Davies, Underdown, Neanderthals Social

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The Neanderthals: a Social Synthesis

The Neanderthals: a Social Synthesis

Robert Davies & Simon Underdown
The Neanderthals have long fascinated archaeologists and anthropologists alike. Similarity to us coupled with clear dierences has produced endless theorizing. This article reviews the background to such ideas. It examines the current lines of thought about Neanderthals and explores the validity of the conclusions. The ultimate aim is the construction of a social synthesis, a solid foundation upon which the validity of inferences regarding Neanderthal cognitive ability and behavioural complexity may be examined.
hofer Cave of the Neander Valley was signicant for two reasons. Although these were not the rst remains of Homo neanderthalensis to be found1 they were the rst to be recognized as belonging to ancient humans and the likely product of evolutionary processes. Additionally, their discovery marks both the genesis of palaeoanthropology as a scientic investigation and the initiation of the still unresolved debate over what it meant to be a Neanderthal. From the beginning, the emphasis centred upon the three most pertinent and observable dierences, those of skeletal morphology, lithic technology and material culture. Signicances drawn regarding the behavioural complexity and cognitive ability, from the comparative examination of the Neanderthal remains with those of modern humans, built the foundation upon which the conceptual opposition of humans and Neanderthals, as self or other and as human or primitive, has been constructed. It is arguably a foundation from whose constraints researchers have failed to escape; and which has seen Neanderthals ostracized by some as dierent, whilst simultaneously embraced as a brother in the shaving mirrors of others and by multitudes of early morning subway commuters2 (see Drell 2000 for a history of the interpretation). It is the generations of archaeologists and palaeoanthropologists, with their individualistic paradigms, that are to be credited with constructing the laer pseudo-realist images of Neanderthals. It is further argued that the evidence used in constructing these images is so imsy and untestable that, vows of wedlock to either position are at best
Cambridge Archaeological Journal 16:2, 14564

The 1856 discovery of hominin remains in the Feld-

premature (Speth 2004, 523). For instance, researchers continue to analyze a few elements of Neanderthal behaviour in isolation, especially symbolic expression and language ability. It is the intention of this article to depart from such reductionist analysis and assess whether the dierences in physical characteristics, technology and social organization, as evident in the archaeological record, really do reect inferior cognitive ability and behavioural complexity in Neanderthals when compared to contemporaneous anatomically modern Homo sapiens. The ultimate aim is construction of a social synthesis, a solid foundation upon which the validity of inferences regarding Neanderthal cognitive ability and behavioural complexity may be examined. This holistic analysis will only use data from between 120,00028,000 years ago as it is arguably the case that, from this point onwards, we can be certain we are dealing with the last surviving member of an adaptive radiation of hominin species within Europe (Foley 2002). Although we have no direct means of verication, both genetic analysis and the autapomorphic (i.e. unique) nature of Neanderthal morphology illustrate that it is becoming increasingly likely that Neanderthals and anatomically modern humans (AMH) represent two distinct species. This article is wrien with this assumption in mind (see Sere et al. 2004; Caramelli et al. 2003; Harvati 2003; Harvati et al. 2004). In addition, owing to the relatively limited amount of information to be gained from studying archaeological sites in isolation, an aempt is made to investigate the life of the average Neanderthal. Although, as Gamble (1999) states, they were unlikely to have 145

2006 McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research Printed in the United Kingdom.

Robert Davies & Simon Underdown

been a homogeneous group of people, with identical behaviour, Neanderthals were homogeneous enough that comparisons are permiable between two distinct groups, the European immigrants characterized by AMH and the resident Neanderthal populations. Neanderthal morphology and developmental rate What follows is an investigation of exactly what can be reliably and validly inferred, in terms of behavioural complexity and cognitive ability, from a comparative investigation of Neanderthal physical characteristics alone. Naturally, it is not intended to herald a new era of unbiased interpretation. Rather, two points will be emphasized. Firstly, despite the great dierences between Neanderthals and AMH in terms of morphology, dierence in terms of behavioural or cognitive complexity remains largely unfathomable without a complete understanding of the average daily social life and organization of a Neanderthal. Secondly, when considering the importance of both physical characters and social behaviour, dichotomization of Neanderthals from their phylogenetic primate history and the ecological environment in which they existed is probably unjustiable. To begin with, it is necessary to dene what this article means by the term Neanderthal. The longstanding Eurocentric bias means that Neanderthals are easier to characterize than other earlier hominins because of their relative abundance and variety of skeletal remains. As in modern humans, variation in form occurs. Although the Krapina and Vinda Neanderthals have been described as transitional, recent genetic studies by Sere et al. (2004) have emphasized that intra-group morphological variation perhaps resulting from localized environmental stochastic pressures is the most parsimonious explanation for the observed skeletal dierences (Wolpo & Caspari 1997; Pearson 2000). Combined with the fact that the Near Eastern Neanderthals show close morphological anities to the Western European sample, this means that creating a picture of an average Neanderthal morphology based upon autapomorphic traits is feasible (Tillier 1989). With regards to AMH, direct morphological comparisons are hindered by the inherent problems of stratigraphy, in that most of the AMH specimens were uncovered early on in Europe by over-zealous antiquarians using poor excavation techniques. Thus, the stratigraphy and age of most AMH nds are so uncertain that the specimens must be excluded from discussion (Gambier 1989). This study is ultimately concerned with contemporaneous interactions, where 146

contemporaneous is dened as within 40 to 28,000 years in Europe. Consequently, the autapomorphic traits of the contemporaneous AMH to be compared to Neanderthals are assumed to be on average the same as those of modern humans.3 Some researchers have claimed to be able to infer a great deal about cognitive abilities and behavioural complexity from dierences in skeletal morphology alone (see Table 1 for comparisons). For example, Solecki (1973) argued that in the lateral view of Shanidar One, the occipital bone appears to be aened and rises steeply to the crown of the head, quite unlike the shape seen in classic Neanderthals. He suggests this may be evidence for the kind of articial deformation observed in modern human groups and thus of modern ritual behaviour. This kind of conjecturing from skeletal remains alone has strong parallels with the erroneous theories of Broca and Binet and is acknowledged to be fraught with pitfalls, yet inferences of a similar nature continue to be made (Hothersall 1995). For instance, Niewoehner argued that subtle alterations in joint shape and orientation, combined with greater pronation of the metacarpal 2 in AMH, would have allowed dramatic mechanical advantages in the mid-carpometacarpal region. Such dierences are then postulated to relate not only to greater ability to ha stone tools in AMH but also to the ner movements required for engraving and incising of bone and antler artefacts, regardless of the archaeological evidence to the contrary indicating that Neanderthals and AMH in the Levant had almost identical typological and technological tool kits (Niewoehner 2001, 2983). Are we then to assume that Neanderthals, although cognitively capable of producing such ne craed artefacts, were prevented from doing so by morphological dierences alone? Niewoehner (Niewoehner et al. 2003) has revised his position and now maintains that Neanderthals would have had almost identical manipulatory capabilities to modern humans. Although he should be credited for his ability to reassess his arguments, his stance helps to show that some researchers, perhaps as a result of ideologies, are too quick to draw damning conclusions regarding Neanderthal behavioural complexity from physical characteristics alone and from a social context as inferred from the archaeological record. Table 1 illustrates the clear skeletal distinctions that divide the two groups, but the most interesting and relevant elements (for investigating behavioural and cognitive variance) concern the adaptive signicance of dierences in robusticity and muscular hypertrophy,4 incidence of

