Using Timestamps in Generic Delta Extraction by Function Module
Using Timestamps in Generic Delta Extraction by Function Module
Using Timestamps in Generic Delta Extraction by Function Module
Applies to:
SAP BW3.5, BI7.0 For more information, visit the Business Intelligence homepage.
Timestamps are often required as delta criteria for generic delta extraction. However, in many tables such the timestamp field is not available; instead the creation/change date and time are available. Generic delta needs to function on one field. This article explains how to provide delta for these tables using timestamps by a workaround. Author: Suhas Karnik
Author Bio
Suhas Karnik is an SAP BW consultant with Wipro Technologies, Bangalore. He has been working on BW for two years now.
Table of Contents
The Scenario ......................................................................................................................................................3 Creating the Extract Structure ............................................................................................................................4 Reason for Addition of a Timestamp Field in Extract Structure ......................................................................5 Creating the function module..............................................................................................................................6 Explanation of the Code..................................................................................................................................9 Putting it All Together: Create the Datasource .................................................................................................10 How it Works.....................................................................................................................................................15 Related Content................................................................................................................................................16 Disclaimer and Liability Notice..........................................................................................................................17
The Scenario
The data on orders is being extracted from SAP daily into BW on the basis of order creations and changes on the previous day. Currently this is being done by a nightly job which runs once every 24 hours. It occurs using a pseudo-delta i.e. there are date-based selection conditions specified in the info package level. The users need this data for some reports which are critical for operating the business. As a result, there is a requirement to provide this using delta functionality so that the extractor can be run multiple times in a day. This therefore requires the extraction to be dependent on the timestamp for creation/change instead of only the date of creation/change. In the orders table (AUFK), however, the timestamp for the creation or change is not stored, though the date and time for creation/change are stored in the following fields: ERDAT: Creation Date ERFZEIT: Creation Time AEDAT: Last Change Date AEZEIT: Last Change Time This document describes a workaround to obtaining the timestamp delta functionality using a generic extractor. The key to understanding the workaround is to look into how the timestamp selection is normally conveyed to the extractor. When BW requests a delta, the timestamp is sent to the function module just as normal selection criteria are sent. This can be observed easily by writing to an ad-hoc log table while the extraction is running. This will be covered later as we look into the code. The basics on the creation of Generic extractors using function modules are covered in this document.
Add the fields you want to pick up using the extractor. Also add a field of the type TZNTSTMPS. This is the field that will hold the timestamp.
Reason for Addition of a Timestamp Field in Extract Structure While configuring delta in the RSO2 screen, the field on which the delta is requested must be a field present in the extract structure. To allow the extractor to provide delta on timestamp, there must be a timestamp field in the extract structure. Hence the timestamp field is added here it is merely a dummy field created to allow us to use the extractor for delta purposes, as will become clear later.
* buffer input parameters * prepare data selection ************************************************************************ * Check DataSource validity CASE i_dsource. WHEN 'ZMOZ_DELTA_OPEW'. WHEN OTHERS. IF 1 = 2. MESSAGE e009(r3). ENDIF. * this is a typical log call. Please write every error message like this log_write 'E' "message type 'R3' "message class '009' "message number i_dsource "message variable 1 ' '. "message variable 2 RAISE error_passed_to_mess_handler. ENDCASE. APPEND LINES OF i_t_select TO s_s_if-t_select. * Fill parameter buffer for data extraction calls s_s_if-requnr = i_requnr. s_s_if-dsource = i_dsource. s_s_if-maxsize = i_maxsize. * Fill field list table for an optimized select statement * (in case that there is no 1:1 relation between InfoSource fields * and database table fields this may be far from beeing trivial) APPEND LINES OF i_t_fields TO s_s_if-t_fields. ELSE. "Initialization mode or data extraction ?
************************************************************************ * Data transfer: First Call OPEN CURSOR + FETCH * Following Calls FETCH only ************************************************************************ * First data package -> OPEN CURSOR IF s_counter_datapakid = 0. * Fill range tables BW will only pass down simple selection criteria * of the type SIGN = 'I' and OPTION = 'EQ' or OPTION = 'BT'. LOOP AT s_s_if-t_select INTO l_s_select WHERE fieldnm = 'AUFNR'. MOVE-CORRESPONDING l_s_select TO l_r_aufnr. APPEND l_r_aufnr. ENDLOOP.
