CS1405 Internet Programming Lesson Plan

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Kothandaraman Nagar, Muthanampatti(PO),Dindigul 624 622. Phone: 0451-2554032,2554349 Web Link: www.psnacet.edu.in

Subject Name Subject Code Name of Faculty : Internet Programming : CS1405 : Mr. S.Dhasarathapandian Degree/Branch Year/Semester Academic year : BE./ BME : IV / VII : 2012 - 2013

1. Objectives
During this course, you are going to: Describe basic Internet standards and Protocols. Explain JAVA and HTML tools for Internet programming. Describe scripting languages Java Script. Explain dynamic HTML programming.

2. Learning Outcome and End use

Having successfully taken this course, you will be able to

1. Understand the basics for various standards and protocols in Internet and Java 2. 3. 4. 5.
Programming tool Understand the basics of Java and HTML tools for internet programming. Get working knowledge on various Scripting languages to validate client side programming. Understand the working principles of style sheets and other important topics in Dynamic HTML programming. Get the knowledge on various Tools like, JAVA, HTML, Java Script, Dynamic HTML and server side programming.

3. List of Text and Reference Books

TEXT BOOKS 1. Margaret Levine Young, Internet and www, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002. 2. Herbert Schildt, The complete reference, java 2, 4th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2001. . REFERENCES 1. Keyur Shah, Gateway to Java Programmer Sun Certification, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002. 2. Deitel and Deitel, Java How to Program, Prentice Hall, 1999. 3. Comer D and Stevans D., Internetworking with TCP/IP Vol 1, 3rd Edition, PHI, 1998. 4. John R. Habbard, Programming with Java, Schaums Outline Series, McGraw Hill,1999

Unit 1 : BASIC INTERNET CONCEPTS S. No 1 2 3 Planned Date Hour Required 2 1 1

Books referred: Target Hours : 9 1. Margaret Levine Young, Internet and www, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002. Page No/ Ref. Book 3-24/1 25-32/1 121-140/1 & 181-192/1 193-222/1 Mode of teaching (Black board/ OHP/LCD/Edusa t/Field visit) Black board Black board Black board Black board Black board Black board 223-234/1 & 267280/1 307-328/1 329-348/1 & 357-384/1 Black board Black board Actual date of completion

Topics to be covered Connecting to the internet Domain name system Exchanging e-mail Sending and receiving files Fighting spam Sorting mail and avoiding email viruses Chatting and conferencing on the internet Online chatting Messaging, Usenet newsgroup Internet Relay Chat (IRC) Instant messaging Voice and video conferencing


6 7

1 1

Unit 2 World Wide Web S. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Planned Date Hour Required 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1

Books referred: Target Hours : 9 1. Margaret Levine Young, Internet and www, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002. Page No/ Ref. Book 385-394/1 441-466/1 479-500/1 501-524/1 561-602/1 603-630/1 631-650/1 651-672/1 741-784/1 785-807/1 Black board Black board Mode of teaching (Black board/ OHP/LCD/Edu sat/Field visit) Black board Black board Black board Black board Black board Black board Black board Black board Actual date of completion

Topics to be covered


Overview Web security Privacy and site blocking Audio and video on the web Creating and maintaining the web Web site creation Web page editors Optimizing web graphics Web audio files Forms Interactivity and database driven web sites File transfer and downloading FTP, Peer to peer .Downloading and installing software

Unit 3 Advanced Java Programming S. No Planned Date Hour Required

Books referred: Target Hours : 9 1. Herbert Schildt, The complete reference, java 2, 4th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2001 Topics to be covered Page No/ Ref. Book Mode of teaching (Black board/ Actual date of completion Remarks

OHP/LCD/Edusa t/Field visit) 1 2 2 1 Java fundamentals overview AWT package, Layouts, Containers Event package, Event model, Painting, Garbage collection Multithreading Language packages, Utility packages Input output packages, Inner classes Java database connectivity Servlets RMI Java beans 17-40/1 642-643/1, 747-759/1 & 643654/1 641/1, 640669/1, 625/1 & 395-396/1 272-310/1 370-426/1, 428-429/1 317-324/1, 181-184/1 Material Material 838/1 847-868/1 Black board LCD LCD

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

LCD / Black board Black board / Hands-on Black board / Hands-on LCD LCD LCD LCD

Unit 4: HTML

S. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Planned Date

Hour Required 1 1 1 1 1 2 1

Books referred: Target Hours : 9 Deitel, Deitel and Nieto, Internet and World Wide Web How to program, Pearson Education Publishers, 2000. Mode of Page No/ teaching (Black Actual date Topics to be covered Ref. board/ of Remarks Book OHP/LCD/Edusa completion t/Field visit) HTML Basics, Concepts Black board / 55 to 196/2 of tags OHP / LCD Layout, Comments, Material LCD Paragraphs, Aligning Line break, Style tags, Black board Address, Links , Relative 95/1, 88/1 and absolute path, Graphical link to images Black board Formatting, Images 109/1, 91/1 CGI Introduction to java script and perl Web browsers 844-888/1 174-199/1 Material Black board Black board Black board / Hands-on

Unit 5 XML

Books referred: Target Hours : 9 Deitel, Deitel and Nieto, Internet and World Wide Web How to program, Pearson Education Publishers, 2000, (third edition) Page No/ Ref. Book 630-677 195 -222 429-471 Material Material 743-809/1 Mode of teaching (Black board/ OHP/LCD/Edusa t/Field visit) Black board / LCD Black board / Hands-on Black board / Hands-on Black board / Hands-on Black board / Hands-on Actual date of completion

S. No 1 2 3 4 5

Planned Date

Hour Required 2 2 1 1 1

Topics to be covered


XML Dynamic HTML CSS Overview of e-commerce and internet security JSP ASP

Tutorial questions and answers

Sub. Name: Internet Programming
Tutorial Topic covered Connecting to the internet Domain name system Exchanging email Sending and receiving files Fighting spam Sorting mail and avoiding email viruses Chatting and conferencing on the internet Online chatting Messaging Usenet newsgroup Internet Relay Chat (IRC) Instant messaging Voice and video conferencing Overview Web security Privacy and site blocking Audio and video on the Web Creating and maintaining the web Web site creation Web page editors Optimizing web graphics Web audio files Forms Interactivity and database driven web sites File transfer and downloading FTP Peer to peer Downloading and installing software Java fundamentals overview AWT package Layouts Containers Event package Event model Painting Garbage collection Multithreading Language packages Utility packages Input Output packages Inner classes Java database connectivity Servlets RMI Java beans HTML Concepts of tags Layout Comments Paragraphs Aligning Line break Style tags Address Links Formatting Relative and absolute path Images Graphical link to images CGI Introduction to java script and perl Web browsers XML DHTML Overview of e-commerce and internet security JSP ASP

Dept: BME

Year/Sem: IV / VII
2 marks No. of questions 16 marks Problems






Technical seminars topics for student


Topic suggested

Area of topic

Reference books/ journals/ magazines


Content beyond the syllabus

S. No Subject Name Year/Sem Topic Reference books/ journals/ magazines Name and full address of the resource person for guest lecture

1 2 3

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