The Neanderthals: a Social Synthesis

Table 1. Morphological and physical characteristics of an average Neanderthal and Anatomically Modern Human. Neanderthals Cranial Average cranial capacity Braincase Maximum breadth Forehead Brow ridge Brow ridge dimorphism Orbits Nasal cavity Maxillary bone Zygomatic arch Supra inniac fossa Occipital bone Lamboid region Juxtamastoid process Mastoid process Inner ear Level of basicranial exion Hyoid bone Hyperglossal canal Mandibles Prognathism Retro molar gap Anterior teeth Tauradont molars Incisors Maxillary incisors Cheek teeth Mental foramen Mental symphysis (chin) Post-cranial Shas of radius & femur Average weight Average height (males) Muscular hypertrophy Femoral sha Femoral heads Ribs Pubic bone Scapula Tips of phalanges Infant development Age at death 1520 ml Long low, thin-walled; oval when viewed from behind At mid-parietal level Low forward (aer frontal bone) Pronounced double-arched supraorbital torus Equally developed in both sexes High rounded High, wide and voluminous Inated, no depression (Canine fossa) Receding, swept back Usually present Shorter bulging occipital Bone aened at lamboid & sagial suture Larger eminence Small Small anterior & posterior semicircular canals Uniquely low position for posterior canal Equivalent to 6- to 11-year-old modern child Present Large Asymmetric sigmoid notch (large coronoid process) Large prominent nose and mid-facial projection Present Small Present Signicantly larger than modern size Shovel-shaped Less worn than incisors and canines Usually under 1st molar Usually absent Usually bowed Male: 77 kg; Female: 66 kg Male: 166 cm; Female 154 cm Extremely large, well-developed muscle & ligament aachment areas Rounded Large, robust surface Thick and weakly curved Lengthened and thinned Very broad, commonly with deep groove or sulcus on outer edge of dorsal surface Large, rounded apical tus Possible reduced adolescent stage 8.6% chance of survival above 35 years Anatomically Modern Humans 1340 ml Long, narrow and high At top Higher (domed frontal bone) Rarely forms continuous supraorbital torus More greatly developed in males Low square Lower narrower nose Canine fossa Angled Absent Longer curved occipital No aening Smaller eminence Larger (especially for males) Larger anterior/posterior canals Higher position of posterior canal Present Large Symmetric signoid notch (small coronoid process) Nose may be prominent, but not whole mid-face Absent Small Absent Not shovelled Anterior and posterior teeth equally worn Usually under premolars Present

Male: 65 kg; Female: 54 kg Male: 178 cm; Female 161 cm Less robust muscle aachments Not rounded pilaster on dorsal surface Smaller, less robust Thin, at and curved Shorter Shallow groove, usually on ventral or rib surface Narrower, hemiamygdaloid tus Presumed secondary altricial development 50% chance of survival above 35 years

pathology and serious injury, infant development and elements of morphology relating to language abilities. Some researchers argue that the greater robusticity and muscular hypertrophy observed in Neanderthals as compared to AMH is illustrative of their limited 147

ability to adapt culturally (Klein 1999; 2003; Stringer & Gamble 1993; Trinkaus 1993). For instance, Trinkaus et al. (1998) argue that the scaling of cortical thickness against probable body mass for the Western Asian AMH at Qafzeh and

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Skhul shows them to have arms less robust than, but legs as robust as the contemporaneous Neanderthals from this region. The inference, as they state, may be that Neanderthals relied less on tools and technology for undertaking daily tasks than AMH. However, although gracile in comparison to the Neanderthals, the skeletal robusticity and muscular hypertrophy (including that of the humeri) of both the early and late Upper Palaeolithic AMH in Europe is signicantly greater when compared to that of modern humans. Additionally, work by Stock & Pfeier (2004) on the long bone robusticity of Late Stone Age hunters (8000 to 2000 ) in South Africa clearly illustrates that the relative levels of bilateral asymmetry in upper-limb robusticity can vary greatly within AMH populations, depending upon the selective pressures and aributes of the ecological environment exploited. As the Upper Palaeolithic AMH are considered to be cognitively and behaviourally modern, this suggests that variations in climate can induce physical adaptation irrespective of the complexity of the technology to hand (Churchill & Vincenzo 1997; Lahr & Foley 1998; Shackelford & Trinkaus 2002). As climate has clear correlations with physique and skeletal proportions (Pearson 2000)5 and hence lifestyle (cultural adaptation) is only one of many inuences on morphology, arguments suggesting that Neanderthal robusticity indicates cultural inferiority may be undermined. Nor, however, does a climatic explanation of robusticity directly imply inability to pursue cognitively complex survival strategies. Klein (1999) has contended that the great trunk breadth and short limb length, indicative of Neanderthal adaptation to a cold climate, equalled or exceeded that of modern Inuit peoples despite the more extreme cold tolerated by these laer groups. Neanderthals therefore have been characterized as relying more upon brawn than brains in their day-to-day survival strategies (Stringer & Gamble 1993). Yet, such arguments do not unambiguously imply behavioural simplicity in Neanderthals. The direct ancestors of modern-day Inuit groups only reached the Arctic approximately 5000 years ago, and in this short time they have developed remarkable biological mechanisms, including reduced overall vasodilation and increased ow to vulnerable areas such as hands (Schurr 2004; Lazenby & Smashnuk 1999). Theoretically, another 100,000 years of isolation could quite probably result in further physical adaptation. Many of the dierences in robusticity between Neanderthals and early modern humans could be related to a greater period of exposure and thus time for 148

adaptation to cold conditions in the former. There is no simple correlation to be made between (perceived lack of) cognitive ability and this adaptive robusticity as a survival strategy. Pearson (2000) has argued that, when relying on robusticity to infer behavioural dierences, the method by which the measure is obtained is crucial, in that some recent Australian aboriginal remains have levels of residual robusticity as high as those of Neanderthals. Furthermore, investigations of Neanderthal ecology and environment by Stewart (2005) indicate that they do not conform as well to the adaptive scenario posited by the Bergman and Allen rules as is usually presumed. Consequently, the climatic analogies employed by Klein (1999) may have no theoretical basis in the light of Stewarts ndings that the environment of the Neanderthals may have no modern analogue. Presentation of these polarized opinions is not intended to deny the importance of increased hyperrobusticity when examining Neanderthal cognitive and behavioural complexity. Rather, such abundant disagreement illustrates the problem that inferences based solely on physical characteristics, without a thorough understanding of social organization, may be ineectual for determining the precise nature of this complexity. Similar conclusions may be drawn from a review of the incidence and frequency of pathology and serious injuries amongst Neanderthals (see Berger & Trinkaus 1995). Indeed, the work of Trinkaus & Thompson (1987) it made clear that the life of the average Neanderthal was short, with fewer than 8.6 per cent of individuals surviving beyond the age of 35 years. The characteristically high rate of trauma and short lifespan observed in Neanderthals is presumed to result from inferior subsistence strategies. Low levels of Neanderthal organizational complexity and information processing, together with the reduced opportunity for transgenerational communication of knowledge, is inferred (Trinkaus 1993). However, a number of points need to be considered. The age estimates are based on the assumption that Neanderthals had similar rates of maturation and osteon remodelling; and the actual lifespan of the contemporaneous AMH is unknown (Klein 1999). Although the incidence of disease and trauma was relatively high, it is widely accepted that so too was the survival of some aicted individuals (Trinkaus & Shipman 1994; Klein 1999; Dewyler 1991). Therefore, it is equally valid to argue that the extensive intragroup care needed to sustain such inrm members is surprising unless they provided some valuable service

