Constitution of The Universal Negro Improvement Association 1918

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Constitution of the Universal Negro Improvement Association, 1918

PREAMBLE The Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League is a social, friendly, humanitarian, charitable, educational, institutional, constructive and expansive society, and is founded by persons desiring to the utmost to work for the general uplift of the Negro peoples of the world. And the members pledge themselves to all in their power to conserve the rights of their noble race and to respect the rights of all mankind, believing always in the Brotherhood of Man and the Fatherhood of God. The motto of the organization is One God! One Aim! One Destiny! Therefore, let justice be done to all mankind, realizing that if the strong oppresses the weak confusion and discontent will ever mark the path of man, but with love, faith and charity towards all the reign of peace and plenty will be heralded into the world and the generations of men shall be called Blessed. Made for the Government of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League In Effect July, 1918 Amended in August, 1920, August, 1921, and August, 1922 Constitution ARTICLE I Jurisdiction Section 1. This body shall be known as the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League. Its jurisdiction shall include all communities where the people of Negro blood and African descent are to be found. In it alone, and through the Potentate and Supreme Commissioner, hereinafter spoken of and his successors, are vested powers to establish subordinate divisions and other organizations, whose objects shall coalesce and be identical with

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those herein set forth, and its mandates shall be obeyed at all times and under all circumstances. To the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League, through the authority of the Potentate, is reserved the right to fix, regulate and determine all matters of a general or international nature as affecting the objects of the organization and the membership at large. Right to Reorganize Rebellious Branch or Division Section 2. The right is reserved to revoke charters and to reestablish jurisdiction over any division or subordinate organization whose affairs are conducted contrary to the welfare of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League as required by the Constitution and General Laws.

Objects and Aims Section 3. The objects of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League shall be: to establish a Universal Confraternity among the race; to promote the spirit of pride and love; to reclaim the fallen; to administer to and assist the needy; to assist in civilizing the backward tribes of Africa; to assist in the development of Independent Negro Nations and Communities; to establish Commissionaires or Agencies in the principal countries and cities of the world for the representation and protection of all Negroes, irrespective of nationality; to promote a conscientious Spiritual worship among the native tribes of Africa; to establish Universities, Colleges, Academies and Schools for the racial education and culture of the people; to conduct a world-wide Commercial and Industrial Intercourse for the good of the people; to work for better conditions in all Negro communities. Seven Necessary Number for Charter Section 4. A charter may be issued to seven or more citizens of any community whose intelligence is such as to bring them within respectful recognition of the educated and cultured of such a community, provided there is no chartered division in such a community. Chapters Section 5. All additional Divisions created in the same cities shall be called Chapters. The Charters granted to such Divisions shall be called Chapter Charters, and all new Divisions so Constitution of the Universal Negro Improvement Association, 1918

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created shall be called Chapters instead of Divisions, and the Executive Secretary, who shall be a civil servant attached to the Division, shall be the Supervisor of such Chapters. Dominion, Provincial or Colonial Charters Section 6. 1n countries requiring the Provincial or Colonial registration of Charters, there shall be issued one Dominion, Provincial or Colonial Charter, as the law may require, and all Divisions within the Charter limits shall be designated as Branches. Nothing in this provision shall be construed as giving the original Division any jurisdiction over the others other than through the parent body. ARTICLE II Laws Section 1. The Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League may enact and enforce laws for its government and that for subordinate divisions, organizations and societies and members throughout the jurisdiction. Section 2. The laws of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League shall be comprised in (a) The Constitution which shall contain the outlines, fundamental principles and policies of the organization, its Jursidiction and that of local Divisions and societies, the list of officers and all matters pertaining to their duties; (b) The By-Laws, which shall contain the order of procedure in Convention, the specific duties of officers and committees, and the standing rules; (c) The General Laws, which shall contain all matters pertaining to the relations of members and local Divisions and societies to each other. Amendment to Constitution Section 3. The Constitution shall only be amended at times when such amendments tend absolutely to the further interest of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League and when carried by a two-thirds majority in Convention fully assembled.

