Sigma-Delta Modulators: Tutorial Overview, Design Guide, and State-of-the-Art Survey

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1, JANUARY 2011

Sigma-Delta Modulators: Tutorial Overview, Design Guide, and State-of-the-Art Survey

Jos M. de la Rosa, Senior Member, IEEE
(Invited Paper)

AbstractThis paper presents a tutorial overview of modulators, their operating principles and architectures, circuit errors and models, design methods, and practical issues. A review of the state of the art on nanometer CMOS implementations is described, giving a survey of cutting-edge architectures, with emphasis on their application to the next generation of wireless telecom systems.



Index TermsSigma-delta modulation, oversampling analog-todigital conversion.

Fig. 1. Conceptual ADC. (a) Block diagram. (b) Signal processing.

INCE the rst idea underlying the operation of modulators Ms was patented [1] and applied to implement analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) [2] around 50 years ago, there has been a huge number of circuits and Ms in many different industrial applisystems exploiting cationsfrom instrumentation to communications [3][16]. Based on the combination of oversampling and quantization Ms achieve a high degree of error shaping techniques, insensitivity to analog circuit imperfections, thus making them a good choice (the best one in many cases) to realize embedded analog-to-digital interfaces in modern systems-on-chip (SoCs) integrated in nanometer CMOS. In spite of the aforementioned advantages, the design of Ms involves a number of practical issues and CMOS trade-offs that must be taken into account in order to optimize their performance in terms of power consumption, silicon area, and time-to-market deployment. Over the last few years, significant efforts have been made to decrease the power budget and Ms, while simultaneously mainto increase the speed of taining compatibility with mainstream digital technologies.

This paper presents a broad survey of Ms,1 the new advances and trends in architectures, circuit techniques, design methodologies, and practical considerations, with emphasis on nanometer CMOS realization. The paper is organized as follows. Section II gives a brief background regarding fundamenMs. Section III tals of ADCs and basic concepts underlying M architectures and Section IV describes surveys the basic their main building blocks, error mechanisms as well as the application of their analysis and models to the development of design methodologies. Finally, Section V sums up the state-ofthe-art performance, trends, and challenges. MODULATORS II. FUNDAMENTALS OF The operation of Ms relies on the combination of two signal processing techniques, namely: oversampling and quantization error ltering and feedback, commonly referred to as noise shaping. Both techniques are related to the fundamental processes involved in an ADCillustrated in Fig. 1. Fig. 1(a) shows the conceptual scheme of an ADC intended for the digitization of low-pass (LP) signals, that includes the following components: an anti-aliasing lter (AAF), a sampling-and-hold (S/H) circuit, a quantizer, and a coder [17]. The operation of these blocks is illustrated in Fig. 1(b). First, , passes through the AAF block. the analog input signal, Otherwise, from the Nyquist sampling theorem, high frequency components of the input signal would be folded or aliased , thus corrupting the signal into the signal bandwidth, , information [18]. The resulting band-limited signal,
1It is impossible to cover all the topics contained in the huge number of publications dealing with 61Ms. Instead, this paper provides an overview of current state of the art, trends, and challenges, without entering into details.

Manuscript received September 10, 2010; revised October 27, 2010; accepted November 23, 2010. Date of current version December 30, 2010. This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Innovation and Science (with support from the European Regional Development Fund) under Contract TEC200767247-C02-01/MIC and Contract TEC2010-14825/MIC, and in part by the Regional Ministry of Innovation, Science and Enterprise under Contract TIC-2532. This paper was recommended by Deputy Editor-in-Chief G. Manganaro. The author is with the Institute of Microelectronics of Seville, IMSE-CNM (CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla), Parque Tecnolgico de la Cartuja, C/ Amrico Vespuccio s/n, 41092 Sevilla, Spain (e-mail: [email protected]). Color versions of one or more of the gures in this paper are available online at Digital Object Identier 10.1109/TCSI.2010.2097652

1549-8328/$26.00 2010 IEEE


Fig. 2. AAF for: (a) Nyquist-rate and (b) oversampling ADCs.

is sampled at a rate of by the S/H circuit, thus yielding a . Following the discrete-time (DT) signal,2 S/H, the quantizer maps the continuous range of amplitudes of into a discrete set of levels. Finally, the coder assigns a unique binary number to each level providing the output digital data. Therefore, as illustrated in Fig. 1(b), the fundamental processes involved in an ADC are: sampling and quantization. These two continuous-to-discrete transformations limit the performance of ADCs [18]. A. Oversampling The sampling process imposes a limit on , and hence on the speed of the ADC. According to the Nyquist theorem, which sets that the minimum value of often referred to as Nyquist must be twice the signal frequency and represented by . Based on this criterion, those ADCs bandwidth, i.e., with are called Nyquist-rate ADCs, while if , the resulting ADCs are known as oversampling ADCs, and is dened as the oversampling ratio [5]. One of OSR the advantages of oversampling ADCs is that they simplify the requirements placed on the AAF as illustrated in Fig. 2. Note that the AAF for a Nyquist converter must have a sharp transition band, which often introduces phase distortion in signal components located near the cut-off frequency. B. Quantization Error and White Noise Model The quantization itself introduces a fundamental limitation on the performance of an ideal ADC. It degrades the quality of the input signal whose continuous-value levels are mapped onto a nite set of discrete levels as illustrated in Fig. 3. This continuous-to-discrete transformation in amplitude generates an error, commonly referred to as quantization error. Contrary to the sampling process, quantization is a nonreversible operation, causing a loss in the resolution of the digitized signal [18]. Fig. 3(a) shows the transfer characteristic of an ideal quandenotes the slope of the line intersecting the tizer, where stands for the quancode steps or quantizer gain, and tization error. This error is a nonlinear function of the input signal, , as shown in Fig. 3(b). Note that, if is conned to the , the quantization error full-scale input range , with being the quantization step, is bounded by dened as the separation between adjacent output levels in the quantizer. For a -bit quantizer, the quantization step is dened
2In this gure, the notation x is used to represent x(nT ), with T being 1=f . the sampling period, dened as T

Fig. 3. Quantization process. (a) Ideal characteristic. (b) Quantization error. (c) Probability density function of white quantization noise. (d) Linear model.

Fig. 4. Illustrating the benets of oversampling on the in-band noise power.

as , with being the full-scale output range of the quantizer [see Fig. 3(a)]. For inputs outside of the , the absolute value of exceeds interval and grows monotonically. This situation is known as overloading of the quantizer [5][7]. strongly depends on . HowAs shown in Fig. 3(b), ever, under some assumptions which are normally met in practice [19][22], it can be shown that the quantization error dis, with rectangular tributes uniformly in the range probability density, , shown in Fig. 3(c), having a constant power spectral density (PSD) [19]. Because of that, the quantization error can be modeled as an additive white noise source, , as shown in Fig. 3(d), usually called quantization noise.3 As the total quantization noise power, , is uniformly distributed , its 2-sided PSD is given by in the range (1) and the in-band noise power, calculated for LP signals as4 OSR (2)

decreases with OSR at a rate of 3 dB/octave. This property is exploited by oversampling ADCs, since when an oversampled signal is quantized, the spectral components of the quantization error are distributed in a larger frequency band as illustrated in Fig. 4, thus attenuating the in-band quantization noise power as compared to the one achieved by Nyquist-rate ADCs.
3More accurate (nonlinear) quantizer models are normally used in numerical analysis and simulations. A good example is the describing-function based model proposed in [23] and used in the well-known Schreiers Delta-Sigma MATLAB Toolbox [13], [24]. 4In the case of bandpass (BP) signals centered at a given frequency f , (2) is transformed into P = 2 S (f )df = (1 )=(12OSR).


Fig. 5. Illustrating quantization noise shaping for: (a) LP and (b) BP signals.

Fig. 7. Illustrating basic performance metrics: SNR, SNDR, and DR.

