Admission Rules For Admission Year 2009-10 Notification: Education Department Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar

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Admission Rules for Admission Year 2009-10 NOTIFICATION EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar
Dated the 29th,May, 2009.
Gujarat Professional Technical Educational Colleges or Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Fixation of Fees) Act, 2007.

NO.GH/SH/11/2009/PVS/102009/553/S:- In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 20 read with section 4 of the Gujarat Professional Technical Educational Colleges or Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Fixation of Fees) Act, 2007 (Guj. 2 of 2008), the Government of Gujarat hereby makes the following rules to regulate admission to the first year of the professional post-graduate courses and payment of fees, namely:CHAPTER I PRELIMINERY 1. Short Title and Commencement.- (1) These rules may be called the Professional Post-graduate Courses (Regulation of Admission and Payment of Fees) Rules, 2009. (2) They shall come into force on and from the date of their publication in

the Official Gazette. 2. Definitions.- (1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,-(a) Act means the Gujarat Professional Technical Educational Colleges or Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Fixation of Fees) Act, 2007 (Guj. 2 of 2008); (b) Admission for the purpose of these rules means admission of candidates in the first year of the Master of Engineering, Master of Technology and Master of Pharmacy Courses; (c) Admission Committee for the purpose of these rules means the Admission Committee constituted by the State Government for the purpose

of admission to the professional courses under Government Notification, Education Department No.GH/SH/7/PVS-102003-639-S, dated the 5th May, 2008; (d) AICTE means the All India Council for Technical Education, a statutory body constituted under section 3 of the All India Council for Technical Education, Act 1987 (52 of 1987); (e) Common Entrance Test (CET) means the entrance test conducted by the Admission Committee, for determination of merits of the candidates for the purpose of admission in the professional post-graduate courses, in the Professional Educational Colleges or Institutions of the State, for the candidates other than those who have qualified in Graduate Aptitude Test for Engineering (GATE); (f) Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) means an all -India examination conducted by the Indian Institutes of Technologies and the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, on behalf of the National Coordinating Board - GATE, Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD), Government of India, for the purpose of admissions to the professional post- graduate courses; (g) Professional Post-graduate Courses for the purposes of these rules, means the Master of Engineering, Master of Technology and Master of Pharmacy Courses, in the Professional Educational Colleges or Institutions of the State; (h) Qualifying Examination means a degree obtained in such AICTE approved courses, from(i) any of the Universities established or incorporated by the Central or the State Act, or (ii) any institution declared as deemed to be University under section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act,1956 ( 3 of 1956), or (iii) any other equivalent qualification recognised by the Government; (i) (a) Appendix I appended to these rules, specifies the disciplines and the names of the professional post-graduate courses/specialisation and eligibility for admission, (b) Appendix II appended to these rules, specifies the form of application for admission; (j) sponsored candidate" means a candidate who is serving in the Government Engineering College, Government Polytechnic, Grant-in-aid professional technical college or institute, Unaided college or Institute, research and development organisation or industry; and who is sponsored or deputed for the professional post- graduate course under the existing scheme of the AICTE; (k) University Grants Commission (UGC) means the University Grants Commission, a statutory body constituted under section 4 of the University Grants Commission Act,1956 (3 of 1956); (l) Website means the official website of the admission committee. (2) The words and expressions used in these rules but not defined shall have the same meanings as assigned to them in the Act.