By-Laws and General Laws; How Enacted Section 4. By-Laws and General Laws may be enacted by the Convention of the Universal Negro

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Improvement Association and African Communities League, and such laws shall be carried by a twothirds majority. ARTICLE III Deputies to Convention Section 1. Divisions and all kindred organizations, societies and orders subordinate to the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League are entitled to representation in Convention; such Divisions and societies sending a delegate or delegates, who shall be named deputies, as directed through the office of the President-General. Terms of Deputies Section 2. Each Deputy shall hold office for four years after election, and his office shall be honorary with his expenses paid for attending Convention by his own Division, organization, society or order. He shall be entitled to one vote in Convention and no proxy shall be allowed. ARTICLE IV Officials, Officers, Elections and Appointments Section 1. The rulers of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League shall be a Potentate and Supreme Commissioner, a Supreme Deputy, a President-General and Administrator, First Assistant President-General, Second Assistant President-General, who shall also be titular Leader of American Negroes; Third Assistant President-General, who shall also he titular Leader of the West Indies, South and Central America; a Fourth Assistant President-General, a Secretary-General, a First Assistant SecretaryGeneral, a Second Assistant Secretary-General, and a High Chancellor; a Counsel General, an Assistant Counsel- General Auditor-General; a Minister of Labour and Industry, High Commissioner-General A Chaplain-General, an International Organizer, a Minister of Legions and a Minister of Education, all of whom shall form the High Executive Council representing branches throughout the world, and Be it resolved, That everything in the Constitution contradictory to or in conflict with the above section, be and is hereby repealed and declared null and void. Constitution of the Universal Negro Improvement Association, 1918

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Section 2. The offices of the Provisional President of Africa, the President-General and Administrator, the First Assistant President General, the Second Assistant President-General, who shall also be titular Leader of American Negroes; the Third Assistant President General, who shall also be titular Leader of Negroes of the West Indies, South and Central America; the Fourth Assistant President. General, all of whom shall be elected and their term of office shall be four years, providing their conduct conform to the best interests of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League. Section 2a. All other officers forming the High Executive Council shall be appointed by the President-General and confirmed by the Convention, except the Potentate and the Supreme Deputy, whose term of office shall be permanent, and such appointments shall be for the same period as that of the Administration, providing their conduct conforms to the best interests of the Universal Negro Improvement Association, and have proven their confidence to the satisfaction of the administration, and Be it resolved, That everything in the Constitution contradictory to or in conflict with the above section be and is hereby repealed and declared null and void. Failure of Official to Qualify Section 3. No person elected to a high office of the Universal Negro Improvement Association shall hold office until his credentials as to his character and qualifications have satisfied the High Executive Council. In case a person elected to a high office is rejected by the High Executive Council, the President-General and Administrator shall have the power to appoint a person to fill the position of the person rejected until the next session of the Convention. High Commissioners and Commissioners Section 4. A High Commissioner or Commissioner shall be appointed to represent the Universal Negro Improvement Association in every country where Negroes live. In parts where the country is divided up into large states and different sections a Commissioner shall be appointed to every state and section. Rank of Minister or Ambassador Section 5. There shall also be appointed High Commissioners who shall he given the rank of Constitution of the Universal Negro Improvement Association, 1918

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Ministers Plenipotentiary or Ambassadors, who shall be domiciled at the capitals of all regular governments. Their duties shall be to keep up friendly relations with the respective governments and to protect the interests of all Negroes. Appointment of High Commissioners Section 6. The Potentate and Supreme Commissioner shall appoint High Commissioners on recommendation of the President-General and Administrator and commission them to represent the interests of the organization in all countries of the world, and they shall be controlled by the office of the High Commissioners-General. Election of Divisional Officers Section 7. Divisions and subordinate organisations shall elect their officers (except President, who shall be appointed by the President- General) by majority vote to he approved of by the office of the President-General. Term of Office of Rulers Section 8. The term of office of the Potentate and Supreme Commissioner and that of the Supreme Deputy shall be permanent. The term of all other officers of the parent body shall be four years, provided that their conduct conform with the interests of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League at all tunes. ARTICLE V Potentate and Supreme Commissioner Section 1. The Potentate and Supreme Commissioner shall be the invested ruler of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League and all its appendages. He shall be of Negro blood and race. He shall constitutionally control all affairs of the Association and League and all other societies. He shall institute social orders and societies and organizations in connection with the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League, as determined by the said Association and League, and shall retain full power and control over their actions and jurisdiction. He shall have constitutional authority, through his high office, to suspend, reduce or relieve any officer other than the Supreme Deputy of his commission or authority of service to the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Constitution of the Universal Negro Improvement Association, 1918