D. Putting All Pieces Together:

Fig. 6. Conceptual block diagram of a DT 61M.


C. Noise Shaping The accuracy of an oversampling ADC can be further increased by ltering the quantization noise in such a way that most of its power lies outside the signal band. This is illustrated in Fig. 5, where the quantization errorconceptually generated from substracting the input signal, , from an analog version of the quantizer output, is shaped by a lter with a transfer function, usually called noise transfer function (NTF), which can be either of high-pass type [Fig. 5(a)] or band-stop type [Fig. 5(b)], respectively ltering the noise around either dc or at a given frequency, , often referred to as the notch frequency. In the case of low-pass oversampled signals, low-frequency in-band components of the quantization error can be attenuated by applying a differentiator lter, with a -domain transfer function given by NTF (3)

Oversampling and noise-shaping can be used to build an ADC by embedding a quantizer in a feedback loop6 as illustrated in M [2], [5], [6].7 Let us conFig. 6generally known as , is large inside the sider that the gain of the loop lter, signal band and small outside it. Due to the action of the feedback, the input signal, , and the analog version of the modulator output, , will practically coincide within the signal band. Consequently, most of the differences between both signals will be placed at higher frequencies, i.e., the quantization error, , is shaped and most of its power is pushed outside the signal band. Assuming that the quantizer in Fig. 6 is represented by the linear, additive white noise model of Fig. 3(d), the feedback system in Fig. 6 can be viewed as a two-input, and , one-output, , system, which can be represented in the -domain by8 STF NTF (5)

and represent the -transform of and , where and NTF stand for the signal- and respectively, and STF noise transfer functions, respectively given by

where denotes the lter order [15]. OSR , Taking into account that assuming that OSR and that the quantization error can be modeled as an additive white noise source, the in-band shaped noise power is approximately given by




Note that, if the loop lter is designed such that within the signal band, then STF and NTF , i.e., the input signal is allowed to pass whereas the quantization error is ideally cancelled. However, the error cannot be comhas a limited gain, and pletely nulled in practice because
6Early implementations of Fig. 6 used an integrator as a loop lter. Hence, the system can be viewed as a differencing (1) operation at the input followed by a summation (6), implemented by the DT integrator. From this point of view, the system in Fig. 6 is called 16M. In contrast, this system can be obtained by cascading an integrator (6) with a 1 modulator, and hence it is called 61M. The latter term (61M) will be used in this paper, although both terms are widely used [13]. 7As will be discussed later, 61Ms can be classied into two main groups: LP and BP, according to the type of the input analog signal. Fig. 6 corresponds to a LP 61M. 8This approximation is only valid if the feedback system is stable. Moreover, the analysis presented in this section assumes an ideal implementation of the loop lter, H (z ). However, even considering an ideal circuit implementation, the result in (4) can not be achieved in practice due to the scaling required in the loop lter coefcients [13].

NTF (4)


dB/octave which decreases with OSR by approximately more than just using oversampling as in (2). This is a direct consequence of the combined action of both oversampling and noise shaping.5
reasoning can be followed for BP signals, considering NTF(z ) = z )(1 z z ), where z and z are complex conjugate zeroes, which are normally placed in the unit circle, i.e., z = e . The resulting P has a similar expression as in (4) [25].

(1 0 z



Fig. 8. Block diagram of: (a) DT-61 ADCs and (b) CT-61 ADCs.

the in-band noise power is given by (4), whenever is deis given by (3). ned so that NTF , the Assuming a sinewave input signal of amplitude signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)9 and the dynamic range (DR) at the output of the modulator are given by10 SNR DR (7)

ideal Nyquist-rate ADC to achieve the same DR as an ideal ADCis given by [27]11 ENOB DR

OSR The above performance metrics are conceptually represented in Fig. 7. Note that SNR increases with until reaches . Beyond this level the quantizer input the overload level, frequently goes outside the nonoverload range of the quantizer and hence the SNR curve drops sharply. As will be discussed in Section IV, the ideal performance depicted in Fig. 7 is degraded as a consequence of other error contributionsboth linear and nonlinearto the in-band error power, apart from quantization error. To take into account all these errors, the signal-to-(noise plus distortion) ratio (SNDR) is dened [26]. The maximum and values of SNR and SNDR are often called SNR , respectively illustrated in Fig. 7. Replacing the SNDR expression (4) in (7), the ideal value of DR expressed in dB gives


that means that a M can achieve the same effective resolution as an ideal -bit Nyquist-rate ADC by properly combining to improve the acoversampling (OSR) and noise-shaping ). curacy of the embedded coarse quantization (typically E. Basic Architecture of a ADC Fig. 8 shows the basic block diagram of a ADC, where Fig. 8(a) corresponds to a DT implementation (DTADC) and Fig. 8(b) is a continuous-time (CT) implementation ADC). In both cases, LP signals are assumed to be (CTprocessed. Otherwise, the lters involved must be changed from LP to BP transfer functions. The scheme in Fig. 8 is made up of three main blocks: an M, and a decimator. Note from Fig. 8(b) that in AAF, a the case of CTADCs, the input signal could be either subject to AAF or fed directly into the modulator without preceding any ltering. This can be done thanks to the imMs [28]. Indeed, plicit AAF which is embedded in CTDTMs implement the sampling operation at the modulator Ms do it at the quantizer input [Fig. 8(a)], whereas CTinput and the loop lter is CTsee Fig. 8(b). Thus, the output signal is DT and a DT-to-CT transformation is needed to create the feedback signal. The process of reconstructing this signal, by using proper output pulse shape of the embedded digital-to-analog converter (DAC), plays a signicant role on M performance as will be discussed later the overall CT[14]. M is a -bit digital stream clocked at The output of the . The decimator, which is a purely digital block, removes the M digital stream through high-frequency components of the high-selectivity digital ltering, and decimates to reduce the
11In practice, the effective resolution of most 61Ms is less than the ideal DR due to overload, circuit noise, and nonlinear errors. Hence, a more realistic expression of ENOB can be obtained by replacing DR with SNDR in (10).




Note that the expression of DR for an ideal ADC can be obtained by replacing in the above expression, yielding [26] DR

-bit Nyquist-rate and OSR


From (8) and (9), it can be established that the effective number of bits (ENOB)dened as the number of bits needed for an
9Strictly speaking, the term signal-to-quantization-noise ratio (SQNR) should be used if only quantization error is considered. However, for the sake of simplicity, SNR will be used in this paper. 10SNR is dened as the ratio of the output power at the frequency of an input sinusoid to the uncorrelated in-band error power. DR is dened as the ratio of the output power at the frequency of an input sinusoid with maximum amplitude (A = A X =2) to the output power for a small input for which SNR = 0 dB [26].


rate of the M output stream down to the Nyquist frequency. ADC is a digitized version of Hence, the output of the the input signalclocked at with an equivalent resolution given by (10). M is the most critical Out of the three blocks in Fig. 8, the one, responsible for the accuracy of the whole ADC. For that reason, this paper will focus on this block, although taking into ADC needs also the other two blocks [15]. account that a III. TAXONOMY OF MODULATORS

M architectures have been reported in A large number of the open literature that implement some (or all) the following, nonexclusive, strategies to improve DR [6], [7]: Increasing . According to (8), for a given value of leads to DR OSR, the increase in DR with OSR . However, the use of high-order modulator loop ltering (usually ) gives rise to stability problems, and the necessary loop gain scaling worsens the performance below the ideal one. bit/oc Increasing OSR leads to an increment of tave in the effective resolution. However, for wideband signals the use of high values of OSR is impractical, because of the prohibitive sampling frequencies required, with the subsequent penalty in power consumption. Increasing leads to an increase of 6 dB (1 bit) in DR for each extra bit in the quantizer [11]. However, the required multibit feedback DAC is not inherently linear. The above strategies can be classied according to: The nature of the signals being handled, resulting in LP Ms. and BP The number of bits of the internal quantizers, dividing Ms into single-bit and multibit topologies. The number of quantizers employed. Ms employing only one quantizer are called single-loop structures, whereas those using several quantizers give rise to different topologies, namely: cascade, dual-quantization, etc. Ms into The circuit nature of the loop lter, classifying two main groups DT [Fig. 8(a)] and CT [Fig. 8(b)] implementations. According to this criterion, another type of Ms, called hybrid CT/DT Ms, tries to take advantage of the benets of both circuit techniques [29][34]. M architectures derived from preDescribing all possible vious classication goes beyond the scope of this paper. A detailed study of them can be found in many papers and books [5][16]. Instead, this section will focus on the most represenM topologies. tative families of A. Low-Order Single-Loop Ms

Fig. 9. Basic single-loop order.

