Lessons From The Indo-China War. Vol - 2

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- The Supreme Command, Far East

A ~j may a 55

ON\ JA(I,Ajfýi)A r-36

.JN 1967 j


Item 7. Lessons From the Indo-China War, Part II, issued by the
Supreme Command, Far East, May 31, 1955.


The War of Ideas (Part I)

Pre-Insurgent Period 6
Evolution of the I~nsurgency 7
Permanence of Hotbeds of Agitation 8
Preparation of the Armed Forces (ill-fitted) 9
Psychological Aspects of the Struggle 12
Political Action Toward the Vietnamese People 13
Actions Toward VM Troops 15
VM Actions Towaard Local Troops on French Side 16
Deceptive Operations 17
Organization of a Deceptive (Decoy) Operation, 18
The War Without a Front (Part 1l) 20
Main Particulars 24
Organization of Comnuand 24
Vital Importance of Intelligence 24
Casualties Due to Lack of Security of Posts 28
Control of the Arteries and Sensitive Complexes 30
Defense Equipment on.,the Arteries 31
Watch Towers System 32
Outposts 33
Blockhouses 34
Defense of the Outposts 36
Supplies 36
Weapons 37
Alarm System 37
Resistance to Attack 38
I Extrication of an Attacked Post
Artillery Support
Ambushes of Relieving Troops 41
Parachute Reinforcements 41
Defense of Sensitive Complexes 42
Clearing of Roads 43
Daily Opening of Important Roads 44
Area Control 49
Conditions of Area Control 50
Area Control in North Vietnam 50
The Tonkin Delta Area 51
Static Outposts Stagnate 52
Mobile Forces in Camps 54
Area Control in South Vietnam 55
Clear and Search 56
Troop Fatigue 58

Mobile Forces Action 59

Action in VM Disputed Torritories 60
Preparation 62
Disposition 63
Attempt to Encircle 64
Destruction of the VM 65
CommanZ Organiation 69
°Bqrders -f VM Controlled, Zones"
Action, on 70
Pacificatin 73
Suppressioni of Rebellious Feelings 74
Establishment of Self-Defense Forces 77
"The Fortifcation 79
°Watch Towers 80
Lightly Forttfied Outpost with Blo~ckho'use 81
SHeavily Fortified Base of Operations 84
Unconventional Aspectq of'the Wj'ar (Part 111) 98
Actions in the Great VWastelands 99
Holding of Garrisons 101
Withdrawal from Garrison Posts 102
Pursuit of the Enemy 103
Air-Ground Bases 107
The Maquis (Frenchmen in VM territory leading
disaffected tribesmen) ill
Action in Dense Forest and Underbrush 115
Commando Actions 123
River and Coastal Actions 128
Convoys 131
Assualt Landings (River) 135
Protection of Anchorages, Piers, etc. 137
Coastal Amphibious Actions 139
Adaptation of the Arms and Services (Part IV) 145
Fitness and Maintenance of Units 149
The Personnel and Officer Crisis (Shortage) 150
Gaps in-the Training 153
Increased Ammunition Expenditures 154
Retraining 157
The Mobile Group (Necessity for) 159
Organization of the Mobile Group 160
Efficiency of the Mobile Group 163
The Infantry 168
Fluidity of Movement 170
Personnel Shortages 171
Comparison to VM 172
The Infantry Battalion 174
The Mobile Battalion 175
The Garrison Battalion 182
The Local Troops (Militia) 186 t
Productivity 188
Commando Units 191
Organization 193
Productivity 195

I= 1.
Airborne Troops 201
SGrowth of Airborne Units 201
Territorial Organization 202
Transport Planes 204
Recovery of Parachutes 206
Results Accomplished 207
Airborne Operations and the War Without a Front 212
Armored Forces 218
Utilization .220
Organization 222
Amphibious Groups 225
River Units 228
Reconnaissance Squadron Groups 229
The Tank-Destroyer Regiment 230
Air Transport 230
VM Anti-Tank Activities 232
Night Involvement 233
Artillery 236
(in fortifications)
Fixed Artillery Artillery (attached to Mobile Groups)
Missions 244
Light Artillery Observation Aircraft 252
Organization 2j52
Tasks 253
Guiding of Fighters and Bombers 256
Helicopters 261
Organization 262
Uses 263
Tactical Employment 265
Engineers 267
Organization 268
i Missions 271
Personnel 273
Road Systems 273
Transportation 277
Organization 277
Operations 280
Signal. 285
Organization 285
Uses 287
Aerial Support 289
Organization 292
Naval Air Operations 293
Command Relationships 295
Missions 297

River Forces 304
The Dinassaut 305
Types of WNater Craft Used
Mines 312
IFemale Personnel
Types of Jobs
Recruiting 316
Logistics 318
Base Structure 319
Sources of Supplies 320
IMaterial Inadequacies
Quartermaster Corps
The Supply System 327
IClothing Problems
Foodstuff Problems
Medical Service 335
Tactics 335
Forward Aid Personnel 336

Organization for Evacuation
Hygiene and Prophylaxis
Fuel Services
Transportation 345
In', Depot Protection
Material Service (Material Overhaul and Repair)

| IMissions
ie ore
Material Upkeep Problams
Alterations to Equipmont 0
IA Special Problem -The
R and D
Technical Organization 358
jTesting 360

fror the

Volume II


w hae folit ovev the last nine years has practiced, under
The ne~y
the ao~is of self'-criticismi, an old discipline of' our ourn Arnpy which we simpl.y
oallod the "critique".
Such a collective self-examination following our operations has been
our best maberhia for study and development. But in it not shocking to apply one
same method of' introspection to peaceful exercises as wel~l as to the brultal reali-
ties of war?
All things considered we are nevertheless compelled to dwell. on the
causjes which brought our failures about, or our successes, and the testimony borne
by each one of our dead must not be buried among the memories of the surviving.
Besides, an Army endowed with a lonS military past is rich enough to let
I her mon tell the truth.
In order to prepare these Teachings from the Indochina Campaign, we h~ave
I dra~r from~ veterans' relationships and the 1400 reports written ~rofficesof
j ranks oanstitute the main basis of' this study.
[ The z-o:ý.tcats, the news bulletins and the many s'hort works prepared in
lndlochina during hostilities for trainino purposes have been druim uponi aloo, as
well as the Volioies la!J dormn by sucoe.-isive Commanaings Officors.

0-2 syntheses and lastly the various statiFsti.cal data collected by the Staff of

the Commander-in-Chief, constitute onn laýst souzoe of' dociimontattion.

It u-,s still difficult to -gather within the limits of one book all the
experiences of' one w-,r who;se typvlo aad intensity varied accoraing to the times, toj
the, erivirorvonot Lind even to tic searons. In a,'diltiori, itzznco ' to clas-
sif'yr these'- toachllcngs ac,ýorLinv' to the Jlovo1 of' command to whichi they applied.
A r.-othod busod en a divioion inLo three documentsi was there-
ill -iyn
frore aoopLod.
2 .

- The first section, a very limited edition, covers the lessons which, due

to their importance and their politico-military character, concern the

High Command level. It purports to be an outline of the problems Involved

in conducting operations to meet requirements which were all too often

irrelevant to tactics.

- The second section, intended for wide distribution, groups together everya

thing the Armed Forces have learned during the Campaign which would still

apply today, should we be called upon to counter, outside of Europe, a

rebellion fed by the same sources.

- Finaly, the third section, with as wide a distribution as the afore-men-

tioned, attempts to group all the lessons of a more general character which,
Ined h fn iedaw ewe hecnet o h eod eto n
consequently, deserve to influence our tactical principles.
.• •Indeed, the fine line dra%,n between the contents of the second section and

that which is the object of the third may seem at times questionable, One deals

mainly with the thousand and one forms of Viet Minh guerilla, and the other deals

mainly with European-style combat methods. But this division, based on convenience,

must not lead one to forget that the fortunes of war admit only one didactical


Saigon, May 31st, 1955

General of the Army P. Ely

Commissioner General of France and
Commander-in-Chief, Indochina


" i
| |
°° I


3 Generals,
i 8 Colonals,
I 18 Lieutenant-Colonels,
69 Majors,
jI 341 Captains,
1P140 Lieutenants and 2nd Lieutenants,

1 2,683 Non-commissicnned Officers, and

6,008 Soldiers
_ 12,019 North-African and African NCO's and Soldiers, and
1 14,093 Indegenous NCO's and Soldiers of the Expeditionary Force
1 Lieutenant-Colonel,
5 Majors,
60 Captains
134 Lieutenants and 2nd Lieutenants,

2,755 Non-Commissioned Officers and Soldiers

"5P791 North-African and African NCO's and Soldi"ts, and Legionnaires,
12,830 Indigenous NCO's and Soldier.s of the Expeditionary Force



20,899 French men,

24,347 Legionnaires, North-Africans and Africans,
. ,26,924 Indegenous personnel
31,291 Men were repatriated for medical reasons,

16,118 Prisoneri3 were liberated b7 the onoie-y.

N.• ]
• .

I General,
60 Offioeers,
160 Non-Commissionned Offioers,
49 Mon.

IN ADDITION: 85 Offioers,
243 Non-Commicsioned Offioers,
52 Mon,




27 Officerst
| 39 Petty- 0ffioers,ý

235 Seamen,
IN ADDITION: 53 Officers,
157 Petty Offioers,
6 15 Seamen,




5,345 killed,
9,790 woundod, for the three branches of the Armed Forces combined,

hile the years 1950 and 1953 cost resp~ectively on3,y s


2,297 and 2,849 killed,

6,473 and 9,203 woundedI
- On the othar hand, t~he Vietnamese A~rr,,q lost inl 1954:
2,590 killod and
6,822 wounded.





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"Whore the guerilla is deprived of any

"political objective, it will faill. 11here it

"has a political objective which
is inoompati-
"ble with popular political objectives, it will
"fail just the same for it-will not receive,
I "from the people, the support, the participation,
I "the assistance and the active collaboration

I "that are necessary.

"It is an if the people were the sea and

S"the Army a fish, How can it be difficult for
"the fish to survive if it dives in the mass of
"water? But should the water recede or dry up,
(I"then the fish cannot escape sure death."


.' Ii
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PRE- ~~*

It Is extremely difficult to detect a proinsurgent period. Nevertheless,

one can surmise that It begins at the moment when opposition to established law

and order has acquired sufficient hold on the population to breed trouble.

In Indochina, such a period has probably had its sources around 1925,and

the gravo incidents of 1930 in North-Annam and in the Tonkin Delta area are espe-

cially responsible for it. Thus, it lasted some twenty years and could have lasted

longer if the war circumstances, namely the elimination of French authority by the

Japanese In 1945, had not given the Viet-Minh Party the opportunity to fill a vacant


It is difficult to draw other lessons from this period other than the con-

firmation of some well-knowt rules.

If those rules were transgressed, it was no doubt because the existence of

Sa pre.lnsurgent stito was not suspected, and also because the insurgency had lost

its traditionnal pattern and this evolution took us by surprise,

SECRECY OF PRE-INSURGENT SYMPTOMS.- The various reports relating to the pre-war situation

gave an optimistic view of the internal security and placed responsibility for the

incidents and troubles with some distraught individuals, against whom force was

normal and sufficient.

"One might wonder if the errors committed in the estimation of the situation

did not stem from the training of the ranking file, for one part, which was oriented

towards an administrative ultra-conservatism rather than towards evolution; for the

other part, from their standard of living which kept them apart from the Vietnamese


j (1) -Colonel X... coacmanding an area (territorial Division) in Tonkin.

S]lore is aotuall.y I;hzAt a mane though well oxperionoed in matters relatod
to Indoohina, wrote in 1932 after the repression of the YRN-BAI revolt, whioh he
blamed on too wide a displr, o:r our ideas and too liberal politioe.(2)

I "Par from undermining tradition, it would be wise to rely on it and not

do anything which might bo contrary or strange to it ...* With these oonditions, our
I descendants will not have too mary surprises when the years that will ensue will
open the way to the future for them".
I Our ranking file overseas must prepare this future while paying closer
attention to the aspirations of indegonous movements, and not only meeting their
J material noeds, but their affeotive needs.

For, in 1954, Colonel N.... who followed the events, oommonted in those
terms on the use made of force with regard to the same repression.
"Pro-war revolts were brought to heel: short-lived triumph whioh cost
a lot. Because force did muoh more harm than good; the Tonkin village of X....
which was shelled was to remain a hbtbed of revolt and North Armam, which was o0-
oupied by minority troops, was to see no more French men after 1945". (3)

j EVOL,7TON OF THE. IMSM•OLCY - To the Black Flag, to the Coohin-4binese pirate moved
by person1l ambition, by greed or by some looal patriotism, was gradually substi-
tuted an sary animated by a racial patriotism and by a new set of ideals
based on Earxism.

Leaders educated in jPARIS or trained in CHINA, or even MOSCOV, were

recruited from among the mass of the population.
Recognized as natural leaders of their ocollectivity because they sprang
from it, they had at their disposal to influence opinions the traditional motives
which rouse the indegenous masses: xenophobia, anti-colonialism ......

T But the communist disciplines provided them with a propaganda and indoc-
trination technique which allowed them to win over large numbers of adherents within
the most unfavoured classes.

(2)Mr. do Pouvourville, from the Collection "How they think".

(3) Colonel X..... Zone commander, North Vietnam

" From this double-aided, double souroc idboloao sprang a duality of ori.in
in the supports from which the rebellion benofitod. On the one hand, the Viet Minh
jl made maximum use of the local ressouroes it had secured for itself by intimidation
and terrorism if neoessary! on the other hand, it had the outside oupport of foreign
I nations..., and some French quarters.
It found, aotually, certain favors, both official and olandestine, within
I a fraction of our public opinion and of our Assemblies. This combination of oompli-
cities and material aid quiokly allowed the rebels to get over the phase of the
I armed bands which oharacterized the year 1945. With the help of circumstances and
time, they passed from regularly formed groups to units of all branches of the
•I services and finally to major units.
SPERIkNENCE OF HOTBEDS OF AGITATION.- What we have observed in Indochina confirms an
already known fact in our African possessions: there exists a permanence in the
hotbeds and areas of agitation. History and geography point out certain regions
as being the traditional birthplaoe of insurgent movements, then as the favored
guerilla theatre of operations.,
It is in the provinces where the population has always been the proudest,
the most conceited and the most independent, that the revolt has taken-on: the most
acute and intense forms (the PLAINE DES JONCS, the Region of VINNH$ the mountains
surrounding LANGSON, etc..). Being able to compare some recent engagements to the
history of certain battles of the conquest is a gripping thing. Thesamo events
Soccur often, sometimes at the same spots. Some of the pamphlets or notes from
Tonkinese Mandarins to the North VIETNAM pacifiers were written in the same vein
as the Viet Minh 'pamphlets.
To these traditional circumstances were added of course the coftributions
fof the modern era. The existence of a proletariat in the cities has favored the

[ birth of urban disturbances (in particular on December 19, 19046), while the patience
of the rural masses finally wore out,
Duo to the very nature of this pre-insurgent state, it appeared that the

jIsolution to the problem could not be brought about by the use of force alone.
The authorities responsible for law and order must step in at the poli-
j •tical, economic and social level rather than at the police level. "Under penalty
of inefficiency it must not be assigned the mission of maintaining law and order
as well as the causes of disorder".
As long as the loaders of the revolt must exert prudence and caution,
j we must not resort to savakq repression.

9 , , ,:

"Theoy will always attempt to "sever all relations", to become outlars;

it is
up to the authorities attompting to maintain order to manoeuvor so that, on
the contrary, rolationn will be continued without interruption and that, at all
timom, it is possible for them to rally without losing face or prestigo".(1)

PREPARATION OF TM• AR1MED FORCES. - The very struoture of our Armed Forces makzea them
ill-fitted to maintain law and order. The pro-insurgent period thus takes on an
all-important character in their setting up, as well as in adjustment of backing-
up forces eventually coming from other territories,
If the Indochina War provides us with fVyR'4iVBns in this area, it can
hoirevqr point out the gaps of our preparation. A great number of Officers at first
deplojed the fact thait the Expeditionary Corps wis deprived of a Specialized Officers
Group• similar to that of the Indegenous Affairs Group.
1Beides the Commander's general information which must include all details
of local politics, all the problems brought on by the gathering of information,

'special actions (clandestine forces, countor-oTandestine forces...), the recruiting,

the formation of local forces..., will only be resolved with the assistance of
qualified Offioers who might initurn be assisted by civil servants in due time.
IIn Indochinap these miJsS1onJ l Were of c almost always assigned to troops
who did not know the theatre of operations very well, did not speak Annamese nor
any of the local dialects and consequently could niot carry on adequate relations
with the' inhabitants.
It is imperative to have specialists from the start of the pro-insurgent
period, for it goes without saying that their recruiting and their training cannot
be accomplished within a few weeks nor even a few months.
Preparation of the theatre oý operations is not as imperative. It must
include in particular:
- General Staff studies of the Command organization, of territorial di-
vision and of proposed manoeuvers as a function of two or three simple
- Complete documentation of each zone, adopting the traditional format
of sector note-books or itinerary memos.
- A beginning in installations in accordance with the budget (means of
communications, naval installations, air and logistics installations,..).
(1) Commients of Major X... on the pacification of South-VIETNAfd1.

I- i
10,, , ,

Finally Intelligence Research must be initiated by the recruiting of

potentiul agents, establishing contacts and by preparing communication channels
within hostile ,,ones... In Indochina, the difficulty of infiltrating agents into
territory alroady subjected to Marxist control asserted itself. Therefore one must
proceed with the organization of the future networks ahead of time.

INVOLVEM•IMN• OF TROOPS. - When criminal assaults, sabotage actions and riots get so
important that they cannot be handled by the police, the only course is to resort
to troop units. However, it is desirable to avoid certain errors which Colonel X.o.
(1) has 'pointod ouL:
"Essentially, the Armed Forces must be present, but not involved."
1_-"heir rapid involvement servos as tho signal to trigger hostilities.

In their task to maintain critical points and communications means, which consti-
tute the essential instrument of Command, of the Government and of economic life,
they can adopt one of two behaviors the choice of which depends on local conditions
and cannot follow any set of rules:
-"either they make themselves evident, by a large deployment if necessary$
wit-"or they make use of discretion, aooomplishing their miasions off icieiit~y
but unobtrusively."
" Should the probability of involving troops become evident, then it is
absolutely imperative that their involvement be preparods
- In the selection of objectives. Much too often there is a tendency to
assign troops to secondary tasks. Since troops constitute the final
argument, their use must made in a decisive action.
_.1-"Mopping-ups, searching, and all operations of this type run the risk of
producing deceiving results if they have no connection with the magni-
tude of the instrument set in motion. In this case they annoy the po-
pulation and demonstrate the futility of force. So, during pre-insur-
gent periods, they will be used only if sufficient assurance of aohie-
ving the objectives of importance exists.
-"In its duration. It must be strictly limited to the brutal act and
care must be exercised so as not to let it go on. This means that the
assigned mission must be determined with great precision, where its
nature and the nnticipated results are concerned.

(1) Zone Commandor in Tonkin, with a lengLhy stey in Indochina.

_--________- __-_________
i_ In its conduct. Due to the Cravity of psychological consequences,
it is imporative to take the necessary stops and use enough troops
that are adapted to the type of mission indicated. It is more advi-
sable to act by means of massive and short demonstrations rather than
14b&a succession of small-scale operations. In all, the principle of
economy of forces must be rigorously applied.

"If involvement of troops creates a technical problem for the Military

Authority, one muot remnember that, during such a period, besides acting with pro-
oision but within certain limits, the Military Authority is expeo1'1"6 fteett, a
psychological shook on public opinion. The rest fallsB*11hin the jurisdiction of
the police and it is not advisable to assign to the Ariy missions dealing with the
replacement of specialized services except in cases of absolute lack of them."

TO CONCLUDE, as soon as a pro-insurgent state can be detected, it is

absolutely imperative to use the del•y still available to prepare potential opera,
tions and to organize a specialist force if necessary.

When the use of the military becomes inevitable, do so with caution, for
its psychological impact on the masses will be as important as its clash with
rebel factions#

• J J

ii ~i .
:i. I



If war always opposes two will-powers, civil war adds to it the clash of
J4 two doctrines and even two explanations of tho world when Marxism inspires one of
the two adversaries.
We are not attempting here to state the multiple causes which have
resultbd in the triumph of the Viet-LMinh 'ideoloC.r over social conservatism and over

the gqvernmental weaknesý of traditional Vietnam.
.... ',":
After all there causes are too well knoim: "We oouldn't possibly re-esta--
blish a new order for the prof,ýJt of a constitutional and social'disorder" (l)-(2).
There is not one ,'renoh Veteran who hasn't expressod his bittez'ne~ssand
his anger towards the conflicting policios he was forced to serve as a soldier,
The following avraisal can-be construed as one of the mildoot...
"In 1946, in!order to dq,',our duty here, we were shipped off between two rows of
constables, like criminals. Upon returning in 1953, we were searched bgr Vietnamese
Customs off'ioers, like tourists" (3).
"I- M~ost of the appraisals however are much more bitter and reflect these
4. opinions of two officers:
Captain P...:If "If we have been unable to oppose
wr away •r Communist
ads t propaganda o

effetivlyit is because we have not proposed a positive ideologyr to counter

Communism, from which a now doctrine and faith would have emerged".
Colonel IT...:; "The Franco-Vietnamese placed their bets on evezrything that
was dying in this country: the traditiona, the old - The Viet Minh used everything,
that came into being or grow: derziren, passiona, the young".

2)-The Viet ;Minh capitalized on statistics such as these (translated from flocu-
mont, 11o953/FPNV/2 of 6 April, 1955) :

I39;, 5 3:, of Vietnamnese fanilios do not- owrn one inchi of land,

oan leos than 5 hectaroo (14 acreo').
2.Olin from 5 to 20 hootzureo (14 to 56 acres)
SO.34~ own more than 50 hectares (125 acres).
Li0Lotcnat Z... of the F.-.S.V.
( -
i 9. I. !; ,

But, if the Military Authorities overlooked the diplomatic and politioal

aspects in the conduct of the war, they oould not ignore the fact that "the idoolo-
gioal weapon was one of the major weapons, if not the major one, for the population
was at stake in the strugogle and our opponent was oommunist".( 1)

The Expeditionary Force was, unfortunately, allowed to use this ideolo-

gical weapon only in certain areas and with strict limitations. This ohapter will

therefore mere).y be a statement of facts as far as our successes are concerned, and

* especially our failures in the areas where the oommanding officers were able to wage
a restrained psychological Mwar.
ACTION ON VIETNAMESE POPULATIONS .- In the zones where our units attempted to rid or
preserve of the V.M. oontamination, it was normal that we resort fo propaganda,
while making use of weapons at the same time.
But the troops and their leadership were, with few exceptions, assisted
by mediocre persuasion and indootrination agents.
First of all, d to poor preparation:
"Political actibn is not a part of our formation ... our leaders were
.ill at ease when faced with problems of contact with the population, of propaganda...


"The majority of our leaders displayed, in too many cases, a thorough

lack of knowledge in the field of political action... Some destroyed what others
had taken such pains to build."
"A living example is the village of D..., on the Bassac, In an abandoned

area, one of our Platoon leaders had succeeded, with great pains and patience, to
convince 2,000 of the inhabitants to return. This village was the pride of rw
Company. Unfortunately, after we weere relieved, some incompetent station leader
lost the confidence of the population and it didn't take more than two weeks for
D... to be entirely burned and abandoned by the very ones who populated it and pre-
ferred rejoining the V.M. zone rather than endure the vexations of an incompetent
section leader arid troops that were unprepared politically for their mission".(3)

Numerous are the officers who, in trying to conduct political actions

within their zones, observed: "All their efforts destroyed in the space of a few
da.ys by tho transit of a mobile unit in the area which knew nothing of the local
J conditions, and left but having alienated forever
without having killed one Viet,
those who gave us information and fought with us against the V.M,(4)"

(1) Lieutenant N... Company Leader in North Vietnam

(2) Major D... Sub/Scotor Comniimincn OfMicor F.T.C.V.
(3) Captain N... Quarters Chief F.T.S.V.
(4) Captain R... LAOS
Added to t:iin political ignorance wa, the lack of Offioers having know-
ledge of the country and. its language: "Mar•i a Section Leader was asked to conduct
"propaGanda actions. But what were his meons? He did not speak Viotnamese, did not
know the customs nor the country. Fozr this type of mis3ion, we need preparatory
instruction, but most of all a strong nucleus of real specialists" (5).
We shall not insist more on this point since the necessity of having a
Force has already been pointed out,
Moreover, the action which the Command could reasonably expect from the
troops on the population was handicapped by the very type of operations. "I have
noticed, wrote Major P... (FDTNV), that psychological action and military operations
are closely interrelated".
"When the Viets overtook a post, blew up a train or a vehioule, or laid an
ambush, the population did not feel any impact, save through the fines and reprisals
we imposed upon them."
"When we conducted an operation on a Viet based in a village, the popula-
tion didn't feel the impact because we destroyed it along with the Viet,"
"In either case, the V.M. Propaganda apparatus found a valuable subject,
substantiated with facts, while we have naturally provided the masses with grounds
for hatred."
"Thus we were losing, to the enegy's profit, sources of strength and intel-
These observations applied mainly to the zones where we waged a battle
against decay.
In the regions under V.M. obedience, where we conducted raids from time to

I time, in most oases, we had to pay for some military advantages with the permanent
alienation of the populations. The latter, actually, believed in the return of the
Franco-Vietnamese Foroes, maintained a benevolent neutrality and even gave us some
tokens of faith, only to find themselves abandoned to reprisals of the V.14. Ceose-
quently, an incursion or a raid in a non-controlled zone should never be conducted
together with an attempt to win over populations.
Under such unfavorable conditions, the poor results can be easily explained.

S (5) Major L,... F.T.N.v.

Affaires Indigenes (Indegenous Affairs).

(5[ao ..F''NV

I ......• .•..... ..•.....

. .... .••... ..
•......'-. . - ---
The use of modern propa'anda methods had not$ however, been neglected.

From 1946 to 1952 a "Propae.nda Section" operated within the general staffs
of the Commander-ir-Chief and the Territorial Comieandors. It distributed all noose..
mary instructions to Zon•zwid Sector Intelligenoe Officers and provided them with
the material moans neoessary.
In 1953c, a "Bureau of Psychological Wtrfarel" was created within the General
Staff of the CommandeI-4n-Chief and this organisation received an over-inoreosing
amount of funds.
Instruction courses wore organized to train propoa.ndists. All equipment
for printing leaflets and posters was distributed, display rooms were arrangod;
Mobile teams were equipped with inegaphones, tens of millions of leaflets were
parachute-dropped (1) and a plane equipped with loudspeakers was frequently used.
This tardy, effort was sloued down anywyV br a lack of oompetent personnel.
For "the ideological wars of our contemporar'y era demand highly speeialioea cadres
in the fields of political aotion and propaganda. Ques•ions of dootrine pet aside,
there is a tochn.quo in which the greatest possible number of officers must be ini-
tiated, and in which some of them nust be specialized"(2).

ACTDON ON ENENY TROOPS. While direct proppganda on V.M1. troops ha, yielded, very, few
desertions and rallying soldiers due to the ascendacy Aof the politiotl cadres on. ,
troop39, we have achieved considerable success with the prisoners.
Action on the P.I.M.'s was based on a difference of regime (3).
Those who didn't belong to the regular arnW were assigned, afýelr a pro-
bation period, to workers units from which it was never difficult to recruit coolies!
to serve voluntarily in our units. The latter have been practically always the
devote&i and extraordinarily faithful assistants to our formations: Without the neces-
sary and concerted psychological action, common life with our tro9ps has succeeded,
in almo3t all cases, in transforming a former adversary into an unarmed auxiliary
who shared his unit's "esprit do corps".

(1-31 uillion during the month of January, 1954, alone.

- Major S... Sub/Sector Commander F.T.S.V.
(3)- Those personnel, referred to generally as PIM (Interned Military Prisoners)
belonged to various cateoorIon according to their origin (Regular Arnr, guerilla
soldier, political cadre) and their degree of intoxication, or indootr3.netion.

"In my Battalion, wrotc Captain X... (PMSV), we quiokly noolimu.tizod our
"PIMI"i and a great many of thom gave us undeniable tokens of alloegianoe - search
of underground paasqeos, for example - and requested to become partimans".
With roeard to the P.I.M. who had to endure the regime of oaptivity, the
Pqyohologioal Action Servioe conducted, from 1952 on, suocessful actions* In the
camps whore this was tried, the majority of prisoners, onco the indomitable elements
4 strained and sogregated, proovod to be reoeptive to objective information (on Vietnam,
the Vietnamese Government, the National Army, the opportunities offereds to the
Vietnasmese youth, bo#.O), and aparble of receiving professional and intellectual
training( 1)
These two achievements of very different character prove that political
rehabilitation is possible. They aro, moreover, the Judgement passed against a
penitentiary regime 'whioh assembled the prisoners, without any distinction, into the
same 6amp. An attpippt to provide the, oaptives 1with a, cetain oomfort and of course
the abolition of all brutality'. are indispensable to create a-olimate which is,
favorable to the rehabilitation phase.

V.M. ACTION ON OUR TROOPS.- With the exception of indegenous units, recruited among
the ethnical minorities who always revealed themselves hostile to the V.14. due to
raoial repulsion, tho enemy found fer tile grounds for its opaganda among the in-
degenous elements of our fornations and naturally within the Vietnamese Army.,
The "DICH-VAN" movement (meaning: appeal to the onemy) was doted upon by
the V.M1. National Defenoe Ministry. Consid1e~rble dooulnentation whichcamh to our
attention beqrs this out.
For the intention of nationalist Vietnamese the following arguments were
used: "the Vietnamese soldier is not an enemy; he is a lost sheep, at most a rebel".
If he "rallies" he will be treated with respect.
Simultaneously, pressure, even blackmail, were exercized against his family.
Ever.ything, the narrow overlapping of our installations or of that of the
adversary in the two delta areas and along the coastal zone, tho receptivity of po-
pulations to the V.JI. argurments from fear, or simply for attentism, favored the
actions of the DICH-VAN.

(l)- For example: 2,000 PIMs were th.is treated in camp X... in TONKIN in 1952-1954,
900 enlisted in the Vietnamese Army whore they served honorably; 1,100 were

I liberated.

7t , .'.' -

It was at the base of the fall of almost all posts

can be deducted that it
whoso garrison included indogenous olemonts, and that any unit with AnnAmite person-
. nel had a DICH-VAN cell, either active or latent.
The V.M. Command acted on the French Union troops through the French

Communist Party; in addition, they made use of -leaflets and sometimes.., women.
The defeatist propag.anda originating from the Metropole was unquestion-
ably the most demoralising factor for the French personnel, without however, having
provoked. any appreciable numbor of defections. (1)
With roeard to the other elements of the Expeditionary Force, the V.M.
widely used pamphlets which were written in every language and well suited to the
time and place. In some oases, they also made use of interpreters, who harangued
the garrisons of attacked posts with the aid of loudspeakors.

As a whole, their propaganila failed, for the living conditions in the

Viet-Minh prisoner camps were too well known for our men to lend any credit to
appeals signed b1y former buddies vho hd fal: -P in en7 ha nds. (2)
The Comuiunist education, u,;hloh the eneim attempted to instill in our pri-
sonars with perseveranoe, obtained only superfioial result there were too many
differences between the political agents' explanation of the world and what the
[ captives knew so wello There was too wide a gap between the arguments and the hard
fate which was reserved daily to our men.'*.
The hope of liberation might have brought on a few repudiations and some
allegiances to Marxist line, but the great majority of the repatriated ones adapted
themselvos again more or less rapidly to our wAYs of thinking. .
The failure of the Viet-Minh preachers has just pointed out once again
the necessity to base any attempt to win over people on good treatment and a possi-
bility of gradual accession to liberty.

Ever since the Anglo-Saxons made such great noise about their "deceptive"/
operations during the period 1940-1945, it has been the habit to cover a certain
character with the cloak of psychological war, which was called the Stratagem of
War from the times of the siege of Troy and the battle of the Horatii and the Curiatii.

(I)- The number of French deserters has not been more than a few tens during 8 years
of war and in moot cases, the defection was caused by.."a female cong. Furthor-
more, many of those deserters tried later to escape.
(2)- The number of Afolcan, North-African anJ Legionnaire dejerters totalod a feai
hundred during the eight years of war, and the great majority of them tried

I to escape later.

In fact, t):e deceptive action "whose objective is to achieve a pqyohoo-
gioal victory over tho eoneiry, by leading'him to a falee interprottation of our in-
tentionns and thus reduciilg his ability to oounter"(1), is always a fictitious
manoeuver, the achievement of which ie more or leis strained.
But the meoans of modern propaganda have allowed the o.onsiderable increase
of the impact of false stops, wrona ordero, and wrong activities in communications.
In this respect, but this one on3y, one can lend to peyoholoiioal warfare
noisy orohootratlon Sthe
of a stratagem.

ORGANISATION OF A DECJ•PTIV1, OPEMATTON.- Tho dooision to launch a deceptive operation

can only rest with the Cominanlder-in-Chlief. But he should be provided with a "per-
manont Deoeptlon Staff" who, appraised in due time of the Chief's remote intentions,
could suggoet some lures. This branch could then "launch the action of the speoia-
list Services with the maximum of offioienoy and timeliness". (2)
Once the decision to simulate a plan of the Commander is taken, it becomes
imperative that "the deceptive operation be headed by an operational Staff separate
from the Staff of the main tactical operation".(2)
Preparation of the operation will deal mainly with "an abstract terrain:
[the morale and intellect of the adversarY"(2), thus requiring'tho search for soli-
tions well adapted to the adversary's ohaRaoteristiost those of the popaulation, and
our rela.tionship with the latter.
It will be necessary to make a close evaluation of the delays requireld
for tVe false information to reach the opposing Commander in time to bring about
the anticipated reactions.
"As in a game of bridge, one must influence the opposing team in the con-
duct of thb game by certain calls or discards, or even by a particular way of
unblocking some "long ones" in order to "squeeze him!'", or hide from him for the
longest possible time the decisive card, so that when he realizes the game, it will
be too late for him, to react efficientJy"(2).
Given all this, we can use oonourrentlyx
"- Spoken propaganda
"- Written propaganda
"- Whispered propaganda
"- The spectacular visit of very important persons (2). etc,..

(1)- Study by the Staff of the Commander-in-Chief on deceptive operations.

L,,,(2)-, ,
It "oea without soina that a deceptive oporation "Imust remain secret
until the end of Its dlevelopment and dooeive the friendly camp as well- as that
_-of the enonvi'.
"Iits obJeotive has been aooompliched only when overybody has been taken
"in by the Camo•l.
S!'The minute the action has bsiun, everyone at all levels must play the
game, even if the scr:tipt shooks them or if they don't understand it"(1).
The rules w•e have stated here wore not always applied in their entirety
during the oampaign, but their empirical application brought us a number of suocesses.
Fox example the evaouattion of NA SAM on August 12, 19531 was preceded
by a oampaie.n of false rumors, which duped all the perftormers.
The "PELICAN" and "GERMATNE" operations nearing the end of hostilities
4 were examples of"the opportunities brought to us bv modern means of propaganda.
V •"PELICAN" in October 1953 was designed to create a threat on the coast
of TUIAN-IOA while the "MOb•M'" operation was launched some fifty kilometers inland.
A simulated naval action and a time3y ondootrinction brought complete suooess,"since
it was possible to emplace the "MOUETTE" apparatus facing the V.MI. 320th Division,
while immobilizing the 304th, and to take care of the first without being disturbed.
by the second"(1).
While the Geneva negooiations were being carried on, the "GERMAINE" oper-
ation wqa designed to "persuade French, Vietnamese and international opinions, as
well as the V.M., the strong reinforcement from the TONKIN Delta was on the way and
would be accomplished before the 15th of June"(1).
Thus we were led to magnify the imp6rtance of actual facts such as the
arrival in TONKIN of a paratroopers battalion, which was interpreted as the notice
of the imminent reconstruction of two mobile groups, or the arrival in SAIGON of
the cruisers GLOIRE and MOTICAIU- considerod as the forerunners "of a large squadron
comprising other ships and ground forces on ships whioh would land in the HAIPHONG
A Battalion Leader who was taken prisoner at DIEN-BIMN-PHU reported that
"from the statements made by the V.M. Commander's spokesman in Officer prisoner
camps, he had really believed a substantial strengthening of oir Expeditionary Force.
In early July, 1954, this possibility seemed to disturb him greatly".

"(1)- Study by the Staff of the Commander-in-Chief on deceptive operations.



"Material inf eriority 'in the .taoe of'

the oneniy is not serious. What is important
is popular mobilization. The population must
be a huge ooean in vrhioh the enery will drown.."

"What makes up the real rampart?

- It is the people...".


1 ~~~~~~21
.''' ;' 'p4

On December 19, 1946, large strips of TONKIN and ANNAM roll in the
I hands of the Viet-Minh and 'beoame so maiy provinces of a now State. For, although
HO-CHI-MINHI's government was condemned to a life of diffioulties, little by little
j Iit succeeded in establishing an administration, a judicial branch and a few public
offioes, while subsisting from a rudimentdry economy.
I T•he outline of part of those territories kept shifting during the eight
yearn df war, ospeoially in South VIETNAM. In TONKIN, however, the year 1951 was
j notod for the actual delimitation of the Viet-Minh zone: by the oreotion of a forti-
fied enclosure around the Delta, we more or less acknowledged our inability to re-
j gain the central rogion.
Indeed, we attempted on several occasions to recapture some of the
I .enemy's riefs. le went thus to BAO-KAN and CAO-BNG in 1947 and launched the
"ATLANTE" operation in 1954 to attempt to recapture a portion of the ANNAM coast.
I Other operations led us to take the offensive in Viet-Minh territories,
whether larger soale raids (1) were involved, or we had infiltrated into enevy ter-
Sritory with the hope of drawing out his troops and destro'ying them (2).
But these undertakings constituted only a series of events while the
struggle took on a permanent form in the very regions we wished to control, namely
the two Deltas and some areas of the ANNAMI coastline, which were densely populated
c.ndthe most productive land areas.
.The "War without a front" thus waged for eight years was a struggle in
which the adhesion of a population massed together in the villages was at stake.

j (l)- For example the "LORRAINE" operation in 1952 and the "MOUETTE" operation in 1953.
(2)- For example the HOA-BINH affair in 1951, the NA-SAN affair, and finally

I 22 "'

The V.M. contamination varied from one community to another, ohaned

over the monthn, but a sort of osmosLs was oonstantly taking place between the
oommunict-oontrollod fiofs and the disputed zones: weapons supplies - ammunition
and arms - trickled inside from the outside every night, while thousands of emis-
saries, political agents or more or less important government agents infiltrated
to effect contact between the Vists within and without. In addition$ a noria mo-
vement brought in by turns the regular units and some provincial units in the heart
I" of the Deltas and sent them back towards the camps of the peripheral regions.
The consoquence of those human and material exchanges natuvally oondi-
tionned the intensity or the struggle.
In South VIETNAM, the support given to the rebels was mediocre and o,,me
frorm affar. On the other hand, in No•rth VIETNAM, tihe operations inside thse Delta
.er-e alwi.ys influienced by the presence; on the borderline, of the V.M. battle for-
mations and by the relat.ive proximity of supply sourooe whioh the rebels found in
I CHTNA from 1.950 on.
Our Forces in North Vietnam had to ward off the interventions of this
Pattle Corps constantly, which deviated our conduct of the surface war in TONKIN.
.t is therefore logical to search for l.essonss relating to the restora-
K tion of order and vpplicntble to other areas, much more in South VIETINM than in
North VIETNAM,,., where the particulars of the problem ahwayo had Ooeuliar charac-
I tex~i- stieso

I• Surface war actions take on various aspeots, but they all. center around

three exercises:
I - Read.y avallibility of -the main roads and waterw.Vs which are necessary
to the existence of units as well as to manouvubility.
Thus emeres a policy of control of the roads and waterways.
- Provressive reoganization of various regions by a policy of surface
I control.
- Apeasoment of the minds and disari.ament of rebels by a policy of
j paci f i. ion.
activities have been e:3dential]y the work of tern-
These three to,,reý no
j to'ial and Onpocial.yV that of so-called. "imiplanted"
'rries units. Theye will be
di ;CUz.:Ac'Cl in th eree cl-1.1•r•.
i .


Mobile Foroon. wore reaponoible for only a fraotion of tie undartahkincLi

relating to suvraoe oont:ro]; it was, moreovor, the roughest part, for their job
was -to destroy the most atot.ve and boe1t armed bands.
Hlowever, the type of their activities romalnod similar to that of the
territorial units, wbon they prooeeded to light mop-14ps. The only differenle re-
sidea In the size of the :i.nn,-itallaton and in the capacity to face a stronerOi
e. ev.
TLu iI
i's oeioemd possiblo to rev:1ou, iq v last ohaptor, the different maneuvers gi.ven
the units, wheother those \were tewritorial or mobile.
thc importance 'tklen on by the strongthont1n- dtiring the oarpain

Justifies tha. a oha:ter devoted to it be annexed hereto..

Justiies "'I

L I,

< I



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ORGAI'TIZATTON OF C0.11AD,1M.- Duzring the mhole oampaign, the territorial chain of ocommand
reiained as based on a geoo•paphio partition of IJ)()OC1TI\Aj
- T D1 Im)-ICT w.t3 equivalent to one of the wide nat~ural regions of tCe
oun try,
Its LoeLder had at his disposoul a more or less large numbor of, terri-
4 torial, units and could, in addit-ion, dispose of Air and River Foeoes
which wexre adapted to the torrain,
- T-E ZONES wo.ve, subdivisions of the D.istriot and inoluidod themselves
SECTORS, broken down into sub-sectors, the latter oorrespondiqg in
principle to the caab.-.lities of actilon of a more or leos reinforced
[ The nijor preooocupation of each lovel of Comniinrd wLs to r ,e "a i
organizing resorve. to oon,:hiot more or less important operaliono., and thie only con-.
trovesi.l out.bjoet mainta.ined botweoii the mobile a"nd
I-,s the proportio-o to be r,
implanted fbores. This problen, will be reviewed later.
It is to be noted that, on the one hand, as the means were reinforced
in both carips, and due to the strategic nature the Viet Minh final2ly gave its aotiono,
we were forced to create more and more important Operational Commands. Their Jauxta-
position or superimposition to the existing Territorial, Commands did not alwurs
nprove to be P, feovorbe element to the sought af'er rational pac.ificati.on it~e~f.
IETIGTNC,.- It L,- been oxten strt.-fthat one of the m-.ln c..:usef• o u failures
was the, lack of good intu.1.]ience.
a ot one cy wo n by th: •t he Cornder-T,-e ....- and his LC loeveol
3 ,, o t d e t e ri ni,n e
c c o u lM n.wrs
Lib o r ,.l n !.)tIpbct from
,_ e i pr ... ' G-2 chiefs,
cnte.d to them by their 10,.r,,f s:

the cocipleto Vlot-Ni.nh inlts disposition, often with a better thlvi- 001,1 acouraoy,
and rarely below.
j Inoontrast, the Battalion Commander, the post Leader and even the ,lobilo
Group Commander were to have one day or another the most painful of surprises. In
addition to their motor vehicles being blom up daily, in mined areas, their patrols
found nothing or disappeared after being ambushed, and when their unit made its wrV
Sinto rn vill]-o, it lac!&od the llt-o) h.voy
-e0teoe,hn cwoulclo lth;,>l "theo•m to clahs-
25 kJ.

I ) 11.
~t i.-, t fo N . L~
o oot:.4&l t h~-~Iino beto-L'1n1 t111one.L~
''114al'.ie .,9171V') Whlot IGthyý:- oi ;y. vh jlw
ro !xvidr1 with Cvoct pc~ in

nevot' obtained,
Vlono oo2Uulclooll .~ "The Cn nd-iCh1finorma the) Ba.ttalion
X1jeade' w!ho in turn nover in o I ed the C6mmandor-in-hf"
The G-2n soizoens of' intelli~onoe were th6 standard ohosi,pland the Indo-
johinese Wa~r hrj not produced any par tioular, leason: -the methodo and, the means were
lowever, at the company level., an(d espooially at the Sub-seotor Commanders
level, the failure of intelligence was attributed. to Var'ious 0ausos, the first one
of 1.1hLioh was the lack of interest some of the Atithorities showed in searching for it..
"At the lower 1eyelos, tie: im prtanoe of the f fltiono of the Intelligen~
Officer, was much too of ten i'gnored.. FPrequent).y repl~aced, somietimnes burdened with
several ta.3ks of variouo natures, he tedd ýtobeome a pawn, in an administrative
I group.,,
If one said: "One good, intelligence off iber equals a battalion, not-one
Ileader, in fact did without-a battalion in order to have all intelligence officeT."1(l)
On the other hand,' tile 6elmentn' responsiblo. f or research of'ten lacked
jthe proper ineans and particularly lacked aerial photographs.
The formcor Intolligeence Officer of a Sub--sector wrote, for- example, that
in 12:months he was unable to obtain, a cover pioturo Qf his territoty.
wa no anexcptin;even in TONKCIN 'the no~-ativos were
Suc aninsanc
fnever' availJable in adequa te quan l.itieo andl nover i.uenowtod :rro ,,uontly erncuZgh,
Ono cou],C1 alsoo Oepioze.v t:eV ustttiead.qaitt inadIequacy of
jt.,1 Agternwetcr 71o~roc. the abnomri~o or, ins Lrumrnt,- for olose r.onitorln.- and final1~
tet~ a')i %-,0- of't'okniotoP uh.10oh, ini vEar'ousobciuEa couldIA1 tro

I ).oc.-~tndric-r.:c and 1 ~OOOf t~eV~ie -h.±(2

But theozo dafI l'Ocies ,,ove o,!' littie Imtylortance ooriijarod to t'ie 'Jefault
of' tll~ ma olurce 01, intell. t"ence in a ourface uwar: the people.ý0
For it is, a-ct,ti1a amo~it,, ti.-o lo-ailatior that one muot loo'.! for abundant
and poc'nunent Intollinc, loin th isolation of tito fraction which took arms
and boacrno outl aw.

(1)- Captain 2'... .Tntelligcnce Ofi~i cer of a Sector (F.T.Ný.V.)

(2- ioor
man wre 'utbo.1tse at theo end( of hostiliis
(2-II~cnm.an .uejýiin
Unfortunuto~v, thorlu is a. viOolous oirale hexr~ i±'Or It is true tliat -4he
inte2.liren1oo fr'om the people winmrt. gi~ve its muzcximumro twrný omept in a, ominti-y

Iatho an!.o 0ý wbo:'ýo t'ro-to n-blo to bofl. f rom bot~h oonuil'tonul~

1 ~ "Forj 0fmn
1"i2.o ut-1*
c~in~iirlt. t~'~'r to,"~V~4,X~~ tiblaU 1mz.'
cout~q. om'
with aO%
ahf vllapv

an t1i es~'iiu
Subrt Ia Ic ah0 bVI bI d h.

In thiý salmo 'voin) vwo -mixt inaint onoa at~ain oil the imvo)ttLLý&Of
a 0 vn
I a ~Group of' Ind~~o~ A±'Cira
an Iritellfl.enoo D~ip'ion~
io erd-i I ll m~lwd. 00.r
htistitut 'aoes ''0

dition of' a proven do~otrine 'ý oonstiitut tho major As sat s of the I.A. Officer;
j e il n~ ee toý gthor a~b ýtt'nt&u i'i4A~r epd hisg ?fteld "T> invostigation.

ýBut Lifý,' 4-le o rqup 11

!ý t vno o, g ýemlt th~'t we l ~~ s~~
intelligenoowe Iter' 14 to 0i 6d,ý
7n the fAt t h viýtypQrlr yti.

Vh1n'6t0 ýA11-t-'-.Llr- M "Q.

Ontj "Likaý Layv Cocuiwaunist 11'c

~ ri.ý~~dpitc.L
'~~~~1 ~ _ p, L oe . 'ztt: '-Tlt 6m
rei,.t iratjor2.ty, of C
vi Ilanm ,h~r.ch con. tujec d tn utoey ~c~& rol urbra.o - Lobo Pf reo0
st ttl ol .,,.e 'I ,,b U4 on !r's a c.
Tho V.
conoi0 I' , p zni2'Vo
ha aihi S.t"rv.1 e to nsak Use or'
some 11CO1'S anci solcli6vsi' i21 e capblte cpA roivd vrr .Wn
~.. Iinstruction in this field.
IThe 11TRIITrHi-.SArP" wiuo represontod start1.nj .t th~e Cpmpan~ level, (one
Ncri-commistsioned Ofricer and three nen) all the ýway to the Divi~,ion. where a special

company wras instituted.

-Lieutenant X... Intelli 6'enoe Officer' in TMUIfN.,

(2)- Excerpt from a F.A.V.N. General Staff notice.

27 , ,

Anting in small teams or alone, working now as patrolmen, now as agentu,

xometimen being aisested by an organized unit, sometimes through villae sympathizers
or even trustina only th1emsolves, the TRINH-SAT men patiently observed our posts,
our instailatioiw and our movements, listened in on our oonversations, probed our
defenoes, interrogated the villagers, tried to capture a prisoner or dooumentsaeto.
There hasn't been one V.M. action, whether it be an ambush at a road olearing or
*he a~ttaok on
1 DIEN1BI1N-P1U, that was not thus prepared for weeks and even monthl

by reoearoh elements •ore or less important,

Betideaall doomonts thr fell. into our handsO have proveni the wieulth
of .n forna
Lion the enen•, had. p:roctcred b.irneof t.rough this orýAnlzftion,

It is n~oe;3.ary to make a 0oomi.vision of the aotivitie'.; of the TRINII-SAT

a thosei& o•Cthe DlCTX-VAT .rhItch I-ro have alroaLJl,' mentioned.
Th,.e eerrg,'s objective .,vias to oroate within each of our indo enous units
c•nd ztboVe a-dth5.i
3vietn.re.e- each format.,0on a DICH-V.1, cell () the neber• of

which were6 to obtain oonfidence potst. The adversary did not hesitate to prosoribe
to its partisans that they should class themselves among the best NOCs and soldiers
unti)I the day they received their orders to reveal themselves.
In order to achieve this infiltration, the V.M. contaminated. individuals,

throuzý1 tlae 1.rreativco; or on tbe contr~ary throlueh <t"Wrea~tS of r4aprlsal3S

e oxhe

", h., fotund an -o," -ent, t:'a

Lo tVliz intoxicatio. manoeuvor ui th. tho
...- by Coupn& the la~erin placen wihere they wouii. not be ex0oci to L.;e
robe, iTnfluch..ce. (2)
II I t..on, som_• •.. C .7.. ,Iu of Pij'OteOL- .e.i... 'ooo
when a unht CormaicTlr enterLined arn doubts about his p"rronnol: "turnover of' )tr--

±.risons and units, irreoularity in the schedules and guarcl dutios, false epart ure,etc.

(I)- Quite often two, which ignored the other's existence until the day of action.
(2)- In this fashion, some "married peoples camps" were created within the fenced
enclosure of posts or of bases to the rear.
(3)- Lieutenant X... Commander of an Auxiliary Companry N.V.N.


CASUALTIBS Or'1" NSECM1ITY,- The gradual inore,ýso of tho V.14. potential capabilities
and the pro&;ociu of deooy in cert~ain rogionm meant that we had to pay a hig~her and
higher t&wx for the aeourity of our installations and movements,
This inlnobilt7.ation of a large part of the troops for missions o! seouriit'
is one of the main cha~racteristics o:C the war without a front. We shall got back to
this subject of-ton and ire will ori3,v mention a few typioal faots herobelowt
M~obile unita lval -to opend npproximatel~y 1/4 of tlioir otrongtli for the
pro tnc L-on oP Vinir 1.rti
iry $ thoir CJ, P. nil thoix hriu-qr appxclantuss 6tLo, ,
Moro thant a thiict, ii not. half ofr tho cautlivi tict of -the I1Cfantryr, whethner
ii).uic~o~r robl.lo, atJn~t 1v ~ ;?.uI3tý., -nirl omt~urv~o~ .131oo of v. 20 hI.o)
mtov to oý'r:..1 us tho-. Vn-11t of
00hl1,1ce. La.ic !kV1c a batto~ry, wrhoiro,-,
tile cOnol;ý ;tde1 zi~ rt U 4r~~ of about u orLair Ini thle roro
ronefllx-oý1on.,wo neodoc, to st, n(I up, -to the taoi. tioo41 or' two Peoctiona
j and6 rototzlca
c'.0 kio tcr ior f ro:ýd, o11G B-Attai-ion -ancl whatovor -I.uxi-liaries -

IuWý0 noo0c. ,,3ýXr to ons.u.11, k&Uxod clut~ilera

An nioon *a3 a roz,-on ouls to ba aeacrchod, the rnovomant o:' a seculrity
eiomont, oomplolt-o ui.!m- in order andf "if' movemonto went slow~y, it was loeao onI
account of the cifficu 1-hie of' the terrain t-han because everythinq, had. to be searohiedl,
evrthing hard to be aeenL we: h 0
tbere o'eerythn"C)
[The:3o btu'dens could
oi Ii ve, boon nauch HElgher if" 've could hoi.ve secured
more relinthle -inform'.~tion r~bout the locon-. enor.1y. But when ono does~ not onty the
[price o04neliene one mu~st paEV, theo bill, -of' zoiroou-1. wirtlia geat -excpense. of'
1m10mUln ;I.T.
thul)t be0tt'JIV u~~ for it.


I - Adaptation of the TRINH SAT units to the V.M. Tactics.

Infantry Div. - st TRINH SAT Comp. with 3 Sect.

T.D. -. 1 generally reduced Comp#

Inf. Reg. , .' . with . TRINU SAT Sect. (3 group).

t.d 1 TRINH SAT eventual detachbment

S(Battaiion)I 1Composition upon request_.

fII - Composition of the TRINH SAT Section

tl . ...... ~Section Sub..HeaL

~ Section Head .....
_. -....... .,... .....

Ist Group 1 2nd Group fJ |3rd Gro.

Group Head

cell c .cl
3 combatant agents 3 comb. agents 3 comb. agents

NOTES :a.This organization is for administrative purposes; the

composition of an operational TRINH SAT detachment for
each mission, is determined in accordance with need.
I b.Each T.S. unit is commpnded by a cadre of a higher
ec'elon to that of the unit; for lnstaýce, The Head
I of Section and his adjutant are "Comoany cadres".
c.The TRITH SAT co•ibattant is most of the times a group


LL . . ~ a
130 ' ' U F, 0 N

f C HAP T E R Il


As soon as rebellion takes ground on a region, It becomes imperative to

set up:

a complex designed to guarantee access to t'ie minimum of roads and

waterways if and when they exist;
- one or,several impregnable bases, to be, some sort of "manoeuver canters-
which are essential to the conduct of operations. .
The ready availability of arteries has been a constant and major source of

I worry; due to the wide coverage of our communications and the transportation diffi-
culties however, we quickly discovered we had to be content with protecting only
certain roads and only during the day, as It would have been prohibitive in the way
jof personnel to maintain surveillance nightly and to extend it to the routes deep in
the forest or to the foot-hills of the Annamite range.
As far as the waterways are concerned, ready availability of communications

was furnished for most of them, in South as well as North VIETNAM, at the price of
ever-increasing difficulties to sweep for mines before the convoys and to furnish

a sufficiently strong escort on the waterways to clear the ambushes.


Control of a road channel was obtained byt

I - Astring of posts designed to guarantee the control of sensitive points

along the route.

In addition, the posts provided within che visual range of their look-outs
[ daily protection of a plece of roadway, while the action of posltionnýd'

mortars and artillery extended this protection to the invisible zones.

- Surveillance of road-clearing detachments who swept for mines periodically

t in the intervals between two posts and loft behind small flank-guard elements.

- Finally the potential action of reserves who stationned within certain posts
and sometimes included armored units.

* According to the degree of insecurity, this element was to be more or less

deployed; particularly where the posts were closer together with varying degrees.
All the same, the security of the arteries under our control, In principle (1)
_.-was always relative. At all t-imes, motor vehicules and troops could Ub- taken to task

by rebel infantry weapons fired from a great distance (250 to 350 ft), or be the
victims of an ambush laid after the clearing of a road (by elements under the disguise
of civilians for example, oven a s women), or blow up on an undetected mine.

Control of the waterways was provided in a similar fashion, but the posts

were more rare, Except on well-travelod channels and where the width of the river it-
I self constituted good protection, traffic Tas generally effected by heavily escorted
j convoys preceded by ,inne-sweeping formations (2).

? DEFENCE EQUIPMENT ON THE ARTERIES.- The work we were to undertake in order to control a

road was not limited to the construction of posts.

I Experience proved to us that it was just as necessary to provide for:
00 35
S- ~the clearing of trees and the clearing of undergrowth over 100 to 2 m( to

70 ft) deep on each side of the roadway, with the additional measures of prohibiting
cultivation of certain plants with tall sterns (such as corn, sugar cane, etc.)

