Physical Evidence: Expectation

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Physical evidence

Physical evidence is the environment in which service is delivered and where the firm and customer interact, and any tangible component that facilitate performance or communication of the service. Customers rely heavily on the tangible cues or physical evidence of services because services are intangible in nature. Physical evidence is important in closing the gap 2:

Service quality specifications Gap 2 Management perception of customer


Physical evidence is also important in cloud storage services. Many tangible cues are associated with cloud storage services that influence the customer expectation about the services.

Elements of physical evidence for cloud storage services

Customers can contact with us for enjoying the services through: In person Over phone online The physical evidence for these cases will be different. For example, in case of in person the company have to provide more physical evidence like, parking, building exterior, interior decoration etc. but in case of online and phone the opportunity for adding physical evidence is limited. So our company will design the physical evidence based on whether customer are contacting through in person, over phone or online. The different elements of the physical evidence for cloud storage services are given in below:

parking Signs Air quality Interior decoration office furnitures Telephone Computers etc. servers

Other tangibles


Building exterior

Stationary writting materials Brochures Website etc. Billing statements Business cards

Elements of physical evidence for cloud storage services

Type of servicescape for cloud storage services

Any service organization can be categorized based on two dimensions. Those are: Servicescape usage Servicescape complexity

Servicescape usage: Service organizations will differ in terms of whom the servicescape will actually affect. Servicescape will affect customers, employees or both groups. Three type of organization can be identified based on this dimention: 1. Self-service (customer only) 2. Interpersonal service (Both customer and employee) 3. Remote service (employee only)

Servicescape complexity: Services vary in terms of complexity. Some service environment is very simple, with few elements, few spaces and few pieces of equipment. Such service environments are termed as lean. Other services are very complex with many elements, and many forms. They are termed elaborate environment.

The position of complete cloud storage service in terms of these two dimensions is summarized in below:

Servicescape usage

Complexity of servicescape

Elaborate Self service

Lean Online

Remote service


Interpersonal service

Office branch

Self service-Lean: When the customers contact with us via online then it can be termed as self service in lean environment. Customers perform all the activities by themselves for getting the service and there is only little opportunity for adding physical evidence, like website. Remote service-Lean: When the customers contact with us over telephone then it can be termed as remote service in lean environment. Employees perform all the necessary activities for providing service. Customer does not see the physical facility. Employee appearance is important when they go to customers place for providing the service.

Interpersonal service-Elaborate: When the customers contact with us in person than it can be termed as interpersonal service in elaborate environment. Both employees and customers are present in services delivery process. There are many equipment, and forms. Office exterior design, interior design, parking, signs etc. all affect the customers image of the service organization and customers expectation of service.

So, we see that type of servicecsape for cloud storage services will vary depending on the mode of providing the service.

Strategic role of servicescape in case of cloud storage services

There are mainly four strategic roles that servicescape play in case of services. These roles of servicescape are also applicable to cloud storage services. The strategic roles of servicescape for cloud storage services are given in below:



Strategic roles of servicescape


Package: like the tangible products package servicescape and other elements of physical evidence wrap the service and convey the customers an external image of what is inside. When the customer contact with us in person for cloud storage services, the interior decoration, exterior building, parking, computers, etc. convey customer about the image of the service. For example, a well decorated office will convey the customer that they will receive a better service as opposed to the office that is poorly decorated. On the other hand when customer contacts with us through online or over telephone then the package role of servicescape is limited, as little physical evidence is present. Facilitator: Servicescape also serve as a facilitator for complete life care services for elderly people. If the appearance of the employee is not good customer may think that services will not be properly delivered. That is why the employees should be well in appearance to facilitate the services. The proper design of office like good interior design etc. may give a signal to customer that service will be good and help the service organization to facilitate the service.

Socializer: The design of servicescape also helps in socialization of both employees and customers. By seeing the servicescape customer can understand what behaviors are encouraged.

Differentiator: The design of physical facility can differentiate a service organization from other. A well decorated office will easily attract a customer than a poorly decorated office. If parking is not available customers will face some difficulty with their cars. In this case the organization can differentiate itself by providing good parking facility than others that do not have parking facility. An employee who appears to be smart will convey the customer that services will be properly delivered.

Importance of employees for cloud storage services

People- front line employees and those supporting them from behind the scene are critical to the success of service organization. The roles of employee for cloud storage services are given in below:

They are the service

They are the organization in the eye of the customer

They are the brand

They are marketers

provide cloud storage facilities

complete cloud storage services organization

Employee interaction in person or in phone

Service selling roles

Triangle of cloud storage services

The service triangle is given in below: Company (management)

Internal marketing Enabling the promise

External marketing


Making the promise

Employees Interactive marketing Delivering the promise


So, we see from this triangle that employees play an important role in enabling the promise and delivering the promise to customers. If employees will not provide the cloud storage services properly then customers will be dissatisfied and companys image will be hampered. On the other hand as it is relatively a new service the employee need proper training, motivation, supervision, reward for providing the service as part of internal marketing.

Employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction, profit of cloud storage services

The climate for the service and climate for the company well being are closely correlated with overall customer perception of the service quality. The satisfied employee will make satisfied customers and this will ultimately bring profit for the organization. The service profit chain for cloud storage services is given in below:

Employee retention

Revenue growth

Internal services quality

Employ ee satisfac tion

Extern al service Employe e pro ductivity

Custom er sati sfaction nnn

Custo mer loyalt y

profiti bility

The effect of cloud storage services employee behaviors on service quality dimensions
The five service quality dimensions are influenced by the employee behavior:

Reliability Employee Provide accurate and dependable service Responsiveness Employee are helpful and provide promt service Assurance

Emoloyee instill trust and confidence in customers

Empathy Employees are caring and provide individual attention to customers Tangibles Employee dress

Strategies for developing service quality through people

As employees are critical part for the organization we will follow the following strategies for developing service quality through people:

Hire the right people

retain the best people

Customer oriented service delivery

Develop people to deliver service quality

provide needed support system

For the success of our organization we will be tried to focus on customer-driven service delivery. In this case our organizational chart will be look like the following chart:

Front-line Employee Front-line Employee Front-line Employee Front-line Employee Front-line Employee Front-line Employee




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