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BA Political Science

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An Outline of the B.A.

(Political Science) Syllabus Structure

There shall be two papers in B.A. I and B.A. II, and three papers in B.A. III. All papers are compulsory. Each paper carries 50 marks.
Year Paper Number Title of the Paper Exam marks

BA Part One

First Second

Basic Principles of Political Science Indian Constitution Indian Political Thought

50 50 50

BA Part Two

First Second

Comparative Government and Politics (with special 50 reference to USA, UK, China and Nigeria) Western Political Thinkers Public Administration International Politics 50 50 50

BA Part Three

First Second Third

The following subject experts were involved in the making of the syllabus1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Prof. Ujjwal Kumar Singh, Delhi University, Delhi Prof. Ashok Upadhya, BHU, Varanasi Prof. Ashutosh Kumar, Punjab University, Chandigarh Prof. Mirza Asmer Beg, AMU, Aligarh Dr. RCS Chandel, VSSD College, Kanpur Dr. Mrs. Pushpa Mishra, DAV College, Kanpur Dr. A.K. Verma, Christ Church College, Kanpur

Dr. R.C.S. Chandel

Convenor Board of Studies in Political Science VSSD College, Kanpur B.A.- Part One Paper I - Basic Principles of Political Science Course Rationale: This is an introductory paper trying to expose students to some basic ideas and concepts in Political Science. Effort has been made to orient students to the methodological and ideological traditions in political science. The importance of feminist perspective has been recognised. Course Content: 1. Concepts: Politics and Political Science, Political Thought, Political Theory, Political Philosophy, Political Ideology. 2. Behaviouralism and Post-behaviouralism. 3. State: Definitions, Elements, and Theories of the Origin of State 4. Liberalism, Idealism, Anarchism, Marxism. 5. Sovereignty: Austins Theory, Pluralist Theory. 6. Power, Authority and Legitimacy. 7. Liberty, Equality, Justice. 8. Rights, Duties and Citizenship. 9. Democracy: Representation and Participation, Civil Society. 10. Feminism. Reading List Andrew Heywood, Politics, Palgrave Foundation, New York, 2005. C.E.M Joad, Political Theory F. Thakurdas, Essays on Political Theory, New Delhi, Gitanjali, 1982. G. Catlin, A Study of the Principles of Politics, London and New York, Oxford University Press, 1930. H. J. Laski, A Grammar of Politics, London, Allen and Unwin, 1948. J.C. Johari, Principle of Modern Political Science, Sterling, Delhi, 2009 Margaret Walters, Feminism: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford, 2008 O.P. Guba, An Introduction to Political Theory .................. Political Theory And Thought, Mayur Paperback, Delhi, 2008 .................. , , 2005 .................. , , 2005 R. Dahl, Modern Political Analysis, Englewood Cliffs NJ, Prentice Hall, 1963. Rajeev bhargava & Ashok Acharaya, Political theory: An Introduction, Pearson Longman, Delhi, 2008. S. P. Varma, Modern Political Theory, New Delhi, Vikas, 1983.

Sir E. Barker, Principles of Social and Political Theory, Calcutta, Oxford University Press,1976. S. Ramaswamy, Political Theory: Ideas and Concepts, Delhi, Macmillan, 2002. B.A. - Part One Paper II Indian Constitution

Course Rationale: This paper introduces students to the Constitution of India in its structural and functional aspect. It is expected that the knowledge acquired in the introductory political theory paper shall be juxtaposed in understanding the nitty-gritty of this paper. Course Content: 1. Making of Indian Constitution, Constituent Assembly: Composition and Working. 2. Preamble and Salient Features of Indian Constitution. 3. Fundamental Rights and Fundamental Duties, Directive Principles of State Policy. 4. President and Prime Minister. 5. Parliament 6. Supreme Court, Judicial Review and Judicial Activism. 7. Governor, Chief Minister and State Legislatures. 8. Panchayati Raj and Municipal Governments 9. Nature of Federal System and Centre-State Relations. 10. Election Commission and Electoral Reforms, National Commission for Scheduled Castes, National Commission for Scheduled Tribes. Reading List 1. A. G. Noorani, Constitutional Questions in India: The President, Parliament and the States, Delhi, Oxford University Press, 2000. 2. A.S. Narang, Indian Government and Politics, Geetanjali Publishing House, New Delhi, 1996 (Latest edition) 3. Bidyut Chakrabarty & Rajendra Kumar Pandey, Indian Government and Politics, SAGE, New Delhi, 2008 4. D.D. Basu, An Introduction to the Constitution of India, Prentice Hall, New Delhi. (Latest Edition) 5. G. Austin, The Indian Constitution: Corner Stone of a Nation, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1966. 6. M.P. Singh & Rekha Saxena, Indian Politics: Contemporary issues and Concerns, Prentice Hall of India, Delhi, 2008. 7. M. V. Pylee, An Introduction to the Constitution of India, New Delhi, Vikas, 1998. 8. Nirja Gopal Jayal & Pratap Bhanu Mehta, The Oxford Companion to Politics in India, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2010. 9. Sunder Raman. Indian Government and Politics, Allied Publishers, New Delhi, 1988

