EC-803 Computer Vision: Lecture-1

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EC-803 Computer Vision

Course Introduction Basic Transformations- Translation, Scaling and Rotation, both in 2D & 3D Inverse Transformations Perspective Transformation and Imaging Process Relationship between Cartesian Coordinate System and Homogeneous Coordinate System Inverse Perspective Transformation

Course Introduction
Instructor: Mahmood Akhtar, PhD Lecture Timing: Mon 17302030 hrs, CR (Mts) -02 (Trg Block- III)

Basic Transformations, Camera Model and Imaging Geometry, Camera Calibration and Stereo Imaging, Linear Filters, Multiview Geometry, Structure From Motion, Segmentation, Finding Images in Digital Libraries, Tracking, Model-Based Vision, Finding Templates Using Classifiers, Range Data

Text Book & References:

David A. Forsyth and Jean Ponce, Computer Vision A Modern Approach, 2002 Ed (available from local market) Class slides & selected research papers to be distributed by the instructor Mubarak Shah, Fundamentals of Computer Vision, 1997 (soft copy available) Linda Shapiro and George Stockman, Computer Vision, 2000 (soft copy available) Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods, Digital Image Processing, 3rd Edition, 2009 (available from local market)

Digital image processing Working knowledge of Matlab Knowledge related to: Euclidean and projective geometry Linear Algebra Vector calculus Probability & Statistics

Yahoo Group:


Grading Policy*:
Surprise quizzes Programming assignments Sessional exam I Sessional exam II Project Final exam
*Relative final grading policy

8% 7% 15% 15% 15% 40%

Quizzes & Assignments:

Please make sure you visit CV_CEME group every day, for notifications about assignments & other related material uploaded from time to time Quizzes: 4-6, carrying 7% weight in the total marks (best 4 out of 6 can be considered in the benefit of students) Assignments: 4-6, carrying 8% weight in the total marks Assignments may be written assignments or programming assignments Assignment submission deadline will be given with the assignment Assignments submitted after the deadline will not be accepted and will carry ZERO MARKS Cheated (i.e., matching) assignments will get ZERO MARKS

Projects will carry 15% weight in the total marks Projects may be conducted individually or in groups of max. two students Suggested topics for projects will be uploaded on the class yahoo group some time between week 2 and week 4 of the course Project topics should be selected and approved within the first six weeks of the course. Project presentations will commence from week 12 onwards and projects (report, CD & presentation) will not be accepted after the presentation date. Projects consisting of downloaded codes or presentations will not be accepted and will carry ZERO MARKS

Process of discovering what is present in the world and where it is by looking

What is Computer Vision?

given an image or more, extract properties of the 3D world:
- Traffic scene - Number of vehicles - Type of vehicles - Location of closest obstacle - Assessment of congestion - Location of the scene captured -

Computer Vision
goal is to emulate human vision (which is limited to the visual band of electromagnetic (EM) spectrum), including learning and being able to make inferences and take actions based on visual inputs

Why Computer Vision?

An image is worth 1000 words Many biological systems rely on vision The world is 3D and dynamic Cameras and computers are cheap

Applications of Computer Vision

Autonomous cars, Planes, Missiles, Robots, ... Space exploration Aid to the blind, Sign language recognitions Manufacturing, Quality control Surveillance, Security, Biometrics Image retrieval Medical imaging & analysis ...

Computer Vision Focuses on:

What information should be extracted? How can it be extracted? How should it be represented? How can it be used to achieve the goal?

Related Disciplines
Image processing Pattern recognition Computer graphics Artificial intelligence Machine learning

Active Research Topics

Object recognition Human behavior analysis Internet and computer vision Biometrics and soft biometrics Large scale 3D reconstruction (city level) Medical image processing Vision for robotics

Computer Vision Publications

IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI) Internal Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV) IEEE Trans. on Image Processing

Computer Vision Publications

International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), once every two years Conf. of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), once a year Europe Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), once every two years

EC-803 Computer Vision

Course Introduction Basic Transformations- Translation, Scaling and Rotation, both in 2D & 3D Inverse Transformations Perspective Transformation and Imaging Process Relationship between Cartesian Coordinate System and Homogeneous Coordinate System Inverse Perspective Transformation

Basic Transformations
Translation (2D)

