircraft rules & regulations Industrial aerodynamics Acoustics & Noise control Transport process in reacting flows

Electives IV
AN 010 805G01 Boundary layer theory AN 010 805G02 Disaster Management AN 010 805G03 Cryogenics AN 010 805G04 Advanced strength of materials AN 010 805G05 High temperature gas dynamics AN 010 805G06 Turbo Machines

Mahatma Gandhi University Revised Scheme For B Tech Syllabus Revision 2010 (Production Engineering )
Common for All Branches SCHEME S1&S2
Hours/week Marks L T P/D Inte- Endrnal sem End-sem duration- Credits hours



EN010 101 EN010 102 EN010 103 EN010 104 EN010 105 EN010 106 EN010 107 EN010 108 EN010 109 EN010 110 EN110 111

Engineering Mathematics I Engineering Physics Engineering. Chemistry & Environmental Studies Engineering Mechanics Engineering Graphics Basic Civil Engineering Basic Mechanical Engineering Basic Electrical Engineering Basic Electronics Engineering. & Information Technology Mechanical Workshop Electrical and Civil Workshops Total

2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 13

1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 11

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 100

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 -

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 30

5 4 4 6 6 4 4 4 5 1 1 44

3rd Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem Endsem duration hours




EN010 301A EN010 302 PE010 303 PE 010 304 PE 010 305 PE 010 306(CE) PE 010 307 PE 010 308

Engineering Mathematics II Economics and Communication Skills Fluid Mechanics Metallurgy & Material Science Programming in C Strength of Materials & Structural Engineering Strength of Materials Lab Fluid Mechanics Lab Total

2 2 2 3 3 3 15

2 2 2 1 1 1 9

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

3 3

3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 (3+1) 4 4 4 4 2 2 28

4th Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem End-sem durationhours




EN010 401 EN010 402(ME) PE 010 403 PE 010 404 PE 010 405 PE 010 406(EE) PE 010 407 PE 010 408

Engineering Mathematics III Principles of Management Hydraulic Machines Manufacturing Process Machine Drawing Electrical Technology Hydraulic Machines Lab Computer Programming Lab Total

2 3 2 3 3 16

2 1 2 1 1 8

4 3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 28

5th Semester
L 2 2 Hours/week T P/D 2 2 Marks InteEndrnal sem 50 50 100 100 End-sem durationhours




EN010 501A PE 010 502 PE 010 503 PE 010 504 PE 010 505 PE 010 506 PE 010 507 PE 010 508

Engineering Mathematics IV Theory of Metal Cutting Advanced Mechanics of Materials Industrial Engineering Metrology &Instrumentation Thermodynamics Thermal Engineering Lab Electrical & Electronics Lab Total

3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4
4 4 4 4 2 2 28

2 3 3 3 15

2 1 1 1 9

3 3 6

50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100

6th Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem Endsem duration hours




PE 010 601 PE 010 602 PE 010 603 PE 010 604

Kinematics of Machinery Heat & Mass Transfer Control & Automation Computer Aided Design & Manufacturing PE 010 605 Production Engineering PE 010 606Lxx Elective I PE 010 607 Metrology Lab PE 010 608 Machine Tools Lab Total

2 2 3

2 2 1

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 28

3 2 15

1 2 9

3 3 6

Elective I
PE 010 606L01 Computational Fluid Dynamics PE 010 606L02 Foundry and Welding Technology PE 010 606L03 Finite Elment Analysis PE 010 606L04 Financial Management PE 010 606L05 Industrial Hydraulics PE 010 606L06 Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS)

7th Semester
Hours/week L T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem Endsem duration -hours




PE 010 701 PE 010 702 PE 010 703 PE 010 704 PE 010 705 PE 010 706Lxx PE 010 707 PE 010 708 PE 010 709 PE 010 710

Tool Engineering & Design Operations Management Bulk Deformation Processes Theory of Metal Forming Advanced Manufacturing Process Elective II Metallurgy Lab CAD/CAM Lab Seminar Project Total

2 2 2 2 2 2 12

2 2 1 1 1 2 9

3 3 2 1 9

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 -

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 -

4 4 3 3 3 4 2 2 2 1 28

Elective II
PE010 706L01 Design of Cellular Manufacturing PE010 706L02 Industrial Tribology PE010 706L03 Lean and Agile Manufacturing PE010 706L04 Supply Chain Management PE010 706L05 Plant Engineering & Maintenance PE010 706L06 Rapid Prototyping

8th Semester
L Hours/week T P/D Marks InteEndrnal sem End-sem duration- Credit s hours



PE010 801 PE010 802 PE010 803 PE010 804Lxx PE010 805Gxx PE010 806 PE010 807 PE010 808

Composite Matrials & Manufacturing Non Conventional Machining Processes Machine Design Elective III Elective IV Production Process Laboratory Project Viva Voce Total

3 2 2 2 2 11

2 2 2 2 2 10

3 6 9

50 50 50 50 50 50 100 -

100 100 100 100 100 100 50

3 3 3 3 3 3 -

4 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 28

Electives III
PE010 804L01 PE010 804L02 PE010 804L03 PE010 804L04 PE010 804L05 PE010 804L06

Surface Engineering
Advanced Machining Process

Cost Estimation and Optimization

Management Information Systems Non Destructive Testing

Simulation of Manufacturing Systems

Electives IV
PE010 805G01 Industrial Safety PE010 805G02 Disaster Management PE010 805G03 Nano Technology PE010 805G04 Human Resources Management PE010 805G05 Optimization methods in design PE010 805G06 Reliability engineering

M.G. University


Teaching Scheme
2 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Credits: 5

Objectives To impart mathematical background for studying engineering subjects. MODULE I (18 hours) MATRIX

Elementary transformation echelon form rank using elementary transformation by reducing in to echelon form solution of linear homogeneous and non homogeneous equations using elementary transformation. Linear dependence and independence of vectors eigen values and eigen vectors properties of eigen values and eigen vectors(proof not expected) Linear transformation Orthogonal transformation Diagonalisation Reduction of quadratic form into sum of squares using orthogonal transformation Rank, index, signature of quadratic form nature of quadratic form MODULE 2 (18 hours) - PARTIAL DIFFERENTIATION

Partial differentiation : chain rules statement of Eulers theorem for homogeneous functions Jacobian Application of Taylors series for function of two variables maxima and minima of function of two variables (proof of results not expected) MODULE 3 (18 hours) - MULTIPLE INTEGRALS

Double integrals in cartesian and polar co-ordinates change of order of integrationarea using double integrals change of variables using Jacobian triple integrals in cartesian, cylindrical and spherical co-ordinates volume using triple integrals change of variables using Jacobian simple problems. MODULE 4 (18 hours) - ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Linear differential equation with constant coefficients- complimentary function and particular integral Finding particular integral using method of variation of parameters Euler Cauchy equations- Legenders equations MODULE 5 (18 hours) - LAPLACE TRANSFORMS Laplace Transforms shifting theorem differentiation and integration of transform Laplace transforms of derivatives and integrals inverse transform application of convolution property Laplace transform of unit step function second shifting theorem(proof not expected) Laplace transform of unit impulse function and periodic function solution of linear differential equation with constant coefficients using Laplace Transform.

M.G. University

REFERENCES 1. Erwin Kreyszig ;Advanced Engineering Mathematics Wiley Eastern Ltd 2. Grewal B.S ;Higher Engineering Mathematics ,Khanna Publishers 3. N. P. Bali ;Engineering Mathematics ,Laxmi Publications Ltd 4. Goyal & Gupta ; Laplace and Fourier Transforms 5. Dr. M.K.Venkataraman ;Engineering Mathematics Vol. I,National Publishing Co. 6. Dr. M.K.Venkataraman Engineering Mathematics Vol. 2, National Publishing Co 7. T.Veerarajan ,Engineering Mathematics for first year, Mc Graw Hill 8. S.S.Sastry Engineering Mathematics Vol. I,Prentice Hall India 9. S.S.Sastry Engineering Mathematics Vol. 2, Prentice Hall India 10. B.V. Ramana Higher Engineering Mathematics, Mc Graw Hill



Teaching Scheme
I hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Credits: 4

Objectives To provide students knowledge of physics of a problem and an overview of physical phenomena.

MODULE I (12 hours) LASERS AND HOLOGRAPHY Lasers- Principle of laser- Absorption- Spontaneous emission- Stimulated emissionCharacteristics of laser - Population inversion- Metastable states- Pumping- Pumping Methods- Pumping Schemes- 3 level and 4 level pumping- Optical resonatorComponents of laser- Typical laser systems like Ruby laser- He-Ne laser- Semiconductor laser- Applications of laserHolography- Basic principle -Recording and reconstruction- comparison with ordinary photography-Applications of Hologram MODULE II (12 hours) NANOTECHNOLOGY AND SUPERCONDUCTIVITY Introduction to nanoscale science and technology- nanostructures-nanoring, nanorod, nanoparticle, nanoshells- Properties of nanoparticles- optical, electrical, magnetic, mechanical properties and quantum confinement- Classification of nanomaterials- C60, metallic nanocomposites and polymer nanocomposites- Applications of nanotechnology B. Superconductivity- Introduction- Properties of super conductors- Zero electrical resistance- Critical temperature- Critical current- Critical magnetic field- Meissner effectIsotope effect- Persistence of current- Flux quantization - Type I and Type II superconductors- BCS Theory (Qualitative study) Josephson effect- D.C Josephson effect- A.C Joseph son effect- Applications of superconductors. MODULE III (12 hours) CRYSTALLOGRAPHY AND MODERN ENGINEERING MATERIALS A. Crystallography Space lattice- Basis- Unit cell- Unit cell parameters- Crystal systems- Bravais lattices- Three cubic lattices-sc, bcc, and fcc- Number of atoms per unit cell- Co-ordination number- Atomic radius- Packing factor- Relation between density and crystal lattice constants- Lattice planes and Miller indices-Separation between lattice planes in sc- Braggs law- Braggs x-ray spectrometer- Crystal structure analysis. Liquid crystals- Liquid crystals, display systems-merits and demerits- Metallic glassesTypes of metallic glasses (Metal-metalloid glasses, Metal-metal glasses) Properties of metallic glasses (Structural, electrical, magnetic and chemical properties) Shape memory alloys- Shape memory effect, pseudo elasticity


MODULE IV (12 hours) ULTRASONICS A. Ultrasonics- Production of ultrasonics- Magnetostriction method Piezoelectric method- Properties of ultrasonics- Non destructive testing- Applications B. Spectroscopy- Rayleigh scattering (Qualitative) - Raman effect Quantum theory of Raman effect- Experimental study of Raman effect and Raman spectrum- Applications of Raman effect C. Acoustics- Reverberation- Reverbaration time- Absorption of sound- Sabines formula(no derivation)- Factors affecting acoustics properties

MODULE V (12 hours) FIBRE OPTICS Principle and propagation of light in optical fibre- Step index (Single Mode and Multi Mode fibre) and graded index fibre- N.A. and acceptance angleCharacteristics of optical fibres (Pulse dispersion, attenuation, V-number, Bandwidth-distance product) Applications of optical fibres- Fibre optic communication system (Block diagram)Optical fibre sensors (any five) Optical fibre bundle.

REFERENCES 1) A Text book of Engineering Physics M.N.Avadhanulu and P.G.Kshirsagar S.Chand& Company Ltd. 2) Nanomaterials- A.K.Bandhopadyaya New Age International Publishers 3) Engineering Physics A. Marikani 4) Engineering materials V Rajendran and Marikani-Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited 5) Engineering physics- Dr. M Arumugam - Anuradha Agencies 6) Nano ; The Essentials- T. Pradeep 7) Material Science-M Arumugham- Anuradha Agencies 8) Lasers and Non-Linear optics By B.B Laud- New Age International (P) Limited

M G University

EN010 103 Engineering Chemistry & Environmental Studies

(Common to all branches)

Teaching scheme Credits:4 1hr lecture and 1hr tutorial per week (total 60 hrs) Objectives To impart a scientific approach and to familiarize the applications of chemistry in the field of technology To create an awareness about the major environmental issues for a sustainable development.

Module 1 Electrochemical Energy Systems (13 hrs)

Electrochemical cells - Galvanic cell - Daniel cell EMF - determination by potentiometric method - Nernst equation derivation- Single electrode potential-Types of electrodesMetal/metal ion electrode, Metal/metal sparingly soluble salt electrode, Gas electrode and Oxidation/reduction electrode - Reference electrodes - Standard hydrogen electrode and Calomel electrode - Glass electrode Determination of pH using these electrodes Concentration cell Electrolytic concentration cell without transfer - Derivation of EMF using Nernst equation for concentration cell - Cells and Batteries - Primary and secondary cells - Lead acid accumulator, Ni-Cd cell, LithiumMnO2 cell and Rechargeable Lithium ion cell Polarization Overvoltage - Decomposition potential - Numerical problems based on Nernst equations and pH determination.

Module 2 Corrosion and Corrosion Control (10 hrs)

Introduction - Types of corrosion Chemical and Electrochemical corrosion Chemical corrosion Oxidation corrosion, By other gases and Liquid metal corrosion PillingBedworth rule - Electrochemical corrosion Mechanism - absorption of O2 and evolution of H2 - Types of electrochemical corrosion- Galvanic corrosion, Concentration cell corrosion, Differential aeration corrosion, Pitting corrosion, Waterline corrosion and Stress corrosion Factors influencing the rate of corrosion - Nature of the metal and Nature of the environment - Corrosion control methods Selection of metal and proper design, Cathodic protection (Sacrificial anodic protection and Impressed current cathodic protection), Modifying the environment, corrosion inhibitors and Protective coating - Metallic coating Anodic coating and cathodic coating - Hot dipping (Galvanizing and Tinning), Electroplating, Electroless plating, Metal spraying, Metal cladding Cementation- sheradizing - chromizing- calorizing and Vacuum metallization - Non-metallic coating - Anodization

Module 3 Engineering Materials (13 hrs)

High polymers Introduction - Degree of polymerization Functionality Tacticity - Types of polymerization (mechanisms not required) Addition, Condensation and Copolymerization - Glass transition temperature-(Tg) Definition only, Compounding and moulding of plastics - Compression, Injection, Extrusion, Transfer and Blow moulding. Fiber Reinforced Plastics - Glass reinforced plastics (GRP) - Manufacturing methods Hand lay up, Spray up and Filament winding - properties and uses. Conducting Polymers Polyacetylene and Polyaniline - Applications (mechanism not required) Rubber - Natural rubber Properties Vulcanization - Synthetic rubber - Preparation, properties and uses of Polyurethane rubber, NBR and Silicone rubber.

M G University

Carbon Nanotubes - Single walled (SWCNT) and Multi walled (MWCNT) - Properties and uses.

Module 4 Environmental Pollution (12 hrs)

Pollution - Types of pollution a brief study of the various types of pollution - Air pollution Sources and effects of major air pollutants Gases - Oxides of carbon, nitrogen and sulphur Hydrocarbons Particulates -Control of air pollution - Different methods - Water pollution Sources and effects of major pollutants - Inorganic pollutants- heavy metals cadmium , lead, mercury - Ammonia, Fertilizers and Sediments (silt) - Organic pollutants Detergents, pesticides, food waste, - Radioactive materials - Thermal pollutants - Control of water pollution - General methods Eutrophication - Definition and harmful effects Desalination of water - Reverse osmosis and Electrodialysis

Module 5 Environmental Issues (12 hrs)

An overview of the major environmental issues - Acid rain Smog - Photochemical smog Green house effect - Global warming and climate change - Ozone layer depletion Deforestation - Causes and effects - Wet land depletion Consequences, Biodiversity importance and threats, Soil erosion - Causes and effects, Solid waste disposal -Methods of disposal - Composting, Landfill, and Incineration, E-Waste disposal - Methods of disposal recycle( recovery) and reuse Renewable energy sources - Solar cells Importance - Photo voltaic cell - a brief introduction Bio fuels - Bio diesel and Power alcohol. Note: This course should be handled and examination scripts should be evaluated by the faculty members of Chemistry Text Books 1. 2. 3. 4. A text book of Engineering Chemistry - Shashi Chawla, Dhanpat Rai and Co. A text book of Engineering Chemistry - Jain & Jain 15th edition . A text book of Engineering Chemistry S. S. Dhara. Modern Engineering Chemistry Dr. Kochu Baby Manjooran. S.

References 1. Chemistry - John E. McMurry and Robert C. Fay, Pearson Education. 2. Polymer science V. R. Gowariker, New Age International Ltd. 3. A text book of polymer - M. S. Bhatnagar Vol I, II,& III, S. Chand publications. 4. Nano materials B. Viswanathan, Narosa publications. 5. Nano science & Technology V. S. Muralidharan and A. Subramania, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. 6. Nanotechnology - Er. Rakesh Rathi, S. Chand & Company Ltd. 7. Environmental Studies - Benny Joseph (2nd edition), Tata Mc Graw Hill companies. 8. Environmental Chemistry - Dr. B. K. Sharma, Goel publishers. 9. Environmental Chemistry A. K. De, New age International Ltd. 10. Industrial Chemistry B. K. Sharma, Goel publishers. 11. Engineering Chemistry O. G. Palanna, Tata Mc Graw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd.

M.G. University


(Common to all branches)

Teaching Scheme
3 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Credits: 6

Objective: To develop analytical skills to formulate and solve engineering problems. Module I ( 23 hrs) Introduction to Mechanics Basic Dimensions and Units Idealization of Mechanics Rigid Body Continuum Point force Particle Vector and Scalar quantities. Principles of Statics Force Systems Coplanar, Collinear, Concurrent and Parallel Free body diagrams Resolution of forces Moment of a Force Varignons Theorem Couple Resolution of a force into force couple system Conditions of static equilibrium of Rigid bodies Solutions of problems using scalar approach Force Systems in Space Introduction to Vector approach Elements of Vector algebra Position vector Moment of a Force about a Point and Axis Resultant of Forces Equilibrium of forces in space using vector approach Module II (23 hrs) Principle of Virtual work Elementary treatment only application of virtual work in beams, ladders Centroid of Lines, Areas and Volumes Pappus Guldinus Theorems Moment of Inertia of laminas Transfer theorems radius of Gyration problems Centre of Gravity Mass moment of Inertia of circular and rectangular plates solid rectangular prisms Cylinders Cones Module III (23 hrs) Friction Laws of friction Contact friction problems ladder friction Wedge friction Screw friction. Introduction to Structural Mechanics Types of Supports, loads, frames Static Indeterminacy Support reactions of beams Analysis of perfect trusses by method of joints, method of sections. Module IV (28hrs) Kinematics Rectilinear motion of a particle under Variable Acceleration Relative Velocity - problems Circular motion with Uniform and Variable Acceleration Relations between Angular and Rectilinear motion Normal and Tangential accelerations Combined motion of Rotation and Translation Instantaneous centre of zero velocity Wheels rolling without slipping Introduction to Mechanical Vibrations Free vibrations Simple Harmonic motion Module IV (23 hrs) Kinetics of particles Newtons laws of Motion of Translation DAlemberts Principle Motion of connected bodies Work Energy Principle Principle of Momentum and Impulse Collision of Elastic bodies Newtons laws of Rotational motion Angular Impulse and Torque Conservation of Angular Momentum Centrifugal and Centripetal forces Applications Work done and Power by Torque and Couple.

M.G. University

References: 1. Engineering Mechanics S. Timoshenko, D.H. Young Mc Graw Hill International Edition 2. Engineering Mechanics Statics and Dynamics Irving H Shames, G Krishna Mohana Rao Pearson Edutcation 3. S. Rajasekararn & G.Sankarasubramanian, Engineering Mechanics, Vikas Publishing Co. 4. Engineering Mechanics Prof.J.Benjamin 5. Engineering Mechanics G.S. Sawheney PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd, New Delhi 6. Engineering Mechanics K. L. Kumar, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi

M.G. University


Teaching Scheme Credits: 6
I hour lecture and 3 hour drawing per week Objectives To provide students of all branches of engineering with fundamental knowledge of engineering drawing To impart drawing skills to students

MODULE 1 (24 hours) Introduction to Engineering Graphics: Drawing instruments and their uses-familiarization with current BIS code of practice for general engineering drawing. Scales-Plain scales-Diagonal Scales-Forward and Backward Vernier Scales. Conic Sections:-Construction of conics when eccentricity and distance from directrix are given .Construction of ellipse (1) given major axis and foci (2) given major axis and minor axis (3)given a pair of conjugate diameters (4) by the four centre method. Construction of parabola given the axis and base. Construction of hyperbola-(1) given the asymptotes and a point on the curve. (2) Given ordinate, abscissa and transverse axis. Construction of rectangular hyperbola. Construction of tangents and normals at points on these curves. Miscellaneous curves:-Cycloids, Inferior and superior Trochoids-EpicycloidHypocycloid-Involute of circle and plain figures-Archimedian Spiral and Logarithmic Spiral- Tangents and normals at points on these curves. MODULE 2 (24 hours) Orthographic projections of points and lines:-Projections of points in different quadrantsProjections of straight lines parallel to one plane and inclined to the other plane-straight lines inclined to both the planes-true length and inclination of lines with reference planes using line rotation and plane rotation methods Traces of lines. Orthographic projections of planes-Polygonal surfaces and circular lamina. MODULE 3 (24 hours) Orthographic projections of solids:-Projections of prisms , cones ,cylinders ,pyramids ,tetrahedron ,octahedron and spheres with axis parallel to one plane and parallel or perpendicular to the other plane-the above solids with their axes parallel to one plane and inclined to the other plane axis inclined to both the reference planes-use change of position method OR auxiliary method. Sections of solids:-Sections of prisms ,cones , cylinders ,pyramids ,tetrahedron and octahedron with axis parallel to one plane and parallel or perpendicular or inclined to the other plane with section planes perpendicular to one plane and parallel , perpendicular or inclined to the other plane True shapes of sections. MODULE 4 (24 hours) Developments of surfaces of (1)simple solids like prisms ,pyramids , cylinder and cone (2) sectioned regular solids (3)above solids with circular or square holes with their axes intersecting at right angles.-Developments of funnels and pipe elbows. Isometric Projections:-Isometric Scales-Isometric views and projections of plane figures,simple&truncated solids such as prisms, pyramids, cylinder, cone, sphere, hemisphere and their combinations with axis parallel to one the planes and parallel or perpendicular to the other plane.

M.G. University

MODULE 5 (24 hours) Perspective projections:-Perspective projections of prisms,pyramids,cylinder and cone with axis parallel to one plane and parallel or perpendicular or inclined to the other plane by visual ray method OR vanishing point method Intersection of surfaces:-Intersection of prism in prism &cylinder in cylinder-Axis at right angles only. REFERENCES 1. Engineering Graphics-Unique Methods easy solutions-K.N Anilkumar 2. Engineering Graphics-P I Varghese. 3. Engineering Drawing-N D Bhatt 4. Engineering Graphics-P S Gill 5. Engineering Graphics-T S Jeyapoovan.



(Common to all branches)

Teaching scheme: 1 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objective: To familiarize all engineering students with the basic concepts of civil that they can perform better in this great profession Engineering.

Credits: 4

engineering so

Module 1 (12 hours) Introduction to civil engineering : various fields of civil engineering- Engineering materials: Cement Bogues compounds, manufacture of Portland cement-wet and dry process, grades of cement, types of cement and its uses steel types of steel for reinforcement bars ,structural steel sections,built-up sections,light gauge sections. Aggregates: Fine aggregate:- pitsand, riversand, M- sand--Coarse aggregate: natural and artificial , requirements of good aggregates. Timber: varieties found in Kerala seasoning and preservation. Bricks: classification, requirements, tests on bricks. Module 2 (12 hours) Cement mortar- preparation and its uses concrete ingredients, grades of concrete water cement ratio, workability, curing, ready mix concrete. Roofs - roofing materials -A. C, aluminium, GI, fibre, tile, reinforced concrete (brief description only)- reinforcement details of a one way slab, two way slab and simply supported beams. Module 3 (12 hours) Building Components: Foundation: Bearing capacity and settlement - definitions onlyfootings- isolated footing , combined footing - rafts, piles and well foundation , machine foundation (Brief description only). Superstructure: Walls - brick masonry types of bonds , English bond for one brick stone masonry-Random Rubble masonry. Module 4 (12 hours) Surveying: Classification principles of surveying- chain triangulation- instruments used, field work bearing of survey lines WCB and reduced bearing -Leveling: field work reduction of levels - height of instrument method. Introduction to total station- basic principles of remote sensing, GPS and GIS. Module 5 (12 hours) Site plan preparation for buildings (Sketch only) Kerala Municipal Building Rules (1999)-general provisions regarding site and building requirements coverage and floor area ratio basic concepts of intelligent buildings and green buildings- disposal of domestic waste water through septic tank and soak pit. Classification of roads- basics of traffic engineering road markings , signs, signals and islands, road safety-accidents, causes and remedies (brief description only)


Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50) 60% - Tests (minimum 2) 20% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz, literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc. 20% - Regularity in the class

References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Jha and Sinha, Construction and foundation Engineering, Khanna Publishers Punmia B. C., Surveying Vol I, Laxmi Publications Rangwala, Building Materials, Charotar Book stall K. Khanna ,C. E. G. Justo., Highway Engineering, Khanna Publishers Nevile., Properties of Concrete, Mc Graw Hill B C Punmia.,Basic Civil Engineering, Khanna Publishers Kerala Municipal Building Rules 1999

M G University


(Common to all branches)

Teaching scheme 1hour lecture and1hour tutorial per week Objective To impart basic knowledge in mechanical engineering Module 1(12 hours)

Credits- 4

Thermodynamics: Basic concepts and definitions, Gas laws, specific heat Universal gas constant- Isothermal, adiabatic and polytrophic processes, work done, heat transferred, internal energy and entropy - Cycles: Carnot, Otto and Diesel- Air standard efficiency. Basic laws of heat transfer (Fouriers law of heat conduction, Newtons law of cooling Steffen Boltzmanns law) Module 2 (12 hours) I.C. Engines: Classification of I.C Engines, Different parts of I.C engines, Working of two stroke and four stroke engines-petrol and diesel engines-air intake system, exhaust system, fuel supply system, ignition system, lubrication system, cooling system and engine starting system-Performance of I.C. engines, advantage of MPFI and CRDI over conventional system. Refrigeration: Unit of refrigeration, COP, Block diagram and general descriptions of air refrigeration system, vapour compression and vapour absorption systems- Required properties of a refrigerant, important refrigerants Domestic refrigerator- Ice plant. Air conditioning system: Concept of Air conditioning, psychometry, psychometric properties, psychometric chart, psychometric processes, human comfort winter and summer air conditioning systems (general description), air conditioning application. Module 3 (12 hours) Power transmission elements: Belt Drive - velocity ratio of belt drive, length of belt, slip in belt- simple problems Power transmitted Ratio of tensions Centrifugal tension Initial tension Rope drive, chain drive and gear drive-Types of gear trains (simple descriptions only) Module 4 (12 hours) Power plants: General layout of hydraulic, diesel, thermal and nuclear power plantsnonconventional energy sources (general description only). Hydraulic turbines and pumps : Classifications of hydraulic turbines types of hydraulic turbines runaway speed, specific speed, draft tube, cavitations, selection of hydraulic turbines .Classification of pumps positive displacement and rotodynamic pumps (description only)- applications Steam turbines: Classification of steam turbines, description of common types of steam turbines: Impulse and reaction, compounding methods. Module 5 (12 hours) Simple description of general purpose machines like lathe, shaping machines, drilling machines, grinding machines and milling machines, Basic concepts of CNC, DNC, CIM and CAD/CAM Manufacturing Processes: Moulding and casting, forging, rolling, welding- arc welding-gas welding (fundamentals and simple descriptions only)

M G University

Internal continues assessment ( Maximum Marks 50) 60% Test (minimum2) 20% Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, quiz, seminar. 20% regulatory in class Text book 1 P.L. Bellany, Thermal Engineering, Khnna Publishes 2 Benjamin J., Basic Mechanical Engineering, Pentx Reference Books 1 R.C.Patal, Elements of heat engines, Acharya Publishers 2 G.R Nagapal, Power plant engineering, Khnna publishes 3 P.K.Nag, Engineering Thermodynamics, McGraw Hill 4 Dr.P.R Modi &Dr.M.S. Seth, Hydraulics & Fluid Mechanics including Hydraulic Machines, Standard Book House

M.G. University

EN010 108: Basic Electrical Engineering

(Common to all branches)

Teaching Scheme I hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Credits: 4

Objectives To provide students of all branches of engineering with an overview of all the fields of electrical engineering To prepare students for learning advanced topics in electrical engineering Module I (10 hours) Kirchhoffs Laws Formation of network equations by mesh current method Matrix representation Solution of network equations by matrix method Star delta conversion. Magnetic circuits mmf, field strength, flux density, reluctance, permeability comparison of electric and magnetic circuits force on current carrying conductor in magnetic filed. Module II (12 hours) Electromagnetic Induction Faradays laws lenzs law statically and dynamically induced emf self and mutual inductance coupling coefficient. Alternating current fundamentals generation of AC frequency, period, average and r m s value, form factor, peak factor, phasor representation j operator power and power factor solution of RLC series and parallel circuits. Module III (13 hours) DC machine principle of operation of DC generator constructional details e m f equation types of generators. DC motor principle of operation of DC motor back emf need for starter losses and efficiency types of motors applications simple problems. Transformer principle of operation e m f equation Constructional details of single phase and three phase transformer losses and efficiency application of power transformer, distribution transformer, current transformer and potential transformer. Module IV (13 hours) Three phase system generation of three phase voltage star and delta system relation between line and phase voltages and currents phasor representation of three phase system - balanced delta connected system three wire and four wire system simple problems. Three phase power measurement Single wattmeter, two wattmeter and three wattmeter methods. Induction motors principle of operation of three phase induction motors applications of cage and slip ring induction motor single phase induction motors capacitor start / run, shaded pole universal motors - Applications. Synchronous generator (Alternator) principles of operation and types. Module V (12 hours) Generation of electric power types of generation hydroelectric, thermal and nuclear (Block schematic and layout only) - Non conventional energy sources solar, wind, tidal, wave and geothermal. Transmission need for high voltage transmission Transmission voltage Distribution Underground versus overhead Feeder Distributor Service mains conductor materials one line diagram of typical power system.

M.G. University

Requirements of good lighting system working principle of incandescent lamp, Fluorescent lamp and mercury vapour lamp-energy efficient lamps (CFL,LED lights) need for energy management and power quality home energy management. Text Books 1. D.P. Kothari & I.J. Nagrath Basic Electrical Engineering Tata McGraw Hill 2. D.C. Kulshreshta Basic Electrical Engineering - Tata McGraw Hill 3. Hughes Electrical and Electronic Technology Pearson Education Reference Books 1. R.V. Srinivasa Murthy Basic Electrical Engineering Sunguine Technical 2. J.B.Gupta Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering & Electronics S.K.Kataria 3. V.K. Mehta, Rohit Mehta Basic Electrical Engineering S.Chand. 4. Bureau of Engineering Efficiency Guide book for national certification examination for energy managers and auditors. 5. Rajendra Prasad Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, Prentice Hall India. 6. Soni, Gupta, Bhatnagar & Chackrabarty A text book on power system engineering Dhanapt Rai 7. Electrical Engineering Fundamentals Vincent Del Toro, Pearson Education.

M.G. University

EN010 109: Basic Electronics Engineering and Information Technology

(Common to all branches)

Teaching Scheme
2 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Credits: 5

Objectives To provide students of all branches of engineering with an overview of all the fields of electronics engineering and information technology

MODULE 1 (18 hours): Basic Circuit Components: Diode: Germanium, Silicon, Zener, LEDs (working principle only). Forward and reverse characteristics. [2hr.] Rectifiers: Half wave, fullwave , Bridge circuits, DC Power supply: Capacitor filter, Zener regulator. [3hrs.] Transistors :Different configurations - CE characteristics- and , concept of Amplifiers: Common emitter RC coupled amplifier, Frequency response, Bandwidth.(No analysis required) Comparison of BJT,FET,MOSFET, IGBT. [2hr.]. Integrated circuits: Advantages, classification of Linear and Digital ICs. Basics of Op-amps, inverting and non-inverting amplifiers.Family of ICs(Function diagram of 7400 & CD4011) [4hrs.] .Specifications of TTL and CMOS.[] Comparison. MODULE 2 (18 hours): Basic communication Engineering:Communication: Frequency bands: RF, VHF, UHF, x, ku, ka, c. Modulation need for modulation, basic principles of amplitude, frequency and pulse modulation. [6hrs.]. Block schematic of AM transmitter , Super-hetrodyne receiver, FM receiver.-function of each block.[3hrs.] .Wireless communication: Satellite Communication-Earth station, transponder and receiver.Mobile Communication: GSM-BSC, Cell structure, frequency re-use, hands-of, establishing a call. MODULE 3 (18 hours):Basic instrumentation and Consumer electronics: Electronic instrumentation: Transducers: Basic principles of Strain guage, LVDT, Thermistor, Photodiode, Typical moving coil microphones and Loud speaker.Block diagram of Digital Multimeter .[8hrs].CONSUMER ELECTRONICS: Basic principles of TV Interlaced Scanning-Block Diagram of PAL TV receiver(color).Basic principles of DTH, brief descriptions of MP3,multichannel audio 5.1,7.1. MODULE 4 (18 hours):Introduction: Definition and Scope of IT-Digital Computer, Von Neumann Architecture-Basic Operational Concepts-CPU-single Bus and Multi Bus Organization, A typical Instruction set, Execution of Instructions. Memory and I/O-Main Memory, Virtual Memory-Cache memory-Secondary Memories-Printers, Plotters, Displays ,Key board, Mouse, OMR and OCR-Device Interface-I/O Processor-I/O Channel MODULE 5 (18 hours) :Computer software-System Software and Application SoftwareMachine Language-Assembly Language-High Level Language-Language TranslatorsOperating System, Procedural Programming and Object Oriented Programming.Computer

M.G. University

Networks-Concepts of Networking-Network Topologies-WAN-LAN-MAN, ProtocolInternet-working concept, Internet Architecture, IP addresses, Routing, Domain Name System(Basic concepts only) References 1.Basic Electronics Devices, Circuits and IT fundamentals.Santiram Kal,PHI( Module 1to 5) 2. Basic Electronics: Bernad Grob, Mc Graw Hill Publication(Module 1) 3. Electronic Devices: Floyd, Pearson Education (Module 1) 4. Electronic Devices and Circuits: J.B. Gupta,S.K.Kataria & Sons (Module 1 , 2,3) 5. Digital Principles: Malvino & Leach, Mc Graw Hill Publication(Module 1) 6. Electronic Instrumentation: H.S Kalsi, Mc Graw Hill Publication(Module 2) 7. Communication Systems: Sanjay Sharma, S.K.Kataria & Sons (Module 2) 8. Satellite Comunication : Robert M.Gagliardi,CBS Publishers & Distributors.(Module 2) 9.Basic Radio and TV; S.P. Sharma,Tata McGrawhill(Module 2 &3) 10.Wireless Communication; T.S. Rappaport, Pearson(Module 3) 11.Computer Organization, Hamacher, Vranesic and Zaky, Mc Graw Hill (Module 4) 12.Systems Programming, JJ Donovan ,Mc Graw Hill (Module 5) 13.Computer Networks,Andrew.S Tanenbaum,Pearson Education(Module 5)

M G University

EN010 110: Mechanical Workshop

(Common to all branches) Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Credits: 1

Objectives To provide students of all branches of engineering in house experience of basic mechanical instruments and activities


Planing cutting chiselling, marking sawing cross and tee joints dovetail joints engineering application, Seasoning, Preservation Plywood and ply boards. Practice in chipping filing cutting male and female joints. Forging of square and hexagonal prism. Study of forging principles, materials and operations. Preparation of simple sand moulds moulding sand characteristics, materials, gate, runner, riser, core, chaplets and casting defects.

Fitting Smithy


Demonstration and study of machine tools lathe, drilling, boring, slotting, shaping, milling and grinding machines, CNC machines and machining centers. Demonstration and study of arc and gas welding techniques.

M G University

EN010 111: Electrical and Civil Workshops

(Common to all branches)

Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per 2 weeks for each

Credits: 1

Objectives To provide students of all branches of engineering in house experience of basic electrical and civil instruments and activities Electrical Workshop 1. Wiring and estimation of one lamp and one plug, Control of two lamps in series and in parallel. 2. Staircase wiring. 3. Godown wiring. 4. Insulation megger - earth megger , measurement of insulation resistance and earth resistance .Study of volt meter, ammeter , watt meter and energy meter. 5. Working principle and wiring of Fluorescent , CFL and Mercury vapour lamp . 6. Study and wiring of distribution board including power plug using isolator, MCB and ELCB Estimation of a typical 1BHK house wiring system. 7. Familiarization , soldering, testing and observing the wave forms on a CRO of a HW and FW Uncontrolled Rectifier (using diodes) with capacitor filter. 8. Observing the wave forms on a CRO of Experiment 7 without capacitor filter and find the average and RMS value of the voltage waveform. 9. Visit your college substation and familiarize the supply system, Transformer, HT Panel and Distribution etc. Civil Workshop Masonry : English bond Flemish bond wall junction one brick one and a half brick two brick and two and a half brick Arch setting. Plumbing: Study of water supply and sanitary fittings water supply pipe fitting tap connections sanitary fittings urinal, wash basin closet (European and Indian), Manholes. Surveying: Study of surveying instruments chain compass plane table levelling minor instruments. Demonstration of Theodolite and Total Station. Familiarization of latest building materials : Flooring materials Roofing materials Paneling boards.

Civil Engineering (CE)


(Common to all branches except CS & IT)

Teaching scheme
2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives

Credits: 4

To apply standard methods and basic numerical techniques for solving problems and to know the importance of learning theories in Mathematics.
Vector differential calculus ( 12 hours)


Scalar and vector fields gradient-physical meaning- directional derivative-divergence an curl - physical meaning-scalar potential conservative field- identities - simple problems MODULE 2 Vector integral calculus ( 12 hours)

Line integral - work done by a force along a path-surface and volume integral-application of Greens theorem, Stokes theorem and Gauss divergence theorem MODULE 3 Finite differences Finite difference operators and ( 12 hours) - interpolation using Newtons forward and

backward formula problems using Stirlings formula, Lagranges formula and Newtons divided difference formula MODULE 4 Difference Calculus ( 12 hours)

Numerical differentiation using Newtons forward and backward formula Numerical integration Newtons cotes formula Trapezoidal rule Simpsons 1/3rd and 3/8th rule Difference equations solution of difference equation MODULE 5 Z transforms ( 12 hours)

Definition of Z transforms transform of polynomial function and trignometric functions shifting property , convolution property - inverse transformation solution of 1st and 2nd order difference equations with constant coifficients using Z transforms. Reference 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Erwin Kreyszing Advance Engg. Mathematics Wiley Eastern Ltd. B.S. Grewal Higher Engg. Mathematics - Khanna Publishers B.V. Ramana - Higher Engg. Mathematics McGraw Hill K Venkataraman- Numerical methods in science and Engg -National publishing co S.S Sastry - Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis -PHI T.Veerarajan and T.Ramachandran- Numerical Methods- McGraw Hill Babu Ram Engg. Mathematics -Pearson. H.C.Taneja Advanced Engg. Mathematics Vol I I.K.International

EN010 302 Economics and Communication Skills

(Common to all branches) Teaching scheme 2hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week Credits: 4(3+1) Objectives To impart a sound knowledge of the fundamentals of Economics.

Module I (7 hours) Reserve Bank of India-functions-credit control-quantitative and qualitative techniques Commercial banks-functions- Role of Small Industries Development Bank of India and National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development The stock market-functions-problems faced by the stock market in India-mutual funds Module II (6 hours) Multinational corporations in India-impact of MNCs in the Indian economy Globalisation-necessity-consequences Privatisation-reasons-disinvestment of public sector undertakings The information technology industry in India-future prospects Module III (6 hours) Direct and indirect taxes- impact and incidence- merits of direct and indirect taxesprogressive and regressive taxes-canons of taxation-functions of tax systemtax evasion-reasons for tax evasion in India-consequences-steps to control tax evasion Deficit financing-role-problems associated with deficit financing Module IV (5 hours) National income-concepts-GNP, NNP, NI, PI and DPI-methods of estimating national income-difficulties in estimating national income Inflation-demand pull and cost push-effects of inflation-government measures to control inflation Module V (6 hours) International trade-case for free trade-case for protectionism Balance of payments-causes of disequilibrium in Indias BOP-General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade-effect of TRIPS and TRIMS in the Indian economy-impact of WTO decisions on Indian industry Text Books 1. Ruddar Datt, Indian Economy, S.Chand and Company Ltd. 2. K.K.Dewett, Modern Economic Theory, S.Chand and Company Ltd. References 1. Paul Samuelson, Economics, Tata McGraw Hill 2. Terence Byres, The Indian Economy, Oxford University Press 3. S.K.Ray, The Indian economy, Prentice Hall of India 4. Campbell McConnel, Economics, Tata McGraw Hill

Communication Skills
Objectives To improve Language Proficiency of the Engineering students To enable them to express themselves fluently and appropriately in social and professional contexts To equip them with the components of different forms of writing MODULE 1 (15 hours) INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATION Communication nature and process, Types of communication - Verbal and Non verbal, Communication Flow-Upward, Downward and Horizontal, Importance of communication skills in society, Listening skills, Reading comprehension, Presentation Techniques, Group Discussion, Interview skills, Soft skills MODULE II (15 hours) TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION Technical writing skills- Vocabulary enhancement-synonyms, Word Formation-suffix, affix, prefix, Business letters, Emails, Job Application, Curriculum Vitae, Report writingTypes of reports Note: No university examination for communication skills. There will be internal evaluation for 1 credit. REFERENCES 1. The functional aspects of communication skills, P.Prasad and Rajendra K. Sharma, S.K. Kataria and sons, 2007 2. Communication skills for Engineers and Scientists, Sangeeta Sharma and Binod Mishra, PHI Learning private limited, 2010 3. Professional Communication, Kumkum Bhardwaj, I.K. International (P) House limited, 2008 4. English for technical Communication, Aysha Viswamohan, Tata Mc Graw Publishing company limited, 2008


Teaching scheme: 2 hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objective This course gives an introduction to the fundamentals of fluid flow and its behavior so as to equip the students to learn related subjects and its application in the day to day life in a very effective manner. Module 1(12hours) Properties of fluids: Definition and Units- Mass density, Specific weight, Viscosity Classification of fluids Ideal and real fluids, Newtonian and non Newtonian fluids. Fluid pressure Atmospheric, Absolute, Gauge and Vacuum pressure, Measurement of pressure Piezometer, manometer, mechanical gauges. Total pressure and centre of pressure on a submerged lamina, pressure on a submerged curved surface pressure on lock gates, pressure on gravity dams. Module 2(12hours) Buoyancy Centre of buoyancy Metacentre Stability of floating and submerged bodies Determination of metacentric height Analytical & experimental methods. Kinematics of fluids : Methods of describing fluid motion:Legrangian& Eulerian methods-Types of flow Streamline, Path line and Streak line, Velocity potential function, Stream function, Circulation and Vorticity, Laplaces Differential equation in rectangular co-ordinates for two dimensional irrotational flow. Flow Net Orthogonality of stream lines and equipotential lines. Stream tube continuity equation for one dimensional flow. Module 3(12hours) Forces influencing motion Energy of fluids, Eulers equation, statement and derivation of Bernoullis equation and assumptions made. Applications of Bernoullis equation Venturi meter, Orifice meter, Pitot tube. Orifices and Mouth Pieces Different types of orifices,flow over a sharp edged orifice- flow through large rectangular orifice- flow through submerged orificeHydraulic Coefficients-External and internal mouthpiece. Notches and weirs Rectangular, triangular, trapezoidal notches, Cippoletti weir, submerged weir, broad crested weir. Module 4(12hours) Flow through pipes: Two types of flow-Laminar and Turbulent flow Reynolds experiment, loss of head due to friction, Darcy Weisbach equation, Other energy losses in pipes.

Hydraulic Gradient and Total Energy Lines: Flow through long pipes Pipes in series and parallel, Siphon, Transmission of power through pipes nozzle diameter for maximum power transmission. Laminar Flow in circular pipes: Hagen poiseuille equation. Turbulent flow through pipes:Establishment of flow in pipes-hydrodynamically smooth and rough boundary, Velocity distribution for turbulent flow in pipes. Drag and lift for immersed bodies: Module 5(12hours) Dimensional Analysis and Model studies: Units and dimensions of physical quantities, Dimensional Homogeneity of formulae and its application to common fluid flow problems, Dimensional Analysis-Rayleighs method, Buckinghams method. Derivations of dimensionless parameters, Froudes, Reynolds, Webber, Mach numbers. Hydraulic Models: Need, Hydraulic Similitude, Geometric, Kinematic, Dynamic similarity, Scale ratios of various physical quantities for Froudes and Reynolds model laws problems, Types of models-Undistorted and Distorted models, Scale effects in models, Spillway models and Ship models. References 1. Streeter V. L., Fluid Mechanics, Mc Graw Hill, International Students Edition. 2. Dr. P. N. Modi & Dr. S. M. Seth, Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics, Standard Book House Delhi. 3. Jagdishlal, Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulics, Metropolitan Book Co., Delhi. 4. R. J. Garde and A. G. Mirajoaker, Engineering Fluid Mechanics, Nem Chand & Bross., Roorkee. 5. Dr.D S Kumar,S K. Fluid Mechanics and Fluid power Engineering, Kataria& Sons,NewDelhi 6. Dr. R.K Bansal,A Text book of Fluid mechanics and Hydraulic machines, Laxmi Publications 7. Douglas,Fluid mechanics 4/e Pearson Education. 8. K Subramanya, Fluid Mechanics&Hydraulic Machines, Tata Mc Graw Hill, Education Private Limited NewDelhi 9. S RamamruthamHydraulics Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company.


Teaching scheme: 3 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objective To understand the strength characteristics of various structural members subjected to axial, bending, shearing and torsional loads Module 1(12hours) Simple stresses and strains: Elastic constants relation between them Bars of varying cross section - Deformation due to self weight Bars of uniform strength - Temperature stresses Composite members equilibrium & compatibility conditions. Compound stresses: Two dimensional problems-normal & tangential stresses on an inclined plane - principal stresses and planes-maximum shear stresses & planes Analytical &Mohrs circle methods. Module 2(10hours) Bending moment and shear force: Types of supports, beams &loads - Shear force and Bending moment diagrams for various types of statically determinate beams with various load combinations relation between load, shear force and bending moment. Module 3(12hours) Stresses in beams: Theory of simple bending- modulus of section bending stress & strain distribution for cross-sections symmetrical about Y-Y axis - built up sections Composite sections Beams of uniform strength. Shear stresses in beams: shear stress distribution in cross-sections symmetrical about Y-Y axis. Module 4(14hours) Stresses due to torsion: Torsion of solid and hollow circular shafts- power transmitted - stresses due to axial thrust, bending and torsion. Shear centre- shear flow (basic concepts only) Springs: Close coiled and open coiled Module 5(12hours) Columns and struts: Short and long columns-Elastic instability-Eulers formula for long columns with various end conditions effective length - slenderness ratiolimitations - Rankines formula Combined bending and direct stresses in short columns Pressure vessels: Thin and thick cylinders-Lames equation (derivation not required)stresses in thick cylinders due to internal pressure.

References 1. Timoshenko.S.P, Strength of Materials, Part-1, D. Van Nostrand company, Inc. Newyork. 2. Nag&Chanda, Fundamentals of Strength of Materials, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd. 3. Bansal R.K., Strength of Materials, Lakshmi Publications, New Delhi. 4. Bhavikatti S.S , Strength of Materials, Vikas Publishing House (P) Ltd. 5. Sadhu Singh, Strength of Materials, Khanna Publishers 6. D.S. Prakash Rao, Strength of Materials, Vol. I, University Press (India) Ltd. 7. Popov E.P., Engineering Mechanics of solids, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi. 8. Punmia B.C, Strength of Materials and Mechanics of structures, Vol.1, Lakshmi Publications, New Delhi. 9. Vazirani V.N., Ratwani N. M., Analysis of Structures, Vol.1, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi. 10. Kazimi S.M.A., Solid Mechanics, Tata Mc Graw Hill. 11.Singh, Mechanics of Solids, , Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi. 12. Arthur Morley, Strength of Materials, ELBS, Longman s Green& Company. 13.T.S.Thandavamoorthy,Analysis of Structures Strength and Behaviour,Oxford University Press,Chennai.

CE010 305
Teaching Scheme 3 hour lecture and 1hour tutorial per week

Credits : 4

Objective To ensure that the student develops knowledge of the basic and conventional surveying instruments, principles behind them, working of the instruments, plotting of the area from the field measurements, determination of the area and the theory behind curves. Module 1 (12hours) Compass surveying Prismatic compass surveyors compass bearings systems and conversions local attraction Magnetic declination dip traversing latitude and departure - omitted measurements errors in compass surveying Plane table surveying Accessories - Different methods radiation, intersection, resection and traversing two and three point problems and their solutions advantages and disadvantages - errors Module 2 (12hours) Levelling: levels and staves spirit levelling bench marks temporary and permanent adjustments booking - methods of reduction of levels arithmetic checks-differential, fly, check and profile leveling - cross sectioning curvature and refraction difficulties in leveling - reciprocal levelling errors in leveling sensitiveness of bubble tube. Contouring characteristics and uses of contours Locating contours- plotting. Module 3 (13hours) Theodolite Surveying: Transit theodolite vernier, micrometer and micro-optic theodolites description and uses fundamental lines of a transit theodolite temporary and permanent adjustments horizontal angle reiteration and repetition methods booking. Vertical angle measurements. Traversing: Methods of traversing loose needle and fast needle methods - plotting closing error - adjustment of closing error by graphical and analytical methods Bowditchs rule-conditions of closure closing error and distribution Gales traverse table. Tacheometric surveying: - General principles Stadia method distance and elevation formulae for staff held vertical Instruments constants analytic lens tangential method use of subtense bar. Module 4 (10hours) Areas and volumes Areas by latitude and departure - meridian distance method double meridian distance method co-ordinate method trapezoidal and Simpsons method area by planimeter. Volume trapezoidal and prismoidal rule. Volume from contours. - Capacity of reservoirs Mass haul curve.

Module 5 (13hours) Curves: Elements of a simple curve setting out simple curve by chain and tape methods Rankines method two theodolite method compound and reverse curve (parallel tangents only) transition curves different kinds functions and requirements setting out the combined curve by theodolite elements of vertical curve. References 1. Dr. B. C. Punmia, Surveying Vol. I & II, Laxmi Publications (P) LTD, New Delhi. 2. T.P. Kanetkar & Kulkarni, Surveying and leveling Vol. I&II A.V.G.Publications, Pune. 3. S.K. Duggal Surveying Vol I & II Tata Mc Graw Hill Ltd, 2006. 4. Dr. K. R. Arora, Surveying Vol. I, Standard Book House New Delhi. 5. C. Venkatramaiah, Text Book of Surveying, Universities Press (India) LTD. Hyderabad. 6. S.K.Roy, Fundamental of Surveying, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi. 7. S.K. Hussain & M.S. Nagaraj, Surveying, S.Chand & Company Limited. 8. B.N. Basak Surveying. 9. Alak De, Plane Surveying, S.Chand &Co.


Teaching scheme: 3 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To make the students familiar with physical and structural geology as well as the basics of mineralogy and petrology which help them to plan accordingly for the construction of Civil engineering structures.

Module 1 ( 10Hrs) Introduction: Various branches of geology - Relevance of Geology in Engineering. Geologic time scale. Physical Geology: Geomorphic processes-Rock weathering-Formation of soils, soil profiles-soils of India Geologic work and engineering significance of rivers and oceans. Module 2( 10Hrs) Dynamic Geology: Interior constitution of the earth-Various methods to study the interior-crust, mantle, core-lithosphere-asthenosphere-major discontinuitiesMoho, Guttenberg, Lehmann- composition of different layers-sima & sial. Plate tectonics: Lithospheric plates-diverging, converging and transform boundaries-their characteristic features-midoceanic ridge, benioff zone and transform faults-significance of plate tectonic concept. Earthquake: Elastic rebound theory-types of seismic waves-cause of earthquake intensity and magnitude of earthquake-Locating epicentre and hypocenter-effect of earthquake-distribution of earthquake-earthquake resistant structures. Module 3( 14Hrs) Mineralogy: Definition and classification-important physical properties of minerals-colour, streak, lusture, transperancy, cleavage, fracture, hardness, form, specific gravity and magnetism. Study of the diagnostic physical properties and chemical composition of the following rock forming minerals: 1.Quartz, 2.Feldspar, 3.Hypersthene, 4.Auguite, 5. Hornblende, 6. Biotite, 7.Muscovite, 8.Olivine, 9.Garnet, 10.Fluorite, 11.Tourmaline, 12.Calcite, 13.Kyanite, 14. Kaolin, 15. Serpentine. Petrology: Definition and classification-important structures and textures of igneous sedimentary and metamorphic rocks-diagnostic texture, mineralogy, engineering properties and uses of following rocks: Igneous rocks: 1. Granite, 2. Syenite, 3. Diorite, 4. Gabbro, 5. Peridotite, 6.Dolerite, 7.Basalt 8.Pegmatite. Sedimentary rocks: 1. Conglomerate, 2. Breccia, 3. Sandstone, 4. Limestone, 5. shale.Metamorphic rocks: 1. Gneiss, 2. Schist, 3. Slate, 4. Marble, 5. Quartzite, 6. Mylonite, 7. Pseudotachyllite. Special Indian rock types: 1. Charnockite, 2. Khondalite, 3. Laterite.

Module 4( 14Hrs) Structural Geology: Definition-outcrop-stratification-dip and strike. Folds-definitionparts of fold-classification-recognition of folds in the field- Faults-definitionparts of a fault-classification-recognition in the field-effects of faulting and subsequent erosion on outcrops. Joints-definition-classification. Unconformites-definition-classification recognition in the field. Effects of all the above described structures in the major engineering projects like reservoirs, dams, tunnels and other important structures. Module 5(12 Hrs) Engineering Geology: Mass movement of earth materials-Landslides-definition, classification, causes of land slides and their corrections-Geological considerations in the selection of sites for reservoirs and dams. Geological considerations in Tunnel constructions and mountain roads-rocks as building materials. Hydrogeology: Groundwater table-abundance and advantages-aquifer-acquicludeacquifuge-artesian conditions and artesian wells-cone of depression perched water table. Recommended field work: Field trip to quarries or geologically significant places to learn - in site character of rocks in quarries/outcrops-measuring strike and dip of a formation-tracing of outcrops. References 1. Arthur Holmes, Physical geology, Thomas Nelson. 2. Parbin Singh, Engineering & general geology, K.Katria & sons, New Delhi. 3. HH.Read, Rutleys elements of mineralogy, George Allen & Unwin Ltd, London. 4. G.W.Tyrell, Principles of petrology, B.I. Publications, Bombay. 5. M.P.Billings, Strucutural geology, Aisa publishing house, New Delhi. 6. Krynine&Judd, Engineering geology & geotechniques, Tata McGraw hill, New Delhi. 7. David Keith Todd, Groundwater hydrology, John Wiley & sons, New York.


Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Objective: To study properties of various materials List of Experiments

Credits: 2

1. Tests on springs (open and close coiled) 2. Bending Test on Wooden Beams using U. T. M. 3. Verification of Clerk. Maxwell's Law of reciprocal deflection and Determination of Youngs modulusE for steel. 4. Torsion Pendulum (M.S. wires. Aluminum wires and brass wires) 5. Tension test using U. T. M. on M. S. Rod, torsteel and High Tensile steel. 6. Torsion Test on M. S, Road 7. Shear Test on M.S. Rod. 8. Fatigue Test 9. Impact Test (Izod and Charpy) 10. Hardness Test (Brinell, Vickers and Rebound) 11. Strut Test. Note All tests should be done as per relevant BIS. References 1. Timoshenko.S.P, Strength of Materials, Part-1, D.Van Nostrand company, Inc.Newyork. 2. Bansal R.K., Strength of Materials, Lakshmi Publications, New Delhi.
3. Bhavikatti S.S , Strength of Materials, Vikas Publishing House (P) Ltd. 4. D.S. Prakash Rao, Strength of Materials, Vol. I, University Press (India) Ltd.

5. Popov E.P., Engineering Mechanics of solids, Prentice Hall of India, New Deihi. 6. Punmia B.C, Strength of Materials and Mechanics of structures, Vol.1, Lakshmi Publications, New Delhi.

CE010 308 SURVEYING PRACTICAL I Teaching Scheme 3 hours practical per weak Credits :2

Objective: To impart training in surveying using Chain, Compass, Plane table , Level and theodolite. List of Exercises 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Compass Survey- Traversing with compass and plotting Plane table Survey- Solving Two Point Problem Plane table Survey -Solving Three Point Problem Leveling -Fly leveling- plane of collimation method Leveling- Fly leveling- rise and fall method Leveling -Longitudinal and cross sectioning Leveling -Contour surveying Study of Minor instruments: Planimeter, pantagraph, clinometer, hand levels, Quick setting level, Cylon Ghat Tracer, sextent 9. Theodolite : study of instrument, temporary adjustments, measurement of horizontal and vertical angles. 10. Theodolite surveying - horizontal angle by repetition & reiteration methods. 11. Heights and distances by solution of triangles

References 1. Dr.B.C.Punmia, Surveying Vol. I & II, Laxmi Publications (P) LTD, New Delhi. 2. T.P.Kanetkar & Kulkarni, Surveying and leveling Vol. I&II A.V.G.Publications, Pune. 3. Dr.K.R.Arora, Surveying Vol. I, Standard Book House New Delhi. 4. S. K. Duggal, Surveying Vol I, Mc Graw Hill,

EN010 401 Engineering Mathematics III

(Common to all branches)

Teaching scheme
2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives: Apply standard methods of mathematical &statistical analysis

Credits: 4

Module 1 (12 hours) Fourier series: Dirichlet conditions Fourier series with period 2 and 2l Half range sine and cosine series Harmonic Analysis r.m.s Value. Module 2 (12 hours) Fourier Transform : Statement of Fourier integral theorem Fourier transforms derivative of transforms- convolution theorem (no proof) Parsevals identity. Module 3 (12 hours) Partial differential equations : Formation by eliminating arbitrary constants and arbitrary functions solution of Lagranges equation Charpits method solution of Homogeneous partial differential equations with constant coefficients. Module 4 (12 hours) Probability distribution : Concept of random variable , probability distribution Bernoullis trial Discrete distribution Binomial distribution its mean and variance- fitting of Binominal distribution Poisson distribution as a limiting case of Binominal distribution its mean and variance fitting of Poisson distribution continuous distribution- Uniform distribution exponential distribution its mean and variance Normal distribution Standard normal curve- its properties. Module 5 (12 hours) Testing of hypothesis : Populations and Samples Hypothesis level of significance type I and type II error Large samples tests test of significance for single proportion, difference of proportion, single mean, difference of mean chi square test for variance- F test for equality of variances for small samples. References 1. Bali& Iyengar A text books of Engg. Mathematics Laxmi Publications Ltd. 2. M.K. Venkataraman Engg. Mathematics vol II 3rd year part A & B National Publishing Co. 3. I.N. Sneddon Elements of partial differential equations Mc Graw Hill 4. B.V. Ramana Higher Engg. Mathematics Mc Graw Hill 5. Richard A Johnson Miller Freads probability & Statistics for Engineers- Pearson/ PHI 6. T. Veerarajan Engg. Mathematics Mc Graw Hill 7. G. Haribaskaran Probability, Queueing theory and reliability Engg. Laxmi Publications 8. V. Sundarapandian - probability ,Statistics and Queueing theory PHI 9. H.C.Taneja Advanced Engg. Mathematics Vol II I.K.International 10. A.K.Mukhopadhyay-Mathematical Methods For Engineers and Physicists-I.K.International

CE010 402 CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT Teaching scheme: 3 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objective: Imparting fundamental knowledge in network scheduling techniques, details of execution of works, principles of functional planning of buildings, mechanization in construction, project cost analysis and industrial relations Module 1 (12 Hours) Fresh concrete Workability-factors affecting-measurement of workability-different tests for workability-segregation-bleeding-process of manufacture of concrete-batchingmixing-transportation-compaction-curing methods-admixtures in concrete-special concretes Joints Construction joints expansion joints contraction joints sliding joints joints in water retaining structures etc. Scaffolding and Formwork (elementary concepts only). Flooring different types Mosaic marble granite roofing pitched and flat roofs domes and folded plate roofs Damp prevention Causes Material used Damp proofing of floors walls roofs. Finished works plastering, painting white washing distempering application of Snowcem Concrete repairs-construction and constructed facilities. Module 2 (12 Hours) Functional planning of buildings general principles of site plan principles of functional planning orientation of buildings shading principles. Modern construction materials Intelligent buildings building automation. Construction management Mechanisation in construction earth moving,handling, pneumatic and hoisting equipment pile driving equipment Earthwork computation mass diagram soil compaction & stabilization owning and operating works of construction equipment. Module 3 (12 Hours) Introduction to job planning and Management: Bar charts and mile stone charts - work breakdown structure - C P M and PERT networks - Network and time estimates - Earliest expected time - Forward pass and backward pass - Time estimates - related problems. Module 4 (12 Hours) Project costs analysis: Cost Vs Time curve - optimum duration- related problems - updating, resource allocation - resource smoothing resource leveling Network compression - Compression limited by crashing - float- parallel critical paths - crashed critical paths most economical solution.

Module 5 (12 Hours) Industrial Relations: Payment of wages Act - Minimum wages Act - Employees State Insurance Act Workers participation in management labour welfare and social security Industrial safety and welfare provision role of state in labour welfare role of labour welfare officers social security principles and practice. References 1. M. S. Shetty, Concrete technology, S.Chand & Co. 2. S. P.Arora, Building construction, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, New Delhi. 3. Dr.Mahesh Varma, Construction Equipment and its Planning and Application, Metropolitan Book Company. 4. R.L.Peurifoy, W.B.Ledbetter, Construction Planning, Equipment, and methods, Tata Mc Graw Hill. 5. Chitkara, Construction Project Management Planning scheduling and control Mc GrawHill 6. B.L.Gupta, Amit Gupta, Construction Management and Accounts, Standard publishers and Distributors. 7 James.D.Steevens, Techniques for Construction Network Sheduling, McGraw Hill. 8. S.C.Sharma, Management of Systems, Khanna Publishers. 9. L. S. Srinath, PERT and CPM Principles and Applications, East West Press. 10. Subir K. Sarkar,Subhajit Sarasswati ,Construction Technolgy, Oxford University press. 11. A.R. Santhakumar, Concrete Technology, Oxford university Press.

CE010 403: MECHANICS OF SOLIDS- II Teaching scheme: 2 hour lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives:
To understand the basic strength and energy theorems of Structural Mechanics and its applications To study deformations of bodies caused by externally applied forces and the internal effects produced due to moving loads. .

Credits: 4

Module 1 (12 hours) Deflection of determinate beams: Differential equation of the elastic curve- slope & deflection of beams by Double integration method (concept only)-Macaulays method - Conjugate beam method Deflection due to shear (concept only). Module 2 (12 hours) Energy Theorems: Strain energy due to axial load( gradual, sudden & impact), bending, shear and torsion-principle of super position- Betti s theorem -Maxwell s reciprocal theorem-principle of virtual work(deformable bodies)-Castigliano s first theoremdeflection of statically determinate beams & pin jointed frames by strain energy, virtual work and unit load methods Module 3 (12 hours) Moving loads and influence lines: effect of moving loads-influence lines for reaction, shear force and bending moment for determinate beams Absolute maximum bending moment (basic concept only). Module 4 (12 hours) Arches: Theoretical arch-Eddy s theorem- analysis of three hinged arches support reactions-normal thrust-radial shear Cables and suspension bridges: General cable theorem-analysis of cables under concentrated and uniformly distributed loads-anchor cables Suspension bridges with stiffening girders(basic concepts only). Module 5 (12 hours) Theories of Elastic Failure: Maximum principal stress theory-maximum shear stress theory - maximum principal strain theory Mohrs theory. Principle of stationary and minimum potential energy, Castiglianos theorems (theory only) Unsymmetrical bending: Product of inertia-principal axes (basic concepts only) References:
1.Devdas Menon, Structural Analysis, Vol.1, Narosa, Chennai. 2. Bhavikatti S.S , Structural Analysis Vol. I, Vikas Publishing House (P) Ltd.

3. Reddy C.S., Basic Structural Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co.1996. 4. C. K. Wang, Intermediate Structural Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Ltd. 5. Smith J.C. Structural Analysis, Macmillian Pub.Co.1985.

6. Rajesekharan &Sankarasubramanian,G., Computational Structural Mechanics, Prentice Hall of India, 2001. 7. Wang C.K.& Solomon C.G., Introductory Structural Analysis, McGraw Hill.1968. 8. Sadhu Sindh, Strength of Materials, Khanna Publishers, 1988. 9. Seeli F.B.& Smith J.P., Advanced Mechanics of Materials, John Wiley &Sons, 1993. 10. Norris & Wilbur, Elementary Structural Analysis, McGraw Hill. 11. Junarker S.R., Mechanics of Structures, Vol. II, Charorbar Book Stall. 12. Timoshenko S.P, Young D.H., Theory of structures, McGraw Hill 13. Thadani B.N, Desai J.P, Structural mechanics, Weinall Book Corporation. 14. Punmia B.C., Strength of materials and theory of structures, Vol.II, Laxmi publications.


Teaching scheme: 3 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives: The problems that man encountered in the field of water supply, irrigation, navigation and water power resulted in the development of fluid mechanics It enables us to understand the interesting phenomenon in nature and it empowers us to design and to create variety of fluid flow equipment for the benefit of mankind Credits: 4

Module 1 (12 Hours) Flow in open Channel Types of flow, Velocity distribution in open channels, Uniform flow in open channels Chezys , Mannings and Kutters formula, Most economical cross sections computation of uniform flow- conveyance - Normal depth. Energy in open channel flow- specific energy. Momentum in open channel flow-specific force , Critical flow and its computation-critical flow in rectangular channels Application of specific energy and discharge diagrams to channel transitions, Module 2 (12 Hours)
Measurent of flow in open channels-mean velocity-pitot tube,current meter,floats. Discharge in flumes and rivers Gradually varied flow- Dynamic Equation for gradually varied flow- in wide rectangular channels-different forms of the dynamic equation, channel bottom slopesStudy of surface profiles and its Characteristics in prismatic channels, backwater computation by direct step method.

Module 3 (10 Hours) Rapidly varied flow, hydraulic jump initial and sequent depths, nondimensional equation, Practical application of hydraulic jump, Types of jump in horizontal floor, Basic characteristics of the jump, Energy loss, efficiency, height of jump, jump as energy dissipater, stilling basins, Location of hydraulic jump. Module 4 (14 Hours) Hydraulic Machines Impulse momentum principle, Impact of jet, Force of jet on stationary and moving plates Turbines Classification, velocity triangle for Pelton, Francis, Kaplan turbines, Specific speed, selection of turbines, draft tube types, Module 5 (12 Hours) Centrifugal Pumps Types, Velocity triangle for pumps-Work done- Head of pump, Losses and efficiency, Minimum starting speed, Specific speed, Multistage pump, Pumps in parallel.

Positive displacement pumps working principle, types of reciprocating pumps, work done- effect of acceleration and frictional resistance, slip and coefficient of discharge. Indicator diagram, separation in suction and delivery pipes. Air vessel rate of flow into and from air vessel. References 1. Ven Te Chow, Open Channel Hydraulics, Mc Graw Hill Ltd. 2. K. Subrahmanya, Flow in open channel vol.1, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 3. Dr. P. N. Modi & Dr. S. M. Seth, Hydraulics & Fluid Mechanics, Standard Book House, Delhi. 4. Jagadheesh Lal, Hydraulic Machines, Metropolitian Book Co., New Delhi. 5. Dr. R.K Bansal,A Text book of Fluid mechanics and Hydraulic machines,Laxmi Publications 6. K.G Rangaraju, Flow through openchannel Tata Mc Graw Hill 7 . Shivkumar, Fluid Mechanics& Fluid Machines Basic concepts& Principles; Ane Books Pvt. Ltd

CE010 405 SURVEYING - II Teaching Scheme 3 hour lecture and 1hour tutorial per week Objective To impart knowledge in triangulation, aerial photogrammetry and modern Electro Magnetic Distance Measurement instruments. Module 1 (12 hours) Triangulation: triangulation figures classification of triangulation systems selection of triangulation stations intervisibility and heights of stations station marks signals and towers base line choice measurement of base lines instrument- extension of base- satellite stations need, reduction to centre. Module 2 (12 hours) Theory of errors and triangulation Adjustments: Kinds of error laws of weights principles of least squares determination of most probable value of quantities probable error distribution of error to the field measurements normal equation Method of correlatives Adjustment of simple triangulation figures. Module 3 (10 hours) Hydrographic surveying Equipment Methods of locating soundings reduction and plotting of soundings use of sextants and station pointer. Electro Magnetic Distance Measurement (EDM): - Principle of EDM Types of EDM instruments Distomat Total Station principles procedure and surveying using Total Station data retrieval and processing. Module 4 (12 hours) Terrestrial photogrammetry General principles photo theodolite horizontal position of a point from photogrammetric measurements elevation of a point determination of focal length of lens. Aerial photogrammetry aerial camera scale of vertical photograph relief displacement on a vertical photograph principle of parallax stereoscopic pairs flight planning radial line method flying height and overlaps remote sensing concepts of remote sensing ideal remote sensing system. Module 5 (14 hours) Geodesy shape of earth effects of curvature spherical excess convergence of meridians. Field Astronomy: - Definitions celestial sphere astronomical triangle - coordinate systems. Determination of time, azimuth, latitude and longitude. References: 1. T. P. Kanetkar and Kulkarni, Surveying and leveling Vol. II, A.V.G. Publications, Pune. Credits : 4

2. B. C. Punmia, Surveying and leveling Vol. II, Laxmi Publications (P) LTD, New Delhi. 3. Thoms M. Lillerand, Remote sensing and image interpretation, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York. 4. Dr. K.R. Arora, Surveying Vol. II, Standard Book House, New Delhi. 5. Alak De, Plane Surveying, S.Chand &Co. 6. S. K. Duggal Surveying Vol I & II Tata Mc Graw Hill Ltd, 2006. 7. R. Sathikumar, Satheesh Gopi and N. Madhu, Advanced Surveying: Total Station, GIS and remote Sensing, Pearson Education, India

CE010 406 CIVIL ENGINEERING DRAWING Teaching scheme 4 hours drawing per week Credit -4

Objectives: To create awareness among students regarding the principles of building drawing and equip them to prepare plan , section, elevation , site plan and service plan of buildings as per Kerala Building Rules. PART A Detailed drawing of panelled door with wooden frame. (1 sheet). Reinforced concrete staircase (1 sheet). Roof truss using standard steel sections (1 sheet). Roof lines (1 sheet). Detailing of Mangalore pattern tiled roofing (1 Sheet). PART B Working drawings Preparation of plan, section and elevation from line sketches (single and double storied buildings)(8 sheets). Preparation of line sketches and working drawings of single storied RCC residential buildings, as per area and functional requirements. ( 2 sheets) Preparation of site plan as per Kerala Building Rules. (1sheet)

Plumbing servicesLayout of water supply and sanitary connections for residential buildings.(1 sheet) Mark distribution Part A - 30 marks. Part B - 70 marks. References:1. Balagopal & T. S. Prabhu, Building drawing & detailing, Spades Publishers and distributors, Calicut. 2. Shah & Kale, Building Drawing, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi. 3. B.P.Varma, Civil Engineering drawing and House Planning, Khanna Publishers, Delhi. 4. Gurucharan Singh, Subhash Chander Sharma, Civil Engineering drawing, Standard Publishers distributors, Delhi. 5. National Building code, Kerala building byelaws.


Teaching Scheme 3 hours practical per week Credits: 2

Objective To give a practical knowledge in different aspects of Theodolite Surveying & Tacheometry List of exercises 1. Determination of tacheometric constants 2. Heights and distances by stadia tacheometry(2classes) 3. Heights and distances by tangential tacheometry(2classes) 4. Three point problem. 5. Setting out of simple curves - angular method 6. Theodolite traversing 7. Setting out of building plans 8. Study of Total station 9. Total station Horizontal and vertical angles, Horizontal distance, Level difference. References : 1. Dr. B. C. Punmia, Surveying Vol. I & II, Laxmi Publications (P) LTD, New Delhi. 2. T.P. Kanetkar & Kulkarni, Surveying and leveling Vol. I&II A.V.G.Publications, Pune. 3. Dr. K. R. Arora, Surveying Vol. I, Standard Book House New Delhi. 4.. S. K. Duggal , Surveying Vol I& II, Tata Mc Graw Hill.


Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Objectives Credits: 2

To impart practical knowledge in heat engines and hydraulics laboratories PART-A (FLOW) 1. Study of taps, valves, pipe fittings, gauges, pitot tubes, watermeters and current meters. 2. Determination of metacentric height and radius of gyration of floating bodies. 3. Hydraulic coefficients of orifices and mouthpieces under constant head method and time of emptying method. 4. Calibration of venturimeter, orifice meter and watermeter. 5. Calibration of rectangular and triangular notches. 6. Determination of Darcy s and Chezy s constant for pipe flow. 7. Determination of Chezy s constant and Mannings number for open channel flow. 8. Determination of discharge coefficient for plug-sluices. PART B (MACHINERY) 1. Study of reciprocating pump and components-single cylinder and multicylinder, self priming pumps and centrifugal pumps. 2. Study of impulse and reaction turbines. 3. Performance characteristics of self priming pump. 4. Performance characteristics of centrifugal pump. 5. Performance characteristics of reciprocating pump 6. Performance characteristics of Pelton wheel. 7. Performance characteristics of Francis Turbine. 8. Performance characteristics of Kaplan Turbine.
References 1. Hydraulic Machines-Jagadishlal

EN010 501A ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS IV (Common to all branches except CS & IT) Teaching scheme
2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week

Credits: 4

Objectives: Use basic numerical techniques to solve problems and provide scientific techniques to decision making problems. Module 1 (12 hours) Function of Complex variable : Analytic functions Derivation of C.R. equations in cartision co-ordinates harmonic and orthogonal properties construction of analytic function given real or imaginary parts complex potential conformal mapping of z2 , cross ratio invariant property (no proof) simple problems. Module 2 (12 hours) Complex integration: Line integral Cauchys integral theorem Cauchys integral formula Taylors series- Laurents series Zeros and singularities types of singularities Residues Residue theorem evaluation of real integrals in unit circle contour integral in semi circle when poles lie on imaginary axis. Module 3 (10 hours) Numerical solution of algebraic and transcendental equations: Successive bisection method Regula falsi method Newton Raphson method - Secant method solution of system of linear equation by Gauss Seidel method. Module 4 ( 10 hours) Numerical solution of Ordinary differential equations: Taylors series method Eulers method modified Eulers method Runge Kutta method (IV order) - Milnes predictor corrector method. Module 5 (16 hours) Linear programming problem: Definition of L.P.P., solution, optimal solution, degenerate solution graphical solution solution using simplex method (non degenerate case only) Big -M method Duality in L.P.P. Transportation problem Balanced T.P. initial solution using Vogels approximation method - modi method (non degenerate case only) References 1. B.V. Ramana Higher Engg. Mathematics Mc Graw Hill 2. M.R.Spicgel , S.Lipschutz , John J. Schiller, D.Spellman Complex variables, schanms outline series - Mc Graw Hill 3. S.Bathul text book of Engg.Mathematics Special functions and complex variables PHI 4. B.S. Grewal Numerical methods in Engg. and science - Khanna Publishers - Bilinear transformation

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Dr.M.K Venkataraman- Numerical methods in science and Engg -National publishing co S.S Sastry - Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis -PHI P.K.Gupta and D.S. Hira Operations Research S.Chand Panneer Selvam Operations Research PHI H.C.Taneja Advanced Engg. Mathematics Vol II I.K.International


Teaching Scheme 3 hours lecture and 1hour tutorial per week. Credit: 4

Objective: To provide a strong foundation in the basics of C-Programming so that students can develop the ability to design softwares. Module I (15 Hours) Introduction to C: The C character set- identifiers and keywords- data types-user defined data types-constants and variables-declarations- operators-expressionsstatements-library input-output functions Control statements: if, if-else, switch, -conditional and comma operators. Module II (15 Hours) Iterative statements: while, do-while, for statements-nested loops, break and continue statements. Functions: Declarations, definition and access-passing arguments to a function pass by value and pass by reference-recursion. Storage classes: automatic variables-external variables-register variables-scope and lifetime of variables-macros Module III (12 Hours) Arrays: Single dimensional arrays-multidimensional arrays-definition-initializing arrays-passing arrays to a function- matrix operations-addition, transpose and multiplication. Pointers-declaration-operations. Strings: definition string handling function-comparison, concatenation and sorting of strings Module IV (10 Hours) Structures and union: definition initialization-accessing structure membersarray of structures-passing structure to a function sorting of structures binary files-reading and writing of data blocks-union. Dynamic memory allocation - self referential structures - basic concepts of linked lists. Module V (8 Hours) Files :File pointers-data files-opening and closing-reading and writing-appendingerror handling function-handling data in blocks-command line arguments. References 1.B.S. Gotterfield Theory and Problems of Programming with C.TMH 2. Balaguruswamy, Programming in C, Tata Mc Graw Hill. 3. Kern Ingham , Ritchie, The C programming language, Prentice Hall. 4. Byron S Gottfried, Programming with C, Tata Mc Graw Hill.

5. Y. Kenetker, Let us C, BPB Publications. 6. V. Rajaraman, Programming with C. 7. Y. Kenetker, Exploring C, BPB Publications.


Teaching Scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week. Credit: 4

Objective To provide the students with the knowledge of behaviour of reinforced concrete structural elements in flexure, shear, compression and tension and to enable them to design such elements. Module 1 (12 hours) Working stress method: Introduction- permissible stresses-factor of safety behaviour of R.C.C beams assumptions-under reinforced over reinforced and balanced sections. Theory of singly and doubly reinforced beams. Module 2 (12 hours) Limit state method: Concepts-assumptions characteristic strength and load partial safety factors-limit states-limit state of collapse limit state of serviceability. Theory of singly and doubly reinforced rectangular sections in flexure-design of simply supported and flanged beams. Module 3 (15 hours) Behaviour and design of one way and two way slabs-Continuous slabs-analysis using method recommended by BIS -arrangements of reinforcement in slabs. Design of flat slab (Concept only). Module 4 (8 hours) Design of columns: Limit state method- I S specifications-design of columns with lateral and helical reinforcement-members subjected to combined axial load and bending. Module 5 (13 hours) Design of footings-Isolated footing with axial and eccentric loading-combined footing. Stair cases-introduction to different types-design of simply supported flights-cantilever steps. Note: Sketches only required for reinforcement details. Detailed drawing in drawing sheets not required. References 1. Relevant IS codes. (I.S 456, I.S 875,SP 16) 2. Park R and Pauloy T, Reinforced concrete structures, John Wiely & sons Inc. 3. Purushothaman P, Reinforced concrete structural elements-Behaviour, Analysis and Design, Tata McGraw Hill publishing company Ltd. 4. Unnikrishna Pillai S. & D.Menon, Reinforced concrete design, Tata McGraw Hill

Publishing company Ltd. 5. Mallick S.K., Reinforced concrete, Oxford & IBH Publishing company. 6. Varghese P.C., Limit state design of Reinforced concrete, Printice Hall of India Pvt Ltd. 7. Ashok .K. Jain, Reinforced concrete- Limit state design, New Chand & Bose. 8. S.S Bhavikatti, Design of Reinforced concrete structures, I.K.International Publishing house Pvt.Ltd


Teaching scheme: 3 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objective: Geotechnical Engineering is one of the important disciplines of Civil Engineering involving the study of behaviour and engineering properties of soil. The objective of the course is to present different laws and principles of Soil Mechanics so that the strength and settlement of the foundation soil can be evaluated. Module 1 (15 Hours) Soil formation and soil types: Residual soil and transported soil-Soil structureBasic structural units of clay minerals. Simple soil properties: three phase systems - void ratio - porosity - degree of saturation - moisture content - specific gravity unit weight relationships. Laboratory and field identification of soils: Determination of water content, specific gravity, determination of field density by core cutter and sand replacement method, grain size analysis by sieve, hydrometer analysis - Atterberg limits and indices - field identification of soils. Classification of soils: Principles of classification - I. S. classification - plasticity chart. Module 2 (13 Hours) Permeability of soils: Darcys law - factors affecting - constant head and falling head test - permeability of stratified deposits. soil- water system classification of soil water - capillarity of soils - principles of effective stress. Seepage of soils: seepage pressure, critical hydraulic gradient - quick sand condition - flownet diagram for isotropic and anisotropic soils . Module 3 (10 Hours) Shear strength: Shear strength parameters - Mohrs circle Mohr Coulomb strength theory -direct, triaxial, unconfined and vane shear tests- Drainage conditions - UU, CD and CD tests - choice of test conditions for field problems measurement of pore pressure-critical void ratio and liquefaction. - Activity ,sensitivity and thixotropy Module 4 (12 Hours) Compaction: Objects of compaction - proctor test and modified proctor test concept of OMC and Max. dry density - Zero air void line - factors affecting compaction - effect of compaction on soil properties - field methods-.of compaction - control of compaction. Stability of slopes: types of failures of soil slopes - Analysis of finite slopes only-Swedish circle method - = 0 analysis and c - analysis. -Taylors stability number and stability charts .

Module 5 (10 Hours) Compressibility and consolidation of soils: void ratio - pressure relationship concept of coefficient of compressibility - coefficient of volume change and compression index - normally loaded and pre loaded deposits - determination of preconsolidation pressure - Terzaghis theory of one dimensional consolidation time rate of consolidation - time factor - degree of consolidation - square root time and log time - fitting methods - coefficient of consolidation - calculation of void ratio - height of solids methods and change in void ratio method - settlement analysis. References 1. Murthy V. N.S, Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Nai Sarak, Delhi. 2. Gopal Ranjan and A .S .R .Rao, Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics, New Age International Publishers. 3. Punmia B. C., Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Laxshmi Publications, New Delhi. 4. Arora K. R., Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Standard Publishers, Distributors. 5. V. Narasimha Rao and Venkatramaiah, Numerical Problems, Examples and Objective Questions in Geotechnical Engineering, Orient LongMan Publishers. 6. Lambe & Whitman, Soil Mechanics, John Wiely Publications 7. S. K. Garg, Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Khanna Publishers.


Teaching Scheme 3 hours lecture and 1hour tutorial per week. Credit: 4

Objective To make the students proficient in preparing the rates and thereby adapting them to estimate the entire project. Module 1 & 2 (26 Hours.) Purpose of estimates- different methods-Preparation of detailed estimates and abstracts for RCC Single storey buildings - R C. Footings, Columns T- Beams. Preparation of bar bending schedule for R. C. works such as beams and slabs. Module 3 (12 hours.) Preparation of specification for common materials of construction and its items of works with reference to IS specifications. Cost of materials at source different types of conveyance and rates - head loads - preparation of conveyance statement- cost of materials at site. Module 4 (12 hours) Analysis of rates for earth works, mortars, RCC Works, plastering, brick works, stone works, laterite work, Pointing, form work, flooring - different types, wood works - reinforcement works. Module 5 (10 hours) Valuation - explanation of terms - material value, rate, years purchase - freehold and lease hold purchase - depreciation - methods of calculating depreciation straight line method - constant percentage method, sinking fund method - and quantity survey method. Methods of valuation of land - comparative method abstractive method. Methods of valuation of property - rental method - direct comparison with capital cost - valuation based on profit - valuation based on cost - development method - depreciation method. References 1. Schedule of rates, KPWD 2. PWD Data Book 3. Dutta, Estimating and costing,S Dutta & Company, Lucknow 4. Rangawala S.C., Estimating & costing, Charator Anand, Delhi 5. I.S: 1200- 1968 - Methods of measurements of building and civil engineering

University Examination Pattern

Module1&2 Quantity calculation-4 items 4x10 marks

Module 3 Specification of any 4 items or conveyance statement as per PW D norms and cost of any 6 materials at source 4x5 marks

Module 4 Rate analysis of any two items 2x10 marks

Module 5 Problem connected with depreciation of cost 2x10 marks

Note:-choice should be given to questions from all the 5 modules


Teaching scheme: 3hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objective: To study the force and displacement methods of structural analysis of indeterminate structures , the influence line diagrams and an introduction to Finite Element Method. Module 1 (12 hours) Indeterminate structures- force and displacement methods of structural analysis. Force method of analysis of indeterminate structures - static indeterminacy Method of consistent deformation, Clapyron s theorem of three moments- analysis of fixed and continuous beams Module 2 (12 hours) Displacement method of analysis: Kinematic indeterminacy Slope deflection method-fundamental equations-analysis of continuous beams & portal frames (with sway and without sway) Moment distribution method - analysis of continuous beams & portal frames (with sway and without sway). Module 3 (14 hours) Matrix methods: Stiffness method-stiffness-equilibrium equation Direct stiffness method - structure stiffness matrix-assembly of structure stiffness matrix from element stiffness matrix-equivalent joint load incorporation of boundary conditions analysis of beams and pin-jointed frames. Module 4 (10 hours) Flexibility method: Flexibility compatibility equation-flexibility influence coefficients force transformation matrix-flexibility matrix-analysis of beams & frames (rigid and pin-jointed). Module 5 (12hours) Finite element method: Introduction to FEM-Historical development-Idealization of actual structures- Boundary conditions. General procedure of FEA-Displacement approach - shape functions References
1.Devdas Menon, Structural Analysis, Vol.1&II, Narosa, Chennai. 2. Bhavikatti S.S , Structural Analysis Vol. I, Vikas Publishing House (P) Ltd.

3. Weaver &Gere, Matrix Analysis of Structures, East West Press. 4. Moshe F. Rubinstein Matrix Computer Analysis of Structures- Prentice Hall, 1969. 5. Meek J.L., Matrix Structural Analysis, McGraw Hill,1971. 6. Reddy C.S., Basic Structural Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co.1996.

7. Smith J.C. Structural Analysis, Macmillian Pub.Co.1985. 8. Rajesekharan & Sankarasubramanian,G., Computational Structural Mechanics, Prentice Hall of India, 2001. 9. Mukhopadhyay M., Matrix Finite Element Computer and Structural Analysis, Oxford & IBH,1984. 10. Wang C.K.& Solomon C.G., Introductory Structural Analysis, McGrawHill.1968. 11. Pezemieniecki, J.S, Theory of Matrix Structural Analysis, McGraw Hill Co., 1984 12. Sadhu Sindh, Strength of Materials, Khanna Publishers, 1988. 13. Seeli F.B.&Smith J.P., Advanced Mechanics of Materials, John Wiley &Sons, 1993. 14. Norris & Wilbur, Elementary Structural Analysis, McGraw Hill. 15. Junarker S.R., Mechanics of Structures, Vol. II, Charorbar Book Stall. 16.O C Zienkiewicz,.Finite Element Method, fourth Edition,McGraw Hill, 17. R.D.Cook, Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis, John Wiley &Sons. 19. C.S.Krishnamoorthy, Finite Element Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill .New Delhi, 1987. 20. S.Rajasekharan, Finite Element Analysis, Wheeler Publishing Co., &Sons.1993.


Teaching Scheme 3 hours Practical per week. Objective: To make the students aware of recent application softwares and to develop programming skills in C language. List of Experiments: 1. Familiarization of computer hardware, peripherals and network components. Study of operating systems like DOS, Windows. Linux etc. Commands for use of files and directives. 2. Familiarization with packages like MS Word, MS Excel, and power point. 3. Programming examples related to control statements, arrays, structures, functions, pointers and files in accordance with syllabus of C like, a. Solution of quadratic equations b .Preparation of conversion tables c. Summation of series d. Arrays manipulation e. Functions f. Recursive functions g. String manipulations h. Matrix operations i. .Preparation of mark lists of students, bills etc. using structures j. Input and out using files k. Simple programs of linked lists and command lime arguments References 1. Balaguruswamy, Programming in C, Tata Mc Graw Hill. 2. Kern Ingham , Ritchie, The C programming language, Prentice Hall. 3. Byron S Gottfried, Programming with C, Tata Mc Graw Hill. 4. Y. Kenetker, Let us C, BPB Publications. 5. V. Rajaraman, Programming with C. Credit: 2


Teaching Scheme 3 hours practical per week. Credit:2

Objective: To practice the different experiments for determination of index properties and strength of soil and to develop confidence in students to assess the suitability of soil for various construction activities

List of Experiments: 1. Determination of specific gravity, water content and particle size distribution by hydrometer method / pipette method. 2. Determination of field density of soil by sand replacement method and core cutter method. 3. Determination of Atterberg limits. 4. Proctors compaction tests (light and heavy). 5. Permeability tests for cohesive and cohesionless soil. 6. Direct shear test. 7. Triaxial shear test. 8. Unconfined Compression test. 9. Vane shear Test. 10. Consolidation test. 11. Study on Collection and Field Identification of Soil and Sampling Techniques.

References 1. Gopal Ranjan and A .S .R .Rao, Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics, New Age International Publishers. 2. Punmia B. C., Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Laxshmi Publications, New Delhi. 3. Arora K. R., Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Standard Publishers, Distributors. 4. V. Narasimha Rao and Venkatramaiah, Numerical Problems, Examples and Objective Questions in Geotechnical Engineering, Orient LongMan Publishers.


Teaching scheme: 2 hour lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objective: To familiarize the fundamental aspects of structural behaviour and design of steel structures satisfying the requirements such as safety,feasibility and economy of steel structures. Module 1 (12 hours) Loading standards - I.S structural sections - I.S specifications Design PhilosophiesWorking stress method and Limit state method - design of tension members bolted and and welded connections - design of simple and compound beams - laterally supported and unsupported.(Design examples based on Limit state method only. ) Module 2 (12 hours) Compression members - design of columns - short and long columns - axial and eccentric loading - built up columns-moment resisting connections - lacing and battening - column base - slab base - gusseted base. Module 3 (15 hours) Water tanks rectangular and circular steel tanks connections - analysis and design of supporting towers. Module 4 (10 hours) Light gauge steel structures - introduction - type of sections - local buckling stiffened and multiple stiffened elements Design of beams with lateral supports only. Module 5 (11 hours) Chimneys- types - self supporting and guyed stresses in chimneys design of chimney stack, breech opening, base plate, connections and foundations.( Design of self supporting chimney only.) Note: Only Sketches required. Detailed drawing in drawing sheets not required References 1. Relevant IS Codes. (IS 800-2007 , IS 875, IS 805, IS 801, IS 811,IS 6533 Part 1, Part 2,Steel Tables) 2. Subramanian N, Design of steel structures,Oxford University Press 3.S.S Bhavikatti, Design of steel structures, I.K.International Publishing house Pvt.Ltd. 4. Ramchandra, Design of steel structures Vol. I & II, Standard book house, Delhi. 5. S.K. Duggal, Design of steel structures ,Tata Mc Graw-Hill 6. B.C.Punmia, Design of steel structures, Laxmi publications.


Teaching scheme: 2 hour lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objective: Civil Engineer has many diverse and important encounters with soil. The knowledge of soil Mechanics is helpful in the design of foundations, earth retaining structures ,pavements ,excavations, embankments and dams. The objective of the course is to make the students aware of various soil investigation methods, theoretical and practical approach to calculate the bearing capacities of different foundations and the design of various sub structural elements. Module 1 (12 Hours) Site investigation and Soil exploration: Objectives - Planning Stages of Explorations- Depth and spacing of borings-Methods of explorations- test pits, borings (auger boring and wash boring)- sub surface soundings ( standard penetration and cone penetration ) geophysical methods (seismic refraction and electrical resistivity methods) Samplesdisturbed and undisturbed samples -sampling tools- - Bore log - Soil profile - Location of water table. Stress Distribution: Boussinesque's equations for vertical pressure due to point loads, line load and uniformly loaded circular area. - assumptions and limitations - Pressure bulb- Newmark charts and their use.Wetergaards equation for point loads-appriximate methods of stress distribution. Module 2 (12 Hours) Earth Pressure: General & local State of plastic equilibrium. Earth pressure at rest , active and passive. Rankine's and Coulomb's theories of cohesion less and cohesive soils - Iinfluence of surcharge and water table.Rehbans and Culmans graphical methods. Sheeting and bracings in excavations. Sheet Piles: Common types of sheet Piles Uses of sheet pile walls Module 3 (12 Hours) Bearing capacity: Definitions - ultimate and allowable - plate load test - Terzaghis and Skemptons analysis - bearing capacity factors and charts - effect of water table - bearing capacity from building codes and SPT valuesMethods of improving bearing capacity - vibroflotation and sand drains. Settlement analysis: Distribution of contact pressure- estimation of immediate and consolidation settlement - causes of settlement - permissible, total and differential settlement - methods of reducing differential settlement. Module 4 (12 Hours) Foundation: General consideration - Functions of foundation - shallow and deep foundation - different types of foundation -Selection of type of foundation-steps involved. Footings: Design of individual, continuous and combined footings - footings

subjected to eccentric loading - proportioning footings for equal settlement. Module 5 (12 Hours) Raft foundation: Types of rafts- bearing capacity equations - design procedure floating foundation. Pile foundation: Uses of piles - Classification of piles - Determination of load carrying capacity of axially loaded single vertical pile (static & dynamic formulae) -Pile load tests - Negative skin friction - Group action & pile spacings Settlement of pile group. Caissons: Open, box, and pneumatic caissons, construction details of well foundation - problems of well sinking. Note: Structural design of foundations is not contemplated in this course. References 1. Arora K. R, Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering, Standard Publishers , Distributors. 2. Joseph E.Bowles, Foundation Analysis and Design, McGraw Hills Publishing Company. 3. Ninan P. Kurian, Modern Foundations, Tata McGraw Hills Publishing Company. 4. Peck, Hansen & Thornburn, Foundation Engineering.Wiley Eastern Limited 5. W.C. Teng, Foundation Design.Prentice Hall of India 6. Hans. F. Winterkorn & Hsai Yang Fang, Foundation Engineering Hand Book, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company. 7. B. C Punmia,Soli Mechanics and Foundation Engineering,Laxmi Publications. 8. V.N.S. Murthy,Text book of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering,CBS Publishers


Teaching scheme 3 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objective: To equip the students with the comprehensive methods of structural analysis of indeterminate structures To give an introduction to Theory of Elasticity and Structural Dynamics. Module 1 (10 hours) Plastic theory ductility of steel- plastic bending of beams- evaluation of fully plastic moment plastic hinge load factor method of limit analysis- basic theorems- collapse load for beams and portal frames. Module 2 (12 hours) Approximate methods of frame analysis: Frames under lateral loading-portal method cantilever method. Frames under vertical loading substitute frame method. Space frames tension coefficients-tension coefficient method applied to space frames Module 3 (12 hours) Kanis method-continuous beams & frames (without sway only). Influence line diagrams for statically indeterminate structures: Muller Breslau s principle-Influence lines for reactions-shear force-bending moment-propped cantilever& two span continuous beams. Module 4 (14 hours) Elementary theory of elasticity: State of stress at point- stress tensorequilibrium Equations - stresses on arbitrary plane- principal stresses-strain components strain tensor- compatibility equations- boundary condition equations Two dimensional problems- plane stresses - plane strain compatibility equations in two dimensional cases- Airys stress functions Module 5 (12 hours) Introduction to Structural Dynamics-Dynamic systems and loads-Free or natural vibrations-Natural Frequency- Inertia force- -DAlemberts principleMathematical modeling of single degree of freedom systems- equivalent spring stiffness of combination of springs References 1. Timoshenko S.P., Theory of Elasticity, McGraw Hill. 2. Sreenath L. S, Advanced Mechanics of Solids, Tata McGraw Hill Education P. Ltd. 3. Sadhu Sindh, Strength of Materials, Khanna Publishers, 1988.

4. Bhavikatti S.S , Structural Analysis Vol. II, Vikas Publishing House (P) Ltd. 5. Seeli F.B.&Smith J.P., Advanced Mechanics of Materials, John Wiley & Sons, 1993. 6. Vazirani & Ratwani, Analysis of Structures, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi. 7. B.C. Punmia, Theory of Structures, Vol. II, Laxmi Publishers, New Delhi. 8. Prakash Rao D.S., Structural Analysis, Universal Press Ltd, Hyderabad, 1997. 9. Ameen A, Computational Elasticity, Narosa Publishers. 10. Ray W Clough, Joseph Penzien, Dynamics of structures, Mc Graw Hill, Kogabusha Ltd. 11. Madhujith Mukopathyay, Structural Dynamics, vibrations&systems, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd, 2008. 12. V.K.Manicka Selvam, Elementary Structural Dynamics, Dhanpat Rai Publications Pvt.Ltd. 13. Mario Paz, William Leigh, Structural Dynamics, Springler.


Teaching scheme: 3 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objective: To gain an in-depth knowledge on operating characteristics of facilities such as railways and water transportation Module 1(15 hours) Introduction: Transportation modes - comparison and characteristics of highway and railway. Modern developments Surface, elevated and tube railways, light rail transit, high speed tracks - technologies Railway track: Alignment- basic requirements and factors affecting selection, Component parts of a railway track - requirements and functions - Typical cross section - Rails functions and requirements, Type of rail sections, rail fastenings, wear and creep of rails - coning of wheels, Train resistances and evaluation of hauling capacity and tractive effort of locomotive. Geometric design of railway track: Horizontal curves, radius super elevation cant deficiency - transition curves - gradients - different types - Compensation of gradients. Module 2 (10 hours) Railway operation and control: Points and Crossings Design features of a turn out Details of station yards and marshalling yards Signaling, interlocking of signals and points - Principles of track circuiting - Control systems of train movements ATC, CTC track circuiting Module 3 (10 hours) Tunnel Engineering: Tunnel - sections - classification - tunnel surveying alignment, transferring centre, grade into tunnel tunnel driving procedure shield method of tunneling, compressed air method, tunnel boring machine, Tunnel lining, ventilation - lighting and drainage of tunnels. Module 4 (15 hours) Harbour Engineering: Harbours classification, features, requirements, winds and waves in the location and design of harbours. Break waters - necessity and functions, classification, alignment, design principles, forces acting on break water construction, general study of quays, piers, wharves, jetties, transit sheds and warehouses - navigational aids - light houses, signals - types - Moorings . Module 5 (10 hours) Dock Engineering: Docks - Functions and types - dry docks, wet docks form and arrangement of basins and docks design and construction dock entrances floating dry docks, slip ways, dock entrances and caissons. Dredging functions -

general study of dipper dredger, grapple dredger, ladder dredger and hydraulic dredger. References 1. Rao G. V, Principles of Transportation and Highway Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill 2. Mundrey J. S, Railway Track Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill 3. S.C. Rangawala, Railway Engineering, Charotor Publishing House 4. S. C Saxena and S. P Arora., Railway Engineering, Dhanpat rai & Sons 5. Subhash C. Saxena, Railway Engineering, Dhanpat rai & Sons 6. R. Srinivasan, Harbour, Dock & Tunnel Engineering, Charotor Publishing House 7. S.P.Bindra, A course in docks and Harbour Engineering, Dhanpat rai & Sons


Teaching scheme: 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits:4

Objective : Students are expected to realize the importance of water resources and its application in irrigation engineering. Module 1 (15 hours) Irrigation: Definition-necessity of irrigation - environmental effects of irrigation - sources of water - irrigation systems- lift and flow irrigation modes of irrigation layout of irrigation schemes -historical development of irrigation in India through ages. Soil-water-plant relation water requirement for crop -optimum moisture for crop growth - depth of water and frequency of irrigation -crop seasons and important crops in India. Crop period and base period - duty,delta and their relationship - factors affecting duty - commanded areas and intensity of irrigation. Consumptive use of water evapotranspiration -determination of consumptive use - irrigation efficiencies. Module 2 (15 hours) Basic concepts of hydrology: Hydrological cycle and its components - rainfall rain gauge- mean precipitation over a catchment area - run off - factors affecting runoff - hydrograph - direct run off and base flow - unit hydrograph - S. hydrograph applications of unit hydrograph. Estimation of runoff: Empirical formula, infiltration method, rational method flood estimation - flood frequency, unit hydrograph method and empirical formula. Module 3 (15 hours) Ground water: Definitions- porosity - specific yield - specific retention - storage coefficient-coefficient of permeability and transmissibility. Ground water velocity- Darcy's equation - flow towards wells - Dupit's theory of aquifers. Wells-shallow wells - deep wells - yield of an open well - constant level pumping test and recuperation test - tube wells - strainer, cavity and slotted tube wells- factors governing the selection of site and type of tube wells. Infiltration galleries and wells. Module 4 (15 hours) Flow irrigation: canal system - classification of canals and their alignment requirements of a good distribution system-balancing depth - section of canal. Design of canals in alluvial soils - silt theories - non silting and non scouring velocity. Kennedy's theory -Lacey's theory - design of unlined canal using the two theories in alluvial soils - bed load and suspended load - canal outlets requirements of good canal outlets - non modular - semi modular - modular outlets. Module 5 (12 hours ) Reservoir planning: Investigation - selection of site - storage zones in a

reservoir - mass inflow curve - demand curve - calculation of reservoir capacity and safe yield from mass inflow curve - reservoir sedimentation - reservoir sediment control - single purpose reservoirs - multi purpose reservoirs - useful life of a reservoir. River training works: guide banks, groynes and marginal bunds flood control - causes - methods of flood control - principles of flood routing. Soil conservation: water logging and its control - reclamation of salt affected land. References 1. P.M.Modi, Irrigation-water recourses and water power, Standard book house, Delhi. 2. S.K Garg, Irrigation and hydraulic structures, Khanna Publishers, Delhi 3. R.K.Linsley, M.A.Kholar&J.L.H.Paulhur, Hydrology for Engineers, Mc Grawhill bookco., New York. 4. Bharat Singer, Fundamentals of Irrigation Engineering. 5. V.B.Priyani, Irrigation and Waterpower Engg, Charota Book stall Anand. 6. Dr.B.C.Punmia&Dr.Pande.B.B.Lal, Irrigation & Water Power Engineering, Laxmi Publications


Teaching Scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week. Objective: To make the students aware of the advanced methods of surveying. Module 1(12 Hours) Total station surveying-study of instrument-measurement of parameters-methods of surveyingtransferring data-softwares-auto plotter-plotting (assignment). Module 2 (12 Hours) Arial photogrammetry: Definition- types of photographs- geometry of photographs parallax - pair of photographs- height determination- flight planning- stereoscopy. Module 3 (12 Hours) Remote sensing: Introduction and definition of remote sensing terminology- principles and methods of remote sensing- electro-magnetic radiation and spectrum- radiation sources-interference- atmospheric effects on remote sensing- atmospheric window energy interaction with surface features-different types of platforms- sensors and their characteristics-orbital parameters of a satellite- multi concepts in remote sensing. Module 4 (12 Hours) Interpretation of images: Aerial photo interpretation basic elements -techniques of photo interpretation- application of aerial photo interpretation-photographs versus maps- interpretation of satellite images- ground truth collection and interpretation and verification- advantages of multi date and multi band images. Module 5 (12 Hours) Applications: Applications in water resources management- land use mapping and monitoring- soil sciences- geology- agriculture- forestry - oceanography. References 1. Thomas M. Lillesand & Raiph W. Kiefer, Remote sensing and image interpretation, John Wiley Sons. 2. Floyd F. Sabins, Remote sensing principles and interpretation, Freeman and company. 3. Campbell J. B, Introduction to remote sensing, The Guilford press, London. 4. Curran P.J., Principles of remote sensing, Longman, London. 5. Engmen E.T and Gurnay R. J.,Remote sensing in hydrology, Chapman and Hall. 6. Wolf P.R., Elements of photogrammetry, McGraw Hills. Credit:4


Teaching Scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week. Credit:4

Objective: To develop theoretical and practical knowledge on open channel flow and to acquire basic knowledge on Ocean Engineering and related applications. Module 1(12 Hours) Open channel flow-Definition-Importance-Classification of flows Uniform flow- Resistance equation-Chezys and Mannings equation-roughness coefficient.-factions affecting roughness coefficient- normal depth and its computation-conveyance section factor - specific energy - specific force diagram critical flow - section factor -hydraulic exponent for critical flow computation and its use for trapezoidal channel-Application of specific energy and specific force in open channel . Module 2( 12 Hours) Non-uniform flow - friction slope - differential equation of non-uniform flow types of surface profiles - the point of control - computation by Bresse's method and the simplified step method. .Module 3( 12 Hours) Hydraulic jump - sequent depths - dimensionless equation of the jump - loss of head - the jump at the foot of a spillway - criteria for the formation of a jump - use of jump as an energy dissipater. Control of jump by sills - stilling basins Module 4( 12 Hours) Water waves - classification into periodic oscillatory, periodic progressive, uniformly progressive, solitary and stationary waves. Ocean waves Introduction-characteristics-classification based on wave period. Small amplitude wave theory .expression for the celerity of deep water gravity wave and shallow water gravity wave - determination of the wave length and celerity for any water depth given the deep water wave amount as wave energy (no proof). Wave Transformations shoaling- refraction- reflection-diffraction wave breaking (description only. Module 5( 12 Hours) Long period waves-astronomical tide-tsunami, basin oscillations, storm surge, climatologic effects, geologic effects(description only) Wave forecasting - SMB method. Coastal erosion with special reference to the Kerala Coast

Shore protection measures break waters of different types-sea walls tetrapods, groynes and beach nourishment.

References 1. S.M.Woodword, C.J.Posey, Hydraulic of Steady Flow in Open Channels 2. F. N. Henderson, Open Channel Flow 3. A. I. Ippen, Estuary and Coast line Hydrodynamics 4. K. E. R. I. Peechi, Coastal Engineering Publications 5. V. T. Chow, Open Channel hydraulics, Mc Graw Hill 6. Robert .M. Sorensen, Basic coastal engineering, John Willey & Sons

CE010 606 L03


Teaching scheme: 2 hour lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objective: To understand the various aspects of air transportation and airport operation and design. Module 1 (15 hours) Introduction history of air transport - structure and organization - selection of site surveys drawings to be prepared - Airport planning components of airport system airport planning studies elements of study forecasting - levels methodologies extrapolation methods market analysis models forecasting requirements applications Aero plane component parts - Aircraft characteristics classification of airports Airport obstructions - clear zone and turning zone - zoning laws - regional planning airport architecture environmental considerations Module 2 (12 hours) Runway design orientation - windrose and layout of runways - basic runway length and corrections required - geometric design - balanced field concept - Terminal area planning and design passenger flow size of apron apron turntable - hangars protection from jet blast Module 3 (12 hours) Airport capacity capacity and delay runway capacity related to and not related to delay - Air traffic control flight rules - service station Air Traffic Control network aids for the control of air traffic automation in air traffic control Module 4 (11 hours) Airport pavements design factors design methods for flexible and rigid pavements CBR method McLoad method Burmister method Analytical method design charts Load Classification Number System Joints in cement concrete pavements Module 5 (10 hours) Taxiway design - loading aprons - holding aprons - separation clearances visual aids - airport markings - marking of runways, taxiways - Airport lighting - lighting of runways approaches, taxiways and aprons. References . 1. S.K. Khanna, M. G. Arora, S.S. Jain, Airport Planning & Design, Nem Chand Publishers 2. S. C. Rangwala, Airport Engg., Charotar Publishing Co. 3. Robert Horenjeff & Francis X McKelvy, Planning and design of airports, Mc Graw Hill.


Teaching Scheme Credit:4 2 hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week. Objective To review and make more useful methods and results presented in the previous courses on Mechanics of materials. To understand the limitations of the ordinary formula of Strength of materials and to extend the subject to include a variety of important topics more complex than those usually involved in earlier courses. Module 1 (13 Hours) Basic concepts Body force Surface force Stresses and strains Three dimensional stresses and strains Transformation equations of 3D stresses and strains Principal stresses & strains States of stresses and strain Equilibrium equations Generalised Hookes Law Compatibility Conditions Boundary conditions. Module 2 (13Hours) Two dimensional problems Plane stress and plain strain Transformation equations Stressstrain relations Equilibrium equations in cartesian and polar co-ordinates Airys stress function Biharmonic Equilibrium 2D problems in Cartesian coordinate Cantilever with concentrated load at free end Simply supported beam with uniformly distributed load. Module 3 (12Hours) Torsion Torsion of prismatic bar General solution Warping function approaches St. Venants theory Membrane analogy Sand heap analogy Torsion of Non Circular sections Torsion of multi cell and thin walled open and closed sections. Module 4 (11Hours) Curved flexural members Winkler- Bach formula Equivalent area methods Circumferential stress in curved beams having, I,T or similar cross sections Closed ring with circumferential load and uniform loads Chain links. Module 5 (11Hours) Beam on Elastic foundation General theory Infinite beam subjected to concentrated load Beam with uniformly distributed loads Short beams. References: 1. 2. 3. Timoshenko S P and Goodier J. N, Theory of Elasticity, Tata Mcgraw Hill International Student Edition. Sadhu Singh, Theory of elasticity, Khanna Publishers, Delhi. Srinath L. S, Advanced mechanics of solids, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi.

4. 5.

Arthur P Boresi & Omar M SideBottom, Advanced Mechanics of Materials, John Wiley & Sons. Hetenyi, Beam on elastic foundation


Teaching scheme: 2 hour lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objective: Concrete technology is one of the important disciplines of Civil Engineering involving the study of engineering properties and behaviour of concrete. Module 1(13 hours) Concrete materials: cement: Boughs chemical compositions, Additives, Test for properties of cement- Physical, Chemical, Relevance and IS specification. Hydration Product of hydration, Phases of concrete, Structure of Hydrated cement paste (HCP), Solids in HCP, Voids in HCP, Water in HCP. Structure property relationship in HCP: Strength, Dimensional stability and Durability. Transition Zone in concrete:- Significance of transition zone, Structure of transition zone ,Strength of transition zone and Influence of transition zone. Aggregates: - requirements, size , shape and texture, Grading of aggregate, Aggregates crushing strength, Specific gravity, Flakiness index, Elongation Index, Impact value, Abrasion value, IS specification. Alkali aggregate reaction. Water: - General requirement, Quality. Module 2 (12 hours) Fresh Concrete: Workability - factors affecting - measurement of workability different tests for workability - segregation - bleeding - process of manufacture of concrete - Batching - mixing - transportation - compaction - curing of concrete curing methods - admixtures in concrete - air entraining agents - Accelerators Retarders -workability agents - Damp proofing agents - Miscellaneous admixtures - quality control. Module 3 (12 hours) Elastic properties of Concrete - factors affecting modulus of elasticity Strength of concrete: w/c ratio - gel/space ratio - Gain of strength with age. - accelerated curing tests - maturity concept of concrete - effect of maximum size of aggregate on strength - relation between compressive and tensile strength - revibration high speed slurry mixing - creep - shrinkage - factors affecting. Module 4 (12 hours) Durability of concrete: - sulphate attack - methods of controlling sulphate attack. Durability of concrete in sea water - action of organic acids, mineral oils, sugar etc. on hard concrete - thermal properties of concrete - Fire resistance cracks in concreteRemedies, Testing of Hardened concrete, flexural strength - comparison of cuube test and cylinder test - Indirect tension test methods -concrete mix design - IS methods - ACI methods - mean strength - characteristic compressive strength - Non distructive testing of concrete.

Module 5 (11 hours) Special aggregates: light weight - artificial - natural - special concrete - no - fine concrete- high density concrete - Sulphur infilterated concrete - fibre reinforced concrete - polymer concrete polymer impregnated concrete - polymer cement concrete - properties of polymer concrete - special concreting methods - cold Weather concreting, hot weather concreting - Ferrocement. References 1. Krishna Raju N, Concrete Technology 2. A.M. Neville, Properties of concrete 3. M.S. Shetty, Concrete Technologyeferences: 4. A.R Santhakumar-Concrete Technology- Oxford University Press


Teaching Scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week. Credit:4

Objective: Slope stability problem like,slides,flows and falls often produce extensive property damage and therefore geotechnical engineers frequently need to evaluate the stability of existing slopes and proposed slopes. The objective of the course is to make the students aware of various causes of failures of slopes and study the remedial measures . Module 1 (12 hrs.) Ground water seepage- Laplace s equations for two dimensional flow- quick sand condition- construction of flownets- confined and unconfined flow-seepage in anisotropic soil conditions-piping-design of filters. Module 2 (12 hrs.) Stability of earth slopes-modes of slope stability- analysis of slope stability problems- Swedish circle method- Friction circle method- Taylor s stability chartBishop s method- stabilization measures- instrumentation. Module 3 (12 hrs.) Landslides: Introduction- movements associated with landslides-causes of landslides-consequences, classification and analysis of landslides-investigation of landslides-instrumentation-methods of preventing landslides. Module 4 (12 hrs.) Earthquake effects on soil foundation system: earth quakes- ground shakingliquefaction-ground deformations-seismic provisions in building codes Module 5 (12 hrs.) Underpinning: Introduction-reasons-pit underpinning-pile underpinning-driven underpinning piles-shoring-special underpinning methods-moving structures References 1. Hans.F.Winterkorn and Hsai Yang Fang Foundation Engineering handbook Van Nostrand Reinhold Company 2. Bowles E.J. Foundation analysis and Design. Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co. 3. Gopal Ranjan and A.S.R.Rao Basic and applied Soil mechanics New Age International Publishing Company 4. Donald.P.Coduto Geotechnical Engineering Principlesand practices, Prentice Hall India

CE010 607 COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN AND DRAFTING LAB Teaching Scheme 3 hours practical per week Credit: 2

Objective To provide familiarity with functional requirements and regulations related to buildings and to enable students to prepare neat building drawings with CAD software so as to minimize effort and maximize output. Exposure to different categories of building (Private, Public, Residential, Flats, Offices, Clubs/Recreational buildings etc.- Local visit and preparation of sketches Functional requirements of buildings Different functional units of a building- Requirements regarding Area, Height, Head room, Width of passage way, Lighting, Ventilation, Public amenities, Setback, Parking, clearance from electric lines, Provision and location of septic Tankclearance from well, Familiarity with norms in National Building Code and local building rules. Study of building plans (Residential / Commercial / Public buildings / Office/Flats / Cottages etc. ) sanctioned by local authority. Preparation of 2D drawing- Advantages of CAD over manual drafting- Features of CAD software-menus and tool bars-Concept of drawing in true size- Drawing units- Drawing toolsEditing tools- Controlling display-(zoom, pan, regeneration, redraw) Productivity toolsmirror,copy,block,array,Detailing-layers,color,linetype,ltscale,hatch Inquiry area, dimension Plotting- scale. Specifications for drawings Preparation of 3D drawings- Concept of 3D drawing- viewpoint, real-time 3D rotation, 3D modeling techniques- wire modeling, surface modeling, surface revolution, 3D face. Elevation and thickness - addition and subtraction of 3d objects. Shading - rendering. Application of CAD to Civil Engineering Drawing with emphasis on architectural appearance. Residential, Public buildings complete in all aspect including layout plan, section, elevation, details/specifications/joinery and site plan taken in standard scale with title block. Exposure to 3D studio and 3D Max A term project submitted individually and suitable for submitting to local bodies for approval incorporating local building rules and NBC provisions is compulsory for external evaluation. Assignments:- Submission of neat dimensioned line sketches from local visit Collection and study of approved building plan Preparing an Elevation for given plans Preparing Plans based on requirements of clients. References 1. Reference manual of the package.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

National building code of India. Shah & Kale, Building Drawing, Tata McGraw Hill. Balgopal T.S.Prabhu, Building Drawing and Detailing, SPADES Calicut. Sham Tickoo, Understanding Auto CAD2002, Tata McGraw Hill. Sham Tickoo, Auto CAD2002 with applications, Tata McGraw Hill.


Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Objective: To study properties of concrete and its various constituent materials. 1. Tests on cement. a) Standard consistency, initial and final setting time. b) Compressive strength of mortar cubes. c) Specific gravity. d) Soundness. e) Fineness. 2. Tests on fresh concrete. a) Compaction factor test. b) Slump test. c) Vee-Bee test. d) Flow table test. e) Ball penetration test. 3. Tests on hardened concrete. a) Compressive strength of concrete cubes. b) Compressive strength of concrete cylinder. c) Splitting tensile strength. d) Modulus of elasticity. e) Flexural strength. 4. Tests on RC beam 5. Tests on aggregates. a) Aggregate crushing value for coarse aggregate. b) Specific gravity of coarse and fine aggregate. c) Bulking of fine aggregate. d) Bulk density and percentage voids of coarse aggregate. e) Grain size analysis of coarse and fine aggregate. 6. Tests on bricks. a) Compressive strength. b) Water absorption. c) Efflorescence. 7. Tests on roofing tiles. a) Transverse strength. b) Water absorption. 8. Tests on flooring tiles. a) Transverse strength. b) Water absorption. c) Abration tests. 9. Compression tests on Laterite blocks 10. Study of a) Strain measurements using electrical resistance- strain gauges. b) Nondestructive test on concrete. Note All tests should be done as per relevant BIS. Credits: 2


1.A.R.Santhakumar,Concrete Technology,Oxford University Press,Chennai. 2. M. S. Shetty, Concrete technology, S.Chand & Co.

Mechanical Engineering (ME)


(Common to all branches except CS & IT)

Teaching scheme
2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives

Credits: 4

To apply standard methods and basic numerical techniques for solving problems and to know the importance of learning theories in Mathematics.
Vector differential calculus ( 12 hours)


Scalar and vector fields gradient-physical meaning- directional derivative-divergence an curl - physical meaning-scalar potential conservative field- identities - simple problems MODULE 2 Vector integral calculus ( 12 hours)

Line integral - work done by a force along a path-surface and volume integral-application of Greens theorem, Stokes theorem and Gauss divergence theorem MODULE 3 Finite differences Finite difference operators and ( 12 hours) - interpolation using Newtons forward and

backward formula problems using Stirlings formula, Lagranges formula and Newtons divided difference formula MODULE 4 Difference Calculus ( 12 hours)

Numerical differentiation using Newtons forward and backward formula Numerical integration Newtons cotes formula Trapezoidal rule Simpsons 1/3rd and 3/8th rule Difference equations solution of difference equation MODULE 5 Z transforms ( 12 hours)

Definition of Z transforms transform of polynomial function and trignometric functions shifting property , convolution property - inverse transformation solution of 1st and 2nd order difference equations with constant coifficients using Z transforms. Reference 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Erwin Kreyszing Advance Engg. Mathematics Wiley Eastern Ltd. B.S. Grewal Higher Engg. Mathematics - Khanna Publishers B.V. Ramana - Higher Engg. Mathematics McGraw Hill K Venkataraman- Numerical methods in science and Engg -National publishing co S.S Sastry - Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis -PHI T.Veerarajan and T.Ramachandran- Numerical Methods- McGraw Hill Babu Ram Engg. Mathematics -Pearson. H.C.Taneja Advanced Engg. Mathematics Vol I I.K.International

EN010 302 Economics and Communication Skills

(Common to all branches) Teaching scheme 2hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week Credits: 4(3+1) Objectives To impart a sound knowledge of the fundamentals of Economics.

Module I (7 hours) Reserve Bank of India-functions-credit control-quantitative and qualitative techniques Commercial banks-functions- Role of Small Industries Development Bank of India and National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development The stock market-functions-problems faced by the stock market in India-mutual funds Module II (6 hours) Multinational corporations in India-impact of MNCs in the Indian economy Globalisation-necessity-consequences Privatisation-reasons-disinvestment of public sector undertakings The information technology industry in India-future prospects Module III (6 hours) Direct and indirect taxes- impact and incidence- merits of direct and indirect taxesprogressive and regressive taxes-canons of taxation-functions of tax systemtax evasion-reasons for tax evasion in India-consequences-steps to control tax evasion Deficit financing-role-problems associated with deficit financing Module IV (5 hours) National income-concepts-GNP, NNP, NI, PI and DPI-methods of estimating national income-difficulties in estimating national income Inflation-demand pull and cost push-effects of inflation-government measures to control inflation Module V (6 hours) International trade-case for free trade-case for protectionism Balance of payments-causes of disequilibrium in Indias BOP-General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade-effect of TRIPS and TRIMS in the Indian economy-impact of WTO decisions on Indian industry Text Books 1. Ruddar Datt, Indian Economy, S.Chand and Company Ltd. 2. K.K.Dewett, Modern Economic Theory, S.Chand and Company Ltd. References 1. Paul Samuelson, Economics, Tata McGraw Hill 2. Terence Byres, The Indian Economy, Oxford University Press 3. S.K.Ray, The Indian economy, Prentice Hall of India 4. Campbell McConnel, Economics, Tata McGraw Hill

Communication Skills
Objectives To improve Language Proficiency of the Engineering students To enable them to express themselves fluently and appropriately in social and professional contexts To equip them with the components of different forms of writing MODULE 1 (15 hours) INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATION Communication nature and process, Types of communication - Verbal and Non verbal, Communication Flow-Upward, Downward and Horizontal, Importance of communication skills in society, Listening skills, Reading comprehension, Presentation Techniques, Group Discussion, Interview skills, Soft skills MODULE II (15 hours) TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION Technical writing skills- Vocabulary enhancement-synonyms, Word Formation-suffix, affix, prefix, Business letters, Emails, Job Application, Curriculum Vitae, Report writingTypes of reports Note: No university examination for communication skills. There will be internal evaluation for 1 credit. REFERENCES 1. The functional aspects of communication skills, P.Prasad and Rajendra K. Sharma, S.K. Kataria and sons, 2007 2. Communication skills for Engineers and Scientists, Sangeeta Sharma and Binod Mishra, PHI Learning private limited, 2010 3. Professional Communication, Kumkum Bhardwaj, I.K. International (P) House limited, 2008 4. English for technical Communication, Aysha Viswamohan, Tata Mc Graw Publishing company limited, 2008

Mahatma Gandhi University

ME010 303: Fluid Mechanics

(Common with AN010 303 & PE010 303)
Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To impart the basic concepts of fluid mechanics by providing exposure to diverse real world engineering examples. To develop understanding about basic laws and equations used for analysis of static and dynamic fluids. Module I (15 hours) Introduction and basic concepts-properties of fluids-density, specific gravity, specific weight, specific volume, capillarity, surface tension, compressibility, bulk modulus, viscosityNewtonian and non Newtonian fluids. Fluid statics: pressure-variation of pressure-absolute and guage pressure- Pascals law, manometers- hydrostatic force on plane and curved surfaces-buoyancy and floatationstability of submerged and floating bodies-metacentric height. Module II (12 hours) Eulers momentum equation-Bernoullis equation and its limitations-momentum and energy correction factors-applications of Bernoullis equation-venturimeter, orifice meter, pitot tube, orifices and mouthpieces, notches and weirs-rotameter. Module III (10 hours) Flow through pipes-laminar and turbulent flow in pipes-critical Reylonds number- Darcy Weisbach equation-hydraulic radius-power transmission through pipes-losses in pipes-pipes in series pipes in parallel-hydraulic gradient line and total energy line-equivalent pipe-moodys diagram-water hammer. Open channel flow-Chezys equation-most economical cross section-hydraulic jump. Module IV (12 hours) Fluid kinematics-Eulerian and Lagrangian approaches-classification of fluid flow-graphical description of flow pattern-stream lines, path lines, streak lines, stream tubes-velocity and acceleration in fluid flow-continuity equation. Ideal fluids-rotational and irrotational flow-circulation and vorticity-potential function and stream function, basic flow fields-uniform flow. Source, sink, doublet, vortex, spiral flow, flow past a cylinder with circulation-Magnus effect-Joukowski theorem. Module V (11 hours) Boundary layer-boundary layer flow theory- boundary layer over flat plate- boundary layer thickness-displacement, momentum and energy thickness-boundary layer separation-methods of controlling-wake-drag force on a rectangular plate-pressure drag-friction drag-total dragstreamlined body-bluff body, lift and drag force on an aerofoil-characteristics-work done. Hagen-Poiseuille equation.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

1. 2.

Text Books Yunus A. Cengel and John M. Cimbala, Fluid Mechanics, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi R.K.Rajput, Fluid Mechanics, S Chand and Company, New Delhi

Reference Books 1. Douglas, Fluid Mechanics, Pearson Education, New Delhi 2. Shames I.H, Fluid Mechanics, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 3. D. S .Kumar , Fluid Mechanics, S. K. Kataria & Sons, New Delhi 4. White F.M, Fluid Mechanics, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 5. S. K. Som & G Biswas, Fluid Mechanics, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 6. R. K. Bhansal, Fluid Mechanics& Hydraulic Machines, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi 7. B.S Massey, Fluid Mechanics, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 8. Mody & Seth, Fluid Mechanics& Hydraulic Machines, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi 9. F.M. Streeter, Fluid Mechanics, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 10. Jagdishlal , Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulics, Metropolitan Book Co., New Delhi

Syllabus - B.Tech. Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

ME010 304: Metallurgy and Material Science

(Common with PE010 304 and AU010 304) Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To provide physical concepts of atomic radius, atomic structure, chemical bonds, crystal structure, grain size, work hardening,, heat treatment etc. of metals with mechanical behaviour. To understand the causes of metal failure and deformation To determine properties of unknown materials and develop an awareness to apply this knowledge in material design. Module 1 (12 hours) Atomic structure:- Correlation of atomic radius to strength, electron configurations (basic only) - Primary bonds:- Covalent and Ionic bond: bond energy with strength, cohesive force, density, directional and non-directional bonding; Metallic bond: conductivity, ductility, opaque, lustrous, density, non directional bonding Specific properties of bonding:- Deeper energy well bond and shallow energy well bond, melting temperature, modulus of elasticity, coefficient of thermal expansion and attributes of modulus of elasticity in metal cutting process - Secondary bonds:- classification, hydrogen bond, specific heat etc. Crystallography:- Crystal, space lattice, unit cell - BCC, FCC, HCP structures - short and long range order - Effects of crystalline and amorphous structure on mechanical properties Determination of atomic packing factor of SC, BCC, FCC, coordination number; densities Polymorphism and allotropy - Miller Indices:- slip system, brittleness of BCC, HCP and ductility of FCC - Modes of plastic deformation:- Slip, twinning, Schmid's law, correlation of slip system with slip in metals. Module 2 (12 hours) Classification of crystal imperfections: - types of dislocation, source of dislocation, cross slip, climb, jog, kink, forest of dislocation, role of surface defects on crack initiation - Burgers vector - Correlation of dislocation density with strength and nano concept - Significance of Frank and Read source in metals deformation - Mechanism of crystallization: Homogeneous and heterogeneous nuclei formation, under cooling, dendritic growth, grain boundary irregularity - Effects of grain size, grain size distribution, grain shape, grain orientation on dislocation/strength and creep resistance - Hall - Petch equation; significance high and low angle grain boundaries on dislocation - polishing and etching to determine the microstructure - crystal structure determination by X - ray diffraction method - Diffusion in solids, ficks laws, mechanisms, applications of diffusion in mechanical engineering. Module 3 (12 hours) Phase diagrams: - Limitations of pure metals and need of alloying - classification of alloys, solid solutions, Hume Rothery`s rule - single phase, multi-phase equilibrium diagrams - lever rule and Gibb`s phase rule - Coring - Equilibrium diagrams reactions:- monotectic, eutectic, eutectoid, peritectic, peritectoid - Detailed discussion on Iron-Carbon equilibrium diagram with microstructure and properties changes in austenite, ledeburite, ferrite, cementite, interlamellar spacing of pearlite to strength etc, special features of martensite transformation, bainite, spheroidite etc.. Heat treatment:- Definition and necessity - TTT diagrams - critical cooling rate (CCT) annealing, normalizing, hardening, spheroidizing - Tempering:- austermpering, martempering and ausforming - Hardenability, Jominy end quench test, applications hardness and microhardness tests - surface hardening methods:- carburizing processes; Nitriding; Flame, induction, laser and electron beam hardening processes; applications - Types of Strengthening mechanisms:- grain size reduction, work hardening, Solid solution hardening, precipitation strengthening and over ageing, dispersion hardening - Cold working: Detailed discussion on strain hardening; recovery; re-crystallization, effect of stored energy; re-

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

crystallization temperature, effect of grain size; driving force for grain growth - hot working - Bauschiner effect and attributes in metal forming. Module 4 (12 hours) Alloy steels:- Effects of alloying elements on: dislocation movement, polymorphic transformation temperature, formation and stability of carbides, grain growth, displacement of the eutectoid point, retardation of the transformation rates, improvement in corrosion resistance, mechanical properties Nickel steels, Chromium steels etc. - Enhancement of steel properties by adding alloying elements:- Molybdenum, Nickel, Chromium, Vanadium, Tungsten, Cobalt, Silicon, Copper and Lead High speed steels:- Mo and W types, effect of different alloying elements in HSS - Cast irons: Classifications, grey, white, malleable and spheroidal graphite cast iron, composition, microstructure, properties and applications Principal Non ferrous Alloys: - Aluminum, Copper, Magnesium, Nickel, Titanium, study of composition, microstructure, properties, applications, reference shall be made to the phase diagrams whenever necessary. Module 5 (12 hours) Fracture: Brittle and ductile fracture - Griffith theory of brittle fracture - stress concentration, stress raiser Effect of plastic deformation on crack propagation transgranular, intergranular fracture - Effect of impact loading on ductile material and its application in forging etc.- Fatigue:- Stress cycles Primary and secondary stress raisers Characteristics of fatigue failure, S-N curve - Factors affecting fatigue strength: stress concentration, size effect, surface roughness, change in surface properties, surface residual stress -Ways to improve fatigue life effect of temperature on fatigue, thermal fatigue and its applications in metal cutting Mechanism of fatigue failure structural features of fatigue:crack initiation, growth, propagation fatigue tests - Fracture toughness (definition only) Ductile to brittle transition temperature (DBTT) in steels - Creep:- Creep curves creep tests- Structural change:- deformation by slip, sub-grain formation, grain boundary sliding Mechanism of creep deformation - threshold for creep - prevention against creep- Super plasticity: applications. Text Books

1.Introduction to Physical Metallurgy Tata McGraw Hill. 2.Callister William. D. Material Science and Engineering John Wiley. 3.Dieter George E. Mechanical Metallurgy McGraw Hill. 4.Higgins R.A. Engineering Metallurgy part - I ELBS. 5.Raghavan V. - Material Science and Engineering - Prentice Hall. 6. Van Vlack Elements of Material Science - Addison Wesley.
Reference Books

1.Anderson J.C. Material Science for Engineers Chapman and Hall. 2.Clark and Varney - Physical metallurgy for Engineers Van Nostrand. 3.Manas Chanda - Science to Engineering Materials - Vol I, II and III - Macmillan India. 4.Reed Hill E. Robert Physical Metallurgy Principles East West Press. 5.Richards C.W. Engineering Material Science.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

ME010 305: Programming in C

(Common with PE010 305 and AU010 305)
Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives Credits: 4

To impart advanced knowledge in programming in C language

Module I (15 hours) Introduction to computer programming; Various I/O functions; Data types; Constants and Variables; Escape Sequences; Type Casting; Preprocessor Directive; Storage Classes; Scope of Variables; Mathematical Operators; Relational Operators; Branching Instructions; Logical Operators; Conditional Operator; Precedence of Operators; Loops for, while and do-while, break and continue instructions, Nested Loops; Switch statement; Evaluation of ex, sin(x), cos(x) Numerical Integration using Trapezoidal and Simpsons rules. Module II (10 hours) Arrays; One Dimensional Arrays; Selection Sorting; Binary Searching; Various String Handling Functions; Multidimensional Arrays; Matrix Operations (Addition, Transpose and Multiplication); Sorting of Strings; Structure and Union; Array of Structures; Module III (10 hours) Functions; Call by Value Method; Stack; Passing One Dimensional and Multidimensional Arrays to a Function; Recursion; Writing Different String Handling Functions Using Simple Functions and Functions with Recursive Calls; Quick Sorting; Macros; Writing Macros for Simple Operations; Module IV (15 hours) Declaration of Pointers; Call by Reference Method; Pointer to a Structure; Pointer to an Array; Array of Pointers; Pointer to a Pointer; Self Referential Structure; Dynamic Memory Allocation; Reallocation of Memory; Linear Linked List; Circular Linked List; Double Linked List; Addition, Insertion and Deletion of Nodes from a Linked List; Command Line Arguments Module V (10 hours) Different types of Files; Reading, Writing, Appending and Rewriting of Text and Binary Files; Transfer of Data in Blocks; Moving of File Pointer in a File; Usage of bitwise AND, OR, NOT, XOR, Shift Left and Shift Right Operations


Text Books Bryon S.Gottfried, Programming with C Language.

1. 2. 3.

Reference Books Balaguruswamy, Programming in ANSI C, Deitel, How to Program C Kamthane, Programming with ANSI and Turbo C

Syllabus - B.Tech. Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

ME010 306(CE) Strength of Materials & Structural Engineering

(Common with PE010 306(CE), AU010 306(CE) and PO010 306(CE)) Teaching Scheme:3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To study internal effects produced and deformations of bodies caused by externally applied forces. To understand the stresses and strains in different materials and analyse strength characteristic of structural members.

Module I (15 hours) Introduction to analysis of deformable bodies:stresses due to normal, shear and bearing loads-Axial and shear strains Simple stresses and strains: Material behavior - uniaxial tension test - stress-strain diagrams. Hooke's law for linearly elastic isotropic material. Elastic constants - relation between them - Bars of varying cross section -Composite sectionsEquilibrium and compatibility conditions- Temperature stresses Module II (10 hours) Bending moment and shear force: Cantilever, simply supported and overhanging beams concentrated and U.D loading(analytical method) Relation between load shear force and bending moment. Module III (15 hours) Stresses in beams: Pure bending - flexure formula for beams - assumptions and limitations -section modulus - flexural rigidity - economic sections beams of uniform strength. Shearing stress formula for beams - assumptions and limitations. Deflection of beams: Moment-curvature relation - assumptions and limitations singularity functions - Macaulays method - moment area method for simple cases. Module IV (10 hours)

Torsion: Torsion theory of elastic circular bars solid and hollow shaft assumptions and limitations - polar modulus- torsional rigidity - economic cross-sections. Pressure vessels: Thin and thick cylinders-Lame's equation-stresses in thick cylinders due to internal pressure compound pipes.
Module V (10 hours) Combined stresses: Principal stresses and planes-Mohr's circle representation of stress in 2D problems. Use of strain gage rosettes. Combined axial, flexural and torsional loads. Theory of columns: Buckling theory -Euler's formula for long columns - assumptions and limitations - effect of end conditions - slenderness ratio - Rankine's formula for intermediate columns -Eccentric loading of columns - kern of a section (rectangular and circular section).

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

1. 2. 3. 4.

Text Books Timoshenko.S.P, Strength of Materials, Part 1,D.Van Nostrand company, Inc.Newyork. Bansal R.K., Strength of Materials, Lakshmi Publications, New Delhi. Mott, Robert L, Applied strength of materials, 5th Edn, Prentice Hall of India. Popov E.P., Engineering Mechanics of solids, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi..

Reference Books 1. Nash.W.A , Strength of Materials, Schaums Outlines,$th Edn, TMH 2. Gere, James M , Mechanics of Materials, Cengage Learning. 3. Shames IH , Pitarresi, James.M, Introduction to Solid Mechanics, Prentice Hall of India.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

ME010 307: Computer Programming Lab

(Common with PE010 408 and AU010 307 )


To provide experience in programming with C language To familiarize with operating systems. file directories, editors, compilers and file managers etc. To obtain exposure to computer programming languages for technical computation like MatLab Programming experiments in C to cover control structures functions, arrays, structures, pointers and files Counting characters, lines and words Checking leap year Finding sum of digits and reversing a number Generating Prime numbers, Fibonacci numbers and Angstrom numbers Sine and Cosine series generation Implementation of Numerical Integration using Simpsons and Trapezoidal rules Sorting of numbers, strings and records Matrix addition and multiplication Implementation of dynamic memory allocation Implementation of linked lists Problems related to files Problems related to command line arguments

i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii.


