Food Storage and Canning Secrets
Food Storage and Canning Secrets
Food Storage and Canning Secrets
Introduction....................................................................3 The Essentials of Canning Success.............................4-6 Jar and Lid Preparation................................................ ..7 Boiling Bath Canner Setup.............................................8 Boiling Bath Needed Utensils.........................................9 Food Preparation..........................................................10 Basic Boil Bath Canner Recipes..............................11-15 Basic Pressure Canner Recipes...................16-23, 28-30 Canning Timetables for Fruits................................24 Canning Timetables for Meats.........................25- 26 Canning Timetables for Vegetables.......................27 Preserving for Special Diets.........................................31 Dehydrating Foods.................................................32- 37 Home Pantry and Food Storage..............................38-39 Kitchen Safety Tips......................................................40 Common Canning Problems...................................41-45 Foods That Heal......................................................46-48 Cooking and Boiling Mistakes......................................49 Web Resources............................................................50 Altitude Chart for Boiling Water...................................51 Altitude Chart for Steam Pressure ...............................51 Canning Tips...........................................................52-53 Sea Salt........................................................................54
2008 Solutions From Science PO Box 518 Thomson, IL 61285 No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, electronic or print, without the express permission of the publisher.
ince the beginning of recorded time, man has been preserving food items in a variety of ways. Ancient Middle East cultures utilized the arid desert to dry and preserve meat and vegetables. Those living in the arctic regions used the ice to preserve the meat they needed to survive. Since the dawn of the industrial age, however, we have lost a lot of that ancient wisdom. We rely on commercial farms and grocery stores for our needs. We have allowed a select few to monopolize the food chain, placing the average citizen in a precarious position of dependency on global corporations. Recent disasters like the terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers and Hurricane Katrina show us that we need to be prepared. When disaster strikes, you cant count on the government or the state to provide for you. Even if you live in a high rise apartment, you can take advantage of whatever space you have available for growing and storing food items. You can utilize methods of preserving food that will take into consideration your family size and storage area. For those with a sizable pantry or basement, canning may be the preferred method. For those where space is a highly valuable commodity, dehydration may be the way to go. There are no special skills required to learn how to preserve your own food safely. With the economic crisis the world
In all work there is profit, but mere talk produces only poverty. (Proverbs 14:23)
finds itself in, and everyone looking for ways to stretch their money, theres no better time to start learning food storage secrets!
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
he shelf life, quality and safe storage of your canned goods is dependent on many aspects, but one of the most important factors is the type of container you choose to process your food in. Only use jars made specifically for canning. Some people reuse jars from mayonnaise or jellies to can food in. But glass jars from grocery items are not tempered to withstand the high temperatures used in canning and can break or not seal properly. Canning involves hard work and an investment in time and money. Its silly to scrimp on one of the major components of canning success. Jars come in a variety of sizes and shapes, from half-pints to halfgallons with wide or regular mouth openings. For those who may be inclined to give canned goods as gifts, there are also decorative jars that can be purchased. The type of jar you use will depend on your storage space, how many people youre feeding, the food youre canning, and in
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
what recipes or dishes youll be using the food. For instance, I have canned boneless chicken in half pint jars to put in lunch boxes or for a quick after-school snack. When I was feeding a family of four, I packed my food in quart jars. Now that the kids are grown and out of the house, I mainly use pint jars for canning. There are two types of canners used in preserving food. One is the boil bath canner and the other is the pressure canner. Boil bath canners are used with highly acidic fruits while pressure canners are for low-acid fruits, vegetables and meats. A boiling bath canner can be your traditional black enamel pot with lid and wire rack. However, any stock or soup pot will do as long as you can insert a wire rack in the bottom to hold your jars off the bottom of the pot to avoid heat shock to your jars. In a boiling bath canner, water covers the lids and bands of the jars by one to two inches. If youre using an electric range, your pot must have a flat bottom and should be no more than four inches wider than the element on which it is heated. Its essential to keep hot water circulat-
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
your preserved foods easier. A jar funnel is a must, especially with jars that have regular mouths. A jar funnel allows you to adequately pack your jars with food and liquid without a huge mess. Youll need a rubber jar spatula to help release trapped air from jars before sealing them. A lid magnet and a jar grip will keep you from getting burned or scalded when handling jars that have been processed. Youll want a strainer for draining washed foods, a thermometer, measuring spoons and a counter scale. Youll also want a variety of corers, peelers, and parers for your fruits and vegetables. Having the proper utensils will make canning a more enjoyable experience as well as streamlining the process. However, nothing is more important than properly preparing the jars and food for processing.
