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The sTudenT vOice since 1904

VOL. 116 issue 54

t academics

thursday, november 3, 2005


Full classes frustrate students

By GaBy souza

T-shirts for the taking

[email protected]
Kansan staff writer

Vanessa Pierson was looking forward to taking her final creative writing class. Shes not graduating until May 2007, but she didnt want to wait until the last minute to take the class. The Shawnee senior had to submit an example of her writing to the professor in order to enroll. The professor was then supposed to give her a permission code that would enable her to get into the class. The professor wrote her back and said that even though Piersons writing was good, the class was full. Pierson said the professor told her that her only option was to try again next semester. Saying I was a senior and I needed to take the class didnt seem to sway her in any way, Pierson said. Students at the University of Kansas are finding it difficult to enroll in the classes they need to graduate. The University has found solutions to remedy the problem as best it can. Departments are as lenient as they can be to graduating seniors, but at the same time, they want to ensure that juniors and underclassmen have the opportunity to get into the classes they need. One solution to the problem is to stagger the open classes, which is common, Joan Hahn, assistant University registrar, said. This means that enrollment is spread out over time and a few sections of a class are opened each week. David Dewar, assistant director of enrollment for the department of humanities and Western Civilization, started staggering open classes for Western Civilization I and II, two classes that a majority of the students at the University are required to complete. Both classes are intended for sophomores. However, students hear the myth that the classes are difficult, and delay taking them until their senior years, Dewar said. Staggering the classes ensures that sophomores can still reserve spots, despite their later enrollment times. The departments can also help enrollment by changing the maximum enrollment size of classes, Hahn said. The registrars office is able to change the sizes but only at the request of a specific department. David Guth, associate dean of the School of Journalism, said the enrollment capacity of classes at the school would be changed if a student was in danger of not graduating without the class. He said this was usually the only exception they made. Pierson enrolled despite not being able to take her creative writing class. She plans on taking it next semester. She said she was happy that she got such an early enrollment date and was able to get into the all the other classes she needed. She said she pities freshmen because they dont get as many choices for classes as she does. Im glad that Im old, Pierson said. Edited by Anne Burgard Todays weather

Josh Kirk/KANSAN

Lindsey Gross, Olathe senior, signs up to receive a shirt from the next shipment of gay? fine by me T-shirts. KUs Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered program handed out 250 free T-shirts on Wescoe Beach Wednesday. The shirts were gone in less than 30 minutes. Michael Franklin, LGBT coordinator, said the group was planning to order 1,000 more shirts to give to KU students.

t Graduation

Four-year grads few

t police

New board to address profiling

KU officers excluded from jurisdiction
By steve lynn

[email protected]
Kansan staff writer

Task force gives reasons for Although several factors tend to influence low fourprolonged college careers year graduation rates at
By Melissa Byrd

[email protected]
Kansan correspondent

Watch any movie about the college experience, and you will likely see that familiar eighth-year senior, still living in the fraternity house, unable to finish his degree. While these examples may not be entirely realistic, it is becoming increasingly common for college students including students at the University of Kansas to take more than four years to graduate. Only 29 percent of KU students graduate in four years. In an effort to determine the cause of this low four-year graduation rate, the University created a Graduate in Four task force. Kathleen McCluskey-Fawcett, senior vice provost for academic affairs and the chairwoman of the task force, said faculty cited the Universitys non-selective admission standards as one of the main reasons for the low graduation rate.

Faculty said these standards attracted students with low qualifications, who usually take longer than four years to graduate. The Universitys graduation rate ranks fifth out of 11 schools in the Big 12 Conference, according to the task force. Baylor University, the conferences only private university, was not included in the report. Our graduation rate is very low for a school like ours, McCluskey-Fawcett said. Our ACT composite average is exactly like Indiana Universitys. Its four-year graduation is significantly higher. The task force found that although several factors tend to influence low four-year graduation rates at the University, the major triggers behind them seem to be cultural reasons, liberal policies regarding course withdrawal and major declaration, too few credit hours taken each semester and offcampus student jobs.

the University, the major triggers behind them seem to be cultural reasons, liberal policies regarding course withdrawal and major declaration, too few credit hours taken each semester and off-campus student jobs.

Cultural factors We have never put much emphasis on the fact that we expect you to get out in four years, McCluskey-Fawcett said. She said that many students do not have the expectation for themselves that they will finish on time. Kelly Jenkins, a fifth-year senior, said he did not take college seriously his first year, which put him behind.

A city ordinance that would establish an independent advisory board to address racial profiling in Lawrence would not affect the KU Public Safety Office. City officials presented the commission the draft of an ordinance on Oct. 18 that would comply with the recently passed Kansas Senate Bill 77. It requires Lawrence and other cities to form citizen advisory boards to work with local law enforcement to prevent racial profiling. Mayor Dennis Boog Highberger said the law required the advisory board to be formed by July 1, 2006, but that city commissioners wanted to create it sooner. David Corliss, assistant city manager, said city commissioners would have the option to pass the ordinance in November or December. The city doesnt regulate the KU Public Safety Office, Corliss said. Ralph Oliver, chief of the KU Public Safety Office, said the office would comply with the bills requirements for data collection. The office has never received any complaints about racial profiling, Oliver said. He said that if students had complaints of discrimination by an officer or staff member, they should come to the office and file a report so police could investigate. Kriston Guillot, Shawnee senior and president of the Black Student Union, said he had experienced racial profiling on and off campus. He said he was walking to Jayhawker Towers at night when a police officer stopped him. The officer asked him where he was walking. He said he answered and the officer told him he just wanted to make sure he was a student. The citys approval of an independent advisory board means that commissioners are acknowledging that racial profiling exists, Guillot said.

TAsK FORCe On pAge 4A


78 50

U.S. Poet Laureate to visit University today

Ted Kooser will participate in a panel this afternoon addressing the value of poetry. This evening Kooser will share his poetry in a reading. PAGE 3A

While youre at home on the couch, students like Todd Beauford are training for the Ironman Triathalon. Read Kathryn Andersons article on Triathalons and be inspired to get up off the couch and try it yourself.

Comics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6A Classifieds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7A Crossword. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6A Horoscopes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6A Opinion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A Sports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10A
All contents, unless stated otherwise, 2005 The University Daily Kansan


Alex Perkins, KUJH-TV


mostly sunny




chance of showers

Wednesday nights 3-1 loss to Colorado was more of the same for Kansas. The Jayhawks have now lost eight straight games since Oct. 1. PAGE 10A

Volleyball loses again

2A The UniversiTy DAily KAnsAn

t space

t mens basketball
By ryan schnEidEr

ThUrsDAy, november 3, 2005

New ticket system kicks off

KAnsAn sTAff wriTer

[email protected]
After nearly a year of planning and discussion, students got their first taste of the new mens basketball ticket validation system this week. Wednesday was the final day of the first ticket pickup period for the first three home games. Students had two options to validate their tickets: in person at the Athletics Department ticket office or online using the departments Web site, www. kuathletics.com. Jim Marchiony, associate athletics director, said he had not heard of any major problems with the new validation system. I havent had any great uproar, Marchiony said. Students such as Christie Omon, Lawrence junior, had trouble using the new system for the first time.

east corner of the Booth Family Hall of Athletics at the fieldhouse. Students can visit the ticket office to test their KUIDs in the remaining days leading up to the first game to verify that they will scan on game day.
I was just really confused by the online system, Omon said. I wasnt sure what to do or where to click. Omon said it was easier to validate her tickets in person at the ticket office, but she said the online option might help students with busy schedules. Stephen Prokopiak, Denver sophomore, picked up his tickets in person. When he visited the ticket office, his KUID was added to the list of IDs accepted on game day. Students who picked up their football tickets at the beginning of the year had their KUID added into the system at that time. Prokopiak said he would pick up his tickets for future games in person to avoid the online fee of $1 per game. Marchiony said the department was charged the $1 fee per game by its online ticket provider, and the department was passing that fee on to students. He said students who had suggestions or comments for how to improve the system could contact the ticket office. Marchiony said the department would discuss suggested options for improving the system after basketball season.

The ticket office is now located at the south-


The International Space Station, shown in this 2000 NASA photo, was built by a cooperative group of 16 countries. Wednesday marked the fifth anniversary of continuous human presence onboard the space station.

Space station marks five years of use

By Pam Easton
The AssociATed Press

Several fieldhouse staff members will be devoted to the two student entrances to help minimize delays at the first game on Nov. 9, Marchiony said. He said staff would be equipped with scanners to slide the students KUIDs as they entered Allen Fieldhouse. The ticket office is now located at the southeast corner of the Booth Family Hall of Athletics at the fieldhouse. Students can visit the ticket office to test their KUIDs in the remaining days leading up to the first game to verify that they will scan on game day. If student tickets are still available, Marchiony said students would be able to validate their vouchers on game day. The first exhibition game is Wednesday at 7 p.m. versus Fort Hays State University. Edited by Tricia Masenthin

t civil rights

HOUSTON The international space station Wednesday marked five continuous years of people living and working aboard it. But there wasnt much time for celebration. The stations two residents spent the day cleaning air filters, upgrading exercise equipment and doing other maintenance. Astronaut William McArthur Jr. and cosmonaut Valery Tokarev, who arrived Oct. 3 for a sixmonth stay, also prepared for a spacewalk next week. Its not that were not feeling celebratory, McArthur said. The space shuttle isnt flying right now. And we got to figure out how to finish flying the space shuttle in the next four years and to finish building the space station like we promised to. People first began living on the orbiting science lab on Nov. 2, 2000, after 16 countries joined to construct it. It absolutely calls for celebration, the astronaut said from orbit during a series of broadcast interviews. We have done things that were absolutely inconceivable 50 years ago. The 15,000-foot space station, about half complete, includes living quarters, an exercise room and a galley. It is now the equivalent of a three-bedroom house. Nearly 100 people from 10 countries have visited the station, and 29 have lived
Tell us your news Contact Austin Caster, Jonathan Kealing, Anja Winikka, Josh Bickel, Ty Beaver or Nate Karlin at 864-4810 or [email protected]. Kansan newsroom 111 Stauffer-Flint Hall 1435 Jayhawk Blvd. Lawrence, KS 66045 (785) 864-4810

space station, about half complete, includes living quarters, an exercise room and a galley and is now the equivalent of a threebedroom house. Nearly 100 people from 10 countries have visited the station, and 29 have lived aboard it, often for six months at a time.
aboard it, often for six months at a time. NASA partnered with the Russian Federal Space Agency, the Canadian Space Agency, the European Space Agency and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency in building the station. Its not the pristine world that you see on Star Trek, where you see the neatly pressed uniforms, McArthur said. What we have is perhaps, from a storage and organization standpoint, is well-managed chaos. Paul Cloutier, a Rice University professor of physics and astronomy, said when people first started living in space, many were optimistic but also naive about the challenges of longterm orbital trips. Just the fact that it is up there is a major accomplishment, he said.

The 15,000-foot

Funeral for Rosa Parks draws thousands

By Kathy BarKs hoffman
The AssociATed Press

DETROIT A church packed with 4,000 mourners celebrated the life of Rosa Parks Wednesday in an impassioned, song-filled funeral, with a crowd of notables giving thanks for the humble woman whose dignity and defiance helped transform a nation. The woman we honored today held no public office, she wasnt a wealthy woman, didnt appear in the society pages, said Sen. Barack Obama (D-Illinois). And yet when the history of this country is written, it is this small, quiet woman whose name will be remembered long after the names of senators and presidents have been forgotten. The funeral, which stretched well past its three-hour scheduled time, followed a week of remembrances during which Parks coffin was brought from Detroit, where she died Oct. 24; to Montgomery, Ala., where she sparked the civil rights movement 50 years ago by refusing to give her bus seat to a white man; to Washington, where she became the first woman to lie in honor in the Capitol Rotunda. Those in the audience held hands and sang the civil rights anthem We Shall Overcome as family members filed past her casket before it was closed.


Deborah Sherrill of Detroit takes part in a musical selection during Rosa Parks funeral at the Greater Grace Temple in Detroit. Parks, a civil rights icon, had lain in honor in the Capitol Rotunda before her funeral Wednesday. Mother Parks, take your rest. You have certainly earned it, said Bishop Charles Ellis III of Greater Grace Temple, who led the service. Singers included Aretha Franklin and mezzo-soprano Brenda Jackson, who sang a soaring version of the Lords Prayer. Speakers described Parks, who died at 92, as both a warrior and a woman of peace who never stopped working toward a future of racial equality. The world knows of Rosa Parks because of a single, simple act of dignity and courage that struck a lethal blow to the foundations of legal bigotry, said former President Clinton, who presented Parks with the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1996. Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, not yet born when Parks took her stand, was one of many who attributed their success to the doors Parks opened. Thank you for sacrificing for us, he said. Thank you for praying when we were too cool and too cute to pray for ourselves. ... Thank you for allowing us to step on your mighty shoulders.

media partners
For more news, turn to KUJHTV on Sunflower Cablevision Channel 31 in Lawrence. The studentproduced news airs at 5:30 p.m., 7:30 p.m., 9:30 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. every Monday through Friday. Also, check out KUJH online at tv.ku.edu. KJHK is the student voice in radio. Each day there is news, music, sports, talk shows and other content made for students, by students. Whether its rock n roll or reggae, sports or special events, KJHK 90.7 is for you.

et cetera
The University Daily Kansan is the student newspaper of the University of Kansas. The first copy is paid through the student activity fee. Additional copies of the Kansan are 25 cents. Subscriptions can be purchased at the Kansan business office, 119 StaufferFlint Hall, 1435 Jayhawk Blvd., Lawrence, KS 66045. The University Daily Kansan (ISSN 0746-4962) is published daily during the school year except Saturday, Sunday, fall break, spring break and exams. Weekly during the summer session excluding holidays. Periodical postage is paid in Lawrence, KS 66044. Annual subscriptions by mail are $120 plus tax. Student subscriptions of are paid through the student activity fee. Postmaster: Send address changes to The University Daily Kansan, 119 Stauffer-Flint Hall, 1435 Jayhawk Blvd., Lawrence, KS 66045

thursday, november 3, 2005

t art correction
F An article in Tuesdays The University Daily Kansan contained an error. In the story, Bikers beware of new policy, Jeannette Johnsons position should have been listed as the assistant to the provost and executive vice chancellor.


the university daily Kansan 3a

on the record
F A 24-year-old KU student reported to Lawrence police a burglary and a theft between 8 p.m. Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday in the 200 block of West 13th Street. The items are valued at $1,885. F An 18-year-old KU student reported to Lawrence police a burglary and a theft of a Gateway laptop computer and other items between 7:30 and 11:30 a.m. Monday from the 1800 block of Naismith Drive. The computer is valued at $1,600. The other items are valued at $520. F An 18-year-old KU student reported to the KU Public Safety Office a theft of a black leather wallet, $20 and a gift card between 2 and 3 p.m. Sunday from the lobby of McCollum Residence Hall. The items are valued at $70. F An 18-year-old KU student reported to the KU Public Safety Office a theft of a Mongoose bicycle and a padlock between 12:05 and 8 a.m. Tuesday from the 1300 block of Ohio Street. The bicycle is valued at $190. The padlock is valued at $5.

Laureate to visit
Writer extends reach of poetry
By Travis roBineTT

[email protected]
Kansan staff writer

ted Koosers schedule

F At 4:00 p.m., he will be a part of a poetry panel at the Kansas Room in the Kansas Union. FAt 8:00 p.m., he will read his poetry at the Woodruff Auditorium in the Kansas Union. F The reading will be followed by a book signing.
Source: University Relations

Student Senate urges University to evaluate salaries for student jobs

Student Senate voted for a resolution Wednesday night urging the Provosts Office to appoint a task force to look into student jobs. Part of the reason for the task force is concern with graduate student employment. KUs graduate student employees get a bad deal, said Stephen Himes, Clinton, Mo., graduate senator and chairman of the Graduate Affairs Committee. Himes wrote the resolution that passed in the Graduate and Professional Affairs committee. Himes said he would like an independent body to investigate whether the University was giving graduate workers adequate pay, training and research support. The Graduate and Professional Affairs, University Affairs and Student Rights committees passed versions of the resolution last week.
John Jordan

Monthly diversity forum addresses disability issues with dialogue

The program Im Disabled, Not Invisible will take place at 7 p.m. at the Big 12 Room in the Kansas Union as part of a monthly Diversity Dialogue forum. The program will address some of the issues that individuals with disabilities face on a regular basis: why people with disabilities are often ignored and why people without disabilities often become nervous around those with disabilities. The dialogue is divided into two parts. Faculty and staff members on a panel will begin by relating their personal experiences. The second hour is for small-group discussions with the audience to help stimulate conversation among participants. The Dialogues gives us a chance, as a campus community, to focus on good, honest conversation that brings out our own experience in living with differences, said Rishad Gandhi, graduate assistant for the Office of Multicultural Affairs. The program is sponsored by the Multicultural Resource Center, the Diversity Peer Education Team and the Office of Multicultural Affairs.
Malinda Osborne

U.S. Poet Laureate Ted Kooser is coming to the University today to read and discuss poetry. Kooser writes about the country he lives in with precision and good humor and pays tremendous attention to detail, Michael Johnson, professor of English, said. He said Koosers poems were short about the length of a sonnet. He has a good rhythmic sense and knows how to put a good poem together, Johnson said. Its an honor to have him here and I look forward to it. Kooser is a professor of English at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He has written 11 books of poetry and has received 26 awards, including a 2005 Pulitzer Prize for his book Delights and Shadows. Besides poetry, Kooser has written plays, fiction, personal essays and literary criticism. Born in Ames, Iowa, in 1939, Kooser said he began writing poems in grade school, and in high school wrote dozens of poems for his girlfriend. He said he didnt get serious about poetry, though, until he was 18. He has written or thought about writing poetry every day since, he said. His poems began to appear in literary magazines when he was about 25.