Syllabus B.Tech. Electronics and Communication Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

ME010 308: Fluid Mechanics Lab

(Common with AN010 308 , PE010 308 and AU010 308 )
Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Credits: 2

Objectives To provide exposure to the actual flow process and various instruments adopted for flow measurement . Study and acquire a thorough knowledge of the various pipe fittings and plumbing tools. Study the use of different types of taps, valves. Study the various measuring instruments like gauges, pitot tube, watermeters and current meters. Determination of metacentric height and radius of gyration of floating bodies. Determination of hydraulic coefficients of orifices and mouthpieces under constant head method and time of emptying method. Calibration of discharge measuring equipments in closed conduits like venturimeter, orificemeter, watermeter etc. Calibration of discharge measuring equipments in open channel flow like rectangular and triangular notches. Determination of Darcys constant and Chezys constant for pipe flow. Determination of critical velocity in pipe flow. Determination of minor losses in pipe flow. Experimental verification of Bernoullis theorem. Determination of Chezys constant and Mannings number for open channel flow. Calibration of Plug Sluices.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50) 50%-Laboratory practical and record 30%- Test/s 20%- Regularity in the class

End Semester Examination (Maximum Marks-100) 70% - Procedure, conducting experiment, results, tabulation, and inference 30% - Viva voce

Syllabus B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering

EN010401 Engineering Mathematics III

(Common to all branches)

Teaching scheme
2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives: Apply standard methods of mathematical &statistical analysis

Credits: 4


Fourier series

( 12 hours)

Dirichlet conditions Fourier series with period 2 and 2l Half range sine and cosine series Harmonic Analysis r.m.s Value MODULE 2 Fourier Transform ( 12 hours)

Statement of Fourier integral theorem Fourier transforms derivative of transforms- convolution theorem (no proof) Parsevals identity MODULE 3 Partial differential equations ( 12 hours)

Formation by eliminating arbitrary constants and arbitrary functions solution of Lagranges equation Charpits method solution of Homogeneous partical differential equations with constant coefficients MODULE 4 Probability distribution ( 12 hours)

Concept of random variable , probability distribution Bernoullis trial Discrete distribution Binomial distribution its mean and variance- fitting of Binominal distribution Poisson distribution as a limiting case of Binominal distribution its mean and variance fitting of Poisson distribution continuous distribution- Uniform distribution exponential distribution its mean and variance Normal distribution Standard normal curve- its properties MODULE 5 Testing of hypothesis ( 12 hours)

Populations and Samples Hypothesis level of significance type I and type II error Large samples tests test of significance for single proportion, difference of proportion, single mean, difference of mean chi square test for variance- F test for equality of variances for small samples References 1. Bali& Iyengar A text books of Engg. Mathematics Laxmi Publications Ltd. 2. M.K. Venkataraman Engg. Mathematics vol II 3rd year part A & B National Publishing Co. 3. I.N. Sneddon Elements of partial differential equations Mc Graw Hill 4. B.V. Ramana Higher Engg. Mathematics Mc Graw Hill 5. Richard A Johnson Miller Freads probability & Statistics for Engineers- Pearson/ PHI

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

T. Veerarajan Engg. Mathematics Mc Graw Hill G. Haribaskaran Probability, Queueing theory and reliability Engg. Laxmi Publications V. Sundarapandian - probability ,Statistics and Queueing theory PHI H.C.Taneja Advanced Engg. Mathematics Vol II I.K.International A.K.Mukhopadhyay-Mathematical Methods For Engineers and Physicists-I.K.International

Mahatma Gandhi University

EN010 402(ME): Principles of Management

(Common with EN010 502(ME))
Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives Credits: 4

To develop an understanding of different functional areas of management. To understand the functions and duties an individual should perform in an organisation.

Module I (12 hours) Management Concepts: Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives of management-MBOScientific management- Functions of management- Planning- Organizing- StaffingDirecting- Motivating- Communicating- Coordinating- Controlling- Authority and Responsibility- Delegation- Span of control- Organizational structure- Line, Line and staff and Functional relationship. Module II (12 hours) Personnel Management: Definition and concept- Objectives of personnel managementManpower planning- Recruitment and Selection of manpower- Training and development of manpower- Labour welfare- Labour turnover- Quality circle- Industrial fatigue- Industrial disputes-Method of settling disputes- Trade unions. Module III (12 hours) Production management: Objectives and scope of production management- Functions of production department- production management frame work- product life cycle-Types of production- Production procedure- Project planning with CPM and PERT- Basic concepts in network. Module IV (12 hours) Financial Management: Objectives and Functions of Financial Management- Types of Capital- Factors affecting working capital- Methods of financing. Cost Management: Elements of cost- Components of cost- Selling Price of a product. Module V (12 hours) Sales and Marketing Management: Sales management- Concept- Functions of sales department- Duties of sales engineer- Selling concept and Marketing concept- MarketingDefinition and principles of marketing- Marketing management and its functions- Sales forecasting- Pricing- Advertising- Sales promotion- Channels of distribution- Market research. Text Books 1. Koontz and Weihrich, Essentials of Management, Tata McGraw Hill. 2. Mahajan M., Industrial Engineering and Production Management, Dhanpat Rai and Co. 3. Kemthose and Deepak, Industrial Engineering an Management, Prentice Hall of India. Reference Books 1. Martand Telsang, Industrial Engineering and Production Management. 2. Khanna O.P., Industrial Engineering and Management, Dhanpat Rai and Co. 3. Philip Kotler, Marketing Management, Prentice Hall of India. 4. Sharma S. C. & Banga T. R., Industrial Organisation and Engineering Economics, Khanna Publishers. 5. Prasanna Chandra, Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill.
Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

ME010 403: Hydraulic Machines

(Common with PE010 403)
Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives

Credits: 4

To impart knowledge regarding principles and operations of various hydraulic machines.

Module I (12 hours) Dynamic Action of Fluid: Impulse Momentum equation- applications impact of jet flow of an incompressible fluid over fixed and moving vanes workdone and efficiency reaction principle propulsion of ships. Basic equation of energy transfer in rotodynamic machinescomponents of energy transfer-Classification-Axial flow, radial flow, impulse and reaction machines. Module II (12 hours) Hydraulic turbines: Classification- impulse and reaction turbines Euler`s turbine equationvelocity triangles - Pelton wheel, Francis turbine Kaplan turbine construction features and performance characteristics theory of draft tube speed regulation of turbines run away speed- selection, type and speed of turbines Module III (12 hours) Pumping machinery: General classification Rotodynamic pumps - construction featuresclassification of impellers, impeller shapes types of casings -working of centrifugal pumps, priming, Euler`s head equation velocity triangles losses, head and efficiencies performance pump characteristics: main, operating characteristics curves- selection of pumps from performance curves NPSHrequired NPSHavailable multistage pumps pumps in parallel & series operation- propeller pumps.

Module IV (12 hours)

Dimensional analysis Rayleigh s method Buckinghams Pi theorem non diamesional parameters in fluid mechanics and fluid machinery principle of similitude, geometric, kinematic and dynamic similarity model studies. Non dimensional numbers (Reynolds number, Froudes number, Eulers number, Webers number and Machs number) Non dimensional parameters for incompressible flow machines Capacity coefficient, Head coefficient, Power coefficient, Reynolds number, shape number, specific speed Non dimensional performance curves for pumps- effect of change of outlet vane angle, impeller diameters and speedPrinciple of similitude- Non dimensional parameters for comparative study of turbine performance unit speed, unit power, unit quantity, geometric similarity model laws effect of specific speed on runner speed, runner size, flow type etc. Cavitation in fluid machines installations susceptible to cavitation collapse of bubble theory Thoma`s prameter factors affecting cavitation in pumps and turbines prevention of cavitation damage. Module V (12 hours) Positive displacement pumps: reciprocating pump, effect of vapour pressure on lifting of liquid indicator diagram acceleration head effect of friction use of air vessels work saved Slip - efficiency pump characteristics applications. Theory & application of self-priming pump, jet pump, airlift or compressor pump, slurry pump, hydraulic ram - Positive displacement Rotary pumps: Gear, screw, vane pumps.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Hydraulic accumulator, intensifier, fluid coupling & lift principle of operation- hydraulic cranes, hydraulic press- Hydraulic symbols (Description only, no problems).


Text Books Jagadishlal, Hydraulic Machines, Metropolitan Publishers.

Reference Books 1. Abdulla Sheriff ,Hydraulic machines, standard publishers. 2. Govinda Rao N. S, Fluid flows machines, TMH. 3. Pippinger, Industrial hydraulics. 4. Stepanoff John A. J, Centrifugal and axial flow pumps, iley & sons 5. Lewitt E. H, Hydraulic & Fluid Mechanics 6. Som S K and Biswas G, Introduction to fluid mechanics and fluid machines, TMH. 7. Yahya S M, Turbines fans and compressors, TMH. 8. R.K.Rajput, Hydraulic Machines, S.Chand & Company. 9. Modi & Seth, Hydraulic Machines, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi

Syllabus - B.Tech. Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

ME010 404: Manufacturing Process

(Common with AU010 404)
Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives 1. To gain theoretical and practical knowledge in material casting processes and develops an understanding of the dependent and independent variables which control materials casting in a production processes. 2. Provide a detailed discussion on the welding process and the physics of welding. Introduce students to different welding processes weld testing and advanced processes to be able to appreciate the practical applications of welding. 3. The course will also provide methods of analysis allowing a mathematical/physical description of forming processes. Module I (12 hours) Patterns: - types, allowances, color code Molding sand:- constituents, types, properties, testing, types of mould, molding machines Cores:- sands, types prints, machines, chaplets, forces acting on molding flasks - Gating system:- fluid flow and heat transfer in metal casting, elements and design of gating system, sprue, gating ratio, slag trap system Risering:risering design, chills, feeding devices - Cupola operation -pouring and cleaning of castings defects in castings - inspection and quality control - Casting:- continuous, strip, shell mold, vacuum, investment, slush, pressure, die, centrifugal, precision investment, squeeze casting and semi solid metal forming, economics and surface finish obtainable - casting machines comparison of casting with other production processes. (Include necessary figures and equations). Module II (12 hours) Welding:- diffusion, definition of welding, metallurgy of welding, applications, classification, mechanism - welding design:- effect of weld parameters on weld quality, heat input, heat flow and distortions - Gas welding:- details, equipment, fluxes and filler rods flame cutting - Arc welding:- applications, equipment, polarity, governing factor in fusion welding - electrodes and types TIG - GMA - CO2 process - Submerged arc, electroslag, plasma arc and flux cored arc welding - Resistance, thermit solid state welding - Electron and laser beam welding explosive welding - inspection and defects in welding - heat affected zone, grain size variations in joint strength - Brazing and soldering - adhesive bonding Extrusion: Metal flow mechanism and types extrusion defects. Module III (12 hours) Rolling:- principles - types of rolls and rolling mills - mechanics of flat rolling, roll pressure distribution - neutral point - front and back tension, roll forces in hot rolling, roll torque and power, friction, deflection and flattening - friction and lubrication in metal forming - defects hot and cold rolling - rolling machines - strip velocity and roll velocity - roll and roll pass design - theories of rolling and effect of parameters - load calculation - rolling of tubes, wheels, axles, I-beam thread, gear rolling. Module IV 12 hours) Forging:- classification - open die forging, forces and work of deformation - Forging methods analysis:- slab method only, solid cylindrical, rectangular work piece in plane strain, forging under sticking condition - deformation zone geometry die forging:- impression, close,

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

coining, skew rolling etc. defects in forging forgeability tests die design and materials equipments - heating in forging - quality assurance for forging -non destructive testing mechanics of rod and wire Drawing:- ideal deformation, ideal deformation and friction, drawing of flat strips etc drawing defects drawing practices. Module V (12 hours) Locating methods:- methods, degrees of freedom - principle of clamping:- clamping types work holding principle Die cutting:- Different types - shearing - types of presses cutting action in punch and die operations die clearances types of die:- progressive, compound, combination die Bending dies:- bending methods, minimum bend radius, bendability, spring back, forces, bend allowances Forming dies:- solid form, curling, embossing, coining, bulging dies - Shear and tube spinning - High energy rate forming:- need, energy sources material behavior - pneumatic, mechanical, electrohydraulic, electromagnetic, and explosive forming Deep drawing:- deep drawability, punch forces.

Text Books 1. Manufacturing Science - Amitabha Ghosh and Ashok Kumar Mallick 2. Manufacturing Engineering and Technology - Kalapakjian and Schmid Reference Books 1. Principles of Metal Casting - Hine and Rosenthal 2. Foundry Technology - P.R.Beeley

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering

ME010 405: Machine Drawing

(Common with PE010 405 and AU010 405)
Teaching scheme 3 hours practical and 1 hour theory per week Objectives : Credits:4

To impart the fundamental concepts of machine drawing. To develop primary knowledge of working drawings. To produce orthographic drawing of different machine parts. To develop skill to produce assembly drawings. To develop skill to produce detailed drawings of machines parts from assembly drawing. Module-1(15hrs) Conversion of pictorial views into orthographic views-dimensioning techniques-preparation of drawing- Limits and tolerances of machine parts - Hole system and shaft system of tolerances - Designation of fundamental deviation - Types of fits and their selection - Indication of dimensional tolerances and fits on simple machine parts - Geometrical tolerances Recommended symbols - Indication of geometrical tolerances on simple machine parts - Surface roughness Indication of surface finish on drawings - Preparation of shop floor drawings of simple machine parts. Types of screw threads-different forms-conventional representation-sketching orthographic views of hexagonal bolts and nuts -dimensional drawing-square headed bolts and nuts sketching of different types of lock nuts and locking devices- foundation bolts. Forms of rivet heads riveted joints-lap and butt joints with single and multiple riveting in chain and zig zag arrangements dimensional drawing. Sketching of conventional representation of welded joint.

Module-2 (20 hrs) Fully dimensioned and sectional drawing of the following Jointsknuckle joint-jib and cotter shaft couplings-types of keys- protected types of flanged couplings-bushed pin type flexible couplingOldhams coupling Pipe joints-spigot and socket joint-flanged jointShaft bearings and support-Plummer block IC engine parts-piston-connecting rod Module-3(25hrs) Assembly and working drawings of the followingValves -stop valve-spring loaded safety valve dead weight safety valve-feed check valve-feed check valve Machine elements-screw jack lathe tool post-spindle-tailstock Note: Drawing practical classes have to be conducted by using any standard CAD software and using drawing instruments in alternate weeks (3Hours) preferably for each half of the student. Semester End examination (3Hours) shall be conducted by using drawing instruments only All drawing exercises mentioned above are for class work. Additional exercises wherever necessary may be given as homework References: 1. N.D.Bhatt and Panchal, Machine Drawing, Charator Publishing House 2. P I.Varghese, Machine Drawing, VIP Publishers, Thrissur 3. Ajeet Singh, Machine Drawing, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Ltd 4. P.S.Gill , Machine Drawing, S.K.Kataria &Sons

University examination pattern Question I: Two questions of 7.5 marks each out of three questions from module-1 Question II: One questions of 25 marks from module-2. Question III:One question of 60 marks from module-3 .

Mahatma Gandhi University

ME 010 406(EE) Electrical Technology

(Common with PE010 406 (EE) and AU010 406 (EE)) Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives Understanding the basic working principles of DC machines Ac machines and its drives Module I (8 hours) D.C. Generator - O.C.C. Condition for self excitation field critical resistance critical speed - Load characteristics of generators- Losses- power flow diagram- efficiency- condition for maximum efficiency- Application. Module II (16 hours) D.C. Motors: Back emf speed and torque equation- starting and speed control testing of D.C. Motors brake test Swinburns test- Performance characteristics of Shunt, Series and Compound motors. - Applications Transformer Emf equation: No load current equivalent circuit regulation- efficiency. Determination of regulation and efficiency from O.C. and S.C. tests cooling of transformer. Basic principle of 3 phase transformer - Applications Module III (13 hours) Alternators - Construction details: Type emf equation (winding factor need not be derived) synchronous impedance regulation by emf and mmf method. Synchronous Motors: Principle of operation method of starting. Three phase induction motor: Production of rotating magnetic field - equivalent circuit torque equation torque slip characteristics no load and blocked rotor tests starting and speed control Application Single Phase motor: Different types - Application. Module IV (13 hours) Industrial drives electric drives advantages individual drive and group drive factors affecting choice of motor mechanical characteristics of a.C. and D.C. motors motors for particular application like textile mill, steel mill, paper mill, mine, hoists, crane etc. size and rating of motor . Electric traction Different systems of traction comparison track electrification different systems traction motor characteristics electric braking plugging Dynamic and regenerative braking. Module V (10 hours) Power semiconductor devices: power diodes SCRs - principle of operation of SCRs two transistor analogy of SCR characteristics SCR rating (basic principle only). High frequency heating induction and dielectric heating resistance heating resistance weldingblock schematic of resistance welding scheme.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

Text Books 1. Dr. P S Bimbra, Electrical Machinery, Khanna Publishers 2. J B Gupta, Electrical Machines , S K Kataria and Sons 3. Dr. P S Bimbra, Power Electronics, Khanna Publishers Reference Books 1. Alexander Langsdorf A S: Theory of AC Machinery, Mc-Graw Hill 2. Say M G: Performance and design of AC Machines, ELBS 3. Electrical machines, Drives and Power Systems: Thoedore Wildi, Pearson Ed. 4. P.C. Sen, Thyristor DC Drives, Wiley-Interscience Publication 1984 5. Joseph Vithayathil, Power Electronics-Principles and applications, TMH, 2010 6. B. K. Bose, Modern Power Electronics and A.C. Drives, PHI, 2002. 7. G.K. Dubey, Fundamentals of Electrical Drives, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi,2005

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

ME010 407: Hydraulic Machines Laboratory

(Common with PE010 407)
Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Objectives To provide experience on various Hydraulic machineries.

Credits: 2

To acquaint the students with the measurement of various parameters.

Experiments Performance characteristic tests on Pelton wheel (Load test & best speed). Performance characteristic tests on Francis turbine (Load test & best gate opening). Performance characteristic tests on Kaplan turbine (Load test & best gate, vane angle opening). Performance characteristic tests on single stage, multi stage centrifugal pumps at constant speed & at variable speed. Actual & predicted curves. Performance characteristic tests on self-priming pump, Jet pump, Airlift pump and deep well pump Performance characteristic tests on axial flow pump. Performance characteristic tests on Hydraulic ram. Performance characteristic tests on reciprocating pump at constant speed. Performance characteristic tests on Gear pump. Performance characteristic tests on Screw pump.
Text Books

1. Abdulla Sheriff, Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machines: Standard Publ. 2. R.K Bansal, Fliud Machines and Hydraulic Machines , Lakshmi publications New Delhi
Reference Books

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

K Subramanya , Fluid Machines and Hydraulic Machines , TMH. Govinda Rao N.S, Fluid Flows Machines, TMH. Shiv Kumar, Fluid Mechanics & Fluid machines , Ane books. Massey B. S, Fluid Mechanics, ELBS Stepanoff John A. J, Centrifugal and Axial Flow Pump, Wiley & Sons

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50) 50%-Laboratory practical and record 30%- Test/s 20%- Regularity in the class End Semester Examination (Maximum Marks-100) 70% - Procedure, conducting experiment, results, tabulation, and inference 30% - Viva voce

Syllabus B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering

ME010 408 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS LAB (Common with PE010 307 and AU010 408)

Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Objective: To study properties of various materials List of Experiments

Credits: 2

1. Tests on springs (open and close coiled) 2. Bending Test on Wooden Beams using U. T. M. 3. Verification of Clerk. Maxwell's Law of reciprocal deflection and Determination of Youngs modulusE for steel. 4. Torsion Pendulum (M.S. wires. Aluminum wires and brass wires) 5. Tension test using U. T. M. on M. S. Rod, torsteel and High Tensile steel. 6. Torsion Test on M. S. Rod. 7. Shear Test on M.S. Rod. 8. Fatigue Test 9. Impact Test (Izod and Charpy) 10. Hardness Test (Brinell, Vickers and Rebound) 11. Strut Test. Note All tests should be done as per relevant BIS. References 1. Timoshenko.S.P, Strength of Materials, Part-1, D.Van Nostrand company, Inc.Newyork. 2. Bansal R.K., Strength of Materials, Lakshmi Publications, New Delhi.
3. Bhavikatti S.S , Strength of Materials, Vikas Publishing House (P) Ltd. 4. D.S. Prakash Rao, Strength of Materials, Vol. I, University Press (India) Ltd.

5. Popov E.P., Engineering Mechanics of solids, Prentice Hall of India, New Deihi. 6. Punmia B.C, Strength of Materials and Mechanics of structures, Vol.1, Lakshmi Publications, New Delhi.



(Common to all branches except CS & IT)

Teaching scheme
2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week

Credits: 4

Objectives: Use basic numerical techniques to solve problems and provide scientific techniques to decision making problems. MODULE 1 Function of Complex variable (12 hours)

Analytic functions Derivation of C.R. equations in cartision co-ordinates harmonic and orthogonal properties construction of analytic function given real or imaginary parts complex potential conformal mapping of z2 , - Bilinear transformation cross ratio invariant property (no proof) (12 hours)

simple problems MODULE 2 Complex integration

Line integral Cauchys integral theorem Cauchys integral formula Taylors series- Laurents series Zeros and singularities types of singularities Residues Residue theorem evaluation of real integrals in unit circle contour integral in semi circle when poles lie on imaginary axis. MODULE 3 Numerical solution of algebraic and transcendental equations (10 hours)

Successive bisection method Regula falsi method Newton Raphson method - Secant method solution of system of linear equation by Gauss Seidel method MODULE 4 Numerical solution of Ordinary differential equations ( 10 hours)

Taylors series method Eulers method modified Eulers method Runge Kutta method (IV order) Milnes predictor corrector method MODULE 5 Linear programming problem (16 hours)

Definition of L.P.P., solution, optimal solution, degenerate solution graphical solution solution using simplex method (non degenerate case only) Big -M method Duality in L.P.P. Transportation problem Balanced T.P. initial solution using Vogels approximation method - modi method (non degenerate case only)

References 1. B.V. Ramana Higher Engg. Mathematics Mc Graw Hill 2. M.R.Spicgel , S.Lipschutz , John J. Schiller, D.Spellman Complex variables, schanms outline series - Mc Graw Hill 3. S.Bathul text book of Engg.Mathematics Special functions and complex variables PHI 4. B.S. Grewal Numerical methods in Engg. and science - Khanna Publishers 5. Dr.M.K Venkataraman- Numerical methods in science and Engg -National publishing co

6. 7. 8. 9.

S.S Sastry - Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis -PHI P.K.Gupta and D.S. Hira Operations Research S.Chand Panneer Selvam Operations Research PHI H.C.Taneja Advanced Engg. Mathematics Vol II I.K.International

Mahatma Gandhi University

ME010 502 Computer Aided Design & Manufacturing

(Common with PE010 604 and AU010 502)

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Credits: 4

Objectives To provide a comprehensive concepts of the design aspects and its importance in computer assisted design and manufacture. To examine technologies those have been developed to automate manufacturing operations. Module 1 (12 hours)
Evolution of CAD/CAM and CIM, computers and workstation, elements of interactive graphics, input/ out put display, storage devices in CAD, networking of CAD systems 2D Graphics: line drawing algorithms, DDA line algorithm circle drawing, bressnham`s circle drawing algorithm 2D Transformation: translation, rotation, scaling, reflection clipping -3D Graphics (basic only).

Module 2 (12 hours)

Geometric modeling: Wire frame, surface and solid modeling - Engineering analysis; design review and evaluation, automated drafting. Numerical control: Need - advantages and disadvantages classifications Point to point, straight cut and contouring positioning - incremental and absolute systems open loop and closed loop systems DDA integrator and Interpolators resolution CNC and DNC.

Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC): need relays - logic ladder program timers, simple problems only - Devices in N.C. systems: Driving devices - feed back devices: encoders, moire fringes, digitizer, resolver, inductosyn, and tachometer. Module 3 (12 hours)
NC part programming: part programming fundamentals - manual programming NC coordinate systems and axes tape format sequence number, preparatory functions, dimension words, speed word, feed world, tool world, miscellaneous functions programming exercises. Computer aided part programming: concept and need of CAP CNC languages APT language structure: geometry commands, motion commands, postprocessor commands, compilation control commands programming exercises programming with interactive graphics.

(At least one programming exercise should be included in the University examination) Module 4 (12 hours)
Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP): concepts; traditional and CAPP; automated process planning: process planning, general methodology of group technology, code

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

structures of variant and generative process planning methods, AI in process planning, process planning software. Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS): Introduction, types, concepts, need and advantages of FMS - cellular and FMS - JIT and GT applied to FMS.

Module 5 (12 hours)

Robot Technology: overview, basic components - robot end effectors sensors in robotics control of actuators in robotic mechanisms (basic only) control of robo joint, stepper motor, direct drive actuators hydraulic and pneumatic systems (basic only) robot arm kinematics, direct and inverse kinematics solution robot arm dynamics robot applications: material transfer, machine loading and unloading, pre cutting operations, assembly, inspection and welding.

TEXT BOOKS: 1. Newman and Sproull 2. Yoram Koren REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Craig John Groover M.P. Hearn and Baker Petruzella Frank.D. Jonn Craig -

Principles of interactive Graphics, McGraw Hill. Numerical control of machine tools, McGraw-Hill. Introduction to Robotics CAD/CAM, PHI. Computer graphics (in C version), Prentice Hall. Programmable logic controllers. Introduction to Robotics

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering

ME010 503: Advanced Mechanics of Materials

(Common with PE010 503)
Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives Credits: 4

1. To impart concepts of stress and strain analysis in a solid. 2. To study the methodologies in theory of elasticity at a basic level. 3. To acquaint with energy methods to solve structural problems.
Module I (12 hours) Basic equations of Elasticity, Stress at a point with respect to a plane - normal and tangential components of stress - stress tensor - Cauchys equations - stress transformation - principal stresses and planes - strain at a point - strain tensor - analogy between stress and strain tensors - constitutive equations - generalized Hookes law - relation among elastic constants equations of equilibrium -strain-displacement relations

Module II (12 hours)

Compatibility conditions - boundary conditions - Saint Venants principle for end effects uniqueness condition. 2-D problems in elasticity. Plane stress and plane strain problems Airys stress function solutions by polynomial method solutions for bending of a cantilever with an end load and bending of a beam under uniform load.

Module III (12 hours)

Equations in polar coordinates - Lames problem - stress concentration problem of a small hole in a large plate. Axisymmetric problems - thick cylinders - interference fit - rotating discs. Special problems in bending: Unsymmetrical bending - shear center - curved beams with circular and rectangular cross-section Module IV (12 hours) Energy methods in elasticity: Strain energy of deformation - special cases of a body subjected to concentrated loads, due to axial force, shear force, bending moment and torque reciprocal relation -Maxwell reciprocal theorem - Castiglianos first and second theorems - virtual work principle -minimum potential energy theorem - complementary energy

Module V (12 hours)

Torsion of non-circular bars: Saint Venants theory - Prandtles method - solutions for circular and elliptical cross-sections - membrane analogy - torsion of thin walled open and closed sections- shear flow

Text Books 1. L. S. Sreenath, Advanced Mechanics of Solids, McGraw Hill 2. S. M. A. Kazimi, Solid Mechanics, McGraw Hill 3. S. P. Timoshenko, J. N. Goodier, Theory of elasticity, McGraw Hill Reference Books 1. J. P. Den Hartog, Advance Strength of Materials, McGraw Hill 2. C. K. Wang, Applied Elasticity, McGraw Hill

Mahatma Gandhi University

ME010 504: Kinematics of Machinery

(Common with AU010 504) Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives Credits: 4

1. To understand the basic components and layout of linkages in the assembly of a system/machine. 2. To understand the principles involved in assembly the displacement, velocity and acceleration at any point in a link of a mechanism. 3. To understand the motion resulting from a specified set of linkages. 4. To understand and to design few linkage mechanisms and cam mechanisms for specified output motions. 5. To understand the basic concepts of toothed gearing and kinematics of gear trains.
Module I (14hours) Classification of mechanisms Basic kinematic concepts and definitions Degree of freedom, Mobility Kutzbach criterion, Grueblers criterion Grashofs Law Kinematic inversions of four-bar chain, slider crank chains and double slider crank chains Limit positions Mechanical advantage Transmission Angle -Coupler curves Description of some common Mechanisms Quick return mechanisms, Straight line generators, Dwell Mechanisms, Ratchets and Escapements, Universal Joint, steering mechanisms Module II (12hours) Displacement, velocity and acceleration analysis of simple mechanisms Graphical method Velocity and acceleration polygons Velocity analysis using instantaneous centers Kennedys theorem, kinematic analysis by complex algebra methods Vector approach Computer applications in the kinematic analysis of simple mechanisms Coincident points Coriolis component of Acceleration. Module III (10hours) Kinematic synthesis ( Planar Mechanisms) - Tasks of kinematic synthesis Type, Number and dimensional synthesis Precision points - Graphical synthesis for four link mechanism Function generator 2 position and 3 position synthesis Overlay Method - Analytical synthesis techniques Module IV (12 hours) Cams and Followers: - types-follower motion-SHM-uniform velocity and accelerationCycloidal - displacement, velocity and acceleration curves-Cam profile-Reciprocating and oscillating followers-Tangent cams-Convex and concave cams with footed followers. Introduction to Polynomial cams. Module V (12 hours) Law of toothed gearing Involutes and cycloidal tooth profiles Spur Gear terminology and definitions Gear tooth action contact ratio Interference and undercutting Non-standard

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

gear teeth Helical, Bevel, Worm, Rack and Pinion gears [Basics only] Gear trains Speed ratio, train value Parallel axis gear trains Epicyclic Gear Trains Differentials Reference Books
1. 2. 3

R L Norton, Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery, 1st ed., Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, Delhi, 2009

J. E. Shigley, J. J. Uicker, Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, McGraw Hill

S .S Rattan Theory of Machines, 3rd ed., Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, Delhi, 2009

4 A. Ghosh, A. K. Malik, Theory of Mechanisms and Machines, Affiliated East West Press

5 A. G. Erdman, G. N. Sandor, Mechanism Design: Analysis and synthesis Vol I & II, Prentice Hall of India

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

ME010 505 I. C. Engines & Combustion

(Common with AU010 505) Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives

Credits: 4

To impart the basic concepts of IC Engine and Combustion

Module I (15 hours) Working of two stroke and four stroke engines and valve timing diagrams of Petrol and diesel engine. (Review only). Fuel air cycles. Ignition systems- Battery and magneto systems- ignition timing and spark advance. Fuels Qualities, rating of fuels - Octane and Cetane numbers. Alternative fuels. Types of engines - Wankel engine,- Stirling engine - Stratified charge engine - VCR engine free piston engine. Module II (15 hours) Air fuel mixture requirements Solex Carburettor. Stoichiometric and excess air calculations. Fuel injection systems in SI and CI engines - Fuel injection pumps.- nozzle- direct and indirect injections. MPFI systems and GDI engines. CRDI technology. Lubrication systems- types properties of lubricants. Flash point, fire point and viscosity index. Module III (10 hours) Thermodynamics of combustion. Combustion reaction of common fuels. Exhaust gas composition. Flue gas analysis. Air fuel ratio from exhaust gas composition. Variation of specific heats- heat losses- Dissociation. Engine cooling systems- Air and liquid system- Super charging and turbo charging Module IV (10 hours) Combustion in SI engines- P- diagram- Stages of combustions- Ignition lag. Flame propagation Abnormal combustion detonation effects. Combustion in CI engines, P- diagram - Ignition delay, diesel knock- controlling methods. Air motion- Squish, tumble, swirl motions. Different types combustion chamber for SI and CI engines. Module V (10 hours) Pollutants in SI and CI engines. NOx, CO, unburned hydrocarbons ,smoke and particulate. Measurement of exhaust emission. (HC, CO, NOx and smoke intensity ) Exhaust gas treatment.- Catalytic converter Thermal reaction -Particulate trap. Testing of IC engines - Indicated power Brake Power - Volumetric efficiency - Heat balance test - Morse test.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Text Books V Ganesan, Internal Combustion Engine Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. New Delhi 2006. Reference Books John B Heywood, Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company Sigapur,1998. Obert E F,Internal Combustion Engine and air Pollution Mc Graw Hill book company New York. Mathur and Sharma,A course in Internal Combustion Engine Delhi, 2004. - Dhanpat Rai Publications new

Sharma S.P, Fuels and Combustion, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. New Delhi.1990. Spalding D.B. Some Fundamentals of Combustion Better Worths Scientific Publications London, 1955.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

ME010 506 Thermodynamics

(Common with PE 010 506 and AU010 506) Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives
To impart the basic concepts of Thermodynamics Pre-requisites: Knowledge required to study this subject (especially any subject previously studied)

Credits: 4

Module I (10 hours) Fundamentals concepts scope and limitations of thermodynamics. Thermodynamic systems different types of systems macroscopic and microscopic analysis continuum Properties state processes. Thermodynamics equilibrium Equation of state of an ideal gas PVT system Real gas relations Compressibility factor Law of corresponding states. Module II (15 hours) Laws of thermodynamics- Zeroth law of thermodynamics Thermal equilibrium Concept of temperature Temperature scales Thermometry Perfect gas temperature scales. Thermometry Perfect gas temperature scales. Work and heat First law of thermodynamics Concept of energy _ First law for closed and open systems Specific heats internal energy and enthalpy Steady flow energy equations _ Jule Thompson effect. Module III (15 hours) Second law of thermodynamics- Various statements and their equivalence_ Reversible process and reversible cycles- Carnot cycles- Corollaries of the second law thermodynamics temperature scales Clausis inequality- Concept of entropy Calculation of change in entropy in various thermodynamic processes Reversibility and irreversibility Available and unavailable energy Third law of thermodynamics. Module IV (10 hours) Thermodynamic relations Combined first and second law equations Hemholtz and gibbs functions Maxwell relations- Equations for specific heats, internal energy, enthalpy and entropy Clausius Clapeyron equations _ applications of thermo dynamic relations. Module V (10 hours) Properties of pure substances PVT, PT and TS diagrams, Mollier diagrams- Mixture of gases and vapours- mixture of ideal gases Daltons law Gibbs law- Thermodynamic properties of mixtures Text Books

1 P K Nag, Engineering Thermodynamics, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. New Delhi 2008.
Reference Books

1. J. F. Lee and FW Sears, Engineering Thermodynamics, Addison-Wesleg Publishing Company, London, 1962. 2. Spalding and Cole, Engineering Thermodynamics, The English Language Book Society and Edward Arnold Ltd.,1976. 3. M. A.chuthan, Engineering Thermodynamics,Prentice Hall of India Private Ltd, New Delhi 2002. 4. J.H Keenan, Thermodynamics, John Wiley and Sons , New York, 1963. 5. Edward F Obert, Concept of Thermodynamics, McGraw Hill book company New York, 1988. 6. J.P. Holman, Thermodynamics, McGraw Hill book company New York, 1988. 7. Mark W. Zemansky, Heat and Thermodynamic, McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2001. 8 Roy T, Basic Engineering Thermodynamics, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. New Delhi 1989.
Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

ME010 507: CAD/CAM Lab

(Common with PE010 708) Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Credits: 2

Objectives To train the students in solid modelling, surface modelling and drafting To gain experience in assembly modelling, mechanism design and systems routing To practise computer controlled manufacturing methods To expose students to rapid prototyping Solid Modeling (15 hours) Creation of 3D models-Wireframe, Surface and Solid modeling techniques using CAD packages- Parametric modeling-Drafting-Generation of orthographic 2D views from models,Sectioning,Detailing Exposure to Industrial components-Application of Geometrical Dimensioning &Tolerancing. Assembly Design (15 hours) Assembling of various machine parts and tolerance analysis, generation of 2D drawings and bill of materials from assembly Mechanism Design - synthesis and design of mechanisms - animations - exercises on various mechanisms like four bar chain, slider crank mechanism and its inversions System Design-Schematic and non schematic driven routing of pipes and tubes, Computer aided manufacturing (15 hours) Part programming fundamentals - manual part programming and computer aided part programming - hands on training in computer controlled turning and milling operations - tool path generation and simulation - exercises on CNC lathe and machining center/milling machines Generation of STL files and rapid prototyping of CAD models Exercises 1) Modeling of machine parts, brackets using 2D drawings 2) Modeling of surfaces using given master geometry 3) Parametric modeling of standard parts such as nuts, bolts, rivets, washers etc 4) Assembling of machine parts 5) Generation of manufacturing drawings from 3D models/assembly 6) Synthesis of four bar mechanism and its simulation using software packages 7) Synthesis of slider crank mechanism and its simulation using software packages 8) Schematic and non schematic routing of pipes/tubes 9) Manual/Computer aided part programming for turning and milling operations 10) Rapid prototyping of simple CAD models

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Mahatma Gandhi University

Reference Books 1. CAD and Solid Modeling Software Packages CATIAV5, UNIGRAPHICS and PROE Manuals of Latest Version 2. Ibrahim Zeid, R Sivasubrahmanian CAD/CAM: Theory & Practice Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, Delhi, 3. Yoram Koren, Computer Control of Manufacturing Systems Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, Delhi, 4. Peter Smid, (2003), CNC programming Handbook a comprehensive guide to practical CNC programming, Industrial Press Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50) 50%-Laboratory practical and record 30%- Test/s 20%- Regularity in the class Note: Exercise in Rapid prototyping may be demonstrated for the entire batch

End Semester Examination (Maximum Marks-100) 70% - Procedure, modeling steps, results 30% - Viva voce

Syllabus B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

ME010 508 Electrical & Electronics Lab

(Common with PE010 508 and AU010 508) Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Credits: 2

Objectives To conduct various tests on Electrical Machines and to study their performance. To conduct various tests on practical electronic circuits

1. Study of 3-point and 4-point starters for D.C machines 2. OCC of self excited D.C machines critical resistances of various speeds. Voltage built-up with a given field circuit resistance. Critical speed for a given field circuit resistance 3. OCC of separately excited D.C machines 4. Load test on shunt generator deduce external, internal and armature reaction characteristics. 5. Load test on compound generator 6. Swinburnes test on D.C machines 7. Brake test on D.C shunt motors and determination of characteristics. 8. Brake test on D.C series motors and determination of characteristics. 9. Brake test on D.C compound motors and determination of characteristics. 10. O.C and S.C tests on single phase transformers calculation of performance using equivalent circuit efficiency, regulation at unity, lagging and leading power factors. 11. Load test on single phase transformers. 12. Alternator regulation by emf and mmf methods 13. Study of starters for three phase induction motors 14. Load tests on three phase squirrel cage induction motors 15. Load tests on three phase slip ring induction motors 16. Load tests on single phase induction motors

1. Design and testing of clipping and clamping circuits 2. Design and testing of of RC integrator and differentiator circuits.

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Mahatma Gandhi University

3. Design and testing of rectifier circuits Half wave Full wave (centre tapped and bridge) circuits. Filter circuits. 4. Design and testing of RC coupled amplifier frequency response. Sweep circuits 5. Design and Testing of RC phase-shift Oscillator

1. Dr. P S Bimbra, Electrical Machinery, Khanna Publishers 2. R K Rajput, A text book of Electrical Machines, Laxmi publishers 3. A.P. Malvino, Electronic Principles TMH 4. Floyd, Electronic Devices, Pearson Education, LPE

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50) 50%-Laboratory practical and record 30%- Test/s 20%- Regularity in the class

End Semester Examination (Maximum Marks-100) 70% - Procedure, conducting experiment, results, tabulation, and inference 30% - Viva voce

Syllabus B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

ME010 601 Mechanics of Machines

(Common with AU010 601) Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To understand the method of static force analysis and dynamic force analysis of mechanisms To understand the principles of governors and gyroscopes. To understand the design of flywheel To understand the working of different types of brakes and dynamometers Module I (14 hours)

Force analysis of machinery - static and dynamic force analysis of plane motion mechanisms - graphical method - principle of superposition matrix methods method of virtual work.
Module II (12 hours)

Governors: - terminology; Watt, Porter, Proel, Hartnell, Hartung, Wilson-Hartnell, and Pickering governors-spring controlled governors of gravity type-effort and power-controlling force diagram-quality of governors-effect of frictioninsensitiveness-stability-inertia governors- governor speed, torque characteristics of an engine-governor and flywheel.
Module III (12 hours)

Turning moment diagram and Flywheel: - coefficient of fluctuation of energy and speed- energy saved in a flywheel-punching press-dynamically equivalent two mass system-centre of percussion-kinetic equivalence-reversed effective force analysispiston effort-crankpin effort- crank effort-turning moment diagrams for I.C. engines.
Module IV (10 hours)

Gyroscope: - Principle-Angular acceleration-Effect of gyroscopic couple on bearings, airplanes, and ships-stability of automobile and two wheel vehicles-Gyroscopic stabilization of sea vessels and grinding mills-Rigid disc at an angle fixed to a rotating shaft
Module V (12 hours)

Brakes and clutches: Shoe, double block, long shoe, internally expanding shoe, band, band & block, hydraulic, mechanical, air and power brakes-braking of a vehicle-cone, single plate, multiple, centrifugal clutches. Dynamometers: Pony brake. rope brake, epicyclic train, belt transmission and torsion dynamometers-effort and power.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Reference Books 1. R L Norton, Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery, 1st ed., Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, Delhi, 2009 2. J. E. Shigley, J. J. Uicker, Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, McGraw Hill 3 S .S Rattan Theory of Machines, 3rd ed., Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, Delhi, 2009 4 A. Ghosh, A. K. Malik, Theory of Mechanisms and Machines, Affiliated East West Press 5. C. E. Wilson, P. Sadler, Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery, 3rd edition, Pearson Education. 6. Holowenko, Dynamics of Machinery, John Wiley

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

ME010602: Heat and Mass Transfer

(Common with AU010 602) Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To provide a useful foundation and basic knowledge of the subject required for innovative work and advanced studies. To motivate the students and to develop interest in the subject by providing information along with practical application of different formulae from an engineering point of view. Module I (12 hours) Scope and application of heat transfer principles in engineering practice. Introduction to basic modes of heat transfer Conduction: Fourier law-thermal conductivity of solids, liquids and gasses-factors affecting thermal conductivity-common conducting and insulating materials. General heat conduction equation in Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical co-ordinates- one dimensional steady state conduction with and without heat generation-conduction through homogeneous and composite surfaces-plane wall, cylinders and spheres-concept of thermal resistance-contact resistance-variable thermal conductivity-critical thickness of insulation-overall heat transfer coefficient-heat transfer through corners and edges-conduction shape factor. Module II (12 hours) Convection: Elementary ideas of hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layers-Newtons law of cooling-factors affecting heat transfer coefficient in forced and natural (free) convection heat transfer-application of dimensional analysis to free and forced convection-significance of Prandtil number, Reynolds number, Grashof number and Nusselt number. Forced convection: Laminar and turbulent flow heat transfer in a circular pipe- Laminar and turbulent flow heat transfer in flow over a flat plate-flow across a cylinder. Natural convection: Natural convection heat transfer from a plate kept vertical and horizontal- cylinder kept vertical and horizontal-description of natural convection heat transfer from enclosed spaces. (Problems limited to using important empirical relations available in data book) Module III (12 hours) Heat transfer from extended surfaces: Governing equation and boundary conditions-straight rectangular fin-pin fin of uniform cross sectional area-circumferential fin-fin effectiveness-fin efficiency-solving problems using data book. Heat exchangers: General classification of heat exchangers according to type of energy transfer, according to flow arrangement and according to area to volume ratio-Log Mean Temperature Difference (LMTD) for parallel flow, counter flow and cross flow arrangementscalculation of heat exchanger size and flow rates from known temperatures. Effectiveness_NTU method of evaluation-solving problems using data book. Module IV (12 hours) Radiation: Nature of thermal radiation-definitions and concepts-monochromatic and total emissive power-absorptivity, reflectivity and transmissivity-definition of black, grey and real surfaces-concept of a black body-Planks law, Kirchoffs law, Weins displacement law and Stefan-Boltzmann law-geometric factor (shape factor or configuration factor) of simple geometries. Heat exchange by radiation between black surfaces of equal, parallel and opposite black squares and discs-black rectangles perpendicular to each other having a common edgeheat exchange between infinite parallel planes of different emissivity-radiation shield ( no derivation )-simple derivations and simple problems using data book.

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Mahatma Gandhi University

Module V (12 hours) Mass Transfer: Introduction to mass transfer-Ficks law of diffusion-steady state mass diffusion of gasses and liquids through solids-convective mass transfer (elementary concepts and definitions)-analogy between heat and mass transfer-elementary problems. Condensation and boiling: Laminar film condensation on a vertical plate and horizontal tubes. Pool boiling-different regimes of pool boiling-flow patterns in flow boiling in a vertical tube. Two dimensional steady state heat conduction-governing equation and boundary conditionsapplication of finite difference method in solving two dimensional steady state heat conduction through a rectangular slab (method of discretisation of nodal equations only) Data Book: 1. C. P. Kothandaraman, S. Subramanyan, Heat and Mass Transfer Data Book, 5th ed., New Age International Publishers. 2. A. V. Domkundwar, Dr. V. M. Domkundwar, Heat and Mass Transfer Data Book, 3rd ed., Danapat Rai & Co. References:

1. 2. 3.

Text Books S. P. Sukhatme, A Text Book on Heat Transfer, 4th ed.,Universities Press, Hydrabad, 2005 S. K. Som, Introduction to Heat Transfer, PHI Learning,New Delhi, 2008 P. K. Nag, Heat Transfer, 1st ed., Tata McGraw-Hill

Reference Books Frank P. Incropera, David P. Dewitt, Fundementals of Heat and Mass Transfer, 5th ed., John Wiley & Sons 2. J. P. Holman, Heat Transfer, 9th ed., Tata McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi, 2010 3. M. Necati Ozisick, Heat Transfer A Basic Approach, McGraw Hill Book Company 4. Frank Kreith, Mark S. Bohn, Principles of Heat Transfer, 5th ed , PWS Publishing Company 5. S. P. Venkateshan, A First Course in Heat Transfer, Ane Books, Chennai

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

ME010 603 Thermal Systems and Applications

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives To impart the basic concepts of different types of engines To develop an idea about various thermal systems.. Credits: 4

Module I (12 hours)Steam Engineering: Properties of steam - wet, dry and superheated steam - dryness fraction - enthalpy and internal energy - entropy of steam - temperature entropy diagram - process - Mollier chart - Rankine cycle for wet, dry and superheated steam. Steam Generators - classification - modern steam generators boiler mountings and accessories. Module II (12 hours) Steam nozzles - Mass flow rate - throat pressure for maximum discharge - throat area - effect of friction - super saturated flow. Steam turbines: velocity triangles, work done, governing, and efficiencies. Module III (12 hours) Gas turbine Plants - Open and closed cycles thermodynamics cycles - regeneration, re heating - inter cooling - efficiency and performance of gas turbines. Rotary Compressors - Analysis of rotary compressors centrifugal and axial compressors and reciprocating compressors. Combustion combustion chambers of gas turbines - cylindrical, annular and industrial type combustion chamber - combustion intensity - combustion chambers efficiency pressure loss combustion process and stability loop. Module IV (12 hours) Introduction to solar energy - solar collectors - Liquid flat plate collectors - principle - thermal losses and efficiency - characteristics - overall loss coefficient - thermal analysis - useful heat gained by fluid - mean plate temperature - performance - focussing type solar collectors - solar concentrators and receivers - sun tracking system - characteristics - optical losses - thermal performance - solar pond - solar water heating - solar thermal power generation (Description Only) Module V (12 hours) Thermal power plants: layout and operation of steam and diesel power plants - coal burners - stockers - cooling ponds & towers - chimneys - draught - dust collectors - precipitators - feed water heaters - evaporators - steam condensers coal handling - ash handling.
Text Books

1. E. L. Wahid , Power plant technology 2. Mathur and Mehta, Thermodynamic and heat power engineering, Jain Brothers. 3. P. L. Ballaney , Thermal Engineering, Khanna publishers
Reference Books

1. Cohen & Rogers, Gas Turbine Theory 2. G. D. Rai, Solar Energy Utilization 3. R.K. Rajput, Thermal engineering, Lakshmi publications

Syllabus - B.Tech. Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

ME010 604: Metrology and Machine Tools

(Common with AU010 604) Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives Understand and appreciate the importance of basic principles of traditional material removal processes. Understand the application of those principles in practice. To understand the principles of metrology and measurements, methods of measurement and its application in manufacturing industries. Module I (12 hours) Conventional Machining Processes Turning machines:- Types - method of holding work and tool, accessories, attachments-operations and types of tools for each operation - tool room lathe - duplicating lathe - Capstan and Turret lathe knurling - Drilling:- types of drilling machines - types of drills - nomenclature of drill point - drill wear - types of chip breakers cutting forces in drilling - Boring:- types of boring machines, tool geometry - counterboring, spot facing, countersinking, trepanning Reaming:- types of reamers - tool nomenclature cutting forces - tool materials and surface roughness obtainable in each operations. Shaping, planing and slotting machines:- Types and specifications - quick return motion hydraulic feed and its advantages - automatic feed-speed, feed and depth of cut -work holding devices - types of operation and examples of work done - shaping of V-blocks, planing of guide gibs, slotting of keyways Broaching:- - basic process - different cutting elements force required for broaching and strength of broach tool materials and surface roughness obtainable in each operations. Module II (12 hours) Milling operations:- different types milling machines - Different methods of milling nomenclature of milling cutters cutting forces in milling different types of milling cutters attachments for milling:-vertical milling and universal milling attachment, high speed milling attachment, rack milling and slot attachments, parking bracket, rotary table, universal dividing head, vices, arbors, adaptors and collet chucks tool materials and surface roughness obtainable in milling machining centers: applications and advantages - Grinding: - types of machines - Grinding mechanisms:- grinding debris, grinding force power, specific energy - Grinding wheels:- different types of abrasives, grain size, different types of bond, grade, structure marking system of grinding wheels - Grinding fluids Truing and dressing of grinding wheels - Grinding temperature, thermal damage and surface roughness obtainable. Horning: Types of machines, methods of honing types honing stones honing conditions cutting fluids - surface roughness obtainable - Lapping: - types of hand lapping - types of lapping machines - surface roughness obtainable Burnishing:- processes and surface roughness obtainable. Module III (12 hours) Gear cutting process: - Gear milling: - gear milling machines and different gear milling operations - Gear hobbing: - principle of the hobbing process and hobbing machines, basic types of hobbing machines, different hobbing techniques, nomenclature of hob, hob wear, spur gear hobbing, helical gear hobbing - gear shaping: - principle of gear shaping process gear finishing - gear errors - Thread production process: - different thread production processes: screw cutting on lathe, thread milling, thread whirling, die threading, tapping, thread rolling, and thread grinding.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Module IV (12 hours) Engineering Metrology General measurements concepts:- Principles for achieving accuracy; methods for estimating accuracy and precision, precision Vs accuracy, systematic and constant errors; progressive, random, erratic, drunken errors - Fits and tolerances:- types of fits: hole and shaft basis system limit gauges:- gauge tolerance, presentation of gauge tolerances Taylors theory of gauging limit gauges for screw threads - Design and operation of linear measurements:Principle of alignment (Abbes), accuracy and precision etc. Principle of kinematics: complete constraints, one degree of freedom Gauge blocks:- gauge materials, accuracy and standards, effect of temperature, surface roughness and manufacturing of gauge blocks Comparators:- mechanical, mechanical-optical, pneumatic and horizontal length comparator Angle measurements:- three disc, sine bar and dial gauge measurement of taper plug ring gauges and taper bores Precision levels, clinometer Optical instruments for angle measurements:- optical principles of projector, microscope, telescope, collimator, auto collimator - optical flat and optical parallel applications auto collimator, angle dekkor, combination of angle gauges, optical flat. Module V (12 hours) Tool makers microscope profile projector optical microscope, SEM and TEM - straight edge surface plate measurement of squareness:- squareness testing with dial gauge, tilting bar, optical square, checking an internal right angle - Measurement of surface roughness: meaning of surface texture and causes stylus probe instrument, RMS, CLA, peak to valley, Ra, Rt, Rz etc. stylus, skid, effect of sampling length, magnification, cut-off, evaluation length etc. comparison of surface roughness of different machining process concept of apparent to real area of contact of mating surfaces, applications in clutch plate surface, brake liner, inner race of a bearing, cylinder liner, machine tool guide way, significance of surface roughness in crack initiation assessment of roundness errors:- least square reference circle, minimum circumscribed circle, minimum zone reference circle and maximum inscribed circle roundness parameters:- eccentricity, concentricity and runout three wire system of thread pitch diameter measurement - gear tooth measurement by vernier caliper, pin method of measuring gear teeth Alignment tests for machine tools:- test for level installation of a lathe bed spindle tests of concentricity and alignment with guide ways tests for straightness and flatness of a lathe bed guide ways test for squreness of a drilling machine spindle with table CMM, laser interferomerty and applications. Text Books S. Haykin and B. V. Veen, Signals and Systems, John Wiley & Sons, N. Y., 2002 A. V. Oppenheim, A. S. Willsky and S. H. Nawab, Signals & Systems, 2nd ed., Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1997

1. 2.

Reference Books 1. C. L. Philips, J. M. Parr, E. A Riskin, Signals, Systems and Transforms, 3rd ed., Pearson Education, Delhi, 2002 2. R. E. Zeimer, W. H. Tranter, and D. R. Fannin, Signals and Systems: Continuous and Discrete, 4th ed., Pearson Education, Delhi, 1998 3. M. J. Roberts, Signals and Systems: Analysis using Transform methods and MATLAB, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2003

Syllabus - B.Tech. Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

ME010 605 Mechatronics and Control systems

(Common with AU010 605) Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives To impart basic concepts of mechatronics and control systems. Credits: 4

Module 1 [12 Hours] Introduction:-Scope of Mechatronics-Systems-Microprocessor based controllersmechatronic approach-sensors-transducers-force-velocity-displacement-temperatureinputting data by switches-signal conditioning-operational amplifiers-filteringmultiplexers-data acquisition-modulation. Data presentation systems:- Displaysmeasurement systems-calibration-pneumatic and hydraulic systems-control valvesactuators-mechanical and electrical activation systems-relays and solenoid switchesproximity pickups. Module 2 [12 Hours] Input/output Systems:-Ports, interface requirements, adaptors-programmable logic controllers-data handling digital communications-system, networks, protocols, interfaces, fault finding- design and mechatronic design solutions. Electromechanical systems:-CD, DVD Rom, OCR, Printers. Module 3 [12 Hours]
Introduction to Control Systems Engineering:-Concept of automatic control-open loop and closed loop systems-servomechanisms-Block diagrams-transfer functions-Representation of control components and systems-Translational and rotational mechanical components series and parallel combinations-comparators ,integrating devices, hydraulic servomotors, temperature control systems, speed control systems.

Module 4 [12 Hours] System Response:-First and second order system-Response to step, pulse, ramp and sinusoidal input-systems with distance, velocity lag. Control System Analysis:Transient Response of simple control systems Stability of control systems Routh Stability criteria Error Analysis. Module 5 [12 Hours] Frequency Response Analysis :- Polar ,Rectangular and Logarithmic plots Experimental determination of frequency response -Bode and Nyquist stability criteria Gain and phase margin. Root locus of simple transfer function.

Text Books 1. Mechatronics-W.Bolton-Pearson 2. Control Systems- A. Nagoor Kani References 1. Mechatronics-A.Smaili&F.Mrad-Oxford 2. Control Systems Engg T .J. Nagrath & M .Gopal. 3. Automatic Control Theory-Ravan. 4. Modern Control Engg.-K. Ogatta

5 Control Systems Engg -Benjamin C Kuo

Syllabus - B.Tech. Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

ME010 606L01 Computational Fluid Dynamics

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives Credits: 4

To introduce the primary components of learning and practicing CFD To develop an understanding of solution methods for fluid motion and energy transfer equations

Module 1 (15 hours) Basic concepts: conservation principles derivation of transport equations: control volume Langangian and Eulerian approach- mass conservation equation-momentum conservation equations-stress laws-mass transfer equation-energy equation-rate change-convection and conduction-volumetric generation-work done by surface and body forces- dimensionless form of Navier-Stokes equations- introduction to numerical methods, advantages and limitations. Module 2 (10 hours) One dimenensional conduction: The governing equation- grid layout-discretisation-stability and convergence-explicit, implicit and semi-implicit procedures-methods to handle nonlinearities- Solution methods-Gauss-Siedel method and TDMA-Simple problems. Module 3 (10 hours) One dimensional conduction-convection: exact solution-discretisation- central difference scheme-upwind difference schemes- numerical false diffusion-stability of unsteady equationexact solution-explicit finite difference form-implicit finite difference form. Module 4 (10 hours) Two dimensional boundary layers: governing equations- descretisation method- symmetry, wall and free stream boundary conditions- dealing with source terms defining initial conditions-choice of grid size and iterations-applications (excluding turbulence) Module 5 (15 hours) Two dimensional Convection-Cartesian Grids: simple mathematical models for incompressible, in viscid, potential and creeping flows-approximations of hyperbolic, parabolic, elliptic, and mixed flows. Solution strategies for 2D convection problems- SIMPLE algorithm-descretisation- pressure correction equation- solution procedure- Solution methods: iterative solvers-evaluation of residuals-under relaxation-boundary conditions - simple description on treatment of turbulent flows - applications (laminar flows only).

Text Books 1. Anderson J.D., Computational Fluid Dynamics, McGraw- Hill Co. 2. Joel H. Ferzigerand Peric M., Computational methods for Fluid Dynamics, Springer Werlag Publishers Reference Books 1. Patankar S.V., Numerical Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer , Hemisphere, New York 2. Anil W. Date, Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics, Cambridge University Press 3. Hiderbrand F.B., Introduction to Numerical Analysis , Tata McGraw- Hill

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

ME010 606 L02: Composite Materials Technology

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives: To understand the concept of composite materials Module I (12 hours) Fibers: introduction glass fibers: fabrication, structure, properties and applications Boron fibers: fabrication, structure, morphology, properties and application Carbon fibers: Different preparation methods, structural change during preparation, properties and application Aramid fibers: fabrication, structure, properties and applications Ceramic fibers: Alumina and silicon carbide fibers metallic fibers. Module II (12 hours) Matrix materials: Polymers and its characteristics Metals: fiber reinforcement of metals Ceramic matrix materials: bonding and structure, effect of flaws on strength and common ceramic matrix materials. Interfaces: wettability and bonding interface in composites types of bonding at interface tests for interfacial strength. Module III (12 hours) Metal Matrix Composites (MMC):- Different fabrication methods of MMC interface in MMC discontinues reinforcement of MMC detailed discussion on mechanical properties applications. Module IV (12 hours) Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMC):- Different fabrication methods of CMC interface in CMC detailed discussion on properties toughness of CMC - applications. Carbon fiber composites: fabrication properties interface. Module V (12 hours) Micromechanics of composites: Maximum stress and strain criterion, Tsai-Hill and Tsai-Wu failure criterion (derivations) - mechanics of load transfer from matrix to fiber (description only). Polymer matrix composites: properties and engineering applications processing of PMC: hand lay-up, spray up, compression molding, reinforced reaction injection molding, resin transfer molding, pultrusion, filament winding, injection, vacuum bag molding process. Text Books S. Haykin and B. V. Veen, Signals and Systems, John Wiley & Sons, N. Y., 2002 A. V. Oppenheim, A. S. Willsky and S. H. Nawab, Signals & Systems, 2nd ed., Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1997 Credits: 4

1. 2.

Reference Books 1. C. L. Philips, J. M. Parr, E. A Riskin, Signals, Systems and Transforms, 3rd ed., Pearson Education, Delhi, 2002 2. R. E. Zeimer, W. H. Tranter, and D. R. Fannin, Signals and Systems: Continuous and Discrete, 4th ed., Pearson Education, Delhi, 1998 3. M. J. Roberts, Signals and Systems: Analysis using Transform methods and MATLAB, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2003

Syllabus - B.Tech.Mechanical Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University


Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To impart the basic concepts of Automobile parts and its working To develop an idea about the fundamentals on modern vehicle technologies.

Module 1 (12 hours) Engines: Types of engines in automobiles-classifications-engine componentsworking of various systems-present and future vehicles, engine construction- intake and exhaust systems. Different combustion chambers, carburetors, diesel fuel pumps, injectors, single point and multi point fuel injection-MPFI and CRDI systems lubricating and cooling systems. Vehicle performance-resistance to the motion of vehicle-air, rolling, and radiant resistance-power requirement-acceleration and gradeability-selection of gear ratios. Module 2 (12 hours) Transmission: prime movers- clutch-principle of friction and cone clutches centrifugal clutches, diaphragm clutches and fluid couplings-Gear box-necessity and principle. Constant mesh, sliding mesh, synchromesh gear boxes and epicyclic gearbox overdrives. Hydraulic torque converters-semi and automatic transmission systems - constant velocity and universal joints. Final drive-front wheel, rear wheel and four wheel drives-transfer case-Hotchkiss and torque tube drives-differential-nonslip differential-rear axles-types of rear axles. Module 3 (12 hours) Steering and Suspension: Different steering mechanisms- Ackermann Steering mechanism. Steering gear boxes- power steering types. Suspension systems-front axle, rigid axle and independent suspensions-anti-roll bar-coil spring and leaf spring torsion bar -Macpherson strut- sliding pillar- wish bone- trailing arm suspensionsShock absorbers -hydraulic and gas charged shock absorbers-air suspensions Front axle types-front wheel geometry-castor, camber, king pin inclination, toe-in toeout , wheel balancing- wheel alignment. . Module 4 (12 hours) Chassis, Brakes and Tyres: Types of chassis and body constructions-crumble zones, air bags and impact beams. Braking mechanism and convectional brakes- Drum brakes and Disc brakes. Vacuum booster, hydraulic and power brakes, components and attachments of mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic brakes-Master cylinderTandem cylinder- working. Anti-lock braking systems-Wheels and Tyres- tubeless tyres-ply ratings- radial tyres. Different tyre wears- causes Module 5 (12 hours) Electrical systems - Battery ignition system circuit- electronic ignition system alternators - voltage regulators starting system- bendix and follow through drives automotive lighting, accessories and dashboard instruments- head light and horn with

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

relays-circuit diagrams. Automotive air conditioning Preventive and breakdown maintenance- engine testing, servicing-engine overhaul- engine tuning.
Text Books

1. Kripal Singh , Automobile Engineering (Vol. 1 & 2) 2. V.A.W Hillier & Peter Coombes, Hilliers Fundamentals of Motor Vehicle Technology. New Age International.
Reference Books

1. 2. 3. 4.

K.M.Guptha , Automobile Engineering (Vol. 1 & 2) Joseph Heitner, Automotive Mechanics Harbans Singh Reyd, Automobile Engineering William H. Course, Automotive Mechanics

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

ME010 606L04:Advanced Strength of Materials

(Common with PE 010 606L05) Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To analyse the stresses and deformations through advanced mathematical models. To estimate the design strength of various industrial equipments. Module 1 ( 12 -hours) ANALYSIS OF PLATES Mathematical modeling of plates with normal loads Point and Distributed Loads Support conditions Rectangular plates - Stresses along coordinate axes Plate deformations Axi-symmetric plates Radial and tangential stresses plate deflections. . Module II ( 14-hours) THICK CYLINDERS AND SPHERES Equilibrium and compatibility conditions - Lames Theorem Boundary conditions distribution of radial and tangential stresses compound cylinders Interference fits - Stresses due to temperature distributions. piston, oscillating motor-characteristics. Module III ( 12 -hours) ROTATING DISCS Lame-Clayperon Theorem radial and tangential stresses in discs due to centrifugal effects boundary conditions solid and hollow discs Interference fit on shafts Strengthening of the hub residual stresses Autofrettege Discs of variable thickness Disc profile for uniform strength. Module IV ( 12 - hours) BEAMS ON ELASTIC FOUNDATION Infinite beam subjected to concentrated load Boundary Conditions Infinite beam subjected to a distributed load segment Triangular load Semi infinite beam subjected to loads at the ends and concentrated load near the ends Short beams. Module V ( 10 - hours) CURVED BEAMS AND CONTACT STRESSES Analysis of stresses in beams with large curvature Stress distribution in curved beams Stresses in crane hooks and C clamps Contact Stresses Hertz equation for contact stresses applications to rolling contact elements.

Text Books 1. Boresi A.P., Schmidt R.J., Advanced Mechanics of Materials, John Wiley and Sons, Sixth edition, 2003. 2. Dally J.W. and Riley W.F, Experimental Stress Analysis, John Wiley and Sons 2003 Reference Books 1. Burr A. H., CheathAm J.B., Mechanical Analysis and Design, Prentice Hall of India, Second edition, 2001. 2. Den-Hartog J.P., Strength of Materials, John Wiley and Sons..

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

ME010 606L05: Industrial Hydraulics

(Common with PE 010 606L05) Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To impart the basic concepts of Fluid properties, hydraulic machines and pumping machinery To develop an idea about pressure measurements working and properties of hydraulic machines and various types of pumping machineries. Module 1 ( 14 -hours) Introduction to hydraulic / pneumatic devices. Symbols and

nomenclature. Power transmission, Hydraulic pumps-classifications, characteristic Comparison of electric, hydraulic and pneumatic devices. Hydraulic accumulators.
. Module II ( 14-hours) Pumps and motors: Principle of working. Hand pumps-single acting, double acting, multi- displacement. Gear pumps- internal, external and gear ring. Screw, vane, piston pumps axial piston pump, swash pump, bent axis pump radial and series pumps. Types of hydraulic motors, gear motors, vane motors, piston motors- radial piston, rolling vane, ball piston, oscillating motor-characteristics. Telescopic cylinder, cylinder cushion. Module III ( 12 -hours) Hydraulic valves: Directional control valve, shuttle valve,

pressure control valve Stop valve- non return valve-relief valve-sequence valvecounter balance valve- pressure reducing valve flow control valve direction control valves- throttling, non throttling- open centre and closed centre and tandem centre valves- their principle of operation.
Module IV ( 12 - hours) Hydraulic Circuits and Circuit fundamentals. Flow divider and combiner. Piping terminology, control terminology, flow control of hydraulic pump, velocity control- characteristics. Different types of switching and its merits Meter in and meter out. Applications of unloading valve. Application of pressure reducing and pressure sequence valve. Module V ( 8 - hours) Properties of commonly used hydraulic fluids-Typical hydraulic

circuits used in machine tools Rivetter- pneumatic Hammer, hydraulic press, and power steering

1. 2.

Text Books S.R.Majumdar, Oil Hydraulics and Systems-Principles and maintenance, TMH

John Pippenger & Tyler Hicks - Industrial Hydraulics

Reference Books

1. Daniel Bonteille -Fluid Logic and Industrial automation. 2. Pneumatic Systems Principles and Maintanance by S.R Majumdar, TMH 3. Esposito- Fluid power with applications. .

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

ME010606 L06 Project Management

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives Credits: 4

To impart the basic concepts of Project selection. To develop an understanding of tools, techniques and software available for Project Management.

Module 1 (10 hours) Introduction, Capital Investments, Phases of Capital Budgeting, Project Characteristics, Taxonomy of Projects, Project Identification and Formulation. 7-S of Project Management. Project feasibility Analysis- Market and Demand Analysis, Technical Analysis, Financial Analysis, Ecological Analysis, Social Cost Benefit Analysis. Module 2 (15 hours) Cost of the Project, Means of Finance, Financial Evaluation of projects- Pay back period method, Accounting Rate of Return method, Net Present Value method, Internal Rate of Return method, Benefit Cost Ratio method, etc., Simple Problems. Module 3 (10 hours) Risk Analysis-risk in economic analysis-measuring risk in investment; Sources, Measures and Perspectives on Risk, Techniques used for risk analysis Decision trees, Simulation, Breakeven Analysis etc., Techniques for Managing Risk. Module 4 (15 hours) Project Scheduling- PERT and CPM techniques, Estimates -time, cost, resources (man, material, tool), Crashing of Projects, Project scheduling with constrained resources, resource leveling, resource Allocation. Module 5 (10hours) Computer Aided Project management, Essential Requirement of Project Management Software, MS Project 2010 software, Features and Facilities in Project 2010, Types of Reports available in Project 2010 etc. Project Management Information Systems (PMIS), PMIS sotware, Web- Enabled Project Management.

Text Books 1. Prasanna Chandra, Projects, Tata McGraw Hill. 2. Nagarajan K, Project Management 4th edition, New Age International (P) Ltd. Reference Books 1. Nicholas J. M. & Steyn H., Project Management, Elsevier. 2. Brian Kennemer and Sonia Atchison, Using Microsoft Project 2010, Que Publishing. 3. Harvey Maylor, Project Management, Pearson Education. 4. Panneerselvam & Senthilkumar, Project Management, PHI

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University


(Common with AU010 607 and AN010 607) Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Objectives To provide experience on testing of IC engines performance. Study of systems and components of IC Engines and automobiles - study of dynamometers used in engine testing - study of IC Engine repairs and maintenance. Study of boilers, boiler mountings and accessories - study of steam engine parts and systems. Testing of IC engines Performance analysis of IC engine using computerized test rigLoad test on petrol and diesel engines- determination of indicated and brake thermal efficiencies - mechanical efficiency - relative efficiency - volumetric efficiency - air-fuel ratio and compression ratio - valve timing diagram - retardation test - Morse test - heat balance effect of varying the rate of cooling water and varying the speed on the performance characteristics of engines. Testing of steam boiler - boiler trial - steam calorimeters and steam nozzles - performance test on steam engines - performance test on steam turbines. Testing of fuels and lubricants - determination of flash and fire points of petroleum products determination of kinematics and absolute viscosity of lubricating oils - determination of calorific values Credits: 2

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50) 50%-Laboratory practical and record 30%- Test/s 20%- Regularity in the class

End Semester Examination (Maximum Marks-100) 70% - Procedure, conducting experiment, results, tabulation, and inference 30% - Viva voce

Syllabus B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering

ME010 608 Machine Tool Laboratory

(Common with AU010 608) Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Credits: 2

List of Experiments 1. Study of precision tools used in machine tool laboratory: Vernier caliper, micrometers, surface plates, surface gauges, gauge block, straight edges, dial gauge, plug and ring gauges, slip gauges, sine bar, care of tools and gauges. 2 practices. 2. Study of lathe tools and accessories: - Selection of tool for different operations tool materials: high carbon steel, HSS, cemented carbides, coated WC, indexable inserts, alumina, cBN, diamond etc. - tool nomenclature and attributes of each tool angles on cutting processes effect of nose radius, side cutting edge angle, end cutting edge angle and feed on surface roughness tool grinding and safe working practices. - 1 practice. 3. Selection of speeds, feeds and depth of cut selection of cutting fluids different methods of holding work. - 1 practice. 4. Experiment on arc and gas welding: - butt welding and lap welding of M.S. sheets. - 1 practice. 5. (a) Measurement of cutting forces in turning process using dynamometers. (b) Experiment on lathe:- Facing, plain turning, step turning and parting - groove cutting, knurling and chamfering - form turning and taper turning - eccentric turning. (c) Measurement of flank wear in turning process using tool makers microscope. - 3 practices. 6. Experiment on thread cutting: - single and multistart external and internal threads, square and V-threads. - 1 practice. 7. Disassembly and assembly of small assemblies such as tail stock, bench vice, screw jack etc. - 1 practice. 8. Experiment on drilling machine: - drilling, boring, reaming and counter sinking taping study of reamers and taping. - 1 practice. 9. Study and demonstration of N.C. machines:- CNC machines components - Point to point, straight cut and contouring positioning - incremental and absolute systems open loop and closed loop systems DDA integrator and interpolators part programming fundamentals - manual programming tape format sequence number, preparatory functions, dimension words, speed word, feed world, tool world, miscellaneous functions Computer aided part programming:- APT language structure: geometry commands, motion commands, postprocessor commands, compilation control commands programming, simulation and demonstration exercises involving plane taper and form turning etc. - 3 practices. Besides to the skill development in performing the work, prepare the control charts and oral examination should also be carried out. Observation and record books are to be maintained.

The students assessment, continuous evaluation, awarding of sessional marks, record bonafides, oral examination etc and University examination shall be carried out by the faculty members (lecturer and above). TEXT BOOKS: 1. Acharkan. N., Machine Tool Design Vol. 1 to 4, MIR Publication. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Chapman, Workshop Technology, Vol II, ELBS. 2. HMT, Production Technology, Tata McGraw Hill. 3. Yoram Koren, Numerical Control of Machine Tools, McGraw-Hill.

Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EE)


(Common to all branches except CS & IT)

Teaching scheme
2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives

Credits: 4

To apply standard methods and basic numerical techniques for solving problems and to know the importance of learning theories in Mathematics.
Vector differential calculus ( 12 hours)


Scalar and vector fields gradient-physical meaning- directional derivative-divergence an curl - physical meaning-scalar potential conservative field- identities - simple problems MODULE 2 Vector integral calculus ( 12 hours)

Line integral - work done by a force along a path-surface and volume integral-application of Greens theorem, Stokes theorem and Gauss divergence theorem MODULE 3 Finite differences Finite difference operators and ( 12 hours) - interpolation using Newtons forward and

backward formula problems using Stirlings formula, Lagranges formula and Newtons divided difference formula MODULE 4 Difference Calculus ( 12 hours)

Numerical differentiation using Newtons forward and backward formula Numerical integration Newtons cotes formula Trapezoidal rule Simpsons 1/3rd and 3/8th rule Difference equations solution of difference equation MODULE 5 Z transforms ( 12 hours)

Definition of Z transforms transform of polynomial function and trignometric functions shifting property , convolution property - inverse transformation solution of 1st and 2nd order difference equations with constant coifficients using Z transforms. Reference 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Erwin Kreyszing Advance Engg. Mathematics Wiley Eastern Ltd. B.S. Grewal Higher Engg. Mathematics - Khanna Publishers B.V. Ramana - Higher Engg. Mathematics McGraw Hill K Venkataraman- Numerical methods in science and Engg -National publishing co S.S Sastry - Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis -PHI T.Veerarajan and T.Ramachandran- Numerical Methods- McGraw Hill Babu Ram Engg. Mathematics -Pearson. H.C.Taneja Advanced Engg. Mathematics Vol I I.K.International

EN010 302 Economics and Communication Skills

(Common to all branches) Teaching scheme 2hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week Credits: 4(3+1) Objectives To impart a sound knowledge of the fundamentals of Economics.

Module I (7 hours) Reserve Bank of India-functions-credit control-quantitative and qualitative techniques Commercial banks-functions- Role of Small Industries Development Bank of India and National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development The stock market-functions-problems faced by the stock market in India-mutual funds Module II (6 hours) Multinational corporations in India-impact of MNCs in the Indian economy Globalisation-necessity-consequences Privatisation-reasons-disinvestment of public sector undertakings The information technology industry in India-future prospects Module III (6 hours) Direct and indirect taxes- impact and incidence- merits of direct and indirect taxesprogressive and regressive taxes-canons of taxation-functions of tax systemtax evasion-reasons for tax evasion in India-consequences-steps to control tax evasion Deficit financing-role-problems associated with deficit financing Module IV (5 hours) National income-concepts-GNP, NNP, NI, PI and DPI-methods of estimating national income-difficulties in estimating national income Inflation-demand pull and cost push-effects of inflation-government measures to control inflation Module V (6 hours) International trade-case for free trade-case for protectionism Balance of payments-causes of disequilibrium in Indias BOP-General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade-effect of TRIPS and TRIMS in the Indian economy-impact of WTO decisions on Indian industry Text Books 1. Ruddar Datt, Indian Economy, S.Chand and Company Ltd. 2. K.K.Dewett, Modern Economic Theory, S.Chand and Company Ltd. References 1. Paul Samuelson, Economics, Tata McGraw Hill 2. Terence Byres, The Indian Economy, Oxford University Press 3. S.K.Ray, The Indian economy, Prentice Hall of India 4. Campbell McConnel, Economics, Tata McGraw Hill

Communication Skills
Objectives To improve Language Proficiency of the Engineering students To enable them to express themselves fluently and appropriately in social and professional contexts To equip them with the components of different forms of writing MODULE 1 (15 hours) INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATION Communication nature and process, Types of communication - Verbal and Non verbal, Communication Flow-Upward, Downward and Horizontal, Importance of communication skills in society, Listening skills, Reading comprehension, Presentation Techniques, Group Discussion, Interview skills, Soft skills MODULE II (15 hours) TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION Technical writing skills- Vocabulary enhancement-synonyms, Word Formation-suffix, affix, prefix, Business letters, Emails, Job Application, Curriculum Vitae, Report writingTypes of reports Note: No university examination for communication skills. There will be internal evaluation for 1 credit. REFERENCES 1. The functional aspects of communication skills, P.Prasad and Rajendra K. Sharma, S.K. Kataria and sons, 2007 2. Communication skills for Engineers and Scientists, Sangeeta Sharma and Binod Mishra, PHI Learning private limited, 2010 3. Professional Communication, Kumkum Bhardwaj, I.K. International (P) House limited, 2008 4. English for technical Communication, Aysha Viswamohan, Tata Mc Graw Publishing company limited, 2008

Mahatma Gandhi University

EE 010 303: Electric Circuit Theory

Teaching scheme 2 hours Lecture and 2 hours Tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives: 1. To provide sound knowledge in the analysis of electrical networks 2. To impart basic knowledge of computer based analysis of electrical networks Module 1 (14hrs) Application of Kirchoffs laws and network theorems to DC and AC circuits. Mesh analysis and Nodal analysis-with dependent and independent sources. Driving point and Transfer impedance and admittance. Network theorems Super position, Thevenins , Nortons, Maximum power transfer, reciprocity , Millmans, substitution, compensation and Tellegens theorems. Module 2 (10hrs) AC&DC Transient analysis of simple circuits using time domain equations. Natural , forced and complete response analysis with and without initial conditions. Application of Laplace transform for the transient analysis of RL, RC and RLC series circuits (Transient and complete). Module 3 (12hrs) Introduction to network topology and graph theory. Fundamental cut-set and cut-set schedule ,tie-set and tie-set schedule. Analysis of networks using graph theory network equilibrium equations on KVL basis and KCL basis. Introduction to PSPICE. Representation of passive elements, independent and dependent sources. D.C and AC analysis of simple circuits . Introduction to MATLAB & SCILAB. Solution of ordinary differential equation. Transient analysis of simple RLC circuits using MATLAB & SCILAB. Module 4 (12hrs) Coupled circuits.- Dot convention-conductively coupled circuit-Ideal transformer-analysis of multi-winding coupled circuits. Analysis of single tuned and double tuned circuits. Steady state solution of circuits with coupled elements. Synthesis:- Hurwitz polynomial-Rouths criterion- Positive real function-Synthesis of one port network-LC,RC &RL function Module 5 (12hrs) Review of three phase systems Analysis with balanced and unbalanced loads. Symmetrical components- Analysis of unbalanced systems using symmetrical components. Neutral shift and Neutral current. Sequence impedances. Power in terms of symmetrical components.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Text Books 1. D. Ganesh Rao, R.V. Srinivasa Murthy, Network Analysis, A Simplified Approach, Sanguine Technical Publishers. 2. Samarajit Ghosh, Network Theory, Analysis and Synthesis, PHI Reference Books 1. Joseph A Edminister, Electric Circuits, Schaums Outline Series 2. William H Hayt, Jack E Kemmerly, Steven M Durbin, Engineering Circuit analysis, 7e, Tata McGraw Hill Education. New Delhi, 2010 3. Gopal G Bhise, Engg. Network analysis and filter design, Umesh publishers 4. K S Suresh Kumar, Electric circuits and networks , Pearson 5. A Sudhakar, P Shyammohan, Circuits and Networks: Analysis and Synthesis, 4e, Tata McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi, 2010 6. R.K. Bansal, A.K. Goel, M.K. Sharma, MATLAB and its Application in Engineering, Second ,Pearson, 2010. 7. 7.Muhammad H. Rashid, Introduction to PSpice Using Orcad for Circuits and Electronics, Third Edition, PHI 2009.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

EE 010 304: Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instruments

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives To provide knowledge in the specific area of electrical measurements To expose students various measuring instruments Credits: 4

Module 1 (12 Hours) General Principle of measurements: Absolute and working standards- in Measurements, Classification of instruments: Essentials of indicating instruments - moving coil , Moving iron, dynamometer, Induction, Thermal ,electrostatic and rectifier meter (Principles and concepts only)-shunts and multipliers Module 2 (12 Hours) Potentiometers General principle - dc potentiometer and ac potentiometer. Applications of dc and ac potentiometer Bridges: Wheatstone bridge-PO Box- Kelvins double bridge, Maxwells bridge Schering Bridge, Anderson Bridge, Wiens bridge (Analysis and Phasor diagram required) Module 3 (14 Hours) Measurement of resistance, power & energy, Measurements of low, medium & high resistance, Measurement of earth resistance - Earth Megger - Dynamometer type Wattmeter, Error & compensation single phase energy meter errors & compensation three phase Energy meter ( construction only) Electronic energy meter ( block diagram ) Trivector meters, Maximum Demand meters and TOD meters ( concepts only) , Power factor Meters Module 4 (10 Hours) Instrument Transformers: Principle of Current and Potential transformers ratio & phase angle error, applications-Measurement of speed-Measurement of frequency Calibration of meters: Ammeters, voltmeters, watt meters, energy meters. Module 5 (12 Hours) Magnetic Measurements: Measurement of flux and permeability flux meters, BH Curve and permeability measurements Digital Measurements : Electronics voltmeter, basic dc voltmeter and ac voltmeter using rectifiers. CRO principle - measurement of voltage, current and frequency - multi channel oscilloscopes digital storage oscilloscope ( Concepts only)

Text Books 1. Golding E.W, Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instruments, Wheeler and Co. 2. Sawhney A.K, Electrical and Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements, Dhanpat Rai and Co.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Reference Books 1. Albert D. Helfrick and William D. Cooper, Modern Electronic Instrumentation and measurement Technique, PHI, 2. JB Gupta, Electrical and Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements, S.K.Kataria &Sons 3. Deobelin, Measurement systems: Application and Design, 5e, Tata McGraw Hill Education New Delhi 4. S.Kamakshaiah, Electrical Measurements and measuring instruments, I K international Publishing House.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

EE 010 305: Electronic Circuits

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives To impart sound knowledge and basic concepts of electronic circuits and applications to students. To develop the students ability to design and analyse practical circuits. Credits: 4

Module 1 (14 hrs) Wave shaping: Clipping and Clamping circuits using diodes RC differentiating and Integrating Circuits. Transistor Biasing Operating Point Operating point instability thermal runaway bias stability Stability factor stabilization techniques Fixed bias Collector to Base bias Emitter bias Voltage divider bias Stability against variation in ICO. FET: Principle of operation and characteristics of JFET and MOSFET biasing of JFET self bias FET amplifier. UJT: Principle of operation and characteristics. Module 2 (12 hrs) Small Signal Analysis: h-parameter equivalent circuit of a BJT comparison of CB, CE, and CC configurations Determination of h parameters from static characteristics current and voltage gains, input impedance and output admittance of a basic amplifier in hparameters. Multi-stage Amplifiers: RC coupling Frequency response characteristics bandwidth cascading of amplifiers gain and bandwidth. Module 3 (10 hrs) Power Amplifiers: Class A, B, AB and C operation Efficiency of Class A and B Pushpull amplifier Distortion in amplifiers harmonic and crossover distortion Complementary Symmetry amplifiers. Tuned Amplifiers: Single tuned and double tuned amplifiers Frequency response applications. Module 4 (12 hrs) Feedback amplifiers: Positive and Negative feedback types of negative feedback Typical circuits effect of negative feedback in amplifier performance. Oscillators: Barkhausen criterion classification of oscillators Principle of operation of RC phase-shift, Hartley and crystal oscillators. (Analysis not required). Module 5 (12 hrs) Multivibrators: Principle of Operation and Design of Astable multi vibrator principle of operation of Bi-stable and Mono-stable multi-vibrators. Sweep generators: Principle of Sweep generation basic transistor sweep circuit Equation for sweep amplitude. Miller and Boot Strap circuits. Sweep generation using UJT relaxation oscillator circuit. Voltage Regulators: Zener shunt regulator transistor series regulator.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Text Books 1. Jacob Millman, Christos C. Halkias, Chetan Parikh Millman and Halkias, Millmans Integrated Electronics, 2e, Tata McGraw Hill Ediucation, New Delhi, 2010 2. Floyd, Electronic devices and circuits, Pearson Publications Reference Books 1. Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, Pearson Education Asia, LPE. 2. J.B.Gupta, Electronics Devices and Circuits , S.K Kataria and sons. 3. Albert Paul Malvino, Electronic Principles , TMH 4. Allen Mottershead, Electronic Devices and Circuits, An Introduction, PHI 5. G.K.Mithal, Electronic Devices and Circuits : 6. Robert T. Paynter, Introductory Electronic Devices and Circuits , Pearson Education Asia, LPE

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

EE010 306(ME): Mechanical Technology

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To impart the basic concepts of Fluid properties, hydraulic machines and pumping machinery To develop an idea about pressure measurements working and properties of hydraulic machines and various types of pumping machineries.

Module 1 (12 hours)

Properties of Fluids: Pressure, density, bulk modulus, dynamic and kinematic viscosity, surface tension, capillary fluid at rest, Pascals law, applications, pressure head, vapor pressure, pressure measurement, manometers, gauges and pressure on immersed surfaces floating body.

Module II (12 hours)

Fluid in Motion: Eulers equation in one dimension. One dimensional incompressible Bernoullis equation. Flow through Orifices measurement of fluid velocity, pitot tube discharge measurement, venturimeter, orifice meter, Rota meter and notches. Flow of compressible fluids through pipes types of flow critical Reynolds number friction factors for laminar and turbulent flow minor losses transmission of power through pipes.

Module III (12 hours)

Hydraulic Turbines: Evolution of present day hydraulic turbines from the water wheel classification degree of action Pelton wheel, Francis and Kaplan Turbines constructional details and characteristics only (no problems based on velocity triangles) governing of turbines draft tube specific speed.

Module IV (12 hours)

Pumping Machinery: General classification Dynamic pumps working of centrifugal pumps, priming, vapour pressure, wear rings, hydraulic balancing, Classification of impellers, single and double suction impellers types of casings effect of vapour pressure on lifting of liquid specific speed performance pump characteristics: main, operating, ISO efficiency characteristics curves NPSH _ multistage pumps propeller pumps pump in parallel & series operation Theory, efficiency, performance curves & application of self-priming pump, jet pump, airlift pump, slurry pump & hydraulic ram (description only).

Module V ( 12 hours)
Positive Displacement Pumps: reciprocating pumps, effect of vapour pressure on lifting of liquid indicator diagram acceleration head effect of friction use of air vessels work saved slip efficiency pump characteristics applications Cavitation and its effects in fluid machines Rotary pumps: Gear, Screw, vane, root pumps rotary axial & rotary radial piston pumps thory, efficiency, performance curves applications (Description only).

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Text Books

1. Abdulla Sheriff, Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machines: Standard Publ. 2. R.K Bansal, Fliud Machines and Hydraulic Machines , Lakshmi publications New Delhi
Reference Books

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

K Subramanya , Fluid Machines and Hydraulic Machines , TMH. Govinda Rao N.S, Fluid Flows Machines, TMH. Shiv Kumar, Fluid Mechanics & Fluid machines , Ane books. Massey B. S, Fluid Mechanics, ELBS Stepanoff John A. J, Centrifugal and Axial Flow Pump, Wiley & Sons

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

EE 010 307 Electrical Measurements Lab

Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Credits: 2

Objectives To expose the students to a variety of practical electrical circuits and to prove the theories behind them.

1. Verification of superposition theorem in a dc circuit 2. Verification of Thevenins theorem in a dc circuit. 3. RLC series and parallel circuit: measurement of current in various branches and verification by calculation drawing of phasor diagram. 4. Measurement of single phase power (a) Three ammeter method (b) Three voltmeter method and (c) Single wattmeter 5. Determination of Power and Power factor of a given single phase circuit using dynamometer watt meter and power factor meter power factor improvement of the above circuit. 6. Measurement of 3 phase power using a.)Single watt meter b)Two watt meters c)Three-phase watt meters 7. Determination of BH characteristics 8. Calibration of flux meter using a)Standard solenoid b)Hibbertz magnetic standard 9. Determination of locus diagram of RL and RC circuit. 10. Measurement of resistance using-Wheatstone Bridge and Kelvins Double bridge and extension of range of Voltmeter and Ammeter 11. Measurement of self inductance, mutual inductance and coupling coefficient. 12. Calibration of meters and measurement of resistance using slide-wire potentiometer 13. Calibration of single-phase Energy meter at various power factors by a)Direct loading b) Phantom loading c)Phase shifting transformer 14. Calibration of three-phase Energy meter by Direct loading and Phantom loading 15. Extension of instrument range by using Instrument transformers(CT and PT) 16. Characteristics of LVDT. 17. Measurement of neutral shift voltage 18. Study and measurement of symmetrical Components for unbalanced system for an unbalanced star connected system. References 1. Golding E.W, Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instrument, Wheeler and Co 2. D. Ganesh Rao, R.V. Srinivasa Murthy, Network Analysis , A Simplified Approac, Sanguine Technical Publishers.

Syllabus B.Tech. Electrical and Electronics Engineering

EE010 308(ME) Mechanical Laboratory

Teaching scheme: 3 hours practical per week Objectives To impart practical knowledge in heat engines and hydraulics laboratories HYDRAULICS LABORATORY 1. Study of centrifugal pumps and components. 2. Study of reciprocating pump and components-single cylinder and multicylinder. 3. Study of impulse and reaction turbines. 4. Performance characteristics of centrifugal pump. 5. Performance characteristics of reciprocating pump 6. Performance characteristics of Pelton wheel. 7. Performance characteristics of Francis Turbine... 8. Performance characteristics of Kaplan Turbine... HEAT ENGINES LABORATORY 1. Load Test (Constant speed test) on petrol engine. 2. Load Test (Constant speed test) on diesel engine. 3. Variable speed test on petrol engine. 4. Variable speed test on diesel engine. 5. Cooling curve of I.C.Engine. 6. Performance test on air compressors and blowers. 7. Performance test on refrigeration unit... 8. Performance test on air conditioning unit... REFERENCES 1. Hydraulic Machines-Jagadishlal Credits: 2

2. Thermal Engineering- P.L Ballaney

EN010 401 Engineering Mathematics III

(Common to all branches)

Teaching scheme
2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives: Apply standard methods of mathematical &statistical analysis

Credits: 4


Fourier series

( 12 hours)

Dirichlet conditions Fourier series with period 2 and 2l Half range sine and cosine series Harmonic Analysis r.m.s Value MODULE 2 Fourier Transform ( 12 hours)

Statement of Fourier integral theorem Fourier transforms derivative of transforms- convolution theorem (no proof) Parsevals identity MODULE 3 Partial differential equations ( 12 hours)

Formation by eliminating arbitrary constants and arbitrary functions solution of Lagranges equation Charpits method solution of Homogeneous partical differential equations with constant coefficients MODULE 4 Probability distribution ( 12 hours)

Concept of random variable , probability distribution Bernoullis trial Discrete distribution Binomial distribution its mean and variance- fitting of Binominal distribution Poisson distribution as a limiting case of Binominal distribution its mean and variance fitting of Poisson distribution continuous distribution- Uniform distribution exponential distribution its mean and variance Normal distribution Standard normal curve- its properties MODULE 5 Testing of hypothesis ( 12 hours)

Populations and Samples Hypothesis level of significance type I and type II error Large samples tests test of significance for single proportion, difference of proportion, single mean, difference of mean chi square test for variance- F test for equality of variances for small samples References 1. Bali& Iyengar A text books of Engg. Mathematics Laxmi Publications Ltd. 2. M.K. Venkataraman Engg. Mathematics vol II 3rd year part A & B National Publishing Co. 3. I.N. Sneddon Elements of partial differential equations Mc Graw Hill 4. B.V. Ramana Higher Engg. Mathematics Mc Graw Hill 5. Richard A Johnson Miller Freads probability & Statistics for Engineers- Pearson/ PHI

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

T. Veerarajan Engg. Mathematics Mc Graw Hill G. Haribaskaran Probability, Queueing theory and reliability Engg. Laxmi Publications V. Sundarapandian - probability ,Statistics and Queueing theory PHI H.C.Taneja Advanced Engg. Mathematics Vol II I.K.International A.K.Mukhopadhyay-Mathematical Methods For Engineers and Physicists-I.K.International

Mahatma Gandhi University

EE 010 402 DC Machines and Transformers

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives Understanding the basic working principles of DC machines and Transformers Analysing the performance of DC machines and Transformers Credits: 4

Module I (10 hours) DC Machines: Constructional features principle of operation of DC generator - armature winding - types - e.m.f. equation - armature reaction effects of armature reaction demagnetizing and cross magnetizing ampere- turns - compensating winding commutation methods to improve commutation e.m.f. in coil undergoing commutation reactance e.m.f.- effect of brush shift- inter poles. Module II (12 hours) DC Generator: Types of excitation separately excited- self excited shunt, series and compound machines the magnetization curve condition for self excitation- field critical resistance- critical speed- load characteristics of generators load critical resistance voltage regulation - parallel operation of shunt, series and compound generators power flow diagram- losses and efficiency- condition for maximum efficiency- applications. Module III (15 hours) DC Motors: principle of operation of DC motor developed torque - performance characteristics and operating characteristics of shunt, series and compound motors. Starting three point and four point starters design of starter resistance for shunt motor methods of speed control of shunt , series and compound motors solid state speed control (block diagram) power flow diagram- losses and efficiency- testing of D C machines Swinburnes test - Hopkinsons test - Fields test retardation test- applications Module IV (14 hours) Single Phase transformers: Principle of operation - constructional details - e.m.f equation operation on no load - magnetizing current wave form - load operation - phasor diagram equivalent circuit per unit impedance - losses and efficiency - condition for maximum efficiency voltage regulation- approximate expression for voltage regulation- harmonics in single phase transformers - OC and SC tests - Sumpners tests - parallel operation applications. Module V (9 hours) Three phase transformers: Constructional details- choice of transformer connections- Scott connection (three phase to two phase only) - oscillating neutral- tertiary winding - vector groups- equivalent circuits- tap changing transformers- no load tap changing on load tap changing- cooling of transformers. Distribution transformers- all day efficiency- auto transformers- saving of copperapplications.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Text Books 1. Dr. P S Bimbhra, Electrical Machinery, Khanna Publishers 2. Clayton and Hancock, The Performance and design of DC Machines, ELBS/CBS Publishers,Delhi

Reference Books 1. Alexander Langsdorf A S, Theory of AC Machinery, Tata McGraw-Hill 2. J B Gupta, Electrical Machines , S K Kataria and Son 3. Fitzgerald, Kingsley, Electric machinery, 6e, Tata McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi, 2003 4. Say M G, Performance and design of AC Machines, ELBS 5. Nagarath I J and Kothari D P, Electrical Machines ,4e, Tata McGraw- Hill Education, New Delhi, 2010 6. Vincent Deltoro, Electrical Machines and Power System, Prentice Hall

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

EE 010 403: Linear System Analysis

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week Objectives To Provide sound knowledge in the analysis of linear time invariant continuous systems Credits: 4

Module 1(12 Hrs) Review of system concepts classification of systems- linear, non - linear, static, dynamic, time variant and time invariant, continuous time and discrete time, distributed and lumped parameter systems. Open loop and closed loop systems. Transfer function of linear systems. Mathematical modelling of electrical systems, operational amplifier circuits, Mechanical translational and rotational systems, electromechanical systems, linearization of nonlinear models. Module 2(12 Hrs) Block diagram representation of systems-Block diagram reduction. Signal flow graph-signal flow graph from equations. Maisons gain formula. Construction of Signal flow graph from Block diagram and vice versa. Modelling in State Space-state space- representation of dynamic systems. Module 3(12Hrs) Effect of parameter variation in open loop control systems, closed loop control systems, sensitivity, gain and stability. Time domain analysis for linear systems-response to standard inputs-type and order of a system-response of first order system to unit step, unit ramp and unit impulse signals-step response of second order systems-time domain specifications. Error analysis - steady state error and error constants- Dynamic error coefficients. Module 4(12Hrs) Concept of stability, BIBO stability. Effect of location of poles on stability. Routh- Hurwitz criterion. Relative stability analysis. Root locus- effect of addition of poles and zeros on root locus. Analysis of stability by Lyapunovs Direct method Concept of definitenessLiapunovs stability theorem, Sylvesters theorem. Module 5(12Hrs) Network functions-network function for two port pole and zeroes of network functionsrestriction on poles and zeroes for driving point functions and transfer functionscharacterization of two port networks in terms of impedance admittance-hybrid and transmission parameters inter-relationship among parameter sets-inter connection of two port networks-series, parallel and cascade-ideal two port devices- ideal transformer Gyratornegative impedance converter.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Text Books: 1. David .k. Cheng , Analysis of linear systems ,Oxford 2. M. Gopal, Control Systems Principles and Design,-For Linear System Analysis & Control System, 3e,Tata McGraw Hill Education ,2008 3. Samarajit Ghosh, Network Theory, Analysis and Synthesis, PHI, New Delhi Reference Books 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. S. Hassan Saeed , Automatic Control Systems , Katson Books Katsuhiko Ogatta, Modern control engineering , Pearson Education Dr. S. Palani, Control Systems Engineering, 2e, Tata McGraw-Hill Education,2009 Richard C. Dorf and Robert H. Bishop, Modern control systems, Pearson Education Franklin, Powell-Feedback controlof dynamic systems, Pearson Education C.T. Chen , Linear system theorey and design . D.Roy Choudhry , Modern Control Engineering-, PHI Burton T.P, Introduction to dynamic systems.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

EE 010 404: Electromagnetic Theory

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives To impart knowledge on Credits: 4

basic concepts and principles of electromagnetic fields practical significance of the theory to develop a clear perspective for appreciating engineering applications .

Module I (15 hours) Review of Vector Analysis - Cartesian coordinate system - The Vector field- dot and cross products - introduction to cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems. Static Electric Field: Coulombs law - electric field intensity -field intensity due to point charge, line charge and volume charge distributions- electric flux- electric flux densityGausss law and its applications- divergence of a vector curl of a vector - Maxwells first equation- the Del operator- Divergence theorem Module II (12 hours) Energy and potential - Energy expended in moving a point charge in an electric field Electric Potential between two points potential at any point due to a point charge potential at any point due to discrete as well as distributed charges- Electrical field lines and equipotential contours electric dipoles - dipole moment - potential gradient- conservative nature of a field- Laplace and Poisson equations (Derivation only and not solution) Maxwells Curl equation for electrostatic fields. Module III (11 hours) Conductors and Dielectrics current and current density- continuity equation- -point form of Ohms law- conductor properties polarization - dielectric strength and break down dielectric boundary conditions Capacitance - parallel plate capacitor - capacitance of isolated sphere, spherical shell, coaxial cylinders and parallel wires - effect of earth on capacitance - method of images capacitors in series and parallel energy stored in static electric field Module IV (12 hours) The steady Magnetic Field - Biot-Savarts law - Amperes circuital law H due to a long wire - H due to a long solenoid - H due to an infinite current sheet - H due to a circular wire loop - Stokes theorem - magnetic flux and flux density Maxwells equations for magnetostatic fields - the scalar and vector magnetic potentials - magnetic force on a moving charge - force on a current element - force between current carrying wires - torque on closed circuits - magnetic boundary conditions, energy stored in a magnetic field, skin effect. Self and mutual inductances Inductance of solenoids, torroids and two wire transmission lines inductances in series and parallel. Module V (10 hours) Time varying fields- Faradays laws of electromagnetic induction- Motional emf - concept of displacement current- Maxwells equation in point form and integral form.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Wave equation in free space applications in transmission lines - power flow and Poynting vector - Poynting theorem- interpretations- instantaneous, average and complex pointing vector- power loss in conductors. Numerical methods in electromagnetics (overview only).

Text Books 1. Mathew N O Sadiku, Principles of Electromagnetics, Oxford University Press 2. T V S Arun Murthy, Electromagnetic Fields, S. Chand Reference Books 1. W H Hayt, J A Buck, Engineering Electromagnetics, Mc Graw Hill 2. John D Kraus, Electromagnetic., Mc Graw Hill 3. Guru and Hiziroglu, Electromagnetic Field Theory Fundamentals, Cambridge University Press 4. Fawwaz T Ulaby, Electromagnetics for Engineers, Pearson education 5. Gangadhar KA, Field Theory, Khanna Publishers 6. David K Cheng, Field and Wave Electromagnetics, Pearson education

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

EE 010 405: Digital Systems and Computer Organisation

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives To provide insight into design of Digital systems and Digital computer system components and their organizational aspects. To provide a foundation for the advanced courses like Microprocessor Systems, Microcontrollers & Embedded systems and Computer related elective courses. Credits: 4

Module 1 (12 hours) Combinational Digital Circuits: Logic operations and Gates- De Morgans Theorem Realization of combinational circuits using SOP and POS forms - K-map up to 4 variables. Decoders: BCD to decimal, BCD to 7-segment - Encoders- Multiplexer- Demultiplexer. Logic Families: TTL and CMOS families- TTL NAND gate internal circuit- TTL characteristics- sinking and sourcing- fan-in and fan-out CMOS characteristics CMOS NAND and NOR gates. Module 2 (11 hours) Sequential Circuits: Flip-Flops- SR, JK, T and D flip-flops- JK master-slave FF. Truth table and excitation table- conversion of flip-flops from one type to another. Asynchronous counters: Ripple counter- disadvantages-Decoding errors modulo N ripple counter using CLEAR and PRESET inputs. Asynchronous UP - DOWN counter. Module 3 (13 hours) Synchronous Counters: Synchronous counter design modulo N counter design for completely specified count sequence lockout- design without lockout Synchronous UP/DOWN counters.. Shift Registers: SISO, SIPO, PISO, PIPO types -Universal shift register. Counters using Shift Registers: Ring counter twisted ring counter. Module 4 (13 hours) Computer Organisation Processor Organization Block diagram of a processor - typical operation cycle: fetch, decode and execute processor bus structures. Arithmetic and Logic unit: Adders- Half adder, full adder circuits. half subtraction and full subtraction circuits. serial and parallel adders- fast adders- carry look ahead adder- 2s complement adder / subtractor- design of Logic unit- one stage ALU. Module 5 (11 hours) Memory Organisation: Memory hierarchy- Semiconductor RAM typical static RAM cell Dynamic RAM cell- Internal organization of memory chips -ROM PROM EPROM E2PROM Flash Memory. Cache memory Hit and miss cache mapping functions memory interleaving virtual memory organization Address translation. Input/Output Organisation: Buses- Single bus structure-I/O interfacing- Standard I/O interfaces: PCI, SCSI and USB (block diagram description only)

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Text Books: 1. Anandkumar, Fundamentals of digital circuits, PHI 2. V. Hamacher, Computer Organisation, Mc Graw Hill References: 1. Thomas L. Floyd , Digital Fundamentals, Pearson Education 2. Malvino & Leach, Digital Principles and Applications, TMH 3. Taub & Schilling, Digital Integrated Electronics, McGraw Hill Intl. 4. Salivahanan, Digital circuits & design, Vikas 5. M.Morris Mano, Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals:, 2/e Pearson 6. P. Pal Chaudhari , Computer Organisation and Design, PHI

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

EE 010 406: Computer Programming

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives To impart the concepts of structured programming. To develop programming skill in students Credits: 4

Module 1 (10 hours) Introduction to C: Steps in executing a C program C Tokens- C character set identifiers and keywords data types constants and variables declarations type casting - operators expressions statements special operators: comma and sizeof operators- library inputoutput functions. Branching control statements: if, if-else, nested if-else, switch, goto statements conditional operators. Module 2 (14 hours) Looping control statements : while, do-while, for statements nested loops, break and continue statements. Arrays: single dimensional arrays declaring and initializing arrays- searching & sorting in arrays. Strings: Declaration initialization. Multidimensional arrays -declaration initialization - matrix operations addition, transpose and multiplication. Module 3 (13 hours) Functions: Declaration, definition and access passing arguments to a function pass by value and pass by reference recursion- - passing arrays to a function string handling functions comparison, concatenation and sorting of strings. Storage classes: automatic variables external variables register variables scope and life time of variables. Pointers: Concept of pointers pointer declaration operations on pointers-pointers as function arguments. Module 4 (12 hours) Structures and union: definition declaration of structure variables- initialization accessing structure members array of structures passing structure to a function sorting of structures union. Dynamic memory allocation self referential structures basic concepts of linked lists. Module 5 (11 hours) Files: File pointers data files: text mode & binary mode file operations- opening and closing reading and writing- file handling functions. Command line arguments macros C pre processor

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Text books: 1. Balagurusamy, Programming in ANSI C , TMH 2. K.R. Venugopal and S.R. Prasad, Mastering C , TMH Reference Books 1. Kernighannn & Ritchie, The C programming language, Pearson Education, Asia 2. Mullish & Cooper, The Spirit of C, An Introduction to modern programming,, Jaico Publishing Co. 3. Yashwant Kanetkar, Let us C, BPB publ. 4. Byron S. Gottfried, Programming with C, Schaum Outlines ,McGraw Hill. 5. Ashok Kamthane, Programming with ANSI & Turbo C-, Pearson Education Asia

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

EE 010 407 Computer Programming Lab

Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Objectives To develop computer programming skills Programming Experiments in C Programming experience in C to cover control structures, functions, arrays, structures, pointers and files in accordance with syllabus of EE 010 406. Credits: 2

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Familiarization using simple programs. Familiarization of branching and looping operations Summation of series Preparation of Conversion tables Solution of quadratic equations Array manipulation Functions Recursive functions Matrix operations String manipulation compare, copy, reverse operations Pointers- Sorting of single dimensional arrays and strings Structures - sorting Tabulation of marks and declaration of results input and output using files Creation of numeric and text files, merging and appending of files. Simple programs using linked lists

References: 1. Balagurusamy, Programming in ANSI C, TMH 2. K.R. Venugopal & S.R. Prasad, Mastering C , TMH

Syllabus B.Tech. Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

EE 010 408: Electronic Circuits Lab

Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Credits: 2

Objectives To expose the students to a variety of practical electronic circuits to prove the theories behind them. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Diode Characteristics BJT, FET and UJT characteristics. Design and testing of clipping and clamping circuits Design and testing of RC integrator and differentiator circuits. Design and testing of rectifier circuits Half wave Full wave (centre tapped and bridge) circuits. Filter circuits. Design and testing of Zener Shunt and Transistor Series Voltage Regulator. Design and testing of RC coupled amplifier frequency response. Design and testing of Feedback amplifiers. Design and testing of FET amplifier. Sweep circuits UJT and BJT based sweep generators sweep circuit using constant current source (BJT). Design and Testing of RC phase-shift Oscillator and LC Oscillator. Design and Testing of Astable and Bi-stable Multi-vibrators. Relay driving circuit using transistors.

Optional Simulation of the above circuits using EDA tools like PSPICE. (Any experiment relevant to EE 010 305 may be added) References 1. A.P. Malvino, Electronic Principles TMH 2. Floyd, Electronic Devices, Pearson Education, LPE 3. Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, Pearson Education Asia, LPE. 4. Navas, Electronic Circuits Lab Manual

Syllabus B.Tech. Electrical and Electronics Engineering



(Common to all branches except CS & IT)

Teaching scheme
2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week

Credits: 4

Objectives: Use basic numerical techniques to solve problems and provide scientific techniques to decision making problems. MODULE 1 Function of Complex variable (12 hours)

Analytic functions Derivation of C.R. equations in cartision co-ordinates harmonic and orthogonal properties construction of analytic function given real or imaginary parts complex potential conformal mapping of z2 , - Bilinear transformation cross ratio invariant property (no proof) (12 hours)

simple problems MODULE 2 Complex integration

Line integral Cauchys integral theorem Cauchys integral formula Taylors series- Laurents series Zeros and singularities types of singularities Residues Residue theorem evaluation of real integrals in unit circle contour integral in semi circle when poles lie on imaginary axis. MODULE 3 Numerical solution of algebraic and transcendental equations (10 hours)

Successive bisection method Regula falsi method Newton Raphson method - Secant method solution of system of linear equation by Gauss Seidel method MODULE 4 Numerical solution of Ordinary differential equations ( 10 hours)

Taylors series method Eulers method modified Eulers method Runge Kutta method (IV order) Milnes predictor corrector method MODULE 5 Linear programming problem (16 hours)

Definition of L.P.P., solution, optimal solution, degenerate solution graphical solution solution using simplex method (non degenerate case only) Big -M method Duality in L.P.P. Transportation problem Balanced T.P. initial solution using Vogels approximation method - modi method (non degenerate case only)

References 1. B.V. Ramana Higher Engg. Mathematics Mc Graw Hill 2. M.R.Spicgel , S.Lipschutz , John J. Schiller, D.Spellman Complex variables, schanms outline series - Mc Graw Hill 3. S.Bathul text book of Engg.Mathematics Special functions and complex variables PHI 4. B.S. Grewal Numerical methods in Engg. and science - Khanna Publishers 5. Dr.M.K Venkataraman- Numerical methods in science and Engg -National publishing co

6. 7. 8. 9.

S.S Sastry - Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis -PHI P.K.Gupta and D.S. Hira Operations Research S.Chand Panneer Selvam Operations Research PHI H.C.Taneja Advanced Engg. Mathematics Vol II I.K.International

Mahatma Gandhi University

EN010 502(ME): Principles of Management

(Common with EN010 402(ME))
Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives Credits: 4

To develop an understanding of different functional areas of management. To understand the functions and duties an individual should perform in an organisation.

Module I (12 hours) Management Concepts: Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives of management-MBOScientific management- Functions of management- Planning- Organizing- StaffingDirecting- Motivating- Communicating- Coordinating- Controlling- Authority and Responsibility- Delegation- Span of control- Organizational structure- Line, Line and staff and Functional relationship. Module II (12 hours) Personnel Management: Definition and concept- Objectives of personnel managementManpower planning- Recruitment and Selection of manpower- Training and development of manpower- Labour welfare- Labour turnover- Quality circle- Industrial fatigue- Industrial disputes-Method of settling disputes- Trade unions. Module III (12 hours) Production management: Objectives and scope of production management- Functions of production department- production management frame work- product life cycle-Types of production- Production procedure- Project planning with CPM and PERT- Basic concepts in network. Module IV (12 hours) Financial Management: Objectives and Functions of Financial Management- Types of Capital- Factors affecting working capital- Methods of financing. Cost Management: Elements of cost- Components of cost- Selling Price of a product. Module V (12 hours) Sales and Marketing Management: Sales management- Concept- Functions of sales department- Duties of sales engineer- Selling concept and Marketing concept- MarketingDefinition and principles of marketing- Marketing management and its functions- Sales forecasting- Pricing- Advertising- Sales promotion- Channels of distribution- Market research. Text Books 1. Koontz and Weihrich, Essentials of Management, Tata McGraw Hill. 2. Mahajan M., Industrial Engineering and Production Management, Dhanpat Rai and Co. 3. Kemthose and Deepak, Industrial Engineering an Management, Prentice Hall of India. Reference Books 1. Martand Telsang, Industrial Engineering and Production Management. 2. Khanna O.P., Industrial Engineering and Management, Dhanpat Rai and Co. 3. Philip Kotler, Marketing Management, Prentice Hall of India. 4. Sharma S. C. & Banga T. R., Industrial Organisation and Engineering Economics, Khanna Publishers. 5. Prasanna Chandra, Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill.
Syllabus - B.Tech. Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

EE 010 503 Signals and Systems

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives To understand different types of signals and systems To provide sound knowledge in different transforms in the analysis of signals and systems Credits: 4

Module 1 (12hrs) Signals- Classification of signals Basic operations on signals. Representation of a wave as sum of elementary functions. - Systems-Classification of systems. Fourier series analysis of continuous time periodic signals-Fourier coefficients, exponential Fourier series, properties of continuous time Fourier series, power representation using Fourier series, Fourier spectrum. Steady state solution of electric circuits with non- sinusoidal non periodic input by Fourier series. Module 2 (12hrs) Fourier Transform- Fourier transform of standard signals, properties of Fourier transform, Amplitude and phase spectrum, Fourier Transform of periodic signals. . Inverse Fourier transform for a given spectra. System analysis with Fourier Transform-Transfer function of LTI system. Signal transmission through linear system-signal distortion-Signal band width and system bandwidth-band width and rise time, band width requirement for signal transmission. Module 3 (12hrs) Convolution and correlation of signals- Convolution theorems, Power spectral density and energy spectral density. Comparison of ESD and PSD, cross correlation of energy and power signals. Auto correlation-Auto correlation for energy signals, periodic signals, auto correlation and spectral density, relationship between convolution and correlation, Detection of periodic signals in presence of noise by correlation. Module 4 (12hrs) Sampling theory- Sampling theorem, nyquist rate, reconstruction of signal, effects of under sampling, sampling of band pass signals, sampling techniques, comparison of various sampling methods. Time domain analysis of discrete time system- solution of difference equation, natural and forced response. Impulse response and convolution-convolution of two sequences, Causality ,FIR and IIR systems, Stability, Step response, Correlation of two sequences. Inverse system and Deconvolution. Module 5 (12hrs) Symmetrical two port network-image impedance characteristics impedance-and propagation constant of a symmetrical two port network-properties of symmetrical two port network symmetrical two port network as a filter- filter fundamentals-pass and stop bands-behaviour of iterative impedance- constant k, low pass, high pass and band pass filters- m derived T and sections and their applications for finite attenuation at filter terminals band pass and band elimination filters

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Text Books: 1. Alan V Openhein and Schafer, Signals and Systems, Pearson. 2. Ravikumar , Signals and Systems ,PHI 3. Dr. S. Palani, Signals and Systems, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. First Edition, 2009 References 1. Luis F Chapparo, Signals and systems; Elsevier Publications,2011 2. Roberts, Fundamentals of Signals and Systems (SIE), 2e, Tata McGraw Hill Education New Delhi,2010 3. D.C. Dhubkarya , Networks and Systems, University Press, New Delhi,2008. 4. P.Ramesh Babu and R. Ananda Natarajan, ,Signals and systems, SCITECH 5. Simon Haykin and Barry Van Veen , Signals and Systems, Second Edn,John Wiley,India ,2010. 6. Robert A. Gabel and Richard A. Robert, Signals and Systems, Wiley, India 7. D.Ganesh Rao, R.V. Srinivasa Murthy, Network Analysis, A Simplied Approach Sanguine Technical Publishers.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

EE 010 504: Power Electronics

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives To understand the characteristics and operational features of important power electronic devices and circuit topologies that are useful in applications demanding high energy efficiency and compact power conversion stages Module 1 (17 hours) Static switches: Uncontrolled and controlled switches. Directional voltage and current properties. Loss calculation and selection of heat sink, Snubbers. Power diodes - reverse recovery characteristics and its effects, Current and Voltage ratings. Power Transistors, Power Darlingtons, Power MOSFETS, IGBTs- Principle of operation, Static and Dynamic Performance, Safe operating area, Drive circuits. SCRs- Static and dynamic characteristics, two transistor analogy, ratings and specifications, Device protection, Gate circuit requirements, timing control and firing of thyristors, amplification and isolation of SCR gate pulses, Timing and synchronization, R, RC, UJT based firing, Diac based triggering circuit for TRIAC, Firing circuits incorporating pulse transformers and opto couplers, Single pulse and multi pulse triggering. Module 2 (15 hours) Phase controlled rectifiers: single phase half wave controlled rectifier circuit single phase full wave controlled rectifier circuit R, RL Loads free wheeling half controlled and fully controlled bridge with continuous current Expression for output voltage wave forms active and reactive power Line current distortion, displacement power factor and distortion factor, THD, effect of source inductance line commutated inverter . Generation of gate timing pulses for single phase controlled rectifiers. 3-phase half wave and full wave controlled rectifier expression for output voltage. Module 3 (10 hours) Choppers and cyclo converters: Voltage step down chopper- Power circuit configuration and working principle, Voltage and current relationships. Choice of filter inductance and/frequency. Voltage step up chopper- Basic principle of operation, Two quadrant and four quadrant choppers (Analysis not required). Generation of timing pulses for a single phase chopper. Voltage and current commutation. Basic Principle of Cyclo converters: single phase and three phase. (Analysis not required). Module 4 (10 hours) Inverters: Types of Inverters-Voltage source inverters, Current Source inverters - Half bridge inverter-analysis with inductive load. Full bridge inverter- adjustment of ac frequency and ac voltage, Harmonic analysis - Principle of Sinusoidal PWM- Unipolar and Bipolar schemes Three phase VSI-circuit configuration and switching sequence, square wave mode of operation, phase and line voltage waveforms, Sine triangle PWM. Module 5 (8 hours) Switch Mode Power Supply Systems: Switch mode regulators- Buck, Boost and Buck boost topologies- voltage and current relationships- output voltage ripple. Isolated converters (Analysis not required) Forward, fly back, push pull, half bridge and full bridge convertersbasic principle of operation. Credits: 4

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Text Books 1. Joseph Vithayathil, Power Electronics-Principles and applications, TMH, 2010 2. M.H. Rashid , Power Electronics Circuits, Devices and Applications, PHI/Pearson 2005 Reference Books 1. Mohan, Undeland, Robins, Power Electronics- Converters, Applications and Design, 3rd Edition, John Wiley India, 2003. 2. M. S. Jamil Asghar, Power Electronics, PHI, 2009. 3. M. D. Singh, K.B Kanchandani, Power Electronics, TMH-2007 4. Philip T Krein, Elements of Power Electronics, Oxford University Press, 2008. 5. Jai P. Agrawal , Power Electronic Systems Theory and Design, Pearson Education Asia, LPE, 2002 6. 6. L. Umanand, Power Electronics- Essentials and Applications, Wiley India 2009

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

EE 010 505: Linear Integrated Circuits

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives To impart the basic concepts of operational amplifiers and applications. To develop the students ability to design and analyze a wide variety of Linear Integrated circuits. Credits: 4

Module 1 (14 hrs) Operational Amplifiers: Differential amplifier-current mirror- block diagram of a typical op amp- characteristics of an ideal op-amp-definitions of CMRR -slew rate- input offset voltage differential input resistance-input voltage range - SVRR - large signal voltage gain - output voltage swing - output resistance single voltage biasing - open loop configurations disadvantages-closed loop configurations offset compensation-offset minimizing resistornon inverting amplifier - voltage follower-inverting amplifier - summing and scaling amplifier - integrator -differentiator- V to I and I to V converter-log and antilog amplifier .

Module 2 (10 hrs)

Basic comparator- Astable multivibrator mono stable multivibrator Triangular wave generator-schmitt trigger - zero crossing detector - precision rectifier - peak detector - sample and hold circuit-RC Phase Shift Oscillator- Pulse width controller , voltage limiter. Function generator 8038. Module 3 (12 hrs) Active Filters - low pass filter, high pass filter, band pass filter, band reject filter (first and second order). D/A converter-binary weighted resistor type -ladder type.-DAC 0808- A/D converter simultaneous (flash) A/D converter - counter type - successive approximation converter sigma delta converter - dual slope converter -Digital voltmeterADC 0800 Module 4 (13 hrs) Phase locked loop - basic principles of PLL VCO, NE 566- block diagram - transfer characteristics PLL NE 565- applications of PLL as frequency multiplier, frequency translator, AM demodulator, FM demodulator, FSK demodulator. The 555 timer - functional block diagram. The 555 astable multivibrator and monostable multivibrator. Module 5 (11 hrs) Instrumentation Amplifier-LM 380 power amplifier-application of LM 380 as audio power amplifier-Intercom using LM 380. Regulated power supplies - Series op-amp regulator-General purpose IC Voltage regulator 723 low voltage regulator using 723 780X series. Switching regulator-SMPS.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Text Books 1. Ramakant A. Gayakwad, Op- Amp and Linear I.C., PHI 2. Robert F Coughlin, Operational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Circuits , PHI Reference Books 1. Bali, Linear Integrated Circuits (Sigma Series), 1e, Tata McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi 2008 2. D.Roy Choudhury. Linear Integrated Circuits Delhi,2009 4. Botkar KR, Integrated circuits 5. U.A.Bakshi, Linear Integrated Circuits, Technical Publishers 6. David L Terrell, Op-Amps, Design ,Application and Trouble shooting , Elsevier Publications 3. S Salivahanan, Linear Integrated Circuits,2e, Tata McGraw Hill Education New

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

EE 010 506: Microprocessors and Applications

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives To provide in-depth knowledge about 8085 microprocessor architecture, programming and interfacing. To introduce the 16-bit microprocessor 8086. Credits: 4

Module 1 (10 hours) Evolution of Processors single chip microcomputer Intel 8085 Microprocessor signals architecture of 8085 ALU register organization timing and control unit microprocessor operations instruction cycle fetch, decode and execute operation T-state, machine cycle and instruction cycle timing diagram of opcode fetch, memory read, I/O read, memory write and I/O write cycles wait state Module 2 ( 13 hours) Instruction set of 8085: Classification of instructions different addressing modes writing assembly language programs typical examples like 8 bit and 16 bit arithmetic operations, finding the sum of a data array, finding the largest and smallest number in a data array, arranging a data array in ascending and descending order, finding square from look-up table. Module 3 (11 hours) Stack and Subroutines: Stack pointer stack operations call-return sequence examples Counters and time delays Interrupts of 8085: Software and hardware interrupts- restart instructions interrupt structure of 8085 interrupt procedure- vectored and non-vectored interrupts SIM and RIM instructions Module 4 ( 12 hours) Interfacing: Memory interfacing - ROM and RAM interfacing I/O devices address space partitioning memory mapped I/O and I/O mapped I/O schemes interfacing I/Os using decoders programmable peripheral devices 8255 block diagram, programming simple input and output ports- DMA controller 8257- interfacing of 8279 keyboard /display controller8275 CRT controller Module 5 (14 hours) Intel 8086: Logical Pin diagram Internal Architecture- pipelining- registers and flags Operating modes: Minimum mode and Maximum mode. Physical address generation memory segmentation even and odd memory banks. Addressing modes- instruction set classification writing simple programs : arithmetic operations.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Text books: 1. Ramesh Gaonkar, Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications with 8085, Penram Intl. 2. A.K. Ray and K.M. Burchand , Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals , TMH

Reference books: 1. B.Ram, Fundamentals of Microprocessors and Microcomputers, Dhanpat Rai and Sons 2. A.Nagoor Kani , Microprocessor(8085) and its Applications , RBA Publications 3. Douglas V. Hall, Microprocessors and Digital Systems, McGraw Hill 4. A.P Mathur, Introduction to Microprocessors, TMH 5. Douglas V. Hall , Microprocessors and Interfacing: Programming and Hardware, TMH 6. A. Nagoor Kani , Microprocessor 8086 Programming and Interfacing, RBA Publications

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

EE 010 507: Electrical Machines Lab I

Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Objectives Credits: 2

To conduct various tests on DC machines and transformers and to study their performance

1. Study of 3-point and 4-point starters for D.C machines mode of connection Protective arrangements 2. OCC of self and separately excited D.C machines critical resistances of various speeds. Voltage built-up with a given field circuit resistance. Critical speed for a given field circuit resistance 3. Load test on shunt and compound generator deduce external, internal and armature reaction characteristics. Find load critical resistance. 4. Characteristics of D.C series machine as motor and generator. 5. Swinburnes and retardation test on D.C machines. 6. Brake test on D.C shunt, compound motors and determination of characteristics. 7. Hopkinsons test on a pair of D.C machines. 8. Separation of losses in a D.C machine. 9. Fields test on D.C machine. 10. Polarity, transformation ratio tests of single phase transformers 11. O.C and S.C tests on single phase transformers calculation of performance using equivalent circuit efficiency, regulation at unity, lagging and leading power factors. Verification by direct loading. 12. Sumpners test on single phase transformers. 13. O.C and S.C tests on three-phase transformers. 14. Scott connection check for 2 phase predetermination of primary current for balanced and unbalanced secondary currents verification by actual loading. 15. Parallel operation and load sharing of two single phase dissimilar transformers. 16. Separation of losses of single phase transformer into hysteresis and eddy current losses.

1. Dr. P S Bimbra, Electrical Machinery, Khanna Publishers 2. R K Rajput, A text book of Electrical Machines, Laxmi publishers

Syllabus B.Tech. Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

EE 010 508: Integrated Circuits Lab

Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week

Credits: 2

Objectives To expose the students to a variety of practical circuits using various ICs to prove the theories behind them. Digital IC 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Study of TTL gates Characteristics of TTL gates Realisation of sequential circuits Adder and Subtractor Circuits. Study of SR, JK, D, T and JK Master-Slave Flip Flops Interfacing of seven segment display. Testing of different shift registers. Design and Testing of decoders and encoders. Design and testing of asynchronous counters and modulo N counter. Design and testing of synchronous counters and specified sequence counter. Design and testing of counters using shift registers

Linear IC 11. Design and Testing of Summer, Integrator and Differentiator Circuits. 12. Design and Testing of Inverting and Non-Inverting Amplifiers. 13. Design and testing of astable and mono-stable multi vibrator using IC 741 14. Realisation of ADC and DAC. 15. Design and testing of astable and mono-stable multi vibrator using 555 16. Study of IC Power Amplifier LM 380 17. Study of IC Voltage Regulator 723. 18. PLL as free running oscillator and frequency multiplier. Optional . Any experiment relevant to EE 010 405 and EE 010 505 may be added. References 1. 2. 3. 4. Digital Principles - Malvino & Leach. Fundamentals of Digital Circuits - A.Anandakumar. Op- Amps and Linear ICs - Ramakant Gayakwad Linear IC - D.Roy Choudhury.

Syllabus B.Tech. Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

EE 010 601: Power Generation and Distribution

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To impart introductory knowledge of power systems To develop understanding of power generation systems and power distribution systems. Module I (12 hours) Steam power plants: Rankine cycle (ideal, actual and reheat) layout components alternators excitation system governing system. Hydroelectric power plants: selection of site mass curve flow duration curve hydrograph classification of hydro plants layout components classification of hydro turbines. Nuclear power plants: layout components pressurized water reactor boiling water reactor heavy water reactor gas cooled reactor fast breeder reactor. Gas power plants: gas turbine cycle layout open cycle, closed cycle and combined cycle gas power plants. Diesel power plants: Thermal cycle diesel plant equipment Module II (8 hours) Economic Aspects: Load Curve Load duration curve Energy load curve - Maximum demand demand factor Diversity factor coincidence factor contribution factor load factor Plant capacity factor Plant use factor Utilisation factor power factor and economics of power factor correction. Tariffs: Flat rate tariff Two part tariff Block rate tariff maximum demand tariff power factor tariff Module III (10 hours) Distribution Feeders: Primary and secondary distribution Feeder loading voltage drop in feeder lines with different loadings Ring and radial distribution Transformer Application factor Design considerations of distribution Feeder Kelvins law Module IV (15 hours) Voltage drop in DC 2 wire system, DC 3 wire system, AC single phase 2 wire system, AC three phase 3 wire and 4 wire systems voltage drop computation based on load density voltage drop with underground cable system power loss estimation in distribution systems power factor improvement using capacitors sub harmonic oscillations and ferro resonance due to capacitor banks optimum power factor for distribution systems Module V (15 hours) Energy Management & Auditing: The need for energy management. Demand side energy management auditing the use of energy types of energy audit electrical load management and maximum demand control distribution and transformer losses energy savings in motors and lighting systems

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Text Books 1. D P Kothari and I J Nagrath , Power System Engineering:, Tata McGraw Hill 2. S N Singh, Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution, PHI Reference Books 1. V Kamaraju, Electrical Power Distribution Systems, Tata McGraw Hill 2. M V Deshpande, Elements of Electrical Power Station Design, PHI 3. A Chakrabarthi, M L Sony, P V Gupta, U S Bhatnagar, A Text Book on Power System Engg. , Dhanpat Rai & Co. 4. Lucas M. Faulkenberry, Walter Coffer, Electrical power Distribution and Transmission, Pearson Education 5. P.S. Pabla, Electric Power Distribution, Tata Mcgraw Hill 6. Course material for energy managers Beaureau of energy efficiency, Government of India

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

EE 010 602 Induction Machines

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives Construction, principle of operation and performance of induction machines and special electrical machines . Module1(16 Hours) Three phase induction motor: Construction-squirrel cage and slip ring motors-principle of operation-slip and frequency of rotor current-mechanical power - developed torque- phasor diagram-torque-slip curve-pull out torque-losses and efficiency. No load and locked rotor tests-equivalent circuit-performance calculation from equivalent circuit-circle diagram-operating characteristics from circle diagram-cogging and crawling and methods of elimination. Module 2(14 Hours) Starting of three phase squirrel cage induction motor-direct on line starting-auto transformerstar delta starting- starting of slip ring motors-design of rotor rheostat-variation of starting torque with rotor resistance. Speed control-pole changing-rotor resistance control-frequency control-static frequency conversion-Deep bar and double cage induction motor equivalent circuit -applications of induction machines-single phasing-analysis using symmetrical components. Module3(10 Hours) Induction Generator: Theory- phasor diagram-Equivalent circuit-Synchronous Induction motor-construction-rotor winding connections-pulling into step Single phase Induction motor: Revolving field theory- equivalent circuit- torque-slip curvestarting methods-split phase, capacitor start-capacitor run and shaded pole motors. Module 4(10 Hours) Commutator motors-principle and theory-emf induced in a commutator winding- Single phase series motor :theory phasor diagram-compensation and interpole winding-Universal motor-Repulsion motor: torque production phasor diagram-compensated type of motorsrepulsion start and repulsion run induction motor-applications-Reluctance motor-Hysterisis motor. Module5(10 Hours) Construction-principle of operation, operating characteristics of stepper motor, switched reluctance motor, BLDC motor, Permanent magnet synchronous motor, linear induction motor-principle-application-magnetic levitation Text Books: 1. Alexander Langsdorf A S, Theory of AC Machinery, Tata McGraw-Hill 2. Dr. P S Bimbhra, Electrical Machinery, Khanna Publishers

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Reference Books: 1. Say M G, Performance and design of AC Machines, ELBS 2. J B Gupta, Electrical Machines , S K Kataria and Son 3. Nagarath I J and Kothari D P, Electrical Machines ,4e, Tata McGraw- Hill Education, New Delhi, 2010 4. Vincent Deltoro, Electrical Machines and Power System, Prentice Hall 5. Venketaratnam, Special Electrical Machines, Universal Press

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

EE 010 603: Control Systems

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week Objectives To provide knowledge in the frequency response analysis of linear time invariant systems To provide knowledge in the design of controllers and compensators. To provide knowledge in state variable analysis of systems. Credits: 4

MODULE 1 (12 Hours) Control system components synchros, D.C servo motor, A.C servo motor, stepper motor, Tacho generator, Gyroscope. Frequency domain analysis-. Bode plots, relative stability gain margin and phase margin. correlation between time and frequency domain specifications. Static position error coefficient and static velocity error coefficient from bode plot. Gain adjustment in bode plot. Analysis of systems with transportation lag. MODULE 2 (12 Hours) Polar plots-phase margin and gain margin and stability from polar plot, Correlation between phase margin and damping ratio. Minimum phase and non-minimum phase systems. Log magnitude versus phase plots. Nyquist plot principle of argument , Nyquist stability criterion, conditionally stable systems MODULE 3 (12 Hours) Response of systems with P, PI and PID controllers. Compensation Techniques cascade compensation and feed back design, Lead, Lag and Lag-Lead design using Bode plots and root locus. Realisation of compensators using operational amplifiers. Module 4 (12 Hours) State variable formulation-concept of state variable and phase variable. State space representation of multivariable systems, Similarity transformation, invariance of eigen values under similarity transformation. Formation of Controllable canonical form, Observable canonical form. Diagnalisation, and Jordan canonical form from transfer function. Transfer function from state model. Module 5 (12 Hours) State model of discrete time systems. Solution of state equation state transition matrix and state transition equation, computation of STM by canonical transformation, Laplace transform and cayley- Hamilton theorem. Discretization of continuous time system. Text Books: 1. K.Ogatta, Modern Control Engineering- Pearson Education 2. I.J. Nagrath and M.Gopal, Control Engineering, TMH

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Reference Books 1. D.Roy Choudhary, Modern Control Engineering, PHI 2. Richard C. Dorf and Robert H. Bishop, Modern Control Systems, Pearson Education 3. M.N. Bandyopadhay, Control Engineering-Theory and Practice, PHI,New Delhi,2009. 4 S. Hassan Saeed, Automatic Control Systems Katson Books. 5. A. Anand Kumar, Control Systems, PHI 6. Franklin,Powell, Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, Pearson.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

EE 010 604 Digital Signal Processing

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives Credits: 4

To provide knowledge of transforms for the analysis of discrete time systems. To impart knowledge in digital filter design techniques and associated problems.

Module 1 (14hrs) Discrete time signals and systems: Basic principles of signal processing-Building blocks of digital signal processing. Review of sampling process and sampling theorem. Standard signals-delta, step, ramp. Even and odd functions. Properties of systems-linearity, causality, time variance, convolution and stability difference equations-frequency domain representation Discrete time Fourier transform and its properties- Z transform and inverse Z transform-solution of difference equations. Module 2 (14hrs) Discrete fourier transform-inverse discrete fourier transform-properties of DFT-linear and circular convolution-overlap and add method-overlap and save method-FFT - radix 2 DIT FFT-Radix2 DIF FFT Module 3 (12hrs) Digital filter design: Design of IIR filters from analog filters - analog butter worth functions for various filters - analog to digital transformation-backward difference and forward difference approximations-impulse invariant transformation bilinear transformationfrequency warping and pre warping-design examples- frequency transformations. Structures for realizing digital IIR filters-Direct form 1-direct form II-parallel and cascade structurelattice structure. Module 4 (12hrs) Design of FIR filters-Properties of FIR filters-Design of FIR filters using fourier series method- Design of FIR filters without using windows- Design of FIR filters using windowsDesign using frequency sampling-Design using frequency sampling method-Design using Kaisers approach- realization of FIR filters . Module 5 (8hrs) Finite register length problems in digital filters-fixed point and floating point formats-errors due to quantization, truncation and round off. Introduction to DSP processors. Architecture of TMS 320C54 XX Digital Signal Processor. Principle of speech signal processing (Block Schematic only). Text Books: 1. 2. 3.

