Essay On Harry Potter

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The text discusses how the magical world of Harry Potter is portrayed as separate from and hidden from the non-magical (Muggle) world. It also explores some of the unusual characteristics of the wizarding community as well as threats from the dark side of magic like Voldemort.

The magical world is represented as separate and hidden from the Muggle world. Wizards dress and act differently than non-magical people. They also have their own means of transportation and communication like flying motorbikes and owl post. Magic is also used to remain undetected by Muggles.

Unusual objects mentioned include a watch with moving planets instead of numbers that suggests wizards have power over time and space. A 'put outer' is used by wizards to turn off streetlights, helping them remain undetected. Owls and cats are also shown to be under wizard control rather than just normal animals.

Essay on Harry Potter The magical world within Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone is represented in a variety

of ways. It is both magical and entertaining. This is one of the reasons why Harry Potter has been so popular over the last ten years. The magical world provides lots of entertainment for the reader; it is a place where anything could happen. The magical world is shown to be separate from the Muggle world. The Muggles dont even know wizards exit, A fine thing would be if the Muggles would find out all about us. This makes the reader feel special as they now know about the wizards. Wizards can still perform magic on both worlds: the magic world and the Muggle world. Shooting stars down in Kent, this quote proves that Muggles can see magic if it is performed in their world. It is represented in a way which makes us feel exited when we see something unusual happening. It might have been magic! The wizard world is also represented as being quite unusual. Wizards and Witches dont wear normal clothes. They walk around in different coloured cloaks, there seemed to be a lot of strangely dressed people around. People in cloaks. This shows that wizards are extraordinary, that they are different in fashion and opinion. They appear to make there own rules and they dont seem to copy or adapt. It makes their world full of fancy fantasy and a place where you want to be. But wizards dont just have different clothing, their names are really weird too, his name was Albus Dumbledore. This shows that even the older magical population has no sense for names like Peter Smith or other normal names. It makes us feel different, because our names are Muggle names. The magic world is absolutely entertaining, just by introducing unknown objects or by changing the function of others, A huge motorbike fell out of the air and landed on the road. This creates the impression that wizards use different vehicles. No airplanes, but flying motorbikes. It makes the reader wonder what else there is. (We dont know about broomsticks yet)

Another bizarre object is the strange watch, It was a very odd watch. It had twelve hands but no numbers; instead, little planets were moving around the edge. This makes the reader wonder whether the wizards are so powerful that they rule over the galaxy. They also think that the wizards may not follow the normal time. A completely made up object is the put outer. This proves once more the wizards dislike for normal names, It seemed to be a silver cigarette lighter. He flicked it open () the nearest street lamp went out. This emphasises that the wizards hide from Muggles. They use magic to turn of lights, so that nobody can see them. When ever a light goes out there might be a wizard passing by. The wizarding world is very mysterious. They seem to have overtaken the animals, the owls swooping past in broad daylight. This suggests that the wizards use owls at there own purpose. They dont just use owls through, something particular- a cat reading a map This really shows that cats behave strangely, He turned around to look at the tabby (cat) but it was gone. Instead () a rather sever-looking woman. Wizards can change into animals. This makes them appear mysterious. They can go and come unnoticed in the form of a cute little rabbit - or a tabby cat. It makes the magical world the appearance of being soft and cute. And people are whispering, whispering in the presence of other people. This lot were whispering excitedly, too., this shows that they have something important enough to meet in the street, expose themselves to the danger of Muggles, to exchange important information. They whisper about the Potters. Sadly, the wizarding world is not just good. You could think that the wizards can fight of every evil but the problem is that the dark side has got magical powers too. Everybody is frightened of the current one, Voldemort. Professor McGonagall flinched This shows that they are even afraid of his name. It shows that the unnameable is particular dangerous, last night Voldemort turned up in Godrics Hallow. He went to find the Potters. The rumor is that Lily and James are () dead! This emphasises the power of the Dark Lord. It proves that he kills to get what he wants. It makes the magic world happy and joyful, for nothing could upset me

today! Rejoice, for You-Know-Who has gone at last. () celebrate this happy, happy day. Nothing will decrease the wizards cheer and gladness. You-Know-Who has gone! But why is he gone? Theyre saying that he tried to kill the Potters son Harry. But he couldnt. () Voldemort power somehow broke and thats why hes gone. It creates the feeling of victory, light- hearted pleasure and eternal hope. It shows the magical world as a place where you can progress and celebrate. To finish of you can clearly say that the magical world is a place of mysterious interest, a place of victory and craziness, Shooting Stars all over Britain? Owls flying by daylight? Mysterious people in cloaks all over the place? And a whisper, a whisper about the Potters To Harry Potter - the boy who lived! Hanna Zinner

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