Energy in Depth - The Gas Roots

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Energy-in-Depth (EID): The GASroots by Dory Hippauf On January 6, 2012 a Fracking and Nuisance Litigation meeting took place

in Montrose, Pennsylvania. Energy-In-Depths (EID) - Northeast Marcellus Initiative Field Directors Bill desRosiers and Nicole Jacobs, along with Helen Humphries, Senior Corporate Communications Specialists for the Williams Company, attempted to attend the meeting. They were asked to leave, as the purpose of the meeting was to meet with people wishing to seek litigation against the Natural Gas industry and share information on this matter. The following day, Bill desRosiers published a blog entry on the EID-Northeast Marcellus Initiative website entitled Youre Not Welcome Here This Is Transparency?. Approximately, 2 weeks later, an article appeared on We Are Powershift website, entitled From Township Planning Consultant to Fracker: Tom Shepstone by Alexander Lotorto. EIDNortheast Marcellus Initiative followed up immediately with Who Is Alex Lotorto, Well Street Occupier? by Giles Howard, a Guest Blogger. I would not be surprised to find an EID blog entry entitled Who is Dory Hippauf?, to appear within hours of publication. Who is Dory Hippauf? Im a 56yr old woman, I moved to a small town in the Back Mountain area of Northeast Pennsylvania about 14 years ago from Massachusetts. I am the Research Committee Chair for the Gas Drilling Awareness Coalition of Luzerne County. I hold no degrees in economics, the corporate world, or politics. I have an AA in Graphic Design, and an AS in CAD drafting. I am currently employed as a CAD Drafter. I have a great deal of curiosity in how corporations have influenced our government and our lives, and this led me to start Connecting the Dots. All the information I have and will present is easily found on the internet using Google, and I do cite my sources. In the interest of transparency, Connecting the Dots series will be asking Who Is EID. According to SourceWatch "Energy in Depth (EID) is a pro-oil-and-gas drilling industry front group formed by the American Petroleum Institute, the Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) and dozens of additional industry organizations for the purpose of denouncing legislation proposed by Colorado U.S. Rep. Diana DeGette to regulate underground hydraulic fracturing fluids." In 2009, EID mounted a fierce rebuttal campaign against the documentary film, GASLAND, by Josh Fox. EID sent a letter to Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences stating Gasland should be ineligible for nomination because it was based on inaccuracies. EID also published several blog entries debunking the film.

The funding sources for EID include: Anadarko, BP, Chevron, El Paso Corporation, EnCana, Halliburton, Marathon, Occidental Petroleum, Schlumberger, Shell API, Talisman and XTO Energy. EID has two satellite branches: EID-Northeast Marcellus Initiative which covers Pennsylvania and New York area, and EID- The Ohio Project which focuses on gas/oil drilling in Ohio. If you have clicked on these links, you will see nice profile pictures, each persons EID Title, and a hometown. The purpose of this is to may you feel more connected to EID, especially if you recognize the hometown, as in Gee, these are nice people, they are from my home town. This is a time honored public relations tactic, used by many ad agencies to sell you products, and politicians to make them seem more likeable. Public Relation firms know you will be more apt to believe someone who appears to have a connection to you, as opposed to someone you dont know. The grassroots initiative was launched around May 2011 by EID. According to the website Marcellus Drilling News: EID has also launched a major new grassroots initiative now spreading from county to county in the region. Marcellus Drilling News further states The program, known as EIDs Northeast Marcellus Initiative, calls for the hiring of several full-time organizers charged with engaging and educating the regions many supporters of the Mighty Marcellus, and providing them with the tools they need to act. Led on the ground by campaign manager and well-known local natural gas advocate Tom Shepstone, the initiative is already up-and-running in several counties across the region, with field organizers now in place in Luzerne, Lycoming and Wayne Counties, Pa. all with reach into New York State. EID is not grassroots. EIDs GASroots extend from the front groups, Corporations, Public Relations, to the halls of Congress.

Figure 1

The Messengers: The registrant information for the EID website is listed as FD Dittus Communications. Dittus Communications went through various incarnation. FD in Dittus Communications stands for Financial Dynamics. Dittus Communications became known as FD Americas Public Affairs, and later FD Americas was rebranded as FTI Consulting. FD Americas: A unit of UK-based strategic and financial communications consultancy FD, FD Americas Public Affairs (formerly Dittus Communications) offers public relations, marketing communications, and issue advocacy services. The firm provides the usual corporate services (media relations, corporate communications, and crisis management) plus public affairs services (issues management, legislative strategy, grassroots organizing and coalition building) as well as marketing, creative, and design services. Clients have included Kraft Foods, Dell, the US Department of Energy, and International Paper. The firm was founded in 1993.