John G. Proakis, Dimitris G. Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing ,PHI,New Delhi,1997V. Mitra, Digital Signal Processing , 3e, Tata McGraw Hill Education New Delhi,2007 P. Ramesh Babu- Digital Signal Processing-Scitech publication

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Reference Books: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Alan V. Oppenheim, Ronald W. Schafer, Discrete time Signal Processing , PHI,New Delhi,1997. Udayashankara , Real Time Digital Signal Processing, PHI, New Delhi, 2010. Ganesh Rao, Digital Signal Processing, Sanguins Haykin and Van Veen, Signals and Systems, John Wiley and sons Inc .,2010. Li Tan, Digital Signal Processing-Architecture Implementation and ApplicationsElsevier Publications

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

EE 010 605 Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To impart knowledge about 8051 microcontroller programming and interfacing. To introduce students to advanced PIC 16F877 microcontroller and embedded systems . Module 1(14hrs) Introduction to Embedded Systems (block diagram description)- Microcontrollers and Microprocessors - Comparison. Intel 8051: ArchitectureBlock diagram-Oscillator and Clock-Internal Registers-Program Counter-PSW-Register Banks-Input and Output ports-Internal and External memory, Counters and Timers, Serial data I/O- Interrupts - SFRs. Module 2 (14hrs) Programming of 8051: Instruction syntax-Types of instructionsMoving data-Arithmetic Instructions-Jump and Call Instructions-Logical Instructions-Single Bit Instructions. Arithmetic programs. Timing subroutines Software time delay- Software polled timerAddressing Modes Application of Keil C in microcontroller programming. Module 3 (10hrs) I/O Programming: Timer/Counter Programming-Interrupts Programming- Timer and external Interrupts- Serial Communication- Different character transmission techniques using time delay, polling and interrupt driven-Receiving serial data polling for received data, interrupt driven data reception-RS232 Serial Bus standard. Module 4 (10hrs) Microcontroller system design: External memory and Memory Address Decoding for EPROM and RAM. Interfacing keyboard. 7 segment display and LCD display. Interfacing of ADC (0808) and DAC (808) to 8051- frequency measurement Interfacing of stepper motor. Module 5 (12hrs) Introduction to RISC Microcontrollers: Architecture of PIC 16F877 microcontroller- FSR different Reset conditions various oscillator connections- Internal RC, External RC, Crystal Oscillator and external clock. PIC memory organization Program (Code) memory and memory map, Data memory and Data EEPROM. Instruction set Different addressing modes. Timers - Interrupt structure in PIC 16F877 microcontroller. Simple assembly language programs - square wave generation reading/writing with internal data EEPROM. Text books: 1. Muhammad Ali Mazidi and Janice Gillispie Mazidi, The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems, Pearson Education Asia. 2. Ajay V Deshmukh , Microcontrollers- Theory and Applications , Tata McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Reference books 1. Kenneth J. Ayala, The 8051 Microcontroller Architecture, Programming and Applications, Penram International Publishing (India), Second Ed. K.V.Shibu, Introduction to Embedded Systems, 1e, Tata McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi 2009 Dreamtech Software Team, Programming of Embedded Systems , Wiley Dreamtech John B. Peatman, Design with PIC Microcontrollers , Pearson Education


3. 4.

5. Myke Predko, Programming and Customizing the 8051 Microcontroller, Tata McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi, 2009 6. Intel Data Book on MCS 51 family

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

EE 010 606 L01 High Voltage Engineering

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To impart the basic techniques of high voltage AC, DC and Impulse generation and measurement. To develop understanding about different high voltage testing techniques performed on electrical equipment. Module I (14 hours) Fundamentals of electric breakdown in gases Gas as insulating medium - Types of ionization by collision - types of collision. Condition for ionization by electron/ion collision - Collision cross section - Electric fields of low E/P (electric field/pressure in a gas medium). Ionization process in gaseous media - Townsend mechanism and criterion of breakdown in gases - Paschens law and its application- Streamer theory of breakdown- Corona dischargesDifferent theories of breakdown in solid dielectrics- pure and commercial liquids. Module II (12 hours) Generation of High DC, AC and Impulse voltages HVDC : Cockcroft Walton double circuits Multipliers- Vande Graaff generator HVAC : Generation of High AC voltages- Cascade connection of transformers resonant transformers - Tesla coil. Impulse generation: Definition of impulse wave B.I.S specification single stage and multi stage impulse generator circuits. Tripping methods of impulse generator circuits - Impulse current generator. Module III (12 hours) Measurement of High DC and AC Peak voltage- Sphere gap for measurement of DC,AC and impulse voltages. Measurement of HVDC by generating voltmeter Potential dividers. Measurement of HVAC - Series impedance and Capacitor meters Capacitance Potential Dividers CVT Module IV (10 hours) Measurement of Impulse voltage and current Measurement of impulse voltages and currents- Potential dividers - Measurement of impulse current- Hall generators - Magnetic potentio devices Low current resistive shunts (Peak) Module V (12 hours) High voltage testing techniques Measurement of dielectric constant and loss angle High voltage Schering Bridge Partial discharge measurements in high voltage equipment. Power frequency and impulse testing of high voltage apparatus B.I.S specification HV testing of insulators, bushing, cables and transformers.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Text Books
1. 2.

Naidu & Kamaraju ,High voltage Engineering ,Tata Mc Graw Hill Publications. E. Kuffel & W.S Zaengel ,High Voltage Engineering Fundamentals, Oxford Pergamon Press

Reference Books
1. 2. 3.

L.Lalston , High voltage Technology , Oxford university press. Ravindra Arora ,High voltage insulation engineering , New Age International (P) Ltd. High voltage experimental Techniques, Dieter Kind, Vieweg &Sohn Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Braunschweig/ Wiesbaden, 1978

Syllabus - B.Tech. Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

EE 010 606 L02 VLSI Systems

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week zeroes


Objective: To cater the needs of students who want a comprehensive study of the principle and techniques of modern VLSI Design and Systems. Module I (10 hours) Process steps in IC fabrication: Silicon wafer preparation- Czochralski process- Diffusion of impurities- physical mechanism- Ion implantation- Annealing process- Oxidation processLithography- Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD)- epitaxial growth- reactors- metallizationpatterning- wire bonding and packaging. Module II (12 hours) Monolithic components: Isolation of components- junction isolation and dielectric isolation. Monolithic diodes- schottky diodes and transistors- buried layer- FET structures- JFETMOSFET- PMOS and NMOS, control of threshold voltage (Vth)- silicon gate technologyMonolithic resistors- resistors in diffused regionsMOS resistors- monolithic capacitors- junction and MOS structures- IC crossovers and vias. Module III (13 hours) CMOS technology: CMOS structures- Latch up in CMOS. CMOS circuits: combinational logic circuits:- Inverter-NAND, NOR gates, complex logic circuits, Full adder circuit. CMOS Transmission Gates (TG)- realization of Boolean functions using TGs. Complementary Pass Transistor Logic (CPL)- CPL circuits: NAND, NOR gates, 4bit shifter. Module IV (13 hours) CMOS sequential logic circuits: SR flip-flop, JK flip-Flop, D latch circuits. BiCMOS technology- Structure- BiCMOS circuits: Inverter, NAND gate, NOR gate. CMOS Logic systems- Scaling of MOS structures- scaling factors- effects of miniaturization. Module V (12 hours) Gallium Arsenide Technology-:- Crystal structure- Doping process- Channeling effectMESFET. Comparison between Silicon and GaAS technologies. Introduction to Programmable Logic Arrays (PLA) and Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA).

Syllabus - B.Tech. Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Text Books 1. N Weste and K Eshrangian, Principles of CMOS VLSI Design: A systems perspective, Pearson Education. 2. Jan M Rabaey, Anantha Chandrakasan and Borivoje Nikolic, Digital Integrated Circuits A Design Perspective, Prentice Hall Reference Books 1. 2. 3. 4. S M Sze, VLSI technology, Me Graw Hill. Douglas Pucknell, Basic VLSI design, PHI. S.M.Kang & Y.Leblebici,CMOS digital integrated circuits, Mcgraw Hill. K R Botkar, Integrated Circuits , Khanna Pub.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

EE 010 606 L03 Artificial Neural Networks

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To impart the basic concepts and application of neural networks To give an introduction to MATLAB based neural network programming Pre-requisites: Fundamental Programming Concepts. Module I (15 hours) Fundamentals of ANN Biological prototype Neural Network Concepts, Definitions Activation. Functions single layer and multilayer networks. Training ANNs perceptrons Exclusive OR problem Linear seperability storage efficiency perceptron learning perceptron training algorithms Hebbian learning rule - Delta rule Kohonen learning law problem with the perceptron training algorithm Introduction to MATLAB Neural network tool box. Basic MATLAB transfer functions like purlin, hardlim, hardlims ,tansig, logsig etc and basic programming Module II ( 15 hours) The back propagation Neural network Architecture of the back propagation Network Training algorithm network configurations Back propagation error surfaces Back propagation learning laws Network paralysis _ Local minima temporal instability. Introduction to nntool. Basic supervised programming with nn tool. Module III ( 10 hours) Counter propagation Networks Architecture of the counter propagation network Kohonen layer Training the Kohonen layer preprocessing the input vectors initialising the weight vectors Statisitical properties. Training the Grossberg layer- Feed forward counter propagation Neural Networks Applications. Module IV (10 hours) Statistical methods simulated annealing Bloltzman Training Cauchy training -artificial specific heat methods. Application to general non-linear optimization problems back propagation and cauchy training Module V (10 hours) Hopfield net stability Associative memory statistical Hopfield networks Applications ART NETWORKS Bidirectional Associative memories- retreiving stored information. Encoding the association continuous BAMS Application of neural network for load forcasting, image enhancement, signal processing, pattern recognition etc.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electrical& Electronics Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Text Books 1. Philip D.Wasserman, Neural Computing (Theory and Practice ) 2. J.Zuradha, Introduction to Artificial Neural System ,Jaico Publishers Reference Books 1. S. Rajasekaran and G.A.V.Pai, Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Genetic algorithms, PHI, 2003. 2. Hung T. Nguyen,Nadipuram.R Prasad ,Fuzzy and Neural Control, CRC Press, 2002. 3. Neural Network Toolbox, 4. Kalyanmoyi Deb, Multi-Objective Optimization using Evolutionary

5. Robert Hecht-Nilson, Neuro Computing 6. Simon Haykin, Neural Networks- A comprehensive foundation, Pearson Education, 2001.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electrical& Electronics Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

EE 010 606 L04 Object Oriented Programming

Teaching scheme Credits: 4 2 hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week

Objectives To impart knowledge on concepts of object-oriented programming. To enable the students to master OOP using C++.
Pre-requisites EE 010 406 Computer Programming

Module 1 (10 hours) OOP concepts: Objects-classes-data abstraction-data encapsulation- inheritance- polymorphismdynamic binding, comparison of OOP and Procedure oriented programming, object oriented languages. OOP using C++: Classes and objects, class declaration-data members and member functionsprivate and public members-member function definition, inline functions, creating objects, accessing class members. Module 2 (14 hours) Arrays of objects, objects as function arguments-pass by value-reference variables/aliases-pass by reference, function returning objects, static class members. Constructors and destructors -declaration, definition and use, default, parameterized and copy constructors, constructor overloading. Module 3 (11 hours) Polymorphism: function overloading-declaration and definition, calling overloaded functions. Friend classes, friend functions, operator overloading-overloading unary and binary operatorsuse of friend functions. Module 4 (14 hours) Inheritance: different forms of inheritance, base class, derived class, visibility modes , single Inheritance, characteristics of derived class, abstract class. File handling in C++: file stream classes, file pointers and their manipulations, open (), close (), read (), write () functions, detecting end of file. Module 5 (11 hours) Dynamic memory allocation: pointer variables, pointers to objects, new and delete operators, accessing member functions using object pointers, 'this' pointer. Run time polymorphism: pointers to base class, pointers to derived class, virtual functionsdynamic binding.

Syllabus-B.Tech Electrical And Electronics Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

Text Book 1. Balagurusamy, Object Oriented Programming with C++ , Tata McGraw Hill 2. D Ravichandran, Programming with C++, Tata Mc-Graw Hill

References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Robert Lafore, Object Oriented Programming in Turbo C++, Galgotia Publications K R Venugopal, Rajkumar, T Ravishankar, Mastering C++, Tata Mc_Graw Hill John R Hubbard, Programming with C++, Schaums series, Mc_Graw Hill Stanely B.Lippman, C++ primer, Pearson Education Asia Bjame Stroustrup, C++Programming Language, Addison Wesley

Syllabus-B.Tech Electrical And Electronics Engineering

EE 010 606 L05 Biomedical Engineering

Credits :4 Teaching Scheme 2 hours lecture+ 2 hours tutorial / Week Objectives To introduce the student to the various sensing and measurement devices of electrical origin. To provide the latest ideas on devices for the measurement of non-electrical parameters. To bring out the important and modern methods of imaging techniques. To provide latest knowledge of medical assistance / techniques and therapeutic equipments MODULE 1 (12 Hrs) Cell and its structure Action and resting potential - Propagation of action potential Sodium pump Nerve cell Synapse Different systems of human body- Cardio pulmonary system Physiology of heart and lungs Circulation and respiration Man instrument system.ElectrodesDifferent types-Transducers Different types piezo-electric, ultrasonic, resistive, capacitive, inductive transducers Safety instrumentation-Radiation safety instrumentation- Physiological effects due to 50 Hz current passage- Microshock and macroshock-Electrical accidents in hospitals-Devices to protect against electrical hazards-hospital architecture MODULE 2 (12 Hrs) Biopotential Recorders - Characteristics of recording system Electrocardiography -Conducting system of heart - ECG lead configuration - Analysis of ECG signals - Heart sounds Phonocardiography - Electroencephalography (EEG) - Placement of electrodes in EEG Analysis of EEG Electromyography - Electroretinography and Electrooculography MODULE 3(12 Hrs) Physiological Assist Devices- Pacemakers-Different modes of opreation- Pacemaker batteriesArtificial heart valves- Defibrillators Different types- Heart Lung machine - OxygeneratorsBlood pumps- Kidney machine-Dialysis-Haemodialysis- Peritonial dialysis Blood pressure measurement (invasive and noninvasive) MODULE 4 (12 Hrs) Operation Theatre Equipment- Surgical Diathermy- Short wave diathermy-Microwave diathermy- Ultrasonic diathermy-Therapeutic effects of heat-Range and area of irritation of different diathermy techniques-Ventilators- Anesthesia machine- Blood flow meter-Pulmonary function analysers-Lung volumes and capacities- Gas analyser- Oxymeters-Elements of intensive care monitoring MODULE 5 (12 Hrs) Advances in Biomedical Instrumentation-X-ray tube-X-ray machine - Radio graphic and fluoroscopic techniques Computer tomography Block diagram of CT machine- Applications of CT- Ultrasonic imaging-Modes of display-US imaging instrumentation-Applications of USMagnetic Reasonance Imaging- MRI instrumentation- Thermography-Block diagram of the thermographic equipment- Medical applications of thermography-LASER in MedicineLASER instrumentation-Photo thermal and photochemical applications of LASERS

Text Books 1. Dr. M. Arumugam ,Biomedical Instrumentation, Anuradha Publishers 2. Prof. S.K.Venkata Ram, Biomedical Electronics and Instrumentation ,Galgotia Publishers Reference Books 1. Carr and Brown, Introduction to Biomedical Equipment Technology ,Prentice Hall 2. John G. Webster, Medical Instrumentation Application and Design, John Wiley & Sons Pvt. Ltd 3. Leslie Cromwell, Fred J. Weibell, Erich A. Pfeiffer,Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurements ,Pearson Education 4. Richard Aston ,Principles of Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurement , Maxwell Macmillan International Edition 5. R. S. Khandpur ,Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation, TMH 6. Tompkins ,Biomedical Digital Signal Processing, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd

Mahatma Gandhi University

EE010 606 L06 Renewable Energy Resources

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week Objective Credits: 4

To understand the importance, scope, potential, theory and applications of non conventional energy sources

Module I (10 hours) Energy scenario in India, Environmental aspects of Electrical Energy Generation , Energy for sustainable development, Renewable Energy sources-Advantages and limitations. Renewable Hydro Power Equation-Small, Mini and Micro hydro power-Types of turbines and generators Module II (11 hours) Solar energy Introduction to solar energy: solar radiation, availability, measurement and estimation. Solar Thermal systems- Solar collectors(fundamentals only)- Applications -Solar heating system, Air conditioning and Refrigeration system ,Pumping system, solar cooker, Solar Furnace, Solar Greenhouse -Design of solar water heater Module III (11 hours) Solar photovoltaic systems- Photovoltaic conversion- Solar Cell, module, Panel and Array Solar cell- materials-characteristics- efficiency-Battery back up-PV system classificationDesign of stand-alone PV system. Module IV (13 hours) Wind energy -Introduction Basic principles of wind energy extraction wind data and energy estimation site selection Basic components of wind energy conversion system Modes of wind power generation.-Applications

Fuel cells characteristics-types and applications

Module V (15 hours)

Biomass Energy - Resources - Biofuels- Biomass conversion process-applications Tidal power-Energy estimation-site selection-Types-Important components of a tidal power plants- Wave energy- characteristics-energy and power from the waves, wave energy
conversion devices Geothermal energy resources - estimation of geothermal power - geo thermal energy conversion - Applications

Syllabus - B.Tech Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Text Books 1. D.P.Kothari, K.C.Singal, Rakesh Ranjan, Renewable Energy Sources and Emerging Technologies, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2009 2. B.H. Khan, Non-Conventional Energy Resources, 2nd ,Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2010 3. Chetan Singh Solanki, Renewable Energy Technologies, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2009 Reference Books

1. Godfrey Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford 2. Tasneem Abbasi, S.A.Abbasi, Renewable Energy Sources, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2010
3. Siraj Ahmed, Wind Energy- Theory and Practice, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi,


Syllabus - B.Tech Electrical & Electronics Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

EE010 607 Power Electronics Lab

Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Objectives

Credits: 2

To provide experience on design and analysis of power electronic circuits used for power electronic applications.

Experiments 1. Study of VI characteristics of SCR and TRIAC. 2. Study of BJT, IGBT, GTO & MOSFET. 3. R, RC and UJT firing circuit for control of SCRs. 4. Design and Implementation of Ramp-Comparator and digital firing scheme for simple SCR circuits. 5. Automatic lighting control with SCRs and optoelectronic components. 6. AC phase control using SCR and TRIAC. 7. Speed control of DC motor using choppers and converters. 8. Generation and study the PWM control signal for single phase dc to ac inverter. 9. Study and use of single phase half controlled and fully controlled AC to DC converter and effect of firing angle control on load voltage waveforms. 10. Study and use of back to back connected SCR/TRIAC controlled AC voltage controller and its waveforms with variations of firing angle. 11. Study and use of chopper circuit for the control of DC voltage using (i) (ii) Pulse width control Frequency control

12. Study of single phase inverter and its waveforms. 13. Study of 3 phase firing circuit with synchronization and testing with 3 phase AC to DC bridge converter. Testing waveforms of digital firing modules. 14. Study and testing of 3 phase bridge inverter with different types of loads. 15. Simulation of gating circuits and simple converter circuits. 16. Harmonic Analysis of Power Electronic devices. 17. Simulation of firing circuits using Pspice. 18. Microprocessor based 3 phase fully controlled converter. References: 1. Joseph Vithayathil , Power Electronics-Principles and applications, TMH, 2010 M.H. Rashid , Power Electronics Circuits, Devices and Applications, PHI/Pearson 2005


Mahatma Gandhi University

EE 010 608: Microprocessor and Microcontroller Lab

Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week

Credits: 2

Objectives To provide experience in the programming of 8085 microprocessor and 8051 microcontroller To familiarize with the interfacing applications of 8085 microprocessor and 8051 microcontroller.

1. 8085 assembly language programming experiments

a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. 2. 8-bit and 16 bit arithmetic operations Sorting BCD to binary and binary to BCD conversion Finding square root of a number Finding out square root of a number using look-up table Setting up time delay and square wave generation Interfacing of switch and LED Traffic control signals

8051 programming a. b. c. d. e. f. Setting up time delay using timer and square wave generation Interfacing LEDs Interfacing Hex keyboard Interfacing LCD display Interfacing electromechanical and static relay Interfacing DC motor with MOSFET switches and opto-isolator

3. Mini Project The students are expected to do a mini project in the area of microprocessors /microcontrollers and should be evaluated separately and considered for internal assessment.

Reference: Satish Shah, 8051 Microcontroller , Oxford Higher Education Note : Internal assessment mark for the laboratory work ( Part 1 & Part2) is 60 % and for the mini project (Part 3) is 40 %.

Syllabus B.Tech. Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Electronics and Communication Engineering (EC)


(Common to all branches except CS & IT)

Teaching scheme
2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives

Credits: 4

To apply standard methods and basic numerical techniques for solving problems and to know the importance of learning theories in Mathematics.
Vector differential calculus ( 12 hours)


Scalar and vector fields gradient-physical meaning- directional derivative-divergence an curl - physical meaning-scalar potential conservative field- identities - simple problems MODULE 2 Vector integral calculus ( 12 hours)

Line integral - work done by a force along a path-surface and volume integral-application of Greens theorem, Stokes theorem and Gauss divergence theorem MODULE 3 Finite differences Finite difference operators and ( 12 hours) - interpolation using Newtons forward and

backward formula problems using Stirlings formula, Lagranges formula and Newtons divided difference formula MODULE 4 Difference Calculus ( 12 hours)

Numerical differentiation using Newtons forward and backward formula Numerical integration Newtons cotes formula Trapezoidal rule Simpsons 1/3rd and 3/8th rule Difference equations solution of difference equation MODULE 5 Z transforms ( 12 hours)

Definition of Z transforms transform of polynomial function and trignometric functions shifting property , convolution property - inverse transformation solution of 1st and 2nd order difference equations with constant coifficients using Z transforms. Reference 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Erwin Kreyszing Advance Engg. Mathematics Wiley Eastern Ltd. B.S. Grewal Higher Engg. Mathematics - Khanna Publishers B.V. Ramana - Higher Engg. Mathematics McGraw Hill K Venkataraman- Numerical methods in science and Engg -National publishing co S.S Sastry - Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis -PHI T.Veerarajan and T.Ramachandran- Numerical Methods- McGraw Hill Babu Ram Engg. Mathematics -Pearson. H.C.Taneja Advanced Engg. Mathematics Vol I I.K.International


(Common to all branches) Teaching scheme 2hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week Credits: 4(3+1) Objectives To impart a sound knowledge of the fundamentals of Economics.

Module I (7 hours) Reserve Bank of India-functions-credit control-quantitative and qualitative techniques Commercial banks-functions- Role of Small Industries Development Bank of India and National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development The stock market-functions-problems faced by the stock market in India-mutual funds Module II (6 hours) Multinational corporations in India-impact of MNCs in the Indian economy Globalisation-necessity-consequences Privatisation-reasons-disinvestment of public sector undertakings The information technology industry in India-future prospects Module III (6 hours) Direct and indirect taxes- impact and incidence- merits of direct and indirect taxesprogressive and regressive taxes-canons of taxation-functions of tax systemtax evasion-reasons for tax evasion in India-consequences-steps to control tax evasion Deficit financing-role-problems associated with deficit financing Module IV (5 hours) National income-concepts-GNP, NNP, NI, PI and DPI-methods of estimating national income-difficulties in estimating national income Inflation-demand pull and cost push-effects of inflation-government measures to control inflation Module V (6 hours) International trade-case for free trade-case for protectionism Balance of payments-causes of disequilibrium in Indias BOP-General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade-effect of TRIPS and TRIMS in the Indian economy-impact of WTO decisions on Indian industry Text Books 1. Ruddar Datt, Indian Economy, S.Chand and Company Ltd. 2. K.K.Dewett, Modern Economic Theory, S.Chand and Company Ltd. References 1. Paul Samuelson, Economics, Tata McGraw Hill 2. Terence Byres, The Indian Economy, Oxford University Press 3. S.K.Ray, The Indian economy, Prentice Hall of India 4. Campbell McConnel, Economics, Tata McGraw Hill

Communication Skills
Objectives To improve Language Proficiency of the Engineering students To enable them to express themselves fluently and appropriately in social and professional contexts To equip them with the components of different forms of writing MODULE 1 (15 hours) INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATION Communication nature and process, Types of communication - Verbal and Non verbal, Communication Flow-Upward, Downward and Horizontal, Importance of communication skills in society, Listening skills, Reading comprehension, Presentation Techniques, Group Discussion, Interview skills, Soft skills MODULE II (15 hours) TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION Technical writing skills- Vocabulary enhancement-synonyms, Word Formation-suffix, affix, prefix, Business letters, Emails, Job Application, Curriculum Vitae, Report writingTypes of reports Note: No university examination for communication skills. There will be internal evaluation for 1 credit. REFERENCES 1. The functional aspects of communication skills, P.Prasad and Rajendra K. Sharma, S.K. Kataria and sons, 2007 2. Communication skills for Engineers and Scientists, Sangeeta Sharma and Binod Mishra, PHI Learning private limited, 2010 3. Professional Communication, Kumkum Bhardwaj, I.K. International (P) House limited, 2008 4. English for technical Communication, Aysha Viswamohan, Tata Mc Graw Publishing company limited, 2008


Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week Objectives Credits: 4

To study time domain, phasor and Laplace transform methods of linear circuit analysis

Module I (12 hrs)

Reference directions for two terminal elements - Kirchhoffs Laws - Independent and Dependent Sources Resistance Networks: Node and Mesh analysis of resistance networks containing both voltage and current independent and dependent sources Source Transformations Superposition, Thevenin, Norton and Maximum Power Transfer Theorems applied to resistance networks Module II (12 hrs)

Capacitors and Inductors Current-voltage relationships Step and Impulse functions Waveshapes for Capacitor and Inductor Series and Parallel combinations Coupled coils Mutual Inductance First order Circuits: Excitation by initial conditions Zero input response Excitation by sources Zero state response Step and impulse response of RL and RC circuits - Excitation by sources and initial conditions Complete response with switched dc sources Module III (12 hrs)

Sinusoidal Steady State Analysis: Review of complex numbers Rectangular and Polar forms Phasors and the sinusoidal steady state response - Phasor relationships for R, L and C Impedance and Admittance Node and Mesh analysis, Superposition, Source transformation, Thevenin and Nortons theorems applied to Phasor circuits Sinusoidal Steady State power Average Power Maximum power transfer theorem Phasor analysis of Magnetically coupled circuits Module IV (12 hrs)

Laplace Transform: Definition of Unilateral Laplace Transform- Properties Laplace Transform of common time functions Inverse Laplace Transform by Partial Fraction Expansion Initial value and Final value theorems Solution of network differential equations - Transformation of a circuit into sdomain Transformed equivalent of resistance, capacitance, inductance and mutual inductance Impedance and Admittance in the transform domain Node and Mesh analysis of the transformed circuit - Network theorems applied to the transformed circuit Network Functions: Driving point and Transfer functions - Poles and zeros Module V (12 hrs)

Frequency Response: Network functions in the sinusoidal steady state with s = j Magnitude and Phase response - Magnitude and Phase response of First order Low pass and High pass RC

circuits - Bode Plots First order and Second order factors. Two port networks: Characterization in terms of Impedance, Admittance, Hybrid and Transmission parameters Interrelationships among parameter sets - Reciprocity theorem Interconnection of two port networks- series, parallel and cascade. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. W H. Hayt, Kemmerly and S M Durbin, Engineering Circuit Analysis, Tata Mc.Graw Hill DeCarlo, Lin, Linear Circuit Analysis, OUP B Carlson, Circuits, Ceneage Learning M E. Van Valkenburg, Network Analysis, Prentice Hall of India. L P .Huelsman, Basic Circuit Theory, Prentice Hall of India. Robert L.Boylestad , Introductory Circuit Analysis , 12th e/d ,Prentice Hall of India. C A Desoer & E S Kuh, Basic Circuit Theory, Tata Mc.Graw Hill F F Kuo, Network Analysis and Synthesis, WileyInterscience.


Teaching Scheme 3 lecturer hours and 1 tutorial hour
Objectives To provide students with a sound understanding of existing electronic devices, so that their studies of electronic circuits and systems will be meaningful. To develop the basic tools with which students can later learn about newly developed devices and applications.

Credit :4

Module I (13 hours) Bonding forces in solids Energy Bands Metals, semiconductors and insulators Direct and indirect Semiconductors Variation of Energy Bands with alloy composition Charge carriers in semiconductors Electrons and holes Effective mass Intrinsic and extrinsic materials. Charge concentrations Fermi level Electrons and hole concentrations at equilibrium Temperature dependence of carrier concentrations Compensation and space charge neutrality. Drift of carriers in electric and magnetic fields Drift and resistance Effects of temperature on doping and mobility High-field effects Hall effect. Module II (13 hours) Excess carriers in semiconductors Carrier lifetime Direct and indirect recombination Steady state carrier generation Quasi Fermi levels. Diffusion of carriers Diffusion process Diffusion coefficient Einstein relation Continuity equation Steady state carrier injection Diffusion length. P-N junctions Equilibrium conditions Contact potential Equilibrium Fermi levels Space charge at a junction Forward and reverse biased conditions Steady state conditions Qualitative description of current flow at a junction Carrier injection Diode equation Majority and minority currents through a p-n junction V-I characteristics of a p-n junction diode. Module III (12 hours) Reverse breakdown in p-n junctions Zener and avalanche mechanisms Breakdown diodes. Time variation of stored charge in p-n junctions Reverse recovery transient Switching diodes Capacitance of p-n junctions Varactor diodes. Metal-semiconductor junctions Schottky barriers Rectifying and ohmic contacts. Optoelectronic devices Optical Absorption Solar Cells Photo detectors Photoluminescence and electroluminescence Light emitting diodes Laser diodes. Module IV (12 hours) Bipolar Junction Transistor Bipolar Transistor action Basic principle of operation Simplified current relations Modes of operation Majority and minority current components Emitter injection efficiency Base transport factor Current transfer ratio Current amplification factor Amplification and switching Base width modulation Avalanche Breakdown Base resistance and emitter crowding Field Effect Transistor Basic JFET operation pinch off and saturation Transconductance and amplification factor V-I characteristics Transfer characteristics Basic principles of high frequency transistors Schottky transistors; Phototransistors

Module V (10 hours) Ideal MOS capacitor Energy band structure in depletion, accumulation and inversion modes, C-V characteristics Threshold voltage. MOSFETs Enhancement and depletion MOSFETs Current-voltage Transconductance Control of threshold voltage Basic principles of CMOS. Tunnel diodes pnpn diodes Introduction to SCR and IGBT. Reference Books 1. B. G. Streetman, S. K. Banerjee, Solid State Electronic Devices, 6th ed., PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2010. 2. D. A. Neamen, Semiconductor Physics and Devices, 3rd ed., Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2010. 3. M. S. Tyagi, Introduction to Semiconductor Materials and Devices, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2008. 4. J. Millman, C. C. Halkias, S. Jit, Electronic Devices and Circuits, 3rd ed., Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2010. 5. M. K. Achuthan, K. N. Bhat, Fundamentals of Semiconductor Devices, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2010. 6. V. Suresh Babu, Solid State Devices and Technology, 3rd ed., Pearson Education, 2010. relationship

EC010 305: ANALOG CIRCUITS I Teaching Scheme : 3 lecture hours and 1 tutorial hour Credits : 4

0bjectives: To understand applications of diodes and transistors To understand working of MOSFET To provide an insight into the working, analysis and design of basic analog circuits using BJT and MOSFET Module I (10) RC Circuits: Response of high pass and low pass RC circuits to sine wave, step, pulse and square wave inputs, Tilt, Rise time. Differentiator, Integrator. Small signal diode model for low and high frequencies, clipping and clamping circuits. Analysis of half wave, full wave and bridge rectifiers. Analysis of L, C, LC & filters. Zener voltage regulator, transistor series (with feedback) and shunt voltage regulators, short circuit and fold back protection. Module II (14) DC analysis of BJTs - BJT as amplifier. Small signal equivalent circuits (Low frequency and h models only). Transistor Biasing circuits, Stability factors, Thermal runaway. Small signal analysis of CE, CB, CC configurations using approximate hybrid model (gain, input and output impedance) Module III (12) MOSFET I-V relation, load lines, small signal parameters, small signal equivalent circuits, body effect. Biasing of MOSFETs amplifiers. Analysis of single stage discrete MOSFET amplifiers small signal voltage and current gain, input and output impedance of Basic Common Source amplifier, Common Source amplifier with and without source bypass capacitor, Source follower amplifier, Common Gate amplifier. Module IV (12) High frequency equivalent circuits of BJTs, MOSFETs, Miller effect, short circuit current gain, s-domain analysis, amplifier transfer function. Analysis of high frequency response of CE, CB, CC and CS, CG, CD amplifiers. Module V (12) Power amplifiers: Class A, B, AB and C circuits - efficiency and distortion. Biasing of class AB circuits. Transformer less power amplifiers. Feed back amplifiers - Properties of negative feed back. The four basic feed back topologiesSeries-shunt, series-series, shunt-shunt, shunt-series. Analysis and design of discrete circuits in each feedback topology - Voltage, Current, Trans conductance and Trans resistance amplifiers, loop gain, input and output impedance. Stability of feedback circuits. References: 1. 2. 3. 4. Sedra and Smith: Microelectronic Circuits, 4/e, Oxford University Press 1998. B. Razavi , Fundamentals of Microelectronics, Wiley Donald A Neamen. : Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design, 3/e, Tata Mc.Graw Hill. Millman and Halkias: Integrated Electronics, Tata Mc.Graw Hill, 2004.

5. Spencer & Ghausi: Introduction to Electronic Circuit Design, Pearson Education, 2003. 6. Roger T. Howe, Charles G. Sodini: Microelectronics: An Integrated Approach, Pearson
Education, 1997.

7. R E Boylstead and L Nashelsky: Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 9/e, Pearson


Teaching Scheme 3 lecture hours and 1ntutorial hour Objectives 4 credits

To develop the programming skill using C

Module 1 (12 hrs) Problem solving with digital Computer - Steps in Computer programming - Features of a good program, Algorithms Flowchart. Introduction to C: C fundamentals - The character set - identifiers and keywords - Data types constants - variables and arrays - declarations - expressions - statements - symbolic constantsarithmetic operators - Relational and Logical operators - The conditional operator - Library functions - Data input and output - getchar putchar, scanf, printf - gets and puts functions interactive programming. Module 2 (12 hrs) Control Statements: While - do while - for - nested loops -if else switch- break - continue - The comma operator - go to statement, Functions - a brief overview - defining a function - accessing a function - passing arguments to a function - specifying argument - data types - function prototypes Recursion. Module 3 (12 hrs) Program structure: storage classes - Automatic variables - external variables - multi file programs. Arrays: defining an array - processing an array - passing arrays in a function multi dimensional arrays - array and strings. Structures and unions: defining a structure - processing a structure - user defined data types - passing structure to a function self referential structures - unions. Module 4 (12hrs) Pointers: Fundamentals - pointer declaration - passing pointers to a function - pointers and one dimensional arrays - operations on pointers - pointers and multi dimensional arrays passing functions to other functions. Module 5 (12 hrs) Data files: Opening and closing of a data file - creating a data file - processing a data file, low level programming - register variables bit wise operation - bit fields - enumeration - command line parameters - macros - the C pre-processor. References 1. 2. 3. Byron Gottfried, Programming with C, Schaums Outlines ,Tata Mc.Graw Hill. Kernighan & Ritchie , The C programming language:, Prentice Hall of India.. Venkateshmurthy , Programming Techniques through C:, Pearson Education.

4. 5. 6. 7.

Al Kelley, Ira Pohl , A book on C , Pearson Education. Balaguruswamy , Programming in C , Tata Mc Graw Hill. Ashok N Kanthane , Programming with ANSI and Turbo C, Pearson Education. Stephen C. Kochan , Programming in C , CBS publishers.


Teaching Schemes 3 hours practical per week Credits: 2

Objectives To provide experience on design, testing, and analysis of few basic electronic circuits using BJT and MOSFET. To provide experience on electronic circuit simulation software like SPICE .

1. Characteristics of Diodes & Zener diodes. 2. Characteristics of Transistors (CE & CB). 3. Characteristics of MOSFET. 4. Frequency responses of RC Low pass and high pass filters. RC Integrating and Differentiating circuits.

5. Rectifiers-half wave, full wave, Bridge with and without filter- ripple factor and regulation.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Clipping and clamping circuits. Zener Regulator with & without emitter follower. RC Coupled CE amplifier - frequency response characteristics. MOSFET amplifier (CS) - frequency response characteristics. Feedback amplifiers (current series, voltage series) - Gain and frequency response Power amplifiers (transformer less), Class B and Class AB.

Introduction to SPICE Models of resistor, capacitor, inductor, energy sources (VCVS, CCVS, Sinusoidal source, pulse, etc) and transformer. Models of DIODE, BJT, FET, MOSFET, etc.. Simulation of following circuits using spice (Schematic entry of circuits using standard packages). Analysis- (transient, AC, DC, etc.): 1. Potential divider. 2. Integrator & Differentiator (I/P PULSE) Frequency response of RC circuits. 3. Diode Characteristics. 4. BJT Characteristics. 5. FET Characteristics. 6. MOS characteristics. 7. Full wave rectifiers (Transient analysis) including filter circuits. 8. Voltage Regulators. 9. Sweep Circuits. 10. RC Coupled amplifiers - Transient analysis and Frequency response. 11. FET & MOSFET amplifiers.


Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Credits: 2

Objectives To familiarize with computer hardware, operating systems and commonly used software packages To learn computer programming and debugging Part 1 1. Computer hardware familiarization. 2. Familiarization/installation of common operating systems and application software. Part 2 Programming Experiments in C/C++: Programming experiments in C/C++ to cover control structures, functions, arrays, structures, pointers and files.


(Common to all branches)

Teaching scheme
2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives: Apply standard methods of mathematical &statistical analysis

Credits: 4


Fourier series

( 12 hours)

Dirichlet conditions Fourier series with period 2 and 2l Half range sine and cosine series Harmonic Analysis r.m.s Value MODULE 2 Fourier Transform ( 12 hours)

Statement of Fourier integral theorem Fourier transforms derivative of transforms- convolution theorem (no proof) Parsevals identity MODULE 3 Partial differential equations ( 12 hours)

Formation by eliminating arbitrary constants and arbitrary functions solution of Lagranges equation Charpits method solution of Homogeneous partical differential equations with constant coefficients MODULE 4 Probability distribution ( 12 hours)

Concept of random variable , probability distribution Bernoullis trial Discrete distribution Binomial distribution its mean and variance- fitting of Binominal distribution Poisson distribution as a limiting case of Binominal distribution its mean and variance fitting of Poisson distribution continuous distribution- Uniform distribution exponential distribution its mean and variance Normal distribution Standard normal curve- its properties MODULE 5 Testing of hypothesis ( 12 hours)

Populations and Samples Hypothesis level of significance type I and type II error Large samples tests test of significance for single proportion, difference of proportion, single mean, difference of mean chi square test for variance- F test for equality of variances for small samples References 1. Bali& Iyengar A text books of Engg. Mathematics Laxmi Publications Ltd. 2. M.K. Venkataraman Engg. Mathematics vol II 3rd year part A & B National Publishing Co. 3. I.N. Sneddon Elements of partial differential equations Mc Graw Hill 4. B.V. Ramana Higher Engg. Mathematics Mc Graw Hill 5. Richard A Johnson Miller Freads probability & Statistics for Engineers- Pearson/ PHI

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

T. Veerarajan Engg. Mathematics Mc Graw Hill G. Haribaskaran Probability, Queueing theory and reliability Engg. Laxmi Publications V. Sundarapandian - probability ,Statistics and Queueing theory PHI H.C.Taneja Advanced Engg. Mathematics Vol II I.K.International A.K.Mukhopadhyay-Mathematical Methods For Engineers and Physicists-I.K.International

Mahatma Gandhi University


(Common with EN010 502(ME))
Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives Credits: 4

To develop an understanding of different functional areas of management. To understand the functions and duties an individual should perform in an organisation.

Module I (12 hours) Management Concepts: Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives of management-MBOScientific management- Functions of management- Planning- Organizing- StaffingDirecting- Motivating- Communicating- Coordinating- Controlling- Authority and Responsibility- Delegation- Span of control- Organizational structure- Line, Line and staff and Functional relationship. Module II (12 hours) Personnel Management: Definition and concept- Objectives of personnel managementManpower planning- Recruitment and Selection of manpower- Training and development of manpower- Labour welfare- Labour turnover- Quality circle- Industrial fatigue- Industrial disputes-Method of settling disputes- Trade unions. Module III (12 hours) Production management: Objectives and scope of production management- Functions of production department- production management frame work- product life cycle-Types of production- Production procedure- Project planning with CPM and PERT- Basic concepts in network. Module IV (12 hours) Financial Management: Objectives and Functions of Financial Management- Types of Capital- Factors affecting working capital- Methods of financing. Cost Management: Elements of cost- Components of cost- Selling Price of a product. Module V (12 hours) Sales and Marketing Management: Sales management- Concept- Functions of sales department- Duties of sales engineer- Selling concept and Marketing concept- MarketingDefinition and principles of marketing- Marketing management and its functions- Sales forecasting- Pricing- Advertising- Sales promotion- Channels of distribution- Market research. Text Books 1. Koontz and Weihrich, Essentials of Management, Tata McGraw Hill. 2. Mahajan M., Industrial Engineering and Production Management, Dhanpat Rai and Co. 3. Kemthose and Deepak, Industrial Engineering an Management, Prentice Hall of India. Reference Books 1. Martand Telsang, Industrial Engineering and Production Management. 2. Khanna O.P., Industrial Engineering and Management, Dhanpat Rai and Co. 3. Philip Kotler, Marketing Management, Prentice Hall of India. 4. Sharma S. C. & Banga T. R., Industrial Organisation and Engineering Economics, Khanna Publishers. 5. Prasanna Chandra, Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill.
Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering


Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week Objectives Credits: 4

To study the methods of analysis of continuous time and discrete time signals and systems to serve as a foundation for further study on communication, signal processing and control

Module I (12 hrs)

Classification of signals: Continuous time and Discrete time, Even and Odd , Periodic and Nonperiodic , Energy and Power Basic operations on signals: Operations performed on the dependent variable , operations on the independent variable: Shifting , Scaling Elementary Discrete time and Continuous time signals: Exponential , Sinusoidal , Step , Impulse , Ramp Systems: Properties of Systems: Stability, Memory, Causality, Invertibility, Time invariance, Linearity LTI Systems: Representation of Signals in terms of impulses Impulse response Convolution sum and Convolution integral Cascade and Parallel interconnections Memory, Invertibility, Causality and Stability of LTI systems Step response of LTI systems Systems described by differential and difference equations (solution by conventional methods not required) Module II (12 hrs)

Fourier analysis for continuous time signals and systems: Representation of periodic signals: Continuous Time Fourier Series convergence of Fourier series Gibbs phenomenon Representation of aperiodic signals: Continuous Time Fourier Transform The Fourier Transform for periodic signals Properties of Fourier representations Frequency Response of systems characterized by linear constant coefficient differential equations Module III (12 hrs)

Fourier analysis for discrete time signals and systems: : Representation of periodic signals: Discrete Time Fourier Series Representation of aperiodic signals: Discrete Time Fourier Transform The Fourier Transform for periodic signals Properties of Fourier representations Frequency Response of systems characterized by linear constant coefficient difference equations Module IV (12 hrs)

Filtering: Frequency domain characteristics of ideal filters Time domain characteristics of ideal LPF Non-ideal filters First and Second order filters described by differential and difference equations Approximating functions: Butterworth, Chebyshev and elliptic filters (Magnitude response only) Sampling: The sampling theorem Reconstruction of a signal from its samples using interpolation Aliasing

Module V (12 hrs)

Bilateral Laplace Transform ROC Inverse Geometric evaluation of the Fourier transform from pole-zero plot Analysis and characterization of LTI systems using Laplace Transform The Z Transform ROC Inverse Geometric evaluation of the Fourier Transform from pole-zero plot Properties of Z transform - Analysis and characterization of LTI systems using Z-Transform References: 1) A V Oppenheim, A S Willsky and S H Nawab, Signals and Systems, Prentice Hall of India. 2) S Haykin, and B V Veen, Signals and Systems, Wiley 3) B P Lathi, Signal Processing and Linear Systems, OUP 4) E W Kamen, and B Heck, Fundamentals of Signals and Systems using the web and Matlab, Pearson 5) Luis F Chaparro , Signals and Systems Using MATLAB, Elsevier 6) R E Ziemer, and W H Tranter, Signals and Systems, Pearson. 7) R A Gabel and R A Roberts, Signals and Linear Systems, Wiley

Mahatma Gandhi University


Teaching scheme 3hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week. Credits: 4

Objectives To Work with a variety of number systems and numeric representations, including signed and unsigned binary, hexadecimal, 2s complement. To introduce basic postulates of Boolean algebra and show the correlation between Boolean expression. To introduce the methods for simplifying Boolean expressions. To outline the formal procedures for the analysis and design of combinational circuits and sequential circuits.

Module I (12hours) Positional Number System: Binary, Octal, Decimal, Hexadecimal number system, Number base conversions, complements - signed magnitude binary numbers - Binary Arithmetic- addition, subtraction - Binary codes- Weighted, BCD, 8421, Gray code, Excess 3 code, ASCII, Error detecting and correcting code, parity, hamming code. Boolean postulates and laws with proof, De-Morgans Theorems, Principle of Duality, Minimization of Boolean expressions, Sum of Products (SOP), Product of Sums (POS), Canonical forms, Karnaugh map Minimization, Dont care conditions Module II (12 hours) Digital Circuits: Positive and Negative logic, Transistor transistor logic, TTL with totem pole, open collector and tri state output, Emitter coupled logic basic ECL inverter, NMOS NOR gate, CMOS inverter, NAND and NOR, Gate performance parameters fan in, fan out, propagation delay, noise margin, power dissipation for each logic, characteristics of TTL and CMOS, subfamilies of TTL and CMOS. Module III (12 hours) Introduction to Combinational Circuits: Basic logic gates, Universal gates, Realization of Boolean functions using universal gates, Realization of combinational functions: addition half and full adder n bit adder carry look ahead adder, subtraction, comparison, code conversion, and decoder, encoder, multiplexer, demultiplexer, parity checkers, and parity generator. Introduction to Sequential Circuits: latches, timing, Flip Flops, types, characteristic equations, excitation tables, Realization of one flip flop using other flip flops. Module IV (12 hours) Application of flip flops as bounce elimination switch, register, counter and RAM, Binary ripple counter, synchronous binary counter, Design of modulo n synchronous counter, up/down counters, Shift registers SISO, SIPO, PISO, PIPO, bidirectional shift register and universal register, counters based on shift registers Module V (12 hours) Hazards in combinational circuits: Static hazard, dynamic hazard, essential hazards, hazard free combinational circuits. Introduction to programmable logic devices: PLA- block diagram, PAL block diagram, registered PAL, Configurable PAL, GAL - architecture, CPLD

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electronics & Communication Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

classification internal architecture, FPGA - architecture, ASIC categories , full custom and semi custom.
Reference Books 1. Donald D Givone, Digital Principles and Design, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003. 2. G K Kharate, Digital Electronics, Oxford university press, 2010 th 3. Ronald J Tocci, Digital Systems, Pearson Education, 10 edition 2009. 4. Thomas L Floyd, Digital Fundamentals, Pearson Education, 8th edition, 2003. 5. Donald P Leach, Albert Paul Malvino, Digital Principles and Applications, Tata McGraw Hill 6th edition, 2006. 6. Charles H.Roth, Fundamentals of Logic Design, Thomson Publication Company 5th edition, 2004. 7. Milos Ercegovac, Introduction to Digital Systems, Wiley India, 2010 8. Moris mano, Digital Design, Prentice Hall of India, 3rd edition, 2002. 9. Anada kumar, Fundamentals of Digital Circuits, Prentice Hall of India, 2008. 10. Brain Holdesworth, Digital Logic Design, Elsevier, 4th edition, 2002.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electronics & Communication Engg.


Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives: Present an introduction to linear and non linear modulation and circuits. Familiarize students with the basics of probability theory and noise in communication system. Introduce students to telephone system Module 1(12 hrs) Introduction: Block diagram of communication system need for modulation Linear Modulation: Mathematical representation of AM- frequency spectrum - Power relations, SSB, VSB and ISB (Basics only) Angle Modulation: FM and PM, Spectrum of FM signal, Power and Bandwidth of FM signals, Comparison of AM- FM- PM. Module 2 (12 hrs) Linear Modulators and Demodulators: Diode and Transistor Modulator, Square Law Detector Envelope Detector. Generation and Detection of DSB-SC signal :-Balanced Modulator, Ring Modulator, Synchronous Detection. SSB-SC generation:-Filter method, Phase shift method, Detection of SSB- Product demodulator Module 3 (12 hrs) Non Linear modulators and Demodulators:-FM Generation: Direct and Indirect methods, FM Detection:-Simple slope, balanced slope detection, Foster Seeley detection, Ratio Detection Radio Transmitters and Receivers:- AM transmitters:-High level and Low level, Receivers:characteristics of receivers, Super heterodyne receiver, Image frequency rejection, choice of intermediate frequency, mixer, AGC . FM Stereo Transmitter and Receiver. Module 4 (12 hrs) Probability and Random Variables: -Probability, Sample Space, Events, Conditional Probability and Statistical Independence, Bayes Theorem, Discrete And Continuous Random Variables, CDF and PDF Joint and Conditional PDF, Statistical Averages: Means, Moments, Expectation Probability models: Binomial Distribution, Gaussian Distribution, Rayleigh Distribution Module 5 (12 hrs) Noise:- Sources of noise, shot noise, resistor noise, white noise, additive noise, noise bandwidth, noise temperature, noise figure, signal to noise ratio, noise for cascaded stages

Telephone Systems - Telephone subscribers loop system, switching and transmission plan, Transmission system, Signalling techniques, Interchannel signalling, common channel signalling, standard telephone set, telephone call procedures, call progress.


1. LE Frenzel, Principles of Electronic Communication System 3rd Edition, Tata Mc.GrawHill. 2. Kennedy,Davis , Electronic Communication systems 4th Edition ,Tata Mc.GrawHill. 3. D Roddy and J Coolen: Electronic Communications, Prentice Hall of India. 4. RP Singh ,S D Sapre ,Communication System, Analog &Digital, Tata Mc.Graw Hill 5. AB Carlson,PB Crilly,JC Rutledge, Communication Systems 4th Edition, Mc.GrawHill 6. Wayne Tomasi ,Electronic communication Systems 5th Edition, Pearson Edn 7. RJ Shoenbeck ,Electronic communication ,Modulation & Transmission. Prentice Hall of India. 8. ThiagarajanViswanathan, Telecommunication Switching systems and Networks, Prentice Hall of India. 9. Simon Haykin ,Communication System,Wiley


Teaching Scheme : 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week. Objectives: To understand differential amplifiers using BJT and MOSFET To understand operational amplifier and its applications. Module I (12) Differential Amplifiers - BJT differential pair, large signal and small signal analysis of differential amplifiers, Input resistance, voltage gain, CMRR, non ideal characteristics of differential amplifier. Frequency response of differential amplifiers. MOS differential amplifiers, Current sources, Active load, cascode load, current mirror circuits, Wilson current mirror circuits. Small signal equivalent circuits, multistage differential amplifiers. Module II (12) Simplified internal circuit of 741 op-amp. DC analysis, Gain and frequency response. MOS Operational Amplifiers, single stage- cascode and folded cascode, two stage op-amp, op-amp with output buffer, frequency compensation and slew rate in two stage Op-amps. Ideal opamp parameters, Non ideal op-amp. Effect of finite open loop gain, bandwidth and slew rate on circuit performance. Module III (12) Opamp applications: Inverting and non-inverting amplifier, summing amplifier, integrator, differentiator, Differential amplifiers, Instrumentation amplifiers, V to I and I to V converters, Comparators, Schmitt Trigger, Square and triangular waveform generator, Oscillators RC Phase-shift and Wein-Bridge, Multivibrators Astable and Monostable, Precision rectifiers, Programmable gain Amplifier Module IV (12) Filters: Ist order Low pass, high pass and all pass filters - Bandpass and band elimination filters Biquadratic filters (single op-amp with finite gain non inverting Sallen-Key of Low pass, High pass, Band pass and Band elimination filters. Switched capacitor Resistor, switched capacitor Integrator, Ist order SC filter Module V (12) D/A converters: DAC characteristics- resolution, output input equations, weighted resistor, R-2R network. A/D converter: ADC characteristics, Types - Dual slope, Counter ramp, Successive approximation, flash ADC, oversampling and delta sigma ADC. Waveform generators grounded capacitor VCO and emitter coupled VCO. Basic PLL topology and principle, transient response of PLL, Linear model of PLL, Major building blocks of PLL analog and digital phase detector, VCO, filter. Applications of PLL. Monolithic PLL - IC LM565 and CD4046 CMOS PLL. 555 Timer Astable Multi vibrator and Monostable Multi vibrator using 555. Credits : 4

References: 1. Sergio Franco: Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits, 3/e,Tata Mc.Graw Hill. 2. Behzad Razavi : Design of Analog CMOS IC, Tata Mc.Graw Hill, 2003. 3. Gayakwad : Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits , 4/e, Prentice Hall of India.. 4. David A.Johns, Ken Martin: Analog Integrated Circuit Design, Wiley India, 2008 5. Gray, Hurst, Lewis and Meyer Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits, Wiley 6. Baker R Jacob: CMOS Circuit Design, Layout and Simulation, Prentice hall of India.,2005


Teaching Schemes 3 hours practical per week. Credits: 2

Objectives To provide experience on design, testing, and analysis of few electronic circuits. To provide experience on design ,testing and analysis of op-amp circuits .

1. Differential amplifiers (using BJT and MOSFETs) - Measurement of CMRR 2. Cascade amplifiers - Frequency response. 3. Cascode amplifiers (using BJT and MOSFETs) - Frequency response. 4. Familiarization of Operational amplifiers- Inverting and Non inverting amplifiers, frequency response, Adder, Integrator, comparator and voltage level detector. 5. Measurement of Op-Amp. parameters. 6. Difference Amplifier and Instrumentation amplifier. 7. Astable, Monostable and Schmitt trigger circuit using Op -Amps. 8. Triangular and square wave generators using Op- Amplifier. 9. Wien bridge oscillator using op-amplifier with amplitude stabilization and amplitude control, RC Phase shift Oscillator. 10. Study of 555 and Astable, Monostable multivibrator using 555. 11. Active second order filters using Op-Amp (LPF, HPF, BPF and BSF) 12. . A/D converters- counter ramp and flash type. 13. D/A Converters- ladder circuit.


Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Objectives To provide experience on design, testing, and analysis of few electronic circuits used for communication engineering. To understand basic transmission concepts and to develop strong concepts in fundamentals. List of Experiments Using discrete components only: 1. Amplitude Modulator-Measurement of Modulation index. 2. Amplitude Demodulator 3. Study of PLL and VCO ICs 4. Frequency Modulator using VCO 5. Frequency Demodulator 6. DSB-SC Modulator 7. DSB-SC Demodulator 8. Tuned Amplifier 9. Mixer 10. AGC 11. Study of 8038 12. Spectral Analysis of AM and FM . 13. Multiplexing using analog multiplexer ICs Note:Any other relevant experiments related to Credits: 2

EC 010 405



(Common to all branches except CS & IT)

Teaching scheme
2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week

Credits: 4

Objectives: Use basic numerical techniques to solve problems and provide scientific techniques to decision making problems. MODULE 1 Function of Complex variable (12 hours)

Analytic functions Derivation of C.R. equations in cartision co-ordinates harmonic and orthogonal properties construction of analytic function given real or imaginary parts complex potential conformal mapping of z2 , - Bilinear transformation cross ratio invariant property (no proof) (12 hours)

simple problems MODULE 2 Complex integration

Line integral Cauchys integral theorem Cauchys integral formula Taylors series- Laurents series Zeros and singularities types of singularities Residues Residue theorem evaluation of real integrals in unit circle contour integral in semi circle when poles lie on imaginary axis. MODULE 3 Numerical solution of algebraic and transcendental equations (10 hours)

Successive bisection method Regula falsi method Newton Raphson method - Secant method solution of system of linear equation by Gauss Seidel method MODULE 4 Numerical solution of Ordinary differential equations ( 10 hours)

Taylors series method Eulers method modified Eulers method Runge Kutta method (IV order) Milnes predictor corrector method MODULE 5 Linear programming problem (16 hours)

Definition of L.P.P., solution, optimal solution, degenerate solution graphical solution solution using simplex method (non degenerate case only) Big -M method Duality in L.P.P. Transportation problem Balanced T.P. initial solution using Vogels approximation method - modi method (non degenerate case only)

References 1. B.V. Ramana Higher Engg. Mathematics Mc Graw Hill 2. M.R.Spicgel , S.Lipschutz , John J. Schiller, D.Spellman Complex variables, schanms outline series - Mc Graw Hill 3. S.Bathul text book of Engg.Mathematics Special functions and complex variables PHI 4. B.S. Grewal Numerical methods in Engg. and science - Khanna Publishers 5. Dr.M.K Venkataraman- Numerical methods in science and Engg -National publishing co

6. 7. 8. 9.

S.S Sastry - Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis -PHI P.K.Gupta and D.S. Hira Operations Research S.Chand Panneer Selvam Operations Research PHI H.C.Taneja Advanced Engg. Mathematics Vol II I.K.International


Teaching Scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week.
Objectives To develop the basic understanding of control system theory and its role in engineering design. To familiarize the inputs, outputs, and building blocks of a control system; to differentiate between open-loop and closed-loop control systems. To understand the utility of Laplace transforms and transfer functions for modeling complex interconnected systems. To understand the concept of poles and zeros of a transfer function and how they affect the physical behavior of a system. To understand the concept of Time Domain and Frequency Domain analysis and to determine the physical behavior of systems using these analysis. To understand state variable analysis of systems and the relationship with state variable representation and transfer functions.

Credit :4

Module 1 (14 hours) Introduction to Control Systems Basic building blocks of a Control System Open-Loop and Closed-Loop Control Systems Feedback and effects of feedback Types of feedback Control Systems LTI Systems. Impulse Response and Transfer Functions of LTI Systems Properties of Transfer Functions SISO and MIMO Systems Mathematical modeling of electrical and mechanical systems (simple systems only) Analogy between mechanical and electrical systems. Block Diagrams Reduction of Block Diagrams Signal Flow Graph Masons Gain Formula Conversion of Block Diagrams to Signal Flow Graphs. Module 2 (14 hours) Stability of Linear Control Systems BIBO Stability and Asymptotic Stability Relationship between characteristic equation roots and stability Method of determining stability RouthHurwitz Criterion. Time-Domain Analysis of Control Systems Transient Response and Steady-State Response Typical test signals Unit-Step response and Time-Domain specifications of first-order and prototype second-order systems Steady-State Error Static and Dynamic Error Constants. Effects of adding poles and zeros to the Transfer Function Dominant Poles and Insignificant Poles of Transfer Functions. Module 3 (10 hours) Root-Locus Technique Basic properties of the Root Loci Angle and Magnitude conditions Rules for the construction of approximate Root Loci. Control System Design by the Root-Locus Method Preliminary design considerations Lead Compensation Lag Compensation Lead-Lag Compensation Parallel Compensation. Module 4 (12 hours) Frequency-Domain Analysis of Control Systems Frequency-Domain specifications of prototype second order system Effects of adding zeros and poles to the Forward-Path Transfer Function.

Nyquist Stability Criterion: Fundamentals Relationship between the Root Loci and the Nyquist Plot. Relative Stability Gain Margin and Phase Margin Stability analysis with Bode Plot and Polar Plot Introduction to Nichols Plot, Constant-M & Constant-N circles and Nichols Chart (no analysis required). Module 5 (10 hours) State-Variable Analysis of Control Systems Vector-Matrix representation of State Equations State-Transition Matrix State-Transition Equation Relationship between State Equations and Higher-Order differential equations Relationship between State Equations and Transfer Functions Characteristic Equation, Eigen values and Eigen vectors. References 1. B. C. Kuo, Automatic Control Systems, 7th ed., PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2009. 2. K. Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, 5th ed., PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2010. 3. R. C. Dorf, R. H. Bishop, Modern Control Systems, 11th ed., Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2008. 4. N. S. Nise, Control Systems Engineering, 5th ed., Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2009. 5. M. Gopal, Control Systems: Principles and Design, 3rd ed., Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2008.

Mahatma Gandhi University


Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week. Credits: 4

Objectives To design and implement combinational circuits using basic programmable blocks To design and implement synchronous sequential circuits To study the fundamentals of Verilog HDL Ability to simulate and debug a digital system described in Verilog HDL Module I (12hours) Introduction to Verilog HDL: Design units, Data objects, Signal drivers, Delays , Data types, language elements, operators, user defined primitives, modeling-data flow, behavioral, structural, Verilog implementation of simple combinational circuits: adder, code converter, decoder, encoder, multiplexer, demultiplexer. Module II (12 hours) Combinational circuit implementation using QuineMcCluskey algorithm, Decoders, Multiplexers, ROM and PLA, Implementation of multi output gate implementations Module III (12 hours) Finite State Machines: State diagram, State table, State assignments, State graphs, Capabilities and limitations of FSM, Meta stability, Clock skew, Mealy and Moore machines, Modelling of clocked synchronous circuits as mealy and Moore machines: serial binary adder, Sequence detector, design examples. Module IV (12 hours) Digital System Design Hierarchy: State assignments, Reduction of state tables, Equivalent states, Determination of state equivalence using implication table, Algorithmic State Machine, ASM charts, Design example. Module V (12 hours) Verilog HDL implementation of binary multiplier, divider, barrel shifter, FSM, Linear feedback shift register, Simple test bench for combinational circuits. Reference 1. Michael D.Ciletti, Advanced Digital design with Verilog HDL, Pearson Education, 2005. 2. S. Brown & Z. Vranestic, Fundamentals of Digital Logic with Verilog HDL, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002. 3. Samir Palitkar, Verilog HDL A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis, Pearson, 2nd edition, 2003. 4. Peter J Ashenden ,Digital Design, an embedded system approach using Verilog, Elsevier, 2008 5. Frank Vahid, Digital Design, Wiley Publishers. 6. T R Padmanabhan, Design through Verilog HDL, IEEE press, Wiley Inter science, 2002. 7. Donald D Givone, Digital Principles and Design, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003. 8. Wakerly J F, Digital Design Principles and Practices, Prentice hall of India, 2008. 9. Nazeih M Botros, HDL programming VHDL and Verilog, Dreamtech press, 2009 10. David J. Comer, Digital Logic and State Machine Design, Oxford university press, 3rd edition, 1995.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electronics & Communication Engg.

EC 010 504(EE) Electric Drives & Control

Teaching Schedule 2 hours Lecture and 2 hours tutorial /week Objectives: To understand the characteristics and operational features of important power electronic devices Understanding the basic working principles of DC and AC machines Module 1(10 Hours) D.C.Machines DC Generator- Types, Open Circuit Characteristics and Load characteristics of d.c. shunt generator Losses and efficiency. D C motor starter torque equation speed torque characteristics of shunt, series and compound motors Losses efficiency Brake test Swinburnes test. Module 2(12 Hours) A.C Machines Transformers: transformer on no-load and load operation phasor diagram equivalent circuit regulation losses and efficiency o.c. and s.c. tests. Three phase induction motors: types Principle of operation-slip- torque equation torque-slip characteristicsstarters single phase induction motors types working. Alternator types- principle- emf equation regulation by emf and mmf methods. Synchronous motor Principle of operation. Module3(10 Hours) Power semiconductor Devices SCR-Constructional features- Characteristics- rating and specification- Triggering circuits-protection and cooling. Construction and characteristics of power diodes, TRIAC, BJT, MOSFET and IGBT. . Module 4(14 Hours) Phase controlled Rectifiers - Operation and analysis of Single phase and multi-phasecontrolled rectifiers with R, RL and back EMF load- free wheeling effect. Chopperclassification- Step down- step up- two and four quadrant operations. Inverters- Single phase and three phase bridge inverters- VSI and CSI- PWM Inverters. SMPS, UPS principle of operation and block schematic only. Module 5(14 Hours) DC drives: Methods of Speed control of dc motors single phase and three phase fully controlled bridge rectifier drives. Chopper fed drives: Single, Two and four quadrant chopper drives. Induction Motor drives: Stator voltage, stator frequency and V/f Credits -4

Control, Static rotor resistance control. Synchronous motor drives: Open loop and self controlled modes. Text Books: 1 2 3 J B Gupta, Electrical Machines , S K Kataria and Sons Vedam Subramaniam ,Power Semiconductor Drives , TMH Rashid Muhammad, Power Electronics: Pearson Edn.

References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Electrical & Electronic Technology: Hughes, Pearson Education Harish C Ray Power Electronics:, Galgotia Pub P S Bimbhra ,Power Electronics: Khanna Publishers M.D Singh and K.B Khanchandani, Power Electronics , TMH, 1998 Wildi - Electrical Machines, Drives and Power systems 6/ePearson Education

EC010 505


Credit: 4

Teaching Schemes 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week. OBJECTIVES

To analyze fields potentials due to static changes To evaluate static magnetic fields To understand how materials affect electric and magnetic fields To understand the relation between the fields under time varying situations To understand principles of propagation of uniform plane waves.

Module I (14hours)
Review of vector analysis: Cartesian, Cylindrical and Spherical co-ordinates systems- Coordinate transformations. Vector fields: Divergence and curl- Divergence theorem- Stokes theorem. Static electric field: Electrical scalar potential- different types of potential distribution- Potential gradient-

Energy stored in Electric field - Derivation of capacitance of two wire transmission line and coaxial cable Electrostatic boundary conditions Steady magnetic field: Amperes Law,
Faradays Law, Helmholtzs theorems, Energy stored in magnetic fields- Magnetic dipole- Magnetic boundary conditions- Vector magnetic potential A- Magnetic field intensity, Inductance of two wire transmission line and coaxial cable- Relation between E, V and A.- Equation of continuity,

Poisson and Laplace equations. Module II (12 hours)

Maxwells equations and travelling waves: Conduction current and displacement current, Maxwells equations- Plane waves- Poynting theorem and Poynting vector- Power flow in a coaxial cable Instantaneous Average and Complex Poynting Vector. Plane electromagnetic waves- Solution for free space condition- Uniform plane wave:-wave equation for conducting medium- wave propagation in conductors and dielectric, depth of penetration, reflection and refraction of plane waves by conductor and dielectric. Wave polarization - Polarization of

electromagnetic wave and derivation of polarization angle. Module III (14 hours) Guided wave :-Guided waves between parallel planes- Transverse Electric and Transverse Magnetic waves and its characteristics- Waves in Rectangular Waveguides- Transverse Magnetic Waves in Rectangular Wave guides Transverse Electric Waves in Rectangular Waveguides characteristic of TE and TM Waves Cut off wavelength and phase velocity Impossibility of TEM waves in waveguides Dominant mode in rectangular waveguide Attenuation of TE and TM modes in rectangular waveguides Wave impedances characteristic impedance Excitation of modes. Moddule IV( 10 hours)

Circular waveguides and resonators:- Bessel functions Solution of field equations in cylindrical co-ordinates TM and TE waves in circular guides wave impedances and characteristic impedance Dominant mode in circular waveguide excitation of modes Microwave cavities, Rectangular cavity resonators, circular cavity resonator, Q factor of a cavity resonator.
Module IV (10hours)

Transmission lines:- Uniform transmission line- Transmission line equations. Voltage and Current distribution, loading of transmission lines. Transmission line Parameters Characteristic impedance - Definition of Propagation Constant. General Solution of the transmission line, Derivation of input impedance of transmission line. VSWR and reflection coefficient wavelength and velocity of propagation. Waveform distortion distortion less transmission line. The quarter wave line and impedance matching:-The Smith Chart Application of the Smith Chart Single stub matching and double stub matching.

1. W H.Hayt & J A Buck : Engineering Electromagnetics Tata McGraw-Hill, 7th Edition 2007.
2. Mathew N.O. Sadiku: Elements of Electromagnetics, Oxford Pub, 3rd Edition.

3. David K.Cheng: Field and Wave Electromagnetics - Second Edition-Pearson Edition, 2004. 4. W H.Hayt & J A Buck ,Problems and Solutions in Electromagnetics - Tata McGrawHill,2010 5. E.C. Jordan & K.G. Balmain: Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems. PHI. 6. J. D. Kraus : Electromagnetics, 5th Edition, Mc Graw Hill Publications. 7. Edminister : Electromagnetics, Schaum series, 2 Edn. 8. D A Pozar, Microwave Engineering, Wiley 9. Umran S. Inan & Aziz S. Inan: Engineering Electromagnetics, Pearson Education, 1999. 10. Nannapaneni Narayana Rao: Elements of Engineering Electromagnetics, 5th Edition, Pearson Education. 11. Clayton R.Paul ,Keith W.Whites, Syed A Nasar Introduction to Electromagnetic Fileds TATA McGraw-Hill 3rd Edition

Mahatma Gandhi University


Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week. Objectives To study the architecture of microprocessors 8085 and 8086. To understand the instruction set of 8085. To know the methods of interfacing them to the peripheral devices. To use all the above in the design of microprocessor based systems. Module I (12hours) Introduction to microprocessors and microcomputers: Function of microprocessorsorganisation of a microprocessor based system microprocessor architecture and its operations memory I/O devices - pin configuration and functions of 8085 tristate bus concept - control signals de-multiplexing AD0-AD7 flags - memory interfacing - I/O addressing - I/O mapped I/O - memory mapped I/O schemes - instruction execution fetch/execute cycle - instruction timings and operation status. Module II (12 hours) Intel 8085 instruction set - instruction and data format simple programs - programs in looping, counting and indexing 16 bit arithmetic operations - stack and subroutines - basic concepts in serial I/O 8085 serial I/O lines Module III (12 hours) Basic interfacing concepts interfacing input devices interfacing output devices interfacing as memory mapped I/O - Interrupts vectored interrupt restart as software instruction interfacing A/D and D/A converters. . Module IV (12 hours) Programmable interface devices basic concepts 8279 programmable keyboard / display interface 8255A programmable peripheral interface 8254 programmable interval timer 8259A programmable interrupt controller - DMA and 8237 as DMA controller. Module V (12 hours) Intel 8086 Microprocessor - Internal architecture Block diagram Minimum and maximum mode operation Interrupt and Interrupt applications memory organization even and odd memory banks segment registers logical and physical address advantages and disadvantages of physical memory. Reference 1. Ramesh S Goankar, 8085 Microprocessors Architecture Application and Programming, Penram International, 5th edition, 1999. 2. Aditya P Mathur, Introduction to Microprocessor, Tata McGraw-Hill, 3rd edition, 2002. 3. Douglas V Hall, Microprocessors and Interfacing, Tata McGraw-Hill 2nd edition, 2008. 4. N Senthil Kumar, M Saravanan, Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, Oxford University press, 2010. 5. John Uffenbeck, Microcomputer and Microprocessor, The 8080, 8085 And Z80 Programming, Interfacing and Trouble Shooting, PHI, 3rd edition, 2006. 6. Michel Slater, Microprocessor Based Design A Comprehensive Guide to Effective Hardware Design, PHI, 2009. Credits: 4

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electronics & Communication Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

7. P K Ghosh, P R Sridhar, 0000 to 8085 Introduction to Microprocessors for Engineers and

Scientists, Prentice Hall of India, 2nd edition, 2006.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electronics & Communication Engg.


Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week.

Credits: 2

To provide experience on design, testing, and realization of few digital circuits used. To understand basic concepts of memories, decoders etc.

LIST OF EXPERIMENTS:1. Study of Logic Gates: Truth-table verification of OR, AND, NOT, XOR, NAND and NOR gates. 2. Implementation of the given Boolean function using logic gates in both SOP and POS forms. 3. Design and Realization of half, full adder or subtractor using basic gates and universal gates. 4. Flip Flops: Truth-table verification of JK Master Slave FF, T and D FF. 5. Asynchronous Counter: Realization of 4-bit up counter and Mod-N counters. 6. Synchronous Counter: Realization of 4-bit up/down counter and Mod-N counter. 7. Shift Register: Study of shift right, SIPO, SISO, PIPO, PISO and shift left operations 8. Ring counter and Johnson Counter. 9. Design examples using Multiplexer and De multiplexer. 10. LED Display: Use of BCD to 7 Segment decoder / driver chip to drive LED display 11. Static and Dynamic Characteristic of NAND gate (both TTL and MOS) Mini Project based on above experiments.

Mahatma Gandhi University

EC 010 508(EE) Electric Drives and Control Lab

Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Objectives

Credits: 2

To familiarise the students with the working and characteristics of various electrical machines.
To provide experience on design and analysis of few power electronic circuits

Experiments 1. OCC of self and separately excited D.C machines critical resistances of various speeds. Voltage build-up with a given field circuit resistance. Critical speed for a given field circuit resistance. 2 Characteristics of D.C series motor 3 Load Test on D.C shunt motor and obtain the performance characteristics. 4. Swinburnes test on D.C machine 5 Polarity, transformation ratio tests of single phase transformers

6. O.C and S.C tests on single phase transformers calculation of performance using equivalent circuit efficiency, regulation at unity, lagging and leading power factors. 7. Load test on a single phase transformer . 8. Load test on induction motor. 9. Pre-determination of regulation of an alternator by emf and mmf methods. 10. VI characteristics of SCR . 11 VI characteristics of TRIAC. 12 R and RC-firing scheme for control of SCR. 13 UJT-firing scheme for SCR. 14 Design and Implementation of digital firing scheme for simple SCR circuits. . References: 1. Dr. P S Bimbra, Electrical Machinery, Khanna Publishers 2. R K Rajput, A text book of Electrical Machines, Laxmi publishers 3. . Umanand, Power Electronics- Essentials and Applications, Wiley India 2009

Syllabus B.Tech. Electronics and Communication Engineering


Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives: To develop ability to analyze communication engineering problems and also to design and develop different communication and electronics systems for processing signals and data. MODULE I (12 hrs)

Random Signal Theory: Random process: stationarity,ergodicity, mean, auto correlation, cross correlation, covariance, random process transmission through linear filters, power spectral density, cross correlation functions, cross spectral densities, Gaussian process, Discrete Time Random Process, White Process Signal Space Representation of Waveforms: Vector Space Concept, Signal Space Concepts, Orthogonal Expansion, Gram- Schmidt Orthogonalization Procedure MODULE II (12 hrs) Detection and Estimation: Model of digital communication system, response of bank of correlators to noisy input. Detection of known signals in noise:-ML Receiver. Probability of error calculation, erf, Correlation Receiver, Matched Filter Receiver, properties, detection of signals with unknown phase in noise, Estimation concepts: ML Estimate. MODULE III (12 hrs) Pulse Modulation Techniques: Sampling and pulse modulation: Sampling theorem, Ideal sampling and reconstruction, practical sampling and Aliasing, PAM, PWM, PPM, Quantizing, Quantization Noise, Companding, PCM generation and reconstruction, DPCM, Delta Modulation, Adaptive Delta Modulation, digital multiplexing MODULE IV (12 hrs) Baseband shaping for Data Transmission: Binary signaling format, Inter Symbol Interference, Nyquist criterion for distortion less base band binary transmission: Ideal solution, practical solution, correlative coding: Duobinary signaling, modified duobinary, generalized form of correlative coding, eye pattern, equalization ,adaptive equalization, synchronization techniques: bit synchronization, frame synchronization

MODULE V (12 hrs) Bandpass Digital Transmission: Digital CW Modulation: ASK, BFSK, BPSK, MSK, Coherent binary system, timing and synchronization, Non coherent binary system, Differentially coherent PSK, Quadrature carrier and M-ary systems: quadrature carrier system, MPSK, M-ary QAM, Trellis coded modulation

References: 1. Simon Haykin , Introduction To Analog And Digital Communications, Wiley India Edition 2. Proakis& Salehi, Digital Communications, Mc Graw Hill International Edition. 3. Herbert Taub, Schilling Donald L.,Principles of Communication Systems,3rd e/d, Tata Mc Graw Hill,2007. 4. Carlson, Crilly, Rutledge, Communication Systems 4th Edition, McGraw Hill 5. Simon Haykin , Digital Communications, Wiley India Edition 6. Sklar,Kumar Ray, Digital Communications, Pearson Education 7. Glover,Grant, Digital Communications, Pearson Education


Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week Objectives To study the fundamentals of discrete-time system analysis, digital filter design and the DFT Credits: 4

Module I (12 hrs)

Advantages of DSP Review of discrete time signals and systems Discrete time LTI systems Review of DTFT Existence Symmetry properties DTFT theorems Frequency responseReview of Z transform ROC Properties Sampling of Continuous time signals Frequency domain representation of sampling Aliasing - Reconstruction of the analog signal from its samples Discrete time processing of continuous time signals Impulse invariance Changing the sampling rate using discrete time processing Sampling rate reduction by an integer factor Compressor Time and frequency domain relations Sampling rate increase by an integer factor Expander Time and frequency domain relations Changing the sampling rate by a rational factor.
Module II (12 hrs)

Transform analysis of LTI systems Phase and group delay Frequency response for rational system functions Frequency response of a single zero and pole Multiple poles and zeros Relationship between magnitude and phase All pass systems Minimum phase systems Linear phase systems Generalised linear phase 4 types Location of zeros.
Module III (12 hrs)

Structures for discrete time systems IIR and FIR systems Block diagram and SFG representation of difference equations Basic structures for IIR systems Direct form - Cascade form - Parallel form - Transposed forms Structures for FIR systems Direct and Cascade forms - Structures for Linear phase systems Overview of finite precision numerical effects in implementing systems Analog filter design: Filter specification Butterworth approximation Pole locations Design of analog low pass Butterworth filters Chebyshev Type 1 approximation pole locations Analog to analog transformations for designing high pass, band pass and band stop filters.
Module IV (12 hrs)

Digital filter design: Filter specification Low pass IIR filter design Impulse invariant and Bilinear transformation methods Butterworth and Chebyshev Design of high pass, band pass and band stop IIR digital filters Design of FIR filters by windowing Properties of commonly used windows Rectangular, Bartlett, Hanning, Hamming and Kaiser.

Module V (12 hrs)

The Discrete Fourier Transform - Relation with DTFT Properties of DFT Linearity Circular shift Duality Symmetry properties Circular convolution Linear convolution using the DFT Linear convolution of two finite length sequences Linear convolution of a finite length sequence with an infinite length sequence Overlap add and overlap save Computation of the DFT Decimation in time and decimation in frequency FFT Fourier analysis of signals using the DFT Effect of windowing Resolution and leakage Effect of spectral sampling. References 1. A V Oppenheim, R W Schaffer, Discrete Time Signal Processing , 2nd Edition Pearson Education. 2. S K Mitra, Digital Signal Processing: A Computer Based Approach ,Tata Mc.Graw Hill. 3. J G Proakis, D G Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms and Applications, Prentice Hall of India.. 4. L C Ludeman, Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing, Wiley 5. J R Johnson, Introduction to Digital Signal Processing, Prentice Hall of India.


Teaching Schemes 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week. OBJECTIVES To impart the basic concepts of radiating structures and their arrays To give understanding about analysis and synthesis of arrays To give idea about basic propagation mechanisms Credits: 4

MODULE 1 ( 13 hours)
Retarded potentials: Concept of vector potential- Modification for time varying- retarded

case- Fields associated with Hertzian dipole- Power radiated and radiation resistance of current element-Radiation from half-wave dipole and quarter-wave monopole antennas.
Antenna Parameters: Introduction, Isotropic radiators, Radiation pattern, Gain -radiation intensityDirective gain, Directivity, antenna efficiency- antenna field zones. Reciprocity theorem & its applications, effective aperture, Effective height, radiation resistance, terminal impedance, front-toback ratio, antenna beam width, antenna bandwidth, antenna beam efficiency, antenna beam area or beam solid angle, polarization, antenna temperature.

MODULE 2 (13hours) Antenna Arrays: Introduction, various forms of antenna arrays, arrays of point sources, non isotropic but similar point sources, multiplication of patterns, arrays of n-isotropic point sources, Grating lobes, Properties and Design of Broadside, Endfire, Binomial and Dolph Chebyshev arrays, Phased arrays, Frequency- Scanning arrays- Adaptive arrays and Smart antennas. MODULE 3 (13hours) Antenna Types:- Horizontal and Vertical Antennas above the ground plane. Loop Antennas: Radiation from small loop and its radiation resistance- Radiation from a loop with circumference equal to a wavelength-Helical antenna: Normal mode and axial mode operation-Yagi uda Antenna- Log periodic antenna- rhombic antenna- Horn antennaReflector antennas and their feed systems- Micro strip antenna-Selection of antenna based on frequency of operation Antennas for special applications: Antenna for terrestrial mobile communication systems, Ground Penetrating Radar(GPR), Embedded antennas, UWB, Fractal antenna ,Plasma antenna. MODULE 4 (13hours)
Ground wave propagation: Attenuation characteristics for ground wave propagationCalculation of field strength at a distance

Space wave propagation: Reflection characteristics of earth- Resultant of direct and reflected

ray at the receiver- LOS distance Effective earths radius Field strength of space wave duct propagation
Sky wave propagation: Structure of the ionosphere- effect of earths magnetic field Effective

dielectric constant of ionized region- Mechanism of refraction- Refractive index- Critical frequency- Skip distance- Effect of earths magnetic field- Attenuation factor for ionospheric propagation- Maximum usable frequency(MUF) skip distance virtual height skip distance, Fading and Diversity reception. MODULE 5 (8 hours) Antenna Measurements: Reciprocity in Antenna measurements Measurement of radiation pattern Measurement of ranges - Measurement of different Antenna parameters- Directional pattern, Gain, Phase, Polarization, Impedance, and Efficiency, Effective gain,SAR. REFERENCES 1. John D. Krauss, Ronald J Marhefka: Antennas and Wave Propagation, 4th Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill 2. Jordan & Balman. Electromagnetic waves & Radiating Systems Prentice Hall India 3. Constantine. A. Balanis: Antenna Theory- Analysis and Design, Wiley India, 2nd Edition, 2008 4. R.E Collin: Antennas & Radio Wave Propagation, Mc Graw Hill. 1985. 5. Terman: Electronics & Radio Engineering, 4th Edition, McGraw Hill. 6. Kamal Kishor: Antenna and Wave propagation , IK International

Mahatma Gandhi University


Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To impart the basic concepts of architecture and organisation of computers To develop understanding about pipelining and parallel processing techniques. To impart knowledge about the current PC hardware Pre-requisites: Digital Electronics and Microprocessors Module I (12 hours) Introduction : Difference between Architecture, Organisation and Hardware, Review of basic operational concepts Stored program concept, Instruction sequencing, bus structure, Software support- translating and executing a program- assembler, linker, loader, OS, Instruction types and Addressing modes. CPU Performance and its factors, Performance evaluation, The Power wall, Switch from uniprocessors to multiprocessors, Basic concepts of pipelining, superscalar architecture and multithreading, Instruction level parallelism (basic idea only). Module II (12 hours) Processor Organisation: Control Unit design: Execution of a complete instruction,

Single bus and multibus organisation, Sequencing of control signals, Hardwired control unit, Microprogrammed control unit. Arithmetic and logic design review of signed and unsigned binary arithmetic, fast adders, Array multiplier, sequential multiplier, Booths algorithm, fast multiplication methods, integer division restoring and non restoring methods, floating point numbers.
Module III (12 hours) Memory and I/O Organisation Memory hierarchy, Memory characteristics, Internal

organization of semiconductor RAM memories, Static and Dynamic RAM memories, flash memory, Cache memory mapping function, replacement algorithm, measurement and improvement of cache performance, Virtual memory and address translation, MMU. Secondary memories magnetic and optical disks, I/O accessing Programmed, Interrupt driven and DMA , Buses- synchronous and asynchronous, bus standards.
Module IV (12 hours) Parallel Processing :Enhancing performance with pipelining-overview, Designing

instruction set for pipelining, pipelined datapath, Hazards in pipelining. Flynns classification, Multicore processors and Multithreading, Multiprocessor systems-Interconnection networks, Multicomputer systems, Clusters and other message passing architecture.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Module V (12 hours) PC Hardware: Todays PC architecture block diagram, Familiarisation of PC hardware components. Processor - Pentium series to higher processors - single core, hyperthreading, dual core, multi core and many core processors (brief idea about evolution and improvements in performance) Motherboard Typical architecture , Essential Chipsets, Sockets, Slots and ports serial, parallel, USB, RAM , Brief idea about buses, Subsystems (Network, Sound and Graphics, Ethernet port), Storage devices : Hard Disks-Types and Classification based on interface- Optical Storage CD, DVD, BLURAY SMPS Functions, power connectors. Typical specifications for a computer
Reference Books 1. Carl Hamacher : Computer Organization , Fifth Edition, Mc Graw Hill. 2. David A. Patterson and John L.Hennessey, Computer Organisation and Design, Fourth Edition, Morgan Kaufmann. 3. William Stallings : Computer Organisation and Architecture, Pearson Education. 4. John P Hayes : Computer Architecture and Organisation, Mc Graw Hill. 5. Andrew S Tanenbaum : Structured Computer Organisation, Pearson Education. 6. Craig Zacker : PC Hardware : The Complete Reference, TMH. 7. Nicholas P Carter : Computer Architecture and Organization, Mc Graw Hill. 8. Pal Chaudhari: Computer Organisation and Design, Prentice hall of India.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Syllabus - B.Tech. Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University


Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives To study the architecture of 8051, PIC18 microcontrollers To understand the instruction set and programming of 8051. To know the Interfacing methods and programming using 8051. Module I (9hours) Introduction to Microcontrollers: Comparison with Microprocessors Harvard and Von Neumann Architectures - 80C51 microcontroller features - internal block schematic - pin descriptions, I/O ports. Module II (9 hours) Memory organization Programming model - Program status word - register banks Addressing modes - instruction set Programming examples. Module III (9 hours) Interrupts - interrupt sources - interrupt handling programming examples. Timers operationdifferent modes waveform generation- programming examples - Serial communicationdifferent modes - programming examples. Module IV (9 hours) Interfacing of DIP switch- LED -7 segment displays -alphanumeric LCD relay interface Stepper motor ADC-DAC-interfacing programs using assembly language. Module V(9 hours) Credits: 4

Overview of PIC 18, memory organisation, CPU, registers, pipelining, instruction format, addressing modes, instruction set, interrupts, interrupt operation, resets, parallel ports, timers, CCP. References 1. Muhammad Ali Mazidi, The 8051 Microcontroller and embedded sytems, Pearson Education 2nd edition, 2006 rd 2. Kenneth J Ayala, The 8051 Microcontroller, Penram International, 3 edition 2007 3. Myke Predko, Programming and customizing the 8051 microcontroller Tata Mc.Graw Hill, 2004 4. Han Way Huang, PIC microcontroller An introduction to software and hardware interfacing, Cenage learning 2007 5. Muhammad Ali Mazidi PIC microcontroller and embedded systems using assembly and C for PIC 18 , Pearson 2009

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electronics & Communication Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University


Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To impart the basic concepts of data structures and algorithms. To develop understanding about writing algorithms and solving problems with the help of fundamental data structures using object oriented concepts. Module I (10 hours)

Introduction to Data Structures, arrays, records, stacks, queue, linked list, linked stacks and queues, doubly linked list. Polynomial representation using arrays and lists.
Module II (12hours)

Trees, binary tree, traversals, binary search tree, creation insertion, deletion, searching. Graph:-representation, depth first search, breadth first search, path finding.
Module III (12hours)

Search algorithms, sequential binary interpolation, sorting, insertion, bubble, radix, quick sort, merge sort, and heat sort.
Module IV (14 hours)

Analysis of algorithms: - Time and space complexity, complexity notations, best, worst, average cases. Algorithmic techniques-brute force, greedy, divide and conquer, dynamic programming
Module V (12 hours)

Analysis of search algorithms, sort algorithms. P and NP problems, travelling sales man problems.
Reference Books
1. 2.

Horowitz ,Sahni & Anderson Freed, Fundamentals of Data Structures in C, 2nd ed.,

Universities Press, Hyderabad, 2009 Sartaj Sahni , Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications in C++ , 2nd ed., Universities Press, Hyderabad, 2009 3. Michael T Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia, David Mount, Data Structures and Algorithms in C++, Wiley India Edition, New Delhi, 2009 4. B.M. Harwani, Data Structures and Algorithms in C++, Dreamtech Press, New Delhi, 2010
5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Langsam, Augenstein ,Tanenbaum, Data Structures in C & C++ , 2nd Edition, Pearson Education. John Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani & Jeffry Ullman, Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages & Computation, Pearson Education. Tremblay & Sorenson, Introduction to Data Structures with Applications, Tata Mc Graw Hill Sara Baase & Allen Van Gelder ,Computer Algorithms Introduction to Design and Analysis , Pearson Education Sahni, Data Structures algorithms and applications , Tata Mc GrHill

Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer Science & Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

10. K.L.P. Mishra, N. Chandrashekharan, Theory of Computer Science , Prentice Hall

of India

Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer Science & Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University


Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To impart an introduction to the theory and practice of database systems. To develop basic knowledge on data modelling and design of efficient relations. To provide exposure to oracle database programming. Module I (10 hours) Basic Concepts - Purpose of Database Systems- 3 Schema Architecture and Data Independence- Components of DBMS Data Models, Schemas and Instances-Data Modeling using the Entity Relationship Model-Entity types, Relationship Types, Weak Entity Types . Module II (14 hours) Relational Model Concepts Constraints Entity Integrity and Referential Integrity, Relational Algebra -Select, Project, Operations from Set Theory, Join, OuterJoin and Division - Tuple Relational Calculus. SQL- Data Definition with SQL - Insert, Delete and Update Statements in SQL, Defining Domains, Schemas and Constraints, Constraint Violations - Basic Queries in SQL - Select Statement, Use of Aggregate functions and Group Retrieval, Nested Queries, Correlated Queries Views. Module III (12 hours) Oracle Case Study : The Basic Structure of the Oracle System Database Structure and its Manipulation in Oracle- Storage Organization in Oracle.- Programming in PL/SQL- Cursor in PL/SQL - Assertions Triggers. Indexing and Hashing Concepts -: Ordered Indices, Hash Indices, Dense and Sparse Indices, Multi Level Indices, Cluster Index, Dynamic Hashing. Module IV (11 hours) Database Design Design Guidelines Relational Database Design Functional Dependency- Determination of Candidate Keys, Super Key, Foreign Key, Normalization using Functional Dependencies, Normal Forms based on Primary keys- General Definitions of First, Second and Third Normal Forms. Boyce Codd Normal Form Multi-valued Dependencies and Forth Normal Form Join Dependencies and Fifth Normal Form Pitfalls in Relational Database Design. Module V (13 hours) Introduction to Transaction Processing- Transactions- ACID Properties of TransactionsSchedules- Serializability of Schedules- Precedence Graph- Concurrency Control Locks and Timestamps-Database Recovery Query processing and Optimization- Translating SQL Queries into a Relational Algebra Computing Select, Project and Join Object Relational Databases-Distributed Databases-Different Types-Fragmentation and Replication Techniques-Functions of DDBMS.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer Science & Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Reference Books 1. Elmsari and Navathe, Fundamentals of Database System, Pearson Education Asia, 5th Edition, New Delhi, 2008. 2. Henry F Korth, Abraham Silbershatz , Database System Concepts, Mc Graw Hill

6td Edition, Singapore, 2011.

3. Elmsari and Navathe, Fundamentals of Database System, Pearson Education Asia, 3rd Edition, New Delhi, 2005, for oracle 4. Alexis Leon and Mathews Leon, Database Management Systems, Leon vikas Publishers, New Delhi. 5. Narayanan S, Umanath and Richard W.Scamell, Data Modelling and Database Design,Cengage Learning, New Delhi, 2009. 6. S.K Singh,Database Systems Concepts,Design and Applications, Pearson Education Asia, New Delhi, 2006. 7. Pranab Kumar Das Gupta, Database management System Oracle SQL And PL/SQL, Easter Economy Edition, New Delhi, 2009 8. C.J.Date , An Introduction to Database Systems, Edition, New Delhi. Pearson Education Asia, 7th

9. Rajesh Narang, Database Management Systems, Asoke K ghosh , PHI Learning, New Delhi, 2009. 10. Ramakrishnan and Gehrke, Database Management Systems, Mc Graw Hill, 3rd Edition , 2003.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer Science & Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University


Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To develop the skills for analyzing high-speed circuits with signal behaviour modelling. To demonstrate proficiency in understanding signal integrity concepts and terminology and to understand the signal integrity on circuit design. To be able to perform and analyze signal measurements and to be able to make trade off decisions based on signal budget and design requirements. Pre-requisites: Digital Electronics, Digital system design Module I (12hours) High Speed Digital Design Fundamentals: Frequency and time, Time and distance, Lumped vs distributed, four kinds of reactance- ordinary capacitance and inductance, mutual capacitance and inductance, Relation of mutual capacitance and mutual inductance to cross talk. High Speed properties of Logic gates: Power, Quicent vs active dissipation, Active power driving a capacitive load, Input power, Internal dissipation, drive circuit dissipation, Totem pole and open circuit, speed, Sudden change in voltage and current. Module II (12 hours) Measurement Techniques; Rise time and bandwidth of oscilloscope probes, self inductance of probe ground loop, Effects of probe load on a circuit, special probing fixtures. Transmission Lines; Problems of point to point wiring, signal distortion, EMI, cross talk. Module III (12 hours) Transmission Lines at High frequency: Infinite uniform transmission line, Lossy transmission line, Low loss transmission line, RC transmission line, Skin effect, Proximity effect, and Dielectric loss. Module IV (12 hours) Termination: End termination, rise time, dc biasing, power dissipation, Source termination, Resistance value, Rise time, Power dissipation, Drive current, Middle terminators, Vias: mechanical properties, capacitance and inductance Connectors: mutual, series and parasitic capacitance. Module V (12 hours) Power system: Stable voltage reference, Uniform voltage distribution, choosing a bypass capacitor, Clock Distribution: Timing margin, Clock skew, delay adjustments, Clock jitter.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Howard Johnson, High-Speed Digital Design: A Handbook of Black Magic , Prentice Hall Dally W.S. & Poulton J.W., Digital Systems Engineering, Cambridge University Press. Masakazu Shoji, High Speed Digital Circuits, Addison Wesley Publishing Company Jan M, Rabaey, Digital Integrated Circuits: A Design perspective, Second Edition, 2003.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electronics & Communication Engg.


Teaching Scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week. Objectives: To study the working of different medical equipments. Credits: 4

Module 1 (12 hrs) Introduction to the physiology of cardiac, nervous & muscular and respiratory systems. Transducers and Electrodes: Different types of transducers & their selection for biomedical applications. Electrode theory, selection criteria of electrodes & different types of electrodes such as, Ag - Ag Cl, pH, etc Module 2 (12 hrs) Cardiovascular measurement: The heart & the other cardiovascular systems. Measurement of Blood pressure-direct and indirect method, Cardiac output and cardiac rate. Electrocardiography-waveform-standard lead systems typical ECG amplifier, phonocardiography, Ballisto cardiography, Cardiac pacemaker defibrillator different types and its selection. Module 3 (12 hrs) EEG Instrumentation requirements EEG electrode frequency bands recording systems EMG basic principle-block diagram of a recorder pre amplifier. Bed side monitor block diagram- measuring parameters-cardiac tachometer-Alarms-Lead fault indicator-central monitoring. Telemetry modulation systems choice of carrier frequency single channel telemetry systems. Module 4 (12 hrs) Instrumentation for clinical laboratory: Bio electric amplifiers-instrumentation amplifiersisolation amplifiers-chopper stabilized amplifiers input guarding - Measurement of pH value of Blood-blood cell counting, blood flow, Respiratory transducers and instruments. Module 5 (12hrs) Medical Imaging: Computer tomography basic principle, application advantage, X ray tubes, collimators, detectors and display - Ultra sound imaging References 1. J J Carr, Introduction to Biomedical Equipment Technology : Pearson Education 4th e/d. 2. K S Kandpur, Hand book of Biomedical instrumentation, Tata McGraw Hill 2nd e/d. 3. John G Webster, Medical Instrumentation application and design, John Wiley 3rd e/d. 4. Richard Aston, Principle of Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurement.


Teaching scheme 3 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week. Credits: 4

Objectives To develop basic knowledge about neuron and neural networks. To develop basic knowledge about fuzzy stems. To be able to understand basic concepts of soft computing frame work and neuro fuzzysystems Module 1 (12 hrs) Introduction- artificial neuron - activation functions - Single layer & multi-layer networks - Training artificial neural networks - Perception - Representation - Linear separability - Learning - Training algorithms. Module 2 (12 hrs) Back Propagation - Training algorithm - Applications - network configurations - Local minima -. Hopfield nets - Recurrent networks - Adaptive resonance theory - Architecture classification - Implementation Module 3 (12 hrs) Introduction to Fuzzy sets and systems: Fuzzy operations-support of a fuzzy set, height normalised fuzzy set, cuts- The law of the excluded middle and law of contradiction on fuzzy sets. Properties of fuzzy set operations. Module 4 (12 hrs) Operations on fuzzy relations - projection, max-min. and min and max-compositions. Fuzzy membership functions- Fuzzy logic controller: fuzzification - Rule base Defuzzififaction-case study for engineering applications. Module 5 (12hrs) Soft computing frame work comparisons- evolutionary algorithm/Genetic Algorithm: basic structure Neuro fuzzy controller Applications case study. Reference 1. C.T lin & C S George Lee, Neural Fuzzy Systems, Prentice Hall of India, 1996 2. Lawrence Fausset, Fundamentals of Neural Networks, Prentice Hall 3. Timmoty J. Rose, Fuzzy Logics & Applications, Willey publications, 2010 4. Bart Kosko. Fuzzy Engineering, Prentice Hall. 5. A.R.Alive, Soft Computing & its applications 6. Fakhreddine O, Karray Clarence W De Silva, Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems Design: Theory, Tools and Applications, Pearson India 7. Christina Ray, Artificial neural networks, Tata Mc.Graw Hill, 1997 8. J.S.R.Jang, C.T. Sun and E.Mizutani, Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing, Prentice hall of India, 2004,


Teaching Scheme: 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial. Credit 4

Objective To familiarise the students with the fundamentals of TV Engineering and its applications T o familiarise the students with the fundamentals of Radar Engineering and its applications

Module 1 (12 hrs)

Principles of television - image continuity - interlaced scanning - blanking - synchronizing composite video signal - video and sound signal modulation - channel bandwidth - vestigial sideband transmission television signal propagation Television receiver circuits IF section, video detector-video amplifiers-AGC,Sync processing and AFC-Horizontal and vertical deflection circuits sound section-tuner .

Module 2 (12 hrs)

Colour TV - Colour perception - luminance, hue and saturation - colour TV camera and picture tube(working principle only) - colour signal transmission - bandwidth - modulation formation of chrominance signal - principles of NTSC, PAL and SECAM coder and decoder.

Module 3(12 hrs)

Digital TV - composite digital standards - 4 f sc NTSC standard - general specifications sampling structure - digital transmission, Flat panel display TV receivers-LCD and Plasma screen receivers-3DTV-EDTV. Cable TV - cable frequencies - co-axial cable for CATV - cable distribution system - cable decoders - wave traps and scrambling methods, Satellite TV technology-Geo Stationary Satellites-Satellite Electronics

Module 4(12hrs)
Introduction- Radar Equation- Block diagram- Radar frequencies- Applications- Prediction of range performance Pulse Repetition Frequency and Range ambiguities Antenna parameters- System losses. CW Radar-The Doppler Effect- FM-CW radar- Multiple frequency radar MTI RadarPrinciple- Delay line cancellors- Noncoherent MTI-Pulse Doppler Radar- Tacking Radar Sequential lobing-Conical Scan- Monopulse Acquisition- Comparison of Trackers.

Module 5(12 hrs)

Radar Transmitters- Modulators-Solid state transmitters, Radar Antennas- ParabolicScanning feed-Lens- Radomes, Electronically steered phased array antenna-Applications, Receivers-Displays-Duplexers. Special purpose radars-Synthetic aperture radar- HF and over the horizon radar- Air surveillance radar- Height finder and 3D radars Bistatic radar-Radar Beacons- Radar Jamming and Electronic Counters .

References:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Gulati R.R., Modern Television Engineering, Wiley Eastern Ltd. Dhake A.M., Television Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill, 2001 . R.P.Bali, Color Television, Theory and Practice, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1994 R.G Gupta., Television Engineering and Video System, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2005 Bernard Grob & Charles E. Herndon, Basic Television and Video Systems, McGraw Hill International Damacher P., Digital Broadcasting, IEE Telecommunications Series Merrill I. Skolnik, Introduction to Radar Systems 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill, 2001. rd Merril I.Skolnik , Radar Handbook-, 3 Edition, McGraw Hill Publishers,2008. J. C. Toomay, Paul Hannen, Radar Principles for the Non-Specialist, Printice hall of India,2004


Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week. Objectives: To provide experience on programming and testing of few electronic circuits using 8086 . To provide experience on programming and testing of few electronic circuits using

Credits: 2

8051simulator. To understand basic interfacing concepts between trainer kit and personal computers.

A. Programming experiments using 8086 (MASM) 1. Sum of N Numbers. 2. Display message on screen using code and data segment. 3. Sorting, factorial of a number 4. Addition /Subtraction of 32 bit numbers. 5. Concatenation of two strings. 6. Square, Square root, & Fibonacci series. B. Programming experiments using 8051 simulator (KEIL). 1. Addition and subtraction. 2. Multiplication and division. 3. Sorting, Factorial of a number. 4. Multiplication by shift and add method. 5. Matrix addition. 6. Square, Square root, & Fibonacci series. C. Interface experiments using Trainer kit / Direct down loading the programs from Personal computer.
1. ADC / DAC interface. 2. Stepper motor interface. 3. Display (LED, Seven segments, LCD) interface. 4. Frequency measurement. 5. Wave form generation. 6. Relay interface.


Teaching Scheme 3 hours practical per week. 2 credits

The mini project will involve the design, construction, and debugging of an electronic system approved by the department. There will be several projects such as intercom, SMPS, burglar alarm, UPS, inverter, voting machine etc. The schematic and PCB design should be done using any of the standard schematic capture & PCB design software. Each student may choose to buy, for his convenience, his own components and accessories. Each student must keep a project notebook. The notebooks will be checked periodically throughout the semester, as part of the project grade. In addition to this, the following laboratory experiments should also be done in the lab.

1. 555 applications 2. Light activated alarm circuit 3. Speed control of electric fan using TRIAC 4. Illumination control circuits 5. Touch control circuits 6. Sound operated circuits 7. Relay driver circuit using driver IC 8. Interfacing using Opto coupler 9. Schematic capture software (OrCAD or similar) familiarization. 10. PCB design software (OrCAD Layout or similar) familiarization. A demonstration and oral examination on the mini project also should be done at the end of the semester. The university examination will consist of two parts. One of the lab experiments will be given for examination to be completed within 60 to 90 minutes with a maximum of 30% marks. 70% marks will be allotted for the demonstration and viva voce on the mini project.

Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (EI)


(Common to all branches except CS & IT)

Teaching scheme
2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives

Credits: 4

To apply standard methods and basic numerical techniques for solving problems and to know the importance of learning theories in Mathematics.
Vector differential calculus ( 12 hours)


Scalar and vector fields gradient-physical meaning- directional derivative-divergence an curl - physical meaning-scalar potential conservative field- identities - simple problems MODULE 2 Vector integral calculus ( 12 hours)

Line integral - work done by a force along a path-surface and volume integral-application of Greens theorem, Stokes theorem and Gauss divergence theorem MODULE 3 Finite differences Finite difference operators and ( 12 hours) - interpolation using Newtons forward and

backward formula problems using Stirlings formula, Lagranges formula and Newtons divided difference formula MODULE 4 Difference Calculus ( 12 hours)

Numerical differentiation using Newtons forward and backward formula Numerical integration Newtons cotes formula Trapezoidal rule Simpsons 1/3rd and 3/8th rule Difference equations solution of difference equation MODULE 5 Z transforms ( 12 hours)

Definition of Z transforms transform of polynomial function and trignometric functions shifting property , convolution property - inverse transformation solution of 1st and 2nd order difference equations with constant coifficients using Z transforms. Reference 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Erwin Kreyszing Advance Engg. Mathematics Wiley Eastern Ltd. B.S. Grewal Higher Engg. Mathematics - Khanna Publishers B.V. Ramana - Higher Engg. Mathematics McGraw Hill K Venkataraman- Numerical methods in science and Engg -National publishing co S.S Sastry - Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis -PHI T.Veerarajan and T.Ramachandran- Numerical Methods- McGraw Hill Babu Ram Engg. Mathematics -Pearson. H.C.Taneja Advanced Engg. Mathematics Vol I I.K.International

EN010 302 Economics and Communication Skills

(Common to all branches) Teaching scheme 2hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week Credits: 4(3+1) Objectives To impart a sound knowledge of the fundamentals of Economics. Economics Module I (7 hours) Reserve Bank of India-functions-credit control-quantitative and qualitative techniques Commercial banks-functions- Role of Small Industries Development Bank of India and National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development The stock market-functions-problems faced by the stock market in India-mutual funds Module II (6 hours) Multinational corporations in India-impact of MNCs in the Indian economy Globalisation-necessity-consequences Privatisation-reasons-disinvestment of public sector undertakings The information technology industry in India-future prospects Module III (6 hours) Direct and indirect taxes- impact and incidence- merits of direct and indirect taxes-progressive and regressive taxes-canons of taxation-functions of tax systemtax evasion-reasons for tax evasion in India-consequences-steps to control tax evasion Deficit financing-role-problems associated with deficit financing Module IV (5 hours) National income-concepts-GNP, NNP, NI, PI and DPI-methods of estimating national incomedifficulties in estimating national income Inflation-demand pull and cost push-effects of inflation-government measures to control inflation Module V (6 hours) International trade-case for free trade-case for protectionism Balance of payments-causes of disequilibrium in Indias BOP-General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade-effect of TRIPS and TRIMS in the Indian economy-impact of WTO decisions on Indian industry Text Books 1. Ruddar Datt, Indian Economy, S.Chand and Company Ltd. 2. K.K.Dewett, Modern Economic Theory, S.Chand and Company Ltd. References 1. Paul Samuelson, Economics, Tata McGraw Hill 2. Terence Byres, The Indian Economy, Oxford University Press 3. S.K.Ray, The Indian economy, Prentice Hall of India 4. Campbell McConnel, Economics, Tata McGraw Hill

Communication Skills Objectives

To improve Language Proficiency of the Engineering students To enable them to express themselves fluently and appropriately in social and professional contexts To equip them with the components of different forms of writing

MODULE 1 (15 hours) INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATION Communication nature and process, Types of communication - Verbal and Non verbal, Communication Flow-Upward, Downward and Horizontal, Importance of communication skills in society, Listening skills, Reading comprehension, Presentation Techniques, Group Discussion, Interview skills, Soft skills MODULE II (15 hours) TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION Technical writing skills- Vocabulary enhancement-synonyms, Word Formation-suffix, affix, prefix, Business letters, Emails, Job Application, Curriculum Vitae, Report writing- Types of reports Note: No university examination for communication skills. There will be internal evaluation for 1 credit. REFERENCES 1. The functional aspects of communication skills, P.Prasad and Rajendra K. Sharma, S.K. Kataria and sons, 2007 2. Communication skills for Engineers and Scientists, Sangeeta Sharma and Binod Mishra, PHI Learning private limited, 2010 3. Professional Communication, Kumkum Bhardwaj, I.K. International (P) House limited, 2008 4. English for technical Communication, Aysha Viswamohan, Tata Mc Graw Publishing company limited, 2008

EI010 303 Network Theory

(Common to AI010 303, EC010 303 and IC010 303)

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week Objectives

Credits: 4

To study time domain, phasor and Laplace transform methods of linear circuit analysis

Module I (12 hrs) Reference directions for two terminal elements - Kirchhoffs Laws - Independent and Dependent Sources Resistance Networks: Node and Mesh analysis of resistance networks containing both voltage and current independent and dependent sources Source Transformations Superposition, Thevenin, Norton and Maximum Power Transfer Theorems applied to resistance networks Module II (12 hrs) Capacitors and Inductors Current-voltage relationships Step and Impulse functions Waveshapes for Capacitor and Inductor Series and Parallel combinations Coupled coils Mutual Inductance First order Circuits: Excitation by initial conditions Zero input response Excitation by sources Zero state response Step and impulse response of RL and RC circuits - Excitation by sources and initial conditions Complete response with switched dc sources Module III (12 hrs) Sinusoidal Steady State Analysis: Review of complex numbers Rectangular and Polar forms Phasors and the sinusoidal steady state response - Phasor relationships for R, L and C Impedance and Admittance Node and Mesh analysis, Superposition, Source transformation, Thevenin and Nortons theorems applied to Phasor circuits Sinusoidal Steady State power Average Power Maximum power transfer theorem Phasor analysis of Magnetically coupled circuits Module IV (12 hrs) Laplace Transform: Definition of Unilateral Laplace Transform- Properties Laplace Transform of common time functions Inverse Laplace Transform by Partial Fraction Expansion Initial value and Final value theorems Solution of network differential equations - Transformation of a circuit into sdomain Transformed equivalent of resistance, capacitance, inductance and mutual inductance Impedance and Admittance in the transform domain Node and Mesh analysis of the transformed circuit - Network theorems applied to the transformed circuit Network Functions: Driving point and Transfer functions - Poles and zeros

Module V (12 hrs)

Frequency Response: Network functions in the sinusoidal steady state with s = j Magnitude and Phase response - Magnitude and Phase response of First order Low pass and High pass RC circuits - Bode Plots First order and Second order factors. Two port networks: Characterization in terms of Impedance, Admittance, Hybrid and Transmission parameters Interrelationships among parameter sets - Reciprocity theorem Interconnection of two port networks- series, parallel and cascade. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. W H. Hayt, Kemmerly and S M Durbin, Engineering Circuit Analysis, TMH DeCarlo, Lin, Linear Circuit Analysis, OUP B Carlson, Circuits, Ceneage Learning M E. Van Valkenburg, Network Analysis, PHI L P .Huelsman, Basic Circuit Theory, PHI Robert L.Boylestad , Introductory Circuit Analysis , 12th e/d ,PHI C A Desoer & E S Kuh, Basic Circuit Theory, TMH F F Kuo, Network Analysis and Synthesis, Wiley

EI010 304 Electronic Devices and Circuits I

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Credits: 4

To provide adequate knowledge to various electronic devices and electronic circuits. To impart the basic concepts of electronic devices such as diodes, BJT, FET and MOSFET. To give a basic introduction of different types of special devices. To have an adequate knowledge in power supplies and wave shaping circuits. To provide basic knowledge in transistor biasing and amplifier configurations.

Module 1 (12 Hours) Band theory of solids: Energy band structure of Metals, Semi conductors and Insulators. Intrinsic material - Electron Hole pair- Fermi level- Doping- Extrinsic material- Effect of temperature. Semi conductor diodes: Theory of PN junction diode- Energy band structure- Diode equation. Space charge and diffusion capacitance (concepts only)-Break down mechanisms. Fabrication of PN junction Different techniques Module 2 (12 Hours) Bipolar Junction Transistors: Fundamentals of BJT operation- Amplification with BJT-Switching--Drift in base regionBase narrowingFrequency limitations of transistors. Field Effect Transistors: Basic structure- Operation- Pinch off and saturationV I characteristics. MOSFETS: n MOS and p MOS- Enhancement and Depletion typesMOS capacitance. Module 3 (12 Hours) Special Devices: Tunnel diode, IMPATT diode, GUNN diode, Schottkey diode, Varactor diode, Photo diode, PIN diode, LED, Schottkey transistor, Photo transistor, UJT, SCR, DIAC, TRIAC, IGBT, OptoCoupler, Seven Segment Displays, Liquid Crystal Displays, LDR. Module 4 (12 Hours) DC power supplies: Analysis of half wave, full wave and bridge rectifiers-Analysis of shunt capacitor filter. Regulated power supplies: series and shunt voltage regulatorsdesign of regulated power suppliesIC regulated power supplies Wave shaping circuits: Clipping and Clamping circuitsIntegratorDifferentiator.

Module 5 (12 Hours) Transistor biasing: Operating pointDC and AC load linesQ point selectionDifferent types of biasingBiasing stability factors.

Different transistor amplifier configurations Comparison -- h parameter model analysis of CE configuration.

Text Books:1. 2. Streetman, B. and Sanjay, B., Solid State Electronics Devices, Pearson Education. Boylsted and Nashelsky, Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, Prentice Hall of India.

References: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Millman and Halkias, Electronic Devices and Circuits, Tata McGraw Hill. Floyd, T.L, Electronic Devices Pearson Education.. Millman and Halkias, Integrated Electronics, McGraw-Hill. J B Gupta, Electronic Devices and Circuits , S K Kataria & Sons Pub. David A. Bell, Electronic Devices & Circuits, Prentice Hall of India/Pearson Education,

EI010 305 Basic Instrumentation

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. To create a strong base in the fundamental philosophies of Instrumentation engineering. To study the different instruments, different static and dynamic characteristics of instruments, performance, errors etc. To give basic knowledge in different types of electrical machines used in instrumentation field. To have an adequate knowledge in fluid mechanics and air compressors. To give an idea about unit operations and different process involved in a process industry. Credits: 4

Module 1 (12 Hours) Historical development of Instrumentation engineering- Introduction to Instruments and Measurements Typical applications of Instruments systems- Functional elements of an instrumentation system and examples- Classification of instruments. Measurement System performance- Units and standards- Calibration methods- Need for calibrationStandards of measurement- Classification of errors- Error analysis. Static characteristics Accuracy, Precision, Sensitivity, Linearity, Resolution, Hysteresis, Threshold, Input impedance, Loading effect etc. Dynamic characteristics. Module 2 (12 Hours) Electrical machines : A C and D C servo motors Synchros Constructional features Working of a Tachogenerator Stepper motors Construction, working, applications and specifications of stepper motors Universal motors - Constructional features Typical applications Criteria for selection of motors Gyroscope- Electromagnetic relays Contactors. Module 3 (12 Hours) Fluid mechanics: Introduction-Types of fluids- Properties of fluids- Pressure head- Vapor pressure- Flow of fluids- Types of fluid flow- Fluid velocity- Rate equation of continuity- Energy of a liquid in motionBernoullis theorem- Venturi meter- Orifice meter- Pitot tube- Rotameter- Notches. Fluid friction losses in pipe fittings. Module 4 (12 Hours) Air compressors: Positive displacement compressors- Reciprocating air compressors-multi-stage air compressors with inter cooling- rotary positive displacement compressors- Construction and working principle of centrifugal and axial flow compressors. Introduction to pumps-centrifugal, rotary and reciprocating pumps-classification of centrifugal pumps and applications.

Module 5 (12 Hours) Introduction to process systems: Unit operations- Transport of liquids, solids and gases- Mixing process Separation process - Combustion process- Evaporators- Crystallization-Drying- Distillation (concepts only) Description of the process of food industry and paper industry. References: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A.K Sawhney, A course in Mechanical Measurement and Instrumentation, Dhanpat Rai & CO Doeblin E .O.Measurement systems, application & Design, McGrawHill Theraja, B.L., A Text book of Electrical Technology, Vol.II, S.C Chand and Co Nagoor kani, control systems, RBA publications. R.K.Bensal, Hydraulics and fluid mechanics, Laxmi publications. P.N Modi and Seth, Hydraulics and Fluid mechanics- Std book house. Rajput R.K., Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines, S.Chand and Co. Bellani, Thermal engineering, Khanna publishers. Balchen J.G. and Mumme, K.J., Process Control structures and applications, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York, 1988.


(Common to AI010 306, EC010 306 and IC010 306)

Teaching Scheme L T P : 3 1 0 4 credits

Objectives To develop the programming skill using C Module 1 (12 hrs) Problem solving with digital Computer - Steps in Computer programming - Features of a good program, Algorithms Flowchart. Introduction to C: C fundamentals - The character set - identifiers and keywords - Data types - constants variables and arrays - declarations - expressions - statements - symbolic constants- arithmetic operators Relational and Logical operators - The conditional operator - Library functions - Data input and output getchar putchar, scanf, printf - gets and puts functions - interactive programming. Module 2 (12 hrs) Control Statements: While - do while - for - nested loops -if else switch- break - continue - The comma operator - go to statement, Functions - a brief overview - defining a function - accessing a function - passing arguments to a function - specifying argument - data types - function prototypes - Recursion. Module 3 (12 hrs) Program structure: storage classes - Automatic variables - external variables - multi file programs. Arrays: defining an array - processing an array - passing arrays in a function multi dimensional arrays - array and strings. Structures and unions: defining a structure - processing a structure - user defined data types - passing structure to a function self referential structures unions. Module 4 (12hrs) Pointers: Fundamentals - pointer declaration - passing pointers to a function - pointers and one dimensional arrays - operations on pointers - pointers and multi dimensional arrays passing functions to other functions. Module 5 (12 hrs) Data files: Opening and closing of a data file - creating a data file - processing a data file, low level programming - register variables bit wise operation - bit fields - enumeration - command line parameters macros - the C pre-processor. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Byron Gottfried, Programming with C, Schaums Outlines ,Tata Mc.Graw Hill. Kernighan & Ritchie , The C programming language:, PHI. Venkateshmurthy , Programming Techniques through C:, Pearson Education. Al Kelley, Ira Pohl , A book on C , Pearson Education. Balaguruswamy , Programming in C , Tata Mc Graw Hill. Ashok N Kanthane , Programming with ANSI and Turbo C, Pearson Education. Stephen C. Kochan , Programming in C , CBS publishers.

EI010 307 Electronic Circuits Lab I

Teaching scheme 3 hours Practical per week 1. Credits: 2

Familiarization of Multi meter, Signal generators, CRO, DVM etc and measurement of electrical quantities (V, I, frequency, phase) Characteristics of active devices : a) Forward & Reverse characteristics of a diode. b) Common Base characteristics of a transistor. Measurement of current gain, input resistance and out put resistance. c) Common Emitter characteristics of a transistor. Measurement of current gain, input and output resistance. d) Common Source characteristics of a JFET. e) UJT characteristics. f) LDR and Opto-Coupler characteristics.



Rectifying circuits g) HW rectifier h) FW rectifier i) FW Bridge rectifier j) Filter circuits Capacitor filter (Measurement of ripple factor, efficiency) Design and implementation of Power supplies. Series Voltage Regulator using transistors. Design and testing of Clipping, Clamping, RC differentiator, RC integrator circuits. Simulation of simple circuits using spice.

4. 5. 6. 7.


(Common to AI010 308, EC010 308 and IC010 308) Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Credits: 2

Objectives To familiarize with computer hardware, operating systems and commonly used software packages To learn computer programming and debugging

Part 1 1. Computer hardware familiarization. 2. Familiarization/installation of common operating systems and application software. Part 2 Programming Experiments in C/C++: Programming experiments in C/C++ to cover control structures, functions, arrays, structures, pointers and files.

EN010401 Engineering Mathematics III

(Common to all branches)

Teaching scheme
2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives: Apply standard methods of mathematical &statistical analysis

Credits: 4


Fourier series

( 12 hours)

Dirichlet conditions Fourier series with period 2 and 2l Half range sine and cosine series Harmonic Analysis r.m.s Value MODULE 2 Fourier Transform ( 12 hours)

Statement of Fourier integral theorem Fourier transforms derivative of transforms- convolution theorem (no proof) Parsevals identity MODULE 3 Partial differential equations ( 12 hours)

Formation by eliminating arbitrary constants and arbitrary functions solution of Lagranges equation Charpits method solution of Homogeneous partical differential equations with constant coefficients MODULE 4 Probability distribution ( 12 hours)

Concept of random variable , probability distribution Bernoullis trial Discrete distribution Binomial distribution its mean and variance- fitting of Binominal distribution Poisson distribution as a limiting case of Binominal distribution its mean and variance fitting of Poisson distribution continuous distribution- Uniform distribution exponential distribution its mean and variance Normal distribution Standard normal curve- its properties MODULE 5 Testing of hypothesis ( 12 hours)

Populations and Samples Hypothesis level of significance type I and type II error Large samples tests test of significance for single proportion, difference of proportion, single mean, difference of mean chi square test for variance- F test for equality of variances for small samples References 1. Bali& Iyengar A text books of Engg. Mathematics Laxmi Publications Ltd. 2. M.K. Venkataraman Engg. Mathematics vol II 3rd year part A & B National Publishing Co. 3. I.N. Sneddon Elements of partial differential equations Mc Graw Hill 4. B.V. Ramana Higher Engg. Mathematics Mc Graw Hill 5. Richard A Johnson Miller Freads probability & Statistics for Engineers- Pearson/ PHI

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

T. Veerarajan Engg. Mathematics Mc Graw Hill G. Haribaskaran Probability, Queueing theory and reliability Engg. Laxmi Publications V. Sundarapandian - probability ,Statistics and Queueing theory PHI H.C.Taneja Advanced Engg. Mathematics Vol II I.K.International A.K.Mukhopadhyay-Mathematical Methods For Engineers and Physicists-I.K.International

Mahatma Gandhi University

EN010 402(ME): Principles of Management

(Common with EN010 502(ME))
Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives Credits: 4

To develop an understanding of different functional areas of management. To understand the functions and duties an individual should perform in an organisation.

Module I (12 hours) Management Concepts: Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives of management-MBOScientific management- Functions of management- Planning- Organizing- StaffingDirecting- Motivating- Communicating- Coordinating- Controlling- Authority and Responsibility- Delegation- Span of control- Organizational structure- Line, Line and staff and Functional relationship. Module II (12 hours) Personnel Management: Definition and concept- Objectives of personnel managementManpower planning- Recruitment and Selection of manpower- Training and development of manpower- Labour welfare- Labour turnover- Quality circle- Industrial fatigue- Industrial disputes-Method of settling disputes- Trade unions. Module III (12 hours) Production management: Objectives and scope of production management- Functions of production department- production management frame work- product life cycle-Types of production- Production procedure- Project planning with CPM and PERT- Basic concepts in network. Module IV (12 hours) Financial Management: Objectives and Functions of Financial Management- Types of Capital- Factors affecting working capital- Methods of financing. Cost Management: Elements of cost- Components of cost- Selling Price of a product. Module V (12 hours) Sales and Marketing Management: Sales management- Concept- Functions of sales department- Duties of sales engineer- Selling concept and Marketing concept- MarketingDefinition and principles of marketing- Marketing management and its functions- Sales forecasting- Pricing- Advertising- Sales promotion- Channels of distribution- Market research. Text Books 1. Koontz and Weihrich, Essentials of Management, Tata McGraw Hill. 2. Mahajan M., Industrial Engineering and Production Management, Dhanpat Rai and Co. 3. Kemthose and Deepak, Industrial Engineering an Management, Prentice Hall of India. Reference Books 1. Martand Telsang, Industrial Engineering and Production Management. 2. Khanna O.P., Industrial Engineering and Management, Dhanpat Rai and Co. 3. Philip Kotler, Marketing Management, Prentice Hall of India. 4. Sharma S. C. & Banga T. R., Industrial Organisation and Engineering Economics, Khanna Publishers. 5. Prasanna Chandra, Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill.
Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering

EI010 403 Signals and Systems

(Common to AI 010403 and EC010 403)

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week Objectives

Credits: 4

To study the methods of analysis of continuous time and discrete time signals and systems to serve as a foundation for further study on communication, signal processing and control

Module I (12 hrs)

Classification of signals: Continuous time and Discrete time, Even and Odd , Periodic and Nonperiodic , Energy and Power Basic operations on signals: Operations performed on the dependent variable , operations on the independent variable: Shifting , Scaling Elementary Discrete time and Continuous time signals: Exponential , Sinusoidal , Step , Impulse , Ramp Systems: Properties of Systems: Stability, Memory, Causality, Invertibility, Time invariance, Linearity LTI Systems: Representation of Signals in terms of impulses Impulse response Convolution sum and Convolution integral Cascade and Parallel interconnections Memory, Invertibility, Causality and Stability of LTI systems Step response of LTI systems Systems described by differential and difference equations (solution by conventional methods not required) Module II (12 hrs)

Fourier analysis for continuous time signals and systems: Representation of periodic signals: Continuous Time Fourier Series convergence of Fourier series Gibbs phenomenon Representation of aperiodic signals: Continuous Time Fourier Transform The Fourier Transform for periodic signals Properties of Fourier representations Frequency Response of systems characterized by linear constant coefficient differential equations Module III (12 hrs)

Fourier analysis for discrete time signals and systems: : Representation of periodic signals: Discrete Time Fourier Series Representation of aperiodic signals: Discrete Time Fourier Transform The Fourier Transform for periodic signals Properties of Fourier representations Frequency Response of systems characterized by linear constant coefficient difference equations Module IV (12 hrs)

Filtering: Frequency domain characteristics of ideal filters Time domain characteristics of ideal LPF Non-ideal filters First and Second order filters described by differential and difference equations Approximating functions: Butterworth, Chebyshev and elliptic filters (Magnitude response only)

Sampling: The sampling theorem Reconstruction of a signal from its samples using interpolation Aliasing

Module V (12 hrs)

Bilateral Laplace Transform ROC Inverse Geometric evaluation of the Fourier transform from pole-zero plot Analysis and characterization of LTI systems using Laplace Transform The Z Transform ROC Inverse Geometric evaluation of the Fourier Transform from pole-zero plot Properties of Z transform - Analysis and characterization of LTI systems using Z-Transform References: 1) 2) 3) 4) A V Oppenheim, A S Willsky and S H Nawab, Signals and Systems, PHI S Haykin, and B V Veen, Signals and Systems, Wiley B P Lathi, Signal Processing and Linear Systems, OUP E W Kamen, and B Heck, Fundamentals of Signals and Systems using the web and Matlab, Pearson 5) Luis F Chaparro , Signals and Systems Using MATLAB, Elsevier 6) R E Ziemer, and W H Tranter, Signals and Systems, Pearson. 7) R A Gabel and R A Roberts, Signals and Linear Systems, Wiley

Mahatma Gandhi University


(Common to AI010404 , EC010404 and IC010404) Teaching scheme L T P :3 1 0 Credits: 4

Objectives To Work with a variety of number systems and numeric representations, including signed and unsigned binary, hexadecimal, 2s complement. To introduce basic postulates of Boolean algebra and show the correlation between Boolean expression. To introduce the methods for simplifying Boolean expressions. To outline the formal procedures for the analysis and design of combinational circuits and sequential circuits. Module I (12hours) Positional Number System: Binary, Octal, Decimal, Hexadecimal number system, Number base conversions, complements - signed magnitude binary numbers - Binary Arithmeticaddition, subtraction - Binary codes- Weighted, BCD, 8421, Gray code, Excess 3 code, ASCII, Error detecting and correcting code, parity, hamming code. Boolean postulates and laws with proof, De-Morgans Theorems, Principle of Duality, Minimization of Boolean expressions, Sum of Products (SOP), Product of Sums (POS), Canonical forms, Karnaugh map Minimization, Dont care conditions Module II (12 hours) Digital Circuits: Positive and Negative logic, Transistor transistor logic, TTL with totem pole, open collector and tri state output, Emitter coupled logic basic ECL inverter, NMOS NOR gate, CMOS inverter, NAND and NOR, Gate performance parameters fan in, fan out, propagation delay, noise margin, power dissipation for each logic, characteristics of TTL and CMOS, subfamilies of TTL and CMOS. Module III (12 hours) Introduction to Combinational Circuits: Basic logic gates, Universal gates, Realization of Boolean functions using universal gates, Realization of combinational functions: addition half and full adder n bit adder carry look ahead adder, subtraction, comparison, code conversion, and decoder, encoder, multiplexer, demultiplexer, parity checkers, and parity generator. Introduction to Sequential Circuits: latches, timing, Flip Flops, types, characteristic equations, excitation tables, Realization of one flip flop using other flip flops. Module IV (12 hours) Application of flip flops as bounce elimination switch, register, counter and RAM, Binary ripple counter, synchronous binary counter, Design of modulo n synchronous counter, up/down counters, Shift registers SISO, SIPO, PISO, PIPO, bidirectional shift register and universal register, counters based on shift registers Module V (12 hours) Hazards in combinational circuits: Static hazard, dynamic hazard, essential hazards, hazard free combinational circuits. Introduction to programmable logic devices: PLA- block diagram, PAL block diagram, registered PAL, Configurable PAL, GAL - architecture, CPLD classification internal architecture, FPGA - architecture, ASIC categories , full custom and semi custom.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electronics & Instrumentation Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Reference Books 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Donald D Givone, Digital Principles and Design, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003. G K Kharate, Digital Electronics, Oxford university press, 2010 Ronald J Tocci, Digital Systems, Pearson Education, 10th edition 2009. Thomas L Floyd, Digital Fundamentals, Pearson Education, 8th edition, 2003. Donald P Leach, Albert Paul Malvino, Digital Principles and Applications, Tata McGraw Hill 6th edition, 2006. Charles H.Roth, Fundamentals of Logic Design, Thomson Publication Company 5th edition, 2004. Milos Ercegovac, Introduction to Digital Systems, Wiley India, 2010 Moris mano, Digital Design, PHI, 3rd edition, 2002. Anada kumar, Fundamentals of Digital Circuits, PHI, 2008. Brain Holdesworth, Digital Logic Design, Elsevier, 4th edition, 2002.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electronics & Instrumentation Engg.

EI010 405 Electronic Instrumentation

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Credits: 4

Objectives 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. To equip the students to apply all types of common electrical and electronic instruments with the knowledge about the construction and working of the instruments. To provide the details of various electronic instruments which are used to measure current, voltage, power, energy, resistance, capacitance and inductance. To introduce the construction and working of different types of ammeters, voltmeters and bridges. A clear idea has been given about digital electronic instruments which are used to measure voltage, frequency, period, total count etc. An exposure is given to the student about signal generation, display and recording devices which help in analysing and displaying the data.

Module 1 (12 Hours) Measurement of electrical parameters: Types of ammeters and voltmeters Principle of operation , construction and sources of errors and compensation of dArsonval galvanometers- PMMC Instruments Moving Iron Instruments Dynamometer type Instruments Rectifier type ammeters and volt meters. Electro dynamic type Watt meter- Single phase induction type Energy meters. Calibration of Wattmeter and Energy meters. Module 2 (12 Hours) Resistance measurement:: Measurement of low, medium and high resistance- Wheatstone bridge, Kelvin double bridge, series and shunt type Ohm meter- Meggar Earth resistance measurement. Measurement of Inductance and capacitance:- Maxwell Wein bridge, Hays bridge and Anderson bridge - Campell bridge Owens bridge- Measurement of capacitance:- Schering bridge . Module 3 (12 Hours) Analog meters : DC volt meters- chopper amplifier type peak responding volt meter- true RMS volt meter- Vector voltmeter -calibration of DC instrument --Ammeters Multi meter Power meter Q-meter . Digital Instruments : Digital method for measuring frequency, period Phase difference Pulse width Time interval, Total count. Digital voltmeter DMM Microprocessor based DMM- Digital tacho meter- Digital ph meter. Module 4 (12 Hours) Signal generators and analyzers : Sine wave generator Sweep frequency generator, Pulse and square wave generator Function generator Wave analyzer Applications Harmonic distortion analyzer Spectrum analyzer Applications Audio Frequency generator Noise generator.

Module 5 (12 Hours) Display and Recording devices : Cathode Ray Oscilloscope Classification - Sampling and storage scopes- Digital Storage Osilloscope (DSO)- Typical measurements using CRO- Probes for CROApplications of CRO. Display devices: Classification of Displays- LED- LCD- Seven segment and dot matrix displays Typical uses of display devices Recorders: Strip chart recorders- Galvanometric recorders- Null type recorders- Circular chart recorders- XY recorders UV recorder-Magnetic tape recorders Digital waveform recorders- FM recorders- Data loggers- Printers. Text Books 1. 2. Kalsi H.S., Electronic Instrumentation, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Company. Sawhney A.K, A course in Electrical and Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation, Dhanpat Rai and Sons.

Reference Books 1. Albert D. Helfrick & William D. Cooper, Modern Electronic Instrumentation & Measurement Techniques, Prentice Hall of India. 2. B.M.Oliver and J.M.cage, Electronic Measurements & Instrumentation, McGraw Hill International Edition. 3. Joseph. J. Carr, Elements of Electronic Instrumentation & Measurements, Pearson Education. 4. D. A. Bell, Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements, Prentice Hall of India. 5. Rajendra Prasad, Electrical Measurements and Instrumentation, Khanna Publishers, 6. B.R. Gupta, Electronics and Instrumentation, S. Chand Co. (P) Ltd., Delhi

EI010 406 Electronic Devices and Circuits II

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives 1. 2. 3. 4. To study the working, analysis and design of RC coupled and FET amplifiers. To get an idea about feed back amplifiers and oscillators. To familiarize with different types of amplifier circuits. To have an adequate knowledge in multivibratotrs and power amplifiers. Credits: 4

Module 1 (12 Hours) Transistor amplifiers: RC coupled amplifierWorkingAnalysis and design Frequency responseBand width. FET amplifier: FET biasingAnalysis and design FET common source amplifierFET source followerComparison of FET with BJT. Module 2 (12 Hours) Feedback amplifiers: Negative and positive feedback - Different types of negative feedback amplifier - Voltage shunt - Voltage series - Current shunt - Current series Oscillators: Condition for oscillation - BarkHausen criteria --RC oscillators RC phase shift Wienbridge-- LC oscillators - Hartley , Colpitts , Clapp, Crystal oscillator . Module 3 (12 Hours) Amplifier circuits: Emitter follower- Darlington emitter follower- Cascade amplifier- Cascode amplifier- Difference amplifier- Tuned amplifier- Principle- Single tuned and double tuned amplifiers- Frequency response- Applications (no analysis)- Multi stage amplifiers- Frequency response. Module 4 (12 Hours) Multi vibrators: Analysis and design of Astable, Monostable and Bistable multi vibrators. ApplicationsSchmitt triggerWorking- Design. Sweep generator- Voltage and current sweepsTime base generators- Miller and boot strap sweeps- Applications. Module 5 (12 Hours) Power amplifiers: Classification- Class A , Class B; Class AB, Class C and class D. Transformer coupled class AB Power amplifier - Transformer less class AB -Push pull Power amplifier-complementary symmetry power amplifier--Harmonic distortion in Power amplifiers --Transistor rating --Heat sinks --Switching amplifiers . References: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Boylsted and Nashelsky, Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, Prentice Hall of India Millman and Halkias, Electronic Devices and Circuits, Tata McGraw Hill, Floyd, T.L, Electronic Devices 6th Edition, Pearson Education, Millman and Halkias, Integrated Electronics, McGraw-Hill, J B Gupta, Electronic Devices and Circuits , S K Kataria & Sons Pub. Malvino, Electronic Principles, Tata Mc Graw Hill.

EI010 407 Electronic Circuits Lab II

Teaching scheme 3 hours Practical per week Credits: 2


Amplifying circuits a) b) Design of RC coupled amplifier (with and without feed back)---gain and bandwidth. Common source FET amplifier

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Power amplifiers: Design of class A, class B, class AB Oscillators: Design of RC phase shift, Wein bridge, Hartley& Colpitts Design and testing of Cascade amplifiers. Frequency response Design and testing of Tuned amplifiersFrequency response Multivibrators; Astable, Monostable, Bistable. Schmitt trigger Design of sweep generators-Simple and Boot strap SCR, TRIAC circuits Simulation of above circuits using PSPICE, ISIS Proteus.

EI010 408 (S) Basic Instrumentation Lab

Teaching scheme 3 hours Practical per week Credits: 2

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17)

Measurement of L, C, R using bridges Measurement of Earth resistance. Construction and testing of a digital frequency /phase meter Construction and testing of a digital volt meter gating circuit Construction and testing of a true RMS volt meter Construction and testing of a FET input volt meter Construction and testing of a multi range rectifier type volt meter and ammeter Calibration of voltmeter and ammeter using precision potentiometer Calibration of wattmeter Calibration of energy meter Usage of Digital storage oscilloscope Experimental verification of Bernoullis theorem Determination of Reynolds number Calibration of Venturi meters Calibration of Orifice meter Calibration of Notches Test to estimate frictional losses in pipe flow.



