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Individual Student Record Literacy Assess Continuum

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Literacy Assessment Continuum Reading Texts

Reading texts involves recognising words automatically, reading in a phrased and fluent way and navigating texts to create meaning.

Level 0, Cluster 1
Pre-Kinder (Prior to ES1)

Level 1, Cluster 2
Beg ES1

Level 2, Cluster 3
Mid ES1

Level 3, Cluster 4
End ES1

Level 4, Cluster 5
Beg Stage 1

Provides incorrect word/s in environmental print/texts. Unable to read any word in a sentence correctly.

Reads one or two words in environmental print/texts. Reads some words in a sentence correctly. Holds a book the right way up.

Reads a number of words in environmental print/texts. Reads one or more sentences correctly in a more challenging story book.

Reads all or most of a more challenging story book. Maintains fluency when reading texts with varied & irregular text and image placement.

Tells a story based on pictures/names pictures only. Holds a book incorrectly

Identifies writing.

Points to words using one-to one correspondence when reading.

Uses context to predict meaning in written text & supplement decoding attempts. Reads words using letter/sound relationships.

Pauses or hesitates when meaning is disrupted when reading. Reads aloud with increasingly appropriate pitch, intonation and fluency (RR level 58).

Reads texts with varied and longer sentence patterns & several lines of text per page. Demonstrates increased fluency by recognising and decoding words automatically when reading familiar texts. Adjusts pace volume, pitch and pronunciation to enhance meaning and expression. Reads texts with varied and longer sentence patterns & several lines of text per page. Demonstrates increased fluency by recognising and decoding words automatically when reading familiar texts.

Unable to identify writing. Recognises own name in print Engages with shared reading of familiar texts that have recurring language patterns.

Reads high frequency words correctly in text (eg) my, I Begins to read with fluency and rhythm when text & image placement are consistent.

Reads a number of easy texts with an increasing number of high frequency words and illustrations that provide high support.

Indicates features achieved by student.

Level 5, Cluster 6
Mid Stage 1

Level 6, Cluster 7
Late Stage 1

Level 7, Cluster 8
End Stage 1

Semester 1 Year 3

Semester 2 Year 3

Beginning Stage 1

(S.1. Yr 1)

Middle Stage 1

(end Yr 1)

End Stage 1

(end Yr2)

Understands that pathways for reading literacy, factual and screen texts can be navigated in different ways. Self-corrects when meaning is disrupted (eg. By pausing, repeating words and phrases, re-reading and reading on) Reads aloud with fluency and phrasing, adjusting pace, volume, pitch and pronunciation to enhance meaning and expression.(RR 16-18)

Understands how to red text features such as illustrations, diagrams, tables, maps & graphs to enhance meaning. Automatically integrates a range of information. Eg, meaning, grammar & letter/sound relationships to read in a phrased and fluent way.. Knows that literary, factual & screen texts need to be read in different ways.

Reads increasingly complex texts with less familiar content and vocabulary & more extended descriptions. Engages with both literary & factual of increasing length & difficulty for longer periods of time. (at least 10 minutes) Reads texts in different ways to meet a range of reading purposes.


Literacy Assessment Continuum Phonics

Phonics involves making the connection between sounds and letters when reading and spelling

Level 0, Cluster 1
Pre-Kinder (Prior to ES1)

Level 1, Cluster 2
Beg ES1

Level 2, Cluster 3
Mid ES1

Level 3, Cluster 4
End ES1

Level 4, Cluster 5
Beg Stage 1

Knows and uses a range of everyday words e.g. colours, familiar objects, names of family members. Displays curiosity about words and their meanings.

Knows the meaning of, and when speaking, can use words that are likely to be encountered in easy reading texts, e.g. big, little Names some basic parts of a computer, e.g. screen, keyboard, mouse, space bar. Asks questions to find out meanings of unfamiliar words.

Begins to expand the vocabulary used to describe everyday events and experiences.

Knows the meaning of commonly used words in texts read and demonstrates this knowledge when writing and speaking.

Blends initial consonants with common vowel patterns or word families

Begins to use topic words when speaking and writing.

Develops beginning understandings about word families and uses these understandings when reading and writing. Uses grammar and context of a text to work out the meaning of an unfamiliar word.

Attempts to read more complex words using letter/sound knowledge. Uses knowledge of letter clusters and vowel digraphs to spell unfamiliar words. Uses knowledge of letter clusters and vowel digraphs to spell unfamiliar words. Blends initial consonants with common vowel patterns or word families

Identifies unfamiliar words and attempts to use experience and content to work out word meanings,

Knows and uses a range of everyday words e.g. colours, familiar objects, names of family members.