61Ms. (a) First order. (b) Second order. (c) Lth

Fig. 10. Output spectrum of a (a) rst-order 61M; (b) second-order 61M.

The simplest way of building a M architecture is combining a DT forward-Euler (FE) integrator, i.e., as the loop lter with a single-bit quantizer, i.e., a comparator. The resulting architectureknown Mis illustrated in Fig. 9(a). Asas rst-order single-bit suming a linear model for the quantizer, the -transform of and the modulator output is given by (5) with STF . This topology has two main disadvanNTF tages. On the one hand, DR increases with OSR at a rate of only

1.5-bit/octave, which implies using very high values of OSR to achieve medium-high effective resolutions. Another important Ms is the drawback associated to rst-order single-bit presence of pattern noise and the so-called idle tones as illustrated in Fig. 10(a). This tonal behavior, which is present even considering ideal circuit components, is a direct consequence of the strong correlation existing between the input signal and the quantization error. This correlation leads to a colored quantization error, instead of a white noise andin addition to causing a number of tones within the signal bandgives rise to an in-band error power higher than that predicted by the linear model [19], [22], [35]. The problems of Fig. 9(a) can be mostly avoided if the M is replaced itself 1-bit quantizer in a rst-order by a rst-order M as illustrated in Fig. 9(b). The reM, which is sulting modulator is called second-order [36]. In that case, assuming stable if and a white noise model for the quantizer, we obtain STF and NTF . Moreover, DR increases with OSR by 2.5-bit/octave, which signicantly improves the performance of the rst-order modulator in terms of the sampling frequency required. In addition, the use of two integrators also contributes to decorrelate the input signal and the quantization error, thus decreasing the presence of idle tones in the output spectrum as illustrated in Fig. 10(b). B. High-Order Ms

The concept underlying rst- and second-order single-loop Ms can be extended towards th-order ltering, thus re-


Fig. 12. Conceptual block diagram of a cascade 61M. Fig. 11. Fifth-order single-loop 61M with feedforward summation and local resonator feedbacks.

sulting in the modulator topology shown in Fig. 9(c), which is M with distributed feedknown as -th order single-loop back. Using a linear model for the quantizer, it can be shown NTF and DR is given that STF by (8). However, this performance is not achieved in practice due to stability problems associated to pure differentiator NTFs, in which stability can only be conditionally guaranteed for a [37]. In order limited range of input amplitudes when to address this problem, alternative realizations of high-order Ms have been proposed that implement an IIR single-loop NTF [6], [7]. A pioneer topology using multiple feedforward and feedback analog paths was proposed by Lee and Sodini, , with synthesizing NTFs of the form NTF being a polynomial determined by the feedforward analog coefcients [38]. There are several implementations of this idea. As an illustration, Fig. 11 shows an example that consists of a 5th-order single-loop with an IIR NTF. This modulatoroften referred to as cascade of resonators with distributed feedforward NTF [6]. Local resonation feed(CRFF)sets STF can be used to set additional notches back coefcients in NTF in order to increase the noise ltering without increasing the loop lter order. A common disadvantage of most high-order single-loop M topologies implementing IIR NTFs is the increased circuit complexity due to the large number of analog coefcients required. A well-known alternative to circumvent instability while obtaining high-order noise-shaping consists of Ms, using the so-called MASH (multistage noise-shaping) often referred to as cascade or multistage Ms [6], [39]. This architecture is conceptually depicted in Fig. 12. Each stage, consisting of a low-order (typically either second or M, modulates a signal that contains rst order) single-loop the quantization error generated in the previous stage. Once in the digital domain, the stage outputs are processed and combined by a digital cancellation logic (DCL) so that only the quantization error of the last stage remains. Also, this error is shaped by a transfer function whose order equals the sum of the respective orders of all the stages in the cascade, i.e., . However, in practice, it is well known that the maximum number of stagesand consequently is limited by circuit nonidealities, particularly mismatch. This error causes incomplete cancellation of low-order quantization errors at the modulator output [15]. This effectknown as noise Ms because leakageis especially critical in cascade CT-

Fig. 13. Conceptual scheme of a 61M with B -bit quantization. (a) Block diagram. (b) Embedded B -bit ADC and DAC.

of their higher sensitivity to circuit element tolerancesa fact M which may account for the small number of cascade CTintegrated circuits (ICs) reported so far [40][43]. C. Multibit and Dual-Quantization Ms

According to (10), an alternative way to improve the effective quanresolution consists of using embedded multibit tizationconceptually depicted in Fig. 13(a). As illustrated in unit circuit Fig. 13(b), a multibit DAC commonly uses elements (capacitors, resistors, current sources, etc.) to reconstruct the analog feedback signal in the modulator loop with levels. Thus, the analog output level is generated by summing up the unit element outputs (usually charges or currents). Due to mismatches among different unit elements, a nonlinear input-output DAC characteristic is obtained. The nonlinear errors associated to the multibit feedback DAC are directly injected at the modulator input, thus degrading the modulator performance. Consequently, at least in single-loop topologies like the one conceptually depicted in Fig. 13(a), the embedded feedback DAC must be designed to reach the linearity targeted for ADC [44]. the whole A large number of strategies have been reported in order to Ms, some of them requiring achieve highly-linear multibit modest component matching [45]. Among other techniques, one of the most popularly used is the so-called dynamic element


Fig. 14. Dual-quantization concept proposed by Leslie and Singh [55].

matching (DEM) [11], [44]. The basic idea behind DEM techniques consists of breaking the direct correspondence existing between the thermometer input code and their associated DAC output levels, so that the unit elements selected to generate a given DAC output level vary over time. This way, the xed error of that level will be transformed into a time-varying error. To that purpose, a block is added to control the selection of elements at each clock cycle. The selection is done according to simple algorithms12 that try to drive the average error in each DAC level to zero over time. Thus, part of the DAC error power that laid in the low-frequency range will be moved to higher frequencies, where it can be removed by the decimation lter. Other alternatives to reduce the impact of DAC nonlinearities are based on deterministic techniques, such as analog calibration [53], digital correction [54], and dual quantization. The latter consists of combining single-bit and multibit quantization in the same modulator topology in order to take advantage of the intrinsic linearity of 1-bit quantization and the reduced quantization error of multibit quantizers [15]. Since the original dual-quantizer general scheme was proposed by Leslie and Singh [55], illustrated in Fig. 14, there M topologies based on the same idea [56]. has been several Among others, the most common approach consists of combining dual quantization and cascade topologies, so that only the last-stage quantizer is multibit, while the remaining ones are usually single-bit, i.e., and in Fig. 12. Therefore, the multibit DAC nonlinear errors are injected in the last stage of the cascade, so that the linearity requirements are relaxed because of the attenuation provided by the gain of the preceding stages within the signal band [57], [58]. D. Bandpass Ms

Fig. 15. Conceptual block diagram and output spectrum of a BP-61M.