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
he quality of your preserved be packed in sterilized jars. You can place food is directly related to the the jars right side up on the rack in a time you spend in boiling bath canner and fill the preparation for pot and jars with hot, not the actual boiling, water. Youll canning. Jars should want the water level be free of nicks on about an inch above the sealing surface of the jars. the rim and scratchBoil the jars for es in the body of the 10 minutes. At altiglass. Nicks in the tudes above 1,000 rim area can cause feet, add one exsealing failures in the tra minute for each lids and scratches in 1,000 feet of addithe body of the glass tional elevation. can lead to crackOnce the jars are ing and breaking ready, take them during the canning out of the pot one g process. at a time, pack g For jars that will them with food, be used with foods add the lids and processed for 10 tighten the screw minutes or more in bands. a boiling bath canSave the water g ner, or used in a in the boiling bath pressure canner, canner to process washing well with the filled jars. g hot water and soap The lids and screw is sufficient. bands need to be Be sure to rinse prepared as well. the jars well. The last Manufacturer inthing you want is for structions are on the your food to taste soapy box the lids come in, after all your hard work! and should be followed. Foods processed for less than Its a good practice not to buy 10 minutes in a boiling bath canner must more lids than youll use in a year.
Jars should be free of nicks. Washing with hot water and soap is fine for jars processed for more than 10 minutes. Sterilize jars that arent going to be processed for 10 minutes. Dont buy more lids than you will use in a year.
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
You prepare a table for me, even as my enemies watch; you anoint my head with oil from an overflowing cup. (Psalm 23:5)
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
here are several important steps to take to make sure that your food is ready to be processed. Following these steps will insure that your food tastes better than any canned product from the grocery store shelf.
g Use good quality ripe foods that have no rot and few blemishes. They should not be over-ripe or underripe. They should be firm to the touch. g Fruits and vegetables are best canned within 12 hours after harvest. If these are handled properly and canned promptly, their vitamin and mineral content can be superior to fresh produce sold in grocery stores. Some fruits, such as pears and peaches, should be allowed to ripen for one or more days after harvesting before being canned. If circumstances dictate a delay in canning, store the food in a cool, dry place. g Trim any bad spots and wash the produce thoroughly. Washing will make sure that any pesticide residue and dirt is cleaned off before canning. Washing alone, however, will not remove most bacteria, yeasts and molds.
Avoid foods that are Peeling and blanching over-ripe or under-ripe. reduces surface bacteria.
g Peeling and blanching fruits and vegetables greatly reduces the amount of bacteria on the surface of the foods. Remember though, only canning in an appropriate canner for the food-specific times will insure that your food is safe to eat. g Hot pack foods that will be processed in a boiling bath canner. Hot packing removes more air from the food, increases the vacuum in the sealed jar, and improves the shelf life of the finished product. Cold packing is better suited for vegetables processed in a pressure canner.
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
ecause the tomato is such a versatile fruit, used in many common recipes, and is the easiest to put up, most novice canners learn canning techniques with the tomato. Youll have chosen fresh fruit, firm to the touch, not over- or under-ripe, with no rot and few blemishes. It will take about 2 to 3 pounds of tomatoes per quart jar so weigh your tomatoes to see how many jars youll need to put them up. Wash your jars with warm soapy water and rinse well. Keep them warm by submerging them in a sink of warm water until ready to use. You can also wash them in the dishwasher and keep them warm on the drying cycle. Youll have your bands and lids ready as well. Put your lids in a pot of warm water and use a thermometer to make sure the water is no hotter than 180F.
The gasket material is to be warm and soft for proper sealing. Boiling the lids degrades the gasket material and increases your chances of sealing failures. Set up your boiling bath canner before you start processing the tomatoes. Fill the pot about halfway with water and preheat to 140F to 180F. Once all the jars are in the canner, youll add enough boiling water to cover the lids and bands of the jars by one to two inches.
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
Using the jar funnel, place the become exposed, add boiling water until tomatoes whole in the jars. the water level is once again one to two Larger tomatoes can be cut to fit inches above the lids of the jars. into the jars. Pack them tightly, allowing the tomatoes own juices to cover them. When the processing is completAdd about a teaspoon of salt per quart ed, turn the stove off, and crack jar, or a teaspoon per pint, if desired. the cover of the canner to allow the temperature inside the canner and Leave about a inch of head the room temperature to equalize. This space in the jars. Take your rub- keeps the jars from cracking and breakber jar spatula and run along the ing from the shock of an extreme temsides of the jar, squeezing the tomatoes perature change. Dont run any ceiling as you go so that trapped air will be re- fans near the stove and keep ceiling regleased from the jar. Repeat this two to isters from blowing directly onto the canthree times around the jar. ner during this time.
