Greens: Looking After The Environment

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Looking after the Environment

Welcome to the e-newsletter of the Bluegreens, Nationals advisory group on environmental issues. As Bluegreens caucus members, we are committed to exploring environmental policy in areas such as biosecurity, conservation and outdoor recreation. We believe environmental issues are too important to be left to the fringe of politics and should be a mainstream issue for all New Zealanders. New Zealands environment and our national heritage hold the key to our nations future prosperity and we believe there is a need for an independent group of environmentally conscious people to keep reminding everyone that sustainable development is the way to prosperity. Its great to know that the Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf (Environment Effects) Bill has passed. New Zealanders love the sea and we have one of the largest and most diverse Extended Economic Zones in the world. Weve been talking about protecting it for years and now finally we have a legislative framework that will do just that. Nicky Wagner Chair, Bluegreen Caucus Committee

Media release Hon Amy Adams 28 AUGUST, 2012

New EEZ law brings better protection for oceans Environment Minister Amy Adams has welcomed the passing of a new law that for the first time will enable comprehensive environmental management of activities in New Zealands vast exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and continental shelf. Read the full press release

25 years of global action to fix ozone hole

The 25th anniversary of the Montreal Protocol, the global agreement to phase out the production and use of substances which have been depleting the ozone layer, has been marked in Parliament. Environment Minister Amy Adams praised the success of global action to tackle the ozone hole, which scientists say has stopped increasing and is on its way to recovery.

Media release Hon Amy Adams 16 SEPTEMBER, 2012

Minister praises 25 years of global action to fix ozone hole Environment Minister Amy Adams has praised the success of global action to tackle the ozone hole, which scientists say has stopped increasing and is on its way to recovery. Read the full press release

Meola Creek Restoration project

In late 2010 Nikki Kaye, MP for Auckland Central, approached the Bluegreens representative in the Auckland Central Electorate to look at local environment clean up opportunities. They contacted WaiCare to see where they could help, and Meola Creek was identified as a positive community project. Aucklands waterways have become very degraded. With a planting plan provided by Waicare and funding provided by the Bluegreens national body and raffles at national conference, we were able to purchase 1200 grasses and trees for our first years planting. Volunteers first had to clear years of weeds including moth plant and other exotic weed species before we could start (300kgs of weeds removed). In addition we removed about 200kg of in organic rubbish mainly cans, bottles, tin sheets, plastic containers and the occasional golf ball! Receiving the WaiCare 2011 award for the most Inspiring Newcomers to the WaiCare team rewarded our efforts. This award now sits proudly in the Minister for the Environments office in Wellington. This year we received a grant for $2500 for plants and weed control allowing us to purchase an additional 1200 plants which have now been planted out. We have organised several weeding bees throughout the year to ensure the plants we have put in are not smothered by weeds and vines. Ultimately when our plantings have become firmly established we would like to remove exotic trees like willow and pines and replace with tree ferns, kanuka, manuka kowhai, kahikatea, puriri, kauri, karaka, taraire and kohekohe to return the creek to its original vegetation. We have noticed a high number of rats and mice in our project area. This is natural for a stream area with lots of hiding places among the basalt rock. One of our objectives is to initiate a pest control programme to eliminate these pests. Surrounding homeowners should benefit from this action as well. We started laying rat baits from bait stations late last year but were advised that pets could eat the dead animals and be affected by the poison. Further discussion is required on how best to control rats/hedgehogs and ferrets in our project area. By reducing the number of animal pests we also give nesting birds a greater chance of survival. Further discussions with the nearby Auckland Zoo may help with this problem. We are very proud that we are making a difference in Auckland to help clean up our waterways.

Waka Tapu on historic voyage

Two waka hourua are making their way to Rapanui (Easter Island) on an historic voyage. The waka were guided out of Waitemata Harbour by an impressive flotilla including Royal New Zealand Navy vessels, waka tua (war canoes) and other waka hourua.

Media release Chris Tremain 17 AUGUST, 2012

Waka Tapu leaves on historic voyage Associate Minister of Tourism Chris Tremain says the departure of Waka Tapu this morning from Waitemata Harbour to Rapanui (Easter Island) was an historic moment for New Zealand. To follow the journeys progress, go to Read the full press release

Mt Tongariro eruption visit

Conservation Minister Kate Wilkinson and Taupo MP Louise Upston met with iwi, community, and tourism industry leaders at Tongariro National Park after the 6 August eruption of Mount Tongariro. They are pleased to report nearly half of the Tongariro Alpine Crossing has reopened, from Mangatepopo Valley to Red Crater. After their visit Minister Wilkinson said it was important to fully understand the science behind the eruption and appreciate the cultural and economic significance of the event.

Media release Hon Kate Wilkinson 15 AUGUST, 2012

Minister visits Mt Tongariro region community Conservation Minister Kate Wilkinson and Taupo MP Louise Upston have met with iwi, community and tourism industry leaders at Tongariro National Park today to discuss last weeks volcanic eruption. Read the full press release

Christchurch Central Recovery Plan showcases green, sustainable city

Christchurch Central MP Nicky Wagner has welcomed the launch of the Recovery Plan for the centre city and the opportunity to showcase green technology and a more sustainable city. The plan emphasises that greater Christchurch has an opportunity to build green, healthy and resilient buildings that have a lasting, positive legacy. It builds on Christchurchs existing Garden City identity, providing a greener, more attractive city. It also considers how to future-proof development through good building design and green technologies. Sustainable buildings are healthier places in which to live and work. They also save money by using resources more efficiently. Sustainable building goes beyond the Recovery Plan and builds on existing programmes such as Green Star building ratings. I am delighted with what I have seen. I believe Christchurch will be a better, stronger, more environmentally and people friendly city which is even more beautiful than before and I am proud to think the plan and its implementation are being watched by the rest of the world. The blueprint for Christchurchs centre city represents a major step forward for Christchurch Central and tremendous progress for Canterbury. Above all, it has delivered on a concept so many Cantabrians wanted to see a city in a garden. Details of the Christchurch Central Recovery Plan here Further details here


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Funded by the Parliamentary Service and authorised by Nicky Wagner MP, 103 Salisbury Street, Christchurch

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