Knows the meaning of, and when speaking, can use words that are likely to be encountered in easy reading texts, e.g. big, little

Begins to expand the vocabulary used to describe everyday events and experiences.

Knows the meaning of commonly used words in texts read and demonstrates this knowledge when writing and speaking.

Indicates features achieved by student.

Level 5, Cluster 6
Mid Stage 1

Level 6, Cluster 7
Late Stage 1

Level 7, Cluster 8
End Stage 1

Semester 1 Year 3

Semester 2 Year 3

Segments sounds in consonant clusters to spell unfamiliar words.

Recognises that common suffixes in words can have different sounds, e.g. wanted, talked Understands that sounds can be represented in various ways when spelling words, e.g. meet, meat

Knows common sounds for vowel digraphs and uses syllabification when reading/spelling. Uses knowledge of word identification strategies including blending, segmenting and letter patterns when reading/spelling.

Uses familiar words and letters to decode words when reading.


Literacy Assessment Continuum Phonemic Awareness

Phonemic Awareness involves hearing and manipulating sounds and concepts about print.

Level 0, Cluster 1
Pre-Kinder (Prior to ES1)

Level 1, Cluster 2
Beg ES1

Level 2, Cluster 3
Mid ES1

Level 3, Cluster 4
End ES1

Level 4, Cluster 5
Beg Stage 1

Unable to identify words that rhyme. Unable to identify words that start with the same initial sound.

Identifies rhyming words on some occasions. Identifies words that start with the same initial sound on some occasions Says the word when teacher models onset/rime, e.g. teacher says mmmm/at, child says mat. Segments spoken multisyllabic words into syllables e.g. ba/na/na when clapping.

Consistently identifies words that rhyme. Consistently identifies words that start with the same initial sound. Provides a word starting with a given sound. Orally blends two and three sounds to make a word. Segments orally into onset and rime, e.g. /b/ at/ Segments one syllable words (up to three sounds) into separate sounds.

Says the new word when asked to delete one phoneme (phoneme deletion). Says the new word by adding phoneme to an existing word (Phoneme addition)

Says the new word when one phoneme is substituted for another (phoneme substitution).

Phonemic Awareness elements should be grasped and consolidated by this stage. End of Kindergarten.

Indicates features achieved by student.


Literacy Assessment Continuum Concepts of Print



Concepts of Print involves understanding and using conventions and concepts about print.

Level 0, Cluster 1
Pre-Kinder (Prior to ES1)

Level 1, Cluster 2
Beg ES1

Level 2, Cluster 3
Mid ES1

Level 3, Cluster 4
End ES1

Level 4, Cluster 5
Beg Stage 1

Unable to identify a capital letter. Unable to correctly name a full stop. Unable to identify a word. letter. Unaware of text directionality. Unable to point to the first word to read. Unaware of return sweep. Shows beginning book handling skills, e.g. turning pages, looking at pictures. Shows awareness that print relates to spoken language.

Identifies one or more capital letter/s (prompted). Names a full stop Identifies a word Identifies a letter. Indicates left to right. Points to the first word to read. Indicates return sweep to the left at the end of a line of text. Identifies a letter on a keyboard

Names a full stop and knows its purpose. Identifies a lower case letter. Identifies the first letter in a word. Identifies the last letter in a word. Reads left page before right Shows awareness of beginning screen management skills, e.g. scrolling

Unable to identify a capital letter. Unable to correctly name a full stop. Unable to identify a word. letter. Unaware of text directionality. Unable to point to the first word to read. Unaware of return sweep. Shows beginning book handling skills, e.g. turning pages, looking at pictures. Shows awareness that print relates to spoken language.

Identifies a number of capital letters Uses capital letters for names. Identifies a sentence Identifies simple screen functionality eg. Buttons, menus.

Concepts of Print elements should be grasped and consolidated by this stage. End of Kindergarten.

Indicates features achieved by student.


Literacy Assessment Continuum Comprehension

Comprehension involves responding to, interpreting, analysing and evaluating texts.

Level 0, Cluster 1
Pre-Kinder (Prior to ES1)

Level 1, Cluster 2
Beg ES1

Level 2, Cluster 3
Mid ES1

Level 3, Cluster 4
End ES1

Level 4, Cluster 5
Beg Stage 1

Provides irrelevant responses when asked an inferential question.

Gives a sequenced retell of a story (when prompted).

Provides a literal explanation when asked an inferential question

Answers an inferential question correctly

Gives an incomplete retell of a story (even when prompted) or tells a different story Unable to recall relevant details from illustrations in a story book. Unable to predict a plausible next event in a story. Listens and responds to stories read aloud.