domain to the digital domain, including: quadrature mixing, channel selection, gain control, and demodulation. This results in robust radiofrequency (RF) receivers with high degree of programmability and adaptability to a number of standard speciMs share much in common with their cations [64], [65]. BPLP counterparts, except for the obvious difference that the quantization noise is suppressed around instead of dc. A common choice is , i.e., just in the middle of the Nyquist band. It can be shown that this location optimizes the trade-off between antialiasing ltering and image-reject ltering in digital , wireless transceivers [25]. Linked to the choice of BPMs architectures are obtained from LPMs by applying a LP-to-BP transformation method, which in the DT do. As a consequence of this main is formulated as are moved transformation, the zeroes of the original LP NTF from dc to . Moreover, this transformation keeps all propMs.13 erties of the original LPThe design and analysis of BPMs is the same as that of Ms, but considering bandpass loop lters instead of lowLPpass loop lters. Indeed, it can be shown that the main gures of merit, i.e., in-band noise power, DR, SNR, SNDR have the same expressions as the ones obtained in previous sections. In pracM can be synthesized by replacing tice, it means that a BPintegrators by resonators in the modulator loop lter as will be described in Section IV [6], [28], [66]. E. Continuous-Time Ms

Ms are a particular class of Ms that place the BPin a given bandwidth around an intermezeroes of NTF diate frequency (IF) location, usually named center or notch freMs differ from their LP counterquency, . Therefore, BPparts in that the loop lter is of BP type instead of LP type as illustrated in Fig. 15 [59][62]. This has an obvious application in the front-end of wireless communication systems. Indeed, Ms are very suited for the implementation of ADCs BPin such systems because, compared with Nyquist-rate ADCs, Ms do not need to digitize the whole Nyquist band (from BPdc to ) (see Fig. 15). Instead, they digitize just the signal band, thereby requiring much lower power consumption to obtain a given DR [25], [63]. In addition, IF A/D conversion allows a great part of the signal processing to be moved from the analog
12The interested reader can nd a detailed explanation of these algorithms in a number of papers and books [46][52].

The majority of Ms reported so far have been implemented using DT circuit techniques, mostly based on switched-capacitor (SC) circuits [15]. However, the increasing demand for ever faster ADCs in broadband communication systems has boosted the interest in CT implementations. These modulators are able to operate at higher sampling rates with lower power consumption than their DT counterparts [10], [14], [66]. Looking at both architectures depicted in Fig. 8, one can see Ms. Apart from several differences between DT- and CTthe CT circuit nature of the loop lter, the most signicant difference is related to the point where the sampling process
13Placing the signal passband at f =4 presents some disadvantages. On the one hand, in the presence of nonlinear errors in the analog circuitry of the modulator, any intermodulation distortion products resulting from the mixing of tones located at f =2 with input signal will fall inside the passband, thus corrupting the signal information. On the other hand, for a given IF signal, the demands for the sampling rate of the modulator are more restrictive than placing the signal passband center frequency between f =4 and f =2. Therefore, similarly to LP-61Ms, it may be convenient for BP-61Ms to directly address the synthesis of NTF(f ) through proper placement of its poles and zeroes. Many different BP-61Mslike for instance N -path or quadrature topologiescan be synthesized using this method [25].


Fig. 16. Conceptual scheme of a CT-61M. (a) Block diagram. (b) Open-loop lter and CT-DT equivalence.

Fig. 17. Common DAC impulse responses [14]. (a) NRZ. (b) RZ. (c) HRZ. (d) Exponential decaying. (e) Cosine. (f) Nonlinear slope.

takes place, which constitutes one of the key advantages of Ms over their DT counterparts [14]. However, as both CTDT- and CT- signals are involved, the mathematical analMs becomes ysis (and consequently the synthesis) of CTMs [10], [28], [63], more difcult than in the case of DT[66][68]. In order to understand the principles of operation underlying Ms, let us consider the the signal processing involved in CTconceptual block diagram shown in Fig. 16(a). Note that the modulator output signal must be transformed from DT- to CTin the feedback loop. This signal reconstruction is very critical and has a signicant impact on the overall behavior of the modulator [28]. There are several DAC waveforms that can be used Ms. Fig. 17 shows a summary of the most representain CTtive possibilities including the nomenclature used for the feedback waveformsextracted from [14]. Among others, the most commonly used DACs incorporate rectangular feedback pulses of basically three types: nonreturn-to-zero (NRZ) [Fig. 17(a)], return-to-zero (RZ) [Fig. 17(b)], and half-delay return-to-zero (HRZ) [Fig. 17(c)]. Their Laplace -transforms can be generally written as (11) and (1/2, 1) for NRZ, RZ, and where HRZ DACs, respectively. Let us consider the transfer function for the DAC in (11) M shown in and the basic block diagram of the CTFig. 16(a). Because of the presence of a S/H inside the loop, the input-output behavior of the noise shaping loop lter can be described by an equivalent DT transfer function, as illustrated in Fig. 16(b), given by

Fig. 18. Cascade 2-1 61M. (a) DT block diagram. (b) CT equivalent.


where and stand for the - and inverse -transform operators, respectively. Based on the equivalent DT loop lter transfer function Ms shown in (12), the most usual procedure to design CTconsists of, rst, matching this equivalent lter with a reference DT loop lter chosen to fulll the specications; then, solving for the coefcients of the CT lter; and nally implementing this lter by CT circuits, usually based on Gm-C or active-RC building blocks. Careful choice of the CT lter structure is needed to have sufcient degrees of freedom to implement the M reference DT loop lter [63]. In theory, any arbitrary topology, either single-loop or cascade, can be synthesized using a DT-to-CT transformation method. As an illustration, M obtained using such a Fig. 18 shows a cascade 2-1 CTmethod with its equivalent DTM [14]. The main problem of using the DT-to-CT synthesis method is that it usually yields an increase of the analog circuit complexity, with the subsequent penalty in sensitivity to technology parameter variations. This is particularly critical in the case of M topologies, wherein order to get a funccascade CTtional modulator while keeping the digital cancellation logic of Mevery integrator and DAC output must the original DTbe connected to the integrator input of later stages [14]. An alternative method for the design of the loop lter uses as a starting point. This synthesis method the desired NTF is often referred to as direct CT synthesis method. Usually, an zeroes is coninverse Chebychev distribution of the NTF sidered because it has advantages in terms of SNR and stahas been chosen, the loop lter bility. Once the desired NTF can be derived from the linearized model [10]. Indeed, it can


A. Integrators and Resonators: Basic

M Building Blocks

Fig. 19. Basic integrators in 61Ms. (a) SC FE. (b) Active-RC. (c) Gm-C.

Fig. 20. Basic resonators in BP-61Ms based on: (a) SC lossless direct integrators (LDIs) and FE integrators [71]; (b) Gm-C integrators [77].

Integrator circuits are the most important and critical Ms [7], [14], [66]. Fig. 19 shows the building blocks of integrator circuit topologies most commonly used in both DTMs. Fig. 19(a) shows a conceptual scheme of and CTthe well-known FE SC integrator, that implements a transfer . Fig. 19(b) and (c) show function the conceptual schematics of the most frequently used CT integrators: Active-RC and Gm-C, respectively.15 Both CT , where circuits have an ideal transfer function is the time constant, which is the product of the resistive and capacitive elements of the CT integratorshown in Fig. 19 for each type of implementation. In practice, the behavior of CT integrators involves a number of circuit design trade-offs. Thus, active-RC integrators present better linearity and larger signal swing, whereas Gm-C integrators usually can operate at higher frequencies [70]. As stated in Section III.D, the integrators which form the loop Ms become resonators in BPMs. There are lter in LPmany resonator lters using either DT or CT circuit techniques M ICs [25]. Fig. 20(a) shows the that have been included in schematic of a SC fully differential implementation [71].16 Both resonator structures have a transfer function of the form , which has poles located at , . This is a consequence of the aforementhat is, (LP-to-BP) transformation method aptioned plied to integrators. In some applications such as multistandard wireless telecom systems, it is required to make the rescan be tunable (without onance frequency variable so that changing ) within a given band. This property can be implemented in the circuits shown in Fig. 20(a) by tuning ca. In the case of CT (Gm-C) respacitor ratios onators 17conceptually depicted in Fig. 20(b)the resonance , can frequency, given by be electronically tuned by [77]. B. Circuit Errors in Ms

be shown that applying the direct-synthesis method to cascade CTMs, more efcient architectures are obtained in terms of loop lter optimization, analog circuitry complexity, power consumption, and robustness to circuit element tolerance errors [69]. IV. NONIDEAL PERFORMANCE AND SYSTEMATIC DESIGN In previous sections, Ms have been considered ideal systems except for their inherent quantization error. In practice, such an ideal performance is degraded as a consequence of the circuit error mechanisms.14 Therefore, the impact of circuit nonidealities must be carefully considered during the design phase. M circuit building This Section gives an overview of main blocks and their associated errors, with emphasis on their appliMs. cation to the systematic design of
deep study of circuit implementation and the impact of their error mechanisms on the performance of 61 ADCs can be found in [15] and [14], considering SC- and CT- 61Ms, respectively.

