Synopsis: Problems in Existing System

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Existing System: In the Organization, the organization is currently using the manual system. In manual system, they cannot get specific information about all the Students, faculty and transactions of fees on time, so it was becoming harder for the organization to manage all the records effectively and efficiently.

Problems in Existing System:

Maintenance of the records was a huge task. Lack of privacy about information. Loss of data Data being analyzed manually was time consuming and subject to human error. The organization was unable to get insights on ways to improve the speed of service. Management has to rely on registers and manual collection of data for reporting. It was being difficult to maintain latest data and take decisions on it manually. Heavy workload was there because of manually transferred of file.

Proposed System:
Our system is very user friendly system. As for the earlier system which was totally manual, this system is based on the software. In this system large amounts of records should be glanced at once, and then records are easily accessible. The new system must be able to enter any details of students, courses, faculties and fees, maintenance. The system must reduce human errors and workload. The daily records must be safely placed in the tables for maintaining day to day transactions. The system structure must calculate profit and loss of the Classes while calculating it maintenance, salary of the faculty, fees collection from students.

There should be less scope for data inconsistency since security of data and information is done. The new system is also useful for maintaining fees transactions and infrastructure maintain by the classes. The system provides a list of students, courses and teachers included in the Organization. The purpose of introduction to new technology should be to assist the classes to achieve its mission, statement and exact goals. This may be accomplished by solving existing problems or by automating existing manual processes which lead to beneficial outcomes such as improved productivity, faster service or staff savings.


1. Tracking the available Courses. 2. Tracking the details of Courses. 3. Tracking the information of students. 4. Tracking the records of teachers. 5. Tracking the payment details of students. 6. Tracking the available batches. 7. Tracking the faculty details. 8. Payment reminders. 9. Generating the effective Reports about students. Generating the Payments receipt of students

Hardware Requirements:
1.Dual Core Processor 2.160 GB Hard Disk 3. 256 MB RAM 4. JAVA enabled mobile phone

Software Requirements:
1. Tomcat server 2. Java Wireless toolkit [J2ME] 3. JDK 1.6 4. Windows Operating System 5. SQL Server

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