Portraits of Trilateral Commission Members

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The document lists members of the Trilateral Commission, an informal discussion group formed in 1973 by private citizens of Japan, Europe, and North America to foster closer cooperation among the three regions.

The document lists members from organizations such as government bodies, banks, oil companies, auto companies, insurance companies, and news publications.

The individuals listed hold positions such as prime ministers, central bank governors, ambassadors, CEOs, chairmen, editors, and professors.

Members of the Trilateral Commission (as of August 2013) European Group

Mario Monti Prime Minister of Italy (2011-2013); European Commissioner for Competition (1999-2004)

Carl Bil t !orei"n Minister of #$e en (200%-present)

Peter &' #ut(erlan C(airman of Britis( Petroleum (199)-2009); C(airman* +ol man #a,(s International

-ean-Clau e .ri,(et Presi ent of European Central Ban/ (2003-2011)

Bertran Collom0 !ormer C(airman an CE1 of 2afar"e 3!ran,e4; &ire,tor of &uPont (200)-present)

Manfre Bis,(off C(airman of t(e #uper5isory Boar * &aimler 6+ 3+erman auto ,ompany4

-o(n El/ann C(airman* !iat #'p'6' 3Italian auto ,ompany4

7ans 8i9ers &eputy C(airman of :oyal &ut,( #(ell; Minister for E,onomi, 6ffairs of t(e ;et(erlan s (1994-199<)

Er//i 2ii/anen C(airman of t(e Boar of t(e Ban/ of !inlan (2004-present)

2u, Coene +o5ernor* ;ational Ban/ of Bel"ium; &ire,tor of Ban/ for International #ettlements (2011-pres')

2or =err of =inlo,(ar (-o(n =err) &eputy C(airman* :oyal &ut,( #(ell pl,; Mem0er of t(e 7ouse of 2or s; Britis( 6m0assa or to t(e >nite #tates (199?-199))

2or Man elson (Peter Man elson) Mem0er of t(e 7ouse of 2or s; C(airman* +lo0al Counsel; #enior 6 5isor* 2a@ar

2or Brittan of #pennit(orne (2eon Brittan) European Commissioner for .ra e (1993-1999); Ai,e C(airman* >B# In5estment Ban/* 2on on

2u,as Papa emos Prime Minister of +ree,e (2011- 2012); Ai,e Presi ent* European Central Ban/ (20022010); +o5ernor* Ban/ of +ree,e (1994-2002)

:a,(el 2omaB &eputy +o5ernor of t(e Ban/ of En"lan (2003-200<); &ire,tor of 7#BC 30an/4 (200<-present)

6leBan re 6 ler #,ientifi, &ire,tor for +eopoliti,s* >ni5ersity of Paris-&aup(ine

>r0an 6(lin Mem0er of t(e #$e is( Parliament

Es/o 6(o EBe,uti5e Ai,e Presi ent of ;o/ia; Prime Minister of !inlan (1991-199?)

E mon 6lp(an Cry C(airman* C;P 6ssuran,es* Paris

-a,Dues 6n rCani 6m0assa eur e !ran,e* Paris; former 6m0assa or to t(e >nite #tates

-or"e 6rmin o C(airman* 6morim .urismo* 2is0on

-er@y Ba,@yns/i E itor-in-C(ief* Polityka* 8arsa$

Estela Bar0ot former &ire,tor* 6+6

Eri/ Belfra"e C(airman of t(e Boar * Consilio International 6B; #to,/(olm

Mare/ Bel/a Presi ent* ;ational Ban/ of Polan ; former Prime Minister an Minister of !inan,e of Polan

&i,/ Bens,(op Presi ent &ire,tor* #(ell ;et(erlan s

Baron -ean-Pierre Ber"(mans C(airman* 2(oist +roup* 2imelette* Bel"ium

6ntonio Bor"es !ormer &ire,tor of t(e European &epartment* International Monetary !un (IM!)

.@5etelina Borisla5o5a !oun er* 1$ner an C(airperson* C#I! 3Bul"aria4; Bul"arian Prime Minister Boy/o Boriso5Es "irlfrien

6na Patri,ia Botin C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* #antan er >=

-ean-2ouis Bourlan"es Mem0er* #tate 6u it Court (Cour es Comptes)* Paris

-or"e Bra"a e Ma,e o Presi ent* .ropi,al :esear,( Institute* 2is0on

-ean-2ouis Bru"uiFre :epresentati5e of t(e !ren,( Presi en,y of t(e :epu0li, on t(e E> EDui5alent .!.P Pro9e,t

-o(n Bruton Prime Minister of Irelan (1994-199)); former European >nion 6m0assa or to t(e >'#'

:o0in Bu,(anan #enior 6 5iser* Bain G Company* 2on on; former &ean an Presi ent* 2on on Business #,(ool

Patri,/ Buffet C(airman an C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* E:6ME.* Paris

!ranHois Bu9on e lIEstan" C(airman* !BE International Consultants* Paris; former C(airman* Citi !ran,e; former !ren,( 6m0assa or to t(e >'#'

E el"ar Bulma(n Mem0er of t(e +erman Bun esta"

:i,(ar Burro$s C(airman* Britis( 6meri,an .o0a,,o* 2on on; former +o5ernor* Ban/ of Irelan

7er5C e Carmoy C(airman of t(e #uper5isory Boar * E.6M* Paris

-Jr"en C(ro0o" C(airman* BM8 #tiftun" 7er0ert Kuan t* Berlin

Paolo 6n rea Colom0o C(airman* Enel* :ome

Patri,/ Com0es C(airman an C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* Compa"nie !inan,iFre .ra ition an Aiel G Cie'* Paris

Iain Conn Mana"in" &ire,tor an C(ief EBe,uti5e of :efinin" G Mar/etin"* BP

:i,(ar Conroy C(airman* Conroy +ol an ;atural :esour,es* &u0lin; Mem0er of #enate* :epu0li, of Irelan

E uar o Costa EBe,uti5e Ai,e C(airman* Ban,o !inantia* 2is0on; Mem0er* !orum Portu"al +lo0al

6lfonso Cortina Ai,e C(airman of :ot(s,(il Europe

Enri,o .omaso Cu,,(iani Mana"in" &ire,tor an CE1* Intesa #anpaolo +roup* Milan; former Mem0er of t(e Boar of Mana"ement an C(airman* 6llian@ #E

Caroline &aniel E itor, FT Weekend* Financial Times* 2on on

Mi,(el &a5i -8eill former C(airman* 2a@ar 22C* $orl $i e; C(airman of t(e #uper5isory Boar * E>:6LE1* Paris

-ean-2u, &e,ornoy C(airman an C(ief EBe,uti5e offi,er* =PM+ !ran,e* Paris

Ala imir &lou(y International 6 5isor* +ol man #a,(s; former C@e,(oslo5a/ Minister of E,onomy

=arsten &y05a &ire,tor +eneral an C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* .(e Confe eration of &anis( In ustry

Pe ro Mi"uel E,(eniDue Professor of P(ysi,s* >ni5ersity of t(e BasDue Country; former BasDue Minister of E u,ation

+a0riel Ei,(ler !oun er* Benson 1a/* Pra"ue

6nna E/strMm &ire,tor +eneral* .(e #$e is( ;ational 6"en,y for E u,ation* #/ol5er/et* #to,/(olm

+uy Elliott !inan,e &ire,tor* :io .into* 2on on

1s,ar !an9ul Ai,e C(airman* 2afar"e an 1me"a Capital; !ormer C(airman* :epsol #'6' 3#pain4

;emesio !ernan e@Cuesta EBe,uti5e &ire,tor of >pstream* :epsol-NP! 3#pain4

-Jr"en !its,(en Mem0er of t(e Mana"ement Boar an Mem0er of t(e +roup EBe,uti5e Committee* &euts,(e Ban/

=laus-&ieter !ran/en0er"er !orei"n E itor* Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

2ouise !res,o >ni5ersity Professor* >ni5ersity of 6mster am

7u"( !riel C(airman* .ourism Irelan ; former C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* =erry +roup* .ralee* Co' =erry* Irelan

2y//e !riis Mem0er of t(e &anis( Parliament

Mi,(ael !u,(s Mem0er of t(e +erman Bun esta"

6ntonio +arri"ues 8al/er C(airman* +arri"ues 60o"a os y 6sesores .ri0utarios* Ma ri

Clara +aymar Presi ent an C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* +E !ran,e* Paris; City Initiati5e 2ea er for +E International

8olf"an" +er(ar t Mem0er of t(e +erman Bun esta"; former C(airman of t(e !ree &emo,rati, Party

Est(er +imCne@-#alinas :e,tor* :amon 2lull >ni5ersity; Professor of Criminal 2a$* E#6&E 2a$ #,(ool* :amon 2lull >ni5ersity* Bar,elone

&ermot +leeson !ormer C(airman* 6llie Iris( Ban/ +roup; 6ttorney +eneral of Irelan (1994-199))

!e eri,a +ui i C(ief EBe,uti5e an Ai,e Presi ent* &>C6.I Ener"ia* Bolo"na* Italy

Elisa0et( +ui"ou &eputy C(airperson an Mem0er of t(e !ren,( ;ational 6ssem0ly; former Minister for European 6ffairs* Paris

!iel Mars(al .(e 2or +ut(rie former &ire,tor of ; M :ot(s,(il G #ons 2t '; Mem0er* 7ouse of 2or s; C(ief of t(e &efen,e #taff (199)-2001)

;i"el 7i""ins C(ief EBe,uti5e* .(e :ot(s,(il +roup* 2on on (2010-present)

8olf"an" Is,(in"er +erman 6m0assa or to t(e >nite #tates (2001-200%); C(airman* .(e Muni,( #e,urity Conferen,e on #e,urity Poli,y

Mu"ur Isares,u +o5ernor* ;ational Ban/ of :omania (1990-1999* 2000-present); Prime Minister of :omania (1999-2000)

Baron &aniel E' -anssen 3Bel"ium4 !ormer C(airman of t(e EBe,uti5e Committee* >'C'B'* #'6'

2a y Bar0ara -u "e C(airman* >= Pension Prote,tion !un * 2on on; former >'#' #e,urities EB,(an"e Commissioner 6rpa =o5a,s C(airman* !is,al Coun,il of 7un"ary; Professor* #@e"e >ni5ersity; former Presi ent* #tate 6u it 1ffi,e of 7un"ary

6 miral -u(ani =as/eala C(ief of &efen,e of t(e !innis( &efen,e !or,es (2001-2009)

2auri =i5inen C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* Nleisra io 1y* 7elsin/i

=laas 7'8' =not Presi ent* &e ;e erlan s,(e Ban/ 3&ut,( ,entral 0an/4 (2011-present)

Ei5in =ol in" C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* &ans/e Ban/ 3&enmar/4

+a0or =o5a,s C(airman an C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* Ban/ar 7ol in"; !oun er* =1+6:. (t(e =o5a,s +a0or 6rt !oun ation)

-er@y =o@mins/i Presi ent an C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* Polis(6meri,an !ree om !oun ation; former 6m0assa or to t(e >'#'

-On =u0iP 7ea of >nite ;ations 6ssistan,e Mission in 6f"(anistan* =a0ul; Minister of !orei"n 6ffairs of #lo5a/ia (200%-2009)

-iri =unert C(airman an C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* >niCre it Ban/ C@e,( :epu0li,

Me"lena =une5a C(airman of t(e Boar * European Poli,y Center; European Commissioner for Consumer Prote,tion (200)-2010)

>lysses =yria,opoulos C(airman* #GB In ustrial Minerals; former C(airman* !e eration of +ree/ In ustries* 6t(ens

=urt 2au/ !ormer Mem0er of t(e European Parliament (EPP +roup-C&>); !ormer Mem0er of t(e Boar * &aimlerC(rysler

Eli 2eenaars Mem0er* I;+ Mana"ement Boar Ban/in"; Mem0er an .reasurer* Confe eration of t(e ;et(erlan s In ustry an Employers (A;1-;C8)* 6mster am

