The Logic of Bönninghausen

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Dr. Karl Robinson


The twentieth century saw the ascendancy of the repertory as the most used tool in homeopathic analysis. Since it is so widely used and so widely esteemed it is useful to look at one created by C.M.F. von Bnninghausen in 1846 and contrast it briefly with those that followed. Bnninghausen created three repertories, the last of which, Therapeutic Pocketbook, most expressed his genius. He constructed this masterpiece from the idea that symptoms could be taken apart, separated into categories, and then reconstituted to form new symptoms. A sensation or modality, he found, affects not only a single part of the body, but any part in the same way. That is to say, he intuited that if a homeopathic medicine in its proving affected the patient in a local area, it would similarly affect the patient in other areas. So if Bryonia was known to be useful when a pain in a knee increased on moving, similarly it would prove useful when movement increased pain in any part of the body. This must have been a radical idea in its time as it suggested that the human body was vastly more integrated and interconnected than had ever been conceived of before. Even today it remains a radical concept among the homeopathic community that has chosen, overwhelmingly, to use repertories such as Synthesis [1] and The Complete Repertory [2] both based on James Tyler Kents Repertory [3] created late in the nineteenth century.
[1] Dr. Frederik Schroyens, ed., Synthesis, Repertorium Homeopathicum Syntheticum. [2] Roger Van Zandvoort, The Complete Repertory. [3] J.T. Kent, M.D., Repertory of the Homeopathic Materia Medica.

Before examining Bnninghausens work, let us look at the Kent Repertory. Kents opus contrasted sharply with Bnning-hausens Therapeutic Pocketbook as Kent tried to present fairly complete symptoms catalogued under various parts of the body. Kent tied the complaint to the location plus a circumstance [4]. For example, "HEAD, Pain, sun, from exposure to" or "Extremities, Pain, Knee, motion." At the same time, borrowing heavily from Bonninghausen, Kent created a final chapter, "Generalities" in which one finds

the entry "Sun, exposure to the sun" and "Motion agg." It has never been fully explained if the homeopath is to refer to a specific chapter or to Generalities making both Kent and those who use his repertory uncertain if not schizoid. Perhaps Kent, fearing his repertory, section by section, was incomplete, decided to cover all bases by creating the final Generalities chapter.
[4] The words, circumstance, condition, and modality, are often used interchangeably in this article.

Bnninghausen from the outset created a very different kind of repertory. Selected proving symptoms were dissected into their constituent parts and catalogued under an appropriate heading. If a medicine was known to affect a specific part of the body strongly then it was listed under that part of the body with no modifiers. The modifiers sensations or descriptions [5], and modalities -- were each given their appropriate heading. So one proving symptom could easily be broken into three or four parts and catalogued in three or four different sections of the repertory. For example, if the prover complained of a sharp pain in the forehead worse from motion and worse from the sun, the medicine would be listed first under "Internal head, Forehead", then under "Generals, Stitching in inner parts" and then under "Modalities, Sun" and "Modalities, Movement, during."
[5] A description of a complaint can often be verified through the senses and is therefore objective whereas a sensation is subjective.

Bnninghausen grasped the great idea that that which affects the part can affect any part and thereby affects the whole. It was then and still is a revolutionary idea that surfaced in the latter twentieth century with the discovery of holographs. (short explanation) So when he put together his Pocketbook he deconstructed symptoms into fragments, viz., location, complaint/sensation, and modalities. A careful homeopath in analyzing a patients symptom parses, separating out location, sensation/complaint, modalities: as follows: I have a burning pain in my right knee that is worse when I sit and improves when I walk. Here we have the location, right knee; the sensation, stitching pain; and two modalities, worse sitting and better walking. If this symptom had been brought on during a proving of medicine X Bonninghausen would have deconstructed it with X appearing in "Lower Limbs, Knee joint" as well as "Lower Limbs, Right." It would also have appeared under

"Generals, Burning in outer parts" and "Modalities, Sitting" and "Modalties, Walking, during amel." Bnninghausen generalized all sensations and modalities. An abnormal sensation felt in a single part could, he suggested, be felt in any part whether that sensation appeared in other locations in the proving. For example, Alumina CD831 [6], reads, "Pain in the back, as if a red hot iron was thrust through the lowest vertebrae." A bit later, CD867, "Burning in the arms and the fingers, and in the left elbow, as from a red-hot iron." Bnninghausen inserted it into his repertory under "Generals, Hotpoker (hot-iron forced in), sensation of a;" though only two provers reported the symptom in a proving totaling 1161 symptoms.
[6] In Materia Medica Pura (MMP) and Chronic Diseases (CD) each symptom of every proved medicine is numbered.

