No Accidental Champions
No Accidental Champions
No Accidental Champions
table of
1. ltAD For Athletes with DisAbilities 2. the CAnADiAn ltAD MoDel 3. seven MAin stAges oF ltAD 4. two More stAges: AwAreness AnD First ContACt 5 8 9 10
5. the 10 Key FACtors inFluenCing ltAD For Athletes with DisAbilities 13 6. ADDitionAl ConsiDerAtions 7. ChAnges to the systeM CoACh EDuCAtion ComPEtition FormAtS FunDing, ACCESS, EquiPmEnt, AnD FACilitiES trAining AnD ComPEtition PArtnErS SPort SCiEnCE oFFiCiAlS SuPPort AthlEtES SuPPort tAlEnt DEvEloPmEnt 8. next steps 9. to leArn More 10. ACKnowleDgeMents 11. reFerenCes 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 27 28 29 30 32 32
Persons with disabilities engage in sport for the same wide range of reasons as the general population, and some of them aspire to perform at the highest levels of international competition. this is true regardless of the nature of the disability, and high performance opportunities exist for athletes with mobility, sensory or intellectual disabilities. When you see a one-legged high jumper clear a bar that he or she can walk under without stooping, or a blind runner winning the 100m in 10.6 seconds, you know that disability sport is truly high performance. reaching the pinnacle of high performance sport requires years of high quality training, good competition, great coaching, and, when necessary, world class equipment. top athletes with disabilities train as long and as hard as athletes in mainstream sport, make the same sacrifices, and require the same level of support from coaches, officials, medical teams and sport scientists. the Paralympic games (parallel to the olympic games), the Deaflympics, and a multitude of sport-specific World Championships provide opportunities for athletes with any disability, be it physical, sensory or intellectual. these competitions show how far persons with disabilities have come in sport since the pioneering efforts to use sport to improve the lives of injured military personnel 65 years ago.
The Canadian
Several aims and considerations guide the long-term Athlete Development (ltAD) model.
1 ltAD is based on the physical, mental, emotional, social, and cognitive development of
children, adolescents and adults. Each stage reflects a different point in athlete development.
2 ltAD ensures physical literacy upon which excellence can be built, and builds that physical
literacy in all children, from early childhood to late adolescence, by promoting quality daily physical activity in schools and a common approach to developing physical abilities through community recreation and elite sport programs. it also recognizes the need to involve all Canadians in ltAD, regardless of ability. throughout an athletes career.
3 ltAD ensures that optimal training, competition, and recovery programs are provided 4 ltAD provides an optimal competition structure for the various stages of an athletes development. 5 ltAD has an impact on the entire sport continuum, including participants, parents, coaches,
schools, clubs, community recreation programs, provincial sport organizations (PSos), territorial sport organizations (tSos), national sport organizations (nSos), multi-sport service organizations (mSos), sport science specialists, municipalities, and several government ministries and departments at the federal and provincial/territorial levels (particularly but not exclusively in the portfolios of health and education). education in schools.
6 ltAD integrates elite sport, community sport and recreation, scholastic sport, and physical 7 ltAD is made in Canada, recognizing international best practices, research, and normative data. 8 ltAD is consistent with the Canadian Sport Policy and reflects a commitment to contribute
to the achievement of each. ltAD promotes a healthy, physically-literate nation whose citizens participate in
Physical literacy refers to competency in basic human movements, fundamental motor skills and fundamental sport skills.
As they mature to adulthood, children and youth pass through a series of developmental stages that affect the development of their physical, mental, cognitive and emotional capacities they use to participate in physical activity and sport. this fact holds true for persons with and without disabilities, though the rate and extent of development may vary depending on the type of disability. A brief overview of the seven main stages of ltAD is presented below (Figure 1). the first three stages, plus the Active for life stage, are intended for all individuals who participate in physical activity and represent the process for acquiring basic physical literacy and engaging in lifelong physical activity for health and enjoyment. the full seven stages represent a complete pathway for athletes who choose to pursue high performance. two additional stages are identified for athletes with disabilities (see Figure 2). Figure 1 shows the typical age ranges when individuals who are able-bodied pass through each stage. individuals with disabilities, whether congenital or acquired, may pass through these stages at significantly different ages depending on when they first become active or acquire their disability. they may also pass through the stages at vastly different rates depending on the nature of their disabilities. For example, some individuals with an intellectual disability might move from the learn to train stage directly to the Active for life stage, or they might stay in the learn to train stage for many years. individuals with acquired disabilities might pass through some stages more than once first as a person without a disability and later as a person with a disability.