The Neanderthals: a Social Synthesis

such as transgenerational communication within the group.6 Furthermore, a demographic study of an Iron Age population in the Western Mediterranean, using far more comprehensive data, estimated a life expectancy at birth of approximately 23 years, suggesting that, for these modern humans at least, life was nasty, brutish and short, which highlights that to a certain extent any assumptions regarding the longevity and living conditions of AMH Palaeolithic groups remain just assumptions (Alesan et al. 1999). A more recent study of long-bone trauma incidence by Underdown (2004) found that whereas 28.5 per cent of the Neanderthals suered serious trauma, a selection of modern and historically recent human hunter-gatherer groups, living in broadly similar climatic conditions, had an average rate of only 5.1 per cent. In an aempt to ascertain the causes of the high trauma levels, the foraging energetics of the Neanderthals was modelled and comparisons made with the paerns observed in the modern human populations. No broad correlations were found with the type of tools being used or subsistence strategy. Conversely, the high incidence of trauma may be a result of small groups existing in relative isolation with lile inter-group support in times of crisis, under harsh and highly variable climatic conditions. Consequently, both these examples highlight that a thorough understanding of Neanderthal social organization is likely to be prerequisite for our understanding of the signicance of contrasting physical characteristics. Amongst the primates, the secondarily altricial (i.e. underdeveloped) postnatal brain and body growth in modern humans is recognized as a key factor underlying our highly developed and culturally complex system of social interaction and behaviour (Key 2000). Therefore, it is assumed that the existence of a relatively precocial development in Neanderthals would provide an important insight into their level of social interactions. Generally, two methods of investigation have been employed to test theories of development, those of skeletal and dental analysis. Trinkaus & Tompkins (1990) argue that the inferior locomotory anatomy, lithic technology and manipulative anatomy characteristic of Neanderthals, together with low levels of social organization, would deny them a strong developmental paern. However, the argument is contradictory, in that their investigation into the rate of postnatal brain growth indicates that most Neanderthal rates fall within just one standard deviation of the modern human rate. With a similar degree of contradiction, one study by Ogilvie et al. (1989) suggested that the high rates of 149

enamel hypoplasia defects found in Neanderthals compared to modern humans indicate higher stress during infant development; whereas a recent study by Guatelli-Steinberg et al. (2004) argues that linear enamel hypoplasia does not indicate a signicantly dierent level of stress during infant development. Conclusions are sharply divided between those researchers who see signicant dierences and those who do not.7 As Ishinda & Kondo (2003) illustrate, a number of problems and contradictions exist. For instance, whereas femoral length as a growth indicator shows retarded growth, dental developmental rates indicate that the rate is advanced. They, together with a number of other researchers, are highly critical of the validity of inferring age of specimens by modern human standards, as assessments of relative developmental rates are thus perpetually awed (Tillier 1989; Mann et al. 1991; Dean & Leakey 2001; Thompson et al. 2003). Thompson et al.s (2003) tentative summary of existing work states that Neanderthals are likely to have possessed the same ve ontogenetic phases of growth and development as AMH although their adolescence stage probably encompassed a greater proportion of their total growth. Indeed, recent work by Ramirez et al. (2004) on the enamel extension rate appears to support this conclusion by suggesting that Neanderthals reached adulthood 15 per cent sooner than modern humans. However, Ramirez et al. have had to assume a modern human rate of enamel extension. Therefore, it appears that, despite objections to the contrary, researchers comparing physical characteristics alone are still unable to answer with any certainty when and how the modern human paern of growth and development appeared (Thompson et al. 2003). A substantial amount of research has been steadily accumulating for assessing Neanderthal linguistic ability from physical characteristics alone. Early studies assembled by Kochetkova (1978) suggested that Neanderthal brains, despite their large size, allowed markedly inferior cognitive ability compared to AMH. Yet, although the distinctively dierent cranial shape may indicate a dierent system of neurological structure, such dierences do not and did not fossilize and thus present scientic methods do not support such palaeophrenological conclusions (Holloway 1985; Klein 1999; Schepartz 1993). Through their extensive work in recreating the supralaryngeal vocal tract anatomy from the level of fossil hominin basicranial exion, Laitman et al. (1979) and Lieberman (1992) have concluded that Neanderthals would be incapable of modern speech. However, Houghton (1993) and Schepartz (1993) both argue that

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the techniques employed by Lieberman and Laitman are awed and their conclusion incorrect. Moreover, the presence of a relatively modern basicranial exion in early humans such as Steinham, together with that found in the 120,000-year-old Saccopastore 1 Neanderthal, provides further problems for reconstruction of the Neanderthal upper respiratory system (Johanson & Edgar 2001). Indeed, the evolution of the laryngeal anatomy required for speech in humans comes at a signicant risk of suocation, indicative of its extreme evolutionary importance: hence it is unlikely to have been lost through time (Stringer & Gamble 1993; Houghton 1993; Strier 2003). In addition, Neanderthals possessed a hyoid bone that was both morphologically identical to our own and highly distinct from that of the higher apes (Arensburg 1989). Although it has been stated the Neanderthal hyoid bone also resembles that of a pig, Neanderthals evolved within the order primates, not Artiodactyla, so the signicance concerns phylogenetic history not coincidental similarity (Lieberman 1992). Furthermore, research by Kay et al. (1998) and MacLarnon & Hewi (1999; 2004) on the relative size of the hypoglossal canal and spinal cord, respectively, suggest that Neanderthals possessed a level of innervation comparable to that of modern humans and thus were capable, at least anatomically, of modern speech. Establishing the existence of language in Neanderthals has been a maer of personal opinion and individual interpretation. This discussion is no dierent, but in the light of the existing evidence combined with recent research questioning the true nature of an explosion of culture in the Upper Palaeolithic, together with the work of Aiello & Dunbar (1993), it favours the proposition that the process of language development in Homo has probably been slow and gradual (McBrearty & Brooks 2000; Bar-Yosef 2002). Thus, although it seems highly likely Neanderthals were anatomically capable of speech, comparative study of physical characteristics is not enough on its own to determine whether they possessed the highly symbolic form of spoken language employed by modern humans. In conclusion, the model of contrasting physical characteristics is useful in highlighting the dierences that existed between Neanderthal morphology and that of AMH Homo sapiens. Yet, as we shall see in the next short discussion of Neanderthal technological ability, neither aribute in isolation fully justies the immense weight of inference they are expected to carry. Divorced from an understanding of Neanderthal social organization and behavioural complexity, 150

they primarily provide us with questions, not unambiguous answers. Sticks & stones The inherent problems of preservation mean that apart from bones, stones (lithic technologies) are the primary evidence of past hominin behaviour. Naturally, this has been the medium via which archaeologists and palaeoanthropologists have aempted to understand the cognitive ability and behavioural complexity of Neanderthals. However, archaeological artefacts cannot speak for themselves; the thoughts, fears, concerns and social organization of the individual who created the artefact are not set in stone, unambiguously visible to us. Social organization is inferred and from this we conjecture within a framework of archaeological theory about cognitive and behavioural complexity (Gamble 1999). Whilst this does not invalidate outright the interpretations which are drawn, such interpretations illustrate the current state of opinion and not a cemented reality of Neanderthal behaviour. Indeed, few researchers would still agree with Franois Bordess view that the variation between tool types and techniques in Europe from dierent levels and sites reected the existence of ve distinct, coexisting Neanderthal tribes (Stringer & Gamble 1993). Archaeologists are now suitably wary of applying such typological terms which imply a linear progression from primitive organization to civilized societies (Gamble 1999). There is not room within the scope of this article to document the origin and development of lithic technologies in Europe; comprehensive and authoritative reviews can be found in Churchill & Smith (2000) and Mellars (1996). Rather, the intention here is to examine some of the ways in which technology has been used to infer Neanderthal cognitive and behavioural complexity, and to assess the validity of these inferences. For example, although many researchers are careful to state that simplicity in behaviour does not reect simplicity of mind they have nevertheless been able to extract a great deal of information regarding the state of Neanderthal cognition and behaviour from stone tools alone (Mellars 1996). The validity of the conclusions is not self-evident. It is widely acknowledged that the transition from the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic in Europe is not a simple switch between the less-advanced Mousterian lithic traditions and that of the later AMH Aurignacian industries (Stringer & Gamble 1993; Gamble 1999; Churchill & Smith 2000). Indeed, the