Check the lip of the jar for cracks, Using your jar tongs, lift the jars nicks, or debris that would keep it from the canner and place on sevfrom sealing. Run a clean, warm eral layers of towels to avoid the rag over the rim of the jars to remove shock of a cool countertop coming diany residue from the tomatoes. rectly into contact with the hot bottoms of the jars. Allow them to sit for 12 to 24 Place the lid and screw band on hours. Do NOT tighten the bands as this the jar, and close tightly about could break the seal. finger tight. Tightening the band too tightly will not allow the jar to vent After 12 to 24 hours, check to see properly too loose, and you wont get that you have a proper seal on the a proper seal. Place the jars in the canjars. Press down with your index ner and then cover with enough boiling finger in the center of the lid. If there is water to cover the lids of the jars by one no flex, a vacuum has been formed and to two inches. the jar is sealed. If you have a jar that has not sealed, either use it immediately Turn the heat on the stove to the or remove the lid, clean the rim, put a highest setting until the water new lid on the jar, and reprocess. boils vigorously. You begin timing the processing from the moment the wa- You can store the jars without the screw ter boils. Turn the heat down, cover, and bands. Remove them and wash thormaintain a slow steady boil for the entire oughly for use with your next batch of processing time 35 minutes for pints tomatoes. Be sure to wipe the jars down and 45 minutes for quarts. If at any time and label them before storing in a cool, during the processing the lids and rings dark place.
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
pples are another fruit thats easy to can and perfect for the novice canner. Like the tomato, youll need 2 to 3 pounds per quart. Its important to choose apples that are good for cooking to maintain the shape and texture of the fruit after canning. Try not to mix varieties of apples in the same jar. You want fruit that is not over- or underripe, is firm to the touch, and free of rot or major blemishes. Riper fruit can be used in preserving applesauce or apple butter if you wish. Its important to wash the apples thoroughly, but its not necessary to scrub them. The apples are going to be peeled, cored and sliced. You can use any tool available to peel the apples. A vegetable peeler or kitchen paring knife is fine. If you want to spring for a fancy hand-crank apple peeler you can, but its not necessary. The commercial peelers tend to take a little more of the flesh off than is needed. Youll also need to make a brine solution to place the peeled, sliced apples in before theyre placed in jars. This will keep the meat of the apples from turning brown. The brine consists of one gallon of cold water, 2 tablespoons of salt, and 2 tablespoons of apple-cider vinegar. As
you peel, core, and slice the apples, simply drop them in the brine until ready to fill the jars. You can also substitute 6 crushed vitamin C tablets in a gallon of water for the brine. Youll need to prepare a syrup for blanching the apples in and pouring over them in the jars. The sweetness of the fruit and the desired amount of sugar will determine whether you use a light or heavy syrup. Sugar is not necessary for the preservation of fruit. It does, however, maintain the firmness and texture of the fruit as well as enhancing the taste.
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
They should gather all the food produced during these good years coming up and set aside grainand they should store it. (Genesis 41:35)
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
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I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
he acidity of a food determines whether it should be processed in a boil bath canner or pressure canner. Low acid foods do not have enough acidity to destroy botulinum bacteria a bacterium that produces a deadly form of food poisoning. The temperature of boiling water (212F) is insufficient to kill most botulinum spores. Pressure canners induce temperatures greater than the boiling point of water (240F to 250F) which significantly reduces the time needed to kill botulinum spores. All low-acid fruits, vegetables, and meats should be processed in a pressure canner.
Place one quart of water and one tablespoon of vinegar into your canner. Place the cover on the canner, place the 5 lb. weight control on the vent tube, and heat on high until the control jiggles. g Turn down the heat until the control jiggles about 4 times a minute. Take note of the heat setting on your range that maintains this level. Remove the canner from the heat and allow it to cool completely. Repeat this procedure for the 10 lb. weight.
ts important that you become familiar with your pressure canner before beginning to process food. If you are using a canner with a dial pressure gauge that you purchased used, take it to your county extension office to have them test the dial gauge to be sure that the readings are accurate. If you are using a can-
Unlike foods processed in a boiling bath canner, you will need significantly more headroom in your jars when processing in a pressure canner. 1 to 1 inches is the standard. This allows for expansion of the foods while being processed and to allow the formation of a vacuum as the jars cool.
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
How much food expands depends on how much air content is in the food. Rawpack introduces more air in the jars and may cause the food to discolor after two or three months. Hot-packing helps remove air from the food and improves the shelf life of canned foods. Venting the pressure canner before sealing is vitally important in making sure that your processed food is safe to eat. Raw-packed foods are especially notorious for introducing the highest volume of trapped air in dial-gauge canners. This trapped air lowers the temperature obtained when the canner is pressurized, resulting in under-processed foods that can spoil. All types of pressure canners MUST be vented for 10 minutes before they are pressurized.
here will be times when you wont have a full batch of any one particular vegetable to process. Its entirely permissible to can different foods in separate jars together in the same batch. Use the longest processing time recommended for whatever vegetables youre canning. For example, carrots and beets have a longer processing time than green beans. If you process quart jars of these
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
reen beans are probably the easiest of the low-acid foods to can. Theyre colorful and simple to process. They can be canned by either rawpack or hot pack. Raw-pack is easier, but hot-packing insures less trapped air in the food. The following recipe is for canning hot-pack green beans. Assemble all your jars, lids, and utensils. Wash your jars in hot soapy water and rinse well. Keep your jars in hot water and maintain this temperature until
theyre ready to be used. Its not necessary to sterilize jars used in a pressure canner. Keep your lids in a pot of simmering water (180F) but do not allow them to boil. Prepare your canner by adding 2 to 3 inches of water. Maintain the water temperature at a simmer (180F) until all the jars are filled and placed in the canner. Select fresh beans that are firm and free of blemishes. They should be young, tender and crisp. Wash the beans thoroughly in water. Trim the beans and remove the strings. Cut or break the beans into consistent size pieces.