(Common to all branches except CS & IT)

Teaching scheme
2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week

Credits: 4

Objectives: Use basic numerical techniques to solve problems and provide scientific techniques to decision making problems. MODULE 1 Function of Complex variable (12 hours)

Analytic functions Derivation of C.R. equations in cartision co-ordinates harmonic and orthogonal properties construction of analytic function given real or imaginary parts complex potential conformal mapping of z2 , - Bilinear transformation cross ratio invariant property (no proof) (12 hours)

simple problems MODULE 2 Complex integration

Line integral Cauchys integral theorem Cauchys integral formula Taylors series- Laurents series Zeros and singularities types of singularities Residues Residue theorem evaluation of real integrals in unit circle contour integral in semi circle when poles lie on imaginary axis. MODULE 3 Numerical solution of algebraic and transcendental equations (10 hours)

Successive bisection method Regula falsi method Newton Raphson method - Secant method solution of system of linear equation by Gauss Seidel method MODULE 4 Numerical solution of Ordinary differential equations ( 10 hours)

Taylors series method Eulers method modified Eulers method Runge Kutta method (IV order) Milnes predictor corrector method MODULE 5 Linear programming problem (16 hours)

Definition of L.P.P., solution, optimal solution, degenerate solution graphical solution solution using simplex method (non degenerate case only) Big -M method Duality in L.P.P. Transportation problem Balanced T.P. initial solution using Vogels approximation method - modi method (non degenerate case only)

References 1. B.V. Ramana Higher Engg. Mathematics Mc Graw Hill 2. M.R.Spicgel , S.Lipschutz , John J. Schiller, D.Spellman Complex variables, schanms outline series - Mc Graw Hill 3. S.Bathul text book of Engg.Mathematics Special functions and complex variables PHI 4. B.S. Grewal Numerical methods in Engg. and science - Khanna Publishers 5. Dr.M.K Venkataraman- Numerical methods in science and Engg -National publishing co

6. 7. 8. 9.

S.S Sastry - Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis -PHI P.K.Gupta and D.S. Hira Operations Research S.Chand Panneer Selvam Operations Research PHI H.C.Taneja Advanced Engg. Mathematics Vol II I.K.International

EI010 502 Industrial Electronics and Applications

(Common to AI010 502 and IC010 502)

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Module 1

Credits: 4

Power semiconductor Devices-ratings and specification -Power diodes power transistor power MOSFET - characteristics of SCR, TriacIGBT MCT LASCR SCR turn on, turn off characteristics thyristor protection circuits series and parallel operations of SCR- Thyristor trigger circuits R ,RL,RC triggering. Module 2 AC to DC converters single phase three phase half controlled and fully controlled rectifiers free wheeling diodes -free wheeling effect - effect of source and load inductance power factor improvement methods for phase controlled rectifiers- PWM chips:SG3524 and TL 494- dual converters cyclo converters. Module 3 Inverters and voltage source inverters series, parallel and bridge inverters current source inverters PWM inverters D.C. chopper step up and step down chopper AC chopper: AC converters: uninterrupted power supply (UPS) ( circuit diagram approach), rectifier inverter static transfer switch. DC to DC converters: choppers: SMPS, battery charger circuits Module 4 D.C Motor control: phase control, Single phase SCR drive Three phase SCR drive speed control of dc series motor Chopper controlled dc drives PLL control of dc motor, A.C. Motor control : controlled slip system slip power recovery system - stepper motor drive - synchronous motor control. Module 5 Control circuits for power electronics: basic schemes for pulse generation using analog and digital ICs. Single, double and four quadrant systems. Series and parallel operations of thyristor, cable firing, isolation etc. Text Books 1. 2 P.S.Bimbhra, Power Electronics, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2002 G.K.Dubey, Doradia, S.R. Joshi and R.M.Sinha, Thyristorised Power Controllers, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 1996.

References 1. 2. 3. M.H.Rashid, Power Electronics circuits, devices and applications, PHI, New Delhi, 1995. Joseph Vithyathi, Power Electronics, McGraw Hill, USA, 1995. Mohan, Undeland and Robbins, Power Electronics, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1995.

4. 5.

P.C.Sen, Modern Power Electronics, Wheeler publishers, New Delhi, 1998 M.D.Singh, K.B. Khanchandani: Power Electronics, TMH, 1998

EI010 503 Linear Integrated Circuits and Applications

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives 1) 2) 3) 4) To study different parameters, characteristics of op- Amps To know about the different applications of op- Amp To give the basic concepts of special ICs like timers, PLL, regulators etc. To introduce the theory and applications of ADC and DAC. Credits: 4

Module 1 (12 Hours) Introduction to op-Amps, Internal block schematic of op-amp, Op-Amp parameters, measurement of Op-Amp parameters ,Ideal OP-AMP, transfer curve, equivalent circuit, open loop configurations, frequency response of op-amp, frequency compensation networks, slew rate- methods of improving slew rate. Module 2 (12 Hours) Applications of op-Amp: Inverting and Non-inverting amplifier- Summer-Log and antilog amplifierDifferentiator- Integrator- Instrumentation amplifier- V/I and I/V converters- V/F and F/V converters Clippers- Clampers -Precision rectifiers Comparators- Applications of comparator- Schmitt trigger Multivibrators - Waveform generators (Triangular, Sawtooth), Peak detector, Sample and hold circuit. Module 3 (12 Hours) Filters: LPF, HPF, BPF, Notch and All pass filters - I order and II order filters - Switched capacitor filter. 555 timer: Functional block diagram - Astable multivibrator - Monostable multivibrator and its applications RC phase shift and Wein bridge oscillators. Module 4 (12 Hours) PLL- Capture and lock range - Analog and Digital phase detector - 566 VCO chip- 565 PLL ICApplications of PLL- Frequency multiplication and division, AM Demodulation. DAC: Weigted resistor, R-2R ladder network, Current steering, Charge scaling DACs, Cyclic DAC, Pipeline DAC. ADC: Dual slope, Counter ramp, Successive approximation, Flash ADC, Pipeline ADC, Over sampling ADC. Module 5 (12 Hours) Specialized ICs and applications: Voltage regulator ICs- 78xx and 79xx series, 317 Variable regulators, Switching regulators, LM 380 Power amplifier, Intercom using LM 380, Isolation amplifier, Opto coupler ICs.

Text Books:

1. 2.

Ramakant A.Gayakward, Op-amps and Linear Integrated Circuits, Pearson Education, / PHI. D.Roy Choudhary, Sheil B.Jani, Linear Integrated Circuits, New Age,.

References: 1. 2. 3. 4. Robert F.Coughlin, Fredrick F.Driscoll, Op-amp and Linear ICs, Pearson Education, /PHI. David A.Bell, Op-amp & Linear ICs, Prentice Hall of India. K R Botkar : Integrated circuits , Khanna Publishers. Baker R Jacob: CMOS circuit design, layout and simulation, PHI

EI010 504 Transducer Engineering

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives 1) 2) 3) 4) This course introduces the various types of transducers and their working principle. To give an insight about classification and characteristics of transducers To have an adequate knowledge in passive transducers. To obtain a basic knowledge in active and digital transducers and exposure to other special transducer. Credits: 4

Module 1 (12 Hours) Definition of Transducers- Role of transducers in instrumentation- Advantages of electrical transducers - Classification of transducers- Analog and Digital, Active and passive, Primary and Secondary transducers- Inverse transducer- Sensitivity and specification for transducers Characteristics and Choice of transducer-Factors influencing choice of transducer. Module 2 (12 Hours) Passive transducers: Principle of operation, Construction details, Characteristics and applications of Resistance potentio meter- Strain gauge- Resistance thermometer- Thermistor- Hot wire anemometerPiezo resistive sensor. Induction potentiometer- Variable reluctance transducer- EI pick up- LVDT- RVDT. Capacitive transducers Variable air gap, Variable area, Variable permittivity- Capacitor microphoneFrequency response- Merits, Demerits and Uses. Module 3 (12 Hours) Active transducers: Principle of operation, Construction details, Characteristics and Applications of Thermo electric transducers- Piezo electric transducers- Magnetostrictive transducers- Hall effect transducers- Electro mechanical transducers optical transducers - Photo electric transducers- Pyro electric radiation detectors. Merits and demerits- Frequency response. Module 4 (12 Hours) Digital transducers: Construction, Operation and features of Digital transducers- Digital displacement transducer- Frequency domain transducer- Digital encoder- Magnetic encoder- shaft encoder optical encoder - Digital pots Digital tacho meters- Drag cup tachometric generator- Transducer oscillators- Eddy current transducer. Module 5 (12 Hours) Special transducers: Semiconductor sensor- Ionization transducer- Geiger muller and Scintillation counters- Ultrasonic transducer- colour sensor- Proximity sensors- Indigent instruments - Smart sensors-Smart transmitters - IC sensor- Fiber optic transducer-SQUID sensors- Film sensors - Nano sensors- - Introduction to MEMS.

References 1. D V S Murthy, Transducers and Instrumentation, prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

A.K. Sawhney, A course in mechanical measurements and instrumentation., Dhanpat Rai. B S Sonde, Transducers and Display Systems, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi Patranabis, D, Sensors and Transducers, Wheeler Publishing Co., Ltd. New Delhi Renganathan, S., Transducer Engineering, Allied Publishers, Chennai Alan S Morris: Measurement and instrumentation principles. Elsevier. Hermann K.P. Neubert, Instrument Transducers, Oxford University Press

EI010 505 Control Engineering I

(Common to AI010 505) Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) To give the fundamental concept of the analysis and design techniques of control systems by transfer function approach. To get an adequate knowledge in the time response of systems and steady state error analysis. To learn the concept of stability of control system and methods of stability analysis. To study the three ways of designing compensation for a control system. To get an exposure to MAT lab programs for control system analysis. Credits: 4

Module 1 (12 Hours) System modeling - Transfer function approach : Introduction to control system Classification of control systems. Principles of automatic controlFeed back systems Practical examples Transfer function Transfer function of electrical, mechanical and electromechanical system Block diagram Signal flow graph Masons gain formula. Module 2 (12 Hours) Time domain analysis : Standard test signals - Response of systems to standard test signals Step response of second order systems in detail Time domain specifications Steady state response Steady state error- Static & Dynamic error coefficients- MAT lab programs for time domain analysis. Module 3 (12 Hours) Stability of linear systems in time domain Rouths criterion of stability. Root locus - Construction of root locus Effect of addition of poles and zeros on root locus-MAT lab programs for stability analysis. Module 4 (12 Hours) Frequency domain analysis : Frequency response Frequency domain specifications Stability in the frequency domain - Nyquist stability criterion Stability from polar and Bode plots - Relative stability Gain margin and phase margin M & N circles Nichols chart MAT lab programs for frequency domain analysis.

Module 5 (12 Hours) Design of compensators: Introduction to design compensation techniques Lead, Lag and Lead -Lag compensation using RC network --Design of Lead, Lag and Lead-Lag compensators using bode plots.

References 1. Modern control engineering Katsuhiko Ogata, Pearson Edn. 2. Control systems principles and design: M. Gopal, TMH. 3. Automatic control system B.C. Kuo, PHI. 4. Control system design: Graham C Goodwin, PHI. 5. Modern Control Systems: Dorf, Pearson Education.

EI010 506 Microprocessors & Microcontrollers

(Common to AI010 506 and IC010 506) Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. To Create an exposure to basic microprocessors, peripherals and its programming. To impart the basic concepts of advanced microprocessors. To have an adequate knowledge in 8-bit microcontrollers. To provide the basic concepts of programming in 8051. To provide basic knowledge in RISC. Credits: 4

Module 1 Introduction to microprocessors and microcomputers: Function of microprocessors- architecture of 8085. Intel 8086 Microprocessor - Internal architecture Block diagram 8086 memory organization even and odd memory banks segment registers logical and physical address. Minimum and maximum mode operation Interrupt and Interrupt applications peripherals programmable DMA controller-8257 8087 math coprocessor-Programmable interrupt controller8259 Module 2 Addressing modes used in 80x86 family - Data addressing modes, Program memory addressing modes, Stack memory addressing modes. Instruction sets of 8086-programming. Architectures of Intel 80286 Microprocessor, 80386 Microprocessor Advanced Intel Microprocessors 80486 Pentium. Module 3 Atmel AT89C51 microcontroller features - pin configurations - internal block Schematic. Port structures .Idle & power down mode - power control register - program protection modes flash programming & verification. Memory organization - program memory - data memory .Program status word - registers banks. External program & data memory timing diagrams- I/O port timings and operation Direct & indirect addressing area - Addressing modes. Module 4 8051 Programming-Machine cycle-Instruction set arithmetic - logical and data transfer instructions Boolean instructions - program branching instructions - Programming examples Timer0 & Timer1 TMOD SFR - mode0, mode1, mode2, mode3 TCON-Programming examples.

Module 5 Serial interface - SCON SFR - mode0, mode1, mode2, mode3- block schematics baud

rates- power on reset circuit- ONCE mode- on chip oscillator interrupts - interrupt sources - interrupt enable register -interrupt priority - interrupt control system - interrupt handling ,single step operation. Programming examples Introduction to RISC processors-Microchip PIC16 family PIC16F873 processor features architecture References: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The 8051 Microcontroller: Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Pearson Education. The 8051 Microcontroller: Kenneth J Ayala, Penram International Microprocessors and Architecture: Ramesh S Goankar Microcomputers and Microprocessors: John Uffenbeck, PHI Web site of Atmel - The Microprocessors 6th Edition Barry B. Brey Pearson Edu. Microprocessor and Interfacing 2nd Edition Douglous V. Hall TMH The 80x 86 families John Uffenbeck Microchip semiconductor web site Design with PIC micro-controllers: John B Peatman, Pearson Education.

EI010 507 Instrumentation lab I

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Strain gauge & Load cell characteristics. LDR and Opto coupler characteristics. Capacitive & Piezoelectric transducer. Photo electric & Hall effect transducers. LVDT and Tacho generator Characteristics RTD, Thermocouple and Thermistor characteristics Measurement of PH and water conductivity. Characteristics of stepper motor and servo motor. IC temperature sensor (AD 590) Measurement of Speed-contact and Non-contact Types. Design and testing of Instrumentation amplifier Design and testing of a temperature control Design of RC lead, lag, lead - lag compensator. .

EI010 508 Integrated Circuits Lab

Teaching scheme 3 hours Practical per week 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Op-Amp configurations-Inverter, Non inverter Op- Amp applications-Summer, Subtracter, Integrator, Differentiator,Comparator. Design and testing of precision rectifier, V/I and I/V converters. Design and testing of active filters Design and testing of waveform generators using op-amps----square, triangular Design and testing of multivibrators using 555 Simplification of a logic function and its realization using (1) AND, OR, NOT gates and (2) Universal gates Design and analysis of Adder & Subtracter Design of code converters a) Binary to Gray b) Binary to excess c) BCD to Decimal Verification of truth tables of JK, RS, D, and T flip flops Study of Digital counters: Ripple counter, Decade counter, Ring counter Shift registers Multiplexer and Demultiplexer Credits: 2

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

EI 010 601 Process Control Instrumentation

(Common to AI010 601 and IC010 601) Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives 1. 2. 3. 4. To study the basics of process control To study about the various controller modes and methods of tuning of controllers To give an idea about the construction , characteristics and applications of control valves To have a case study of distillation column control. Credits: 4

Module 1 (12 hours) Process Control System: Need for process control, classification of process variables, Process characteristics: Process equation, degrees of freedom, modeling of simple systems thermal, gas, liquid systems. Process lag, load disturbance and their effect on processes. Self-regulating processes, interacting and non interacting processes, Regulator and servo control. Piping and Instrumentation diagram- instrument terms and symbols. Module 2 (12 hours) Controller modes: Basic control action, two position (ON-OFF), multi-position, floating control modes. Continuous controller modes: Proportional, Integral, Derivative. Composite controller modes: P-I, P-D, P-I-D. response of controllers for different types of test inputs, electronic controllers to realize various control actions, selection of control mode for different processes, Integral wind-up and prevention. Auto/Manual transfer, Bumpless transfer. Module 3 (12 hours) Optimum Controller Settings: Controller tuning Methods- Process reaction curve method, Ziegler Nichols method, damped oscillation method, decay ratio. Evaluation criteria - IAE, ISE, ITAE. Response of controllers for different test inputs. Selection of control modes for processes like level, pressure, temperature and flow. Module 4 (12 hours) Final control elements: I/P and P/I converter, Pneumatic and Electric actuators. Pneumatic control valves, classification, construction details (Globe, butterfly and ball valve types), various plug characteristics. Valve sizing, inherent and installed valve characteristics. Cavitation and flashing in control valves. Valve actuators and positioners. Selection of control valves.

Module 5 (12 hours) Advanced control schemes: Cascade control, ratio control, feed forward control, Adaptive and Inferential control, split range and averaging control. Multivariable process control, interaction of control loops. Case Studies: Steam boiler control of heat exchangers, drum level control and combustion. Distillation column Control of top and bottom product compositions Reflux ratio, control schemes in distillation column.

Text Books: 1. 2. 3. 4. George Stephenopoulos: Chemical Process Control, Donald P. Eckman, Automatic Process Control Peter Harriot : Process Control,TMH,1985. D R Coughanowr: Process Systems Analysis and Control, McGraw Hill.

References: 1. 2. Patranabis D: Principles of Process Control, TMH, 1981. B.G Liptak, Process Control, Chilton Book Company


(Common to AI010 602 and EC010 602)

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week Objectives

Credits: 4

To study the fundamentals of discrete-time system analysis, digital filter design and the DFT

Module I (12 hrs) Advantages of DSP Review of discrete time signals and systems Discrete time LTI systems Review of DTFT Existence Symmetry properties DTFT theorems Frequency response- Review of Z transform ROC Properties Sampling of Continuous time signals Frequency domain representation of sampling Aliasing Reconstruction of the analog signal from its samples Discrete time processing of continuous time signals Impulse invariance Changing the sampling rate using discrete time processing Sampling rate reduction by an integer factor Compressor Time and frequency domain relations Sampling rate increase by an integer factor Expander Time and frequency domain relations Changing the sampling rate by a rational factor. Module II (12 hrs) Transform analysis of LTI systems Phase and group delay Frequency response for rational system functions Frequency response of a single zero and pole Multiple poles and zeros - Relationship between magnitude and phase All pass systems Minimum phase systems Linear phase systems Generalised linear phase 4 types Location of zeros. Module III (12 hrs) Structures for discrete time systems IIR and FIR systems Block diagram and SFG representation of difference equations Basic structures for IIR systems Direct form - Cascade form - Parallel form Transposed forms Structures for FIR systems Direct and Cascade forms - Structures for Linear phase systems Overview of finite precision numerical effects in implementing systems Analog filter design: Filter specification Butterworth approximation Pole locations Design of analog low pass Butterworth filters Chebyshev Type 1 approximation pole locations Analog to analog transformations for designing high pass, band pass and band stop filters. Module IV (12 hrs) Digital filter design: Filter specification Low pass IIR filter design Impulse invariant and Bilinear transformation methods Butterworth and Chebyshev Design of high pass, band pass and band stop IIR digital filters Design of FIR filters by windowing Properties of commonly used windows Rectangular, Bartlett, Hanning, Hamming and Kaiser.

Module V (12 hrs) The Discrete Fourier Transform - Relation with DTFT Properties of DFT Linearity Circular shift Duality Symmetry properties Circular convolution Linear convolution using the DFT Linear convolution of two finite length sequences Linear convolution of a finite length sequence with an infinite length sequence Overlap add and overlap save Computation of the DFT Decimation in time and decimation in frequency FFT Fourier analysis of signals using the DFT Effect of windowing Resolution and leakage Effect of spectral sampling. References 1. A V Oppenheim, R W Schaffer, Discrete Time Signal Processing , 2nd Edition Pearson Education. 2. S K Mitra, Digital Signal Processing: A Computer Based Approach ,TMH 3. J G Proakis, D G Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms and Applications, PHI. 4. L C Ludeman, Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing, Wiley 5. J R Johnson, Introduction to Digital Signal Processing, PHI

EI 010 603 Industrial Instrumentation I

(Common to AI010 603 and IC010 603) Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives 1. 2. To provide exposure to various measuring techniques for force, torque velocity, acceleration, vibration, density, pressure and temperature. At the end of the course the student will have an indepth knowlwdge in units, different techniques, and significance of measuring devices. Credits: 4

Module 1 (12 hours) Measurement of Force, Torque, Velocity :Basic methods of measurement of force (weight) :scales and balances- mechanical balances- electro magnetic balance Different types of load cells : hydraulic load cells - pneumatic loadcell magneto elastic (pressductor)- strain gauge loadcell - proving ring. Different methods of torque measurement: Strain gauge, Relative regular twist-measurement of torque with spur gears and proximity sensors. Speed and velocity measurement: Revelution counter- Capacitive tachometer -Drag cup type tacho meter- D.C and A.C tacho generators Stroboscope- translational velocity transducers. Velocity measurement using variable reluctance proximity pickup. Calibration methods. Module 2 (12 hours) Measurement of acceleration, vibration and density :Accelerometers potentiometric type LVDT- Piezo-electric, capacitive - Strain gauge and variable reluctance type accelerometers. Mechanical type vibration instruments Seismic instrument as an accelerometer and vibrometer measurement of relative motion - Calibration of vibration pick ups Units of density, specific gravity and viscosity used in industries Baume scale API scale hydro meter- density measurement using LVDT- differential pressure method- pressure head type densitometer float type densitometer Ultrasonic densitometer Bridge type gas densitometercoriolis densitometer. . Module 3 (12 hours) Pressure measurement : - Units of pressure different types of pressure- Manometers Different types errors in manometers- Elastic type pressure gauges Bourden tube - Bellows Diaphragms Electrical methods Elastic elements with LVDT and strain gauges potentiometric pressure transducers- Capacitive type pressure gauge Piezo electric pressure sensor Resonator pressure sensor optical pressure transducers- pressure switches- Measurement of vacuum McLeod gauge Thermal vacuum gauges Ionization gauge -Testing and calibration of pressure gauges Dead weight tester- Bulk gauge(high pressure measurement).

Module 4 (12 hours)

Temperature measurement :- Definitions and standards Primary and secondary fixed points Calibration of thermometers - Different types of filled in system thermometer Sources of errors in filled in systems and their compensation Bimetallic thermometers Electrical methods of temperature measurement resistance thermometers-3 lead and 4 lead RTDs - Thermistors Linearization techniques. Module 5 (12 hours) Thermocouples thermocouple junctions- Law of thermocouple Fabrication of industrial thermocouples Signal conditioning of thermocouple output Commercial circuits for cold junction compensation Special techniques for measuring high temperature using thermocouples Radiation methods of temperature measurement Radiation fundamentals Total radiation pyrometers Optical pyrometer infra red pyrometers- Two colour radiation pyrometer.- IC temperature sensors- fiber optic temperature measurement- calibration of temperature transducers. Text Books 1. 2. A.K.Sawhney, A course in mechanical measurements and InstrumentationDhanpat Rai and Sons, New Delhi, 1999. R. K. Jain, Mechanical and Industrial Measurements, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 1999.

References 1. 2. 3. D.Patranabis, Principles of Industrial Instrumentation, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Ltd., New Delhi, 1999. B.C.Nakra and K.K.Chaudary, Instrumentation Measurement and Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, 1985. S.K.singh, industrial instrumentation and control, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Ltd., New Delhi, 2006

EI 010 604 Data Acquisition and Communication

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives 1. 2. 3. To get an awareness of modern data acquisition system To help students understand different types of data acquisition boards. To give an idea about industrial communication systems. Credits: 4

Module 1 (12 hours) Fundamentals of data acquisition: Transducers and sensors, Field wiring and communications cabling, Signal conditioning, Data acquisition hardware, Data acquisition software, Host computer. Data acquisition and control system configuration : Computer plug-in I/O, Distributed I/O, Standalone or distributed loggers/controllers, IEEE 488 (GPIB) remote programmable instruments Data acquisition boards: A/D Boards, Single ended vs differential signals, Resolution, dynamic range and accuracy of A/D boards, Sampling techniques, Speed vs throughput, D/A boards, Digital I/O boards, Interfacing digital inputs/outputs, Counter/timer I/O boards. Module 2 Industrial Communication systems: Introduction, Historical background, standards, OSI Model, Protocols, Physical standards, Modern instrumentation and control systems, Distributed Control systems, PLC, Impact of microprocessor, Smart instrumentation systems. Basic Principles of Industrial Communication: bits, bytes and characters; Communication principles; Communication modes, asynchronous systems, synchronous systems, Error detection, Transmission characteristics, Data coding. Module 3 Serial Communication: UART, Standards organization, serial data communications interface standards, balanced and unbalanced transmission lines, EIA-232 interface standard, Test equipment, Comparison of the EIA interface standards, the 20mA current loop. Module 4 Modems and Multiplexers: Introduction, Modulation techniques, Components of a modem, Radio modem, Modem standards, Multiplexing concepts. Module 5 Industrial Protocols: OSI layers, OSI model for industrial control application, HART protocol, CAN bus, Foundation Field bus. Text Books 1. 2. John Park, Steve Mackay, Practical Data Acquisition for Instrumentation and Control Systems; Elsevier John Park, Steve Mackay, Practical Data Communication for Instrumentation and Control Elsevier


1. 2. 3.

Joseph J. Carr, Data acquisition and control: microcomputer applications for scientists and engineers, Tab Professional and Reference Books. V.U.Bakshi U.A.Bakshi, Measurements And Instrumentation, Technical Publications. H. Rosemary Taylor, Data Acquisition for Sensor Systems, Chapman & Hall.

EI 010 605 Control Engineering II

(Common to AI010 605 ) Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives 1. 2. 3. 4. To study the modeling of the systems using State Space methods To learn State variable analysis and design of continuous time systems To get an exposure to digital control systems. To understand the basic concepts of nonlinear systems Credits: 4

Module 1 (12 Hours) System modeling using state variable approach -Limitation of Conventional Control Theory. Concepts of state variables and state model - State model for linear time invariant systems.-State space representation of dynamic systems Nonuniqueness of state model- Block diagram representations- State diagrams- Lagranges equations . Module 2 (12 Hours) Transformation of state variables- State space representations of transfer functions- Solution of differential equations in state space form- Interpretation and properties of the state transition matrix Solution by the Laplace transform - The resolvent - Transfer function from state model. Module 3 (12 Hours) State variable analysis - controllability and observability. Gilber test and Kalmans tests. Design of regulators for single input single output systems, Bass- gura pole placement formula. Linear observers: Need of observers, Structure and properties of observers, Pole placement for single output systems. Module 4 (12 Hours) Discrete time systems- Introduction to digital control system Review of Z-transform and properties.inverse z transform- z transform method for solving difference equations- Impulse sampling and data hold circuits -Zero order and First order hold signal reconstruction Practical aspects of the choice of sampling rate-Pulse transfer function - The Z and S domain relationships -Stability analysis - Jury's test-Bilinear transformation . Module 5 (12 Hours) Nonlinear systems- Behaviour of nonlinear systems-Common physical nonlinearities-The phase plane method- basic concepts- Singular points- Describing function method Basic concepts-Describing functions of saturation and dead zone nonlinearities. Stability of nonlinear systemslimit cycles. (Detailed analysis not required).

Text Books 1. K. Ogata , Modern Control Engineering , Prentice Hall of India

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

K. Ogata , Discrete Time Control Systems ,Prentice Hall Of India. M. Gopal , Digital Controls and State Variable Methods ,TMH Pub. Com. B. C. Kuo , Automatic Control Systems, Prentice Hall of India. J. Nagrath & M. Gopal ,Control System Engineering , New Age Int. (P) Ltd B.Friedland, Control System Design- An Introduction to state space methods- Mc Graw Hill, Inc.N Y.

EI 010 606 L01 Digital System Design

Teaching Scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives 1. 2. 3. 4. To design and implement combinational circuits using basic programmable blocks To design and implement synchronous sequential circuits To study the fundamentals of Verilog HDL Ability to simulate and debug a digital system described in Verilog HDL Credits:4

Module 1 (12hours) Introduction to Verilog HDL: Design units, Data objects, Signal drivers, Delays , Data types, language elements, operators, user defined primitives, modeling-data flow, behavioral, structural, Verilog implementation of simple combinational circuits: adder, code converter, decoder, encoder, multiplexer, demultiplexer. Module 2 (12 hours) Combinational circuit implementation using QuineMcCluskey algorithm, Decoders, Multiplexers, ROM and PLA, Implementation of multi output gate implementations Module 3 (12 hours) Finite State Machines: State diagram, State table, State assignments, State graphs, Capabilities and limitations of FSM, Meta stability, Clock skew, Mealy and Moore machines, Modelling of clocked synchronous circuits as mealy and Moore machines: serial binary adder, Sequence detector, design examples. Module 4 (12 hours) Digital System Design Hierarchy: State assignments, Reduction of state tables, Equivalent states, Determination of state equivalence using implication table, Algorithmic State Machine, ASM charts, Design example. Module 5 (12 hours) Verilog HDL implementation of binary multiplier, divider, barrel shifter, FSM, Linear feedback shift register, Simple test bench for combinational circuits.

References: 1. 2. Michael D.Ciletti, Advanced Digital design with Verilog HDL, Pearson Education, 2005. S. Brown & Z. Vranestic, Fundamentals of Digital Logic with Verilog HDL, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Samir Palitkar, Verilog HDL A Guide To Digital Design And Synthesis, Pearson, 2nd edition, 2003. Peter J Ashenden Digital Design, an embedded system approach using Verilog Elsevier, 2008 Frank Vahid, Digital Design, Wiley Publishers. T R Padmanabhan, Design through Verilog HDL, IEEE press, Wiley Inter science, 2002. Donald D Givone, Digital Principles and Design, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003. Wakerly J F, Digital Design Principles and Practices, PHI, 2008. Nazeih M Botros, HDL programming VHDL and Verilog, Dreamtech press, 2009 David J. Comer, Digital Logic and State Machine Design, Oxford university press, 3rd edition, 1995.

Mahatma Gandhi University

EI010 606 L602: Database Management Systems

(Common to EC010 606 L02) Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To impart an introduction to the theory and practice of database systems. To develop basic knowledge on data modelling and design of efficient relations. To provide exposure to oracle database programming. Module I (10 hours) Basic Concepts - Purpose of Database Systems- 3 Schema Architecture and Data Independence- Components of DBMS Data Models, Schemas and Instances-Data Modeling using the Entity Relationship Model-Entity types, Relationship Types, Weak Entity Types . Module II (14 hours) Relational Model Concepts Constraints Entity Integrity and Referential Integrity, Relational Algebra -Select, Project, Operations from Set Theory, Join, OuterJoin and Division - Tuple Relational Calculus. SQL- Data Definition with SQL - Insert, Delete and Update Statements in SQL, Defining Domains, Schemas and Constraints, Constraint Violations - Basic Queries in SQL - Select Statement, Use of Aggregate functions and Group Retrieval, Nested Queries, Correlated Queries Views. Module III (12 hours) Oracle Case Study : The Basic Structure of the Oracle System Database Structure and its Manipulation in Oracle- Storage Organization in Oracle.- Programming in PL/SQL- Cursor in PL/SQL - Assertions Triggers. Indexing and Hashing Concepts -: Ordered Indices, Hash Indices, Dense and Sparse Indices, Multi Level Indices, Cluster Index, Dynamic Hashing. Module IV (11 hours) Database Design Design Guidelines Relational Database Design Functional Dependency- Determination of Candidate Keys, Super Key, Foreign Key, Normalization using Functional Dependencies, Normal Forms based on Primary keys- General Definitions of First, Second and Third Normal Forms. Boyce Codd Normal Form Multi-valued Dependencies and Forth Normal Form Join Dependencies and Fifth Normal Form Pitfalls in Relational Database Design. Module V (13 hours) Introduction to Transaction Processing- Transactions- ACID Properties of TransactionsSchedules- Serializability of Schedules- Precedence Graph- Concurrency Control Locks and Timestamps-Database Recovery Query processing and Optimization- Translating SQL Queries into a Relational Algebra Computing Select, Project and Join Object Relational Databases-Distributed Databases-Different Types-Fragmentation and Replication Techniques-Functions of DDBMS.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electronics & Instrumentation Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Reference Books 1. Elmsari and Navathe, Fundamentals of Database System, Pearson Education Asia, 5th Edition, New Delhi, 2008. 2. Henry F Korth, Abraham Silbershatz , Database System Concepts, Mc Graw Hill

6td Edition, Singapore, 2011.

3. Elmsari and Navathe, Fundamentals of Database System, Pearson Education Asia, 3rd Edition, New Delhi, 2005, for oracle 4. Alexis Leon and Mathews Leon, Database Management Systems, Leon vikas Publishers, New Delhi. 5. Narayanan S, Umanath and Richard W.Scamell, Data Modelling and Database Design,Cengage Learning, New Delhi, 2009. 6. S.K Singh,Database Systems Concepts,Design and Applications, Pearson Education Asia, New Delhi, 2006. 7. Pranab Kumar Das Gupta, Database management System Oracle SQL And PL/SQL, Easter Economy Edition, New Delhi, 2009 8. C.J.Date , An Introduction to Database Systems, Edition, New Delhi. Pearson Education Asia, 7th

9. Rajesh Narang, Database Management Systems, Asoke K ghosh , PHI Learning, New Delhi, 2009. 10. Ramakrishnan and Gehrke, Database Management Systems, Mc Graw Hill, 3rd Edition , 2003.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electronics & Instrumentation Engg.

EI 010 606 L03 Computer networks

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives 1) 2) 3) 4) To understand the concepts of computer networks To study the functions of different layers. To introduce IEEE standards employed in computer networking. To make the students to get familiarized with different protocols and network components. Credits: 4

Module 1 (12 hours) Network goals -topologies- configurations-concept of internet- ISO-OSI 7 Layer Standard -peer processes-Functions of each layer-TCP/IP reference model - Transmission media -description and characteristics - base band and broad band transmission-synchronous and asynchronous -full duplex, half duplex links- Concepts of WAP technology. Module 2 (12 hours) MODEMS-serial communication standards - X-21 digital interface- Need for data link layer-stop and wait and sliding window protocol-HDLC-terminal handling- polling-multiplexing- concentrationvirtual circuit and data-grams - routing -congestion control. Module 3 (12 hours) LAN- base band and broad band Lans - carrier sense networks-CSMA/CD -ring network- shared memory -IEEE802 standards-introduction to X-25. Transport layer- design issues- establishing and releasing connection - flow control buffering - crash recovery - a simple transport protocol on X-25. Module 4 (12 hours) Session layer- design issues -data exchange - dialogue management - synchronization- remote procedure call-client server model - Presentation layer-data presentation-compression- network security-privacy- cryptography- presentation layer in ARPANET. Module 5 (12 hours) Application layer - virtual terminal - file transfer protocol-E-mail-introduction to distributed system ATM-protocol architecture -ATM logical connections -ATM cells -cell transmission- ATM adaptation layer -AAL protocols -basic principles of SDH and SONET. References 1. Computer Networks: Andrew S Tannenbaum, Pearson Education. 2. An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking: Keshav, Pearson Education. 3. Computer Networking: A Top Down Approach: Kurose Pearson Education. 4. Computer Network & Internet: Comer, Pearson Education. 5. Data communication: Hausly 6. Computer Networks, protocols standards & interfaces, Uyless Balack 7. Local Area Networks: William Stallings, Pearson Education. 8. Understanding Data Communication and networks- 2nd ed-William A Shay (Vikas Thomson Learning)

EI 010 606 L04 Micro-controller Based System Design

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives 1. 2. To give an idea about micro controllers and its interfacing techniques. To get an exposure in microcontroller programming Credits: 4

Module 1 Various logic families features comparison PLA PAL- GAL -comparison combinational PAL PAL with flip-flops study of 16L8, 22V10 GAL dual port RAM FIFO FPGA gate arrays. Module 2 Embedded C compiler advantages memory models interrupt functions code optimization 89C2051 micro-controller- architecture-comparison with 89C51- design of a simple trainer circuit using 89C51/89C2051 C. Introduction to latest micro controllers (ARM Processor/ PIC microcontrollers) - introduction, architecture (block diagram explanation only), Memory organization etc. Module 3 Analog to digital converters- single slope, dual slope, successive approximation, sigma delta, flash comparison typical ICs A/D interface digital to analog converters different types D/A interface optically isolated triac interface- design of a temperature control system- sensors - opto isolator -interfacing programs using C and assembly language-. Module 4 Serial Communication :Serial bus standards I2C bus, SPI bus operation timing diagrams 2 wire serial EEPROM 24C04 3wire serial EEPROM 93C46 interfacing serial communication standards RS232, RS422, RS485 comparison MAX232 line driver/ receiver interfacing universal serial bus PCI bus - interfacing programs using C and assembly language low voltage differential signaling PC printer port registers interfacing. Module 5 Real World Interfacing: Matrix key board interface AT keyboard commands keyboard response codes watch dog timers DS1232 watch dog timer real time clocks DS1302 RTC interfacing measurement of frequency phase angle power factor stepper motor interface dc motor speed control L293 motor driver design of a position control system interfacing of DIP switch, LED, 7 segment display, alphanumeric LCD relay interface design of a traffic light control system interfacing programs using C and assembly language.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

The 8051 Microcontroller: Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Pearson Education. The 8051 Microcontroller: Kenneth J Ayala, Penram International. Digital fundamentals: Floyd, Pearson Education. Programming and customizing the 8051 C: Myke Predko, TMH Programming with ANSI C and turbo C: Kamthane, Pearson Education. Microcomputers and Microprocessors: John Uffenbeck, PHI. Web site of Atmel semiconductors PIC 16F877 data book

EI 010 606 L05 Telemetry and Remote Control

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives 1. 2. 3. 4. To study the concepts of classical telemetry systems To get an exposure to radio and satellite telemetry systems. To learn the fundamentals of optical telemetering systems. To understand the essential principles of telecontrol systems and installation Credits: 4

Module 1 Fundamental concepts functional blocks of telemetry and telecontrol systems -Telemetry methodsClassical ones- Pneumatic and electrical telemetry- Electrical telemetry systems-Voltage, current, position telemetry- Principles of optical telemetry. Module 2 Radio telemetry: RF modulation methods- Multiplexing techniques- TDM, FDM comparisonTransmission channels in landline and Radio telemetry.- Methods of data transmission in telemetryFM/FM, PCM/FM and PAM/AM techniques. Radio receiving techniques. Introduction to telemetry standards- Antennas for telemetry. Module 3 The complete telemetry package. Special telemetry problems- Telemetry hardware and applicationsbandwidth and noise restrictions. Introduction to satellite telemetry- TT and C services, Digital Transmission system in satellite telemetry. Multiple access Techniques. Module 4 Optical telemetry-optical fibres for signal transmission-source for fibre optic transmission-optical detectors-trends in fibre optic device development-examples of optical telemetry systems Module 5 Analog and digital techniques in telecontrol-remote transmission-signaling-adjustment-guidance and regulation-reliability of telecontrol installations-design of telecontrol-Installations References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A.K. Sawhney, A course in electrical and electronic measurements and instrumentation Patranabis Telemetry Principles References: D. Rodyy, J. Coolen, electronics communications, 4th edition, PH O.J. Strock, Introduction to Telemetry, ISA Grenburg E I-Handbook of Telemetry and Remote Control-McGraw Hill Swoboda G-Telecontrol methods and applications of Telemetry and Remote ControlReinhold Publishing Company

EI 010 606 L06 Robotics and Automation

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives 1. 2. 3. To give a basic knowledge of robots and their types. To study in detail the power sources, sensors, manipulators, actuators, grippers involved with robots and kinematics. To learn about robot programming techniques. Credits: 4

Module 1 Basic concepts : - Definition and origin of robotics Different types of robotics Various generations of robots Degrees of freedom Asimovs laws of robotics Dynamic stabilization of robots. Module 2 Power sources and sensors : - Hydraulic, Pneumatic and Electric drives. Sensors: Sensors in RoboticsTactile Sensors- Proximity and Range Sensors-Uses Machine vision Ranging Laser Acoustic Magnetic and Fiber optic. Module 3 Manipulators, actuators and grippers : - Construction of manipulators Manipulator dynamics and force control Electronic and pneumatic manipulator control circuits End effectors U various types of grippers Design considerations. Module 4 Robot Programming: Types of programming- Leadthrough programming-A Robot Program as a Path in Space- Motion Interpolation- Capabilities and Limitations of Leadthrough Methods. Robotic languages- The textual Robot Languages- Generations-Structure-Motion Commands-workcell control. Module 5 Case studies :- Mutiple robots Machine interface Robots in manufacturing and non-manufacturing applications Robot cell design Selection of robot. Text Books 1. 2. Mikell P. Weiss G.M., Nagel R.N., Odraj N.G., Industrial Robotics, McGraw Hill Singapore, 1996. Ghosh, Control in Robotics and Automation: Sensor Based Integration, Allied Publishers, Chennai, 1998.

References 1. 2. 3. Deb.S.R., Robotics technology and flexible Automation, John Wiley, USA 1992. Asfahl C.R., Robots and manufacturing Automation, John Wiley, USA 1992. Klafter R.D., Chimielewski T.A., Negin M., Robotic Engineering An integrated approach, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1994.

4. 5.

Mc Kerrow P.J. Introduction to Robotics, Addison Wesley, USA, 1991. Issac Asimov I Robot, Ballantine Books, New York, 1986.

EI010 607 Microprocessor & Microcontroller Lab

(Common to AI010 607) Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Objectives 1. 2. 3. To provide experience on programming and testing of few electronic circuits using 8086 To provide experience on programming and testing of few electronic circuits using 8051simulator. To understand basic interfacing concepts between trainer kit and personal computers. Credits: 2

A. Programming experiments using 8086 (MASM) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Sum of N Numbers. Display message on screen using code and data segment. Sorting, factorial of a number Addition /Subtraction of 32 bit numbers. Concatenation of two strings. Square, Square root, & Fibonacci series.

B. Programming experiments using 8051 simulator (KEIL). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Addition and subtraction. Multiplication and division. Sorting, Factorial of a number. Multiplication by shift and add method. Matrix addition. Square, Square root, & Fibonacci series.

C. Interface experiments using Trainer kit / Direct down loading the programs from Personal computer. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ADC / DAC interface. Stepper motor interface. Display (LED, Seven segments, LCD) interface. Frequency measurement. Wave form generation. Relay interface.

EI 010 608 Mini Project

(Common to AI010 608) Teaching Scheme 3 hours practical per week


The mini project will involve the design, construction, and debugging of an electronic system product approved by the department. The schematic and PCB design should be done using any of the standard schematic capture & PCB design software. Each student may choose to buy, for his convenience, his own components and accessories. Each student must keep a project notebook. The notebooks will be checked periodically throughout the semester, as part of the project grade. The student should submit the report at the end of the semester. A demonstration and oral examination on the mini project also should be done at the end of the semester.

Instrumentation and Control Engineering (IC)


(Common to all branches except CS & IT)

Teaching scheme
2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives

Credits: 4

To apply standard methods and basic numerical techniques for solving problems and to know the importance of learning theories in Mathematics.
Vector differential calculus ( 12 hours)


Scalar and vector fields gradient-physical meaning- directional derivative-divergence an curl - physical meaning-scalar potential conservative field- identities - simple problems MODULE 2 Vector integral calculus ( 12 hours)

Line integral - work done by a force along a path-surface and volume integral-application of Greens theorem, Stokes theorem and Gauss divergence theorem MODULE 3 Finite differences Finite difference operators and ( 12 hours) - interpolation using Newtons forward and

backward formula problems using Stirlings formula, Lagranges formula and Newtons divided difference formula MODULE 4 Difference Calculus ( 12 hours)

Numerical differentiation using Newtons forward and backward formula Numerical integration Newtons cotes formula Trapezoidal rule Simpsons 1/3rd and 3/8th rule Difference equations solution of difference equation MODULE 5 Z transforms ( 12 hours)

Definition of Z transforms transform of polynomial function and trignometric functions shifting property , convolution property - inverse transformation solution of 1st and 2nd order difference equations with constant coifficients using Z transforms. Reference 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Erwin Kreyszing Advance Engg. Mathematics Wiley Eastern Ltd. B.S. Grewal Higher Engg. Mathematics - Khanna Publishers B.V. Ramana - Higher Engg. Mathematics McGraw Hill K Venkataraman- Numerical methods in science and Engg -National publishing co S.S Sastry - Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis -PHI T.Veerarajan and T.Ramachandran- Numerical Methods- McGraw Hill Babu Ram Engg. Mathematics -Pearson. H.C.Taneja Advanced Engg. Mathematics Vol I I.K.International

EN010 302 Economics and Communication Skills

(Common to all branches) Teaching scheme 2hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week Credits: 4(3+1) Objectives To impart a sound knowledge of the fundamentals of Economics.

Module I (7 hours) Reserve Bank of India-functions-credit control-quantitative and qualitative techniques Commercial banks-functions- Role of Small Industries Development Bank of India and National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development The stock market-functions-problems faced by the stock market in India-mutual funds Module II (6 hours) Multinational corporations in India-impact of MNCs in the Indian economy Globalisation-necessity-consequences Privatisation-reasons-disinvestment of public sector undertakings The information technology industry in India-future prospects Module III (6 hours) Direct and indirect taxes- impact and incidence- merits of direct and indirect taxesprogressive and regressive taxes-canons of taxation-functions of tax systemtax evasion-reasons for tax evasion in India-consequences-steps to control tax evasion Deficit financing-role-problems associated with deficit financing Module IV (5 hours) National income-concepts-GNP, NNP, NI, PI and DPI-methods of estimating national income-difficulties in estimating national income Inflation-demand pull and cost push-effects of inflation-government measures to control inflation Module V (6 hours) International trade-case for free trade-case for protectionism Balance of payments-causes of disequilibrium in Indias BOP-General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade-effect of TRIPS and TRIMS in the Indian economy-impact of WTO decisions on Indian industry Text Books 1. Ruddar Datt, Indian Economy, S.Chand and Company Ltd. 2. K.K.Dewett, Modern Economic Theory, S.Chand and Company Ltd. References 1. Paul Samuelson, Economics, Tata McGraw Hill 2. Terence Byres, The Indian Economy, Oxford University Press 3. S.K.Ray, The Indian economy, Prentice Hall of India 4. Campbell McConnel, Economics, Tata McGraw Hill

Communication Skills
Objectives To improve Language Proficiency of the Engineering students To enable them to express themselves fluently and appropriately in social and professional contexts To equip them with the components of different forms of writing MODULE 1 (15 hours) INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATION Communication nature and process, Types of communication - Verbal and Non verbal, Communication Flow-Upward, Downward and Horizontal, Importance of communication skills in society, Listening skills, Reading comprehension, Presentation Techniques, Group Discussion, Interview skills, Soft skills MODULE II (15 hours) TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION Technical writing skills- Vocabulary enhancement-synonyms, Word Formation-suffix, affix, prefix, Business letters, Emails, Job Application, Curriculum Vitae, Report writingTypes of reports Note: No university examination for communication skills. There will be internal evaluation for 1 credit. REFERENCES 1. The functional aspects of communication skills, P.Prasad and Rajendra K. Sharma, S.K. Kataria and sons, 2007 2. Communication skills for Engineers and Scientists, Sangeeta Sharma and Binod Mishra, PHI Learning private limited, 2010 3. Professional Communication, Kumkum Bhardwaj, I.K. International (P) House limited, 2008 4. English for technical Communication, Aysha Viswamohan, Tata Mc Graw Publishing company limited, 2008

IC010 303 Network Theory (Common to EC,AI,EI,IC010 303)

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week Objectives Credits: 4

To study time domain, phasor and Laplace transform methods of linear circuit analysis

Module I (12 hrs) Reference directions for two terminal elements - Kirchhoffs Laws - Independent and Dependent Sources Resistance Networks: Node and Mesh analysis of resistance networks containing both voltage and current independent and dependent sources Source Transformations Superposition, Thevenin, Norton and Maximum Power Transfer Theorems applied to resistance networks Module II (12 hrs) Capacitors and Inductors Current-voltage relationships Step and Impulse functions Waveshapes for Capacitor and Inductor Series and Parallel combinations Coupled coils Mutual Inductance First order Circuits: Excitation by initial conditions Zero input response Excitation by sources Zero state response Step and impulse response of RL and RC circuits - Excitation by sources and initial conditions Complete response with switched dc sources Module III (12 hrs) Sinusoidal Steady State Analysis: Review of complex numbers Rectangular and Polar forms Phasors and the sinusoidal steady state response - Phasor relationships for R, L and C Impedance and Admittance Node and Mesh analysis, Superposition, Source transformation, Thevenin and Nortons theorems applied to Phasor circuits Sinusoidal Steady State power Average Power Maximum power transfer theorem Phasor analysis of Magnetically coupled circuits Module IV (12 hrs) Laplace Transform: Definition of Unilateral Laplace Transform- Properties Laplace Transform of common time functions Inverse Laplace Transform by Partial Fraction Expansion Initial value and Final value theorems Solution of network differential equations - Transformation of a circuit into sdomain Transformed equivalent of resistance, capacitance, inductance and mutual inductance Impedance and Admittance in the transform domain Node and Mesh analysis of the transformed circuit - Network theorems applied to the transformed circuit Network Functions: Driving point and Transfer functions - Poles and zeros

Module V (12 hrs) Frequency Response: Network functions in the sinusoidal steady state with s = j Magnitude and Phase response - Magnitude and Phase response of First order Low pass and High pass RC circuits - Bode Plots First order and Second order factors. Two port networks: Characterization in terms of Impedance, Admittance, Hybrid and Transmission parameters Interrelationships among parameter sets - Reciprocity theorem Interconnection of two port networks- series, parallel and cascade. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. W H. Hayt, Kemmerly and S M Durbin, Engineering Circuit Analysis, TMH DeCarlo, Lin, Linear Circuit Analysis, OUP B Carlson, Circuits, Ceneage Learning M E. Van Valkenburg, Network Analysis, PHI L P .Huelsman, Basic Circuit Theory, PHI Robert L.Boylestad , Introductory Circuit Analysis , 12th e/d ,PHI C A Desoer & E S Kuh, Basic Circuit Theory, TMH F F Kuo, Network Analysis and Synthesis, Wiley

IC 010 304: ANALOG DEVICES & CIRCUITS Teaching Scheme 3 Hours lecture and 1 Hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Aim: To introduce the concept of realizing circuits using active and passive devices for signal generation and amplification. Objectives To know about the special purpose diodes with some of its application. To expose the students to study the different biasing and some transistors applications. To get introduce with the FETs & Small Signal Analysis. To study the Feedback Amplifiers and Power Amplifiers. To learn the wave shaping and wave generating circuits. Module-I: Diode Applications PN Diode applications: Half wave, Full wave and Bridge Rectifier, voltage equations, Analysis and design, Voltage Multiplier Circuits. Capacitor filters analysis. RC Filter: DC Operation, AC Operation. Special purpose diodes: Zener diode Volt-Ampere characteristics Varactor diode, photodiode: detection principle. Module-II: BJT DC Biasing of BJTS: Operating Point, Fixed, self and Voltage Divider bias circuit. Bias Stabilization: bias stability- definition of stability factors derivation of stability factors for I co variation bias compensation compensation for I CO and V BE. Applications of BJT: Relay Driver, Transistor Switch, Constant Current Source. RC coupled amplifier: working, analysis and design phase and frequency response Small Signal Analysis of CE, CC & Common source amplifier. Module-III: FET Field Effect Transistors: Construction & Characteristics of JFETs, Transfer Characteristics. Types of FETs: MOSFET- Depletion and Enhancement type MOSFET, Operation and Characteristics. FET Biasing. Module-IV: Power Amplifiers & Oscillators Power Amplifiers: Class-A, B & AB amplifiers, Push Pull Amplifiers. Feed back in amplifier circuits: Characteristics of negative feedback amplifiers Voltage / current, series/shunt feedback Theory of sinusoidal oscillators Phase shift and Wien bridge oscillators Colpitts, Hartley and crystal oscillators. Module-V: Wave Shaping Circuits and Wave Generation Circuits Wave shaping circuits: clipping clamping RC integration RC differentiation transistor as a switch astable multivibrator working and design Regulated power supplies: Series and Shunt- design of regulated power supplies for specified output conditions- current limiting- short circuit protection- IC regulated power supply

Text Books: (i)Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory Boylestad, Nashelsky. Prentice Hall India. (ii)David A. Bell, Electronic Devices & Circuits, Prentice Hall of India/Pearson Education, IV Edition, Eighth printing, 2003.

Reference Books: (i)Jacob Millman & Christos.C.Halkias, Integrated Electronics: Analog and Digital Circuits and System, Tata McGraw Hill, 1991. (ii)Donald L.Schilling and Charles Belove, Electronic Circuits, 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003.

IC010305:BASIC INSTRUMENTATION & MEASUREMENTS ENGINEERING Teaching Scheme 3 Hours lecture and 1 Hour tutorial per week Credits:4

Aim:To provide adequate knowledge in electrical measurements and instrumentation. Objectives:

To make the students to gain a clear knowledge of the basic laws governing the operation of electrical instruments and the measurement techniques. To study the concepts of Basic Instrumentation. To Emphasis laid on the measurement of voltage and current. To have an adequate knowledge in the measurement of power and energy. To study the potentiometer & instrument transformers. To know the various methods for measurement of resistances and impedance.

Module-I: Basic Instrumentation Measurements- Significance of measurements- Methods of measurement- Direct methods, Indirect methods- Mechanical, Electrical and electronics instruments- Classification of instruments- Deflection and Null type instruments- Analog and digital modes of operationfunctions of instruments and measurements systems- application of measurement systems- Type of instrument systems, information and signal processing- Elements of generalized measurement system- Primary sensing element, variable conversion element, data presentation element- Input output configuration of measuring instruments and measurement systems- Desired inputs, interfering inputs, modifying inputs, methods of correction for interfering and modifying inputs. Module-II: Measurement Of Voltage And Current Galvanometers Ballistic, DArsonval galvanometer Theory, calibration, application Principle, construction, operation and comparison of moving coil, moving iron meters, dynamometer, induction type & thermal type meter, rectifier type Extension of range and calibration of voltmeter and ammeter Errors and compensation. Module-III: Measurement Of Power And Energy Electrodynamometer type wattmeter Theory & its errors Methods of correction LPF wattmeter Phantom loading Induction type KWH meter Calibration of wattmeter, energy meter. Module-IV: Potentiometers & Instrument Transformers DC potentiometer Basic circuit, standardization Laboratory type (Cromptons) ACpotentiometer Drysdale (polar type) type Gall-Tinsley (coordinate) type Limitations & applications C.T and V.T construction, theory, operation, phasor diagram, characteristics, testing, error elimination Applications. Module-V: Resistance & Impedance Measurement Measurement of low, medium & high resistance Ammeter, voltmeter method Wheatstone bridge Kelvin double bridge High resistance measurement Megger methods Earth

resistance measurement. A.C bridges Measurement of inductance, capacitance Q of coil Maxwell Bridge Weins bridge Hays bridge Schering Bridge Anderson Bridge.

Text Books 1. E.W.Golding & F.C.Widdis, Electrical Measurements & Measuring Instruments, A.H.Wheeler & Co, 1994. 2. A.K. Sawhney, Electrical & Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation, Dhanpath Rai & Co (P) Ltd, 2004.

Reference Books 1. J.B.Gupta, A Course in Electronic and Electrical Measurements and Instrumentation, S.K. Kataria & Sons, Delhi, 2003. 2. S.K.Singh, Industrial Instrumentation and control, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003. 3. H.S.Kalsi, Electronic Instrumentation, Tata McGraw Hill, 1995. 4. Martia U. Reissland, Electrical Measurement, New Age International (P) Ltd., 2001.

IC010 306 COMPUTER PROGRAMMING (COMMON TO EC,AI,EI,IC010 306) Teaching Scheme L T P : 3 1 0 4 credits


To develop the programming skill using C

Module 1 (12 hrs) Problem solving with digital Computer - Steps in Computer programming - Features of a good program, Algorithms Flowchart. Introduction to C: C fundamentals - The character set - identifiers and keywords - Data types constants - variables and arrays - declarations - expressions - statements - symbolic constantsarithmetic operators - Relational and Logical operators - The conditional operator - Library functions - Data input and output - getchar putchar, scanf, printf - gets and puts functions interactive programming. Module 2 (12 hrs) Control Statements: While - do while - for - nested loops -if else switch- break - continue - The comma operator - go to statement, Functions - a brief overview - defining a function - accessing a function - passing arguments to a function - specifying argument - data types - function prototypes Recursion. Module 3 (12 hrs) Program structure: storage classes - Automatic variables - external variables - multi file programs. Arrays: defining an array - processing an array - passing arrays in a function multi dimensional arrays - array and strings. Structures and unions: defining a structure - processing a structure - user defined data types - passing structure to a function self referential structures - unions. Module 4 (12hrs) Pointers: Fundamentals - pointer declaration - passing pointers to a function - pointers and one dimensional arrays - operations on pointers - pointers and multi dimensional arrays passing functions to other functions. Module 5 (12 hrs) Data files: Opening and closing of a data file - creating a data file - processing a data file, low level programming - register variables bit wise operation - bit fields - enumeration - command line parameters - macros - the C pre-processor. References 1. 2. Byron Gottfried, Programming with C, Schaums Outlines ,Tata Mc.Graw Hill. Kernighan & Ritchie , The C programming language:, PHI.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Venkateshmurthy , Programming Techniques through C:, Pearson Education. Al Kelley, Ira Pohl , A book on C , Pearson Education. Balaguruswamy , Programming in C , Tata Mc Graw Hill. Ashok N Kanthane , Programming with ANSI and Turbo C, Pearson Education. Stephen C. Kochan , Programming in C , CBS publishers.


Teaching Scheme 3 Hours Practical per week Aim: To study the characteristics of various solid state devices Experiments: Diode Experiments 1. Forward characteristic curve (1N 4000 series). 2. Forward & reverse characteristic curves of a zener diode. 3. Voltage regulation using a zener diode. a) line regulation b) load regulation Wave Shaping Circuits 4. Clipping Circuits a) series clipping b) biased series clipping c) shunt clipping d) biased shunt clipping 5. Clamping Circuits a) basic clamping b) biased clamping 6. Half wave & full wave rectifier circuits with and without capacitive filters. Bipolar Transistor Experiments (BC107 A/B/C, BC547 B/C) 7. Common base characteristic curves. a) Input curve b) Output curve c) To determine the common base current gain ( ) from the output curve 8. Common emitter characteristic curves. a) Input curve b) Output curve c) To determine the common emitter current gain () from the output curve Credits:2

9. Common collector characteristic curves. a) Input curve b) Output curve Field Effect Transistors (N channel depletion JFET) 10. Drain characteristic curve (ID vs VDS). a) To determine the pinch off voltage from the above curve. 11. Transfer characteristic curve (ID vs VGS). Transistor Biasing Experiments 12. Fixed bias circuit a. Draw the load line. b. Locate the Q points for different transistors to ascertain the circuit stability. 13. Emitter feedback bias circuit c. Draw the load line. d. Locate the Q points for different transistors to ascertain the circuit stability. 14. Emitter current bias circuit (dual supply) a) Draw the load line. b) Locate the Q points for different transistors to ascertain the circuit stability. 15. Voltage divider bias circuit a) Draw the load line. b) Locate the Q points for different transistors to ascertain the circuit stability. 16. Frequency response of a RC coupled common emitter amplifier. 17. Design and implementation of a series voltage regulator. 18. Design and implementation of an astable multivibrator. 19. Photo diode & photo transistor characteristics.



Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Credits: 2

Objectives To familiarize with computer hardware, operating systems and commonly used software packages To learn computer programming and debugging

Part 1 1. Computer hardware familiarization. 2. Familiarization/installation of common operating systems and application software. Part 2 Programming Experiments in C/C++: Programming experiments in C/C++ to cover control structures, functions, arrays, structures, pointers and files.

EN010401 Engineering Mathematics III

(Common to all branches)

Teaching scheme
2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives: Apply standard methods of mathematical &statistical analysis

Credits: 4


Fourier series

( 12 hours)

Dirichlet conditions Fourier series with period 2 and 2l Half range sine and cosine series Harmonic Analysis r.m.s Value MODULE 2 Fourier Transform ( 12 hours)

Statement of Fourier integral theorem Fourier transforms derivative of transforms- convolution theorem (no proof) Parsevals identity MODULE 3 Partial differential equations ( 12 hours)

Formation by eliminating arbitrary constants and arbitrary functions solution of Lagranges equation Charpits method solution of Homogeneous partical differential equations with constant coefficients MODULE 4 Probability distribution ( 12 hours)

Concept of random variable , probability distribution Bernoullis trial Discrete distribution Binomial distribution its mean and variance- fitting of Binominal distribution Poisson distribution as a limiting case of Binominal distribution its mean and variance fitting of Poisson distribution continuous distribution- Uniform distribution exponential distribution its mean and variance Normal distribution Standard normal curve- its properties MODULE 5 Testing of hypothesis ( 12 hours)

Populations and Samples Hypothesis level of significance type I and type II error Large samples tests test of significance for single proportion, difference of proportion, single mean, difference of mean chi square test for variance- F test for equality of variances for small samples References 1. Bali& Iyengar A text books of Engg. Mathematics Laxmi Publications Ltd. 2. M.K. Venkataraman Engg. Mathematics vol II 3rd year part A & B National Publishing Co. 3. I.N. Sneddon Elements of partial differential equations Mc Graw Hill 4. B.V. Ramana Higher Engg. Mathematics Mc Graw Hill 5. Richard A Johnson Miller Freads probability & Statistics for Engineers- Pearson/ PHI

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

T. Veerarajan Engg. Mathematics Mc Graw Hill G. Haribaskaran Probability, Queueing theory and reliability Engg. Laxmi Publications V. Sundarapandian - probability ,Statistics and Queueing theory PHI H.C.Taneja Advanced Engg. Mathematics Vol II I.K.International A.K.Mukhopadhyay-Mathematical Methods For Engineers and Physicists-I.K.International

Mahatma Gandhi University

IC010 402: Principles of Management

(Common with EC,AI,EI,IC010 402)
Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives Credits: 4

To develop an understanding of different functional areas of management. To understand the functions and duties an individual should perform in an organisation.

Module I (12 hours) Management Concepts: Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives of management-MBOScientific management- Functions of management- Planning- Organizing- StaffingDirecting- Motivating- Communicating- Coordinating- Controlling- Authority and Responsibility- Delegation- Span of control- Organizational structure- Line, Line and staff and Functional relationship. Module II (12 hours) Personnel Management: Definition and concept- Objectives of personnel managementManpower planning- Recruitment and Selection of manpower- Training and development of manpower- Labour welfare- Labour turnover- Quality circle- Industrial fatigue- Industrial disputes-Method of settling disputes- Trade unions. Module III (12 hours) Production management: Objectives and scope of production management- Functions of production department- production management frame work- product life cycle-Types of production- Production procedure- Project planning with CPM and PERT- Basic concepts in network. Module IV (12 hours) Financial Management: Objectives and Functions of Financial Management- Types of Capital- Factors affecting working capital- Methods of financing. Cost Management: Elements of cost- Components of cost- Selling Price of a product. Module V (12 hours) Sales and Marketing Management: Sales management- Concept- Functions of sales department- Duties of sales engineer- Selling concept and Marketing concept- MarketingDefinition and principles of marketing- Marketing management and its functions- Sales forecasting- Pricing- Advertising- Sales promotion- Channels of distribution- Market research. Text Books 1. Koontz and Weihrich, Essentials of Management, Tata McGraw Hill. 2. Mahajan M., Industrial Engineering and Production Management, Dhanpat Rai and Co. 3. Kemthose and Deepak, Industrial Engineering an Management, Prentice Hall of India. Reference Books 1. Martand Telsang, Industrial Engineering and Production Management. 2. Khanna O.P., Industrial Engineering and Management, Dhanpat Rai and Co. 3. Philip Kotler, Marketing Management, Prentice Hall of India. 4. Sharma S. C. & Banga T. R., Industrial Organisation and Engineering Economics, Khanna Publishers. 5. Prasanna Chandra, Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill.
Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering


Teaching Scheme 3 Hours lecture and 1 Hour tutorial per week Aim: To provide adequate knowledge in sensors & transducers.
Objective: To impart knowledge about the principles and analysis of sensors. To know about the classification and characteristics of transducers. To have an adequate knowledge in resistance and inductance transducers. Basic knowledge in capacitance and piezoelectric transducers. Pressure, Digital and other miscellaneous sensors


Module-I: Science of Measurement Measurement systems Significance of Measurements, Characteristics of Instruments Static and Dynamic, Loading Effects, Types of errors, Error analysis, Units and Standards. Calibration and Standards: Process of calibration, classification of standards, standards for calibration. Module- II: Classification and Characteristics of Transducer Transducer Definition, Classification of Transducer analog and digital transducer- primary and secondary transducer- active and passive transducer-Inverse transducer, Characteristics and choice of transducer, Factors influencing choice of transducer. Module-III: Resistance and Inductance Transducer Resistance Transducer-Basic principle, Potentiometer Loading effects, Resolution, Linearity, Non-linear Potentiometer, Noise in potentiometer, Resistance strain gauge Types, Resistance thermometer, thermistors characteristics, thermocouple Compensation circuits junction and lead compensation, merits and demerits. Inductance Transducer:- Basic principle, Linear variable differential transformer (LVDT), Rotary Variable Differential Transformer (RVDT), Synchros, Induction potentiometer, variable reluctance accelerometer, Microsyn. Module- IV: Capacitance and Piezoelectric Transducer Capacitance Transducer Basic principle, transducers using change in - area of plates distance between plates- variation of dielectric constants, frequency response, Merits, demerits and uses. Piezoelectric transducer- Basic principle, Mode of operation, properties of piezoelectric crystals, loading effects, frequency response and impulse response uses. Module-V: Pressure, Digital and other miscellaneous sensors Pressure sensors bourdon tube, bellows, Pitot tube, diaphragm. Digital Transducer shaft encoder, optical encoder, digital speed transducer. Hall Effect transducer, sound sensors, vibration sensors seismic transducer, chemical sensor pH sensor, velocity transducer, Introduction to smart sensors, micro sensor.

Text Books 1. A.K. Sawhney A Course in Electrical and Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation Dhanpat Rai & Co., (Pvt) Ltd., 2000. 2. S.Renganathan Transducer Engineering Allied publishers Limited, 1999.

Reference Books 1. Ernest O. Doeblin Measurement Systems Application & Design McGraw Hill Publishing company, 1990. 2. Woolvert, G.A., Transducer in Digital Systems Peter Peregrinus Ltd., England, 1998.

Mahatma Gandhi University

IC010 404: DIGITAL ELECTRONICS (Common with EC,AI,IC,EI010 404)

Teaching scheme L T P :3 1 0 Credits: 4

Objectives To Work with a variety of number systems and numeric representations, including signed and unsigned binary, hexadecimal, 2s complement. To introduce basic postulates of Boolean algebra and show the correlation between Boolean expression. To introduce the methods for simplifying Boolean expressions. To outline the formal procedures for the analysis and design of combinational circuits and sequential circuits.

Module I (12hours) Positional Number System: Binary, Octal, Decimal, Hexadecimal number system, Number base conversions, complements - signed magnitude binary numbers - Binary Arithmetic- addition, subtraction - Binary codes- Weighted, BCD, 8421, Gray code, Excess 3 code, ASCII, Error detecting and correcting code, parity, hamming code. Boolean postulates and laws with proof, De-Morgans Theorems, Principle of Duality, Minimization of Boolean expressions, Sum of Products (SOP), Product of Sums (POS), Canonical forms, Karnaugh map Minimization, Dont care conditions Module II (12 hours) Digital Circuits: Positive and Negative logic, Transistor transistor logic, TTL with totem pole, open collector and tri state output, Emitter coupled logic basic ECL inverter, NMOS NOR gate, CMOS inverter, NAND and NOR, Gate performance parameters fan in, fan out, propagation delay, noise margin, power dissipation for each logic, characteristics of TTL and CMOS, subfamilies of TTL and CMOS. Module III (12 hours) Introduction to Combinational Circuits: Basic logic gates, Universal gates, Realization of Boolean functions using universal gates, Realization of combinational functions: addition half and full adder n bit adder carry look ahead adder, subtraction, comparison, code conversion, and decoder, encoder, multiplexer, demultiplexer, parity checkers, and parity generator. Introduction to Sequential Circuits: latches, timing, Flip Flops, types, characteristic equations, excitation tables, Realization of one flip flop using other flip flops. Module IV (12 hours) Application of flip flops as bounce elimination switch, register, counter and RAM, Binary ripple counter, synchronous binary counter, Design of modulo n synchronous counter, up/down counters, Shift registers SISO, SIPO, PISO, PIPO, bidirectional shift register and universal register, counters based on shift registers Module V (12 hours) Hazards in combinational circuits: Static hazard, dynamic hazard, essential hazards, hazard free combinational circuits.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electronics & Communication Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Introduction to programmable logic devices: PLA- block diagram, PAL block diagram, registered PAL, Configurable PAL, GAL - architecture, CPLD classification internal architecture, FPGA - architecture, ASIC categories , full custom and semi custom.
Reference Books 1. Donald D Givone, Digital Principles and Design, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003. 2. G K Kharate, Digital Electronics, Oxford university press, 2010 th 3. Ronald J Tocci, Digital Systems, Pearson Education, 10 edition 2009. 4. Thomas L Floyd, Digital Fundamentals, Pearson Education, 8th edition, 2003. 5. Donald P Leach, Albert Paul Malvino, Digital Principles and Applications, Tata McGraw Hill 6th edition, 2006. 6. Charles H.Roth, Fundamentals of Logic Design, Thomson Publication Company 5th edition, 2004. 7. Milos Ercegovac, Introduction to Digital Systems, Wiley India, 2010 8. Moris Mano, Digital Design, PHI, 3rd edition, 2002. 9. Ananda Kumar, Fundamentals of Digital Circuits, PHI, 2008. 10. Brain Holdesworth, Digital Logic Design, Elsevier, 4th edition, 2002.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Electronics & Communication Engg.


Teaching Scheme 3 Hours lecture and 1 Hour tutorial per week Credits:4

Aim: To expose the concepts of various electrical machines and its construction. Objectives: To study the principle of operation and performance of DC generators To study the principle of operation, performance and starting of DC motor. To impart the knowledge on constructional details, principle of operation and performance of transformers. To impart the knowledge on constructional details, principle of operation and performance of synchronous and induction machines. To study about single phase induction motors and special machines. Module-I: D.C Generator Emf generated in armature, commutation process, armature reaction, compensating winding O.CC condition for self excitation Field critical resistance, critical speed Load characteristic of generators Losses power flow diagram efficiency condition for maximum efficiency applications. Module-II: D.C Motors Back emf speed equation starters 3 point and 4 point starters Torque equation speed torque characteristics of shunt, series, and compound motors Losses Efficiency Brake test Swinburnes test Speed control field control armature control series parallel control applications. Module-III: Transformer Ideal transformer constructional features emf equation vector diagram equivalent circuit regulation losses and efficiency- O.C and S,C test Applications Auto transformers working principle and saving of copper. Basic idea of current and potential transformers. Module-IV: A.C Machines 3 phase Induction Motors- Constructional features- principle of operation vector diagram and equivalent circuits. Torque equation slip torque, slip characteristics. Starting of 3 phase induction motors starters phase wound motor rotor resistance starters. Synchronous Machines Constructional features Principle of operation of alternator emf equation regulation by emf and mmf method principle of operation of synchronous motors starting synchronous motor.

Module-V: Single phase Induction motors Prinicple of operation production of rotating field starting split phase capacitor start two value capacitor motor permanent split capacitor motor shaded pole motor single phase series motor Universal motor stepper motor.

Reference Books: 1. P.S.Bimbra -Electrical Machinery -Khanna Publishers 2. S.L.Uppal -Electrical Power -Khanna Publishers 3. Ashfaq Hussain -Fundamentals of Electrical Engg.-Dhanpat Rai&Co.Delhi. 4. B.L Theraja, A.K Theraja- Electrical Technology


Teaching Scheme 3 Hours lecture and 1 Hour tutorial per week Aim: To impart the knowledge on the basic mechanical engineering Objectives: This module introduces the fundamental concepts of fluid flow and measurements related to fluid flow. This module explains the rudiments of steam generation and its allied equipments and safety precautions to be used while operating steam generators. This module explains the construction and working of steam engines and steam steam turbines and measurements made on steam turbines and engines. This module introduces the construction and working principles of pumps and compressors. Efficiency tests on pumps and compressors. This module introduces the various materials used in the engineering applications and manufacture of composite materials. Module-I Laws of fluid motion-continuity, momentum and energy equations-Bernoullis equation and its application in flow and velocity measuring devices-turbulent flow through pipes- fluid friction losses in pipe fittings-loss of head due to sudden enlargement& contraction Module-II Steam generators: properties of steam, classification and construction of boilers-fire tube and water tube boilers- Modern high pressure boilers. Boiler mountings and accessories: boiler mountings, water gauge and water level indicatorpressure gauge-steam stop valve-feed check valve-blow down cock-fusible plug-spring loaded safety valve-dead weight safety valve-high steam and low water safety valve. Accessories: pressure reducing valve-steam traps-steam separator-economizer-feed pump injector. Module-III Steam engine and turbines: classification of steam engines-working indicator diagram-work done, Steam turbines-classification steam turbines-simple impulse turbine-compounding of impulse turbines-advantages of steam turbines over steam engines. Introduction to condensers and cooling towers. Module-IV Introduction to pumps-centrifugal, rotary and reciprocating pumps-classification of centrifugal pumps and applications, Manometric head-net positive suction head efficiency-reciprocating pumps-indicator diagrams, slip-theory of air vessels (description only). Air compressors Reciprocating type, single stage and multistage compressors, intercooling and its effects. Module-V Classification of engineering materials, material classification, Engineering requirements of materials, properties of engineering materials physical, mechanical and thermal properties. Selection of materials, ferrous and non ferrous materials. Applications of ferrous matals and Credits:4

alloys. Ceramics, refractories and polymers materials and their construction.

composition and application of composite

References: 1. A text book of Fluid Mechanics-Dr R K Bansal 2. Thermal Engineering-R K Rajput 3. Engineering Fluid Mechanics-K L Kumar 4. Material Science and Metallurgy-O P Khanna 5. Metallurgy and Material Science-William D Calluster 6. Elements of Mechanical Engineering-Domkundwar & Domkundwar


Teaching Scheme 3 Hours Practical per week Credits:2

Aim: To expose the students to the basic operation of electrical machines and helps them to develop experimental skills. Experiments: 1. Galvanometers extension of range 2. Calibration of DC ammeters, voltmeters and wattmeter using precision potentiometers 3. Calibration of energy meters at different power factors using 3 phase 400v supply 4. Measurement of resistance using DC bridges 5. Use of universal LCR bridges, Digital LCR meter for measurement of inductance, capacitance and resistance. Principle of measurements of capacitance and inductance. 6. BH curve of a given specimen using method of reversals. 7. OC and SC test on a single-phase transformer. 8. Load test on a single-phase transformer. 9. O.C.C of a DC shunt machine. 10. Load test on DC shunt motor 11. Load test on a DC series motor. 12. Swinburns test. 13. No load and blocked rotor test on 3 phase induction motor. 14. Load test on induction motor. 15. Study of alternators. 16. Use of instrument transformer for measurement of voltage and current.

AI010 408(P) DIGITAL IC LAB (Common to AI, IC010 408) Credits 2 0+0+3 Objectives: (i) To familiarize the application of Digital ICs (ii) To equip the students with the design of digital circuits. (iii) To introduce the basic concept of digital system design.

1. TTL and CMOS characteristics. 2. Interfacing of TTL and electromagnetic relay using transistor, optocoupler (4N33) and Darlington Arrays ULN 2803 3. Logic family Inter connection [TTL to CMOS and CMOS to TTL] 4. Design of Half Adder and Full Adder using Gates. 5. Design and testing of ripple and synchronous counter. 6. Johnson and Ring Counter using Shift registers. 7. Study of counter using (a) flip-flop (b) ICs[7490,7493,74910] 8. Design of Astable and Monostable Multivibrators using (a) Gates (b) 555 9. Study of ADC [at least one] 10. Study of Multiplexer, Demultiplexer, Decoder and Encoder. 11. Study of Adders/ Subtractors using ICs. 12. Study of 7 segment display circuit static/dynamic.[7447, FND542] 13. Static RAM 14. Sequence Detector circuit.[ Mealy, Moore] 15. Simulation using VHDL [Internal Valuation Only].-Logic Gates, Decoders, Encoders, Half Adders, Full Adders, Flip flops, counters.



(Common to all branches except CS & IT)

Teaching scheme
2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week

Credits: 4

Objectives: Use basic numerical techniques to solve problems and provide scientific techniques to decision making problems. MODULE 1 Function of Complex variable (12 hours)

Analytic functions Derivation of C.R. equations in cartision co-ordinates harmonic and orthogonal properties construction of analytic function given real or imaginary parts complex potential conformal mapping of z2 , - Bilinear transformation cross ratio invariant property (no proof) (12 hours)

simple problems MODULE 2 Complex integration

Line integral Cauchys integral theorem Cauchys integral formula Taylors series- Laurents series Zeros and singularities types of singularities Residues Residue theorem evaluation of real integrals in unit circle contour integral in semi circle when poles lie on imaginary axis. MODULE 3 Numerical solution of algebraic and transcendental equations (10 hours)

Successive bisection method Regula falsi method Newton Raphson method - Secant method solution of system of linear equation by Gauss Seidel method MODULE 4 Numerical solution of Ordinary differential equations ( 10 hours)

Taylors series method Eulers method modified Eulers method Runge Kutta method (IV order) Milnes predictor corrector method MODULE 5 Linear programming problem (16 hours)

Definition of L.P.P., solution, optimal solution, degenerate solution graphical solution solution using simplex method (non degenerate case only) Big -M method Duality in L.P.P. Transportation problem Balanced T.P. initial solution using Vogels approximation method - modi method (non degenerate case only)

References 1. B.V. Ramana Higher Engg. Mathematics Mc Graw Hill 2. M.R.Spicgel , S.Lipschutz , John J. Schiller, D.Spellman Complex variables, schanms outline series - Mc Graw Hill 3. S.Bathul text book of Engg.Mathematics Special functions and complex variables PHI 4. B.S. Grewal Numerical methods in Engg. and science - Khanna Publishers 5. Dr.M.K Venkataraman- Numerical methods in science and Engg -National publishing co

6. 7. 8. 9.

S.S Sastry - Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis -PHI P.K.Gupta and D.S. Hira Operations Research S.Chand Panneer Selvam Operations Research PHI H.C.Taneja Advanced Engg. Mathematics Vol II I.K.International

IC010 502 Industrial Electronics and Applications

(Common to AI010 502 and IC010 502)

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Module 1

Credits: 4

Power semiconductor Devices-ratings and specification -Power diodes power transistor power MOSFET - characteristics of SCR, TriacIGBT MCT LASCR SCR turn on, turn off characteristics thyristor protection circuits series and parallel operations of SCR- Thyristor trigger circuits R ,RL,RC triggering. Module 2 AC to DC converters single phase three phase half controlled and fully controlled rectifiers free wheeling diodes -free wheeling effect - effect of source and load inductance power factor improvement methods for phase controlled rectifiers- PWM chips:SG3524 and TL 494- dual converters cyclo converters. Module 3 Inverters and voltage source inverters series, parallel and bridge inverters current source inverters PWM inverters D.C. chopper step up and step down chopper AC chopper: AC converters: uninterrupted power supply (UPS) ( circuit diagram approach), rectifier inverter static transfer switch. DC to DC converters: choppers: SMPS, battery charger circuits Module 4 D.C Motor control: phase control, Single phase SCR drive Three phase SCR drive speed control of dc series motor Chopper controlled dc drives PLL control of dc motor, A.C. Motor control : controlled slip system slip power recovery system - stepper motor drive - synchronous motor control. Module 5 Control circuits for power electronics: basic schemes for pulse generation using analog and digital ICs. Single, double and four quadrant systems. Series and parallel operations of thyristor, cable firing, isolation etc. Text Books 1. 2 P.S.Bimbhra, Power Electronics, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2002 G.K.Dubey, Doradia, S.R. Joshi and R.M.Sinha, Thyristorised Power Controllers, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 1996.

References 1. 2. 3. M.H.Rashid, Power Electronics circuits, devices and applications, PHI, New Delhi, 1995. Joseph Vithyathi, Power Electronics, McGraw Hill, USA, 1995. Mohan, Undeland and Robbins, Power Electronics, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1995.

4. 5.

P.C.Sen, Modern Power Electronics, Wheeler publishers, New Delhi, 1998 M.D.Singh, K.B. Khanchandani: Power Electronics, TMH, 1998


Teaching Scheme Credits: 4 3 Hours lecture and 1 Hour tutorial per week Aim: To expose the students to the concepts of various types of electronic instruments and its uses. Objective: Emphasis is laid on analog meters and digital voltmeters Emphasis is laid on analog and digital instruments. Elaborate discussion about signal generators, wave analyzer and harmonic distortion. To study the working of an CRO To study the construction, working of various recorders Module-I: Electronic Analog Meters & Digital Voltmeters Electronic analog meters: DC voltmeter- Loading Transfer voltmeter chopper type DC amplifier voltmeter Solid state voltmeter Differential voltmeter AC voltmeter using Rectifiers Average responding voltmeter peak responding voltmeter True RMS voltmeter True RMS meter considerations in choosing analog voltmeter, Calibration of DC instrument. Digital voltmeter introduction- Ramp technique- Dual slope integrating type DVM Integrating type DVM Successive type approximation s type DVM Continuous balance DVM or servo balancing potentiometer type DVM 3 digit Resolution and sensitivity of digital meters General specifications of a DVM Microprocessor based Ramp type DVM. Module-II: Analog & Digital Instruments Analog instruments Introduction output power meters field strength meter stroboscopephase meter vector impedance meter Q meter LCR Bridge Rx meters Automatic bridges Transistor tester analog PH meter. Digital Instruments- Introduction Digital multimeter Digital frequency meter Digital measurement of time universal counter Decade Counter Electronic counter Digital measurement of frequency Digital Tachometer Digital PH meter Automation in Digital instrument Digital phase meter Digital capacitance meter Microprocessor based instruments IEEE488 BUS. Module-III: Signal Generators, Wave analyzers and Harmonic Distortion Signal generators Introduction fixed frequency AF oscillator variable AF oscillator Basic standard. Signal generator Standard signal generator Modern Laboratory signal generator AF sine and square wave generator Function generator square and pulse generator random noise generator sweep generator TV sweep generator Marker generator sweep marker generator Wobbluscope Video pattern generator Colour bar generator Vectroscope Beat Frequency oscillator(BFO) Standard specifications of a signal generator. Wave analyzers and Harmonic Distortion Introduction Basic wave analyzer frequency selective wave analyzer- Heterodyne wave analyzer- Harmonic distortion analyzer- spectrum analyzer spectrum analyzer digital Fourier analyzer practical FET spectrum analysis using wave form processing software.

Module-IV: Cathode Ray Oscilloscope CRO-block diagram-CRT circuit-vertical deflection system-delay line-multiple trace-horizontal deflection system-oscilloscope probes and transducers-oscilloscope techniques-storage oscilloscope-sampling oscilloscope basic principles only Module-V: Recorders Introduction strip chart recorders Galvanometer type recorder Null type recorder Circular chart recorder X-Y Recorder U-V Recorder- Magnetic Recorder Frequency modulation (FM) recording- Digital data recording Digital memory wave form recorder(DWR) Interfacing and screening Electrostatic and electromagnetic Interference Grounding.

Text Books: H.S.KALSI, Electronic Instrumentation, Tata McGraw Hill References: 1. Albert D.Helfrick, William O.Cooper : Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement techniques, Prentice Hall of India. 2. David Buchla, Wayne Melachlan : Applied Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement, Prentice Hall 3. A.J.Bouwens : Digital Instrumentation, Tata Mc Graw Hill


Teaching Scheme 3 Hours lecture and 1 Hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Aim: To introduce the concepts for realizing functional building blocks in ICs & application of ICs. Objective: To study characteristics; realize circuits; design for signal analysis using Op-amp ICs. To study the applications of Op-amp To implement the various filters using Op-Amp To design the wave shaping circuits using Op-amp and to study about the regulators. To study internal functional blocks and the applications of special ICs like Timers, PLL circuits, regulator Circuits, ADCs Module I: Operational amplifiers Introduction to operational amplifiers-Basic differential amplifier-dual input balanced output and unbalanced output-Internal block schematic of op amp- Pin identification-power supply requirements-typical data sheet-Opamp parameters-ideal op amp -transfer curve- equivalent circuit-open loop configurations-Frequency response of op ampscompensating networks-slew rate and its effect. Module II : Applications of Opamp Difference amplifier-instrumentation amplifier-inverting and non inverting amplifier-integrator and differentiator- summer-subtractor-voltage follower-Comparator-zero crossing detectorSample and hold circuit-precision rectifiers-Peak detector-log amplifier-antilog amplifiermultiplier using log and antilog amplifier Module III : Filters Active and passive filters-Low pass filters-high pass filters-Band pass filters-Notch filters and all pass filters-First and second order filters-Higher order filters-Design of these filters. Module IV: Wave Shaping Circuits Oscillators-RC Phase shift oscillators-Wien bridge oscillators-Square wave generator-Triangular wave generator-Saw tooth wave generator-Schmitt trigger. Regulators: Monolithic regulatorsswitched mode power supplies-principles and applicationsswitching regulators. Module V : Timers 555 timer-Functional block diagram-Astable multivibrator, Monostable multivibrator and its application. Phase locked loop PLL-capture and lock range-functional block diagram-565PLLPLL applications; frequency multiplications and division AM demodulation-FM detectionFSK Demodulation.

Text Books 1. Op amp and linear integrated circuits Coughlin and Driseoll

References 1 Op amp and linear integrated circuits -Ramakand Gaykwad 2. Linear integrated circuits-Roy choudhary and Jain 3. Integrated Electronics-Millman and Halkias


Teaching Scheme 3 Hours lecture and 1 Hour tutorial per week Credits:4

Aim: To provide sound knowledge in the basic concepts of linear control theory and design of control system. Objective: To understand the methods of representation of systems and getting their transfer function models. To provide adequate knowledge in the time response of systems and steady state error analysis. To give basic knowledge is obtaining the open loop and closedloop frequency responses of systems. To understand the concept of stability of control system and methods of stability analysis. To provide the adequate knowledge on state space analysis. Module-I: Open loop and closed loop control systems, Laplace transforms to linear systems, Transfer function, Impulse response and transfer function, Mathematical modeling of simple electrical ,mechanical, electromechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic systems, Analogous systems: Forcevoltage analogy and Force-current analogy, Control system components: Servo motors and stepper motors, Block diagram algebra, Signal flow graphs, Masons gain formula.

Module-II: Time domain analysis: Time response, Standard test signals, Time response of first order and second order systems to unit step input, Time domain specifications, Type number of a system, Steady state error, Static and dynamic error coefficient, Correlation between static and dynamic error coefficients, Effect of adding zero and pole to a transfer function, P-PI-PD and PID modes of feed back control.

Module-III: Frequency domain analysis: Frequency response, Advantages of frequency response analysis, Frequency domain specifications, Expressions for frequency domain specifications, Correlation between time and frequency response, Frequency response plots: Bode plot, Polar plot, Nichols plot, Closed loop response from open loop response: M and N circles, Nichols chart.

Module-IV: Concepts of stability: Definitions of stability, Absolute and Relative stability, Location of roots in s-plane for stability, Routh-Hurwitz Criterion, Root Locus method, Construction of Root Loci, Effects of poles and zeros and their location on the root locus, Nyquist stability criterion, Gain margin and Phase margin.

Module-V: State Space Analysis: State space formulation, State model of linear systems, State model for linear continuous time systems, state variable representation for continuous time systems by using physical-phase and canonical variables, Solution of differential equation, Computation of state transition matrix, Decomposition of Transfer function: Direct, cascade and parallel decomposition techniques, Diagonalization, Controllability and Observability.

Text Books 1. I.J.Nagrath and M.Gopal,Control system engineering, New Age International

References: 1.Ogata K., Modern control engineering, Prentice Hall 2.Kuo B.C. ,Automatic control systems, Prentice Hall 3.A. Nagoor Kani, Control systems, RBA Publications 4.A. Nagoor Kani, Advanced control Theory, RBA Publications

IC010 506 Microprocessors & Microcontrollers

(Common to AI010 506 and IC010 506) Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. To Create an exposure to basic microprocessors, peripherals and its programming. To impart the basic concepts of advanced microprocessors. To have an adequate knowledge in 8-bit microcontrollers. To provide the basic concepts of programming in 8051. To provide basic knowledge in RISC. Credits: 4

Module 1 Introduction to microprocessors and microcomputers: Function of microprocessors- architecture of 8085. Intel 8086 Microprocessor - Internal architecture Block diagram 8086 memory organization even and odd memory banks segment registers logical and physical address. Minimum and maximum mode operation Interrupt and Interrupt applications peripherals programmable DMA controller-8257 8087 math coprocessor-Programmable interrupt controller8259 Module 2 Addressing modes used in 80x86 family - Data addressing modes, Program memory addressing modes, Stack memory addressing modes. Instruction sets of 8086-programming. Architectures of Intel 80286 Microprocessor, 80386 Microprocessor Advanced Intel Microprocessors 80486 Pentium. Module 3 Atmel AT89C51 microcontroller features - pin configurations - internal block Schematic. Port structures .Idle & power down mode - power control register - program protection modes flash programming & verification. Memory organization - program memory - data memory .Program status word - registers banks. External program & data memory timing diagrams- I/O port timings and operation Direct & indirect addressing area - Addressing modes. Module 4 8051 Programming-Machine cycle-Instruction set arithmetic - logical and data transfer instructions Boolean instructions - program branching instructions - Programming examples Timer0 & Timer1 TMOD SFR - mode0, mode1, mode2, mode3 TCON-Programming examples. Module 5 Serial interface - SCON SFR - mode0, mode1, mode2, mode3- block schematics baud rates- power on reset circuit- ONCE mode- on chip oscillator interrupts - interrupt sources - interrupt enable register -interrupt priority - interrupt control system - interrupt handling ,single step operation. Programming examples Introduction to RISC processors-Microchip PIC16 family PIC16F873 processor features architecture

References: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The 8051 Microcontroller: Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Pearson Education. The 8051 Microcontroller: Kenneth J Ayala, Penram International Microprocessors and Architecture: Ramesh S Goankar Microcomputers and Microprocessors: John Uffenbeck, PHI Web site of Atmel - The Microprocessors 6th Edition Barry B. Brey Pearson Edu. Microprocessor and Interfacing 2nd Edition Douglous V. Hall TMH The 80x 86 families John Uffenbeck Microchip semiconductor web site Design with PIC micro-controllers: John B Peatman, Pearson Education.


3 Hours Practical per week Credits:2

Aim: To have an adequate knowledge of handling processors and interfacing.

1. Programming experiments using 8086(MASM) Mathematical Manipulations Logical Instructions String Instructions 2. Procedures and Macros 3. Modular Programming 4. DOS and BIOS Interrupts 5. ADC and DAC Interfacing 6. Stepper Motor Interfacing 7. Waveform generation 8. Display (LED, Seven Segment, LCD) interface 9. Programming experiments using 8051 Microcontroller (Software) 10. Hardware exercise in Microcontroller kits.

IC010 508: Linear Integrated circuits lab

Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Aim: To study the OP-AMP parameters, characteristics and application. Credits: 2


1. Measurement of opamp parameters. Input Bias Curreent

CMRR . Slew rate. Open loop gain. Input and output impedances.

2. Inverting and non inverting amplifiers

Gain and frequency response.

3. Integrators and differentiators 4. Instrumentation amplifiers

Gain. CMRR. Input impedance.

5. LPF and HPF, Sallen-Key configuration

1st order & 2nd order for a given frequency band.

6. Narrow band filter- Delyiannis configuration for a given frequency. 7. Active notch filter realization using opamps for a given frequency. 8. Wien Bridge oscillator with frequency and amplitude stabilization. 9. Astable and monostable multivibrators using opamps for a pulse width of xms. 10. Square, Triangular and ramp generation using opamps for a given frequency.

11. Voltage regulation using IC723.

Line. Load

12. Astable and monostable multivibrators using IC555 for a pulse width of xms. 13. Design of PLL for given lock and capture ranges and frequency multiplication. 14. Precision limiters using opamps. 15. Multipliers using opamps-1,2 and 4 quadrant multipliers.

IC010 601 Process Control Instrumentation

(Common to AI010 601 and IC010 601) Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives 1. 2. 3. 4. To study the basics of process control To study about the various controller modes and methods of tuning of controllers To give an idea about the construction , characteristics and applications of control valves To have a case study of distillation column control. Credits: 4

Module 1 (12 hours) Process Control System: Need for process control, classification of process variables, Process characteristics: Process equation, degrees of freedom, modeling of simple systems thermal, gas, liquid systems. Process lag, load disturbance and their effect on processes. Self-regulating processes, interacting and non interacting processes, Regulator and servo control. Piping and Instrumentation diagram- instrument terms and symbols. Module 2 (12 hours) Controller modes: Basic control action, two position (ON-OFF), multi-position, floating control modes. Continuous controller modes: Proportional, Integral, Derivative. Composite controller modes: P-I, P-D, P-I-D. response of controllers for different types of test inputs, electronic controllers to realize various control actions, selection of control mode for different processes, Integral wind-up and prevention. Auto/Manual transfer, Bumpless transfer. Module 3 (12 hours) Optimum Controller Settings: Controller tuning Methods- Process reaction curve method, Ziegler Nichols method, damped oscillation method, decay ratio. Evaluation criteria - IAE, ISE, ITAE. Response of controllers for different test inputs. Selection of control modes for processes like level, pressure, temperature and flow. Module 4 (12 hours) Final control elements: I/P and P/I converter, Pneumatic and Electric actuators. Pneumatic control valves, classification, construction details (Globe, butterfly and ball valve types), various plug characteristics. Valve sizing, inherent and installed valve characteristics. Cavitation and flashing in control valves. Valve actuators and positioners. Selection of control valves. Module 5 (12 hours) Advanced control schemes: Cascade control, ratio control, feed forward control, Adaptive and Inferential control, split range and averaging control. Multivariable process control, interaction of control loops. Case Studies: Steam boiler control of heat exchangers, drum level control and combustion. Distillation column Control of top and bottom product compositions Reflux ratio, control schemes in distillation column. Text Books: 1. George Stephenopoulos: Chemical Process Control,

2. 3. 4.

Donald P. Eckman, Automatic Process Control Peter Harriot : Process Control,TMH,1985. D R Coughanowr: Process Systems Analysis and Control, McGraw Hill.

References: 1. 2. Patranabis D: Principles of Process Control, TMH, 1981. B.G Liptak, Process Control, Chilton Book Company


Teaching Scheme 3 Hours lecture and 1 Hour tutorial per week Credits:4

Aim: To introduce the fundamental techniques of telemetry and communication. Objectives: To understand the basic signals, analog modulation and demodulation. To understand the types of radio receivers. To explain the different types of modulation and the fundamental concepts of telemetry. To provide adequate knowledge on various telemetry principles. To learn the basics of optical telemetry. Module I: Introduction Communication systems: Modulation - need for modulation- bandwidth- Amplitude modulation - theory- mathematical representation- frequency spectrum - USB & LSB- power relationFrequency modulation - theory- mathematical representation- frequency spectrum- Phase modulation- comparison of AM- FM- PM. Module II: Radio receivers Tuned radio frequency receiver- super heterodyne receiver - block schematic- AM receivers schematic explanation - RF amplifiers - circuit explanation - simple diode detector - Automatic gain control circuit - simple and delayed AGC - FM receivers - block schematic explanation FM demodulators: slope detectors- phase discriminator- ratio detectors. Module III: Modulation Techniques & Telemetry RF Modulation and Demodulation- PCM, FSK, delta and adaptive modulation-multiplexing and demultiplexing-digital encoding. Fundamental concepts-functional blocks of telemetry and telecontrol systems-methods of telemetry-electrical, pneumatic and optical telemetry Module IV: Types of Telemetry Telemetry Standards-landline telemetry-electrical telemetry-current, voltage, synchro and position-radio telemetry-transmission and radio receiving techniques Module V: Optical Telemetry Optical telemetry-optical Fibers for signal transmission-source for fiber optic transmissionoptical detectors-trends in fiber optic device development-examples of optical telemetry systems

References: 1. Grenburg E I-Handbook of Telemetry and Remote Control-McGraw Hill 2. Young R E-Telemetry Engineering-Little Book 3. Swoboda G-Telecontrol methods and applications of Telemetry and Remote Control-Reinhold Publishing Company 4. Rajangam R.K-Industrial Telemetry-Lecture notes 5. Electronic communication Systems: Wayne Tomasi- Pearson Edn. 6. Electronic communication: Roody and Coolen- PHI. 7. Electronic Communication systems: George Kennedy- Mc Graw Hill

IC 010 603 Industrial Instrumentation I

(Common to AI010 603 and IC010 603) Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives 1. 2. To provide exposure to various measuring techniques for force, torque velocity, acceleration, vibration, density, pressure and temperature. At the end of the course the student will have an indepth knowlwdge in units, different techniques, and significance of measuring devices. Credits: 4

Module 1 (12 hours) Measurement of Force, Torque, Velocity :Basic methods of measurement of force (weight) :scales and balances- mechanical balances- electro magnetic balance Different types of load cells : hydraulic load cells - pneumatic loadcell magneto elastic (pressductor)- strain gauge loadcell - proving ring. Different methods of torque measurement: Strain gauge, Relative regular twist-measurement of torque with spur gears and proximity sensors. Speed and velocity measurement: Revelution counter- Capacitive tachometer -Drag cup type tacho meter- D.C and A.C tacho generators Stroboscope- translational velocity transducers. Velocity measurement using variable reluctance proximity pickup. Calibration methods. Module 2 (12 hours) Measurement of acceleration, vibration and density :Accelerometers potentiometric type LVDT- Piezo-electric, capacitive - Strain gauge and variable reluctance type accelerometers. Mechanical type vibration instruments Seismic instrument as an accelerometer and vibrometer measurement of relative motion - Calibration of vibration pick ups Units of density, specific gravity and viscosity used in industries Baume scale API scale hydro meter- density measurement using LVDT- differential pressure method- pressure head type densitometer float type densitometer Ultrasonic densitometer Bridge type gas densitometercoriolis densitometer. . Module 3 (12 hours) Pressure measurement : - Units of pressure different types of pressure- Manometers Different types errors in manometers- Elastic type pressure gauges Bourden tube - Bellows Diaphragms Electrical methods Elastic elements with LVDT and strain gauges potentiometric pressure transducers- Capacitive type pressure gauge Piezo electric pressure sensor Resonator pressure sensor optical pressure transducers- pressure switches- Measurement of vacuum McLeod gauge Thermal vacuum gauges Ionization gauge -Testing and calibration of pressure gauges Dead weight tester- Bulk gauge(high pressure measurement). Module 4 (12 hours) Temperature measurement :- Definitions and standards Primary and secondary fixed points Calibration of thermometers - Different types of filled in system thermometer Sources of errors in filled in systems and their compensation Bimetallic thermometers Electrical methods of temperature measurement resistance thermometers-3 lead and 4 lead RTDs - Thermistors Linearization techniques.

Module 5 (12 hours) Thermocouples thermocouple junctions- Law of thermocouple Fabrication of industrial thermocouples Signal conditioning of thermocouple output Commercial circuits for cold junction compensation Special techniques for measuring high temperature using thermocouples Radiation methods of temperature measurement Radiation fundamentals Total radiation pyrometers Optical pyrometer infra red pyrometers- Two colour radiation pyrometer.- IC temperature sensors- fiber optic temperature measurement- calibration of temperature transducers. Text Books 1. 2. A.K.Sawhney, A course in mechanical measurements and InstrumentationDhanpat Rai and Sons, New Delhi, 1999. R. K. Jain, Mechanical and Industrial Measurements, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 1999.

References 1. 2. 3. D.Patranabis, Principles of Industrial Instrumentation, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Ltd., New Delhi, 1999. B.C.Nakra and K.K.Chaudary, Instrumentation Measurement and Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, 1985. S.K.singh, industrial instrumentation and control, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Ltd., New Delhi, 2006


Teaching Scheme 3 Hours lecture and 1 Hour tutorial per week Credits:4

Aim: To introduce the concept of analyzing discrete time signals & systems in the time and frequency domain. Objectives: To classify signals and systems & their mathematical representation. To analyse the discrete time systems. To study various transformation techniques & their computation. To study about filters and their design for digital implementation. To study about a programmable digital signal processor & quantization effects. Module-I: Introduction Classification of systems: Continuous, discrete, linear, causal, stable, dynamic, recursive, time variance; classification of signals: continuous and discrete, energy and power; mathematical representation of signals; spectral density; sampling techniques, quantization, quantization error, Nyquist rate, aliasing effect. Digital signal representation, analog to digital conversion. Module-II: Discrete Time System Analysis Z-transform and its properties, inverse z-transforms; difference equation Solution by ztransform, application to discrete systems - Stability analysis, frequency response Convolution Fourier transform of discrete sequence Discrete Fourier series. Module-III: Discrete Fourier Transform & Computation DFT properties, magnitude and phase representation - Computation of DFT using FFT algorithm DIT & DIF - FFT using radix 2 Butterfly structure. Module-IV: Design Of Digital Filters FIR & IIR filter realization Parallel & cascade forms. FIR design: Windowing Techniques Need and choice of windows Linear phase characteristics. IIR design: Analog filter design Butterworth and Chebyshev approximations; digital design using impulse invariant and bilinear transformation - Warping, prewarping - Frequency transformation. Module-V: Programmable DSP Chips Architecture and features of TMS 320C54 signal processing chip Quantisation effects in designing digital filters.

Text Books: 1. J.G. Proakis and D.G. Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing Principles, Algorithms and Applications, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2003 / PHI. 2. S.K. Mitra, Digital Signal Processing A Computer Based Approach, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2001.

Reference Books: 1. Alan V. Oppenheim, Ronald W. Schafer and John R. Buck, Discrete Time Signal Processing, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2003. 2. B. Venkataramani, M. Bhaskar, Digital Signal Processors, Architecture, Programming and Applications, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2003. 3. S. Salivahanan, A. Vallavaraj, C. Gnanapriya, Digital Signal Processing, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2003. 4. Texas TMS 320C54X user manual (website).


Teaching Scheme 3 Hours lecture and 1 Hour tutorial per week Credits:4

Aim: To obtain comprehensive knowledge in design of compensators, nonlinear control theory and design of digital controllers for nonlinear systems. Objectives: To design a compensators for the continuous system. To get introduced with discrete control system. Elaborate study on state space and design of discrete systems. To study the features of linear and non-linear systems and expose the students to the physical non-linearity. To analyze the stability of the systems using Liapunovs approach. Module-I: Introduction to Design Design of controllers, Types of compensation, Cascade compensation in frequency and time domain ( lead, lag and lead-lag compensators), Design of PI -PD and PID controllers, Feed back compensation, Design via pole placement. Module-II:Introduction to discrete time control systems: Introduction to Digital control systems, Quantizing and quantization error, Data acquisition, conversion and distribution systems, Spectrum analysis of sampling process, Signal reconstruction (zero order and first order hold circuits), Difference equation model, Z (Pulse) transfer function, Response of linear discrete systems, Z and S domain relationship, Jurys stability test, Bilinear transformation. Module-III:State space and Design of Discrete systems: State space representation of discrete time systems, Solution of discrete time state equation using Z-transform, Computation of state transition matrix, Design of discrete data system using frequency response and root locus methods. Module-IV:Non linear systems: Characteristics of non linear systems, Types of nonlinearities, Describing function analysis common non linearities, Phase plane analysis, Singular points, Classification of singular points, Phase trajectory, Construction of phase trajectory by Isocline method and Delta method, Stability analysis using phase trajectory. Module-V:Liapunovs stability: Liapunov functions, Stability in the sense of Liapunov and methods, Liapunov theorems on stability and asymptotic stability, Liapunov stability analysis of linear time invariant continuous time and discrete time systems, Generation of Liapunov function linear systems-discrete systems and non linear systems.

Reference Books: 1. Ogata. K, Discrete Time Control systems, Prentice Hall 2. Nagarath & Gopal, Control System Engineering. New Age Publications. 3. A. Nagoor Kani, Advanced Control Theory, RBA Publications. 4. Ogata. K, Modern control engineering. Prentice Hall

Teaching Scheme 3 Hours lecture and 1 Hour tutorial per week Aim: To gain comprehensive knowledge on Mechatronics. Objectives: To study the relevant historical back ground of Mechatronics and its scope. To study the fundamentals of CNC machines and its parts. To study the various programming concepts in CNC. To study the various parts of robots and fields of robotics To study the various sensors in the field of Robotics. Module-I: Introduction Introduction to mechatronics- Mechatronics in manufacturing- mechatronics in productionscope of mechatronics- fundamental of numerical control- advantages of NC systems- point to point and contouring systems- NC and CNC Incremental and absolute systems- open loop and closed loop systems- features of NC machine tools- methods of improving machine accuracy and productivity- special tool holders Module-II: System devices System devices- system drives hydraulic systems- DC motors- Stepping motors- AC motorsfeedback devices encoders- pulse digitizers- resolvers inductosyn- tachometer- counting devices- flip flops- counters- decoders- digital to analog converters interpolation linear interpolator- circular interpolator- CNC software- interpolator flow of data in NC machines Module-III:NC Machines NC part programming manual programming concepts tape formats tab sequential- fixed block word address and variable block formats part programming examples- point to point programming and simple contour programming computer aided programming concepts- post processor programming languages APT programming part programming examples Module-IV: Introduction to MEMS Introduction: Historical background of Micro-Electro Mechanical system (MEMS), Mechatronic system, And Functional components of Mechatronics, Scope of Mechatronics, Material processing and device fabrication: Lithography, Ion implantation, Etching, Wafer bonding. Module-V:Introduction to nanotechnology History of nanoscale science,Principles of nanotechnology, chemistry fundamentals,fabrication of nanomaterial-nanolithoghraphy,thin film processors,tools-electron microscope,scanning electron microscope,Xray diffraction,practical applications,carrier opportunities Credits:4

Reference Books: 1 Yoram Koren Computer Control of Manufacturing Systems Mc Graw Hill 2 Groover M.P Industrial Robots- Technology Programming and application 3. Banks H T, Smith R C and Wang Y: Smart material structures-Modelling, Estimation and control, John Wiley & sons. 4. Mechatronics ,Edited by HMT,TMH. 5.Written notes on nanotechnology.


Teaching Scheme 3 Hours lecture and 1 Hour tutorial per week Aim:To illustrate the concept of networking of computers and protocols Objectives: To provide fundamental knowledge about computer networks. To provide comprehensive knowledge about the methods of internetworking. To study the detection and correction of errors, link control and link protocols of data link Layer. To study the access method, electrical specification and implementation of different networks, types of switching. To study about the standardized data interface and its working principle. Credits:4

Module-I: Data Network Fundamentals Network hierarchy and switching Open system interconnection model of ISO Datalink control protocol BISYNC SLDC HLDC Media access protocol Command Token passing CSMA/CD, TCP/IP. Module-II: Internet Working Bridges Routers Gateways Open system with bridge configuration Open system with gateway configuration Standard ETHERNET and ARCNET configuration Special requirement for networks used for control. Module-III: Error Control And Data Link Protocols Error detection and correction: Types of errors Detection Vertical Redundancy Check(VRC) Longitudinal Redundancy Check (LRC) Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) Check sum Error correction.Data link control: Line discipline Flow control Error control. Data link protocols: Asynchronous protocols Synchronous protocols Character oriented protocols BIT oriented protocols Link access procedures. Module-IV: Networks And Switching LAN: Project 802 Ethernet Token bus Token ring FDDI. MAN: IEEE 802.6 (DQDB) SMDS. Switching: Circuit switching Packet switching Message switching. Module-V: X.25, Frame Relay, Atm And Sonet/ Sdh X.25: X.25 Layers.Frame relay: Introduction Frame relay operation Frame relay layers Congestion control Leaky bucket algorithm Traffic control.ATM: Design goals ATM architecture ATM layers ATM applications.SONET / SDH: Synchronous transport signals Physical configuration SONET layers Applications.

Text Books: 1. Behrouz A.Forouzan, Data Communication and Networking, Second Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2000. 2. A.S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 1996 / PHI.

Reference Books: 1. William Stallings, Data and Computer Communication, 8th Edition, Prentice Hall of India/Pearson Education, 2003. 2. S. Andrew Tannenbaum, Computer Networks, Prentice Hall of India/Pearson Education, 4th Edition, 2003.


Teaching Scheme 3 Hours lecture and 1 Hour tutorial per week Aim: To impart the knowledge on advanced microcontrollers. Objectives: To get introduced with the the ATMEL family architecture. To study about the TIMERS, ADC and PWM features. To get introduced with the COP8 family. To study about the various fetaures of COP8 family. To study about the features of PIC16 Microcontroller. Module I: Low pin count controllers Atmel AVR family ATTiny15L controller - architecture pin descriptions features addressing modes I/O space reset and interrupt handling reset sources - Tunable internal oscillator. Module II Timers Watch dog timer EEPROM preventing data corruption Analog comparator A/D converter conversion timing ADC noise reduction PortB alternate functions memory programming fuse bits high voltage serial programming algorithm. Module III National semiconductor COP8 family - COP8CBR9 processor features electrical characteristics pin descriptions memory organization EEPROM - security brownout reset in system programming boot ROM. Idle timer Timer1, Timer2, Timer3 -operating modes PWM mode event capture mode Module IV Power saving modes Dual clock operation Multi input wake up USART framing formats baud rate generation A/D conversion operating modes prescaler Interrupts interrupt vector table Watch dog service window Micro-wire interface waveforms. Module V Microchip PIC16 family PIC16F873 processor features architecture memory organization - register file map I/O ports PORTA - PORTB PORTC Data EEPROM and flash program memory Asynchronous serial port SPI mode I2C mode. Credits:4

ReferenceBooks: 1. Design with PIC micro-controllers: John B Peatman, Pearson Education. 2. DS101374: National Semiconductor reference manual. 3. National semiconductor web site 4. 1187D: Atmel semiconductor reference manual. 5. Atmel semiconductor web site 6. DS30292B: Microchip reference manual. 7. Microchip semiconductor web site


Teaching Scheme 3 Hours lecture and 1 Hour tutorial per week Credits:4

Aim:To introduce to the functional building blocks of an embedded system for developing a real time system application. Objectives: Introduce to features that build an embedded system. To help the understanding of the interaction that the various components within an embedded system have with each other. Techniques of inter facing between processors & peripheral device related to embedded processing. To enable writing of efficient programs on any dedicated processor. To present in lucid manner the basic concepts of systems programming like operating system, assembler compliers etc and to understand the management task needed for developing embedded system. Module-I:Introduction To Embedded System Introduction to functional building blocks of embedded systems Register, memory devices, ports, timer, interrupt controllers using circuit block diagram representation for each categories. Module-II:Processor And Memory Organization Structural units in a processor; selection of processor & memory devices; shared memory; DMA; interfacing processor, memory and I/O units; memory management Cache mapping techniques, dynamic allocation - Fragmentation. Module-III:Devices & Buses For Devices Network I/O devices; timer & counting devices; serial communication using I2C, CAN, USB buses; parallel communication using ISA, PCI, PCI/X buses, arm bus; interfacing with devices/ports, device drivers in a system Serial port & parallel port. Module-IV:I/O Programming Schedule Mechanism Intel I/O instruction Transfer rate, latency; interrupt driven I/O - Non-maskable interrupts; software interrupts, writing interrupt service routine in C & assembly languages; preventing interrupt overrun; disability interrupts. Multi threaded programming Context switching, premature & non-premature multitasking, semaphores. Scheduling Thread states, pending threads, context switching, round robin scheduling priority based scheduling, assigning priorities, deadlock, watch dog timers. Module-V:Real Time Operating System (RTOS) Introduction to basic concepts of RTOS, Basics of real time & embedded system operating systems, RTOS Interrupt handling, task scheduling; embedded system design issues in system development process Action plan, use of target system, emulator, use of software tools.

Text Books: 1. Rajkamal, Embedded System Architecture, Programming, Design, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003. 2. Daniel W. Lewis Fundamentals of Embedded Software, Prentice Hall of India, 2004.

Reference Books: 1. David E. Simon, An Embedded Software Primer, Pearson Education, 2004. 2. Frank Vahid, Embedded System Design A Unified hardware & Software Introduction, John Wiley, 2002. 3. Sriram V. Iyer, Pankaj Gupte, Embedded Real Time Systems Programming, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004. 9. Steve Heath, Embedded System Design, II edition, Elsevier, 2003.


Teaching Scheme 3 Hours lecture and 1 Hour tutorial per week Aim:To impart the knowledge on the concepts of digital system design. Objective:


To expose the students to study the concepts of combinational circuits To expose the students to study the concepts of sequential circuits To study and analyze the hazards in sequential circuits. To have an adequate knowledge in the VHDL basics An exposure is given to the students on VHDL codes & PLD

Module-I :Combinational Circuits: Combinational Circuits design: Review of combinational circuits design, CMOS realization of basic gates and simple Boolean expressions. Minimisation of Boolean functions with 5 and 6 varaibles using Karnauph map. Combinational circuit building blocks: Review of multiplexers- synthesis of logic functions using multiplexers, multiplexer synthesis using Shannons expansion. Review of decoders and encoders- Binary encoders, Priority encoders. Module- II :Sequential Circuits: Sequential circuit design: Finite state machine- Moore and Mealy machines. One-hot encoding. Design and implementation of synchronous sequential circuits with D-Flip Flops (Counters, sequence generators, sequence detectors, serial adder). Module-III:Hazards In Sequential Circuits: Logic design issues- Hazards in combinational networks- Hazards in sequential networksSynchronous design method- Clock skew- Synchronous inputs- Synchroniser failure and metastability . Module- IV:VHDL Basics VHDL- Behavior modeling- Transport Vs inertial delay- Simulation deltas- Sequential processing- Process statement- Signal assignment Vs variable assignment- Sequential statements. VHDL codes for Boolean expressions, multiplexers, Binary decoders, Priority encoders, Comparators.VHDL: Data types- Subprograms and packages Module- V:VHDL Codes & Programmable Logic Devices: VHDL codes for flip-flops, registers, counters and finite state machines. VHDL: Predefined attributes- Configurations- Subprogram overloading- VHDL synthesis. Programmable Logic Devices: Programmable Logic Array, Programmable Array Logic Complex Programmable Logic Devices, Field Programmable Logic Devices.

Text Books: 1.Stephen Brown & Zvonko Vranesic- Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL design- Tata McGraw Hill. 2.Perry D.L, VHDL- McGraw Hill.

Reference Books : 1.John F Wakerly, Digital design principles & practices, Pearson Education. 2.M. Morris Mano, Digital logic and Computer design, PHI. 3.Roth C.H.Jr.- Digital system Design using VHDL, PWS 4.Sudhakar Yalamanchili, Introductory VHDL from simulation to synthesis, Pearson Education. 5.Bhasker J- A VHDL Primer, Addison Wesly.


Teaching Scheme 3 Hours lecture and 1 Hour tutorial per week Credits:4

Aim:To present the concept of arrays, recursion, stack, queue, linked list, trees and graph data structures. Objectives: To introduce the concept of arrays, structures, pointers and recursion. To study stack, queue and linked list concepts. To study trees, representation of trees, tree traversal and basic operations on trees. To study some of the sorting and searching techniques. To study the concept of graphs, traversal techniques and minimum spanning tree. Module-I:Introduction To Data Structures Abstract data types - Sequences as value definitions - Data types in C - Pointers in C - Data structures and C - Arrays in C - Array as ADT - One dimensional array - Implementing one dimensional array - Array as parameters - Two dimensional array - Structures in C Implementing structures - Unions in C - Implementation of unions - Structure parameters Allocation of storage and scope of variables.Recursive definition and processes: Factorial function - Fibonacci sequence Recursion in C - Efficiency of recursion. Module-II:Stack, Queue And Linked List Stack definition and examples Primitive operations Example - Representing stacks in C Push and pop operation implementation.Queue as ADT - C Implementation of queues - Insert operation - Priority queue - Arrayimplementation of priority queue.Inserting and removing nodes from a list-linked implementation of stack, queue andpriority queue - Other list structures Circular lists: Stack and queue as circular list -Primitive operations on circular lists. Header nodes - Doubly linked lists - Addition oflong positive integers on circular and doubly linked list. Module-III:Trees Binary trees: Operations on binary trees - Applications of binary trees - Binary tree representation - Node representation of binary trees - Implicit array representation of binary tree Binary tree traversal in C - Threaded binary tree - Representing list as binary tree - Finding the Kth element - Deleting an element.Trees and their applications: C representation of trees - Tree traversals - Evaluating an expression tree - Constructing a tree. Module-IV:Sorting And Searching General background of sorting: Efficiency considerations, Notations, Efficiency of sorting. Exchange sorts; Bubble sort; Quick sort; Selection sort; Binary tree sort; Heap sort. Heap as a priority queue - Sorting using a heap-heap sort procedure - Insertion sorts: Simple insertion Shell sort - Address calculation sort - Merge sort -Radix sort. Sequential search: Indexed sequential search - Binary search - Interpolation search.

Module-V:Graphs Application of graph - C representation of graphs - Transitive closure - Warshalls algorithm Shortest path algorithm - Linked representation of graphs - Dijkstras algorithm - Graph traversal - Traversal methods for graphs - Spanning forests -Undirected graph and their traversals - Depth first traversal - Application of depth first traversal - Efficiency of depth first traversal - Breadth first traversal - Minimum spanning tree - Kruskals algorithm - Round robin algorithm.

Text Books: 1. Aaron M. Tenenbaum, Yeedidyah Langsam, Moshe J. Augenstein, Data Structures Using C, Pearson Education, 2004 / PHI.

Reference Books: 1. E.Balagurusamy, Programming in Ansi C, Second Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publication, 2003. 2. Robert L. Kruse, Bruce P. Leung Clovis L.Tondo, Data Structures and Program Design in C, Pearson Education, 2000 / PHI.


Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Aim: To study the characteristics of various physical phenomenons. Credits: 2


1. Measurement of Viscosity
Plot the characteristics- temperature versus viscosity. RTD Temperature versus Resistance.

2. Measurement of Temperature 3. Measurement of pH. 4. Measurement of pressure

Strain gauge input versus output and sensitivity.

5. Measurement of level. 6. Measurement of flow

Flow in pipe line. Error analysis.

7. Dynamic response of first order system. 8. Dynamic response of second order system. 9. Pressure to current converter.
Plot the characteristics.

10. Current to Pressure converters

Plot the characteristics.

11. Use of LDR for measurement of physical variations.

Light intensity versus resistance.

12. Measurement of Strain/Force.

Resistance versus strain. Error analysis.

13. Measurement of Speed- Open loop and closed loop. 14. Calibration of instruments.
Pressure gauge.

IC 010 608 Mini Project

(Common to AI010 608) Teaching Scheme 3 hours practical per week


The mini project will involve the design, construction, and debugging of an electronic system product approved by the department. The schematic and PCB design should be done using any of the standard schematic capture & PCB design software. Each student may choose to buy, for his convenience, his own components and accessories. Each student must keep a project notebook. The notebooks will be checked periodically throughout the semester, as part of the project grade. The student should submit the report at the end of the semester. A demonstration and oral examination on the mini project also should be done at the end of the semester.

Applied Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (AI)


(Common to all branches except CS & IT)

Teaching scheme
2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives

Credits: 4

To apply standard methods and basic numerical techniques for solving problems and to know the importance of learning theories in Mathematics.
Vector differential calculus ( 12 hours)


Scalar and vector fields gradient-physical meaning- directional derivative-divergence an curl - physical meaning-scalar potential conservative field- identities - simple problems MODULE 2 Vector integral calculus ( 12 hours)

Line integral - work done by a force along a path-surface and volume integral-application of Greens theorem, Stokes theorem and Gauss divergence theorem MODULE 3 Finite differences Finite difference operators and ( 12 hours) - interpolation using Newtons forward and

backward formula problems using Stirlings formula, Lagranges formula and Newtons divided difference formula MODULE 4 Difference Calculus ( 12 hours)

Numerical differentiation using Newtons forward and backward formula Numerical integration Newtons cotes formula Trapezoidal rule Simpsons 1/3rd and 3/8th rule Difference equations solution of difference equation MODULE 5 Z transforms ( 12 hours)

Definition of Z transforms transform of polynomial function and trignometric functions shifting property , convolution property - inverse transformation solution of 1st and 2nd order difference equations with constant coifficients using Z transforms. Reference 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Erwin Kreyszing Advance Engg. Mathematics Wiley Eastern Ltd. B.S. Grewal Higher Engg. Mathematics - Khanna Publishers B.V. Ramana - Higher Engg. Mathematics McGraw Hill K Venkataraman- Numerical methods in science and Engg -National publishing co S.S Sastry - Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis -PHI T.Veerarajan and T.Ramachandran- Numerical Methods- McGraw Hill Babu Ram Engg. Mathematics -Pearson. H.C.Taneja Advanced Engg. Mathematics Vol I I.K.International

EN010 302 Economics and Communication Skills

(Common to all branches) Teaching scheme 2hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week Credits: 4(3+1) Objectives To impart a sound knowledge of the fundamentals of Economics.

Module I (7 hours) Reserve Bank of India-functions-credit control-quantitative and qualitative techniques Commercial banks-functions- Role of Small Industries Development Bank of India and National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development The stock market-functions-problems faced by the stock market in India-mutual funds Module II (6 hours) Multinational corporations in India-impact of MNCs in the Indian economy Globalisation-necessity-consequences Privatisation-reasons-disinvestment of public sector undertakings The information technology industry in India-future prospects Module III (6 hours) Direct and indirect taxes- impact and incidence- merits of direct and indirect taxesprogressive and regressive taxes-canons of taxation-functions of tax systemtax evasion-reasons for tax evasion in India-consequences-steps to control tax evasion Deficit financing-role-problems associated with deficit financing Module IV (5 hours) National income-concepts-GNP, NNP, NI, PI and DPI-methods of estimating national income-difficulties in estimating national income Inflation-demand pull and cost push-effects of inflation-government measures to control inflation Module V (6 hours) International trade-case for free trade-case for protectionism Balance of payments-causes of disequilibrium in Indias BOP-General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade-effect of TRIPS and TRIMS in the Indian economy-impact of WTO decisions on Indian industry Text Books 1. Ruddar Datt, Indian Economy, S.Chand and Company Ltd. 2. K.K.Dewett, Modern Economic Theory, S.Chand and Company Ltd. References 1. Paul Samuelson, Economics, Tata McGraw Hill 2. Terence Byres, The Indian Economy, Oxford University Press 3. S.K.Ray, The Indian economy, Prentice Hall of India 4. Campbell McConnel, Economics, Tata McGraw Hill

Communication Skills
Objectives To improve Language Proficiency of the Engineering students To enable them to express themselves fluently and appropriately in social and professional contexts To equip them with the components of different forms of writing MODULE 1 (15 hours) INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATION Communication nature and process, Types of communication - Verbal and Non verbal, Communication Flow-Upward, Downward and Horizontal, Importance of communication skills in society, Listening skills, Reading comprehension, Presentation Techniques, Group Discussion, Interview skills, Soft skills MODULE II (15 hours) TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION Technical writing skills- Vocabulary enhancement-synonyms, Word Formation-suffix, affix, prefix, Business letters, Emails, Job Application, Curriculum Vitae, Report writingTypes of reports Note: No university examination for communication skills. There will be internal evaluation for 1 credit. REFERENCES 1. The functional aspects of communication skills, P.Prasad and Rajendra K. Sharma, S.K. Kataria and sons, 2007 2. Communication skills for Engineers and Scientists, Sangeeta Sharma and Binod Mishra, PHI Learning private limited, 2010 3. Professional Communication, Kumkum Bhardwaj, I.K. International (P) House limited, 2008 4. English for technical Communication, Aysha Viswamohan, Tata Mc Graw Publishing company limited, 2008

AI010 303 Network Theory

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week Objectives Credits: 4

To study time domain, phasor and Laplace transform methods of linear circuit analysis

Module I (12 hrs) Reference directions for two terminal elements - Kirchhoffs Laws - Independent and Dependent Sources Resistance Networks: Node and Mesh analysis of resistance networks containing both voltage and current independent and dependent sources Source Transformations Superposition, Thevenin, Norton and Maximum Power Transfer Theorems applied to resistance networks Module II (12 hrs) Capacitors and Inductors Current-voltage relationships Step and Impulse functions Waveshapes for Capacitor and Inductor Series and Parallel combinations Coupled coils Mutual Inductance First order Circuits: Excitation by initial conditions Zero input response Excitation by sources Zero state response Step and impulse response of RL and RC circuits - Excitation by sources and initial conditions Complete response with switched dc sources Module III (12 hrs) Sinusoidal Steady State Analysis: Review of complex numbers Rectangular and Polar forms Phasors and the sinusoidal steady state response - Phasor relationships for R, L and C Impedance and Admittance Node and Mesh analysis, Superposition, Source transformation, Thevenin and Nortons theorems applied to Phasor circuits Sinusoidal Steady State power Average Power Maximum power transfer theorem Phasor analysis of Magnetically coupled circuits Module IV (12 hrs) Laplace Transform: Definition of Unilateral Laplace Transform- Properties Laplace Transform of common time functions Inverse Laplace Transform by Partial Fraction Expansion Initial value and Final value theorems Solution of network differential equations - Transformation of a circuit into sdomain Transformed equivalent of resistance, capacitance, inductance and mutual inductance Impedance and Admittance in the transform domain Node and Mesh analysis of the transformed circuit - Network theorems applied to the transformed circuit Network Functions: Driving point and Transfer functions - Poles and zeros Module V (12 hrs) Frequency Response: Network functions in the sinusoidal steady state with s = j Magnitude and Phase response - Magnitude and Phase response of First order Low pass and High pass RC

circuits - Bode Plots First order and Second order factors. Two port networks: Characterization in terms of Impedance, Admittance, Hybrid and Transmission parameters Interrelationships among parameter sets - Reciprocity theorem Interconnection of two port networks- series, parallel and cascade. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. W H. Hayt, Kemmerly and S M Durbin, Engineering Circuit Analysis, TMH DeCarlo, Lin, Linear Circuit Analysis, OUP B Carlson, Circuits, Ceneage Learning M E. Van Valkenburg, Network Analysis, PHI L P .Huelsman, Basic Circuit Theory, PHI Robert L.Boylestad , Introductory Circuit Analysis , 12th e/d ,PHI C A Desoer & E S Kuh, Basic Circuit Theory, TMH F F Kuo, Network Analysis and Synthesis, Wiley

AI 010 304Solid State Devices

Teaching Scheme L T P : 3 1 0 Credit :4

Objectives To provide students with a sound understanding of existing electronic devices, so that their studies of electronic circuits and systems will be meaningful. To develop the basic tools with which students can later learn about newly developed devices and applications.

Module I (13 hours) Bonding forces in solids Energy Bands Metals, semiconductors and insulators Direct and indirect Semiconductors Variation of Energy Bands with alloy composition Charge carriers in semiconductors Electrons and holes Effective mass Intrinsic and extrinsic materials. Charge concentrations Fermi level Electrons and hole concentrations at equilibrium Temperature dependence of carrier concentrations Compensation and space charge neutrality. Drift of carriers in electric and magnetic fields Drift and resistance Effects of temperature on doping and mobility High-field effects Hall effect. Module II (13 hours) Excess carriers in semiconductors Carrier lifetime Direct and indirect recombination Steady state carrier generation Quasi Fermi levels. Diffusion of carriers Diffusion process Diffusion coefficient Einstein relation Continuity equation Steady state carrier injection Diffusion length. P-N junctions Equilibrium conditions Contact potential Equilibrium Fermi levels Space charge at a junction Forward and reverse biased conditions Steady state conditions Qualitative description of current flow at a junction Carrier injection Diode equation Majority and minority currents through a p-n junction V-I characteristics of a p-n junction diode. Module III (12 hours) Reverse breakdown in p-n junctions Zener and avalanche mechanisms Breakdown diodes. Time variation of stored charge in p-n junctions Reverse recovery transient Switching diodes Capacitance of p-n junctions Varactor diodes. Metal-semiconductor junctions Schottky barriers Rectifying and ohmic contacts. Optoelectronic devices Optical Absorption Solar Cells Photo detectors Photoluminescence and electroluminescence Light emitting diodes Laser diodes. Module IV (12 hours) Bipolar Junction Transistor Bipolar Transistor action Basic principle of operation Simplified current relations Modes of operation Majority and minority current components Emitter injection efficiency Base transport factor Current transfer ratio Current amplification factor Amplification and switching Base width modulation Avalanche Breakdown Base resistance and emitter crowding Field Effect Transistor Basic JFET operation pinch off and saturation Transconductance and amplification factor V-I characteristics Transfer characteristics Basic principles of high frequency transistors Schottky transistors; Phototransistors

Module V (10 hours) Ideal MOS capacitor Energy band structure in depletion, accumulation and inversion modes, C-V characteristics Threshold voltage. MOSFETs Enhancement and depletion MOSFETs Current-voltage Transconductance Control of threshold voltage Basic principles of CMOS. Tunnel diodes pnpn diodes Introduction to SCR and IGBT. Reference Books 1. B. G. Streetman, S. K. Banerjee, Solid State Electronic Devices, 6th ed., PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2010. 2. D. A. Neamen, Semiconductor Physics and Devices, 3rd ed., Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2010. 3. M. S. Tyagi, Introduction to Semiconductor Materials and Devices, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2008. 4. J. Millman, C. C. Halkias, S. Jit, Electronic Devices and Circuits, 3rd ed., Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2010. 5. M. K. Achuthan, K. N. Bhat, Fundamentals of Semiconductor Devices, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2010. 6. V. Suresh Babu, Solid State Devices and Technology, 3rd ed., Pearson Education, 2010. relationship

AI010 305: ANALOG CIRCUITS I Teaching Scheme : L T P:3 1 0 Credits : 4

Objectives: To understand applications of diodes and transistors To understand working of MOSFET To provide an insight into the working, analysis and design of basic analog circuits using BJT and MOSFET

Module I (10) RC Circuits: Response of high pass and low pass RC circuits to sine wave, step, pulse and square wave inputs, Tilt, Rise time. Differentiator, Integrator. Small signal diode model for low and high frequencies, clipping and clamping circuits. Analysis of half wave, full wave and bridge rectifiers. Analysis of L, C, LC & filters. Zener voltage regulator, transistor series (with feedback) and shunt voltage regulators, short circuit and fold back protection. Module II (14) DC analysis of BJTs - BJT as amplifier. Small signal equivalent circuits (Low frequency and h models only). Transistor Biasing circuits, Stability factors, Thermal runaway. Small signal analysis of CE, CB, CC configurations using approximate hybrid model (gain, input and output impedance) Module III (12) MOSFET I-V relation, load lines, small signal parameters, small signal equivalent circuits, body effect. Biasing of MOSFETs amplifiers. Analysis of single stage discrete MOSFET amplifiers small signal voltage and current gain, input and output impedance of Basic Common Source amplifier, Common Source amplifier with and without source bypass capacitor, Source follower amplifier, Common Gate amplifier. Module IV (12) High frequency equivalent circuits of BJTs, MOSFETs, Miller effect, short circuit current gain, s-domain analysis, amplifier transfer function. Analysis of high frequency response of CE, CB, CC and CS, CG, CD amplifiers. Module V (12) Power amplifiers: Class A, B, AB and C circuits - efficiency and distortion. Biasing of class AB circuits. Transformer less power amplifiers. Feed back amplifiers - Properties of negative feed back. The four basic feed back topologiesSeries-shunt, series-series, shunt-shunt, shunt-series. Analysis and design of discrete circuits in each feedback topology - Voltage, Current, Trans conductance and Trans resistance amplifiers, loop gain, input and output impedance. Stability of feedback circuits. References: 1. Sedra and Smith: Microelectronic Circuits, 4/e, Oxford University Press 1998.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

B. Razavi , Fundamentals of Microelectronics, Wiley Donald A Neamen. : Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design, 3/e, TMH. Millman and Halkias: Integrated Electronics, TMH, 2004.

Spencer & Ghausi: Introduction to Electronic Circuit Design, Pearson Education, 2003. Roger T. Howe, Charles G. Sodini: Microelectronics: An Integrated Approach, Pearson Education, 1997. 7. R E Boylstead and L Nashelsky: Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 9/e, Pearson Education

AI010 306 COMPUTER PROGRAMMING Teaching Scheme L T P : 3 1 0 4 credits


To develop the programming skill using C

Module 1 (12 hrs) Problem solving with digital Computer - Steps in Computer programming - Features of a good program, Algorithms Flowchart. Introduction to C: C fundamentals - The character set - identifiers and keywords - Data types constants - variables and arrays - declarations - expressions - statements - symbolic constantsarithmetic operators - Relational and Logical operators - The conditional operator - Library functions - Data input and output - getchar putchar, scanf, printf - gets and puts functions interactive programming. Module 2 (12 hrs) Control Statements: While - do while - for - nested loops -if else switch- break - continue - The comma operator - go to statement, Functions - a brief overview - defining a function - accessing a function - passing arguments to a function - specifying argument - data types - function prototypes Recursion. Module 3 (12 hrs) Program structure: storage classes - Automatic variables - external variables - multi file programs. Arrays: defining an array - processing an array - passing arrays in a function multi dimensional arrays - array and strings. Structures and unions: defining a structure - processing a structure - user defined data types - passing structure to a function self referential structures - unions. Module 4 (12hrs) Pointers: Fundamentals - pointer declaration - passing pointers to a function - pointers and one dimensional arrays - operations on pointers - pointers and multi dimensional arrays passing functions to other functions. Module 5 (12 hrs) Data files: Opening and closing of a data file - creating a data file - processing a data file, low level programming - register variables bit wise operation - bit fields - enumeration - command line parameters - macros - the C pre-processor. References 1. 2. 3. Byron Gottfried, Programming with C, Schaums Outlines ,Tata Mc.Graw Hill. Kernighan & Ritchie , The C programming language:, PHI. Venkateshmurthy , Programming Techniques through C:, Pearson Education.

4. 5. 6. 7.

Al Kelley, Ira Pohl , A book on C , Pearson Education. Balaguruswamy , Programming in C , Tata Mc Graw Hill. Ashok N Kanthane , Programming with ANSI and Turbo C, Pearson Education. Stephen C. Kochan , Programming in C , CBS publishers.


L-T-P : 0-0-3 ` Credits: 2

Objectives To provide experience on design, testing, and analysis of few basic electronic circuits using BJT and MOSFET. To provide experience on electronic circuit simulation software like SPICE .

1. Characteristics of Diodes & Zener diodes. 2. Characteristics of Transistors (CE & CB). 3. Characteristics of MOSFET. 4. Frequency responses of RC Low pass and high pass filters. RC Integrating and Differentiating circuits.

5. Rectifiers-half wave, full wave, Bridge with and without filter- ripple factor and regulation.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Clipping and clamping circuits. Zener Regulator with & without emitter follower. RC Coupled CE amplifier - frequency response characteristics. MOSFET amplifier (CS) - frequency response characteristics. Feedback amplifiers (current series, voltage series) - Gain and frequency response Power amplifiers (transformer less), Class B and Class AB.

Introduction to SPICE Models of resistor, capacitor, inductor, energy sources (VCVS, CCVS, Sinusoidal source, pulse, etc) and transformer. Models of DIODE, BJT, FET, MOSFET, etc.. Simulation of following circuits using spice (Schematic entry of circuits using standard packages). Analysis- (transient, AC, DC, etc.): 1. Potential divider. 2. Integrator & Differentiator (I/P PULSE) Frequency response of RC circuits. 3. Diode Characteristics. 4. BJT Characteristics. 5. FET Characteristics. 6. MOS characteristics. 7. Full wave rectifiers (Transient analysis) including filter circuits. 8. Voltage Regulators. 9. Sweep Circuits. 10. RC Coupled amplifiers - Transient analysis and Frequency response. 11. FET & MOSFET amplifiers.


Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Credits: 2

Objectives To familiarize with computer hardware, operating systems and commonly used software packages To learn computer programming and debugging

Part 1 1. Computer hardware familiarization. 2. Familiarization/installation of common operating systems and application software. Part 2 Programming Experiments in C/C++: Programming experiments in C/C++ to cover control structures, functions, arrays, structures, pointers and files.

EN010401 Engineering Mathematics III

(Common to all branches)

Teaching scheme
2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives: Apply standard methods of mathematical &statistical analysis

Credits: 4


Fourier series

( 12 hours)

Dirichlet conditions Fourier series with period 2 and 2l Half range sine and cosine series Harmonic Analysis r.m.s Value MODULE 2 Fourier Transform ( 12 hours)

Statement of Fourier integral theorem Fourier transforms derivative of transforms- convolution theorem (no proof) Parsevals identity MODULE 3 Partial differential equations ( 12 hours)

Formation by eliminating arbitrary constants and arbitrary functions solution of Lagranges equation Charpits method solution of Homogeneous partical differential equations with constant coefficients MODULE 4 Probability distribution ( 12 hours)

Concept of random variable , probability distribution Bernoullis trial Discrete distribution Binomial distribution its mean and variance- fitting of Binominal distribution Poisson distribution as a limiting case of Binominal distribution its mean and variance fitting of Poisson distribution continuous distribution- Uniform distribution exponential distribution its mean and variance Normal distribution Standard normal curve- its properties MODULE 5 Testing of hypothesis ( 12 hours)

Populations and Samples Hypothesis level of significance type I and type II error Large samples tests test of significance for single proportion, difference of proportion, single mean, difference of mean chi square test for variance- F test for equality of variances for small samples References 1. Bali& Iyengar A text books of Engg. Mathematics Laxmi Publications Ltd. 2. M.K. Venkataraman Engg. Mathematics vol II 3rd year part A & B National Publishing Co. 3. I.N. Sneddon Elements of partial differential equations Mc Graw Hill 4. B.V. Ramana Higher Engg. Mathematics Mc Graw Hill 5. Richard A Johnson Miller Freads probability & Statistics for Engineers- Pearson/ PHI

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

T. Veerarajan Engg. Mathematics Mc Graw Hill G. Haribaskaran Probability, Queueing theory and reliability Engg. Laxmi Publications V. Sundarapandian - probability ,Statistics and Queueing theory PHI H.C.Taneja Advanced Engg. Mathematics Vol II I.K.International A.K.Mukhopadhyay-Mathematical Methods For Engineers and Physicists-I.K.International

Mahatma Gandhi University

EN010 402(ME): Principles of Management

(Common to CE, ME, PO, EC, AI, IT)
Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives Credits: 4

To develop an understanding of different functional areas of management. To understand the functions and duties an individual should perform in an organisation.

Module I (12 hours) Management Concepts: Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives of management-MBOScientific management- Functions of management- Planning- Organizing- StaffingDirecting- Motivating- Communicating- Coordinating- Controlling- Authority and Responsibility- Delegation- Span of control- Organizational structure- Line, Line and staff and Functional relationship. Module II (12 hours) Personnel Management: Definition and concept- Objectives of personnel managementManpower planning- Recruitment and Selection of manpower- Training and development of manpower- Labour welfare- Labour turnover- Quality circle- Industrial fatigue- Industrial disputes-Method of settling disputes- Trade unions. Module III (12 hours) Production management: Objectives and scope of production management- Functions of production department- production management frame work- product life cycle-Types of production- Production procedure- Project planning with CPM and PERT- Basic concepts in network. Module IV (12 hours) Financial Management: Objectives and Functions of Financial Management- Types of Capital- Factors affecting working capital- Methods of financing. Cost Management: Elements of cost- Components of cost- Selling Price of a product. Module V (12 hours) Sales and Marketing Management: Sales management- Concept- Functions of sales department- Duties of sales engineer- Selling concept and Marketing concept- MarketingDefinition and principles of marketing- Marketing management and its functions- Sales forecasting- Pricing- Advertising- Sales promotion- Channels of distribution- Market research. Text Books 1. Koontz and Weihrich, Essentials of Management, Tata McGraw Hill. 2. Mahajan M., Industrial Engineering and Production Management, Dhanpat Rai and Co. 3. Kemthose and Deepak, Industrial Engineering an Management, Prentice Hall of India. Reference Books 1. Martand Telsang, Industrial Engineering and Production Management. 2. Khanna O.P., Industrial Engineering and Management, Dhanpat Rai and Co. 3. Philip Kotler, Marketing Management, Prentice Hall of India. 4. Sharma S. C. & Banga T. R., Industrial Organisation and Engineering Economics, Khanna Publishers. 5. Prasanna Chandra, Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill.
Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering

AI010 403 Signals and Systems

(Common to EC010 403, EI010 403) Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week Objectives Credits: 4

To study the methods of analysis of continuous time and discrete time signals and systems to serve as a foundation for further study on communication, signal processing and control

Module I (12 hrs)

Classification of signals: Continuous time and Discrete time, Even and Odd , Periodic and Nonperiodic , Energy and Power Basic operations on signals: Operations performed on the dependent variable , operations on the independent variable: Shifting , Scaling Elementary Discrete time and Continuous time signals: Exponential , Sinusoidal , Step , Impulse , Ramp Systems: Properties of Systems: Stability, Memory, Causality, Invertibility, Time invariance, Linearity LTI Systems: Representation of Signals in terms of impulses Impulse response Convolution sum and Convolution integral Cascade and Parallel interconnections Memory, Invertibility, Causality and Stability of LTI systems Step response of LTI systems Systems described by differential and difference equations (solution by conventional methods not required) Module II (12 hrs)

Fourier analysis for continuous time signals and systems: Representation of periodic signals: Continuous Time Fourier Series convergence of Fourier series Gibbs phenomenon Representation of aperiodic signals: Continuous Time Fourier Transform The Fourier Transform for periodic signals Properties of Fourier representations Frequency Response of systems characterized by linear constant coefficient differential equations Module III (12 hrs)

Fourier analysis for discrete time signals and systems: : Representation of periodic signals: Discrete Time Fourier Series Representation of aperiodic signals: Discrete Time Fourier Transform The Fourier Transform for periodic signals Properties of Fourier representations Frequency Response of systems characterized by linear constant coefficient difference equations Module IV (12 hrs)

Filtering: Frequency domain characteristics of ideal filters Time domain characteristics of ideal LPF Non-ideal filters First and Second order filters described by differential and difference equations Approximating functions: Butterworth, Chebyshev and elliptic filters (Magnitude response only)

Sampling: The sampling theorem Reconstruction of a signal from its samples using interpolation Aliasing

Module V (12 hrs)

Bilateral Laplace Transform ROC Inverse Geometric evaluation of the Fourier transform from pole-zero plot Analysis and characterization of LTI systems using Laplace Transform The Z Transform ROC Inverse Geometric evaluation of the Fourier Transform from pole-zero plot Properties of Z transform - Analysis and characterization of LTI systems using Z-Transform References: 1) 2) 3) 4) A V Oppenheim, A S Willsky and S H Nawab, Signals and Systems, PHI S Haykin, and B V Veen, Signals and Systems, Wiley B P Lathi, Signal Processing and Linear Systems, OUP E W Kamen, and B Heck, Fundamentals of Signals and Systems using the web and Matlab, Pearson 5) Luis F Chaparro , Signals and Systems Using MATLAB, Elsevier 6) R E Ziemer, and W H Tranter, Signals and Systems, Pearson. 7) R A Gabel and R A Roberts, Signals and Linear Systems, Wiley


(Common to EC010 404,EI010 404)
Teaching scheme L T P :3 1 0 Credits: 4

Objectives To Work with a variety of number systems and numeric representations, including signed and unsigned binary, hexadecimal, 2s complement. To introduce basic postulates of Boolean algebra and show the correlation between Boolean expression. To introduce the methods for simplifying Boolean expressions. To outline the formal procedures for the analysis and design of combinational circuits and sequential circuits.

Module I (12hours) Positional Number System: Binary, Octal, Decimal, Hexadecimal number system, Number base conversions, complements - signed magnitude binary numbers - Binary Arithmetic- addition, subtraction - Binary codes- Weighted, BCD, 8421, Gray code, Excess 3 code, ASCII, Error detecting and correcting code, parity, hamming code. Boolean postulates and laws with proof, De-Morgans Theorems, Principle of Duality, Minimization of Boolean expressions, Sum of Products (SOP), Product of Sums (POS), Canonical forms, Karnaugh map Minimization, Dont care conditions Module II (12 hours) Digital Circuits: Positive and Negative logic, Transistor transistor logic, TTL with totem pole, open collector and tri state output, Emitter coupled logic basic ECL inverter, NMOS NOR gate, CMOS inverter, NAND and NOR, Gate performance parameters fan in, fan out, propagation delay, noise margin, power dissipation for each logic, characteristics of TTL and CMOS, subfamilies of TTL and CMOS. Module III (12 hours) Introduction to Combinational Circuits: Basic logic gates, Universal gates, Realization of Boolean functions using universal gates, Realization of combinational functions: addition half and full adder n bit adder carry look ahead adder, subtraction, comparison, code conversion, and decoder, encoder, multiplexer, demultiplexer, parity checkers, and parity generator. Introduction to Sequential Circuits: latches, timing, Flip Flops, types, characteristic equations, excitation tables, Realization of one flip flop using other flip flops. Module IV (12 hours) Application of flip flops as bounce elimination switch, register, counter and RAM, Binary ripple counter, synchronous binary counter, Design of modulo n synchronous counter, up/down counters, Shift registers SISO, SIPO, PISO, PIPO, bidirectional shift register and universal register, counters based on shift registers Module V (12 hours) Hazards in combinational circuits: Static hazard, dynamic hazard, essential hazards, hazard free combinational circuits.

Introduction to programmable logic devices: PLA- block diagram, PAL block diagram, registered PAL, Configurable PAL, GAL - architecture, CPLD classification internal architecture, FPGA - architecture, ASIC categories , full custom and semi custom.
Reference Books 1. Donald D Givone, Digital Principles and Design, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003. 2. G K Kharate, Digital Electronics, Oxford university press, 2010 th 3. Ronald J Tocci, Digital Systems, Pearson Education, 10 edition 2009. 4. Thomas L Floyd, Digital Fundamentals, Pearson Education, 8th edition, 2003. 5. Donald P Leach, Albert Paul Malvino, Digital Principles and Applications, Tata McGraw Hill 6th edition, 2006. 6. Charles H.Roth, Fundamentals of Logic Design, Thomson Publication Company 5th edition, 2004. 7. Milos Ercegovac, Introduction to Digital Systems, Wiley India, 2010 8. Moris mano, Digital Design, PHI, 3rd edition, 2002. 9. Anada kumar, Fundamentals of Digital Circuits, PHI, 2008. 10. Brain Holdesworth, Digital Logic Design, Elsevier, 4th edition, 2002.

AI010 405 SIGNAL COMMUNICATION Credits: 4 3+1+0 Objectives: Familiarize the students with theoretical aspects of signal communication. Generate awareness in students about practical issues. Give the students an application sense. Module 1 An overview of electronic communication systems: block diagram of communication system, analogue versus digital, modulation multiplexing. Basic concepts of signals: signal, signal characteristics. Basic concepts of telemetry: signal transmission over wires using voltage, current and frequency issues related to long distance transmission: signal attenuation, phase delays need for wireless telemetry types of modulations used (only introduction, details in another module). Module 2 Basic concepts of noise:, noise, noise spectrum, noise figure and noise temperature; Bandwidth requirements, effect of limiting bandwidth; signal attenuation and transmission distance; considerations of filter selection for suppression of noise: bandwidth, amplitude response, phase response. Emi and related issues: grounding shielding twisted pair twisted shielded pair ground loop guarding techniques. Module 3 Introduction to digital communication: components of digital transmission system advantages of digital transmission analogue and discrete sinusoids A/D conversion sampling sampling theorem- sampling in practical situations involving a range of frequencies and noise aliasing error - filter order to minimize aliasing error - D/A conversion channel capacity; Pulse Modulation concept and basic scheme: PAM, PWM, PPM, PCM, Delta modulation. FDM and telemetry- IRIG standards for telemetry. Module 4 Introduction to fibre optic communication: Light propagation in glass fibres; optical communication system: system components, transmitters fibre channel light detectors; transmitter concepts: sources, optical switches, modulation; optical fibres: step index fibre, graded index fibre, single mode and multi mode fibres fibre power loss terms; channel multiplexing: TDM, FDM: modulation formats; optical receivers: detectors, optical isolators.

Module 5 Introduction to satellite communication: basic concepts: satellite orbits, block diagram of satellite communication system, transponders, up linking, down linking, satellite system parameters, satellite system link equation and link budget, frequency bands for satellite communication.

References: 1. Wayne Tomasi, Advanced Electronic Communication Systems, PHI. 2. NIIT, Communication System, PHI. 3. K.N. Hari Bhatt, Analogue Communication, Sanguine Technical Publishers. 4. Gautam Saha, Principles of Communication System, Tata McGraw Hill. 5. David Bailey, Edwin Wright, Practical Fibre Optics, Elsevier Publications. 6. Govind P. Agrawal, Fibre Optic Communication system, John Wiley 7. Joseph C. Palais, Fibre Optic Communication, P Education. 8. D. Patranabis, Telemetry Principle, Tata McGraw Hill. 9. Cardon, Frank, Telemetry System Design, ARTEC.

AI010 406 : ANALOG CIRCUITS II (Common to EC010 406)

Teaching Scheme : 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week. Objectives: To understand differential amplifiers using BJT and MOSFET To understand operational amplifier and its applications. Module I (12)

Credits : 4

Differential Amplifiers - BJT differential pair, large signal and small signal analysis of differential amplifiers, Input resistance, voltage gain, CMRR, non ideal characteristics of differential amplifier. Frequency response of differential amplifiers. MOS differential amplifiers, Current sources, Active load, cascode load, current mirror circuits, Wilson current mirror circuits. Small signal equivalent circuits, multistage differential amplifiers. Module II (12) Simplified internal circuit of 741 op-amp. DC analysis, Gain and frequency response. MOS Operational Amplifiers, single stage- cascode and folded cascode, two stage op-amp, op-amp with output buffer, frequency compensation and slew rate in two stage Op-amps. Ideal opamp parameters, Non ideal op-amp. Effect of finite open loop gain, bandwidth and slew rate on circuit performance. Module III (12) Opamp applications: Inverting and non-inverting amplifier, summing amplifier, integrator, differentiator, Differential amplifiers, Instrumentation amplifiers, V to I and I to V converters, Comparators, Schmitt Trigger, Square and triangular waveform generator, Oscillators RC Phase-shift and Wein-Bridge, Multivibrators Astable and Monostable, Precision rectifiers, Programmable gain Amplifier Module IV (12) Filters: Ist order Low pass, high pass and all pass filters - Bandpass and band elimination filters Biquadratic filters (single op-amp with finite gain non inverting Sallen-Key of Low pass, High pass, Band pass and Band elimination filters. Switched capacitor Resistor, switched capacitor Integrator, Ist order SC filter Module V (12) D/A converters: DAC characteristics- resolution, output input equations, weighted resistor, R-2R network. A/D converter: ADC characteristics, Types - Dual slope, Counter ramp, Successive approximation, flash ADC, oversampling and delta sigma ADC. Waveform generators grounded capacitor VCO and emitter coupled VCO. Basic PLL topology and principle, transient response of PLL, Linear model of PLL, Major building blocks of PLL analog and digital phase detector, VCO, filter. Applications of PLL. Monolithic PLL - IC LM565 and CD4046 CMOS PLL. 555 Timer Astable Multi vibrator and Monostable Multi vibrator using 555.

References: 1. Sergio Franco: Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits, 3/e,TMH. 2. Behzad Razavi : Design of Analog CMOS IC, TMH, 2003. 3. Gayakwad : Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits , 4/e, PHI. 4. David A.Johns, Ken Martin: Analog Integrated Circuit Design, Wiley India, 2008 5. Gray, Hurst, Lewis and Meyer Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits, Wiley 6. Baker R Jacob: CMOS Circuit Design, Layout and Simulation, PHI,2005

AI010 407 ANALOG CIRCUITS-II LAB (Common to EC010 407)

L-T-P : 0-0-3 ` Credits: 2

Objectives To provide experience on design, testing, and analysis of few electronic circuits. To provide experience on design ,testing and analysis of op-amp circuits .

1. Differential amplifiers (using BJT and MOSFETs) - Measurement of CMRR 2. Cascade amplifiers - Frequency response. 3. Cascode amplifiers (using BJT and MOSFETs) - Frequency response. 4. Familiarization of Operational amplifiers- Inverting and Non inverting amplifiers, frequency response, Adder, Integrator, comparator and voltage level detector. 5. Measurement of Op-Amp. parameters. 6. Difference Amplifier and Instrumentation amplifier. 7. Astable, Monostable and Schmitt trigger circuit using Op -Amps. 8. Triangular and square wave generators using Op- Amplifier. 9. Wien bridge oscillator using op-amplifier with amplitude stabilization and amplitude control, RC Phase shift Oscillator. 10. Study of 555 and Astable, Monostable multivibrator using 555. 11. Active second order filters using Op-Amp (LPF, HPF, BPF and BSF) 12. . A/D converters- counter ramp and flash type. 13. D/A Converters- ladder circuit.

AI010 408(P) DIGITAL IC LAB (Common to IC010 408(P)) Credits 2 0+0+3 Objectives: To familiarize the application of Digital ICs To equip the students with the design of digital circuits. To introduce the basic concept of digital system design.

1. TTL and CMOS characteristics. 2. Interfacing of TTL and electromagnetic relay using transistor, optocoupler (4N33) and Darlington Arrays ULN 2803 3. Logic family Inter connection [TTL to CMOS and CMOS to TTL] 4. Design of Half Adder and Full Adder using Gates. 5. Design and testing of ripple and synchronous counter. 6. Johnson and Ring Counter using Shift registers. 7. Study of counter using (a) flip-flop (b) ICs[7490,7493,74910] 8. Design of Astable and Monostable Multivibrators using (a) Gates (b) 555 9. Study of ADC [at least one] 10. Study of Multiplexer, Demultiplexer, Decoder and Encoder. 11. Study of Adders/ Subtractors using ICs. 12. Study of 7 segment display circuit static/dynamic.[7447, FND542] 13. Static RAM 14. Sequence Detector circuit.[ Mealy, Moore] 15. Simulation using VHDL [Internal Valuation Only].-Logic Gates, Decoders, Encoders, Half Adders, Full Adders, Flip flops, counters.



(Common to all branches except CS & IT)

Teaching scheme
2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week

Credits: 4

Objectives: Use basic numerical techniques to solve problems and provide scientific techniques to decision making problems. MODULE 1 Function of Complex variable (12 hours)

Analytic functions Derivation of C.R. equations in cartision co-ordinates harmonic and orthogonal properties construction of analytic function given real or imaginary parts complex potential conformal mapping of z2 , - Bilinear transformation cross ratio invariant property (no proof) (12 hours)

simple problems MODULE 2 Complex integration

Line integral Cauchys integral theorem Cauchys integral formula Taylors series- Laurents series Zeros and singularities types of singularities Residues Residue theorem evaluation of real integrals in unit circle contour integral in semi circle when poles lie on imaginary axis. MODULE 3 Numerical solution of algebraic and transcendental equations (10 hours)

Successive bisection method Regula falsi method Newton Raphson method - Secant method solution of system of linear equation by Gauss Seidel method MODULE 4 Numerical solution of Ordinary differential equations ( 10 hours)

Taylors series method Eulers method modified Eulers method Runge Kutta method (IV order) Milnes predictor corrector method MODULE 5 Linear programming problem (16 hours)

Definition of L.P.P., solution, optimal solution, degenerate solution graphical solution solution using simplex method (non degenerate case only) Big -M method Duality in L.P.P. Transportation problem Balanced T.P. initial solution using Vogels approximation method - modi method (non degenerate case only)

References 1. B.V. Ramana Higher Engg. Mathematics Mc Graw Hill 2. M.R.Spicgel , S.Lipschutz , John J. Schiller, D.Spellman Complex variables, schanms outline series - Mc Graw Hill 3. S.Bathul text book of Engg.Mathematics Special functions and complex variables PHI 4. B.S. Grewal Numerical methods in Engg. and science - Khanna Publishers 5. Dr.M.K Venkataraman- Numerical methods in science and Engg -National publishing co

6. 7. 8. 9.

S.S Sastry - Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis -PHI P.K.Gupta and D.S. Hira Operations Research S.Chand Panneer Selvam Operations Research PHI H.C.Taneja Advanced Engg. Mathematics Vol II I.K.International

AI010 502 INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS AND APPLICATIONS (Common to EI010 502, IC010 502) Teaching scheme
3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives 1) 2) 3) To give the fundamental concept of Power semiconductor devices To get an adequate knowledge about converters and inverters. To get an exposure in control circuits for power electronics Credits: 4

Module 1 Power semiconductor Devices-ratings and specification -Power diodes power transistor power MOSFET - characteristics of SCR, TriacIGBT MCT LASCR SCR turn on, turn off characteristics thyristor protection circuits series and parallel operations of SCR- Thyristor trigger circuits R ,RL,RC triggering. Module 2 AC to DC converters single phase three phase half controlled and fully controlled rectifiers free wheeling diodes -free wheeling effect - effect of source and load inductance power factor improvement methods for phase controlled rectifiers- PWM chips:SG3524 and TL 494- dual converters cyclo converters. Module 3 Inverters and voltage source inverters series, parallel and bridge inverters current source inverters PWM inverters D.C. chopper step up and step down chopper AC chopper: AC converters: uninterrupted power supply (UPS) ( circuit diagram approach), rectifier inverter static transfer switch. DC to DC converters: choppers: SMPS, battery charger circuits Module 4 D.C Motor control: phase control, Single phase SCR drive Three phase SCR drive speed control of dc series motor Chopper controlled dc drives PLL control of dc motor, A.C. Motor control : controlled slip system slip power recovery system stepper motor drive - synchronous motor control. Module 5

Control circuits for power electronics: basic schemes for pulse generation using analog and digital ICs. Single, double and four quadrant systems. Series and parallel operations of thyristor, cable firing, isolation etc. Text Books 1. 2 P.S.Bimbhra, Power Electronics, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2002 G.K.Dubey, Doradia, S.R. Joshi and R.M.Sinha, Thyristorised Power Controllers, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 1996.

References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. M.H.Rashid, Power Electronics circuits, devices and applications, PHI, New Delhi, 1995. Joseph Vithyathi, Power Electronics, McGraw Hill, USA, 1995. Mohan, Undeland and Robbins, Power Electronics, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1995. P.C.Sen, Modern Power Electronics, Wheeler publishers, New Delhi, 1998 M.D.Singh, K.B. Khanchandani: Power Electronics, TMH, 1998

AI010 503 BASIC INSTRUMENTATION & RECORDING SYSTEM Credits: 4 3+1+0 Objectives: To help the students to 1. have knowledge of the basics of instrumentation, 2. have an exposure to different types of bridge measurements, recorders and meters Module 1 Generalized configuration of Instrumentation system- Definition of measurement parameters Calibration - Static and dynamic characteristics- Standards of measurements-Measurements errors- Accuracy-Precision- Sensitivity- Resolution, Significant figures . Module 2 Bridge measurement: Wheatstone, Kelvin, Wien, Hay, Maxell, Anderson and Schering bridges; Q meter Potential transformer - current transformers KVA meters Power factor meter Megger. Module 3 DC and AC voltmeters, differential voltmeters, AC current measurements multimeters vector impedance meter - power meter: Wave analyzer harmonic distortion analyzer spectrum analyzer. Module 4 Digital instruments: Digital voltmeter - dual slope- successive approximation types; Digital measurement of time interval, phase, period, frequency, ratio of two Frequencies; Digital LCR meter; Digital alpha numeric display. Module 5 General purpose oscilloscope : CRT screen characteristics vertical and horizontal amplifiers delay line time base and sweep trigger circuits synchronization- typical measurements using CRO ; Sampling oscilloscope ; digital storage oscilloscope ; Recorders: moving coil recorders - XY plotters - UV recorders- Thermal recording. Text Book: 1. Doeblin, Measurement Systems-Application and Design, Mc Graw Hill, N.Y.1990. 2. Cooper, W.D., and Helfrick, A.D., Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques, Third Edition, Prentice Hall of India, 1991 3. D.A.Bell, Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1994 4. Kalsi, G.C., Electronic Instrumentation TMH, 1998.

Reference Books: 1. Sawhney, K.A., A Course in Electrical & Electronics Measurement & Instrumentation, Dhanpat Rai & Sons. 2. Cidwell, W., Electrical Instruments and Measurements, TMH, 1969. 3. Woolvert, G.A., Transducers in Digital Systems, Peter peregrinvs Ltd., England, 1988. 4. Bouwens, A.J., Digital Instrumentation, McGraw Hill, 1986.

AI010 504 DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM Credits 4 3+1+0 Objectives: 1. To help students get an awareness of modern data acquisition systems. 2. To help students understand different types of sensors / transducers. 3. To help students understand the elements of data acquisition system, and their selection. 4. To help students understand how to do error budgeting.

Module 1 An overview of data acquisition systems: Need for data acquisition - types of signals and signal information - advantage of handling digital data in comparison with analogue data; simplified block diagram: elements of a typical data acquisition system. Module 2 Sensors: response parameters selection criteria including functional specifications, environmental specifications and physical specifications resistive, capacitive, and inductive sensors; temperature sensors; position sensors, displacement sensors, speed sensors; force sensors pressure sensors; vibration sensors, acceleration sensors; proximity sensors; flow sensors, flow-rate sensors; liquid-level sensors, humidity sensors. Module 3 Signal conditioning units: functions including gain, excitation for sensors, linearization and filtering single-ended and differential measurements - charge to voltage conversion programmability of gain selection of filters based on amplitude response and phase response requirements shielding and guarding Module 4 Analogue to digital and digital to analogue converters: need for A/D converters sampling rate and aliasing error- anti aliasing filter requirements - error estimation considering filter order - principle and features of digital ramp ADC, successive approximation ADC, flash ADC. Module 5 Multiplexing and demultiplexing: basic concepts of time division multiplexing of analogue and digital data: conventional time division multiplexing, bit interleaved and byte interleaved multiplexing. Error budgeting and apportioning: rss error rms error system error estimate error budgeting and apportioning total error among system elements. Text Books:

1. Joseph J. Carr, Data acquisition and control: microcomputer applications for scientists and engineers, Tab Professional and Reference Books. 2. V.U.Bakshi U.A.Bakshi, Measurements And Instrumentation, Technical Publications. References: 3. H. Rosemary Taylor, Data Acquisition for Sensor Systems, Chapman & Hall. 4. John Park, Steve Mackay, Data Acquisition for Instrumentation and Control Systems; Elsevier 5. Paul Horowitz and Hill, The Art of Electronics, Cambridge.

AI010 505 CONTROL ENGINEERING I (Common to EI010 505)

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives 1) To give the fundamental concept of the analysis and design techniques of control systems by transfer function approach. 2) To get an adequate knowledge in the time response of systems and steady state error analysis. 3) To learn the concept of stability of control system and methods of stability analysis. 4) To study the three ways of designing compensation for a control system. 5) To get an exposure to MAT lab programs for control system analysis. Module 1 (12 Hours) System modeling - Transfer function approach : Introduction to control system Classification of control systems. Principles of automatic control- Feed back systems Practical examples Transfer function Transfer function of electrical, mechanical and electromechanical system Block diagram Signal flow graph Masons gain formula. Module 2 (12 Hours) Time domain analysis : Standard test signals - Response of systems to standard test signals Step response of second order systems in detail Time domain specifications Steady state response Steady state error- Static & Dynamic error coefficients- MAT lab programs for time domain analysis. Module 3 (12 Hours) Stability of linear systems in time domain Rouths criterion of stability. Root locus Construction of root locus Effect of addition of poles and zeros on root locus-MAT lab programs for stability analysis. Module 4 (12 Hours) Frequency domain analysis : Frequency response Frequency domain specifications Stability in the frequency domain Nyquist stability criterion Stability from polar and Bode plots - Relative stability Gain margin and phase margin M & N circles Nichols chart MAT lab programs for frequency domain analysis. Module 5 (12 Hours) Design of compensators:

Introduction to design compensation techniques Lead, Lag and Lead -Lag compensation using RC network --Design of Lead, Lag and Lead-Lag compensators using bode plots.

References 1. Modern control engineering Katsuhiko Ogata, Pearson Edn. 2. Control systems principles and design: M. Gopal, TMH. 3. Automatic control system B.C. Kuo, PHI. 4. Control system design: Graham C Goodwin, PHI. 5. Modern Control Systems: Dorf, Pearson Education.

AI010 506 Microprocessors and microcontrollers (Common to EI010 506, IC010 506)

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Credits: 4

Objectives 1. To Create an exposure to basic microprocessors, peripherals and its programming. 2. To impart the basic concepts of advanced microprocessors. 3. To have an adequate knowledge in 8-bit microcontrollers. 4. To provide the basic concepts of programming in 8051. 5. To provide basic knowledge in RISC. Module 1 Introduction to microprocessors and microcomputers: Function of microprocessorsarchitecture of 8085. Intel 8086 Microprocessor - Internal architecture Block diagram 8086 memory organization even and odd memory banks segment registers logical and physical address. Minimum and maximum mode operation Interrupt and Interrupt applications peripheralsprogrammable DMA controller-8257 8087 math coprocessorProgrammable interrupt controller-8259 Module 2 Addressing modes used in 80x86 family - Data addressing modes, Program memory addressing modes, Stack memory addressing modes. Instruction sets of 8086programming. Architectures of Intel 80286 Microprocessor, 80386 Microprocessor Advanced Intel Microprocessors 80486 Pentium. Module 3 Atmel AT89C51 microcontroller features - pin configurations - internal block Schematic. Port structures .Idle & power down mode - power control register program protection modes flash programming & verification. Memory organization - program memory - data memory .Program status word registers banks. External program & data memory timing diagrams- I/O port timings and operation Direct & indirect addressing area - Addressing modes. Module 4 8051 Programming-Machine cycle-Instruction set arithmetic - logical and data transfer instructions Boolean instructions - program branching instructions Programming examples Timer0 & Timer1 - TMOD SFR - mode0, mode1, mode2, mode3 TCON-Programming examples.

Module 5 Serial interface - SCON SFR - mode0, mode1, mode2, mode3- block schematics baud rates- power on reset circuit- ONCE mode- on chip oscillator interrupts - interrupt sources - interrupt enable register -interrupt priority - interrupt control system interrupt handling ,single step operation. Programming examples Introduction to RISC processors-Microchip PIC16 family PIC16F873 processor features architecture

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

The 8051 Microcontroller: Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Pearson Education. The 8051 Microcontroller: Kenneth J Ayala, Penram International Microprocessors and Architecture: Ramesh S Goankar Microcomputers and Microprocessors: John Uffenbeck, PHI Web site of Atmel - The Microprocessors 6th Edition Barry B. Brey Pearson Edu. Microprocessor and Interfacing 2nd Edition Douglous V. Hall TMH The 80x 86 families John Uffenbeck Microchip semiconductor web site Design with PIC micro-controllers: John B Peatman, Pearson Education.

AI010 507(P) Industrial Electronics Lab 0+0+3 Credit : 2 Objectives: 1. To familiarise different power semiconductor devices. 2. To design the circuit for the devices. 3. To introduce power converters.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Study of V-I characteristic of SCRS, TRIAC. Study of BJT, IGBT, GTO & MOSFET. R, RC and UJT firing circuits for the control of SCRs. Design and implementation of Ramp-Comparator and digital firing scheme for simple SCR circuits. 5. Automatic lighting control with SCRs and optoelectronic components. 6. AC phase control using SCR and TRIAC. 7. Speed control of DC motor using choppers and converters. 8. Generation and study the PWM control signal for Single phase dc to ac inverter. 9. Study and use of the single phase half controlled & fully controlled AC to DC Converter and effect of firing angle control on load voltage & wave Forms. 10. Study and use of back to back connected SCR/ TRIAC Controlled AC Voltage controller and its wave forms with Variation of firing angle. 11. Study & use chopper circuit for the control of DC Voltage using (1) Pulse width control (2) Frequency Control. 12. Study of Single Phase inverter and its wave form. 13. Study of Three Phase firing circuit with synchronisation, and testing with three phase AC to DC bridge converter. Testing of wave forms of digital firing modules. 14. Study and Testing of a Three Phase bridge inverter with different types of loads. 15. Simulation of gating circuits and simple converter circuits.

AI010 508(P) MEASUREMENTS LAB 0+0+3 Credit : 2

Objectives: To familiarize signal conditioning circuits using Op-amps To familiarize various measuring devices To study various transducers and measurements 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Op-amp ADC & DAC. (2expts). Filters using Op-amps: determine frequency response and phase response. Instrumentation amplifier Determination of impact of filter on rise time and fall time of pulses. Characterisation of simple measuring instruments like ammeter and voltmeter. Measurement of resistance using Kelvins double bridge and Wheatstone bridge. Measurement of inductance using Maxwells bridge and Hays bridge. Measurement of capacitance using Schering bridge. Measurement using transducers: (i). Measurement of temperature using forward drop of diode. (ii). Measurement of displacement using LVDT. (iii). Evaluation of coefficients of thermocouple. (iv). Evaluation of coefficients of RTD. (v). Calibration of pressure transducer using dead weight calibrator.

AI010 601 PROCESS CONTROL INSTRUMENTATION (Common to EI010 601, IC010 601) Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

1. To study the basics of process control 2. To study about the various controller modes and methods of tuning of controllers 3. To give an idea about the construction , characteristics and applications of control valves 4. To have a case study of distillation column control. Module 1 (12 hours) Process Control System: Need for process control, classification of process variables, Process characteristics: Process equation, degrees of freedom, modeling of simple systems thermal, gas, liquid systems. Process lag, load disturbance and their effect on processes. Self-regulating processes, interacting and non interacting processes, Regulator and servo control. Piping and Instrumentation diagram- instrument terms and symbols. Module 2 (12 hours) Controller modes: Basic control action, two position (ON-OFF), multi-position, floating control modes. Continuous controller modes: Proportional, Integral, Derivative. Composite controller modes: P-I, P-D, P-I-D. response of controllers for different types of test inputs, electronic controllers to realize various control actions, selection of control mode for different processes, Integral wind-up and prevention. Auto/Manual transfer, Bumpless transfer. Module 3 (12 hours) Optimum Controller Settings: Controller tuning Methods- Process reaction curve method, Ziegler Nichols method, damped oscillation method, decay ratio. Evaluation criteria IAE, ISE, ITAE. Response of controllers for different test inputs. Selection of control modes for processes like level, pressure, temperature and flow. Module 4 (12 hours) Final control elements: I/P and P/I converter, Pneumatic and Electric actuators. Pneumatic control valves, classification, construction details (Globe, butterfly and ball valve types), various plug characteristics. Valve sizing, inherent and installed valve characteristics. Cavitation and flashing in control valves. Valve actuators and positioners. Selection of control valves. Module 5 (12 hours)

Advanced control schemes: Cascade control, ratio control, feed forward control, Adaptive and Inferential control, split range and averaging control. Multivariable process control, interaction of control loops. Case Studies: Steam boiler control of heat exchangers, drum level control and combustion. Distillation column Control of top and bottom product compositions Reflux ratio, control schemes in distillation column. Text Books: 1. 2. 3. 4. George Stephenopoulos: Chemical Process Control, Donald P. Eckman, Automatic Process Control Peter Harriot : Process Control,TMH,1985. D R Coughanowr: Process Systems Analysis and Control, McGraw Hill.

References: 1. 2. Patranabis D: Principles of Process Control, TMH, 1981. B.G Liptak, Process Control, Chilton Book Company.


Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week Objectives To study the fundamentals of discrete-time system analysis, digital filter design and the DFT Credits: 4

Module I (12 hrs)

Advantages of DSP Review of discrete time signals and systems Discrete time LTI systems Review of DTFT Existence Symmetry properties DTFT theorems Frequency responseReview of Z transform ROC Properties Sampling of Continuous time signals Frequency domain representation of sampling Aliasing - Reconstruction of the analog signal from its samples Discrete time processing of continuous time signals Impulse invariance Changing the sampling rate using discrete time processing Sampling rate reduction by an integer factor Compressor Time and frequency domain relations Sampling rate increase by an integer factor Expander Time and frequency domain relations Changing the sampling rate by a rational factor.
Module II (12 hrs)

Transform analysis of LTI systems Phase and group delay Frequency response for rational system functions Frequency response of a single zero and pole Multiple poles and zeros Relationship between magnitude and phase All pass systems Minimum phase systems Linear phase systems Generalised linear phase 4 types Location of zeros.
Module III (12 hrs)

Structures for discrete time systems IIR and FIR systems Block diagram and SFG representation of difference equations Basic structures for IIR systems Direct form - Cascade form - Parallel form - Transposed forms Structures for FIR systems Direct and Cascade forms - Structures for Linear phase systems Overview of finite precision numerical effects in implementing systems Analog filter design: Filter specification Butterworth approximation Pole locations Design of analog low pass Butterworth filters Chebyshev Type 1 approximation pole locations Analog to analog transformations for designing high pass, band pass and band stop filters.
Module IV (12 hrs)

Digital filter design: Filter specification Low pass IIR filter design Impulse invariant and Bilinear transformation methods Butterworth and Chebyshev Design of high pass, band pass

and band stop IIR digital filters Design of FIR filters by windowing Properties of commonly used windows Rectangular, Bartlett, Hanning, Hamming and Kaiser.

Module V (12 hrs)

The Discrete Fourier Transform - Relation with DTFT Properties of DFT Linearity Circular shift Duality Symmetry properties Circular convolution Linear convolution using the DFT Linear convolution of two finite length sequences Linear convolution of a finite length sequence with an infinite length sequence Overlap add and overlap save Computation of the DFT Decimation in time and decimation in frequency FFT Fourier analysis of signals using the DFT Effect of windowing Resolution and leakage Effect of spectral sampling. References 1. A V Oppenheim, R W Schaffer, Discrete Time Signal Processing , 2nd Edition Pearson Education. 2. S K Mitra, Digital Signal Processing: A Computer Based Approach ,TMH 3. J G Proakis, D G Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms and Applications, PHI. 4. L C Ludeman, Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing, Wiley 5. J R Johnson, Introduction to Digital Signal Processing, PHI

AI010 603 INDUSTRIAL INSTRUMENTATION I (Common to EI010 603, IC010 603)

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives 1. 2.

Credits: 4

To provide exposure to various measuring techniques for force, torque velocity, acceleration, vibration, density, pressure and temperature. At the end of the course the student will have an indepth knowlwdge in units, different techniques, and significance of measuring devices.

Module 1 (12 hours) Measurement of Force, Torque, Velocity :Basic methods of measurement of force (weight) :scales and balances- mechanical balances- electro magnetic balance Different types of load cells : hydraulic load cells pneumatic loadcell - magneto elastic (pressductor)- strain gauge loadcell - proving ring. Different methods of torque measurement: Strain gauge, Relative regular twistmeasurement of torque with spur gears and proximity sensors. Speed and velocity measurement: Revelution counter- Capacitive tachometer -Drag cup type tacho meter- D.C and A.C tacho generators Stroboscope- translational velocity transducers. Velocity measurement using variable reluctance proximity pickup. Calibration methods. Module 2 (12 hours) Measurement of acceleration, vibration and density :Accelerometers potentiometric type LVDT- Piezo-electric, capacitive - Strain gauge and variable reluctance type accelerometers. Mechanical type vibration instruments Seismic instrument as an accelerometer and vibrometer measurement of relative motion - Calibration of vibration pick ups Units of density, specific gravity and viscosity used in industries Baume scale API scale hydro meter- density measurement using LVDT- differential pressure methodpressure head type densitometer float type densitometer Ultrasonic densitometer Bridge type gas densitometer-coriolis densitometer. . Module 3 (12 hours) Pressure measurement : - Units of pressure different types of pressure- Manometers Different types errors in manometers- Elastic type pressure gauges Bourden tube Bellows Diaphragms Electrical methods Elastic elements with LVDT and strain gauges potentiometric pressure transducers- Capacitive type pressure gauge Piezo electric pressure sensor Resonator pressure sensor optical pressure transducerspressure switches- Measurement of vacuum McLeod gauge Thermal vacuum gauges

Ionization gauge -Testing and calibration of pressure gauges Dead weight tester- Bulk gauge(high pressure measurement).

Module 4 (12 hours) Temperature measurement :- Definitions and standards Primary and secondary fixed points Calibration of thermometers - Different types of filled in system thermometer Sources of errors in filled in systems and their compensation Bimetallic thermometers Electrical methods of temperature measurement resistance thermometers-3 lead and 4 lead RTDs - Thermistors Linearization techniques. Module 5 (12 hours) Thermocouples thermocouple junctions- Law of thermocouple Fabrication of industrial thermocouples Signal conditioning of thermocouple output Commercial circuits for cold junction compensation Special techniques for measuring high temperature using thermocouples Radiation methods of temperature measurement Radiation fundamentals Total radiation pyrometers Optical pyrometer infra red pyrometers- Two colour radiation pyrometer.- IC temperature sensors- fiber optic temperature measurement- calibration of temperature transducers. Text Books 1. A.K.Sawhney, A course in mechanical measurements and Instrumentation Dhanpat Rai and Sons, New Delhi, 1999. 2. R. K. Jain, Mechanical and Industrial Measurements, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 1999. References 1. 2. 3. D.Patranabis, Principles of Industrial Instrumentation, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Ltd., New Delhi, 1999. B.C.Nakra and K.K.Chaudary, Instrumentation Measurement and Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, 1985. S.K.singh, industrial instrumentation and control, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Ltd., New Delhi, 2006

AI010 604 MICROCONTROLLER BASED SYSTEM DESIGN 3+1+0 Credits: 4 Objectives: 1. 2. To give an idea about micro controllers and its interfacing techniques. To get an exposure in microcontroller programming

Module 1 Various logic families features comparison PLA PAL- GAL -comparison combinational PAL PAL with flip-flops study of 16L8, 22V10 GAL dual port RAM FIFO FPGA gate arrays. Module 2 Embedded C compiler advantages memory models interrupt functions code optimization 89C2051 micro-controller- architecture-comparison with 89C51- design of a simple trainer circuit using 89C51/89C2051 C. Introduction to latest micro controllers (ARM Processor/ PIC microcontrollers) - introduction, architecture (block diagram explanation only), Memory organization etc. Module 3 Analog to digital converters- single slope, dual slope, successive approximation, sigma delta, flash comparison typical ICs A/D interface digital to analog converters different types D/A interface optically isolated TRIAC interface- design of a temperature control system- sensors - opto isolator -interfacing programs using C and assembly language-. Module 4 Serial Communication :Serial bus standards I2C bus, SPI bus operation timing diagrams 2 wire serial EEPROM 24C04 3wire serial EEPROM 93C46 interfacing serial communication standards RS232, RS422, RS485 comparison MAX232 line driver/ receiver interfacing universal serial bus PCI bus - interfacing programs using C and assembly language low voltage differential signaling PC printer port registers interfacing. Module 5 Real World Interfacing: Matrix key board interface AT keyboard commands keyboard response codes watch dog timers DS1232 watch dog timer real time

clocks DS1302 RTC interfacing measurement of frequency phase angle power factor stepper motor interface dc motor speed control L293 motor driver design of a position control system interfacing of DIP switch, LED, 7 segment display, alphanumeric LCD relay interface design of a traffic light control system interfacing programs using C and assembly language.

References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The 8051 Microcontroller: Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Pearson Education. The 8051 Microcontroller: Kenneth J Ayala, Penram International. Digital fundamentals: Floyd, Pearson Education. Programming and customizing the 8051 C: Myke Predko, TMH Programming with ANSI C and turbo C: Kamthane, Pearson Education. Microcomputers and Microprocessors: John Uffenbeck, PHI. Web site of Atmel semiconductors
PIC 16F877 data book

AI010 605 Control Engineering II (Common to EI010 605)

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Credits: 4

1. 2. 3. 4. To study the modeling of the systems using State Space methods To learn State variable analysis and design of continuous time systems To get an exposure to digital control systems. To understand the basic concepts of nonlinear systems

Module 1 (12 Hours) System modeling using state variable approach -Limitation of Conventional Control Theory. Concepts of state variables and state model - State model for linear time invariant systems.-State space representation of dynamic systems Nonuniqueness of state model- Block diagram representations- State diagrams- Lagranges equations . Module 2 (12 Hours) Transformation of state variables- State space representations of transfer functionsSolution of differential equations in state space form- Interpretation and properties of the state transition matrix - Solution by the Laplace transform - The resolvent - Transfer function from state model. Module 3 (12 Hours) State variable analysis - controllability and observability. Gilber test and Kalmans tests. Design of regulators for single input single output systems, Bass- gura pole placement formula. Linear observers: Need of observers, Structure and properties of observers, Pole placement for single output systems. Module 4 (12 Hours) Discrete time systems- Introduction to digital control system Review of Z-transform and properties.- inverse z transform- z transform method for solving difference equationsImpulse sampling and data hold circuits -Zero order and First order hold signal reconstruction Practical aspects of the choice of sampling rate-Pulse transfer function The Z and S domain relationships -Stability analysis - Jury's test-Bilinear transformation . Module 5 (12 Hours)

Nonlinear systems- Behaviour of nonlinear systems-Common physical nonlinearities-The phase plane method- basic concepts- Singular points- Describing function method Basic concepts-- Describing functions of saturation and dead zone nonlinearities. Stability of nonlinear systems- limit cycles. (Detailed analysis not required).

Text Books 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. K. Ogata , Modern Control Engineering , Prentice Hall of India K. Ogata , Discrete Time Control Systems ,Prentice Hall Of India. M. Gopal , Digital Controls and State Variable Methods ,TMH Pub. Com. B. C. Kuo , Automatic Control Systems, Prentice Hall of India. J. Nagrath & M. Gopal ,Control System Engineering , New Age Int. (P) Ltd B.Friedland, Control System Design- An Introduction to state space methods- Mc Graw Hill, Inc.N Y.

AI010 606 L01 MECHATRONICS (ELECTIVE-1) 3+1+0 Credits: 4 Objectives: 1. To introduce the concept of integration of mechanical, electronic and computer system to achieve high precision and quality. 2. To help the students develop knowledge and skills that allow them to adopt interdisciplinary and integrated approach to engineering design. 3. To help the students understand modern integrated approach to development of precision mechanisms and machineries. Module 1 Introduction to mechatronics: What is mechatronics advantage of integrating electronics to mechanical devices; Introduction to basic elements of mechatronics: mechanical systems, control systems, electronics systems and computer systems; generalised block schematic of mechatronics. Module 2 Signal conditioning: requirements basic approach filters multiplexing data acquisition role of micro processors and micro controllers Module 3 Actuation systems: pneumatic and hydraulic systems - directional control valves pressure control valves - process control valves - rotary actuators - electro-mechanical actuators - electrical switches - mechanical Switches - solid-state switches - dc motors stepper motors - piezoelectric actuators. Module 4 Introduction to MEMS: what are MEMS microsystems and nano technology; Typical MEMS applications: pressure sensors accelerometers - micro pumps - ink jet printers. Module 5 Modeling Electromechanical Systems- Mathematical models of mechanical system building blocks, Electrical system building blocks, Thermal system building blocks, Fluid Power systems. Text Books: 1. Mechatronics - Electronic Control systems in Mechanical and Electrical Engineerng, -W. Bolton, 2 Ed. Addison Wesley Longman, Pub, 1999 (Delhi) 2. Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement systems,David G. Alciatore and Michael B.Histand, 2nd edition Tata McGraw-Hill, 2003.

3. Mechatronics: Integrated Mechanical Electronic Systems With Cd by K.P. Ramachandran, G.K. Vijayaraghavan, M.S.Balasundaram : ISBN 9788126518371 Reference Books: 4. Mechatronics - Dan S. Necsulescu, Prentice Hall, 2002, (311 p.). ISBN: 0-20144491-7 5. Mechatronics: Electronics in Products and Processes, Dawson, D, Nelson Thornes, ISBN: 0-7487-5742-2, 6. Mechatronics , Shanmugam, Anuradha Agencies, 2001, ISBN 81-87721-21-9 7. Analytical Robotics and Mechatronics - Wolfram Stadler, McGraw-Hill ISBN 0-07-060608-0.

AI010 606 L02 MICROELECTRONICS (ELECTIVE-1) 3+1+0 Credits: 4 Objectives: 1. To introduce various IC technologies and their fabrication techniques 2. To outline the procedures for the fabrication of ICs like ion implantation and Lithography techniques Module 1 Introduction to Microelectronics: Monolithic and hybrid Ics- Bipolar & MOS Technology- Fabrication of active and passive components, bonding, packaging, Concepts of SSI, LSI, VLSI. Introduction to thick film and thin film Technology resistors- capacitors- comparison. Module 2 Cleanroom Technology - Clean room concept Growth of single crystal Si, surface contamination, cleaning & etching. (Laboratory Practices: Cleaning of p-type & n-type Si-wafer by solvent method & RCA cleaning) Module 3 Oxidation Growth mechanism and kinetic oxidation, oxidation techniques and systems, oxide properties, oxide induced defects, charactrisation of oxide films, Use of thermal oxide and CVD oxide; growth and properties of dry and wet oxide, dopant distribution, oxide quality; (Laboratory Practices : Fabrication of MOS capacitor) Module 4 Solid State Diffusion Fick's equation, atomic diffusion mechanisms, measurement techniques, diffusion in polysilicon and silicon di-oxide diffusion systems. Module 5 Ion Implantation Range theory, Equipments, annealing, shallow junction, high energy implementation. Lithography Optical lithography, Some Advanced lithographic techniques. Text books: Millman & Grabel, Microelectronics, Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd edition References: 1. Horstian , Micro Electronics, Prentice-Hall India, 3rd edition 2. Sedra & Smith, Microelectronic circuit, Oxford University Press, 3rd edition 3. Semiconductor Devices Physics and Technology, Author: Sze, S.M.; Notes: Wiley, 1985

4. An Introduction to Semiconductor Microtechnology, Author: Morgan, D.V., and Board, K 5. The National Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors, Notes: Semiconductors Industry Association, SIA, 1994 6. Electrical and Electronic Engineering Series VLSI Technology, Author: Sze, S.M. Notes: Mcgraw-Hill International Editions

AI010 606 L03 DIGITAL SYSTEM DESIGN (ELECTIVE-1) 3+1+0 Credits: 4 Objectives: To introduce various memory devices, digital buses and finite state machines. To give an introduction to VHDL Module I Memories: ROM, PROM, EPROM, PLA, PLD, CPLD,FPGA Module II RS 232, RS 485, RS 422, ISA, PCI and IIC bus characteristics, Bus interface ICs Module III Finite state machine design - the concept of state machine - timing in state machine FSM design procedure - ASM notation - Moore and Mealy machine design - examples of Moore and Mealy machines. Module IV Introduction to HDLs, Design Flow, Synthesis, VHDL Basics, Data types, Operators, Concurrent coding, Structural and Behavioural Modelling, Design of Adder, Substractor, Decoder, encoder, Code converter, Multiplexer, VHDL for Combinational Circuits, Blocks, Generate Statements. Module V Sequential Code, Control Structure, Attributes, VHDL for Flip Flops, Design of Shift Registers & Counters using VHDL, Design of memory using VHDL, Signals and Variable. References 1. Milos D Ercegovac,Tomaslang,digital system and hardware/firmware algothim,john wiley 2. V.A.Pedroni,circuit design with vhdl, phi, 2005 3. J.bhaskar,a vhdl synthesis primer, bsp, 2006 4. d.j.smith,hdl smith design,don publisher,2005

AI 010 606 L04 INDUSTRIAL SAFETY ENGINEERING (ELECTIVE-1) 3+1+0 Credits: 4 Objectives: 1. To generate safety awareness among students. 2. To help the students learn the fundamentals of science and engineering of safety. 3. To help the students acquire attitude towards safety. Module 1 Types of industries: light, heavy, high tech manufacturing (iron and steel), process (oil refinery), service (hospital); Overview of a typical modern industry: activity flow, machineries, operations, parameters which could lead to accidents; ranges of temperatures and pressures, working media like fluids and gases, safety concerns (over pressure, gas leaks, etc.); Areas of industrial safety: process safety, personnel safety, instrument safety, facility safety, environment safety. Module 2 Static electricity and safety: Basic concepts of static electricity: accumulation of charge leading to high potential and discharge break down of insulation and discharge processes earthing - human body as a source of charge and simple methods to discharge lightning protection of industrial areas. Accidents: categories, system analysis for safety/failure prediction, steps for prevention, need for post accident analysis (analysis techniques not included). Module 3 Introduction to special components, tools and instruments: Safety relays safety gate switch and interlock - gas detectors; Instrument design and development concept for safety: Building in safety: failsafe design- ergonomics in design/layout/ with simple examples redundancy - factor of safety-selection of materials-device etc- importance of screening, testing. Special tools and gadgets for safety: helmet-gloves non sparking tools -safe ohm meter - hydraulic tools - hydraulic press applicable standards. Module 4 Quality management and safety: Importance of QM in safety quality assurance versus quality control total quality management - quality control methods: FMECA/FMEA screening and testing - fault tree analysis quality implementation methods like documented procedure, and periodic calibration of tools and other equipment - applicable standards. Module 5 Safety Management: visible and latent hazards - human factors and safety - OSHAsafety audit - industrial fatigue- role of industrial psychology- risk analysis - safety training - accident and near miss investigations- promotional measures to avoid accidents - human reliability - safety management characteristics-industrial safety policies and implementation.

References: 1. Patrick D. T. O Connor, Practical Reliability Engineering, JW 2. R.P.Blake, Industrial Safety, PHI. 3. Brown D.B, System Analysis and Design for safety, Prentice Hall, New Jercy. 4. Laird Wilson, Industrial Safety and Risk Management, University of Alberto. 5. L.M. Deshmukh, Industrial Safety Management, Tata McGrawHill. 6. Anil Mital (Ed), Advances in Industrial Ergonomics and Safety, Vol 1, Taylor and Francis. 7. Robin Garside, William Calder, Intrinsically Safe Instrumentation, Instrument Society of America. 8. Jain R K, Industrial Safety Health And Environment Management Systems ,Khanna. 9. Deshmukh L M , Industrial Safety Management, Tata McGrawHill.

AI010 606 L05 RELIABILITY ENGINEERING (ELECTIVE I) 3+1+0 Credits: 4 Objectives: 1. To induce in students an attitude towards reliability which will ensure that they look out for steps to avoid failures to achieve success in all assignments they take up. That will help them become true engineers. 2. To generate in students an awareness of the importance of statistical concepts, and to make them realise that engineering is also largely statistics based. Module1 Basic concepts of reliability: meaning of reliability meaning of failure statistical nature of failure general reasons for failure - reliability growth testing and failure data table - reparable and nonreparable failures component failure versus system failure. Measures of reliability: failure rate - MTTF MTBF - MTTR maintainability availability. Module 2 Failure pattern: Statistical nature of failure - BT curve for electronic and mechanical components. Hazard rate models: importance of mathematical models - constant hazard rate model linearly increasing hazard rate model Weibull model. reparable system availability analysis failure modes common mode failure system reliability analysis using reliability block diagram. Module 3 Quality and Reliability: concept of quality - broad causes for lack of quality quality management concepts QMS prototype development and testing - trilogy of quality QP, QA and QC- role of standards in achieving quality quality circles; statistical process control for manufacture of components: basic concept of statistical process control introduction to control charts - the Taguchi methodology concept of robust design - process capability indices six sigma approach Module 4 Reliability design and design management: system reliability models and estimation of reliability - apportioning reliability among subsystems - series reliability model active redundancy m out of n redundancy standby redundancy FMECA design reviews reliability enhancement through reengineering. Module 5 Reliability testing: environmental stress screening - development test qualification test accelerated life testing, ALT and HALT: basic concept reliability assessment based on ALT data -

Text Books: 1. Patrick D. T. OConnor, Practical Reliability Engineering, JW. 2. E. Balaguruswamy, Reliability Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill. References: 1. E.E. Lewis, Introduction to Reliability Engineering, JW. 2. NVR Naidu, et al, Total Quality Management, New Age International Publishers. 3. J.M. Juran and Frank M. Gryna, Quality Planning and Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill. 4. Charles E. Ebeling, Reliability and Maintainability Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill.

AI010 606 L06 ENERGY MANAGEMENT (ELECTIVE I) 3+1+0 Credits: 4 Objectives: - Generate awareness among students about the relation ship between development of the society and energy consumption. - Help the students understand the serious consequences of impact on environment. - Help the students develop an attitude towards conserving energy for future. - Help the students to become aware of, and hence to contribute to, the world wide efforts to save Mother Earth through proper energy management efforts. Module 1 Introduction to energy: forms of energy radiation, mechanical, chemical, electrical, nuclear; types of energy: potential, kinetic; concept of energy conversion; Laws of thermodynamics: laws entropy relevance of the concept of entropy to human society; energy versus power; units of energy and power; household energy consumption estimation; approach to energy management at home. Module 2 Use of electrical energy: role of energy in the development of human society; energy needs of growing economy; comparison of energy use in industrialized and developing countries trends in global energy consumption. Indias current energy scenario: major sources hydro electric stations, thermal stations, nuclear stations; problems with current patterns of energy use in India: supply and demand gap over dependence on import of oil. Distribution of major sources of nonrenewable sources over the globe and over India Comparison of consumption in industrial, domestic and agricultural sectors in India. Module 3 Major issues related to production and distribution of electrical energy: widespread inefficiency in power generation, transmission, management; - major loss parameters in production and distribution of energy steps to reduce loss, and constraints need for non conventional forms of energy. Module 4 Role of energy management in the march towards self reliant India: long term energy scenario Integrated Energy Policy for India. Introduction to renewable energy sources - significance of renewable energy sources Energy sources and environmental impact: solar energy wind energy wave energy tidal energy mini hydro electric projects.

Module 5 Basic concepts on environmental impact: social and economic impacts impact on ozone layer and climate issue of global warming - United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC), sustainable development, Kyoto Protocol. . Text Books: 1. Centre for Environment Education, Energy, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. 2. S.A. Abbasi and Naseema Abbasi, Renewable Energy Sources and Their Energy Impact, PHI. 3. B. Muzumdar, A Text Book of Energy Technology: Both Conventional & Renewable Source of Energy, APH. References: 4. India Energy Portal 5. Wayne C. Turner, Energy management handbook, John Wiley and Sons. 6. Cape Hart, Guide to Energy Management, Turner and Kennedy

AI010 607(P) Microprocessors & microcontrollers lab (Common to EI010 607) Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Objectives 1. To provide experience on programming and testing of few electronic circuits using 8086 2. To provide experience on programming and testing of few electronic circuits using 8051simulator. 3. To understand basic interfacing concepts between trainer kit and personal computers. A. Programming experiments using 8086 (MASM) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Sum of N Numbers. Display message on screen using code and data segment. Sorting, factorial of a number Addition /Subtraction of 32 bit numbers. Concatenation of two strings. Square, Square root, & Fibonacci series. Credits: 2

B. Programming experiments using 8051 simulator (KEIL). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Addition and subtraction. Multiplication and division. Sorting, Factorial of a number. Multiplication by shift and add method. Matrix addition. Square, Square root, & Fibonacci series.

C. Interface experiments using Trainer kit / Direct down loading the programs from Personal computer. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ADC / DAC interface. Stepper motor interface. Display (LED, Seven segments, LCD) interface. Frequency measurement. Wave form generation. Relay interface.

AI010 608(P) Mini Project (Common to EI010 608,IC 010 608) Teaching Scheme 3 hours practical per week

2 credits

The mini project will involve the design, construction, and debugging of an electronic system product approved by the department. The schematic and PCB design should be done using any of the standard schematic capture & PCB design software. Each student may choose to buy, for his convenience, his own components and accessories. Each student must keep a project notebook. The notebooks will be checked periodically throughout the semester, as part of the project grade. The student should submit the report at the end of the semester. A demonstration and oral examination on the mini project also should be done at the end of the semester.

Computer Science and Engineering (CS)

EN010301 B

Engineering Mathematics II (CS, IT)

Teaching scheme
2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives

Credits: 4

To know the importance of learning theories and strategies in Mathematics and graphs.
Mathematical logic (12 hours)


Basic concept of statement , logical connectives, Tautology and logical equivalence Laws of algebra of propositions equivalence formulas Tautological implications (proof not expected for the above laws , formulas and implications). Theory of inference for statements Predicate calculus quantifiers valid formulas and equivalences free and bound variables inference theory of predicate calculus MODULE 2 Number theory and functions (12 hours)

Fundamental concepts Divisibility Prime numbers- relatively prime numbers fundamental theorem of arithmetic g.c.d Euclidean algorithm - properties of gcd (no proof) l c m Modular Arithmetic congruence properties congruence class modulo n Fermats theorem Eulers Totient functions - Eulers theorem - Discrete logarithm Function types of functions composite functions inverse of a function pigeon hole principles MODULE 3 Relations (10 hours)

Relations binary relation types of relations equivalence relation partition equivalence classes partial ordering relation Hasse diagram - poset MODULE 4 Lattice (14 hours)

Lattice as a poset some properties of lattice (no proof) Algebraic system general properties lattice as algebraic system sublattices complete lattice Bounded Lattice complemented Lattice distributive lattice homomorphism - direct product MODULE 5 Graph Theory (12 hours)

Basic concept of graph simple graph multigraph directed graph- Basic theorems (no proof) . Definition of complete graph , regular graph, Bipartite graph, weighted graph subgraph Isomorphic graph path cycles connected graph.- Basic concept of Eulergraph and Hamiltonian circuit trees properties of tree (no proof) - length of tree spanning three sub tree Minimal spanning tree (Basic ideas only . Proof not excepted for theorems)

References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. S.Lipschutz, M.L.Lipson Discrete mathematics Schaums outlines Mc Graw Hill B.Satyanarayana and K.S. Prasad Discrete mathematics & graph theory PHI Kenneth H Rosen - Discrete mathematics & its Application - Mc Graw Hill H. Mittal , V.K.Goyal, D.K. Goyal Text book of Discrete Mathematics - I.K. International Publication T. Veerarajan - Discrete mathematics with graph theory and combinatorics - Mc Graw Hill C.L.Lieu - Elements of Discrete Mathematics - Mc Graw Hill J.P.Trembly,R.Manohar - Discrete mathematical structures with application to computer science - Mc Graw Hill B.Kolman , R.C.Bushy, S.C.Ross - Discrete mathematical structures- PHI R.Johnsonbough - Discrete mathematics Pearson Edn Asia

EN010 302 Economics and Communication Skills

(Common to all branches) Teaching scheme 2hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week Credits: 4(3+1) Objectives To impart a sound knowledge of the fundamentals of Economics.

Module I (7 hours) Reserve Bank of India-functions-credit control-quantitative and qualitative techniques Commercial banks-functions- Role of Small Industries Development Bank of India and National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development The stock market-functions-problems faced by the stock market in India-mutual funds Module II (6 hours) Multinational corporations in India-impact of MNCs in the Indian economy Globalisation-necessity-consequences Privatisation-reasons-disinvestment of public sector undertakings The information technology industry in India-future prospects Module III (6 hours) Direct and indirect taxes- impact and incidence- merits of direct and indirect taxesprogressive and regressive taxes-canons of taxation-functions of tax systemtax evasion-reasons for tax evasion in India-consequences-steps to control tax evasion Deficit financing-role-problems associated with deficit financing Module IV (5 hours) National income-concepts-GNP, NNP, NI, PI and DPI-methods of estimating national income-difficulties in estimating national income Inflation-demand pull and cost push-effects of inflation-government measures to control inflation Module V (6 hours) International trade-case for free trade-case for protectionism Balance of payments-causes of disequilibrium in Indias BOP-General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade-effect of TRIPS and TRIMS in the Indian economy-impact of WTO decisions on Indian industry Text Books 1. Ruddar Datt, Indian Economy, S.Chand and Company Ltd. 2. K.K.Dewett, Modern Economic Theory, S.Chand and Company Ltd. References 1. Paul Samuelson, Economics, Tata McGraw Hill 2. Terence Byres, The Indian Economy, Oxford University Press 3. S.K.Ray, The Indian economy, Prentice Hall of India 4. Campbell McConnel, Economics, Tata McGraw Hill

Communication Skills
Objectives To improve Language Proficiency of the Engineering students To enable them to express themselves fluently and appropriately in social and professional contexts To equip them with the components of different forms of writing MODULE 1 (15 hours) INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATION Communication nature and process, Types of communication - Verbal and Non verbal, Communication Flow-Upward, Downward and Horizontal, Importance of communication skills in society, Listening skills, Reading comprehension, Presentation Techniques, Group Discussion, Interview skills, Soft skills MODULE II (15 hours) TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION Technical writing skills- Vocabulary enhancement-synonyms, Word Formation-suffix, affix, prefix, Business letters, Emails, Job Application, Curriculum Vitae, Report writingTypes of reports Note: No university examination for communication skills. There will be internal evaluation for 1 credit. REFERENCES 1. The functional aspects of communication skills, P.Prasad and Rajendra K. Sharma, S.K. Kataria and sons, 2007 2. Communication skills for Engineers and Scientists, Sangeeta Sharma and Binod Mishra, PHI Learning private limited, 2010 3. Professional Communication, Kumkum Bhardwaj, I.K. International (P) House limited, 2008 4. English for technical Communication, Aysha Viswamohan, Tata Mc Graw Publishing company limited, 2008

Mahatma Gandhi University

CS010 303: Problem Solving and Computer Programming

(Common with IT010 306)
Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives To impart the basic concepts of problem solving using a computer. To learn about the structure of C programming language. Module I ( 10 hours) Problem solving: Steps in Computer programming Features of a good program Problem solving using Algorithms and Flowcharts. C fundamentals: Character set, Constants, Identifiers, keywords, basic data types, Variables, Operators, Expressions, Statements, Input and Output statements Structure of a C program simple programs. Module II ( 13 hours) Control statements: if, if-else, nested if switch while do-while for break & continue nested loops. Single dimensional arrays defining an array, array initialisation, accessing array elements Programs for sequential search, bubble sort, binary search. Multidimensional arrays defining a two dimensional array, array initialisation, accessing elements Programs for matrix processing. Module III ( 12 hours) Strings: declaring a string variable, reading and displaying strings, string related library functions Programs for string matching and sorting. Functions: Function definition, function call, function prototype, parameter passing, void function Recursion Passing array to function. Macros: Defining and calling macros Difference between macro & function. Module IV ( 13 hours) Structures: defining a structure variable, accessing members, array of structures, passing structure to function. Unions: difference with structure, defining union variable, accessing members. Pointers: declaration, operations on pointers, passing pointer to a function, accessing array elements using pointers, processing strings using pointers, pointer to pointer, array of pointers, pointer to array, pointer to function, pointer to structure, self referential structure. Module V ( 12 hours) Files: Different types of files in C Opening & Closing a file Writing to and Reading from a file Processing files Library functions related to file fseek(), ftell(), ungetc(), fread(), fwrite() Dynamic memory allocation. Storage Class associated with variables: automatic, static, external and register. Additional features: Enumerated data type, bitwise operators, typedef. References 1. Programming with C - Byron S. Gottfried, Tata McGraw Hill. 2. Computer Programming in C - Kerninghan & Ritchie, PHI . 3. Programming in C - Stephen C. Kochan, CBS publishers. 4. Programming in C (5e) E. Balaguruswamy , Mc Graw Hill 5. Let us C Yashwant Kanetkar, BPB. 6. A Book on C Al Kelley and Ira Pohl, Addison-Wesley Credits: 4

Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

7. Mastering Turbo C - Stan Kelly Bootle, BPB Publications. 8. Programming and Problem Solving with PASCAL - Micheal Schneider, Wiley Eastern Ltd. ( Module 1) 9. Pointers in C - Yashwant Kanetkar, BPB 10. The Spirit of C- by Munish cooper, Jaico Books.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

CS010 304: Computer Organization

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To develop a good understanding of a complete computer system through an integrated approach to hardware, software and processor design. To emphasise on both background theory and actual design. Module I (10 hours) CPU - Arithmetic: Signed addition and subtraction BCD adder Multiplication Array multiplier Booths Algorithm, Division Restoring and non-restoring division. Module II (12 hours) Floating-point arithmetic- addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. Decimal arithmetic- addition subtraction, multiplication, division. ALU - design of arithmetic, logical, arithmetic logical unit Module III (14 hours) Control Logic Design Control Organization Hardware control, Microprogram control (design for specific problems) Microprogram sequencer, Horizontal and vertical micro instructions. Module IV (12 hours) Memory: - Memory hierarchy Principle of inclusion-memory interleaving techniques. Disk memory - Data organisation on disk-Disk performance Disk caching. Main memory-SRAM, DRAM, ROM Associative memory, Scratchpad memory-Cache memory Levels of Cache-Mapping techniques, Associative, Direct, and Set Associative-Main memory update policies. Module V (12 hours) Virtual Memory:-Overlay-Need for virtual memory-Address translation-Translation Look Aside Buffer-Relocation techniques-static, dynamic-Paged memory-Page table, Page frame data table-Segmented memory-Paged segments.

Reference Books 1. M.Morris Mano- Computer System Architecture- PHI- Third Edition-2006 2. M.Morris Mano Digital Logic and Computer Design - PHI -2004 3. Carl Hamacher, Zvonko Vranesic, Safwat Computer Organization-McGrawHillFifth Edition 4. David A.Patterson,John L.Hennessy-Computer Organization and Design-MKArm Edition 5. V.Carl Hamacher,Zvonko G. vranesic,Safwat G.Zaky-Computer OrganizationMcGrawHill-Fourth Edition 6. Behrooz parhami-Computer Architecture-Oxford University Press 7. Naresh Jotwani-Computer System Organisation- McGrawHill

Syllabus - B.Tech Compter Science & Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives:To introduce the principles of Logic Systems and Circuits, thereby enabling the student to obtain the platform for studying Computer Architecture and Design. Module 1: (14 Hrs)
Number Systems and Codes:- Decimal, Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal Number systems, Codes- BCD, Gray Code, Excess-3 Code, ASCII, EBCDIC, Conversion between various Codes. Switching Theory:- Boolean Algebra- Postulates and Theorems, De Morgans Theorem, Switching Functions- Canonical Forms- Simplification of Switching Functions- Karnaugh Map and Quine McClusky Methods.

Module 2: (12 Hrs)

Combinational Logic Circuits:- Review of Basic Gates- Universal Gates,Adders, Subtractors, Serial Adder, Parallel Adder- Carry Propagate Adder, Carry Lookahead Adder, Carry Save Adder, Comparators, Parity Generators, Decoder and Encoder, Multiplexer and Demultiplexer, PLA and PAL.

Module 3(12 Hrs)

Sequential Logic Circuits:- Latches and Flip Flops- SR, JK, D, T and MS Flip Flops, Asynchronous Inputs. Clocked Sequential Circuits:- State Tables State Equations and State Diagrams, State Reduction and State Assignment, Design of Clocked Sequential Circuits using State Equations.

Module 4: (10 Hrs)

Counters and Shift Registers:- Design of Synchronous and Asynchronous Counters:- Binary, BCD, Decade and Up/Down Counters , Shift Registers, Types of Shift Registers, Counters using Shift Registers- Ring Counter and Johnson Counter.

Module 5(12 Hrs)

Fault Tolerance and Diagnosis : Concepts of Fault and Hazards- Fault Tolerance in Combinational Circuits- Fault Table, Fault Detection methods-Boolean Difference and Path Sensitizing MethodsDigital ICs- Digital Logic Families- Characteristics- Introduction to RTL, TTL,ECL, MOS and CMOS Logics.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Reference Books 1. Zvi Kohavi Switching and Finite Automat theory, Tata McGrwHill 2. Morris Mano Digital Logic and Computer Design ,Prentice Hall of India Floyd T.L. Digital Fundamentals , Universal Bookstall Biswas N.N. Logic System Theory Prentice Hall of Inia Leach D. Malvino A.P. & Saha Digital Principles and Applications- Tata McGraw Hill 6. Tau b ,Helbert abd Schilling, Digital Integrated Electronics TMH
3. 4. 5.


Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives:To introduce the basic principles of various Electronic Circuits, their analysis and Design.

EN010 109 Basic Electronics Engg. & Information Technology Module 1 (12hrs):Transistor Biasing:- Operating Point- DC and AC Load Lines- Q Point selection- Bias Stability- Definition of Stability Factors - Fixed bias, Collector to Base bias , Self bias Circuits, Bias Compensation Module 2: (12 Hrs) Transistor as an Amplifier: Transistor at low Frequencies- h Parameter model analysisExpression of Voltage and Current Gain-Input and Output Impedance. Tuned Amplifiers:- Principle-Single Tuned and Doubled Tuned Amplifiers- Frequency Response Module 3: (12 Hrs) RC Coupled Amplifier:- Working, Analysis and Design- Phase and Frequency Response FET Amplifier- Biasing Analysis and Design- Large Signal amplifiers- Harmonic Distortion, Analysis of Class A, Class B, Class AB, Class C and Class D Amplifiers. Module 4: (12 Hrs) Feedback Amplifiers :-- Types of Feedback( Positive, Negative, Voltage, Current, Shunt and Series Feedback) - Feedback in Amplifiers Oscillators- Condition for Oscillation- Analysis and Design of RC Phase Shift Oscillators, Working of Hartley, Colpitts and Wein Bridge Oscillators. Module 5: (12 Hrs) Wave Shaping Circuits:- Clipping, Clamping,RC Integrator, Differentiator, Transistor as a Switch- Astable, Monostable and Bistable Multivibrtaors, Sweep Generators. Photo Devices:- LCD, Photodiode, Phototransistor, Optocoupler Reference Books Electronic Devices and Circuits:- Boylsted- Pearson Education
Electronic Principles:- Malvino- Tata McGraw Hill

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Integrated Electronics:- Jacob Millman & Halkias Tata McGrawHill Electronic Devices and Circuits: -Bogart Universal Book Stall -Delhi Electronic Devices- Floyd- Pearson Education Microelectronics Digital and Analog Botkar Khanna Publishers

Mahatma Gandhi University

CS010 307(P): Programming Lab

Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Objectives To acquaint the students with the fundamentals of programming.

Credits: 2

To provide the students with good knowledge in C programming and develop problem solving skills.

1. Familiarisation with computer system compliers, editors and operating systems etc.
2. Familiarisation with office packages 3. Programming experiments in C to cover input output statements, control statements, functions, string, arrays, Structures, pointers and files. 4. Programes to find factorial, Fibonacci series, palindrome, matrix operations, sort a set of

names, search etc.

Any experiment according to the syllabus of CS010 303 can be substituted.

Syllabus B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering


Teaching scheme 3 hours Practical per week Credits: 2

Objectives:To provide an introduction to Logic Systems Design thereby giving a hands on experience on working with digital ICS ,which enable the study Computer System Architecture.
1. Familiarization of Logic Gates and Realization of Logic Circuits using basic Gates. 2. Design and implementation of Arithmetic Circuits:- Half Adder, Full Adder, n bit Ripple Carry Adder, Carry Look ahead Adder, BCD Adder 3. Study of Flip Flops:- implementation of RS, JK, D, T and MS Flip Flops 4. Design and implementation of Synchronous and Asynchronous Counters, UP/DOWN Counters 5. Design and Implementation of Shift Registers, Counters using Shift Registers Ring Counter and Johnson Counter 6. Study of Multiplexers , Demultiplexers, Encoder and Decoder 7. Design of Comparators and Parity Generators.

EN010401 Engineering Mathematics III

(Common to all branches)

Teaching scheme
2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives: Apply standard methods of mathematical &statistical analysis

Credits: 4


Fourier series

( 12 hours)

Dirichlet conditions Fourier series with period 2 and 2l Half range sine and cosine series Harmonic Analysis r.m.s Value MODULE 2 Fourier Transform ( 12 hours)

Statement of Fourier integral theorem Fourier transforms derivative of transforms- convolution theorem (no proof) Parsevals identity MODULE 3 Partial differential equations ( 12 hours)

Formation by eliminating arbitrary constants and arbitrary functions solution of Lagranges equation Charpits method solution of Homogeneous partical differential equations with constant coefficients MODULE 4 Probability distribution ( 12 hours)

Concept of random variable , probability distribution Bernoullis trial Discrete distribution Binomial distribution its mean and variance- fitting of Binominal distribution Poisson distribution as a limiting case of Binominal distribution its mean and variance fitting of Poisson distribution continuous distribution- Uniform distribution exponential distribution its mean and variance Normal distribution Standard normal curve- its properties MODULE 5 Testing of hypothesis ( 12 hours)

Populations and Samples Hypothesis level of significance type I and type II error Large samples tests test of significance for single proportion, difference of proportion, single mean, difference of mean chi square test for variance- F test for equality of variances for small samples References 1. Bali& Iyengar A text books of Engg. Mathematics Laxmi Publications Ltd. 2. M.K. Venkataraman Engg. Mathematics vol II 3rd year part A & B National Publishing Co. 3. I.N. Sneddon Elements of partial differential equations Mc Graw Hill 4. B.V. Ramana Higher Engg. Mathematics Mc Graw Hill 5. Richard A Johnson Miller Freads probability & Statistics for Engineers- Pearson/ PHI

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

T. Veerarajan Engg. Mathematics Mc Graw Hill G. Haribaskaran Probability, Queueing theory and reliability Engg. Laxmi Publications V. Sundarapandian - probability ,Statistics and Queueing theory PHI H.C.Taneja Advanced Engg. Mathematics Vol II I.K.International A.K.Mukhopadhyay-Mathematical Methods For Engineers and Physicists-I.K.International

Mahatma Gandhi University

CS010 402: Object Oriented Programming

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To impart the basic concepts of object oriented programming in C++. To provide sufficient knowledge about developing real world projects with object oriented concepts. Module I (8 hours) Introduction to OOP - Evolution of object oriented languages - Need of Objects - Definition of Object-Oriented Language Classes and Objects Creating and Using Classes and objects Member functions and variables Constructors multiple and parameterized constructorscopy constructors constructors with default arguments- Destructors. Module II (13 hours) Inheritance and Access Control - Member access control in classes Friend functions and classes Extending classes - Public Private and Protected Inheritance Classification of Inheritance Single Multiple Multilevel Hierarchical Hybrid. Module III (14 hours) Polymorphism Runtime and compile time polymorphism overloading functions and operators selecting friend member function for operator overloading - Virtual methods pure virtual methods Abstract classes - applications of abstract classes. Module IV (13 hours) Virtual Destructors Virtual Base Classes - Template- class templates and function templates- Creating and using templates Namespaces-Dynamic Objects - Dynamic object allocation - Inline functions. Exception Handling-basics of exception handling-exception handling mechanism- Throwing and Catching Mechanism-Rethrowing and Specifying exceptions. Module V (12 hours) Data file operations opening and closing files-reading and writing from file-Classes and file operations-Other object oriented languages Java Object oriented features in Java Comparison with C++-Object oriented system development-object oriented notations and graphs-object oriented analysis-object oriented design.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer Science and Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Reference Books

1.. Robert Lafore :Object Oriented Programming in C ++, 3rd Edition, Galgotia Pub, New Delhi
2. E. Balaguruswamy : Object oriented Programming with C++,2nd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2004 3. Dilkeshwar Pandey,Upendra K Tiwari, Object Oriented Programming with Java, Acme Learning (Module V), New Delhi ,2010 4. D Ravichandran: Programming with C++ , 3rd Edition ,Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 5. Bjarne Stroustrup , The C++ Programming Language, 3rd Edition.., 6. Randal Albert, Todd Breedlove: C++ ,An Active Learning Approach, Jones And Bartlett Publishers, New Delhi ,2010 7. Deitel & Deitel, C++ How To Program, Introducing Object-Oriented Design with the UML, 3rd Edition Pearson 8. Matt Weisfeld: The Object Oriented Thought Process ,3rd Edition,Pearson Education, New Delhi ,2009 9. Jyoti Singh: Object Oriented Systems & Concepts of C++; Acme Learning, New Delhi,2010 10. Poornachandra Sarang: Object Oriented Programming with C++, 2nd Edition, PHI, New Delhi,2009 11. R. Rajaram, Object Oriented Programming and C++,2nd Edition,,New Age International Publishers, New Delhi,2007 12. E. Balaguruswamy, Programming with Java, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 13. Bhushan Trivedi, Programming with Ansi C++ ,Oxford Higher Education, New Delhi,2007

Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer Science and Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

CS010 403: Data Structures and Algorithms

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To impart the basic concepts of data structures and algorithms To develop understanding about writing algorithms and step by step approach in solving problems with the help of fundamental data structures.

Module I (10 hours)

Principles of programming System Life Cycle - Performance Analysis and Measurements- Time and Space complexity-Complexity calculation of simple algorithms. Hashing:- Static Hashing-Hash Tables-Different Hash Functions-Mid SquareDivision-Folding-Digit Analysis, Collision-Collision Resolution Techniques. Module II (12hours)

Study of basic data structures Arrays- Structures-Sparse matrix Stacks QueuesCircular queues- Priority queues - Dqueues. Evaluation of expressions Polynomial representation using arrays.
Module III (12hours)

Linked Lists - Linked stacks and queues - Doubly linked lists Polynomial representation using linked lists, Garbage collection and Compaction.
Module IV (14 hours)

Trees - Binary Trees Tree Traversal Inorder - Preorder and Postorder,

Search trees - AVL Trees, height balanced trees, Multiway search Trees- B Trees-B+ Trees.

Graphs Depth first and breadth first search.

Module V (12 hours)

Sorting methods: Selection sort, Bubble sort, Insertion sort, Merge sort, Quick sort, Heap sort, Radix sort, External sorting methods.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer Science & Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Reference Books
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

Horowitz ,Sahni & Anderson Freed, Fundamentals of Data Structures in C, 2nd ed.,
Universities Press, Hyderabad, 2009 Rajesh K Shukla, Data Structures Using C & C++ ,Wiley India, New Delhi, 2009 Yedidyah Langsam, Moshe J Augenstein, Aron M Tenenbaum, Data Stuctures using C and C++, 2nd ed., PHI Learning Private Limited, New Delhi, 1996 G. A. V Pai, Data Structures and Algorithms Concepts, Techniques and Applications, Tata McGraw Hill , New Delhi, 2008 G. S Baluja, Data Structures Through C, Dhanpat Rai & Co. , New Delhi, 2009 Sartaj Sahni , Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications in C++ , 2nd ed., Universities Press, Hyderabad, 2009 Michael T Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia, David Mount, Data Structures and Algorithms in C++, Wiley India Edition, New Delhi, 2009 B.M. Harwani, Data Structures and Algorithms in C++, Dreamtech Press, New Delhi, 2010 Brijendra Kumar Joshi, Data Structures and Algorithms in C, McGraw Hill , New Delhi, 2010 K R Venugopal, K G Srinivasa, P M Krishnaraj, File Structures using C++, McGraw Hill , New Delhi, 2009 ISRD Group, Data Structures using C, McGraw Hill , New Delhi, 2010 Sudipta Mukherjee, , Data Structures using C 1000 Problems and Solutions, Tata McGraw Hill , New Delhi, 2010 Seymour Lipschutz, Data Structures with C, Schaums Outlines, McGraw Hill , New Delhi, 2010 R Krishnamoorthy & G Indirani Kumaravel, Data Structures using C, McGraw Hill , New Delhi, 2008 John R Hubbard, Data Structures with C++, Schaums Outlines, Tata McGraw Hill , New Delhi, 2010 Jean Paul Tremblay & Paul G Sorenson, An Introduction to Data Structures with Applications, 2nd ed., Tata McGraw Hill , New Delhi, 2010 Seymour Lipschutz, Data Structures , Schaums Outlines, Tata McGraw Hill , New Delhi, 2006

Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer Science & Engg.


Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Credits: 4

Objectives:To introduce the fundamentals of Analog and Digital Signals ,their properties and introduce the relevant transforms used in Communication. To familiarize the core ideas of Communication Engineering which in turn adds to the study of Computer Communication. Module 1 (15 hrs):Introduction to Signals:- Continuous Time Signals- Discrete Time Signals- Signal Operations- Properties of Signals(Periodicity and Symmetry), Frequency Domain Representation of Continuous Time Signals-Continuous Time Fourier Series(CTFS)- Definition- propertiesExamples, Continuous Time Fourier Transform(CTFT)- Definition- Properties ExamplesConcept of Frequency Spectrum, Sampling- The Sampling Theorem(proof not required)Quantisation Module 2 (12 hrs):Communication Systems:- Architecture of a Typical Communication System Basic problems in Signal Transmission - Noise Types of Noise- Internal and External Noise, Cross Talk- Typical parameters of Communication Systems- Signal propagation Delay, Signal to Noise Ratio, Attenuation, Bandwidth Communication Channels:- Twisted Pairs- Coaxial Cables- Fiber Optic Cables- Capacity of a Noisy Channel- Shannon Hartley Theorem Module 3: (15 Hrs) Modulation- Need for Modulation Analog Modulation- Types of analog modulation- Amplitude Modulation, Frequency modulation, Phase modulation, Pulse Modulation Schemes- Pulse Amplitude modulation(PAM), Pulse Width Modulation(PWM), Pulse Position Modulation(PPM), Pulse Code Modulation(PCM),Delta modulation, Sample problems based on different modulation methods. Digital modulation;- Amplitude Shift Keying(ASK), Frequency Shift keying(FSK),Phase Shift Keying(PSK), Quadrature Amplitude modulation (QAM), Differential Phase Shift Keying(DPSK) Module 4: (8 Hrs)

Multiplexing:-Time Division Multiplexing(TDM)Multiplexing(FDM)- Wavelength Division multiplexing(WDM)



Switching:- Circuit, Packet and Message Switching Schemes, Case Study:- SONET( Basic ideas only)- Datagrams and virtual Circuits Digital Transmission:- Analog to Digital Converter(ADC), Serial and parallel Transmission- Simplex, Half Duplex and Full Duplex Transmissions. Module 5: (10 Hrs) Error Correction and Detection;- Line Coding Schemes- Block Coding- Convolution Coding- Hamming Codes Transmission Codes:- Different Character Codes- ASCII, EBCDIC, Baudot Code, Bar Coding, Parity Coding Reference Books
1. S.Haykin and B. V. Veen, Signals and Systems, John Wiley & Sons, N. Y., 2002

2. George Kennedy, Bernard Davis - Electronic Communication Systems-Tata McGraw Hill 3. Behrouz Forouzan- Data Communication and Networking- Tata McGraw Hill 4. Michael J Roberts, Govind Sharma- Fundamentals of Signals and Systems-Tata McGraw Hill 5. William Stallings- Data and Computer Communications- Prentice Hall of India 6. Fred Halsall- Digital Communication, Computer Networks and Open Systems Pearson Education 7. Taub and Schilling Principles of Communication Systems- Tata McGraw Hill 8. Kolimbiris H.- Digital Communication Systems- Pearson Education

Mahatma Gandhi University

CS010405: Microprocessor Systems

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To impart the basic concepts of microprocessors and interfacing concepts. To develop an understanding about the assembly level programming. Module I (10 hours) Architecture of 8085 Registers. Instruction set of 8085 - Instruction Types Arithmetic Logic data transfer, Branch, Stack, I/O and Machine Control instructions - Addressing Modes - Direct and Indirect Addressing - Immediate Addressing Implicit Addressing. Module II (12 hours) Subroutines - Stack Operations - Call Return sequence- Programming Examples. Timing and control unit The fetch operation Machine cycle and T- State instruction and data flow. Address space partitioning - Memory mapped I/O - I/O mapped I/O. Module III (14 hours) Interrupts of 8085 - Hardware & Software Interrupts Enabling, Disabling and masking of interrupts Polling HALT & HOLD states Programmable interrupt controller 8259. Module IV (12 hours) Data transfer schemes - Programmed data transfer - synchronous and asynchronous transfer - interrupt driven data transfer DMA data transfer. Study of Interfacing ICs 8257,8255 programmable peripheral interface (compare it with 8155). Module V (12 hours) Programmable interval timer 8253, 8251 -,Interfacing Keyboard and display devices, Hardware and Software approach USART 8251. (interfacing chips functions and internal block diagram only).

Reference Books

1. Gaonkar -Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications with the 8085

- New Age International 2. Renu Singh, B. P. Singh -Microprocessors, interfacing and Applications New Age International-Third Edition 3. N K Srinath -8085 Microprocessors programming and interfacing - PHI 4. Adithya P. Mathur -Introduction to Microprocessors Systems - PHI 5. KK Tripathi, Rajesh K Gangwar -Microprocessorand its Applications -Acme learning 6. R.Theagarajan,S.Dhanasekaran,S.Dhanapal Microprocessor and ITS Applications New Age International 7. N Senthil Kumar,M saravanan,s.jeevananthan-Microprocessor and microcontrollers -Oxford higher education

Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer Science & Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer Science & Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

CS 010 406: Theory of Computation (Common with IT010 404)

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To impart the basic concepts of theory of automata ,languages and computation. To develop understanding about machines for sequential computation, formal languages and grammars , and classification of feasible and intractable problems. Module I (10 hours) Proving techniques-Mathematical induction -Diagonalization principle Pigeonhole principleFunctions Primitive recursive and partial recursive functions Computable and non computable functions-Formal representation of languages Chomsky Classification. Module II (13 hours) Introduction to Automata theory Definition of Automation Finite Automata Language acceptability by Finite Automata Deterministic and Nondeterministic finite automationRegular Expressions Finite Automation with -Transitions Conversion of NFA to DFA Minimisation of DFA-DFA to Regular Expressions conversion-pumping lemma for regular languages Applications of finite automata-NFA with o/p ( moore /mealy) Module III (12 hours) Context Free Grammar Simplification of CFG-Normal forms-Chomsky Normal form and Greibach Normal form- pumping lemma for Context free languages- Applications of PDA Pushdown Automata Formal definition Language acceptability by PDA through empty stack and final state Deterministic and nondeterministic PDA designing of PDAModule IV (13 hours) Turing Machines Formal definition Language acceptability by TM TM as acceptors, Transducers - designing of TM- Two way infinite TM- Multi tape TM - Universal Turing Machines- Churchs Thesis-Godelization.- - Time complexity of TM - Halting Problem -

Rice theorem - Post correspondence problem-Linear Bounded Automata.

Module V (12 hours)

Complexity classes- Tractable problems Class P P Complete-Reduction problemContext grammar nonempty-Intractable problems- Class NP NP Complete- Cooks theorem-Reduction problems-SAT-Clique-Hamiltonian-TSP-Vertex Cover-NP Hard problems.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer Science & Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Reference Books

1. K.L.P. Mishra, N. Chandrashekharan , Theory of Computer Science , Prentice Hall of India 2. Michael Sipser, Introduction to the Theory of Computation, Cengage Learning,New Delhi,2007 3. Harry R Lewis, Christos H Papadimitriou, Elements of the theory of computation, Pearson Education Asia, 4. Rajendra Kumar,Theory of Automata Language & Computation,Tata McGraw Hill,New Delhi,2010 5. Wayne Goddard, Introducing Theory of Computation, Jones & Bartlett India,New Delhi2010 6. Bernard M Moret: The Theory of Computation, Pearson Education 7. John Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani & Jeffry Ullman: Introduction to Automata Theory Languages & Computation , Pearson Edn 8. Raymond Greenlaw,H. James Hoover, Fundamentals of Theory of Computation,Elsevier,Gurgaon,Haryana,2009 9. John C Martin, Introducing to languages and The Theory of Computation, 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill,New Delhi,2010 10. Kamala Krithivasan, Rama R, Introduction to Formal Languages,Automata Theory and Computation, Pearson Education Asia,2009 11. Rajesh K. Shukla, Theory of Computation, Cengage Learning, New Delhi,2009 12. K V N Sunitha, N Kalyani: Formal Languages and Automata Theory, Tata McGraw Hill,New Delhi,2010 13. S. P. Eugene Xavier, Theory of Automata Formal Language & Computation,New Age International, New Delhi ,2004

Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer Science & Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

CS010 407: Data Structures Lab

Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Credits: 2

Objectives To provide experience on design, testing, and analysis of Algorithms and Data Structures.

To acquaint the students with the Data Structures used in the Computer Science field. 1) Representation of Polynomials using Arrays and Linked List and the different operations that can be performed on Polynomials 2) Representation of Sparse Matrix using Arrays and Linked List and the different operations that can be performed on Sparse Matrices 3) Representation of Stacks using Arrays and Linked List and the different operations that can be performed on Stacks 4) Representation of Queues using Arrays and Linked List and the different operations that can be performed on Queues 5) Representation of Double Ended Queue using Arrays and Linked List and the different operations that can be performed on Double Ended Queue 6) Representation of Priority Queues using Arrays and Linked List and the different operations that can be performed on Priority Queues 7) Representation of Binary Trees using Arrays and Linked List and the different operations that can be performed on Binary Trees 8) Representation of Graphs using Arrays and Linked List and the different operations that can be performed on Graphs 9) Infix, Postfix and Prefix conversions. 10) Different Sorting and Searching methods. 11) String representation using Arrays and Linked List and different pattern matching algorithms 12) Implementation and operations on B-Tree and B+Tree Any experiment according to the syllabus of CS010 403 can be substituted.

Syllabus B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering


Teaching scheme 3 hours Practical per week Credits: 2

Objectives:To provide an introduction to Electronic Circuits Design thereby giving a hands on experience on working with various Electronic Components, and Devices PART 1 (Electronic Circuits):1. Design of Two Stage RC Coupled Amplifiers 2. Design of FET Amplifiers 3. Design of Bootstrap Sweep Generators 4. Design of Astable, Monostable, and Bistable Multivibrators ( 3 experiments) 5. Design of Oscillators(RC Phase Shift Oscillator, Hartley Oscillator, Colpitts Oscillator 3 experiments)

PART 2 (Communication Engineering):1. Amplitude Modulation 2. Frequency Modulation 3. Delta Modulation 4. Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) 5. Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) 6. Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) 7. Phase Shift Keying (PSK) Note: - A minimum of 5 experiments from each part must be done.
Reference Books:-

1. Boylestead and Nashelky- Electronic Devices and Circuits- Prentice Hall of India 2. George Kennedy - Electronic Communication Systems - TMH

EN010501 B

Engineering Mathematics IV

(CS, IT)

Teaching scheme
2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week

Credits: 4

Objectives: To use basic numerical techniques for solving problems and to know the importance of learning theories in mathmatics and in queueing system. MODULE 1 Finite differences

(12 hours)
- interpolation using Newtons forward and backward formula

Finite difference operators

Newtons divided difference formula - Numerical differentiation using Newtons forward and backward formula Numerical integration Trapezoidal rule Simpsons 1/3rd and 3/8th rule MODULE 2 Z transforms

(12 hours)

Definition of Z transforms transform of polynomial function and trignometric functions shifting property , convolution property - inverse transformation solution of 1st and 2nd order difference equations with constant coifficients using Z transforms. MODULE 3 Discrete numeric functions

(12 hours)

Discrete numeric functions Manipulations of numeric functions- generating functions Recurrence relations Linear recurrence relations with constant coefficients Homogeneous solutions Particular solutions Total solution solution by the method of generating functions.
MODULE 4 Complex integration

(12 hours)

Functions of complex variable analytic function - Line integral Cauchys integral theorem Cauchys integral formula Taylors series- Laurents series Zeros and singularities types of singularities Residues Residue theorem evaluation of real integrals in unit circle contour integral in semi circle when poles lie on imaginary axis.
MODULE 5 Queueing Theory (12 hours)

General concepts Arrival pattern service pattern Queue disciplines The Markovian model M/M/1/ , M/M/1/N steady state solutions Littles formula.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C.L.Liu and D.P. Mohapatra Elements of Discrete Mathematics - Mc Graw Hill S.Lipschutz, M.L.Lipson Discrete mathematics Schaums outlines Mc Graw Hill B.V. Ramana - Higher Engg. Mathematics McGraw Hill Babu Ram Engg. Mathematics -Pearson. K Venkataraman- Numerical methods in science and Engg -National publishing co

6. V. Sundarapandian - probability ,Statistics and Queueing theory - PHI 7. S.Bathul text book of Engg.Mathematics Special functions and complex variables PHI 8. H. Weif HSU probability, random variables & Random processes Schaums out lines Mc Graw Hill 9. T.Veerarajan - probability ,Statistics & Random processes - Mc Graw Hill 10. H.C.Taneja Advanced Engg. Mathematics Vol II I.K.International

Mahatma Gandhi University

EN010 502(ME): Principles of Management

(Common with EN010 402(ME))
Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives Credits: 4

To develop an understanding of different functional areas of management. To understand the functions and duties an individual should perform in an organisation.

Module I (12 hours) Management Concepts: Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives of management-MBOScientific management- Functions of management- Planning- Organizing- StaffingDirecting- Motivating- Communicating- Coordinating- Controlling- Authority and Responsibility- Delegation- Span of control- Organizational structure- Line, Line and staff and Functional relationship. Module II (12 hours) Personnel Management: Definition and concept- Objectives of personnel managementManpower planning- Recruitment and Selection of manpower- Training and development of manpower- Labour welfare- Labour turnover- Quality circle- Industrial fatigue- Industrial disputes-Method of settling disputes- Trade unions. Module III (12 hours) Production management: Objectives and scope of production management- Functions of production department- production management frame work- product life cycle-Types of production- Production procedure- Project planning with CPM and PERT- Basic concepts in network. Module IV (12 hours) Financial Management: Objectives and Functions of Financial Management- Types of Capital- Factors affecting working capital- Methods of financing. Cost Management: Elements of cost- Components of cost- Selling Price of a product. Module V (12 hours) Sales and Marketing Management: Sales management- Concept- Functions of sales department- Duties of sales engineer- Selling concept and Marketing concept- MarketingDefinition and principles of marketing- Marketing management and its functions- Sales forecasting- Pricing- Advertising- Sales promotion- Channels of distribution- Market research. Text Books 1. Koontz and Weihrich, Essentials of Management, Tata McGraw Hill. 2. Mahajan M., Industrial Engineering and Production Management, Dhanpat Rai and Co. 3. Kemthose and Deepak, Industrial Engineering an Management, Prentice Hall of India. Reference Books 1. Martand Telsang, Industrial Engineering and Production Management. 2. Khanna O.P., Industrial Engineering and Management, Dhanpat Rai and Co. 3. Philip Kotler, Marketing Management, Prentice Hall of India. 4. Sharma S. C. & Banga T. R., Industrial Organisation and Engineering Economics, Khanna Publishers. 5. Prasanna Chandra, Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill.
Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

CS010 503: Database Management Systems (Common with IT010 506)

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To impart an introduction to the theory and practice of database systems. To develop basic knowledge on data modelling and design of efficient relations. To provide exposure to oracle database programming. Module I (10 hours) Basic Concepts - Purpose of Database Systems- 3 Schema Architecture and Data Independence- Components of DBMS Data Models, Schemas and Instances-Data Modeling using the Entity Relationship Model-Entity types, Relationship Types, Weak Entity Types . Module II (14 hours) Relational Model Concepts Constraints Entity Integrity and Referential Integrity, Relational Algebra -Select, Project, Operations from Set Theory, Join, OuterJoin and Division - Tuple Relational Calculus. SQL- Data Definition with SQL - Insert, Delete and Update Statements in SQL, Defining Domains, Schemas and Constraints, Constraint Violations - Basic Queries in SQL - Select Statement, Use of Aggregate functions and Group Retrieval, Nested Queries, Correlated Queries Views. Module III (12 hours) Oracle Case Study : The Basic Structure of the Oracle System Database Structure and its Manipulation in Oracle- Storage Organization in Oracle.- Programming in PL/SQL- Cursor in PL/SQL - Assertions Triggers. Indexing and Hashing Concepts -: Ordered Indices, Hash Indices, Dense and Sparse Indices, Multi Level Indices, Cluster Index, Dynamic Hashing. Module IV (11 hours) Database Design Design Guidelines Relational Database Design Functional Dependency- Determination of Candidate Keys, Super Key, Foreign Key, Normalization using Functional Dependencies, Normal Forms based on Primary keys- General Definitions of First, Second and Third Normal Forms. Boyce Codd Normal Form Multi-valued Dependencies and Forth Normal Form Join Dependencies and Fifth Normal Form Pitfalls in Relational Database Design. Module V (13 hours) Introduction to Transaction Processing- Transactions- ACID Properties of TransactionsSchedules- Serializability of Schedules- Precedence Graph- Concurrency Control Locks and Timestamps-Database Recovery Query processing and Optimization- Translating SQL Queries into a Relational Algebra Computing Select, Project and Join Object Relational Databases-Distributed Databases-Different Types-Fragmentation and Replication Techniques-Functions of DDBMS.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer Science & Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Reference Books 1. Elmsari and Navathe, Fundamentals of Database System, Pearson Education Asia, 5th Edition, New Delhi, 2008. 2. Henry F Korth, Abraham Silbershatz , Database System Concepts, Mc Graw Hill

6td Edition, Singapore, 2011.

3. Elmsari and Navathe, Fundamentals of Database System, Pearson Education Asia, 3rd Edition, New Delhi,2005, for oracle 4. Alexis Leon and Mathews Leon, Database Management Systems, Leon vikas Publishers, New Delhi. 5. Narayanan S, Umanath and Richard W.Scamell, Data Modelling and Database Design,Cengage Learning, New Delhi, 2009. 6. S.K Singh,Database Systems Concepts,Design and Applications, Pearson Education Asia, New Delhi, 2006. 7. Pranab Kumar Das Gupta, Datbase management System Oracle SQL And PL/SQL, Easter Economy Edition, New Delhi, 2009 8. C.J.Date , An Introduction to Database Systems, Pearson Education Asia, 7th Edition, New Delhi.

9. Rajesh Narang, Database Management Systems, Asoke K ghosh , PHI Learning, New Delhi, 2009. 10. Ramakrishnan and Gehrke, Database Management Systems, Mc Graw Hill, 3rd Edition , 2003. 11. Peter Rob and Carlos Coronel, Database Systems, Thomson Course Technology, 7th Edition, 2007. 12. Satinder Bal Guptha and Adithya Mittal, Introduction to Database Management System, University Science Publishers, New Delhi, 2010. 13. Patrick ONeil and Elizabeth ONeil, Database Principles, Programming and Performance, Morgan Kaufmann, 2nd Edition, New Delhi,2010 . 14. Ramon A Mata-Toledo and Pauline K Cushman, Schaums OUTlines Database Management Systems, Tata Mc Graw Hill , New Delhi, 2007. 15. Michel Kifer, Philip M. Lewis, Prabin K .Panigrahi and Arthur Bernstein, Database Systems An Application Oriented Approach, Pearson Education Asia, 2nd Edition, New Delhi, 2008.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer Science & Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University CS010 504 DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives:To introduce the principles and core areas of Signal Processing, in a programmatic approach and explore the basic ideas on the applications of DSP in various fields of Science and Technology.

CS 010 404 Signals and Communication Systems Module 1: (15 Hrs)

Basic Concepts of DSP Systems:- Review of Continuous Time Signals and Discrete Time Signals, Elementary Discrete Signals, Operations on Discrete Signals- Operations on Independent and Dependent Variable(s)- Convolution Sum, Discrete Systems, Properties of Discrete Systems, Response of LTI Systems ,Z-Transforms- Definition, Properties and Illustrative Examples, System Function, Discrete Time Fourier Transform(DTFT)- Definition, Properties and Illustrative Examples, Frequency Response

Module 2: (15 Hrs)

Discrete Fourier Transform(DFT): -Definition, Properties and Illustrative Examples, Relation between DFT, DTFT and Z Transforms, Complexity of DFT calculation, Divide & Conquer Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)- Radix 2 Decimation in Time (DIT) and Decimation in Frequency (DIF)Algorithms, Composite Point DFT Computation, Circular convolution- Computation of Circular Convolution using DFT, Discrete Cosine Transform, ,Finite Word Length effects in DFT Computation

Module 3(12Hrs)
Digital Filter Design:- Need of Digital Filters, Types of Digital Filters- Theoretical and Realizable Frequency responses of Low Pass, High Pass, Band Pass and Band Stop Filters. Filter Design Specifications Finite Impulse Response Filter:- FIR Filters with Linear Phase, Need of Linear Phase, Frequency response of Linear Phase FIR Filters, FIR Filter Design Methods- Fourier Series Method Gibbs Phenomenon, Window Method- Design of FIR Filters using Rectangular, Triangular,Hamming, Hanning, Blackmann and Kaiser Windows, Frequency Sampling Method. Realization of FIR Filter- Direct, Linear Phase and Cascade Realisations.Finite Word Length effects in FIR Filter Design

Module 4: (10 Hrs)

Infinite Impulse Response Filters:- Steps in IIR Filter Design, Conversion of Analog Filter to Digital Filter- Impulse Invariant and Bilinear Transformations, Analog Filter Design ApproximationsButterworth and Chebyshev Approximations., Realization of IIR Filter- Direct, Cascade and Parallel Realizations. Finite Word Length effects in IIR Filter Design.

Module 5(8 Hrs)

Introduction to DSP Chips: - Basic Architecture of a DSP chip, Case Study: TMS 320, TigerSHARC Processors (Overview of Architecture and Features) Applications of DSP:- Audio Signal Processing and Compression, Image Processing- JPEG Compression,Video Compression, Speech Processing and Recognition, Weather Forecasting, RADAR, (Brief idea only)

Mahatma Gandhi University

Note: While discussing the Topics on Frequency response, DFT, Design of FIR and IIR Filters, illustrative example programs must be developed in MATLAB/SCILAB .

Reference Books 1. Digital Signal Processing Andreas Antoniou Tata McGrawHill


John G. Proakis, Dimitris G. Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms and Applications, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 1997

3. 4.

Digital Signal Processing , A Computer Based Approach- S.K. Mithra TataMcGraw Hill Oppenheim A. V., Schafer R. W., Discrete-Time Signal Processing, PrenticeHall/Pearson.

Mahatma Gandhi University

CS010 505: Operating Systems

(Common with IT010 504)
Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To understand the fundamental concepts and techniques of Operating Systems. To study the basic structure of Linux system. Module I (8 hours) Introduction: Operating System Batch, Multiprogrammed, Time-sharing and Real time systems Operating system structure Operating system operations System Structures: Operating system service System calls System Programs System structure Simple structure, Layered approach Kernel, Shell. Module II (12 hours) Process Management: Process concept Process state, PCB Process scheduling Operations on processes Interprocess communication Multithreading Benefits, Models Process Scheduling: Basic concepts Preemptive scheduling, Dispatcher Scheduling criteria Scheduling algorithms Multiple-processor scheduling. Module III (16 hours) Process Synchronization: The Critical-Section problem Petersons solution Synchronization Hardware Semaphores Classic problems of synchronization Monitors Deadlocks: System model Deadlock characterization Methods for handling deadlocks Prevention, Avoidance and Detection Recovery from deadlock. Module IV (14 hours) Memory Management: Resident Monitor Dynamic loading Swapping Contiguous memory allocation Paging Basic, Multi-level Paging Segmentation Virtual Memory Demand Paging Page Replacement algorithms Allocation of Frames Thrashing Cause of thrashing. Module V (10 hours) File System: File concept Access methods Directory structure Directory implementation Linear list, Hash table Disk scheduling Case study: Linux system.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer Science and Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Reference Books
1. Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B.Galvin and Greg Gagne, Operating System Concepts, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 8th Edition 2010. 2. D M Dhamdhere, Operating Systems A Concept-based Approach, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2nd Edition, 2010. 3. Achyut S Godbole, Operating Systems, Tata McGraw Hill , New Delhi, 2nd Edition, 2009. 4. Elmasri, Carrick, Levine, Operating Systems A Spiral Approach, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, First Edition 2010. 5. Gary Nutt, Operating Systems, Second Edition, Addison Wesley, 2003. 6. Andew S. Tanenbaum, Modern Operating, Pearson Education, Second Edition, 2001. 7. Promod Chandra P.Bhatt, An introduction to Operating Systems Concepts and Practice, PHI, New Delhi, Third Edition, 2010 8. B Prasanalakshmi, Computer Operating System, CBS Publishers, New Delhi, First Edition, 2010 9. D P Sharma, Foundation of Operating Systems, EXCEL BOOKS, New Delhi, First Edition 2008 10. Brian L Stuart, Operating Systems Principles, Design and Applications, Cengage Learning, New Delhi, First Edition 2009. 11. Charles Crowley, Operating Systems A Design Oriented Approach, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, First Edition 2009. 12. Pabitra Pal Choudhaury, Operating Systems Principles and, Design, PHI, New Delhi, First Edition, 2009

Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer Science and Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

CS010 506: Advanced Microprocessors & Peripherals

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To understand the concepts related to advanced microprocessors. To study the basic technology of various peripherals. To have an overview of different types of communication buses and ports. Module I (15 hours) 8086 Architecture, Block diagram Addressing modes Instructions set of 8086 data transfer arithmetic branch loop flag manipulation shift & rotate string instructions writing simple program in 8086. Module II (9 hours) Additional features of 80286 protected mode memory addressing Additional features of 80386 Paging mechanism (Flat memory model) Additional features of Pentium Processors Brief study of latest processors of Intel & AMD Dual core processor(Brief idea only) . Note: Architecture not required for the processors discussed in this module. Module III: Peripherals (11 hours) Study of motherboards Different types of ports, slots and connectors Processor Bus, AGP, PCI Add-on cards USB Hard Disk Interfaces IDE, ATA, Power supply SMPS function & operations. Module IV: Storage Devices (15 hours) Magnetic data storage: Principles Hard disks Cylinders Clusters Tracks and Sectors Disk formatting Partitioning Hard disk drive operation Data Transfer rates Data addressing CHS addressing Logical Block Addressing. Optical storage: CD Technology, CD ROM, CD-R, CD-RW, Interface Magneto optical drives DVD RAID Blu-ray disc. Module V (10 hours) Memory: Parity ECC Memory Addressing 640 KB barrier Extended and Expanded memory HMA Video memory Flash Memory Pen drive Advanced memory technologies.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer Science & Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Reference Books 1. A K Ray, K M Bhurchandi, Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2nd Edition, 2010. 2. Craig Zacker & John Rourke, PC Hardware: The Complete Reference, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, First Edition, 2001. 3. Barry B.Brey, The Intel Microprocessors, PHI, New Delhi, Sixth Edition, 2004. 4. Nilesh B. Bahadure, Microprocessors, PHI, New Delhi, First Edition, 2010. 5. K.K Tripathi, Rajesh K Gangwar, Microprocessor and Its Application, Acme Learning,2010 6. Douglas V Hall, Microprocessors and Interfacing, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2nd Edition, 2006 7. Scott Mueller, Upgrading and Repairing PCs, Pearson Education, 17th Edition, 2006 8. Stephen J.Bigelow, Troubleshooting, Maintaining and Repairing PCs, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 5th Edition, 2001

Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer Science & Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

CS010 507 Database Lab

Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Objectives

Credits: 2

To acquaint the students with the implementation and fundamental algorithms of database systems. To provide experience on design, querying, and processing of data in a relational database.

I. Experiments to implement the following

1. 2. 3. 4. Relational algebra operations select, project and join. Determination of Attribute Closure, Candidate Key, Functional Dependency. Checking Serializability of a Schedule. Dynamic Hashing.

II. Experiments in any relational database for the following

1. Creation, Insertion, Updation, Deletion of Tables, Indexes, Views. 2. Simple Queries, Nested Queries, Use of Arithmetic and String Functions. 3. Simple PL/SQL Programs, Use of Exceptions, Cursor, Procedure, Function, Trigger, Sequence. 4. Report Generation 5. ODBC/JDBC Interface. Any experiment according to the syllabus of CS010 503 can be substituted. Resources: 1 SQL,PL/SQLIvan Bayross, BPB Publication 3rd Ed.

Syllabus B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

CS010 508: Hardware and Microprocessors Lab

Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week (i) (ii) Objectives

Credits: 2

To acquaint the students with the implementation and fundamental algorithms of database systems. To provide experience on design, querying, and processing of data in a relational database. To familiarise the students with 8085,8086,masm programming and various PC hardware

To provide experience on design, querying, and processing of data in a relational database.

Phase I 1. Familiarization of 8085 training Kit. 2. Simple programs using 8085 Kit. Phase II 3.Study of MASM Programming. 4.Simple programs in 8086 using MASM. Phase III. 5.Familiarisation with PC Components. 6.Experiments based on various hardware components. 7.Experiments for communication with peripheral devices using C and MASM
NB: Students should do the experiments in all the phases. External examiner can conduct University Examinations on any of these phases.

Syllabus B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

CS010 601: Design And Analysis Of Algorithms

(Common with IT010 605)
Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To develop an understanding about basic algorithms and different problem solving strategies. To improve creativeness and the confidence to solve non-conventional problems and expertise for analysing existing solutions. Module I (13 hours) Introduction and Complexity What is an algorithm Properties of an Algorithm, Development of an algorithm, Pseudocode Conventions, Recursive Algorithms Performance Analysis - Space and Time Complexity Asymptotic Notations Oh, Omega, Theta, Worst, Best and Average Case Complexity, Running Time Comparison, Common Complexity Functions -Recurrence Relations Solving Recurrences using Iteration and Recurrence Trees Example Problems Profiling - Amortized Complexity. Module II (11 hours) Divide and Conquer - Control Abstraction, Finding Maximum and Minimum, Costs associated element comparisons and index comparisons, Binary Search, Divide and Conquer Matrix Multiplication, Stressens Matrix Multiplication, Quick Sort, Merge Sort. Refinements. Module III (14 hours) Greedy Strategy - Control Abstraction, General Knapsack Problem, Minimum Cost Spanning Trees PRIMs Algorithm, Kruskals Algorithm, Job sequencing with deadlines. Dynamic Programming - Principle of Optimality, Multistage Graph Problem, Forward Approach, Backward Approach, All-Pairs Shortest Paths, Traveling Salesman Problem. Module IV (11 hours) Backtracking State Space Tree - Fixed Tuple and Variable Tuple Formulation - Control Abstraction Generating Function and Bounding Function - Efficiency of the method Monte Carlo Method N-Queens Problem, Sum of Subsets. Branch and Bound Techniques FIFO, LIFO, and LC Control Abstractions, 15-puzzle. Module V (11 hours) Sophisticated Algorithms - Approximation Algorithms Planar Graph Coloring, Vertex cover - String Matching Algorithms Rabin Karp algorithm - Topological Sort Deterministic and Non-Deterministic Algorithms. Lower Bound Theory - Comparison Trees for Searching and Sorting, lower bound on comparison based algorithms, Sorting, Selection & Merging; Oracles and Adversary Arguments Merging,Basic concepts of randomized algorithm-Las Vagas algorithm for search.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer Science & Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Reference Books 1. Ellis Horowitz and Sartaj Sahni, Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms,Universities Press, 2nd Edition, Hyderabad . 2. Thomas Coremen, Charles, Ronald Rives, Introduction to algorithm, PHI Learning 3. Sara Baase & Allen Van Gelder , Computer Algorithms Introduction to Design and Analysis, Pearson Education.. 4. Anany Levitin, Introduction to The Design & Analysis of Algorithms, Pearson Education, 2nd Edition, New Delhi, 2008. 5. Berman and Paul, Algorithms, Cenage Learning India Edition, New Delhi, 2008. 6. S.K.Basu , Design Methods And Analysis Of Algorithms ,PHI Learning Private Limited, New Delhi,2008. 7. Jon Kleinberg and Eva Tardos, Algorithm Design, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2006. 8. Hari Mohan Pandey, Design Analysis And Algorithms, University Science Press, 2008. 9. R. Panneerselvam, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, PHI Learning Private Limited, New Delhi, 2009. 10. Udit Agarwal, Algorithms Design And Analysis, Dhanapat Rai & Co, New Delhi, 2009. 11. Aho, Hopcroft and ullman, The Design And Analysis of Computer Algorithms, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2007. 12. S.E.Goodman and S. T. Hedetmiemi, Introduction To The Design And Analysis Of Algorithms, McGraw-Hill International Editions, Singapore 2000. 13. Richard Neapolitan, Kumarss N, Foundations of Algorithms, DC Hearth &company. 14. Sanjay Dasgupta, Christos Papadimitriou, Umesh Vazirani, Algorithms, Tata McGraw-Hill Edition.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer Science & Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

CS010 602: Internet Computing

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To impart the basic concepts of Internet Computing and Java Programming To develop understanding about Internet Computing with the help of Java Platform and establishing network connections using Socket Programming

Module I (10hours)

Introduction to Java- Genesis of Java- Features of Java Data Types-Variables and Arrays-Operators- Control Statements Selection Statements Iteration StatementsJump Statements.
Module II (12 hours)

Creating & using classes in Java Methods and Classes Inheritance Super Class Method Overriding Packages and Interfaces Implementing Interfaces- Exception Handling Exception Types, Threads-Multithreaded programs, Thread Priorities and Thread synchronization.
Module III (14hours)

I/O I/O Basics Byte Streams and Character Streams, Reading Console Input, Collections Framework, Applets & Applet Architecture-Applet Skelton- Passing Parameters to Applet, Event Handling-Event Model- Event Classes Event Listener Interfaces, AWT AWT Classes AWT Controls Layout Managers and Menus. Swing- JApplet Jbuttons - JTables.
Module IV (13 hours)

Network Programming with Java Socket Programming in Java-Client SocketsServer Sockets- Secure Server Sockets- TCP/IP Programming with Java Datagrams, IP multicasting, Remote Method Invocation.
Module V (11 hours)

Advanced Java Programming Accessing Databases with JDBC, Servlets, Image processing using Java Image Filter Web Application development using Java Technolgies- Java Server Faces.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer Science & Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Reference Books

1) Herbert Schildt, Java 2 Complete reference, 5th ed., Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2010 2) Deitel & Deitel Java How To Program 7th ed., Pearson Education ,New Delhi, 2008 3) Cay Horstmann Big Java 3rd ed., Wiley India Edition, New Delhi, 2009 4) Y Daniel Liang Introduction to Java Programming 7th ed., Pearson Education ,New Delhi, 2010 5) R Krishnamoorthy, S Prabhu Internet & Java Programming, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 2008 6) Rajkumar Buyya, S Thamarai Selvi, Xingchen Chu, Object Oriented Programming with Java, McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2009 7) P Radha Krishna, Object Oriented Programming through Java Universities Press, Hyderabad2008 8) Debasish Jana, Java and Object Oriented Programming Paradigm, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2005 9) G Thomas Wu, An Introduction to Object Oriented Programming with Java,4th ed., Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2010 10) E Balagurusamy, Programming with Java A Primer, 4th ed., McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2010 11) John R Hubbard, Programming with Java, 2nd ed., Schaums Outlines, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2004

Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer Science & Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University CS010 603 SYSTEM SOFTWARE

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives:To introduce the techniques adopted in the design and implementation of System Software.
Module I (12 Hrs) Introduction:System Software Vs. Application Software, Different System Software, Macro Processor, Assembler, Linker, Loader, Text Editor, Debugger, Device Driver, Compiler, Interpreter[1] Database Management System, Operating System,[2] Macro Preprocessor Macro Instruction Definition and Invocation. Types of Macros Parameterised macros, Nested macros, Recursive macros. Basic functions of Macro Preprocessor Macro expansion, Generation of unique labels. Macro preprocessor design and Algorithm - Handling conditional Macro calls, Nested Macro calls and Recursive Macro calls.[Reference (1)] Case Study : The C Preprocessor [Web- Reference (1) ] Module - II (15 Hrs) Assembler Assembly Language Concepts Mnemonic Instructions, Assembler Directives and Literals. Instruction formats and Addressing modes. Program Blocks and Control Sections. Basic Functions of Assembler. Assembler output format Header, Text and End Records. Assembler Design 2 Pass Assembler Necessity of two passes and Forward reference. Algorithm for the two passes. Single Pass Assembler Algorithm for Single Pass assembler. Handling External references usage of Define and Refer records. Multi pass Assembler, Macro Assembler.[Reference (1)] Case Study : Microsoft Macro Assembler for MS-DOS [Reference (1), (5)] - Microsoft OBJ file format (Basic Structure and Important Records Only) [ Reference(2)]. Module - III (12 Hrs) Linker and Loader Need for Linking and Loading : The absolute loader, Program Relocation, Relocating Loader, Linking external symbols. Algorithms for the two passes of a Linking Loader.[References (2),(3)] Variants of the basic model Automatic Library Search, Linkage Editor, Dynamic Linking. [Reference(1)] Case study : UNIX ELF and Microsoft DLL (basic structure only). Module - IV (11 Hrs) Text Editors : Overview of Editing, User Interface, Editor Structure. [Reference (1)] Case Study : VI Editor (Basic ideas only)[ Reference (1)] Debuggers : Debugging Functions and Capabilities, Relationship with other parts of the system, Debugging Methods- By Induction, Deduction and Backtracking, . [Reference (1) ,(8)] Case Study : gdb (Basic ideas only)

Mahatma Gandhi University

Module - V (10 Hrs) Device Driver : Device Characteristics ,Design and anatomy, Types of device driver, General Design Character Devices and character device drivers, Block Devices and Block device drivers. Case Study: Device Driver for the PC Speaker [References(4), (6),(7)]

REFERENCES: 1. System Software: An Introduction to Systems Programming Leland L. Beck, Pearson Education Asia 3rd Edition. 2. Systems Programming and Operating Systems D.M. Dhamdhere, Tata McGraw Hill Second Revised Edition. 3. Systems Programming John J. Donovan, Tata McGraw Hill Edition 1991. 4. Writing UNIX device drivers - George Pajari -Pearson Education Asia. 5. IBM PC Assembly Language and Programming - Peter Abel Third Edition Prentice Hall of India

6. Linux Device Drivers - Jonathan Corbet, Alessandro Rubini, Greg Kroah-Hartman Third Edition - O.Reilly Books 7. Linux Kernel Internals- M. Beck, H. Bohme, M .Dziadzka, et al Second Edition Addison Wesley
8. System Software J Nithyashri Second Edition- Tata McGraw Hill WEB REFERENCE: 1. The C Preprocessor

Note: separate subjects are provided in the syllabus in the Seventh and Fifth Semesters for the detailed discussion of the subjects marked [1] and [2] respectively.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Mahatma Gandhi University

CS010 604: Computer Networks

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To develop basic knowledge on the mode of operation of different types of computer networks that are used to interconnect a distributed community of computers and various interfacing standards and protocols. Module I (8 hours)

Network requirements, Network Architecture layering and protocol, OSI Architecture, Internet Architecture, Performance-bandwidth and latency , Delay x bandwidth product, high speed networks . Module II (10 hours) Direct Link Network, Hardware Building Block, Framing-Byte Oriented Protocol, Bit Oriented Protocol , Clock Based Framing, Reliable Transmission-Stop and Wait, Sliding Window, Ethernet(802.3)-Physical properties, Access protocol, WirelessBluetooth, WiFi, Wimax
Module III (12 hours)

Packet Switching-Switching and Forwarding- Datagram, virtual circuit switching, Source routing Bridges and LAN Switches-Learning Bridges, Spanning tree Algorithms ,Broadcast and Multicast, Limitations of bridges, Simple InternetworkingService Model, Global Address, Datagram Forwarding in IP, address translation, Routing-network as graph, distance vector, link state, matrix
Module IV (16 hours)

End to End Protocol, Simple de-multiplexer, Reliable Byte stream, TCP-Issues, segment format, connection establishment and termination sliding window revisited, triggering transmission, adaptive retransmission, RPC-fundamentals ,TCP Congestion control additive increase, slow start, fast retransmit and fast recovery, congestion avoidance mechanism, DEC bit, Random Early Detection bit, Source Based Congestion avoidance
Module V (14 hours)

Applications -WWW, E-mail, Name Service, Network Management, Web Services Custom Application protocol, Generic Application Protocol ,Overlay Networks-Peer to Peer Networks.
Reference Books

1.Computer Networks A Systems Approach-Larry L.Peterson and Bruce S.Davie,4th Edition .Morgan Kaufman 2. Introduction to data communication and networking Behrouz Forozan TMH. 3 .Computer networks ,Andrew S Tanenbaum ,PHI 4.Data communication, computer networks and open systems, Halsall F ,Addison Wesley.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer Science & Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer Science & Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University


Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives:To familiarize the steps in designing a Computer Software System following the conventions in Engineering Design. To introduce the fundamentals of Structured and Object Oriented Designs and Design Tools.
Module I (12 Hrs) The Evolving role of Software Software The changing Nature of Software Legacy software ,Introduction to CASE tools, A generic view of process A layered Technology A Process Framework The Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) Process Assessment Personal and Team Process Models. Product and Process. Process Models The Waterfall Model Incremental Process Models Incremental Model The RAD Model Evolutionary Process Models Prototyping The Spiral Model The Concurrent Development Model Specialized Process Models the Unified Process. Module - II (12 Hrs) Management: Functions - Project planning - Software productivity - Productivity metrics Cost estimation - COCOMO & COCOMO II - Project control - Work breakdown structures, Gantt charts, PERT charts - Dealing with deviations - Team organization - centralized, de-centralized, mixed - An assessment of organizations - Risk management Configuration Management. Introduction to project management and planning CASE tools. Module - III (12 Hrs) Requirements Engineering : Requirements Engineering tasks Initiating the requirements Engineering Process-Eliciting Requirements Developing Use cases Building the Analysis Models Elements of the Analysis Model Analysis pattern Negotiating Requirements Validating Requirements. SRS Document. Module - IV (12 Hrs) Design activity & its objectives Function Oriented and Object Oriented DesignModularization techniques - module structure and its representation, interface and information hiding, categories, specific techniques to accommodate change, stepwise refinement, top-down and bottom-up design - Handling anomalies. Case Study with UML and CASE Tool support. Module - V (12 Hrs) Implementation Techniques - Programming principles and guidelines Structured Programming. Software Testing Fundamentals-Test Case Design-White-Box Testing-Basis Path Testing-Control Structure Testing- Black-Box Testing- Various levels of Testing : Modules to System. Case study : Test case design and Testlog preperation

Mahatma Gandhi University

References 1. Roger S.Pressman, Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, McGraw Hill International edition, Seventh edition. 2. Ian Sommerville, Software Engineering, 8th Edition, Pearson Education, 2008 (UNIT V) 3. Stephan Schach, Software Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007 4. Pfleeger and Lawrence Software Engineering: Theory and Practice, Pearson Education, second edition, 2001

Mahatma Gandhi University


Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To impart an introduction to distributed systems and distributed computing. To develop basic knowledge on distribution of data and file systems in distributed environment. To provide exposure to distributed database concepts. Module I (10 hours) Introduction to Distributed Systems, evolution, characteristics, design issues, user requirements, Distributed computing models-workstation model, workstation-server model, processorpool model. Protocols for distributed systems -VMTP and FLIP. Module II (12 hours) Client server communication, Group communication, IPC - Message passing features. RPC model, implementation, stub generation, RPC messages, communication protocols marshalling. Distributed shared memory Architecture, design issues, thrashing, replacement strategy. Synchronization clock synchronization, event ordering, mutual exclusion. Module III (14 hours) Distributed file system: Components of DFS, design issues, interfaces, implementation, File Caching and Replication. Sun Network File System architecture and implementation, Google File System. Naming- Namespace and contexts and name resolution. Module IV (12 hours) Distributed system management: Features of scheduling algorithms, Task assignment approach, load balancing, load sharing, Process migration mechanisms, Threads design issues, Fault tolerance failures, Byzantine failures. Module V (12 hours) Distributed Databases: Distributed DBMS architecture, distributed query processing, transactions, concurrency control, deadlock management and Distributed Database Recovery protocols-2PC, Network Partitioning. Reference Books 1. Sunita Mahajan, Seema shah, Distributed Computing ,Oxford University Press, first edition, 2010 2. George Coulouris, Jean Dellimore and Tim Kindberg, Distributed Systems Concepts and designing, Pearson Education Asia, fourth Edition 2006, New Delhi. 3. Pradeep. K, Sinha, Distributed Operating Systems ,PHI Edition, first Edition,1997. 4. Andrew S Tenenbaum, Distributed Operating Systems, Pearson Education Asia

Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer science and Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer science and Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

CS010 606L02

Micro controller Based Systems

Credits: 4

(Common with EE010 503 and EC010 502) Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week

Objectives To impart the basic concepts of microcontrollers and their programming in assembly language and in C. It also focused on the 8051 microcontroller which is a widely used microcontroller. Pre-requisites: Microprocessor systems, Advanced microprocessor and peripherals Module I (10 hours) Microcontroller - Features of 8051-Arcchitecture of 8051-Pin diagram of 8051-memory organization-External memory interfacing-stacks- addressing modes-instruction set. Module II (12 hours) 8051 programming in C-data types and time delay I/O programming logical operation data conversation program basics of serial communication connection to RS232- serial port programming in assembly and C. Module III (14 hours) Basics of interrupts,-interrupt sources- interrupt enable register-interrupt priority-interrupt control system-interrupt handling-single step operation- port bit latches and buffers-port structures and operation- accessing external memory. Module IV (12 hours) Timer 0& -Timer1- T MOD SFR-mode0,mode 1,mode2,mode3TCON SFR-serial interface-SCON SFR-mode0,mode 1,mode 2,mode3-block schematicsbaud rates-power on reset circuit-ONCE mode-on chip oscillator-external program & data memory timing diagrams. Module V (12 hours) PIC microcontrollers: Overview and features-PIC16C6X/7X FSR-Reset action-PIC memory organization-instructions-addressing modes.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer Science & Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Reference Books
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Muhammad Ali mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi, Rolin D Mc kinlay , The 8051 microcontroller and embedded systems,person, second edition., 2006 V Udayashankara,M S Mallikarjunaswamy ,8051 Microcontroller hardware &software application,TMH Ajay V Deshmukh,Microcontrollers, theory and applications,TMH Kennath J Ayala, The 8051 microcontroller., Penram International 1 Satish Shah,8051 microcontrollers MCS 51 family and its variants ,Oxford higher education

Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer Science & Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

CS010 606L03: User Interface Design

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To impart the basic concepts of User Interface Design. To develop understanding about human computer interaction methods that utilize more general, widespread and easier-to-learn capabilities. Module I (8 hours) Introduction: Importance of user interface definition, importance of good design, brief history Graphical User Interface Web User Interface Theories, Principles and Guidelines of User interface design Module II (10 hours) Design Process: Obstacles in development path deigning for people-Understanding Human Interaction with computers, Importance of Human Characteristics, Human consideration, Human Interaction speeds Understanding Business function Module III (15 hours) Screen Designing: Design goals - screen meaning and purpose, organizing screen elementsordering of screen data and content screen navigation and flow visually pleasing composition amount of information focus and emphasis presenting information simply and meaningfully information retrieval on web Statistical graphics Technological considerations in Interface Design. Module IV (15 hours) Menus and navigation schemes-structures of menus-functions of menus- contents of menus - formatting of menus phrasing the menu- selecting menu choices-navigating menus-kinds of graphical menus- Selection of windows-Window characteristics-components of windowwindow presentation styles-types of windows-window management-organising window functions-window operations-Selection of device based and screen based controls - text and messages icons and images Multimedia colours- uses, problems, choosing colours. Module V (12 hours) Distributed and Collaborative Interaction-Device consistency-distribution of the user interface-event distribution-graphical package layer-programmable API-Model semantics distribution-data layer distribution-asynchronous collaboration-Software tools-specification methods- interface building tools evaluation and critiquing tools-Interaction deviceskeyboard and function keys - pointing devices- speech recognition, digitization and generation image and video displays printers.

Reference Books 1. Wilbert O. Galitz,The Essential Guide to User Interface Design, 2nd Edn., Wiley Dreamtech,Delhi,2002 2. Ben Shneiderman, Designing the User Interface ,3rd Edn., Pearson Education Asia,Delhi,2002 3. Dan R. Olsen, Human Computer Interaction,Cengage,New Delhi,2009
4. John M. Carroll,Human Computer Interaction, Pearson Education Asia, Delhi,2002 5. Alan Cooper, The Essentials of User Interface Design , Wiley Dreamtech, Delhi,2002 Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

CS010 606L04 : UNIX Shell Programming (Common with IT010 606L03)

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To provide a fair knowledge of Unix concepts and gain sharp skills in Unix Shell programming

Module 1. (8 hours) Introduction to Unix:- Architecture of Unix, Features of Unix , Basic Unix Commands - Unix Utilities:- Introduction to unix file system, vi editor, file handling utilities, security by file permissions, process utilities, disk utilities, networking commands - Text processing utilities and backup Module 2. (13 hours) Introduction to Shells:-Unix Session, Standard Streams, Redirection, Pipes, tee Command, Command Execution, Command-Line Editing, Quotes, Command Substitution, Job Control, Aliases, Variables, Predefined Variables, Options, Shell/Environment Customization. Regular expressions, Filters and Pipes, Concatenating files, Display Beginning and End of files, Cut and Paste, Sorting, Translating Characters, Files with Duplicate Lines, Count characters, words or lines, Comparing Files. Module 3. (12 hours) grep:-Operation, grep Family, Searching for File Content. sed:-Scripts, Operation, Addresses, commands, Applications, grep and sed. awk:-Execution, Fields and Records, Scripts, Operations, Patterns, Actions, Associative Arrays, String Functions, Mathematical Functions, User Defined Functions, Using System commands in awk, Applications of awk, grep and sed Module 4. (15 hours) Interactive Shells - Korn Shell, C Shell and BASH - Shell Features, Special Files, Variables, Output, Input, Exit Status of a Command, eval Command, Environmental Variables, Options, Startup Scripts, Command History, Command Execution Process. Shell Programming - Korn Shell, C Shell and BASH Basic Script concepts, Expressions, Decisions: Making Selections, Repetition, special Parameters and Variables, changing Positional Parameters, Argument Validation, Debugging Scripts, Script Examples. Module 5. (12 hours) Process management:- Creation, Hierarchies, Sending signals to processes, exec, termination, Zombie, waitpid etc - Network management:- tools, Client server mechanism, address resolution, ping, telnet, ftp, dns and squid X Window System:- Overview, Architecture, starting and stopping X, X clients and display

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University

Reference Books

Behrouz A. Forouzan, Richard F. Gilberg, Unix and shell Programming., Cengage Learning 2. Sumitabha Das , Unix the ultimate guide, TMH. 2nd Edition. 3. Kernighan and Pike, Unix programming environment, PHI. / Pearson Education 4. Graham Glass, King Ables, Unix for programmers and users, 3rd edition, Pearson Education 5. Maurice J. Bach, The Design of the Unix Operating System, First Edition, Pearson Education, 1999

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University

CS010 606L05: Embedded Systems

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To impart the basic concepts of Embedded System and its applications To develop understanding about micro controllers and programming the micro controller for the development of Embedded systems.