(1) -Outside of the rare zones which were really pacified

(2) - Scu che ch-pLer devotcd Lto river act;ionr.

* ~~~~~32 * ' .

I Road surfacing which makes it .extremoly difficulIt to conceal mines or traps.

Finally, the "¢clh.rlng out"of villages located less than 200 feet from the

road becomes absolutely necessary. As a result of our reluctance to take such un.-

popular action, we have seen once too often "chronic" ambushes kill men while crossing

the same village where the inhabit:ants welcomied V.M. regional units whether tihey liked

it or not.

One exception can be made for the communities that were friendly without a

I doubt and whose willingness was to he proven by the founding of a militia and by the

regular intelligence reports,


The concern over the day surveillance of a whole route led to the trial

of a watch towers system conceived by General DE LA TOUR and implemented in South VIETNAM

I in 1948, then in Central VIETNAM.

"The watch-towers were complexes occupied by a few men (5 to 6 anxilliaries),

iWho were-posted along communication channels (usually within sight of each: other, at

intervals of about 1 km, (300 ft approx.) ) in order to:

prevent cutoffs, protect works of art, watch trafic, effecý clearing.

- assist motor vehicles, act as moles for thoir defense In case of attack.

4 Some towers, designated as "Mother towers" could be provided with a greater

j number of personnel and weapons(l),

Any alarm given by these complexes allowed to stop all traffic imnediately

in case a convoy was being ambushed, while it started the action of the mobile garrisons

from certain posts.

This system produced excellent results at first, but it became rapidly Inef-

S t1icient. Indeed, as early as 1950, the Viet Minh began to use the first

f furnished by CHINA; no brickworks could resist and very often

the smaller garrisons avoided -Ivlng the alert or abandonned their position in self-

defense rather than be inexorably exposed to destruction.

(1) Instructions dirc-ctccd to South VIZTNAL\1 Forces.

Thus experience has proven that from the moment a rebellion cannot be

J quickly repressed, the surveillance of our land arteries must depend on strong posts

which will actually form the backbone of such a filiform defence,

STRUCTURE OF POSTS.- The number of posts never' ceased to increase during the o¢ampalgn and

their great variety has spoken for the evolution of our concept as tar as defence works

are concerned. (1)

Initially the rebels only disposed of automatic weapons and hand grenades.

The brick tower, the "banco" wall and the bamboo fence proved to be sufficient to break

-4 their assault. In addition, elevated works were sought after to dominate the horizon-

tality of the rice paddies and make adequate shooting fields.

With the advent of V.M. mortars this fortification in the form of a shoddy

tsuperstructure was to crumble. Protection against shells was dlicovered under shifting

. forms and as masonry works buried under earth mounds. The defense was entrusted to some

closely spaced flanking elements and the rectangular or triangular shaped complex brought

some answers to the establishment of the blockhaus, deriving directrly from the scarp

I boxes.

Such is the way the triangular post built in South VIETNAM starting in 1951

came to bring to mind certain works advocated by Brialmont. (i)

However, a double and quite often triple net of barbed wire constituted the

obstacle and the trench was used only in exceptional cases. In addition, the necessity

have an elevated observatory led to the maintaining of at least one mirador in the

j center of each post.

But a crisis was to emerge with the advent of the Soviet rocket-launcher, or

I S.K.Z. From the moment the V.M. obtained Chinese assistance with a sufficient number

[ of these missiles, the fortification was automatically down8raded.

(I)- This evolution was in fact very similar to that which came about durlna the lost
century in Europe.

L (i) Translator's note: Belgian General and writer, specialist in the construction of
forti f ic-atilns.

I Arepellent of fortune was found by covering the front of the most threatened

I embrasures with wire-netting and around the miradors. While observatories were being

built, the pedestal of which were buried within a mound of earth for protect.ion.

I Asatisfactory solution, however, could only be found in concrete. Thus

was created the TONKIN-type base of operations.

The post Internal courtyard, rendered unruaintainable by mortar shells in

case of an attack, was eliminated and not one rampart stibsisted. Only the three or

four blockhaus which were necessary to insure the flanking of the nets emerged from

the ground. ,

This was a comprimise between the advocated organizations in the years 1913--,

I 1914 and what was accomplished In certain areas of the front during the winter of

1939-1940. However, the use of tank turrets, mounted on the roof of some blockhaus'

and of tunnels for mortars built in the solid mass of.,the other blockhaust gave a note

of modernism.

Those bases of operations had been initially designed to protect the access
to the North of the Tonkinese Delta, when, Marshal do LATTRE was givA,:i reason -to fear

I that the year 1951 would be noted for a Sino-Vietminh offensive.

i Then, little by little, this founn of fortification was extended to the whole

periphery of the Delta(l). And finally, it appeared on certain land arteries.

I In the interval, it had merely been somewhat improved(2).

Until 1953, this type of structure impressed the Vietminh who rarely braved

an attack; but the assault on the YEN VI post, on May' 26 and 27, 1953, although un-

Ssuccessful, showed that the combination of the artillery, the mortars and the SIK.Z.

t could be decisive: One the one hand, the adversary dealt mortal blows at the embrasures,

and on the other hand, the striking forces opened breaches in the nets without any dif-

£ Ciculty, then drove at the und of bamboo perches explosive charges within the blockhaus

j battlemants or dyziandtcd the steel doors.

(1) The last structures wore completed during the siunemr of 1953 at the S.E, end of the
(2) Namely the addition of blocks, combining living quarters with one or two firiti
(2)Nz•.ni-l the adiino lcs obnn iin ureswt rtofr

From then on, other attacks took place and, towards the end of the conflict,

j the momint uhen a type of fortification such as the blockhaus would be obsolete seemed

to bo lmm 4nent.

No doubt, the obstacles should have been up-graded, the number of blockhaus'

I should have been increased and they shoul%, have been provided with a greater number of

turrets and,6diochos for curving fire missiles, proven shelters should have been provided

against counter-a0tecks, a redoubt should have been arranged to enolose the CP and with

emergency e"its, etc.

The evolution was therefore not accomplished# Unfortunately its traces re-
mainied engrab'ehe, I le ground, for it was impossible to modernize all the older poets

j and it was necessary to maintain completely obsolete fortifications,

A count taken on January Ist, 1953 in the Tonkin delta shows, for example, that

o-t of a total of 917 posts or small structures, only 80 were modern, 25 were rolatively

and.810 were obsolete by barying degrees,

The author of a Report summnarized the situation with the following hunmor..,

" lot us not forget that the "Dubout- style posts we denounce in 1953 were strictly

to regulations inSaccording
1947, with their straw huts, their banco little walls, their

interlaced bamboo hedges".

All the same, the V.M. potential varied according to the regions, since the

enemy provided its units with modern weapons only gradually.

j Thus, the posts coming into contact with the zones of deployment of the V.M.

battle formation were relatively much more obsolete than those in Cochin-China, where

j the adversary was deprived of artillery and did not dispose of mtch ammunition. Such

structure, which still made a good show in South VIETIAM in 1953, was totally obsolete

in the HUNG YEN (TONKIN) as early as 1951.

A constant renovation of the posts was therefore necessary, but the conmand

efforts were always dampened by financial considerations, and especially by the stag.

! goring needs in nan-power, in hardware and machines.

!A '
Often, we found ourselves faced with the old problem fortifters, experience
when asked to refurbish a structuret It is always difficult for them to avoid a bad
compromise if not granted authorization to raze the old structures.
A general lesson can be drawn from the Sisyphean labour accomplisahed by le

Engineers in Indochina: One must build immediately posts which are Proof against arms
superior to those then available to the rebels. More specifically, the automatic weapon

and grenade stage must be passed and one must build structures proof against heavy
as well as rocket-launchers.
One must imnedintely have recourse to concrete and adopt low-built structures.(l)

These elementary cautious measures will prevent the enemy from obtaining a

I series of easy successes some months later, when he will be provided with more power-

ful weapons. In addition, the presence of impregnablc posts will not fail to impress
upon the indegenous population and will facilitate pacification actions.


The adversary has systematically attacked posts during the night and, of
course, by surprise. Under the circumstances the resistance of a structure was natur-

ally a function of the fortification's quality, but it was Just as much dependent upon

the decisions of the Command and the garrison itself,

3 As far as the territorial authorities are concerned, it is fitting indeed to

assign to the post:
- Adequate personnel to not only shine but also to give the men, by turns, some

necessary relaxation.
j - Amunition supply adequate enough to sustain a long night battle.

Experience led us to furnish each fortification with 3 to 4 firing units,

i •sometimes more. This figure varied with the degro of possibility to supply the

post bysurface t ransportation (2).

(1) When concrete is impossible to use, it is best to resort the field fortification, for
the latter will resist much better than a structure with high walls and towers.
S(2) The "0d4ecay" in certain regions vas sometimes such that some posts were exceptionally
stqppi ld by landA or vat"r.
"• I•achutc drops werc the only sure contact they had with
thoic OUtsid-,iijir'•do
•, •,,,, ,• , ••• i• ",• ', •,• .' ,,

I The same was true for food supplies, the volume of which varied with the
degree of isolation of the garrison.
I, - Finally adequate support for the positionned artillery.

I The aims equipment of the post must be a dependent variable of its strenath.
Providing a structure which might succumb rapidly with a largo supply of arms cannot
be justified as it would only increase the enemy's booty without due consideration (3).

i The experimentation consisting of assigning a few armored elements to certain

garrisons resulted in a clearly negative effect. After a temporary psychological impact
the tanks were of little assistance whenever they were imprisonned within a limited space

and were forced to serve as -tanrored sentry-box" which our regulations have always
Save an exceptional case, where tho preparations for the attack of a post
were discovered and whore it was possible to take counter-measures, the seo.urlty of a
"garrison was dependent upon a triple alarm system:
- At some distance, ambushes wore laid on the/probable incoming access routes of

the assailants,

- At a short distance, call devices and patrols watching the intervals between

stretches of lrnd that were mined or laid with lighting booby-traps.

j . At close range, watchers and dogs whose vigilance was ensured by a service on
guard duty.

When the alarm system did not work due to its inefficiency or to internal
I complicities, the conduct of defense operations was out of the question: After an out-

") l rageously brutal and brief attack, the defenders were felled by the assailants before
they could take up arms and before the radio contact could be effected with the District
I or Sub-sector Comnmander.
(3) This consideration is applicable only to the equipment described as "sector". The
oylnqn the post must, whatever the circumstances, be organically equipped,
unit o-•#
! (4) In particular during the attack on the LE KHU post on September 4, 1953, three
Sherman tanks were put out of action before the crews could man the arms onboard.


I The latter remained in a state of indecision as to the attacked post until

I the flash of an explosion and the raging fires gave him some indication. The only thing

he had left was the satisfaction of opening a time-fuso fire on the ruins of the structure

and harassment on the probable enemy retreat routes*

But the adversary could only conduct such an assault with success after meti-

culous preparations, based on outside as well as inside observation of the structure.

first parry was thus toSThe

prevent observation of the post's defenses, to change and

conceal the essential elements.

Some garrisons did not hesitate to adopt extreme solutions, and we can relate

the decision of 2nd Lieutenant X..., a Vletnnmese, who upon being assigned as Commanding

Officer of a post equipped with 5 powerful blockhaus', carved a real success for himself

by posting all his defenders in perfectly camouflaged trenches, at the foot of the blocks

r themselves, which attracted the enemy fire.

1When the alarm system worked, the whole garrison was posted on the battlements

and radio contact had been effected with the higher echelon at the crucial moment ,?hen

the enemy opened the first breaches in the nets.

Resistance then depended on four conditions:

- Heavy fire directed precisely on the assault waves or on the assailant fire


" If the Post Leader managed to determine the objectives, to adjust interdict-

ion fire on the enemy and his own fire, he had a good chance of succeeding.

Otherwise he didn't, for the V.M. knew the art of avoiding classical inter-

dition fire". (1)

- Organization of a "redoubt" capable of giving some depth to the defense and

providing a refuge for the survivors of the blockhaust taken by the enemy.

- A reserve force likely to be launched to counter-attack,

(I)- Captain X... Officer on Duty, relating the attack on the Y... tower in the TOMKIN,
on November 11, 1953, during which the V.M. firino position was set up within the
nets surrounding the tower and on this side of the proposed interdiction fire.

" From the moment, tho enemy went over the accessory defenses, the only hope
left to the post is with efficient counter-attacks. Their officiency

depends upon their timeliness and their violence,.

" It is necessary that the counter-attacks be prepared in detail, organised

and rehearsed constantly, night and day, under bad weather conditions and
in the smoke, according to the various assumptions which correspond to the
Senemy etc..)(1)
capabilities of penetration (all aspects and angles,
In this connection, the concrete basis of resistance o1forad a precious ad.

vantage for the positionned artillery could open a violent time.fuse fire perpend-

I icular to the half-fallen post (2) in order to prepare a counter-attack emerging

V from the central redoubt.

The adequate operating of transmissions due to personnel and supply reserves,

I the provision of emergency filarial antennae to replace whip-antennae, the exist.

ence of a missile code and the distribution of these missiles within each block,

The lighting of the battlefield by lighting traps and shells has always been
a valuable assistance asset. The use of the "Luciolo" Dakota-type plane to drop light-
t ing bombs had become normal at the end of hostilities, but it assumed that the attacked

post was in a position to maintain radio contact with the crew flying over it,(3)
The nocturnal intervention of the Air Force has been the object of many
studies aid files, particularly concerning certain structures in TONKIN, which showed
the objectives located closest to those fortifications (probable positions of the op-
posing fire apparatus, zones where the reserves were most likely grouping, etc..) were
set up. But experience did not allow to doterivine whether those bombings were first of
all feasible and most of all whether they were productive.
(1N)ote from the General, Conander-in-Chief, of November 1953.
(2) This type of fire is actually just a new version of the "Clearing Fire" practiced by
the fortress gunners of the "Ligne Maginot".
(3) In addition, the intervention of the Luciole plane could not be envisaged at the
beginning of the attack for a ten-minute delay was necessary from the time the alert
was given to the airfield, plus the time necessary for the trip to the post.

40 ~ ~~

I The conditions under which successful defense could be accomplished were

I thus very varied and very difficult to combine. In the last months of the ceunpaign,
a zone commander could write:

Experience shows that, when an isolated post is attacked at night by a

f force which is about three times superior in number, provided with storm equipment,

i.e. bazookas, recoilless guns, mortars, explosives, etc., and ignoring its losses,
I itfalls; the success of the defense depends on favorable circumstances, which must
Sbe considered exceptional if the assailant has obtained the element of surprise"(l),


The intervention of reserve units to come totthe aid of an attacked post
at night was exceptional. Even if the arteries remained free, the local Commander

V always hesitated to launch his weak reserves in the dark.

However, we have seen the case where a post was immediately extricated via

"a river operation, It is true that, when a river exists, some river-going v6ss6ls.t
i can go through while the land route. is interdiected, and their fire power, which is
particular to them, can be a decisive asset in the defense of the attacked post'. Un-

fortunately our ships are slow and few and their availability for intervention In duo
time can only be an exception. In addition, they are noisy and could never benefit

from the surprise element (2).

Till daybreak, the Sector and Battalion Commanders could assist an outpost
only by opening artillery fire (rarely with mortars). In the case of posts which were
located in the coastal regions, seagoing ships were sometimes asked to provided these
artillery fires and some posts were thus supported for several days (DUONG DONG at PHU

I QUOC, QUANG KHE ANL FAI FOO on the, Annameso coasL) by several Coast Guard ships.

:I (1) Colonel X.. Cornmanding a Zone in North VIETNAM.

(2) We can cite however, for the noise of the motors, (but this was in 1946) one case
when the start of a LCVP section 5 rKrns away froma the attacked post was enough to
make the assailant give up,

Attaque' principobie
Diversio n

'KPoste to'fau e

Road cittzs
~. Coupures ýde rut



e tI

I - ~~~~~Btterie0

ppS ti6
Every time it could, moreover, the Viet Mlnh tried to interdict or at least

delay any support, and during the last two years of the war, every attack launched against

a post included almost certainly:

- Diversions against neighboring posts to confuse our retort (short distance auto-

matic weapon fires to simulate the preparation of an assault, harassment with

mortars, etc.o).

- Neutralization of the positionnod battery in the region (violent mortar fires).

What was called the "extrication of the post" could therefore not be attended

to until the following morning and was merely the taking up again of ýovatact with tl.* post.

If the latter had fallen, the adversary had already accomplished its sacking

and had disappeared; if the garrison still held, it was frequently the case that the

* enemy had also wlthdrawn (1).

On the other hand, we were certain to meattwith bad ambushes, The V.M. tactics

improved and towards the end of the hostilities, the General., Commander-in-Chief wrote:

"L•t. us nove% forgt that the eneny does not always consider the attack of

post as his main objective. The latter can very well be the destruction of the support

4 units iA.ith well-placed anabushes; the taking of the post was only a minimum objective

and served as a bait for our elemonts,,(2).

During the first years of the war It was possible to come and assist quickly

garrisons which still held on in th, morning following the attack by calling in the

paratroop units: Alerted during the night, a company or a section could take off as

soon as aerial observation had determined the post was still holding. The jump was

executed in the immediate vicinity of the post and, in some favorable instances, over

the complex itself.

*l (1) Sometimes it continued to blockade the post from a certain distance and prepared
a new assault for the following night.

S(2) Note dated 13 Novombor 1953.

| _
Durina the war years several operations of this type wore conducted and a

total of 25 posts wore supportod by air. Moreover, 30 garrisons, which were more or

less vietims of a blockade, received paratroops support before being actually attacked,

or between two assaults.

But the advent of a VH. anti-aircraft defence made such operations quite

exceptional and the extrication operation was normally an action of the force which

required air support and the cooperation of all available artillery (1).


The protection of logistics installations, of the large Command establish.

ments, at well as the rear positions of the mobile units, led to the erection of

I fortified complexes,

The towns thus became vast entrenched camps, whose borderline waa defended
by a cordon of posts or simple blockhaust interconnected by nets,

I But in most cases, it was impossible to include within the protected peor-

[ meter the airflold(s) rorving the area. The airfieild then constituted almost always

an Independent center of resistance.

I During all of the hostilities, the objectives enclosed within these haven

,I attracted sabotage and the actions of the V.M. commandos (2). The airfields were, in

particular, the victims of raids, on several occasions, which resulted in the destruct.

I ion of s•oue aircraft.

j, The parries that were developped from experience are therefore worth being

presented here.

(I) On December 6, 1953, X... post (TONKIN) being attacked, fell during the night with
the exception of a few defenders. The element sent co extricate the post (a re-
inforced battAllon) was a.mbushed the following morning by two V.M, battalions.
Losses were heavy on every front in spite of the fighters intervention.
(2) Mass attacks on cities seemed to be avoided by the V.., for it was necessary
that they maintain the possibility of sending numerous emissaries to obtain all
sorts of manufactured goods and medicines.

I On the Cormnand level, it first appeared necessary to create an #'Inspection
of sensitive spots, whose leader was a General, directly under the Commander-In-Chiet

and who had as such all the capabilities required to correct errors and shake the apathies,

Coordination of defenses for all the sensitive spots forming a complex was

entrusted to one leader only, even If the various installations were from different
branches of the Service. In addition, this sole authority was assisted by a Security

I Officer responsible for checking the orders constantly and bring about some improvement
ii of same,

of sn On the defence plane itself, it was necessary to set up a guard unit required

f by his particular mission, which was being measured by the nuxnber of blockhaust to equip

end by the necessity of maintaiing strong reserve for counter-attack.

The clearing of civilian populations inside the defence perimeter was desir-

able but impossible to accomplish in the case of citics. On the other hand, the forced

I evacuation of communities outside the enclosure but close to the most sensitive spots

proved to be necessary (1). Neverthelass, it must be. followed by the levelling'doxn of

all trees and bushes which could serve as refuges for the assailants.

.1 Finally, a partitionning designed to permit' resistance inside the sensitive

I complex: wire nets to channel the enemy attack, organization of independent redoubts

or better still some defense cross-overs.

IThe attached sketch gives an example of what could be accomplished at an

f important air base.

Each night the roads were abandoned to the enemy. Nevertheless the experience

I of controling the roadway with armored elements, circulating at night and provided with

infra-red devices was attcmpt';d.

(1) The evacuation of two villages located in the DO SON Peninsula became imperative
after a raid on the airfield and a fuel stockyard by a con.ando who had found amone:
I the Inhabitants all facilities to accomplish his mission.



41 6



sVa mI -

3 4 hi4


5 Ag




Cfoture .Vnlsr

- Pot& lcar

0Poslos F. T ~AU

I ~ Po~ei P.T.
This attempt was fruitless, It was really not surprisind in vue of the fact

that the elements utilized were not adapted for observation: they were either machines

I to be driven at night, or firing pieces of equipment (observation vehicles themselves

could only be utilized when stopped anyway).

I Inversely, we wore able on several occasions to mnake automobile convoys with

'1 headlights on full 8o through w1*hout being attacked or suffering any losses due to

mines. The surprise element was there and the V.M, had had no time to prepare ambushes.

I Nocturnal trafic several nights in a row would have probably caused the most deadly


Some of our elemonts wore able to cnvisage the possibility: "of maintaining

t the routes open at night by "an Incesa•4nt,trafic of armored or motorized patrols equipped
wi~th powerful ligh*ing-apparxitl2sf.

","The latter should p'lrit the lightin.5, not only of the whole route, but both
sides, wth OVerlapping tghtj , beamns", in tha same way as two guns overlapý their fire(]).,

No matter, the procedure was to open each morning the stretch of road between
two posts when an exceptiona•lly essential artery to our transport was at stake.
on the secondary roads, however, the operation was conducted only at varying

S Intervals and, in certain areas which were particularly dangerous, a route was cleared

only excoptionally, The norinaX supply of, the posts was then lhindled, by parachute drops

or via river, but this was another type of operation for an escorted convoy, preceded

by sweeping elements, had to be formed,

The clearing operation had a tactical aspect in that the objective was to

"rouse" the V.M. ready to trigger an ambush, but it also had a technical aspect due to
the sweoping of mines and traps the enemy had set.(2)

The means to be available were a function of the local possibilities of the

adversary and also of the importance given to the security of the route.

(1) Study by the General Staff of the F.T.N.V.

(2) A quite similar opening operation was sometimes conducted on a river-way, both pro-
gressing on the water behind the sweepers and on the ground on both banks.

This i,•s bcinn, eone o'ily In thi. case of an operation de.fl1ned to Incroase the
flow of latr•" trai.ic.
According to different caost the opening could be entrusted to a small

T element which, 4n-the mopped-up areas, could be reducod to the equivaloaL of a battle

group and which, in the worst battles of the Tonklinuse Delta, required at liast one, if

not two battalions, reinforced armored and engineers elements, supported by powerful

j artillery fires and lighted by an observation plane,(l)

The operation stayed within the most standard rules of the infantry manomuver,

sinco it was always a "search fr the enemy" in the imnodiate vicinity of an axis.

But the greatest danger It offered was that the rebels know the route, the

schedule and the means ordinarily utilized.

We rarely were in a position to have such Information at our disposal and

yet, we were almost forced to giwv it to the enemy. .

The Command constantly insisted on the necessity to vary the procedures for

a clearing operation, but the executeants declared themselves incompetent for the most

part, v

Very rare indoed were those who could writer "Contrary to many of y cotrades

and to a widespread opinion, I found relatively easy to vary the opening procedures

L and avoid almost systematically the surprise element during those operatiuns,,.

"At the Sub-sector echelon, the first thing to be done is to not assign the

samo Xtime every day to the subordinate units responsible for the road openings, which

reduces the chances of surpriso as far as time is concerned".

"$"However, imprehc upon the Garrison Commanders to open only on piece of the

road at a tim. (they usually have at least two pieces, in opposite directions). If all

available personnol 'nes not participate in the opening of each piece, those who do not

can be used as reserves".

"Frequently change the direction in which a piece of the road is opened up

(for example from West to East two days In a row, then from East to West, etc.)"..

""anoeuver no~r from one side, now from the othvr, from tho. road, somotimes

"across it".

(I) Such is the casro of thiz dally Cl.vairIn:, of the 1UT'OI.-HATP.ONG road in Hay-June 1951,
"in thu viciaity of BAN YE'N NHI.
I "Open up with force at irregular intervals. In such & ease, utilize all
I available personnel for the opening of the road, from one end to the other".

"Sometimes conduct opaning operations at night; or, during the night, position

I the personnel responsible for the opening of a piece of the road, outside the road."

j "Leave some night ambushes in position close to the road, and on that day,

clear with a reduced force while relying on the posItionned ambush elements".

"Actually, the variety of tricks we can use to upset the enemy's ambushes is

infinite, and the clearing of roads takes on tho monotonous aspect often attributed to

such oporations only when the troops are mediocre and bndly led". (1)

-This lost judgement is certainly exaggerated for tho bast of units finally

S . row weary of ox-tcuting the same task conatantly and the sluggishness in their reflexes

which might ensue is the greatest danger of all.

Lieutenant X... who was in charge of a garrison in TONKIN thus described

"I this kind of fatal relaxation:

"I-Every,.day, I send out the cloaring team. In spite of calls to order, habits

are formed, and if we don't watch, the automatic riflemen are placed in position at the

f same spots, and the infantrymen walk in a coluxni behind the mine-sweeper's frying pan",.
Control of the arteries proves to be quite expensive:

I As an example, a study was made to determine what the utilization of four

pieces of the Tonkin road, chosen for their importance(2), cost us, over a period during
which the enemy contested the privilege with the greatest tenacity, that is during the

preparations and the dovolopment of the battle of DIEN BIFN PHU (January to July 1954).

The statistical data thus gathered is of the maximum value.

i (1) Major X...

(2) Study made by the General Commanding the F.T.N.V. relating to:
the 65 Kins of the HANOI-HAIPHONG road (R.N.5)
the 36 Kms of the road connecting BAN YEN NHAN & HUNG YEN (R.I.39)
the 28 Knms of the HAIDUONI-SEPT PACODES road (R.P.17 North)
the 26 Kms of the SEPT PAGODIES-DONG TRJEU road (R.P.18)


On those land arteries, the posts wore located at average distanoes of 3 to

, 8 kilometers, (311 to $ý miles). If we add up the garrisons, based'only on the person-

nol actually taking part in the defence, and if we consider the subsidiaries (militia

and auxiliaries) for only half of their strength (which is reasonable considering their

Stask servitudes), we can readily see that a density of 20 to 30 fighting men per kilo-,

meter was realized.

The clearing of roads resulted daily in the engagement of about 10 man per

"kilometer, while 4 to 5 were sufficient in normal circumstances. The daily losses

f wore no loss severe: Each day we counted an average of 3 to 10 men killed, wounded or

missing for every 100 kilometers (approx. 75 miles), as a result of attacks against

outposts as much as ambushes during clearing of roads, It is also noteworthy that

S mi~nc.s wore to blame now for k, now for h of the losses.

On these conditions, we managed to maintain control of the roadway for six

I to ton hours.

I That isto say that the spur of necessity must be-present for one to consent
to such a high pricel Save this case, control of the arteries must be sought after only

with the hope of achieving more orIcrs rapidly the mopping-up of an area.

This idea is particularly worth being emphasized:

"If we bring .in the time factor, considering the great expense in personnel

I the control of an axis costs, we cannot but realize that control of an axis without

any pacification is an onerous solution".

"For example, control of part A of a given road requires a Battalion and an

Artillery battery permanently. This part is located in Zone B the pacification of

which would require (for example) three battalions for 6 months, after which time the

security could be entrusted to some local elements".

"Given a two year period, it is therefore more economical, If possible, to

I pacify Zone B (18 Battallon/mt)nths) rather than control part A (25 Battalion/months)."(l)

A former Sector Comiander (2) is even more precise:

"The objective of territorial expansion must be productive,., and not mean

I to open up roads, which will only serve to supply posts, themselves Implanted to guard

j these roads".

Consequently, the Command must forego the control of roads which are not

strictly indispensablo; even if they must be re-opened with force to insure the success

j• of a particular operation and to keep them open during the whole operation in question.

Several examples have shown that this concept is perfectly sound:

* - Re-opening of a part of R.C.2 for the "LORRAINE" operation.

2 •- Re-oponing of R.P.59 for the operation "MOUETTE", etc.

But in such a case the retaking of the roadway goes hand in hand with its

rebuilding in many parts and the employment of large elements of. the Engineers must

be foreseen.

(1) Captain X ... South VIETNAM.

(2) Colonel Y... South VIETNAM.

! *1



Control of the ortorie; and the defence of posts must be put down as a lia-

bility of the surface war, f6r they neither lead to the nnutzalltation nor the destruc-

tion of the onomy(l). They are a necessary Investment which produce no interests.

In the asset coluin of the balance sheet, can be registered only the actions

of "Surface Control" which are aimed at wiping out from a zone the rebels who might

be hiding there. This sort of surgery, based on the diaghosis of the trost contaminated
corunilties and of the villages still relatively healthy, must produce the removal of

the cancerous tissues and open the way to a convolescense represented by pacification

-_ proper.

Therefore, control of the arteries and surface control are at opposite ends

of the game in their objectives: The first submits to operational activities, the second

J isinspired by political considerations*

T In practice, both those "Passive" and "Constructive" forns of the surface

war interfere on one same territory. It is true, for example, that the control of the

arteries, while increasing the civil trafic possibilities, favor the return of economic

I life and contribute greatly to the development of pacification.

S . (I) Except for the losses which the adversary must suffer to take a post.

1 June 1953

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Ig__ ___ ___

I CONDITIONS OF SURFACE COINTROL,- In South Vietnam, a favorable climate permitted to, rather

I rapidly, pass from the control of the arteries to the surface control, at least In

some areas (1). With the help of political action, pacification followed. In 1954,

I however, it was in a state of recession following "too great a disaffoctation that led

/[ to the replacement of the towers by more powerful and less numerous posts, but with

insufficient personnel".

"In short, one post replaced six towers and, since there must have been a

gain in personnel, absorbed the garrison of three towers only... As the new posts,

triangular in shape, were provided with a mirador at each summit, the three towers'

i personnel was absorbed by guard duty and could hardly perform efficient patrols.."(2)

In North VIETNAM, on the contrary, military, political and geographical

factors have come into play and prevented an efficient "surface control".

We have gathered a large amount of negative intelligence and this is where

we must look for the causes of failure.

SSURFACE CONTROL IN NORTH V.N. - In TONKIIN actually, our forces were at first Imposed
upon by the pledges resulting from the presence of the V.M. divisions all, around the

delta. Not only was it necessary to be able to ropeo thVlhwr s was the case at VINH

j YEN in1951, but it was also necessary to intercept the units which the opposing

Command re-introduced in the areas locally purged. This mission was never to be

adequately accomplished.

j Politically, we were powerless to extend the action of our forces by propa.

ganda, and consequently to remove the ferments of decay. The Vietnamese Administra.

tion's default did the rest, and little by little, surface control, which is always

short-lived and localized, had to be abandonnod except in a few areas of the delta.

(1) This control, for the most part furnished by the statical not of the towors,could
have still boon improved by et.onding It to the rivers:"A partitionnino by a mul-
titude of loops could have been made possible by using the "wizzo"Irs" extcnl.ively".
(Captaia corntandin3 the River Flotilla in South Indochina. See chaptur dvvot,:d to
the river forces).

I (2)Cnptain (Navy) COFLUSIC.

Terrain-wise, tho delta hydroaraphy has been a constant handicap to us: Out
t! of an area 12,000 kilometers square, 8 million inhabitants were conglomerated into three

of four thousand.villages.

Very soon the road and trail embankments were cut up by destruction and the

-- villages became an archipelago that no vehicle on wheels or caterpillar could approach.

J Five hundred meters (ap.3/4:ai.) of flooded rice paddies defended the rebals against any
surprise, while a jutm:ble of ponds, hedges and gardens offered them in every community

"= I
a thousand nnd one refuges.
- The speed of progress was from then on similar to that of an infantryman sunk

into quicksand and all our manoceuver graphs were reduced to a strange equation: One

village * one battalion - one ½ day.

f •Thus everything banded together to make us give up thG idea of surface con.

trol and reduce us to the control of the arteries only, which led inevitably to the

multiplication of posts,

But the personnel of these posts quickly became Insufficient to spread around

and establish a perimeter of security clear around each structure.

If one wishes to argue, in fact, on the most current'type of garrison (60 to

80 men), one can ascertain that the pemnanent guard duty obligations immobilized about
I 1/3 of the men during. the day and more than 3/4 at night. Therefore It was possible to
let one squad go out during the day, at the most., and practically no-one at night.

j The enemy, on the contrary, could hold out with much inferior forces, for

the support of the population allowed him to concentrate his efforts and attack, at the

time and place of his choice, the garrison which might have ventured Itself too far

from its battlements.

"In the X... Sector, says Major Y,.., two well-known but elusive V.M. provincial

b.ttalions emplaced in a central position, could get into action against one of the 100

Sector posts, manned'by approximately 7,000 men, every night. Each of these 7,000 men
logged 4 hours of guard duty or night defensive outside action to provide security for

S!r In ,.-:e I'. 'I a "

This elimination of the oxpanoion of posts, which was the result of decay,

was translated into a quarantine of the garrisons:...

".1.Sometimea the post doesn't realize what is happoning: it lulls itself to

sleep with the monotony of the tasks and days going by, without seeing that the people

who come to it are no more than shadows, that the Canton leader will spend the night

in the District, that the partisans, wifes have gone to nurse their sick old 1"others

in the neighboring village. Then one night, the post falls like a necrotic bone - or

this is the most fr'.quent case - it becoaies a sort of strange body, a cyst in a living

tissue: the tissue made room for it then closed in around it. All the nerve and blood

vessels surround it".

"The Vietininh surgeon does not feel like operating, because the post does not

interfere, it does not move, it no longer represents anything".(1)

At the end of 1953 our activities tended to merely be punctual and it could

Sbe said: "It isn't the V,.M that is infiltrated in the delta, but us"(2). A count

taken as of January 1st 1954 shows, in addition, that 82,470 men of all races were

immobilized behind barbed wires in 920 posts, more or less important and more or less

delapidated. (3)

The equipment of several divisions was thrown in:

* 9,714 automatic-rIfles and machine-guns

- 1,225 mortars of every caliber

- 426 anti-tank guns (4)

- 125 position gun,

At the same time, the Viet Minh maintained within the delta only 37,000 men

(5) at the most.

(13 Reservo Captain X..."The Dead War".
(2) General X...
(3) Including within the delta the QUANG YEN - HONGAY area, the occupation of which was
essential to the utilization of the port of HAIPHONG.
These 82,470 men included 1,080 Officers and 7,515 Non-coms.
To thcso huge forces vere still added those assigncd to the static dofenso of the
air bases and scattered installations within the cities of HANOI, NAM DINH, and HAI-
PHONG,; finally the elements guarding the air bases of all our mobile units (mobile
f groups and various forenations).
(') A groat nu%7bar of these guns were made up of the tubhs of former tank turrets, which
! r zru& n ot;
1 (5)Those 37,000 fighting mon wore sub-dividod into:
*13 to 14 regional battalions corresponding to the various provincos of the Deltav
to %rhich ware addod three indepondent rogiments (42nd, 46t~h & 50th R.I.) and on*
battalion fromt a recently organized regimeont. Moreover, the 246th R.I. was send-
ing ono battalion In the dulta in~ rotation.
120 to 130 District Companies, Including the units miaint~ained by the districts
bordering tho delta.

Therofore, If we disregard the V.M. divisions to which we opposed the mobile

groups and the General Reserve units constituting our battle formation,, we had come to
Ispend twice as many man and three or four t~ines more equipm~ent thin the enemy In order

Ito keep up with the surface struggle,

Such a bnlanco shoat meant the eradication Itself of fortificat~lons since

Ithe latter did niot spare our forces, quite the contrairyll M4oroover, it was another

jproof of the rniscalculAt tons of the Command when It accupted the cheapness of a string
of posts and It did not prefer the quality offered by a small numbor of modern structurcs.

I 'In
conclusion, the Genoral, Conimnanderwin-Chlet, could well write: The system,
over a hundrodyears ole, inhierited from the colonial wars, was adequate against badly
armed and rolacively few In number rebels. It had been only symbolically modernized
I by the roplacemeat of walls and fences by barbed wire, and the construction of fire
shelters with field no-arts or masonry"f.

"$Inopposition to an advorsary with at his disposal numerous seasoned, well

Itrained, rnjdernly ammed units fitted %.71M powerful means of destruction and having do-
j veloped particularly efficient techniques and tactics of attacR, it completely failed,

All the posts that were attacked with determinization fell; the resistance put up by some

of them, quite often honorable, was sometimes successful only due to outside assistance

(artillery or air support), or ctuc to very unusuil circumstances (difficult terrain,

stron-th of the constructions, excoptional drive on the part of the post Comiander,

error of the assalIlnt)". (1)

(1) Instructions of M'arch 8, 1954.


NINH RIM-!Resistance Center -

(fl~at terrain)
i (63 tMlchino gun~s 11 Automatic
226 men

Place of the vi I l~q

Sof Ninh Dinh which Nasi__
Sentirely destroyed.

2 Scale 1 k'in

CHO GANH Resistance Center

(Accidented terrain)A

i (69 machine guns 17

Automa tic rifljes)
250 men

Scale 1 km
Therefore, It Was projoctoed to substitute), little by little, this systont

by a swall numbor of entrenched camps.

Thoast would serve as" support and base of operations for a group of mobile

If forces, oompoa•d mainly of indeganous troops, roaming around tihe coutry, living as

much as posulblo with the local population, reguliting and assisting the activities-

of the solf.dofense olements and tracking without truce nor respite rebel detachment",.

This new concept suggested the abandonment of a large numbert of posts, in

particular those that were spread along the land arteries.

It would be necessary to make a finesse on the points whose rehabilitation

would require lit:tle time and small means.,. knd stock on defended points... the equip.

ment for the rebuilding of a route".(l)

But circumstances delayed the implementation of the principles defined by

the High Command.

The attached. sketch nevertheless shows the aspect of the CHO GANH ald NINH

BINH resistance centers which met the requirements to a groat extent,

The action of the mobile forces of an entrenched camp is

remain sonewhere for the necessary time,

without haggling, "upon request",

thus described by a

Captain: "The unit: moves about consantly on its own initiative, while knowing it

dispersing, gath'iring together, partitionning

acting somewhat liko an Amoebia, untiringly...-.


"It follows... all villages are known completely, one by one, terrain is

known by heart like the routes, contacts with the population are frequent, when unex-

pected, intelligence is plentiful gathered from the source...'.

The mobile elements of an entrenched camp must be so th•t they are able to

go within half a day or overnight to the most remote point of the territory to be con.

troled and return. Undcr these conditions, they will provoke permanent insecurity in

the opposing cam•p.

LI (1) Colonel N...7one Comrindr in TONIN.

An entrenched comp mlht have done w0th one company to secure control within

a 10 to 15 km. radius in a zone easily accessible, with a clear vue, with a sparse po-O

puletion, where the rebel elements were few and only lightly armed.

In a comnpltoly decoyed area, not easily accessibla and densely populated,

i like some socrions of tho TONKIN, the garrison of the entrenched camp could not go below

that of 3 or 4 combat Companies (Regulars and auxiliaries), With such a strength, it

would have b.on possible to control efficiently a radius of not more than 4 to 5 K1Is,

for all exits would have to be done with force and with the slowness•Inherent to strict

I security measures.(I)

In order to obtain an adequate coverage it would have been necessary to set-

up entrenched campas capable of sheltering forces equal to a niobile group and foresee

Sthat fortified installations of this caliber would be located approximately every 15 Wms,

In this fashion, we would achieve a density of occupation varying from 25 men

per 100 Yi2 approximately, to 6 or 70Q :men per 100Kl ; whllo at the beginning of 1954

the rapid multiplication of the posts resulted in an expense of 660 men per 10OKm 2 within
the Tonkinose delta. (2)

SURFACE CONTROL IN SOUTH VIETNAM.- Contrary to the TONKIN where initiative eluded us more

f and more, South VI1MNAM was the scene of a slow progres for a surface control conducted

according to the most approved principles.

As a functionof a "Oil Stain" policy, control was gradually established over

I an area. Little by little it was laced with a communications net, closely guarded by

posts close to one another. The arteries within the periphery were equipped with de-

fensive nets so as to prevent the return of rob6ls in the zone to control, and surface

operations would drive them out.

One must admit that the task was greatly facilitated by the support of various

sects (BINH XUYEN, HOA HAO, CAODAISTS) who played a role similar to that of the rallied

tribes during our previous campalgns.

S (1) uI :*,' A,. t'. C ,:v2•~l~- d t:a!v'e rc ::,aný'dci thin thco scope, of ',unf Ire of

(2) Only counting the troops implanted in the posts, as seon previously.
56 -,

j The conduct of operations was no less dolicate and the example ilven hore,-

below represents only a sketch,

The Cisbassac region had about 800,000 inhabitants, for a 4,200 square Kma,

areas Towards the end of the Summer of 1951, it sheltered about four regional rebel

companies, The two main routes wore scantily guarded by one of our Battalions, and

the fall. of several towers and posts bore witness to our precarious position..
In the last months of 1951 and the first months of 1952 control was placed

in the hands of forces totaling approximately five battalions. About ton operations,

which lasred each fo':r to five days, resulted in the capture of 700 prisoners and a

hundred'weapons, while the robelý; left 120 killed on the terrain. In the Spring of
1952, the remains of the V.M. unilts, after being relentlessly pursued, took refuge in

hon on pacification activitivs prog!ressed rapidly.

Transbassac; frothu However, in

February 1953, the enoropy infiltrate:d again, but the base of its companies was totally

destroyed and it was to be its last assault in force.

CLEAR AND SEARCH,- Thv activlties of a Sector Include daily operations of extremely varied

foras and importance. But the most significant are always identified with clearing,

then searching for the question is to constantly sweep the area in order to find

arned rebels, as well as political cadres, propagandists, guides, etc..,without

mentionning supply depots, workshops, caches,etc,

I Clear and Search is "to run a tooth-comb through an area and .its dense popu-

j elation" (1); for the Infantry progro-ssos through the countryside at a maximumn speed of

I l<i,.11 per hour et the search of a densely populated village (10 to 20 hectares, 2,000
inhabitants), can require several companies for several days.

adThe discovery of hiding places is helped by Interrogating the inhabitants

and sorting tho suspects: Finally time will bring the rebels out of their holes or

loosen tongues.

! (1) Colonel N... Zone Conviiander- F.T.N.V.

57 4

But a thorough search is absolutely essential and the cadres wore unanimous

I " In deploring the rarity with which enough timo was devoted to it.

I I spent 18 months of G.M. operations in the delta", writes Captain R..,, "9y
Company has so-called searched hundreds of villages. But we never had the ti'o to

A make a thorough search and we left when the Inhabitants might have been able to talk.

- The rulo was that upon our leaoving a village our last elements be fired on by the guerm

rillas they had boon unable to find",.

It appeared that we obtained quite excellent results by specializing soino

indegenous units in tho search of villngos.

"#Search is an important and difficult operation. Within the Battalion, we

have obtained excellent results by specializing the Auxiliary Company In this operation.

Our Vietnamese in the end knew all the V.M. tricks, how to explore and destroy the

underground installations, The Legionnaires, strange to the country, could have never

succeoded so well"y.(n)

lowing recruiting method:

S• -'Militia-men, peasant~s, ralllers,, prisoners separated from all branch, .,f

the service, volunteers who wished to enlist in the "C0OHDANDO" were required, before

being integrated, to furnish fortal proof of their Intentions, either by providing

exploitable intelligence, or by producin.= papers as proof of their military status,

In the case of
Experience has given the mo•t practical methods for search proper:

for --- il"Defensive grenades had no effect. Offensive grenades are very efficient

for small underground installations, but should only be used in case of emergency,

because the V.M. elements o'vertaken by the blast, cannot talk for at least two hours,

which constitutes quite a loss of time to gather Intelligence.

(1) Lieutenant V... F.T.N.V.


= •.rj
58 - J ". .. "

"Tear-gas Is very efficient when used in undergrounds the length of whie.h

does not excood 20 meters (7 ft approx.). The capture of prisoners is always achieved.

Thare is but one inconvenient: further search is vary difficult due to noxious gas which

I persists and the documents can only be road one hour after their seizure for they have

to be aired in t:ho mean time".

"Smoke or phosphorus grenades are-efficient since they allow quick detection

f of air holes and up to then unknown exits".

,S i noa"Their inconvenients are the same as those of toar..gas grenades, their effect

Is not as lasting",

f ",,Naturally it is necessary to insure the ventilation of the underground

opening to forco the smoke within".

Persuansion is the best weapon.

In It: must be composed of an intelligent dose

j of threats and promises by interpreters or astute Vietnamese soldiers".(l)

TROOPS WEARING AWAY.- All actions of a surface war are essentially a matter of the Ina

j fantry. But contrary to conventional war, where the two adversaries wear each other

I out simultaneously, the side which dovs not bonefit from the support of the population

drives its man too hard.

' Colonel X... emphasized "the inconsiderate wearing away of the Infantry,

j preventing it from operating at night after a full day's activities". The same held

true for the posts' garrisons .. the defense of which demanded even more of the per-

since it occurred at night, every night, whether the troops were threatented or not.

On the other hand the enemy did not suffer such a wearinS down: "No one

thought often enough of the fact that some night raids during which such V.MI. Bat-
ý7_ talion showed such vigor and fury were sometimes the only fight of the year for this

unit". (2)
*****r' ¢ r •

(1) R•port: from the previously cited Commando Lc-ader.

I (2) Leader of Z... Battalion



All units which wer not implanted to insure the defense of posts and sonsi=

tivo points were designated as "*Mobile Forces". Some of th¢.4 wore assigned to terri-

torial sectors, but most of them forned the reserves of each Territory Conmandor(l).

The conditions of their utilization were similar anyway, the interventions

of some being possibly more powerful and more protracted than those of others.

Gallieti* had already differentiated the "quicl* action", conducted by mobile

forces, from, the slow action entrusted to the territorial elvenetts:

",Quick oction is the excoption: It is the action of military columns. It

must: only be Implcrantod against pro-deternined objectives, where force is necessary,

since force is particular to columns".

Fifty years later, we took up again the mission of the mobile groups and of

general reserve elements under a much more brutal formula: "To break the Viet". For

here was the main point and surface war is still subject to the same necessities of

any other form of operation: Find the enemy and dastroy his units one by one.

All our difficulties laid, unfortunately, in finding the opposing units.

Indeed, as soon as the latter had infiltrated into the zones we claimed to

control, thoy roamed around in groups of various sizes from village to village, in a

perfect "hunting ground"', where they found a multitude of clandestine depots and a

politico-millitary infrastructure which allowed them to live and work in security.

(1) ~1W.C Co~i~ciJ~ir- I , "im

tl~Th d" LhCý Urn Is he~ waittvd tO LISO AS h is
own r¢,.--.cxvcs.

* Translator's note! Goneral, one of the great French colonizers in Africa & Tonkin.


Intelligence only gave us a blurred picture of this enemy, We knew thnt

VM. elemeonts had spent ona night here or there; from crossochocks wo could doduct

that a battalion was located in such and such zone the boundaries of which were not

very precisu; but all this intelligence was quickly outdated and the adversary ap.

f peared to be $a sort of mobile cloud, with a vague and ever-changing outline, spread.

Ing to dissolve Itself like a mist or concentrating to burst like a violent storm,

quickly gone and leaving behind just a blue sky...and a few ruins",

For the enemy systematically avoided any engagement: in which he might hove

risked being destroyed. On the other hand, as soon as one of our units became Iso-

lated, he attacked, by surprise with the advantage of numerical superiority and a lot

of punch.

Our operations in the V.M. disputed zones were therefore inspired by the

ever-present concern over finding the opponent and this explains why they took on the

form of a converging march made up of several groups each looking for the onenty from a
different direction. Those concentric actions were to determine, it was hoped, the

encircling of rebel elements of some importance and and permitted afterwards their I
destruction, thanks to our superiority in artillery and aviation.

These characteristics wero found again when we wished to penetrate within

V.M. controled zones, for the V.M. then used the same vanishing tactics, But we had

to forgo inevitably any converging manoeuver and we could only progress In one or two

directions, with the hope of enticing the adversary to attack us, wrongly believing to

surprise us.F

ACTION IN V.M. DISPUTED TERRITORIES.- In the territories we were seeking to control, the

enemy disposed of a nucleus of guerllas (DU KICH) in most of the villages. The re-

gional or provincial forces (DIA PHUON1G QUAN) finished the job of securing his ascen-

dancy over the population, which allowed him to not only recruit his fightcrs and

cadres (1), but also to obtain the rice and manufactured products which were esscntlal.

(1) The Delta areas englobe 9/10th of the annavnese population in Indochina.

For the V,. Logistics system was based on the following principle: "the

Sfighter must live off the land where he operates",.(1)

In order to deeply penetrate such organized areas and to undertake the un-

covering of the opposing units, we had to throw in, near the end of the conflict, so.

, veral battalions and oft:en, sovoral mobile groups. In October 1953 one could write:(2)

"i "If dctachments equal to or oven inferior to a battalion can still fight
efficiently against regional, provincial formiations and guerillas, they must be much

Smora circumspect when regular V.M. formations are Involved",

I "In the latter case, without confining itself in a guilty Inertia... they

must launch actions, mainly of the type "commando", i.e. quick raids, ambushes, surprise

• I attacks.,. With an incessant harrassinenV of the regular V.11. unitsthe smaller terri-

toeal units will ensure their own security.., and will prepare destruction which,

thanks to them, will be a sure thing."

I "This destruction is the main task of specially trained operational forces

and particularly of the mobile groups which constitute the basis of a battle formation".

The experience we had gained In Tonkin showed that a strength at least six 4
times superior to that of the opponent was necessary to encircle and destroy it.(3)

I w
On these conditions, the general sketch of any operation was the following:

i After rapidly and discreetly taking position, clearing operations began In several

I directions in order to throw back the enemy to a natural line, if possible, which we

first occupied, or towards other friendly units, advancing to meot the first ones.

Theoretically, a more or less complete encircling was to result, to be fol-

lowed by a phase of destruction of the opposing alcmnent:s and the search of the area.

(1) Chinese supplies were never sufficient to allow the V.M. to do without the r.s-
sources of the deltas.
(2) N;oto from the General, Coi,.r.andcr-In-Chief, on the battle procedures of thel.o1bile
g Group, October 1953.
(3) This proportion, unfortunately, was attaIned only excc~ptionally.

62 ,? s, ::j>

This sketch was practically nover Implemented in whole. Now, a recent and
f accurate piece of Information (or believed to be so) lvt us to go Into the destruction

phase directly, preceded If necessary by a preliminary encircling. Then, on the con-

I trary, the first phases of the operation did not produce the anticipated result and

the encircling closed in ... on nothing.

So, it was necessary to change the set-up and continue the operation as a

function of the new information obtained, either by attemptinr to cut off the retreat
(routeof some enncmy fractions, or by taking up the same attempt to encircle in a

netightborin3 zone.

An analysis of the various phases of the inanoeuver will clearly show the

j reason buhind our repeated failures, as well as the difficulties of the undertaklng.

PREPAR•ATION.- It was to be done in secret, of course, or nothing could have been more

J tryin
On the one hand, the services and especially the General Staffs operated
in the citlos, In the h¢crt of a population w*orked on by propaganda and with cells

of the V.M. orgonization (I). They naturally employed indegenous workers and the

-,ess server as well as the "boy" of an Officer could be the source of serious "lealts',
I •whether consciously or urconsciously.

On the other hand, the least change in our set-up, in the placing of our

depots, in our communitcations, was instantly known to the V.M. agents hidden among
the population.

For this reason operat ions wore often prepared at a high echolon (Terri-

tory, even Coim.ander-in-Chief) by a small numbor of officers and the executants had

knowledge of their orders only at the last minute.

(I) DICH VA,1 action.



This probably resultoed in additional difficulties And hardships. Such O.M.

(Mobile Group) Commnidor coa.-iip.laned of. learning that his G.M. was going tc, 'LmLark (1)

only after tho garrison had loft. Such Group Commander deplored being sernt in an area

where he did not even know if he would find an adequate position to deploy his batteries


But the inconvenience which stems from maintaining strict secrecy is certainly

less than the advantage obtainr d by the oenemy's indecision as to the time and the exact

conditions of the oporationts beginning.

1DISPOSITION.- Revealing our Intentions and our manoe uver, displayingour means in broad

I daylight, the dispositon phase was essential to the succuss of the operation. Conbe-

quently, it was stamped with the mark of speed and entailed the acceptation of certain

risks (2) for its successful performance eliminated any pos.s'ibillity for the enemy to

j slip away.
Concentration of our forces in the zone involved was therefore not preceded

by any special 'aerial or-grourd reconnaissance, any building or improvement of tracks,

any setting-up or depots, In short, nothing was to draw the attention of the V.M.

L observers who were watching all our activities.

Our motorized means and utilization of rivers permitted us, in the deltas,

I to start from ramote places; but the scarcity of roads always imposed to go on foot

for the last trek of our movements over several kilometers.

These movements were made at night as far as possible in spite of the diffi-

culties presented' by the movement of the Infantry in all kinds of terrain.(3)

j We did our best of course to bring in this fashion all units to their base of

departure during the first morning hours, But the least incident sufficed to upset the

1 minutely established schedules: a vehicle exploded on the embankment of a road, in the

flooded rice paddy, and the wholu column was imnobilized for an hour or two(q)... or

more if a sin-le section of regional eltments stationned in the neighboring village

Spwept th.- -rmnedwith r.vortar firn.

(2) Novcmm-nLs m•d•tdover roadk, noLt prvlul;ly cle¢•ard of min•.

(3) the crossing of a natural waterway 4 meoters wide over a "monkey bridge" in a dark
(4) Sinco It was Impossible for a vehicle to pass another, it was necessary to clear
the road and fill the funtel by hand.

Thus it was difficult from the boaInning to obtain a perfect synchronization

I of the elementary manoeuvers, for the chances of meeting with the enemy depended after-

i wards on the speed with which our units converged on the objectives calculated to

achieve an hermetically closed circle around a pocket.

I Sihce our air capabilities and our artillery prevented any recognized V.M,

I formation to passe btw|teen our columns durin,-. thc day, we could count on the assumIption

1that the enomy would gradually bo imprisonned and that, towards the end of the day, we

wouldoccupy the pro-deaermined perimeter to achieve an effective blockade.

I ATTIMPT TO ENCIRCLE.- A simple statemont of the conditions of encircling is sufficient to

U illustrate their difficulties.
'The mere nature of the terrain prevented our infantry from moving fast, and

the -nocossity to seorch every -.shrub delayed its progress even more. Consequentty-ithe

i delays accumulated and the battalions were still far from their objectives at night-

fall, In most cases.

Frequently, however, contact was made with the adversary in the course of

E the day: After encountering the DU KICH fire which gave the alarm, and after passing

round minor resistance, we came up against an adversary ambushed in a village.

The enemy most certainly avoided comnmunities which might attract our fire

during the dry season; but in the rainy season, "in the middle of this maze of rice

fields, flooded by varying degrees, and of this notwork of waterways and streams,

the major terrain element was the village and its annexes (gardens, banana plantations

graveyards...)" 0 (1)

The ensuing battle could most certainly bring the destruction of an enemy

unit, as we will see further. But more often, it did not bring about any decision

before dark and contact was by then broken.

(1) Note from the Genctral, Conruander-in-Chief, on the mobile group'combat procedures

I ~in Oc~."19153.
To make a long story short, instead of a close formation without any gaps,

v'e were, at the end of the first day of oper'ations, in a sinuous and discontinuous line,
After which our forces wore not large enough to give the necessary density

of man for an imipervious barrage. Small wonder then that t,,he enenmy managed to get

away under, cover of darkness.(1)

Naturally, we attempted to improve the sealing conditions by taking ado

vantage of natural boundnries (river) whose surveillance was provided by mobile

elements (river marine) and a curtain of infantrymen posted along one of the banks.

'The results howaovr have been deceiving as a whole. One obstacle (river,
dike) handicapped the V.M. only slightl (1) and only allowed a small reduction of

the occupatth•n forces (fCro', ¼ toC) according to the obsnrvatlon motas in any given


.It would have been necessary fo the seal ing f•ormation to include-
- "A surveillance curtain night and Oay to eIxpose crossing attempts and detect

their direction",
- "A stopping position constitttOd by a single or double chain of bases of operation

interdicting the routes and possible crossing zones,,.

"- "Mobile reserves, to be moved'ý according= to clircumstancos".
' security formation for deployment in order to ward off any outside attempt to
extricate,,. (2)

DESTRUCTION OF THE ENEMY,- As we hnve seen, contact with the onemy was almost always

made in villages or dense shrubs (cocon plantations, tall crops, etc...).

(1) See the study of V.M. infiltration procedures in Volutme III

(2) Note from the General, Commandor-in.Chief, on the mobile group combat procedures
in October, 1953,

STh* chock could, of course, occur at night when some of the opposing elomvnt s

attempted to break through our sealing curtfin by force or when some other elements

thought they could easily triumph over one of our units which was badly guarded,(I)

I The meeting took on th•n the form of a defensive battle: The attcaokedaele.,

S ment resisted as much as it could the V,.M assault, whll our artillery fired a series

of stopping rounds* The encounter was almost always settled at daybreak and the',oe-

casions when we could pursue the opponent with fighter patrols or gunfire were rare.

The most coimoon aspect of the clash of our mobile troops with the VO. in-

fantry was tharaforo the attack of villages and greenery Islets emerging fromn the flat-

nhess of the delta and the coastal areas. (2)

The problem at hand was then to not only got a foothold amid the tangle ofl

vegetation in spite of the fire that swept the icy surface of the rice paddles, but

to triumph over counter-ottacks launchad inside tho bush and, most of aU,.eýrmn-

L, the battle bc fore nightfall or before the enny •had a chance of •csappearing in the

caches. A clever manoeuver of our infantry and of the heavy support fire was thus
,• Imperativle.

At the end of the hostilities, Itho attack of a 200 to 300 moter-square

village (3), well defended, required:

I - ".~An Infantry Battalion

f group fire...

;1... the contact was to be made at a chosen point allowing a concentration of efforts

4 and to lay hold on a moorIng point of sufficient size".

"From this islet, we )roceodod to a methodical mopping up operation by

gliding along the borders,.*" (4)

Often, the configuration of the conmunltles and the fact that they stretched

j like a spindle Justified an attack and mopping-up operatJon of the Infantry in the
most favorable direction.
I Favorite khjectJvcs of the V.H. units were artillery aroups, tho C.P.s of mobile
groups and concentration of truck~s.
I (2) See V.NI. defonnivv proccdures in Volume III
(4) rote ''rom the General, Coninander-in-Chief, on mobile group combet procedure-s, Oct.195 .

(3) Tho.se 1ir:•,i~toz: co'repond to a sniall villa•ge.


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I Changes of direction were thus ncessary and the quaternary formations nature

i ally provad to be very adaptable to these manoeuvers which permitted "to carry out

right angle or Sradual wheeling actions against certain objectives, making use of

I |the route network or the dikes..(i)

Support fire depended of course on a precise determination of the objectives

and ospecially on an adptation of their size to the capabilities of the artillery.

I This requirement was all too often neglected and it was too frequent that some groups

I were asked to fire on undetormined targets or to destroy comnnualtios covering about

twenty hectares with 200 rounds of 105m!m.

j Many claimed that the 105 shell was Ineffectivo on Viet.Ninh village orga-

SI nizations. Most certainly, a 155 m/m caliber would have been bettor suited to the task,

but the 105 would have obtained good results on most of the structures built of mud (2)

I if the consumption corresponding to the accepted achedules had been authorized(3).,

But t he available road network and our supply level made such co.rnptio-

impractical and difficult,

-- It remains that too much, or too little.,, was asked of the artillery, with-

T out denying its decisive role in the annihilation of V.1. units when these could bd

cornered in a village.

ore o reover, it is beyond argrument that air artillery led most certainly to

I the annihilation of V.H. organizations in the villages. The 500 lbs. bomb, and es.

pecially the 1000 lbs. one, were greatly effective, both materially and morally, for

I the fighters were "in chock" for a sufficiently long duration within a 'radius of a

hundred meters approximately.

(I) Note from the General, Comrvinnder-ln-Chief, on mobile group combat procedures, Oct.53.
(2) The undorgrounds are not involved here since they are not combat organizations but
hiding places.
(3) As an example, it takes 1,000 rou:nds of a 105 to onfilrb a 100 m. trench & destroy it.
-- it takes 100 to 400 rounds of 155 to destroy a good shelter in country according to
the distance; it tokos 80 rounds of 105 In 4 min. to neutralize an hectare, and 120
rounds per hour ro mAint:3in such n.utrilization (General Directives on firing of
August 8, 1946).

I At the and of tha first night of oporation, the enemy very often had managed

i to filter through our first sealing,

. Then, only two possibilities were loft to us:

j - Go over the doubtful lone in every direction, arrest any suspect, find and destroy

depots, refu~es, and organisations of any hind.

This searching phase could extend to ten or fifteen days and sometimes pro.

t yoked aomo engagements when the enemy reappeared in the wake of one of our Mobile


- Condu~ct the same manocuver again in a neighboring zone in order to affect another

j sealing or attempt to out off the Gnemy route, by a movement of the battalions,

according to the gathered Intelligence.

In this fashion, we ended up with "scalloped" manoeuvers, which were exhaust-

I ing for the Infantvy and sometimes were successful in annihilating a VM. unit that

was pursued, tracked for days, ,even WeLeks.(1)

During this period we had to guard against nocturnal surpriso attacks. The

I Mobile Groups had to look for their security Ia a defensive formation, every night,

and sometbies over two or three days.

In such a case, the necessity to have :Large bases of operation supporting

each other re.affirmed itself. The artillery element and the C,P. of the Mobile Group

had to be included in one of these bases of operation, of necessity.

The miniiniu strength required to protect them was that of a company, and

I batter than a battalion,

j But ,,nomadization in a rather extended zone and the minute preparation of

the offensive reactions in various directions constituted the best security for the

M.G., as they guaranteed its freedom of movement and ensured the effective coverage of

j a zone much larger than that which could be covered by static implantation".

(1) The attachod synopsis "ives an idea of the ten major operations conducted in
jthe Tonkln from 1951 to 1954. The losses inflicted to the enemy could not be
listed, as it was very difficult to discriminate between suspects, guerillas
and resulars.
(2) Note from the General, Cormnander-in-Chief, on mobile group combat procedures
of 1953.
1 ~69

"This nomadization was mado very effective by a systematic deployment of

I ambush barrages, varying each niaht across passing and traffic zones".

COMIAND ORGANIZATION.- Not matter how important an operation was, the problem of knowing

who would direct it was ever present.

1J The Torritorial Comiand was the only one well aware of the political si-

tuation in the area. It would have been therefore logical that the direction of the

operation be under it since tactical considerations took second place after local

j opport un ities.

However,"'there was always a problem of rank., The Chief of the territory on

which the st.ron3•h of a small division (3d 14.G.) came to operate was at most - Lieu-

so.motimes oven a subaltern officer. He didn't carry much weight wlth


the young and brilliant Colonel. who came to establish his operational C.P. with a
hundred or so vehicles within his post and in the vicinity".(l)

In most cases, consequently, it was necessary to go up to the -Zone or Terti..

torial Division echelon in order to find the proper Authority to conduct the operation.

But this Authority was sometimes "far from the scene of the operation" and "not in the

know". (2)

A close liaison between the Sector and Sub-sector territorial P.C.s, and the

M.G. operational C.P.a, could have avoided these inconveniences, But one must admit

(2) that "such a liaison was satisfactory only in the case where the operational

and the territorial leader knew and respected each other, which was rather rare".

Consequently, the following fact, related here by a Sub-sector Commander,

t frequently occurred:

"The objective was to destroy a provincial. battalion with which I came to

Generally, I was kept informed, sometimes consulted in the course of

grips every day.
the operation, but my opinion was never sought on the concept and the disposition

S ,are tho phases from which overything depends".(2)

E (1) Captain C... NMV.N. Company Co.mnander

(2) Ba-tta] 1on Lcidc., X..,


The solution to this problem of Command was complicated 'by the difference

in outlook botwean the mobile forces cadres and the territorial leaders. It ended

up in regrettable lacks of understanding and "the tendency, alast all too natural, to

scoff at everything that is not from us.,.made the M.G. cadres cnsilder with contempt,

Ilisten condescendingly to the territory cadres".

an mstFor the Mobile Groups spent whole months seeing the enemy vanish before themo

and most of their engagements ended up in the disappearance of the opponent, sometimes

in it6s destruction. Then they often arrived in posts whose garrisons could barely

show themselves in the neighboring village (1). gnd were being harassed every night.

Duo to the presence of the newly arrived, the area suddenly became calm and

the n elements wondered if "the posts people did not exagerate somewhat".(2)

So we can dcduct, as did Colonel X...(3), that "destruction operations must,

with no exception, be conducted within the territorial scope and in Indochina, if this

II principle was accepted, it was not' inplcmcented,,.".

"The preferential treatment frequently accorded to the specialized forces

during operatlonst hns dug a ditch between the two unit c.assifications which needed to

be tunited....


mobile forces on the borders of V.M.-controled zones were aimed, at some time and ac-

cording to a "oil spot" policy, at vxpandin- our occupation.

IBut, besides these undertakings of a politico-military nature, many opera-

tions designed to destroy rebel units or Installations and to thereby thwart the great

Viet Minh offensives, or which tried to compel the opposing battle formation to fight

took place.

(1) It happenecd sometimes also (case of the DAO VIEN - TRUONG XA - DONG LY posts... in
Juni-, 1954) thtit the posts' garrisons could not gather the supplies that were air-
dropped until dark.
(2) Lieutenant X... Company Leader.
(3) Zone Commander in TONKIN.


For this battle formation included five Infantry Divisions and one heavy

Division beginning with 1951 and 4/5 of theso great units were based in the middle

region of North VIETNAM, as well as on the Tonkinese Delta periphery. So, we w•ere

constantly valled upon to go out and meet these forces In order to reach at last the

i opponent whero it counts.

The Viet-!lnh, faithful to his tactics, having confidence in the dilfficu~ty

of movement in the areias he controled, never tried to oppose the progress of our forces

J when they emerged, in one or two directions, from the path of our outposts.

[ •As the opercitions inside the doltas, the fight that took place during our
I forays never took on the form of a struggle to solze defended objectives, The V.M.

J Command cleared everything before us, ahandonning at times without any rosistonce the
installations it could not evacuate, sabotaging the routes as much as possible, slow-

s inge our advance, at most, by blows and threats of ambush.

IIt " took the maxintun advantage from the fact that it disposed of an infra-

structure of hidden depots and inconspicuous conriuni cations m'eans, while we wer .e

m forced to rebuild the roads as we advanced.

= This infrastructure permitted it to gather quickly some of its 'units and to

hit by surprise ono of our elements which seemed particularly "up In the air" to it,

I iwhen our array was sufficiently spread out.

I The offensive wedge we drove into V.M. territory had to be quickly trans.

formed Into a defensive installation. For, as we advanced and time went by, the

I security of our comm.unications line required the immobilization of large forces in

order to organizo a string. of bases of operation.

We then established a sort of provisional entrenched camp lil(e a "tree trunk,"

from where our units radiated (remaining cautiously within the scope of action of our

I artillery) and the operation took on the form of a "tactical wait".(l)

j (1) For examplo entrtinched camp of HOA BIN'H for the "LOTUS" operation and entrenched
camp of LAI CAC for the "NOUVETTE" operation.

Sin 9- 30- 153

•& , ,,, • 0

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0 O0

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0. "'"


i o0~ 0
"5. ,'S.o


... .. ...

/0 ,

* Infantry Battalion (Rerular)
0 Reglona Battalion
Artillery Wittalloi, or
D.C.A. nrFgiir
The various enaagwnonts which occurred during this phase of the operation

were as many occasions to achieve the wearing out, if not the destruction, of a

q fraction of the opposing forces. But the protraction of such a situation ran the

risk of turning to our disadvantage.

g Our stay in the HOA BINH basin from November 3.951 to February 1.952 entailed

1 iimmobilization of three Viet Minh divisions (304th, 308th and 312th), but It required

an expense of forces equivalent to 9 Mobile Groups and cost us heavy losses,

I In addition, the farther into V.M. territory our wedge was drive, the more

difficult it was becoming to withdraw.. The HOA DINH withdrawal was successful, because

it had been possible to establish a security corridor several hundred meters wide with

a series of veritable posts and the clearing of trees.

i Ttho ldis-iantllingl" of the MOUETTE operation, conducted accord!ng to the same

principles, was also successful, But with the "LORRAINE" operation, we cncountored a

o ambush 0) and other examples have come up to show that retreat manoouvers;

must be conducted accor:lina to the same rules as for a European war, and should most

especially not,., be latP.

To conclude, our operations on the borders of the V.M. zone, in spite of

" , their importanpe and their interesting ".haracter, did not brin& us any special teach-

ing which could find a place under similar circumstances. However, they pointed up

I clearly the necessity of closply consldering the duration of the undertaking: By Judging

too short, we risk loosing the opportunity to engage and put eneiy units In a bad

position. By judging too long, we expose ourselves to the chances of o particularly

difficult disenganermont.

(1) The 36th V.M. Rogirient annihilated the equivalent of a battalion on the R.C.2
[I ,Novcmnhr 17, 1952.

w I



I The necessary stages of pacification have been accurately outlined in

a_~1949 roport:
"For a province to be recognized as pacified, the authority of the legal

I government must be recognized by the establishment of normal, (political) institu-

j tions, the purge must have beon conducted by the population, finally the collecti-

vitios must have organized self-defense foruisations, capable of protecting the sons.

ItIve points in the province".(1)

But the assumption in such a program resides in the two terms "legal

government" on the one hand, and "authority" on the other hand, and it is not neces-

I sary to bring back to mind the fact that these necessary conditions were only slight.

I ly achieved in VIETNAIM.

In addition, the pacification work requires".., that the efforts of all

towards the same goal.., which is impossible unless the same authority has

I all civil and military powers".(1)

Complete re-astablishmrit of law and order and restoration of normal living

conditions were therefore an undertaking, if not absolutely impossible, at least bound

to produce precarious and incomplete results.

(I) General X.... South VIETNAM.


Thus it seems appropriate to pass ju4getiont on our pacification polioy

£In confining our study to the first stages of the return to stability%
athe quallin.- of any hostile action on the part of populations.

-the onlerzozlco of self-defense orrranizt ions In most of the co=Vmnities,

ýSUPP.RESSION OP~ REBrTELLIOUS FM~INGS.'. All surface war operations should be deriviad fromt

I political opportunities. But this necessity wias not always presen~t In the Inte'rested

j minds and Lloutornant Colonoi X...'s roitarh hns been justified many times... "An oper-

ation. was conducted and political consequonces wero thought ýto be derived fromt it".

IThe contrary has been equally observed on-many occas ions. In order to meet

I requirentents of a I-trictly xailltary nAture, c'ertain areas whe~ro 'paq1I f loatlon was,ý if
I not go ing ni-- woell, at leaist fensible, and wherce the Viet Mdinh was IL9 t P.r able to

Implant themsel~ves deeper as the Inhabitants rightly accused us of ha'vin betrnyedI

their, conf ide~nce, More evacuiated.

"Nthing was;more costly to our.' Armines In~ Indochina: than the -abandonmient of
cstrtain populations, because our plans were chan-in-, or thiat our undertakings were

not In tune with our- rean-sive(1)-

In this respect, the necessity to eVircuoite the Highlands In the North East
at the end of 1950 had Zrave consequences for it alienated some minorities from us~

The same was true when we wore unable; to stay in, iOA =2411 and had to..1orgo the rallying.
I of the MUONGS.
The LYAUTEY tradition, which first gave its Inde onous Affairs Officers

the plans of an offensive action and launched it only when "Itimo is ripe", was not
alto.-ether for.-otton.

General X...(2) wrote the following directives to his cadres: "In the area

I of pacification... not one rule should be considered as Imnperative nor eternal... But
one could niot discard the followIntg; principles, which are, moreover, found in all

colonial campai-yns, without runnina to certain failure",

ii (2) Who was the originator of pacification In South VIiETNA1.

9 "Pol~itics alono cannot solvo anythinge 1111ltetry Force salone caninot lead to
a docisivo result oither".
I' variousi roalons and at various time's,
xIn thpsec considerations ýwere to
I be Imlnpi~nonted appropriately.
The ro-occupation of the two dioceses of 1HAT 0I101 and BUC CHU, In tho Tonkin?
I Delta, was xiot only bOs~ onte~~ hc r ~sian' h .. iolg n Catholic
1cormiiuntios, but also'6ný Pforimal connections: "Pul ,'icai'orop*1ration Aiminiin at trih 8

In the population t~o wish for the Implantatior of our troops' and of our adnministration
over her Is a 1o~phAsu, wh~ch waii stietchcd over 0 months In BUI CH1J".(1)
Pacification was pricticaliy prcapared by !a close' study of the arc-a's whore
tho V.M. comrmunislt Nysti.cisrn clished with a mil.I tant C rist~lanity (case -of,-the TONKIN
* Cathol Ics) or with psoudo-religitotts foudol systaims, (case of the 'South VIE~TNAM sects)

j or stl ihraci opoit I ns (case0 or tho minorities).

~ ot~ QAoSad'Vetjja~e: WAS tkIleC' oferrso ho opposing side and of- a
veeva I on u casosple.O
;t or n i49 t hrb
errors d )C,. utfdhi
Iia Int 11: aa fvoron.

Howv~i; hoexpeploncG of aight; ypars of war nmust lead us to modify the

I principles Inherited frol JTYAIUTEY ax~I the 'great colonial Leaders, by submitting thoem
to an Impe~ra~jvo postulateý: It Is impos~sible to und-eL-ta1o a ,poltcy of pacification
lIn the area s where the Ininhbitcants have been subjectod to CotmrunisLt Impregaation, as

long as the Ma rx Ist or-anisiation. persists.

Firaqt, the rovolutionary ma~chine Must bG destroyed, or at least dismembered
before our countar-propaganda can be opposed to the encmuy's methods of indoctrination.
jFor the politico-social ascendancy of tho party shuts out f roji~ the individuals
I all other fox.,n of thottght atid life, and we must first &6olish the villag'e cail, the
infor~iier, the function-ary, etc.,. to give each back blis own free will.

(1) Colonel X... Zone Coimniardant in TON"K IN.

1 ~~76

SSubject to this none of the standard methods have lost any effectiveness.

Bosides, the V.M. Command never concealed the fact that one of the main
Sobjectives of the guerilla was to prevent us from implementing our pacification
" procedures.

For eoxample, a doctor, former war prisoner, reports: "The VM, told me

numnorous tihios that their worst enemy was a doctor looking after the populations".

Tho officers who successfully brought back general well-obeinra and prosperity

in an arean rel~ted their favorable results with as much enthusiasm as their predo-

cessors. Here is for example Major X...'s story:

"j "...Fromn the beginning of 1953, 1 was deterrmined to make myv1lla'es9happy,

Sand defend the Inhabitants not only against the VM. but also against the auxiliaries.

Later, I had to defend thimn against the landowners' rapaelousness",

"Through dirc'ct contacts, through my own activities, I made them understand

that the Frenchnan was neither a colonialist, nor an enomy".

"A Navy Doctor, understanding and courageous, was my major asset: He risked,

his own skin to answer any call for help. V.M. wounded men were taken care of at his
i• dispensary: we w¢ere ho fools, thle rebel know It:,' but: I -pl~ybd'the*gamef-.

"fWith the population and the not~ables, I feigned confidence, I t~old t~hev:
• I ask nothing from you except to work your fields and be happy. Tho war is my business.

F- Finally, they woeI passing Intelligence to me themselves",

"I provided thorn with seeds and fertilizers, for which I provided transport-

ation myself, helped them sell their wood, work the undeveloped rice fields collocti.

vely; in 1953 1 helped therp sell, at a good price, 400 tons of excess paddy, the first

excess crops since 1945".

"I had the R.P.19 repaired, reconstructed three bridges, and gave them to the

Svillages, I re-established cormunications moeans, and in spite of the risks involved,

authorized the Sampan line from X,,, to Y...; the prosperity of markets roturned",

"With or without the support of the Province, I oponod schools| I encouraged
V a Scout movement, put vehicles at its disposal. My first reward came when, in 1953, I

presided over the priso-giving in three now villages".

I "For, within two years, my area had becomo a rich aroa: 25,000 inhabitants

( instead of 5,000, new and clean villages, one of which bears my name",

"Since January Ist 1954, security in my camp is complete.

i When It has reached such a point, this stage of pacification is always known

I by a sinifiiceat sign: Dononciation of rebel elements who could still be hiding by the

population Itself.

ESTABLIMSMENT OF A SELF-DEFI,.NSE..- Participation of the collectivities to their own defense

must b.e started as soon as they hnve given some token of faith, but there exist no

I duelnhto rules for the constitution of solf~defense militia. As Colonel X....(I) puts

it: "Militias must represent ,the anmed expression of the will of social groups....,

any uni.form- rule would bea erroneous, for social groups are qutte varied. Village . ..

Militia where the group is the village... Parochial Militia, for the parish.., any-

thing can be conceived and achieved, providing the proper balance is kept between the

social group and the organized unit".

This establishmcnt of self-defense formations will alleviate the regular

troops' task, but it will not eliminate the necessity to keep some territorial forces

in order to intervene quickly and powerfuly in case of an offensive return of the rebels.

Major X.4. (2) draws the attention on this major mission: "In my Sub-Sector, in 1953,

the staze of pacification had been reached. We had been able to arm the villages from

which the V.M. bases had been completely eradicated, and the population was doing its

best to prevent the return of the rebels whom they feared".

(1) Zone Comtimnder in TONDIN.

(2) Sub/Sector Cowmaander in TO'NKIN.

3 "But from the beginning of 1954 the situation deterlorated. The V.M. re.
i aInfiltrated units more powerful thazn the marching company at my disposal. The Wjobile

Groups, busy in more sensitivu areas, wore unable to Intervene in time, I had been

J kept infored on the st~te of decay against which I was powerless for some tinle; then,
i village by village, the Inhabitnnts, faithful in spite of everything, came to return

to me the now insuffioient nrms at their disposal for their dofense".

"In order to save the pacification, I should have had a strong reserve'.,.

For paolfication remains fragile for a long time and its final success requires

the perseverance we sometimes lacked.

£; A typical example is the deterioration of the situation in COCHIN-CHINA over

the last months of the war, A recrudescence of V.M. activities could be noted, which

would have inmediately required on our part a now camnpign of pacification:

"Only the zones maintained by the "Confessionals" were relatively healthy.

The rest of the tones under our control was gangrenous'$, (1)

" "To concludo this short Chapter, we ban only restato a principla of General X...
while deplorinZ the fact that circumstances did not permit its constant and full im.,

I[ i; plemenutation,

"...The use of Armed Force must never be regarded as an end in itself. It

is but ouie means of reaching a goal".

" "It is imperative that the same Authority dispose of civil and military powers"

"...The indegenous elemnts must participate rmore and more in the struggle
for pacification".
(1) Captain (Navy) commandinS the River Forces in South Indochina.




A.1iong the various typos of structures that were built during the campaign,
three of them are worthy of a detaiiled study, for each met the requirements of a given
j situation which might occur ngain:
f In the regions whtich areonot yot seriously- contaminated, or at a Vt:iLt wlhn the

rebol bands do not dispose of any artillery and rocoilless guns, the small sur-
.- vaiilanpe structuros of the type "Tower" ca still bo of some u;so.

I - In tho more infested sectors, but where the enemy Infantry does not have highly
powerful weapons at: its disposal yet, which was the case in South VIETNAM, the

- posts that were achieved offered an acceptable resistance,, while affording a

I rapid and economical construction.
- Finally, in the regions where a strong fortification is imperative, the concrete
I base of operations of the "Tonkin" type seems to be indispensable.
f After describing those three typos of fortifications, it seems appropriate
to summarize the lessons of the campaign relating to the two problems which were cons-

I tantly facing the defenders of the posts:

j - Cover of the structures by adequate obgtac.es.
a The most effective procedures to insure surveillance at fright.
80 . '.
W Initlally, the towors wore comIposed of masonry works with walls 25 to

40 centimeters thick, surroundod by a low wall. The door was located at least t$10

I motors from the ground and one had access to it by a ladder,

The mirndor was five to six motors high and its roof was sufficiently open

to pormit grenade) launchinq,

I 1949-1950, protection was Improvod by surrounding the tower by a 30 centl-


I motor-thick, two meters hlrth brick wAll, ldavinS a spaco of about one metor between it

and the tower sides, or by surrounding It'with one or two curtains of areca or bamboo

trees. The objective of this device was to proeont tho enemy from placing explosive

I charges at the foot of the wall, or against the sides with the help of polos.

,But, of course, those shields of fortunrc wore insufficionr against shells _nd

I we tried to separate the observation element, boing of course the most vulnorable, from

jI the main body of the struct'ure, which was to provide the garrison with the means to live

and doft:nd itself,

SxFrom 1-952, we came up with the: following formula which proved to ble, as a

i whole, satisfactory after a few inprovemonts:

Ir The main body Is surbased as much as possible and buried in a mound of earth,

profiled In order to provide maximum resistance to blows.

I Living quarters for the garrison are Inside this nialn body. They are con-

ceivod to glve a surface of about 16 square meters with two meters high ceilina.

One can cnter either throuth a ground level entrance, or through a manhole

j arranged in the ccitinv.

The defense capabilities are provided by battleatents fasbioned about 1ý' meter

abov•af . level and protected against curved fire projectiles by a sighting device
and a "Diamorod" ditch. f
The main body is made proof against blows (particularly from shells) by
,akinZ the mound of earth at least tv, motors thick (1). In addition, the earth is

j given sufficient consistency by a coverln3 of sod.

I (1) The carth cone•s from the diiging of the DITV,1.ND ditch.


j Entranca

EchelleMureLte ExL~rieure


149 - 1950
in 194) -1950


Deux rideaux de Drotectioii en Are'quier'

2-screen Arequler Protection

I Observation Post
Poste d~observationi

I~Cro, Cuesuivant A.13

s-sc ion A-B
Diamond Pit
80o M, Fossi D

V _V

__________Coupe ducops______CrssSctonoffrtfiaiobd

4M 20


Cross-Section A-B

I ~ entrance t 11.

1 L~jfl *~~11W

(~ 4~ V

v___ ____

I6 -j-


r .

I:Ifuli Pa rad os
Emptciergeme ce
algpur Pait

Enceinte wall
226msIk .-

Incit Mu
2 aaus 12I p

IC _

*i j;Il j

11 . Tau Slp COP deA

61-8(70770a100I'0 150 600
Thit latoral. sides are composed as follows:

I - of bricks or of 30 to 40 contiieter thick agglomerated concrotel

i - or a wood or loa framework, supported by stakes driven in the ground (strengthened

at the uppev portion by bolted braces);

S- oao 90 centimeter thick wall of dirt and logs.

Finally, the upper side can be covered by a thin concrete cuat, Its protection

is ensured by a 75 contimeter thickness of dirt and logs (two cross-coats).,

t The observation post is unusual in that it is absolutely indepondentl from

I main b4--f-rol. a construction stand-point,

the conseduentl fyrm t'he resistance to

blows stand-point. Its frame con bc of metallic tubes,, which offer the advantage

of lending the minimum, of hold to projectiles, or of tinboý,, pIllars,

Noreover, the observatory 4is of the smallest size possible (lI square metier)

while allowing use of an automatic rifle.

The sides are proof against tnachine-gun bullets and the height of the roof

I permits grenade lounchlini.

I SOUT VIE'rNAM 1952-!953-TYPE POST.- This small structure was nevertheless capable of re-

sisting to a regular assault.

Since it was designed for usually flat terrain which characterizes South

Ii VIETNAVI, it could take on a geometrical forqi'and the triangular shape was generally

adopted as it required the minimutm of flanking el",ents while facilitating reciprocal


? ENCLOSUP. AND TH. BLOCKHAUM.- The enclosure protected the defenders against bullets and,

to a point, a-ain.:t shells, whilo at the samie time constituting a last obstacle to

the assault.

It was made up of a dirt and log low wall of a height of at least I meter 80

and co'accted on the outside to a ditch by a glacis. This rampart had a thickness of

a mfrimuvi of one meter,


-.--- !~,
SA cortain nu.,tiber of crenels, calculatod Itn proportion to tho stronuh of tho

post, woro built, and each of them had a roof and a spllnlter-proof shield,

I At teh sanliont of thkt structure was a flankin% blockhaus (1) that Jotted out

I" and gave the im:ao of the towors being built in South VTI•TNAM from 1952 on,

The blockhnus was expectod to no: only enfilade the networks with close$
4 grAzing fire, but also Siva the 'najbility to observe the surroundings and throw grenades,

Thus, the fire chantbor had cronels which could never be frontal (2). It was

connected to the obs~ervation and greninde floor by a trap. The latter could, however,

house an automaric woaporn for distant firing,

ICOURTYARD AND REWU)3T.- In case of an attack, the post courtyard was a shelter for shells,

therefore, it required splirnter-pro•of /Shiolds and, if necessary, underground commnuni.

cations to allow tihe defenders to reach their comnbat: posl•Jons whain the opp)osing she•l-

ling surprised the,in brutally.

j Mortar(s) with which every garrison was furnished had to be buried Inpitsn

suppled by zigzag trenches. The same wnas truo all the more so when the post was

equipped with one or two fixed artillery pleces.

The redoubt covered the vital elements of the post, that is the C.P., the

radio (3), a munitions reserve; but, in additioni, it had to provide shelter for a

counter-attack element.

Last, it had to be a refuge for the men who had been thrown out of their

combat positions. Its location had to be such that it was spared the first blows. A

centrally-located redoubt Is the best answer to these requirements, but it Implies a

smaller surface Inside the post, and especially the addition of extended fire weapons.

j So, it is best to leave it to rectangular-shaped posts.

(1) In some rcctan,,ular-shped and little exposed posts, we could do with two diagonal-
ly positionned blockhouses in order. to flank the four sides.
(2) The frontal cronel can be exceptlonally justified only to cover a dead angle out of
ranz-u of tho ne1-h:•orin•, blvekhnus and whorn grenades are not sufficienit.
(3) Spare antennae had to be prrv'dod and their easy replacevicnt carcfully planned.


Rogardina trian~ular posts, the rodoubt is constituted by one of the anglo

S btlickthus It%~ most cnsois. It Isi thon roverod by a triangular enclosure, two sides of
whicvh morou with the post rantipari; and t~ho third foxraned by an I~nterior low wall In the

shape of an are, joirting thoso two sidan.

ILIVING QUARTERS AND ARMORYS" Mhille prov~dlng a cortain comfort to tho. garrison, the livitiS

j quarters must meet the defense rocquiremutilts,, aspocially not obstrLuct tbo redoubt'sarange
of fire or Intarfare with the :ninning of niortaru.
IThey must shield tho oc,',upnnt:s f rom1 jhljlts (At: tile tniritlun) fronmspltinters),
and also from any tire, which will often load tr) hnav thenm buried or laid as close as

possible agains~t tho, rtiriart'(l). The aid Station of 'course will bonetlt from the
I maxiniwin protection enrace
4i...rnhs prIie with. n re st
IFinally, sonic. of thoentacspoie ihzg~ enhsadCeast
allow a clqso defonse in case of ene my panctrAtiton iJs ide the pqst, (nanmply in case of

tr 4 go'n). '

fThe armory(3ios) must b o located within the buried quarters ard proof against

mortar blows (2), In addition, they arc proof against thefts (doors solidly cloSed,
I.,windows, If there aro soiie, barrod); those for anratunition rnt~st be proof against humi-

jdity and, as far as; possible, nicet with ammutnition conservation riequirem'nts,

FFu supplie s must be protected against fire and Ospecially against deflagra.
Itions'. Except if It Is too smnial, it must be wall ventilated and far from the munitions

j depots and from the red*3ubt. If the fuel supply is considerable, it must be placed Inj

tile open air and distributed among several morlornned Interstices.,

Terisks of theft boing inconsequential, It might b9 advisoble (especially

J the post Is sniall), to store fuel In intersticf~s located outside the onclo-suro,

widely % closc the Interior netix~r1k of accessory defenses, so as to remain

und(er surveillance of the guards,

will be proscribed.
(2) Two lay'ars of logs. and dirt are nvcossary to give a minimuti thickness of 75 centlm..
83 A



Iu w

0 WI
TONKIN CONCRETE: BASE 011 O1IFmATIONS*. The ocatioreto ba~so of operations covarad a m~uch lfir~or

I surface, that tho oldor posts for It wa made Lip of sevoral poriphoric blocks, supportod
Iby one or sieveral ooxatral blocks, the vhola boina surrounded by a thick barbed wire not,
The structura represanted then the concretion of a plan of fire and tho numbor
Ias well as the location of? the blocks was a function of the terrain characteristics,

OF EACH B~LOCK,- As tha olemontary coil of this type of fortification, the block
J was to generally Insurt, two Micnk~s and ono intvrior partitionnina, whilo pornittinZ, at
the some time, a frontol dofonao at short distance,

IF ~ General fire missions

Flank fi re

Block fire maissions ol Frontal fire

Missions de Tir d'un bloc

* ~Switch trechpe
{00 i\.Flank fire
I Seto blocks, moreover have been conceived to accomrodato an observatory, or

i executo a romoto action fire, or an entl-tank fire,

'Their construction was subjectod to hardships which have Influenced the vo-

lume, that Is the number of arms and crow as well as the dogree of protection.

The problem was to ant quickly, fn a guerilla atimoaphore with rare local

materials, or they had to bo brought from far away (stones, sand), with a qualified
manpower in small nimiber and everochanging, insufficient funds, and we had to build

on soft grotnd which could only stand a light single pressure.

I All these difficulties led to the development: of a small structure, of a

shape easy to apply, capable of using in some parts some replacement equipment, with
only the strict ntvcossary protection agninst the opposing weapons so as to be light

and economicail.

But before developing the standard block which is the object of our later

study, there were numerous tentativo efforts. From 1951 till the and of the war, the

I Engineers, in fact, had planned and built rnny models before developing a completely

satisfactory form.
Tho following dingrams will give an Idea of the peripheric block's evolution

j which was affected by simplification.


|.Ok' :' Is"
'I ! ý ý"'%
" (I!• •


1L7B -- J

1Prior to Ist Somorater 1951

150 m3 Block 2nd Semdater 1951
135 .m3 Block
Avant l.r somestre 1951. 2P." semestro 1951.
Bloc do 150M3 Bloc do 135m3

ILI~ T 7 dio/1'elephonel

habitat Billet

1952-1953 Beinning of 1954

Light Block 0B 1954
130 m3 Block

1952-1953. Ddbut 1954.

Bloc liger do l10m3 Bloc do 13Om3

j As far as the central blocks are concerned, we started with the circular form
which is the most rational at first alance but, in fact, of a very difficult construction,
passed to the hexagon (with tho addition of caponiers or living quarters), then to the

I squiareo
87 "''"

|~' .

C. t"1. Cove
iLhnd of 11)51 19,52
200/240 m3 Block 225 m3 Block

i gBillet hb00

225 m3 Block
End of 1953/54
130 m3 Block
At this final staoe of evolution, the central block merged with the poripheric

block and we achieved the standard block 53-54 hereafter described:

' Eperience had finally led to consider only three types of blocks:

- One of them, a light fortification, would insure protection No.2, that is to say

I against the 81 M/m shell of great capacity or against an Isolated 105 m/m blow.

This would be the all azimuths block.

a As for the tuo others, built as a medium fortification, the differentiation between
protection No. 1,
was kept, but both of them would insure
central and peripheric

that is to say against an Isolated 155:n/n blow or two 105 tn/r blows.
I The all azimuth block asl a liglit fortification could be built in a month 1/2.

There were four firin, directions obtained by so-called "univorsal-Itich Alps

Type" battlerments, each of which was usually lined with a small crenel for L.G.2 grenade-
I launchers (since the same crew manned the automatic weapons and the L.G.2 in case of

The radio, telephone and a bunk for the radio-telephone operator wore Grouped

F in a small room, 2 meters by 2 meters, connected with the observatory.

Laterally, living quarters were planned for eight lyina men. Spouts for

I grenade launching woro arranged at will near the crenels and accesses.

j The latter were located under the shooting crenel in back and in the living
quarters. They were obturated by double ariaored doors with a concrete plaque in a
"leanditch" mcaner. Finally, ventilation of course was provided through air-chimneys
I piercinZ the ceiling.

With a 30 centimers thick flagstone wid i meter piedroits, the structure,

cortpletely equipped totaled 130,3 cubic meters.

Its layout wae such that an observatory, furnished with a periscope installed
above the radio-telephone room, or a t-mk turret (with a 37m/m, or a 47 ri/m, or even a
i 57 m/m 6un) lod.ed above and in back of the frontal crenol, could be added.
-, ,"
, '
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0.40 ý2 0 Varal


The all-azimuth blockhouso was first built of composite materials (masonry

piedrolts, roinforced concrete, for the flagstone and revettitent), not so much for rea-

sons of economy (1) as for questions of technical feasibility (difficulties with the

franing and shortancv of irons). But the damage suffered at the KESAT and YEN VI posts

after an anemy attack proved that one caraiot cheat with fortifications.

Later, a mortar sheolling on a garrison at BAN YEN N*IAN In 1954 showed that

Ti the 30centinieter flagstones did not provide protection No.2 and that a thickness of

60 centimetcirs was ne'•ossary to obtain the desired resistance.

ADAPTATION OF THE BLOCINHIOUSE.- In some cases it was necessary to place a blockhouse on

ono of the numerous dikes to be found in the Tonkinose Delta. In order to avoid a gap

in the firing range we "splintered the work" (2) that is we split the structure Into

two smi-structures implanted on each side of the embankment.

• mI I I I -- I I I I I I I II I I ?II *II I II CI

'n -il ii l -III II

In other cases the high number of peripheric blockhauses (usually over 4),

made the protection afforded to the central one. Two wore therefore necessary.

. In addition such bases of operation had to be furnishcd with adequate ins-

tallatlons to house troops passing through, personnel, of a battery position, etc.

From this emerged a central siructure, composed of two all-azimuth block-

houses connected togcther by some quarters. Those were formed of sti!:nat' cells,

measuring 6.40 meters by 4.80 meters, and varied In number, Ventilation was insured

by windows under the flagstone, placed In position.

- (1) It ca:,o to lc:ss than 107/ of the cost.

.I (2) It was naturally Impossible to cut through the dike for fear of provokinzv a flood.

•4 1
l. , . ... . ...

S~ Casernernent


TWK TVO !,NEDUI'1 LLOCIKHOUSS,- The attached sketchcs show the layout of the blockhouses that

were built in 1953 with special concrete.

Protection No.1 was insured by a 90 centimeter flagstone with less grill•ork.

j The pertpheric blockhouse measured approximately 150.3 cubic maters. and resembled a

simplif:ied double casc;iiato, .1ith a front caponier provided with a frontal firing crenel.

I The flankivv crcaels were protected by a siall wing-wall of 1.20 meter. A 3.60 meter by

4.40 meter protected habitat was Installed in the back for the garrison.

The central blockhtu';e measured 245.3 cubic meters and derived from the hexa-

gonal type with two turret-equipped caponiers, to which were joined a habitat, C.P., and

I machine shop.

A comilunlcations room was located in the center of the hexagon, under the

observatory turret. The machine shop could be equipped with either a generating set or

batteries. (1)

(1) All crenels were of the "Carnc" type (600) or ,,Gazin" typo (900) completely obtu.
rating trie apertures.
An artifIcal ventilation was necessary, which required a more modern Installation
than the I ight blockhouses.


r. '.'I AA (1u0--d vU'N cu


S'ront Caponier
ia njire avant . . . .

260 - ~M Billet 0
fB.A. Volume :260 m3 Central Block:
Floor surface: 135.58m (Billet : m1

I Press5ure at the floor :0.570 k. __


PRI.-2IC BLCCK Fire room - machinory
(1) All the loopholes are of the "Caric" type (600) or "Gazin" type (900)
with complete obturation.

Artificial ventilation is necessary', which calls for a system less primary

then that of the light blocks.

r '.'31ZTAx •OF
2 BLOC2XHCUTS2S.- A series of tests were made on licht fortification

blockhouses of 140 cubic moters (1) under the worst possible conditions for them

L (structure without r:merlons, without camouflar-e, favorable position of Vans).

(1) Theae bloc!:houses h'ad the following characteristics:

I - frontal awn--.all and piedroits = 1 meter of reinforced]

- flaCatone: 0.90 mnter.

lateral and baick piedroits: 0.50 meter.

- entr-ine door for rorrnonnel ,iith double arriour.

e results obtainod with differont types c.0 projectiles Aro givan In the
followina tubla,*

Typo ;? Frlcl E FP C T
-- I/-n nan~iial Incidence 60 ems, 0 of reinforced coricreta pier~ced.
* Vietmilnh BazookA~ 2/. Incidence higher than 45 rioochat

gun shell within 500 mutors ncagligible ef fect

153 M1i shell go sholls fired, 10 of which we re, atr ISht hitav

-2 matde funnals 0,50,m in diamneter and 0,40m In depth In the

6 hit plodroits pirtected by I
1 dr f,
o orock-,ýiork'

Napalm 12 bombs fired, 2 of wh Ich MItthoir o~bject Ives.

- slightly Irritat-ing atmosphere.
M slightly nod if10 tam eraturei
*Jvnction to oracked 0,rtr

rclkets22 rockets, fired, 5 of which hIt: their objcicttves.

I-ricochet on fla~stone. ,perforation In piedrolt Iý inoter square,.

1 -Inner side riddled with small splinters..

2501bs. bombis 22 bombs dropped, only one of which hit the objective and
ricocheted on the flagstone making a 14centirnetor deep, hole,
The other bombs, dropped over swampy terrain within a 150 by
r 50 motor rectnngle, did not even upset the barbed wires.

500 lbs bombs with M 8 bomibs dropped at a distance of 15 to 35 moters froin the
time-delay fuse structure,
None hit the objective,
The blockhouse tipped over from 3 to 4 centimeters, At the end
of throe days the tipping had reached 20 cm. (vertical lines
deviated from 2 to 3%~).
j With all the caution that is required in the ovaluntion of such 4P exptriment (1)

the following conclusions can be formulatod:

Concrete (avon in a suaill volumn) is proof against small and even medium site

"projectiles which do not hit under almost normal conditions.

S- The planes used in the experiment were not hampered by any anti-aircraft artillery,

the objective was not camouflaged; however, one single hit was realiesd out of

1 30 bombs. As one might have expected, rockets were much more accurate.

"- Shells were of course the most deadly weapon.

Wp naturally tried to guard a~ainst them by Installing a bursting panel in

front of the wall to protect. But the firing crenels or observation crenols, of course,

cannot be hidden. In addition, their protection with wire-not.ilng (oven tight) remains

rlisky, while interfering with visibility.

On the other hand, the blind walls (whether the ones of the blockhouse or of

the fuel tanks, for example) were effectively protected by a brick bursting wall (or

made of dirt packed betWean two rows of stones) or a tight bamboo wall.:.

This bursting wall must be located at least two meters from the wall to be


The experionce of the last few woekstof the wAr seem to confirm these data.
S The Vioes furious assaults on SONTAY, VIE TRI, LUC NAHM ardd SEPT PAGODES over t~he

last few weeks, in particular, have met with bloody failures. But the garrisons were

then adequately supp,)rtc-d by our artillery and the nearness of several Mobille Groups.

It has been noted on several occasions that the concrete was not the best.

This was due to several reasons:

I - The construction companles were not suporvised Etdquately and sometimes cheated

on the materials' proportions (ccmrent) or the quality (sand).

• - The iron-work was sometimes badly done for lack of good specialists in the field

of rvtAfc)rctd concrcte.

(1) The neutralization effect: on the garrison actually deponds on too many factors
to be gauged.

.. r%%4 4 %*

5 Filially the poor juality of the toil was the cause of many disappointnments

and It took a long timo to develop tho technique applicable to fortification of the


I And last., t~he living corn~llitons wrer qiM. poor vhatevor the type of struc-

turo. Two problc.is, in particulort, had not. boon satisfactorily resolved: That of

ventIlt•ion and lightirng.

OBSTACLES.- Any V.M, attack of a post boaan with a silent approach phase, during which

., the oppon-at deployod his assault groups as close a's possible, while at the same time

p paroI.ng
. to- open breaches in our barbed wire network.

This task was given to "dynamiting cells",• who placed bensaloros of forturne,

Smade up of bamboo sticks filled with explosives (1). Their mission was also to clear

"In order to dotect this ants' work, we had-to, creatQ a complete wat:ch system:
Alanii devices and patrols, operating far enough to surprise the arrival of

4 the assault groups.

- Dogs to watch specially the networks.

- Finally, watchmicn to watch at the observation posts.

Experience has demonstrated that several 6 to 8 meter-thick networks (2) were

required to stop the enomy, and that the inost favorable disposition included a panel

*preventin_ :nat-crossin-. (3)

It goes without saying that the netuvrks (or the panels) were to remain trans.

parent and completely cleared of all vegetation, as well as the strip of land on which

were applied the line of defense fire.

(I) The cells tried also to creep close to the bloc!hhaus to place charges concentrated
on contact with the crenels. The explosion of charges was almost always the signal
of attack.
(2) In order to avoid the case where one single charge will shear the strip.
(3) The VN. ftared tbe stralght1 panel, 2 motors hi-h, &oin&40 cms dec-p into the ground
(to prevent its crossin- via a tunnel), made up of barbed wire mesh as close as pos.
slblý (20 cm,; waximimi) s'ronoly bound at every angle, This panel had to be sup.

[ Maintenanco of this stripped "billiard table, required constant, but essential

I work.(0)

Somotties the notwork's ground was covered with sand, the clarity of which

facilita:ed surveillanco.

rI The ditches, as for the XVIIth contury fortification, were used especially

in South VIETNAN. The model ditch was to be 6 meters wide, 2.50meters deep, filled with

i water if possible, at least bristling with bamboo darts for the Viet-Minh )'ad found a

way to cross on ladders thrown overboard. In fact, the ditches wore of insufficient

dimensions and this defect took all their effectiveness away.

Mines gave us more disappointmnonts than satisfaction$ for they have probably

resulted in more losses in our camp than that of.-:th@ enemy due to the many hardships

they imposed. When placed inside the networks, they prevented later cleening and the.

best proof of this is given by the fall of Camp ERULIN (TONKIN) on July 14, 1954.
I This structure was surrounded by a deep barbed wire network, mined, and soon

was invaded by a luxuriant vegetation. The successive chiefs of the post attempted to

get rid of it, but fire gave no results and the cleaning by hand was the cause of many

accidents. Thus, it was abandoned.

In the night of 13 to 14 July, the V.M. thus found a perfect undergrowth

through which they successfully infiltratoed with a diabolical dexterlty, without suf-

fering any losses.

The placing of mines within the networks should therefore be avoided. It is

better to place them in an accessible and open location. They should not be left per-

J manontly, othorwise the enemy finally detects them, tokos them up and uses them against: us.

Contrary to the network, a minefield must not constitute an immutable obstacle,

"but be constantly modified. This entails of course rigourous hardships for the laying,

Slighting and detecting, which are not compatible with frequent changes of gatrison.

r (1) Several tests with herbicides were made but none were satisqfactory. The power of
vegetation in Indochina could have been conquered only by a massive use of such
products, making the defense prohibitive.

1 ~~~96 ~(~'

S LIGHTING.- Artificial liqhtin.j was necoessary for the defender to adjust his fire against

tho V.14. nocturnal. assault, mid whllc. raitinv for the attack, this lishtin- systom was

to facilitate obsorvation, particularly surveillance of the obstacles.

Permanent llahtlnz by a bolt of bulbs to Illuminate a strip of network can be

excellent, providing It is powerful enough to have no shadowy areas. However, it is

not proof against an accidental fallureo, or against a failure brought about by the

shenrint of cornductin- wiros or some form of sabotaSe.

In addition, It presutnes of course• an appropriate power supply: sector current

or Zenerating set. It was installed near the end of the war for the main sensitive

points (plane pnrting, munitions dumps, fuel depots, important CP. etc..),

Intormittent lighti:in• by seanch-lights proved to be affective only on the

condition thdt they wtre well served. Routine, hero as anywhere else, was the worst

enemy, for a beam directed at regular intervals and sweepinn the terrain always in the

same direction was perfectly ineffective,

In the TONKIN bases of operation, the blockhouses were equippod with search

lights (usually automobile lichts) installed in the, turrets of the central observatories

or on the, periphorics. But the latter were often unusable at the time of the attack

and llghtln.3 was provided only by the central clement.

The set-up adopted for the observatory of a central structure was the follow-

ing: Four special cronels ware worked out above the obserwvtion crenols, for automobile
lights. The horizontal sweep of each light was better than 900, consequently an all-

azimuths light In- was the result.(I)

(1) The oquipiient of a central blockhaus, with this set-up, and the power supply re.
quiregencs for interior li:3htin- and ventilation necossitated a 5 to 8 Kw 8enorator
set, When thcre wras no venerator set, feed was obtained by 6 to 12 volts batteries
that were roechried periodically by Conntunicat ions -enerator sets.
The Experience has showed that the model search light had a 25 to 30 cms dia:ieter,
a 500 watts poi•rz', a usoful, p(rncil of 50 to 300 metvrs.


To this survel lance', 11ahtinc, sysb'A:11 was added an vL~nrii lt1ht-Ing syst~om 0 i~ch
was obta~nod! by pulling light traps, bý' lighting mo~rtar sjte11s. and ,ftinnily flarets, Whlch

had to be stocked In sufficient quant eIt s.

A ~ -1




' I


To the war without front that took place on the territories for whose control

both sidets contend with each other, and to oporations conducted along the boundaries of
L zones owing allegiance to the. V.M., can be added another forml of hostilities, which

soine have appropriat~ely called:* "The W/ar of the GreAt, Wastelands"i,

• ~The cont;rast was, In fact, striking between the engageme'nt~s that characterized

•i each day In the Deltas or the coastal plains a•Id the "tcountryside.t ones whose theat~re

of oper-Ations wa4s iII turn part of the Im,mensities of the High Tonkin, the Laos and

- the Central Plateaus, with an often rugged surface.

In these vast territories, the V.M. had the initiative of the operations, if

we rwke exception of our activities of 1947 tending to reduce the LANGSON-THAI NGUYEN-
I CAO BANG triangle, then controlcd by the opposing forces.

Actually, the Viet Minh quickly realized that it could not prevail by main

force in the rice field areas, as the nunber and fanatisir of Its troops wore not suf.

flclent to compensate for its materlal Inferiority.

VO NGUYTN GI.1 had understood, as early as 1950, that the' results to be

expected from guerilla warfare alone were limited and he wrote at the time: "It has

been demonstrated that, without the war of movement, guerilla warfare can only develop

tto a cortai poi:nt: Byond that point, It stows

[ (I) Front the book "War of Liberation and People's Army".

The patient edification of his Battle Fomation was going to give him the
i essential instrumo¢nt to this war of movement.'

I The choice of the objectives remained" "Economic targets were not what the

Viet Minh could iaim at (there wore only two such targets In Indochina, the two inter-

dieted deltas), but outlying ,ones,where the French were weak, but the loss of which

would nevertheless deal thom such a political and psychological blow that they would

have to, either bring In roinlforcemonts conditions of inferiority which would weaken

I their vital posltlon In tho Delta, or suffer the results of their incepability of do-

f fendIngg. thcn... 1)

The -?Cro.t Wastelands" offered also the advantage of being suited to the

I fluidity of the V.,M. forces and to their knowledge of the Jungle,

During ev-ry Winter season, was to deliver an offensive in the provinces

where we maintained only a few%garrisons: now to cover a commiunications links junction,

I now to support civillan authorities, now still to prevent the encmy from proceeding

I undisturbed to the setting up of calls within the populations,

Therefore, our parry could only consist of reinforcing some of the posts In

order to preserve them and establish now mooring bases (land or aoro-land bases),

Then, counting on this infrastructure, we were to attempt Interceopting the opposing

coltins or cutting their supply lines.

But the difficulties of this enterprise gave rise, little by little, to

another tactical solution: the creation of aero-land moles, to no longer tnvisage

sweeping and pursuit operations, but on the contrary, to attract the enemy and cons-

titute thv localizing agont of his offensive.

I (I) Outline of the Viet Minh strategy - Colonel X...

I HOLDING OF GARRISONS,- During the first years of the war, our Mobile Forces directly

i intervened to help our posts of the Highland and Laos, but the scarcity or the absence

of communi ontions mean.s forced us very soon to make wide use of air-transport or air-

I drops, to rainforce (for exanmple: CAOBANG before its evacuation), as well as to take

I back (DONG KHE in 1950), or still to extricate (for example: NGHIA LO in 1951).

For reinforcement operations, it was proven at that time already, that it

( was necessary to dispose of an air-field capable of accormodating transport aircraft,

I while extricating operatlons politcd tip the advisability of. acting on the supply lines

of the adversary. Indeed:

"I"Only large-scale manoeuvers, bosides the land routes give results against
f an adversary who practically always dodges a direct attack, who systematically seeks

nocturnal attacks or the riihush-type battle, but who must live off the land or be

-I supplied by transport",

"These manoeuvers are particularly pay off when they can reach the travel

zones which the Coolie colitnins are compelled to usc, and interce'.pt thcm".(1)

-t From 1950, the strength of the V.M. attacks became such that Our array of

posts proved more and more difficult to maintnin, Sometimes, we were able to preserve

I it with an elastic defense:

such was the case of NGIIIA LO in 1951:

a few weeks before our HOA BINII offensive, the Viet Minh had attempted

I to seize NGAIIA LO in Thai country, It had only succeeded, with the conditions under

[ which it

had engaged the 316th Division,

in givilig the dfenders the opportunity to feigni

oexert a brutal reaction which had. been so costly to LIDDELL HART and MAO

"Slowed down by an elastic defense, the assailant was countertattacked by

1 two Airborno Battalions dropped on one of Its flanks, it sturibled on its objective which

j had been reinforced, and fell back to the Red River with heavy losses..,". (2)

(1) Colonel B,., 7?.on Co-m.rneant.

(2) Colonel X... Outline of the Vict Minh Strat¢&y,


102 ,,.,
It also happened that the garrisons were reinforced In time thanks to an air-

I flift: MUONG SAI, LUANG PrRABANG, PLEIKU, or extricated by a land action combined with a

,I| threat on the V.1. rears (A2'.HE, 1953 and the attack on QUI NMON).

Often, however, the garrisons had to fall back in order to escape total des-

j truction by the enemy. These falling back operations were generally quite costly, in

f spite of the support Siven by our mobile forces to disongaagemnt operations. The results

of the CAO BANG, SAM HRUA, ANUUMU, withdrawals are well known, and we will cover thlis

subject in more detal1 in the chapter devoted to forest actions.

More particularly, an Officer who tool- part in the LAOS operations of 1953

wrote: (1)

"The falling back of the SAM NEUA (2), SAMI TEU, WUONG SOI, MUONG HMEM garrisons,

etc.. has oncci aw&_iu pointed out: the difficulties of such an operation carried out under

enemy pressure".

"The tc~achinns and the errors to avoid can be su•nimd up as follois:

- Evacuation of a post must follow a pl,-ui prepared as minutely, even rehearsed, as

I a ship's abaridonimoit plan.

- Fallin--back routes must be carcfully reconnoltred.

- Relief must be total,

a Action of the Leader, at all levels, is of the utmost importance In order to

avoid general confusion, the risks of whtch are auf•mented by nervous tension

and fatigue-.

a The ,,MIaquis" I presence is a major asset for aiding the men who have fallen out".

- In addition, it is necessary to emplaco aid posts on the falling-back routes

that have, bLevn chonen.,".

(1) Captain I,.,. Chief of a Scector G-3.

- (2) Only 220 men out of thu 1700 who left SAM NEUA on April 12, 1953, were successful
in reachin, cas a -roup the JIAR,"tS PLAIN10, zirtcr on .'-tnus{tintZ S-day march. Durin"
th-, followon ,'s o soi•. of the .,issln- Ltc1;nts worc rc~cupe-ratcd by oi'r I.,ao MLaqui.u
How,-vvr, the m.ajor causo nf vanilshing of the SA, B!UA gtarrison must bo ,ic-ntron,:d
as the lack of cohesiveness of some indczc.nous units.

-- [I
101 'i , . 1 :,4.,. 11 q


/..'Y,-* Tho.di1licultios our mobile forcos met with to uncover the enon,

I when thy oporated In the deltas, whorc they manociuvercd In the squares uo a checkor-

board madu up of the controlcd roads and of posts arriiuaed in quincunx, givo an idea

I of what they could be whon trying to uncovor onomy unIts on a vast and cove.red terrAIn.

Our failures are, alAs, too easy to describe:

"The various ca nighs t'h.at took place demonstrated, In a general way, tho in.

cnpability of our troops to annIhIlate oven with fnr ouperlor moans an onciny who, in

j I addition to his ,•aterlal infrlorlty, could not profit by the populations' complicity

as was the case In the Deltas".

s "For thu Viot Minh disposed of vast surfaces to fall back in case of threat,

j to got supplies, to rogroup, and from there fall upon our Isolate•d posts, loy ambushes,

surprise our battallons in the act of movine)'.

"In short, thtey mnage.d to play strong against wcak, because on the tactical

£ plane, they lived in two dimensIons naalnst an adversary who, even wi0th an Air Force,

operated all too often In only one dImbnsion: the axis of the road or the trall.,(1)l

We were lackln3 Intolli-ence vswn more than in tho Deltas. ilora is what wrote

I Colonel X.,.. on this subjct:

"One must ariilt that the lack of Intellienco wAs even moro acute in Laos than
in thn, Tonk in".
i tIt was practically iipossible to know, just: through local moans, the Viet Minh

Forces' strength, their bases, their movements... What little intelligcnce w6 had, in

most Initancc:s conccalcd the truth and most of all vvrer too late to be exploltablo...".

The sone h Id true on the IPlateaus and the followin, c:•atmplo is typical:

"The CHUH DRCH operation, launched from PLI.,.U and BAN Mb- THUOT, aimed at the

annihilation of a Vict Sattalion reportc.d to be in the area. But once the operation was

I launched, four to five Viet Battalions appeared 40 to 50 kilometers N.E. of CHUN I)REH.

This uiil-i)vctý(! thrn'.t co;ipnlced the Comnaiehr to change thc- U!)Jc(t1vor th%, opeI,•tion

and to direct his Chief to clear the BAIN MI TIlUOT road as soon as pos.4ible".

104 .. ' '"ab

Thus, for lack of tirely intellignce rogarding the opponomnt's big elemre-rLbs

an operation which began as a drivu to destroy the Viat nearly ended as an operation

of the Viot to dostrzy our elnments".

Thoreforo, it Is not enough to possess accurato and locallyod intAlltgcnce in

order to carry out an off vnelve Action. The lattr necessarily comes within-the frame.

work of a combined situtiaton and we cannot dispense with int.olligenco concerning all

robol units linblo to interv', ne durlnZ tho oporation".

If on the contrary the Viet linh P.K.22 ambush on the Antkhu road nearly n10t with

sUECS, on June 24, and cou.ed hoovy losses, It was due to the fact that the oncny did
not ignoro that he only had 24 hours In which to act before t:he reserve MNbilc Groups

Come Into I-,lay. The Viet did possess Intelli-aonce re-ardin8 the overall situatio s .is

well as the locul situation".

"l"It seems wmel!ss to bring to mind the manoeuvars during jihich the High Commnand

stated it! was "1:,14nn a finessre", a touri doigned to. conceal our Ignoranoc', of the op.

posing e; tab!i hmientand calllip to .ILnd thc boldnesss,.of a Po•cr, playor much more than

tho caJlcu1oted riskc of a Bricge play'evr...".

"...As to the procodure followed to pursu'ý, t~he vntm'y, It provvd qui to,'n4pt&4it vh
as soon as the approach lasted more than 24 hours for the cieversary, informnd by his •

agents, had ample time to ward off the oncoming thriats". (1)
SIn additilon, to boing badly in-formed, our unlts woer not walt Adapted t~o the 0

terr in and even less pre-pared to fight In donse forests and bushes. (2) So all oper.
.stions were chara•cterized by on cxc,'¢'slve sloii-,nss
"...The battal' ns moved about a bloc in a sinaale file. Their fire power could

never bn dcployed ,it', Cimel.iness. The terrain was searched only on a narrow strip,

at the pricc. of ai excos)sivo slowness". i

S( 1) Cu o m(,n
A Y. 1M,G , o :. r~ n ..

(2) See., the chapters dcvotod to this subjrict: in Pactr Ill of this Voltine.
"I"A few stoppors on tho way alowod down tho advanco considerably and inflictoeI
casualt~ies. The woutided then~ had to be transported on strotchors and tho units lost
all manneuverability capcabllitios".

I "Under those conditions, theo naity was In a position to easily play with time
Iand spaco, to dodga contact in order to deliver battle on the terrain and with the
means of his cholcoole(i)
I SOMO of these deficiencies had bocotno so flagran~t that, at tho end of 1'953,, the
Coiwmwnd.er-InChlof wrote In a widely-dist~ributed note:

",,*The LI.anders at all echelons still have the reflexces of the "motorized" too
Ioften, as they are used to maneuver with motorized units, limited to passable roads

jand strips-, they tead to forget that ouir enomy is totnlly indopendent of motors anid

that ho. cctn rinpidly group togethor and move lnrgo forces In difficult terrain, where

I we canniot' pursue h~im and give 1xittlo If wo are not willing to do away with our inotor.

"Corti&inly,ý in a bott1e !tnking placoe, fnr away f rom the points of ponetrntion,
wo are deprived of tho aroat asset which our artillory fire ropresents, but to a point,

doroot O~iujqport can vvryL well replace it".,

"11,1any cs, -00od linfantry xwust not frear 'to encounter the enroiy on equal

footing atrd severpal of our Unts proved thut theýy possessed the will and the capacity

t~dosý Al ~.4 n~try

h unIts9 shUl regar thcwn as ex am~p1e s..

"F.Dn -,a ved In d if ficul r tbrrain, our Units oftei give the iniprossion of being
blind, of mo.vin,;, albout h#esitatingly,, of, encou. terinthe poetol ftelte
bf thec. ,opponen onl the~ lande

ha.S benw n ob n~Z, adth en getting involvod tundar ir.provised and often

"If it "isno ma I that; s.

on a of our non-Inde-anous elcements be initially confusod

by new surrouadings, our Btalions, for the m~ost part, disposp of Auxiliary Units or

a S2pJ
n onv'lltcd by locnl prisons~, If some formatt'.n. arv n~ot provided with, t:' r,,
due to tho fact that thny conte fromt d different region, the local territorial Cot! -Ini
1 ~ h '
~~~106 ~ ~ w