**consult your class notes for further information on this topic**

Basic Transformations
Scaling (2D)

**consult your class notes for further information on this topic**

Basic Transformations
Rotation (2D) - around origin
**consult your class notes for further information on this topic**

Basic Transformations
Rotation (2D)
- around any other point (not origin) T-r(R T-rp)
1. take the translation to origin 2. rotate an angle required 3. take inverse translation

Basic Transformations
Translation (3D)

**consult your class notes for further information on this topic**

Basic Transformations
Scaling (3D)

**consult your class notes for further information on this topic**

Basic Transformations
Rotation (3D) - around z axis
**consult your class notes for further information on this topic**

Basic Transformations
Rotation (3D)
- around x axis
**consult your class notes for further information on this topic**

Basic Transformations
Rotation (3D)
- around y axis
**consult your class notes for further information on this topic**

Basic Transformations
Concatenation - several transformations can be presented by a single
4x4 transformation matrix V* = R (S (TV)) = AV - matrix operations are not commutative

Basic Transformations
Transformation for a Set of Points
- for a set of m points, construct a matrix V of dimension 4 x m, such that each column represents a point - transformation: V* = AV - ith column, jth element of V* is transformed point corresponding to Vi,j
**consult your class notes for further information on this topic**

EC-803 Computer Vision

Course Introduction Basic Transformations- Translation, Scaling and Rotation, both in 2D & 3D Inverse Transformations Perspective Transformation and Imaging Process Relationship between Cartesian Coordinate System and Homogeneous Coordinate System Inverse Perspective Transformation

Inverse Transformations
Inverse translation (sign is changed)

**consult your class notes for further information on this topic**

Inverse Transformations
Inverse scaling (values get inverted)

**consult your class notes for further information on this topic**

Inverse Transformations
Inverse rotation (angle sign is changed)

**consult your class notes for further information on this topic**

EC-803 Computer Vision

Course Introduction Basic Transformations- Translation, Scaling and Rotation, both in 2D & 3D Inverse Transformations Perspective Transformation and Imaging Process Relationship between Cartesian Coordinate System and Homogeneous Coordinate System Inverse Perspective Transformation

Perspective Transformation and Imaging Process

Perspective Transformation is also called imaging transformation approximation of the image formation process projects 3D points onto a 2D camera plane (x,y,z) Camera coordinate system

(X,Y,Z) World coordinate system (aligned with camera coordinate system)

x = X/(-Z) y = X/(-Z) where is the focal length

**consult your class notes for further information on this topic**

EC-803 Computer Vision

Course Introduction Basic Transformations- Translation, Scaling and Rotation, both in 2D & 3D Inverse Transformations Perspective Transformation and Imaging Process Relationship between Cartesian Coordinate System and Homogeneous Coordinate System Inverse Perspective Transformation

Cartesian Coordinate System & Homogeneous Coordinate System

Cartesian coordinates: (X, Y, Z) Homogeneous coordinates: (kX, kY, kZ, k), where k is an arbitrary (non-zero) constant relationship between Wh and Ch: Ch = P Wh where P is a perspective transformation matrix
**consult your class notes for further information on this topic**

EC-803 Computer Vision

Course Introduction Basic Transformations- Translation, Scaling and Rotation, both in 2D & 3D Inverse Transformations Perspective Transformation and Imaging Process Relationship between Cartesian Coordinate System and Homogeneous Coordinate System Inverse Perspective Transformation

Inverse Perspective Transformation

maps an image point back to 3D Wh = P-1 Ch where P is a Perspective Transformation matrix for an image point (x0,y0), the above inverse transformation ends up giving Z=0 for 3D point

Problem is that mapping of 3D scene onto image plane (2D) is many to one mapping (x0,y0) is the mapping of points on a straight line passing through (x0,y0,0) and (0,0,)

Equations of straight line in world coordinates: from:

Inverse Perspective Transformation is formulated by using Z component of Ch as a free variable, which gives:

**consult your class notes for further information on this topic**

We can find out X and Y only and require additional information to find out Z so that point in3D world coordinates is exactly known from x0, y0 in image plane SO FAR: Both coordinate systems were aligned NEXT: Imaging geometry where world coordinate system and camera coordinate system are not aligned

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