Difetti VCR

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Marca Aim Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa

Model AR276 CX707 CX7KE FX2500 FX2800 FX3500 FX4300

Difetto Stops aft 10 mins No RF O/P Capstan attempts to run in reverse Won't rew - locks up & have to reset power when trying No display aft 12hrs - otherwise ok

Cura R443 6R8 hi res C259 next to RF modulator negative lead broken away Resolder connector CN601 and FG pulse pickup sensor on capstan motor board. Loose pin in brake/clutch ass'y Check C517 & D513 in psu

"Wait" in display when tape about to rewind all other functs ok Replacing lower drum cured it Won't accept tape, no front control, clock ok & will sw on/off & change chan via r/c Disconnected from mains for 2 days - when reconnected works ok again Enter any pin code 3 times when message"Pin code error protected" appears hold down CH DOWN on VCR & "7" on hset for 5 secs. "OK" then appears in display With VCR on in stop mode press & hold BOTH channel buttons. You can then alter or switch off RF output. Once set press standby to store. First disable the child lock by pressing the "lock" button on R/C, and only then press "Ch" and "7". press chan up and record on front of vcr for five seconds Item 403 cass housing load arm broken - replaced & straightened various bits of metal tape didn't fully lace as p roller seized at top of shaft due to hardened grease IC307 N10 cct prot o/c REPLACE LEADS TO BOTH CAPSTAN AND DRUM MOTORS C8 47 50v in psu Sub brake lever replaced REPLACE REEL BRAKE ASSY Stator motor M2003 Pt no S589510070 Mode sw Cass housing fault - slide lever item 429 broken CHECK D4509 ON TERMINAL PCB FOR S/C Replace tension band, lub capstan ICP501 315mA o/c C618 10 50v connected to pin 7 IC601 faulty Connector socket on mains trfmr dry joints mode sw Y/C PROCESSOR FAULTY

Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa AIWA Aiwa Aiwa AIWA Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa AIWA Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa AIWA

FX4800 FX7700 FX7700 GX800 HFVX2800 HVF125 HVF125 HVF3500 HVFX11K HVFX1500 HVFX1500 HVFX1500 HVFX1500 HVFX1500 HV-FX1500 HV-FX1500 HVFX1500K HVFX2500 HVFX2500 HVFX2500 HVFX2500

PIN code locked - to unlock RF Adj Unable to remove anti-theft protection by pressing "Ch-" and "7". Unlock code Cass mech jammed continous rewind No RF out INT MECHANICAL PROBLEMS Wow & poor sound Int chews tape LOSS OF CAPSTAN LOCK No drum Shut down during loading/eject - int Wont eject tapes BLANK RASTER ON E-E Wow on sound esp near end of tape No display - everything else ok Col in pback poor or missing Int cuts out in play etc or completely dead int rew & switches to st/by NEGATIVE PICTURE ON E-E, PLAYBACK OK

Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa AIWA Aiwa Aiwa AIWA

HVFX2500K HVFX2800 HVFX2800 HVFX2800 HVFX2800 HVFX2800 HVFX2800 HVFX2800 HVFX2800K HVFX2800K HVFX2800K HVFX2800K HVFX3500K

Capstan motor slows down & erratic tape counter Carriage tries to load without tape Chews/spools tape esp in rew/FF Head switching out Line at bottom of pic - head sw off No E-E sound tuner o/p OK OSD floats across screen & poor pback/e-e To adjust head switching Noise bar at bottom on pre-recs, jumps on own recs RECORD DISTORTED PRERECORDED TAPES OK RF o/p adjusting Tape not wound back into cassette on eject NO FF OR REW

C612 47 50v Loads OK when tape inserted - mode sw I tooth out Clutch gear S orT assembly (see exploded view) press auto track button 3 sec press play 4 sec To set up play back good rec, centre tracking by holding auto track button for > 2 secs then set sw point by holding play button for >3 secs Reset Eprom. To get into service mode, leave unplugged for a few hours then plug in with no aerial holding CH+ and FF buttons in for 3 seconds or more! IC4001 TA1232N 54 pin Y/C proc chip Play good tape press play for 4 secs or more After all the usual (guides, tension etc) checks done found that slight rotation of drum motor on top of heads cured fault REPLACE IC4001 Whilst in st/by hold the power button (on VCR) for a few secs. RF ** displayed. Alter with CH +/- buttons & go to st/by to store Mode switch REPLACE CLUTCH (ITEM 43) Link pin 3 [TRRST] and pin 4 [GND] of connector CN102 on the main PCB Insert the AC plug. Remove the link on CN102 When next powered the VCR should be security unprotected link pin 3 (TRRST) & pin 4 (GND) of connector CN102 on main pcb. apply power, remove link, when power is re-applied it should be security unprotected. Press and hold "Chan up" and the "Rec Otr" buttons on the vcr simultaneously for more than 7 secs, "Ok" is displayed on the tv and the protect mode is released D17 in PSU & over-ride pin code Pinch roller - make sure the moulding/spring are fitted back correctly Mode sw & small spring conns used to link various parts of mech together connect vcr to tv with scart lead, switch on, enter any incorrect pin code 3 times, the following message will appear on screen, "PIN CODE ERROR" PROTECTED, simultaneously press & hold CH DOWN on the front panel & 7 on the RCU for 5 secs, "OK" should then appear on the vcr display.


HVFX3800 HVFX3800K HVFX4800K HVFX5100 HVGX800 etc HVFX5100K HVFX5100K HVFX55



Protect mode removal

Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa

Protect mode removal Dead Recordings on some tapes have no control track pulses Various mech faults inc slow ffwd/rew, throws tape out behind p roller, int ejects tape when rew pressed


HVFX5500HV HVFX6500HV Protect mode removal

Aiwa Aiwa

HVFX710 HVFX7500 HVFX7500 HVFX8500 HVFX7500K HVFX7700 HVFX7700K

Protect mode removal RF output - sw on & off

I/P wrong Pin code 3 times, Press & hold "CH UP" & "REC/OTR" buttons on VCR for 7secs. Switch to stand-by the back on. With the video on and in stop mode press and hold BOTH channel buttons. You can then alter or switch off the RF output. Once set press standby to store. Press & hold "Chan Down" button on vcr for more than 5 secs, release "Chan Down" & within 1 sec press "7" button on rcu, message "Pin code Ok" will be displayed on tv. Enter security menu and ensure protect setting is set to off. Replace STRF6552 PSU chopper IC Replace in power supply C116, C119 , C115 , C151, C124 , C124 all high ESR Disable child lock first by pressing the "lock" button on R/C & then press "Ch -" and "7". Press & hold "Chan Down" on vcr > 5 secs, release & within 1 sec press "7" on rcu, message "Pin code Ok" will be displayed on tv. Enter security menu & ensure protect setting is set to off. CHANGE R732 FROM 33K TO 18K pressing ch up & rec on the front of the video for 5secs. Back tension arm oscillating - replacement cured it Take up sensor Check Q553 2SA1037 sm vid driver - goes s/c , overheats Loading motor faulty - can use Amstrad VX1000Y version No Known cure as of yet. Mode sw CP19 & 25 CP11 33 25v, CP19 1000 10v, CP21 47 50v, CP25 100 10v in psu REPLACE CP25 100MFD16V IN POWER SUPPLY CP25 100 10v in psu Drum ribbon cable pt no S8-065-130-110 Capstan ribbon cable pt no S8-065-130-120 Ribbon cable connections on underside of board int -mod ribbon cables available Mode sw faulty though may look perfect Enter incorrect pin 3 times - PIN ERROR PROTECTED will appear. Press & CH DOWN on set and 7 on r/c for 5 secs, ok will appear. R503 & R505 D517 5v rect SB340L Schottky diode - use 1N5822 in lieu

Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa

Protect mode removal Dead with no psu o/p No display & won't accept tape Anti theft prot removal

Aiwa AIWA Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa AIWA Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa


Security code disabling LOW AUDIO RECORD Unlock code Sound warbles on rec/pback Cuts out aft few secs in Play etc Poor video - sound ok Wont accept tape - display & e-e ok If video plus start time is more than 5 hrs from present time VCR will only record blue screen Slack tape on eject - int Dead Dead - all display symbols lit up prior to its demise DIM DISPLAY Dim Display No drum rotate/runs fast/unstable Won't accept or eject tape - tape accepted fast Wow &/or warble on sound Int fails to rewind Pin code unlock Dead Dead - no display

Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa


Pin code removal No sound playback or e-e, nothing inc no osd from scart Accepts tape but doesn't load - no FFwd/Rew & ejects tape aft few secs Timer can't be selected from menu & no Videoplus

1. Power on 2. Press both "CH/UP" key and "REC/OTR" key for more than 2 seconds. 3. "OK" will appear on the FL display. 10 v reg i.c. near front RH side of motherboard. No capstan motor rotation even tho' both the 12V and 5V supplies were present along with approx. 2.5V on the CTL terminal - capst motor faulty Left it unplugged for 10 days sorted it Enter any pin code 3 times when message"Pin code error protected" appears hold down CH DOWN on VCR & "7" on hset for 5 secs. "OK" then appears in display I/P wrong code 3 times, Press and hold the "CH UP" and "REC/OTR" buttons on the VCR for approx 7 secs sw to st/by then back on C107 10 50v C107/108 100 50v on main pcb near A/V I/Ps Capstan belt Turn set on. Press & hold vol down key on set & channel 7 key simultaneously for more than 2 secs Check pl/skt to erase head for intermittency Press and hold "Vol Down" on the set and the "7" key on the rcu for more than 5 secs. Protection will be released. Fitting replacement head drum pcb cured it - sus motopr drive chip JCM5045A Replace belts & damper on brake slider (SEME part VPAR6833). 2 hidden screws under control flap STK7348 psu chip & C88 0.0033pf 2kv 500khz resonator near A/V i/p skts IC502 REPLACE C523 ON TV PCB 100MFD ripple on AT5.6v line - C523 100 16v on tv chassis REPLACE C523 100MFD63V C117 47 50v Replace IC102 XL24C04 eprom from Aiwa - auto head sw now done in play mode press 'vol -' & 'ch5' on r/c to set tracking centre, then press 'vol -' & 'ch3' to set head sw Syscon IC - reel pulses into chip being attenuated by chip (should be 4.4v p-p)

Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa AIWA Aiwa AIWA Aiwa

HVGX930K HVGX950K NSX999 NSX999 VHFX10 VTX145T VXD1420 VXG140 etc VXT145 etc VXG142A VXT1000 VXT1000Mk2 VXT1000Mk2 VXT1010 VXT1400 VXT1410K VXT141K VXT1420

PIN code removal Pin code removal Dim display Display very dim Cass loading problems Pin lock removal No full erase Protect mode removal Laces up then head drum spins excessively fast Tape jammed/no rewind Dead No sound e-e TAPES ALWAYS REWIND WOW ON SOUND tracking bars, slow sound on pback POOR PICTURE,WOW ON SOUND, GRADUALLY CLEARING No col E-E or pback

Aiwa Aiwa

VXT1420 VXT1420K

Noise band in pback - can't be removed with tracking control Accepts cassette, spins both directions but will not load

AIWA Aiwa Aiwa Aiwa AIWA Aiwa Akai Akai Akai AKAI Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai

VXT1420K VXT1450K VXT1450K VXT147 VXT148 VXT2010K GS270 GV450 VCSG240 etc VS204G VS204G VS22 VS22 VS22 VS22 VS22/23EK VS23 VS23EK VS23EK VS240EK VS240EK VS25 VS25 VS25 VS25 VS35

DEAD Dead Int shut down & chewed tapes Loading motor insufficient torque NOT POWERING UP WITH LED FLASHING Dead with s/c across bridge rect No RF o/p Int loading & drum spins too fast "ERR2" shows aft mech function INT JERK ON PICTURE int momentary change in sound pitch & pic Dead FR2 0R47 o/c Hum bar on e-e No RF o/p Various faults Ripple hum and interference on pic weak deck operations or complete loss of functions hum on pback and jumps Transistor T15 in psu overheating dead no e-e or display Noise Bars on Pback Rew slips Dark horizontal lines across entire screen more noticeable in playback Dead FR2 0R47 o/c Lines on pic in e-e & pback when cold Loading very slow Poor pback pic - looks like heads

REPLACE R502 1M OHM IN POWER SUPPLY F90 o/c capst motor int causing it. Motor available from CPC pt no AWS6-003-030-600 Replace IC 504 (12V Reg.) and R534 (56ohm ). REPLACE R519 100K ON POWER BOARD STK73908 - expensive To reinstall tuner press 'chan' & 'stop' together. Display now shows'ant off'. Use chan buttons to switch to desired chan. PG pulse pin 1 IC7050 micro only 3v (5v) - Q7065 BC858B on underside of pcb Mode sw REPLACE CAPSTAN MOTOR capstan motor C4 47 25v C6 220 25v replaced modulator Replace all Electrolytics in PSU C6 220 25v, C60 1000 25v, C4 47 25v Tr15 2SB1010 leaky - replaced with TIP32 Tr15, 11, 12 on psu minus 33volt supply low - D19 33v zener & R22 2k2 Lower Drum Block Pt no BVV1123A410A Clutch ass'y C6 (220UF) C7 (100UF) both 10V in PSU Draws excess I - Tr12 2SD1292, Tr15 2SB1010 leaky -still draws excess I; by removing Tr15 no overloads & vcr operates ok - left out (reason for Tr10/Tr15?) C6 220 25v Motor 12v only 8v - Tr6 in psu s/c e-b - ok when replaced Lower drum wear - replaced BA6993 op amp faulty - Beware! The IC is marked wrong way rounf on pcb.To check, simply rotate the spool by hand and measure the voltage at the input pin (6 ) of the IC. It should go low/high low/high continously. Then check if the same is true at the output of the IC. In my case it was not, the voltage at the output was stuck to 5 Volts C446/447 120 10v 105deg

Akai Akai

VS35 VS422

winds/rewinds/plays tapes (with normal picture) for a few seconds or minutes and then stops ( and goes to stop mode ).The counter is OK No display

Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai

VS422 VS422 VS422 VS425 VS425 VS425 VS427 VS467 VS467 VS467 VS485 VS55 VS55 VS55 VS55 VS55 VS55 VS55 VS55 VS55 VS66 VS66 VS66

No display Poor rew esp near start Clock display dim or extinguished Hum bar on E-E, noisy capstan motor & stops in play Line travels down screen on pback Tape loops on eject No display No pic Wont stop at stations in search No capst rotate in play - ok in ff & rew Continues to unload tape aft it is unloaded E-E picture has noise bars Flashing, jumping & lines Flashing/jumps/lines Hor patterning No functs - display ok Reluctant to come out of stand-by if it does capstan is sluggish Will fail to play, record, FF RWD eject Before condemning capstan motor Pt No BM377604J check 9V supply Capstan motor stops / quivers Damages top edge of tape

Tfmr L404 o/c - rewound it (86-89 turns) Wear on review brake spigot (item 4) Fit Mod kit ( BX744015J ) L404 may also be o/c C2 2200 25v in psu head sw point wandering - SX2777S servo chip Mode sw & replace capstan belt C447 47uF 6.3V located under the screening can on the front part of the main PCB. check if the "Monitor Select Switch" on the front panel is set to "VCR". C8 22uF 16V inside IF can (was high in ESR) and resoldered all suspicious joints D206 by skt WP201 on main pcb Check cass housing timing Replace C15 (220uF) check others as well C6 100 25v C6 100 25v C10 22 50v Mode sw Replace C15 (220uF) check others as well Replace C15 (220uF) check others as well Check FR2 TR1 in PSU and TR101 on Main PCB All psu o/ps unstable - C15 Raise height of 1/2 load arm by 1/2 a turn Replace D1 - D4 full wave rectifier on PSU pcb Replace D1 - D4 full wave rectifier on PSU pcb Capst motor 2 x 2200 caps in psu Mode sw Pinch roller ass'y

VS765 VS767 Intermittently stop in play or Picture search VS765 VS767 VS765EK VS765EK VS765EK VS765EK VS967 Will not accept tape and display flashes as tape is inserted Chews tape on eject Dead - comes on aft 20 mins No play, FFWD or REW Ticking in rec/play

Capstan motor works in Fast Fwd And Rewind But not in play Fusible resistor FR4 o/c

Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai AKAI


No display or tuner - plays tape No pback - no head drum - prev had patterning Dead Hi Fi recs noisy on rh chan when played back on another machine No display Stops int in rec/play Poor rew - stops b4 reaching end Slow or stops in play Pback speed increases with cutting out in play/eject No rew/ffwd - ok in cue/review shuts down in cue or review & int in Fast Fwd & REW Child lock unsetting Int functs/won't accept tape Millenium Bug when setting clock Turns off between modes No display , no go FR4 0R72 oc Goes to st/by when tape inserted Dead with working psu Four bars dispayed but won't sw on Noise bars over pic Unstable Pback pic No pic pback - sound ok ERR3' & no mechs apart from accept/eject Err3' displayed & sw off aft cassette inserted No capstan ERROR 1 shows & no operation - means s/c across AL supply Dead aft lightening DRUM SPEED OFF AND NO DISPLAY OR FUNCTIONS

40v & -35v supplies low at connector P1 oins 11 & 40. C24 22, C25 1 & C26 47 faulty C19 220 16v in psu (under heat sink) TH1 2R2 therm overheating due to faulty C24 22 50v. 40v supply low at 20v due to L6 1.5mH shorted turns Hi Fi FM envelope recordings low due to lum rec current being set too hi and partially erasing sound 20v supply low, check replace caps in psu Reel sensor Review brake arm - brake slider had broken off Capst motor sus Dry Joints on TR8,TR9,TR10 in power supply. (mounted on Heatsink at rear of video deck). Capst & drive heard working - mode sw faulty C3 2200 35v in psu Hold power button for approx 15 secs Mode sw Set clock to 1968 to get date & date to correspond Mode sw Check D5 and D10 No drum - drive chip Check Tr408 2SD1292 on main pcb. If s/c check FB498 4R7 & replace C446/7 56 16v. Remove glue near C446/7. Also check FR221 120R near IF module Tr408 near back up cap on bottom pcb dry jioints, R425 0R47 o/c C7 1000 16v in psu FM wform ok - CCD delay line IC401 faulty check 5v at IC201 - if low D204 leaky or s/c. Mod inc improved diode & 750R series reistor ERR3 = No drum - FR402 0R2 fusible o/c FR402 0.24R fusible o/c - used 0.22R as replacement Dry joints on P403 capstan plug on main pcb Not this time - D201 on main pcb s/c & FR201 fusible o/c & dry joints TR202 2SD3132 s/c, PH201 opto, IC201 TA676431S leaky, D215 20v prot diode s/c REPLACE C222/226 IN POWER SUPPLY 470 25v

Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai

VSG240 VSG240EK VSG240EK VSG245 VSG245 VSG24EK VSG270 VSG270 VSG270/470 VSG270EK VSG271 VSG271 VSG280 VSG295 VSG295 VSG295 VSG295 etc

Flashes ERR2 in display when r/w selected "Error" displayed when in Ffwd/Rew Dead - no display int fail to play aft coming out of st/by with tape laced up & error "3" in display Parts of sound/pic missing in pback with "E03" Wont accept tape Shuts down when going from Ffwd to play Won't accept tape housing is 'floppy' Jammed carriage RF mod won't sw on pushing "Chan" & "Stop" until "Ant Off" shows int stop in play & rec - int no take up Won't accept tape Poor take up - rew ok Cuts out int in LP Rec mode Error 2 displayed Rec pics int snowy Stops aft 1hr in LP record

Mode switch Mode sw cleaned R204 270k in psu o/c drum wear causing tape to be thrown out slightly - drum assy replaced Mode switch When inserted manually works ok apart from not stopping at tape end - D2 take up end sensor faulty Supply spool brake not engaging - dirty mode sw right hand loading arm faulty Replace loading block pt no BL-43356LN7 (mod'd part) Suspect main micro making repair unviable low take up torque - replace reel drive clutch Dry joints lighthouse led D402 Take up brake felt pad hardened & dirty - clean up or replace Fit TR413 & 414 DTC144TK, R520 &521 47k, C505 & 506 10nf & remove links JS401 & 402 Replace load arm CHS pt no 35014MT Dry joints C609 10 50v in TU +B supply Mod - pt no from CHS 99002332 (SM comps) Usually caused by RH loading block BL-433561N4 but in this case a pin on loading slide had broken (should engage with spring on loading block) - pt no ML-433567N1 Mode sw ERR1 MEANS POWER FAULT ERR2 MEANS MECHANICAL 7809 on mother board near psu connector

Akai Akai AKAI Akai


Cassette housing askew & jammed Won't accept tape & 'error2' displayed ERR1 AND ERR2 No sound/pic in E-E & sound only in Pback Tape jammed in , locked in one mode , no display or display slow to appear , display flashes slowly , head rotates very fast or all of above ( randomly !! ). Int shows error 2 loads & plays only with cover removed Chews tapes - no FF/RW or Play Int Ffwd & Rew Int stopping & sw off No e-e sound - pback ok Shuts down in e-e mode every 10mins

Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai

VSG425EK VSG445EK VSG470 VSG735EKN VSG745 VSG745 VSG745 VSG745

X401 dry jointed or one leg broken away from PCB . Mode sw dirty Lighthouse led dry jointed due to a knock by a backwards cassette FR402 0R1 o/c - supply to capst motor but motor faulty mode sw Dry joints con L203 in psu sect of main pcb Xtal X1 dry jointed on Nicam pcb In 2nd level of menu - was set to "auto off"

Akai Akai Akai AKAI Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai Akai

VSG745 VSG745E VSG745EK VSG745EK VSG770 VSG770 VSG781EK VSG796 VSG815 VSG815 VSG878 VSJ217 VSJ411 VSJ717 VSJ717 VSJ719

Slack tape on eject Wont accept tape - display & e-e ok Dead with fading squeal from psu at sw on LOSES DISPLAY AND FUNCTIONS INTERMITTANTLY Blips on playback - int Error 1' int appears & shuts down Won't accept cassette Err 3 displayed - no drum rotation cassette jams Int chews tapes in timer mode Dead No rewind & slack tape on eject Tape stuck in machine with Pwr LED flashing FFwd & Rew slow - other functs ok No sound e-e or pback No playback - all other functs ok

mode sw Check mode sw & arm loading block for bent/broken D216 badly dry jointed, C221 swollen & D215 20v zener BZV55-C20 S/C. POSSIBLE DRY JOINTS ON TR201 ON MAIN PCB Drum earthing brush - under drum pcb sw tr Tr215 leaky, also check D236 & 237 zeners Mode sw dirty Due to crack in print near main board conn to drum motor no brake release - Lever M lost its location req replacement Mode switch Tr1 in psu s/c also check D1-4, R2, R3 & Tr2 Clutch ass'y broken C116 1000u 16v in psu Clutch had fallen apart IC801 TDA9605 Check childlock Check if take up loading arm is jammed against slide plate (must remove deck & quadrant gear ass'y first). Can be released and then reassemble deck taking care with timing C4 120 under metal can Q101 on rear panel overheating. Caused by C011 on power supply 330mfd 16v . ( its in the small can ) Volts to load motor low - D702 in psu o/c (behind syscon chip) 6v rail low at 4.5v - C801 2200 16v in psu C301/302/303 in psu post capstan tape guide operating pin bent & detached from track in cam LA7376 FM amp chip in head pre - amp can int Mode switch, idler bent or idler spring remove by hand & check mode sw Capstan motor C501 dry jointed Reset by s/c "reset" pin to chassis on main pcb C6031 10 near reel sensor reset by dis'ing cap 'battery' then reconnect Hset appears ok on tester but nevertheless worked ok when all connections resoldered

Akai Akai Akura Akura Akura Akura Akura Akura Alba Alba Alba Alba Alba Alba Alba Alba

VST719EK VSX470EGN VX100 VX110 VX150 VX150 VX150 VX160 VCP3000 VCR2222 VCR6200 VCR7000 VCR7130 VCR7200 VCR7200 VCR7340T

Tape accepted goes down then is ejected Poor e-e & playback pictures very scratchy. Power supply getting very hot . Blank raster on pback & e-e Wont accept tape - will eject if loaded manually Dead - no display Hum bar e-e mechs jammed Int Pback FM Chews tapes Tape jammed Runs too fast in Play; all other functs ok Tuning drift Display shows "YCEO" & "E6" instead of Chan No. Drum speed too fast & switches off flashing '3' only No R/C operation



Chews tape on eject & other odd mech faults Loads tape around head as normal then unloads & sw off worst when cold but int Unlocked pic - tracking errors works perfectly with some tapes, but with others recorded sound is very low. Deck stops after a couple of secs E-E pic very poor No take up Top Deck inop & display only partly lit Tape guides wont adj for playing pre-recs 2 white horiz lines on pback No pback col Reverts to st/by aft few secs No FF or Rew Dead - 1.6A fuse o/c Ejects cassette OK in service mode If sensors covered then tape winds slowly forward then ejects Int ffwd/rew with noise from idler ass'y No end stop or auto rewind Poor pback pic Poor Rew/Take up Stops aft 10 sec in any mode Tape counter reads excessively When tape inserted counter goes berserk Accepts a tape then shuts down with no display - eventually works - display always dim no rec sound - pback sound ok Dead No display - all functs ok Dead No capstan No e-e, no display, pback ok No mechs - funct shows in display Off aft 2 secs

Mode sw (Akai deck) Drum flip flop pulse at pin 3 IC101 (head preamp) missing when faulty. Volts supply to chip only 4.2v at pin 1(4.8v) Caps in psu C801 2200 16v, C301/303 100 50v all hi esr ok when replaced Check ribbon cable from tracking control to main pcb for dry joints solder all connections on Audio / Control head assy Reel sensor Comes as Pt No 250827 Check/replace caps in IF can felt pad on soft damper dropped off causing reel to stick - fit another pad IC501 Sus warped deck - scrap deck used as a peplacement 10 16v on head drum motor check wform at test point 9. If not present IC1 AN3331K in head amp could be faulty loading motor plug on housing loose M - lever holder assembly under main cam CPC - AM255034 Q1002 2SC4517 s/c, Q1001 2SC4204 o/c. OK aft replacement Ic6001 leaky pin 46 to chassis Check loading belt small pluggable pcb in "SERV" instead of "NORM" posn Dry joints on edge connector from head on main pcb Replace FFwd/Rew idler and change arm (U shaped lever) dry joint reel lamp assy Hidden clip in capstan motor taking reel pulses was bad connections TU reel path to edge conn hi res spring clip connectors Replace caps in DC-DC converter can Pin 21 IC201 audio lost even tho pin 24 correct H signal - chip faulty 1.6A fuse o/c R662 27R in psu o/c (12v feed) IC603 78M05A or IC651 78L05A R402 3R3 R602 1k2 o/c R529 3R3 o/c Q651 2SB892

Alba Alba Amstrad Amstrad Amstrad Amstrad Amstrad Amstrad Amstrad Amstrad Amstrad Amstrad Amstrad Amstrad Amstrad Amstrad Amstrad Amstrad Amstrad Amstrad Amstrad Amstrad Amstrad Amstrad Amstrad Amstrad Amstrad Amstrad Amstrad Amstrad

VCR7900 VTV10 4600 DD8900 DD8900 DD8900 DD8900 DD9900 TVR3 TVR3 TVR3 UF20 UF30 UF40 UF40 UF40 UF40 UF40 UF40 VCR300 VCR300 VCR400 VCR400F VCR4500 VCR4500 VCR4600 II VCR4600 II VCR4600 II VCR4600 II VCR4600 II

Amstrad Amstrad Amstrad Amstrad Amstrad Amstrad Amstrad Amstrad Amstrad Amstrad Amstrad Amstrad Awai B&O B&O B&O B&O Baird Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush

VCR4600 II

Tape stuck no eject

cass load motor IC302 BA718 OC ok on own recs - check reel belt hasn't wedged under capst belt psu o/ps correct, volts around main micro low. IC651 5v reg o/p low - faulty Mode sw - difficult to get at Sus hash on volts lines - replaced C501,502, 503, 504 100 50v; C509, 513, 507 220 10v dry capstan bearings 1.Rubber pad item 41 which brake plate pushes against worn 2. File trigger lever or replace Mode belt slipping - replace The small unload motor was faulty (not present on basic models) D09 s/c was the cause R709 47k o/c mode sw Capstan motor drive chip caused by black gunge - replace chip which is cheap Due to machine int powering down due to dry joints psu Dry joints at head amp connections in drum ass'y sm caps on capstan motor C446/447 56 16v R24 1R in video sect psu 5v supply on vcr pcb low - IC661 KIA7805 12v supply to capstan motor low. C806 47 16v C803 100 50v Caused by mechs mistimed R506 220k o/c start up 22 res cap in psu Mode sw C410 47 16v in bias osc stage IC501 PQ30RV21 = part no 10GA9RV210. It's the regulator for the AT14V rail (i/p on pin 1 o/p on pin 3)

VCR4600 Mk1 SLOW CAPSTAN VCR6000 Capst speed fast in play VCR6000 dead Guide poles only move small amount between play & stop VCR6000 which damages tape on eject Int goes into pause, external etc & reqs several attempts to VCR6000 carry out commands VCR6000 No play - shuts down aft few secs VCR6000 VCR6000 VCR6100 VCR9500 FX11 4500/5000 V6000 turbo VX7000 4539 142L BTV10 BTV14 VCR1767 VCR3402 VCR805 VCR807 VCR809 VCR810P VCR8150 VCR815VP No rew/ffwd Tape int jams - touching loading gears frees it Int wont eject & 1/2 load arm left in unload posn PSU blow up Tuning over whole range not possible Int accept / eject tape Int faults such as tape stuck, runs too fast & int control faults Int chews tapes Int poor pback pics noisy sound with dropout No display No sound/pic in rec or play Dead apart from 'plopping' noise slow to load, play ff, rw or eject Hum bar on E-E & gain low Won't accept tape unless led beam interrupted & then straight away ejects Dead No col Pback - hum on sound ERR2 displayed - means mech jammed Int full erase leaving prev soundtrack & flicker on pic Dead? - not sure

Bush Bush Bush Bush


Adj RF mod Tuning mode access Functions int - jams in eject No col Pback - ok in e-e

From standby---press and hold on/standby button on front of VCR. After about 5 seconds the RF channel will be shown---which you can adjust with the CH+ or CHbuttons--switch off to set. Press power & Play button on vcr together Clean mode sw contacts C019, 47016v on outside edge of board close to sw mode tx To disable this, switch the set into standby and power on, keeping the power button pressed on the remote for about 5 secs!This should enable normal functions C018 330u 16v in psu sec replaced the following; Q503 chopper output (2SC3752) S/C; Q501 chopper driver (2SD734) O/C; D502 leaky (fitted 1N4148); R507 1R8 1W O/C R510, R511 330k 1/2w, if fuse blackened check bridge rect & R507 1R8 1w. If R507 o/c replace Q503-2SC3752M, Q501-2SC2120, Q504-LTV 817M-V8, IC 501-KIA 431L. If after replacing these the set is still dead,check D502/D508 (ISS 133) C4069 sm off pin 20 of IC 401. P con 5V rail was low, replace Q506 (KTA 1273Y) hold the "VCR on" button in on the machine (not the hanset) until chanel 36 appears in the display. Change to req freq. 1 cap in psu pri X501 16Mhx Xtal faulty Mode sw/loading belt STR5707 & R817 0R33 & C835 2n2? C53 1 100v C63 22 50v inside psu can held in place by a triangular plate and only one screw adding another small screw to the tack-up side of the plate provided a permanent cure Check loading belt BA7790LS IC201 had i/p at pin 16 but no o/p at pin 21 - chip u/s C53 1 100v in Sony SOPS PSU can C53? 1 100v on pri psu Q815 2SC3205 o/c in front of psu can - check other tr & caps in psu C23 470 10v in 6v supply

Bush Bush Bush

VCR880NVP "PL" in display & no functs - Parental Lock is set VCR890PDC/ U19 Dead - no display or functs VCR902 Dead

Bush Bush Bush Bush Crown Crown Crown Daewoo Daewoo

VCR902 VCR902 VCR905 Videoplus CRV97 CRV97 CV93V CP420 DVF242P

Dead with strange sw mode power transformer osc No playback pic, sound & e-e ok Won't load with cass in display perm lit Modulator setting Dead aft thunderstorm & Power cut Drum runs slow/hunts & poor ffwd/rew Int eject Dead Dead

Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo

DVF24P DVF502 DVF522 DVF522P DVF522P DVF932 DVF932P

Load gears out of time - slip out again when reset Int deck shutdown no e-e sound Dead Dead St/by only - "PWR" flashes when attempt to turn on Int ejects tape as soon as inserted, no E-E & display incomplete

Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo

DVF932P DVK229P Q252P DVK884D DVK985P DVK985P DVK985P DVK985P DV-K985P DVK985PI DVK985PI DVR7372 DVR7372P DVR7372P DVR7372P DVR7372P DVT1428P DVT1482P DVT1485P DVT2082P GB147FT1 CP420 GB21F1T2 GB2898ST GB5582TXT P24F V200 V200 V200 V200 V200

Shuts down when cassette inserted or function selected Accepts a tape, mechs moves then "err" in display Dead - psu overheats dead but power supply pulsing no capstan No r/c & tape damage on eject - display dims Won't accept tape unless done by hand No sigs aft power cut (osg search present) Dead Int various inc patterning, int shut down & servo faults Mechs jams Dirty heads symptom - & slurred sound Int won't eject tape plays in LP mode regardless Won't operate or eject if left overnight Chews tape - drum int start up when tape inserted Goes to st/by when play selected Int tape looping on eject Tracking slow to lock Col drops out briefly every few secs on its own recs - ok on pre-recs Col break up on rec - ok on pback St/by only Dead Poor rew aft replacing load belt & resetting timing dead Dead Dead No display - the -24v supply missing No e-e - unable to tune tv to vcr

6v line from psu slightly low - 470 16v decoupler Mode switch Replace C13/21/23/24/25/26 D820 across output of 12.4v line s/c as faulty elects capacitors in the can had allowed o/p voltages to increase. check D504 s/c, dry joints capst motor conn & IC502 C23 1000 16v in psu Once loaded all functs ok until unloading - master cam had rough grooves underneath C23 1000 10v in psu C23 1000 in psu but still faulty after replacement - C823, C816, C825 & C826 also faulty 1000 16v on psu sec also elects in psu pri Broken plastic wall on underside main drive cam - item 6-7 Pinch roller no fully contacting - mode sw Idler gear on rh side of housing faulty but had to replace cpt housing as part not availble on its own IC502 CTL pulse amp chip Capst belt slipping Clean mode sw, resolder conns to drum motor & bend cass holder base up to prevent it catching on idler Strip & clean mode sw Dirty mode sw under loading block R817 1R 2W gone high (it is located on the TV section board in +14V supply) remove diode DY01 which is connected to pin 65 of the big SMD chip IY01 LA71511M. (Switching between PAL & MESECAM remove DY01 - vcr is going into secam mode (deawoo technical) C815 1000 25v o/c No o/p from IN01 7806 reg - faulty Check front locating lugs on carriage are at rt angles & not slightly bent replace caps in psu can (Sony Manufacture) 1 100v cap on psu pri & 2 x 22 63v on sec C53 1 100v in Sony psu can R62 18R 1/4w o/c No 12v supply - D654 13v zener leaky

Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo

V21 V21 V21 V215 V215 V22 V2235 V225

Accepts tape but ejects when play attempted No drum rotation no RF, capstan or drum Accepts tape then shuts down No erase of previous soundtrack No mech functs - no/poor capstan Rewind noisy & snatchy dead Int. will only play for 10sec (with no picture only black screen) no E-E no blue mute , loads , ejects , Rew & FF ok. Dead - no psu details in serv man Dead - usually after mains interruption Int Ffwd/Rew No pback col - rec col ok Int no mechs or outputs - clock ok Col int or absent in Record Cuts out when cassette inserted with no display & various int faults Dead - no display int col in rec - OK in e-e & pback int lace up - loads then shuts down No display or long time to illuminate Pback pic all lines & no col Dead Dead Int reverts to st/by No display wont accept tape wont accept tape Erratic functs & ejects with slack tape No start up Off No Functions No Display Tape loops on eject & tries to reload Tuning drift Noise bars on Pback

No e-e or test sig - C869 10n s/c connected to b Q863 (AT 5.8v) Lower drum ass'y replaced Q861 o/c replace C869 10n( was reading 3k). Q201 osc s/c, R200 burnt & replace C204 DJs on Q853, replace C852/3/4/6/9 all 47uf 25V and C851 47uf 50V worn brake pad on take up side C53 1100v (chopper tr base coupling cap)

Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo

V225 V235 V235 V235 V31 V325 V435 V435 V435 V435 V435 V435 V435 V50 V50 V50 V50 V50 V50 V60 V60 V60 V60 V60 VQ250PF

Q856 (Sw 5v regulator) dry jointed If PSU module is Sony check C35 1 100v on pri side C53 1 100v or R51/52 390k Main rotary cam gear SEME pt no VDC7448 C409 0022 sm cap leaky Dry joint Q856 - on/off 5v sw line C402 0022 sm at pin 15 IC301 C822 330 10v change to 1000 10v C822 330 10v, C824 100 10v C402 0.022 record chroma signal coupling cap C822 33 in psu C822 330 10v in psu - replace with 1000 Xtal X402 in vid cct C53 1 100v on psu sub pcb C53 1 100v, C66 33 6.3v, C63 & C65 22 50v in psu & check for dry joints in psu Dry joints psu C66 33 6v3, C63 & C65 22 50v on daughter board out of alignment due to dirty mode sw D62 14v rect o/c - provides supply for loading chip IC602 Check mode sw & load belt C53 1 - R51 & 52 390k hi res 1uF 100V psu pri; 2 off 22uF 50Vcaps in psu sec Mode sw D851 KA33V (must use correct type) Pinch roller

Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson

3V30 3V31 3V31 3V32 3V32 3V35 3V35 3V35

Head drum runs at full speed backwards Int playback, record, & E-E colour white horiz flecks in pback Poor recs - produces dashes - ok on other m/c St/by only Head runs backwards extremely fast No PB colour .

Check plug & Socket connections to the MDA (Motor Drive Amplifier) panel and print continuity itself around Q216 (transistor runs quite hot) Crystal X401 4.43Mhz Dry joint loose video head rotary transformer - can be glued back with care Rotary tfmr upper winding parted from ferrite former - refit with superglue in lower drum ass'y Q22 on mecha board s/c D408 5v1 zener sc R437 ( 22k preset ) OC ( set VXO ) .