Kent, on the other hand, took CD831 and placed it under "BACK, Pain, Spine, as if a hot iron were thrust through lower vertebrae" but did not do the same for arms, fingers, elbow. Nor did it appear in "GENERALITIES, Pain, Burning, Bones." Kents Repertory is consistently inconsistent in what symptoms appear where. Bnninghausen did the same thing with modalities. He predicted that if a medicine made a part better or worse, it could make any part better or worse. If we turn to Hahnemanns Chronic Diseases(CD)and open to the proving of Phosphorus we read the following: CD1725: "He can only lie on his right side, at night." CD1726: "Lying down on his left side, at night, causes him anxiety." Of 1915 symptoms recorded for Phosphorus in CD only 1725/1726 speak of this modality. Yet from those unobtrusive entries it grew to become a grand modality presumably though countless clinical observations by many homeopaths. Nowhere in the proving is there mention of coughs, respiration, headaches, or pains in general, worsening while lying on the left side. Yet every beginning homeopath is taught this famous modality and every experienced homeopath has verified it repeatedly. This one modality is an outstanding example of how what affects a single aspect affects any aspect and affects the whole. So, in light of Bnninghausens method as one rereads Kents Repertory (or those based on it) one notes the following symptoms of Phosphorus all worse lying on the left side: vertigo, difficulty breathing, cough, general chest pain and stitching

chest pain, palpitation and sciatic pain. In addition, it is in bold type in "Generalities, Lying on left side agg." So what is one to surmise? Do we believe the entry under "Generalities"? If so, it should be listed throughout the repertory with all pains and morbidities worse lying on the left side. It is not. Therefore, just what are we to assume? It is impossible to know. But all of Kents Repertory is so constructed. When approached from this viewpoint Kents Repertory becomes eminently confusing. As mentioned earlier, Bnninghausen built his repertory in a very different way. He took apart symptoms into their constituent elements (sensations, descriptions and modalities). Each element, he extrapolated, could apply to more than one part. So if a medicine produced a burning pain in the stomach it could, he predicted, cause (and, therefore, cure) a burning pain elsewhere. If movement improved a painful knee joint, movement could then improve other painful joints or other painful tissues. He did not, however, slight anatomy. If a medicine appeared to strongly affect a given location, it was listed under that location. Anatomical areas are represented as follows: External head, Internal head, Eyes, Ears, Nose, Face, Mouth, Neck, external, Chest, Abdomen, external, Abdomen, internal, Back, Upper limbs, and Lower Limbs. Functional systems appear next: Alimentary, Urinary, Reproductive, Respiratory, Cardiovascular, and Thermoregulatory. I am referring here to the categories as they appear in The Bonninghausen Repertory (TBR) edited by George Dimitriadis. [7] The Therapeutic Pocketbook and TBR contain the same information and differ only in the arrangement. TBR is a reformat of the Therapeutic Pocketbook and is more user friendly. Rubrics have been rearranged so they appear under more appropriate categories. Rubrics containing identical medicines in Therapeutic Pocketbook (and there are many) were collapsed in TBR into a single rubric with one rubric being primary and the other in parenthesis. From here on, all references are to TBR.
[7] George Dimitriadis, ed., The Bonninghausen Repertory (TBR).


The truly daring insight of Bnninghausen was he understood that symptoms, once separated into their component elements, namely, location, sensation/complaint, modalities, could be recombined in an original way. When the importance of a symptom fragment is indisputable, the repertorization of that fragment will yield a medicine that will act even if heretofore it was not known to act in such a condition. An example: A 55 year old man treated successfully with Ferrum metallicum came in two years later with inflammation of the scrotum, inguinal areas, ventral surface of the proximal penis, and part of the upper medial thighs. These areas were bright red and "burned." Occasionally there was "uncontrollable itching." The lesion worsened during sweating and was consid-erably better with air circulating. As a result he avoided underpants and often wore nothing but a terry cloth robe indoors. What is important here are the modalities: that the lesion worsened wearing underwear and with sweating. The location, male genitalia, must also be taken into account. TBR 611

Male genitalia Wet, by perspiration agg. Clothing, pressure of, agg.

Sepia 3 Sepia 3 Sepia 3

TBR 2683 TBR 2268

[8] All rubrics in TBR are numbered.

He received Sepia 30 in water, five drops once daily. Within two days there was "significant improvement." It continued and within a few weeks it cleared completely. A careful reading of Sepia in Chronic Diseases will not yield this exact skin lesion with those modalities. But the combination of the location and two modalities clearly pointed to Sepia. Since there were no mental symptoms and no generals none were taken into account. The above is an example of how it is possible, using the Bnninghausen method, to approach pathology with no preconceptions other than the idea of similitude. There is something quite clean about the case, namely, only three symptoms were required and no ideas about how a Sepia patient should present.