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Communities League and subordinate orders, societies and organizations. He shall issue articles or messages from time to time to the entire body of members of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League on questions of moment, and such articles and messages shall be respected by all those claiming allegiance to the Association and League. He shall appear in person to open the Convention and to deliver a speech which shall be called the Potentates Speech, and which shall be a review of the work and operations of the Association and League for the past year, as also advices for the conduct of affairs for the current or following year. He shall make his official residence at the place provided for him by the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League. He shall marry only a lady of Negro blood and parentage, and his consort shall herself by virtue of her position be head of the female division of all organizations, societies and orders. He shall form an Executive Council to assist him in his administration out of the officials of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League and others elected by the Convention, and his colleagues shall be required to be loyal to him and to the Association and League. He shall be empowered to confer titles, honors, orders of merit, degrees, or marks of distinction on any person or persons who shall have rendered faithful service to the purposes of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League of whom he has been advised as being fit to bear such titles, honors, orders of merit, degrees or marks of distinction. He shall appoint or commission, through his office, any member or members to carry out any work in the interest of the Association and League. He shall be privileged to nominate his successor during his lifetime, and that nomination shall be handed in a sealed envelope to the High Chancellor, who shall preserve same until the time of his death, At the time of his death his nomination shall be handed over to the Executive Council, and the Executive Council shall make two other nominations before breaking the seal of the late Potentates nomination; the nominations of the Executive Council shall be from among officials, officers, or distinguished members of the organization who have heretofore distinguished themselves in service to the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League and whose honour, loyalty and devotion cannot be questioned. After breaking the seal of the Potentates nomination the three nominations shall be announced to the world and the Supreme Deputy shall call an immediate session of the Convention and then and there elect the new potentate from the three nominees by majority vote and ballot. The election of a new Potentate shall take place two Constitution of the Universal Negro Improvement Association, 1918

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months after the demise of the former, and his investiture shall take place one month after his election. On the death of the Potentate, and on the election of another, his consort shall vacate the official residence for another to be provided by the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League, which shall support her until her death or marriage to another party. Potentates Power Derived from Executive Council Section 2. The Potentates power of action in all matters shall be derived from the advice received from his Executive Council and through the officers of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League, which advice shall be expressive of the will and sentiment of the people, and he shall not be empowered to act in any matter of great moment without first receiving the advice of the Executive Council. Court Reception or At Home Section 3. Immediately during the sitting of Convention of each year the Potentate and Supreme Commissioner shall cause to be given at his official residence or at some place of high moral and social repute an at home or reception, which shall be called the Court Reception, at which the Potentate and his Consort shall receive in presentation those distinguished ladies and gentlemen of the race and their male and female children whose character, morally and socially, stands above question in their respective communities. No lady below the age of eighteen shall be presented at Court Reception, and no gentleman below the age of twenty-one. No one shall be received by the Potentate and his Consort who has been convicted of crime or felony, except such crime of felony was committed in the interests of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League, or whose morality is not up to the standard of social ethics. No one shall pay money to be presented at Court who is not known to the President or General Secretary, respectively, of the local Division to which he or she belongs. All recommendations for social recognition shall be made through local Divisions to the office of the High Commissioner-General, who shall edit a list of social eligibles and present said list to the Potentate, who shall cause commands from his household to be issued to the respective parties to attend Court Reception. Recognition for social or other distinctions shall only be merited by previous service to the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League by the person or persons to be honoured, and no local Division shall recommend anyone Constitution of the Universal Negro Improvement Association, 1918

