The Good Red Road

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The Good Red Road is a description often used by the Native American Indians to describe their Earth Walk, possibly due to the fact that the actual earth where they lived had the colour of red flowing through its pigments and particles. It seems to be the ideal colouring of the Red Earth Mother and the landscapes which hold the secrets and keys to their survival. As red is the colour of blood and without its substance and sustenance we cannot survive. It is the colour of the life force as a biological formulae that keeps our bodies producing hormones, chemicals and products that sustain the physical self. Have you ever considered what this description means to you? Or have you even heard this phrase before? How do you feel about being here upon the earth plane, having a physical experience as a Luminous or Spiritual Being? Have you concluded that the Good Red Road has not been all that good for you? It comes down to personal perception and life experience that allows us to draw upon and reflect how challenging or substantial this life time has shown us. What do we learn about ourselves in the earthly experience or opportunity? It is funny that everyone has a story and some believe more in the value of self than others. However the Good Red Road does not discriminate amongst us, it is we who formulate our decisions and choices that lead us down each and every path. The exception to that rule is when we are children, of course. It is then that we are merely passengers on the road. We dont have life experience yet, a fully developed brain and in many cases hardly any power to alter the choices made for us by our parents or guardians. Are those decisions, made on our behalf, discussed to gather our opinions or feelings upon the matters pending? Sometimes yes but mostly no. Does that change us on many levels? Yes, it nearly always does. Certainly of my generation, the parent of someone born in the early 60s believed they were making even and fair decisions, but I can hardly remember any circumstance where my parents sat myself or my brothers down and asked our opinions about any event that would also include us, such as moving house or changing schools.

Consultation was hardly ever on the agenda. It was just decided and we would have to understand and then adapt. I think the thought form was it would give us character and skills and prove to be the opportunity that we would have to fit and become easier going about life changes and that would probably be helpful in the future. The constant moving and changing locations allowed me to create skills to make new friends and do my best to learn new things and be exposed to a variety of landscapes that encouraged or forced me to adapt. Did I enjoy it? No, not at the time, as I often felt that my parents were doing this to wreck my life. Even now that I have some considerable distance from those years, I carried that behaviour further forward by joining the Defence Force and moved around even more. It did give me the view that to hold onto a lot of stuff would be crazy as you only had to take it from one place to another. It actually allowed me to move and resettle which afforded me the ability to leave people and places behind and I saw it as a life opportunity to have a bigger story than that of someone who might live in the same place or hold the same employment for a vast number of years. The many pathways chosen by us on so many levels have consequences that will carry us forward, challenge or change our beliefs and views until we can no longer stand what it is we are creating. We then create something so we can adapt with a new identity and focus. We can rearrange our description of who and what we are. Then it is possible to decide where we would like to be going and how we could make that happen. I believe change is good, it says so in the brochure. Do others believe the same? I think not. Change is something that you learn to do the more you do it, and I believe, the more successful and easier it becomes. Change often presents with a great deal of fear, as what we know is often very familiar and when we consider change, it is the fear of the unknown that keep us trapped or holding on. To stay where you know is sometimes far better, even if that place is hindering you or costing you, than taking the risk to leap into a space that you cannot understand or perceive as it is unchartered waters as it is like being a reflection of Star Wars or any of the other SCI-FI picturesgoing where no man has gone before. We can often work ourselves into a lather convincing ourselves that this could end in disaster. Yes but what if it doesnt? Have you considered asking yourself instead, What if this does turn out? We dont often focus on the things we want, more on the things we dont. How many of us are guilty of that process? Too many to count and more often than not. I have some good news and bad. The bad news is that life is about choice, change and transformation and the good news that you can do that on any day and at any time. Consider this, anything you can learn you can unlearn, especially if it is not working for you. I am a great believer in doing things that work and working smarter, not harder. Am I suggesting that life is easy? Not in the least. Is it easy to make new decisions and choices in regard to our lives and where we are going? Again no, not all the time. Give yourself permission to make the best decisions and choices based on all the facts and what

you know at the time. For it is true when you know better you will often do better. One would hope anyway. Give it go and see where it takes you and what you can learn about yourself.