-ean 2emierre 6 5isor to t(e C(airman* B;P Pari0as* Paris

Enri,o 2etta Prime Minister of Italy (2013-2014); Italian Minister for In ustry (1999-2000); Italian Minister for In ustry an !orei"n .ra e (2000-2001)

.(omas 2eysen C(airman* =BC +roup; C(airman of t(e Boar * >mi,ore* Brussels

Bo 2i e"aar EBe,uti5e E itor-in-C(ief* Politiken* Copen(a"en

Marianne 2ie Partner* AoB Politi,a; former &ire,tor +eneral* ;or$e"ian #(ipo$nerEs 6sso,iation* 1slo

!ran9o 2u/o5i, C(airman of t(e Mana"ement Boar * La"re0aQ/a 0an/a >niCre it +roup* La"re0* Croatia

Mirosla5 Ma9oros C(airman of t(e 0oar an CE1 of #lo5a/ .ele/om

60el Matutes !orei"n Minister of #pain (199%-2000); former Mem0er of t(e European Commission

!rie ri,( Mer@ Presi ent* 6tlanti/BrJ,/e* Berlin; Partner* Mayer Bro$n* &Jssel orf; former Mem0er of t(e +erman Bun esta"

Peter Mitter0auer 7onorary Presi ent* .(e !e eration of 6ustrian In ustry* Aienna

&ominiDue Moisi #pe,ial 6 5isor to t(e &ire,tor +eneral of t(e !ren,( Institute for International :elations (I!:I)* Paris

#ir Mar/ Moo y-#tuart C(airman 7ermes E1#; former C(airman* :oyal &ut,( #(ell +roup

=laus-Peter MJller C(airman of t(e Boar * Commer@0an/

7aral -' ;or5i/ &ire,tor of Cono,oP(illips Company

E$al ;o$otny +o5ernor of t(e 6ustrian ;ational Ban/ (200<-present)

&enis 1EBrien C(airman* &i"i,el; !oun er* Communi,orp +roup* &u0lin

6ren 1et/er Presi ent* +erman Coun,il on !orei"n :elations (&+6P); Ai,e C(airman* !e eration of +erman In ustries

6n r@e9 1le,(o$s/i Minister of !orei"n 6ffairs of Polan (1993-199?)

:i,(ar 1l5er C(airman* B6E #ystems* 2on on

Aol/er Pert(es EBe,uti5e C(airman an &ire,tor* +erman Institute for International an #e,urity 6ffairs* #tiftun" 8issens,(aft un Politi/ (#8P)* Berlin

>rsula Plassni/ 6m0assa or of 6ustria to !ran,e; !orei"n Minister of 6ustria (2004-200<)

I"na,io Polan,o C(airman* +rupo Prisa in,lu in" El Pais an .imon* Ma ri

Bor9a Pra o C(airman* En esa; C(airman* Me io0an,a #pain for I0eria an #out(-6meri,a* Ma ri

:as5an :a u C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* >niCre it .iria, Ban/* Bu,(arest

2ui"i :amponi Mem0er of t(e Italian #enate

8an a :apa,@yns/i 6 5isor to t(e #uper5isory Boar an former Presi ent of t(e Mana"ement Boar * 6"ora* 8arsa$

+iuseppe :e,,(i C(airman* Eni* :ome

7ein@ :iesen(u0er Mem0er of t(e +erman Bun esta"

6leBan er :innooy =an C(airman* #o,ial an E,onomi, Coun,il of t(e ;et(erlan s (#E:)* .(e 7a"ue

Mar,ello #ala EBe,uti5e Ai,e C(airman of t(e Mana"ement Boar * Intesa #anpaolo +roup* Milan

+ianfeli,e :o,,a C(airman* .e,(int +roup of Companies* Milan; Ai,e Presi ent* Confin ustria* :ome

!ernan o :o Cs AilR Ai,e C(airman* 7a5as* Bar,elona

Count -a,Dues :o""e Presi ent of International 1lympi, Committee (2001-present)

!er inan o #alleo !ormer Italian 6m0assa or to t(e >nite #tates

Ma"nus #,(Ml t@ #enior 6 5isor on International 6ffairs atta,(e to t(e 8allen0er" !oun ations; #enior 6 5isor to t(e C(airman of !oun ation 6sset Mana"ement (!6M)* #to,/(olm 6n reas #,(mit@ Presi ent* 6sso,iation of +erman Ban/s (B&B)* Berlin; C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* 7#BC .rin/aus G Bur/(ar t* &Jssel orf Carlo #e,,(i Professor of European E,onomi, Poli,y an former :e,tor* Bo,,oni >ni5ersity

.omas@ #ieli,/i Ai,e C(airman* #y"nity* 8arsa$

=arel #,($ar@en0er" Minister of !orei"n 6ffairs of C@e,( :epu0li, (200)-2009* 2010present)

Mauri@io #ella C(airman* +ruppo Ban,a #ella* Biella; former C(airman* 6sso,iation of Italian Ban/s (6'B'I')* :ome

#la$omir #' #i/ora C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er an Citi"roup Country 1ffi,er for Polan * Ban/ 7an lo$y $ 8ars@a$ie* 8arsa$

#tefano #il5estri Presi ent* Institute for International 6ffairs (I6I) 3Italy4

#ir Martin #orrell C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* 8PP +roup* 2on on

I5an #ram/o +o5ernor of t(e ;ational Ban/ of #lo5a/ia (200?-2010)

Petar #toyano5 Presi ent of t(e :epu0li, of Bul"aria (199)-2002)

+yMr"y #urOnyi C(airman* Central European International Ban/ (CIB)* Bu apest; former Presi ent of t(e ;ational Ban/ of 7un"ary

Mi(ai .anases,u #enior 6 5iser an Mem0er of t(e EBe,uti5e Boar * International Monetary !un (IM!); former Minister of Pu0li, !inan,e of :omania

6n reas .rei,(l C(airman an C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* Erste +roup Ban/ 6+* Aienna

Mar,o .ron,(etti Pro5era C(airman an CE1* Pirelli #'p'6' 3Italy4

Els0et( .ronsta EBe,uti5e Ai,e Presi ent* #; Po$er; former EBe,uti5e &ire,tor* Confe eration of ;or$e"ian Enterprise (;71)

-ens >llt5eit-Moe !oun er an C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* >M1E +roup; former Presi ent* !e eration of ;or$e"ian In ustry

:ai5o Aare 1$ner* 2i5e ;ature Eesti 1S; Partner* #t(enos +roup an 1S :AAE +roup

+eor"e Aassiliou Presi ent of t(e :epu0li, of Cyprus (19<<-1993)

!ran,o Aenturini #enior E itorial Commentator on !orei"n 6ffairs* Corriere della Sera* :ome

Aesa Ai(riTlT Mana"in" &ire,tor* .(e :esear,( Institute of t(e !innis( E,onomy (E.26) G !innis( Business an Poli,y !orum (EA6)* 7elsin/i

Mar/o Aol9Q C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* Central an Eastern Europe an :ussia Business >nit an Mem0er of t(e EBe,uti5e Committee* =BC +roup* Brussels

6leBan r Aon ra Mem0er of t(e C@e,( #enate; Minister of &efen,e (2010-2012); &eputy Prime Minister for European 6ffairs (200)2009); former Minister of !orei"n 6ffairs

-oris Aoor(oe5e &efen,e Minister of t(e ;et(erlan s (1994-199<)

Pana"is Aourloumis #enior 6 5iser* ;'M' :ot(s,(il

Peter 8allen0er" -r' C(airman* !oun ation 6sset Mana"ement #$e en 6B (!6M)* #to,/(olm

7einri,( 8eiss C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* #M# +roup* &Jssel orf

Matt(ias 8issmann Presi ent* .(e +erman 6sso,iation of t(e 6utomoti5e In ustry (A&6)* Berlin; former Mem0er of t(e +erman Bun esta"

Emilio N0arra former C(airman* Ban,o Bil0ao-Ai@,aya* Ma ri

+eor"es Bert(oin International 7onorary C(airman* European Mo5ement

!ran@ !is,(ler European Commissioner for 6"ri,ulture* :ural &e5elopment an !is(eries (199?-2004)

6ntonio M' Aitorino !ormer European Commissioner for -usti,e an 7ome 6ffairs

+iuseppe Aita C(airman of >niCre it

#imon 7enry C(ief !inan,ial 1ffi,er of :oyal &ut,( #(ell (2009-present)

2ars :o( e C(airman of t(e Boar of +o5ernors* ;ational Ban/ of &enmar/ (!e0' 1* 2013-present)

2u, 1ursel C(airman an C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er of 6:EA6

:omain Baus,( Presi ent an C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* #E#* 2uBem0our"

#amir Bri/(o C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* 6MEC* 2on on

-aime Castellanos Presi ent* 2a@ar #pain* Ma ri

.(ierry &Cau !oun in" Partner* C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* Meri iam Infrastru,ture* Paris

6nn-=ristin 6,(leitner #,ientifi, &ire,tor of t(e Center for Entrepreneurial an !inan,ial #tu ies (CE!#)* .e,(nis,(e >ni5ersitTt MJn,(en (.>M)* Muni,(

=olin a +ra0ar =itaro5iU 6ssistant #e,retary +eneral of t(e ;ort( 6tlanti, .reaty 1r"ani@ation (;6.1) for Pu0li, &iploma,y (2011present); 6m0assa or of t(e :epu0li, of Croatia to t(e >nite #tates (200<-2011)

8olf"an" =irs,( C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* &L Ban/* &euts,(e Lentral+enossens,(afts0an/* !ran/furt-am-Main

&a5i Mili0an Mem0er of t(e Britis( Parliament (2001-2013); #e,retary of #tate for !orei"n an Common$ealt( 6ffairs of +reat Britain (200)-2010)

:o eri,/ -';' V:oryW #te$art Mem0er of t(e Britis( Parliament (2010-present)

.a(ir 7asano5iU EBe,uti5e &ire,tor* East 8est Bri "e* Bel"ra e

&e9an ;o5a/o5i, Co-Presi ent* East 8est Bri "e* Bel"ra e

-o5an =o5aQiU Presi ent* East 8est Bri "e* Bel"ra e

North American Group (as of No ember 2013)

Paul 6' Aol,/er C(airman of t(e !e eral :eser5e (19)9-19<))

7enry 6' =issin"er >'#' #e,retary of #tate (19)3-19))); ;ational #e,urity 6 5isor (19%919)?)

&a5i :o,/efeller C(airman an CE1 of C(ase Man(attan Ban/ (19%9-19<1)

7arol Bro$n >'#' #e,retary of &efense (19))-19<1)

Carla 6' 7ills >'#' .ra e :epresentati5e (19<9-1993)

Ma eleine =' 6l0ri"(t >'#' #e,retary of #tate (199)-2001); >'#' :epresentati5e to t(e >nite ;ations (1993-199))

2a$ren,e 7' #ummers #e,retary of t(e .reasury (1999-2001); Presi ent of 7ar5ar >ni5ersity (2001-200%)

-o(n M' &eut,( &ire,tor of Central Intelli"en,e 6"en,y (199?-199%)

-o(n &' ;e"roponte >'#' :ep' to t(e >nite ;ations (2001-2004); >'#' 6m0assa or to MeBi,o (19<9-1993)

#tanley !is,(er +o5ernor of t(e Ban/ of Israel 3,entral 0an/ of Israel4 (200?-2013)

-osep( #' ;ye -r' &ean of =enne y #,(ool of +o5ernment at 7ar5ar >ni5ersity (199?-2004)

Mortimer B' Lu,/erman E itor-in-C(ief of U.S. Ne s and World !e"ort (19<4-present)

Eri, #,(mi t C(airman an CE1 of +oo"le In,' (2001-present)

&onal E' +ra(am C(airman an CE1 of .(e 8as(in"ton Post Co' (1993-present)

E' +eral Corri"an Presi ent of t(e !e eral :eser5e Ban/ of ;e$ Nor/ (19<?-1993)

+ra(am .' 6llison -r' &ean of =enne y #,(ool of +o5ernment at 7ar5ar >ni5ersity (19))-19<9)

!er inan o ;ani Be,,alli!al,o Presi ent an CE1 of +E Europe G ;ort( 6sia an CE1 +E +ermany; #enior Ai,e Pres' of +E

C' !re Ber"sten &ire,tor* Institute for International E,onomi,s; 6ssistant #e,retary of t(e .reasury for International 6ffairs (19))-19<1)

Cat(erine 6nn Bertini >n er #e,retary-+eneral of t(e >nite ;ations for Mana"ement (2003-200?)

