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By E.R. MUNIAH (BA Theology) and S.S. Nagan (NCT (T3),NTD(w/s),NTD(N6),BA(honours) Practical Theology 23 JUNE 2012


Authors E.R Muniah (BA Theology) and S.S. Nagan (NCT (T3),NTD(w/s),NTD(N6),BA(honours) Practical Theology )



This doctrine or teaching has to do with knowing that you are saved and you are sure about it. The life of a Christian begins with this New Birth when you are born-again of the Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit comes and dwells within us the moment we exercise our faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit will not dwell in us if we are not a Christian, if we have never trusted Jesus Christ as our personal saviour. This born again experience is also called the second birth. For example, we are not conscious of our physical birth taking place and would never have known our birthday if our parents had not told us. The reason we know we were born, even though we do not remember it, we enjoy a life today which we know must have begun at birth. It is much the same with the new birth. Some of us who are saved (meaning that we have confessed Jesus Christ as our true and personal saviour), can remember the exact time and day when you made that decision to accept Christ into your life. However, it does not matter when, but whether you did. The question is, can we be sure that we are saved? Yes, indeed. Although we are physically alive, yet the Bible teaches us that because of sin we are spiritually dead. But when we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, the apostle John says we are passed from death unto life (I John 3:14). Just as we are born of earthly parents in the physical sense, so are we born again of the Spirit of God which is from above. It is God who puts His Spirit within us, imparting life into our souls and making us partakers of His divine nature. Gods Holy Spirit is responsible for 4 things that take place in our lives. 1) He brings conviction. That means the Holy Spirit impresses upon our hearts some part of Gods Word either by reading the bible, a tract or listening to a gospel message on salvation (John 16:8 -11). 2) Our faith is exercised. He opens our eyes to see in Jesus, our Lord and Saviour. No one can say Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit (1Cor. 12:3). The New Birth is from above of the Spirit (John 3:6 8). 3) 4) He helps us grow daily as we feed on Gods Word, gradually yet progressively (2 Cor. 3:18). So when we are saved, born again of the Spirit of God we are called a new creation in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17). A saved person is a new creature because there are some tangible evidences or changes in that person. Just as a child displays traits, characteristics or personalities of its parent/s human nature, a saved child of God exhibits the divine character and nature of God. The old life having finished, a new life to God has begun. We have entered into a newness of life in Christ whereby we develop through growth into Christian maturity. There is a terminology widely used in Christian circles which is biblically incorrect. People refer to the experience of being born again as re-born. This has a pagan connotation to it, with reference re-incarnation. Finally, there is also a false teaching out there which says, that Regeneration and Baptism is the same thing. It is not so.

Authors E.R Muniah (BA Theology) and S.S. Nagan (NCT (T3),NTD(w/s),NTD(N6),BA(honours) Practical Theology )


1. Introduction: 1.1. One of the fundamental principles of Biblical hermeneutics is to interpret literally or at face value. 1.2. The teaching on BAPTISM is clear. It does not need technical interpretation in order to make sense. 1.3. The Bible tells us in 2 Tim 2:15 ,Study to show yourself approved to God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 1.4. 2Ti 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 1.5. Baptism and the Lords supper are the only two ordinances that the Lord Jesus put in place. 1.5.1. They are called ordinances because Jesus Christ himself put this in place. Matthew 28:19(Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel baptizing them in the name of the Father Son and the Holy Spirit. Mat 26:26 And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body. Mat 26:27,27 And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it; For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.

2. WHAT IS BAPTISM? Baptism comes from the Greek word , which means to dip. This word was used when referring to dyeing of cloth. Thus to be baptised is to be immersed into water, not for water to be sprinkled of poured over you. 3. BIBLICAL TEACHING OF BAPTISM. There is more than one baptisms taught in Scripture. Hebrews refer to baptisms in the plural, this when relating to the Jews. This dealt with the ceremonial washing. We have the: A Baptism of John unto repentance. B Believers baptism C The baptism of the Holy Spirit. Below is a list of references of the BEIEVERS BAPTISM. 3.1. Matthew 28:19 Jesus instruction to go into all the world ..... baptizing them in the 3.2. John 4:1 Jesus disciples baptised more than John the Baptist. 3.3. Acts 2:38 Peter says Repent and be baptised 3.4. Acts 8:12 Philip baptized when they believed. 3.5. Acts 8:36 Philip baptized the eunuch. 3.6. Acts 10:46 Peter baptizes a house hold 3.7. Acts 18:8 Many believed and were baptized. 4. SYMBOLISM OF BAPTISM. Baptism symbolises the crucifixtion, burial, and resurrection of Christ. Romans 6:3-5. You are crucified (standing upright in the water), you are buried(immersed in to the water), and you are resurrected into life(raised out of the water). Water baptism is a picture of the spiritual baptism. Baptism is a outward testimony of the believers inward faith. Col 2: 12 We are buried with Him in baptism. 1Peter 3:18. Many misunderstand this verse to mean that baptism saves. When Peter says , the like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us(not the putting away of the filth of
Authors E.R Muniah (BA Theology) and S.S. Nagan (NCT (T3),NTD(w/s),NTD(N6),BA(honours) Practical Theology )






