Modelling Colour and Chlorophyll

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Modelling colour and chlorophyll losses of frozen green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris, L.

R.C. Martins, C.L.M. Silva*
lica Portuguesa, Rua Dr. Anto nio Bernardino de Almeida, Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Cato 4200-072 Porto, Portugal

Abstract Colour changes and chlorophyll degradation of frozen green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris, L., variety bencanta) were studied during 250 days of storage at 7, 15 and 30  C. Chlorophyll a and b losses and colour Hunter a and b coordinates and total colour dierence (TCDH) changes were successfully described by rst order and reversible rst order models, respectively. The temperature eect was described by the Arrhenius law. Disagreement between the colour co-ordinates and chlorophyll content was obtained. Therefore, chlorophyll content is not a good colour index of frozen green beans. The results emphasise that colour is a more important parameter to assess frozen green beans visual quality.
Keywords: Vegetable; Green bean; Frozen food; Chlorophyll; Colour; Measurement; Modelling

Haricots verts congeles : modelisation de la diminution de lintensite de la couleur et de la teneur en chlorophylle

Mots cles : Legume ; Haricot vert ; Produit congele ; Chlorophylle ; Couleur ; Mesure ; Modelisation

1. Introduction Green Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris, L.) is a Leguminosae produced in considerable volumes in Portugal. The outdoor varieties are generally produced all over the country seasonally, and are excellent in both nutritional value (e.g. high content in vitamins, bber and starch) and in quality parameters such as colour, texture, aroma and avour. Consequently, they are very important products in both dietary and economical terms for the Portuguese community.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +351-22-5580058; fax: +351-22-5090351. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (C.L.M. Silva), [email protected] (R.C. Martins).

Although frozen storage is well known for its excellence in preserving vegetable quality, signicant colour and chlorophyll losses occur to green vegetables during storage [13]. Colour loss during frozen storage is attributed to the fading of the vivid green colour of chlorophyll to an olive brown, characteristic of pheophytin [411]. This phenomena is known as pheophytisation, where the centre magnesium is replaced by hydrogen. Another common type of deterioration, is the removal of the phytol chain, leading to the formation of chlorophyllide (removal from chlorophyll) or pheophorbide (removal from pheophytin). Furthermore, reactions related with the functional side groups of chlorophyll form colourless end products, that also aect colour during frozen storage (e.g. the isocyclic ring may be oxidised to form

Nomenclature C T k Ea R L a b TCD SE Quality at time t (Hunter colour co-ordinates or chlorophyll content) Absolute storage temperature, K Kinetic rate, day1 Arrhenius activation energy, J mol1 Universal gas constant, J mol1 K1 Hunter colour space co-ordinate: degree of Lightness Hunter colour space co-ordinate: ratio of red/green Hunter colour space co-ordinate: ratio of blue/yellow Total colour dierence Regression standard error

! ! Ea 1 1 C R T Tref t exp kref :e C0

Subscripts 0 Refers to the initial quality content, at storage time zero eq Refers to the equilibrium quality content H Refers to the Hunter colour space ref At the reference temperature

allomerised chlorophyll). Because pheophytisation reaction rates are generally higher than other chlorophyll degradation pathways [12], it is considered the most important mechanism of chlorophyll destruction during food processing. During frozen storage, the low storage temperatures enhance low protein foods tendency to exhibit pH decrease (e.g. milk, green beans) [13,14], increasing acid catalysed reactions rates [15], such as pheophytisation. Residual enzymatic activity, due to inadequate blanching treatment, is also a probable cause of chlorophyll loss. For example, Lipoxigenase activity on free fatty acids may increase pheophytisation rate, due to the increase in H+ concentration [9]. Although most enzymes can be well preserved by frozen storage, enzyme activity is limited by storage temperature, due to physical and chemical changes in the unfrozen phase. Furthermore, if adequate blanching treatment is applied, enzyme activity during frozen storage can be negligible when compared to colour and of chlorophylls chemical degradation. As expected, the major pathway of degradation of chlorophyll is by direct or indirect pheophytisation to pheophytins. Therefore, in mechanistic terms, this process can be represented by a rst order reaction kinetics, following Arrhenius behaviour with the storage temperature [16]:

