Thales Magic Atols

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The document discusses automatic takeoff and landing (ATOL) solutions and their limitations. It introduces MAGIC ATOLS as a solution aimed to enable safe and accurate ATOL in all conditions.

Current solutions like GPS, lasers and radars have limitations such as dependence on satellites or weather, narrow beams requiring search time, and lack of fail safes. Basic radar solutions also have position measurement issues during landing approaches.

MAGIC ATOLS aims to enable all-weather ATOL without external information through wide-area instantaneous acquisition and accurate continuous position measurement. It provides autonomous and stable guidance for landing.




Automatic Take Off & Landing On Land and Sea

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ATOL function preamble / context Existing Solutions & Limitations MAGIC ATOLS FW Solution MAGIC ATOLS FW Description MAGIC ATOLS RW

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Preamble / Context

ATOL (Automatic Take Off & Landing) function

Take Off and landing phases are critical for RPAs
ATOLS are used during Take Off & Landing phases to measure RPA position In order ATOLS associated with RPA Flight Control automatically control the flight path to insure safe Take-Off or Landing whatever the environment without the need of an external pilot

To mitigate risks, to limit skilled field operators Today primary ATOL function is mainly based on (D)GPS and altimeter information process - with back-up solution

Safer ATOL function is nedded for all conditions

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Existing Solutions & Limitations

GPS only based solutions
Depend on satellites Can be jammed Elevation measurement precision affected when Air Platform is near ground (association with RALT is mandatory)

LASER Based Solution Risks

Weather dependant solution (short range) Important search time due to the narrow pencil beam space scanning (or additional optical capture system is needed) Track lose risk when facing wind shear conditions No fail safe mode (in case of reflector failure) Power consuming for mirror de-icing Limited growth potential

Not satisfactory in all conditions

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Existing Solutions & Limitations

Ka Band RADAR Based Solution
composed of a moveable narrow beam fix frequency ground radar and an airborne transponder subsystem, presents risks due to the Ka band and design: High power transmission needed to reach all weather requirement Installation constraints on board (due to the transponder installation), and on the ground component More search time required due to the narrow pencil beam space scanning System integration constraints No fail safe mode (in case transponder failure)

The Ka narrow beam solution has challenges

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Existing Solutions & Limitations

Landing sensors based on basic radar technology
present position measurement perturbations when the measured elevation angle is a "low angle" (typically during the last phase of the landing approach) perturbations on main signal amplitude & phase are due to a parasite signal reflection off the ground

RADAR ANTENNA r1N r12 h1NN a h12 h11



h2 r11 i
R21 R2N

Sol Rel

dr d

Plan horizontal


Basic radar solutions are unsatisfactory

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THALES MAGIC ATOLS FW solution for Customers needs

Safe, accurate and stable guidance

All weather utilization Wide area instantaneous acquisition Autonomous (doesnt need any external information as GPS, Inertial Navigation System data , , ) to measure RPA position: RPA landing possible when GPS is denied Accurate and continuous RPA position measurement Very easy to deploy and set up by non skilled operators Product suitable for all types of fixed wings RPA (TACTICAL, MALE, HALE) Easy to integrate within RPA System

Customers needs have been the driver for development

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Overcomes existing limitations, copes with Customers needs and provides accurate and stable guidance for Fixed Wings RPA
Ground Beacon Unit (GBU)

Air Beacon Unit (ABU)

14 cm x 14 cm x 5 cm 500g 5,5 in x 5,5 in x 2 in 1,1 lbs

Low power, large beam, horizontal polarization X band Ground Radar X band Air Beacon X band Ground Beacon
Ground Radar Unit (GRU)& Power Control Unit (PCU)

MAGIC ATOLS FW X Band offers an innovative solution

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MAGIC ATOLS FW: element description

RADAR ANTENNA r1N r12 h1NN a h12 h11



h2 r11 i
R21 R2N

Sol Rel

dr d

Plan horizontal



Si S2 S1

Frequency modulation computation to determine elevation



Ground Radar Unit (GRU) receivers & transmitters

Amplitude modulation

Patented algorithms to determine elevation

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MAGIC ATOLS FW: Typical installation

Small and light elements (and associated containers) Easy for transportation

Easy transportation

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MAGIC ATOLS FW: typical installation

Take-off & landing direction
TouchDown Point area

450m >20m ATOLS GRU 60m 10 deg 300-400m Prepared Strip ATOLS GBU 40m

>100m Obstacle Free

Class 2 Runway (Visual) - Exclusion Zone


UAV position measurement



Ground Radar Unit

UAV Ground Control Station

Ground Beacon Unit

Air Beacon Unit

Data Link

Simple installation and set-up aside prepared or unprepared runway Less than 30 min. installation time with 2 soldiers ( the system provides full automatic calibration and installation report) All type of runway nature

Easy installation aside strip

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Acquisition area ~10 Km UAV acquisition & recognition (one of five) Air Beacon switched on Operator check Operator decision to launch the automatic Tracking area landing sequence ~5 Km




Automatic Calibration phase (GRU & GBU)


1 2 3 4

UAV detection & recognition + azimuth & elevation measurement Tracking (azimuth & elevation & range & speed measurement) Taxi guidance: tracking (azimuth & elevation & range & speed measurement)