Red Earth Mother

The Red Earth Mother is the name often given to our planet. We can acknowledge and celebrate her reason for being and her existence, for without her we would have no home or food to eat, no fresh water to drink and no place for our soul self to have this Good Red Road experience. Do we take her for granted? I believe we do. The interesting thing is that all indigenous cultures see her through different and more respectful eyes. They see her as a resource, but not an endless resource, like those who have a western trained mind and western upbringing do. There is much more of a celebration and reverence to the views and treatment of the Red Earth Mother in indigenous cultures. They appear to accept and understand their belonging to the landscape, only taking or borrowing that which is enough to sustain them. They will nearly always place an offering as a mark of respect and gratitude for what has been put forward from such a great and plentiful place. Red Earth Mother is a powerful and protective space for us to grow and achieve our potential. We can always be more humble and interested in what happens to her and do what we can to make a difference. We acknowledge her anger and intolerance, when she needs to remind us who is the greater force and who is actually in charge of our futures and how impatient she can become with our poor choices and harshness in our actions upon her surface. Have you learned nothing in the meagre and short-lived time you have been here, I hear her ask? What do you know about yourselves? She is not complacent in our applications here and the assault we place upon her brow weighs heavily upon her heart. She wishes us to reflect upon the time it has taken the Universe to create her strengths and weaknesses. Many ions of lifetimes, many millenniums have come and gone without inhabitants and then suddenly we arrived and within no time at all our landscapes are irrevocably changed, our waters are polluted and our Red Earth Mother is raped, pillaged and plundered all in the name of our advancement. Do you feel the sorrow that she feels at the changes taking place without her consent, most of the time? Are we concluding that our intelligence is beyond that of her own? Does she not

flex her muscle when disillusioned or disappointed in our behaviour? Of course, all the time. Do we listen and take a moment to re-consider our options? Hardly ever. Will we pay for that eventually? Oh, I am sure we will. Then, will it not be the time to explore another planet within our solar system or galaxy and do it all over again. Im sure as we are creatures of habits and behaviours, we shall just move from here to there without a great deal of consciousness or awareness and make another mess somewhere else and the mentality seems to be, we wont be here to see it so what does it really matter. How mature is that methodology? Is that really the message we want to leave to our children and those who come after us? Will they thank us for what we failed to do? I hope they judge us accordingly. However on a lighter note, we have the ability to set a new course of action. As those of us, finding ourselves and connecting to that Luminous aspect of ourselves, and understanding that we are that Luminous or Spiritual Being have an earth experience, we can make informed decisions and choices that will cause less impact on the Red Earth Mother. We can begin to listen to her heart beat and do some simple things that will bring her and our alignments together in a more balanced and harmonious way. The sacredness of the Red Earth Mother is available to each and every one of us. All we need to do is take the time to listen to her heart song and sing along with her. Value her as much as we value ourselves. Appreciate her as a more than substantial vessel by which we survive and sustain ourselves at her leisure, and giving back to her is a joyful and momentous part of our reason for being. We can all take the time each and every day to send her a blessing of health and recovery, to replenish her with our healing energy and offer her a gift of rejuvenation and plenty. To see her with the eyes of a childthe curiositythat bought us here to have the earth bound experienceand not to see it as a punishment but as an exclusive rite of passage. For nearly all of us, we have travelled vast distances to arrive here and our promise to our soul and spirit self was to make the most of this colourful and challenging experience. To leave no foot prints behind. To watch, look and listen to those who have gone before, as they often hold more wisdom that we, do for they have lived longer and in a different time. Do not assume you know it all for that often comes from a place of arrogance and misinformation. To suggest you hold all the answers, to your own journey maybe? Do you have the courage and fortitude to go and get those answers? Sometimes yes and sometimes no. Can you create more burden than you need to carry? I would say that nearly all of us have been guilty of that profile. Are we getting better at not doing that? I would hope so. Did you not come with enough of your own baggage? How or why is it appropriate or necessary to carry that of someone elses. I understand why we do it. Is it the best choice you could be making? That would be a NO. Would you like to pickup the Karma of another? I have twice taken on the Karma of others, only for a brief period of time within each occasion. Thankfully, I had the support of the Lords of Karma and the Karmic Council to bail me out of the impacted space. I would not recommend it, to anyone, on any level. Unless you are not of sound mind and body, do not venture down that road. It is fraught with danger. For me, it was an unpleasant but important experience. I would suggest to you that you not road test that

theory to see what it might look or feel like, even if you have nothing to do a Friday night and you might be a little bored. Read a book or watch television instead. Red Earth Mother is to be respected and appreciated in her format and her length and breadth of wisdom and encouragement, for she holds all the secrets and keys to our varied roads and longevity to be here and to be successful. Be kind and mindful of your place and the limitless nature of her giving Spirit.