Athletes with disabilities pass through the same stages as able-bodied athletes presented below, but chronological ages and rates of progress may differ depending on the type and degree of disability.
males and Females 0 6 males 6 9 Females 6 8 males 9 12 Females 8 11 males 12 16 Females 11 15 males 16 23 +/Females 15 21 +/males 19 +/Females 18 +/-
Learn FUndamental movements and link them together in play Learn all FUndamental movement skills and build overall motor skills
Learn overall sport skills Build aerobic base, develop speed and strength, further develop and consolidate sport-specific skills optimize fitness preparation and sport-, individual-, and positionspecific skills as well as performance Focus on podium performances Smooth transition from an athletes competitive career to a lifelong physical activity and participation in sport
For additional details, please refer to the resource paper Canadian Sport for Life (2005).
Figure 2: the Canadian sport for life no Accidental Champions Model Awareness and First Contact programs are used to inform and engage potential athletes at all ages as disabilities may be congenital or acquired.
Paralympics, World Championships World Cups, International Events North American Events, National Championships, Provincial Games National, Provincial
Physical Literacy
Provincial, Club
For additional details, please refer to the resource paper Canadian Sport for Life (2005).
Awareness Stage
opportunities for persons with disabilities to participate in sport and physical activity are not always well known to the general public. the purpose of the Awareness stage is to inform the general public and prospective athletes with disabilities of the range of opportunities available. to this end, sport and recreation organizations need to develop awareness plans to make their offerings and resources known. in the case of individuals who acquire a disability, the period following acquisition of a disability is generally one of great change and transition. Some of their previous physical activities may no longer be open to them in the same form, and they may not be aware of the many sporting and physical activities that are available to persons with disabilities. Awareness plans and effective communication can help to ease this transition; these plans can also foster awareness among parents and people who work with persons with disabilities, such as health care professionals and teachers.
The Honourable Mary McNeil prepares fo rthe tap off between Ross MacDonald and Janet McLachlan on International Paralympic Day in Vancouver.
the purpose of the First Contact stage is to ensure persons with disabilities have a positive first experience of an activity and remain engaged. Accordingly, organizations need to train coaches and develop programs that provide suitable orientation for prospective athletes with disabilities, helping them to feel confident and comfortable in their surroundings, and welcome among peers and training personnel.
giving back
At the end of their careers, athletes with disabilities who retire from competition should be encouraged to remain involved in the sport as coaches, program volunteers, fundraisers, mentors, or officials. through their experiences in sport and physical activity for athletes with disabilities, they can act as role models who provide a wealth of information, expertise and guidance to upcoming athletes.
I have gone through all the same stages of development as Canadas other elite athletes. From training hard as a teenager, through learning to compete on the international stage, to standing on the Paralympic podium, my development has taken time and perseverance. Chantal Petitclerc Paralympic Champion
2. The fuNdamentals
Whether or not they have a disability, all individuals need to acquire Fundamental movement and sport skills (otherwise known as physical literacy) through fun and games. ideally, these Fundamental skills are acquired prior to puberty since the growth spurt has an impact on skill acquisition. however, due to a variety of factors or circumstances, some persons with disabilities may not acquire the Fundamentals and physical literacy prior to puberty. Everyone involved in providing sport and physical activity for athletes with disabilities needs to remain aware of this fact as they consider the design of sport programs and training regimens. Children with a disability may have difficulty acquiring Fundamental movement and sport skills for a variety of reasons: Parents have not been provided with information to encourage them to enroll their children in sport and activity programs that are fun and safe. Adapted physical education is not well developed in all school systems. Some coaches and programs do not welcome children with a disability to their activities because they lack knowledge about how to include them. it takes creativity to include a person with a disability into a group activity where Fundamental skills are practiced and physical literacy is developed. Disability-specific knowledge or training is not available to the activity coach or instructor. the physical literacy skills needed by children with a disability vary according to the nature and extent of their disability and should include all of the Fundamental skills learned by able-bodied children (adapted as required). Children with a disability may also require training and practice in the effective use of assistive devices or working with training and competition partners, such as a sighted guide runner, depending on the nature of their disability. individuals who acquire a disability may have to learn new physical literacy skills such as wheeling their wheelchair, using a prosthetic limb, or accommodating a restricted range of movement. Even though these individuals may be adults, it is critical that they learn the fundamentals of the new movement and sport skills that they will need to participate in a wide range of sports and recreational activities.