The Neanderthals: a Social Synthesis

existence of lithic types such as blades presumed to be exclusively associated with the Upper Palaeolithic has now been discredited by documenting such tools in Europe as early as 90,000 years ago (Hayden 1993; Gamble 1999). Furthermore, pre-Upper-Palaeolithic industries (PUP) such as the Szeletian and Jerzmanwician predate the arrival of the Aurignacian in Europe by several thousand years (Pei 1999; Churchill & Smith 2000). However, both Mellars (1996) and Gamble (1999) maintain there was a major change in the cognitive properties of tool manufacture between the two periods. The nature of the change is purported to be in the style of the tools themselves. Gamble (1999) argues that, although taxonomy of Mousterian tools is possible, there is no typology, no techno-complex. For the Neanderthals, lithics (and indeed any tools) were extensions of the body, inseparably tied to it, and thus whatever social meaning they held was regionally restricted. Conversely, he maintains that AMH had succeeded in separating form from function, so that objects could hold independent symbolic meaning. As a result, he argues that Neanderthals should be viewed as possessing a lower, practical form of consciousness as opposed to the discursive form found in modern humans. Moreover, as Neanderthals had no separation between tool and self, the possibilities for cultural evolution were precluded by the lack of rational, distanced thought towards the tools themselves. Spears could not become more accurate, huts warmer, nets tougher, and technology lighter and more portable as Neanderthals were incapable of either directed problem solving or planning depth (Gamble 1999). Finally, the static nature of the Mousterian industry is neatly explained as directly resulting from these inabilities. Wynn & Coolidge (2004) reach a similar conclusion to Gambles and suggest that not only is the low level of innovation indicative of inferior cognitive abilities but also the inability to think separately about tools and objects makes complex symbolic language unlikely in Neanderthals. In turn, Mellars (1996) argues that, if Neanderthals lacked words for tools, this would explain the homogeneity of styles and also highlight their cognitive inferiority. As Klein (1999, 420) states, all of this implies a very signicant behavioural difference. Although some researchers believe that the study of lithic technology alone is enough to draw important conclusions about cognitive dierence, the validity of such conjecture is questionable. For instance, Ingold (1993, 450) suggests that Western researchers assume the meanings of the words tools, language and technology to be unproblematic, that intelligence is 151

the faculty of reason, language its vehicle, and technology the means by which a rational understanding of the external world is turned to account for human benet. However, in much the same ways as Western researchers have erroneously dichotomized nature from culture, believing these to be universal concepts, we should not assume that such categories as technological ability are aligned with intelligence or linguistic ability (Ingold 1996). Indeed, both Dibble (1989) and Hayden (1993) doubt whether tools can in any way be used to infer linguistic abilities. Hence, as Cosgrove & Pike-Tay (2004, 322) illustrate, if models of European stone typology are applied to Australia, Tasmanian aborigines would be characterized by ake stone tools, unmodied akes, mostly scraper technology and the use of local raw materials. This would merely be a Mousterian industry with lile clear progression and development of style in over 20,000 years. Gamble contends that such examples are irrelevant given the rich artistic tradition of the Tasmanians. However, as he admits, most of their art is highly ephemeral, including body painting, scarication and the carving of symbols onto rocks and trees (Gamble 1993). In addition, the tool types of some Australian aboriginal groups are less standardized in terms of style than those of Mousterian Neanderthals (Hayden 1993). Thus, it is argued that if a mutation within the brain of AMH at 50,000 years ago was responsible for the cultural explosion in the European Upper Palaeolithic, the implications of such a change are not detectable amongst all human groups at this time (see Klein 2002 for discussion of this theory). In addition, the discovery of the 400,000-year-old wooden spears in Schonigen, Germany, has revealed the extent to which our perception of technological development, which has been largely based on stone tools, underestimated the capabilities of archaic humans (Finlayson 2004, 120; Thieme 1997). Microwear analysis indicates that European Neanderthals whittled wood and haed stone tools in wooden mounts as they did in the Levant (Marshack 1990; Boda et al. 1999; Lieberman & Shea 1994). This, together with the work of Underdown (2004), suggests that Neanderthals were not limited to thrusting spears, and their notable frequency of injury is thus unlikely to be the result of primitive technological ability. Indeed, Mesolithic hunter-gatherers from India both thrusted and threw spears (Berger & Trinkaus 1995; Kennedy 2004). Moreover, the extensive evidence of wood-working suggests archaeologists are missing a substantial amount of information regarding technology and tools. Tools are also frequently made by contemporary

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hunter-gatherers out of palm leaves and other plant materials (Madella et al. 2002). In terms of other non-lithic technology, it is oen easier to discuss what Neanderthals lacked in comparison to AMH than what they shared. The lack of utilization of bone, antler or ivory for tool production by Neanderthals has been cited as evidence of behavioural simplicity (Mithen 1996; Stringer & Gamble 1993; Gamble 1999). Tools of this type are not unknown for Neanderthals; however, they mostly comprise pointed ribs and bula such as those at Salzgier Lebenstedt or rare nds of antler points like those at sites in the Ache valley, France (Gaudzinski & Roebroeks 2000; Munzel & Conard 2004). Tools of ivory are unknown and the only tools commonly found in Middle Palaeolithic contexts are largely unmodied bone or antler retouchers (Patou-Mathis 2000). In addition, evidence of structures or dwellings are rare in the Middle Palaeolithic, as is evidence of well built hearths of the type seen in Upper Palaeolithic contexts (Lumley 1969; Patou-Mathis 2000; Gamble 1999). Also lacking in the archaeological record is evidence suggesting the storage of surplus resources (Stiner & Munro 2000; Marean & Assesfa 1999). Absence of such technological aributes has implications for site organization, selement paerns and demography, and will be discussed later. Mithen (1996) suggests that Neanderthals could not work natural materials like bone, antler, or ivory as they had once been part of nature. Along with Wynn & Coolidge (2004), he infers that Neanderthal brains were organized in such a way that they thought separately about nature and technology and thus lacked the ability to view natural objects as tools. But, as discussed, the so tissue of brains is not preserved and thus theories of this testable nature have lile scientic merit. Conversely, Hayden (1993) suggests Neanderthals lacked tools of natural materials for the same reason they lacked the tailored clothing associated with AMH. Using modern ethnographic examples, he argues that tailored clothing is energy-expensive and time-consuming to make and usually reserved for wealthy individuals in contemporary complex hunter-gatherer communities. Therefore, if Neanderthals were generalized hunter-gatherers, they would have no need for tailored clothing and the increased use of hides, hide-scrapers, bone needles, awls and spatulae may be viewed as products of the manufacture of status display garments (Hayden 1993, 130). It is not the intention of this article to emancipate Neanderthals as cognitive and behavioural equals of AMH. Rather, the existence of such polarized opinions on 152

lithic and other forms of technology, together with the incomplete nature of the archaeological record, should serve to warn that, as a means of assessing behavioural complexity, technology alone does not support the weight of inference laid upon it by researchers. In conclusion, an increasing number of palaeoanthropologists argue that, as with robusticity, the surrounding environment has been an important inuence in shaping human behaviour and morphology. Indeed, as Marean & Assesfa (1999) illustrate, historic hunter-gatherer groups living on the cold open plains of northern Europe built sophisticated corrals to trap large numbers of migrating animals, whereas contemporaneous groups on the African savannas, surrounded by abundant local fauna, did not. Finlayson (2004) suggests that AMH developed their greatly advanced technology on the homogeneous, open plains environment, where vast distances and low resource predictability and reliability necessarily drove technological innovation. This ecological approach arguably provides a much sounder scientic basis for investigating behavioural variability between Neanderthals and AMH and is a theme which will be returned to later. Social synthesis: a review of current opinion Like us, Neanderthals evolved from primate ancestry, so they undoubtedly relied upon advanced and complex social organization for their survival (Strier 2003). They are, however, extinct, which provides palaeoanthropologists with a serious diculty in assessing the level of complexity inherent within their society. As we have seen, morphology and technology alone arguably provide lile in the way of unambiguous answers for assessing this diculty. Traditionally, Palaeolithic archaeologists studied the static residues of past action, from which inferences were drawn regarding social life and behaviour (Gamble 1999). Such an approach is crucial if we are to understand anything about the lives of extinct hominins. A growing number of researchers, however, are adopting the approach of behavioural ecology in an aempt to gain a fuller understanding of Neanderthal social complexity (Finlayson 2004; Burke 2004; Foley 1987). It is an approach which has provided environmental stochasticity with an increasingly important role in the development of both Neanderthal and AMH behaviour and one which oen derives markedly dierent conclusions from the same archaeological evidence. Yet most of what we currently understand about Neanderthal behaviour is inferred directly from arte-