Module I (-12 hours) Introduction to Embedded Systems-Classification of Embedded Systems-Application areas of Embedded Systems, Typical Embedded System- Memory-Sensors and Actuators-Embedded Firmware - Characteristics and Quality Attributes of Embedded Systems Module II (13 hours) Application Specific Embedded System Domain Specific Embedded System, Designing Embedded Systems with 8bit Microcontrollers- Factors to be considered in selecting a Controller- Designing with 8051 microcontroller- 8052 microcontroller, Programming the 8051 microcontroller Addressing modes of 8051 the 8051 Instruction set Module III ( 13 hours) Hardware Software Co-Design and Program Modeling Computational models in Embedded Design, Embedded Hardware Design and development Electronic Design Automation Tools, Embedded Firmware Design and Development - Embedded Firmware Design Approaches - Embedded Firmware Development Languages Programming in Embedded C. Module IV (12 hours) Real Time Operating System based Embedded System Design Operating System Basics Types of Operating Systems Tasks- Process- Threads Multiprocessing and Multitasking Task Scheduling Task Communication Task Synchronization Introduction to Vx Works and Micro C/OS-II RTOS Module V (10 hours) The Embedded System Development Environment Integrated Development Environment , The Embedded Product Development Life Cycle EDLC- Objectives of EDLC Different phases of EDLC Modeling the EDLC

Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer Science & Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Reference Books 1. Shibu K V, Introduction to Embedded Systems, McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2009 2. Raj Kamal, Embedded Systems Architecture, Programming and Design, 2nd ed., Tata McGraw Hill , New Delhi, 2008 3. Frank Vahid & Tony Givargis, Embedded System Design A Unified Hardware/Software Introduction, Wiley - India Edition, New Delhi, 2010 4. Wayne Wolf , Computers as Components Principles of Embedded Computing System Design, , 2nd ed., Elsevier, Gurgaon, 2009 5. Steven F Barrett & Daniel J Pack , Embedded Systems Design and Applications with the 68HC12 and HCS12, Pearson Education, Delhi, 2008.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer Science & Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

CS010 606L06: Advanced Software Environments

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week Objectives To impart the basic concepts of Windows programming.. To develop understanding about the new software environment software to meet the growing demand of the industry. Pre-requisites: Knowledge required to study this subject (OOP concepts)) Module I (10 hours) Windows Programming Components of Windows API- Distinction with ordinary programs Event Driven Programming WinMain Function Creating Windows Message loop Window procedures - Menus & Buttons Drawing on Windows, Advanced User Interface concepts, Developing application issues and solutions. Module II (10 hours) MFC Features & Advantages MFC Classes Life cycle of an MFC application The CWinApp Classes Creating windows Message maps and event handling Menus & Buttons - Drawing on MFC windows Handling mouse & Keyboard events. Module III (13 hours) X-Windows Clients & Servers - Basic Architecture of X-Windows systems Layers in XWindows Architecture XWindows Programming Simple Hello World Application in X. Command line options and resources connecting to X-Display creating windows and graphics context Handling events creating child windows. Module IV (13 hours) CORBA Introduction Features Fundamental concepts in Distributed objects CORBA IDL stub & Skeleton - implementing a simple CORBA server and CORBA client with C++. Module V (14 hours) CORBA object reference Managing references at server CORBA factories CORBA object creation in C++ & JAVA CORBA Exceptions Destroying CORBA objects comparison of CORBA & DCOM Architectures. Credits: 4

and develop of

Reference Books 1. Yashwanth Kanetkar , Visual C++ Programming ,BPB Publications ,New Delhi, 2005. th 2. Mike Blaszczals, Professional MFC with Visual C++ 6, 4 Edition, Shroff publishers &

Distributors Private Limited, New Delhi, 2003.

3. Nabajyoti Bakakati, X Window System programming , 2

Edition, Prentice-Hall of India

Private Limited,New Delhi, 2001.

4. Jason Pritchard ,COM & CORBA side by side , Pearson Edition New Delhi, 2000.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

CS010 607: Operating Systems Lab

Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Credits: 2

Objectives To provide a practical exposure of all algorithms and behaviour of processes in the system with respect to all its timings. This lab also explains the allocation of process in the memory with some memory management techniques. (Implement the following on LINUX platform. Use C for high level language implementation) 1. Basic UNIX commands 2. Shell programming - Command syntax - Write simple functions with basic tests, loops, patterns 3. Write programs using the following system calls of UNIX operating system: fork, exec, getpid, exit, wait, close, stat, opendir, readdir 4. Write programs using the I/O system calls of UNIX operating system (open, read, write, etc) 5. Write C programs to simulate UNIX commands like ls, grep, etc. 6. Given the list of processes, their CPU burst times and arrival times, display/print the Gantt chart for FCFS and SJF. For each of the scheduling policies, compute and print the average waiting time and average turnaround time 7. Given the list of processes, their CPU burst times and arrival times, display/print the Gantt chart for Priority and Round robin. For each of the scheduling policies, compute and print the average waiting time and average turnaround time 8. Implement the Producer Consumer problem using semaphores. 9. Implement inter-process communication using shared memory. 10. Implement some memory management schemes Example for expt 10: Free space is maintained as a linked list of nodes with each node having the starting byte address and the ending byte address of a free block. Each memory request consists of the process-id and the amount of storage space required in bytes. Allocated memory space is again maintained as a linked list of nodes with each node having the process-id, starting byte address and the ending byte address of the allocated space. When a process finishes (taken as input) the appropriate node from the allocated list should be deleted and this free disk space should be added to the free space list. [Care should be taken to merge contiguous free blocks into one single block. This results in deleting more than one node from the free space list and changing the start and end address in the appropriate node]. For allocation use first fit, worst fit and best fit.

Syllabus B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering

CS010 608 Mini Project

Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Objectives To estimate the ability of the student in transforming the theoretical knowledge studied so far into application software. For enabling the students to gain experience in organisation and implementation of a small project and thus acquire the necessary confidence to carry out main project in the final year. To understand and gain the knowledge of software engineering practices, so as to participate and manage large software engineering projects in future.
In this practical course, each group consisting of two/three members (four in special cases) is expected to design and develop practical solutions to real life problems related to industry, institutions and computer science research. Software life cycle should be followed during the development. The theoretical knowledge, principles and practices gained from various subjects should be applied to develop effective solutions to various computing problems. The knowledge gained during various practical subjects to work with various software tools, Designing tools, programming languages, operating systems, etc. should be utilized in various stages of development. Structured/ Object Oriented design techniques may be used for the project. Software Requirements Specification (SRS), Modeling Techniques, Design and Testing strategies should be documented properly. A committee consisting of minimum three faculty members will perform the internal assessment of the mini project. A report on mini project should be submitted for evaluation and project work should be presented and demonstrated before the panel of examiners.

Credits: 2

Internal Continuous Assessment (50 marks) 40% - Design and development (30% by guide and 10% by committee) 30% - Final result and Demonstration (15% by guide and 15% by committee) 20% - Report (10% by guide and 10% by committee) 10% - Regularity in the class (by guide) End Semester Examination (Maximum Marks-100) 20% 50% 20% 10% Demonstration of mini project Practical test connected with mini project Viva voce Project report

Information Technology (IT)

EN010301 B

Engineering Mathematics II (CS, IT)

Teaching scheme
2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives

Credits: 4

To know the importance of learning theories and strategies in Mathematics and graphs.
Mathematical logic (12 hours)


Basic concept of statement , logical connectives, Tautology and logical equivalence Laws of algebra of propositions equivalence formulas Tautological implications (proof not expected for the above laws , formulas and implications). Theory of inference for statements Predicate calculus quantifiers valid formulas and equivalences free and bound variables inference theory of predicate calculus MODULE 2 Number theory and functions (12 hours)

Fundamental concepts Divisibility Prime numbers- relatively prime numbers fundamental theorem of arithmetic g.c.d Euclidean algorithm - properties of gcd (no proof) l c m Modular Arithmetic congruence properties congruence class modulo n Fermats theorem Eulers Totient functions - Eulers theorem - Discrete logarithm Function types of functions composite functions inverse of a function pigeon hole principles MODULE 3 Relations (10 hours)

Relations binary relation types of relations equivalence relation partition equivalence classes partial ordering relation Hasse diagram - poset MODULE 4 Lattice (14 hours)

Lattice as a poset some properties of lattice (no proof) Algebraic system general properties lattice as algebraic system sublattices complete lattice Bounded Lattice complemented Lattice distributive lattice homomorphism - direct product MODULE 5 Graph Theory (12 hours)

Basic concept of graph simple graph multigraph directed graph- Basic theorems (no proof) . Definition of complete graph , regular graph, Bipartite graph, weighted graph subgraph Isomorphic graph path cycles connected graph.- Basic concept of Eulergraph and Hamiltonian circuit trees properties of tree (no proof) - length of tree spanning three sub tree Minimal spanning tree (Basic ideas only . Proof not excepted for theorems)

References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. S.Lipschutz, M.L.Lipson Discrete mathematics Schaums outlines Mc Graw Hill B.Satyanarayana and K.S. Prasad Discrete mathematics & graph theory PHI Kenneth H Rosen - Discrete mathematics & its Application - Mc Graw Hill H. Mittal , V.K.Goyal, D.K. Goyal Text book of Discrete Mathematics - I.K. International Publication T. Veerarajan - Discrete mathematics with graph theory and combinatorics - Mc Graw Hill C.L.Lieu - Elements of Discrete Mathematics - Mc Graw Hill J.P.Trembly,R.Manohar - Discrete mathematical structures with application to computer science - Mc Graw Hill B.Kolman , R.C.Bushy, S.C.Ross - Discrete mathematical structures- PHI R.Johnsonbough - Discrete mathematics Pearson Edn Asia

EN010 302 Economics and Communication Skills

(Common to all branches) Teaching scheme 2hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week Credits: 4(3+1) Objectives To impart a sound knowledge of the fundamentals of Economics.

Module I (7 hours) Reserve Bank of India-functions-credit control-quantitative and qualitative techniques Commercial banks-functions- Role of Small Industries Development Bank of India and National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development The stock market-functions-problems faced by the stock market in India-mutual funds Module II (6 hours) Multinational corporations in India-impact of MNCs in the Indian economy Globalisation-necessity-consequences Privatisation-reasons-disinvestment of public sector undertakings The information technology industry in India-future prospects Module III (6 hours) Direct and indirect taxes- impact and incidence- merits of direct and indirect taxesprogressive and regressive taxes-canons of taxation-functions of tax systemtax evasion-reasons for tax evasion in India-consequences-steps to control tax evasion Deficit financing-role-problems associated with deficit financing Module IV (5 hours) National income-concepts-GNP, NNP, NI, PI and DPI-methods of estimating national income-difficulties in estimating national income Inflation-demand pull and cost push-effects of inflation-government measures to control inflation Module V (6 hours) International trade-case for free trade-case for protectionism Balance of payments-causes of disequilibrium in Indias BOP-General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade-effect of TRIPS and TRIMS in the Indian economy-impact of WTO decisions on Indian industry Text Books 1. Ruddar Datt, Indian Economy, S.Chand and Company Ltd. 2. K.K.Dewett, Modern Economic Theory, S.Chand and Company Ltd. References 1. Paul Samuelson, Economics, Tata McGraw Hill 2. Terence Byres, The Indian Economy, Oxford University Press 3. S.K.Ray, The Indian economy, Prentice Hall of India 4. Campbell McConnel, Economics, Tata McGraw Hill

Communication Skills
Objectives To improve Language Proficiency of the Engineering students To enable them to express themselves fluently and appropriately in social and professional contexts To equip them with the components of different forms of writing MODULE 1 (15 hours) INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATION Communication nature and process, Types of communication - Verbal and Non verbal, Communication Flow-Upward, Downward and Horizontal, Importance of communication skills in society, Listening skills, Reading comprehension, Presentation Techniques, Group Discussion, Interview skills, Soft skills MODULE II (15 hours) TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION Technical writing skills- Vocabulary enhancement-synonyms, Word Formation-suffix, affix, prefix, Business letters, Emails, Job Application, Curriculum Vitae, Report writingTypes of reports Note: No university examination for communication skills. There will be internal evaluation for 1 credit. REFERENCES 1. The functional aspects of communication skills, P.Prasad and Rajendra K. Sharma, S.K. Kataria and sons, 2007 2. Communication skills for Engineers and Scientists, Sangeeta Sharma and Binod Mishra, PHI Learning private limited, 2010 3. Professional Communication, Kumkum Bhardwaj, I.K. International (P) House limited, 2008 4. English for technical Communication, Aysha Viswamohan, Tata Mc Graw Publishing company limited, 2008

Mahatma Gandhi University

Discrete and Integrated Electronic Circuits IT010 303 (EC)

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To impart the basic concepts of discrete integrated electronics To develop understanding about the working and operation of various circuits using discrete and integrated components. Module I (12hours) Power supplies: Half wave, full wave and bridge rectifiers- L, C, LC and filters (working only)- Zener voltage regulator, transistor series and shunt voltage regulator, voltage regulator ICs, 78XX and 79XX series Module II (12hours) Transistor Amplifiers: Bipolar transistor models and characteristics, current and voltage characteristics, BJT as a switch, BJT circuits at DC, Need for biasing, Q point selection, Concepts of load line, Bias stability, Biasing in BJT amplifier circuits, Small signal operation and model, transconductance, single stage BJT amplifiers Module III (12hours) Integrated Circuits: Operational Amplifier, Simplified model, Ideal OP-Amp approximation and characteristics, Non inverting amplifier, Inverting amplifier, OP-Amp characteristics, Voltage follower, Difference Amplifier, Instrumentation amplifier, Summation amplifier Module IV (12hours) Feedback: Concept of feedback, positive and negative feedback, types of feedback, Effect of feedback on amplifier performance, Stability of feedback circuits Oscillators: Condition for oscillators, General form of oscillator circuit, RC phase shift oscillators, Wein bridge oscillator using OP-Amp, Working of Hartley, Colpitts and crystal oscillators Module V (12hours) RC circuits: Response of high pass and low pass RC circuits to sine, step, pulse and square inputs, clipping and clamping circuits, RC integrator and differentiator, Working of astable, mono-stable and bi-stable multivibraors using OP-Amp, Working of Schmitt trigger, 555 timer and its application.

Reference Books
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Integrated Electronics Milman , Halkias TMH Microelectronic circuits Sedra , Smith Oxford university press Fundamentals of microelectronics B Razavi - Wiley Design with Op-Amp and analog integrated circuits S Franco TMH Pulse, digital and switching waveforms Milman, Taub - TMH

Mahatma Gandhi University

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4 4 Credits:

Objectives: To introduce the principles of Logic Systems and Circuits, thereby enabling the student to obtain the platform for studying Computer Architecture and Design. Module 1: (14 Hrs)
Number Systems and Codes:- Decimal, Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal Number systems, Codes- BCD, Gray Code, Excess-3 Code, ASCII, EBCDIC, Conversion between various Codes. Switching Theory:- Boolean Algebra- Postulates and Theorems, De Morgans Theorem, Switching Functions- Canonical Forms- Simplification of Switching Functions- Karnaugh Map and Quine McClusky Methods.

Module 2: (12 Hrs)

Combinational Logic Circuits:- Review of Basic Gates- Universal Gates,Adders, Subtractors, Serial Adder, Parallel Adder- Carry Propagate Adder, Carry Lookahead Adder, Carry Save Adder, Comparators, Parity Generators, Decoder and Encoder, Multiplexer and Demultiplexer, PLA and PAL.

Module 3(12 Hrs)

Sequential Logic Circuits:- Latches and Flip Flops- SR, JK, D, T and MS Flip Flops, Asynchronous Inputs. Clocked Sequential Circuits:- State Tables State Equations and State Diagrams, State Reduction and State Assignment, Design of Clocked Sequential Circuits using State Equations.

Module 4: (10 Hrs)

Counters and Shift Registers:- Design of Synchronous and Asynchronous Counters:- Binary, BCD, Decade and Up/Down Counters , Shift Registers, Types of Shift Registers, Counters using Shift Registers- Ring Counter and Johnson Counter.

Module 5(12 Hrs)

Fault Tolerance and Diagnosis : Concepts of Fault and Hazards- Fault Tolerance in Combinational Circuits- Fault Table, Fault Detection methods-Boolean Difference and Path Sensitizing MethodsDigital ICs- Digital Logic Families- Characteristics- Introduction to RTL, TTL,ECL, MOS and CMOS Logics.

Text Books
1. Zvi Kohavi ,Switching and Finite Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology Automat theory, Tata McGrwHill 2. Morris Mano ,Digital Logic and Computer Design Prentice Hall of India

Reference Books 1. Floyd T.L. Digital Fundamentals , Universal Bookstall

Mahatma Gandhi University

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University


Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives: To impart the basic concepts of analog modulation schemes To understand the performance of analog communication system

Module I (12 Hours) Introduction-communication process, source of information, communication channels; Modulation - need, band width requirements - electromagnetic spectrum. frequency spectrum. Principles of Microwave and satellite communication systems. TRF receivers, Super heterodyne receiver, Double Super heterodyne receiver. Module II (12 Hours) Amplitude modulation - principles - modulation factor and percentage of modulation, mathematical relationship, frequency spectrum, band selection. DSB-SC Modulation. SSB and Vestigial SideBand (VSB) Modulation . Module III (12 Hours) Angle Modulation - mathematical analysis, principles, waveforms, frequency deviation, frequency analysis, bandwidth requirement, phasor representation-pre-emphasis, deemphasis. Phase modulators, FM transmitters, FM receivers-block diagram. Comparison study of AM, FM and PM. Module IV (12 Hours) Noise - external, internal - noise calculations, multiple noise sources, equivalent noise band width - Noise figure - Effective noise temperature, noise figure in terms of available gain . Characteristics of receivers - sensitivity, selectivity, double spotting, SNR - AGC circuitry . Module V (12 Hours) Analog Pulse Modulation: Sampling theorem for base-band and pass-band signals, Pulse Amplitude modulation: PAM, PWM, PPM generation and demodulation. Spectra of Pulse modulated signals. Digital Pulse Code modulation (PCM).

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University

References 1.Simon Haykin, Communication Systems, 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons 2.George Kennedy, Electronic communication systems, McGraw Hill ,4th edition 3.Tomasi: Electronic communication: Fundamentals through advanced, Pearson Education 4.. R.E. Ziemer and W.H. Tranter, Principles of Communication, JAICOP Publishing House 5. A.Bruce Calrson, Communication systems, third edition, MGH, 6. Dennis Roddy, John Coolen, Electronic Communications, PHI 1997 7 B.P.Lathi, Communication Systems, B.S Publication, 2001 8. Taub & Schilling, Principles of Communication Systems ,Tata McGraw Hill, 1991

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University

Teaching scheme Credits: 4 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives To impart the basic concepts of problem solving using a computer. To learn about the structure of C programming language. Module I ( 10 hours) Problem solving: Steps in Computer programming Features of a good program Problem solving using Algorithms and Flowcharts. C fundamentals: Character set, Constants, Identifiers, keywords, basic data types, Variables, Operators, Expressions, Statements, Input and Output statements Structure of a C program simple programs. Module II ( 13 hours) Control statements: if, if-else, nested if , switch, while, do-while, for - break & continue nested loops. Single dimensional arrays defining an array, array initialisation, accessing array elements Programs for sequential search, bubble sort, binary search. Multidimensional arrays defining a two dimensional array, array initialisation, accessing elements Programs for matrix processing. Module III ( 12 hours) Strings: declaring a string variable, reading and displaying strings, string related library functions Programs for string matching and sorting. Functions: Function definition, function call, function prototype, parameter passing, void function Recursion Passing array to function. Macros: Defining and calling macros Difference between macro & function. Module IV ( 13 hours) Structures: defining a structure variable, accessing members, array of structures, passing structure to function. Unions: difference with structure, defining union variable, accessing members. Pointers: declaration, operations on pointers, passing pointer to a function, accessing array elements using pointers, processing strings using pointers, pointer to pointer, array of pointers, pointer to array, pointer to function, pointer to structure, self referential structure. Module V ( 12 hours) Files: Different types of files in C Opening & Closing a file Writing to and Reading from a file Processing files Library functions related to file fseek(), ftell(), ungetc(), fread(), fwrite() Dynamic memory allocation. Storage Class associated with variables: automatic, static, external and register. Additional features: Enumerated data type, bitwise operators, typedef.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University

References 1. S. Gottfried ,Programming with C - Byron, Tata McGraw Hill. 2. Kerninghan & Ritchie, Computer Programming in C - PHI . 3. Stephen C. Kochan, Programming in C - CBS publishers. 4. E. Balaguruswamy ,Programming in C (5e) , Mc Graw Hill 5. Yashwant Kanetkar, Let us C BPB. 6. Al Kelley and Ira Pohl, A Book on C Addison-Wesley 7. Stan Kelly Bootle, Mastering Turbo C - BPB Publications. 8. Programming and Problem Solving with PASCAL - Micheal Schneider, Wiley Eastern Ltd. ( Module 1) 9. Yashwant Kanetkar, Pointers in C - BPB 10. Munish cooper,The Spirit of C- Jaico Books.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University

IT010 307 (EC)

Electronic Circuits and Communication Lab

Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Credits: 2

Objectives To provide experience on design, and working of basic discrete electronic circuits To provide experience on design, and working of op amp based electronic circuits

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Rectifiers Half wave, Full wave and Bridge Rectifiers with filters - Half wave, Full wave and Bridge BJT as amplifier Integrator using RC and OP-Amp Differentiator using RC and OP-Amp Clipper circuits Clamper circuits OP-Amp as inverting and non inverting amplifier OP-Amp as summer Op-Amp based oscillators 555 Timer based experiments

Mahatma Gandhi University


Teaching scheme 3 hours Practical hours Credits: 4

Objectives: To familiarize computer components, peripherals, Operating Systems, Office Application Packages etc. To practice the programming language C.

1. Familiarization with computer system, Processor, Peripherals, Memory etc. 2. Familiarization of operating system-DOS, Windows etc. (use of files directories, internal commands, external commands, compilers, file manager, program manager, control panel etc.) 3. Familiarization with word processing packages like MS Excel, MS Access, MS PowerPoint and MS Word. 4. Programming experiments in C to cover 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Control structures Functions String manipulations Arrays Structures Pointers Files.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50) 50%-Laboratory practical and record 30%- Test/s 20%- Regularity in the class

End Semester Examination (Maximum Marks-100) 70% - Procedure, conducting experiment, results, tabulation, and inference 30% - Viva voce

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

EN010401 Engineering Mathematics III

(Common to all branches)

Teaching scheme
2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives: Apply standard methods of mathematical &statistical analysis

Credits: 4


Fourier series

( 12 hours)

Dirichlet conditions Fourier series with period 2 and 2l Half range sine and cosine series Harmonic Analysis r.m.s Value MODULE 2 Fourier Transform ( 12 hours)

Statement of Fourier integral theorem Fourier transforms derivative of transforms- convolution theorem (no proof) Parsevals identity MODULE 3 Partial differential equations ( 12 hours)

Formation by eliminating arbitrary constants and arbitrary functions solution of Lagranges equation Charpits method solution of Homogeneous partical differential equations with constant coefficients MODULE 4 Probability distribution ( 12 hours)

Concept of random variable , probability distribution Bernoullis trial Discrete distribution Binomial distribution its mean and variance- fitting of Binominal distribution Poisson distribution as a limiting case of Binominal distribution its mean and variance fitting of Poisson distribution continuous distribution- Uniform distribution exponential distribution its mean and variance Normal distribution Standard normal curve- its properties MODULE 5 Testing of hypothesis ( 12 hours)

Populations and Samples Hypothesis level of significance type I and type II error Large samples tests test of significance for single proportion, difference of proportion, single mean, difference of mean chi square test for variance- F test for equality of variances for small samples References 1. Bali& Iyengar A text books of Engg. Mathematics Laxmi Publications Ltd. 2. M.K. Venkataraman Engg. Mathematics vol II 3rd year part A & B National Publishing Co. 3. I.N. Sneddon Elements of partial differential equations Mc Graw Hill 4. B.V. Ramana Higher Engg. Mathematics Mc Graw Hill 5. Richard A Johnson Miller Freads probability & Statistics for Engineers- Pearson/ PHI

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

T. Veerarajan Engg. Mathematics Mc Graw Hill G. Haribaskaran Probability, Queueing theory and reliability Engg. Laxmi Publications V. Sundarapandian - probability ,Statistics and Queueing theory PHI H.C.Taneja Advanced Engg. Mathematics Vol II I.K.International A.K.Mukhopadhyay-Mathematical Methods For Engineers and Physicists-I.K.International

Mahatma Gandhi University

EN010 402(ME): Principles of Management

(Common with EN010 502(ME))
Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives Credits: 4

To develop an understanding of different functional areas of management. To understand the functions and duties an individual should perform in an organisation.

Module I (12 hours) Management Concepts: Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives of management-MBOScientific management- Functions of management- Planning- Organizing- StaffingDirecting- Motivating- Communicating- Coordinating- Controlling- Authority and Responsibility- Delegation- Span of control- Organizational structure- Line, Line and staff and Functional relationship. Module II (12 hours) Personnel Management: Definition and concept- Objectives of personnel managementManpower planning- Recruitment and Selection of manpower- Training and development of manpower- Labour welfare- Labour turnover- Quality circle- Industrial fatigue- Industrial disputes-Method of settling disputes- Trade unions. Module III (12 hours) Production management: Objectives and scope of production management- Functions of production department- production management frame work- product life cycle-Types of production- Production procedure- Project planning with CPM and PERT- Basic concepts in network. Module IV (12 hours) Financial Management: Objectives and Functions of Financial Management- Types of Capital- Factors affecting working capital- Methods of financing. Cost Management: Elements of cost- Components of cost- Selling Price of a product. Module V (12 hours) Sales and Marketing Management: Sales management- Concept- Functions of sales department- Duties of sales engineer- Selling concept and Marketing concept- MarketingDefinition and principles of marketing- Marketing management and its functions- Sales forecasting- Pricing- Advertising- Sales promotion- Channels of distribution- Market research. Text Books 1. Koontz and Weihrich, Essentials of Management, Tata McGraw Hill. 2. Mahajan M., Industrial Engineering and Production Management, Dhanpat Rai and Co. 3. Kemthose and Deepak, Industrial Engineering an Management, Prentice Hall of India. Reference Books 1. Martand Telsang, Industrial Engineering and Production Management. 2. Khanna O.P., Industrial Engineering and Management, Dhanpat Rai and Co. 3. Philip Kotler, Marketing Management, Prentice Hall of India. 4. Sharma S. C. & Banga T. R., Industrial Organisation and Engineering Economics, Khanna Publishers. 5. Prasanna Chandra, Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill.
Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

IT010 403: Computer Organisation and Architecture

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To give an insight into the organisation of functional units of a computer system

Also to give a fair idea of the architecture of a computer system .

Module I (9 hours) Introduction- Function and structure of a computer, Functional components of a computer, Interconnection of components Performance of a computer Representation of InstructionsMachine instructions, Operands, Addressing modes, Instruction formats, Instruction sets, Instruction set architectures CISC and RISC architectures Programming- Concepts of machine level programming, assembly level programming and high level programming. Module II (12 hours) Processing Unit- Organisation of a processor- Registers, ALU and Control unit, Data path in a CPU, Instruction cycle Arithmetic and Logic Unit- Arithmetic algorithms, Design of arithmetic unit, logic unit, status register, and accumulator Control Unit- Operations of a control unit, Design of Hardwired control unit and Microprogrammed control unit Module III (12 hours) Memory Subsystem- Semiconductor memories, Memory cells SRAM and DRAM cells, Internal Organization of a memory chip, Organization of a memory unit, Error correction memories, Interleaved memories, Cache memory unit Concept of cache memory, Mapping methods, Organization of a cache memory unit, Fetch and write mechanisms, Memory management unit Concept of virtual memory, Address translation, Hardware support for memory management. Module IV (12 hours) Input/Output Subsystem- Access of I/O devices, I/O ports, I/O control mechanisms Program controlled I/O, Interrupt controlled I/O and DMA controlled I/O, I/O interfaces Serial port, Parallel port, PCI bus, SCSI bus, USB bus, Firewall and Infiniband, I/O peripherals Input devices, Output devices, Secondary storage devices. Module V ( 15 hours) Parallel Organisations- Introduction to pipelining and pipeline hazards, Design issues of pipeline architecture , Instruction level parallelism, Introduction to Interconnection NetworkPractical issues, Examples Multiprocessors- Characteristics, Memory organisation, Synchronization, Models of memory consistency, Issues of deadlock and scheduling, Cache and related problems, Parallel Processing Concepts.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University

1. 2. 3.

Text Books Hamacher, Vranesic & Zaky -Computer Organization, , McGraw Hill M. Morris Mano -Digital Logic and Computer Design PHI Edition William Stallings -Computer Organization and Architecture, Prentice Hall.

Reference Books 1. John P. Hayes, Computer Architecture and Organization, Third Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 1998. 2. V.P. Heuring, H.F. Jordan, Computer Systems Design and Architecture, Second Edition, Pearson Education, 2004 3. P. Pal Chaudhuri, Computer Organisation and Design, Third Edition, PHI,India, 2009 4. Linda Null and Julia Labour, Computer Organisation and Architecture, 2nd edition, Jones and Bartlett Publishers,LLC, USA

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University

IT 010 404: Theory of Computation

(Common with CS 010 406)

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To impart the basic concepts of theory of automata ,languages and computation. To develop understanding about machines for sequential computation, formal languages and grammars , and classification of feasible and intractable problems. Module I (10 hours) Proving techniques-Mathematical induction -Diagonalization principle Pigeonhole principleFunctions Primitive recursive and partial recursive functions Computable and non computable functions-Formal representation of languages Chomsky Classification. Module II (13 hours) Introduction to Automata theory Definition of Automation Finite Automata Language acceptability by Finite Automata Deterministic and Nondeterministic finite automationRegular Expressions Finite Automation with -Transitions Conversion of NFA to DFA Minimisation of DFA-DFA to Regular Expressions conversion-pumping lemma for regular languages Applications of finite automata-NFA with o/p ( moore /mealy) Module III (12 hours) Context Free Grammar Simplification of CFG-Normal forms-Chomsky Normal form and Greibach Normal form- pumping lemma for Context free languages- Applications of PDA Pushdown Automata Formal definition Language acceptability by PDA through empty stack and final state Deterministic and nondeterministic PDA designing of PDAModule IV (13 hours) Turing Machines Formal definition Language acceptability by TM TM as acceptors, Transducers - designing of TM- Two way infinite TM- Multi tape TM - Universal Turing Machines- Churchs Thesis-Godelization.- - Time complexity of TM - Halting Problem -

Rice theorem - Post correspondence problem-Linear Bounded Automata.

Module V (12 hours)

Complexity classes- Tractable problems Class P P Complete-Reduction problemContext grammar nonempty-Intractable problems- Class NP NP Complete- Cooks theorem-Reduction problems-SAT-Clique-Hamiltonian-TSP-Vertex Cover-NP Hard problems.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University

Reference Books

1. K.L.P. Mishra, N. Chandrashekharan , Theory of Computer Science , Prentice Hall of India 2. Michael Sipser, Introduction to the Theory of Computation, Cengage Learning,New Delhi,2007 3. Harry R Lewis, Christos H Papadimitriou, Elements of the theory of computation, Pearson Education Asia, 4. Rajendra Kumar,Theory of Automata Language & Computation,Tata McGraw Hill,New Delhi,2010 5. Wayne Goddard, Introducing Theory of Computation, Jones & Bartlett India,New Delhi2010 6. Bernard M Moret: The Theory of Computation, Pearson Education 7. John Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani & Jeffry Ullman: Introduction to Automata Theory Languages & Computation , Pearson Edn 8. Raymond Greenlaw,H. James Hoover, Fundamentals of Theory of Computation,Elsevier,Gurgaon,Haryana,2009 9. John C Martin, Introducing to languages and The Theory of Computation, 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill,New Delhi,2010 10. Kamala Krithivasan, Rama R, Introduction to Formal Languages,Automata Theory and Computation, Pearson Education Asia,2009 11. Rajesh K. Shukla, Theory of Computation, Cengage Learning, New Delhi,2009 12. K V N Sunitha, N Kalyani: Formal Languages and Automata Theory, Tata McGraw Hill,New Delhi,2010 13. S. P. Eugene Xavier, Theory of Automata Formal Language & Computation,New Age International, New Delhi ,2004

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University


(Common with CS010 403)

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Credits: 4

Objectives To impart the basic concepts of data structures and algorithms To develop understanding about writing algorithms and step by step approach in solving problems with the help of fundamental data structures. Module I (10 hours)

Principles of programming System Life Cycle - Performance Analysis and Measurements- Time and Space complexity-Complexity calculation of simple algorithms. Hashing:- Static Hashing-Hash Tables-Different Hash Functions-Mid SquareDivision-Folding-Digit Analysis, Collision-Collision Resolution Techniques. Module II (12hours)

Study of basic data structures Arrays- Structures-Sparse matrix Stacks QueuesCircular queues- Priority queues - Dqueues. Evaluation of expressions Polynomial representation using arrays.
Module III (12hours)

Linked Lists - Linked stacks and queues - Doubly linked lists Polynomial representation using linked lists, Garbage collection and Compaction.
Module IV (14 hours)

Trees - Binary Trees Tree Traversal Inorder - Preorder and Postorder,

Search trees - AVL Trees, height balanced trees, Multiway search Trees- B Trees-B+ Trees.

Graphs Depth first and breadth first search.

Module V (12 hours)

Sorting methods: Selection sort, Bubble sort, Insertion sort, Merge sort, Quick sort, Heap sort, Radix sort, External sorting methods.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University

Reference Books Sahni Sartaj, Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications in C++ (Second Edition), Universities Press, Hyderabad, 2009 2. Rajesh K Shukla, Data Structures Using C & C++ ,Wiley India, New Delhi, 2009 3. Yedidyah Langsam, Moshe J Augenstein, Aron M Tenenbaum, Data Stuctures using C and C++, 2nd ed., PHI Learning Private Limited, New Delhi, 1996 4. G. A. V Pai, Data Structures and Algorithms Concepts, Techniques and Applications, Tata McGraw Hill , New Delhi, 2008 5. Sartaj Sahni , Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications in JAVA , 2nd ed., Universities Press, Hyderabad, 2009 6. Michael T Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia, David Mount, Data Structures and Algorithms in C++, Wiley India Edition, New Delhi, 2009 7. B.M. Harwani, Data Structures and Algorithms in C++, Dreamtech Press, New Delhi, 2010 8. Brijendra Kumar Joshi, Data Structures and Algorithms in C, McGraw Hill , New Delhi, 2010 9. K R Venugopal, K G Srinivasa, P M Krishnaraj, File Structures using C++, McGraw Hill , New Delhi, 2009 10. ISRD Group, Data Structures using C, McGraw Hill , New Delhi, 2010 11. Sudipta Mukherjee, , Data Structures using C 1000 Problems and Solutions, Tata McGraw Hill , New Delhi, 2010 12. Seymour Lipschutz, Data Structures with C, Schaums Outlines, McGraw Hill , New Delhi, 2010 13. R Krishnamoorthy & G Indirani Kumaravel, Data Structures using C, McGraw Hill , New Delhi, 2008 14. John R Hubbard, Data Structures with C++, Schaums Outlines, Tata McGraw Hill , New Delhi, 2010 15. Jean Paul Tremblay & Paul G Sorenson, An Introduction to Data Structures with Applications, 2nd ed., Tata McGraw Hill , New Delhi, 2010 16. Seymour Lipschutz, Data Structures , Schaums Outlines, Tata McGraw Hill , New Delhi, 2006

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University


Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hours tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives: To present the concept of object oriented programming and discuss the important elements of C++ and Java. Write simple applications using C++ and Java.
Module I 10

Object-oriented paradigm, elements of object oriented programming Merits and demerits of OO methodology C++ fundamentals data types, operators and expressions, control flow, arrays, strings, pointers and functions. Module II 14 Classes and objects constructors and destructors, operator overloading inheritance, virtual functions and polymorphism, namespaces, Templates, Standard Template Library Module III 12 An overview of Java, data types, variables and arrays, operators, control statements, classes, objects, methods Inheritance. Inner Classes, Anonymous inner classes. Module IV 12 Packages and Interfaces, Exception handling, Multithreaded programming, Strings and collections, Streams and I/O programming Module V 12 JAVA applets-life cycle, devolepment and execution, applet tag. AWT- components, containers, layout, event handling, Event listeners, Adapter classes. Comparison of C++ and Java

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University

References : 1. K.R.Venugopal, Rajkumar Buyya, T.Ravishankar, Mastering C++, TMH, 2003 2. Herbert Schildt, The Java 2 : Complete Reference, Fourth edition, TMH, 2002 3. Rajkumar Buyya,Selvi,Chu. Object oriented programming with JAVA essentials and applications Mc Graw Hill 4. Ira Pohl, Object oriented programming using C++, Pearson Education Asia, 2003 5. Bjarne Stroustrup, "The C++ programming language" Addison Wesley, 2000 6. John R.Hubbard, "Progranning with C++", Schaums outline series, TMH, 2003 7. H.M.Deitel, P.J.Deitel, "Java : how to program", Fifthe edition, Prentice Hall of India private limited. 8. E.Balagurusamy Object Oriented Programming with C++, TMH 2/e

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University


Teaching scheme 3 hours Practical per week Credits: 2

Objectives: To provide an introduction to Logic Systems Design thereby giving a hands on experience on working with digital ICS ,which enable the study Computer System Architecture.

1. Familiarization of Logic Gates and Realization of Logic Circuits using basic Gates. 2. Design and implementation of Arithmetic Circuits:- Half Adder, Full Adder, n bit Ripple Carry Adder, Carry Look ahead Adder, BCD Adder 3. Study of Flip Flops:- implementation of RS, JK, D, T and MS Flip Flops 4. Design and implementation of Synchronous and Asynchronous Counters, UP/DOWN Counters 5. Design and Implementation of Shift Registers, Counters using Shift Registers Ring Counter and Johnson Counter 6. Study of Multiplexers , Demultiplexers, Encoder and Decoder 7. Design of Comparators and Parity Generators.

Reference Books:-

1. Morris Mano - Digital Logic and Computer Design ,Prentice Hall of India
2. Floyd T. L. Digital Fundamentals- Universal Book Stall

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University


Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Credits: 2

Objectives To provide experience on design, testing, and analysis of Algorithms and Data Structures.

To acquaint the students with the Data Structures used in the Computer Science field.

I. Simple experiments to get familiarisation with C++ and Java. II. Data structure implementations and applications like, 1) Representation of Polynomials using Arrays and Linked List and the different operations that can be performed on Polynomials 2) Representation of Sparse Matrix using Arrays and Linked List and the different operations that can be performed on Sparse Matrices 3) Representation of Stacks using Arrays and Linked List and the different operations that can be performed on Stacks 4) Representation of Queues using Arrays and Linked List and the different operations that can be performed on Queues 5) Representation of Double Ended Queue using Arrays and Linked List and the different operations that can be performed on Double Ended Queue 6) Representation of Priority Queues using Arrays and Linked List and the different operations that can be performed on Priority Queues 7) Representation of Binary Trees using Arrays and Linked List and the different operations that can be performed on Binary Trees 8) Representation of Graphs using Arrays and Linked List and the different operations that can be performed on Graphs 9) Infix, Postfix and Prefix conversions. 10) Different Sorting and Searching methods. 11) String representation using Arrays and Linked List and different pattern matching algorithms 12) Implementation and operations on B-Tree and B+Tree Any experiment according to the syllabus of IT010 405 can be substituted.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50) 50%-Laboratory practical and record 30%- Test/s 20%- Regularity in the class

End Semester Examination (Maximum Marks-100) 70% - Procedure, conducting experiment, results, tabulation, and inference 30% - Viva voce

Syllabus B.Tech. Information Technology

EN010501 B

Engineering Mathematics IV

(CS, IT)

Teaching scheme
2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week

Credits: 4

Objectives: To use basic numerical techniques for solving problems and to know the importance of learning theories in mathmatics and in queueing system. MODULE 1 Finite differences

(12 hours)
- interpolation using Newtons forward and backward formula

Finite difference operators

Newtons divided difference formula - Numerical differentiation using Newtons forward and backward formula Numerical integration Trapezoidal rule Simpsons 1/3rd and 3/8th rule MODULE 2 Z transforms

(12 hours)

Definition of Z transforms transform of polynomial function and trignometric functions shifting property , convolution property - inverse transformation solution of 1st and 2nd order difference equations with constant coifficients using Z transforms. MODULE 3 Discrete numeric functions

(12 hours)

Discrete numeric functions Manipulations of numeric functions- generating functions Recurrence relations Linear recurrence relations with constant coefficients Homogeneous solutions Particular solutions Total solution solution by the method of generating functions.
MODULE 4 Complex integration

(12 hours)

Functions of complex variable analytic function - Line integral Cauchys integral theorem Cauchys integral formula Taylors series- Laurents series Zeros and singularities types of singularities Residues Residue theorem evaluation of real integrals in unit circle contour integral in semi circle when poles lie on imaginary axis.
MODULE 5 Queueing Theory (12 hours)

General concepts Arrival pattern service pattern Queue disciplines The Markovian model M/M/1/ , M/M/1/N steady state solutions Littles formula.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C.L.Liu and D.P. Mohapatra Elements of Discrete Mathematics - Mc Graw Hill S.Lipschutz, M.L.Lipson Discrete mathematics Schaums outlines Mc Graw Hill B.V. Ramana - Higher Engg. Mathematics McGraw Hill Babu Ram Engg. Mathematics -Pearson. K Venkataraman- Numerical methods in science and Engg -National publishing co

6. V. Sundarapandian - probability ,Statistics and Queueing theory - PHI 7. S.Bathul text book of Engg.Mathematics Special functions and complex variables PHI 8. H. Weif HSU probability, random variables & Random processes Schaums out lines Mc Graw Hill 9. T.Veerarajan - probability ,Statistics & Random processes - Mc Graw Hill 10. H.C.Taneja Advanced Engg. Mathematics Vol II I.K.International

Mahatma Gandhi University

IT 010 IT 502:MICROPROCESSORS AND MICROCONTROLLERS Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objective: To have an in depth knowledge of the architecture and programming of 8-bit and 16-bit Microprocessors, Microcontrollers and to study how to interface various peripheral devices with them
Module 1: (10 hrs) Intel 8086 Microprocessor:- Architecture, Pin Diagram, Register Organization, Memory Organization- Memory Banks- Concept of Segmentation and Physical Address Calculation, Operating Modes- Minimum and Maximum Modes, Timing Diagram- Concepts of T-State, Machine Cycle and Instruction Cycle- Memory Read/ Write Cycles, I/O Read/ Write Cycles. Module 2: (10 Hrs) Programming with 8086 Microprocessor:- Instruction Set, Assembler Directives, Addressing Modes, Programming Examples, 8086 Interrupts- Hardware and Software Interrupts. Module 3: (14 Hrs) Microprocessor Interfacing:- Memory and I/O Addressing- Memory and I/O Mapped I/O, USART 8251A, Programmable Peripheral Interface 8255, Programmable Interval Timer 8254, Programmable Keyboard./ Display Interface 8279, Programmable Interrupt Controller 8259, Programmable DMA Controller 8257, Hard-disk Interface- SCSI, IDE. Module 4:(13 Hrs) Introduction to Microcontrollers:- Comparison of Microcontroller with Microprocessor, Features of 8051 Microcontroller, Architecture, Pin Diagram, I/O Ports, Addressing Modes, Instruction Set, Programming Examples. Module 5:( 13 Hrs) Memory Organization- External Memory Interfacing, Interrupts and Timers/ CountersApplications- Interfacing 8051 with Switches, LEDs, Matrix Keyboards, Seven Segment Display, LCDs, Stepper Motor .

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University

Text Books:1. Douglas V.Hall Microprocessors and Interfacing Tata MCGraw Hill 2. Muhammad Ali Mazidi, The 8051 Microcontroller Pearson Education.

Reference: 1. Brey B.B., The Intel Microprocessors - Architecture, Programming & Interfacing, Prentice Hall 2. Badri RAM Advanced Microprocessors and Interfacing Tata MCGraw hill 3. V Udayashankar and M.S. Mallikarajunaswamy 8051 Microcontroller Hardware Software and Applications- Tata McGraw Hill 4. Ajay Deshmukh Microcontrollers( theory and Applications) Tata McGraw Hill.

5. Kenneth J Ayala, The 8051 Microcontroller Penram International

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University

IT010 503: DATA COMMUNICATION Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Module 1 (12 Hours) Introduction to Data Communication-Components, Data Representation, Data Flow. Networks, Network Topologies, Protocols and Standards, Network Models, OSI Model, Layers in OSI Model, IEEE Standards Ethernet Token Ring FDDI Token Bus Wireless LAN Module 2 (13 Hours) Multiplexing - Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM) Time Division Multiplexing (TDM), Synchronous Time Division Multiplexing Statistical time Division multiplexing Key Techniques - ASK, FSK, PSK, DPSK - Channel capacity - Shannon`s Theorem. Module 3 (13 Hours) Digital data transmission Serial, Parallel, Synchronous, Asynchronous and Isochronous transmission. Transmission modeSimplex - Half duplex Full duplex, Noise- different types of noise Basic Principles of Switching (circuit, packet, message switching) Module 4 (10 Hours) Terminal handling Point to point, Multidrop lines. Components of computer communication Transmission media Guided media Twisted pair cable, coaxial cable, fiber optic cable. Digital Subscriber Line, Cable TV Networks. Module 5 (12 Hours) Media Access Control SDMA, FDMA, TDMA, CDMA GSM Architecture, Protocols, Connection Establishment, Frequency Allocation , Localization, Handover, Security GPRS.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University

References 1. Kennedy,Electronic communication system - Mc Graw Hill. 2. Taub & Schilling Principles of Communication System - Mc Graw Hill. 3. Behurouz & Forozan Introduction to Data Communications & Networking Mc Graw Hill. 4. Jochen Schiller, Mobile Communications, 2nd edition, Person Education 5. Fred Halsall Data Communication, Computer Networks & Open Systems Pearson Education Asia 6. Vijay K. Garg Principles & Application of GSM - Pearson Education Asia 7. A.S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks - PHI 8. William Stallings,Data and Computer Communication - Pearson Education Asia

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University

IT010 504: Operating Systems (Common with CS010 505)

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To understand the fundamental concepts and techniques of Operating Systems. To study the basic structure of Linux system. Module I (8 hours) Introduction: Operating System Batch, Multiprogrammed, Time-sharing and Real time systems Operating system structure Operating system operations System Structures: Operating system service System calls System Programs System structure Simple structure, Layered approach Kernel, Shell. Module II (12 hours) Process Management: Process concept Process state, PCB Process scheduling Operations on processes Interprocess communication Multithreading Benefits, Models Process Scheduling: Basic concepts Preemptive scheduling, Dispatcher Scheduling criteria Scheduling algorithms Multiple-processor scheduling. Module III (16 hours) Process Synchronization: The Critical-Section problem Petersons solution Synchronization Hardware Semaphores Classic problems of synchronization Monitors Deadlocks: System model Deadlock characterization Methods for handling deadlocks Prevention, Avoidance and Detection Recovery from deadlock. Module IV (14 hours) Memory Management: Resident Monitor Dynamic loading Swapping Contiguous memory allocation Paging Basic, Multi-level Paging Segmentation Virtual Memory Demand Paging Page Replacement algorithms Allocation of Frames Thrashing Cause of thrashing. Module V (10 hours) File System: File concept Access methods Directory structure Directory implementation Linear list, Hash table Disk scheduling Case study: Linux system.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University

Reference Books
1. Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B.Galvin and Greg Gagne, Operating System Concepts, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 8th Edition 2010. 2. D M Dhamdhere, Operating Systems A Concept-based Approach, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2nd Edition, 2010. 3. Achyut S Godbole, Operating Systems, Tata McGraw Hill , New Delhi, 2nd Edition, 2009. 4. Elmasri, Carrick, Levine, Operating Systems A Spiral Approach, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, First Edition 2010. 5. Gary Nutt, Operating Systems, Second Edition, Addison Wesley, 2003. 6. Andew S. Tanenbaum, Modern Operating, Pearson Education, Second Edition, 2001. 7. Promod Chandra P.Bhatt, An introduction to Operating Systems Concepts and Practice, PHI, New Delhi, Third Edition, 2010 8. B Prasanalakshmi, Computer Operating System, CBS Publishers, New Delhi, First Edition, 2010 9. D P Sharma, Foundation of Operating Systems, EXCEL BOOKS, New Delhi, First Edition 2008 10. Brian L Stuart, Operating Systems Principles, Design and Applications, Cengage Learning, New Delhi, First Edition 2009. 11. Charles Crowley, Operating Systems A Design Oriented Approach, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, First Edition 2009. 12. Pabitra Pal Choudhaury, Operating Systems Principles and, Design, PHI, New Delhi, First Edition, 2009

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University

IT010 505: Language Translators

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To understand the different stages of the process of programming language translation Module I (10 hours) Introduction to programming language translation - Design of Interpreters, Incremental Compilers, assemblers, macro processors, linkers and loaders (Basic Concepts Only) Structure of a compiler- Analysis/Synthesis model of compilation, phases of a compiler, compiler construction tools Lexical Analysis- Interface with input, parser and symbol table, token, lexeme and patterns, difficulties in lexical analysis, error reporting and implementation, Specification and recognition of tokens- Regular Expressions, Regular definitions, Transition diagrams- LEX. Module II (12 hours) Syntax Analysis- Compile time error handling- Error detection, reporting, recovery and repair Context free grammars-ambiguity, associativity, precedence Top down parsing- Recursive descent parsing , transformation on the grammars Predictive parsing-simple LL(1) grammar Bottom up parsing- Operator precedence grammars, LR parsers - LR(0), SLR(1), LALR(1) YACC. Module III (14 hours) Syntax Directed Translation- Syntax directed definitions, Inherited and synthesized attribute, dependency graph, e valuation order, bottom up and top down evaluation of attributes, L- and S- attributed definitions Type Checking-Type system, type expressions, structural and name equivalence of types, type conversion, overloaded functions and operators, polymorphic functions Run Time Environments- Storage organisation, activation tree, activation record, parameter passing, symbol table, dynamic storage allocation Module IV (12 hours) Intermediate Code Generation- Intermediate representations, translation of declarations, assignments, intermediate code generation for control flow, boolean expressions and procedure calls, implementation issues Code Generation and Instruction Selection- Issues, basic blocks and flow graphs, register allocation, code generation DAG representation of programs- Code generation from DAGs, peephole optimization, code generator generators, specifications of machine Module V (12 hours) Code Optimization- Sources of optimizations, Optimization of basic blocks, Loops in flow graphs, global dataflow analysis, Iterative solution of data-flow equations, Code improving transformations, dealing with aliases, dataflow analysis of structured flow graphs.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University

Text Books

Aho A.V.,Sethi R, and Ullman J.D. Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools, Addison-Wesley 1. V Raghavan, Priniples of Compiler Design,Tata McGraw Hill, India, 2010 2. Allen Holub, Compiler Design in C, Prentice Hall of India, 1993 3. Arthur B. Pyster, Compiler design and construction: tools and techniques with C and Pascal, 2nd Edition, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. New York, NY, USA 4. Steven S. Muchnick, Advanced Compiler Design & Implementation, Morgan Kaufmann Pulishers, 2000 5. Dhamdhere, System Programming & Operating Systems, 2nd edition, Tata McGraw Hill, India

Reference Books

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University

IT010 506: Database Management Systems (Common with CS010 503)

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To impart an introduction to the theory and practice of database systems. To develop basic knowledge on data modelling and design of efficient relations. To provide exposure to oracle database programming. Module I (10 hours) Basic Concepts - Purpose of Database Systems- 3 Schema Architecture and Data Independence- Components of DBMS Data Models, Schemas and Instances-Data Modeling using the Entity Relationship Model-Entity types, Relationship Types, Weak Entity Types . Module II (14 hours) Relational Model Concepts Constraints Entity Integrity and Referential Integrity, Relational Algebra -Select, Project, Operations from Set Theory, Join, OuterJoin and Division - Tuple Relational Calculus. SQL- Data Definition with SQL - Insert, Delete and Update Statements in SQL, Defining Domains, Schemas and Constraints, Constraint Violations - Basic Queries in SQL - Select Statement, Use of Aggregate functions and Group Retrieval, Nested Queries, Correlated Queries Views. Module III (12 hours) Oracle Case Study : The Basic Structure of the Oracle System Database Structure and its Manipulation in Oracle- Storage Organization in Oracle.- Programming in PL/SQL- Cursor in PL/SQL - Assertions Triggers. Indexing and Hashing Concepts -: Ordered Indices, Hash Indices, Dense and Sparse Indices, Multi Level Indices, Cluster Index, Dynamic Hashing. Module IV (11 hours) Database Design Design Guidelines Relational Database Design Functional Dependency- Determination of Candidate Keys, Super Key, Foreign Key, Normalization using Functional Dependencies, Normal Forms based on Primary keys- General Definitions of First, Second and Third Normal Forms. Boyce Codd Normal Form Multi-valued Dependencies and Forth Normal Form Join Dependencies and Fifth Normal Form Pitfalls in Relational Database Design. Module V (13 hours) Introduction to Transaction Processing- Transactions- ACID Properties of TransactionsSchedules- Serializability of Schedules- Precedence Graph- Concurrency Control Locks and Timestamps-Database Recovery Query processing and Optimization- Translating SQL Queries into a Relational Algebra Computing Select, Project and Join Object Relational Databases-Distributed Databases-Different Types-Fragmentation and Replication Techniques-Functions of DDBMS.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University

Reference Books 1. Elmsari and Navathe, Fundamentals of Database System, Pearson Education Asia, 5th Edition, New Delhi, 2008. 2. Henry F Korth, Abraham Silbershatz , Database System Concepts, Mc Graw Hill

6td Edition, Singapore, 2011.

3. Elmsari and Navathe, Fundamentals of Database System, Pearson Education Asia, 3rd Edition, New Delhi- for oracle 4. Alexis Leon and Mathews Leon, Database Management Systems, Leon vikas Publishers, New Delhi. 5. Narayanan S, Umanath and Richard W.Scamell, Data Modelling and Database Design,Cengage Learning, New Delhi, 2009. 6. S.K Singh,Database Systems Concepts,Design and Applications, Pearson Education Asia, New Delhi, 2006. 7. Pranab Kumar Das Gupta, Datbase management System Oracle SQL And PL/SQL, Easter Economy Edition, New Delhi, 2009 8. C.J.Date , An Introduction to Database Systems, Pearson Education Asia, 7th Edition, New Delhi.

9. Rajesh Narang, Database Management Systems, Asoke K ghosh , PHI Learning, New Delhi, 2009. 10. Ramakrishnan and Gehrke, Database Management Systems, Mc Graw Hill, 3rd Edition , 2003. 11. Peter Rob and Carlos Coronel, Database Systems, Thomson Course Technology, 7th Edition, 2007. 12. Satinder Bal Guptha and Adithya Mittal, Introduction to Database Management System, University Science Publishers, New Delhi, 2010. 13. Patrick ONeil and Elizabeth ONeil, Database Principles, Programming and Performance, Morgan Kaufmann, 2nd Edition, New Delhi,2010 . 14. Ramon A Mata-Toledo and Pauline K Cushman, Schaums OUTlines Database Management Systems, Tata Mc Graw Hill , New Delhi, 2007. 15. Michel Kifer, Philip M. Lewis, Prabin K .Panigrahi and Arthur Bernstein, Database Systems An Application Oriented Approach, Pearson Education Asia, 2nd Edition, New Delhi, 2008.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University


Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Credits: 2

Objectives To provide experience on assembling and troubleshooting of PC hardware

To be able to write microprocessor based programs and to understand the interfacing of peripheral devices with the microprocessors

1. Study of SMPS, TTL and composite type monitor circuits, Emulator, Logic state analyser, Serial port, Parallel port, Mother board, Display adapter card, Hard disk controller, Printer Interface, Keyboard Interface 2. Identification of components/cards and PC assembling from components. 3. Trouble shooting and maintenance -Common maintenance problems, Diagnostic software, Diagnostic cards, Designing and Programming add on cards. 4. Programming with 8086 (Any 3 Experiments including BIOS/DOS Calls, Keyboard Control, Display, File Manipulation). 5. 6. 7. Interfacing with 8086-8255,8253. Interfacing with 8086-8279,8251. ADC interface, Stepper Motor interface using DAC, Parallel Interface- Printer and HEX keyboard, Serial Interface- PC to PC serial interface using MODEM. (Any 2 Experiments) 8051 Micro controller based experiments Simple assembly language programs (optional). 8051 Micro controller based experiments Simple control applications (optional).



Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50) 50%-Laboratory practical and record 30%- Test/s 20%- Regularity in the class

End Semester Examination (Maximum Marks-100) 70% - Procedure, conducting experiment, results, tabulation, and inference 30% - Viva voce

Syllabus B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University


Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Credits: 2

Objectives To understand operating system structures and the implementation aspects of various OS functions and schedulers.

To be able to design databases, write queries and develop applications.

Part 1: Operating systems 1. Basic UNIX commands and shell programming 2. Introduction to the tools providing GUI based human computer interaction (for example Qt.) Automatic generation of code for interaction using visual programming (for example Qt Designer). 3. Exercises involving the system calls fork(),exec(),create() etc. 4. Implementation of typical problems such as bounded buffer, dining philosophers etc. by multiprogramming using threads, semaphores and shared memory 5. Inter-process communication using mailboxes and pipes Part 2: Database management systems 1. Familiarization of MySQL database- creation and manipulation of tables. 2. Analyze a given situation such as Banking, Electricity Billing, Library Management, Payroll, Insurance ,Inventory, Health Care, Cricket Board Database, College Admission, Question Paper Bank, Hostel Management etc. Design and implement the database. Manipulate the tables using SQL commands. 3. Develop a 2 tier application for the above situation using a suitable front end.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50) 50%-Laboratory practical and record 30%- Test/s 20%- Regularity in the class

End Semester Examination (Maximum Marks-100) 70% - Procedure, conducting experiment, results, tabulation, and inference 30% - Viva voce

Syllabus B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University

IT010 601: Computer Networks

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To teach the mode of operation of different types of computer networks that are used to interconnect a distributed community of computers and various interfacing standards and protocols. Module I (10 hours)

Introduction: - ISO-OSI Reference Model TCP/IP Reference Model Comparison Network hardware-Repeaters, Routers, Bridges, Gateways, Hub, Cable Modem. Physical Layer: - Transmission Media ISDN system Architecture Communication Satellites geostationary satellites - Medium Earth Orbit Satellites- Low earth orbit satellites Satellite v/s Fiber Module 2 (12 hours) Data Link Layer: - Design issues-Error Detection and correction Elementary Data link protocols- Sliding window protocols. . LAN Protocols: - Static & Dynamic channel allocation in LANs and WANs, Multiple access protocols ALOHA Pure ALOHA Slotted ALOHA Carrier Sense Multiple Access protocols persistent and non-persistent CSMA CSMA with collision detection IEEE 802.3 standards for LAN Module 3 (14 hours) Network layer: -Virtual Circuits, Datagrams, Routing Algorithm Optimality principle - Flooding - Flow Based Routing - Link state routing Distance vector routing Multicasting Link state multicasting Distance vector multicasting Congestion Control Algorithms General principles Packet discarding Choke packets - Congestion prevention policies Traffic shaping Leaky bucket algorithm Flow specifications jitter control Module 4 (12 hours) Transport Layer: - Transport Service - Elements of transport protocols Internet Transfer Protocols UDP and TCP ATM Principle characteristics. Module 5 (12 hours) Application Layer: -Domain name system DNS name space Resource records Name servers operation of DNS - Electronic Mail MIME Mobile networks: - Mobile telephone systems, Bluetooth - Components Error correction Network topology Piconet and scatternet L2CAP layers Communication in Bluetooth networks

Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer Science & Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

References 1. Computer Networks (Fourth Edition): Andrew S.Tanenbaum, Pearson Education Asia/ PHI 2. An Introduction to computer networking: Kenneth C. Mansfield Jr., James L. Antonakos, Prentice-Hall India 3. Communication Networks: Leon, Garcia, Widjaja Tata McGraw Hill. 4. Computer Networks (Second Edition): Larry L Peterson & Bruce S Davie, (Harcourt India) 5. Computer Networking: James F Kurose & Keith W Ross, Pearson Education 6. Introduction to Data Communications and Networking: Behrouz, Forouzan, McGraw Hill

Syllabus - B.Tech. Computer Science & Engg.

Mahatma Gandhi University

IT 602:DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING Teaching scheme 2hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives:
To study the fundamentals of discrete-time signals and system analysis, digital filter design and the DFT

Credits: 4 2+2+0

Module 1 (12 Hours) Introduction: Elements of a Digital Processing System - Advantages of Digital over Analog Signal Processing - Applications of DSP. Discrete-Time Signals and Systems: Basic Discrete-Time sequences and sequence operations: unit sample, unit step, exponential, sinusoidal periodic and aperiodic discrete time sinusoids - Discrete time systems: Properties of Systems: Stability, Memory, Causality, Time invariance, Linearity Module 2 (12 Hours) LTI Systems: Representation of Signals in terms of impulses Impulse response Convolution sum Cascade and Parallel interconnections Memory, Causality and Stability of LTI systems Systems described by linear constant coefficient difference equations Frequency Domain representation of discrete-time signals: Fourier transform of a sequence - Properties of Fourier Transforms Frequency response of systems Module 3 (12 Hours) Z transform: Definition - ROC Common Z transforms - Inverse z-transform by partial fraction expansion- Properties of z- transforms - Analysis and characterization of LTI systems using Z-Transform Sampling of continuous time signals: The sampling theorem - Aliasing Module 4 (12 Hours) Structures for discrete time systems IIR and FIR systems Block diagram representation of difference equations Basic structures for IIR systems Direct form Cascade form - Parallel form Structures for FIR systems Direct and Cascade forms Overview of finite precision numerical effects in implementing systems Module 5 (12 Hours) Digital filter design: Filter specification Comparison of IIR and FIR filters Design of low pass FIR filters by windowing The Discrete Fourier Transform: Relation with DTFT - Computation of the DFT Decimation in time and decimation in frequency FFT - Reduction of computational complexity

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University

References 1. Alan V. Oppenheim and Ronald W. Schafer, Digital Signal Processing Pearson Education Asia, LPE 2. Sanjit K Mitra, Digital Signal Processing, 3e, Tata McGraw - Hill Education, New Delhi, 2007. 3. John G. Proakis and Dimitris G. Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing Pearson Education, 4th edition 4. L C Ludeman ,Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing , Wiley 5. Johny R. Johnson, An Introduction to Digital Signal Processing: Prentice Hall 6. S.Salivahanan, A.Vallavaraj, C.Gnanapriya, Digital Signal Processing, 2e, Tata McGraw - Hill Education, New Delhi, 2009 7. Emmanuel C. Ifeachor and Barrie W. Jervis,Digital Signal Processing: A Practical Approach Pearson Education Asia, LPE

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University

IT 010 603INFORMATION THEORY AND CODING Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4 3+1+0

Objectives: To provide basic concepts of Information Theory To understand the design and analysis of coding/decoding scheme for digital communication application Module 1 (12 Hours) Information theory: - Concept of amount of information -units, Entropy -marginal, conditional and joint entropies -relation among entropies Mutual information, information rate, channel capacity, redundancy and efficiency of channels. Module 2 (12 Hours) Discrete channels: - Symmetric channels, Binary Symmetric Channel, Binary Erasure Channel, Cascaded channels, repetition of symbols, Binary unsymmetric channel, Shannon theorem. Continuous channels: - Capacity of band limited Gaussian channels, Shannon-Hartley theorem, Trade off between band width and signal to noise ratio, Capacity of a channel with infinite band width, Optimum modulation system. Module 3 (12 Hours) Source coding: - Encoding techniques, Purpose of encoding, Instantaneous codes, Construction of instantaneous codes, Kraft's inequality, Coding efficiency and redundancy, Noiseless coding theorem. Construction of basic source codes: - ShannonFano algorithm, Huffman coding, Arithmetic coding, ZIP coding. Module 4 (12 Hours) Codes for error detection and correction: - Parity check coding, Linear block codes, Error detecting and correcting capabilities, Generator and Parity check matrices, Standard array and Syndrome decoding, Hamming codes, Encoding and decoding of systematic and unsystematic codes. Cyclic codes: - Generator polynomial, Generator and Parity check matrices, Encoding of cyclic codes, Syndrome computation and error detection, Decoding of cyclic codes, BCH codes, RS codes, Burst error correction. Module 5 (12 Hours) Convolutional codes: - Encoding- State, Tree and Trellis diagrams, Maximum likelihood decoding of convolutional codes -Viterby algorithm, Sequential decoding -Stack algorithm. Interleaving techniques: - Block and convolutional interleaving, Coding and interleaving applied to CD digital audio system -CIRC encoding and decoding, interpolation and muting. ARQ: - Types of ARQ, Performance of ARQ, Probability of error and throughput.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University

References 1. Ranjan Bose ,Information Theory, Coding and Cryptography 2nd Edition:, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2008 2. Simon Haykin,Communication Systems: John Wiley & Sons. Pvt. Ltd. 3. Taub & Schilling, Principles of Communication Systems: Tata McGraw-Hill 4. Das, Mullick & Chatterjee, Principles of Digital Communication: Wiley Eastern Ltd. 5. Error Control Coding Fundamentals and Applications: Prentice Hall Inc. 6. Shu Lin & Daniel J. Costello Jr.,Digital Communications Fundamentals and Applications: Bernard Sklar, Person Education Asia

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University IT 010 604 SOFTWARE

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Credits: 4

Objective: To help students to develop skills that will enable them to construct software of high quality software that is reliable, and that is reasonably easy to understand, modify and maintain. To foster an understanding of why these skills are important Module 1
(10 Hours)

Introduction: The Nature of Software, Software Process, Software Engineering Practice, A Generic Process Model, Prescriptive Process Models, Specialized Process Models, The Unified Process, Personal and Team Process Models, Agile Process, Extreme Programming, Agile Process Models. Module 2
(14 Hours)

Requirements Modelling: Requirement Engineering, Eliciting Requirements, Developing Use Cases, Building the Requirements Model, Requirements Analysis, Scenario-Based Modelling, UML Models, Data Modelling Concepts, Class Based Modelling, Flow Oriented Modelling, Behaviour Model, Patterns for Requirements Modelling, Requirements Modelling for Web Applications. Module 3
(12 Hours)

Design: The Design Process, Design Concepts, The Design Model, Software Architecture, Architectural Styles, Architectural Design, Architectural Mapping, Designing Class-Based Components, Component-Level Design, Component Based Development, User Interface Analysis and Design. Module 4
(12 Hours)

Testing and Quality Assurance: A Strategic Approach to Software Testing, Test Strategies for Conventional Software, Test Strategies for Object-Oriented Software, Test Strategies for Web Applications, Validation Testing, System Testing, Debugging, White-Box Testing, Control Structure Testing, Black-Box Testing, Model-Based Testing, Statistical Software Quality Assurance, Software Reliability.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University Module 5

(12 Hours)

Managing Software Project: The Management Spectrum, Process Metrics and Product Metrics, Software Measurement, Software Quality Metric, Integration of Metrics, Project Planning Process, Decomposition Techniques, Empirical Estimation Models, Project Scheduling, Risk Management.

Text Books: 1. Roger S. Pressman , Software Engineering- A Practitioners Approach, Seventh Edition, Mc GrawHill Higher Education, 2010. 2. Pankaj Jalote , Software Engineering, Narosa Publications. 3. Rajib Mall, Fundamentals of Software Engineering, PHI learning Private Limited New Delhi, 2009.

References: 1. Ian Somerville, Software Engineering , Pearson Education Asia, 2000. 2. Richard Fairly, Software Engineering Concepts, Tata McGraw Hill. 3. Waaman S Jawadekar, Software Engineering- A Primer, Tata McGraw Hill. 4. Ali Behforooz and Frederick J. Hudson, Software Engineering Fundamentals, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 1996. 5. Edward Kit, Software Testing in the Real World, Addition Wesley, 2000. 6. Shari Lawrence Pfleeger, Software Engineering theory and practice, Second edition, Pearson Education Asia, 2001.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University

IT010 605: DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS (Common with CS010 601)
Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To develop an understanding about basic algorithms and different problem solving strategies. To improve creativeness and the confidence to solve non-conventional problems and expertise for analysing existing solutions. Module I (13 hours) Introduction and Complexity What is an algorithm Properties of an Algorithm, Development of an algorithm, Pseudocode Conventions, Recursive Algorithms Performance Analysis - Space and Time Complexity Asymptotic Notations Oh, Omega, Theta, Worst, Best and Average Case Complexity, Running Time Comparison, Common Complexity Functions -Recurrence Relations Solving Recurrences using Iteration and Recurrence Trees Example Problems Profiling - Amortized Complexity. Module II (11 hours) Divide and Conquer - Control Abstraction, Finding Maximum and Minimum, Costs associated element comparisons and index comparisons, Binary Search, Divide and Conquer Matrix Multiplication, Stressens Matrix Multiplication, Quick Sort, Merge Sort. Refinements. Module III (14 hours) Greedy Strategy - Control Abstraction, General Knapsack Problem, Minimum Cost Spanning Trees PRIMs Algorithm, Kruskals Algorithm, Job sequencing with deadlines. Dynamic Programming - Principle of Optimality, Multistage Graph Problem, Forward Approach, Backward Approach, All-Pairs Shortest Paths, Traveling Salesman Problem. Module IV (11 hours) Backtracking State Space Tree - Fixed Tuple and Variable Tuple Formulation - Control Abstraction Generating Function and Bounding Function - Efficiency of the method Monte Carlo Method N-Queens Problem, Sum of Subsets. Branch and Bound Techniques FIFO, LIFO, and LC Control Abstractions, 15-puzzle. Module V (11 hours) Sophisticated Algorithms - Approximation Algorithms Planar Graph Coloring, Vertex cover - String Matching Algorithms Rabin Karp algorithm - Topological Sort Deterministic and Non-Deterministic Algorithms. Lower Bound Theory - Comparison Trees for Searching and Sorting, lower bound on comparison based algorithms, Sorting, Selection & Merging; Oracles and Adversary Arguments Merging,Basic concepts of randomized algorithm-Las Vagas algorithm for search.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University

Reference Books 1. Horowitz, Ellis, Sahni, Sartaj & Rajasekaran, Sanguthevar, Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms, , 2nd Edition, Universities Press, Hyderabad . 2. Thomas Coremen, Charles, Ronald Rives, Introduction to algorithm, PHI Learning 3. Sara Baase & Allen Van Gelder , Computer Algorithms Introduction to Design and Analysis, Pearson Education.. 4. Anany Levitin, Introduction to The Design & Analysis of Algorithms, Pearson Education, 2nd Edition, New Delhi, 2008. 5. Berman and Paul, Algorithms, Cenage Learning India Edition, New Delhi, 2008. 6. S.K.Basu , Design Methods And Analysis Of Algorithms ,PHI Learning Private Limited, New Delhi,2008. 7. Jon Kleinberg and Eva Tardos, Algorithm Design, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2006. 8. Hari Mohan Pandey, Design Analysis And Algorithms, University Science Press, 2008. 9. R. Panneerselvam, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, PHI Learning Private Limited, New Delhi, 2009. 10. Udit Agarwal, Algorithms Design And Analysis, Dhanapat Rai & Co, New Delhi, 2009. 11. Aho, Hopcroft and ullman, The Design And Analysis of Computer Algorithms, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2007. 12. S.E.Goodman and S. T. Hedetmiemi, Introduction To The Design And Analysis Of Algorithms, McGraw-Hill International Editions, Singapore 2000. 13. Richard Neapolitan, Kumarss N, Foundations of Algorithms, DC Hearth &company. 14. Sanjay Dasgupta, Christos Papadimitriou, Umesh Vazirani, Algorithms, Tata McGraw-Hill Edition.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University


Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4


To build knowledge on system modelling and system study on various applications. To design simulation models for various case studies like inventory, Telephone system, etc. To practice on simulation tools and impart knowledge on building simulation systems.
(10 Hours)

Module 1

The Concepts of a System, Continuous and Discrete Systems, System Modeling, Types of Models, Physical Models, Mathematical Models, Principal Used in Modeling, Corporate Model, Environment Segment, Production Segment, Management Segment, The Full Corporate Model, System Analysis, System Design, System Postulation. Module 2
(13 Hours)

The Monte Carlo Method, Types of System Simulation, Numerical Computation Technique for Continuous Models, Numerical Computation Technique for Discrete Models, Distributed Lag Models, Cobweb Models. Continuous System Models, Differential Equations, Analog Computers, Hybrid Computers, Digital-Analog Simulators, Continuous System Simulation Lanuages, CSMP III, Hybrid Simulation, Feedback Systems, Interactive Systems, Real- Time Simulation. Module 3
(13 Hours)

Exponential Growth and Decay Models, Modified Exponential Growth Models, Logic Curves, System Dynamics Diagrams, Multi-Segment Models, Representation of Time Models, The DYNAMO Language. Stochastic Variables, Discrete and Continuous Probability Functions, Continuous Uniformly Distributed Random Numbers, Uniform Random Number Generator, Non-Uniform Continuously Distributed Random Numbers, Rejection Method.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University Module 4

(12 Hours)

Congestion in Systems, Arrival Patterns, Exponential Distribution, Erlang Distribution, Hyper-Exponential Distribution, Normal Distributions, Queing Disciplines, Simulation of a Telephone System, Simulation Programming Tasks, Discrete Simulation Languages. GPSS Programs, Succession of Events, Simulation of a Manufacturing Shop, Facilities and Storages, Gathering Statistics, Conditional Transfers, Program Control statements, GPSS Examples. Module 5
(12 Hours)

SIMSCRIPT Programs, SIMSCRIPT System Concepts, Organization of SIMSCRIPT Programs, SIMSCRIPT Statements, Management of Sets in SIMSCRIPT, Telephone System Model, Simulation Programming Techniques.

Text Books 1. Geofferry Gordan, System Simulation, Prentice Hall of India, New Reference Books 1. H. James Harrington and Kerim Tumay, Simulation Modeling Methods, Tata McGraw Hill New Delhi. 2. Averill M. Law , Simulation Modeling and Analysis, 4th Ed., Tata McGraw Hill New Delhi. 3. Greenlaw, simulation modeling and analysis, Tata McGraw-Hill Education Delhi,2004.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University

IT010 606L02 Management Information Systems

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4


To provide information needed to manage organizations effectively

(12 Hours)

Module 1

Information System and Organization: Matching the Information System Plan to the Organizational Strategic Plan, Identifying Key Organizational Objective and Processes and Developing an Information System Development, User role in Systems Development Process, Maintainability and Recoverability in System Design. Module 2
(12 Hours)

Representation and Analysis of System Structure: Models for Representing Systems Mathematical, Graphical and Hierarchical (Organization Chart, Tree Diagram), Information Flow, Process Flow, Methods and Heuristics, Decomposition and Aggregation, Information Architecture, Application of System Representation to Case Studies. Module 3
(12 Hours)

Systems, Information and Decision Theory: Information Theory, Information Content and Redundancy, Classification and Compression, Summarizing and Filtering, Inferences and Uncertainty, Identifying Information needed to Support Decision Making, Human Factors, Problem characteristics and Information System Capabilities in Decision Making. Module 4
(12 Hours)

Information System Application: Transaction Processing Applications, Basic Accounting Application, Applications for Budgeting and Planning, Other use of Information Technology: Automation, Word Processing, Electronic Mail, Evaluation Remote Conferencing and Graphics, System and Selection, Cost Benefit, Centralized vs. Decentralized Allocation Mechanism. Module 5
(12 Hours)

Development and Maintenance Of Information Systems: Systems analysis and design, System development life cycle, Limitation, End User Development, Managing End Users, off-the shelf software packages, Outsourcing, Comparison of different methodologies.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University

Text Books 1. Ken Laudon, Jame Laudon, Rajanish Dass, Management Information Systems: Managing the digital firm,11th edition, Pearson Education, 2010. 2. K.C.Laudon J.P.Laudon, Management Information Systems - Organization and Technology in the Networked Enterprise, Sixth Edition, Prentice Hall, 2000. References 1. E.F. Turban, R.K. Turban, R.E. Potter, Introduction to Information Technology, John Wiley and Sons, 3rd Edition, 2004. 2. Wiley and M.E. Brabston, Management Information Systems: Managing the digital firm, Pearson Education, 2002. 3. Jeffrey A. Hoffer, Joey F. George and Joseph S. Valachich, Modern Systems Analysis and Design, Third Edition, Prentice Hall, 2002. 4. Robert Schulthesis and Mary Sumner, Management Information System-The Managers View, Tata Mc Graw Hill New Delhi. 5. Waman S Jawadekar, Management Information Systems-Text and Cases, Tata Mc Graw Hill New Delhi. 6. OBrien, Management Information Systems, 9e, Tata McGraw-Hill Education

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University

IT010 606L03 : UNIX Shell Programming (Common with CS010 606L04)

Teaching scheme Credits: 4 3 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week 2 Objectives To provide a fair knowledge of Unix concepts and gain sharp skills in Unix Shell programming Pre-requisites: IT010 504 level of Operating Systems knowledge

Module 1. (8 hours) Introduction to Unix:- Architecture of Unix, Features of Unix , Basic Unix Commands - Unix Utilities:- Introduction to unix file system, vi editor, file handling utilities, security by file permissions, process utilities, disk utilities, networking commands - Text processing utilities and backup Module 2. (13 hours) Introduction to Shells:-Unix Session, Standard Streams, Redirection, Pipes, tee Command, Command Execution, Command-Line Editing, Quotes, Command Substitution, Job Control, Aliases, Variables, Predefined Variables, Options, Shell/Environment Customization. Regular expressions, Filters and Pipes, Concatenating files, Display Beginning and End of files, Cut and Paste, Sorting, Translating Characters, Files with Duplicate Lines, Count characters, words or lines, Comparing Files. Module 3. (12 hours) grep:-Operation, grep Family, Searching for File Content. sed:-Scripts, Operation, Addresses, commands, Applications, grep and sed. awk:-Execution, Fields and Records, Scripts, Operations, Patterns, Actions, Associative Arrays, String Functions, Mathematical Functions, User Defined Functions, Using System commands in awk, Applications of awk, grep and sed Module 4. (15 hours) Interactive Shells - Korn Shell, C Shell and BASH - Shell Features, Special Files, Variables, Output, Input, Exit Status of a Command, eval Command, Environmental Variables, Options, Startup Scripts, Command History, Command Execution Process. Shell Programming - Korn Shell, C Shell and BASH Basic Script concepts, Expressions, Decisions: Making Selections, Repetition, special Parameters and Variables, changing Positional Parameters, Argument Validation, Debugging Scripts, Script Examples. Module 5. (12 hours) Process management:- Creation, Hierarchies, Sending signals to processes, exec, termination, Zombie, waitpid etc - Network management:- tools, Client server mechanism, address resolution, ping, telnet, ftp, dns and squid X Window System:Overview, Architecture, starting and stopping X, X clients and display

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University

Reference Books

Behrouz A. Forouzan, Richard F. Gilberg, Unix and shell Programming., Cengage Learning 2. Sumitabha Das , Unix the ultimate guide, TMH. 2nd Edition. 3. Kernighan and Pike, Unix programming environment, PHI. / Pearson Education 4. Graham Glass, King Ables, Unix for programmers and users, 3rd edition, Pearson Education 5. Maurice J. Bach, The Design of the Unix Operating System, First Edition, Pearson Education, 1999

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University

IT010 606 L04 : Advanced Database Systems

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives Be able to design high-quality relational databases and database applications. Have developed skills in advanced visual & conceptual modelling and database design.. Have developed an appreciation of emerging database trends as they apply to semi-structured data, the internet, and object-oriented databases. Pre-requisites: IT010 506 Database Management Systems level of database knowledge

Module 1. Distributed Databases 8 Distributed Databases Vs Conventional Databases Architecture Fragmentation Query Processing Transaction Processing Concurrency Control Recovery. Module 2. Object Oriented Databases 15 Introduction to Object Oriented Data Bases - Approaches - Modelling and Design - Persistence Query Languages - Transaction - Concurrency Multi Version Locks - Recovery. Module 3. Emerging Systems Enhanced Data Models - Client/Server Model - Data Warehousing and Data Mining - Web Databases Mobile Databases. 12

Module 4. Database Design Issues 13 ER Model - Normalization - Security - Integrity - Consistency - Database Tuning - Optimization and Research Issues Design of Temporal Databases Spatial Databases. Module 5. Current Issues 12 Rules - Knowledge Bases - Active And Deductive Databases - Parallel Databases Multimedia Databases Image Databases Text Database

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University

Reference Books

1. Elisa Bertino, Barbara Catania, Gian Piero Zarri, Intelligent Database Systems, Addison-Wesley, 2001. 2. Carlo Zaniolo, Stefano Ceri, Christos Faloustsos, R.T.Snodgrass, V.S.Subrahmanian, Advanced Database Systems, Morgan Kaufman, 1997. 3. N.Tamer Ozsu, Patrick Valduriez, Principles Of Distributed Database Systems, Prentice Hal International Inc., 1999. 4. C.S.R Prabhu, Object-Oriented Database Systems, Prentice Hall Of India, 1998. 5. Abdullah Uz Tansel Et Al, Temporal Databases: Theory, Design And Principles, Benjamin Cummings Publishers, 1993. 6. Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke, Database Management Systems, Mcgraw Hill, Third Edition 2004. 7. Henry F Korth, Abraham Silberschatz, S. Sudharshan, Database System Concepts, Fourth Ediion, Mcgraw Hill, 2002. 8. R. Elmasri, S.B. Navathe, Fundamentals Of Database Systems, Pearson Education, 2004

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University

IT010 606L05: Parallel Computing

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To give an introduction to parallel computing that studies problem solving using a large number of inter connected processors. To develop understanding about the various models of parallel computation and also gives knowledge about the algorithms for merging, sorting, searching and FFT. Pre-requisites: IT010 403 Computer Organisation and Architecture Module I (10 hours) Parallel processing - Control-Parallel approach - Data-Parallel approach - Data-Parallel approach with I/O - PRAM Model - PRAM Algorithms - Parallel Reduction - Prefix Sums - List Ranking - Preorder Tree Traversal - Merging Two Sorted Lists - Graph Coloring - Reducing Number of Processors Module II (12 hours) Processor Organizations- Processor arrays- UMA and NUMA multiprocessors Multicomputers nCUBE2 Connection Machine CM5 Paragon XP/S- Flynns Txonamy Speed up and scaled speed up Parallelizability- Mapping Dynamic load balancing on multicomputers-Scheduling Module III (14 hours) Classifying MIMD Algorithms Hypercube SIMD Model Shuffle Exchange SIMD Model 2D Mesh SIMD Model UMA Multiprocessor Model Broadcast Prefix Sums. Enumeration Sort Lower Bound on Parallel Sorting Odd-Even Transposition Sort Bitonic Merge Parallel Quick Sort Module IV (14 hours) Complexity of Parallel Search Searching on Multiprocessors - P-Depth Search Breadth Death Search Breadth First Search Connected Components All pair Shortest Path Single Source Shortest Path Minimum Cost Spanning Tree. Module V (10 hours) Matrix Multiplication on 2-D Mesh, Hypercube and Shuffle Exchange SIMD Models Algorithms for Multiprocessors Algorithms for Multicomputers Row oriented algorithm and block oriented algorithm.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University

Reference Books 1. Michael J. Quinn, Parallel Computing The Theory and Practice, McGraw-Hill, INC 2. Ananth Grame, George Karpis, Vipin Kumar and Anshul Gupta, Introduction to Parallel Computing, 2nd Edition, Addison Wesley, 2003 3. Selim G. Akl, The Design and Analysis of Parallel algorithms, PHI, 4. V. Rajaraman and C. Siva Ram Murthy, Parallel Computers Architecture and Programming, PHI, 5. Michael J. Quinn, Parallel Computing Parallel Programming In C With Mpi And Openmp, McGraw-Hill,INC,

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University

IT010 606L06: Optimization Techniques

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives

Credits: 4

To provide graduate students with a systematic training in the use of nonlinear optimization techniques in research and applications

Pre-requisites: EN010 101, EN010 301, EN010 401, EN010 501B level knowledge

Module1 Classical optimization techniques (12 Hours) Single variable optimization Multivariable optimization with no constraints Hessian matrix Multivariable saddle point Optimization with equality constraints Lagrange multiplier method Multivariable optimization with inequality constrains Kuhn- Tucker conditions. Module 2 Constrained multivariable optimization (12 Hours) Elimination methods unrestricted search method Fibonacci method Interpolation methods Quadratic interpolation and cubic interpolation methods. Module 3 One-dimensional unconstrained minimization (12 Hours) Gradient of a function Steepest descent method Newtons method Powells method Hook and Jeeves method.

Module 4 Integer Linear programming problem (12 Hours) Gomorys cutting plane method Gomorys method for all integer programming problems, mixed integer programming problems.

Module 5 Network Technique (12 Hours) Shortest path model Dijkstras Algorithm Floyds Algorithm minimum spanning tree problem PRIM algorithm Maximal Flow Problem algorithm.

Reference Books 1. Optimization theory and application - S.S. Rao, New Age International P. Ltd. 2. Optimization Concepts and applications in Engineering - A. D. Belegundu, T.R. Chandrupatla, Pearson Education Asia. 3. Principles of Operations Research for Management - F. S. Budnick, D. McLeavey, R. Mojena, Richard D. Irwin, INC. 4. Operation Research an introduction - H. A. Taha, Eastern Economy Edition. 5. Operation Research R. Pannerselvam, PHI

Syllabus - B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University


Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Objective: To impart a solid foundation of the state of the art trends in computer networking and to provide a hands on experience of the same. The lab aims to give an overarching insight to all arenas of networking. The experiments may be taken up with the intention to solidify the foundations of the basic networking course. The simulation experiments are included to have familiarization of the architecture and internal working of the tool and to equip the students with a free to use mindset afterwards. Credits: 2

1 Java network programming 1.1 1.2 1.3 Processing Internet Addressing Applications with UDP datagram and sockets implementation of TCP/IP client and server

Unix Network Programming 2.1 2.2 2.3


TCP and UDP Socket programming and applications Client-server using RPC Concurrent Server using Threads or Process
Implementations of PC-to-PC file transfer using serial port and MODEM.

3 Simulation of ARP/RARP. 4 Simulation of GoBackN, Selective Repeat or Sliding Window protocol. 5 Remote Procedure Call (RPC) programming. 6 Study of Network Simulators (NS2 / Glomosim) 6.1 Simulation of different network topologies Performance analysis of routing protocols both for wired, wireless networks


Syllabus B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University

References 1. W.R. Stevens, Unix Network Programming, Vol 1, 2nd ed., Prentice-Hall Inc., 1998. 2. Using Java2 Platform Weber (AWL) 3. Douglas E.Comer, Hands on Networking with Internet Technologies, Pearson Education 4. 5.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50) 50%-Laboratory practical and record 30%- Test/s 20%- Regularity in the class

End Semester Examination (Maximum Marks-100) 70% - Procedure, conducting experiment, results, tabulation, and inference 30% - Viva voce

Syllabus B.Tech. Information Technology

Mahatma Gandhi University


Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Objectives To estimate the ability of the student in transforming the theoretical knowledge studied so far into application software. For enabling the students to gain experience in organisation and implementation of a small project and thus acquire the necessary confidence to carry out main project in the final year. To understand and gain the knowledge of software engineering practices, so as to participate and manage large software engineering projects in future. Credits: 2

In this practical course, each group consisting of two/three members (four in special cases) is expected to design and develop practical solutions to real life problems related to industry, institutions and computer science research. Software life cycle should be followed during the development. The theoretical knowledge, principles and practices gained from various subjects should be applied to develop effective solutions to various computing problems. The knowledge gained during various practical subjects to work with various software tools, Designing tools, programming languages, operating systems, etc. should be utilized in various stages of development. Structured/ Object Oriented design techniques may be used for the project. Software Requirements Specification (SRS), Modeling Techniques, Design and Testing strategies should be documented properly. A committee consisting of minimum three faculty members will perform the internal assessment of the mini project. A report on mini project should be submitted for evaluation and project work should be presented and demonstrated before the panel of examiners.
Internal Continuous Assessment (50 marks) 40% - Design and development (30% by guide and 10% by committee) 30% - Final result and Demonstration (15% by guide and 15% by committee) 20% - Report (10% by guide and 10% by committee) 10% - Regularity in the class (by guide)

End Semester Examination (Maximum Marks-100) 20% 50% 20% 10% Demonstration of mini project Practical test connected with mini project Viva voce Project report

Syllabus B.Tech. Information Technology

Polymer Engineering (PO)

EN010 301A: ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS II (Common to all branches except CS & IT) Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week

Credits: 4

To apply standard methods and basic numerical techniques for solving problems and to know the importance of learning theories in Mathematics.

MODULE 1 Vector differential calculus ( 12 hours) Scalar and vector fields gradient-physical meaning- directional derivative-divergence an curl - physical meaning-scalar potential conservative fieldidentities - simple problems MODULE 2 Vector integral calculus ( 12 hours) Line integral - work done by a force along a path-surface and volume integral-application of Greens theorem, Stokes theorem and Gauss divergence theorem MODULE 3 Finite differences ( 12 hours) Finite difference operators and - interpolation using Newtons forward and backward formula problems using Stirlings formula, Lagranges formula and Newtons divided difference formula MODULE 4 Difference Calculus ( 12 hours) Numerical differentiation using Newtons forward and backward formula Numerical integration Newtons cotes formula Trapezoidal rule Simpsons 1/3rd and 3/8th rule Difference equations solution of difference equation MODULE 5 Z transforms ( 12 hours) Definition of Z transforms transform of polynomial function and trignometric functions shifting property , convolution property - inverse transformation solution of 1st and 2nd order difference equations with constant coifficients using Z transforms. Reference
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Erwin Kreyszing Advance Engg. Mathematics Wiley Eastern Ltd. B.S. Grewal Higher Engg. Mathematics - Khanna Publishers B.V. Ramana - Higher Engg. Mathematics McGraw Hill K Venkataraman- Numerical methods in science and Engg -National publishing co S.S Sastry - Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis -PHI T.Veerarajan and T.Ramachandran- Numerical Methods- McGraw Hill Babu Ram Engg. Mathematics -Pearson. H.C.Taneja Advanced Engg. Mathematics Vol I I.K.International

EN010 302: Economics and Communication Skills

(Common to all branches) Teaching scheme 2hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week Credits: 4(3+1) Objectives To impart a sound knowledge of the fundamentals of Economics.

Module I (7 hours) Reserve Bank of India-functions-credit control-quantitative and qualitative techniques Commercial banks-functions- Role of Small Industries Development Bank of India and National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development The stock market-functions-problems faced by the stock market in India-mutual funds Module II (6 hours) Multinational corporations in India-impact of MNCs in the Indian economy Globalisation-necessity-consequences Privatisation-reasons-disinvestment of public sector undertakings The information technology industry in India-future prospects Module III (6 hours) Direct and indirect taxes- impact and incidence- merits of direct and indirect taxesprogressive and regressive taxes-canons of taxation-functions of tax systemtax evasion-reasons for tax evasion in India-consequences-steps to control tax evasion Deficit financing-role-problems associated with deficit financing Module IV (5 hours) National income-concepts-GNP, NNP, NI, PI and DPI-methods of estimating national income-difficulties in estimating national income Inflation-demand pull and cost push-effects of inflation-government measures to control inflation Module V (6 hours) International trade-case for free trade-case for protectionism Balance of payments-causes of disequilibrium in Indias BOP-General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade-effect of TRIPS and TRIMS in the Indian economy-impact of WTO decisions on Indian industry Text Books 1. Ruddar Datt, Indian Economy, S.Chand and Company Ltd. 2. K.K.Dewett, Modern Economic Theory, S.Chand and Company Ltd. References 1. Paul Samuelson, Economics, Tata McGraw Hill 2. Terence Byres, The Indian Economy, Oxford University Press 3. S.K.Ray, The Indian economy, Prentice Hall of India 4. Campbell McConnel, Economics, Tata McGraw Hill

Communication Skills
Objectives To improve Language Proficiency of the Engineering students To enable them to express themselves fluently and appropriately in social and professional contexts To equip them with the components of different forms of writing MODULE 1 (15 hours) INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATION Communication nature and process, Types of communication - Verbal and Non verbal, Communication Flow-Upward, Downward and Horizontal, Importance of communication skills in society, Listening skills, Reading comprehension, Presentation Techniques, Group Discussion, Interview skills, Soft skills MODULE II (15 hours) TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION Technical writing skills- Vocabulary enhancement-synonyms, Word Formationsuffix, affix, prefix, Business letters, Emails, Job Application, Curriculum Vitae, Report writing- Types of reports Note: No university examination for communication skills. There will be internal evaluation for 1 credit. REFERENCES 1. The functional aspects of communication skills, P.Prasad and Rajendra K. Sharma, S.K. Kataria and sons, 2007 2. Communication skills for Engineers and Scientists, Sangeeta Sharma and Binod Mishra, PHI Learning private limited, 2010 3. Professional Communication, Kumkum Bhardwaj, I.K. International (P) House limited, 2008 4. English for technical Communication, Aysha Viswamohan, Tata Mc Graw Publishing company limited, 2008

PO010 303: Polymer Science - I

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives To impart the fundamental concepts of polymeric materials To familiarize polymerization reaction mechanisms and kinetics Module 1 (10 hours) Importance in everyday life, Functionality of monomers- bi-functional systems, poly functional systems. polymerisability, degree of polymerization, Differences between polymer and low molecular weight systems, Classification- examples for natural polymer, synthetic polymer, homo polymer, copolymer, inorganic polymer and biopolymer. Idea about linear Credits: 4

polymer, branched polymer, ladder polymer, crosslinked polymer, homochain polymer and hetero-atomic chain polymers. Nomenclature Module 2 (15 hours) Need for average polymer molecular weight, Different averages in polymer molecular weight- Number average, weight average, viscosity average, z- average molecular weights, molecular weight distribution, polydispersity index, simple numerical problems to illustrate average molecular weight, basic principles of the following methods: end group analysis, colligative property measurements, osmometry, vapour phase osmometry, light scattering, ultracentrifugation, viscometry and gel permeation chromatography Module 3 (10 hours) Addition polymerization, mechanism and kinetics of free radical polymerization, cationic polymerization and anionic polymerization, free radical initiators, control of molecular weight, inhibition, autoacceleration, chain transfer Module 4 (15 hours) Condensation polymerisation, Carothers equation, gelation, coordination polymerisation, Ziegler-Natta catalysts, ring opening polymerization, copolymerization, different types of copolymers, monomer reactivity ratio, copolymer equation Module 5 (10 hours) Polymerization techniques, bulk polymerization, solution polymerization, suspension polymerization, emulsion polymerization, interfacial polymerisation References 1. F.W. Billmeyer, Textbook of Polymer Science, Wiley international publishers, 1984. 2. Joel R. Fried, Polymer science and Technology, Prentice Hall, NJ, 1995 3. J.M.G. Cowie, Polymers: Chemistry and Physics of Modern Materials, Blackie, London, 1991. 4. R.J. Young and P.Lovell, Introduction to Polymers, 2nd Ed., Chapman & Hall, 1991. 5. Premamoy Ghosh, Polymer Science and Technology of Plastics and Rubbers, Tata McGraw - Hill, New Delhi, 1990. 6. H.R. Allcock and F.W. Lampe, Contemporary Polymer Chemistry, Prentice Hall 1981. 7. F.W.Billmeyer, Text Book of Polymer Science, Wiley Interscience, 1971. 8. F.Rodrigues, Principles of Polymer systems, Mc Graw Hill, 1970

PO010 304: Computer Programming

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives To provide the basic concepts of computer hardware and software To generate C programming concept among the students Module 1 (12 hours) Computer fundamentals, classification, mainframe, mini and microcomputers, block schematic of personal computers. Concept of software and hardware, concept of operating systems. Programming languages, classification, machine language, assembly language and Credits: 4

high level language. Program development, flow charts and algorithms. Compilers, assemblers Module 2 (15 hours) C Programming, Introduction to C programming language, compilation of C programs. Structure of a C program, input/output statements, fundamental data types, variables, identifiers, keywords, operator precedence and associativity, arithmetic expressions. Loop statements-for, while, do-while. Decision statements-if, nested if, switch statements, break and continue statements, example for a simple C program Module 3 (15 hours) Arrays and structures: single and multidimensional arrays, character arrays and its initializations. String and its initializations. Declaration and initialisation of structure variables, array of structures and nested structures. Example programs using structures, unions Module 4 (8 hours) Functions-concept, function declaration and calling, arguments and local variables, parameter passing methods in C function, array passing in C function. Concept of recursive functions Module 5 (10 hours) Pointers and files: declaration, passing pointers to a function, accessing array elements using pointers, operation on pointers. Opening and closing a file, creating and processing a file References 1. Programming in C 2. Let us C 3. Pointers in C 4. Programming with C : E Balaguruswamy : Y.P.Kannetkar : Y.P.Kannetkar : Bryan.S.Gottfried,Tata McGrawHill

PO010 305: Organic Chemistry

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objective

Credits: 4

To familiarize the organic reaction mechanisms and spectroscopic methods

Module 1 (10 hours) Chemical bonding and molecular structure, electronic effects in organic molecules, inductive, mesomeric and hyperconjugation effects, acids and bases, reactive intermediates in organic chemistry- carbocations, carbanions, free radicals, carbenes and nitrenes. Module 2 (15 hours) Organic reaction mechanisms, introduction. Substitution and Elimination reactions: detailed study of SN1, SN2, SNi, SN1, SN2 and borderline mechanisms. Nucleophilicity and basicity, leaving group effects, solvent effects, neighboring group participation. Detailed study of elimination reactions (E1, E2, and E1cb mechanisms), substitution vs. elimination. Module 3 (10 hours)

Rearrangement Reactions: common rearrangements in organic chemistry, rearrangement of carbocations, non-classical carbocations. Catalysis by acid & bases, Lewis acid catalysis, Phase transfer catalysis and applications of crown ethers. Methods of determination of organic reaction mechanisms. Module 4 (15 hours) Isomerism of organic compounds: isomerism, definition and classification, molecular representation, stereo isomerism, conformation, configuration, chirality and optical activity, stereocentre, racemisation and methods of resolution, chiral synthesis, optical purity and enantiomeric excess, configurational nomenclature, D, L, R and S, determination of configuration, geometrical isomerism, E/Z notation, interconversion of geometrical isomers, conformational analysis of acyclic and cyclic molecules, rotation about bonds, concepts of dihedral angle, torsional strain, optical rotatory dispersion and circular dichroism. Module 5 (10 hours) Organic Spectroscopy: principles and applications of UV, IR, NMR, ESR spectroscopic techniques for the structure elucidation of organic compounds, problem solving approach. Recent advances in NMR techniques, 13CNMR, 2 dimensional NMR spectroscopy. References 1. Morrison & Boyd, Organic Chemistry, Prentice Hall. New Delhi, 6th edition,1992 2. B.S.Bahl and Arun Bhal, Advanced Organic Chemistry, S. Chand & Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 15th edition, 1998 3. I.L.Finar, Textbook of Organic Chemistry, ELBS, 5th edition, 1996 4. Jerry March, Advanced Organic Chemistry, John Wiley & Sons, New york, 1992

PO010 306(CE) Strength of Materials & Structural Engineering

(Common with ME010 306(CE), AU010 306(CE) and PE010 306(CE)) Teaching Scheme:3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives Credits: 4

To study internal effects produced and deformations of bodies caused by externally applied forces. To understand the stresses and strains in different materials and analyse strength characteristic of structural members.

Module I (15 hours) Introduction to analysis of deformable bodies:stresses due to normal, shear and bearing loads-Axial and shear strains Simple stresses and strains: Material behavior - uniaxial tension test - stress-strain diagrams. Hooke's law for linearly elastic isotropic material. Elastic constants - relation between them - Bars of varying cross section -Composite sectionsEquilibrium and compatibility conditions- Temperature stresses Module II (10 hours) Bending moment and shear force: Cantilever, simply supported and overhanging beams concentrated and U.D loading(analytical method) Relation between load shear force and bending moment.

Module III (15 hours) Stresses in beams: Pure bending - flexure formula for beams - assumptions and limitations -section modulus - flexural rigidity - economic sections beams of uniform strength. Shearing stress formula for beams - assumptions and limitations. Deflection of beams: Moment-curvature relation - assumptions and limitations singularity functions - Macaulays method - moment area method for simple cases. Module IV (10 hours)

Torsion: Torsion theory of elastic circular bars solid and hollow shaft assumptions and limitations - polar modulus- torsional rigidity - economic cross-sections. Pressure vessels: Thin and thick cylinders-Lame's equation-stresses in thick cylinders due to internal pressure compound pipes.
Module V (10 hours) Combined stresses: Principal stresses and planes-Mohr's circle representation of stress in 2D problems. Use of strain gage rosettes. Combined axial, flexural and torsional loads. Theory of columns: Buckling theory -Euler's formula for long columns - assumptions and limitations - effect of end conditions - slenderness ratio - Rankine's formula for intermediate columns -Eccentric loading of columns - kern of a section (rectangular and circular section). Text Books Timoshenko.S.P, Strength of Materials, Part 1,D.Van Nostrand company, Inc.Newyork. Bansal R.K., Strength of Materials, Lakshmi Publications, New Delhi. Mott, Robert L, Applied strength of materials, 5th Edn, Prentice Hall of India. Popov E.P., Engineering Mechanics of solids, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi..

1. 2. 3. 4.

Reference Books 1. Nash.W.A , Strength of Materials, Schaums Outlines,$th Edn, TMH 2. Gere, James M , Mechanics of Materials, Cengage Learning. 3. Shames IH , Pitarresi, James.M, Introduction to Solid Mechanics, Prentice Hall of India.

PO010 307: Chemistry Lab

Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Objective

Credits: 2

To create skills in organic synthesis and skills in analytical methods

A. Organic synthesis 1. Synthesis of ethyl n- butyl acetoacetate by the acetoacetic ester condensation 2. Synthesis of 3-nitrobenzoic acid from benzoic acid 3. Nitration of aromatic hydrocarbons. 4. Side chain oxidation of aromatic hydrocarbons. 5. Benzoylation of phenols. 6. Preparation of solid esters. 7. Bromination of amines. B. Purification and characterization of organic compounds

1. Purification (fractional crystallization, fractional distillation, chromatography) and separation of the components of a binary organic mixture (liquid-liquid, liquid-solid and solid-solid) using chemical analysis and IR and NMR spectral data. 2. Identify the components of the given binary mixture. 3. Checking the purity of the separated components on TLC plates.

PO010 308: Computer Lab

Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week 1. Familiarisation of DOS commands and WINDOWS. 2. Simple C programs with control statements and loops. 3. Programs handling one-dimensional array. 4. Programs handling multidimensional array 5. Programs using a simple function. 6. Functions having arguments. 7. Recursive functions. 8. Programs handling structures. 9. Programs using pointers. 10. Programs involving files. 11. A simple graphic program. Credits: 2

EN010 401: Engineering Mathematics III

(Common to all branches) Teaching scheme Credits: 4 Objectives: Apply standardtutorial per week 2 hours lecture and 2 hour methods of mathematical &statistical analysis MODULE 1 Fourier series ( 12 hours) Dirichlet conditions Fourier series with period 2 and 2l Half range sine and cosine series Harmonic Analysis r.m.s Value MODULE 2 Fourier Transform ( 12 hours) Statement of Fourier integral theorem Fourier transforms derivative of transformsconvolution theorem (no proof) Parsevals identity MODULE 3 Partial differential equations ( 12 hours) Formation by eliminating arbitrary constants and arbitrary functions solution of Lagranges equation Charpits method solution of Homogeneous partical differential equations with constant coefficients MODULE 4 Probability distribution ( 12 hours) Concept of random variable , probability distribution Bernoullis trial Discrete distribution Binomial distribution its mean and variance- fitting of Binominal distribution Poisson distribution as a limiting case of Binominal distribution its mean and variance fitting of Poisson distribution continuous distribution- Uniform distribution exponential distribution its mean and variance Normal distribution Standard normal curve- its properties MODULE 5 Testing of hypothesis ( 12 hours) Populations and Samples Hypothesis level of significance type I and type II error Large samples tests test of significance for single proportion, difference of proportion, single mean, difference of mean chi square test for variance- F test for equality of variances for small samples References
1. Bali& Iyengar A text books of Engg. Mathematics Laxmi Publications Ltd. 2. M.K. Venkataraman Engg. Mathematics vol II 3rd year part A & B National Publishing Co. 3. I.N. Sneddon Elements of partial differential equations Mc Graw Hill 4. B.V. Ramana Higher Engg. Mathematics Mc Graw Hill 5. Richard A Johnson Miller Freads probability & Statistics for EngineersPearson/ PHI 6. T. Veerarajan Engg. Mathematics Mc Graw Hill 7. G. Haribaskaran Probability, Queueing theory and reliability Engg. Laxmi Publications 8. V. Sundarapandian - probability ,Statistics and Queueing theory PHI 9. H.C.Taneja Advanced Engg. Mathematics Vol II I.K.International 10. A.K.Mukhopadhyay-Mathematical Methods For Engineers and PhysicistsI.K.International



(COMMON WITH EN010 502(ME)) Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4


To develop an understanding of different functional areas of management. To understand the functions and duties an individual should perform in an organisation.

Module I (12 hours) Management Concepts: Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives of management-MBOScientific management- Functions of management- Planning- Organizing- StaffingDirecting- Motivating- Communicating- Coordinating- Controlling- Authority and Responsibility- Delegation- Span of control- Organizational structure- Line, Line and staff and Functional relationship. Module II (12 hours) Personnel Management: Definition and concept- Objectives of personnel managementManpower planning- Recruitment and Selection of manpower- Training and development of manpower- Labour welfare- Labour turnover- Quality circle- Industrial fatigue- Industrial disputes-Method of settling disputes- Trade unions. Module III (12 hours) Production management: Objectives and scope of production management- Functions of production department- production management frame work- product life cycle-Types of production- Production procedure- Project planning with CPM and PERT- Basic concepts in network. Module IV (12 hours) Financial Management: Objectives and Functions of Financial Management- Types of Capital- Factors affecting working capital- Methods of financing. Cost Management: Elements of cost- Components of cost- Selling Price of a product. Module V (12 hours) Sales and Marketing Management: Sales management- Concept- Functions of sales department- Duties of sales engineer- Selling concept and Marketing concept- MarketingDefinition and principles of marketing- Marketing management and its functions- Sales forecasting- Pricing- Advertising- Sales promotion- Channels of distribution- Market research. Text Books 1. Koontz and Weihrich, Essentials of Management, Tata McGraw Hill. 2. Mahajan M., Industrial Engineering and Production Management, Dhanpat Rai and Co. 3. Kemthose and Deepak, Industrial Engineering an Management, Prentice Hall of India. Reference Books 1. Martand Telsang, Industrial Engineering and Production Management. 2. Khanna O.P., Industrial Engineering and Management, Dhanpat Rai and Co. 3. Philip Kotler, Marketing Management, Prentice Hall of India. 4. Sharma S. C. & Banga T. R., Industrial Organisation and Engineering Economics, Khanna Publishers. 5. Prasanna Chandra, Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill.


PO010 403: Polymer Physics

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives To impart the concept on polymeric deformation To impart the awareness on rheological properties Module 1 (10 hours) Stress- engineering stress, true stress. Strain- engineering strain, true strain. ModulusYoungs modulus, compression modulus, bulk modulus. Compliance, Poissons ratio, elastic solid, Hookes Law, viscous fluid, Newtons law, viscoelastic materials, difference in the response of elastic solid, viscous fluid and viscoelastic materials under static and dynamic conditions, factors affecting viscoelasticity Module 2 (15 hours) Short-term properties, Long-term properties-creep, stress relaxation. stress- strain curves, hysteresis, tangent modulus, secant modulus, proportionality limit, Mechanical modelsspring, dashpot, Maxwell and Voigt models, Generalised equations for Maxwell and Voigt models, Equations for Maxwell and Voigt models under creep and stress relaxation situations, Maxwell-Weichert model, Burger model, Deborah number Module 3 (10 hours) Time-temperature equivalence principle, Boltzmann superposition principle, simple numerical problems based on Boltzmann superposition principle. Dynamic mechanical properties- storage modulus, loss modulus, tan , damping Module 4 (10 hours) Rubber elasticity, molecular requirements of rubber-like elasticity, energy driven elasticity, entropy driven elasticity, thermoelastic experiment, Gough-Joule effect, thermodynamics of rubber elasticity Module 5 (15 hours) Newtonian fluids and non-Newtonian fluids, Power law, shear rate dependent fluidspsuedoplasticity, dilatancy. Time dependent fluids- thixotropy, rheopexy. Rheological measurements- plasticity retention index, oscillating disc rheometer: curing characteristics, scorch time, induction time, cure time, capillary rheometer: entrance effect, Rabinowitsch correction, cone and plate viscometer, Mooney viscometer, melt flow index. Elastic effects in polymer melt flow- die swell, elastic turbulence, melt fracture, shark skin, draw down References 1. David J. Williams, Polymer Science and Engineering, Maclaren and Sons, Newyork1978 2. H.F. Haufman and J.J. Falcetta, Introduction to Polymer science and Technology, S P E Text Book, John Wiley & Sons New York 1997 3. J. D. Ferry, Viscoelastic Properties of Polymers, John Wiley & Sons NewYork 1971 4. R.J.Samuels, Structured Polymer Properties, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1974. 5. J. A. Brydson, Flow Properties of Polymer Melts Credits: 4


PO010 404: Polymer Science - II

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objective

Credits: 4

To impart the basic knowledge in structure-property relationship of polymers

Module 1 (10 hours) Amorphous state, molecular motion, first order and second order transitions, Tg, Tm, factors affecting Tg, secondary transitions, free volume, kinetic, and thermodynamic views of glass transition, factors influencing glass transition temperature Module 2 (10 hours) Crystalline state, crystal systems, unit cells, primitive cell, Bravais lattices, polymorphism, polymer single crystals, lamellae, spherulites, supermolecular structures, fringed micelle model, degree of crystallinity, factors affecting crystallinity, X-ray diffraction, copolymers, linear and cyclic arrangement. Module 3 (15 hours) Polymer solutions, terms and definitions, types of solutions, Hildebrand approach, Flory Huggins theory, thermodynamic view of miscibility, upper critical solution temperature (UCST), lower critical solution temperature (LCST), concentration regimes in polymer solutions, theta conditions. Module 4 (15 hours) Chemical reactivity of linear and crosslinked polymers, hydrolysis, acidolysis, aminolysis, hydrogenation, addition and substitution reactions, cross linking reactions, reactivity of functional groups, polymer analogous reactions, polymer bound reagents, chain end and random degradation, degradation by oxygen, ozone, heat, UV light, micro-organism, crazing, weathering, stabilisation to prevent degradation. Module 5 (10 hours) Effect of polymer structure on dielectric constant, capacitance, dielectric loss, power factor, dissipation factor and loss factor, prediction of molar polarization and effective dipole moment, effect of additives on electrical properties of polymers, effect of polymer structure on optical properties, clarity, transparency, haze, transmittance, reflectance, gloss, prediction of refractive indices of polymers by group contributions. References 1. Paul C. Painter and Michael M. Coleman, Fundamentals of Polymer Science, Technomic Publishing Co. Inc., Lancaster, USA, 1994. 2. Ulf W. Gedde, Polymer Physics, Chapman & Hall, 1995. 3. D.W. Van Krevelen And P.J. Hoftyzen, Properties Of Polymer, 3rd Edition Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company Amsterdam Oxford Newyork. 1990 4. J.E. Mark Ed.AIP, Physical Properties Of Polymers Hand Book, Williston, Vt, 1996. 5. D.A.Seanor, ed., Electrical properties of polymers, Acadamic press, Newyork, 1982. 6. Jozef.Bicerano, Prediction Of Polymer Properties, Second Edition, Marcel Dekker Inc. Newyork, 1995. 7. I.M.Ward & D.W.Hadley, An Introduction to the Mechanical Properties of Solid Polymers, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, England, 1993.


PO010 405: Chemical Engineering - I

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To create basic concepts of chemical engineering and fluids Module 1 (10 hours) Introduction, units, concept of atomic weight, equivalent weight and moles, composition of solids- weight percent and mole percent, composition of liquids and solutions, concentration, molarity and normality, pH, specific gravity scales, gas constant, gaseous mixtures, ideal gas law, van Der Waals equation, Daltons law, Amagats law, average molecular weight and density, critical properties Module 2 (15 hours) Material balance without chemical reactions- introduction, key component, recycling and bypass operations, purging, steady and unsteady state operations, material balance problems involving mixing, leaching, evaporation, distillation and absorption. Material balance with chemical reactions- definition of terms, limiting reactant, excess reactants, percentage yield, degree of completion- typical problems Module 3 (10 hours) Properties and nature of fluids, ideal fluid, real fluid, density, specific weight, specific volume, surface tension, compressibility, capillarity, absolute and gauge pressures, fluid statics, hydrostatic equilibrium, Pascals law, measurement of pressure using manometer, Utube manometer, differential manometer, inverted manometer, micro manometer Module 4 (15 hours) Fluid flow phenomena, flow of incompressible fluid, classification of flow, steady and unsteady state flow, uniform and non uniform flow, one, two, and three dimensional flow, Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, viscosity, momentum flux, Reynolds experiment, laminar and turbulent flow, turbulence, nature of turbulence, flow in boundary layers, boundary layer separation, isothermal and adiabatic flow, temperature lapse rate, barometric equation Module 5 (10 hours) Equation of continuity, Euler equation, Bernoullis theorem, correction factors, friction factor, Hagen Poisuille equation, velocity distribution for laminar flow, velocity distribution for turbulent flow, measurement of fluid flow, pitot tube, orificemeter, venturimeter, rotameter References 1. Mc Cabe and J.M Smith, Unit Operations in Chemical Engineering, McGraw-Hill publishing company, New Delhi 2. Streeter, Fluid Mechanics, 3. Jagadish Lal, Fluid Mechanics, 4. P.N Modi, Hydraulics and Fluid mechanics, 5. Stochiometry, Tata McGraw Hill Company limited, New Delhi, Bhatt & Vora


PO010 406: Electrical Technology

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives To provide an overview of electrical machines and its applications Module 1 (12 hours) Basic Principles of Electric Machines- concept of motoring and generating action, DC generator, characteristics, working, load test, DC motor, characteristics,, load test, speed control, field control, armature control, basic principles, applications. Module 2 (15 hours) Transformers: Transformer action, EMF equation, step up and step down transformer, load test, calculation of efficiency, design of typical step down transformers like 280/6-0-6V, 230/9-0-9 V, 280/12-0-12 V for inverters and rectifiers. Auto and three phase transformers, basic principles of current transformers (no analysis) basic principles of servo stabilizer. Module 3 (11 hours) A C Machines; Basic principles of operation of synchronous and induction motor characteristics (no analysis), starting of induction motors, starters, single phase induction motor, constructional features, types, working and characteristics only (no analysis). Module 4 (11 hours) Special Machines AC&DC servo motors, synchros constructional features, working of tacho generators, stepper motor, construction working, applications& specifications of stepper motors, universal motors, constructional features, typical applications, criteria for selection of motors, electromagnetic relays, AC&DC contactors. Module 5 (11 hours) Batteries: Dry cells, secondary cells, lead acid cells, charging and discharging characteristics, Ampere hour rating of batteries, construction of button cells, lithium batteries, specifications chargeable batteries, battery charging circuits, Maintenance of batteries, characteristics of nickel cadmium, nickel metal hydride, and lithium ion batteries, used for pagers and cellular phones, concept of UPS, block schematic of UPS, fields of applications. References 1. Electrical Technology 2. Electrical Machines 3. Electrical Design Estimating And Costing 4. Electrical machines and Power systems 5. Electric Engineers Hand Book -B.L.Thereja -R.K. Rajput -K.B. Raina & Bhattacharya -Vincent Del Toro -Donald G. Fink Credits: 4

PO010 407: Polymer Preparation & Characterisation Lab

Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Objective

Credits: 2

To familiarise the students about various polymer preparation and monomer characterisation methods


1. Synthesis of the following Polymers: Polymethyl methacrylate, Polyacrylamide, Regenerated Cellulose, Phenol-Formaldehyde Resin (Novolac and Resol), Polystyrene, Polyurethanes and Glyptal resins, Urea-Formaldehyde and MelamineFormaldehyde. 2. Quantitative estimation of the following monomers: Aniline, Phenol, Acetone, Ethyl Acetate, Formaldehyde, Acrylonitrile, Urea, Glycol, Methyl methacrylate 3. Determination of molecular weight by viscosity method. 4. Estimation of Polymers: Acrylonitrile content of NBR, Chlorine content of CR, Rubber hydrocarbon content of NR. 5. Analysis of Polymer Compounds: Iodine value of rubber compounds, Carbon black content, Free sulphur content, Total inorganic content, Silica content.

PO010 408: Electrical Machines Lab

Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Objective

Credits: 2

To impart practical knowledge on electrical & electronic machines and parts

A total of 8 experiments (4 from Group A and 4 from Group B) out of 16 suggested below shall be done in the laboratory. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. GROUP A O.C.C and Load test on DC generator. Load test on DC shunt motor. Load test on Single phase induction motor. Load test on 3-phase cage induction motor. Load test on 3-phase slip ring induction motor. Load test on single phase transformer. Load test on 3-phase alternator regulation at different power factor Demonstration of terminal voltage control. GROUP B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Characteristics of diode and Zener diode. Half-wave and full-wave rectifier study of wave forms and regulations. Transistor biasing assemble CE amplifier study input and output Waveforms. Assemble RC phase shift oscillator study waveforms. Study of SCR assemble single phase controlled rectifier study phase control. Operational amplifier circuit adder, integrator. Study of logic gates AND, OR, INVERTER, NAND, NOR, Half adder and full adder using NAND gates.

16 EN010 501A: ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS IV (Common to all branches except CS & IT) Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives: Use basic numerical techniques to solve problems and provide scientific techniques to decision making problems. MODULE 1 Function of Complex variable (12 hours) Analytic functions Derivation of C.R. equations in cartision co-ordinates harmonic and orthogonal properties construction of analytic function given real or imaginary parts complex potential conformal mapping of z2 , - Bilinear transformation cross ratio invariant property (no proof) simple problems MODULE 2 Complex integration (12 hours) Line integral Cauchys integral theorem Cauchys integral formula Taylors series- Laurents series Zeros and singularities types of singularities Residues Residue theorem evaluation of real integrals in unit circle contour integral in semi circle when poles lie on imaginary axis. MODULE 3 Numerical solution of algebraic and transcendental equations (10 hours) Successive bisection method Regula falsi method Newton Raphson method Secant method solution of system of linear equation by Gauss Seidel method MODULE 4 Numerical solution of Ordinary differential equations ( 10 hours) Taylors series method Eulers method modified Eulers method Runge Kutta method (IV order) - Milnes predictor corrector method MODULE 5 Linear programming problem (16 hours) Definition of L.P.P., solution, optimal solution, degenerate solution graphical solution solution using simplex method (non degenerate case only) Big -M method Duality in L.P.P. Transportation problem Balanced T.P. initial solution using Vogels approximation method - modi method (non degenerate case only) References
1. B.V. Ramana Higher Engg. Mathematics Mc Graw Hill 2. M.R.Spicgel , S.Lipschutz , John J. Schiller, D.Spellman Complex variables, schanms outline series - Mc Graw Hill 3. S.Bathul text book of Engg.Mathematics Special functions and complex variables PHI 4. B.S. Grewal Numerical methods in Engg. and science - Khanna Publishers 5. Dr.M.K Venkataraman- Numerical methods in science and Engg -National publishing co 6. S.S Sastry - Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis -PHI 7. P.K.Gupta and D.S. Hira Operations Research S.Chand 8. Panneer Selvam Operations Research PHI 9. H.C.Taneja Advanced Engg. Mathematics Vol II I.K.International

Credits: 4


PO010 502: Plastics - Science & Technology

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To create concept on various plastic materials, their synthesis and applications Module 1 (10 hours) Advantages and disadvantages of plastics, monomer preparation, polymerisation, properties and application of LDPE, HDPE, cross linked and chlorinated PE, PP and PS Module 2 (15 hours) Monomer preparation, polymerisation, properties and application of PVC, polyvinilidine chloride, PVA, polyvinyl acetate, PMMA and PAN Module 3 (15 hours) Monomer preparation, polymerisation, properties and application of PU, PTFE, PVF, ABS, PC, polyacetal, polyester, SAN, epoxies Module 4 (10 hours) Monomer preparation, polymerisation, properties and application of nylon-5, 6, 66, 612 and polyacrylamide Module 5 (10 hours) Monomer preparation, polymerisation, properties and application of PF, novolac, resol, MF and UF resins References 1. K.J. Saunders, Organic Polymer Chemistry, Chapman and Hall , London.1973. 2. J.A. Brydson, Plastic materials, Newnes Butterworths. 3. Encyclopaedia of Polymer Science and Technology.

PO010503: Polymer Processing - I

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives To familiarize various compounding ingredients and mixing equipments Module 1 (7 hours) Compounding ingredients, stabilizers, fillers, antioxidants, antiozonants, UV absorbers, flame retardants, peptiser, retarder, curing agents Module 2 (8 hours) Compounding ingredients, plasticisers, process aids, extenders, factice, mould release agents, tackifying agents, blowing agents, bonding agents, fragrances, antistatic agents, colorants, and other special additives Module 3 (15 hours) Compound development, factors to be considered for compound development, formulation of a mix, compounding for specific applications, ozone resistance, heat resistance, weather, Credits: 4

resistance, oil resistance, radiation resistance, permeability, medical, liquid resistance, low temperature resistance, electrical applications and optical applications Module 4 (15 hours) Compounding, different methods, principles of mixing, dispersive and distributive mixing, mastication, two-roll mill mixing, internal mixers, comparison between open mill and internal mixer, Banbury mixing, Brabender plasticorder, continuous mixing, master batching. Module 5 (15 hours) Processing techniques, compression moulding, types-flash, positive and semipositive, compression moulding cycle, troubleshooting, moulding of thermosets and rubber, automatic compression moulding. Transfer moulding, transfer moulding cycle, advantages, limitations, theoretical and design consideration, general mould design consideration, troubleshooting. References 1. D.V. Rosato Kluwer, Injection moulding hand book. - Academic Publishers Boston 2nd edtion 1995. 2. Richard C. Progelhof James. L. Throne, Polymer Engg. Principles, Hanser Publisher Munich 1993 3. N.P. Charemisinoff & P.N. Chere, Hand book of applied Polymer Processing Tech, Marcel Dekker, inc, NY 1996. 4. Herbert Recs, Understanding of Injection moulding Tech., Hanser Pub., Munich 1994.

PO010 504: Chemical Engineering - II

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objective

Credits: 4

To create knowledge on heat transfer

Module 1 (10 hours) Modes of heat transfer, conduction and Fourier law, thermal conductivity, steady state conduction through single resistance and compound resistances in series, heat flow through rectangular, cylindrical and spherical systems, critical and optimum thickness of insulation, general heat diffusion equation, derivation, Poissons equation, Laplace equation, equation for one dimensional conduction. Module 2 (8 hours) Transient conduction, lumped capacitance method, validity of lumped capacitance analysis with all boundary surfaces subjected to convection, part of the boundary under convection, boundary condition and other part with prescribed heat flux condition, significance of biot number and Fourier number, concept of thermal diffusivity, fins - types, longitudinal and transverse, fin efficiency Module 3 (20 hours) Convection boundary layer, velocity and thermal boundary layer, concept of individual and overall heat transfer coefficients, forced convection- evaluation of forced convection heat transfer coefficients using dimensional analysis, Buckingham theorem, empirical correlation for forced convection heat transfer for external and internal flows under laminar and turbulent conditions, internal laminar flow - thermally and hydraulically developed flows, simultaneously developing laminar internal flow situations for both constant heat flux and wall temperature conditions, external laminar flow- empirical correlation for heat transfer for

flow over flat plates and other geometries, correlation for forced convection heat transfer for external and internal flows under turbulent conditions, concept of reference temperatures, analogy between heat and momentum transfer - Reynoldss and Colburn analogy, significance of Prandtl number, number, Peclet number, Nusselt number, Sieder Tate equation, Coulburn equation, natural convection - principles, evaluation of natural convection heat transfer coefficient using dimensional analysis, empirical correlation for natural convection heat transfer from vertical and horizontal planes and cylinders under isothermal and constant heat flux conditions Module 4 (12 hours) Classification of heat exchangers, concept of overall heat transfer coefficient, derivation of expression, concept of fouling factors, determination of overall heat transfer coefficient with and without fouling, concept of logarithmic mean temperature difference and its correction factor, temperature-distance plots for different flow arrangements, determination of area, length, number of tubes required for a given duty in different configurations using LMTD method, 1-1 shell and tube heat exchangers, 1-2 exchanger, 2-4 exchanger, constructions, double pipe heat exchangers, construction, various steps for the design Module 5 (10 hours) Evaporation, types of evaporators, construction and operation, natural circulation, forced circulation, falling film, climbing or rising film evaporators, agitated thin film evaporators, plate evaporators, single effect evaporators, enthalpy balance, multiple effect evaporators, methods of feeding, capacity, economy, boiling point elevation, Duhrings rule, calculation of heat transfer area References 1. Mc Cabe and J.M Smith, Unit Operations in Chemical Engineering, McGraw-Hill publishing company, New Delhi 2. Badger, Introduction to Chemical Engineering, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi 3. Mc Dams, Heat transmission, Tata McGraw- Hill, New Delhi, 4. Binay K.Dutta, Heat Transfer- Principles and Applications, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 5. Incropera and Dewit, Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, McGraw- Hill,

PO010 505: Latex Technology

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objective

Credits: 4

To impart knowledge on processing and product development of polymer latices

Module 1 (8 hours) Natural latex, preservation, Fundamental latex characteristics, particle size and distribution, stability and destabilisation, coacervation, viscosity-concentration relationship, surface free energy and wetting behaviour, zeta potential, electrical properties of colloidal system, thermal movement of molecules, Brownian motion, synthetic lattices and their blends Module 2 (12 hours) Latex concentration methods, concentrated latex, significance of specification limits, test methods, total solids, dry rubber content, total alkalinity, coagulum content, sludge content, pH, KOH number, mechanical stability time, VFA number, surface tension, redox potential changes, degradation leading to acid formation, zinc oxide stability, stability tests, volatile fatty acids.


Module 3 (10 hours) Principles of latex compounding, deammoniation of latex, vulcanising agents, accelerators, antioxidants, fillers, dispersing and emulsifying agents, stabilisers, thickening agents, and other miscellaneous additives, special ingredients, preparation of dispersions and emulsions, latex compounding. Module 4 (15 hours) Manufacture of rubber goods from latices and from solid elastomers, a comparison, impregnation, spreading, fabric proofing and coating. Rubber textile composite products, latex bonded fibrous structures, coir foam, latex treated rugs and carpet backing, latex application to paper. Dipping Methods, straight dipping, dipping with porous formers, coagulant dipping, heated formers, drying, surface treatments, extraction of surface soluble materials, vulcanisation, compounding of latex, manufacture of dipped goods like rubber band, surgeons gloves, household gloves, dipped fabric gloves, balloon, nipples, prophylactics. Module 5 (15 hours) Latex foam processing methods, ammonia content of latex, compounding, mechanical frothing by beating, vulcanisation, washing, and drying, gelling, gelling systems, merits and demerits of gelling systems, continuous foam production, typical latex compounds for foam production, latex casting, principles, production of hollow articles, solid articles, use of porous moulds in casting, manufacture of rubber thread, latex cement and adhesives, latex paints, protective coatings, chewing gum, use of latex in road rubberisation. References 1. D. C. Blackley, High Polymer Latices, Vol I&II, Maclaren & Sons, London 2. Madge, Latex Foam Rubber, Maclaren & Sons Ltd; 1982 3. Mausser, Vanderblit Latex Handbook, 3rd edition, Pub.R.T.Vanderbilt Co. Inc., U.S.A. 1987 4. Dipped goods, J. of Rubber Developments, V 25, pp.12-14-1972

PO010 506: Rubbers - Science & Technology

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objective

Credits: 4

To impart knowledge on structure, properties and production of natural and synthetic rubbers

Module 1 (10 hours) Natural rubber, source, chemical formula, molecular weight distribution, crystallisation, structure property relationship, chemical reactivity, electrical and oxidation properties, anti degradants, strength of rubbers, Various forms of natural rubber- crumb, sheet, crepe, SP rubber, DPNR, LNR, liquid rubber, classes of liquid elastomers, telechilic polymers, powdered rubber Module 2 (15 hours) Vulcanisation, chemical and physical aspects, curing characteristics such as scorch time, induction time, cure time, activators, accelerators, promoters, Mechanism of crosslinking by different crosslinking agents- sulphur, sulphur monochloride, nitrosourethane, diazo esters, phenolic resins, metal oxide, diamines, peroxides, oximes, different curing systems, EV, semi

EV, conventional and sulphur less cure, assessment of state of cure, Vulcanisation techniques, batch and continuous vulcanization: press cure, autoclave, hot air, cold and hot water, fluidised bed, molten salt bath, drum curing, radiation, microwave curing Module 3 (15 hours) IR, BR, IIR, SBR, -synthesis of monomers, polymerisation, structure, chemical properties, crosslinking by different methods, oxidation and ageing, halogenation of IIR, characterization and crosslinking Module 4 (10 hours) Monomer preparation, polymerization, structure, crosslinking by different methods, properties and application of NBR, CR, PU, silicone and EP rubbers, Comparison of the oxidation properties of saturated and unsaturated rubbers, antioxidants, antiozonants, Module 5 (10 hours) Monomer preparation, polymerization, structure, properties and application of the following rubbers- chlorosulphonated polymers, fluorine containing rubbers, nitrosofluoro elastomers, phosphonitrillic elastomers, poly(thiocarbonyl fluoride) and related elastomers, acrylic rubbers, poly (vinyl ether) elastomers, polysulphide rubber, polyalkenamers, polynorbornene, thermoplastic rubbers, polycarbonate rubbers References 1. J.A. Brydson, Rubber Chemistry, allied Science publishers, London, 1978. 2. M.Morton, Rubber Technology, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1987. 3. J.A. Brydson, Rubber Materials and Their Compounds Elsevier, 1988. 4. A.Whelan and K.S. Lee, Developments in Rubber Technology (Vol. I-IV) Applied Science Publishers.

PO010 507: Specification Tests Lab

Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Objective

Credits: 2

To create practical knowledge on specification tests for latex and dry rubber

1. Specification tests for field latex Viscosity, density, pH 2. Specification tests for preserved latex Ammonia content, Magnesium content, Copper and manganese content, Dry rubber content, Total solid content, KOH number, Volatile fatty acid number, Sludge content, Coagulum content, Mechanical stability time, Heat stability time, ZnO stability. 3. Specification tests for dry rubber Volatile matter, Ash content, Dirt content, Nitrogen content, Estimation of Cu, Estimation of Fe, Estimation of Mn, P0, PRI.


PO010 508: Polymer Analysis Lab

Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Objective

Credits: 2

To familiarise the analysis of polymers and polymer compounds

1. Identification of Rubbers: NR, SBR, BR, IR, IIR, EPDM, CR, NBR, Hypalon, Thiokol, Silicone. 2. Identification of Plastics: PE, PP, PS, PVC, PVA, PF, UF, MF, Polyester. 3. Identification of Thermoplastic Elastomers: SIS, SBS, SEBS, Hytrel.


PO010 601: Engineering Statistics & Quality Control

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objective

Credits: 4

To provide knowledge on scientific methods of quality control

Module 1 (8 hours) Population and sampling, large and small samples, random sampling, stratified sampling, estimating the mean and variance, confidence intervals, choice of sample size for estimation. Testing of hypotheses for large samples, means, proportions, difference of means and standard deviations. Testing of hypothesis for small samples, t-distribution, test of hypothesis for mean, difference of means, test for paired data, F-distribution, f-tests and properties, contingency table, 2 distribution, goodness of fit and independence of attributes Module 2 (12 hours) Meaning of quality, variables and attributes data, benefits of control charts, control charts for variables, check list for and R charts, calculation of 3-sigma limits for , control charts for range, OC curve for chart, OC curve for R chart, average run length (ARL) for the chart Module 3 (15 hours) Control charts for fraction rejected, control chart for attributes, control limit for the p-chart, control chart for non-conformities, c-chart in statistical process control, applications of cchart, limits for c-chart, Q-chart for quality scores, D-chart for demerit classification Module 4 (15 hours) Acceptance sample, types of acceptance, sampling plans, determination of probability of acceptance by these sampling plans, sampling risks, design of sampling for stipulated producers risk and consumers risk. Concepts of AQL, LTPD, AOQL in sampling, QC curves, construction, standard sampling plans, MIL, STD, LOSD, plan, Dodge-Roming (D-R) sampling plans, continuous and sequential sampling plans. Module 5 (10 hours) Definition of reliability, maintainability, failure rate, mean time between failures, factors contributing to reliability of products, failure cycle of products, bathtub curve, reliability tests, operating characteristics, curves for acceptance. References 1. R.C.Gupta, Statical Quality Control, Khanna Publishers, 8th edition, Delhi, 2008 2. I.W.Burr, Engineering Statics and Quality Control, Mc-Graw Hill, 1975 3. A.J.Duncon, Quality Control and Industrial Statistics, Richard. Irwin, Inc., 1975 4. Granth and Leavenworth, Statistical Quality Control, TMH, 7th edition, 1996 5. Sigmund Halpern, An Introduction to Quality Control and Reliability, 6. Quality Control Handbook (TMH) 7. Gupta and Kapoor, Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics.

PO010 602: Polymer Processing - II

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objective

Credits: 4

To create awareness on various techniques used in polymer product manufacturing


Module 1 (15 hours) Injection moulding, terminology, process description, moulding cycle, classification of moulds, 2-plate and 3-plate moulds, different types of gates, cavity lay-out, setting up of mould, types of injection unit, elements of plasticating process, classification of screw, screw design, process control, clamping unit, classification of machine hydraulics, ancillary equipment, computer operation, trouble shooting of injection moulding, reaction injection moulding Module 2 (15 hours) Extrusion, principle, types of extruders, single screw and twin-screw extruders, metering, screw design, process control variables, types of dies, die design, elastic properties and die swell, manufacturing of pipes, cables, wire coating, extrusion profiles, blown films, flat film, sheets, filaments, lamination, extrusion of elastomers Module 3 (10 hours) Blow moulding, terminology, basis, process variables, injection & stretch blow moulding, single and multi layer, extrusion blow moulding, extrusion heads, process controls for blow moulding machine, process and product controls, trouble shooting in blow moulding Module 4 (10 hours) Thermoforming, definition, methods of forming, thermoforming machinery, heating of sheet, heating cycle, stretching, concept, hot strength, blistering, sags, cooling and trimming the parts, heat balance, shrinkage, trimming operations, finishing and machining of plastics, joining, welding and assembling of plastics Module 5 (10 hours) Rotational moulding, types of machines, moulds, materials, part design, calendering, types of calenders and strainer, embosser, winder, take off-systems, crowning, machinery powder coating, manufacturing methods, application methods, types of powder coating, References 1. Edited by Michael L. Berlin Plastics Engineering. Handbook. Society of the plastic Industries Chapman & Hall NY 1991. 2. James L. Throne, Technology of Thermoforming. Hanser, Publisher Munmich 1996. 3. M.J. Stevens and J.A. Covas, Extruder principle and operation. Chapman & Hall UK, 2nd edtion 1995. 4. D.V. Rosato & D.V. Rosato, Blow moulding Hand book, Hanser Published 1998.

PO010 603: Industrial Engineering

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objective

Credits: 4

To generate basic concepts of industrial engineering

Module 1 (15 hours) Introduction, evolution of modern concepts, functions of an industrial engineer, field of application, entrepreneurship, concept of project, types of investment, capital budgeting, investment proposals, project development cycle, preinvestment analysis, project environments, government regulations, import-export status, foreign exchange regulations, technical collaborations, means of raising capital, availability of resources, marketing survey and strategies.


