Shuffle Net
Shuffle Net
Shuffle Net
Shueng-Han Gary Chant and Hisashi Kobayashi Department of Electrical Engineering Engineering Quadrangle Princeton University Princeton, N J 08544
Multi-hop communication networks are drawing increasing interest recently. Shufflenet is a multi-hop communication network which achieves high performance while overcoming the current shortcomings in device technology [l].In this paper, we present a new and comprehensive analysis for shufflenet. By making use of the connectivity properties of any ( p , k) shufflenet, we characterize the probabilistic behavior of a typical packet in the network in terms of a simple discretetime Markov chain with only 2k states, one of which is an absorbing state. We then derive analytic expressions for several important network performance parameters such as hops distribution, average delay for a packet to travel to its destination and the probability of dont care in each hop that the packet takes. The expressions derived can be applied to any ( p , k ) shufflenet. The calculation of throughput of the shufflenet can then be obtained by finding the relationship between ne! twork packet generation probabili
every node has access to only a single channel a t a time. As a result, the performance of the networks falls off for each additional user in the networks. To increase the throughput, parallel or concurrent transmission has to be provided. If different users in the network can transmit packets at the same time through a number of channels, the throughput of the network can be increased. Shufflenet is a Wavelength Division Multiple Access (WDMA) network making use of this principle of concurrency to achieve high throughput performance [3]. In this paper, we report the performance analysis of shufflenet. We first describe some important network parameters and topologies of shufflenet. Then the performance of the network with deflection routing is analyzed. By using the topological properties of shufflenet, we can model the routing behavior of a packet in the network as a single Markov chain with an absorbing state. The simple Markov chain representation enables us to obtain close form solutions for important performance measures of the network. Finally, we present the throughput analysis for shufflenet with hot-potato and store-and-forward routing algorithms. Our analyses agree excellently with the simulation data of the network.
Optical fiber provides a tremendous amount of bandwidth for communication. By using its low-loss low-dispersion window at 1.2pm-1.6pmI a bandwidth of tens of terabits per second is available for information transmission. Because of the enormous usable bandwidth offered by optical fiber, any communication scheme that utilizes only a small fraction of the bandwidth can provide substantial capacity. If a network makes use of only 1% of the bandwidth, the throughput Of the system can be very impressive. Therefore, optical fiber holds promise for the future wideband communication [2]. Current high-Performance Optical Area Network/Metropolitan Area Network (LAN/MAN) such as Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) and the IEEE802.6 Distributed Queuing Dual Bus (DQDB) are systems in which
*The work was supported in part by the New Jersey Commission on Science and Technologys Innovative Partnership Program FY 1993, and in part by the Ogasawara Foundation for the Promotion of Science and Technology. tC-ently with Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305.
Shufflenet System
with Deflection
Shufflenet is a multi-hop network [ l ~Each . in the shufflenet accesses the network through the Network Interface Unit (NIU). Each NIU has a number of lightwave receivers and transmitters. A shufflenet is characterized by two numbers and k. A k) shufflenet consists of k p k nodes arranged in k columns, and ea& column consists ofpk NIUs. Figure 1 shows a (2, 3) shufflenet. All the NIUs are interconnected as a perfect shuffle, with the last column being wrapped-around to the first column like a completed cylinder. In this way, packets can be continuously circulated around the network until they reach their destinations. Packets are transmitted within shufflenet in a store-andforward fashion, if there is storage in the NIUs. A packet will hop through the nodes until it reaches its destination, where
property of shufflenet which will greatly reduce the state space when we analyze the network.
Topological Properties
In dealing with multi-hop communication networks, there are three important topological performance parameters [SI:
e Diameter - the maximum distance, dma,, between any two nodes in a network is called the diameter of the network. This parameter shows how compact a network is and how fast a packet can go to its destination. For a ( p , k ) shufflenet, dma, = 2k 1. Let N be the total number of nodes in the shufflenet, N = kpk, then k fi: log,N. Therefore, for large N,d,,, k: 210gpN for shufflenet.