The Neanderthals: a Social Synthesis

factual evidence alone. What follows is an aempt to provide a social synthesis for Neanderthals, bringing together some of the current evidence relating to the behaviour of this hominin. The validity of this evidence for determining Neanderthal cognitive and behavioural complexity will then be assessed. The following categorization form reects the main avenues used by researchers to gauge Neanderthal social organization. Symbolism, art, ritual and material culture Mellars (1996) argues that dierences between Neanderthals and AMH in terms of symbolic expression directly reect a disparity in language ability, which has obvious connotations for social organization. Yet there is much disagreement as to the reality of this inequality in symbolic ability. For instance, whilst Chase & Nowell (1998) reject the idea of musical aptitude in Neanderthals, suggesting that taphonomic factors are at work, Oe (2000, 271) argues that the idea of Mousterian ineptitude is one of the deepest and most perverse because it reassures us about ourselves. He suggests that the vast majority of modern utes are made of wood; hence there is lile direct evidence. However, as discussed, Gamble (1999) argues that structured music, as opposed to sound, requires the separation of form from function, an aesthetic ability he states was lacking in Neanderthals and which the absence of other material objects serves to highlight. Although apparently rare, objects do occur in the Middle Palaeolithic record just as they do in the Middle Stone Age of Africa (McBrearty & Brooks 2000; Arsuga 2003). Indeed, Marshack (1990), Bahn & Vertut (1997), Mellars (1996) and Gamble (1999) provide examples of incised and pierced bone objects like those found at the 300,000-year-old site of Bilzingsleben, Germany. Furthermore, Neanderthals are known to have frequently collected non-utilitarian objects including 3-kg chunks of iron pyrite from as far as 3090 km from their source (Hayden 1993). This is in addition to large quantities of haematite ochre, bearing marks of repeated use, which are commonly found at Neanderthal sites. Yet the signicance and validity of these and other objects is ercely debated. The review by Harrold (1980) suggests that Neanderthal burials imply markedly dierent sociocultural systems. There are some who argue that burials are ritualistic. For example, Patou-Mathis (2000), Arsuga (2003) and Pei (2000) argue that mortuary ritual was one of the most cultural activities in which Neanderthals indulged (Pei 2000, 360). However, most researchers gravitate towards Harrold, suggesting that whilst bodies were deliberately 153

protected from decay, this act reects only the existence of some kind of strong social or emotional bonds within Neanderthal societies (Mellars 1996, 381; see also Taersall 2004; Dibble & Chase 1993). Stringer & Gamble (1993) suggest that the absence of carnivore activity has erroneously led researchers to view burial as deliberate (see also Gamble 1999). Indeed, Garge (1989) suggests that all Neanderthal burials are beer explained as the products of taphonomic processes. Archaeological evidence for other forms of ritual is rare. Gamble (1999) states Neanderthals would have engaged in rituals of aaching to and separating from social gatherings but that these greetings and farewells likely characterized all hominins. Cannibalism at Krapina has been proposed by Patou-Mathis (2000), whilst this and other cases have been rejected by others (Deeur et al. 1999). Based upon the assumption of precocial growth and short lifespan, Pei (2000) suggests Neanderthals had a rite de passage. However, as discussed, we are currently unable accurately to ascertain the nature of Neanderthal lifecycles. Subsistence strategies A huge amount of work has been done on Neanderthal subsistence behaviour, most of which views it as synonymous with hunting ability. This emphasis on hunting reects the belief that it requires theoretical and practical knowledge, experience and teaching and that, it builds traditions, creates memory, and structures society by particularly increasing social cohesion and co-operation (Patou-Mathis 2000, 394). Several reviews summarize the current state of knowledge and, although Neanderthals are no longer seen as obligate scavengers, much debate is centred on whether they were technically challenged or fully adept hunters (Bar-Yosef 2004; Marean & Assesfa 1999; Patou-Mathis 2000; Burke 2004; Speth & Tchernov 1998; Chase 1989; Klein 1999). Specically, the targeting of prime-age animals and specialization on a single group is believed to reect increased cognitive ability, social organization and planning (Gamble 1999; Mellars 1996). Indeed, Gaudzinski & Roebroeks (2000) argue that Neanderthals at Salzgier Lebenstedt did both, and isotopic studies by Richards et al. (2000) further strengthen the case that Neanderthals were ecient hunters of herbivorous mammals (see also Mithen 1996; Drucker & Bocherens 2004). In addition, for La Coe de SaintBrelade, Sco (1980) argues that Neanderthals may deliberately have driven herds of mammoth and rhinocerous over the cli. However, Munson & Marean (2003) and Burke (2004) argue Neanderthals did not specialize, and others suggest that specialization

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itself may simply be a product of the ecological environment and not a purposeful decision (Madella et al. 2002; Finlayson 2004). Some researchers argue that only AMH may be characterized as increasing their diet breadth and that Neanderthals were incapable of exploiting small fast moving fauna like rabbits (Richards et al. 2001; Marean & Assesfa 1999; Stiner & Munro 2000; Mithen 1996). However, at Terra Amata, a range from both large and small herbivores to birds, turtles, molluscs and possibly marine sh was exploited 300,000 years ago (Lumley 1969).8 Neanderthals at Groa die Moscerini (Italy), Gibraltar and Hortus (France) are known to have exploited molluscs, sea mammals, and thousands of rabbits respectively (Binford 1992; Stringer 2002; Boyle 2000). Indeed, Finlayson (2004) argues we should view Palaeolithic hominins, within the framework of their phylogenetic history, as opportunistic omnivores who articially raised the carrying capacity (K) of our environment by simultaneously exploiting foods from two trophic levels (Milton 1999). Both Madella et al. (2002) and Lev et al. (2005) state that Neanderthals relied heavily on plants. In addition, both Finlayson (2004) and Drucker & Bocherens (2004) are critical of the evidence suggesting only AMH increased their diet breadth. There may be no best model of Middle Palaeolithic subsistence behaviour (Marean & Assesfa 1999, 34), but Finlayson (2004) and Madella et al. (2002) suggest that local climatic stochastity, and hetero/ homogeneity greatly inuences subsistence behaviours. Furthermore, Srenson & Leonard (2001) state that Neanderthals could not have been both highly active and inecient foragers. Contrary to the theory of Mithen (1996), Patou-Mathis (2000) argues that the seing up of camps on animal migration routes by Neanderthals indicates they possessed detailed knowledge of seasonal trends, planning and foresight and thus intra-group social organization and cooperation equal to that of AMH. Selement paerns Changes in mobility and selement within the landscape are known to, trigger dramatic changes in food storage, trade, territoriality, social and gender inequality, division of labour, subsistence and demography (Finlayson 2004, 195). However, the vast majority of archaeological sites are characterized by palimpsests which means that the nature of mobility and selement paern is not easily discernible (Pei 1999; Farizy 1994). Nevertheless, Gaudzinski & Roebroeks (2000) argue that Neanderthals were able to remain at Salzgier Lebenstedt and endure near Arctic conditions between Oxygen Isotope Stages (OIS) 5 and 3. In ad154

