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3201 - ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT THEORY III Term (Core) 7 Hours / Week Major Divisions Unit I Unit Ii Unit Iii

Unit Iv Unit V Electrostatics And D.C. Circuits Network Theorems Single Phase A.C Circuits Polyphase A.C. Circuits And Resonant Circuits Storage Batteries 17 hrs Total Hours : 84

Unit I Electrostatics and D.C. Circuits a) Electrostatics

Electric Flux - Electric Flux Density Electric field intensity Electric potential Coulombs laws of electrostatics concept of capacitance relationship between Voltage, Charge and Capacitance energy stored in a capacitor capacitance of parallel plate capacitor capacitors in series and in parallel types of capacitors and their applications Problems in above topics. b) D.C. Circuits Basic Concepts of current, emf, potential difference, resistivity, temperature coefficient of resistance Ohms law applications of Ohms law work, power energy relationship between electrical, mechanical and thermal units resistance series circuits parallel and series parallel circuits Kirchoffs laws Problems in the above topics. Unit II Network Theorems 17 Hrs

Network Branches Nodes Kirchoffs laws Mesh current and Node voltage analysis Star and Delta transformations Thevenins Theorem - Nortons Theorem, Superposition Theorem and Maximum power transfer theorem. (Problems in D.C Circuits only) Unit III Single phase A.C Circuits 17 Hrs

J Notations rectangular and polar coordinates Sinusoidal voltage and current instantaneous, peak, average and effective values form factor and peak factor (derivations for sine wave) pure resistive, inductive and capacitive circuits RL, RC, RLC series circuits impedance phase angle phasor diagram power and power factor power triangle apparent power, active and reactive power parallel circuits (two branches only) conductance, susceptance and admittance problems on all the above topics. Unit IV Polyphase A.C. Circuits and Resonant Circuits a) Polyphase A.C. Circuits Significance of 3 phase circuits Star, Delta connections Phase sequence Balanced load Relation between voltages, currents of line and phase values in star and delta connection Problems in balanced loads of star and delta connections Measurement of 3 phase power using two wattmeter method (Derivation and Problems) Star and Delta connected unbalanced loads (No problems) Symmetrical components (No problems) b) Resonant Cirucits Resonance : Series resonance Effects of varying inductance and capacitance in series RLC circuit Selectivity Q factor - Resonance Frequency Bandwidth Half power frequencies. 17 Hrs

Parallel resonance Two branch parallel circuits, Q Factor Resonance Frequency Band width problems. Unit V Storage Batteries 16 Hrs

Classification of cells construction chemical action and physical changes during charging and discharging of lead acid, nickel iron and cadmium cells indication of fully charged and discharged battery defects and their remedies capacity methods of charging - testing maintenance applications maintenance free batteries lithium cells and mercury cells. Reference Books: Name of the Book Electric circuit theory Author Dr. M. Arumugam & N. Premkumar Publisher Khanna Publishers, New Delhi

3201 - ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT THEORY Model Question Paper Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 75 Note: 1. Answer all questions 2. Answer any one from part A (5 marks) and any one from part B (10 marks) I A 1. Define the terms Electrostatic Flux, Flux density, Field intensity, Electric potential and their units. 2. Find equivalent capacitance when the capacitance are connected in series and in parallel B 1. A circuit consists of three resistors of 3ohm, 3ohm and 6ohm in Parallel and a fourth resistor of 4ohm in series. A battery of EMF 12V and internal resistance 5ohm isconnected across the circuit. a) Draw a diagram of the arrangement. b) Find the total external Resistance c) What is the total current in circuit. d) Total power. 2.The total capacitance of two capacitor is 0.333 F when joined in series and 1.5F when connected in parallel. Find the capacitance of each capacitor. II A 1. State and Explain super position theorem. 2. State and Explain maximum power transfer theorem. B 1. Find out the voltage Vab by Nortons theorem for the given Fig.

2. Obtain the current in 5ohm resistor using loop current method as shown in the network.


A 1. Explain the terms i) Form factor ii) Peak factor 2. Draw the vector diagram of RL series circuit and write the relation for impedance. B 1. Prove that power in RC series circuit is V I COS. 2. A coil of resistance 15ohm and inductance 0.05H is connected in parallel with a non inductive resistor of 20ohm. Find i) The current in each branch ii) The total

current iii)The phase angle of the combination when a voltage of 200V at 50Hz is applied. IV A 1. Compare series and parallel resonance in AC circuits. 2. Explain star connection and Obtain the relation for the line voltage in terms of phase voltage. B 1. Prove that sum of two wattmeters connected as per two wattmeter method gives the three phase power. 2. A coil having a resistance of 5ohm and an inductance of 0.2H is connected in series with a variable capacitor across 60V, 50Hz supply.Calculate the capacitance required to produce resonance and the corresponding value of i) current ii) Voltage across the coil iii) Power Factor iv) Q factor. V A 1. Mention the various applications of battery. 2. List out the defects in Lead acid cell. B 1. Describe the construction of a Nickel iron cell and discuss the chemical action taking place during charging and discharging. 2. Give an account of different charging methods and explain any one method with a circuit diagram.



7 Hours / Week Major Divisions Unit I Electromagnetism Unit II DC Generators Unit III DC Motors Unit IV Transformers Unit V Maintenance of Machines Unit I Electromagnetism

Total Hours : 84

17 Hrs

Magnetic materials Permanent and Electro Magnets Applications Basic Electro magnetic laws Maxwells Cork Screw Rule Polarity of Solenoid Magnetic quantities (Flux, Flux density, MMF, Reluctance, Magnetizing force, Permeability, Relative Permeability) Faradays laws of Electro magnetic induction Lenzs law Flemings right hand and left hand rule types of induced emf Inductance Expressions of dynamically induced emf Self and mutually induced emf Magnetic force and torque Magnetisation curve Hysterisis and Eddy current losses Energy stored in Magnetic field Lifting power of Electromagnet (Simple problems in all topics). Unit II DC Generators 17 Hrs

Principle of operation Constructional details Types of D.C. Generators Emf equation (Simple problems) Lap and Wave winding (No winding diagram) Different types of excitation OCC of separately excited and self excited (shunt & compound generators) Load characteristics of Self excited (Series, shunt & compound generators) Critical resistance Conditions for self excitation Armature reaction Effects and methods of compensation of Armature reaction - Commutation Causes of voltage drop Losses Efficiency Electrical, mechanical and commercial efficiency maximum efficiency problems Applications of D.C. Generators. Unit III DC Motors 17 Hrs

Principle of operation Torque, Back emf & Speed equations (Simple problems) Classification Characteristics of Shunt, Series & Compound motors Applications Speed control Field control and Armature control Necessity of starter 3 point starter, 4 point starter Losses and efficiency Testing (Load test & Swinburnes test) (Problem) Unit IVTransformers 17 Hrs

Principle of operation Constructional details (Types of cores, spiral, helical & disc windings) Emf equation Voltage ratio (Simple problems) Phasor diagram of transformer on no load & load (lagging pf, leading pf & upf) equivalent circuit Voltage regulation (Simple problems) Losses & efficiency OC & SC tests Condition for maximum efficiency (Simple problems) All day efficiency (Simple problems) Principle of auto transformer Saving in copper (Simple problems) Applications. Three phase transformers Different connections Parallel operations Load sharing Conditions for parallel operation Cooling methods Protective devices & accessories (Conservator, Breather, Bucholz relay & Explosive vent) Necessity of tap changers On load & off load tap changers Rating & Specification Factory tests on transformers Open delta & Scott connection Tertiary winding Unit V Maintenance of Machines 16 Hrs

Cause of sparking in commutator Defects in commutator and remedies, under cutting micaResurfacing of commutator-brushes-Functions and requirements-Brush holder-Function and

different types-staggering of brushes-Brush pressure-Defect in DC armature winding-GrowlerImportance of plants maintenance preventive maintenance - Breakdown maintenance-Production maintenance-Roll of maintenance engineer-Industrial hazard Causes of accidents and their prevention - protective devices - Role of safety engineer - I.E. Rules on safety. Reference Books : Sl.No. 1 2 3 Name of the Book Electrical machines A course of Electrical Engg A course in Electrical Technology (Volume-2) Operation and Maintenance of Electrical Machines Author .K.Bhattacharya, Principal, TTTI, Chandigar B.L. Theraja B.V.S. Rao Publisher Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi S.Chand & Co., New Delhi Khanna Publishers, New Delhi

3202 Time : 3 Hrs Note: 1. Answer all questions

ELECTRICAL MACHINES I Model Question Paper Max . Marks: 75

2. Answer any one from part A (5 marks) and any one from part B (10 marks) I A 1. Explain the Faradays law of electromagnetic induction. 2. Explain the term critical resistance. B 1. Derive the EMF equation of DC generator and hence find the Induced emf of 6 pole wave connected DC generator having 1200 conductors in the armature rotating at 1200RPM between poles producing a flux at 0.03webers 2. Explain armature reaction in DC generators. II A 1. Define the term back emf in DC motor. 2. Explain the methods of changing the speed of a motor. B 1. With neat sketch explain the operation of 3-point starter. 2. Explain the characteristics of DC series motor with neat sketches. III A 1. Define the term Turn ratio of transformer and state the relationship of Voltages in primary and secondary. 2. Derive the conditions for maximum efficiency of a transformer. B 1. Draw the phasor diagram of a transformer delivering a lagging pf load and explain 2. Explain the principle of auto transformer and explain how copper is saved in auto transformer. IV A 1. State the conditions for parallel operation of two single phase transformer in parallel 2. Explain the purpose of explosion vent in transformer. B 1. Write short notes of cooling of transformers. 2. With neat sketch explain the working of OFF- LOAD taper changer. V A 1. Explain the role of a maintenance engineer. 2. State the functions of brush holder. B 1. State the different defects in commutator and their remedies. 2. Discuss preventive maintenance in detail.


III Term (Core)

6 Hours / Week Major Divisions: Unit I Unit II Unit III Unit IV Unit V : : : : :

Total Hours : 72

Electronic Passive And Active Components Special Semiconductor Devices And Integrated Circuit Rectifiers, Filters And Power Supplies Amplifiers Power Amplifiers And Oscillators 14 Hrs

UNIT I Electronic Passive and Active Components Passive Components :

Resistors Types Materials Colour code- Specification, Inductors Types Specification. Capacitors Types Specification. Active Components : Semiconductor Diode Zener diode Varactor diode - Junction Transistors Principle of Operation and Characteristics of NPN and PNP Transistors - Unijunction Transistor - Field Effect Transistor JFET - MOSFET (Depletion and Enhancement Mode) - Comparison between JFET and MOSFET. UNIT II Special Semiconductor Devices and I.C Fabrication 14 Hrs

Principle of operation, Characteristics and applications of SCR Triac - Diac - Quadrac Silicon Control Switch Gate Triggered Oscillator Silicon Unilateral Switch Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor - LDR - Photo Diode - Solar Cell - LED and LCD. Introduction to IC technology IC family and advantages of ICs. UNIT III Rectifiers, Filters and Power supplies 14 Hrs

Circuit and operation of Half wave rectifier, Full wave Rectifier and Bridge rectifier Ripple factor and Efficiency - Comparison of Rectifiers (Description only) Three phase Rectifiers (Half wave and Full wave) circuit and operation. Filters Types- Operation of Capacitor Filter, LC Filter, PI Filter and RC Filter (Circuit and description only) Need for bleeder resistor. Regulated power Supply- Types- Circuit and principle of operation of Zener Voltage Regulator - Series Regulated Power Supply with Over Load Protection - Positive Voltage Regulator using IC 78xx and Negative Voltage Regulator using IC 79xx. Basic concept of SMPS and UPS (Block Diagram and explanation only). Half wave and Full wave Voltage Doublers - Clippers and Clampers (Using Diodes only). UNIT IV Amplifiers 15 Hrs

Definitions General Classification of Amplifiers CB, CC, CE Amplifier principles and operation Need for Biasing arrangement Fixed Bias, Collector to Base Bias, Self Bias operating point DC and AC load lines - Comparison of CB, CC, CE Amplifier Characteristics with respect to voltage gain, current gain, input impedance and output impedance.

Cascaded Amplifiers- RC coupled amplifier- Frequency response curve- dB notationdefinition of Lower cut off frequency and Upper cut off frequency - Band width. Distortion in amplifiers- noise in amplifiers. Emitter Follower- Darlington Emitter Follower Direct Coupled Amplifiers (Common Emitter connection only)- Differential Amplifier.

UNIT V Power Amplifiers and Oscillators

15 Hrs

Power Amplifiers- Class A, Class B, Class AB, Class C - Pushpull Amplifier- Complementry symmetry Pushpull Amplifier- Effect of negative Feedback in Amplifiers. Introduction- Burkhausen Criteria- Classification of Oscillators- Circuit Diagram and Operation of Hartley Oscillator, Colpitts Oscillator, Tuned Collector Oscillator, RC Phase Shift Oscillator, Wien Bridge Oscillator, Crystal Oscillator using IC MM 5369 and UJT relaxation Oscillator. Reference Books : Sl.No. 1 2 3 4 Name of the Book Electronics Devices Application and Integrated Circuits Integrated Circuits Electronic devices and Circuits An Introduction Electronic Devices and Circuits Author 1. Mathur 2. Kulshreshtha 3. Chadha K.R.Botkar Allen Mottershed 1. Salivahanan 2. N.Sureshkumar 3. A.Vallavaraj Publisher Umesh Publications, New Delhi 6. Khannna Publishers, New Delhi Prentice Hall of India (P) Ltd, New Delhi Tata McGrow Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi.

3203 ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND CIRCUITS Time: 3 Hrs Note: 1. Answer all questions Model Question Paper Max. Marks: 75

2. Answer any one from part A (5 marks) and any one from part B (10 marks) I A 1. Explain the color coding of resistors. 2. Explain the principle of varactor diode. B 1. With neat sketch explain the construction and principle of operation of JFET. 2. Explain the principle of operation of NPN transistor with neat sketch. II A 1. Describe briefly the operation of LDR. 2. Describe briefly the operation of SCS B 1. With neat sketch explain the construction and principle of operation of TRIAC 2.. Explain with diagram the step by step procedure of fabrication of Integrated resistors. III A 1. Explain the purpose of bleeder resistor. 2. Draw the I/P and O/P wave form of full wave rectifier. B 1. With neat sketch explain the construction and operation of SMPS. 2. Explain the working of clippers and clampers with neat diagrams IV A 1. Classify the amplifiers in general. 2. Define i) Cutoff frequencies ii) Bandwidth B 1. Explain self bias circuit with neat sketches. 2. Describe with neat sketch the operation of R.C coupled amplifier and draw the frequencyresponse characteristics. V A 1. State Barkhausen criteria for oscillators 2. Draw the UJT relaxation oscillator and its O/P wave form. B 1. Explain the working principle of class AB push pull amplifier with neat diagram. 2. Explain the working principle of RC phase shift oscillator with neat diagram.