Johnson said Kooser would be part of a three-person panel Friday afternoon that would answer questions from the audience about poetrys current status, who reads and writes poetry and why it matters. He said each panelist would then read a poem or two of his own. Stan Banks, a Kansas City poet, and John Mark Eberhart, the books editor for The Kansas City Star, will join Kooser on the panel. The Library of Congress named Kooser U.S. Poet Laureate in 2004. According to www.loc.gov, the poet laureate seeks to raise national consciousness and appreciation of the reading and writing of poetry. Kooser said the position entailed a lot of obligations. He said in the past decade, most of the laureates have been trying to extend the reach of poetry.

I have been working as a kind of public relations specialist for the Library of Congress, Kooser said. Since he became laureate, Koosers life has changed dramatically. He said he always liked being home so he could read, write and paint. Now he is asked to travel, read poems and speak to large groups of people. I am occupied with these activities seven days a week, Kooser said. When I am not on the road I am trying to keep up with my correspondence and my teaching. But I do enjoy what Im doing. I like people and people seem to like me and my work. Johnson said the past 12 laureates have been from one coast or the other, and the Library of Congress was interested in having one from the center of the country, which was one of the reasons they chose Kooser. The English department, the Hall Center for Humanities and the Office of the Chancellor are sponsoring Koosers visit. Edited by Erin Wisdom

on campus
F The film Sudanese Lost Boys will be shown at 4 p.m. today followed by a discussion in Alderson Auditorium at the Kansas Union, sponsored by the Kansas African Studies Center and the School of Social Welfare. F Mohammedmian Soomro, chairman of the Pakistani Senate, is speaking at 7:30 p.m. tonight at the Robert J. Dole Institute of Politics on West Campus. Admission is free and no tickets are needed. F Student Union Activities is sponsoring a reception for artist Toni Brou from 4 to 6 p.m. today in the SUA Gallery on the fourth floor of the Kansas Union, with free snacks and drinks. Brou will be on hand to discuss her work, which will be displayed through Nov. 23.


New 911 call guidelines challenged

By DaviD TwiDDy
the associated Press

KANSAS CITY, Mo. A quartet of Internet telephone providers has asked a federal appeals court to partially delay enforcement of new Federal Communications Commission guidelines that require them to ensure reliable 911 emergency call service. Overland Park based Nuvio Corp. filed suit in the U.S. District Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia in August. The company is challenging the new rules, which go into effect

Nov. 28. Since then, the company said, the FCC hasnt responded and, with time running out, Nuvio filed a motion with the appeals court on Tuesday, asking for the delay. The court has ordered the FCC to respond by next Tuesday. An FCC spokesman said Wednesday the agency wouldnt comment on the lawsuit or the most recent motion. Nuvio is a provider of Voice over Internet Protocol, also known as VoIP, which transmits calls using the Internet.

Three other VoIP providers Louisville, Ky.-based Lightyear Network Solutions LLC; McLean, Va.-based Primus Telecommunications Group Inc.s subsidiary Lingo Inc.; and Atlanta-based i2 Telecom International Inc. have joined the suit. In May, the FCC ordered providers of Internet-based phone calls to certify that their customers would be able to reach an emergency dispatcher when they called 911. Dispatchers also must be able to identify the callers phone number and location.

The Real Persons Guide Presented by the Sexual Education Committee

How Homophobia Hurts Us All: Appreciating the Diversity & Understadning our Fears
Explore the issues of homophobia and how it aects the quality of each persons life, regardless of sexual orientation. Presented by: Dr. Robert Minor, KU Professor of Religious

ECM 1204 Oread November 3rd 7-9pm

4A The UniversiTy DAily KAnsAn


Herd mentality

ThUrsDAy, november 3, 2005


Steam rises from a herd of bison during the annual Bison Roundup at Antelope Island State Park in Utah, on Friday. The event is used to manage bison populations and check the herds for parasites and disease. The herds are thinned by an annual auction, which pays for bison to be shipped in and others flown out to diversify existing herds.

Task Force
continued from page

1a Unfortunately, I decided to be more of a college kid than a college student my freshman year, so my GPA took a big hit, he said. University policy Liberal course withdrawal policies also seem to affect the Universitys four-year graduation rate. Rather than studying to make the grade, students will withdraw from a class they are not doing well in, only to retake it the next semester. McCluskey-Fawcett said the University makes it too easy to withdraw from classes even up until the last day. Some of it is our own policies, she said. I think that we have been so bent-over-backwards to accommodate people, and I think it is not in their best interest in some ways to give them too much freedom. KU students are allowed 90 credit hours before they must declare a major. University officials are considering changing this allowance to 50 credit hours in order to force students to plan carefully when mapping out their college careers. Minimum number of credit hours Incoming freshmen, unsure of their ability to handle college coursework, often make the misguided decision of taking too few hours. A common misconception exists among many freshmen and their parents that taking more than 12 hours their first semester will be overwhelming. McCluskey-Fawcett said stu-

dents who take 12 hours their freshman year set in motion a pattern of taking 12 hours each subsequent semester, regardless of the difficulty of the classes. By the time their second year rolls around, students who took 12 hours each semester their first year are nearly one full semester behind. Richard Morrell, associate vice provost for student success, said students should average at least 15.4 hours a semester to finish the 124 hours required to earn a degree from the University. He said students who start college taking 12 hours a semester have a 20 percent chance of graduating in four years. Student jobs Some students need to work full-time to put themselves through college, while others do not need to work at all. What the University is trying to determine is how many are working out of necessity and how many are working to pay for luxuries such as an expensive apartment or car. We know some students have to work, but working 20 to 25 hours off campus while taking a full course load is difficult, McCluskey-Fawcett said. The University found students who work 10 to 15 hours on campus perform better in classes and are more likely to graduate in a timely fashion than their unemployed or over-employed counterparts. While all of these factors may contribute to the Universitys low four-year graduation rate, the best predictor of a students likelihood of graduating in four years is his or her ACT score. The higher the the state law, Ward said. We have never tolerated racial profiling by an officer. Highberger said the advisory board would work without pay and would not cost the city much to operate. The board would consist of people affected by racial profiling and representatives from neighborhoods, businesses and law enforcement, he said. The mayor would select members, with consent from commissioners. Victor Aguilar, president of the Hispanic American Leadership Association, said the advisory board would benefit Lawrence. Aguilar, Dodge City junior, said he had been stopped by police because he is Hispanic. He said he had never been profiled in Lawrence and he didnt know anyone who had. But, he said, he has been

score, the higher the probability a student will walk down the hill in four years. We wish there was a sub scale on the ACT for maturity, McCluskey-Fawcett said. Some students are just not ready. McCluskey-Fawcett said, however, that some students had legitimate reasons for staying at the University for more than four years. Some have really good reasons for taking longer to graduate, she said. Maybe they decide at the last minute to apply to medical school and they need to take extra classes. Or maybe they become ill or have complications with a family member. Things happen in peoples lives. Though it may seem the University would be thrilled with the added enrollment a low four-year graduation rate supplies, it actually hurts more than it helps. Some people think we like them to stay for a fifth year because we get an extra year of money out of them, McCluskey-Fawcett said. She said, however, that the cost to educate in-state residents is higher than the cost of tuition, which places a strain on the University. Graduating students in a timely fashion is in the best interest of both the student and the school. Finishing in four years is in the economic interest of the student, not just for the cost of tuition and room and board, but for the loss of wages you didnt make a year you could have been working, she said. Edited by Erin Wisdom


continued from page





1a The advisory board would be beneficial if it would determine where racial profiling exists in Lawrence, how it negatively affects people and how to fix the problem, he said. People use the excuse that its all about our safety, and we shouldnt be politically correct, Guillot said. But its the assumption that a person who has a different skin color is more likely to commit a crime. Sgt. Dan Ward of the Lawrence Police Department said that stopping a person without cause and based on race is already illegal. The department would never condone an officer breaking the law, he said. We plan to fully comply with

cused of racial profiling in Lawrence, the advisory board could help settle the issue, Aguilar said.
profiled in his hometown. He said when he was 12, he was riding in a car with two of his fathers farm hands when police stopped them. The officers searched the car, he said, but they did not issue any citations and gave no reason for the stop. If an officer was accused of racial profiling in Lawrence, the advisory board could help settle the issue, Aguilar said. Edited by Tricia Masenthin

If an officer was ac-

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Lets talk about sex-ed

For the past few months, the Kansas State Board of Education has been attempting to pass an opt-in policy for sex education. Kansans for Responsible Sex Education, a task force formed with the goal of derailing the opt-in policy, has managed to delay this decision. The opt-in policy would require parents to sign permission slips for their children to learn about sexually-transmitted infections, healthy relationships, contraception and HIV/AIDS at Kansas public schools. The federal government allocates $500 million annually for abstinence education. The basis of these programs is that the expected standard of sexual relationships is a mutually monogamous relationship in the context of marriage. It has been widely recognized that abstinence has a high failure rate. Studies by the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States show that 46 per-

[email protected]

cent of high school students have had sexual intercourse. I understand that abstaining from any form of penetration is the only way someone can be completely assured to not contract a sexually transmitted infection or conceive a child. Contraceptives do not work 100 percent of the time. But by not teaching teens how to properly use condoms and birth control, we are drastically increasing the risk of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. The only way we are going to be able to prevent teen pregnancy is by giving teens the facts and good guidance about making sexual decisions. If we do not arm our youth with

comprehensive knowledge, we are responsible for the consequences. More than 5,000 teens get pregnant or contract a sexuallytransmitted infection annually according to Planned Parenthood of Kansas & Mid-Missouri. Comprehensive sex education discusses all aspects of sexual health, including abstinence. According to the Guttmacher Institute, there are studies that show teens who receive comprehensive sex education wait until theyre older, which increases the proper use of contraceptives to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. There have been no conclusive studies that have found that abstinence-only education reduces the rates of teenage sexual activity. Lawson is a senior in womens studies and an active member of Kansans for Responsible Sex Education.



We just went Chipotle-hopping to get free burritos.

To the guy who yelled at me as I was walking down 15th street on Monday evening: You are sad, pathetic little man.

Doug Lang/KANSAN

Call 864-0500
Free for All callers have 20 seconds to speak about any topic they wish. Kansan editors reserve the right to omit comments. Slanderous and obscene statements will not be printed. Phone numbers of all incoming calls are recorded.

So, its Halloween and my friends are partying, but Im at home writing two papers and studying. Thank you teachers.

Guys, should I call Free for All a pie tonight? Does anyone else nd it disturbing that a minor has to have their parents permission to get married but not to have an abortion?

The Short Stack

Editors note: The Short Stack is a new opinion page feature in which we publish less lengthy comments and letters to the editor. If you have something to say, but arent drunk enough to call the Free for All and dont like to write long, lofty essays, then e-mail The Short Stack at [email protected].

Instant message the Free for All at udkfreeforall. And check out www.kansan.com for more comments!
So many comments, so little time. Free for all, you rock my world. The 3rd oor Naismith Drinking Team would like to challange the North Templin Liberation Front to a drinking game. Well bring the beer.

To the people who wanted to throw the goalpost in the Kansas River: Get a life. And even with our one conference win, we still need a new offensive coordinator. Whatever his name is.

To the member of the greek community that confused the word notication with recognition: Its amazing how every time you open your mouth, you prove youre an idiot.

Neo-Nazis to blame for riot

While I agree with the Kansan editorial board that freedom of speech should be protected, it seems to place the blame for the Toledo riots on inner-city residents, instead of on the neo-Nazis whose explicit purpose was to disrupt the citys black community and cause havoc. I would argue that, by virtue of its presence in a multiracial, urban environment, the National Socialist Movement did, in fact, start the riot, regardless of who threw the first stone. And by withholding the site of the racists rally, Toledo ofcials are also to blame. Three years ago, when the NSM held a white unity rally in Topeka, the demonstration site was made public weeks ahead of time, and a heavy police presence was used to contain the neo-Nazis, rather than counter-demonstrators. Unlike in Toledo, NSM activists couldnt capitalize on favorable press coverage, and Topeka residents were able to channel their outrage in a productive way. Far-right groups such as the NSM thrive on apologetic publicity as a means of spreading their racialist worldview. Every indication that I can see shows that the neoNazis scored a major victory in Toledo. Ben Wilkins
Kansas City junior

Super Mario Brothers and Duck Hunt are the best games ever! Baby, you dont even know me. Ive got a level-3 Sorcerer that can shoot 2 Magic Missiles per turn. Teachers quoting Napoleon Dynamite? Depression due to a relationship status change? And I care because?

Free for All rocks! Rhombus House lives! Has anybody noticed that the term facebook has become a verb? This is for the girl that asked for the pencil and I said no. I did have a pencil, I just dont like you. Im so high I cant even feel feelings right now. Dude, wait, Im thinking of a good one. If you were a president, youd be Babe-raham Lincoln. If your name is Emily, I just found your bus pass outside of Wescoe, so, uh, get back to me. When Vin Diesel jumps in the ocean, he doesnt get wet. The water gets Vin. I swear to God that if society didnt start accepting gays, wed all be gay. How many drunk people does it take to help me do my math homework? The answer is 4, and it keeps getting higher.

I actually overheard this conversation at the Wheel: Guy 1: Whoa! Guy 2: Man, youre wasted. Guy 1: I can barely walk! Guy 2: Then where are you going? Guy 1: To my car. Guy 2: I guess thats as good a place to pass out as any. Guy 1: Pass out? Im driving home. Guy 2: But, youre too drunk to walk. You just said so! Guy 1: Too drunk to walk. That doesnt mean I cant drive.

I bet 95 percent of the people who wear Che Guevara shirts around here have no idea who he is, and that most wouldnt wear them if they did know who he was.

Id just like to say that I am totally in love with a guy who plays World of Warcraft hardcore. I mean, thats weird, right? Not only that, but he buys me shoes too.

Fraternity shows poor taste

I was walking on campus Saturday, enjoying the beautiful day and festive atmosphere. At 11th Street and West Campus Road, I stopped dead in my tracks. A homemade banner hanging on the front porch at the Triangle fraternity read SHIT on Missouri. Now thats a great way to show school spirit: scatology language for young football fans to see. Even during Homecoming Weekend. Id like to think that good taste and class would trump partisanship. In Triangles case, sadly, I was wrong. Phil Wilke
Lawrence resident

Oh my God, I am so glad that Free for All is now on Instant Messager, because its a lot harder to leave a message like this over the phone: kekekekeOMGLOLBBQ!!1!<(^_^<@$%!>^_^)>~!

My roommate just ate a cookie off the ground. I dont mean he dropped a cookie on the ground and then picked it up and ate it. I mean he found a cookie on the ground that he had never seen before, and just ate it.

Hey, non-smokers, Im fully aware the smoking will kill me faster, but sometimes a cigarette is the only thing that keeps me from ripping your face off.

Does the name Gary come from Garrett? Tonight is a good night to drink beer.



The Kansan welcomes letters to the editors and guest columns submitted by students, faculty and alumni. The Kansan reserves the right to edit, cut to length, or reject all submissions. For any questions, call Austin Caster at 864-4810 or e-mail opinion@kansan. com. General questions should be directed to the editor at [email protected].

Austin Caster, editor 864-4854 or [email protected] Jonathan Kealing, managing editor 864-4854 or [email protected] Joshua Bickel, managing editor 864-4854 or [email protected] Matthew Sevcik, opinion editor 864-4924 or [email protected] Sarah Connelly, business manager 864-4014 or [email protected] John Morgan, sales director 864-4462 or [email protected] Malcolm Gibson, general manager, news adviser 864-7667 or [email protected] Jennifer Weaver, sales and marketing adviser 864-7666 or [email protected]

Guest Column Guidelines

Maximum Length: 650 word limit Include: Authors name; class, hometown (student); position (faculty member); phone number (will not be published) Also: The Kansan will not print guest columns that attack another columnist.