CHAPTER II ELIGIBILITY FOR ADMISSION TO PROFESSIONAL POST-GRADUATE COURSES. 3. Admissions to Professional Post-Graduate Courses.- Admissions to the First Year of the Professional Post-Graduate Courses shall be given as under, namely:(1) All the Government Seats shall be filled on the basis of merit list prepared by the Admission Committee constituted under section 4 of the Act for admissions to the First Year of the Professional Post-Graduate Courses. (2) All the Management Seats shall be filled in by the management of the respective Professional Educational College or Institution, on the basis of inter-se merit list of the students whose names appear in the merit list prepared by the Admission Committee. 4. Seats Available for Admission.- (1) For the purpose of admission to the first year of the Professional Post-Graduate Courses, available seats shall include,A. Government Seats.- (1) All the sanctioned seats of the Professional PostGraduate Courses in the Government Colleges or Institutions of the State, (2) All the sanctioned seats of the Professional Post-Graduate Courses in the aided Colleges or Institutions, and (3) Seventy-five percent of the sanctioned seats of the Professional PostGraduate Courses in the unaided Colleges or Institutions. B. Management Seats.- (1) Twenty-five percent seats of the sanctioned seats of the Professional Post-Graduate Courses in the unaided Colleges or Institutions, including fifteen percent Non-Resident Indian seats. (2) The intimation received, in respect of sanction of seats, by the Committee three days prior to the commencement of the first counseling program, shall be considered as available seats. (3) Before commencement of admission process, if any unaided College or Institution requests to fill up the Management Seats by the Admission Committee, such Management Seats shall also be considered as available for giving admissions. 5. Eligibility for Admission.- (1) (a) For the purpose of admission, a candidate shall have passed the qualifying examination in the relevant discipline, as specified in column 4 of Appendix I, and (b) (i) qualified in the GATE in the relevant discipline and having

Valid GATE score, or (ii) any other examination conducted by Indian Institutes of Technologies for the purpose of admissions to the post-graduate professional courses conducted in the current academic year. (2) A sponsored candidate shall have,(i) passed the qualifying examination, and (ii) qualified in GATE in the relevant discipline and having valid GATE score or the Common Entrance Test conducted in the current academic year, and (iii) minimum two years full time working experience in the academic, industrial or research organisation in the relevant field in which the candidate is seeking admission. (3) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (b) of sub-rules (1), if seats remain vacant after granting admission to the GATE qualified candidates, such vacant seats shall be filled in from amongst the candidates who qualify the Common Entrance Test conducted in the relevant academic year.


6. Reservation of Seats.- (1) For the purpose of admission, the seats shall

be reserved for the candidate who are origin of Gujarat and falling under the following categories, namely:(a) (b) (c) Scheduled Castes : Scheduled Tribes : Socially and Educationally Backward Class, including Widows and Orphan of any caste: 7% 15 %

27 %

(2) A candidate seeking admission on reserved seat shall be required to produce a Certificate of Caste: Provided that the candidate belonging to Socially and Educationally Backward Class shall be required to produce a certificate to the effect of non-inclusion in Creamy Layer in addition to the caste certificate.


(3) No caste certificate shall be valid unless it is duly stamped, signed and issued by the authority empowered by the Government of Gujarat. (4) No certificate to the effect of non-inclusion in Creamy Layer shall be valid, unless it is duly stamped, signed and issued by the authority empowered by the Government of Gujarat. Such certificate shall have been issued on or after the 1st April of the relevant year in which the candidate is seeking admission. (5) If a candidate fails to submit the certificate of caste as required under sub-rule (3) within the stipulated time, his candidature shall be considered for admission under unreserved category. (6) If a candidate of reserved category gets admission on unreserved seat in order of merits, he may be given admission on the unreserved seat according to his preference. (7) The admission of a student of a reserved category on a reserved seat shall be valid subject to the verification of caste certificate by the authority empowered by the State Government in this behalf. In case the caste certificate is found invalid on verification, he shall not have right to claim his admission on reserved seat and if he has been already granted admission, such admission shall be cancelled. (8) After granting admission to all the students of reserved categories on reserved seats, the reserved category seats remaining vacant shall be transferred to the unreserved category seats.
7. Reservation For Sponsored Candidates.- (1) The seats shall be reserved

for the sponsored candidate in accordance with the guidelines of the AICTE issued from time to time. (2) A candidate seeking admission on reserved seat shall be required to produce the sponsorship letter. (3) No sponsorship letter shall be valid unless it is duly stamped, signed and issued by the authority as may be determined by the Government.
8. Reservation For Physically Disabled Candidates.- Three percent of the

available seats in each category shall be reserved, in accordance with the provisions of the Persons With Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 (1 of 1996), for the person with disability who can perform the academic activities in the respective course. A candidate with disability shall have to submit certificate of disability issued and duly signed by the Civil Surgeon.