6 Hours / Week List of Experiments : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Total Hours : 72

Calibration of Volt Meter and Ammeter. O.C.C of self excited shunt generator. Load test on a DC Shunt Generator. Load test on a DC Compound Generator. Load test on a DC Series Generator. Load test on a DC Shunt Motor. Load test on a DC Compound Motor. Load test on a DC Series Motor. Predetermination of efficiency of DC M/c by doing Swinburnes tests. Load test on the given single phase transformer. Breakdown Voltage Test and Acidity test on transformer oil. Load sharing of two single phase transformer. Predetermination of efficiency and regulation of the single phase transformer by doing OC & SC tests. Study of DC Motor Starters. Measurement of three phase power by two wattmeter method Speed control of DC shunt Motor Phasing out test on Three Phase Transformer Pairing of three Phase Transformer

SCHEME OF EXAMINATION S.NO 1. 2. TOPIC Experiments Viva - voce Total MARKS 65 10 75


III Term (Core )

6 Hours / Week List of Experiments : I. Devices 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Total Hours : 72

10. 11.

Draw the forward and reverse characteristics of semicondutor diode. Determine its Cut-in voltage. Draw the forward and reverse characteristics of zener diode. Determine its Cut-in voltage and break down voltage. Draw the ID Vs VDS characteristics for various gate voltages of the given FET. Draw the IA Vs VA characteristics of the given SCR. Determine the gate current for different anode voltages. Draw the VI characteristic of the given Diac. Determine the Cut-in voltage. Draw the VI characteristics of the given Triac. Determine the gate current for different anode voltages. Draw the VI characteristics of the given LDR under (a) various illumination level at constant supply voltage and (b) various supply voltages at constant illumination level. Draw the VI characteristics of the given LED. Determine the conduction voltage for satisfactory brightness. a) Draw the input characteristics (IB Vs VBE for various VCE) for the given transistor under CE configuration. Determine the input resistance. b)Draw the output characteristics (IC Vs VCE for various IB) for the given transistor under CE configuration. Determine the output resistance. Draw the VI characteristics of IGBT. Characteristics of UJT

II. Circuits: 1. Construct halfwave and Full wave Rectifier Circuits using diodes and observe the input and output waveforms with and without filter. 2. Construct a bridge Rectifier Circuit using diodes and observe the input and output waveforms with and without filter. 3. Construct a voltage regulator using IC 7812. Determine the load regulation and line regulation. 4. Construct a RC coupled amplifier and plot the frequency response characteristics. Determine the lower and upper cut-off frequency and bandwidth. 5. Construct a relaxation oscillator using UJT and trace the waveform. Measure the frequency. 6. Construct a series pass transistor voltage regulator and determine the regulation. 7. Study of CRO and controls

SCHEME OF EXAMINATION S.NO 1. 2. TOPIC Experiments Viva - voce Total MARKS 65 10 75

3206 MS-OFFICE LAB III Term( Core )

3 Hours / Week Total Hours : 36

WINDOWS : Introduction to Windows Environment.

Word: Introduction to Word Creating a document Working with a document Saving - Editing files - Cut - Copy - Paste Find and Replace etc. Tools in Word: Editing with Spelling and Grammar Creating table and Modifying table - Formatting tables - Mail merge - Print.

Excel: Screen structure Building a work sheet Entering Date Entering data in a series Formatting cells - Rows Columns Sheet Sort - Filter Forms - Sub totalling Calculating using formula and functions Formatting and Printing Creating a Chart PowerPoint : Slides - Creating a Presentation - Features of PowerPoint - Clip Art - Adding Clip Art to a slide.

List of Experiments : WINDOWS 1 WordPad Requisition letter for Diploma Certificate Apply Bold, Italic, Underline, Alignment, Different Colors, Apply different fonts, Inserting Date, Set Paper size, Margins Paint : Drawing Circles, Square, Lines, Polygon, Text Box, Flip / Rotate, Stretch / Skew and the usage of all other icons in the Tool Box. Calculator Calculating the Sin, Cos, Square, Cube, Exp, Factorial, Logarithm, Natural Logarithm of a number and Memory options (MC, MR, MS and M+ Options) WORD 2000 4 5 Create a newsletter in such a way as to implement Cut, Copy, Paste, Find and Replace commands. Create your class Time Table using Table command

6 7

Create a Quotation format for purchasing electrical items and prepare the Quotation for 5 companies using Mail Merge command Create a Requisition letter for Attendance Certificate. - While typing the letter, type with spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes. Rectify it with the Spelling and Grammar features EXCEL 2000

8 9 10

Type I Year mark of 10 students and calculate student wise Total and Average. Also calculates subject wise Total & Average and apply AutoFormat Prepare a calendar for the current year by dragging. Create a database of 20 records with the following fields. Slno Salesman Product Qty Rate Total Note: Salesman* : Dinesh, Krishnan, Rajendran and Arun Product * : Computer, Printer, Modem and Scanner The above mentioned 4 Salesmen and 4 Products should be repeated throughout the database. Create 3 copies in 3 sheets and apply Sort, Filter and Subtotal for the above database.


Creating a chart for a) Monthly Sales of a Company and b) I year total mark of 10 students PowerPoint 2000

12 13 14 15

Create a presentation for Office 2000 (Minimum 6 Slides, use Clipart also) Create a presentation about Electronic Industries (Minimum 6 Slides, use Clipart also) Create a presentation about Computers (Minimum 6 Slides, use Clipart also) Create a presentation about your polytechnic. (Minimum 6 Slides, use Clipart also)

SCHEME OF EXAMINATION S.NO 1. 2. TOPIC Exercise Viva - voce Total MARKS 65 10 75


IV Term ( Core )

7 Hours / Week Major Divisions Unit I Unit II Unit III Unit IV Unit V Alternator Principle & Construction Alternator Performance & Testing Three Phase Induction Motor Synchronous Motor & Single Phase Motors Maintenance Of Induction Motors And Starters

Total Hours : 84

Unit I Alternator Principle & Construction

17 Hrs

Basic Principle Requirements of alternator Rotating Field System Rotating Armature System Advantages of Rotating Field (Stationary Armature) system Types of Rotor Salient Pole rotor Non salient pole rotor Constructional details of salient pole alternator Constructional details of Non salient pole alternator Turbo alternator construction Alternators Brush less alternator Types of armature windings (No winding diagram) Single layer Double layer Lap & Concentric winding Phase spread Integral Slot winding Fractional Slot winding Pitch Factor Distribution factor Effect of Pitch factor on EMF Advantages of chorded pitch winding Effect of pitch factor on harmonics Methods of obtaining Sine wave in salient pole & non salient pole alternators EMF equation of alternators (Simple problems) Critical speed Run away speed Cooling of alternators Different methods Hydrogen cooling & advantages Transients in alternators Different types of excitation Stability of Excitation. Unit II Alternator Performance & Testing 17 Hrs

Alternator on No load Armature reaction in single phase alternators on load at various power factors Effective Armature resistance Leakage resistance Reactance due to Armature reaction Synchronous reactance Synchronous impedance Causes of Voltage drop in alternators Vector diagram of alternators on load (for lag, lead and unity power factors) Voltage regulation (Definition & Simple problems) Open circuit & Short circuit test Determination of regulation by direct load test Pre determination of Regulation by EMF method, MMF method, ZPF method. Parallel operation of alternators Necessity of Synchronization Advantages Methods Dark lamp method Bright Lamp method Synchroscope method Synchronizing current, Synchronizing power, Synchronizing torque Effect of change in excitation of alternators in parallel Load sharing of two alternators (Simple problems) Control of active load, reactive load Infinite bus bar Control of voltage & frequency of infinite bus bar Governor characteristics. Unit III Three phase Induction Motor 17 Hrs

Rotating magnetic field produced by 2 and 3 2pole system-principle of operation of 3Ph induction motors-slip and frequency-comparison between cage and slip ring induction motors development of Phasor diagram of three phase induction motor expression for torque in synchronous watts slip torque characteristics stable and unstable region no load test and blocked rotor test development of approximate equivalent circuit problems on the above topics simplified circle diagram determination of maximum torque, slip etc. (no problems) starting torque and starting current expression relationship between starting torque and full load torque speed control by injected e.m.f method, pole changing method, rotor resistance method and cascading method starters of induction motor direct on line starter, rotor resistance starter auto transformer starter star delta starter crawling, cogging in induction motor double cage motor linear induction motor.

Unit IV Synchronous Motor & Single Phase Motors

17 Hrs

Synchronous Motor Basic theory Reasons for not self starting Different methods of starting Synchronous motor Vector diagram on No load (Simple problems) V curve and inverted V curve for different excitation at constant input power Effect of change in load, excitation Power factor improvement using Synchronous motor Synchronous condenser Synchronous Phase Modifier Hunting Applications Comparison between Synchronous motor & Three Phase Induction motor. Single Phase Induction Motor Double Field Revolving theory for Single Phase Induction Motor Construction, Principle of working & applications of Split Phase motors, Capacitor type motors, Shaded pole motor, Universal motor, Repulsion motor, reluctance Motor - Stepper motor, AC & DC servo motor Amplidyne. Unit V Maintenance of Induction Motors and Starters 16 Hrs

BIS publication dealing with the code of practice of induction motors and starters classification of cage motor continuous rating and intermittent rating various types of enclosures specifications of motors selecting the cable rating drying out alignment diagram of CT selector switch (ASEA) single phase prevention using current operated relay commissioning annual maintenance points to be checked up important factors which influence the selection of starters of induction motor common induction motor troubles and their remedies causes of noise and vibration care of bearings static balancing degreasing vacuum impregnation varnishing effect of unbalanced supply on the performance of induction motor. Reference Books : Sl.No. 1 Name of the Book Electrical Machines Author S.K.Bhattacharya, Princiapl, TTTI, Chandigar B.V.S.Rao 4. B.L. Theraja 5. A.L.Theraja Edward Hughes MG Say Publisher Tata McGrow Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi. Khannna Publishers, New Delhi S.Chand & Co Publisher, New Delhi 55. Addision Wesley International Student Edition CBS Publication, New Delhi

Operation and Maintenance of Electrical Machines A text book of electrical technology Electrical Technology Performance and Design of AC machines

3 4 5


Model Question Paper Time: 3 Hrs Note: 1. Answer all questions Max. Marks: 75

2. Answer any one from part A (5 marks) and any one from part B (10 marks) I A 1. State the advantages of having a stationary armature and rotating field system in an Alternator. 2. State the advantages of using short chorded winding. B 1. Explain the different methods of cooling of an alternators. 2. Explain the methods of obtaining sinewave in salient pole and non salient pole alternators. II A 1. Define synchronizing power, current and synchronizing torque. 2. List the condition to be satisfied for the alternator when working parallel. B 1.Explain the armature reaction in three phase alternator for various loads. 2. Explain the effect of change in excitation when alternators are working in parallel. III A 1. Define the term slip and slip frequency referred to an induction motor. 2. Derive the expression for relationship between starting torque and full load torque. B 1. With neat circuit diagram explain the working of a star delta starter. 2. State the different methods of controlling the speed of induction motors and explain any one of them. IV A 1. Write short notes about synchronous condenser. 2. Compare synchronous motor and three phase induction motor. B 1. Explain with neat sketch the construction and operation of repulsion motor. 2. Explain with neat sketch the construction and operation of stepper motor. V A 1. Explain the important factors which influence the selection of starters for induction motor. 2. Explain the process of vacuum impregnation. B 1. Draw the circuit for single phasing prevention using current operated relays and explain. 2. State the common troubles in induction motor and their remedies.


IV Term ( Core )

7 Hours / Week Major Divisions Unit I - Classification And Characteristics Of Instruments Unit II - Measurement Of Voltage, Current And Resistance. Unit III Unit V - Measurement Of Power And Energy - Transducers And Industrial Instrumentation Unit IV - Special Instruments And Bridges

Total Hours : 84

Unit I Classification and characteristics of instruments

17 Hrs

General definition of measurement functions of measurement system (Indicating, recording and controlling functions) - Applications of measurement systems- classification absolute and secondary instruments indicating, recording and integrating instruments -Definition of true value, accuracy , precision, percentage static error and correction , instrument efficiency. Principle of operation - effects used in instruments- Operating forces deflecting, controlling and damping forces construction details- moving system - types of supports- balancing - torque weight ratio control systems (spring control and gravity control) damping systems Magnets pointers and scales.

Unit II Measurement of voltage, current and resistance

17 Hrs

Types of instruments Construction, working and derivation of torque equation of moving coil, moving iron, dynamometer type and induction type(shaded pole construction) instruments extension of instrument ranges shunt and multiplier (calculation and requirements, Simple Problems), current transformer and potential transformer (No derivations, working principle only) Measurement of resistance ohm meter (series and shunt type), multimeter and megger, Cathode Ray Oscilloscope CRT- constructional parts - Electron Gun - Deflection Plate - Fluorescent Screen - Glass envelope Base Time Base Generators - block diagram of a general purpose CRO, Basic CRO circuits and controls vertical deflection system - horizontal deflection system types of sweeps - synchronization Blanking Intensity Modulation positioning control focus control intensity control calibration circuit astigmatism Measurement of Phase and frequency Applications of CRO.

Unit III Measurement of power and energy

16 Hrs

Types of wattmeter - Construction and operation of dynamometer type wattmeter & LPF wattmeter 3 phase two element wattmeter - Construction and working of induction type single phase energy meter friction compensation -creep and prevention Errors and adjustments in energy meters- 3 phase energy meter (connection circuit only) - Testing of energy meter with Phantom loading and RSS meter - Measurement of power and energy using CT and PT (Circuit only) Construction and working of single phase dynamometer type power factor meter.

Unit IV Special instruments and bridges

17 Hrs

Merz price maximum demand indicator - Trivector meter - Synchroscope - Construction and working of Weston type - Phase sequence indicator construction and working of rotating type Frequency meter mechanical resonance (vibrating reed type) and Weston type frequency meters digital frequency meter (simplified composite block diagram) -XY recorder Block diagram and applications - Electronic Multimeter Digital Multimeter - Bridges - Wheatstone Bridge Basic form of AC bridge Anderson and Schering bridge for measurement of Inductance and capacitance (No derivation Formula only) - Localization of cable faults Murray and Varley loop tests to Locate ground and short circuit faults.

Unit V Transducers and industrial instrumentation

(Qualitative treatment only)

17 Hrs

Transducers Definition -Electrical transducers - Classification of electrical transducers based upon principle of transduction (Table) Theory and construction only for Strain gauge LVDT RVDT Piezo electric thermo couples Thermistors Proximity sensors Inductive and Capacitive types Introduction to digital encoding transducers .

Industrial instrumentation
Measurement of strain using wheatstone bridge measurement of pressure using inductive transducer measurement of angular velocity using DC Tachometer generator measurement of temperature using bimetallic thermometers measurement of flow using electromagnetic flow meter measurement of thickness using ultrasonic vibrations measurement of pH value using a pH cell Measurement of radiation using Geiger Muller tube.