Abortion debate unresolved

In response to Mr. Armstrong and his article, Abortion unalienable right, all I can say is that its a broken record. Anyone on either side of the abortion debate knows this tired argument. My question is, why not address the real question at the heart of this debate? The question, of course, being: Is the fetus, a human life? The day proof is produced that it is indeed not a human life and only part of the womans body, is the day that every oppressive, bible-toting conservative is silenced. Until then, the debate will continue to go in circles. Tom Ferry
St. Michael, MN, freshman

Editorial board
Elis Ford, Yanting Wang, Joel Simone, Dan Hoyt, Anne Weltmer, Julie Parisi, Nathan McGinnis, Josh Goetting, Sara Garlick, Travis Brown, Julian Portillo, David Archer

Letter Guidelines
Maximum Length: 200 word limit Include: Authors name and telephone number; class, hometown (student); position (faculty member); phone number (will not be published)

Submit to
Kansan newsroom 111 Stauffer-Flint Hall 1435 Jayhawk Blvd. Lawrence, KS 66045 (785) 864-4810 [email protected]

6a thE UnivErsity Daily Kansan

PEoPlE t damaged circus


thUrsDay, novEmbEr 3, 2005

Rappers butt heads over remarks

NEW YORK Rap feuds arent usually about differing opinions on President Bush. But that appears to be the case with 50 Cent and Kanye West. 50 says he disagrees with Wests remark that George Bush doesnt care about black people, which he proclaimed during a September telethon for Hurricane Katrina victims. Instead, 50 said, The New Orleans disaster was meant to happen. It was an act of God.
The Associated Press

t peNguiNs

Greg Griesenauer/KANSAN

Clooney to receive award at festival

SANTA BARBARA, Calif. George Clooney will receive the 2006 Modern Master Award during the upcoming Santa Barbara International Film Festival. The Modern Master Award is about somebody who has shown versatility someone who has worn more than just one hat, Roger Durling, the festivals executive director, said Tuesday. He is definitely overqualified.
The Associated Press

t Fresh times

Doug Lang/KANSAN

Rocker to perform on Thanksgiving

IRVING,Texas Sheryl Crow will perform during halftime of theThanksgiving game between Denver and Dallas in support of The Salvation Armys Red Kettle Christmas campaign. I look forward to continuing the wonderful tradition established between The Salvation Army and the Dallas Cowboys, Crow said.
The Associated Press

t FaNcY comiX

Steven Levy/KANSAN

Andrew Hadle/KANSAN

t horoscopes The Stars Show the Kind of Day Youll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult
HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Thursday, Nov. 3, 2005: You might want to think before leaping into wild projects. Just the same, you have the imagination, creativity and energy to nearly do the impossible. This is the year in which you can write the great novel you have been mulling over. Your creativity surges, and so do ways of making money. You might be very successful if you carefully think through your ideas some might be very wild. There is a strong chance that you might want to work for yourself or change your job. If you are single, you might tumble into a sequence of love affairs or relate to someone very unpredictable. Excitement marks your love life. If you are attached, let some of your wild ideas enter your relationship. You can make money with SAGITTARIUS. ARIES (March 21-April 19) HHHH You need to take an overview and detach. Events have been very intense of late. Seek out information and find experts, if possible. The more opinions you get, the better. Schedule a trip in the near future. Tonight: An insight could be uncomfortable. Still, internalize this perspective. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) HHH A partner calms down, making it easier to relate to him or her. In fact, suddenly this person is so talkative you might be shocked. A change in plans or a difficult meeting just is what it is. You cannot change what happens. Tonight: Quality time with a special person. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) HHHH Others seek you out, but they are not interested in your ideas. They simply want to talk and/or use you as a sounding board. A shakeup in the status quo or with a professional matter might stop you in your tracks. Tonight: Dont fight the inevitable. CANCER (June 21-July 22) HHH Emphasize what you can accomplish rather than where you find problems. Learn ways to turn off your thinking. You hear surprising news, but it might not be the whole story. Tonight: Get some exercise. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) HHHH You are playful and an endless resource. Be open to enjoying yourself. What you say does mean a lot. Listen more carefully to a partner. Yes, he or she is being vague, but you will find a solution. Tonight: Dont allow a partner or money matter to shake you up. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) HHH Others simply want you to conform to their plans. You, however, have other ideas, like hanging at home. If you think you are going to be left alone, think again. The phone rings. Expect the unexpected, and you wont be caught off-guard. Tonight: Order in. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) HHH Finally, you feel like a breath of fresh air has hit. Catch up on calls, news and meetings. You can finally turn a project around, but you might be surprised at others responses. Accept new technology. Tonight: Out and about. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) HHHH A financial matter finally becomes clear, though you need to ask your set of questions. Your ideas are appreciated. Do not make any changes or investments involving property right now. Let go of rigidity. Tonight: Gather your bills. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) HHHH You are the kingpin or queenpin right now, even if one particular person tries to shake you up. Use your assets and your mind to gain your objectives. Some of you just might want to enjoy yourselves. Tonight: Happy as a clam. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) HH Know that at times even you, as powerful as you are, need to step back. In fact, your inner voice might be telling you one thing while events appear to be quite different. Step back and observe. Tonight: Read a good book. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) HHHHH Meetings and friends support you in your long-term goals. The problem might be more financial, creating what you desire. You might be surprised at the ideas that come from a brainstorming session. Tonight: Just dont be alone. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) HH You certainly have a way of adding new information or turning issues or situations upside down. A boss explains clearly what he wants or expects. Listen to what others want, or you could be in trouble. Tonight: Possibly working late.



record of 2,010-1,773 in his 24 seasons as a general manager. Gillick won ve AL East titles in Toronto and led the Orioles to the AL championship series in 1996 and 97. He also took the Mariners to the ALCS in 2000 and 2001. Seattle tied a major league record with 116 wins in 2001, and the Mariners 393 victories during Gillicks four seasons were the most in baseball. Pat has accomplished a great deal in three situations, Phillies president David Montgomery said after he interviewed Gillick last Friday. Montgomery red Wade one week after the season ended under heavy pressure from a fan base that soured on the Phillies in just their second season at Citizens Bank Park. Wade was heavily criticized in Philadelphia, especially after he red manager Larry Bowa and hired Charlie Manuel. Even though the Phillies were in the playoff race the entire season, attendance dropped off by almost 600,000, down from 3.25 million in 2004. Once given the exibility to increase payroll, Wade brought in Jim Thome, Kevin Millwood, Billy Wagner and Jon Lieber. Millwood was a bust in two seasons, Wagner is a free agent and Thome is on the trading block. However, young stars Chase Utley and Ryan Howard emerged


Winning manager takes over losing Phillies

After eight years without a postseason, team gets Gillick

PHILADELPHIA The losingest franchise in pro sports will have a proven winner in charge. Pat Gillick, whose resume includes two World Series championships and nine playoff appearances, signed a three-year contract to become the Philadelphia Phillies new general manager. He replaces Ed Wade, who was red after failing to get the team into the playoffs during his eight-year tenure. His record of success is outstanding and I believe that Pat is the right person to lead our baseball operations, Phillies president David Montgomery said Wednesday. Im very excited that he has decided to join us, and I look forward to working with him. Gillick is joining an organization that has lost more games, 8,831, than any U.S. pro team and hasnt been to the playoffs since 1993. Then, the Phillies lost the World Series to Gillicks Toronto Blue Jays. Im very honored to be a part of the Phillies, an outstand-

ing franchise, Gillick said. We need to get over the hump and I look forward to that exciting challenge. I still have the passion and the competitive edge for the game and I think this is a very good situation. Ready to take charge of his fourth major league team, the 68-year-old Gillick was chosen over former Houston Astros general manager Gerry Hunsicker, Phillies assistant general managers Ruben Amaro Jr. and Mike Arbuckle, and Cleveland Indians assistant general manager Chris Antonetti. A special consultant in the Mariners front ofce the past two seasons, Gillick led Toronto to consecutive championships in 1992 and 1993. He also was general manager with Baltimore and Seattle. Philadelphia went 88-74 this season and nished one game behind NL wild-card winner Houston. It was the Phillies third consecutive winning season and fourth in ve years, but they missed the playoffs for the 12th straight year and 21st time in 22 seasons. Long considered one of the best executives in baseball, Gillick helped his teams compile a


New Philadelphia Phillies general Manager Pat Gillick, left, along with club president David Montgomery, right, survey the ball park Wednesday in Philadelphia. Gillick replaces Ed Wade, who was red after failing to get the team into the playoffs during his eight-year tenure. under Wades watch. Gillick started his front-ofce career in 1963 with the Astros, spending 10 years there. He joined the New York Yankees in 1974 as coordinator of player development. In 1976, he joined the expansion Blue Jays, handling all baseball-related activities. He went to Baltimore in 1996 and took over in Seattle in 2000. Gillick has a difcult task in Philadelphia, even though the Phillies came close to reaching the playoffs. The team has nearly $78 million committed to 11 players for next year, and Montgomery already said the payroll will stay around $95 million. A tough decision must be made at rst base involving Thome and Howard. Thome is owed at least $43.5 million over the next three seasons and the Phillies probably will have to pay some of his salary to make a trade. If Wagner doesnt return, the Phillies will have to replace the All-Star closer. Gillick comes to the Phillies in time to attend the annual general managers meetings, scheduled for Indian Wells, Calif., from Nov. 7-11.



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8A the University DAily KAnsAn

t football

score lead. Swanson has had little or no experience running the clock down late in a game since arriving at Kansas. Mangino said that Swanson may have experienced managing the clock in one game, and that was last years victory against Kansas State. We ended up with a fourthdown play with four seconds left, Mangino said. We told him to gently turn around and pitch the ball to the tailback, told the tailback to dance for about a second or two and just dive up-field and four seconds were gone. That is the extent of his clock management on the game field. Extra Points: Sophomore punter Kyle Tucker was named to the Ray Guy Award semifinalist list. The award is given annually to the nations top college punter. Tucker averages 43.3 yards per punt, which is fifth in the conference. Tucker was one of 10 selected for the award. The winner will be named on Dec. 8. Edited by Anne Burgard

thUrsDAy, november 3, 2005

Swanson utilizes clock to seal Hawk victory

By Ryan Colaianni
Kansan staff writer

[email protected]
Senior quarterback Jason Swansons ability to manage the clock last week against Missouri was a huge factor in the 13-3 victory. Kansas held the ball nearly 10 minutes longer than Missouri and was extremely effective at running out the clock in the second half when it had the 13-3 lead. Swanson played a large roll in that process, Kansas football coach Mark Mangino said. I really feel good about the way the offense handled themselves, especially in the fourth quarter when we wanted to move the ball, get first downs and still eat up the clock, Mangino said. The game was managed well by the quarterback, who used the play clock very effectively. Swanson ran the play clock down to one or two seconds late in the fourth quarter to maximize the time run off the game clock. I was trying to use as much game clock and play clock as we could, making sure we didnt get a delay of game, Swanson said. At the same time, make

little or no experience running the clock down late in a game since arriving at Kansas. Mangino said that Swanson may have experienced managing the clock in one game, and that was last years victory against Kansas State.
sure that we were not giving Missouris offense a chance to get on the field. The Kansas offenses goal was to give Missouri the ball with little or no time remaining late in the fourth quarter. We have a slow-down offense, where we feel we manage the clock well, give the ball back with very little time left, or if it works the way we really want it, they dont get the ball back, Mangino said. Mangino said this offense was used when the team has a two-

Swanson has had

Megan True/KANSAN

Senior quarterback Jason Swanson maneuvers past Missouri sophomore defensive lineman Lorenzo Williams during the first quarter of the game Saturday at Memorial Stadium. Swanson rushed for 32 yards and passed for 90 more during the Jayhawk victory.

continued form page

10a The pass play was put together after a Nebraska corner kick and a long-distance second-half goal. It left little doubt as to why Timko just received her second consecutive Big 12 Player of the Year award. As a few fans made their way to the exit, both teams made staying for the remainder worth the price of admission. Nebraska tacked on one more goal in the 82nd minute. Timko dropped a shot that almost looked as if it would go wide into the right corner of the goal. It was senior forward Caroline Smith who scored the Jayhawks only goal, an unassisted high shot that cleared Klages in the 86th minute.

The offense that powered victories in six of the Jayhawks past seven games seemed to abandon them in the first half. Kansas had just three shots on goal, two of which were Caroline Smiths. The All-American had no explanation for her teams lack of offense in the first half. I dont know what was up with us in the first half, Smith said. We just looked like we didnt want to be out there as much as they did. Senior forward Jessica Smith was the only Jayhawk to record a shot on goal in the first 25 minutes of play. She later made a strong push and scored in the 54th minute, but the goal was called back on an offsides call against Kansas. In the second half we domi-

nated, Jessica Smith said. But soccer is played in two halves. We learned a lesson from this. We have to play all 90 minutes, not just 45. Coaching an offense that is rarely outdone, Francis squad was out-shot 13-7 in the first half and 18-16 in the game. This shows the Jayhawks found their A-game in time to out-shoot the Huskers 9-5 in the second half. After a halftime huddle in the makeshift field-side locker room, Kansas came out intense, but it wasnt enough to get to round two. Game notes: The Jayhawks brought with them their own cheering section to enjoy San Antonios sunny, but breezy, weather. Not that this weeks tournament was any

different than any other road game. These parents are known for being on-site support. Weve missed just three of all of their games this year. We come to all of them, and were from Colorado, said Karon Sauer, mother of sophomore defender Afton Sauer. Mary Minor, mother of freshman defender Jenny Murtaugh, added that it was watching Kansas soccer that had them paired up yesterday in the stands. They said they didnt travel together, but saw each other at the airport and talked on the phone a lot. Undoubtedly, that support has aided the Jayhawks, who look to get a bid into the NCAA tournament on Monday. Edited by Erin Wisdom

continued from page

10a After the Missouri meet, Campbell said that Leidigh was just getting a glimpse at how fast she really was. Now that she has an idea of her swimming abilities with the Jayhawks, Leidigh has set goals for herself for the remainder of the season and also for the future. My goal is to make NCAAs this spring, Leidigh said. And this wouldnt happen until the summer, but another goal is to make the Olympic trials. Much of the credit for her speed goes to Campbell, who has helped with her swim technique, Leidigh said. My technique is something

that has definitely made me faster, Leidigh said. Leidigh also said that the energy of the team and the support it had given her had helped her freshman campaign. Former KU swimmer Amy Gruber also won the National Collegiate Swimmer of the Week award last year after her performance at the Nike Cup meet. Gruber not only went to the NCAA Swimming Championships, she also qualified for the 2008 Olympic Trials this spring. Leidighs goals are Grubers achievements, and if all goes as planned, Leidigh will follow in her footsteps. Edited by Tricia Masenthin

thursday, november 3, 2005

athletics calendar
TODAY F Mens golf, Del Walker Intercollegiate, all day, Long Beach, Calif. FRIDAY F Swimming vs. Iowa and Missouri State, 6 p.m., Robinson Natatorium F Tennis at Western Michigan, all day, Kalamazoo, Mich. F Mens golf, Del Walker Intercollegiate, all day, Long Beach, Calif. F Womens golf, The Derby Invitational, all day, Auburn, Ala. SATURDAY F Football vs. Nebraska, noon, Memorial Stadium F Volleyball at Kansas State, 7 p.m., Manhattan F Tennis at Western Michigan, all day, Kalamazoo, Mich. F Womens golf, The Derby Invitational, all day, Auburn, Ala. F Rowing, Head of the Hooch, all day, Chattanooga, Tenn. SUNDAY F Womens basketball vs. Pittsburg State, 1 p.m., Allen Fieldhouse F Womens golf, The Derby Invitational, all day, Auburn, Ala. F Tennis at Western Michigan, all day, Kalamazoo, Mich. F Rowing, Head of the Hooch, all day, Chattanooga, Tenn.


the university daily Kansan 9a

t football

Kansas wants to lose losing streak

By Daniel Berk

Hawks have lost 36 games to Huskers

[email protected]


Top high school player commits to Kansas

Kansas mens basketball coach Bill Self might have landed the Jayhawks another recruit, this time for the class of 2007 Recruit. ing Web site rivals.com reported that Cole Aldrich, a 6-foot-10-inch junior forward/center from Jefferson High School in Bloomington, Minn., has given the Jayhawks a verbal commitment. I have made my final decision and I am going to attend the University of Kansas, Aldrich told rivals.com. Aldrich, the No. 9-ranked player in the country by rivals. com, told the site that he made his decision on Monday, which was also his 17th birthday. He said he called Self Monday morning and told him his decision. He chose Kansas over Minnesota and North Carolina.
Miranda Lenning

The last time Kansas defeated Nebraska, Kansas football coach Mark Mangino was in junior high school in western Pennsylvania and had never been to the state of Kansas. That was in 1968, when No. 9-ranked Kansas knocked off No. 6 Nebraska 23-13 in Lincoln, Neb. For 36 straight contests, Nebraska has dominated the series and has compiled victory after victory. Now, this weekend, Mangino and the rest of the Kansas team will try to put a stop to one of the more embarrassing streaks in the country. Only Navys 41-game losing streak to Notre Dame is longer. Mangino said that although the team was aware of the streak, it was not affecting its preparation for the game. He said he knew what a victory would mean to the Jayhawk nation. For all of our great fans that have been loyal Jayhawk supporters, it would mean so much for them, Mangino said. But all we can do is take care of our preparation. We are not going to be stuck on this streak thing. It is the 2005 Jayhawks versus the 2005 Huskers. Although Mangino said he would ignore the streak this week in practice, several players said they were well aware of Nebraskas dominance. Theres definitely the knowledge there that they have beaten us so many times in a row, Kevin Kane, senior linebacker, said. You try to ignore it, but we know its there.

