Rights of The Spouses

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THE HUSBAND: 1) Obedience (And men have a degree over women [quran] - zaid ibn aslam said this

is obedience and authority) 2) Responding to the call for sexual intercourse A. (Bukhari and Muslim If a man calls his wife to his bed for intercourse and she refuses, and he spends the night angry, the angels will curse her until the morning) 3) She must not perform any action, even worship, that will cause her to fail in her duties to him. A. (Bukhari and Muslim A woman must not fast while her husband is a resident, invite anyone into his home without his permission, and if she spends in charity from what he provides without his permission, he will get half the reward of her spending) 4) She must not invite anyone into his house without his permission A. Previous points hadeeth B. (Bukhari and Muslim A woman must not invite anyone into her husbands house whom he dislikes) 5) She must not leave her husbands home without his permission A. (Bukhari If a woman seeks permission to go the masjid, dont prohibit her the point is that she had to ask permission...) B. Bukhari named a chapter in his book The chapter containing proofs for the necessity of a womans seeking her husbands permission to go out to the mosque and other places 6) She must beautify herself for him (See right # 2) 7) She serves him in his home A. (Bukhari and Muslim Fatimah came to the prophet asking for a servant, and the prophet teaches her 33 subhanallah, 33 alhamdulillah, and 34 allahu akbar. Note that he didnt disapprove of her hard work in serving her husband [i.e. ikrar = tacit approval]) 8) That she doesnt request divorce without a legitimate reason A. (Ibn Majah and Abu Dawood and At-Tirmidhi Any woman who asks her husband for divorce with no valid reason, then the fragrance of Paradise is prohibited for her) 9) If he dies, she must morn him for 4 months and 10 days A. (And those of you who die and leave wives behind them, the wives should leave themselves 4 months and 10 days... Quran) 10) Not really a right, but she should avoid complaining and finding fault with the husband A. The story of Ismail ibn Ibrahim (AS) and Ibrahim (AS) visited Ismails home when he was out, meeting the wife there, and she begins to complain. Ibrahim advises his son to divorce her. The opposite for the second wife. THE WIFE: 1) Maintenance

A. (Men are the protectors and maintainers of women... Quran) B. (Muslim And their right upon you is that you provide for them and clothe them C. (Bukhari Hind bint Muqbah complained that her husband didnt give her sufficient provision for herself or her child except what she takes from his wealth in secret. So the prophet (SAWS) told her to take whatever she needs!) 2) Kindness A. (Quran And live with them in a way that is honorable and acceptable to all Al-Qurtubi said this means the husband is obligated to give the wife her dowry and living expenses, doesnt frown in her face without reason, that he is kind to her, and doesnt incline to other than her...) B. And ibn katheer said this means say nice things and use kind words with them, and beautify yourself, and you must do with her as you would love her to do with you, like the verse says And women have rights over their husbands similar to their rights over them.) 3) He doesnt despise her because of her shortcomings A. (Muslim A believing man must not hate/despise a believing woman, if he dislikes one of her qualities, then he will find some other quality he will like about her) 4) He reserves the best of his character and manners for her and her children A. (At-Tirmidhi Khairukum khairukum li ahlihi, wa anna khairukum li ahlihi) 5) If he disciplines her, he must not strike her in the face, and must not shun or ignore her except in the confines of the home A. (Ahmad The father of Muawiyah asked the prophet (SAWS) said to feed and clothe her as he does himself, and do not strike her in the face, do not say insulting words, and do not boycott her except in the confines of the home.) 6) He must not come home from travel unexpected A. (Bukhari and Muslim Wait before entering your homes until after nightfall or after isha so that your women may prepare themselves) 7) Teaches her Al-Islam and orders good and prohibits evil in her home A. (Quran Protect yourselves and your families from the fire which is men and stones_ B. (Bukhari and Muslim All of you are shepherds, and every shepherd will be asked about his flock. The ameer is a shepherd and will be asked about his state. And the man is a shepherd, and he will be asked about his household)

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