TIMER WON'T SET UP TIMER LIGHT ALWAYS FLASHING D10 OC MAKING PIN 21 OF MICRO RISE FROM 4.8v TO 8.5v Check whether the supply spool rotates for a few secs if it does check CP1 for O/C if ok check voltage at pin 37 IC201: this should be in low state without tape inserted: if it is not in low state check up/down detector switches CP1 on bottom pcb o/c (middle rear of m/c) D428 (IN4148) leaky TU FG pulses low at pin 41 of IC202 its on a sub board BP301 filter poor internal contacts Q2 2SC124 bias osc o/c - used BC547 in lieu also check conns to erase head Q1 on deck terminal board (TU reel tach amp) Check Fuse 2 2A o/c check 12v to loading cam optos. If absent check prot F10 at rear centre of top pcb C24, 25, 35 in primary of psu Q604 going o/c Int C405 dry joint (by IC401) C15 22 50v on small audio pcb STK5481 chip Display driver IC STK5481 chip RW002 1R 1w safety res on deck pcb - also check fuse link FW003 (behind on/off sw near white ribbon conn) RW002 1R fusible next to multiway cable o/c RW002 1R safety res on VCR PCB o/c THIS IS NORMAL ON THIS MODEL CONTRARY TO INSTRUCTION BOOK IS001 switching IC BA7795LS. located under tape mech CHECK FP90 IN POWER SUPPLY HRS*ICFN25 C2 & C3 in modulator

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3V36 3V39 3V43 3V44 3V44 3V53 3V55

Will not accept cassette No mech functions Fails to read reel tacho pulses Loss of colour No erasure of prev rec sound Tape slows down too much before end of tape in Rew No display & perm rewind with hum bar e-e confused micro - no mech control perm or int dead Frequent tape damage No capst lock in Pback low dist e-e sound Dead - no display Display has too many segments lit No E-E, plays for a few secs then unloads Switches off aft 10 secs with tape jammed St/by aft 2 secs Won't accept tape - ok if loaded manually BLUE MUTE ON TRICK FUNCTIONS No sound on rec - otherwise ok STUCK IN STANDBY TAPE JAMMED Sound low & dist in E-E & Pback

3V56 3V56 3V57 3V57 3V59 3V65 3V65 3V65 C3615U Ferguson Combi Ferguson C3615UT Ferguson C3615UT FERGUSON F14VB12A Ferguson F14VB12A FERGUSON F14VB12A Ferguson FV10

Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson

FV100 FV105 FV10B FV10B FV10B FV10B FV11 FV11 FV11 FV11 FV11 FV11 FV11 FV11 FV11

Noise bars on pic & whirr on sound in play cassette housing failure Dead - int blows mains fuse Dead - no display Jerky capstan int on play & Rec Wont accept tape - no drum -shows "cass in" symbol Display pulses rapidly Drum runs slow E -E ok Playback Sound ok but no picture just blank raster No capstan lock No chan memorise when switched off No mechs No reel motor op Patterning - Herringbone on Pback - e-e ok Patterning in playback esp when heated

Pinch roller had come apart & catching on housing cam follower peg snapped off (under mode motor gear ass'y) Pt No Lever Cam 70363446A Resolder dry joints on IC801 R1 10R 1/2w in psu o/c Capstan motor faulty STK5481 chip C1 100 63v; C5 47 63v (on main psu); C6/9/11 10 25v all esr >100 replace IC VC2023A E -E 5V line always 5V Q503 DTC144W U/S C24/25 47 25v Back up battery on front panel No 5 or 12v o/p from STK5481 - chip u/s Q605 2SC2560 C9 10 50v on Tuner/IF pcb (decouples 5v supply) OK with the bottom removed! - IC1 5v reg near tuner Replaced following hi esr caps:- C1 100 63v, C5 47 63v (both on tfmr pcb); C12 100 16v, C13 47 16c, C11 10 25v, C14 100 16v, C10 47 25v. C6 10 50v, C9 10 50v C24 & C25 47 25v on servo pcb R4 ( 220ohm ) O/C Varta 2.4v battery on front pcb 5v reg faulty STK5481 chip Mode sw earth screw loose Change 7 electrolytics near IC101- C123, C124, C130,C133, C134, C135, C137. IC604 M54644BL drive chip BPF302 filter o/c - vid feed to dec chip Dry joints pin 6 IC601 on mecha board - brown glue nearby Caused by brown gunge on FMA board Right hand IR sensor o/c syscon micro faulty - expensive! - robbed from scrap machine Loading belt slipping - replaced RH DECK END SENSOR OC DP056 BAV20 s/c in psu

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FV11R FV11R FV11R FV11R FV11R FV11R FV11R FV12 FV12L FV12L FV14 FV14T FV20 FV20 FV20 FV20 FV200LV

Display flickers No capstan lock No diplay - ok otherwise No tuning memory Poor pback - looks like worn heads Powers up but no pback Won't accept tape - screeching noise E-E/Pback jumping & dist Laces up then stops - no capstan records in B & W only Int stops with no capstan or drum op No sound e-e or pback on hifi sound posn Fails to load cassette Jammed tape & screeching mechs Loading motor screams at sw on & sw off WON'T LOAD TAPES Dead after storm



Head drum jerks instead of rotating - int

Tach det GT001 dry joints After entering eeprom code several times eeprom replaced and new code 7709-0119200109-3400 was enetered after holding down + & - keys on vcr whilst applying mains CP008 100 25v in psu MSP3410 (IN001) on the Terminal board. This IC is over 50 This model does not have a modulator! CP07 & CP08 Normal on this model - no modulator STK5481 chip STK5481 chip loose conns carriage motor Replace ACE head (even tho PB sound ok) Take up main brake worn, replaced & brake sub ass'y Replace C3 (4,700uF 16V) in power supply. Its ESR had risen from 0.2 to 15. Dry joins sm caps on daughter pcb near scart C20/23 10 16v on head amp pcb Lock lever (Item 63A) stuck Gooey substance on idler - possibly from tension band Leaf springs on top that tension cassette weak - retensioned Fit Modified audio lead Pt No 10265000 End sensor pull up resistor dry joint Reel sensors Cam lever K470 (4000 series chassis) Reel sensors on main board Circuit Ref GT003 GT004. Part no 10137670. CP010 47 385v in psu o/c RP027 5k6 hi res in psu pri Check opto coupler & mode sw Check RK44 ( 1ohm ) on timer display board T501 BC337-40 bias osc u/s, replacement got hot - C506 33n faulty (measured ok)

Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson

FV205 FV205 FV205 FV205 FV205HV FV207 FV20B FV21R FV21R FV22L FV22L

Clock keeps getting corrupted Dead aft power cut No E-E sound No modulator o/p Dead No RF Output Int dead No e-e, play - cass in lamp perm lit Won't accept cassette - if loaded manually plays ok No rec sound - pback & e-e sound normal Slack tape on eject Hum on E-E and playback. Picture and sound on playback obliterated by black and white hum bars. Int black raster on e-e & pback - sound ok Int col on pback & int col striations No FFwd or Rew No R/W, Ffwd, Take up & leaves loop of tape on eject Wont accept tape - jams 1/2 way in Buzz on sound disappears when top panel raised Winds tape to end & won't accept keyboard commands when sw on Int stopping & sw off Not accepting tapes Sw to st/by in rec int Wow on sound & random mistraking with noises from psu Poor pic search, int shuts down in load/unload or complete shut down Int off - tape remains laced Completely dead No clock display Check on/off monitor No erase

Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson

FV26D FV26D FV26D FV26D FV26D FV26D FV30 FV301 FV305HV FV305HV FV305HV FV305HV FV305V FV30B FV31R FV31R

Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson

FV31R FV31R FV32B FV32B FV32L FV32L FV32L FV33 FV33H FV37H FV37H FV37H FV39S FV40 series FV40 series FV401 FV401

No rec sound Wow on sound - supply reel brake not releasing fully No play & stops in ffwd/Rew aft 3 secs - loads 1/4 way then sw off Random segments lit in display No display Partially loads then cuts out - pressing play again will cause it to partially unload Various inc clock needs resetting Dead Dead Pback sound low - Hi-fi meters not working Squeal in Play Tuning mode can be set , channel No's appear correctly but channels could not be tuned in . No operation Mechs jammed - out of alighnment Poor pback pic/tracking & bottom 1/2 snow only Dist sound on rec - pback ok Service mode entering

TS01 BC337 - 40 and CS 02 10 nF Arm toothed rack (item 40) jumps out of sync with load motor gear. Repositioned with aid of hot air gun No drum pulses at TP BK02 (next to ) - C6 47 on drum motor pcb faulty front micro faulty DP50 s/c near front rh corner of main pcb Missing pg pulses from head motor coupled by 33 sm caps faulty Check back up battery C14 in PSU IC1 STR10006 s/c, D25 39v zener s/c & check R9 Cct Prot L2 on hi-fi pcb Slant pole loose - fix with Loctite Q2 O/C runs very hot CP2 o/c - caused by faulty capstan motor When realigned no rew or rev search - locking washer missing off sliding part of mechs Lower drum wear - replaced 6Mhz Xtal unstable hold - prog + - keys and apply power; eeprom values - 25 01 89 00 B1 91 03 12 Plug in aerial and scart lead, switch machine on. Press & hold the menu button, you will see please wait flash on the TV screen, and the VCR hunts for a spare frequency & sets itself on that. Once it has settled, if you wish, you can change the frequency using the + and - buttons. Resolder joints on TU Reel sensor (looked ok) Replace 180k resistors between pin 8 chopper trfmr & CP011, RP04-9 & 2 x ZPD10 10v zeners in series with PD020 & DP044 Replace cam casting Replace LH spool carrier Loading IC IT002 s/c pins 6 & 7 Traced to broken pip on CAM LEVER CASTING part No 70031477 (Wiltsgrove order code SPV-7005) 3.98 + VAT U2559B IC

Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson

FV405 FV405 FV405HV FV405HV FV405HV FV405HV FV405HV FV41

Adj RF modulator Int stops in Play Dead with BUZ91 chopper tr overheating No eject No or noisy rew - jerky Tape stuck - mech keeps shutting down Will not accept or eject cassette No deck functs or clock

Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson

FV41R FV41R FV42L FV42L FV43 FV43H FV44 FV44L FV44L FV46T FV46T FV46T FV50 FV506V V1374UR FV51R FV61 FV61 FV61 FV61 FV61 FV61 FV61

No functs or motor 12v from psu Severe pulling on e-e & no pback pic No op, display or mechs Snowy picture on E-E and playback. Loading pole adrift Goes to st/by in FFWD/REW - ok in other functs To remove childlock Capstan runs too fast Display very dim Int jams during pback, search etc Tape In ind on when no tape in Timing out - resetting causes loading arms to jam No r/c functs

Vcc for IT01 low at 4.4v (5v) - replace IT46 U2559B & IT01 MC6801U4 or ZC93190P Video ok at pin 27 BA7258AS vid proc chip but nothing at pin 24. FN54 low pass filter SEL4230 u/s TT64 BD435 & TT71 BD676 dry joints in servo sect of servo/sigs panel TW41,[BC327-40] O/C Brass collar had dropped off underneath - possible to refit RP83 (120ohms) in the capstan motor control circuit. Hold 'power' button for a few secs Motor faulty - no FG pulses from it Replace C28 120 6.3v, C29 100 6.3v in + & - 3.8v supply Mode sw Mode sw Tooth broken on TU/Supply arm ass'y U2505 chip on timer pcb Dis mains. Hold Ch+ & Ch- whilst plugging in mains. Check 14 digit no. 2501129A0402B0. NB head sw point & tuning will need resetting. Press OK to store. Note no. varies with model so check manual. Dry joints on big chip rh side of main pcb & power trs in same area No volts pin 1(13.6v), 2 (21.8v) & pin 3 (5.9v) high at 20v of BP03 - IT25 U2559BFP small IC on servo pcb u/s LOADING MOTOR INT SC SHOULD READ 13.5R FAULTY ONES 10R OR SC MAY DAMAGE IT60 DRIVE IC check for dust on sensor cage at bottom of motor even after psu repair kit fitted still dead & blew chopper again. CP10 10, DP15 3v9 zener leaky IT60 load chip faulty - caused by motor itself - Motor windings should read 12/13R if OK hold tape control button on r/c for 7 secs then adj displayed chan no with +/- keys. To store press STOP s/c pins 3 & 19 of IC in r/c & press "2" at same time hold the tape control button on the remote control for approx 7 seconds the display on the front changes to the channel no adjust with + and - then to store press stop

Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson

Time not holding correctly - EEPROM corrupt - to reset Loop thro' only - no display or mechs Dead apart from pulsing loading motor INT LOADING OR NO LOADING OR STUTTERS WHEN UNLOADING Lower Drum racing mains fuse o/c & chopper tr TP08 s/c No loading due to load motor To adj modulator To unlock without PIN No



Modulator adj



Setting up security mode

Press main Menu button. Press & hold the "9" button in for 8 secs. The " Ferguson Security Mode" menu should then appear with on screen instructions. Enter new PIN number or press Erase 0000 button to deactivate; Press Memory Short pins 3 and 19 of the i.c. in the hand unit, at the same time press button 2 with your third hand!!! Remember the i.c. is "upside down as you look in the hand unit" Would unlace but not eject until power was restored - faulty loading motor REMOVE + CLEAN CAPSTAN MOTOR RP86 27R o/c; replacement overheats - volts high -TP01 BC858 leaky Resolder BT02 on lower pcb Press Green or B on r/c for 8 secs. Display now shows chan no.; press "+" to select new chan & Exit or "E" to store. Use tracking + or - to fine tune whilst in RF mode. all psu o/ps 30% only. TP91 2SA1020 in psu dry joints Clean dust from under drum TP91 2SA1020 s/c Fit psu kit but still no display or functs. No -25v psu o/p pin 1 skt BP02. DP51 o/c RP86 27R fusible o/c CP05/6/7 1 50v, CP10 10 50v, TP91 2SA1020 & RP91 1R5 Fit PSU repair kit - TP08, TP91, CP10, CP06, CP92, DP06, FP01, RP86, TP07 in addition DP15 3v9 zener s/c, CP72 100 50v hi esr, RP91 1R5 1/4w safety res low capstan torque - RP83 120R under PSU cracked Shaft ass'y cass 20067SC split 33v supply low at 12v due to sm link in feed cracked

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FV61/2 FV61/62 FV61LV FV61LV FV61LV

To unlock machine without pin no. Mechs int locks up with "Lock" in display BUZZING NOISE FROM MECH Dead apart from shuffle when powered Int shutdown in play/rec - drum slows first

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RF adjust dead E-E pic still present in Play dead Dead - mains fuse blown - chopper tr s/c No display or response from front controls Daed

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Dead 1A fuse blown FF & REW slows to stop Mechs jammed - load poles laced but cass housing in eject posn No UHF o/p at Ch68 - drifting at Ch36

pback pic moved side to side - better when slowed with finger dust on photosensor panel of head motor tape loads but no play & blank raster, no eject CODE displayed - needs security code entering Won't accept tape, load motor runs cont At power on head drum briefly spins then dead - no display Dead Dead Loading drive gear/worm ass'y Item B550 - (plastic gear ass'y on lh side of deck split) CP26 1 50v; CP28 47 50v; CP71 47 50v; CP90 10, CP53 220 50v IT25 U2559B - check by replacement CP11 220 25v in PSU hi esr

Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson


Dead aft power surge DEAD POWER SUPPLY OK 5v ON TT26 COLLECTOR BUT NOTHING ON BASE Dead with no clock display All PSU outputs OK Loading / unloading slow Loading arms jammed - pinch roller not moving Loading starts with clunking, arms stick & shuts down Mono sound only on pback no sound in any mode No sound on E-E or PB Slight whistle Rewind poor Setting up head switching To adj Rf o/p Unstable sound Wont accept tape - int Dead, no display or functs Dead

Fit repair kit & replace all caps on pri side of psu IT25 U2559B US Check TT26 for Always 5V if missing suspect IT25 Suspect motor should load with 6V supply Pinch roller locking lever not engaged with main cam Control cam damaged teeth Adj lead out guide very slightly MSP2400-C48 Nicam decoder chip defective (expensive) Replace IL01 BA7708K1 on audio panel Capstan pulley split Press "Timer" & "+" keys together then press" PLAY" after a few secs Press & hold green button for 10 secs. Display shows"HF CH60" eg. Alter chan with "+" button. Store with "Stop" button, adj range ch51-66 Capstan motor faulty load motor faulty CP11 220u, CP26 1u & CP35 100U RP71 10R fusible in psu RP18 1R5 o/c, CP07 10 50v, CP08 100 25v changed as precaution, TP01 TEO2537F leaky, IP01 U4614B chopper chip, RP21 2k2 o/c, RP51 10R o/c, IP02 LM393 faulty CP71 100 50v on print side of pcb CP81 1200 16v REPLACE CP07 AND CP08 10MFD AND 100MFD TP01 leaky, RP18 1R5 & RP21 2k2 o/c in psu. Fit R3000 psu repair kit CP41 220 CP06 4n7 CP41 220 Failure of QA11 Crystal Carry out modification W/shop Usually all semiconductors in PSU Check caps in psu - CP007 100 25v, CP008 10 50v, CP81 1200pf 16v, CP82 1000 16v Change CP07 (10uF/50V), CP08 (100uF/25V) and CP71 (10uF/50V) on solder side. Mode sensor (optocoupler) faulty - no mode sw on this vcr

FERGUSON FV67HV Ferguson FV67HV Ferguson FV67HV Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson FV67HV FV67HV FV67HV FV67LV FV70B

Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson FERGUSON Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson

FV70B FV70B FV70B FV71 FV71 FV71 FV71 FV71 FV71 FV72 FV74 FV71LV FV71LV FV71LV FV71LV

Dead aft power cut Dim or no display Trips for 10 mins from mains sw on DEAD Dead Dim display PSU trips Spotty pback with black spikes Intermittent Blue background of the OSD full page menu Dead Dead - no display Dead aft mains removal Int take up during play & int tape eject

Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson FERGUSON FERGUSON Ferguson FERGUSON Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson

FV71LV FV71LV FV71V FV72 FV72 FV72 FV72 FV72LV FV72LV FV74 FV77 FV77 FV77 FV77H

Patterning on E-E Poor start up, play , int goes to rewind etc dead no display - psu pulsing DEAD DEAD No reel action - accepts tape but ejects it with loose tape everywhere NOT TUNING INTO HIGH CHANNEL NUMBERS No mechs No take up - damages tapes Dead Dead No display or operation No sound aft 2 secs in e-e ; pback ok Sound absent in Pback & E-E DEAD Dead

Cap 10u 50v mounted on print side of psu can DP06 BYV10-20 leaky - check psu caps & check correct screws are replaced (not too long to s/c print) CP41 220 10v & 10 50v adjacent to it REPLACE CP71 10MFD50V CHECK DP61/62 BOTH BA157 FOR S/C Pulley off capstan flywheel - superglued it back - accesibility difficult - remove deck REPLACE RP71 O/C 10OHM no supply to load motor; D409 1N4001 o/c also check D408 Capst motor pulley split - not available separately CP08 100 25v, CP07 10 50v, CP71? 10v 50v (on print side) all hi esr CP1 220 also check IP01 UC3842 Replace CP07, CP08, CP41 & dry joints on front pcb IM50 (MSP2400) on the NICAM board. Switch Tr TX27 faulty CHECK/ REPLACE CP11 220MFD25V, RP91 0.47 OHM AND CP60 100MFD10V CP11 220 25v, CP19 22 63v & CP26 1 50v CP26 1uF 50V (fitted a 2.2uF 63V), CP28 47uF 50V (fitted a 100uF 50V), CP35 100uF 25V, CP51 1uF 50V (fitted a 2.2uF 63V), CP53 220uF 35V, CP71 47uF 50V (fitted a 100uF 50V) CP11 220 50v, CP19 22 63v, CP26 1 50v, CP28 47 50v, CP35 100 25v in psu REPLACE CP26 1MFD 63V ON POWER SUPPLY REPLACE CP41 220MFD63V Check 13.6v pin 1 BP03 & 21.8v at pin 2. Also check 120R Resistors RP75, RP83, RP84 & RP85 for dry joints or o/c Check for missing circlip on capstan motor CP07 & CP08 ok at receiver block but dissappeared at link JK01 - crack on link




Dead - PSU tripping & tape stuck inside Dead with faint noise from psu DEAD,POWER SUPPLY PULSING NO CLOCK DISPLAY Rewind poor or inop Straining noise from mechs - ok on its side dead - ticking from psu no r/c operation

Ferguson FV77HV FERGUSON FV77HV FERGUSON FV77HV Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson FV77HV FV77HV FV81 FV81

Ferguson Ferguson FERGUSON Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson


RF Modulator adjust Dead INT CHEWING TAPES Won't accept cassette no pback sound - e-e ok

If using standard RT10 control (The large one with the rounded bottom & TV/VCR slider switch which has a reset button & an A or B switch under the battery flap)- press & hold red Main Menu button for 10 seconds, SYS4 appears then wait till CH60 appears. The Auto install menu will also appear (It is easer to see this through the scart connection to a CTV) using the - and + buttons adjustments can be made to output. Don't forget to store new settings. Holding the Main Menu button or on the smaller remote MEM button again for 10 seconds will force a reset & the Channel output will then be reverted to CH60 PRIMARY-CP007 10UF 50V; CP008 100UF 16V; SECONDARY-CP041 220UF 35V; CP054 10UF 50V; CP071 47UF 50V; CP082 1000UF 16V REPLACE CAPSTAN MOTOR FERG20202980 lever that actuates cass flap lock missing - WVE pt no 20081HC TA7795LS audio ic

Various mech problems such as sw off aft rew, no turbo wind Clean around pcb adjacent to micro - sus hi res leaks e-e snowy - other modes ok o/c print between tuner o/p & modulator i/p Press and hold MEM and VCR Output will be shown, Alter the frequency with the + And - buttons...... Or Holding the MEM or Menu button depending on the remote for 10 seconds will force a reset & the Channel Output will then be reverted to CH60 CP041 220 10v in psu can CP007 10 50v, CP008 100 25v on psu pri cam lever broken also replace mode sw Due to no modulator fitted to this model! dry joints ribbon cable connectors to OSD board C53 1 100v o/c in psu (resolder psu first to gain access) C53 1 100v, C65 22 50v, C63 22 50v hi esr in enclosed psu Dry joint Q856 5v reg mode sw C65 OC 10uF 16v Lateral play in capstan bearing - replace motor if available at low cost! Replace broken rec prot sw When "PLAY E----" is displayed, press the "STATUS" button on R/C. Next press "+", "-" & "PLAY" together on VCR, ("STOP", "STANDBY" and "PLAY" on some models). "ADJ will appear on the display after a few secs. Press "PLAY" on the VCR. To exit, switch the power off

Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson

FV91LV FV91LV FV95HV FV95V FV97HV FV98HVX FVB9 FVB9 FVB9 FVB9 HR7350 R4000 R4000 mech

Adj RF out Display absent Tripping psu aft thunderstorm won't accept tape - load motor runs continuously No RF out OSD int disappears Dead Dead Plays/Ffwd/Rew for 5 - 10secs only Tape loops on eject RUNS FAST Tape slips down control head in rev search Won't accept a tape



Head sw setting

Ferguson Fidelity Fidelity Fidelity Fidelity Fidelity Fidelity Finlux Finlux Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Funai Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar

TX92 VCR1600F VCR2020F VCR3000 VCR4000 VCR4000 VCR4000 VR163NX VR3724 FVHP530 FVHP615 FVHP710 FVHP905 FVHP906 FVHP907 5843 D17 mechs GHV1240I GHV1240I GHV1244I GHV1246I GHV1246I GHV1290I GHV1290I GHV1290I GHV1290I GHV1290I GHV1290I GHV1296I

low sound with background hiss aft storm Chews tapes Won't accept tape & cass in symbol flashing Dead No take up Noisy ffwd/rew Play goes fast int Dead Int no rew or FFwd Display goes off when operate pressed No stop/eject when heated No Rewind Cass In light perm lit Dead - no 5v or 12v from psu chip Accepts tape but no mechs Head speed too fast No Ffwd/Rew after initial speed start E-E tuning varying in & out Won't accept tapes Goes straight into Rew when sw on Goes into rew for 5 secs then off with "< >" flashing in display Wont accept tape Beeps for no apparent reason Horrible patterning & hum bar on play and record . hum bar on e-e & patt on pback & rec Hum Bars on pic

micro needs setting up after standard changed to wrong system Gear centre assy has cracks which can be seen when flexed VDC7720 from SEME Dry joints supply end sensor Q1001 (2SC4204) s/c (Note PCB markings WRONG!, Q1002 (2SC4517) s/c, R1014 (1ohm) o/c, R1002 (4.7ohm) o/c. caused by secondary D1009 S/cct. Capstan belt pulley adrift of flywheel - can be glued back on Capstan motor us Capstan motor Mains bridge cap 100 385v Cam slide ass'y Pt no 8681 4927 Dry joint Q009 on LH side of case of vert heat sink BA6304 chip temp sensitive Rew button S585 gone hi res dry joints cass housing plug STK5461 signal diode D504 on the input of the key decode A/D convertor BA6334 IC502 leaky Replace C2, 3 & 4 on head drum replace worn master cam,not allowing brake lever to latch on Golstar 374-005A, Konig 11008 Check C715 in IF unit or brown glue under coil connected to tuner units TU pin Arm ass'y on RH side of housing had lost its spring due to broken lug - pt no 435-148R Timing (line up hole in main cam, sliding lever & chassis in stop) Loading motor dead spot spring post broken on side of cass housing Dry joints on beeper C118 100uF 16v ( 47uF fitted in machine ) C122 47uF 63v Check caps C118, 112, 108, 107, 155, 120, 122 all 47, C121 & 123 100 C712 in IF module 5v at syscon & digitron chip goes low to 3 - 4v.(OK at PSU o/p) - high res print between pin 11 P5101 (reg 6v0) & C502 - caused by glue Inner sect broken allowing gear rack to free-wheel

Int slow Ffwd/Rew & display dims & goes out Load arms don't move Goes out of time with graunching noises every few times Play is selected Replace Load/Mode Ass'y 8.15 23128 from CHS - split pulley on motor

Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar

GHV1296I GHV1296I GHV4400P GHV94001 GSE1290 GSE1290 GSE1290 GSE1290 GSE1290 GHV7430I ( Mech D-09 ) GSE1290IQ GSE1293IQ GSE1891I GSE1891I GSEQ20 GSEQ20 GSEQ20 GSEQ20 GSEQ20 GSEQ2031

mech jammed No rewind Poor pback similar to tracking out If E-E sound low INT PICTURE CUTS OUT OR ROLLS MACHINE CONFUSED!! NO E-E WON'T TAKE TAPES IN DISPLAY SHOWS TWO TRIANGLES INT ROLLING OR POOR PICTURE AFTER GOING INTO SEARCH OR POOR RECORDINGS , INT Hi-Fi AUDIO . Unit will not accept or eject tape Int slack tape on eject Hum bar on e-e & pback noise & hum bar on pback affecting capstan No audio No line sw in pback No rec sound or erase prev soundtrack poor audio o/p rec signal erased in pback No functs & capst turns slowly

dried grease in cam & on back tension lever idler arm bent & catching on deck replace or bend straight Disconnecting the lower drum foil brought the pin voltages back correctly. Remove R460 and fit a wire link in it's place MODE SWITCH AFFECTS BACK TENSION SHORT OUT MEMORY CAPACITOR Q701 OC D521 OC REPLACE WITH LINK NO BACK TENSION AS BACK TENSION LEVER HELD OFF. MODE SWITCH REQUIRES CLEANING Remove diode D521 and fit link in it's place cleaned mode sw C112/113/106/108 47 25v all hi esr change 47 caps in psu Q405 / ZD401 Q403 / Q404 Change IC401 BA7790LS, Q401 KTC3205, Q402 KTC3199GR, reset osc to 70khz L401 Q402 C307 220 & Q104 2SA1273 reg leaky (used BC640 in lieu) Pinch gear & TU lever faulty Loading motor faulty Check or replace CP19 (1000mfd 10v), CP22 (470mfd 25v) and CP25 (100mfd 16v) CP25 100

Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar

GSEQ210 D17 Tape damage on eject N3091 F107 int fails - no mechs P131 P131 P131 P134I P234I T163I T263I P131 P134I P234I T163I T263I P1341 Dead Dim display



W152 ( 2A 125v ) HIGH RESISTANCE , REPLACE . Pt No 131-0966C

Goldstar Goldstar

CUT LINK W126 , RUN JUMP WIRE FROM LH SIDE OF CUT LINK TO ANODE D513 , FIT IN4003 IN PLACE OF LINK W138 - ANODE TO CATHODE D512 , SHORT OUT TAPE STOPS ON REWIND . TAPE DRUM SLOWS DOWN . L516 . Dead - all o/ps from psu present C19 1000 10v had dried up

Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar

P1341 P1341 P13I P13I P234i P234I D27 mech P234I D27 mech P23HP P4341 P4341 P5001 PW904i T163i Q4031 RC7031 RC7031 RC7051 RC7051 RE703 RF90I RG20F/21F RQ121 RQ191 RQ20 RQ200F RQ201 RQ2931 RQ293I

Dim display - loads tape then sw off - won't sw back on unless mains reapplied LOCK ON displayed when any funct selected "0" in display - no other functs No erase of old sountrack Pic dissappears then returns when play selected No display Tape stuck - mech just shuffles -displays "Lock On" ragged verts on pback & no sound Dead Display very dim dead - no micro activity Display dim display overbright Dark pic Weak or no video in E-E & Rec esp when cold No e-e just blue screen & wont stop in search tune Poor E-E - Pback ok No play Tripping with display pulsing . Records black with random white lines for first half hour No display & won't accept tape Won't change chan manually/rec etc Capstan motor faulty No or int splashes of col No functs or display - heads int rotate Dead no display No pback pic - symptoms of duff head - 1/2 FM env missing

CP11 33 25v, CP25 100 10v hi esr Switch off Child lock with handset CP19 1000 10v in psu C406 47 16v also check C506 47 & C19 1000 in psu C19 1000 10v in psu CP19 1000 10v, CP21 47 50v, CP25 100 10v Release child lock by pressing C Lock on hset 12v supply low at 3v due to ZD504 13V & Q506 CP19 1000 10v in psu CP25 100 10v in psu cap across xtal was s/c to deck - repositioned C25 100 10v 33v zener ZD104 C707 47 50v on main pcb near P7003 connector in tuner sect C707 47 50v C707 47 50v con to pin 4 IC701 hi esr C707 47 50v on top panel (near centre) Final take up arm not operating correctly - kit RK205G from SEME CP10 1uF 50v in PSU . C003 47 16v on head pre-amp No 5v at Micro IC505 - D508 o/c (centre/front of top pcb) Check 5.5v 0.047F memory battery on RH side of main pcb Check Hall Ics on diode range of meter - if one has higher reading than other then replace it from a scrap motor 6v reg 6v reg IC & change 47 caps in psu IC101 6v reg Cap C203 50V 10uF on pin 7 of IC201 located on main PCB just above videohead

Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goldstar Goodman Goodmans Goodmans Goodmans

S12I T161 T161 T161 T1631 T163I T16I T2631 T2631 T2631 T263I T263I T263I TI61 VN6000 W201 VN6000 3400 285NS Daewoo VP2500

Tape stuck - guide arm base catching on cassette holder Dead Dead 6v o/p low at 5v No Pback RF - ok via scart Pic stays on e-e in pback - sound ok Dead Dead Loads then display garbled & clicking from deck Low sound e-e & whine on sound during eject No functs - tape stuck Int symptoms - dim display, shaky e-e, no play/eject, displays "8" only in display - then dead. C25 a 100uf 10v, and C19 a 1000uf. No operate when cold CP11 33 25v, CP25 100 10v hi esr Locking washer slipped off intermediate rew gear allowing it to move up shaft and No rew - makes graunching noise - ok in other modes become unmeshed with idler - replace locking washer dead no functs or clock No activity in pri of psu - opto coupler ICP02 int no mechs 5.8v line low - C822 33 25v also check C823 1000 10v Not deck timing this time - no 12v supply to load motor; Q132 KSA709C faulty (checked "< >" displayed only ok out of cct) Accepts tape but then ejects & shuts down with slack tape Can't change channels on machine , remote ok St/by only Blue screen in E-E, No pic in pback - sound & menu ok mechanism jammed, loading shaft loose and out of its bearings. removal of tight video head Dirty head symptom (one head) Distorted pic on PB. REC/ PB ok on other VCR poor playback Mode sw IC702 memory IC C815 1000 25v o/c R350 270R sm res in vid proc cct shaft lock assembly' item B142 had split and was loose on the shaft, allowing the shaft to slide through the loading pulley assembly and hence drop out of its slot in the loading block. This item was super glued back screw 2 oversize bolts into the non tapped section of head until they protude over the tapped sect of the lower drum AN331YK in head amp module Remove CA10 0.47mfd in the head amp can remove CA10 047 16v cap on pin 7 of head amp

Back tension arm lifting supply side guide post base, allowing it to catch on edge of cassette holder. No adjustment possible for slack guide post. No obvious warping of cassette holder. Twist cassette holder so that LHS is higher. The pin on the cassette holder LHS now does not reach the bottom of the cut-out of the side frame. CP19 1000 10v in psu - measured ok on esr meter CP19 1000 10v in psu CP19 1000 10v in psu CP19 1000 10v in psu DP05 (1SS131)s/c primary side of PSU.A 1N4148 is a suitable replacement. Opto ICP02 & caps CP19, CP21 & CP25 RP09 22R hi res in psu ICP03 KIA431 in psu - used TL431CLP in lieu (all psu readings were high) CP25 100 10v in psu

Goodmans Goodmans Goodmans Goodmans Goodmans

GTV2000 GVR3000 GVR3400 GVR3400 GVR3400

Goodmans Goodmans Goodmans Goodmans Goodmans Goodmans Goodmans Goodmans

GVR3450 GVR3450 GVR3450 GVR4000 GVR5000 GVR5000 PD1700

Chews tape - no Play/FFwd/Rew etc Dead No functs or display Sound not recorded (prev sound remains) - bias osc inop No playback video o/p Poor pback - heads worn symptom No record - pback ok

Idler ass'y catching on bottom of cassette housing - bend straight or replace idler R802 2R2 Crystal X701 4.19Mhz in Syscon faulty C419 47 16v hi esr in bias osc supply at back of main pcb C4069 100nF sm leaky C4073 100nF sm leaky Transistor 7605 BC848B Load motor drive chip L2722

PD1700 Turbo Dead & ticking PD1700 VP2300 PD1750 VP2350 PX2400 TX1200 RC7051 SD1600 SD1600 SD1600 SD1600 SD1800 SD1800 SD7700 TVC Combi TVC1400 TVC1400 TVC1400 TVC141 Daewoo CP420 TVC142C TVC14P TVC14VP

Goodmans Goodmans Goodmans Goodmans Goodmans Goodmans Goodmans Goodmans Goodmans Goodmans Goodmans Goodmans Goodmans Goodmans

Strong sibilance in LP mode Tuning intermitt Int col and capst speed in pback Dead Not fully loading play/record Tape stuck - no movement Wow/Flutter & pic disturbance CHILDLOCK To switch modulator on/off Int sound Ejects tape soon after insertion Capstan & drum excess speed on pback - ok on rec DEAD Int tape loading leaving tape looped Colour flickers on own recordings at 1 sec intervals, prerecorded tapes Ok. No vid functs , chan change ok with "Emergency" displayed Sluggish loading INT NO AUDIO

Usually due to dry joint on R3615 Replace with (1K) resistor if necessary . Is connected to pin 15 of IC LA7282 position 7601 Check 30v supply - if low change C803 100 50v Xtal X301 next to IC301 PAL/Secam chip dry jointed Z901 800mA fuse o/c Loading motor pulley split Loading motor pulley drops off - superglue back on C802 47 16v in separate psu module PRESS "STANDBY" AND "SYSTEM" TOGETHER Hold "System" button on r/c Check/replace 6Mhz filters in IF can Mode sw check NTSC sw is in correct posn! CHECK FOR DRY JOINTS ON C817 mode sw Unit cycles between PAL and MESECAM, to stop this cut the track between pin 65 of SMD IC IY01 LA71511M and diode DY01 1N4148. Clean mode sw R817 1R 1w fusible on main pvb high res [14v supply to vcr section had dropped to 1/2]. CHECK/ REPLACE R618 1 OHM

Goodmans Goodmans Goodmans Goodmans

Goodmans Goodmans Goodmans Goodmans Goodmans Goodmans Goodmans Goodmans Goodmans Goodmans

TVC14VP TVP5050IST TX1100 TX1100 TX1200 TX3950 TX4000 TX4000 TX4000 Daewoo FM TX5000

POOR PICTURE AND NOISY Stuck in pause Mech functs int Slow playback Int cuts out and goes dead Int cuts out & goes dead Dead Dead - Sony made psu is faulty Laces up then sw off as head stays static No mechs apart from load/unload Won't accept tapes - int DEAD INT NOT ACCEPTING OR EJECTING TAPES NO DRUM ROTATION Int stop Dead Dead Dead Dead - Ever 5v supply low Dead when plugged in from cold Flashing display, buzzing & no play aft loading Int Cuts out, display goes out, drifts off tune Int power up No functs/won't accept tape/ display disappears NO TUNING OR E-E Won't sw off & clock flashes Power problems DEAD NO E-E, NO SOUND ON PLAYBACK No functs & tape stuck Int accept tape, load, eject, display etc

CHECK R217 6.8K FOR HIGH VALUE Slider supply gear F520 cracked pt no SAMSAC6680142A Replace all electrolytics in psu Pin 1 P501 has ripple - C509 220 10v Crack between RD00 base and R808 Q805 2SC2310 in PSU leaky Replace C53 1 100v in PSU can Check elect caps & R21 & 22 39k w hi res or o/c mode sw mode sw Supply side sensor 0v conn rises due to bad crimp conn between main & mecha pcb CHECK MAINS TRANSFORMER FOR O/C CHECK AROUND R610 FOR DRY JOINTS REPLACE STATOR MOTOR Clean take up reel sensor & mirror C823 3300 10v Check power reg tr, C822 330 10v C822 1000 10v psu sec C822 330 10v 5.8v low at 5v due to C822 330 10v Mains smoother 82 400v in psu Replace C822 330mfd 10v C823 1000mfd 10v in PSU on 5.8v rail C822 1000 10v in psu uprated C822 330 25v & C823 1000 10v & possibly other elects in psu REPLACE D103 DIOD1N4148 C822 330 10v (Volts across should be 5.8v) Replace C822 330 10v, C823 1000 10v, C824 100 10v & C826 33 50v REPLACE IC7507 STV6400 CHECK FOR DRY JOINTS ON IC7420 12V REGULATOR 20p coin had been inserted which blew R3440 2R2 fusible in supply to to mode motor drive IC L2727 D820 16v zener overheating - replaced along with C23 100 10v, C13 47 16v, C26 22 50v

Goodmans VCP650 GOODMANS VCP650/550 GOODMANS VCP660 GOODMANS VCP660 Goodmans VCR1000 Goodmans VN6000 Goodmans VN6000 Goodmans VN6000 Goodmans VN6000 Goodmans VN6000 Goodmans VN6000 Goodmans VN6000 Goodmans VN6000 Goodmans VN6000 GOODMANS VN6000 Goodmans VN6000 VN6000 Goodmans Daewoo G GOODMANS VN8000 GOODMANS VN8000 Goodmans Goodmans VN8000 VN9000

Goodmans VN9000 GOODMANS VN9000 GOODMANS VN9000 GOODMANS VN9000PDC GOODMANS VN9000PDC Goodmans VN9500S VN9600 Goodmans Daewoo K Goodmans VN9600B Goodmans VN9600B Goodmans VP2350 GOODMANS VP2360 Goodmans VP2400PDC VP2400PDC Goodmans Turbo VP2500 Goodmans Daewoo VP2500 Goodmans Daewoo VP2500 Goodmans Daewoo GOODMANS VP4500 GOODMANS VP550 Goodmans TX1200 Goodmans VN6000 Goodmans / Daewoo VP2500 GOOMANS VP5500 V/WHSP1/A Granada Philips Turbo Granada VHSGH2

No OSD - only lines in Menu mode NO RF OUTPUT WHEN TAPE INSERTED UNIT GOES DEAD INT NO SOUND ON RECORD AND E-E NO FUNCTIONS DISPLAY OK Dead Int no rew or Play Dead Erratic mech functs No rec col NO FUNCTIONS "LOCKED" APPEARS ON DISPLAY Int loss of tracking & sound in Pback Childlock disabling

Replace Xtal 001 (17.734476Mhz) associated with the OSD chip (marked 12BKK8W5) which resides half way along the rear edge of the main PCB CHECK C183 FOR DRY JOINTS DRY JOINTS ON C23 INSIDE POWER MODULE CHECK FOR DRY JOINTS ON X102 NICAM CRYSTAL CHECK FOR DRY JOINTS ON D23 IN MODULE M801 R804 & R805 390k in start up cct clean mode sw C805 47 400v bulging & faulty - also replaced C806 1 160v mode sw - clean or replace LA7437A lum/chrom chip (expensive) REPLACE EEPROM IC**ST24C04CB1 Tape riding up capstan - Pinch wheel & arm replaced Hold in the standby button whilst plugging in the mains lead.