Unfortunately, modern homeopathy has taken a direction that makes such an approach difficult if not impossible. Students, worldwide, are taught about the typical Sepia patient and how she (almost always Sepia is gender-skewed) looks and behaves. She is yellowfaced, has menstrual problems characterized by a bearing-down sensation, is indifferent to her husband and kids and is dog-tired rallying only when she runs her three miles every day. Of course, such a description is a caricature, but one all too familiar to all homeopaths. Though it is, of course, true that Sepia can so present it becomes a hindrance when, as in the above case, we have a man with a skin lesion and none of the typical Sepia features. Any preconception about Sepia would have made the prescription in this case impossible. But as long as there are any preconceptions about how any patient should look and act it makes clean homeopathy impossible. To be clean suggests gathering data from the patient and other observers in an unbiased way and then using that data inductively as much as possible. Hahnemann is quite explicit on this point when he writes, "The individualizing examination of a case of diseasedemands of the physician nothing but freedom from prejudice" [9]
[9] S. Hahnemann, Organon, para. 83.

The phrase, "freedom from prejudice," is the cornerstone of taking and analyzing a case of disease. Prejudice is insidious and it creeps into every moment of case taking. We hear something or note something; there is a flash of recognition, "Aha! That reminds me of _____." And the mind is off. Perhaps we have recognized a characteristic of the mineral kingdom, or the plant or animal kingdoms. Perhaps we see spider or snake appearing or perhaps a specific remedy. Who among us has not fallen into this snare? Who has not then begun asking leading questions to confirm whatever it was we recognized? Who has not stacked the data by entering into the computer numerous rubrics to support ones preconceived idea? But it can be a slippery slope leading to yet another wrong prescription. Fortunately, there are ways of getting back on track, one of the best of which is to follow Bnninghausens urging to make each symptom as complete as possible. In an essay, "Directions for Forming a Complete Image," [10] Bnninghausen does what today we would call a "Review of Systems" and he points out the importance of Location, Complaint, Modalities, and Concomitants.

[10] C.M.F. Bonninghausen, "Brief Directions for Forming a Complete Image of a Disease for the Sake of Homeopathic Treatment,"(BLW) p. 285 ff.

Each symptom becomes "complete" when it contains as many of these four aspects as possible. Complaint (though not specifically pointed out by Bnninghausen) consists of sensation which is subjective and description which is objective. Sensation is how the problem feels as in "a burning pain," and description is what it looks like as in "an ulcer with raised, red edges seeping yellow pus."

A complete symptom then has four aspects:
1. 2.

Location: the part of the body affected. Complaint:(Sensation/Description): how the problem feels subjectively and/or looks objectively. 3. Modalities: what makes the complaint better or worse. 4. Concomitants: associated complaints, e.g., with the menses there is headache and dizziness. As a mnemonic they can be abbreviated to LoCoMoCo. It should be recognized that Bonninghausen did not state it exactly as above. In "Directions for Forming a Complete Image" he wrote as follows: V. Internal Headache a. b. c. 1. 2. According to the sensations With respect to the time of the day. With respect to position and circumstances. Aggravated. Relieved.

d. Accompanying ailments. However, one can easily spot location, complaint/sensation, modalities, and concomitants. Another example: A pregnant woman, six days shy of her 38th birthday, came in September 24, 2002, with moderately severe nausea. Conception occurred mid-July with the nausea beginning five weeks ago. Until last week she had dry retching and now vomits "some days."

The nausea was mild in the morning with the severe nausea beginning around 3 p.m. It peaked every day around 5 to 6 p.m. when she might vomit. The vomitus was watery. No food. Increased salivation prior to vomiting. She disliked water, new with the pregnancy. She noted her body had become warmer. She sweated a bit during sleep on the upper body. She had an increased desire for fruit since the pregnancy, especially for oranges. Analysis: Here we have a complaint, nausea and vomiting, and several concomitants. The complaint found its way into the analysis only as a description, watery vomitus. The fact the problem was periodic was confirmatory for China, but not included in the analysis. Nor was the desire for fruit included. TBR 464 TBR 249 TBR 501 TBR 963 Water, avers. Saliva, increased Vomiting, watery Perspiration, upper body, on the China 4 China 3 China 3 China 3

She improved briskly from the first dose onward which she took daily in a 30c potency in water. As per the Bnninghausen method, disparate symptoms, each certain, were recombined resulting in China.

1. Bradford, Thomas Lindsley, M.D., ed., The Lesser Writings of C.M.F.von Bonninghausen (LWB), "Brief Directions for Forming a Complete Image of a Disease for the Sake of Homeopathic Treatment"; New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers(P)Ltd., 2000, p. 285 ff. 2. Dimitriadis, George, ed., The Bonninghausen Repertory (TBR) Therapeutic Pocketbook Method, Sydney: Hahnemann Institute Sydney, 2000.