=aran B(atia Ai,e Presi ent an #enior Counsel* +lo0al +o5ernment 6ffairs an Poli,y* +eneral Ele,tri, Company

:o0ert &' Bla,/$ill >'#' 6m0assa or to In ia (2001-2003)

6 m' &ennis C' Blair &ire,tor of ;ational Intelli"en,e (2009-2010)

7erminio Blan,o Men o@a former MeBi,an #e,retary of Commer,e an In ustrial &e5elopment

#tep(en 8' Bos$ort( >'#' 6m0assa or to #out( =orea (199)-2001)

#,ott 6' Brison Mem0er of Parliament* 7ouse of Commons* 1tta$a* Cana a

&a5i Broo/s 1p-E Columnist* T#e Ne $ork Times

+or Bro$n Mem0er of Parliament* 7ouse of Commons* 1tta$a* Cana a

:' ;i,(olas Burns >'#' 6m0assa or to +ree,e (199)-2001); >'#' :epresentati5e to ;6.1 (2001-200?)

=urt Camp0ell 6ssistant #e,retary of #tate for East 6sian an Pa,ifi, 6ffairs (2009-2013)

Maria 6mparo Casar Professor an :esear,(er* Centro e In5esti"a,ion y &o,en,ia E,onomi es (CI&E)* MeBi,o City

8en y -' C(am0erlin >'#' 6m0assa or to Pa/istan (2001-2002); >'#' 6m0assa or to 2aos (199%-1999)

:aymon C(rCtien C(airman of t(e Boar of &ire,tors of t(e MontrCal Coun,il on !orei"n :elations (MC!:); former Cana ian 6m0assa or to t(e >nite #tates

8illiam .' Coleman III Partner* 6lsop 2ouie Partners

8illiam .' Coleman -r' >'#' #e,retary of .ransportation (19)?-19)))

.imot(y C' Collins #enior Mana"in" &ire,tor an CE1 of :ipple$oo 7ol in"s* 22C

:i,(ar ;' Cooper >n er #e,retary of #tate for E,onomi, 6ffairs (19))-19<1)

&a5i M' Cote C(airman an CE1* 7oney$ell International In,'

2ee Cullum Columnist for %allas &orning Ne s 3ne$spaper4

7' 2a$ren,e Culp* -r' Presi ent an C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* &ana(er Corporation

2uis e la Calle Mana"in" &ire,tor* e la Calle* Ma ra@o* Man,era* #C (CMM); former MeBi,an >n erse,retary for International .ra e ;e"otiations

6rt(ur 6' &e!e(r C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* Palliser !urniture* 8innipe"* MB

6n rC &esmarais Presi ent an Co-C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* Po$er Corporation of Cana a* MontrCal

Paula -' &o0rians/y >n er >'#' #e,retary of #tate for &emo,ra,y an +lo0al 6ffairs (2001-2009)

8en y =' &o0son Professor* >ni5ersity of .oronto

=ennet( M' &u0erstein 8(ite 7ouse C(ief of #taff (19<<-19<9)

Mi,(ael &uffy 6ssistant Mana"in" E itor an 8as(in"ton Bureau C(ief* Time &aga'ine

Pe""y :o,/efeller &ulany !oun er an C(air* #yner"os Institute* ;e$ Nor/ City; &au"(ter of &a5i :o,/efeller

Martin #' !el stein Presi ent of ;ational Bureau of E,onomi, :esear,( (19))-19<2* 19<4-200<)

:i,(ar 8' !is(er Presi ent of t(e !e eral :eser5e Ban/ of &allas (200?-present)

=ristin -' !or0es Mem0er of t(e Coun,il of E,onomi, 6 5isers (2003-200?)

-ulio !ren/ &ean of t(e !a,ulty* 7ar5ar #,(ool of Pu0li, 7ealt( (2009-present); Minister of 7ealt( of MeBi,o (2000- 200%)

&a5i +er"en Counselor to t(e Presi ent of t(e >'#' (1993-1994)

Peter C' +o soe !ormer C(airman an CE1* .(e Ban/ of ;o5a #,otia

&onal -' +o"el Presi ent an C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* Clayton &u0ilier an :i,e

Bill +ra(am !ormer Cana ian Minister of !orei"n 6ffairs an former Minister of &efen,e

:i,(ar ;' 7aass Presi ent of t(e Coun,il on !orei"n :elations (2003-present)

-o(n -' 7amre Presi ent of Center for #trate"i, International #tu ies (2000-present)

-ane 7arman >'#' Con"ress$oman (&-California* 1993-1999* 2001-2011)

Carlos 7ere ia C(air an Professor* &epartment of International #tu ies* Center for :esear,( an .ea,(in" in E,onomi,s (CI&E)* MeBi,o City

-o(n B' 7ess C(airman an CE1 of 6mera a-7ess Corp' (199?-present)

=aren Elliott 7ouse Pu0lis(er of T#e Wall Street (ournal (2002-200?)

8alter Isaa,son Presi ent of 6spen Institute (2003-present)

:eu0en -effery III C(airman of t(e Commo ity !utures .ra in" Commission (200?-200))

:o0ert P' =elly former C(airman an C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er of B;N Mellon

Colin =enny Mem0er* #enate of Cana a

:o0ert M' =immitt &eputy >'#' #e,retary of t(e .reasury (200?-2009)

#te5en E' =oonin >n er >'#' #e,retary of Ener"y for #,ien,e (2009-2011)

!re 7' 2an"(ammer C(airman* +lo0al 6ffairs* .(e EstCe 2au er Companies* In,'

6n re$ ;' 2i5eris C(airman* Presi ent* an CE1 of .(e &o$ C(emi,al Company (200%-present)

8inston 2or >'#' 6m0assa or to Communist C(ina (19<?-19<9)

:oy Ma,2aren 7i"( Commissioner of Cana a to t(e >nite =in" om (199%-2000)

6ntonio Ma ero C(airman of t(e Boar an C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* #6;2>I# Corpora,iXn* #'6' B' e C'A'* MeBi,o City

-o(n Manley Presi ent an C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* .(e Cana ian Coun,il of C(ief EBe,uti5es (CCCE)

&a5i 7' M,Cormi,/ #enior 2ea er* Bri "e$ater 6sso,iates; >n er #e,retary of t(e .reasury for International 6ffairs (200)-2009)

7eat(er Munroe-Blum Prin,ipal an Ai,e C(an,ellor* M,+ill >ni5ersity

Peter :' 1rs@a" &ire,tor of t(e 1ffi,e of Mana"ement an Bu "et (2009-2010)

Me"(an 2' 1I#ulli5an &eputy ;ational #e,urity 6 5isor for IraD an 6f"(anistan (200?-200))

.(omas :' Pi,/erin" >'#' :ep' to t(e >nite ;ations (19<9-1992); >'#' 6m0assa or to :ussia (1993-199%)

-o(n Po esta Presi ent an C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* Center for 6meri,an Pro"ress

6 am #' Posen EBternal Mem0er* Monetary Poli,y Committee* Ban/ of En"lan

-im Prenti,e #enior EBe,uti5e Ai,e Presi ent an Ai,e C(airman* Cana ian Imperial Ban/ of Commer,e (CIBC)

Carmen :ein(art &ennis 8eat(erstone #enior !ello$* Peterson Institute for International E,onomi,s

&a5i M' :u0enstein !oun er of t(e Carlyle +roup

2uis :u0io C(airman* CI&6C (Center of :esear,( for &e5elopment) 3MeBi,o4

#usan C' #,($a0 >'#' .ra e :epresentati5e (200%-2009)

7u"( #e"al Mem0er* #enate of Cana a

-aime #erra C(airman* #6I 2a$ an E,onomi,s 3MeBi,o4

#usan #(ir/ 7o Miu 2am Professor of C(ina an Pa,ifi, 6ffairs* >ni5ersity of California* #an &ie"o

-effrey #impson ;ational 6ffairs Columnist* T#e )lo*e and &ail 3.oronto* Cana a4

6nne-Marie #lau"(ter &ean of 8oo ro$ 8ilson #,(ool of Pu0li, an IntEl 6ffairs at Prin,eton >ni5' (2002-2009)

+or on #mit( &ire,tor* Centre for +lo0al #tu ies an 6 9un,t Professor of Politi,al #,ien,e an Pu0li, 6 ministration* >ni5ersity of Ai,toria

&onal :' #o0ey C(airman Emeritus* Empire Company 2t '

;an,y #out(ern Presi ent an C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* 6.C1 2t ' an Cana ian >tilities 2imite 3oil rillin"4

:onal &' #out(ern C(airman* 6.C1 +roup 3Cal"ary* Cana a4

-ames B' #tein0er" &ean of MaB$ell #,(ool of Citi@ens(ip an Pu0li, 6ffairs at #yra,use >ni5' (2011-present); &eputy #e,' of #tate (2009-2011)

#tro0e .al0ott Presi ent of .(e Broo/in"s Institution (2002-present); &eputy >'#' #e,retary of #tate (1994-2001)

2uis .elle@ C(airman of t(e Boar * MeBi,an #to,/ EB,(an"e* MeBi,o City; former #e,retary of Communi,ations an .ransportation of MeBi,o

+' :i,(ar .(oman !ormer Presi ent an C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* YeroB Corporation

!ran,es !ra"os .o$nsen #enior Ai,e Presi ent* Ma,6n re$s an !or0es 7ol in"s* In,'* ;e$ Nor/; C;; ;ational #e,urity Contri0utor

6nn M' Aeneman >'#' #e,retary of 6"ri,ulture (2001-200?)

&a5i 8al/er !oun er* Presi ent* an CE1* Come0a,/ 6meri,a Initiati5e* Bri "eport; former Comptroller +eneral of t(e >'#'

:' =eit( 8alton Ai,e Presi ent of +o5ernment 6ffairs* 6l,oa

Mi,(ael 7' 8ilson !inan,e Minister of Cana a (19<4-1991); Cana ian 6m0assa or to t(e >'#' (200%-2009)

-o(n &' 8ren Presi ent an C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* 1mni,om +roup* In,'

&aniel 7' Ner"in C(airman* I7# Cam0ri "e Ener"y :esear,( 6sso,iates

2oren@o 7' Lam0rano C(airman of t(e Boar an C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* CEMEY* 3Monterrey* MeBi,o4

P(ilip &' Leli/o$ Counselor of t(e >'#' &epartment of #tate (200?-200%)

-on 7untsman -r' >'#' 6m0assa or to Communist C(ina (20092011); +o5ernor of >ta( (200?-2009)

Mit,(ell E' &aniels -r' Presi ent of Pur ue >ni5ersity (2013-present); +o5ernor of In iana (200?-2013)

.(omas E' &onilon ;ational #e,urity 6 5isor (2010-2013); +eneral Counsel of !annie Mae (1999-200?)