Explanation.-person with disability" means a person suffering from not less than forty per cent of any disability as certified by a state medical authority. 9. Reservation for the Children of Defence personals and ExServicemen.- (1) One percent of available seats shall be reserved for the children of Defence personals and Ex-Servicemen, for admission. (2) A candidate claiming admission against Ex-Servicemen category shall be required to submit a certificate to that effect duly issued by the Director, Sainik Welfare Board Gujarat State or by the District Sainik Welfare Officer. In-Service Defence Personnel shall be required to submit certificate to that effect duly issued by the Commanding Officer of the respective unit in which they are serving. (3) The children of Defence Personals and Ex-Servicemen of Gujarat origin shall be included under the reserved category specified in this rule, if they have passed the qualifying examination and qualified in GATE in the relevant discipline and having valid GATE score or the Common Entrance Test conducted in the current academic year.
10. Supernumerary Seats.- (1) The supernumerary seats shall be filled in

accordance with the directions from the Ministry of Human Resources Development , Government of India and All India Council of Technical Education, New Delhi.

PREPARATION OF MERIT LIST 11. Preparation of Merit List.- The Admission Committee shall prepare and publish discipline-wise two separate merit-lists of the candidates who have applied for admission in the prescribed form, within the prescribed time limit and who are found eligible for admission under these rules, in the following manner, namely:(1) (a) The first merit list shall include the candidates who have passed qualifying examination and have qualified GATE in the relevant discipline and having valid GATE score, referred to in sub-rule (1) of rule 5. The score of the GATE shall be the merit marks: Provided that the names of the sponsored candidates who have passed the qualifying examination and qualified in GATE in the relevant discipline and having valid GATE score shall be included in the first merit list.

(b) The second merit list shall include the candidates who have passed qualifying examination and have qualified in the Common Entrance Test, referred to in sub-rule (3) of rule 5. The score of the Common Entrance Test shall be the merit marks: Provided that the names of the sponsored candidates who have passed qualifying examination and have qualified in the Common Entrance Test shall be included in the second merit list.

(c) The Merit list of the candidates belonging to reserved categories shall be prepared separately. (2) The criteria for deciding merit order in case of students having equal merit marks shall be in the following sequence, namely:(a) Percentage of marks obtained in final year of qualifying examination, (b) Date of Birth (candidate who is older in age shall be given priority). 12. Correction of Marks. - In case of change in marks of a student in the qualifying examination, such student shall produce a letter to that effect or the corrected mark sheet issued by the University, before the Admission Committee at least one day before the commencement of admission process (counseling program) but not later than seven days from the receipt of letter, or as the case may be. In such case he shall be placed at an appropriate order in the merit list. CHAPTER V PROVISIONS RELATING TO ADMISSION 13. Application for admission.- (1) For the purpose of admission, a candidate shall apply, within the time limit specified by the Admission Committee, in the prescribed form as shown in Appendix II, appended to these rules. (2) A candidate who intents to make application for admission in more than one discipline shall require to make separate application for each discipline provided he is eligible for admission in other disciplines.


(3) The application form for admission can be obtained from the centers as may be notified by the Admission Committee or can be downloaded from the official website of the admission committee. (4) Where a candidate has made more than one application in the same discipline, the application made at the later stage shall be taken into consideration for admission and the other applications shall be treated as cancelled. (5) The application form duly filled, shall be submitted by the candidate, in person, at the notified centers referred to in sub-rule [3], along with a sum as may be determined by the Admission Committee and the self-attested copies of the certificates and testimonies, as specified in the application form. A receipt for the same shall be given by such person as may be authorized by the Admission Committee. (6) The application of the sponsored candidate shall be submitted by the authority sponsoring the candidate alongwith sponsorship letter. The candidate may submit one advance copy of the application to the admission committee. (7) The Admission Committee shall, by advertisement in the prominent newspapers widely circulated in the State, and by such other means, as the committee may considers convenient, publish the date of issue of application, centers from where the application form may be obtained and to where submitted, last date for submission of application form and such other information as may be necessary in this behalf. 14. Admission Procedure.- (1) All the applications duly received shall be scrutinized by the Admission Committee in accordance with the provisions of these rules and prepare the merit lists of the candidates found eligible for admission. (2) The merit lists shall be displayed, on the notice board of the office of the Admission Committee, its official web-site and by such other means, as the Committee may consider convenient. (3) The Admission Committee shall publish the admission programme, by advertisement in the prominent newspapers widely circulated in the State, and by such other means, as the committee may consider convenient.

