What Did You Learn

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By Suzan Caroll PH D

Dear Ones, I am IlliaEm, Elohim of Arcturus. I am with you today to remind you that separation is now obsolete. Hence, you are in union with ALL the multidimensional levels of your SELF. For this reason, it will take only a few moments of meditation for you to feel my Essence, as well as the Essence of the Arcturian Group Mind, within your Soul, your consciousness, your aura, your physical body, and within the physical body of Gaia. All is ONE. Therefore, it is time for you to train your Desire Body for its new purpose. Desires old purpose was to assist you in achieving what, where, and who you wanted. Please tell Desire that is has been re-assigned. Desires purpose NOW is to rememberI AM Everything, Everywhere, And Everyone for I AM The Heart and Seed of the Crystal Matrix. THE CRYSTAL MATRIXES The Heart of the Crystal Matrix is in our Heart Chakra, octave in frequency above our physical heart. It is the kernel of the Three Fold Flame upon which the power of our life-force burns. The Seed of the Crystal Matrix is in our Crown Chakra, octave above our pineal gland in our physical brain. The seed of the Crystal Matrix is the entry point of the higher dimension into our physical earth vessel, whereas the Heart of the Crystal Matrix is where we integrate the higher vibrations into our transforming physical body. The Crystal Matrixes are the main processing center for the experience to which you are choosing to calibrate. Dearest Ones, I say calibrate, as there are myriad experiences occurring all the time and everywhere. All of these experiences are occurring in the NOW of the Flow. When you are only resonating to the third dimension, this calibration is unconsciousness, and many of your experiences are chosen by the Core Beliefs that were activated in early youth or past lives. You had to work hard to release these limitations and replace them with less limiting limitations. Now there are NO limitations, as you are NO longer separate from All That Is. You are presently grounding your Soul/SELF into your third dimensional earth vessel so that you can merge your fourth and fifth dimensional Selves with your third dimensional body, as well as the physical body of Planet Earth. During this merging, your senses are being re-calibrated to the perceptual channels of the fifth dimension and beyond. This re-calibration will greatly assist you in your transformation from physical body into Light Body.

When your fifth dimensional Soul/SELF first enters your physical form, it is common to experience a great sense of overwhelm, as your ego is not accustomed to such expanded perceptions. This sense of overwhelm can create FEAR, which, in turn, can make it difficult to stay connected to, and live from, the Soul/SELF you are downloading. It is important to remember to surrender this fear to you Soul, as what is difficult for your ego, your Soul can easily manage in Peace and Calm. SURRENDERING FEAR Fear to third dimensional perception is a monster of tremendous power. On the other hand, from the perception of Soul, fear is an annoying fly that must be brushed away. Do not deny your fear or try to ignore it, or that one fly can multiply. Brush away each moment of fear with the Hand of Soul. Fear is NOT your reality. It may even be a warning. In that case, you can acknowledge with a grateful nod, and then release the feeling of fear from your attention before it takes root in your Desire Body. Fear once acted as a protector that warned you to be wary of certain situations. However, as you have learned, fear became a habit and infiltrated your EVERY desire and manifestation. Your Desire Body is no longer in need of fear for protection, as it is protected by your fifth dimensional Soul/SELF who resonates beyond the illusions of need and danger. THE MISSION Once free of the need for protection from fear, your Desire Body can direct ALL its intention in one direction: THE FULFILLMENT OF YOUR MISSION. Your personal Mission is the reason for which you took embodiment in this time/space reality. There are so many of you on Earth now who have awaited this day, and youve even created petitions to show how your birth could best serve Gaia. The Service that you promised in your petition is your Mission; the Mission that YOU chose before your embodiment. However, this is not a new Mission, as you have been working towards it, life after life, since you first logged-on to the 3D Game. In the last turn of the Galactic Completion, during the fall of Atlantis, Gaia had too much darkness on Her form, and nearly self-destructed. Most of you were there then to assist.
(http://www.multidimensions.com/con_spiritual_venusians.html - half way down the page, click Return to Atlantis -) During this Galactic Completion, Gaia has called in Her loyal

