Theories of Human Nature

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Plato Theory of Human Nature (what are we?) Theory of the self (who are we?

) Rational, social animals. Plato tended to identify our nature with reason, and our souls, as opposed to our bodies. Who we are depends on what kind of a soul we havea philosopher soul, a guardian or warrior soul, or an artisan soul. This is the general role we should play in society.

Aristotle Rational, social animals. Aristotle believed both body and soul were parts of our nature. Without a society, we wouldnt "be" humanbut a God or a beast. But the self is also something we realize by the specific way we actualize our natural potentialitieswhich virtues (or vices) predominate. Success or failure (=the wasted life) requires that we philosophize, in order to discern our truehuman potentialities. Once we determine that this is moral and intellectual virtue, then we must actualize these potentialities. Rationality is our nature, because rationality is our natural function or telos, and a things telos = its nature. Rationality sets us apart from other animals, it makes us human. Natural things achieve success in life by fulfilling their function or telos. Unlike animals, we must choose our course and life, so the key human demand is determining the correct choice. Buddhist Human nature is to be conscious and to desire.

Normative implications for human existence (How should we live)

Success or failure at life depends upon what sort of society we live in. Human life needs to be political for Plato, spent in the discoveryof the proper manner in which sociality ought to be organized, and then in the practical implementation of that ideal in our own societies. We are rational and social creatures, but we become who we are in society. In order to become what we truly are, we must live in the true (or ideal) society. Essence is grasped by rational analysis, as it is separate from change.

Articulating the vision: how do the normative implications follow from the theory of human nature?

Judeo-Christian Theory of Human Nature (what are we?) Free-willed creations of GodJ-Cs see freedom as a gift from God, something that gives human beings dignity. Gods gifts however are never without their dangers. Sons of God, images of God. We are essentially symbolizing beings, makers and readers of signs. Success in life requires submission to Gods will, in order to gain divine help to see the meaning of our livesusing reason and memory. God has created the world so that we can return to Him. Truly human life is religiousa life lived submitting to Gods will.

Theory of the self (who are we?)

Actually no self. Humans create a selfbut this is only artificial and an illusion. Success depends upon escaping the karmic cycle of reincarnation. See the negative reality of human nature and seek to quell desire though meditation. Nirvana, the total emptying of consciousness, is the goal of life. It isnt a human goal, but a trans- or supra-human goal. Desire only causes suffering, and can lead to worse things when you are

Normative implications for human existence (How should we live)

Articulating the vision: how do the

Success in life depends upon choosing good (=God) over evil. To make this choice

normative implications follow from the theory of human nature?

we must read Gods signs correctly. But only God can show his plan, and so we need to rely on Godauthorityto properly direct our choices.

reincarnated. Consciousness only increases misery, by increasing desire, and so it too is an aberration. Our actions must produce "good" karma in order to escape the rat race of this life. Religious Existentialist Radically free, essentially uncertain beings.

Cartesian Theory of Human Nature (what are we?) Thinking substancesand since bodies arent required for thinking, we are thinking spirits. People accuse Descartes of "angelism"making human beings angels. Ryle described Descartes human as the "ghost in the machine." The self is the mind or consciousness, because I can doubt the existence of my body, but not the existence of my consciousness (mind). This separates the mind from the body and also establishes that there is life after death. Success in life = acquiring certainty and this requires the correct use of our thinking powers. This is enterprise is ultimately an individual one, undertaken outside of society, and outside of nature. The self is autonomous, but alienated. This approach to life is philosophical. Life presents us with so many pieces of "knowledge" so that we must approach it with the method of radical doubt in order to figure for certain what to believe. The foundational certainty is our own existence. Everything else is less certain, including Gods existenceunlike the JudeoChristian view. We can infer from our existence and its characteristics that God exists, and through that the rest of the world. Darwinian Theory of Human Nature (what are we?) Human being is but one of several exceptional forms of primatesmerely an animal. Darwin can be accused of beastalism. (It may not be possible to say what a Darwinian theory of the self would be.)