3. Hahnemann, Samuel, Organon of Medicine, New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers(P)Ltd., 1991, Paragraph 83. 4. Hahnemann, Samuel, The Chronic Diseases Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homeopathic Cure, New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd. 1998. 5. Kent, J.T., M.D., Repertory of the Homeopathic Materia Medica, Calcutta: Sett Dey & Co., 1974. 6. Schroyens, Frederik, M.D.,editor, Synthesis Repertorium Homeopathicum Syntheticum, London: 1998 7. Van Zandvoort, Roger, The Complete Repertory, The Netherlands: 1996.

* * * * *


Bnninghausen had an exceptionally logical mind as he had been trained both as a lawyer and a botanist. When he fell ill with tuberculosis and was cured by homeopathy courtesy a physician friend who was a recent convert to the new science he plunged into its study and within a few years became a brilliant prescriber though he himself had never studied medicine. It was Bnninghausen who realized that proving symptoms could be deconstructed into their constituent parts and then recombined in new and ingenious ways making possible startlingly original cures [1].
[1] Refer to case at end of article.

In 1846 he published Therapeutisches Taschenbuch. The English version, Therapeutic Pocketbook, [2] was translated the same year by Dr. Johann Ernst Stapf.
[2] The Bonninghausen Repertory (TBR) edited by George Dimitriadis is a reformat of Therapeutic Pocketbook. TBR is referred to through this article.

As a botanist he appreciated taxonomy, the classification of plants into various categories based on some common factor. This knowledge he put to good use creating a rigorously logical system of categories in his new repertory. The repertory is divided into four great sections: 1. 2. 3. 4. Regional Symptoms. Systemic Symptoms. General Symptoms. Modalities.

Each large category is further subdivided into more specific ones. He was able to so organize because of his ability to discern the parts of a proving symptom.

To illustrate we take Clematis CD69 [3]: "He cannot pass the urine at one time; it was frequently interrupted in its stream before it was all discharged, then the rest kept dripping out involuntarily, and while the urine was interrupted he felt, by jerks, a burning and tearing in the anterior part of the urethra."
[3] Chronic Diseases, Clematis, symptom 69.

Bnninghausen deconstructed as follows: Urethra, TBR550 [4] Flow of urine by drops, TBR552 Urination, interrupted, TBR553 Generals, Smarting, TBR1399 Clematis 4 Clematis 3 Clematis 4 Clematis 3

Note that the sensation, smarting, Bnninghausen located under Generals which contains sensations and descriptions of various complaints. This signifies that Clematis can produce a burning or stinging or smarting pain anywhere in the body.
[4] All rubrics in TBR are numbered.

Another example: Clematis CD101: "An indurated gland below the nipple; it is painful when touched." Parsing this symptom leads to its entry in the following categories: Mammae, TBR279 Mammae, cancer, TBR280 Swellings, localized, TBR1943 Touched, from being, TBR2642 Clematis 3 Clematis 3 Clematis 1 Clematis 2

The last entry occurs under "Modalities." A modality modifies a symptom making it better or worse. If it could do so in one circumstance, he reasoned, it could modify one or more symptoms. It was out of this sort of logic that Bnninghausen came to the idea of a complete symptom, one that had location, complaint

(subdivided into subjective and objective), modalities, and concomitants (associated complaints). A medicine that covered these four aspects, thought Bnninghausen, stood an excellent chance of curing.

Bnninghausen, the lawyer, went further in his search for a simple yet systematic method to capture all aspects of the patient. In an essay, "Concerning the Characteristic Value of Symptoms," [5] he writes that in his literary studies he came across some verses in the form of a hexameter dating to the beginning of the twelfth century attributable to theological scholastics.
[5] C.M.F. Bnninghausen, "A Contribution to the Judgement Concerning the Characteristic Value of Symptoms," The Lesser Writings of C.M.F. Bnninghausen, (BLW) pp. 105ff.

It was used by the monks to judge "a moral disease," that is to say, "the peculiarity and grievousness of various moral lapses." It immediately struck Bnninghausen that it contained "all the essential momenta which are required in the list of the complete image of a disease." [6]
[6] Ibid., p.107

The verse is: "Quis? Quid? Ubi? Quibus auxiliis? Cur? Quomodo? Quando?" These seven are translated: "Who? What? Where? What else? Why? What modifies? When?"

Quis? or WHO?

It includes: gender, age, bodily constitution, temperament (personality) and individuality (nature). "The greatest and most important variations are here found mostly in the states of the mind and spirit" [7]
[7] Ibid., P.107

Bnninghausen, ever the careful student of Hahnemann, here echoes his mentors words, "and in all cases of disease we are called upon to cure, the state of the patients disposition is to be particularly noted along with the totality of the symptoms" [8]
[8] S. Hahnemann, Organon of Medicine, section 210.