humans who have served Her for many lifetimes. Your Mission now is likely similar to the Mission that you had then. Just as you logged-on to the 3D Game as a human, Gaia logged-on to the 3D Game as a Planet. Through your process of playing this Game with Her, you, too, have become a Planet. Via the rules of this Game, once you are born, most of you forget your personal puzzle piece of the Great Puzzle of Planetary Ascension. However, you are 3

now beginning to remember. You are also becoming aware that this will be your last assignment in a physical form. Once this materialization is completed, your physical body will complete its transformation into Lightbody. Most of you have volunteered to culminate this final transformation in conjunction with Gaia, as a catalyst for Planetary Ascension. THE SEED OF LIGHTBODY Your Lightbodies have been slowly and safely developing within the encasement of your physical shell. The casing of this shell which is ruled by your ego/self and is perceived as your physical body, grows thinner and thinner as the seed of your Lightbody germinates and grows within the Heart of the Crystal Matrix. As this seed sprouts within your Crystal Matrix, it sends shoots into every cell and atom of your physical body, where the germination begins again. When each off-shoot sprouts in each cell and atom, your junk DNA is activated and your physical earth vessel displays symptoms of transformation. Your scientists have not found the purpose of this particular DNA because it is beyond the limitations of their beliefs; hence, the term, junk DNA. The scientists cannot perceive what they cannot believe is possible. That is why, dear transforming ones, you must release the concept of impossible from your consciousness. Impossible is a third dimensional concept, and one that is now obsolete. ALL is possible from the insight of your Soul/SELF. While your Soul/SELF traverses its Home vibration of the fifth dimension, it is aware of, and interlaced with, many different experiences, realities, and lifetimes that are all occurring within the same moment of the ever-present Now. Your Soul/SELF is now implanting itself within one of its many experiences, realities, and lifetimesYOU. Consequently, you and your fifth dimensional SOUL/SELF are entering into a joint venture. You are not yet accustomed to the expansiveness of Souls reality, while Soul Is not yet accustomed to the limitations of your reality. Nonetheless, the TEAM of human ego/self and spiritual Soul/SELF are beginning a partnership of Spirit into Matter. THE PARTNERSHIP Long ago, when you first entered the 3D Game, you wanted to learn how you would fare being separated from the All That Is. You wondered how it would feel to BE matter without a conscious connection to Spirit. Within the myriad games/lifetimes that you have played/lived, you have learned much about the separation of polarities, as once Spirit/Matter are separated, masculine/feminine, light/dark, good/bad, and love/fear are also separated. What have you learned in your polarity games? Take a long moment of the NOW to answer that question. Ask your Soul/SELF for assistance, and please, ask usthe Arcturiansas well. At this time, it is important to answer the

question, What Did You Learn?, for within the answer hides your Mission. When you find that answer, calibrate your Desire Body to LIVE that Mission. There is only one outcome of living your Mission, and when it is completedas a person, a family, a community, a state, a nation, a continent, a hemisphere, and, a PLANETthe partnership of YOU and Gaia will ascend.

During this phase of our

it may be wise to ask ourselves,


We have entered into End Game of the 3D Game. It is during End Game that we remember the

Rules for playing the 3D Game of Separation and Limitation.

It would have been much easier had we known the rules all along, but the Secret Rule is: When you remember All the rules, the Game ends. In preparation for that time, let us look at the rules that we have learned so far. We have learned that: Rule Number One The more we know, the more we know we dont know. We have also learned that: Rule Number Two Love has more power than fear. Unfortunately, we also learned: Rule Number Three Love is the first thing we forget when we become afraid. Fortunately, we have remembered Rule Number Four We are multi-dimensional beings.

Let us begin with Rule Number One: The more we know, the more we know we dont know. In other words, a little bit of knowledge makes life easier, whereas, a lot of knowledge makes life more difficult, as it no longer fits neatly into the 3D boxes. When we REMEMBER our SELF, Our Earth path becomes too narrow, and ALL we can do is step outside the lines. When life becomes too limiting, ALL we can do is ignore our limitations. When we ignore our limitations, WE break the rules of the consensus reality and blur into another reality. However, in order to have the courage to go outside the lines, we must remember Rule Number Two: Love has more power than fear.

