Contract of Lease
Contract of Lease
Contract of Lease
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: This Contract of Lease made and executed Plaridel, Bulacan by and between: _____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ hereinafter referred to as the LESSOR; -and_____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ hereinafter referred to as the LESSEE; -WITNESSETH Whereas, the LESSOR is the owner of the __________________________________ and lot located at Longos, Pulilan, Bulacan. Whereas, the LESSEE hereby agrees to lease ________________________________ located at Longos, Pulilan, Bulacan for commercial purposes: NOW, there for and in consideration of the above-premises and mutual covenants and stipulations hereinafter setforth, the parties hereto have agreed, to wit; 1. The Lesser hereby lease the _____________________________ premises unto the Lessee for commercial purposes and that it shall be used exclusively for restaurant purposes only; 2. That this lease shall be for a period of one (1) year from _____________________ to _____________________ renewable for another year upon mutual agreement of the parties for any conditions both may so desire; 3. That the Lessee shall pay the lessor for the use and occupation of the leased premises a monthly rental in the amount _______________________________ _______________________________________________( P _______________ ), Philippines Currency, payable within the first five (5) days of the month for which it corresponds during the entire term of the lease without need for demand. Failure to pay the said rental is enough to give lessor, option to terminate the contract before the expiration of the term of said contract and apply paragraph _9_ of this contract under the heading of DEPOSIT. 4. That the Lessee shall pay for his electric and water consumption and other services like telephone which may be connected and/or installed on the leased premises;
5. That the Lessee shall be responsible for any damage or loss of any part of the leased premises which may be caused by his fault or negligence of by any member of his family, helper, staff or any person the Lessee may admit into the leased premises, excluding those caused by force of nature and shall pay the corresponding value of the damage or loss caused. 6. That the Lessee shall shoulder all expenses, material and labor for the constructions of the leased stall and improvements necessary on the premises; 7. Minor and necessary repairs on the leased premises/stall shall be made and effected by the Lessee as his own expense. That the Lessee shall keep the premises clean and in good condition; 8. That the Lessee shall not make any alterations or improvements on the leased premise without the written consent of the Lessor. Should any alteration or improvements shall become the property of the Lessor, upon expiration of this lease without reimbursement of the cost or value hereof or any part of the same; 9. DEPOSIT: Upon the execution of this lease agreement there shall be deposited by the Lessee with the Lessor the sum of _Fifteen Thousand Pesos (P_15,000.00_), Philippine Currency, Equivalent to one (1) month rental of the leased premises, this deposit shall be held-in-trust by the Lessor during the subsistence of the lease to answer for any obligations that the lessee may incur under the term of this lease agreement. At the termination of the lease the Lessor and the Lessee shall meet to determine what charges if any, if there is, it shall be satisfied from the Deposit. The said two (2) months advance rental and one (1) month deposit which was deposited without interest by the Lessee to the Lessor shall be fortified in favor of the Lessor, should the Lessee terminate the contract for a period of less than one (1) year as agreed upon by the parties as liquidated damage in addition to what ever the Lessor may suffers as the pre-termination of the contract. This is aside from the charges as stated above in this paragraph. 10. ADVANCE; Upon the execution of this lease agreement there shall be deposited by the Lessee with the Lessor the sum of _Thirty Thousand Pesos (P_30,000.00_), Philippine Currency, Equivalent to two (2) months rental of the lease premises as Advance rentals. The said advance shall be applied by the Lessee on the leased premises in the last two (2) months existence of this contract. The said advance and deposit shall not at any given time be applied for monthly rental nor shall not be diminished during the term of the contract or lease. 11. That the Lessee shall allow the Lessor or his duly authorized representative to enter the leased premises during reasonable hour of the day and as occasion may arise for the purposes of inspecting the premises, after due notice that said inspection shall undertaken has been given to the Lessee.
12. That violation of any of the terms and conditions set forth herein is enough ground for recession of the contract of lease and the Lessor shall have the right to lockout or padlocked the premises upon five (5) days notice to the Lessee; 13. That the Lessee shall deliver at the expiration of the leased contract to the Lessor the peaceful possessions of the premises in such manner and in condition as a foresaid and with all the improvements made thereon; 14. That in case of litigation arising out of this contract the parties expressly submit themselves to the jurisdiction of the Municipal Court of Plaridel, Bulacan; and 15. Overdue accounts bear interest of 24% per annum and additional amount will be charge for Attorneys Fee and Cost of Collection in case of law suit to be determined by the Court of Proper Jurisdiction.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their respective hands on this _______day of _______________, 20____ at Plaridel, Bulacan, Philippines.
_________________________ LESSOR
_________________________ LESSEE
_________________________ Witness
_________________________ Witness
BEFORE ME, this _____day of _______________, 20_____ in the Municipality of Plaridel, Bulacan, personally appeared: __________Name__________ _________________________ _________________________ _____Res. Cert. No._____ _____________________ _____________________ _____Issued on/ at_____ _____________________ _____________________
Both known to meand to the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument consisting of four (4) pages, including the next page in which the acknowledgement is written, signed by the parties and their instrumental witnesses on each and every page thereof and the parties have acnowkedged the same to be their free and voluntary act and deed.