A lazy person wont plow in winter; so at harvest-time, when he looks, there is nothing. (Proverbs 20:4)
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
The cooling process on pressure canners must be natural, not forced. Never speed up the cooling process.
Carefully pack beans into hot vent pipe and bring the pressure up to jars, adding 1 teaspoon of 10 pounds. Adjust poundage for altitudes salt per quart or teaspoon higher than 1,000 feet above sea level. of salt per pint if desired. Process pints for 20 minutes With a ladle and your jar funand quarts for 25 minutes. nel, pour the hot cooking waIf using mature beans that ter you used to boil the beans are almost at the shell-out into the jar, leaving one inch stage, add an additional 15 of headspace. minutes for pints and 20 minutes for quarts. Using your jar spatula, run the edges of the jar severTurn the heat off to the canal times, manipulating the ner and allow the pressure to beans to remove trapped air zero out naturally. Open vent pockets. and remove lid. Allow the jars to sit in the canner for 5 or Check the rims for any nicks 10 minutes to adjust to the or cracks that would cause a lower temperatures. seal failure, and wipe the rim clean with a warm, wet rag. Remove the jars from the Place the lids on the jars and canner using the jar tongs, tighten the screw band finger and place on several layers tight. Set each jar onto the of towels to avoid temperarack in the pressure canner. ture shock from a cool countertop. Allow the jars to cool Cover the canner, adjust the for 12 to 24 hours. Check the heat, and vent for 10 minutes. seal, remove the bands, wipe Place the weighted gauge or the jars down, label, and store pressure regulator over the in a cool, dry place.
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
any people are timid about canning meats. While you obviously want to use care in the processing of any food, meat is no more difficult than vegetables. Opening a jar of canned chicken and preparing a quick pot pie is a much healthier alternative to a microwave meal. Processing meats, poultry, and seafood makes mealtimes faster, healthier, and more efficient. The texture and flavor of the finished canned product will depend on the breed of animal and the methods used immediately before and after slaughtering. If you slaughter your own meat, or hunt game, contact your county extension agent for information on aging and chilling the meat. Processed meat should be free of excessive fat, gristle, and bruising that could affect the flavor of the finished product. Game that has a strong flavor should be soaked in salt water before canning. If it has a particular gamey flavor, you can process it with tomato juice. Youll need about two pounds per quart jar processed. Poultry that is one to two years of age is best for canning. Any kind of poultry meat absorbs salt like a sponge, so dont soak this meat in salt water before processing. Chill the meat 6 to 12 hours before canning. Freshly caught fish should be prepared as if for cooking. Large fish should be deboned.
Processed meat should be free of excessive fat, gristle and bruising that could affect the flavor of the finished product.
Soak fish in salt water before canning. Because fish is such a low-acid food, its not recommended that you can it in anything larger than a pint jar. Heat penetration into the larger jars may be inadequate for destroying any bacterial spores. If you are canning combination recipes that contain both meat and vegetables, processing time for the jars will be for the food that has the longest processing time. If you can high-acid and lowacid foods together, you must treat the food as low-acid, and process the jars in a pressure canner. Following these rules will help ensure that your food is both healthy and free from the bacterium that causes food poisoning.
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
Table 1. Recommended process time for STRIPS, CUBES, or CHUNKS OF MEAT in a dial-gauge pressure canner. Table 2. Recommended process STYLE OF PACK time for STRIPS, CUBES, or CHUNKS OF MEAT in a HOT & RAW weighted-gauge pressure canner.
JAR SIZE PINTS QUARTS PROCESS TIME 75 min 90 min 0-1,000 ft. 10 LB 10 LB ABOVE 1,000 ft. 15 LB 15 LB
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
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Process the poultry according to the chart on the next page. When the jars are finished processing, allow the canner to cool and reach zero pressure naturally. Remove the lid and allow the jars to cool an additional 5 to 10 minutes in order to equalize the temperature between the canner and the kitchen. Remove the jars with jar tongs, placing them on several layers of towels to avoid temperature shock from a cooler countertop. Allow them to sit for 12 to 24 hours. Do NOT tighten screw bands. Check for seals, remove screw bands, wipe jars down, label and store in a cool, dry place.
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
Table 1. Recommended process time for CHICKEN or RABBIT in a DIAL-gauge pressure canner WITHOUT BONES.
Table 1. Recommended process time for CHICKEN or RABBIT in a DIAL-gauge pressure canner WITH BONES.
Table 2. Recommended process time STYLE OF PACK for CHICKEN or RABBIT in a WEIGHTED-gauge pressure canner HOT & RAW WITHOUT BONES.