10. Subhasn Kashyap, Our Constitution: An Introduction to Indias Constitution and Constitutional law, national Book trust, India, New Delhi. 11. , , , 12. , , ,1984 B.A. - Part Two Paper I Indian Political Thought Course Rationale: This paper attempts to introduce students to the entire gamut of political thinking in India from the beginning to the present. It focuses on key thinkers from ancient to modern times to understand their seminal contribution to the evolution of political theorizing in India. It emphasizes on the distinctive contribution of Indian thinkers to political theorizing and the relative autonomy of Indian political thought. Course Content: 1. Indian Political Thought: A Background 2. Manu 3. Kautilya 4. Raja Ram Mohan Roy 5. Swami Vivekanand 6. Aurobindo Ghosh 7. M.N.Roy 8. Gandhi 9. Nehru 10. BR Ambedkar 11. Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Reading List 1. Appadorai, Indian Political Thinking through the Ages, Khanna Publishers, Delhi, 1992. 2. A. Appadorai, Documents on Political Thought in Modern India, 2 vols. Bombay Oxford University Press, 1970. 3. J. Bandopandhyay, Social and Political Thought of Gandhi, Allied Publishers, Bombay, 1969. 4. M.N. Jha, Political Thought in Modern India, Meenakshi Prakashan, Meerut. 5. Ramratan Ruchi Tyagi, Indian Political Thought, Mayur paperbacks, 2008. 6. V.R. Mehta, Indian Political Thought, Manohar, New Delhi, 1996. 7. V. R. Mehta, Foundations of Indian Political Thought, New Delhi, Manohar, 1992. 8. V.P. Verma, Modern Indian Political Thought, Lakshmi Naryan Aggarwal, Agra, 1974.

9. Valerian Rodreigues (eds.), The Essential Writings of B.R. Ambedkar, oxford University Press, Delhi, 2004. 10. , 11. , 12. , ,

B.A. - Part Two Paper II Comparative Government and Politics (With Special Reference to UK, USA, Peoples Republic of China and Nigeria) Course Rationale: This paper exposes students to the leading model constitutions of the world. The effort is also to cover leading constitutions of major continents viz. North America, Europe, Asia and Africa. These constitutions are to be studied in light of the political processes to gain understanding of the dynamics of actual politics and policy making in these countries. Course Content: 1. Governments: Parliamentary and Presidential, Unitary and Federal. 2. UK: Socio-Economic Foundations, Conventions and Traditions, The Crown, Cabinet System, Parliament, Party System, Judiciary. 3. USA: Socio-Economic Foundations, President, Congress, Supreme Court and Judicial Review, Party System. 4. Peoples Republic of China: Socio-Economic Foundations, National Peoples Congress and its Standing Committee, President, State Council, Peoples Courts and Peoples Procurators, Minority Rights, Role of the Party. 5. Nigeria: Socio-Economic Foundations, President, National Assembly, Supreme Court, Minority Rights, Party System. Reading List

1. A.C. Kapoor & K.K. Mishra, Select Constitutions, S. Chand & Co., Delhi 2. G.A. Almond, G. B. Powell, K. Strom and R. Dalton, Comparative Politics Today: A World View, Pearson Education, Delhi, 2007, 3. H. Finer, Theory and Practice of Modern Government, London, Methuen, 1969. 4. S. E. Finer, Comparative Government, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1974. 5. ,
, , , 2007.

6. , , , , 2007 7. ,

8. , 9. For Nigerian Constitution see the official government websitea. http://www.nigeria-law.org/ConstitutionOfTheFederalRepublicOfNigeria.htm

B.A. - Part Three Paper I Western Political Thinkers Course Rationale: This paper studies the classical tradition in political theory from Plato to Marx with the view to understand how the great Masters explained and analyzed political events and problems of their time and prescribed solutions. The legacy of the thinkers is explained with the view to establishing the continuity and change within the Western political tradition.

Course Content: 1. Plato 2. Aristotle 3. Machiavelli 4. Hobbes 5. Locke 6. Rousseau 7. Bentham and J.S. Mill 8. T.H. Green 9. Hegel 10. Karl Marx

Reading List 1. Brian R. Nelson, Western Political thought, Pearson Education, Delhi, 2009 2. C.L. Wayper, Political Thought, New Delhi, 1989 (Revised Edition) (English & Hindi). 3. Ian Adams & R.W.Dyson, Fifty Great Political Thinkers, Routledge, 2004. 4. J. H. Hallowell, Main Currents in Modern Political Thought, New York, Holt, 1960. 5. J. Laski, Political Thought from Locke to Bentham, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1920. 6. S. Mukherjee and S. Ramaswamy, A History of Political Thought: Plato to Marx, New Delhi, Prentice Hall, 1999. 7. Sir E. Barker, The Political Thought of Plato and Aristotle, New York, 1959. 8. ....................., Greek Political Theory: Plato and His Predecessors, New Delhi, B. I. Publications, 1964.