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to be honoured by the Potentate, who has never done some praiseworthy or meritorious service to the organization in the carrying through of its objects, and all persons honoured by the Potentate shall be so respected by all Negroes of all countries and climes. Impeachment of Potentate or Supreme Deputy Section 4. The Potentate and Supreme Commissioner and Supreme Deputy, should they at any time act contrary to the good and welfare of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League in refusing or neglecting to abide by or carry out the commands of the Association and League through its Constitution and through the order of its Convention shall, on proper evidence of the fact, be impeached by any member of the Executive Council through the office of the Counsel-General, and they shall be tried for such irregularities, neglect, misconduct or disloyalty to the Association before the Convention, and if found guilty before the Convention by a two-thirds vote, they shall automatically forfeit the high office held by them, and the Convention shall take immediate steps to elect a new Potentate or Supreme Deputy. Counsel-General Must Prosecute Section 5. If the Potentate and Supreme Commissioner or the Supreme Deputy shall be charged or impeached before the Convention, the Counsel-General shall prosecute them in the interest of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League, and the Potentate or Supreme Deputy shall have counsel to appear at the Bar of the Convention in his behalf, and such counsel shall be an active member or officer of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League. Defendants Counsel Section 6. No Counsel except an Officer or Active Member of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League shall be allowed to appear in behalf of any members charged before any responsible body of trial of the Association and League. Bribes Section 7. Should the Potentate and Supreme Commissioner or Supreme Deputy take or receive moneys or gifts from any person or persons by way of bribes or rewards for neglecting or selling out the interests of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities

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League, he shall be guilty of high crime against the Association and League, and on conviction before the Convention shall forthwith be disgraced and dismissed from the high office he holds. Officials Found Guilty Section 8. Any officer or official of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League charged and found guilty of a similar offence shall be forthwith dismissed from the office of the Association and League through the office of the Potentate or his or her Superior Officer, on the approval of the Executive Council. Shall Not Receive Money or Gifts Section 9. No officer or official in the service of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League shall receive money or gifts on his or her account from anyone for services rendered for the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League, but all such money and gifts shall be turned over to and shall be the property of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League; but a purse or testimonial may be presented publicly to any officer or official on his or her own account as appreciation of faithful services performed for the Association and League. All Active Members Must Approve Constitution Section 10. All officers, officials and active members of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League shall sign their names in approval and acceptance of the Constitution and By-Laws in a register provided for that purpose before they are installed into office. ARTICLE VI Black Star Line Navigation and Trading Company Section 11. The Third International Convention of Negroes duly assembled ordains and establishes the Black Star Line Navigation & Trading Company for the purpose of carrying out the steamship programme of the Universal Negro Improvement Association in the interests of the race. The Universal Negro Improvement Association shall capitalize the new company, and no individuals shall be allowed to own any stock in said Company. All stocks shall be owned absolutely and exclusively by the Universal Negro Improvement Association. Constitution of the Universal Negro Improvement Association, 1918

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Section 11a. The Executive Council of the Universal Negro Improvement Association is empowered by this Convention to invest its accumulated funds in the said new Steamship Corporation. And the said Executive Council shall be the incorporators of the new Company. And in the formation of the new Company, aside from the President-General, no other directors of the defunct Black Star Line Company shall be allowed to direct the affairs of the new Company. And that only competent persons be employed by the new Company. Black Star Line Redemption Corporation Section 12. The Universal Negro Improvement Association in Convention assembled does hereby authorize the Organization of an auxiliary to be known as the Black Star Line Redemption Corporation, for the purpose of redeeming the stocks and notes of the Black Star Line, Inc., now held by stockholders. Section 12a. A period of five years shall be allowed for the complete redemption of the stock and notes of the Black Star Line, Inc., now held by stockholders, and two and one-half per cent, shall be paid on the stocks and notes of the Black Star Line, Inc., to the stockholders, from the time of the purchase of said stocks and notes to the time of their redemption. Section 12b. The Universal Negro Improvement Association is hereby authorized to call upon all its Divisions and Chapters throughout the world to give an entertainment once per month to raise funds for the purpose of liquidating the stocks and notes of the stockholders of the Black Star Line, Inc. And the funds shall be remitted to the parent body for the purpose and intent so designed. The Parent Body is further authorized to print and distribute among its Divisions and Chapters, envelopes which shall be used by said Divisions and Chapters in soliciting twenty-five cents from all persons who frequent said entertainments, and the amounts collected, together with said envelopes, shall be immediately mailed to the Parent Body, and the funds so received shall be applied to the use for which they were collected. Supreme Deputy Section 13. The Supreme Deputy shall assist the Potentate in the discharge of his duties and shall perform the duties of the Potentate in his absence, incapacity or interregnum. He shall be the Potentates special envoy to attend any function or ceremony that the Potentate may be unable to

