As 4905-2002 (Reference Use Only) Minor Works Contract Conditions (Superintendent Administered)
As 4905-2002 (Reference Use Only) Minor Works Contract Conditions (Superintendent Administered)
As 4905-2002 (Reference Use Only) Minor Works Contract Conditions (Superintendent Administered)
Australian Standard™
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Association of Consulting Engineers Australia
Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Australian Procurement and Construction Council
Construction Industry Engineering Services Group
Construction Policy Steering Committee
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Australian Standard™
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© Standards Australia
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Published by Standards Australia, GPO Box 5420, Sydney, NSW 2001, Australia
ISBN 0 7337 3668 8
AS 4905—2002 2
This Standard was prepared by the Joint Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand
Committee OB–003, General Conditions of Contract to supersede, in part, AS 4305—1996,
Minor works contract conditions.
This Standard incorporates Amendment No. 1 ( March 2005 ). The changes required by the
Amendment are indicated in the text by a marginal bar and amendment number against the
clause, note, table, figure or part thereof affected.
This Standard is the result of a consensus among Australian and New Zealand
representatives on the Joint Committee to produce it as an Australian Standard.
AS 4905—2002, Minor works contract conditions (Superintendent administered) is part of
the suite of conditions of contract based on AS 4000— 1997, General conditions of
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This Standard is intended to be used for construct-only projects of a simple nature and
of limited monetary value. It is not suitable for projects of a complex or long term
nature or where a bill of quantities has been prepared. There is also no provision for
separable portions or selected subcontracts.
This Standard provides for administration by a Superintendent. Where it is intended that a
Principal administer the contract, AS 4906—2002, Minor works contract conditions
(Principal administered) should be used.
This Standard is not meant to be used as a short form of AS 4000—1997, General
conditions of contract. Certain obligations and risks are dealt with differently from the way
they are dealt with in AS 4000—1997.
1) This Standard provides an option for the parties to limit the Contractor’s
liability for damage to other property of the Principal. See subclause 10.1(a)
and Item 9. Clause 10 (Damage to persons and property other than WUC)
does not otherwise limit the liability of parties for special, indirect or
consequential losses.
This unlimited liability applies notwithstanding any limitations or
exclusions permitted under insurance clauses 11 (Insurance of the Works)
and 12 (Public liability insurance).
Parties wishing to limit their liability should seek insurance and legal advice
before entering a contract under this Standard.
2) Legislation has come into force in some jurisdictions dealing with security
of payments. Parties intending to use this Standard should seek expert
3 SECURITY..........................................................................................................................6
4 SERVICE OF NOTICES.....................................................................................................7
5 DISCREPANCIES...............................................................................................................7
6 ASSIGNMENT AND SUBCONTRACTING.....................................................................7
7 LEGISLATIVE REQUIREMENTS....................................................................................7
8 PROTECTION.....................................................................................................................8
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ANNEXURE ..................................................................................................................................21
INDEX ...........................................................................................................................................25
AS 4905—2002 4
Australian Standard
Minor works contract conditions
(Superintendent administered)
1 Interpretation and construction of Contract
In the Contract, except where the context otherwise requires:
Item means an Item in the Annexure;
certificate of has the meaning in subclause 20.4;
practical completion
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compensable cause means any act, default or omission of the Principal or its
consultants, agents or other contractors (not being employed
by the Contractor);
construction program has the meaning in clause 19;
Contract means the agreement between the Principal and the
contract sum means:
a) where the Principal accepted a lump sum, the lump
b) where the Principal accepted rates, the sum of the
products ascertained by multiplying the rates by the
corresponding quantities in the schedule of rates; or
Contractor means the person bound to carry out and complete WUC;
date for practical means the date stated in Item 7(a) or the last day of the period
completion of time stated in Item 7(b), but if any EOT for practical
completion is directed or otherwise allowed, it means the date
resulting therefrom;
date of acceptance means the date which appears on the written notice of
of tender acceptance of tender;
date of practical means:
a) the date evidenced in a certificate of practical
completion as the date upon which practical completion
was reached; or
b) where another date is determined in any arbitration or
litigation as the date upon which practical completion
was reached, that other date;
defects has the meaning in clause 21 and includes omissions;
practical completion is that stage in the carrying out and completion of WUC when
the Works are complete except for minor defects;
Principal means the Principal stated in Item 1;
qualifying cause of means:
a) any act, default or omission of the Superintendent, the
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and like words have a corresponding meaning.
In the Contract:
a) references to days mean calendar days and references to
a person include an individual, firm or a body, corporate
or unincorporate;
b) time for doing any act or thing under the Contract shall,
if it ends on a Saturday, Sunday or Statutory or Public
Holiday, be deemed to end on the day next following
which is not a Saturday, Sunday or Statutory or Public
2 Nature of Contract
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If the schedule of rates omits an item which should have been included, the item shall be a
deemed variation.
3 Security
3.1 Provision
Security shall be provided in accordance with Item 8. All delivered security, other than cash
3.2 Recourse
Security shall be subject to recourse by the Principal who remains unpaid after the time for
payment where at least 5 days have elapsed since the Principal has notified the Contractor
of intention to have recourse.