(4) The admissions shall be granted in the following order, namely:(a) to those candidates whose names appear in the first merit list, (b) if seats remains vacant, to those candidates whose names appear in the second merit list. (5) The candidate whose name appears in the merit list shall have to remain present personally for counseling for the purpose of admission at the scheduled date, time and place. (6) In case the candidate is unable to remain present personally, on the date, time and place of counseling, due to serious illness, accident or unavoidable circumstances, his parents or guardian shall, after obtaining prior approval of the Committee or any officer authorized by the Committee, remain present on the scheduled date time and place. An authority letter signed by the candidate showing his order of preference and choice of disciplines/courses and colleges or institutions shall have to be produced by the parents or guardian who shall remain present in his behalf, along with the documentary evidence showing reason for the absence or inability to remain present personally. (7) After getting admission the candidate shall, within a period of seven working days, report to his respective college or Institution for registration. In case the candidate fails to get himself registered, within the time limit the admission granted shall be treated as cancelled. (8) In case the candidate fails to get himself registered, within the time limit due to unavoidable circumstances, the candidate shall, after obtaining prior approval of the Committee or any officer authorized by the Committee within three days after the expiry of the time limit, produce documentary evidence showing reason for such failure. If the Admission Committee is satisfied, may grant him further period of not more than three days to report to the college or institution for the purpose of registration. (9) In case the candidate does not remain present for counseling for the purpose of admission at the scheduled date and time and approaches the committee on later date, with an application in writing, to allow him for admission, he may be permitted for counseling and granted admission, in the disciplines/courses, college or institution and in the respective category available at such later date. He shall have no right to claim for the


admission in the disciplines/courses, college or institution and in the respective category available on the scheduled date and time. (10) The candidate belonging to reserved category may be allowed to remain present at the scheduled date and time of counseling for admission of the candidates of unreserved category, as per his merit number in the unreserved category. The admission shall be granted to such candidate in unreserved category, only if he is eligible to get admission, in the higher order of preference of courses than that in the reserved category. (11) The sponsored candidate shall be offered admission on the basis of the inclusion of his name in the first merit list or, as the case may be, second merit list.

CHAPTER VI MISCELLANEOUS. 15. Fee.- (1) A candidate who gets admission shall, at the time of admission, be required to pay such fee as may be determined by the Fee Regulatory Committee, constituted under section 9 of the Act. (2) In case the candidate having paid the fees after getting admission gets his admission canceled, provided that the seat vacated by him is filled by another candidate, shall be refunded the fees paid by him after deducting such amount towards administrative charge as may be determined by the Admission Committee, after completion of admission process. (3) In case the candidate having paid the fees after getting admission and gets his admission changed in another course and/or college or Institution in the readjustment (reshuffling) process, the difference of fees, if any, shall be payable by the student at the time getting admission in the readjustment (reshuffling), or as the case may be, shall be refunded to him after the completion of admission process. 16. Change of Course or Institution.Except as provided in these rules, no candidate shall, after getting admission, be allowed to change his course, or as the case may be , college or institution in any circumstance.