+or on &' +iffin >'#' 6m0assa or to Cana a (199)-2001)

-amie #' +oreli,/ &eputy >'#' 6ttorney +eneral (1994-199))

1lympia -' #no$e >'#' #enator (:-Maine* 199?-2013)

6ustan +ools0ee Mem0er (2009-2011) an C(airman (2010-2011) of t(e Coun,il of E,onomi, 6 5isers

.(omas !' M,2arty III Counselor to t(e Presi ent (1994-199?* 199%-199))

Melanne Aer5eer 6m0assa or-at-2ar"e for 8omenIs +lo0al Issues (2009-2013)

2in a =o,( 2orimer Ai,e Presi ent for +lo0al an #trate"i, Initiati5es at Nale >ni5ersity (2013-present)

-o(n 6' Kuel,( &ean of 2on on Business #,(ool of E,onomi,s (199<-2001)

Ce,ilia :ouse &ean of 8oo ro$ 8ilson #,(ool of Pu0li, an International 6ffairs at Prin,eton >ni5ersity (2012-present)

Merit E' -ano$ &ean of #,(ool of International an Pu0li, 6ffairs at Colum0ia >ni5' (2013-present)

2e$is =a en Ai,e C(airman of Citi"roup (200?-2013)

+eral #ei0 8as(in"ton Bureau C(ief* Wall Street (ournal

&a5i :' I"natius Columnist for t(e Was#ington Post

=ennet( I' -uster >n er #e,retary of Commer,e for In ustry an #e,urity (2001-200?)

Clar/ =ent Er5in Inspe,tor +eneral of t(e &epartment of 7omelan #e,urity (2003-2004)

&iana !arrell &eputy &ire,tor of ;ational E,onomi, Coun,il (2009-2011)

Mi,(ele !lournoy >n er >'#' #e,retary of &efense for Poli,y (2009-2012)

-uliette ;' =ayyem 6ssistant #e,retary of 7omelan #e,urity for Inter"o5ernmental Pro"rams (2009-2011)

-u it( 6' M,7ale >n er #e,retary of #tate for Pu0li, &iploma,y an Pu0li, 6ffairs (2009-2011)

Ellen 1' .aus,(er #pe,ial En5oy for #trate"i, #ta0ility an Missile &efense (2012-2013) 2ori E' Murray B'6' Nale 19)) !ormer Presi ent an CE1 of 8orl 6ffairs Coun,ils of 6meri,a

+uillermo !' Ao"el 3MeBi,o4 &ire,tor an Ai,e Presi ent of t(e Boar * .enaris* MeBi,o City

&omini, Barton 8orl $i e Mana"in" &ire,tor* M,=insey G Company* 2on on

MoniDue !' 2erouB C(air of t(e Boar * Presi ent an CE1* &es9ar ins +roup* Montreal

2in a 7asenfrat@ 3Cana a4 Presi ent an CE1 of 2inamar Corporation

!acific Asian Group

"u#aburo Mogi 7onorary CE1 an C(airman of t(e Boar of &ire,tors* =i//oman Corporation* .o/yo

Minoru Ma$ihara former C(airman of Mitsu0is(i Corporation

%u&io Cho C(airman of t(e Boar * .oyota Motor Corporation

"oshio '$a(ara -apanese 6m0assa or to t(e >nite #tates (19<0-19<?)

"u$io )atoh -apanese 6m0assa or to t(e >nite ;ations (199<-2002)

*iroa$i %u&ii -apanese 6m0assa or to +reat Britain (1994-199)); -apanese 6m0assa or to .(ailan (1992-1994)

+chiro %u&isa$i -apanese 6m0assa or to t(e >nite #tates (200<-2012)

"oichi %unabashi !ormer E itor-in-C(ief* T#e Asa#i S#im*un 3-apan4

)a,a$o 'gata >nite ;ations 7i"( Commissioner for :efu"ees (1991-2000)

*an )ung-.oo !ormer =orean Minister of !orei"n 6ffairs; #out( =orean 6m0assa or to t(e >nite #tates (2003-200?)

Cha "oung /oo #enior 6 5isor* Kual,omm =orea* #eoul

Chen 0ong1iao Ai,e Presi ent* #(an"(ai Institutes for International #tu ies* #(an"(ai

Narongchai A$rasanee C(airman* #aranee 7ol in"s Co'* 2t '* Ban"/o/; former Minister of Commer,e of .(ailan

Cho )uc$-2ai C(airman an CE1* 7yosun" +roup* #eoul

Chung Mong-.oon Mem0er* =orean ;ational 6ssem0ly

.arun &as Presi ent* 6spen Institute In ia

3arr4 0es$er &ean* #' :a9aratnam #,(ool of International #tu ies* ;anyan" .e,(nolo"i,al >ni5ersity (;.>)* #in"apore

.esus !5 Estanislao C(airman* Institute for #oli arity in 6sia; former P(ilippine #e,retary of !inan,e .amsh4, N5 Go,re& C(airman G Mana"in" &ire,tor* +o re9 G Boy,e Mf"' Co' 2t '* Mum0ai

*ugh %letcher C(airman* !let,(er Brot(ers 2imite

)hin&i %u$u$a(a C(airman* .EPI6* .(e Ma,(ine In ustry Memorial !oun ation* .o/yo

Ai,tor =' !un" C(airman* 2i G !un" +roup* 7on" =on"

2oss Garnaut Professor of E,onomi,s* 6ustralian ;ational >ni5ersity

To4oo G4ohten Presi ent* Institute for International Monetary 6ffairs; #enior 6 5isor* .(e Ban/ of .o/yoMitsu0is(i >!-* 2t '

"asuchi$a *asega(a C(airman* -apan 6sso,iation of Corporation EBe,uti5es (=ei@ai &oyu/ai)* .o/yo; Presi ent an CE1* .a/e a P(arma,euti,al Co'* 2t '

Tan )ri 0ato6 )eri A#man *ashim C(airman* 6mBan/ +roup* =uala 2umpur

.ohn 25 *e(son C(airman of t(e Boar * EDuiti Capital 2imite

Ernest M5 *iga C(airman* 7i"a In ustries Co'* 2t '* .o/yo

*ong )eo$ *4un !ormer =orean 6m0assa or to t(e >nite #tates

)hintaro *ori C(airman* Bain Capital -apan* In,'* .o/yo

*sieh %u *ua &ire,tor* .emase/ 7ol in"s Pte'* 2t '* #in"apore

*uang 2en(ei Ai,e Presi ent* #(an"(ai 6,a emy of #o,ial #,ien,es* #(an"(ai

A$inari *orii #pe,ial 6 5isor an Mem0er of t(e Boar of &ire,tors* .(e Canon Institute for +lo0al #tu ies* .o/yo

Murra4 *orn Mana"in" &ire,tor* Institutional Ban/in"* 6;L (;L) 2t '* #y ney

*4un *ong-Choo !ormer =orean 6m0assa or to t(e >nite ;ations an to t(e >nite #tates

Tan )ri Mohame, .a(har C(airman* Institute of #trate"i, International #tu ies (I#I#)* Malaysia )hin6ichi +chimura Professor Emeritus* =yoto >ni5ersity Nori4u$i +noue C(airman of t(e Boar an CE1* &ai/in In ustries* 2t '* 1sa/a .amshe, .5 +rani &ire,tor* .ata #ons 2t '* Mum0ai 3steel ,ompany4

*4un .ae-*4un C(airman of .1;+N6;+ +roup* #eoul

/asem /asemsri 7onorary C(airman* .(ailan ->'#' Business Coun,il* Ban"/o/; former &eputy Prime Minister of .(ailan

/oichi /ato Mem0er* -apanese 7ouse of :epresentati5es

/im /ih(an &istin"uis(e Aisitin" #,(olar* =orea &e5elopment Institute

Ei#o /oba4ashi C(airman* I.1C7> Corporation* .o/yo

"otaro /oba4ashi !ormer C(airman of t(e Boar * !u9i YeroB Co'* 2t '

/oo .ohn C(airman an CE1* 2# Corporation* #eoul

6/ira =o9ima Coun,ilor* -apan Center for E,onomi, :esear,( (-CE:)* .o/yo

/en&i /osa$a Mem0er* -apanese 7ouse of Coun,illors; !ormer Minister of E u,ation* Culture* #ports* #,ien,e an .e,(nolo"y

7ee *ong-/oo C(airman of t(e Boar * #eoul !orum for International 6ffairs* #eoul; former =orean 6m0assa or to t(e >nite =in" om an t(e >'#'

7ee .a4 "5 Presi ent* #amsun" Ele,troni,s Co' 2t ' 3#eoul* =orea4

7ee /4ungsoo$ Choi Ai,e C(airperson* =orean ;ational Committee for >;E#C1* #eoul; former Presi ent* #oo/myun" 8omenIs >ni5ersity

7ee )hin-(ha Professor* &epartment of Politi,al #,ien,e an International :elations an Ai,e Presi ent for International 6ffairs* =orea >ni5ersity

7eong 8ai Tac Mem0er* EBe,uti5e Coun,il* Ma,ao #6: +o5ernment +samu Mi4a#a$i !ormer #tate Minister of t(e -apanese E,onomi, Plannin" 6"en,y

6 rianto Ma,(ri0ie Presi ent &ire,tor* Metro.A* -a/arta

*iroshi Mi$itani C(airman* Presi ent an C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* :a/uten* In,'* .o/yo

"oshihi$o Mi4auchi C(airman an C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* 1:IY Corporation* .o/yo

Mi$e Moore ;e$ Lealan 6m0assa or to t(e >'#'; &ire,tor-+eneral of t(e 8orl .ra e 1r"ani@ation (1999-2002)

*ugh Morgan C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* !irst C(arno,/ Pty* 2t '* Mel0ourne* 6ustralia

)atoru Murase Partner of Bin"(am M,Cut,(en Murase 3la$ firm in ;e$ Nor/ City4

Ta$eshi Niinami Presi ent an CE1* 2a$son* In,'* .o/yo

N525 Nara4ana Murth4 C(airman of t(e Boar an C(ief Mentor* Infosys .e,(nolo"ies 2t '* Ban"alore

'samu Naga4ama Presi ent an CE1* C(u"ai P(arma,euti,al Co'* 2t '* .o/yo

!hilip Ng C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* !ar East 1r"ani@ation* #in"apore

Masashi Nishihara Presi ent* :esear,( Institute for Pea,e an #e,urity* .o/yo

2oberto %5 ,e 'campo !ormer P(ilippine #e,retary of !inan,e

)hi&uro 'gata !ormer &eputy +o5ernor* -apan &e5elopment Ban/

)o#aburo '$amatsu Presi ent* In ustrial Property Cooperation Center

"oichi '$ita Professor* ;ational +ra uate Institute for Poli,y #tu ies* .o/yo

Anan, !an4arachun C(airman* .(ai In ustrial !e eration* Ban"/o/; former Prime Minister of .(ailan

"oshi4asu )ato -apanese 6m0assa or to C(ina (199?-199<)

9in "a:ing EBe,uti5e Ai,e Presi ent* C(ina !orei"n 6ffairs >ni5ersity* Bei9in"

24u .in 2o4 C(airman an C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* Poon"san Corp'* #eoul

Eisu$e )a$a$ibara Professor* 6oyama +a/uin >ni5ersity* .o/yo; former -apanese Ai,e Minister of !inan,e for International 6ffairs

)a/ong +l C(airman G CE1* Institute for +lo0al E,onomi,s (I+E); former =orean Minister of !inan,e

Masahi,e )hibusa(a Presi ent* #(i0usa$a EiEi,(i Memorial !oun ation* .o/yo

)achio )emmoto C(airman G CE1* e6,,ess 2t '* .o/yo

)hin 0ong-3in C(airman* 2otte +roup 3#eoul* =orea4

"asuhisa )hio#a$i Mem0er* -apanese 7ouse of :epresentati5es

Arifin )iregar In onesian 6m0assa or to t(e >nite #tates (1993-199))

.acob )oeto4o EBe,uti5e &ire,tor* .(e +esit +roup* -a/arta* In onesia

0ato6 )ri 0r5 Tahir Presi ent an CE1* Mayapa a +roup* -a/arta* In onesia

)higemitsu )ugisa$i Ai,e C(airman* +ol man #a,(s -apan Co'* 2t '* .o/yo; former &eputy Mana"in" &ire,tor* International Monetary !un

/ei#o Ta$emi !ormer Mem0er* -apanese 7ouse of Coun,illors; former Ai,e Minister for 7ealt(* 2a0or an 8elfare Gautam Thapar C(airman* 6spen Institute In ia; C(airman an CE1* 65ant(a +roup* ;e$ &el(i