Love reaches up to create more love,

But then Rule Number Three kicks in, (Love is the first thing we forget when we become afraid) and we ask, Is it safe to reach for LOVE? Then, Fear reaches down to gather more Fear.

Can the delicate flower of LOVE conquer the mighty questions of Fear? Can the delicate flower find its roots in our HEART to ease all the questions and quiet the fear? Love whispers in response, Go down into the MOTHER when your heart fills up with fear. The answers are there for those who will hear. Mother Earth sings up from our roots to remind us of

Rule Number Four,

We are Multidimensional!

For every ONE is MANY

and the MANY are ALL ONE.

We are the Arcturians. We are here to remind you of Rule Number Five

Reality is a State of Consciousness.

Third Dimensional reality is a hologram that is configured by your consciousness. Whatever state your consciousness is in determines the reality YOU create. When you are bound by the consensus beliefs of the 3D Game, your state of consciousness is limited to the third dimension.

However, if you are willing to LISTEN TO THE SILENCE, you can break out of the 3D limitations. The SILENCE exists in the VOID and the VOID exists beyond the beyond of the beyond of the beyond of the beyond The VOID is important, as it allows you to shake off your third dimensional consciousness, and the SILENCE of the VOID forces you to listen to your SELF. The void acts as an ante-room. This ante-room serves as insulation against the outside weather and as a place to store your protective clothing. Once inside the VOID you can shed and store your bulky, dense, third dimensional thought forms, so that you may hear the voice of the SILENCE whispering, ALL Core Beliefs of limitation and separation are illusions.

Go inside yourself to remember all belief is a choice.

To BELIEVE that All Belief is a CHOICE!


Rule Number Six: FEAR PRECITPITATES ~ or ~ How to get a negative wish to come true. Fear says: Oh, I wish ____ doesnt happen. Then, ____ happens. Voila! Fear has precipitated again. BUT HOW? It was because of the Magic Box. Fear goes in the box and reality comes out the other end. BUT WHY? Well, do you remember the ante-room? When you go into the ante-room you step into the VOID. Once inside the void, you drop the heavy clothes, of your third dimensional self and your third dimensional thought forms. However, the Core Beliefs that you created as a child for protection, are the last things to go. What, or who, is such a fearsome enemy that it follows youeven into the VOID?

fortress, above the waters of emotion, so that we could survive, and so that a small patch of GREEN could grow within the BLUE/GRAY of FEAR.

But, how did FEAR gain such power, and how did we get so attached to it? Fear has always been our first protection against the angry waters of emotion. Fear is what taught us to build a mountain, an impenetrable


FEAR was necessary for, as we learned far too young,

those who did not build a protective, mountain fortress Did NOT survive. Most unfortunately, even after the

SUN came out

and all was SAFE

FEAR waiteddeep inside.

For, just when we believed that it was safe enough to release ALL our protection, All our old Core Beliefs,

Then we said, I knew it. I was right, we confirmed. What I was afraid ofDID happenAGAIN!!


Why is fear such an inner saboteur, and why wont it leave us alone? OR How we make our wishes come true, even if they are negative. BELIEF Creates our EXPECTATION That Directs PERCEPTION To Determine the REALITY We experience EVERYTHING EXISTSIF WE LOOK FOR IT! Why is it easier to see what we fear than to see what we love? Because if we dont look out for what we fear, we wont survive long enough to find what we love, answers our protective Core Belief. But what about Rule Number Two Love has more power than fear? asks our Soul. However, if we cant hear our Soul, we dont hear its questions and we default to:

Rule Number Three Love is the first thing to go when we get scared.



We, the Arcturians are here to help you remember that

you can come

(A secret :)

You can easily do so because of Rule Number Seven:


HOME is right here in our consciousness if we: Dare to BELIEVE it. Determine to EXPECT it. Choose to PERCEIVE it. Make it a REALITY.


Rule Number Eight: Love is the healing force of the universe, which lead us to: Rule Number Nine: We cant complete ANYTHING until we HEAL it. Therefore, since love is the healing force of the Universe, if we wish to complete something, we need to HEAL it with our LOVE!

Furthermore, Rule Number Ten states: We cant get what we want SO MUCH until you have learned to LOVE being without it.

In other words, in order to leave the OLD, we must love it free. And, in order to bring in the NEW, we must create a space for it by loving being without it.


