Multiply - Fall 2012

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2012 FALL


EE needs you!

50 years of rescue!


Genuine life change


60 days-more than 1,000 professions Cheating death and taxes


LIMITED EDITION SPECIALLY CREATED Commemorative pin that showcases our 2012 50th ANNIVERSARY and causes people to ask:


Its yours when you send in a gift of any amount! This lapel pin features a gold, soft polished enamel with beautiful embossing and purple highlights. Its a collectible. Its a Gospel tool. Quantities limited. Pastors, give this beautiful Gospel tool to the people in your congregation. Call 888-567-3543 for more information. To expedite your order, visit or send your gift to: EE International P.O. Box 23820 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33307-3820

Give online at:, or call Megan Lindley at: 828-490-4165.

to COME make a difference. to change COME lives. COME EE PrayerNetwork. to the

is a unique initiative that involves God and you! With your participation, we will train you to be part of a strategic, protective prayer covering over our staff and ministry. Youll gather in groups of three and regularly pray for the EE ministry across North America, including the Caribbean and Canada. Our North America ministry is vast and growing rapidly. These strand-of-three Prayer Cords will provide the covering needed to reach more and more people with the Gospel and change lives for eternity! These are multiplying cords of prayer that will multiply and grow the Prayer Network on a quarterly basis. Its an intentional and comprehensive effort to bolster EE in the 50 states of America, the 10 provinces of Canada and the 26 nations of the Caribbean.

The EE Prayer Network

Do you love to pray? Are you an intercessor? As part of the EE family, you have a heart for the lost. How would you like to combine that love and concern with intentional prayer and join EEs new Prayer Network? If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

For more information, contact Judy Bosier: Email: [email protected] Phone: 706-897-2664

our Year of Celebration, and as we do, we want to focus on our exciting future.

Evangelism Explosion is continuing to celebrate our historic 50th Anniversary,

The first 50 years were glorious years of Gods work to multiply the Gospel in the hearts and lives of millions of people through EE. And the next 50 years may be an explosion of multiplication unlike anything we have ever experienced. Consider the plans that are in place and in action today: Hope for Kids (HFK): In its first three years, kids are hearing the Gospel by the millions. We have distributed almost seven million HFK witnessing booklets around the world. Global Development Project (GDP): In its first three years, almost 19,000 churches are implementing the EE ministry because GDP has established more than 450 field workers to assist them. These are just two ongoing ministries that are having tremendous impact for the Kingdom of God. A few other ministries include our Weavers training that is radically impacting the ethnic groups of the world and our Congress of Nations that is strengthening existing global EE ministries. As we move into the next 50 years of ministry, we proceed always forward for the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

Years of rescue!
With a gift of any amount, get our commemorative 50th Anniversary lapel pin. Visit online at: or mail to: EE International P.O. Box 23820, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33307-3820



EE Prison Ministry
Here is an excerpt from a former inmate at a correctional facility who is currently on parole for good behavior. I am hereby writing this letter to EE for their efforts in assisting inmates with evangelism training. I have experienced a sense of self-empowerment, discipline, respect and more knowledge in leadership.

Because of the influence of this course I now renounce all hatred, anger, resentment, revenge, retaliation, unforgiveness and bitterness in the name of our Lord Jesus! In conclusion, I challenge the Board of Directors to introduce EE training in every correctional facility nationally, so that inmates would get true spiritual reform, give back to their communities and truly become useful to society.

I renounce all hatred.

For more information on the amazing EE Prison Ministry, contact Gina Burns at: [email protected] say only a few things in short sentences to the contacts. However, on the third visit, he presented the Gospel seven times to seven contacts. Wonderfully, six out of the seven contacts received Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. But the story does not end there. Their flight back from Dallas to Vancouver had to stop in Los Angeles. Then on the flight from Los Angeles to Vancouver, Mr. Thanhs wife helped a lady seated next to her to join our family of God by asking two diagnostic questions and sharing the EE Gospel presentation. For more than 30 years as members of the church, Mr. Thanh and his wife had never experienced anyone praying with them to profess Christ as Savior. Since they both attended the extensive five-day Leadership EE Training, their lives have changed. Gratefully, he and his wife would like to continue to be fruitful, forever witnesses for Jesus Christ. Your gifts and prayers assist and empower people like Mr. Thanh (shown here) and Mrs. Thanh with the Gospel. Thank you!