Reference Books : Sl.No. 1 Name of the Book A course in electrical and electronic measurements and instrumentation Electronic Instrumentation Author 1. A.K.Sawhney 2. Puneet Sawhney HS Kalsi Publisher Dhanpat Rai & Co., (P) Ltd., New Delhi. 1. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi 2. Learning Materials Centre, ISTE, New Delhi 16. 3 Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement techniques Electronics and Instrumentation A course in electrical and electronic measurements and instrumentation Albert D.Helfrick William David Cooper 1. Dr.S.K.Battachariy 2. Dr.Renu Vig Umesh Sinha Prentice-Hall of India (P) Ltd., New Delhi S.K.Kataria & Sons, New Delhi 6. Satya Prakashan, New Delhi

4 5


Time: 3 Hrs Note: Model Question Paper Max. Marks: 75

1. Answer all questions 2. Answer any one from part A (5 marks) and any one from part B (10 marks)

A 1. Define a.True value b.Resolution

c.Instrument efficiency

2. Explain the forces acting on the moving system of an instruments. B 1. Explain the different types of control torque of an instrument. Compare them. 2.What is the necessity of damping in an indicating instrument. Describe different methods of producing damping force. II A 1. List the advantages and disadvantages of moving iron instrument. 2. Write about the need of time base voltages in the CRO. B 1.Draw the CRO block diagram and briefly explain the operation of each block. 2. With neat sketch explain the working of moving iron attraction type voltmeter. III A 1. What is creep in Energy meter? How is it prevented? 2. Draw the circuit diagram of a Two element wattmeter. B 1. Explain the constructional and working details of single phase dynamometer type power factor meter. 2. Explain the procedure for testing of energy meter with phantom loading and RSS meter. IV A 1. Describe the Schering bridge for measure the capacitance. Write the formula used. 2. Explain the working principle of rotating type phase sequence indicator. B 1. What is the purpose of TRIVECTOR meter? Explain the working of Landis and Gyr Trivector meter. 2. Explain with neat sketch the construction and operation of XY Recorder. V A 1. Explain the basic principle of capacitive transducer. 2. What are the advantages of Electrical transducers over Mechanical transducers. B 1. Describe the suitable circuit for measuring the temoerature by Bimetallic Thermometers. 2. Explain the working principle of LVDT.


IV Term ( Core )

6 Hours / Week Major Divisions

Total Hours : 72

Unit I Stress And Strain

Torsion And Springs Unit II Bearings And Lubrication Transmission Of Motion Unit III Steam Boilers Turbines Unit IV Pumps Internal Combustion Engines UNIT V Foundry Lathe and Drilling Machine UNIT I Stress and strain Mechanical properties elasticity plasticity ductility malleability toughness hardness stiffness. Stresses tensile compressive and shear strain Hookes law stress-strain diagram for mild steel factor of safety working stress Ultimate stress - elastic constants Youngs modulus Poissons ratio modulus of rigidity bulk modulus relation between elastic constants ( no derivation ) simple problems. Torsion and springs Theory of torsion torsion of solid and hollow circular shafts torsion equation (no derivation ) simple problems on torsional shear stress, torque, power transmitted and diameter of shafts description of flange coupling Springs classification and applications spring materials difference between open coiled and closely coiled springs stiffness of the spring deflection of the spring (no derivation) simple problems. UNIT II Bearings and lubrication Bearings types journal ball roller taper roller needle bearings advantages and disadvantages of ball bearings comparison of journal and ball bearings lubricant - types solid, semisolid and liquid lubricants methods of lubrication ring oiler lubrication drip system grease cup properties of lubricants Transmission of motion Drives types belt, chain, gear drives applications merits and demerits of each. UNIT III Steam boilers Formation of steam types of steam wet, dry, and superheated steam - boilers classifications description and working of BHEL high pressure boiler boiler mountings and accessories. 14 Hrs 14 Hrs 15 Hrs

Turbines Steam turbines classification impulse and reaction turbines compounding necessity types description of velocity compounding only impulse Vs reaction turbines. Hydraulic turbines Pelton wheel Francis and Kaplan turbines speed control in Pelton wheel selection of turbines gas turbine construction and working of open cycle gas turbine advantages and disadvantages. UNIT IV 14 Hrs

Pumps Construction and working of single stage , single acting reciprocating pump centrifugal pump jet pump deep well pump. Internal combustion engines IC engines classifications construction and working of a two-stroke and four stroke cycle petrol engine four stroke cycle diesel engine fuel supply system in a petrol engine functions of a carburetor simple carburetor - ignition system compression ignition coil and magneto ignition systems fuel supply system in diesel engines fuel injection pumps fuel injector lubrication system splash and high pressure lubrication systems cooling systems air and water cooling advantages and disadvantages. UNIT V Foundry Pattern pattern materials types single piece ( solid ) and split types only allowances moulding moulding tools and boxes moulding sands classifications and properties green sand moulding dry sand moulding casting sand casting using green and dry sand moulds. Lathe and Drilling Machine Lathe types specifications simple sketches principal parts of lathe head stock carriage cross-slide tail stock work holding devices face plate three and four jaw chucks lathe operations Plain turning, taper turning, step turning, knurling, drilling and reaming. Drills twist drills types of drilling machines bench type floor type radial type gang drill principle of operation drilling holes methods of holding drill bits drill chucks socket and sleeve drilling operations drilling reaming counter-sinking. Reference Book : Sl.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Name of the Book Strength of Materials Mechanical Engineering Applied Mechanics and Strength of Materials Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines Elements of Workshop Technology Thermal Engineering Author R.S.Khurmi R.S.Khurmi R.K.Bansal R.K.Bansal Hajra Choudhry P.L.Ballany Publisher S.Chand & Co., New Delhi S.Chand & Co., New Delhi Lakshmi Publication (P) Ltd., New Delhi Lakshmi Publication (P) Ltd., New Delhi Media Promoters & Publishers (P) Ltd, Mumbai Khanna Publishers, New Delhi 15 Hrs


Time: 3 Hrs Note: 1. Answer all questions 2. Answer any one from part A (5 marks) and any one from part B (10 marks) I A 1. Define the terms Ductility, Elasticity and Plasticity 2. What are the differences between open and closed coiled springs? And state the materials used for springs B 1. A steel rod of 25mm diameter and 2m long is subjected to an axial pull of 45KN. Calculate the Stress,Strain and Elongation.Take E (Epsilon)= (25 10)5 N/mm2 2.A Solid Circular Shaft has to transmit a Power of 40kW at 120 RPM. The permissible shear stress is 100 N/mm2.Determine the diameter of the shaft. II A 1.What are the applications of gear and belt derive? 2. What are the various types of bearings? And state the advantages of ball bearings. B 1.What are the methods of lubrication and Explain any one of that method. 2.State the merits and demerits of a) Belt derive b) Gear derive. III A 1. How boilers are classified? 2. Why compounding is necessary in steam turbines? B 1. Explain the working of BHEL high pressure boiler with a line sketch. 2. Explain with a neat sketch the working principle of a Francis turbine. IV A 1. Describe the water cooling system in I.C.engines. 2. Explain the coil ignition system in I.C.engines B 1. Explain the construction and working of single acting Reciprocating pump. 2. Explain with neat sketch the working of a four stroke petrol engine. V A 1. What are the properties of green sand? List out the materials used for pattern making. 2. What are the operation performed in the lathe. Explain any one of it. B 1. Explain with a simple sketch the construction of a lathe and name its various parts. 2. Explain with a neat sketch the construction and working of Radial type drilling machine.
Model Question Paper

Max. Marks: 75


IV Term (Core )

6 Hours / Week List of Experiments : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Total Hours : 72

Calibration of Wattmeter. Calibration of Single phase energy meter (using R.S.S meter). Calibration of 3 phase energy meter. Study of Synchronising of 3 Phase alternators. Predetermination of Regulation of Alternator (By Zs method). Load test on 1 phase alternator. Load test on 3 phase alternator. Load test on 3 phase squrrial cage induction motor. Equivalent circuit of 3 phase induction motors by No Load and blocked rotor tests. Load test on single phase Induction motor. Determination of V Curve (No Load) of Synchronous motor. Load test on 3 phase slip-ring Induction motor. Study of Induction motor starters. Predetermination of regulation of alternator by MMF method. P.F improvement of 3 phase cage induction motor using capacitor bank. Predetermine the efficiency of 3 phase cage motor by circle diagram method. Starting of FHP motor by DOL starter and note the starting and running current. Study of Shaded Pole motor. SCHEME OF EXAMINATION S.NO 1. 2. TOPIC Experiments Viva - voce Total MARKS 65 10 75


IV Term ( Core )

3 hours / week List of Exercises: Study Exercises 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Universal testing m/c. Various types of pumps. Working of two stroke and four stroke petrol engines. Working of four stroke diesel engine. Working of ignition system in IC engine. Drilling Machine

total hours : 36

Compulsory Exercises I Lathe 1) Plain turning 2) Step turning & Knurling 3) Step turning & Drilling 4) Taper turning II Foundry 1) Preparation of mould of straight pipe. 2) Preparation of mould of a Thumbles. 3) Preparation of mould of a flange coupling. 4) Preparation of mould of a gear Wheel. III Welding Making the following joints in MS flats of 6mm thick by arc welding 1) Lap joint 2) Butt joint 3) T joint 4) Corner joint

SCHEME OF EXAMINATION S.NO 1. 2. 3. TOPIC Lathe / Foundry Welding Viva - voce Total MARKS 50 20 05 75


IV Term (Core )

6 Hours / Week List of Experiments : Electrical Symbols :-

Total Hours : 72

01. Draw symbols of resistors inductors capacitors DC armatures alternators field winding shunt, series and compound relays contactors fuses main switch electric bell earth aerial DPST DPDT TPST Network link ammeters voltmeters wattmeters energy meters frequency meters power factor meters timers buzzers transformers auto transformers 02. Draw symbols of diodes transistors FET SCR UJT DIAC TRIAC MOSFETS - LOGIC GATES AND OR NOT NAND NOR EXOR. Drawing electrical connection diagrams :1. Draw the panel wiring diagram of two shunt generators in parallel. 2. Draw the panel wiring diagram of two single phase alternators in paralell. 3. Draw the winding diagram of lap connected DC armature with commutator connections and brush positions. 4. Draw the winding diagram of wave connected DC armature with commutator connections and brush positions. 5. Draw the mush winding diagram of a three phase induction motor. 6. Draw the concentric winding diagram of a single phase induction motor. 7. Draw the control circuit of jogging. 8. Draw the control circuit of automatic rotor starters. 9. Draw the connection diagram of on load tap changer. 10. Draw the circuit of three phase transformers in parallel. 11. Draw the line diagram of wiring of a drawing hall. 12. Draw the connections of three point starter. 13. Draw the connections of automatic star - delta starter. 14. Draw the connections of direct on line starter. 15. Draw the layout of the pole mounted distribution substation. 16. Draw the single line diagram of indoor substation.

SCHEME OF EXAMINATION S.NO 1. 2. 3. MA RKS Drawing Symbols 10 Drawing connection diagrams 60 Viva - voce 05 Total 75 TOPIC


V Term ( Applied )

6 Hours / Week Major Divisions

Total Hours : 72

Unit I :- Generation Of Electrical Energy & Economics Of Power Generation. Unit II :- AC Transmission and HVDC Transmission . Unit III :- Line Insulators and Underground Cables. Unit IV :- Circuit Breakers & Protective Relays. Unit V :- Non Conventional Energy Sources And Energy Conservation.


15 Hrs

Conventional methods of power generations Schematic arrangement and choice of site for hydel, thermal, diesel, nuclear, gas, co generation and wind power station pumped storage schemes base load and peak load plants. (Principle involved only). Grid or interconnected system necessity advantages load transfer through inter connector load despatching centre. Economics of power generation :Cost of generation - capital & running cost - load factor, maximum demand, diversity factor, load curve, load duration curve & plant factor tariff types & factors influencing the tariff simple problems in cost of generation and tariff. UNIT II:- AC TRANSMISSION & HVDC TRANSMISSION 15 Hrs

AC transmission :Typical lay out of AC power supply scheme influence of voltage on conductor materials limits of line voltage Kelvins law Its limitations OH lines conductors types of conductors line supports various types of supports with their applications spacing between conductors length of span sag calculations for the over head lines ( using approximate formula only ) effect of ice covering and wind over the line calculations of sag at the time of erection when the supports are at equal level and at unequal level problems various precautions to be taken while installing alluminium conductor lines vibration damper and its purpose effect of line capacitance and inductance in transmission lines transposition of transmission lines skin effect ferranti effect short transmission lines line regulation & efficiency power factor improvement using static capacitor advantages. HVDC transmission :High voltage DC transmission HVDC projects in INDIA and abroad advantages and disadvantages of HVDC transmission basics of protection of HVDC system. UNIT III:- LINE INSULATORS AND UNDERGROUND 14Hrs

Line Insulators :Purpose and requirement of line insulators material for insulators pin, suspension, strain, stray and shackle insulators failure of insulator testing of insulators voltage distribution over a string of suspension insulators string efficiency equalization of potential across each unit corona and its effect ( problems in voltage distribution over a string of insulators )

Underground cables :Advantages of cables classification of cables Requirement of cable construction belted cable oil filled cables advantages and disadvantages of oil filled cables laying of cables grading of cables ( no derivation and no problems ) specifications of cables. UNIT IV :- CIRCUIT BREAKERS AND PROTECTIVE RELAYS 14 Hrs

Circuit Breakers :Definitions function and principle of working arc phenomenon definition of terms recovery voltage restriking voltage rate of rise of restriking voltage capacitive current breaking current resistance switching making capacity breaking capacity short time rating classification construction, working, merits and demerits of air blast circuit breakers( cross and axial blast ), bulk oil circuit breakers( plain break controlled blast with cross jet explosion ) oil minimum circuit breaker SF6 and vacuum circuit breakers tests on circuit breakers maintenance schedule for circuit breakers. Protective relays :Necessity principle of working functions requirement of relays types of protection and classification construction principle of operation connections and applications of induction type over current relay, earth leakage relay, distance relay, direction relay, differential relay and reverse power relay. UNIT V :- NON - CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES AND ENERGY CONSERVATION 14 Hrs Solar wind geo thermal - ocean tidal energy sources basic principles only. Introduction to energy conservation need for conservation strategies for loss reduction measures in transmission and distribution, industries, agriculture sectors and homes principles of energy accounting and auditing economics principle of energy management. Reference Books : Sl.No. 1 Name of the Book A Course in Electrical Power Electrical Power A Course in Electrical Power HVDC Power Transmission System & Technology Electrical Power System Principles of Power Systems Electrical Power System Planning Author 1. Soni 2. Gupta 3. Bhatnagar S.L. Uppal J.P. Gupta. KR. Padiyar. Publisher Dhanpath Rai & Co (P) Ltd., New Delhi Khanna Publishers, New Delhi Katson Publishing House, New Delhi New Age International New Delhi New Age International New Delhi S.Chand & Co., New Delhi 6 7 VK. Mehta. McMillan India Ltd., New Delhi A.S.Pabla (Unit V)

2 3 4

CL. Wadhawa.


Model Question Paper

Time: 3 Hrs Note: 1. Answer all questions

Max. Marks: 75

2. Answer any one from part A (5 marks) and any one from part B (10 marks) I A 1. List the advantages of inter connected system. 2. Define a)Load factor b)Diversity factor. B 1. With a neat diagram explain the layout and working of a thermal power station 2. A consumer is offered electricity at the following tariff Rs 60 per KVA of his maximum demand plus 5 paise per unit consumed. He has an aggregate motor load of 250KW at 0.8 pf lagging. calculate his annual bill for a load factor of 70%
II A 1. State and explain Kelvins law

2. Explain ferranti effect.

B 1. Derive an expression to calculate the sag of an overhead line erected between two equal supports. 2. Explain various methods of power factor improvement in over head lines. III A 1. Explain the construction of pin insulator. 2. Explain the term grading of cables. B 1. Define string efficiency and explain the methods of improving string efficiency. 2. With neat sketches explain the methods of laying under ground cables. IV A 1. What are the advantages of air circuit breaker ? 2. What are the requirements of a good protective relay ? B 1. With a neat diagram explain the working of an oil minimum circuit breaker. 2. Explain the principle and working of a differential relay. V A 1. Explain the principle of power generation by geo thermal source. 2. Why is energy conservation necessary? B 1. How can energy be conserved at homes, industries ? 2. What is energy audit ? Explain the principles of energy audit.



