Anatomy & Physiology-The Conscious Knowledge of The Normal State and Condition of Certain Parts of The Body

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ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGYthe conscious knowledge of the normal state and condition of certain parts of the body

wherein one would be able to tell any abnormality.-the body exerts uneven p oints of pressure against different areas of the

mattress.The sacrum may become the site for pre-assure sore because of the weight of the patients body and a reduced blood

supply to the tissues over bony prominence.

CHEMISTRYwoolen blanket f ibers may cause irritat ion to the patients

skin; there must always be a sheet to separate the blanket from the patientstrong detergent, soap and bleaches used in

commercial laundries may cause skinirritati on if bed linens are not thoroughly rinsed

MICROBIOLO GY-pathogenic

microorganism may be transferred from the source to a new hostdirectly by contaminated linen. Hands should be washed before

and after making bed.-bed linen should be folded away from the body to minimize the transfer microor ganism to the

clothing-fanning bed clothing stirs up bacteria in the air, and air motion is a method of transfer.

PHYSICSfriction can irritate the skin and cause rashes. It is therefore appropriate to keepthe lines smooth and

wrinkle-free.stability of body (center of gravity over its base)

PSYCHOLOGY -use skill and efficiency in making the

bed to minimize undue exertion and fatiguefor the patient. If the procedure brings comfort and relaxation, his

attitude willimprove.

SOCIOLOGYthe nurse should know how to talk to patients. The nurse should also know thesubject

of conversation which interests the patient including his condition, family,and work.

A.Blanket- a large piece of

cloth often soft, woolen and is used for warmth as a bed cover B.Top sheet-used to cover the patient to provide warmth, made

of thick cotton, thermal material C.Cotton drawn sheet- a piece of cloth that covers the rubber sheet and is used to

absorb and protect moisture D.Bottom sheet - used to cover the bed after mattress cover E.Rubber sheet-used to protect the

bottom sheet from soothing due to patient secretions and prevent the patients from getting bedsore. It is usually

placed over the center of the bottom sheetF.Mattress cover - a piece of cloth to cover the mattressG.Wool en blanket-a

large rectangle piece of cloth of soft fabric often either bound edges used especiallyfor warmth as a bed covering. It

should be light, warm and large enough to cover theshoulder and to tuck in well at the foot and to extend over sides.

1. Wash hands thoroughly after handling clients bed linen.2.Hold soiled linens away from the body. 3.

Linen for one client is never placed on another clients bed.4.Soiled linen is placed directly in a portable linen hamper or

tucked into a pillow case atthe end of the bed before it is gathered up for disposal in the linen hamper or in linenchute. Pillowcase is

then tied and labeled with: name, room number, communicable/n oncommunicable 5.

Soiled linen is never shaken in air. 6. When stripping and making a bed, conserve time and energy by stripping and

making upone side as completely as possible before working on the other side. 7. Gather all needed linen

before starting to strip the bed.8.Keep the patients enviro nment as clean and as neat as possible.

A.Stripping the Bed

Removal of used linen and the airing of the mattress.


1.Place chair at the foot of the bed. 2.Remove pillow case from pillow. Place pillow on chair. Place soiled pillow case on

lower bar of the bed.3.Loosen all bed linens starting at center of head of bed, raising the mattress with one handand drawing out bed

clothes with other.4.Remove sheets separately. Fold each linen with soiled part inside. Wrap them all in asheet and place

on lower bar of the bed.5.Roll rubber sheet and place on chair.6.Remove mattress cover. B.For an UNOCCUPIED


Arranging clean bed linens on patients bed ready for admission.Equip ment: a. mattress

cover e. top shee tb. bottom sheet f. pillow cases 2c. rubber sheet g. blanketd. cotton draw sheet