Modern students are wont to suggest that Therapeutic Pocketbook/TBR is all right for pathological prescribing but lacks

when it comes to mental/emotional diseases. Clearly, Bnninghausen emphasized the importance of the mental state. He wrote, "In all such cases [states of the mind and spirit] we have all the more cause to fathom these states with all possible exactness, as in them frequently the bodily ailments recede to the background" [9]
[9] BLW, p.107.

Bnninghausen was reluctant to prescribe a medicine that simply repertorized well. He wrote, "A great number of medicines are thrust aside, just because they do not correspond to the personality of the patient." [10]
[10] BLW, p.107-8.

On the other hand, it is very possible to prescribe successfully recombining symptoms without regard to the mental state. [11]
[11] See my Sepia case in Part One.


Quid? or WHAT?

This refers to the disease, its nature and peculiarity and the need for pure observation. The homeopathic medicine, he stated, "must correspond with the common genius of the disease" [12] which is to say it must match the salient, characteristic [13] symptoms.
[12] BLW, p.110. [13] The word, characteristic is used frequently in homeopathic literature to mean a distinguishing trait or quality.

3. Ubi? or WHERE? This part of the hexameter refers to location. Pure observation, hallmarks of Hahnemanns method, noted that homeopathic medicines can and do favor specific parts of the body. To the extent that location does matter, one cannot accuse Bonninghausen of ignoring it. He was quick to observe that various medicines affected one or the other side of the body, that perspiration could be of the part, etc. What Bnninghausen generalized was sensation and modalities. A symptom of Sepia that Bnninghausen assumed was well-known was "sores on the upper side of the joints of fingers and toes," [14] noting, "every homeopath knows the efficacy of Sepia in these ulcers of the joint." [15] Strange, that no modern homeopath ever mentions this symptom.
[14] Ibid. p.110.

[15] Ibid. p.110.


Quibus Auxiliis? or CONCOMITANT (accessory) symptoms.

These are symptoms accompanying the main complaint. Grasping the idea of concomitance is often daunting for the beginning homeopath as, clearly, all symptoms in a disease are appearing together. Why then would one want to mention something so obvious? Bnninghausen was quick to point out that "those ailments which are wont to appear as constant concomitants or at least as usual in the disease" can be omitted unless they are "distinguished by some rare peculiarity."[16]
[16] Ibid. p.113.

A familiar concomitant is when the menses are attended by headache or gastrointestinal complaints, etc. Sometimes a concomitant symptom rarely appears in connection with the main complaint or it can "belong to another sphere of disease than the chief ailment." [17] Kali bichromium is an example of the latter as it can have sinus problems and stomach problems or sinus problems and sciatica. [18]
[17] Ibid. p.113. [18] Kali bichromium is an important remedy not included in Therapeutic Pocketbook.


Cur? or WHY?

The causes of disease are varied and are often a factor in deciding the remedy. Some proximal causes: trauma, toxic exposure, drugs, emotional, never well since, exposure to inclement weather (cold and wet, sun, etc.). Miasms: psora, sycosis, syphilis.

Quomodo? or MODALITIES (modifying influences)

Often the most useful of the seven momenta. It includes: food & drink, weather, position, heat, cold, etc 6. Quando? or WHEN? Time or onset; time of aggravation [19]; sequence of events.
[19] Quando can often be included under Quomodo unless it refers to the sequence of events or chronology.

THE HEXAMETER AS THE WHODUNIT? OF CRIME It is interesting that five of these are the sine qua non of all criminal investigation, viz., Who? What? Where? When? Why? and all crime stories reported in newspapers utilize those five often in the first paragraph. A fictitious example: "A 35 year old white male last night held up a convenience store on the corner of 5th and Main escaping with over $2,000." The seven elements of Bnninghausens Hexameter provide a careful, systematic way of investigating an entire patient but often one complete symptom is sufficient. The following case is illustrative: In October, 2002, a patient of many years appeared at my door, driven there by a friend. With the friends help she gingerly walked up the walk and with great effort carefully stepped up the single step into the house. She was holding the head with her two hands. An hour earlier she had been rear-ended while stopped at a light. There had been no loss of consciousness; the impact had caused no damage to her vehicle, but she had been badly affected. She managed to sit down in my study all the while holding her head with both hands. The fingers of the left hand were pressed into the inner canthus of the left eye while the fingers of the right hand were pressed into the center of the upper cervical spine. She did so, she explained, because it helped the severe pain between these two points. Her left upper extremity was shaking quite markedly, a kind of convulsive trembling which, in turn, caused her head to shake as that hand was pressed hard into the corner of the eye. She said she felt somewhat faint. The pain, she said, went from the upper central cervical spine through to the inner aspect of the left eye,. It was "like a rod," she said. She also said it was "sharp," "stitching," and "throbbing." "Its like a round thick bar with a point on it," she said. There was a second, less severe pain, from the same spot in the cervical spine, which traveled to the left shoulder and down the arm.