There are a number of circuit nonidealities and nonlinearities causing a deviation from the ideal behavior of integrators and resonators. The way in which these nonidealities affect the perMs depends on many different factors, among formance of others: the nature of the error itself; the inuence on a given subcircuit; the effect on NTF, etc.
15Most frequently used implementations of CT-61Ms include either active-RC or Gm-C integrators or a combination of both types of integrators. In order to benet from both active-RC and Gm-C integrators, the most common situation in practice (particularly in those modulators targeting medium-high resolution within medium bandwidths) consists of including a front-end active-RC integrator whereas the remaining integrators in the modulator loop are implemented using Gm-C techniques [14]. 16SC resonators can be also implemented using -path circuit techniques in order to reduce the number of opamps required. The price to pay is the increase of the circuitry complexity (in terms of switches and capacitors), and clock timing, which needs to be carefully designed to prevent image components from appearing in the signal band [72], [73]. 17Gm-C resonators can also be implemented by a transconductor driving a LC tank, often referred to as Gm-LC resonators. Either monolithic or off-chip inductors can be used for their implementation involving different design tradeoffs among area, frequency accuracy, quality factor, etc. [74][76].



In the case of SC implementations, main circuit effects can be M circuit they affect as [7], [11], grouped according to the [27], [78][80]: Ampliers: Output swing, nite (linear and nonlinear) dc gain, dynamic limitations (gain-bandwidth, GB, and slewrate, SR), thermal and icker noise, etc. Quantizers: hysteresis, offset, and gain error. Capacitors: mismatch and nonlinearity. Switches: nite switch-on resistance, thermal noise, charge injection, clock feedthrough, nonlinearity. Multibit DACs: offset, gain error, and nonlinearity. The above errors can be classied according to their effect on the modulator performance into two main families. On the one hand, those errors that change the NTF, such as the amplier dc gain, capacitor mismatch, and incomplete integrator (linear) settling error. The effect of these errors strongly depends on Ms are more the modulator topology. For instance, cascade sensitive to capacitor mismatch and nite dc gain (often referred to as integrator leakage) than single-loop architectures. On the other hand, the second category of SC errors are those which can be modeled as additive noise sources at the modulator input and hence, they are not attenuated by the action of feedback. Among others, some errors belonging to this family are: clock jitter error, circuit noise (both thermal and icker components), and harmonic distortion caused by circuit nonlinearities. Ms, circuit errors can be divided into In the case of CTtwo main categories [14], [66]: Building-block errors, which are the nonideal effects derived from the modulator loop lter implementationsimilar to the SC casesuch as nite opamp dc gain (for active-RC implementations), integrator time-constant error, integration incomplete transient response, circuit element tolerances, circuit noise, nonlinearities (especially those affecting front-end circuitry like input voltage-to-current Gm-C integrators), etc., [10], [66], [69], [81][83]. Architectural timing errors, namely: quantizer metastability, excess loop delay, and clock jitter error [10], [66], [84][91]. The former group of errors cause similar effects on the perforMs as in the case of their DT counterparts. mance of CTHence, they can also be classied according to the way they deor grade this performance, either causing a deviation in NTF as additive noise sources. However as stated above, SC implementations have intrinsically lower parameter variations, since most circuit parameters are dened by capacitor ratios instead of absolute parameter values as it is the case of CT circuits. In contrast, CT implementations are potentially faster than SC ones, leading to much more relaxed designs (in terms of power consumption) when high-speed operation is required. For instance, it can be shown that the unity-gain frequency, , of active-RC integrators can be chosen to be in the range of , or even well below , depending on the chosen scaling coefMs lead to cient [92]. However, typical requirements in DT[34]. Ms to operate at In spite of the potential advantage of CThigher frequencies with less power consumption than their DT counterparts, their performanceparticularly in high-speed applicationsis largerly impacted by timing errors listed above.

The rst onequantizer metastabilityis essentially due to the variation of comparison time with the input signal[85]. This effect can be circumvented by including latches between the quantizer and the feedback DAC. Clocking each latch stage on the opposite clock phase from the previous one gives the previous stage a good deal of time to settle. The price to pay is the additional delay introduced in the feedback loop [66]. Indeed, the effect of metastability is a critical issue as the clock frequency increases and the timing errors become limiting factors. However, the use of multiple latches has been demonstrated very effective even for sampling frequencies in the GHz range [93]. The second important timing error is caused by the delay introduced due to the nite transient response of the quantizer and the DAC circuitry in the modulator loop lter response [84]. This delay is often referred to as excess loop delay, and mathematically expressed as a fraction of the sampling period, i.e., . The excess loop delay error introduces additional poles that increase the order of both STF and NTF, which may M. In order lead to an unstable behaviour of the resulting CTto compensate for the effect of excess loop delay, a number of techniques have been reported in literature [94]. Among others, the most commonly used strategies are based on including additional feedback DACswith their corresponding scaling coefcientsin order to cancel out the additional poles of NTF [53]. Among all timing errors affecting the performance of Ms, the most critical one is caused by uncertainties in CTthe clock-signal edges as illustrated in Fig. 21(a)commonly referred to as clock jitter [66]. This error occurs at those points within the modulator architecture where signals are transformed from the CT- domain into the DT- domain and vice versa, i.e., at the S/H and reconstruction DAC, respectively as illustrated in Fig. 21(a). The error introduced by S/H is attenuated within the signal band by the modulator noise-shaping effect, and can hence be neglected. However, the jitter error at the DACillustrated in Fig. 21(b) for a NRZ and RZ waveformsoccurs without attenuation at the input node, thereby Ms limiting modulator accuracy. The main reason why CTare more sensitive to clock jitter than DTMs is illustrated in Fig. 21(c), where a typical SC DAC waveform is compared to a CT current-mode waveform. Note that, in the SC case, most of the charge transfer occurs at the start of the clock period, so that the amount of charge lost due to a timing error is relatively small as compared to the total amount of transferred Ms, charge is transferred at a charge. By contrast, in CTconstant rate over a clock period, and hence, charge loss from the same timing error is a larger portion of the total charge [95]. The importance of clock jitter error has prompted a signicant interest in the open literature as demonstrated by the large number of papers devoted to this topic [10], [66], [86][89], [91], [96], [97]. The study of clock jitter and other nonlinear timing/architectural errors may require using specic analytical techniques like state-space formulation [86] and/or simulation-based analyses, in order to get semi-empirical closed-form design equations relating the error parameters with the effective resolution of the modulator. By contrast, in the case of those nonideal effects as-



cise time-domain simulations, which constitute an essenADCs tial part of the systematic design procedure of as detailed in the following sections. C. Design Methodologies for Ms

Fig. 21. Clock jitter in CT-61Ms. (a) Main error sources. (b) 1-bit RZ versus NRZ DAC waveforms. (c) DT versus CT feedback DAC waveforms.