0-1,000 ft. 10 LB 10 LB
Table 2. Recommended process time STYLE OF PACK for CHICKEN or RABBIT in a WEIGHTED-gauge pressure canner HOT & RAW WITH BONES.
0-1,000 ft. 10 LB 10 LB
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
You are to serve the Lord your God, and he will bless your food and water. (Exodus 23:25)
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
A lazy man doesnt roast what he has hunted; but when a man is diligent, his wealth is precious. (Proverbs 12:27)
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
A lazy man doesnt roast what he has hunted; but when a man is diligent, his wealth is precious. (Proverbs 12:27)
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
ave you ever boiled a chicken or stew meat for a recipe and had stock left over? Instead of pouring it down the drain or into the dogs food
bowl, can it for use later on in other recipes or for gravy. Youll want to strain your stock through several layers of cheesecloth or a fine mesh strainer to remove bits of meat and skin. Allow the stock to cool, skim the fat off the top, and then follow the recipe below to can it.
1 2 3 4 5
Have your jars washed and soaking in warm water. Heat your lids in water thats no hotter than 180F.
Put the lid on the canner, bring to boiling, and allow the canner to vent for 10 minutes. Place the counterweight on the vent tube and bring your Prepare your pressure can- pressure up. Process pints 20 minutes, ner by heating to a simmer quarts 25 minutes at 10 pounds of pressure. Adjust for altitude per the chart in 1 to 2 inches of water. the back of this book.
Allow the canner to return to zero pressure naturally. Remove the lid and allow the jars to cool in the canLadle the hot stock into hot pint or quart jars leaving ner for an additional 10 or 15 minutes until the temperature equalizes between one inch of headspace. the canner and the kitchen. Bring your stock to a boil.
Check the rim of the jars for cracks or nicks that will interfere with sealing. Wipe the rims down with a warm wet rag and place the lid and screw band on finger tight. Wipe the jars down and place them in the canner.
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Place the jars on several layers of towels to avoid temperature shock from the cool countertop. Allow to set for 12-24 hours. Check the seals and place in a cool, dry place.
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
s with meat, you shouldnt be hesitant about canning fish. mering. Have your lids soaking in water Canned fish is a moist, flaky prod- no hotter than 180F. uct and canning makes any bones soft and edible. The USDA says that fish Cut cleaned fish into 3-1/2should not be canned in anything larger inch lengths. Fill hot, pint than pint jars to insure that every piece jars, skin side next to glass, of fish is heated to proper temperatures leaving 1-inch headspace. to kill any botulism toxin. Add 1 teaspoon of salt per Bringing the pressure canner to proper pint. Do not add liquid. temperatures is vitally important in canning fish. Do NOT shortcut any times for Check the rims for any proper venting and cooking at the renicks or chips that would quired pressure. cause seal failure. Wipe Gut fish within 2 hours of catching. Prethe rims down with a warm pare your fish for canning by deboning wet rag and place the lids and filleting large fish, and then keeping and screwbands on finger cleaned fish on ice or soaking in icy salt tight. water for about an hour before canning. Put the lid on the canner Prepare your jars by washand bring to boiling, allowing in soapy water and ing the canner to vent 10 keeping them soaking in minutes. Put the counterwarm water until ready to weight on the vent tube and use. Prepare your pressure allow the canner to come canner by having one to to 11 pounds of pressure two inches of water simat altitudes below 1,000
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
minutes until the temperature equalizes between the canner and the kitchen.
Cook for 1 hour and 40 minutes at the required pressure. Turn the stove off and allow the canner to return to zero pressure naturally. Remove the lid and allow the jars to cool in the canner for an additional 10 to 15
7 8
Place the jars on several layers of towels to avoid temperature shock from the cool countertop. Allow to set for 12-24 hours. Check the seals, wipe the jars down, label, and place in a cool, dry place.