the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God). by the resurrection of Jesus Christ.. When Peter uses the phrase, baptism saves you, he continues in the same sentence to explain what he means by it. He says baptism saves you not as a removal of the dirt from your body(that is, not as an outward physical act which washes dirt from the body that is not the part which saves you., but as an appeal to God for a clear conscience (that is an inward, spiritual transaction between God and the individual, a transaction symbolized by the outward ceremony of baptism). We could paraphrase Peter as follows, Baptism now saves you not the outward physical ceremony of baptism but the inward spiritual reality that baptism represents In this way, Peter guards against any view of baptism that would attribute automatic saving power to the physical ceremony itself. Peters phrase an appeal to God for a clear conscience, is another way of saying ,a request for forgiveness of sins an a new heart. When God gives a sinner a clear conscience, that person has the assurance that every sin has been forgiven and he or she stands in right relationship with God(Heb9:14). O be baptised rightly is to make an appeal to God: it is to say please God, as I enter this baptism which will cleanse my body outwardly I am asking you to cleanse my heart inwardly, forgive me of my sins and make me right before you. Understood this way, baptism is an appropriate symbol for the beginning of the Christian life. MODES OF BAPTISM How should we baptise. What is the scriptural teaching on this subject. The examples of baptism in the new Testament clearly supports the immersion. This is consistent with the symbolism that has been discussed above. The person being baptised was immersed into the water. Note Mark 1:5 says that John baptised in not by the river Jordon. Mark 1:10 says that Jesus came up out of the water not from the water. In the book of Acts, Philip and the eunuch went down and came up from the water. Notice that John did not baptise by the river Jordon but in the river Jordon. According to Matthew3:13-16 and Mark 1:9-10 John need much water for baptism. In Romans 6:3-6 we see that baptism must fulfil three types or symbols: death, burial, resurrection. It is also referred to as being planted, and being raised. It is not difficult to see that the only mode of baptism which fulfils all these pictures is immersion of a believer in water. WHO SHOULD BE BAPTISED.(Qualifications of baptism). Acts 2:41 They received the Word ....Then they were baptised. Receiving of the word generally means acceptance of what has be said and believing what has been said. Acts8:12,37,37 They believed and were baptised. Acts 10: 43,44,47 those who believed were baptised. Acts 16:30-34 Paul told the Philippians jailer that he has to believe in order to be saved, not be baptised to save you. It is clear then that only those who accept and trusted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour can be baptised. Only those who believe and accept the word of God. Water baptism does not save, but faith in the Lord Jesus Christ saves. WHY SHOULD ONE BE BAPTISED? This is done in obedience the word of God and the teaching of Jesus Christ. Baptism is a public declaration of the regenerative work of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer. It is also a public declaration that from now on you choose to serve Christ. Satan does not like this! Spiritual baptism is the Christians identification with Christ(Col 2:12). This is HWY we should submit to water baptism. 7.1. Scriptural baptism pleases the Lord. When Jesus was baptised, God the Father said This is My beloved Son in whom I a well pleased(Matt.3:17). 7.2. Scriptural baptism is a testimony to the world. Jesus said, Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before God may Father which is in heaven. WHAT QUALIFIES ONE TO BE BAPTISED? Based on the scriptural principles stated above in point 6.
Authors E.R Muniah (BA Theology) and S.S. Nagan (NCT (T3),NTD(w/s),NTD(N6),BA(honours) Practical Theology )


Baptism is appropriately administered only to those who give a believable profession of faith in Jesus Christ. They must be saved. Baptism is not necessary for SALVATION but SALVATION is necessary for baptism. 9. WHEN and WHERE SHOULD A BE BAPTISED? The Bible teaches that water baptism follows soon after spiritual baptism. Note that Scripture to imply that all those who were baptised were not young children, this does not mean that children cannot be saved. A person should be baptised when they can give a clear believable profession of faith. They should demonstrate that they have a clear understanding of being saved. All those in Scripture understood what is was to be saved. Thus some asked the question, What must I do to be saved? The age then of a person to be baptised varies depending upon their level of understanding. Can a 4 year old child be baptised? Can a 4 year old child be saved? A person should be baptised publically, in the presence of other believers and by a believer. 10. EFFECT OF BAPTISM Although baptism cannot save, not can baptism regenerate a person, it brings a special blessing because it is done in OBEDIENCE to Christs command in Matt 28.