I must do overything in his power to procure th•zi rapidly. In this vein, a rotioxil

use of these el•mants3 Is to avoid many a delay and surprises..."*.

".ooseon they run Into the adversary by day, wheth this
,r bo expected or by

chanco, too many of our Units have a defensive reflex. They can only
, think of sitting

i there to meet with the opposing attack... they don't h ave

the reflex to attack".

"Well, against an adversary who can quickly reconototer a formation, mAneuver

t with flexibility to catch It unawares, then attack in force and beat it with no con.

J cidurutiurt of ca;ualtlios, it is fitting to adapt our combit tactics and procedures",

"Every timo a formoition is not sitting for some time, that security is not

ensured, the personnel dug in, coherent firing ýlnns, with no gaps, the only effective

parry - if ono dounn t want to be hust1ed out of one's position - is the intnediato

counter-attack, conducted if necessary by the whole unit, the diroct rush on the eneiny

I opposing shock-to shock and surprising, and disconcerting the assailantV

"With troops lacking solidity and cohesion due to insufficient training and in-

forior off icering quite often, it should ba remembered that, the offensive is easier

than the defensive, that the attack binds together while the defense divides, and that

"the flilht ahead" requires loss.nmaneuverability than fixed resistance, or elastic ro-

sistance any time the resistant is not rivettfd to the ground by a sufficient ground

organization or that the units are not too strongly officered anid energetically
Scomr..,anded , ,"
"c..Some of our elements get harassed
or attacked In their night bivouacs

cause their installation is carried out too long before night fall, it lacks secrecy (1)

or is carried out in a zone within view of the enenty".

"The Chiefs must have the strength to Impost upon their troops, -in spite of the

day's fatigue, the necessar'y amovcmonts, the rapid and sufficient organization of the

Sterrain, all within an hour's time at the most".

(1) In pnrticttar, too miny units make the error of co:vipLng for the night in the vici.
nity of the supply DZ.

[ :p
j "A
unit which arrives just before the night on a covered terrain and esta-

blishes an Improvised bivouac in secrecy Is usually n•ither detocted nor attacked In


j "...Due to certfain circumstrnceP, some of our Units found themselves Isolated

In the middle of the encmy foriation and attempted to join our bases".

"A few succeedodl tihosc, which, no matter what the efforts or fatiguo expe-

I rienced, made It a rule to rmove at night, to avoid wetll-traveled tracks, live off the

land refraining to roquist for air-drops which are always Indiscreet, to stay away front

areas under systematic survaillance of the enemy such as posts, intersections, large

iI villaVes,

Our forces experienced the greatest difficulties to adapt to this "war of

shiftinS fronts and light rears", Imposed upon then by the Viet Winh, and few and far

b-.twean we-cc? the "coltwnns" or "groups" which pioved capable of "ronming" like the rebel


Thevefore, in order to remedy the sitation, we had to anchor our mnneuvers

f to iaoorin-' bases, qhich were both logistics bases and cntrranched canrmps of fortune as

iwoll as the destination poirts of our reinforcomrents.

As they were linked by land or by air with our supply sources, they pormilttc~d

I to feed the battle, and push in the wake of battalions a few portions of tracks that

I were so essentnil to the use of our motorized elenmnts.(2)

AIA-GROU'ND HOLES.- The concept of the mooring base was gradually moidiffied by an evolution

which seYned surprisina at first glance, as the air-ground moles were to become, from

I yaneuver auxLillaries, It's essential elaiicnt and they were Soing= to be expected to

i hold the e•ncty as did the old fortresses.

This new orint:ation became clear to INASAN:

i _ II _ II - _ _ _ __JlI

(1) A delay of one hour b.forc' dark rPILSt be the ilaxiitulan.

(2) See the Chapter devoted to actions In forests.

"The Comitandor-lu-Chiof cULtcidod to force the onemy to fight on a terrain

favorable to our Joined forces, servod by an air-field permitting the regular supply
of our fighting unit:s and flnally, locatod at a distnnce from the anctmy advanced Zuard

such that It be possible to pusition our forces Wefore the battle...".(l1)

II| Tho advantage of this formula was, first of all, that the plane freed us

iI from t:he obligation to defend a lino of cotiiunicatiions.
"NASNk achlovod the three main objectives assigned to it: receive the Sar.

- risons of the North-Wost ?,one Isolatod posts, prevent Viot Minh exploitation of their

I NGHIA LO success near LATCHAU, finally hold on if the Center of Resistance was attnacked"..

"Without sufficient an.i-aircraft defense and artillery, th.e• V.a. Divisions

- at NASAN could neither neutralize tho alr-strlp, nor seize the bases of operation ... ,"(2)

ijim" • 1From then on, the establishunent of ontraanchod camps and air-ground mnoles

appeared to be the best parry to the seasonal off,•nives of the V.M. battle formation.

I- After the experliences of NASAN, of THE JARRISS PLAIN, of SWNO, the Cornander-

I n-Chief wrote: "...the lesson fromu the recent operations In the High Region, in LAOS

and on the MoTnta-nards Plateaus, shows that the vnc.-my bitter fail.urvs, or dropped the

i idea of attackilg the coherent cntranched canips, consittuted by a system of sevaral

bases of operation In field iaterlals, supporting each othor, controlling an air-ficld

and whose garrison was strong enough to be abl.e to go out, scout, deploy, counter-attack

_ and conduct the flght outside..,".

- "...Ilhen the onc.:ty ,-iassively commiits lar,-e forces, the mobile eleoments retract

on tlhe en trenched canips. The latter are relnforced, If necessary, via land, air, river

i and sea"t.

"The arlversary Is Lhon forcted to uavnto in real siege war operations which

are lin:tthy, costly and difficult, and requlre large forces that cinlnot escape the

avlatlon's attcntiou and thlus provida vulerable objectives...

I (1) Rihport from th<e- H13ih Com~iiand in Indochina.

(2) Battal ion Leader X..., Battal ion Coiwiancder.

i! !

-- =-j
log 4
10 € .. ... '-j * ., , * .- *

Did thc. lVittI. of DL;.4 BIEN PHUa thu failure of this doctrine? It

is not the pvporc. of this study to examinen %'i i1ts trategic aspects, but thc opinion

of a co:•bntant (1) scerns to provide a fair appreclation.

i "The fl(llure of DIEN BIEN PIIU is due to the fact that this isolatcd base was

itat:aelced by an enemy dispo•i•g of artillery and anti-aircraft defense, and the study

of this failure can funilsh toachinas regarding the requirements to be meot by an air.

j ground base in order to recAst an adversary provided with such incans,.(1)

with regard SBut,

to potiential hostilities on a non.iEuropenn theatro of

operAtIons against rebels who probably would not dispose of any artileery nor any anti.

I aircraft defense, the DIE'N BIZN PHU failur' cannot be applied".

J ",The con'cept of an air-grournd mole c.enrly stems from the cypeorlncos of

Indochiln*. It represents a solution particularly well sulted to the problem of the

S rv-ostabhishment of our Authorlty and influonco In aroas distant from our bases, or

i nadc-quately connected to the-t by poor or not very rellable conmiunleations channels".

"For whatever can be done or said, our nilitary establIshmont•js such that

our forces could not possibly have the capacity to "f, at in space" as the Vior Minh

j did successfully".

"In a war of the gxeat expanses, we will alv'ays need rears, even if they are

constitttAd by a tiny temporary air-ground fortress. Thi? quest-on is not to got stuck

I Ins ide... ",

I So, the Indochtna Campaign pointcd up the advantages of strategic mobility,

f founded on air transportation, in territories devoid of corv-uninIcations means; but it

provc-d that tact•Ical mohility was just as necessary without being identified with


(1) Batrallon Lc.adc•r X... Co.•naodhi% a Cont~cr ol Reslstan-CC ot DIYN BTUN 1111U.

In addition, nil our operations hAvej dvionstrnotd th•ut In actions of tho

i war without front, juste• n thosoe In the w•,r of tht g•art expanaes, there comes a tirio

when Every fighter has ronlied the capabilities of the Iro~bcit,

Then it Is Illusive to baso. o '0s

|1success on the sole., superiority of fire

I and equipment; nothin. could possibly replace the niuber nnd quallt:y ahd only local

j rocruitment cnn provld* us with additional forces.,wllad.ptod to the locale.



I - a -- - wt

In the vast territories that fell into the hand., of the Viet-Minh as ,arly as

j 1945 and in which Nre could never regain foothold, save on the occasion of an episodic

raid (1), the creation of a maquis seemed at first possibl as the terrain was eminently

favornble: accantuated relief, dense vegetation often taking on the air of an inextri-

I cable jungle.

j The appearance of the maquis, however, came rather late for ethnical reasons.

The success of the Viet-Minh approach near the Annamlte populations and the

ineffectiveness of our political action, left no hope of provoking any armed opposition

against our adversaries in the regions with a population of high Vietnamese dc-rsity.

Our incapacity to Interdict the slow decay of the Tonkineso Delta constItutes the best

proof of this.

The only element which could still serve our cause was the racial repulsion
whi~h the M!ontgnard populations and certain ethnical .nlinorities nurtured for the Annam-

I ites of the Delta or. the coastal regions. (2)

I In the zones with Thai populations, In those with th-•. Hcis or the Mans, the

Annar'ite u-as thý, enonty, but it was difficult to arouse a ho.•til< movemLnnt, all the rmore

1 so a rebellion, as long as the Viet-Minh did nut oporato in the High Rc.'Ion of the North-

Wet,. that is bofore 195fl.()

(1) ror cxiimple: M QTN, drng the 1949 miarch, or RU11DOAN, durin., tho LORRAINE
operat~oit in 1952.
I(2) Due to this nvtura, opposilon, the Central Vitnavi PlMteao-J
and due. to the, existvene of thc- NUNGS, thQ coast.:il strk-tch 1TONGAYa to 'VIONCAY|
frein pv.co,
was proof against Vtet-Ninh Infil~rations.
EF (1) ThrQ Vict-Mi.nh arnned forces penetration In the High Rc(glo is not the least pgoot
.. , their 11i-h t. d

fer-_ _-s and _-A:_ lIv,: th., g.

Whitt have been the results obtained by our maquts?

gFirst, the Iw.:in'bIlIzfktIon of a ntniber of Viot Hinh Battalions can be attri-

buted to them. In Jantiary 1954, 4 V.11,1 Battalons woro nply for the reprossion of

the inaquis In thi. LAICI1AU rcqion. At the end of April 1954, there were 8 of thein; in

9 guard bases which our partisans kept under

addition other battalions were inimolbilizod -.
threat of an attack,

!M-oreovor, we Ihave often

i, been able to rescue the survivors certain i-solatiod
posts which had beon attaicked thanks to the prosenco. of various inaquis vlctno~its.(1)

Secondly, the. maquis brou.-hlt an uneasiness. among, the onouiy elomonts and kept

it olive. The V.M4. political cadres considered their action as "tone of the artatest

scht-ries to ehileninv the V.M. establishm~ent.ft

1owover, it sec-ns this uneisiness prcvailed inostly anionc, the lower echelons

and the Isolated units: AL, ono t~ine, the V.M. High Coimiand did not seem a bit disturbed

by the actions of our M~aquis. Soma. of them achireved some brilliant successes: For

eXample the COC LEU-LAOKAY attack, on October 3, 1953.(2)

In their attemnpt to intorvone against the V.M. corn iuxiica~ttons facilities linking the

PHUTO area and V01~ PDOA to DIEN BIEN P1IU, while covuring a 400 to 500 kilometors dis-
t-ince over forests and mountains. rultatuo.qns mn h aoyeeot
A coiruion section, COI"'0I-DIEN n et
BIEN PHtU, 200 kilometers
iI long, In partIcular, was never seriously harassed.

This low output of the inaquis, which numbe-red 15,000 men at the end of the

war, can be justified by numerous considerations.

(1) Stch as the Moo naquis of the MENG KHOUANG region which phrentthed to round up nenny
scat-tered groups of tho SXM NEAc ltinin uhost withdlrawal was almost tra1z;c.
(2) An oxpans ion of our mnquls was soet for October 1953 In the BANXAT, BIN'fLU, MHI'APA TILS.
UYEN reoions. To matke It easier, it had scemod necessazy to make a diviersion on a
plausiblv nind dietant enough objective on which the, advorsary hung seriously: The
- •double Fstlohcr CnC-LEU-
:looLation of AY was chosen. Six hundred partisans attacke-
COC LEU on Octhnbr I with thU support of the Aviation and *ne Paratroop Conindo fro:h; the
T-adioncso Dolta. Durbný attackro
sovoral s, Otý partdasshnh penetrated in th, to s kean sup-
portsicd by b' eInZ tctked t:hns vroutnd csualtqis te the V.M.
150 rekillehd ndenceo.
I At: fIrst, thcefte~ee of Wihe tuItqil was doubtod for u long timev. v"The
G.M.!. (1), tmccordliit, to mon of t~his organ~zation's reports, hind diffictilt baeaillin-S,

quite oftenm plagued by thco HIgh Cornmnanc's hostility at tho Zone. or Territory echelons,

with which our ctlomi-.nts vora closely rolated".

j This lact. of Fni~th could bo Justified, for., "W had no Ideology or xenophobia

to inculcote, like the advarsary. We had no politico-cocint systemi to proptitnd",

"Wo vm.: not: sLire to return to CAOBANG or VINIH".

"Wo did no Rtt:ow whothor thero wais a positive rc at Ionrhi i brt~woen tho obtattndc
restilts and Lho rpr~sn2s which, soonor or lator, the action of our mnquis would bring

on the fuoohardy and tho,- followers",

But most of all, this mistrust IlluXStrAtod the scopticisrn of our cadres, forý

tho most part:, to'..Ir~ds .nll unorthodox fo~rms of the vair.

In short, the rtleof the' runrs mis started too Into, It was only In 1951

that the Airbolrne JOInt Comi.-'ncto Groups (G.CM.A,) wora ahlo to pi'fomi an action. But
by thit time the Viet Minh hold oxtencitd alreaidy on vast aroas., It couild no longor be

hojpd to crcatc, a or-,afni,

n1ition anzd tlic. (ifficutitas we havo met. arv obvious

dcemonz.;trzat Ions tblvt we maust prer'pde thci enemiy In the rtialns where hit has not yet

Any zoote hold to be se,.'ura can somne cl.Ay beermo tho. thezit~rz olf battltes. We
nmut; thzr..:forcu propara for this po~ssibiltty so as not to mc.It. with Insuvm~untnblo dif-

ficul tios later andc the offorts must bo concentrntecd on the cr(,ation of nrmed coils,

tho sgrin of intf.l1i~anco agents, the establislimoet of channelsr (2), finally the

tr.oltin of thi' ro'uird cars

Tho~ c~v4'cttI;on of tho m1qtlds %ins lator slowedt down by theQ shorto-;o of officors

who wf.-re fa~i1iiar with the cthnical and oeographtcal characteristics of favorable arons,
Ind, a fortiori, spode the llontn-nnrd dialect;.s Here orgoi~n the abscinco of a Corpi; of

(1) The3 Joint lintc-rv ýntlon Croup (CMI)was crcated on Decc-tiber 1st, 1953 vith a
vi ý' to eo:u~thr, ftizht onl tho rearr,. It rc'plnred thfu Airborne Joilnt C~iid

I uprl.AIný starL:.;
114 v(,

Fiznndly, nativo cndroe~. hciO to be org~nized ond Instructors wore requIred to

train tho guor111cn. A School wcmn createtd nt Capco SatIri-Joequos, but It only bc-gan to

function in Junon 19)51.

The equal
.~ly suffered from at poor relationship with tho similar Oran-

I nizintions In FRANC1E And on~ly obtaincd insufficient hDlp.

1 As ithnd h-uon difficult to or~vnizc! the G.M.I., It Initin~ly lackud mon~zs.

Thc. effort lateor fuwnlsb'.ýd on~ Its~ behalf iqas consIderablo, particulairly In the field

of avint:ioi. At the' end oj' hust11ItItes, atctuoily, tht. rol.owvfln was (Srantcd as fAsalis.

I arice Vo thlvj nimoui~s:

1500 WA1,'TA
Is houirs.
JIL ~ - 300 rc-conn,,tks.1nqic0. plimu hOUrs.

- nlirorous B..2C missimns.I

air-dropp. of 300 cons of supp.Ioe; v~nd cu-xiunitlurt.
C H A P T 9 R I II


I . .. . . . . 111u

The oharacteristlcs of combat in forest are well known, but in Indochina, they

YJ took on a particularly bitina form, due tot

j - The vastness of wooded areas which cover 2/3 of the Indoohinese soil,(1)
a The density cf the undergrowth (2) and its inhospitablo aspect.
o The unusual rarity of foot-paths and trails (2) as well as the extreme poverty

of local ressources (both human and food).

This explains why there 0as relatively little fighting in the Indochinese
woodlands, for the rebels were not any more prepared than we were for forest combat:
For the moot part, their recruits came from the coastal plains, and the two Deltes. They
had to overcome a natural aversion for the semimobscurity of the undergrowth and adapt
themselves to new living conditions.
But the enemy found in the forest a way to escape our cannons and especially

our planes. So. little by little, he came to conceal his bases, his workshops, his
hospitals, and his Con~nand staff under the umbrella of tropical trees.

Most of his units were equipped and trained in the wooded valleys of the
mountains or the rivers flowing towards the Tonkineso Delta. They lived there between

two operations, bringing their loot and preparing their future Involvements at length.
Thus, it was due to a protection reflex that the Viet Hinh favored the forest

which he approached, in a way, from within.

(1) 86% of the surface of Indochina is covered with a spontaneous and extremely dense
vegetation, takin3 on the form of a forest for 47% of the area, at least.

S(2) Except in clear forest,

For our troops, on the contrary, the format only represented one more elemont

of hostility. Far from finding shalter, they could only oxpoot constant and hidden

dangers, dItficultias of movement and surviving*

Any offensive operation tmn, first of all$ against the doonses at, nltur*1
That is1*the fati'ue due to the Inextrilcable entanglement of a vegetation aligned with
the neny, to the depressing climate, to.the thousand hostile bugs". (1)

"It is the depression duo to the stiftlig feeling one gets from solitude.

The man felt desperately alone, out of range of any reInforocmentb.•.".(2)

We didn't hovo any good Intolligence regarding the eneamy, ue.to a la1ck of'

mapeand a- lack of agents an well as "the disproportion betweentho time of trAq9mI*--

sion of intelligenca and the ephemeirality of the objectives", (3)

We managed, houvrer, some progress, but at a speed which varied ýrom 300 moetrs

to 3 kilometers per hour according to the density of the ntdorgrowth, andothe fatigue

oas In':everso proportion to the speed. 'It -as InpossIble, to,.establ sb a deo1nit~e

march sch~odule, for.the necessary security measurCs still slowed down the pace.

Thhe enemy, in, fact, used a, very simple combat procedure against us, but parts.

Icularly efficient:Our approach was always detected by a cordon of watchers posted along

and on the paths penetrating inside the wooded areas. As soon as It wos alertoed, the

Viet Minh unit sent out intelligenoe agents who, followed us stop by stop while we

being slowod down by snipers, traps and mOnes., When our formation had been stretched,

the enemy slowly dismembered our columns by ambushes laid in the clearings or along the

paths while very flexible elements harassed us.

Any encircling and sweeping operation was an illusion with such a terrain and

tactics. "In the forest, one encircles nothing". (4)

To this first lesson can be added another one Immediately: Tho necessity to

alleviate the units.

(1) Captain X.,. Company Comniander.

(2) Lieutenant Y,,,
(3) Battalion Leader Z... Commanding a Battalion,
(4) Battalion Leader X,.. Commanding a Dattaliona

A Actuaelly, "the Delta-typo M~obile Groups proved to be jualadjusted to the war

on the plateauis, Their limited efficiency is unquestionably' 4u& to their high,iotor.

"rin the Such war, Infanitry units conduct ciase..attione woloh requi re Immediate

1'short range fire pover rather than continuous,, dense tire, Gou~batants musat'be *,quloppe
as lightly as possible... The sections are forma4 of two Ii4ht infantrymen groua ýand
one support Crottp with two automatic riftesl, the comipanies only,,t&ke one 60 rn/r mortar

moat of the time, and the battaliczns only,"tv* 81 mortar.". I)

In,addition, It hsbeen shownon MTVy coca$tons that sit, the. time the fight
be&6nj,'"the odvantage remained' wth ýthe weltandinatya ho was'lightly equip-

pod, and trained, to live In the forest".,

When an limpartant colUban M~ts, In fAct, the-taieny, only part of Its elements
can intervone, and onea copy hoalws),ofcrdad wel \trae'd proves to be

4ftein mbtre of fIcient t)~ah a Battalioh.

we are thus led tolconceive'very light ~*nitsi which could adap't to forest
-aifead whose a'n could act a.~to1e tBp'rlse
s" In turn~ tiie oney

"Every time a,friendly column ponatratoo, In the dendti forest surreptitiously

under,cover of darkness-for example* the opponen~t ignoreis even Its presence and,, when
It is discovered or vaguely suspected,, he Is Incapable of doe~emining the strength,
the means and even the position of our elemeont, When finally this element decidos to
act, therefore to reveal itself, the forest offers.. once,again, If desired, the moans
to conceal and disooursL-e tiny tracking by setting booby-tra~ps, stoppers, etco..(2)
But surprise 'isonly possible,, of course,, under three conditions:
-Crossing the bordiers at night so as to escape the opposing watchers,
Obliterate all traces of ono'ls passing, now by missing up the tracks (3), now by
following the stream beds now by progressing In the cover.
()colonel. Y... coz~nder of a No bIIe Croup operating on the Plateaus from Jan~to Jul.54.
(2) Battalion Lcador X... Co~mand Ing; a battalion.
(3) The following procedure Is,propounded by Captain X,,, "The column places a stopper,
stops, makesone to the loft and advances In line, as lightly as possible, for about
a good handrod meters before resuming Its direction, A false trail is created to
aConceal the bivouacts
A base must be organized In the approximate center of the zone of action of
such units, by way of air-drops or helicopter landings, so that they can subsist for
Iseveral days and, If necessary, for several weeks.
Naturally, tne establishment of such a clandestine base must follow the rules
which have already been drawni from the experience of the French lMaquis and which have
I been cent irmodz (1)
-Select a deserted alto,
0Carry on air-drops (or helicopter landings) only at night and with the muaximium of
i ~secrecy. (2)

"- observe radio silence,
J Moreover, the shifting of the base must systematically be planned for within
a few days.

equivalent to a Battalion, When a more important detachment and especially a mobile

group, must operate in forest, It must be divided Into several columnis, each of which
must not be equivalent to more than ono or two companies.

* Part ot~the heavy equipment must subsequently be abandoned,

The Artillery- and mortars have had, actually.,.a very limited output for
reasons which are well know~n:
-Lack of accurate maps and Incapacity to use aerial photographs for restorations,,
for lack of reference.

40 Difficulties brought on by vegetation to maneuver pieces of ordnance*

-Inaccuracy of Intelligence on the enemy and Incapacity to observe.

(1) Such an exporiment was not tried In Indochina, but In Malaysia by the British,
Several reports do Include such a suS~ostione
(2) Every timie an air-drop was performed during the day In support of a column, the
V.14. was able to Identify the presence of our alembn&;,
We must: admit that tho tubes will not be able to act 'except, in clear 'forest

t or If clearings exist.

In addition, they have to be transported. In the absence of acceptable tracks,

we must resort to mules, poneys, even to carrying on men's backs and this limits the

equipment to 120 m/m or-4 by 2 Inch mortars, 75 m/m guns (S.R.) and mountain guns.

?Mountain guns and recoilless guns have the same inconvenlences: Too weak of.

ftct of the shell In proportion to the tube's weight (for mountain pieces) and to the

charge (for rocoilloss guns). (1)

Mortars, In spite of their greater dispersion and their short range, proved

much more utilizable. The 4 by 2 inch U.S. model 30, in particular, has given satls.

faction. (2)

Remains the problem of ammunition supplies.

"In one day, the rules can provide for renewal of a company's 24 rounds within

a maximum distance of 12 kIlometers. In two days, within a maximum distance of 24 Kms.

These assumptions are pt7-:-ly theoretical, since son,* of the mules must be reserved to

transport the remaining. amunition during position changeo".

"Beyond one march of infantry, the output of the mule columns becomes negi.-Lblon

The bulletin concornin Infantry combat in mountainous terrain of May 10, 1951, states

that it is better to dispose of few weapons well provided ,Witb ammunition, then numerous

weapons with little amunition. This constitutes the condemnation of the company of

heavy mortars on pack, which can be defined as a unit having too many tubes and not enough

amunition,,. (3)
Yoreover, the vulnerability of the mules columns is,extreme; their protection

must be provided at all tims,.., The drain on personmel becomes prohibitiVe as coiuni.

cations extend".
(1) The mountain gun is blamed, furthermore, for Its complication and the recoilless gun
for the hardships due to roar belching out of flames.
(2) Let us renmbar that this mortar has a 5,350 motor range and that its probable do.
viation is only 1.3% of its range. The heaviest charge wi•i;hs 68 Kgs. and five
mules carry the piece, A eao of 2 rounds woighnlZ 32.600 Kgs, one mule can there.
fore carry 4 rounds. This results in a requirement for 134 mules to provide one
company with 8 piecos, with 28 rounds per piece.
(3) St'udy by a Colon,=.l Cs, :,udin, a ?1.bl C*,:,u•.l

"We can thus conclude that it is Impossible, In Indochina, to Involve large

heavy pieces of equipment on pack... This conclusion compares with that which was drawn
from the tesat of a 120 rn/u on pack mortar company carried out In 1951 in the French
( Alps, and can be rosuraod as follows: Transport of heavy mortar on pack Is not profitiaw
ble'N. (1
There Is only one way to palliate a defect* anid that Is to Insure supplying
by air-drops, In spite of the Inconvenience of signaling thereby the battery positions

to the enomy.
Or, artillery or mortar support must be replaced by air support upon request
and without delay. (2) Providing the pilot can easily and accurately pinpoint the
desired objoctivos.

It to nece~sary to point out, regarding forest operations, the specific dif.

ficultios m~ot with the security of motorized convoys vhen'they must cover2 lotng distancesj

in wooded areas*, Indeed, It Is out of the question to place along the route posts at
dlose enough intorvals to be able to watch all of them constantly. (3) These postsJ

would be truly efficient Only If the approaches to the road were cleared of all vegeta.

tion on 100 to 200 meters on both sides.(4)

j There remain the standard procedures of security.
If the convoy Is not, Import~ht',(aobut-0vohicles)..it Is divided into several
groups and providcd with an armored and motorized infantry escort, Preceded by a road-
clearing detachment, which performs the necessary patrols, reconnaissance and mine.
clearing, It moves by leaps; In case an ambush Is started, the escort thus distributed
over several points of the colunm Is always re ady to counter quickly,

(2) Battalion Leader Xo,, con~anding a group of several Battalions,, states that one must
I "palliate the absence of artillery and any possibility of supplying via land or river

I by providing air support with fire and efficient transport by thio assionment of a
D..I.A. to their Staffs,,..".
(3) At the end of 1947, the VM. successfully attacked a convoy on the way to DALAT near
a post, thanlks to excessively covered terrain. Colonel de SAIRIGN1E was killed there..
(4) This system, aithou.-h quite costly, was used In South VIETNX-4 on portions of roads
or railroad Vracks that were particularly dangerouse.-It proved excellen~t. (For
example road from THU DAU MOT to LOC NINJI. Or a portion of the road from BIEN HOA
j to RARIA),
(1) Stu~dy by a Colonc.1, C:idi.a 1.obile Group,
121' "S

If the convoy is Important (100 or store vehicles), before launching it, the

I rout. and vicinity must be reconnoltorod,, fixed flank watchors must be emplaced in the

spots known to be danlgorous, the artillery O:ust be po~itionned in such a way that its

fire will cover at least the most exposed portions of the route, and mobile reserves

I must be placed in. appropriate locations.

In the ,,securlty corridor" thus batablished, the vehicles are feely released,

either one at a time or by groups of tw or throes at a few minutes intervals, so that

. the onatty who mtight have Infiltrated and be lying in ambush can only attack a few

vohicles at ono time, thus limiting losses.

In all casos, the security of a convoy essentially depends on the development

I of a rapid conumunicatIons syst•ci, and also reliable, between all the elements involved

I on the one hand, and on, the organization of aerial protectlonon the other handt con.

tinuous aerial observation, rapid delivery, on request, of fighter-bombers in a istate

i of readiness on ground, and their guiding to the objectives. (1)

In conclusion, it: can be sald that the novci•ont of o motorized convoy in rebel

zone and in covered torrain rattst be planned like an actual operation. But boldness and

I the "dice throwing" must never be considered as a factor in the decision-making, for

any negligence in. tho area of security might bring disaster, (2)

--•- I
It Remainsito be noted that it was sometimes possible to resort to the airborne

- I element when security in a wooded arce became too slight. An aero-terrestrial base

then served as a real port, where the motorized columns came for supplies.

_ (1) Tho •ifticulty of aerial interventions in wooded areAs Is not to be pointed out.
In fact, only the marking of the obJectit•os by a light observation plane permits
efficient treatment of the enemy by the fighters and avoids mistakes.

. (2) We had such &n example in the end of June 1954 when the convoy of a Mobile Group
was taken by surprised. Casualties came to 50 killed, 253 wounded, 771 missing
" Iand 240 destroyed vehicles (a:ong which the equiptaent of an Artillery Group).

"'""" |1I

Such was the case of the SENO base, which appeared like an Islard in the
i middle of the forest clearlng of the Middlo LAOS, and which grouLpod around a strip
i usable for Dakotas sno= important depots. One or two Infantry Battalions, reinforced
by armored elements, the Engineers and somo Artillery, provided for its defense against

I a raid, and furthor reinforcements could flow in, in case of a serious threat. Thus,
i t S$NO was the indispensable engagemnent point for the operations carried out in the

Middle LAOS, particularly durinS the Winter of 1953-1954,

Under normal conditions, the baso could be supplied simultaneously by road
I convoys (1) and by air. But in case of necessity, it was possible to use only the air.

i (1

•" I

Solo I (I) A portion of the t~raffic could be handled by the Mlekong until KRATIE.


f ~If
123 7,O',


The War Without a Front is full of occasions to execute commando actions:

raids on C.P.s, destruction of depots, sabotage,of conmunications channels or of logisa-

tics installations, ambushes, etc.. So, beginning with our spectacular raids on the

t Viet Minh Rears in the High Region until clandestine lendings along the Annam Coastline,

not to mention our actions against V.M, villages on the borders and inside the Deltas,

i a greatrnumber of our operations, whather land, airborne or amphibious, weore conducted

in the "Cornmcndo" style.

The same holds true on the Viet Minh side, and some of tho attacks on our

air-fields or C.P.s, as well as the sabotage of some of our depots can be considered

as examples of this type.(l)

However, a stvdy of these various actions is rather poor in lessons to be

drawn, Universally recognized rules have been confirmed on every occasion, and it ap-

pears to us that success was closely related to accurate intelligoence, secrecy and mi-

nutely planned preparation, and finally to the rapidity of execution.

The infor.mation at our disposal in such an undertaking were, if not rare, at

least too often lacking precision, and this explains the relatively few occasions that

could be usefully exploited,

(1)- Attacks of the Tonkin air-flilds: GIALM on Nov.3, 1948 and March 4, 1954 - CAT BI

on Narch 7, 1954 - DOSON on February 1st, 1954.

SRaids on the Vietnamese Officors School of NA4DINH on April 30, 1953, on the C.P,
of the Divisional Element No3 at THAI BINJH on December 4, 1953,
Destruction at the ae=,iunition depots of KIEN tJN on March 21, 1953, of PHU THO on
June 2, 1954 - at the gasoline depots of DOSON In 1953 - of THONG LY In Juno, 1953
of J'Onu-.ry, 195!i, Tin 1t9.

"This lack of useful Information is due to the lightness of the opposing CP.s
I as well as to the, secrecy with which the Viet Minh surrounded himself to well. It can

I also be traced to the dispersion of the depots, to their camouflage and especially to

the fluidity of the VdM Logistics*

I Objectives justifying an operation due to their importance and their chances

j of success were rare.

Such favorable conditions were met virtually only twicet

On July 19, 1949, whon an amphibious back and forth raid was carried out on the

TAMQUAN station where the biggest railway supply depot.of the Viet Minh in Central
N f 6 l' (1)

- On July 17, 1953, during the airborne raid over the LANGSON depots, known as the

"HIRONDELLE" operation, (2)

But, on the other hando many an operation fell short, from those conducted in

1947 in South VIETNAM to capture the impregnable NGUYEN BINH, to the unsuccessful dril j
lings of the DINASSAUTS in 1953-19541 And how many more encountered a solidly encampod

enemy, determined to dotend himself...(3)

Secrecy of the preparation is just as difficult to maintain as for any other

operation. All the more so bacause some of the Commando actions required the involve-

ment of Joint capabilities and sources of Indiscretion were thus augmented.

(1) - Destructions achieved: 6 locomotIves - 240 cars - one maintenance shop.

(2) - Result: 1,000 automatic rifles - 255 individual weapons a 6 trucks - 250 tires -
18,000 litros of gasoline - 55 motors - I ton of ammunition and considerable

The "MARS" airborne operation carried out In March 1951 on the Viet Minh work
shops and depots in South VIETNAI, can also be mentioned.

(3) - For eonmple, the North Vietnam Commando raids to destroy V.,. ammunition depots
which were concealed in the llmcatone quarries of the Along Terrestre Bay.

125 "

By the same token, It would be useful to recall that the success of the

"HIRONDELLE" operation was due, for the most part, to the strict security measures

which had been taken. (1)

Rapidity of execution was our only asset in order to avoid the case when

the objective vanishes before being hit,

The mobility and fluidity of the Viet Minh C,P.e allowed them to "go past
our nose" and there is no better example of this than the "LEA" operation
during which

the 1st Shock Battalion, was air-dropped over BAC KAN on October 7, 1947, only a few

hours after Ho CHI MIN| and his government had left the town.
But this "evaporation" of the objectives was again, encountered when depots
which the V.M. succeeded in evacuating or camouflaging wore involved, even when we

dropped paratroopers and the onemy only disposed of a few.minutes interval between the

paratroopers' jtrap and their arrival on the site.

For the protection of all depots was Insured by an alarm system and the

grouping of transport means allowing their evacuatio'n in extraordinarily short periods

of time.

Consequently,. in order to win the speed competition entered Into by the V.M.

watchers and our Co-mando units, it was absolutely necessary that:

- our airborne or &.-phibious c.;4emonts dispose of a D.Z. or a beaching located as

near to the objective as possible, and that these men regroup almost Instantanoous.

ly, take their bearings without hesitation and hurl themselves convinced that a

few minutes' gain could be a major factor.

(1)-- PREPARATION OF THE "HIRO SLE'-OPERATION, from the report of the TAP Co;nnander
on the lessons to be dravm from the cantpalgn,
"The success of the operation dopendina on tho secrecy regarding its date and
point of execution, all plannification will be conducted with absolute secrecy by the
Group Coimnander with the only assistance of a G2 Officer. Orders from the G3 will be
issued only from July 15th. Between the time of the general briefing and that of the
embarking, Draconian measures will be taken to prevent any indiscretion through outside
contact. The units will be alerted beginning at 1400 Hrs on the 16th and restricted to
their quarters. The briefing of the Airborne Troops Comaandant will take place on the
16th at 1500 Hrs.
The Commanders of subordinate units will dispose of one hour to conduct their

individual briefings....
r The first tnke-offs Wrlll bo,,in at 700 the following day,
our purely terrestrial elements (Commandos and groups in the maquis) be capable

I• of iWfiltrating ard living in robel sono, in order to reach discreetly a base of

jdeparture near the objective.,

But of course, the nature of the terrain, the degree of training of our troops

I and the Viet linh vigilance were so many obstacles to the achievement of these conditions.
The withdrawal of ole9'ents having carried out a co=ando operation proved

J ust as delicate., except in the case of the makquis in place far out in the V.M, roars,

j and except in the case of an amphibious action, since the return was executed with the

same means as the first trip (for example: raids on QUIINION, TANQUAN, etc..).

But, when It was a question of raids by air or land from tones under our

control, the return problem conditionned the Importance of thq raid and even the do-

cilsion to carry it out. (1)

• •. his was a result Of our in08pacity to move about,, to make ourselves lnoonsw,

~ picuous and to live in an area subjected to the polit.•co-military hold of the Viet MinW1,

(2) and only particularly well recruited units managed to~live more than A few hours

beyond the advanced lin'e of our posts.(3)

:On the other hand, the saee problem did not confront the opponent, who could

vanish right away and~find hundreds of shatters within the villagesdurrounding the
!• obJ ectlivo. (4)

j Therefore, for Important actions we had to provide for the establishmut of

successive collection echelons. This is how, for the "HIIRONDELLE" operation, the Com-.
mander had to deploy, half-way between TIEN YEN and LANGSON, a strength three times more

fImportant than that assigned to the raid Itself.

(1) In addition, the T.A.P, capabilities were limited by the necessity to retrieve the
parachutes, (Cf. chapter T.A.P.).
(2) It seems useless to mention the evident Advc=ntne of the helicopter.
(3) This was the case of the famous VAN DEN BZRGHZI Coninndo.
S(4) The only serious failure suffered by the enemy happenod durinZ the raid on tho KIF•N
AN antiunition depot, on April 21, 1953. Part of the elenients which had taken part
in the action wore Intercepted by our forces, while attempting to reach the TIENLANO.
VH. losses came to 300 counted killed, 139 prisoners and considerable equipment.

Finally, on a more general plane, which was that of the territory co•mandors

t or e.vn the CommAndoryFn.-Chief, It Veemed necessary to effect some measure of coordina-

g tion of the Commando actions.

As it matters that all latitude be left to look for local objectives and to

! set up profitablo raids at the opportue time, at the sector and sone levels, as it is

Ij fitting that important undertakings and especially deep ,raids be planned, then launched

depending on the goneral conduct of operations by higher authorities.

j A fortunate synchronism can be achieved between the often distant fr'orMeach

other actions, but converging as far as their effects are concerned. The V.M. provided

us with a strikinZ proof of this wuen they launched a series of sabotage actions on our

I air-fields of Tonkin at the time the first attockes on the entrenched camp of DIEN BIEN

- PH1U were boeinning. In addition, they stopped up their sabotage and ambush actions on

the railroad track and the roaid linking KM•PIONG and HANOI at.the same time.

IIn the saine manxter, our Commando raids on the shoies of the TANH HOA in Octo-

I ber-Novecibar, 1953, took place in conjunction with the "PELICAI" operation, which was

itself a deception naneuver for the benefit og the "MOUETW'O operation.

SThis coordination of Commando actions comes also under the aegis of opportunity,

for surface war-brings such an imbrication of formations that a tempting raid or sabotage

cAn cause regrettable reprl-als, as much for ourselves as for, the friendly populations,

We have had the bloody proof of this at the time of the enemy raid on the

Marine Commando raids on a V.s. Sunmmor quarters on a neighboring beach.

Covlsec etra aeS.Jcus wihwstebidrato ooeo u

I , I*

I o
12 8 "'


j During the whole campaign, the Viet Minh who proved to be a remarkable

Infantryman never was a sailor.

SWeany floating enemy (2),

never encountered for not only the opponent did

not possess any small craft equipped for combat, but every time small transport boats

were suiprisod, .their personnel did not attempt using any ofitheir arms to defend

By somo contradiction, the V.M. who did not hesitate to launch nocturnal

assaults against our fortifications, always proved himself on water 'ItIMid and some-

times evet, chicken-hearted in the exploitation of the rasults obtained by fire or minos".

In no case did the enemy attevpt boarding actions, which many a time would have placed

us in mortal danger,. ,(3)

STherefore, we have only encountered tercestrial elements posted along the

Sbanks to contend with us for free traffic on the rivers (4) and in the form of:

- Either mines, controled from the bank in order to select the objective,(5)

I . or ambushes, combined or not with the action of the wines.

Finally, sabotage actions by assault swirmors could be feared more than laying.
(1) Rjeadino this chapter should be preceded by that of Chapter XIII, Part 4 concern-
(2) Excopt for a flotilla of a dozen craft of various types (ferries, tug-boats, etc.),
one of which was cquippod with a 75m/m anti-aircraft Sutt recuperated on the Aviso
"Admiral CHARINR", which had been found and taken during a raid made between RACH
j GIA and CAM.AU in robruary 1946 by a Section of the 6th R.I.C. boarded on 2 LOAs.
(3) Report by the Admiral, Comimandino MLaritime Forces in the Far-East.
(4) The eneny also erected barrages to cut all traffic on some narrow rivers and canals.
(5) Also because this type of mine was easy to use.
129 " "

The V.M. used of his art to got information and obtain the adhesion of popu.
lotions along the rivers through fear or persuasion, his meticulous preparation of the
least of his actionsi, his usual mastery in the utilisation of the terrain and camouflage,
finally his perfect discipline of fire, which always guaranteed him the initial surprise.
"nBut he could also count on the efficiency of the amphibious maquis. For the
V.M. was also well versed in the use of the countless flotilla of junks and sampans of
the locale to infiltrate everywhere and extricate himself. from the most minutely esta.
blished of our fqotctiona.j
"The systminatic. destruction of all. ndoeenous-.small boaLs detected during the

operations by our woapons has only touched a small proportion of a floating equipmont
well concealed. Betides, the method consisting of individual floats of the banana stump
typpe has been laroely utiiied".(I)
Moreover, the enemy liarned quickly how to combine action on our static ale.
Yseets (z0ilitary or river posts) and action on the units sent as reinforcements (river
'Convoys). On the other hand, the ae handicapped by 18the almost total absence of
marine sense and the ignorance of the capabilities as well as the weaknesses of our

"They exploited only partly our navigation difficulties; had a knowledge

almost childish of naval equipment; was always surprised after the first discharge by

the swiftness and density of our retort".

They looked too hard for "protection end camouflage of their ambush weapons,
settled in embrasuresor caponniers and disposing of very insufficient angular fieldi of j
fire against objectives defiling at short distance, like ourself-propelling weapons".(l)
Finally they did not concentrate their means, with rare exceptions:

(1) Admiral, Cor.mandin the F.M.dE.O. (Marititeo Forces in the Far East).

""tMost of tho time, one or two rocoilless guiis, a few mortars or automatic rifleo
g constitute the formation; or when the arms are more plentiful, they are widely deployed
along the banks"..(l)

I "There again, the search for protection (through dispersion) can projudice the

I efficiency of the attacks Our weapons, always poorly armored, would have resisted a

massive shook, unexpected, much worse than a fusillade or a cannonade extending in time

I and space and to which we were in a position to retort successfully after the first few

wavering soconds occasioned by the clearing for action".

In short, the enemy proved to be incapable of "passing to the stage of the

I direct ambush or the individual action against anchored boats and coordinate widely the

I operations in time and space in order to handicap our concentrations; he also showed a

lack of Inmagination in the selection of his modon and sites of attack which were practi.

Scally identical throughout the campaign",.(2)

Of course, this inferiority and incapacity to adapt to river.action wouldn't

have been eternal, and the increase in the opposing camp's possibilities, especially in

1 1954, threatened to make the three missions assigned to our River Forces much more difficul

Navigation itself with requirement to go over the ambush areas,

- Storm Innding.
I - Security whild at anchor.

The methods devised to achieve these various tasks were improved over the nine

years of war according to our moans and those of the enemy, but without too much depth.

The following procedures, which were prevailing at the end of the war, were practically

the same throughout the duration of hostilities.

"They are obsessed by the fact that, contrary to terrestrial forces, river

forces never have the opportunity to conceal themselves and rarely that of withdrawing.

On the other hand, they have the advantage of being able to generally combine weight,