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attend himself. He shall attend along with the Potentate the opening of the Convention and sit next to the Potentate. He shall be of Negro blood and his wife shall also be of Negro blood and parentage. President-General and Administrator Section 14. The President-General and Administrator shall be the working head of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League and he shall be held responsible to the Potentate for the entire working and carrying out of all commands. He shall attend Convention and make a speech in reply to that of the Potentate. He shall instruct minor officers on their duties and see that such duties are properly performed. He shall be empowered to exercise a Veto Power on any financial matter initiated by any individual or by the Executive Council that may tend to jeopardize or ruin the finances of the organization. Such veto power shall only be used by the Administrator in financial matters, and where from his best judgment he is convinced that it is not to the best interest of the organization to permit the carrying out of such financial measures. An appeal may be made to the Convention against the veto of the Administrator, on any measure, and he shall be held responsible to the Convention for the exercise of his judgment on the matter. First Assistant President-General Section 15. The First Assistant President General shall assist the President General in the performance of such duties of his office as shall be assigned to him by the President General. He shall perform all the duties of the President General in case of absence, illness, permanent disability, resignation or death, until such time as the Convention shall have elected a new President General. Secretary General and High Commissioner Section 16. The Secretary General and High Commissioner shall have in his custody all correspondence of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League. He shall have under control all Divisional Secretaries and shall conduct the general correspondence of the organization. He shall attend Convention and read reports and answer

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questions relative to the work of the organization. He shall be the spokesman of the Potentate and Executive Council in Convention. The Assistant Secretary General Section 17. The Assistant Secretary General shall assist the Secretary General with the approval of the Executive Council, and in the event of absence, illness, permanent disability, resignation or death, he shall perform all the duties of the Secretary General until such time as the Convention shall have elected a new Secretary General. Second Assistant Secretary General Section 18. It shall be the duty of the Second Assistant Secretary General to work in concert with the First Assistant and the Secretary General in the performance of the duties of that office. High Chancellor Section 19. The High Chancellor shall be the custodian of the funds of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League and shall, under the direction of the President General, deposit all funds in some responsible bank. He shall give bond to the President General, which bond shall be well recognized. He shall attend Convention and deliver the Financial Speech of the year. Counsel General Section 20. The Counsel General shall be the head legal officer of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League. He shall instruct all officials and officers of the Association on the law and shall conduct all cases or see to the defending of the Society before all courts of justice and appear on the Societys behalf at all times as directed by the President General. Assistant Counsel General Section 21. The Assistant Counsel General shall assist the Counsel General in the performance of such duties of his office as shall be assigned to him by the Counsel General with the approval of the Executive Council, and in the event of absence, illness, permanent disability, resignation or death he shall perform all the duties of the Counsel General until such time as the Convention shall have elected a new Counsel General. Constitution of the Universal Negro Improvement Association, 1918

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Section 22. The Auditor General and High Commissioner shall audit the accounts and books of the High Chancellor, and all accounts and books of other high officers and branches twice annually viz: For the six months ending January 31st within twenty-one days after that date, and for the six months ended Jan. 31st within twenty-one days after that date. He shall secure the assistance for this purpose of an expert accountant, and shall submit his report to the President General, who shall cause same to be published in the journal of the Association. High Commissioner General Section 23. The High Commissioner General shall be the head of the foreign High Commissioners. He shall receive their reports and report same to the Potentate and Executive Council through the proper officers. He shall recommend to the Potentate worthy individuals on whom commissions, titles, honours, social distinctions and degrees should be conferred. Chaplain General Section 24. The Chaplain General shall be the spiritual adviser of the Potentate and Council. He shall act as the representative of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League in conducting the investiture of all high officials and at the conferring of titles, honours and degrees by the Potentate. He shall attend Convention at its opening along with the Potentate and open the proceedings with prayer. International Organizer and High Commissioner Section 25. The International Organizer and High Commissioner shall be charged with the duty of organizing all the Negro communities of the world into the Universal Negro improvement Association and African Communities League, and shall have under his control all local organizers, who shall report to him monthly through the officers of their respective local Divisions the results of their various organizing campaigns. He shall make periodic visits to all countries to ascertain and to see to the proper bringing together of the worlds corporate body of Negroes. Surgeon General Section 26. The Surgeon General shall disseminate by lectures, articles and circulars information

