Bristish Admiralty Publications by United Kingdom Hydrographic Office

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Often referred to as Pilots, Sailing Directions are designed for use by the merchant mariner on all classes of ocean-going vessels with essential information on all aspects of navigation. Sailing Directions are complementary to Admiralty Standard Nautical Charts and provide worldwide coverage in 74 volumes. Each publication contains quality colour photography and views, as well as information on navigational hazards, buoyage, meteorological data, details of pilotage, regulations, port facilities and guides to major port entry. New Editions of Admiralty Sailing Directions are published on a regular basis. Navigationally significant information for these publications is issued via the Admiralty Notices to Mariners weekly bulletin (Section IV).

o Admiralty Tide Tables (NP 201-204) Admiralty Tide Tables detail the times and heights of high and low waters for over 230 standard and 6000 secondary ports in the UK and Ireland, Europe, the Indian Ocean, South China Sea and Pacific Ocean for each day of the year. The tables outline methods of prediction, the effect of meteorological conditions on tides and provide additional information on exceptional tidal factors in each area. The tables are available from Admiralty Distributors worldwide. Admiralty Tidal Stream Atlases Admiralty Tidal Stream Atlases display, in diagrammatic form, the major tidal streams for selected waters of north-western Europe, including direction and rate at hourly intervals. Graded arrows illustrate Mean, Neap and Spring tidal rates in tenths of a knot. There is also a diagram to help you calculate the tidal stream rate for a given date. Admiralty Manual of Tides (NP120) This is a largely mathematical, detailed description of tidal theory and its application to the analysis and prediction of tides and tidal streams. Admiralty Tidal Handbooks (NP122 1-3) These three volumes outline the Admiralty method of harmonic tidal analysis for long and short observation periods and include information on datums for hydrographic surveys.


The Admiralty List of Radio Signals series provides comprehensive information on all aspects of Maritime Radio Communications. The data is organised into six volumes, some divided into several parts for ease of handling. Each of the six volumes is presented in a user-friendly format with full colour photographs and diagrams. The contents range from a complete listing of stations handling Maritime Public Correspondence to a full range of products and services essential for compliance with the GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress and Safety System). The volumes also feature radio stations broadcasting weather services and forecasts and a detailed explanation of the complexities of Global Satellite Position Fixing Systems. ALRS publications are presented in a user-friendly format and are updated through Section VI of the weekly editions of Admiralty Notices to Mariners. New Editions are published annually containing all changes to information held. NP281 (Parts 1 & 2) - Maritime Radio Stations

NP282 - Radio Aids to Navigation, Satellite Navigation Systems, Differential GPS (DGPS) Legal Time, Radio Time Signals and Electronic Position Fixing Systems NP 283 (Parts 1 & 2) - Maritime Safety Information Services NP 284 - Meteorological Observation Stations NP 285 - Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) NP 286 (Parts 1 - 7) - Pilot Services, Vessel Traffic Services and Port Operations


This series of books provides extensive information on all lighthouses, lightships, lit floating marks (over 8m in height), fog signals and other lights of navigational significance. Each publication also gives the characteristics of lights and fog signals, together with the equivalent foreign language light descriptions. Tables can be used to calculate the geographical and luminous ranges of lights. Details for all lights listed include the international number, location and/or name, geographical co-ordinates, characteristics and intensity, elevation in metres, range in sea miles and description of structure. We publish new editions of the Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals on a rolling cycle of revision. We also list important changes to lights in the weekly Admiralty Notices to Mariners.


A three part series of tables, sub-divided by region, giving the shortest distances between ports. There are supporting diagrams and text as well as link tables for places not in the same or adjacent table.

Catalogue of Admiralty Charts and Publications (NP131)

A comprehensive reference in graphical and textual form of all Admiralty charts and publications worldwide, listed by region. The catalogue gives full details for each chart and publication, including details of all digital products and Admiralty distributors worldwide. Updated and published annually.

Paper Chart Maintenance Record (NP133A)

Record your Admiralty chart updating details, weekly Notices to Mariners and new charts and editions. Use the index to check Notices to Mariners against all Admiralty charts.

How to Keep Your Admiralty Products Up-to-Date (NP294)

A comprehensive guide to updating all Admiralty products.

IALA Maritime Buoyage System (NP735)

Describes the Cardinal and Lateral Buoyage system with diagrams and written explanations of the five types of marks: lateral, cardinal, isolated danger, safe water and special marks.

Ocean Passages for the World (NP136)

This classic volume on ocean voyage planning has routeing details for powered and sailing vessels; individual chapters on each of the worlds oceans; advice on winds, weather, climate, seasonal factors, currents, swell, ice hazards; and the shortest routes between ports and important positions.

Symbols and Abbreviations Used on Admiralty Charts, Chart 5011 (INT 1)

This convenient A4 book details Admiralty and INT paper chart symbols in full colour with information on hydrography; topography; navigational aids and services; abbreviations of principal terms shown on English and foreign charts; and general information on the content of Admiralty paper charts.

The Mariner's Handbook (NP100)

A compendium of essential maritime information on charts; operations and regulations; tides, currents and characteristics of the sea; basic meteorology; navigation in ice, hazards and restrictions to navigation; and the IALA Buoyage system.

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