Kansan file photo

Kansas safety Jerome Kemp takes Nebraska fullback Dane Todd down in the third quarter of the game last season in Lincoln, Neb. Nebraska came away with a 14-8 victory, its 36th straight against Kansas. The Jayhawks take on the Cornhuskers at noon Saturday at Memorial Stadium. Kane said continuing the momentum gained from defeating Missouri last weekend 13-3 was more important to focus on. He said if the team could feed off the momentum and keep playing sound, fundamental football, the streak would take care of itself. If Kansas does come out victorious Saturday against Nebraska, the question will be whether fans storm the field and attempt to tear down the goal posts as they did last weekend after the victory against Missouri. Mangino said there was not

thing. It is the 2005 Jayhawks versus the 2005 Huskers.

Mark Mangino
Kansas football coach a lot he could do to control the situation but that he preferred fans stay in the stands after the game. I cant stand under the goal posts and prevent it, Mangino said. But I prefer they stay in their seats. It is the safest place for everyone involved. It is a tradition we could live without. Theo Baines, senior cornerback who had the game-clinching play last weekend, said he thought it was exciting when all the fans came onto the field but knew it was a dangerous tradition.

We are not going to be stuck on this streak

If we win, I think they will try to get them down again, Baines said. Its not scary for me as a player to see them on the field, but anything can happen. I think its exciting to see the fans running out. Jerome Kemp, junior safety, said the teams plan after the game against Missouri was to go over to the student section and thank them for coming. Kemp said if the team were victorious again this weekend, he would prefer that instead of the fans coming onto the field. Edited by Erin Wisdom

t baseball

Depth and experience will be key during spring season

By Shawn Shroyer

Jayhawks confident after fall practice

be senior outfielder Matt Baty, senior pitcher Don Czyz and senior infielder Ritchie Price. Price said he was impressed with the improvement of the infield, as all four starters are returning. Kansas will look to fill spots vacated by pitcher Mike Zagurski and catcher Sean Richardson, who were lost to graduation. Former outfielder A.J. Van Slyke signed with the St. Louis Cardinals after being drafted as a junior into the Major League Baseball amateur draft last spring. Because of these losses, fall practice showcased key position battles. Price said that senior pitcher Ricky Fairchild, who transferred to Kansas from Tulane, would replace Zagurski in the starting rotation. Sophomore outfielder John Allman will look to fill the third outfield spot. The competition to replace Richardson at catcher wasnt settled, so freshman Buck Afenir and junior Dylan Parzyk will enter the spring as the top candidates. Its actually really, really exciting to watch the competition because its never been that deep since Ive been here, Baty said. Baty said this was the best fall practice hed witnessed, and he said he thought the pitching staff made the most progress. Fairchild, junior Sean Land and senior Kodiak Quick will anchor the rotation, Baty said. The biggest difference is, I think weve got three solid pitchers that can start anywhere in the Big 12, and I think thats going to make a big difference this year, Baty said. Weve still got the offense thats always been here and the defense, but we were always lacking the pitching. For Price and Baty, fall practice has become routine. However, some freshmen, such as pitcher Paul Smyth, werent sure what to expect. It seems like theres a lot more focus and dedication to actually use a practice to, you know, get things done and improve their own skills, as opposed to high school, where theres people just kind of sitting around all the time, Smyth said. Another new face on the team will be assistant coach Rick Sabath. Sabath came to Kansas after coaching three seasons at Garden City Community College. The coaching staff are really good people and that made it an easy adjustment, and the players have been very receptive and fun to get to know, Sabath said. Plus, just coming to work here every day at Allen Fieldhouse is an awesome thing for me and I couldnt be happier, really. Price said the team must wait until Jan. 15 to begin practicing for the spring. Until then, position coaches can work on fundamentals with as many as four players at a time. Baty said the team could also have scrimmages before Jan. 15 as long as no coaches were involved. While some players use the time between fall and spring practices for workouts and scrimmages, others will use the time to recover from

[email protected]

Fall practice for the Kansas baseball team ended in mid-October and the team is optimistic and confident for its first game on Feb. 1. With only 15 days to practice, the team changed the routine it used last season, which was daily scrimmages in order to play as many innings as possible, to a traditional practice and play format. I thought it was the most productive fall weve had in the four years that Ive been at KU, Kansas baseball coach Ritch Price said. But I also think that thats a byproduct of having so many experienced players back that are familiar with the system and have been successful at this level, you know, but I feel very, very good about the fall. Price already named the captains for this years team. They will

Kansan file photo

Ryne Price, then freshman infielder, throws back to first during a game last season. The baseball team recently concluded its fall practice season. injuries. Two such players are Quick and junior pitcher Ryotaro Hayakawa, who are recovering from arm injuries. Both were able to pitch on limited pitch counts the last weekend of fall practice and will likely be ready to go in January. Edited by Anne Burgard

t soccer

thursday, november 3, 2005
12 Tournaments first- round game. They jumped to a 2-0 lead, and by the time the Jayhawks got their offense rolling it was too late. I dont know why we came out flat in the first half, Kansas soccer coach Mark Francis said. When you go into halftime down two, though, its a tough hill to climb. The loss leaves Kansas on the bubble for this years NCAA Tournament. The Jayhawks will learn their fate Monday, when ESPN News announces tournament bids between 4 and 4:30 p.m. I dont think they realized that were in the postseason now, Francis said. If for some reason we dont get in the NCAA tournament, our season is over. As the head coach, its part of my job to get them ready to play. I thought we were ready today, but when the game started they obviously werent. No. 22 Nebraska improved its Big 12 Tournament record against Kansas to 3-0 and ended the Jayhawks recent surge of momentum, Freshman forward Aysha Jamani gave Nebraska a lead it would not lose early in the match. In the 13th minute, Jamani sent a bullet to the back left corner of the goal, beating freshman goalkeeper Julie Hanley. Hanley finished with seven saves to trump Nebraska freshman keeper Jamie Klages five, but she cared little about the numbers. Regardless, if I had more saves ultimately they won the game, Hanley said. It is disappointing. We had high expectations. Jamanis goal marked the first for either team when facing each other this season.

page 10a

Loss leaves Kansas on the bubble

By AlissA BAueR

[email protected]
SAN ANTONIO The intensity that Nebraska reached during its 3-1 victory against Kansas on Wednesday made it hard to believe the Cornhuskers were held scoreless when the teams met earlier this season. The Cornhuskers owned the opening 45 minutes of the Big

The duo put up a 0-0 tie after two overtimes in the regular season. The scoring rut in the pairs last match was evidently a blip in the efficient Husker offense, as sophomore midfielder Jessie Bruch used an assist from Big 12 Player of the Year Brittany Timko to score the teams second goal in the 27th minute. BUBBLe ON page 8a

Following a familiar story line Preseason poll

Tourney hopes dim after loss to Colorado
By MAtt Wilson

t volleyball

t a texans take

absence helps relieve pressure

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[email protected]

The opening game was different Wednesday night, but in the end it was the same old song for Kansas. A 3-1 home loss to Colorado. The Jayhawks have now lost eight straight matches, dating back to Oct. 1, and any chance they had of reaching the NCAA tournament has likely vanished in the process. Wednesdays match, at least, had a new wrinkle that conspired to befall Kansas. With the match tied 1-1 and the score knotted at 26-all in game three, a violation was called on junior defensive specialist Dani Wittman as she was preparing to serve. The referee ruled that Wittman had taken more than the allotted five seconds to put the ball into play, and Colorado was awarded a point and the serve. The Buffaloes went on to win the game and grab the momentum that carried them to victory. First time Ive seen it, said Kansas volleyball coach Ray Bechard, who is in his 21st season coaching collegiate volleyball. When things arent going quite like youd hope, things like that seem to find you. Kansas got on the board first with a 30-26 victory in game one. Runs of 8-0 and 7-0 proved to be too much for Colorado to overcome. The Buffaloes evened the match in the second game. They grabbed a 16-9 lead in the middle of the frame and held that margin until the Jayhawks came alive. Down 27-21, Kansas scored nine of the next 11 points for a 30-29 lead. After a side out, Colorado ran off two straight points to win 32-30. Kansas appeared to seize the momentum in the early stages of game three. The Jayhawks jumped out to a 4-0 lead and kept that degree of separation for most of the game. The Buffaloes closed the gap to 18-17, however, and eventually tied it at 22. After the controversial third game, game four was decided by a 6-0 run by Colorado, which gave it an insurmountable 25-16 lead over a deflated Kansas squad. The Jayhawks fell to 12-11 overall and 4-10 in conference play. Senior outside hitter Paula Caten led the Jayhawks with 17 kills. Sophomore opposite hitter Emily Brown tallied 16. Brown said she and her teammates would fight to the end, despite the uphill battle that lies ahead. Weve got to win now, she said. If were down 29-10, I think we still have a chance. I think our whole team feels that way. Edited by Anne Burgard

Josh Kirk/KANSAN

Junior outside hitter Megan Hill spikes a ball during Wednesday nights volleyball game against Colorado. The Jayhawks lost the match 3-1.

For the first time in 15 years, the Kansas mens basketball team did not appear in the USA Today/ESPN Top 25 Preseason Poll. Good. This doesnt mean that the Jayhawks will have a down year. Being unranked to start the season will simply take the pressure off of a team that will feature 11 freshmen and sophomores. The preseason polls are an indication on what you have coming back because thats all anyone can predict, and of course, we lost an awful lot, Tim Jankovich, Kansas mens assistant basketball coach, said. Its really not something we think or talk, or even care much about. And the Jayhawks shouldnt. What does this team have to lose? Not nearly as much as last years team, which was ranked No. 1 in the same poll. This years team will get better toward the end of the season after the players have developed more chemistry on the hardwood. This will be a team prepared for battle in March. Kansas will receive an early test when it travels to Hawaii on Nov. 21 to take on No. 9 Arizona. Theres also the Jan. 7 home game against No. 10 Kentucky. Then, theres Big 12 Conference play against No. 2 Texas, No. 6 Oklahoma and No. 23 Iowa State, among others. The Jayhawks may not be a No. 1 seed in the NCAA tournament, but unlike college football and the Bowl Championship Series, a team doesnt have to be No. 1 or 2 to play in the national title game. As long as a college basketball team is ranked in the Top 65, its chances for winning a championship stay alive until it is knocked out of March Madness. Towering preseason expectations and pressure played a factor in last seasons letdown.

eRicK soRRentino

Being ranked No. 1 before the season started painted a red bulls-eye on Kansas basketball jerseys. One of the disadvantages of being the top-ranked team is that every visitor will likely bring its best game, despite what the teams record shows. Kansas witnessed scares against Vermont, South Carolina, Texas A&M and Nebraska at home and dropped a rare home game to Iowa State last season. But Kansas doesnt have to be No. 1 in the nation to have success. Its hard to equate the 1988 Kansas team to this years squad, but Danny and the Miracles were a sixth seed in the tournament the year they won the national title. Furthermore, history shows that two of the most-talented teams in KU history have had early March Madness exits. In 1997, Kansas was ranked first in the nation but lost to Arizona in the third round of the tournament. The 1998 No. 1 seeded Kansas team lost to Rhode Island in the second round. This years freshmen wont be scrutinized for every mistake they make. They wont be asked questions after every game regarding a national title appearance. Expectations are lower, and thats good. This years team only has to get out of the first round of the tournament to have more success than last years team. F Sorrentino is a Plano, Texas, senior in journalism. He is Kansan Associate Sports Editor.

t swimming

Newcomer breaks record, wins national recognition


By Kelly Reynolds

[email protected]
Kansas freshman swimmer Ashley Leidigh was named a collegeswimming.com National Collegiate Swimmer of the Week on Wednesday for her performance against the Missouri Tigers last weekend. Leidigh is also in the running for Big 12 Conference Swimmer of the Week, Kansas swimming coach Clark Campbell said. Leidigh recorded victories in four events at the Missouri meet Friday, leading Kansas to its first victory over Missouri in six

early in the season.

I did not expect to be swimming this fast this

Freshman swimmer

Ashley Leidigh

years and its first Big 12 victory of the season. Leidigh shattered the Kansas pool record in the 100yard butterfly event with a time of 55 seconds. The previous pool record was 55.56. Leidighs other three victories came in the 200-yard butterfly, the 100-yard freestyle and the 400-yard freestyle relay. I am very honored, Leidigh said. It was very unexpected.

The National Collegiate Swimmer of the Week selection committee includes head coaches from ten different colleges. As a newcomer to the swimming and diving team, Leidigh didnt know how fast she would swim. I did not expect to be swimming this fast this early in the season, Leidigh said.

Rylan Howe/KANSAN

NeWCOMeR ON page 8a

Freshman swimmer Ashley Leidigh competes during the duals meet against Missouri on Friday in Robinson Natatorium. Leidigh won the race and set a pool record of 55 seconds in the 100-yard butterfly. She also received National Collegiate Swimmer of the Week honors from collegeswimming.com.

November 3, 2005

8| A perfect hair cut Where to get it and why 10| Triathletes than you Ironmen: so much better 14| Game nights
Board games that wont leave you bored

Todd Beauford was the kid who never made the A team. Next summer hell run the Ironman Triathlon.