The encouragement for us to be here is expansive. For we the individual, and then for us as a collective, to formulate great change is tangible. It is through our success that we achieve greatness, although detriment can also be important for us to look deep within and seek the change and transformation that enable us to move forward into the life we want, rather than the life that we dont. Have you ever considered you are your beliefs, and that in turn creates your actions, and then becomes your life experiences? We are the architect of our own designs all the time. Can we be grateful for our exposure to many or all different things? I should say so. Do we often blame the outcomes on others who we may feel have impacted us on some level? Most of the time. That is human nature, not the colour or texture of that Luminous or Spiritual Being having an earth bound experience. Hopefully we learn that, with grace and dignity and with the volume of life that is becoming us. Can it be a chore to constantly rise above your circumstance or situation? You bet it is. It can be like having teeth pulled without anaesthetic, Im sure I am only imagining that doesnt look or feel too pleasant. But is it the strength of your Spirit that encourages you to keep getting up even when you are tired and giving up. You know it is. A dynamic soul force that inhabits the vessel you have chosen to transport you around this life time, either a Mercedes or an old VW, either way it is mode of transport that provides a service and you should love it no matter what its size, shape or colour. The Good Red Road serves a purpose to deliver as many experiences and avenues to us as possible. Although we seek some that do not serve, it is always important to recognise the roads we have travelled and ask ourselves, Do we really feel that this is a road we wish to travel again? Sometimes it is in the repetition that we learn our greatest lessons. Having to do-over is an exhaustive quality that most humans have. Have we not done this enough before moving onto the next thing that comes our way?

We have the template to do over and over again that which does not serve us. But we are creatures of habit and the early warning signs of doing anything long term, is that we can convince ourselves that it seems perfectly logical, that if we work hard enough our dreams will come true. This isnt always the case, sorry to say. Have your heard yourself or someone else, say, I have been asking for this for ages or I have been working on this for such a long time and it just doesnt seem to be working out or turning up. No failures only feedback I would suggest. If you are putting in that much effort have you ever asked yourself, why it isnt working?, rather than continue to flog that dead horse. It would seem the more energy you put into it the more energy it seems to take and require. Well stop doing it, it isnt working is it? My suggestion is to take the path of least resistance. Only salmon swim upstream, against the flow of a mighty river to spawn. If they are the chosen few in the lottery of life they still will have to make it past the 2000 pound hungry grizzly bear. Go look in the mirror do you look like a salmon? No funny questions bout how you smell thoughonly joking. The interesting things about templates are that they can be changed, added to subtracted from. They are an opportunity of design to form an outline of possibility, to follow that is seldom set in stone; thats good news. It is up to architect or designer to perform the changes required to set the new print into a reality. Would you be interested in creating a new template for your life? And what would that look like? Would it be in more than one aspect of who you are? Or would it be associated to a number of areas of your life? Sometimes change begins in one place and has a flow on effect that you might have never considered before. Isnt that exciting!


Encouragement is a very deliberate act that we can participate in. We can, through a variety of pathways, show, tell and invest in someone elses life, supporting them as they are embark on new and sometimes foreign experiences. A smiling face, soft and gentle words or the warmth and reassurance of a hand upon their shoulder, all give strength and courage to someone who is on the verge of change. If we step out of our own need to be celebrated we can make a significant difference to anothers beliefs and views of themselves and what they would like to achieve or create in their own world. Funny, so often as little children our mothers and fathers encourage us to walk and to talk and then often tell us to sit down and be quiet as we grow older, this often discourages us from having an adventure, or stepping out from behind the fears and disbelief or trying anything new or different from what they know or feel we can achieve or create. The saying, If you never never go, youll never never know, is right in so many ways. Our lives would be much less if we only wondered what it would be like, instead of actually having the physical exchange with anything new on any level. Sometimes it takes courage and the feeling of uncomfortable, to facilitate change. It only takes one PERSON to believe in ourselves or our abilities that we are sometimes blinded to, to nudge us gently to attempt to do what we have told ourselves we cannot. I ask you to consider this, instead of using the word try, replace it with the word attempt. When we say try the brain actually hears fail. Please road test this and see how it can be of service to you. Attempt has a completely different energy print to the word itself than try. If you would like to know how this can be tested, place your left palm face up, send your awareness into that palm, ask the energy centre or chakra to open and ask the energy of the word try to come sit in that hand and then feel, see and hear what it looks like, hold it there. At the same time place your right palm face up, send your awareness into that palm, ask the energy centre or chakra to open and ask for the

energy of the word attempt to come and sit in that hand and then feel, see and hear what it is like? What do you notice about the two? Are they different? If so how? I have done this and I felt them to be different. We will all feel the results of this little experience that way, which is perfect. Encouragement can be a service provided for all humanity to share in, being responsible for this is imperative. It is the thing that joins us together. It is the revision and application of its integrity that proves it greatness in all of its applications. Whether we succeed or not, it is the encouragement which made us step out from the shadow of ourselves and give it a go, regardless of whether or not we could achieve the outcomes. Encouragement is a very different application to doing it for them. I do not recommend that you ever consider taking on that kind of responsibility. For it is, if you do it for them, then there will be no learning for the individual and they will more than likely have to go over the life lessons again and again in order to learn or achieve what they are supposed to. The support or supporter can give you a hand up not a hand out. It is for you to consider what this will bring into their own lives with the encouragement and support of the event and the applications it will bring with it.