Recalls some details from illustrations in a story book

Gives an unprompted sequenced retell of a story with beginning, middle & end.

Provides the central theme of a story

Responds to questions about a character's actions, qualities, characteristics and motives by expressing an opinion about the character. Builds understanding by interpreting & discussing inferred meanings.

Predicts a plausible next event in a story. Listens and responds to questions about stories read aloud. Talks about information in factual texts

Recalls many details from illustrations in a story book. Uses illustrations in factual texts to gain meaning.

Uses illustrations and diagrams to construct meaning in written text. Analyses & evaluates character's actions or events in story Locates information from a factual texts

Interprets information in factual texts by using title page, contents page & computer software menu to locate specific info.

Indicates features achieved by student.

Level 5, Cluster 6
Mid Stage 1

Level 6, Cluster 7
Late Stage 1

Level 7, Cluster 8
End Stage 1

Semester 1 Year 3

Semester 2 Year 3

Retells and responds to incidents from a story book or film with attention to plot elements such as setting, character, conflict and resolution. Builds understanding of media texts by discussing different interpretations of the one text. Shows awareness that information about one topic can be sought from a number o sources, eg. Graphs, posters, reference texts, websites. Analyses & evaluates a characters actions/motives in a story.

Responds to texts by referring to prior experiences.

Refers to prior knowledge & experiences to build understanding of a text.

Justifies predictions about sections of a text. Responds to & analyses a text by discussing a point of view presented in the text. Builds understanding of a text by using knowledge of text organisation & features, eg. Referring to headings to locate information. Draws conclusions by using clues in a text. Identifies more than one perspective or point of view when responding to questions about text.

Analyses and evaluates how visual images support print to create meaning in texts.


Literacy Assessment Continuum Aspects of Speaking

Aspects of Speaking involves communicating with others, verbalizing thought processes and articulating sounds in words.

Level 0, Cluster 1
Pre-Kinder (Prior to ES1)

Level 1, Cluster 2
Beg ES1

Level 2, Cluster 3
Mid ES1

Level 3, Cluster 4
End ES1

Level 4, Cluster 5
Beg Stage 1

Unable to name a favourite character from a story that has been read

Shows little variation of pace & volume for emphasis when speaking. Uses single word utterances when speaking. Mispronounces some words; speech is not fluent. Listens & responds to simple oral instructions & requests Engages in simple oral exchanges with peers & known adults

Names a favourite character from a story that has been read, but is unable to provide a reason for liking the character. Shows some changes to pace & volume for emphasis when speaking. Uses simple sentences/phrases when speaking Talks to peers & known adults about personal experiences. Listens to & accurately relays simple messages. Participates in whole class discussions

Provides a simple justification for an opinion about a favourite character from a story- read. Uses some extended sentences when speaking. Consistently speaks in an audible, clear & confident way. Uses pace and volume for emphasis when speaking. Listens & responds to literary & factual texts read & viewed. Begins to use active listening & turn taking when engaging in more extended conversations & discussion with peers & known adults. Contributes ideas in small group & whole class discussions.

Provides a detailed justification for an opinion about a favourite character from a story - read aloud Asks relevant questions using correct word order & intonation. Makes brief oral presentations to the class.

Provides elaboration to questions seeking further information.

Begins to adjust register to suit audience & situation. Views & listens to gain information for a specific purpose from a variety of sources. Contributes to structured group or pair activities involving discussion about familiar texts/topics Articulates most speech sounds, exceptions could be: r, v, /th/.

Recounts events & experiences in logical sequence. Consistently makes relevant contributions to class discussions & asks questions to clarify meaning. Uses register & tone according to purpose & audience. Listens & responds to instructions, information & peer opinions. Uses interactive skills to show respect for the contributions of others during discussions. Provides elaboration to questions seeking further information.

Articulates most speech sounds, exceptions could be: /l/, /sh/, /z/, /r/, /v/,/th/.

Indicates features achieved by student.

Level 5, Cluster 6
Mid Stage 1

Level 6, Cluster 7
Late Stage 1

Level 7, Cluster 8
End Stage 1

Semester 1 Year 3

Semester 2 Year 3

Expresses a point of view with supporting information about an expanded range of texts/ topics. Speaks clearly and confidently in a variety of formal and informal situations.

Expresses a point of view about a text/topic and listens to & accommodates the viewpoint of others. Plans & delivers oral presentations on an expanded range of topics for audiences beyond the immediate classroom, eg assembly presentations. Automatically adjusts speech to suit different audiences, purposes & situations. Demonstrates attentive listening & viewing for extended periods of time.