Cuts out in Play/Rec aft 20 mins with increase in drum speed Head drum pt no 97SA324300 Head spins fast, tries to load with no tape. Shows ERR on display D519 leaky on ever 6v rail. IN4003 Loads tape then ejects & reverts to st/by leaving slack tape HIGH PITCHED WHISTLE ON E-E CUTS OFF ON REWIND AND F/F drum rotates too fast dist e-e sound & no hifi pback or rec sound No playback pic - 1 head faulty symptom BLACK LINES IN MENU MODE Comes on displaying E1 and wont change channel No rec sound or full erase Remove load motor ass'y to get to mode sw which reqs cleaning REPLACE C176 470MFD BESIDE TUNER REPLACE REEL TABLE DAEW9752901600 resolder R525 chip resistor 10k near servo CW06 & CX09 caps in hifi audio cct both 47 C408 connected to pin 89 of IC301faulty REPLACE X001 Replace the 5.5v 0.22F backup capacitor Q401 a 2SC2553(used a BC637) and C418 a 33uf which had leaked. Press 'Code' on the remote Enter 4,9,3,4 Press 'OK' and then 'Standby' EEPROM chips IC7410 & IC7412 Hold "Stop" & "Eject" buttons together

Grundig Grundig Grundig

GV200 GV201-1 GV400

To release lock code No erase in LP only To turn RF mod on/off

Grundig Grundig Grundig Grundig Grundig Grundig Grundig Grundig Grundig Grundig Grundig Grundig Grundig

GV411 GV411-1 Turbo Deck GV420 GV469M GV496M GV500GB GV540 GV540GB GV6001 GV6001 GV6001V+ GV6401 GV8400

Contrast low on RF output - ok on scart Loads cassette then cuts out (Drum fault) noisy drum motor Dead Dead Dead 1.25A fuse o/c Won't load tape , head spins at high speed . Weak contrast in all modes Dead sound but no picture on play from either the scart or modulator No play - drum not rotating no e-e sound - pback sound & rec sound ok Tripping

BC858B sm leaky in video signal to RF modulator path Replace transistor 7077 BC848B SMC Monoflop Connecting from pin 1 Plug 1501 FG signal to pin 10 of IC 7060 (processor) hardened grease on spindle thrust pad C136 1 400v & check for dry joints C136 1 400v & dry joints BYW98-200 & BUK454-800A diodes in psu s/c Check amplitude of PG signal on pin 1 of uP ( IV7050 ) , if lower than 5v check by replacement transistor 7065 ( BC858B SMD ) OSD module I/p ok at pin 5 but low at o/p pin 7 - tr 7905 BC858B o/c b-e Mains bridge rect s/c & 1.25A fuse o/c (difficult to work on psu) Transistor 7802 BC858B sm s/c (back of main pcb) Drum seized - can be relub by dismantling (remove heads first) Audio from tuner ok at sound proc pcb. No RF or scart o/p from it. IC7100 pins 44-48 noise red sect has sound but no o/p at pins 17-22 - IC u/s replaced C2361 47u63, just in front of the chopper control i.c. Press CH up & Rec. buttons on VCR for about 5 sec's. The VCR thinks you've entered correct pin code then enter menu & disabling, making a note of, or entering a new pin number. - hold the button down for at least 3 seconds and then it works... Replace C762 / C763 / C765 in the DOS section of chassis board 2.2uF 100V Fit 105 Deg. types. BACK TENSION ARM STIFF IT SHOULD MOVE FULLY TO LEFT BEFORE LOADING CONTINUES capst motor has dead spot When removed no tuning memory, faulty RAM chip in tuner - new tuner reqd Checked all supplies present - tuner repaired at MCES 29.96 Select 4934 on RC then 0000key - should clear it C1326 47uF 25v , C1325 1uF 100v Impedance roller P1 reqs lub

Grundig Grundig Grundig Grundig Grundig Grundig Grundig Grundig Grundig Grundig Grundig Grundig

GV9110 TVR3710 VS 680

Pin code - to disable or change No manual record with no response from the buttons

Incorrect colours and smearing on Text and DOS functions. TAPE GOES IN BUT LOADING RING STARTS TO MOVE VS220 THEN STALLS VS300/340 No initialise/play/wind with "F7" flashing VS440 "A0" in display - childlock on VS440 No signals e-e VS500 "A0" in display VS510 Dead VS510 Vert jitter every 3 secs Display only shows version number . If disconnecting pins 5 & VS520 VS540 6 IC610 cures . Replace IC610 VS520/540 EEPROM version shows perm -eg"22" Unsolder pins 5 & 6 of clock IC610 & retry. If OK then change IC610



Locked up - AO displayed - security lock set

clear lock by s/c 2 test pins on front pcb. If timer & station tables filled with gibberish back up batt may be flat. Also check soldering around ICs190, 120 & 119 on lower pcb. If ok replace PCF8583 clock/RAM IC & battery

Grundig Grundig Grundig Grundig Grundig Grundig Hinari Hinari Hinari Hinari Hinari Hinari

VS540 VS720 VS910 VS920 VS920 VS920 HI2V HI2V HI2V HI2V VTV100 VXL4

No signals e-e Sound on pback weak & tinny Sound poor on rec/pback dead or pulsing psu no mechs when cassette inserted no r/c operation or modulator o/p Dead Powers down aft 1/2 sec Won't accept tape - sw off aft 5 secs Won't accept tape - tries loading without tape in No Play/FFwd etc int dirty head symptoms Plays ok to start with then top of picture flickers gradually becoming worse until top of pic folded over and colour lost SLOW DRUM ROTATION THEN STALLS Int stop in any mode =- counter erratic blank raster in pback No FFwd/Rew

Phase locked loop chip in tuner type SDA3202-2 now replaced with TSA5511 Check C425 47, C423 47 & C415 47 on audio/video pcb C423 in sound path from ACE head to sound IC C1626 47 25v also check 9 x 220 caps solenoid faulty - can be repaired by replacing thermal fuse check control codes:- 8516+OK=vid 1; 8517+OK=vid 2; 8518+OK=mod off; 8519+OK= mod on; 4534+OK= unlock (if lock is displayed) 315mA fuse o/c only F803 2A o/c, D804 1N4004 s/c & D802 split in 2 Clean mode sw Mech timing 1 tooth out Idler jamming - clean or replace dry joints head pre-amp plug on main pcb

Hinari Hinari Hinari Hinari Hinari


Remove capstan motor clean and oil bearing IC01 BU2716S Replace reel TU sensor WVE Pt no 72005 7.84 IC303 pin 26 (mute) did not drop to 0v - IC101 pin 11 not producing 5v vert pulse IC101 faulty Rubber grommet/boot on sliding plate worn - replace or reposition with the set in standby press play /still button the display on video should read RF 35 if it reads RF_ _ there may be no rf output , so while still in standby press stop button and RF_ _ appears and the required rf output can be selected using the channel up down buttons if no rf is required it can be switched off at this stage by pressing stop again press play in s-by, ch up/down sets the output and stop button switches it on and off. Power up whilst holding in Record & Reset buttons open circuit C614 2.2uf cap in the servo stages. Check caps in psu IC203 module HT4757A on Y/Chr pcb No 4.43Mhz I/p to servo chip pin 32. IC301 HT4539B o/p int - chip faulty C08 47 35v in mod/if unit Replaced many hi esr caps in modulator but no improvement gained - replaced mod/tuner with a scrapper which cured problem

Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi

FX850E MX748E Various VCF860 VCM835 VT120 VT120 VT130 VT130

Selecting RF O/P Modulator adj Hardware Reset switching points with a 3 inch noise band near the top of the picture Display long time to appear E-E int overloads No play - tape loads then unloads Low e-e & rec sound Pulling, lines etc in E-E , OK in Pback

Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi

VT250E VT33 VT33E VT350 VT410 VT410 VT410 VT410 VT410 VT410 VT410 VT410 VT420E VT450 VT510 VT520 VT520 VT520 VT520 VT520 VT520E VT530 VT530E VT540E VT63E VT65 VT7E VTF140E VTF150 VTF150 VTF150

Capstan sluggish Display & E-E ok But will not accept tape. if tape manually inserted No deck functions Dead No display Capstan lock poor sw between LP/SP Dead E-E pic int weak contrast with lines Int when play or record selected drum would just kick rather than rotate Loops tape on rewind Pback pic poor Wont accept cassette Won't accept cassette Poor smeary output video signal on E to E and Playback with lack of frame sync. Hum bar on E-E. Pback & Rec No rec sound or full erase Capst motor stops/starts every sec when warm Chews tapes or no play, eject , rew etc Load arms jamming against tape search lever No play - tape loads then drum stops Rec sound warbles - worse in LP mode Int take up Cassette housing mech needs to be retimed regularly Pic pauses every sec aft an hours play Poor sound on own recs - ok on pre-recs Capstan int in FFwd & Rew Functs erratic & non operative When play selected stops aft few secs then starts playing again - repeats No rec, Nicam lights flash, poor pback pic with graunching Capstan int & noisy Capstan motor low torque Dead - no display

C12 & 13 470 16v in psu Check 9V Switched supply Replace STK5421 STK5421 No -20v dc-dc conv IC711 (PC710) u/s; L701 100H o/c ACE head No sw volts o/p from psu - chip not getting power on signal due to faulty LA7935 on VST tuning panel IC201 HT4847G Thick film chroma processing chip IC301 spring on loading motor shaft snapped, so brake trigger inoperative IC201 HT4847G Check IC902 BA6209 & R900 4R7 o/c end sensor Resoldered poor contacts on wire feed thru's between pins of IC201. Reg o/p = 13v with ripple instead of 12v - STK5372H faulty Q401 a 2SC2553(used a BC637) and C418 a 33uf which had leaked. Pic on own recs appears to skip frames - capstan motor Reel clutch ass'y under deck Main cam worn Mode sw Reel clutch ass'y under deck Take up idler cracked - tried several faulty used ones before I fitted a new one Replace start and end sensors Capstan motor (gets very hot) C20 100 16v leaked in IF module Dead spot on Capstan motor Funct sw u/s Pt no 5633911 Loading belt Check/replace elect caps in psu sec C12 470 16v in psu C12 /13 470 16v on 14v rail (Note take caps out to check in parallel) C12 470 15v hi esr in psu

Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi HITACHI Hitachi HITACHI Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi

VTF150 VTF150 VTF150 VTF150E VTF150E VTF150E VTF150E VTF150E VTF150E VTF150E VTF150E VTF250 VTF250E VTF350 VTF350 VTF350 VTF350 VTF350E VTF350E VTF360 VTF360 VTF360 VTF360 VTF360 VTF360E VTF360E VTF360E VTF450 VTF450

Play not working Squawk only at power on Tape runs slow & grinding noise Capstan motor labours, Rfo/p flickers upon tape insertion Dead Dead Dead - no display or mechs Ffwd/Rew slow scrambled pic in e-e - ok on scart Sound on Pback has wow & E-E pic flickers SOUNDS LIKE FAULTY CAPSTAN MOTOR Capstan motor noisy - also eject may be affected SOUNDS LIKE FAULTY CAPSTAN MOTOR Int stops in rec, int lines, dist sound etc noisy capstan motor Play runs slow tho' replacement capst motor fails to cure won't accept tape when cold & screeching noise from capstan No display & vcr goes straight in to play then shuts off R/C int - not Hset Dead Int failure to eject tapes Int sigs from tuner Int slack tape on eject Plays for a few secs then stops int e-e & pback sound Int no control tracks recorded & tape edge damage Sluggish eject & slow pback Dead Dead, no display, psu tripping

Half load arm spring broken - not available separate Zener D9 s/c & C16 hi esr C12 & C13 470 16v in psu Replace C12 470 16v, C34 & 35 47 35v, Replacing capacitors C6, C34, C35, C12, C13, C15, C23, C11, T1.6 fuse and a new pinch roller had this fixed. 250v cap in psu pri, 18v zener in psu sec s/c & check caps in sec No -30v pin 3 psu connector. Dry joints on chopper transformer (where the wires are connected to the legs - not the pcb conns) paint peeling off supply reel interfering with reel pulses - replace reel pt no 6416631 & TU reel pt no 64166651 replace electrolytic caps in if can Ripple on V-Capst o/p - C12 & C13 470 faulty REPLACE C12 AND C13 IN POWER SUPPLY 470MFD16V (2) C12 470 in A14V supply REPLACE C12 AND C16 IN POWER SUPPLY 470MFD16V (2) replaced all electro caps in psu C12 470 in psu C12 & C13 470 16v in psu C12 470 16v o/c also check C16 & C11 No -30v supply pin 3 of psu conn. R36 68R fusible 1/6w o/c also change C15 10 50v Resolder joints to main pcb at PG951 front panel link C's 0865, 0874, & 0871 all 47mfd 63v hi esr loading motor chip BA6209 dry joint Dry joints IF/tuner Mode sw Change elects in PSU (may read ok on esr meter) - PSU difficult to access int conn at earth return at head amp/ audio panel pcb conn to main pcb Back tension band pad had parted company Check capstan motor clutch QF901 N5 cct prot o/c 250mA Cap 47 63v on live side of psu next to chopper heatsink

Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi

VTF450 VTF450E VTF450E VTF450E VTF540 VTF540 VTF540E VTF540E VTF545 VTF54S VTF550E VTF550E VTF645E VTF645E VTF650 VTF650E VTF66 VTF660 VTF660E VTF660E VTF70 VTF700E VTF70E VTF765E VTF77 VTF770 VTF770 VTF770 VTF770E

Noisy pback, Ffwd & Rew Capstan servo symptom (int snowy pic) Int stops in Pback etc Int won't accept tape, cass in indicator perm lit Int tape looping & chewing - Noisy FFWD/Rew slack tape on eject & no FF REW or take up No take up, FFwd or Rew Slack tape on eject Timer recordings inop No take up Cassette lift or tape threading problems Int loss of front controls No or int reel rotation with slack tape on eject Sluggish loading & int slows down in Pback Int reverts to st/by at sw on when mechs moves Tape loading laborious, then shuts down with slack tape Tape chewing - may be int Vid sig low in e-e & pback (blue mute on) dead Interference on pic when using scart No Pback & noise bars in e-e aft power cut Capst phase faulty in pback when cold - rec ok Chews tape on reverse search Dead aft lightning strike No mechs & all display segments lit - "Code 1" shows when funct selected capstan motor speed faulty Mechs jams when tape unlaces due to load arm not moving enough worn head symptoms Dead - the 5v supply heavily loaded

cassette not dropping far enough - toothed drive belt stretches & knocks on chassis also replace tu pulley check tension band Strip & clean capstan bearings Ribbon cable conn PG09-1 on main pcb from cass housing not fully home clutch unit fallen apart Pulley Pt No 6823333 sprung open Pulley pt no 6823333 Back tension felt strip partly adrift - Pt no KX11631 When the time to rec nothing happens but prog goes from timer preview list - reset using sw hidden under facia panel main drive clutch fell apart -replace pt no KX17581 Clutch ass'y dropped to bits Hitachi ref KX17581 Dry joints PG2701 on front panel Check reel drive pulley/clutch, back tens band, gear drives KF10513/KF10501 & capst motor Tension band pad had come adrift exposing sticky surface that was slowing supply reel Capstan motor bearings may be the cause Tension band stuck to supply reel pulley - replace band Check back tension band for exposed glue IC201 HA118203F vid/aud proc chip (sig at pin 57 poor & crushed) no o/p from psu - C6 1 250v IC4501 BH7633AS signal routing chip STK5372 power chip C613 47 16v o/c Back tension arm too much pressure due to wear in linkage of slider mechs pt no 8909082F STRF6653 chopper chip I085 & opto couplers PC0851 & 0852 Replace caps 220 & 33 on front pcb & check for corrosion C622 047 Replace arm, idle 6898472 & arm 6976372 even tho they may look ok dry joint head amp plug Castan motor GP10254

Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi HITACHI Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi

VTF770E VTF770E VTF770E VTF770E VT-F770E VTF780 VTF780 VTF780 VTF780E VTF840/860 VTF860 VTF860 VTF860 VTF860 VTF860 VTF860E VTF860E VTF860E VTF860E VTF860E VTF860E VTF860E VTF860E VTF865E VTFX*** VTFX*** VTFX765E VTFX770E

Noise bars on Pback Poor pback - can be int - head sw point varies Poor rec pic Tracking error symptoms (no capst lock) blue pic from tuner,sound ok. PB is ok/weak cols in Rec or EE Dead - psu blown Display dim Noisy capstan motor Noise band at top of pic due to loading arms not fully loaded Several functs lit in display & no remote functs dead Disturbance on pic when tape loaded/unloaded Fails to start from cold usually after mains disconnection Noisy ffwd & Rew OSD int shows during pback Crosstalk between E-E & pback sound DEAD Dead aft power cut Head loses servo lock everyfew secs loss of mono audio pback No capstan servo lock on pback No operation - Slo Mo & Rew show together Noisy capstan motor & poor sync Dead Flashing front display with no graphics

Replace C1656 10 mic 25 volt. Drum phase signal low Tacho pulse pin 7 IC601 low instead of 3.3v p-p - C1656 10 16v C5F 047 AGC cap in IF module C613 47 16v leaking C05 (O,47 uf) -C31( 0,1uF) -C37 (1uF)- C40 (47uF) -C42 (6u8) i IF can , soldered to tuner Q851 2SA1441, ZD856/857 overvolts zeners C2853 22 50v (-28v supply reg smoother) clean & lub Grey master cam (bottom one of two) was damaged - item 250 12009AP from CHS Break in wire to swing down front flap (Don't remove front flap to repair - remove 4 screws from lower edge & remove cover with Hitachi badge on it) C6 1 250v - can be replaced without removing psu C12 470 16v in psu C6 (1UF) 250V in PSU Capst motor partially siezed & replaced M50458 IC1401 OSD gen chip faulty C514R 47 35v REPLACE C6 IN POWER SUPPLY 1MFD250V 1 250v cap in psu C612 22uF 10v , C613 47uF 16v . These are positioned on RH side of main PCB linear audio proc chip IC401

Pulses at TP604 low at 0.3v p-p instead of 1.7v; C613 47 16v o/c in preamp cct Wire snapped to front control panel C602 22 50v, C622 047 50v hi esr C6 1 250v & C12 4700 16v in psu Cherck seating of rear scart socket panel Check the carriage motion sensor isn't broken board (looks like a switch or opto sensor Shuts down on power up after ejecting tape - like timing error when broken) - ref. S2102 chas hyde order code 12014mf. 1.39 Volts at start up res R856 220k only 2.5v (12-14v) - PC851 opto PC123FY leaky Dead with 320v at chopper Tr between pin 3 - 4 Dead - pri HT present Opto coupler PC851 (PC123FY0 leaky pins 3 -4; pt no CF10431G

Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi

VTFX850E VTFX850E VTFX850E VTFX860 VTFX860E VTFX880E VTFX940 VTFX980 VTM140E VTM210 VTM210E VTM212E VTM212E VTM212E VTM230 VTM230 VTM230 VTM328 VTM410E VTM410E etc VTM430 VTM430 VTM430E VTM430E VTM430E VTM430E

RF modulator switching off RF modulator switching on Tape looping on eject - worse at start of tape Display dim - backlights failed Tripping Dead - psu trips Dead Chews tapes Tape looping on eject Tape stuck - when sw on heads spin few secs then off machine works perfectly except for a constant clicking noise caused by capst motor pulley split Clicks in all modes Dim display No R/C response & front controls sluggish FFwd/Rew int Int chews tape jams when loading cassette Slack tape on eject Erase int Dead, +320v present on chopper Tr crackling static sound on playback switches off in play & rec Capstan motor fails to rotate No capstan movement - may be int No rew Stops int in play

Prwess PLAY with VCR in st/by. Display = CH39 (for eg), Press STOP; Display = CH-then press operate Press PLAY with VCR in St/by. Display = CH--; Press STOP, Display = CH39;(for eg), then press operate Capstan motor Replace with plain ones from CPC (part number SC00336, just under 2ukp per pack). Replace cct prot N10 psu sec QF0873 - reqs strip down to access & watch charged mains cap! Check ICPs in sec of psu - QF0873 N10 o/c Plug fuse & internal mains fuse o/c - D6310 bridge rect s/c Clutch ass'y dropped apart due to worn plastic locating lugs - fit new clutch Tension band sticking - felt pad had slipped No load motor activity as its driver chip had no supply - 2R2 fitted in place of K1416 link (not marked on cct diag) Remove pulley and file it out so as not to be splayed out then superglue back Nylon drive cog at base of capstan motor split - unobtainable, but new motor inexpensive minus30v being dropped in micro IC901 - fit replacement pcb from Sendz Dry joints at conn on front panel D/Js on pins 1,2,3,4,5 of PG653, on vertically mounted pwb (connects directly to main pwb), opposite r/h of carridge. Pinch roller innards split plastic collar that secures p roller split Back tension band falls apart Q406 sm in bias osc cct chopper Q851 FS5TM-18 leaky gate-source ( MOSFET, 5A, 900V); D0873 D1NL40 leaky (400V, 0.9A, <50ns) sec PSU replace clutches 212 & 213 & special coated capstan belt put 4hr tape in machine 1/2 way thro, press PLAY/Rev Search. If capstan produces loud thumping noises motor is faulty Check R1919I 2R2 safety res loading chip feed o/c 2R2 safety res R1919? Int o/c (rh front corner by controls) Retaining clip missing from intermediate gears Capstan motor faulty - lub does not work

Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi HITACHI Hitachi Hitachi

VTM430E VTM448 VTM502E VTM502E VTM502E VTM510E VTM545E VTM610E VTM610E VTM620 VTM620 VTM620 VTM620 VTM620E VTM620E VTM620E VTM620E VTM622 VTM622 VTM622 VTM622 VTM622E VTM622E VTM622M VTM630 VTM630 VTM630 VTM631

White sparklies on pback Int shuts down in play etc Playback pic unlocked & warbling sound poor pback video - e-e ok thread motor perm tries to eject cassette housing Sound in e-e low & buzzes Goes to st/by 1 sec after sw on - int Dead with R3357 burnt out Int stop - int take up Fails to eject cassette No sound for 5 mins in play Poor Capstan lock Slow capstan speed No Sound on pback or hum when ace head touched Not erasing prev sound with col breakthro' (no bias osc) Previous soundtrack not erased - bias osc not working Switching point varies in rec & play No drum servo in rec - ok on pre-recs No pback sound - e-e sound ok Sound not recorded - ok in E-E Wont play some tapes - control pulses low No sound playback or e-e Whistle on e-e superimposed on sound No effective control pulses patt/dropout on top of pic on own recs PLAYS SP TAPES IN LP poor tracking - capst int runs at half speed Dead

Static build up fit mod kit (belt, take up gear & gear pt nos 6358101, KF10271, 6406291) Check capst motor bearings - if nec lub Q7469 BC848B sm in control pulse path Tr7007 sm BC848B motor drive chip perm on due to TMO line from micro pin 35 wrong. Faulty micro . C2727 22 Microsw to RH side of cass mech on pC panel int sticking in depressed posn Check/replace IC7354 MC44603P, T7350 STP3NA60, D6351 BAT185, D6352/3 BYD33D, R3357 4k7 0.1w, R3361 47R 0.33w Clutch replaced Capstan motor stiff remove motor clean and reinsert check C411 & C407 both 47 16v C901 47 16v; C622 10 63v No ctl pulses - C610 10 16v Ok at pins 21 & 23 IC401- no volts at pin 15 (2.3v). C480 560pf leaky & C402 1 50v leaking C418, 33uf 16v elect cap, leaking in osc circuit Q401 short Circuit 2SC3553, used a BC337 C616 & 617 Clean ACE head C404 33 10v C418 33u hi esr Not ACE head or C631 - added 330R res across R631in control amp to increase its gain Replaced C402, C404, C405, C406, C407, C410, C411,C413, C423 and C424 IC401 LA7295 audio chip Changed C610 to 100, C631 to 47, C632 to 100, R630 to 560k, R631 to 100R, R632 to 470R C1 10 16v in chr hybrid module REPLACE WORN ACE HEAD HITA5446635 control pulses low ampl. C631 sus or fit 330R res across this cap to increase gain of control pulse amp 47 cap in PSU pri

Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi

VTM640 VTM640 VTM640 VTM640E VTM646 VTM720 VTM720 VTM722 VTM722E VTM722E VTM722E VTM722E VTM740 VTM740 VTM740 VTM740 VTM740E VTM753 VTM768M VTM820 VTM820E VTM822 VTM822 VTM822E VTM822E VTM830 VTM838E VTM920 VTM930 VTM930

LOW CTL PULSES On a 3 hour tape, plays back in LP, displays SP Sound poor E-E & Pback No capstan during Play or Rec - ok in ffwd/rew No erase osc cass housing tries to load without tape in it & cassette in symbol displayed Cassette accepted but jams on eject Various inc unstable audio, ctuck in LP mode, servo hunting Int jams Int play Ffwd Red Tape stuck combi motor gives 'kick' when powered Vibrating noise Flahing on rec ok on pback - no full erase No sound rec - erase ok (just hiss) noise lines on back - loss of drum phase sig Record control track written incorrectly -when cold When ejecting, tries to reload tape E-E pic crushed with int blue screen Dead Intermittent squealing noise with rippled picture Capstan pulses twice per sec tape looping on eject When setting timer with hset, ERR appears in vcr display Intermittent failure to accept tapes - "Tape In" indicator lit with no tape present Normal video, but E-E sound instead of off-tape cass housing tries to load without tape in it Dead - slight squeal at sw on Stops aft 3 secs in all functs except pause Int won't accept tape or loads on its own Tries to load without tape inserted

C631 47uF 16v change R630 390K to 680K. R632 1K to 330R R629 3K3 to 680R C407 leaking electrolyte around sound proc IC C626 & C627 47 16v C426 33 16v o/c (11v supply decoupler) dry joints at link K2546 next to pin 11 of plug PG1504 Door fails to open due to broken bracket on door lift ass'y 47 cap in the relevant faulty area leaky Cass flap lever on RH side worn - bend to compensate Retaining ring come out of clutch assy: as a result the pressure spring was free to push the reel drive gear upwards Removed with help of 6v battery and capstan motor lubricated Capstan motor lub Q1542 2SA952 sw tr C408 4 35v IC401 aud proc chip decoupler faulty C1656 10 25v passses drum phase pulses at pin 11 of conn PG1643 on main pcb Servo chip faulty Clutch base ass'y C4708 10uF 16V on the built in teletext board & check other caps here C108? 1 250v in psu Plastic impedance roller upstream from entry guide remove clean & Replace C614 22 50v on main pcb next to capst conn usually gear clutch assy but was bottom of cass holder bent down Check/replace hset batteries Replace RH tape end sensor. Replace IC401 (LA7297) take up end sensor dry joints CR54 zener diode marked 20B2 s/c (I used 20V zener), ICP F51 N38 s/c. (Make sure you check this ICP first, otherwise it will blow the zener again.) TU reel sensor replaced End sensor lead broken BOT sensor broken leg

Hitachi Hitachi

VTMMX835 VTMX110E Turbo

RF retuning Dead

Press PLAY/PAUSE (on VCR)while the set is in stand-by, then CH UP/DOWN on remote then standby to memorise. MP160 LT fuse o/c which blew when replaced - traced to faulty capstan motor (no movement although drum twitches) In st/by without a tape. Press play key on front of machine. Display should indicate RF-if Rf converter is switched off. Press stop key on hand set and display should indicate RF channel (i.e. RF35) The converter RF channel can now be adjusted using the CH up/down buttons on front of machine. Press power button to memorise RF channel. Dry joints earth lands in tuner/modulator Clean mode sw Reel opto sensor faulty STK5482 faulty - pin3 was only 2v (5.1v) The -30v supply low at -18v that feeds eeprom - R5008 47R safety res in PSU o/c No AT12v - Q5004 2SC3807 s/c b-e (used BD131) Q4 (2SC3807) s/c B-E in the psu C701 C702 47uF LOW D22 OC Changed caps in sigs path C4, C2, C18 & C19 Idler travel restricted - mode sw cleaned & replace capst belt C4084 2 50v 00-10 0D-B3 1A-35 27-F1 01-1E 0E-35 1B-5F 28-01 02-04 0F-66 1C-05 29-F0 03-6A 10-F9 1D-F0 2A-0E 04-00 11-40 1E-05 2B-00 05-00 12-80 1F-F3 2C-01 06-00 13-40 20-00 2D-01 07-2F 14-00 21-00 2E-06 08-44 15-6A 22-00 2F-01 09-20 16-00 23-00 30-04 0A-02 17-35 24-00 31-00 0B-08 18-A3 25-5F 32-00 0C-00 19-89 26-01 33-18 C65 OC 10uF 16v 34-00 35-00 36-00 37-00 38-00 39-00 3A-00 3B-00 3C-6C 3D-2B 3E-21 3F-15


VTMX730E VTMX810E TVR402 VR3916 VR3917 VR3918 VR3918 VR3919 VR3946 VR3975 VR5740 D1020

RF output freq adjust Int loss of E-E & Pback sound via RF o/p Accepts tape then no functs Take up tacho pulses missing Weak/erratic capstan drive in FF/Rew/Play & no drum rotation No chan store No loop thro', e-e or Pback sigs blank raster on E-E with no sound, tape movement in all modes was jerky & no eject. INT POWER SUPPLY WON'T START No rec sound for 10-15mins on timer recs No FF/Rew Black bands across screen in Pback & E-E


JMBC1499B HR7350



HR745EK HRA230 HRA631EK HRD120 HRD170E HRD180 HRD180E HRD180E HRD210 HRD220 HRD225 Ferguson 3V36 HRD225EK HRD230 HRD230EK HRD330 HRD445 HRD500EK HRD500EK HRD510EK HRD520 HRD530 HRD540 HRD540 HRD540 HRD540 HRD540 HRD540 HRD540 HRD540 HRD540 HRD540

No sound mute in search & interference from drum motor no rewind or rev search when heated Cassette ejected after being inserted Patterning on Pback Sw off aft few secs & won't accept tape Whistle on sound & ripple on pic e-e -OK on pre-recs No take up tape stuck No rec - ejects tape when timer set drum lock

Check C971, Q951, Q952 & D962 in psu supply reel sensor Pt no PU61433 Nylon pin that operates the cass down sw missing C16 47 in psu CP4 F20 fuse o/c but blew when replaced - reel motor faulty C5 47 in psu low cap capstan motor faulty mode sw earth screws on mode sw pcb not tight magnet on drum motor had moved - readjust screws holding bracket Check whether the supply spool rotates for a few secs if it does check CP1 for O/C if ok check voltage at pin 37 IC201: this should be in low state without tape inserted: if it is not in low state check up/down detector switches check following caps in psu - C9 47 35v, C16 47, C24 22 Change 7 electrolytics near IC101- C123, C124, C130,C133, C134, C135, C137. resolder pad on loading block underside of mech VC2023B servo chip CF101 38.9WC filter in IF module faulty IC801 STR5490 & CP801 in 12v line o/c IC1 LA7295 dry joints pins 15, 21 & 25 Mode motor drive belt slipping - replaced Mode switch CHECK L13 FOR DRY JOINTS Dry joint C134 No sw volts PD75216ACW faulty 33 sm cap on lower head drum SLANT POLE SECURING PIN NOT PRESSED HOME FULLY OR MAIN LOADING LEVER AND CAM UNIT WORN Mode sw C28 in psu 120 6.3v C8 & C11 1 (back LH side of main pcb) Pole base loose - not letting pole reach fully loaded posn Back tension band replacement/adj Guide arm ass'y pin broken


Will not accept cassette worn heads symptom E-E/Pback jumping & dist No tape end stop Capstan fast when play selected then shuts down E-E - ghosting No e-e, pback (loop thro only) - mech functs ok No record sound Shuts down aft few secs - mode motor runs continuously Ejects when still part loaded or int play NO TUNER Blank raster int - on pback & rec Dead Head sw point varies INT MISTRACKING OR TAPE DAMAGE Mode motor runs continously until sw off No display Poor sound rec /pback Severe tracking lines Some pre recs won't play Stops during pback & shuts down


HRD540 HRD540 etc HRD540 etc HRD540 etc HRD560 HRD560 HRD560EK HRD5755 HRD580 HRD580 HRD600 HRD610 HRD610 HRD610 HRD610 HRD640 HRD640EK HRD660 HRD660EK HRD660EK HRD660EK HRD660EK HRD700EK HRD720 HRD720

White bleeps on pback pic Drum failure effect, or misaligned guide poles No display Tape chews CAPSTAN SERVO NOT WORKING NO PLAY Only half a pic on pback - not heads Starts to load then unload in Play/Rec Dead No display Tape crinkling even after P Roller replacement Dead Dead Only recs one prog in timer mode

Loose earthing screw at rear of head amp pcb or anti static arm out of posn. Replace 33 50v cap on drum motor C28 120mfd 6.3 volts in the PSU Idler sluggish movement to build up of hardened grease - remove & clean/re-lub IC401 HD49733NT CP401 OC C6 33 16v under head drum Drum partially siezed - able to free it by fitting shim R21 47R 1/4w in psu o/c in -30v supply; Unsw 5.6v was 10v as Q8 2SC1740 on sub reg pcb eaky - used BC182L in lie; CP1 F10 on timer/display pcb o/c Black plastic guide distorts with age - replace or straighten using heat gun C12 22 50v in psu pri C12 22 50v in psu Mode sw

Timer record 1 event OK multiple event and set will switch off Mode switch faulty Half pic covered in noise - Looks like misaligned guides Servo fault in Pback Cassette stuck with tape wrapped around p roller Half load arm jamming with master cam Mechs jammed Search tune won't stop at sat rx - ok on tv chans Sound mutes int with blue screen esp when cold Dead IF TAPE REWOUND IS EJECTED IF NEW TAPE PUT IN IS EJECTED IF PART WOUND TAPE PUT IN IS OK partially accept tape then shut down Check 33 sm cap on drum pcb Replace 3.3uF/50v Capacitor which is located on the video drum motor Idler gear sluggish & faulty - new type has 2 gears Check control cam is seated properly in its spindle Split washer dropped off rack slider & jammed - check mechs for wear Dry joints in modulator Q7 (2SC1740) on the IF board - used BC546 in lieu R1 1R in psu o/c (caused by faulty STK5451?) D611 ON SUB PANEL FITTED INCORRECTLY replace mode sw, control cam & end sensors D428 (IN4148) leaky TU FG pulses low at pin 41 of IC202 its on a sub board CP2 o/c - Q16 s/c C14 1 50v on psu pri SPARKING BETWEEN CHOPPER IC HEATSINK TAB AND CLOSE PCB FEEDING R1 REMOVE PCB FOIL BETWEEN THE TWO

HRD725 3V43 Fails to read reel tacho pulses HRD7450 No tape movement HRD750 Dead aft power cut HRD750 INT MAINS FUSE BLOWING OR INT FUNCTION FAULTS


HRD755 HRD790 HRD790 HRD790EK HRD790EK HRD790EK HRD830 HRD830 HRD830 HRD830 HRD860 HRD860 HRD860 HRD860EK HRD910 HRD910 HRD910 HRD910 etc HRD910EK HRD910EK HRD960 HRD960 HRD960 HRD960 HRD960EK HRDD445 HRDX22

No play/rec - starts to lace up then unlaces INT LOSS OF VIDEO SIGNALS HENCE NO RECORDED PICTURE NO SYNC Stops & turns off aft couple secs in play etc Dead Dim display poor pback of own recs - col only flash streaks OK on pback of good tapes Capstan motor varying with no capstan lock if CTL pulses removed motor would settle down Int loss of E-E No NICAM sound - FM sound ok No tuning or E-E

Drum not rotating due to being partially siezed - by dismantling & fitting shim managed to get it to work Q21 ON TUNER PCB INT OC PS2 TU reel sensor cleaned R2 & R3 330k hi res in PSU C28 & C25 in psu hi esr replace 33 50v sm electrolytic on underside of head drum ass'y C405 in servo circuit leaky Q02 on Tuner if board ( 2SD1207 ) CP1 N10 cct prot o/c due to M65109BSP internal s/c Replace Q2 2SD1207(on small Tuner Pcb) with same or newer 2SD1207/ST Replaced s/c Q1 (2SC4517A) with a BUT11AF, o/c reservoir cap' C12 (100uF 400V) and the 1 amp fuse Check reel sensors PS1 & PS2 Loading motor duff C28 120 6.3v 105deg leaky

Dead - 1A fuse o/c No FFwd - otherwise ok Won't accept tape Dim or no Display - mecks ok Fails to play and damages tapes with head drum and capstan motors running slow CP803 O/C is not shown in circuit diagram No functs, tape loads & display shows "-" Child lock on - use R/C to bring vcr out of st/by No pback fm @ TP206 due to no 5v at pin 1 CN202 (head pre-amp module) - Check No pback sound / pic (blank raster) IC102 M34225M2-110SP (5v at pin 8) Poor tracking 33 cap on lower drum pcb DRUM COMES UP OUT OF PHASE loads but won't play - no head rotation dim display Entry/exit guides not locating drum Int ejects tape when play/ffwd selected Sw off in Ffwd/Rew aft brief period Dead Int slack tape on eject Capst speed varies & int col on Pback - rec ok REPLACE SMALL ELECTOLYTIC CAPACITOR 2.2MFD63V ON DRUM MOTOR PCB CP803 600mA IC prot - not shown on cct C28 & C29 Not brass bush - Worn plate ass'y & TU load arm gear - also replaced slide encoder, control cam & half load gear C19 470u 25v leaking C19 in psu faulty C28 100 63v, C25 47 50v & CP2 N20 Mode switch Check D14, capst bearings, C26 (22uF), C31 (470uF) and adjust of R805 (switched 5v).