therefore power and mobility. So, if tactical surprise is in a large measure denied them,
the strateeic surplrise Is liable to be one of their greatest assets". (2)
(I) -Admiral, Commanding the F.M.E,O .
(2) Somietimes even over a several kilometers stretch, as in the battle of DAY Loop, in
Ni.tr.ibc.r, 1952, vh.rn approximatoly 20 75r./m and 57 mn/m pieces and more than 150
lc re stzrwn ovc;.r hilo:-cýtcr of tcrrain.
~~~~~13 1 ' w ," '"q" ,•

' CONVOYS*. Any group of ships navigating together (whether carrying charge weapons) adopted

the following formation, at least in North Vietnamw

"At the front sailed the "clearing group" which comprises three sweeping

I msections, plus a spare sweeper. One LoC.M. Monitor serves as guide to the formation.

A large piece of ordnance is in support about a hundred meters bohing the tail sveepers".

"Behind the clearing group, at a variable distance according to th. river oon-

I figuration, but remaining within 2 to 300 metors, comes themain portion, in line of

file and strictly in the swept wAtors".

This main portion normally consists oft

f - Support ships (LS.L.-L.S.I.L. occasionally L.C,T, Sunboats or sections of L.CH.M

I - Charge ships or weapons (L.S.M.-L.C.T.-L.CM.. various lighters) (1)

j When there is only one support ship, it sails at the rear and carries the

Senior Co•=sander. When there are two, one of them sails in front, and the o her brings

up the rear, the latter carrying the Senior Commander (except in case of partic"larly

I touchy operation, for example at night).

When there are more than two, they are distributed among the front, center

and reari the one carrying the Senior Commander occupying the center position.

fl"The distance botwoen ships is as reduced as the training of the officers on

watch or ship masters permits. A distance of 50 meters between large ships and 20

meters between small ones is to bo considered normal".

I the case of important formations and providing we remain strictly within


the swept channel, it is sometimes advisable to distribute the ships or charge weapons

over two columns, to alleviate congestion of the formation as well as to insure a recl.

-- procal cover for the columns (case of an attack on both banks). The solution of having

the charge weapons moored two by two in pairs is often advisable"..

At night the ships and engines sail without lights. Exceptionnally, some

lamps with subdued flash can be "shown" to allow the capture or holding of a post".

I (1) Admiral Commanding the FI.E.O,

"ixperience proved that, even by an opaquo night and in touchy areas, navi.
ga~tion of Important groups in close formation could be carried out without any trouble
due to intense traininS, inherent to the tempo of the operations itoelf.,

"Those night river operations gave rise to much rarer and much less powerful

onemy reactions that during the day (let us note that it is ritich oeasie to detoet
j enemy weapons at night than it is during the day because of the departure flashes)".(I)

Theso various dispositions limited the effect of ambushes; but, when intol.
ligonac at hand gave a hint as to the probability of an encounter and capecially when
his approxiiative position could be guessed, a series of additional measures could be
taken: (2)

"The organisation of the convoy is carefully planned* A plane provides the

lighting. Continuous liaison is maintained with the Soctor's terrestrial artillery-,t

"Where the C.L,A, (Light Escort Companies) composed of Dinassauts and fro-
qoently reinforcotent troops are embarlted, and maintained on the alert to land for the
assault. The shipst crews aro at their comabnt positilns ahead of, time",
"In the phase of presentation, proventive bombings can be carried out on the

suspected bankcs, either by the ships' artillery (particularly 120%/m mortars) or even
by the air support elements when we dispose of corresponding credits of flight missions

on the alert (a quite exceptional case),.(1)

Whether it had been possible to take thesm additional precautions or that the
convoy sailed under normal donditions, a parry to ambushes was always feasibles Increase
"the speed and thus shorten the crisis.

In this respect, it was necessary "navigate to the post on guard, react ins.
tantancously .with the moons actually set up in perinanence, go straight to the combat,
position and obtain cover from an intense firing of all arms until forcing of the pas.

sage is achieved".

(1) Admiral Comianding the F..EO,

(2) Namely, this was the case on some of the Tonkin rivers.

"° !II
132 A


Openinc, u 1C,04 Monitor 0

.3 Maino-swoepor
+ 1 mine-sweoper (spare)

I• Support LSIL or MSUL or

LCT Gunners or

Section of LCM Monitors


Cargo eventually
Sships (2) 1 sup-,ort ship
t the center of the

!4 convoy

Command rid
support (1)
(Hig1h Command)

h et r
:z •:n
t.e cit is forward; it is the
(1) dhen there i3 a z-in,1e support ,ship,

.. •z! .
; :...
-:_: are 2 -isut ort ships,
Then there the cormnrvnd is in rear.
(2) z; ?. ,;
:l;:t 77•c, " ,•t,. or tiod in c.u:, .
133 .• ,., ,t' "'I: e.ll

"This is the taotics referred to as "ball of fire"' which after all is said
and done, has been our best defence for our river elements, where fire power has al-
ways prevailed over protection".

In this type of engagement, always short and brutals energy and swiftness
are the prerequisite qualities. It would be folly to search for different tactical
combinations besides the closing up of the formation, designed to reinforce reciprocal
support and the Immediate fire power".(1)

This method was Imperative especially when reinforcements or supplies must

be forwarded urgently and ",when gauging of the support vessels was incompatible with
an extended battle. It has been the rule in offensive reconnaissance operations in

non-controlod zones".
Its major disadvantago is that It only inflicts moderate losses to the enemy
almost always carefully entranched; it neutralises him more than it destroys! it is

not very well adapted to the cover of prior sweeping of mines (it is useful to note
however that the enemy who wants to successfully ambush the main part of the convoy
is reluctant to twnvail his formation for minor vessels of the advance guard)"f. (1)
On the other hand, when we had wind of an ambush, it was possible to provide
"a methodical counter-action by an assault landing".

The latter can only be carried out at the ends and tends to "maneuver the
r| opponent by encircling, which is a rather hazardous proposition, when one disposes of
few convoy troops".

So, some Navy men advocated: "'The systemiatic destruction of enemy positions,
being attackedone by one with methodical and appropriate fire performed if necessary
by stopped, even aground vessels. The forthcoming landing of escort troops taking
place right in,the heart of the position under cover of an intense, close fire".

(1) Admiral Co=,nanding the F.M.E.O.


Shock Group Action

Nnval ForLation A'•roach foaiation La.•din•

t n --
Y°'"1°1•I.. -'O"°>"•
I " " ".. .. ° .J.I


or ou

L 0'
lMonitor MA•n.Ror
1 or2 Oilou2
2 fSs Ie' Front de
Q debarquemenL
3to 6 316 Twice the:lThndihg f1iont

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I or2Wjop

I "This method has the unquestionable advantage of adquately overcoming
( ambush and Inflict heavy losses to the enemy, both in personnel and material,
carried out with determination and boldness, it can lead to a smashing success (1),
likely to discourage for quite some time enemy attempts, all the
more repeated that
f they count on a relative impunity".

".."Butit supposes naturally an inherent superiority-of strengh, at least a

local one, and.the availability of vessels capable of "lasting" in combat.

It can
succeed with L.SoS.L.s as long as the enemy does not bring into.,play good
caliber con-
ventional artillery (105 m/m - 155 m/m). It is quite sensitive to heavy mortar fire.
- Finally it requires rather long delays, sometimes incompatib~ with the urgency of

the mission",

It could not be adopted withour reserve unless 4 sufficient nutmber of

ful armored gunboats were available, which was never achieved",

J-' "In addition, no matter what the adopted method, partlcipation of land
air artillery fire is rarely feasible at the time of crossing. But they must inter-
vene whenever possible, before and e.specially after the crossing",.(2)

Such a vliwpoint is shared by an artillery Officer who writes:

"During the period from January to June, 1954, the Artillery Staff of the
South Zone at NAM DINH, provided on nuerous occasions some DoL,O,s aboard
the convoys'
escort vessels on the Rod River".

Such a system was highly praised by the sea-mn, %,ho have always insisted
insure that a D.L.O. was present amon&.iheir convoysi-,. Actually, convoys were
attacked and experience showed that In such a case the, protection afforded by
the Art.
illery was an illusion"t.

(1) Such as the engagement of March 27, 1954'at the 85 kilometer p6int of the Middle
"Red River,
(2) Admiral, Com!anding the F.ME.O,
•' "'I • , ''- E+"i('

STOR• LANDINGS.- Durina ambush crossing, as montioned Above, landing of troopo merely In.
I volvod small forces and only led to the temporary occupation of a narrov strip of land.

Any other landings wore carriod out in conjunction with a large scale terrestrial

I operation.

. , The problem then, was to got units often hoavily equipped (artillery, armored

*lemonts, supplies) close to the bank in art hostile or suspected area. The action was

I scheduled according to our decisions however, and was no longer some sort of a counter.

j attack dpponding on the enemy Intervention.

AlthouSh the effect of surprise was always sought after in such a case, the

I landing could be preceded ýy preparation of the terrestrial artillery or by air-raids.

i The launching was possible during the day as well as during the night, but the most

gavorablo timeowas just before dawn.(1)

SFinally, the point of boarding was chosen according to the ban~ks'cionfigura.

f tion and the necessities of terrestrial maneuvers. (2)

On this basis, the usual development of the operation was as follows:

"I "The convoy bearing the troops (cownposed of L.C.T. or L.S.M.) was preceded at

S a distance of 1,000 to 1,500 meters by a "shock group" which.was sailing behind the

".clearing group"o described earlier. This "shock Groupt normally included two support

I vessels (L.S.S*L. or L.S.I.L.), one as a guide, the other.bringing up the rear (One of

them carries the Senior Commander, Navy, and the Troops Commander), guiding three to six

armored L.C.M. which carried the companies forming the first wave with two to three

L.C.M. per companyt The whole formation was accompanied by one, or two L.C.M. Monitors

sectionsW. (3)

Whentho ensemble arrived before the intended landing, beach: "The shock Group

landed with maximum spend; the guide vessel separating to.Sain an interval equal to

I about twice the landing front. It defiled before this front letting out a preventive

Sfire at close renge and landed without stopping on tho front baser.

X1) The result was an Intensive training for nocturnal navigation.

(2) The normal front of landing was usually 150 to 200 meters.
(3) Admiral Commanding the F.M.E.O.

"The LOC*M of the first wave, closed doors and the rear vessel sailed back

' tup inthe waters of the guide, wiped everything at the same time and landed in a fashion

similar to that of the roar vessel, which took up the rear base position".(l)

I *'During the landing of the shook companies, carried out in combat position with

j! the maximum of speodt the two base vessels covered with fire the two flanks of the forma.

tion while the LXC.M. sections "onitors patroled above and below the base vessels, or

observed .the non-engaged bank, The LC.M. for transport disengaged as soon as ready".

"Durins this -phase, the convoy remained stationned at about 1,500 mete's on

this side of the rear base".

"I "As soon as the shock companies had established,their, beach-head and after

I. "notice from the Troops Commander, the Navy Senior Commander gave the order to the convoy

to take its turn. The L.CT. then came to shore in the front line within the orenol

I formed by the two support vessels that had stayed on shore as bases".

f ,,The landing of battalions and equipment was then carried out without preci-

pitation and without losing any time, and the transport vessels, wore withdrawn immedia-

I rtoly after".

f I"This method has always given excellent results, for the landings, taking place

at a well chosen point and benefitting of the surprise effect, Ot least relative, rarely

I encountered doliborate opposition from an opponent batter.sulted for the ambush than

a battle In fonialion". (2)

Such an oparation was an elementary one anyway, insoerping itself often in a

Sensemble of landings, and in the Tonkin, the simultaneous landing of forces having the

Sstrength of about ten battalions was sometimes done.

As soon as the terrestrial units had reached their destination, the river

Selements were rogrouied in order to provide fire support according to a plan conceived
j between the Terrestrial and Naval Forces, The vessels could also provide transport: sup-

port and the big ships were, furthermore, frequently used as floating C,P.s for the

land rn
(1) 1,"Oore were two to three J. per company, in order to leave every facility of
moveoment to the troops at.the time of beachin%.- The shock companies were either
thn C.L.A. Din sritts, ,ordati-ch-•onts specially constituted by the battalions to
(2) Admiral, Corsanding the FI.E.O.
PROTECTION OF MOORINGS,- "The list of our losses or deunage for the whole canpaisgn shows

that attacks at anchor have been mora dangerous thaft eogagements on the way-o(1)

The term mooriugs applies to all stopping of vessels and battle ships, whether

they are anchored at some distance from the bank, voluntarily aground or not, beached

I or anchored At berth. BUt it i3 necessary to distinguish fortuitous stops during the

I voyage or during an operation and the stays in port, or at a river post.,

In the latter came "1the enemy has all the time in the world to prepare his

I attack. He operates in most occasions with combat swimmers or "drifting mines, or by

artillery harassing, or even by commando raids".

"Inversely, protection can bp examined in detail and achieved by static for.

I mations which are ctuibersome and costly, but powerful. One of the banks is, by dofi.

Snition, under our complete control, eatd the opposite bank is generally covered by friend-

ly elements".()

I The parry to combat swirn-ors attacks or floating mines (2) has been sought

I after by placing nets aslant mid upstreun in relation to the current, and by consider.

Ing the fact that this current could change with the tides.

I The watch and guard were constant worrios and systematic fire on every drifting

j object, patrols .on vessels, preventive grenade launching, and finally lighting of the

water plan have been performed. (3)

I All these methods are all right, but they are.insufficient and the Captain,

SI Commanding the River Forces in South Indochina, complained in 1954 that different parries

had not been envisaged against the actions of the combat swimmers:

I -special shells, which would not ricochet

S- horizontal leadsmen,

electrical barrages, derived from the principle of electrical fishing.(4)

(I1)Admiral, Commanding the F.M.S.O.
(2) It should be noted that the Viet Minh never used drifting fire-ships which could
have boon very danscrous.
(3) The latter is only conceivable in a zone sufficiently well controled in order to
reduce the risks of harassing by automatic weapons or mortars.
(4) Feasible at least In the brakish waters of the Deltas.

1138 ',, t, . ,,i, .. ,''', ,. ,,.',;., ,•i:,

SProtaotion against artillery harassing In a problem of counter-battery. When

Sthe latter is inefficient, the whole mooring operation con be in dansert this Is how

"in the beginning of 1954, the harassing by mortars of vessels anchorod at SEPT PAGODIES

I finally made this position impossible to hold and the first Dinassaut had to be with-

I drawn on LINI KHI then HAIPHONG".(l)

On the other hand, protection against commando raids constitutes a particular

f case for the security of sensitive points and the defensive organization of the river

jl posts should not be neglected, as was often the case.

j Inthe case of occasional moorings, the opponent rarely had the time to pre-

pare his attacks slowly, and the usa of combat swimmors or of drifting minos is then

i not to be feared so much* The enemy intervenes mostly by harassing with automatic '

weapons, with light artillery pieces or mortars, quietly poaltionned and aimed durit.g

the night.

I "Defense cannot depend on static formations, with the principle of obstructing

f (2), It includes, in addition to the usual precautions (reinforced surveillance, main-.

taining of the crows to the watch post, etc,.) lights completely out, and as far as

I possible, changes of moorings during the night, in order to upset the previously set

j battery positions".

The water plan is patroled by small craft. Liaison between vessels out of

I sight is carofully attended to, in particular for the "sealing" formations, where the

isolated mining elements risk being allienated before being supported",

"If it becomes necessary to remain beached in hostile zone, it goes without

Ssaying that the front of the beaching must be covered by a landed element or at least

Sby "alarms". But such a solution is always hazardous at night and mooring right in the

middle of the river is generally favored".

(1) Admiral, Comnianding the F.M.E.O.

(2) The procedure of the portable not anchored In a point to the bank and maintained
by a plus at the rear of the vessel was tried in 1952 for the Ist Dinassaut. It

,I was finally abandonned for occasional moorings as beina incompatible with the
necessity to be able to rig without delay.
139 " .

'"'in th~t case, there is no advautagae to maintainng friendly elements on the

banks which give a deceiving security as they hinder the freedom of reaction fire,

provoke the risks of error and impose hardships for re-embarkling in case of unecpected

$&ai lIngle, (I)

B as it may, and in spite of a few successes, the enemy did not exploit fully

the possibilities of attackinS ,our vessels at anchor and particularly, he never used

V his medium caliber artillery, whose blows would have beon deadly for our ships.

Therefore, It saens proper to :reamnbr that an adversary, better acquainted

with the hardships of ships, could use moans similar to those in the Viet Minh's posses.

sion at the end of the war, to Interdict the practice of anchoring outside of zones

tightly Oontrotod by, a 1,6nd formation,


SCOASTAL lAP1HIXIOVS ACTiONS.. The rarity of our operations in Viet Minh.controled tones

con be the reason why our amphibious actions ,along, the 2,400 kilomaeters of Indochinese

coasts have boon rare. Until 1952 they were restricted to raids and actions of the

maritime watcli vessels conducted with their own means to destroy on land the accessible

f small craft and depots.

However, the advantage of such landings and their techniquo had been clearly

exposed in pa-phlet published in April 1951. (2)

"In Annam, as on the Cambodia coastline, large portions of coasts are practi.

cally inaccessible by land and amphibious operations are sometimes imperative in order

to deliver troops, whether in view of a surprise occupation of the region, or to conduct

a raid on rebel installations'.

"These coastal operat-ions which include transport, surprise or storm landing,

can be carried otut withor without the assistance of the Navy".

(1) Admiral, Cormandinj the FJ1,E,O.

C,:. (2) Lieutenant Colonel X... "Amphibious Operations in Indochinat.

A "If
the oporation is important (participation of large forces, necessity of

A rapid transport), It is necessary to call on the Navy which will make use of Its big

landing ships: LC.I., L.C.T., or L.S.Ts, or slopps or mine.vswepors".

I,"Therefore it will rather rare to be able to land directly on dry land some

I transport ships, because of the existence of shoals, or rooks. ,A transfer of personnel

and materiel is usually imperative."

I This transfer is carried out:

a either on Junks or sampans towed by the battleship,

- or on small boats on board, motor boats, youyous, or on M,2 boats of the Engineers,

-brought on board the ships,

j - or finally, in large scale operations, on special landing craft,

This transfer, by agitated sea, is an often delicate operation. Some of our

elements (North.Africans, Indochinese Nontagnards) display a natural clumsiness and

Ian apprehension liable to provoke accidents"l.

"If the operation does not justify the asbistance of ,the Navy, routing of the

troops is insured by the means of sectors, or comnandeorod".(l)

S"In this case the embarked forces are small and do not include Infantry *1*-

ments. Orders are given before departure and each has his mission at the time of landing:

progression, fire support, etc,

f -a'inally, with regard to maritime surveillance exercized by the Navy on the

littoral coasts of Indochina with a view to control navigation, intercept movements of

rebel bands-on sea as well as weapons smuggling, search of the islands and execution of

I unexpected landings on parts of the littoral inaccessible by land, laying of ambushes to

obstruct the withdrawal of pursued Viot Minh bands, constitute as many real small-scale

amphibious operations".
(1)" In addition, Terrestrial Forces usually lack tho necessary amphibious training;
IL there were no assaults against positions on the littoral liable to be solidly de-
fended, but a simple landing on beaches non-hold although often mined, the tactical
formation being tied to the embankment, atter regrouping of the units. (Captain
Commanding the Naval Division in the Far East),

14 1 Y
"Those actions are generally the responsibility of Marine Commando* on board,

Sto the Maritime Surveillance elements sometimes reinforced by land units, and commanded

g by the Maritime Chief in charge of the Sector's surveillance".

The frequency, of these raids and their Importance tended to increase along with

the V.M. capabilities and as the coasts offered more tempting objectives. Moreover,

i the enemy maritime traffic d06reased and we were led to look for supplies and Junks on

solid ground.

I "The general lesson to be drawn from these raids, independently of the progres.

I sire changes brought to the constitution (vessels and troops) of the executing forces

as the coast was becoming better defended, is essentially the following;

i o"the "punch" tactic, a standard one among the Commandos, is always more productive

I than the so-called "sealing" tactic, as the net in most cases closes In on Innocent po-

pulations who then become practically the only ones to pay for the operation".(1)
S, Starting In 1952, more Important operations were launched In spite of the It-

I mitations of our maritime capacity, for if we possessed sufficient tonnage to transport

numerous forces, the landing problem was not altogether solved. The L.S.T. were usually

I not capable of beaching with the first wave, and anyway the sites permitting such a

I landing were rare on the Indochinese Coastline.

Therefore we had to use small craft such as the L.C.M. and L.C.V.P. which

Shad to be brought on the scene. But the -1FOUDRE, which is the only vessel we disposed

j of for such type of transport was put in service only in July 1953.(2)

Our amphibious actions during the last two years of the War were thus limited,

while at the same time offering the double characteristic of:

4- being carried out on nonadefended or pporly defended coasts,

- being practically always coupled with a ground maneuver, while the synchronization

of these two actions seriously augmented the difficulties.

(1) Captain, Coumianding the Naval Division in the Far East,

(2) Until then, we could only transport small craft on plane tenders of by means of

142 '] ,; •

None of these operations was a failure, but they all disclosed various degrees

of miscalculations in the organization and execution planification,

In 1952 the Admiral, Coinanding the Naval Division in the Far East pointed

out a lack of coordinatlon(l)i "These landings took on the forin of a "settinS in position"

of the units transported by L,S,Tas. The "UI" Hour determined was the time limit of land-

I"n of the last elements on board, instead of being, according to the official and logi-

cal principle at the base of combined operation, the time of landing of the first elements"

"The result being that the troops, sent aground with the maxim•m of secrecy,

had to wait sometimes for several hours before getting on with their progress, in order

to comply •ith the pre-dotermined time-table. Under these conditions, one could wonder

what was loft of the elcxnt of surprise which seemed to be so important to the operation


In Januaryý.of 1953, .thoCormrender-ln-Chief, stated how future amphibious actions should

be conducted: .". "

","A combinod operation roquiras,a close collaboration of the three branches of

* the Services, which must be evident in the plenificatlon as woll as the preparation and

I the exacution of the operation".

"@qualified Reprosentatives of the Navy, the Air Force, as well as the Airborne

if the air-drop of a unit is envisaged, must hold preliminary moetings with the Opera.

tionts Commander with a view to elaborate the plan of operation."

"Some adjustments will have to be accepted in order to reconcile the needs of

the maneuver on ground and the technical capabilities of the other forces."

The importance of the troops to be landed, the time-table of the amphibious


phase, the choice of beaches can only be determined after agreeiaent with the Navy, taking

into account the available means (number and nature of the vessels and barges), of the

meteorological and hydrographical conditions".

f.• (1) During 1952 the QUADRILLE, CABESTAN, CAMIN operations had been executed,

143 03 *

"A possible postpornment, of the launching date for the operation and reduction

of the amphibious phase must be anticipated, especially during an unstable meteorological

periodt an alternative must also be provided for such as the "return by land" of the
landed elements In case the weather would not permit re-uombarking-.
"In addition, it should be anticipated under such conditions, that an enemy

action against the troops and boats might be latmohed during Phe landing. The amphibious
phase.must not be considered like a simple treuisport operation".

However, these instructions were not altogether linplemcnted and errors in

concopt and-coordination were again noted during 1953 and 1954. In the realm of exacut.
ion, the noted deafcts were duo, on the contrary, to a lack of training of the executants
* as well as to the nature of the boats put to use.
"The crews of some ships and barges have no training iwhatsoovor in landing
maritime oporations".

"The LCT. and L.C.M. utilized were river craft, that is they had been modified
(armor, top) which,makes them inadequate for their 'initial mission, coastal landings, as
their manoouivrability and loading capacity is reduced, or transfer operations hindered",
* "The L.C.V.P. wore not in sufficient number to allow simultaneous and rapid
landing of the three L.ST, which, in turn, sometimes did not haveenough transfer nats:

"The main obstacle to rapid execution of landings was the lack of training of
the troops, who for the most part were incapable of descending with their gear along
the transfer nets which they had to use, since the ramps were usually reserved for

the outgoing hardware". (1)

This last defect was however corrected by the establishment of the Amphibious
Training Center at CAM RANH in December 1953, where a Mobile Group ,and an Amphibious
Group schedul ed to participate in the first phase of the "ATLANTE" operation were trained.

(1) General, Cornmander-in.Chief.

144 ,

The QUI NHON landing was actually $$executed in order to confront, during a

storin attack, the organised resistance of a regular regimeant supported by regional for.

mations. But, like in the previous operations, we found a non-defended coast. }Iowovert

the firin executionof units whose major elcments had undergono the C.E.A.C. training

proved the efficiency of this organization. (1) "

The wav ctune to an end before the amphibious actions .ona large-scale envisaged

for the Suir.or of 1954 could be carried out(2)o So we can understand the followinS

6pinion expressed In an overall report on the conduct of the Naval Wiar in Indochina.

"It can only be rearetted that the seas over which we exercised total control,

and which wore easily passable from April to August along the involved coasts, did not

take more room in the general plans of operation"(l) providing of course measures for

specialization and training of personnel had boon taken in time.

But such actions implied that we could dispose of sufficient forces to conduct

the battle on the various territories at the same time and to open. a new operational

sector. Those conditions, undortunatoly, were not met; therefore it vas useless to

wait for amphibious operations, the fixation then destruction of Important V.M. Forces.

!l f

S(1) Captain, Comanding the Naval Division In the Far East,

(2( They were designed to extend the "ATLANTE" operation by a series of similar
I attacks.
F 0 U R T ,H P A R T


!I _-._-

* 1 I

I I1 146 ,

SITO ADAPT the ombat procodu.es and the structure of,the units to

the condittons of the moment is a constant necessity.

The operations of Indochina have only emphasized It as they showed that units
of a standard type, essentially conceived for the Europoan war, wore 11I-suited to
struggle against rebels on an Asiatic Theater of Operations,

!The #tyranny of the terrain" has asserted Itself, especially due to the lack of
good roads and the length of the tones of difficult crossing (brush, forest, rice-

fields..o). Aggravated by a trying climate, itneas himpered our movements,

Even with a country-type service like the Infantiyj, the lack of adaptationI
was acute and all Co~mpany Cor-anders could weoll observe: "We are too heavy, not

mobile enough and Inadapted to the terrain".(l)

SThe variety of oneW demonstrations, going Prom the Individual assault to the

cment of regiments (even divisions), for•hd us to constitute our units


according to various formulas.

-r pinte o hs rane, we often opposed limping formeations to Impregnable

adversaries, or on the contrary, unshakabler So It isothat one of our Company

Commanders cried upon returning from a mission against the DU-KICH: "You can't

go butterfly huntina with wolf-traps".

i•moie nug adIndpled• tel~rrl".1
*Political considerations very often limited our freedom of movement. It was
•"! imperative to spar* properties and populations oven It the latter held &Ile-

giance to the other cir

useb This liability often led to deprive our units of

the most effective tire support, but also the most destructive.

(w) Captain *.allCompany Comander.

Under those conditions, adaptation was difficult and each Branch of the Military

obtained different results. The Infantry, for example, has often had to do without the

support of tanks and the artillery, while deploring that its action "frequently fell in

a vacuum, before an enemy that vanished"(1). In many instances the Artillery "did not

see the objective and did not possess any exploitable intelligence on the encwnyý142).

Tanks found it extremely difficult to deploy, Logistics was slow, its output poor and

uncertain in many cases.

Our formation of now-type units or operational groups met with the require.

ments of the peculiar forms of combnt, but this solution to the problem of adaptation

has not been sufficient.

Here are a few examples of this:

- In 194ý the Units of the Expoditionary Force uere heavy and awkward (9th D.I,C.,

Armored Division...). They soon burst and had to be dissolved.

The mobile groups designed to be utilized in the deltas proved inadequate for

operations on the platcauo and in the highlands (1953-1954).

- The lituantry battolions of the type "F.T.E.O.", created for the rice-field combat

"were handicapped every time they vtere utilized in the brush. Wihen they were used as

the defense ror the posts or the defense of a base of maneuver, their 9utput was

slowed down,

In addition:

- The heavy vehicles, particularly some armored vehicles, were not adapted to the

terrain of Indochina.

- The administrative system of the troops was still impregnated with the peacetime

rules of procedure; etc.

Such are the critics we have found aniong many of the reports.

(1) Battalion Loader... Battalion Commander.,

(2) Squadron Leader.., Coimanding an Artillery Section of a N4.C.

On the other hand, the success of some formulas saust be registorod:

- The amphibious Groups and the "Diznhsauts.u.

- The Mobile Groups, for all forms of combat in the deltas.

- The Indegenous oommandos,

a The operational dotacihnants, constituted upon request(l).

- The light Vietnamese ba¶ttalions (TDKq), whose principle was good, but the use of

which •w•s not always appropriate, and whose training remained insufficient.

Whothor with tho cadres jointly formed or with various units of each Service,

come procedures wore tried, succossive chaones waore snade. In view of the experienoe of

sovoral yonrs we can attaiipt to hiand down an initial judgemont on them.

For example the VAUDRSY Group in Middle-Laos, in 1954.



Ar. asscntial characteristic of the Indochina War was the chronic wear of

units, in spite of the system 6f individual replacements, for the replaocmnent of

personnel never constituted a defense against the constant erosion that afflicted

the formations of all Services because of the harassinZ nature of the operations, of

the absence of any truce, and of the practically permanent shortage of.personnel.

More than any other, the Infantry suffered from those ills and many com.panies

fitted the description a Lieutenant gave of his unit in the Spring of 1954:
"#This Comipany has no Captain. The Company Corrandor is a young Lieutenant.

He only has one Officer under him instead of two; the Serjleant-Major, wounded, is in

the h~spital; only one of the Section Leaders, a Master-SerJcant, is the recipient of

a full Section Leader Certificate."

"The Non-Commissioned Officers cadre is complete, as far as number is con.

cerned; the sergeants are generally good, even excellent. The strength (175) is

achieved. But in the field, the Lieutenant only takes along about a hundred men.

As a matter of fact:

5% of its personnel is on the rear (bookkeepers, etc**.)

- 5 to 10% of its personnel is composed of a class of military men very special to

Indochina: thoy are the infantry and operational unfit - physically defective

for one reason or another whom the Company Commander is requested to employ at

sedentary tasks" (?).

- 20 to 30% of persoinel is absent: hospitals, convalescence (207%); traininZ

.?•n- , a#snl I nt
M ,-.a l'e.IA.0
19 0

"I"This Company has been a part ofa Mobile Group Battalion for 4 years.
The 14.0. has had ton daya of respite in April 1953; for the last nine months, it

has been marches, counter.%marchen, and fighting without interruption. The forces

ihave been supplomontod by a reinfor•mennt -of 25 NCO's and men who have never used a

woapor in the field, have never fired at night, nor thrown grenades".

"But this situation is standard, only the assistant (adjolnt) Lieutenant,

just srrived and not used to it yet, is bothoerd by it cj11. ,k far as I a=f' rccol-

loct as nn officer (some are in their third turn), the Battalion has hover boml

seen to undergo training; the Cempany is down on it6 knees".

Indnod such a description can be applied to most of tho infantry units at

the ar1 of tha conflict no mntter what the service branch; for a war, even a vic.o

torious one, ends with a handful of vetorans and, a mixture of recalled medical dis-
chmvgos and draftees hastily put In shape. But this vituation untortunatoly be-
came that of our Infantry, for soon as the units arrived with Mirshall LECLERC9

they weto subjeotod to the rule of relekf...

It is thorefore all important to analyze the mmin aspocts of a crisis
which lasted 6 op 7 yenrs. These remarks apply Just as well to the other branches
and arni of the service, -fith few exteptionse

THE PERSOENL MID OFFICER, CRISIS4- While it was not contested that; Indochina neoded

the facilities to maintain a huge supply of mat~erial, and little by little she was

provided with food, inmuniticn and spare reserves for a duration of 4 to 6 mos.,,
nothing was ever provided to replace the men who fell nor to Insure the rest of
the units that had reached the limits of human endurance.

'the muther country has always calculated the Expeditionaey Force per-
sonnel in relation to the 7equirorents of the moment. It was therefore far

from autlodzing e,.ny addition to the contigent !t so stingily approved.

As a result, the successive Commnders-in-Chlef were always faced with a

S151 f

dilermna: cithor they would orennize a permanent personnel for themselves,

but they would have to give up the establishmtent of now battalions, new

batteries and new squadrons required by the increase in V. Me forces, or

they would throw all their human rossouroas in the fight against the emer-

gonce of new oppocino units and they would do without any flyina personnel.

The requirtnoents of their mission imposed on them all the Inconsistencios

of the second solution during eight yonrs.

Many a tivie they had to wait tor the arrival of a ship to regroup their

battAlion which had just suffered heavy losses, or to satisfy the SOS sent out by

such Territory CGmmander or such Service Commander. At the time of the DIEN-BIEN.

POU battle there subsisted for example no other reinforcement available than about

a hundred legionnaires and 200 to 300 North African riflemen, results of the G-l

Maintenance van in the Metropolis and the latter managed it according to

-the national considerations and not to the Indochineso needs.

We could therefore not insist too much on a lesson, which seems to be an

obvious truth: Even more than in a European war, a campaign outside of the Metro-

polls must be conducted with a large reserve of flying men and officers. This

flying reserve must be established and regularly procured in several depots where

the new arrivals will complete their training while adapting to the, country.

It is certainly not exaggerated to estimate that such a reserve, the ab.

sence of which characterized all the ills suffered by the troops, should be at

least 10% of the total Expeditionary Force Strength.

As the Ad&,inlstratlon had remained of a peacetime character and the formula

of the regiments was the exception, each battalion (or unit of the same size)

had to leave approximately 1/10th of its personnel on the rear to provide for Its

Ji material needs and to e"ploy the convalescing or the unfit for the field.

The remainder of the strength suffered from the effects of casualties,

as the missing wore not replaced, and the replacnent elements generally did not

come until the moviant whorn the number of combatants faell under two-thirds of the

established force.

The situation regarding the cadres was not any better.

In the Infantry, at the time the last years of the war began, at least

half of the junior off icers and 11COts wore in their second teorm and strongly folt

the eoffects of a physical as well as moral fatigues In addition, the Infantry had

been fozriodp for a third of it approximetely, by cadres who wore notlonger able

to adequntely fulfill thoir task, either because reservists or elements from other

b.anchos had been called upon, or because elcmnts obviously •too old to co=and

in combat had boon employed.

Independently of their physical Inefficiencios•, thar. officers and NCO's

were lacking in tactical cxporionce and many troop lenders were led to write:

"The importnnco of the training and the resistance of the Infantry cadres

does not have to ba dvaontrated any more. It saeos that the Infantry should have

a school whore, with appropriate courses, the officers called upon to assume Coom.

mand of the Infantry (Captains, Battalion Leaders, Colonels),would be trained and

instructed in the current nodorn combat methods".

On the other hand, the young officers who care from other branches have.
for the greater part, adapted themselves quite well and quickly to the severe re-

quirements of Infantry combat.

"After a few months of training in the rice fields, the substitute Infantry

Officers of my Battalion became real infantrymen. They had used their pride to

render homage to their initial Service and were successful". (1)

The General, A.B.C. Inspector, feels that the cadres of his Arm who had

(1) Battalion Leader X.... Commanding a Battalion in No. V.X.

I served In the Infantry had acquired An enriching expaieonce, buts it ould b* in

the general intorest however to limit the duration of their assignmeont to about

f 12 months",

To swu up, all these findings are not nOlt whather involved in a colonial

theatre of operations or on European battlefields, the Infantry suffers from an

|I extranoly greater woaring down of men and even moro of ICO's than all the other'

j arms,

Therefore it is Irmporativo that It be furnished with replacements in suftl-

Icient numbor and regularly. For each Section Leader and each Company Commanders
I one or two possible roplacaants who will complete thoir Initiation in a training

center must be provided for,

I GAPS IN THE TRAINING.- Certainly, rost of the units included, durin'gthe last years

of the war. a good percentage of voterans, who started or comploted a second turn.L

But the major part of thcawas consti,tputod by legionnaireso,Or riflemen

only had a few months of service and had only received a much too brief

I instruct ions

There is not one officer who did not emphasize the disastrous results

of this lack of training. Here is what an Infantry Colonel, particularly wall

j versed in the aspects of his Arm, wrote among others:

"...Many small scale operations would have had a happy ending...if the
had been bettor trained. .e." Sriflemen
j "The three usual deficiencies of the French Infantry were felt once again...:

lack of physical training, of combat seasoning, of combat firing aptitude".

"Combat seasoning must include an adaptation to the noises of Combat,

Stherefore actual firing exerciseso...close combat experience, which gives to the

combatant the necessary calm and self-assurance",

Major X...dwells on night firing: "In this war of Indochina, one had to

fire at close range according to one's judgment. But my mon had never experienced
6 such fCiring techniques In the Motropolis. This lack seems all the more serious

that no one can advance that, even in Europe, an opponent would niot attack our

bases of oporations, with the come moant as the V.M. so successfully used here".

The progra.sivo downgrading of the Infantry resulted in the same phenome-

non as we have qoon durinS the preceding wars.

Hanoeuverability bocamne more and more difficult and the battalions called

on the artillery and aviation more and more to settle the Incidents that intil-

tration or liCht weapons' fire could have liquidated. The increase in the expen.

dituro of unit•ltlon roflouets this increasingly greater role which was given to

the shell and the bomb.

The Tonkin Artillery consumed, over a period of three months in 1952,

4,800 tons (1) of projectiles and in 1954 it consumed 8,900 tons for a quantity

of tubes Vhlch had not Increoased with the same proportions.

The sme kind of ogrosS occurred in Central VIETNAM, since the 11,200

tons consuiaed in 1952 reached 2,200 in 1954.

T'he Infantry .consumed more and more mortar shells and grenades:

In Tonkin S- trimester in 1952 (1).

850 tons per

- In Tonkin 1,980 tons per trimester in 1954, for a force which certainly

had not doubled.

In Central Vietnam 301 tons per trimester in 1952.

- In Central Vietnam 1,547 tons per trimester in 1954.

These figures do rot have an absolute meaning, of course, for their inter-

pretation would require consideration of various other factors; on the other hand,

their general trend is quite clear: There was more and more fire, but the effects

did not increase proportionately.

(1) The chosen trimester (May-June-July) corresponds to a period of average

activity, since the big operations had taken place mostly during the six
months of winter.
At for the other Arum, specialists' training was less than adequate, es-

pecially in the communicnaioati departniont; to much so in fact that it was neces-

sary to form thorn on the spot before they could be put to work. "This Is how some

young soldiers Just arriving spont five months in conmiunLoations training before

being assigned to a fornation; five months of stay which were not productive finan-

cially nor militarily". (1)

In spite of the imperative needs of the units, it was .thorefore necessary

to create a series of training centers to palliate the deficiencies of personnel

arrivina in Indochina, since it wis obvious that the increaso in strength of the

Expeditionary forco ••s accomplishod to the exponse of quality and that we could

not expect any solution from the Metropolis.

In genoral, actually, the pro-colonial training centers in FRANCE AND or

AFRICA did not produce any noteworthy rosults, either because too many men or NCO's

had been there, or bocause tho training periods were too short, or because their

organization had boon at times deficient.

It became therefore necessary to train many specialists on the spot and

create low ranking 4COt's, if nothing else to give the best combatants the neces-

sary notions about their promotion.

As a whole, the essential requirements of all Arms were thus satisfied,

except...those of the Infantry. The follotffng statistics computed for 1953 bear

this out:

- 20% of Comunications Personnel had undergone training during the year.

- 19% of paratroops personnel had undergone training during the year.

- 14% of the Artillery personnel had undergone training during the year.

- 12% of the Enginoers personnel had undergone training during the year.

a 9% of the A.B.C. personnel had undergone training during the year.

a 7% of Railroad personnel had undergone training during the year.

(1) Captain Y.... Company Commander.

I -,.'~
and only 6% of the Infantry personnel, among whom were of Courne the India-

pensablo chauffeurs and necessary dispatchers.

In. a report of that period we have found:

"With the exception of the preparation to the second degree Armed Services

certificate (and only a very small portion of the possible candidates wore Inter-

esaod) at the Territory echelon, and I and 2 squads of the Foreign Legion, no sort-

*us training of the Infantry cadres could be undertaken in the TONKIN".

"##In the other territories, where the units have a certain stability, the

training of Infantry cadres was given under the most satisfactory conditions; how-

ever, they still could be improved", for the battalions in formation were too In-

"teorio to be capable of leeding squads of NCO's. On tho other hand, the Legion,

for which the roeigiont formula was never abandoned, could well accomplish this

task, and this fact constituted one of the argunonts which, In 1953, led to a slew
return to tho fonaula of the hoinoacnous, MG.G, arrangod around an Infantry Regiment.

Unfortunately, nothing could'be done "for the light grenadier, the most
scarce, the most precious, the hardest to train specialist of the whole Infantry".(1)
"flvery battalion co:iriandier could add his regrets for not being able to
provide for the instruction and training prescribed durinv operations or combat,
but for which he had never had the time nor the moans to achieve seriously. And

the Battalion was in dire need of it". (2)

So, a great many Infantry Off Icors wished for the existence of "an Army

Training Center, whore individual units and reinforcement elCcients would have

stayed upon their arrival in Indochina, where they would have been rapidly con-

ditioned and adaptcd to the country and the guorilla. Such training camps would

"i (1) Battalion Leader X.... Battalion Conmander in TONKIN.

(2) Captain Y..,. Battalion Commander in ANNM.


| _

have been very valuable for annual reviews which wore so nocessaryt" (1)

During the last months of operations, the General in Chief tried

to solve this problcm of ro-training by constituted units, Four camps, each

of which was conceived to accomodato one Mobile Group, were organized, and

it was decided that the N, G.'s vould go through one of these "areas" in turn

comioncing with the spring of 1954.

Mien the war was over, many minds had undergone some evolution,

After having deplored the increasing deficiencies of the troops and cadres#

formation, but having re-stated with no lss vigor that we could not, at the

sLUe time "ware war and provide for training," most of the authorities finally

admitted that we had to roturn to the solutions of the preceding wars, where

training camps were opetated constantly on the rears.

The outlay of instructors and necessary means could not, in any case,

constitute an insurmountable obstacle, since only 1/400th of the Expeditionaiy

Force personnel was absorbed in 1954 by instruction duties, and 1/200th would

have boon the maxiunw, had the other necessary schools boon organized.

EVACUATION AND GEAR.- If the Expeditionary Force suffered from a chronic per-

sonnel shortage, it succeeded in saving the maximum of men from diseases and

V. M. blows, thanks to the untiring efforts of the Medical Corps.

A perfect hospital organization was rapidly set up; it was charac-

terized by the concentration of specialized hospitals in Saigon and by the

installation of convalescence centers on the coastal town of DALAT. The

evacuations wore later on considerably accelerated by the use of planes; on

the other hand, the tardy appearance of the helicopter made It difficuli for

a long time to transfer patients from the place where they were %vunded to the

surgery faciliti6.. Nevertheless, the retrieving of the vounded reached a

very high proportln.

[ Z
[() Letnn Z...- H. 0. Io.snc sIist1anI t.i IlI ..
Out of the 45,000 man' from French Union formations who were wounded from

1946 to the end of hostilities, 15,000 wore repatriated to the Metropolis, but

all others (about 657%) were re-incorporated into units,

As far as the struggle against diseases is concerned, there will be more

detailed accounts in the chapter devoted to the Medical Corps, but it is impora-

tive to point out here the progress which was achieved compared to the colonial

expeditions before 1939.

At the beginning of the campaign (until about 1948) the Expeditionary

Force suffered from the mediocrity, oven the Inadequacy of supplies and equipment.

Theso problcms were later satisfactorily solvod, in particular thanks to

* the efforts of the Metropolis, the U.SAo, and also the Services to which Lleuten.

I ant X,9 pays tribute In the following torms: "In spite of obvious difficulties,

Imy company had fresh food to eat most of the time and we often had ice; as a whole,

clothing and gear were adequate. The services did their very best to enable us

to endure the hardships of the carapaign"tt



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The Mobile Group has been, in Indochina, tha adaptation of th. Tactical

Group formula, It is however worthwhile noting that the Mobile Group has not &I.

ways constituted the basic tactical uait. In the Command calculations, the evalua-

tion of the voltwie of the vioais was frequently done on rho basis of "battalions"

and the two units of measure were simultcneously utilizod.

In the final analysis:

- the A.Go's were organized only after 1951,

- they did not exist permanently on all territories,,

- finally, and mostly, they absorbed only about a third of the Infantry,

with the two other thirds comiposod of Mobile or Implanted Battalions.

At the beginning of the camipaign, the Big Units arriving from the Metro-

polls: 9th D.I.C., 3rd D.I.C., 2nd D.B., were overpowerful and too heavy. The

divisions had to be imtediately dispersed, thon:the.regimentq. The'basic-tactical

units became the Infantry Battalions, artillery groups and units of the same

size. Only the Foreign Legion regiments subsisted, and even though, their battal-

ions wore most of the time being used separately.

But, although the Viet Minh, at that time, had not yet constituted any

powerful forezatlons, the necessity for the Comand.to dispose of Joint Services

Groups was nonetheless felt. Indeed, if certain operations could be conducted

by isolated battalions, others required much more important means.

Frog 1946 to 1950 the old formula of Morocco was put to use: the mobile


\I U1: 4 a

coltanm, boaring the name of its chief. For each operation the one who was to com.

it •as dosignated, a stAff was "set-up" for him - It was provided with a

certain nLt1)ber of elements of all arms, in proportion to Its mission.

From 1950 on - the creation and the Increasing Importance of the V.M.

Battle Formation (2 Divinions croated in 1950 - 3 others in tho beginning of

1951), tho form of opoerations Itsolf, which in the surface war sometimes took on

the aspect of "whilwind maneuvers" where the battalions pnssod from one commiand

to another more and more frequently as the convaunications links became ntore scarce,

led the Cowiand to strike out the European foriiula by creating permannnt Joint

Groups: the Mobile Groups.

One of thc~i already existed: the North African Mobile Group. Four others

wore created by Marshal do LATT1U2 shortly after his arrival in Indochina in order

to face the grave threats which hun- over the Tonkinose Delta. Their number in-

creased and their maxiniun was reached in 1951: 11 M.G.'s composed of French Union

troops and 7 Vlctnanese M.G,'I.

However, in order to faco up to the increasing Viet Minh strength, a re-

turn to the Divisionary formula was undertlcen from 1954 by uniting several Mobile

Groups (Light Divisions). Thus, the Indochina war was to see once Ajnin the Divi-

sion Echelon which had ch•ractariZed its baginliin.. But the evolution closing

cycle came late comipared to the V.M. Battle Forimation.


The Mobile Group differed from the European Tactical Group on the follow-

ing points only:

Smoro Important command facilities,

- special structure of Its Infantry,

- existence of an organic artillery group (and not "adapted").,t

The Coiia•ad facilities of the tf.G. included a limited staff, a well provi.

dod for communicatlons detachtnent in order to allow the absorption of considerable

! .
reinforcements, and finally a comand company and services that included a defend.

Ing element from the C.P,

Thanks to the direct action of its chief, unenewtbered by a large Staff,

the use of field telephone, the complete motorisation of the C.C.So and of the

Artillery Group, the capability of absorbing considerable reinforcements, "the Mo-

bile Group could, in case of a crisis, rapidly become a very powerful complex,

capable of clearing up a serious situation, that is a situation where regular

troops, taling advantabe of a fiold of action prepared by the provincials, the re-

Sionals and nuriorous sympathizers intervened in the robel camp". (1)

Its infantry included three battalions of different origins most of the

time: the Legion - North Africans - Africans - Indigenous. These battalions dis-

posed of a limited motorized roar*

An Artillery Group was an organic part of the M.G. It was entirely motor-
: ~ized and included t~hroe gun batt:eries• composed of four 10510.12 pieces* In cert~ain

M.G. this group was replaced by a Heavy Mortar Company (in view of the shortage

of tubes and artillerymen). The M.G. was often provided with considerable rein-

forcenecnts for a particular operation: Infantry Battalions, Armored or Amphibious

Sub-Group, *.Coimunndos, Engineers Units, etc,

The M.G. was not provided with any of the services (except for a very

limited medical service to the C.C.S.,) for it was initially conceived to operate

in a net of territorial services. Therefore, it had to be supported by the lat-

ter, or in some cases (ATLANTE Operation, for example), by some sort of a base

of operation created upon request.

This organization, result of the experience from battlon in the Delta,

did not give rise to any severe critics. Only the Infantry structure has been the

object of vigorous conmients,

(1) Colonel.... Co•manding a M.G.

162 " ' ".. . . .

In the opinion of some, the diversity of the ba~tailns constituted a fact
tor for efficiency for "the mixing of different units allowed us to draw the maxi.

imum performance from the various capabilities of troops of different origins-tt")

The partisans of the hatorogonous MC., maintain that !'the formula produced ex-

cellent results (enulation, different character of each battalion which permits

a particular utilization)". (2)

This diversity was no doubt necessary at the time when maneuvers stayed

within the N.G. framoworl. It was hardly Justified from the moment when sovoral

4,G.,ts operated togethor (Operational Groupings, Light Divisions). The tendency

at the end of the war in Indochina was thus loaning toward the regrouping of the

"battalions of the sozo race into one regimont, constituting the Mobile Group's

Infantry. This evolution mot with stron, supporters:

"On the tactical plano, the search and destruction of the enemy and his

bases by isolated M.G.Is composed of several of the Arm Battalions has become

passe: there is always some advantage in that the M.G.'s be horilogenous". (3)

"From the morale standpoint, the organization of the hoterogenous 1,G.

has been a failure, ruveryone likes to serve under the orders of a Colonel who

wears the same badge and who is considered as responsible of his units in all

areas, and not only in that of tactics",, (4)

"Mixing of races must be avoided. The throe battalion M.G. under the

orders of his Colonel is clearly preferable to the mixing for three main reasons:
bettor developed esprit-de-corps in battle, noral ties, management of personnel

easier (dist:ribution of reinforceients, promotions, rewards), On t:he other hand,

a fourth Indigenous Battalion integrated within the N.G, can give excellent


(1) Battalion Leader X.... Commanding a Battalion.

(2) Lieutenant-Colonel F.... Commanding a H.G.

S(3) Colonel B.... CoiniandinS a MG.

(i-,) Lieutenant X.... Assistnt Cc:.-%ander of a Cornpany.

results". (I)
"The Infantry cribs for Its Colonels" mi~tian aeveral reports, which em.-
phasis the fact that the Infantry- Battalions are better coonwsittedgibetter centl..
mandoci In combat by aný infanitryman than by officors of the other Arms, and hold
that only an Infantryminn cant "fool" the needs and hardships of his men.
The efficiency of the MG, uitilized alone variod, of course according to
the moans emlydby the advorscry and, consequently, over the years of the war.
As lona as the Viet 1Min forces were committed In small units,, support~ed exception-~
ally by a poor artillery and irregularly siuppliod, the NI.G, provled brillilant.ý
The worso that could bco said against It then was that, It was tool heavy
for somne couriter..Zuerillct activities, or,when the only oppo-nionts itl encountered
were fluid regionial or provincial eoionjents drow Indi.
th# 'rice field populationis.

The M.G, working alona oni a terkitori'xI occupation, plb~n of the tprrain Is
either too important for the result .anticipated If th'eaeney disporsies, snd slips

ayor insufficient if the enov&y accepts to fight on surgace. rn all, the XG.I
constitutes a formaction which Is too easily I'iialoiviouvrabl~e" for the enemy. (2)

Starting with 1953, tho Isolated M.G. ,was no longe~rsatistanctory' in the

Delta; It was necessary to create Actual small Light DiVi~sions composed of three

Mobile Groups and capable ofproviding for theilr ov'rtsecurlty or to attempt to,
conduct concentrAc madneuivers ldestined to izl th enemy fri~ its fa~culty ito dippore.st
The efficiency of the M.,G. was equally variable etccording to the terrain.
"My W.MG.'s organization Perniitte A very hondrable co~iduct In all opera-
4 tions it participated in around the Delta. 1.4ut it In cortaili that from the moment

it had to Intorvicin In LAOS, undper quite luneixp~ected ci1rcumstance's, this orgaint-

zation had to be modified many times In the face of mois t unforeseen ciremnstances" (3)

(1) Captain Xo... Staff of a liSO.

(2) Colonel P .... Zone, Commiander,

[(3) Colonel Q ... ),.G. Comiandere

"The MA, formula, In my opinion, does not seam adapted to the character-

Istics of tho torrain nor of the envy we have encounterod on the PLATEAUS". (I)

Indeod, the mcans of the K.C, only allowed its full efficiency in areas

with a sufficiont road netw..)rk.

"#"It s•ems that the M,.G. was actually concoived to operate in view of acti-

vitles within reach of a road network. Indeed, the some hundred twenty organic

vehicles IL disposed of inexorably tied It to the road, and to those were added

the necessary means of traneport for the relnforcc-nent units and the impediments

which never ceased to increase both in nunmber and voluma".

,'...But, on the Indochinese Theatre of Operationa, communications means

I wore generally rare, mediocre, limited in their capacity, and did not permit the

Scounterpart in auto colunuis. Their approaches woro such that,, except in rare open

"areas, it was difficult to doploy. In many spots, they wore strewn with perfectly

wel l-know.n doath-traps".

J So, in the Arens with a very poor density of road (Plateaus, Middle-LAOS),

"themotorization of the M.G.'s bocame a source of many difficulties.

"The laying-out of the roads constituted the periphery of an area which

progressively passed under control of the V.M. The latter had installed a real

network of logistics omplacemcnts covered and linked together, allowing him to

manoeuver in a central position agalnst the F.T.1E.O. elements by using exclusively

the roads and maintaining the communications connections with narrower and nar-

rower spreading margins".

"...The M.G.'s could only Insure, with two battalions, a limited security

in the Immediate vicinities of the road and they had no place to outflank broadly

the ambushes, in short to manoeuver". (2)

"In addition, the battalions could not go more than 10 kilometers away

(1) Colonel M.... MG.. Comander.

(2) Colonel 11..o. I.G, Cr-,-tadoro

I ,16 " "

from the road on each side without risking the loss of their guns' support* On

the opposing side, all the V,.M had to do was not to get closer than 10 rous. from

the t4.G. axis In order to be invulnerable unless the infantry chose to commit Ito

self against them without any land support". (1)

Even in the aroas where the road network was satisfactory other imperfec-

tions could be noted.

A Colonel connnndin- a M.G. summed up the noted defects as follows.:

- ,Undeniable a•nwarchdoss of the CommandCompany and of the Communications

Detachment, and difficulties to insure their Immediate security. In practice,

generally were constituted: a FRONT C.P., as limited as the circumstances allowed

(including if necessary sone radios carried on backs) and free of liaisons with

the rear as much as possible, and a REAR C.P., grouping all the non-indispensable

moans In front, and consequently vary heavy* The Security Section provided for

the ToE.D. was In any'caso very insufficlent to maintain the ensemble. It could,

in a pInch, suffice under certain conditions to protect the FRONT C.P."1

- "A•S for the REAR C.P., it had to insure its own close security by keeping
stationed in a post or In the immediate vicinity of a territorial formation.

This was a real handicap as far as the M1.G.0s mobility was concerned".

"-"'Lack of armored vehicles for reconnaissance and security".

". "Lack of Infantry, due to the pernanont an~agcment of a battalion to guard

or accompany the Artillery Group, various needs due to the general insecurity

(convoys, route guards, etc.), In most cases, only two battalions were practi-

cally loft to act efficiently. No maneuver was then possib'e".

| - "Lack of m oans
of transport".

The latter point remains to debate as the Infantry Battalions were motor-

ized by one-third of their capabilities; the Artillery and the C.C.S. by 100%.

(1) Lieutena~nt S.... Company Commander.

S~~~~~~~~~~~166 " ,•.•••'.. •:U ., : ,.

Therefore, three rotations were necessary to transport a non-reinforced M.G. by

trangport means. But the mediocrity of the road network and the neccssity to pro-

tact all convoys, interdicted all additional assignment of vehicles. In addition,

in order to obtain an adequate utilization rate it was imperative to centralize

the motorized capabilities.

To sum up, the 1.0., considering certail Imperfections, proved to be "rela-

tively well suited to operations in the delta zones or uncovered areas when the

road network iU sufficiently dense, usable, and maintained by a territorial Infra.

structure preservin- obJeot: of art". (1)

On the other hand, It proved "unusable and oven very risky in all covered

and partitioned areas. 1btorized capabilities then constituted a handicap". (2)

Two solutions can thus be envisaged:

- only one type of 4.G. capable of being "swelled" or "deflated" according

to the situation.

- two types of M.G., one totally conceived to operate away from roads, the

other for regions with ronds.

The two solutions havo their supporters:

"$The .G.," says a 1.G. Staff Captain,, "must be capable of operating within i
two limits:

- that of a powerful Joint Grouping,

- that of an Infantry Grouping composed of only one mobilo C.P. with por-.

table radio facilities and three or bettor, four reduced battalions; this group,

going alone on foot, outside of the guns cover to engago the enemy in an actual

infantry battle". (3)

I "The H.G,," says also a Coonel Counanding a MG., "must, in rouoh terrain

S(1) Colonel.... N.U. Cannander.

(2) Major.... M.G. Chief of Staff.

(3) Captain L.... E. Staff,

167 i ,. .

whore movement is difficuLt:

- "do away with its organic Artillery which is placed as 'general

- "be reduced to its infantry only, disposing of the whole range of Its

heavy equipment, somewhat lightened,

M-#dispose of 'rears' constituted by porters and pack animals,

- "be provided with substantial aerial support,

- "be scoutodby indigenous Light Units". (1)

On the other hand, it seems to others that it is imperative to dispose of

two types of ronmbat units,

"On one hand, for zones pervious to automobiles, reinforced M. G.'s

(4 Battalions - 1 Artillery Group - I Armored Squadron - I Engineers Company)

and Armored Sub-Groups (I Tant Squadron - I Infantrj Battalion)".
"On the other hand, for tho forest zones or rough terrain, some groupings
totally Independent of the road (M. G. of the brush or mountain type) which

could include: a Staff and Command facilities, four Battalions, one or two

75 S. R. (2) batteries of which all fire capabilities and cozm~and facilities

would be transportable on men's backs."

""%ore powerful fire support and logistic support would be essentially

insured by a substantial and mostly decentralized aerial support, Supplies

would be assured by air-drops, the evacuations and movements from the front to

the rear via helicopters, or terrain permitting, via plane." (3) - (4)

((1 Captain L. . ..... Gneral Staff

(2Q' Colonel C.... M, G, Commander
(3• The use of 75 S.R. guns in rough areas is, however, subject to controversy,
In fact, the problem of fire support in such regions has not been resolved
j satisfactorily yet (Cf. 3rd Part: "Actions in Forest"),
(t) Colonel B.... former M, G. and Zone Conbimandor

S(f) The Coiuundor of Naval Forces in the Par East wishes also for the creation
of uhilts tra:lsportnibla via rivers, of the size of a G.T., and suZgests (in
case the principle of the "Joint Combined Group" mi,;ht be c.nsslderod, the bc!t
thing would be to include in it a Tactical Grouping of 3 Foreign Legion





- --- ERT01E

54 06' g


Siendi..% I1n F,onTcreIa in



"One of the teachings of the Indochina War, and one of the main ones,

writes Colonel X,..,, Zone Cotmiander, is that the Infantry, in this War with.

out a front, takes on a very special Importance. More than ever, It conducts

the fight",

There couldn't be any question, therefore, of treating hereunder the use

of the Infantry as would be done for the othor Arms: This would mean to absorb

all tactical problem-sj

Thus, we shall only attempt to give back just the essential charactoris-

tics of the Infantryts organifttion,

The three Components which make up good Infantvy have been confirmed once
- MAN : If•ssential element of combat" (Colonel Be..)

- FLUIDITY : rMain quality" (Captain M...)

- NU4BER : "MaJor condition for an Infantry to be aLive and active"

.(Battalion Leader B,..)

Unfortunately those three assets were lacking once too often during the


"j •In 1953, the Infantry represented 52.3% of the whole strength. But during


169 .**

the same year, its losso* reached a perccntago of 65 in proportion to the total

*,,es of thw &peditionnry Force and this was sufficient to show the frightening

rate of wearinS down to which this Am was suhniitted.

The mobile units wore first of all subject to constant strains "There was

never time to rest% As soon as an operation was over, another one was undertaken,

or rather, as soon as a Battalion had completed an operation, a new one was. quickly,

prepared for it. By dcy, it was the extenuating march along embankments or over

trails, in mud or in the brush. By night, It was the watching, patroling, ambushes"'.

"This lasted tor years: in six months, we did not go to the roar once.

The Infantry was used to the last thread".

For the implanted units, it was the morale wear and tear. "The post was

an exaniple of military inaction; not that its occupants didnt.t do anything, quite

the contrary, for activities were numerous and varied, but not one positive action

waa accomplished: the Post prevented neither road sabotage, nor V.M, crossing of

troops or supplies, nor the laying of big &nbushes. It served the purpose of

waiting. What can work on nerves better than waiting?" (1)

For the most part, losses wore due to the lack of instruction. "In the

Metropolis, the infantryman underwent a rudimentary training and he was expected

to fight ritth that, since he was thrown into the battle as soon as he arrived in

Indochina. He got his real training under fire; at what pricol It was often

heard: if one can last the first three months, one has a chance to get out of

it'#. (2)
In addition, the age of s.me members of the cadres was another handicap.

In a report to the Secretary of Defense, the Commander-in-Chiof was able to point

out that the average ages of the Infantry Officers on the departure roster of the

(1) Lieutenant X....

(2) See Chapter "Fitness and Maintenance of Units"



first trimester of 1954 were the followingi 2nd Lieutenants - 311 Lieutenants -

35; Captains - 38; Battalion Leaders - 431 he could also state that:

"A French Union Battalion operating in the Highlands in December 1952 was

led by a 42.-year-old Captain. The average age of the 2nd Lieutenants was 36,

tha. of Lieutenants, 38. Small wonder that this Battalion arrived on the battle

field exhausted after five days of march and that it was roughed up in the first



It was a characteristic of the adversary, but rarely ours: "In the face

of the Viet Minh, lightly equipped, used to the rough treatment, moving about with

the rice pack, crossing rivers on banana tree trunks, we opposed a poorly trained

Infantry, weighed down by its impediments, too heavily burdened with supplies

and ammunition."

"Lieutenant Colonel X.... had been nicknames "RICE-DRY FISH" during the

years 1949-50-51 because for every operation under his orders, we loft with every-

thing that becrare his name. He was one of those rare ones who brou;'ht to combat

fresh troops, and if we 'bellyached like thieves' about the imposed diet, we could

also appreciate the alleviation brought on by this means of supply".

"On the other hand, at the start of the -'CONDOR' Operation on April 13,j

1954, we left with five days of rations in our bags (or a weight of close to 15

Kgs., about 31:lbs.) and reserve amtunition. At the end of the second day of

march, we had buried one Corporal and had to evacuate, the next day, 25 men who,
otherwise, could have served as milestones".

This heaviness and therefore this lack of fluidity have been deplored in

every single one of the reports. But isn't this questioning our very concept of

the organization and use of forces and...the problem is far from being peculiar

to the Infantry.

The Infantry at first suffered fttm a chronic shortage of officers:

"The miscalculntions of ntieorous Battalions were mostly due to the quan.

titative and sometimes qualitative weakness of the French officer strength. In

such a tough war against an adversary who could,.-coihbine modern weapons and a per-

fect adaptation to the country it w*uld have been necessary to have our units solidly

officored. It would have been proper to have at least 18 officers and 60 to 80

French Non-Commissioned Officers present for each Battalion.

"But, if tho theoretical strength was close enough to these figures, in

reality there w:ere never more than 10 or 12 officers and about forty NIWOs during

operations". (1)
But the In1matry suffered also from a lack of men. Here is an eXample

among a hundred of thom:

"The operational strength of two battalions of my M.G. was 420 men in

February 1954, 350 in March, 450 in early April, 350 on April 18; at the end of May
It reached a high of 575... Andp a Battalion which does not count 600 men in combat
Is not a bnttalion". (2) Indeed, as soon as the strength of a battalion decreases,
the light infantryimon arc the most hit: losses in combat, re-affectation in other
specialties, etc., and then comes the cry so often heard: "We don't have enough

light infantrymeni"l
And yet, "in the attack, the Infantry must in the end conduct the shock
action: the shock, the Infantryman Is the element of security and counter-attack".(2)
A good measure would have been to dissolve the Battalions as soon as their
strength grow dangerously thin* and the particularly pointed re.ark of an Officer

"The more a Battalion is weak, the more it suffers losses" comes to the support

j (1) Colonel B.... M.G. Commander.

(2) Colonel B.... M.G. Commander.

II I ~172

j o[,f &a.anlmous opinion: "Loss Battalions but better Battalions%.

But the Command, pressed hard by operational requiremonts, rarely pro-

ceded to dissolutions. So, the Infantry, already worn out by losses and fatigue,

J was even more handicapped by the variety of its recruits.

Every Battalion in fact reflected the racial character of its men and,

according to Its composition, whether Legionnaires, North Africans, Africans or

Indigenous personnel, from such or such region, it proved bettor in the offensive

actions than in tho defensive actions, .or inversely.

Some were strong under fire, but heavier and slower than the adversary;

then some others obtainodia certain lightness, but proved unstable in action.

Some engaged in ni-ht combat without any apprehension, some others felt an oppros-

sion when faced with dnrltness. Some wore at eaoe in the rice fields, some others

again preferred thomouztains and the brush.

Finally, fatigue had quite different results according to the race.

A tactical specialization of the units according to their inherent capabiw

lities could have a.ierged from these differences. But the multiplicity of the forms

of war and their extension to the surface of Indochina practically prevented it,

so the Battalions rcmained polyvalont, lest they limit the.maneuver capabilities

of the Command. From this resulted miscalculations in the large-scale operations

as well as in small, detail actions.

A comparison with: the Viet Minh Infantry will finally illustrate how handi.

capped our Infantry-was,

The Viet Hinh Battalion was recruited on the territory.where it fought.

Our& lived off reinforcenonts that were not consistent as to their number and their
timeliness. Now a massive arrival of new infantrymen required several weeks of

breaking in now thoWgaps were insufficiently filled.

Now the next repatriation of a large portion of the strength was thoroughly

felt, (physical strain and instinctive tendency to reduce risks): now, again, the

new arrivals all came from a same ethnical group and the desirable distribution
between branches of a same race %,as no longer observed* This, of course, consti.
tuted an irretrievable weakness, since it was inherent to the formula of an Dxpedi-
tionary Force, but it had the worst effect on the Infantry.
The Viet Minh Battalion was wholly Vietnamese whereas our Battalions
j] didn't always dispose of officers and non-commissioned officers who had the
opportunity to know their men beforehand. In addition, we cannot ignore the

fact that some of them have never made the necessary effort to acquaint them.

j• selves with their troops' psychological characteristics.

In this chess game that was the Indochina War, one was able to say ,
"iHO-CHI-MINH made his moves without a Knight".

We did have Knights, thanks to aerial, road and water transport facil-
ities. But a Battalion, broken down by combat in the rice fields, did not pass
all of a sudden .to operations in dense forest, jungle or mountain terrAin with

impunity. This slow adaptation to the terrain which the Viet lMinh Units pos-
sensed, because they went over It on foot and had, therefore, all the time to
"study, inderstand and evaluate it, could not possibly be an asset of our Bat-
tallons which were "thrown" in the space of a few hours from an area to another
to straighten out an emergency situation.
They had barely noticed the changes in the relief characteristics and
the density of the vegetation when they had to give up hope of assimilating

different tactics and had to engage in a combat where there was no room for
any error (-hether on the part of the Chief or that of the executants).
Finally, our Bittalion was infinitely more vulnerable than the V. M.
Battalion. First, because the opponent always attacked with a local quanti-

"tative superiority. Secondly, because our cadres, impregnated with Western

style combat rules, could not give up the artillery and air support and became
totally confused without-them.I
174 I' "~ ' L

This incessant call for the Artillery to reduco• Lhe least resistance

was Indeed a well-known sign of exhaustion. It could be noticed every time

"the Infantry suffered too many losses and its momenturm was worn out by too

many combats. The same hold true for the encircling phoebia which struck most

of our Battalions the minute they had the Impression of being "in the air",

However, it would be unfdir to forget that the spirit of the offensive

was Justly restrained by the fear of mines and booby-traps, by the inadequacy

of the mcdical evacuation facilities (1) and mostly by the thought that the

Initiative rarely prevailed in our camp.

.:% I

Whether dealing with maneuvers in force within the scope of a Mobile

Group, or with the defence of a postfs blockhouses, or again with all-versatile

counter-guorilla actions, the infantryman was fighting as part of a uniform

type. (2)

This Battalion was characterized by:

- the groupina into one single company (the CoC&B.) not only of the command

and escort facilities, but also of all :services of the Battalions

- coexistence of the quaternary rule (four Combat Companies) and the ter-

nary rule (three Combat Platoons with three identical combat groups In

each Company). (3)

(1) A man wounded one or two hours before dark vas practically always condemned
to wait until the following morning for a helicopter; an evacuation by stretcher
over rice fields or the brush for several hours would have assuredly killed him,
(2) With the exception of the MOROCCAN TABORS,

(3) 1he Combat Coiipany di.poscd in addLtion of a Co;-t.iand Section and a Heavy Section.
partial motorisatlon.
A Cotlipany of Indigenous auxiliaries was often added to it which brought,

alona with additional strength, an olemont of lightness and local charactr.

Thus constituted and provided with the administrative autonomy, the F.T.E.O.

type Battalion.was alleviated compared to its counterpart in the Metropolis, but

it remained oriented toward the classical forns of Infantry maneuvers in normal


The formula thus was acceptable for Mobile Battalions, since it was adapted

to the particular conditions of combat in the Far East. On the other hand, it lost

all meaning for the Implanted Battalions; the distribution of capabilities was then

made according to the numbor of posts to be occupied and the guns to pan.


Its organization - the C,CB. structure was the most criticized:

S-Any operating Battalion has been provided with its "Rear Base"t an india.

pensable element, arduoucly put together by imposing upon the units (the C.CBo

in particular), but which was not shown on any organization chart. Alienating

part of their cadres and their transport facilities for the benefit of the 'Base',

the operational elements found themselves woighed down as a consequence".

Some are of the opinion therefore that "instead of wanting to freeze nor-

mally front-bound operational eloments and Inherently sedentary administrative

elements into a single C.C,,, it would have been advisable to split this complex

priori into:
- "An Operational Command Company".

" "An Administrative Services (or Base) Company".

Others feel, on the contrary, that the system of the single company be

maintained, on condition, however, that "'the Battalions be relieved of the Rear

Base burden, thanks to a regrouping of the Administrative Services of units of

j the same type in the Rear Bases Zones".

I i
176 ,. : .. , L:•

This formula In particularly desirable In the case where the Battalions

I belong to the same Regiment and the latter constitutes the backbone of a MA,. In

I | the case of isolated Battalions, the division of the C.C.B. into two independent

units seems preferable.

On the other hand, the quartonary rule applied to combat Companies met with

unanimous support: "At the Battalion echelon, the quartonary rule allows the uti.

lization of throe elements to engage, cover, and maneuver, with the fourth element

as reserve, either to exploit, or if necessary to face up to an unforeseen threat...

The quartenary rule is of the essence in surface war".

The Battalion Conmand Company, in combat, lacked facilities to insure the

security of the Battalion C.Po, of the D.O. and that of heavy weapons, which had

become necessary due to the fluidity of the Viet Minh Infantry and the spreading


However, in order to insure such security, each Battalion Commander ap-I,

plied his own personal solution.

In some Battalions, "the C.C.B. was integrated into the offensive appara-

tus and worked under cover of one of the combat Companies. But with this arrange- j
ment, the heavy armament often found itself poorly sot up within range of the op-

ponont's Infantry light weapons, and generally too close to the encmy".

In others, "the Pioneers Squadron was responsible for the security of the

C.P. and heavy armament. But this became a difficult task when the pioneers ahd

to man 57SR guns with which the Battalions were provided, without any additional

men to serve them".

Finally, some Battalion Commandcrs provided the CC.Bo with "two conbat.

platoons charged with numerous missions: C.P. defense - protection of escort ele-

ments - raids - ambushos - watch of prisoners and coolies...etc."

SIn the war In Lurface, the problem of security of the Conmand and Escort

elements comes up for the Infantry the same as for the other branches. But the

K -"
178 ''j "'.'. . • ,

greater security"* (1)

Its advantages and inconvonionces have been well expressed by Lieutenant

N., a Company Leader.


"A preliminary remark is of the order: the lack of cadres initiated in tho.

command of platoorns requires an organization of light and easily led units. For

"this major reason, the platoon with two combat groups is justified, in spite of
all the inconveniences it presents otherwise".

"Composed of two combat groups, the platoon no longer maneuvers and, in

practice, fares in combat like a reinforced group, with two automatic rifles inter-

vening in the front* It is enough that the Chief provides them with a cover, a

protection of light-infantrymen; this does not require an experienced platoon

leader: a good group Leader suffices".

!'flowevor, the result is that the maneuver begins at the Company echelon

and that the Company Cc-nmander is practically led to split his unit along the bi-

nary line by grouping his platoons two by two under the command of an experienced
Officer or N~on-Commissioned Oficer".

The disadvantages of such a system reveal themselves immediately: the

weakness of the platoon with two groups does not permit it to be charged with a

mission which would normally be entrusted to a unit of the ternary type capable

of maneuvering, or it requires temporary reinforcements by drawing from another


"However, the great flexibility and lightness of such a system gave it

its efficiency in the operations led in the Delta against the V.M, Regionals.

But it became too light in a standard operation where the unit had to remain close

in order to give its maximtu efficiency and where the platoon had to be capable

(1) Captain V.... Conpany Commander. The quartenary rule however diminished
the fire power of an automatic rifle Company. Tbhe automatic rifle was often
used to arm a security group, which most of the Company Coi=anders main-
tained at their side.

179 1 Z,

of accomplishina a search and maintaining of contact mission, with no other means

I than its own while waiting for support elements".-

j "It seems therefore that the quartonary formula was working in the parti-

cular case of the Delta war, whore the presence of V.M. Rogionals required light-

I noss and flexibility, more than maneuver and storm action* It would be perfectly

I suited to light Battalions, but should apparently be proscribed in the M.G. units

which operate rather in force".

The disadvantages of tha quartenary rule appear even greater when the

I troops are in rindse mymbera:

"Followtag losses of all kinds, mny Company's strength only rarely went

over the figure of 90 in operations", said a Lieutonant, Commanding a Company.

"The platoon according to the quartenary rule was reduced to two automatic

rifles detachments (that is of necessity 10 men followin3 the obligatory division

of the fire unit) end a teo of 5 or 6 light.infantrymnn, including the two Grena-.

diers V.B. and the telescope rifle carrier. There was no longer any maneuver of

the platoon, and that of the Compr.ny bacame weighed doim on account of the neces-
sity to assign the same limited objective to the platoon".

f Thus we can remember, from these various opinions, that the quaternary'

I rule only offers serious advantages when the strength of the combat platoons is
maintainod to a minimnum of 30 fighting men.
The Heavy Platoon (a group of machine guns - a group of 60 m/m mortars)

was designed to provide an Immediate element of support to every combat Company.

But the lack of mon, the alleviation requirements, often reduced it to one machine

gun and one 60 n/m mortar, with very low &mmunition supplies.

In spite of the advantage found by most of the Company Comeanders in dis-

posing of such a minimum•, some think that "the apriori dist~ribut~ion of machine

guns, at the rate of a group of 2 per Company is not Justified: it weighs down

the unit and takes away from the Battalion Commandor one of his facilities to
make his own personal action felt: the 8 machine guns must be regrouped with the

escort Company, since their use at the Battalion echelon or thoir distribution

among the Companies was done "upon request'.

This leads us to note how much the splitting of facilities "upon request"

was adopted at all echelons, even though it did meet with some opposition.

"utwnerous small cadres, old Platoon Leaders, hold on tightly to their

idea of the undivided group, of the automatic rifle as the 'spirit of the group',

while the terrain and ospecially the vegetation did not permit the use of such a

weapon except in rare instancos... From the 'obsession' of the F.M., there some-
titmes resulted an aversion for individual action although it was productive in
the areas whore infiltration was the ordur of the day"'.

But It must also be pointed out that the distribution• "upon request",

such as was defined by the Infantry Rule of 1951 tended to harden: it had, become
conmonplace to dub the twmporary, detachients by using terms designating the In-
fantry maneuver, FIRE and SIIOCK, whilo giving these detachments a practically per,.

manent character.

Thus we saw the appearance of the platoon which organically included:

- 1 firing section (2 riflemen detachments).

- 1 shock section (3 teams of grenadiers - light infantrymen).

- I support section (grenade-throwin, rifles).

or 1 firing section (2 riflemen detachments-).

.2 shock sections with 2 teams of grenadiers - light infantrymen each.

I capaign.
Various organization charts made the procedure official at the end of the

The Auxiliary Group F.TE.O.,

Section and 2 "Shock" sections.

for example, was composed ,of-a "Firing",

Some of the cadres went even further and envisaged companies made up of
1 firing section and 2 shock sections, whilG others advocaced, as the Soviet Army

does, the creation within each Battalion of an autcxatic pistol Company for ac.

tions requiring great lightness or looking for the shock effoct*

Finally, it was commonly envisaged to group elite Marksmen armed with

telescope rifles, Marksmen with gronado..launchars, or group within the Battalion

all mortars and machine guns,

Those ohnngos bear witness to the fact that the flexibility of formations

which had beon advocated by the authors of the 1951 roaulatlon had boon adopted,

but they also show two very pronounced tendencies; first the systOnatic abandon.

mont of the three automatic rifles of the section and then the splitting I priori

of tho nection for missions more common in the Far East. So that, using of their

right to split their capabilities "upon request", many Section Chiefs adopted a

personal solution which nonetheless bocamno a no varictur* formation,

This indirect return to conformism is self-explanatory olsewhere for

psychological reasons; for, if the separation into a shock element and a firing

element from the three standard groups of the soction naturally permits to obtain

a more productive split, this proportion has the serious disadvantage of cutting

all friendly bonds of olomentary units at the moment when they are the most impora-

tive, that is at the time of close combat.

The a priori organization of fire nucleus and shock nucleus, merely signi-

fies a reaction to the breach of bivouac comiradeship by creating another e

de co~s

••It would be better therefore to approve.what everyone was doing more or

less spontaneously by making up new organization charts. The organic decomposition

4 of the section Into firing and shock elements would in no way sever the possible

lities of constitutinz groups "upon request"; but the possible reshuffling would
be made under more favorable conditions by combining "firing" groups and "shock"

*So that nothing will be changed

1 ~ ~~182 ~. f

groups in order to obtain Joint groups than by accomplishing the reverse conbi.-



The necessities of statical defense required the occupation of:

- the posts,

- organizations covering the Sensitive Complexes (Air Bases - Maritime

Bases - Deports - etc.).

It may seem somewhat surprising that some sort of Infantry Position, some

of the units of which would have been the extension of the vorking team Companies

* while others iould have played the role of interim Companies, was never set up.

The first ones would have been assigned to certain posts to erect works of an ad-

vanced technical nature (tank turrets - heavy mortars - power plant for the net.

works - etc.). The others would have provided for the normal armament and would

have boon responsible for all sorties (road clearing, patrols, ambushes, limited

operations of control in surface, etc,).

But this solution was not adopted for several reasons.

First of all, the groat variety of fortifications and the widely different

quantity of garrisons rendered the constitution of Standard Companies very diffi-

cult. In addition, it would have been necessary to reshuffle the Organization

Chart of the Unit assigned to such Post or to such Sensitive Complex every time

I a change occurred in the installations: construction of new blockhouses, increase

in the nmnbor of Sensitive Points, etc.

Furthermore, it was voey frequently required of the implanted Battalions

to leave the structures in order to participate in operations of the Sector. The

j constitution of marching units would then have been quite complicated.

On the other hand, periodical transfors between Implanted and mobile

I Battalions irmplied some Interchanpeability.



Finally, this fornula of the fortification Infaqtry, which was unjustly

discredited after the disastor of 1940, was more or less forgotten.

Noevrtholoss, a small nmnber of specialized units for the defense of cer-

taln Sensitive Complexes was created. For *xample, the Colonial Battalion of

SAIGON-CIIOLON with 6 compaiiies, the Grouping of units of Sensitive Points in

HAIPP.ONG, the 31st D.M.T.S. with 5 Companies, the CAP-St-JACqUES Company. But

theso creations wore the fruit of local initiatives.

The effects of the chronic shortage of troops inherent to the Infantry

were particularly felt among the Ibplanted Battalions.

The Battalions wore always tuider-officered, in spite of the evident neces-

sity to entrust the Command of all important posts to an Officer.

* But each Battalion had first of all to provide for the C.?.. of the Zone

with at least 4 Officers, while only 10 or 12 in total were available.

The occupation of the Posts then severed the organic bonds. betwoen units

and the result was redhibitory needs: too many Posts wore not even led by a

Senior Non-Conissioned Officer and they were all lacking in the low ranks.

To this quantitative insufficiency was added the qualitative lack: All

too often, the mediocre elements were assigned to implanted units.

Therefore, there was little personnel left for sorties. Thus "the weak-

ness of the implanted troops in a Sub-Sector did not permit the availability of suf-

- ficient intervention elesints; the consequences were grave: the Posts' Garrisons

did not expand sufficiently"o (1)

The personnel, however, was subjected to periodical punctures as "it was

necessary, for each oporation, to constitute a marching unit, often characterized

I by a lack of cohesion and a poor maneuverability". (2)

(I) Battalion Leader G..o. Battalion and "Quartior" (Area) Coniwandero

(2) Captain A.... Battalion Commander.

1 184

This is a teaching which baecuue so evident in 1940 in the-fortification

S Infantry$ the units tied to blockhouses are unavoidably diminishodt "Due to the

fact that the implanted Battalions generally remained tied down permanently, the

result was a progressive devaluation of their porsonnel, as it was confined to

static missions - mortally routine". (1) ,

"The many nocessitios of the Posts required, if not some activity, at

least constant presence of the troops and, as a result, a 'fatiguo coefficient'

of troops above the average. During the day, the clearing of several acres, the

repairing of aecossory defenses, the maintenance of a large armament (one automatic

weapon per man in some P.A.'s), participation for two-thirds of the force for

cover and protection of roads, searches of villazes, which took place at dawn as

well as midnight or three P.M., were to be attended to".

"At night, there wore ntnerous end anxious watches, the 'bolls', the am-

3 buchos, Nervous tension was extrcma among the men, but even more so among the

Posts Leaders, who, every night, when the Post shut itself up, asked the question:
'Is my Post goin- to be attacked tonight?"' (2)

To physical strain was added moral strain: first because concrete did

j not generate any enthusiasm: "Concretel this single word spokon in the assign-

ment organizations for the new arrival's attention made him worry and think.

The echos of this troglodytic lifo which came to his ears even before he had

f set foot in the place had already given rise to some apprehension at the idea

of static co.mbat". (3)

Another officer wrote: "Concrete alienates the best of will power, stuns

_1 I 111II IIII I II I l Lml 2:= ! T2 =•• • IL_

(1) Battalion Leader G.... Battalion and "Quartier" Commander.

(2) Captain Ne,. Company Comiander.

(3) Lieutenant Ro..e Company Comnander,

, m

the most experienced of men. Why must privileged Forces remain forever shut

up in those reinforced concrete cages, when others would have asked nothing

bettor than resting thore for a few months?".

"Combat which consists in maintaining the entirety of a tons without

having the moans to go into the opposing camp is the worst I have ever known,

To watch one's troops grow thin on account of ambushes or harassment of Posts,

being unable to have an idea of the lossee Inflicted on the enemy, all this In

un bearable to a fighting man"s (Lieutenant G.... Company Commander)

"From the day we built concrete, in spite of all the beautiful posters

plastered all over: 'Don't wait for the Viet, Go get the Viet,,,*, an obligation

to defend was creatod which inexorably took precedence over the attack* All tone

and posts missions boaan by: 'to insure the ontirety of...' This favored habit

and intellectual decay, and it has never been the varying element in the clearing

of roads, the moving of bushes around the barbed wires that would be called

'fight against routine,".

"This could have been called 'waiting' in another fashion, with its de.

plorable consequefices:

- alertness 'which became lax, imperceptibly, because nothing happoned, till

the day when the Viet took advantage of a favorable occasion to launch a

brutal action;

"-the 'suburbanization' of some NCO's;

- the temptations of the populated areas, which were particularly great in

the case of Sensitive Complexes", (1)

All this points up to the absolute necessity of relieving the troops and

that is the essential teaching of the whole campaign: when the occupation and the

defense the posts or Sensitive Cornplexes are attended to by normal Infantry units,

' (1) Capt~ain J,... Company Commuander.

[ /

they must be poriodicAlly rolieVedo

The duration of the implantation must not exceed a few months and the re-.

lieving of troops must necessarily be oharactorized by a new period of Instruction.

lm~lm..mw fa in*• iUl


The eistence of the S~uppletiva Forces is a constant facts From the

FOMDCIRTI of the Roman Armies to the 110GHA.NIS of the Moroccan Operations, there

have always bomn men willing to risk their lives for a small pay and without any

hope of a pension for their families, against the guarantee of being able to fight

within the limits of their province of origin and if only they are allowed to lay

down their arms when they so choose. If only they can also return to their wives

and children between two combats.

Such a formula can, of course, be implemented only during periods when

general mobilization and totalitarian marshalling measures against the population

have not been decided upon In the proposed territory.

Since before the war, Implanted posts in the districts which constituted

the border zone of the Tonkin enployed partisans as atulliarles.. From 1946-1947,

the gargantuan needs of men led to the recruiting of partisans on the whole terri-

tory of the Peninsula and their number never ceased to increase: in 1954, the supple.

tive strength went over the 55,000 mark.

SThese auxiliary forces prevented our regular units from being assigned

to second-class missions, and in addition, they provided our indigenous units with

I the support of light elements with a perfect knowledge of the terrain.


The type of organization which prevailed was that of small unit.t

The suppletive wore grouped into "Compagnies do Suppletifs Militalres"' (C.S.M.)*,

of which every territory could establish a determined number.

It had seemod necessary to have all the Companies of a Territory

directed by an Inspection and such a system worked well.

The organization of a Ce.SM. was simple and the organization charts


- an element of command reduced to the minimum: The Company Conmandor and

two radiosc

tour Platoons, each Including one Firing Section (only one automatic

rifle), and two shock sections.

The total strength was 100 men and the officer force was practically

provided by one Officer, 8 Non-Commissioned Officers, and 9 Corporals.

The equipmreont was mainly composed of individual arms for the unit only

disposed of four automatic rifles. The weapons wore nondescript for quite some

time, but tended to be uniform by the end of hostilities.

Thus organized, the C.S.M. was a very light formation, capable of supple-

menting the regular troops for certain missions but mainly of complementing them.

Its maximum results were obtained when a C.S.M. was adapted to a Battalion, and

this forrula has always been satisfactory.

But other formulas have been tried at times: "Some units, such as the

-Groupenent de Suppletifs Speclaux No. 1' (First Special Suppletive Group) of

KIN-AXt, of the size of a battalion, Vero entirely satisfactory".

So-no officers advocated the creation of light provincial battalions

capable of being assigned independent missions, and this suggestion appears

Interesting. Anyway it is derived from the concept which prevailed for the

establishment of the ToD.K.Q. (1) Battalions of the Vietnamese Army.

S C.S,.M - Military Suppletivos Companies.

(1) Tieu Doan Khinh Quan (Light Battalion).



The utilization of Suppletive Units in statIcal missions (occuPation

and defense of the Posts, watching of sensitive points or communication

channels), should be cast aside:

"To give the mission of holding some Posts alone to suppletive fonita-

tions seems to be an anomaly: the suppletive formations are not very valuable

in wait and they need assistance and reinforcements atthe first alarmf".

"A device set up for an on-the-spot resistance cannot be held by than,

for they are not very well armed, badly trained, poorly equipped.**.Their

recruiting is unstable, being subjocted to outside influences (friends, rela-

tives..,) without any moral engagament attachod to it. On tho other hand,

leaving suppletives alone in posts, with femilies, children, etc., would mean

the creation of amall civil-military soclities that would be particularly vul-t

nerable to the onomyts storm actions and propaganda". (1)

"Grave consequences could well be expected if these Units were employed

for watch duties, to serve as 'boys# for some of the services, instead of being

busy searching for intelligence or sometimes to handle all nocturnal sorties

in the case of suppletive sections stationed in posts of regulars, under the

pretense that they are light and that they might offer security risks compared

to the others*

"Sometimes, the use of small elements was preferable; taking as a

pretext that an excellent suppletives company was Involved, it should not be

given missions beyond its means and capabilities". (2)

It is difficult to see, howevers to whom could be entrusted