Dear Arcturians, Please help us understand Rules Number Eight, Nine and Ten.


You see, it is all a cycle. As you GO round and round the cycles of LIFE, ALL your experiences act as a code to help you remember. You repeat the same patterns of experience ~over and over~ until, FINALLY, the code is activated and

you And WHAT do you remember?



For all there is to DO,

to HAVE, to BE, is


LOVE ~above all else~ will help you remember that

life in the third dimension
is just a tiny fragment of WHO YOU TRULY ARE!

Remember, there is really just one lesson with a million ways to learn it.

Creating a third dimensional game.


Rule Number Eleven: If we put our order in to the Universe we will get MORE than we would dare ask for! Dear Universe, I need

Remember to guard against fear as it creates as well Rule Number Twelve: What we put our order in for will NOT come to US before We BELIEVE that we DESERVE it. Therefore, we must be patientwith our self! For when the time is right and we are ready to believe in ourself, then the thing we dared not wish for blooms into our life, but only when we are ready TO BELIEVE IN OUR SELF! Dear Ones,

Did you REMEMBER yet that EVERYTHING you want is EVERYWHERE you LOOK, as well as EVERYWHERE you DONT LOOK?


Rule Number Thirteen:

Every time we look for what we want, we find something we werent looking for and had given up wanting.

WHAT IS IT THAT WE HAVE GIVEN UP WANTING? Can we go into the VOID And listen to the SILENCE To find our ANSWER?

It is our SELF!! Our true Multidimensional SELF ALIVE and LIVING in our everyday life.

We have looked everywhere for SELF but in our self. Dear Arcturians, Is it possible to choose the reality where our multidimensional SELF is alive and living in our everyday life?


Please, Choose whichever reality you want. It is YOUR experience. But, what about the other people who choose different realities?

Oh, their reality may look different, But if you probe under the surface You will see that, You are all connected To each other and And to the


Can you FEEL that connection? Go into the VOID Listen for the ONE inside the SILENCE.


SOURCE Inside the VOID, Inside the SILENCE We REMEMBER Even though every being, creature, and person appears different, EARTH

This remembrance brings us to:

Rule Number Fourteen

EVERYTHING comes THROUGH us not from us.

Therefore, each INDIVIDUAL is a DIFFERENT channel for SOURCE to express its SELF on Earth.

Hence, Rule Number Fifteen: AS the SOURCE moves THROUGH us We each create our own version of REALTIY, even if we do it unconsciously. The question is: WHY are there certain realities (usually unpleasant ones) that we create OVER and OVER and OVER and OVERAGAIN?


Rule Number Sixteen, We know we create our reality by combining our THOUGHTS and EMOTIONS and FOCUSING them with our INTENTION. By WHY do we Have the SAME thoughts Combined with the SAME emotions Focused on the SAME intention When we never really liked that reality in the first place? At least, we are very clever at creating each re-do a LITTLE bit differently than the last time. These re-dos are Life Lessons which force us to look inside and see our real SELF watching our self creating our reality.

These Life Lessons are a code, which forces our self to see, and communicate with, our SELF. In fact, Rule Number Seventeen is:

We dont have a lot of different problems.

We have only one or two problems that affect our life in many different ways.
Perhaps our SELF, our personal channel for the SOURCE, realizes that the 3D Game is very difficult. Therefore, it is best to take on only a few life challenges within one Lifetime/round of the Game.


Each life, each time we log onto the 3D Game, we choose one or two major 3D life challenges. More than a few would make the Game too difficult. Therefore, when we enter the Game, we imprint on our life challenges.

When did we choose this negative imprint to play this round of the Game? Was it before we logged onto the Gameor after? PERHAPS IT WAS BOTH! Maybe we chose the parents who would make sure that our chosen challenge would become evident in our Game? Possibly, we chose parents who had the same challenges so that they could overcome them and show us how to overcome them as well. How far does the apple fall from the tree? Did we get our problems from our parents or did we get our parents to remind us of our problems~ AGAIN?

Also, certain problems, or life lessons, have been replayed by our Soul over and over, life after life.


Each life is the same, yet a little different, to disguise the fact that our life lessons are the same, yet a little different. Because

ALL only ONE in the ONENESS with many different ECHOES.