FTI Consulting: global business advisory firm dedicated to helping organizations protect and enhance their enterprise value, today announced that Financial Dynamics (FD), the Strategic Communications practice of FTI Consulting, has adopted the FTI Consulting brand globally. FD now will be known as the Strategic Communications practice of FTI Consulting. The original founder and CEO of Dittus Communications is Gloria Dittus, and became CEO and President of FD Dittus-Strategic Communications. Ms Dittus is now the founder of Story Partners. Per Story Partners website: a public affairs firm focused on helping trade associations, corporations and coalitions amplify their story through carefully aligned online and offline campaigns designed to drive public policy debates. (emphasis added)

Figure 2

EID Players: Lee Fuller is the Executive Director of EID, he is also the Vice President of Government Relations for the Independent Petroleum Association of America. According to Open Secrets, the top industry represented by Mr. Fuller was Oil & Gas and formerly employed by Van Scoyoc Associates as a lobbyist.

Van Scoyoc Associates describes itself as: Van Scoyoc Associates Inc. is a full-service Federal Government affairs firm and the foremost independent lobbying company in Washington, D.C. We focus on achieving results for our clients without the distractions that might come from being a subsidiary of a law firm or parent corporation. Jeffery Jeff Eschelman is listed as Executive Vice President at EID. In addition to his position at EID he is the Vice President of Public Affairs & Communication at the Independent Petroleum Association of America and former employee of Dittus Communications.

Julia Bell: Researcher at EID, and Public Affairs & Communications Coordinator for the Independent Petroleum Association of America.

Figure 3

Chris Tucker: EID Team Lead, Spokesperson, and Advisor for you guessed it the Independent Petroleum Association of America. Mr. Tucker is more closely associated with the EID-Marcellus Initiative branch as Team Leader and Blogger. Senior Vice President Oil & Gas: FTI Consulting Advisor to the Marcellus Shale Coalition Former Press Secretary/Communications Director for Rep John E Peterson R-PA (Retired at the end of 110th Congress)

Rep. Petersons Campaign Donors for the 2006 campaign: $10,300: Devonian Resources (Energy Conservation and Management Consultants) Top Single Contributor $35,500: Oil & Gas Top Industry Sector Contributor Former Communications Advisor for House Minority Whip Rep Roy Blunt R-MO, (elected as Senator in 2008). 2008 Senate Campaign: $23,300: Chevron, 2nd highest individual contributor $128,250: Oil & Gas, 3rd highest industry sector contributor 2010 Senate Campaign: $32,173: Murray Energy, 15th highest individual contributor $29,200: Koch Industries, 16th highest individual contributor $28,800: Exxon Mobil, 17th highest individual contributor $342,050: Oil & Gas, 7th highest industry sector contributor Chris Tucker is also listed as the registrant for EID Ohios website, on behalf of FD Dittus Communications.

Figure 4

Dana Bohan: EID Staff Geologist Junior Associate - Strategic Communications - Energy Sector: FTI Consulting

Figure 5

On Saturday, July 28, 2012 a Stop the Frack rally and march was held in Washington D.C. EID staffers were present, however they identified themselves as being concerned about energy issues, and went about interviewing people for a new blog. Dana Bohan was recognized as one of the EID staff doing interviews.

Figure 6 - Dana Bohan, EID Staff Geologist, and Junior Associate for FTI Consulting

Brian Kennedy Per: NATURAL GAS: BP, others push against federal regulation of fracturing, Brian Kennedy is cited as a spokesman for Energy In Depth. Although, Mr. Kennedy is cited as spokesman in this and others articles, there is no sign of him the the Energy In Depth websites. "This language seems to be a restatement and endorsement of policies and procedures the industry has been following for decades, as mandated by federal, state and local laws," said Brian Kennedy, a spokesman for Energy In Depth. "To the extent the language helps clarify the existing framework and highlight its overwhelming success to date, it could be a valuable educational tool moving forward." (emphasis added) Senior Managing Director Strategic Communications: FTI Consulting Former Senior Managing Director: FD Americas-Public Affairs Former Communications Director: former Rep. Richard Pombo R-CA Rep. Richard Pombo lost his re-election bid in 2006 to Jerry McNerney. "Rep. Richard Pombo's loss represents the most significant electoral victory the environmental movement has seen in decades," said Rodger Schlickeisen, president of Defenders of Wildlife