Authors E.R Muniah (BA Theology) and S.S. Nagan (NCT (T3),NTD(w/s),NTD(N6),BA(honours) Practical Theology )



The Lords Supper was instituted on the night in which the Lord Jesus was betrayed. Just prior to His crucifixion the Lord Jesus told His disciples that he must suffer at the hands of men and die. He also told them that He was going away for a while but will return. The disciples become sad and discouraged but the Lord Jesus comforted them and instructed them to remember Him by eating this feast. It is called the Love Feast, Holy Communion, The Eucharist and sometimes referred to as the Lords Table. We will take a look at three questions concerning the Lords Supper.

1) Who should partake of the Lords Supper? Only those who are genuinely saved, born again (regenerated) and trusted the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour. They know for sure that their sins are forgiven and very important that they are baptised on confession of their faith in the Lord Jesus. 2) Why should we partake of Holy Communion? We break the bread and drink of the cup in order to remember our Lord as He himself appointed this as a feast of remembrance. We remember that Christ died for our sins in order that we might be forgiven. The apostle Paul in verse 23 emphasises the authenticity and authority with which instructions for the feast was received. The sacraments stimulate our faith. It is a visual symbolism of the body and blood of the Lord Jesus. We remember someone we know and not someone we have never known. Jesus said, Remember Me. The bread symbolises the body of the Lord Jesus and the wine symbolises the blood of the Lord Jesus. This was to be a perpetual reminder of Christ offered as a Lamb on the altar of the cross at Calvary for every mans sin. We do this only until the Lord Jesus returns. It is a serious thing if any person eats and drinks of the Lords Supper without really knowing what he is doing. Therefore a person who breaks the bread and drinks of the cup must firstly be saved, be baptised and then only participate of the Lords Table, otherwise he would be eating and drinking damnation to his soul. We are to examine ourselves. For this very reason, says Gods word, many of you are weak and sickly, and many die. 3) How should we break bread? We should do it together with other believers, not alone. It is collective not individual and no one brother is appointed to preside (take charge) over the feast. However, only the brethren are permitted to audibly participate as the Spirit of God leads. The frequency of the remembrance feast in the light of verse 26 as often as you do this was to be on the first day of the week, the Lords day. It is the believers privilege at this meeting to engage in heartfelt worship and thanksgiving and partake of the emblems as we associate ourselves with that perfect sacrifice which our Lord made on our behalf at the cross. The remembrance feast is not a meeting were we pray for someone or give a study of the Word or ask God to bless us or heal us. We come to give (worship) not receive. We talk about Worship and Ministry, Worship is giving glory, praise and thanksgiving to God as our hearts swell within us and Ministry is receiving from God blessings through His Word.
Authors E.R Muniah (BA Theology) and S.S. Nagan (NCT (T3),NTD(w/s),NTD(N6),BA(honours) Practical Theology )



1 Ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light." 1 Peter 2: 9. Rev 1:6 And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.

Gods order for man was to function as prophet priest and king. Adam was all three Prophet He had knowledge of God and spoke truthfully about God and creation. Priest. He was able to freely and openly offer prayer and praises to God. King Adam was given dominion over all living creatures. The fall of Adam broke that relationship with God. A partial recovery of the original system that God had designed followed in that the function of prophet, priest and king, was carried out by different persons. In order to get a good understanding of the priesthoods and the role of the priest we have to look at the various kinds of priesthood that existed. The Patriarchal or Family priesthood. It was the family head that performed priestly functions. This form of priesthood was not instituted by God. This type saw men that sought God by living righteous lives. The book of Hebrews gives an account of these patriarchs and their righteousness. Job offered sacrifices on behalf of his children. Abraham is so to be a man of the tent and altar (Gen12:7-8). Abraham moved with his tent and altar. Isaac and Jacob offered sacrifices (Gen24:25). Noah coming out of the ark set up an altar. This form of priesthood is typical of a family altar where the father is the officiating ministering priest in the home. The Melchisedec Priesthood. The first mention of Melchisedec is when Abraham brought bread and wine and gave him a tenth of his spoil. Melchisedec was the king of Salem. There is no record of his beginning or his death. He was not of the tribe of Levi. His priesthood was typical of that which Christ came to put in place. There is no record of other priests during this era. The book of Hebrews expands on the type of priest hood of Melchisedec. His priest was eternal. He was a king and a priest. The Psalmist David tells us about the length of his priesthood. Forever. Ps110 Melchisedec was a King-Priest. Jesus Christ is king and priest and His priesthood is without beginning and without end. His kingship is eternal. The Aaronic priesthood. It was Gods intension and purpose that Israel be a kingdom of priests. The people violated the Law of God so much so that this was never realized. Instead of a nation becoming a kingdom of priests, the priesthood was given to a specific tribe. The tribe called to this purpose was Levi. This form of priesthood was governed by special conditions and rituals. This priesthood was called the Aaronic Priesthood because Aaron was the first priest and only his sons and descendants could become priests. This order of priesthood saw the high priest offering prayers and sacrifices on behalf of the people.
Authors E.R Muniah (BA Theology) and S.S. Nagan (NCT (T3),NTD(w/s),NTD(N6),BA(honours) Practical Theology )