where C is the concentration of chlorophyll a or b at time t, C0 is the initial concentration, kref the kinetic rate at the absolute reference temperature Tref, T is the absolute temperature, R the universal gas constant and Ea the Arrhenius activation energy. This kinetic model was previously applied and veried during thermal processing [68]. Chlorophyll content has not been shown to predict accurately the colour index of frozen green beans. Therefore, direct colour measurement is necessary to describe accurately colour evolution during storage. Light projected on the surface of a vegetable results in specular reectance, diuse reectance to a depth of 5 mm, and diuse transmittance [17]. However, colour perception is not only associated with spectral reectance, but also with appearance, texture and other sensory interpretations of the visual aspects of foods [18,19]. Several colour systems have been developed for colorimeter measurement, where all are mathematically convertible [2023]. However, the Hunter Lab colour space has been preferred to characterise colour loss in fruits and vegetables, due to its simplicity in the interpretation of changes in colour co-ordinates. Colour changes can be measured as the modulus of the distance vector between the initial colour values, L0a0b0, and the actual colour co-ordinates. This concept is named total colour dierence or colour dierence [20,22,24]: 1=2 TCDH L L0 2 a a0 2 b b0 2 2

Colour changes in green vegetables were previously modelled by Steet and Tong [11] for the pheophytisation of pureed green peas during thermal treatment. They also modelled the evolution of a with storage time using a rst order reversible kinetics (or fractional) model: ! ! E 1 1 a C Ceq exp kref :e R T Tref t 3 C0 Ceq where C is the a at time t, C0 the starting value of a, Ceq is the a at innite storage time, when all chlorophyll is converted into pheophytin, and kref the kinetic rate at the reference temperature. This model assumes that the initial and nal colour coordinates are not dependent on the storage temperature, and vary within the range colour change only due to pheophytisation. This approach has also been successfully applied to the Hunter Lab and CIE L*a*b* systems to model the colour changes during thermal processes [25,26].

Chlorophyll and colour losses of frozen vegetables were rstly studied using the time temperature tolerance studies (TTT) [2,3]. These early studies were focused on the characterisation of frozen storage quality losses and shelf life determination of frozen foods [27], rather than obtaining quality degradation kinetics. Arrhenius behaviour with storage temperature has been assumed in most kinetic studies, but it may not be applicable during low storage temperatures. If solutes concentration occurs in the unfrozen phase and the storage temperature is near the maximum freeze concentration and glass transition temperature (Tg0 ), kinetics may not follow the Arrhenius law, due to a sudden decrease in solutes molecular mobility. This issue is particularly pertinent to frozen foods quality loss modelling. There has been few kinetic studies in the eld of frozen foods storage, especially in fruit and vegetables. Therefore, the main objectives of this research were to: 1. evaluate how colour and chlorophyll losses occur during long term frozen storage of green beans 2. obtain the reaction kinetics 3. investigate the applicability of the Arrhenius law 4. investigate the relationship between chlorophyll content and Hunter Lab coordinates 5. determine if chlorophyll content is a good predictor of colour quality index during storage.

term frozen storage. Peroxidase activity was determined by a spectrophotometer assay adapted from Barth et al. (1993) [29] and Hemeda and Kliend (1990) [30]. 2.3. pH measurement The pH was determined using an adaptation of Eheart and Gott (1965) [31] method, where 50 g of green beans and 100 ml of distilled water were mixed and ground for 3 min with a mixer (Moulinex, France). Thereafter, pH determinations were monitored after 2 min with a glass electrode pH meter (microph 2001, Crison Instruments S. A., Spain). The initial pH was measured for fresh, blanched, and frozen green beans with three replicates. Thereafter, pH measurements were made monthly. 2.4. Chlorophyll measurement Samples were collected at 5 day intervals, and the rst measurements were made before and immediately after freezing. Green beans were chopped and ground while frozen into small pieces, as a preparation for pigment extraction. A spectophotometric procedure developed by Vernon (1960) [32] was used to quantify chlorophyll a and b and pheophytin a and b. The specimen concentrations were measured with three replicates for each storage temperature. 2.5. Colour measurement Samples were collected at 5 day intervals. The rst measurements were made immediately before and after freezing. The Hunter Lab co-ordinates were measured by a tristimulus colorimeter (model CR300, Minolta Corporation, Japan). The colorimeter was calibrated with a standard white tile (Y=95.3, x=0.3133, y= 0.3197). Green beans were thawed and cut into small rectangles, and thereafter, placed on the platform of the colorimeter. Measurements were made with ten replicates for each storage temperature. 2.6. Statistical analysis The ANOVA one factor test with replication ( =0.05) was performed to determine if there were signicant dierences in terms of colour or chlorophyll content due to blanching treatment and freezing. Nonlinear regression analysis for model tting was performed on all data, in a one-step optimisation procedure [33], by maximising the likelihood function for all the three temperatures. The kinetic parameters of Eqs. (2) and (3) were estimated for chlorophylls and colour losses, respectively. A computer program was developed in Matlab 4.0 (The MathWorks Inc., 1993), using the Gauss-Newton optimisation algorithm to solve the nor-