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to the members of our race, with regard to hygiene, eugenics, vital statistics and necessary precautions for the maintenance of health and the increase of life expectation, and shall perform the duties of a physician and surgeon as directed by the President General. He shall publish at least once monthly in the journal of the Association a statement of the physical conditions among Negroes. He shall examine the physical fitness of the Officers and Privates of the Legions and other auxiliaries. Minister of Labour and Industries Section 27. The Minister of Labour and Industries shall be an Executive Officer of the Universal Negro Improvement Association, whose duty it shall be to regulate labour and industry of the parent body and among the Divisions and various members of the organization throughout the world. When feasible he should have representatives in each Division, and shall thereby inform himself of the labour conditions throughout the world and formulate plans to relieve the economic condition of Negroes everywhere. He shall also lend his assistance to all matters of immigration and to the establishment of avenues of industry for the members of the organization. Minister of Legions Section 28. The Minister of the Legions shall be the Administrative Officer of the Universal African Legions of the Universal Negro Improvement Association. He shall be subjected to the commands of the Potentate, President General and Executive Council. He shall nominate his staff and Chief thereof with the approval of the President General and Potentate, who shall make the actual appointment. He shall use every means by travel, correspondence, and appeal to have a division of the legion formed in every city or district. He shall regulate all details as to uniforms, and shall give orders for other movements on the instruction of the President-General or Executive Council. He shall recommend Privates and Officers to the Commander-in-Chief for promotion. ARTICLE VII Requirements of Officials and High Officers Section 1. All officials and high officers of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League shall be Negroes and their consorts or wives shall be Negroes. No

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one shall be admitted to the high offices of the Association whose life companion is of an alien race.

Qualifications for High and Divisional Offices Section 2. The qualifications of candidates for high office of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League and for candidates for divisional offices shall be as follows: Registered active membership with all dues paid up; shall be a Negro; shall be proven to be conscientious to the cause of racial uplift; he shall not be married to anyone of alien race, shall be free from criminal conviction, shall be of reputable moral standing and good education, and shall undergo a six months course of instruction at any University of the Universal Negro Improvement Association, and that only when the student graduates that he be allowed to represent the organization; and for a correspondence course of one year shall be established for the same purpose, and this course shall be extended to all persons of the race who desire to take it. ARTICLE VIII Salaries and Expenses Section 1. The salary of the Potentate and Supreme Commissioner shall be in keeping with his high office and responsibilities, which salary shall be granted by the Convention. The Potentate shall labour for the good and welfare of the organization, irrespective of salary or other consideration. Section 2. The Supreme Deputy shall be subjected to the same conditions on matter of salary as the Potentate. High Officers Section 3. All officials and high officers of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League other than the Potentate and Supreme Commissioner and Supreme Deputy shall be granted salaries commensurate with the work they perform, which shall be voted by the convention. Constitution of the Universal Negro Improvement Association, 1918

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Section 3a. All officials of the Universal Negro Improvement Association shall be paid their salaries at the minimum which shall be half of the maximum, and each shall be allowed to earn the maximum by ability and fitness, which maximum shall be paid at the end of each month according to the record of such official. Salaries of Divisional Officers Section 4. Officers of local Divisions who give their entire time to the working of their local Divisions shall receive salaries for their services according to the ruling of the membership of such local Divisions, and all such salaries shall be conditional on the local Division having at its disposal sufficient funds in its treasury to make payment of such possible. Transfer of Officers Section 5. The President or any other officer of a local Division in the pay of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League shall be subjected to annual, biannual or tri-annual transfers, according to the advices of the office of the President General and Executive Council. Departmental Assistant Section 6. No department of the Parent Body shall employ an Assistant for that Department without first obtaining the approval of the President General as to the fitness and desirability of the individual to be employed. ARTICLE IX Revenue, Incomes, Etc. Section 1. The Revenue of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League shall be derived from monthly subscriptions, which shall not be more that 25 cents per month, being authorized dues of each active member, donations, collections, gifts, profits derived from businesses, entertainments, functions or general amusements of an innocent nature, and a death tax of 10 cents per month.

