Ekta Project Report 93

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MBA HR Class of 2013

Under the Supervision of Mr. Anshul Goel Circle Head Human Resource Upper North

In Partial Fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Masters of Business Administration Human Resource At





I declare (a)That the work presented for the assessment in this Summer Internship Report is my own, that it has not previously been presented for another assessment and that my debts (for words, data, arguments and ideas) have been appropriately acknowledged. (b)That the work conforms to the guidelines for presentation and the style set out in the relevant documentation.

Date: July 27, 2012 Ekta Garg GlC- HR 20 ITM Business School, Navi Mumbai


I would like to acknowledge the support of the management at TATA Tele Services Limited (TTSL), Circle Office, Upper North, Mohali which gave me generous access to their Human Resource Department and accepted me to work as a Summer Intern in their organization. I am very grateful to Mr. Anshul Goel, Circle Head Human Resource, Upper North for encouraging me to pursue Employee Engagement as a special part of my project topic and giving me an opportunity to learn under his guidance. He also allowed us to interact with the employees to understand their mindset and to identify the level of engagement amongst them. A special thanks to my mentors Mr. Sumit Srivastava, Manager Human Resource for giving me an opportunity to learn the recruitment procedure, especially the On- Boarding Process. Ms. Monica Sharma, Deputy Manager Human Resource and Ms. Venus Pahwa, Assistant Manager Human Resource who allowed me to interview them at length about all the functions of HR in TTSL and for spending extra time on me to achieve a clearer structure about the organization. I sincerely thank Dr. Snigdharani Mishra, Associate Professor, ITM Business School, Navi Mumbai, for her guidance in carrying out this project work. My efforts and the success of this project depend largely on her encouragement.

Ekta Garg


1. Executive Summary 2. Company Profile 3. Introduction of the Project 4. Objectives of the Project 5. Literature Review 6. Project Work 7. Data Analysis 8. Interpretation & Conclusion 9. Bibliography 10. Appendix

When it comes to innovation, business leaders aren't necessarily looking to traditional sources, like research and development departments, to contribute big new ideas. Rather, they're counting on ideas from their employees, customers, and partners to help drive the organization forward. And engaged employees are most likely to contribute those innovations, for that first we have to find out who those engaged employees are. And then try to make others like them. Engagement of an employee starts from the very first day of joining. There is a very good saying that First impression Last. Future- looking companies recognize that the first impression a new hire makes of their work environment I critical to improving retention rates and improving the company brand. A new employee that feels engaged in the company on their first day of work will have a greater incentive to stay at that company. In todays environment, support for new hires is not only executed in the recruitment efforts but more importantly, in a well defined, formalized Onboarding process. On boarding encompasses the variety of tasks and requirements involved with acclimating and engaging a new employee in the company. On boarding is no longer the new hire orientation of the past. This project basically states about Employee Engagement and On-Boarding Process; starting with what is employee engagement then the difference between Employee Satisfaction & Employee Engagement. Then types of employees an organization has and how to identify them. Then what are the drivers which effect engagement at various levels of management of TTSL and identifying them. Then finally tells about the present scenario of Engaged Employees in Tata Tele Services Ltd. (TTSL), Mohali. Collection of data and analyzing which factor affects employee engagement the most at which level & in which department. What are the findings, learnings and recommendations made? This project also tells about the other HR Policies which make TTSL a work-place where everyone wants to work. It consists of brief description of the Engagement activities being carried out at TTSL. Last but not the least about the On-boarding process; what is meant by On- Boarding process, what is being done at TTSL, findings and recommendations.

THE TATA GROUP Founded in the last quarter of the 19th century in India, when the country had just set out on the road to gaining independence from British rule, the Tata Group comprises operating companies in seven business sectors: 1. Materials, 2. Engineering, 3. Information Technology and Communications, 4. Energy, 5. Services, 6. Consumer Products and 7. Chemicals. The Tata Group is today Indias largest conglomerate with revenues of $83.3 bn in the financial year ending March 31, 2011. The Group companies had 424,365 people on their rolls on March 31, 2011. Its 31 publicly listed companies have a combined market capitalization which is one of the highest among all business houses in India and a shareholder base of over 3.6 million. Group companies export products and services to over 85 countries and have operations in over 80 countries. The Tata companies share a set of five core values derived from the Groups early beliefs which even today drive all business decisions. These values are: Integrity, Understanding, Excellence, Unity and Responsibility.

With over $7.5 billion already committed, The Groups objective is to provide end-to-end telecommunications solutions for business and residential customers across the nation and internationally. The Groups communications activities are currently spread primarily over four companies Tata Teleservices Limited, its associate Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra) Limited, Tata Communications (erstwhile VSNL) and

Tata Sky.

Tata Teleservices Limited (TTSL) was established to spearhead the Groups foray into the telecom sector in the year 1996. It embarked on a growth path after the acquisition of Hughes Telecom (India) Limited [renamed Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra) Limited] by the Tata Group in 2002. It launched mobile operations in January 2005 and today enjoys a pan-India presence through existing operations in all of Indias 22 telecom Circles. Tata Groups strategic alliance with Japanese telecom major NTT DOCOMO in November 2008 gave rise to Tata DOCOMO.