occupations of organizations such as the guard duties If not to the suppletives,

(I) Captain L.,.. Assistant Battalion Commander,

(2) Lieutenant Co.o, Company Commander,


The productivity of the suppletives was excellent with other missions.

For exauple, Colonel N..., Zone Commander, maintains:

"The suppletive units gave satisfaction and dvmonstrated with

evidence that it was perfectly possible to create excellent tools, for weak

defenses. Unforttmately, their number has been reduced as the result of the

suspicion of too many "regular" Officers towards these irregular formations of

which tho outward appearance and discipline often presented startling aspects

to European soldiers. It is quite probable that some of these light indige-

nous units could be organized on all theaters of operations".

Another Officer wrote: "Our Suppletive Companies were the perfect

answer to the idea that some espoused on the character of the war in Indochina.

Those Units, light and very fluid, made up of man with a thorough knowledge of

the enemy's tricks, tactics and terrain, rendered invaluable services although

their efficiency had been influenced by the mediocrity of the Officer element

and the poor training". (1)

This Officer force was essentially constituted of supplotive NCS's

and the number of European NCO's rarely rose to more than two or three.

But, no matter what his rank was, the European NCO was automatically

the Company Conimander, which gave rise to paradoxical situations: French

Sergeant comman'ding Supplotive Warrant Officers, or even a French sergeant

commanding a CS.M. to which was assigned a suppletive Lieutenant.

The supplotive Officer force, furthermore , was often of a poor quality.

"These units should have been provided with a first-rate officer force,

well-trained in military matters, with a high morale and fully cognizant of the

(1) Captain N.... Company Commander.

customns prevailing in the regions they wore called upon to oarate In; much too

often, the Officer force of tho supplotivo Companies Included elements preoccupied
first with living off the country and providing themselves with personal material

conveniences instead of carrying out the missions entrusted to them unselfishly", (1)

Training was elementary "the suppletive element often became a combatant

from one day to the next and his training was acquired in combat; but this was

Insufficient. Tactical instruction can be left to the men's Initiative as they

bring out their inharent qualities, but technical instruction should be empha-

sized%. (2)

Some materila improvements would have also been dosirable: valorization of

the Supplotives status, increase in pay, protoction of families, guarantee of a

pension in caso of invalidity.

Finally, but this problem was not special to the Suppletives, the equip-

ment could havy included a hihor proportion of automatic weapons and grenade-

With these considerations in mind then, the Suppletives assigned missions
are in proportion to their lightness and their rusticity, while remaining essen-

- thorough soarch of a village or of a zone of resistance recently occupied;

- reconnaissance on both sides of a marching route;

aInfiltration Into difficult terrain;

in that swue category come in missions which are defensivo in appearance.
a holding by night betveen two strong points;

w indiract protection of a supply line of a convoy;

- ambushos and night reconnaissance missions.

(1) In so-o torrltories, Suppletive Officers Schools were created and produced
some excellent elements. But they wore few and far between.

i (2) Colonel N.... Zone Commander. Providing this training Is well oriented and
Lastly, each C.S.M, is liable to constitute, In the SAm* vein as the VoMo

units, an Zntelligence Service centor (10 to 12 seleotod men)* Working with lo.

cal elements (self-defense militias, inhabitants), such a group can collect parti-

cularly interosting intelligence concerning the terrain, the population and the

enany, providing there has been a period of instruction beforehand*

Thus employed, the Suppletive Forces would act as.a light Infantry, radia-

ting around the regular units when the latter operate in a Territory whose charac-

toristics are not well knoun to them. (1)


The termi "COMMANDO" has been the object of personal Infatuations. It

not only meant a type of action, a spirit, a doctrine, but it also served to

designate unit.; of all origins and structures: Co=-•ando Paratroopers, Joint

Airborne Commandos, Marine Conandos, Landing Commandos, shock Commandos,

plantations Corinandoso... Bergerol, Vandenborghe, Lasserre Commandos. Even the

Veterinary Corps used this practical word to designat~e one of Its creations:

t~he Cynoco~andose

This proliferation of Units produced a certain devaluation of the word

"COi.MANDO", but it is an undeniable proof of the constant and obstinate search

for a type of action better suited to the war without a front than that of

regular units.

The creation of Commandos derived, in fact, from the need to play the

same gome as the opponent. "We could not limit ourselves to traditional actions

(1) Lieutenant Colonel X.... gives a better illustrated description, just as

accurate, of missions which can be entrusted to the Suppletives: "Actually,
they are required to beat the stand".


as a function of power, centralized$ continuous, with..the Infantry operating

in close cooperation with the other Arms and tndlng to occupy the terrain*
We also had to proceed with shock actions, guerilla actions dependent on sur-
priso, decontralized, at a syncopated tempo, conducted by isolated detachments
tending, not to occupy the Sprrain, but to destroy the opponent and his war

mach in".,
The theator of operations chracteristios was well suited to missions
which had become standard for Commandos, while providing a differentlation

actions in territories actually under V. H. control.
The location of these territories resulted in that those were mostly

amphibious and sometimes airborne actions. (See chapter VI)

- actions in zones whore we contested the V. M. hold on the population and
whore we fought tightly imbricated,

The role of the coimandos was then to provide the counter-action to the

enemy raIds nd...
and ...... .....
ambushes* *

Missions of the first category were reserved for specialized units:

Joint Airborne Commando Groups (which beccae GM% in 1953) and Airborne Troops
in particular.
As for the othors, initially, the Suppletive forces were merely used to
handle them and various types of Cormandos were thus organized in each territory.

But, from 1953, it appeared necessary to reorganize these often incon-

gruous and unequally sized units. Under the aegis of "Indochina Commandos",
a consistent organization was agreed upon, and accomplished little by little.

This rapidly gave much better results, but, unfortunately, it came about too




The major portion of the Commandos strength remained composed of

Suppletive Indigenous elements, but they were given a truly valorixed status

compared to that of the normal Suppletives.

The problem in fact was to put an end to the Instability of the troops
which highly prejudiced the productivity of units that necessltatod Intensive

training. Therefore, the men bad to sign a yonrls contract, but in componsation

their financial and material situation wau substantially improved.

At the Co;,mander-in-Chieffs ocholont an administrative serv•ce insti-

tuted the raoasuros affecting the status, the train•g and the principle of

utilization, vhile a "CoMTnaILdo Command" directed the administration and use in

each Territory,

It had at Its disposal:

- 1 Command Group
- I Administrative Center, thus relieving all units of such tasks.

a Some regular commandos and some shook cormandos*

M Eventually, some Landing Coln..mdos.

Under normal condjtl ittfl2f;lýh dos should have boen able to

..aei'f;ilsh all the missions their name brings to mind, but experience led the

authorities to specialize them in one or another type of activity which the

Indochina geography and the form of operations had given rise to.

I In semi-controlled regions, some "normal Commandos" were kept at the

subordinate echelon's disposal by the Territory Commander. They generally

operated on the dissident zonest periphery at a depth reaching a few kilometers

(in North Vietnam), and several scores of kilometers in areas lending themselves

to infiltration or sparsely inhabitcd.

But most of the time they operated within the disputed sectors themselves


to back up the counter-guerilla activities we tried to conduct,

2 - The "Shock Commandos" constituted a reserve for Territory Commanders;
they were theoretically designed to infiltrate deeper in the opposing forma-
tions with a view to deal them brutal and swift blows, But they were.ofton to
be used as backoups for the regular Cotmiandos.

3 - On the river plAne, the DINASSAUTS availed themselves of the assistance

of the "Landing Coz•nando- (1) assigned to each of them for activities on the
eubanlknents. The officer force and the troops were furnished by the Army, but

their utilization was ontiroly supervised by the Navy,

4 - Finally, for coastal raids, the Navy maIntained "M1arine Commandos". (2)
The organization charts of course don't have the same meaning for the .
Coimnandos as for the Regular Troops.
The creation of detachments on request It lmperative before any action.
Subjectto this, there follows. he-constitution which organization and training

facilities had finally led to retain#

The regular Commando included one Command Section and three combat
sections, each composed of a Comn:,and element and two combat groups. The
strength was very much the same as that of the Suppletives Company (106 at the
Commando against 100 at the C.S.M.), but with a much botter officer force.
-1 Officer, 4 N004s, I Radio Corporal for French personnel.
- 8 NCO's and 25 Corporals for indigenous personnel.

The equipment offered a wide range of capabilities: 47 automatic pistols,

15 U.4. carbines, 6 rifles, 20 grenade-launching rifles, 6 semi.automatic rifle•,
6 automatic rifles.

(1) Also designated as "Light Escort Company" (C.L.A.).

(2) Cf Chapter devoted to the Navy.


Finally, the comiunications c '-ient provided for a satisfactory articu.

"lationt I SCR 694 - 4 SCR 300 a5 SCR 536o

The "Shock Commandos" and the C.L.A.,s disposed of practically Identical
facilities; but with a higher percentage of French cadres (9 with 2 officers).

The very existence of the Commandos gave rise to controversies and many
were the cadres who were opposed to anything that used the name "Commando" or

"Special Units". The position taken by Battalion Leader X.... suMmarises quite

accuratoly the arguments of this th..ry's supporterst

..-'T~: infatuation for so-called Special Units is not Justified

by the missions given to thcm: quite often they perform the ordinary task of an
Infantry Company, somnotimes bettor because they may be better offleered and trained,

sometimes worse because they don't know the country. Special Units actually
present a certain number of inconveniences:"
"They pass out the normal chain of co=,and: which is contrary to the neces-

sities of war as only one Conmmnder has to provide for unity of Coimuand and dcc.

"Or they take orders from 2 chains of command, which creates unimaginable

situations in territories where the littlo'Spooial' chiefs take on habits of in-

subordination that are quite incompatible with military life."

"The whole effort must bear upon the normal units. If the whole of the

cadres, the credits, the training facilities, If the elite of the special units
were assigned to valorize the regular units, the latter would be capable of accom.

plishing all missions, including the special ones, and the whole value of the com-

bat formation, upon which rests after all the outcome of the war, would be con-

siderably improved".

Lieutenant *... is more pointedl

"To proscribe to the maximum. A good and well trained fighter must be

capable of accomplishing all normal combatant missions. The truly special missions

(frogmen, special agonts) are only tho fonts of a minority",

",,There is a much too groat tendency to want to multiply so-called special

units which, considoring themselves elite elements, refuse afterwards to lower

themsolves to the h1uiblo task of the combatant and are no more than disguised


As one can readily see, the dispute over the Commandos has replacod that

-of. "th V6luntoeor Corps without resulting in any agreemont of compromise, no

doubt because in Indochina the Commando Units often gave deceiving results and

this is even admitted by their supporters.

But the causes of their failures were numerous.

First of all, the Cor.mnandos were not always utilized wisely.

"For various reasons (shortage of troops, Inertia of wilts In the

posts, etc.), the Sector Conmnnmders frequcntly turned Con.,ndos away from their *

destination to make tLhc.m clenr or guard roads, and at night, to use them as alarms

for protection of Posts or close ambushes which could have been handled by the

Posts themselves".

"Inversely, the designation of 'Shock Commandos' Inappropriately given

to General Reserve Commandos, while those units were not any better trained than

regular Com-..,ndos, many times led the local Command to involve them in operations

beyond their capabilities. The Failures of the quarries of NINH-BINH and

NAM-MAO in November, 1953, of GIAN-KHAO in January, 1954, have no other causes...."(1)

One objection could be: why wouldn't the Commando Cadres try to sollicit

missions which would be better suited to their nature?

Captain X,,.'s answer gives an explanation of a psychological nature:

(I) Battalion Leader X.... Commanding the Commandos in North Vietnam,.

"Often, Sectors and Sub Sectors had a tendency to use Commandos stationed

on their torritory as nortnal companles, or on the contrary, as shock units and the

restrictions voiced by the Cormnando In such Instances were considered as a breach

of discipline".

it is an unquostionabla fact that a portion of our cadres had an insuf-

ficient knowledge of unconventional warfare and that, consequently, they knew

nothing of the capabilities and demands of units created by clandestine activities

on the encmW's roars.

It should be noted right here, in their defense, that the quality of the

commandos didn't load anyone in using them without discrimination. (1)

They were handicapped from the start by their supplotive recruitment,

which was contradictory to the principle of homogenous and well-trained units:

"A 'Commando#, in the full sense of the wrd, can only be formed by regu-

lar troops that have received thorouah advance training and are periodically

brought to the roar to;" reconditioning, Any other solution will produce a band,

full of drive perhaps, but with all the faults and weaknesses of a band",.

"The 'Suppletives' Solution, if it were advisable financially, was for

from being so as a rational use of human resources. These units were too unsta-

ble to be coherently trained, even when they disposed of adequate cadre to do so.

Indeed, in spite of the special one year contract created by the suppletive Comi-

mando Status, nothing was provided to pursue the men who decided to leave for the

most varied reasons as deserters; Military Justice refused to pursue and this was

soon known. Almost all Commando Chiefs report that all their operations were

carried out with a high percentage of untrained recruitss". (2)

(1) The comments that follow do not apply to the Navy Commandos who are considered
an exception. Bosidest the principle behind their recruiting technique was
different since those units were composed of personnel who had received spe.
i cialized training In the Metropolis, Blut the Navy Commandos too wero not al-
ways employed wisely.

(2) MaJor X,... Commando Chief in North Vietnam*


Actually, the unlts trained themselves perfunctorily between two periods

of operations and none of the men received a basic training, not even elementary.

Moreover, the cadres were not only insufficientt quantitatively, as most

of the Expeditionary Force Units, but also qualitativelyt

"Not Just anyono can make a Comunando Officer. To be a volunteer because

one is dynamic and courageous is not enough, This is a trade that one learns

and can only be taught In a Special Center in France. A much too large proportion

of our cadres had not undergone such periods of training or had been there for

a much too short period of time". (1)

Some efforts had been made in this area nevortheloss. Courses of instruo-

tion had been organizod at the FREJUS Centor for some cadres waiting to depart,

and a few training centers had been created In Indochina upon the initiative of

certain leaders,

But these facilities remained insufficient until 1953 when a school fur-

nished with the desirable facilities and instructors (2) was created at VAT CHAY

(on the coast of the Along Bay).

Training of the troops followed.

Continuous periods of Instruction permitted each commando to go through

the Center for 6 to 8 weeks during which Instruction was given from A to Z.

The results were excellent, but the operational requirements were such

that at the end of hostilities, only a fraction of units had taken advantage of

this conditioning. (3)

(1) Major X.... Commando Chief in North Vietnam.

(2) The VAT-CRAY School inherited the facilities and buildings created by the
Commando Training Center of North Vietnam. Thus an Officer School for all
the FTEO's and a Training Center for the Tonkin Coumandos were combined
j at VAT-CHAY.

(3) Two or three less elaborate centers had been created in other Territories
and were just beginning to operate.

Finally the action of the Commandos were fouled up by the Inaccuracy of
Intoll1gonce. On many ooonsion8 a promising raid hit a vacuun, or on the contrary,

tailed because the encountered enaeny olemonts wore more Important than anticipated.

Indeed, collecting Intelligenco was one of the major missions of the Com-

mandos, espoclally of the nornal Commandos, but they needed for that the required

ability to "livo" with the Viet MInh, to foil his tactics and lastly to dilute

themselves into small teams.

All this stood out even more so on account of the gaps in the cadres

and the lack of Instruction of which suffered too many Commandoso

The success of the most famous of thca (Vandenberghe, Lasserre Comman.

dos) shows, if at all necessary, the major role played by the Chief and his

auxiliaries as well as the importance of well-trained troops for these two units

included a great majority of retrieved V.M. whose experience equaled months of


SThe discredit often accorded the Commandos stems as much from their lack
of success as the drain imposed on other units in order to creat them.

Without denying them some interest, one must, however, reserve to them

only the missions a good infantry force can accomplish and anticipate two types

of units.

The "Shock" Commandos were to handle deep raids and try to live the life

of the rebels.

The "IIntelligence" Commandos were to be advantageously provided with a

"structure similar to that of the TRINH SAT formations of the V.M., the methods

of which were to be adopted. (1)

The Shock Commandos personnel can and must include a large proportion of

(1) See Part 1 -Chapter I.

turopemns; the Intelligenoe Commandos must be composed, with tho exception of

a few oadres$ of indigenous personnel,

The European cadres of the two types of Commandos was necessary@

S •Eperience showod that one will find among the Indigenous personnel very few

chiefs possessing the required capabilities for such missions,





The French Airborne Troops took their first steps in INDOCHINA: only

the "sticks" of the 2nd R.CP, had been able to participate in some airborne

operations of the 1939 - 1945 war and it was in the Far East that the troops

were to conquer their noble name, that the Command was to try out a utilization

doctrine, and that the technique gained its experience.

For nine years, our Airborne Units never ceased to fight, but they never

stopped either to search for the path to follow and this search was carried out

under exceptional circumstances.

Moreover, this war had no encmy in the air. The control of the sky

was thus guaranteed and this "sine qua non" condition to undertake airborne

operations being secured, all possibilities were offered to us within the air

capabilities at our disposal.

Also, this war was a war without a front, which placed the Airborne in .',

a paradoxical situation, as it was essentially designed to "create the events"

on the rears by the violation of land or sea frontiers.*

From this double nature of the operations emerged a contradiction

between what our paratroop units accomplished and what they wished to have



"Indochina offered great possibilities for the use of Airborne troops

due to its size and the relatively high number of zones suitable for

jumping". (1)
These data, the benefits drawn from our first paratrooper drops and

also the favoritism for a new Arm, for dynamic cadres and promising capabili-

ties, wore such that the Coirand constantly wished for the growth of airborne

formations and favored it with all the means at its disposal.

This favorable climate explains the rapid growth of the units:

In 1946 we only had a few hundred paratroopers, all infantrymen,

In December 1950 the strength reached a total of 5,684 men, but one
year later they had almost doubled (10,639 men), and Artillery formations made
their appearance (two 75 in/m recoilless platoons), as well as those of the

Engineers and Signal Corps*

In 1954 the contribution of the National Armies allowed a strength of:

--6 Paratroop Battalions under the Expeditionary Force, (I)

- 6 Vietnamese Paratroops Battalions.

- I Laotian Paratroops Battalion.

- 1 Khmer Paratroops Battalion.

- plus some ualts of the other branches.

At first, the companies and Battalions were utilized either Isolated

orb y groups or semi-brigades (Colonial Paratroop Commandos semi-brigade SAS 4

Paratroop March semi-brigade).

With no particular infrastructure, under no specialized command, these

units were forced to draw upon themselves the necessary elements for the operation

(1) Among which were two Legionnaire Battalions.

of their technical services.
At the beginning of 1949 it proved necessary to create a "tCommand of the
Airborne Forces" (1) which was to exeroiso functios analogous to those of the
Artillery, the A.B.C., Co~mands, etc., and which was to undertake, In particular,
the organization of paratroop units within the National Armies. ,

In 1949, the infrastructure problem had also been resolved by the creation
of two airborne bases, one in SAIGON (B.A.P.S.), the other in HANOI (B.A.P.N.).
These bases, equipped to handle materially the air-drops, included com-
mand eloi.ents, air supply formations and parachute folding and maintanance services.
But their perman(int character led to the annexing of other organizationst
Jump Training Centers, Training Companies, Student-Officer Platoons, etc.,.Their
strength thus augmented considerably.

In 1953 the state of development attained by the paratroopers formations

made it possible to creato divisionary oleaients •(2) end three airborne groups,
As a parallel to these measures however, it seemed necessary to give cer-
tain territorial Staffs some liaison and study groups: "The Permanent Operational
Staffs Elements":
- the North EP.E,M.O, in HANOI,
- the Central E.PE.M.O. in TOURANE.


- the South E.P.E.MO. in SAIXON

Their role was to prepare future engagements, looking for drop zones then

establishing for each of them a file including all useful information. (2)

(1) In 1950, this Command changed name and became "Airborne Troops Command in Indo-
china" or T.A.P.I. At the same time, an Airborne Troops Command North to cover
* all the Tonkin formations was created.
(2) Each file Included:
- terrain characteristics (size, nature of soil, existing defense organizations,
comi•unications means, etc.);
- oblique and vertical aerial photographs;
information relating to enemy activities and implantations in the area;
- drop capabilities (by full stick of half stick, etc.);
- periodical weather infornition (rainfall, wind prevalence, etc.).
j 2,400 drop zones were thus classified, 900 of which in the Tonkin.
Once en oporation had been deoidod upon, the E.P.E.M.O. insured its plan.
.ning with the appropriato services of the Staff under which It was operating.
The time gained and the a9curacy of the planning were obvious.

If Indochina".presented a vast field of operations for airborne operations,

these wore no less handicapped by the demands of the terrain and climate.
"Opposed.to the vast horizons of the Doltas were the mountain Tagion as
much due to the rarity of landing zones as to obstacles presented by the relief
and atnospheric conditions for the evolutions of transport formations: and it was
in those regions that the heart of the Viet Minh might beat". (1)

If the climate presented a permanent problem for the maintenance of para-

chutes, it constituted no bar to airborne operations.
The dry season was especially favorable; the rain season,, however, was

not an absolute obstacle. But, like everything that pertains to air space, the
use of paratroopers was subjected to the necessities of the weather. (2) The per-
5ods following or preceding typhoons, in particular, interdicted any operation.
But the most serious demands ste=med from the lack of transport planes and

recuperation of parachutes.
In 1951, the Commander-in-Chief thus expressed our needs:
"Experience acquired by Marshall do LATTRE's predecessors had shown how
vain the hope of seizing the enemy and submitting him to a ruining battle was as
long as the Air Transport Service was unable to drop in one wave a force the size
of at least three Battalions on the enemy rears".
But a year later, the Commander of the Air Forces of Indochina thus ex-

pressed our difficulties:

(1) Report from the Commander of the Airborne Troops, Indochina.

(2) That is why the drop of three Battalions in the HOA BINH basin, scheduled
for Novc-iibor 14, 1951, was delayed by fog.

"Durina the avnmer of 1952, the Cozimander-in-Chieft wishing to resume the

offensive, hcd placed as a condition for the execution of any aerial operation

the capacity to drop three Battalions, or approximately 2,400 mon, in on* single


"To satisfy this requiromenc, one hundred DAKOTAS were needed while we

only possessed fifty (to which could be added twenty.two old JUNKER 529s), The
problem of finding those fifty DAKOTAS, the necessary personnel, pilots and mecan.

less and supplics, was enormous".

"However, the miracle occurred. The grouping of a hundred of these on

the Indochina Territory became effective on November 1st.."

"But, as the Battle of NGHIA-LO gave us the indication, the Air Transport

was to be used, under the pressure of the situation at the moment, not for the of-

fensive, but for the defensive".

"The rapid ovolution of the military situation forced the Comand to lo.

imtmdlataly the rebelScalize

threat due to the 'LORRAINE' Operation; oppose then

immobilize it via the NA.SAN redoubt. In particular, the Air Transport was to

lend a considerable support of a permanent character, out of proportion with the

available capabilities offered by the Groups and their maintenance crews',.

Unfortunately this state of affairs was to remain such until the end of

the war, especially from the time the DIEN-BIEN PHU affair became felt.

During this period, the number of available C-47 planes went from 90 in

January 1954 to a hundred at the beginning of April. American aid, which had pro-

vided us with five C-119's from October 1953 brought these to 15 by January and

February, then to 25 approximately during the months of March and April.

But the numbor of available crews was inferior to that of the planes as

a result of fatigue, disease and combat losses.

In short, we never had the air vehicles that would have been required to

carry more than two Battalions, due as much to the inadequacy of our Air Transport

force as to all the other demands (air supply, medical evacuations, air transport

of other personnel, etc,).


For a long time, the Airborne Troops had to provide for the recuperation

of parachutes.

"Their availability being strictly limited, airborne operations would rapidly

become Impossible for lack of supplies if parachutes were not rocuperated.

This task was the rosponsibility of the unit which had just jumpedl Ex-

perience in operations led us to admit that as a rule a third of dropped personnel

had-to be employed for the first half-day to protect the drop zone and recuperate

material... Any airborne operation orders included therefore a paragraph concern-

inS recuperation of parachuteso..(1)

The Viets wore fully aware of the importance we gave this material and did

his best to destroy it, compelling even women and children to do it. Here is an

example of this:

"During the NGHIA DO Airborne Operation when on February 28, 1950, the

F X..BCCP jumped directly over the Viets who were attacking a post about to fall;

the paratroopers found themselves engaged in hand-to-hand fighting as soon as

they reached the ground.,"

"As soon as we held the terrain, the parachutes began to be picked up:

only two-thirds of them could be recuperated. The remainder, or 150i had been

taken away or cut up with knives and reduced to shreds". (2)

But once the parachutes recuperated, they had to be taken away at the price

of a harassing carrying operation: "After the NGHIA DO operation, in order to eva-

cuate the 350 retrieved parachutes, a convoy was formed which, from post to post

was sent out across mountains for about 200 Kilometers to LAD KAY where was an

(1) 1950 Report on the use of Airborne Troops.

(2) Report from the X..BCCP Coimander.

airdrome". (1)
One can readily see how much the use of consumable material, or of hell.
copters to handle the parachute evacuation would have alleviated the demands on
our unitsi During those years$ the recuperation of parachutes was the heaviest
burden that weighed on our paratroopers units.

This situation was to improve only towards the end of the conflict thanks
to American aid and French manufacturers. In 1953, the "HIRONDELLE" Operation
order still carried the "Parachute" paragraph, but the following had boon finally
added: "the parachutes of units which are to Jump at LAIGSON will be destroyed

on the spot".
At the end of hostilities, the Airborne Troops Conmiand passed the follow-
Ing Judgment on the units:

"The morale hasn't changed much during the campaigns It is that of the
carrier soldier, volua.cor for anything he believes the most difficult, sure of
his physical fitness, willing to take the risks he believes he can surmount with

his personal values; it is the "Para spirit". It was maintained to the end". (2)

The Officer force, young and vigorous, excellent in thr first years, remained
satisfactory as a whole* However, it suffered from the aging caused by time and
insufficient replacement of personnel and also by wearing out (considerable losses
under fire; diseases),
After 1952, older cadres arrived or came back; although quite competent
and animated by a very high senseof duty, they were not as dynamic as those of the

first years".
The degree and level of instruction in particular constituted the variable

S(I) Report from the X..BCCP Commander.

(2) Report from the Commander of Airborne Troops, Indochina.

element The Airborne Unit~s, although benefit~tng from the advantage of arriving

in Indochina in constitutod battatiorn, were too often forced to admit in their

ranks, as the years want by, some qualitatively Inferior and insutficiently trained

The Airborne Troops Command could never obtain that a period of adaptation

be granted to the units arriving from the Metropolis, and those were in most in.

stances put to the test immediately after landing. It has never been possible to

obtain sufficient time nor the necessary facilities for the change of control and

refresher training in proper camps of the units.

The indigenous elements, hastily recruited, scantily trained, in most

cases prematurely enlisted, rarely achieved a satisfaotory degree of instruction,

and even then at the price of costly losses* The knowledge of woapons, markman.

ship, which are the basis of self-confideance In a soldier and of confidence in

his comrades, could never be pushed to the limit for lack of time and, in the case

of the fortified garrisons, for lack of firing range.

For the same reasons, the man-sto-man storm actions were never sufficiently

prepared. The lack of time also prevented a thorough study of night actions, and

the thorough planning of small unitst maneuvers,

While the Viet Minh Infantry progressed to the point of becoming excellent

and redoubtable on Its own terrain, ours became, for the reasons given above, less

efficient. The superiority complex that prevailed anion& the paratroopers at first

dwindled over the years 1952-53 to be replaced by a more accurate appreciation

of their own values %nd that of their opponent..

This rough self-critic tends to dim the fact that our paratroop Units, in

spite of a weakening of their value, remained an excellent Infantry and that the

slow devaluation of our land battalions made of the "Paras" the best reserve of

the Commander-in-Chiof.

[ From this comes the fact that they were used.'in all Instances where the

straightening out of a situation, the need of an exceptional effort or simply
the hope of success required the presence of an alert and vigorously led force.

The High Command was constantly required to involve the paratroop

units and It couldn't be any other way because it was always short of troops

and even more so of trained combatants.

Thus can be explained the number of land combat actions in.which par-

ticipatod some airborne elements. In 1950, this already aroused the protests

of the Airborne Troops Comnander:

"The Commander must make sure that his paratroopers units were not used

beyond certain limits in land operations where other tuits could have replaced

then if he wants to preserve their indispensable capabilities for airborne

operations, These capabilities must be preserved for productive operations

which require their use and where they are indispensable...," (1)

Four years later, the Airborne Troops Commander formulated the same


",.#It would have been more rational, admitting that it seemed too

costly to maintain about ten paratroopers Battalions destined to be used for

strictly airborne missions, to reduce this figure and increase the number of

Infantry Battalions".

A Company Commander is even more tough:

"It seems Just as senseless to take the Paratroopers of an Airborne

Division and require then to execute here a loop, there a reinforcement of

sector, elsewhere a mop-up, than it is to distribute the tanks of an Armored

(1) It would be useful to note that during the 1940-45 war the same thing had
happened and that it could not be otherwise, The Germans were rapidly led
to use their paratroopers divisions like large normal units and the Allies
required their Airborne Divisions to hold certain sectors of the front,

Division among several Infantry Divisions to escort the BAttalions or to
use them as tank.blockhouses in the Resistance Conmplexes, with the only

difftrence, however, that It doosntt come to anybody's mind to make such

use of the tanks of an Armored Division". (1)

But, due to tha necessities of the battle, the paratroopers not only

tought often ilk* simple Infantrymen, but the airborne operations proper

wore too often small scale actions without much method instead of being

massive involvewents.

During the campaign, actually, the paratroopers Jumped some 150

times which can be classified under four headings:

-.52 involvcnents ressemblod com•mando actions.

a 63 drops were carried out to support or extricate garrisons,

- 33 drops had varied goals, but constituted a simple participation in

the mopping-up or sweeping of a region, executed by land columns.

- 5 times only were the units promoted to carry out independent actions

of a large scale.

The chapter devoted to commando actions contains the teachings

drawn in this field and the drops designed to reinforce (1) or to

(1) Aside from the performance often represented by a personnel drop in

a 50m X 50m post closely encircled and from the risks involved (in 1949,
6 killed and wounded In the air out of a parachuted section to reinforce
a post in Cochinchina) there is no teaching to be drawn from a proce-
dure which consists in transporting by air what cannot take the road, as
was done on a large scale at DIEN BIEN PIU.I

I extricate a post (1) have already been mentioned in the study on control of the
r But it wouldn't be
useless to recall the
doctrinAl opposition

I separated the cadres of the Airborne Units in 1945 and which gave rise to

heated discussions for a long time.

Must we, like the British S.A.S., give preference to Comando actions

and only require paratroopers to operate in small fractions and thus execute

Must we, on the contrary, operate with constituted formations and, in

the framework of joint operations, undertake the standard missions of seizure

of sensitive points while waiting for jtmction with the land columns?

The first trend satisfied the desire to constantly harass the opponent

and seemed well suited to a war without a front; but the second would be

better adapted to the encircling maneuvers which were considered feasible.

In fact, the events were to convince the supporters of one or the

other thesis, During the first years of the war, the shortage of transport

planes naturallyforced the airborne units into actions requiring small forces.

(1) EItricating actions proper have been rare. They either consisted of
dropping Units on the rears of the assailant and cut off their conmuni-
cations (NGHIA-LO in February 1950 and DONG KHE in May 1950). The last
two operations were the most risky. Nevertheless, they were successful:
- because in NGHIA DO, it was possible to cover a knoll from the beginning,
Fwhich gave us control of the terrain.
because in DONG KIM, the V.1. who had already taken the post, abandonned
the terrain taking the garrison and material after noticing that their
efficient ARD could not stop the air-drops.
S~However,violent andit can be conceded that such actions ban be t:ried If:
a powerful air Intervention did actually neutralize the drop zone.
- the assisted post can protect the regrouping of the paratroopers with its fire.
But the only plausible action Is a drop on the assailant's rears.

Besides, the relative weakness of the V.M. permuitted small coiyrando actions. (1)

But, besinning in 1951, the Command created the 0.C.M.A. (2) in order to
activate guerilla actions on the enemy's rears (3) and, on the other hand, the very

structure of the units showed the abandonment of the commando formula: in 1946
the paratroop battalion with a completely French constituted force was a copy

of the S.A.S. units and disposed, for example, of 60 to 70 jeeps equipped with
throe machine guns, while at the end of the war the same battalion had a struo.
ture similar to that of the normal infantry formations (quaternary rule) and in-
eluded 50% indigenous elements*

This change did not make the units unfit for commando" rats, however,
since one of the last engagements of the campaign, and the most fruitful, was a

powerful raid on logistics installations.

The "HIRONDELLE" operation, in fact, which the airborne troops classify
among the five "large-scale operations" because it required the involvement of
throe Battalions, presented all the characteristics of a Commando raid, but in
the framework of a war in which the enemy potential had believed to such a degree
that a zone of depots could no longer be attacked without involving considerable
"HIRONDELLE" showed, moreover, that it is better to cover a spread of
recognized objectives with several battalions than to assign a company (or even
a Section) to the sabotage of a small installation, often erroneously pinpointed.


All that was said of the nature of operations in INDOCHINA, whether of
our control in surface actions, our offensive wedge in V.M.-controlled zones, or

(1) Thus, there have been 28 Commando operations in 1948-1949 and only 3 in 1953.
However, in 1952 there were still 9 airborne raids in Cochinchina and in LAOS.
(2) Group of Joint Airborne Commandos,
(3) See chapter devoted to the "1faquis".

maneuvers in the great wastes, suffice to demonstrate that the absence of a front
and the enemyts fluidity took all the meaning out of vertical encirclement, which

is the very essence of actions in the third dimension.

Indeed, there is still the preventive conquest of an objectives towards
which our land units converged, and three large-scale operations conducted by our
paratroopers units had no other goal.
"- "LEA" executed on October 7, 1947 was Intended to cover the BAC KHAN, CAO

BANG and CAO DIN-CAO MOI communities simultaneously in order to open a way
to forces designed to permit our re-implantation in the High Region on
- "LOTUS" was launched on November 14, 1951 to occupy IIOA BINH9, when we took

the offensive in Muong country.

- "ARION" allowed to reach PHU-DOAN at the first go on November 8, 1952

and was the prelude to the #'Lorraine" Operation.

But every time, we saw the enemy vanish after a brief engagement and the
standard airborne maneuver never saw a beginning of execution; because these con-
ditions were not met: the enemy could not be pushed from the front and encircled
from the rear, for there was no front and the enemy was never pressed hard by

land columns at the time the paratroopers Jumped somewhere behind him. Without
being even linked together by a logistics communications network, he had all the

facilities to slip away.

A fourth large-scale operation was carried out by our airborne units.
The "CASTOR" operation which took place on November 20, 21, and 23, 1953 and gave
us the DIEN BIEN PHU basin.
Bui this action was merely intended to bring about the rapid creation of
one of those aero-terrestial bases which we used as the essential element of our
maneuver in the "war of the great wastes"o (1)

(1) See chapter devoted to that study.

The goal was indeed to attract the enemy then undertake to destroy him,

but through the trickery of a localizing abces. The Initial action of the parae-

troopers merely prepared for the air-transport of troops of all azms.

It took on a form similar to that of the three preceding operations: It

was not a direct hit dealt from behind to the enemy. We can well understand the

disappointment of our paratroop cadres who waited vainly for the occasion to exe-

cute the ideal maneuver for which the Airborne was conceived.

This roal uneasiness was clearly expressed in a report on the T.A.P.I,


"Fooling all their physical and moral resources that their choice permits,

the paratroopers have accomplished in Indochina, day after day, for nine years,

with hard work, suffering 'nd heroism, a sizable task".

"OTheir regret for not being able to do better, even at the price of the

bloodiest sacrifices, their bitterness before the mediocre results obtained after

so. much effort and pair,, are tempered by the kimowled-e of having done their duty".

On the other hand, one could not participate in ths Judgment expressed in

the same document as follows: a

"Airborne opcratlops wore numerous, they have not always been wisely

planned. Some of them could have been odvanta3cously suppressed or replaced by

surface operations".

We know that the absence of a front rendered the airborne maneuver, in

its strict meaning, deceptive and we can only wonder if the airborne actions could

have had different forms.

Such was certainly not the case as long as the enemy kept to the guerilla

war and his logistics was impalpable.

On the other hand, from the moment the Chinese aid increased and material-

ized itself by depot zones, sensitive points and automobile convoys similar to those

of the European Armies, it would have been possible to undertake actions like
"MARION" or 'I'IRONDELLE"V Such is the opinion of the Airborne Troops Commander,,

"Operations of the PHU DOAN (1952) or LANG SON (July 1953) type could haye,

it seems, been more often undertaken at the opportune time against enemy depot

zones and couinunications means.., The YEN BAY depots, Highway 41, the TRANH SON

communications nucleus, the region of NHA N'i, THAI NGUYEN, to name Just a few,

could have constituted at some particular time, choice obJectives",. (1) (2)

Certainly, the execution of such raids wouldn't have been too difficult;

but it must be pointed out that the return of parachuted units in the Delta would

have been particularly risky.

The Airborne Troops Commander, moreover, e. .saged actions on the coastal

"It should perhaps be regretted that operationrs such as those of CAPE

FALAISE in 1949 or of qUI NHON in 1953 were not more;often planned, then launched,

All ports on the coast in Viet Minh hands could have been under the constant

"threat of Joint operations"'. (3)

However, these raids could not have obtained Immediate results as the V.M,

received only a minimal part of his supplies by sea. The systematic destruction

of the river force however would have dealt a very hard blow to fishing which

was an essential part of his economy*

But mainly, the actions against enomy communications systems were considered

when the battle of DIEN BIEN PHU started, for the big enemy units began to stick

together into columns on the land routes while at the same time they became heavier

with artillery and trucks. Thus they ceased to be unvulnerable,

Indeed, these divisions had not entirely done away with their usual fluid-

ity, but while they flowed in DIEN BIEN PHU their supplies and vehicles became

(I) Report from the Ariborne Troops Commander.

(2) Unfortunately, these prospects came during the first half of 1954, that is at
the time the battle of DIEN BIEN PHU and the operations of Central LAOS cen.
tralized all actlvities of our Air Transport.

(3) Report from the Airborne Troops Commander.

tributaries of a road, highway 41.
So the Airborne Troops Connand wondered if, "a joint airborne operation

with actions of the Commandos and the Mobile Intervention Group (G.MI, (1) and
aiming for enemy communications systems would have not been especially productive,
due to the Importance of the limited 1ou7ct, which presented critical points and

offered practically no possibility of flight". (2)

Actually, such an action was envisased and studied, But the inferiority
of our Air Transport facilities led to the abandonment of this project and the
facts did not permit to judge whether this maneuver on the rears could have ob.
tained the same results as in a European war$

In short, the war cane to an end without having had the opportunity to
really meet the requirements of utiliation of airborne units as seen by the
European doctrine,

This explains why our paratroop formations could never be a major asset
in-the Com.and's camp.
Certainly, they have constituted an element of many tactical maneuvers,
but they found no way of being used strategically, as in contrast to the 1939-45
var, for the strategy requirements were no longer the same,

The uneasiness felt by the paratroop adres can thus be explained for pay.
chological reasons and we can well understand that their Chief wrote after the
battle of DIEN BIEN PHU:

"In the field of utilization of forces, it is once more proven that airborne
units, the ultimate strategic reserve of the Command, can only find their full
use and efficiency in a massive engagement and with the element of surprise. •o

use them like surface units because they actually are the best Infantry of the

Expeditionary Force constitutes a sure way to lose"%

(1) Successor of the G.C.M.A.

(2) Report from the Airborne Troops Commander.

But we cannot avoid comparing this disenchantment of ardent troops to the
Sl disillusionment of our cavalry cadres after the tirst engagments of 1914 and during

the long months of the war in trenches* The evolution of combat gave them however
the opportunity to be cavalrymen more or lose in the last days of the conflict

and tactics gave them a large place only in 1939-40 under now signs.
The Indochina campaign only wanted the paratrooper to be a commando some
of the time, and an excellent Infantryman all the timo.


L _ --



Initially carbon copies of their sisters of the Metropolis, the A.FoCo

formations in Indoohina were to become of many and varied types during the nine

years of operation, according to the arrival of material (the armored, amphi.

f bious, working vehicles).

However, at the end of hostilities, most of the units were still furnished

with standard machines, inherited from the campaigns of France and Germany. So.

they had a structure inspired from that of European tactical groups.

Their utilization did not produce any unusual teaching, The amphibious

units, on the other hand, found in Indochina a fruitful field of experience which

allowed them to create a utilization doctrine.

The Armored Forces, initially tied to a material it had not chosen, slowed

down by the shortage of adequate vehicles and often by the inferiority of the main-

tenance services, had to overcome difficulties which were particular to them.

As seen from the "armor", the Indochinese terrain is characterized by wide

spaces, totally practiceable for the usual military vehicles and rarely accessible

to tanks, transplerced by narrow and few roads. The adaptation of the road network

would have made the task of the A.F.C. easier, but it was still incomplete at the

end of the war*

In particular, the deltas offered extremely variable possibilities accord-

ing to the place andthe season.

A Tank Squadron Leader deplored that practicability maps for the armor

had not been prepared and wrote: "The system of the seasons In the Tonkin
is almost regular. It is therefore feasible to establish a "terrain' map
which would be perfectly marked month by month, would include accurate Indi.
cations as to the routes, the practicable zones and compulsory points of
passage." (1)

In fact the armored forces lacked ways and free space most of the time,

for no "all terrain" material in the European sense of the word proved bo be
such in Indochina. (2) Moreover,, the heat and humidity rendered the combat

in armor, with closed flaps, particularly painful.

In addition, the armored forces, like the others, suffered from a
shortage of troops, and local recruiting was resorted to. But, due to his
small size and his lack of muscular strength, the indigenous element was often
f unfit to conduct heavy machines. So a Commanding Officer proposed an increase
of the Logion's units to offset the absence of qualified personnel.
"ItThe Cavalry mater-ial is always fragile and somewhat delicate, the
training of personnel is long and costly; if a branch should include career
soldiers, this is the one. The Legionnaire is particularly well qualified to
find his place in ti. It seems therefore that the Cavalry shouldhave a very
important place among the Foreign Legion Units". (3)
Due to this maze of difficulties, all the efforts of adaptation of the
A.F.C, could only bear upon certain combat procedures and the internal organt.
tation of Units,

(1) Captain X.... Tank Squadron Leader.

(2) The performance of the material will be discussed in Volume III*
(3) But precisely the contrary prevails; the percentage of Cavalry Units in the
Legion is less than the average obtained in the Battle Formation (two Foreign
F Cavalry Regiments for six Foreign Infantry Regiments). Lieutenant-Colonel X...
Sub-Group Colander.


Under various aspects the Armored Forces found again the traditional
missions of the Cavalryt
- Scouting for the Infantry, marching or stationing.

- Reconnaissance (clearing of roads, reconnaissance of villages, liaison

with isolated posts).
- Escorting (protection of convoys and guarding the routes).
a Combat in conjunction with the Infantry (participation in the "encircle-

mont" and the attack, as well as the counter-attacks and the cover of
- Pursuits and raids; although rare and of little importance.

The achievement of these missions, in the face of an enemy who excelled

"Inthe ambush combat and did not hesitate to launch an attack on tanks, require
a large auxiliary Infantry.
"In the Deltas, swallowers of troops on foot on account of their big
villages impervious to tanks, as well as the jungle in the highland, the A.F.C.
units had to be well provided with portative facilities to sustain, support or
extend the action of the Armored elements". (1)

aBut due to the shortage of troops, the Command balked for a long time
at the assignment of a true Infantry to the Armored Regiments as it would have
been unemployed during the periods of maintenance and conditioning of the

machines and their crews.

So, the Infantry units destined to work in cooperation with the Armor
were frequently renewed, while remaining true to the vise but necessary slowness
of the traditional maneuver of their Arm, The cohesives of these temporary

groups thus formed suffered, as did the flexibility and rapidity of actions.

(1) Lieutenant-Colonel X.... Armored Sub-Group Commander.

"Actuallyg most oa the time, once it was launohed, the action took the

rather slow pace of the lnfantryman's maneuver and took on the classical form

adopted since 1918 of the Infnatry combat supported by tanks". (1)

More and more the monotony o! the operations, constantly executed over
on identical ground, the long waiting periods along communication routes to

guard, the dispersion of threats, have too often Influenced the Command towards

routine. In addition, they have encouraged the static use and fragmentation

of the Armored Units,

This fragmentation, in particular, was often pushed to the extreme, due

to the shortage of facilities, on-the one hand, and to the requests from

territorial commanders at all levels, on the other hand,

This situation naturally reduced the efficiency of the units and brought

about their rapid attrition, as the Regiment or Squadron services were not

organised adequately to support dependent elements so widely scattered, (2)

It vould, however, "have been normal to expect much more from the service

which, with the aid of the motor, Joins mobility to power; the Service of

Reconnaissance and swift engagement, of pursuit as well as counter-attack; in

other words: the Cavalry...." (1)

But, It was not until 1951 that the first experience in using the

Armored Sub-Groups, with their own Infantry, was tried.

Until then, "the Armored Squadrons had rendered excellent services but

had only obtained sporadic results, because they were organized like reservoirs

of armored machines rather than like units capable of engaging combat alone". (1)
In the last part of the campaign, the A.F.C. included:

- Armored Sub-Groups (and amphibious groups) capable of engaging in combat

L (1) Lieutenant-Colonel X.... Commanding an Armored Sub-Group

(2) It has been ascertained, as if this were still necessary, that the smallest
[ unit with the capability to live independently was the squadron.

alone and constituting Implements of maneuver.
- Units capable of temporarily backing up certain Infantry unite or

meetinS the normal requirements of territorial authorities. (1)

This organization, however, should have been supplemented by the
creation of a Command element for the A.F.C. within each Territorial Command.
iMany difficulties would have been ironed out.
These Sub-Groups, organized towards the end of 1953, were essentially
composed of a Squadron of M.24 tanks and three Squadrons borne by the Go1oC,
In addition, they included one half-track borne Squadr6n, a Hortar
Platoon and a Staff adequately provided with communications facilities, which
permitted it to absorb reinforcement elements (Engineers (2), Infantry

Battallons, etc.).
"The high proportion of elements on foot, of an element the size of one

Battalion for one Tank Squadron, gave the Armored Sub-Group its character of a
well-balanced flexible and powerful Intervention element". (3)
The M424 tank Squadron moved about easily in dry rice fields and some-
times even in flooded rice fields. On the other hand, the tanks could, in

exceptional circumstances, penetrate inside the villages due to the numerous

water lines and covers. In addition, the guns' trajectory tension was such
that instantaneous fuse projectiles burst on contact with the first bamboo hedge.
Lastly, the combatants were unanimous in deplorinS the fact that the

transport vehicles of borne support elements were not on the same footing as

(1) While in North Vietnam the Armored Units wore part of the general reserve
and could be temporarily made available to a Sector Commander, units specie
fically assigned to Territorial Commands existed in the other territories.
(2) It should be noted that no dozer tanks were in Indochina. The presence of a
bulldozer with its trailer-tractor constituted a heavy burden for the Sub-
Group, if and when it had one*
(3) Teachings of the war of Indochina relating to the Armored Forces
written by the Inspection Services of the AF.C.
the tanks, which would have made It possible to provide for supplies and


The organisation of the tank Squadron In accordance with the Quaternary

Rule (1) was perfectly in keeping with the requirmonts of a var without a

front, in which the notion of directing an attack was oftenr undetermined.

Moreoever, the four tank platoon retained very satisfactory maneuver capabilities,

as the splitting up into tto patrols was unusual and was always executed on the

spur of the moment,

It would have been adivsable to provide these platoons with self.

propelling swoop missile fire. So the users have advocated the croation of a

Howitzer platoon at the Sub-Group level, to replace the Mortars platoon. (2)

The combats engagod at DIEN BlEN P1IU by the March Squadron of the

1st Light Infantry reminded us of the light tank unitst vulnerability under

artillery fire and of the difficulties to supply in ammunition under fire.

"Subjected to dense artillery fire, the Squadron suffered during the

supply and maintenanco operations losses nearly equaling those due to combat,

in spite of the digging of tank pitss.

"When engaged only against Infantry units, the tanks rapidly exhausted

the ammunition of their magazines".

The need for palliatives became quickly imperative: transport of

a*munition outside the tanks and on the floors, assignment of one tank per

platoon to the supply. But the only satisfactory solution would have been to

assign a supply armored vehicle to each platoon.

The borne squadrons (on Gt.C. or half-tracks) had been put, like

the Infantry Companies, under the quaternary rule: Four combat platoons

(1) The tables of organization provided for three 5-tank platoons and 2 Command
tanks, but the adopted organization has been almost alwaysa Four 4-tank pla-
toons and only one Command tank (although a second one would have been
quite often desirable).
(2) Solution advocated by the A.FC, in tis report on the teachings of the campaign.
(38 men and 2 F.,M) and one heavy platoon (2 light machine guna and 2
60 rn/m mortars).

The structure of this last platoon is questionable, as its armament

was not a supplement to that of the tanks. Therefore, the AF.C. Inspection

Service advocated at the end of 1954 the procurement of one 58 SR gun and
two 60 m/m or 81 m/m Suns (depending on whether the personnel was being borne
by 0,M.C. or half-track). (1)
The half-track borne squadron constituted a slow, cumbersome grouping
which lacked mobility, and the demands imposed upon by the watch of the
vehicles reduced the combat force to about a hundred men.
However, thanks to its considerable firepower (36 machine guns and F.M,
procured from three fire units), this squadron proved capable of accomplishing
the missions of route-watching, liaison and escort, and depending on the
condition of the terrain, of fixing. But, even in such cases, its inability to
* depart from the routes was a great handicap,
The Command and Sub-Group Services Squadron was torn between two missions:
to guard the rear base and escort the C.P. in operation. Its task would have
been facilitated by a splitting up into two elements each having a chief (2):
a base element and a combat element,
In addition, the protection platoon (3) responsible for liaison escort

and CP. watch missions was obviously not adequate (4).

(1) The inspection also pointed out the fact that the adoption of the
-quaternary rule should have been supplemented by arranging for the pro-
curement of radio equipment for the squadron (seven ANPRC-10 posts Instead
of five).
In addition, the guarding of G.H.C, borne squadron vehicles would have been
more efficient with the procurement of an additional automatic-rifle (10 F.M.
instead of 9).
(2) Some cadres even requested that two separate squadrons be created.
(3) Two half-tracks,
(4) The A.PC, Inspection required that the platoon include 3 sub-machine guns
and three scout-cars.

Using equipment of which part had boon conceived with Alaska polar expe.

y ditions in mind (the crabs) and the others derived from a lifesaving vehicle uti-
limed in the flooded Mississippi area (the alligators) (1), the Amphibious groups
proved in Indochina their special fitness to combat in flooded areas, that is in
the Deltas or the coasts.
Their development gave rise to numerous experiments which were not all suc.
¢essful and the first engagements resulted in failure even.

Initially, the crabs alone were used, "Being limited in number and en-
trusted to an insufficiently qualified personnel, their burned out skeletons quickly
littered the 'Plaine des Jones"'. (2)
In 1948, however, a group of amphibious squadrons (with two crabs squadrons

each) was created in South Vietnam (3). So the crabs were used in units com-
pletely formed; they were put in the hands of trained personnel, assisted by ade.
quate repair facilities, and "they went over the 'Plaine des Joncs' In all direc.
tions throwing panic in the enemy rankcs". (2)

The results were so encouraging that two new squadrons were created in
Cochinchina and Tonkino (4)
"But the problem of support of the Infantry was quickly presented. The
squadrons had remote reconnaissance missions and the standard Infantry could not
follow or followed slowly". (2)
The assignment of one Infantry Section to each squadron did not give the
anticipated results. The troops transported in such a fashion were not sufficient

and the considerable weighing down of the vehicles made thum lose their mobility

(1) The exact name of the crabs Vas Cargo Carrier:29C, The Alligators: LVT4 or 4A.
(2) Note from the F,T,S,V, Commander on Amphibious Units*
(3) Under ,the st Foreign Cavalry Regiment.

(4) Under the lst Foreign Cavalry Regiment and the lot Light Infantry Regiment.


I Thus was conceived the use of new machines: Alligators which were first

di3tributed at the rate of one platoon (carrying an indigenous Commando group)

per Crabs squadron.

- This formula proved satisfactory and was extended. Thus were born the

j Amphibious Sub-Group and Group.

In 1954 the latter included:

1- Two Crabs squadrons as elements of scouting, fixinZ and pursuit.

I - Three L.V.T. Squadrons as the shock element.

- One Regimental Platoon of six Howitzer L.V.T. constituted a battery in

I support of the complex.

a Two Sub-Group Staffs well equipped with comnunications facilities provided

for all articulations on request.

I The group derived its superiority, not only from its independence con-

Scerning the road network, but its firepover which wa.i equal to that of a metro-

politan armored group.

The large number of troops that could be engaged on foot (3 companies of

j 130 men), its perfect autonomy (3 days of combat) and the abundance of its com-

munications made a particularly well suited group for deep penetrations into
I insecure zones.

However, its weakness lay in the fragility of its equipment which prohi-

bited any halts on roads (1) and required frequent periods of maintenance. (2)

The CRABS SQUADRON organically Included 33 Crabs split Into three platoons.

jt Its great fluidity, the noiseless nature of Its vehicles, its considerable fire-

power (30 machine guns or automatic rifles, six 57SR suns, three 60 m/m mortars),

(1) The Crabs had to be transported on G.M.C, trucks and the Alligators on tank-
trailers, unless the equipment was loaded on barges.

I (2) Thanks to the "acrobatics" ocecoted by the Groups personnel, the Groups have
not been unavailable more than 2 days out of 2. (Lieutenant-Colonel X....
ConmnandinS an Aphiblous Group).
227 ,,O .AL USE Oi, LY

compensated for the inconveniences that resulted from its lack of armor and made

of it the essential element of surprise, So that a Commanding Officer observed:

j "A piece of equipment without armor that no obstacle can stop i3 more effl-

Gient than an armored vehicle with a limited mobility".

I • The L.V.T. Squadron was split into three combat platoons and one support


"With its I1 pieces (thirty-six 30 and 50 machine guns and three 75

Howitzers) and its three borne Infantry sections, it constituted alone one

f[ Sub-Group". (1)

Thus it could be written of this Squadron:

"It is the only known unit to combine an Infantry Company, its own trans-

port facilities and escort tanks. Nowhere is the Infantry Tank liaison is accom-

plished in such an intimate, permanent manner".

"Only the L.V.T. squadrons and the HowiLzer platoon can participate In

the conquest of the first beachhead in landing operation", (2)

Two commanding officers have suggested an unusual combat method:

"The ideal form of maneuver would be to be able to Join the Group by air,

dropped or helicopter-borne Infantry once the enemy has been localized and fixed". (3)

The same process could be applied to the borne elements of the Armored


"In a really difficult ter~ain, the helicopter is the' ideal means of trans.

port since it brushes off obstacles and doesn't fear mines. ,One might think that

the borne squadrons would be used to the utilization of such machines which would

be' adapted at the time of need". (4)

(I) Lieutenant-Colonel X.... Group Conmander.

(2) Lieutenant-Colonel X.... Group Co mmander.

(3) Lieutenant-Colonel Y.... Group Commander.

(4) Lieutertant-Colonel Z.... Armored Sub-Group Commander.

The Amphibious Groups have been utilized advantageously at night, as a

Group Cowtander stated:

"#We have seen at night, in a bright moonlight, within a few minutes, one
single Crab Squadron inflict on the enemy, engagod in open terrain, losses esti-

mated at 500 to 600 killed or woundod (120 bodies were left on the terrain).*#

Another Commanding Officer added:

"$"As difficult as it was, in rice Zields, to maintain a fixation at night,

it has been noted that if it was effectively hold, the regular Viet units lost

courage and accepted the next day either total destruction (many times) or surren-

der (Tho-Lao, May 17th, 1952)".

In all cases, the most important thing is to avoid the involvement of an

Amphibious Group in a terrain for which it isn't suited. This is a delicate matter

which requires a great deal of experience on the aprt of the Chiefs, for terrain

favorable to the crabs are not always so for the alligators and vice versa. The

form of maneuver can be affected by this and, when the participation of amphi-

bious eleients is being planned for an operation, it is imperative that the Comman-

der of these elements be consulted as early as the preparatory phase.

Generally, it must be admitted that very few have been the Territory, Zone

or Operation Commanders who utilized the Amphibious Groups adequately and gave up

the idea of considering them simply as aquatic escort tanks.

These elements give their best results when only cavalry missions are as-

signed to them.


They also answered to the preoccupation of making maximum use of the exist-

inj movement capabilities.

having been equipped during the campaign with a great variety of boats,

armored or not, they possessed at the end of hostilities practically nothing but

(1) See chapter devoted to River Operations.

229 '

8 to 11 meters launches.

They had$ on water, missions comparable to those of the land unite along

the roads (clearing, escort, liaison, supply of posts, fixing, eto.).

One unit commander pointed out that their participation had been of some

importance in the pacification:

"Night activities were intensified, which had the result that the Viets

wore forced to watch around the clock. This climate of insecurity contributed

to many rallyings". (1)


Organically, they were composed of one M.24 Tank Squadron and a Staff of

Squadron Groups (2) to which were adapted, for a given operation, some Infantry

elements of the size of a Battalion generally. This unit could be put at the

disposal of the sectors in order to meet the needs of surface control.


Generally utilized by platoons, or by squadrons at most for the

territorial commanders, these elements mainly undertook road-clearing~escort,

road guard and C.. missions.

* Their daily use had condemned, once more, the utilization of patrols

composed of different elem-ents: light armored cars and half-tracks. In

addition, it reaffirmed the usefulness of carried support elements and of an

awdillary group (75 m/m automotor) within a platoon itself. (3)

On the other hand, some of them would have liked to see an increase of

the borne facilities and envisaged squadrons with two light armored car

platoons and two borne platoons. (4)

While appreciating the services rendered by their obsolete equipment,

(1) Lieutenant X.... Commanding a Launch Squadron

(2) In addition it could include I or 2 organic suppletive companies that
F r wore used to operate with the tanks.
L (3) Often, a company of Suppletives was assigned to a light armored car
squadron propor.
(4) Articulation of the platoon into three patrols of 2 vchiclec proved
I• quite satisfactory.
J•.y ~ ' ~
1• 41

the users, naturally, deplored its lack of adaptation to the terrain of Many

aspects, the absence of reversing device, the mediocrity of the gun.., and

many wished that the E.B.R. might be introduced first in Xndochina,


This regiment was created at the end of 1953 as the answer to the possible
appearance of Chinese Armored elements. But It was generally split into ,.t

platoons and rarely into squadrons (2) in order to satisfy the requirements of

Territorial Commanders.

The M.36 equipment proved of a maneuverability in any kind of terrain

equal to that of the M,24 tanks and its 90 gun applied much more efficient fire,

in particular for attacks of fortified villages and for movements of troops up to

3,000 or 4,000 meters,

The atore-mentioned remarks concerning the M.24 Tank Squadron are,

fully applicable to the M,36 Tank-Destroyer Squadron.


The necesbity to bring armored elements in places distant from any road

led the Command to plan for air-transport.

The problem fatally presented many difficulties since the existing

equipment had not been considered with their transportation by plane in mind. (3)

Thus the use of air facilities was extremely limited.

However, our few experiences in this field have proven the advantages

of this formula, for a country like France with responsabilities spreading over

five continentýo.

The T.D. (tank-destroyers) were transformed by the addition of a turret roof
and a conning-tower machine gun; the radio equipment was also modified.
(2) Four TeD. Squadrons, distributed over the whole Tonkinese Delta area, were
Ssupported only wlth great difficulty by the Regiment's services, as the latter
did not have theescort and liaison equipment permitting to put its
logistics facilities into use.
(3) The example of the air-transport of the M.24 tank is particularly striking.
After beinge dismantled, this piee was divided into 82 packages of which the
hoavieot, the cavo, v7eighed 4,600 kilos, Two lDristols and five Dakotas were
required for its transportation.

Small armored detachments air.transported to LAOS rendered great services

there (1) and the action of the Itt R.C.C. Marching Squadron (2) taken to

DIEN BIEN PHU was particularly convincing.

"This Squadron allowed, in the preparatory phase, the Command to be

constantly informed on the free space that existed between our positions and

the first enemy organizationo."

SAfterwards, "the tanks became the storm force of any action",. (3)

4 But, the air-transport of armored units raturally creates the

problem of transporting by air the maintenance facilities and supplies, the

weight of which, being considerable, rapidly exceeds that of the equipment itself.(4)

Thanks to the efforts made in the logistics field, the Squadron of DIEN

BIEN PHU still included on May 7th, six available tanks, two •mmobilized tanks

(utilized in fixed blockhouses) and one out of action. Only'one was destroyed. (5)

(1) A five M.24 tank platoon at LUANG-PRABANG, a three MS-M8' tank squadron in
the Plaine des Jarres.
(2) This Squadron included 3 M.24 tank platoons and one Command tank. One of
the platoons emplaced in the "ISABELLE" resistance center was quickly cut
off from the rest of the Squadron.
(3) Report on the action of the M.24 tanks in the battle of DIEN BIEN PHU.
(4) For example, more than 200,000 rounds of 75 gun were fired from December 7
to May 7; which represents approximately eight times the tankst weight.
(5) All tanks, with no exception, were sabotaged by the crews on May 7. The optic,
the collective armament, the radio were smashed or thrown into the water, the
gun breeches dismounted and buried, the main of the tubes damaged with incen-
diary grenades. The panels, delcos, carburators, filters, were smashed with
sledge-hannerso In addition several grenades exploded in the motor compart-
ments. The participation of a tank in the Victory Parade organized by the
enemy was only possible by assembling the necessary pieces taken from all the
tanks to put one single motor temporarily together. The turret and the
artuament were sabotaged. Those tanks were absolutely unfit for combat.
(Report on M.24 tanks at the battle of DIEN BIEN PHU.)

232 ...'o , ', ,,


The antiatank struggle in Indochina "proved that, even in the absence

of standard anti-tank weapons, with rudimentary means and particularly by using

mines and explosives, it in possible to obtdln considerable results providing
one displays tenacity, audacity and ingenuity and conducts the struggle over
the whole territory". (1)
Mines can be classified at the top of the procedures implemented,
considering the number of destroyed armored elements (a total of 85%).
Their variety was endless, for any explosive missile, any recuperated
projectile, was a potential mine for the enemy. The detonating devices were just

as varied, but the pressure lighters and command firing were the most commonly
In the face of this danger, our detecting devices were inadequate and
a Squadron Con, ander observed that the tAks had become "explodin.k machines".

Portable anti-tank weapons (75 m/m, recoilless, 57 m/m recoilless,

SS.K.Z. rocket-launchers and bazookas) came in second place considering the
inflicted losses (about 8% of armored elements destroyed).
Once the armored element was immobilized, the opponent frequently

attacked it with explosives, gasoline cans, etc.

Passive obstacles were placed on roads, dikes, usually at places where
any outflanking was impossible. The V.M. utilized earth merlons, deep breaches,
"piano keys", traps, indiscriminately, 6tc. Most of the time, obstructions wore

combined with mines and traps for the troops.

The parries we offered in this technical field (2) were quite varied:

(1) Teachings of the Indochina Campaign concerning the A.FC; (Inspection of

the AFC, in Indochina.
(2) We are only'talking here about the procedures applied during the campaign;
the desirable devices will be mentioned in Volume 11I.


j regular maintenance of roads, double armor of the lower part of vehicles, anti.
mine covers and rubber rolls filled with sand on floors (1), makeshift reversing
devices for light armored cars, covoring of the arvored elements with barbed ,
wire to avoid an exoalade, and with faggots to provide the premature bursting of J

ji hollow charges, etc.

All these procedures, which wore not new anyway, proved their worth, with
the exception of the two last ones which offered more inconveniences than

As to the tactical parries, they wore also standard: articulation in
depth and action of the "borne support elements". In addition, the role of
patrols, the harassing fire at night executed on portions of roads known to be
usually mined, as well as the laying of mines on the small dikes of access gave

good results.
And last, in case of enemy assault, the utilization of "canister"
shells, of grenades and of the individual equipment of the craw, as well as

the rotating action of the turret procured an efficient defense*

The Armor rarely intervened at night and generally, If they did, it was

under pressure of an emergency,

Attacks while in bivouac or in quarters •caus•ed us heavy loSses every
time the vehicles were not protected by Infantry fire barrage (2) and they
were used statically.
On the other hand, when the armored elements countereattacked under

similar circumistances, their action was usually dectsive. This was

(1) The assembling of grill-work roofs to protect th* vehicles Into the open
against grenades comes from similar preoccupations.
(2) The example of the attack on the LE KHU post already mentioned has
_ illustrated this incapacity to litsure the security of the Armor at night,
particularly the case In the ,,attack launched by the Armored Sub.Group No. 3

at TIEN•)•/ (Tonkin), July 18, 1954, when the VH.1 left 200 dead on the field

(among whow 20 "dynamiteros, darrying explosive tharges) and lost a considerable

amount of weapons". (1)

The night Interventions for the attacked posts were.in some cases

also doterminat ive.

"In June 1954, a platoon supported by an Infantry company suddenly

appeared in the back of some V.,M. companies attacking a post, at one 4 4.

Results: 19 counted doad, many wounded, retrieved weapons". (2)

But many users feared such actions.

"Night interventions are very costly and, unfortunately, rarely

efficient, The V.o4. mined all roads leading to the post scheduled to be

attacked and slowed down, if they didn't altogether stop, the intervention


Some even felt that "the use of the arhored forces must, as a general

rule, be proscribed at night". (3)

Be it as it may, actions carried out at night have shown the

advantage that can be derived from procedures tending to increase visibility.

The lightinZ of the battlefield by Luciole planes, light-pots, turret

flood lights, flares, have certainly contributed a substantial assistance.

"Mortar shell flares proved very efficient. In particular, they made

counter-attakcs at night with tanks possible. The required consumption was of

(1) Captain X,... Assistant to the Lt. Colonel Comianding the 3rd Armored
(2) Captain X..., Conmuanding an A.M. Reconnaissance Squadron.
(3) Colonel X.... Commanding a Reconnaissance Regiment.

_ _ _ _ _
two 81 m/m shells per minute, regulated so as to light the terrain 400 meters
in front of the tanks on a 600 motor front". (1)
I The adjustment of weapons turret under the light of a flood-light
S directed parallel to the gun gave good re.tilts, (2) But the fact that in
Indochina Infra-red devices were not adapted to armored vehicles adequately,
did not permit, unfortunately, to draw any definite conclusions on this

Anyway, "the French Army must make all necessary efforts to learn to
maneuver at night, This will not be accomplished without difficulty, for as men
become more and more civilized, they become loss and less comfortable in darkness". (3)
The Armored Force had begun the campaign by drawing on the facilitios
A• of a few regiments. It ended it with four Sub-Groupstwo Amphibious Groups and
j two Reconnaissance Squadron Groups.

The Command had thus recognized the necessity of having armored units
capable of waging combat on their own.

At the time of the cease-fire, this evolution was still considered

insufficient: in spite of the difficulties of the terrain, of the widespread
4 nature of threats and of the increasing necessity to assist the fatigued

Infantry, the Comnand felt a growing need of units really capable of

accomplishing Cavalry missions.

(1) Captain X.... Commanding the Borne Squadron Group of an Armored Sub-Group.
(2) The presence of an automatic weapon for close-range defense, with a shield
to protect its servant, proved equally useful.
(3) Lieutenant Colonel X.... Commanding an Armored Regiment.
S .. C H A P T E R VI


Through an imperceptible evolution, the small police operations move about

I as war operations. But the graph of this evolution shows a discontinuity when the

S gun comes into play for i it creates fear, it has often difficulty in descerning

the rebels among the peaceful populations.

j "In the war on surface, when the artillery must intervene as mounted police

I and not as local constables, the outcome of the game is in danger, for success...

is much more based on political action than on the action of the fires". (1)

But can mounted police and even the local constable be done away with?

I So the artillery intervened from the start of the conflict and articulated itself

quickly in the following way:

- Position artillery, er~placed or semi-mobile.

- Intervention Artillery, combining field Groups, assigned to Mobile Groups

or maintained in general reserve, soetimes n;ut at the disposal of certain

territorial Commanders (zones).

The followingi table shows the continuous increase in the number of tubes

and particularly of the ammunition consumIption over the last years of the conflict.


I Position Intervention (a)
I 1951
1953 285 286 637.947
1954 323 370 792.690 (b)
(a) Only for the 105 M-:2
(b) Only for 7 months.
(1) Colonel X.... Artillery Co:t' 'iez- in ,orth Vietn•.

Therefore, the Artillery has played a major role, "Iless because of its

power, outdone by the Air Force, than by the permanency of its support, the in-

I stantaneousness of its implementation, and the precision of its fire"'. (1)

Position and Intervention pieces have equally shared the honors of being

"the Infantry's guardian angels".


From the moment the rebels have been able to activate powerful enough
elements to successfully attack the field fortifications "the network of our posts
scattered to provide protection for the roads and the safety of the populations
had to have the permanent support of immediate and powerful fire. This was the

reason for being of the position artillery". (2)

This position artillery (P.A.) dispersed over the essential territories

(North Vietnam, South Vietnam) was "the evidence that instantaneous interventions

were possible", (3)

Position Artillery, capable of supporting its fire, any fixed or mobile

friendly element operating within the limit of its tubes' range, or capable of

engaging any enemy making himself known, had a psychological as well as material

mission to accomplish with respect to oyr own elements as well as the adversary". (4)

This mission, therefore, was of a permanent and omnidirectional charac-

ter. Its satisfacotyr execution required first an Artillery Territorial Command,

the organization which should be a carbon copy of the Joint Territorial Command.

SBut, due to the shortage of personnel, "even in Tonkin, the setting-up

of Sector Artillery Commands sometimes gave rise to discussion".

(1) Squadron Leader..,. Commanding a HG, Group.

F Colonel Y,... Artillery Commander in North Vietnam.
(3) Captain..,. Artillery Commander in a N. Vietnam Sector,
(4) Captain Z..., FT.M.V. Artillery Staff.

- --
238 j1 "o.. "

"This is wrong...the grouping of the section trajectories scattered all

over on a single objective cannot be accomplished adequately nor within the proper

Jtime without an appropriate conmunications network and through intervention of

essentially technical command elements". (1)

The setting of fire was accomplished through various procedures: from the

A•OA observation plane to the Infantry Non-.Com spacing the blows as best he could.

The lack of DLO and the inadequacy of terrestrial observation can often

force Officers of any Armi to sot up the firing line. It is imperative that the

Officers be cognizant of a simple procedure, which can be implemented in all cases

and particularly in side observation, like that of the objective grid,

The maneuver of material should supplement that of the trajectories,

"There is one maneuver of position artillery...this maneuver has a more

#sticky' aspect than in the case of the mobile units, but it exists". (2)

In Indochina, "position artillery proper was emplaced in fixed bases of

operations in spite of limited possibilities of movement; the maneuver was not

always pushed far enough". (1)

However, position artillery included, in addition to the pieces, "fixed"

sections or batteries, "semi-mobile" sections capable of moving with a minimu"

of indispensable implements for a short mission (only 3 trucks). Additional auto

facilities could be procured by the Coirnand if necessary.

Moreover, whenever possible, a field artillery group (105 i102) known as

"zone group" was adapted to certain territorial sub-divisions of North Vietnam,.

This group was to remain mobile, never fixed, and as far as possible, was not to

be dissociated.

r The positions, of course, had to adapt to this maneuver, and:

(1) General Commandina the F.T.E.O. Artillery.

[ (2) Captain Z..., FT.NV. Artillery Staff.

- Be relatively easily accessible.

- Be capable of receiving at least one additional section in the post enceinte

(completely equipped enplacement).--
- As far as possible include, near the enceinte, a platform (equipped topo-
graphically), for a field group". (1)

In rice fields, these conditions could not always be met. But It is prom
cisely on a difficult terrain that tWe Initial deployment of a position artillery
must take them into due consideration, under penalty of hampering all further
movement of the material.

The distribution of available material on the terrain is an eternal prob-

lem: either to scatter the pieces all over in order to cover the greatest possi-
ble space or sacrifice some zones in order to group the pieces by sections,
The second solution will always be preferable because: "if the piece suf-

fices where the only requirement from the gun is to make noise, the battery comes
into play as soon as a fire action is required. The battery can be limited to
two pieces when economy is necessary". (2)

Moreover, timeliness and precision of artillery fire are closely related

to the capabilities fo the Chief who executes them. A gun's number I cannot be

required to have the same capabilities as a battery Commander. "If the Command

elements are quantitatively and qualitatively inadequate, it will rarely be possi-

ble to deliver precise and timely fire. In particular, the isolated section and

a fortiori the isolated gun can only deliver psychological fire without much ma-
terial efficiency;. (3)

Deployment by piece, or by section, was however utilized for a long time

(1) Captain ZZ.... F.T.N.V. Artillery Staff.

(2) General Commanding the F.T.E.O. Artillery.

(3) Colonel X.... Artillery Commander in North Vietnam.
[ " i

f to provide all the fixed elements with moral support, but little by little, the
Delta "decay" imposed a regrouping.
The year 1953 was noted in TONKIN for this re-organiaation. but some Ime

planted units were no longer as well covered by fire and felt abandoned when the
enemy was becoming more powerful, Consequently, some posts were successfully
attacked by the V.1. (case of the LA-TIEN post in February 1954).

Therefore, a regrouping of the fixed units and the abandonment of certain

posts should be the parallel to the regrouping of the artillery.
The troops at the disposal of battery Comanders were always Insufficient,
for not only theoretical personnel was under-calculated but it never materialized,
The fatal results were.
j - Exhaustion of radio personnel which was always insufficient.
- Impossibility of providing continuous observation,
- Inability to detach a DLO near sector troops during small clearing operations,
i The position artillery material was initially varied, In order to equip

- these units, "every possible means were used" (1), which is the cause of the gaudy
aspect of the tubes (75 1897 models, 25 Pounder, 105 1934 and 1935 models...).

i DurinS those first years of the campaign the users vainly waited for
adequate amnunition allotments. Was it not the era when "a gun without any parti-

cular relation and support was granted a monthly ration of 30 rounds?" (2)
Towards the end of the conflict, however, most of the batteries had been
I equipped:
- Either with 105 whose range however was inadequate (practically 10,000
Sim,) and whose double trail mount required instructions for the all-azinuth
j fire,
- or with 105 long 1936, with a satisfactory range (14,500 m.) but whose

i (1) Lieutenant commanding P.A. battery,

(2) P. DAN'?AUD: "The Dead War",

t 1241 ONC\L~
I dispersion in scope limited the utilization possibilities. In addition,

the Sun was too heavy, rather awkward to handle in spite of the use of

I instructions, and ammunition was too limited.

j The users would have preferred one same piece, all azimuth, not only

for its aiming capabilities but also to reduce the size of the pits. An increase

in range was also desirable (a gain of one kilometer to 11,000 m. produces a

1' gain of 72 lja 2

of the covered surface).

So, many officers wondered "why the French modern material such as the

105 ABS ware not tried in Indochina, where they would have been so precious on

j account of their all azimuth and range capabilities". (1)

1 ~ some officers suggested that a st~itly be 11vide of A"al•u•.m't14;|,.1

~~And, :
tUhG &Love characteristics and provided with a "protecting roof'$ in the form of

a turret, or detachable panels.

Adoption of this line would impercoptibly'.lead to the realization of a

2 "fortification artillery" the cost and demands of which are well known, but the

results of which can justify its establishment.

The defense of a position artillery unit depended on the resistance of

the post where it,was housed. However, it somotimes happened that such a post
was commanded by an Infantry Officer, even a non-commissioned officer of a rank

lower than the Artillery unit Commander.

It then seems desirable that "the gunner who represents the Viet's main

j objective in the post, be master of his defense and command the ensemble", (1)

But we must not forget that "the artillery protects itself with the

artillery", "1the implantation unit is not a battery, a section, but two

I batteries, two sections, implanted in such a way as to insure the reciprocal

support of one to the other". (2)

(1) Lieutenant Commanding a P.A, Section, then Battery

(2) Lieutenant Commanding a P.A. Section, then Battery

This was not always possible, and the mortars (particularly 120 mortars),

palliated the shortage of gun&s.

The vulnerability of position artillery had become, with the improvement

of V.M, armament (in particular mortars and guns), a grave problem. At the end

of hostilities, the attack of a post always included neutralization of the position

artillery unit which was responsible for the halting fire in the area.

This counter-battery found its expression at DIEN BIEN PHU, where the two

artillery groups deployed for the defense of resistance centers were neutralized,

then disseminated by the opposing c oncentrations.

The problem of protection of guns was felt more and more accutely and

the solution of the pits was no longer satisfactory.

A "protective roof", is acceptable only at the price of at least half

(even 2/3) of the cpapbilities of directed fire, which comes to doubling or

tripling the means for one same mission. Such a demand can only be justified

in the special case of an installation on a hillside or a rather powerful

'#entrenched camp",I

The solution of a turret, which has quite a few partisans, would perhaps
be Justified in the form of armored elements turrets, rapidly installed by
procedures to be studied (for example: 105 Howitzer turret from a Sherman tank).

Position artillery, which had rendered the greatest services, was under.

going a cirsis at the end of the war and tis disappearance, or at least its

transformation, was to be foreseen.


The Intervention Artillery was articulated into groups of various calibers

some of which were assigned to joint units (mobile groups) and the others made
available to some territorial commanders, while the 155 lUi.1 groups were
243 . . "..

maintained in the General Reserve, (1)

The eight years of war have confirmed the value of our principles and
r "the various notes, studies or instructions on the uses of artillery that were
I issued from 1946 to 1954...are all dominated by the same governing principles',. (2)

As early as 1946, the Colonel Commanding the F.T.E.O. Artillery (3) wrote:
S '"as a general rule, the errors do not stem from a surprise brought about by the
special nature of oporations in Indochina, but simply from the fact that the

great principles included in our regulations, confirmed and completed by the

teachings of the last war are forgotten".

The organization of command was generally standard. Only one problem

particular to Indochina arose when a jointly formed formation came into a zone or

sector for an operation, or when the general reserve artillery was assigned to
reinforcement tasks.
It was then the responsibility of the territorial commander to insure
the conduct of operations, and the responsibility of his gunner to take
Commanders of artillery, general reserve units under his command, as well as those

of units assigned to joint groups alerted for the operation.

"If for personal reasons this is not possible, the artillery territorial
command must be directly related to the R.G. Artillery Command which then takes

its place",. (4)

But the role of the Joint Formations Artillery commanders was made

delicate due to the assignment of an Artillery Group to each M.G, and due to the
fact that the M.G. operated most of the time in isolation or at least at considerable

intervals from one another. The tactical and technical "double subordination",

I (1)There was even a 155 m/m Gun Battery in TONKIN.

(2) General Co=.nanding the F.T.E.O° Artillery.
(3) Note on the use of Artillery, dated Nov. 15, 1946.
i (4) Colonel X.... Artillery Commandant in North Vietnam.

thus was inclined to be only tactical,

'4Sos the G.O.H.L. Artillery Commandant wrote:

"The action of the Artillery Commander in this type of operations

(Middle LAOS) was often flon-oxistarit: the disperaion of the MG. which were often
several hundred kilometers apart allowed mast actions only on rare occasions". (1)

Moreover, if "the relations between the Joint Commander and the Artillery

Commander were, as a general rule, inpreganted with understanding and trust" (2).
it is nevertheless to be noted that "a certain number of M,.G, Commanders did not

j possess:
- definite knowledge of the capabilities and demnands of the artillery.
- full realization that this was the weapon with which thoy impose their

ij decisions at the place of their choice.

. an accurate concept of their role in reldtion to the gunner no of the

practical necessity, at least to have.,him participate in the

maneuver planification". (2)

On the other hand, the Group Commanders were for the fmost part recently-

promoted Squadron Chiefs. "Even If they wore at teast technically competent,

i their rank did not alone carry the desirable weight....In the special case of

|i ] the isolated HCG., it would be desirable to see the group led by a Lieutenant-

Colonel, technical advisor to the H.G. Commander, assisted by a Squadron Leader,

- practically comianding the group". (2)

IlThe missions of the artillery in this war on surface can be summarized

as follows (3):

S..(1) Note on the use of Artillery, dated Nov. 15, 1946.

(2) General Cotnanding the F.T.E.O. Artillery.
(3) Colonel X.... Commanding the Artillery in North Vietnam.

-- I
reassuring the friendly troops,,,hile .ýrryij the enemy -t PSYCHOLO-


- supplementing friendly action - offensive or defensive -: SUPPORT FIRE,

- preventively break enemy action : COUNTER-PREPARATION FIRE,

- harassing the enemy -: HARASSING FIRE.

This unorthodox classification brings forth a category of ifre which

"have been executed in all wars...have been used extensively during the Indochina

campaign and which, nonetheless, are never mentioned in our regulations: that

is the fire aiminS for a psychological effect:

- either on the enemy, whose action is feared, to ,give him the im pression

that the artillery is ready to get him under fire should he appear;

or on the friendly element, to give him comfidence and remind him that

the artillery is ready to support him"....

""**.These low consumption fires achieved their goal most of the time.

'There is the certain danger of ahving them become widespread if they are incorpo-

rated in the regulations, but there is a definite hypocrisy in ignoring them....

It would be wise to take them under study and determine their mechanism and the
consumption to be allowed (1) for the gunner artilleryman lives the combat and

can understand the requirements of the infantry which bears the biggest load of

fatigue and risks of the war". (2)

The general rules of the implementation of this Arm, as far as fire

maneuver, remain totally true: BRUTALITY, PRECISION, TIMELINESS (3). But, it

is also an undeniable fact that certain factors, such as the nature of the

terrain and of the enemy present obligations which require adaptation or

various shades of application". (4)

(1) Colonel Y.... Commanding the Artillery in North Vietnam.

(2) Captain.... Commanding a Battery, D.L,O, Leader,
(3) Colonel X.... Commanding the Artillery in North Vietnam,
(4) General Commanding the Artillery in North Vietnam.
I if
Offensive fire: Fire preparatory to or accompanying the attack, counter.

preparation fire, fire determnined as a result of Intelligence (destruction or

neutralization), harassing fire,...they all have to be first of all BRUTAL. The

enemiy is fluid, amkes admirable use of the terrain and only the first rounds can

Inflict losses to him, After the first minute of fire, he Is safe, Therefore,
"a'max imuixi of tubes delivering a mintimum of rounds Is Imperative as they must hit

the objective almost simultaneously". (1)

Defensive fire: halting fire, emorgency fire requested by the D.L.O. to

stop a countor-attack...must be first of all TINELY, that Is, triggered instan-

taneously. The enemy assemable together In secrecy and reveals himself only

through an attack: sometimes his base of departure Is on this side of our halting

fire (night attacks), Without considering losses, he pushes ahead with fury In

tho space of the first minutes, The artillery fire must aim first to stop him

for, should he penetrate our position, the artillery can do no more than hamper

the succeeding- waves,

In this case, "rapidity of fire opening takes precedence over the mass

effects When a Group supports widely spaced units (battalions, posts...), this

leads to regulate each battery on a different halting fire contrary to the standard

doctrine of utilization. During the minutes following the opening of fire, the

other batteries overlap the first". (1)

Observation: this natural reflex of the artilleryman has not been

sufficiently exploited In Indochina:

-on account of the terrain: dlshearteninS horizontality of the delta,

brush of the middle and high region.

*on account of the scarcity of our means which did not permit the

(1) Squadron Leader.... Commending, an M.G, Group.

i, . f"!,:. •. ,:,,).'"i '" " I.' 247

--- I
detachment of a group adequate to insure continuous observation in "the"

post possessing a good tower, or in"the" village possessing a belfry.

finally, due to the fluidity of enemy whose movements and preparation

activities were undetected until the actual stom action.

Constant observation would have greatly inconvenienced him, but

patience was of the essence: "How many days went by without seeing a thing,

then came a worthwhile fifteen minutes". (I)

As a general rule, communications worked satisfactorily. (2)

"The striking thing when one comes to Inc'ochlita Is t1to c•cquired

adaptability in radio networks.,."

"The groups worked on one frequency and usually managed to dispose of

all their traffic. In France, they have 2 frequencies at their disposal and the

standard question is to find out if it would be better to use the m with one

working normally, and the other as a clearing device, or on the contrary, to

distribute a priori the posts on two networks, one tire network and one

conmand network. The obtained results would seem to support the partisans of

the first alternative; but it might be interesting to see what its results might

be with groups capable of putting up three D.L.O. with four Officers and each

possessing a radio set". (3)

However, some Group Commanders wished to have a second frequency

available in Indochina. "The single network in a group requires a very strict

operating discipline...; moreover, it is practically impossible to support

simultaneously two infantry battalions that require emergency fire". (4)

(1) Lieutenant, Liaison Officer, guide-observer of an M.G. Group.

(2) The problem of equipment and particularly the case of DLO, SCR 609 post
will be treated in Volune III,
S,(3) Colonel,... 3rd D.M.T. Artillery Commander
L (4) Squadron Leader.... H.G. Group Commander

248' t. J,, ':-
'| I|

B.esides, a "general artillery frequency" existed in North Vietnam;

it was the second pre-set frequency of the 609 posts, which was at the disposal of

the Comnand and, in case of emergency, was used as a clearing frequency...although

it had not been intended for such use.

Artillery Units movements caused grave worries to the Command in all the


"A movement on a path requires considerable construction work by the

Engineers, The M.G. Artillery group, in the first days of Febrtary, took one

week to go from THAM LAY to MAHAXAY (Middle LAOS), or a distance of approximately

15 Klms, and at the price of tremendous efforts on the part of the troop',*

- |'"ovement of a group on a road is a nightmare for the Command. The

enemy know this weakness and his documents Insist on the efficiency of an attack

against moving artillery units".

""rkloreovor, he obtained considerable success in this field:

X e-.. Group... April 4, PAKSE area.

- X... Group... June 24, 12 Kms from AN-KHE.

"The group requires, in position, on bivouac, or on the road, a

security unit the isze of a Battalion". (1)

But, the best guarantee was obtained by the fire vf other units in

position. "Certainly, the movement in security, where every element is constantly

covered by the artillery (itself protected) is slower, but it is practically

sure of its success". (2)

In this respect, the withdrawal maneuvers of our installation during

the "MOUETTE' operation, or the HOA-BIF'H evacuation maneuvers, as well as the

falling-back of our M,G, from BAN NA PHAO to MARAXAY by the R.C. 12 in 1954

can be cited.

(1) Colonel.... G.O.M.L., then F.T.S.V. Artillery Commander

(2) General.... F.T.E.O. Artillery Commander.

....... . .. . .
249 L

A11 our deployments have been influenced by three factors particular to


- The exiguity and scarcity of utilizable platforms.

a The absence of enemy air forces and the rarity of his artillery intervention.

- The importance attributed to the close defense against the V.M. Infantry.