3 Weekly choice 6 Bite 8 Notice
music and events calendar hunt for your dinner the perfect haircut

table of contents


14 Venue 16 Contact 17 Reviews 19 Speak Editors note

host a game night what an ass-hole watch, listen, read, play beautiful noise


You can do it if you set your mind to it. Two years ago my dad proved it to me when he set a New Years goal for himself: Lose 100 pounds and run a marathon in a year. When he told me his plan I said, Yeah right dad. Every morning before work, he ran. On his lunch break, he cycled. And after work, he swam laps. By June, my dad had lost more than 50 pounds and was days away from completing a triathalon. On December 5, 2004, my dad completed the

Tucson Marathon in four hours. And he was 95 pounds lighter. Call it cliche, but watching my dad reach his goal truly inspired me to set some lofty goals for myself. Its your turn to be inspired. Read Kathryn Andersons story about triathletes and one KU student training to reach his goal: To become an Ironman. Anja Winikka




Erin Wisdom

Anja Winikka


Natalie Johnson Kelsie Smith Laura Snyder


Brian Wacker



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OR WRITE TO: Jayplay The University Daily Kansan VENUE HAS BOOZE AND THE BEAT 111 Stauffer-Flint Hall 1435 Jayhawk Blvd. Rory Flynn Lawrence, KS 66045 Lindsey Ramsey

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2| Jayplay 11.03.05

Weekly choice
Hot Butter Les Miserables O.A.R.
Tea Time. Kansas Union Lobby, 3:00 p.m., FREE Film: Sudanese Lost Boys. Alderson Auditorium, level 4, Kansas Union, 4 p.m., FREE Poetry Workshop featuring US Poet Laureate Ted Kooser. Kansas Room, level 6, Kansas Union, 4 p.m., FREE Salsa Dancing Lessons. Kansas Room, level 6, Kansas Union, 7 p.m., FREE Lecture: Pakistan Senate Chairman Mohammedmian Soomro. Dole Institute of Politics, 7:30 p.m., FREE Play: Popcorn by Ben Elton. CraftonPreyer Theatre, 7:30 p.m., $10 to $16 Poetry Reading: US Poet Laureate Ted Kooser. Woodruff Auditorium, level 5 Kansas Union, 8 p.m., FREE The Rocket Summer. El Torrreon Ballroom, 7 p.m., all ages, $10 Mary Reynolds, Nancy Scott. Prairie Pond Studio, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., all ages, FREE The Rounders. Jazzhaus, 10 p.m., 21+, $3 Neon. Granada, 10 p.m., 18+, FREE to $5 Hot Buttered Rum String Band. The Bottleneck, 9 p.m., all ages, $7 Milkdrop, Stik Figa, D-Dot, Str8jakkett, Reach. Boobie Trap Bar, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., 21+ Fat Sal and Senor Ozgood Sound System. Jillys on Broadway. 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., 21+, FREE Trick Pony. The Beaumont Club, 8 p.m., all ages, $15 Censura, Piston, Moniker & Emmas. Granada, 9 p.m., all ages, $5 Sam Champion. Replay Lounge, 10 p.m., 21+, $2 Import Ants. Slowride Roadhouse, 9:30 p.m., 21+, FREE Jackopierce. Grand Emporium, 9 p.m., 21+, $22.50 Ludo, Havok on Polaris, Echo Lake. Boobie Trap Bar, 8 p.m., all ages, $5 to $6 Red Guitar, Builder, Arthur Dodge. Hurricane, 9 p.m., 21+ Eric Person. The Blue Room, 8:30 p.m., all ages, $10

Thurs 11/03

City Youth Theatre Performance: The Man She Was. Lawrence Arts Center, 7:30 p.m., all ages, students $6.50 Henry Rollins. Liberty Hall, 8 p.m., all ages, $20.50 First Fridays Art Walk. Crossroads Art District, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., FREE Fall Dance Concert. UMKC, White Hall, 7:30 p.m., students FREE The Great War, The Great Movies: All Quiet on the Western Front. Liberty Memorial Museum, 7 p.m., FREE Gallery Reception: Toni Brou. SUA Gallery, level 4, Kansas Union, 4 p.m., FREE The Supernauts, Hawks Nest, level 1, Kansas Union, 7 p.m., FREE Play: Popcorn by Ben Elton. CraftonPreyer Theatre, 7:30 p.m., $10 to $16 Cosmic Bowling, Jaybowl, level 1, Kansas Union, 11:00 p.m., FREE The Atomic Bitchwax, Ancient Creation. Mikes Tavern, 9 p.m., 21+, $6

Fri 11/04

City Youth Theatre Performance: The Man She Was. Lawrence Arts Center, 7:30 p.m., all ages, students $6.50 First Saturday Players Present: Beauty and the Beast. Lawrence Community Theatre, 2 p.m., all ages, FREE $25,000 Roy A. Edwards Memorial Grand Prix. Kemper Arena, 7 p.m., $20 Kronos Quartet. Lied Center, 7:30 p.m., $11.50 to $28 DJ Scottie Mac. Abe & Jakes Landing, 10 p.m., 18+, $5 The Oranges Band, The Blue Leaves. Jackpot Saloon, 10 p.m., 18+, $5 Sellout. Jazzhaus, 10 p.m., 21+, $5 Professor of Chaos. Gaslight Tavern, 9 p.m., 18+, $5 The Brody Buster Band. Grand Emporium, 7 p.m., 21+, $7 Trampled By Turtles. Daveys Uptown Ramblers Club, 7 p.m., 21+, $5 Pieta Brown, Bo Ramsey. Daveys Uptown Ramblers Club, 10:30 p.m., 21+, $10 Archetype CD Release Party, Blackout Gorgeous CD Release Party, Namelessnumberheadman. The Bottleneck, 8 p.m., 18+ Tanner Walle and The Wobbly H with Brody Buster. Granada, 9 p.m., all ages, $3 Phosphorescent, Porlolo. Lounge, 10 p.m., 21+, $2 Replay

Sat 11/05

10th Annual Phoenix Awards, Lawrence Arts Center, 2 p.m., all ages, FREE Key West Jass Quartet. Stone Creek, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., all ages, FREE Dirty Boogie. The Gaslight Tavern, 10 p.m., 18+, FREE Audio, Video, Disco. The Eighth Street Taproom, 10 p.m. to 1:30 a.m., 21+, $2 Decibully. Jackpot Saloon, 10 p.m., 18+, $5 That Acoustic Jazz Thing. Jazzhaus, 10 p.m., 21+, $2 The Briefs, Clit 45, Alert! Alert!, Circle of Trust. El Torreon Ballroom, 6 p.m., all ages, $10 Stinking Lizaveta, The Replay, 10 p.m., 21+, $2 Floyd The Barber. Pachamamas, 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., all ages, FREE Aaron Traffas. Harbour Lights, 10 p.m., 21+, $2 Cardio Funk and Crunch with Chelsea. Student Recreation and Fitness Center, 12 p.m., FREE with KU ID This is a 90-minute session and you have no excuse not to be there. Instead of resigning yourself to the fact that youre going to gain 10 pounds of hibernation weight this winter, why not put down the Doritos, get off your couch and let Chelsea whip your sorry, tired ass into shape? And while youre at it, let us have the Doritos. You dont need them. Concerts at the Lied: KU Wind Ensemble, presented by the Department of Music and Dance. Lied Center, 3 p.m., all ages, $7 adults, $5 students and seniors

Sun 11/6

Schemata, Pariah Syndrome, Peoples Revenue. The Boobie Trap Bar, 9 p.m., all ages, $5 to $6 Doug Talley CD Release Party. The Blue Room, 8:30 p.m., $5

11.03.05 Jayplay|3

Weekly choice
Dave Stryker Murder by Death
Kylesa, Torche, Coliseum, Lethe. Jackpot Saloon, 10 p.m., 18+, $6 Buckethead and Friends. Granada, 8 p.m., all ages, $12 to $15 The Spanktones. Jazzhaus, 9 p.m., 21+, $2 Rural Grit. The Brick, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., 21+, $3 NeoGenesis. Daveys Uptown Ramblers Club, 9 p.m., 21+, FREE Animal Liberation Orchestra. Bottleneck, 9 p.m., 18+, $8 Trampled By Turtles. The Replay, 10 p.m., 21+, $2 Motive, Whoracle, Initium. The Boobie Trap Bar, 8 p.m., all ages, $5 to $6 Dave Stryker, Steve Slagle Quartet. The Blue Room, 7 p.m. to 11 p.m., 21+, $10 Barage Vagabond Tales. Lied Center, 7:30 p.m., all ages, $19.50 to $45

Mon 11/07

Les Miserables. Music Hall, 7:30 p.m., 2 p.m., $43.40. Through Nov. 13. Phaze II and Friends. Daveys Uptown Ramblers Club, 9 p.m., 21+, FREE Limbeck, Apollo Sunshine. Bottleneck, 9 p.m., 18+, $7 Murder By Death, Life and Times, William Elliot Whitmore. Granada, 8 p.m., all ages, $8 Chromatics, Novalus. The Replay, 10 p.m., 21+, $2 Folk Concert. Signs of Life, 8 p.m., all ages, FREE Tuesday Night Swing. Ecumenical Christian Ministries, 9 p.m., all ages, $1 Mass Appeal, Sku, Konsept, Aether. The Gaslight Tavern, 10 p.m., 18+, FREE Lecture: Poverty, environment and education addressing these on a local level in traditional Tibetan areas of Qinghai Province. 4 p.m. to 5 p.m., all ages, FREE Music Jazz Combo presented by the Department of Music and Dance. Murphy Hall, 7:30 p.m., all ages, FREE Visiting Artist Series: Dora de Marinis. Swarthout Recital Hall, Murphy Hall, 7:30 p.m., all ages, FREE

Tues 11/08

Capote in Kansas. 7 p.m., all ages, FREE Author Ande Parks visits Lawrence Public Library Les Miserables. Music Hall, 7:30 p.m., 2 p.m., $43.40. Through Nov. 13. Deerhoof, Octis, Evan Saathoff. Jackpot Saloon, 10 p.m., 18+, $8 That Acoustic Jam Thing. Jazzhaus, 10 p.m., 21+, $2 Against Me!, The Epoxies, Smoke or Fire, The Soviettes. Granada, 7 p.m., all ages, $13 The Americana Music Academy Jam. Signs of Life, 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., all ages, FREE Ravi Shankar Festival of India II. Lied Center, 7:30 p.m., all ages, $19 to $44 O.A.R.. Memorial Hall, 8 p.m., all ages, $25 Southerly, Marry Me Moses. The Replay, 10 p.m., 21+, $2 Free Beer Open Mic. The Boobie Trap Bar, 9 p.m., 21+, $5 Flickerstick, The Supernauts, Stuck On Broadway. Hurricane, 7:30 p.m., 21+, $8 to $10 Midwest Dilemma. Harbour Lights, 10 p.m., 21+. $2

Wed 11/09


Apollo Sunshine

The Supernauts

4|Jayplay 11.03.05

Beaumont Club 4050 Pennsylvania Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Box Ofce (816) 561-2560 Berkley Riverfront Park Fifth & Grand St., Kansas City, Mo. The Blue Room 1616 E. 18th St., Kansas City, Mo. (816) 474-2929 Carlsen Center 12345 College Blvd., Overland Park 66210 Charlecote 337 E. 55th St. Kansas City, Mo. (816) 444-4622 Convention Center 301 W 13th St. Kansas City, Mo., 64105 Crown Center 2450 Grand Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. (816) 274-8844 Daveys Uptown Ramblers Club 3402 Main St., Kansas City, Mo. (816) 753-1909 Fields Gallery 712 Massachusetts St. Gaslight Tavern 317 N. Second St. (785) 856-4330 Grand Emporium Saloon 3832 Main St. Kansas City, Mo. (816) 531-1504 Hale Arena 1701 American Royal Court, Kansas City, Mo. Hobbs Park 10th & Delaware St. (785) 749-7394 Jackpot Saloon 943 Massachusetts St. (785) 832-1085 Jazzhaus 926 1/2 Massachusetts St. (785) 749-3320 Johnson County Museum of History 6305 Lackman Rd., Shawnee (913) 631-6709 Kemper Arena 1800 Gennessee St., Kansas City, Mo. (816) 221-9800 Lawrence Arts Center 940 New Hampshire St. Lawrence Community Theatre 1501 New Hampshire St. Lawrence Public Library 707 Vermont St. (785) 843-3833 New Theatre Restaurant 9229 Foster Rd. Overland Park Slow Ride Roadhouse 1350 N. Third St. (785) 749-2727 The Replay Lounge 946 Massachusetts St. (785) 749-7676 Topeka Expocenter 1 Expocenter Dr., Topeka

Weekly choice
Movie times
3433 Iowa St.

Southwind 12 (785) 832-0880

Matinee (before 6 p.m.) $5.50, Regular price $7.75, Students $6.25, Seniors (55+) and Children (3 to 11 years old) $5

644 Mass. St.

Liberty Hall (785) 749-1912

Matinee (before 6 p.m.) $5, Regular price $7, Seniors (60+) $5 and Children (12 & under) $5

Thursday, November 3 Stay (PG) 9:35 p.m. Dreamer: Inspired by a True Story (PG) 1:50 p.m., 4:40 p.m., 7:25 p.m., 10:00 p.m. Saw II (R) 2:15 p.m., 4:50 p.m., 8:10 p.m., 10:20 p.m. In Her Shoes (PG-13) 1:10 p.m., 3:50 p.m., 6:40 p.m. A History of Violence (R) 1:55 p.m., 4:55 p.m., 8:00 p.m., 10:15 p.m. The Legend of Zorro (PG) 1:05 p.m., 4:10 p.m., 7:05 p.m., 9:55 p.m. North County (R) 1:00 p.m., 3:40 p.m., 6:30 p.m., 9:20 p.m. Doom (R) 1:30 p.m., 4:20 p.m., 7:50 p.m., 10:10 p.m. The Weather Man (R) 1:40 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 7:35 p.m, 10:05 p.m. Wallace and Gromit: The Curse of the WereRabbit (G) 2:00 p.m., 5:00 p.m., 7:15 p.m., 9:30 p.m. Prime (PG-13) 1:25 p.m., 4:00 p.m., 6:45 p.m., 9:15 p.m. Elizabethtown (PG-13) 1:20 p.m., 3:55 p.m., 6:55 p.m., 9:40 p.m. The Fog (PG-13) 2:10 p.m., 5:10 p.m., 7:30 p.m., 10:20 p.m.

Junebug (R) Thursday, November 3 4:40 p.m. Seperate Lies (R) Friday and Saturday, November 4 to 5 7:10 p.m., 9:15 p.m. Sunday, November 6 2:10 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 7:00 p.m., 9:15 p.m. Monday, November 7 4:30 p.m., 7:00 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday, November 8 to 9 4:30 p.m., 7:00 p.m., 9:15 p.m. Proof (PG-13) Thursday, November 3 4:30 p.m., 7:10 p.m., 9:20 p.m. Friday, November 4 4:40 p.m. Saturday, November 5 2:20 p.m., 4:40 p.m. Sunday, November 6 2:20 p.m., 4:40 p.m., 7:10 p.m., 9:20 p.m. Monday to Wednesday, November 7 to 9 4:40 p.m., 7:10 p.m., 9:20 p.m.


Are you
Game meat has perks over beef and chicken
Clockwise from Left: Hunter Anderson Overland Park senior, holds a pheasant and a quail. Zachary Baker Olathe junior, holds a wild turkey. Zachary Baker holds a white-tailed deer.

By Laura Snyder, Jayplay writer Hunter Anderson, Overland Park senior, has been hunting since he was 8 years old. Now 22, Anderson is no stranger to such dishes as quail, pheasant, goose and duck. He says he likes wild game meat because its different. And hes not alone. People are tired of beef and chicken, says Brenda Mutchler, owner of Game Sales International, based in Loveland, Colo. Mutchlers company sells pheasant, quail, deer, elk, rabbit, ostrich and kangaroo meat, among others. Even after the novelty of trying something new has worn off, people go back to it, she says. Leaner and cleaner For the health-conscious, game meat offers several advantages. Because game animals do not live in cramped pens or eat grain, they are free of antibiotics and hormones and are much leaner than grain-fed animals, says John Hackathorn, owner of Hacks Outtters, 941 E. 23rd St. But let the nutrition information speak for itself. According to David Pederson, operations manager and Web master for Seattles Finest Exotic Meats, a serving of deer meat has 120 calories and 2 grams of fat, compared to a serving of lean hamburger, which has 272 calories and 18 grams of fat. In fact, game animals are so much leaner that pork or beef fat has to be added to ground game meat so it doesnt burn when cooking, Hackathorn says.

Tastes like chicken If youre wrinkling your nose at the thought of eating squirrel with biscuits and gravy, theres no need to be so hesitant. Game meat, if prepared correctly, should be difcult to distinguish from regular meat, says Hackathorn. You can go buy a T-bone steak and if you dont cook it right, it wont taste right, he says. If its prepared right, I can turn a vegetarian into a meat-eater. Hackathorn says the biggest mistake people make when cooking game meat is overcooking it. Hes seen people salt and pepper a game steak and grill it until it dries out and gets tough. Instead, Hackathorn recommends putting a steak in hot water for a couple minutes, then ouring it and searing it in a skillet with three-fourths of an inch of oil. The steak should be cooked on each side until blood stops coming out. He advises leaving it a little pink in the center for tenderness. Even when game meat is prepared correctly, it may have a light game taste but only light, says Mutchler. Hunters seem unable to describe this game taste, other than that it exists. People who are really nicky about stuff might think it tastes different, but I think it tastes the same as regular meat, says Zachary Baker, an Olathe senior who has been hunting since he was 6.

The taste also depends on what the animal eats. Hackathorn has eaten deer meat with a distinct sage avor to it, but says he will never eat snake. I know what snakes eat, he says, re ferring to their diet of mice and rabbits. For those new to game meat, Anderson recommends starting with pheasant, which he says tastes much like dark chicken meat, in a cream sauce. The cream sauce knocks the taste of the game off a little bit, he says. Next best thing If you arent ready to grab your rie and head out to shoot a deer, dont worry. There are other ways to enjoy healthy meat. While you cant purchase game meat the sale of it is illegal

you can still get some of its health benets of game meat close to home. Local Burger, 714 Vermont St., serves buffalo and elk burgers. It uses meat from farms where the animals are free of antibiotics and hormones and are grass-fed instead of grain-fed. Owner Hilary Brown says that just like game meat, grass-fed meat is leaner and healthier than grainfed meat. Or you can head over to Dillons, HyVee or the Community Mercantile. All of these grocery stores sell buffalo meat, which is leaner than beef and can be substituted for it in most recipes. Imported and farm-raised meats can be bought online from companies like Mutchlers and Pedersons.

What am I eating?
You might one day encounter game meat on a friends or relatives dinner table. Heres what to expect from a few popular game meats: Elk Leanest game meat, difcult to distinguish from beef and buffalo Deer Game-ier than elk, with a stronger taste Rabbit Chicken-like texture Squirrel Plain, not much game taste Quail White meat, similar to chicken Buffalo (farm-raised) A little stronger but difcult to distinguish from beef, much leaner than beef
Sources: John Hackathorn, Brenda Mutchler and Hunter Anderson

Pheasant A little stronger avor and tougher than chicken, dark meat Duck Rich, dark meat Beaver Dark meat, can easily be mistaken for beef Frog legs Youll be able to tell theyre frog legs by the way they look.