V Term( Applied )

5 Hours / Week Major Divisions: Unit I Unit II Unit III Unit IV Unit V Unit I Operational Amplifier And Timer. Switching Algebra And Logic Gates. Digital Counters. Memories, Digital Arithmetic And Display Circuits. A/D Converters.

Total Hours : 60


12 Hrs

Introduction Block diagram - Definitions such as Input off set voltage, Input off set current, Input bias current, Differential Input resistance, Input capacitance - Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR) Supply Voltage Rejection Ratio (SVRR) Large signal voltage gain, current gain, slew rate, output resistance. Ideal Op-Amp characteristics - Equivalent Circuit of an Op-Amp. Op-Amp Applications Differential amplifier The inverting amplifier The non inverting amplifier Summer Scale changer - Instrumentation amplifier Precision rectifier - Clipper and Clamper (Positive and Negative Clippers, Positive and Negative Clampers) Low Pass and High Pass filters Comparators Schimit Trigger, Peak detector Zero cross detector. 555 Timer - The 555 as a monostable multivibrator, and as astable multivibrator . UNIT II SWITCHING ALGEBRA AND LOGIC GATES 12 Hrs

Review of Number system Boolean algebra Basic laws and DeMorgans theorem Logic gates - Positive logic Negative logic. Symbolic representation and truth table for logic gates OR, AND, NOT, NAND, NOR, EX-OR, EX-NOR and INHIBIT. Realisation of AND OR NOT gates using universal gates (NAND and NOR combinational logic gates) Simplification of logic function using Karnaughs map (simple problem upto four variables) Synthesizing simple logic gate circuits using AND, OR, NOT gates. Digital families Digital IC characteristics of TTL, ECL, I2L, CMOS technologies precautions in handling CMOS ICs their basic circuits Fan in Fan out - Propagation delay Sequential logic circuits Flip Flops RS Flip Flop, D, T, JK Master slave Flip Flops Edge triggered Flip Flops. UNIT III DIGITAL COUNTERS 12 Hrs

Counters (Circuits, state and timing diagram) Asynchronous counters Ripple counters, divide by N counter - one digit BCD counter , 4 bit binary up, down, up/down counters, synchronous counters, Modulo 5, modulo 7, decade counter - Ring counters, decoders, encoders, multiplexer and demultiplexers tristate buffer and bi-directional buffer 4 bits shift registers serial in serial out, serial in parallel out, parallel in parallel out and parallel in serial out ICs used for the above (Number only).


12 Hrs

Memories Addressing, Read, Write, and Read Only operations, organization of memory cells ROM, RAM, EPROM, EEPROM Charge Coupled Devices - tri-state devices Volatile and Non Volatile, Static and Dynamic RAMs - refreshing a dynamic RAM. 1s complement 2s complement Addition Signed binary numbers Arithmetic circuits Half adder Full adder Half subtractor Full subtractors Tri-state devices serial and parallel adders. Binary multiplexers Parity generators and checkers Code converters Binary to BCD, BCD to Seven segment. LED and drive circuits (Transistor and IC ) seven segment displays Display circuits Latched display Multiplexed display. UNIT V A/D CONVERTERS 12 Hrs

Analog to digital Conversion Necessity Sampling Sample and hold circuit using LF 398A Acquisition time, aperture time Quantization - AD Converters Different conversion techniques Simultaneous, Ramp, successive approximation Dual slope AD converters. D/A converters Basic concepts Summing Amplifier type D/A converter. R/2R ladder network circuit. A/D and D/A converters specification. Reference Books: Sl.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Name of the Book Integrated Circuits Modern digital Electronics Digital Computer Electronics Digital integrated Electronics Integrated Electronics Digital Electronic Circuits and Systems Author K.R.Botkar R. P. Jain Albert Paul Malvino Herbert taub Donald Schilling Millman and Halkias V. K. Puri Publisher Khannna Publishers, New Delhi Tata McGrow Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi. Tata McGrow Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi. McGraw Hill Book Company, New Delhi Tata McGrow Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi. Tata McGrow Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi.


Model Question Paper

Time : 3 Hrs Note : 1. Answer all questions

Max . marks :75

2. Answer any one from part A (5 marks) and any one from part B (10 marks)

A 1. Define CMRR and Slew rate of OP-amplifier. 2. Explain how an OP-amplifier can be used as comparator.
B 1. Explain the operation of clipper circuit and schmitt trigger circuit using OP-amplifier 2.Explain the operation of IC 555 astable multivibrator with waveform


A 1. Draw the symbol and truth table of NAND gate and EXOR gate.

2. Realise AND and OR gates using NAND gate. B 1. State and prove Demorgans theorem. 2. Explain the operation of JKMS flip flop with truth table. III A 1. Draw the logic diagram of decade counter. 2. List the difference between ripple counter and synchronous counter.
B 1. Explain the operation of 1 of 8 multiplexer.

2. Draw the logic diagram of 4 bit shift register and explain its serial in serial out mode of operation. IV A 1.Write the difference between static RAM and dynamic RAM. 2.Draw the logic diagram of half subtraction and give its truth table. B 1. Explain the operation of parallel adder circuits. 2. Explain the operation of multiplexed T-segment display system. V A 1. Write short notes on sample and hold circuit. 2. Draw the circuit diagram of summing amplifier type D/A converter B 1. Explain the dual slope A/D converters with circuit diagram. 2.Explain R-2R ladder network with D/A converter with circuit diagram


V Term (Diversified ) 6 Hours / Week Major Divisions Unit I : Control Circuit Components Unit II: Dc Motor Control Circuits Unit III : Ac Motor Control Circuits Unit IV : Industrial Control Circuits Unit V : Programmable Logic Controller UNIT I: CONTROL CIRCUIT COMPONENTS 14 Hrs Total Hours : 72

Switches Push button, selector, drum, limit, pressure, temperature (Thermostat), float, zero speed and Proximity switches. Relays Voltage relay, dc series current relay, frequency response relay, latching relay and phase failure relay (single phasing preventer). Over current relay Bimetallic thermal over load relay and Magnetic dash pot oil filled relay. Timer Thermal, Pneumatic and Electronic Timer. Solenoid Valve, Solenoid type contactor (Air Break Contactor), Solid State Relay, Simple ONOFF motor control circuit, Remote control operation and interlocking of drives. UNIT II: DC MOTOR CONTROL CIRCUITS 14 Hrs

Current limit acceleration starters Series relay and counter emf starters - Definite Time acceleration starters Field failure protection circuit field acceleration protection circuit field deceleration circuit. Jogging control, dynamic braking control, reversing control and plugging control circuits. Speed control using diac&SCR,UJT&SCR. UNIT III: AC MOTOR CONTROL CIRCUITS 15 Hrs

Motor current at start and during acceleration No load speed and final speed of motor DOL starter Automatic auto transformer starter (open circuit and closed circuit transition) Star/Delta starter (semi automatic and automatic) Starter for two speed, two winding motor Reversing the direction of rotation of induction motor Plug stopping of the motor Dynamic braking Three step rotor resistance starter for wound induction motor Secondary frequency acceleration starter.


14 Hrs

Planner machine Contactor control circuit Logic control circuit Skip hoist control Automatic control of a water pump Control of electric oven Control of air compressor Control of over head crane Control of conveyor system Control of elevator Trouble spots in control circuits General procedure for trouble shooting.


15 Hrs

PLC Definition Requirements of PLC Advantages over relay logic components of PLC Programming the PLC Program loader How the PLC operates Additional capabilities of PLC Ladder logic diagram Symbols for common logic and sequence components in a ladder diagram Ladder logic diagram for DOL starter, star/delta starter and fluid filling operation Typical low level language instruction set for a PLC Input module (schematic and wiring diagram) Output module(schematic and wiring diagram) PLC scan. Reference Books : Sl.No. 1 2 Name of the Book Control of Electrical Machines Automation, Production System And ComputerIntegrated Manufacturing Author S.K. Bhattacharya Mikell P. Groover Publisher New Age International Publishers New Delhi. Prentice Hall of India (P) Ltd., New Delhi


Model Question Paper

Time : 3 Hrs Note : 1. Answer all questions

Max . marks :75

2. Answer any one from part A (5 marks) and any one from part B (10 marks)

A 1. Write short notes about i) Limit switch ii) Selector switch. 2. Explain the operation of bimetallic thermal over load relay. B 1. With neat sketch explain the principle and operation of pneumatic timer 2. With neat sketch explain the simple ON OFF motor control circuit.


A 1. Explain the operation of current limit acceleration starters. 2. Explain the operation of field acceleration protection circuit. B 1. Draw and explain the control circuit for jogging of DC motor. 2. Draw and explain the control circuit for dynamic braking of DC motor


1. Explain the operation of secondary frequency acceleration starter. 2. Explain plugging. Distinguish between plug stop and plug reversal.

B 1. Explain the control circuit for three step rotor resistance starter for wound induction motor. 2. Explain open circuit and closed circuit transition in star delta starter. IV A 1. With neat sketch explain the operation of automatic water level indicator using SCR 2. Explain the general procedure for troubleshooting. B 1. With neat sketch explain the control circuit of air compressor. 2. With neat sketch explain the control circuit of overhead crane. V A 1. What are all the advantages of PLC over relay logic. 2. Briefly explain the components of PLC. B 1. Explain the operation of PLC. 2. With neat sketch explain the ladder logic diagram for star delta starter.


V Term (Diversified )

6 Hours / Week Major Divisions: Unit I Unit II Unit III Unit IV Unit V : : : : :

Total Hours : 72

Over View of C (Review). Decision Making, Branching, Looping And Arrays. Character Strings And Functions. Pointers. File Management. 14 Hrs

UNIT I OVER VIEW OF C (REVIEW) Keywords, Constants, Variables and Datatypes:

Character Set Constants Integer Constants Character Constants String Constants; Variables Declaration of Variables; Assigning value to Variables. Operations and Expressions: Arithmetic, Relational, Logical, Assignment, Increment, Decrement, Conditional, Bitwise Operator, Arithmetic Expressions, Evaluation of Expression. I/O Statements: Printf() and Scanf() functions (Unformat and formatted), getchar() and putchar() functions. Functions: Predefined functions isdigit, isupper, islower and ispunct functions in header file<ctype.h> ; cos, tan, exp, ceil, floor, abs, pow and sqrt functions in header file <math.h>; Strlen, strcpy, strcmp and strcat in header file <string.h>. UNIT II DECISION MAKING, BRANCHING AND LOOPING AND ARRAYS Introduction: Simple if statement. Decision Making & Branching: The ifelse statement; Nesting of ifelse statement; elseif ladder; switch case statement; goto statement. Looping: While statement; dowhile statement; for statement, break & continue statement. Arrays: One Dimensional Arrays; Two Dimensional Arrays Initializing One dimensional & TwoDimensional Arrays; Multidimensional Arrays. UNIT III CHARACTER STRING AND FUNCTIONS Character Strings: Introduction declaring & initializing string variables; Reading Strings; Writing Strings; Comparison of two Strings; String handling functions; User defined functions. 15 Hrs 14 Hrs

Functions: Function declaration, function definition, function call, passing arguments, returning values, return statement. Structures & Unions: Structure definition; Structure Initialization; Arrays of Structures; Structures within structures; Unions. UNIT IV POINTERS Macro Substitution; File Inclusion; Compiler Controlled Directives. 14 Hrs

Pointers: Understanding Pointers: Accessing the address of Variables; Declaring and Initializing Pointers; Accessing a variable through its pointer; Pointer Expressions; Pointer Increments; Pointers and Arrays; Pointer and character Strings; Pointer and functions; Pointers and Structures. UNIT V File Management File Management: Introduction; Defining and Opening a file; closing a file; Input / Output Operations on files (getc, putc,getw, putw, fprintf and fscanf functions); Error handling during I/O operation; Random Access files; Command line arguments; Appending items to a file. Introduction to OOPS: (Theory only) Limitation of Procedural Languages; Object Oriented approach Analogy; Approach to Organisation; characteristics of Object Oriented Languages Objects, Classes, Inheritance, Reusability, Creating New Data types, Polymorphism and Overloading Application of OOPs. Reference Books : Sl.No. 1 2 3 4 5 Name of the Book Programming in C (withCD) Object Oriented Programming with C++ Computer Programming in C Programming in C Programming in C and C+ + Author Balagurusamy E Balagurusamy E Rajaraman V Venugopal S.S Khandare Publisher Tata McGrow Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi. Tata McGrow Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi. Prentice Hall of India (P) Ltd., New Delhi Tata McGrow Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi. S.Chand & Co., New Delhi 15 Hrs

3401 B


Time : 3hrs Note : 1. Answer all questions

Max.Marks :75

2. Answer any one from part A (5 marks) and any one from part B (10 marks) I A i). Explain Printf( ) Scanf( ) Functions ii).How will you declare and assign value to a variable. B.i) Briefly explain the operators in C language ii) Explain the following Predefined functions isupper, pow, sqrt, ceil and Strlen II A. I) How will you initialize a one dimensional array ii) Give the general format of switch case statement and explain B. I) With simple examples explain while and dowhile loops. ii) Illustrate the use of brake and continue statements. A. I) What are the possible ways of declaring a structure variable. ii) How will you declare and initialize a string variable. B.i) Explain the string handling functions II) To write a program to display the marksheet of a student using structure A.i) Explain any two compiler controlled directives ii) How will you declare and use a pointer variable. B.i) Give a brief note on pointers and arrays ii) Write a program to find out the length of the given string using pointers A I) What are the methods available to open a file ii) Mention any file limitations of procedural languages B. I) Briefly explain the basic concepts of object oriented programming ii) Write a program to append items to a file




V Term (Diversified )

6 Hours / Week Major Divisions Unit I : Introduction To Energy Sources & Solar Radiation. Unit II : Solar Energy Collection, Storage And Applications. Unit III : Wind Energy. Unit IV : Tidal Energy And Geothermal Energy. Unit V : Bio Energy.