A$ihi$o Tana$a Presi ent* .(e -apan International Cooperation 6"en,y (-IC6)

*itoshi Tana$a C(airman* Institute for International #trate"y (II#)* -apan :esear,( Institute* 2t '

Nao$i Tana$a Presi ent* Center for International Pu0li, Poli,y #tu ies* .o/yo

Teh /o$ !eng 6 5isor to +IC +roup EBe,uti5e Committee* +o5ernment of #in"apore In5estment Corporation Pte 2t (+IC)'* #in"apore

/i4oshi Tsuga(a Mem0er of t(e Boar * 6o@ora Ban/* 2t '* .o/yo

7u$ito <anan,i Presi ent &ire,tor* #antini +roup* -a/arta

.unichi ;&iie #enior 6 5isor to t(e Boar * ;omura 7ol in"s* In,'* .o/yo

)arasin 8iraphol EBe,uti5e Ai,e Presi ent* C(aroen Po/p(an Co'* 2t '* Ban"/o/; former &eputy Permanent #e,retary of !orei"n 6ffairs of .(ailan /o&i <atanabe #enior !ello$* -apan Center for International EB,(an"e* .o/yo; former -apanese 6m0assa or to :ussia

Cesar E5 A5 8irata Corporate Ai,e C(airman* :i@al Commer,ial Ban/in" Corporation (:CBC)* Manila; former Prime Minister of P(ilippines

.usuf <anan,i Co-!oun er* Centre for #trate"i, an International #tu ies (In onesia)

<ei .ianguo !ormer Ai,e Minister of Commer,e* Bei9in"

"" <ong C(airman an !oun er* 8y$y +roup* #in"apore

8an" -isi &ean* #,(ool of International :elations* Pe/in" >ni5ersity

'samu <atanabe Presi ent an CE1* -apan Petroleum EBploration Co'* 2t '

<u .ianmin Ai,e C(airman of C(ina Institute for Inno5ation an &e5elopment #trate"y

Tai#o "a$ushi&i :esear,( Counselor* Institute for International Poli,y #tu ies* .o/yo

24u&i "ama,a Presi ent an C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* ;.. &o,omo* In,'* .o/yo

"ang .iemian Presi ent* #(an"(ai Institutes for International #tu ies* #(an"(ai

Nori4u$i "onemura #e,retary +eneral* Intelle,tual Colla0oration +roup* -apan E,onomi, !oun ation* .o/yo

1t(er :e"ions

An,r= A#oula4 6 5iser to 7'M' =in" Mo(amme AI* :a0at

Morris Chang C(airman* .ai$an #emi,on u,tor Manufa,turin" Company* 2t '* .aipei

'mar 0a ies Mem0er of t(e -amai,an Parliament; former Minister of !inan,e of -amai,a

*>sn> 0ogan &efense Minister of .ur/ey (1,to0er 2<* 1990-!e0ruary 22* 1991)

.acob A5 %ren$el +o5ernor of t(e Ban/ of Israel (1991-2000)

*525*5 !rince El *assan bin Talal Presi ent* .(e Clu0 of :ome

2icar,o *ausmann Professor of t(e Pra,ti,e of E,onomi, &e5elopment* 7ar5ar >ni5ersity

)ergei /aragano &ean* #,(ool of 8orl E,onomi,s an International 6ffairs* #tate >ni5ersityZ7i"(er #,(ool of E,onomi,s 3:ussia4

2icar,o 7ope# Murph4 !ormer !inan,e Minister an &efense Minister of 6r"entina

An,r?nico 7u$sic Craig Ai,e C(airman* Ban,o e C(ile

+tamar 2abino ich Israeli 6m0assa or to t(e >nite #tates (1993-199%)

2>s,> )aracoglu +o5ernor of t(e Central Ban/ of .ur/ey (19<)-1993)

2oberto Eg4,io )etubal Presi ent an C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* Ban,o Ita[ #'6' 3Bra@il4

)tan )hih C(airman an C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* .(e 6,er +roup* .aipei

@hang "unling Professor an &ire,tor* 6,a emi, &i5ision of International #tu ies* C(inese 6,a emy of #o,ial #,ien,es (C6##)* Bei9in"

%ormer American Members of the Trilateral Commission

&a5i M' 60s(ire >'#' :epresentati5e to ;6.1 (19<3-19<))

Paul 6' 6llaire C(airman an CE1 of YeroB Corp' (1991-2001)

:o"er C' 6ltman C(airman of E5er,ore Partners In,'

-o(n B' 6n erson >'#' Con"ressman (:-Illinois* 19%1-19<1)

&$ayne 1' 6n reas C(airman of 6r,(er&aniels-Mi lan Co' (19)9-199))

+' 6llen 6n reas C(airman of 6r,(er&aniels-Mi lan Co' (1999-present)

Mi,(ael 7' 6rma,ost Presi ent of .(e Broo/in"s Institution (199?-2002)

:i,(ar 2' 6rmita"e &eputy #e,retary of #tate (2001-200?)

6nne 2' 6rmstron" >'#' 6m0assa or to +reat Britain (19)%-19)))

C' Mi,(ael 6rmstron" C(airman an CE1 of 6.G. (199<-2002)

Bru,e Ba00itt #e,retary of t(e Interior (1993-2001); +o5ernor of 6ri@ona (19)<-19<))

+eor"e 8' Ball >n er >'#' #e,retary of #tate (19%1-19%%); #enior Partner of 2e(man Brot(ers (19%9-19<2)

C(arlene Bars(efs/y >'#' .ra e :epresentati5e (199)-2000)

:o0ert 2' Bartley E itor of T#e Wall Street (ournal (19)9-2003)

6lan :' Bat/in Ai,e C(airman of =issin"er 6sso,iates

:iley P' Be,(tel C(airman an CE1 of Be,(tel +roup* In,' (199%-present)

&ou"las =' Bereuter >'#' Con"ressman (:;e0ras/a* 19)9-2004)

#usan A' Berresfor Presi ent of !or !oun ation (199%-200<)

8' Mi,(ael Blument(al #e,retary of t(e .reasury (19))-19)9)

+eoffrey .' Boisi !ormer Ai,e C(airman of -'P' Mor"an C(ase 30an/ in ;e$ Nor/ City4

-o(n Bra emas Presi ent of ;e$ Nor/ >ni5ersity (19<1-1991); >'#' Con"ressman (&In iana* 19?9-19<1)

&a5i +' Bra ley C(airman of 6tlanti, Me ia Company

.om Bra ley Mayor of 2os 6n"eles (19)3-1993)

2ael Brainar >n er #e,' of .reasury for International 6ffairs (2010-2013)

6n re$ !' Brimmer Mem0er of t(e !e eral :eser5e Boar (19%%-19)4)

8illiam E' Bro,/ III >'#' #e,retary of 2a0or (19<?-19<))

-o(n 7' Bryan C(airman an CE1 of #ara 2ee Corporation (19)%-2000)

L0i"nie$ Br@e@ins/i ;ational #e,urity 6 5isor (19))-19<1)

6rt(ur !' Burns C(airman of t(e !e eral :eser5e (19)0-19)<)

#yl5ia Mat(e$s Bur$ell &ire,tor of 1ffi,e of Mana"ement an Bu "et (2013-present)

+eor"e 7'8' Bus( Presi ent of t(e >nite #tates (19<9-1993)

2ouis C' Camilleri C(airman an CE1 of P(ilip Morris International

!ran/ C' Carlu,,i C(airman of .(e Carlyle +roup (1993-2003); >'#' #e,retary of &efense (19<)-19<9)

-immy Carter Presi ent of t(e >'#' (19))-19<1)

+er(ar Casper Presi ent of #tanfor >ni5ersity (1992-2000)

-o(n 7' C(afee >'#' #enator (:-:(o e Is'* 19)%-1999)

&i,/ C(eney Ai,e Presi ent of t(e >'#' (2001-2009); >'#' #e,retary of &efense (19<9-1993)

2a$ton C(iles +o5ernor of !lori a (1990-199<)

8arren C(ristop(er >'#' #e,retary of #tate (1993-199))

7enry Cisneros Mayor of #an 6ntonio* .eBas (19<1-19<9); #e,retary of 7ousin" an >r0an &e5elopment (1993-199))

6'8' Clausen Presi ent of .(e 8orl Ban/ (19<1-19<%)

8illiam -' VBillW Clinton Presi ent of t(e >'#' (1993-2001)

8illiam #' Co(en #e,retary of &efense (199)-2001); >'#' #enator (:-Maine* 19)9199))

Bar0er B' Cona0le Presi ent of .(e 8orl Ban/ (19<%-1991)

6lan Cranston >'#' #enator (&-California* 19%9-1993)

Mi,(ael -' Critelli C(airman an CE1 of Pitney Bo$es In,' (199%-present)

-o(n C' Cul5er >'#' #enator (&-Io$a* 19)?-19<1)

+eral 2' Curtis Bur"ess Professor of Politi,al #,ien,e at Colum0ia >ni5ersity

2loy ;' Cutler Counselor to t(e Presi ent (19<0-19<1)

&ou"las &aft C(airman an CE1 of .(e Co,a-Cola Company (2000-2004)

2ynn E' &a5is >n er #e,retary of #tate for 6rms Control an International #e,urity 6ffairs (1993-199))

-amie &imon C(airman an CE1 of -P Mor"an C(ase (200)-present)

7e ley &ono5an E itor-in-C(ief of .ime* In,' (19%4-19)9)

Marie--osee &rouin 3=ra5is4 #enior !ello$ of t(e 7u son Institute

8illiam C' &u ley Presi ent of t(e !e eral :eser5e Ban/ of ;e$ Nor/ (2009-present)

-essi,a P' Ein(orn &ean* Paul ;it@e #,(ool of 6 5an,e IntEl #tu ies at -o(ns 7op/ins >ni5' (2002-2012)

:o0ert !' Er0uru C(airman an CE1 of .(e .imes Mirror Co' (19<%-199?)

8illiam .' Esrey C(airman an CE1 of #print Corporation (1990-2003)

&ianne !einstein >'#' #enator (&emo,rat-California* 1992-present)

#an ra !el man Presi ent of 6meri,an !e eration of .ea,(ers (199)-2004)

:o"er 8' !er"uson -r' Ai,e C(airman of t(e !e eral :eser5e (1999-200%)

.(omas #' !oley #pea/er of t(e 7ouse (19<9-199?); >'#' 6m0assa or to -apan (199)-2001) 0ie, on 'ct5 1AB 2013

Mi,(ael B'+' !roman >'#' .ra e :epresentati5e (2013-present)

:i,(ar ;' +ar ner >'#' 6m0assa or to #pain (1993-199))

.imot(y !' +eit(ner #e,retary of t(e .reasury (2009-2013); Presi ent* !e eral :eser5e Ban/ of ;e$ Nor/ (2003-2009)

2eslie 7' +el0 Presi ent of t(e Coun,il on !orei"n :elations (1993-2003)

:i,(ar 6' V&i,/W +ep(ar t >'#' Con"ressman (&-Missouri* 19))-200?)

2ouis A' +erstner -r' C(airman of t(e Carlyle +roup (2003-200<)

-o(n 7' +lenn -r' >'#' #enator (&-1(io* 19)4-1999)

:o0erto C' +oi@ueta C(airman an CE1 of .(e Co,a-Cola Company (19<1-199))

=at(arine +ra(am C(airman of t(e 0oar of .(e 8as(in"ton Post Co' (19)3-1993)

-effrey 8' +reen0er" C(airman of t(e 0oar of Mars( G M,2ennan Cos' (2000-2004)

Mauri,e :' +reen0er" C(airman an CE1 of 6meri,an International +roup (19<9-200?)

#ir 6lan +reenspan C(airman of t(e !e eral :eser5e (19<)-200%)

:o0ert &' 7aas C(airman of 2e5i #trauss G Co' (19<9-200<)

+en' 6leBan er 7ai" -r' >'#' #e,retary of #tate (19<1-19<2)

2ee 7' 7amilton >'#' Con"ressman (&-In iana* 19%?-1999)

8alter 8' 7eller C(airman of Coun,il of E,onomi, 6 5isers (19%1-19%?)