3. Specialization
to the best of our current understanding, disability sports appear to be late specialization sports (see Canadian Sport for life for more discussion of late and early specialization sports). Accordingly, children with congenital or early-acquired physical, intellectual or sensory disabilities should be exposed to the full range of fundamental skills before specializing in the sport of their choice. Similarly, adults with an acquired disability should master their new fundamental movement skills before specializing in a single sport.
4. Age factors
Some congenital disabilities are known to influence childhood and adolescent development and the timing of puberty; however, much more research is needed to understand fully their effect on development. For example, children with spina bifida are known to experience puberty earlier than their peers, and individuals with intellectual disability tend to enter puberty early but complete the process later. Because of these variations in the timing of puberty (and therefore the adolescent growth spurt), there will likely be variations in the ages at which sensitive periods of trainability occur. mental and emotional age can also vary significantly (see below). Although the timing of puberty may vary, the developmental sequence the adolescent goes through usually does not. the consistent theme is that coaches need to look beyond the chronological age of their athletes.
5. Trainability
little is known about the sensitive periods of optimum trainability for individuals with a disability. in the absence of information to the contrary, it is suggested that the ages of optimum trainability, as shown in Canadian Sport for life, be adjusted based on the observed age of puberty for children with a congenital disability. Whether there are sensitive periods of trainability during post-injury rehabilitation needs to be investigated for individuals with an acquired disability.
7. periodization
there is currently no evidence that athletes with disabilities require substantially different periodization plans compared to athletes who are able-bodied, so athletes with disabilities and their coaches may follow the general recommendations on periodization in Canadian Sport for life. however, since some disabilities may reduce functional muscle mass and aerobic capacity, fatigue in athletes with disabilities should be carefully monitored, and rest and recovery periods should be adjusted accordingly.
5 Report of the Minister of States (Sport) Work Group on Sport for Persons with a Disability (July 2004).
there are many similarities between athletes with disabilities and able-bodied athletes. however, there are some differences that affect the ltAD process for athletes with a disability: Athletes with disabilities may have been born with a disability (congenital) or they may have acquired a disability later in life. Depending on the origin, this can impact the athletes prior and future learning and development. Children with a congenital disability may not have the same opportunity to learn basic movement skills because they do not always have the same opportunities or resources for vigorous, physical play during their early years (the Active Start stage). this is sometimes due to long periods of hospitalization or the lack of suitable physical education programs, and it may also be due to parents and caregivers not receiving sufficient information to help them identify suitable sport and activity programs. Children with a sensory-impairment disability (e.g. blindness, deafness) may find it difficult to learn basic movement skills as they cannot process information and easily emulate teachers and peers. Different approaches to teaching basic skills may therefore be required. Athletes with disabilities may operate in a sport environment in which there are participants not found in able-bodied sport. Some athletes with disabilities require personal care support, interpreters, and other personnel not found in able-bodied sport. For example, runners who are blind or visually impaired may need sighted guides for training and competition, and most sports for athletes with disabilities require officials who are qualified to determine each athletes classification or division of competition to ensure fairness. Failure of the sport system to develop these supporting roles will have a long-term negative impact on the development of athletes with a disability and their competition experience. many athletes with disabilities require adapted equipment or modified facilities to take full advantage of their athletic potential and to minimize the barriers to sport participation that may be associated with their disability. Some competition models may lead to cancellation of events, or to inappropriate combinations of athletes in some classifications that further limit fair and valuable competition.