"These conditions have contributed to impose a form of deployment where

all the group elemonts are drawn tighter together in order to make maximun use

of a limited area and to reduce the perimeter to defended. This drawing close

is obtained by an entanglement of guns, vehicles, Individual and collective tents,

which give more the impression of a Gipsy camp than of an artillery group in

position". (1)

"The extreme limits of the possible spreading of the group appear to be

on the one hand the INDOCHINA-type deployment (2 to 3 hectares) and on the other
hand those usually advocated in the mother land which easily reach 40 to 50

hectares for a group of 18 pieces. If it is impossible to suffer an air and

artillery attack from the enemy with the first case, the second, however, does not

lend itself to the organization of a close defense". (1)

"This problem of close defense which stemmed from the absence of a front

was resolved by various procedures;

Imediate support of the infantry...

- Cover fire delivered by other artillery units.
- Firing on sight delivered by the attacked units." (1)

Experience demonstrated the importance of the two last procedures,

particularly of flares, prepared for particularly dangerous points or

orientations (for examiple: the group of one of our M.G. took particular

advantage of such a situation at HAYEN in January 1953).

(1) Colonel.... G.O.M.L., then F.T.S.V. Artillery Commander.

As to "the site of the infantry support required for the protection of

the group and of an HG, Command Post; it varied from one Company to one

Battalion accordina to the situation". (1)

The total strenSth of the group, or 474 men comprising 21 Officers,

76 Non-Coms and 377 gunners, being already low, was never realised. Thus the

group set utp three D.L.O. with 2 Officers, with difficulty, while the A.,. often

included 4 Battalions, I armored squadron, some Engineers elements, and some

from the sector....

A group with two 6-piece batteries was experimented in order to save on

the troop cadres, particularly the Non-comse But this advantage was offset, as

could be anticipated, by a lack of adaptability in the fire maneuvers.

Moreover, it was only possible to permanently equip an observatory by

calling on personnel from other teams, while the permanent radio monitoring on

the forward network (D.L.O.) and the rear network (AD.), presented problems

that were practically impossible to resolve when the A.D. was beyond the range

of the S.C.R. 608 (or A.N.G.R, 5).

And last, the personnel required for close defense was constituted, with

few exceptions, of men who already had other tasks to perform.

In order to provide a D.L.O. with two Officers, which Is a minimum,

each battery must have four Officers. Only on that condition can the battery

Commander maintain Imtermittent contact with his unit.

All Captains complained of having been "forced to practically hand over

cor.•nand of the battery to the Fire Lieutenant, being the only one to know the

Non-coms and the men since he lived with them", (2)

The group had a "rear base", a rest cantonment where some elements from

(1) Squadron Leader.... Comnmanding an MeG. Grou.p.

(2) Captain..., battery commander.

•'i • t, * •' , •" •

the B.C.S, and the batteries head bookkeepers remained in permanence, But the

gienral insecurity quickly imposed a reinforcement of these elements with guard

personnel, which reduced the "operational" troops by that much.

However, the brevity and rarity of contacts between the unit and its

rear base made it possible to group around a contonment suitable for a firing

group, the services of several groups and thus realize economies in guard


No noteworthy change therefore was made in the use and implementation of

the Artillery; the adaptation to the particular conditions of combats sometimes

appears as a distortion (too tight positions, insufficiency of terrestrial


However, one fact emerges from the evidences the increasing importance

of the Artillery during the conflict, recognized not only by our own Infantry,

but also by the Biet Minh who, rendering judgement on our bases of operations and

our defense tactics wrote: "of all the French defense facilities, the

Artillery support is the most efficient". (1)

(1) Intelligence Bulletin - No. 885/FTNV/2 of February 25, 1954.



......---------------- ...........


0 LIIn 0 p


4-4- _ I- '
IcI .40J 0 00
Lo cm


(A, L. 0. A.)

The campaign of Indochina showed, if such was the need, that the Army

required aerial faciliteis.

From the start of hostilities, the Command requirements and those of the

Artillery proved to be huge and from 1945 to 1947, the Piper Cubs of the 9th

DI.C., then the 1torane 500" Groups, sent out successively, failed. The

Command of the Artillery Aviation, created in September 1, 1946, did not succeed

in redressing the situation, so in August 1947, the Artillery Aviation was at

its lowest stage.I

But the Air Force had evaluated the services which the A.L.O.A. could

render in the scouting for fighters and even bombers. Therefore, an effort was
made to the profit of the Artillery ObAervation Aviation Groups (G.AOA.) which

then existed and put back into shape in 1848. Until 1952, they were to remain

at the disposal of the Air Force.

On March 3, 1952, the decree joining the A.L.O.A. to the Army was

signed; but in order to avoid the return of the difficulties encountered in

1946-47, the application of the decree was progressive in Indochina: A now

AL.O.A. Co.nand was merely created on January lst, 1954; the relief of personnel

was accomplished only in April of the same yoar and the application of all facilities

was not yet placed under the responsability of the Army without reserve at the end

of the war,

i ~ ~~~~~~~~253
,,.• ,., ,. • ,,

This sketch permits an appreciation of the delays which are necessary

to give independence to an organization such as the Light Army Air Corps

(A.L.A.T.) in spite of the imperative needs of the Units.

These needs were varied:

"All sorts of demands were placed upon the Air Observation Corps: P

Artillery and mortar fire ranging, search of Intellignece, escorting the troops,

radio relay, guiding of fighters and bombers, search for D.Z., food supply, mail

and medicines, Medical evacuation, etc. (1); the following can also be added:

command liaisons, general surveillance of the battle field...without forgetting

armed reconnaissance at the start of the campaign, during which the observer

shelled on the ground the objectives which he had judged detrimental to his

F.M. (I)
Artillery fire ranging• by observation place was particularly advantageous
in Indochina due to the shortage of terrestrial observatories.

There remains an essential mission of the A•L.O.A.; but, despite the

excellent overall results, It was not utilized sufficiently In Indochina, The

lac% of planes was often deplored at the very moment when the artilleryman

needed them, that is after taking position at the end of the day, after

deployment...and in addition, an anonymous or unknown observer was not always

trusted. Certainly the Officers of all Branches are capable of appreciating the

overall efficiency of fire, but a Group Commander prefers to entrust an

exacting performance to a gunner.

In the coordination of the artillery-aviation fires, the air observer

played an intermediary role between the airman and the gunner. The latter could
only avoid the "fire hole" between air action and the artillery shelling by

(1) Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding an A.L.O.A. of the F.T.E.O.

iI I

il I
• . •
254 ..

remaining in constant contact with the "cricket" who Informed him of

successive air Interventions and announced the moment when they started off.

"Reconnaissance on sight was rarely productive in general, The reasons

for this were: fluidity and dilution of the enemy (in open terrain the Viet is

invisible if he remains motionless), the difficulty of observing In wooded areas

and also the alarm given a long time ahead by the noisy and slow Morano".#

"On the other hand, reconnaissance of a specific point permitted

practically always to confirm or deny information.,,,"

"At the beginning of the campaign, reconnaissance on sight was executed

at low altitude (between 200 and 600 meters). At the end of hostilities,

conditions of utilizatlon had to be moditied in view of the introduction of a

light A.A. more and more dense...the flight altitude was then brought to 900

and 1,000 motors; a passage at low altitude could be executed but could not be

renewed6 The results of the missions was not worse,..°the Viets, less cautious,

were often taken by surprise"?. (1)

Several observers pointed out the advantage presented by photo-taking

and reconnaissance missions at night. Towards the end of the campaign, a few

cautious attempts were made in this domain, but they have not been pushed far

enough to allow the drawing of significant teachings.

The escorting of troops, "either during an operation, or to scout and

guide a convoy...was very productive...." (1)

1However, an observer was frequently requested to watch constantly the

immediate approaches of the units involved. In such cases the observer could

not hesitate to stray from our troops as the most productive intelligence was

often gathered a few kilometers away and even sometimes outside the zone of


(1) Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding an A.L.O.A, of the F.T.E,O.

I III 255 ""4 • ' •''••' i•',! •

Several reports point out the advantage to be derived from conducting

an operation from an observation planet "In fact, whon dealing with large-scale

operations, the Operation Command itself should direct it from the flying

observatory of a plane. What could be a better place for It in order to encompass

the whole operation and separate the details? (1)

• 4

Of course it is unthinkable to wish for the Chief to exercise his command

from one end to the other from a plane. But, this periodic overall view, of the

set-up and the terrain difficulties would be so useful to himl (2)

Armed reconnaissance Is of course not possible without a plane adapted

to this mission, In the face of an extremely fluid enemy, the transience of the

objectives Is such that many occasions were lost due to the Inevitable slowness

of liaisons. Pere Is an example among a thousand:

",,.On December lst 1953, around 6 P11, upon returning from a reconnaissance

mission on sight, we discovered about a hundred rebels grouped on the east bank
of the SONG ThAI BINH and preparing to cross the river on sampans. No fighters

were available in HAIPHONG; a B.26 at the end of a mission arrived more than

10 minutes later, then two fighters sent from HARUOI arrived another fifteen minutes
later. In the interval, the rebels dispersed; the intervention was practically
useless"... (3)

-As Lieutenant T.... pointed out, "The light observation plane would

have boon able to Intervene with success on limited and vanishing objectives had

it been armed: a couple of machine-guns of rockets"... (4)

(1) Lieutenant .... Plane observer.

(2) General G.... in particular used the Morano and was schooled in TOMKIN.
(3) Squadron Leader.... F.T.E.O. - A.L.O.A. Commander.
(4) The CESSNA L.19 plane can be armed with rockets, but it was not put in service
in Indochina until almost the end of hostilities (see Volume III).

GUIDING OF FIGHTERS AND B0OMBRS proved to be a mission almost

Indispensable for close air support, as a rapid plane does not sea very well and

is not in contact with the troops on the grounds But the air observer sees

naturally the terrain In the same a"~le as the fighter of the bomber, but in

addition, he knows where the friendly troops are, the situation, talks to the

infantryman of the gunner as to the fighter. Therefore, he Is a normal link

between the ground elem~ents and the air formations.

This guiding "consisted, for the observation plane, in providing ground

liahts with -oeor several grenades for an objective to be treated by the fighter

of the bomber".

This procedure "had the great disadvantage of forcing the observation

plane to go down at a low altitude (100 in.). It was midified by the utilization

of the U.S. rifle smoke grenade (grenade with fins) of the M.20 or 14.22 type,

thrown from 1,000 m. altitude and giving adequate precision.

"The use of this grenade should be generalized although we had duds on

water and inconsistent terrain (mud)". (1)

One observer who performed many missions at DIEN BIEN PHIL experienced

the impossibility of performing the guiding by dmoke-grenades due to the enemy

flan!k and suggested: "...the providing of lights by an artillery fire of smoke-

shells, with a previous installation by the cricket of side views", (2)

The Importance of this guiding mission explains why the Air Force wished

to keep at its disposal the light observation planes, and why it wanted, at least,

to insure their control through the Tactical Air Groups (GATAC). In addition,

It justified this centralization of everything that flew by the fact that a

GATAC must be Inform.d of all taking-offs of friendly planes in order to provide

security for them.

"(1) Lieutenant-Colonel commanding the F.T.E.O. A.L.O.A.

(2) Lieutenant.... Observer.

, J

These arguments were not considered as decisive by the partisans of an

Independent A.L.AT., for the guiding mission seaned to them not worthy of more

importance than any other mission. As such, It should have been left to the
appreciation of the Joint Commander and if necessary, It should have been

requested through air support channels, the operation of which is perfectly

reversible. (1) On the other hand, the GATAC can be informed of aerial
activities without the necessity of placing the planes under his command.

"It seems normal, actually, that the interested Command activate its
A.LIO.A. or that it delegate its responsability to a subordinate authority; on

the other hand, It is irrational that the Command should have to address itself
to an organization outside his authority (GARAC aerial intervention C.P.) in

order to utilize his own moans". (2)

This argutnentation finally won over and the A.L.O.A. had resumed partial

Independence at the beginning of 1954 and, if the wai" had gone on, it is quite
probable that it would have become the essential element of the Army, as it

already escaped the GATAC in numerous occasions.

"In more than half the cases, in the absence of an air organization in
the vicinity, the detachments were finally put at the direct disposal of

terrestrial Commanders". (2)

After the end of hostilities, a new step forward was taken and the

Implementation was from then on Insured by the aerial support channel. This
new procedure was satisfactory, but was not confirmed by combat.

For these various reasons (hiiiplementation by the GATAC, grouping of

repair and maintenance facilities.,.and mostly protection facilities), the

(1) In most cases the requests for aerial intervention indicate that one observation
plane would perform the guiding mission# Then there is no particular
request to be made.
(2) Squadron Leader commanding the ALOA of the F.T.E.O.

A.L.O.A, formations were stationed on air bases.

But this organization often required the constitution of detachments for

which it was difficult to provide the cadres, and deploy them as close as possible

to the C,P. of the authority in charge of the operation. In addition, the crews

were not always allowed to work for the profit of the same units,

"It is impossible to determine some rules of organization applicable In

all circumstances..."

"The ideal solution would be to provide the Commands up to the Division

or Tactical Group echelon for example, and Arms up to an appropriate level

(Regiment...A.D. or Group...) with a squadron of four to eight planes manned

by personnel proper to the Arm in question..."

""iIf the means are not sufficient, the organization of squadrons of four
to eight planes appears preferable to the organization of larger elements; these
squadrons would be adapted to the users in accordance with their requirements.

In such a manner, only the users could dispose of the necessary aerial means at

the proper time and in the best conditions". (1)

Many observer Officers are of the same opinion: "It would have been

preferable to have observers and even crews specialized in one area...the observer

follows the appearances of the enemy, observes the progress of his activities...

no more orientation and navigation worries..."

"To know the formations for which he works,is also important to the

observer...and the same goes for the troops on the ground who would have

welcomed having a well known observer.**" (2)

ii This organization would have permitted the execution on the spot of a

complete briefing before every mission. Because, as a Captain commanding a

(1) Squadron Leader.... Commanding the ALOA of the FT,E.O.

(2) Lieutenant Xo,,, Plane Observer.

'i I
GAOA. wrote: "In most cases, orders were given in very concise fortm via

teletypc fri,,, t®1- 1ATA,. Tliq•u. orders generally indicated only the point of

rendez-vous and the radio signals...and left theobserver without any idea as to

the orientation or the size of the operation."

Such an organization would have also allowed the reduction of the

intervention delays. The same Captain continues: "On the other hand, an

unexplainable delay of several hours (1) passed between the ambush or the attack

against the post and the arrival of the plane. In a delta of only 15,000 square
kilometers, this can only be explained by the number of t"unproductive', inter-

mediaries which filtered, transmitted or modified the request',. (2)

Finally, the terrestrial commanders did not dispose of any air facilities

proper,.,"sometimes tried to occupy the Morane by making it circle around in order

to save It, in case something might happen". (3) This misuse could have been
avoided by a decentralization of facilities, which w.as only interdicted by the

shortage of planes.

As to the dispersion of detachments, which presents certain advantages

as far as their use is concerned, it was attended to according to the degree

of security that can be provided.

Experience has brought to light some of the insufficiencies in the

table of organization for the GA.O,A, (4)

"A GAOA, Coimmand should be entrusted to a senior officer. The

responsabilities are much too heavy for a captain"'. (5)

(1) This delay varied: half an hour when the plane waited on the ground, with
radio set in place. Several hours if the radio set had to be set on a
given frequency, alert the crew...
(2) Captain..o, Commanding a GA.OA,
(3) Lieutenant..,. Plane Observer.
(4) A group of artillery observation planes (GAOA) with 3 squadrons of 6 planes
included 19 officers, 50 non-comns and 88 men (total 166)e
(5) Lieutenant-Colonel Conmmanding the ALOA of the F.T.E.O.

= I
SU 260 ~ c

In addition to the present strength, It should have: one officer plane

mechanic, one administrative officer or non-com, and two secretarial non-com&.

Moreover, the personnel needs an extensive adaptation: "Zn order to

become operational, a pilot required training for one month, a mecanic two to

three months. For an observer officer, 60 to 80 hours of flight during operations

were required to make him confident and productive..." (1)

But, after according these delays, the crews were entirely satisfactory:

"Very new at the trade and full of enthusiasm, they sometimes accomplished

missions under conditions which would have made bemedaled pilots shrink". (2)

To sum up, the observation plane lhas been in Indochina "the Jack of all

trades" (3), the "shoe-shine boy" (3), "the most'procious auxiliary," (3) of the

Command, and its appearance in the sky was a relief to the Infantryman in

difficulty, whether In the bursh, in the rice fields, or in an attacked post.

If the ALOA was mainly used by the Air Force, it was because of the lack

of another plane capable of guiding the fighter force.

But its Implementation by the Army is the desire of all combatants who

have assessed the wealth of Its possibilities and, moreover, wish for the

Integration of helicopter formations to this Air Force.

(I) Lieutenant-Colonel Comanding the ALOA of the FT,E.O.

(2) Lieutenant.... Plane observer.
(3) Opinions found in many reports.





late in In spite of their obvious usefulnosat helicopters appeared very
Two of them were bought by the Headquarters of the Sanitary Ser-
vices and put to use by the Army Air Corps. In 1952, this stock was in-
creased by purchases and by private gifts and it amounted to a dozen of
This increase made necessary the organization of units and bet-.
ween January and April 1954 the Army created a Command of Helicopter For-
mations. The con~truction of a helicopter field was begun in SAIGON,
while it was decided upon a plan to obtain 100 helicopters that same year*

In the meantime $ the Air Force had also decided to create heli-

copter units and the economic situation had forced the Army and the Air
Force .to unite their means and form a mixed units where the personnel of
both would work jointly until the Army units would have reached a volume
that woulA justify their independence. (1)

(1) - The 65th Squadron was expected to includes A squadron command; a unit
of 25 light helicopters; a unit of 25 medium helicopters; a unit for techni-
cal maintenanceo
In actuality, it reached only a total of 28 helicopters after the cease-fire.
,.• • • . .;='• W 262

Thus, at the end of the hostilities, we were still at a phase of

the organization that wax characterized by a centralisation of the adminis-
trative and maintenance facilities.

But it soon became apparent that to satisfy the requirements of

the different territories it was necessary to utilize small detachments.

" In fact, we immediately agreed that there wore two types of

terrain, and we equipped them one after the other...."

" The zones of the delta (or costal plains). Flat terrain with
a high density of population and troops; short distances; metoreological
conditions generally good,"

" The plateaus and the mountains predominantly covered with fo-
rests, specialized troops, in small numbers and scattered$ high altitudes5
often poor metereological conditions."

"o.o. The light helicopter "IILLER"•, not powerful, with little

autonomy, capable to lift two passangers at sea level$ does wonders in the
first oneso"

" In the second ones the helicopter had to be powerful and sure$
had to carry instruments for navigationg and to be used at high altitudes.
The S#51 was not succosful and, fortunately$ was abandoned fcr the SIKOR-

The dispersion of the detachments and, most of all, the distan-.

cesp posed some difficult problems.

The operation 6f the H.19 in LAOSp which was done from SAIGONp
was a waste of a potential 30 hours (to go and come back) out of the 130
available between inspections# that is, 20,." (2)

Sometimesp it wah possible to transport the helicopters part of

the way on ships or aircraft carriers.*.. But the urgency of the needs
didn't always enable us to wait. Furthermore, " these movements did cost
more than 15,000 hours, of which at least 400 could have been saved*" (M)

Training of personnel. - " The first Air Force pilots had been trained
in civilian schools for helicopter pilots in France, England, and in the
military schools of the U.S.A.F."
" Army pilots were
AIR, FWICK, SNCASE)." (2) trained in French civilian schools ( HELICOP-

(1) - Report of the Air Commander in the Far East, March 1955.

(2) - Battallion Commander l..Comaanding the G.FH.. (Groups of Heli-

copter Formations.)


~', ~ 263

Neither were ready for the operations and they had to follow a
complete course of instructions in the air and on the ground, before being
combat ready. These indispensable classes absorbed many hours of flight$
and this often interfered with the o5erations," C Report of the Air Com-
mander for the Far East, March 1955.,
The mechanics were originally those of the Air Liaison squadrons$
" with a cadre of one officer and 28 enlisted men with a background in the
field of helicopters, five of which had followed training in England with
the WMMTLAND Company*" Later, ether mechanics were prepared in France.

At the end of the war, the Arm• had pilots and mechanics as well
prepared as the Air Force specialists, and this would have allowed them to
create autonomous units.

Use during the hostilities* - "0 With a few exceptions, the helicopters were
+ used an emergency vehicles* Their mission was the evacuation of the wound-
ed, the sick, to pick up prisoners that had boon liberated, escaped prison-
era, isolated soldiers," Li. Battallion Commander X... Commander of the
O.F.H. (Groups of Helicopter Formationsa) 2. By 31 July 1954, there were
10p820 wounded or sick evaouated; 38 pilots and 80 escaped prisoners pick-
ed up; for a total of 5p400 missions or 7p040 hours of operations.)

Here are some characteristic examples of those missionst

" On November 80, 1951, a Hiller 3860 was loaded disassembled on .

an aircraft Bristol in SAIGON, taken to Hanoi, and assembled the some day
in GIA LA1. On the second of December it evacuated 24 seriously wounded
soldiers of the column X, in the region of BAN BlO (THAI)...."

ctOn December 14, 1953, one helicopter of the type H.19 ove-
euated 76 wounded from a support point at DIIN BL24 PHU to a central
C.P. Later# between 50 and 80 wounded were evacuated by each plane se-
veral times. C Report of the Air Comuander for the Far East, March 1955.)

".ooo From the 14th to the 25th of March, 1964, helicopters eva-
custed wounded soldier from DIM BIEN PHU in 53 hours of flight.ooe"

" From the 7th of May to the 20th of Julyp 1954, 80 people es-
caped from DIE BIN4 PHU were saved by helicopters in difficult conditions
(altitudep forest.o.) with the use of winches or rope ladders."
"loos One H910 after the hostilities, has recovered the crew
of a British commercial ship lost in the bay of Along.*' Battallion Com-
mander X..,, Commander of the GFH.l

The execution of missions bas often been made difficult because

of ignorance of the use of helicopters. I
In fact# many of our cadres lived with the memory of demonstra-
tions done under the exceptional conditions of an air contest and provoked

this protest from the pilotas
"In regard to the Army, we must try to ftmiliari-e the officers
and the enlisted men with the helicopter and to remove ideas that are too
optimistic about its behaviour in a vertical flight, caused by too many
insufficient landing strips and as many acrobatic maneuvers, which, fortu-
nately, almost always succeeded." I Riport of the Air Commander for the
Far East, March 1958.]

The delays in the interventions were often long$ because during

the operations the requests were forwarded through the not of the aereal
support end outside of the operations through the net of the territorial

" In the delta of Tonkin and in Cochinchine the delay of the

requests was between one and two hours, to be added to the flight time,
naturally; but during combined operations ( particularly at the center
ANlNAML) these delays could be greater, up to five and six hours."$ Bat-
tallion Comicander X.... Commander of the G.F.H.J

The Vietminh D.C.A. often attacked the helicopters, not only at

DIE DIEN PH1UO but everywhere. " At the time of the cease-fire all the
aircrafts having worked in the delta had been hit by bullets from the
!round. One of them had been hit 23 times in the sector of HUNG YEN."
Battallion Commander X.... Commander of G.F.*)1.

The losses, however# have not been greats " of 42 helicopters

received during tho campaign, 9 have been destroyad by different causes,
and only two have been downed. [ Battallion Commander X.o.o Commander of
the G.F.H.; of those 42 aircraftsp 9 were sent back on the Mfetropole.)
But one shouldn't derive any conclusions from this in regard to the In-
vulnerability of helicopters."

To insure the safety of the crews the following precautions

had been takens

An altitude of 3S000 feet ( or about 1,000 meters ) was made

mandatory to avoid the light D.C.A. and to allow, in case of an accident,
to land on the chosen spot. [ This altitude allows for one minute and a
half of flight with the rotors and an exact landing more than one kilometer
Furthermore, " to facilitate the navigation on that type of air-
craft where the pilot cannot easily study a map or use the radio, it was
decided to follow secure routes opened to normal traffic and covered by
friendly postso.." C Report of the Air Commander in The Far East.]
Lastly, if a unit requesting a helicopter thought it necessary,
Sa patrol was charged with the security of the area around the landing

This protection, however, could be interpreted as a braking of

- the GUWA convention.

In theory, the convention assures the safety of the vehioless
airorafttp boats.... transporting the wounded, the sick, or hospital
0EVA Convention, 12 August 1949, Chapter 111 Articles
personnels.C OE
19, 90, 35, 886.) ut one believes only too often that it suffices to
place a red aross on an aircraft to protect it.
In tact, in the delta of Tonkin, the guerrilleros often fired
at the hospital helicopters and it became necessary to protect them.
H It
is not forbidden to ask in what measure the use of the
infantry for the protection of helicopters led the V.M. to consider them
as enemies and to treat them as such*"

In facts very often, the troops on the ground requested " an

evacuation with the use of covoring forces with only thip intention to
utilize the patrol for their purposes. As soon as the helicopter landed,
the pilot was assigned objectives and wqs requested to transmit positions
to the patrol by radio."

Whetehor he wanted it or not, he gladly rendered such services

and, thanks to him, every time a helicopter arrived it meant a precise
and murderous attack of the troops on the ground...." L Report of the
Air Commander in The Far East.)

o..." All this to such an extent that the helicopters became

chosen targets at DIM BUIN PHIU and for their protection more and more
soldiers had to be uaed ( up to 16 for one mission ) and even some B.26
6 airplanes for straffing and bombing, and two for smoke curtains.)"
Report of the Air Commander for the Far Last.]
In the future, it will therefore be of advantage that the
articles of the GOVA Convention in regard to the safety priviliges
granted by the Red Cross be distributed at all echelons and strictly
respected, so as to be able to expect from the enemy the same respect
of its terms under the penalty of reprisals.

Tactical employment. - The small number of aircrafts did not allow their
tactical utilization during the campaign.

Nevertheless, " an He19 delivered a comzando for a special

mission in two trips in the center ANNAMo.°o The mission was completely
successful; the aircraft was not noticedoo.." [ Battallion Commander X
*....Commander of the G.F.H.J

c noAnother experience was done in COCHINCHINA to take a group of

commandos to an area belonging to the Volt. without living any signs.

A man was parachuted at night and reached a landing zone found

on an aereal map. Ho obtained radio contact with the helicopter which
carried the other commandos and guided them with the landing. The heli-
copter took back a wounded man, the parachutes and some materiel.

a•'u Ipl.
•" • I Q
, y ~ I[266

jul *sions.......The Coiizand's projects anticipated an increase of this type of

The project to obtain 100 aircraft., which was to be materialled

at the end of 1954, would have been only one steps because the studies made
in 1955 C Note on the use of helicopters in Colonial Wars - interallied
tactical studies - 28 May 19883] advocated O a tactical maneuver of a new
type, far superior for its mobility and safety to enemy, troops moving over
the grounds"
* Operating in successive concentrations of all available means
without harming the security of the whole*,* operating without, the worry of
land coumunicotions and equally well in enemy territory, beyond enemy lines#
and within the area under control # theme successive actions should aim at
the possible encircling and destruction of the Yietminh divisions, which ge-
nerally operate at several days of march one from the other...."

To realize this project to its fullest extent, however, it would

have been necessary8

-- To
To dispose of 100 light
traln sufficient holioopters,
pilots and 400
and mechanics* projectones.
A heavy was thus con-
sidered ( based on the original issue of 25 aircrafts ) to become effective
in one year.
- A credit in the amount of 70 to 80 billions.

As it was remarked by the Air Commander in the Far •ast 1 the

expenses for the Indochina iwar could have started a rebirth for our Army
based on new formulas which would have allowod reduced forces to have
their capabilities considerably increased." C Report by Ma as 1955.)

Without being so ambitious, the desires of many officers of the

Army were beginning to be heard. A captain of the A.B.C., among others,
wrotes " the machine gun, the tank, and amphibious vehicles do not suffice
* any longer to fulfill the traditional missions of the cavalry. If we are
* unable to maneuver tactically in the three dimensions we will be again be-
hind time for the next war."
Desired by most 1 & light Air Corps belonging to the Army and
composed by helicopter units could alleviate these preoccupations. Perhaps,
it was on the point of being created in Indochina. (1)

(1) - For your informations here is a list of the aircrafts of the Army Air
Corps, organic to each division in the United States.

Airplane Airplane Helic. Total

2-seater multi-s.
- Division Headquarters 1 2 3 6
- " Signal 2 2
- NEngineers 1 1
- For 3 Infantry Reg. 3 8 8
-For 4 Artill. Bn. -9I 1 11
TOTAL -l3 8 10 28

( The information above was found in a study published in the magazine

"Officers Call".)

~.tot 267



The war between 1939 and 1945 had already shown the growing im-
portance that had assumed the Engineer Corps. Its role, however$ was poin-
ted out even more clearly during the Indochina Campaign, because the Ixpe-
ditionary Corps found itself in an immense territory where the Department
of Public Works, desorganized by the events of 1947 and locking the neces-
sary fundsp was incapable to repair and maintain the structure necessary
for the operations.
The work of the engineers was even more considerable than in
Europes but their strength remmined " always inferior to the needs9 because
it comprised only 4% of the Expeditionary Forces while to resolve the dif-
ficulties derived from the geographical characteristics of the country the
strngth should have been between 12 and 14% of the total, as planned by.-
all foreign armies." [ Report on the operations of the Commanding General
of the Engineers in the Far East.]

The lack of personnel increased the difficulties and# if the

Corps succeeded nevertheless to fulfill its numerous missions# a basic
lesson to be drawn from the campaign is that the Engineer Corps must be
made up of a greater number of units than previously.
On the other hand, the absence of a front and the general lack of
security forced the Engineer Services and the combat units to face the same
I risks# to resolve the same difficulties and often to fulfill the same mis-
sions. In this way, for instance, " the entire road system of Tonkin was
:i1 the responsibility of combat units and of the Engineers and sometimes di-
rectly the responsibility of the latter.*" Lt. Col. Xa... Commander of the
Engineers of Tonkino)

jThe action of both type units was therefore inseparable and it Is

appropriate to examine their operations simultaneously.


OROANIZATION - COM•BT UNITS. At the beginning of the campaign the dif-

ferent elements of the Engineer Corps were made up according to the metro-
politan model, as the formations of the other corps. Consequently, they
had to be adapted to the nature of the operations and mainly to the amphi-
bious character of the most important battlefields.

The combat battallion insluded two or three combat companies with

the same structure a. comparabl, units in France and one headquarters com-

Resvrve units includedt

- Service battallions, with the mission to support combat units and to

supply other Corps with materials. E The service battallion included/
- One Headquarters & one General Services Company;
- One Lquipment Company|
- One Company for Maintenance and Repairs;
- One Company for Bridge Tranport.

S- ' ,Companies of tilting trucks.*

L Companies of road sappers, everyone of which could build about 8

kilometers of new road per year.
_ Each company included mainly:
"Asection of workshops and machines;
A section for the operation of quarries
A section for transportation
A section for the works.*

- A company with appliances necessary for river operations, which in-

sured the operation of a certain number of ferry-boats.

- A company with armored boats which operated especially heavy engines

used in river works.
-' The units of these last three categories were1 therefore, of a
special type and reflected the particular needs of the theatre of operations.

This organization of the unitsp which reflected the serious lack

of personnel, was insufficient for the operations of repair and maintenance.
The support of combat companies was obtained with difficulty because of
* the existing disproportion between the number of machines and the workshops
available to repair them or prepare them for operation." E Captain X....
j Commander of the Engineers of the F.T.N.V.]
The consequences of this lack of means of repair facilities later
became more serious for the following reaaons:

The condition of materiel used intensively for many years,

I• - " The lack of spare parts which had to come from SAIGON and some-
times had to be fabricated locally,
]!m ['
I : Se

-" The great variety of appliances utilized, French and American [ For
instancel there were at least 20 makes of generator sets, for a total of
42 models.) which required more specialized personnel, a considerable va-
"riety of spare parts, the installation of very well developed shops and
a service of receipt and delivery utilizing numerous and highly qualified
personnels C Report of the Commanding General for the Far Ehat.)

-" The grave error of the distribution of materiel to isolated units:

i. whether boats or jet engines generator sets or digging equipment# the main-
tenance of their engines is very ,,difficulto Each,'unit has this responsi-
bility, but, because of the lack of training and knovledge they take back
only what is deadlined or# worse, they merely notify that something is

Once more the specialist leaves his shop to go out and findsmostly
see, a lack of maintenance.
If the damage is not:f,^ especially when it has to do with small en-
gines that exist in large quantitiess it becomes very serious whenever the
materiel involved is as important as a bulldozer. The driver does all he
can on his ont; but if the vehicle stops, most of the time he is incapable
to repair it and ends up by calling up the repair facilities*" [ Report of
Colonel Xoooo forwer commander of the Engineers in the Far East.]

The service - Mhen the Expeditionary Force arrived, it found and organi-
mation identical to that in France, including, therefore, a section for
iulding and Works and a section for Materials, r This section was directed
by an Assistant Director of Idaterials, who resided in SAIGON. His mission
was to supply materials of the Engineers to all territories that needed
them. The Building soection had staffs in all territories and an assistant
director attached to the Engineers Headquarters.]

Both depended on the Engineers Headquarters, but could be put

to action independently by the Headquarters of the Commanding General
which gave the orders ( although all the orders of execution still had to
be processed through the Commander of the Engineers.)

This organization was maintained and later several special units

were attached to the 'Service for the execution of special tasks:

- Administrative companies, which administrate personnel and distribu-

te materials to the construction units and whatever materials are needed
by the troops in general.

- Construction companies with large pieces of machinery needed for

important digging operations and specialised in the preparation of air
fi elds*

All this did not make it impossible for the Service to request
the help, as is done In France, of private enterprises and local indus-
"tries to execute the majority of the works, often even in the less secure

In certain respects, this peacetime organization has been satis-

factory, because "1 the Corps Headquarters, relieved of the worry of the
fibances, could dedicate itself almost entirely to mkissions connected with
"the operationsO"

i i{i
S"-'...< , , , ., 270

" On the other hands the Service, relieved of these missions, has
been able to ramp bettor the problems in their totality and to prepare for
•IIthe futures" Report of the Commanding General of the Engineers in the Par
Nevertheless$ many engineer. would have liked at1"t awartie

organization and that military staffs replaced the local ones. Because the
latter functioned according to the regulations valid in France before 1945
and included specialized sectors under the orders of one officer.
The administrative regulations and job descriptions were those
used in France. The organization was done in each territory by an assistant
director, delegated by the director in SAIGON.
But one could ask if the general organization of the combat and
service units actually sufficed to the requirements of a war without front,
where the distinction between "Combat Engineers" and "Service Engineers"
lost most of its significance.

Command organization - In each of the territories in Indochina the formations

of combat engineers depended from the Engineer Coumander of the Territory,
while service units depended from a Territorial Assistant Director.
This situation was of no consequence in North Vietnam where the
Engineer Commander worked closely with the Assistant Directors the open co-
operation in matters of responsibility, made easy by a close contact, sim-
plified the problems and smoothed difficulties."

" In Central Vietnam, the geographical separation of the comman-

ders complicated the situation. Everywhere, just a conflict of personali-
ties could have had very serious consequences."

" Certain difficulties arose from this situation. It seems that

it would have been preferable that the Engineer Commander had also been
Assistant Director." [ Report of the Comianding General of the Engineers.]

This unification of command would clertainly have allowed a better

distribution of tasks, because the combat units participated, just the same
as the administrative units, to the operations of general interest for each

On the other hand, it was necessary that for every operation#

a fraction, more or less importantp of the units be attached to the mobile
units and recedve missions of support. Specially in Tonkin certain bat-
tallions were attached to the Moving Divisions and their commanders were
pulled between the requests of the commanders of those divisions and the
orders of the Engineer Comntnder of the Territory.

To satisfy these contradictory orders# some officers wished that

the battallions included four companies " of which two would have been
utilized as a work force under the sole command of the Commander of the
Engineer Division# the other two attached to the Mobile Forces to accom-
pany them in the operations." C Battallion Commander X1... Commander of
a battallion attached to a Moving Division in Tonkin.]

_ _
Actually, this solution would have been only a
medi~re compromise, and if the lack of personnel had not
made it impossible, the Engineer Corps should have included:
- Combat battallions in sufficient number to satisfy the
operational needs of our mobile forces.
- General reserve units, including other combat battal-
lions and a variety of specialized units to fulfill the mis-
sion of equipping the different territories and to reinfor-
ce occasionally the Engineers to the front.

THE iISSIONS - The tasks assigned to the Engineers were

very varied, but two of them absorbed the greater part of
their efforts:
- The maintenance of comiiunications wahich the Vietrainh
sabotage constantly destroyed and which had to be also con-
siderobly imp-roved.
- The building of fortifications, which has already
been the object of a special chapter, and which reqiired
works of considerable extent and time.
The Engineers, however, I.L:d to fulfill other
missions, too:
Construction of cam'ps and numerous railitary inst%'l-
Setting up airfields [ See voluzie III.]
Improving or building ports and landin- areas Se'
volu:m-e 1II.]
InstalJ ation of electric-,l powerlhouses.
Setting up water sut)ly points.
Building of depots ý(aamunitions, fUel, etc....)
i:.aintenance of certain railroads.
The variety of those tasks was not the only dif-
ficulty and the Engineers had to solve problems of resu-
"-ply of materials and of work force that were esIecielly
delicate. The reestablishe:nent of co:ai-un:ications was cer-
tainly the mission that required the greatest eff7orts and
the u.ost ingenuity.
Procure:a-nt of materials - 1.ost" construction works re-
quired ce.:ent, iron, wood, stone, etc.,.. Yo s':,tic:'y such
ne'•'ds over rýn i-x:iense terroitory, it boca:::e absolutcly ne-
ces ary to resort to speci lized enter)pri ses. hese, how-
ever, could satisfy, by 1950, only a fifth of thle require-
""ments, a:t least ia 'ion:cin.

" Thus, iron was bought in JAJWJ, IQNKQ,;,,, :A-

"TI•Tt he Uotif-n woodo were exploited and sLXv-nills opened,

St., •,, 3 2
, " 9.72

quarrios were equip:.ed, and a flotilla was built for river

tre'noport cnd nmuorous independent enterprises were crez.-
ted locw-liy with the initial fin%,noin,. and the cadre of the
Engineers. C Colonel X.... former co.:L.iander of the Engi-
neers in the rlar East.]
The greatest difficulty was the supply of crushed
stone material w, hich was also required for road construct-
ion, f'or airfields, end for works utilizing concrete, For
instance, in 1951, in tha region of Tonkin " the entire pro-
gram :['or the construction of fortifications almost failed
because the quarries did not produce sufficently." C Report
of Colonel X.... former commuander of the -•ngineers in the
Far East.]
Later, most difficulties were resolved, but the
problem of transpor-ttation still remained, because the amount
of tonnage made it necessary that only the roads or the
rivers be utilized.
In the regions without road nEts the resupply for
working areas could not be accomplished and this failure
was especially felt -ihen land bases for airplanes had to be
equipped during the last two years of the campaign.
The Engineer S :vice h-d also to resupply mar&y
units with all kinds of different materials. For instptnce,
the usage of barbed wire from October 1933 to June 1954
reached d 200 tons, with some monthly "highs" of 1,400 tons
and one "low" in January of 17 tons.
Naturally, air lifts did not suffice to insure
any supply lines" DIMT BIT;N PHU, however, was sup.ported
by air with: - 2,877 tons of borbed wire and stakes,
- 150 tons of wood,
- 28 tons of mines and charge plates.
- Lastly, 760 tons of metal sheets necessary
to set up a landing field were transported to DIEN BXIT
PHIU at the beginning of our installation project there.]
It was not even attempted to build concrete blockhaus or to
reinforce the shelters with rails or metal sheets.
Because of this, the Engineers found it deplorable
that none of their heavy engines were airborne, and to uti-
lize a minimum of bulldozers, it was necessary to nrform.
certain disassemblies on the spot and to abandon tae equip-
ment later. [ 7n the plane of Jarres, for instance, the
three bulldozers that were used for the se'tinl up of the
airfield had to be left,,there; the same happened at I1A1 BAC.]

I [ .273

The work force - The lack of personnel always forced the En-
gineers to make use of local emplo.yesoprison..4rs and coolies of both
If the output of the individuals was not high, the number was
sufficient to perform all the work necessary for the digging and filling
up of areas at sometimes surprising speeds. For excavating# for instan-
cop between 2,000 and 4,000 cubic motors of earth, small containers ma-
nipulated by dozens of workers could be famter than the bulldozer, and
onC Engineer officer wrotet " The advantages of machines over man is
not always a dogma in all circumstances and under all latitudesooo.o"
".....If we admit that the beat solution of a certain dif-
ficulty ',i.s, that which allows to 'obtain results with the least expen-
ses and the least delay, it is then better to accomplish an occasional
work in a certain terrain X .... to hire 200 coolies, to give them
picks and shovels and to make them work for 15 days, than to request a
bulldozer, its equipment and gasoline from the nearest depot ( and es-
pecially from SAIGON, which was 600 miles away ) even it this modern
machine could perform the work in 48 hours.." ..: Colonel Xo..
conference on the complicated service structures of the Indochina

The Vietminh have given us numerous proofs of the rapidity

with which they could repair the damages due to our bombings and de-
velop the structures needed during the last year of the war.

The reestablishment of road systems - The road system of Indochina

had been conceived to insure, intercomnunications and not transpor-
tation. Thus$ it was not dense, it was light [ the maximum weight
of bridges was of 6 tons and up to 12 only on the main roads. Fur-
thermore, the narrow roads did not make it possible for modern mili-
tary vehicles to pass j and in the deltas and the numerous waterways
it followed their pattern*

In these regions the roads were generally above the water

so as to be protected; they run over an enbankment and could not be
passed around. The roadway was also very light and was built with a
layer of crushed stones over a bottom of clay and sand.

These conditions were eminently advantageous for the enemy#

whose destructions were always perfectly well calculated,

impovi The most important works were destroyed initially with

improvised methods: toppling of bridge roadways ( pulled from their
positions by buffalos,) setting fire to woodden bridges, destruction
of concrete constructions with picks and drills, etco... Later the enemy
utilized the traditional methods of destruction with explosives.

In the rice paddies the Vietminh accomplished the destruc-

tion of roadways in three steps. In the first step, at night, they
r laid mines and opened a " piano keyboard," C Lateral openings,

L hp , Q )L

approximately one meter wide and spaced about 3 to 5 meters one from
the other and leaving a narrow passage for the circulation of pedes-
trianso. All the material removed was thrown In the rice paddies.
In the second step, the p;.no keyboard was transformed into
a ditch. In the third step# the ditch became longer and the whole
structure of the road was elirinated leaving no road for several
hundred meter&. The waters covered the road, which scattered in
the rice paddies.
In the high and middle regions, the bridges and all the
passages built on the mountain side constituted the most delicate
points, aid the powerful vegetation made necessary a continuous sta-
te of maintenances an abandoned road was literally devoured within
two seasons and had to be built all over again. E That was the case
of route number 68 abandoned in 1960 and utilized again in 1061 for
the operation in HOA BINH.]
The opening of a road not in such terrain could be done
only with the use of digging equipment because the clearing of the
smallest obstacles necessitated the construction of elaborated
structures or the establishment of frames that the next fkoods would
remove. The road number 4 p South of XIMO IKOUANOG opened for 40
kilometers, had to be rebuilt entirely after only one season of rains*..

The tasks faced by the Engineers were, thus, very hard, since
they not only had to reestablish circulation, but also to accomplish,
little by little, the following programs

- Enlarging all the principal roads of Tonkin for two-way traffic

and according to a classification 30 ( 18 for roads in other territo-
ries ) with the aim to build a first road-net called 11operation road-

- Construction of bridges$ in place of the existing trail-

bridges, over all the above roadways.

- Construction, whenever possible, of other less vulnerable bridge

frames next to those mentioned above.

-Lastly, reestablishment and reinforcement, according to the class-

ification 18, of all highways and roads penetrating into enemy territo-
ry that presented a certain interest from the pointof view of the opera-

This program demanded the complete reconstruction of road-

ways and it absorbed an impressive tonnage of materials, that had to
be transported by truck. Once rebuilt 1 these roads could not withstand
a continuous stream of trafficy unless they were considerably improved.
During the rain season, the movement upwards of the water because of the
phenomenon of capillarity, caused all roads to become muddy and this

[ increased their deterioration.

Considerable maintenance had to be performed, and fotthis
reason work groups had to be organized and important vehicles mobilimedo
tipping trucks, tankers, *to...*
" The tight against tpe wear and erosion of road& was actually
never won, because to do its solid foundations had to be built. The
tonnage of materials used was enormous and it reached up to three tons
for one meter of road." C Colonel C.... former commander of the EMgi-
neers in the kar Nut.]

Bridge building ,,....i . posed problems of mores'oomplek techni-


Although badly needed, the means neoeksary for traditional

bridge building originally arrived from France very slowly and we could
not find locally but some materiel abandoned by the Japanese and some
Eiffel material, light and simple$ but too narrow and unable to with-
stand weights greAter than 12 tons.

Later, the situation improved thanks to the arrival of mate-

riel sent as part of the American aid. The company ZIFfI produced
also, in Indochina, under the guidance of the Engineers, the metallic
bridge VY, that could be disassembled in small parts and the use of
which was beginning to spread at the end of the hostilities.
For financial reasons3 we often had to be satisfied with buil-
ding pontoon bridges next to those that could not withstand a sufficient
tonnage, so as to insure the movement of the heavier vehicles. Similar
constructions were built next to the important bridges that could not be
doubled by other frameir so as to insure the passage of vehicles in case
of destruction.

In the deltas, the muddy consistence of the banks was a source

of miscalculations and the laying of the pier~hecessitated great amounts
of materiel, and even the support of mooring posts.

" Furthermore, fixed supports caused unexpected disappoint-

mentso Generally speaking, the woodden bridge pile was not recommend.-
able, first of all• because it had to be transported, ý._" secondly be-
I cause It could be attacked by termites, lastly$ because we never knew In
advance the depth to which it had to be laid in the rice paddies." C Re-
port of the Commanding General of the Engineers in the Far 4st.J

A cement bridge pile was thus utilized # that was drivehto

dephts of 25 and even 40 meters ( as in the case of the bridge of LAHA,

In the deltas, it was necessary to fight also against the tidep

which was felt even 150 kilometers inland and which sometimes varied dai-
ly up to three meters.

"It was impossible to change the piers each time, and the brid-
ges had to withstand these differences of water levels. The solution
adopted and the one that was very satisfactory was the use of the float-
ing Bailey."

O•AL USE Of( 2 76

the U "DBailey bridges were replaced by lines of 8 to 10 pontoons

of the .SNavy." L Or similar material.p which the Engineers had Ise.

bricated in Indochins.)
" The U.S. O0-tons bridge with independent Dailey girders wan
also used in exceptional cases."T eport of the Commanding General of
the Engineers for the Far East. - Permanent bridges, both of the fixed
and the floating types needed a spicial security apparatus to finish
the construction of the blochovs on the banks8 illumination of the site$
nets across the river both up- and downstream to protect the site from
the attack of swimmers or boats 1 metallic covers around the piers all
the way down to the bottom of the river.)

Rivers constituted incredible obstacles. Whenever they were

larger than 280 meters, the crossing could only be assured by boats,
utilizing,generally, metallic boats, fabricated locally and propel] ed
by 2 engines Trdgurtha.
Powerful trail-bridges, made up of 4 pontoons, propelled by
four Tre'gurthasp were also used successfully especially in Tonkin*
But the conditions t0...0.: all over the rivers in the delta
were so variable that only a small number of river boats acobmplished a
regular service under all oirconstances.

Only the LoCoT.i of the Navy could navigate at & speed higher
than 3 meters per second, speed that was obtained during the floods ( as
on the Rad River around HANOI from the let of July to the 15th of Septem-

The Indochina campaign has given the Engineers the possibili-

ty to acquire a real mastery in the reestablishment of road systems in
the Aost difficult terrain * At the end of 1952, the Engineers could
already be proud to have rebuilt 1,800 bridges, representing a length
of 8, 500 meters and to have opened to traffic 4,500 kilometers of im-
proved and uninproved roads.

This considerable mission, accomplished at the same time of

other important and very varied works was successful, even though there
was a lack of personnel and the supply of materiel was difficult.

In such a way$ the Engineers have earned the right to says

" It is necessary that & sufficiently exact estimate of the

utilization of the Engineers be made in regard to all French territories
I that may one day become the theatre of a modern conflict."

" Only then, the Engineersp undoubtedly always understrength,

but at the beat of their capabilities, will be able to fulfill thf!r mis-
sion rapidly and to everybody's satisfaction." t Lieutenant Colonel X.o..
former commander of the Engineers in Tonkin.]




The length and scarcity of road communications E The road-net

system was approximately fifty times less dense than in France j and the
wealth of river roads, at least in the deltas, forced the Transportation
Corps to modify its organization and the structure of some of its units
to get adapted to very different conditions of transportation.
The Indochina campaignywas for the Army a school of flexibility,
and, at the same time, it showed the necessity to coordinate all means of

THE, ORIGANIZATION OF UNITS - Since 1947, the Transportation Corps

had created an organization copied from the Territorial Command: & TC
Headquarters of the Expeditionary Force had been created in SAIGON and
attached to the Supreme Commander Headquarters, while in each territory,
the different units of the Corps depended from a Regional Command.
The make up of all units had been corrected so as to face the
lack of security of roads and river roads. Thus, they all included some
combat troops to " allow them, in case of an attack, to gain enough time
to receive support from others." £ Squadron Chief X..., Commander of a
Transportation group.]

Furthermores their means of transmission had been figured out

keeping in mind the length of their journeys and the necessity to take
over civilian means of transportation, which normally served as reinfor-

I cement.

OEF.ý "Y278
The transport group - As in France, it generally inclu-
ded two and even three oomptinies; but, t was never usid as
a whole, The Headquarters platoon and its services were al-
co greatly reduced and did not perform any administrative
The Transportation Compny included 3 or 4 platoons
and its Headquarters Platoon wns made up of one administrative
section one security, and one transmissions sections. E 100
enliste& men and drivors.]
The security section had scout cars and half-tracks.
" It was diviLded into elements that possessed one light armor-
ed vehicle and one personnel carrier and there were as many
elements as there were transportation platoons in the cormpany.
SSquadron Commander X.... Coaxiander of a Transport Group.J
Many officers found these means insufficient and
requested two armored vehicles for each transportation pla-
toon, or nine for a company.
The scout car, that some had predicted as good as
the carriers, was criticized by all the administrative & com-
bat peftsoinH. It bould not be utilized in all types of ter-
rain and especially mud made it useless whenever it had to
leave the road, as in the case of an ambush.
Combat troops requested rifle grenades and light
mortars in greater quantities and less machine guns " which
could not be utilized properly over roads surrounded by
dense vegetation." C Second Lieutenant Y.,... Platoon Leader.
To show the need for weapons with a high parabola, here
is the narration of an ambush happened in 1954, which caused
us pnrticularly heavy losses in woodden terrain.
"At 1300 hours the Nth Battallion, having reached X....
contacted an enemy block of an estimated strength of one bat-
tallion, positioned across the road. A violent combat begins.
At the same time, another enemy b-attallion, camouflaged,
and positioned away from the road, approxiimately to the North
of it and at about 700 meters to the East, begins an extreme-
ly violent bombardment with heavy weapons of the second series
I of the convoy. In a few minutes, under the violence of tae
thne amaunition trucLs,
all theintensified
fire, vehicles ofby the
the series were of
explosions destroyed."]

Fornations utilizing mules - These did not Zive good

results, because mules " do not easily adapt to tropical
countries. They suffer from the climate and the food; they
move with difficulty in the rich vegetation; they sink in
the rice paddies. They are not liked by the natives who
prefere buffaloes and ponys." C Report of the Co:.auanding
General for Transportation in the F.T.E.O..)


The two mule companies of the Expeditionnry Corps,

however, h:ive been useful tor sup-,lying certain posts and to
lighten sometimes the loads of infantry units! but, " the
frames used to plnce the loads on the mules were of an old
model and weighed more than 30 kilos," C Report of the Comuan-
ding General for Transportation in the F.T.E.O.J
A new frame, invented by a veterinary was under
study. It would have certainly increased the eifioienoy of
mules. It was called the "Proton"..]
Actually, " two or three helicopters would replace
a mule company and be more advantageous." [ Report of the
Commanding General for Transportation in the'F.T.B.O.]

Units specialized in river transportation - These were

not equipped with the necessary materiel until 1951. [ The
eImphiibious vehicles DUt,'I, tried since 1948, did not show".
Advantageous results.]
The L.C.i,.s were grouped in platoons of eight en-
gines,com:i.nded by an officer who had approximately 80 offi-
cers at his disp6sal. Two companies with four platoons each
were, thus, created.
It The leaders of the river units, however, did re-
Sgret that their non-oomrissioned officers did not follow
" some Navy-type 'training,- to become familiarized with ma-
teriel thalt was8 completely new to them."
The men in charge were very often incapable to
maneuver and to land: the vehicles were often damaged becahse
of the incompetence of the personnel on board." C Lieutenant
r X.... Platoon Leader.]
" Nevertheless the platoons constantly accomplished
missions that took them tetweeii 75 and 200 kilometers away,
carrying 30 tons each, and the L.C.11.s transported provisions,
materiel, personnel...." [ Report of the Cormandinr General
for Transportation in the F.T.E.O.J

Air drops units - Operrting at first from other units'

bases, these companies liter became auitonomous and were
equipped with mebhnnical raeans of maintenance and transpor-
tation. L They were reinforce by a loca.l work- force and
j possessed more than 200 trucks.]
Other units, according to the requirement of the
! eaoquartersand of the bases utilized for the transportation
of the wounded ( medical units,) were also created.

I !'
"£Mixed units ( Headquarters, transportation, oir-
culation ) had to be s2lit in Headquarters Auto Companies
and Headquarters Companies proper.

Circulation Units - The lack of road nets prevented

•• •.,• •their use on long trips.

They were charged with special missions:, cirou-

lation in motor pools, stop areas along roads, control
posts, regulation of transportation flow and civilian con-
voys, regulation in case of accidents....
" The help received from civilian police was
little and in the cities the important points were control-
ed by military circulation units. For this reason, the
bridge DOUIJ.R in .ANOI always required a full platoon."
£ See the chapter dadicated to the control of roads.]

EXt.CUTION OF TRANSPORTATION - The lnck of Security of

roads rendared the execution of the simplest raissions very
different from thr.t of" France. /ha,.tever the itinerary
and the time of the movement this was never considered
as "transportatiort' but as a "movemaent" that had to be per-
formed "under guard". C See chapter on the control of roads.]
The means to achieve this protection varied con-
that had toaccording
siderably to the degree of danger in the areas
be crossed.

*,, In the opened areas that we had not fully occu-

pied and where the guerrillas were not numerous, each mo-
ving unit was equipped for its own defense: it was a con-
voy system.
In the territories where we controled certain
axes during the day C see chapter on the control of roads 3
Sthe circulation was free or reguluted in a "security cor-
ridor", created every morning by our tr-oops.
The vehicles advanced separately or in small
groups, i# the form of a transport wave.
Lastly, when the enemy infiltrated heavily
even those territories that we thought ,-,e controled, we
had to utilize both systems: the units thait kept guard
over the itinerary and convoys that were arn'.d for their

E Convoys wee's or;, nized over generally long iti-

neraries ( several htundred kilometers ) and their vulneribility
3f~J~ J~ ~281

was particulýrly felt in mountain or tooded regions [ see

chnpter on action in forests ] because a certnin nauber
of civilian truck:s was always integrated in military con-
Srvoy S.
vos Experience has shown that
the nutmber of vehi-
oles should never be over 100 to 130. Bigger convoys
resulted, in fact, very inaporopriate. " The commander
of the convoy in chnrge of civilian Vehicles left the
motor pool two or three hours after the military vehicles,
usually placed to the front."
" He didn't know anything about the rest of the
convoy and often arrived at destination three hours after
the departuru of the military vehicles for another place."
C Squadron Ch-ef X.... co):.xanding a Transport Group. This
citation is taken from a report in which the author refers
to a convoy of 249 vehicles.]
Important convoys were separated in sections,
but this required a greater number of personnel and of
radio equipment. C " If sixty trucks can be comnaanded
during a move&ment by one platoon leader, this cannot be
done any maore if the convoy is divided " ( Squadron Chief
X.... comnanding. a Transport Group)j " The convoy co=man-
der must ketp contact with the heed and the tail of his
convoy, and with the security Lmits... he must be able to
notify the unit._.." Squadron Chief Y.... cora•.Ianding a
Transport Group.) " Finally, he must, if needed, call the
artillery positions or the observwtion airplane."
The establishment of Security corridors was -re-
X ferable, but not everywhere possible.
Its realization depended from the degree of
control that we h.id of the axes, because " the security
of the itinerary was the responsibility of the territo-
rial authorities and the road had to be ooened and then
protected.... A reserve of the motorized section and, if
possible, with armored vehicles, had to be kept on the
alert at a certain point of the road where it could be
dispatched iariediately...." C Notes on the Indochina cam-
paign by the coial-ander in Chief, Tarch 1954.]
The roads with this type of protection, how-
* ever, were never absolutely sure and the eleraents of the
convoy had to maintain their own means of security.
This lack of security increased at the end of
the campaign, when certain regions became more dangerous.
[ In Tonkin, since the begi ning of 1954, not even one
isecurity corridor could be protected. On 12 -larch 1954,
at n6on, one company, reinforced by a platoon of half-
tracks, wias decimated on the road HANOI-THAI-PHOiG, near BAN
YEN NI{, althouh the road was considered opened and safe.]

' . .... •.,282

The transportation wave was a gimnaick with which

we tried to discourage the enemy and to offer him very small
.... " ?o effectuate this in the best possible way,
it was ordered that military and civilian vehicles would
move in sm ll groups. E Groups of two to four vehicles, at
most.] This type of movement wns called the "transportation
wave". Its principal advantage was that if the drivers kept
their distances, it was impossible to destroy the convoy
because there was none."
" These transportation waves had the inconvenience
that -... exacted from the drivers i very painful discipline
due to their nervous tension caused by the volontery isola-
tion, especially in dangerous areas. It also allowed the
enemy to capture the vehicle he wanted without any difficul-
ties and to Acquire ... supplies. Two armed men sufficed to
stop and capture one truck.
." Nevertheless the system of transportation
waves gave good restAts and It was still utilized at the
time of the cease-fire."
The system, however, demanded a certain security
C for instance, in the roads of Cochinchina 3 and it was
also necessary that the circulation be important because
" a road that is not travolled' annot be used." Notes
about the Indochina canpaign by the Ccm:ander in Chief,
MLarch 1954.]
Security over river roads was insured the same
way as on land.
But the corridors of security could only be set
up along the SAIGON1, LMIKONG, and BASSAC rivers and, at
times, over some parts of the RED RIVER. £ The routes SAIGON-
were sometimes utilized daily.]
Everywhere else the convoy was mandatory.
"In ANNALI and TONKICI the L.C.M1.s partecipated in
numerous operationil movements. In.these instances, they
were integrated
ffollows: with a Navy formt tion and were made up as

a) one dredging element, J

b) one large boat,
c) Transportation L.C.1.s and LC.T.s,
[ d) one large boat
e) around the convoy, an escort of P.T. boats.

th ".. 11sb.he-igt Transportation erefotme
po~ndr aslone
F*0rance and missins. Buretoir of a Trnsorto
alasncs Oprtio om
These octonvo
he wete loef inthehands anome a,1
Bureoyu thout becomte inevelry imorntiont. Report of thes.
" oaa
heTransportatnrion Cnochiandrdl,]e n f

allwe TheTrainsportation Commanders

toeerce act allyn
teFranctiond Aof. Directorsof Transportation Operations.o
Broads tand ro
exivter eeradprans.eaqure

commandTof Transportation inone t derritory coud onotof-

freicrallyved uftilie 2nd ecintrucvk withou the aThriation
Burea aind thatu Thei&s -oon~iered ichsben take bet
oflowed teTransporta-tion Commainde tIloCexerciepr
" fcthell
Chefunctions ofeneralto of Transportation
in te Fr aloston
Thnyothrgasozution, however,. woul severeelycrti
often irmeitely poere not ie onl moralIncated by distancs
lathimportnce ofaperCononel n or Lcthetonntg tolb ovedi
cnandtel of Tasportaioni ofnte terointor. culdnits thelo-n
toethell eaven utheire orce trc diretlhout throauhthorizatison
omnnsof theao oavCapand Air. Foarce o,J nthe Araohadtionb
Butiiedauisrm~ey eWs.cnieed
and tha mnapLiu utoltzatio hade
tof be Tradepofrmatins thtViawas in suffiN."CiRenot, ohil the
qtherse ltohwvrwol.aes~zPO
oftn m:AiThepolemhoee, we~re not
only tdbditecnicel,
the importac
im ofn petorne and thf the toveaiento aleaymoed
rersntd the
lakxps-oresion of th~e rodnetisioUni ftse Supeme
comauandsr of hoe Navyaneuver"wFsrconertend itoe Amoveadnto bf
reserves inodionripinateyto ;other
d ofzu untocizatin.a
tbemdevn of me ill t
sh toay
deans viece am
c.n prto o h it.

"i.~en the eneni ofI enqi-ýe be -!cn on the 22nd~ ofO

December 1953, in centrH LAOS, and enemy units threatened
US; JOjN2i 281
a quick out-off of the MEKONG road, it became indispensable
r to move some troops from Tonkin and South Vietnam to'SENO.
The movement was done in the following manner:
- By air, from HAIPHONIG to SENO in 6 days:
five airborne battallions
two airbotne artillery batteries
one surgical antenna

- By air, from LAX SAO to SENO, in one day:

one cavalry corps,
one artillery battery
two laotian companies
one transportation eleiaent

- By water, from HAIPHONG to SAIGON, in six days-

one mobile groln
- By road, from SAIGON t. 4N0, in five days:
the above mobile group, reinforced by a maintenan-
ce section and a detachment of republican guards.
- By river road, then by road, from KRATIE to SEITO:
one platoon of tanks (ti•rys-onhe river and
three days on the road,)
one reduced mobile group ( in three stops.)
This operation was certainly made easier by the
officers of the Transportation Bureau who lived the battle
within the Headquarters and felt the urgency of the needs,
perhaps more than if they had operated from a separate
Direction of Transportation.

The same needs, though not as acute, were found

Sat levelbe and
the territorial must
of Transportation an it seems certain
integral part of that a Directton
the HLadquarters
orý, at least, operate in constant liaison with it.
Furthermore, its officers must have a background
in the three branches of the Service or belong to them all.

The Indochina campaign has allowed the Transporta-

tion Corps to find solutions to neV., problems and some of them
could be applied in other Theaters of Operations, especial-
ly those re-arding airborne operations.
All the procedures utilized for the security of
road transports must be retained, bec'.use in all areas where
the guerrillas operate, they will retain their value,


" The org-.nization of the Signal Corps and the

way it was utilized, as the command to which it was
adapted, remained of the traditional type. Nine years of
.operations, thus, only oonfirmed tho observations that
h,,d been made in previous campaiglns." [ Report of tie Signal
Com-aand. ]
4 On the contrary, in the field of local exploitation,
some interesting reranrks can be made, because of the Importan-
ce assumed by military teleconxaunications in a country almost
entirely without an existing structure of "!ail, Telegraph,
and Telephone services. [ What was learned about local explo-
itation and materiel is of a general character and it is
covered in volume fT.]
It is mainly in the technical field that the most
important lessons were learned. Indochina was a field of
experiences for many types of materinls utilized under per-
tioularly severe conditions, while some of them still hcad
not been utilized in France, or only in part.


nization of the Corps, similar to that of the conaiand in France,
j was alvways satisfaictory. It included:

At the level of the Comoiander in Chief:
. One Signal Coniiand,
- One headquarters for materiel,
I One battolion of general reserve.
At ýhe level of each territorial oou.mander:
- A Signal Coo.mvand,
- A company or a battalion oomprising all means available
in the territory I '• Experience confirmed, thnt it was advan-
tageous to vroup in the same unit all the Signal means ava-
ilable in a territory, whenever tactical considerations did
allow it." ( Report of the Signal Comiiander in the Faa' East.)],
I - One forvard materiel unit which, in some places, assumed
the proportions of a depot.

Signal personnel did not amount to more than 5 800

men at the end of the hostilities, that is, 3.C6 of the hx-
peditionary Force; but, to reach this nxaber, the Corps had
some problems, which could not be resolved with personnel
coming from France. C To be remarked here are the exollent
services rendered by the P.F.A.T.]
Help had to be received fro. qualified personnel
belonging to other corps C especielly the artillery, the
foreign legion, and the A.B.C. ] but, this expedient being
also insufficient, it became necessary to train local per-

I " Besides being useful for general services, the

Vietnamese were capable to become excellent radio operators,
while M1oroccans, whose aptitude for heavy work has been
known for a long period of time, proved to be qualified in
laying underground cables and lead-welding." [ Report of the
Signal Commander in the Far East.]

On the other hand, with respect to the resupply of

materiel, the Corps rapidly surmounted the difficulties it
( had at the beginning of the campaign,

Later, although the requirements were great, they

4 were all satisfied, For instance, tow:nrds the end of the
hostilities in Tonkin, there were 1000 radio stations to in-
sure all territorial communications and 4 000 more radios
iwere used by the units. r In a territory with relatively few
personnel, as in South Vietnam, there were, nevertheless, 350
stations to insure coummunications iai the territory and 450
for the needs of the individual units.] Resupply and repair
5 facilities were always available.

h2 87

THE EXPLOITATION- The problems that required a solution

werq caused mninly by the olimate by the weakness of the
structure of radio fmcilities, and the particular character
of the war,
Humidity and heat were particularly trying for the
personnel and the materiel. For this reason it was necessa-
ry to ecuip some transmission centers with air oondition~rso
Only this means permitted the proper fonotioning of the mi--
teriel that had not been treated for tropical climates and
a high production of the workers, C About 10,000 radio posts
existed in Indochina. It is to be regretted that an air
conditioning system was not used where all the electric bat-
teries were stored, since the resupply of these was a pro-
blem that never found a satisfactory solution.]
The load of messages reached high peaks. The cen-
ter that served the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander in
SAIGON took care daily of about 3,500 telegrams and it ex-
changed with PARIS between 100 to 120 messages 6 oth ways.
A secondary center, as the one in HANOI (Headquarters for
the F.T.N.V. ) dispatched about 1,600 messages. [ To these
numbers have to be added all communications dispatched by
phone, the volume of which was also important.]
The almost complete lack of Mail, Telephone, and
Telegraph services forced us to make use exclusively of the
means organic to, the Expeditionary Force to insure the tota-
lity of liaisons required, by civilian and military auth~ri-
ties. ' This is completely different from the European The-
L atresof Operations, where the Mail Telegraph and Telephone
services greatly facilitate transmissions, especially tele-
coa.auni ca tions. J
The problem of integratinS the civilian system
f with the military was therefore, never brought up. The
homogeneity of the telecommunication system was consequen-
tly greater, but the responsibilities of the Signal Command
increased considerably,
On the other hand, the stability of the most im-
portant command posts, which were witin well defended areas,
and the lack of the enemy air force and long-range weapons,
allowed for a greater utilization of fixed structures and
i• big aerials, without the danger of their being hit and the
con~iunications traffic interrupted. [ Some disturbances
caused by broken aerials w,ýere noticed, however, in DIEN BIEN
j|P1U. J
The concentration of equipment was actually planned,
! so as
botage.to facilitate the defense
This presented against enemyC attacks
some inconveniences and sa-
of..., transmissions J in the technigal field, but it made
easier the utilization and the Job of,%.hiefs of the centers.

I i. . . r- -' -- • ' -• . . •. ...... .• " •• -- " - •@• - • • i .. .. • '•.. • - "•
Qk&I~L 1 ja:V .~.288
I The general lnok of security oaused the elimination
of telephone and messenger services. Radio services assumed
a considerable importance butlif 'they/eplaoed easily the te-
lephone by means of hertzian uives, they could not replace
the services rendered previously by motorcycle messengers.
The Signail Cozwnmnd thus often regretted its lRok of airplanes,
or helicopters, to carry written messages.
Contrazy to what would have happened in Europe, the
development of radio nets, in all their forms, was never hinder-
ed by cluttered radio frequencies. The small number of units
involved and the utilization of posts th•,t could work with ra-
latively low frequenoies eliminnted all difficulties. C Espe-
cially in Tonkin. - The ANGRO.9, that operated between two
and four mepaoyoles, proved to be nn excellent radio from all
points of viev.]
The good supply system made it possible to equip
units with ra•dio equipment more powerful than that issued to
similar units in France; the telegraph and the telephone by
hertzian waves were also greatly developed.
The best results obtained in this field were the
continuous liaisons maintained with the garrison at DIEN
BIEN PHU: although very far away and under constant bombard-
ment, it was possible to insure contact tiith the Commanding
General of the Operational Group of the North West and his
"Headquarters until the last minutes of the battle and the
tape of these last conversations is the first document of
I its kind in military history.
The Signal Corps succeeded over all technical dif-
ficulties and obtained a flexible system of liaisons, which
always satisfied the High Como•:and even though, sometimes, the
demands were questionable and some officers frequently did
* not respect radio discipline.

1 However, it must be hoped that the exceptional

"comfort" enjoyed by the commanders at all echelons in
regard to sign-.,l facilities, did not make them loose sight
of the fact that the good operation of a telecounmnunication
system does not only depend on technical performances, but
also on proper discipline..





S i

The total absence of enemy air force and the

wealness of the anti-air attack defense system until the
last months of the war helped to give the aerial support
a ceratin particular character and what was learned from
the campaign is limited. We were able to measure only the
maximum eff'ects that bombers and combat planes had upon
maneuvering infentry.
The action of our Air Force or of the Navy Air
Force was often hindered by several unfavorable factors.

First of all, the climatic and geographic conditions

of Indochina, characteristics that have already been descri-
bed several times. The difficulties of navigation were even
worse since all metereologic forecasts were not accurate due
to the absolute lack of information about the wveather over
j•the continent of China, Further, all maps of Indochina were
inaccurate in many instances and the altitudes often wrong.
Several accidents were caused by a false interpretation o?
j the relief and some missions failed because of a wrong iden-
tification of the planiL•etry.

* 1
USE 290

- The poverty of our means, in respect to the re-

qjiremontes and a poor system concentrated just over the
deltas, diA not .-llow to act efficiently over the whole
thc.iter of oCerations. L The need for the protection of
airfields ngainst the action of Vietnamese saboteurs must
not be forTotten. This subject will be treated in the
chapter dedicated to the control of the axes and important
points. ] The dimensions of Indochina, which were vastly
suporior to the field of action of our combat planes, made
it especially necessary to have a base for the aircrafts
in a .,iven tarritory before utilizing them, and, as our
forces advanced, they had to occupy airfields, and often
had to build newones.
STe chnaracteristics of the enentv have already been
described. Its strict camouflage discipline, its flexible
positions, its primitive system of logistics, the night-
time execution of its movements and transportation mis-
sions, all this contributed to offer our Air Force only
the most elus.ve taroets. For this reason, the aerial at-
Stacks that paced off were only a few. W/e must then recon-
sider the ideas developed during the 1939-1945 campaign
about the possibilities that exist for troops that do not
have aerial superiority. This problem will be treated in
volume III.]
The relative importanoe of different factors did
actually vary during the hostilities. The development of
our system C see the chapter dedicated to the Engineers for
the maintenance of airfields and airstrips ] little by lit-
tle spread our possibilities of action and our units incre-
ased in n=mber, especially during the last year of the war.
The attached graphic showis this improvement of
our potential and also the comparison between the activity
of our formations and the intensity of land operations.
The :oower of the enemy increased simultrneously
and .... a treimndous number of targets became the object
of our attacks and caused a considerable inflation of our
missions. The enemy's capacity to fight back, which was
insignificant in 1946, became more and more serious as it
received from Chinese help the weapons necessary for an
anti- air cttack defense system,

In brief, a periodical review of our capabili-

ties for aerial support was necessary, and the battle of
- DIE1h BIEN PRJ marked the contrast between what 1,,e thought
vwe could still do and what our air force was capable to

" Our aerial superiority vws theoretical and the

often repeated word "superiority" hr-d no meaninj. Of course,
Sour air force had no enemy in the sky, but the battle of
DI BIM! :HTJ had created certain needs that the means at

I our disposal could not satisfy.

( 291

ad 0-:§
q~. ~~J CH

I 94949 ,~,Vol



~ 292

Distances, relief, olinate, the organization of

i the oornaland, the structure anIl tactics of the enemy, contri-
butad to diuiinish in a tragic way the effectiveness of an
aerial fleet that was already modest." C Study of the F.T. -
N.V. about the aerial support in North Vietnam.]

ORGANIZATION OF THE AIR FORCE - The totality of means

and materiel varied greatly during the nine years of the

The combat plaaes were originally Spitfires, which

did not perform well in the tropica1 climate. Later came
the Icing-rCobro (P.63), then the Hellcat (?.6 F.)P which were
rereplaced by the Bearcat (F.8 F.), which were used until the
Only two groups existed during the first years.
A third group vas created later, and then a fourth one.
They all had twenty aircrafts and during the last phase of
the anaapaign they were all based on the terrains of TAN SON

Bombers were not utilized during the first five

years of war •nd to drop bombs we usocl the old Junkers 52
until 1951. The slowness and even more the insuflficient
autonomy of these planes, utilized also eor transportation,
could only satisf the more urgent needs.
Only in October of 1950, it was decided to create
groups of bombers.
ary of A first group ( 1/19 Gascogne )was created in Febru-
S~ary 1951 in TOUPANE.

- A second group ( 1/25 Tunisia ) was created in March

of 1952 ( CAT BI.)
- A third one ( 1/91 Bourgogne ) was created in June
of 1954 ( and dissolved in November.)
I - Lastly, a fourth group was being organized in TOURANE
at the time of the cease-fire.
All these formations were equipped with B.26,
which could be utilized well in Indochina. [ Two types of
aircraft;s existed: the leading planeo had a -lass nose and
an aiming device for bombing; the planes that followed did
not have any device and dropped their bombs when the leader
In "ay, 1954, a speci.l Bomber Group was created,
4 , although lare-, it rl~owed the standardiz:ition of me-
thods and tho u;lificL•tion of instruction for the personnel
of different groups, anCd furnished inform-tion about all

lP C?:U3. (293
possiblo questions regarding the use of the aircraft. [ The
tonnagse of thie bombs drop:oed by bombers und combat planes
follows a constant progression:
- 834 tons in 1949
- 3,004 tons in 1950
- 8,621 tons in 1951
- 9,361 tons in 1952
-12,802 tons for the first 7 months of 1954.)
ii The reconnaissance utilized different types of air-
craft in Indochina. During the last phase of the campaign,
two specialized squadron9 were created'and equi-pýed with F.
8 F. and R.B.26, which proved to be useful from the point
of view of their missions. They helped greatly, but the
g~reat need for photographic missions made it impossible for
these two formations to satisfy all the demands.
¶ The evolution of means of aerial transport was
pointed out in the ch.pter dedicated to the Airborne Troops.
The four groups vwhich existed at the end of the war were
equip'.ed with Dakotas ( 0.47 ) and received a reinforcement
of C.119 during the last months, r Aerial transportation
was helped re'ny times by the requisitioning of airplanes
belonging to the civilian companies that served Indochina.]
Finally, two squadrons of light aircraft satis-
tr fled the numerous needs for liaison. They were equipped
different models ( Siebel, Nord 1000, Morane,
with veryetco...).

NAVY-AIR FORCE FOR[ATIONS - The Navy constantly sup~ported

the camopaign with its aircrafts based on land and for more
or less long periods of time, with bases afloat. Actually,
since 1945, the Navy-Air Force was placed under the operation-
al conaand of the Air Force and remained under it until the
end of hostilities.
Initially, the flottilla 8 FE, equipped with hydro-
planes Catalina, and the flottilla 8 S, equipped with Japan-
ese airplanes and Loire 130, were ba e in South Vietnam.

The Catalinas were utilized essentially for " the

surveillance of maritime traffic, destined to forbid the re-
supply of rebel zones by sea: it was a reel block, organized
over about 2,000 kilometers of coasts belonging to the Viet
"a.inh, whose Junks tried to penetrate the blockade to bring
f contraband weapons from China and Siam."
" During the day and at night, whenever their pre-
historical radars nllowed them, the Catalinas scanned the
seas ancd signv.led to our boats any suspect moveaent. This
cooperative effort was effective, the cr.ptures were many in
the beginming, and such activities greatly diminished, at
least during the day." £ Official History of the INaval

LRS 0.)j,294+

Air Force in Indochinn. - Later, "'Junk hunting" was conduct-

ed with the Air Force. It succeeded in eliminating almost
entirely the traffLic along the coasts 1rind to destroy a good
nwuber of Vietminh boats.y
The Catalinas, however, were utilized also for
reconnaissance missions far away and even helped as oommaand
posts during certain missions.
In 1945, the flottilla 8F [ v.shibh later became the
28 Ft, stationed for tzwhile in Tonkin and then in Cochinchi-
na j was issued an excellent aircraft, the Privateer, which
was used until the end of the hostilities on bombing missions
in distant areas because of its good autonomy and big load
of bombs. The flotilla 8S had received first, some Catali-
nas, and later, some amphibious planes GRU--.UAN GOOSE and a
new flotilla, the S9, created in 1950, had been also been
equipp)ed with these.
The GRTU.,.DAN GOOSE " became a good, light, support
plane, and it was utilized for all kinds of missions though
it was a noor hydroplane and a poor land pline, as most am-
phibious qircrafts." [ Ofcicial History of the Naval Air
Force in Indochina.]

They were utilized in Cochinchina and along the

coasts of Annam.
These three flotillas were reinforced during the
last three months of the war by two formations arrived, one,
from France,24 F, and the other, from Tunisia, 14 F. The
first one was equipped with Privateers and stationed in
TOURANE, the second one received some Corsaires and parteci-
pated at the last two days of the battle of DIMT BIEN PHU.
Aircraft Carriers - " So long as our carriers were
poorly equipped and the hostilities were not widespread the
car':'iers played a secondary role in Indochina." C Official
History of the Naval Air Force in Indochina.]
The "DIX.DE"' and the "AR2O:-ITCHES"1 came respecti-
vely once and twice in the Indochina waters between 1945 and
1951, while during th• last three years of war the "LAFAYET-
TE" the "BOIS BELLEAU", v1nd the "ARRO::ANI:CES" completed
five missions, having each two flotillas on board every
time. C Each flotilla partecipated in at least two campaigns.
j Thus, there were the flotillas IF, 3F, 9F, 11F 12F, and 14F.]
They wre equipped, in turn, with Helldivers, Heilcats, and
[ " 'Th~se carapaign were generally done at a time
when the atmooihsricil conditions were very unfavorable for
Saircru-fts ba.od on land and where the use of the carriers

2 9

allowed to oversee the inconveni,!nces of bad vweather.[ These

periods coincided with the winter and the spring in Tonkxin
thrtt is, with the season of the most important operations.j
Direct attacks with very low flying aircraft have been prac-
ticed frequently.
" Normally, we operated over a three weeks period
of operations, with one week dedicated to resupply and the
upkeep of planes and boots." C Official history of the Naval
SAir Force in Indochina..

The flexibility of all air units had to be based
on the geography of Indochina nnd this made necessary three
groups of forces: in the i'North, the Center, the South.
This org<anization, however, was set up only when our means
became important enough to justify the existence of three
air comnmands. [This type organization responded only to
operational requirements, For all other operations, and
especially for logistics, the Air Force depended on the Air
com:aand in Saigon. for the entire "'ar East and the 14aval
Air Force on the iAavy CoL'Inand for the Far Last.]

In 1950, three Aerial Tactic Groups were created

• GATAC ) which were the equivalent of the CATACs in France,
but with less itaportance. In theory, the GATACs did not
Shave organic airorafts and the Aerial Command in the Par
East balanced its forces with the Commanding General of the
Far East. However, there were not many changes made, and
the Air CouL:lcnder had a certain prerogative over some for-
The adaptation of the GATACs to the territorial
commands was done at the level of the three main territories,
but the mones of action of the GATACs were ........ greater
than those of the territories;
i I F.T.C..)The GATAC in th. South ( which corresponded to the
F.T.C.V.) not only intervened in Cochinchinta and South of the
coasts of Annam, but it also covered.Cambodia.
The formations of the centrel GATAC ( adapted to the
* could operate in Annam as well as over the Plateaus
"of Central Indochina and in Southern Laos.
-. IFinally, the units of GATAC in the NIorth ( F.T.
"IT.V.) operated in Tonkin, up to the Chinese borders and
in Northern Laos.
In 1953, the necesoity for operations there lead
! to the c-;..tion of a GATAC center in Laeo, which did not
"exist fo:' vary long.

. , |

I The fixity of land and aerial coomand posts and
their nearness allowed to creds excellent liaisons. Further,
personal relations were created among the officers of the
two branches and the solidity of tilese contacts was one of
the factors that contributed to tbn very satisfying fonotion-
ing of the aerial support on the level of command. [ An Air
Force Colonel has sumiied up with humour the necessity for an
intimate liaison, which will free some pilots from their at-
Stitude towards those who direct tamfrom the land:
" The pilot is a Jealous animal who Will not take 0
off unless it hns received orders from an Air Force officer-
he is ready, to protect the autonomy of his branch, to take
the most inflexible positions."
"It is in respect to fire support that our head-
quarters have the most difficulties in keeping good liai-
" The Infantry, and it is a natural desire would
lilro the Air Force work close to them' Just as during the
w6rld wars it expected the tanks to advance with them. It
is a mission which we will never refuse when a co.vn'rade is
4 i in danger.,..
protected But, please,
by cannons do not weapons.
and inplaoed chose objectives
ask us to Among other thingso
such utilization of the air capabilities is contrary to the

rules. J
The process to request aerial sup-port to coordina-
te it and to utilize it varied frequently aocrding to the
V place and the situation. One teaching point can be learned
from these continuous modifications which were inspired by
a constant desire for flexibility. It is not a good idea
to make too great use of certain particular organizations
which are temporary by their nature, because the personnel
r ~must be trained
for precise in theOnly
duties. practice thisa regulated
under of condition, pr'ocess
it can and
a convenient efficieacy.
In Indochina the fact that land units were widely
spread out often calleA for a decentralization of the autho-
rizntion to relquest aerial support. For this reason, it be-
came necessary at times to authorize an isolated battalion
or post to request directly aerial intervention. Two ways
of going about this have given satisfaction: the utilization
of a light reconnaissance aircraft and the establishmient of
a "security net",
I The reconnaissance plnnes 1orane frequently trans-
mitted direct requests to the GATACs. This method permitted
a rapid intervention and it alleviated the lack of trans:ait-
Ii ting equipment. It must therefore be kept, especially for
operations demanded by a surface defenso of the territory.

I Post garrisons and (..s could also send in rc-

quests to GATAC through their security nets, and bypassing
j the nora:l channels. The gain in time was then considerable

and the announce:aant that the aerial support of a mission had
been granted irnvedi,'tely alleviated the units in difficulty.
This decentralization, however, had to be followed
a year EJ courses
by an effort
GATACs severalto times
the cadres
so as were set theup by the
gnement of a sufficiently competent officerto toallow assi-
each Mobile
SGroup and to each Territorial Comtiand at the level of a sector.
Finally, transmissions, which were fairly bad in the
beginnin,, were later iiiproved ond, by the end of the conflict,
became excellent.

SDIF.FERI1TT 1:ISSIONS - Since our forces were perfectly free

from the worry of h~iving to acquire aerial superiority, the
"r- formpti~ons were dedicated entirely to the following:

- independent actions,
- fire missions ( direct and indirect support, )
- reconnaissance,
- support of transportation coluzms.

Independent actions- These missions, whioh seen from the

Kr point of view of strategy as exemplified in Europe aim at the
destruction of enemy potential, were never justified until
1953, because of the simplicity of the Vietminh war economy
and '.. logistics.
Beginning at that time, the importance of the traf-
fic coming frou China and thLi. build-up of nuaerous depots,
permitted us to effectuate actions of importance, but the ne-
cessity to sup-ort as 4z.
.uch as possible our tired infantry and
1 to check its losses, forced the Com-and to continue to employ
its means for direct support.
For this reason, the GATACs never had at their dis-
posal a sufficient number of aircrafts to attack what the ae-
rial photos showed as targets on the roads near China.

I A plan of nction was, however, periodically es-

tablished ind missions scheduled following the iiaportunce of
their needs as decided by the Air Comnander in the Par Emast.
The GATACs iater stop ed these lists of targets to be attacked
and chn.ned it -feequentlyto avoid V.1. espionnage.
The interruption of *vital routes for the enemy de-
mandela massive intervention to effectuate one or two of them
in sensitive points. 7s-eciilly over bridges which could
Seasily be reestacblished E the eneuy utilized many floating
bridgec,] we looked for a total destruction; ,.nd, once the
road was destroyed, it was necessary to harrass the enemy
to make it !a-possible for them to repair it.

•, JA.~298

t! The tonnage of bombs to be dropped E 30 to 40

bombs droppýod at low altitudes or while diving were neces-
sar¥ to destroy one point of the road.] the implaoement
of ±ietnit nh anti-air--tttackalo guns in Important sp~ots the
increase of the niuaber of workers that respaired the ama-
Ses, made these missions more and more difficult and use-
less. Certain of'iceis have even estimnated that 1 it
wouL1d have been better and less expensive to attack one
damaged point on each, important axis and to revent its
repairs." L[ Report of the flotillas 3F and 1l of the P.
Naval Airforce.]
1 This could be accomplished by isolated aircrafts
attack:ing irr'egularly but fre-quently and dropping bombs
over the i..,or,.C areas aloag the road.
Our missions forced the enemy to vary its iti-
neoraries, to circulate entirely at night, thus, more slowlyr,
and to employ more and more personnel for the repair of ro-
ads. 'W/e must reco-anize, however, that we could never inter-
rupt seriously its essential corxa:unications never, et any
rate, in such a manner as to influence the Aevelopment of
his offensives.

The a-ttacks of shops and depots meant a very

accurate interpretation of aerial photographs, since these
targotm were always perfectly camouflaged and dispersed, in
the woods or in grottoes; furthermore, they were poorly
distinguishable. The surfa.co to be bombed. was extensive
and it was neces-3 ry to utilize a lot of materiel ( up to
:98 tons of bombs over TUI'T GIAO.)
The r...sults obtained were very variable, often
deceiving, and incomplete, even if ve keep in :aind the
difficulties of the missions.
The destruction of targets that hid an economic
jalue ( dams, cncnals for irrigation, etc.... ) did not -pre-
sent any particular difficulty, but bombs of at least
2000 lbs were needed, and this was impossible for the B.26.
The 1000 lbs bom.ibs that were utilized obtained only par-
tial results.
Furtheraore, the Vietminh resources were so
scarce that it was imoossible to qbtain an important dis-
ruption of their economy.
"" Y'!e hLve tried to attack the bazookas or amru-
nition plants.... Others thought that we had to destroy
their coal industry since it was .
nmost important one; results have always considered
been their
The spots that so.ao aeants reported as impo)'tant arn=u-
nition plants .... never b6ntained more than 4 to 500
grenades..." L Colonel X.... Air Force.J

[ U~i01QILY299
i Fire supoort- Th6 incertitude which always existed
about the exact loc!tion where our land troops contacted
the enemy made it difficult to prepare a schedule of tar-
gets to be bombed and we had to be satipefied with targets
of opportunity. The pre-scheduled type of support was,
therefore, used very little.

The most important requests for support, in the

majority of cases, and especially in the delta of Tonkin,
we're answered inimediately. In fact, some light patrols we-
,re airborne within ten minutes after the request. All other
i co~abat airplanes coming back from their missions could also
be called upon for "straffing" missions whenever the oLraine
requested it. [ Some B26 bombers also took part in semi-di-
Svina attacks]
Under these conditions it was difficult to adapt
the ammunitions to the targets. For indirect and pre-sche-
duled support,
a request the proper
for urgent supportamaunition was prepared,
came through..., but, only
we could when
hope that the ermunition on the aircraft was good for that
type of mission.
The interventions were susceptible to be made in
favor of units that were not moving ( especially when a
post was attacked.) The position of the friendly4 troops
- was kno=v and they could fgrnish vwluable inforzation
I about the ivplaceiaents of the most important enemy elemenats
E the requests for aerial support,naturally, had to include
this inforlnation.J In such cases the support could be given
more rapidly and where it was needed most. The information
furnished by the reconnaissance airplanes was always useful,
especially when the ettacks by the enemy were renewed in
successive waves.
On the other hand, when we had to take, care of our
mobile forces during an operation, the problem was more de-
licate. The land forces attacked generally in concentric