6|Jayplay 11.03.05

Eat here

Stone Creek
3801 W. Sixth St.

Youll love the atmosphere at Stone Creek, just not as much as youll love the food. With a menu that offers pizza, pasta, steaks and chops, theres denitely something for everyone, and at any budget. Prices range from about $20 for a steak to around $7 for a sandwich. The covered outdoor patio is the largest in Lawrence, but when it gets cold, the dark, warm wood dcor inside is equally inviting. Stop by on a Sunday for brunch, grab a quick meal in the afternoon, or make it a date spot. Attire is casual, but hey, dress up if you feel like it, the folks at Stone Creek wont mind. Kelsie Smith

LaTanya Dodd
Carlos OKelleys 707 W. 23rd St.

of the week:
a big difference from other places shes worked. The most valuable skills of a good server, Dodd says, are learning quickly and multitasking. Favorite dish: chicken fajitas Best tip: $20 on a $15 tab Worst tip: Either getting stiffed on a $25 tab, or the time she had a party of dine-n-dashers Natalie Johnson


LaTanya Dodd has been a server at Carlos OKelleys, 707 W. 23rd, for nearly two years. The Newton senior is majoring in Human Development and Family Life and plans to graduate this December. Dodds postgrad plans include being a juvenile probation ofcer in Kansas City. She likes working at Carlos OKelleys because of the great people she works with. Dodd says they are all friends and dont form cliques


Helping KU students discover good local places to trim their tresses
By Katy Humpert, Jayplay writer

hunt for F
809 Vermont St.
Located in a remodeled Victorian home, Headmasters has a classic and elegant feel right when you walk in. You rst notice the beautiful chandelier and wood staircase in the front room and are quickly offered an herbal tea or organic coffee. Kristen Sigmund, Ballwin, Mo., senior, says she goes to Headmasters for the relaxing atmosphere and the hospitality. She says she enjoys the complimentary neck, shoulder and hand massage and is always happy with her haircut. She says she would recommend an appointment with Kevin to anyone heading to Headmasters for a rst-time visit. Ladies or Gents: While the majority of clients are female, Headmasters also caters to males. Katy Pitt, Headmasters employee and St. Paul, Minn., junior, says about 40 percent of the salons clients are male. Prices: Haircuts range from $25 to $50 and include a complimentary neck, shoulder and hand massage. Foil highlights start at $75. Other services or specials: Headmasters offers waxing, starting at $15 for a brow wax. Also, beginning Oct. 24, Headmasters will be looking for volunteer models for its advanced training program, which gives newly-hired stylists a chance to gain experience before becoming full-time employees. Models will receive free haircuts on Tuesdays from noon to 6 p.m. Why go here? Pitt says what sets Headmasters apart is the focus on the education of its stylists. She says the salon constantly works to retrain its stylists eyes, keeping them up to date on the latest styles.


inding someone you trust to cut your hair is a trying process, especially for girls. Jessica Arthur, Tulsa, Okla., senior, has been struggling to nd a new hairdresser after hers moved to Kansas City several months ago. Shes terried to get her hair cut at a random salon, worried the consequences could be disastrous. She says she just needs some input on quality places in town where she can get her hair cut at a reasonable price. There are, after all, more than 30 barbershops and beauty salons in Lawrence. After talking to several students to nd out where they go for new hairdos, Jayplays got a rundown of some of the more popular locations.

Downtown Barber Shop

824 Massachusetts St.
Just like its name suggests, Downtown Barber Shop has a familiar, hometown ambiance. Walk-ins are welcome any time and, while the wait is usually short, customers can pass the time taking in the sports memorabilia coating every at surface in the shop or listening to the barbers talk sports or tell jokes with the customers. Rick Evanhoe, Derby senior, says the main reason he frequents the Downtown Barber Shop is because of its authentic barbershop atmosphere and friendly barbers who do a decent job of cutting his hair. Ladies or Gents: Traditionally, a barbershop caters to males, and the Downtown Barber Shop is no exception. Jon Amyx, owner and Lawrence resident, says almost all of his customers are male, but that because the shop now has a female barber, it may start attracting some female customers. Prices: A regular haircut costs $8 and a basic military haircut costs $7. Other services or specials: Downtown Barber Shop simply cuts hair. But Amyx points out that it also has the best prices in hair care products in town and possibly in the entire Midwest. Coupons for a discounted haircut are usually available in the college coupon book, Amyx says. Why go here? Amyx says that while his super-cheap hair care products attract many customers, even more customers come back for the friendly service. He says customers who now live in Florida and Chicago still stop by the Downtown Barber Shop for their regular haircuts whenever they are in town. The loyalty of his customers shows that a simple haircut and pleasant, wisecracking barbers really make a difference to the customers.

Zs Cosmetology Academy
2429 Iowa St.
The atmosphere of Zs Cosmetology Academy is not typical of a beauty salon, probably because it isnt a beauty salon. Its a school. The interior design isnt extravagant it really is just a big open room but its pleasant enough to make you feel comfortable. The academy is usually crowded, lled with cosmetology instructors, students and plenty of Lawrence residents waiting for a haircut. Allison Fine, Omaha, Neb. graduate student, says she goes to Zs for its cheap haircuts. I dont really need to spend $30 just to trim my hair, Fine says. Ladies or Gents: Men and women are welcome at Zs Cosmetology Academy. After all, the students need experience doing both mens and womens haircuts. Kimberly Ashley, the schools coordinator, says about a fourth of the academys customers are male. Prices: Only $5 for a haircut, male or female. Highlights start at $25. Other services or specials: The cosmetology students also offer facials for $20, manicures (not acrylics) for $15 and facial waxes for $5. Ashley says the academy regularly runs coupons for $5 off highlights in the Lawrence Journal-World. Why go here? Ashley says the biggest reason for the schools large client base is the price. And you need not worry that youll have a beauty school unky cutting your hair, because the students must have more than 500 hours of experience in a classroom setting before working in the salon, and instructors work with the students at the beginning and end of the haircut session to make sure the customer is happy with the cut. Ashley says it really is the cheapest place in town for a haircut.


Downtown Barber Shop

Zs Cosmetology Academy

8|Jayplay 11.03.05

Sakaroffs and The Haircut


Five questions
KU famous: KU not (yet) famous:
Jimmy Chavez
San Antonio, Texas, senior Sports Anchor at KUJH-TV station, Kansan columnist

Addie Allen
Coffeyville junior, human biology major

Kit Lefer/ Jayplay photographer

The Haircut and Sakaroff s

The Haircut, 3727 W. 6th St. Suite E Sakaroffs, 3727 W. 6th St. Suite C
These neighboring salons, owned by the same person, provide salon-quality haircuts for everyone. The Haircut accommodates men, while Sakaroffs is geared toward women. The Haircuts atmosphere is undeniably masculine, complete with Playboy and Rolling Stone magazines, pictures of KU sporting legends decorating the walls, a pool table for clients to use while waiting and hair care products stored in Ace Hardware tool boxes. But, despite the rumors, there are no strippers to be found here. Scottie Lezniak, Arlington Heights, Ill., senior, says he goes to The Haircut because it is much more professional than the nationwide chains. And, he admits, he really likes the reading material available. Sakaroffs has recently expanded its services and updated its look. The salon has a streamlined, modern interior with loud eclectic music to add to its hip environment. A new standout feature in the salon is its 32-foot color bar. Customers can pick out the exact hair color they want and watch their stylists mix the color right in front of them. Elizabeth Ault, Topeka senior, says she goes to Sakaroffs for the quality. Its a little expensive, but I will pay for a good haircut, she says. Ault says her favorite stylist is Ryan because he really understands how to cut hair, especially her curly hair. Ladies or Gents: The Haircut is for men exclusively. Females wanting their hair cut will have to go next door to Sakaroffs Salon. But Abby Angelotti, a Sakaroffs stylist, says about 20 percent of Sakaroffs clients are male, most of them coming for the highlighting services. Prices: A haircut, including a shampoo and style, is $20 at the Haircut. Haircuts at Sakaroffs start at $36 and highlights start at $61. Other services or specials: The Haircut cuts and cleans male hair. Sakaroffs is a complete beauty salon, offering waxing starting at $15, body massages for $65 and facials for $60. Both salons run coupons in the Yellow Book for $5 off any service. Why go here? Nicole Hahn, The Haircut employee, says last year, most of the mens basketball team stopped by for regular trims. She says the customers really like the manly atmosphere, especially the Playboy magazines and the pool table, and it keeps them coming back. Angelotti says Sakaroffs differs from other salons because of its fun and hip environment. She says the hair-styling techniques used at the salon are always different and the latest in-styles. Angelotti adds that the salons success is proven by the large number of return clients.

1 2 3 4 5

Whats the naughtiest thing you did this week?

I smoked an entire pack of cigarettes at The Ranch. I havent done very many naughty things. I played with a dog instead of doing homework.

What word comes to mind when you hear the name, Angelina Jolie?
Lips. Fake.

Wheres the best place on campus to have a nap?

In a boring lecture. A cubby in the library.

If you could be reincarnated as an animal, what animal would it be and why?

The gopher from Caddyshack, because everybody loves the gopher from Caddyshack. A dog because theyre loved like no one has ever been loved before.

How many pairs of shoes are in your closet?

Ten pairs.


At least 35 pairs. Kathryn Anderson

Wescoe wit
Not to scare you, but were eavesdropping on your conversations. Yes, we hear everything. And then we print it. But dont worry if you say something stupid, we wont identify you unless you owe us money or beer.

Phone directory
Downtown Barbershop
(785) 843-8000

The Haircut
(785) 856--9000

(785) 843-8808

(785) 841-4247

Zs Cosmotology
(785) 749-1488

Guy 1: Man, its been a long day. I think Im going to go out drinking. Want to come? Guy 2: I plan on being trashed the next four nights, I think I better take it easy tonight. Guy1: Right on. Well, Im getting smashed.

Guy: You see, I dont reply to Facebook parties. I cant be held responsible here. Girl: I invited you in person. Dont be lame. Guy: Dont worry.

Girl 1: My friends in Kappa Sigma are way funner. Girl 2: You mean more fun? Girl 1: Yeah.

James Foley

11.03.05 Jayplay|9

Party of three

In the sport of triathlon, three is never a crowd

By Kathryn Anderson, Jayplay writer On the last leg of the race, hes not skill or age. Anybody can be a triathlete, scribes the race. Competitors swim a little thinking much, only about the nish line. even you. That is, of course, if you are up under half a mile, bike 12.4 miles and run another three. The sprints short distance He calls this The Zone. He runs a mental for the training. More than 1,200 men and women tread is relative. check: Legs. Posture. Cadance. All good. The Olympic distance triathlon is the Does anything hurt? he asks himself. water near shore. Some wear wetsuits. Well, yes. Everything hurts. This is, after All heads are capped and goggled. In a sports standard course, named for the all, a triathlon. He looks for a buddy, a dis- split second, everybody is moving. From distance covered by triathletes compettraction, somebody to help block the noise a birds-eye view, the murky green of the ing in the Olympic games. Competitors lake transforms to frothy race against others in their age groups. of his body, screaming white. Pumping arms These athletes can be as young as 16. The at him to stop. But he and legs punctuate the Olympic distance race covers 32 miles of wont stop until the nturbulent churning wa- water and ground. Participants complete ish line is behind him. An Ironman race uses ter. This is how the triath- a .9-mile swim, a 24.8-mile bike and a 6.2Todd Beauford was the 600 bottles of sunscreen 12,825 bananas lon begins. When it ends, mile run. The top triathletes take about kid who never made the 140,000 pounds of ice competitors have swam, two hours to nish. A team, and next sumThanks to the nearly exponential growth pedaled then nished on mer hell run the Ironman 2000: the year that triathlon foot a race designed to of the sport, variations on the triathlon acTriathlon. debuted as an Olympic event honor the ttest of the commodate those who are interested in He looks the part. At 9: how many hours it took to t. And it takes tness multi-sport, but are intimidated by the 6 feet 2 inches and 180 ll entries for this Saturdays to swim, bike and run sheer length of the traditional triathlon. pounds, his stats are Ironman race across miles of water The duathon combines just two elements: ideal for a triathlete. Hed and terrain in only a mat- running and biking.The aquathon requires know. Although Beaufort 5,000: number of people racing in the Accenture Chicago just swimming and running. ter of hours. is a rookie in the IronTriathlon, 2004s biggest race The longest race, and the most publiBeauford says the man, hes a seasoned triswim start is nuts. For cized, is the Ironman triathlon. Athletes athlon veteran. It was 10 7,231: USA Triathlon membersome reason, that 3:30 competing for the prestigious title of Ironyears ago that Beaufort ships in California. a.m. wakeup call doesnt man start the day with a 2.4-mile ocean trained for his rst race. swim. Back on land they bike a 112-mile bother me on raceday. All the people who As a strong swimmer, Beauford makes course, followed by a full marathon said Id never be good enough cant touch sure to be in the water rst. Weaker swim- 26.2 miles. Competitors have 17 hours me in this, he says. Beauford, like many triathletes, is his mers, he explains, should stay in the back. from 7 a.m. to midnight to complete own best competition, regardless of the When he encounters slow-pokes Beauford the 140-mile course. Participants must be number of people competing in a race. does not hesitate to pull them under by 18 or older to compete for the Ironman But the races are becoming more crowd- the ankle. It sounds brutal, but Beauford title. There are Ironman races on every coned. The sport of triathlon is more popu- says its necessary. Beauford was the weaker swimmer tinent except Antarctica. Approximately lar than ever, thanks to the adventurous 22,000 people internamasses of sinewy athletes who nd three in the beginning. He tionally will have comtrained with his best events far superior to one. peted in one of the 18 The sport of triathlon grew quickly. friend Mark, who was Ironman races by the This year, USA Triathlon, the sports gov- a natural in the water. Topeka Tinman Triathlon & Duathon end of this year. Alerning body, has 60,000 members. Five Eventually, Beauford June 17, 2006, 7:30 a.m. Lake Shawnee in Topeka most 30 years ago the years ago it had 21,500 members, which defeated him. SmilEntry fees: $41-$50 race involved only 15 he described roughly equals the number of members ing, Offers duathon, long and short men, navy seals stawho are currently competing in the 30 to Mark at the nish line, course triathlons tioned in Hawaii who 39 age group alone. Participation in the bent over at the waist wondered which athpopular, all-womens Danskin Triathlon coughing up phlegm Visit www.topekatinman.com for more information. letes were the ttest in has increased by 69 percent since 2000, and looking at him the world: swimmers, according to its Web site. Worldwide, there hatefully. The two recyclists or runners. are 150 national triathlon federations that main friends, but no are united by the International Triathlon longer compete together. Beauford races Navy commander John Collins thought there was only one way to nd out. Comwith his team, Bike Source Multisport. Union. The three recognized triathlon formats bine all three. The winner, those 15 decidThe sport of triathlon, called both grueling and inspiring, attracts all kinds of peo- vary from extremely challenging to seem- ed, would be crowned Ironman. ple. Today, there is a race suitable for ev- ingly impossible. The shortest triathlon Continued on page 12 eryone regardless of experience, gender, is a sprint. The word sprint loosely de-

By the numbers

Try it

Left: Todd Beauford, Overland Park senior, contributed photo Middle: Kansan le photo, Kit Lefer, Jayplay photographer Right: Kit Lefer, Jayplay photographer

10|Jayplay 11.03.05

11.03.05 Jayplay|11

Continued from page 11 Now the Ironman world championship in Hawaii is televised and viewed by 50 million people. According to USA Triathlon, NBCs coverage of the big race has earned six Emmy awards since 1992. Josh Hernandez of Ironman North America says, People who participate want to push their personal limits, and want to do this by nishing, arguably, the toughest sporting event out there. Hes collected a colorful wardrobe of inspiring stories. People like Scott Johnson, a 33-year-old whos nished 15 triathlons since his double lung transplant. This Saturday, along the coast of Floridas Panama Beach City, Johnson will nish his rst Ironman triathlon. Beauford began training for Ironman Coeur DAlene in Idaho last month, an early start for a June event. He just ended a six-month recuperation period

after knee surgery. He was injured not in a race, but while playing basketball. The turn of events will add another four months to his training. He devotes 10 to 20 hours each week to training. Beginner triathletes need not panic. Training programs put your experience and tness level above all else. Triathlon coaches and online training programs can offer rookies quality assistance for a price. Online coaching sites save you money, while giving you access to valuable resources and interactive coaching. Beginner Triathlete, www.beginnertriathlete.com, offers a six-month subscription for $25. The cost of a personal triathlon coach is steep, starting around $225 per month, and there is usually a start-up fee. The sport of triathlon demands plenty of equipment. Vickers says quality is key. He always encourages people to deal with a local bike shop to ensure

Prole of a triathlete
Kai Sun Luk has a runners glow. All smiles and lean muscle, Sun Luk, a Hong Kong senior in architecture, talks about running in China and competing in triathlons here in the states. His has been a ve-year endeavor, one that began in high school under the encouragement of his track coach. Sun Luk recently ran in the Shawnee Mission Triathlon, his sixth triathlon. Last year at the same race, he nished third. It was his last race of the season. He explains that he needed to nish up before all his tests start. The tests and studio time, he complains, rob him of the precious sleep necessary for training. Sun Luk trains daily for an hour and a half, usually with two friends. He prefers to run with company. He loves drinking milk (Oh yeah, Kai loves milk, his friend con rms). When recalling his highest placement, he condently says, First. Then, maybe a bit embarrassed, he explains he was the sole competitor.

you receive the support needed in selecting a bike that ts. Triathlon-specic bikes typically start at $2,000. If purchasing a new bike is improbable, local cycling clubs usually sell their used equipment. Quality footwear, as well, is well worth the money. Bike shoes for triathlons are designed for fast, easy transitions. Look for a pair that is easy to put on and is secured by a single Velcro strap. Most bike shoes cost upwards of $100 and, like the bicycles, can get quite expensive. A wet suit may be worn, depending on the water temperature at each race. Triathlon-specic wetsuits are available for about $250. Balance, according to Vickers, is highly important to triathlon training on any level. Balance your life; make sure you keep time for family, friends and other interests. Otherwise, triathlon can become a negative instead of a positive, he says. People tend to get very nervous and apprehensive, or cannot get over the hump, and think they will never do a triathlon. Anyone can do a triathlon. Beauford has his sights set on competing in the Ironman World Championship in Hawaii. Hell have to nish the qualier in Coeur d Lane Ironman in less than 10 hours to qualify. After racing in the World Championship, he says hell have sufciently scratched his Ironman itch.