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That a tax of $1 shall be levied on every member of the U.N.I.A. each and every year, payable on the first of January, for the purpose of defraying expenses of the organization and its general upkeep, and said one dollar collected from each member shall be forwarded to the High Chancellor through the office of the Secretary General at headquarters. Annual Expense Tax The One Dollar annual tax of each member shall be charged against the local Division to which the member is attached, shall be collected from the financial membership of the Division its report on the 31st December of each year. Section 2. The revenue of the Universal Negro Improve Association and African Communities League shall be apportioned to the General Fund, which shall go to bear the general exp of the organization for the carrying out of its objects. Remitting of Monthly Dues by Local Divisions, Societies, Etc. Section 3. The Secretaries of all Divisions and subordinate or organizations shall remit at the end of each month to the High Chance through the Secretary General, one-fifth of all monthly subscription joining fees, dues and net profits from local business under control of the said Division, as also from donations, grants, amusements, entertainments and other functions for the get fund of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League for the carrying out of its general objects. That each person pay an entrance fee of twenty-five cents in joining the Association. Chancellor Deposits All Money Section 4. All moneys of the Universal Negro Improver Association and African Communities League shall be lodged the Chancellor in a responsible bank, and drawn only on the signatures of the President General, the High Chancellor and Secretary General. Donations to Charity by Potentates, Etc. Section 5. The Potentate and Supreme Commissioner shall empowered to make donations of charity to be created from Charitable Fund of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and

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African Communities League, to worthy causes in the n of the Association and League, with the approval of the Executive Council. Investing of Money Section 6. The Universal Negro Improvement Association African Communities League and all its Divisions and allied so ties may invest money in any business which to the best judgment the members of the organization are of such as to yield profit in interest of the Association, but no Division shall invest its funds w out first getting the approval of the Parent Body.

No Investments by Divisions Section 7. No investment of money shall be made by a local Division or society without the consent of the membership of the said Division or society with the approval of the Parent Body. Selling Outside Stock Section 8. No Division shall allow any of its officers or members to use the meetings of the organization for selling stocks or shares in any personal or private concern, and any such officer or member found guilty of such offence shall be suspended for three months. Section 9. The Parent Body of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League may invest its money wholly or in company with others for the good of the organization. Section 10. The funds of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League as derived from all sources herein mentioned shall be used for the carrying out of the objects of the Association. Net Proceeds to Divisions Section 11. Fifty per cent. of the proceeds of all entertainments given by auxiliaries of Divisions, Branches or Chapters shall be turned over to the Division, Branch or Chapter after all legitimate expenses incurred for such entertainments have been paid, and no auxiliary shall give any entertainment without the permission of the President of the Division, Branch or Chapter.

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Section 12. All auxiliaries of Divisions must turn into the treasury of the Divisions to which they are attached all moneys derived from entertainments at the first meeting following such entertainments. ARTICLE X Membership Section 1. All persons of Negro blood and African descent are regarded as ordinary members of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League, and are entitled to the consideration of the organization. Active members are those who pay the monthly dues for the upkeep of the organization, who shall have first claim on the Association for all benefits to be dispensed. ARTICLE XL Sitting of Executive Council Section 1. The Executive Council of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League shall assemble at the headquarters of the Association and shall consist of all the high officers of the Association and others elected thereto. The Potentate shall be its Chairman, and in his absence the President General and Administrator, and the Secretary General its Secretary. It shall decide all questions arising between Divisions and subordinate societies, appeals, international questions and all matters affecting the good and welfare of the organization and its members at large during the rising of the convention. ARTICLE XII Auditing Accounts Section 1. The President General shall cause the books and accounts of the High Chancellor and subordinate officers to be audited twice a year as follows: All accounts for the six months ending July 31st within 15 days after that date, and for the same period ending January 3 1st, within 15 days after that date. For this purpose he shall call upon the Auditor General and also appoint an expert accountant, who shall make a thorough examination and shall submit a report to the President General, who shall cause its publication in the regular journal of the society. Constitution of the Universal Negro Improvement Association, 1918

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Defalcation or Misappropriation

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Section 2. If said report should show any errors of importance or defalcation or misappropriation of funds of any officer so responsible, it shall be the duty of the President General, with the consent of the Potentate, to suspend such officer or officers, and he shall instruct the Counsel General to proceed at once, legally, to secure the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League from loss, and in accordance with the bond or bonds of said officer or officers. Fiscal Year Section 3. The fiscal year of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League shall commence on the first day of June and end on the 31st day of May in each year. The Civil Service Section 1. A Civil Service shall be established by the Universal Negro Improvement Association. From this Civil Service shall be recruited all employees of the Association. Section 2. A Civil Servant shall have precedence over and preference to all persons employed, or to be employed, by the Universal Negro Improvement Association. Lists Section 3. An official civil servants list of the Universal Negro Improvement Association shall be compiled and designated as the Civil Service. Examination Section 4. All persons to be placed on the Civil Service shall first be obliged to pass an examination on general educational test as laid down by the official examiners, and in addition thereto such persons shall be required to give evidence of good moral character and honesty. Examiners Section 5. The official examiners shall be the Administrator of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and such other persons as he may appoint to serve with him.