lines and it was impossible to determine a line of securi-
Sty. The pilots, therefore, had to know the terrain before-
hand, and had to be well briefed about the general situa-
tion and about the intentions of the friendly troops.
The reconnaissance airplane had to lead the attack
practiclly olways, since the inforlnfttion furnished by the
observers on land was not sufficient; generally, the obser-
vers were too far from the line of fire to Judge the to-
sitions of the eneLW points of resistance.
MLost of the time, the Vietminh Infantry thet was
supposed to be the target, was well covered in the rbods or
spread out in the rico dadlies and the chances to surprise
=oviag troops in open terrain and especially attiacking
troops ) were exceptional. Und r these circwuastances, the

% OILY 30o
best way to attack was ' straffing E the bullets utilized
by weapons mounted on airplanes measure the diminishing use
mado of this tactio. In 1949, three million bullets were
shot by the two groups existing at the time, while in 1952,
only 5,467,000 were utilized by all formations.) In all
other circumstances, the siaptation of the am ,unition to the
nnture of the ene.*%7 targets was necessary.
This choice of ammaunitions was the object of long
studies, the results of which did not bear any fruits until
the last months of the campaign. The best ammunitions seem-
ed to hove been the napalm and the 260 lbs fragmentation

The Vietminh quickly found ways to protect them-

selves from napalm, but this was still used a great deal
16in 1950, when napalm was usimd for the first time, only
16 tons of it were dropped, but in 1951, 1685 were dropped
andduring the seven months of fighting in 1954, 3741 tons.]
Our Infantry saw in it the means to shorten the distance
between them and the objuctive attacked by the combat planes.
In fact, specialized pilots could drop the containers at a
distance of approximately 100 meters from our front elements,
without any danger for them.
• The effect produOed.by the curtain of fire lasted,
between one and two minutes, sufficiently for our attack of
the objective, before the enemy could react.

When it was n~oessary to attack the villages and

to destroy underground inplacements and country type con-
structions, bombs between 500 and 1000 pounds were utilized.
:Furthermore," two 500 lbs bombs were better than
one 1000 lbs bomb. A few targets could not be blown with
" Among the rockets, the first place must be given
to the short-fuse one, which could be used under all circum-
stances. But the quality of these left much to be desired."
( many missed.)
" The VT rockets were also very irregular. [ Re-
port of the Naval Air Force.]
On the other hand our Infantry re :-retted that
"whenever bombs were utilize&, a great security distance had
to be obse•.ved ( about I000meters.) It was desirable th-t
I -ttacks or d-op:ing of napaL.i be made after the
bombing so as to pe2r-it t'i.e Infantry to close with the ene-
my. Then this could not be done, artillery fire was needed
4 to neutralize the ene:,y dluring the close-in opercation.

iC !
0~~V-SAZ OiNQLY 301
Tha lack of precise info,'mation about the enemy and
tho mobility and fluidity of its for:nntions have considera-
bly diminished the efficacity of indirect supp.ort which was
utihized much less thnn direct support.
The requests were addressed to GATAC in an urgen-
cy sequence and often with a time to respect. The fluidity
U of operations however, forced the 4ifferent centers of ae-
rial support to change their targets at the last minute.
Under these conditions, the GATACs have not been able to
adapt the aimunitions nnd the means available to the mif-
sions requested because of the short notices.
The fortified villages and the resupply points
justified the employment of the B26 and of the Privateers
of the Nnval Air Force, but delays made it often necessary
to utilize combat planes instead, which aotually obtainehd
k very satisfactory results.
,Night interventions, in situations where posts
wero surrounded, were best with the Dakota Luciole which
was really efficient and which had a happy psychological
influenece over the combatants.. Its utilization, however,
could not have lasted for along time since the Vietminh
defense systemSnwere improving. It is betterandto the some
use conclu--.
prudence while evaluating its performance
sions to be derived from it.
SDuring the months premaing the end of the hos-
i tilities, the enemuy anti-aircraft system improved greatly
and the battle of DIEN BIEN PHU marked the impotene of
our aerial support, for different reasons, but mainly be-
cause of the density of enemy fire in the skies above their
The processes that had been envisaged to counter-
act afgainst enemy artillery, some of which had been inspi-
red by tha war in Korea C and we must mention here the Viet-
minh's battery groups of 105 mm -nd 155 mm guns,] proved to
be insuf.iciently powerful, most of nll because of the lalck
of guns.
From this defeat, however, we may derive some tea-
ching points.
First of all, the need for mas-ive and repeated
bombings over the entire area where the ene:.iy batteries are
inplaced so as to destroy them with certainty, since their
exact location is very difficult to find. The dropp:ing of
napalm, which was tried, doesn't seem to have given any va-
lunble results, perhaps because areas that weren't large
enough wvre covered.
-In r'egard to combat planes, it serems thtit rwe can

" The Vietminh air defense guns have only been

at-backed by light and: isolated patrols, as a saoxific6 t o
well trained combn't pil~ots."
bref a~tt~acking a target defended byaqnti-air-
att~o1';guns, it is necessary to find out their n~uaber."
"h'Aen the vis3ibility is good mnke u.se of at least
20 aiirpltnes, nttacikina
g utneu from 'different azi-
- the visibility i~s poor, attack in wayves with ve-'
ry clos6 i~iterValS."
I "The20mm n~m'd gaVe good results in th~~srf
f ing 1'eyots and vill1"-eso but they were more dangerous
than off±ickiciou's while atl,;clcihg. enti.flairý batteriad of "12.*7
mm~ guns.,
The ,most impoi'te.nt an.1 f inr?. point -"te~ek

ing Air Force m~ust be mreoz raodeZ'n than. the ene anti-ai
defense' syste. The jet pro~ed'to beý essential in I1oýe
I and ittj"W0i414 1,iave proven epqti
tlte ad utee
inIndo,'hika iftý~ho6-
the dovelop~ent of enz
fense Obr-the proloble creation of pner.ay
a~i.ýr de.-~
aoiibi 64p- abi,.ý
litiepQ' Raeprt by -the flotillas 3P andl #F 6f, tliei 1,avWA
Air Force.]n

Recon.n's6snoe :su ~rt The action o" li "ht airoraft,


for the 'purpose, o - reconm,,ali~snce ;vls t r 13

b. q nda prelvioxs,
?hq~tog,,rapt-iic, re wauj.snpý1vs
t'ae res",o~.- I
I bility
sI of tvib .ý iqadront cur~ingF' ,$
h ta~tý\ LtO years of t'6,,,,
war, vtr,,s a dfiutoperctlon boccztis,e 0•L& 'o-mnte and vegaý-
tation. Th-. rtekO the sý.otionsý iitqr-,ireting the photos'

"teyr tfdeti. cIn aQnd ofe 00,

&6l/2~ AZ

n G;! to Aeod 4),,c

s tns ( posth breide-a

orossroada3, portions 6f ~t i; rri,6 ) t'he requepits were! in

such Zrorft nxuibor t4 t C-0 vq~.'ablt 'of ILiep~as never'h-
lovied toC insM tu4b1-r, of 16,7050 houro of
reconnasarice erondin,195L3 '.' COi'll A$lu"Zs col~a,,ed to
;~ * 303

trnnsport ond combavt missions. This disproportion depends

from the frot that the Vietminh is perfectly camouflaged and
a great deal of time is needed to find him. ( Colonel of.U
.... Air Forco.)]
j To conclude, it must be said that the mediocrity
of the information and the limited number of nations taken
have probably lead us to attack objectives that did not exist
any longer. Nevertheless, aerial attacks have been a serious
I source of trouble for the Vietminh and in the very opinion
of General GIAP " they disorganized the battlefield."
Land units have had a tendency of requesting maxi-
mum, assist -ce from the Air Force and to depend on it at
a paralysis of theallInfantry
all times and in places. whenever
This situation oft'encould
the sup-port lead not
be given because of lack of means or because of the metereo-
k. j logical conditions,
The pilots have also estimated that the Commiand
, should not have dedicated all of its capabilities to the
support of the troops and left a negligible part to inde-
pendent actions. They seem to believe that results would
h-).vh•v been better if the percentage of operations had been
more even and that tha lack of means should not make it im-
possible to perform certain "strategic" missions.
Finally, the aerial structure conditions complete-
ly the utilization of the Air Force in the theatre of opera-
The effort Lu-dergone to improve this structure na-
turally,donended on nroblems of budget, and it was too late.
For this reason, the Air F3orce did not possess a coherent
net of forces b- the end of the hostilities.




The river forces of T'onkin rtnd Cochinchina were

created 't the time of the conquest, but, what we had
learned then, had been forgotten by 1945, when the 2nd
Ar.aored Division arrived in SAIGON with tanks, and no
-floa.ting vehicles.
The first coiabined o eration set up to reconquer
iYTHO made Lis aware of this omission, since many of the
bridges had been cat off and thie Engineers were not with us.
r'WYhen we reached the tovra, this one had already been occupied
for V hours by troops tha.t had 'been taken there by boats.
This first o-eration and those that followed on
thie way to VIIIH-LONG and CAWUTHO could not have been done
without the aide of' the Royal :Thvy, which put at our dispo-
S| on! s~o.-e L.C.T.s.

"IWithout delty we had to find loca.lly some indi-

genous or Jaanese boats, to cover thv~u .- ,ith armor and to
equip tVe'n, At the sa:.ae time, British .uthorities gave us
soue L.C.I.s and a smnall nt•aber of L.C.A.s and I.C.s.

.I . ... ... ]
I,, Ol~UY 3o

The resulting heterogeneous fleet was manned with

poersonnel of the Navy and of the Army recruited in small
groups from the different territorial ( zone, sector, sub-
sector ) and operational ( battalions, nnd even companies )

At the same time, to serve as basas for these

elements, Navy river posts were created, which were to
be our war ports along the rivers.

I To this phase of improvisation, followed d period

of organization, and the two problems posed by the daily
running of operations were solved:
I `,h• necessity to hove boats peruenently at our
disposal to satisfy the requirements of the troops loca-
lized in the deltas.
- The necessity to maintain the principal waterways
free end to perforia frequent amphibious actions.
The Army progressively assumed the responsibility
of a portion of the transportation missions, and created
I flotillas, manned, at first, by the Foreign Legion, and la-
ter by the Transportation Corps6 C See the chapters dedi--
cated to the Transportqtion Corps and the A.B.C.] It par-
ticipated also in patrol:missions and set up formations of
P.T. boats, manned by personnel belonging to the Armored

The Navy deýdicated its efforts to the creation

of a combat tool well adapýted to the particular conditions
of the war. It created river flotillas since 1946, and,
in 1947, the Naval Assault Divisions, or Dinassauts.
I The particularly original formula of this unit
answered not only to the necessity for a well balanced
quantity of boats, but also to the transportation of land-
ing elements in largp nwuabers and insurin- fire protection
I The necessity for this
had appeared from the
first months of the campaign when we had made use of impro-
I vised constructions, strongly armed and protected to trans-
ort troops over dangerous waters: the armored oniandx.
COne of them, transporting a company of the II1/43d R.I.C.
opIened its own way to go to CA!LU, during the of2:ensive
against that town.)

The composition of the Dinassauts varied from ti-

I me to time and act'ording to the territories, but it followed
the following principles:
S" Thc Naval Assault Division is a real tactical
group of river vehicles including:
- one L.C.I., as comuand post and artillery support,

- one L.C.T. for troops and materiel transport,

- landing and support boats: two L.C.11s and four

L.C.V.P.s ( grouped in two sections of. two,)

- one patrol and liaison boat: a P.T. boat. £ Pamphlet

by Lieutenant Colonel X... appeared in 1951, about the am-
phibious operations in Indochina.]

Furthermore, whenever possible, the Dinassaut

included a smnli landing unit ( a comiuando of Juarines or
an Infantry company.)
Depending upon the circumstances, the Dinassaut
is reinforced or lightened, for instance, by taking away
its heavy boats, when the operations are in rivers that
cannot take the:a.

Vlith such an organization the Naval Assault Di-

vision is ready to:
insure the transportation and landing of about one
battalion and the equipment organic to it,
- support the troops on land with its fire power, and,
at the same tine, to mointain its position in the river.
The transportation mission of which the Dinassaut
is responsible during an amphibious operation is essential
for the landing and the concentration of troops at the off-
set of the operation. Nevertheless, this mission must not
absorb the entire activity of the Dinn~ssaut and the other
possibilities of tactical employment suffer from it.

Several tr!nsportation movements can be made by

the local boat groups, or with the means organic to the sec-
tor, while the boats of the Assault Division remain free
and can be utilized for tactical missions: pntrols, or fire
support interventions cduring the operations."

In Ventral Vietnam, a diff'erent formula was uti-

lized bacý7use of the conditions of the local riwvr net:

j The formuln of the Dinassaut covering a lnrze

area and moving from one post to the other was impossible.
It wVMs necessary here to place a group of vehicles in one
river!:to base them on one rivor post, since it wvas iqpos-
sible to coi-unicte from one river to the other except by
means of the sea."


SL.C.V.P Vidette. F.OM

P.T. Y
Vedette.Y L.C.M

L.C.M. Monitor
L.C.M. Monitor

Vedette de P'ort.V.P

[ Ehel ::11 'i chelle de ces croquis It L.S.T.surait. 36 centimi tres




Echellk: e--'-i--- i N chelle d,, ces croquis le L.S.T.auraiL 38 centimiLres

S2~LI 5 ait t ; 'le tiio e Th
b...'ol t'otni-
*4q ?


4 9


I . 9 9

.1 -

1 *. .1.

.3 .

H . I


'I, "-3
* 'Do

It ?urther, the low level of the waters in the ri-
vers of this regionmrnida it a nocesoity to use flat-bottom
boats." E Corn.eandor X.... Navy Oonueander of Central Vietnam.
SAt the and of the, cai paign, the Dinassaut appeared
to be insifficient in volume and, ( especially in North Viet-
nam,) it was necessary to set up a group of many of them
and to reinforce it with transportation units of the Trans.
portation Corps and of the Navy.

CONDITIONS OF UTILIZATION - The river forces were adapted

to the Land Com:aand, at a more or less corresponding level,
depending on the circunstances.
" In the South, the river Oon~nand ( abbreviated
as COFLUSIC ) was attached to the Coraanding General of the
Land Forces of South VIETNIAM, as delegated by the Commanding.
Admiral of the Navy in Indochina."

" In the North, instead, the Comnaander of the Ri-

ver Forces keeps a close liaison with the Headquarters of
the Land -Forces in North Vietnam and four Dinassauts are
prectically attached to the four Lanrd Commands." C Admiral
in covi-iand of the Navy in the Far Eaat.]
.. This •organization was satisfactory and t~he Com-
.. ander of Dinassati' 3 and- of the rive. po st of •-A DI -I-H
could write:
" The Southern zone to which I am attached, C0FILU
NA. DINH, will remain as the perfect exainpie of the excellent
fonctioning and feeling of unity that it is possible to ob-..
tain: constant relations with position artillery and aerial
support; cohesion and success of our combined operations;
all boats and river facilities belonging to the Army ( Trans-
portation Corps andc A.B.C. ) under a Navy cou:a..and; reoipro-
cal utilization of aerial means available; increased ease
of utilization of signal facilities; well defined territo-
rial. responsibilities, etc.... "
SThes. fortunate results had been obtained because
the Na,,vy Cornraand had constant control of a.ll the river for-
ces, independently from the branch they belonged to, and the
river posts v-lere "the coordinating med,ix,, the operational
conl'Iand p)ost, and the imuediate contrict vriijl the Land Co~i.:and."
The liaisons, however, were often looser, and the
land forces did not sufficiently pay attention to the water-
way S

!For this reason, the Com....ndin, Admiral of the

ITavy in the Far 'Earst ( E.iJ.E.O.) did regret " the insufficient

-- i
"equipment of certain wciterwcays of vitcl. importanoe ( Red
River,- Bamboo Oona! ) Wihioh made convoy escorts necessary,
to ouch an'extent a~nd nuxaber~ that they absorbed al~most the
totality of means available while detracting from the ope-
i I rations proper."
'He also remarked "1'the insufficient fortification
oof. river poIsts "when ýeach of them should be as well secured
I and 6t-ni~ed 1", as AnAigy porst. C~ramndez' X.*
CoX=nder in Central Vietnam,]-

IThe! S--11;the 1ao.

m,,ost serious criticisms
of landing equipment in
however, w~ere against,
the Dinassauts,
'IAlready in Central Vietnam, the experiences of
SVFAIVO0 ýand MUA.TNG 0.-T Showed that a,group of river boats
' should have an In'antry unit organW to them LIt should

ed to lan aXd~ ni U4 o fi--d-a -t lc

be Coh-argd with the defense of the post and should be train-
~ st a~r
onteract against 'ambushes.*"
So~i,.an~d-er X#* Navy'- a -ansader in 0 ant ra 1ýie tnam, J
-in Cochinchina, and especi.lly in Toncin, the Di-
were given a Commando of ::arines ( or light =oApa-
nies ) but they suffered frou not having an Infantry element
penmanently attached, #,ihichwould have permitted them to
- move independently and to contribute to other operations in
ithe- -raZýon in' the intezrvali be~tveen, two Combined o-Perati-Qn-se,
This nrecessity was felt more and more and this,
for instance, is what the Com.•.ander of River Forces in Co-
chinchinfa wrote:
I " It is necess ary that every ambush be counter-
this was always
attacked and the enemy punished for it:
j Ipossible in South Vietnam."
At the end of the war, by order of the Command-
ing General of the Land. Forces in South Vietnam, our river
i forces could not take the initiative in the oierations if
there weren't present at least two companies Z and ndmittinC
I in this manner un unexp.3cted encounter with a Vietminh com-
pany. )

same situation existed long; time

for a forc:,s in
Tonkin and The
In'fantry u-nits, taken from't.,e participa-
tin- in the operations, were norma-lly attached to the Dinas-

This solution, however, later causted minn errors

because of the insuffici,•nt tr•,.ininJ of Army t-oops even in
I the most elementary am.hiibious operrations ( lc.ndin,, esta-
blishing a beach head, embarking, •,na dapartin-.) L Comoan-
- Iding Admiral of the F...%E.O.]

,I I
OFCA 311.

The Navy concluded that it was necessary to set

up "a real amphibious corps, that included naval and land
units, not Just put togother, but effectively integrated;
for instance, as the combination Dinassaut - tactical group,"
4" and to let the Ith•,vy in charge of certain Territorial coiamands
(at least,, the sub-sectors.)
This suggestion seemed even more justifiable since
some territorial c00 anders had the tendency to consider the
river boats only as transportation and underestimated their
A- p ossibilities in emergenoy amphibious operatio ns.

Certainly, as the Vietminh potential increased,

[ rive3r operations demanded an always greater employt.nt of
"means, but their useEfulness never ,lecreased.
The campstgm of the Light River, in 1947, and
to a lesser Kgree that of the Blict River, in 1951, illus-
trated this unbalance between the objactiVes and the means."
,[ Com.anding Ad iral of t-e F..E.O.]

The river forces, however, vere never suf.iclen-

tly reinforced, ancl, by the end of the hostilities, they
were " limited, at least"., in N1Torth Vietnam,, because of
their lack of power, to defensive operations or tc offen-
sive operations of a surreptitious and hasardous character."
~~ ~ ~ . ..... ,-..........
.... ~~~.,Of--.U'le, timeI -,.--i•eir-
,_st roale- ata6. .that .of :•sixp-ort ..... '. .. .
] ': for land forces, calthough in manycs, t'a egrPia
]- cn !..•.o••,•÷ f te 1)-"
-. could 11,nve 71oven• t'•,em the'
•i•_- portunity for decisive act~ion." [Cozz-1knding Admiroal of

A new organization w,,hich favored the concentra-

tion of all available means in small, powerful flotillas,
the creation of units of " Infantry and :_"orines," the at-
tachaent of certain formations andi of the L.V.T.s, and the
creation of an amphibious corps under a unified coLL.iand,
would have been the logical steps of the evolution of river

TH:" -Tr,•7•,RIRL UTILIZED After the heroic period when we

had to make use of anything that was available, even of pon-
toons and " river stre3tc-rs," our forces utilized entirely
British an,- Ameorican surplus m-aterial, vwith the exception
of some s-a1.ll boats t'!.- t had. bee•n invented rn:din 2ra..
ce. 1.1e made us,) of one assfault boat ( E. A. ) hich ad
been inspired by the L.C.V.P., but was not satisfactory,
and also ?.Y. bo',ts P.O.>.%nd STCAIT. - The boat called
L ::Tw-i, built by t'ie Army •.ateriel Corps, VMS mZido of wood
zand had no ar:•or. The hull was built loc-lly and the eng1ne
was th'at of' a JE:?. - It proved to be an excellent iooulh
boat, provided it wusn't exposed to uanbush3o.]

.4 11"British 1-ndizig boa'ts, conceivod f'or sooiothind

1. ~entizely dif ýrerit froma the war in rivers undorwent nwle-,
rous imocificcitions espeýcially In respect to their We""Ipons
cn! aso their living ocvpability;.
and arilaor o,- Vle can only
be astonished thnt -l1 in all, they szatisfied our noods
s0 well," Com_.:."anClin-- Admairal of B.0
To conclude, 'v7e had light and medium-liaht boats
jin st~ffioient qjuantity, and of pood quality,
Their main defooct was the inharent weakniesz
ofJ the Gray -ia~rine engines (extremely usefu~l elsewhere)
and the insufficient speed of smialler engines for all opern-
I~ines soon becaiae the wiorst enemies of the flo-
tillas and we had several chances to remor~c their effect
on all boa'ts,
" Tesallevel-,bottomed ýboat-s -proved to-be-
narticul!-~' rl vulebe to inswhetlCFUexploded,
lost their covor and ecjuipment, but ofe ell back on the

water without sikn ~[Coml.iandor of the river f orces in
71 ~ Sou~th Vietna'lin 0011,.USIC. ThIs is a-p)lic,-ble to t~he boats
we~~~~ ba i osnt tov an that le-vel-bottomed bo-
ats of.L a stronL-ar const-ruction ý-,re not'desirable.J
i~ie~wepi~ ws oe o ou~ ~o~s oo0_2:4_ul 0,e
useessaginst moledernm,.,llse O2neOZ .'our jao olto to desto
rzat Io ns rnd o ur zi neswieepers Drove~d It be vai~y .'f'i oi eat
a ca in at all telecontrolled naines, but t!hey would have been
aiem from a distan-ce niust. still be discovrd

Since- .i di~d not ha.,ve an enemy on the rivers, the

flinosscuts etill had to fight n,2nainst an ene::iy who at-tacked
them from the ':-nks witth -ll kinds of Inf,,:ntry weapons Lind

sometiimes even with cannons.

The necessity to armor the bo~itse on the rivers
is self-evidont. Durinlz the .):ýriod when all kinds of
losses wers not coz-parnrble waith te results obtzinecl in
As ex-.ect-ed, experivence shoviea that the thickiness
of the mretal was not all and that I ts quelity plaiyed an in-
Portant role. Some have susg-0sto~d a double arzior, reinfor-
cedi with rubber or ctf.aont. Teinsuf~ficiant exneriance in
this m=ttjer does not authorize to m,?,Ie any conclusions.
On the other hand, our wea.)ons were scatisf~a-ctory.
FA s-pociý,l ment~ion mut .ý ado of th)e o-rc!at effect~ivauess,
the autoai-.tic, d~oubl.-rrled, 40 mm r, n r,
_-" - ..

qt.:#+ • .,,* , . ,.,,'..,, . 1

A Flaiae throwers and rocKets w,, n' nof utilized,

thotigh the latler were installed on some ,j.C.i.s at the end
of the hostilities.

We lacked, however, more powerful boats.

" The experience of all river campaigns in histo-

ry ( Vlar of Secession Campaign of 11esopotamie, etc....) con-
firmed the neoessity for1 flat-bottomed boats arued with heavy
weapons and with good annor."

1 " The L.Oi,. onitor, useful at its echelon, did
not correspond to our needs. A boat derived from the I.C.i.
or the L.C.T., with vreapons of the caliber between 40 and
130 or 150, and an armor between 12 mm and 10 cm would have
prob-bly solved the problem of the lack of' power from the
very beginning, the campaign of the Black River, in 1947."

Proposesd in 1952, unfortunately, it was never

token under serious consideration becruse of several tdchni-.
I oal and tactical reasons., Especially the priority of trans-
port.tion missions over combat missions, impbsed almost as
a dogma, made it impossible to take away soma irreplaceable
SL.C.T.s 'or *ofensive tactics only."

At the. other extremity, it is certain that our

forces lacked a small engine, for liv:.son missions, surprise,
.quick landin and.take"fofLf, and oh-aracterizei.by:

1i -
secarity over water,
. . - an aooeptable protection. . .

" The P..T. boats FOM., 11 meters long, were the

- closest to this, but their speed was insufficient, and U
stability in turbolent waters very poor."
" The ?.T. boat 'izzard, arrived in Indochina
after the cease-fire, has brilliant qualities of speed and
maneuverability, but it really is too small a boat and too
fragile for war missions ( plastic hull and gasoline power-
ed outboard motors ) and it hL,.s to be limited to liaison
missions or, peo-ps, short patrols."

" A boat .ith the followin, ch~raicteristics should,

therefPore, be studied:

- maximum speed greater than 20 .:nots,

- fixed :,iine-sweeping equipment,
S...- to noioelass engines at least, at high speeds; stx-onr
flat bottoa;, unex')osed propoellers, capable to float in one me-
1., ter of water and to land,

.I l
I ~ ~ 314+

combustible: diesel oil ( and not g•nsoline ); minimiun

autonomy of Oction-of about 100 nnutical kilometars,
) and two one
Of~n.on- armniaent: 20 mm
manchine cannon ( or: one recoiless 57 ma
- )prot.notion: shields for the veapons and anti-ahook
protection for t'e engines,
- living cnpacity: for three men,
fý - oderate repair co's-, ecsy maintensce, sufficient
capacity to withstand turbulent waters."

I " While waiting to realize this ambitious programn,

j' we will hove to be satisfied with the P.T. boats S.T.O.X.N.
and the 'dizzards." £ Coo,=.nding Admirc,1 of F.:1.E.0.J

iI ,

,I I



tl I


The female personnel represented n the Exedl-

tion'.ry. Corps since SeLt.nmber 1945 Was mdeUL o grotp fg
about 20 A.F.A.Y., who hnd accomrpanied the :xASSU
At tho same tirae, the 47th A.F.A.T. unit was creat.ed
Prance and recruwited about 100 voltunteers who were in
sent to
Indochina during th- last days of 1945.

In the following years the female .)ersonnel in-

creased at the snme rythm as the Expeditionaery Co-.s.
- 1947 733 1952 = l413

= 1950 = 942 1953

- = 1,864 I
- 1951 = 1,106 - 1954 = 2,070
At the same time, the Ar.ay
cruited about 50 fe:1le auxilia.ries, Air Corps lh td re-
whose nLuaber was brought
up to 120 in 1954. The Navy only ha.d a total of about 30.


l - •'."omen hold nwaerous Jobs in the Signal
Corps, .,.some Jobs sc *....... .sCcetcnries in some of the
permanent Headquarters, and in the Services Administration,
but they were also utilized in other positionA:
- For the 'folding and maintenance of parachutes.[ During
operations they had to put in an extremely heavy work day.
For instance, during the battle of DIEN BI ET P1-•U, each
team of two women packed a parachute in seven minutes.)
j - Social aides and assistants
- .ovie operators.[ They drove and set up the movie trucks
that went each night to a post or a bivouac to show a fill.]
"- Nurses and medical auxil!ixries ( between 300 and 350. )
- Ambulance drivers. [ These are esx-ecially wortvy of praise.
they were about 70 to 80. Wýithout even mentioning Aline
ILEROUGE, numerous were thosa who should--be oi-ea. Ai nur-
see £ who belonged to the Army Air Corps.]
Beginning in 1943, the increasa of personnel had
I made it necessary to dissolve t'ie 47th P.F.A.T. unit and
all the problems concerning the distribution of personnel
and related problems, were taken carefby a section of the
first bureau of the Headqur*are for th t'er.torie...

Nevertheless, the Simnal Corps, 1he Airborne, the lMlateriel

and Health Services grours, sometimes aestmed the direct
responsibility for their contingents.
-'•-'-i -'•In reg-ard to the a~d!.ini*st-rn-ton_ of the ý.P. *A.T,,..
s. .
it w-s insured by the different couDanies of the territo-
rial headquarters. o
Although female personnel was used to such extents,
it is certain th'at th.3 different services of the hov'duarters
for the Expeditionary Corps could have assigned even more
positions to tho P.F.A.T.s and, thus, relieved the male per-
sonnel. ýThe difficulties found in recruiting Qualified
volunteers, however, proved th:nt on thB qualitative and ,uan-
titative levels it was impossible to relieve greatly the spe-
ci:,lized -ala personnel. This is one of the observations
derived from the caipaign.

RECRUITINTG - Volunteers for Indochinn were a few because

of the impopul:,rity of t61o war in certain prts of France
and because of the unf-vorable criticism ag4a,•n the recruit-
ing of'.vomaen. On the other hand, the advantages
gr.anted to the 2.2.A.T. could have treaf.ed a much more f.vo-
raublo feoling and more enlistments, if those who were

i- ~-:
", 317

interested hrid been given the ssurance that in the future,

thby would becorae part of the pe2=unent staff of personnel.
anFor a long time, the questions in regard to invwlidi y
and life insurance were not strightened ott.] I
It also appears that in Indochina, the P.F.A.T.s
should have been assured of better living conditions,
Acceptable living quarters were not insta1led un-
til 1950 and especially after the arrival of I-larshal De
Lattre. Greeter improvements, however, could still be made
for the comfort of personnel, which women deserved in a tro-
pical country ond for a period of 18 months. Especially,
individu .* ;rcoros, anf not dormitories - Larger and better
furnished day rooms - Organnization of activities ( and
particularly courses oil horna econom.ics, or courses for the
improvement of certain specialties leadinq to the acquisi-
tion of diploraas, collective sport activities....)]
The climate appreciebly effected-female p~rsonnel,
not becviuso the nwixber of the patients sent back wai proper-
tionatoly higher than that of male personnel, but hospitali-
zations were nwuerous and often repeated.
Briefly the recruiting program was barely suffi-
cient and the quaiifications of the :personnel enlisted
left much to be desired, since there was no ch'&nce to bh0oose
among nu-merous candidates.
" There shoaid have been a severe moral and pro-
fessionnl selection. Entrance exanis, \.,hen needed - A lon-
ger period at home under good officers - The pitileass eli-
min-ttion of incompetent eemiehfs." C I.iss X.... Chief of the
P._.A.T. section of the E... of the Supreme Conm iander.]

Once arrived in Indochina, the P.F.A.I.s who did

not have sufficient backrovnd actually received further in-
struction, but their output remained weak for a long time.

To face these dif-_iculties, the Heoalth Service

hld to hire personnel by means of a specinl systetn of con-
tracts, offered both to men and women,
The Auxi!!•ry Corps of The Armed Forces in the Par
East (C.A.P.A.E.O.) )-,hich follovied the C0.I.,A.L.E.O. in 1947,
recruited for 13 months, with the possibility to extend for
6 more rnonths, doctors, pharmacists, dentists, nurses, labo-
aides,an• Sr•.tory
aszistaiits, etc...., ith the -u.avrantee of
bein, :-ssimilated in the ranks accordinrr to their degree of

"t;'ith this system, betwecn 3)0 and 330 vomen

a and
their nuaber increased up to 470 in 1954 ] were enrolled in
different henlth format ons of the Expodition-ry Corps, wthere
they gave e:."collent service.



'In.- phlyS4 cal'ba ck rouncl t-ia~t was repul~sive, for-

the French fighting mnn the Expeditionary Corps, equippýedV
for t' 'ei Europea.n t' eatr a ~n ( with sup-,ly sources exture~aely
distant and limited, by saocce:;ive i.raprovisations, hr~d to
adept tself to a fi fght p e 4 A
to thec battles of larve Luni t s
For this reason, the logi'31stics of the I nd o hi_4na.
wtr7ere a consta.nt research of re-nedies to situations which
were unfr,ývorL~ble and unstable, cind the solutions viere much
more pcatch up jobs and even "D systems" thain serene )16.nifi-

cations2. mI
Furtharrmore, the charactcxistice, of tUhe theatre of
onerntions :.nd3 the,- progreszive- incrc~ase of ene:ýiy potentials
demanded an evolution of the type nnd importýtnce of lo~ris-
tiu s up.ýor t.
A ~ ~ et ~zu ~ ft~Amejo
~ 1 "htir Alli ed Stnates
'vni:' raid zroath also heavily increaseorrzon-
bi'itios, bconi: vre haC to assune tAIrŽir entire nwp:;ort and
to cro-te o~ sv their servicce fc-1i-ties.

Thre ir arnl de~mnnds o-f th1e o-ieri.-tions £and es-I

p)eciolly their soeasonaml ryth-m, due to t~ha Lionsoons Jand
the frequent miodific,,tiona of our set up const-ituted the
ch-:nging factors o-1 our lcmis-10ioal -problems; but these were
L influoaced gainly by three constaat point-,,
~ ~~b'L
~ ~ 319

- The necessity to base ourselves on the struotuAre

that had been
stationed in Indooh~ina
the support of the troops
oreated tobefore

.. The distonoe from France, from where the war was

actually being directed end which was the source of all the
essentiel supplies.
- The particular geography of Indochina: vast flooded
areas, considerable distances, tropical climate.

THE STR• URE'..- A net of territorial est•ablishments

thba.t hId been localted judiciously nnd that had Already been
Luded by the Japanese, were found, zaore or less intact, in
This could be well utilized by our troops since
the type of war made it necessary to find support in the
ancient garrison toiwns ( which we occupied coiapletely )
Vand1 to protact onotion it, from the lbck of security by
performaing very brief zl•ovenents between our fixed posts or
between the bivouacs of our mobile units.
The preexisting structure, thus, constituted the
our services; qnd it,
_logit~l basis for the deployment of throughout . i
Scontinued to ba of greL.-t influence the
. aai1O....
since it corresponded to the locel ge.ogrzhy and, in this
respect, it allowed us to e::tend whenever necos-ary.
The increase of the rebel forces and the siaulta-
neous growith of the Ex ieditiona:ry Corps together with the
to loseStates,
the Allied rid: forms
it necessa-
ry for of the
crecation the sticol of
loi Armaies sýupport the s!inple of
"the boginninn of the campai.n to asstie an industrial as-
o ect. The service units had to cre-:tte new shops, depots,
to increase tlie hospital c,,_o.city., ýtc. OThe increase ot
consu.-rption rates determined greater requirements.
Som'3 examples illustrate this developiraent:
-~ ~ ~ Mennrofvhce
, to mzý.intain increased from
15,000 in 1947 to 60,000 in 1954.

- The surfaces necessary for the stocking of suplies

for th.e :aterie1 Service increase,. from 130,000 square acters
fcC. to 20),000 _sr.i]at
in. 194'wn-ere ~~~' nIeters in
O`c:tXre 9354. [ The covered sur-
fCeS were aCAWms,'insxf'-c n 61nthe dif.erent services
had to miake use of uncovered sa $.I
- The stocks of the -m-teriel Service -,ere 4.5,000 tons
in 1947 and 100,000 tons in 1954.
iThe nutiber of soldiers treated in the infir:aries or
hospitals was 3'J4,000 in 1946 rmnd 714,000 in 1953.

forced ius
Tho conduct of thF campaign sometimes war and
of the
to croate new bases durinnr the last years for iho .supplies
to connect theni with the ports of arr'ival
by means of artificial axes as air lifts. C For instignae
the bas's of STNO to sup.ort the oa.mp'i!• from Central LAOS
to allow the resupply of the operation
and that of OUINHOTl
The different services were forced little by little.
be able to support certain ope-
to set u*o mobile eleaents to be created
rations. 'Forinst.noe, surgical aerials hsd to
repair sec-
that 6ouldc be transported and parachuited, mobile
tions,.qoper'.tional exploitation groups, etc....
B,1iafly, if the logistical deployment remained to
and ansevered well
sentielly be.sed on a certain te:r.itory, it was ne-
the: demanns >of-..a war without front, noverrtheless
o^,sary t.o; iXA.gine new foxhulas to satisfy de..ans could not ma-
sometimes, similar to those in Europe, and yet
ke ,ise of the sane solutions applied there.

SOURCES 0? SUPPLIES - The 12,000 kilometers from France

to SAIGON proved to be an overwhelming handicap.
Even *.if thewoeconr a backed up the
Indochinrnw'ar, 0o0Id it have felt ýv'ia.t wtosnecessary.to
not ony to win, but Just .
give to the EkQeditlonary Corps,
T to keep up the fight?
SFor this reason the central administration could ser-
not maintain an intimate contact with the corresponding
vioes in SAIGON anA not always understood when they are not
of IncTo china. " The exchange of letters,
j followted up by personal contacts, oftan resemble the dialo-
gues of deaf people." C Report of the Quartermaster
tVie Far East.]
the Director for Quartermaster operations in

other hand,
On theouldonl a country where
invefryeli industria-
tionry Crps find 1939rehources.
and had been
lization had been merely sk.tched before
t the Expedi-
brutally interrupted by the Second ',orld Var, resources.
tioncnry Corps could only find very limited
3 Indochina was capable to furnish a certain gluan-
and buil-
tity of foodstuff ( rice, catitle, fish,) some coal
ding materials.
i Small industries, localized essentially around
SAIGOIT ,anA HAN'TOI, transformed some rough or semi-finished
brid.os and
materials th:?t hý-.d been imported ( especilly be of help
I metallic frames.) Consequently, these
Service and tie ,agineers.
to the .Lateriel
Fin.lly spaoialized laborers were scarce and it
was difficult to hind apprentices and9 to train them.
All these factors contributed to make us dependent
I YOI....Francoe and the United States for supplies. [ Somotimes,
supplies coming from Japan and Australia helped us to solve
some problems, Yet, the Expeditionary Corps still, depen-
ded from very distant territories.] ''

Ift regar4 to Prance, a considerable delay was ine-

vitable between the requisitions and their issue, since Just
the transportation took two months.
Furthermore, the IndoohIna war was conducted
"under peacetima economical nnd finrancial conditions; that is,
within the rigid frame of a yearly budget.
A sibility of the Supremo Co:mander to evaluateIt was the respon-
yearly the ore-
]• [ •to dits which to~~~~~~~~~~~~y
oeo neoessa.ry
believed h iac fo bde
th oko cl
wait for lhe
the vote on the finance
to budget
fight the war and
to know he had
his own pos.ibilities.
Whether for expenditures on dateriel, maintenance,
"or works, the basic data needed for the budget were extra-
polated from previous data, based on previous situations
and their probable -evolution,.
"The rapid evolution of the
i t':e last years df the war, made events, especially du-
it dangerous to extra-
polate even over a short period of time and very unsafe when
-- * the delay was greater than one year; these previsione
made in July of the previous year.
For this reason, in July 1950 it was forecast for
1951 a monthly consumption of 5,000 HIT2 shells and no works.
The evolution of the operations in the Tonkin delta, however,
turned out requiremaents for 1951 that amounted to 30,000
shells of 105 1.-2 and the realization of a program of for-
tific7.tions of several billions..
Therefore, because of the lack of long term
on the political and strategic level, the "campaign data
and the "resupply plans", which are the projection of the
above in the domain of logistics, could only be prepared
with the rreatest inprecision.
W'lhen the American vide was finally ,-ranted, its
* amount was never known outside of the Departmtnt of Finance,
when it should have been indispensable to figure out the
needs that could be covered by it.

Certainly, the Sup:r cre Coamander h',d the possibili-

Sty to fo.wT'•rd exceptional requests to France and, in differ-
ent occ-sions, had to do it.

~. ~~ ~322

Theso requests, how.-ever, could only be honored

with ýiconsiderabla delny, whether the materiel could be
taken frou excisting stocks ,ind just forwarded to the ports
or a new fcibrio~ation program had to be started.
Cartain :.iaterials, indispensable at* the time ofA
the request arrived vihen they were not any longor in need,
and sunpilles of items of fi~rst necessity and cturrent usage,.
were 'oniteintly in dema~nd, P.
of Beserve r 1953, the Factories f6r the General
o Nae~bM didnot hatve in stock -the following
Srepair psrt%,s:
- ront endc' of Jeeps, Dodges 6X6 and G.M.TC.J
Rear and of Dodges and, G.T-.C.
A-Gear -boxes -for' Jenps-an~d G. L.C0.
On the other hand,. the vapriety of mat ex~i Is used
at the beginning of the oaraPaign, En,&.lish, Japanese, French,
and AustraIian complicated considerably the acquisition of
repair partsj ýIe requisitions, the stocks, an~d the distri-

It is. only in, 1952 thbt I certain homogeneity could,

be o6btai.tned byr utili'in-- practiocally onl1 reinch ond American
materiel ( with the excýe'ption of some arrnarients.)
-The creation i~n France of a rear operational area,,
insuring the stockoin, *of materiel ancd the.sipp ,pon re-
quest, would have given us a steady flow of supplies, as in
the case of the ammunition depot at :IAA. It must be un-
derlined thoct the ECI.ON of SAINT' DENISP wh-ic had the res-
ponsibility for obtainincg and shipping all materiel reques-
ted from Indochina until January 1953, dfid not have any s~tock
facilities; for this reason, it was impossible to keep any
resorve stocks and all mnateriel procured had to be shipned
out, even when it was no longer useful.]
Since ther~e were no such solutions -to alleviate
the logistics of the Expeditione~ry C~or-ps in IndoebiAi the
Services had to build up imnort-ýnt sto.cks there to help out
the proble~as cau~sc by the delay in the deliveries, C These
stocks also allow~ed to -orevent the diffIerences in cons uzmaption
due to thie int asity of t-ie '~rtions.
In periods of onlia and in th';ose rengions whaere there
wiere not nora,,lly important fighats, the camount of sup~liesI
w-is only 4 -~gperr1an, of which 0,2 for the aui~io, while in
critical periods :-,nd in coanibt are,,Ls, the need ans 10 k3, of
which 4,260 k- of Eimo.
The amount's utilized a't )DIEiT BIBU P; were:
'•J '•' •'|J •'•323

- 17,750 kg during the ori in!',l period of sumpply.

- 7,740 L"5 during the pre-battle period.
_10,600 kg ( of which 6,6'50 kg for am.:o ) during the
bvattlea, It bcame neces:•ary to find the sur-faoas nces-
sary for the stoc.cs nind ntu.e.'ous personnel to work in these
depots. Furthei'nore the tropic:ýl climate greatly reduced
the time of conservrtion of certain mnteritls and foodstuff.
The aide contributed by tVe United States was par-
for the Expedition-ry Corps and it per-
mitued to continue the war with greater means while decrees-
I ing the Fr.3nch budget.
This however, did not bet ter the delay in the ar-
rival of 21.tovlel. Shipments from Frnnca were often made up
of old stocks and sometimes even of rotten materials. Some
requisitions sent in in 1952, had not arrived in full by 1954.


The Indochina campaign began and was constantly
resup)lied with materials thnt been fCabricated iVith a Eu-
ropean war in view.
The conditions under which these materials were
utilized were completely different in a tropical country
and over, a :terrain f req-uently flooded. , The•,•olimate uede :it,.,
n-ecesatry o hav light clo hes Cwhi chea, not -te ca,-e-
the combat uniform, ) and better resist'int to hwnidity. The
packing equipment, radioes, electrical circuits, had to be
treated for the tropics; hospital rooms had to be air con-
ditioned the teanas insido arnorod vahicles should have been
protcctes14 aginst heat C in 1941-1942, the Afrikea Corps had
special vehicles for tl. desert,J etc....

The examples of equipment that was not fit for the

temperatures and hygrometry of Indochina could2 be multiplied.
Withoutinsisting again about the scarcity and poor
conditions of the routes of cora:.uniccations, it must be under-
ligned thaft the difficulties of transportation exercised a
$ slovery over the entire logistical systew, and, as a conse-
quence, over tie decisions of the Comanand as a whole.
"As it is well kn9vn, the lack of security, made
It iripossible to circulate by land overnight. During the
day, tho convoys could only follow certain itineri-•ries,
Sand pr.ocecd slowly since theyr had to be protected by es-
corts thlt were expensive in m:ateriel and personnel.
The brakcing up of Indochina into zones of opera-
tions, isolrted onz from the other by regions under the
control of the Viotrminh, mado all othar inter-tervitorial
contacts imos•i"ble, except by air and by sea.

Thd importanoe nsý,.e by Tonk~in in the course
of tho operc~tioi,,3 ai-0 its b,,comin,, eep,-,rated fromi SAIG-01T,
to tho suipA.ly sy otoa; inl that
territory tint, to its breinv oiplo yH PUG e
inrnin'2, in lc9)2, th- operctional ba,, of IiTon~c:-n wvi.s created
) -IV1~..T
11 t plecya thoc samie role for: thn*vý territory
thr-it wo, w~oUld 11vvo wished to see .played by ani oý?arctionalJ
bns,ý in Fra~nco fo~ th enti.re B~:dition.,- y CorpoD.
All the wnvea of sup,,llies originý?ting in SAIG~ON
or I1AI?11O1G %-,ero varic&ble and their total. 0caýIity vns
mieasured by taMcin,, into account t'he aiam les ia-n
tr~nns*ort--1tion. If ,-ie could. for~w~r-i ~iin1jortt.nt loads of
8 up -lesby boait, Wao encounterecýd the -ý,Datost difcl
tic,-: in aevoanciiw- viith tuhese stvp-lierj in-to -'TiO points
that werc2 more distant fro,'a tie cocast.
In the deltap thco river net a)loevic-ted the pro-
ou~e byth: ~cr~city of rive- r'oadcs.. The roilroads
p~c~oalyno-e-istant since i~t h-.--d only 4' fewi lines
towara,: the interior e~n( vie could only utilize half of them,
Only by aiir could we go f rom one point to the
otlier, but t~h-j uneven -foru of the terreain tand the small
num~b-er of p3.aces vihate lending strips could be built r'e-
duced our possibilities, which were calways-limitad-by
the insuffiocenoy of 'our fl-eet, too. Three exanmplee- iI~
lulstr~inte th10 cot'lext of" the 169istio-1l1 11 obleas posed,
b-) the s~oft c-,rtain units,
-the zone of DOING HOI0, in Central Vietnarai, could not
be resupplied- exoeptý curinS certzin mainthe -when the -port of
th-,~it town vivac ticcessiblo. The, sU-,)'ljeS d to be calculated
for at longý )eriod of tiucj '.7 .thou IMnowin wheather certain
unpl.:innod o-oar-tions w-ould throwV of:? our estimctes...
-V2 ITE.ATE eil -T~orthe-~ L-os hnlad., for the -.ost'U part,
to b3 resup-plIe J by air from rTonk-in, since the access fr-o.m
the South was veydif.?'icUlt. Yh:Ž rout.:,ý batwve-)n Tt-LAýcM2131K ýnd
V2TIM.1ANE vt'-,s destroyed ciid the :!3K0:mT c,,zinot be utilized
fro.u. X!AVLIIE e::cna)t .-or six montla of tlht year.
-the v-rrioons of LANL'SOT and CAO lA{G, until their
ev-:.cL1%11t ion nt t.he end 0J of 150 ve re thae t rbt:ri e s o f the
o-0.4 %./-o !:nlovfr wh'at prc~vie lriid t'o pro
1(*c1 te Veid~
±0 -J.1 atili z2:,ti.oa of thn uný-le route
U. .c% ban. i - c~:: the tra~a.iorts !--d a yield
2..vch inf orio r to thn'- :.-'i ch co uld 'hae beaon o b'-7, ned in :,'r..n-
cC) for th~o sa-:e clist-flcr. .hav'i>deven rl.oroý on t7,40
totý:.l bajG;-!:,-' oaZ t'-c Ex' ~dit-ULo nn ry C") 0. 41oLLr~ae ,:oe o,
the costs only fr t'r:, con"o insic&o I n Jo chin-a n fo r

S 325

ou'r 1LnCIc foroe6s:

In 1952 =9billi~ons

In 19-53 =12 billions

For the first 6 monithe of 1964 = bill.ions 300 tlailliOns.
At thle end of -the hoatiliti~b Cortain transportation
problemas bcoaine more and "Or:' dificu."iCt;
Teoelin- of routes~ or of certýain victen-ieys damanded

full sc-Ile o ).Orations.

areLs ot,_l tonna-e o:.1r_,ied to D10B& 160tn IV

10tons poer day.] Certaiin posts Could oii~q.ybo, resup-Pied by
air elrops. E volution -of thtis O-)er-tion for, all ofC Indooihina:
April1 7,000tns
1.oflthlYnver in 1753:to .
7- o' it1954 4,700

"-The oon u~itoflo rBunto dam.-nded s~p-pixIS of~

9reratez an, trtoia~~ 4

Fro.'I thae oo in of view &,0'lo-istics, -thc "wAr of Indo-

China wazi conductcl as a su~cce~'sive, scries 0 : impro vi satioils.
The se~r,ýcos`1%-,c to, 0,,s,,n e cn~tAUra
with in~slf.1--ciont :~a~h.Ato The c ntir, ":IlJy grti~ duties,
0p)erations la'sted for about 10 years, et~
Of aP'?oý6X.1atelY 12, 000.koitesfzo rc. Consee-antly,
the ý,ri , e had tpo 1ýe consider-able. 2 bu~d,-1-t, hoviever, al~vi~ys
do0,~ mt" p,6ssibi,1ites ~nn influnececT the dema~nds of' th~eV
o0rtos reducin- thae. Co!±~,i -nder s c)bi1i1; ie s.
Th e 10oCS' tia
16- V)Ort thleref'ore often =vc the IM-
preso t I at, IlJtlzouslh the considerabla e'ýKort, it 1-as slow I
in O
£ol~in t"16 ryrt1,.1 of the ca*_-Owig -instead of pre ce edi n it. I

- Dion Sion Phu IdL.~Y.

Wuong Sol ~ ~ 2~ 0

IS Luang Probong
*Xleng Khouong *


~Thokhe Dong I-bE


Po se,

Popt tugTe

(inha toT et_

for the year ~ Ra

1953 -. l
i IT


The particular f'orma assumed by the war' in Indo-I

chinn did not influence Sreatly the or---.nization and ope-
ration of' t'ie Quartermaster Corps.".1
Ilearnod Re"port on whimt was.
in th3 IndocJhina, war by the Quarteriiaster General,
in char-e-of' the Quarter.aaster in the ýF.T.E.O. April 1955.J
AHo c o u I be .wever, if' -theo same etp e rience aoqui red in France
a-p-:?ied in Indochina, the executive sections of' the
I Cor'os had to be modified to face the nxov~ing needs of' the
Expedition-ry Corps.
Thetse adap,.tations resulted setisf~actory in ti-ie f'i-
Ield of subsistence arid clothes, but the admainistraction re-
mn~ined too rigid and the units sufferoal from. an inflexible
set up, w-.hich was the same asin peacetime,
J THE~ SUPPLTY SYSTCL'E: The deployM~ent of' Quartermaster
servicels vias1 'ba-sed on the ter~iitoriJ,-1 organiz::itiozi and
on the f'roaeworl: which e:,ýisted in 1945.
portmce The system, however, was improved by means of'
ii Imrnetoriianth
Oerational Groups, made ntsfer
up in foanifeie
ccorynce with the im-
iook i.-re of an Operational Suprly Centertwhich wa..s nor-
seIp hc a h aea npaeie
me,1 ma up ofe a subsistence de.pot, aene axiunition deepot,
a d nan eer'n'n .. ....... A
..... su .ortod .eot- lro
• I Ti UIL YT:-
15,000 peole nd %!:id Tedpomn
s made unp of' one ofeeiceti, f•arems
12 non-com-
f:-ficera or e.v!_ciliJists (o-, wh-ich 9 were warehouse
chie±'s),anll wero r,,in.orced by a numaber of' drivors
-- •srie 60 +borprs to( be modi~iXe f thgr zad about.
.;o co fourof h
a •se ntetrioi1. rai:to n
of t shis
type in Tonkcin.
. '"" 328

" The above method has proven to be very econo-

mical froi the point of view of personiiel and it worked
out extremely well." C Report of the Quartermaster Gene-
ral in chcrge of the Qu~trtermaster in the F.T.E.O. -
Nevertheless, the Quartermaaster Genoral would have liked
to attach a Quartermaster Group to each moving division
or to any group with personnel between 15,000 and 20,000.]
In the execution of their mission, the supply
services had to solve probleimis that were analogous to tvose
of the other services and de-,ended on the distance from
France, local geography, and the increase of personnel....
But the difficulties ha've been considerable especially in
respect to the gathering together of supplies, J
In fact, local resources were of little helpl.
The population, in the delta regions where it is dense,- vI
is dedicated to a one-crop, agriculture (rice); evQrywvhere
else the production is too insufficient to be exploited.
The only help that the subsistence service derived from
the local facilities were small quantities of rice and dry
of races and difficulty
ethnical thlatcaused
groups was by our
made up the forces.
difference ~ ~

For in stance, to insure " the Moslem troops

wi th a spply of live muttons, these were first obtained
in Australia, thean in North Africa, and transported at
grect expense to Indochina, .,,,here they were distributed
even to the smllest post -y 0call means, eve-.0. by parachute
" Report of the Quartermaster General, F:P.B..O.]
On the other hand, the possibilities to produce
clothes were more varied,thanks to shops that were explo-
ited or private enterprises. This, even though " the
regulations governing orocurement were never adapted to
the war situation in tVhe Far %ast." L Report of the Quar-
teramaster General, F.T.3.O..
For some services,unfortunately, the materiel
to be utilized was very inconvenient ( moving ovens of
the FOUGA type, for instance....) and.... nlso of very
different mnakes and models ( genseraors, estinguishers,
etc..., )

" This lack: of stsndardizntion resulted in a

nwaste of tinb vn1 money, and less efficiencyr. This has
been regreatt,,ble since, in ,.'Lany cases, it',asthe strict
iai1ication of administrative rules which g-ve these re-

= I
U I,* A " 329

"In fact, the procurement offioes must make

use of cooipetition cand reoort to the worst dealers. Un-
doubtedly, there must exist some dispositions which allow
to buy from every v:iilable markcet but the finance and
control services oppose this przaotice most of the time,"
E Report of the Quartermiastar General, FT,,0.]
i ~It is a techniocal anIdmfinatnoial fault.

The stocking aind ,liainte'nance of all supplies

WaS oriiwn:2lly done Li existing warehouses, but, later,
it became neoessary to iexp,-.nd,
The iiportpnt stocks of foodstuff anddlothes
hnd to be protected against the heat, the hutaidityj mold
and diff'erent mushrooms, roden-ts and parasitos .of all kinds.
SGenorLal tweeh,6uses !no rms I , do no t of fer -suf-
Sficient ?rot ion•....• For: what concerns -atAexntemeans--
of stocking, there were limitled to, tent'S and ýmore -often
to solutions called )'of fortune" or more oxact I "of poverty".
[ Report of the "ur.rt.rin.ster Genera,., F•.*.T.0.f fBut the
alternaJting of torreitivl rains and tha tropical sun rap i-
dly destroyed th( tents vwhich qciickly lost their impermeabi-
lity, although they had several layers of oil to protect
A first remedy would have been the limitation of
the stocks; but, to do this, stindardizition and the creation
of a base in France were necessC,_y.-Y...
.t is and
transportation uselesz to reaind youencountered
the difficulties ofthe sl5wness of
in resup-
plying c--ýrt'in isolated gerrisons. This exolains why,
sometimeos, urgent requests had to be forwarded to France
when the supoly situation was dangerous for the whole ter-
ritory. In fact, in c:.rtain regions, that were not too
e 0S3b1 there were "frozen" stocks that could not be •
" Briefly, to nianeuver stocks vWs often is-
possible., , Report of the Quar-ternmaster General, F.T,.E.O.]
Furthermore, tho make-up,, the conditioning, and
the protection of cortain items had not been studied suf-
ficiently. It is incooicavable, for instance, th.t for
reasons of economy, some i-t>.s are a;adeofletals
( iron ), like belt blia.:le- etc.*..
The systeomatic :..int ermnae of clothes could not be
accomlio'sh ,d by s.pec!.-lizod ua-its ( Re'air and - •inten',e_
Comoanies, L>undry Co."a-,riies ....) Th- individur'l •1rýctically

1[ Jv..3 3

assumed the rew.)onzibility for' the lnwidarj~ng mctm-

oran~tina groups of llenr B3asos for the units, %,ie shoul.d
be cnble to or.-rcale 'itmnoservicos for personal1
effects and for t~he whole carap,
Finally, the distribution of availt-ble su~ppl.ies
wqA not easy, bacause "1 to satisfy the dezinnds, one must
know -these dei-n~nds,,,,1To~wj the raobi).ity of the troops
tho fluctwivtionrs of personnel, the necessity to mniint~ni
secrets..., th in i cie-.ci of iiaii~ons, th. ~or~
of oertQain elerien~tary notions", mide the di stribution mis_-
sion extreniely diffiou2.t."
" On tha other hcnd, it is also veryv hr,,rd to
pinpoint exactly whott the reguireiaents are. This should -be
considered en -Lioce-,tad fact, and a mtora floxible wrxy to
reqjuisition should be ado'pted hu
Ai .nl ~t dr~l2in.

£be, explained; these ex lac~tions do not fool ainyone.' They

constitute' can ncmote
~~ticeo The stopyinr of wilste
does riot 11a"ve anythin,, to do with ,; cereful and bothering
I-contability I but mora t.ith the action of the, c'onnnnder and
the prof es.zion,:l conscience of tie opd-es at all echelons,,"
114 ~ Report of the Qucarterrair',star Gener-al, F, T * 1,0.)3

PUAZTICU1~ '_ "-2~0BI.S-3 0_7 CL01.)U2ŽiJAN Be-St i uý

ty to procoure Ill ~he clothing, e,-ui-oment for the different
cl-1te-ories of oerseon~iel, it was necesso-ry to splythe
ýtrpoops stcationed in Tonicin c.,nd in La~os with special beddin;g
equil)menit oithe Whtr
N ev e rthele1ess, it soaoms that the use of spiecial.
cover and equi...ent could ~vs beon avoided, becrause rithe
co.~~tsuit, wiith undarvicar of the Armericf~n ty~pe n-nd one
w ool1 sviea 4ter, s' o u 1J1 b,3 suf 'iciant for thle s oldier, Se-
condcI liutenant ýX. . . SBervice of-L~ioer for a; bcattalion.J]
In cad~lition * the solaier should receivC ,. short poncho
M d e of, *o ,aS c v.'hi c11h, ohen f oldead , co u 11 b e! ~lcr e c!i a
sma~ll ba-P attac~hecl to teco-,-,cit belt.
IThe coiabat uniformi %VI-?snot criticized Csorle
off i ce rs holvtever-, have conr.Iýined becý use thera were uni-
f o =as poorly citx', poorly adjusted, n~al dif::'icllt to ý,dap nt
to th,, d~fitse c ftoLe, o its formi, but theo
qunlt ofte te:?,i-. Aiade it -1-cti c,..~ i..poss±be toi
be utillize&- o v.3 rese,,s Th2- til in J..1'Yct, w~ oo 1v v vy
-an!too w.arr.... "iI."ty-,)o iA a clenr i-., 3v, iht,
b ut. t "1 r i Z,!It one0 is no10t YCt;1di 2C 0,vrd :-eo
-r 00t of the
S r. "t r y Sa vvicre%
The folilowiwi- opinion is n~Jso Vint of the Scnli-
{t'.ry Servioa: "1 The is well cne
co:4Thit unif'ori.i %,-hich
iv'odt is mlJX-do of' a he,.,vy maaial eliaort inperiewý,blo, hriýrd
to worsh, -nJ whioln :;k: tho bod,7 ovcex'av:ee~t. 'Tho nImrtioan
u~nif'orma i- be-toter (_~ the pa.rachut-ist' a unif'orla is li.rhter,
more flexoibl.e .1nd eruwy to wa~sh." C Report oV' tho: Snitar'y
"L~hi~ raqlaoauant o.,? theG helmet by a hat wis -an
excollent 46 6.e but !., ,,ora flexdbico type Mnd with less
vddico brim sboua ý 'vllea.tedl".. Rpoto h

T-he oo:Ab,.-,t boot wo~s rea).sced 'by one nmatde of

0clo1;h and rubber, In tho floodad ý,reas, it virks more con-
£o'~ot-o ie-r thin n~ Joo.Vtr boot so,-.!od with wact-r
tough, tind cutt;in ' but in ýthz elry aroas, it. caused thei
-honttin-ý -ol± -the--iae~ mn-po ni- aSible Strong -iso.-
)itin2 i-,e or rubbor- aolns, ovor ro,'e soles would. h1-ve
aVOi(I-Cld thls troublo
fl-b"ty rind ea~se of'
ry sarvico.] ;395E7.D~
:v~intA in~ I-t
Rý.hi.. of' t
So nita-

0pr troYunis I).wS L¼r r ýr

of' t:_L'cT of' fts)31 food ( v1Z-tcble m, ntp). and of' t,11e 1.
saonotony of' r,,tions." L Rep1rt Of' t" 6 S`1nit'2KrYF rv CC.J-----
... It s!euAb o~~ ht ;t fey,' ex~-
ce-ption ýnid for briof -periode-,of ~i fresh ifood be edded

Further, Mmn~y retions Of' Vie nur-p e an type

c~i~tnotcotain sa.lt tablets or anti-palud-1 )2'od.ucts.
Thiese haid -to bu added, a;nd this causDed di.'ific-alties of'

On the other htnd, "in certain rerdons, a spe-

ci-_lsetw-up has alloaed tie resupply of' frozen w~eats of
excellent qctuclity. It ;vlorl:s out woel.. Report oft thfte
Sianitary Service.]
Th-1 distributicn o'iews
1 ir.d p%:iza bl1Oe n d
it cc~usea dift'icultpoJeZ:
c~ee "The Quartcxrmaaster Servicewv-is f o r ced by 1:co!cl
Miti a,"teri±ol. utilized, l'!-bric~ted locCal1-r, c'emnt
ol- dil'
type, but t .ve e::ce2.lent sCx'viS." 12.1 o r t o 1, t1i e
a '~vtraC. o~ri z3irctor :f &,?~0
Voldq4ýj 332

In the evn~iyo: futur'e o.)era-iorna in

re~±or1s with ho t plimcatel it is inrlisnensa'.be to orGI'nimo
the ice' sevioc), [ See VolwaUi 111.J Vo this Itnz'poso,
senii-ftid rnxý.ohinaz should be immtý.ll2cl in lcrpinýionn while
mQvin-l ic-: mi:,ýohin.es ruhouilc ,,o to posts, O"Impo, or
SR".1po'rt of theo Qwcntrer~mnstea General, Dirootor o~r the Q111
F *l P* 0 .J
sae df~foulties, lnve lbeon encolantaiedt
OU-9ppy the tro-)ps with drinks.
As it lins olreody been imentioned in the halipter
ddioated to the S--mltary Service "1 thle water, when aivail.a-
blib., not only is danmlrowii, but nlso reulsive..."
" Thlroce~ssez of .?Llriica~tion hzave never b~een.
sit i t, oto ry:
e purifyrA6 Lwcie
-th ~r evy and diffioult t
ao ve zround,
-the coiclproducts d o riot free the wtater f£romi
vilaat is in i tCtc nia ive it tca ste. I'[ See Vtotums 111.]

woumld I1,ave been. desýirmble .to lheve aev.i 1 -ablIeV
dom t ~hle~veol Tthe co ipanx ton of water thr-t [
'dnsO'-z s-roci:ad &'iriolnd
chierai Cal mems~dr''b
:'l chine, siihU.ailr to L1,t o?ý
t h.,- kii.e-ricai Arr~ay.
Th~e cansuniption :of ten obiu-asl~x
prb~tof drink:s v nd thie 'Buro--eans .:.n -at uised to it
guie wllwit soie ersvernce., but, tl-ie tei mast
be LO
gV0oocet quality.
It is useless -to under-line the inconveniency of-
wiein a, tropical country: its consmwa~tioaa curini5 the dc-.y
ha-:s c.auLied scever-a!Li .ccidents ( heo.t sti'ol~rs. ) Purtlaer, itsV
-price, the way it keens, tlivz. difficulties in utilizino- it
there, nal-ale it a "lde lti-a" product
Conocýntrmted vine did not hswe a great success,t
undoc..btedJ.z7 bee _-sa the wiater needed to diluto it hadl a
saltyr ta-)ste, but 'iso beca.use t~he qp.lit-y of' the product,
e :zceljjnt in the b~inr~ trbecome worse.
Deer ,oe to te zma:;o 2ýrobln:s, ojhnot aLs
bnd. It vtc_:s :±aae loc~ally and could be clisuribu-ed with
ea se and ever-yvhere.

T~ D;IHX22<i.I2T "Since
- th-10 ia2 in Tnhdochina
of ouir fi~rst elo!2:ents, the Bx:?aclitioninry 0orps macle use of
4en ,idrI.ni2strctivo.,sct a2~ vlhich- o7,:istecl :,Po_ ,i 1-n- 1jime.
At tho be-innin- !Tiere were no d~ficlte.
f ch.n,3ed,
Ltr tir
" Thc: It' ok of~ ý,,roonnel i,.n4 iaiatez'io3,
Jtiie utili.ution of~ por-ot~i~v, ntropolitan nnd coloniall
tex~ts cwc theo aduinistrativc method~t o:ý' the Units, became
the wa~r-

the greatest inconveniences fox- the ý)uatera-ineter Corps,

ospooial.E~4 consideria,2 thto ever inoreesinj num~ber of troops
i n the9 Lcnnd Foroet ot the Par EnstHo R1eoort off the quar-
ternicaster Oeneral., Goner&a1 Direotor o~the, Qn, P4'.T.E.O.J
At the level of the troop coorps, some dispoai-
t tions h,,,d to be tiken- meinly to f..Cilitato the eSo~o~unti.n
of receipts -anda;:pnltitures,
The, mi:ncdatory o,,,ening of oheol~ina qtocounts
for tho, diobursjinv of.''icer 11n~nd other, si;,iple operations
"wereto chr~n,;e ths role of the di~blarsizv f$ort
tha~t of a cashier with a kreao~ount in ý!t-e Treasury
and a smnall
epoi~ of,
amnount of muoney on hand,
.. ,~.OJ n te nohd,"i
eea:,ýDr6fort t~e. pett fZT
)~tor o'~X
iis peferable that the
a' -
Oop osnt trst-,nsport, and ceeý l~rj6 ,fdiids dri'ng ope-
r itionr -0Xadi
Ser'-O"nt X.J d oni the pt441r' Ic,.nd the
dinburs-in-1 o-ý_era-iion; 16ust, not be done 1ýy ~r e r.t th e :J1.e-
vol of-the bcnttt~lion, The dis1Yursiiig Q utreee
fz ota the renar MIL: docaments alrez.dy peard"Reoport' of
'the Q tZ'ater General, Director of 'ýhe&;,111~ '.T. B~ 0.
Vhoa-ai ermy- o f
v- aceritAs,l i
4Ytv -±t
[po.:Ible to klec p track of each, ooldierts ý,sues,,ftri~z aK,
clpai M-. The individulal clothing fori~i cannot benkl~t
up, to da~te by the troops during oversea's operc.,tiOpnS,

The maintenance and proier ttsa,7e 0~ indiVidual

equipmient should only be~ the res~ponsibi~lity of the co~rn
mnder and his should be, the duty to ttake carxe of wA~'Ste',
and inpar-conable ne-ligenoes,
Because of the lack, of the nbove _mentioiied s~in-
plific.ition, the troops had to suffer for Lill that -PaneY.-
work th!"t they hod ijo )reprare in the middle of burdez~so:11e

ansThese duties were even heavier since the nocount-

oftheir incotmlote or htast-y prop, ration." Report of, the
Qu rt-ý r"Ias t Cr iiroral, Director of '$, 7.0.
" The nutabcr of personnel work-Ing in ceccounting
capacities nuovt be revised an(! reinforced at thle level of
bat'tn:lioii or &Sroup. At the echelon of the cow±pany, there
mustt be a mi.niIutna.i of prsonnel Juist :L'oz-- t~kin., care of any
olh n-ýr,ý thuayan of pers.-onnol, and eventually tie admi-
nistration o-P ordlin-ry tpsks." Rioort of t~he ".1. Generel,
Director of QiF.C.BOF6J
S' Finally, disbursin- officers hctd increased respon-
•" sibilities
Bases :or lonS up. to roeai.lned
thir units
sincep2erioda, ivolntod from
many consecutive the Roar
months. The
i fuelac o: offioors often lead to the delesrntion of their ,da-
tic; to non-comi:Assioned officers of the 4igher grades 'with
all the inconveniences that could result from such situations.
iFurther, it became sometimes difficult to have on
hmnd protected places or safes. Nany thefts were aomooplLsh-
After hnving advocated the placing back of he
) aj n n tre,
B"±,;aJo2* uoer at
sections the the
) and level of the regiment
administrative ( with
zantion of small units a't tho level of battalion, a Q1.1 n6n-
commissioned officer concluded:
S" •The above two ohanges would, allow the State to
S: save money and enable everybody
n ea pr'aoct ol mann~er. " --
to perform their mission
-- -

Towards the end of the hostilities, the regrouping

have been theBases,
of the Rear beginning of a possible
whenever in a Regiment,
reorganization ooulaabove
as outlined
by placing each disbursing officer " under the direction of
a Irajor ch•red with 'their surveillance, to guide them, and
-to sea tha . Inta~in and '1ioiv.a
~ wreo
. afiort -

ata ap'pliado -in the-sameanner- inievb o~s

-• i of the Quarteomaster Goneral, Direotor of Q11, F. ,T O.

To conclude, " its is absolutely indispensable

.. i for troops involved in an overseas campaij-n. The sa
ssae [
from a peacetime operation to v. wartime operation must
have the least number of modifications."
""Particular instructions would be prepared for
each theatre of operations ( Par East French \7est Africa,
ii ihadagascar, etc..." [Report of the.
of Q1,' F.T.E0.1.J
genernl, Director

ii* r


•| II



Smission fThe health
qjuite service
well since it, can be affirmedfIliCosled
in IndochLna its
that ever~y

•[ wounded soldier who had a chance to survive and reached

the oEeratxnd facilities wa s saved.

prten~do he Meol-pa urgates ic

as it hrd happened in previous colonial campaigns. Since

oil-- this doou".ent is to be of a general nature, this chapter
covers only •and- ex cudin.•that
information inform~ation use for Headquarters
can be of•oon~cerni~gh-%e hni~oea-I ........ .
.. ..... •.•t•.,'op•
medical material.]

TACTICS - The t•,ctics of the service had to be' adapted

to the character of the war without front ana to the cistan-
ce from France., I-t had also to be based on sone elements
proper to the theatre of operations:
The troops were dispersed and more or less important
equipment had to be, placed almost every•'here.
-Generally speaking._ the losses were not many, but the
T iproportion of the seriousiy wounded was high, L Statistics
of the losses according to the nature of the wounding agent
could only give a superficial view of tho whole, since the
wea.Pons used by -he ene'ay ',wz extrea-ely v-,riable according
i to the ti;.• and the pltace.
For this reason, at the beginnting of the cMapaign, for
r " every three men hit there was on. dead an,, two wounded.
L Th.- proportion of the seriously wvounded was obnormwl and so
iwere the wounds of tho chest and of the abdomnen ( ten times
greater thc..n in the 1939-1945 wr-,r. ) This, baca.use of the
Ssniners, who shot fro.i fairly close, soz-eti1qeo with stripped

, [
Sight' yers later, if we take as an example the ope-
rations between Septiabar 1953, inoludedand 'Inroh 1954, ex-
oludcd, in the Northern area of the TL'onkdn delta, the pro-
portion of losses wcs dif:ý?orent: one dendfor every four
wound&od. The via r with mines had boeLn end we had to at-
;tributoAt toDIEN
it 731 of the dead and 59' of the wounded,
BIEN PHU, instead, the losnos were caused
mainly by the artillery and the mortars.]
. The scarcity and','adiodority of the itinertries.
made the evotuations slow and "shocking", Sometimes an
entire route hd to be opened for this purpose :nc only
by siir lift could the aeelth units oper.te as coherent
- The last step' in the ewvcuation was to Prs.nce. But,...
first of all, the wound ed and the demased had' to befit
___for ah a trip_ nd !,-a hospitbll facili.iesv:e~ze-nQeded-
for, this.
- Finally, as the nAabor of indigenous soldiers in-
croased cand the No.tional Armies were formed, the n'..mber
of the sick and the wouhded increased, It was impossible
to send them to France raid they had to be treated locally
u.nt4l they i,!ere wp l1again, The hospital facilities had
-eo ibo %-~'t~se n di-d
-~zi the -Spp~i.-l7rd ~4.res-- ---
For all' these reasons, the fiealth Service had to
iimprove towards d'ecentralization.

THi i'.• 'IOR-U.RDHEALTH SE-RVICE - This service, whose main

function is to ,,ickc up the bodies and to rgivo the first
aid could not be insured by the units of tme classical
type as those attached to the first units that lan-
-ed In 19-1T, Utsh as the edic6,a Ba' 11ion in
the U.aS. Army,.. the 9th D..I,.,or Ms. the. Company
of the Armored Division, detachzent of the 2nd Aroaored_ Di-
vision, were too heav.y and needed a coriplex and wvell orga-
nized syotel of evacuation,
The Service had to ohange ,..nd to face a technical
problems which never changes: the seriously wounded must
receive the nocesary help on time.
All the units thrtb came from: France vere dissol-
ved anc.. a series of new units, aapted to the U aloc.1
tions, !..,er'e set up:
-first aild -pointo,
t v~nic od ourr-ison.1 f C cJ_ 1,
~d 2
-1 zavi n:',.2,~
er 1Oju:me

- 10
-V!, :_.odical te:._.,s,
!m-'rts, eto.....[ The og:-nization of the
missions of the ýi-inci:x! units are exoosed in Volum•e III,
,becusc t'.e.g(eter part of tVh .. for.•niuas t.i•"- out in Indo-
-- .2V2.. 0 •,
Sti7on. 0 :

~ ~ 337

Ltatr -the strucL~ture of Vinse units was oheanZjed

soveral) tines, 'to obtai~n n better viorking fovrmation ( o.
quipment that coul.d be droppeod )..to ?aoe'new demnnda,
and~ boot.)Lio ao..io e). aonts ~ii becmae atatic Paid chan-1
Zed into torritorip.1 services medical. teornst lnbormtory
equipmeont, etc....),

T1v1B UiIITIT 1 Th
- ein'fal -- orc~i
£anc of the whl structureof th aiaysevc o h
territory was. bassod on the xmobila elementslwhioh beotme
stvtionnry and wvere reinfo~rced aa needod,."
"1 Garrison in.UrAnwri es, ho spital infiriaeries,
ae e~er ooad.- srie sot U~p" This
continuous of'fo0rt of or"3aniz~ntio'i n
wptho -thea nyiobo.
o.:- miaterieilai pesnal but remsodw rnth tpicale
csIL~: Pr~a- -rk ana -did -not- yzre ent any partrioular -pr

The )or',;er ornaizations

" and thle basio ones
were ma de u:2 rs fo2J-ow.s:
- nfiraciury sectlions,
-healing centers,

aer systt a fo ~rome ec.i ~' rectn

uiio r,: in Xorther-a a-nd Southa~rn Vioti=72 and t' o pati ants

\hni South ViEtnr,-:a `-ciete ra in base, ell

s cc iv2ý J.z e 31 sarviccoj 1:ere ;-rouvod so tis to -zermit thei
treatment- of C~ n-aie& nt by sneci~aliwzd oorJ.rpdl
w e vr -nee)dc6
and -o,-,.nles,-ly ý,heno,, Othaer f'orza_,tionn: viorlhed
in cas iisnvih the I rger units. 'iLthese lhaid, there-
fore, 'Yo.ctivol' ze.-rvi oe,- ith qualified ~rnulin the
aniount desired a~nd th ter~eL re;ir
-- As soon As posoible tli oime were evv. aacl U - -

to Froatc, and in the course of theso o- rations, the -a'-

tiants wer2e -r.oved from the front u n-it#s to o theiar f or:tions
that -uarante cd the* continuance of t-heir trec-trnents and,
in caot, of oorap2 c~-ations, help could be obtainea frorm the
cell r1 rvices," Roport of the Dirooti a orT'ŽSoni-
jtary Services in tie Far East.J
Progressivel~y, a logrical and complete systema was
-jset u, ri all the complel-mentarty services viere united in
hho aip t l thut ,-,ere speci-ilimad in the trcat,.Vint of' ýases
that vacrc very )eou~j? hl other hos-2itals tre.,oterl rUti
ants that viere not serioub, but needod loehospittlýJOZtions,
Lh~E ~\3.38

''This or,,,.niz,,tion4 ,-reatly helped the w~ounded,

r ~~~~~.:4 asr, ofC it the Mca:i:iurn~ utililiao ~2) vi
lcab2. beds couild bni of-,otola, .ai it diii not d~istribute
tho e rxontlel thooretical~.7y; th.,, vv.r o diotvibwL-od acoor-
din,, to t~o ox,,c-U 'd-,-Iad taid tor lt~in

" The HIealth Zervice 'in Indioohina becao1 little

by litt-le a complete orgmniiam emd not Just arno1thex milita-
ry Viv e,1 Rnuport o f the FeadcqwArt ors f or HIe ilthi Se r-

Ox:'T3J The
wouncobilit th pi of tho
ruch wzMs t-10 tr b0-attalion midt corapany

"II -2e av
cibit io of thie iroun~ded froriitho battle-

Dc~i~fotoy ;acnner.
" In t ho region of the deltag -the u.nits that were
ou iii~ t'6,io :,,co ovddies viere of-ten severl 4,16
away from any road or: via t ervvw-r The vwou~ndoe h-ad to be eve-
cuzn.tod. -f ro m the rice' )-d,1ieo on stretchlers.-

- ~ ----- ~ 't,ý~i~e di ,
i e o o f ma~~rohin,- over slip, ery psne-asarii
f1i cti
ýaum of four uciJ vias abou- na~cO'.-s-ry foax"' :a- wf.fl\ho
17ý1 o~ Io.sy wo ul cl,:,d Fý 0ou.1 d no w a11. * 1P ur taar,

- o~riy t iht ia ipi'~ to eva-
CU- oe at nir'it: the ix~i ;;ho h-ad been at 1G0
1nded s
Iv. n,- - ruem'n:o ra cohan es to tha-n the man w~ounded at noon,"
" .dith the Gex.Ltion of so~ae favor2able o,*;s c.ei
te v',ouln led coul be ev,,,cuated ovar short ots teol
pospible s al u tion was t~he heV ootter.
"Tn o f ti-)mn wore needed, lso to pick
un thie vi oand d wi ';' a iainimi~au of risck.. ~o~ from
the reports of tvto battualion m~edics.J.

" The problci as eve-n more seriou~s in the aoun-

tainous re-i s'. Here is one of uraany exampl1es:
After the bu~ttl of I1,LA~24Invr 93
th,. 21slzt (4owa aa rc~1ievoc1 in itsoenti-rety to býý -,ble to
evý,.cuate i - t ounkled ( 1' i-ien -por stretclier
jt, aeneed-
ed over that terrain, ) their wea-,oas -nd those of the 20
mlen V/ho1 hnad died. -It employed 24 aoar"S -to Covor soven or
eirnlt ICilometeors st the cost of -, total e:h:ildon~ thfeN
lozs of' the mora sarim,.sly ,-ouzided."
Gelnerclly s-pcoal:in-, no seriously woundehd :výn
was ever s".ved 1 since it too], tw~o or threo days by strat-
cher to t~zhim t'o thie sur!,icr'll center of ILAIMCUAU, and vie
coulcl never -et a- helicoo:Iter, "
These viero first used 'in the a~rea. around LIJOIAU
at the time of~ the operation "CASTOR"." [1Captain X... Cora-
mandinS Officer of ~u.
The Viet Ylirnh had the sane -difficulties -and -a
sueoi ofRAi~nt 46,: cat-ured-in 1954,, declared: 117.1oat
Of theo time~, the transport of woutnded 1,.on is done on foot,'
seldora by car. The, difficulties and the slowness of the
evacuationls cwa te wounds to -et in-:ýected along, the iayV
..na znpny xmen die or becom.e :a. ci worse,"

but th'tesme-
Therefore,' th~ere -should havI been manyr halicop~ters,
ar'zived_ oil~rlat inte
be tatwas alwavs insufficient
xe 150 anc in a nia-
hsetit we aved~
ble, hovwever, did a good job and betwieen 1950O and the it
of Aug-ust. 1.954t they effected 9,640 "prim~ary" evaCcuations.
Shetotral nt~aber was 10,820 as 'indicated in the chapter
dadic:Ated to thae helioopters8j
In the i terior and'in theaesna SAIcG0Nthe
1< ~eveteatinions-co-ud- ~be~9-P-Výeot
werez' used wth ref-eten-ee
e -b~y- car, -but
I-Gve the~eqsq-
spita- -i -~fts-
often lon;., [ Report of t6e Headqua~rters for the Sanitary
Services in t*hnL, Far East.]

Fýrance the wiouxjidead or' the sick since wie actuallvr did not have
areail hos-)ital ship, At the en, fann ers old viar
Twe still used modified ships. The one that, in 1954., was
consi dered as the hosp)ita shlin fox- *7-)C-HC"1A w~as the 0QR1GO11,I
which wn8 so~n to be olilm1nated, ana. whi ch woiit bn et ad*
forth four til~ies a year wi~th its old, en-4 nes."
There ts. no air conditionin- on board: with one
enrrine oat it cann~ot re-o&e ye the wounded. nor the sic!. it
is nr~t a hospitI7J. ShIp" L Report o~f the FHeadquorters fo r
the Sanitary Services in the r"Ir RastoJ
The airel.are was, thus, -recatly used to bring
Ithe wIoundad bacok to France, eopecially in 193-3-1954.
11It i0 of 12,000 1:iloactmrs, thait lasts
-11 gjlgt
at least _31 hours, This zaearis thnt tho pv.tiento Luuet be in
the condition to -o throug,-h this tirinz~ trip. Planes wiere
utilized only for thos'o vwo coulcd traveal; Et long period of
prec~iration was nooded before do,.-rtin- on w~oh a tr'ip.'
"So:.e airplanes carried men in stretchers. It
seems that, fortmen who must lay down the evacuation by
air should be an eception, especially over such long dis-
tancos, and this Just to save time."
" The ship is the best way: the patients can lay
down and find the same conditions of a hospital." E Report
of the Headquarters of the Sanitary Services'in the Far East.]

HYGIMITE AND PROPHYLAOXIS - Prophylaxis is atthe very

root of the keeping up of personnel, but it deogends on the
Sanitary Service as much as the Coramanders atjcall echelons,
and on the soldier. This oxplains the faul that the doc-
L tors often remarked.

V . .
In his report on the operations<, the Director of
the S.nitary Services said:.
" The Imowledge of the cadre and of the indivi,
dual1 in regard to persona'l and collective hygiene, and the
principles of first aid, is almost non-existant."
" The eleTaentary rules of hygiene are explained
in all manuals. Unfortunately t hey are not followed or
-theiy ~a~re -otThe ~s~oldr4-is iliar ed foroe hoa i-
J en ranwa-onS- -zazd~-h~e-is~ n~ot--~-choe -f-rhsh-pla1--i'-
condition and hygiene, which are equally important...."
1 The soldier's instruction should be implemented
t•hat oove~r-thi~ •.utv ecaich~is~as.imp~r• ...............
as subjects about combat. in the camps, and especially'in
those whate personnel is assembled and the last medical
check urs tre UaAde, pr,-.ctical exercises in hygiene should
be conducted: individual, collective, camp hygiene, drink-
ing ylvater ( how filters work, ) etc...."
" Just as the specin'lized teams of the Sanitary
Service cannot insure the cleaning, the m=intenance, and
* the hygiene of each unit or group, so the Sanitary Service
wil 1 not be able to assist all the wounded on the battle-
fieid when needed."
" It is
useless to iaultiply the number of nur'ses
Sr strechter bearers. V-That is needed is that eoch soldier
ca:rries a first aid kit. While waiting for the nurses, the
strechter bearers, t ,.c doctors, ho must b• hble to givc the
first aid with the means he hos on hand, lie iaus know what
to do and what not to do. This is even more iTm1portant for
isolated soldiers, in a hostile jttn.le."

""- First aid is extremely important. A wounded man

who hns had the leg fractured by n bullet, or w,:ith a broken
hip, and who has noot been taken care of, arrives at the sur-ical

i' !
'3 1

faocilities in n stnte of aidvanced shoock, and sometimG8

c,-nnbt. roccver froimiit. A tourniquet that was not needed
or in the wrong placoe c~ius~a a caitastrophe ..... "
Sometimes, tho most elementnryr rulJes of clean-
liness, hnav.npt been' respec-ted, andt not because of the of
Particul4ar si-tumtion of the oporn'tion: the3 high ntrabor
skin desepseFJ inyeie'lcos, roves thmt ,the
men ha ld~d±~ultieO, in grka.tioing the simp lest formsb of
hygione `of :ýhe body. It wtas often rep( e i 3~tsopw
distributed wt :eularity ad so6 were clothes-ý"0
SThe, dnn~z imin f rom nezli4ýn, ,n: dizpo-
inofescor emnts wrll F a serioius pýo'blem 'in nITDOT. .111iA
Toilets wodre often -poorly built,4 tooý bigtj in~stalled with-
out any consideration, for the. natturei of the te6rraijn, and
'Poorly,zsiatained.' ,ineir uitiiizatioi 'was not roegtA)ýL'.r,

th ichnweetThhrersiso in tllohtio-s
Al 6
gthi munst be , Cond itti
sorc u
ttollof 'aioiln. 1 eve[ lai.oc
ot otetJ laf~tlitoss nof
b dr
a n voa in thce ar

th4'.k itchensit teribte to ro dofeallies.a-ios


ŽAr1 tiavs muthbe,most notable. an ite dis riue:bs-
tinQ nttioin e th
prorate -ervfý eHcdruaiiansta
£oflw Oinsceip ns, sh0r thC the sod do ot norel
Sly itakey therv1e ti-n thei Farllsq.]?el~nea~ ako

1 S Shn it i
CRAIýD'eEn roe atthee
The~1 ditiiin the 7nd th
axne mautin-
ý)dten of nets viain st paoseqdfitosm'v
OAnce nteone
a lwy bI
hno eiy.Sm nt aebe to
ot'sareas ta w
very si trithute tny trotpto.
la rilai n
Someti wat iotal r eae
n ~ cured thban

drionkfinslater ii fnraout the hServiene o h otscran

careýTh wy"sp-,easures to ren
vlenits-.vent th
Sct-y at huswere

bettýer.y Somemutearis thate theesetiztio mthatwrepe.al

veyiIlnicwthu n rtcin
SmetIn r.1o aw -. aiycrdtn
sets dbmcore a-'nj
in 9. son.. souio s not good sinoo it hardens the olothos
a~nd it irrit,.teb wain~ul- l Y so.,ae pnrts of t~he body. Report
of' the Tleodquitrtera of' the 8cnnitaz'y Services in the Pair BinstJ
Ethylisni, ,-ihiolh is so com,.iofl Muoiq ragulLar tr'oops$
was observed frequeiitly ini some units of' the Corps,
f ~Alcoholiam could be expl.ained by dif'ferent reasons:-
t he isola.tion of' cart'ain posts-an the natural. con-
sloqueXIOPS of,,. rbaesiokness,
te thesionc oEan O~rrL- reteriods tha~t f'ollowed
tli, 'f tnsin
dys enl, eve y~l pe nt in a consta~nt 1ook
-of seacuri ty,
-tha hi,* toianbr'Attre, w.,hich I md s one, to drink,
-the_ _1
of~Sh MuI 0 a~blo Vht r. ýhhe to i-
ccity,, of.' ~l6cd±2 alcoh014O.c 1e vera,,e s iore ase, theoey~a
ef'fects of' drinkcin,3 when, it' is very b.~tJ
T.e, 1f'i.&ht that too:aotnders had. to do aif ered
fom PIPoe t6 pht10 InJ93for insta.nce, i~t wasf'or-'
bicdeni to:.
-r-ejuen, o Other' ýIrin1ki~A3, plsv-c

'2o scl2..aloo'holio 'b:)vo':.eq to all socldi'6rs' in

~a~L1 st~a=6 vUp, Ln.cua.tw et ~~4trr -

Z~uriodiction, bef'ore 13 ho:,ars. ...

al ~ 'T'he Sz,:nitary, Stri'vce',o~liminated f rom the Ji4~

a 1 lh acouholics i.n O'n advanced state and took caZ'e of'
ai'those who c6611d be curPed 1,iýth desintoXication raethod6,.
" Vener4D,2. d~s~eases 'hIva always had ~tcertain in-
cidence in th e 'T', -oadittionary:,Corqs,ý but afterýa' pea k in 1946,'
194-7, 130 4`1; number o'f cases ~r~tdydecre' soJL until
the cease-4i'ire.
This, too, de-pends on -a cert'ai-n eduocýtion oýý
t 1.e Candre. ýrofllfctic i2e:,as tres reava~ilable to the xiaen
butt in th-I to,:nia ,,hore thl Joase are viors:ý, these e:rnn s

Oil the Ot~ler hafnd, forceful 21ethodst, in this

in-tL-nce , arc not a.xflw% s tepro,-er nto~
s omnot i-aos,
t, ey ar:e Ovum A±In venerealt.
instruaction s~J~ dedicatoa to t,.he te'&.in1oP-T
ý!.~o'olim ad vneral esose.one of'
t'ho 8t roIi-'r SouJvc1od.st i the ý'xrvd

preovntive mcl ir)s'n thict fieldt zhoiAd no t b '0 ~otr,; tnqn.J

"Driankiin wnntor has been ýfiltnresd, ieild
w~ith chlovid'i7l ta-blosefu a:,d with ~,~tt nitrvciines -of
th'a os
typ Dt rao 1-te andi~e N r nd 'hloierxj oil vi th sýo r,- iu ma

0o ~t c' u:1*~cl not 'ýovv how''- to o-_.ir'%to tlmmt '-.rle cithor

th a tr
OcA>,o~ide tvb3ets ill vnter -t-hin ot-~ yiolly
- c~.eci~,o~di
- -lot ~ble",
a'~e~ 4n' 1on Lizah ill Other
i~t ~ V'~21-7~
t~:h_,c b~ca: :L -e --was-
pOxr od vi
~ra "thou da
Vciae cvl. nv:.c.- city uill .hotroops
~is ~t-xanoc1 in Ihe, s o :.i tK;,z't
o ",ý. T~c-rt of~ the HIeaclLu r-
ter~s o:l the S, ni ti:'y Sz avcs intosh~ t.J3
The E~xpeditionarxy Corps Lind t!e Allied Arata1.e
seof ~his-r -dtmannd- f-or- f Le I gro-w-- wi-th--the±-'- - --- - -

t ------- nthe_ inc

development, For-- this rea~son 'the oonewaiption of all pro-
ducts in 1930 weas 131,000 cubico :a.3ters. Thre e years Ia~-
I haid doub~led:. 260,000 cubic m~eters; a~nd in 1954-it
~ter it
wais Lip to 356,000'cubic meters,
The Fuel $ervice-' Ipersonnel was :never hidaer-
t -- than 5/1-, 000h Cop
of~ -th xpditionq. 99y nd vere madeA
AP as roilo-wa:~_- ----

At the level of the Comma~nder in Chief there,

was the :Ieadcuerters for Fuel Services in the Far East
ani oism me. de Lup of the dIS2e rent bran, he a
and. which was in e
thr~e~ ..... cn4'ea ~r&
of the C.EtF.E.O. 'and of the Allied Ar.,aies.
At the level. of the territories, he a.bsence
of a Ieac1q,Lirt era for the branches ncA~led otbove had lead
j to the creation o-l, delezations ander tie co.._..a~ac of the
1)ME.. but vic t0 e territorival com!.nirld had. a ten-
dency to consider las 'directly uncdhr tlaer. Scume diffical--
ties derived froia thria situi~jtionr ,, Io con
corris the restt:)ply of. the Air 703rce.

Since thne viar docm1-_nderJ the dispersion of the

unitsi Lanett it '.a necessary to O0.1eno~. very Thr".0
de:)ots, "in:.r
~nySv.J.1or rJenots, aild all moro or les"- on
a -je-rz~vnent, l"Qpnnr(.tionCv11" denots vwaro th1e eC-_
co;,tion vonCJ ' ntitzeeL little (an nverag-e of 20 to
30 c-:Lbic -actors por ckny.) 1",1-i s crist~llization of- the
sltlrnotnro vm a!7,1 o -- consaqu; en-c,: of thle terin:th
lnaclt: oL' dry n thet del.ta. re-ion a-ld thle bcs.ic m
po.rtý-nce of rcoac½ in the~ flood(-ed or iiapr:.tic-ble nvrocs.
Tho anwmaon
Ofthes do;?owavie insured by
e$i1 , .IL-SO ATX)i h
lar'or Coatoi'o, cuo S~IC(')NT 1j~ but; al the other
6'I,.tribuition ~qu~had to bo, tal;ori mare or' by military
mui.ts v~ihdid not hi've the ww~ mobil~ty that simil.ar
unito WwcvN in 'F~ur'o-, They ý,vora zprpad out in ci aro-e
unlnbý i of fi:xor. do&.otm. They -i~ll h, ovv,. s,,~ov
called 'Owperýý,tion,,A deipotss", medy to\ingux'e the rofueline,
'of the u.nits d1urz'in ol~eration1111*
,Tais adLtvaftlon of~ th- Ser~vioqe-to-the-no-oei-s
i ities. o* the thweatre 61opern?.tiofls hn's \pot ta Light us
any iiuportvmnt lesoono, though1 iuiful pOoiihts hanve boon
17, ~ learned about the tmrmisportcation of fLuePl '-nd the pro-
tectivo :oacauros to b'o takecn,~ie abtro
JT1ý7 1"E T )M'1
j1P2tAII~Tjc) 0,4" FUELL All mvniI.cble rneF,.As
ha.vo b~een'devirsed to tra.-nsmort ths '%brouI iot s toIthe 'ae-.
p ts:"he railroac. vThorever pos IbI teBeie-_ ---

hm d slo ly oathareA toaether 32 tmh4Vr&ilocx, h

see or the rivers C fou.r tcnk boats vtere 'L11 1; h
capable of corryiner 200 tons,J and especirml eh roads.
A 1l'-r- neroentape of the tronsnortation. on
lanrl1 wms inklurýel by ;oý-IM~eroial truc.kCsý, Imnted by the -

ruel seric,,. -Il- refe~ronce to-t his- '-~o- I wve musat

regre~t thlat ~th a - 71e cls-wat er s di-d rio-t al ,-l'i o V -,Ita

all the nvnilzblýý oom.aeroi,7l roqouroes, Since there

waes a disoJ'epfincy betivoci the doamn(1s aiid the prolper
utilim-.tion of- the racans oai hand ( the D..EO , for
Loaos beca~use of the lack of tuk.
The deniands macde Lis also utilize air t- -nspor-
tation to Laos anld Tonkin, t1houjgh" the cost *,mse higih
and the yield 'poor,
VI 0VMust also keep in min'd thnat nllý Containers
a re not used wamin , theo re-b icii!lly, andý th-at it .-oul.d be
interestiný. to 1m11Akce us of li ohlt and chea-. moeetericals.
The air drop of containers x' saltted in very
seriou~s losse3 ( about 201* ) and I for this rýv.Sono a
less lu-.u~rious, but stron-er mnd clhaper ..iaterial
should be fow'.nd. r Along.; tho s2.olines, wo can -. mention
V.Ic,',e s-es ;týf.,oroc b ecu-a s e of the poor ca're exercised
by thcý. units: b--rroas -and C-Ins stac,,e:d ill thae aucw
broken or no coverel -,remse pl,.,cedin old mm~s, cuses, or
just in -nf-ier contaI~nerzs,.
T is elie-11 cniused th.,. continuous e d to clean
"Ip sy:ztcrl-tical~y ýýtrý,Clr and, containers in the.i n'ot S,
Since all Class V products a-re G:.6treI:iolyr LoIat
to zaodcrn unito, t~ae drivers should bo instrlactEŽ C1a
e?, to Dayant'eation and excerciso care in haond ing them.]
P '
•'"OO.'•:'nCi'T OP D)T' Depots seldom suti'ered from
direct atteoos
Only the doeot nt P•EAN 1JMIEIST wee bombed by
motar n ot totally destroyedhile th
HUJb, deyot w%.s aclmost completely burned down by inoon-
diary bonmbs in July 1954.

of the guerrilla [ with the exception of the Toarane

J• ~~~in 19321,which
fo'r wan almost
which' the OiVilia•n destroyed by sabotago
totnlly pron~-okn:~ .......
i was responsible,1] The results of these actions wesre.
S!v vtrinblettaeo'rdlne"' to the m.eans of protection enmployee,
| .The attack of the VINII-WOIG deipo t wa s a fai lu-
re since
%Ywatoh d~ogs, personnel there,- aletted by the
the ractoted
-- toDO. -Tdepot in 195 3 t, only one t enker'
of 169000 oubi0 motors-exp~ ed, whle te oth - -w.
were not f'ected by the plastic charges because they
were protected by walls of reinforced conox'ete.
The conzierciol depot SIEIJL and the military
depot tat webre -partially destroyed in June
dp95-3 at le the depots ,t PqUTO, in 1952 the one
and etoot
TFOT-L_ J, enry-e 954P--tia e

These destruction did not 'ffect the operations

nor the refueling systom; the aost typico.1 example is
j •thet of ,IIiA-TRANG, burned down during, the night bet-
end thee
-ween~~~~~~~~ "Aelt~~h 15ho'Jn~-l-5
effect on the starting of the operation "AR'Inte" ( 15
Every tine, the ene-7 was able to enter the
depots without being detectedv the pr nce of a large8
nn personnel and of prisoners made it
easier for the rebels; in the depot at Hanoi, for in-
stance, the labor force was made up of one to two hun-
deed prisonersJ The enemy penetrated the barbed wire
and other defensive systems,

protection of
bega.n, therefore, to improve the external
the depots and that of the tankers.

A wall, 2.50 meters tall, was built around the

depot. It was painted white and cleocrly illu...inated
( one floodlight of 300 watts every 15 it
',v.s surmounted by b-•rbAd vhire and uwder surveillVnce.
SAnet of barbed wire placed a fefet frou the wall
completed the defensive system. £ It zoes without
saying that a g iJ2 needed for all this and also to
patrol the outside, The depot personnel insures the

!, [

protection of tho inaide area and, if possible, it makes

Ause of wqtoh doss.]
- The tankers are surrounded by a wall in reinforcod
concrete, without opening, one or 1 50 meters from it,
mnfd with a thiiOieso of 0mees A wal with a
thiokness of 0.30 meters can stand the effect of the
. explosion of a plaestio ohnrge with no other dadmgebut
a slight sor",ping.]
For oortait proxducots- we -had- to- -kee i-n- n ..
th',t f ire is spread by explosion an& a proefction of the
contents up to 50 meters away; barrels, instead, burn
without being throian up in the air.
The barrelt had to be stooked in stone inplaoe-
ments with a roof of -reinforced concrete to avoid boing.
"bffected bl, fPllna materials and mortcar shells.
- - The spreadin, out of the eaksO'-olcOT-rr-y-. cans,
!and their protection by moans of earth inplaoements or
walls of clay, was a sufficient protection.
I The operational depots hntd to be prepared in
relvAtively securo areas. The fact that there were troops
all -around m-de
i_ it unnecessary to buil d wL.lls ýor to 11--,
-- - - iune x~eedothe praotecA ptiotinarie-of ry

ThDispersion and lateral earth banks were

needed for the protootion against artillery or mortar




Utilizing since the beginning the preexisting

" - -erritoricl or,-nmiation [ the P.nts -of IiAIX , H.N, -

te rapidly a flexible and powerful systemg adepted to

"" the growing needs of the Expeditionary Corps. £ The
following chart shows this evolution:
"".1948 1950 1953
"- Plants 2
- 3d echelon units 7 12 15
- 4th echelon " 0 3 4
- other -units' 2 5 7
- vehicles to mmintain t 17,000 60,000
mi litery 3,100 4,497 7,00
ersonnel employed civilian
p- 4,750 4,336 8,100 ]

EVOLUTION - Two important steps in the growth of the

,!!:"1!" system were: 4
unit wasof cres.tod for complete
about 1049,
overhauling, the a repairs
one forwhen tihe engines of arm-
ored vehicles, e nJi two for the overhaul of Jeeps and C.T'.0.
about 1952-1953, when the Army took ovor the A.L.O.A.
and the need for a pool of motor boats created the need
for snec-,"lized m-.intenanoe units. C A.LO.A.'s Repair Sec-
tion (SRALOA), for the repairs of motor boats.]

"N1'ew sp~ooinlJized units viere orecated, zat~de up

Senera). rosarve units industrial in oharntoter and

I with importrait p:V.nts Lit their die'aposelli
-very light, mobilcn repa,,ir units, in-diroat support
Iof the fighting rop,.
-somne units in chairae of -tookinZ matetoriael and
ila Oto-third ei nt. . Bceo
Genara X.. Director -of Ktie

PERSONN7EL - It Th~e 1,10teriel Service miust have a~ head-

quart-eza in every 1l\roa unit. T1hosee' ozeGiteid in every
fivision, have rendered ezoellent servioose." E Ensineer
Gonerva)-. .~*. Director of.£eiJFT~O

-au-a-irt- er qjý howevor vI*'~ec~~d
77Uonly - -

at the, end of thea huetilities,. Until thilt time the.

d6e:acýncM hrad not been frreet enou,3h to Justify the creation
Iof such ca unit rt ýthat level..
In eve:oy -territory the masteriel uzzits were .u.n-
rder thie Coj~l'ýnd of1. i rx'i.corof
rial foy.ý the Tern-i
tend o:__in inns " 01s th
of~ p~rtio~l
he -fs
ohe 10onkin oi IIraIII

fot:leriel wpe whions n th' t ctio4 leveal,0 somende

unitsofl toern reserve
in Lad on QTcnd of :theruiets

Section," whose role vics comptrable tjo th,,t of the Armny

Tea~~ ec~n inpris.
Pi~ These two orrnýUi weitions
vere under the direct co~a:.-.ndl of thae Dlirector f or M1ýa-
tendol Services, FTE0
Amonzý Ifthe problems of or:-.,nization vie :Llus~t
mention that created by setting up the Armi-es of the
Allied -Stat-es. It The re-ceipt- of- materiel necass ary f or
those Arnies, the moveiaent of entire unitis, increased
Iremrnkr-bly thea vlrevýd~y he,,vy load of the Tteriel Ser-
vice."I r Resort of thIe::tre e.urerP..2'oJ
The resapo.-ly and repu'irri of new,, co-..ibst units
had also to be Lasured. Tlae pnin cilple of "recioroccal
sup-pox-t" all½o'.ed one corabnxt unit to d,-).ncl froi,.i the ma-
teriel s.-Jtioa noearost ijo it-, no :'te htitc! noation-
cality. For e lonLiý ti::ie, only our 8Jvcsfonc-tioiod
prollerly; wo too% c r of t'!:o do-~rics of the Allied Axr-
until they could c~oo h~
treo h-asIV(;,Sevs
ORtGANT'Z \IN- The bc~isie OZ tho Indoohirir war' mVis
tho 1-nfntr.y, It is not .prisinS thorefore if~ a 3.
other cor,,)& ancl ... ervic-,, com-,)lned frntawn
sufficianit 1.3
:)rone.i h :o ~t iv
Boton an 193, lieperozintv.,e of~
per~zoniiel of the >tee1Sorvice was betwet-m 2.9 a~nd
V .4~of the total personiiel for, the ocnrapai~n... -Com-
Pa~red lil-I1t of the American Army vhitch is' 94~; as a
consequenoe to tihis are the difficalties enoou.ntared
by t~he -4-.teriol Service in the execution of its rnis-siona, -'1
It must b-, noted, howeverj thet civilin-n per-
sonnel, v:Lthou:< of' poor 'l~tialt-, inorernsed thatt Pez'con-
trý o t o 5 ~ 7..,
TO ýwrlir"2y the, neod f'or quvlLIiied. personnel,
the Stýrvioae nc~ountercad vreA i cJ.i~ ihile- the
piroport-ion of' sbo L-ýistd 11iOng. nor'l owmii'stiohod offi-ý

Tlae beat qweli~f'ied ca. c th-v.t of the

Porai rm Legion, "Amon- t 1)_e., tilor tairc O:CoeJlont spo-
Cinlists. Thý possibillit'l of reezlist-ir' . tlhemi over and
over n i ii xemiltedl in thec oroo~tion of good lfits."
SRprt o.~ th Kdq.rte-' Tr:tOilSrics
2 ,C "a r- ý i d g nu- _p e s e ha a

4the s-o ~r~ Te -Lorule

Tb c v .i> u! th e I bor forc


::T~S~:3 1~ )7' S 2 '21hi rd echolon vr~ntoivnopce

Th a ½cl of riens p2roloi-,L-d the dol:-.y3 in raep).Jrs Cn d
often cc.,ms,,d .36 =.0- 4th echielon sho-',, to be coini..1)leely j

xJih wiorkc.
w! " wo solutions ,%ere akjxod:--e to
reli,-vo thlp )o'l-I
A c I a z7;i:; ciCtO 1o;.) wen 3): :-rid 4tha ec0110-lon
c,-llect 'd e'c2nlonr.-,tarn. "~l [ Rnno 1?t o6f thae ?Tevr-.d -
-!u;.rter3 of t '.o gervice, F .~'.E~C.2::C~eI)55,] A ve-
hicle C1L 4 ~1in s~tto~i arafamire' -;f s iocjt t o its Unit
a~nd replr~oeJ, :a,,1 l;volhicle 283 it
en~n. f11.')
vi-s dione 7xt tlioe4t ecaoiolo level; 1!0V~evn2r, it V!s -not
sent forviwtrO to a 4ý1th ochelon ~io.Th-is -oes'i.Jt(d inI
less movemient o2'.trc,3f~ ~ fCi)1tt~l
anidc so Inx/:_z.tinsg t-imnexh it col.uld suabstitut-e
the cl&-.-.Eed vehiclo with a siuaiL.r o-ae.
*'The autlorilz'2ttiozn to pqrforýa 3dt ocbholori
m-i~ntanince 1oc2.llvi, v'hic-h relieved tie ,Tz~teziel Sor-
vict 4.ro:u, can izt.tload of 23:t Qch~lo-1n, L 7vlpox't of
? V~'~ 351

the Headuarter~s for ::t'te'ieJ. Services TE0 I T~c

19':-) Thus, th,-ere i,-ire 27 units nto:oc.to porfoita
3d eoc"&l~on i; tý.ntenunco, caespcit,.1y the A..B.C. oncd TO.]
N~evwrthel.es, nel:w unitc. h,ý to be crre4ated.
The mobilV- units creA-Ved on thio i.,odlel of tbhe.C.R.D.
uni~ts in drn~erid not give Satisaction; they were
too hotnvy. Fur'ther, 11"lthe f,-'ct tha~t they were 6dtvi.
dadý in wqim gerotup two linsuro the continuity of worj:
d.uriw-, Ioni- ?~e.i'.1LvorS1 didi not 1.-sult colvenAI al"" to
ti r-oe tht the ot-'. -- -m -h-d essluaed. -On the
cnra r- Vao oranzoio of Ropair. Cow.),_ni s of -the
Fore sm~ L o-4on R~. L.13.
T' 1i ýTort Vitc- n d ivi de d
intao ona 'ae,..VY soctioln tl<d~ree l1, ,ht ones$ each ono,
Dt~1'~to : ta L ~u ,Iis
l gi'v- n ~ooc1 xos Llts'."
Enf-inear Go~narct X.6.. 1 ch-r-,a ofL>t~e Service,

Uovtll C£n c fi-"th a-cholon m~i-*t enance * Until

ory ftIn d ocah i aa At- tha t tiýý:
re,,mrs af axiaored v,ý-hiclas, Jt-h can d 5 thI

ie'eol, an ItVe oV.rhaul,,o2 SOw don. xckIn

3 r a nc e cn' tllla vehi cics sent tueu

-t&nau.. o1. @ca lot n ::ia:n` av-ýn0

Doginuin-a at ti-a-t timnet thle alv'intr.na ri e un~it e

o f the Gan Or~cL Rew-'.vc erornze' i Comnu'-'.nies and
" -n
vith iiieu'otri&Jl. iaeý:nS anai accordifn-. to ~inda.strial pro-
c d are s. 11.he rj_,mts \vera pod.1 i,ý
I12: cc'.27r~ii i
of1 te corn 'nyas also tete,0-11c4_iioi1 in ch1.r-0 of the
-0-7m, is
-'o:., w'icC',svu to I,,ve co=.)etont p~esonnel..
The beginaing of this- typ':' of' o-)erations, wus
' ownby t econsta;nt Dn-C!
sioie f Ls in thi a
rofr~ect 19-32 viw-s tle maos~t critic,:l yeoar, -s~ it is a3hownl
j~ in th.o 11
Vobhicloi r1ebuilt: ~ 14 D11,
- 1000 16-6 1172 l~ 60
4"1M! eca-*ýln1
5 th 100 50 ,,rY-13)jý5) ) 245 `0

Tho~ ~~-u;j:yQf materiel otheor tha zito~
It .,as insu~ by t, plan oa th 3 ,,L~I~cv InSX
GO'00 eiiviclod i n tw"vo stooc- comp-nieo "'.hich, for the
1Ye 3, ro)c.ýivod 105,000 tons of :v,17t,'ri ".-a shid

Tho difl-icuAltis wore ceý,usec1 by the diversi!ty

F of :a-!teria "-s ýtnU tie sources o.T supLy rechAaie
of'ten unJrcii. i 3tu!'tioaj
stbe*2 however, vi,. s ramah
botli.-r b-.' Vic, c~nd of Vtae conf,^Ict.] YA.&dola.ys w~ere lon-,
the steoohs hiox~ien o~o dUre su:.rfaces ::n1 no
"-s raticro we...o no. ... .v:ýritL o

ce"100-fire to give the -ER.. su~f2icient meons for the

o ,ertion ', both1 in )ersonnel nJ -. ictriel."
Jn ro rC, to th ~~~s tha Plani of153
soAbra it t od t o th~e D rtantin Oo~obc,-r of- 1192, -vits re-
Ii ize&, . 335 ý' 1beJo r October 1953, 3 0,1 bet-Vuýiean 'Ootober
~nA De ceazb er 19,)53, anil 35 i 1954. 0ThiS awns 'th~at d~-
aR1 ltel requjFsition,3 2o11,vlattedo":,
>"t 7c., e , <ieiid with-
in On( ytratrte dcýte Of Submf12.z0oa. S6,;1e impo rt-
e.1ibýi1103 (-,a 111.1e1d. rtrts fo:." A.;.riotn v ýhi cIesý r;
wore raceived. tnyo years aftsr t e r ýqo t wi s son' J"1.
-- 4
- -~-Rpo rt-- of -t1e.- -1 ac~urlos -oC 4Ttril
v.wo we're, the con,6e.-1u±oheý! res tlt in :rroim thiis.
the i.-,rortnnce of' the stoocks toblaill "r Lpin 19ý5 4, 96,0,00
Itons &Iistributed. over 206,0001djr., .:L(e
f -0'aUtthr!-I, the" sup~ 0 ~we z ried
ýters J; sd th e
no t corres-
pond, any longrci t'Uo t dýL ns 9

~~A. , C f,. -

su 1xAy ithIIe o0-Ttrocrn t io nis, which. was depanding

entirely on theI com.a rci:)l sources ran,-] ms w itjhinI the
l1iu1~. atioils Oft thle anaIajU_.l SU-,)4)y ~Jn"L lopo2t of t-he
lead r 7y';Pm
_tf'oi -TIi~J SOrvi ;04

Re xa- ly o-f atn, nitJ ilse- The theoretical.

level of t~he stocl-s o-f .~mtso'S Gonral 0i
wa~s d :ýci d c4ti byth co,,,.Lae,.fc1; it v-rie in tiuie2n
e ccording, to thIe soUrces of su1,r).ly-or-th-s tyPe- of Ftnac
betvweon 6 tind 12 month1,u of H~ eort Of the
:Heaacqu'rt-er feo:zla to r~ 1 Serv i o,a . J
,,o:- this xsolon tlhe tonua.-- of aarnunitiJon,
stoc!:cd. in thea Gouc:?al 'A`000'VO froya 15, 000 tons
ir131to'7000 t5ons inl 1952 aný 0 tons inl 1953.
This ca2.nj~ th e2-~ct'Žoeatfs nthe San
0ei?of ti.Q t11 >nne, y cOnL n C a -e
0m r Om
ci f'
1,0 0 0to 3,20 0to.
171Ili dif27icultic3 wihte J-1 tr'bution of**
'acrec d uo c 3~c ia 13. - -t;;o t,ý... v t iie s0 c2 oohinr
. n hca-
blee:a0 of tr-aI, mr.tatiOn, n
.S thInC V.(C"0'eez1"' to
4t p et
"':o convoy ,.- -ho distribu.tion -point a,'d to b s,ýre- d ou
dfo his3 reazoa, prn~tIand acollet-17 t ~ez
11~ ~'5
<1 q

areated to r~duo, at ,,;imintmuma tIhe nwibar o:C t.rsno-

II , iali unitio,111 %1vere Criticized
- 7.6,5=a btull~etk..
,rmnvd a i. 6FJ
Q- 3 7 t~e -as C
- n wn~b ýr 60 !me 6161e,
- , gn' gpr 7,wl,, s L 0,~
IIt i pod to 6 bse
eýnIa throtiuw
.4 ig to h-osnecial *pa Iking ecqi~pl at ýan~ ~~
for the cizacIitions,
?Tine very bad inf'1ucmne of' th6r~c1cia
te over tho 6onsex'vation. of ~tý=o' 'is waell k~novin-; it is
due e~s;?ecitlly to theC h.oIgh do%, of' Iltmriclity, and 'to- the
impo-rtft~nt virin:vtions in' to7n)e. lte rthel powders

PRBj F .T.*.O.JTGvie

a) Armiork'.I vQhicles Incre~ainsg be we n 1,; 000


-and 60 000 vahicoles in the neriod 19i'7-1954 thae ooi of'

armorel ve-les, :oýe
orý Tho.io eoeneotus Enls an~d
3 hi95,
v olesh di swq)anred lit 1 e by- i-t-I e , 2n
-41 o thevohicles wiv aunric&an 1 15,' French.] On
tha otIIe r handt 11 Lro th, point of' view of thie vie,ý th
vehicles a not any yroaujng.r.... only fe.w.. raoclals have

* "T'he- ter:,ain, the cli~mte, the rou~tes, the

intensive ut-iliatiorn of mine, htve, ~ty ar ff cted the
Ar;.o r~d ýndrl uh vQjaicIas Ih~d such a h t
rata, of' vea:,. ancd. te-,,r Of the, tranrismsrioin and susnension
~es~e~rblies th'at ",11fOmlsfrtere:1 of' these
nart-s h?.:d to bechne, ancl pýDrts hatd to be requ~isitioned
that norru1).y zre not. ruplý:iced." H~eort of the :-He~adctar-
tars o-,' t,- ~.'_.:teriel Servico., l..O.-Thi's report rive~r
an exoluýnatio-n of? the weak points rem,ýrked -.bou~t ea-ch typ r,
of' Laterial durinr; tho course of' the cna~.
The ra,7te of' re-olnacemient for somae par ts was ex-
C-optioni,,l for Jismt.ance, ~t'ie ro.7r s-.rin-s for tie Renault
t'ruc'k: 4, 220 ( ,aontbjly e,.o-asli~ltion, 3d echeolon, 11" loft
and 8,O r i rht s-rin-s for 700 vehiocua8.)

b) 13orats 'TIhe pool ic-wa orig,,in'1.lyr i-aýýd u) o f

bo',itti of' di-ff-rmntu type3, but, in l'D5-3 i~t boC,:-mia wore
~o:og~nou Ei,_ 10, therve w re 110 i'i~v~ bo'-.ta of Clif-
f'or-nt t-oeo, 45G3 in 1952, ýil 15551 in l1954P toa include
Lie 10o J? o -oe). lid boc't~ Por overy t~2of' ýiis%;ion%
vvry lirght river bo,,ts ol:' different ty2~e8; jU1uicm

anfd swipn piness-s~, Iaytbo"l býiJlt by the ý-titoriel

Servidoo si:ufl in Woo an~d a Jeep, en,,3ne,
tr~msport boats at J.11.zed by TO: L.C Ms ca rrying
6o men or tv76 15-ton t ns,
~ conbrat rivor boats u se d 'by the -A.B. C.; armored'
P.ýT. bo.-Itsf
-bobite to be uti'lizecd ýn' ports, tug b ont s f erry

With th~ Dexoetion of the i~y1ho, the ot!er bont

w.ere bu~i t t o be ut;od in '.4urope- arnid h ad to be m~odified
b~or c~ng ~lized . ariaor, V m
The, mvýintenanco, of' thi s -pool w s aif f icult
becitUsol or grea d~ rIn
s~ o f' ýt Ii botts a~n~
~ra ailty o1 we:ar nd _tearx- ot' the pnrta,- ---nder.
wteriee t cl:ýI)t a rioii. The ma'i 't'nance was done by:
-sections oveated within the .R..
-a compa ny f or -the repairs of? riVeir boats in the Southl

an Armay4Iavy motor pool, foz- CertLi aeil

I o CoLl'. , .VilIrInoi~
c'. f'or t!h,- b;s boate,

a) Ll gh-tý circr-afts for artillery observation-

£' $Qe
se !t-chnpt-er.-ofý-tivoa
-4th jmrt-:A:-A.- L-;,0~.---A TeFp
Cu~bs, no't: vry "pow~erful, and the Idormne 500, too heavyL
and. too sloi,' we~re replo Iaced, in 1-954 by the CESSNA L 19,
per6etly &ood for its missions Se- Volu~me 111.
Unt'il 'the first of' Janwary 195,p3 the loPgistical
sup-,6Q t wcias ii uredenti~re y by't-Ai r~~-Ce The Axmy
progre,ýs 3iv&ýly asmu-iod this respo~nsibilit;i okoe
cor,mpletely when the L l9s arrived, For this purpose it
emploved the renotiol. section of' thie-A.L.,).A. [ There was
a SRIJAOA in' CAT B31 (i-IAIPHO1TG), one__ini_2T0_UFA1, one in SAIGON.]I

d) Ariic,.ment cind o,,ti c-1 eq ui ,):-ient -Tim di ver-

city of instrumcnnts !ýnd wwaon vs ex-ro.ae. For instanc~e
there were:,
-36, typos of autouaatic pistols for a total of' 23,0000
33tyPes of rifles or carabines for a totlo 0,0
-17 types of' lighit urtchina aunls o' a `otc.l of 14o,000
- of iiortaro T r a totc, 1 of 39100.
InTi ioalPoerooQ
f oit host:uy to =Aice LIO
ot~ io tho Vinr n cratwuxatio
Eii nsyt it is, (lone
with the oonsrutqtion of caro," A tT
also c bii 11 a routine tyrpe of %wor-:£roia,,o-C:ioors and~
the il 'i sto d I=n %-.'ho work ýin t~his fiel.d," C Report of the
Iodgu IQ rs-for ýIwte riel. S~x'Vi cc F. T, .. ].
Further', thb ýystenm of a yecarly awx)tly, plr
whicha d n e8U~p
s ly ,f or'ec as o f IG months , liis created
dea_,d atocks.... Wit1h a rationol, br ±,Inz"týion' rzind w't h the
iaeeh~ of, tr ntiisporIeation of~ todgy thar period; of- do-
1l1y shoucld h,,vo been ,iucoh she rt-,r."l C Report of the Headl-
quort,6r'i of the J*,nt e Serice

Al'ny of thas~e situ~ations arose from the leck

0.of oi2 '2C~.4s,
T'I-_Scuodte iriin:.. uiia
tion of certoiii eq~lipmriet:
Tlie most typio 1. ccas6 is that fthe rocket
thow70 "6 it ir, atn a.ttit,,nI- w~eapon, bxt it acs uti-
J.iz-A byr the Infct-Mtry ýas a,~ itntiersoninol weap~on ( the
monthly cor wanltioh, r e'.-.ch Pd 100 000 phalls ).. This.
~~~Tho~~--j L iht.
g--tL~a Rep ort
of the Iles.dquart ers of P:oterial Servico, F ý2.I.'. ~0 it
s&lould hi-we beft fcosabJlo to StudC1y the posrjibility: of
an _d~n4 1e- fo:., "uI~ vi1,apn inotLd ofthet -