dition, Lev et al. (2005) infer that a wide diet breadth, together with the absence of commensal rodents (mice) at Kebara Cave indicates a semi-sedentary Neanderthal selement paern. However, Trinkaus (1993) states the presence of commensal rodents at Qafzeh indicates the same mobility paern in AMH. Yet most archaeologists state that Neanderthal mobility was characterized by frequent short stops whilst moving in a circulatory manner. The local resources at each temporary camp were exploited in a radial star, or starburst, within 510 km of the camp, and groups moved on aer depleting the local resources (Patou-Mathis 2000; Lieberman & Shea 1994; Gamble 1999; Boyle 2000; Feblot-Augustins 1993; Lumley 1969). However, there is disagreement as to the distance travelled between these temporary camps. In the southwest of Europe, distances are believed to average 510 km, suggesting a seasonal territory of 10,000 km2, which stands in contrast to the mean AMH distance of 50 km (Feblot-Augustins 1993; Gamble 1999; Blades 1999). Gamble (1999, 356) suggests that it implies that Neanderthals engaged in constant acquisition (lithic), reduction, use, re-sharpening, discard. Conversely, he states AMH stocked locales with caches of resources and thus had more time for social interaction. Yet Feblot-Augustins (1993) show that the mean distance travelled by Neanderthals on the North Central plains was about 4550 km and that such planned residential moves followed migrating herds. Thus, the contrast between mobility in the South West and North Central regions highlights that the importance of local climatic conditions cannot be ignored. Indeed, Finlayson (2004) and Boyle (2000) state that Neanderthals abandoned the homogeneous central plains at the start of OIS 4 for the more heterogeneous fauna-rich Mediterranean environments which would favour such short duration, frequent movement paerns. Feblot-Augustins (1993) also suggests that the occasional occurrence of trans-Carpathian lithic transfers of almost 250 km may indicate that Neanderthals moved between visiting zones. Furthermore, both she and Farizy (1994) note that Neanderthals appear to be repeatedly occupying some sites like Mauran and Champlost over many generations. There is much debate as to the signicance of these and other ndings concerning selement patterns, which will be discussed below. Site organization The ability to adopt a more sedentary lifestyle in base camps with clear spatial divisions is seen by many as an important development for increasing the social

The Neanderthals: a Social Synthesis

complexity of AMH lives in comparison to the Neanderthal sites (Gamble 1999). Both Munzel & Conard (2004) and Pei (1997) consider Neanderthal sites to be characterized by limestone rubble in a silty matrix with low densities of artefacts. Pei (1997, 208) argues that this repetition in simple spatial organization indicates Neanderthal camps were not dierent from [those] of non-human carnivores. The generally simple nature of hearths found on these sites is also taken to indicate that although Neanderthals engaged in social interaction it was marked by co-operation in routine acts within intimate and eective networks and there was no external principle of an extended symbolic network which established an overarching principle for the organization of Neanderthal sites (Mithen 1996; Gamble 1999). Sites like Groe du Renne, Groe du Bison and Pech de lAz oen display complex organization including well-built hearths and huts, stone walls, and areas paved with limestone slabs (Hayden 1993; Klein 1999), but the characterization of such sites as Neanderthal is problematic for a number of reasons. They all belong to the Chtelperronian industrial period and, although dErrico et al. (1998) consider this industry to be a genuine Neanderthal innovation, Mellars (2005) prefers to view such advanced site organization as a product of imitation and acculturation: while they could emulate, they could not fully understand (Stringer & Gamble 1993). However, Neanderthal sites with complex organization exist at Le Lazaret and Groe Vaufrey (France), Vilas Ruivas (Molodova) and Kebara Cave (Israel) as early as 120,000 years ago. For instance, at Kebara the living space was regularly cleaned and ash deposited in a midden against the cave wall (Boyle 2000; Gamble 1999; Stringer & Gamble 1993; Speth & Tchernov 1998). Furthermore, at Terra Amata it is believed the group designated an area away from the camp for defecation. Thus, whilst Stringer & Gamble (1993) see no evidence of base camps, Patou-Mathis (2000) does recognize them along with ve other distinct types; and hence she and Farizy (1994) suggest that complex site organization can be found at Neanderthal sites. The signicance of inferring the complexity of Neanderthal social organization from such strikingly different opinions will be discussed below along with a number of important points which must be considered before any conclusions are drawn regarding cognitive ability or behavioural complexity. Trade and exchange The trade and exchange of objects aids in the formation of intimate inter-group relationships, which arguably 155

stretches society beyond the immediate gathering of people and implies the cognitive capacity to maintain abstract relationships. Such extended networks can be crucial in ensuring group survival during localized resource shortages (Gamble 1999). Hayden (1993) argues both Middle and Upper Palaeolithic assemblages in the Dordogne Valley are generally made of local lithic materials. Conversely, Neanderthals on the North Central Plains appear to have regularly transferred stone up to 200 km. Feblot-Augustins (1993) suggests that this may indicate long-distance social interaction. However, as she states, this was not typical. Thus whereas the archaeological record indicates that AMH are almost certain to have traded items in an economic fashion outside the immediate group, the use of such terms for Neanderthal lithic transportation seems both awkward and erroneous. From this evidence, Gamble (1999) infers that Neanderthals lived within localized task-scapes, were incapable of maintaining long-distance social relationships in extended networks, and thus lacked the symbolic language he argues to be necessary for the existence of such networks. This suggests grave behavioural disparities in social organization between Neanderthals and AMH, stemming from inferior cognitive and behavioural abilities. Demography and day-to-day social life Klein (1999) states there are no practical or theoretical grounds for estimating absolute population densities of the Neanderthals. Estimates of group size range from 143 to only 30 men, women and children (Aiello & Dunbar 1993; Farizy 1994). Though we have no provable means of determining group size, most archaeologists believe that Neanderthals would have lived as small relatively localized populations (Gamble 1999). Bar-Yosef (2004) suggests that group mobility, the seasonal availability of food resources, and their spatial distribution would have been important factors. However, estimates of small groups are oen based upon assumed foraging ineciency and a lack of storage technology in Neanderthals (Klein 1999; Mithen 1996; Stiner et al. 1999). As discussed above, this inferred disparity is unlikely. Data relating to age structure, gender ratio or developmental paerns within Neanderthal groups are based upon the analysis of skeletal remains which is ambiguous at best. Gamble (1999) theorizes that males and females would have lived in separate matrilocal and patrilocal groups, each maintaining their appropriate philopatric determinant, whereas AMH males would have dispersed from relatively seden-

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tary matrilocal groups. His argument is based upon conclusions regarding the assumed lack of symbolic behaviour, low group density, and reconstructions of selement paerns in Neanderthals but, as outlined above, these inferences are not unquestioned. Finally, Mithen (1996) and Pei (2000) argue that Neanderthals would not have shared food but it is becoming increasingly likely that such behaviour would have been present as early as 1.5 million years ago in Homo ergaster (Bunn 2001). In conclusion, by using the available literature relating to Neanderthal developmental rates, Pei (2000, 361) states there would have been very lile dierences [in Neanderthal social organization] from other higher primates. The next section will discuss the validity of this damning statement, and assess to what extent the information presented in this review allows us to make inferences regarding Neanderthal cognitive ability and behavioural complexity. The signicance of dierence: a portrait of an average Neanderthal There is no direct way of observing Neanderthal social interaction. Consequently, the theoretical interpretations laid out in the previous section provide the only data we have for assessing Neanderthal social organization. By summarizing each of the categories at face value and adhering to the majority viewpoint in each, it is possible to create a picture of the average Neanderthal, a representation of what daily life was like for Neanderthals drawn from the available evidence. They lived in small groups where daily interaction with other members was obligatory and necessary for group cohesion. Yet both the interactions themselves and the language lacked any signicant level of symbolic meaning. Strong emotional and social bonds between group members meant that the death of an individual caused disruption within the group and the body was deliberately protected from decay. These bonds also ensured that the economic needs of disabled members were met by the rest of the group. Life was dominated by the necessity of group survival and lacked a ritual framework. Individuals, probably male, had the ability to co-operate eectively in the hunting of herbivorous fauna, using spears. Yet, although females and infants probably exploited a wide range of plants and animals eciently within the local environment for food, they were incapable of exploiting small fast-moving prey. Groups were highly mobile within a small range, frequently set up temporary camps, exhausted the 156