e Deflection cost - the maximum increase in the number of hops due to a deflection is the deflection cost. For a ( p , k ) shufflenet, deflection cost is k k: logpN, for large N. This parameter indicates the delay of a packet once the packet is deflected, thus it also indicates how well the network perFigure 1: A,n example of a ( p , k ) shufflenet, with p = 2 and forms with deflection routing. k = 3. e Number of 'don't care" nodes - High fraction of 'don't care" nodes helps to keep the deflection probability low, thus the packet will be absorbed. Shufflenet is internally blocking implies high performance of the network. In a ( p , k ) shufin the sense that different packets destined to different des- flenet, al the nodes that are within k hops from a packet's l tinations may suffer collision with each other for an output destination are 'care" nodes. Since a shufflenet is symmetric channel during the process of routing. In this case, one of with respect to all the N nodes, we may specify any node as the packets will be routed correctly while the rest of them a destination. The total number of 'care" nodes, n,, with will be either stored if storage is available, or 'deflected" respect to the destination node can be written as: temporarily to the wrong channels. Therefore, in deflection k routing, packets are never lost due to buffer overflow. In a nc = C p ' (p, k) shufflenet, for each deflection it suffers, a packet simi=l ply takes k more hops to reach its destination. In this way, a shufflenet with deflection routing is a packet-switched netP ( P k 1) work in which packets are continuously circulated around P-1 until they get absorbed. In a ( p , k ) shufflenet, each NIU can be identified by an Therefore, the fraction of 'don't care" nodes in a shufflenet, P d o is: address ( c , r ) , where c E {0,1, k-1) and r E (0,1, ...,p'1). For a given packet at node ( c , r ) , let D be the number of columns between the source ( c , r ) and destination ( c d , r d ) . We clearly have:
- - - .
- c d ) mod k
cd # c,
The fraction increases with the size of the shufflenet and D represents the lowest bound on the number of hops the approaches unity as k + 00. This is an important and attractive property of shufflenet because a packet at a 'don't packet must take to go from ( c , r ) to (cd, r d ) . In shufflenet, care" node will never contend for an output link. It means a packet at a node is said to be 'don't care" with respect to that a large shufflenet will have a lower deflection probability its destination if the destination cannot be reached within k than a smaller one for a given load. hops by the packet under no deflection. A node is said to be a "don't care" node for a packet if the packet a t the node can go from this node to its destination with the minimum 3 Analysis of Shufflenet number of hops by taking any link emanating from this node. Therefore, if a packet is at a 'don't care" node, it will never 3 1 Descriptions . suffer deflection. It should be noted that if a packet is in a "don't care" node, it is not possible for the packet to be There are several parameters that are important when the routed in D steps; it takes D k steps. This is an important performance of shufflenet is considered. They are:
D={ k
if cd = c.
0 Normalized throughput (throughput per node) - It is defined as the average number of packet absorbed (or generated) by each node in the steady state of the network in each clock cycle. Note that in shufflenet with deflection routing, the normalized throughput can be lower than the offered load as the packets may suffer deflections and continuously circulate around the network without reaching their destinations.
0 Hops distribution and average number of hops - The probability distribution of the number of hops that a packet makes before being absorbed is important when we deal with timesensitive information, such as voice or video packets. The hop distribution and the average number of hops are appropriate indicators of the delay performance. With deflection routing, the delay increases and distribution tail broadens with the deflection probability. 0
In any ( p , k ) shufflenet, the care nodes for a packet are the nodes within diameter k from its destination. All the other nodes are dont care nodes where the packet will not suffer deflection. We assume that the traffic generated in the network is uniform and independent among all the N ( = k p k ) nodes in the network. We further assume that the users in the network will not generate any packet to themselves. Let us select a packet arbitrarily and observe the behavior of the tagged packet. Let our state space S = {0,1, ...,2k1) be a collection of possible distances between the current position of the tagged packet and its destination. Here the distance is defined as the minimum number of hops that the packet must make to travel to its destination in the absence of deflection. Let
Di = E[number of hops when the tagged packet is at Probability of deflection in the care node, P d e f - A distance i from its destination I probability packet can be deflected only when it is in a care node with (3) of deflection = P d c f ] , V i E S. respect to its destination. The deflection probability critically determines how well a shufflenet performs. The higher We model the network as an absorbing Markov chain with the deflection probability, the lower the throughput of the state space S, and state 0 is the absorbing state. As in a network and the longer the packets take to reach their des- ( p , k ) shufflenet, each deflection increases the packets hops tinations. Deflection probability, P d e f , generally increases by k, we have with the the packet generation probability in each node, which is called the offered load, g. D = pdefDi-l+k a ( 1 - P d e f ) D i - l 1 , 15 i 5 k. (4) 0 Probability of dont care, Pdc - It is