2. Materials and methods 2.1. Sample preparation Green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris, L.) were obtained from Porto local city market, Portugal, 1 day after harvesting. They were rstly sorted, washed and blanched in water (2 min at 100  C). After blanching, green beans were left to cool and dry, and were then frozen in a blast freezer, Armeld FT 36, (Armeld, 1995 [28]). Samples were frozen at an average air temperature of 40  C, until the temperature of 35  C was recorded with a thermocouple placed in the centre of a green bean test sample. Approximately 500 g of frozen green beans were immediately put into polyethylene bags (3522 cm) and heat sealed. Packed green beans were stored in three laboratory refrigerators (Fitotherm, model S550 BT) at storage temperatures of 7, 15 and 30  C 1  C. The samples were analysed over a period of 250 days and sampled randomly from dierent locations in the freezer. 2.2. Peroxidase activity Peroxidase activity determination was used as a control test of the eectiveness of the blanching treatment, and to check if any peroxidase regeneration occurred during long

mal equations and determine the parameters estimates. The estimated parameters variance was obtained by the variance-covariance matrix of the regression coecients and the model standard deviation was estimated by the mean standard error [34,35]. The studentised eect ( i/ s{ i}) of each kinetic parameter was computed to dene the importance at a 5% condence level (double sided T-test). The semi studentised residuals were examined for outlayers, randomness and tested for normality [36] to assess the quality of the tted kinetic models.

3. Results and discussion Peroxidase activity was not detected at the three studied storage temperatures. Therefore, the probability of enzymatic activity aecting both colour and/or chlorophyll losses is very low. The pH decreased until the 20th day of storage, from an initial value of 6.32 0.12 until 5.48 0.27. Thereafter, pH did not changed signicantly (P>0.05). Thus, pH decrease of frozen green beans due to the freezing process was veried. However, the extent of the pH decrease in frozen stored green beans is still unknown. 3.1. Chlorophyll a and b losses The blanching treatment and freezing did not change signicantly the initial chlorophyll content or colour (P>0.05). Also, as expected, green beans exhibit an initial higher content of chlorophyll a than chlorophyll b. The low variability in chlorophyll content was due to the mixing of dierent green beans samples while doing chlorophyll extraction. Chlorophyll a and b and total chlorophyll degradation were observed during the 250 days of frozen storage for the three studied temperatures. The degradation of both chlorophyll a and b followed a rst order reaction kinetics with an Arrhenius behaviour with storage temperature, exhibiting a good correlation coecient between the tted model and experimental data (Table 1). No dierences were obtained between the degradation rates of chlorophyll a

and b, as was previously reported during thermal treatment experiments [68]. Because of the low variation in chlorophyll a and b content, low variation and collinearity between the estimated kinetic parameters was obtained, leading to excellent precision in both kinetic rate at the reference temperature and Arrhenius activation energies (Table 1). Total chlorophyll content (Fig. 1), obtained by the addition of the two chlorophyll concentrations, exhibited a good correlation coecient (0.9609), and, as expected, a low model variance (4.3646E-3 mg/g). The high scores of the studentised eect of the kinetic parameters C0, k15  C, and Ea (t( i)>t(1- /2; df)), emphasise that all parameters are important to describe chlorophyll loss during storage. Furthermore, they demonstrate the applicability of the Ahrrenius law. The high activation energy of chlorophyll degradation, enables frozen storage to kinetically constrain the pigment destruction, which makes frozen storage at low temperatures a good mean of preserving chlorophyll. However, the high activation energy also makes this quality parameter very sensitive to higher storage temperatures and temperature uctuations inside freezers. 3.2. Colour changes Colour dierences were perceptible to the human eye between green bean samples, stored at dierent temperatures, since the rst measurement. The initial TCDH value was 3.74 0.10 [20]. Colour losses occurred at signicant fast rates at the storage temperatures of 7 and 15  C, attaining great colour dierences after 15 and 30 days of storage time, respectively. The recorded Hunter L value described a random pattern behaviour, around an average value of 38.0 3.8, and, therefore, it did not change signicantly (P>0.05). The high biological variability in colour of green beans can be visualised in Fig. 2. This biological variability inuences the high standard error of the regression (SE) of Hunter avalue, b-value and TCDH (Table 2). This eect inuenced negatively the correlation coecients between the predicted and the experimental data.