Col varies, wowo on sound, pic pulse, tape counter erratic Int stop No control track pulses, pback col & counter fast Poor capstan lock & flashing pback pic dead - no display faint white vertical line moves from l to r on pb incorrect capstan speed Cassette not fully accepted Power supply blown won't erase prev recs - int Dead except for couple of segments lit in display Dead with arrow or 3 dashes in display Display odd Int tape looping on eject dead No e-e or pback pic via rf or scart No play - no reel drive

C28 047 in psu - chech other caps in psu also esp C24 & C31 Dry joints CN601 conn on top pcb - pin 5 mainly C24, C25 680 & C32 470 in psu sw 5v supply high at 5.9v - set at 5.3v with R805 at tp803 ICPN20 CP1 o/c also no sw 5v because L959 was o/c dry joints scart connector on main pcb check 5.2v rail - in this case was 5.8v - adj to correct value PS2 sensor on top of cass housing dry joint Fit BUT11AF for Q1 and BC637 for Q2 C5 47 in erase cct CP1 in psu o/c - earth top bracket of cassette housing to lessen repeat failure Check CP1 & replace control cam PQ32413-1-6 & half load arm PQ48570B & realign CP1 N20 o/c, C36 470 s/c & check C33 470 all in psu PU60622 - 1 2 slide switch (mode sw); PQ43555C-10 Plate Assy D40 12v zener s/c (in psu) - dry joints on Q2 in pri of psu Choke L101 12v feed o/c on scart pcb clutch had lost its circlip & dropped down


HRJ210E HRJ220 HRJ220 HRJ220 HRJ220 HRJ220 HRJ220 HRJ220EK HRJ225 HRJ225 HRJ225 HRJ225

Q1 2SC4517A (BUT11AX), Q2 2SC3616 (2SC3070), R11 1,2K, R8 0R39, R14 680Ohm, D7 27V Zener, D8, D6 1N4148, C21 0,1uF, D2, D4 in bridge rectifier, C12 Dead aft lightening damage 2,2uF 50V Dead C860 22 50v, C868 47 16v, C806 2 50v No E-E or Pback pic - mechs ok No AL12v or SWD5v - Q859 2SD1302S o/c b-e No tape movement apart from load/unload P roller not contacting capstan - black plastic pinch roller cam cracked Replace change arm - lug broken that attaches to spring - CHS ref 74 Page 743 2000 Tape jammed cat Arm ass'y reqs replacement - lug breaks off preventing spring pulling arm across drive Won't accept or eject tape cog Won't accept tape Mode sw or change arm assy PQ46353A-1 WILL NOT EJECT SPRING BROKEN OFF CHANGE ARM ITEM 74 JVC*PQ46353A2 Graunching noises aft eject & no tape end sensing Centre led D610 type SIR-381SB3FM Tape ejects Replace 'cassette switch pin' PQ46359-2 When powered, machine shuffles & tries to eject without tape OK when tape manually wound into machine & ok until power off again. Start (take up?) being in then powers down sensor faulty Spring anchor broken off change arm ass'y pt no PQ46353A-2 - also spring anchor Wont eject tapes but motor could be heard running broken from take up lever ass'y item 58 pt no PQ21686-1-3


HRJ225 etc HRJ225EK HRJ235EK HRJ235EK HRJ245EK HRJ246EK HRJ248EE HRJ255 HRJ255 HRJ255EK HRJ265 HRJ265 HRJ265EK

Jams in fully loaded posn - pinch roller not fully home No accept or eject of cassette Dead aft storm Pinch roller fails to engage in Play SWITCHING TO STANDBY ON PLAY/RECORD Dead with pri HT present no playback picture (sound OK), and no colour when recordings were played back on another machine. Dead aft power cut No capstan rotation Ejects tapes at random Dead - no display No E-E or Pback piv via RF or scart Dead

Caused by broken capstan lever ass'y item 50. New part made of metal due to the high stress placed on it Item 74 of exploded view - replace or repair with M3 nut + bolt Q901 2SK1459 s/c - used 2SK1275; Q902 2SC3616 s/c - used BC4204; D901 bridge rect s/c Part 50 in exploded view reqs replacement The new cast metal part is numbered PQ46342C-9 REPLACE TAKE UP CLUTCH JVC*PQ46323A1 R901, R902 220k o/c in pri PSU IC101 LA7416 the head pre-amp chip. 330k res near mains smoothing cap o/c Motor faulty conns to coils - resoldered CP3001 cct prot dry joints (below & to front of loading motor) D5301 MTZJ15A zener s/c No o/p pin 23 IC7151 - chip u/s zener D5301 15v Replaced D5301 15V Zener s/c, Q5101 2SK2632 s/c ( replaced with BUZ91A), Q5102 2SD2146 s/c ( replaced with 2SC3225), R5106 0,39Ohm o/c reel gear assy (with a black plastic arm bit over the top) removed & cleaned Idler arm replaced Dry joints take up sensors D5301 15v zener across sec 12v supply Replace the Idler Arm Ass'y (LP40114-011B). IC401 BU2884S CP1 N20 800mA o/c - caused by static discharge - fit earthing spring between case & mechs REPLACE REEL SENSORS no supply reel fg pulses - PS1 faulty replace control plate & slider plate Sound enters BA7797F IC1 but does not emerge - not chip but C1 22 10v was faulty tho checked ok IC401 BU2884S drive chip Lever ass'y item 80 cracked


HRJ268EU HRJ270 HRJ270 HRJ270 HRJ270EK HRJ270EK HRJ325 HRJ400 HRJ410 HRJ410 HRJ420 HRJ420/425 HRJ425 HRJ425

Dead after power cut - mains fuse blown Accepts tape but tape spillage when funct selected Int cuts out & tape drags Tries to eject when already in eject posn Dead with 330v across mains smoothing cap aft power cut Erratic take up, poor idler movement Capstan rotates too fast Tape stuck & odd symbols displayed GOING INTO STANDBY FROM PLAYBACK OR RECORD int stop in rec or play Tape slack aft R/W & mechs jumps out of time Sound absent in pback - ok in e-e capst motor runs fast with grinding noise No play as pinch roller not connecting with capstan


HRJ425 HRJ425EK HRJ435 HRJ455EK HRJ507MS HRJ600 HRJ600 HRJ600 HRJ600 HRJ600 HRJ600 HRJ600EK HRJ610 HRJ610 HRJ610EK HRJ610EK HRJ610EK HRJ610EK HRJ610EK HRJ615E HRJ625 HRJ625 HRJ625 HRJ625 HRJ625 HRJ625 HRJ625 HRJ625 HRJ625 HRJ625 (M chassis) HRJ625EK

broken tension spring fixing on front lever plate, under the cassette housing (on the Won't accept or eject cassette - plays ok if wound in manually main deck).The spring is under the plate slightly to the left of centre Replace the broken take-up lever ass'y (PQ21686-1-3) and the very blackened mode No mechs switch (PU61432-1-2). Dead Q902 2SC3616 s/c NO DRUM ROTATION REPLACE CP4001 HRS*ICFN15 Powers up for a couple of secs then reverts to st/by Brakes not working when stopped after FFwd/Rew Dead Int failure to eject Very int locks up won't accept tape, faulty eject & noisy Wont eject fully No drum Dead Int blanks out in e-e & rec Blank screen in E-E - may be int Dead Dead Dead after mains interruption No E-E - pback ok Dead Eject fails - capst motor whirring Eject inop Int fails to load - when it happens, 1/2 load arm item 26 fails to reach its end int slack tape on eject No capst drive No RF o/p NOT LOADING TAPES PSU squealing Wont accept tape Cuts out on playback. Mechs jammed Check cprots - CP801 F20 o/c (measure volts on R803 13.5v - if missing check cp) Replace main slider & supply spool brakes on underside of mechs - it may appear to be unworn Check C12 on psu pri - but D35 16v zener was s/c in this case Damaged teeth relay gear & drive arm ass'y - replace & mode sw C608 back up capacitor dry jointed replace deck assy - pivot pin loose - Pt no PQ11473B-10 25.91 pin on main deck - relay arm bearing faulty - replace main deck! CP40 N15 o/c - towards front of main pcb C12, 38, 31, 41 Video muting tr being muted - C206 01 50v low cap in IF unit C206 01 50v in IF/det unit C12 22 50v, C31 22 63v hi esr C12 22 50v in psu pri also check caps in psu sec All elects in psu were hi esr No 12v to IF sect, Q2 2SB810 & check all caps in unit for hi esr C12 22 63v, C31 & C34 22 63v C38 047 50v Spring anchorage broken off change arm Item 74 Change arm ass'y broken peg releasing spring - SEME pt no VPAR7178 Load motor faulty cleaned mode sw BU2884S driver chip Check RF out sw on rear of machine IF CAPSTAN MOTOR NOT TURNING REPLACE IC401 (BU2884S) Mains cap 68 400v may be o/c & check other caps in psu Change arm ass'y & mode sw Spindle of T/U reel slightly bent forward bent straight or replace the deck! Replace control plate, mode sw, control cam & realign



Dead aft power cut

Replace C906 22 50v, remove front panel & complete pcb/deck for access Replace the broken take-up lever ass'y (PQ21686-1-3) (the mounting post for the tension spring had snapped off). Fitted a new mode switch (PU61432-1-1). Mode sw Dry joints tape end sensor (start) Q951 2SD2061 Q952 2SD1819 surface mount ZD962 MA45051N (M) 5V1 zener D963 1SS133 C962 .001MF/50 volts surface mount C963/C971 both electrolytics one is 100MF/10 volts the other is 220 MF/10 volts D5301 15v zener s/c Actuator levers had jumped over each other. Supply reel has its brake nearest front mode sw Replace item 102 idler lever LP30236-002B (main cause), item 89 idler arm ass'y LP40114-006B, item 106 rotary encoder QSW0554-003 Rec prot sw plastic lever was displaced D5301 15v zener sec of psu s/c D5301 15v zener s/c dry joints DS207 Rec tab sw (also acts as momentarily as cass in/out sensor) plastic operating lever become unclicked - refit Replace D5301 15V Zener & Q5101 2SK2632 Fitted BUZ 80 & insul in lieu Q5102 2SD2144S split, chopper FET Q5101 2SK2632-CB14 s/c, R5106 0R39 1w o/c. Also replace opto PC5101 ON3171 & C5104 1 50v Q5101 2SK2632, R5106 0R39 1W, part number QRT01DJ-R39X, Q5102 2SD2144S/UV, C5006 68u400vr Idler arm as'y LP40114-008A & idler lever B LP30236-002B D5301 zener in 12v supply s/c Input fuse blackened, bridge rectifier s/c, 2SK2632 (used 2SK2632 in lieu)mosfet s/c, Q5102 2SD2144 o/c, R5106 0R39 1W o/c, D5301 15V zener in sec s/c & opto coupler, chopper trfmr shorted pri turns D5301 15v zener s/c in psu C12 It was the heads - like a crack or chip, not worn. R5102 (330k) was o/c



Chews tapes and switches itself off Tries to eject even when in eject mode Won't load - squeals & reverts to st/by


HRJ645EK HRJ655 HRJ655EK HRJ655EK HRJ660 HRJ660 HRJ665 HRJ665 HRJ665 HRJ665 HRJ668EU HRJ670 HRJ670 HRJ670 HRJ680

Heartbeat sound on audio Whistle from psu then dead Brakes not releasing supply spool when tape loading Erratic mechs - int shuts down Int chews tapes No tape loading around head & only 3/4 eject cassette if loaded by hand Dead Dead with ticking Int dead Won't accept/eject tape - ok if manually loaded Dead with mains fuse blown Dead with 1.6A fuse blown Dead with mains fuse blown Int slack tape on eject Dead aft power cut


HRJ680EK HRJ695EK HRJ715 HRJ737 HRJ755

Dead after power cut Brief burst from psu at sw on then dead Dead aft power cut Rec/Pback pic rolls & overloaded - ok on e-e Dead


HRJ755EK HRJ825EK HRJ825EK HRS4700EK HRS5800 HRS5800EK HRS5800EK HRS5900 HRS6600 HRS6800 HRS6800 HRS7000 HRS7000 HRS7000 HRS7000

Won't accept tape Audio dist on E-E & Pback Sound dist with hum in e-e & rec thro scart/phonos Dead Complete failure to operate no clock display Dead Display only - won't sw on via front controls Int sw off Dead after mains cut one head faulty symptom Snowy pback with line across Dead Dead Dead after being unplugged Patt & unstable sync/loss of col in pback & E-E

top plate item 274 come adrfift due to weak side clips - reqs lh side holder 22007MZ & rh side holder 2207PA CHS C852 (22mfd, 50v) in psu hi esr & check for dry joint on it C858 and C860 both 22uf 63V in the PSU R15 47R 1/4w in psu R15 ( 22ohm ) o/c C14 6.4v hi esr Stuck in childlock - sw on using r/c handset Replacing both end sensors & reel sensors cured Chopper Tr 2SK2632 s/c, D5301 15v zener s/c & replace C5104 in psu pri replace lower drum - IC cause of problem but is not available separately 33 sm cap on drum motor C2 22 in psu pri (hard to access due to being encased in metal box) C2 2.2uF 50V, C51100uF 10V, C58 10uF 50v C2 22 63v o/c in psu C37 10u 16v for sync crushing, C5 4u7 25v & C26 1u 50v for patterning, also check C91/92 0u47 50v Check caps inDigi pcb esp C37 - C12, 330uF, read 80uF , C22, 330uF, read 80uF, C3, 100uF, " " 91uF, C5, 4u7 " " 0u65uF, C26, 1uF, " " 0u47uF, C37, 10uF, " " 0u89uF Check caps in Digi panel esp red ones Check C2 22 50v & C58 10 50v on psu pri, also C59 & 60 22 63v on sec of psu C2 2u2F 63V 105C; C60 22uF 63V 105C; C59 22uF 63V 105C; C58 10uF 63V 105C It was from the large slider underneath the mech.The part number is LP10080-002E. Replace "direct gear" (item 63) (LP40122-001A) whose upper teeth had become worn & chewed up mod kit available CP801 supply to DD motor o/c Main supply brake assy LP40110.002H; & take up LP40111-002C Replace R5101 and R5102 both 330K in PSU Adj exit guide1/3 turn clockwise hold down pr+ & play keys(on machine)until display goes blank,release keys & wait for auto setup to finish. Replace the audio/control head and/or the HA118217F control chip (IC101).


HRS7000 HRS7000 HRS7000EK HRS7000EK HRS7500EK HRS7500EK HRS9400 HRS9400 HRS9500 HRS9600 HRS9700 HRXV1 HRXV1EK

Venetian blind effect in Pback & E-E Venetian blind effect on E-E & Pback Dead Dead with psu ticking Jammed with cassette inside & broken white plastic bit dropped out Rewind noisey Does not record autowide screen from AV2 Sw to st/by aft few secs Brakes ineffective Dead - pri HT present Noisy still pic R/C inop Int pic break up - like dirty/worn control head


J210 SR330 V856

Dead - CP1 o/c Chews tape No drum rotation

check/replace elects in psu & Q31 2SC1740 (used BC337 in lieu) Idler gear assy Part No PU 60618-1-3 No lt supply to drum as CP4001 N15 cct prot o/c put VCR in stby -hold PRG+ and PRG- on the front pannel for 4 sec untill CH22 appears on the display-press PRG+ or PRG- to change the channel number-press POWER to store Reel drive clutch internal claws broken - pt no 4265R-0002A D106 1N5822 Schottky diode in psu C116 (1000MFD 16V 105degree) the reservoir cap for the 5.4V line Replaced Arm assembly tension: GS4261R-0018A @ 3.89 EX VAT Lever tension: GS4510R-0022A @ 3.39 EX VAT IC401 BA7797 Change C358 on vid panel from 0022 to 033 (pin 65 IC300). C607 to 100 & C603 to 56nF on TV board Q304, T300 & C302/5/6 & 7 CP19 1000uF 10V, CP17 47uF 50VW, CP21 47uF 50VW, CP25 100uF, CP11 33uF 25VW IC801 TDA9605H In poor signal areas can be unreliable - add 1N4148 in posn D622 which disables auto clock set PDC upsets micro - disable pdc by adding diode in posn D622 on front pcb CP22 470UF CP18 470UF both in PSU CP19 1000 10v in psu CP19 1000 10v in psu Check electrolytics in psu AGC decoupling capacitor C707 47 50v from pin 4 of IC701 showed very high ESR. C707 47 50v con to pin 4 IC701 hi esr DJ"S on the end sensors / centre tx diode & check deflection mirrors on side of carriage mech for cleanliness 5.3v o/p low at 5.1v (should be 6v) - CP12 & 13 1000 low cap, also replaced CP06 33 25v 5v supply had ripple - CP12 & 13 1000 Dry joint L402 in supply to pin 11 BA7797 IC401 Idler arm ass'y (item 072)


AC2001 AF999NI BC969i BC999N1 BD2681 Aiwa D33 K1-20U72X KE14U43 KE14U73 LGPW9401 LV800 N2391 N309i N311 P4341 PW9041 PW904i RC7001 RC700i S11F S909 S909NI T163I T263i

To adj RF mod Shuts down in FFwd/Rew Dead Dead - pri HT present Cassette stuck - back tension lever pin missing No playback sound - E-E & TV sound ok Buzz on pback only Rec not erasing prev soundtrack Dead - no functs or display Buzz on pback hi fi sound on mono tapes Clock erratic - Gets its signal from Txt Clock erratic & Video plus int Loading slow & may stop halfway, drum also stalls weak E-E present in pback/search/still Display has all symbols lit Sound in pback dist & corrupt display at sw on E-E signal ragged - ok on pback & rec via scart E-E pic ragged - scart & pback ok Cassette housing hunts back & fro then off Dead Dead appearance but psu running Sound in E-E & Pback low Slack tape on eject


W201 W209i W906

To set RF o/p freq Erase int When operated goes into st/by after capst rev shuffle

In power off mode with display on press Prog up & Prog down buttons together for 5 secs until "RF-CHnn" shows. Press Up/down buttons to change chan. Change C403 from 0.022 to 0.015 F106 N20 cct prot on main pcb under mechs o/c In st/by hold chan up & down buttons on vcr for 4 seconds until display changes to UHF chan no. (Default = Ch22) Using chan buttons adj to req freq then press st/by to bring vcr on & store new freq. put machine into stby then hold down the Chan+and - buttons together until CH22 appears in the display then use Chan +/- keys to alter o/p freq, then press power button to store. F106 IC prot o/c under RH side of deck Put vcr into sleep mode (press st/by twice) wait till the display fades then press P+ & Ptogether. Storing is automatic F106 N20 CP on main pcb o/c - beware of stray light when operating machine with cover removed 3300 25v cap in psu D515 on main pcb going high res C7 2200 63v W2 link on psu feeding unreg 18v had corroded thro STK5332 ICP201 oc IC6101 LA6358 Entry guide pole adj Q506 2SD734 one of phases on drum motor odd - res check proved 1 coil o/c poor joints on the main pcb in the video section excess back tension - clean back tens band and supply reel ripple on AT5.6v line - C523 100 16v on tv chassis Dry joints on deck connector CP1001 also clean mode switch with fibre pen. Check guide arm mountings - tend to be flimsy and break Play a known good test tape, Hold the volume down on the set and press number 3 on the handset - it should "sort itself out" Get pre-prog EEPROM 24C08 from Grandata resolder socket pins on drum motor pcb, some used as print through links for double sided pcb



Modulator adj

LG LG LG LG Lloyds Logik Logik Logik Logik Logik Logik Logik Logik Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui

W9061 W9311 W9311 W931I L444 (Sharp) VR945 VR950 VR955 VR960 VR960 VR960 VR960 VR960 TV161 TVR141 TVR141 TVR141 TVR161W TVR162 TVR180 TVR180 TVR185

RF setup No action - no LED lit at sw on - comes on when re-pressed RF output adjust No mech functs tape stuck, in alarm mode "< >" "00" in display only with flickering & no functs Dead - no 5v to micro pin 32 Hum from PSU in Rec, Play & E-E No col in Pback & e-e missing Dead Display lights but no actions No mech functs - clock ok Pulling pic on pback Wont switch on or off control track problem noise band every 10sec E-E no sound Pback slow tracking bars, slow sound on pback No Drum rotation Noise band 1" high at bottom of pic Head Switching point adj (disturbance at bottom of pic) Stuck in st/by Drum speed erratic, sometimes stopping

Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui

V9000 VCP550 VCP550 VP9301 VP9301 VP9401 VP9401 VP9401 VP9401 VP9405 VP9405 VP9405 VP9405 VP9405

Dead Capstan not turning unless helped Fails to lace up fully No e-e signals Playback slow/int - cuts out on Rew Dead - F502 o/c Dead - no display No pic e-e or pback thro rf or scart (sound ok) Won't accept tapes Accepts tape then immediately ejects it Adjusting RF o/p Dead Loses sound on e-e, loses col/overloading on pback when heated - ok when first tried No Ffwd/Rew & int mech lock up

replace C13 (47uF) C11 & C12 (1000uF) in psu Motor faulty 29.60 from CPC Damaged tooth on gear pinch lift ass'y WVE 881001 R6035 33k in tuning volts filter o/c Capstan Pulley cracked & slipping When replaced, powers up but no mechs - IC1004 load motor drive chip overheating reqs replacement, also check ICP051 & D16 D16 s/c Q4015 buffer amp 2SA1037K sm o/c b-e Load motor inactive due to its drive chip u/s BA6886 Strip & clean mode sw Hold power button for 5 secs from st/by until "OUT CH **" appears - reset with chan up/down buttons R519 470k o/c TA1232N chip Mode sw With vcr sw on press st/by until display shows test signal. Use "+" & "-" buttons to alter rf as shown in display. Press st/by again until display shows clock again Reel sensor beneath take up spool u/s Supply clutch assy Capstan motor hold power on button for 5 secs. Chan appears - use chan+/- to change freq then back to st/by to store capstan motor faulty - available from Curry's Partmaster 17.25 press & hold for 4 secs the CH+ & OTR buttons To enable, hold "power" button on vcr until display flashes off, then select RF o/p with chan down button on front Hold CH+ and OTR buttons for 4 seconds. Cassette not being fully taken down so T Up reel stops. Damaged RH side plate (NLA) clean mode sw Check mode sw Replace back tension arm & check setting

Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui

VP9405 VP9405 VP9405 VP9405 VP9405 VP9405 VP9407A VP9407A VP9408 VP9409 VP9501 VP9501 VP9501

RF modulator adjustment Shuts down aft 5 secs in any mode Slow rewind with clunks Tape stuck - plays back fast then stops to change mod freq wont accept tape - goes in so far then sw to st/by Disabling child lock RF O/P switching Code lost- in protect mode - to operate Int stops & reverts to st/by whilst in play Int mech functs, int eject, head drum etc Mechs int jams Tape crinkles at top edge

Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui

VP9504 VP9505 VP9506 VP9506 VP9601 VP9601 VP9601 Mk2 VP9601N VP9601N VP9601N VP9601N VP9606 VP9607A VPA9401 VPA9401 VPA9401A VR1600 VX880 VXL4 VR3400 VS888 VS888 VX1000 VX1000 VX1000 VX1000 VX1100 VX1100

When Play selected, loads tape then sits there motionless for a few secs before turning off - same with eject Mode switch cleaned Lift Assy part no HOUS471 fitted as old one didn't go down far enough to operate cass Ejects some tapes as soon as they are inserted in sw Band at bottom of pback pic Check head sw To disable pin no. Press "Ch up" & "OTR" for 4 secs on vcr front Dead D514 (D2100 003) in psu sec s/c - used RGP15J in lieu Goes off tune when rec selected C518 47 50v in 30v line on sec psu Chews tapes - no drum spin when tape inserted Supply spool keeps on running aft eject until m/c sw off Clean mode sw and re-align mechs Cuts out from cold, no tune/store, no pback pic (like dirty heads) C514 330 16v Dead or squeaking from psu C514 330 16v Drifts off tune when rec or eject operated C518 47 in 33v rail o/c Int loading, ejects randomly after loading & shutdown etc RF chan setting To deactivate childlock when asked for PIN No. Int stops - take up reel stops Mechs jammed Dead - no display SLOW DRUM ROTATION THEN STALLS INT LOSS PB LUMA Dead - no op or display No op light or mechs - display lit inc chan no. Cassette jams halfway in when inserting Playback has tracking lines Playback slow or stopping Runs slow in playback Chews tapes - slack tape on eject Dim display, reluctant to load & hum bar Check/replace electrolytics on PSU secondary From standby mode, hold power button for about 5 seconds, CH will appear in display, use channel up down buttons to adjust and back to standby to store press ch up & otr for 4 seconds replace take up clutch spool, item 364 CHS order code 14003KH 2.59 cass housing out of time by 2 teeth (line up dots) & had damaged teeth. Caused by tension springs on housing weak & not gripping cassette CP ICP501 o/c IC01 BU2716S R52 ON LUMA PCB N Pcont 5 or 12v No osc from display micro front panel Xin or Xout pins 28 & 29. TC601 trimmer u/s No RF o/p low Pcont 5v & 12v - STK5342 chip faulty Cassette flap opening lever jamming - filed the corner off the slot it operates in Lower drum worn - replaced Has excess back tension due to brakes not fully releasing - Item 334 CHS has clip broken off & rides up Lub dry capstan bearing Lost part of felt on supply brake band C505/504 100u 100v & C509 hi esr

Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui

VX1100 VX1100 VX1100 VX1100 VX1105 VX1105 VX1105 VX1105 VX1105 VX1105 VX1105 VX1106 VX1107 VX1107A VX1107A VX1107A VX1108 VX2000 VX2500 VX2500 VX2700 VX3000 VX3000 VX3000 VX3000 VX3000 VX3000 VX3000 VX3000 VX3000 VX500 VX600

int front loading No capstan lock No eject aft working on deck No rewind Dead after coin dropped inside int failed to load a tape loads & then ejects Refuse to accept cassette Tape creasing Tries to load without cassette in - play ok Won't accept tape & no end sensing No e-e or Menu via rf or scart, mechanical functions ok Security code reset Dead, no display No display No E-E, test or pback - TV loop thro ok Child lock removal No video o/p from RF mod (test sig ok) No remote operation POWER SUPPLY STUCK IN STBY NO CTL PULSES OR NO SOUND Head & capst rotate aft eject Int lum rec signal Int stop when in play - tape remains laced Int tape speed with noise bars Loading motor runs cont Loads but no fwd motion No eject - cassette comes 1/2 way out then goes back in Pulling/rolling e-e Tape unlaces and ejects aft rev search Accepts tape then ejects it F625 1.25A fuse blown

mode sw or lighthouse ir led Dry joints edge conn plug between ACE head & main pcb Check wires to solenoid Replace the 2 clutches If D516 GMA-02 in PSU secondary is s/c (-30V supply to the Micro), then in most cases the Micro will be damaged as well. clean mode sw check end sensors Crack in rh frame of cass housing & mode sw Retainer clips on TU & Supply guide poles slip down & don't mate with V blocks - glue back on Mechs mistimed Lighthouse LED replaced IC502 (TA7810S) 10v reg no o/p front rhs of psu. press ch up and otr on front of vcr for a few seconds. Q503,[2SD734] O/C., R506, [220k,1/2w] O/C. If you find R506, ok, check the S/M R518,56k, this is in series with R506 C652,[0.1mF) could be leaky. Modulator faulty hold record and channel+ for several seconds. PF4201 filter o/c - feeds base of buffer tr which feeds mod Try pressing reset in battery cover on remote QO7 OC AUDIO CTL HEAD OC Mode sw R52 on YC pcb int o/c Mode sw Mode sw BA6247 IC Mode sw Build up of hard grease on lever driven by main cam to carriage drive C17 01 50v Mode sw Safety tab rec sw broken & fouling cass down sw on main deck Rating too near borderline - fit 1.6A fuse

Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui

VX6000 VX6600 VX6600 VX6600 VX6600A VX735A VX755A VX765 VX800 VX800A VX820 VX820 VX820 VX820 VX880 VX880 VXA110 VXA1100 VXA1100 VXA1100

Won't accept tape & no end sensing Int stop & no take up - wont restart from pause Rec pic just a "mass of lines" - sound ok Snowy pic - low gain e-e Tension arm jams on load/unload Stops & Starts in play - jerky every coulpe of secs No op light or functs Stuck in LP mode Crinkling bottom edge of tape int or no record pic Dead - no display No capstan drive No functs - display ok No op or display No Play SLOW DRUM ROTATION THEN STALLS mech jammed - capstan motor squeels Back tension arm jams against supply loading arm on eject Capstan slow/graunching noise Chews tape in ffwd/rew & eject

Pin on loading gears broken off due to someone 'removing' tape- repaired by fitting smal nut & bolt in place of pin Capstan bearing worn Adj FM carrier pot VR4001 on YC pcb Q04 2SC3000 s/c b-e Straighten loading lever under deck and file a piece off to allow tension arm to move further Capst drive chip gets very hot due to tight bearings - clean & lub No 5v STK5332 pin 1 - chip faulty Check pin 40 OEC9009 - no cont pulses. Replace C31 & 32 in control path & fit screened lead from ctl head to main PCA Pinch roller ass'y changed - lever bent dry joints on lum sub module or connectors Q02 2SD1207 on main pcb o/c - used TIP31C in lieu No unreg 16v at pin 6 CD2001 capst mot plug. ICP201 o/c Q2502 12v reg & STK5332 Q02 2SD1207 12v reg overheated - replacement fitted - used TIP31A on separate heatsink (runs hot) Limiter post spindle had dropped out - replace or fit small nut/bolt in place of spindle IC01 BU2716S left hand clutch assy fallen apart Broken operating rod under deck Replacing C528 100 16v & C1029 100 25v slightly hi esr did not cure it - replacement of capstan motor from a scrapper did Supply reel clutch fallen apart - reassemble & refit locking washer - remove bottom first to gain access Q503 2SC4517 s/c; Q502 2SC4204 s/c; D507 1SS132 s/c (fast switching diode 30V 150mA; 1MHz, I used 1N4148); D512 11EQS04 s/c (schottky barrier diode 40V 1A, I used AK04); D517 18V 0.5W zener s/c; D523 18V 0.5W zener s/c; ICP501 1.6A fuse link o/c; To be on the safe side, I also replaced Q511 opto TLP621(GR) Check posn of brake pads hasn't moved Tighten loose rh capst motor screw - bracket fouling arm Back tension lever jamming it - plastic plate assy under deck cracked and metal pin that sits in groove had come out

Matsui Matsui Matsui Matsui

VXA1100 VXA1100 VXA1100 VXA1100A

Dead - fuse blown Int no eject - powers down when requested No play due to sticking half load arm Mechs jammed

Matsui Memorex Sanyo

VXA110S VR1950 B srs M srs USING F0 DECK H750B

overbright pic or other lum problem Have to press rewind or fast fwd 2/3 times to work , clutch not engaging as it should DEAD NO CLOCK TAPE SYMBOL RUNNING WITH NO TAPE IN CUTTING OUT ON SEARCH No start up from cold then patt NO COLOUR ON PLAYBACK PLAY PICTURE HAS HERRINGBONE PATTERNING ON IT INT DRUM HUNTS IN PB No functions No display DEAD Dead Int accepts tape or not fully ejecting No rec colour Poor Pback - looks like worn heads Starts to accept tape then ejects - int No Playback colour on other machines LP tapes own LP tapes OK , all SP tapes OK . This machines LP tapes have no colour when played on other machines , SP tapes OK . Poor still pictures ( should be noise free has 4 heads ) Loading & error faults Shuts down when tape inserted - display ok Shuts down with "EEEE" in display when stopped fro Ffwd or Rew Dead Dead but all o/p volts from psu present Int functs & tape damage No col rec - pback ok ROW OF DOTS ON SCREEN Dim/No display Broken guide rails which are moulded to chassis Dead / Int Dead - no display Dead or runs erratically

replace IC4001 & 4002 Mode switch us

Mitsubishi Mitsubishi

MITSUBISHI HC761C Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi MITSUBISHI Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi HR304 HS303 HS347 HS520V HS520V HS520V HS521V HS521V HS-531

CHECK STBY 5v REG Q971 ON UNDERSIDE OF DECK Pt No260P630010 C9A3 1000 10v in psu UNIT COULD BE IN NTSC MODE TO RESET PUT UNIT TO CLOCK SET AND HOLD COUNTER RESET ON REMOTE FOR 10 SECS CLEAN GLUE OFF HEAD AMP IC AND CLEAN PCB EARTHING SCREW TWEAK VR4A0 CAREFULLY Q9A0 S/C REPLACE R981 IN POWER SUPPLY 6.8 OHM Resistor 2R7 feeding 5v reg o/c Mode switch Pin 19 plug GM on main pcb from deck bad conn Head amp chip IC201 BA7184S duff Mode sw - make sure you mark posn of old one before removal

Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi MITSUBISHI Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi

HS541 HS5424 HS5424E HS5425 HS550V HS550V HS550V HS550V HS550V(B) HS600/700 HS604V etc HS621 HS621VB

Dry joint on pin 19 plug GM on head amp pcb ( HA-SW pulse ) Check/replace all elects in psu 47 50v cap in psu near mains tfmr leakage C109 in psu o/c TR8 in PSU Dry joints syscon chip IC5A0 Mode sw Rec col under sig missing - crack in pcb between TP2N & R2D1 REPLACE CHARACTER GENERATOR IC501 MITS274P573010 C9A3 & C9A1 1000 caps near chopper tfmt hi esr Cpt new chassis available for 27.50 + VAT C9A3 in power supply circuit. 1000uf 10v. C910 47 5v, C915 22 50v, C9A3 1000 10v

Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi

HS621VB HS631 HS640V HS641 HS651 HS651 HS651V HS651V HS721

Int eject Dead - no display Carriage RH lever broken & plastic guides on main deck cracked Poor playback - sync/noisy menus Cass housing jams at end of eject No take up for 3 secs & tape tangle on eject Loops tape on eject Reverts to st/by aft few secs Cut out in Pback, int accept tape from st/by, no tape remaining indicator etc

mod kit avilable from CHS C 943 1000mf u/s Next to SMPS tranny - tested ok Replacement deck available minus heads etc at reasonable cost L4A8 o/c FL arm/lever 621C2500010 warped and catching housing slider Check play/ffwd/rew clutch for damaged spring - if so replace ass'y Mode sw Q903 Mode operation diodes may be responsible - D5A9 & D5A1 - mod kit available In record the head preamp IC [LA7411] had no voltage at pins 18 and 21 they should both be at 4.1V. The IC was running hot. Disconnecting the lower drum foil brought the pin voltages back correctly. Isolate components from pins 4 & 6 of head foil (not used) R3A0 DRY JOINTED BECAUSE OF GLUE OVERFLOW Part nos - F/L arm L 515C001030, F/L Arm R 515C001040 Xtal X4A0 not osc (left of mains fuse) C9A3 1000uf 10v, and C9A4 330uf 10v (6.5v rail) low value;C9A6 470uf 10v was also high esr, this is the smoother on the rail that feeds the display heater.C910 4u7f 50v, & C915 2u2f 50v in psu pri FIT LED KIT MITSDIODLEKIT

Mitsubishi MITSUBISHI Mitsubishi Mitsubishi

HS721 HS721V HS721-V-B HS740

No Rec pic - sound ok E-E AUDIO CUTS OUT Lift Lever broken Poor drum lock & unstable

Mitsubishi HS740V MITSUBISHI HS740V HS740V HS600 HS700 HS7424 HS740V HS600 HS700 HS7424 HS740V HS600 HS700 HS7424



No auto-play, can record on prerecorded tapes, no tape remain ind.

D5C0. Kit of parts available - Mits. Pt. No. 007Z239010. SEME Pt. No. RK277G.


No eject

D5B5 Kit of parts available - Mits. Pt. No. 007Z239010. SEME Pt. No. RK277G.


Play cuts out after 5secs.

D5A9, also change R5B7 (100ohms). Kit of parts available - Mits. Pt. No. 007Z239010. SEME Pt. No. RK277G.