defined as the probWhen the packet is at a distance more than k hops from its ability that a packet enters one of its dont care nodes in destination, it is in its dont caren node and therefore will a given hop that it takes in the network. Except for its last not suffer deflection (i. e. P d e f = 0) until it is k hops from hop, a packet in the shufflenet is always put into a dont its destination. Hence, care node for each deflection it suffers. Note that in order to route a packet to its destination in the minimum number D;= D k + ( i - k ) , k+l<Z<2k-l. (5) of hops [9], a packet is always directed to go to its care nodes. Therefore, in any shufflenet, the higher the probabilSince state 0 is the destination of the tagged packet, we ity of dont care, the worse the performance of the network. have Do=O. Solving Equations (4) and (5), we get Let N d c be the random variable that represents the number k of dont care nodes that a packet visits on its way to the - ( l - Pdef)I, <_ j I kt (6) destination, and let D be the number of hops that the packet k + 15 j 5 2 k - 1 . takes. Then we have Note that Equations (4)-(6) hold for any ( p , k ) shufflenet and do not depend on the parameter p . As for 1 5 j k - 1, there are p nodes a t j hops away from a given node, and for 0 5 j 5 k - 1, there are ( p k -9) where E[V] is the expected value of the random variable V. nodes at k+ j hops away, the expected number of hops, E[D], Without any deflection, Pdc is equal to pdc mentioned in for any packet in the network is therefore given by Section 2.2 (Equation ( 1 ) ) . With deflection, Pdc is always greater Pdc. rk-1 6-1 1
3.2 Analysis
- kp(1 - p k - ( l - Pde,)k-) w e now present analytical relationships among Pdef, P d c , ( k p k - 1 ) ( 1 - Pdef)-(l - P + p P d e f ) hops distribution and the expected number of hops, E[D], and obtain the throughputs of shufflenet with hot-potato kpk k -1 k (7) and store-and-forward routing algorithms. As we remarked kpk - 1 ( 1- P d e f ) . () 1 earlier, we make use of the special pattern of the care nodes in a shufflenet. Using this property, we need to deal With no deflection, limp,,,,o E[D]= 4.6349. with a Markov chain with only 2k states, instead of the usual To find the probability distribution of the number of hops, N ( = k p k ) states reported by previous investigators [7, lo]. we form a (2k) x (2k) transition matrix, T, where the entry
= Pr[The tagged packet at distance j from its destination hops to distance i in the next time epoch], (8)
lim P = eo, ,
V i , j E S. Then we have
P&j1 for
15 i 5 k, 1 - P d e f , for 1 5 i 5 k, for k + 15 i 5 2k - 1,
where eo is a column vector whose entries are all zero except the firet element (corresponds to state 0), which is unity. Therefore the tagged packet reaches its destination with probability one. Since the state 0 E S is the absorbing state, Q, is given by the firet element of the vector (P, - P - ) Thus, we ,l. have
Qn = ex (P, - P,-l)
ti,j =
0, elsewhere.
Clearly t i j ' s satisfy C i E s t i , j = 1, V j E S. Let Qn be the Probability that a Packet (first) reache' "5 destination at the nth hop. (Q,, = 1,2,3, is then the n ...} probability distribution of the number of hops taken by a packet in the network and is given by: Pr[Packet generated at distance i i<min(n,2k-l) reaches its destination exactly at the nth hop.]
where : is the transpose of vector eo. e The average number of "don't care" nodes which a packet hops through before it is absorbed can be obtained in an analogous way BB in the c..culation of E[D]. Let
j ~ p=
then we have
of udonit
Let POand P, be column vectors. The ith element of Po is the initial probability that a packet i generated at s distance i and the ith element of P, is the probability that the packet visits state in its nth hop, where i E s. Then, p, = TPndl = Tnpo = SAnS-lPo. where A is the diagonal matrix formed by the eigenvalues of T and S is the corresponding matrix formed by the eigenvectors of T. As the destination of a packet just generated is randomly distributed among all the other (N- 1) users in the network, the initial probability distribution for the distance of a packet can be written as
0 '
Np = NF+ ( i - k ) ,
k + 15 is 2k- 1.
N" = j"
nodes that the packet The expected number Of hops through can then be obtained as
1 Po = kfl - 1
1 Pk - P
pk pk - pk-'
Note that the underlying Markov chain has one absorbing state (i. e., state 0) and all the other (2k - 1) states are ) transient (see Figure 2 . Therefore it is known that only one eigenvalue of the transition matrix T is unity, A0 = 1, and the magnitudes of all the other eigenvalues are strictly less than 1. Therefore in the limit
/ 1
... o \
The probability that the node which the tagged packet visits is a Udon't care" node is then given by Equation (2) with the use of Equations (7) and (19). We obtain limp,,,+o P d c = 0.2123. The throughput of (2,k) shufflenet has been presented by Forghieri, Bononi and Prucnal [7]. Let the normalized throughput be A. Then,
10 -
8lo[ Our analysis presented above shows that the average number of hops, hops distribution, probability of deflection and throughput of the network can all be analytically obtained, s once the probability of deflection, PdeJ, i specified. The analysis of the shufflenet is then reduced to the problem of finding the relationship between the offered load, g, and the 4' I 0 0.1 0.2 deflection probability, Pde f [6, 81. The relationship depends on the routing algorithm and buffer architecture used in the Pdef network [5]. With independence assumptions, Pdef i obs tained by solving a nonlinear equation in hot-potato routing Figure 3: Simulation and analytic results of average number for each offered load, g, and P d e j E 0 in store-and-forward of hops, E[D], versus probability of deflection, Pdef for a (2,4) shufflenet. routing for alI offered load, g (71.