local resources and moved on. This is reected in undeveloped site organization and absence of wellbuilt permanent structures. The small range of groups meant they frequently met and gathered, and thus trade or sites for social occasions to strengthen bonds between groups were not required. Hence they lacked, or experienced no pressure to develop, the aesthetic appreciation necessary for such symbolic behaviour, and objects, art or music capable of communicating symbolic messages in absentia were not created or traded. Neanderthals and AMH probably constitute separate species divided by as much as 900,000 years of divergent evolution.9 Thus it would be rash to assume that dierences did not exist between their respective behaviours. However, a careful examination of the social synthesis reveals a signicant lack of consensus over what we may consider to be an average Neanderthal. For instance, although a number of papers aempt to summarize the vast array of literature relating to Neanderthal subsistence, the only consistent similarity between these summaries is the subject maer; the conclusions, as we have seen, are oen contradictory (see Patou-Mathis 2000; Bar-Yosef 2004; Burke 2004). It is worth considering how such disparate opinion can exist given that researchers claim to be able accurately to portray Neanderthal social organization, from which they make inferences regarding cognitive ability or behavioural complexity. The answer may lie with the fact that the severity of taphonomic distortion increases with age (Bahn & Vertut 1997, 25). So the archaeological record of the Middle Palaeolithic is sparse compared to the Upper, despite the greater duration of the earlier period. We know that open-air shelters in Europe were used for painting during the Palaeolithic, but their signicance was not recognized until the 1980s owing to a combination of poor preservation and the presupposition of ideas of researchers. Indeed, as Bahn states, only once a phenomenon is accepted as real, [does it start] to be looked for and to be found (Bahn & Vertut 1997, 26). Turning back to Middle Palaeolithic, one of the most obvious features of sparseness is the relative lack of evidence for symbolic expression. Although from time to time tantalizing glimpses are seen in the form of incised bone or objects of a seemingly non-utilitarian nature, they are rare. This makes their signicance extremely dicult to determine. It may be that taphonomic considerations are important here, just as with paintings in rockshelters, but despite fertile debate, the majority of researchers prefer to equate rarity with irrelevance, the products of eccentric individu-

The Neanderthals: a Social Synthesis

als, rather than reections of larger societies in which these individuals lived (Taersall 2004, 26). This authentic majority opinion is possible, as researchers aempt to compensate for the sparseness of the archaeological record by using interpretive models which are heavily inuenced by external factors and individualistic preference. For instance, one of the most evident points about our species is that we live in a symbolic world of our own creation, which governs our social interactions (Geertz 1993). Thus the lack of symbolic expression in Neanderthals is equated with inferior social organization which, in turn, is seen as reecting grave disparities between us and them in terms of cognitive ability and behavioural complexity. Yet, arguably, when looking for evidence of Art or symbolic expression in the past, archaeologists are intrinsically pre-judgmental. For instance, capitalized art is meant to highlight that archaeologists may be looking for symbolic expression in the past using our Western idea of aesthetic understanding. This is not considered to be a cross-culturally applicable category amongst modern humans by anthropologists so how can we expect its relevance to extend into the Palaeolithic (Weiner 1994)? Moreover, we have discussed how Neanderthals appear to have had high mobility. The ethnographic evidence of equally mobile historic and recent hunter-gatherer peoples should serve to show that such a lifestyle precludes a cumbersome material culture for its own sake (Strehlow 1993). Irrespective of these considerations, evidence of this unjustiable imposition is seen frequently in archaeological interpretations. Whilst Mellars (1996) argues Neanderthal burials are at the very least indicative of a strong or emotive sense of aachment to the deceased, he states there is no evidence, indeed no need, to invoke symbolic or ritual explanations. The absence of obvious symbolic artefacts or of grave goods found with Neanderthals is thus seen as absence of a capacity for symbolic thought, and consequently of inferior cognitive ability. Accordingly, Neanderthals could be assumed to have no greater ability for symbolic expression than African elephants (Loxodonta africana). These animals have been observed to bury the bodies of both other elephants and human beings they unintentionally killed, with earth and vegetation, and then to stand over the burials for days in silence. The most common explanation for this behaviour is that they feel strong emotive or social aachment to the body. The reality, however, is that we do not understand, even through direct observation, the signicance of this behaviour in elephants (see Poole 1996). Therefore, we must consider that archaeological remains are usually an incomplete source of informa157

tion, since social structure is reected in mortuary ritual which is only partly composed of disposal of the body (Trinkaus 1984, 677). For example, the Wollunqua aboriginal tribe of central Australia accompanies totemic ceremonies with paintings drawn into wet sand which are normally obliterated the following day (Strehlow 1993). Furthermore, grave goods are discouraged and even prohibited amongst many human societies (Trinkaus 1984). In Tibet, the extreme climatic uctuations mean that both subterranean burials and cremations of the deceased are seldom practised owing to permafrost and lack of rewood. Any trace of the body is completely obliterated when the bones are crushed to powder and all organic material is devoured by vultures during the Buddhist sky burial ceremony (Marsh 2000). Thus, archaeologists must be aware that the Judeo-Christian perspective of burial can inuence their interpretation of the past. Compassion for inrm group members, enabling them to survive with serious illnesses and disabilities, is frequently considered to be relatively unproblematic in Neanderthal societies. Yet, as Dewyler (1991) stresses, not all modern societies automatically show compassion for disabled individuals and even within the western world disabled people are not always considered as equal members of society. Indeed, equal rights for disabled individuals have only been won by hard fought campaigning. In addition, the vast majority of disabilities leave no osteological trace and thus theories of compassion in Neanderthals are based upon the analysis of a very limited amount of evidence relating to the survival of individuals with cranial and postcranial disabilities. We know nothing of how blind Neanderthals fared within their society. The lack of evidence for long-distance transfer of material among Neanderthals is taken as evidence that they lacked the symbolic capacity, and thus cognitive ability, to envisage and maintain extended social networks (Gamble 1999). Signicant evidence exists that AMH traded an impressive array of nonutilitarian objects such as sea shells. It may be argued, however, that, by comparing AMH to Neanderthals in this way, we already have a picture of what trade should have been like among Neanderthals, and thus the absence of long-distance shell transport is taken as absence of inter-group connection. Yet again the model is weakened by ethnographic examples emphasizing the variability in modern human behaviour. Indeed, as Paton (1994) states, Mudburra- and Jingili-speaking aboriginal Australian groups are known to travel more than 300 km to exchange apparently identical stone blades.10 The archaeological evidence le at what

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Gamble (1999) would term a social occasion between these aboriginal groups is virtually non-existent. Yet the meaning inherent within the blades and the meetings themselves is crucially important for the social organization of the groups involved. In terms of selement paerns and site organization, it may again be argued that the model used to view the evidence signicantly aects the conclusions. Middle Palaeolithic sites are palimpsests formed over hundreds of generations (Pei 1999). Thus, examining spatial paerning are a way of studying behaviour diachronically rather than the organization of and use of space synchronically (Farizy 1994). This leads us to focus solely upon repetitiveness of behaviour across generations rather than on the ways that people organized their space in any single occupation (Farizy 1994, 160). Evidently, she believes that a social ethnography of Neanderthal behaviour is unlikely to be possible. Conversely, Conard (1994) argues that split second decisions in the minds of hominins can condently be seen in the archaeological remains, and thus that the lives of extinct hominins can be accurately reconstructed. Thus, the conclusions drawn regarding social organization, symbolic expression and thus cognitive ability depend upon the school of thought a researcher aligns his or her self with, and not necessarily the archaeological evidence. For instance, Pei (2000) provides us with an interpretive analysis of Neanderthal developmental and social lifecycle phases. Much like the work of Boule, the image it presents of the average Neanderthal is scientic in that based on the detailed analysis of skeletal morphology and in the case of Pei, archaeological evidence (Drell 2000). As has been discussed, there are clear dierences in the physical characteristics of Neanderthals and AMH, but the signicance of these dierences is far from certain. Yet we are presented with an image of Neanderthal social organization which diers lile from that of chimpanzees. He suggests that as the developmental rate of individuals was rapid, and life nasty, brutish, short, they lived in an undierentiated society. Status was acquired through an individuals physical achievement or accumulated knowledge. However, he states that his work is largely interpretive, reecting his own views on the subject. Admiedly, it may be argued that Pei is only aempting to stimulate debate on what is a contentious issue because of the close temporal proximity of Homo neanderthalensis to our own species. As previously illustrated, however, palaeoanthropologists do not currently have enough evidence to know with any condence the developmental rate of Neanderthals. Thus, despite the fact that the science behind 158