Table 1 Estimated kinetic parameters for the degradation of chlorophyll in frozen stored green beans Chlorophyll a b
a b c

Ea [kJ/mol] 48.7301.273 38.280c 49.5951.938 25.591c

k15  C 102 [days1] 4.7930.001 4793c 4.7950.002 2397.5c

C0102 [mg/g] 4.5590.063 72.365c 2.5720.096 26.792c

SEa103 [mg/g] 4.607 6.995

Corr. coe.b 0.9961 0.8302

Regression standard error. Correlation coecient between model predicted and experimental data. Studentised eect, where t(1- /2; df) =2.000.

Fig. 1. Total chlorophyll degradation kinetics of green beans during frozen storage at: (a) 7  C (*), (b) 15  C (+), (c) 30  C (), (d) density plot of semi studentised residuals, (e) predicted vs experimental plot and (g) normal probability plot of residuals. Fig. 1. Total chlorophyll degradation kinetics of green beans during frozen storage at: (a) 7  C (*), (b) 15  C (+), (c) 30  C (),

The a-value increased along storage time from an initial value of 11.93 until an equilibrium value of 6.33. Therefore, this coordinate moved into less green regions of the Hunter Lab colour space. Other authors have also reported this kind of behaviour in the a-value, due to the chlorophylls pheophytisation [11]. It is possible to observe in Table 2, that kinetic parameters exhibit very low variation. Furthermore, as their studentised eect is very signicant, it is possible to conclude that the rst order reversible kinetics is a valid model to describe colour changes. Temperature is also a

very signicant factor in colour retention. Not only the a co-ordinate kinetics shows a high activation energy, but its studentised eect is very signicant (Table 2). The high sensitivity to storage temperature assures that green colour can be stabilised if low temperatures are used during frozen storage. However, the a-value is also very sensitive to higher storage temperatures and temperature uctuations. Similar results were obtained for the TCDH value. The b co-ordinate exhibits a faster degradation rate, decreasing from an initial value of 13.100.12 until

Fig. 2. Hunter total colour dierence (TCDH) change kinetics of green beans during frozen storage: (a), (b) and (c) are the tted and experimental values at 7 (*), 15 (+) and 30  C () respectively; (d) density plot of semi studentised residuals, (e) predicted vs experimental plot and (g) normal probability plot of residuals. Fig. 2. Hunter total colour dierence (TCDH) change kinetics of green beans during frozen storage: (a), (b) and (c) are the tted and experimental values at 7 (*), 15 (+) and 30  C () respectively; (d) density plot of semi studentised residuals, (e) predicted vs

10.100.07. However, it has a lower sensitivity to the storage temperature, due to a lower activation energy (Table 2). The equilibrium b-value is attained very rapidly for the three storage temperatures, when compared to the a coordinate. This eect is particularly important at the storage temperatures of 7 and 15  C, where equilibrium values are attained during the rst 100 and 200 days of storage, respectively. As for the a-value, the bco-ordinate exhibits very high studentised eects in all

kinetic parameters, assuring the applicability of the rst order reversible model with Arrhenius law to describe the evolution of this colour coordinate during storage. The TCDH values increased from an initial value of 3.74 0.10 until an equilibrium value of 7.49 0.12. The high activation energy and a similar kinetic rate at the reference temperature of 15 C to the a coordinate, further the high studentised eects (Table 2), allow us to reach to the same conclusions as for the a-value. As

Table 2 Estimated kinetic parameters for the colour changes in frozen stored green beans Colour parameter a b TCDH
a b c