Total Hours : 72


15 Hrs

Primary energy Sources Secondary fuels Supplementary sources Energy consumption as a measure of prosperity World energy futures Conclusions of the study on alternate energy strategies Energy sources and their availability Commercial or conventional energy sources Coal, Oil, Agriculture and Organic base, Water Power, Nuclear power, Thermal Power - Non-conventional sources Solar energy, Wind energy, Energy from biomass, Energy from biogas, Energy from Ocean, Tidal energy, Geothermal energy, Hydrogen energy, Fuel cells Magneto Hydro Dynamic generators Thermionic Converter Thermo electric power Renewable electric sources Advantages Obstacles of the implementation Prospects of renewable energy sources World renewable energy resources. Solar Radiation Solar constant solar radiation at earths surface Beam and diffuse solar radiation Attenuation of beam radiation Solar radiation geometry Attitude angle Zenith angle solar azimuth angle incident angle latitude angle declination angle hour angle local solar time solar radiation measurements angstrom compensation pyrheliometer abbot silver disk pyrheliometer Eppley pyrheliometer - Eppley pyranometer yellott solarmeter suryamapi sunshine recorder solar radiation data solar radiation on titled surface beam radiation total radiation (qualitative treatment only) Unit 2 : SOLAR ENERGY COLLECTION, STORAGE AND APPLICATIONS Solar Energy Collection Introduction Physical principles of conversion of solar radiation into heat Flat plate collector Typical liquid collector Heat transport system Typical air collector Applications of solar air heaters Advantages of flat plate collectors - concentrating collector (focusing type) parabolic through Mirror strip reflector Fresnel lens collector point focusing collector (parabolodial type) concentrating collector (Non focusing type) Compound Parabolic concentrator advantages & Disadvantages of concentrators over flat plate collectors - selective absorber coatings Characteristics of absorber coatings. Solar Energy Storage Introduction Solar energy storage systems thermal storage sensible heat storage latent heat storage solar pond non conductive solar pond Extraction of Thermal energy Applications of Solar pond. 15 Hrs

Solar Energy Applications

Introduction solar water heating, pressuirized & forced circulation Passive heating system and active heating system space cooling absorption air conditioning intermittent absorption cooling solar thermal electric conversion Solar electric power generation Principles of solar cells semiconductor junctions Conversion efficiency and power output Photovoltaic system for power generation Solar cell connecting arrangements storage batteries Inverters applications of solar PV system Advantages and Disadvantages of PV solar energy conversion Solar distillation solar pumping Solar furnace Solar green houses Advantages Solar production of hydrogens Direct thermal, Thermo chemical, Electrolytic and photolytic methods. Unit III WIND ENERGY 14 Hrs

Introduction to wind energy basic principles of wind energy conversion nature of wind power in the wind maximum power forces on the blade wind energy conversion small producers and large producers wind data and (qualitative treatment only) energy estimation site selection consideration Basic components of wind energy conversion systems classifications of WECS advantages and disadvantages of WECS generating system scheme of electric generation generator control - load control energy storage applications of wind energy inter connecting system environmental aspects safety systems wind energy in India prospects. Unit IV TIDAL ENERGY AND GEOTHERMAL ENERGY Tidal Energy 14 Hrs

Introduction to tidal power Basic principles of tidal power components of tidal power plants power house Dam sluice ways from the basin to sea and vice versa operation methods of utilisation of Tidal energy single basin and double basin arrangements site requirement storage advantages limitation of Tidal power generation prospects of Tidal Energy in India. Geothermal Energy Introduction to Geothermal Energy fields Hydro thermal & semi thermal fields prime movers for Geothermal Energy conversion classifications- Advantages of Geothermal Energy over other energy forms Applications of Geothermal Energy at different temperatures material selection for Geothermal power plant - Geothermal exploration seismic monitering - Geothermal well drilling operational & Environmental problems - Geothermal Energy in India prospects. Unit V BIO ENERGY 14 Hrs

Introduction to biomass Biomass conversion technologics wet process and dry process Biogas generation classification of biogas plants continuous & batch types The dome and the drum types Different variations in the drum type Types of Biogas plants Floating gas holder Fixed dome digestor Biogas from plant wastes Community biogas plants Materials used for biogas generation selection of site for biogas plant Methods of maintaining Biogas generation starting a biogas plant Fuel properties of biogas utilisation of biogas methods of obtaining energy from Biomass Combustion Anerobic digestion Pyrolsis Hydrolyses and Ethanol Fermentation Gasifier Classsifications Applications of Gasifiers.

Reference Books :

Sl.No. 1 2 3

Name of the Book Non Conventional Energy sources

Author G.D. Rai

Publisher Khanna Publishers, New Delhi Khanna Publishers, New Delhi

Energy Technology S. Rao (Non - Conventional, Dr. B.B.Parulekar Renewable &Conventional) Solar Energy Utilization G.D. Rai

Khanna Publishers, New Delhi

3401 - C

NON CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES Model Question Paper Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 75

Note : Answer all questions , choosing any one from part A ( 5 Marks) andone from part B ( 10 Marks) I A i) Explain the principle of operation of Magneto-Hydrodynamic generators ii) Define a) Solar Constant b)Solar Azimuth angle. B i) Give a brief account of Renewable electric Sources. What are its advantages ? What are the obstacles in their implementation. ii) Describe Angstrom type Pyrhelio Meter. What are names of other important Pyrhelio Meters II A i) What are Photo Voltaics ? Explain. ii) Explain the principle of operation of Solar Pond. B i)What are the advantages and disadvantages of Focussing type Collector over a Flat Plate Collector. ii) with neat diagram explain the PV water pumping system.

III A i) How is Wind Power calculated. ii) Briefly explain about Wind Energy in India. B i) Explain about the various types of Generators that can be used in a Wind System. ii) Explain the factors to be considered while selecting site for a Wind Energy System. IV A i ) What are the Limitations of Tidal Power Generation. ii)Explain the Classification of Geo Thermal Fields. B i ) Explain in detail the Single Basin and Double Basin arrangement of a Tidal Energy Conversion System. ii ) Explain the Geo Thermal Energy Conversion Process with an emphasis on the Prime Movers. V A i ) Discuss the Bio Mass Resources. ii ) What are the Properties and Characteristics of Bio Gas. B i ) Explain the process of Bio gas Generation. ii) With a neat diagram explain the construction and working of a fixed Dome Digester.


V Term (Diversified)

6 Hours / Week Major Divisions Unit I Basic Principles Of Electrical Machine Design. Unit II Magnetic And Electric Circuits In Machines. Unit III Design Of Dc Machines. Unit IV Design Of Transformer. Unit V Design Of Induction Motors. Unit I BASIC PRINCIPLES OF ELECTRICAL MACHINE DESIGN

Total Hours : 72

14 Hrs

Introduction Constructional elements of transformer constructional elements of rotating machines classification of design problems standard specifications Magnetic and electrical loadings output equation (general) Factors affecting the size of rotating machines Limitations in design. Unit II MAGNETIC AND ELECTRIC CIRCUITS IN MACHINES 14 Hrs

Basic principles of magnetic circuits Magnetic curve magnetic circuit calculations Reluctance of air gap in machines with smooth armature Reluctance of air gap in machines with open armature slots mmf for air gap mmf for teeth Real and apparent flux densities Magnetic leakage unbalanced magnetic pull Basic principles of electric circuits slot dimension. Unit III DESIGN OF DC MACHINES 14 Hrs

Construction output equation choice of specific magnetic loading selection of number of poles Length of air gap armature core design Armature winding design Magnetic circuit Design of field system Design of field coil Design of series field winding Design of commutator and brushes Design of Interpoles. Unit IV DESIGN OF TRANSFORMER 15 Hrs

Transformer construction output equation of single phase transformer output equation of three phase transformer Design of core Overall dimensions in the transformer Design of winding Cooling of transformer Design of tank with cooling tubes Estimation of no load current of transformer Effect of frequency on iron loss. Unit V DESIGN OF INDUCTION MOTORS 15 Hrs

Single phase induction motor comparison between single phase and 3 phase induction motors choice of number of starter slots Design of main stator winding Design of auxiliary stator winding. Three phase induction motor construction output equation Main dimensions stator windings stator core Length of air gap Design of squirrel cage rotor Reduction of harmonic torques Design of wound rotor. Reference Books: Sl.No. 1 2 3 Name of the Book A simplified text in Electrical machine design Design of Electrical Machines Principles of Electrical machine design (Revised edition) Author A.Nagoor Kani V.N. Mittal R.K. Agarwal Publisher RBA Publications, Chennai Standard Publishers Distributors, New Delhi S.K. Kataria & sons, New Delhi

3401- D ELECTRICAL MACHINE DESIGN Model Question Paper Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 75

Note :Answer all questions , choosing any one from part A ( 5 Marks) and one from part B ( 10 Marks) I A i) Explain the basic structure of an electromagnetic rotating electrical Machine. ii) Briefly Explain the limitations in design. B i) Explain the factors affecting the size of rotating machines. ii) A 350 KW ,500V ,450rpm , 6 pole dc generator is buitt with an armature diameter of 0.87m and a core length of 0.32m . The Lapwound armature has 660 conductores. Calculate the specific electric and magnetic loadings I I A i) What is carters co-efficient ? Explain. ii) Write short notes about slot leakage flux. B i) Explain the practical aspects of unbalanced magnetic pull. ii) Estimate the effective gap area per pole of a 10 pole , slip ring Induction motor with following data. Stator bore =0.65m Core lengh =0.25m No of stator slots=90 Stator slot opening =3mm Rotor slots =120 Rotor slot opening =3mm Air gap length =0.95mm Carters coefficient for ducts=0.68 Carters coefficient for slots =0.46 No of ventilating ducts =3 each on rotor and stator , width of each ventilating duct =10mm III A i) Explain the methods of applying brushes to the commutator. ii) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of having large number of poles. B i) Derive the output equation of a DC machine. ii) A 5 Kw, 250 V , 4 pole , 1500 rpm shunt generator is designed to have a square pole face. The loadings are average flux in the gap = 0.42 wb / m2 and ampere conductors per meter = 15,000. Find the main dimensions of the machine.Assume full load Efficiency = 0.87 and ratio of pole arc to pole pitch = 0.66. IV A i ) How the magnetic curves are used for calculating the No Load Current of a Transformer ? ii) Classify the Transformers according to its Cooling Methods. B i ) Derive the Output Equation of a Single Phase Transformer. ii ) Explain the effect of frequency on Iron Loss. V A i ) What are the factors that influence the choice of the number of turns for the Rotor windings of a Three Phase Slip-Ring Induction Motor ? ii ) What is the effect of Air Gap on the Leakage Reactance of an Induction Motor. B i ) Explain the Design of Main Stator Winding in Single Phase Induction Motor.

ii) Determine the Main Dimensions, air gap length, Number of Stator Slots and Number of turns per phase for a 22kW, 415 V , Three phase, 50 Hz,1440 rpm Induction Motor. Adopt Specific Magnetic Loading of 0.45T and a Specific Electric Loading of 230 ampere conductors per cm. Assume that a full load efficiency of 89 % and a power factor of 0.88 will be obtained. The Motor to be Star Delta Starting.


V Term (Applied )

6 Hours / Week List of Experiments : 1.a b. c.

Total Hours : 72

To construct and test using operational Amplifier Inverting and Non-Inverting Amplifier. To construct and test using operational Amplifier Scale changer and Summer. To construct and test using operational Amplifier Integrator Circuit and obtain the wave form using CRO.

2. Verify the truth table of the following logic gates NAND, NOT, OR using 74XX Ics and bread board. 3. Construct the Half adder using 7408, 7486 and 7432 Ics and verify its truth table. 4. Verify the truth table of RS, D, and J.K. flipflop. 5. Construct a full adder and verify the truth table using 74xx ICs. 6. Construct a half and full subtractor and verify the truth table using 74xx ICs. 7. Construct a 2 digit up/down counter using IC 7448, 74192 chips and seven segment LED and check up its performance. 8. Construct a parity generator and test its performance. 9. Construct LED driver circuit using transistors (NPN, PNP) and Ics and test it. 10. Verify the Demorgans theorem using a simple circuit. 11. Construct and verify the performance of a 4 bit binary counter using 7473 Ics. 12. Construct and verify the performance of decade counter using 7490, 7447, 7475 and seven segment LEDs. 13. Simulate a combinational logic function using AND, OR & NOT gates. Verify the result. 14. Construct a square wave generator using 555 IC for various frequency. 15. Construct a timer using 555 IC with different time delay. 16. To construct and test using OP- AMP zero cross detector and differentiator. 17. Construct and test Modulo 7 counter using ICs 7473. 18. Realisation of AND,OR,NOT using universal gates NAND and NOR. SCHEME OF EXAMINATION S.NO 1. 2. TOPIC Experiments Viva - voce Total MARKS 65 10 75


V Term (Diversified )

6 Hours / Week List of Experiments:

Total Hours : 72

1 a). Study of various types of switches: push button, limit switch, proximity switch, Selector switch and thermostat. b). Dismantling, maintenance and reassembling of contactor 2. a) Study of ON delay and OFF delay operation of Pneumatic Timer. b b) Study of solenoid valve operation. c) Solid state relay operation. 3. Single phasing preventor. 4. Remote and interlocking operation using push button and contactor. c 5. Dynamic braking of dc shunt motor. d 6. Reversing control of dc motor. e 7. Semi automatic star/delta starter. f 8. Automatic star/delta starter. g 9. Two speed/Two winding control. h 10. Reversing control of ac motor. i 11. Dynamic braking control of ac motor. j 12. PLC based DOL starter. j 13. PLC based star/delta starter. l 14. Jogging control circuit. m 15. Speed control of DC Motor using SCR n 16. Control circuit for Rotor resistance starter. o 17. Control circuit for compressor Motor. p 18. Study of induction over current and earth leakage relay. SCHEME OF EXAMINATION S.NO 1. 2. TOPIC Experiments Viva - voce Total MARKS 65 10 75


V Term (Diversified )