Jesus replied, They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat. We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish, they answered. Bring them here to me, he said. And he directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. (Matthew 14:16-20)
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
ith canning its easy for people with special dietary needs to control the quality and ingredients of the foods they eat. Fruits, vegetables, and meats can be preserved with no sugar or salt. However, do not omit salt when canning fish. The amount of salt used in canning meats and vegetables is too small to prevent spoilage and is more of a flavor enhancer. Instead, use herbs and spices to give the flavor of your vegetables and meats a boost. Sugar is a preservative, and helps retain the color, look and texture of processed fruit. Its important to know that the texture, color, and look of fruit will be different if canned without sugar. Instead of sugar try experimenting with a teaspoon of vinegar in a quart jar of fruit. For fruits and vegetables, use fully ripe produce at its peak in flavor. Use the hot pack method for canning, and use boiling water or even unsweetened fruit juice to cover the food. Artificial sweeteners can be added as a substitute for sugar. Follow the manufacturers guidelines for measuring. Be aware however, that artificial sweeteners may loose their sweetening properties or even develop an off-flavor if used in processing. Its probably best to add sweetener right before serving. Because of the high cost of specially prepared foods, youll find yourself saving more than a few dollars by canning
Soften gelatin in cup of juice. Bring remaining 1 cups juice to a boil, and then remove from heat. Add softened gelatin, stirring to dissolve. Add liquid sweetener, lemon juice, and coloring. Bring to a full, rolling boil. Ladle into clean jars and seal. Keep in refrigerator for up to three weeks. 1 Tablespoon = 9 calories. *Aspartame is affected by heat. It may not successfully sweeten the jelly.*
(courtesy of Ohio State University Extension on Human Nutrition)
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
rying food is believed to be one of the oldest methods for preserving food. In ancient Mesopotamia, meat was dried, smoked or salted. There is evidence that as early as 12,000 B.C.E, the Egyptians of the Lower Nile region dried fish and poultry in the hot desert sun. The Egyptians perfected salting fish to preserve them. The Romans soon took up preserving fish in this manner. The fishermen of Galilee also used salt to preserve fish for shipment to Jerusalem. The Incas were the first to produce dehydrated potatoes, and the Indians of North America used the sun and dry desert regions to preserve food. Today we dont have to rely on the sun
or the desert to make dried foods. There are many dehydrators on the market today that make drying foods a simple process. What took several days in the past, we can accomplish in hours today. The principal behind drying meats and produce is that with the removal of moisture, you remove the environment that allows bacteria and fungi to flourish. Enzymatic reaction cannot occur in the absence of moisture. The USDA has put out safety guidelines for making jerky. Because of the increase in E.coli bacterial infections, a study was done to determine if E.coli survived the curing and drying process. Meats were inoculated with E.coli bacteria. Some of the meat was mixed with cures and salts, and some was not. The researchers found that those meats mixed with cures and salts had a greater
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
a jerky shooter. There are a variety of prepackaged spices and cures for making jerky. You can also download recipes from off the internet, get them from friends and
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
family, and simply experiment with different ingredients yourself. Remember however, that the salts and cures are a necessary part of the preservation process that assures the destruction of bacteria that can cause food poisoning and illness.
in a 160F oven, then lay the jerky on the drying trays and place in a 160F oven until the meat reaches that temperature as measured with a food thermometer. If your trays arent safe for that temperature, then use a pan for the oven and transfer the jerky to the trays when the jerky is ready to be placed in the dehydrator. Place the trays in the dehydrator and cook at 145F for one hour. Take the meat out, blot it, turn over, blot again, and then continue cooking for 2 15 hours. Check the jerky every hour or so. It should be able to bend without breaking. The texture should be kind of leathery.
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
Because fat affects storage rate, cool on paper towels to absorb any fat that may remain.
The amount of time it takes to dry produce is directly related to its moisture content. Drying time can vary from 6 to 10 hours for bananas, 5 to 9 hours for tomatoes, to 12 to 14 hours for corn. You should plan on checking your food every hour or so until it reaches optimal dehydration. Before placing your produce in the dehydrator, youll want to soak it in a solution of sodium bisulfite for 5 minutes. Sodium bisulfite is a food preservative and flavor enhancer. You can also use 1 tablespoon of lemon juice per gallon of water. Vitamin C powder can be used as well. Crush six 500 milligram tablets and mix with a gallon of water. You dont want to soak your vegetables and fruits in the solution for much more
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
pantrys not a place, its an attitude, according to the Organized Home website. The goal of a pantry is for convenience and emergency preparation. Any space that you can store items in can be a pantry. The U.S. government urges citizens to have a least a weeks worth of supplies on hand at any given time in the event of unforeseen emergencies or natural disasters. Stocking canned goods that you put up yourself, or dehydrated foodstuffs that you prepared puts you well on the way to a functional pantry. Take advantage of sales to set aside powdered milk, dried beans, and paper goods like toilet paper and paper towels. Once your pantry is stocked keep a running inventory of goods stored. Rotate out stock as you replenish with new, like canned foods and dried produce. If you live in tiny quarters and closet space is at a premium, there are products out there that can help you take advantage of every available space. has over the door pantry pockets that allows you to store items in nylon mesh pockets that hangs over closet doors. has plenty of storage ideas and a design gallery that can help
you devise more storage areas in your home. There is usually a lot of wasted space in a home that can be utilized. The thing is to get creative and find it! Dont get lazy with your storage techniques. There are pantry pests like beetles and moth larvae that will contaminate food with their bodies and by-
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
products. Its essential to store food in tightly sealed containers. Plastic bags are not adequate. If youre storing foodstuffs in paper bags or boxes like flour or rice, place them in a plastic freezer bag and put them in the freezer. If nothing else, repackage them in sealed containers for storage. Having a well-stocked pantry will also be invaluable as a bartering tool in a disaster situation. In the event an emergency situation does strike, you can trade foodstuffs for items you may not have thought about needing. Hurricane Katrina proved that it could be weeks before government infrastructure is in place to help people in these situations. As the current economic crisis deepens, as more people lose their jobs and
I passed by the field of a lazy man and the vineyard of the man lacking sense. There it was, overgrown with thistles; the ground was covered with nettles, and its stone wall was broken down. I looked, and I thought about it; I saw, and I learned this lesson: Ill just sit here a bit, rest a little longer, just fold my hands for a little more sleepand poverty comes marching in on you, scarcity hits you like an invading soldier. Proverbs 24:30-34
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
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Never use cutting boards or knives that have been used to cut raw meat for any other food without washing thoroughly first. Use pot holders and oven mitts. Keep several pair around for use as pads on countertops to set hot pots on. Keep knives sharp. A dull knife is more likely to cause injury. Watch for escaping steam from pots. Steam will burn you as quickly as boiling liquid.