cntitatnk; butf1 lneýil inrro-io, it mn ,b ,aid 1th

no sl~Uacly ,i~s, ever bengun 'to discoveý' w~hat was beat fi~t for
o-,ercitions j ~in Idc-.n the 't~ r R )oort o f th110Ja-
t eri ol, 3 r vi c e'aH ie &claart-er sF F.Y.E0

TL'iT, A7)AP'Ii'jffOT:U :0, FQUI!.JTT The equipmnent an the


arzwuclint, in snito of &recl.t eff-;orts, couLCI not a.lviys

ibe adavpted "to the nnr-ticub-r t-io, of combat atnd te]:rP in
bocautse 11 ooa'::ý,` fýIct aieten&tr
nd thec vo-
lurae of the inooniiing supdiies, a.it:aOSbl"
Furtaer, b.2tweon thea ti-,ic when the yý,I7rticular
nee)d for the troop3wt ocetdDn h requestsb
inittod .a~nc the equi-a-iont needed vtý'.s eith,.er moclified or
f,'b'ricotebd, the~'e Vas of~ten n. lon.- dco D, yIevesn Lin to0
two yeexs. '7han the equi'?ment was rea-dy for issue, the
co.ý_boat sittvmtio:.is had -orobbly ohf'n-$;ýed so !-,reitly, thoat
the uiirM-1ýt r.:- o~eiveCL was not vihz.t ic'ns needed a2t the
tima. "[Reoi-4 ofr theo :-e~ad.'.t~ers of ther ''Kateri 3 el

T,.he -.bovo reasonas i-~ltnwhy so :av:ny officers3

I .-? aino in t heir r:--orts IUhv_'t our- oqvju-i x.ient in Indo-
,LS et~popi anV tha
atic -oro ve:oro to) .- iiy
~t"(1Ol~ or-- odf1,nso the ergui,)ient done at
:all lev"1s -4xi'.iro
Sioci.ianoer_7 ca:rs v-nd hAlf-tin.c'.:s,
flrC IALj iJ
rct di oo

j Servioe, tricd torleoti'mti.,to

oc~ally or by modit~rina the exi~stina qimiat

Lo c1. :r,*bricnvtion: Not vory com.,h:Lon and only

of sim~le objpoto, It proved to be vop1yutsefl, Tho
la~t important r'esu1te wOre:

&rcthl xc
th;,owrsa douible.
c ni_~o r qu drUplo *0_ It- TIM
u,o del1 19 36 :nxT arranged a~proprin-toly'Y Report of- the
~:tr~~.Soa':LV.OI'S ~T.e U1 T,1 '~,This
' 1 '~sutiedclin p 0 ss or on armored onrx'iera,
P lo,'ting Quipmeat, (fl.T1a3 54.), x'high ml12~owed the
soldier to lJoat -1i-1 his eIui 1ý10t. 3000 16icoeb ýViere

by m). enevinio - n c transis'r±,±on fro, , Jer

hundrocW o-T thcz~t ware built, niimd the uso:.s :fouýnd t' em

!.,.o difi c7±ction o 1 a istii, qLli rou

er mine.-
ro Lis - !J-vl'i
f 1.11 VI ri7F n-ed$
-0 'daOf

ndf iOil o2T 0ati atr.*as V t'he defti-,c of in)noJ~eament

10i211i 0--1S l':e-ro t-ried out forý tr'ucks L the wvei'sZt %vas too
--Ile ox-elptio-a of t' 'a) ". . r t:ate,1-i h e
40A.A.sl anc
aJ aa bi~ot us ice L Only theiz bo:nt 1~li-
~tor' c un bi 2rnx-orcc1 1 ever. in th crase_ at t'ho,
Cost of Speecd recbtlotion' J; t'he floors. o-P vehlioles were
reinforced,. _but this8metho be~eiefc~Votwa
th. en
of th ci n,] aind anti-mines aiid .t-Je -
* des protective nueastros ve~re ta~ken,
Mio~difications viere cr-eated for~ rapid deaf crls ive
~methodsa and tal 11ijna(S of rVehicles and. boats wiere so armied
see 11severv2. cotmbin.-.tions were rcll2.z3.; the- .vere t'he
fruit o l ii ahn' m-clýtzd Ta1e~ studi es,.. S, ern..iu r ct ro~,,-,
Ct _ý,v ,Ithe.4y zoc,ýu too vo.ved ru oher
Ihd h-ý be.on
a~~ e)o
m~1~b~rncin- the totality of t'_e.sce Droio:i
sponsored by th'v 11he
(1a e 0"~'r
f h
~e~clurterzof th-evio *tri2 7
Finallv,, thie %flt 0.2v
ofortified l1Centi
1C~Ctflof ~ cartc-in veh!Aclc,3 tr!A1 ~s- o ~cs
oevr, LthOn~ tho e:~f Ort w'as "!~,ran it VIL o reot' in~ tho

I q~t'in
clI' 0 revuei Of~tc o~ i~ni~jthrt it Shoul~.d hr~wo
Only~ 'x;hen, 1 h
Ibo~on cjt,'ýidiocl Lt plcniý.,d om'e~""ll~y.
Oquil).-Ont 1c101S2Lry fOl" thO ' 1:l±11lont Of' the OOx~bat
zato~ionm would ha-.ve been bu~ilt pr~operly canC accordingI
toinatistricm1 =thocs." Re-')rt of Vhc" OIo.runrte i
of' the ."xtcniol, Srvice-, W~X
11Tberi were two pr~oblemsr, 011 of 3.do 1 of~ nemniss
theo othor of lcv~ok of otion,
A ~pecivt1 pzoblo:nn

To adockpt the raUteri6' 1~8 theJ -ec.pon1SAn,dn th~

equilpmant to et~l Pci tici'lla Or"Mp1"'t rrn £terrain, cli-.ý
mxiv~too enemziy, type of operattionsI. decisions of the Comn-
ancl maore
nre the mvin, factor~s involvodJ1 baco'mos more
dif-:icult as the quantity end dFlvor-Sity of' the
- ouipaant inC'L' e ~nc i-~ttto
~ use3.'

loaljS Ios of tine. For theAmy hy .o

-A co.,r.cand c.ne: ~ (R &~)
*-A center for studaies Con'rktvi: t1he Tlead-

Acent-e-r for ex ,e-Laenttstion, chtirca dal so with

teresponzsibilit-y for technica~l regulations: theAm
Tochnic.,J,. Section (3,1.,.A. ',). .11:
Simila~r orZ&a2izr.t ions e~xist in thlo othe.1r
pbranches of' the serviceoj It prosento3. Iaeams thzt -they shoul d. b a
by a IL:Ated
able to reoolve thc -proble.:Ls
*campai~n a~s thc1't Of I1do~china.
Novertheleo-s, the users, tiche-:crvic~s, and
the hendqluarters com-:p~hined about thle -poor -adalitnbility
Jof' our ernu-I-raent to the cooibt condit'-ions. It ;;'ould be
Ti nd o u t thae c , u se,'~for th i s
i n 0r0s tiýn,- -!-o .-
IHowevor, bofore loo1.inrr -,or whtcould hj-_ve
been itmiirovod in tho field of tP~chnic;2.t or,,-nizatio12,
ani in its fonotioniflZ, it is noce~so.ryZ tlvo iih~s
n-in mi Jivortrmt ici t.t,i: of t c d,ýIaZr th:2.U i i no-
s, - r n va ejui iient.
[Froma the iactv~hm the neoc ei.o ~ieo of eyoi'a'mCI
V Sex i) 01 d A c~wun cle. .s,
1% it t;:.Io vsl
eacir~jto produoc:) a~ fairly goo Zrototyý-o. Thong it
tent b roCduct it,
I ~c~kes at lovcst two years to it ,Ana
~Thoseo delys otin:ot poscibly boi shortened~, indc when it
WLtis tried to "Cdo it q~uickly", tho results were alwa~ys
j ~terribl..J
'This -ýrot gives military techniq~ues ail inertia
[ ~which riales p'u~denoo necesenry,
miistakce rmQy ba vep.y seriousa and
The consequ~ences of' a
long lstinag,
picoes Uni
Unc_ C this is the roknson why Aot~n
peeofequipment wore nee raesince the in-
tensity and the lenath-off thte viarz were for u~s desa-
gre<able sulrpris3es.
Wlhile keeping~ ell this in wincl however., it
must bo roco nizocd tla wetre cn li~y to set, up.
* ~tehi~c.org 7,xlzction and ncover ;uqccoedod. P rha 3.
there is tbeland*fromn all, thi-s... even
Ith2o' h itV- -oeýn- ea;tiVe
ecc. fr
The atehnia w orit n,nizpoVV anc It
very T
earlyin nd ohn WS~i
Thehnvariet 'r..ndizapotion
t' 1iDeii 0flssi' thcat it shoul-01 llvwe assxiedo however, de-'
ma.nded very, izoortcnnt ,,.eons ( Nwýhicha wag jilapQoesbl&s)
o -r a veory goo d li4lli-of and coor'dination wit h thaeo1x-

IIn 94,the Ilrll-ChIic",~2Ureciu" was cr'eatei

and placod within the 1a-dqu,,x)rtcrs of ICteric:l Sezxvice-
Iin SAICGOI. It wl:xS cha r ed wi th:
10,) the stoudy o.L projects concerning r±aw matIerial..
Ib) f ollow Lt- of testin- and produ'ction jxro Oe S'1eS.
-c) testing of new; materiel...
5 pe Ci'tz1e d
d) ma intratn n- the liaison with the

and it had a~ personnel force of 12 offi cera,i '4on-com'')isip

sioned officers, and enlisted men.
In 19403, tna "To-ncl Bu2reau" becamec the
"Technicc~l Section fozr ateriel" vatho -vwerc cls.o mixea
orc;-"ýniza-tioiis ( Mn-irieers, Si!1rvl,1 P A.P.,j Psycho2.o-ical.
1 Varfare ) which conducted tneir ovin st.alies and ex-pe-
r i.i, n tat-io n s The remotlts viero not :ctal~dnor co-
ordina)tedO ( Study -,xcda in Febru!-ry of' D4 JTems
sion vits o'hrnS : it vizms not any 1onL~er at question of
.follovuin- the p-rocosses of ý'rod'u,7- o:;-'
ofecuin.ý_ent, but
to st(udy -.nei, -,reiare technical do t Lllv.ntý ti on..
Lster (19350) the zaisoions ai) aind o) descoribed cabove
were oh.winzed. as follows.
" To study, test, e.nd begin the donstruction
of now equipment ( to include niajor' modifiocations of
I ~~old egi~~t)thtat ;Iou:ld be convonieat for the Indo-
ohina thenatre, wvhenever this cowld he clone' with local
m eLa ns
The i~nconvenience's of this organ±irtion, how-
__evez', ,exe tjoon -di-soovex'ed. --

The Techni~ob. Section t1os under the d~irect

oon~rxaund of the Coi,.-arnding, Generol oft aeioSe'
vice in the Par Fat It uIýs only iafflirect'ly in:171uenced
by tho highost hieadquarters, which Wai t~he onlr org,,nisrgi
thelt cov)d help,"[SuI n~oi coo 91 Its funl
Q-Lbionn " re -much. Z'ranter- than -those of the TechnicSIT:.
t otion of the -A~nay thty al6o 'in-olu'ce those cof the A-7Mtll
rinec o f 1 e~
q-~ ~e'7c h
0, 8 Co-rcion'
Int of Ar.-w.rnents..,,
'I\~rsiu-, la ck of coniarend push, t oo greatý
0untVs caoc of, cooordi~nntion w ith the
r iton, onrlote.'teriel. Service,
-'hi ch. ý,nt'l -other Corp s o2-sate. their o2n sectibls 'for

T1n 2.Ty 19L52, an iimproveimeint w. s, brouýýh a-bout

~~ oeihat , std: A all recnuests ý(V, te Chn." : works
*-1ct'b'- ~oesed throu-h the Thi rd Bureau, Ohich will
~4,1be oxuou'ht :,bout in the eguip:,aent and, eventually,
~iI ~kecaxe of other iill deoide on the
i'orjt, of~ '0ork1Cs to be done. *. It isr throug, t the t
th Itodof thae oquipraent ilb needed for the
I' f-Ut1u'e wl.b 2oi~rc.aed to France... C Note o-f' the
rviqe ~pepif'ying the. technic-cýl f'laotion of, the Third
Bueb1V'OL Te structure of the e:i'sting, orga*L.ni!zatio~n
W'I no t chýag d.
Further, the distanca f'roral France has '7ide
'imlpos;eýi~bW fregcen contr..cts. In PAIRI 3 and SAIG01T # te
laIck of: coor6+.a.tion %,atsrerfretted. ONMetter of the
Secrotdry of state for ".'/ar .13~~A./AR.2L, ) 20 'a'rch 1952,:
.1st - Coordi -_,:tion ovf tho wvorks of tV", str'.I.A
and o:, th c T 0 cIinii c, 1 Soction, c1ý-duart'-ers of' i.0toriel.
'dervico 2P.0. to include cistribultion of. duties...
:2nd ir oc~
Iof -

tlie Scc r -t--ry of St nte- o iar

with the develo->-ent
orocnz.,a- tonas o r;s to worki out togotlaor the otudy, the
tostinnj ýaid cons-1-ruotion of new,- ecjuii)nent.JDitern
pr'oposals linvo boon studied. W~h~it so:.)nroted the "Over_.
Isibo $one prniioe"ý Lnd the "'Wnrl " mctdke thpir realiza~tioni impo~s-

4 ~A gx'oct ± irovenlent camc'bout on the firat

ofC JAnu,-ry 19541 vilhon tho Tndlochiriz wa~r bioacame the
res-ponsibility of the ?!,enoh Depertnment, of Dof ense -and
I'the ,not any 1on~p.r of t e, Alli±ed Sta~tes, ,Ufortun~ately,
bef ioi&J effects wore felt too I. ~te.
*At tite -amo timj, -the efIo-rta o-f -tr1-i aon --down-
tth L line bac~nmi successful, rround 1c954, 'Noticiing that
" nev cend simyle ideztso th,6t crttigv6 t~oo& r~esults, are
not pronos ed,nor -,%vould they b~e oceoptea'*U thley were
a pro-)osed, 01 tho Corrian21 .n- C-enercl c cidle to Create .

In. oh t r)a'-tt o 1-
al h,ý d~n
q. ct r r
COmrnnafCs, an.fl officar is7 selectod,ý calle " te "TeCh
111 n Ic
O ft- e re (T -o'ft'io rr) - i: x- o atnVot- - Ith t~re ToaftnIoal -
Section of' the Mird, Brenau of tho I,;.J..2 Ino
oadtirtcrsforLad orce ., Fo ntis job, it
±s'not 1.neoeszory thc_-.t the OffVicer.',h.'As a tcavl di-
p~oaia, but ho must be oble to produce new i deasa nd to
belie)ver in them," In refocrenco to the Army -,?roblems.J

tt1,seeSC1cfjorts could result in a coheront oronization,

all1 alon- the line
- -In t.Uj, ,U. PrA jr.maIt
so-3::i to be -oocl 6:ointaj~ho indicbte a de'sirable so lu-
tion, a solutian that-was never obtainedl unti h x
pedtioary Cor-~ beln to viathdraw,:
-in each heac1.-quur.rtrs ther'e is an owie tIU(vho,

m,,,y hiam-L othe2r.-! fonctions ), and who is in, con~tact vriith a

C otionT.eton of th'e Uad'uar ters f Or the StmrdnI'e Corziador,

for "Goneral St,,idies Pn1.lans" -referably theo 4th and-

tovarýds U,.)Clt of, ur ,, nt 0,0b1 Celd have
~ ~~
~.1 --
'~ she -fic%;b onwetdwt t he softic
-... oas
~r~n o~ vie on 'w tbject. 1hi 3ctij
S71oalc' %vor ,.4 V-ii t'i ~:me o- -`iche tin..D ns
o2Žýi.ý -for SturI4~"-t'ru~

S(Scoto- . it -"II I Irt i

ýhulc , ±nc2ltdo oll 4WTheilit-.r
a (Doi0 1 tio0 't"
' ( n' rý..rno 'ýOat "t i on 4\irborno Ot o. 0 .
,e tICil o oOi1 bXiC10 R012 521iý v v 11
's~7 S 0 ) -ý
ox'~~~t~n.Jt os'Ion3. 'h!vc& t'lo n'esno Lbility t
OtJ t10iso-tl .. 1\ zeurnns
touti01 0o
uCo ")VO,1C) 2 o! SiOt CO~ue fXr0a !Fr~mflC
0 :uin~iont. t' .~t dO*L

pro 0OS m;eS I or nWD proc~resses Finally, it wou.ld' be the

jOvk'e10os -bra~no.ch SPXXA R-r vial-Ohvou1.d be
Vic, o~ia -t"o ooniratct al importuant expex'r -ntoitions and
with vihi ch there'would - l12ways be coultaat'.
tnoohnical counselor, to wor".: alosý!ly viith th e

~ c, vould be voxry uselqLJ, es',o ciallJy coni-
~ie~~tl'ý grovwinG izaport_-nce oa staffba, or-anisms
of co'..a.nek
- Th.s-r-ol- IC 6 lso ted,~by _camAd jvtant _
of t lo. Chi o-'f Saf
This ne-vi Set tin should0 not require ,aoro per-
1 b0
soarAbvacttUsc the1 tecno'Czi.cl fonctiols vioauU of'Iten.

too :ýýae,
,Ji~n tvr ~
iýiiortfnt, xoto at
cis A
n~ IV%t a. c~
X. lv2.-~tA
inC"'ci, bclcc esp
1 'a

0nlI'CýAL' ~ tusi~v ~ u onL ca

iinl oau miad.
ttm end'V
vrc oi -tiQ-to- study ll:v p_ Vito , _'fult)~
tou eni thom±
~o~ '
*.j.* ''"' 1 llav t-iacrto'.
2 t r ~ i~
'o c I~~~- A j .0>J.. C'-net '1 or .

L) f--cuen
C" S;' 0 n t' U5 Cthe re-

'I-Se %
-a ue 1 eS to e-apusiz to LloCn c::-1

C'oz"X up in * j'll w-I~r,


-it s,,?sevral -,robJloio cowvs.ýrd ~~yricL.
$t2llcooV tho'." ofd rhct' d h o:
L ill~
o likoon Or t'lt,,o
tfýý WEV) cC :1O:1t
z'; hsof 0")Drlin
so~lldiorls a.oC
.cm(: iv the ac'i
jr½ : the
C 0;tIi~~cAlV
1.1"ci! Of 1,4 1 och,~.
tA.to th L.c01 oC- 0-xmaun-
s ro t ) 1 o2 of:iot'
0 .- to.I10
- D ut
200U U;cn
t 10c-'-.; C, tio an o111e a o ..cct0 o~f l~ac)d."rn
op ioil : 'El toclhllloo:". 'O:c~cCt' Cou~ Or(!'iza"t i oil is
tt=- iC~.
ot c.nCt:'o. Thy 0,u Oovu be totzlJ.1y
i nl2:T: ot iv C b~oonuso 0o1 1:141 laock ofV oooo~ný'2tionl Of one

fIv*Vthe srte of, ciii

n ,~hciat
' t"'mV cf*:'Ozrt' t"' c
to 1t L
up rii tho Fn '2 >at p toolnAbaol o-i -nlzpt!on tllt
W"I Stl not -.)e'r-;'::j
cc Iy tile cn~dcJf the lltarj but, by thein,
it VIEJzxOb:b y u roving.
* ~364f

*ch-11t o.l ar losses3

PR `.'he~ vla' of idoes~

71, 11 P.sorh ~~co2 s-ecs o%~ the.m 12

.2. In) X*I The ",Tc ,i thout fr>ont 20
~~ I - The essonticA. niecds 2I
rI*&-: 0IRTY - 1The co.nt~-rol of, V.10 V.::o madi
* *-,
-'I o o11 ,: o j- *
4Lji_, c ,t L.

V faI~rts
cu itra

OT .1"1IA*R 2ction. in onen tar -MI-4. 99ic

112~ - n ZI-Arrillas11
n-.*):*';'22 11T- Action in tf:-lo 115sz
P_~ I.fl
7V -. Action bT the s*ý,oci~al 12ce
Cii' q2V - -~to~a.1o,.-
riv:!rs. d moasts
'0ij T21 P ?T: Org :n zatI on o f brcanclics auae sorvico
ATT Set -;.i and-.31-ooep o,.'tmits 1+
1. h ir' mobile -11o u-.~ 159
M- TeLa-17-nt2?y 168
2hn Jatt~alion
- 171+
- he i n posiion,
-Attacaced uinits 186
S- forcos 191
P'i 7 V - Thc Ai none ti'oons20

C1 M2 V - "!he A 1=or 218
c::-~ T -I . ie At1ry236
CT_ D RI WrI Artil).ey-Air Rocorn-anee 252
'11 He ali cc-ters 261
c':2I TX T'no 3,
""T~ Ct~ 277
Zir- ....~ Cor- s * 26
Aerial Su~yot28
CvTA2'2:XrT - RJ vor23~'~ 0,

I? c AIiIla " 0
(Ooiu' VC)?'1%l
:Lnuo a)II

V I. X.V - Lo. Jt. o 318
- TLho -Qi%,to,Sor i:ot or 327 -|

- T tnývao
oiuic2L.n cý 33+
T'.b... o't aIzaV'xice
The- Orj:. 358

lIi C:: t t 6

2 ~ - - - ~- ~- U ' 4 ' - 4- j - -i~

1 41


M-tor -pag;e Thc tra ra in:
del2z oP on:i n
2. The ulaci .le rrin(CtOltivated)
3. The zam;ida1 re&'ion,' (Tr a s s
.Th~ hJ ; rei on
.40 -Atta cl: of~ a po st
4+3 Do. ni:?e o- te ai r ba'ea CTB

njL s-scc0 f vil-la-ze L17- e.e r

53 -Ccncr o- aarcc~t Ml.

71 -Vi atrinh e.,n, r~v~ c~r ttr

80: Jv.-1P;r
t 0~r
-. .v
c,1'ta1i c.~t rd to,..-r
Tritan-~ara Doat-
83 -~ ,^:a bl. cli~au.l
- Blo c~chatas

132 - Forcod )~cigA

158 - 2ott'n 0 £ri Oe~2y~r
-~volution o"7 Vic ti f'o c s
167 - r in s s r;o n q

251 Evoltion. o.Lveanpons

291 -Aerial anctivity
307 y-, a o. ot
326 - rn-.ltalo~t-o:i router, in

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