Tata Teleservices Limited has established a significant presence in the GSM space, despite having entered the market less than three years ago in a joint venture with NTT DOCOMO of Japan, and offers differentiated products and services under the Tata DOCOMO brand name. Tata DOCOMO has a pan-India license to operate GSM telecom servicesand has also been allotted spectrum in 18 telecom Circles. TATA DOCOMO FEATURES: Tata DOCOMO is the first telecom company to pioneer the per-second tariff optionpart of its Pay for What You Use pricing paradigm. Tata Teleservices Limited was also the rst Indian private telecom operator to launch 3G services in India under the brand name Tata DOCOMO. In association with its NTT DOCOMO, the Company nds itself favorably positioned to leverage this rst-mover advantage. TTL also has a strategic partnership agreement with retail giant Future Group to offer mobile telephony services under the brand nameT24on the GSM platform. HR FUNCTION AT TTSL No market is more competitive than the market for employees. The challenge for organizations is not only to make potential employees aware of their company as a good place to work, and bring

the best applicants successfully through the recruitment and hiring process, but to retain them, ensure their understanding of the companys goals and commitment to them, and provide the environment and structures to motivate them to give of their best. Though organizations widely recognize the need to attract, manage and develop people, today HR Professionals must strive to do much more. They must enable their organization to build global HR networks in order to expand and prosper in the international arena. They must also develop human resources that continually build competitive advantage in an ever-changing environment. And, they must add value to their organization's distinctive competencies. HR can add value to the organization in the aspect of achieving effective employee relations by dissemination of information to all employees in a structured and timely manner so that they can understand what their organization is trying to do, and what needs to be done in order to achieve its objectives. At TTSL, the HR professionals improve their core relationships with those they serve and act as full strategic contributors who add greater value for key stakeholders (clients, investors, line managers, and employees); enhance business productivity; achieve measurable and valuable results; create sustainable competitive advantage; and have more fun in their careers. WORK FORCE FOCUS TTSLs philosophy is that people are central to the companys transformation agenda and a crucial enabler in creating a sustainable organization, continuously realizing its vision and corporate objectives. The HR Vision To be a strategic partner in business and to become an Employer of Choice is the key driver in taking the philosophy further in TTSL. The HR Vision creates a sense of direction for HR fraternity and Leadership which aims towards empowering and engaging employees to enable institutional capacity building and drive performance. RECRUIT/HIRE, PLACE AND RETAIN The Recruitment is divided into 2 broad categories Immediate/Short Term: Current Financial Year Long Term: 1-2 Next Financial Years. Recruitment and Selection is done taking into account the business requirements, roles to be filed as per the business requirement and availability of internal capability. A structured process for manpower planning is followed for finalizing the budgeted manpower, which gets approved as a part of ABP in the beginning of the year. TTSL uses Employee Referrals Bring Buddies, Job Portals, Internal Resume Database, Direct Requirement Walk Ins,

Advertisement, Campus Recruitment, and Recruitment Consultants such as: Corporate Zoom www.corporatezoom.in Inspire People www.inspirepeople.net Bright Consultants www.brightconsultants.co.in etc, for identifying the potential candidates for required positions. TTSL is increasingly using job portals such as www.naukri.com www.monster.com and also Tata World for recruitments in order to build a visible employer brand while maintaining the recruitment cost. In case of selection of candidate through BRING BUDDIES program, the concerned employee is given a reward under the policy.

Figure 1: Recruitment Process To ensure the most effective job fit, candidates are evaluated on functional knowledge, CRISP Parameters and leadership attributes, and are matched with the job description which is defined in consultation with the line managers. To ensure the selection of quality candidates, TTSL has institutionalized Reference Check process for selected candidates. The reference check is conducted by an external specialized agency and covers aspects such as verifying the qualification, integrity, previous employment, and compensation details, etc. Criminal records are checked with the help of local police to ensure regulation compliance and security.

TTSL has a structured Internal Job Posting Process through which employees can apply for the positions internally advertised. This is to support the philosophy of growing from within and giving first opportunity to internal talent. To ensure cross-breeding of skills and competencies, TTSL maintains hiring mix consisting of experienced managers from across different sectors like FMCG, Financial Services and consumer durables. TTSL has launched Workforce Diversity policy which provides an Equal Employment Opportunity to persons from the socially disadvantaged sections of society, SC/ST and differentlyabled persons. A Women Support Group has been institutionalized and Women Leadership Workshops are conducted to encourage Women Leaders in TTSL. INDUCTION For all the new joiners, on finalization of the joining date, and HR Buddy is assigned to them, who organizes the basic requirements like laptops, visiting cards, phone, workstation, etc. An induction program called NEO (New Employee Orientation) is conducted to familiarize them about TTSL, and its organizational goals. An e-Induction Module has also been introduced to support NEO. On-Boarding process is being carried out at TTSL whenever a new employee joins the family. The process aims at creating employee delight through a memorable welcome experience, ensuring all materials and equipments to the new entrant on his/her day of joining, facilitating in smooth settling down in TTSL and thereby developing a strong and loyal relationship over time. The On-boarding process can be classified as Pre-Joining, Joining & Post-Joining. Pre- joining refers to the activities that have to be conducted by the HR department from the day the candidate is recruited till the day on which he/she joins the organization. Pre Joining activities can be categorized as follows:

Welcome SMS: On the offer date, a welcome SMS is sent to the newly hired employee congratulating him on being a part of TATA family. A welcome SMS is also sent one day before joining as a gentle reminder to bring the important documents Sending important documents: A welcome letter is sent in soft copy to the new entrant as well as his/her family. Guidelines for filling the Joining Docket are attached. Also a checklist of the important documents to be carried on the date of joining is sent. Candidate Information Sheet (CIS) has been sent to the candidate too. And a list of the medical test which is necessary to be done and reports to be submitted at the day of joining Welcome board at office: The name of the new entrant is put on the board to be displayed at the reception

CRISP Test: All new entrants are sent an unique id-password through e-mail to perform the Crisp test. To check their Customer Focus, Responsibility for Results, Initiative With Speed, Self Confidence With Consciousness and Passion For Achievement attributes Aptitude test: All employees joining below Deputy Manager level have to give this test for which HR send the link and unique id-password to the candidate

On Joining refers to the activities that have to be conducted by the HR department on the day of joining the organization. On the joining day, the broad level activities can be identified as:

Initial Welcome E-Induction: The new entrant goes through a web based induction program which aims at providing basic knowledge about the Telecom Business and TTSL Abhinandan: Information is obtained in preface which is used to prepare Abhinandan i.e. Welcome Aboard Welcome Kit: When candidate is spending time reading policies and newsletter, welcome kit is provided. The welcome kit contains: o Checklist of documents required on Date Of Joining(DOJ) o All statutory forms and Joining Docket print for Signature o Folder with pen, notepad, pencil, eraser, sharpener and glue stick o Important contact details Admin helpdesk, IT helpdesk, HR etc o Forms for relocation claim, travel reimbursement etc o Printed copies of some important policies o A rose bud and chocolate o CAF form o Tata code of conduct booklet

Mobile connection: The new entrant is provided a new Tata Docomo Post Paid connection Creation Of E-Mail id Security Awareness Quiz: The new entrant goes through Security Awareness Session Program and appears for an on online Quiz

IT Induction: The new entrant undergoes IT induction in the IT department wherein he/she is given a briefing about the basic IT knowledge which would be useful during daily course of work Filling the Documents: All the important documents are collected from the concerned person i.e. either the employee or the HR recruitment team member and filed to maintain a record Meeting with Functional/HR head Feedback: At the closure of the joining day, a feedback is obtained regarding the first day experience

Post Joining refers to the activities that are conducted after the new entrant joins the organization. There are multiple activities done a different points in time pos joining and can be classified as: Within 2 days, employee ID card is to be provided Within first week, introduction to circle HR head, COO and Circle leadership team Lets Express Coffee meet: After 2 months, a meeting is arranged where all the new joiness within 2 months period meet and give a feedback in a general discussion and self analysis. After 3 months, Probation Appraisal After 6 months, Appraisal Confirmation

The effectiveness of the on-boarding process is measured by the process of e-Pulse to check their engagement and satisfaction levels during their first six months in the TTSL Family. Formal performance feedback in the form of 6 stages spread over 180 days of joining of a new entrant which helps to know how well the employee has adapted to the organization. WORKFORCE ENGAGEMENT Factors affecting Workforce Engagement and Satisfaction In order to meet employee expectations, TTSL has identified the key Employee Engagement and Employee Engagement Factors. The process for identifying these factors is given in (Figure 1). Several forums like Town halls, Voice of Employee, PMS Feedback, and Exit interview Analysis and other open house communications triggers the process for capturing Employees Expectations. Based on inputs from all these forums, a focus group discussion in the HR Conclave is conducted to identify key Satisfaction and Engagement factors for employees. On the basis of identified factors, the Employee Engagement Model (EEM) was created which has five key elements i.e.:-

1. Alignment, 2. Assignment, 3. Engagement, 4. Empowerment, and 5. Pride which encompass all the Satisfaction and engagement factors. Employee Satisfaction factors constitute the fundamental hygiene requirements for an employee including short term requirements and the employee engagement factor focus on the requirements of employee in his long term association with TTSL.

Figure 2: Identifying Engagement/ Satisfaction The EEM led to the formulation of Employee Engagement Questionnaire and conducting the Employee Engagement Survey titles GALLUP SURVEY. TTSL has a process of capturing segment wise inputs and differentiate the satisfaction and engagement factors across various workforce segments.