sociated to building blocks, the general procedure commonly used to analyse their impact on the performance of the modulator is the following [7], [14]: Obtain an integrator equivalent circuit taking into account the nonideal effect under study. Analyse the impact of the nonideality on the infor SC integrator transfer function, i.e., for CT integrators, such that tegrators and , with being the error vector including all nonideal parameters involved in the integrator circuit equivalent obtained in previous step. M, the integrator In order to compute the effect of on a , and a transfer functions are replaced with linear model of the quantizer is consider to get the nonideal and NTF for SC and CT NTF, i.e., NTF Ms, respectively. The nonideal NTF is integrated within the signal band in order to obtain the in-band noise power as: NTF , which, after some approximations can be explicitly expressed as a function of and the modulator parameters, OSR. Note that, once is known, the cori.e., responding nonideal expressions of DR and SNR can be obtained from their denitions given in (7), respectively. M A detailed description of the above procedure for each nonideality is beyond the scope of this paper and can be found in a number of manuscripts [14], [15]. However, it should be noted that the analysis of circuit errors is extremely important Ms for three main reasons: for a designer of First, it allows designers to obtain approximate design equations which, in closed-form, express the effect of each nonideality on the performance of both building blocks and the modulator themselves. Second, compact expressions that relate architectural paOSR with main circuit nonideal effects rameters (mainly nite dc gain, capacitor mismatch, GB, and SR) and technological features can be used in a systematic design procedure to make accurate system-level estimations M topologies. of the power consumption of different This analysis is usually done at the earlier phases of the M architecture design ow in order to decide the best for a given set of specications. Finally, a precise analysis of errors yield to the obtainment of accurate behavioral models that support fast and pre-

ADCs using nanometer The design of high-performance CMOS technologies demands for proper design methodology and CAD tools which can optimize the design procedure in terms of efciency and time-to-market deployment. To this purpose, a number of design methods and tools have been reported Ms [7], [13], [98][100]. The majority for the synthesis of of them are based on the well-known top-down/bottom-up hierarchical design methodology [98]. The design process of a M starts from the modulator specications (essentially effective resolution and signal bandwidth). The rst step is the selection of the modulator architecture and NTF that satisfy these specications. At this step, ideal design equations like (4) and (7)based on a linear model of the embedded quantizercan M parambe used to obtain approximate values for the main eters (OSR, and ). Once these values have been obtained, more accurate nonlinear models should be used. To this purpose, the well-known Schreiers MATLAB Delta-Sigma toolbox [13], M community. After the mod[24] is widely used by the ulator architecture has been synthesized, the top-down design M specications into a starts with the decomposition of the subset of specications for each systems building blocks. This procedure is known as translation or mapping of specications. This process ends at the bottom level, where active (transistors) and passive (resistors, capacitors, and inductors) devices compose the lower level of abstraction of the blocks. The reverse paththe bottom-up processbegins by designing the individual cell-level blocks and ends with the assembly of the system-level circuit. Fig. 22 shows an example of the application of the hierarchical top-down/bottom-up methodology to the design and synMs [7]. At each hierarchy level, optimization can thesis of be combined with simulation to transmit the specications to the lower level, i.e., to implement the sizing process at different levels of the modulator hierarchy. Two different synthesis tasks can be distinguished in Fig. 22, namely: high-level sizing and cell-level sizing. High-level sizing is the process by which building-block nonideal specications (described in previous sections, like for instance opamp dc gain, output swing, GB, SR, etc.) are obtained as a function of the modulator-level specications, i.e., effective resolution and signal bandwidth. In the next step, often referred to as cell-level sizing, an electrical (SPICElike) simulator can be combined with an optimizer to nd out the transistor sizes and biasing for given block specications and minimum power consumption. Note from Fig. 22 that at cell level, for each subblock, i.e., ampliers, transconductors, comparators, capacitors, switches, etc. an appropriate topology and/or element arrangement need to be chosen and specication transmission at this lowest hierarchical level directly yield device sizes and bias voltages and currents. In practice, the implementation of this methodology takes into account multiple redesign iterations in case of performance specications are not fullled. At each iteration, circuit performances are evaluated at a given point of the design pa-



included in this toolbox [109]based on the interconnection of SIMULINK standard library blocksare very intuitive and useful for system-level evaluation. The block library contains only SC circuit models, implemented using MATLAB (M-type) les, with the subsequent penalty in computation time [110], [111]. Another approach consists of using the so-called C-coded S-functions [112] to implement time-domain behavioral models in SIMULINK [100].18 The use of S-functions allows to decrease the computational cost to acceptable values for synthesis clock periods of a purposes. For example, the simulation of M considering behavioral models with all cascade 2-1-1 SC circuit nonidealities takes a few seconds and it is about 50 times faster than the approach based on using M-le models. E. From Systems to Circuits Once the modulator architecture satises the required specications, the next step consists of translating the system-level behavioral model to a circuit-level design, rstly using macromodels and nally a transistor-level implementation. This way, M designers can analyse and verify the modulator performance at different stages of the design phase, combining the effect of those building blocks which have been designed (at the transistor level) with those ones which have not been sized yet. To this purpose, electrical simulationsnormally using SPICElike simulatorsare carried out to check the modulator performance during different steps of the design process, with no excessive CPU timetypically a few hours. At initial steps of the design procedure, only macromodels (that include main circuit error limitations) are used. In the end, all subcircuits have been sized and a complete transistor-level simulation is required in order to verify the performance of the whole modulator. The cell-sizing process for different modulator subcircuits can be carried out by following an optimization-based procedure as illustrated in Fig. 22, in which building-block specicationsextracted from the high-level sizing processare mapped into transistor sizing and biasing. At this design step, potential circuit candidates (for instance different OTA topologies) are explored and the effect of technology corners, temperature variations, and supply voltage tolerances are taken into account. The nal verication of the whole modulator schematic must take into account worst-cases of different subcircuits in order to guarantee a correct performance of the circuit. V. FRONTIERS OF Ms AND STATE-OF-THE-ART NANOMETER CMOS ICS

Fig. 22. Top-down/bottom-up design approach applied to 61Ms.

rameter space. According to such an evaluation, a movement is generated in the design space and the process is repeated again [100]. D. Behavioral Modeling and Simulation of Ms

The iterative nature of the synthesis procedure described aboveusually needing a large number (hundreds or even thousands) of iterationsdemands for efcient simulation techniques in terms of CPU time and accurate performance Ms, long transient simulations evaluation. In the case of are required to evaluate their main performance specications because they are nonlinear oversampled-data systems. Therefore, transient analyses involving thousands of clock cycles are typically needed to obtain their main gures of merit, like in-band noise power or SNR. For this reason, transistor-level simulations using SPICE-like simulators yield excessively long CPU timestypically several days, or even weeks. To cope with this problem, different alternatives of dedicated simulatorsbased on using macromodels and/or multilevel simulationhave been developed, which at the price of reducing the accuracy in their circuit-element models, increase the simulation speed [7], [99], [101], [102]. Among others, one of the best accuracy-speed trade-offs is achieved by using the so-called behavioral simulation technique [102]. In this approach the modulator is broken up into a set of subcircuits, often called building blocks or basic blocks. These building blocks are described by equations that express their outputs in terms of their inputs and their internal state variables [98]. Thus, the accuracy of the simulation depends on how precisely those equationsconsidering the nonideal and nonlinear circuit error mechanisms discussed in previous sectiondescribe the actual behavior of each building block [100], [103][105]. Some authors have proposed different approaches for the imMs plementation of behavioral modeling and simulation of in the MATLAB/SIMULINK platform [100], [106][108]. The use of SIMULINK for the behavioral modeling and simulation Ms was rst reported in [106] and [107]. The models of SC

Since the introduction of modulation, there has been a huge number of ICs published, implemented using many diverse technology processes, architectural and circuit techniques, and targeting a number of different applications.19 To conclude this paper, this section gives an overview of recent state-of-the-art Ms, focusing on those ICs implemented in nanometer (beyond 180 nm) CMOS technologies.
18The behavioral simulator based on this approach, called SIMSIDES, is freely distributed by the IMSE 61 research group under condentiality conditions. 19As an illustration of the immense number of papers dealing with 61Ms, a search at IEEE Xplore using keywords sigma and delta gave over 4800 results!