To the System
ltAD is not just about developing athletes it is about developing the sport and recreation system in which Canadians become athletes or acquire the capacities to participate in lifelong activity. With the proper coaching, services, administration, and sport and recreation programming in place, athletes with disabilities will learn and perform their activity or sport in ways that optimize their long-term development. optimal development means optimal success, whether that means achieving medal performances in competition, or being able to enjoy the daily rewards of regular physical activity. For athletes with disabilities, this means that sport and recreation organizations need to answer the needs of athletes with disabilities at each stage of development through appropriate planning and consistent delivery. ten pillars of support have been identified to ensure athletes with disabilities reach their optimal level of development:
Coach Education
When they engage in physical activity and sport, participants with a disability need lifelong access to knowledgeable coaches and teachers, particularly if they are learning a new sport or activity. Accordingly, nSos and DSos need to continue developing coaching materials within Canadas national Coaching Certification Program to address the variety of sporting contexts and activity streams for athletes with disabilities, including intellectual, sensory and physical disability. Coaches who are unfamiliar with disabilities frequently lack confidence in their ability to support athletes with disabilities. these coaches especially need the support of the appropriate nSos, DSos, and disability groups to gain the knowledge, skills, techniques and confidence required to work effectively with athletes with disabilities. As well, while some athletes with disabilities will be best served with a direct referral to specialized sport or activity programming for their particular disability, it must be remembered that many persons with a disability live in remote areas of Canada with little or no access to such specialized programs. Coaches in these remote areas stand at the front line in delivering sport and recreation programming for All persons in their communities, including those with a disability. these prospective coaches of athletes with disabilities deserve, at the very least, some relevant coaching materials to help them in coaching persons with a disability.
Coaches and teachers who work with participants in the Active Start, Fundamentals and learn to train stages should be versed in sensitization tips and techniques6 for introducing persons with a disability to sports and physical activity. they must display positive attitudes towards persons with a disability and have strong instructional and interaction skills. they must be able to create a positive learning environment, be aware of different learning styles, and adapt equipment, skills, and rules to get individuals with disabilities more actively engaged in sport and activity. At the train to train and train to Compete stages, coaches of athletes with disabilities need to be specialists in working with developing athletes. they need to possess strong knowledge of adaptations of activities for skill and physiological development, as well as knowledge of disability sport rules and classifications/divisioning. they must be ready to help athletes find sports where they are likely to excel, using knowledge of disability characteristics and sport-specific technical knowledge to recognize predominant strengths and aptitudes. in some contexts, knowledge of fitting the athlete with a disability to sport-specific equipment is also important. Coaches who train athletes with disabilities to win in high performance contexts require knowledge of advanced sport-specific technical requirements and skills. Again, they also need advanced knowledge of the disability characteristics related to sport and how these interface with specialized equipment in instances where it is required.
6 See Coaching Athletes with a Disability, published by the Coaching Association of Canada at
Photo courtesy of Disabled Skiers Association of BC
Competition formats
Competition for athletes with disabilities should be based on the long-term needs of the participants rather than on traditional event formats and the needs of organizers. Athletes need access to competitions where there are qualified ancillary personnel such as officials, classifiers, guides for athletes who are blind or visually impaired, and sign language interpreters to make sure that competition is ethical, fair, appropriate, and well-organized. they also need competitions to be structured to prevent the cancellation of events or classes/divisions within events. the geographical scale of competition should also be relevant and appropriate to the ltAD stage. For example, a national championship is not especially practical or useful for the developmental needs of athletes at the learn to train stage. Strong local, regional, provincial, national, and international organizations are needed for appropriate competitions.
local Competition
Competition is not recommended for the Active Start stage; the emphasis should be on fun programs that promote participation and the acquisition of basic movement skills as a foundation for physical literacy. in some instances, depending on the degree and nature of the disability, the emphasis may be simply on basic skill acquisition and discovery of self through movement. At the Fundamentals stage, any competition should mean fun, local events that introduce athletes to a variety of sports with no focus on results. organizers should ensure that there are enough participants within a classification/division to hold events. if this is not possible, sport organizations need to find creative ways to ensure that participants get appropriate play that is suitable for their age, skill, and fitness levels.
regional Competition
At the learn to train stage, competition may start to include regional events. Sport organizations need to ensure an appropriate ratio of training to competition for athletes at this stage, and they should provide guidance on how to use competitions to support and reinforce training goals. there should be opportunities for athletes with disabilities to sample training and competition in a variety of sports and activities, so they can find those they enjoy and to which they are best suited.