Fostering Organizational Culture The various initiatives to build organizational culture for different work segments areOpen Communication: Various forums exist to communicate organizational priorities and focus areas to all employees. Effective information flow and two-way communication is executed

through Corporate Communication across the organization. At the circle level Town Halls, are the most structured form of tow-way communication. High Performance Culture: The performance management system at TTSL, called myPREP helps foster a high performance culture. In myPREP, Unique Roles across the organization have been defined and standardized KPIs are created for each of the unique roles. All the KPIs are aligned to organizational business levels in order to link the individual goals to the organizational imperatives. The scoring mechanism in myPREP is objective, thereby distinguishing the high performers purely on merit. There are clearly articulated scorecards for every circle and business line, which are reviewed regularly to ensure high performance. Engagement of Workforce: The annual Gallup Survey helps capture the engagement and satisfaction levels of the employees and leads to creation of action plans through cross-functional action planning workshops in order to work upon the opportunities thrown up in the survey to improve satisfaction and engagement levels of the workforce. Workforce Performance Management TTSL has put an online Performance Management System myPREP which aligns the KPIs of the entire workforce to the business levers. The business levers in alignment to the strategic objectives of the organization are Revenue Improvement, Cost Optimization, Internal Process Improvement, Customer Engagement and Employee Engagement. The myPREP system encourages employees to select ICBs (Institutional Capability Building initiatives) which includes elements like safety, climate change, Innovation, Six Sigma Projects, Cross-functional participation, etc. The performance against these initiatives helps assessing the potential rating of the employees which is used for designing their developmental plans. The alignment of myPREP KPIs with business levers and KPIs of strategic initiatives ensure customer and business focus and alignment to organizational level action plans. WORKFORCE AND LEADER DEVELOPMENT Learning & Development SystemThe organizational Learning and Development initiatives are designed to meet the strategic objectives of the company. The L&D of the organization is structured around four verticals-

Figure 3: Learning and Development System In TTSL, Individual Training needs are identified through PMS and these training needs are analyzed to create the Training Calendar for the entire organization. Apart from these a series of structured discussions are conducted with President, Functional Heads, COOs, Process Owners to align the identified training needs, with the organizational business needs. TRAINING NEED IDENTIFICATION (TNI) Category Identification Method TNI Frequency Individual PMS Annual Business/Functional/Organizational Business Requirements Annual & Need Based (Technology or VAS) Mandatory (Safety, Ethics, TBEM) Organizational Requirement Annual & Need Based

TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS L&D TYPE HR L&D Basic/Mandatory Behavioral DEVELOPMENT 2. Basic of Telecom 3. TBEM Awareness 1. Customer Centricity, 2. Personal Effectiveness, 3. Self Improvement & Management, PROGRAM 1. Induction/Orientation Programs

4. Time Management, 5. Working in Teams, etc. 6. Presentation skills, 7. Stress Managemement, 8. Innovation Workshops, 9. Insights. 1. Managing and Building Effective Teams, Management Development 2. Business Leadership, 3. Decision Making, 4. Women in leadership program. 1. Finance for non-finance, 2. HR for non-HR, Functional/ Departmental/Educ ational 3. Project Management, 4. Customer Service Excellence, 5. HR Leadership Program with TATA Group HR, 6. HR Conclave, and 7. Orbit Shifting. Training for Sales and Customer Care, Cross Product Multi Shifting, etc. Soft Skill Training, Problem Solving and Decision Making in Groups, Platform Skills, Leadership Clinic, Ten to Ten Technology Training, Telecom Training for Underprivileged through Asha Labs. Product Management & VAS teams, Enterprise training Data Products, Solutions, Wireless and Wireline Data, GSM Technology and Equipment Training. TBEM-Awareness, PBE, BELP, Propel Training through Motorola, Orbit Shifting Innovation.

Product and Process ASRM Skill Based

Tech. Training



New Technologies Quality/Excellence/

BE Training

Improvement/ Culture Building

Employee Engagement Activities at TTSL Gyan Series Training Tools:

TTSL follows the vision of employ development and also encourages them to read and provide them flexi hours. TTSL had taken initiative in building GYAN SAROVAR a place where one can find the books, newspaper & magazines to learn about the world. Gyan series consists of:

Gyan Tarang: To harness training potential of employees. To create opportunity for knowledge & skill sharing. To utilize internal experts for MDPs, Coaching , Mentoring. Gyan Bhandar: Repository of knowledge and skills for dissemination amongst the employees to improve skills & knowledge. Gyan Sarovar: Knowledge & skill repository captured from separating employees for smooth transition of skills & knowledge to have least impact on business. Gyan Puraskar: An IT enabled Tool to manage reward & recognization of contributors to learning & development in the organization. Gyan Jyoti: SAP Based- Learning & development tool need for administering training, elearning, training calendar and other associated functionalities.

