Paper 1 Yr 6

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Question 1 4 Choose the best word to complete the sentence.

. Pilih perkataan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut. 1. Encik Ali, who is my ______________ lives next door to me. A neighbour B father C friend D nephew 2. The patient had to open to open his mouth wide so that the ___________ could check his teeth. A surgeon B dentist C doctor D pharmacist 3. He had to rush to the _____________ so that he wont miss his flight. A bus station B railway station C taxi stand D airport 4. The eagle catches its prey using its _____________________. A feet B beak C paws D claws Question 5 7 Read the text and choose the best phrase for each of the pictures given Baca petikan dan pilih rangkaikata yang terbaik bagi setiap gambar yang diberi.

Nasir loves music very much. His parents send him for _____5______


Saturday. Nasir is good at _______6_______

. He can also ______7__________

. He is a very talented boy.

5. A B C D 6. A B C D 7. A B C D

music lessons dancing classes singing sessions drama rehearsals playing the flute blowing the trumpet strumming the guitar marching with the trombone sing songs play musical chairs write lyrics conduct an orchestra

Question 8 10 Choose the best answer for each of the pictures given. Pilih jawapan yang terbaik bagi setiap gambar yang diberi. 8.


Mrs Lim is buying some vegetables Puan Aisyah is taking her change from Ah Kow Mrs Lim is donating some money Puan Minah is at the fruit stall



It is a hot and sunny day. Both the girls are carrying umbrellas. One of the girls is getting wet in the rain. The girl behind is wearing a raincoat.



Peter is at the dental clinic. The doctor is holding his stethoscope. Peter is holding his stomach. A nurse is standing near the doctor.

Question 11 15 Choose the best answer to fit the situation shown in the picture. Pilih jawapan yang terbaik bagi situasi dalam gambar

11. A B C D Ill get it for you. This drink is refreshing. Please make it sweeter. Why are you so thirsty?

12. A B C D Congratulation! You deserve to win! You must try harder next time. You are most welcome! Please sit down and rest.

13. A B C D Do you want me to peel these onions? Let me slice these onions for you. Have you peeled the onions? I love to eat fried onions.

14. A B C D These vegetables are very fresh. Please may I have a plastic bag? This plastic bag is not big enough. How much do these vegetables cost?

15. A B C D What shall I do? Let me help you with that. I have a new pair of shoes. Ill get the cobbler to mend it.

Question 16 20 Choose the best answer to complete the sentence Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut. 16. She dived ___________ the pool just now. A at B into C onto D from 17. She accidentally cut ____________ finger with a knife. A she B hers C her D herself 18. _____________ teacher gave us ___________ hour to complete our work. A A, a B A, an C The, an D The, the 19. She ___________ done it. A has B have C is D are 20. Jack __________ his sister Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. A but B and C so D if

Question 21 Choose the word that has the same meaning with the word underlined Pilih perkataan sama makna bagi perkataan yang bergaris 21. Charles Dickens is a famous author. A hardworking B helpful C unknown D well-known Question 22 and 23 Choose the answer with the correct spelling Pilih perkataan yang mempunyai ejaan yang betul 22. They watch movies at a _______________ near their home. A theater B thaetre C theatre D thearte 23. I have a ________________ of Justin Bieber at his concert in Malaysia. A fotograph B photograf C photograp D photograph Question 24 and 25 Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation. Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tandabacaan yang betul. 24. A B C D 25. A B C D Excuse me where is the toilet, please? Excuse me, where is the toilet please? Excuse me, where is the toilet, please? Excuse me, Where is the toilet, please? Chee Seng, wake up. Its already eight oclock. Chee Seng! Wake up! Its already eight oclock. Chee Seng, wake up, its already eight oclock. Chee Seng, wake up. Its already eight oclock.

Question 26 30 Based on the picture, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage that follows. Berdasarkan gambar. Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk diisikan pada tempat kosong dalam teks yang berikutnya.

Lina and her mother are at the night market. They are standing in a ______26______ and waiting to buy some egg tarts. The queue ______27_______ the stall is long. Lina has been waiting for twenty minutes already _______28_______ she is willing to wait as long as she gets some tarts. _____29_______ like the egg tarts from this stall because they ______30_______ not too sweet and the pastry is crispy. 26. A B C D 27. A B C D 28. A B C D group queue assembly gathering in at on to or so and but

29. A B C D 30. A B C D

They Them Their Theirs is are was were

Question 31 35 Read the passage below. Answer the following questions. Baca petikan dibawah. Jawab soalan berikutnya.

Raccoons are born blind. There are two types of raccoons. The common raccoons are found in North and Central America. The crab-eating raccoon lives in South America. A raccoons tail is large and bushy. It is black and white in colour. Common raccoons are as big as large cats. They have greyish brown fur. Their faces are fox-like with a band of black across their eyes. As for crab-eating raccoons, they are larger. They have longer legs but their fur is shorter. Both raccoons have the same habits. They are similar in many ways. Raccoons look for food during the night. Both common raccoons and crab-eating raccoons live in the hollow branches of trees. Raccoons can swim very well. They are good swimmers. Both raccoons eat fish and frogs for food. 31. The passage is about ____________. A raccoons eating habits. B raccoons hunting for food. C two different types of raccoons D raccoons being good swimmers. 32. Raccoons like to eat _____________. A fish B cats C crabs D foxes 33. From the passage, we know that raccoons _________________. A live on trees. B is as big as foxes. C has large and bushy tails. D has a band of black across their faces.

34. Which of the following animals are bigger than large cats? A Fish B Frogs C Common raccoons D Crab-eating raccoons 35. Which of the following statements is not true? A Raccoons look for food at night B Crab-eating raccoons have fox-like faces C Raccoons live in the hollow branches of trees D Common raccoons are found in the North and Central America. Questions 36 40 Read the TV programme below and answer the questions that follow. Baca program TV di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

36. News is broadcasted ______________ times on TV 10. A two B three C four D five

37. Mazni, who is seven years old, would be more suitable to watch the following programs except ____________. A World News B Sesame Street C Mickey Mouse D Power Rangers 38. Which is the longest programme? A Malay Movie B Bollywood Special C Yo Gabba Gabba D Beautiful Malaysia 39. Those who are interested in interior decoration must watch _____________. A Muqaddam B Home Dcor C Whats Cooking? D World of Sports 40. Beautiful Malaysia is most probably a _____________. A thriller B fantasy C comedy D documentary.

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