Action Fund. "It should now be clear to all that we have the political strength to take on and defeat extreme anti-environmental politicians." Environmentalists opposed Pombo for efforts to rewrite species protections and increase oil drilling in Alaska and off-shore while fundraising from industry groups. He also faced questions about ties to disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff, who pleaded guilty in a congressional influence peddling scandal. 2006 Campaign: $34,800: Chevron, 2nd highest individual contributor $197,648: Oil & Gas, 4th highest industry sector contributor Former Aide - House Committee on Natural Resources Staff Member Rep. John Boehner R-OH Rep. John Boehner R-OH was Minority Leader in 2008. He became House Speaker in 2010. Campaign 2010: $58,100: Murray Energy, 2nd highest individual contributor $47,800: FirstEnergy Corp, 3rd highest individual contributor $369,772: Electric Utilities, 4th highest industry sector contributor $185,650: Oil & Gas, 14th highest industry sector contributor Co-Founder Institute for Energy Research, DC office Steven Steve Everly: EID Spokesperson Assistant Vice President: FTI Consulting Financial Dynamics The strategic communication division of FTI Consulting, Financial Dynamics helps ensure that its clients brand, reputation and market valuation reflect the true worth of their businesses. Columnist: Steve Everley is Manager of Policy Research at American Solutions and a contributing author to To Save America: Stopping Obamas Secular- Socialist Machine by Newt Gingrich. Prior to joining American Solutions, Everley worked as a research assistant at the American Enterprise Institute. He graduated summa cum laude from the University of Kansas and attended graduate school at the University of Southern California. (emphasis added) Robert P Murphy is also a columnist at Senior Fellow: Institute for Energy Research Robert P. Murphy is an economist with IER specializing in climate change. His research focuses on the proper discount rate to be used in cost-benefit analyses and the implications of structural uncertainty for policy solutions. Board of Scholars: Mackinac Center for Public Policy

Per SOURCEWATCH: The Mackinac Center for Public Policy is a state-level conservative policy think tank in Michigan. Founded in 1987, it is the largest state-level think tank in the nation. It was established by the state's leading conservative activists to promote free market, pro-business policies. The Center voices its policy positions though publications and has moved beyond Michigan by helping the leaders of similar conservative institutions to improve their operations in many other states and countries around the world.

Figure 7

The Institute for Energy Research (IER) Per SOURCEWATCH: founded in 1989 from a predecessor non-profit organization, advocates positions on environmental issues including deregulation of utilities, climate change denial, and claims that conventional energy sources are virtually limitless. It is a member of the Sustainable Development Network. Robert L. Bradley Jr: Chief Executive Officer and President.

Currently a member of the International Association for Energy Economics, the American Historical Association. Former Director of Public Relations Policy at Enron. In August 2011, Dr. Robert Bradley, CEO of the IER, spoke at the Energy, Environment and Agriculture Task Force meeting of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) annual meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana. Lisa Wallace is a former aide to Former Representative Pombo, and is currently the Senior Vice President, of Operations and Development for IER. Wallace spent twelve years working on Capitol Hill for Congressman George Radanovich and the House Committee on Resources. Initially, she worked as administrative assistant to Congressman Radanovich, where she served as senior advisor to the congressman on all matters of policy, personnel, political strategy and district operations and managed multi-million dollar budget, legislative, communications and support staff. As Chief Financial Officer for the House Committee on Resources, Ms. Wallace managed and administered a $15 million biannual committee budget, oversaw all business operations of the full committee, its five subcommittees, and the Office of the Chief Clerk, and managed a 50-member professional staff. In 2009 IER ran a campaign on "green jobs" attacking the expansion of renewables energies. IER commissioned three studies on renewable energies and green jobs in Denmark, Germany and Spain. These studies by different think tanks were than promoted by IER and other free market think tanks in the US but also used in Europe. American Energy Alliance is a "partner" of Institute for Energy Relations. The American Energy Alliance (AEA) was founded in 2008 by Thomas Pyle, who previously lobbied on behalf of the National Petrochemical and Refiners Association and Koch Industries when Delay served as Whip and before Delay, as House Majority Leader, stepped down from the U.S. House of Representatives under an ethical cloud. (emphasis added) Pyle was the founder of his own consulting firm, Pyle Consulting, Inc., an active public affairs consulting firm with a wide range of private and not-for-profit customers. Prior to starting his own firm, Pyle served as vice president of the Rhoads Group in Washington, DC where he represented and advised a variety of association and corporate clients in meeting their strategic public policy goals and priorities. He also served as director of federal affairs for a major integrated manufacturing and services company focusing on energy, environment, regulatory and transportation issues. Before coming to the private sector, Pyle held numerous positions on Capitol Hill including serving a policy analyst for the Majority Whip of the U.S. House of Representatives and as staff director for the Congressional Western Caucus, as well as other legislative staff positions.