She said the left side of her face and shoulder felt warmer than the right side though on examination I could detect no difference. The feet did feel cooler than the hands or head, however. "I feel like my brain is shaking," she said. I noted she kept her eyes shut. As I wished to look at her pupils I asked her to open her eyes but try as she might she could not bear the light which was exquisitely painful. She said her vision was dimmed or blurred. "Its like a veil or mist." On closing the eye she felt the pain deep in the left eye. Her mouth felt very dry. Assessment: Complaint: Sensations: Modality: Concomitants: head pain. boring and stitching pressure amel. trembling of left upper extremity photophobia [20]
[20] hotophobia can be considered a modality or a concomitant

There are other symptoms but the above are distinctive and cover the case. Note: location, the head, is common and therefore omitted in the repertorization. Analysis: TBR 1200 TBR 1421 TBR 1448 TBR 2519 TBR 2432 "boring outwards" "stitching outwards" "trembling, outer parts: "pressure amel." "light in general, agg Bell 2 Bell 3 Bell 3 Bell 2 Bell 3

Though Belladonna comes through the repertorization clearly, it is prudent to confirm with the original proving found in Materia Medica Pura (MMP) under Belladonna:

MMP 125: Excessively violent headache of obtuse or aching shoots, which dart through the brain from all sides. MMP 127: Some obtuse stitches in the left side of the occiput. MMP 129: Stabbing through the head as with a two-edged knife, in the evening. MMP 135: Cutting tearing pain in the head that extends from one part to another. MMP 236: When she closes the yes, an aching pain deep in the eyeball. MMP 273: Dimness of vision, dryness of mouth MMP 275: Along with dulness of sight trembling in all the limbs. MMP 280: As if mist were before the eyes, obscuration. What is fascinating about this case is that it is not a typical Belladonna presentation, i.e., it is not what is taught and it is not in any of the usual secondary [21] materia medicas. It is an example of l) how nicely The Bnninghausen Repertory works, 2) how nicely the inductive method works and 3) how important it can be to consult the original proving symptoms.
[21] A secondary materia medica is one written by a homeopath emphasizing characteristics he deems important. Only a proving can be considered a primary materia medica.

She was given Belladonna 30c in water and responded within a few minutes. The trembling of the left arm ceased and she stopped pressing into the eye and nape as the pain eased. She needed some repetitions over the next few days but recovered well.

1. Bradford, Thomas Lindsley, M.D., ed., The Lesser Writings of C.M.F. Bnninghausen, (BLW) "A Contribution to the Judgement Concerning the Characteristic Value of Symptoms," New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers(P)Ltd., 2000, pp. 105ff. 2. Dimitriadis, George, ed., The Bnninghausen Repertory (TBR) Therapeutic Pocketbook Method, Sydney: Hahnemann Institute Sydney, 2000.

3. Hahnemann, Samuel, Organon of Medicine, New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers(P)Ltd., 1991. 4. Hahnemann, Samuel, Chronic Diseases, New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd. 1998.



Bnninghausen, possessed of a brilliant legal and scientific mind, was quick to grasp the inner logic of the new system of medicine called homeopathy. He became a trusted colleague of Hahnemann who had complete confidence in him. In 1853 Hahnemann wrote, " Bnninghausen of Mnster has studied and grasped my homeopathic system of treatment so thoroughly that as a homeopath he deserves to be fully trusted, and if I should be ill myself and unable to help myself I would not entrust myself to any other physician."

What does it mean to "grasp" the logic of the homeopathic system? Hahnemann railed repeatedly against those apparent followers who were either unwilling or unable to adhere faithfully to his ideas. Over two hundred years later these ideas continue to present difficulties. What follows is a synopsis of several of Hahnemanns core teachings followed by key contributions by Bnninghausen.
[1] Richard Haehl, M.D., Samuel Hahnemann His Life and Work, vol. II, p.483.


Homeopathy is characterized by a few great concepts. Central to homeopathic doctrine is the idea of the Vital Force. [2] It is postulated that 1) it exists, 2) it is a subtle energy not discernible through the senses, [3] 3) it maintains the organism in health, [4] and 4) when disjointed it causes disease.
[5] [2] S. Hahnemann, Organon of Medicine, 9 "the spiritual vital force, the dynamis that animates the material body, rules with unbounded sway, and retains all parts of the organism in admirable, harmonious, vital operation" [3] Ibid., 11 "the vital forcea power invisible in itself"

[4] Ibid., Introduction. The "proper function" of the Vital Force is "the maintenance of the life and health of the organism." p. 67 [5] Ibid., "It is the morbidly affected vital energy alone that produces diseases." 12.