HS740V HS600 HS700 Mitsubishi HS7424 Mitsubishi HS750 MITSUBISHI HS750 Mitsubishi HS750V Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi HS750V HS750V etc HS750V etc HS750V etc HS750V etc HS751V HS751VB HS761 HS761V

Wont accept tape (except manually), no start or end sense No timer or Videoplus record SLOW REWIND Dead - display flashes a few times then goes blank RF chan reset Dead - no display Dead/Patterning Long time to come on aft timer rec - no display Plays for 5 secs then ejects tape Patterning then dead when mains reapplied Dead - R9A 100R overheating No reverse operation of capstan motor Dead NO REMOTE FUNCTIONS


D5B4, also change R5B4 (82ohms). Kit of parts available - Mits. Pt. No. 007Z239010. SEME Pt. No. RK277G. Timer reset button on back of vcr may need resetting FAULTY REEL SENSORS DIODELEKIT C9A3 1000 10v in psu Push and hold OKPROG and CHAN UP or CHAN DOWN, present rf chan can now be adj with CHAN UP/DOWN and power off to store. C9A3 1000 10v in 6.5v line C9A3 1000 10v in psu & check rest of caps if patterning C9A3 & C9A4 in psu Usually caused by light sensors D5A9 & can be obtained as a kit. Also can be syscon chip ICA50 M3818ME if data lines are ok & present at I/P to chip C910 47 50v, C915 22 50v, C9A4 1000 10v hi esr C9B1 sm s/c replace motor C9A3 1000 in psu CHECK A AND B CODES ARE MATCHED AS PER PAGE 17 OF INSTRUCTION BOOK Clean heads - If the E5 does not disappear go into clock settings and press counter reset for 10 seconds, by doing this you may have to re tune the channels. C9A3 1000 16v in psu dirty heads Means no reel action - reel sensor had become dislodged - repositioned & now ok E1 - Loading motor lock in the load direction. E2 - Loading motor lock in the unload direction. E3 - Drum motor lock. E4 - Reel lock detection. E5 - Video envelope detection. Loading arm jamming due to wayward piece of plastic under arm

Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi

HS841V HS841V HS851V HS851V

"E5" error code displayed No display or functs "E5" flashing in display E4 message displayed

Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi

HS851V HS851V HSB series HSB series

Error codes Error messages E2 & 5 show When tape is inserted and play selected will lace up but tape does not go forward Half loading arm not retract fully so does not catch tape Felt pad has come adrift When tape is inserted and play selected will lace up but tape does not go forward Half loading arm not retract fully so does not catch tape Felt pad has come adrift

Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi

HSB10 HSB10 HSB12 HSB12 HSB12 HSB12 HSB12 HSB12 HSB12 HSB12 HSB12 HSB12/27 HSB16 HSB16 HSB27 HSB27 HSB27 HSB27 HSB27 HSB27 HSB29 HSB30 HSB30 HSB30 HSB31/41 HSB32

Looks like worn heads after replacement No sound/pic in e-e - pback ok accepts tape but sw off aft trying to play Capstan speed incorrect carriage continues to eject when out & no auto stop in rew E-E pic poor/weak sync - pback ok In preset mode stations can be tuned in but in normal mode they could not be obtained No rec or erase of old recs - no bias osc op No tracking in Pback, no counter in Pback/FFwd/Rew poor pic/weak contrast via RF & scart Pulling & dist pic on pback & E-E & int col No pback sound - e-e sound ok Dead , no display . StBy 5v rail low \ missing . Faulty tracking on Play . Hum bar on RF , Playback OK . Int blue screen on pback - ctl pulses varying No take up

Adj VR2A3 (Carr set), VR2A2 & VR2A1 (White/dark clip) No AGC volts to tuner pin - replaced C02 47, R02 12k, R105 12k & resold conns in area felt brake pad from tension band fouls half load arm check elects on servo & capstan pcb plays normally when manually wound in - lighthouse IR led faulty C2X2 10 near booster module corner Check voltages at pin 2 of EPROM chip -30V low check R904 C333 10 50v on top panel Q4B1 JC501Q o/c, C4C4 47uF 16V leaky, IC4A0 BA2820S u/s C2B4 10 50v low in value C2X 10 50v in tuner low cap VR311 preset 10k in audio stage fell apart R5K3 - 5R6 0. 5W fusible resistor OC \ high . Check CTL pulse on pin 26 IC4AO . Should be 2.5v P-P , if significantly lower replace IC4AO C2X2 10uF 50v OC . Guide on right of pinch roller worn - rotate by 180 deg or replace replace idler C4B8, c4a4, C4C4, all 47 16v & C4C3 100 16v. Check for 1v p-p on pin 26 of BU2821. Checked ok on meter Loading motor u/s C327 33 16v bias osc supply decoupler C204 & C284 10 50v on top pcb near IC2A0 BA7255BS chip Adj peak white clip VR2A2 C104 022 50v tant u/s Control head faulty Replace Mode switch and lubricate all arms and gears

Poor capst lock aft 1/2 hr Rewind & Forward Int when machine hot Sound absent on rec - ok on pback & e-e Poor contrast/detail & int blue mute on pback Black streaks on peak white aft head change Blue screen in e-e mode No counter or capstan lock Jammed in fully laced position DEAD NO 5v AT PIN 3 CONNECTOR PZ BUT REFERENCE VOLTAGE ON PIN 5 OF PZ IC901 LA6324 US BLUE SCREEN COMES ON IN EE + PLAYBACK. PLAY PICTURE HAS A LINE 1/4 UP FROM BOTTOM OF PICTURE SOMETIMES INT. faint picture with weak sync Poor e-e & rec - improves when heated

Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi

HSB520 521 HSB82 HSB82

C5B9 DRY JOINTED ( IN CENTRE OF PCB NEXT TO Q5B6 ) C232 10mfd 16vSMC (back right of main pcb) dry joints in vis IF can at IF SAWF

Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi MITSUBISHI Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi


Poor pic in e-e and pback - sound ok poor video pback & e-e Distorted video on playback and graphics Cassette flap arm lever disengages from door assy No clock display - ok otherwise Tape damage - tape looping etc Dead psu running with st/by volts present fully laced & trying to lace some more Jams int with tape inside Low audio on pback Int jams/eject etc Noisy rew Slack tape on eject Wont load tape Timing keeps going out playback unstable and appeared to be mistracking Horiz line across pback pic & no line lock in fwd search Cass door flap jams tape - comes unhooked Int loss of o/p from RF modulator TAPE JAMMING INTERMITTENTLY Tape trapped behind flap - very int Dirty head symptom - may be int To enable/disable child lock snowy pback pic - can be int Loss of line lock in fwd search No play - FF/RW OK Tape edge damage No Ffwd/Rew Laces up but head stops aft few secs Head loses lock (speeds up) in cue mode won't accept tape

C232 sm 10 in video signal path sm caps C210 47 16v, C232 10 16v Replace C232 (10uf 25v) surface mounted cap.This cap is on the video panel behind the phono A/V in/out sockets at the rear. Fit felt pad Pt No 554D093010 to unit front in recess C905, 908 & 909 leaking but failed to cure - R904 o/c & D917 HZ30-2 s/c Mode sw - replace, clean is not enough Main reset line held low as Q8A0 on timer pcb o/c - used BC546A in lieu mode sw Mode sw Known problem - factory mod adds 1k res to bias but doesn't work! Hardened grease on idler - strip, clean,regrease Clean & lub shaft of take up gear spool item C031 Check mode sw & idler reel assy item C035 Drive gears to loading arms lost teeth Gear C-051 on main deck & Gears L-033 & L-029 on RH side of cass housing had stripped teeth CHS part code 44018 Video heads, Control head and guides all clean guides not loose: Carriage not seating fully Sus lower drum so uneconomical repair Fix sticky backed felt pad inside door on opp side to flap spring Dry joints RF mod REPLACE DOOR ARM ASSY MITS622D230010 Add sticky back tape inside lifter channel Check for dry joints at head amp conn & check panel earths Hold 'Data On Screen' button on remote for 10 secs, a 2nd press & hold clears it lower drum earthing spring connections Caused by lower drum wear - new drum = 180! Pinch roller seized on shaft pinch roller worn Dry joints on brake latching solenoid L570 (under deck at front) IC4A0 BU2835AS IC on main (servo) pcb Fit new head (not the lower drum) fitted diode-le-kit from SEME

Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi


Tape ejects after going in halfway then repeats trying to load again Dead Goes to stop & sw off aft tape inserted Won't fully lace up Tape stuck in machine Locked up aft power cut

Plastic shutter on rh side end sensor jamming mechs - replace shutter resistors in 5v reg cct o/c No drum flip-flop I/p to micro - ok from drum motor but no o/p from BU2820S servo chip chip u/s hardened grease on p roller & helter-skelter gear Capstan pulley had split and dropped off motor - superglued back on Press reset button thro' hole in back KEY IN VCR PLUSCODE FOR SKY PROGRAMME PRESS DLY/WKLY USE JOG SHUTTLE TO CHANGE "L2" TO "5" REPEAT FOR ALL 8 LINES X501 17.7Mhz XTAL Pt No 285P084010 second plastic washer under the idler pulley had moved down shaft - swapped with top one IC4A0 BU2835AS IC servo (main) pcb Fit felt pad Pt No 554D093010 to unit front in recess Dry joints at motor connection C12, 47mfd, 63V (Feeds into pin 1 of STRD 1806 from FB winding of chopper TX). C3 33 6v3 in 5v supply - IC415 BA6305 mechacon servo chip faulty & check for o/c on board esp between pin 7 IC410 & jumper J64 Intermediate gear under deck had tooth broken reel rotation fault- no black segments on reel for sensor to detect C803 100 50v back tension band D7001 O/C gradually discharging C7001 Back up Capacitor Two possible causes Stiff capstan Motor or Faulty Mode switch Does not come separately - use Amstrad VCR400 version - its cheaper Pt no AM255444 from CPC C205 1 50v in tuner/IF module (by 6Mhz filters) o/c reel sensors - tape counter done via ACE head Tension band stuck to supply reel MM1117XF vid sw chip IC2202 on rear pcb Idler assy twisted ( VDC7456 Seme order code ) also replace metal lever below idler assy as pin drops off .

Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi National NEC NEC NEC NEC Nikkai Nikkai Nokia Nokia Nokia Nokia Nokia Nokia Nokia Nokia Daewoo

M18 M38 ETC TO CHANGE VIDEO PLUS CHANNEL SETTINGS IE PUT VIDEO PLUS SKY ON "5" NOT "L2" M18 M38 M48 NO MENU JUST LINES M27 MSM57 range VHR874E NVG500 N895 N895 N9033 N9077 J2 VR3716 3722 3722 3615UK VCR3785UK VR3761 VR3786 VR3786 Cassette jams on load/unload Machine laces up - drum stops aft few secs Cassette flap arm lever disengages from door assy Capstan motor int stops Dead - D12 20v zener in psu blown Fuse F6 blows when play selected Goes into fast play mode when play selected - FFWD/Rew etc ok Deck jams when going from play to stop shuts down after accepting tape hum bar on e-e tape looping on eject Failure to accept a cassette or power up Loop of tape left in unit after eject Mode sw replacement Venetian blind effect on E-E - ok on Pback Cuts out aft few secs in Play etc No rewind & slack tape on eject No scart sw when tape inserted

VR3615 V200 When going from play to stop chews tape up .

Nordmende Orion Orion Orion Orion Orion Orion Orion Orion Osaki Osaki Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic

V2000PU 700VCR D1000 D1094 D1094 D1094

Runs too fast in play/rec No capstan rotation Odd functions switches between lp/sp in lp pback tape spools out in review won't accept a tape

was cured by a new cap motor (PU60892). OEC9011 IC faulty - pcb charred under it (expensive chip) If after mains reset ok then check/change sensors on cass housing dry joints ACE head pl/skt conns on main pcb supply spool brake spring item 309 too much tension load motor supply absent - BA6886 drive chip u/s & motor faulty - new motor resistance = 14R ; faulty motor reading = 8R5 Check reel sensors Q1001 & 1006 From st/by hold power button for 5 secs, CH appears in display, use chan up/down buttons to adj & back to st/by to store To adj , pback pre-rec tape & press 'tracking auto' on hset & 'play' on machine together. If ATR symbol goes adj is complete C719 1 50v in IF module C227 1 63v connected to pin 11 of preamp IC201 on audio/vid preamp Capst pulsing, L2301 o/c on main pcb No vid pin 28 IC3001 & supply at pin 6 (SW5V) low at 2.5v. Q6101 o/c Plastic locating pin on PR ass'y broken - new pr ass'y fitted See VCR clinic Sept 99 signal present at pin 5 into IC6 but no o/p - chip faulty, sub emphasis board replaced Usually caused by sm caps - expect to replace up to 250 of them! Centre clutch ass'y had fallen apart - also check Capst motor, housing & bearings, reel sensors, & the pinch roller spindle

D1096/D2096 Int stops, ejects tape & sw off D1097 D9600 VCR33 VR410 AG526 AG5260 AG5260 AG5700B AG7350 AG8700 AGTL300 AGTL300B/500B Time Lapse Barcode reader D Deck D Deck D Deck D Deck D Deck D Deck RF adj Playback jumps/rolls - pre set tracking req E-E overloads - ok on pback Low/fluctuating sound in pback OK on pre-recs Accepts a tape but won't lace - no drum rotation Blank screen with normal sound Error 5 in display - pinch roller doesn't engage Various faults on this SVHS broadcast vcr SVHS Pback unsync - OK on VHS Various problems E05 displayed

intermittently lock up with "E-5" showing in the display. centre clutch pt no VDC7544 Poor or no operation capstan motor speed faulty drum motor hunts or runs fast no capstan rotation - just vibrates no pback col poor pback / no field sync rolling pic in pback replace tx diode faulty ctl pulses - C248 1 drum servo chip IC6387 AN3821K IC2001 C8002 0.01 - chroma signal at one side but not the other C306 10 in lum pback path tape crinkled on bottom edge also - p roller

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Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic

D Deck FS88B G Deck G Deck G deck G deck G Deck G Deck G Deck G2 Deck G2 Deck Handset J20 K deck K deck K deck K deck K Deck K deck K deck K Deck K deck K deck K deck K deck K deck K deck K deck K deck K deck K deck K deck K deck

stations lost when returning to them after search/store Won't accept tape dead no display - psu pulsing int capstan speed & stopping Laces up then jams & sw off No Ffwd/Rew - other functs ok No play - rattles & no drive engagement STARTS TO LACE THEN UNLACES AND EJECTS wont stop on chan in tuning mode black horiz lines on white bground in playback e-e pic distorted No output from handset type VEQ1485 Shuts down aft 20 secs in ffwd/rew aft mode sw replacement/timing Accepts tape then goes to rewind attempts to pull cassette back in after eject back tension arm jammed against lh load arm - won't accept tape Brakes stay on in play cassette flap won't open on eject Cassette loads , tries to load tape then ejects Chews tape , supply reel stiff Damages tapes Error code "F03" Error code "F04" Error code "F05" Error code "F06" Error code "F09" F03 or F04 shows in display Head only twitches when tape inserted Int fails to load or unload . Int jams in play mode with "03" displayed Int tuning drift/loss of chan No display & head pins excess fast No eject - code "F06"

the -30v supply to MN1220 memory chip high at -57v. Q1101 & D11 in psu s/c Sticking eject button on control door C1045 47 10v on psu sub panel capstan motor stator faulty pinch roller plastic retainer split & jamming mechs small latch lever return spring dislocated (item 103) Check solenoid for lack of oomph OC SOLENOID C3055 33 16v 1H delay pack on sub lum pcb - check caps C3501, 3506, 3516, 3510 C3807 on Y-C separation board Replace 0.22F 5.5V backup cap which may be leaking. CPC code CA02489. Check timing again! Cap 01 across Q6003 end sensor was leaky check cassette L.E.D. for dry joints fit new back tension arm & check engagement with main mech sliding plate little plastic tab broken off brake ass'y Binder cam dropped out of lh side slot. Maybe inside or pt no VFK2709 Plays ok if loaded manually - load motor drive chip faulty Take up brake arm broken VXZ0313 Arm P5 bent Incorrect mode operation Incorrect phase alignment Loss of reel drive Loading motor Means no serial clock transmission between IC6001 & IC7501 check loading motor coupling pt no VDP1434 or motor pt no VID12128 11.95 CHS check 4 legged Hall effect device on top of head ass'y Plastic bush / shaft on loading motor split and slipping . PtNo VDP1434 . Mode sw Tuner unit or AFC chip IC7653 Q1005 5v reg 2SD1996 o/c load motor pulley cracked

Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic

K deck K deck K deck K Deck K deck K deck K deck K deck

ON CERTAIN PRERECORDED TAPES FAILS TO GO INTO FAST REWIND Playback slow - damages tapes Poor slow tracking & noise bars in slow/jog/pause refuses to fully take in cassette RUNS AS IF IN CUE MODE slack tape on eject Slow rew esp 4hr tapes Slow tape loading, stopping b4 completion

CHANGE MICRO TO TYPE MN67434VRSH reel brake not releasing - brake release mech broken pt no VX20313 Capstan stator VEK5927 split loading motor pulley XRA6439P CAPSTAN DRIVE IC centre clutch ass'y VXP1409 weak Replace end sensors Q1501 & 2 PN205L Loading motor faulty If lub does not cure, try the upper bearing assembly VXD0140 (2 plus vat), &/or rotor unit VXP1519 (8.20 plus vat); plastic washers which are the oil seals part number VMX1927 (13p each plus vat) from Panasonic plastic cover on reel sensors not properly fitted Dry joint lighthouse led (give it a wiggle whilst playing open cassette) Main lever VXL2307 cracked near P5 arm drive notch NO CAPSTAN ROTATION OR NO ROTATION SENSED Check 12v supply either end L2003 feed to capst motor worn teeth on worm wheel ass'y between mode motor ass'y and main cam Dry joints end sensors code means no drum rotation - due to magnetic resistor on drum stator pcb part no HW300A-CF - also can cause drum instability Mode sw contacts to deck poor contact - cleaned Main lever item 144 cracked VID11440 CHS 2.55 Caused by tension post P5 bent Checking audio RF carrier proved only 1 of the hi fi heads was working - replaced upper head drum REPLACE SUPPLY AND TAKE UP GUIDES PANAVXA5245KIT, PANAVXA5427KIT

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K Deck K Deck K Deck K Deck K deck K deck K deck K deck K Deck K deck K deck NVSD220 K mech AG5260 K mech AG5260

Squeals from capstan motor in play/FFWD stops aft couple of secs in play Stops with code F03 or F06 Tape crunched by descending p roller TAPE IMMEDIATELY EJECTED Tape loads then unloads Timing goes out Wont accept tape wont accept tape & reverts to st/by with "H01" displayed Won't eject, goes into slow rew then F03 in display No rew or rev search & damages tapes - P5 arm sticking Error code E5 Mono sound only LINES DURING SEARCH OR PAUSE

PANASONIC KMECH PANASONIC KMECH Panasonic NV370 Panasonic Panasonic NV370 NV370B

LOSS OF SERVO LOCK ON SEARCH KNOCKING ON PLAY ADJUST CAPSTAN FG HEAD Clock and counter displays dim Check -50V rail if low Replace C1104 (100UF) 63V R1001 ( 0.39ohm ) o/c sometimes D1002 ( 3.9V ) zener can cause R1001 to go no display but function LED alight all the time NOTE marked as R1 on PCB C1104 100 63v, C1105 47 63v, C1106 47 50v in psu & R1001 0R39 0.25w on main dead apart from slight glow from operate led pcb

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NV45 NV530B NV7000 NV730 NV850 NVD25 NVD48 NVD48 NVD48 NVD48 NVD48 NVD48B NVD80 NVD80 NVD80 NVD80 NVD80

Dead with tape stuck inside Dead with chirp at power up stops aft 35 mins Excess col sat on own recs LEDs flash & buzzing poor pb picture very snowy with black streaks Dead Dead - no display - clicking from psu Display only - reg 5v missing No sigs/tuning or PIP Patterning on E-E Dead - no display Dead Int dark/ragged e-e pic Int shut down whilst mech operation No display No pic e-e or pback Relay sounds like machine gun with display in sympathy with it VU meters unbalanced No capstan servo lock , mechanism runs too fast No col rec/pback - ok on E-E No Picture in E-E mode with no VU meter display Patterning - col speckles in e-e Blank raster in e-e & no VU display Capst judders slowly when tape inserted CAPSTAN AND DRUM MOTORS NOT RUNNING DEAD Dead Dead Dead - no psu o/ps Dead - operate led dimly pulsing on/off Ejects tape when offered more often than not Mechs runs at full tilt

C1003 leaky Check caps in psu esp C9 & C21/22/27 capst slows down - if put in pause runs ok without sound. IC6403 overheating (4049) replacement cured fault C5012 & C5013 1u 63v on head amp board Check 2 x 3300 caps in psu replace lower drum assembly Q3 & D12 s/c caused by C12 not reg also C19 o/c D12 s/c & STK5339A Volts on pins should be = 1=0, 2=5.1v, 3=5.8v, 4=7v, 5=22.9v, 7=7.3v, 8=14.3v Q2006 2SD1330 on main pcb o/c 45v line only 18v - IC7551 AN5043 overheating & faulty C1019 33 10v D12 zener s/c; C12 47uF o/c; C19 330uF o/c; C34 100uF o/c; C33 100uF o/c C28 10uF o/c C1045 35v in psu Volts o/p from psu high - C1012 & C1039 47 16v low cap Solenoid sticking - pt no VXA3735 No 33v feed - R1016 2R2 w o/c Q29 2SD1636 o/c on sub dig board 2 x 2200 18v caps near output socket faulty though read ok on esr meter One of the VU meters faulty display - pt no VEK3183 L2001 oc - no 12v to capstan stator Hybrid IC302 VEHFH14D faulty (may be the sm caps) IC1701 faulty dry joints tuner IC1701 M660066FP AV sw & VU enabling chip u/s Earth pin 16 of capst dr chip - if speed now fast sus IC6001 sys/serv chip REPLACE Q6008 IC1102 SC R1103 & R1133 220k sus IC1102 S13120C s/c When psu unplugged all o/ps twice normal - o/c print IC1103 earth pin C11147mfd 63v in psu sec s/c also replace C1114 (leaking) Check tension springs on top of housing No FG sigs - L2001 12v filter o/c

Panasonic NVD80 Panasonic NVD80 Panasonic NVF55 Panasonic NVF55 Panasonic NVF55 Panasonic NVF55 Panasonic NVF55B Panasonic NVF55B PANASONIC NVF55B Panasonic NVF55B Panasonic NVF55B Panasonic NVF55B Panasonic NVF55B Panasonic NVF55B Panasonic NVF55B Panasonic NVF55B

Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic


No col with own recs No normal or Nicam sound in e-e No sound any mode No tape counter Unstable pic with "E9" displayed (no ser data) Won't stop in search tuning Appears dead for first 3-4 minutes after switching on . Dead - psu ticking & whining E-E patterning Poor sigs - wont stop/store in search tune Works ok for 1st hour then will jump up channels: Jumping gets faster as time goes on Capst motor runs at full speed

Check NTSC sw on front in correct posn Aud defeat line perm high - IC7001 M66006FP The -8v supply to audio pack missing - D1108 MA165 & C1112 56 in psu Half load arm had broken gear MN67431VREH sm sys/serv chip D6701 sm MA151WK on demod pack o/c IC7503 MN1280L reset IC on timer PCB . D1103 leaky in psu C1118 100 50v in psu o/c Hash on 45v line - C1118 faulty in psu IC1 ( MN187125VFM ) u/s Supply choke L2002 on main pcb o/c (No FG pulses) Replace C18 (100uF 50V) and C9 (1uF 400V) in the PSU, fit a new mode switch and resynchronise the carriage to the deck. Clean up the tape path. ICI MN187125VFM tuning chip 45v line int due to fuse dry joints on main pcb IC7503 MN1280L o/p only 2.3v (5v) & would rise slowly - chip u/s sm link in demod pack dry joint (supplies 12v to pin 3 IC7651) Check IC1300 M51292FP sw chip Rec safety sw extra leaf spring collapsed Pt no VES0486 IC7502 MN112C261D by display faulty (band sw) Supply & T Up spindles req lub Reel opto coupler pt no ON2170 C1018 100 63v in psu afc defeat volts change not from 4.5v to 0v but stayed at 2.5v - MN12C261D memory chip IC7502 on front panel faulty C1109 dried up also check/replace C1114 D1111 in psu s/c Check R6035 0R9 for overheating/hi res No clock wfm pin27 IC7901 TA8662N - X7902 not osc - chip u/s R6035 0R9 w o/c (pin 9 IC6005) Check R6035 0R9 & release lever 160 VML2200 Replace tension unit VXA3516 & soft brake VXL1873 IC1101 (STRD6008x), R1125 (2R2) & D1106 (MA4030L - 3V zener), all in the primary supply & check for hi esr caps.

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Cassette jammed & poor recs Chans change on its own - gets worse with time Dead with squeal from psu - int Display & functs slow to come on Int no sound in e-e & rec Low e-e o/p No FFwd/Rew all other functs ok No sigs Noisy rew Turns off when any funct selected White speckles on pback pic Won't stop when search tuning No go or slow to start up Dead apart from muted squeal at sw on Int fail to perform mech (esp 1st thing in morning) No Nicam sound Shuts down if rew or rev selected Switches off in review & can be int shut down Various squeaks & rattles Dead aft lightning strike

Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic


Dead aft storm Display shows "pause" & no counter E-E pic rolls & pulls Flickering blue pic in pause/slow Int powers down & sulks - with random display Random and erratic operation Cassette jams in housing when loading Dist pic in Rec/Pback - ok in E-E No Functs - display ok Static blips on pback

IC1 (STRD6008x), R25 (2R2) and D6 (MA4030L - 3V zener) in pri & check elects for hi esr C6011 sm - QR6017 base o/c corrupting sig to IC7501 output from M51292FP sw chip IC 3901 dist - chip faulty C1022 47 in psu C6011 1000pf base QR6017 serial data tr o/c C6011 1000pF oc ( Surface mount capacitor at base of QR6017 ) Replace L side plate VMD1787 & cass holder VXA3840 Luma/Chroma PCB IC2 - pt no VEFH14D IP1202 o/c Earthing brush under upper drum - clean or replace Check PSU earth spring (located under PSU) to bottom plate.Reflow solder on board at contact point so it makes solid contact. (item 111) on exploded view in service manual). OK if IR Rx is pressed, broken conn within IR Rx Removed batts from handset for a couple of days cured it Check for dry joints on drum motor pcb R1501 47k across mode sw o/c C45 47 50v on psu sub board C1045 4710v hi esr dry joints lum/chroma pack - esp pin 34 dry joints power reg in psu 12v supply only 2.4v - Q1004 2SD638 o/c & D1012 zener o/c C7555 001 decoupling cap at R7555 leaky IC303 pt no VEFH05B Remove, clean & refit quarter load arm VXL1857 Print oc between D2306 and pin 12 IC2201 due to C2311 leaky C0017 in kick cct No -27v to I/p o/p pack - safety res in feed o/c (not shown on diag) IC303 VEFH05B on small sub board Corroded cap in lum/chrom pack at ceramic module IC303 - Module pt no VCR0389 check for video pin 7 IC303 on lum/chrom board. If present at pin 2 but not pin 7 sus VEFH05 chip Check C3311 in HQ pack, C3501, 6, 16, 9 (33) in sub lum/chrom pack

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Static interference on Pback pic R/C inop - ok from front controls No R/C after mains reset - front controls ok Drum failure effect, or misaligned guide poles Accepts tape then ejects it Dead after unplugged from mains Dead or int dead Int col on rec Int mech operation No sound e-e; tuner sw inop Tuner drift No pback SVHS pic - VHS OK Slack tape on eject Tape counter not working in record and index function not working in play Mech probs - weak solenoid action No audio from audio I/p skt or hi-fi audio monitor No pic in SVHS No rec pic in SVHS mode No S-VHS playbak Patterning - diagonal in pback

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Patterning on E-E Patterning on Pback Pback pic dark/blurred Ragged pback pic for first half hour Snowy e-e & rf o/p & no reel counter dead, dim display b4 it went Int pic breakup on own recs No pic thro AV4 I/p skt Record inop Trips on load Dead - psu can be heard to start Dead apart from 3 zeros flashing in display Loud hum after warm up No rec - goes thro motions - erases prev recs Stops aft 6 secs in rec - all other modes ok Wont accept tape Dim display Noisy mechs & cyclic mistracking Patterning on Pback Bad drop out or fine hor patt In pback Dark smearing to right of black image in pback E-E dist E-E pic over white & dist INT FINE HORIZONTAL PATTERNING No pback in SVHS aft hr No pback lum & weak rec lum No SVHS rec or pback - normal VHS ok Playback pulling pic Poor pback pic quality

C3806 3.3uF 25V, C3807 3.3uF 25V, C3808 3.3uF 25V, C3801 1uF 50V on board VJB03691 C11 10uF 16V, C10 10uF 16V on board VEP03635, C10 3.3uF 25V, C16 3.3uF 25V, C9 3.3uF 25V on board VJB03680 Sub lum panel - pin 1 IC3504 dist - C3510 pin 5 decoupler faulty check electrolytics in small screening cans - C1 1 on board VJB03680 - also check C9, 10 & 16 No non sw 12v at pin 1 P1101 psu o/p - Q1102 o/c C5 47 10v, C22 47 50v, C18 100 50v, C12 & 39 47 16v, C24 1000 6.3v, D2 AP01C, D32 ERA22-10, R16 2R2 0.5w satety also display low emission Demod module microphonic with dry joints IC3901 M52474P sw chip faulty No REC 12v - Q4004 2SB790 faulty When 12 & 14v rails dis'd tripping stops - spring shorting out terminal at front rh side of deck D6 in psu had carbonised ring around it & was faulty Unsw supplies present, serial/data clock pulses low - M34255V1AH micro IC7507 leaky Drum motor bearings - replace complete drum unit - expensive! IC6003 BU5863F Q4004 Eject button on control door stuck Display itself faulty pt no VSL0144 Drums bearings req lub Replaced C3501, 3509, 3510, 3515 & 3506 on sub luma board VEP03895-B C3311 10 o/c in HQ pack C3506 in 9v supply to IC3504 in 1H delay CCD pack check small caps on IF/tuner board leaky sm elects in thick film hybrid chip IC303 pt no VCR0389 C3311 10uF 16v OC IN HQ CCT IC303 pt no VEFH05BT in S sig chan heat sensitive leaky sm elects in thick film hybrid chip IC303 pt no VCR0389 leaky sm elects in thick film hybrid chip IC303 pt no VCR0389 IC03 hybrid IC had 4 x small caps leaky dry joints X3301 in HQ pack 1H delay cct

Poor pback pics in SVHS & VHS modes with weak field sync C3501 1 50v & C3506 in 1H delay pack

Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic


poor pic Poor picture on play Poor playback luminance or record luminance No RF loop thro'

video sig ok at Y/C pcb o/p; dist at modulator. All electros in CCD delay line module replaced C3501 1uF 50v in YC pack Replace surface mount electrolytics in module IC303 Dry joints sub pcb conn to motherboard

Playback sound mutes aft few secs then reappears cyclically C2311 1 50v on plug in servo board Sound mutes aft sec in play C2311 1 on servo pcb value was low Replace 8 sub-min caps which surround the chip inside the "1H Delay CCD Pack CBA". This is a screened module attached to the "Sub Luminance & Chrominance Pack CBA" which is mounted separately under the"Main CBA" C4/C6/C15 10uF 16V; C9/C10/C16 3.3uF 25V; C8 0.22uF 50V; C1 1uF 25V. & 1uF 400V PSU startup cap also C306 10 Usually STK5331 but also R1003 (10K) C1023 (1,000uF) 10V 105oC C1104 100 63v C18 & C23 in PSU 10 cap on psu sub pcb - C1017? C18 47 50v, C22 47 50v in psu Check/replace C12,39,18,22,25 all 47 & C24 1000 6.3v C1018 & C1025 both 47uF 50V 105degr in PSU sec Check caps in psu & adj of power fail pot check dry joints in psu (may not be visible) Replace caps on sec side of psu Control pulse not reaching syscon - C204 10uf and C240 10 uf Biploar C1018 47 63v Replace STR1006 C1023 Replace caps C18 & C22 47 50v, C24 1000 6.3v, C21 10 16v, C39 & C12 47 16v LP/SP sw on front pcb dry jointed Check C1020 33 6v on psu also C1018 10 50v Heads not faulty ae amp but Q1004 in psu was o/c so no 12v supply to amp

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PB pic overloads/pulling/col patches missing Poor pback pic & no field sync No E-E: and no ON led Striations and interference on the E-E and playback Drum servo can be disturbed Dead Dead apart from tape LED lit Display goes when playing/eject tape Display/power goes off 2 secs aft sw on E-E disappears when loading/unloading/rec & wont tune into chan 5 (Ch35) Eject inop Int arcing/clicking from psu with display loss Int dead Int switches on then won't sw off No counter or audio in Pback - ok when heated No display No functions & No Display Sw off when cassette inserted PSU trips aft few secs Switches between SP/LP no front display Poor Pback pic snowy e-e & loop thro

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Dead , D12 ( 20v zener ) in Psu sc Dead TAKES TAPE PARTLY IN THEN EJECTS DEAD Dead Int loss of col in rec Int loss of servo lock Dead Couldn't access tuning mode with front preset tune button Display absent Display absent Int shuts down aft operating for some time INT SLOWS & STOPS Int twitching on rec Loses lock in search mode Lower drum noisy until warmed up Mechanism keeps locking No clock display NO MICROPHONE AUDIO No rew & slack tape on eject int No rewind & snagging tapes aft changing drive coupling & mode sw Poor pback with drop out - compensator inop shuts down a few secs after sw on Slows down & stops after long period Display missing Noisy drum bearings Int shuts down when going between modes Int won't accept tape

Replace C3 1uF 100v and C12 47uF 16v as well as D12 D1012 20v 1.3w zener s/c due to C1012 47 16v CASSETTE FLAP NOT SEATED CORRECTLY C1003 1uF 100v OR STRD1806 & D1004 SC C15 10 or C3 47 250v in PSU dry joints YC pack (where it connects to main board) C1023 1000 10v in psu Q1006 2SC1384 crowbar tr leaky & C1042 10 25v leaky SMD diode (D7517 type MA221) back of ops board (front PCB) behind the large FF/REW rotary control was dry jointed Q1701 2SD973A next to osc trfmr T1701 on front timer board No filament volts - Q1701 2SD973A top rh side of display - used BC639 used in lieu Mech loading motor VEM0427 faulty IC2505 XRA6439 CAPSTAN IC Impedance roller next to full erase head pt no VXP1402 Wear on capstan spindle - replace spindle (pt no VXP1350) & top bearing (VXD0140) remove the 3 tiny special screws on earth plate above top bearing & drop fine oil down spindle. Loading motor drive shaft split - only available with motor - VEM0427 Q1701 2SD973A s/c near display, L7 14v feed next to pin 24 P7402 on top pcb o/c IC7701 Check centre clutch VXP1409 - bush cracks minute hairline crack in the bottom print just by the reel sensors No 5v pin 44 IC301 - L304 o/c capstan motor brake pad seized to motor - brake unit VXA5138 Capst drive chip IC2505 XRA6439P Q1701 2SD973A s/c on timer board & L7 o/c on top pcb next to P7402 (14v supply feed) A new motor very expensive - try lub spindle after removing torx screws holding earthing disc and let soak for a couple of hrs Main lever (plate ass'y) cracked & worm wheel lost teeth dry joint take up end sensor

Panasonic NVHD600 Panasonic NVHD600 Panasonic NVHD600 Panasonic NVHD600 Panasonic NVHD600/06 PANASONIC NVHD600B Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic NVHD600B NVHD600B NVHD600B NVHD600B NVHD605 NVHD605 NVHD605 NVHD605 NVHD605 NVHD605 NVHD605 NVHD605 NVHD605 NVHD605

No NICAM recording, Videoplus not working No rec pic, sound present - ok in pback Tape ejects as soon as loaded & no head spin Tripping PSU Tape snags on loading DEAD Dead with PSU pulsing Tripping psu Tripping PSU Tuning drifts slightly Accepts then immediatly ejects tape - capstan rotates fast Error code "H02" F3 & F4 show in display FO6 shows after after motor coupler fitted HO2 in display No auto tune - manual tune produces dark unsynced pics No display - drum rotating fast No or weak load motor op No tuning - OSD present & dark pic with roll on E-E Tape stuck in m/c with "F03" displayed

reset identity code as follows. Reconnect the cut link on board at back of machine, ( on head amp board on NVSD200 ) Press ' EJECT ' ' FF ' ' REW ' simultaneously, which should give you 000 on menu screen. * Enter 137 disconnect ( or cut ) link on back board, unplug set, reconnect and machine will go into auto tune. * For NV-SD 200 code = 41 NV-SD 400 " 73 NV-SD 450 " 105 NV-SD 600 " 137 NV-SD 650 " 169 Q3002 BC856B s/c in Rec 5v supply Capst motor seized - replace upper bearing pt no VXD0140 C15 47uf 35V, C16 47uf 50V, C43 330uf 10V, C35 330uf 20V Pinch roller collar had split & slipped down - replace collar CHECK SMPS TRANSFORMER FOR DRY JOINTS C15 47u 35v, C16 47u 50v, C43 330u 10v, C34 680u 10v, C40 82u 35v, C31 680u 25v, C35 330u 10v, C32 330u 20v, C37 47u 63v D1124 MA185 - use BYD33D or J in lieu C43 330uF 10V, C34 680uF 10V, C35 330uF 10V, C32 330uF 20V C7605 01 50v C2043 047 sm cap in FG feedback cct s/c Capstan drive problem Check deck mode sw contacts & C6002 022, C2043 047 sm & IC6002 No capst motor drive due to damaged ribbon cable; still FO6 shows when carriage fitted; gear front R/H Lower had jumped a tooth Capst motor stator unit VEK5927 replaced switching chip IC3902 4053 sm & IC3906 4051 sm faulty - see vcr clinic feb 00 Q1004 2SD1330 in psu No volts pin 7 drive chip IC2001 - C6002 022 sm elect IC3902 sm sw chip 4053 Replace shaft unit VID11439 CHS 4.90 - rh side of unit had come unmeshed from mechs - caused by heat from heatsink below

Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic


Tuning had shifted up band slightly Dead - psu blown Head speed fast & err F09 No sound LH chan in e-e ; pback ok ACCEPTS TAPES DOES NOT LOAD UP THEN EJECTS Dead Machine trips just as loading motor starts No E-E or Pback pic & no OSD Patt on e-e in rec mode only PLAYS FOR 5SECS WITH NO PICTURE SOUND BREAKING UP Sound sometimes not rec on timer Int no recorded sound on timer when PDC used No Play & int eject No rev search - just kicks Ejects tapes when inserted Ejects tape int Int rec col in LP mode Intermittent audio ('Norman Collier effect') No E-E or Pback sound - Rec sound ok Pback/E-E missing No sync pulses on rec or play Int stopping & ejecting Int cuts out in search Int shut down during play/rec Drum rotates high speed but otherwise dead No menus, test sig & "F05" displayed when tape inserted No R/C

R7612/6 330R overheating due to C7605 001 sm leaky Replace F1 1A, C1117 01 50v, Q1101 STP3N60F1-M, IC1101 TDA4605-3, R1114 0R75, R1119 220R IC6001 6Mhz Xtal faulty Check 5v at Q7301 & 8v at Q7302 in Nicam sect - if ok change IC7301 MSP3410-15 68 pin flat pack REPLACE CAPSTAN STATOR PANAVEM5927 QR1101 UN6114 & Q1102 2SD1991A in volts control sect Load motor drive IC Q2 2SD1996 o/c used BC639 in lieu - near start sensor on RH side of main board wire from full erase head caught & shorting to metal bracket in mech REPLACE Q1002 2SD1996 REPLACE VIDEO HEADS PANAVEH0844 Mod req to PDC - see Panasonic for mod sheet Mod as per Pan pdf - involves changing sm res, adding diode on timer board & removing cap on main board LH side loading arm spring had gone loose in its ass'y & causing jam Replace clutch unit Plastic load motor pcb holder broken causing pcb to drop damaging worm wheel, master main cam gear, load motor shaft & mode sw Replace reel sensor IC 1501 (Panasonic part no RP1354N). C3075,76,78 sm caps replaced New upper drum cured it IC4501 BH7803K sound proc chip 5v supply only 1.8v. Q1201 2SD2259 ACE head pcb damaged due to tape being inserted sideways Mode sw Mech not travelling far enough - mode sw Loss of take up tension - replace clutch ass'y pt no VXP1732 & drive gear VDG1221 s/c across sys ctl 5v line - IC3904 BU1201-02 on ip/op pack s/c Q1002 2SD1996STTA 5v reg in psu VTR2 selected in menu by mistake - select 'TV select' under flap