; Digital output rate of the ADC, dened as DOR i.e., the Nyquist rate after decimation, measured in megasamples per second (MS/s). Ms. Notch frequency, , in the case of BP Oversampling ratio, OSR. Minimum length for MOS transistors in the technology process . Power consumption20 of the M, represented by . The above performance is quantied in terms of their main specications (effective resolution, signal bandwidth, and power consumption of the circuit) through the following gures of merit (FOMs), respectively proposed by [113], [114], and [115]21 FOM FOM (13) DOR (14) where is the Boltzmann constant and is the circuit temperature (measured in K). FOM emphasizes power consumption, whereas FOM emphasizes effective resolution. The smaller the FOM value and the larger the FOM value,22 the better the M is. The following observations can be made from Tables IV: Although SC circuit techniques have been traditionally Ms, more and more ICs are used in most reported being implemented using CT circuits, especially in those applications targeting wideband signals and/or requiring low power consumption.



Tables IV sum up the performance of the state-of-the-art M ICs reported so far. They have been classied according to their architecture/circuit characteristics into: LP DT (Table I), LP CT (Table II), cascade (Table III), BP (Table IV), and reconMs (Table V). In all cases, the performance of each gurable reported IC is summarized in terms of: M, measured in bits. DR achieved by the

20The data corresponding to P accounts only the 61M, excluding the consumption of the decimation lter. 21Choosing the appropriate FOM is always a matter of discussion. In this paper (13) and (14) have been used because they are widely considered by the majority of the ADC community [116]. It should be noted that, according to (10), DR was used to compute ENOB. However, in those ICs presenting strongly as stated in Section II.E and nonlinear behavior, ENOB is limited by SNDR hence, its corresponding FOM is worse than the one shown in the tables. 22FOM has been multiplied by a scale factor of 10 in Tables IIII.





Fig. 23. State-of-the-art CMOS 61M performance. (a) DR versus DOR. (b) FOM versus DOR.

CMOS 180 nm standard process has been the technology most commonly employed in recent years, mainly using a single 1.8-V supply voltage. Single-loop architectures have been more used than cascade topologies. The latter have been mainly implemented using SC circuits, although recent synthesis methods are making the implementation of CT cascade ICs possible. Multibit quantization is more employed than single-bit quantization. The majority of cascade topologies include

dual quantization with a multibit quantizer in the last stage. However, increasingly more circuits are including quantizers in all stages combined multibit with proper DEM strategies. Signals with maximum bandwidths in the order of 13 bits. 1040 MHz are being handled with DR As an illustration, Fig. 23 represents DR versus DOR [Fig. 23(a)] and FOM versus DOR [Fig. 23(b)] for the difADCs. For the sake of completeness, the ferent families of data23 contained in Fig. 23 include also the results reported by Ms published in the last 15 most state-of-the-art CMOS years. It can be noted that a wide DR-versus-DOR conversion region is covered, ranging over six decades in frequency and more than 15 bits in the DR axis. Ms Fig. 24 compares the state-of-the-art performance of with the one achieved by other ADC architectures. The data in this gure were collected from Murmanns ADC survey [175], as well as those used in Fig. 23. It can be observed ADCs cover the widest DOR range, from Fig. 24(a) that
23This data are available online at CMOS-SDMs-Survey-IMSE-JMdelaRosa.xls.



Fig. 25. (a) SMASH 61M [177]. (b) 61M with USTF [179].

Fig. 24. Comparison of the state-of-the-art performance of 61M-based ADCs and Nyquist-rate ADCs. (a) DR versus DOR. (b) FOM versus DOR.

ranging from hundreds of S/s to hundreds of MS/s, while higher frequencies are dominated by Nyquist-rate ADCs. ADCs show a better In terms of FOM [Fig. 24(b)], performance up to DORs in the order of 100 kS/s, while SAR ADCs show similar results (even better in some cases) MS/s. Ms are less efcient for up to DOR MS/s, partially due to the low values of OSR DOR used for these operation speeds. Nevertheless, as illustrated in ADCs is Fig. 24(a), the DR-versus-DOR area covered by larger than the one dominated by Nyquist-rate ADCs. The tendendy is toward extending the range of specications covered ADCs, particularly increasing DOR. The following by subsections present a review of some relevant trends, chalMs intended for lenges, and strategies used in cutting-edge low-voltage wideband telecom applications. A. Sturdy MASH Ms and Unity STF

A good alternative to cascade M architectures that reduces the sensitivity to noise leakage is the so-called sturdy MASH (SMASH) [176], [177]. In this architecture, illustrated in Fig. 25(a) for a 2-stage cascade topology, where , the modulator output can be obtained from the direct digital subtraction of the two stages outputs, with no

need of digital lteringused in conventional MASH topologiesand therefore, the subsequent elimination of matching requirements between analog and digital ltering. This concept of Ms has been recently extended to multistage cascascade cade architectures in [178]. Ms can be notably improved The performance of SMASH if unity STF (USTF) is implemented in all stages of the modulator as proposed in [180]. The concept of USTF is illustrated in Fig. 25(b) [179], [181]. An extra feedforward path is included from the input node to the quantizer input. This way, using a linearized model for the quantizer, it can be shown that , whereas NTF becomes unaffected by the extra feedSTF forward path. The main advantage of using USTF is that integrators ideally process quantization error only and hence, their output swing can be reduded and the tolerance to ampliers nonlinearities is increased. One of the main drawbacks of applying Ms is that the resulting modulators do feature USTF to CTa worse implicit AAF function. M architecture that extends the underFig. 26 shows a Ms to the implementation of lying principle of SMASH USTF in both stages, thus taking advantage of both strategies (SMASH and USTF) to achieve larger SNDR at lower values of OSR with relaxed output swing and gain demands in the ampliers, while keeping a better sensitivity to mismatch than simple SMASH and cascade topologies. However, a front-end DAC with a full scale larger than that of the quantizers in the cascade and ) is required in order to account for (with resolutions the summation of the digital output of the stages. Nevertheless, the location of the digital adder helps to increase considerably the robustness to capacitor mismatches [180]. B. Time-Enconding Quantizers In addition to increasing the bandwidth of digitized signals, signicant efforts have been carried out in recent



Fig. 26. SMASH 61M with USTF proposed in [180].

[184] [Fig. 27(b)], and time-encoding quantizer (TEQ) [185] [Fig. 27(c)].24 The use of a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) instead of a multibit quantizer is based on the idea of translating the quantized information in the amplitude domain to the time-domain by means of a voltage-to-frequency conversion, which is implemented in a VCO [151]. The main problem of this quantizer is the nonlinear operation introduced by the VCO. This limitation can be mitigated by using a phase detector instead of a frequency detector as proposed in [187]. An alternative to VCO-based quantizers consists of using PWMs [184]conceptually shown in Fig. 27(b). The PWM converts the voltage at the output of the loop lter to a pulse with corresponding width, and a time-to-digital converter (TDC) generates digital codes that are discrete representations signal, i.e., a time-quantized represenof the edges of the tation. One of the main limitations of PWM-based quantizers is their limited dynamic range [182]. This can be enhanced by using the so-called time-enconding quantizer (TEQ) as illustrated in Fig. 27(c) [185]. Essentially, the idea underlying TEQ-based Ms consists of using a modulator (a CTin the gure) whose loop lter is split into two loops, one of which is made to oscillate, thus providing an independent control of the oscillation as a difference with PWM-based quantization schemes [188]. C. Digital-Based Loop Filters