The High Priest could only enter the Holy of holies once a year to make Atonement for the people of Israel. A look at the tabernacle is worth look at this stage. Below is a layout of the tabernacle. low

The tabernacle had two sectio sections: The holy place The holy of holies. A curtain separated the two sections. This format followed through into the temple as well. The ordinary priest were sons of Aaron, they were allowed to offer sacrifices and their responsibility was to attend to the brazen altar, the laver, golden alter(altar of incense) table of show bread, lamp stand and various other things that were connected with the worship that was carried out from day to day. The Levites waited upon the priests. They taught the Law of God. They erected and took down the tabernacle.
Authors E.R Muniah (BA Theology) and S.S. Nagan (NCT (T3),NTD(w/s),NTD(N6),BA(honours) Practical Theology )


This priesthood was ordained of God but only the priest could offer up sacrifices to God. The worshipper had to bring his offering to the priest. The animal was slain and the person who brought the animal was identified with the offering. There were different types of offering that the people of Israel had to bring. All the different types of offering and sacrifices were types and symbolic representation of that which Christ has done. Jesus became the perfect Sacrificial Lamb of God that took away, not covered the sin of the world. The Christian Priesthood In the old dispensation there was a special order of priests, no one could be one unless he came from the family of Aaron. No mention is made of female priests. The priesthood seemed to be limited to males. Now in the new dispensation, the order is divinely changed. The present dispensation began at the day of Pentecost. (Acts 2), and will be completed when the Lord comes to take His people to be with Himself. (1Thes 5). 1 Peter 2-5 and Rev 1-5 makes it clear that all believers are kings and priests unto God. There is no distinction between male and female. (we cannot get in to the discussion and debate of the role of the women, it is beyond the scope of this presentation. Another time needs to be set aside to fully explain the position of the women in the church and the Brethren standpoint on this issue.) As priests have the responsibility of being mediators of Gods love and truth. We are to stand in the Gap. We have access to God due to the completed work of Christ on the cross. The Restoring work of Christ regarding the priesthood. Jesus Christ became the perfect sacrifice that satisfied the demands of a Holy and Righteous God. Jesus opened the way into the immediate presence of God. Jesus priesthood was not of the linage of Aaron. Jesus was from the tribe of Judah and of royal descent. The line of David. Christ priest hood was of the order of Melchisedec. Ps110 Jesus brought back the original design of God. Jesus reconciled us back to God. Christ is the perfect prophet, He knew the mind of God and declared the truth of God to us and God words to us. He is the perfect priest. He offered the supreme sacrifice that satisfied the demands of a Holy and a righteous God. He offered Himself. He also brought us before God through prayer. He is King. He will reign with the scepter of righteousness. The veil of the temple was rent in two, when Jesus declared it is finished. This was significant. This signaled that the priest could now also enter the holy of holies. This ushered a new era. We now, because of what Christ has done, function as all three. As prophet. We declare the Word of The Lord by proclaiming the gospel. This is not only for the pastor or leader. It is an instruction to all.
Authors E.R Muniah (BA Theology) and S.S. Nagan (NCT (T3),NTD(w/s),NTD(N6),BA(honours) Practical Theology )




We have been give authority and power. And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him: 4 And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads. Rev 3:12; 5 And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign forever and ever. Isa 60:19; Zech 14:7; R We are now able to come into His presence boldly.Heb 10:19-22 Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh; And having an high priest over the house of God; Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water. Peter tells us that we are Priests. As priests we offer spiritual sacrifice acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. We are now able to enter the holiest of all, and continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is the fruit of our lips that acknowledges His name. Romans 12:1 we are to offer our bodies a living sacrifice to God.

Authors E.R Muniah (BA Theology) and S.S. Nagan (NCT (T3),NTD(w/s),NTD(N6),BA(honours) Practical Theology )

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