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17. Documents to be Attached with the application.- (1) The candidate shall attach the self-attested copies of the following documents with the application form, namely:(i) H.S.C. Examination ( Std. 12th) Mark-sheet, (ii) Diploma in Engineering Examination (iii)Qualifying Examination Mark-sheet/ statement of marks of final year, (iv) Degree Certificate, (v) GATE Score Card, (vi) School Leaving Certificate or Transfer Certificate, (vii) Caste certificate for a candidate belonging to Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST) and Socially and Educationally Backward Class (SEBC), issued by the authority empowered by the Government of Gujarat in this behalf, Non Creamy Layer (NCL) certificate of the family, issued after (viii) 1st April of the relevant academic year, by the authority empowered by the Government of Gujarat in this behalf, (ix) Certificate of Physical Disability, issued and duly signed by Surgeon, in case of a Physically Handicapped candidate, the Civil

(x) Certificate of Ex-Serviceman, duly issued by the Director, Sainik Welfare Board Gujarat State or by the District Sainik Welfare Officer, (xi) A copy of certificate of In-Serviceman duly issued by the Commanding Officer of the respective unit in which they are serving, (xii) Sponsorship letter issued by the authority sponsoring, in case of sponsored candidate, (xiii) Such other certificates as the Admission Committee deem necessary. Note: The candidate shall attach only those copies which are necessary to be attached with the application form. (2) The candidate shall have to produce for verification, at the time of counseling, before admission committee, the original certificates and testimonies of the documents attached with the application. (3) The admission committee may retain any original certificate and testimony of the documents, which it considers necessary until the admission process is completed. The said certificate or testimony shall be handed over by the admission committee to the college or institution, where the student has got admission, after completion of admission process. Such college or institution shall return the original certificate or testimony to the student.
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[4) The candidate who is unable to submit original certificates and testimonies necessary for the purpose of admission at the time of counseling, may be granted provisional admission, subject to following conditions, namely:(i) On payment of Rs.25,000/- (Rupees Twenty Five thousand) as security deposit by the student. If the student submits the required documents within a period of ten days, the remaining amount of the security deposit shall, after deducting Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One Thousand) towards the administrative expenditure, be refunded, (ii) In the event of failure to submit original certificates and testimonies within the time limit as aforesaid, the provisional admission may be cancelled and the security deposit may be forfeited, [iii] The student shall not be required to pay the security deposit referred to in sub-clause [i], who has secured admission in other college or institution and submitted his original certificates and testimonies there, provided that the student produces the proof of having taken the admission in other college or institution and submit the undertaking to the effect that he will get his admission cancelled in that other college or institution. 18. Ineligibility for admission on production of false documents.During verification of documents, if the Admission Committee finds any certificate or testimony or information submitted by any candidate, incorrect or false, the candidature of such candidate shall be cancelled for that year and he shall be disqualified for admission for the period of next two years. 19. Cancellation of Admission and Refund of Fee.- (1) In case of cancellation of admission or transfer of students by the Admission Committee, due to administrative reasons, the college or Institution in which the candidate was granted admission shall refund the amount of fee collected by it, to such candidate, in accordance with the regulations or guidelines of the AICTE. (2) In case of cancellation of admission due to failure of candidate to get himself registered within the specified time limit, as prescribed in sub-rules (7) of rule 14, and subject to the condition of such vacated seat being filled up by the Admission Committee, the fees collected from such candidate shall be refunded after completion of the admission process.

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(3) (a) In case of a candidate withdrawing his candidature before completion of admission process, for any reason whatsoever, he may request in writing to the Admission Committee for such withdrawal. In such case, the fee collected, if any, by the admission committee shall be refunded to such candidate, subject to the condition of such vacated seat being filled up by the Admission Committee, (b) In case of a candidate withdrawing his candidature after completion of admission process, for any reason whatsoever, he may request in writing to the college or institution in which he is granted admission, for refund of fee paid by him. In such case the fee shall be refunded, by such college or institution, in accordance with the regulations or guidelines of the AICTE. 20. Vacant Seats.- After the completion of admission process or offering admission to all the candidates whose names appear in the merit list, if the seats remain vacant, such vacant seats shall be displayed on the official web-site, on notice board of the office of the Admission Committee and the same may be intimated to the concerned Institutions. In case any student requires admission on such vacant seats he shall apply directly to the concerned Institutions. The concerned Institutions shall carry out admission process for such seats by maintaining inter-se merit of the applications received by them with prior permission of the Admission Committee. 21. Admission to Unaided Colleges or Institutions,- [1] The Management Seats may be filled, by the management of the respective unaided colleges or institutions based on the inter-se merit list of the student whose name appears in the merit list prepared by the Admission Committee. [2] The admission process for filling up of Management Seats shall be carried out by the management of the respective unaided colleges or institutions in accordance with the procedure as may be determined by the Admission Committee. [3] On request of the management of unaided colleges or institutions, the vacant Management Seats shall be filled up by the Admission Committee provided such request is made by the management before the commencement of admission process. [4] The unaided colleges or institutions shall collect the fees, as may be determined under the provisions of the Act, by the Fee Regulatory Committee, constituted under section 9 of the Act.