Fig. 27. 61Ms with time-coded quantizers. (a) VCO [151]. (b) PWM [184]. (c) TEQ [185].

years to improve the performance of the embedded multibit Ms shown in quantizersused in most state-of-the-art Tables IV. These quantizers are usually implemented by ash ADCs, made up of a resistive ladder and a bank of comparators. As well known, the number of comparators increases exponentially with , with the subsequent penalty in silicon area and power dissipation. An alternative technique to reduce the number of comparators is based on the so-called tracking quantizer [146], that uses a counter and a switching matrix to connect the reference voltage to the comparators inputs according to the value of the quantizer input ranges. Nevertheless, the implementation of ash ADCs in nanometer CMOS technologies is limited by the low voltage supply since their dynamic range is reduced as a consequence of the comparator offset and hysteresis [182]. These problems have motivated the exploration of alternative implementations of multibit quantizers. Most of them are based on changing the concept of signal quantization, going from an amplitude coding to a time coding. Hence, the resulting quantization methods are more suited for the implementation in low V) nanometer CMOS processes [183], although voltage ( special care must be taken in terms of clock jitter sensitivity. There have been essentially three alternative implementations of time-coded quantizers successfully reported in state-of-the-art ICs and illustrated in Fig. 27: VCO-based quantizers [Fig. 27(a)] [151], pulsewidth modulation (PWM)

Innovations are being carried out not only at architectural level as described above, but also at circuit level. Thus, there has been an increased interest to explore digital (nanometer) CMOS M compatible circuit techniques to implement the critical building blocks [189]. This is the case of the comparator-based Ms, [118] and inverter-based [117], [189] integrators used in in which their embedded operational transconductance ampliers are replaced by comparators and inverters, respectively. In addition to the mentioned circuit techniques, there are other alternative digital-based solutions that can be used for the imM loop lter. This is the case of the plementation of the M recently proposed in [156]. The circuit variable-rate CTis based on a digitally background calibrated ring oscillator with its inverters sampled at the required output sample-rate, without containing analog integrators, comparators or feedback DACs. The advantage of these techniques is twofold. On the one hand, the use of digital circuits benets from technology downscaling, and particularly their associated power supply reduction. On the other hand, there is a reduction in the power consumption, which is an important advantage in applications like wireless telecom hand-held devices. D. Recongurable Ms for Software Dened Radio

Ms are very suited for the implementation of recongurable ADCs in highly integrated multistandard wireless transceivers using low-cost digitally oriented CMOS technologies. Indeed, the combination of different architecturaland circuit
24An alternative implementation of transforming amplitude into time information for quantifying and coding signals consists of removing the clock from the 61M loop, giving rise to the so-called asynchronous 61Ms [186].



strategies overviewed in this paper, together with the variation M basic parameters, i.e., OSR, , and , can contribute of to adapt the ADC performance to different specications with large hardware reuse [172]. Mssummarized Several state-of-the-art multistandard in Table Vare able to handle more than three standard specications [168], [170], [172], [174]. However, the increasing number of coexisting wireless standards together with the trend towards the implementation of future software dened radio (SDR) demands for exible ADCs with the ability to adapt their performance metrics and even to recongure system/circuit topology dynamically, depending on the required transmit/receive parameters [174]. Although pushing the analog-digital interface as close as possible to the antennaan approach commonly referred to as RF digitizationis the most evident implementation of a SDR receiver [190], the resulting specications for the data converters lead to unfeasible power-hungry solutions for practical mobile handsetswhere reduced power consumption is a must. However, several BPMs have been recently reported whichbased on digitizing only the desired channelmay result in very promising candidates for the implementation of mostly-digital RF transceivers [76], [163], [164], [166], [191], M proposed in [76]. [192]. A good example is the BPThe circuit uses the undersampling technique [193] to digitize GHz. Recently, the signals centered at 2.4-GHz with Ms has been concept of IF digitization based on SC BPsuccessfully demonstrated in [166] and [191], the latter being from dc to . able to program M techniques for SDRs may benet from The use of CT circuits to implement radio functions like blocker-rejection ltering, frequency-mixing process, channel-selection and antialiasing ltering, etc [135], [194][197]. All these functionM feedback loop as conalities can be embedded within a M-based transceptually depicted in Fig. 28. The resulting ceivers may become more efcient than conventional ones in terms of analog circuit complexity, shared building blocks, and M-based SDRs can reduced power consumption. Moreover, benet from their robustness to circuit errors in order to increase their adaptability to many different operation modes and signal conditions, as well as the incorporation of the so-called spectrum-sensing capabilities [160].

Fig. 28. Conceptual scheme of a 61M-based SDR.

given (and continues to give) a huge number of successful industrial results since the rst idea was patented around 50 years ago. VII. REFERENCES (ORGANIZED BY TOPICS) The list of references included at the end of this paper can be classied into the following groups, according to the topics they cover: General references: [3][17], [25], [26], [28]. Fundamentals and background theory: [1], [2], [18][23], [35][37], [70], [72]. Ms: Basic (DT) Ms [35], [38], Taxonomy of [39]; multibit quantization and linearization techniques Ms [59][63], [71], [73], [44][52], [54][58]; BP[74]; CTMs [53], [66], [67], [69], [136]. Circuit implementation and nonideal performance: [27], [78][80], [82][97]. Design methodologies: [24], [98][109]. State-of-the-art performance: FOM denitions and surMs veys [113][116], [175]; single-loop LP DTMs [133][155]; [117][132]; single-loop LP CTcascade DTMs [157][162]; cascade CTMs Ms [75], [163][167]; recongurable [40][43]; BPMs [168][172]; recongurable CTMs [173], DT[174]. M architectures and current trends: USTF Advanced Ms [176][181]; hybrid CT/DT Ms and SMASH [29][34]; time-encoding quantizers [182][188]; digitalMs for based implementions [117], [118], [156], [189]; SDR applications [76], [77], [164], [192][197]. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author would like to express his gratitude to the members design group, specially to Prof. A. Roof the IMSE-CNM drguez-Vzquez, Prof. B. Prez-Verd, Dr. F. Medeiro, Dr. R. del Ro, Mr. A. Morgado, and Mr. J.G. Garca-Snchez. Some

VI. CONCLUSION modulation constitutes one of the best techniques for the implementation of analog-to-digital interfaces in system-onchip solutions implemented in nanometer CMOS technologies. The state-of-the-art performance summarized in this paper ilMs are targeting more and more applications, lustrates how covering an increasingly wide region in the resolution-versusbandwidth plane. This trend is set to continue thanks to advances techat both architectural and circuit level. The different niques overviewed in this paper show that there are many alternatives for digitizing signals with diverse specications. Technology downscaling imposes new challenges and opportunities for research in this old topic of circuits and systems that has



pieces of material used for the preparation of this paper have been adapted from different manuscripts coauthored by them and the author himself. The author is also grateful to the Associate Editor and the anonymous reviewers for their constructive and valuable comments and suggestions to improve the quality of this paper. REFERENCES
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Jos M. de la Rosa (S96-M01-SM06) received the M.S. degree in physics and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Seville, Spain, in 1993 and 2000, respectively. Since 1993 he has been working at the Institute of Microelectronics of Seville (IMSE-CNM, CSIC), of the Spanish Microelectronics Center. He is also with the Department of Electronics and Electromagnetism of the University of Seville, where he is currently an Associate Professor. His main research interests are in the eld of mixed-signal integrated circuits, especially high-performance data converters, including analysis, behavioral modeling, design, and design automation of such circuits. In these topics, he has participated in a number of National and European research and industrial projects, and has coauthored more than 140 international publications, including journal and conference papers, book chapters, and the books Systematic Design of CMOS Switched-Current Bandpass Sigma-Delta Modulators for Digital Communication Chips (Kluwer, 2002) and CMOS Cascade Sigma-Delta Modulators for Sensors and Telecom: Error Analysis and Practical Design (Springer, 2006).

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