Sec 3NA Quiz I

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Term 4, Week 2


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ST. HILDAS SECONDARY SCHOOL Secondary Three Normal Academic Science (Chemistry) Quiz
Chapter 10 & 11 Acids, Bases & Salts

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions (5 marks) 1 Which two substances react to form a salt and water only? A B C D Dilute sulfuric acid and aqueous sodium hydroxide (acid + alkali -> salt + water) Dilute nitric acid and zinc (reaction of acid + metal -> salt + hydrogen) Dilute hydrochloric acid and aqueous sodium carbonate (acid + metal carbonate -> salt + carbon dioxide + water) Dilute sulfuric acid and aqueous barium nitrate (This is actually a precipitation reaction, where an insoluble salt is formed) Note: Even though, you have learnt in order to prepare insoluble salt, there is no need for use of acid. However, acid may be used to produce one of the intended anions, if you do not have any other salt solution to use.)

Students need to have a good understanding of reactions of acids in order to answer this question.( A ) 2 The table below gives a classification of the different types of oxides. Which classification of oxides is correct? Acidic A B C D magnesium oxide sulfur dioxide sulfur dioxide carbon monoxide Basic carbon monoxide magnesium oxide aluminium oxide magnesium oxide Amphoteric aluminium oxide aluminium oxide magnesium oxide aluminium oxide Neutral sulfur dioxide carbon monoxide carbon monoxide sulfur dioxide

Students who get this question wrong most likely did not memorise the definition of the different oxides well enough.( B )

Both magnesium oxide and magnesium carbonate react with dilute sulfuric acid. In what way are both the reactions the same? In order to answer the above question, you need to be able to identify the type of reaction and also the products. Magnesium oxide (base) + sulfuric acid -> magnesium sulfate + water Magnesium carbonate + sulfuric acid -> magnesium sulfate + carbon dioxide + water A A gas is produced during the reaction. B An acid is neutralized by a soluble base C Water is obtained as one of the products. D An insoluble salt is obtained as a product. ( C ) Aqueous potassium sulfate can be prepared by reacting dilute sulfuric acid with aqueous potassium carbonate. Which conclusion can be drawn from this information? This question is assessing your understanding on preparation of Na+/K+/NH4+ salts using Titration. A B C D Potassium carbonate is insoluble in water. Potassium sulfate is soluble in water. Potassium sulfate is an alkali. Potassium sulfate neutralizes sulfuric acid. ( B )

The table below shows the solubility of some salts of metal Y in cold water. Salt carbonate chloride sulfate Solubility in cold water insoluble soluble insoluble

What could metal Y be? This question is assessing if you have memorized the solubility table of salts well enough. A B C D barium lead magnesium sodium ( A )

Section B: Structured Questions (15 marks) 1 Complete the following word equations. (a) Dilute sulfuric acid + zinc zinc sulfate + hydrogen (b) Dilute nitric acid + lithium carbonate water Lithium nitrate + carbon dioxide +

(c) (d)

copper(II) oxide + dilute hydrochloric acid sodium chloride + silver nitrate

copper(II) chloride + water

sodium nitrate + silver chloride [4]

This question is about making salts. For each salt, suggest the name of the missing reagent and briefly describe how to obtain the solid product from the reaction mixture. (a) Salt to be prepared: magnesium nitrate reagent 1: dilute nitric acid. reagent 2: magnesium oxide / magnesium / magnesium carbonate [1] I could obtain solid magnesium nitrate by: Dissolve excess [1/2] magnesium carbonate in dilute nitric acid. Filter [1/2] the unreacted magnesium carbonate and collect the filtrate [1/2]. Heat [1/2] the filtrate to obtain a saturated [1/2] solution.

Cool the saturated solution to form crystals [1/2]. Collect the crystals and rinse them (optional) Dry in between sheets of filter paper (optional)


Salt to be prepared: barium sulfate reagent 1: aqueous potassium sulfate reagent 2: aqueous barium nitrate / aqueous barium chloride [1] I could obtain solid barium sulfate by: Mix the two aqueous salt solutions. [1/2] Filter the mixture and collect the residue [1/2]. [6]

When metal is added to dilute acid, salt is formed and hydrogen gas will be given off.

Mg (s) Salt A + Gas B

Dilute hydrochloric acid

CuCO3 (s) Gas C

Substance D (aq) Potassium chloride + water


Fill in the missing information in the table below. Chemical name Magnesium chloride [1/2] Hydrogen gas Chemical formula MgCl2 H2 [1/2] [1]



Describe a test to confirm the identity of Gas C. Students tend to be careless and did not focus on the reactants stated. You must realize that the reactant is a metal carbonate. Hence, the gas produced is carbon dioxide. Test: Bubble the gas through limewater [1/2] Observation: White precipitate is formed in limewater [1/2] Note: Carbon dioxide is formed.


Potassium chloride forms a colourless, neutral solution when mixed with water. Write down the chemical name of Substance D. (i) Potassium hydroxide [1] (ii) What colour change is observed when a few drops of Universal Indicator is added to the solution of potassium chloride? (In order to answer this
question, you need to understand that to prepare potassium chloride, we are reacting acid + alkali, which is a neutralization reaction. Hence, the overall pH value is 7.

Remains green [1] (iii) What is the name of the method used to prepare potassium chloride? Titration [1]
*** End of Paper ***

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