Expresses a more detailed ideas & justifies a point of view about a comprehensive range of texts/topics. Communicates confidently with a range of audiences for a variety of purposes.

Plans and prepares brief oral presentation about a topic. Adjusts register, tone & volume appropriate to the situation.

Listens & understands a series of instructions related to a task & successfully completes the task. Contributes to collaborative group problem solving to complete a task by questioning & re-phrasing for clarification, listening & responding to the ideas of others & suggesting ideas.

Demonstrates attentive listening across a range of school context, eg. Assembly, performances.

Stays on task & participates effectively in longer class & group discussions.

Level 0, Cluster 1 Pre-Kinder (Prior to ES1) Some attempt to write and draw name, (eg one or two letters or scribbles)

Aspects of Writing involves using spelling, grammar and handwriting to create texts for a specific purpose.
Level 1, Cluster 2 Beg ES1 Clear attempt to write name (may not be correct spelling) Level 2, Cluster 3 Mid ES1 Writes name correctly. Level 3, Cluster 4 End ES1 Writes more than one recognisable sentence, words may not be spelled correctly, some evidence of sentence punctuation.

Literacy Assessment Continuum Aspects of Writing Term:


Engages in writing-like behaviour using strings of letters or scribble. Writing is unrelated to a story book/topic that has been read/discussed. Little/no evidence of left to right direction and/or spacing between words.

Writes at least one word (may not be spelled correctly) related to a story book/topic that has been read/discussed. Writes from left to right and leaves spaces between words. Attempts to form some letters.

Writes a recognisable sentences, words may not be spelled correctly, some evidence of sentence punctuation. Draws on both personal and imaginary experiences to write texts. Vocalises words to approximate spelling. Begins to develop a simple writing vocabulary including some high frequency words & words of personal significance.

Level 4, Cluster 5 Beg Stage 1 Selects vocabulary & phrases modelled by the teacher during whole class planning to construct own text. Engages in the joint production of texts using a variety of mediums, eg. Podcasts, films... Draws on personal experiences & topic knowledge to create 4-5 sentences for a range of purposes. Rereads own text to clarify meaning & make some changes to the text. Uses sentence punctuation & simple punctuation.

Talks about the audience & purpose for texts being written. Attempts to spell high frequency words that have been taught. Produces some compound sentences using conjunctions to join ideas. Uses simple pronoun references.

Enjoys writing and readily engages in writing activities. Holds a pencil or crayon effectively to draw or scribble.

Talks about intended writing before attempting to write. Experiments with computer mouse and keyboard.

Use simple noun groups & adverbial phrases when writing. Begins to demonstrate understanding of pencil grip, paper placement & posture.

Forms most letters correctly. Uses correct pencil grip, paper placement, posture and knows how to self-correct.

Accurately writes simple and compound sentences. Uses a range of adjectives to provide more information about nouns. Writes lower/upper case letters of consistent size and formation in NSW Foundation Style.

Indicates features achieved by student.

Level 5, Cluster 6
Mid Stage 1

Level 6, Cluster 7
Late Stage 1

Level 7, Cluster 8
End Stage 1

Semester 1 Year 3

Semester 2 Year 3

Creates longer texts supported by visual information, eg. Diagrams, maps, graphs on familiar topics for known audiences. Begins to use text features such as headings & paragraphs to organise information. Demonstrates elementary proofreading & editing, eg. Circles a word that does not look right. Accurately spells an increasing number of high frequency & topic words. Uses simple punctuation, eg. Full stops, exclamation marks & question marks. Experiments with using some complex sentences to enhance writing. Uses a refined pencil grip, correct posture & paper placement to write more fluently & legibly.

Plans texts by making notes, drawing diagrams, planning sequence of events or information etc... States purpose & intended audience before creating texts. Spells words with regular spelling patterns correctly & makes plausible attempts at words with irregular spelling patterns. Applies spelling generalisations when writing. Uses contraction apostrophes & capitals for proper nouns as well as other simple punctuation. Includes different types of verbs using appropriate tense & demonstrates subject-verb agreement. Uses a computer to produce texts with graphics.

Creates longer texts (at least one page) that achieve the intended purpose & are appropriate for less familiar audiences. Experiments with producing/publishing texts using an increasing range of mediums & modes. Writing shows evidence of revision, editing & proof-reading.

Demonstrates a range of spelling strategies to spell unfamiliar words. Uses quotation marks for direct speech and commas in lists. Produces a range of grammatically accurate sentences. Fluently writes letters of consistent size & formation in NSW Foundation Font.

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