Figure 8

Travis Windle : EID Presenter. Although Travis Windles name does not appear on any of the EID websites, he was cited as a presenter on a powerpoint presentation: THE MARCELLUS SHALE: Powering Americas Future,Thanks to Hydraulic Fracturing, dated October 14, 2010, and the email listed for Mr. Windle is at EID. More recently, Mr. Windle has been cited as Spokesman for the Marcellus Shale Coaltion: Likewise, Marcellus Shale Coalition Spokesman Travis Windle said the closure of any one well will have little to no impact on those using it for waste disposal. Vice President FTI Consulting Press Secretary, House Republican Conference - US House of Representatives Communications Director, House Financial Services Committee - US House of Representatives Press Secretary former Rep John E Peterson R-PA (see Chris Tucker for Campaign Contribution Info)

Staff Assistant former Rep. Melissa Hart R-PA, she was defeated in the 2006 General Election. 2006 Campaign: $17,938: K&L Gates, 4th Highest Individual Contributor. Press Secretary - Rep. Tom Petri R-WI Up for re-election 2012 Committee Assignments: Education and LaborTransportation and Infrastructure Leadership PAC: Badger Fund

K&L Gates represents leading global corporations, growth and middle-market companies, capital markets participants and entrepreneurs in every major industry group as well as public sector entities, educational institutions, philanthropic organizations and individuals. As a side note of interest: In July 21, 2010, per Huffington Post article: Congressional Cigar Association Is Front For Lobbyists, by Ryan Grim: For the premium cigar association, sponsoring the rooftop was part of a lobbying campaign, according to a press release put out by the lobby itself. The IPCPRA was clear that sponsoring the rooftop event led to access, noting that "virtually all members of the Board of Directors of the International Premium Cigar & Pipe Retailers Association (IPCPR) and several of its Associate Members flew into Washington D.C. for an evening of fellowship and camaraderie with some 200 members of the CCA on June 23," the company said. "The CCA presented its 'Spirit Award' to David Berkebile, past president of IPCPR and owner of Georgetown Tobacco, for his efforts to help establish the group and link it with the IPCPR for its quarterly cigar events, educational staff briefings and informal cigar socials, all of which enable both the CCA and the IPCPR to build relationships with one another. IPCPR's Washington lobbyists, K&L Gates, were instrumental in organizing the IPCPR teams and their visits with Congressional members and their staffs on the day after the CCA reception." Shannon Brushe is a Spokesperson for EID and an Associate for FTI Consulting. Brushe provides general research and writing support for FDs Energy sector and Public Affairs practice and has recently supported clients such as the Independent Petroleum Association of America, the National Petrochemical Association of America, and the Marcellus Shale Coalition.

Figure 9

In addition to the EID Marcellus the Northeast Initiative, there is also EID-The Ohio Project. Rhonda Reda: EID The Ohio Project, Executive Director Executive Director: Ohio Oil and Gas Energy Education Program (OOGEEP) Ms. Reda currently serves on the Public Outreach Committee of the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission (IOGCC) and the Colonial Drake Well Historical Oil150 Steering Committee. She is an active member of the Independent Petroleum Association of America, the Society of Petroleum Engineers and the Ohio Geological Society. Recently, Ms. Reda served on the White House Task Force on Energy Education, and has received numerous state and national awards for OOGEEPs efforts including: AAPG Eastern Sections Presidential Award for Public Outreach, Friend of Science Award from the Science Council of Ohio, EPAs Ohio Environmental Education Award for Outstanding Program, World Oil Runner Up for Best Public Outreach Program, Ohio Department of Natural Resources Minerals Education Award, and the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commissions Public Outreach Stewardship Award. Ms. Reda is a graduate of both Ohio University and Edison State College.

Executive Director Ohio Oil and Gas Foundation

Joel "JR" Rudicil is a Field Director for Energy in Depth (EID) -Ohio, as well as President of JR Resources, and on the Ohio Oil & Gas Association (OOGA) Board of Trustees as Secretary and Treasurer.

Figure 10

Thomas Stewart: EID The Ohio Project, Executive Vice President Member: Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission Executive Vice President and Board of Trustees: Ohio Oil & Gas Association (OOGA) Michael "Mike" Chadsey is the Campaign Manager for Energy in Depth (EID) -Ohio. He was also the Northeast Ohio Regional Representative for LT Gov. Mary Taylor (OH).

Figure 11

Energy-in-Depth is not the only energy front group with FTI Consulting connections. Secure our Fuels website is registered to Dittus Communications.