PANASONIC NVHD620 Panasonic NVHD620 Panasonic NVHD620 Panasonic NVHD620 Panasonic NVHD620 PANASONIC NVHD620 PANASONIC NVHD620 Panasonic NVHD620 Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic NVHD620B NVHD625 NVHD625 NVHD625B NVHD630 NVHD630 NVHD630 NVHD630 NVHD630 NVHD630 (Z Mech) NVHD635B NVHD640 NVHD640B Z mech NVHD650 NVHD650 NVHD650

Panasonic NVHD660 Panasonic NVHD660 Panasonic NVHD660 Panasonic NVHD660 Panasonic NVHD660 PANASONIC NVHD660B NVHD685 Z Panasonic Mech NVHD685B Z Panasonic Mech Panasonic NVHD90 Panasonic NVHD90 Panasonic NVHD90 Panasonic NVHD90 Panasonic NVHD90 Panasonic NVHD90 Panasonic NVHD90 Panasonic NVHD90B Panasonic NVHD90B Panasonic NVHS1000 Panasonic NVHS1000 Panasonic NVHS1000 Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic NVHS100B NVHS800 NVHS900 NVHS950 NVHS950B K mech NVHS950B K mech NVHS950B K mech NVJ30 NVJ30 NVJ30

Cassette int pulls back in after eject & jams Cassette stuck - no eject with "H02" in display E-E pic light & crushed - pback no col On screen menus wrong col & rolling down screen PSU blow up IF NO REMOTE FUNCTIONS BUT REMOTE IS OK Tape stuck - sounds like machine gun when powered up No eject - all other functs ok but tracking errors in play Head sw point 2/3rds up screen No pic e-e No test signal Noisy drum bearings Poor pic & lines after an hour in rec Poor search pic Transient flashes on pic that mutes sound briefly Blue vert bar on pback No UHF o/p Dead - no display No video out - all other functs ok Poor e-e via AV1 & st/by led won't light No rec/pback in SVHS mode Tries to load cassette carriage then shuts down Ticking noise from capstan Shuts down in review mode - int with tape spilling out

Lighthouse LED dry joints H02 = no capst drive but Q1007 2SD25440PQA 12v reg was faulty in main pcb TDA9725 IC302 Y/C proc chip C7703 022 sm connected to pin 12 IC7705 leaky Repair kit available Pt no VUE4125KIT containing 18 items PRESS "TV SELECT" AND THEN UP OR DOWN VXL2670 & VXL2672 the two gear arm units that move the tracking arms back & forth - teeth on lh gear had worn Tape arms not fully loaded - Take up loading arm teeth broken Pt no VXL2970 No field sync sig used to lock drum - IC301 VEFH29H vid sync proc 12.3v line low at 5v - C1130 1000pf in psu faulty Dry joints in RF mod Remove motor from deck & lub bearings IC301 VEFH29H wear in lower drum C1130 1000pf ceramic cap in 12v line in psu Noise at pin 16 IC301 in CNR cct - adj VR801 dry joint in RF modulator Q1102 2SD1996STTA in psu o/c - no unsw 5v resolder IC3 and IC4 in the power supply. IC3901 AV sw chip leaky 4 x caps around thick film device IC303 had leaked onto board & damaged it. Replace 2 x 47 & 2 x 47 caps & repair pcb tracks Transmitter (lighthouse diode) D1501 o/c( LN59P) Tension roller - tensions toothed capst belt worn on shaft Excess friction on lower drum - makes the job uneconomical

F06 int shows in display dry jointed centre tower IR transmitter No rec pic in SP/LP, Play ok, search reasonable, pause poor faulty heads symptoms! Check soldering on plug that connects amp to skt at back of heads RF Modulator - no o/p Dark/pulling pic on e-e & pback Dead Int stop reported - int auto rew, plays tapes imediately when inserted hold menu button on R/C > 5 secs, RF-- appears. Enter can no & press store dry joint on ferrite comp in RF conv C9 1 400v , C18 100 50v in psu Loose deck ribbon connector

Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic


No load/unload when cold; FFwd/Rew int hum bar & pulling pic - ok when heated Pback speed fast aft replacement of caps in psu for noisy motor Snowy pic e-e Wow & flutter on sound with grinding noise from capstan motor Dark/pulling in e-e Dead Dirty head symptom E-E pic top distorted when cold NO display of chan no or functs No tuning in e-e, locked on Band1 Pback slow Runs too fast in play - all other modes ok Tape ejects with a hesitant click Wont accept tape - no capst Accepts cassette then ejects it

STRD1816 reg chip in psu heat sensitive capstan fg hall sensor on the motor board Dry joints tuner C22 330 in psu dry joints in RF conv C9 1 400v, C18 100 50v, C22 330 10v, C32 10 25v all hi esr Poor conn on lower drum - resolder conns aft removing heads C768 10 12v decoupler R6044 220R hi res IC7502 MN12C261D5 faulty - provides sw lines from data fed to it C22 330 10v in psu Mode sw Timing of cass housing 1 tooth out No 5v at IC2101 or anywhere in sys con - Q1102 2SD1330 in psu faulty tho read ok Goes out of time due to broken plastic spigot on rh side of housing - repaired by using self tap screw in place of spigot

Alignment out - Re-align timing marks on ITEM113 (GEAR CENTRE) and ITEM116 (CLUTCH Panasonic NVJ35 Accepts tape but only pays for a sec then shuffles & repeats DISK) on the underside of the deck Panasonic NVJ35 Dead Diode D1104 S/C in snubber network Panasonic NVJ35 Dead C909 1 400v - but still dead with ticking - IC7501 on front pcb u/s Panasonic NVJ35 Low sound C19 10 25v (under tuner/mod panel) Replace worn pinch roller and blackened mode switch and resolder many dry joints Panasonic NVJ35 Mech keeps jamming around the capstan drive circuitry. NOISY AND WOW ON SOUND REPLACE C22 IN POWER SUPPLY 330MFD10V PANASONIC NVJ35 Noisy capstan C1122 330uF Panasonic NVJ35 NOISE BARS ON PB OR POOR PICTURE OR NO COLOUR CAPACITORS IN POWER SUPPLY SECONDARYS ALSO C1109 1uF 400v C1114 47uF 16v IN PRIMARY SIDE Panasonic NVJ35 NVJ40 OR ALL THREE Panasonic NVJ35B Dead D1113 20v prot diode s/c, C1114 47 16v low cap Panasonic NVJ35B Dead D1104 AP01C in snubber s/c Panasonic NVJ35B Dead IC1 STRD1816, R25 2R2, D6, D7, R28 180R, R23,R24, 15K Panasonic NVJ35B Dead - no display PSU volts all ok - no osc at pin 2 & 3 of display IC7501 - Xtal X7501 Panasonic NVJ35B Display - several segments perm lit Check display or diodes connected to it - micro IC7501 also sus

Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic


Ejects tape when inserted Erratic mechs - int shuts down No rec col No RF o/p - ok on scart Records for max of 1 hrs then stops Sound fluctuates with pic breakup SP playback like LP recs & wide noise bars & no col in search Audio buzz Blank pic in search Dead or int dead Dirty head symptom Display shows "E9" & no functs Drum motor lazy or noisy E-E pic rolling Excessive capstan speed Flashing pic in E-E & pback & no rec pic Int powers down when tape inserted - no drum No auto stop No e-e sound or stopping in search mode No pback when cold then patt No rec col No recorded Chroma playback ok Tape stuck in machine Tape loading ok Tries to load tape when none inserted Tuning int Will power off when tape inserted Head drum does not start as tape loaded

broken plastic retaining lugs on rh side of housing - new rh side fitted VXA3153 solenoid chatters, R6022 in solenoid drive dry joints Filter FL801 ELB4W002 o/c No N SW12v supply to RF conv - Q1102 2SD1330 in psu faulty reel pulses to syscon chip low at 3.5v (4v) - reel sensor dirty Replaced C9 1 400v, C32 10 16v, C22 330 10v - all 105deg R2302 1k5 sm res o/c (cracked) Mod reqd, Locate D99 on main pcb,near carriage ribbon cable,cut thin track between links W66 & W67 on component side of pcb. Lower drum worn Check caps in psu - C1110 10 400v, C1127 330 10v, C1131 330, C1126 10, C1125 680 C1127 330 in psu No osc at sm IC6001 pin 82 - Q6101 on fold down pcb Check C204/5/6 0 50v on drum motor pcb C315 non pol 22 cap o/c L2001 o/c (no 12v to stator) Pback 5v low at 3v - IC1103 VEFH24A Head not spinning - excess wear in rh side carriage causing mode sw not to align - pt no VXA4468 Lighthouse led - should produce 0.8v p-p signal - this one produced 2.5v p-p IC7651 AN5421pin 9 should be low - had 5v on it - chip faulty C1127 330 5v decoupler VEFH14D hybrid chroma chip VEFH14D hybrid chroma chip faulty Capstan motor faulty Capst goes full power - drive chip BA6435 faulty Pin 3 IC7652 AN5043 volts low & varies - C7666 001 faulty Right hand cassette housing mode switch faulty

NVJ40 NVJ45 For Drum motor that appears to be Lazy or noisy Replace C204 C205 C206 (1uF 50V) on small PCB behind mechanism NVJ42 Blank raster in pback - E-E ok FM into IC302 pin 41 ok - no o/p Chip u/s VEFH14D Does not slow down in rew when near start of tape-damages NVJ42 leader take up reel sensor pt no 0N2170

Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic


Int shut down to stop Mech problems/much tooing and froing of spools - solenoid does not give a good click No rec or e-e pic - sound ok with test sig on No search tuning lock No tape end sensing or auto rew No transmit from r/c scanner unit

Supply spool opto coupler o/p low - opto faulty D603 in kick sect of solenoid o/c IC302 on lum/chrom pack No afc feed from pin 6 of demod pack - plug o/c R612 22R safety res o/c hi res IR diode Locate D99 on the main pcb (near carriage ribbon cable) cut the thin track between the links W66 and W67 on the component side of the pcb. Please note the track to cut is located on the component side of the pcb and run between the to link not necessarily connected to them Micro faulty from pin 60 of - chip u/s & end sensor & 22R in series with it 330 on 12v I/p to STK chip Due to pinch roller up/down shaft dry/partially siezed kick from capst motor when tape insertion tried - sm cap pin 6 IC601 del rec 12v supply missing - Q6203 2SB1321AR faulty C831 47 in lum/chrom pack R7504 100R in display grid supply hi res C1127 330 10v - (6v unreg smoother) Check NTSC sw on front in correct posn mode sw 680 & 390 Caps in psu Loading poles load then stop - mode sw C1127 330 in psu Tuner faulty -ENV87837H3 - repaired at MCES 5v supply to timer board low (<4.6v pin 17 P7501) IC7502 M6M80021P pulling it down & faulty Check L2001 for o/c & FG sensor on capst motor AFTER REPLACING CHECK END SENSORS ARE WORKING IF NOT R6612 MAY BE OC Cut thin track between link on D99 component side (near carriage ribbon cable) Find D99 on main PCB (near carriage ribbon cable) cut the thin track between the links W66 & W67 on the component side of the PCB. add 001 50v across pins 3 & 4 Q1103 in psu C2318 22 connected to pin 9 IC302 on lum/chrom sub pcb

Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic


Buzz on Pback sound Dead apart from operate light Dirty head symptom - no head sw pulse Blank raster Centre pulley as'y broken Clock only - no functs Cuts out aft few secs in rec Diagonal patterning on tv in rec mode Display lit at once & flashed E-E pic jagged verts - pback pic non existant No col with own recs No rev search Playback just snow - e-e ok Several attempts to get it to play/rec Severe patt in e-e obliterates pic Snowy pic on loop thro' - ok on e-e No display or key scan Won't accept tapes - capst runs too fast BROKEN SUB LOADING ARM Buzz on Pback sound Buzz on Pback sound Buzzing E-E pics covered in dark flashing bars

Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic

NVJ47 NVJ47 NVJ47 NVJ47 NVJ47 NVJ47 NVJ47 NVJ47 NVJ47 NVJ7000AM NVJF615B Z Deck NVL10 NVL15 NVL20 NVL20 NVL20 NVL20 NVL20 NVL20 NVL20 NVL20 NVL20 NVL20 NVL20 NVL20 NVL20 NVL20 NVL20 NVL20B NVL25 NVL25 NVL25

End sensor not operating at rew Erratic mechs - int shuts down Head drum reluctant to rotate High pitched noise in st/by Int switch itself on or off No pback video thro scart or rf - sound ok when test sw on Playback col phase fault Sound in search mode Whistles/buzzes in st/by Dead apart from squeal from psu Chews tape on eject Loads tape then ejects it No rec sound - E-E & pback sound ok E-E buzz on sound E-E smeary pic Int flashing in e-e & no tuning Int no pic on RF Int stop & unload in rec mode Int stops, locks up, no eject or functs etc No capstan or cassette loading Operate button not working - display ok pic break up in fwd search only Pic break up into lines in fwd search Poor e-e - cured by tapping Poor pic in rev search & int throws out tape Unable to tune any chans Very poor picture in review mode, machine will sometimes throw tape out into machine Won't load tape - damaged gears on main cams Int shut down Dead Int capst servo lock Int operation

Tower led wform low - R6612 22R safety res o/c Capst stator dry joints C206 01 across pin 12 of drive chip faulty add 001 cap across pins 3 & 4 of opto coupler Q1103 in psu Operate button "gummed up" Hybrid module sus but used scrap panel out of a NVSD47 K302 Edit sw is ON T1101 - sealant applied C49 01 100v s/c - also check 1 400v start up cap capstan motor (pt VEK8841 currently 30.76UKP's from Seme Take up sensor Q1 sm near sound ic at top of board s/c Increase value of C7655 from 22 to 10 near IC7651 Audio o/p chip (unofficial) C730 & 731 10 in IF can Tuner BT supply low C706 001 leaky ENC17952 RF Modulator rec inhibit sw Mode sw Q2002 5v reg Q6101 2SC2206 on CBA panel (small pcb below main panel) nearly normal when control head pins shorted - servo/syscon chip IC2001 u/s Worn lower drum Dry joints in tuner/rf converter entry guide seized pt no VXP0863 VL & VU lines wrong - micro IC7501 M37422V4AF faulty - unable to dertermine tuning bands Roller on head entry guide jammed Pt No VXP0863 Caused by jamming clutch on capst motor Dry joints pin 15 plug 1 D1113 s/c, C1109 1 400v, C1114 47 63v o/c, STK5392 reg chip 5v o/p int rises to 6.2v - chip faulty Check Xtal X6101 for dry joints & capst motor plug P2001 is in firmly

Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic


No sound pback Smeary pic, int sound Won't power up & "write erase" displayed Wow on sound & flicker Dead No op Dead Display dim or out Int failure to rec/play & chews tape Int loss of vid & sound whilst rec Int plays off tape & e-e pic together No col on pre-recs No Rew Patterning on reds & yellows on rec Pulling at top on pre-recs Snowy e-e & pback Dead Cass symbol flashes when Rec selected Head jerks back & fro & no sync, no col/tracking error etc Slow FFwd & Rew Dead after storm No display Poor e-e & rec pic

C4015 10 16v C7651 10 16v bipolar cap serial data line pulses low C6012 sm 270pf leaky Capst drive chip IC2101 XRA or BA6435S C9 1 400v psu dry joints pins 7-14 psu o/p conn C9 1 400v in psu Dry joints pin 7 T1101 chopper tfmr or links to pin 12 & 13 of P1001 of main pcb Arm P5 sticking - lub Dry joints jumper ribbon cable to front pcbs Wires s/c in pic in pic pack IC2001 MN6740VCJK sys & servo proc chip Mode switch REC-C set in-correctly on head amp Fit 22 non pol or tant cap across C9568 in dig pack dry joint RF & AE skt D1113 20v overvolts diode s/c due to 20v high. C1114 47 16v faulty Break in track between pin 13 of plug P6501 & cathode of D2509 all on sub servo board Check/replace elects in psu clutch slipping centre STRS6545 reg chip & mains fuse No filament volts - Q1701 on the front panel 2SD973A transformer driver Chrom/lum module - replaced 33 50v sm cap on it IC7005 (M34240V1BQ) had internal short on Pin 42 (KEY IN 0) of 5 ohms to gnd, should be a few Kohms) This is the Display driver & keybd control. sm caps in luma pack - cut off b4 desoldering check position of earthing clips (can destroy Q1003) RH side carriage loading arm bent - fit new loading shaft VXP1339 - 1L due to Q7 getting hot below Option wrong in memory IC - either reprog or fit IC4 from serv machine Lighthouse led going o/c int C0729 in VIF pack dry joint fit kit VSX0875KIT 3UKP Spillage from backup battery corroded print

NVSD190/200 Some controls on front panel don't work - ok via r/c NVSD2 e-e overloads / flashes, pback better NVSD200 Burning smell when deck replaced NVSD200 NVSD200 NVSD200 NVSD200 NVSD200 NVSD200 Error code "F06" Goes to LP in rec mode (Not an option on this model) Int starts up on its own Low sound in e-e No chan change No display - everything else ok

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No eject aft warm up - FO6 in display. If at end of tape aft R/W pressed would shut down with FO3 displayed No start up from cold Noisy rewind Plays back at cue speed Shuts down whilst accepting/ejecting tape Tape damage Tape loading inop - e to e vid vanishes No col Pback/Rec Some front panel controls inop Tape stuck in & showing error F03 Loses lock in fwd search & line on bottom of pic in play Loses sync in search Error code H01 - no drum NO FUNCTIONS, TAPE STUCK, NO E-E To adjust RF o/p To turn RF o/p off Audio has wow Various symtoms inc eject aft load, go to play then unload/eject & slow wind/rewind Playback speed very fast Sound speeds up & slows down in play Low sound on rec/pback To switch on RF mod Loss of line lock in search No pic e-e No rec - thinks rec prot tab missing Poor rec sound & tape edge damage Int low sound rec Ejects tape as soon as inserted Fails to go into Rew with certain pre recs

replace motor spindle worm screw 2 x 47 caps on psu pri Check spools rotate freely, loading motor bracket & worm wheel gear IC2501 BA6871S capstan drive chip dry joints loading motor panel Loading arm not locking correctly (P5) - arm bent loading motor drive i.c ba6887-v3 C3043 & C3038 sm near IC3001 C7517 backup battery leaked corroding print - Repair kit VUA-SD200B from Pan FOC tight capstan motor top bearing housing unit VXD0140 - replacement is only cure Check for dirt on lower drum or could be wear here Worn lower drum - try cleaning with Duraglit Check for dry joints vid head rotary trfmr pcb, drive cct, capstan bearing & mode sw NO VIDEO 5V ON Q1003 2SD1330 OR 2SD1996 Press MENU for 5 secs until black & white bars appear. Enter no. between 21-69 & press store. Press MENU for 5 secs until black & white bars appear. Enter "0" C1,2,23 2u2, C6, 47u C22, 220u Reel sensors IC1501/1502 both type RPI354N Capstan motor VEK8841 Mod - replace C2519 with 018 pt no ECUM1C184KBN ACE head Press "Menu" on remote control, hold down for 5 seconds, then select RF channel number to store to between 21 - 69. Capstan spindle part siezed 12.3v supply low at 7v - QR1001 UN2211 leaky caused by corroded print under the back up cap. High back tension due to brake not releasing - brake lever ass' broken (VXZ0301) C4014 3300pf between pins 5 & 6 T4001 capst stator pt no VEK4097 faulty (no FGs or PGs) Change micro to MN67434VRSH

Panasonic NVSD220 PANASONIC NVSD220 Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic NVSD220 NVSD220 NVSD220B NVSD230 Z deck NVSD230B NVSD230B NVSD240 NVSD240 NVSD25 NVSD25 NVSD25 NVSD25 NVSD260 NVSD30 NVSD30

Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic


NVSD30 NVSD30 NVSD30 NVSD30 NVSD30 Panasonic NVSD40 Panasonic NVSD300 PANASONIC NVSD30VR Panasonic NVSD40 Panasonic NVSD40 Panasonic NVSD40 Panasonic NVSD40 Panasonic NVSD40 Panasonic NVSD40 Panasonic NVSD40 Panasonic NVSD40 Panasonic NVSD40 Panasonic NVSD40 Panasonic NVSD40 Panasonic NVSD40 Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic NVSD40 NVSD40 NVSD40 NVSD40 NVSD40 NVSD40 NVSD40 NVSD40 NVSD400 NVSD400

Int Plays back fast Int tape damage & clicking when loading/unloading Loss of line lock in cue mode ON CERTAIN PRERECORDED TAPES FAILS TO GO INTO FAST REWIND RUNS AS IF IN CUE MODE Tape chewing bottom edge TAPE IMMEDIATELY EJECTED Chews tape , supply reel stiff Unable to sw off RF signal TRACKING BARS AND WOWING SOUND Accepts a tape then shuts down aft few mins Dead with slow ticking Ejects tape as soon as inserted Int no pic record - sound ok (just snow) Int tuning drift/flashing & flickery pic No e-e or pback sigs No loop through r.f. gain No rec or erase No rec pic - just snow No sound e-e or pback - ok at scart Pback has horiz swaying effect PICTURE SWAYS HORIZONTALLY Playback of prerecorded cassettes ok Playback of own recordings produce just snow Poor pback & search Tape stuck with "H02" displayed Will accept cassette and keep it then power down Won't accept tape Won't accept tape Wont accept tape or ejects it when inserted Won't go into rec mode Lines on pback pic & sound varies No pback or e-e sound

Capst drive chip XRA6439P Slide cam damaged & replace mode sw Sw to NTSC - poor head/tape contact, p roller & drum badly worn CHANGE MICRO TO TYPE MN67434VRSH XRA6439P CAPSTAN DRIVE IC Back tension high, supply reel stiff, - end of take up brake arm broken NO CAPSTAN ROTATION OR NO ROTATION SENSED Take up brake arm broken VXZ0313 Check for dry joints under RF on sw & sw contacts REPLACE REEL BRAKE MECHANISM PANAVX20313 Loading motor drive chip IC6501 BA6219B R1120 560k & R1121 820k hi res Capstan seized due to thrust screw UMT on top loose - readjust Q3007 sm tranny int o/c base - em C706 01 chip cap - contamination under it PS701 connector broken - check all plugs to demod pack Always 12v missing D1114 o/c also check D1115 Q3007 2SB710 sm Dry joints head amp IC501 R7005 1k chip res (pin 4 RF conv) Reg Q2505 2SD601 12v supply to capst leaky Q2505 2SD601 LEAKY Dry joint on pins of IC501 inside head amp screening can Complete drum ass'y worn due to high back tension caused by broken take up brake arm broken (pt no VXZ0313) Dry joints BA6887 load motor drive chip IC6501 BA6219B u/s Dry joints pl/skt P1506 connected to Q1503 2SB941 on die cast chassis Load motor drive chip BA6219B but blew again later - dry joint load motor pins was the cause No 12v to capst stator - Q2505 2SD601 u/s back up cell leaked onto print & o/c'd it on its path to micro FM Wform dist - P5 arm unit bent Pt no VXL2306 Pin 30 IC7501 on timer pcb dry joint

Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic


No vid or aud from rf or scart Int loss of loop thro' Int sound dropout & pic instability Intermittent R.F. loop through loss of unswitched 12V Lines on top of screen in rec in SP - ok in LP & pback both LP/SP or black lines on transients No loop thro'

coins inside - Q3003 & R3028 sm Losing 12v supply to amp due to sm 47 choke L7005 o/c int Dry joint audio/sync head - also pinch roller & tension band reqd L7005 (47uF) surface mount choke going o/c Sus heads - repair not done due to cost No AT12v - check D1114 & 1115 for o/c P5 arm unit part 47 on exploded view not taking tape behind pinch roller fast enough. White plastic slider - main lever unit part 144 on diag broken at point where P5 arm unit cam following tab slides along slot in this lever unit - difficult to see. Capstan fast - Proc IC faulty pt no MN67434VRTA C7708 01 connected to pin 7 IC7708 txt proc Dry joints capst conn P2501 Check 2SB941 tr on heatsink (2SB1370 does) D7532 22v zener leaky IC6001 main micro MN67434VRSG (not usual capst problems) D1106 leaky - supplies 9.4v to pin 5 TDA4505-3 Dry joints in tuner - aerial amp section Print rots away under back up cap - bridge break with fine wire D14/15 o/c No afc defeat sig reaching demod - 1st pin on demod board bent & not engaging with skt Due to wear in upper/lower drum REPLACE REEL SENSORS PANA0N1387 mode sw The Centre Clutch Assembly [part No. VXP1409] had become weakThe Centre Clutch Assembly [part No. VXP1409] had become weak AN3814K drum drive chip Main 124 pin micro IC2501 servo chip BA6871

Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic


Tape crunched at top edge as the cam down lever lowered pinch roller & no rev search Accepts tape, moves at high speed then ejects Auto tune incomplete Int accepts tape No slack take up when cassette inserted Display dim - otherwise works ok Accepts tape then ejects it Dead aft power surge Interference in background on e-e No record mode PSU faulty Search tuning doesn't stop at station Slow FFWD/Rew also loss of line lock SLOW REWIND WITH E240 TAPES Tapes int jammed in machine leaves the tape out on ejecting Drum runs too fast No drum phase lock No capstan

Panasonic NVSD44 Panasonic NVSD44 PANASONIC NVSD44 Panasonic NVSD44 Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic NVSD44B NVSD450 NVSD450 NVSD600


NVSJ220BS etc

Poor quality picture with white spike noise visible- similar to head static interference.

In customers Main Menu, under Functions, the settings for "SQPB"-Playback (S-VHS Quasi Playback) can be set to "ON" / "OFF" or "AUTO" (Standard ="AUTO"). In case of fault "SQPB"-setting will be set to "ON". This will effect higher FM- range (in respect to S-VHS range) but at VHS playback some signal noises which are over VHS range may create spikes in pic (related to tape material). To solve problem Menu setting for "SQPB"-Playback should be set to"AUTO" CP IP1001 o/c -small plastic device with 3 legs middle 1 cut off. Part no UNH00300A value unknown - N25 [1amp] seems closest resistance wise - used in lieu No 5v supply at head amp module - P3001 plug loose on luma/chroma board C3506/7/8 33 16v on YC sep pcb

Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic

NVSJ420B-S NVV8000 NVV8000 NVV8000 NVFS100 NVFS90 VEQ1107 VEQ1119 Z Mech Z Mech NVFJ620B Z Mech NVFS610 Z mech NVHD640 Z mech NVSD630 Z mech NVSJ220B 6770 6776 14PV162 14PV163/05 14PV170/05

no display / no mechs / head drum motor running very fast. Dirty heads symptom E-E & Pback pics dist & rolling


PICTURE POOR OR ROLLING Fails to respond when scanner on/off button pressed usually happens after customer has changed batteries: RF out adj Won't accept tape - loading motor not running Head twitches but not spinning F04 or F05 displayed - some times no error code & no go Loading motor lug No drum movement, no 14v to pin 3 IC2501 STUCK IN STANDBY CHANNEL NUMBER STUCK ON DISPLAY Sound lost on e-e aft 10 mins - ok thro scart int loss of pb pic Loads, runs a couple of secs, stops & ejects tape


Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic PHILIPS PHILIPS Philips Philips Philips

Remove batts and short the power terminals for 10 secs hold remote menu key in for 5 ses then alter o/p freq with number keys Check conns to motor - if ok fit new motor (driver IC integrated in motor) 4 legged hall effect device on head rotor panel replaced (used one from K deck scrapper) Capstan motor Available separately VDP1660 - 40p from Pan D2503/2504 11ES1 o/c pt no BOEAKL000031 REPLACE T7542 BC857C PRESS AND HOLD 1+ BUTTON UNDER FLAP IC7601 SEME order code 20931548 check xtal 1800 on large pcb beneath video mechs for dry joints Missing reel pulses caused by C2458 10nF sm cap on main pcb leaky clutch pt no 528-20736 worn off its retaining rim (nearest part to deck) - does not engage properly. FF & REW are ok Also can be caused by long tension dropping off or breaking its clip



Stops aft few secs in play & slack tape on eject

Philips Philips Philips Philips

14PV182/05 (Turbo) 14PV184 14PV200/07 14PV200/07 Apollo 20

Loads, goes briefly into rew 3 times then ffwd & ejects tape BUT no head movement apart from slight twitch R/C works on TV sect only Buzz on pback only St/by only - no bus activity

Dry joints drum lead Handset faulty - see item on "Combis" comes & goes when ACE ribbon cable flexed replace cable & resolder skt to pcb TMP93C071 micro IC7900 faulty - 120 pins! Mechs seized. Replace worn loading gear 27 it jams. To replace; Wind mechs to threaded out posn with cass down. Remove cass housing. Remove loading arm "V" blocks (clips) Unclip & remove loading arm gears. Remove loading arm gear & replace. Refit in the reverse order. Motor drive chip 7402 L2722 (4822 209 30146); Fus res 3452 2R2 0.33w (4822 052 10228) Missing Tacho signals caused by hairline cracks around optical devices on PCB under deck R3726 370k o/c on video pcb R3405 100k hi res Replace clutch item 115 & lub shaft Worm gear item 48 in CHS cat split Cam wheel shaft adrift from plastic chassis due to crack. Superglue shaft in correct posn (no repair kit apparently available) Drum motor hardy rotating - poor conns pl/skt 1930 behind heads Leave set unplugged overnight to reset micro Check res 3464 2R2 for o/c, if it is then change IC7463 which causes o/c res - IC7463 pt no 9322-173-906-68, res 3464 4822-052-102-28 Dry joint Xtal 1880 27Mhz Deck mechs mitimed R3483 2R2 feed to motor IC o/c no 5v supply to front end sub panel - L6 o/c all supply lines dropping - psu replacement same - loading motor hold down stop on the remote control and press 1 - or remove batteries & press any key rack slider gear teeth missing- replace with kit Clean brake rollers & drive surfaces of reel tables spring missing from brake slider ass'y

Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips

14PV274/05 14PV284/05 14PV350 14TVCR240 14TVCR240 14TVCR240 Turbo 14TVCR240/0 5 14TVCR240/0 5 Turbo 20PV164 20PV164 20PV230/07 21PV688 21PV688 2SB41 Turbo Charlie Deck Charlie Deck Combis DMP Deck DMP Deck Turbo

Tape stuck - OSD reports no cassette Won't accept tape - sticks halfway Ejects tape shortly after going into Play, FFWD, Rew etc No audio rec (prev sountrack erased) No rec or pback - looks like heads severely worn Noisy wind/rew Jammed cassette with grinding noise Tape jammed Int no mech functs - can be heard to try Timer not working Dead - no mech functions Pic disappeared aft 5 mins & no Txt Won't accept tapes No loading motor operation no e-e or pback pic - sound ok squeeling & revert to st/by when tape inserted R/C will not operate vcr section (TV sect ok) Mechs jammed No functs except eject ffwd & rew int and tape looping on eject

Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips

Turbo Turbo Turbo Turbo Turbo Turbo Turbo Turbo

Int tape locks up - usually after FFwd or Rew no col in rec no ffwd or rew No Ffwd/Rew no load - arms back & fro then eject No pic on playback - sound ok No sound in any mode slack tape on eject

Pinch roller ass'y faulty xtal pulse roller adrift - clipped back in & now ok Clutch gear 4822 528 20736 was the cause of this problem. Its the little double gear that lives below the idler. a vane on worm shaft missing - used in lieu of mode sw tr7802 BC858B sm on back of main pcb s/c IC7001 LA7282 pulse mech holder pt no 4822-256-92316 - pulse roller & lever bushes u/s 1/2 load arm not returning back enough on eject so tape is in front of arm when cassette inserted. White lever which moves arm on top of main cam worn on underside replace putting machine into service node revealed faulty end sensor - sensor system can be replaced as a single unit Half loading arm had a missing tooth and so was not clearing 'out of the way' before the cassette was ready to 'sit on the spools' (Item 31Q in exploded deck diagram). Fit kit B WVE 16111KB Fit kit part number 4822-256-92316 Kit pt no 4822 256 92316 long arm which drives master cam (item 47) crack in white cog gear so it turns on shaft. Fit repair kit'A' pt no 4822 310 31954 & pulley shaft pt no 4822 528 81462 Arm 32F cracked - fit Kit F WVE 16115KF Replace tension arm WVE 16442TA Check clutch unit under deck, spring inside cuts a groove & rotates - item no 115 RH gear (Item 48) on worm shaft had slid away from pinion gear so no meshing. Fit serice kit A WVE 16110KA 8.28 OR Items 47 & 48 CPC PS528-81462 2.49 or CHS P75601 3.00 Pulse roller not pushing trigger plate far enough because post that holds it is broken. Rep kit 4822 256 92316 Entry guide roller/slant pole had become detached - refitted Main cam timing slightly out Check control head is clean

Philips Philips

Turbo Turbo Turbo 14TVCR240 Turbo Deck Turbo Deck Turbo deck

Sound poor or absent in rec won't accept tape

Philips Philips Philips Philips

Not fully loading around heads then ejecting Back tension arm doesn't return to correct posn on unload Brakes sometimes sticking on Broken plastic lugs rec prot sw, brake pulse lever etc

Philips Philips Philips Philips

Turbo Deck Turbo Deck Turbo Deck Turbo Deck

Deck jammed Half lace arm doesn't return to correct posn Int chews tapes - back tens arm catches on load gear Int stops in play & rec

Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips

Turbo Deck Turbo Deck Turbo Deck Turbo deck Turbo deck

No load / unload etc - stuck in 1/2 load posn No mech operation No play - chews tape Plays ok but locks on rew Poor Tracking

Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips

Turbo Deck Turbo deck Turbo Deck Turbo deck Turbo VC260 Turbo VC522

Reel brakes not operating Reverse lever item 31 int pushed off its mounting post Won't accept or eject a tape - ok if manually inserted Won't REW goes into CUE not FF . Head drum won't spin or stiff to turn Interference on E-E pic

Broken plastin pivot for pulse slider (item 110) mounted on chassis - doesn't look like replacement part but WVE stock - Holder Pulse Mech Kit pt no 16256HL Cam had a bur in its groove - replaced Lighthouse led lens broken off. Only available as part of Kit G 4822 310 31961 Pulse roller ( part 107 in exploded diagram ) dropped out of mounting under main cam worm drive ( brakes staying on ) . Remove drum from head & separate Upper/lower sects. Relub & reassemble C2280 & C2281 47 50v in psu INIT microsw which has plastic sleeve over contacts was perm closed ... it is possible to slide the plastic sleeve backwards which has effect of mech locking microsw


Turbo VR175

Loads up then ejects tape - after being dropped

Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips

V705B VP28/55 VR1000 VR110 VR151

Press STOP on the remote and PLAY on the front of the set. Hold both buttons for at least five seconds. The screen will then show the service menu. Use the cursor buttons on the remote to scroll down to SERVICE CONTROL and press OK. The first option should be RAM CLEAR. Highlight it if necessary then press OK or CLEAR on the remote control (depends on the remote). All user settings (tuning, timer and personal Resetting micro prefs) are erased and the micro is reset. Pinch roller spring guide had jumped out of groove on main cam. Bend it down a bit Loads tape then shuts down, same in eject leaving slack tape when refitting to prevent reocurrence Could be corrupt EEPROM. To set up EEPROM special tool 4822 395 90915 reqd at No col E-E or play on VHS/SVHS or SCART approx 25 Tripping PSU cracked print at pins of power trfmr How to clean video-heads Push "tracking" button for 10 seconds. This phenomena can occur when playing-back own recordings at higher environment temperatures. Remove C2463 to solve the problem. Introduced in production from week 9528 onwards. Attention: Since the phenomena takes place during recording, new recordings Q1 opto 2SC4517A, Q2 2SC3616 & mains fuse Change both reel sensors The EEPROMs used in these models are robust; based on the Field Call Rate feedback from many thermometer countries, they seldom fail. However due to some reasons, there were requests of this IC as a spare part, mainly because of using it as standby for fu Push "tracking" button for 10 seconds. Press stop/eject and play then hold in whilst applying mains

Philips Philips Philips

VR151 VR1541 VR1541

Picture horizontally unstable Dead after thunderstorm No r/w or rview aft 10 -15 secs

Philips Philips Philips

VR155 VR157 VR157

EEPROM How to clean video-heads Modulator - switching on



Display hardly or not visable

Check fuse 1403 (80 mAT) on motherboard -28 volt supply for display (Codenr. Fuse: 4822 071 58009) - Check zenerdiode 6250 on operating panel (BZX79-C12; 4822 130 34197 If capstanmotor is not running, check the 3 wires that connect the coil-PCB to the control PCB. These PCB's are accessible by carefully removing the flywheel. Resolder 2012 and replace switching transistor T7040. Bad soldering of 2012, therefore frequency too high and T7040 and resistor burned. Press (without cassette) the Install button several seconds, until the display-language is displayed. - Press Install 2 times, until MODUL is displayed. The frequency can be changed by means of the p+ / p- keys (only when the modulator is swi It is not possible to switch on the VCR with the Remote Control if the latter has been switched-off by means of the stand-by button on the VCR. Switch-on the VCR by means of the stand-by button. Check mechanically the init-switch. The white plastic part must hinge in the holes at the most backward position of this part. If the hinge is in the most front part, the init-switch is not controlled. After inserting the cassette, the tape is threaded in Switch VCR to st/by, hold 'install' button until 'osd' in display. Adj freq with '+' & '-' buttons. End by pressing 'install' & then 'st/by' buttons Check the presence of the +33 volt and the +5v ASW. If these voltages are missing, check resistor R3080 in the power supply unit. Condenr. R 3080 (47 ohm): 4822 052 10479 (if the +33 voltage is missing, the FET 7470 does not switch on the + 5 ASW.) This phenomena can be caused by a bad contact between the turbo drive mechanism and the family board. The mechanism is grounded by the cental ground-screw, which is mounted at the bottomside of the set. Check if this screw is present and if it is well tight If capstanmotor is not running, check the 3 wires that connect the coil-PCB to the control PCB. These PCB's are accessible by carefully removing the flywheel. Push "tracking" button for 10 seconds. Tranny 7649 BC848 sm near IC7460 Resolder 2012 and replace switching transistor T7040. Bad soldering of 2012, therefore frequency too high and T7040 and resistor burned.

Philips Philips

VR161 VR161

Does not play, cassette is ejected Power supply defective



Switching on/off modulator



Switching-on VCR with Remote Control.

Philips Philips

VR161 VR161

Tape immediately threaded out after inserting cassette To adj RF mod freq



Totally inoperative, no display, no tape functions



White dots / stripes during playback

Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR165 VR165 VR165 VR165

Does not play, cassette is ejected How to clean video-heads Pback ctl track pulses missing Power supply defective



Switching-on VCR with Remote Control.