provincial Competition
At the train to train stage, provincial events become relevant to athlete development and may be added to the competition schedule. Again, athletes need direction regarding appropriate ratios of training to competition, and competitions should be used to support and reinforce training goals. Athletes should still have the opportunity to sample training and competition in a few different sports and activities as they may still discover that they have greater interest or aptitude in another area.
national competitions should serve the train to Compete stage. (in the case of athletes with an intellectual disability, they may also serve the learn to Compete stage.) the aim of competing at the national level is to gain progressive experience with greater training loads and increased caliber of competition. Coaches must ensure an appropriate ratio of training to competition, as well as a selection of competitions that fit well with long-term training goals, which likely include the eventual transition to international competition.
National Competition
International Competition
international competitions fit the train to Compete and train to Win stage. the goal is podium performances and recognition at the highest level possible. regardless of the type of disability, athletes are training with the aim of maximizing all of their performance capacities so they can win medals and titles. to assist them, coaches and training partners must have specialized expertise and experience to provide highly individualized, high performance training.
why funding?
Funding is important for the following reasons: For local organizations at the First Contact and Fundamentals stages, helping to deliver the range of fun activities that will encourage young Canadians with a disability to try different sports, develop physical literacy, and build physical activity into their daily lives. For equipment, training, and competition as well as affordable coaching and access to facilities. During the train to train and train to Compete stages, many athletes withdraw from competition due to lack of funds and supportive resources. For athletic success at the train to Compete and train to Win stage, where there is a need for adequate carding of high-performance and development athletes (i.e. recognition under the Athlete Assistance Program) to permit them to concentrate on training and competition, and to obtain the coaching, competition, and equipment they need to take on the world and achieve podium performance. For the Active for life transition from high performance competitive sport to healthy, lifelong activity and widely available recreational opportunities, helping athletes with disabilities to become involved in other aspects of their sport.
Photo courtesy of Canadian Sport Centre Pacific
Sport Science
in keeping with the ltAD key factor of Continuous improvement, sport science can contribute much to the understanding of training and development for athletes with disabilities through ongoing research. new scientific discoveries can affect our understanding of how athletes should train, their competition requirements, opportunities for increased access to sport and activity, techniques for enhanced performance, and innovations in equipment. the contribution of sport science is needed at every stage of athlete development. Sport scientists can make major contributions at the Fundamentals and learn to train stages through research in the areas of optimum acquisition of skills, establishment of effective learning environments, and the identification of activities and teaching methods that enhance the learning of Fundamental movement skills. For example, in the case of disabilities about which currently little is known, particular emphasis needs to be placed on finding out more about the early skill learning of children or adults with these disabilities. At the learn to train, train to train, and train to Compete stages, sport science can contribute through optimization of performance techniques. With some types of disability, this may include creating a better understanding of the individualization of the interface between the athlete and their adaptive and sporting equipment. training loads can be refined based on periodic evaluations of physiological status, and sport psychology programs can be developed according to developmental age and cognitive ability or disability. Attention should be given to adjustment to disability, particularly in the case of a person with an acquired disability. At the train to Win stage, athletes with disabilities need state-of-the-art physiological, biomechanical, and psychological testing and training prescriptions. Coaches need to understand and utilize existing sport science, and sport scientists need to undertake original research on sport performance techniques, training methods, and equipment design to give athletes with disabilities a competitive advantage at the international level. With variances between different disabilities and affects on performance, it is often difficult to compare across disabilities: researchers and coaches should thus consider individual progressions through baseline testing and re-testing protocols to help create a better understanding of benchmarks in addition to better coaching.
Officials Support
At each stage of ltAD, athletes need reliable support and direction from officials. these include sport-specific officials such as referees, umpires, and technical officers, generic sport officials such as doping control officials, and officials unique to sport for athletes with disabilities such as interpreters and classifiers. Athletes with disabilities deserve to work with a wide range of officials whose skills and knowledge are appropriate to the athletes level of development and the level of competition in which they take part. in this regard, systematic plans are needed to develop officials within sports for athletes with disabilities, including high-level officials. this will ensure that when Canadians compete at the highest levels, they will be familiar with the rules and their interpretation. When working with young athletes with disabilities, officials need to balance the athletes learning needs with the flexibility to have fun in a relaxed competitive environment. Well-meaning officials may inadvertently allow young athletes to develop incorrect skills and habits that are difficult to change later. For example, officials should not make lenient calls just because athletes have a disability.