Employee Engagement at TTSL Employee Engagement at its best would imply heightened level of ownership where each employee wants to do whatever they can for the benefit of their internal and external customers and for the success of the organization as a whole. We give a lot of importance to talent engagement because of correlations between employee engagement and desirable business outcomes such as retention of talent, customer service, individual performance, eam performance, business unit productivity and even enterprise- level financial performance. In order to meet employee expectations and engage them on a continuous basis, TTSL has developed he Employee Engagement Model(EEM) which comprises of two types of factors

Employee Satisfaction Factors: Short term requirements of an employee arising immediately after his/her joining TTSL. Employee Engagement Factors: Requirements of the Employee in his long term association with TTSL. 1. Forums such as Town Halls 2. Voice of Employee (VOE- Skip Level Meetings)

3. PMS Feedback 4. Exit interview Analysis 5. LIC 6. E-Pulse 7. Management Reviews and Workshops Name Coffee with COO Explanation Applicability All employees Responsibility Unit HR & Management Talent

COO meets a group of employees at respective locations to gauge their aspirations and reviews feedback Lunch with MD/ MD connect with a group Phone your MD/ of employees at different MD Online locations to gauge their feelings and to elicit feedback through various communication media Voice Of Employees to interact and Employee skip their level managers; this is a platform to voice his/her specific concerns Town Hall Interactive forum in which MD addresses the workforce on organizational decisions and updates the current market scenario. HR Sandhesh For News From HR to all employees Aspiration For all sports and recreation activities, wishes, welcome abroad HR Connect The HR newsletter is published on a quarterly basis and aims at building awareness and recognizing recent HR initiatives ,

All employees

Corporate HR

All employees

Talent management & unit HR

All employees

Talent management, Corporate Communication & Unit HR

All employees All employees

Unit HR Unit HR

All employees

HR Strategy Corporate Communications


policies and achievements HR Helpline Online system for All Employees addressing grievances/ concerns of employees This is an important source All exiting employees of information to assess and work on area of improvement to enhance employee engagement levels. This involves feedback elicited from all exiting employees HR Shared Services

Exit Analysis

HRSS & Strategic HR

Rewards & Recognition: At TTSL, they believe in a culture of performance we encourage high performance and strive for continuous improvement. One effective way to implement culture for performance is by means of linking rewards with performance. They have had a whole gamut rewards for exceptional contribution/performance, going the extra mile, or exhibiting the organizations values, etc. These awards could be presented on the spot by reporting managers of employees or at different forums by senior leadership must also be rewarded. The functional heads and the unit HR must ensure that contribution of employees must be recognized and rewarded through appropriate award/forum. Following is a list of awards: 1. Performance Awards: Spot awards Star of the Month Spotlight Award Maestro Hall of Fame Frontline Champions Premier League award Customer First

2. Values Awards: Crisp Super Star Award Valuable Award

3. Service Awards:

Long Service Awards

Further to recognize exceptional performance on business parameters and set targets, last year onwards, Rewards & recognition for teams at circles and for key functions have been introduced to promote a rewarding Culture. National Level Award Scheme have been introduced- sponsored by the Presidents, to encourage and recognize exceptional performance of respective teams. These are: Quarterly Award Schemes Win & Challenge Circles Circle U&R Teams

For further details refer the below table REWARD RECOGNITION FOR Individual and Teams To recognize a job well done where the employees has stretched Spotlight himself/herself in own work area or has gone beyond the normal call of duty APPLICABILITY RESPONSIBILITY

Unit HR & Immediate On- Roll Employees of the Supervisor company for all levels up to Sr. Manager

Unit HR & BU/ Function To recognize significant contribution On- Roll Employees of the Star of the Heads a Circles, made in meeting Units BU/ Function company for all levels up Month Network Region and operating plans. to Sr. Manager Corporate Office To recognize exceptional On- Roll Employees of the Unit HR contribution made to enhance company for all levels up Super Stars BU/Function performance in the to Sr. Manager and cross Unit. functional teams. To recognize exceptional Team members who Strategic HR-PMS Team Maestro performance vis-a-vis KRAs and receive annual appraisal of personal effectiveness factors rating G5 Premier National/BU/Functional G.M. and Below; Intra Corporate BU/Function League BU/Functional Teams. head with input from Presented twice in a year Department/Regional

Heads of the Circle Cost saving of 10 cr. For Strategic HR-Talent To recognize measureable non Manager and above & Management Group Hall of targeted revenues during the financial more than 5 cr. For below Fame year Deputy Manager level employees CRISP Employee demonstrating CRISP Respective unit HR DGM and Above Superstar attributes. To acknowledge & recognize Respective unit HR Valuable companys core values demonstrated All employees Award by employees in official work life Customer Who have created Customer Respective unit HR Sr. Manager and Below First Award Delight Long Corporate HR This is done quarterly after every 5, Service All employees 10,15,20 yrs and above Award Smiley Customer Service Relationship Executives Awards Safety Promotion of Safety Practices All Employees Awards Organizational Level Circle of the Company Level Year Business Line of the Company Level Year Function of Company Level the Year Team Award Team Award Team Award Strategic HR Team Strategic HR Team Strategic HR Team


Employee satisfaction is a measure of how happy workers are with their job and working environment. Most organizations realize today that a satisfied employee is not necessarily the best employee in terms of loyalty and productivity. It is only an engaged employee who is intellectually and emotionally bound with the organization, feels passionately about its goals and is committed towards its values who can be termed thus. He goes the extra mile beyond the basic job responsibility and is associated with the actions that drive the business. Moreover, in times of diminishing loyalty, employee engagement is a powerful retention strategy. The fact that it has a strong impact on the bottom-line adds to its significance. The project focuses on how employee engagement is an antecedent of job involvement and what should company do to make the employees engaged. The organization must work to develop and nurture engagement, which requires a two-way relationship between employer and employee. Thus Employee engagement is a barometer that determines the association of a person with the organization. The term Employee engagement means different things to different organizations. Some equate it with job satisfaction, which unfortunately can reflect a transactional relationship that is only as

good as the organizations last round of perks or bonuses. Others measure engagement by gauging employees emotional commitment to their organization. Although commitment is an important ingredient, it is only a piece of the engagement equation. While organizations are keen to maximize the contribution of each individual toward corporate imperatives and metrics, individual employees need to find purpose and satisfaction in their work.