* Timestamp is delivered as a selection criterion. * Split the timestamp into date and time LOOP AT s_s_if-t_select INTO l_s_select WHERE fieldnm = 'TMSTMP'. tstamp = l_s_select-low. convert TIME STAMP tstamp TIME ZONE sy-zonlo into DATE startDate TIME startTime. tstamp = l_s_select-high.
convert TIME STAMP tstamp TIME ZONE sy-zonlo into DATE endDate TIME endTime. l_r_erdat-low = startDate. l_r_erdat-sign = l_s_select-sign. l_r_erdat-option = l_s_select-option. l_r_erdat-high = endDate. append l_r_erdat. l_r_erfzeit-low = startTime. l_r_erfzeit-sign = l_s_select-sign. l_r_erfzeit-option = l_s_select-option. l_r_erfzeit-high = endTime. append l_r_erfzeit. ENDLOOP. * * * * * Determine number of database records to be read per FETCH statement from input parameter I_MAXSIZE. If there is a one to one relation between DataSource table lines and database entries, this is trivial. In other cases, it may be impossible and some estimated value has to be determined.
OPEN CURSOR WITH HOLD s_cursor FOR * Use the l_r_erdat and l_r_erfzeit for both creation and change selections * This way we can pick up both the creations and changes in a given time period. aufnr FROM aufk WHERE aufnr IN l_r_aufnr AND ( ( erdat >= startdate and ( erfzeit >= starttime OR ( erdat <= enddate and erfzeit <= endtime ) ) ) OR ( aedat >= startdate and ( aezeit >= starttime OR ( aedat <= enddate and aezeit <= endtime ) ) ) ). ENDIF. "First data package ? * Fetch records into interface table. * named E_T_'Name of extract structure'. FETCH NEXT CURSOR s_cursor APPENDING CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE e_t_data PACKAGE SIZE s_s_if-maxsize. IF sy-subrc <> 0. CLOSE CURSOR s_cursor. RAISE no_more_data. ENDIF. s_counter_datapakid = s_counter_datapakid + 1. ENDIF. ENDFUNCTION. "Initialization mode or data extraction ? SELECT
This part of the code splits the received timestamp and converts it into the date and time. The low field of the range yields the starting date and time, while the high field gives the ending date and time.
l_r_erdat-low = startDate. l_r_erdat-sign = l_s_select-sign. l_r_erdat-option = l_s_select-option. l_r_erdat-high = endDate. append l_r_erdat.
The l_r_erdat range is filled with startDate and endDate values obtained by parsing the timestamp. A similar process occurs with the startTime and the endTime.
SELECT aufnr FROM aufk WHERE aufnr IN l_r_aufnr AND ( ( erdat >= startdate and ( erfzeit >= starttime OR ( erdat <= enddate and erfzeit <= endtime ) ) ) OR ( aedat >= startdate and ( aezeit >= starttime OR ( aedat <= enddate and aezeit <= endtime ) ) ) ).
The ranges obtained by splitting the timestamp are used for selecting data based on both creation and change of the order. Before implementing this statement, please consider the indexing that is present on the table, the number of records in production etc.
Enter the name of the function module and the extract structure and click Generic Delta.
Select the option Timestamp (UTC) and select the timestamp field you had added in your extract structure. Also set the safety lower interval to 1800.
Click Save to go back to the previous screen and click Save again. The following screen comes up.
Note that the timestamp field is disabled for selection; this is because the timestamp value will be automatically populated as part of the delta. As a result, it will be unavailable for manual entry in the Infopackage or in RSA3. Following this step, create the corresponding Infosource, ODS/Cube, Datasource etc in BW side and replicate. These steps are similar to what would be done for a normal generic datasource.
How it Works
To understand how the timestamp field is passed to the extractor, you can add a bit of code to write the values received by the extractor, to a table. This is purely for your own understanding and does not affect the extraction process itself. Later on, looking at the values in the table would give an idea of how the parameter was passed. For instance, when the above extractor was run, the values it received, and the corresponding values of start and end date and time were as below. Date & Time of extraction 04.06.2009 06:23:19 04.06.2009 06:23:45
Init Delta
04/06/2009 05:53:19
Some observations from the above table: 1. During initialization, the lower limit value is blank. The higher limit is the current time. 2. During delta request, the lower limit value was 30 minutes older than the higher limit value of the previous (i.e. init) delta request. This is due to the fact that we had given a safety lower interval of 1800. As a result, the lower interval was taken as the previous higher interval limit minus 30 minutes (i.e. 1800 seconds) 3. There is a difference of one hour between the Time of extraction column (which shows the system time when the delta request was received in the source system) and the Low and High fields. This is due to the fact that the timestamp was configured as a UTC timestamp, and the time zone of the system is UTC+1 (i.e. one hour ahead of UTC). The same difference exists between the Low and High fields and the Start/End Date & Time, which are the fields obtained when the low and high timestamps were split. The difference in this case is also due to the time zone.
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