Athletes Support
Athletes at all levels require access to professionals who can provide services in the area of injury prevention, sport nutrition, sport medicine, and rehabilitation. Counseling services are also important for optimal athlete development, particularly in the areas of educational, personal, and career decisions. For young people with a disability, early identification of functional abilities and adaptive techniques can lead to more enjoyable sport and recreation participation and help to guide them into a range of sports and activities for which they are best suited. Athletes with a physical disability may rely on equipment such as wheelchairs, adapted skis, and prosthetic limbs, all of which need maintenance from skilled technicians. Sport groups need recruiting and succession plans to ensure a continual supply of expertise in this area.
Talent Development
not all persons with a disability aim for high performance competition and medals. For many athletes, their goal is simply to enjoy physical activity, interact socially, or improve their quality of health. Each athlete may have a unique definition of a personal best. however, for those athletes who are inclined to pursue competitive achievement, a logical system of talent development can help to propel them along the path to high performance. the pool of Canadian high performance athletes with disabilities is relatively small, and Canada cannot afford to waste any of this potential. As in well-organized able-bodied sport, talent development for athletes with disabilities begins as individuals master Fundamental movement skills and apply them in a wide variety of sport and physical activity settings. this is the basis of physical literacy. While developing physical literacy is important for all children, it is especially critical for children with a disability. Physical literacy provides the foundation for long-term participation and achievement in sport and physical activity, but it is even more important to ensuring the future ability of the person with a disability to live as independently as possible. Athletes with disabilities who are not progressing in a particular sport may be redirected into another that is better suited to them. retaining all potential athletes in the talent pool, and finding the right fit between each athlete and their preferred sports, will benefit both the sport and the athlete. in this manner, talent development or identification takes place as each person with a disability has the opportunity to learn a wide variety of sports and identify the ones they wish to pursue to the highest level possible. in contrast, the system of talent development should not eliminate sporting options by prematurely directing individuals to sports for which they appear initially best suited by virtue of body size and shape, skill potential, or physiological response.
Next Steps
there are no accidental champions.
Systematic implementation of ltAD is critical if Canada is to retain its international leadership in competitive sport for athletes with disabilities and in providing expanded opportunities for athletes with disabilities who have all degrees of interest. nSos, both those that integrate athletes with disabilities and those that govern sports contested solely by Canadians with disabilities, need to develop and maintain detailed plans to implement effective ltAD programs, as do DSos that serve a specific disability. much progress has been made in developing ltAD programs in these areas, but continued effort and improvement is needed. ltAD for high performance success and for the long-term health of Canadians with a disability will not happen by chance, but only through the concerted and coordinated efforts of all partners in the Canadian sport system.
To learn
Canada has many nSos, mSos and DSos that are dedicated to developing and delivering sport and physical activity programming to specific disability groups. A few of these organizations are listed below, and we encourage you to learn more by visiting them online: Active living Alliance for Canadians with a Disability the Active living Alliance for Canadians with a Disability (AlACD) promotes, supports and enables Canadians with disabilities to lead active, healthy lives. AlACD provides nationally coordinated leadership, support, encouragement, promotion and information that facilitates healthy, active living opportunities for Canadians of all abilities across all settings and environments. Canadian Amputee Sports Association the Canadian Amputee Sports Association (CASA) offers information and support to amputee and les autres athletes and potential athletes on a wide range of athletic and recreational activities, including hockey, golf, powerlifting and lawn bowling. CASA also provides competitive and technical support for athletes in conjunction with existing provincial and national sports associations. Canadian Association of Athletes with an Intellectual Disability CAAiD is responsible for facilitating international competitive opportunities for athletes with an intellectual disability in open competition. A member of the international Federation of Sport for Persons with an intellectual Disability (inAS-FiD) since 1992, CAAiD provides the gateway for athlete eligibility and licensing leading to Paralympic and international Paralympic Committee sanctioned competitive events. Canadian blind Sports Association Canadian Blind Sports Association (CBSA) is the recognized nSo for the Paralympic Sport of goalball, and advocates within the sport system for Canadians who are visually impaired or blind. Canadian Cerebral palsy Sports Association the Canadian Cerebral Palsy Sports Association (CCPSA) is an athlete-focused national organization administering and governing sport opportunities targeted to athletes with CP and related disabilities.