his interpretations is awed, the reader, unaware of evidence to the contrary, is presented with an authoritative portrait of Neanderthal life. Illustrative and provocative, such agrantly interpretive work can be dangerous. Boules largely erroneous image of Neanderthals as savage, primitive apes, lacking the ability for even competent habitual bipedalism, took decades to deconstruct. It is not the intention of this article to deny the existence of negative evidence, to claim that the social organization of Neanderthals or their capacity for symbolic expression could have equalled that of AMH without leaving any evidence (see Dibble & Chase 1993 for a discussion). The aim is not to emancipate Neanderthals as human but to point out that we must be aware that researchers model this negative evidence within their own theoretical outlook. We are not able to comment upon an easily discernible archaeological reality from which one authentic or accurate portrait of Neanderthal behaviour can be drawn (Drell 2000). All too oen a lack of evidence is interpreted as inferiority. Consequently, the validity of the conclusions drawn regarding cognitive ability and behavioural complexity is certainly questionable. Conclusion As the aempted social synthesis has clearly illustrated, we lack a signicant chunk of important data regarding day-to-day social interaction and demography. It is either uncertain or absent. This in no way invalidates the evidence we have; however, it illustrates the fact that when researchers construct images of the average Neanderthal, they are continuing to make inferences from a few, isolated and preferred lines of investigation, for example, symbolism, physical characteristics, the transportation of lithic material or inferred selement paerns. These available means of investigation can provide an archaeological window into the past, an opportunity to accumulate evidence about the behaviour of extinct hominins. But we must be aware that the ideological stances of individual researchers can cause them to see markedly dierent vistas through the same window. Rather than realizing the limitations of what the available evidence can tell us, some researchers aempt to use the data to compensate for and explain away the great deal we do not know about Neanderthal demographic behaviour and daily interaction. This compensatory approach does not provide a satisfactory representation of Neanderthal social organization, and thus inferences regarding cogni-

The Neanderthals: a Social Synthesis

tive ability or behavioural complexity are premature, invalid and potentially dangerous. Indeed, as Drell (2000) states, museums, televised documentaries and popular or scientic books are powerful media for disseminating ideas about Neanderthals. Thus casual interpretations of the kind made by Pei (2000) have the potential to become lodged as reality in the collective memories of millions, reinforcing the division between a hypothetical them and us. A recent article in a British newspaper concerning the discovery of the Homo oresiensis highlights the extent to which this dangerous phenomenon still exists. Indeed, it states that the present inhabitants of the highlands on Flores, living simply o the land, are the direct descendents of Homo oresiensis and not of a Homo sapiens ancestor a clear case of the perpetuation of them and us (Shears 2005). Such a brutally relativistic approach is in no way intended to show that we cannot or should not aempt to understand the life history or social organization of extinct hominins. Rather, new approaches should be sought not to replace but to augment and strengthen traditional means of investigation. Arguably, we need to emphasize our phylogenetic history as a primate, so that the study of anthropology does not irrevocably dichotomize social behaviour from the physical reality and our environment. One way to prevent such unprotable divisions may be by providing evolutionary, ecological theory with a more important role in our understanding of hominin behaviour. It is a line of theory long championed by amongst others, Robert Foley, but its importance is only recently being understood by the wider anthropological community. Indeed, as he states, Fossils cannot tell their own story (Foley 1987, 69; 1999; 2002; see also Martin 2002). As discussed, environmental stochastity can provide reasonable explanations for the observed variation in Neanderthal behaviour. For instance, Finlayson believes that AMH were initially prevented from occupying the heterogeneous, faunal-rich Mediterranean areas by the presence of Neanderthal populations. He theorizes that, forced out onto the open plains, they experienced intense selective pressures to develop and build upon hominin exaptations, and thus he states the evolution of modern behaviour could easily have gone the other way (Finlayson 2004, 207). Additionally, ecological elements including population and community interaction could provide a framework upon which to test hypotheses in the future. Although we have no means of directly validating our theories owing to the distance between us and the past reality, ecological theories, could be tested by analogy through primatology. 159

Irrespective of whether this is a path taken by future researchers, this article has shown that we still lack a holistic understanding of Neanderthal social behaviour. By using primatological analogy, Neanderthal society, at an absolute minimum, can be characterized as comprising intelligent, self-aware individuals, engaging in political behaviour (de Waal 1988; Strier 2003; Gallup et al. 1995). However, we do not currently have a comprehensive understanding of Neanderthal society. We lack evidence of cultural elements including incest taboos and rites of passage which do not leave archaeological traces. Although we cannot be certain they existed, we cannot assume they did not. Hence, until new evidence is found, we should exercise more caution when drawing conclusions regarding the cognitive ability or behavioural complexity of Neanderthals. Robert Davies Department of Anthropology Oxford Brookes University Headington Oxford OX3 0BP UK Email: [email protected] Simon Underdown Department of Anthropology Oxford Brookes University Headington Oxford OX3 0BP UK Email: [email protected] Notes
1. The signicance of earlier Neanderthal nds at Engis (Belgium) and Forbes Quarry (Gibraltar) went unnoticed due to inaccurate identication of the fossils (Stringer & Gamble 1993). Milford Wolpo (Wolpo & Caspari 1997, 270) famously stated Every morning I see a Neanderthal in my shaving mirror, referring to his belief that Neanderthals made a signicant contribution to the modern human gene pool. In 1939, Carleton Coons aempted to dress a replica of the La Chapelle-Aux-Saints Neanderthal in modern clothes and a trilby hat, providing him with a hair cut and a shave, the intention being to illustrate how presented in such a way, he would go unnoticed as Other by his fellow subway commuters. See Stringer & Gamble (1993) and Wolpo & Caspari (1997) for details and images. The presence of Homo sapiens in Australia at more than 50,000 kyr helps to support the position taken here.



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See Pearson (2000) for a recent debate regarding the denition of robusticity. 5. Johanson & Edgar (2001) provide a clear photographic illustration of the extent to which localized environmental pressures have resulted in the unusually robust nature and peculiar shape of the ancient Homo sapiens at Kow Swamp. 6. This is in fact a view communicated by Trinkaus & Shipman (1994, 418) in their remarkably contradictory review. 7. Opinion is divided between Godfrey & Sutherland (Williams et al. 2003), Smith (1991), Dean & Leakey (2001), Stringer et al. (1990), Majo & Tillier (2003), and Ishinda & Kondo (2003) who see no signicant dierences, and Ramirez et al. (2004), Trinkaus & Thompson (1987), and Trinkaus & Tompkins (1990) who conclude that a non-human paern characterized Neanderthal development. 8. The taxonomy of the hominins at Terra Amata is uncertain. They may have been a late surviving populations of Homo heidelbergensis or part of an adaptive radiation leading to Neanderthals (Lewin & Foley 2003). 9. Recent nds have pushed back the origin of primates to at least 80 million years ago (Mya). Older methods of determining the length of separation between Neanderthals and modern humans were based upon the erroneous assumption that this order evolved 55 Mya. A recalibration yields an estimated divergence from a last common ancestor at as much as 900,000 years ago. See Martin (2002) for a discussion. 10. Groups also exchange wooden boomerangs and bamboo spears. Both leave very lile trace in the archaeological record but are saturated in meaning and signicance (Paton 1994).


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Author biographies
Robert Davies is interested in the development of complex cooperation, cultures and cognition in animals as well as modern human origins from a palaeoanthropological perspective. More generally, he is interested in the evolutionary paerns and processes and how they are reected in the fossil record. Simon Underdown is a senior Lecturer in Biological Anthropology at Oxford Brookes University. He is interested in hunter-gatherer paerns of disease and trauma, especially in the Neanderthals, from a palaeoepidemiological perspective.


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