Constitution of the Universal Negro Improvement Association, 1918

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Civil Service Commission

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Section 6. The persons appointed by the Administrator to serve with him as official examiners shall be known as the Civil Service Commission; and the Civil Service Commission, together with the Administrator, shall compose the Board of Civil Service Examiners. They shall designate the subjects in which applicants shall be examined, and shall also prescribe the rules and regulations governing the examinations of applicants. Certificate Section 7. All applicants who have passed the Civil Service examination shall be given a certificate as proof thereof. Promotions Section 8. All promotions in the Universal Negro Improvement Association shall be made from the Civil Service list of the Association. Section 9. All Executive Secretaries of local divisions shall be members of the Civil Service. ARTICLE XIV Passport identifications Section 1. A Bureau of Passports shall be attached to the Secretary-Generals office. Section 2. Each and every member who desires a Passport Identification for the purpose of travel or for the purpose of receiving recognition, consideration and likely help from other branches, or for the purpose of proving connection with a regular organization or with a branch of the Universal Negro Improvement Association, shall be supplied with one of these Passports at any Division of the organization by the Executive Secretary of that Division at which application is duly made. Section 3. Each passport shall have on its face a photograph of the bearer, the signature of the bearer, and such other details as may be provided in the rules and regulations of the Bureau of Passports and Identifications.

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Section 4. Each passport identification shall be issued by the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League from its Headquarters. It shall be signed and stamped by the Executive Secretary stationed at the Division where the passport has been secured. Section 5. Before a passport identification can be secured each and every member shall be required to fill out a bill of particulars, and only financial members whose dues and assessments have been fully paid up and whose records are clean shall be supplied with a passport identification. No one shall be granted a passport identification until he or she shall have been in the organization for six months and shall have paid up all dues and assessments. Section 6. The sum of two dollars shall be paid for the issuance of every Passport Identification. Renewals may be made annually against the payment of a fee of twenty-five cents. Section 7. The Bureau of Justice, through the office of the President-General, shall see that each and every member who holds a passport identification is properly protected, in case of abuse, advantage or injustice committed upon such individual. African Redemption Fund 1. The parent body shall be empowered to raise a universal fund from all Negroes for the purpose of the redemption of Africa. Every member of the Negro race shall be asked to contribute to this fund a sum not less than $5.00 (Five Dollars). This contribution to the African Redemption Fund shall not be a tax on active members, but shall be a voluntary contribution by all Negroes. 2. This fund shall be known as the African Redemption Fund. 3. Each and every person who subscribes to this fund shall receive a certificate of loyalty to the cause Afric. The certificate shall bear the signatures of the President-General, the High Chancellor and the Secretary-General of the Universal Negro Improvement Association. 4. The purpose of the African Redemption Fund shall be to create a working capital for the organization and to advance the cause for the building up of Africa. ARTICLE XV

Constitution of the Universal Negro Improvement Association, 1918

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Bureau of Justice

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1. A Bureau of Justice shall be established by the parent body of the U.N.I.A. and A.C.L. for the protection of all Negroes. 2. The Bureau of Justice shall be composed of three members. It shall have for its head an attorney-at-law who shall be known as the chief of the Bureau of Justice. One of the members of the Bureau shall be its secretary. 3. The Bureau shall have to co-operate with it a committee of three from each Local Division, composed of the President and two members selected from the general membership. This committee shall be under the supervision of the Bureau. 4. The local committee shall have the power to dispose of all matters not of sufficient magnitude to require special attention of the Bureau and shall report to the Bureau their action therein. 5. The Bureau, with the consent and advice of the President General and High Executive Council, shall have the power to make such rules and incur such expenses as are absolutely necessary for the proper carrying out of its objects. Sources: Adelaide Cromwell Hill & Martin Kilson, eds., Apropos of Africa: Sentiments of American Negro Leaders on Africa From the 1800s to the 1950s (London: Frank Cass and Company Limited, 1969).

Constitution of the Universal Negro Improvement Association, 1918

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