9. W. L. Davidson, Political Thought in England: The Utilitarians from Bentham to Mill, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1957. 10. W. Ebenstein, Great Political Thinkers, New Delhi, Oxford & IBH, 1969.


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B.A. - Part Three Paper II Public Administration Course Rationale: This paper is an introductory course in Public Administration. The effort is to introduce students to the basic principles, key administrative thinkers, and the main instrumentbureaucracy/civil service of administration. Course Content: 1. Meaning, Nature and Scope of Public Administration, Public and Private Administration. 2. Comparative Public Administration and Development Administration, New Public Administration, New Public Management. 3. Principles of Organisation: Hierarchy, Span of Control, Unity of Command, Delegation, Supervision and Coordination. 4. Structure of Organisation: Department, Corporation, Independent Regulatory Commission 5. Administrative Thinkers: Herbert Simon, Elton Mayo, 6. Decision Making in Administration: Herbert Simon 7. Bureaucracy and Civil Service; Recruitment and Training, Generalist vs. Specialist Debate, Civil Service Neutrality. 8. Legislative, Executive and Judicial Control over Administration. 9. Budget, Performance Budget. 10. Public Policy: Formulation, Implementation and Evaluation. Reading List
A. Awasthi and S. Maheshwari, Public Administration, Laxmi Narain Agrawal, Agra (English & Hindi) C.P. Bhambri, Administrators in a Changing Society: Bureaucracy and Politics in India, Vikas Publishers, Delhi, 1971 K.K. Puri (ed), Public Administration: Indian Spectrum, Kitab Mahal, Allahabad, 1982. Mohit Bhattacharya, Public Administration, World Press Pvt Ltd.

M.P. Sharma and B.L. Sadhana, Public Administration in Theory and Practice, Kitab Mahal, Allahabad, 2001 (English & Hindi) O.P. Diwedi & R.B. Jain, Indias Administration State, Gitanjali Publishing House, New Delhi, 1998 R.P Joshi & G.S. Narwani, Panchayati Raj in India: Emerging Trends, Rawat , Jaipur, 2002 , ,
^ ,


B.A. - Part Three Paper III International Politics Course Rationale: This paper deals with concepts and dimensions of international relations and makes an analysis of different theories highlighting the major debates and differences within the various theoretical paradigms. The dominant theories of power and different aspects of balance of power are included. The student is expected to study International Politics and Indias Foreign Policy from a pro-active and futuristic perspective. Course Content: 1. International Politics: Definition, Scope and Relevance. 2. Theories of International Politics: Realism and neo-Realism, Idealism, Behaviouralism, Constructivism, Femenism. 3. Game Theory, Decision Making Theory, Communications Theory. 4. Political System Theory and Balance of Power. 5. Power and International Politics, Elements of Power 6. The Determinants of Foreign Policy 7. Deterrence Theory, Cold War, End of Cold War and New World Order. 8. Nuclear Weapons and World Politics, Problem of Non-Proliferation. 9. South Asia, Terrorism: Concept and Meaning. 10. Indias Foreign Policy. Reading List 1. Banerjee, A.K. (ed.), Security issues in South Asia: Domestic and external sources of threats to security Minerva, Calcutta, 1998. 2. Ghosh, Partha S., Cooperation and conflict in South Asia, Manohar, New Delhi, 1989. 3. Griffiths Martin and Terry O Callaghan, International Relations Key Concepts, Routledge, London, 2002 4. Gujral, I.K., A foreign policy for India, External publicity division, MEA, Government of India, Delhi, 1998. 5. Sinha, Rameshwar P. and Surya Dandekar (eds.), South Asian politics: Ideologies and institutions New Delhi: Kanishka, 1998.

6. State of democracy in South Asia, SDSA Team, Oxford, New Delhi, 2008 7. Upreti, B.C. et al. (eds.), Indias foreign policy: Emerging challenges and paradigms (Delhi: Kalinga, 2003).

Recommended Journals:

In addition to books, students are encouraged to read a few journals. A very short list is being given here, but they can be in lookout for several journals online

1. Economic and Political Weekly, Mumbai (available free on net- http://epw.in/epw/user/userindex.jsp) 2. SEMINAR, Delhi (available free on net- http://www.india-seminar.com/) 3. Mainstream, Delhi (available free on net-http://www.mainstreamweekly.net/) 4. , 5. Indian journal of Public Administration, IIPA, New Delhi 6. , IIPA, New Delhi 7. Students are also recommended to visit the following website of Project Gutenberg that offers over 36,000 free eBooks to download to their computers/laptopshttp://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Main_Page 8. Nagarlok (Journal), IIPA, New Delhi

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