Module 2 (10 hours) Selection of factory site, building design, construction, plant layout and material handling, product and process, layout, comparison of flowchart, use of time study data, physical facilities, constructional details, environmental control like lighting, temperature, humidity, ventilation, noise, dust, industrial waste disposal-principles of material handling, types of material handling equipment, selection and application. Module 3 (10 hours) Product development and research, design function, objectives of design, manufacture Vs purchase, development of design, experimentation, prototype production, testing, simplification, standardization, product development, selection of materials and processes, human factors in design, value engineering Module 4 (10 hours) Maintenance and replacement, preventive and breakdown maintenance, economic aspect, replacement of equipment, methods of providing for depreciation, determination of economic life, criteria for selection of equipment Module 5 (15 hours) Methods Engineering, analysis of work methods using different types of process charts and flow diagrams, critical examination, micro motion study and Therblings, SIMO chart, principles of motion economy, determination of standard time and allowances, accounting and costing, element of double entry book keeping, trial balance, trading profit and loss account, balance sheet, principles of costing, methods of allocation of overhead costs, finance and capital requirements, price fixation, cash flow statements, return of investment, source of finance References 1. Production System 2. Production Control 3. Human Factors in Engg. Design 4. Time and Motion Study 5. Operations Management 6. Value Engineering 7. Methods Engineering 8. System Analysis and Project Management - J.L.Riggs - Hiegel - Mc Cornic, E.J. - Barnes R.M. - Buffa E.S. - Miles L.D. -Krick -Cleand &king.

PO010 604: Chemical Engineering III

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objective

Credits: 4

To develop knowledge on mass transfer

Module 1 (10 hours) Molecular diffusion, molecular diffusion in gases and liquids, Ficks law, mass transfer coefficient, steady state diffusion of A through stagnant B and equimolar counter diffusion in binary gases and liquids, diffusivity of liquids and gases. Applications of molecular diffusion, mass, heat and momentum transfer analogies.

Module 2 (10 hours) Distillation, vapour-liquid equilibrium, Daltons law, Raoults law and Henrys law, relative volatility, boiling-point diagrams, equilibrium diagrams, rectification, simple distillation, flash distillation, Rayleigh equation, derivation and problems Module 3 (10 hours) Construction of fractionating column, calculation of the number of theoretical plates by McCabe Thiele method, feed quality and feed line, feed plate location, total reflux, minimum reflux, optimum reflux, plate efficiency overall, local, murphree efficiency Module 4 (15 hours) Drying, principles of drying, heat transfer in drying, mass transfer in drying, equilibrium moisture content, bound, unbound and free moisture, critical moisture content, batch drying, rate of batch drying, constant drying rate period, factors affecting the constant drying rate period, falling rate period, time of drying, rate of drying curve, material and enthalpy balances in drying, equipments for drying, batch dryers, rotary dryers, tunnel dryers. Module 5 (15 hours) Gas absorption, absorption equipment, tray towers, continuous contact equipment, packed columns, properties of tower packing, types of tower packing, tower construction, solubility of gas in liquid, two component systems, ideal liquid solutions, non ideal liquid solutions, choice of solvent, material balance in absorption, counter current flow, minimum liquid-gas ratio, absorption factor, number of plates by graphical construction. References 1. Unit operations in chemical engineering, Tata Mc Graw-Hill Company limited, New Delhi, Mc Cabe & Smith. 2. Introduction to Chemical Engineering, Tata Mc Graw-Hill Company limited, New Delhi, Badger 3. Mass transfer Operations, Tata Mc Graw-Hill Company limited, New Delhi, Treyball

PO010 605: Polymer Blends & Composites

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objective

Credits: 4

To impart basic knowledge on blends and composite materials

Module 1 (10 hours) Introduction, preparation of polymer blends, thermodynamic criteria for polymer miscibility, specific interactions, copolymer effect, phase separation, spinodal decomposition, nucleation and growth, phase diagram, morphology, blend characterisation techniques Module 2 (15 hours) Structure-property relationship, rubber plastic blends, phase morphology, properties of blends prepared by dynamic vulcanization, technological application, thermoplastic styrene block copolymers, polyester thermoplastic elastomers, thermoplastic polyurethane elastomers, basic structure, manufacture, morphology, commercial grades, applications, thermoplasic 1,2polybutadiene, trans 1,4-polyisoprene, ionic thermoplastic elastomers, silicone based thermoplastic elastomers, polyamide 1,2-elastomers.

Module 3 (15 hours) Introduction to particulate and fibre filled composites, applications, function of matrix, function of fibres, polymer-fibre interface, factors influencing the performance of composite, coupling agents, bonding agents, short fibre composites, continuous fibre composites, analysis of long fibre composites, analysis of short fibre composites, critical fibre length, rule of mixtures Module 4 (10 hours) Preparation and properties of glass fibre, carbon fibre and aramid fibre, polymer concrete, polymer impregnated concrete, polymeric binders for rocket propellants Module 5 (10 hours) Composite manufacturing techniques, hand lay-up, spray-up, compression moulding, vacuum bag moulding, pressure bag moulding, filament winding, resin transfer moulding, pultrusion, Reinforced Reaction Injection Moulding References 1. Hand book of Elastomers, New Developments and Technology (Eds), A.K. Bhowmic, and H.C. Stephense, Markel Dekker, Inc., New york. 2. O.Olabisi, I.W. Robeson, and M.T. Shaw, Polymer-polymer Miscibility Academic Press, New York, 1979 3. Paul S. Newman (Ed) Polymer Blends Academic Press, New York, 1978 4. G.Alliger, etal, Rubber world, 164930,51(1971) 5. Goettler inc, the role of the polymeric matrix in the processing and structural prpperties of copmposite materials (J C Sferis and L.Nicolars, (Edn) Plenum, New York 1983.

PO010 606L01: Bio Medical & Bio Polymers

(Elective - I) Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objective

Credits: 4

To familiarize various biomedical and biopolymers and their applications

Module 1 (10 hours) Biomaterials, biocompatibility, stabilisation, inflammation and wound healing, blood clotting system, kinn system, biological responses to implants, implant design and applications, silicone polymer implants. Module 2 (15 hours) Biomedical applications of polymers, permanent implants for function, orthopaedics, cardio vascular, respiratory patches and tubes, digestive system, genitourinary system, nervous system, orbital (corneal and lens prosthesis) permanent implant for cosmoses, other applications of engineered material in clinical practices, silicone implants, polymer membranes, polymer skin, polymeric blood, poly (vinyl pyrollidone) Module 3 (12 hours) Contact lenses, hard lenses, gas permeable lenses, flexible lenses, soft lenses, hydrogels, equilibrium swelling, absorption and desorption, oxygen permeability, types of soft lenses, manufacture, cleaning and disinfection,

Module 4 (13 hours) Dental applications, denture base, denture reliners, crown and bridge resins, plastic teeth, mouth protectors, maxillofacial prosthetic materials, restorative materials, polyelectrolyte based restorative sealants, adhesives, dental impression and duplicating materials, agar, algmater elastomers. Module 5 (10 hours) Chemistry of peptides, polypeptides and proteins, synthetic approach to polypeptides and proteins, structural organisation in proteins, nucleic acids, RNA, DNA, structure, chemistry of polysaccharides, starch and cellulose, chemical modifications of cellulose, regenerated cellulose, viscose rayon and cuprammonium rayon References 1. R.H. Yocum and E.B. Nyquist, Eds., Functional Monomers, Volume 1,Marcel Dekker Inc.,NewYork,1973,Chapter 3,PP 299-487 2. M.A.Galin and M.Ruben, Ed, Soft contact lenses:Clinical and Applied Technology,John Wiley and sons,Inc.,NewYork,1978. 3. Lehninger, Principles of Biochemistry, Shulz and Bhirmer ,Principles of protein structure ,Academic Press. 4. H.F. Mark (Ed), Encyclopedia of polymer science and engineering, John Wiley and Sons New York, 1989. 5. Galin and M. Ruben Ed., Soft compact Lenses clinical and applied Technology. 6. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York, 1978. Comprehensive Polymer Science Vol.7 7. (Ed) David Byrom, Bio-Material Macmillan Publishers Ltd. and ICI Biological products Business, 1991. 8. Wilfred Lynch, Hand book of Silicone rubber fabrication, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 450 west 33 rd Street, New York 1000.

PO 010 606 L02: Information Technology

(Elective - I) Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Module 1 (8 hours) Data Structures, introduction, storage structures for arrays, stacks, application of stacks, queues, pointers and linked allocations, linked linear list, operations, circularly and doubly linked list, applications, sorting techniques, selection sort, bubble sort, exchange sort, searching techniques, sequential searching, binary searching. Module 2 (12 hours) Operating systems, generation and history of operating systems, multi programming and time sharing concepts, process states, transition, PCB, interrupt processing, job and process scheduling, disk scheduling, seek optimization, rotational optimization. Module 3 (15 hours) Software engineering, planning and cost estimation, importance of software, defining the problem, developing a solution strategy, planning, development process, organizational structure, software cost estimation, introduction, software cost factors, cost estimation techniques, staffing level estimation.

Module 4 (15 hours) Software design concepts, introduction, fundamental design concepts, modules and modularization criteria, design notations and techniques, detailed design consideration, real time and distributed system design, test plans, milestone, walkthroughs and inspections, design guidelines, computer security, fundamental concepts of cryptosystems. Module 5 (10 hours) Computer networks, introduction, uses of computer networks, network hardware & software, reference models, network topologies, examples of network, internet programming, HTML, DHTML, front page, introduction to dream weaver. E-commerce, introduction, applications in business, E-commerce framework. References 1. Jean-Paul Tremblay& Paul.G.Sorenson, An Introduction to Data Structures with Applications, Mc Graw Hill, II edition, 1984. 2. Harvey.M.Detail, An Introduction to Operating Systems, Addison Wesley Publication Company, 1998. 3. James.L.Peterson, Abraham Silberschatz, Operating System Concepts, Addison Wesley Publication Company, 1985. 4. Richard Fairley, Software Engineering Concepts, Mc Graw Hill, 1985. 5. Pressman R.S., Software Engineering, Mc Graw Hill, II edition, 1987.

PO 010 606 L03: Engineering Economics & Industrial Management

(Elective - I) Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Module 1 (12 hours) Nature and scope of engineering economics, definition and scope of study of the subject, significance of economic analysis in business decisions, demand and supply analysis, determinants of demand, law of demand, Elasticity of demand, Demand forecasting, Law of supply, Elasticity of supply, Market price. Module 2 (15 hours) Cost analysis, fixed cost, variable cost, marginal cost, cost output relationship in the short run and the long run, equilibrium of the firm, pricing decisions, situations demand, pricing decisions, pricing in practice, full cost pricing, marginal cost pricing, bid pricing, pricing for a rate of return, statutory price fixation in India, break even analysis, break even point, basic assumptions, break even chart, managerial uses of break even analysis. Module 3 (12 hours) Capital budgeting, need for capital budgeting, method of appraising project Profitability, rate of return, pay back period, present value comparison, cost benefit analysis, preparing of feasibility report, appraisal process, economic and commercial feasibility, financial feasibility, technical feasibility. Module 4 (11 hours) Work study, production, productivity, factors affecting productivity, role of work study, human factor, methods study, objectives and procedure, SIMO chart, principles of motion economy, work measurement, stop watch time study, rating concept and systems, allowances, work sampling

Module 5 (10 hours) plant layout, factors governing plant location, objectives of a good plant layout, process layout, product layout and combination layout. Material handling- principles, equipments, methods. References 1. O.P. Khanna- Industrial Engineeering and Management- Dhanpatrai PublicationsNew Delhi-1998 2. R. L. Varshney & K.L. Maheswari-Managerial Economics-S Chand and Co. 3. Samuelson P. A. & Nordhaus. W. D-Economics-Mc'Grawhill-1992

PO 010 606 L04: Total Quality Management & Reliability Engineering

(Elective - I) Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Module 1 (8 hours) Basic concepts, evolution of total quality management, definitions of quality, deming, crosby, juran, taguchi, ishikawa theories, inspection, quality control, TQM system, human component, service and product quality, customer orientation. Module 2 (14 hours) Quality planning & techniques, quality planning, goal setting, designing for quality, manufacturing for quality, process control, CPK, 6, process capability, data based approach, statistical tools, 7QC tools, bench marking, QFD, FMEA, 5S, continuous improvement techniques, POKAYOKE, deming wheel. Module 3 (12 hours) Human dimension & system development in TQM, TQM mind set, participation style, team work, team development, quality circle, motivational aspect, change management, documentation, structure, information system, ISO 9000, ISO 14000, QS 9000, certification, clauses, procedure, TQM road map. Module 4 (14 hours) Reliability, definition, probabilistic nature of failures, mean failure rate, meantime to failure, meantime between failures, hazard rate, hazard models, weibull model, system reliability, improvement, redundancy, series, parallel and mixed configurations, reliability in design, case studies of aircraft engines, brake system in automobiles and aircraft, electronic equipollents. Module 5 (12 hours) Maintainability, introduction, choice of maintenance strategy, mean time to repair (MTTR), factors contributing to mean down time (MDT), fault diagnosis, routine testing for unrevealed faults, factors contributing to mean maintenance time, (MMT), on-condition maintenance, periodic condition monitoring, continuous condition monitoring, economics of maintenance. References 1. Joel E. Rose, Total Quality Management, 2nd edn., Kogan page Ltd., USA, 1993. 2. Srinath L.S., Reliability Engineering, Affiliated East West Press, New Delhi 1975. 3. John Bentley, Introduction to Reliability and Quality Engineering, 2nd edn., Addison Wesley, 1999. 4. John Bank, TQM, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ly\td., New Delhi, 1993.

5. Patrick P.T. O Connor, Practical Reliability Engineering 2edn., John Wiley & Sons, 1985. 6. Balagurusamy E., Reliability Engineering, Tata McGrew Hill Pub. Co., New Delhi, 1984.

PO 010 606L05: Production Engineering

(Elective - I) Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Module 1 (10 hours) Lathe, types of lathe specification, parts of center lathe, operations, single point tool nomenclature accessories and attachment, capstan and turret lathe, parts, difference, automatic lathe, single spindle and multispindle types. Module 2 (15 hours) Shaping, types, operations, parts of standard shaper, specifications, planning, types, parts of double housing, planning machine, operations table drive mechanism only, specifications, milling, types, specifications, operations only, drilling, types, specification, operations, twist drill nomenclature, boring, types, specification, grinding, types, abrasives, girt, grade and structure of grinding wheel, bonding process, fine finishing, honing, super finishing, buffing, metal spraying, electro plating. Module 3 (10 hours) Special machining, electrical discharge machining, electro chemical machining, electron beam machining, ultrasonic laser machining, plasma arc machining, abrasive jet machining, chemical machining. Module 4 (15 hours) Transfer machines, types, components, N.C. machines, open and closed loop control system, analogy and digital control system, absolute and incremental position control, part programming, manual part programming technique and computer aided part programming technique Module 5 (10 hours) Measurement principles, classification of measuring instruments, gauges, height gauge, slip gauges, sine bars, autocollimator, go, no gauges, classification, surface roughness, terms, symbols, measurement. References 1. S.K. Hajra Choudry, Elements of Workshop Technology promoters and Publishers, 1999, 9th Edition. 2. Workshop Technology, W.A.J. Chapman, Vol. I, II & III.3 3. Manufacturing Technology, M. Hastle Hurst. Vol. I & II Media

PO 010 606 L06: Project Management

(Elective - I) Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives Credits: 4

To impart the basic concepts of Project selection.

32 To develop an understanding of tools, techniques and software available for Project Management.

Module 1 (10 hours) Introduction, Capital Investments, Phases of Capital Budgeting, Project Characteristics, Taxonomy of Projects, Project Identification and Formulation. 7-S of Project Management. Project feasibility Analysis- Market and Demand Analysis, Technical Analysis, Financial Analysis, Ecological Analysis, Social Cost Benefit Analysis. Module 2 (14 hours) Cost of the Project, Means of Finance, Financial Evaluation of projects- Pay back period method, Accounting Rate of Return method, Net Present Value method, Internal Rate of Return method, Benefit Cost Ratio method, etc., Simple Problems. Module 3 (13 hours) Risk Analysis-risk in economic analysis-measuring risk in investment; Sources, Measures and Perspectives on Risk, Techniques used for risk analysis Decision trees, Simulation, Breakeven Analysis etc., Techniques for Managing Risk. Module 4 (14 hours) Project Management- nature and scope- PERT and CPM techniques, Estimates -time, cost, resources (man, material, tool), Crashing of Projects, Project scheduling with constrained resources, resource leveling, resource Allocation. Module 5 (9 hours) Computer Aided Project management, Essential Requirement of Project Management Software, MS Project 2010 software, Features and Facilities in Project 2010, Types of Reports available in Project 2010 etc. Project Management Information Systems (PMIS), PMIS sotware, Web- Enabled Project Management. References 1. Corter, Mastering MS Project 2000, BPB Publishers. 2. Harvey Maylor, Project Management, Pearson Education. 3. Prasanna Chandra, Projects, Tata McGraw Hill. 4. Nagarajan K, Project Management 4th edition, New Age International (P) Ltd. 5. Khan & Jain, Financial Management 6. Nicholas J. M. & Steyn H., Project Management, Elsevier. 7. Brian Kennemer and Sonia Atchison, Using Microsoft Project 2010, Que Publishing.

PO010 607: Latex Product Lab

Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Objective

Credits: 2

To develop practical skill for latex products manufacturing

1. Preparation of dispersion, slurry and emulsions 2. Creaming of NR latex. 3. Manufacture of rubber bands, balloons, finger caps, household gloves, surgeons gloves, latex thread and articles by casting. 4. Heat sensitized dipping. 5. Latex impregnation in textiles 6. Preparation of SP, CV and LV rubber 7. Preparation of latex based adhesives

8. Work practice in the production of latex foam 9. Work practice in the production of bonded coir

PO010 608: Product Manufacturing Lab

Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Objective

Credits: 2

To create skill for dry rubber and plastic product manufacturing

1. Determination of Cure time. 2. Effect of mastication time on plasticity/ viscosity 3. Work practice in mastication, band formation, homogenisation and mixing using a

laboratory mill 4. Preparation of micro cellular sheet, V-strap, tea mat, teats, injection bottle cap, play ball, man made hose, solvent based adhesives, solid tyre, sponge, eraser and oil seal. 5. Work Practice in calendaring, injection moulding, rotational moulding and extrusion 6. Visit to factories manufacturing tyres and non tyre products.

Automobile Engineering (AU)


(Common to all branches except CS & IT)

Teaching scheme
2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives

Credits: 4

To apply standard methods and basic numerical techniques for solving problems and to know the importance of learning theories in Mathematics.
Vector differential calculus ( 12 hours)


Scalar and vector fields gradient-physical meaning- directional derivative-divergence an curl - physical meaning-scalar potential conservative field- identities - simple problems MODULE 2 Vector integral calculus ( 12 hours)

Line integral - work done by a force along a path-surface and volume integral-application of Greens theorem, Stokes theorem and Gauss divergence theorem MODULE 3 Finite differences Finite difference operators and ( 12 hours) - interpolation using Newtons forward and

backward formula problems using Stirlings formula, Lagranges formula and Newtons divided difference formula MODULE 4 Difference Calculus ( 12 hours)

Numerical differentiation using Newtons forward and backward formula Numerical integration Newtons cotes formula Trapezoidal rule Simpsons 1/3rd and 3/8th rule Difference equations solution of difference equation MODULE 5 Z transforms ( 12 hours)

Definition of Z transforms transform of polynomial function and trignometric functions shifting property , convolution property - inverse transformation solution of 1st and 2nd order difference equations with constant coifficients using Z transforms. Reference 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Erwin Kreyszing Advance Engg. Mathematics Wiley Eastern Ltd. B.S. Grewal Higher Engg. Mathematics - Khanna Publishers B.V. Ramana - Higher Engg. Mathematics McGraw Hill K Venkataraman- Numerical methods in science and Engg -National publishing co S.S Sastry - Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis -PHI T.Veerarajan and T.Ramachandran- Numerical Methods- McGraw Hill Babu Ram Engg. Mathematics -Pearson. H.C.Taneja Advanced Engg. Mathematics Vol I I.K.International

EN010 302 Economics and Communication Skills

(Common to all branches) Teaching scheme 2hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week Credits: 4(3+1) Objectives To impart a sound knowledge of the fundamentals of Economics.

Module I (7 hours) Reserve Bank of India-functions-credit control-quantitative and qualitative techniques Commercial banks-functions- Role of Small Industries Development Bank of India and National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development The stock market-functions-problems faced by the stock market in India-mutual funds Module II (6 hours) Multinational corporations in India-impact of MNCs in the Indian economy Globalisation-necessity-consequences Privatisation-reasons-disinvestment of public sector undertakings The information technology industry in India-future prospects Module III (6 hours) Direct and indirect taxes- impact and incidence- merits of direct and indirect taxesprogressive and regressive taxes-canons of taxation-functions of tax systemtax evasion-reasons for tax evasion in India-consequences-steps to control tax evasion Deficit financing-role-problems associated with deficit financing Module IV (5 hours) National income-concepts-GNP, NNP, NI, PI and DPI-methods of estimating national income-difficulties in estimating national income Inflation-demand pull and cost push-effects of inflation-government measures to control inflation Module V (6 hours) International trade-case for free trade-case for protectionism Balance of payments-causes of disequilibrium in Indias BOP-General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade-effect of TRIPS and TRIMS in the Indian economy-impact of WTO decisions on Indian industry Text Books 1. Ruddar Datt, Indian Economy, S.Chand and Company Ltd. 2. K.K.Dewett, Modern Economic Theory, S.Chand and Company Ltd. References 1. Paul Samuelson, Economics, Tata McGraw Hill 2. Terence Byres, The Indian Economy, Oxford University Press 3. S.K.Ray, The Indian economy, Prentice Hall of India 4. Campbell McConnel, Economics, Tata McGraw Hill

Communication Skills
Objectives To improve Language Proficiency of the Engineering students To enable them to express themselves fluently and appropriately in social and professional contexts To equip them with the components of different forms of writing MODULE 1 (15 hours) INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATION Communication nature and process, Types of communication - Verbal and Non verbal, Communication Flow-Upward, Downward and Horizontal, Importance of communication skills in society, Listening skills, Reading comprehension, Presentation Techniques, Group Discussion, Interview skills, Soft skills MODULE II (15 hours) TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION Technical writing skills- Vocabulary enhancement-synonyms, Word Formation-suffix, affix, prefix, Business letters, Emails, Job Application, Curriculum Vitae, Report writingTypes of reports Note: No university examination for communication skills. There will be internal evaluation for 1 credit. REFERENCES 1. The functional aspects of communication skills, P.Prasad and Rajendra K. Sharma, S.K. Kataria and sons, 2007 2. Communication skills for Engineers and Scientists, Sangeeta Sharma and Binod Mishra, PHI Learning private limited, 2010 3. Professional Communication, Kumkum Bhardwaj, I.K. International (P) House limited, 2008 4. English for technical Communication, Aysha Viswamohan, Tata Mc Graw Publishing company limited, 2008

Mahatma Gandhi University

AU010 303: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives The student is introduced to the mechanics of fluids through a thorough understanding of the properties of the fluids. The dynamics of fluids is introduced through the control volume approach which gives an integrated under standing of the transport of mass, momentum and energy. The applications of the conservation laws to flow though pipes and hydraulics machines are studied Credits: 4

Module I (12 hours) Properties of fluids- pressure, force, density, specific weight, compressibility, capillarity, surface tension, dynamic and kinematic viscosity, Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids. Pascals law-fluid statics-measurement of pressure-manometry, various types of manometers and pressure gauges. Buoyancy Centre of buoyancy Metacentre Stability of floating bodies Determination of metacentric height. Module II (12 hours) Kinematics of flow, velocity, acceleration, circulation and vorticity. Continuity equation for one dimensional steady flow Bernoullis equation for steady one dimensional incompressible flow venturimeter Orifice meter Pitot tube, Orifice and mouth piece. Types of flow Streamline, Path line and Streak line, Stream tube, Velocity Potential, Stream Function, Flow Net- Laplaces Differential equation in rectangular co-ordinates for two dimensional irrotational flow Module III (12 hours) Flow through pipes: Laminar and Turbulent flow Reynolds experiment, loss of head due to friction, Darcy Weishbach Equation, Chezys formula, Minor losses in pipes. Hydraulic Gradient and Total Energy Lines: Flow through long pipes Pipes in series and parallel, Siphon, Power Transmission through pipes and flow through nozzles. Laminar Flow: Navier Stokes Equation ,Hagen poiseuille Equation, Flow through open channels: Notches Weirs. Module IV (12 hours) Impact of jet on vanes flat, curved, stationary and moving vanes, continuity equation and momentum equation, hydraulic turbines classification, velocity triangle for Pelton wheel and Francis turbine work done and efficiencyspecific speed draft tube tail race pen stock, water hammer- surge tank governing cavitation selection of water turbines for power plants.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

Module V (12 hours) Centrifugal Pumps: Classifications-types of casing and impellers, Velocity triangle for pumps, Head of pump, Losses and efficiency, Minimum starting speed, Specific speed, NPSH, Multistage pump, Pumps in parallel and series, selection of pumps. Positive displacement pumps working principle, types of reciprocating pumps, Indicator diagram- work done, effect of acceleration and frictional resistance, slip and coefficient of discharge., separation in suction and delivery pipes, Air vessel. Gear pump, Lobe pump, Vane pump, Screw pump

Text Books Dr. Bansal R.K., A Text book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Machines, Laxmi publications, New Delhi. 2. Jagadish Lal, Fluid mechanics and Hydraulic machines, Metropolitan Book Co Pvt Ltd

Reference Books 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Frank M White ,Fluid Mechanics, Tata McGraw Hill publishing K Muralidhar & G.Biswas , Advanced Engineering fluid mechanics, Narosa Dr. P.N.Modi , Dr. S.M. Seth , Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics , Standard book house Ramamritham. S, Hydraulics and Fluid Machines, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, Delhi Rathakrishnan. E, Fluid Mechanics, Prentice Hall of India, Delhi. Irving H Shames , Mechanics of fluids, McGraw Hill R.K.Rajput, Textbook of Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machines, S Chand & Company Ltd

Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

AU010 304(ME): Metallurgy and Material Science

(Common with PE 010 304(ME) and ME010 304) Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To provide physical concepts of atomic radius, atomic structure, chemical bonds, crystal structure, grain size, work hardening,, heat treatment etc. of metals with mechanical behaviour. To understand the causes of metal failure and deformation To determine properties of unknown materials and develop an awareness to apply this knowledge in material design. Module 1 (12 hours) Atomic structure:- Correlation of atomic radius to strength, electron configurations (basic only) - Primary bonds:- Covalent and Ionic bond: bond energy with strength, cohesive force, density, directional and non-directional bonding; Metallic bond: conductivity, ductility, opaque, lustrous, density, non directional bonding Specific properties of bonding:- Deeper energy well bond and shallow energy well bond, melting temperature, modulus of elasticity, coefficient of thermal expansion and attributes of modulus of elasticity in metal cutting process - Secondary bonds:- classification, hydrogen bond, specific heat etc. Crystallography:- Crystal, space lattice, unit cell - BCC, FCC, HCP structures - short and long range order - Effects of crystalline and amorphous structure on mechanical properties Determination of atomic packing factor of SC, BCC, FCC, coordination number; densities Polymorphism and allotropy - Miller Indices:- slip system, brittleness of BCC, HCP and ductility of FCC - Modes of plastic deformation:- Slip, twinning, Schmid's law, correlation of slip system with slip in metals. Module 2 (12 hours) Classification of crystal imperfections: - types of dislocation, source of dislocation, cross slip, climb, jog, kink, forest of dislocation, role of surface defects on crack initiation - Burgers vector - Correlation of dislocation density with strength and nano concept - Significance of Frank and Read source in metals deformation - Mechanism of crystallization: Homogeneous and heterogeneous nuclei formation, under cooling, dendritic growth, grain boundary irregularity - Effects of grain size, grain size distribution, grain shape, grain orientation on dislocation/strength and creep resistance - Hall - Petch equation; significance high and low angle grain boundaries on dislocation - polishing and etching to determine the microstructure - crystal structure determination by X - ray diffraction method - Diffusion in solids, ficks laws, mechanisms, applications of diffusion in mechanical engineering. Module 3 (12 hours) Phase diagrams: - Limitations of pure metals and need of alloying - classification of alloys, solid solutions, Hume Rothery`s rule - single phase, multi-phase equilibrium diagrams - lever rule and Gibb`s phase rule - Coring - Equilibrium diagrams reactions:- monotectic, eutectic, eutectoid, peritectic, peritectoid - Detailed discussion on Iron-Carbon equilibrium diagram with microstructure and properties changes in austenite, ledeburite, ferrite, cementite, interlamellar spacing of pearlite to strength etc, special features of martensite transformation, bainite, spheroidite etc.. Heat treatment:- Definition and necessity - TTT diagrams - critical cooling rate (CCT) annealing, normalizing, hardening, spheroidizing - Tempering:- austermpering, martempering and ausforming - Hardenability, Jominy end quench test, applications hardness and microhardness tests - surface hardening methods:- carburizing processes; Nitriding; Flame, induction, laser and electron beam hardening processes; applications - Types of Strengthening mechanisms:- grain size reduction, work hardening, Solid solution hardening, precipitation strengthening and over ageing, dispersion hardening - Cold working: Detailed discussion on strain hardening; recovery; re-crystallization, effect of stored energy; re-

Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

crystallization temperature, effect of grain size; driving force for grain growth - hot working - Bauschiner effect and attributes in metal forming. Module 4 (12 hours) Alloy steels:- Effects of alloying elements on: dislocation movement, polymorphic transformation temperature, formation and stability of carbides, grain growth, displacement of the eutectoid point, retardation of the transformation rates, improvement in corrosion resistance, mechanical properties Nickel steels, Chromium steels etc. - Enhancement of steel properties by adding alloying elements:- Molybdenum, Nickel, Chromium, Vanadium, Tungsten, Cobalt, Silicon, Copper and Lead High speed steels:- Mo and W types, effect of different alloying elements in HSS - Cast irons: Classifications, grey, white, malleable and spheroidal graphite cast iron, composition, microstructure, properties and applications Principal Non ferrous Alloys: - Aluminum, Copper, Magnesium, Nickel, Titanium, study of composition, microstructure, properties, applications, reference shall be made to the phase diagrams whenever necessary. Module 5 (12 hours) Fracture: Brittle and ductile fracture - Griffith theory of brittle fracture - stress concentration, stress raiser Effect of plastic deformation on crack propagation transgranular, intergranular fracture - Effect of impact loading on ductile material and its application in forging etc.- Fatigue:- Stress cycles Primary and secondary stress raisers Characteristics of fatigue failure, S-N curve - Factors affecting fatigue strength: stress concentration, size effect, surface roughness, change in surface properties, surface residual stress -Ways to improve fatigue life effect of temperature on fatigue, thermal fatigue and its applications in metal cutting Mechanism of fatigue failure structural features of fatigue:crack initiation, growth, propagation fatigue tests - Fracture toughness (definition only) Ductile to brittle transition temperature (DBTT) in steels - Creep:- Creep curves creep tests- Structural change:- deformation by slip, sub-grain formation, grain boundary sliding Mechanism of creep deformation - threshold for creep - prevention against creep- Super plasticity: applications. Text Books

1.Introduction to Physical Metallurgy Tata McGraw Hill. 2.Callister William. D. Material Science and Engineering John Wiley. 3.Dieter George E. Mechanical Metallurgy McGraw Hill. 4.Higgins R.A. Engineering Metallurgy part - I ELBS. 5.Raghavan V. - Material Science and Engineering - Prentice Hall. 6. Van Vlack Elements of Material Science - Addison Wesley.
Reference Books

1.Anderson J.C. Material Science for Engineers Chapman and Hall. 2.Clark and Varney - Physical metallurgy for Engineers Van Nostrand. 3.Manas Chanda - Science to Engineering Materials - Vol I, II and III - Macmillan India. 4.Reed Hill E. Robert Physical Metallurgy Principles East West Press. 5.Richards C.W. Engineering Material Science.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

AU010 305: Programming in C

(Common with PE010 305 and ME010 305)
Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives Credits: 4

To impart advanced knowledge in programming in C language

Module I (15 hours) Introduction to computer programming; Various I/O functions; Data types; Constants and Variables; Escape Sequences; Type Casting; Preprocessor Directive; Storage Classes; Scope of Variables; Mathematical Operators; Relational Operators; Branching Instructions; Logical Operators; Conditional Operator; Precedence of Operators; Loops for, while and do-while, break and continue instructions, Nested Loops; Switch statement; Evaluation of ex, sin(x), cos(x) Numerical Integration using Trapezoidal and Simpsons rules. Module II (10 hours) Arrays; One Dimensional Arrays; Selection Sorting; Binary Searching; Various String Handling Functions; Multidimensional Arrays; Matrix Operations (Addition, Transpose and Multiplication); Sorting of Strings; Structure and Union; Array of Structures; Module III (10 hours) Functions; Call by Value Method; Stack; Passing One Dimensional and Multidimensional Arrays to a Function; Recursion; Writing Different String Handling Functions Using Simple Functions and Functions with Recursive Calls; Quick Sorting; Macros; Writing Macros for Simple Operations; Module IV (15 hours) Declaration of Pointers; Call by Reference Method; Pointer to a Structure; Pointer to an Array; Array of Pointers; Pointer to a Pointer; Self Referential Structure; Dynamic Memory Allocation; Reallocation of Memory; Linear Linked List; Circular Linked List; Double Linked List; Addition, Insertion and Deletion of Nodes from a Linked List; Command Line Arguments Module V (10 hours) Different types of Files; Reading, Writing, Appending and Rewriting of Text and Binary Files; Transfer of Data in Blocks; Moving of File Pointer in a File; Usage of bitwise AND, OR, NOT, XOR, Shift Left and Shift Right Operations


Text Books Bryon S.Gottfried, Programming with C Language.

1. 2. 3.

Reference Books Balaguruswamy, Programming in ANSI C, Deitel, How to Program C Kamthane, Programming with ANSI and Turbo C

Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

AU010 306(CE) Strength of Materials & Structural Engineering

(Common with ME010 306(CE), PO010 306(CE) and PE010 306(CE)) Teaching Scheme:3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To study internal effects produced and deformations of bodies caused by externally applied forces. To understand the stresses and strains in different materials and analyse strength characteristic of structural members.

Module I (15 hours) Introduction to analysis of deformable bodies:stresses due to normal, shear and bearing loads-Axial and shear strains Simple stresses and strains: Material behavior - uniaxial tension test - stress-strain diagrams. Hooke's law for linearly elastic isotropic material. Elastic constants - relation between them - Bars of varying cross section -Composite sectionsEquilibrium and compatibility conditions- Temperature stresses Module II (10 hours) Bending moment and shear force: Cantilever, simply supported and overhanging beams concentrated and U.D loading(analytical method) Relation between load shear force and bending moment. Module III (15 hours) Stresses in beams: Pure bending - flexure formula for beams - assumptions and limitations -section modulus - flexural rigidity - economic sections beams of uniform strength. Shearing stress formula for beams - assumptions and limitations. Deflection of beams: Moment-curvature relation - assumptions and limitations singularity functions - Macaulays method - moment area method for simple cases. Module IV (10 hours)

Torsion: Torsion theory of elastic circular bars solid and hollow shaft assumptions and limitations - polar modulus- torsional rigidity - economic cross-sections. Pressure vessels: Thin and thick cylinders-Lame's equation-stresses in thick cylinders due to internal pressure compound pipes.
Module V (10 hours) Combined stresses: Principal stresses and planes-Mohr's circle representation of stress in 2D problems. Use of strain gage rosettes. Combined axial, flexural and torsional loads. Theory of columns: Buckling theory -Euler's formula for long columns - assumptions and limitations - effect of end conditions - slenderness ratio - Rankine's formula for intermediate columns -Eccentric loading of columns - kern of a section (rectangular and circular section).

Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

1. 2. 3. 4.

Text Books Timoshenko.S.P, Strength of Materials, Part 1,D.Van Nostrand company, Inc.Newyork. Bansal R.K., Strength of Materials, Lakshmi Publications, New Delhi. Mott, Robert L, Applied strength of materials, 5th Edn, Prentice Hall of India. Popov E.P., Engineering Mechanics of solids, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi..

Reference Books 1. Nash.W.A , Strength of Materials, Schaums Outlines,$th Edn, TMH 2. Gere, James M , Mechanics of Materials, Cengage Learning. 3. Shames IH , Pitarresi, James.M, Introduction to Solid Mechanics, Prentice Hall of India.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

AU010 307: Computer Lab

(Common with PE010 408 and ME010 307)


To provide experience in programming with C language To familiarize with operating systems. file directories, editors, compilers and file managers etc. To obtain exposure to computer programming languages for technical computation like MatLab Programming experiments in C to cover control structures functions, arrays, structures, pointers and files Counting characters, lines and words Checking leap year Finding sum of digits and reversing a number Generating Prime numbers, Fibonacci numbers and Angstrom numbers Sine and Cosine series generation Implementation of Numerical Integration using Simpsons and Trapezoidal rules Sorting of numbers, strings and records Matrix addition and multiplication Implementation of dynamic memory allocation Implementation of linked lists Problems related to files Problems related to command line arguments

i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii.


Syllabus B.Tech. Automobile Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

AU010 308: Fluid Mechanics Lab

(Common with AN010 308 , PE010 308 and ME010 308)
Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Credits: 2

Objectives To provide exposure to the actual flow process and various instruments adopted for flow measurement . Study and acquire a thorough knowledge of the various pipe fittings and plumbing tools. Study the use of different types of taps, valves. Study the various measuring instruments like gauges, pitot tube, watermeters and current meters. Determination of metacentric height and radius of gyration of floating bodies. Determination of hydraulic coefficients of orifices and mouthpieces under constant head method and time of emptying method. Calibration of discharge measuring equipments in closed conduits like venturimeter, orificemeter, watermeter etc. Calibration of discharge measuring equipments in open channel flow like rectangular and triangular notches. Determination of Darcys constant and Chezys constant for pipe flow. Determination of critical velocity in pipe flow. Determination of minor losses in pipe flow. Experimental verification of Bernoullis theorem. Determination of Chezys constant and Mannings number for open channel flow. Calibration of Plug Sluices.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50) 50%-Laboratory practical and record 30%- Test/s 20%- Regularity in the class

End Semester Examination (Maximum Marks-100) 70% - Procedure, conducting experiment, results, tabulation, and inference 30% - Viva voce

Syllabus B.Tech. Automobile Engineering

EN010401 Engineering Mathematics III

(Common to all branches)

Teaching scheme
2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives: Apply standard methods of mathematical &statistical analysis

Credits: 4


Fourier series

( 12 hours)

Dirichlet conditions Fourier series with period 2 and 2l Half range sine and cosine series Harmonic Analysis r.m.s Value MODULE 2 Fourier Transform ( 12 hours)

Statement of Fourier integral theorem Fourier transforms derivative of transforms- convolution theorem (no proof) Parsevals identity MODULE 3 Partial differential equations ( 12 hours)

Formation by eliminating arbitrary constants and arbitrary functions solution of Lagranges equation Charpits method solution of Homogeneous partical differential equations with constant coefficients MODULE 4 Probability distribution ( 12 hours)

Concept of random variable , probability distribution Bernoullis trial Discrete distribution Binomial distribution its mean and variance- fitting of Binominal distribution Poisson distribution as a limiting case of Binominal distribution its mean and variance fitting of Poisson distribution continuous distribution- Uniform distribution exponential distribution its mean and variance Normal distribution Standard normal curve- its properties MODULE 5 Testing of hypothesis ( 12 hours)

Populations and Samples Hypothesis level of significance type I and type II error Large samples tests test of significance for single proportion, difference of proportion, single mean, difference of mean chi square test for variance- F test for equality of variances for small samples References 1. Bali& Iyengar A text books of Engg. Mathematics Laxmi Publications Ltd. 2. M.K. Venkataraman Engg. Mathematics vol II 3rd year part A & B National Publishing Co. 3. I.N. Sneddon Elements of partial differential equations Mc Graw Hill 4. B.V. Ramana Higher Engg. Mathematics Mc Graw Hill 5. Richard A Johnson Miller Freads probability & Statistics for Engineers- Pearson/ PHI

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

T. Veerarajan Engg. Mathematics Mc Graw Hill G. Haribaskaran Probability, Queueing theory and reliability Engg. Laxmi Publications V. Sundarapandian - probability ,Statistics and Queueing theory PHI H.C.Taneja Advanced Engg. Mathematics Vol II I.K.International A.K.Mukhopadhyay-Mathematical Methods For Engineers and Physicists-I.K.International

Mahatma Gandhi University

EN010 402(ME): Principles of Management

(Common with EN010 502(ME))
Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives Credits: 4

To develop an understanding of different functional areas of management. To understand the functions and duties an individual should perform in an organisation.

Module I (12 hours) Management Concepts: Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives of management-MBOScientific management- Functions of management- Planning- Organizing- StaffingDirecting- Motivating- Communicating- Coordinating- Controlling- Authority and Responsibility- Delegation- Span of control- Organizational structure- Line, Line and staff and Functional relationship. Module II (12 hours) Personnel Management: Definition and concept- Objectives of personnel managementManpower planning- Recruitment and Selection of manpower- Training and development of manpower- Labour welfare- Labour turnover- Quality circle- Industrial fatigue- Industrial disputes-Method of settling disputes- Trade unions. Module III (12 hours) Production management: Objectives and scope of production management- Functions of production department- production management frame work- product life cycle-Types of production- Production procedure- Project planning with CPM and PERT- Basic concepts in network. Module IV (12 hours) Financial Management: Objectives and Functions of Financial Management- Types of Capital- Factors affecting working capital- Methods of financing. Cost Management: Elements of cost- Components of cost- Selling Price of a product. Module V (12 hours) Sales and Marketing Management: Sales management- Concept- Functions of sales department- Duties of sales engineer- Selling concept and Marketing concept- MarketingDefinition and principles of marketing- Marketing management and its functions- Sales forecasting- Pricing- Advertising- Sales promotion- Channels of distribution- Market research. Text Books 1. Koontz and Weihrich, Essentials of Management, Tata McGraw Hill. 2. Mahajan M., Industrial Engineering and Production Management, Dhanpat Rai and Co. 3. Kemthose and Deepak, Industrial Engineering an Management, Prentice Hall of India. Reference Books 1. Martand Telsang, Industrial Engineering and Production Management. 2. Khanna O.P., Industrial Engineering and Management, Dhanpat Rai and Co. 3. Philip Kotler, Marketing Management, Prentice Hall of India. 4. Sharma S. C. & Banga T. R., Industrial Organisation and Engineering Economics, Khanna Publishers. 5. Prasanna Chandra, Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill.
Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

AU010 403: Auto Power Plant

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives

Credits: 4

To impart the basic concepts of automotive engines To impart the Constructional details of engine components

Module I (12 hours) Introduction: Types of power plant, basic engine nomenclature, classification of I.C engines (Classification by cylinder arrangement, Valve arrangement and Type of valves). Working of two stroke and 4 stroke with relative merits and demerits. Firing order, Applications and merits of IC Engines. Constructional details of engine components: Cylinders types, cylinder liners, engine block, types of cylinder head, gasket materials, and piston - types, materials, piston rings, piston pins, connecting rod, crank shaft, flywheel, cam shaft, valve and valve mechanism, inlet and exhaust manifold construction, hydraulic tappets. Module II (12 hours) Two stroke engines: Principles of engine operation (SI & CI), Port timing diagrams, Symmetrical & unsymmetrical timing, Three port engine. Theoretical Scavenging processes, Scavenging parameters, Comparison of Different Scavenging Systems; Cross flow, loop flow, uniflow, Pre blow down, Blow down. Scavenging pumps, blowers. Relative merits & demerits of petrol, diesel engines in general. Advantages and disadvantages of diesel engines for two wheelers, power plant for electric bikes. Module III (12 hours) Valve and valve mechanism: Angle of seat, Operating Conditions, operating temperatures, valve cooling, Sodium cooled valves, Valve rotators, valve seats, valve guides, , valve springs, valve clearance, valve timing, OHV, OHC,DOHC, V-TEC valve systems. Valve train component details, Camshaft,-drives of cams, cam types, tappets, push rods, rocker arms & rocker Shaft. Intake system components, Discharge coefficient, Pressure drop, Air filter, Intake manifold, connecting pipe. Exhaust system components, Exhaust manifold and exhaust pipe, Spark arresters, Waste heat recovery, Exhaust mufflers, Type of mufflers. Module IV (12 hours) Fuel supply system in petrol engines: Types of fuel feed systems, fuel tank, fuel pumps and fuel filters (types and construction), air filter types. Carburetion, simple carburettor, different circuits in carburettor, types of carburettor (Solex,SU,Carter only).Comparison between GDI, MPFI and carburettor system. Fuel supply system in diesel engines: Cleaning system, transfer system, injection pump, their functions and necessity, simple and multi unit pump, CAV Bosch pump, maximum and minimum speed governors, injection nozzles and types of nozzles. Heavy duty air filters, diesel filters, cold starting devices.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

Module V (12 hours) Cooling system: Necessity of cooling, types of cooling including forced cooling, thermostat, water pump, radiator, antifreeze solution, oil cooling. Temperature gauges. Lubricating system: Function and types of lubrication systems, classification and properties of lubricants, service ratings of oils, oil filter, oil pumps, crank case ventilation, oil additives, and specification of lubricants. pre-lubrication systems, effect of engine conditions on lubricating oil, consumption of lubricating oil, Oil pressure warning system, oil pressure gauges.

Text Books Kirpal Singh Automobile Engineering Volume 1 & 2 standard publications, New Delhi. T. R. Banga and Nathu Singh Text book on Automobile Engineering, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi. 3. Gupta R.B , Automobile Engineering , Satya Prakashan
1. 2.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Reference Books Newton K / Steeds W / Garrett T.K Motor Vehicle, Butterworth Heinemann Ltd William H Crouse / Donald L Anglin, Automotive Mechanics , Tata McGraw-Hill Publishers Joseph Heitner- Automobile mechanics, CBS Publishers, New Delhi A. W. Judge Modern petrol engine, Chapman and hall, London. P. M. Heldt High speed diesel engines, Chillon Co. New York. I.C.Engines by Taylor, MIT Press England I.C.Engines By Lichty., McGraw Hill Fuels & Combustion By Smith & Stinson., McGraw-Hill

Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

AU010 404: Manufacturing Process

(Common with ME010 404)
Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives 1. To gain theoretical and practical knowledge in material casting processes and develops an understanding of the dependent and independent variables which control materials casting in a production processes. 2. Provide a detailed discussion on the welding process and the physics of welding. Introduce students to different welding processes weld testing and advanced processes to be able to appreciate the practical applications of welding. 3. The course will also provide methods of analysis allowing a mathematical/physical description of forming processes. Module I (12 hours) Patterns: - types, allowances, color code Molding sand:- constituents, types, properties, testing, types of mould, molding machines Cores:- sands, types prints, machines, chaplets, forces acting on molding flasks - Gating system:- fluid flow and heat transfer in metal casting, elements and design of gating system, sprue, gating ratio, slag trap system Risering:risering design, chills, feeding devices - Cupola operation -pouring and cleaning of castings defects in castings - inspection and quality control - Casting:- continuous, strip, shell mold, vacuum, investment, slush, pressure, die, centrifugal, precision investment, squeeze casting and semi solid metal forming, economics and surface finish obtainable - casting machines comparison of casting with other production processes. (Include necessary figures and equations). Module II (12 hours) Welding:- diffusion, definition of welding, metallurgy of welding, applications, classification, mechanism - welding design:- effect of weld parameters on weld quality, heat input, heat flow and distortions - Gas welding:- details, equipment, fluxes and filler rods flame cutting - Arc welding:- applications, equipment, polarity, governing factor in fusion welding - electrodes and types TIG - GMA - CO2 process - Submerged arc, electroslag, plasma arc and flux cored arc welding - Resistance, thermit solid state welding - Electron and laser beam welding explosive welding - inspection and defects in welding - heat affected zone, grain size variations in joint strength - Brazing and soldering - adhesive bonding Extrusion: Metal flow mechanism and types extrusion defects. Module III (12 hours) Rolling:- principles - types of rolls and rolling mills - mechanics of flat rolling, roll pressure distribution - neutral point - front and back tension, roll forces in hot rolling, roll torque and power, friction, deflection and flattening - friction and lubrication in metal forming - defects hot and cold rolling - rolling machines - strip velocity and roll velocity - roll and roll pass design - theories of rolling and effect of parameters - load calculation - rolling of tubes, wheels, axles, I-beam thread, gear rolling. Module IV 12 hours) Forging:- classification - open die forging, forces and work of deformation - Forging methods analysis:- slab method only, solid cylindrical, rectangular work piece in plane strain, forging under sticking condition - deformation zone geometry die forging:- impression, close,

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Mahatma Gandhi University

coining, skew rolling etc. defects in forging forgeability tests die design and materials equipments - heating in forging - quality assurance for forging -non destructive testing mechanics of rod and wire Drawing:- ideal deformation, ideal deformation and friction, drawing of flat strips etc drawing defects drawing practices. Module V (12 hours) Locating methods:- methods, degrees of freedom - principle of clamping:- clamping types work holding principle Die cutting:- Different types - shearing - types of presses cutting action in punch and die operations die clearances types of die:- progressive, compound, combination die Bending dies:- bending methods, minimum bend radius, bendability, spring back, forces, bend allowances Forming dies:- solid form, curling, embossing, coining, bulging dies - Shear and tube spinning - High energy rate forming:- need, energy sources material behavior - pneumatic, mechanical, electrohydraulic, electromagnetic, and explosive forming Deep drawing:- deep drawability, punch forces.

Text Books 1. Manufacturing Science - Amitabha Ghosh and Ashok Kumar Mallick 2. Manufacturing Engineering and Technology - Kalapakjian and Schmid Reference Books 1. Principles of Metal Casting - Hine and Rosenthal 2. Foundry Technology - P.R.Beeley

Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering

AU010 405: Machine Drawing

(Common with PE010 405 and ME010 405)
Teaching scheme 3 hours practical and 1 hour theory per week Objectives : Credits:4

To impart the fundamental concepts of machine drawing. To develop primary knowledge of working drawings. To produce orthographic drawing of different machine parts. To develop skill to produce assembly drawings. To develop skill to produce detailed drawings of machines parts from assembly drawing. Module-1(15hrs) Conversion of pictorial views into orthographic views-dimensioning techniques-preparation of drawing- Limits and tolerances of machine parts - Hole system and shaft system of tolerances - Designation of fundamental deviation - Types of fits and their selection - Indication of dimensional tolerances and fits on simple machine parts - Geometrical tolerances Recommended symbols - Indication of geometrical tolerances on simple machine parts - Surface roughness Indication of surface finish on drawings - Preparation of shop floor drawings of simple machine parts. Types of screw threads-different forms-conventional representation-sketching orthographic views of hexagonal bolts and nuts -dimensional drawing-square headed bolts and nuts sketching of different types of lock nuts and locking devices- foundation bolts. Forms of rivet heads riveted joints-lap and butt joints with single and multiple riveting in chain and zig zag arrangements dimensional drawing. Sketching of conventional representation of welded joint.

Module-2 (20 hrs) Fully dimensioned and sectional drawing of the following Jointsknuckle joint-jib and cotter shaft couplings-types of keys- protected types of flanged couplings-bushed pin type flexible couplingOldhams coupling Pipe joints-spigot and socket joint-flanged jointShaft bearings and support-Plummer block IC engine parts-piston-connecting rod Module-3(25hrs) Assembly and working drawings of the followingValves -stop valve-spring loaded safety valve dead weight safety valve-feed check valve-feed check valve Machine elements-screw jack lathe tool post-spindle-tailstock Note: Drawing practical classes have to be conducted by using any standard CAD software and using drawing instruments in alternate weeks (3Hours) preferably for each half of the student. Semester End examination (3Hours) shall be conducted by using drawing instruments only All drawing exercises mentioned above are for class work. Additional exercises wherever necessary may be given as homework References: 1. N.D.Bhatt and Panchal, Machine Drawing, Charator Publishing House 2. P I.Varghese, Machine Drawing, VIP Publishers, Thrissur 3. Ajeet Singh, Machine Drawing, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Ltd 4. P.S.Gill , Machine Drawing, S.K.Kataria &Sons

University examination pattern Question I: Two questions of 7.5 marks each out of three questions from module-1 Question II: One questions of 25 marks from module-2. Question III:One question of 60 marks from module-3 .

Mahatma Gandhi University

AU 010 406(EE) Electrical Technology

(Common with ME010 406 (EE) and PE010 406 (EE)) Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives Understanding the basic working principles of DC machines Ac machines and its drives Module I (8 hours) D.C. Generator - O.C.C. Condition for self excitation field critical resistance critical speed - Load characteristics of generators- Losses- power flow diagram- efficiency- condition for maximum efficiency- Application. Module II (16 hours) D.C. Motors: Back emf speed and torque equation- starting and speed control testing of D.C. Motors brake test Swinburns test- Performance characteristics of Shunt, Series and Compound motors. - Applications Transformer Emf equation: No load current equivalent circuit regulation- efficiency. Determination of regulation and efficiency from O.C. and S.C. tests cooling of transformer. Basic principle of 3 phase transformer - Applications Module III (13 hours) Alternators - Construction details: Type emf equation (winding factor need not be derived) synchronous impedance regulation by emf and mmf method. Synchronous Motors: Principle of operation method of starting. Three phase induction motor: Production of rotating magnetic field - equivalent circuit torque equation torque slip characteristics no load and blocked rotor tests starting and speed control Application Single Phase motor: Different types - Application. Module IV (13 hours) Industrial drives electric drives advantages individual drive and group drive factors affecting choice of motor mechanical characteristics of a.C. and D.C. motors motors for particular application like textile mill, steel mill, paper mill, mine, hoists, crane etc. size and rating of motor . Electric traction Different systems of traction comparison track electrification different systems traction motor characteristics electric braking plugging Dynamic and regenerative braking. Module V (10 hours) Power semiconductor devices: power diodes SCRs - principle of operation of SCRs two transistor analogy of SCR characteristics SCR rating (basic principle only). High frequency heating induction and dielectric heating resistance heating resistance weldingblock schematic of resistance welding scheme.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

Text Books 1. Dr. P S Bimbra, Electrical Machinery, Khanna Publishers 2. J B Gupta, Electrical Machines , S K Kataria and Sons 3. Dr. P S Bimbra, Power Electronics, Khanna Publishers Reference Books 1. Alexander Langsdorf A S: Theory of AC Machinery, Mc-Graw Hill 2. Say M G: Performance and design of AC Machines, ELBS 3. Electrical machines, Drives and Power Systems: Thoedore Wildi, Pearson Ed. 4. P.C. Sen, Thyristor DC Drives, Wiley-Interscience Publication 1984 5. Joseph Vithayathil, Power Electronics-Principles and applications, TMH, 2010 6. B. K. Bose, Modern Power Electronics and A.C. Drives, PHI, 2002. 7. G.K. Dubey, Fundamentals of Electrical Drives, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi,2005

Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

AU010 407: Automobile Workshop I

Teaching scheme 3 hour practical per week Credits: 2

Study 1. Study of hand tools, special purpose tools, sketching and its uses 2. Writing technical specifications and description of all types of chassis and transmission components of automobiles, including body and interiors (two wheeler, four wheeler and heavy vehicle one each)

Experiments 1. Servicing of clutch assembly, checking the spring tension of coil springs in spring tester. 2. Dismantling of gear box, inspecting components, servicing, checking the gear ratios. 3. Dismantling of differential assembly, servicing, backlash adjustments, check for drive axis ratio. 4. Servicing of A. C. mechanical fuel pump and testing the pump. 5. Servicing of Carburetor, Study Various Circuits on it, tuning of carburetor. 6. Servicing master and wheel cylinders in hydraulic brake system & bleeding of brakes. 7. Valve timing setting including valve clearance adjustment. 8. Servicing of steering gear box, checking for end play in shafts. 9. Overhauling of a complete strut type suspension system. 10. Dismantle and assemble C.V joint. Also examine a slip joint, U.J cross in propeller shaft. 11. Compression test of petrol and diesel engine. 12. Disassembling cylinder head, decarbonizing , Valve Seat Grinding 13. Disassembling of engine: inspection of engine components, servicing of components, measurement of dimensions of different components of engine, compare with standard specifications, piston ring setting, assembling using special tools. 14. Dismantling of gear box, inspecting components, servicing, checking the gear ratios. 15. Rectifying the troubles in ignition system, adjusting spark plug and C. B. Point gap, checking ignition timing.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50) 40% 20% 20% 20% Internal Practical examination at the end of semester viva Rough record & fair record Regularity in the class

University Examination Pattern (Maximum Marks-100) 20% 40% 20% 10% 10% Initial Write Up (Aim, Tools Required, Materials Required, Theory, Procedure) Performance in Test Viva Result / Inference Rough record & Fair Record

Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering

AU010 408 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS LAB (Common with ME010 408 and PE010 307)

Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Objective: To study properties of various materials List of Experiments

Credits: 2

1. Tests on springs (open and close coiled) 2. Bending Test on Wooden Beams using U. T. M. 3. Verification of Clerk. Maxwell's Law of reciprocal deflection and Determination of Youngs modulusE for steel. 4. Torsion Pendulum (M.S. wires. Aluminum wires and brass wires) 5. Tension test using U. T. M. on M. S. Rod, torsteel and High Tensile steel. 6. Torsion Test on M. S. Rod. 7. Shear Test on M.S. Rod. 8. Fatigue Test 9. Impact Test (Izod and Charpy) 10. Hardness Test (Brinell, Vickers and Rebound) 11. Strut Test. Note All tests should be done as per relevant BIS. References 1. Timoshenko.S.P, Strength of Materials, Part-1, D.Van Nostrand company, Inc.Newyork. 2. Bansal R.K., Strength of Materials, Lakshmi Publications, New Delhi.
3. Bhavikatti S.S , Strength of Materials, Vikas Publishing House (P) Ltd. 4. D.S. Prakash Rao, Strength of Materials, Vol. I, University Press (India) Ltd.

5. Popov E.P., Engineering Mechanics of solids, Prentice Hall of India, New Deihi. 6. Punmia B.C, Strength of Materials and Mechanics of structures, Vol.1, Lakshmi Publications, New Delhi.
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50) 50%-Laboratory practical and record 30%- Test/s 20%- Regularity in the class

End Semester Examination (Maximum Marks-100) 70% - Procedure, conducting experiment, results, tabulation, and inference 30% - Viva voce



(Common to all branches except CS & IT)

Teaching scheme
2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week

Credits: 4

Objectives: Use basic numerical techniques to solve problems and provide scientific techniques to decision making problems. MODULE 1 Function of Complex variable (12 hours)

Analytic functions Derivation of C.R. equations in cartision co-ordinates harmonic and orthogonal properties construction of analytic function given real or imaginary parts complex potential conformal mapping of z2 , - Bilinear transformation cross ratio invariant property (no proof) (12 hours)

simple problems MODULE 2 Complex integration

Line integral Cauchys integral theorem Cauchys integral formula Taylors series- Laurents series Zeros and singularities types of singularities Residues Residue theorem evaluation of real integrals in unit circle contour integral in semi circle when poles lie on imaginary axis. MODULE 3 Numerical solution of algebraic and transcendental equations (10 hours)

Successive bisection method Regula falsi method Newton Raphson method - Secant method solution of system of linear equation by Gauss Seidel method MODULE 4 Numerical solution of Ordinary differential equations ( 10 hours)

Taylors series method Eulers method modified Eulers method Runge Kutta method (IV order) Milnes predictor corrector method MODULE 5 Linear programming problem (16 hours)

Definition of L.P.P., solution, optimal solution, degenerate solution graphical solution solution using simplex method (non degenerate case only) Big -M method Duality in L.P.P. Transportation problem Balanced T.P. initial solution using Vogels approximation method - modi method (non degenerate case only)

References 1. B.V. Ramana Higher Engg. Mathematics Mc Graw Hill 2. M.R.Spicgel , S.Lipschutz , John J. Schiller, D.Spellman Complex variables, schanms outline series - Mc Graw Hill 3. S.Bathul text book of Engg.Mathematics Special functions and complex variables PHI 4. B.S. Grewal Numerical methods in Engg. and science - Khanna Publishers 5. Dr.M.K Venkataraman- Numerical methods in science and Engg -National publishing co

6. 7. 8. 9.

S.S Sastry - Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis -PHI P.K.Gupta and D.S. Hira Operations Research S.Chand Panneer Selvam Operations Research PHI H.C.Taneja Advanced Engg. Mathematics Vol II I.K.International

Mahatma Gandhi University

AU010 502 Computer Aided Design & Manufacturing

(Common with PE010 604 and ME010 502)

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

Credits: 4

Objectives To provide a comprehensive concepts of the design aspects and its importance in computer assisted design and manufacture. To examine technologies those have been developed to automate manufacturing operations. Module 1 (12 hours)
Evolution of CAD/CAM and CIM, computers and workstation, elements of interactive graphics, input/ out put display, storage devices in CAD, networking of CAD systems 2D Graphics: line drawing algorithms, DDA line algorithm circle drawing, bressnham`s circle drawing algorithm 2D Transformation: translation, rotation, scaling, reflection clipping -3D Graphics (basic only).

Module 2 (12 hours)

Geometric modeling: Wire frame, surface and solid modeling - Engineering analysis; design review and evaluation, automated drafting. Numerical control: Need - advantages and disadvantages classifications Point to point, straight cut and contouring positioning - incremental and absolute systems open loop and closed loop systems DDA integrator and Interpolators resolution CNC and DNC.

Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC): need relays - logic ladder program timers, simple problems only - Devices in N.C. systems: Driving devices - feed back devices: encoders, moire fringes, digitizer, resolver, inductosyn, and tachometer. Module 3 (12 hours)
NC part programming: part programming fundamentals - manual programming NC coordinate systems and axes tape format sequence number, preparatory functions, dimension words, speed word, feed world, tool world, miscellaneous functions programming exercises. Computer aided part programming: concept and need of CAP CNC languages APT language structure: geometry commands, motion commands, postprocessor commands, compilation control commands programming exercises programming with interactive graphics.

(At least one programming exercise should be included in the University examination) Module 4 (12 hours)
Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP): concepts; traditional and CAPP; automated process planning: process planning, general methodology of group technology, code

Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

structures of variant and generative process planning methods, AI in process planning, process planning software. Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS): Introduction, types, concepts, need and advantages of FMS - cellular and FMS - JIT and GT applied to FMS.

Module 5 (12 hours)

Robot Technology: overview, basic components - robot end effectors sensors in robotics control of actuators in robotic mechanisms (basic only) control of robo joint, stepper motor, direct drive actuators hydraulic and pneumatic systems (basic only) robot arm kinematics, direct and inverse kinematics solution robot arm dynamics robot applications: material transfer, machine loading and unloading, pre cutting operations, assembly, inspection and welding.

TEXT BOOKS: 1. Newman and Sproull 2. Yoram Koren REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Craig John Groover M.P. Hearn and Baker Petruzella Frank.D. Jonn Craig -

Principles of interactive Graphics, McGraw Hill. Numerical control of machine tools, McGraw-Hill. Introduction to Robotics CAD/CAM, PHI. Computer graphics (in C version), Prentice Hall. Programmable logic controllers. Introduction to Robotics

Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

AU010 503: Auto Chassis

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objective To familiarize the students with the fundamentals of Automobile Chassis. Students will be able to know the basics of Automobile Chassis Components and Construction &Working principle of Front Axle, Rear Axle, Wheels, Tyres, Final Drive, Steering System, Brakes and Suspension System. Module I (8 hours) Introduction: General consideration relating to chassis layout, types of automobiles, layout of an automobile with reference to power plant. Relative merits & demerits of different layouts. Components and Description of an automobile. Frames: Types of frames-Conventional, Semi integral, Integral, Frame Sections, Sub frames, materials, cross members and x members, Defects in Chassis Frame, Testing of frames. Unitised frame body construction: Loads acting on vehicle frame. Module II (14 hours) Front axle and steering: Introduction to front axle, construction, classification-live, dead, Stub axle types. Steering system- parts , functions, working and description, different types of steering gears and their construction, Steering linkages- conventional steering linkage, linkage for independent front suspension, power steering, under steering and over steering effects. Wheel condition for true rolling ,Steering Mechanisms- Ackermann and Davis steering gear, Steering ratio, Steering geometry- castor, camber, king pin inclination, toe in, toe out, Wheel alignment Module III (12 hours) Suspension: Objectives, basic considerations, classification and elements of suspension system, types and description of suspension springs, leaf springs, coil springs, torsion bar, rubber springs, plastic springs, air bellows, pneumatic suspension, hydro elastic suspension, constructional and working details of telescopic shock absorbers. Types of independent suspension and its comparison with rigid axle suspension function of stabilizer bar. Drive line: Torque reaction, driving thrust, Hotch kiss drive, torque tube drive, propeller shaft, critical speeds, universal joints, types, Front wheel drive, differential action, constructional details, differential lock, limited slip differential, axle housing, types, construction, Construction details of multi drive axle vehicles, double reduction. Module IV (14 hours) Brakes: Functions, requirements of good braking system, principle of braking, stopping times and distance, braking efficiency, weight transfer, brake shoe theory, self energization, determination of braking torque. Classification and working of brakes on different considerations- purpose, construction, actuation, braking effort, and locations ( disc, drum, band, hydraulic brakes, mechanical brakes, air brakes, electric brake, servo brakes, power assisted brakes, fail safe brakes, exhaust brakes, parking brakes, hill holding brake, vacuum boosted hydraulic brakes layout and details of components).

Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Master & wheel cylinders, bleeding of brakes, brake drums, brake linings, brake fluid, factors influencing operation of brakes such as operating temperature, lining, brake clearance, pedal pressure, and linkages, Antilock Braking System (ABS). Module V (12 hours) Wheels and tires: Requirement of good wheel, types and construction of wired, disc and alloy wheel, wheel dimensions. Tire types and construction, bias, radial and belted ply comparisons, treaded patterns, inflation pressure and its effects, static and dynamic properties of pneumatic tires, aspect ratio, factors affecting tire performance and life, tire retreading, tire rotation, tubeless tire and its merits, different tire specifications, desirable properties of tires.

1. 2. 3.

Text Books Kirpal Singh Automobile Engineering Volume 1 & 2 standard publications, New Delhi. Gupta R.B , Automobile Engineering , Satya Prakashan

Giri NK - Automobile Technology- Khanna Publishers

1. 2. 3. 4.

Reference Books Newton K / Steeds W / Garrett T.K Motor Vehicle, Butterworth Heinemann Ltd William H Crouse / Donald L Anglin, Automotive Mechanics , Tata McGraw-Hill Publishers Joseph Heitner- Automobile mechanics, CBS Publishers, New Delhi

N. K. Giri Automobile mechanics Khanna Publishers.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University


504: Kinematics of Machinery

(Common with ME010 504) Credits: 4

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives

1. To understand the basic components and layout of linkages in the assembly of a system/machine. 2. To understand the principles involved in assembly the displacement, velocity and acceleration at any point in a link of a mechanism. 3. To understand the motion resulting from a specified set of linkages. 4. To understand and to design few linkage mechanisms and cam mechanisms for specified output motions. 5. To understand the basic concepts of toothed gearing and kinematics of gear trains.
Module I (14hours) Classification of mechanisms Basic kinematic concepts and definitions Degree of freedom, Mobility Kutzbach criterion, Grueblers criterion Grashofs Law Kinematic inversions of four-bar chain, slider crank chains and double slider crank chains Limit positions Mechanical advantage Transmission Angle -Coupler curves Description of some common Mechanisms Quick return mechanisms, Straight line generators, Dwell Mechanisms, Ratchets and Escapements, Universal Joint, steering mechanisms Module II (12hours) Displacement, velocity and acceleration analysis of simple mechanisms Graphical method Velocity and acceleration polygons Velocity analysis using instantaneous centers Kennedys theorem, kinematic analysis by complex algebra methods Vector approach Computer applications in the kinematic analysis of simple mechanisms Coincident points Coriolis component of Acceleration. Module III (10hours) Kinematic synthesis ( Planar Mechanisms) - Tasks of kinematic synthesis Type, Number and dimensional synthesis Precision points - Graphical synthesis for four link mechanism Function generator 2 position and 3 position synthesis Overlay Method - Analytical synthesis techniques Module IV (12 hours) Cams and Followers: - types-follower motion-SHM-uniform velocity and accelerationCycloidal - displacement, velocity and acceleration curves-Cam profile-Reciprocating and oscillating followers-Tangent cams-Convex and concave cams with footed followers. Introduction to Polynomial cams. Module V (12 hours) Law of toothed gearing Involutes and cycloidal tooth profiles Spur Gear terminology and definitions Gear tooth action contact ratio Interference and undercutting Non-standard

Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

gear teeth Helical, Bevel, Worm, Rack and Pinion gears [Basics only] Gear trains Speed ratio, train value Parallel axis gear trains Epicyclic Gear Trains Differentials Reference Books
1. 2. 3

R L Norton, Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery, 1st ed., Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, Delhi, 2009

J. E. Shigley, J. J. Uicker, Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, McGraw Hill

S .S Rattan Theory of Machines, 3rd ed., Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, Delhi, 2009

4 A. Ghosh, A. K. Malik, Theory of Mechanisms and Machines, Affiliated East West Press

5 A. G. Erdman, G. N. Sandor, Mechanism Design: Analysis and synthesis Vol I & II, Prentice Hall of India

Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

AU010 505 I. C. Engines & Combustion

(Common with ME010 505) Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives

Credits: 4

To impart the basic concepts of IC Engine and Combustion

Module I (15 hours) Working of two stroke and four stroke engines and valve timing diagrams of Petrol and diesel engine. (Review only). Fuel air cycles. Ignition systems- Battery and magneto systems- ignition timing and spark advance. Fuels Qualities, rating of fuels - Octane and Cetane numbers. Alternative fuels. Types of engines - Wankel engine,- Stirling engine - Stratified charge engine - VCR engine free piston engine. Module II (15 hours) Air fuel mixture requirements Solex Carburettor. Stoichiometric and excess air calculations. Fuel injection systems in SI and CI engines - Fuel injection pumps.- nozzle- direct and indirect injections. MPFI systems and GDI engines. CRDI technology. Lubrication systems- types properties of lubricants. Flash point, fire point and viscosity index. Module III (10 hours) Thermodynamics of combustion. Combustion reaction of common fuels. Exhaust gas composition. Flue gas analysis. Air fuel ratio from exhaust gas composition. Variation of specific heats- heat losses- Dissociation. Engine cooling systems- Air and liquid system- Super charging and turbo charging Module IV (10 hours) Combustion in SI engines- P- diagram- Stages of combustions- Ignition lag. Flame propagation Abnormal combustion detonation effects. Combustion in CI engines, P- diagram - Ignition delay, diesel knock- controlling methods. Air motion- Squish, tumble, swirl motions. Different types combustion chamber for SI and CI engines. Module V (10 hours) Pollutants in SI and CI engines. NOx, CO, unburned hydrocarbons ,smoke and particulate. Measurement of exhaust emission. (HC, CO, NOx and smoke intensity ) Exhaust gas treatment.- Catalytic converter Thermal reaction -Particulate trap. Testing of IC engines - Indicated power Brake Power - Volumetric efficiency - Heat balance test - Morse test.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

Text Books V Ganesan, Internal Combustion Engine Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. New Delhi 2006. Reference Books John B Heywood, Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company Sigapur,1998. Obert E F,Internal Combustion Engine and air Pollution Mc Graw Hill book company New York. Mathur and Sharma,A course in Internal Combustion Engine Delhi, 2004. - Dhanpat Rai Publications new

Sharma S.P, Fuels and Combustion, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. New Delhi.1990. Spalding D.B. Some Fundamentals of Combustion Better Worths Scientific Publications London, 1955.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

AU010 506 Thermodynamics

(Common with PE 010 506 and ME010 506) Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives
To impart the basic concepts of Thermodynamics Pre-requisites: Knowledge required to study this subject (especially any subject previously studied)

Credits: 4

Module I (10 hours) Fundamentals concepts scope and limitations of thermodynamics. Thermodynamic systems different types of systems macroscopic and microscopic analysis continuum Properties state processes. Thermodynamics equilibrium Equation of state of an ideal gas PVT system Real gas relations Compressibility factor Law of corresponding states. Module II (15 hours) Laws of thermodynamics- Zeroth law of thermodynamics Thermal equilibrium Concept of temperature Temperature scales Thermometry Perfect gas temperature scales. Thermometry Perfect gas temperature scales. Work and heat First law of thermodynamics Concept of energy _ First law for closed and open systems Specific heats internal energy and enthalpy Steady flow energy equations _ Jule Thompson effect. Module III (15 hours) Second law of thermodynamics- Various statements and their equivalence_ Reversible process and reversible cycles- Carnot cycles- Corollaries of the second law thermodynamics temperature scales Clausis inequality- Concept of entropy Calculation of change in entropy in various thermodynamic processes Reversibility and irreversibility Available and unavailable energy Third law of thermodynamics. Module IV (10 hours) Thermodynamic relations Combined first and second law equations Hemholtz and gibbs functions Maxwell relations- Equations for specific heats, internal energy, enthalpy and entropy Clausius Clapeyron equations _ applications of thermo dynamic relations. Module V (10 hours) Properties of pure substances PVT, PT and TS diagrams, Mollier diagrams- Mixture of gases and vapours- mixture of ideal gases Daltons law Gibbs law- Thermodynamic properties of mixtures Text Books

1 P K Nag, Engineering Thermodynamics, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. New Delhi 2008.
Reference Books

1. J. F. Lee and FW Sears, Engineering Thermodynamics, Addison-Wesleg Publishing Company, London, 1962. 2. Spalding and Cole, Engineering Thermodynamics, The English Language Book Society and Edward Arnold Ltd.,1976. 3. M. A.chuthan, Engineering Thermodynamics,Prentice Hall of India Private Ltd, New Delhi 2002. 4. J.H Keenan, Thermodynamics, John Wiley and Sons , New York, 1963. 5. Edward F Obert, Concept of Thermodynamics, McGraw Hill book company New York, 1988. 6. J.P. Holman, Thermodynamics, McGraw Hill book company New York, 1988. 7. Mark W. Zemansky, Heat and Thermodynamic, McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2001. 8 Roy T, Basic Engineering Thermodynamics, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. New Delhi 1989.
Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

AU010 507: Computer Graphics & Drafting

Teaching scheme 3 hour practical per week Credits: 2

Modeling Introduction. Development of 2D and 3D geometric modeling using anyone parametric software. Exercises on automotive components - 3D modelling Softwares Pro-E, CATIA, UNIGRPHICS, Solid works etc.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50) 50%-Laboratory practical and record 30%- Test/s 20%- Regularity in the class Note: Exercise in Rapid prototyping may be demonstrated for the entire batch

End Semester Examination (Maximum Marks-100) 70% - Procedure, modeling steps, results 30% - Viva voce

Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

AU 010 508 Electrical & Electronics Lab

(Common with ME010 508 and PE010 508) Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Credits: 2

Objectives To conduct various tests on Electrical Machines and to study their performance. To conduct various tests on practical electronic circuits

1. Study of 3-point and 4-point starters for D.C machines 2. OCC of self excited D.C machines critical resistances of various speeds. Voltage built-up with a given field circuit resistance. Critical speed for a given field circuit resistance 3. OCC of separately excited D.C machines 4. Load test on shunt generator deduce external, internal and armature reaction characteristics. 5. Load test on compound generator 6. Swinburnes test on D.C machines 7. Brake test on D.C shunt motors and determination of characteristics. 8. Brake test on D.C series motors and determination of characteristics. 9. Brake test on D.C compound motors and determination of characteristics. 10. O.C and S.C tests on single phase transformers calculation of performance using equivalent circuit efficiency, regulation at unity, lagging and leading power factors. 11. Load test on single phase transformers. 12. Alternator regulation by emf and mmf methods 13. Study of starters for three phase induction motors 14. Load tests on three phase squirrel cage induction motors 15. Load tests on three phase slip ring induction motors 16. Load tests on single phase induction motors

1. Design and testing of clipping and clamping circuits 2. Design and testing of of RC integrator and differentiator circuits.

Syllabus B.Tech. Automobile Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

3. Design and testing of rectifier circuits Half wave Full wave (centre tapped and bridge) circuits. Filter circuits. 4. Design and testing of RC coupled amplifier frequency response. Sweep circuits 5. Design and Testing of RC phase-shift Oscillator

1. Dr. P S Bimbra, Electrical Machinery, Khanna Publishers 2. R K Rajput, A text book of Electrical Machines, Laxmi publishers 3. A.P. Malvino, Electronic Principles TMH 4. Floyd, Electronic Devices, Pearson Education, LPE

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50) 50%-Laboratory practical and record 30%- Test/s 20%- Regularity in the class

End Semester Examination (Maximum Marks-100) 70% - Procedure, conducting experiment, results, tabulation, and inference 30% - Viva voce

Syllabus B.Tech. Automobile Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

AU010 601 Mechanics of Machines

(Common with ME010 601) Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To understand the method of static force analysis and dynamic force analysis of mechanisms To understand the principles of governors and gyroscopes. To understand the design of flywheel To understand the working of different types of brakes and dynamometers Module I (14 hours)

Force analysis of machinery - static and dynamic force analysis of plane motion mechanisms - graphical method - principle of superposition matrix methods method of virtual work.
Module II (12 hours)

Governors: - terminology; Watt, Porter, Proel, Hartnell, Hartung, Wilson-Hartnell, and Pickering governors-spring controlled governors of gravity type-effort and power-controlling force diagram-quality of governors-effect of frictioninsensitiveness-stability-inertia governors- governor speed, torque characteristics of an engine-governor and flywheel.
Module III (12 hours)

Turning moment diagram and Flywheel: - coefficient of fluctuation of energy and speed- energy saved in a flywheel-punching press-dynamically equivalent two mass system-centre of percussion-kinetic equivalence-reversed effective force analysispiston effort-crankpin effort- crank effort-turning moment diagrams for I.C. engines.
Module IV (10 hours)

Gyroscope: - Principle-Angular acceleration-Effect of gyroscopic couple on bearings, airplanes, and ships-stability of automobile and two wheel vehicles-Gyroscopic stabilization of sea vessels and grinding mills-Rigid disc at an angle fixed to a rotating shaft
Module V (12 hours)

Brakes and clutches: Shoe, double block, long shoe, internally expanding shoe, band, band & block, hydraulic, mechanical, air and power brakes-braking of a vehicle-cone, single plate, multiple, centrifugal clutches. Dynamometers: Pony brake. rope brake, epicyclic train, belt transmission and torsion dynamometers-effort and power.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

Reference Books 1. R L Norton, Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery, 1st ed., Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, Delhi, 2009 2. J. E. Shigley, J. J. Uicker, Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, McGraw Hill 3 S .S Rattan Theory of Machines, 3rd ed., Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, Delhi, 2009 4 A. Ghosh, A. K. Malik, Theory of Mechanisms and Machines, Affiliated East West Press 5. C. E. Wilson, P. Sadler, Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery, 3rd edition, Pearson Education. 6. Holowenko, Dynamics of Machinery, John Wiley

Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

AU010602: Heat and Mass Transfer

(Common with ME010 602) Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To provide a useful foundation and basic knowledge of the subject required for innovative work and advanced studies. To motivate the students and to develop interest in the subject by providing information along with practical application of different formulae from an engineering point of view. Module I (12 hours) Scope and application of heat transfer principles in engineering practice. Introduction to basic modes of heat transfer Conduction: Fourier law-thermal conductivity of solids, liquids and gasses-factors affecting thermal conductivity-common conducting and insulating materials. General heat conduction equation in Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical co-ordinates- one dimensional steady state conduction with and without heat generation-conduction through homogeneous and composite surfaces-plane wall, cylinders and spheres-concept of thermal resistance-contact resistance-variable thermal conductivity-critical thickness of insulation-overall heat transfer coefficient-heat transfer through corners and edges-conduction shape factor. Module II (12 hours) Convection: Elementary ideas of hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layers-Newtons law of cooling-factors affecting heat transfer coefficient in forced and natural (free) convection heat transfer-application of dimensional analysis to free and forced convection-significance of Prandtil number, Reynolds number, Grashof number and Nusselt number. Forced convection: Laminar and turbulent flow heat transfer in a circular pipe- Laminar and turbulent flow heat transfer in flow over a flat plate-flow across a cylinder. Natural convection: Natural convection heat transfer from a plate kept vertical and horizontal- cylinder kept vertical and horizontal-description of natural convection heat transfer from enclosed spaces. (Problems limited to using important empirical relations available in data book) Module III (12 hours) Heat transfer from extended surfaces: Governing equation and boundary conditions-straight rectangular fin-pin fin of uniform cross sectional area-circumferential fin-fin effectiveness-fin efficiency-solving problems using data book. Heat exchangers: General classification of heat exchangers according to type of energy transfer, according to flow arrangement and according to area to volume ratio-Log Mean Temperature Difference (LMTD) for parallel flow, counter flow and cross flow arrangementscalculation of heat exchanger size and flow rates from known temperatures. Effectiveness_NTU method of evaluation-solving problems using data book. Module IV (12 hours) Radiation: Nature of thermal radiation-definitions and concepts-monochromatic and total emissive power-absorptivity, reflectivity and transmissivity-definition of black, grey and real surfaces-concept of a black body-Planks law, Kirchoffs law, Weins displacement law and Stefan-Boltzmann law-geometric factor (shape factor or configuration factor) of simple geometries. Heat exchange by radiation between black surfaces of equal, parallel and opposite black squares and discs-black rectangles perpendicular to each other having a common edgeheat exchange between infinite parallel planes of different emissivity-radiation shield ( no derivation )-simple derivations and simple problems using data book.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Module V (12 hours) Mass Transfer: Introduction to mass transfer-Ficks law of diffusion-steady state mass diffusion of gasses and liquids through solids-convective mass transfer (elementary concepts and definitions)-analogy between heat and mass transfer-elementary problems. Condensation and boiling: Laminar film condensation on a vertical plate and horizontal tubes. Pool boiling-different regimes of pool boiling-flow patterns in flow boiling in a vertical tube. Two dimensional steady state heat conduction-governing equation and boundary conditionsapplication of finite difference method in solving two dimensional steady state heat conduction through a rectangular slab (method of discretisation of nodal equations only) Data Book: 1. C. P. Kothandaraman, S. Subramanyan, Heat and Mass Transfer Data Book, 5th ed., New Age International Publishers. 2. A. V. Domkundwar, Dr. V. M. Domkundwar, Heat and Mass Transfer Data Book, 3rd ed., Danapat Rai & Co. References:

1. 2. 3.

Text Books S. P. Sukhatme, A Text Book on Heat Transfer, 4th ed.,Universities Press, Hydrabad, 2005 S. K. Som, Introduction to Heat Transfer, PHI Learning,New Delhi, 2008 P. K. Nag, Heat Transfer, 1st ed., Tata McGraw-Hill

Reference Books Frank P. Incropera, David P. Dewitt, Fundementals of Heat and Mass Transfer, 5th ed., John Wiley & Sons 2. J. P. Holman, Heat Transfer, 9th ed., Tata McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi, 2010 3. M. Necati Ozisick, Heat Transfer A Basic Approach, McGraw Hill Book Company 4. Frank Kreith, Mark S. Bohn, Principles of Heat Transfer, 5th ed , PWS Publishing Company 5. S. P. Venkateshan, A First Course in Heat Transfer, Ane Books, Chennai

Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

AU010 603: Automotive Transmission

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To impart basic knowledge to students with respect to transmission system of automobiles and impart knowledge that will enable the students to understand the latest developments in the field. Module I (14 hours) Clutches: Necessity of clutch in a automobile, different types of clutches, friction clutches, cone clutch, Single plate - multi plate, helical spring` & diaphragm spring clutches, centrifugal clutches, electromagnetic clutches, hydraulic clutches, torque capacity of clutches, clutch facing materials, clutch adjustments, over running clutches, sprag and roller clutches, necessity and field of application. Gear box: Need for a gear box, types of gear transmission, number of gear ratios, 3 speed and 4 speed transmission, determination of gear ratios for vehicles, performance curves in different gears, Types of gearboxes- progressive & Selective types, sliding mesh, constant mesh, synchromesh gear box, Transfer box, selector mechanism, gear types & materials, gearbox oil seals- static & dynamic seals. Module II (12 hours) Epicyclic transmission: Principle of planetary gear transmission, Fundamental laws, Typical 2 speed and three speed planetary gear box, Ford-T-model gear box - Wilson planetary transmission, Overdrive unit - Principle of Overdrive, Advantage of Overdrive, Electric control system for overdrive. Module III (12 hours) Hydrodynamic drive: Advantages and limitations, fluid flywheel- constructional details, working, merits and demerits, torque transmission and slip characteristics, constructional details of typical torque converters - single and dual stator, matching of torque converters, torque converter lockup-centrifugal, hydraulic & viscous, comparison of torque converter Module IV (12hours) Hydrostatic drive: Basic hydrostatic principle, pump and motor combinations for hydrostatic drives , principles of hydrostatic drive systems: construction and working of typical drives, comparison of hydrostatic with hydrodynamic drives, Continuously variable transmission (CVT) mechanical and hydrostatic, Relative merits and demerits. Module V (10 hours) Automatic transmission: General description of working of typical automatic transmissions and their control system, components and parts of Automatic transmission, comparison with conventional transmission. Three speed and reverse Transaxle automatic Transmission, ECTi Automatic transmission with intelligent electronic control system.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Text Books Jack Erjavec Automotive Engineering Manual Transmissions & Transaxles Newton K / Steeds W / Garrett T.K Motor Vehicle, Butterworth Heinemann Ltd William H Crouse / Donald L Anglin, Automotive Mechanics , Tata McGraw-Hill Publishers Kirpal Singh Automobile Engineering Volume 1 & 2 standard publications, New Delhi. Anil Chhikara - Automobile Engineering Vol 2 Power Transmission- Satya Prakashan

Reference Books W. Thomson: Fundamentals of automotive transmission, pitman and paperbacks Publications 2. Narang: Automobile Engineering, Khanna Publications, New Delhi. 3. Judge.A.W, Modern Transmission systems ", Chapman and Hall Ltd., 1990. 4. SAE Transactions 900550 & 930910. 5. Hydrostatic transmissions for vehicle applications ", I Mech E Conference, 1981-88. 6. Crouse. W.H., Anglin. D.L., Automotive Transmission and Power Trains construction ", McGraw-Hill, 1976.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

AU010 604: Metrology and Machine Tools

(Common with ME010 604) Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives Understand and appreciate the importance of basic principles of traditional material removal processes. Understand the application of those principles in practice. To understand the principles of metrology and measurements, methods of measurement and its application in manufacturing industries. Module I (12 hours) Conventional Machining Processes Turning machines:- Types - method of holding work and tool, accessories, attachments-operations and types of tools for each operation - tool room lathe - duplicating lathe - Capstan and Turret lathe knurling - Drilling:- types of drilling machines - types of drills - nomenclature of drill point - drill wear - types of chip breakers cutting forces in drilling - Boring:- types of boring machines, tool geometry - counterboring, spot facing, countersinking, trepanning Reaming:- types of reamers - tool nomenclature cutting forces - tool materials and surface roughness obtainable in each operations. Shaping, planing and slotting machines:- Types and specifications - quick return motion hydraulic feed and its advantages - automatic feed-speed, feed and depth of cut -work holding devices - types of operation and examples of work done - shaping of V-blocks, planing of guide gibs, slotting of keyways Broaching:- - basic process - different cutting elements force required for broaching and strength of broach tool materials and surface roughness obtainable in each operations. Module II (12 hours) Milling operations:- different types milling machines - Different methods of milling nomenclature of milling cutters cutting forces in milling different types of milling cutters attachments for milling:-vertical milling and universal milling attachment, high speed milling attachment, rack milling and slot attachments, parking bracket, rotary table, universal dividing head, vices, arbors, adaptors and collet chucks tool materials and surface roughness obtainable in milling machining centers: applications and advantages - Grinding: - types of machines - Grinding mechanisms:- grinding debris, grinding force power, specific energy - Grinding wheels:- different types of abrasives, grain size, different types of bond, grade, structure marking system of grinding wheels - Grinding fluids Truing and dressing of grinding wheels - Grinding temperature, thermal damage and surface roughness obtainable. Horning: Types of machines, methods of honing types honing stones honing conditions cutting fluids - surface roughness obtainable - Lapping: - types of hand lapping - types of lapping machines - surface roughness obtainable Burnishing:- processes and surface roughness obtainable. Module III (12 hours) Gear cutting process: - Gear milling: - gear milling machines and different gear milling operations - Gear hobbing: - principle of the hobbing process and hobbing machines, basic types of hobbing machines, different hobbing techniques, nomenclature of hob, hob wear, spur gear hobbing, helical gear hobbing - gear shaping: - principle of gear shaping process gear finishing - gear errors - Thread production process: - different thread production processes: screw cutting on lathe, thread milling, thread whirling, die threading, tapping, thread rolling, and thread grinding.

Syllabus Automobile Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

Module IV (12 hours) Engineering Metrology General measurements concepts:- Principles for achieving accuracy; methods for estimating accuracy and precision, precision Vs accuracy, systematic and constant errors; progressive, random, erratic, drunken errors - Fits and tolerances:- types of fits: hole and shaft basis system limit gauges:- gauge tolerance, presentation of gauge tolerances Taylors theory of gauging limit gauges for screw threads - Design and operation of linear measurements:Principle of alignment (Abbes), accuracy and precision etc. Principle of kinematics: complete constraints, one degree of freedom Gauge blocks:- gauge materials, accuracy and standards, effect of temperature, surface roughness and manufacturing of gauge blocks Comparators:- mechanical, mechanical-optical, pneumatic and horizontal length comparator Angle measurements:- three disc, sine bar and dial gauge measurement of taper plug ring gauges and taper bores Precision levels, clinometer Optical instruments for angle measurements:- optical principles of projector, microscope, telescope, collimator, auto collimator - optical flat and optical parallel applications auto collimator, angle dekkor, combination of angle gauges, optical flat. Module V (12 hours) Tool makers microscope profile projector optical microscope, SEM and TEM - straight edge surface plate measurement of squareness:- squareness testing with dial gauge, tilting bar, optical square, checking an internal right angle - Measurement of surface roughness: meaning of surface texture and causes stylus probe instrument, RMS, CLA, peak to valley, Ra, Rt, Rz etc. stylus, skid, effect of sampling length, magnification, cut-off, evaluation length etc. comparison of surface roughness of different machining process concept of apparent to real area of contact of mating surfaces, applications in clutch plate surface, brake liner, inner race of a bearing, cylinder liner, machine tool guide way, significance of surface roughness in crack initiation assessment of roundness errors:- least square reference circle, minimum circumscribed circle, minimum zone reference circle and maximum inscribed circle roundness parameters:- eccentricity, concentricity and runout three wire system of thread pitch diameter measurement - gear tooth measurement by vernier caliper, pin method of measuring gear teeth Alignment tests for machine tools:- test for level installation of a lathe bed spindle tests of concentricity and alignment with guide ways tests for straightness and flatness of a lathe bed guide ways test for squreness of a drilling machine spindle with table CMM, laser interferomerty and applications. Text Books S. Haykin and B. V. Veen, Signals and Systems, John Wiley & Sons, N. Y., 2002 A. V. Oppenheim, A. S. Willsky and S. H. Nawab, Signals & Systems, 2nd ed., Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1997

1. 2.

Reference Books 1. C. L. Philips, J. M. Parr, E. A Riskin, Signals, Systems and Transforms, 3rd ed., Pearson Education, Delhi, 2002 2. R. E. Zeimer, W. H. Tranter, and D. R. Fannin, Signals and Systems: Continuous and Discrete, 4th ed., Pearson Education, Delhi, 1998 3. M. J. Roberts, Signals and Systems: Analysis using Transform methods and MATLAB, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2003

Syllabus Automobile Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University


605 Mechatronics and Control systems

(Common with ME010 605)

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives To impart basic concepts of mechatronics and control systems.

Credits: 4

Module 1 [12 Hours] Introduction:-Scope of Mechatronics-Systems-Microprocessor based controllersmechatronic approach-sensors-transducers-force-velocity-displacement-temperatureinputting data by switches-signal conditioning-operational amplifiers-filteringmultiplexers-data acquisition-modulation. Data presentation systems:- Displaysmeasurement systems-calibration-pneumatic and hydraulic systems-control valvesactuators-mechanical and electrical activation systems-relays and solenoid switchesproximity pickups. Module 2 [12 Hours] Input/output Systems:-Ports, interface requirements, adaptors-programmable logic controllers-data handling digital communications-system, networks, protocols, interfaces, fault finding- design and mechatronic design solutions. Electromechanical systems:-CD, DVD Rom, OCR, Printers. Module 3 [12 Hours]
Introduction to Control Systems Engineering:-Concept of automatic control-open loop and closed loop systems-servomechanisms-Block diagrams-transfer functions-Representation of control components and systems-Translational and rotational mechanical components series and parallel combinations-comparators ,integrating devices, hydraulic servomotors, temperature control systems, speed control systems.

Module 4 [12 Hours] System Response:-First and second order system-Response to step, pulse, ramp and sinusoidal input-systems with distance, velocity lag. Control System Analysis:Transient Response of simple control systems Stability of control systems Routh Stability criteria Error Analysis. Module 5 [12 Hours] Frequency Response Analysis :- Polar ,Rectangular and Logarithmic plots Experimental determination of frequency response -Bode and Nyquist stability criteria Gain and phase margin. Root locus of simple transfer function.

Text Books 1. Mechatronics-W.Bolton-Pearson 2. Control Systems- A. Nagoor Kani References 1. Mechatronics-A.Smaili&F.Mrad-Oxford 2. Control Systems Engg T .J. Nagrath & M .Gopal. 3. Automatic Control Theory-Ravan. 4. Modern Control Engg.-K. Ogatta

5 Control Systems Engg -Benjamin C Kuo

Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

AU010 606LO1: Vehicle Transport Management

Teaching scheme Credits: 4

2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week

Objectives To impart the basic concepts of vehicle transport management. To develop an understanding about transport organisation and management, route planning and scheduling, fleet management, fare structure and fare collection system, vehicle design and motor vehicle act. Module I (12 hours) Infrastructure: Types of roads, traffic condition, relief of congestion pedestrian, bus stops, shelters, bus stations, garages layout of premises, equipments, use of machinery. Organization and management: Forms of ownership, principle of transport management Internal organization, centralized condition, decentralized condition (Engineering, traffic and administration), administration, recruitment and training, welfare, health and safety. Management Training and Operations- Basic principles of supervising, Organising Time and people, Job instruction training - Training devices and techniques - Driver and mechanic hiring. Module II (12 hours) Route planning and Scheduling: Sources of traffic, town planning, turning points, stopping places, survey of rout, factors affecting frequency, direction of traffic flow, estimated traffic possibility. time table layout, use of flat graph method, preparation of vehicle and crew schedules, duty roaster, use of vehicle running numbers, determination of vehicle efficiency, checking efficiency of crew, duty arrangements, duty of drivers and conductors. Vehicle maintenance, supply management and budget: Scheduled and unscheduled maintenance - Planning and scope - Evaluation of PMI programme Work scheduling Overtime - Breakdown analysis - Control of repair backlogs - Cost of options. Cost of inventory - Balancing inventory cost against downtime - Parts control - Bin tag systems Time management - Time record keeping - Budget activity - Capital expenditures Classification of vehicle expenses Module III (12hours) Fleet Management, Data Processing And Fare Structure : Fleet management and data processing - Data processing systems - Software Model - Computer controlling of fleet activity - Energy management, Basis of fares, effect of competition and control, calculating average charge, zone systems, straight and tapered scales fare structure Methods of fare collection - Preparation of fare table. Public relations work: Dissemination of information, maintaining good will, handling complaints, traffic advisory committee, local contacts, co-operation with the press news and articles, forms of publicity, importance of quality, inter departmental liaison, advertisement, general appearance of premises, specialized publicity.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

Module IV (12 hours) Fare collection system: Principles of fare collection, way bill, bell punch system, will brew system, T. I. M. and straight machines, box system, personal and common stock, flat fare basis. Fare structure: Basis of fares, effect of competition and control, calculating average charge, zone systems, straight and tapered scales, co-ordination of tables, anomalies, double booking, private hire charges. Operating cost and types of vehicles: Classification of costs, average speed, running costs, supplementary costs, depreciation obsolescence, life of vehicles, sinking fund, factor affecting cost per vehicles mile incidence of wages and overheads, 100 seats miles basis, average seating capacity, vehicles size and spread overs, types of vehicle economic considerations authorization of trolley, bus services, statuary procedure taxes and hire car. Module V (12 hours) Vehicle design: Buses & coaches, types & capacities, basic features, entrances & exits, comfort & capacity, steps & staircases, miscellaneous arrangements & fitments, articulated buses, standardization. Traffic navigation and global positioning system. The future: a projection from the past, future demand, environmental and social issues, the energy situation, new technology, hybrid, battery/trolley bus, other types of hybrid, lead acid battery bus, advanced battery bus Motor vehicle act: Importance of motor vehicle act: VIII, IX, X & XI schedules, types of driving licenses, procedure for obtaining driving license, registration of vehicle, types of permits, procedure for obtaining permits, third party insurance.

Text Books 1. Bus operation - L.D.Kitchen, Iliffe & Sons , London 2. Bus & coach operation - Rex W. Faulks, Butterworth Version Of 1987, London Reference Books 1. Compendium of transport terms - Cirt,Pune 2. M.V. Act 1988 - Central Law Agency, Allahabad 3. The elements of transportation - R.J. Eaton 4. Goods vehicle operation - C.S. Dubbar 5. Road transport law - L.D. Kitchen 6. Automobile engineering-G B S Narang, Khanna Publications

Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

AU010 606L02 Computer Aided Vehicle Design

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To understand how computer can be applied in vehicle design. To familiarize with Concepts of modeling in 2D and 3D, Concepts of computer graphics, Theory of analysis and its implementation in CAD. Note: Use of Software Packages for Analysis and Design of Automobile Systems should use for Design Problem

Module I (12 hours) Vehicle Frame and Suspension: Study of Loads-Moments and Stresses on Frame Members. Computer Aided Design of Frame for Passenger and Commercial Vehicles. Computer Aided Design of Leaf Springs-Coil Springs and Torsion Bar Springs Module II (12 hours) Front Axle and Steering Systems: Analysis of Loads-Moments and Stresses at different sections of Front Axle. Determination of Bearing Loads at Kingpin Bearings. Wheel Spindle Bearings. Choice of Bearings. Determination of Optimum Dimension and Proportions for Steering Linkages ensuring minimum error in Steering Module III (12 hours) Drive Line and Read Axle: Computer Aided Design of Propeller Shaft. Design of Final Drive Gearing. Design details of Full-floating., Semi-floating and Three Quarter Floating, Rear Axle Shafts and Rear Axle Housings. Module IV (12 hours) Clutch: Torque capacity of Clutch. Computer Aided Design of Clutch Components. Design details of Roller and Sprag Type of Clutches. Module V (12 hours) Gear Box: Computer Aided Design of Three Speed and Four Speed Gear Boxes.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

Text Books 1. Dean Averns, Automobile Chassis Design ", Iliffe Books Ltd. 1992 2. Heldt.P.M., " Automotive Chassis ", Chilton Co., New York- 1992 3. Steeds.W., " Mechanics of Road Vehicles ", Iliffe Books Ltd. 1992 Reference Books 1. Giles.J.G., Steering, " Suspension And Tyres ", Iliffe Books Ltd 2. Newton, Steeds & Garret, " Motor Vehicle ", Iliffe Books Ltd 3. Heldt.P.M., " Torque Converter ", Chilton Book Co., New York

Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

AU010 606L03 Computer Simulation of I C Engines

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To make the students understand the basic principles of simulation of the combustion processes in engines used for automobiles and the heat transfer mechanism and friction losses of the different systems. Module I (12 hours) Combustion Calculations: Heat of reaction at constant volume and constant pressure, Calculation of properties of the working medium in an engine, Constant volume and constant pressure adiabatic combustion, Calculation of Adiabatic flame temperature. Module II (12 hours) Simulation of SI Engine Combustion: Engine kinematics, Ideal Otto cycle, SI engine simulation with adiabatic combustion with air as the working substance under full and part throttle conditions. Actual SI engine heat release rate curves. SI engine combustion models including Wiebes function Module III (12 hours) Simulation of CI Engine Combustion: CI engine simulation with adiabatic combustion with air as the working substance under naturally aspirated, supercharged and turbocharged conditions. Actual heat release rates of diesel engines, Hardenberg and Hase and other ignition delay models for diesel engines, Zero dimensional combustion models for CI engines Watsons and White House and Way models. Module IV (12 hours) Gas Exchange Processes: Flow through valves their characteristics, compressible and incompressible flow through valves, volumetric efficiency and Mach index, Effect of valve timing on volumetric efficiency, Swirl and squish, SI engine simulation with gas exchange, influence of valve timing and area. CI engine simulation with gas exchange. Module V (12 hours) Heat Transfer and Friction in Engines: Engine friction variation, models for engine friction, Heat transfer mechanisms in engines, Models for heat transfer in engines. Two stroke engine scavenging parameters like delivery ratio, scavenging efficiency, trapping efficiency. Perfect displacement and perfect mixing models for scavenging.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

Text Books 1. Computer simulation of compression ignition engine processes by V.Ganesan, Universities Press 2. Computer simulation of Spark Ignition Engine Processes by V Ganesan,Universities Press 3. Richard Stone, Introduction to Internal Combustion Engines Reference Books 1. Internal Combustion Engines Applied Thermo Sciences, Colin R Ferguson, John Wiley and Sons. 2. Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, John B Heywood, Mc Graw Hill

Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

AU010 606L04 Tribology

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Module I (12 hours)

Introduction to Tribilogy: Properties of oils and equation of flow: Viscosity, Newtons of viscosity, Hagen-Poiseuille Law, Flow between parallel stationary planes, viscosity measuring apparatus. Lubrication principles, classification of lubricants. Hydrodynamics Lubrication: Friction forces and power loss in lightly loaded bearing, Petroffs law, Towers experiments, idealized full journal bearings.

Module II (14 hours) Mechanism of pressure development in an oil film, Reynolds investigations, Reynolds equation in two dimensions. Partial journal bearings, end leakages in journal bearing, numerical problems. Slider / Pad bearing with a fixed and pivoted shoe: Pressure distribution, Load carrying capacity, coefficient of friction, frictional resistance in a pivoted shoe bearing, influence of end leakage, numerical examples.

Module III (10 hours) Oil flow and thermal equilibrium of journal bearing: Oil flow through bearings, self-contained journal bearings, bearings lubricated under pressure, thermal equilibrium of journal bearings.

Module IV (10 hours) Hydrostatic Lubrication: Introduction to hydrostatic lubrication, hydrostatic step bearings, load carrying capacity and oil flow through the hydrostatic step bearing. Module V (14 hours) Bearing Materials: Commonly used bearings materials, properties of typical bearing materials. Wear: Classification of wear, wear of polymers, wear of ceramic materials, wear measurements, effect of speed, temperature and pressure. Behaviour of tribological components: Selection, friction, Wear of ceramic materials, wear measurements, effects of speed, temperature and pressure. Tribological measures: Material selection, improved design, surface engineering

Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

Text Books 1. Basu S K., Sengupta A N., Ahuja B. B.,Fundamentals of Tribiology, PHI 2006 2. Mujumdar B. C., Introduction to Tribiology bearings, Wheelers and company pvt. Ltd 2001. Reference Books 1. Fuller, D., Theory and Practice of Lubrication for Engineers, New York company 1998 2. Moore, Principles and applications of Tribiology, Pergamaon press 1998 3. Srivastava S., Tribiology in industries, S Chand and Company limited, Delhi 2002 4. Redzimovskay E I., Lubrication of bearings theoretical principles and design, Oxford press company 2000

Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

AU010 606L05 Alternate Fuels and Energy systems

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To impart the basic concepts of energy and its sources. To develop a clear understanding about the alternative fuels for the I.C engines. Module I (15 hours)

Types of energy sources (conventional and non-conventional energy), their availability. Scenario of conventional automobile fuels, oil reserves of the world, need of alternative energy sources. I.C engine fuel ratings- octane number, cetane number, diesel index, fuel properties, additives, fuel quality aspects related to emissions. Implementation barriers for alternative fuels, roadmap for alternative fuels.
Module II (15hours)

Alcohols for SI engines- manufacture of methanol, manufacture of ethanol, comparison of properties of alcohols and gasoline as SI engine fuels, engine performance with pure alcohols, alcohol gasoline fuel blends-gasohol- E85. Alternate fuels for Diesel engines: Alcohols as diesel fuels, vegetable oils as diesel fuels, straight vegetable oils and bio-diesels, performance properties of engines with bio-diesel, Indian specification for bio-diesel,
Module III (15 hours)

Hydrogen energy: Properties of hydrogen, sources of hydrogen, production of hydrogen, electrolysis of water, thermal decomposition of water, thermo chemical production and biochemical production, storage and methods, applications to engines, modifications necessary, hazards and safety systems for hydrogen , performance characteristics in engines. Emissions from hydrogen fuel engines. Fuel cell working, advantages and limitations. .
Module IV (15 hours)

Gaseous fuels: Availability of CNG, LNG, properties, modification required to use CNG in engines, performance and emission characteristics of CNG. LPG as an IC engine fuel, modification required for the engine, performance and emission characteristics of LPG. Description of hybrid LPG gasoline engine. Biogas production, application of biogas as a single fuel and dual fuel dual fuel
Module V (15 hours)

Solar power: Collection and storage of solar energy, collection devices, flat plate collectors, concentrating type collectors, storage methods, principle and working of photovoltaic conversion, application to automobiles.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

Electric vehicles: Design considerations, limitations, opportunities for improvement, batteries, problems, future possibilities, capacities, types, applicability of electric cars, cost of electric car.
Text Books 1. Mathur & Sharma IC engines, Dhanpatrai publications 2. Dr.N.K.Giri- Automobile technology, khanna publications Reference Books 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. T. K. Garrett: Automotive fuels system, SAE INC, Warrendale, 1991 Keeith Owen & Trevor Colley - Automotive Fuels reference book, SAE Richard L. Bechtold- Alternate fuels guide book, SAE Energy research group- Alternate liquid fuels Willey Eastern Ltd T.N Vezgirigiu- Alternative energy sources Nagpal - Power Plant Engineering - Khanna Publishers G.D Rai Solar energy

Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

AU010606L06: Quantitative Techniques

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To understand and apply Quantitative techniques to industrial operations. To equip the students to grasp the various optimization techniques

Module I (8 hours) Linear programming, Definition, scope of Operations Research, O.R. approach and limitations of OR Models, Characteristics and phases of OR, Mathematical formulation of L.P. Problems. Graphical solution methods. Module II (15 hours) The simplex method - slack, surplus and artificial variables. Concept of duality, two phase simplex method, dual simplex method, degeneracy, and procedure for resolving degenerate cases. Module III (15 hours) Formulation of transportation model, Basic feasible solution using North-west corner rule, least cost or Matrix Minima method, Vogels approximation method, Optimality Methodsmodified distribution method stepping stone method, unbalanced transportation problem, degeneracy in transportation problems, maximisation problems, application of Transportation problems. Assignment Problem: Formulation, Hungarian assignment method, maximisation problem unbalanced problem, multiple solution problems, restriction on assignment Module IV (10 hours) Game Theory: Von Neumanns theorem Two Person Zero-Sum Games, Pure Strategies, Games with Saddle Point, Mixed strategies, Rules of Dominance, Solution Methods of Games without Saddle point method of matrices method of linear programming iterative method of approximate solution-Graphical solution (2xn, mx2 game). Module V (8 hours) Basic structure of queuing models exponential and Poisson distributions queuing models based on Poisson inputs and exponential service times basic model with constant arrival rate and service rate Poissonexponential single server model, infinite population Poissonexponential single server model, finite population Poisson-exponential multiple server model, infinite population.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

TEXT BOOKS 1. N.D.Vohra, Quantitative Techniques in Management Tata Mcgraw Hill 2. Taha H.A, Operation Research, Pearson Education sixth edition. REFERENCES 1. Frederick.S.Hiller and Gerald.J.Lieberman, Operations research concepts and cases, TMH edition. 2. J.K.Sharma, Operations research theory and applications, Macmillan India . 3. Hira and Gupta Problems in Operations Research, S.Chand and Co. 4. Panneerselvam, Operations Research Prentice Hall of India. 5. G Srinivasan, Operations research principles and applications, PHI . 6. Wagner, Operations Research, Prentice Hall of India.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Automobile Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University


(Common with ME010 607 and AN010 607) Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Objectives To provide experience on testing of IC engines performance. Study of systems and components of IC Engines and automobiles - study of dynamometers used in engine testing - study of IC Engine repairs and maintenance. Study of boilers, boiler mountings and accessories - study of steam engine parts and systems. Testing of IC engines Performance analysis of IC engine using computerized test rigLoad test on petrol and diesel engines- determination of indicated and brake thermal efficiencies - mechanical efficiency - relative efficiency - volumetric efficiency - air-fuel ratio and compression ratio - valve timing diagram - retardation test - Morse test - heat balance effect of varying the rate of cooling water and varying the speed on the performance characteristics of engines. Testing of steam boiler - boiler trial - steam calorimeters and steam nozzles - performance test on steam engines - performance test on steam turbines. Testing of fuels and lubricants - determination of flash and fire points of petroleum products determination of kinematics and absolute viscosity of lubricating oils - determination of calorific values Credits: 2

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50) 50%-Laboratory practical and record 30%- Test/s 20%- Regularity in the class

End Semester Examination (Maximum Marks-100) 70% - Procedure, conducting experiment, results, tabulation, and inference 30% - Viva voce

Syllabus B.Tech. Automobile Engineering

AU 010 608 Machine Tool Laboratory

(Common with ME010 608) Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Credits: 2

List of Experiments 1. Study of precision tools used in machine tool laboratory: Vernier caliper, micrometers, surface plates, surface gauges, gauge block, straight edges, dial gauge, plug and ring gauges, slip gauges, sine bar, care of tools and gauges. 2 practices. 2. Study of lathe tools and accessories: - Selection of tool for different operations tool materials: high carbon steel, HSS, cemented carbides, coated WC, indexable inserts, alumina, cBN, diamond etc. - tool nomenclature and attributes of each tool angles on cutting processes effect of nose radius, side cutting edge angle, end cutting edge angle and feed on surface roughness tool grinding and safe working practices. - 1 practice. 3. Selection of speeds, feeds and depth of cut selection of cutting fluids different methods of holding work. - 1 practice. 4. Experiment on arc and gas welding: - butt welding and lap welding of M.S. sheets. - 1 practice. 5. (a) Measurement of cutting forces in turning process using dynamometers. (b) Experiment on lathe:- Facing, plain turning, step turning and parting - groove cutting, knurling and chamfering - form turning and taper turning - eccentric turning. (c) Measurement of flank wear in turning process using tool makers microscope. - 3 practices. 6. Experiment on thread cutting: - single and multistart external and internal threads, square and V-threads. - 1 practice. 7. Disassembly and assembly of small assemblies such as tail stock, bench vice, screw jack etc. - 1 practice. 8. Experiment on drilling machine: - drilling, boring, reaming and counter sinking taping study of reamers and taping. - 1 practice. 9. Study and demonstration of N.C. machines:- CNC machines components - Point to point, straight cut and contouring positioning - incremental and absolute systems open loop and closed loop systems DDA integrator and interpolators part programming fundamentals - manual programming tape format sequence number, preparatory functions, dimension words, speed word, feed world, tool world, miscellaneous functions Computer aided part programming:- APT language structure: geometry commands, motion commands, postprocessor commands, compilation control commands programming, simulation and demonstration exercises involving plane taper and form turning etc. - 3 practices. Besides to the skill development in performing the work, prepare the control charts and oral examination should also be carried out. Observation and record books are to be maintained.

The students assessment, continuous evaluation, awarding of sessional marks, record bonafides, oral examination etc and University examination shall be carried out by the faculty members (lecturer and above). TEXT BOOKS: 1. Acharkan. N., Machine Tool Design Vol. 1 to 4, MIR Publication. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Chapman, Workshop Technology, Vol II, ELBS. 2. HMT, Production Technology, Tata McGraw Hill. 3. Yoram Koren, Numerical Control of Machine Tools, McGraw-Hill.

Aeronautical Engineering (AN)

Mahatma Gandhi University

EN010301A ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS II (Common to all branches except CS & IT) Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week

Credits: 4

To apply standard methods and basic numerical techniques for solving problems and to know the importance of learning theories in Mathematics.

MODULE 1 Vector differential calculus ( 12 hours) Scalar and vector fields gradient-physical meaning- directional derivative-divergence an curl - physical meaning-scalar potential conservative fieldidentities - simple problems MODULE 2 Vector integral calculus ( 12 hours) Line integral - work done by a force along a path-surface and volume integral-application of Greens theorem, Stokes theorem and Gauss divergence theorem MODULE 3 Finite differences ( 12 hours) Finite difference operators and - interpolation using Newtons forward and backward formula problems using Stirlings formula, Lagranges formula and Newtons divided difference formula MODULE 4 Difference Calculus ( 12 hours) Numerical differentiation using Newtons forward and backward formula Numerical integration Newtons cotes formula Trapezoidal rule Simpsons 1/3rd and 3/8th rule Difference equations solution of difference equation MODULE 5 Z transforms ( 12 hours) Definition of Z transforms transform of polynomial function and trignometric functions shifting property , convolution property - inverse transformation solution of 1st and 2nd order difference equations with constant coifficients using Z transforms. Reference 1. Erwin Kreyszing Advance Engg. Mathematics Wiley Eastern Ltd. 2. B.S. Grewal Higher Engg. Mathematics - Khanna Publishers 3. B.V. Ramana - Higher Engg. Mathematics McGraw Hill 4. K Venkataraman- Numerical methods in science and Engg -National publishing co 5. S.S Sastry - Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis -PHI 6. T.Veerarajan and T.Ramachandran- Numerical Methods- McGraw Hill 7. Babu Ram Engg. Mathematics -Pearson. 8. H.C.Taneja Advanced Engg. Mathematics Vol I I.K.International

Syllabus - B.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

EN010 302 Economics and Communication Skills

(Common to all branches) Teaching scheme 2hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week

Credits: 4(3+1)

Objectives To impart a sound knowledge of the fundamentals of Economics.

Module I (7 hours) Reserve Bank of India-functions-credit control-quantitative and qualitative techniques Commercial banks-functions- Role of Small Industries Development Bank of India and National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development The stock market-functions-problems faced by the stock market in India-mutual funds Module II (6 hours) Multinational corporations in India-impact of MNCs in the Indian economy Globalisation-necessity-consequences Privatisation-reasons-disinvestment of public sector undertakings The information technology industry in India-future prospects Module III (6 hours) Direct and indirect taxes- impact and incidence- merits of direct and indirect taxesprogressive and regressive taxes-canons of taxation-functions of tax systemtax evasion-reasons for tax evasion in India-consequences-steps to control tax evasion Deficit financing-role-problems associated with deficit financing Module IV (5 hours) National income-concepts-GNP, NNP, NI, PI and DPI-methods of estimating national income-difficulties in estimating national income Inflation-demand pull and cost push-effects of inflation-government measures to control inflation Module V (6 hours) International trade-case for free trade-case for protectionism Balance of payments-causes of disequilibrium in Indias BOP-General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade-effect of TRIPS and TRIMS in the Indian economy-impact of WTO decisions on Indian industry Text Books 1. Ruddar Datt, Indian Economy, S.Chand and Company Ltd. 2. K.K.Dewett, Modern Economic Theory, S.Chand and Company Ltd. References 1. Paul Samuelson, Economics, Tata McGraw Hill 2. Terence Byres, The Indian Economy, Oxford University Press 3. S.K.Ray, The Indian economy, Prentice Hall of India 4. Campbell McConnel, Economics, Tata McGraw Hill

Syllabus - B.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Communication Skills
Objectives To improve Language Proficiency of the Engineering students To enable them to express themselves fluently and appropriately in social and professional contexts To equip them with the components of different forms of writing MODULE 1 (15 hours) INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATION Communication nature and process, Types of communication - Verbal and Non verbal, Communication Flow-Upward, Downward and Horizontal, Importance of communication skills in society, Listening skills, Reading comprehension, Presentation Techniques, Group Discussion, Interview skills, Soft skills MODULE II (15 hours) TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION Technical writing skills- Vocabulary enhancement-synonyms, Word Formationsuffix, affix, prefix, Business letters, Emails, Job Application, Curriculum Vitae, Report writing- Types of reports Note: No university examination for communication skills. There will be internal evaluation for 1 credit. REFERENCES 1. The functional aspects of communication skills, P.Prasad and Rajendra K. Sharma, S.K. Kataria and sons, 2007 2. Communication skills for Engineers and Scientists, Sangeeta Sharma and Binod Mishra, PHI Learning private limited, 2010 3. Professional Communication, Kumkum Bhardwaj, I.K. International (P) House limited, 2008 4. English for technical Communication, Aysha Viswamohan, Tata Mc Graw Publishing company limited, 2008

Syllabus - B.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

AN010 303: Fluid Mechanics

(Common with ME010 303 and PE010 303) Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To impart the basic concepts of fluid mechanics by providing exposure to diverse real world engineering examples. To develop understanding about basic laws and equations used for analysis of static and dynamic fluids. Module I (15 hours) Introduction and basic concepts-properties of fluids-density, specific gravity, specific weight, specific volume, capillarity, surface tension, compressibility, bulk modulus, viscosityNewtonian and non Newtonian fluids. Fluid statics: pressure-variation of pressure-absolute and guage pressure- Pascals law, manometers- hydrostatic force on plane and curved surfaces-buoyancy and floatationstability of submerged and floating bodies-metacentric height. Module II (12 hours) Eulers momentum equation-Bernoullis equation and its limitations-momentum and energy correction factors-applications of Bernoullis equation-venturimeter, orifice meter, pitot tube, orifices and mouthpieces, notches and weirs-rotameter. Module III (10 hours) Flow through pipes-laminar and turbulent flow in pipes-critical Reynolds number- Darcy Weisbach equation-hydraulic radius-power transmission through pipes-losses in pipes-pipes in series pipes in parallel-hydraulic gradient line and total energy line-equivalent pipe-moodys diagram-water hammer. Open channel flow-Chezys equation-most economical cross section-hydraulic jump. Module IV (12 hours) Fluid kinematics-Eulerian and Lagrangian approaches-classification of fluid flow-graphical description of flow pattern-stream lines, path lines, streak lines, stream tubes-velocity and acceleration in fluid flow-continuity equation. Ideal fluids-rotational and irrotational flow-circulation and vorticity-potential function and stream function, basic flow fields-uniform flow. Source, sink, doublet, vortex, spiral flow, flow past a cylinder with circulation-Magnus effect-Joukowski theorem. Module V (11 hours) Boundary layer-boundary layer flow theory- boundary layer over flat plate- boundary layer thickness-displacement, momentum and energy thickness-boundary layer separation-methods of controlling-wake-drag force on a rectangular plate-pressure drag-friction drag-total dragstreamlined body-bluff body, lift and drag force on an aerofoil-characteristics-work done. Hagen-Poiseuille equation. Text Books Yunus A. Cengel and John M. Cimbala, Fluid Mechanics, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi R.K.Rajput, Fluid Mechanics, S Chand and Company, New Delhi Reference Books 1. Douglas, Fluid Mechanics, Pearson Education, New Delhi 2. Shames I.H, Fluid Mechanics, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 3. D. S .Kumar , Fluid Mechanics, S. K. Kataria & Sons, New Delhi 4. White F.M, Fluid Mechanics, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 5. S. K. Som & G Biswas, Fluid Mechanics, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 6. R. K. Bhansal, Fluid Mechanics& Hydraulic Machines, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi 7. B.S Massey, Fluid Mechanics, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 8.Syllabus -& Seth, Fluid Mechanics& Hydraulic Machines, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi Mody B.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering. 9. F.M. Streeter, Fluid Mechanics, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 10. Jagdishlal , Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulics, Metropolitan Book Co., New Delhi
1. 2.

Mahatma Gandhi University

AN010 304: Basic Thermodynamics

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives

Credits: 4

To impart the basic concepts of Thermodynamics

Module I (---8---hours) Fundamentals concepts scope and limitations of thermodynamics. Thermodynamic systems different types of systems macroscopic and microscopic analysis continuum Properties state processes. Thermodynamics equilibrium Equation of state of an ideal gas PVT system Real gas relations Compressibility factor Law of corresponding states. Module II (---15---hours) Las of thermodynamics- Zeroth law of thermodynamics Thermal equilibrium Concept of temperature Temperature scales Thermometry Perfect gas temperature scales. Thermometry Perfect gas temperature scales. Work and heat First law of thermodynamics Concept of energy _ First law for closed and open systems Specific heats internal energy and enthalpy Steady flow energy equations _ Jule Thompson effect. Module III (---15---hours) Second law of thermodynamics- Various statements and their equivalence_ Reversible process and reversible cycles- Carnot cycles- Corollaries of the second law thermodynamics temperature scales Clausis inequality- Concept of entropy Calculation of change in entropy in various thermodynamic processes Reversibility and irreversibility Available and unavailable energy Third law of thermodynamics. Module IV (--11--- hours) Thermodynamic relations Combined first and second law equations Hemholtz and gibbs functions Maxwell relations- Equations for specific heats, internal energy, enthalpy and entropy Clausius Clapeyron equations _ applications of thermo dynamic relations. Module V (----11-- hours) Properties of pure substances PVT, PT and TS diagrams, Mollier diagrams- Mixture of gases and vapours- mixture of ideal gases Daltons law Gibbs law- Thermodynamic properties of mixtures

Text Books

1 P K Nag, Engineering Thermodynamics, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. New Delhi 2008.
Reference Books

1. J. F. Lee and FW Sears, Engineering Thermodynamics, Addison-Wesleg Publishing Company, London, 1962. 2. Spalding and Cole, Engineering Thermodynamics, The English Language Book Society and Edward Arnold Ltd.,1976. 3. M. A.chuthan, Engineering Thermodynamics,Prentice Hall of India Private Ltd, New Delhi 2002. 4. J.H Keenan, Thermodynamics, John Wiley and Sons , New York, 1963. 5. Edward F Obert, Concept of Thermodynamics, McGraw Hill book company New York, 1988. 6. J.P. Holman, Thermodynamics, McGraw Hill book company New York, 1988. 7. Mark W. Zemansky, Heat and Thermodynamic, McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2001. 8 Roy T, Basic Engineering Thermodynamics, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. New Delhi 1989. Syllabus - B.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

AN010 305: Elements of Aeronautics

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives

Credits: 4

To introduce the basic concepts of aerospace engineering and the current developments in the related fields

Module I (10 hours)

Historical evaluation Early airplanes, biplanes and monoplanes, Developments materials, structures and propulsion over years.
Module II (12 hours)



Aircraft configurations Components of an airplane and their functions. Different types of flight vehicles, classifications. Conventional control, Powered control, Basic instruments for flying, typical systems for control actuation.
Module III (12 hours) Introduction to principles of flight Physical properties and structure of the atmosphere, Temperature, pressure and altitude relationships, Evolution of lift, drag and moment. Aerofoils, Mach number, Maneuvers. Module IV (12 hours)

Introduction to airplane structures and materials

General types of construction, Monocoque, semi-monocoque and geodesic construction, Typical wing and fuselage structure. Metallic and non-metallic materials, Use of aluminum alloy, titanium, stainless steel and composite materials. Module V ( 12hours) Power plants used in airplanes Basic ideas about piston, turboprop and jet engines, Use of propeller and jets for thrust production. Comparative merits, Principles of operation of rocket, types of rockets and typical applications, Exploration into space.

Text Books

I. Anderson, J.D., "Introduction to Flight", McGraw-Hi II, 1995.


Kermode, A.c., "Flight without Formulae", McGraw Hill, 1997

Syllabus - B.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

AN010 306: Basic Strength of Materials

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To study internal effects produced and deformations of bodies caused by externally applied forces. To understand the stresses and strains in different materials and analyse strength characteristic of structural members. Module I (15 hours) Introduction to analysis of deformable bodies:stresses due to normal, shear and bearing loads-Axial and shear strains Simple stresses and strains: Material behavior - uniaxial tension test - stress-strain diagrams. Hooke's law for linearly elastic isotropic material. Elastic constants - relation between them - Bars of varying cross section -Composite sectionsEquilibrium and compatibility conditions- Temperature stresses Module II (10 hours) Bending moment and shear force: Cantilever, simply supported and overhanging beams concentrated and U.D loading (analytical method) Relation between load shear force and bending moment. Module III (15 hours) Stresses in beams: Pure bending - flexure formula for beams - assumptions and limitations -section modulus - flexural rigidity - economic sections beams of uniform strength. Shearing stress formula for beams - assumptions and limitations. Deflection of beams: Moment-curvature relation - assumptions and limitations singularity functions - Macaulays method - moment area method for simple cases. Module IV (10 hours)

Torsion: Torsion theory of elastic circular bars solid and hollow shaft assumptions and limitations - polar modulus- torsional rigidity - economic cross-sections. Pressure vessels: Thin and thick cylinders-Lame's equation-stresses in thick cylinders due to internal pressure compound pipes.
Module V (10 hours) Combined stresses: Principal stresses and planes-Mohr's circle representation of stress in 2D problems. Use of strain gage rosettes. Combined axial, flexural and torsional loads. Theory of columns: Buckling theory -Euler's formula for long columns - assumptions and limitations - effect of end conditions - slenderness ratio - Rankine's formula for intermediate columns -Eccentric loading of columns - kern of a section (rectangular and circular section). Text Books Timoshenko.S.P, Strength of Materials, Part 1,D.Van Nostrand company, Inc.Newyork. Bansal R.K., Strength of Materials, Lakshmi Publications, New Delhi. Mott, Robert L, Applied strength of materials, 5th Edn, Prentice Hall of India. Popov E.P., Engineering Mechanics of solids, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi. Reference Books 1. Nash.W.A , Strength of Materials, Schaums Outlines,$th Edn, TMH Syllabus - B.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering. 2. Gere, James M , Mechanics of Materials, Cengage Learning. 3. Shames IH , Pitarresi, James.M, Introduction to Solid Mechanics, Prentice Hall of India.

3. 4. 5. 6.

Mahatma Gandhi University

AN010 307: Basic Strength of Materials Lab

Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Credits: 2

List of Experiments 1. Hardness test

(Brinell, Vickers and Rebound)

2. Verification of Clerk. Maxwell's Law of reciprocal deflection and

Determination of Youngs modulusE for steel.

3. Shear Test on M.S. Rod. 4. Tension test using U. T. M. on M. S. Rod, torsteel and High Tensile steel. 5. Torsion test on mild steel rod 6. Impact test on metal specimen (a) Izad (b) Charpy 7. Fatigue test (a) Reverse plate bending (b) Rotating beam

8. Tests on springs (open and close coiled). 9. Block compression test. 10. Deflection test on beams 11. Strain Measurement using Rosette strain gauge

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50) 50%-Laboratory practical and record 30%- Test/s 20%- Regularity in the class

End Semester Examination (Maximum Marks-100) 70% - Procedure, conducting experiment, results, tabulation, and inference 30% - Viva voce

Syllabus - B.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

AN010 308: Fluid Mechanics Lab

(Common with ME010 308, PE010 308 and AU010 308) Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Credits: 2

Objectives To provide exposure to the actual flow process and various instruments adopted for flow measurement . Study and acquire a thorough knowledge of the various pipe fittings and plumbing tools. Study the use of different types of taps, valves. Study the various measuring instruments like gauges, pitot tube, watermeters and current meters. Determination of metacentric height and radius of gyration of floating bodies. Determination of hydraulic coefficients of orifices and mouthpieces under constant head method and time of emptying method. Calibration of discharge measuring equipments in closed conduits like venturimeter, orificemeter, watermeter etc. Calibration of discharge measuring equipments in open channel flow like rectangular and triangular notches. Determination of Darcys constant and Chezys constant for pipe flow. Determination of critical velocity in pipe flow. Determination of minor losses in pipe flow. Experimental verification of Bernoullis theorem. Determination of Chezys constant and Mannings number for open channel flow. Calibration of Plug Sluices.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50) 50%-Laboratory practical and record 30%- Test/s 20%- Regularity in the class

End Semester Examination (Maximum Marks-100) 70% - Procedure, conducting experiment, results, tabulation, and inference 30% - Viva voce

Syllabus - B.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

EN010401 Engineering Mathematics III

(Common to all branches) Teaching scheme Credits: 4 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives: Apply standard methods of mathematical &statistical analysis MODULE 1 Fourier series ( 12 hours) Dirichlet conditions Fourier series with period 2 and 2l Half range sine and cosine series Harmonic Analysis r.m.s Value MODULE 2 Fourier Transform ( 12 hours) Statement of Fourier integral theorem Fourier transforms derivative of transformsconvolution theorem (no proof) Parsevals identity MODULE 3 Partial differential equations ( 12 hours) Formation by eliminating arbitrary constants and arbitrary functions solution of Lagranges equation Charpits method solution of Homogeneous partial differential equations with constant coefficients MODULE 4 Probability distribution ( 12 hours) Concept of random variable , probability distribution Bernoullis trial Discrete distribution Binomial distribution its mean and variance- fitting of Binominal distribution Poisson distribution as a limiting case of Binominal distribution its mean and variance fitting of Poisson distribution continuous distribution- Uniform distribution exponential distribution its mean and variance Normal distribution Standard normal curve- its properties MODULE 5 Testing of hypothesis ( 12 hours) Populations and Samples Hypothesis level of significance type I and type II error Large samples tests test of significance for single proportion, difference of proportion, single mean, difference of mean chi square test for variance- F test for equality of variances for small samples References
1. Bali& Iyengar A text books of Engg. Mathematics Laxmi Publications Ltd. 2. M.K. Venkataraman Engg. Mathematics vol II 3rd year part A & B National Publishing Co. 3. I.N. Sneddon Elements of partial differential equations Mc Graw Hill 4. B.V. Ramana Higher Engg. Mathematics Mc Graw Hill 5. Richard A Johnson Miller Freads probability & Statistics for EngineersPearson/ PHI 6. T. Veerarajan Engg. Mathematics Mc Graw Hill 7. G. Haribaskaran Probability, Queueing theory and reliability Engg. Laxmi Publications 8. V. Sundarapandian - probability ,Statistics and Queueing theory PHI 9. H.C.Taneja Advanced Engg. Mathematics Vol II I.K.International 10. A.K.Mukhopadhyay-Mathematical Methods For Engineers and PhysicistsI.K.International

11. H.C.Taneja Advanced Engg. Mathematics Vol II I.K.International 12. A.K.Mukhopadhyay-Mathematical Methods For Engineers and Physicists-I.K.International

Syllabus - B.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

AN010 402: Gas Dynamics

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To understand the basics and concepts of gas dynamics Module I (12 hours) Thermodynamics of gas flow. Introductory concepts of compressible flow, Isentropic flow, Stagnation properties, Sonic velocity, Isentropic flow of vapours and ideal gases through nozzles and diffusers, Super saturation in nozzles, Irreversible adiabatic flow through nozzles.

Module II (12 hours) Effect of normal shock on gas flow. Normal shocks, Stationary and moving applications, applications to supersonic wind tunnels, Shock tubes, Supersonic pitot probes.

Module III (12 hours) Effect of oblique shocks. Oblique shock, Reflection, Prandtl Meyer expansion flow, Fanno flow, and Raleigh flow under and over expanded nozzles, Shock expansion method for flow over airfoils. Module IV (12 hours) Airfoil theory. Prandtl, Glauert and Goethert rules, Aukerets supersonic airfoil theory Module V (12 hours) Perturbation equations in Compressible flow. Small perturbation equations for subsonic, Transonic, Supersonic and hypersonic flow, Experimental characteristics of air foils in compressible flow.

Text Books Reference Books

1. Anderson Jr. D, Fundamentals of Aerodynamics, Mc grow Hill 2. P. Balachandran , Gas Dynamics For Engineers, PHI Learning. 3. Robert D. Zucker and Oscar Biblarz, Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics, Second
Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 4. E. Rathakrishnan, Gas Dynamics, PHI Private Ltd, 2003.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

AN010 403: Propulsion I

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives
To understand the principles of operation and design of aircraft and spacecraft power plants.

Credits: 4

Module I (12 hours) Fundamentals of gas turbine engines Illustration of working of gas turbine engine - The thrust equation - Factors affecting thrust Effect of pressure, velocity and temperature changes of air entering compressor - Methods of thrust augmentation - Characteristics of turboprop, turbofan and turbojet Performance characteristics. Module II (12 hours) Subsonic and supersonic inlets for jet engines Internal flow and Stall in subsonic inlets - Boundary layer separation -Major features of external flow near a subsonic inlet - Relation between minimum area ratio and eternal deceleration ratio -Diffuser performance -Supersonic inlets -Starting problem on supersonic inlets - Shock swallowing by area variation - External declaration -Models of inlet operation. Module III (12 hours) Combustion chambers Classification of combustion chambers - Important factors affecting combustion chamber design Combustion process - Combustion chamber performance - Effect of operating variables on performance Flame tube cooling - Flame stabilization - Use of flame holders - Numerical problems. Module IV (12 hours) Nozzles Theory of flow in isentropic nozzles - Convergent nozzles and nozzle choking - Nozzle throat conditions, Nozzle efficiency - Losses in nozzles - Over expanded and under - expanded nozzles - Ejector and variable area nozzles - Interaction of nozzle flow with adjacent surfaces - Thrust reversal Module V (12 hours) Compressors Principle of operation of centrifugal compressor - Work done and pressure rise Velocity diagrams - Diffuser vane design considerations - Concept of prewhirl Rotation stall - Elementary theory of axial flow compressor - Velocity triangles - degree of reaction Three dimensional flow- Air angle distributions for free vortex and constant reaction designs - Compressor blade design - Centrifugal and Axial compressor performance characteristics. Text Books

Hill, P.G. & Peterson, C.R. "Mechanics & Thermodynamics of Propulsion" Addison Wesley Longman INC, 1999.
Reference Books
1. Cohen, H. Rogers, G.F.e. and Saravanamuttoo, H.I.H. "Gas Turbine Theory",

Longman, 1989. Education Series, New York, 1985. 3. "Rolls Royce Jet Engine" -Third Edition -1983. Publishers & Distributors, Delhi, 1999.
Syllabus - B.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering. 2. Oates, G.e., "Aero thermodynamics of Aircraft Engine Components", AIAA

Mathur, M.L. and Sharma, R.P., "Gas Turbine, Jet and Rocket Propulsion", Standard

Mahatma Gandhi University

AN010 404: Aerodynamics I

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To understand the behaviour of airflow over bodies with particular emphasis on airfoil sections in the incompressible flow regime. Module I (10 hours) Fluid mechanics fundamentals Continuity, momentum and energy equations. Module II (12 hours) Two dimensional flows Basic flows -Source, Sink, Free and Forced vortex, uniform parallel flow. Their combinations, Pressure and velocity distributions on bodies with and without circulation in ideal and real fluid flows. Kutta Joukowski's theorem. Module III (12 hours)

Conformal transformation
Joukowski Transformation and its application to fluid flow problems, Kutta condition, Blasius theorem. Module IV (14 hours) Airfoil and wing theory Joukowski, Karman -Trefftz, Profiles -Thin aerofoil theory and its applications. Vortex line, Horse shoe vortex, Biot and Savart law, Lifting line theory and its limitations. viscous flow:Newton's law of viscosity, Boundary Layer, Navier-Stokes equation, displacement, Momentum thickness, Flow over a flat plate, Blasins solution. Module V (12 hours)

Viscous flow
Newtons law of viscosity, Boundary Layer, Navier-Stokes equation, displacement, Momentum thickness, Flow over a flat plate, Blasin solution.