Better a dry piece of bread with calm than a house full of food but also full of strife. (Proverbs 17:1)
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
6) NONE.
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
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Always start with fresh produce thats brightly colored, unwilted, and with no rot and few blemishes.
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Food added to boiling water immediately lowers the temperature of the water. Use too little water and the water quits boiling and the texture and look of your food changes. Always use LOTS of water. Wake up the flavor of dried herbs by toasting them in a pan for a minute or two.
Frying in oil less than 350F will make your food heavy and greasy. Use oils with a high smoking point (peanut, safflower, or canola). Get the oil good and hot before cooking. Test the oil with a chunk of bread. It should brown in ten seconds.
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
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The Ball Blue Book is available at Balls website for $4.95. Go to
The Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving is available on Go to www. and enter the title of the book in the search engine. eBay has great deals on canners, dehydrators, and tools for canning. Go to www.ebay. com and run a search for anything related to canning. Everything Kitchens has a whole section devoted to dehydrating foods and jerky recipes. Go to and download recipes for cures, rubs, and a variety of jerky recipes.
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The USDA website is the place for the latest government information on canning, preserving, and dehydrating food. The USDA Home Canning Guide can be downloaded from the site. Go to http://fnic.nal.usda. gov and take advantage of all the free information available. sells freeze-dried and dehydrated foods for entire families, but also sells individual items. For example, a #10 can of whole wheat flour with a shelf life of 5-7 years sells for under $10. Government county extension agent offices can also be an invaluable source for information on canning and gardening. Even small apartments can utilize container gardens that can be grown on balconies, porches, or inside the house.
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
THE ABOVE CHART ASSUMES THE PSI GIVEN FOR 1,000 FT OR LESS IS 10 POUNDS OF PRESSURE IF YOUR CANNER HAS A WEIGHTED GAUGE RATHER THAN A DIAL GAUGE, USE 15 POUNDS OF PRESSURE INSTEAD OF 10 POUNDS AT THE HIGHER ALTITUDES I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
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Use wadded up newspapers or even hay inside your canner during storage. Itll eliminate musty odors. Use a thermometer in the water with your lids to make sure the water doesnt go over 180F. With cold pack food, put lukewarm water in the canner. Too hot of water can make the jars break. Dont allow the jars to touch in a boiling bath canner. The jiggling of the boiling water can crack the jars. The timing for boiling bath processing doesnt start until the water begins to boil. Dont substitute a plate for the wire rack in the bottom of a canner. The hot water has to be able to circulate around all sides of the jars. Sugar is not necessary for preserving fruit, but it helps to retain color and a firm texture. Dont use metal utensils inside jars you can scratch or break them.
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For canning mixed products, use the longest processing time for the ingredients listed. Sometimes canning foods separately is better, and then combine them at mealtime. If a screwband wont come off, cover it with a hot rag for about one minute. This will cause the metal to expand and it should remove easily. If not, leave it on. Never force bands off. You can break the seal. Lids are generally good for 5 years from the date of manufacture, but you should only buy enough for what you need for one year. Some newer dishwashers have a sterilizing cycle that can be used for jars instead of boiling them. Use pure salt with no additives for processing food. Additives can add unpleasant flavors to your finished product. Hot Pack: heating fresh food to boiling, simmering for 2 5 minutes, and quickly filling jars with the boiled food.
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Some tomato hybrids have a low-acid content. Either pressure can them or add 2 teaspoons of lemon juice per jar to insure adequate acidity for boiling bath canning. The cooling process on pressure canners much be natural, not forced. Never speed up the cooling process. Your jerky can go rancid if you use too fatty of a meat for dehydrating. Fat doesnt dehydrate. Always use lean cuts of meat.
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When cold packing meat in jars, use chilled, not frozen meat. Too much of a temperature differential between the jars and canner can result in cracked jars. Pressure canners MUST vent for 10 minutes before sealing. Use caution when taking the lid off your canner after processing. Escaping steam and hot controls can burn you. While properly canned food, stored in a cool, dark place can last indefinitely, its best to put up only what will be used in a year.