.(eo ore M' 7es0ur"( Presi ent of >ni5ersity of ;otre &ame (19?2-19<))

-ames !' 7o"e -r' Pu0lis(er of Ne $ork %aily Ne s (19<?-1991); Pu0lis(er of C#icago Sun Times (19<0-19<4)

:i,(ar C' 7ol0roo/e >'#' :epresentati5es to t(e >nite ;ations (1999-2001)

:o0ert &' 7ormats >n er #e,retary of #tate for E,onomi,* Ener"y an 6"ri,ultural 6ffairs (2009-2013)

-ames :' 7ou"(ton C(airman of t(e 0oar an CE1 of Cornin"* In,' (19<9-199%* 2002-200?)

.(omas 2' 7u"(es Presi ent of Carne"ie En o$ment for International Pea,e (19)1-1991)

(6 m') Bo00y :ay Inman &eputy &ire,tor of Central Intelli"en,e 6"en,y (19<1-19<2)

-ames 6' -o(nson C(airman an CE1 of !annie Mae (1991-199<)

+en' -ames 2' -ones ;ational #e,urity 6 5isor (2009-2010); #upreme 6llie Comman er of Europe (2003-200%)

-ames :' -ones >'#' Con"ressman (&-1/la(oma* 19)3-19<))

Bar0ara -or an Mem0er* >'#' 7ouse of :epresentati5es (&-.eBas* 19)3-19)9)

Aernon E' -or an -r' #enior Mana"in" &ire,tor of 2a@ar !reres

:o0ert 8' =a"an Columnist for T#e Was#ington Post

6rnol =anter >n er >'#' #e,retary of #tate for Politi,al 6ffairs (1991-1993)

&onal M' =en all C(airman an CE1 of PepsiCo* In,' (19)1-19<%)

;annerl 1' =eo(ane Presi ent of &u/e >ni5ersity (1993-2004)

2ane =ir/lan Presi ent of 6!2-CI1 (19)9-199?)

-uanita M' =reps >'#' #e,retary of Commer,e (19))-19)9)

:o0ert 8' 2ane C(airman an CE1 of &eere G Co' (2000-2010)

=ennet( 2ay C(airman an CE1 of Enron Corporation (19<%-2002)

-im 2ea,( >'#' Con"ressman (:-Io$a* 19))-200))

+eral M' 2e5in C(airman an CE1 of .ime 8arner* In,' (1993-2002)

-ames .' 2ynn #e,retary of 7ousin" an >r0an &e5elopment (19)3-19)?)

Bru,e =' Ma,2aury Presi ent of .(e Broo/in"s Institution (19))-199?)

-essi,a .' Mat(e$s Presi ent of Carne"ie En o$ment for International Pea,e (199)-present)

-ay Ma@ur Presi ent* >nion of ;ee letra es* In ustrial an .eBtile Employees (>;I.E) (19<%-2001)

7u"( 2' M,Coll -r' C(airman an CE1 of Ban/ of 6meri,a (19<3-2001)

8illiam -' M,&onou"( Presi ent of t(e !e eral :eser5e Ban/ of ;e$ Nor/ (1993-2003)

:o0ert #' M,;amara >'#' #e,retary of &efense (19%1-19%<); Presi ent of t(e 8orl Ban/ (19%<-19<1)

:u0en !' Mettler C(airman an CE1 of .:8* In,' (19))-19<<)

8alter !' Mon ale Ai,e Presi ent of t(e >'#' (19))-19<1)

Mar, 7' Morial Mayor of ;e$ 1rleans (1994-2002)

6nne Mul,a(y C(airman an CE1 of YeroB Corp' (2002-2010)

In ra =' ;ooyi C(airman an CE1 of PepsiCo* In,' (200)-present)

2u,io 6' ;oto C(airman an CE1 of Mo0il 1il Corp' (1994-1999)

&a5i -' 1E:eilly C(airman an CE1 of C(e5ron Corp' (2000-2009)

7enry 1$en former >'#' 6m0assa or at 2ar"e

:i,(ar ;' Perle C(airman of t(e &efense Poli,y Boar (2001-2003)

8illiam -' Perry >'#' #e,retary of &efense (1994-199))

Peter +' Peterson C(airman an CE1 of 2e(man Brot(ers (19)3-19<4)

:i,(ar Plepler C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er of 7ome BoB 1ffi,e* In,' (7B1) (2013-present)

!ran/lin &' :aines C(airman an CE1 of !annie Mae (1999-2004)

+en' -osep( 8' :alston #upreme 6llie Comman er of Europe* #76PE 3;6.14 (2000-2003)

C(arles B' :an"el Mem0er* >'#' 7ouse of :epresentati5es (&emo,rat-;e$ Nor/* 19)1-present)

2ee :' :aymon C(airman an CE1 of EBBonMo0il (1999-200%)

E $in 1' :eis,(auer >'#' 6m0assa or to -apan (19%1-19%%)

Con olee@@a :i,e >'#' #e,retary of #tate (200?-2009); ;ational #e,urity 6 5isor (2001-200?)

#usan E' :i,e >'#' :ep' to t(e >nite ;ations (2009-2013); ;ational #e,urity 6 5isor (2013-present)

Elliot 2' :i,(ar son #e,retary of &efense (19)3); >'#' 6m0assa or to +reat Britain (19)?19)%); #e,retary of Commer,e (19)%-19)))

:o@anne 2' :i "$ay >'#' 6m0assa or to East +ermany (19<3-19<?)

6li,e M' :i5lin Ai,e C(airman of t(e !e eral :eser5e (199%-1999)

C(arles #' :o00 >'#' #enator (&-Air"inia* 19<9-2001)

C(arles 8' :o0inson &eputy #e,retary of #tate (19)%-19)))

-o(n &' :o,/efeller IA >'#' #enator (&emo,rat-8est Air"inia* 19<?-present)

=ennet( :o"off Professor of E,onomi,s* 7ar5ar >ni5ersity

!eliB +' :o(atyn +eneral Partner of 2a@ar !reres G Co' (19%0-199)); >'#' 6m0assa or to !ran,e (199)-2000)

:o0ert A' :oosa Partner of Bro$n Brot(ers 7arriman G Co' (19%?-1993)

C(arlie :ose 7ost of t(e C(arlie :ose #(o$ an C(arlie :ose #pe,ial E ition* PB#

Irene B' :osenfel C(airman an CE1 of =raft !oo s* In,' (200)-present)

7enry :oso5s/y &ean* !a,ulty of 6rts an #,ien,es at 7ar5ar >ni5' (19)3-19<4)

&ennis B' :oss &ire,tor of #tate &ept' Poli,y Plannin" #taff (19<9-1992)

8illiam A' :ot( -r' >'#' #enator (:-&ela$are* 19)1-2001)

8illiam &' :u,/els(aus 6 ministrator of En5ironmental Prote,tion 6"en,y (19<3-19<?)

6rt(ur !' :yan C(airman an CE1 of Pru ential !inan,ial (1994-200<)

-o(n C' #a$(ill Presi ent of ;e$ Nor/ >ni5ersity (19)?-19)9); &eputy #e,retary of Ener"y (19)9-19<1)

7enry B' #,(a,(t C(airman an CE1 of 2u,ent .e,(nolo"ies (199?-199)* 2000-2002)

=urt 2' #,(mo/e Mayor of Baltimore (19<)-1999)

Brent #,o$,roft ;ational #e,urity 6 5isor (19)?-19))* 19<9-1993)

8illiam 8' #,ranton >'#' :epresentati5e to t(e >nite ;ations (19)%-19)))

&onna E' #(alala Presi ent* >ni5' of Miami 3!lori a4 (2001-present); #e,'* 7ealt( an 7uman #er5i,es (1993-2001)

8alter A' #(ipley C(airman of t(e 0oar of C(emi,al Ban/ (19<31991* 1994-199%)

+eor"e P' #(ult@ >'#' #e,retary of #tate (19<2-19<9)

-osep( -' #is,o >n er #e,retary of #tate for Politi,al 6ffairs (19)4-19)%)

6nt(ony M' #olomon Presi ent of t(e !e eral :eser5e Ban/ of ;e$ Nor/ (19<0-19<4)

+eor"e #oros C(airman of #oros !un Mana"ement (199%-pres')

-oan E' #pero Presi ent of &oris &u/e C(arita0le !oun ation (199)-200<); former EBe,uti5e Ai,e Presi ent of 6meri,an EBpress Co'

&a5i 6' #to,/man &ire,tor of 1ffi,e of Mana"ement an Bu "et (19<1-19<?)

:o0ert #' #trauss >'#' 6m0assa or to t(e #o5iet >nion (1991); >'#' 6m0assa or to :ussia (1992)

-o(n -' #$eeney Presi ent of 6!2-CI1 (199?-2009)

:o0ert .aft -r' >'#' #enator (:-1(io* 19)1-19)%)

Peter .arnoff Presi ent of Coun,il on !orei"n :elations (19<%-1993)

+eor"e -' .enet &ire,tor of Central Intelli"en,e 6"en,y (199)-2004)

-o(n 6' .(ain C(airman an CE1 of Merrill 2yn,( G Co'* In,' (200)-2009); Presi ent of +ol man #a,(s (19992003)

-ames :' .(ompson +o5ernor of Illinois (19))-1991)

P(ilip 7' .re@ise >'#' 6m0assa or to 1EC& (19%?-19%9)

=o-Nun" .un" Ai,e Presi ent an +eneral Counsel of .(e 8orl Ban/ (1999-2003)

2aura &E6n rea .yson &ean of 2on on Business #,(ool of E,onomi,s (2002-200%)

Cyrus :' Aan,e >'#' #e,retary of #tate (19))-19<0)

Paul C' 8arn/e &ire,tor of 6rms Control an &isarmament 6"en,y (19))-19)<)

8illiam 7' 8e0ster &ire,tor of Central Intelli"en,e 6"en,y (19<)-1991)

Caspar 8' 8ein0er"er >'#' #e,retary of &efense (19<1-19<))

Clifton :' 8(arton -r' C(airman an CE1 of .I66-C:E! (19<)-1993)

-o(n C' 8(ite(ea Partner of +ol man* #a,(s G Co' (19??-19<4)

Marina 5' ;' 8(itman Professor of Business 6 ministration an Pu0li, Poli,y at >ni5ersity of Mi,(i"an

+eor"e !' 8ill Columnist for t(e Was#ington Post

Carroll 2' 8ilson Professor at Massa,(usetts Institute of .e,(nolo"y

Paul &' 8olfo$it@ Presi ent of .(e 8orl Ban/ (200?-200)); &eputy #e,retary of &efense (2001-200?)

