#231 Witnessing
#231 Witnessing
#231 Witnessing
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,. . D A Id M DRE Newsletter #231 - January 1998
"Tho Pa"","' '98 Iofonnation ~"k:: "" a"i1:~:':~a,"
f n: : w,i[e 0' ,,11 [0 ~~::':n~~~nmtioo
Packet, if you plan to attend Passover '98. These packets contain reservation and hotel information only.
As we travel around the country producing saul's are extinct, but to deny their previous
documentaries, we come in contact with manv I llIitntSSingl
existence, when complete skeletons have been
anthropologists and archeologists. Often, they ar~ ~_ _ _ _~_ _;,;;i~ discovered is foolishness.
quite astonished that a group of Christians would be inter
ested in documenting that a dinosaur bone, for example, is JOB 40:20-21 Surely the mountains bring him forth
millions of years old. You see, the scientist are accustomed food, where all the beasts of the field play. £( He lieth
under the shady trees, in the covert of the reed, and
to dealing with uneducated Christians that believe the earth fens.
is only 6,000 years old. When the scientists ask us why
we would produce documentaries proving the earth is hun The animal described feeds in the mountains. The
dreds of millions of years old, I like to answer, "Hcc:ause hippopotamus feeds in the river. And besides this fact,
the Bible states that it is". This message is about witnessing have you ever seen a hippo's tail? It is certainly no cedar
to scientifically educated people. tree.
When you make the statement the KJV Bible states that JOB. 40:22-23 The shady trees cover him with their
the earth is millions of years old, you have to be able to shadow; the willows of the brook compass him about.
back up your words. A unique opportunity to witness for ".;> Behold, he drinketh up a river, and hasteth not: he
trusteth that he can draw up Jordan into his mouth.
God's Word presents itself, as we break this barrier of
separating truth from fiction. When an uneducated Christian When the dinosaur drank water at the river. he
attempts to witness to scientists and say the world is 6,000 wasn't in a hurry due to fear of other animals. Witness
years old, they tune them out. The scientists can prove them with intelligence. Don't be as the unlearned that turn
wrong, and the witness is for naught from that point on. people off to the Bible, when they say the earth is only
We are going to take a look at some subjects that will 6,000 years old. There are three world ages. We are
hopefully help you witness to scientifically educated people. eurrently living in the second. God created thiS earth m
Let's start with the dinosaur. Yes. there were dinosaurs on the first world age. The world of today has changed
earth in the first world age. and God's Word records their considerably from that which God created. There are
existence. petrified palm trees on a mountaintop in New Mexico
JOB 40: 15 Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee;
that document the fact. Tens of thousands of years earlier
he eateth grass as an ox. the climate in this area was such that would support
tropical plant life. How was the earth when God first
Many scholars claim the behemoth is the hippopotamus created it? Let's turn to Isaiah.
of today. I challenge you to have a five-year old draw a
picture as you describe the animal discussed in the following ISAIAH 45:18 For thus saith the LORD That created
the heavens; God Himself That formed the earth and
verses. The picture will not resemble a hippopotamus. made it; he hath established it, He created it not in
vain, He formed it to be inhabited: "I am the LORD;
JOB 40: 16 Lo now, his strength is in his loins, and his and there is none else.
force is in the navel of his belly.
"In vain" is translated from the Hebrew word "tohu".
The navel would be better translated muscles. This animal
This word means void. God did not create the world
has a powerful and large main body.
void. He created the earth to be inhabited. all of it. This
JOB 40; 17 He moveth his tail like a cedar: the sinews explains why we find petrified palm trees in New Mexico.
of his stones are wrapped together. What happened to the world God created? Let's turn to
His sinews, or thighs. are wrapped In muscle. What
about his tail? It is as huge as the trunk of a cedar tree. GENESIS 1: 1 In the beginning God
Now, on your picture of the large and powerful main body created the heaven and the earth.
attach the base of a cedar tree where the tail would be and
When was the beginning? This verse
laper It on out as the trunk of a cedar tree would. Have
doesn't state God created the earth 6,000
you ever seen a present day anImal with a tail like that?
years ago. It was hundreds of millions of
JOB 40; 18-19 His bones are as strong pieces of brass; years ago. Time means nothing to our
his bones are like bars of iron. 12 He is the chief of the Father.
ways of GOD: He That made him can make His sword to
approach unto him. GENESIS 1:2 And the
earth was without form, and
Behemoth is the largest animal God created. Dinosaurs void; and darkness was upon
are recorded in the Bible. Witness with intelligence. Dino- the face of the deep. And
the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.