The ONENESS of our Soul/SELF, our ONE channel for the SOURCE says,

THEREFORE, I REMEMBER MY MISSION Yes, we are the creator of ALL our realities, (including the illusion that causes us to forget that fact.) Since we are the creator of our reality, why would we choose to create it from the part of us ~our ego~ that specializes in illusion, and hence, cannot remember our Mission? Would it not be better to create our reality from the part of us ~our SOUL~ that specializes in truth, and therefore, REMEMBERS our Mission ?

I Remember who I AM


The tree needs the roots and the roots need the tree.

Can the roots and the tree work together? Can the ILLUSION be the story and the TRUTH be the story teller? Stories have Fear and Love and Adventure, but who reads, or hears, these stories?

We do, my dears,

In fact, we ALL do. Everyone in the ONESS enjoys the stories you ALL create. You see, not only are WE here to teach you the GLORIES of the higher worlds, YOU are here to teach us the Glories of ~




Your creation of third dimensional reality is a Game that the entire Universe enjoys. We enjoy your victories, your defeats, your fears, and most of all, we enjoy your experience of

However, Beloveds, the Game is ending now and it is almost time for your final return to your true SELF. Therefore, enjoy each and every moment of your LIFE in the third dimension, for you will surely miss it. Now, in the final act, you all have the SAME Mission:

Surrender ALL control of your physical body to your SOUL.


I now SURRENDER ALL control of my physical body to my SOUL!

Welcome to the inner land of blissful joy and radiant splendor.


So thats it?

COULD IT BE THAT EASY? All we have to do is go inside,

through the past, beyond the future, free of fear and into love?

Into the love that waits inside?

The LOVE that waits inside is the Unconditional LOVE that our SELF ALWAYS holds for our self. Is it from this LOVE that we can create an external reality filled with LOVE? The reality that you create from love is the reality that you will love living; and the reality that WE will love watching. You see, your 3D Earth Game is the Motion Picture Theater for the entire Galaxy. When you realize that fact, you can leave the Game, step out of the screen, and into the audience with the rest of your SELVES who are enjoying your creation. But, how do we leave the screen? How do we enter the audience?


You must create a Path which you can follow. This path will lead you beyond the drama through the illusion and into the FLOW of TRUTH and Light. Most importantly, this Path leads you INTO YOUR MISSION.

But, there are many paths along the path, just as there are many realities within one reality.

However, there is only ONE path that leads us to the ONE MISSION, which is the same for everyone.


To find that Path, we must remember the VOID: SOURCE Inside the VOID, Inside the SILENCE We REMEMBER Even though every being, creature, and person appears different, EARTH

This remembrance brings again us to:

Rule Number Fourteen

EVERYTHING comes THROUGH us ~ not FROM us. Hence, each individuals Mission is to find, and become, the Path, through which Sources Mission of Planetary Ascension can Flow to Earth. Yes Beloved, Your Path isnt a place, or a thing; it is a FREQUENCY. When you allow your consciousness to resonate to this frequency, your Mission, your personal puzzle piece, will automatically be activated and added to the Planetary Puzzle. When you surrender to your fifth dimensional SELF WHILE you are still in the 3D Game, You have WON THE GAME. It is then that your Soul/SELF will step out of the audience and into YOU to give you the prize of:


Once our ego/self accepts the Unconditional Love from our Soul/SELF We can feel Unconditional Forgiveness for our human fears, And grant Unconditional Acceptance of our human tribulations. Remember: Rule Number Eight: Love is the healing force of the universe. Since we cant complete ANY EXPERIENCE until we have healed it We must first learn to HEAL that experience with our LOVE! Once we can learn to LOVE the 3D Game, We can choose to ascend BEYOND it!


As we accept our GIFT of Unconditional Love from our SELF for our self, our consciousness automatically resonates to the Path, which is the frequency that ACTIVATES our MISSION. All we need DO then, is to FOLLOW that Path BEYOND illusion and INTO the Flow of the TRUTH that: I AM creating PLANETARY ASCENSION.

Now, that is a reality that we would like to create Over And over And over.

In fact, my One, YOU HAVE!

ALL my Unconditional Love



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