2eonar 8oo ,o,/ >'#' 6m0assa or to Communist C(ina (19)9-19<1)

6n re$ Noun" >'#' :ep' to t(e >nite ;ations (19))-19)9); Mayor of 6tlanta (19<2-1990)

!aree La/aria E itor of ;e$s$ee/ International (2000-present)

:o0ert B' Loelli,/ Presi ent of .(e 8orl Ban/ (200)-2012)

-ames .' 7a,/ett C(airman an CE1* 6na ar/o Petroleum Corp' 37ouston* .eBas4

E "ar !' =aiser -r'

Paula #tern C(airman of >'#' International .ra e Commission (19<4-19<%)

Lo\ Bair Bu in"er Presi ent of .(e Mar/le !oun ation

Eliot 6' Co(en Counselor of t(e >'#' #tate &ept' (200)-2009)

-essi,a #tern 8riter* Boston; Mem0er* 7oo5er InstitutionEs .as/ !or,e on ;ational #e,urity an 2a$

#ir &ery,/ Mau"(an Mem0er* ==: G Co'; 7ea * +lo0al !inan,ial #er5i,es +roup

!ran,is !u/uyama Bernar 2' #,($art@ Professor of International Politi,al E,onomy at -o(ns 7op/ins >ni5ersity

&ines( Pali$al C(airman an C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* 7arman International In ustries* In,' 3#tamfor * C.4

&ina/ar #in"( !oun in" Partner* .P+6Bon Capital* ;e$ Nor/

8illiam 6' 7aseltine

C(arles :' =aye

-ames =imsey !oun er an C(airman* .(e =imsey !oun ation

:o0ert E,/ert

-effrey Epstein

Mi,(ael =lein

-osep( E' :o0ert* -r'

Mi,(ael -' 1E;eil

%ormer Cana,ian an, Me1ican Members of the Trilateral Commission

+eral =' Bouey +o5ernor of t(e Ban/ of Cana a (19)3-19<))

6llan E' +otlie0 Cana ian 6m0assa or to t(e >nite #tates (19<1-19<9)

Brian Mulroney Prime Minister of Cana a (19<4-1993)

Ernesto Le illo Presi ent of MeBi,o (199?-2000)

!elipe Cal eron Presi ent of MeBi,o (200%-2012)

Conra M' Bla,/ (.(e 2or Bla,/ of Cross(ar0our) 3Cana a4 !ormer C(airman an CE1 of 7ollin"er In,' 3me ia ,ompany4

2' N5es !ortier Cana ian 6m0assa or to t(e >nite ;ations (19<<-1991)

-ames 2' Balsillie 3Cana a4 Co-C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* :esear,( in Motion* 2t '

Peter C' &o0ell 3Cana a4 !oun in" &ire,tor* Parliamentary Centre

:i,(ar !' 7as/ayne 3Cana a4 former C(airman of t(e Boar of .ransCana a Corporation

-ames Moore Mem0er of t(e Cana ian Parliament (2000-present)

7artley :i,(ar son 3Cana a4 Presi ent* C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* an &ire,tor* -ames :i,(ar son G #ons* 2t '

Bar0ara #tymiest 3Cana a4 +roup 7ea * #trate"y* .reasury G Corporate #er5i,es* :oyal Ban/ of Cana a 3.oronto4

7arol (7al) =5isle 3Cana a4 !ormer C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er of .ransCana a Corporation

-o(n 6' Ma,;au"(ton 3Cana a4 C(airman* Business &e5elopment Ban/ of Cana a

6le9an ro -un,o e la Ae"a 3MeBi,o4 Presi ent an &ire,tor* +rupo :eforma

!e eri,o :eyes 7eroles 3MeBi,o4 8riter an Politi,al 6nalyst* C(airman of t(e Boar of Este Pais Ma"a@ine

!ran,is,o +il-&]a@ #e,retary of !inan,e of MeBi,o (2000-200%)

&ionisio +ar@a Me ina 3MeBi,o4 C(airman of t(e Boar an C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* 62!6

EnriDue =rau@e 3MeBi,o4 +eneral &ire,tor* E itorial Clio 2i0ros y Ai eos* #'6' e C'A'

%ormer .apanese Members of the Trilateral Commission

=ii,(i Miya@a$a Prime Minister of -apan (1991-1993); !inan,e Minister of -apan (19<%-19<<* 199<-2001)

.a/eo !u/u a Prime Minister of -apan (19)%-19)<); !orei"n Minister of -apan (19)1-19)2)

6/io Morita C(airman (19)%-199?) an CE1 (19)%-19<9) of #1;N Corporation

Ei9i .oyo a C(airman (19<2-1992) an Presi ent (19%)19<2) of .oyota Motor Corporation

.sutomu 7ata Prime Minister of -apan (6pril 2<* 1994-une 30* 1994); !inan,e Minister of -apan (;o5em0er ?* 1991&e,em0er 12* 1992)

#a0uro 1/ita Minister of !orei"n 6ffairs of -apan (< ;o5em0er 19)9Z1) -uly 19<0)

Moriyu/i Motono !ormer -apanese 6m0assa or to !ran,e; !ormer -apanese Consul+eneral in ;e$ Nor/ City

7iros(i 1/u a C(airman (1999-200%) an Presi ent (199?1999) of .oyota Motor Corporation

Masa(aru Matsus(ita C(airman (19))-,'1990) an Presi ent (19%119))) of Matsus(ita Ele,tri, Company* 2t '

=eni,(iro =omai C(airman of t(e 0oar (19)1-19))) an Presi ent (19%1-19)1) of 7ita,(i* 2t '

.a/eo Ino/u,(i C(airman an CE1* Mitsui #umitomo Insuran,e Company* 2t '

.ai@o ;is(imuro !ormer C(airman an C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* .os(i0a Corporation

.a/uma 1tos(i C(airman of IBM -apan* 2t '

=a/utaro =itas(iro C(airman of t(e Boar * IBM -apan* 2t '

#eii,(i #(ima a Presi ent an C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* ;i(on >nisys* 2t '

;o0uyu/i I ei C(ief Corporate 6 5isor* #ony Corporation

Minoru Murofus(i Counselor* I.1C7> Corporation

.os(ia/i 1"asa$ara C(airman an Pu0lis(er* .(e -apan .imes 2t '

:o/uro Is(i/a$a 7onorary C(airman of =a9ima Corporation

-iro Murase Mana"in" Partner* Bin"(am M,Cut,(en Murase 3;e$ Nor/ City4

%ormer Asian an, !acific Members of the Trilateral Commission

.a/as(i E9iri Partner* ;is(imura G 6sa(i* .o/yo

.suyos(i .a/a"i Presi ent* -.>C-:en"o (-apanese .ra e >nion Confe eration)

Nasu(isa #(io@a/i Mem0er* -apanese 7ouse of :epresentati5es

Masao ;a/amura Presi ent an C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* ;.. &o,omo In,'

7isas(i 1$a a -u "e of t(e International Court of -usti,e 3.(e 7a"ue4 (2003-present)

2ee In-(o !ormer #out( =orean 6m0assa or to :ussia

=im =yun"-8on #out( =orean 6m0assa or to t(e >nite ;ations (19<2-19<?)

1n" =en" Non"

#u( =yun"-Bae

Ta,ashi "amamoto Presi ent* -apan Center for International EB,(an"e* .o/yo

Nu Yintian
Nuan Min" :i,(ar 2i +or on 8u .effre4 75)5 /oo C(airman an C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* C(inatrust In5estment* Ban/* .aipei

=' =esa5apany

;oor in #opiee

#un9oto .anu 9a9a

6li 6latas Minister for !orei"n 6ffairs of In onesia (19<<-1999)

#unil B(arti Mittal


!rene +in$ala !ormer #pea/er of t(e ;ational 6ssem0ly* Parliament of t(e :epu0li, of #out( 6fri,a

60 lalif 6l-7ama +ri"ory 6' Na5lins/y C(airman an Co!oun er of t(e :ussian &emo,rati, Party VNa0lo/oW an former Mem0er of t(e #tate &uma

6le9an ro !oBley Minister of !orei"n 6ffairs of C(ile (200%-2009); Minister of !inan,e of C(ile (1990-1994)

&omin"o !' Ca5allo Minister of t(e E,onomy of 6r"entina (1991-199%* 2001)

P(ilip Bur on !ormer ;e$ Lealan Minister of .ra e ;e"otiations

#tuart 7arris !ormer 6ustralian Ai,e Minister of !orei"n 6ffairs

Carrillo +antner Presi ent* .(e Myer !oun ation 3Mel0ourne* 6ustralia4

.re5or =enne y C(airman* 1il #ear,(* 2t ' 3#y ney* 6ustralia4

#ir 7o$ar #trin"er C(airman an CE1 of #ony Corporation 3-apan4 (200?-2012) Ari4oshi '$umura C(airman* 2otus Corporate 6 5isory* In,'* .o/yo

)hoichiro /oba4ashi 6 5isor* =ansai Ele,tri, Po$er Company* 2t '* 1sa/a

#er(iy 7olo5aty

Glen )5 %u$ushima C(airman G &ire,tor* 6ir0us -apan ==* .o/yo

Etsuya 8as(io !ormer Presi ent* -apanese .ra e >nion Confe eration (:E;+1)

#(u9i .omita

!ast European Members of the Trilateral Commission

1tto +raf 2am0s orff Minister of E,onomi,s of 8est +ermany (19))19<2* 19<2-19<4); !ormer Mem0er of +erman Bun esta"

2or Carrin"ton #e,retary-+eneral of ;6.1 (19<4-19<<)

:omano Pro i Prime Minister of Italy (199%-199<* 200%-200<); Presi ent of t(e European Commission (1999-2004)

-a,Dues #anter Presi ent of t(e European Commission (199?-1999); Prime Minister of 2uBem0our" (19<4-199?)

Mar"ret(e Aesta"er Minister of E,onomi, 6ffairs of &enmar/ (2011-present)

+io5anni 6"nelli former C(airman of !iat 3Italian ,ar ,ompany4

1tto 8olff 5on 6meron"en C(airman an CE1 of 1tto 8olff +m07

MaB =o(nstamm Presi ent of European >ni5ersity 3!loren,e* Italy4

2or (Eri,) :oll of Ips en C(airman* #'+' 8ar0ur" G Co'* 2t ' (19)4-19<3); ire,tor of t(e Ban/ of En"lan (19%<-19)))

E mon e :ot(s,(il -e$is( 0an/er 3!ran,e4

7enri e Castries C(airman an CE1* 6Y6 3!ren,( in5estment firm4

-eroen 5an er Aeer 3;et(erlan s4 !ormer C(ief EBe,uti5e* :oyal &ut,( #(ell pl,

+ui o #,(mi t-C(iari C(airman of t(e Mana"in" Boar of &ire,tors* Cre itanstaltBan/5erein 36ustrian 0an/in" firm4

6'7'E'M' V;outW 8ellin/ C(airman of t(e Boar an Presi ent of t(e Ban/ for International #ettlements (2002-200%)

=laus =leinfel C(airman an CE1 of 6l,oa (2010-present); Presi ent an CE1 of #iemens 6+ (200?-200)); &ir' of 6l,oa (2003-pres')

.(omas En ers 3+ermany4 CE1* 6ir0us #6#

Cesare Merlini !ormer &ire,tor* Italian Institute for International 6ffairs

.(ierry e Mont0rial 3!ran,e4 Presi ent* !ren,( Institute for International :elations

.o"er #ei enfa en E itor in C(ief* Politiken 3&anis( ne$spaper4

.(eo #ommer !ormer E itor-in-C(ief of %ie Zeit 3+ermany4

+arret !it@+eral Prime Minister of Irelan (19<1-19<2* 19<2-19<))

Mary :o0inson Presi ent of Irelan (1990-199))

.oomas 7en ri/ Il5es Presi ent of Estonia (200%-present)

:aymon Barre Prime Minister of !ran,e (19)%-19<1)

2aurent !a0ius Prime Minister of !ran,e (19<4-19<%)

.rini a -imCne@ !orei"n Minister of #pain (2010-2011)

-osep PiDuC !orei"n Minister of #pain (2000-2002)

7orst =o(ler Presi ent of +ermany (2004-2010); Mana"in" &ire,tor of t(e International Monetary !un (2000-2004)

7' 1nno :u in" !inan,e Minister of t(e ;et(erlan s (19<2-19<9)

+er(ar #,(rM er Minister of !orei"n 6ffairs (19%1-19%%) an &efen,e Minister (19%%-19%9) of 8est +ermany; former Mem0er of t(e ;a@i Party

&enis 7ealey C(an,ellor of t(e EB,(eDuer (19)4-19)9); #(a o$ !orei"n #e,retary (19?9-19%1* 19)0-19)2* 19<0-19<))

&a5i 1$en (2or 1$en) #e,retary of #tate for !orei"n an Common$ealt( 6ffairs of +reat Britain (19))-19)9)

E $ar :'+' 7eat( Prime Minister of +reat Britain (19)0-19)4)

#ir !ran/ =enyon :o0erts Britis( 6m0assa or to t(e #o5iet >nion (19%0-19%2); Britis( 6m0assa or to 8est +ermany (19%3-19%<)

2or Patten of Barnes (C(ristop(er Patten) +o5ernor of 7on" =on" (1992-199)); European Commissioner for EBternal :elations (1999-2004)

2or #imon of 7i"(0ury C(airman of Britis( Petroleum (199?-199)); C(ief EBe,uti5e of BP (1992-199?)