Contribution to the companys success Personal satisfaction in their role

TTSL believe that aligning employees values, goals, and aspirations with those of the organization is the best method for achieving the sustainable employee engagement required for an organization to thrive. Full engagement represents an alignment of maximum job satisfaction (I like my work and do it well) with maximum job contribution (I help in achieving the goals of my organization) Employees can be grouped into three main categories under employee engagement for detailed descriptions refer the Table given below, they are:

Engaged: attracted and committed to, inspired and fascinated by their work and more willing to invest time and effort into it Not Engaged: mentally checked out and sleepwalking through their workday. Unengaged staff turns up to work but lack in passion and effort Actively Disengaged: going so far as to act out their lack of commitment with emotions such as unhappiness and by undermining their colleagues

Figure 4: Ratio of engaged to actively disengaged employees

Table 4: Types of Employees A successful employee engagement helps create a community at the workplace and not just a workforce. As organizations globalize and become more dependent on technology in a virtual working environment, there is a greater need to connect and engage with employees to provide them with an organizational identity. Especially in Indian culture this becomes more relevant given the community feeling which organization provide in our society. There are a lot of HR things. They are called fads. Those are the bandwagons upon which we hop. Perhaps its time to evaluate whether employee engagement is a fad or a new knowledge domain for which HR executives can help make their companies a better place to work. The reasoning behind a move for higher employee engagement is obvious it takes little persuasion on a theoretical level to convince a business leader that, employees who are more

Committed, work harder and smarter will be better for the company than those who turn up, do merely what they are obliged to do, and leave. But what kind of difference does it make? Where is the biggest value added? Is it, financially, worth the effort? ON-BOARDING - the strategic process of attracting and engaging new employees, reaffirming their employment decision, acclimating them into the organizations culture and preparing them to contribute at a desired level as quickly as possible is that first impression that sets the stage for the entire relationship to come, whether they come from outside or inside the organization. The prerequisite to successful on-boarding is getting your organization aligned around the need and the role.

Align: Make sure your organization agrees on the need for a new team member and the delineation of the role you seek to fill. Acquire: Identify, recruit, select, and get people to join the team. Accommodate: Give new team members the tools they need to do the work. Assimilate: Help them join with others so they can do the work together. Accelerate: Help them and their teams to deliver better results & faster.

Effective on-boarding of new team members is one of the most important contributions any hiring manager or Human Resources (HR) professional can make to long-term success. On-boarding done right drives new employee productivity, accelerates results, and significantly improves talent retention. Yet few organizations manage the pieces of on-boarding well. Even fewer organizations use a strategic, integrated and consistent approach like the one described in this article. Why? Because on-boarding is not something you do every day, its hard to get good at. With deliberate practice, however, you can accumulate best practices on-boarding expertise. This project shows you the present steps taken by TTSL and also the recommendations made for the procedure to make the first day of joining the Best day for the new employees.


To develop an understanding of what employee engagement is and how to make it a value addition for the organization

To study the strategies adopted and practices followed in TTSL regarding employee engagement To examine the satisfaction level amongst the employees To identify the key drivers of engagement level-wise & department wise To examine the level of engagement amongst the employees in TTSL To suggest Measures for improvement and how to apply them To study and examine the on-boarding process followed in TTSL How to reduce new employees buyers remorse to greatly improve retention How to align new employee with critical business strategies To give suggestions and apply them to make new employees their first day the best day through on-boarding process

The State of Employee Engagement 2008 report highlighted landmark research that made the business case for engagement from Towers Watson, Gallup, Manpower, and SHRM as well as case examples of North American Retailers Best Buy and JC Penney. Studies like these link high engagement with discretionary effort, innovation, customer loyalty, quality, profitability, earnings per share (EPS), and productivity. More recent findings include: Hewitt Associates: High-engagement firms had total shareholder return that was 19% higher than average in 2009. In low- engagement organizations, total shareholder return was actually 44% below average. Gallup: Organization with comparatively high proportions of Engaged employees were much less likely than the rest to see a decline in EPS in 2008, the year after the recession officially Began. Wharton business School: An analysis of the Best Companies to work for in America indicated that High levels of employee satisfaction generate long horizon returns.

Fewer than 1 in 3 employees are engaged It is seen from the survey that out of 10,914 workers worldwide only 1% are engaged. As the chart shows, India has the most Engaged (37%); China has the least (17%).