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Data exchanges with RPA system

UAV GCS UAS System data link

RPA position measurement (relative & absolute)


1 Beacon

Ground Elements

Easy integration within RPA system

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MAGIC ATOLS GROUND RADAR is interfaced with the UAV GCS via a full duplex Gigabit ETHERNET / fiber optic cable Ground Radar Output Data: UAVs measured position (Distance, Azimuth, Altitude) in relative position and in absolute position coordinate provided in WGS84 (Word Geodetic System 1984 used by GPS), UAV speed, bearing GCS order acknowledge - Installation consistency report - Bite report Input Orders and Information From UAV GCS: Orders: calibration, operation, maintenance mode gate - channel (frequency) choice UAV system clock coordinate of the 6 installation points: under run, take-off, touch down, threshold, Ground Radar, Ground Beacon

MAGIC ATOL Air Beacon is interfaced to the UAV via a standard half duplex RS485 serial data port very limited exchange of data (on-off, frequency channel, bite)

Easy integration with the GCS & RPA host

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MAGIC ATOLS FW typical installation

Air Beacon Unit

Metallic obstacle free

4 bolts & shock absorbers

Easy installation within RPA

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Azimuth Elevation

Accurate Position Measurement within 5 km range Reliable and accurate measurement (elevation & azimuth) For all kind of runway nature (grass, concrete, asphalt) 1 m accuracy in range 50 ms refresh time less than 100 ms latency

Smooth & continuous accurate measurement

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Long range instantaneous acquisition with a wide field of view

Wide fix pencil beam (no need to scan), 15 in elevation (-5 +15), 20 in azimuth (10), full specification Time to detect, identify, and start angular tracking of the air vehicle at long range is less than 1 second, and time to start full tracking at middle range is less than 0,5 second Can isolate up to 5 UAVs simultaneously, select one at 5 km range, and track it up to landing Confidence level information is provided during tracking Redundant skin effect & air beacon

Authorize all types of landings

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Extensive test and evaluation (160 + flights) In all conditions

WK : 100+ UK flights WK : certified by MoD airworthiness authority

Operational within WATCHKEEPER Program

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MAGIC ATOLS RW is dedicated for Rotary Wings UAV to take in account Navy/Army mission specificities:
Ship movements Air platform movements Limited spot size and limited over spot security volume Position measurement refresh rate too slow for (D)GPS and possibly denied Hostile all weather environment Unprepared ground spot for army

MAGIC ATOLS RW is successfully used within D2AD (automatic landing and deck landing demonstration) French DGA Program

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MAGIC ATOLS RW: description / ship installation example

2 passive small size deck sensors (Deck Sensor Unit) located on the ship deck One small size, lightweight, low consumption Deck Beacon (Deck Beacon Unit) One small size, lightweight, low consumption Air Beacon (Air Beacon Unit) One Guidance Navigation Control station
2 Groun d/Deck Sensors Ground/Deck Beacon

Air Beacon

Air Beacon Unit (ABU)

14 cm x 14 cm x 5 cm 500g 5,5 in x 5,5 in x 2 in 1,1 lbs

Guidance Navigation Control station

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MAGIC ATOLS RW: element description

Two passive deck sensors, automatically calibrated thanks to the deck beacon, measure the UAV position thanks to the air beacon transmission The Guidance Navigation Control station

Rendez - Vous area

Over Spot point

Waiting point

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MAGIC ATOLS RW Ground/Deck Sensors

Touch Down

MAGIC ATOL S RW Ground/Deck Beacon

receives this measure and the forecasted ship movements / ship trajectory information elaborates deck landing strategy and continuously computes UAV navigation orders (rendez-vous, waiting point, over spot point, touchdown) transmits these orders to UAV (via UAV Control Station and its associated Command & Control Data Link)

Ship operation room Officer is the leader to start automatic decking or taking-off phase

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MAGIC ATOLS RW: installation / integration

Simple (3 points) ground or deck installation Air Beacon Unit is simply installed (bolts & shock absorbers) aboard Air Vehicle in order to be seen by the MAGIC RW deck sensors MAGIC ATOL RW output data, on a Ethernet link, are the following: UAV position in 3 dimensions UAV speed, bearing UAV Way Points commands BITE information MAGIC ATOL RW main input orders and information are: ON/OFF order mode (operational, standby, maintenance), system clock ship prediction movements


UAV legacy system

Air Beacon

Deck Sensors

UAV position measures Ship Prediction Way points

UAV Data Link

Guidance Navigation Control Station

UAV Control Station

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French DGA take off and deck landing /landing demonstration Program: D2AD Late 2010, MAGIC ATOLS RW was integrated within Boeing UMLB system 2011 Summer tests were successfully performed:
in Army condition (prepared, or semi prepared area) in Navy simulated condition (3 axis motion table, and 15 Knots moving trailer )

Full scale demonstration (till sea

state 5) will take place in 2012 on board French vessel

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Conclusion / Questions
MAGIC ATOLS presents numerous advantages

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Tel: +33 (0)5 57 26 75 42 Mobile: +33 (0)6 80 08 39 63 [email protected]

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