6 Hours / Week List of Exercises :

Total Hours : 72

On completion of the experiment students should be able to write programs in C and execute it. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Program to calculate Salesmans Commission. Solution of a Quadratic Equation. Program for Pay bill calculation. Program to compute sum of series using While loop. Printing of multiplication table using DoWhile loop. Program to find whether the given number is a positive number, negative number or zero. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Program to sort a list of numbers Program to sort the strings. Preparation of the rank list of a class of students. Program to implement Matrix addition & multiplication. Program to implement Fibannoci series. Program to find factorial of given N numbers. Program to tabulate a survey data. Program to count number of characters, words & lines in a text. Program to develop a pattern (eg.: pyramid, square) SCHEME OF EXAMINATION S.NO 1. 2. TOPIC Exercises Viva - voce Total MARKS 65 10 75

3402 C NON- CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES LABORATORY V Term (Diversified ) 6 Hours / Week List of Experiments : 1. 2. 3. 4. Find the conversion efficiency of the given Solar Cell. Plot V-I Characteristics of the solar panel and find out the Maximum Power Point. Determine the efficiency of the inverter and the Compact Fluorescent Lamp. Determine the efficiency of the following lamps a. Incandacent lamp b. Fluorescent Lamp c. Compact Fluorescent Lamp 5. Determine and comparison of the power factor of the Fluorescent Lamp using iron cored choke and Electronic choke. 6. Test the efficiency of the centrifugal pump run by Solar Array for different voltages and different delivery heads. 7. Conduct the load test on an Induction Generator. 8. Find out the Quantity (or) Ampere Hour efficiency of the Lead Acid Cell. 9. Design, construct and test the Solar Cooker. 10. Design, construct and test the Solar Hot Water system using Solar Flat plate collector. 11. Design, construct and test the Hot Air System. 12. Study of Wind Mills used for the generation of electrical energy. 13. Measure the water discharge of a Wind Mill coupled to a Reciprocating Pump. 14. Design, construct and test a small biogas plant. Total Hours : 72

SCHEME OF EXAMINATION S.NO 1. 2. TOPIC Experiments Viva - voce Total MARKS 65 10 75


V Term (Diversified )

6 Hours / Week List of Experiments :

Total Hours : 72

1. Study of magnetic laws using Coil, Permanent magnet and Galvanometer. 2. Study of rotating magnetic field with stator and ball. 3. Measurement of magnetic flux using flux meter. 4. Study of using Growler. 5. Design of single phase 1KVA 230/15 V loading transformer and assemble the core. 6. Design 3 phase 1 KVA transformer and assemble winding, core, etc., 7. Design 3 phase 1 KVA transformer (delta / star connected) and wind one coil set. 8. Design armature for 5 KW dc machine and insert one coil set. 9. Design field pole for 5KW dc machine and assemble one pole and insert in the body. 10. Assemble the given dc machine (Pole, interpole, armature, commutator, brush etc.,). 11. Design and assemble coiling fan. 12. Design and assemble a 3HP induction motor.

SCHEME OF EXAMINATION S.NO 1. 2. TOPIC Experiments Viva - voce Total MARKS 65 10 75


V Term (Applied )

6 Hours / Week List of Experiments :

Total Hours : 72

I. Wiring Exercises :1. To control two lamps in series by single switch. 2. To control two lamps in parallel by single switch. 3. To control two lamps independently controlled by two switches with one three pin wall socket with switch control. 4. To control one lamp from two switches in different places( stair case wiring). 5. To control two lamps dim & bright connection. II. Winding Exercises :1. To design and wind a coil for single phase 500 mA, 230 / 12 0 12 V eliminator transformer. 2. To wind a voltage coil for a starter. 3. To wind a voltage coil for a fluorescent lamp. 4. To give the end connections of the winding of the three phase induction motor and run it. 5. To prepare and insert coils for single layer and double layer winding for a three phase induction motor. 6. To wind the running and starting coils of a single phase induction motor. III. Estimation and Labour Cost:1. Schedule and sub schedule. 2. Specification for materials. 3. Calculations of quantities. 4. Calculation of labour cost and sundry expenses. IV. Estimation for Different Installation and IE Rules 1956 :1. Approximate rules 1956 abstracts. 2. General building wiring. 3. Power wiring. 4. Street lighting. 5. Installation of pump house. 6. Service connection. SCHEME OF EXAMINATION S.NO 1. 2. 3. TOPIC Wiring / Winding Experiments Estimation Viva - voce Total MARKS 30 40 05 75


VI Term( Applied )

7 Hours / Week Major Divisions :Unit I Unit II Unit III Unit IV Unit V : Distribution. : Industrial Drives. : Electric Traction. :A) Traction Control. B) Illumination. : Electric Heating & Welding.

Total Hours : 84


17 Hrs

Introduction classification of distribution systems based on type of supply, character of service, type of construction, number of wires and scheme of connections types of AC distribution calculation of voltage at load points on single phase distribution systems( with two load only ) fed at one end, both ends and ring mains three phase four wire star connected unbalanced load circuit problems with resistive load consequences of disconnection of neutrals in three phase four wire system calculation of copper required for different distribution systems and comparison between them. Substations : Classifications advantages and disadvantages of outdoor substations single line diagram of 11 KV / 440 KV substation equipments in substations substation auxiliary supply. Bus - Bar systems : Different types of bus bar arrangement with sketches their advantages and disadvantages. UNIT II : INDUSTRIAL DRIVES 16 Hrs

Introduction advantages of electric drives parts of electric drives( load, motors and control units ) types of electric drives( industrial, group and multi motor drives ) nature and classification of load torque review of different types of motors and their performance characteristics factors governing the selection of motors mechanical consideration standard ratings of motors classes of load duty cycles selection of motors for different duty cycles selection of motors for specific application electric braking necessity and advantages of electric braking rheostatic, dynamic, plugging and electric regenerative braking. Unit III : ELECTRIC TRACTION 17 Hrs

Traction systems comparison and applicability of different traction systems diesel electric traction advantages and disadvantages different types of electrical transmission in diesel electric traction electric traction - advantages and disadvantages. System of Track Electrification : Different methods of supplying power( rail connected system, over head system ) over head equipments catenary and dropper current collection gear for OHE bow collector and pantograph collector different systems of track electrification DC system low frequency AC system high frequency AC system AC system composite system( both 1 to 3, AC to DC systems ) - advantages and disadvantages of 25 KV 50 Hz AC systems necessity of booster transformer different methods of connecting booster transformer neutral sectioning.

Traction mechanics : Units and notations used in traction mechanics speed time curves( main line, sub urban and urban ) simplified speed time curve average speed scheduled speed tractive effort problems using simplified speed time curve, tractive effort and power requirement. Traction motors : Desirable characteristics of traction motors suitable for traction purpose( DC series, AC series motor, repulsion motor, induction motor and linear induction motor ). Unit IV :- A) TRACTION CONTROL 17 Hrs

Necessity of control equipments principle of control of DC traction motors various methods used for starting and speed control of DC traction motors rheostatic control series parallel control shunt transition bridge transition multiple unit control drum control contactor type bridge transition thyristor control requirements of braking systems pneumatic braking regenerative braking applied to traction. B) Illumination Definition and units of different terms used in illumination solid angle, light, luminous flux, luminous intensity, candle power, illumination, MSCP, MHCP, MHSCP reduction factor luminance or brightness glare lamp efficiency space height ratio depreciation factor and maintenance factor utilization factor or co efficient of utilization - waste light factor absorption factor beam factor reflection factor essentials of good lighting system laws of illumination problems sources of light arc lamp incandescent lamp halogen lamp discharge lamps gaseous discharge lamps sodium vapour lamp high pressure mercury vapour lamp neon tube flourescent tube effect of voltage variation energy saving consideration for flourescent lamp lamp fittings and lighting systems illumination level required for various applications factors to be considered while designing lighting scheme. Unit V :- ELECTRIC HEATING AND WELDING 17 Hrs

Electric Heating : Introduction advantages of electric heating classification of heating methods based on temperature range modes of heat transfer classification of electric heating power frequency electric heating( direct resistance heating, indirect resistance heating, infra-red heating and arc heating ) high frequency supply electric heating ( induction heating, eddy current heating and dielectric heating ). Resistance Ovens and Furnaces : Requirements of heating element materials commonly used heating element materials resistance furnaces for special purposes temperature control of resistance furnaces type of arc furnaces direct arc furnace indirect arc furnace submerged arc furnace power supply and control for arc furnaces reasons for employing low voltage and high current supply. Induction furnaces : Direct core type indirect core type coreless induction furnace method of obtaining power supply for coreless induction furnace. Welding : Introduction for welding types of electrical welding. Resistance welding : Seam welding butt welding projection welding flash welding. Arc welding : Carbon arc welding metal arc welding atomic hydrogen arc welding inert gas metal arc welding submerged arc welding.

Radiation welding : Ultra sonic welding - electron beam welding LASER beam welding. Requirements of good welding : Preparation of work for welding electrodes used for welding electric welding equipments control of current flow welding transformers comparison of arc welding and resistance welding. Reference Books : Sl.No. 1 2 3 Name of the Book A Course in Electrical Power Electric Power A Text Book in Electric Power Modern Electric Traction Electrical Power Distribution System Fundamentals of Electrical Drives Utilisation of Electric Power Electric Drives Industrial Drives And Control Author JB. Gupta S.L. Uppal 1. Soni 2. Gupta 3. Bhatnagar H. Partab A.S. Pabla GK. Dubey N.V. Suryanarayana Vedam Subramaniam TTTI. Chennai. Publisher Katson Publishing House, New Delhi. Khanna Publishers, New Delhi Dhanpat Rai & Sons, Delhi

4 5 6 7 8 9

Dhanpat Rai & Sons, Delhi Tata Mc.Graw Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi. Tata Mc.Graw Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi. New Age International, New Delhi Tata Mc.Graw Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi.


Model Question Paper

Time : 3 Hrs Note : 1. Answer all questions

Max . marks :75

2. Answer any one from part A (5 marks) and any one from part B (10 marks) I A 1. Briefly explain the elements of an AC distribution system. 2. Explain the classification of substations.
B 1. What is the effect of disconnection of neutral ina three phase 4 wire system with

unbalanced load. Explain with an example. 2. With neat diagram explain the single busbar and double busbar arrangements. II A 1. Explain group derive and state its advantages. 2. What are the different ratings of motors.explain B 1. Explain the running characteristics of induction motors. 2. Explain plugging in DC and AC motors. III A 1. What is a booster transformer ? What is its purpose ? 2. Explain tractive effort. B 1. Derive an expression to calculate the maximum speed of an electric Train using the simplified speed time curve. 2. Explain the single phase 25KV, 50 Hz system of track electrification. Mention its advantages. IV A 1. What are the required characteristics of traction motors. 2. Explain stroboscopic effect in fluorescent lamps. B 1. Explain the shunt transition method of control in traction motors. 2. With neat diagram explain the construction and working of a sodium vapour lamp. V A 1. Briefly explain the principle of high frequency eddy current heating 2. What are the requirements of a good weld? B 1. Explain the principle, advantages and applications of induction heating. 2. Explain the construction and application of submerged arc welding.

3306 MICRO CONTROLLERS VI Term( Applied ) 6 Hours / Week Major Divisions: Unit I Architecture Unit II Instructions I Unit III Instructions II Unit IV Timer / Counter And Interrupt Unit V Peripherals Unit I ARCHITECTURE 15 Hrs Total Hours : 72

Evolution of Microprocessor, definition of terms used in Microprocessor, Architecture of 8085 (Block diagram) Basic ideas on operation of Microprocessor based systems Difference between micro processor and micro controllers. Advantages of micro controllers. Architecture of 8051 micro controller. (Block diagram). Programme counter and Data pointer A and B CPU Registers. Flags and the programme Status Word Internal Memory, Internal Ram, the Stack and Stack Pointer, Special Function registers. Internal ROM - External Memory Input/Output Pins, Ports. Unit II - INSTRUCTIONS I 14 Hrs

Addressing methods Immediate Addressing modes, Register addressing modes, Direct addressing modes, Indirect addressing modes - Data transfer instructions Code Memory Read Only Data Moves Push and Pop Opcode - Data exchanges. (simple examples may be used). Logical operations Byte and Bit level operations, internal RAM Bit addresses - SFR Bit addresses. Bit level Boolean operations - Rotate and Swap operations. Unit III - INSTRUCTIONS II 14 Hrs

Arithmetic instructions flags Addition - unsigned and signed addition Subtraction unsigned and signed subtraction Multiplication - Division Detailed Arithmetic Jump and Call Instructions Interrupts and Returns. Details study of assembler ASM51- Simple programmes such as Addition of an 8 bit array, 8 bit multiplication, 8 bit division. Unit IV TIMER/COUNTER AND INTERRUPT 15 Hrs

Timer/Counter operations Different modes of Timer/Counter Simple program using timer and counter Timer interrupt Counter interrupts External Interrupts - Simple programme using timer/counter interrupt, External Interrupts Serial port operation - Different Modes of serial data transmission Developing programme using the serial port mode II. Unit V - PERIPHERALS 14 Hrs

8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface Rs232C serial port signal details ADC 0808 8279 Programmable Key Board and Display interface Signal details Modes of operation Interfacing & segment LED with 89C51 interfacing 1 x 16 line LCD Display. Interfacing of Stepper motor Interfacing of D.C motor.

Reference Books : Sl.No. 1 Name of the Book Author Publisher Penram International

The 8051 Micro controller Kenneth J. Ayala Architecture. Programming & Applications Using Assembly Language Allen Wyatt Sr.

Prentice Hall of India (P) Ltd., New Delhi.


Model Question Paper

Time: 3 Hrs Note: 1. Answer all questions

Max. Marks: 75

2. Answer any one from part A (5 marks) and any one from part B (10 marks) I A 1. Trace the evolution of microprocessor. 2. List the difference between microprocessor and microcontrollers. B 1. Explain the architecture of 8051 microcontroller with blockdiagram. 2. Explain the memory organization in 8051 microcontroller II A 1. Explain PUSH and POP instruction in 8051. 2. Explain data exchange and swap instruction with example.

B 1. What are the addressing modes used in 8051? Explain with example. 2. Explain the operation of following 8051 instruction. a) MOV A, @ Ri b) RRA c) DAA d)MOV Rn,# data e)CPLC III A 1. Write an ALP to store 2s complement of a given data at the memory Location 8800. Assume the data is available at the memory location 8050 2. Explain the operation of multiplication instruction with example.

B 1. Explain the operation of CALL and RET instruction with example 2. Write an ALP to find the sum of an array. The length of array is available at 8800 and the array itself starts from 8801. Store the result at 8900. IV A 1. Write short notes on internal interrupts in 8051. 2. Explain briefly different operating modes ofserial port. B 1. Explain the different operating modes timer / counter with example. 2. Write an ALP to generate square wave and accurate time delays using Timer / counter. V A 1. Explain the control word format of 8255 PPI. 2. Draw the operation 8279 keyboard and display controller with block diagram. B 1. Explain the operation 8279 keyboard and display controller with block diagram. 2. Explain stepper motor interface with block diagram.