The second great idea is that medicines prepared in a homeopathic manner through dilution and succussion can affect the Vital Force. [6] When a person is healthy and takes a homeopathic medicine it can disturb the Vital Force causing symptoms [7] and when ill a homeopathic medicine that corresponds to that illness can remove it allowing the Vital Force to once again maintain health. It can do so, said Hahnemann, because medicinal diseases are stronger than natural ones. [8]
[6] Ibid., 19 "medicinespossess the power of altering mans state of health" [7] Symptoms so obtained are called provings. Hahnemann also called provings "medicinal diseases." Ibid., 32, 155.

[8] Ibid., 30, footnote 15: "artificial morbific forces, which we term medicines,are stronger than the natural diseases"

Hahnemann maintained that a curative homeopathic medicine corresponded to an illness when it caused symptoms similar to that illness. This is the third great idea that has become known as Similia Similibus Curentur or Let Likes Be Treated by Likes. [9]
[9] Ibid., 25 "that medicine whichhas demonstrated its power of producing symptoms similar to the diseasedoes alsoremove [them]."

Third tier ideas have to do with the methodology of finding the correct homeopathic medicine. Out of a mass of information gathered from the patient and others [10] the physician is to cull what is less valuable from what is more. Initial valuable clues appear in sections 83-90 of Organon where Hahnemann instructs on how to take a case. Of particular note is 86 where, for the first time, Hahnemann mentions sensation, location and modalities though not in those words [11].
[10] Ibid., 84 Beside the patient "those about him tell what they heard him complain of, how he has behaved and what they have noticed in him."

[11] Ibid., Hahnemann speaks of what, where, when, and how as follows: "at what period did this symptom occur? What kind of pain, what sensation exactly, was it that occurred on this spot? Where was the precise spot? At what time of day or night?what position of the body was it worst, or ceased entirely? What was the exact nature of this or that event or circumstance?"

He is beginning to differentiate between symptoms common [12] and uncommon.[13] It is the latter that Hahnemann begins to emphasize.
[12] Ibid., 153 "The more general and undefined symptomsdemand but little attention when of that vague and indefinite characteras symptoms of such a general nature are observed in almost every disease and from almost every drug." [13] Ibid., 153 "the more striking, singular, uncommon and peculiar (characteristic) signs and symptomsaremost solely to be kept in view"

In my hierarchy of concepts the Law of Similars is in the second tier. How can it not be the central tenet of homeopathy? It is my view that the Law of Similars was constantly being modified by Hahnemann throughout his long career. As originally stated, it was the best explanation of the observable fact that homeopathic medicines acted. If the idea of similarity were unambiguously true then any remedy that covered all aspects of a disease would cure all the time. Hahnemann said as much in the Organon: "the totality of the symptoms must be the principal, indeed the only,[italics mine] thing the physician has to take note of in every disease and to remove by means of his art, in order that the disease shall be cured." [14]
[14] Ibid., 7.

That did not happen all the time as so stated. So Hahnemann gave further indications on how to proceed in 83-90 as mentioned above. In 153 Hahnemann is crystal clear on what is most important. He exhorts us to emphasize the "more striking, singular, uncommon and peculiar (characteristic) signs and symptoms" both in "the case of disease" and "the selected medicine." It is interesting that he never abandoned the idea of "the totality of symptoms." He just refined it. By 154 he states, "the most suitable medicine contains those peculiar, uncommon, singular and distinguishing (characteristic) symptoms, which are

to be met with in the disease to be cured in the greatest number and in the greatest similarity, this medicine is the most appropriate homeopathic specific remedy for this morbid state." So, as Hahnemanns experience deepened, his idea of similitude changed. Common symptoms were dismissed, no matter how similar, and the totality of symptoms while not forgotten was trumped by uncommon, singular and distinguishing symptoms. So it is not everything similar that is useful, it is really only distinguishing features of the disease that can be matched with distinguishing features of the proved medicine. These later ideas could not have been present at first. Bnninghausen said as much in Lesser Writings [15] when he alluded to the progression of Hahnemanns understanding suggesting that it was "impossible" in the first provings to know which symptoms would be most valuable. [16] As a result of years of careful experimentation and observation it became obvious that:
[15] C.M.F. Bonninghausen, The Lesser Writings,

(BLW) p. 320

[16] Ibid., "But it was impossible at the first entrance on the course of provings by Hahnemann to know that almost every medicine acts on most of the parts of the living organism, frequently indeed in a very similar manner"

"the individual differences between the different kinds of action [of medicines] are almost only indicated by the various combinations of the symptoms with each other, but most distinctly in their modifications which cause a difference in the time, the position, and the circumstances with respect to the alleviation or aggravation of the ailments caused."[17]
[17] Ibid. p. 320

It is here that Bnninghausen, trained as a botanist and a lawyer, added clarity to the practice of homeopathy. The aforementioned elements add up, he said, to "a useful symptom"[18] consisting of location, complaint, modalities. and concomitants. A useful symptom became, for Bnning-hausen, the sine qua non of homeopathic diagnosis because it was "complete." He wrote, "For every single symptom, complete in all directions may be considered as a diagnosis in itself." [19]
[18] Ibid. p. 319 [19] Ibid. p. 320

It was Bnninghausen who figured out that one could take apart proving symptoms, classify them according to location, complaint, and modality and then reconstitute them in an original arrangement.[20]
[20] The Therapeutic Pocketbook and its reformatted version, The Bonninghausen Repertory (TBR) are arranged in this way.