Theory of the self (who are we?)

Being radically free, we are nothing. We construct a self by bridging doubt by faith in ourselves (aesthetic self); in others (ethical self) or in God (religious self).

Normative implications for human existence (How should we live)

"Choose yourself." Select your faith, construct yourself out of your freedom. This is more difficult than it looks: it is the result of an inner battle that will take you to the brink of madness.

Articulating the vision: how do the normative implications follow from the theory of human nature?

Beings with a language experience a mediated reality, so certainty is impossible and doubt is always present. Only belief (faith) can hold the self together with the world. We cant know our selves, but must construct them out of our freedom

Marxist Humans are natural producers; historical conditions determine what and how they produce. Humans are also species beings. Marxs vision tended to focus on classes and groups; it is unclear what to say about his theory of the self. History will unfold according to its own

Theory of the self (who are we?)


The successful human life is a pragmatic

implications for human existence (How should we live)

lifeone where ideas and actions are used as instruments or tools for solving practical problems, ultimately how to survive. There are few absolutes, which again reinforces the practicality of life. Morality itself has been built into our biology. Nature has no purposes; it is nothing but mechanism responding to environment. Hence deterministicwe cannot act against nature. Reason is no image of God and has no special (superior) significance in nature; it is only an advantageous trait that our species has acquired by "natural selection." It is valuable to our species, but not in "itself." On this naturalistic view, the existence of a soul has little if any place. There is little need for religion either. Freudian

lawswe can only hasten the inevitable revolution where all alienation and false consciousness will disappear, and we will return to ourselves as Homo faber. This will be the coming of human liberation. Freedom is not the basis of human life, but its endhistory unfolds by a necessary process and each "historical moment" moves us closer to freedom. This is the dialectic of history. The historical forces of production alienate humans from themselves (their productive powers). The abolition of history will therefore be the abolition of alienation and creation of freedom. Atheistic Existentialist Famous for saying that there is no human nature, no human essence existence precedes essence. (So Sartre would think that you can be without being something.) There is no human nature because we are at root freewhich seems to mean unconstrained to Sartre. Freedom has a negative tone for Sartreit is a great danger. No given ego, the self is mere possibility. Therefore we live in anguish at our freedom. Create our own naturediscover our freedom in consciousness. But all this must be done "authentically," without "bad faith."

Articulating the vision: how do the normative implications follow from the theory of human nature?

Theory of Human Nature (what are we?)

Human nature is essentially in conflict consisting of an unconscious mind (Id = our old biological instincts transformed in the name of civilization), an Ego (conscious rational part, the product of taming the Id); and the Superego (an agency that promotes guilt in order to "tame" the Id).

Theory of the self (who are we?)

Each of us is repressedwe repress and censor our instincts, our memories, our fantasies, and our guilt. Success or failure in life depends on getting medical help, therapy, on being psychoanalyzedin order to escape the determinism of our pasts, or at least prevent it from turning into a neurosis. This way we can aid the Ego in its fight against the Id and the Superego. The Id accounts for 90% of who we are. It is unconscious and therefore unknown to us, but it shapes our conscious life and sometimes even dominates the Ego. We then become neurotic. There is no choice about who we are. Repression is normal and required in order that the conscious mind can function in daily life in spite of the eternal conflict waging itself in our psyche.

Normative implications for human existence (How should we live)

Articulating the vision: how do the normative implications follow from the theory of human nature?

Freedom is the basic reality of human existence. But freedom is "free," it isnt anything, so it isnt a "human nature." The reality of our freedom is good and badit creates anguish, it leads us to self-deception as we try to avoid our freedom. We must struggle against having our lives determined by the othersthis is inauthentic. If we are free at our very core, then no act is determined beforehand unless we let

it, unless we "choose" to go with the flow. We are constantly reconstructing our worlds and ourselves through action, even if the construction is "in line" with the old world or self.

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