Figure 5: Engagement level region wise Aspects of Employee Engagement Three basic aspects of employee engagement according to the global studies are: The employees and their own unique psychological make-up and experience The employers and their ability to create the conditions that promote employee engagement Interaction between employees at all levels. Thus it is largely the organizations responsibility to create an environment and culture conducive to this partnership, and a win-win equation. Overall, the report found 31 percent of employees are engaged, while 17 percent are disengaged. Not surprisingly, employees who were older, had been with the company longer and had more senior roles were more likely to be engaged. Also not surprisingly, more employees are seeking opportunities outside their current company than they were in 2008. But theres also some surprising news about why employees leave and stay. Here are the top reasons employees stay with a company:

My career. I have significant development or advancement opportunities here. 17 percent My organizations mission. I believe in what we do. 11 percent No desire for change. I am comfortable here. 10 percent My job conditions. I have flexible hours, a good commute, etc. 10 percent My finances. I expect a desirable salary, bonus, or stock options. 7 percent Other (the economy, my manager, my colleagues) 15 percent

And here are their top reasons for leaving:

My career. I dont have opportunities to grow or advance here. 26 percent My work. I dont like what I do or it doesnt make the most of my talents. 15 percent My finances. I want to earn more money. 15 percent My desire for change. I want to try something new. 12 percent My manager. I dont like working for him or her. 10 percent Other (the economy, job conditions, organization mission, colleagues) 18 percent

While managers and business owners often think that pay or benefits are the top reason employees consider career change, BlessingWhite found that overall, career development was the top factor for employees of all ages. In fact, the workers who were motivated by money were generally less engaged. As the study sums it up, Engaged employees stay for what they give; disengaged employees stay for what they get.


Hiring and training new employees is expensive and time consuming, yet too many companies have haphazard on-boarding processes. Randstad Canada, the countrys leader for staffing, recruitment and HR Services believes on-boarding is the best time for companies to build loyalty and engagement, to provide opportunities to integrate new people into their organization, and support employee contribution. Leandra Harris, Executive Vice President of Human Resources for Randstad Canada says its important for employers to take the time to properly welcome, orient and train new employees. It is an important part of the employer/employee relationship. Effective on-boarding programs promote a number of benefits, including greater employee satisfaction, better job performance, greater commitment to the company, a boost in productivity and increased retention, she says. Harris offers three important tips to consider when streamlining your companys on-boarding process: Be prepared: An employees first day is the perfect opportunity for a company to demonstrate the effectiveness of their internal processes, the efficiency with which they communicate internally, and how well tasks are assigned and accomplished. So make sure their workstation and computer requirements are ready prior to their start date! Provide someone who can be a resource: By choosing an experienced team member with strong knowledge of the organization and of the role the new employee will be undertaking, it will help transfer knowledge, develop new ideas and also help reduce any anxiety the new employee may have when starting the new position. Check in with them often: The manager should meet with the new employee at the end of the first day, end of the first week, and end of third and sixth months. This is a great way to find out what is working well in the process, what needs attention, and whether the new employee is facing any issues within the company. This is also a great opportunity for managers to provide constructive feedback on how the employee is progressing. According to Harris, the first experiences of a new employee in your organization are critical. An effective on-boarding process injects a sense of organizational spirit into the new employees and helps them feel like an integral part of the team, says Harris. By properly planning and executing an on-boarding program, it will help you retain the existing talent youve worked so hard to recruit, and pave the way towards developing motivated and engaged employees. To maximize the value to both the employer and employee, best practice is that there are some distinct processes applied:

1. 2.

A clearly defined job specification that sets out the scope, responsibilities, reporting lines, objectives and key performance indicators of the role A behavioral interview process, rather than just a chat, to ensure the candidate has the appropriate attitudes, behaviors, competencies and experience to both perform the role and "fit in"

3. The use of appropriate personality, values and behavioral assessments to ensure "fit" and an identification of any potential gaps or misalignments for the requirements of the role 4. 5. A detailed induction process in the initial week and month that covers off company policies, workplace health and safety and introductions to colleagues, customers and suppliers An ongoing on-boarding process over the probation period and as long thereafter as required. This requires construction of a plan which could include:
o o o

appropriate online and face to face to training, whether one to one or in groups, and internal or external regular meetings, formal and informal, with the employee to discuss progress and dealing with any issues documentation and clarification of any updated objectives, understanding of company policies, new people to meet etc

6. Ongoing feedback including at least by the halfway point and by the end of the probation process 7. Continuation of this process after probation has concluded to ensure timely and constructive performance management feedback.

Make New Employee Orientation Personal Dont make day one all about paperwork. Instead, prioritize interpersonal relationships with key colleagues. Consider assigning welcome mentors to each new hire, so they can immediately get a feel for the personality of your organization. This day of first impressions will have an enormous impact on the employee experience, so make it a good one. Of course, some paperwork must be handled on or before the start date. Keep in mind that when your new hire goes home to tell his family about his first day on the job, he would rather have something more exciting to report than, I filled out over 30 forms. When it comes to documentation, get the key documentation on file in advance or as quickly as you can on day one. For everything else, create an online hub where new hires can find materials as they need them. Once theyve settled into their new job, send a reminder email that certain materials are available online, and encourage them to frequently visit the Intranet for information.