!ran,is Mau e Paymaster +eneral (2010-present); #(a o$ C(an,ellor of t(e EB,(eDuer (199<-2000)

:e"inal Mau lin" 3+reat Britain4 C(an,ellor of t(e EB,(eDuer (19%2-19%4); 7ome #e,retary (19)019)2)

#ir ;i,(olas #oames Mem0er of t(e Britis( Parliament (19<3-present)

2or +arel--ones (.ristan +arel--ones)

Mem0er of t(e Britis( Parliament (19)9-199)); Minister for Europe (1990-1993)

6leBan er 8ilmot-#it$ell Co-C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* >B# In5estment Ban/ 32on on4

#tep(en +reen +roup C(airman of 7#BC 32on on 0an/4

Ben"t &ennis +o5ernor of t(e Central Ban/ of #$e en (19<2-1993)

Bo il ;y0oe 6n ersen +o5ernor of t(e Central Ban/ of &enmar/ (199?-200?)

;ils Bernstein C(airman of t(e Boar of +o5ernors* ;ational Ban/ of &enmar/ (200?-2013)

7einri,( 5on Pierer 3+ermany4 C(airman of t(e Mana"in" Boar * Presi ent* an CE1 of #iemens (1993-200?)

Peter 2os,(er 3+ermany4 C(airman of t(e Boar of Mana"ement of #iemens 6+

6nt(ony :uys 3;et(erlan s4 !ormer C(airman of t(e Boar * 7eine/en ;'A' 30eer ,ompany4

&enis :anDue 3!ran,e4 C(airman an CE1* .(ales 6erospa,e an &efen,e (199<-2009)

7ennin" #,(ulte-;oelle 3+ermany4 C(airman of t(e #uper5isory Boar an former C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er of 6llian@

2u,a Cor ero i Monte@emolo C(airman* !iat* .urin; C(airman* Confin ustria (Italian Confe eration of In ustry)* :ome

&ieter :ampl C(airman of >niCre it +roup* Milan

6lessan ro Profumo 3Italy4 CE1* Cre ito Italiano

Paolo #,aroni 3Italy4 CE1* Eni #'p'6' 3ener"y ,ompany4 (200?-present); former CE1 of .e,(int

B9Mrn #5e 0er" !ormer C(airman of Eri,sson

MaB -a/o0son 3!inlan 4 !ormer !innis( 6m0assa or to t(e >nite ;ations an #$e en

+rete !aremo ;or$e"ian Minister of -usti,e an t(e Poli,e (1992-199%* 2011present); ;or$e"ian Minister of &efen,e (2009-2011)

Pe ro #ol0es Minister of E,onomy an !inan,e of #pain (1993199%* 2004-2009); European Commissioner for E,onomi, G Monetary 6ffairs (1999-2004)

.(or5al #tolten0er" !ormer !orei"n Minister of ;or$ay; !ormer &efense Minister of ;or$ay

:enato :u""iero &ire,tor-+eneral of 8orl .ra e 1r"ani@ation (199?1999)

-ean-!ran,ois Cope Mem0er of t(e !ren,( ;ational 6ssem0ly

Pierre 2ellou,(e Mem0er of t(e !ren,( ;ational 6ssem0ly

I5o #am/al en Minister of -usti,e of t(e ;et(erlan s (19%?-19%%); Mayor of 6mster am (19%)-19)))

#,(elto Pati9n Mayor of 6mster am (1994-2001)

2or -o(n +il0ert Mem0er of t(e 7ouse of 2or s

=urt Birren0a,( Mem0er of t(e +erman Bun esta"

;or0ert 8ie,@ore/ !ormer Mem0er of +erman Bun esta"

7er0ert E(ren0er" Mem0er of t(e +erman Bun esta" (19)2-1990)

7ermann 1tto #olms Mem0er of t(e +erman Bun esta"; Ai,e Presi ent of t(e +erman Bun esta"

Lsi"mon -arai Presi ent of ;ational Ban/ of 7un"ary (2001-200))

Paul 6 ams C(ief EBe,uti5e* Britis( 6meri,an .o0a,,o* 2on on

=rister 6(lstrMm Patri,ia Bar0i@et Ai,e C(airman* #tora C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er of Enso an !ortum; former 6rtCmis +roup* Paris C(airman* !innis( Employers Confe eration

6ntonio Carrapatoso C(airman of t(e Boar of &ire,tors* Ao afone Portu"al

#al5atore Carru00a Culture 6l erman* Muni,ipality of Milan; former Mana"in" E itor* Il #ole 24 1re* Milan

Carme C(a,on PiDueras !irst Ai,e-Presi ent of t(e #panis( Parliament

#ir :onal Co(en !oun in" partner an EBe,uti5e C(airman* 6paB Partners $orl $i e* 2on on

Aittorio Colao C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* :C# Me ia+roup* Milan; former Mana"in" &ire,tor* Ao afone 1mnitel

E,/(ar Cor es C(airman of t(e Boar * !ran@ 7aniel G Cie'; former Mem0er of t(e Boar * &aimlerC(rysler

Aas,o e Mello 3Portu"al4 Ai,e C(airman an CE1* +rupo -osC e Mello

7el"a 7ernes #enior 6 5isor* P:I1 (International Pea,e :esear,( Institute 1slo) Mario +re,o C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* Euri@on !inan,ial +roup 6ntti 7erlin C(airman of t(e Boar * =one 1y9* 7elsin/i 6nne-Marie I ra, C(airman of #;C! 3!ren,( rail$ay4; former Mem0er of Parliament an #tate #e,retary for .ransport 6lfonso Io@@o Mana"in" &ire,tor* #an Paolo IMI +roup* .urin

Myles #taunton Mem0er of #enate of t(e Iris( :epu0li,

:o0ert =assai +eneral Ai,e Presi ent* .(e ;ational 6sso,iation of CraftmenE s Corporations* Bu apest

Baron Paul &e =eersmae/er C(airman* Inter0re$* 2eu5en; former Mem0er of Bel"ian +o5ernment

6nne 2au5er"eon former C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* 6:EA6* Paris

Mauri,e 2ippens 3Bel"ium4 C(airman* !1:.I# Ban/

7el"e 2un C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er of t(e ;or$e"ian 1il Company* #tatoil

Cees Maas Ai,e C(airman an C(ief !inan,ial 1ffi,er of t(e I;+ +roup* 6mster am

E "ar Meister Mem0er of t(e Boar * &euts,(e Bun es0an/

=laus Murmann 7onorary C(airman* Confe eration of +erman EmployersE 6sso,iation (B&6)* Colo"ne

>lri,( 2e(ner C(airman of t(e Boar of &euts,(e .ele/om

&enis =essler C(airman an CE1 of #,or* Paris; former C(airman of !ren,( Insuran,e 6sso,iation (!!#6)

#iBten =or/man 3!inlan 4 Mana"in" &ire,tor* .(e :esear,( Institute of t(e !innis( E,onomy E.26 an !innis( Business an Poli,y !orum EA6

I5an =raste5 C(airman of t(e Boar an Pro"ramme &ire,tor for Politi,al :esear,(* Centre for 2i0eral #trate"ies* #ofia; E itorin-C(ief* Bul"arian E ition* Foreign Policy

7einri,( ;eisser !ormer Presi ent* Politis,(e 6/a emie* Aienna; Professor of Politi,al #,ien,es at Inns0ru,/ >ni5ersity; former Mem0er of 6ustrian Parliament

-anus@ Pali/ot C(airman of t(e #uper5isory Boar * Polmos* 2u0lin; Ai,e Presi ent* Polis( Confe eration of Pri5ate Employers; Mem0er of t(e Boar of &ire,tors* Polis( Business Coun,il* 8arsa$

&imitry Panit@a !oun in" C(airman* .(e !ree an &emo,rati, Bul"aria !oun ation

Carlo Pesenti Mana"in" &ire,tor of Ital,ementi 3Ber"amo4

&ieter Pfun t #enior 6 5isor* #il5ia Kuan t G Cie' 3+ermany4

Beno_t Potier C(airman of t(e Mana"ement Boar * 2E6ir 2iDui e* Paris

7enri Pro"lio C(airman* Aeolia En5ironnement* Paris

-u(a :antanen Presi ent an C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* 1uto/umpu +roup* Espoo* !inlan

#il5io #,a"lia C(airman* !ast$e0* Milan; former Mana"in" &ire,tor* 1mnitel

Mi"uel #e0astian C(airman of t(e E,onomi, Bureau of t(e Prime Minister of #pain; Professor of E,onomi,s at t(e >ni5ersi a Complutense* Ma ri

Peter #traarup C(airman of t(e EBe,uti5e Boar * &ans/e Ban/* Copen(a"en

PCter #@C/ely C(airman an C(ief EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* .ransele/tro* Bu apest

Pa5el .eli,/a Partner* BY2-Consultin"* Pra"ue

-ean-P(ilippe .(ierry 7arri .ii o C(airman an C(ief 6m0assa or of Estonia EBe,uti5e 1ffi,er* 6+! an 7ea of t(e Estonian (6ssuran,es +CnCrales e Mission to ;6.1 !ran,e)* Paris

Mario Aar"as 2losa 8riter an Mem0er of t(e :oyal #panis( 6,a emy* Ma ri

!rie ri,( Aer@etnits,( Mem0er of 6ustrian Parliament; Presi ent* 6ustrian !e eration of .ra e >nions

-anne Air//unen 3!inlan 4 !ormer #enior E itor in C(ief* +elsingin Sanomat

Mar,us 8allen0er" C(airman of t(e Boar * #/an ina5is/a Ens/il a Ban/en (#EB)* #to,/(olm

#er"e 8ein0er" C(airman of t(e #uper5isory Boar * 6,,or

6rne 8ess0er" &ire,tor +eneral* N2E (!innis( Broa ,astin" Company) an &ire,tor +eneral* N2E +roup (N2E an &i"its 1y)* 7elsin/i

2ou/as .sou/alis Presi ent* 7elleni, !oun ation for European an !orei"n Poli,y (E2I6MEP)

Er(ar Buse/ C(airman* Institute for t(e &anu0e :e"ion an Central Europe (I&M); Ai,e-C(an,ellor of 6ustria (1991-199?)

Bill Emmott 3+reat Britain4 former E itor of T#e Economist 32on on4

;i,(olas Beytout 3!ran,e4 E itor-in-C(ief* ,e Figaro 3!ren,( ne$spaper4

7orst .elts,(i/ 3+ermany4 !ormer 7ea of &epartment !orei"n 6ffairs an #e,urity Poli,y* C(an,ellorEs 1ffi,e former Mem0er of t(e 0oar of BM8

BCla =a ar Mem0er of t(e Monetary Coun,il of t(e ;ational Ban/; !ormer 6m0assa or of 7un"ary to t(e 1EC& 3Paris4; former 7un"arian Minister of International E,onomi, :elations

EnriDue A' I"lesias

Mauri@io Be5ila,Dua

Emilio 2amo e Espinosa

-oao e Mene@es !erreira #ir//a 7TmTlTinen

Pietro Mo iano

2o e$i9/ -':' e Ain/


E' Peter 2ou"(ee 3Cana a4

:ona 6m0rose 3Cana a4

2our es Mel"ar !oun in" &ire,tor* Center for #ustaina0ility an Business* an Professor* E+6&E Business #,(ool* MeBi,o City

-osC #aru/(On Emeritus Professor an former :e,tor (Presi ent)* ;ational 6utonomous >ni5ersity of MeBi,o (>;6M)* MeBi,o City

Mart(a C' Piper 3Cana a4 former Presi ent an Ai,e-C(an,ellor* .(e >ni5ersity of Britis( Colum0ia

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