Discovery of the life and self that has bought you to this magical place is what people often search a lifetime for and never find. It is not really a mystery, but a foundation of exploration that leads us to where we are right now. For if we never explored, we would be in a barren and infertile place without ever having known the hardships of what life might bring. With this will come in return, the blessings of the self as we get to know ourselves, in greater volume and texture than we would have otherwise. Self discovery is like a roving map that leads you somewhere and often nowhere. It is a line of enquiry that formulates decisions and choices based upon the knowledge and resources we have at the time. Is it always flowing and harmonious? No. Is it ever green? No, often there are times of drought and flooding rains, where the monsoons of life can often leave you looking and feeling wet and soggy. Would we swap it for some where else? I would hope not. We are often living parallel lives in separate Universes with the same quaintness and quirkiness that we have here, Im sure. Do we find this destination difficult? Yes we do. Are we arranging not to come back? I understand that a number of people, who I have met along the way of my own journey, have drawn as their conclusion, that they aint coming back. Well how do you know that for sure? Which Spiritual Department have you been in touch with to confirm or deny that vicious rumour? The path to discovery is paved with many milestones and reachable events. It is why we came here in the first place. It is to get to know ourselves better than we did before. You see, there are no guarantees that you will be as conscious or awake in the next lifetime as you are right now. You would be making an assumption that this was going to be true. However, assumptions only lead you further away from the truth, not closer to it. Evolution is about discovery of whom and what you are. It is a realization that we come with a purpose. To discover and learn more about what that is, is a revelation within itself. It doesnt matter when you do it, just so long as you do it. Preferably, before you get to Gods Waiting Room.

How do I begin that self discovery journey, you might ask? Well you already are, given you are reading this book and thinking outside the outlines of your consciousness. You are stretching your mind to new and greater expanses, which is what self discovery is all about. It is that self fulfilling purpose that makes us know that we are of value and worth. But we need to unpack the burden of the baggage that we have bought with us and have also accumulated from birth to now. Discovery comes in all kinds of shapes and formats. It can be an AH HA moment, an actualization, a realization, a dream, an event, an experience or a life changing moment. Either or all will work and serve a purpose. Some are more courageous than others. Some are crazier than others. Some take more time than others. So as you can see it is a huge umbrella to stand beneath. We are being encouraged to look beneath what we know to be true and actually examine what is true. Discovering yourself will help you find the life time connections to other people and your Universal Source. Connection to the creation which is you, is proof that you are more than you realise. The foundation stones that you are built upon are more than relevant, strong, inspired and conclusive and to recognise that greatness, is the beginning of the inwardly journey. Wouldnt it be wonderful to find and then express that real and authentic you? Wouldnt it be a joyous occasion that you can take yourself to a higher and greater level of awareness? Wouldnt it be significant to recognise that you are a truly remarkable being who has come from victim to victorious, suppressed to success, overwhelmed to ovation, existing to expressive. That is what I wish for each and every one of you. Depth, definition, colours and contours, to plan and pack all that you need to have and live the most extraordinary life that holds no bounds or limitations.


The Good Red Road and how you travel upon it comes down to a number of factors. As within life it is the application or the doing part that makes a dream, intention or desire come to life. It is the application of our actions that assist us in creating the life or things that we want. I think that sometimes most of us would just like that something to turn up. I have learned that we are not the ones who make things happen. It is the great creative organising intelligence that is the Universe that does that. However, we need to show that we are going to make a contribution to where we would like to be, or who we would like to become, and what we want from our lives here as we walk The Good Red Road. I understand that people say it just turned up, it came out of the blue, we see that as the miracle part of life. But I believe that somewhere in amongst all of that, we invested an aspect of ourselves in order for this to happen or to come true. We wouldnt be where we are on any level if we had not invested part of ourselves in the feelings, the person, the event or the experience. I do see we tend do that with the negative application, often with much greater success, than we do with the positive. The good news is, that can always be turned around so that we are working with the light and the energetics of that power and potential, rather than the heavier version of continuing to get what we dont want. There are a number of ways the Application process can be put forward. It takes some time and commitment and dedication for our outcomes to be met. That doesnt mean forever or the term of your natural life. It does mean that we choose the little, or smaller, things that create smaller steps or momentum rather than take a quantum leap that seems unattainable and in the too- hard- tray and that will create experiences (again) that you dont want. Within the application process, you may need to give up something in order to replace it with something better or that will serve your purpose with greater flow and volume. I recognise this comes sometimes with resistance because if you let go, what happens to you then? Sometimes we hold onto our stuff for too long and we are defined by it.