~ - 0 3 , r i m ~
103 I
Figure 2: State transition diagram for (2,4) shufflenet. The state number represents distance i , O 5 i 5 2k - 1, i. e., the
,'.. ... ..
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
'network versus the deflection probability, Pdef. We also plot our earlier results based on simulations [4]. As we can see, both analyses and simulation results agree very well.
0 0
0 0
Pde f
hot-potato and store-and-forward routing algorithms. The analyses agree very well with our previous simulation results [41.
Acknowledgement We wish to thank Mr. Albert0 Bononi for introducing the problem to us, and for the valuable discussions and comments he provided.
0.2 1
[l] A. Acampora, "A Multichannel Multihop Local Lightwave networks," in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM '87 Conf., pp. 1459-1467, NOV. 1987.
[2] P. Henry, "High-Capacity Lightwave Local Area Networks," IEEE Communications Magazine, pp. 20-26, Oct. 1989. [3]
Figure 5: Probability of don't care plotted against probability of deflection, P&f for a (2,4) shufflenet.
norm. throughput
M.Karol and R. Gitlin, "High-Performance Optical Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: Enhancement of FDDI and IEEE 802.6 DQDB," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas an Communications, vol. 8 , no. 8, pp. 14391448, Oct. 1990.
O F 0
[4] S-H. Chan, "All-Optical High-speed High-Capacity Network: ShuffleNet," ELE 497 - Senior Independent Work, Department of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University, Fall, 1992.
[5] S-H. Chan and H. Kobayashi, "Buffer Architectures and
Figure 6: Normalised throughput for (2,4) shufflenet with hot-potato and store-and-forward routing algorithms.
Routing Algorithms in the Performance of Shufflenet," to appear in the Proceedings of Singapore International Conference on Networks and International Conference on Information Engineering (SICON/ICIE'93), Singapore, 1993.
We have presented a complete performance analysis of ( p , k) [6] S-H. Chan and H. Kobayashi, "Analysis of Shufflenet shufflenet with hot-potato and store-and-forward routing alwith Prioritized and Non-Prioritized Contention Resogorithm. By using the symmetric connectivity pattern of lution Rules," to be submitted to INFOCOM'94. shufflenet, we are able t o model the behavior of an arbitrary [7] F. Forghieri, A. Bononi and P. Prucnal, "Analysis and chosen packet in the network as a discrete time Markov chain Comparison of Hot-Potato and Single-Buffer Deflection with 2k states, one of which is an absorbing state and the Routing in Very High Bit Rate Optical Mesh Networks," remaining (2k - I) states are transient. Several important to appear in IEEE Pansactions on Communication. network parameters and performance measures can then be analytically derived. Both analysis and numerical evaluation [8] S-H. Chan, "ShuffleNet with Deflection Routing: Perare greatly simplified compared with earlier results, in which formance and Analysis," ELE 498 - Senior Independent the network is modelled as a Markov chain with N ( = k p k ) Work, Department of Electrical Engineering, Princeton states, where N is the total number of users in the network. University, Spring, 1993. This simplification enables us to put some performance mea(91 M. Hluchyj and M. Karol, "ShuffleNet: An Application sures in closed forms. The parameters we obtained - average of Generalized Perfect Shuffles to Multihop Lightwave number of hops, hops distribution and probability of don't Networks," Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 9, no. care - hold for any (p, k) shufflenet. The throughput analy10, pp. 1386-1397, Oct. 1991, sis of shufflenet is simply reduced to finding the relationship between the offered load, 9 , and the probability of deflec- [IO] A. Acampora and S. Shah, "Multihop Lightwave Nettion, P & f . The relationship depends on the parameters of works: A Comparison of Store-and-Forward and Hotthe shufflenet, routing algorithms, buffer designs and memPotato Routing," IEEE Pansactiow on Communicaory capacity [5, 6, 81. We finally present numerical results tions, vol. 40, no. 6, pp. 1082-1090, June 1992. together with the simulation data for a (2,4) shufflenet with