To use The Bnninghausen Repertory (TBR) successfully it is necessary to think abstractly as follows: If during the menses a woman has nausea or vomiting or diarrhea or headache or fever or chills or perspiration or any combination thereof, one abstracts to the rubric worse during menstruation as there is no way to look up the specific complaint. This is totally unlike Kents Repertory where each specific complaint can be looked up under the appropriate section. Similarly, if the patient is worse at any hour after midnight there is no looking up the exact time as there is in Kent. Instead, there is only the modality, "Time, after midnight." TBR2057. Highly abstracted. It can be daunting, at first, to use TBR because the entries are so abstracted but one becomes accustomed and it soon becomes simpler. The following case illustrates how, using the Bnninghausen method, a recalcitrant ulcer was healed.


2 Oct. 02 A 27 year old man was in severe pain from an insect bite (the doctors concluded it was from a Brown Recluse Spider) on the right posterior thigh eight days earlier. By the fourth day the area was grossly swollen and infected and it was lanced. He was placed on antibiotics. Again yesterday it was lanced and much dark green pus was released. He was instructed to pack it with a long strip of gauze which he did though it was very painful to do so. On inspection the skin around the ulcer was reddish purple. He said that five days earlier the center had been black with a reddish perimeter. It was no longer black. The area was quite painful especially while sitting when a sharp pain shot downward.

After a period of intense pain his hunger increased. For the last four days he had increased thirst for "7up" or fruit juice. He had started falling asleep during the day, very unusual for him. Since the insect bite he had been feeling warmer than usual. "I find myself turning the fan on." He said he wanted to be left alone. He noted some trembling in the last four days.

This is a case of pure physical pathology. The ulcer contained all the elements of a complete symptom.

Location: here the direction of the pain is most important. Complaint/Sensation: stitching pain, striking because of the intensity. Complaint/Description: a black ulcer with red perimeter. Modality: pain worse sitting (not used) Concomitants: trembling + hotter than usual + wanting air. (only the trembling used)

The important factors were the nature of the discharge, the sensation of the pain and its direction, and a description of the ulcer. One concomitant was selected. The following rubrics were taken: TBR2007 pus, green Puls (3) TBR1423 pain, stitching, downward direction Puls (3) TBR1448 trembling, inner Puls (3) TBR1979 ulcer, black with red perimeter Puls (4)

Pulsatilla 30c (pellets) three times a day. Note that he was warmer than usual and wanting air, both general symptoms of Pulsatilla. As they were not the most uncommon symptoms they were omitted though they helped to confirm Pulsatilla.

Follow up two days later:

Considerably better. The shooting pains down the legs were 80% better. Some of the redness around the lesion was gone. The increased hunger following the pain was less. The wound continued to heal up nicely over the next week. He refused to discontinue his antibiotics. Below, the full repertorization using TBR:
2007 ars asaf aur carb-v caust clem creos merc nat-c nux-v phos puls rhus sep sil staph 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 2 3 1 1423 0 0 0 4 3 0 2 0 0 1 0 3 0 1 0 0 1448 0 1 0 2 3 0 1 0 0 2 3 3 4 1 2 4 1979 4 3 0 0 0 0 1 3 1 1 2 4 3 2 4 3

This case was quite simple using TBR requiring only 20 minutes total. Using a repertory based on Kent it would have been nearly impossible. It nicely illustrates my contention, mentioned in all three parts of this article, that symptoms, once deconstructed can be recombined in an original way and act curatively.

The Bnninghausen Hexameter

Who? (the patient: sex, age) What? (the complaints)

Where? (the location) Why? (causation) When? (time of appearance; time of aggravation and amelioration. Also, the sequence of events.) Modalities (modifying influences) Concomitant (accessory) symptoms. To simplify, we can condense the above seven into 4:
o o o o

Location Complaint Modalities Concomitants

As a mnemonic it can be shortened to:

"Complaint" or "What?" can be both subjective and objective. Subjective: "I have a burning pain." or "I feel sad." Objective: "I have a ulcer out of it.". It could also in the color of the face , breathing, weird behavior, with a red rim and green pus is coming refer to what the physician observes as the sound of the cough, the manner of uncoordinated movements, etc.s

Copyright Karl Robinson, M.D. 2005

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