Training for beginners

There are basic training guidelines for which you need not pay. Mike Vickers, Lawrence resident and co-author of Swim, Bike, Run, a training guide for serious, but not professional triathletes, is a competitive cyclist and former triathlete. He says beginners should schedule a minimum of two workouts in each discipline per week. Use time, not distance, as your guide. Adjust it according to the distance you plan to compete. For sprint distance training, plan to spend eight hours per week. For an olympic course, 12 hours. Training for an Ironman requires around 15 hours each week. Vickers says to watch for difculty sleeping, lethargy, irritability and loss of appetite, which are signs of overtraining. To avoid it, take a break from training every month. Also, balanced nutrition will be crucial to your progress and energy level.

But triathlons addicting, he says before he mentions the 2008 Olympic trials. Well see where life takes me. For membership and additional triathlon information, visit USA Triathlon at www.usatriathlon.org.

Bitch& moan ?
With Brian Bratichak and Jessica Crowder
Please send your questions to [email protected]

Brian: An odilof is the scientic name for a person, commonly a man, who has sex with deer. Heres a little known fact: Jessicas dads middle name is Odilof. Whats an odilof? Jill, Junior Jessica: I hate my life. I knew Daddys hunting habit had gotten out of hand when he started teaching me his favorite deer mating calls.

Ive been with my girlfriend for six months and Im dying to try anal with her. I joke about it all the time, but Im actually serious. I have a feeling she hates it just from the look on her face when I joke. Is it even worth talking about to nd out? Brendan, Sophomore

My girlfriend hates her roommate who happens to be seeing my best friend/roommate. The problem is she always gets mad at me for hanging out with them like Im betraying her when I hang out with my friend and his girl. How do I deal with this? Marvin, Senior

Top ve

Jessica: Who needs talk when you can have an accident? Whoops! It just slipped in the wrong hole. Would ya look at that? If she smiles and goes with it, shes good to go. If she jumps up screaming, holding her ass as she sprints to the bathroom, you best not be having any more accidents. Bren dan, if you want to put it in her butt that badly, sit down with her and ask her, but dont be surprised if she turns you down. There may be a reason behind that whole theory concerning out-holes and in-holes, after all.

Brian: As tempting as Jessicas idea to accidentally stick it in could be, that might result in multiple scars on your arms, face or worse, your member. You acknowledged what her reactions have been like when youve jokingly mentioned it, so you should know what her reaction will be if you try to talk to her about it. Save yourself the conversation and heartbreak and with this girl just eat this idea. With your next girlfriend, you might want to tell her that anal sex is a must.

Jessica: Your girlfriends being catty and you need to tell her that both of your roommates relationships shouldnt have any bearing on your own. People will date whom they choose to date and the same goes for friendships. Its not up to her to dictate who dates who or who you can and cannot hang out with. Brian: Tell your girlfriend that her dislike for her roomie doesnt mean you cant still be friends with yours. If you were having one-on-one time with her roommate, then I could understand

her complaint, but in this situation she is just being ridiculous. See if you can get your girlfriend to consider a double date. While she might not be able to stand this girl as a roommate, she might be able to have fun with her outside the living situation. Whatever you do, dont give up your friendship with your best friend. Remember, bros before hoes!

Things NOT to say in bed

Howwe met
Couple: Pete & Diana
Baseball is for lovers. Well, at least it is for Pete Barton, Tyro senior, and Diana Worley, Wichita senior. The two met at spring training in Tempe, Ariz. during spring break of 2004. While lounging on the lawn that overlooked the baseball eld, Worley noticed a cute guy with a Jayhawk shirt on. And being the outgoing girl she is, Worley approached him about his KU afliation and she and Barton ended up talking the rest of the game. By the time they parted ways, they discovered that they live just one building away from each other in the same apartment complex in Lawrence. Upon their return from spring break, Worley and Bartons friendship quickly developed into a relationship. The two have been watching ESPN together ever since. Katie Moyer

5. I wish you were battery operated. 4. Man, you were much better than that donkey. 3. All my friends were right, you are good. 2. Oops, I forgot to tell you. I have this rash... 1. I havent had sex like that since I was 12. Meghan Miller

Since 1936

Thursday $1.75 liters

1031 Massachusetts


Host a


A night of board games shakes things up

By Lindsey Ramsey, Jayplay writer

Kit Lefer/ Jayplay photographer

One boring weekend Jessicah White, 1. Choosing the perfect party game matter what games you choose, make Kyle Billings, owner of Fun and sure you pick two or three and vary the Wineld senior, and two friends decided to mix things up a bit. Instead of an- Games, 830 Massachusetts St., recom- type. Also make sure you have the corother night at the bars, the girls wanted mends games that get everybody to rect number of players for each game. to return to a more innocent time. A interact during everyones turn. He says time when all a girl needed to entertain he doesnt like games where people 2.Where to play? herself was some friends and a little Girl have to wait around Now the easy answer Talk: Truth or Dare. White and her friends during other peoples is at home, but many called boys to tell them Youre cute! turns. For the perfect considerations must be 1/3 oz Aftershock They put their bras on the outside of game night Billings rectaken into account be1/3 oz Yukon Jack their clothes and put peanut butter on ommends games like fore a locale is decided. 1/3 oz Orange Juice their lips. Perhaps this is just what stu- Cranium, Apples to ApWill there be ample Mix in this order: Aftershock, dents need in the face of midterms and ples (a card/trivia game) playing room? Does the Orange Juice, Yukon Jack impending nals a little release and and Imaginiff (a queshouse in question have change of pace that a well-timed board tion/get-to-know-yournecessary equipment: friends game). He says game night can provide. TV, DVD player, etc.? Games capture a basic need in Apples to Apples is the game he always Will roommates be upset by loud noise? people for friendly competition a recommends to customers, and they The easiest way to solve this dilemma is play battle where people practice skills always come back wanting it for their to talk it over with your friends and defriends. Other good cide whose house will serve game night and strategies, ght party games include: best. Or if you have a group of fearless against each other, yet Catchphrase, Scattergo- friends, take your game of choice out to remain friends and al1 oz. light rum ries, Balderdash, Scene the bars and combine your two favorlies, says Jill Bellinson, 1/2 oz triple sec It, Taboo, Ouija and Triv- ite pastimes. Games like Catchphrase author of Childrens Use 2 oz cranberry juice ial Pursuit. If you have transfer easily to the bar and could of Board Games in Psya lot of time on your make attracting new friends much easichotherapy. If some of Fill highball with ice, add rum and ll with cranberry hands and some patient er, especially when they see how much this friendly competijuice. Top off with triple sec. friends, try classics like fun you are having. tion is what your nightMonopoly, Scrabble or life needs, then Jayplay Life. For the kid at heart, 3. To drink or not to drink? has you covered. This step-by-step guide to creating the per- remember games like Mall Madness, If a night without drinking amounts fect game night is sure to lead you and Girl Talk, Candy Land, Guess Who?, to a night without fun for you, then your friends into a night of alternative Chutes and Ladders, Sorry! and Mouse by all means make your favorite fancy Trap. Or you can create themed game cocktail. Some to consider, inspired by recreation. nights with murder mystery games like games or game titles, include The Game the classic Clue or Crack the Case. No and Risk. The Game is light rum, triple sec and cranberry juice. Risk consists of Aftershock, orange juice, and Yukon Jack. Wine can class-up game night, Chutes and Ladders is alYahtzee, because its inbut beer will work too. But the beauty ways fun because you can tense. You dont know what of game night is the possibility of commove up the board in one is going to come up next. move, so its easy to win. Its a game of chance and pletely sober fun, and the opportunity But you can lose big too; its luck. Adam Knoernschild, to take a night off from drinking to ease a gamble. Michael Maher, Lyndon sophomore. last nights hangover and your walOverland Park senior. let.

is never fun. Try baking cookies in the shapes of Monopoly pieces or make a cake that celebrates your night of gaming. Check out www.foodnetwork.com for great party food ideas. 5. Come, friends play! The most important step in planning a game night is to make sure you invite plenty of friends who are ready to play. Make sure that the games you choose will accommodate the number of people you plan to invite, or that you can have groups of people playing different games at the same time to create a tournament atmosphere. Follow these steps and your game night will be a great way to break out of the usual tired Lawrence nightlife. Make game night a weekly or monthly ritual if you want. Be sure to gather all essential ingredients and then, get gaming.


The game

The forgotten pastime

Since weve traded afternoons of Mall Madness for nights of heavy drinking, its easy to forget how fun board games can be. Now lovers of board games even have conventions. Peter Adkison, CEO of GenCon, the biggest board game convention in the country, says his convention started as a group of gamers wanting to get together and play games. Two hundred people attended the rst GenCon in 1967. Now attendance at the convention, which is held annually in Indianapolis, has grown to 82,000. Additional GenCon conventions take place in California and the United Kingdom. But board games didnt always inspire such enthusiasm. Board games gained popularity after Monopoly was released in 1934, during the depths of the Great Depression. Before Monopoly most board games were geared toward children, according to The Games Journal, a former board game magazine. Monopolys success introduced a new generation to board games. Board games continued to gain popularity, but most discouraged player interaction. In 1962, the game Acquire, similar to Scrabble, was introduced, and it ushered in the new generation of board games that encouraged player interaction.

Whats your favorite board game?

Cranium. Its got a lot of different aspects. You work with clay, you sing a song and theres trivia. There is just a lot of different options and you can play with a lot of people. Claire Thorsen, Chicago senior.

Twister, because its interacting with people and its fun to see what weird positions you can get yourself into. Jennifer Fajardo, Overland Park senior.

14|Jayplay 11.03.05

4. Snacks for gamers A game night would not be complete without snacks. To shake up the standard party food of chips and salsa, try chips or pita bread with spinach and artichoke dip. Guacamole is also a game night friend, but dont go overboard on the chips. Grease on game pieces

The Angie Shot
(in a rocks glass) 1 shot of Stoli Equal parts pineapple and cranberry juice to ll glass For best results, drink it through a straw

of the week


Brett Pitner
Southern California may be 1,500 miles from Lawrence, but Long Beach native Brett Pitner has strong ties to KU: hes the fourteenth person in his family to attend the University, and he has a grandfather whose gym teacher was James Naismith and an uncle who played basketball with Wilt Chamberlain. If youre ever interested in putting shame to your own familys KU history, stop by the Jazzhaus, 926 Mass. St., and talk with Pitner on a Tuesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday night. Dave Ruigh

Drink here

1016 Mass. St.
There are several things that may draw you to Fatsos. Be it the smell of greasy Pyramid pizza served past 2 a.m., the unnecessarily long, jammy guitar solos or the ridiculously cheap drink specials, Fatsos is a college students dream come true. Fatsos certainly is a college bar, but several things distinguish it from the average hole in the wall. Fatsos hosts live music several times a week with styles ranging from jambands to hip-hop. Every Tuesday night Fatsos hosts its BBQ Beat Social featuring free barbeque combined with hip-hop, funk, soul and electronic music from local artists and DJs. Its a cool place. It attracts a wide variety of people, which makes for a good atmosphere, says doorman Rick Brown. Fatsos is known for its drink specials. Wednesdays special offers $1 Wells for all of you booze hounds out there. And Tuesday appears to be the standout drink special of the week for all of Lawrences beer connoisseursFatsos offers any of its huge selection of bottles for only $2. Rory Flynn



Illustration by Scott Kaserman

He says it seems like gossip but helps him deal with tough issues, such as when women lead him on. Its useful to get options, says Coy. It helps not to be close-minded. If a friend is in the same situation, they can help out. And proud of it Not all are shamed by their asshole status; some actually wear it as a badge of honor. Case in point: Tucker Max, a Duke Law School graduate. The rst sentence on Maxs Web site says, Im Tucker Max, and I am an asshole. Max says he decided to be an asshole because he wanted to act however he wanted without caring what other people thought of him. Friends thought it was hilarious, Max says. Max makes his living off of books he has published about his exploits and off of his Web site, which includes an application for girls who want to hook up with him. Max says he gets 50 applications a week and that 20 to 30 are actually serious. He says he cant hook up with all the women that applyespecially when some of them are as far away as New Zealand. If the girl is close, I write them back. If theyre good-looking, I try to hook up with them, he says. Maxs latest book, I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell: The Tucker Max Stories, is scheduled to be released in January. His Web site says the book contains 10 to 12 stories already on his site and 12 to 15 new stories. The book will include stories such as one about him hooking up with a girl he nds unattractive and then throwing her clothes out the window to force her to leave before his roommates see her. He says to her, Trust me, you dont want to meet my friends. They are evil. Rapists and murderers, both of them. Very unsavory characters. He tells her that if she wants to meet his roommates, she will have to do it naked. Ben Toplikar, Olathe freshman and another self-proclaimed asshole, keeps to a routine when trying to talk to women. He always has a plan when things dont work out. If I throw out a line and they walk away, I say, Youre too broke to have an attitude, he says. Toplikar says he used to be a nice guy, but that got him nowhere with the opposite sex. Nice guys nish last, he says. Theres a good reason for that saying: They do. Nice guy gets the girl Samantha Williams, Edmond, Okla. freshman, disagrees with the nice guys nish last school of thought. The nice guys denitely will get their nice girls someday, Williams says. But the real asshole guys, I hope they never get anything. I hope they nish last.

A look at assholes
By Chris Moore, Jayplay writer Andy Spellmeyer, Derby freshman, was relaxing at McCollum Residence Hall when he noticed a woman pass by. As she bent over, he noticed a tattoo with two initials on her lower back. Nice tramp stamp, he said. Thats my moms initials, and shes dead, asshole! she told him. The Urban Dictionary denes an asshole as a passive-aggressive jerk. Being labeled an asshole may be offensive, but for some people, the label is a way of life. A slap or a drink thrown in the face is not a pleasurable experience, but for these people, it comes with the territory. Joey Sprague, director of undergraduate studies in sociology, says some freshmen fall into this category because of the new freedoms available to them. She says students new to college are experiencing more options and fewer barriers, and that these, combined with societal expectations, can lead to bad behavior especially for men. When we hold men to a status of machismo, we ask them to be immature, Sprague says. It doesnt promote decent human interaction. A scarlet letter Being labeled an asshole can hinder the dating process for some. College freshmen boys tend to be more on the asshole side of the spectrum, says Casey Walsh, St. Louis freshman. Theres a whole new freedom and a whole new way of looking at relationships. As a freshman woman, Walsh observes that many students are still in an experimental phase wanting to explore the dating scene. Walsh has had guys tell her that shes beautiful and has pretty eyes, but she knows they are just lines. After physical contact, the guys become less determined to hang out, she says. One way to guard against acquiring the asshole label is to talk to friends about how to act in dating situations. Linus Coy, Chicago freshman, talks about his relationships with his friends.