I have been young; and now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendents begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
The minerals that are in sea salt, when extracted, are the 84 elements that were originally in the sea. Once dissolved in water or in the moisture of food as it cooks, sea salt bears a likeness to HUMAN BLOOD and BODY FLUIDS. It is said to be capable of maintaining or restoring health in humans. Yes, that very sea salt has retained all of the elements of the original seawater. And although the biological need has not yet been proven for each of these elements, it has been established that 24 of these elements are essential to maintaining life. Ocean minerals and dissolved gasses help maintain the chemical and physical stability of living organisms on dry land, assuring the survival of the planets flora and fauna. The air above the oceans water constantly moves and releases the oceans Use SEA SALT, not table salt, when candissolved gasses to all forms of land- ning. Be healthier and live longer its in based life around the world. These same the book. rare gasses are locked within salt crys-
Important Resources For Self-Reliant Living Heirloom Seeds If youre going to plant a survival garden then you definitely want a good source of non-hybrid, non-germinated seeds. As you probably know, big seed companies have now engineered seeds with a terminator gene. These seeds will not reproduce after themselves as they have been genetically altered. Weve located a company that sells a Survival Seed Bank containing enough heirloom seeds to plant a full acre crisis garden. All you have to do is save some of the seeds each fall and this little kit will produce a lifetime supply of food for you and your family and neighbors. You can learn more about it by going to their website. It can be located at Double or Triple Survival Garden Production Weve found a product that combines all natural fish emulsion with liquefied kelp which allows the survival gardener to harvest in fewer days, with less (or no) herbicides or pesticides. It yields 200-300% more nutrient dense food as well as dramatically increases shelf life of the produce grown with it. Grow giant vegetables quicker than you thought possible. We highly recommend this all natural product. Get the details at Food Storage Once you plant and harvest your garden, make sure you know how to properly store these foods by drying or canning. One of the best resources for food storing strategies can be found at Crisis Cooking One of the most important areas of surviving a crisis is the ability to cook meals and sanitize water. Without sterilized water, you have big problems with bugs that can make you or those living with you very, very sick. We found an excellent little survival cooker that can use wood, charcoal or propane as fuel which makes it a pretty versatile tool. You can read more about it at
Solar Power A hybrid of this system has a battery bank that charges first, then the excess is pumped to the grid. If the power goes down you still have power on your battery bank. Of course, solar requires enough sun to charge the panels and as the sun moves, it can alter the amount coming into the panel. Sit a panel on a swivel for observation. You can see one position might be 6v charging and moving might be 12v charging. If you have trees around or are on a slope that doesnt get the maximum amount of sun, then you may not be able to generate enough solar power. A good solar backup unit can be found at Power Sleep For A Strong Immune System Getting sleep when the world is falling apart around you is sometimes difficult to do. If youre having trouble getting to sleep, most folks opt for a prescription sleeping pill. One way around the prescription sleeping pill dilemma is by a special audio CD that puts you out without any drugs whatsoever. All you have to do is to listen with headphones and you fall asleep. In a stressful situation, this CD may mean getting the healthy sleep which is critical to surviving a health breakdown. Check it out at Unusual Mineral Substance Many people who make their own survival foods use this neat little supplement called Power Water. Placing one or two drops in each can of preserved foods can raise the nutritional value dramatically by fortifying your canned foods with an amazing army of trace elements and minerals. The product also contains a unique compound called fulvic acid which has incredible antioxidant value. Youre not really prepared unless you have a few bottles of this stuff lying around. It would also be a great barter item so you may want to purchase their 12 pack for the best value. Check out The One "Survival Supplement" You Shouldn't Be With Out One supplement I would recommend having in your survival arsenal is a substance called shilajit. Shilajit comes from the rocky cliffs in the
Himalayas. Somewhat of a mystery, its believed to form as a result of "mineral drip" from the cracks of the rocks during the hot summer months. This mineral drip runs through plant matter that has been trapped in the crevices of the cliff areas, and along with geothermal pressure, a dark red somewhat gummy substance is formed. The reason you want this substance in your survival cabinet is because the active constituent of shilajit is a chemical called fulvic acid. This is why shilajit is one of the most sought after healing compounds in Ayurvedic medicine. Probably the best quality and perhaps the lowest priced shilajit can be found at the website: The company will ship the product out to you and only require you to pay the shipping up front and invoice you for the balance due 30 days later. Frankly, I don't know of another supply company that operates on the "golden rule" premise of doing business. Make sure you have some of this substance. Oh, one more thing about shilajit. Many researchers also believe that this substance also makes nutrients from other foods more bioavailable. If this is true, it means all of your stored foods will supply your body with more precious vitamins, minerals and vital trace elements when you need them the most. Getting the Guns Out of Sight In the event of an emergency, if and when all hell breaks loose, protecting your guns will be a key element to defending yourself and your loved ones. When hunger strikes and panic arises, so too, will the amount of crime. It wont only be criminals but desperate people breaking in to your home hoping to find and take your food, water, guns and other survival items. Learning how to hide your guns from criminal scum should be one of your top priorities. You can find out more about very clever ways to hide your guns at