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22. Special Provisions relating to admissions in Post-Graduate Courses in Certain University. Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, admission in the Post-Graduate Courses in Dhirubai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, Gandhinagar, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Gandinagar Nirma Univeristy, Ahmedabad and Centre For Environmental Planning And Technology University, Ahmedabad shall be granted by these institutions/ Universities on the basis of the merit order obtained in any All India Entrance Examination of repute. 23. Penalty.- Any breach of any of the provisions of the Act, these rules and any directions issued by the Government, or as the case may be, shall be liable for penalty as defined in the Act. 24. Interpretation.- In implementation of the provisions of these rules, if any difficulty or question arises as to the interpretation of any provision, the decision of the Government shall be final. The admission committee shall have to submit the detailed statistical analysis report to the Director, Office of the Directorate of Technical Education, Gandhinagar and Secretary/ Principal Secretary, Education Department, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar within two months after the completion of admission process each year.

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Appendix I
(See rule 2 (i) (a) and rule 5 (1) (a) ) Eligibility For Professional Post-Graduate Courses NAME OF POST GRADUATE COURSE/SPECIALISATION ELIGIBILITY DISCIPLINE 2 3 4 Civil Engineering Water Resources Management Water Resources B.E./B.TECH. in Civil Engineering or Engineering Irrigation and Water Management or equivalent qualification Hydraulic Structures Irrigation & Water Management Transportation Engineering Transportation System Engineering Highway & Transportation Engineering Structural Engineering B.E./B.TECH. in Civil Engineering or Structural Design equivalent qualification Computer Aided Structural Analysis Fracture Mechanics Geotechnical Engineering Soil Engineering Construction Engineering & Management Construction & project B.E./B.TECH. in Civil Engineering. Or management B.Arch. or equivalent qualification

SR NO 1 1

Mechanical Engineering

CAD/CAM Advance Manufacturing Techniques Machine Design

Internal Combustion Engines & Automobile Cryogenics Jet Propulsion & Gas - 15 -

B.E./B.TECH. in Mechanical Engineering or Production Engineering or Mechatronics Engineering or Industrial Engineering or equivalent qualification B.E./B.TECH. in Mechanical Engineering or Production Engineering or Automobile Engineering or Industrial Engineering or Mechatronics Engineering or equivalent qualification B.E./B.TECH. in Mechanical Engineering or Automobile Engineering or equivalent qualification B.E./B.TECH. n Mechanical Engineering or equivalent qualification B.E./B.TECH. in Mechanical


Production Engineering

Thermal Science Welding

Engineering or Automobile Engineering or Aeronautical Engineering or equivalent qualification B.E./B.TECH. in Production Engineering or Mechanical Engineering or Automobile Engineering or Industrial Engineering or equivalent qualification. B.E./B.TECH. in Mechanical Engineering or equivalent qualification B.E./B.TECH. in Mechanical Engineering or Production Engineering or Metallurgical Engineering or Mechatronics Engineering or Industrial Engineering or Fabrication Engineering /technology or equivalent qualification