16|Jayplay 11.03.05

The Weatherman The Warriors

It occurred to us that our review ratings system may have been a bit vague. So as a service to our readers, weve decided to offer up a scale of comparison each week to help you decipher what each star rating means. This week, weve chosen movie trilogies as our category of examples. (Please excuse our shameless attempt to work the Problem Child trilogy into our magazine.) If you have any suggestions for future categories, email us at jayplay2005@ gmail.com. Hope this helps.

Reviews: lm

The Weather Man

R, 101 minutes, Southwind Theatre 1/2

Ratings: Trilogies
Lord of the Rings, The Godfather

Really good
Star Wars: Episodes 4,5,6, Indiana Jones


The Weather Man is a dreary move. The scenes are gray, the weather is damp, and smiles are few and far between. When the characters talk, they tend to talk just a little. more. slowly. than most folk. The lynchpin of all this drear is the titular weatherman, David Spritz (Nicolas Cage). David is trying to make things right with his children and ex-wife, impress his Pulitzer prize-winning father and land a high-paying job as weatherman on Hello America. (A very American accomplishment, his father calls the job, without contempt.) The results of his efforts are often laughably (sometimes even humorously) pathetic. Mr. Cage can suck the light out of a scene like nobodys business. Here he uses his natural talent for gloom to good effect. Dreary it might be, but Weather Man is not dull. It irts with dullness, Now listen up all you suckas out there. The Warriors has the recipe for a perfect cult movie: Made in 1979 with a bunch of actors nobodys ever heard of; written with cheesy dialogue; set in a dirty, sometime in the future New York City and populated with a bunch of fashioncoordinated gangs who beat the crap out of each other for 90 minutes. Thats The Warriors, now released on one of those directors cuts every movie seems to have, but this one deserves. In fact, the directors cut adds elements to the movie that make it better. The plot is simple enough. Nine delegates from The Warriors, one of several hundred gangs in New York, leave their home turf of Coney Island for a meeting where every major gang in the city has been assembled. When The Warriors are framed for the murder of the president of the biggest gang in the city, they have to ght, rumble and bop their way back home during the course of a night.

but ultimately manages to evoke just enough laughter and interest to avoid it. The most affecting scenes are Davids interactions with his children and his father (Michael Caine, doing a mediocre impression of an American, and a good impression of a smart man who doesnt really understand his sons world). Watching David try to get through to his family despite his limited communication skills is painful, but every now and then the audiences patience is rewarded. The movie is too aware of its own poignancy, but at least it has some poignancy. The Weather Man might have been nothing more than a streak of pretentiously bleak deadpan, if it didnt have a heart. Kit Fluker Every gang and police ofcer in the city is out to get them, so this is harder than it seems. With gangs ranging from the all-women Lizzies to face-painting, baseball-bat carrying Furries, the movie plays like a cheesier, violent version of West Side Story. The Warriors are more than up for the challenge, armed with one-liners (Ill shove that bat up your ass and make you a Popsicle is one of my favorites) and wicked street-ghting moves. For the DVD, director Walter Hill adds an introduction to create parallelism between the movie and a classic Greek epic, and scenes were manipulated to jump along comic book panels. Missing, though, is a much-needed commentary from Hill. But as cult movies go, this one ranks up there with Escape from New York. Can you dig it? Jon Ralston

The Warriors:
UltimateDirectors Cut
R, 96 minutes, Now available on DVD Movie: DVD:

Back to the Future, Die Hard, Naked Gun

Doesnt suck, not good

Star Wars: Episodes 1,2,3, Home Alone

Free Willy, Rambo, Porkys, Cannonball Run
(Zero Stars)

Sucks huge
Problem Child, Crocodile Dundee

11.03.05 Jayplay|17


Reviews: book & music

De Nova

Lunar Park
By Bret Easton Ellis: Hardback, Knopf Publishing


The Redwalls

Beatles, anyone? The Redwalls, a quartet hailing from Deereld, Ill., will bring you straight back to those good old sounds of the classic rock era with De Nova. While listening to this album, its impossible not to think back to those albums your parents grew up on during the 60s. Especially notable is the way brothers Justin and Logan Baren perfectly harmonize their voices. Front Page starts out with the same processed voice effects as The Beatles I am the Walrus and has lyrics reminiscent of the disasters in A Day in the Life. Other tracks have a laid-back feeling supplemented with a horn line and that 60s organsounding keyboard that we all recognize. Care for something a little more psychedelic? Listen to Hung Up On the Way Im Feeling. If its something with a little more energy youre looking for, there are plenty of tracks at your disposal. I recommend Its Alright because it embraces the rebellious spirit: Well you dont want to go to school / Its alright / Oh youre so tired of playing the rules / Its alright. Theres even an acoustic song. This album has everything. My favorite song is Falling Down, the track which earned De Novas Parental Advisory Warning. Its sharp hooks enhance the biting lyrics that slam the FCC and its strict obscenity censorship policy. The lyrics contain all the commonly-heard words that make the FCC (and newspapers) squirm. De Nova really is an album that anyone and everyone can enjoy. I challenge you to resist this new traditional rock.

Bret Easton Ellis is an archetypal example of the Wonder Boy Syndrome. His is a career that came too fast too early. In return for creating Patrick Bateman, he has spent much of the time since American Psycho was released in 1991 being vilied and slandered for producing what Norman Mailer in Vanity Fair called intolerable material. To be fair, Mailer was praising Ellis for his chutzpah. While Psycho will probably always dene Ellis career, Lunar Park, his rst novel since 1998s Glamorama, is worth a read. In my case, it ended up being about three reads to gure out what the hell was going on. Lunar Park shows Ellis in the most peculiar of roles fatherhood. Having actually inserted himself into the novel as the main character, Ellis seems to come full circle. His rst two novels Less Than Zero and The Rules of Attraction detailed the highly sexualized, addiction-driven lives of wealthy college students in such a way that seeing him in an authoritative role in Park seems almost profane. To be blunt, Park is bizarre. Its real, and yet its not. Many of its characters are real publishing gures from Ellis

life, and yet many others are totally ctitious (everyones favorite American psycho has a cameo). The plotline has our resident author trying to overcome his substance abuse and celebrity in order to form a closer bond with his wife and children. When young boys around his sons age start disappearing and murders start occurring in the area, the protagonist Ellis doppelganger must save his family and convince his wife and therapist that hes not imagining the whole thing while on some sort of drug binge. As you can see, it sort of dees explanation and is best read on ones own. Ellis gift has always been comedy of the blackest sort the type of scathing, acidic wit that can make a person laugh at the most outrageous and offensive things. In this day and age, only Chuck Palahniuk and the boys of Fight Club can compare to Ellis biting indictment of what it means to be young, well off and too complacent for your own good in America. Lunar Park, while lacking the fast living rush of his previous work, is a solid continuation of Ellis theme of examining nihilism in the young elite. Kelsie Hayes

Chris Brower

Real Fine Place Plans

Sara Evans

Wave goodbye to the generation of coal miners daughters, and say hello to the coal miners wife. I cant wait to get him home/ aint gonna have nothin but the supper on, Evans sings of her mining man on Coalmine. Its all feisty banjo and chugging percussion country raunch, but raunch, just the same. Its clear she wants to cut the subtleties. While the rest of Nashvilles women play the traditionalist, coy persona, Evans bravely steps forward. And if the lyrics are believed, we know whats kept her busy lately. Sex. Specically, sex of the midnight, lantern-lit, rough-hands variety. Evans never had issues walking the line between wholesome mother and sexpot wife. Theyre complimentary roles that have been as integral to her music as her Midwestern background. Songs like the stomping, Celtictinged Supernatural and the personal The Secrets That We Keep speak of devotion, selessness and shared intimacy between husbands and wives.The light, acoustic Tell Me details the importance of open communication between partners. And parent-child relationships are addressed in the nostalgic Youll Always Be My Baby, while the gently orchestrated These Four Walls becomes a testament to the fullling power of family. Its all wrapped up in a pretty glorious package. Gleaming hooks, slick production and Evans mega-rich alto abound. Shes a woman made for Nashville. All hail the soon-to-be queen of contemporary-country music. Nick Connell

Death Cab for Cutie

After making 2003s Transatlanticism, Death Cab For Cutie had their work cut out for them. With Transatlanticism, they won over new fans and got rave reviews from the music community, which helped to push the band to the top of the indie-rock world. So it must have seemed like no easy task when it came to making an album better than that one. Simply put, Death Cab successfully completed that task. With Plans they have created another album full of beautiful anthems. From the singer-songwriter feel of I Will Follow You Into The Dark to the dreamy, pop feel of Your Heart Is An Empty Room, Death Cab continues their reign as the leaders of the indie-rock movement. Once again, Ben Gibbard has penned his standard brand of intelligent and memorable lyrics. Some of the best lyrics lie in What Sarah Said, when Ben sings, Sarah said, that love is watching someone dieso whos going to watch you die? The theme of love and death continues on another classic from the album, I Will Follow You Into The Dark where Ben sings about a lover dying. Throughout the 11-track album, Death Cab For Cutie delivers memorable after memorable track sure to please all of their fans, who should also enjoy Jason McGerrs excellent drumming with his intricate offbeat accents and driving rhythms. The only real disappointment of the album is Crooked Teeth, a corny, pop-rock track that shouldve been left out. Bottom line: You should be able to nd this album in almost any store, so go buy it. Chris Brower

18|Jayplay 11.03.05

Beautiful noise


What college did to my ears

My childhood was noisy. Oh sure, age 9 on babysitting four or ve children some memories smell like cookies or more if the neighbors came over so my mother could dash out are bathed in the soft glow of for an hour and buy us forChristmas lights. But they are, mula, vegetables and cough above all, loud. medicine. The noises of these Loud noise accompanied mornings were the clatter of everything from grade school spoons in cereal bowls, the mornings to hysteric Christsobbing of an awakened baby mas Eves: great, thrashing in a crib, the nasty yelling of chords from the piano, chila big sister who was spoiled dren wailing about wasp Natalie Johnson enough to wonder why she stings or unshared toys and Jayplay writer couldnt live in a clean, quiet feet always running, running, house and have American running above my basement Eagle clothes like her friends bedroom. Im the oldest of six kids. Yes, six. always with tiny feet running and And yes, were Catholic. And yes, my running in the background. Our dinners included a ritual puking parents are saints. Four girls, two boys, two houses and $200,000 in groceries noise for two years. My reckless toddler brother Sam would shove so much food in 11 years. I spent every summer morning from in his mouth so fast that each night,

somewhere between grace and the rst somebody go get more milk, he would start choking and vomiting. The sound was alarming at rst, but eventually became background noise like the piano and the footsteps. Wed all eat calmly, discussing Girl Scouts or spelling tests, as Sam retched. Then Mom would clean off him and his tray, and it was time for dessert. When I went off to college, I was shocked by the lack of noise, or at least the difference in noise. Weekend mornings in the dorms were eerily quiet. No more footsteps, piano or goofy cartoon sound effects. It was weird that the ghts I heard werent about who took the last brownie or cleared the table, but rather about who slept with whom or how people changed when they drank too much. Mealtimes were different. No more grace before, no more whining about doing the dishes after. Just teenager chat, replete with the f-word and drinking stories. But I loved it! Now I could sleep in on weekends without those pesky kids bothering me. I could have a phone

conversation without locking myself in the laundry room and sitting on a pile of (Clean? Maybe.) laundry. I could cuss and whine and take midafternoon naps. My rst visits home freshman year, I got irritated within 15 minutes. Id pull in the driveway and immediately be tackled by several kids, thrilled to see me. Id smile and kiss my mom and do my best to listen to the kids stories about school, softball, play tryouts, Star Wars and someones scary dream. I would be tugged in different directions to see someones new bedroom arrangement, drawing or gymnastics stunt. Minutes later, I would hiss that I hated the way they interrupted all the time. Couldnt they learn some manners? But as years have passed and Ive become accustomed to the noises of college life, the sounds of home have become precious. The hushed library and the afternoon naps now seem indulgent and lonely, and inside voice undergrad conversations lack innocence. I crave exclamations and innocent questions. I gleefully anticipate the driveway tackle (only one or two do it now). I love to listen to every detail about the spring musical, the band rehearsal and the unfairness of seventh grade teachers. I love going to football games and gymnastics classes. I love hearing my brother croon Beatles songs awkwardly on the guitar hes learning to play. I love that our uber-sensitive smoke detector blares every time we open the oven. I love hearing my brothers discuss school and football stats late into the night in their room down the hall. I love that my sisters sing along to rap songs, and that I constantly nag at them to listen to something better. I love hearing them randomly belt out a few measures of a Broadway show tune to make up for it. The sounds of home are comforting and familiar, a nice wholesome respite from the sounds of college. And theyre blessedly loud.

11.03.05 Jayplay|19

2 for 1 DVD/VHS Storewide! $5 Student Tickets $1.75 Draws

$2 Double Wells $3.50 Double Calls $2 Jager Bombs $1.50 Pints $3 House Martinis

Red Dot Catalog $1 Each,

All kids VHS 75 (Excludes

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new releases) Check out the latest movies, concerts, & events at www.libertyhall.net

Rent 1 DVD at full price, each following DVD is only $1 Check out the latest movies, concerts, & events at www.libertyhall.net

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Check out the new catagory of the week! 2 for Tuesday! Cinema tickets 2 for 1 tonight! $2 Domestic Bottles $1.75 Smirnoff, UV, & Bacardi Flavored Drinks

International DVDs $2.50 (excludes new releases) $5 Student tickets $1.75 Draws

$3.50 Double Bacardi Drinks $2.50 Corona & Pacifico Bottles $2.25 Domestic Bottles $2.50 Premium Pints $2 Stolis Daily Blue Plate Specials Under $7

$3.50 Double Captain, Skyy, & Jim Beam Drinks $2 Big Beers

$5 - 60 oz. Pitchers $1.50 Wells 50 House Shots

$5 - 60 oz. Pitchers $2 Big Beers $2 Double Wells

$1 Wells $1.50 Calls $1.50 Domestic Bottles $2 Premium Drinks $2 Premium Beers $3 Puckertinis

$2 Bottles and Bacardis Daily Blue Plate Specials under $7 $1 Shots $2.25 Bottles

$3 Double Wells Daily Blue Plate Specials Under $7 $1 Shots $2.25 Bottles

Cheeseburger Combo $5.50

$4 Pitchers 1/2 Price Pizza! voted Best-InTown!

$2 Wells

$1 Tacos

Schooners 1st & 3rd Wed are Cajun Nights w/ L ive Band! 6-10 pm


$1 Shots $2.25 Bottles

$1.50 Draws Smackdown Karaoke!

$1 Off Imports

$1 Shots $2.25 Bottles

$1 Shots $2.25 Bottles

$2 Imports $3 Jager Bombs $3 Guiness

$2 Bully/ Freestate Draws $2 Coronas $2 Captains

$1 Wells $2 Red Stripe $2 Michelob Ultra

$1.50 Draws w/ Glass Purchase $1.50 Screw Drivers FREE BRATS

(while supplies last)

$3 Domestic Liters

$1.50 Bottles 1 hr Pool 1 Pizza (2 topping) 1 Pitcher (beer/soda)

$2 Dom. Bottles $2 Micro Pints $2.25 Import Pints

All 6 Smirnoff Flavors $2

$1 Draws $1.75 Liters

$1.50 Miller High Life Bottles $2 Shots

$2 Rolling Rock Bottles $2 Shots

$2 Miller High Life Tallboys $1.50 Busch/ PBR Cans LIVE MUSIC!

$1 Dom. Draws $1.50 MicroDraws $1.75 Import Draws

$2 Wells $4 Doubles LIVE MUSIC!

Student Night! $1.75 Domestic Bottles $2 Calls $1.50 Wells $5 Domestic Pitchers $5 Burger Baskets

$3 Pitchers $1.50 Domestic Bottles $1.50 Wells $1 Draws $2.50 Long Islands $3 Guiness (20oz.)

$1 Bottles $1.50 Wells $2 Calls

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2515 W. 6th St.

2515 W. 6th St.

Ladies Night! No Cover for the Ladies! $2 Anything

$2.50 Boulevards $2.50 Margaritas

$2 Domestic Pints 25 Wings

$2 Coronas $2 Margaritas

$2.50 Micro/ Imports $2 Wells

$4 Top Shelf Liquors 1/2 Price Burgers

$2.50 Double Wells 50 Domestic Draws

$2 Domestic Pitchers

$2 Big Beers Domestic Draws

Sleeping off Hangovers

$2.50 All Bottles $2 Bacardis

$1 Domestic Drafts $1 House Shots

$2.50 Cuervo $1.50 Pints $2 Wells

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