By the grace of God and your financial gifts, this former inmate experienced true-life change.

Theyre vietnamese. Theyre trained. Theyre unleashed!

30 years in church, yet no professions of faith. Mr. and Mrs. Thanh, church leaders in the Vietnamese church in Vancouver, Canada were among 10 clinicians from different places attending the Vietnamese Leadership EE Clinic in Dallas, Texas, November 28 December 2, 2011, taught by Dr. Tom Stebbins, EE Global Ambassador, and his two teaching colleagues. On the second on-the-job training visit, he was able to

He chose to

LOVE the one who

In two months, 1,239 people catch the Gospel.

ended wife. the life of his

Eight years ago, during an EE visit, Tom Carpenter and his wife, Jessie, made professions of faith in Christ. Then the unthinkable happened. Jesse was killed instantly by a drunken driver in a head-on collision. The drunken driver, unhurt, was later sentenced to three years in prison. Fully realizing the frailty of life, Tom was trained in Evangelism Explosion. As soon as Tom had completed the EE training, he did the unthinkable. Tom contacted the Department of Corrections and asked for permission to visit Ken, the man who killed Toms wife. Unfortunately, he was told that Corrections did not allow victim-visitation. Tom was persistent, and after nearly a year of interviews and waiting, he was granted permission to meet with Ken in prison. Tom shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ with Ken, but Ken was not ready. Ken was obviously confusedinstead of spewing anger and hatred, Tom had shared the greatest message of love ever. Two months later, Tom received a letter from Ken that he made a profession of faith in Christ and was starting a new life while in prison. There is no doubt in my mind, that the EE visit to my home was a divine appointment that changed Jessies life, not only for her final ten months here on earth, but also for all of eternity, said Tom. It changed Kens life and it certainly changed mine, too. Evangelism Explosion has equipped me with a tool and given me the confidence to share my faith. We thank all of our ministry partners like you who were there with gifts and prayers when Tom and Jessie needed the Gospel.


SYF group in Jamaica

More than 1,200 Jamaican Christians were trained to communicate the Gospel more effectively this spring through a series of 25 Share Your Faith workshops in Jamaica during March and April. It was a major push led by Devon Linton, EEs Regional Director for the Caribbean, with a helpful assist from a team of U.S. staffers who traveled to the island nation to help lead workshops. EE is expanding and the Gospel is spreading in the Caribbean. Heres the report Devon sent to the EE U.S. representatives who assisted with the Share Your Faith workshops: With your sacrifice, you have assisted the EE ministry in Jamaica and by extension, the Caribbean, to facilitate 25 Share Your Faith workshops with 245 churches being represented and 1,239 believers equipped to be more effective in sharing their faith. Praise the Lord! We had 44 pastors attending these workshops and we already have five pastors representing about 40 churches that are eager to participate in an Ev2 launch. Like the U.S. representatives, you, as our ministry partner, have also assisted this wonderful effort. Thank you!


Give online at:, or call Megan Lindley at: 828-490-4165.

P.O. Box 23820 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33307

visit us online at:

Nothing is certain in life but death and taxes . . . RIGHT?

I beg to differ. In fact, I know how you can cheat both death and taxes, if you will pardon the expression. You can outlast your existence on earth and have a significant role in Evangelism Explosion through estate planning and deferred giving. Many of our most generous donors are those who have designated EE in their estate planning or will. The best investment is a spiritual investment, where your assets cannot be subject to loss or theft (see Matthew 6:19-21). Would you like to pay less in taxes? You can realize significant tax savings through wise, prayerful planned giving. A sale of property, stock or other asset or the death of a spouse affects your personal financial status, so you would do well to consider some sage advice from Godly counsel. We want to help. We want to help you maximize your giving to Gods Kingdom: not just to EE but every ministry you care about. EEs planned giving partner is PhilanthroCorp, a respected and Christ-centered agency. They are available to answer your questions about wills, estate planning, charitable gift annuities and other forms of planned giving at no cost or obligation to you. For free, confidential, no obligation advice, please contact PhilanthroCorp at 1-800-876-7958. Or visit our secure website: and choose estate planning or stewardship, wills and trusts. Your information will be completely safe and confidential. Death and taxes are not final; it is Christs Kingdom which stands forever. Please let me know if we can help you invest in it further.

Charles F. Burge, Director of Ministry Advancement email: [email protected] ph: 954-465-2241

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