Electrical Engineering

Automation & Control / Power Systems Automatic Control & Robotics

Electrical Power Engineering Industrial Electronics

Microprocessor System & Application

Electronics & Communication

Electronics & Communication - 16 -

B.E./ Electrical Engineering or equivalent qualification B.E./B.TECH. in Electrical Engineering or Electronics Engineering or Electronics and Communication or Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering or Instrumentation and control Engineering or Bio-medical Engineering or Mechatronics Engineering or equivalent qualification B.E./B.TECH. in Electrical Engineering or equivalent qualification B.E./B.TECH. In Electrical Engineering or Electronics Engineering or Electronics and Communication Engineering or Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering or Instrumentation and control Engineering or Electrical & Electronics Engineering or Power Electronics Engineering or equivalent qualification B.E./B.TECH. in Electrical Engineering or Electronics Engineering or Electronics and Communication Engineering or Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering or Instrumentation and control engineering or equivalent qualification B.E./B.TECH. In Electronics and Communication Engineering or

Engineering Electronics & Communication Systems Engineering Communication Systems Engineering Communication Applied Instrumentation

Electronics and Telecommunication or Electronics Engineering or equivalent qualification.

Instrumentation & Control Engineering

Chemical Engineering

Computer Aided Process Design Chemical Engineering Polymer Technology

Petrochemical Engineering

Environment Engineering

Environment Management Environmental Engineering


Materials Technology

Industrial Metallurgy 9 Textile Engineering Man-Made Textile

Textile Chemical Processing Textile Engineering

B.E./B.TECH. in Instrumentation and Control Engineering or Power Electronics Engineering or Electronics and Communication Engineering or Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering or equivalent qualification B.E./B.TECH. in Chemical Engineering or Petroleum and Petrochemical Technology or equivalent qualification B.E./B.TECH. in Chemical Engineering or Polymer Engineering or Rubber technology or Plastic technology or equivalent qualification. B.E./B.TECH. in Chemical Engineering or Petroleum & Petrochemical Technology or equivalent qualification. B.E./B.TECH. in Environment Engineering or Civil Engineering or Chemical Engineering or Biotechnology or equivalent qualification B.E./ Metallurgy or Mechanical Engineering or Production Engineering or equivalent qualification B.E./ Metallurgy or equivalent qualification. B.E./B.TECH. in Textile Technology or Textile Engineering or Textile Processing or equivalent qualification. B.E./B.TECH. in Textile Chemistry or Fibre Technology or Wet Processing or equivalent qualification. B.E./B.TECH in Textile Technology or Textile Engineering or Textile Processing or Jute and Fibre Technology or Textile Manufacturing or Textile Maintenance or equivalent qualification.

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10 11

Computer Engineering Pharmacy

Computer Engineering

B.E./ Computer Engineering or Information Technology Engineering or equivalent qualification.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry B.Pharm or equivalent qualification. Pharmaceutical tech & Pharmaceutics Pharmacology Quality Assurance Pharmaceutics Pharmacognosy Clinical Pharmacy Pharm Tech. Bio-Technology Industrial Pharmacy Pharma Chemistry Medical Chemistry New Drug Delivery System Pharmaceutical Analysis Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance Pharmaceutical Technology Herbal Drug Technology

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Appendix II

(See rule 2 ( i ) (b) and rule 13(1))

Application Form M.E./M.Tech/M.Pharm 20___ Office Use Only GATE NON-GATE Name (In block letter) : Mothers Name : Date of Birth : (DD/MM/YYYY): Discipline Code: Correspondence Address : City : Taluka: District: PIN : Telephone Number: Category: OPEN Physical Disability: Sponsored Candidates: SPONSERED Merit NO:

Affix Recent Passport Size Color Photograph With candidates Signature Across Female

Gender :


Discipline Name: Permanent Address : City : Taluka : District: PIN : Mobile Number : SEBC IN / Ex-Serviceman Category (If Yes): Govt. Dept. Industry/R & D org. Academic Inst.
Class/ Grade % or CPI Attempt Specializa tion

SC Yes ST No


No (If yes) ________ %

Educational Qualifications:
Name Board/University of Exm. HSC/


Year of Marks Passing obtained

Sem VII Sem VIII Other

Details of Experience:
Sr. Name & Address of Employer/Institutes Designation Type of Experience Duration From To