3403 A - COMPUTER HARDWARE SERVICING ( VI Term Diversified ) 6 Hours / Week Major Divisions UNIT I : PC Hardware Overview. UNIT II : Memory and Memory Devices. UNIT III: Keyboard, Monitor, Port and SMPS. UNIT IV: Input / Output Devices. UNIT V : PC Installation and Servicing. UNIT: I PC HARDWARE OVERVIEW 15 Hrs Total Hours : 72

Evolution PC through Pentium back ground specification comparison chart of the processors.Personal computer system block diagram PC system unit layout Tower model, flip-top model mother board and daughter boards SMPS front panel controls display unit key board rear side connectors and the purpose.Mother board layout Functional blocks of 286/386/486 and Pentium systems mother board memory I/O expansion slots RTC, integrated mother board layout.Bus architecture system PC-BUS, ATBUS/ISA, EISA, MCA, VESA and PCI bus.Basics of BIOS ROM BIOS organisation and services BIOS for DOS and Windows setup programs. UNIT: II MEMORY AND MEMORY DEVICES 15 Hrs

Data storage & retrieval methods in Level 2 cache ; EDO RAM; PCs memory organization - low memory, high memory, 64 KB limits, extended memory, virtual memory, expanded memory, cache memory, and DMA channels - memory packages Single Inline Memory Module, Single Inline Package; Disk organisation in DOS Sectors, Clusters, DOS Boot Record, FAT, directory structure. Floppy Disks Basis Tracks Sectors; Types 51/4,3.5; capacity; disk parts, disk formatting; data recording; MFM recording - floppy disk drive capacity, head movement, head coils, spindle motors, installation and configuration - FDC functions - signals, block diagram , interfacing a drive. Hard disk basics tracks ,cylinders, sectors, heads, drive sub assemblies head actuators spindle motor, media, logic board, hard disk capacity, data storage and retrieval mechanism; hard disk types IDE, SCSI, variations and limitations, installation of hard disk configuring, formatting and partitioning. CDROM Types Audio, Video, DVD, Data CDs - Reading and writing mechanism, Storage capacity, CD Drive mechanisms; sub Assemblies - Installation. Basics of digital sound - audio compression and decompression - MPEG audio compression sound blaster card block diagram, explanation; the input and outputs of sound card; connecting a MIDI,CD-ROM video on the PC-basics, capturing still, motion, compression methods - MPEG & JPEG; video blaster card block diagram. UNIT: III KEYBOARD, MONITOR, PORT AND SMPS 14 Hrs

PC Keyboard operation, the scan code concept; Keyboard signals - Interface logic - Advanced KBD functions Ctrl-Alt-Del, pause, print screen. The display - video basics - the CRT scanning methods monochrome CRT - color CRT Block diagram of VGA monitor - display adaptors CGA, EGA, SVGA - card layout - monitor features power management signalling - creating the screen image - video attributes - character/graphics display - monitors and resolutions.

The serial port - parallel port - game port - signals and connector specifications - block diagram. SMPS operation, output voltage levels, UPS offline, online operations - stabilizers. Unit IV INPUT / OUTPUT DEVICES 14 Hrs

The mouse - signals, connection, operation, installation. Scanner types - Flat-bed, drum type; colour and gray - installation. Digitizer operation, connection - digital camera connection, operation. Dot-Matrix Printer - Printer sub assemblies - block diagram, control electronics, printer mechanism - self test - various printing options - printer installation. Laser Printer - Block diagram, printers sub-assemblies - interface controller, input Interface CPU, printer RAM - mechanism printing an image, data Input - drum preparation - paper feed mechanism - image formation - image transfer -Fusing the image - self test - use of toner cartridges - installation Inkjet Printers Block diagram, printer sub assemblies; control electronics - Interface circuits printer mechanism - self test, capabilities; resolution; ink cartridges; printer installation. UNIT V : PC INSTALLATION AND SERVICING 14 Hrs

Configuring the mother board all in one motherboards - identifying the connectors & cables adding memory modules - upgrading the CPU - BIOS setup program - various setup options configuring the IDE card. Power-On-Self-Test, IPL hardware, POST test sequence; POST error messages. Trouble shooting the motherboard problem diagnosis, normal checks, power supply, clock signal check, keyboard check, speaker check; trouble shooting the keyboard; verifying with diagnostic softwares - checking the connectors & cables. Trouble shooting floppy disk drives and hard disk - problem diagnosis, typical problems and trouble shooting - checking the CMOS setup. Reference Books: Sl.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Name of the Book IBM PC and Clones Servicing & Supporting IBM PCs & Compatibles Monitor Repair made Simple Computer Installation and Servicing Peter Nortons Inside the PC The Computer PC upgrade & Maintenance Guide Tony Jomaa D. Balasubramanian Peter Norton Mark Minasi Author Govindarajulu Publisher Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi Galgotia Publications (P) Ltd., New Delhi. Pustak Mahal, New Delhi Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi Prince - Hall Computer Publishing Pvt., Ltd., New Delhi. BPB Publications, New Delhi.


Model Question Paper

Time: 3 Hrs Note: 1. Answer all questions

Max. Marks: 75

2. Answer any one from part A (5 marks) and any one from part B (10 marks) I A 1. What are the various front panel indicators and controls in a PC. 2. Draw the layout of a PC system unit B 1. Draw the layout of Pentium motherboard and explain the functions of each block 2. Discuss the features and applications of various Bus standards. II A 1. What do you mean by extended memory and expanded memory? 2. Write notes on DOS boot record B 1. What are the sub-assemblies of a Hard Disk Drive? Explain each 2. Explain the fundamentals of CD-ROM and the working principle of CD-ROM drives. III A 1. What do you mean by scan code in keyboard? Explain 2. Explain the construction of color CRT. B 1. Explain the keyboard interface section in detail. 2. Explain the operation of servo stabilizer with a neat diagram. IV A 1. Explain about the installation of a mouse. 2. List down the various sub-assemblies of a dot matrix printer. B 1. Explain the operations of scanner and digitizer in detail 2. Explain the mechanism of laser printer with its functional diagram. V A 1. Can you upgrade a CPU ? How ? 2. Discuss about POST error messages. B.1. Explain the steps for troubleshooting floppy disk drives 2. Explain any three Norton utilities used for solving the Hard Disk problems.


VI Term ( Diversified )

6 Hours / Week Major Divisions UNIT I : Thyristor Family And Trigger Circuits. UNIT II : Phase Controlled Rectifier. UNIT III: Commutation Circuits and Inverter Circuits. UNIT IV: Choppers and Cycloconverters. UNIT V : Control of Dc and Ac Drives. UNIT I THYRISTOR FAMILY AND TRIGGER CIRCUITS

Total Hours : 72

15 Hrs

Thyristor family Silicon Controlled Rectifier SCR Symbol, working, characteristic, holding current, latching current, dv/dt, di/dt ratings, thermal ratings (junction temperature, transient thermal resistance), gate protection Insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) Symbol, working, characteristic and equivalent circuit Symbol, working and characteristics of DIAC, TRIAC, SUS, SCS, SBS, LASCR, and GTO Symbol, working, oscillator circuit of Programmable UJT. Gate trigger circuits DC triggering, AC triggering, Pulse gate triggering Pulse transformer in trigger circuit Electrical isolation by opto isolator - Resistance firing circuit and waveform Resistance capacitor firing circuit and waveform, Synchronized UJT triggering (ramp triggering) Ramp and pedestal trigger circuit for ac load. UNIT II PHASE CONTROLLED RECTIFIER 14 Hrs

Half wave controlled rectifier with resistance load, resistance inductive load, effect of free wheeling diode with waveform Single phase fully controlled bridge with RL load average dc output voltage rectifier mode - Inverter mode waveform for = 60 - input power factor (definition and expression) Single phase half controlled bridge with RL load average dc output voltage waveform input power factor (definition and expression). 3 phase fully controlled bridge with RL load - firing sequence average dc output voltage and current waveform with respect to line to line supply voltage 3 phase half controlled bridge with RL load average dc output continuous conduction mode discontinuous conduction mode waveform. Complete protection of converter including surge current and voltage, dv/dt and di/dt protection. UNIT III COMMUTATION CIRCUITS AND INVERTER CIRCUITS 14 Hrs

SCR turn off methods Natural commutation Forced commutation Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D, Class E, and Class F. Inverter classifications 1 series inverter basic parallel inverter voltage and current waveform - 1 full bridge inverter - 1 McMurray (auxiliary commutated) full bridge inverter - 1 McMurray Bedford (complementary commutated) full bridge inverter - 1 inverter output voltage control by Pulse Width Modulation control (dc reference) Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation for 1 circuit Basic 3 phase bridge inverter with 120 conduction mode circuit, trigger sequence, waveform and applications. UNIT IV CHOPPERS AND CYCLOCONVERTERS 14 Hrs

Principle of Chopper control strategies (time-ratio & current limit control) Stepup chopper Jones chopper Morgan chopper AC chopper chopper control of dc series motor voltage commutated chopper current commutated chopper load commutated chopper.

Cycloconverter basics - 1 to 1 cycloconverter input, output waveform with resistive load 1 bridge type cycloconverter - 3 to 3 cycloconverter schematic diagram, basic circuit. UNIT V CONTROL OF DC AND AC DRIVES 15 Hrs

Basic dc motor speed equation operating region of armature voltage control and field current control constant torque and constant HP regions Schemes for separately excited dc motor speed control single phase full converter drives circuit, operating quadrants, waveform power factor improvement in phase controlled converter phase angle control, semiconverter operation of full converter, asymmetrical firing Three phase full converter drives operation and waveform Chopper fed dc series motor. closed loop control of dc drives basic block diagram Phase locked loop (PLL) control of dc drives block diagram four quadrant control of dc motor using dual converter. Torque-Speed characteristic of 3 phase induction motor Speed control of induction motor Stator voltage control, variable frequency control necessity of maintaining v/f ratio constant rotor resistance control inverters for variable voltage and frequency control single quadrant closed loop speed control speed control by rotor resistance for slip ring motors Static Scherbius drive (slip power recovery scheme) space vector control scheme. Reference Books: Sl.No. 1. 2. 3. Name of the Book Power Electronics Thyristor Electronics Power Electronics Converters Applications & Design Fundamentals of Electrical Drives Author M.D. Singh K.B. Khanchandani M.S. Berde Mohan Underland Robbins G.K. Dubey Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi. Publisher Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi Khanna Publishers., New Delhi John Wiley and Sons, New York


3403- B POWER ELECTRONICS Model Question Paper Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 75

Note : Answer all questions , choosing any one from part A ( 5 Marks) andone from part B ( 10 Marks) I A i) Explain significance of the following with reference to SCR a) Latching Current b)Holding Current. ii) List the applications of SCR. B i) Explain and compare the merits and demerits of the following SCR Triggering Circuits. a) Pulse Train Triggering b) Single Pulse Triggering c) DC Triggering. ii) Draw and explain a UJT Pulse Triggering circuit with synchronisation. II A i) What are the objectives of Over Current Protection in SCR circuits and how are they achieved ? ii) Explain the effect of Free Wheeling Diode with wave form. B i) Explain the operation of Three Phase Fully Controlled Bridge with RL Load. ii) Explain the operation of Half Controlled Bridge Circuits and draw Voltage and Current wave forms.

III A i) Explain in detail Class A Commutation of an SCR. ii) Explain in detail Class E Commutation of an SCR. B i) With neat Sketch explain the operation of basic parallel inverter. ii) With neat Sketch explain the operation of Mc Murray Inverter with Auxillary Commutation. A i ) Explain the basic principle Chopper ? ii) Draw and explain the Jones Chopper ? B i ) Draw the circuit of Morgan Chopper and explain its principle of operation. ii ) Explain the basic principle of Cyclo Converters and draw its load voltage wave form. V A i ) Draw and explain a Thyristorised DC Motor Speed Controller. ii ) With neat sketch explain the operation of Chopper fed DC Series Motor. B i ) Explain the Symmetric diagram of closed loop control of variable DC link Inverter for Speed control of an AC Motor. ii) Explain the Speed control of Three Phase Slip Ring Induction Motor using Thyristor.


3403 C PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER VI Term ( Diversified ) 6 Hours / Week Major Divisions UNIT I : Introduction To PLC. UNIT II : Programming Programmable Controller, Introduction To Logic. UNIT III: AB PLC, Basic Instruction, Timer And Counter Instruction. UNIT IV: Comparison Instructions, Math Instructions, Logical Instructions. UNIT V : Ladder Logic Diagram For Control Circuits UNIT I : INTRODUCTION TO PLC. 15 Hrs Total Hours : 72

Definition of PLC Block diagram of PLC and parts of PLC Operation of PLC Detailed description of PLC and connectivity Communication Memory PLC Scan Input interfacing Output interfacing Input modules Output modules- Introduction to modular PLC Advantages of using PLC over conventional electrical relay. UNIT II : PROGRAMMING PROGRAMMABLE CONTROLLER 14 Hrs

Hand held programming terminals PCs and PLC programming Industrial computers IEC1131 3 programming standard Ladder diagram (LD) Functional block diagram (FBD) Instructional list (IL) Structure text (ST) Sequential functional chart. Introduction to logic Conventional wiring diagram versus PLC ladder logic Logic functions AND logic, OR logic two input and three inputs with truth table NOT logic Exclusive OR logic Combinational logic Priority of logic elements. UNIT III : AB PLC 14 Hrs

Basic Instruction Normally open (or) Examine ON Normally closed (or) Examine OFF One shot instruction Latch output coil unlatch coil Timer and Counter instruction ON delay timer instruction (TON) OFF delay timer instruction (TOFF) Retentive timer instruction (RTO) Counter up instruction (CTU) Counter down instruction (CTD) Reset instruction (RES). UNIT IV 14 Hrs

Comparison Instructions Equal (EQU) Not Equal (NEQ) Less than (LES) Less than or Equal (LEQ) Greater Than (GRT) Greater than or Equal (GEQ) Masked comparison for Equal (MEQ) Limit Test (LIM) Math instructions Add (ADD) Subtract (SUB) multiply (MUL) Divide (DIV) Clear (CLR) Square root (SQR). Logical instructions AND OR Exclusive OR - NOT


15 Hrs

Ladder logic diagram for DOL starter star delta starter Fluid filling operation Traffic light control control of lift Two speed motor control circuit using ladder logic Automatic rotor resistance starter control circuit using ladder logic ReferenceBooks: 1.Introduction to programmable logic Controllers Delmar Publications 2.Sensors and Communications 3. Programmable logic Controllers ---Gary Dunning Jon Sternerson Frank.D.Petrazella

3403 - C PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER Model Question Paper Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 75

Note : Answer all questions , choosing any one from part A ( 5 Marks) andone from part B ( 10 Marks) I A i) What is a PLC ? What is its special features ? ii) What are the advantages of using PLC over conventional electrical relay. B i) Draw the internal structure of a PLC and explain its parts. ii) Explain about the output interfacing in a PLC. II A i)Explain three programming standards. ii) Explain the AND logic. B i) How is PLC programming done. ii) Explain the PLC Ladder Logic.