Text Books

1. Anderson, J.D., "Fundamentals of Aerodynamics", McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1985
Reference Books

1. Houghton, E.L., and Carruthers, N.B., "Aerodynamics for students", Edward Arnold Publishers Ltd., London, 1989. 2. Milne Thomson, L.H., "Theoretical aerodynamics", Macmillan, 1985. 3. Clancey, L.J., "Aerodynamics", Pitman, 1986


Syllabus - B.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

AN010 405: Aircraft Structures I

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives Credits: 4

To study different types of beams and columns subjected to various types of load and supports with emphasis on aircraft structural components.
Module I (12 hours)

Statically determinate structures Double integration and moment area methods, Conjugate beam method, Principle of superposition, Beams of constant strength, Analysis of plane truss - Method of joints 3 D Truss - Plane frames
Module II (10 hours)

Statically indeterminate structures Composite beam - Clapeyron's Three Moment Equation - Moment Distribution Method.
Module III (12 hours)

Energy methods Strain Energy due to axial, shear, bending and Torsional loads - Castigliano's theorem - Maxwell's Reciprocal theorem, Unit load method - application to beams, trusses, frames, rings, etc.
Module IV (12 hours) Columns Columns with various end conditions - Euler's Column curve - Rankine's formula - Column with initial curvature - Eccentric loading - South well plot - Beam column. Module V (14 hours)

Theories of failure Maximum Stress theory - Maximum Strain Theory - Maximum Shear Stress Theory- Distortion Theory Maximum Strain energy theory - Application to aircraft Structural problems.

Text Books

Donaldson, B.K., "Analysis of Aircraft Structures -An Introduction", McGraw-Hill, 1993.


Timoshenko, S., "Strength of Materials", Vol. I and II, Princeton D. Von Nostrand Co, 1990.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

AN010 406: Electrical Technology and Machines

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4


To study the performance of different dc and ac machines To familiarise various electrical measuring instruments To give an overview of electric drives and power electronic control scheme
Module I (12hours) Review of DC generators DC generator on no load open circuit characteristics basics of armature reaction and commutation load characteristics of shunt, series and compound generators Review of dc motors characteristics of shunt, series and compound motors starter 3 point and 4 point starters losses in DC machines power flow diagram efficiency applications of DC motors. Module II (12 hours) Review of transformers Real transformer winding resistance and leakage reactance equivalent circuit phasor diagram voltage regulation losses and efficiency open circuit and short circuit test Autotransformer saving of copper 3 phase transformer - -, Y-Y, - Y, Y - connections applications. Principle of indicating instruments moving coil, moving iron and dynamometer type instruments extension of range of ammeter and voltmeter using current transformer and voltage transformer principle and working of induction type energy meter

Module III (16hours)

Review of alternators distribution and chording factor EMF equation armature reaction phasor diagram voltage regulation predetermination of voltage regulation by EMF method. Review of 3-phase induction motor slip rotor frequency equivalent circuit phasor diagram torque equation torque-slip characteristics losses and efficiency power flow diagram no-load and blocked rotor tests starting of 3-phase induction motors direct-online, auto transformer, star-delta and rotor resistance starting. Module IV (10 hours) Electrical Drives - Parts of electrical drives - Choice of electric drives - Status of DC and AC drives - Dynamics of Electric drives - Fundamental torque equations Speed torque conventions and multiquadrant operation - Components of load torque Nature and classification of load torque - Steady-state stability load equalisation. Module V (10 hours) Power semiconductor devices - Symbol and control characteristics of SCR comparison of SCR, TRIAC, MOSFET and IGBT Basic concepts of Rectifier (AC-DC) , Inverter (DCAC ) and Choppers (DC-DC) (no derivations) - Chopper control of separately excited dc motor - Three phase Induction motor drives - Stator voltage control - Frequency control Voltage and frequency control

Syllabus - B.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering.

Text Books Mahatma Gandhi University 1. Vincent Del Toro, Electrical Engineering Fundamentals, Prentice-Hall of India 2. Hughes, Electrical technology, Tata Mc Graw Hill 3. Dubey G.K., Fundamentals a/Electrical Drives, Narosa Reference Books 1. K. Sawhney, Electrical and Electronics measuring Instruments, Dhanpat Rai & Sons. 2. P.S. Bhimbra, Electrical Machinery, Khanna Publishers 3. K. Murukesh Kumar, DC machines and Transformers, Vikas Publishing house Pvt Ltd 4. Rashid M.H, Power Electronics, Prentice Hall of India

Syllabus - B.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

AN010 407: Structures Lab

3 hours practical per week
Objectives Teaching scheme Credits: 2

To study experimentally the load materials under different types of loads. List of experiments


characteristics of structural

1. Determination of Young's modulus of steel using mechanical extensometers. 2. Determination of Young's modulus of aluminium using electrical extensometers 3. Determination of fracture strength and fracture pattern of ductile materials 4. Determination of fracture strength and fracture pattern of brittle materials 5. Stress Strain curve for various engineering materials. 6. Deflection of beams with various end conditions. 7. Verification of Maxwell's Reciprocal theorem & principle of superposition 8. Column -Testing 9. South -well's plot. 10. Tests on riveted Joints. Sl No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Equipments Universal Testing Machine Mechanical Extensometer Electrical Strain Gauge Strain Indicator Dial Gauges Beam test set up with various end conditions Weight 1kg Weight 2kg Weight Pans Column test apparatus Rivets Qty 1 1 10 1 12 2 10 10 6 1 30 Experiment No. 1,2,3,4,5,10 1 2 2 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 5,6 10

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50) 50%-Laboratory practical and record 30%- Test/s 20%- Regularity in the class

End Semester Examination (Maximum Marks-100) 70% - Procedure, conducting experiment, results, tabulation, and inference 30% - Viva voce

Syllabus - B.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

AN010 408: Propulsion Lab

Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Objectives Credits: 2

To understand the basic concepts and carryout experiments in Aerospace Propulsion. List of experiments 1. Study of an aircraft piston engine. (Includes study of assembly of sub systems, various components, their functions and operating principles)
2. Study of an aircraft jet engine (Includes study of assembly systems, various components, their functions and operating principles) 3. Study of forced convective heat transfer over a flat plate. of sub

4. Study of free convective heat transfer over a flat plate 5. Cascade testing of a model of axial compressor blade row. 6. Study of performance of a propeller. 7. Determination of heat of combustion of aviation fuel.

8. Combustion performance studies in a jet engine combustion chamber.

Sl.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Equipments Piston engines Jet engine model Forced convection apparatus Free convection apparatus Axial compressor blade row model with pressure tapping Water tube manometers (20 tubes) Subsonic wind tunnel Propeller model static and total pressure probes 2D travers in mechanism Free jet set up Aluminium plates with deflection mechanism

Qty 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 2 1 1

Expt. No 1 2 3 4 5 5,8,9 4 8,9 8 9 10

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50) 50%-Laboratory practical and record 30%- Test/s 20%- Regularity in the class

End Semester Examination (Maximum Marks-100) 70% - Procedure, conducting experiment, results, tabulation, and inference 30% - Viva voce
Syllabus - B.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

EN010501A ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS IV (Common to all branches except CS & IT) Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives: Use basic numerical techniques to solve problems and provide scientific techniques to decision making problems. MODULE 1 Function of Complex variable (12 hours) Analytic functions Derivation of C.R. equations in cartision co-ordinates harmonic and orthogonal properties construction of analytic function given real or imaginary parts complex potential conformal mapping of z2 , - Bilinear transformation cross ratio invariant property (no proof) simple problems MODULE 2 Complex integration (12 hours) Line integral Cauchys integral theorem Cauchys integral formula Taylors series- Laurents series Zeros and singularities types of singularities Residues Residue theorem evaluation of real integrals in unit circle contour integral in semi circle when poles lie on imaginary axis. MODULE 3 Numerical solution of algebraic and transcendental equations (10 hours) Successive bisection method Regula falsi method Newton Raphson method Secant method solution of system of linear equation by Gauss Seidel method MODULE 4 Numerical solution of Ordinary differential equations ( 10 hours) Taylors series method Eulers method modified Eulers method Runge Kutta method (IV order) - Milnes predictor corrector method MODULE 5 Linear programming problem (16 hours) Definition of L.P.P., solution, optimal solution, degenerate solution graphical solution solution using simplex method (non degenerate case only) Big -M method Duality in L.P.P. Transportation problem Balanced T.P. initial solution using Vogels approximation method - modi method (non degenerate case only) References
1. B.V. Ramana Higher Engg. Mathematics Mc Graw Hill 2. M.R.Spicgel , S.Lipschutz , John J. Schiller, D.Spellman Complex variables, schanms outline series - Mc Graw Hill 3. S.Bathul text book of Engg.Mathematics Special functions and complex variables PHI 4. B.S. Grewal Numerical methods in Engg. and science - Khanna Publishers 5. Dr.M.K Venkataraman- Numerical methods in science and Engg -National publishing co 6. S.S Sastry - Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis -PHI 7. P.K.Gupta and D.S. Hira Operations Research S.Chand 8. Panneer Selvam Operations Research PHI 9. H.C.Taneja Advanced Engg. Mathematics Vol II I.K.International

Credits: 4

Syllabus - B.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

EN010 502(ME): Principles of Management

(Common with EN010 402(ME)) Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives Credits: 4

To develop an understanding of different functional areas of management. To understand the functions and duties an individual should perform in an organisation.

Module I (12 hours) Management Concepts: Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives of management-MBOScientific management- Functions of management- Planning- Organizing- StaffingDirecting- Motivating- Communicating- Coordinating- Controlling- Authority and Responsibility- Delegation- Span of control- Organizational structure- Line, Line and staff and Functional relationship. Module II (12 hours) Personnel Management: Definition and concept- Objectives of personnel managementManpower planning- Recruitment and Selection of manpower- Training and development of manpower- Labour welfare- Labour turnover- Quality circle- Industrial fatigue- Industrial disputes-Method of settling disputes- Trade unions. Module III (12 hours) Production management: Objectives and scope of production management- Functions of production department- production management frame work- product life cycle-Types of production- Production procedure- Project planning with CPM and PERT- Basic concepts in network. Module IV (12 hours) Financial Management: Objectives and Functions of Financial Management- Types of Capital- Factors affecting working capital- Methods of financing. Cost Management: Elements of cost- Components of cost- Selling Price of a product. Module V (12 hours) Sales and Marketing Management: Sales management- Concept- Functions of sales department- Duties of sales engineer- Selling concept and Marketing concept- MarketingDefinition and principles of marketing- Marketing management and its functions- Sales forecasting- Pricing- Advertising- Sales promotion- Channels of distribution- Market research. Text Books 1. Koontz and Weihrich, Essentials of Management, Tata McGraw Hill. 2. Mahajan M., Industrial Engineering and Production Management, Dhanpat Rai and Co. 3. Kemthose and Deepak, Industrial Engineering an Management, Prentice Hall of India. Reference Books 1. Martand Telsang, Industrial Engineering and Production Management. 2. Khanna O.P., Industrial Engineering and Management, Dhanpat Rai and Co. 3. Philip Kotler, Marketing Management, Prentice Hall of India. 4. Sharma S. C. & Banga T. R., Industrial Organisation and Engineering Economics, Khanna Publishers. 5. Prasanna Chandra, Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

AN010 503: Computer Programming

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Module I (15 hours) Introduction to computer programming; Various I/O functions; Data types; Constants and Variables; Escape Sequences; Type Casting; Preprocessor Directive; Storage Classes; Scope of Variables; Mathematical Operators; Relational Operators; Branching Instructions; Logical Operators; Conditional Operator; Precedence of Operators; Loops for, while and do-while, break and continue instructions, Nested Loops; Switch statement; Evaluation of ex, sin(x), cos(x) Numerical Integration using Trapezoidal and Simpsons rules. Module II (10 hours) Arrays; One Dimensional Arrays; Selection Sorting; Binary Searching; Various String Handling Functions; Multidimensional Arrays; Matrix Operations (Addition, Transpose and Multiplication); Sorting of Strings; Structure and Union; Array of Structures; Module III (10 hours) Functions; Call by Value Method; Stack; Passing One Dimensional and Multidimensional Arrays to a Function; Recursion; Writing Different String Handling Functions Using Simple Functions and Functions with Recursive Calls; Quick Sorting; Macros; Writing Macros for Simple Operations; Module IV (15 hours) Declaration of Pointers; Call by Reference Method; Pointer to a Structure; Pointer to an Array; Array of Pointers; Pointer to a Pointer; Self Referential Structure; Dynamic Memory Allocation; Reallocation of Memory; Linear Linked List; Circular Linked List; Double Linked List; Addition, Insertion and Deletion of Nodes from a Linked List; Command Line Arguments Module V (10 hours) Different types of Files; Reading, Writing, Appending and Rewriting of Text and Binary Files; Transfer of Data in Blocks; Moving of File Pointer in a File; Usage of bitwise AND, OR, NOT, XOR, Shift Left and Shift Right Operations


Text Books Bryon S.Gottfried, Programming with C Language.

1. 2. 3.

Reference Books Balaguruswamy, Programming in ANSI C, Deitel, How to Program C Kamthane, Programming with ANSI and Turbo C

Syllabus - B.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

AN010 504: Flight Dynamics I

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives To study the performance of airplanes under various operating conditions Module I (10 hours) Drag on airplane Forces and moments acting on a vehicle in flight - Equation of motion of rigid flight vehicles - Various types of drags - Drag polar of vehicles from low speeds to hypersonic speeds. Module II (10 hours) Variation of thrust / pressure with velocity and latitude. Review of variation of thrust / power and S F C with altitude and velocity for various au breathing engine and rockets. Module III (12 hours) Air plane in level flight. Performance of air plane in level flight - glide - climb - accelerated flight turn maneuvers take off and landing flight limitations. Module IV (12 hours) Flight testing. Altitude definitions - Speed definitions - Air speed - Altitude and temperature measurements - Errors and calibration measurement of engine power. Charts and corrections - Flight determination of drag polar. Module V (16 hours) Static longitudinal stability. Degree of freedom of rigid bodies in space - Static and dynamic stability - Purpose of controls in airplanes Static longitudinal stability - Basic equilibrium equation stability criterion - Effect of fuselages and nacelle, Influence of C G location - Power effects - stick fixed neutral points - Stick free stability - Hinge moment coefficient - Stick free neutral points - Symmetric maneuvers - Stick force gradients - Stick force per g.- Aerodynamic balancing Determination of neutral points and maneuver points from flight test. Credits: 4

Reference Books 1. 2. 3. 4. Lancaster, Jet propulsion engines, Princeston University press 1959 A.G. Kermode, Mechanics of Flight, Sir Issac Pitman 1962 A.G. Sutton, Science of flight, Penguin Books E. I Houghton and A E Brock, Aerodynamics for engineers.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

AN010 505: Aerodynamics II

Teaching scheme Credits: 4 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives To understand the behavior of airflow both internal and external in compressible flow regime with particular emphasis on supersonic flows. Module I (8 hours) One dimensional compressible flow Energy - Momentum - continuity and state equations - velocity of sound - adiabatic steady state flow equations - Flow through converging - diverging passages - Performance under various back pressures. Module II (12 hours) Normal, oblique shocks expansion waves Prandtl equation and Rankine -Hugonoit relation - Normal shock equations - Pitot static tube corrections for subsonic and supersonic flows - Oblique shocks and corresponding equations Hodograph and pressure turning angle - shock polars - flow past wedges and concave corners strong - weak and detached shocks. Module III (12hours) Expansion waves, Rayleigh and Fanno Flow Flow past convex corners - Expansion hodograph - Reflection and interaction of shocks and expansion waves - Families of shocks - Methods of Characteristics - Two dimensional supersonic nozzle contours- Rayleigh and Fanno Flow. Module IV (14 hours) Differential equations of motion for steady compressible flows Small perturbation potential theory - solutions for supersonic flows - Mach waves and Mach angles - Prandtl Glauert affine transformation relations for subsonic flows - Linearised two dimensional supersonic flow theory Lift - drag pitching moment and center of pressure of supersonic profiles. Module V (14 hours) Airfoil in high speed flows Lower and upper critical Mach numbers - Lift and drag divergence - shock induced separation - Characteristics of swept wings - Effects of thickness - camber and aspect ratio of wings - Transonic area rule - Tip effects. High speed wind tunnels Blow down - indraft and induction tunnel layouts and their design features Transonic, supersonic and hypersonic tunnels and their peculiarities - Helium and gas tunnels - Shock tubes - Optical methods of flow visualization. Text Books 1. Rathakrishnan, E., "Gas Dynamics", Prentice Hall of India, 2003. Reference 1. Shapiro, A.H., "Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Compressible Fluid Flow", Ronold Press, 1982. 2. Zucrow, M.J. and Anderson, J.D., "Elements of gas dynamics", McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1989. .. 3. Mc Cornick. W., "Aerodynamics, Aeronautics and Flight Mechanics", John Wiley, New York, 1979. 4. Anderson Jr., D., -"Modern compressible flows", McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York 1999
Syllabus - B.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

AN010 506: Propulsion II

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To study in detail about gas turbines, ramjet, fundamentals of rocket propulsion and chemical rockets Module I (12 hours) Aircraft and gas turbines Impulse and reaction blading of gas turbines Velocity triangles and power output Elementary theory Vortex theory Choice of blade profile, pitch and chord Estimation of stage performance Limiting factors in gas turbine design- Overall turbine performance Methods of blade cooling Matching of turbine and compressor Module II (12 hours) Ramjet propulsion Operating principle Sub critical, critical and supercritical operation Combustion in ramjet engine Ramjet performance Simple ramjet design calculations Introduction to scramjet. Module III (12 hours) Fundamentals of rocket propulsion Operating principle Specific impulse of a rocket internal ballistics- Rocket nozzle classification Rocket performance considerations. Module IV (12 hours) Chemical rockets Solid propellant rockets Selection criteria of solid propellants Important hardware components of solid rockets Propellant grain design considerations Liquid propellant rockets Selection of liquid propellants. Cooling in liquid rockets Hybrid rockets. Limitations of hybrid rockets Relative advantages of liquid rockets over solid rockets - Numerical Problems. Module V (12 hours) Advanced propulsion techniques Electric rocket propulsion Ion propulsion techniques Nuclear rocket Types Solar sail- Preliminary Concepts in nozzle less propulsion.

Text Books th 1.Sutton, G.P., "Rocket Propulsion Elements", John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, 5 Edn. 1993. 2.Hill, P.G. & Peterson, C.R. "Mechanics & Thermodynamics of Propulsion" Addison -Wesley Longman INC, 1999. Reference Books I. Cohen, H., Rogers, G.F.C. and Saravanamuttoo, H.l.H., "Gas Turbine Theory", Longman Co., ELBS Ed., 1989. 1.Gorden, C Y., "Aero thermodynamics of Gas Turbine and Rocket Propulsion", AIAA Education Series, New York, 1989. 2.Mathur, M., and Sharma, R.P., "Gas Turbines and Jet and Rocket Propulsion", Standard Publishers, New Delhi, 1988.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

AN010 507: Wind tunnel Lab

Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week List of experiments Credits: 2

1. Calibration of subsonic tunnels. 2. Calibration of supersonic tunnels. 3. Determination of Mach number of subsonic and supersonic waves using wind tunnel. 4. Measurement of pressure, velocity and force by three component balances. 5. Measurement of pressure, velocity and force by six component balance method. 6. To measure angular distribution of velocities in subsonic wave. 7. To measurement angular distribution of velocities in supersonic wave. 8. Effect of shock wave. 9. Turbulence measurements. 10. Study of flow visualization by optical method

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50) 50%-Laboratory practical and record 30%- Test/s 20%- Regularity in the class

End Semester Examination (Maximum Marks-100) 70% - Procedure, conducting experiment, results, tabulation, and inference 30% - Viva voce

Syllabus - B.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

AN010 508: Propulsion Lab II

Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Objectives To understand the basic concepts and carryout experiments in Aerospace Propulsion. Credits: 2

List of Experiments 1. Study of an aircraft piston engine. (Includes study of assembly of sub systems, various components, their functions and operating principles) 2. Study of magneto and ignition system. 3. Study of an aircraft jet engine compressor. 4. Study of jet engine combustion chamber. 5. Study of jet engine turbine. 6. Study of forced convective heat transfer over a flat plate. 7. Study of free convective heat transfer over a flat plate 8. Study of free jet. 9. Study of wall jet. 10. Study of ram jet.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50) 50%-Laboratory practical and record 30%- Test/s 20%- Regularity in the class

End Semester Examination (Maximum Marks-100) 70% - Procedure, conducting experiment, results, tabulation, and inference 30% - Viva voce

Syllabus - B.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

AN010 601: Avionics

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives Credits: 4

To introduce the basic concepts of navigation & communication systems of aircraft.

Module I (12 hours) Introduction to avionics Need for Avionics in civil and military aircraft and space systems -Integrated Avionics and Weapon system -Typical avionics sub systems -Design and Technologies. Module II (12 hours) Principles of digital systems Digital Computers Digital number system - number systems and codes-Fundamentals of logic and combinational logic circuits Digital arithmetic interfacing with analogue systems - Microprocessors Memories. Module III (12 hours) Digital avionics architecture Avionics system architecture salient features and applications of Data buses MIL STD 1553 B ARINC 429 ARINC 629. Module IV (12 hours) Flight deck and cockpits Control and display technologies CRT, LED, LCD, EL and plasma panel - Touch screen - Direct voice input (DVI) - Civil cockpit and military cockpit : MFDS, HUD, MFK, HOTAS Module V (12 hours) Avionics systems Communication Systems - Navigation systems - Flight control systems - Radar electronic warfare - Utility systems Reliability and maintainability - Certification.

Text Books 1. Malcrno A.P. and Leach, D.P., Digital Principles and Application, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1990. 2. Gaonkar, R.S., Microprocessors Architecture Programming and Application, Wiley and Sons Ltd., New Delhi, 1990. Reference Books 1. Middleton, D.H., Ed., Avionics Systems, Longman Scientific and Technical, Longman Group UK Ltd., England, 1989. 2. Spitzer, C.R., Digital Avionic Systems, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., USA., 1987. 3. Brain Kendal, Manual of Avionics, The English Book House, 3rd Edition, New Delhi, 1993.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

AN010 602: Experimental Aerodynamics

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives To present the measurement techniques involved in aerodynamic testing. Credits: 4

Module I (12 hours) Wind tunnel testing Low speed wind tunnels-estimation of energy ratio and power required supersonic win tunnels - calculation of running time and storage tank requirements. Module II (12 hours) Experiments in subsonic wind tunnels Estimation of flow angularity and turbulence factor-calculation of CL and CD on aero foils from pressure distribution- CD from wake survey-Test section average velocity using traversing rakes-span wise load distribution for different taper ratios of wing Module III (12 hours) Experiments in high speed tunnels Mach number estimation in test section by pressure measurement and using a wedge preliminary estimates of blowing and running pressures, nozzle area ratios, mass flow for a given test section size and Mach number-starting problem and starting loads. Module IV (12 hours) Measurement techniques Hot wire anemometer and laser Doppler anemometer for turbulence and velocity measurements-Use of thermocouples and pyrometers for measurement of static and total temperatures-Use of pressure transducers, Rotameters and ultrasonic flow meters. Module V (12 hours) Special problems Pitot-static tube correction for subsonic and supersonic Mach numbers-boundary layer velocity profile on a flat plate by momentum-integral method -Calculation of CD from wall shear stress-Heating requirements in hypersonic wind tunnels-Re-entry problems.

Reference Books 1. Rae W.H and Pope. A Low speed wind tunnel testing John Wiley Publication, 1984 2. Pope. A and Goin. L High speed wind tunnel testing John Wiley, 1985 3. Rathakrishnan. E Instrumentation, Measurement and Experiments in Fluids, CRC Press, London, 2007

Syllabus - B.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

AN010 603: Aircraft Structures II

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives To study the behaviour of various aircraft structural components under different loading conditions Module I (12 hours) Unsymmetrical bending General, Principal axis and neutral axis methods- bending stresses in beams of symmetric sections with skew loads- bending stresses in beams of unsymmetrical sections. Module II (12 hours) Shear flow in open sections Thin walled beams, Concept of shear flow, shear centre, Elastic axis. With one axis of symmetry, with wall effective and ineffective in bending, unsymmetrical beam sections. Module III (12 hours) Shear flow in closed sections Bredt Batho formula, Single and multi cell structures - Shear flow in single & multicell structures under torsion. Shear flow in single and multicell under bending with walls effective and ineffective. Module IV (12 hours) Buckling of plates Rectangular sheets under compression, local buckling stress of thin walled sectionCrippling stresses by Needhams and Gerards methods, Thin walled column strengthsheet stiffener panels-Effective width. Module V (12 hours) Stress analysis in wing and fuselage Shear resistant web beams-Tension field web beams(Wagners) Shear and bending moment distribution for cantilever and semi-cantilever types of beams-loads on aircraft lift distribution-V-n diagram-Gust loads Credits: 4

Text Books nd 1. Peery, D. J., and Azar, J. J., Aircraft Structures, 2 edition, McGrawHill, N.Y., 2007. 2. Megson, T.M.G., Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students, Edward Arnold, 2007. Reference Books 1. Bruhn. E. H. Analysis and Design of Flight vehicles Structures, Tri state off set company, USA, 1985. 2. Rivello, R. M., Theory and Analysis of Flight Structures, McGraw-Hill, 1993.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

AN010 604: Heat Transfer

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To introduce the concepts of heat transfer to enable the students to design components subjected to thermal loading. Module I (12 hours) Heat conduction Basic Modes of Heat Transfer - One dimensional steady state heat conduction- Composite Medium Critical thickness - Effect of variation of thermal Conductivity - Extended Surfaces - Unsteady state. Heat Conduction: Lumped System Analysis - Heat Transfer in Semi infinite and infinite solids - Use of Transient - Temperature charts -Application of numerical techniques. Module II ( 12 hours) Convective heat transfer Introduction - Free convection in atmosphere free convection on a vertical flat plate - Empirical relation in free convection - Forced convection - Laminar and turbulent convective heat transfer analysis in flows between parallel plates, over a flat plate and in a circular pipe. Empirical relations, application of numerical techniques in problem solving. Module III (12 hours) Radiative heat transfer Introduction to Physical mechanism - Radiation properties - Radiation shape factors -Heat exchange between non - black bodies - Radiation shields. Module IV (12 hours) Heat exchangers Classification - Temperature Distribution - Overall heat transfer coefficient - Heat Exchange Analysis LMTD Method and E-NTU Method. Module V (12 hours) Heat transfer problems Heat transfer problems in aerospace engineering High-Speed flow Heat Transfer, Heat Transfer problems in gas turbine combustion chambers - Rocket thrust chambers - Aerodynamic heating - Ablative heat transfer. Text Books 1. J. Yunus A. Cengel., "Heat Transfer -A practical approach", Second Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2002. 2. Incropera. F.P .and Dewitt.D.P. Introduction to Heat Transfer", John Wiley and Sons -2002. Reference Books 1.Lienhard, J.H., "A Heat Transfer Text Book", Prentice Hall Jnc. 1981. th 2.Holman, J.P. "Heat Transfer", McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, 6 Edn. 1991. 3.Sachdeva S C, "Fundamentals of Engineering Heat & Mass Transfer", Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi, 1981. 4.Mathur M. and Sharma, R.P. "Gas Turbine and Jet and Rocket Propulsion", Standard Publishers, New Delhi 1988.
Syllabus - B.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

AN010 605: Theory of Vibration

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To understand the basic concepts and issues related to vibration Module I (12 hours) Fundamentals of vibration Introduction, Definitions, Vector method of representing harmonic motions, Additions of two Simple Harmonic Motions of the same Frequency, Beats Phenomenon. Undamped free vibrations of single degree of freedom Introduction, Derivation of differential equation, Solution of differential equation, Torsional Vibrations, equivalent stiffness of Spring Combinations, Energy Method. Module II (12 hours) Damped free vibrations of single degree of freedom system Introduction, Different types of Damping, Free Vibrations with viscous damping, Logarithmic decrement, Viscous dampers, Dry Friction or Coulomb damping, Solid or Structural damping. Module III (12 hours) Forced vibrations with constant harmonic excitation Introduction, Forced Vibrations with constant harmonic excitation, Forced Vibrations due to excitation of the Support, Energy dissipated by damping, Forced vibrations with Coulomb damping, Forced vibrations with Structural damping, Determination of Equivalent viscous damping from frequency-response curve, Vibration isolation and transmissibility, Vibration measuring instruments, Critical speed of shafts Module IV (12 hours) Two degree of freedom systems Introduction, Principal modes of Vibration, Other cases of simple two degrees of freedom systems, Combined rectilinear and angular modes, Systems with damping, Undamped forced vibrations with Harmonic excitation, Vibration absorbers, Vibration Isolation Natural frequencies and mode shapes (eigenvalues and eigenvectors), orthogonal properties of normal modes, Introduction to Model analysis, Module V (12 hours) Continuous systems vibrating strings - axial vibration of rod transverse vibration of beams torsional vibration of shafts.

Text Books 1. Leonard Meirovitch, "Fundamentals of Vibrations", International Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2001. 2. Singiresu S Rao, Mechanical Vibrations", Fourth Edition, Pearson. 3. V. P. Singh, Mechanical Vibrations", Dhanpat Rai & sons 4. William T Thomson, Theory of Vibration with applications", Prentice Hall, 1993.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

AN010 606L01: Composite Structures

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives To understand the fabrication, analysis and design of composite materials & structures. Module I (12hours) Stress strain relation Introduction- Advantages and application of composite materials - reinforcements and matrices polymer matrix composite - metal matrix composite - ceramic matrix composite Generalised Hookes Law Elastic constants for anisotropic, orthotropic and isotropic materials. Module II (12hours) Micro mechanics Mechanics of materials approach, elasticity approach to determine material properties Macro Mechanics Stress-strain relations with respect to natural axis, arbitrary axis Determination of material properties. Experimental characterization of lamina. Module III (14hours) Classical and improved theories of laminated structures. A, B, D matrices Deformation due to extension/shear and bending/torsion- angle ply and cross ply laminatesSpecial cases of laminate stiffness Module IV (12 hours) Sandwich constructions-Basic design concepts of sandwich construction -Materials used for sandwich construction Concepts of failure of laminates-Tensile failure of fiber composites Compressive failure Credits: 4

of fiber composites Effect of multiaxial stresses (failure criteria by Tsai-Wu, TsaiHill, etc.)
Module V (10hours) Laminated plates- Governing differential equation for a general laminate Laminated composite beams Governing differential equation for orthotropic symmetric laminate-application of boundary conditions Text Books 1. Calcote, L R. The Analysis of laminated Composite Structures, Von Noastrand Reinhold Company, New York 1998. 2. Jones, R.M., Mechanics of Composite Materials, McGraw-Hill, Kogakusha Ltd., Tokyo, 1998, II edition. Reference Books 1. Agarwal, B.D., and Broutman, L.J., Analysis and Performance of Fibre Composites, John Wiley and sons. Inc., New York, 1995. 2. Lubin, G., Handbook on Advanced Plastics and Fibre Glass, Von Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York, 1989.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

AN010 606L02: Fatigue and Fracture

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives

Credits: 4

To study the concepts of estimation of the endurance and failure mechanism of components

Module I (12 hours) Fatigue of structures S.N. curves -Endurance limits -Effect of mean stress, Goodman, Gerber and Soderberg relations and diagrams -Notches and stress concentrations -Neuber's stress concentration factors -Plastic stress concentration factors -Notched S.N. curves. Module II (12 hours) Statistical aspects of fatigue behaviour Low cycle and high cycle fatigue -Coffin -Manson's relation -Transition life -cyclic strain hardening and softening -Analysis of load histories -Cycle counting techniques -Cumulative damage -Miner's theory- Other theories. Module III (12 hours) Physical aspects of fatigue and fracture Phase in fatigue life - Crack initiation - Crack growth - Final Fracture - Dislocations fatigue fracture surfaces - Strength and stress analysis of cracked bodies - Potential energy and surface energy - Griffiths theory - Irwin - Orwin extension of Griffiths theory to ductile materials - Effect of thickness on fracture toughness - stress intensity factors for typical geometries. Module IV (12 hours) Fatigue design and testing Safe life and Fail-safe design philosophies - Importance of Fracture Mechanics in aerospace structures - Application to composite materials and structures. Module V (12 hours) Fundamentals of failure analysis Common causes of failure. Principles of failure analysis. Fracture mechanics approach to failure problems. Techniques of failure analysis. Service failure mechanisms - ductile and brittle fracture, fatigue fracture, wear failures, fretting failures, environment induced failures, high temp. failure. Faulty heat treatment and design failures, processing failures (forging, casting, machining etc.) Text Books 1. Prasanth Kumar Elements of fracture mechanics Wheeter publication, 1999. 2. Barrois W, Ripely, E.L., Fatigue of aircraft structure, Pe/gamon press. Oxford, 1983. Reference Books 1. Sin, C.G., Mechanics of fracture Vol. I, Sijthoff and w Noordhoff International Publishing Co., Netherlands, 1989. 2. Knott, J.F., Fundamentals of Fracture Mechanics, Buterworth & Co., Ltd., London, 1983 3. Subra suresh, Fatigue of materials , II edition, 1998. 4. T. L. Anderson, Fracture mechanics: Fundamentals and applications, III edition, 2004.
Syllabus - B.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

AN010 606L03: Finite Element Analysis

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives To learn the mathematical background of finite element analysis To solve structural mechanics problems using finite element approach Module I (12 hours) Introductory Concepts: Introduction to FEM. Brief History. General FEM procedure. Applications of FEM in various fields. Advantages and disadvantages of FEM. Differential Equations in different fields : Types of Differential Equations. Primary and Secondary Variables and types of Boundary Conditions. Approximate solution of differential equations-- Weightaed residual techniques, collocation, Least squares and Galerkin methods. Module II (12 hours) FEM Procedure : Definitions of various terms used in FEM likeelement, order of the element, internal and external node/s, degree of freedom, primary and secondary variables, essential boundary conditions, natural boundary conditions, homogeneous and nonhomogeneous boundary conditions. Minimization of a functional. Principle of minimum total potential. Piecewise RayleighRitz method. Comparison with weighted residual method. Module III (12 hours) Piecewise approximations. Basis of Finite Element Methods. Formulation of matrix method--.stiffness matrix.; transformation and assembly concepts. Example problems in one dimensional structural analysis (Plane Trusses, Bar and Beam) and heat transfer. Module IV (12 hours) Two dimensional finite element formulations. Three nodded triangular element, four nodded rectangular element, compatibility, four nodded quadrilateral element, eight nodded quadrilateral element. Various types of 2-D-elements Application to plane stress, plane strain and axisymmetric problems. Module V (12 hours) Natural coordinates and coordinate transformations. Isoperimetric elements. Applications to two and three-dimensional problems Convergence criterion, patch test and errors in finite element analysis. Method of Elimination. Text Books 1. Robert D.Cook, Concepts and applications of Finite Element Analysis, Wiley India, Fourth Edition, 2003. 2. Daryl L.Logan, A first course in the Finite Element Method, Cengage Learning, Fourth Edition, 2007. Reference Books 1. Reddy J.N. An Introduction to Finite Element Method, McGraw-Hill, 2000. 2. Krishnamurthy, C.S., Finite Element Analysis, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2000. 3. Bathe, K.J. and Wilson, E.L., Numerical Methods in Finite Elements Analysis, Prentice Hall of India, 1985.
Syllabus - B.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering.

Credits: 4

Mahatma Gandhi University

AN010 606L04: Operation Research

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives To understand the basic concepts of operation research Module I (12hours) Development Definition Characteristics and Phases Types of models operation Research modelsapplications. Allocation: Linear Programming Problem Formulation Graphical solution Simplex method Artificial variables techniques -Twophase method, Big-M method Duality Principle. Module II (12hours) Transportation problem Formulation Optimal solution, unbalanced transportation problemDegeneracy. Assignment problem Formulation Optimal solution Variants of Assignment Problem-Travelling Salesman problem. Sequencing Introduction Flow Shop sequencingn jobs through two machinesn jobs through three machines Job shop sequencing two jobs through m machines. Module III (10hours) Replacement: Introduction Replacement of items that deteriorate with time when money value is not counted and counted Replacement of items that fail completely, group replacement. Module IV (12 hours) Theory of games: Introduction Minimax (maximin) Criterion and optimal strategy Solution of games with saddle points Rectangular games without saddle points 2 X 2 gamesdominance principle m X 2 & 2 X n games -graphical method Module V (14 hours) Inventory: Introduction Single item Deterministic models Purchase inventory models with one price break and multiple price breaks shortages are not allowed Stochastic modelsdemand may be discrete variable or continuous variable Instantaneous production. Instantaneous demand and continuous demand and no set up cost. Waiting lines: Introduction Single Channel Poisson arrivals exponential service times with infinite population and finite population models Multichannel Credits: 4

Text Books 1. S.D.Sharma, Operations Research, eleventh edition, Kedar Nath and Ram Nath & Co., 1997 Reference Books 1. Wagner, Operations Research, PHI Publications. 2. A. M. Natarajan, P. Balasubramani and A. Tamilarasi, Operations Research, Pearson Education. 3. J.K.Sharma, Operations Research, MacMilan. 4. R.Pannerselvam, Operations Research, PHI Publications.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

AN010 606L05: Ecology and Environment

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To impart the basic knowledge of surroundings and latest environmental issues.

Module I (12hours) Definition, Scope & Importance, Need For Public Awareness- Environment definition, Eco system Balanced ecosystem, Human activities Food, Shelter, Economic and social Security.Effects of human activities on environment-Agriculture, Housing, Industry, Mining and Transportation activities, Basics of Environmental Impact Assessment. Sustainable Development. Module II (12hours) Natural Resources- Water Resources- Availability and Quality aspects. Water borne diseases, Water induced diseases, Fluoride problem in drinking water. Mineral Resources, Forest Wealth, Material cycles- Carbon,Nitrogen and Sulphur Cycles.Energy Different types of energy, Electro-magnetic radiation. Conventional and Non-Conventional sources Hydro Electric, Fossil Fuel based Nuclear, Solar, Biomass and Bio-gas. Hydrogen as an alternative future source of Energy Module III (12hours) Environmental Pollution and their effects. Water pollution, Land pollution. Public Health aspects, Solid waste management. Current Environmental Issues of Importance: Population Growth, Climate Change and Global warming-Effects, Urbanization-Automobile pollution.Acid Rain, Ozone Layer depletion, Animal Husbandry Module IV (`12 hours) Air Quality Sources and effects of air pollution, major air pollutants, air quality control, treatment of emissions, dispersion of air pollutants. Noise Pollution Effect of noise on human health and its control Module V (12 hours) Environmental Protection- Role of Government, Legal aspects, Initiatives by Nongovernmental Organizations (NGO), Environmental Education, Women Education.

Text Books

1. Benny Joseph, Environmental studies, Tata McgrawHill, 2005. 2. Dr. D. L. Manjunath, Environmental studies, Pearson Education, 2006. 3. M. Anji Reddy, Text book of Environmental science and Technology, B. S. Publication. 4. R. Rajagopalan, Environmental studies, Oxford Publication, 2005.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

AN010 606L06: Non Destructive Testing

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives To understand the various non destructive testing techniques Module I (12 hours) Introduction- Visual methods: Optical aids, In-situ metallography, Optical holographic methods, Dynamic inspection. Module II (12 hours) Penetrant flaw detection Principles Process - Penetrant systems - Liquidpenetrant materials Emulsifiers - cleaners developers sensitivity Advantages Limitations Applications. Module III (12 hours) Radiographic methods - Limitations - Principles of radiography - sources of radiation, Ionising radiation - X-rays sources, gama-rays sources Recording of radiation - Radiographic sensitivity - Fluoroscopic methods. Ultrasonic testing of materiald: Advantages, disadvantages, Applications, Generation of. Ultrasonic waves, general characteristics of ultrasonic waves - methods and instruments for ultrasonic materials testing. Module IV (12 hours) Magnetic methods: Advantages, Limitations, Methods of generating fields: magnetic particles and suspending liquids Magnetography, field sensitive probes: applications. Electrical methods: Eddy current methods: potential-drop methods, applications. Module V (12 hours) Electromagnetic testing: Magnetism: Magnetic domains: Magnetization curves: Magnetic Hysteresis: Hysteresis-loop tests: comparator - bridge tests Absolute single-coil system: applications. Other methods: Acoustic Emission methods, Acoustic methods: Leak detection: Thermal inspection. Credits: 4

Text Books 1. R. Halmshaw, Non-Destructive Testing. Reference 1. Metals Handbook Vol.II, Nondestructive inspection and quality control

Syllabus - B.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

AN010 607: Heat Engines Laboratory

(Common with ME010 607 and AU010 607) Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Objectives To provide experience on testing of IC engines performance. Study of systems and components of IC Engines and automobiles - study of dynamometers used in engine testing - study of IC Engine repairs and maintenance. Study of boilers, boiler mountings and accessories - study of steam engine parts and systems. Testing of IC engines Performance analysis of IC engine using computerized test rigLoad test on petrol and diesel engines- determination of indicated and brake thermal efficiencies - mechanical efficiency - relative efficiency - volumetric efficiency - air-fuel ratio and compression ratio - valve timing diagram - retardation test - Morse test - heat balance effect of varying the rate of cooling water and varying the speed on the performance characteristics of engines. Testing of steam boiler - boiler trial - steam calorimeters and steam nozzles - performance test on steam engines - performance test on steam turbines. Testing of fuels and lubricants - determination of flash and fire points of petroleum products determination of kinematics and absolute viscosity of lubricating oils - determination of calorific values Credits: 2

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50) 50%-Laboratory practical and record 30%- Test/s 20%- Regularity in the class

End Semester Examination (Maximum Marks-100) 70% - Procedure, conducting experiment, results, tabulation, and inference 30% - Viva voce

Syllabus - B.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

AN010 608: Aero Engines Lab

Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Credits: 2

Objectives To introduce the knowledge of the maintenance and repair of both piston and jet aero engines and the procedures followed for overhaul of aero engines. List of Experiments 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Dismantling of a piston engine Engine (Piston Engine) - cleaning, visual inspection, NDT checks. Piston Engine Components - dimensional checks. Study of carburetor. Piston Engine reassembly. Dismantling of a jet engine Jet Engine identification of components & defects. Jet Engine NDT checks and dimensional checks Jet Engine reassembly. 10. Engine starting procedures.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50) 50%-Laboratory practical and record 30%- Test/s 20%- Regularity in the class

End Semester Examination (Maximum Marks-100) 70% - Procedure, conducting experiment, results, tabulation, and inference 30% - Viva voce

Syllabus - B.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering.

Production Engineering (PE)


(Common to all branches except CS & IT)

Teaching scheme
2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives

Credits: 4

To apply standard methods and basic numerical techniques for solving problems and to know the importance of learning theories in Mathematics.
Vector differential calculus (12 hours)


Scalar and vector fields gradient-physical meaning- directional derivative-divergence an curl - physical meaning-scalar potential conservative field- identities - simple problems MODULE 2 Vector integral calculus ( 12 hours)

Line integral - work done by a force along a path-surface and volume integral-application of Greens theorem, Stokes theorem and Gauss divergence theorem MODULE 3 Finite differences Finite difference operators and (12 hours) - interpolation using Newtons forward and

backward formula problems using Stirlings formula, Lagranges formula and Newtons divided difference formula MODULE 4 Difference Calculus (12 hours)

Numerical differentiation using Newtons forward and backward formula Numerical integration Newtons cotes formula Trapezoidal rule Simpsons 1/3rd and 3/8th rule Difference equations solution of difference equation MODULE 5 Z transforms ( 12 hours)

Definition of Z transforms transform of polynomial function and trignometric functions shifting property , convolution property - inverse transformation solution of 1st and 2nd order difference equations with constant coifficients using Z transforms. Text books:1. Erwin Kreyszing Advance Engg. Mathematics Wiley Eastern Ltd. 2. B.S. Grewal Higher Engg. Mathematics - Khanna Publishers Reference 1. 2. 3. 4. B.V. Ramana - Higher Engg. Mathematics McGraw Hill K Venkataraman- Numerical methods in science and Engg -National publishing co S.S Sastry - Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis -PHI T.Veerarajan and T.Ramachandran- Numerical Methods- McGraw Hill

3. Babu Ram Engg. Mathematics -Pearson. 4. H.C.Taneja Advanced Engg. Mathematics Vol I I.K.International

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module. PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module. PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem questions 5 x 12 marks=60 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question solving 5 x 5 marks=25 marks 5 x 3 marks=15 marks

EN010 302 Economics and Communication Skills

(Common to all branches) Teaching scheme 2hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial per week Credits: 4(3+1) Objectives To impart a sound knowledge of the fundamentals of Economics.

Module I (7 hours) Reserve Bank of India-functions-credit control-quantitative and qualitative techniques Commercial banks-functions- Role of Small Industries Development Bank of India and National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development The stock market-functions-problems faced by the stock market in India-mutual funds Module II (6 hours) Multinational corporations in India-impact of MNCs in the Indian economy Globalisation-necessity-consequences Privatisation-reasons-disinvestment of public sector undertakings The information technology industry in India-future prospects Module III (6 hours) Direct and indirect taxes- impact and incidence- merits of direct and indirect taxesprogressive and regressive taxes-canons of taxation-functions of tax systemtax evasion-reasons for tax evasion in India-consequences-steps to control tax evasion Deficit financing-role-problems associated with deficit financing Module IV (5 hours) National income-concepts-GNP, NNP, NI, PI and DPI-methods of estimating national income-difficulties in estimating national income Inflation-demand pull and cost push-effects of inflation-government measures to control inflation Module V (6 hours) International trade-case for free trade-case for protectionism Balance of payments-causes of disequilibrium in Indias BOP-General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade-effect of TRIPS and TRIMS in the Indian economy-impact of WTO decisions on Indian industry Text Books 1. Ruddar Datt, Indian Economy, S.Chand and Company Ltd. 2. K.K.Dewett, Modern Economic Theory, S.Chand and Company Ltd. References 1. Paul Samuelson, Economics, Tata McGraw Hill 2. Terence Byres, The Indian Economy, Oxford University Press 3. S.K.Ray, The Indian economy, Prentice Hall of India 4. Campbell McConnel, Economics, Tata McGraw Hill

Communication Skills
Objectives To improve Language Proficiency of the Engineering students To enable them to express themselves fluently and appropriately in social and professional contexts To equip them with the components of different forms of writing MODULE 1 (15 hours) INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATION Communication nature and process, Types of communication - Verbal and Non verbal, Communication Flow-Upward, Downward and Horizontal, Importance of communication skills in society, Listening skills, Reading comprehension, Presentation Techniques, Group Discussion, Interview skills, Soft skills MODULE II (15 hours) TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION Technical writing skills- Vocabulary enhancement-synonyms, Word Formation-suffix, affix, prefix, Business letters, Emails, Job Application, Curriculum Vitae, Report writingTypes of reports Note: No university examination for communication skills. There will be internal evaluation for 1 credit. REFERENCES 1. The functional aspects of communication skills, P.Prasad and Rajendra K. Sharma, S.K. Kataria and sons, 2007 2. Communication skills for Engineers and Scientists, Sangeeta Sharma and Binod Mishra, PHI Learning private limited, 2010 3. Professional Communication, Kumkum Bhardwaj, I.K. International (P) House limited, 2008 4. English for technical Communication, Aysha Viswamohan, Tata Mc Graw Publishing company limited, 2008

Mahatma Gandhi University

PE010 303: Fluid Mechanics

(Common with AN010 303 & ME010 303)
Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To impart the basic concepts of fluid mechanics by providing exposure to diverse real world engineering examples. To develop understanding about basic laws and equations used for analysis of static and dynamic fluids. Module I (15 hours) Introduction and basic concepts-properties of fluids-density, specific gravity, specific weight, specific volume, capillarity, surface tension, compressibility, bulk modulus, viscosityNewtonian and non Newtonian fluids. Fluid statics: pressure-variation of pressure-absolute and guage pressure- Pascals law, manometers- hydrostatic force on plane and curved surfaces-buoyancy and floatationstability of submerged and floating bodies-metacentric height. Module II (12 hours) Eulers momentum equation-Bernoullis equation and its limitations-momentum and energy correction factors-applications of Bernoullis equation-venturimeter, orifice meter, pitot tube, orifices and mouthpieces, notches and weirs-rotameter. Module III (10 hours) Flow through pipes-laminar and turbulent flow in pipes-critical Reylonds number- Darcy Weisbach equation-hydraulic radius-power transmission through pipes-losses in pipes-pipes in series pipes in parallel-hydraulic gradient line and total energy line-equivalent pipe-moodys diagram-water hammer. Open channel flow-Chezys equation-most economical cross section-hydraulic jump. Module IV (12 hours) Fluid kinematics-Eulerian and Lagrangian approaches-classification of fluid flow-graphical description of flow pattern-stream lines, path lines, streak lines, stream tubes-velocity and acceleration in fluid flow-continuity equation. Ideal fluids-rotational and irrotational flow-circulation and vorticity-potential function and stream function, basic flow fields-uniform flow. Source, sink, doublet, vortex, spiral flow, flow past a cylinder with circulation-Magnus effect-Joukowski theorem. Module V (11 hours) Boundary layer-boundary layer flow theory- boundary layer over flat plate- boundary layer thickness-displacement, momentum and energy thickness-boundary layer separation-methods of controlling-wake-drag force on a rectangular plate-pressure drag-friction drag-total dragstreamlined body-bluff body, lift and drag force on an aerofoil-characteristics-work done. Hagen-Poiseuille equation.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Production Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

1. 2.

Text Books Yunus A. Cengel and John M. Cimbala, Fluid Mechanics, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi R.K.Rajput, Fluid Mechanics, S Chand and Company, New Delhi

Reference Books 1. Douglas, Fluid Mechanics, Pearson Education, New Delhi 2. Shames I.H, Fluid Mechanics, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 3. D. S .Kumar , Fluid Mechanics, S. K. Kataria & Sons, New Delhi 4. White F.M, Fluid Mechanics, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 5. S. K. Som & G Biswas, Fluid Mechanics, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 6. R. K. Bhansal, Fluid Mechanics& Hydraulic Machines, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi 7. B.S Massey, Fluid Mechanics, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 8. Mody & Seth, Fluid Mechanics& Hydraulic Machines, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi 9. F.M. Streeter, Fluid Mechanics, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 10. Jagdishlal , Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulics, Metropolitan Book Co., New Delhi

University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 3 marks=15 marks All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module. Analytical/Problem solving questions 5 x 5 marks=25 marks All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module. Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 5 x 12 marks=60 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 100



Syllabus - B.Tech. Production Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

PE010 304: Metallurgy and Material Science

(Common with ME 010 304 and AU010 304(ME)) Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To provide physical concepts of atomic radius, atomic structure, chemical bonds, crystal structure, grain size, work hardening,, heat treatment etc. of metals with mechanical behaviour. To understand the causes of metal failure and deformation To determine properties of unknown materials and develop an awareness to apply this knowledge in material design. Module 1 (12 hours) Atomic structure:- Correlation of atomic radius to strength, electron configurations (basic only) - Primary bonds:- Covalent and Ionic bond: bond energy with strength, cohesive force, density, directional and non-directional bonding; Metallic bond: conductivity, ductility, opaque, lustrous, density, non directional bonding Specific properties of bonding:- Deeper energy well bond and shallow energy well bond, melting temperature, modulus of elasticity, coefficient of thermal expansion and attributes of modulus of elasticity in metal cutting process - Secondary bonds:- classification, hydrogen bond, specific heat etc. Crystallography:- Crystal, space lattice, unit cell - BCC, FCC, HCP structures - short and long range order - Effects of crystalline and amorphous structure on mechanical properties Determination of atomic packing factor of SC, BCC, FCC, coordination number; densities Polymorphism and allotropy - Miller Indices:- slip system, brittleness of BCC, HCP and ductility of FCC - Modes of plastic deformation:- Slip, twinning, Schmid's law, correlation of slip system with slip in metals. Module 2 (12 hours) Classification of crystal imperfections: - types of dislocation, source of dislocation, cross slip, climb, jog, kink, forest of dislocation, role of surface defects on crack initiation - Burgers vector - Correlation of dislocation density with strength and nano concept - Significance of Frank and Read source in metals deformation - Mechanism of crystallization: Homogeneous and heterogeneous nuclei formation, under cooling, dendritic growth, grain boundary irregularity - Effects of grain size, grain size distribution, grain shape, grain orientation on dislocation/strength and creep resistance - Hall - Petch equation; significance high and low angle grain boundaries on dislocation - polishing and etching to determine the microstructure - crystal structure determination by X - ray diffraction method - Diffusion in solids, ficks laws, mechanisms, applications of diffusion in mechanical engineering. Module 3 (12 hours) Phase diagrams: - Limitations of pure metals and need of alloying - classification of alloys, solid solutions, Hume Rothery`s rule - single phase, multi-phase equilibrium diagrams - lever rule and Gibb`s phase rule - Coring - Equilibrium diagrams reactions:- monotectic, eutectic, eutectoid, peritectic, peritectoid - Detailed discussion on Iron-Carbon equilibrium diagram with microstructure and properties changes in austenite, ledeburite, ferrite, cementite, interlamellar spacing of pearlite to strength etc, special features of martensite transformation, bainite, spheroidite etc.. Heat treatment:- Definition and necessity - TTT diagrams - critical cooling rate (CCT) annealing, normalizing, hardening, spheroidizing - Tempering:- austermpering, martempering and ausforming - Hardenability, Jominy end quench test, applications hardness and microhardness tests - surface hardening methods:- carburizing processes; Nitriding; Flame, induction, laser and electron beam hardening processes; applications - Types of Strengthening mechanisms:- grain size reduction, work hardening, Solid solution hardening, precipitation strengthening and over ageing, dispersion hardening - Cold working: Detailed discussion on strain hardening; recovery; re-crystallization, effect of stored energy; re-

Syllabus - B.Tech. Production Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

crystallization temperature, effect of grain size; driving force for grain growth - hot working - Bauschiner effect and attributes in metal forming. Module 4 (12 hours) Alloy steels:- Effects of alloying elements on: dislocation movement, polymorphic transformation temperature, formation and stability of carbides, grain growth, displacement of the eutectoid point, retardation of the transformation rates, improvement in corrosion resistance, mechanical properties Nickel steels, Chromium steels etc. - Enhancement of steel properties by adding alloying elements:- Molybdenum, Nickel, Chromium, Vanadium, Tungsten, Cobalt, Silicon, Copper and Lead High speed steels:- Mo and W types, effect of different alloying elements in HSS - Cast irons: Classifications, grey, white, malleable and spheroidal graphite cast iron, composition, microstructure, properties and applications Principal Non ferrous Alloys: - Aluminum, Copper, Magnesium, Nickel, Titanium, study of composition, microstructure, properties, applications, reference shall be made to the phase diagrams whenever necessary. Module 5 (12 hours) Fracture: Brittle and ductile fracture - Griffith theory of brittle fracture - stress concentration, stress raiser Effect of plastic deformation on crack propagation transgranular, intergranular fracture - Effect of impact loading on ductile material and its application in forging etc.- Fatigue:- Stress cycles Primary and secondary stress raisers Characteristics of fatigue failure, S-N curve - Factors affecting fatigue strength: stress concentration, size effect, surface roughness, change in surface properties, surface residual stress -Ways to improve fatigue life effect of temperature on fatigue, thermal fatigue and its applications in metal cutting Mechanism of fatigue failure structural features of fatigue:crack initiation, growth, propagation fatigue tests - Fracture toughness (definition only) Ductile to brittle transition temperature (DBTT) in steels - Creep:- Creep curves creep tests- Structural change:- deformation by slip, sub-grain formation, grain boundary sliding Mechanism of creep deformation - threshold for creep - prevention against creep- Super plasticity: applications. Text Books

1. Avner -Introduction to Physical Metallurgy Tata McGraw Hill. 2. Callister William. D. Material Science and Engineering John Wiley. 3. Dieter George E. Mechanical Metallurgy McGraw Hill. 4. Higgins R.A. Engineering Metallurgy part - I ELBS. 5. Raghavan V. - Material Science and Engineering - Prentice Hall. 6. Van Vlack Elements of Material Science - Addison Wesley.
Reference Books

1. Anderson J.C. Material Science for Engineers Chapman and Hall. 2. Clark and Varney - Physical metallurgy for Engineers Van Nostrand. 3. Manas Chanda - Science to Engineering Materials - Vol I, II and III - Macmillan India. 4. Reed Hill E. Robert Physical Metallurgy Principles East West Press. 5. Richards C.W. Engineering Material Science.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Production Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 3 marks=15 marks All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module. Analytical/Problem solving questions 5 x 5 marks=25 marks All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module. Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 5 x 12 marks=60 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 100



Syllabus - B.Tech. Production Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

PE010 305: Programming in C

(Common with ME010 305(ME) and AU010 305(ME))
Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives Credits: 4

To impart advanced knowledge in programming in C language

Module I (15 hours) Introduction to computer programming; Various I/O functions; Data types; Constants and Variables; Escape Sequences; Type Casting; Preprocessor Directive; Storage Classes; Scope of Variables; Mathematical Operators; Relational Operators; Branching Instructions; Logical Operators; Conditional Operator; Precedence of Operators; Loops for, while and do-while, break and continue instructions, Nested Loops; Switch statement; Evaluation of ex, sin(x), cos(x) Numerical Integration using Trapezoidal and Simpsons rules. Module II (10 hours) Arrays; One Dimensional Arrays; Selection Sorting; Binary Searching; Various String Handling Functions; Multidimensional Arrays; Matrix Operations (Addition, Transpose and Multiplication); Sorting of Strings; Structure and Union; Array of Structures; Module III (10 hours) Functions; Call by Value Method; Stack; Passing One Dimensional and Multidimensional Arrays to a Function; Recursion; Writing Different String Handling Functions Using Simple Functions and Functions with Recursive Calls; Quick Sorting; Macros; Writing Macros for Simple Operations; Module IV (15 hours) Declaration of Pointers; Call by Reference Method; Pointer to a Structure; Pointer to an Array; Array of Pointers; Pointer to a Pointer; Self Referential Structure; Dynamic Memory Allocation; Reallocation of Memory; Linear Linked List; Circular Linked List; Double Linked List; Addition, Insertion and Deletion of Nodes from a Linked List; Command Line Arguments Module V (10 hours) Different types of Files; Reading, Writing, Appending and Rewriting of Text and Binary Files; Transfer of Data in Blocks; Moving of File Pointer in a File; Usage of bitwise AND, OR, NOT, XOR, Shift Left and Shift Right Operations Text Books Bryon S.Gottfried, Programming with C Language.


1. 2. 3.

Reference Books Balaguruswamy, Programming in ANSI C, Deitel, How to Program C Kamthane, Programming with ANSI and Turbo C

Syllabus - B.Tech. Production Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 3 marks=15 marks All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module. Analytical/Problem solving questions 5 x 5 marks=25 marks All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module. Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 5 x 12 marks=60 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 100



Syllabus - B.Tech. Production Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

PE010 306(CE) Strength of Materials & Structural Engineering

(Common with ME010 306(CE), PO010 306(CE) and AU010 306(CE)) Teaching Scheme:3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To study internal effects produced and deformations of bodies caused by externally applied forces. To understand the stresses and strains in different materials and analyse strength characteristic of structural members. Module I (15 hours) Introduction to analysis of deformable bodies:stresses due to normal, shear and bearing loads-Axial and shear strains Simple stresses and strains: Material behavior - uniaxial tension test - stress-strain diagrams. Hooke's law for linearly elastic isotropic material. Elastic constants - relation between them - Bars of varying cross section -Composite sectionsEquilibrium and compatibility conditions- Temperature stresses Module II (10 hours) Bending moment and shear force: Cantilever, simply supported and overhanging beams concentrated and U.D loading(analytical method) Relation between load shear force and bending moment. Module III (15 hours) Stresses in beams: Pure bending - flexure formula for beams - assumptions and limitations -section modulus - flexural rigidity - economic sections beams of uniform strength. Shearing stress formula for beams - assumptions and limitations. Deflection of beams: Moment-curvature relation - assumptions and limitations singularity functions - Macaulays method - moment area method for simple cases. Module IV (10 hours)

Torsion: Torsion theory of elastic circular bars solid and hollow shaft assumptions and limitations - polar modulus- torsional rigidity - economic cross-sections. Pressure vessels: Thin and thick cylinders-Lame's equation-stresses in thick cylinders due to internal pressure compound pipes.
Module V (10 hours) Combined stresses: Principal stresses and planes-Mohr's circle representation of stress in 2D problems. Use of strain gage rosettes. Combined axial, flexural and torsional loads. Theory of columns: Buckling theory -Euler's formula for long columns - assumptions and limitations - effect of end conditions - slenderness ratio - Rankine's formula for intermediate columns -Eccentric loading of columns - kern of a section (rectangular and circular section). Text Books Timoshenko.S.P, Strength of Materials, Part 1,D.Van Nostrand company, Inc.Newyork. Bansal R.K., Strength of Materials, Lakshmi Publications, New Delhi. Mott, Robert L, Applied strength of materials, 5th Edn, Prentice Hall of India. Popov E.P., Engineering Mechanics of solids, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi..

1. 2. 3. 4.

Reference Books 1. Nash.W.A , Strength of Materials, Schaums Outlines,$th Edn, TMH 2. Gere, James M , Mechanics of Materials, Cengage Learning. 3. Shames IH , Pitarresi, James.M, Introduction to Solid Mechanics, Prentice Hall of India.
Syllabus - B.Tech. Production Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 3 marks=15 marks All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module. Analytical/Problem solving questions 5 x 5 marks=25 marks All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module. Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 5 x 12 marks=60 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 100



Syllabus - B.Tech. Production Engineering.

PE010 307 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS LABORATORY (Common with ME010 408 and AU010 408) Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Objective: To study properties of various materials List of Experiments 1. Tests on springs (open and close coiled) 2. Bending Test on Wooden Beams using U. T. M. 3. Verification of Clerk. Maxwell's Law of reciprocal deflection and Determination of Youngs modulusE for steel. 4. Torsion Pendulum (M.S. wires. Aluminum wires and brass wires) 5. Tension test using U. T. M. on M. S. Rod, torsteel and High Tensile steel. 6. Torsion Test on M. S. Rod. 7. Shear Test on M.S. Rod. 8. Fatigue Test 9. Impact Test (Izod and Charpy) 10. Hardness Test (Brinell, Vickers and Rebound) 11. Strut Test. Note All tests should be done as per relevant BIS. References 1. Timoshenko.S.P, Strength of Materials, Part-1, D.Van Nostrand company, Inc.Newyork. 2. Bansal R.K., Strength of Materials, Lakshmi Publications, New Delhi.
3. Bhavikatti S.S , Strength of Materials, Vikas Publishing House (P) Ltd. 4. D.S. Prakash Rao, Strength of Materials, Vol. I, University Press (India) Ltd.

Credits: 2

5. Popov E.P., Engineering Mechanics of solids, Prentice Hall of India, New Deihi. 6. Punmia B.C, Strength of Materials and Mechanics of structures, Vol.1, Lakshmi Publications, New Delhi.
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50) 50%-Laboratory practical and record 30%- Test/s 20%- Regularity in the class

End Semester Examination (Maximum Marks-100) 70% - Procedure, conducting experiment, results, tabulation, and inference 30% - Viva voce

Mahatma Gandhi University

PE010 308: Fluid Mechanics Laboratory

(Common with ME010 308, AN010 308 and AU010 308)
Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Credits: 2

Objectives To provide exposure to the actual flow process and various instruments adopted for flow measurement . Study and acquire a thorough knowledge of the various pipe fittings and plumbing tools. Study the use of different types of taps, valves. Study the various measuring instruments like gauges, pitot tube, watermeters and current meters. Determination of metacentric height and radius of gyration of floating bodies. Determination of hydraulic coefficients of orifices and mouthpieces under constant head method and time of emptying method. Calibration of discharge measuring equipments in closed conduits like venturimeter, orificemeter, watermeter etc. Calibration of discharge measuring equipments in open channel flow like rectangular and triangular notches. Determination of Darcys constant and Chezys constant for pipe flow. Determination of critical velocity in pipe flow. Determination of minor losses in pipe flow. Experimental verification of Bernoullis theorem. Determination of Chezys constant and Mannings number for open channel flow. Calibration of Plug Sluices.

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50) 50%-Laboratory practical and record 30%- Test/s 20%- Regularity in the class

End Semester Examination (Maximum Marks-100) 70% - Procedure, conducting experiment, results, tabulation, and inference 30% - Viva voce

Syllabus B.Tech. Production Engineering

EN010401 Engineering Mathematics III

(Common to all branches)

Teaching scheme
2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives: Apply standard methods of mathematical &statistical analysis MODULE 1 Fourier series

Credits: 4

(12 hours)

Dirichlet conditions Fourier series with period 2 and 2l Half range sine and cosine series Harmonic Analysis r.m.s Value MODULE 2 Fourier Transform (12 hours)

Statement of Fourier integral theorem Fourier transforms derivative of transforms- convolution theorem (no proof) Parsevals identity MODULE 3 Partial differential equations (12 hours)

Formation by eliminating arbitrary constants and arbitrary functions solution of Lagranges equation Charpits method solution of Homogeneous partical differential equations with constant coefficients MODULE 4 Probability distribution (12 hours)

Concept of random variable , probability distribution Bernoullis trial Discrete distribution Binomial distribution its mean and variance- fitting of Binominal distribution Poisson distribution as a limiting case of Binominal distribution its mean and variance fitting of Poisson distribution continuous distribution- Uniform distribution exponential distribution its mean and variance Normal distribution Standard normal curve- its properties MODULE 5 Testing of hypothesis (12 hours)

Populations and Samples Hypothesis level of significance type I and type II error Large samples tests test of significance for single proportion, difference of proportion, single mean, difference of mean chi square test for variance- F test for equality of variances for small samples Text books:1. Bali& Iyengar A text books of Engg. Mathematics Laxmi Publications Ltd. 2. M.K. Venkataraman Engg. Mathematics vol II 3rd year part A & B National Publishing Co. References 1. I.N. Sneddon Elements of partial differential equations Mc Graw Hill 2. B.V. Ramana Higher Engg. Mathematics Mc Graw Hill 3. Richard A Johnson Miller Freads probability & Statistics for Engineers- Pearson/ PHI

4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

T. Veerarajan Engg. Mathematics Mc Graw Hill G. Haribaskaran Probability, Queueing theory and reliability Engg. Laxmi Publications V. Sundarapandian - probability ,Statistics and Queueing theory PHI H.C.Taneja Advanced Engg. Mathematics Vol II I.K.International A.K.Mukhopadhyay-Mathematical Methods For Engineers and Physicists-I.K.International

University Examination Pattern

PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 3 marks=15 marks All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module. Analytical/Problem solving questions 5 x 5 marks=25 marks All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module. Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving 5 x 12 marks=60 marks questions Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 100



Mahatma Gandhi University

EN010 402(ME): Principles of Management

(Common with EN010 502(ME))
Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives Credits: 4

To develop an understanding of different functional areas of management. To understand the functions and duties an individual should perform in an organisation.

Module I (12 hours) Management Concepts: Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives of management-MBOScientific management- Functions of management- Planning- Organizing- StaffingDirecting- Motivating- Communicating- Coordinating- Controlling- Authority and Responsibility- Delegation- Span of control- Organizational structure- Line, Line and staff and Functional relationship. Module II (12 hours) Personnel Management: Definition and concept- Objectives of personnel managementManpower planning- Recruitment and Selection of manpower- Training and development of manpower- Labour welfare- Labour turnover- Quality circle- Industrial fatigue- Industrial disputes-Method of settling disputes- Trade unions. Module III (12 hours) Production management: Objectives and scope of production management- Functions of production department- production management frame work- product life cycle-Types of production- Production procedure- Project planning with CPM and PERT- Basic concepts in network. Module IV (12 hours) Financial Management: Objectives and Functions of Financial Management- Types of Capital- Factors affecting working capital- Methods of financing. Cost Management: Elements of cost- Components of cost- Selling Price of a product. Module V (12 hours) Sales and Marketing Management: Sales management- Concept- Functions of sales department- Duties of sales engineer- Selling concept and Marketing concept- MarketingDefinition and principles of marketing- Marketing management and its functions- Sales forecasting- Pricing- Advertising- Sales promotion- Channels of distribution- Market research. Text Books 1. Koontz and Weihrich, Essentials of Management, Tata McGraw Hill. 2. Mahajan M., Industrial Engineering and Production Management, Dhanpat Rai and Co. 3. Kemthose and Deepak, Industrial Engineering an Management, Prentice Hall of India. Reference Books 1. Martand Telsang, Industrial Engineering and Production Management. 2. Khanna O.P., Industrial Engineering and Management, Dhanpat Rai and Co. 3. Philip Kotler, Marketing Management, Prentice Hall of India. 4. Sharma S. C. & Banga T. R., Industrial Organisation and Engineering Economics, Khanna Publishers. 5. Prasanna Chandra, Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill.
Syllabus - B.Tech. Production Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 3 marks=15 marks All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module. Analytical/Problem solving questions 5 x 5 marks=25 marks All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module. Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 5 x 12 marks=60 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 100



Syllabus - B.Tech. Production Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

PE010 403: Hydraulic Machines

(Common with ME010 403)
Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives

Credits: 4

To impart knowledge regarding principles and operations of various hydraulic machines.

Module I (12 hours) Dynamic Action of Fluid: Impulse Momentum equation- applications impact of jet flow of an incompressible fluid over fixed and moving vanes workdone and efficiency reaction principle propulsion of ships. Basic equation of energy transfer in rotodynamic machinescomponents of energy transfer-Classification-Axial flow, radial flow, impulse and reaction machines. Module II (12 hours) Hydraulic turbines: Classification- impulse and reaction turbines Euler`s turbine equationvelocity triangles - Pelton wheel, Francis turbine Kaplan turbine construction features and performance characteristics theory of draft tube speed regulation of turbines run away speed- selection, type and speed of turbines Module III (12 hours) Pumping machinery: General classification Rotodynamic pumps - construction featuresclassification of impellers, impeller shapes types of casings -working of centrifugal pumps, priming, Euler`s head equation velocity triangles losses, head and efficiencies performance pump characteristics: main, operating characteristics curves- selection of pumps from performance curves NPSHrequired NPSHavailable multistage pumps pumps in parallel & series operation- propeller pumps.

Module IV (12 hours)

Dimensional analysis Rayleigh s method Buckinghams Pi theorem non diamesional parameters in fluid mechanics and fluid machinery principle of similitude, geometric, kinematic and dynamic similarity model studies. Non dimensional numbers (Reynolds number, Froudes number, Eulers number, Webers number and Machs number) Non dimensional parameters for incompressible flow machines Capacity coefficient, Head coefficient, Power coefficient, Reynolds number, shape number, specific speed Non dimensional performance curves for pumps- effect of change of outlet vane angle, impeller diameters and speedPrinciple of similitude- Non dimensional parameters for comparative study of turbine performance unit speed, unit power, unit quantity, geometric similarity model laws effect of specific speed on runner speed, runner size, flow type etc. Cavitation in fluid machines installations susceptible to cavitation collapse of bubble theory Thoma`s prameter factors affecting cavitation in pumps and turbines prevention of cavitation damage. Module V (12 hours) Positive displacement pumps: reciprocating pump, effect of vapour pressure on lifting of liquid indicator diagram acceleration head effect of friction use of air vessels work saved Slip - efficiency pump characteristics applications. Theory & application of self-priming pump, jet pump, airlift or compressor pump, slurry pump, hydraulic ram - Positive displacement Rotary pumps: Gear, screw, vane pumps.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Production Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

Hydraulic accumulator, intensifier, fluid coupling & lift principle of operation- hydraulic cranes, hydraulic press- Hydraulic symbols (Description only, no problems). Text Books Jagadishlal, Hydraulic Machines, Metropolitan Publishers.


Reference Books 1. Abdulla Sheriff, Hydraulic machines, standard publishers. 2. Govinda Rao N. S, Fluid flows machines, TMH. 3. Pippinger, Industrial hydraulics. 4. Stepanoff John A. J, Centrifugal and axial flow pumps, Wiley & sons 5. Lewitt E. H, Hydraulic & Fluid Mechanics 6. Som S K and Biswas G, Introduction to fluid mechanics and fluid machines, TMH. 7. Yahya S M, Turbines fans and compressors, TMH. 8. R.K.Rajput, Hydraulic Machines, S.Chand & Company. 9. Modi & Seth, Hydraulic Machines, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi

University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 3 marks=15 marks All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module. Analytical/Problem solving questions 5 x 5 marks=25 marks All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module. Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 5 x 12 marks=60 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 100



Syllabus - B.Tech. Production Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

PE010 404: Manufacturing Process

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To gain theoretical and practical knowledge in material casting processes and develops an understanding of the dependent and independent variables which control materials casting in a production processes. Provide a detailed discussion on the welding process and the physics of welding. Introduce students to different welding processes weld testing and advanced processes to be able to appreciate the practical applications of welding. The course will also provide methods of analysis allowing a mathematical/physical description of forming processes. Module 1 (12 hours) Patterns: Different types of patterns colour codes of patterns. Moulding sands: Natural and synthetic sand- ingredients of moulding sands- special sand additives sand mixing- general properties of moulding sand testing of moulding sand - effect of ingredients and Additives on properties of moulding sandreusability of moulding sands- sand conditioning. Core and core making: Purpose of cores - core prints types of cores core sand ingredients requirements of core sand- core sand mixing binding materials core boxes, core making, baking, coating, reinforcing and venting. Module 2 (12 hours) Risering:- reasons for risering riser size and location on directional solidification methods for controlling solidification:- insulation, exothermic sleeves and riser components, chills, chaplets, padding, - riser shape, size, and contact area, location of risers theoretical consideration of risering:- Caines and modulus method, riser size and solidification- riser treatment riser feeding distance-risering of alloys. Gating System: The fluid flow, Bernoullis theorem, turbulent and streamline flow top, parting line, bottom and step gates gating design considerations:- pouring cups, basins, streamlined gating - details of gating ratio eliminating slag and dross theoretical aspects of gating:- turbulence, velocity calculations in real gating, tapered sprue. Module 3 (12 hours) Ferrous foundry metallurgy: Gray cast iron composition effect of composition in properties types of graphite in gray cast iron foundry characteristics of grey cast iron effect of inoculation and inoculants low alloy and high alloy cast iron malleable iron white heart and black heart malleable iron malleablisation S.G. iron composition and properties.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Production Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

Module 4 (12 hours) Non-ferrous foundry metallurgy: Foundry characteristics of copper and aluminium base alloys degassing and melt treatment. Melting and pouring: Types of furnaces used for C.I., steel and non-ferrous metals details and charge calculation in cupola charging Module 5 (12 hours) Cleaning and inspection: Knock out and fettling destructive and non-destructive testing- salvaging. Mechanisation in foundry: Elementary ideas of mechanisation in sand conditioning and supply, moulding, core making, knock out and fettling. Text books:1. Principles of Metal Casting - Hine and Rosenthal 2. Manufacturing Engineering and Technology - Kalapakjian and Schmid References 1. Foundry Technology - P.R.Beeley 2. Manufacturing Science - Amitabha Ghosh and Ashok Kumar Mallick University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 3 marks=15 marks All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module. Analytical/Problem solving questions 5 x 5 marks=25 marks All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module. Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 5 x 12 marks=60 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 100



Syllabus - B.Tech. Production Engineering

PE010 405: Machine Drawing

(Common with ME010 405 and AU010 405)

Teaching scheme 3 hours practical and 1 hour theory per week Objectives :


To impart the fundamental concepts of machine drawing. To develop primary knowledge of working drawings. To produce orthographic drawing of different machine parts. To develop skill to produce assembly drawings. To develop skill to produce detailed drawings of machines parts from assembly drawing. Module-1(15hrs) Conversion of pictorial views into orthographic views-dimensioning techniques-preparation of drawing- Limits and tolerances of machine parts - Hole system and shaft system of tolerances - Designation of fundamental deviation - Types of fits and their selection - Indication of dimensional tolerances and fits on simple machine parts - Geometrical tolerances Recommended symbols - Indication of geometrical tolerances on simple machine parts - Surface roughness Indication of surface finish on drawings - Preparation of shop floor drawings of simple machine parts. Types of screw threads-different forms-conventional representation-sketching orthographic views of hexagonal bolts and nuts -dimensional drawing-square headed bolts and nuts sketching of different types of lock nuts and locking devices- foundation bolts. Forms of rivet heads riveted joints-lap and butt joints with single and multiple riveting in chain and zig zag arrangements dimensional drawing. Sketching of conventional representation of welded joint. Module-2 (20 hrs) Fully dimensioned and sectional drawing of the following Joints- knuckle joint-jib and cotter - shaft couplingstypes of keys- protected types of flanged couplings-bushed pin type flexible coupling-Oldhams coupling Pipe joints-spigot and socket joint-flanged joint- Shaft bearings and support-Plummer block IC engine partspiston-connecting rod.

Module-3(25hrs) Assembly and working drawings of the following Valves - -stop valve-spring loaded safety valve dead weight safety valve-feed check valve-feed check valve - Machine elements-screw jack lathe tool postspindle-tailstock. Note: Drawing practical classes have to be conducted by using any standard CAD software and using drawing instruments in alternate weeks (3Hours) preferably for each half of the student. Semester End examination (3Hours) shall be conducted by using drawing instruments only All drawing exercises mentioned above are for class work. Additional exercises wherever necessary may be given as homework References: 1. N.D.Bhatt and Panchal, Machine Drawing, Charator Publishing House 2. P I.Varghese, Machine Drawing, VIP Publishers, Thrissur 3. Ajeet Singh, Machine Drawing, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Ltd 4. P.S.Gill , Machine Drawing, S.K.Kataria &Sons

University examination pattern Question I: Two questions of 7.5 marks each out of three questions from module-1 Question II: One questions of 25 marks from module-2. Question III: One question of 60 marks from module-3 .

Mahatma Gandhi University

PE010 406(EE) Electrical Technology

(Common with ME010 406 (EE) and AU010 406 (EE)) Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives Understanding the basic working principles of DC machines Ac machines and its drives Module I (8 hours) D.C. Generator - O.C.C. Condition for self excitation field critical resistance critical speed - Load characteristics of generators- Losses- power flow diagram- efficiency- condition for maximum efficiency- Application. Module II (16 hours) D.C. Motors: Back emf speed and torque equation- starting and speed control testing of D.C. Motors brake test Swinburns test- Performance characteristics of Shunt, Series and Compound motors. - Applications Transformer Emf equation: No load current equivalent circuit regulation- efficiency. Determination of regulation and efficiency from O.C. and S.C. tests cooling of transformer. Basic principle of 3 phase transformer - Applications Module III (13 hours) Alternators - Construction details: Type emf equation (winding factor need not be derived) synchronous impedance regulation by emf and mmf method. Synchronous Motors: Principle of operation method of starting. Three phase induction motor: Production of rotating magnetic field - equivalent circuit torque equation torque slip characteristics no load and blocked rotor tests starting and speed control Application Single Phase motor: Different types - Application. Module IV (13 hours) Industrial drives electric drives advantages individual drive and group drive factors affecting choice of motor mechanical characteristics of a.C. and D.C. motors motors for particular application like textile mill, steel mill, paper mill, mine, hoists, crane etc. size and rating of motor . Electric traction Different systems of traction comparison track electrification different systems traction motor characteristics electric braking plugging Dynamic and regenerative braking. Module V (10 hours) Power semiconductor devices: power diodes SCRs - principle of operation of SCRs two transistor analogy of SCR characteristics SCR rating (basic principle only). High frequency heating induction and dielectric heating resistance heating resistance weldingblock schematic of resistance welding scheme.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Production Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

Text Books 1. Dr. P S Bimbra, Electrical Machinery, Khanna Publishers 2. J B Gupta, Electrical Machines , S K Kataria and Sons 3. Dr. P S Bimbra, Power Electronics, Khanna Publishers Reference Books 1. Alexander Langsdorf A S: Theory of AC Machinery, Mc-Graw Hill 2. Say M G: Performance and design of AC Machines, ELBS 3. Electrical machines, Drives and Power Systems: Thoedore Wildi, Pearson Ed. 4. P.C. Sen, Thyristor DC Drives, Wiley-Interscience Publication 1984 5. Joseph Vithayathil, Power Electronics-Principles and applications, TMH, 2010 6. B. K. Bose, Modern Power Electronics and A.C. Drives, PHI, 2002. 7. G.K. Dubey, Fundamentals of Electrical Drives, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi,2005

University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two 5 x 3 marks=15 marks sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module. Analytical/Problem solving questions 5 x 5 marks=25 marks All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module. Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving 5 x 12 marks=60 questions marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Ma im m Total



Syllabus - B.Tech. Production Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

PE010 407: Hydraulic Machines Laboratory

(Common with ME010 407)
Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Objectives To provide experience on various Hydraulic machineries.

Credits: 2

To acquaint the students with the measurement of various parameters.

Experiments Performance characteristic tests on Pelton wheel (Load test & best speed). Performance characteristic tests on Francis turbine (Load test & best gate opening). Performance characteristic tests on Kaplan turbine (Load test & best gate, vane angle opening). Performance characteristic tests on single stage, multi stage centrifugal pumps at constant speed & at variable speed. Actual & predicted curves. Performance characteristic tests on self-priming pump, Jet pump, Airlift pump and deep well pump Performance characteristic tests on axial flow pump. Performance characteristic tests on Hydraulic ram. Performance characteristic tests on reciprocating pump at constant speed. Performance characteristic tests on Gear pump. Performance characteristic tests on Screw pump.
Text Books

1. Abdulla Sheriff, Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machines: Standard Publ. 2. R.K Bansal, Fliud Machines and Hydraulic Machines , Lakshmi publications New Delhi
Reference Books

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

K Subramanya , Fluid Machines and Hydraulic Machines , TMH. Govinda Rao N.S, Fluid Flows Machines, TMH. Shiv Kumar, Fluid Mechanics & Fluid machines , Ane books. Massey B. S, Fluid Mechanics, ELBS Stepanoff John A. J, Centrifugal and Axial Flow Pump, Wiley & Sons

Syllabus B.Tech. Production Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-50) 50%-Laboratory practical and record 30%- Test/s 20%- Regularity in the class

End Semester Examination (Maximum Marks-100) 70% - Procedure, conducting experiment, results, tabulation, and inference 30% - Viva voce

Syllabus B.Tech. Production Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

PE010 408: Computer Programming Laboratory

(Common with ME010 307 and AU010 307)

To provide experience in programming with C language To familiarize with operating systems. File directories, editors, compilers and file managers etc. To obtain exposure to computer programming languages for technical computation like MatLab. Programming experiments in C to cover control structures functions, arrays, structures, pointers and files Counting characters, lines and words Checking leap year Finding sum of digits and reversing a number Generating Prime numbers, Fibonacci numbers and Angstrom numbers Sine and Cosine series generation Implementation of Numerical Integration using Simpsons and Trapezoidal rules Sorting of numbers, strings and records Matrix addition and multiplication Implementation of dynamic memory allocation Implementation of linked lists Problems related to files Problems related to command line arguments

i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii.


Syllabus B.Tech. Production Engineering



(Common to all branches except CS & IT)

Teaching scheme
2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week

Credits: 4

Objectives: Use basic numerical techniques to solve problems and provide scientific techniques to decision making problems. MODULE 1 Function of Complex variable (12 hours)

Analytic functions Derivation of C.R. equations in cartision co-ordinates harmonic and orthogonal properties construction of analytic function given real or imaginary parts complex potential conformal mapping of z2 , - Bilinear transformation cross ratio invariant property (no proof) (12 hours)

simple problems MODULE 2 Complex integration

Line integral Cauchys integral theorem Cauchys integral formula Taylors series- Laurents series Zeros and singularities types of singularities Residues Residue theorem evaluation of real integrals in unit circle contour integral in semi circle when poles lie on imaginary axis. MODULE 3 Numerical solution of algebraic and transcendental equations (10 hours)

Successive bisection method Regula falsi method Newton Raphson method - Secant method solution of system of linear equation by Gauss Seidel method MODULE 4 Numerical solution of Ordinary differential equations ( 10 hours) Taylors series method Eulers method modified Eulers method Runge Kutta method (IV order) Milnes predictor corrector method MODULE 5 Linear programming problem (16 hours)

Definition of L.P.P., solution, optimal solution, degenerate solution graphical solution solution using simplex method (non degenerate case only) Big -M method Duality in L.P.P. Transportation problem Balanced T.P. initial solution using Vogels approximation method - modi method (non degenerate case only) Text books:1. B.V. Ramana Higher Engg. Mathematics Mc Graw Hill 2. M.R.Spicgel , S.Lipschutz , John J. Schiller, D.Spellman Complex variables, schanms outline series - Mc Graw Hill References 1. S.Bathul text book of Engg.Mathematics Special functions and complex variables PHI 2. B.S. Grewal Numerical methods in Engg. and science - Khanna Publishers

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Dr.M.K Venkataraman- Numerical methods in science and Engg -National publishing co S.S Sastry - Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis -PHI P.K.Gupta and D.S. Hira Operations Research S.Chand Panneer Selvam Operations Research PHI H.C.Taneja Advanced Engg. Mathematics Vol II I.K.International


University Examination Question Paper Pattern

Short answer questions (one/two sentences)


All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module Analytical/Problem solving questions

5 x 3 = 15

All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions

5 x 5 = 25

Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question Maximum Total Marks

5 x 12 = 60


Mahatma Gandhi University

PE 010 502 Theory of Metal Cutting

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives: To introduce developments in metal cutting theory and different processes. To analyze the mechanics of cutting, economy in cutting etc. MODULE 1 (12 hours) Introduction to metal removal process types of machine tools, Lathes: Engine Lathes specification-general study of main parts and tool and work holding devices, lathe operations and cutting tools used, speed and feed for turning, turning time calculations. Typesof lathes - Capstan, Turret, Copying. Automatic and semiautomatic lathes - their working principles, applications and essential difference from engine lathe. MODULE 2 (12 hours) Theory of metal cutting: Historical back ground Classification of manufacturing process Deformation of metals, shearing etc (review only) Performance & process parameters - Oblique & orthogonal cutting Mechanism of chip formation, types of chip Tool geometry systems Mechanism of orthogonal cutting: Thin and thick zone model, Merchants analysis, Friction process in metal cutting: nature of sliding friction, adhesion theory, ploughing, sub layer flow Effect of rake angle, cutting angle, nose radius etc. on cutting force and surface finish Empirical determination of force component. MODULE 3 (12 hours) Thermal aspects of machining: Source of heat; temperature distribution in chip, shear plane & work piece - effect of speed, feed & depth of cut etc on cutting force and surface roughness different tool materials, HSS, WC, coated WC, Alumina, cBN, diamond etc. - Cutting fluids, classification and applications of fluids Tool wear and tool life Tool wear mechanisms- Taylors equation and wear land; rapid, steady and catatospheric wear Economics of machining Machineability index. MODULE 4(12 hours) Grinding: - cylindrical, centerless, internal, surface grinding machines. Grinding wheels: - types of abrasives grain size type of bonds grade structure marking system fluids truing and dressing evaluation of grinding wheel performance grinding principle grinding forces. MODULE 5 (12 hours) Milling:- column and knee type, bed type milling machines different methods of milling conventional and climb milling nomenclature of milling cutters cutting forces in milling attachments and accessories for milling process. Text Books:1. Armarego & Brown, The Machining of Metals, Prentice - Hall

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

2. HMT, Production Technology, Tata McGraw Hill 3. Kalpakjian, Manufacturing Engineering & Technology, Addison Wesley, 4nd edn. 4. Paul. H. Black, Theory of Metal Cutting, McGraw Hill REFERENCES 1. Metcut research, Machinablity Data Center Vol.1 & 2, Metcut research associates, Cincinnati 2. Lal G.K., Introduction to Machining Science, New Age publishers 3. Shaw Milton C. Metal cutting principles, Oxford. 4. Malkin S. Grinding Technology, Ellis horwood. 5. Boothroyd G. Fundamentals of machining and machine tools, Marcel Dekker. 6. Trent E.M. Metal cutting, Buttorworth.


University Examination Question Paper Pattern Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module Analytical/Problem solving questions All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question Maximum Total Marks


5 x 3 = 15 5 x 5 = 25

5 x 12 = 60 100

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering.

PE010 503: Advanced Mechanics of Materials

(Common with ME010 503)
Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives Credits: 4

1. To impart concepts of stress and strain analysis in a solid. 2. To study the methodologies in theory of elasticity at a basic level. 3. To acquaint with energy methods to solve structural problems.
Module I (12 hours) Basic equations of Elasticity, Stress at a point with respect to a plane - normal and tangential components of stress - stress tensor - Cauchys equations - stress transformation - principal stresses and planes - strain at a point - strain tensor - analogy between stress and strain tensors - constitutive equations - generalized Hookes law - relation among elastic constants equations of equilibrium -strain-displacement relations

Module II (12 hours)

Compatibility conditions - boundary conditions - Saint Venants principle for end effects uniqueness condition. 2-D problems in elasticity. Plane stress and plane strain problems Airys stress function solutions by polynomial method solutions for bending of a cantilever with an end load and bending of a beam under uniform load.

Module III (12 hours)

Equations in polar coordinates - Lames problem - stress concentration problem of a small hole in a large plate. Axisymmetric problems - thick cylinders - interference fit - rotating discs. Special problems in bending: Unsymmetrical bending - shear center - curved beams with circular and rectangular cross-section Module IV (12 hours) Energy methods in elasticity: Strain energy of deformation - special cases of a body subjected to concentrated loads, due to axial force, shear force, bending moment and torque reciprocal relation -Maxwell reciprocal theorem - Castiglianos first and second theorems - virtual work principle -minimum potential energy theorem - complementary energy

Module V (12 hours)

Torsion of non-circular bars: Saint Venants theory - Prandtles method - solutions for circular and elliptical cross-sections - membrane analogy - torsion of thin walled open and closed sections- shear flow

Text Books 1. L. S. Sreenath, Advanced Mechanics of Solids, McGraw Hill 2. S. M. A. Kazimi, Solid Mechanics, McGraw Hill 3. S. P. Timoshenko, J. N. Goodier, Theory of elasticity, McGraw Hill Reference Books 1. J. P. Den Hartog, Advance Strength of Materials, McGraw Hill 2. C. K. Wang, Applied Elasticity, McGraw Hill


University Examination Question Paper Pattern

Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module Analytical/Problem solving questions All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question Maximum Total Marks


5 x 3 = 15 5 x 5 = 25

5 x 12 = 60 100

Mahatma Gandhi University

PE 010 504 Industrial Engineering

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To provide an exposure to the fundamental tools and techniques in Industrial Engineering for integration and improvement of inter related work activities and productivity management. Module I Introduction: Evolution of industrial Engineering, Branches and Fields of application of Industrial Engineering, Functions of Industrial Engineer. Types of production- ProductivityProductivity index- factors affecting productivity-techniques for productivity improvement. Product development and design: Requirements of a good product design- product development process- product analysis. Value Engineering: Fundamental Concepts- reasons for poor values- types of values- Applications and benefits of Value Engineering. Module II Facility planning: Plant location-Procedure for site selection- Plant layout-Objectives and principles of plant layout- types of layout- Factors influencing layout- introduction to layouts based on group technology, just-in-time and cellular manufacturing systems. Material Handling: Functions and Principles of material handling, Selection of material handling equipments-types of material handling equipments. Module III Materials Management: Objectives, functions and scope of materials management. Purchasing - Objectives and functions-purchasing procedure- buying techniques- Vendor development and rating system- Stores management. Inventory Control: Objectives of inventory control-inventory costs-Determining inventory level-EOQ model-Models with shortages-Continuous and Periodic Review systems-ABC analysis- Make or buy decision-Vendor Managed Inventory. Module IV Methods engineering: Work study-Procedure for motion study- Recording TechniquesMicro motion study- Work measurement techniques- Time study. Industrial Ergonomics: Introduction to Ergonomics-Objectives of Human EngineeringAspects of Man- Machine System- Workplace design. Job Evaluation and Merit Rating: Objectives of Job evaluation, methods of job evaluation, merit rating, Types of merit rating. Module V Inspection and Quality Control: Objectives and kinds of inspection-methods of inspectionObjectives of quality control- Statistical quality control-control charts, problems- Acceptance sampling-Total quality management- ISO systems-QFD- Benchmarking.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Text Books 1. Verma A.P., Industrial Engineering, S. K. Kataria & Sons. 2. Sharma S. C. & Banga T. R., Industrial Organisation and Engineering Economics, Khanna Publishers. Reference Books 1. Khanna O.P., Industrial Engineering and Management, Dhanpat Rai and Co. 2. Tompkins J.A and White J.A. , Facilities Planning, John Wiley, N.Y.,1984. 3. Tony Arnold, J.R, Introduction to materials management, Prentice hall inc, N.J,1998. 4. Tayyari and Smith J.L., Occupational Ergonomics; principles and Applications, Chapman and Hall publication, U.K., 1997


University Examination Question Paper Pattern Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module Analytical/Problem solving questions All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question Maximum Total Marks


5 x 3 = 15 5 x 5 = 25

5 x 12 = 60 100

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

PE 010 505 Metrology &Instrumentation

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives: To study the concepts about measurements and instrumentation which are essential to measure and evaluate systems. To understand the relevant concepts and equipments used for selecting the measuring instruments and instrumentation procedures. MODULE 1 (12 hours) Metrological concepts - Abbe principle need for high precision measurements problems associated with high precision measurements.Standards for length measurement shop floor standards and their calibration light interference method of coincidence slip gauge calibration measurement errors. Comparator: Mechanical, Optical, Pneumatic, Electrical and Electronic comparators. Optical Measuring Instruments: - Principle of Interferometry Optical flat, principle Interferometers angle dekkor Autocollimators, Tool makers- Microscope. MODULE 2 (12 hours) Various tolerances and specifications, gauging principles selective assembly, comparators. Angular measurements principles and instruments. Thread measurements. Surface and form metrology flatness, roughness, waviness, roundness, cylindrically etc. Computer aided metrology Principles and interfacing software metrology. MODULE 3 (12 hours) Transducers: - Classification- Static and Dynamic characteristics of Transducers and Dynamometers. Stress- Strain Measurement: Types of strain gauges- Strain measurements by using resistance strain gauges and Mechanical strain gauges-types, application. Basic concept in static and dynamic measurements: Analysis of Experimental errors Gaussian and normal error Distribution- methods of Least Squares- Simple problems. MODULE 4 (12 hours) Laser metrology application of leasers in precision measurements laser interferometer, speckle measurements, laser scanners. Co-ordinate measuring machine types of CMM probes used application non-contact CMM using Electro optical sensors for dimensional metrology non contact sensors for surface roughness measurements. MODULE 5 (12 hours) Image processing and its application in metrology. And Automated machine vision applied to assembly and inspection tasks traditionally performed by human operators. Text books:1. Hume 2. Sharpe Reference: 1. ASME 2. Taher

Metrology, McDonald Metrology, ELBS

Hand book of industrial Metrology Metrology, ELBS

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

3. Ted Busch Fundamentals of Dimensional Metrology, 3rd Edition, Delmar Publishers 4. Collet C.V. and Hope A.D., Engineering Measurements, Second Edition, ELBS Longman.


University Examination Question Paper Pattern Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module Analytical/Problem solving questions All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question Maximum Total Marks


5 x 3 = 15 5 x 5 = 25

5 x 12 = 60 100

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

PE010 506 Thermodynamics

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives
To impart the basic concepts of Thermodynamics Pre-requisites: Knowledge required to study this subject (especially any subject previously studied)

Credits: 4

OBJECTIVES:- To learn about thermodynamic systems and boundaries, study the basic laws of thermodynamics, understand various forms of energy including heat transfer and work, identify various type of properties, use tables, equations, and charts, in evaluation of thermodynamic properties, apply conservation of mass, first law, and second law in thermodynamic analysis of systems, enhance their problem solving skills and fundamentals of heat transfer with its concepts in the operation of internal combustion engines. MODULE 1 Fundamental concepts-Scope and limitations of thermodynamics- Thermodynamic systems different types of systems-macroscopic and microscopic analysiscontinuum-Properties-State-Processes- -Thermodynamic equilibrium-Equation of state of an ideal gas-PVT system-Real gas-Real gas relations-Compressibility factorLaw of corresponding states. MODULE 2 Laws of thermodynamics-Zeroth law of thermodynamics-Thermal equilibriumConcept of temperature Temperature scales-Thermometry-Perfect gas temperature scales. Work and Heat-First law of thermodynamics-concept of energy-first law for closed and open systems-specific heats- internal energy and enthalpy- Steady flow energy equation- Joule Thompson effect. MODULE 3 Second law of thermodynamics-Various statements and their equivalence-Reversible process and reversible cycles Carnot cycle-Corollaries of the second law-Thermo dynamic temperature scale- Clausius inequality-Concept of entropy-Calculation of change in entropy in various thermodynamic processes-Reversibility and irreversibility-Available and unavailable energy Third law of thermo dynamics. Internal Combustion Engines MODULE 4 Working of two stroke and four stroke - Petrol and Diesel Engines (Review Only). Combustion in S. I. Engine- Ignition limits - stages of combustion - combustion quality - Ignition lag - Flame propagation - Abnormal combustion - detonation effects - Theory, chemistry and control - flash point, fire point and viscosity index. MODULE 5 Combustion in C. I. Engines - Air Fuel ratio in C. I. Engines - Ignition Lag - diesel knock - Controlling Methods - Various stages of combustion - vaporization of fuel droplets and spray formation - Air motion - Swirl - combustion chamber - Engine

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

operating characteristics - Testing of I. C. Engines - Indicated power - Brake power Volumetric Efficiency - Heat balance Test - Morse Test.

Text Books

1. Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals 2. Internal Combustion Engine and Air Pollution 3. Heat and Thermodynamics
Reference Books

John B. Heywood Obert E. F. M.N.Zemansky Lichty L. C. V. Genesan V. Genesan P.K.Nag M.Achuthan Keenan Obert Holman

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Internal Combustion Engine Internal Combustion Engine A course in internal combustion Engine Engineering Thermodynamics Engineering Thermodynamics Thermodynamics Thermodynamics Thermodynamics


University Examination Question Paper Pattern Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module Analytical/Problem solving questions All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question Maximum Total Marks


5 x 3 = 15 5 x 5 = 25

5 x 12 = 60 100

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

PE010 507: Thermal Engineering Laboratory

Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Credits: 2

Objectives: To understand the working of various IC engines. To get a hand on experiences on various parts of different engines

Study of systems and components of IC Engines and automobiles - study of dynamometers used in engine testing - study of IC Engine repairs and maintenance. Study of boilers, boiler mountings and accessories - study of steam engine parts and systems. Testing of IC engines - Performance analysis of IC engine using computerized test rig-Load test on petrol and diesel engines- determination of indicated and brake thermal efficiencies - mechanical efficiency - relative efficiency - volumetric efficiency - air-fuel ratio and compression ratio - valve timing diagram - retardation test - Morse test - heat balance - effect of varying the rate of cooling water and varying the speed on the performance characteristics of engines. Testing of steam boiler - boiler trial - steam calorimeters and steam nozzles - performance test on steam turbines exhaust gas analysis. Testing of fuels and lubricants - determination of flash and fire points of petroleum products - determination of kinematics and absolute viscosity of lubricating oils determination of calorific value of fuel.
Reference Books 1. John B Heywood, Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company Sigapur,1998. 2. Obert E F,Internal Combustion Engine and air Pollution Mc Graw Hill book company New York. 3. Mathur and Sharma,A course in Internal Combustion Engine - Dhanpat Rai Publications new Delhi, 2004. 4. Sharma S.P, Fuels and Combustion, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. New Delhi.1990. 5. Spalding D.B. Some Fundamentals of Combustion Better Worths Scientific Publications London, 1955.

Syllabus B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

PE 010 508 Electrical & Electronics Lab

Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Credits: 2

Objectives To conduct various tests on Electrical Machines and to study their performance. To conduct various tests on practical electronic circuits

1. Study of 3-point and 4-point starters for D.C machines 2. OCC of self excited D.C machines critical resistances of various speeds. Voltage built-up with a given field circuit resistance. Critical speed for a given field circuit resistance 3. OCC of separately excited D.C machines 4. Load test on shunt generator deduce external, internal and armature reaction characteristics. 5. Load test on compound generator 6. Swinburnes test on D.C machines. 7. Brake test on D.C shunt motors and determination of characteristics. 8. Brake test on D.C series motors and determination of characteristics 9. Brake test on D.C compound motors and determination of characteristics 10. O.C and S.C tests on single phase transformers calculation of performance using equivalent circuit efficiency, regulation at unity, lagging and leading power factors. 11. Load test on single phase transformers. 12. Alternator regulation by emf and mmf methods 13. Study of starters for three phase induction motors 14. Load tests on three phase squirrel cage induction motors 15. Load tests on three phase slip ring induction motors 16. Load tests on single phase induction motors

1. Design and testing of clipping and clamping circuits 2. Design and testing of of RC integrator and differentiator circuits. 3. Design and testing of rectifier circuits Half wave Full wave (centre tapped and bridge) circuits. Filter circuits. 4. Design and testing of RC coupled amplifier frequency response. Sweep circuits 5. Design and Testing of RC phase-shift Oscillator

1. Dr. P S Bimbra, Electrical Machinery, Khanna Publishers 2. R K Rajput, A text book of Electrical Machines, Laxmi publishers 3. A.P. Malvino, Electronic Principles TMH 4. Floyd, Electronic Devices, Pearson Education, LPE

Syllabus B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

PE010 601: Kinematics of Machinery

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objectives Credits: 4

1. To understand the basic components and layout of linkages in the assembly of a system/machine. 2. To understand the principles involved in assembly the displacement, velocity and acceleration at any point in a link of a mechanism. 3. To understand the motion resulting from a specified set of linkages. 4. To understand and to design few linkage mechanisms and cam mechanisms for specified output motions. 5. To understand the basic concepts of toothed gearing and kinematics of gear trains.
Module I (14hours) Classification of mechanisms Basic kinematic concepts and definitions Degree of freedom, Mobility Kutzbach criterion, Grueblers criterion Grashofs Law Kinematic inversions of four-bar chain, slider crank chains and double slider crank chains Limit positions Mechanical advantage Transmission Angle -Coupler curves Description of some common Mechanisms Quick return mechanisms, Straight line generators, Dwell Mechanisms, Ratchets and Escapements, Universal Joint, steering mechanisms Module II (12hours) Displacement, velocity and acceleration analysis of simple mechanisms Graphical method Velocity and acceleration polygons Velocity analysis using instantaneous centers Kennedys theorem, kinematic analysis by complex algebra methods Vector approach Computer applications in the kinematic analysis of simple mechanisms Coincident points Coriolis component of Acceleration. Module III (10hours) Kinematic synthesis ( Planar Mechanisms) - Tasks of kinematic synthesis Type, Number and dimensional synthesis Precision points - Graphical synthesis for four link mechanism Function generator 2 position and 3 position synthesis Overlay Method - Analytical synthesis techniques Module IV (12 hours) Cams and Followers: - types-follower motion-SHM-uniform velocity and accelerationCycloidal - displacement, velocity and acceleration curves-Cam profile-Reciprocating and oscillating followers-Tangent cams-Convex and concave cams with footed followers. Introduction to Polynomial cams. Module V (12 hours) Law of toothed gearing Involutes and cycloidal tooth profiles Spur Gear terminology and definitions Gear tooth action contact ratio Interference and undercutting Non-standard gear teeth Helical, Bevel, Worm, Rack and Pinion gears [Basics only] Gear trains Speed ratio, train value Parallel axis gear trains Epicyclic Gear Trains Differentials

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Text books:1.

J. E. Shigley, J. J. Uicker, Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, McGraw Hill

Reference Books 1. R L Norton, Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery, 1st ed., Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, Delhi, 2009 2. S .S Rattan Theory of Machines, 3rd ed., Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, Delhi, 2009

3. A. Ghosh, A. K. Malik, Theory of Mechanisms and Machines, Affiliated East West Press 4. A. G. Erdman, G. N. Sandor, Mechanism Design: Analysis and synthesis Vol I & II,


University Examination Question Paper Pattern Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module Analytical/Problem solving questions All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question Maximum Total Marks


5 x 3 = 15 5 x 5 = 25

5 x 12 = 60 100

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

PE010602: Heat and Mass Transfer

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To provide a useful foundation and basic knowledge of the subject required for innovative work and advanced studies. To motivate the students and to develop interest in the subject by providing information along with practical application of different formulae from an engineering point of view. Module I (12 hours) Scope and application of heat transfer principles in engineering practice. Introduction to basic modes of heat transfer Conduction: Fourier law-thermal conductivity of solids, liquids and gasses-factors affecting thermal conductivity-common conducting and insulating materials. General heat conduction equation in Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical co-ordinates- one dimensional steady state conduction with and without heat generation-conduction through homogeneous and composite surfaces-plane wall, cylinders and spheres-concept of thermal resistance-contact resistance-variable thermal conductivity-critical thickness of insulation-overall heat transfer coefficient-heat transfer through corners and edges-conduction shape factor. Module II (12 hours) Convection: Elementary ideas of hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layers-Newtons law of cooling-factors affecting heat transfer coefficient in forced and natural (free) convection heat transfer-application of dimensional analysis to free and forced convection-significance of Prandtil number, Reynolds number, Grashof number and Nusselt number. Forced convection: Laminar and turbulent flow heat transfer in a circular pipe- Laminar and turbulent flow heat transfer in flow over a flat plate-flow across a cylinder. Natural convection: Natural convection heat transfer from a plate kept vertical and horizontal- cylinder kept vertical and horizontal-description of natural convection heat transfer from enclosed spaces. (Problems limited to using important empirical relations available in data book) Module III (12 hours) Heat transfer from extended surfaces: Governing equation and boundary conditions-straight rectangular fin-pin fin of uniform cross sectional area-circumferential fin-fin effectiveness-fin efficiency-solving problems using data book. Heat exchangers: General classification of heat exchangers according to type of energy transfer, according to flow arrangement and according to area to volume ratio-Log Mean Temperature Difference (LMTD) for parallel flow, counter flow and cross flow arrangementscalculation of heat exchanger size and flow rates from known temperatures. Effectiveness_NTU method of evaluation-solving problems using data book. Module IV (12 hours) Radiation: Nature of thermal radiation-definitions and concepts-monochromatic and total emissive power-absorptivity, reflectivity and transmissivity-definition of black, grey and real surfaces-concept of a black body-Planks law, Kirchoffs law, Weins displacement law and Stefan-Boltzmann law-geometric factor (shape factor or configuration factor) of simple geometries. Heat exchange by radiation between black surfaces of equal, parallel and opposite black squares and discs-black rectangles perpendicular to each other having a common edgeheat exchange between infinite parallel planes of different emissivity-radiation shield ( no derivation )-simple derivations and simple problems using data book.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

Module V (12 hours) Mass Transfer: Introduction to mass transfer-Ficks law of diffusion-steady state mass diffusion of gasses and liquids through solids-convective mass transfer (elementary concepts and definitions)-analogy between heat and mass transfer-elementary problems. Condensation and boiling: Laminar film condensation on a vertical plate and horizontal tubes. Pool boiling-different regimes of pool boiling-flow patterns in flow boiling in a vertical tube. Two dimensional steady state heat conduction-governing equation and boundary conditionsapplication of finite difference method in solving two dimensional steady state heat conduction through a rectangular slab (method of discretisation of nodal equations only) Data Book: 1. C. P. Kothandaraman, S. Subramanyan, Heat and Mass Transfer Data Book, 5th ed., New Age International Publishers. 2. A. V. Domkundwar, Dr. V. M. Domkundwar, Heat and Mass Transfer Data Book, 3rd ed., Danapat Rai & Co. Text Books 1. S. P. Sukhatme, A Text Book on Heat Transfer, 4th ed.,Universities Press, Hydrabad, 2005 2. S. K. Som, Introduction to Heat Transfer, PHI Learning,New Delhi, 2008 3. P. K. Nag, Heat Transfer, 1st ed., Tata McGraw-Hill Reference Books Frank P. Incropera, David P. Dewitt, Fundementals of Heat and Mass Transfer, 5th ed., John Wiley & Sons 2. J. P. Holman, Heat Transfer, 9th ed., Tata McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi, 2010 3. M. Necati Ozisick, Heat Transfer A Basic Approach, McGraw Hill Book Company 4. Frank Kreith, Mark S. Bohn, Principles of Heat Transfer, 5th ed , PWS Publishing Company 5. S. P. Venkateshan, A First Course in Heat Transfer, Ane Books, Chennai


University Examination Question Paper Pattern Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module Analytical/Problem solving questions All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question Maximum Total Marks


5 x 3 = 15 5 x 5 = 25

5 x 12 = 60 100

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

PE 010 603 Control and Automation

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objective: To expose students to the breadth of knowledge required by the modern practice of control and automation. MODULE 1 (12 hours) Introduction to Mechatronics Sensors and transducers: characteristics. Displacement and position sensors. Resolvers and synchros. Velocity and motion sensors. Principle and types of force, temperature, vibration and acoustic emission sensors. Pneumatic, hydraulic and mechanical actuation systems used for mechatronics devices. MODULE 2 (12 hours) Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS): Fabrication methods - Working and applications of MEMS based accelerometer, pressure sensor and gyroscope Design of modern Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines and mechatronics elements Machine structure: guide ways, drives. Bearings: anti-friction bearings, hydrostatic bearing and hydrodynamic bearing. Roller and ball screws. Measuring system for NC machines: direct and indirect measuring system. MODULE 3 (12 hours) System modelling - Mathematical models and basic building blocks of general mechanical, electrical, fluid and thermal systems. Adaptive control of machine tools. Mechatronics in Robotics-Electrical drives: DC, AC, brushless, servo and stepper motors. Harmonic drive. MODULE 4 (12 hours) Robotic force and pressure sensors: piezoelectric sensor and strain gauge. Tactile sensor. Proximity sensors: Magnetic, optical, ultrasonic, inductive, capacitive and eddy current methods. Range finders: ultrasonic and light based range finders MODULE 5 (12 hours) Robotic vision - Image acquisition: Vidicom and charge coupled device (CCD) cameras. Image processing techniques: histogram analysis, thresholding and connectivity method.. Case studies of mechatronics systems: Pick and place robot, automatic car park barrier system, and automobile engine management system. Text books:1. W. Bolton, Mechatronics: Electronic Control Systems in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Person Education Limited, New Delhi 2007. 2. HMT, Mechatronics, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi 2004.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

References 1. K.P. Ramachandran, G.K. Vijayaraghavan, M.S. Balasundaram. Mechatronics: Integrated Mechanical Electronic Systems. Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi 2008. 2. David G. Aldatore, Michael B. Histand, Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, McGraw-Hill Inc., USA 2003. 3. Vijay K. Varadan, K. J. Vinoy, S. Gopalakrishnan, Smart Material Systems and MEMS: Design and Development Methodologies, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., England 2006. 4. Saeed B. Niku, Introduction to Robotics: Analysis, Systems, Applications, Person Education, Inc., New Delhi 2006. 5. Gordon M. Mair, Industrial Robotics, Prentice Hall International, UK 1998. University Examination Question Paper Pattern Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module Analytical/Problem solving questions All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question Maximum Total Marks



5 x 3 = 15 5 x 5 = 25

5 x 12 = 60 100

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

PE010 604 Computer Aided Design & Manufacturing

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To provide a comprehensive concepts of the design aspects and its importance in computer assisted design and manufacture. To examine technologies those have been developed to automate manufacturing operations. Module 1 (12 hours)
Evolution of CAD/CAM and CIM, computers and workstation, elements of interactive graphics, input/ out put display, storage devices in CAD, networking of CAD systems 2D Graphics: line drawing algorithms, DDA line algorithm circle drawing, bressnham`s circle drawing algorithm 2D Transformation: translation, rotation, scaling, reflection clipping -3D Graphics (basic only).

Module 2 (12 hours)

Geometric modeling: Wire frame, surface and solid modeling - Engineering analysis; design review and evaluation, automated drafting. Numerical control: Need - advantages and disadvantages classifications Point to point, straight cut and contouring positioning - incremental and absolute systems open loop and closed loop systems DDA integrator and Interpolators resolution CNC and DNC.

Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC): need relays - logic ladder program timers, simple problems only - Devices in N.C. systems: Driving devices - feed back devices: encoders, moire fringes, digitizer, resolver, inductosyn, and tachometer. Module 3 (12 hours)
NC part programming: part programming fundamentals - manual programming NC coordinate systems and axes tape format sequence number, preparatory functions, dimension words, speed word, feed world, tool world, miscellaneous functions programming exercises. Computer aided part programming: concept and need of CAP CNC languages APT language structure: geometry commands, motion commands, postprocessor commands, compilation control commands programming exercises programming with interactive graphics.

(At least one programming exercise should be included in the University examination) Module 4 (12 hours)
Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP): concepts; traditional and CAPP; automated process planning: process planning, general methodology of group technology, code structures of variant and generative process planning methods, AI in process planning, process planning software. Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS): Introduction, types, concepts, need and advantages of FMS - cellular and FMS - JIT and GT applied to FMS.
Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

Module 5 (12 hours)

Robot Technology: overview, basic components - robot end effectors sensors in robotics control of actuators in robotic mechanisms (basic only) control of robo joint, stepper motor, direct drive actuators hydraulic and pneumatic systems (basic only) robot arm kinematics, direct and inverse kinematics solution robot arm dynamics robot applications: material transfer, machine loading and unloading, pre cutting operations, assembly, inspection and welding.

TEXT BOOKS: 1. Newman and Sproull 2. Yoram Koren REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Craig John Groover M.P. Hearn and Baker Petruzella Frank.D. Jonn Craig -

Principles of interactive Graphics, McGraw Hill. Numerical control of machine tools, McGraw-Hill. Introduction to Robotics CAD/CAM, PHI. Computer graphics (in C version), Prentice Hall. Programmable logic controllers. Introduction to Robotics

PART UniversityExaminationQuestionPaperPattern Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module Analytical/Problem solving questions All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question Maximum Total Marks


5 x 3 = 15 5 x 5 = 25

5 x 12 = 60 100

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

PE 010 605 Production Engineering

Teaching scheme 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives: To learn on the various metal joining processes, welding design and quality control of welded joints. MODULE 1 (12 hours) Metal Joining: Classification-Welding power sources- Arc and Arc characteristicsBehaviour of arc with variation in current and voltage- Different arc welding processes- Welding electrodes - ISI specifications for electrodes- Electrode selection MODULE 2 (12 hours) Welding Metallurgy: Heat flow in welding Metallurgical transformation in and around weldment Implication of cooling rates Heat affected zone (HAZ) Weldability of plain carbon steels, Stainless steels, Cast iron, Aluminium and its alloys. MODULE 3 (12 hours) Design of weldments: Joint design- Weldability criteria-Residual stresses and distortion-Welding and Cladding of dissimilar materials- Overlaying and surfacing. MODULE 4 (12 hours) Newer welding processes: Plasma arc, Laser beam, Electroslag, and Ultrasonic welding- Joining by brazing- Soldering- Adhesive bonding Techniques for the production of defect free Welding MODULE 5 (12 hours) Quality Control in Welding: Testing of welded joints Destructive Tests and Nondestructive tests (NDT). Quality assurance v/s Quality control - Weld quality Discontinuities in welds, their causes and remedies - Quality conflicts. Text books:1. Rossi, Welding Engineering 2. Nikodaco and Shansky, Advanced Welding processes MIR Publications. 3. ASM hand book - welding Reference books: 1. A.W.S., Welding Engineering Handbook 2. Udin, Funk and Wulf, Welding for Engineers 3. R.L Little, Welding and Welding Technology

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University


University Examination Question Paper Pattern Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module Analytical/Problem solving questions All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question Maximum Total Marks


5 x 3 = 15 5 x 5 = 25

5 x 12 = 60 100

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering.

Mahatma Gandhi University

PE010 606L01 Computational Fluid Dynamics

(Common with ME 010 606L01) Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives Credits: 4

To introduce the primary components of learning and practicing CFD To develop an understanding of solution methods for fluid motion and energy transfer equations

Module 1 (15 hours) Basic concepts: conservation principles derivation of transport equations: control volume Langangian and Eulerian approach- mass conservation equation-momentum conservation equations-stress laws-mass transfer equation-energy equation-rate change-convection and conduction-volumetric generation-work done by surface and body forces- dimensionless form of Navier-Stokes equations- introduction to numerical methods, advantages and limitations. Module 2 (10 hours) One dimenensional conduction: The governing equation- grid layout-discretisation-stability and convergence-explicit, implicit and semi-implicit procedures-methods to handle nonlinearities- Solution methods-Gauss-Siedel method and TDMA-Simple problems. Module 3 (10 hours) One dimensional conduction-convection: exact solution-discretisation- central difference scheme-upwind difference schemes- numerical false diffusion-stability of unsteady equationexact solution-explicit finite difference form-implicit finite difference form. Module 4 (10 hours) Two dimensional boundary layers: governing equations- descretisation method- symmetry, wall and free stream boundary conditions- dealing with source terms defining initial conditions-choice of grid size and iterations-applications (excluding turbulence) Module 5 (15 hours) Two dimensional Convection-Cartesian Grids: simple mathematical models for incompressible, in viscid, potential and creeping flows-approximations of hyperbolic, parabolic, elliptic, and mixed flows. Solution strategies for 2D convection problems- SIMPLE algorithm-descretisation- pressure correction equation- solution procedure- Solution methods: iterative solvers-evaluation of residuals-under relaxation-boundary conditions - simple description on treatment of turbulent flows - applications (laminar flows only).

Text Books 1. Anderson J.D., Computational Fluid Dynamics, McGraw- Hill Co. 2. Joel H. Ferzigerand Peric M., Computational methods for Fluid Dynamics, Springer Werlag Publishers Reference Books 1. Patankar S.V., Numerical Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer , Hemisphere, New York 2. Anil W. Date, Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics, Cambridge University Press 3. Hiderbrand F.B., Introduction to Numerical Analysis , Tata McGraw- Hill

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University


University Examination Question Paper Pattern Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module Analytical/Problem solving questions All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question Maximum Total Marks


5 x 3 = 15 5 x 5 = 25

5 x 12 = 60 100

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

PE 010 606 L02 Foundry and Welding Technology

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives To learn melting and casting processes To understand welding processes in detail. Credits: 4

Module 1 (12 hours) Degassing: Gas Porosity Molten Metal Filtration: sources of inclusions, methods for removal of inclusions Castability: factors influencing fluidity, hot tearing Semisolid Metal Processing - viscosity evolution during continuous cooling - Rapid Solidification: microstructural modification, heat flow - Solidification during Casting of Metal-Matrix Composites:- incorporation of reinforcements, reinforcement-metal wettability, solidification, distribution of reinforcements. Module 2 (12 hours) Hot Isostatic Pressing of Castings:- Reasons for using HIP, effect of HIP on mechanical properties, effect of HIP on the shape and structure of castings, problems encountered in HIP, economics of HIP Low Pressure Metal Casting:conventional methods, low-pressure furnace and tooling, cores, vacuum riserless/pressure riserless casting High Pressure Die Casting:- die casting alloys and processes, hot and cold chamber, advantages, disadvantages - Hot and Cold Chamber Die Casting:- melting process, injection components, distinctions between hot and cold chamber processes, gate and runner design, temperature control. Module 3 (12 hours) Vacuum High-Pressure Die Casting:- vacuum riserless casting, high-vacuum die casting Semisolid Casting (SSM):introduction, fundamentals: advantages of SSM processing, SSM processing - Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Castings: effects of alloying and impurity elements, structure control, secondary dendrite arm spacing, nondendritic microstructures, grain structure, grain-refinement, welding, molten metal fluidity, hot cracking - Titanium and Titanium Alloy Castings: effects of alloying elements, microstructures of titanium castings, cast microstructure of Ti - 6Al - 4V, melting and pouring, molding methods, postcasting practice, welding, heat treatment Nickel and Nickel Alloy Castings: structure and property correlations, melting practice and metal treatments, foundry practice, pouring practice, gating systems, risers, welding, heat treatment and applications. WELDING TECHNOLOGY Module 4 (12 hours) Heat Flow in Fusion Welding - Fluid flow phenomena during Welding: mass transport in the arc in gas tungsten arc welding, deep-penetration electron beam and laser welds, in gas metal arc welding, in submerged arc welding.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

Module 5 (12 hours) Transfer of Heat and Mass to the base metal in gas metal arc welding - Arc Physics of Gas -Tungsten Arc Welding: electrode regions and arc column - Introduction to Special Welding processes: Underwater Welding: underwater welding pyrometallurgy, micro structural development of underwater welds, heat sources, applications - welding for cryogenic service -welding in space and low - gravity environments: metallurgy of low-gravity welds. TEXT BOOKS: 1. ASM Handbook, Volume 15, Casting, ASM International, Metals Park, Ohio, USA. 2. ASM Metals Handbook. Volume 6, Welding Brazing and Soldering, ASM International, Metals Park, Ohio, USA, 1993. 3. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Amstead B.H., Phillip E Ostwald and Myron L.Begeman, Manufacturing Processes John Wiley & Co., New York. 2. American Welding Society, Welding handbook, Vol. 1 and 2, 7th edition. 3. AWS Welding Handbooks, AWS, New York, 1995. 4. Flimm, Fundamentals of Metals Casting, Addison Wesley. 5. Gourd L.M., Principles of Welding Technology, ELBS/ Edward Arnold. 6. Howard B Cary., Modern Welding Technology, 4th edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, USA, 1997. 7. Koenigsberger and Adaer, Welding Technology, Macmillan. 8. Lancaster, The Physics of Welding; Pergaman Press. 9. Lancster and George Allen, The Metallurgy of Welding, Unwin Ltd. U.K. 10. Lincoln Electric Co, Procedure Handbook of ARC Welding; Lincoln Electric Co. USA. 11. Richard W.Heine, Carl R.Loper and Phlip C.Rosenthal, Principles of Metal Casting, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi. 12. Rossi, Welding Technology, McGraw Hill. 13. Salman and Simans, Foundry Practice, Issac Pitman. PART A University Examination Question Paper Pattern Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module Analytical/Problem solving questions All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question Maximum Total Marks MARKS

5 x 3 = 15 5 x 5 = 25

5 x 12 = 60 100

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

PE010 606L03: Finite Element Analysis

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Objectives To learn the mathematical background of finite element analysis To solve structural mechanics problems using finite element approach Module I (12 hours) Introductory Concepts: Introduction to FEM. Brief History. General FEM procedure. Applications of FEM in various fields. Advantages and disadvantages of FEM. Differential Equations in different fields : Types of Differential Equations. Primary and Secondary Variables and types of Boundary Conditions. Approximate solution of differential equations-- Weightaed residual techniques, collocation, Least squares and Galerkin methods. Module II (12 hours) FEM Procedure : Definitions of various terms used in FEM likeelement, order of the element, internal and external node/s, degree of freedom, primary and secondary variables, essential boundary conditions, natural boundary conditions, homogeneous and nonhomogeneous boundary conditions. Minimization of a functional. Principle of minimum total potential. Piecewise RayleighRitz method. Comparison with weighted residual method. Module III (12 hours) Piecewise approximations. Basis of Finite Element Methods. Formulation of matrix method--.stiffness matrix.; transformation and assembly concepts. Example problems in one dimensional structural analysis (Plane Trusses, Bar and Beam) and heat transfer. Module IV (12 hours) Two dimensional finite element formulations. Three nodded triangular element, four nodded rectangular element, compatibility, four nodded quadrilateral element, eight nodded quadrilateral element. Various types of 2-D-elements Application to plane stress, plane strain and axisymmetric problems. Module V (12 hours) Natural coordinates and coordinate transformations. Isoperimetric elements. Applications to two and three-dimensional problems Convergence criterion, patch test and errors in finite element analysis. Method of Elimination. Text Books 1. Robert D.Cook, Concepts and applications of Finite Element Analysis, Wiley India, Fourth Edition, 2003. 2. Daryl L.Logan, A first course in the Finite Element Method, Cengage Learning, Fourth Edition, 2007. Reference Books 1. Reddy J.N. An Introduction to Finite Element Method, McGraw-Hill, 2000. 2. Krishnamurthy, C.S., Finite Element Analysis, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2000. 3. Bathe, K.J. and Wilson, E.L., Numerical Methods in Finite Elements Analysis, Prentice Hall of India, 1985.
Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering

Credits: 4

Mahatma Gandhi University


University Examination Question Paper Pattern Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module Analytical/Problem solving questions All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question Maximum Total Marks


5 x 3 = 15 5 x 5 = 25

5 x 12 = 60 100

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

PE 010 606 L04 Financial Management

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives: Familiarizing the students with the financial environment of business, especially the financial markets, imbibing knowledge about the decisions and decision variables involved in building the liability side of balance sheet of the firm, developing skills for interpretation business information and application of financial theory in financing related decisions MODULE 1 (12 hours) Introduction - finance and related disciplines scope of financial management functions -objectives of financial management - an overview on Indian financial system. MODULE 2 (12 hours) Financial analysis - financial statement analysis - ratio analysis.Statement of change in financial position MODULE 3 (12 hours) Working capital basis only Capital budgeting: nature - evaluation techniques traditional technique - discounted cash flow techniques (NPV & IRR) MODULE 4 (12 hours) Working capital: nature - determinants - computation of working capital Sources of corporate finance - capital market. MODULE 5 (12 hours) Stock exchanges - equity - debt other financial instruments - foreign investments and financing sources - Euro currency market, Euro issues, GDR, ADR etc. Text books:1. Prasanna Chandra, "Financial Management", TMH 2. Shapiro A.C., "Modern Corporate Finance", Max well Macmillan References: 1. Khan and Jain, "Financial Management", TMH 2. Brealey and Onyers, "Principles of corporate Finance, McGraw Hill 3. Pandey I.M., "Financial Management", Vikas publisher

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University


University Examination Question Paper Pattern Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module Analytical/Problem solving questions All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question Maximum Total Marks


5 x 3 = 15 5 x 5 = 25

5 x 12 = 60 100

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

PE010 606L05: Industrial Hydraulics

(Common with ME 010 606L05) Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives To impart the basic concepts of Fluid properties, hydraulic machines and pumping machinery To develop an idea about pressure measurements working and properties of hydraulic machines and various types of pumping machineries. Module 1 (14 hours)

Introduction to hydraulic / pneumatic devices. Symbols and nomenclature. Power transmission, Hydraulic pumps-classifications, characteristic Comparison of electric, hydraulic and pneumatic devices. Hydraulic accumulators.
. Module II (14-hours) Pumps and motors: Principle of working. Hand pumps-single acting, double acting, multidisplacement. Gear pumps- internal, external and gear ring. Screw, vane, piston pumps axial piston pump, swash pump, bent axis pump radial and series pumps. Types of hydraulic motors, gear motors, vane motors, piston motors- radial piston, rolling vane, ball piston, oscillating motor-characteristics. Telescopic cylinder, cylinder cushion. Module III (12 -hours)

Hydraulic valves: Directional control valve, shuttle valve, pressure control valve Stop valve- non return valve-relief valve-sequence valve-counter balance valvepressure reducing valve flow control valve direction control valves- throttling, non throttling- open centre and closed centre and tandem centre valves- their principle of operation.
Module IV ( 12 - hours) Hydraulic Circuits and Circuit fundamentals. Flow divider and combiner. Piping terminology, control terminology, flow control of hydraulic pump, velocity controlcharacteristics. Different types of switching and its merits Meter in and meter out. Applications of unloading valve. Application of pressure reducing and pressure sequence valve. Module V ( 8 - hours)

Properties of commonly used hydraulic fluids-Typical hydraulic circuits used in machine tools Rivetter- pneumatic Hammer, hydraulic press, and power steering
Text Books S.R.Majumdar, Oil Hydraulics and Systems-Principles and maintenance, TMH

1. 2.

John Pippenger & Tyler Hicks - Industrial Hydraulics

Reference Books

1. Daniel Bonteille -Fluid Logic and Industrial automation. 2. Pneumatic Systems Principles and Maintanance by S.R Majumdar, TMH 3. Esposito- Fluid power with applications.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University


University Examination Question Paper Pattern Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module Analytical/Problem solving questions All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question Maximum Total Marks


5 x 3 = 15 5 x 5 = 25

5 x 12 = 60 100

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

PE 010 606 L06 Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS)

Teaching scheme 2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week Credits: 4

Objectives: To understand the terminology, operation and performance of different MEMS systems and solid state sensors To understand different types of advanced deposition process. MODULE 1 (12 hours) Science For Microsystems:- molecular theory, doping, diffusion, plasma physics and electrochemistry. Mechanics For Microsystems: - static bending of thin plates, mechanical vibrations, thermomechanics and fracture mechanics, problems. Thermo Fluid For Microsystems:-incompressible fluid flow in microconduits, fluid flow in submicrometer overview of heat conduction in solids, heat conduction in multilayerd thin films, heat conduction in solids in submicrometer scale. MODULE 2 (12 hours) Scaling Laws In Miniaturization:- scaling in geometry, rigid body dynamics, electroststic forces, electromagnetic forces, electricity, fluid mechanics and heat transfer materials for MEMS. MODULE 3 (12 hours) Fabrication Process: Ion implantation diffusion - oxidation- CVD:- principle, structure, reactions, rate of deposition, different types of CVD, enhanced CVD PVD: principle, structure, reactions, different types of PVD, magnetron sputtering etc. MODULE -4 (12 hours) Micro Sensors: - acoustic wave, bio, chemical, optical and thermal sensors. Micro Actuation: - by thermal force, shape memory alloys, piezoelectric crystals and electrostatic forces. Micro Actuators: micro grippers, motor, valves, pumps and micro fluidics, fluid resistance in micro channels, capillary electrophoresis. MODULE 5 (12 hours) Design of pressure sensors design of accelerometers design of resonant micro sensors, stress and strain in thin films etc. Micro machined amplitude modulated and waveguide optical sensors - micro machined optical pressure sensor micro machined Bragg gratings - micro machined interferometric distance sensors - micro machined optochemical and bio sensors - micro machined nano probes. Text books:1. Jaeger R.C.,Introduction to Microelectronic Fabrication, Wiley, 1989 2. Lawrence J.Kamm, Understanding Electro Mechanical Engineering, An Introduction to Mechatronics, Prentice Hall, 2000.

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi University

References: 1. M.Elwenspoek, Silicon Micromachining, Cambridge Press, 1998 2. Marc J. Madou., Fundamentals of Microfabrication, The science of miniaturization, IEEE press 3. Marc Madou, Fundamentals of Micro fabrication, CRC Press, 1997 4. Rai Choudhury P., MEMS and MOEMS technology and applications, PHI learning, New Delhi. 5. StephenD Senturia, Microsystem Design, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003 6. Trimmer, Micromechanics and MEMS, IEEE Press, 1997. 7. Tai Ran Hsu, MEMS and Microsystems design and manufacture, TMH, New Delhi. University Examination Question Paper Pattern Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module Analytical/Problem solving questions All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question Maximum Total Marks



5 x 3 = 15 5 x 5 = 25

5 x 12 = 60 100

Syllabus - B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering

PE 010 607 Metrology Laboratory

Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Credits: 2

Objectives: Understanding of various types mechanical measurement equipments List of Experiments

1. Study and use of laser interferometer for calibration of linear measurements. 2. Study of slip gauges wringing surface roughness - standards. 3. Study of surface plates, straight edges, angle palte, V-block etc and applications. 4. Measurement of out of roundness using roundness measuring instrument, V block and dial indicator etc. - reasons for out of roundness etc. 5. Measurements of straightness using sprit level, auto collimator. 6. Measurement of thread parameters using three wire method. 7. Measurement of tool angles of single point tool using tool makers microscope. 8. Measurement of gear parameters using profile projector. 9. Evaluation of straightness error using autocollimator, sprit level, straight edge etc. 10. Calibration and determination of uncertainties of the following; a. Strain gauge load cells b. Bourdon tube pressure gauge c. LVDT d. Thermocouples e. Tachometers using stroboscopes, etc. 11. Study and measurement of surface roughness using surface roughness instrument. 12. Study and measurements with coordinate measuring machines. 13. Experiments on limits and fits. 14. Study and use of ultrasonic flaw detector. 15. Study of different types of dial indicators - stands and holders for dial gauges. 16. Study and use of different types of comparators. 17. Exercises on measurement system analysis 18. Study and making measurements with precision vernier calipers, dial calipers, spline micrometer, point micrometer, wire groove micrometer, depth micrometer, V- anvil micrometers, depth gear tooth micrometer, thread micrometer, disc micrometer, thread pitch gauge, vernier height gauge, slip gauges, optical flat, three pin micrometer, pyrometer, RTD, bore dial gauge, depth gauge, pitch gauge, thickness gauge, radius gauge, holetest, bench center etc. 19. Angular measurements using bevel protractor, sine bar, clinometers etc. 20. Measurement of vibration.

21. Analysis of automobile exhaust gas and flue gas. 22. Study and determination of area using planimeter. 23. Polishing, etching and determination of grain size and microstructure studies using optical microscope. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Sharp K.W.B., Practical Engineering Metrology, Sir Isaac Pitman and sons Ltd, London, 1958. 2. Shotbolt C.R. and Gayler J.F.W, Metrology for Engineers, 5th edition, ELBS, London. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Figliola, Richard S, and Beasley, Donald E, Theory and Design for Mechanical Measurements, Third edition, John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2. Collett, C.V. and Hope, A.D, Engineering Measurements, Second edition, ELBS/Longman. 3. Tarasevigh Y. and Yavosih E., Fits, Tolerances and Engineering Measurements, Foreign language publishing house, Moscow.

PE 010 608 Machine Tools Laboratory

Teaching scheme 3 hours practical per week Credits: 2

Objectives: Understanding of various types of machines and their mechanisms, manufacturing processes of machine tool components, machine parts and components of all types of machines included in the equipment list List of Experiments 1. Experiment on arc and gas welding: - butt welding and lap welding of M.S. sheets. - 1 practice. 2. Experiment on shaping machine: - flat surfaces, dovetail cutting grooving, keyway cutting etc. - 2 practices. 3. Experiment on slotting machine: - flat surfaces, dovetail cutting grooving, keyway cutting etc. - making hexagonal hole using slotting machine. - 1 practice. 4. Experiment on lathe:- Facing, plain turning, step turning and parting - groove cutting, knurling and chamfering - form turning and taper turning - eccentric turning. - 3 practices. 5. Experiment on thread cutting: - single and multistart external and internal threads, square and V-threads. - 1 practice. 6. Disassembly and assembly of small assemblies such as tail stock, bench vice, screw jack etc. - 1 practice. 7. Experiment on drilling machine: - drilling, boring, reaming and counter sinking taping study of reamers and taping. - 1 practice. 8. Study and demonstration of N.C. machines:- programming, simulation and demonstration exercises involving plane taper and form turning etc. - 3 practices. 9. Experiment on milling machine: - 1 - plane milling, keyway cutting, cutting of splines - 1 practice. 10. Experiment on milling machine: - 2 cutting of spur, helical and bevel gears study of different methods of indexing - multi slot cutting on milling machine by indexing. - 3 practices. 11. Study of surface grinding machine and demonstration of grinding of plane surface - study of cylindrical grinding machine and demonstration of plane cylindrical grinding study and demonstration of planing machine study and demonstration of broaching machine - 2 practices. Besides to the skill development in performing the work, oral examination should be conducted. A detailed report on the work carried out is to be prepared. Observation and record books are to be maintained.

The students assessment, continuous evaluation, awarding of sessional marks, record bonafides, oral examination etc and University examination shall be carried out by the faculty members (lecturer and above). TEXT BOOKS: 1. Acharkan. N., Machine Tool Design Vol. 1 to 4, MIR Publication.

1. Chapman, Workshop Technology, Vol II, ELBS. 2. HMT, Production Technology, Tata McGraw Hill. 3. Yoram Koren, Numerical Control of Machine Tools, McGraw-Hill

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