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GATE Year of Passing Reg. No. Percentile Examination paper (subject)


I do hereby declare that all the particulars stated in the application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I have read the Admission Rules and Information Brochure, and I shall abide by all the rules and other terms and conditions for admission. In the event of suppression or distortion of any information provided in my application form, I understand that admission granted by the Admission Committee shall be liable for cancellation. I also understand that the decision of the Admission Committee regarding my admission shall be final and I shall be liable by its decision. Further, if admitted, I promise to abide by the rules and regulations of the Institute as applicable during the course of study. I am also aware that ragging is banned and if, found guilty, I shall be liable for punishments as decided by the authority. I abide to pay the fees as determined by the Fee Regulatory Committee.

Place: Date: List of the Documents Attached(Please Tick) : H.S.C. Examination ( Std. 12th) Mark-sheet. Diploma in Engineering Examination (if necessary). Qualifying Examination Mark-sheet/ statement of marks. Degree Certificate GATE Score Card. School Leaving Certificate or Transfer Certificate. Caste certificate for a candidate belonging to Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST) and Socially and Educationally Backward Class (SEBC). Non-Creamy Layer (NCL) certificate, issued after 1st April of the relevant academic year. Certificate of Physical Disability, issued and duly signed by the Civil Surgeon, in case of a Physically Handicapped candidate. Certificate of Ex-Serviceman, duly issued by the Director, Sainik Welfare Board Gujarat State or by the District Sainik Welfare Officer. A copy of certificate of In-Serviceman duly issued by the Commanding Officer of the respective unit in which they are serving. Sponsorship letter issued by the authority sponsoring, in case of sponsored Candidate. Such other certificates. Signature of the Candidate

By order and in the name of the Governor of Gujarat,

( Lalit Vyas ) Under Secretary to Government.

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NOTIFICATION EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. Dated the 26th June, 2009.
Gujarat Professional Technical Educational Colleges or






conferred by sub-section (1) of section 20 read with section 4 of the Gujarat Professional Technical Educational Colleges or Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Fixation of Fees) Act, 2007 (Guj. 2 of 2008), the Government of Gujarat hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Professional Post-graduate Courses (Regulation of Admission and Payment of Fees) Rules, 2009, namely:-

Institutions egulation of Admission nd Fixation of Fees) Act, 2007.


These rules may be called the Professional Post-graduate Courses

(Regulation of Admission and Payment of Fees) (Amendment) Rules, 2009. 2. In the Professional Post-graduate Courses (Regulation of Admission and Payment of Fees) Rules, 2009, after rule 4, the following new rule shall be inserted, namely:4A. Distribution of Seats.- (1) For the purpose of admission to the first year of the Professional Post-Graduate Courses, distribution of the seats shall be made as follows, namely:A. Government Seats.- (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in rule 4, eighty-five percent of all the sanctioned Government seats of the Professional Post-Graduate Courses shall be filled by the candidates who,(a) are the domicile of Gujarat, and (b) have passed the qualifying examination from any of the Universities situated in the State of Gujarat, and (c) have passed Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination [Std. XII (10+2) pattern] from any of the schools situated in the State of Gujarat. (2) Fifteen percent of all the sanctioned Government seats of the Professional Post-Graduate Courses shall be filled by the candidates who have passed the qualifying examination from any other University.

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(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (2), if any seats remains vacant which were to be filled by the candidates who have passed the qualifying examination from any other University, such seats shall be offered to and filled up by the candidates who are governed under sub-section (1). B. Management Seats.- (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in rule 4, out of the twenty-five percent management seats of the total sanctioned seats of the Professional Post-Graduate Courses in the unaided Colleges or Institutions, ten percent seats of the total sanctioned seats of the Professional Post-Graduate Courses shall be filled in by the candidates who are the domicile of Gujarat.
By order and in the name of the Governor of Gujarat,

( D.G.Chaudhari ) Under Secretary to Government.

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