III A i) Explain Normally Open Instruction. ii) Explain ON Delay Timer Instruction. B i) Explain the One Shot Instruction. ii) Write a note on Counter Instruction. IV A i ) Explain the NOT Equal Instruction ii) What do you mean by Limit Test. B i ) Explain the Math Instruction . ii ) Write a note on Logical Instruction. V A i ) Mention some applications of PLC . ii ) How can PLC be used for Traffic Light Control. B i ) Draw and explain the Ladder Logic Diagram for a Star Delta Starter. ii) Explain the two Speed Motor Control Circuit using Ladder Logic.


VI Term ( Diversified )

6 Hours / Week Major Divisions

Total Hours : 72

UNIT I : Introduction To Object Oriented Programming And C++ Programming. UNIT II : Functions, Classes And Objects. UNIT III: Constructors, Destructors And Operator Overloading. UNIT IV: Inheritance, Pointers And Virtual Functions. UNIT V : Console I/O And File Management. UNIT: I INTRODUCTION TO OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING AND C++ PROGRAMMING 15 Hrs Problems in software development - software evolution - procedure oriented programming object oriented programming paradigm - basic concepts of object oriented programming - benefits of OOP - object oriented languages - applications of OOP. Features and applications of C++ - structure of C++ programs cin and cout objects creating the source file compiling and linking. Keywords - identifiers; basic data types - user defined data types - derived data types; symbolic constants - type compatibility - declaration of variables - dynamic initialization of variables - reference variables - operators in C++ - scope resolution operator - member dereferencing operators - memory management operators manipulators - type cast operator - expressions and implicit conversions - operator overloading - operator precedence. goto statement - if and ifelse statement - while and dowhile statements - switch statement - for statement. UNIT: II FUNCTIONS, CLASSES AND OBJECTS 15 Hrs

The main () function - functions prototype - call by reference, return by reference, inline function; default arguments - const arguments - functions overloading. Structures and classes; classes specifying a class - defining member functions - nesting of member functions - private member functions - arrays within a class - memory allocation for objects, static data member - static member functions. Arrays of objects - objects as function arguments - friendly functions - returning objects constant member functions - pointers to the members. UNIT: III CONSTRUCTORS, DESTRUCTORS AND OPERATOR OVERLOADING 14 Hrs

Constructors without parameters - constructors with parameters - multiple constructors constructors with default arguments - dynamic initialization of objects - copy constructors - dynamic constructors - destructors. Operator loading - overloading unary operators - overloading binary operators with friends manipulation of strings using operators; rules for overloading operators. Conversion of basic data types to class and class to basic data types - conversion of one class to another class.


14 Hrs

Inheritance - Defining derived classes - single inheritance - making a private member inheritable - multi-level inheritance - multiple inheritance - hierarchy inheritance -hybrid inheritance - virtual base classes - abstract classes - constructors in derived classes - member classes nesting of classes polymorphism. Pointers to objects - pointers to derived classes -Virtual functions - Rules for virtual functions - pure virtual functions. UNIT: V CONSOLE I/O AND FILE MANAGEMENT 14 Hrs

I/O operations - streams - stream classes - unformatted I/O - formatted console I/O output with manipulators. Classes for file stream operations - opening and closing a file - detecting end of files - file modes - file pointers and their manipulators - sequential input and output operations - updating a file - error handling. Reference Books : Sl.No. 1. 2. Name of the Book Object Oriented Programming with C++ Schaums outlines Programming with C++ Author E. Balagurusamy John Hubbard Publisher Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi ---- do ---

3403 D PROGRAMMING IN C++ AND ITS APPLICATIONS Model Question Paper Time : 3 Hours Note: 1. Answer all questions 2. Answer any one from part A (5 marks) and any one from part B (10 marks) I A. i) What are the benefits of OOP. ii) Explain the use of cin object B. I) Explain the basic data types and their uses in programmes. ii) Explain how will you construct the for loop and use it in C++ programmes. IIA. I) What is the main advantage of passing arguments by reference ii) When will you make a function in line why? B. i) Can objects appear as function arguments illustrate with an example ii) What are the advantages of using friendly functions? III A. I) What is meant by overloading a constructor Ii) What is the use of destructor? B. I) Write notes on overloading unary operations. ii) How can overload a casting operator to convert a classes in to basic data type explain with examples IV A.i) What is the difference between multiple and multilevel inheritance ii) What is vertual function B. I) Illustrate the use of pointers to objects ii) With an example explain nesting of classes V A.I) How can you set the various flags and bit fields in the I/O class ii) What are the classes used for file stream operations B. I) How can you design your own manipulator give examples ii) Describe the various classes available for file operations Max. Marks : 75

3307- MICRO CONTROLLER LAB VI Term ( Applied ) 6 Hours / Week List of Experiments : Software 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 8 bit multiplication. 8 bit division. Sorting of an Array of data. Adding of an Array of data. 16 bit Hex to BCD and BCD to Hex. Hex to ASCII. Multi bit addition. Solving Boolean Equation. To find Max / Min number in an array. Total Hours : 72

Hardware 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Interfacing push to on switches and relays with 89C51. Program to Switch on-off relay. Interfacing two digit seven segment LED with 89C57. Interfacing 1 x 16 line Text LCD with 89C51 & to program to display text messages. Interfacing 4 x 4 Key MATRIX with 89C51. Interfacing ADC 0808 with 89C51. Generating pulses on port with different duly cycle using timers interrupt. Program to send messages through RS.232C serial port. Interfacing of Stepper motor. Interfacing of DC motor.

SCHEME OF EXAMINATION S.NO 1. 2. TOPIC Experiments Viva - voce Total MARKS 65 10 75


VI Term ( Diversified )

6 Hours / Week List of Experiments

Total Hours : 72

1. To study the important jumper settings for changing the CPU ; Memory size etc. in a given Mother board. 2. Installing and configuring FDD in a computer system. Using BIOS setup program to Configure an FDD. b) Floppy drive diagnostics/servicing. 3. HDD Installation: a) Installing a Hard disk b) Configure using CMOS setup Program. c) Partitioning using FDISK program. D) Formatting Hard disk drives. 4. CD Drive Installation: a) Installation a CD ROM drive for DOS/Windows mode. b) configuring using device drivers. 5. Printer Installation and Servicing a) Installing a Dot Matrix Printer b) Installing a Laser Printer / Ink Jet Printer. c) Printer troubleshooting for Cable fault, Printer head fault 6. Use of AT diagnostic software to study and diagnose the Motherboard Problems Using AT Diags, Norton Utilities for Windows. 7. Trouble shooting important Disk Oriented Problems a) Floppy disk wont boot. b) Eliminating the cross links. C) Reviving a floppy disk. 8. a) Study of SVGA card b) SVGA monitor servicing. 9. Identification of front panel indicators, switches in a computer system for Flip Flop and Tower case Model computers & Identification of the rear side connectors available in a Computer system. 10. Familiarising the computer system layout: Making the positions of SMPS, Motherboard, FDD/HDD/CD and ad-on cards in both Tower/Flip Flop models. 11. To draw the layout of a 486/Pentium Motherboards and marking the following items in it. CPU used, RAM, Cache, Xtal, Cooling fan, I/O slots, O/P parts available. 12. Study of CMOS setup program. A) Changing standard settings. b) changing Advanced settings. 13. Study of IDE card: a) to draw the layout b) to study the various connections available. c) to study the jumper settings. 14. Familiarising Important DOS commands like SCANDISK, FDISK 15. Networking of computers. 16. Checking the signal levels at different points of power supply. 17. Checking and tabulating the address, data and control signals of CPU using logic probe. 18. Use of system error code to identify problems.

SCHEME OF EXAMINATION S.NO 1. 2. TOPIC Experiments Viva - voce Total MARKS 65 10 75

3404B - POWER ELECTRONICS LABORATORY VI Term ( Diversified ) 6 Hours / Week List of Experiments 1. Line synchronized UJT trigger circuit. 2. DIAC TRIAC lamp control circuit. 3. Characteristic IGBT and GTO. 4. Ramp and Pedestal trigger circuit for ac load. 5. Single phase half controlled bridge. 6. Single phase fully controlled bridge. 7. SCR commutation circuits. 8. Basic series inverter circuits. 9. DC chopper control circuit (any one). 10. 1 to 1 cycloconverter 11. Study of IGBT based UPS. 12. DC shunt motor control circuit. 13. Universal motor control circuit. 14. Closed loop control of dc motor. 15. Closed loop control of ac motor. Total Hours : 72

SCHEME OF EXAMINATION S.NO 1. 2. TOPIC Experiments Viva - voce Total MARKS 65 10 75


VI Term ( Diversified )

6 Hours / Week List of Experiments

Total Hours : 72

1.Study of counters. 2.Study of Timers. 3.Develop and test the control circuit for Jogging in cage Motor using Ladder Programming. 4.Develop and test the control circuit for Automatic Star Delta Starter using Ladder Programming. 5.Develop and test the control circuit for Semi-Automatic Star Delta Starter using Ladder Programming. 6.Develop and test the control circuit for Dynamic Braking of cage Motor using Ladder Programming. 7.Develop and test the control circuit for Two Speed Pole Changing Motor using Ladder Programming. 8.Develop and test the control circuit for Automatic Rotor-Resistor Starter using Ladder Programming. 9.Develop and test the control circuit for Dynamic Braking of DC Motor using Ladder Programming. 10.Develop and test the control circuit for Lift operation using Ladder Programming. 11.Develop and test the control circuit for Fluid Filling System using Ladder Programming. 12.Develop and test the control circuit for Traffic Light System using Ladder Programming. 13.Develop and test the control circuit for DOL Starter using Ladder Programming. 14.Develop and test the control circuit for Reversing of AC Motor using Ladder Programming. 15.Develop and test the control circuit for Reversing of AC Motor using Ladder Programming. 16.Develop and test the control circuit Single Phasing Preventer using Ladder Programming. 17. Develop and test the control circuit for Compressor Motor using Ladder Programming.

SCHEME OF EXAMINATION S.NO 1. 2. TOPIC Experiments Viva - voce Total MARKS 65 10 75


VI Term ( Diversified )

6 Hours / Week

Total Hours : 72

List of Exercises 1. Write a function called add to add two integers. Write another function with the same name add to add two floating point values .write a main( ) function to call both these function one by one, giving suitable values for the arguments and print the values returned by the functions. Write a function max( ) to find the bigger of the two integers given and return the answer to main() by reference. The max( ) function is to supply two integer values to the main( ) and call it by reference. Write a function power( ) to raise a number m to a power n. the function takes a double for m and int value for n, and returns the result correctly. Use a default value of 2 for n to make the function to calculate squares when this argument is omitted. Write a main that gets the values of m and n from the user to test the function. 3.. Create a class item to contain two class data 1)item code (an integer) and 2) item price(an float) write two constructor functions, a no argument constructor to initialise class data with zero values and a constructor with two arguments. To assign values for class data. Write a member function get_data ( ) to read values for class data from the keyboard. Write another member function disp_data( ) to display class data. Write a main( ) function to create two objects of the above class. Create the first obiect with the no argument constructor and initialise the data items in it with zeros. Create and initialise the second object with the two arguments constructor. call get_data( ) to read values for show_data( ) and display the data items in both the objects. 4.. Create a class string to contain a class data str(an array of characters). Write two constructor functions, one to initialise str with null string and another to assign str, the given string. Write also member functions concat( ) for concatenating two strings (overloading the + operator) and disp( ) for displaying a string. Write a main( ) function that creates three string objects of the above class. Invoke the member function concat( ) passing two strlings and store the result in the third object. Display all the stings with disp( ) member function. Create a class distance to contain two class data 1) feet (an integer) and 2) inches (a float). 6. Write two constructor functions, one to contain only one argument of type float and another to contain two arguments of type int and float. The first construtor function is to convert the given inches into feet and inches. The second constructor function is to assign values for feet and inches. Write also a member function float( ) to convert the given feet and inches into inches and another member function to display the converted value. Write a main( ) function to create two objects of the above class. Invoke the first constructor function to convert the inches in object1 to feet and inches in object2. Convert the feet and inches in object2 into inches using the conversion function float( ). Create a class called stack. The class data are 1) number (an array of integers) and 2) top (an integer). Write a member function push( ) to store the given integer in the array number using top as an index.




Write another member function pop( ) to return the last integer in the array number using top as an index and 2) decrement top. Create another class stack2 with two number functions push( ) and pop( ). The push( ) function is to check whether the array is full (or) not. If it is not full, it should call the pop( ) function of the stack class. Write a main( ) function to create an object of class stack2 and push and pop the integers into the array number. 8. Create a manipulator form to a)display floating point b)replace blank spaces with * and c)display two decimal digits. Create a class student to contain two class data 1)name and 2) rollnumber. Write a member function to store and display the class data. Write a main( ) function to create a class student,dat. Create objects of the above class and store them in the file student.dat and close the file. Open the file again and read back the data items in objects and display them Create a class called employees with class data name (an array of characters) and age (an integer). Write member functions to store and display the class data. Write a main( ) function to create an array of objects and display them using the member functions.



SCHEME OF EXAMINATION S.NO 1. 2. TOPIC Exercise Viva - voce Total MARKS 65 10 75


VI Term ( Applied )

4 Hours / Week

Total Hours : 48

Along with the project, the students are to be trained and exposed to have the Entrepreneurship qualities. The Staff members from the following organizations may be requested to participate in seminar for the benefit of students 1. Alumni Member who are entrepreneur 2. BOAT (SR) 3. TTTI (SR) 4. SISI 5. TIDCO 6. SIDCO 7. SIDBI 8. NABARD 9. DIC etc., Areas in which seminars can be conducted 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Leadership and Character (moral values) Development Communication Skill in English Mock Interview Carrier Guidance Co-operation and Coordination in Team Work Human Relations Development Job Creators rather than job seekers Entrepreneurship concept A brief outline of setting up a small industry facilities and incentives available entrepreneurship training financing marketing and sales risks and precautions A feasibility report for setting up a small scale industry etc. Award of Marks 25 Marks shall be given as Internal Mark. The Internal Mark shall be given based on the Seminar reports prepared by the students for entrepreneurship. 75 Marks shall be given by Internal & External Examiner for the Project work, Project Report and Viva Voce. as detailed below. Project Work - 50 Marks Project Report and Viva-Voce - 25 Marks Seminar and entrepreneurship report - 25 Marks Total - 100 Marks

Reference Books Sl.No. 1 2 3 4 Name of the Book Electronics Projects for Beginners Electronics Projects Projects in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Academics Project Book of Electrical Engineering Author A.K.Maini EFY Enterprises Pvt., Ltd., 1. S.K.Bhattacharya 2. S.Chatterji Subash Metha Synergy Book instrumental Publisher Pustak Mahal, New Delhi EFY Enterprises Pvt., Ltd.,

Web Site: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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