When it comes to onboarding new talent at your company, the Internet is the most powerful tool in your toolbox. A web-based employee onboarding system will let you standardize, streamline, track, and coordinate every step of the process, all while making your companys most recent hires feel valued and supported. Its been proven that happy employees are more productive employees. So, if youre looking to drive bottom line results with state of the art talent management tactics, its time to get onboard.



Ho : All the employees working in TTSL are Highly Engaged

Ha : All the employees working in TTSL are not Highly Engaged

Assumption: I am taking another assumption that if out of 50 marks given by the 50 respondents (in each department), 40 or above marks are obtain by a factor then I will consider it in high level of engagement. If marks are in between 30 to 40 then it is considered to be Above Average. If the marks are in between 25 to 30 then it is considered as Average and below 25 is considered as Below Average to calculate the level of engagement.

Research Methodology
Research Design: Descriptive, as I had conducted the survey and the mode of survey was Questionnaire because I had no control over the variables. The survey was conducted to record the perception of the employees in TTSL regarding employee engagement.

Area: TTSL head office, Mohali

Size of population: 300

Sample Size: 50

Significance level used: 0.05 or 5% level

Sampling Designing: Random Probability Sample

Collection of data: Primary data

I started the project firstly by creating an understanding of what is employee satisfaction and what is employee engagement. Both words are used for same purpose but there is a slight difference

between them. After that I found out the types of employees present in any organization and how to utilize the engaged employees for the productivity and how to influence other employees to join the engaged group to increase the business. After that I conducted an open ended survey amongst the employees of TTSL, Mohali to identify the factors which affect engaged the most. This led a list of factors which affect the engagement of an employee in TTSL. After that I identified 14 factors which are commonly stated by the employees. After that a survey questionnaire was circulated amongst the employees to identify which factors affect the most level wise and department wise. Along with this I had worked on the On Boarding procedure which includes all the three processes Pre joining, On Joining and Post Joining. I had also collected the feedback from new joinees about the On Boarding process and everyone has given the highest rating on Likert scale. An observation can be obtained through this that the On Boarding process performed by TTSL is excellent which makes the new joinees highly engaged during the process. Following are the data collected from the employees for employee engagement on the basis of different departments, which are Marketing, Technology, Customer Service deliverable (CSD), Finance and HR & Admin:

Sr. No. of Respond-ets


Factors Affecting Employee Engagement 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 4 4 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 3 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 3 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 5 5 5 4 4 4 5 5 5 3 5 5 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 3 3 7 4 4 4 4 5 5 3 3 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 5 3 5 4 8 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 5 5 5 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 9 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 3 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 5 2 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 Total 45 46 47 46 47 45 42 40 44 41 42 41 41 45 46 44 46 44 40 41 43 43 44 45 44 41 45 42 45 42 37 36

Marketing Technology Customer Service Delivery Finance

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

Rating is done using Likert scale and the name of the factors are given below according to the specified nos


Now we have the actual no. of engaged employees depending on the 10 factors we had selected and by applying Chi Square test we will find out the variance between the expected(i.e. 10 per dependent or 100%) and actual values. The larger the divergence, the larger is the Chi Square value. The formula by which the Chi Square test is calculated by Chi Square = ki=1 * (Oi Ei)2/Ei Now calculating the Chi Square values department wise: Marketing Department Chi square = (9-10)2/10 = 0.1

Technology Department Chi Square = (9-10)2/10 = 0.1

CSD Department Chi square = (10-10)2/10 = 0

Finance Chi Square = (5-10)2/10 = 2.5

HR & Admin Department Chi Square = (7-10)2/10 = 0.9

Total value of Chi Square = 0.1 + 0.1 + 0 + 2.1 + 0.9 = 3.2

Degree of freedom (D.f.) = (4-1)*(10-1) = 3*9 =27

Critical test value is 40.11 for =0.05


The calculated value at the significant level 5% is less than the value given in the Chi Square Table which Signifies that the deviation is due to chance and not due to any assignable cause. Therefore the Null Hypothesis is accepted and through this we conclude that the employees in Tata Tele Services are highly engaged.

2011 by blessingWhite, Inc. Princetion,NJ. Global Engagement Report 01/11 Www. Gallup.com www.melcrum.com AberdeenonboardingReport march10.pdf Human Resources Management and Employee Engagement A needs statement http://businessjournal.gallup.com http://humanresources.about.com http://www.tatateleservices.com http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com http://smallbiztrends.com http://peterblackcoaching.blogspot.in/2012/05/effectively-inducting-and-onboarding.html http://humanresources.about.com/od/orientation/a/onboarding.htm


Survey Questionnaire S.N FACTORS o 1. Role clarity 2. Motivation 3. Learning 4. Work life balance 5. Leadership 6. Authority of delegation & Transparency Extremely Above Average Below Not Important Average Average Important

7. Support & care 8. Growth & Opportunities 9. Fair and transparent appraisal system

10. 11.

Reward & Recognition What does this organization do that makes it a place where people would want to work?


What can this organization do to increase your satisfaction and productivity as an employee?

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