1.Refold each sheet according

to its system of use.2.Place clean linens on chair in order of use. See to it that the bed is flat.3.Cover mattress.4.Plac e bottom sheet

with center fold in center in line with rim of mattress at foot part.Spread across bed. Make mitered corner of head part. Tuck extra

sheet at side from headto foot.5.Put rubber sheet 1215 inches from the head of mattress. Cover with drawsheet. Spreadacross

bed. Tuck together extra length.6.Place topsheet in line with mattress at head part and spread across bed. Tuck extra lengthof sheet at

foot part. Miter corners. Allow to hang free at sides.7.Go to opposite side and repeat same procedure.8.Put pillow case on pillow. To put

on, grasp middle of slips bottom. Flip open and graspshort side of pillow. Pull pillow slip over body of pillow.9.Spread top sheet over

pillow.10.Pull folds of clean sheets into place. Tuck bottom sheet at head part and miter at the side.11.Tighten rubber sheet and

draw sheet. Tuck together with bottom sheet.12.Help patient to roll on his back at center of bed.13.Place clean fanfolded

sheet over patient. Cover shoulders. Draw fanfolded sheet together with used top sheet at foot part.14.Tuck

clean top sheet at foot part. Miter corner.15.Fit pillow into pillow case.16.Fold dirty linens separately. Wrap

in one sheet.17.Car ry soiled linens to laundry. b.OPE N BED

Preparing the bed with new

bed linens ready for newly admitted patients.


1.Refold each sheet according to its system of use.2.Place

clean linens on chair in order of use. See to it that the bed is flat.3.Cover mattress.4.Plac e bottom sheet with center fold in center in line

with rim of mattress at foot part.Spread across bed. Make mitered corner of head part. Tuck extra sheet at side from headto

foot.5.Put rubber sheet 1215 inches from the head of mattress. Cover with drawsheet. Spreadacross bed. Tuck together extra

length.6.Place topsheet in line with mattress at head part and spread across bed. Tuck extra lengthof sheet at foot part. Miter corners. Allow

to hang free at sides.7.Go to opposite side and repeat same procedure.8.Gra sp one corner of top sheet. Fanfold at foot part or

diagonally to one side.c.POSTOP ERATIVE BED

Arranging of bed linens to receive the

patient who has just undergone surge ry.Equipment: a. linen for occupie d bedb. emesis basinc. cellu wipesd. blankete. tongue

bladef. wash clothg. sphygmomanom eter and stethoscope


1.Make foundation bed.2.Place top sheet. Do not

tuck.3.Turn sheet back. Fanfold at sides.4.Fanfold bedding across b ed from side nearest the door.5.Spread b ath towel at

head of bed.6.Pl ace folded blanket across bar at foot of bed.7.Equip bedside table with emesis basin, cellu

wipes, tongue blade, BP Apparatus andstethoscope. C.For an OCCUPIED BED

Making the bed using new bed linens with patient on bed.Materials: a. clean sheetsb. cotton draw sheetsc. pillow sl ips

1.Explain procedure to the patient. Screen if in ward. 2.Bring materials to bedside. Place on chair, at foot side/part of bed.

Arrange in order of use.3.Adjust bed to level position. Remove pillows if permissible.4. Loosen beddings on

side of bed.5.Go to the other side of bed and turn patient towards you. Go back to original side.6.Fanfold used draw sheet,

rubber sheet and bottom sheet towards center of bed and under patient.7. Place clean folded sheet on bed in line with mattress at foot.

Open and spread toward thehead part. Fanfold upper half of sheet toward center and under patient. Make miteredcorner and tuck extra

length of sheet.8.Pull back rubber sheet, place clean draw sheet over it. Fanfold upper half of draw sheetunder

patient. Tuck extra length of rubber and draw sheets together.9.Assist patient to roll to finish the other side of the bed.10.Go

to the opposite side. Loosen biddings. Remove soiled sheets one by one. Place atlower bar of the

bed.11.Pull folds of clean sheets into place. Tuck bottom sheets at head part and miter at theside.12.Tight en rubber

sheet and draw sheet. Tuck together with bottom sheet.13.Help patient to roll on his back at the center of the bed.14.Place cle

an fanfolded sh eet over the patient. Cov er shoulders. Dr aw fanfolded sh eettogether with used topsheet down to foot part.15.Tuck

clean top sheet at foot part of the bed. Miter corner.16.Fit pillow into pillow case.17.Fold dirty linens separately. Wrap

in one sheet.18.Car ry soiled linens to laundry.

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