Figure 12:

Dittus Communications was Acquired by FD Americas,and became FD Dittus Communications, a unit of UK-based strategic and financial communications consultancy FD, FD Americas Public Affairs (formerly Dittus Communications) offers public relations, marketing communications, and issue advocacy services. (See Figure 2) Secure Our Fuels is a project of the Consumer Energy Alliance., (12/15/2011) published a story by Geoff Dembicki "Big Oil and Canada thwarted U.S. carbon standards" which pulls the curtain away from the Consumer Energy Alliance. Excerpt: "The story in the emails, reported for the first time here in Salon and The Tyee, Canadas leading independent online news site, traces a year in the relationship of Michael Whatley, a GOP-connected oil industry lobbyist and his friend, Gary Mar, a smooth-talking and ambitious diplomat at the Canadian embassy in the Washington, DC. The messages lay bare a sophisticated and stealthy public relations offensive, one designed to manipulate the U.S. political system; to deluge the media with messages favorable to the tarsands industry; to sway key legislators at state and federal levels; and most importantly, to defeat any attempt to make the gasoline and diesel pumped everyday into U.S. vehicles less damaging to the climate. The goal of it all? Defeat Obamas effort to reduce carbon consumption and keep America hooked on Canadas $441 billion tar sands industry, no matter what the cost to our planets future. Perhaps the best place to start is on December 30, 2009. It was a bad day for Michael Whatley, founding partner at a K-Street consulting firm in Washington called HBW Resources that has close ties to Albertas tar sands industry. " Excerpt: "Then in the late 2000s, Whatleys firm created the Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), a grassroots organization supported by such prominent tar sands producers as BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil, Marathon, Shell and Norways Statoil. The group claims to be providing a voice for consumers interested in vital public issues. Environmental groups, however, dismiss the claim, saying the grassroots look more like astroturf, and the consumer rhetoric is a guise. Theyre a front group that represents the interests of the oil industry, said analyst Luke Tonachel of Natural Resources Defense Council in an interview. The Consumer Energy Alliance has been one of the most outspoken critics of low carbon fuel standard legislation. In August 2009, it began running a series of slick radio and TV ads in Tennessee, Montana and the Dakotas, warning that such policies threaten thousands of American jobs and would be disastrous for American consumers. Each ad instructed viewers to complain to their states representatives in Congress, providing phone numbers to make it easier."

The CEA was created in the late 2000s by Michael Whatley, a founding partner of a Washington, D.C.-based Republican lobbying group HBW Resources. For more on the CEA/HBW Resources efforts to thwart cleaner fuels see Whos behind the attack campaigns against cleaner transportation fuels, by Liz Barratt-Brown of the Natural Resources Defense Counil (NRDC).

Figure 13

Recently EID has added new staff: Courtney Loper, Field Director for Mountain States in the Denver-Julesberg Basin region. Erik Bauss, Field Director, Michigan of the Niagaran Reef area. We also have David Quast, California Field Director for the Miocene Monterey formation. Mr. Quast is also the Senior Vice President - Stategic Communications of FTI Consulting. Mr. Quasts bio per FTI Consulting website:

Mr. Quast has led engagements and provided counsel to clients in a variety of sectors. His industrials clients have included Kaiser Aluminum and Belden, Inc. In the professional services sector, Mr. Quast has represented Mayer Brown; Loeb & Loeb; Grant Thornton; Manatt, Phelps & Phillips; Foley & Lardner; Winston & Strawn; Weston Benshoof and Mitchell, Silberberg & Knupp. Financial services clients have included Northern Trust; LPL Financial, Far East National Bank and Stonnington Investments, and technology clients have included TBG Digital and Guidance Software. Mr. Quast has also spearheaded engagements for organizations including AARP and the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Previously, Mr. Quast worked in New York, managing media relations on state and federal legislative and regulatory issues for Philip Morris where he developed and executed communications strategies to help the company fight significant litigation, regulatory threats, and the prospect of a major Federal tax increase. He served as a company spokesperson and was a frequent guest on talk radio throughout the United States. He also served as national communications manager for Thelen Reid & Priest LLP. Mr. Quast was managing director and executive vice president of RLM Public Relations, managing operations, leading new business development efforts and providing senior counsel to clients. In Washington, D.C., Mr. Quast was press secretary to Congressman and House Financial Services Committee Chairman James A. Leach, and he was also director of public affairs at the Cato Institute. He also served as chief of staff to a Washington state senator. In simplest terms, Energy in Depth is an infomercial, directed and produced by FTI Consulting through the Natural Gas industry and its trade groups. Its purpose it to make noise, push the talking points and divert public attention away from very real health and environmental concerns.

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