Ea [kJ/mol] 103.0530.072 1431.292c 55.3291.785 30.997c 106.2721.049 101.308c

k15  C103 [days1] 6.6000.000 infc 22.1890.349 63.579c 5.9990.000 infc

C0 11.9310.072 165.708c 13.0990.117 111.957c 3.7450.095 39.421c

Ceq 6.3290.083 76.253c 10.1010.072 140.292c 7.4860.117 63.983c

SEa 1.389 1.557 1.872

Corr. coe.b 0.8388 0.6871 0.6145

Regression standard error. Correlation coecient between model predicted and experimental data. Studentised eect, where t(1- /2; df) =1.960.

expected, TCDH values are mostly inuenced by the a co-ordinate. However, both Hunter a and b co-ordinates have a signicant eect on TCDH values. 3.3. Colour losses and chlorophyll degradation Although colour and chlorophyll losses are well correlated, it is possible to observe in Fig. 3, that there is not a linear correspondence between TCDH and total chlorophyll losses for the three studied temperatures. This eect was also observed during frozen storage of kiwi pulp by Venning et al. in 1989 [37], where until 45% of the chlorophyll is lost, no colour dierence was detected. It can also be observed in Fig. 3 that dierent TCDH values were obtained for the same total chlor-

Fig. 3. Total chlorophyll content as a function of the Hunter total colour dierence (TCDH) at 7, 15 and 30  C. Fig. 3. Total chlorophyll content as a function of the Hunter total

ophyll content at the three studied storage temperatures. This result was particularly unexpected. If pheophytisation is the main chlorophylls degradation pathway, then TCDH value would correspond to a unique chlorophyll content, whatever the storage temperature. Another discrepancy was obtained in terms of the Ahrrenius activation energy (Tables 1 and 2). The higher activation energy of TCDH and a-value results in better colour stability than chlorophyll retention, as lower and stable storage temperatures are achieved. Our results show that colour stability of green beans is higher than that of chlorophyll at the three studied storage temperatures. Such discrepancies, between colour and chlorophyll reaction rates, are attributed in most cases to the measurement of colour to be quantitatively dierent from the measurement of chlorophyll mass [37]. However, the huge dierence in the activation energies raises the question if pheophytisation is the main pathway of chlorophylls degradation at all storage temperatures. Already in 1937, Cambell (referred by Dietrich 1956 [1]) observed undesirable colour changes in frozen peas only above 0  F (18  C), attributing the main cause of colour loss to the mechanism of pheophytisation above this temperature. On the contrary, other authors reported that chlorophylls content could be stabilised below storage temperatures of 18 and 20  C for frozen kiwi and leafy parsley [37,38]. Colour can be stabilised due to the increase of the concentration of metal ions, such as copper, in the unfrozen phase [9]. These ions compete with hydrogen, in a parallel reaction, for the replacement of the centre magnesium. The formation of compounds like cupric chlorophyll or cupric chlorophyllide stabilise colour. The same eect can be achieved with zinc complexes (e.g. bright green colour in canned peas), since bivalent metal ions are generally present at levels of 0.70.2 mg/ 100 g of green beans. Therefore, the existing copper and zinc in the unfrozen phase, which may have been released from denatured enzymes during blanching, will

compete with H+ and free magnesium for the tetrapyrrole centre. Lower storage temperatures may increase this eect due to continuous concentration of electrolytes and pH stabilisation (due to dibasic salts eutectic cristallisation).

4. Conclusions Chlorophyll and colour loss at high storage temperatures are mainly attributed to pheophytisation. At lower storage temperatures, colour is stabilised probably by the formation of metalchlorophyll compounds. Therefore, although green beans colour and chlorophyll content deteriorate during frozen storage, and chlorophyll content is related to the initial vivid green colour, chlorophyll content does not give a reliable prediction of colour retention. The obtained kinetic models can accurately describe the colour and chlorophyll losses during frozen storage, and the temperature dependency of the reaction rate followed the Arrhenius model. We feel that there is not enough experimental evidence to give a conclusive explanation for the described discrepancies. Therefore, the relationship between chlorophyll degradation and colour changes during frozen storage needs further investigation.

Acknowledgements R.C. Martins gratefully acknowledges his PhD grant (PRAXIS XXI BD/18541/98) to the Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT).

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