Photo: matthew manor | Courtesy of Canadian Paralympic Committee & hockey Canada
Canadian Deaf Sports Association the Canadian Deaf Sports Association (CDSA) is a pan-Canadian non-profit organization aiming to support the development of the practice of sports within the Deaf community in order to ensure a quality Canadian representation at the Deaflympics, Panamerican games for the Deaf and various World Deaf Championships. Canadian paralympic Committee the Canadian Paralympic Committee (CPC) is responsible for leading the development of a sustainable Paralympic sport system in Canada to enable athletes to reach the podium at the Paralympic games. Canadian wheelchair Sports Association the Canadian Wheelchair Sports Association (CWSA) is an nSo representing wheelchair athletes. the CWSA mission is to promote excellence and develop opportunities for Canadians in wheelchair sport. Coaching Association of Canada the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) is a not-for-profit amateur sport organization with the mandate to lead ethically sound coaching and sport leader training, delivery, and promotion. Special Olympics Canada Special olympics Canada is a national not-for-profit grassroots organization that provides sport training and competition opportunities for more than 32,000 Canadians with an intellectual disability. Sport Canada Sport Canada is the federal government agency that works to help Canadians participate and excel in sport by enhancing the capacity and coordination of the Canadian sport system, encouraging participation in sport, and enabling Canadians with talents and dedication to achieve excellence in international sport.
Authors Colin higgs, Ph.D., memorial university of newfoundland mary Bluechardt, Ph.D., university of ontario institute of technology istvan Balyi, m.A., Canadian Sport Centre Pacific richard Way, mBA, Canadian Sport Centre Pacific Paul Jurbala, m.Sc., communityactive David legg, Ph.D., mount royal university Editors Jim grove (2nd Edition) Sheila robertson, robertson Communications (1st Edition) Design Canadian Sport Centre Pacific
Canadian Sport Centres thanks the many individuals from different disability sport organizations governing mobility, sensory, and intellectual disabilities who reviewed and provided comments for the drafts of the second edition. Canadian Sport Centres also thank the Canadian Paralympic Committee, Special olympics Canada, and Paralympics ontario for permission to use photographs of great athletes, past, current, and future, whose photos are included in this publication.
All rights reserved. no part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form for commercial purposes, or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording or from any information stored in a retrieval system, without permission from the authors or Canadian Sport Centres vancouver. long-term Athlete Development Canadian Sport for life iSBn 0-9738274-2-4
Canadian Sport Centres (2005). Canadian Sport for life. Canadian Sport Centre vancouver. Coaching Association of Canada (2005). Coaching Athletes with a Disability. ottawa: Coaching Association of Canada. Special olympics Canada (2007). long-term Athlete Development for Athletes with an intellectual Disability. toronto: Special olympics Canada. Buchanan, C. r. (2000). Abnormalities of growth and development in puberty. Journal of the royal College of Physicians of london, vol 34(2). national Consortium on Physical Education and recreation for individuals with Disabilities. hezkaih, A. (2005). Adapted physical activities for the intellectually challenged adolescent: Psychomotor characteristics and implications for programming and motor intervention. international Journal of Adolescent medicine health, 17(1), 33-47. Sherrill, C. (1998). Adapted Physical Activity, recreation and Sport: Cross disciplinary and lifespan. Boston: mcgraw-hill higher Education. Statistics Canada. Participation and Activity limitation Survey 2006: tables. ottawa: Statistics Canada, 2007. report of the minister of States (Sport) Work group on Sport for Persons with a Disability. (July 2004). thematic network of Adapted Physical Activity. www. united nations Convention on the rights of Persons with Disabilities. (2008).
We acknowledge the financial support of the government of Canada through Sport Canada, a branch of the Department of Canadian heritage.