It is within the application of doing something else, or something new, that brings change. I ask you not to expect it but to get out of the way and allow it instead. I also understand that change can be a scary thing but what I have learned to believe myself is that change is good it says so in the brochure. It does take some getting used to but you can achieve great things. Part of the Applications success is believing in self. It is a knowing that comes from that spiritual or sacred place within, that reassures us that all is going to be okay regardless. You can learn to do this well. Again, it is my observation, that in order to learn something new we may have to unlearn something old for our greatness to come to life. The Good Red Road is about learning, being here as that spiritual being having a physical experience is about just that, allowing our souls to learn, grow and evolve. To take what we know as that spiritual or luminous being and allow ourselves to shine beyond our wildest imagination. The Good Red Road is about experience, textures, colours, landscapes, opportunities, failures and success, in order to learn so much more about ourselves and the potential that we have, and are, and to live our lives to the fullest and most complete that we can create. The Good Red Road was not designed to torture us or to be too hard to crawl, walk or run, depending on your experiences. It was designed to be the polarity and the opposite of the spiritual road, The Blue Road. It holds many advantages and secrets but we tend to see being here as a punishment or some sort of practical joke. I can assure you it is neither, unless thats what you want it to be. I cannot change or sway your opinion that is not my intention. All I can ask you to do is to consider stretching your mind and your spirit to a place further beyond than you are right now and to allow yourself the possibility to believe not something instead but something as well as. I would not ask you to replace what you believe or what you know for mine but consider it in addition too. I was thinking how could I offer you some information about the application process in the doing department. I am sure you have already heard the usual - eat well, drink plenty of water, exercise, dont drink too much hooch, dont smoke, lose weight, blah blah blah. Sure each of those things has merit, however it is the 95% of us who manifest an illness, condition or disease that may not necessarily be made up of the things that I have already mentioned but more or your emotional, mental and spiritual status. The application of being happy, balanced, connected to yourself, finding peace in your life, letting go, forgiving yourself, or another, living in harmony with yourself, your surroundings, finding the joy and the passion, the things that make you smile on the inside and the outside, learning to find the inspiration and excitement that makes you want to be a better person, to add to your own life and then want to pay that forward. Be the inspiration you want to see in the world.

Regardless of whatever your story might be or has been, you as the writer of your own book of life, you as the architect of your own lifes design, can truly be the person who can make the changes necessary to live your best life here upon The Good Red Road. I know each of us will probably wear out a number of pairs of moccasins as we walk upon this physical road, some may take longer to walk that road than others, some may take an exit sooner, it doesnt really matter how long you are here, it is what you do with the time spent or that is available to you, thats where it really counts. Be brave, be strong and be true to yourself and the Good Red Road will rise up to meet you and take you on the journey that you desire, to arriving at the destination or location that you are willing to accept. Choose wisely and remember to take some rest breaks along the way, admire the view and smell the roses and to leave a reminder in the positive way and light that you were here. It is with the deepest respect I value your map but do not hang onto to it to prove just how much you have been tortured and how much you have endured as it is my awareness that there will always be someone who has more of that in their life than you do. Remember why it is that you are here and how do you find that greatest, talent and ability to succeed, no matter what. Do not deny yourself the privilege of getting to know the real you, the authentic self, the one that really matters. It is she or he that is here to be the shiny one and to allow all of that greatness shine through and lead the way for another to follow. The Good Red Road should be a path well travelled though driving rain, blazing sun and all kinds of patterns and conditions. Never leave knowing you could have done better or more by influencing yourself to be all that you could be. Go with my blessing and the blessings from all the Universal Resources, the Ancestors, the Holy Ones, the Spiritual Helpers, Healers, Masters and Beings of Light, for you are a part of the greater collective that warrants us to change for the better and to serve humanity with grace, dignity and value. Be true to yourself, follow your dreams and allow the Light to flow from you with deliberateness and joy.

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