It is not possible to switch on the VCR with the Remote Control if the latter has been switched-off by means of the stand-by button on the VCR. Switch-on the VCR by means of the stand-by button. Check mechanically the init-switch. The white plastic part must hinge in the holes at the most backward position of this part. If the hinge is in the most front part, the init-switch is not controlled. After inserting the cassette, the tape is threaded in Check the presence of the +33 volt and the +5v ASW. If these voltages are missing, check resistor R3080 in the power supply unit. Condenr. R 3080 (47 ohm): 4822 052 10479 (if the +33 voltage is missing, the FET 7470 does not switch on the + 5 ASW.) This phenomena can be caused by a bad contact between the turbo drive mechanism and the family board. The mechanism is grounded by the cental ground-screw, which is mounted at the bottomside of the set. Check if this screw is present and if it is well tig R3369 & R3370 39k o/c Correction in the survey of Remote Controls on page 1 of the Service Manual: RT172/101 - 4822 219 10256 RT174/101 - 4822 219 10252 To switch-off the modulator or to change the modulator setting, act as follows: - Eject the cassette (if present) and put the set in stand-by mode ! - Press the system key on the remote several seconds until the display - gives the actual setting of t Check the flatcable from the audio-sync head to the motherboard.It can happen that this cable interrupts, or that the inner leads are short-circuited to the aluminium screening. Replace the cable if defective. Codenr. flatcable: 4822 320 11889 Check the flatcable from the audio-sync head to the motherboard.It can happen that this cable interrupts, or that the inner leads are short-circuited to the aluminium screening. Replace the cable if defective. Codenr. flatcable: 4822 320 11889 Option code input reqs resetting - too long to list here! Reinitialise EEPROM; Disconnect from mains, push and hold the stand/by key for 10 secs clutch - CHS part number (P20736). Tr7252 BC337 leaky



Tape immediately threaded out after inserting cassette



Totally inoperative, no display, no tape functions

Philips Philips

VR165 VR170-05

White dots / stripes during playback Dead



Correction codenumbers Remote Controls in Service



How to switch-off modulator



No sound during playback or no sound recorded on tape.

Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR175 VR175/05 VR175/05 VR200 VR201

No sound during playback or no sound recorded on tape. OSD missing Sound dist in Stereo Hi Fi mode Slack tape on eject No erase prev soundtravk

Philips Philips

VR202 VR202

Head cleaning rollers Locks up when rec r/c command

From date code 9123 onwards the above video recorders are fitted with head cleaning rollers. The code number of the roller assembly for these models is 4822 528 70746. The roller assembly is shown on the exploded view of the deck in the service documenta On screen display ic faulty In VCRs from WD32 onwards coil 5005 on the family board (jfb) will be replaced by a fuse. The fuse is given the position no. 1005.The fuse rating is 250mA/125 volt.The code no. of the fuse is 4822 252 51142. IMPORTANT:The fuse becomes a safety component It is possible that VCRs of the above types and having a week code of 9042 or 9043 may not always respond to signals from the remote control handset. Cause: A small number of capacitors fitted in position numbers 2021 and 2022 on the operating panel (JDC After replacing the combi head the setting of the head height is referred to in Section 2:8:4 of the IDM deck manual. The method used is to set for maximum amplitude of the control track signal. In the above mentioned VCRs the signal is amplified in a Replacement Pattern belt faulty Some Program listings do not support this method of setting the Timer. It is possible that VCRs of the above types and having a week code of 9042 or 9043 may not always respond to signals from the remote control handset. Cause: A small number of capacitors fitted in position numbers 2021 and 2022 on the operating panel (JDC After replacing the combi head the setting of the head height is referred to in Section 2:8:4 of the IDM deck manual. The method used is to set for maximum amplitude of the control track signal. In the above mentioned VCRs the signal is amplified in a REPLACE CAPSTAN FLYWHEEL+BEARING Fit brake mod kit or clean all brake surfaces etc . Flywheel replaced which comes with bearing & service kit Idler 216 had seized bearing After replacement of the uP by version KSDC2-4U or KSDC3-4U, problems with the adjustment of the clock can occur. Solution: delete resistors 3013, 3014, 3015 EN 3017 and adjust the clock as described in the Service Manual. (see KDC and LDC PCB) This is va



Modification PSU



Poor response to Infra Red Handset operation

Philips Philips Philips

VR202 VR202 VR203

Replacing the combi head Wow on sound after replacing capstan belt End Time not found when using VPT method of setting the Timer.



Poor response to Infra Red Handset operation

Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR203 VR203 VR203 VR203 VR203

Replacing the combi head SEVERE WOW+FLUTTER Won't work after rewinding tapes . Wow & flutter Wow on sound



Repair tip when replacing uP



Set does not react on Remote Control

Check and replace if necessary the IR receiver on the display PCB. - for sets with IC7120 : 4822 218 10216 - for sets without IC7120 : 4822 214 33534 After replacement of the uP by version KSDC2-4U or KSDC3-4U, problems with the adjustment of the clock can occur. Solution: delete resistors 3013, 3014, 3015 EN 3017 and adjust the clock as described in the Service Manual. (see KDC and LDC PCB) This is va Check and replace if necessary the IR receiver on the display PCB. - for sets with IC7120 : 4822 218 10216 - for sets without IC7120 : 4822 214 33534 hold st/by key on r/c for 8 secs (make sure hset sw to VCR1 - remove batts if not) Some Program listings do not support this method of setting the Timer. After replacement of the uP by version KSDC2-4U or KSDC3-4U, problems with the adjustment of the clock can occur. Solution: delete resistors 3013, 3014, 3015 EN 3017 and adjust the clock as described in the Service Manual. (see KDC and LDC PCB) This is va Check and replace if necessary the IR receiver on the display PCB. - for sets with IC7120 : 4822 218 10216 - for sets without IC7120 : 4822 214 33534 Some Program listings do not support this method of setting the Timer. After replacement of the uP by version KSDC2-4U or KSDC3-4U, problems with the adjustment of the clock can occur. Solution: delete resistors 3013, 3014, 3015 EN 3017 and adjust the clock as described in the Service Manual. (see KDC and LDC PCB) This is va Remove connector from cable of erase-head and solder the wires directly on the erasehead. Check also whether metal-flakes are present in the flatcable connection of the audio-sync head. Note: touching the wires can already hide the complaint! In case of high RF voltages (> 80DB UV), some transmittors are not stored. Solution: Modify time-constant in RF-AGC circuit: R3720 becomes 1kOhm. C2724 becomes 10 uF. Introduced in production from week 9319 onwards. start up volts low - D6115 leaky



Repair tip when replacing uP

Philips Philips Philips

VR212 VR2122 VR213

Set does not react on Remote Control Stuck in Child Lock (2 arrowhead display) End Time not found when using VPT method of setting the Timer.



Repair tip when replacing uP

Philips Philips

VR213 VR223

Set does not react on Remote Control End Time not found when using VPT method of setting the Timer.



Repair tip when replacing uP



Audio not recorded; previous audio not erased

Philips Philips

VR231 VR231

AUTOSTORE skips transmittors Dead




C3125 47u 25v The correct hand control for the VR231/05 is an RT132/413. In the service documentation it incorrectly states it as an RT130/113.The code number quoted in the service documentation (4822 218 30652)is correct for an RT132/413. For a better performance of the erase oscillator, the following components are modified in production: POS. 2620 - 47 nF - 4822 121 51655 POS. 2622 - 33 nF - 4822 121 43996 Xtal 1601 poor osc - replace xtal CHECK THE VANES ON THE WORM SHAFT THERE SHOULD BE FOUR Re-fit video head, heads may have sliped on the shaft.




Philips Philips PHILIPS Philips

VR231 VR231 VR231 VR231

Modification erase oscillator No col in Playback pic with jitter PARTIAL LOADING Poor tape compatibility, tracking has to reset every tape played.

Philips Philips

VR231 VR231

Rattle during fast-forward Sometimes cassette stocks against flap

If a Turbo-drive with Fast-Forward problems is brought-in for service, Check first of all whether thooth-wheels 116 and 117 sufficiently grip in each other. If these tooth-wheels rattle-over-each-other during fast forward, replace following components: po Remount frontpanel. A repair kit , containing PULLEY SHAFT + WORM SHAFT (POS. 47+48) is delivered with codenumber 4822 310 10657. This kit can be used for all TURBO- and ECO mechanisms ! Replace diode 6115 on supply MSM1 by a 1N4148 (4822 130 30621). remove cleaning roller Enter service mode, Press 'play' on r/c & 'eject' on vcr; auto adj is released & stored in eeprom- if succesful now goes to st/by, if not ejects tape C2114 47u 25v & C2201 47u 50v Remove connector from cable of erase-head and solder the wires directly on the erasehead. Check also whether metal-flakes are present in the flatcable connection of the audio-sync head. Note: touching the wires can already hide the complaint! In case of high RF voltages (> 80DB UV), some transmittors are not stored. Solution: Modify time-constant in RF-AGC circuit: R3720 becomes 1kOhm. C2724 becomes 10 uF. For a better performance of the erase oscillator, the following components are modified in production: POS. 2620 - 47 nF - 4822 121 51655 POS. 2622 - 33 nF - 4822 121 43996

Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR231 VR231 VR231 VR231 VR231/05

Spare part information Supply does not start, D6115 defective Tape not always wound back into cassette To adj head sw points Dead aft power cut



Audio not recorded; previous audio not erased



AUTOSTORE skips transmittors



Modification erase oscillator

Philips Philips Philips

VR232 VR232 VR232

Rattle during fast-forward Sometimes cassette stocks against flap Supply does not start, D6115 defective

If a Turbo-drive with Fast-Forward problems is brought-in for service, Check first of all whether thooth-wheels 116 and 117 sufficiently grip in each other. If these tooth-wheels rattle-over-each-other during fast forward, replace following components: po Remount frontpanel Replace diode 6115 on supply MSM1 by a 1N4148 (4822 130 30621). Experience has shown that poor contact between the plug and socket on the main panel A130 can cause heating up and carbonisation of the plastic resulting in poorer contact.In the interest of reliability, in all machines serviced remove the plug and socke In case of high RF voltages (> 80DB UV), some transmittors are not stored. Solution: Change C2703 from 22 uF to 10 uF. (In extreme situations this value can be decreased further, but not lower than 4,7 uF, to prevent instability). If a Turbo-drive with Fast-Forward problems is brought-in for service, Check first of all whether thooth-wheels 116 and 117 sufficiently grip in each other. If these tooth-wheels rattle-over-each-other during fast forward, replace following components: po Remove connector from cable of erase-head and solder the wires directly on the erasehead. Check also whether metal-flakes are present in the flatcable connection of the audio-sync head. Note: touching the wires can already hide the complaint! Remove connector from cable of erase-head and solder the wires directly on the erasehead. Check also whether metal-flakes are present in the flatcable connection of the audio-sync head. Note: touching the wires can already hide the complaint! Versions /58 sets have longplay .These sets have the tape deck :WDQT-P2/0LP Check the line from Pin 10 on Scart1 and Scart2 till input pin 2 from Display control microprocessor. If one of these components on this line has a shortcut to ground, the line is low and the VCR ignored the function RECORD. Fault components in the past: Replace pos. 47 (4822 310 31901) or lift(4822 443 63702). Some Program listings do not support this method of setting the Timer.



poor contact cable



AUTOSTORE skips transmittors



Rattle during fast-forward



Audio not recorded; previous audio not erased

Philips Philips

VR247 VR250

Audio not recorded; previous audio not erased Additional feature longplay

Philips Philips Philips

VR251 VR252 VR253

After pressing Record button, the set does not go into Record. Cassette blocked. End Time not found when using VPT method of setting the Timer.



Extension Cables

Only for /55 /57 /75 From Pre/Rec CN501 Deck Terminal CN1 A/C Head CN1

To Main CN201 Main CN601 Main CN301

Extension Cable 4822 321 62244 4822 321 62128 4822 32



Insufficient time allowed for timer programming.

Replace the system control microprocessor IC601 to 4822 209 33435(HD6433926A96F). After the replacement of IC601, do the followingadjustments as in the service manual.1. Connect a frequency counter to IC601 pin 64 and GND.2. Short IC601 pin 21 to IC601 pi Supply pole base not fully home - black plastic stopper item 120 connecting load arm to base come adrift because slit washer fell off. Stopper pt no T43525 from CHS The EEPROM is used in these models are robust; based on the Field Call Rate feedback from many thermometer countries, they seldom fail. However due to some reasons, there were requests of this IC as a spare part, mainly because of using it as standby for 2 large diodes in series on pri winding of sm tfmr to FET break down under load Push "tracking" button for 10 seconds. Check uP 7410 (4822 209 90283). Push "tracking" button for 10 seconds. On I2C-bus there are some peaks (oscillation), which disappear whenIC7540 is loosed from bus. Replace IC7540 (SDA5649). Check F1403 315mA wickman fuse press EJECT/PLAY on machine with no cassette in. Then press OK on hset followed by tracking button. Display now shows mod on or off. To change, cont depressing Tracking button Resolder 2012 and replace switching transistor T7040. REMARK : Bad soldering of 2012, therefore frequency too high and T7040 and resistor burned. It is not possible to switch on the VCR with the Remote Control if the latter has been switched-off by means of the stand-by button on the VCR. Switch-on the VCR by means of the stand-by button.


VR2547 JVC

Poor pback pic

Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR255 VR255/455 VR256 VR257 VR257 VR257 VR258

EEPROM PSU FET runs hot How to clean video-heads Deck moves up/down and in-/outwards. How to clean video-heads In record mode, set switches accidentally to E1. Display gets confused Accepts tape only - no mechs or eject



To sw modulator on/off



Power supply defective



Switching-on VCR with Remote Control.



Continuously "tracking" in display

Check circuit around bridgewire (jumper) 9604. Probably one of the solderpads has come loose. In this way the control pulses coming from the CTL-head are not connected to the IC7460 (SAA1310) and the deck- processor does not get control pulses, and stays - Check fuse 1403 (80 mAT) on motherboard -28 volt supply for display (Codenr. Fuse: 4822 071 58009) - Check zenerdiode 6250 on operating panel (BZX79-C12; 4822 130 34197 If capstanmotor is not running, check the 3 wires that connect the coil-PCB to the control PCB. These PCB's are accessible by carefully removing the flywheel. - switch off power supply. - press button "LOW-POWER / STAND-BY" on the set while switching on the power supply. - release button "LOW-POWER / STAND-BY" if horizontal stripes (--:--) appear in the display of the VCR.



Display hardly or not visable



Does not play, cassette is ejected



How to erase memory

All channels and timing-bl Press simultanuously buttons "EJECT" and "PLAY" on set. The actual position of the modulator is now displayed. By pressing the right cursor during 5 seconds, the modulator can be switched-on or switched-of.If the modulator is switched-on, the output frequ When the VCR is connected to a TV set that supports easy-link, the modulator is automatically switched off, and cannot be switched on again. Resolder 2012 and replace switching transistor T7040. REMARK : Bad soldering of 2012, therefore frequency too high and T7040 and resistor burned. It is not possible to switch on the VCR with the Remote Control if the latter has been switched-off by means of the stand-by button on the VCR. Switch-on the VCR by means of the stand-by button. Check mechanically the init-switch. The white plastic part must hinge in the holes at the most backward position of this part. If the hinge is in the most front part, the init-switch is not controlled. After inserting the cassette, the tape is threaded in

Philips Philips

VR266 VR266

How to switch modulator on/off Modulator inoperative (on easylink TV)



Power supply defective



Switching-on VCR with Remote Control.



Tape immediately threaded out after inserting cassette



Totally inoperative, no display, no tape functions

Check the presence of the +33 volt and the +5v ASW. If these voltages are missing, check resistor R3080 in the power supply unit. Condenr. R 3080 (47 ohm): 4822 052 10479 (if the +33 voltage is missing, the FET 7470 does not switch on the + 5 ASW.) This phenomena can be caused by a bad contact between the turbo drive mechanism and the family board. The mechanism is grounded by the cental ground-screw, which is mounted at the bottomside of the set. Check if this screw is present and if it is well tig Check circuit around bridgewire (jumper) 9604. Probably one of the solderpads has come loose. In this way the control pulses coming from the CTL-head are not connected to the IC7460 (SAA1310) and the deck- processor does not get control pulses, and stays - Check fuse 1403 (80 mAT) on motherboard -28 volt supply for display (Codenr. Fuse: 4822 071 58009) - Check zenerdiode 6250 on operating panel (BZX79-C12; 4822 130 34197 If capstanmotor is not running, check the 3 wires that connect the coil-PCB to the control PCB. These PCB's are accessible by carefully removing the flywheel. When the VCR is connected to a TV set that supports easy-link, the modulator is automatically switched off, and cannot be switched on again. Resolder 2012 and replace switching transistor T7040. REMARK : Bad soldering of 2012, therefore frequency too high and T7040 and resistor burned. No control track rec pulses - Link 9604 by threading belt broken It is not possible to switch on the VCR with the Remote Control if the latter has been switched-off by means of the stand-by button on the VCR. Switch-on the VCR by means of the stand-by button. Check mechanically the init-switch. The white plastic part must hinge in the holes at the most backward position of this part. If the hinge is in the most front part, the init-switch is not controlled. After inserting the cassette, the tape is threaded in Check the presence of the +33 volt and the +5v ASW. If these voltages are missing, check resistor R3080 in the power supply unit. Condenr. R 3080 (47 ohm): 4822 052 10479 (if the +33 voltage is missing, the FET 7470 does not switch on the + 5 ASW.)



White dots / stripes during playback



Continuously "tracking" in display



Display hardly or not visable

Philips Philips

VR268 VR268

Does not play, cassette is ejected Modulator inoperative (on easylink TV)

Philips Philips

VR268 VR268

Power supply defective Rec pic fades out to snow & no LP recs



Switching-on VCR with Remote Control.



Tape immediately threaded out after inserting cassette



Totally inoperative, no display, no tape functions

Philips Philips

VR268 VR268/01

White dots / stripes during playback Specification

This phenomena can be caused by a bad contact between the turbo drive mechanism and the family board. The mechanism is grounded by the cental ground-screw, which is mounted at the bottomside of the set. Check if this screw is present and if it is well tig The /01 version of the VR268 is without PDC.The commercially sold set in the Netherlands with PDC is the /02 version. Check the flatcable from the audio-sync head to the motherboard.It can happen that this cable interrupts, or that the inner leads are short-circuited to the aluminium screening. Replace the cable if defective. Codenr. flatcable: 4822 320 11889 Bevel gear on main shaft & main cam worm drive gear loose - replace both items - part no 4822 310 10657 Traditionally, 2 head VCRs can not produce an LP recording and playback. Due to advancement in technology especially in the field of mechanical precision in the manufacturing of Video Heads, it is now possible to record and playback SP and LP pictures wi Sometimes, after changing the EEPROM, or in case of a slight deviation in component values, the OSD menu from the VCR will be displayed out off center on the TV screen. In order to adjust the position of the OSD menu to the center again, please follow the Hold Power button on r/c for 7 secs After rewind to tape begin, the above VCRs go to the threaded in position. If no function is requested, after 6 minutes the VCR dethreads to the stop position where it stays for 2 minutes before returning to standby. From week 41 the waiting time at thre Mute stays on when chan changed - o/c print rh side edge of pcb which carries AFC sig Could be dead spot on motor, A quick check in the service mode (hold play on the machine and stop on the handset for more than 4 seconds) gave an error code which indicated a stalled capstan motor TMP47C1670N chip Check vcr set to correct vcr - to change press 2 'set clock' buttons together then 'select', then 2 'set clock buttons' again Noticeable mainly in quiet passages, OK through SCART. Replace modulator. Some Program listings do not support this method of setting the Timer.

Philips Philips

VR277 VR285

No sound during playback or no sound recorded on tape. Tape stuck



"STILL" picture performance of head VCR's

Philips Philips

VR297 VR299 etc

adjusting OSD position To enable/disable childlock

Philips Philips

VR312 VR312

Change of threaded in time after rewind No rec sound - int

Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR322 VR322 VR322 VR323 VR323

Int ejects when tape inserted - capst motor stalls No R/c No r/c op Buzzing and whistling noises heard on E to E and playback. End Time not found when using VPT method of setting the Timer.

Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR323 VR323 VR323 VR3242

Mechs jammed - won't work when freed Scrambled txt Sound not being rec - erases prev sound ok Dead & no display

IC40 SAA1310 internal s/c SAA5231 txt chip Tr7252 BC337-40 faulty, e.c. leak one direction only only 4.2 volts to main micro pin1 IC601. C25-680uf/10 v & C32 470uf/10 v in power module Remove connector from cable of erase-head and solder the wires directly on the erasehead. Check also whether metal-flakes are present in the flatcable connection of the audio-sync head. Note: touching the wires can already hide the complaint! The adjustment of the clock frequency on page 3-6 of the service documentation states that "all the segments of the display are lit and a 5 volt square wave signal has been applied to the frequency counter". The paragraph should read "none of the display Replace diode 6115 on supply MSM1 by a 1N4148 (4822 130 30621). delete C2520. - interrupt the print-track to pin 6 of modulator. - mount coil of 6,8 uH (4822 157 52285) between pin 6 of modulator and the emittor of transistor 7500. Replace pos. 33 (4822 691 20937). Resolder 2012 and replace switching transistor T7040. Bad soldering of 2012, therefore frequency too high and T7040 and resistor burned. It is not possible to switch on the VCR with the Remote Control if the latter has been switched-off by means of the stand-by button on the VCR. Switch-on the VCR by means of the stand-by button. start up res R103 in pri of psu o/c Change C2093 to 120 pF (was 1 nF). Change R3126 to 150 Ohm (was 470 Ohm). The +12a supply missing - R3151 & R3147 6R8 o/c To improve the brightness of the FTD display, modify the following components: - R3209 in the LSM45 supply from 10 Ohm to 4,7 Ohm (4822 116 83082) - Replace R3053 on the display panel by a wire jumper. C2114 47 25v in psu The cause of this fault was identified as being caused by the Head Motor Drive I/C on the Head Amplifier PCB. IC7301 TDA5140 drum motor drive chip



Audio not recorded; previous audio not erased

Philips Philips

VR332 VR332

Service manual correction Supply does not start, D6115 defective

Philips Philips Philips

VR333 VR356 VR362

Interference distortion on Channel 4+ Bad picture; set blocks. Power supply defective

Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR362 VR412 VR422 VR422

Switching-on VCR with Remote Control. dead Black spots in case of still picture Blank raster/no sound all modes

Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR422 VR422 VR422 VR422

Brightness of display irregular Cassette jammed with ticking or dead Head Drum Speed too fast from power up. Int mistracking/poor pback

Philips Philips Philips

VR422 VR422 VR422

Intermittently mistracking, noise bar appears. No pback - blank screen only - sound ok No RF o/p - scart ok

Line sync switching at top of picture. Determine if the fault is on the head amp pack. If it is, `scope the PG/FG pulses from pin 6 of L1 on the head amp pack. Check to see if there is a synchronising pulse, i.e. a wider pulse, present within the head IC7501 LA7391A Module switched off - no option to sw it on - Reset micro by depressing "Play", "St/by" & "Eject" together whilst plugging in vcr If a Turbo-drive with Fast-Forward problems is brought-in for service, Check first of all whether thooth-wheels 116 and 117 sufficiently grip in each other. If these tooth-wheels rattle-over-each-other during fast forward, replace following components: po Replace deck processor IC7010. Codenumber is 4822 209 31526. If any function is selected, the cassette is ejected or the machine locks up. Try loading the machine without a tape. If the sub loading arms take up, suspect a problem with main cam wheel. Check the main runner, especially the `V' notch where the sub-l Play align tape, hold down 'play' whilst adj pot 3112 on back of main pcb Press 'stop' on r/c & play on vcr for 5 secs Replace cam wheel, notch sheared 47 16v in PSU pri o/c - also check caps in sec of psu R3147 & R3151 6R8 0.6w - failed due to heavy weight on top of case IRFBC30 chopper tr s/c, R3109 3R3 dropper o/c, opto isol 7210 SOC1012 & Power chip TDA4605-3 o/c print by PL1914 pin 8 (I/p to main pcb from psu) Remove connector from cable of erase-head and solder the wires directly on the erasehead. Check also whether metal-flakes are present in the flatcable connection of the audio-sync head. Note: touching the wires can already hide the complaint! Depending on the modulation-depth, an overshoot can occur with long-play recordings, resulting in a lisping "S". Solution: replace R3615 (390 Ohm) by a resistor of 1 kOhm (4822 051 10102) Replace IC LA7191. Trace fault to o/c res. 3473 2.2 Ohm feed to theading motor IC. replace IC7001 LA7282 which is responsible for sound record and playback. The E-E sound also passes through it.

Philips Philips

VR422 VR422

Rattle during fast-forward Sometimes no rewind

Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR422 VR422 VR422 VR422 VR422 Turbo VR422 Turbo VR437 VR437

The tape is not taken up to the audio control head. To adj head sw points To enter service mode When tape inserted does not half load Dead, no display or functs Mechs ok but no pic or osd Dead aft spillage No E-E or tuning - no 33v to tuner pin 11



Audio not recorded; previous audio not erased

Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR447 VR447 VR447 VR447

Lisping "S" when recording in LP mode No colour. No loading No sound any mode

Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR447 (Turbo) Clicking noise from power supply VR447 (Turbo) No display VR447 (Turbo) No mechs - play shows when selected VR447/05 E-E sound present in Pback End Time not found when using VPT method of setting the VR453 Timer. VR4547 Mechs jamming VR4547 No col on Pback of pre-recs VR4557/05 (JVC) Won't accept tape - loading mech very slack VR459 Bad recording; REC button does not function. VR459 How to clean video-heads VR465 No PDC function

Check cable from PSU to main pcb prorely inserted Wickman fuse near psu cable L1 on head amp board Sus IC7601 control chip - 64 pins! Some Programme listings do not support this method of setting the Timer. Replace mode sw & reel sensors Pin 19 of pre-amp skt on main board pushed in (Col Rot) Nylon pin had broken off change arm assy - possible to weld back in place with soldering iron - beware leaf spring at bottom of psu does not s/c anything Check/replace IC7101 (4822 209 90299). Push "tracking" button for 10 seconds. Error in leaflet. The VR465/02 VCR has no PDC support. This VCR only has SHOWVIEW and VPS. Check the presence of the +33 volt and the +5v ASW. If these voltages are missing, check resistor R3080 in the power supply unit. Condenr. R 3080 (47 ohm): 4822 052 10479 (if the +33 voltage is missing, the FET 7470 does not switch on the + 5 ASW.) When the VCR is connected to a TV set that supports easy-link, the modulator is automatically switched off, and cannot be switched on again. Resolder 2012 and replace switching transistor.Bad soldering of 2012, therefore frequency too high and 7040 and resistor burned. It is not possible to switch on the VCR with the Remote Control if thelatter has been switched-off by means of the stand-by button on the VCR. Switch-on the VCR by means of the stand-by button. Check mechanically the init-switch. The white plastic part must hinge in the holes at the most backward position of this part. If the hinge is in the most front part, the init-switch is not controlled. After inserting the cassette, the tape is threaded in Check the presence of the +33 volt and the +5v ASW. If these voltages are missing, check resistor R3080 in the power supply unit. Condenr. R 3080 (47 ohm): 4822 052 10479 (if the +33 voltage is missing, the FET 7470 does not switch on the + 5 ASW.) Remove short-circuit between earth spring of bottom and PCB.

Philips Philips Philips

VR465 VR468 VR468

Totally inoperative, no display, no tape functions Modulator inoperative (on easylink TV) Power supply defective



Switching-on VCR with Remote Control.



Tape immediately threaded out after inserting cassette

Philips Philips

VR468 VR475

Totally inoperative, no display, no tape functions Bad picture via SCART

Philips Philips Philips

VR475 VR497 VR497

No sound during playback or no sound recorded on tape. Dead Dead apart from brief showing of display at power up

Check the flatcable from the audio-sync head to the motherboard.It can happen that this cable interrupts, or that the inner leads are short-circuited to the aluminium screening. Replace the cable if defective. Codenr. flatcable: 4822 320 11889 Chopper Q901 (2SK2632/ BUK444-600/ 2SC3795),D909 (Z27B/ 27V) zener, Q902 (D1445/ BC639), R905 (0R39/ 1w)Sec prot D955 (Z15B/ 15v) zener C971 (220 10v) in the power supply Reason : During reception of a DK transmitter in band 1 and 2 the software doesnt switch in the stereo decoder MSP3415D to DK . The DK sound (6.5MHz) is missing. Solution : Replace the All In One P pos. 7899 on MOBO. Background Information: From sof Suspected fault to be on control board. Upon investigation, fault was found to be IC 7450 (P8032). C2316 22n sm cap int leaky No wfm at pin 1 IC7151 - T7109 o/c dry joints on IR Rx chip IC121 TDA9605H audio proc chip - 9v supply was low & F1509 100mA fuse failed due to chip drawing excess current Phenomenon mostly occurs in case of high environment temperatures. Mount an electrolytic capacitor of 47uF - 25 V on the WDFBU-PCB on position 2342 (PCB is prepared to this intervention). Low-output tapes can generate white "fishes" in the picture. This can be solved by applying a metal screen across the connections of the headamplifier (4822 466 82784). Solder this screen to earthpoint of head-amplifier and to chassis. IC7820 TDA3867T To improve the brightness of the FTD display, modify the following components: - R3209 in the LSM45 supply from 10 Ohm to 4,7 Ohm (4822 116 83082) - Replace R3053 on the display panel by a wire jumper. Check psu caps espec C2112 100 low value Motor pos.38 defective. Replace motor (4822 361 21486). Back tension arm had ridden up shaft - jamming supply guide roller Broken spring (121). On checking around IC 7202(TDA2515A) the fault may stop. This fault was cured by replacing R3226 (10Kohm) and C2208 (22nf).

Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR501/58 VR502 VR502 VR502 VR502 VR510/07 Apollo 12

No sound reception of DK transmitters in VHF band 1 and 2. All control functions lock up when the E to E mode is selected. Int capstan rotates fast No col in Pback Int r/c op E-E pic int disappears to blank raster & no sound any mode Cassette ejected when switching from REVERSE to NORMAL



Philips Philips

VR512 VR522

White "fishes" in picture Analogue sound - just hiss - NICAM ok

Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR522 VR522 VR522 VR522 VR522 VR522

Brightness of display irregular Dead Deck threaded very slowly Ejects when funct selected Forward and reverse winding do not work. In playback, sound switches into FM audio instead of linear mode.

Philips Philips Philips

VR522 VR522 VR522

Jammed mechs Non-sharp picture with LA7391 PSU 'chirping' with o/ps low

Entry guide fallen off loading arm - refit Deemphasis modified C2038 = 47pF, R3028 = 3K3. C2112 100 385v low cap If a Turbo-drive with Fast-Forward problems is brought-in for service, Check first of all whether thooth-wheels 116 and 117 sufficiently grip in each other. If these tooth-wheels rattle-over-each-other during fast forward, replace following components: p Replace D6209, C2214, C2215. Remount frontpanel. Replace deck processor IC7010. Codenumber is 4822 209 31526. Replace microprocessor LUTD8-2U by LUTD8-4U. Code number 4822 209 31526 Phenomena only occurs in playback mode. On checking around IC 7202(TDA2515A) the fault may stop. This fault was cured by replacing R3226 (10Kohm) and C2208 (22nf).

Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR522 VR522 VR522 VR522 VR522

Rattle during fast-forward Set is dead, power ticking Sometimes cassette stocks against flap Sometimes no rewind Sometimes no synchronisation puls.



Sound switches into FM audio mode instead of linear mode.

Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR522 VR522 VR522 VR572 etc VR597 VR600 Turbo VR600 Turbo VR600/05 Apollo 11

Stereo LED sometimes lighting up during MONO reception Very snowy picture on E to E when video connected to TV via RF. When load is connected to power supply, the voltages are pumping. Dead with 320v across C2318 PSU blow up Accepts tape then ejects immediately with large tape loop. VCR1 appears in display when R/C operated only Poor pic in Rec & Pback - same thro scart

Mount a second 5,74MHZ filter between pin 3 of pos. 1824 and pin 22 of IC7820. This filter can be mounted easily after deleting chip jumper 3934. Do not forget to remove lacquer below the chip jumper. Codenumber 5.74 Mhz filter 4822 242 81257). Check 5 volts on modulator. If no voltage, check coil 5671 - coil may be missing. Check elco C2112 (100uF/385V; 4822 124 41556). The capacitance is decreased, but the rippel is not seen in oscilloscope. 7302 2SK2750, 7303 MC44608 & 7300 TCET1101G & D6307 BAV21 leaky Replace D901 bridge rect, Q901 2SK2632-C814, Q902 2SD2144S, R905 0R39 1w, PC901 PC123F2 opto coupler Cure: Tighten and refit white plastic cover/actuator on INIT switch 1460 (main pcb).Switch had stuck permanently closed as cover had slipped off its lugs Reset R/C to VCR1 by pressing "Select" & "1" together then "OK" C2012 47 in de emphasis cct o/c Coloured stripes at the top of the picture when playing a pre recorded tape especially camcorder recordings. Change R3130 to 1K5 ohms (4822 051 10152) from 680 ohms. Change R3130 to 1K5 ohms (4822 051 10152) from 680 ohms. The strips can be seen more clearly especially on the camcoder recording.

Philips Philips

VR6180 VR6180

Coloured stripes at the top of the picture Coloured strips at the top of the picture when playback.



Jammed tape in fully loaded posn

Small plastic lever 260 had flap broken off - replacement not a job for the faint hearted! Damp the tacho head with a 15K surface mount resistor mounted directly onto the solder tags of the head.Reason:Threading motor not energised sufficiently. Pulses of interference on the tacho head confuses the system into thinking the motor is running fast Lower drum earthing bracket loose Reason: Static discharges in the vicinity of the VCR corrupt the data. Solution: An improvement in the immunity of the machine to this static is acheived by fitting a 22 nanofarad capacitor (service code 4822 122 10166) between pins 4 and 8 of IC7450 (PC D1016 s/c lighthouse led in deck centre o/c Remove upper cylinder & lub - special head puller reqd Change R3130 to 1K5 ohms (4822 051 10152) from 680 ohms. REMARKS : The strips can be seen more clearly especially on the camcoder recording. Replace opto coupler, chopper tr & surge lim res Fit mod kit to sets with WD00-WD05 code. SBC7013 pt no 4822 310 31817 Reduce the value of C2040 on "P268" from 100 nF to 10nF (4822 121 51304). Head motor does not rotate due to too much brake force and too low motor current for startup. Opto CNX83A C201 47 50v leaky Protection built into the software against low volts from the back-up battery.Send the machine a string command from an LCD handset, e.g. load into the remote control handset the details for programming a timer recording and send it to the VCR as a string Send the machine a string command from an LCD handset, e.g Load into the Remote Control handset the details for programming a timer recording and send it to the VCR as a string by pushing the transmit button. Clean all the surfaces and screws threads which are covered with any lacquer or similar insulating materials that may be present. Pay particular attention to the screw and bracket adjacent to the RF modulator.

Philips Philips

VR6180 VR6180

Lift protection hook not released on cassette insertion No playback f.m.

Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR6180 VR6185 VR6185 VR620 Turbo

Random changes to the month and year indications chopper tr keeps blowing No auto stop in rew Head sticking/binding

Philips Philips Philips

VR6290 VR6290 VR6290

Coloured stripes at the top of the picture Dead Dead - caused by mains spikes Intermittent shutdown when a play or record function is selected. Motor shuffles & display flashes No playback sound - ok when heated

Philips Philips Philips

VR6290 VR6290 VR6290



No response from any keyboard command, mains reset has no effect.



No response from any keyboard command.



Power off/on behaviour due to mains interference spikes.

Philips Philips

VR6290 VR6290

Recorded sound level intermittently decreases Tape won't eject with display flashing on/off

Recorded sound level intermittently decreases, sometimes to zero, or the sound and vision of a previous recording are not erased.The erase oscillator coil position 5252 is temperature dependant. Replace position 5252 with service code 4822 157 53531. IC7124 CNX83A Opto coupler After changing the deck control microprocessor (IC7140), the word "TRACK" is permanently present on the front display.Incompatibility between the machine's original control panel microprocessor (IC7101) and the replacement deck control microprocessor started working ok with fizzing noise - opto isol CNX83A Reduce the value of C2040 on "P268" from 100 nF to 10nF (4822 121 51304). Head motor does not rotate due to too much brake force and too low motor current for startup. R247 270R overheating, also replace CNX83A opto & T246 BC547 Reduce the value of C2040 on "P268" from 100 nF to 10nF (4822 121 51304). REMARKS : Head motor does not rotate due to too much brake force and too low motor current for startup. catch on RH side of housing doesn't correctly latch - replace or reshape Adjust R3390 (PBL) again on 40 mVolt +/- 0.5 DB. by means of HIFI testcassette. See Service Manual of VR632, 732, 733 and 833 page 3-3 chapter 2.6.2. Replace kit I 4822 310 31963 Check/replace C 2082 (5322 126 10223; DECK electronics). See Service Manual page 3-15 Replace reel disc assembly with new one. Take-up reel disc assembly (4822 528 81242). Supply reel disc assembly (4822 528 81243) Replace the tension adjusting lever by a new model lever (4822 403 53539). 1. Add two 3.0 mm spring washer 4822 530 80082 underneath the two screws 232. 2. Tighten the screws 232 with 9-10 kg.cm (0.9-1 Nm). Replace the tension adjusting lever by a new model lever (4822 403 53539). Replace the tension adjusting lever by a new model lever (4822 403 53539). Tr7001 BD436, C119/C120 1000 16v, C127 1 50v, C126 10 50v & C12 10 50v Check/replace C 2082 (5322 126 10223; DECK electronics). See Service Manual page 3-15

Philips Philips

VR6290 VR6291

The word "TRACK" is permanently present on the front display. dead after storm Intermittent shutdown when a play or record function is selected. Shuts down aft hr

Philips Philips

VR6291 VR6291

Philips Philips

VR6293 VR630

Intermittent shutdown when a play or record function is selected. Tape not fully ejecting - catches

Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR632 VR632 VR632 VR6349 VR6349

AUDIO level too low Does not accept cassette Rattling capstan and unstable picture Cassette cannot insert. Intermittent no operation of the VCR.

Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR6349 VR6349 VR6349 VR6362 VR637

Noise appear in picture during playback. The VCR does not go into the "eject" mode. Threading car tangled by the tape tension stabilizer. Dead Rattling capstan and unstable picture



How to erase the memory

Press buttons "SPEED-UP" and "SPEED-DOWN" while switching on power supply. By doing so, the data stored by the customer, is erased (Programmnumbers, time, year etc). See also page 2-1 of service Manual VR642/647/747 - NORA 6/7. Modify following components : R 3842 was 3,3 kOhm - becomes 2,7 kOhm (4822 051 20272). R 3700 was 330 Ohm - becomes 180 Ohm (4822 051 20181). If the VCR is connected to a SCART input with high input impedance, mount 470 Ohm accross pins 19 and 21 of SCART1 or SCART2 connector. This ensures the right set-up for emitterfollower 7345 (SCART-1) and/or emitterfollower 7348 (SCART-2). Replace SAA1310, IC7040 on the family board. C126 & C127 1000 25v on sec of psu Exchange with new reel drive unit and clean up at the reel disc. REMARKS :The new reel drive unit is 4822 528 70504. Replace with new motor. Codenumber 4822 361 60461. REMARKS :This occurs after 10 minutes of playback or recording. Replace reel disc assembly with new one. REMARKS : Take-up reel disc assembly (4822 528 81242). Supply reel disc assembly (4822 528 81243) Replace pinch roller lever assembly. Replace pinch roller lever assembly. Replace pinch roller lever assembly. REMARKS : Blank tape may be ejected when operate rec mode Replace with new idler gear assembly. Codenumber 4822 522 32497. REMARKS :Search VS/REW VS/FFW are working normally. 1. Add two 3.0 mm spring washer 4822 530 80082 underneath the two screws 232. 2. Tighten the screws 232 with 9-10 kg.cm (0.9-1 Nm). Replace whole mechanical assembly. Resolder the cassette LED wires. Replace the tension adjusting lever by a new model lever (4822 403 53539). Replace the tension adjusting lever by a new model lever (4822 403 53539). Replace the tension adjusting lever by a new model lever (4822 403 53539).



No colour with commercialised pre-recorded tapes

Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR642 VR642 VR642/56 VR6443 VR6443

No or bad video output-signal Set blocks after some minutes in play or record Shuts down with squeal aft 2 secs Entangled tape or reel not rotating The capstan motor stops rotation and STANDBY mode is activated.

Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR6448 VR6448 VR6448 VR6448 VR6448

Cassette cannot insert. Intermittent cassette eject. Intermittent cassette stuck. Intermittent recording mode. Intermittent rewind and fast forward.

Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR6448 VR6448 VR6448 VR6448 VR6448 VR6449

Noise appear in picture during playback. Tape not loaded The mechanism refuses a loading when inserting cassette tapes. The VCR does not go into the "eject" mode. Threading car tangled by the tape tension stabilizer. Intermittent no operation of the VCR.

Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR6449 VR6449 VR6449 VR6462 VR6462

Noise appear in picture during playback. The VCR does not go into the "eject" mode. Threading car tangled by the tape tension stabilizer. clock losing time No sound any mode

1. Add two 3.0 mm spring washer 4822 530 80082 underneath the two screws 232. 2. Tighten the screws 232 with 9-10 kg.cm (0.9-1 Nm). Replace the tension adjusting lever by a new model lever (4822 403 53539). Replace the tension adjusting lever by a new model lever (4822 403 53539). dry joints ribbon cable to front pcb C2007 330 16v on audio panel The original combi head 4822 249 10222 used in VR6462, VR6660 and derived sets; is now replaced by the combi head 4822 249 10352. The new head has a different socket and the connecting wires need to be soldered onto the print side of the combi head PCB Check C2329 on P306 for short circuit, which as a result may have damaged T7304 on P306, and or T7607 on P607-2a. 220nf 100v pin 2 decoupler TDA3755 IC7451 dry joints Replace TDA3853T on family board; 4822 209 33366 Replace kit 4822 310 31954 Replace display IC 4822 209 33608 If the VCR is connected to a SCART input with high input impedance, mount 470 Ohm accross pins 19 and 21 of SCART1 or SCART2 connector. This ensures the right set-up for emitterfollower 7345 (SCART-1) and/or emitterfollower 7348 (SCART-2). The phenomena Replace LA7282 pos. 7220; 4822 209 32494 Replace SAA1310, IC7040 on the family board. Add 150pF tubular capacitor (5322 122 10237) between pins 46 and 32 and between pins 47 & 32 on IC7101 the front control microprocessor. REMARKS : The VCR having switched itself onto the tuner node whilst unattended. plug J104 o/ps - pin 4=-21.8v; pin5=0v; pin 6= 5.5v; pin 9= 14.8v; pin10= 33.8v pin 6 volts was low - C119 & C120 1000 16v REPLACE C119 AND C120 BOTH 1000MFD16V Check C638 1, R534 3R3 & R102 330k Check T7101 BC548C, T7102 BC558C, T7103 BC635, T7104 BUT11AF, D6101-4 1N5062, zener D6108 BZV85-C5V1 & res R3118/3104 REPLACE BOTH 16v 1000uF CAPACITORS IN PSU CAN

Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR6462 VR6467 VR6467 VR647 VR647 VR647

Replacement combi head Loss of the +10c supply to the signal panel P306 Rolling pics all modes AFC problem Eject inoperative; accepts no cassette No display

Philips Philips Philips

VR647 VR647 VR647

No or bad video output-signal No sound Set blocks after some minutes in play or record

Philips Philips PHILIPS Philips Philips Philips

VR6485 VR6490 VR6490 VR6490 VR6490 VR6490/O5

Timer programmes are not recorded dead DEAD Dead No functions - psu faulty DEAD OR DISPLAY FLASHES ON AND OFF AS MECHANISM CLUNKS THEN GOES DEAD

Philips Philips

VR652 VR652

First TIMER-BLOCK cannot be erased How to clean video-heads

Check the EEPROM (pos. 7270) on the family board. The phenomena often occurs with IC's produced by CSI. PCS only supplies IC's from manufacturers ST. MAI or ATMEL. Codenumber is 4822 209 33548. Push "tracking" button for 10 seconds. NTSC tapes can be played-back if recorded in SP (STANDARD PLAY) or EP (EXTENDED PLAY) speed. The latter is sometimes also called SLP (SUPER LONG PLAY) Tapes recorded in LP (LONG PLAY) speed cannot be play-backed. Note: The VCR converts the tapes to 60 Hz Check invertors 7268 and 7269 for leackage, causing I2C-conflicts. Check as follows: - short-circuit B-E - If no voltage on collector: invertor OK. - If voltage on collector: replace transistor / Codenumber is 5322 130 41983). Replace T7261 and T7262 on Family board. Master cam broken plastic, replaced cam, mode sw & belts Replace with new motor. Codenumber 4822 361 60461. REMARKS :This occurs after 10 minutes of playback or recording. C12 22 50v in psu C12 22 63v, C31 22 63v, C41 22 50v in psu REPLACE IF UNIT PHIL482221010616 C206 0u1 50v in IF module (smaller of the 3) ADJUST AGC POT ON TOP EDGE OF IF PCB NEW IF MODULES MAY NEED ADJUSTED If a electrolytiv cap connected to pin tuner & 0v cures it replace C118 47 50v in IF can Check reel sensors for dry joints IF module faulty - replaced the following hi esr caps:- C207 33, C002 47, C112 47, C111 022, C609 10 16v, C118 47, C118 047 but not until C206 01 elect cap replaced with ceramic type was fault cured Replace pinch roller lever assembly. Replace the tension adjusting lever by a new model lever (4822 403 53539). Replace pinch roller lever assembly. REMARKS : blank tape may be ejected when operate rec mode



How to play NTSC tapes

Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips PHILIPS Philips PHILIPS Philips Philips

VR652 VR652 VR6542 VR6543 VR6547 VR6547 VR6547 VR6547 VR6547 VR6547 VR6547 JVC

No display; lift continuously moves upwards/downwards Set blocked, display dark, head disk makes small movements Threading mechs jammed The capstan motor stops rotation and STANDBY mode is activated. Dead Dead aft power cut E-E GOES BLANK E-E pic & sound constantly blanking out INT BLANKING PICTURE AND LOSS OF SOUND White hor bands/interference on e-e Shuts down to st/by in rew

Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR6547/05 VR6548 VR6548 VR6548

Blank raster & no sound in E-E - OK in Pback Intermittent cassette stuck. Intermittent no operation of the VCR. Intermittent recording mode.



Intermittent rewind and fast forward.

Replace with new idler gear assembly. Codenumber 4822 522 32497. REMARKS :Search VS/REW VS/FFW are working normally. 1. Add two 3.0 mm spring washer 4822 530 80082 underneath the two screws 232. 2. Tighten the screws 232 with 9-10 kg.cm (0.9-1 Nm). Insert the spring into lever pin of tension arm and upper position of lever pin must be melted by soldering iron. REMARKS :If the pole base (position no. 76,73) does not return smoothly puring stop mode, change the relay gear drive lever (position no. 3 Resolder the cassette LED wires. Replace the tension adjusting lever by a new model lever (4822 403 53539). Replace the tension adjusting lever by a new model lever (4822 403 53539). Replace the tension adjusting lever by a new model lever (4822 403 53539). 1. Add two 3.0 mm spring washer 4822 530 80082 underneath the two screws 232. 2. Tighten the screws 232 with 9-10 kg.cm (0.9-1 Nm). check wickman fuse CP801 N20 To adjust the clock frequency, pin 7 of IC 7265 has to be connected to +5 Volt, via a resistor in series of 10 kOhm. Correct the Service Manual, in which pin 10 is mentioned. (page 3-4 Service Manual item 5.3) Replace colour IC 4822 209 90423 Check +12VD (page 3-23 of Service Manual). This voltage can be measured on pin 4 or 15 of IC7770 (TDA8540) and has to be about 11,6 Volt. If the voltage is too low, check the 4 components around the IC. Check C2784 (330 nF) for leakage. Replace pos. 47 (4822 310 10657). This is only possible if the appropriate VPS or PDC signals are sent by the transmitters. Press SELECT on the remote control to display the name of the transmittor. If the name of a transmitter cannot be found, 'XXX' is displayed. Switch-off power supply. - Press simultanuously buttons "SPEED DOWN" and "SPEED UP", while switching on power supply. Note: correct the procedure, as described in the Service Manual (page 2-1, 3-4). Replace motor 4822 361 21643



Noise appear in picture during playback.

Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR6548 VR6548 VR6548 VR6548 VR6549

Power turns off when selecting stop or eject mode. The mechanism refuses a loading when inserting cassette tapes. The VCR does not go into the "eject" mode. Threading car tangled by the tape tension stabilizer. Intermittent no operation of the VCR.

Philips Philips

VR6549 VR6557

Noise appear in picture during playback. dead

Philips Philips

VR656 VR656

Adjustment clock frequency After some time no colour

Philips Philips

VR656 VR656

CARR-ERROR message in display Does not accept cassette



How to display name of transmitter

Philips Philips

VR656 VR656

How to reset memory Motor noisy

Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR656 VR656 VR656 VR656

No display; lift continuously moves upwards/downwards No memory / programming impossible No supply; no display.

Check invertors 7268 and 7269 for leackage, causing I2C-conflicts. Check as follows: - short-circuit B-E - If no voltage on collector: invertor OK. - If voltage on collector: replace transistor / Codenumber is 5322 130 41983). Replace TR7261/ BC848C Check uP 7300 (4822 209 90424).

Set blocked, display dark, head disk makes small movements Replace T7261 and T7262 on Family board. Adjustment clock frequency (page 3-4 Service Manual item 5.3 To adjust the clock frequency, pin 7 of IC 7265 has to be connected to+5 Volt, via a resistor in series of 10 kOhm. Correct the Service Manual, in which pin 10 is mentioned. No 12 V on VDO1. Replace C2784 no vid signal pin 1 of mod. Tr7406 BC858B Replace IC7500; 4822 209 90423 Solder cable directly to erase-head. Replace TDA9614 pos 7010; 4822 209 90455

Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR657 VR657 VR657 VR657 VR657 VR657 VR657 VR6585

Adjustment clock frequency Inoperative no pic in e-e - sound ok No picture No recording. No sound

Set blocked, display dark, head disk makes small movements Replace T7261 and T7262 on Family board. Intermittently no sound on playback. Replace uP control board. On playback and E to E, flashing chroma with patterning effect. On record only, colour information fading from left to right Popping noise on audio. Especialy noticeable with no signal input Two vertical lines appearing as an arcing or discharge effect also.Replace IC7405 TDA4710H main chroma processor. Also check Wickman fuse, 1501- 315mA. This feeds the 5 volts to the chip. i.e. if colour bars are recorded, the yellow and cyan bars are OK but gradually the rest fade to black and white. Replace IC7405 - TDA4710. C2011 / 100uF/ 25V TDA8136 (4822 209 61029) no longer available - service solution: Replace pos.7208 By L7812ACV (4822 209 72742) and insert this IC into pins 2, 4 and 6. Make a wire connection between the + of EL. cap 2223 and the + of EL. cap 2224. Note: The L7812AC

Philips Philips Philips

VR6585 VR6585 VR6585



TDA8136 (4822 209 61029) no longer available

Philips Philips

VR6585 VR6585

Timer programmes are not recorded Visual picture-search poor, large white band covering the picture.

VCR having switched itself on to the Tuner mode whilst unattended.Interference spikes on the mains supply corrupt the microprocessor data. Add 150 picoFarad tubular capacitors (code no. 5322 122 10237) between pins 46 and 32 and between pins 47 & 32 on IC7101 the front control microprocessor. The effect looked similar to one of the video heads being faulty, but they are not the cause of the fault. Check the lower drum. TDA8136 (4822 209 61029) no longer available. Replace pos.7208 By L7812ACV (4822 209 72742) and insert this IC into pins 2, 4 and 6. Make a wire connection between the + of EL. cap 2223 and the + of EL. cap 2224. Replace C16 047 50v C23 22 50v, C29 47 16v, C42 1 50v on if pcb & check dry joints IC75 5v reg Some Programme listings do not support this method of setting the Timer. 1. Remove jumper 294. 2. Add wire form pin 66 of IC 21 (system control IC) to base Q682. Check/replace Swivel wheel pos 64 with 4822 528 70504. Replace with new motor. Codenumber 4822 361 60461. REMARKS :This occurs after 10 minutes of playback or recording. Replace the tension adjusting lever by a new model lever (4822 403 53539). Replace pinch roller lever assembly. REMARKS : Blank tape may be ejected when operate rec mode. Replace with new idler gear assembly. Codenumber 4822 522 32497. REMARKS :Search VS/REW VS/FFW are working normally. 1. Add two 3.0 mm spring washer 4822 530 80082 underneath the two screws 232. 2. Tighten the screws 232 with 9-10 kg.cm (0.9-1 Nm). Insert the spring into lever pin of tension arm and upper position of lever pin must be melted by soldering iron. REMARKS :If the pole base (position no. 76,73) does not return smoothly puring stop mode, change the relay gear drive lever (position no. 3 Resolder the cassette LED wires. Replace the tension adjusting lever by a new model lever (4822 403 53539). Replace the tension adjusting lever by a new model lever (4822 403 53539).

Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR6589 VR6591/75 VR663 VR663 VR6643 VR6643 VR6648 VR6648 VR6648

TDA8136 (4822 209 61029) no longer available Noisy e-e audio End Time not found when using VPT method of setting the Timer. Poor linkage of recorded pictures with pauses in between. Tape damage during search The capstan motor stops rotation and STANDBY mode is activated. Intermittent no operation of the VCR. Intermittent recording mode. Intermittent rewind and fast forward.



Noise appear in picture during playback.

Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR6648 VR6648 VR6648 VR6648

Power turns off when selecting stop or eject mode. The mechanism refuses a loading when inserting cassette tapes. The VCR does not go into the "eject" mode. Threading car tangled by the tape tension stabilizer.



Continuously "tracking" in display

Check circuit around bridgewire (jumper) 9604. Probably one of the solderpads has come loose. In this way the control pulses coming from the CTL-head are not connected to the IC7460 (SAA1310) and the deck- processor does not get control pulses, and stays - Check fuse 1403 (80 mAT) on motherboard -28 volt supply for display (Codenr. Fuse: 4822 071 58009) - Check zenerdiode 6250 on operating panel (BZX79-C12; 4822 130 34197 If capstanmotor is not running, check the 3 wires that connect the coil-PCB to the control PCB. These PCB's are accessible by carefully removing the flywheel. Push "tracking" button for 10 seconds. Tr7469 BC848B sm in control track amp Tr7411 BC848B Resolder 2012 and replace switching transistor. Bad soldering of 2012, therefore frequency too high and 7040 and resistor burned. It is not possible to switch on the VCR with the Remote Control if thelatter has been switched-off by means of the stand-by button on the VCR. Switch-on the VCR by means of the stand-by button. Check the presence of the +33 volt and the +5v ASW. If these voltages are missing, check resistor R3080 in the power supply unit. Condenr. R 3080 (47 ohm): 4822 052 10479 (if the +33 voltage is missing, the FET 7470 does not switch on the + 5 ASW.) Apply following modification, if the TV set switches from stereo to mono when the VCR is connected via RF cable, and the VCR is in tuner or E to E mode: - Change resistor 3753 from 270 ohm to 330 ohm. - Add a coil 8.2 uH (5%) in position 5750. (4822 15 This phenomena can be caused by a bad contact between the turbo drive mechanism and the family board. The mechanism is grounded by the cental ground-screw, which is mounted at the bottomside of the set. Check if this screw is present and if it is well tight Remove glue under 2623. Glue under 2623 is conductive. Remove glue under 2350 and 2348. Level of pin 19, 7340 is varying because of conductive glue under 2350 and 2348.



Display hardly or not visable

Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR665 VR665 VR665 VR665 VR665

Does not play, cassette is ejected How to clean video-heads int tracking / wow & flutter - capst speed variation no pback pic - just snow Power supply defective



Switching-on VCR with Remote Control.



Totally inoperative, no display, no tape functions



TV-set switches between mono and stereo (RF connection)

Philips Philips Philips

VR665 VR666 VR666

White dots / stripes during playback Bad picture in play-back; during search, large noise bands Black and white stripes in the picture



Channel search does not work

If channel search does not work, check resistor 3318 on the family board. This resistor could be damaged by the tape deck during transport. The value of this resistor should be 10 k. Replace the resistor if necessary (codenr. 4822 117 10833) If the set functions are OK, but the characters and information on the display are hardly visable, check the filament supply circuit. Check zenerdiode 6070 on the display and control PCB. Replace if defective by a new one: BZX79-B10 (4822 130 61219). Press simultanuously buttons "EJECT" and "PLAY" on set. The actual position of the modulator is now displayed. By pressing the right cursor during 5 seconds, the modulator can be switched-on or switched-of.If the modulator is switched-on, the output frequ Switching-off NICAM is erroneously described in the Instructions For Use. It is not possible to switch-off NICAM. When the VCR is connected to a TV set that supports easy-link, the modulator is automatically switched off, and cannot be switched on again. Replace C2622 on Motherboard. Resolder 2012 and replace switching transistor. REMARKS : Bad soldering of 2012, therefore frequency too high and 7040 and resistor burned. Replace 7022; if still not OK, resolder 5006, 7030, 7027, 7032.



Display nearly not vissible

Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR666 VR666 VR666 VR666

How to switch modulator on/off How to switch-off NICAM Modulator inoperative (on easylink TV) No recording and no playback

Philips Philips Philips

VR666 VR666 VR666

Power supply defective Set does not start from Low Power Standby

Sound mute for 1-2s after change of picture from dark to light Replace C2092 on Mobo by 1uF according parts list. It is not possible to switch on the VCR with the Remote Control if thelatter has been switched-off by means of the stand-by button on the VCR. Switch-on the VCR by means of the stand-by button. This phenomena can be caused by a bad contact between the turbo drive mechanism and the family board. The mechanism is grounded by the cental ground-screw, which is mounted at the bottomside of the set. Check if this screw is present and if it is well tig hardened grease on mechs The original combi head 4822 249 10222 used in VR6462, VR6660 and derived sets; is now replaced by the combi head 4822 249 10352. The new head has a different socket and the connecting wires need to be soldered onto the print side of the combi head PCB Low -ve supply to display - D6070 BZX79-B10 zener



Switching-on VCR with Remote Control.

Philips Philips

VR666 VR6660

White dots / stripes during playback no play when tape inserted

Philips Philips

VR6660 VR668

Replacement combi head Display dim



Display nearly not vissible

If the set functions are OK, but the characters and information on the display are hardly visable, check the filament supply circuit. Check zenerdiode 6070 on the display and control PCB. Replace if defective by a new one: BZX79-B10 (4822 130 61219). If interferences are present on special hyperband channels, make the following modification: - Replace R3860 (on MOBO) by a coil: 4822 157 71206. - Exchange the tuner/modulator module by a "ALPS" type (recognized by type TMGRX-XXXXX When the VCR is connected to a TV set that supports easy-link, the modulator is automatically switched off, and cannot be switched on again. Replace C2622 on Motherboard. Resolder 2012 and replace switching transistor. REMARKS : Bad soldering of 2012, therefore frequency too high and 7040 and resistor burned. Replace 7022; if still not OK, resolder 5006, 7030, 7027, 7032. Check/replace C105 1000uF/10 volt / 4822 124 21674. Check/replace C158 in power supply unit. 220 uF/10 volt / 4822 124 21555 Check/replace IC1002 on servo/power panel / 4822 209 82948. Check/replace Switch pos 46 in the deck mechanism / 4822 271 30422. Check/replace Drum unit pos 1. / 4822 691 20321. Check/replace recording protection switch pos 85/ 4822 271 30423. Replace with new motor. Codenumber 4822 361 60461. REMARKS :This occurs after 10 minutes of playback or recording. INIT sw 1460 on rh side pcb jammed in on posn The tuner mode can be activated by pressing the stop key for more than 3 seconds until the display gives the information of the transmitter name and the actual time. Resolder crystal pos 1000. IC7151 (head amplifier) defective. Remove screening plate from solder side head amplifier (HA) part. Check pos.3082, must be a 470E resistor, if not change to 470E (4822 051 20471) Remove pos.2089 chip Capacitor 220pF from the Motherboard. Solder instead 220pF on pos.2089 a 150pF chip (5

Philips Philips Philips

VR668 VR668 VR668

Interferences on hyperband channels Modulator inoperative (on easylink TV) No recording and no playback

Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR668 VR668 VR6710 VR6710 VR6711 VR6711 VR6711 VR6711 VR6743 VR675

Power supply defective Set does not start from Low Power Standby Mechanical noise from power supply Set switches to stand-by All LED segments light and switch off after short period No mechanical function available Picture vibrates, motor noise audible Set switches from RECORDING to PLAY-BACK The capstan motor stops rotation and STANDBY mode is activated. Accepts tape then unlaces & ejects it

Philips Philips Philips

VR675 VR675 VR675

How to activate tuner mode No colour in LP playback No picture in playback ,recording is ok

Philips Philips

VR675 VR675 Turbo

Sometimes switching to stereo on mono tapes Top 1/2 screen blanked, bottom half snow when playing tape after rewind Poor braking due to spring fallen off supply spool brake arm - refitted

Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR676 How to activate tuner mode VR676 Queen deck Dead VR676 Queen deck Wont accept tape VR6760 Loss of the +10c supply to the signal panel P306

The tuner mode can be activated by pressing the stop key for more than 3 seconds until the display gives the information of the transmitter name and the actual time. C2361 47 100v & C2356 1 50v in psu Remove lift ass'y * check for cracks on cogs at end of long metal bar. Not available separate - oreder cpt lift ass'y pt no 4822-443-64112 Check C2329 on P306 for short circuit, which as a result may have damaged T7304 on P306, and or T7607 on P607-2a. The above listed VCRs have been in service for between 4 and 5 years and maintenance work may be required on the tape deck.It is possible that wear of the brakes/friction pads and the allied surfaces of the turntables can cause the tape to stop at the wro Thermal cutout on psu next to Q7001 faulty On checking around the power supply it was found that the mains input was intermittently missing. This was traced to a faulty mains input socket. The tuner mode can be activated by pressing the stop key for more than 3 seconds until the display gives the information of the transmitter name and the actual time. Codenumber correction : Flap pos. 124 is 4822 443 62881 Check capacitor C2211 on the S-VHS board. Replace this one is the capacitance is too low. Codenr. C2211 : 4822 124 22409 (220 uF - 10V) Resolder pin5 of IC7130 on panel P8.. Mount a capacitor of 10 nF parallel to R5017 on the timer panel Check/replace: - Threading motor pos 40 / 482236120651. - Dew sensor pos 12 / 4822 403 52542. - Driving belt pos 37/ 4822 35820507. - IC803 / 4822 209 72522. Check/replace Display tube DG5001/ 4822 130 90548 Check/replace/clean - Swivel wheel pos 52 / 4822 528 70504 - Brake of rewind turntable pos 65 / 4822 403 52535 - Brake of wind turntable pos 82 / 4822 403 53534 - Half-load bracket pos 53 moves sticky - Demount, clean shaft and hole and oil anew

Philips Philips Philips

VR6760 VR6761 VR6761

Timer record fails to start Dead Intermittently dead, no functions, no display.

Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR678 VR6785 VR6785 VR6785 VR6843

How to activate tuner mode Codenumber correction Horizontal lines during playback, bad synchronisation No colour. Clock runs too fast

Philips Philips

VR6843 VR6843

Set switches off after a short while Some parts of the display give weak indication



Tape damage

Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR6843 VR6848 VR685 VR686/07

The capstan motor stops rotation and STANDBY mode is activated. Mechanical malfunction RF adjustment Int stops & ejects tape whilst in Play mode

Replace with new motor. Codenumber 4822 361 60461. REMARKS :This occurs after 10 minutes of playback or recording. Check/replace Mode switch pos 55 / 4822 276 12496. Sw VCR to st/by with no tape inserted, hold "System" button until display shows mod freq. Use P+/P- to adj the OK to store Clutch ass'y fell to bits when removed Reprogram the corrupted option bytes in the EPROM. The option bytes for this machine should have been:A237 B015 C127 D150 E182 The corrupted values were:A001 B000 C000 D000 E000 To enter service mode on this machine simply press and hold the stop key on the remote then press and hold the play key on the front of the machine for at least 5 seconds. The remote stop key can be released once the play key has been pressed. The option bytes are entered at step 40 so you need to press "select 40 select". Enter the correct three digits for each of the five groups A-E, pressing OK after each group entered. Move on to the next group by pressing P+. Exit service mode by pressing standby. Procedure to erase the codeword: - disconnect the set from the mains supply - press simultanuously memory and record - connect the mains power - release both buttons - press then record to erase the codeword In most cases it is not necessary to replace the complete LED-TOWER (4822 214 31091). Mostly the fault can be repaired by replacing one of the defective LEDs (4822 130 32676) The above models are all fitted with the P310 signal panel. P310 contains a unit, position no. 1006. Unfortunately this unit is no longer available as a spare part. The circuit and board layout diagrams have always been available in the service documentation In a number of cases this has been located to a short circuit electrolytic capacitor decoupling pin 7 of the IC.The recommended replacement capacitor is code number 4822 124 20688. On following the audio path whilst in the play mode it was found that the signal was missing from the output (pin 13) of IC7002 (TDA 2514A). After checking around this IC it was found that C2010 (470 pF) was faulty.



No video+ programming option - service mode entry reqd :-



Erasing codeword (locked)



P676 (LED TOWER) defective



P310 Signal panel Failure of the power supply which uses the IC type UA4006B+DP.





In playback mode, only HiFi sound on the right channel.



Power supply P018 no longer available

The PCB sub board, position number 1003, code number 4822 214 31777 is no longer available. The circuit diagram, board layout and codes for major parts are in the VR6870 service documentation. Analysis of defective power supplies has shown that the most Deck control micro computer IC7007 situated on panel 921-4C : Two versions of this IC have been used in production. Sets coded KR00 up to and including KR02 4822 214 32493 Sets coded KR03 or higher 4822 214 3280 BUT11AF s/c; 3R3 2.5w dropper o/c - no other fault found Check/replace/clean Mode switch pos 92 / 4822 271 30396. Check/replace R1001 on main panel 0,39 Ohm 4822 116 60198. Check/replace Display tube DG5001 / 4822 130 90584. Check/replace/clean: - Swivel wheel pos 64 = 4822 528 70504. - Brake of rewind turntable pos 30 = 4822 403 52535. - Brake of wind turntable pos 29 = 4822 403 53534. - Half-load bracket pos 132 moves sticky Demount, clean shaft and hole and oil Replace with new motor. Codenumber 4822 361 60461. REMARKS :This occurs after 10 minutes of playback or recording. Check / replace: Q1001 STR16006 Q1011 2SB643 Q1012 2SD958 Q1013 2SB788 C1045 47 uF/10 V D1026 MA4100H 4822 130 61606 4822 130 61591 4822 130 42674 4822 130 42573 4822 124 22858

Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR6880 VR691 VR6920 VR6920 VR6943

Deck control micro computer IC7007 Dead Mechanical malfunction No operation possible, clock is displayed Some parts of the display give weak indication

Philips Philips

VR6943 VR6943

Tape damage The capstan motor stops rotation and STANDBY mode is activated.



Set is dead



Totally dead (after mains interruption) Failure of the power supply which uses the IC type UA4006B+DP.

Replace capacitors C1012, C1039 and C1045 (47uF-16V) by 47uF-50V, suitable for operating temperatures of 105 degrees celsius. Codenr. 4822 124 22864 In a number of cases this has been located to a short circuit electrolytic capacitor decoupling pin 7 of the IC. The recommended replacement capacitor is code number 4822 124 20688. In a limited number of machines made before the end of January 1989 it is not possible to record video when switching back from making a long-play audio only recording. The accompanying sound track will be recorded, and the E-E monitor picture will also





No video recording possible after recording LP audio only

Philips Philips

VR700/07 VR700/800 series

Ejects when tape inserted int or 1/2 loads & jams No SCART/RF O/Ps - mechs ok Cassette spontanuously ejected in LP mode during REC or PLAY

Capstan motor SW5v supply missing due to Tr7323 FET sw incorrect bias due to missing 33v - R3193 68k o/c A possible cause might be the low amplitude of signals WTAR and WTAL. This can be solved by changing pull-up resistors R3318 and R3319 from 100 kOhm to 47 kOhm (4822 051 10473). Check fuse (315 mA) in the supply module that handles the filament of the display. If this is defective, replace it with a new one (codenumber, 315 mA fuse: 4822 071 53151). Mount the new fuse a little bit higher (about 1 cm) on the PCB. If the fuse is This fault was caused by the Display Driver CPU. Part number 4822 209 63048. A possible cause might be the low amplitude of signals WTAR and WTAL. This can be solved by changing pull-up resistors R3318 and R3319 from 100 kOhm to 47 kOhm (4822 051 10473). Some Programme listings do not support this method of setting the Timer. Reel tacho pulses low - change R3318/9 from 100k to 47k IC7651 TDA9619H sm Replace short circuit BYW98/200 diode (6164) connected to pin 13 on the secondary side of the chopper transformer C2112 100 385v low cap Some Programme listings do not support this method of setting the Timer. Various tests found that 7516 on the family PCB was defective - type BC337/ 4822 130 41344. Replace IC7051 - AN3236K If a pre-recorded tape is inserted, the machine plays OK. Check pin 28 of IC 7753. If this voltage is at 2.5 volts then the battery voltage is still active and the 12 volt rail is not taking over. Check/replace T7302 - BC848B. Align/replace L5571. Check/replace 13.875 MHz crystal - 1800. Text clock frequency osc. X1800 xtal connected to pin 11 of VIP chip IC7780 faulty C109, C110 25V 10uF inside the v/head pre-amp can



Philips Philips

VR702 VR703

Display inoperative. All front Display Segments partially illuminated. Cassette spontanuously ejected in LP mode during REC or PLAY End Time not found when using VPT method of setting the Timer. Int ejects tapes in play/rec esp in LP mode shows error E4 or E5 in memory No sound rec or pback Dead No display & drum perm rotating End Time not found when using VPT method of setting the Timer. Low Contrast on E to E but slightly better on Scart O/P. No colour in record and playback.

Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR703 VR703 VR703 etc VR708 VR708/07 VR712 VR713 VR713 VR713

Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR713 VR713 VR713 VR713 VR713/05

No front display and no operation from front controls. Teletext and OSD line sync out or rippling / tearing. Text corrupted including page header information. Txt corruption Dirty head symptom

Philips Philips

VR716 VR716

Cassette spontanuously ejected in LP mode during REC or PLAY Set does not work, tape deck makes loud clicking

A possible cause might be the low amplitude of signals WTAR and WTAL. This can be solved by changing pull-up resistors R3318 and R3319 from 100 kOhm to 47 kOhm (4822 051 10473). Replace C2114 in power supply. To improve the brightness of the FTD display, modify the following components: - R3209 in the LSM45 supply from 10 Ohm to 4,7 Ohm (4822 116 83082) - Replace R3053 on the display panel by a wire jumper. REPLACE C2112 100MFD 385V IN POWER SUPPLY PHIL482212441556 Check/replace R3151 and R3147 in 12 volt regulator circuit on LFBU-DE board. Remount frontpanel Replace deck processor IC7010. Codenumber is 4822 209 31836.

Philips PHILIPS Philips Philips Philips

VR722 VR722 VR722 VR722 VR722

Brightness of display irregular DEAD AFTER MAINS FAILURE No E to E. Sometimes cassette stocks against flap Sometimes no rewind

Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR722 VR7225 VR7225 VR7225 VR7225/05

Stereo LED sometimes lighting up during MONO reception Dim display, various segments lit, missing -27V No sound on tapes rec on other machines - ok on own recs Poor starting - psu doesn't work when loaded Erase int

Mount a second 5,74MHZ filter between pin 3 of pos. 1824 and pin 22 of IC7820. This filter can be mounted easily after deleting chip jumper 3934. Do not forget to remove lacquer below the chip jumper. Codenumber 5.74 Mhz filter 4822 242 81257). Wickman fuse in PSU and also corroded timer panel cleaned out. Playing back in HiFi stereo - to play back mono recs press "audio" button on hset until "mono" appears 100 400v mains bridge rect reservoir cap o/c print on erase head - solder lead direct loading motor Press 'Play' & 'Eject' buttons together for 2 - 3 secs To improve the brightness of the FTD display, modify the following components: - R3209 in the LSM45 supply from 10 Ohm to 4,7 Ohm (4822 116 83082) - Replace R3053 on the display panel by a wire jumper. Remove grease from flap control lever. Some Programme listings do not support this method of setting the Timer. Replace deck processor IC7010. Codenumber is 4822 209 31836. C2108 47 16v on pri of psu Mains rect C2117 100 375v hi esr 47 16v cap in psu adj to TDA4605-3 control IC

VR7229 Turbo Int tape loading VR722S To turn RF modulator off/on

Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR723 VR723 VR723 VR723 VR723/05 VR727 VR727

Brightness of display irregular Cassette flap does not close End Time not found when using VPT method of setting the Timer. Sometimes no rewind Dead Dead but nothing blown Dead with ticking

Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR727 VR727 VR727 VR727 VR727/05 VR727/05 VR727/05 VR732

Head sw points set up Int dead when cold No pback or e-e sound Tape int jams with load motor running Accepts a tape then nothing Dead - no functs or display Dead & tripping Rattling capstan and unstable picture

see article in folder 3 x 680 16v caps smooth Q7008 BD434 dried up IC7205 TDA2518 Intermediate lever damaged (item 32) - fit Service kit F Removed & then refit backup battery to reset micro C2201 47uF 50VW, C2209 47uF 50VW psu sec & 47uF 16VW in pri hi esr. 47 cap in psu pri - also check caps in secondary Check/replace C 2082 (5322 126 10223; DECK electronics). See Service Manual page 3-15 Adjust R3390 (PBL) again on 40 mVolt +/- 0.5 DB. by means of HIFI testcassette. See Service Manual of VR632, 732, 733 and 833 page 3-3 chapter 2.6.2. Tr7918 on OSD board

Philips Philips Philips

VR733 VR757 VR757

AUDIO level too low No e-e or rec sound; pback sound ok

Set blocked, display dark, head disk makes small movements Replace T7261 and T7262 on Family board. 7010 - MC44063P - I.C., 7040 - STP3NA60 - FET, 7070 - SOC1012T - Opto-isolator, 2030 - .1uf 63v - Cap, 2032 - .1uf 63v - Cap, 2040 - 2.2nf 63v - Disc Cap, 3010 - 10k .5w - Resistor, 3012 - 1k " ", 3026 - 680ohm " ", 3032 - 22ohm " ", 3034 - 22ohm " ", 3040 - 4.7k " " C2070 47 400v in psu o/c - access difficult! Take care in reinserting drum ribbon cable on assembly Replace C2622 on Motherboard. Resolder 2012, replace switching transistor. Bad soldering of 2012, therefore frequency too high and 7040 and resistor burned. Replace 7022; if still not OK, resolder 5006, 7030, 7027, 7032. Sys (colour) mode wrongly set - change to PAL or auto Piece of plastic loose inside - replace slide plate Press stop on R/C & play on vcr. With select, set last 2 numbers in display to 51.Adjust with +&with test tape inserted, enter serv mode by pressing stop on r/c & play on front controls together. The two least significant digits on display show step number [presently 00] Pressing select [OK] on r/c causes these to flash enabling them to be changed by entering 2 digits from the r/c. Enter 51 for vert head sw pos adj Pressing select again causes tape to play briefly After a few secs OK appears in display. Exit set up by removing mains power or pressing standby D6164 BYW98-200 s/c in 18v sec supply

Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR757/805 VR768 VR768 VR768 VR768 VR799 VR799 VR805/07

Dead - psu self destruct Dead with psu o/ps pulsing No recording and no playback Power supply defective Set does not start from Low Power Standby Head speed too fast No playback Head switching set up

Philips Philips

VR805/07 VR806

Setting head sw points Dead



Dead - fuse blown

STP3NA60F1 chopper FET s/c, also check/replace D6160 1N4006 & dry joints around R3159 When recording or playing back using the long play mode it is possible that the above models may prematurely eject the tape. The reason for this eject taking place is associated with the amplitude of the tacho signals WTAR and WTAL. The problem can be ove Some Programme listings do not support this method of setting theTimer. No problem when pressing "PAUZE" during "PLAY": Pin 7 of IC7356 (TDA8136), voltage = 11,8 V during PLAY = 8,8..9,4 V during REC. Replace IC7356. Pin 7 is now 12 V during REC and PLAY. Dry joints between P1 & PSU pcb Check/replace IC7405 on KCP panel TDA4710 - 4822 209 61671 315mA Wickman fuse 1216 supplies display o/c Check supply voltage + 5,2 Volt; this can be easily measured on the PCB-fuse 1001 on the CHROMA PROCESSING PCB. If this voltage is far below 5,2 Volt, check then this voltage also on the supply-unit. Clean carefully the connection points of connector SM1 This fault was caused by regulator 7356 on the family P.C.B. The 12 volts line was low and unable to supply enough current. If the voltages are too low, replace the capacitor C2112 (100 uF - 385 V codenumber, 4822 124 41556). If the supply is not oscillating at all, check capacitor C2114, and replace it if necessary by a new one (22 uF - 35 V codenumber, 5322 124 41431). If display flickers at dimmer position 5 (maximum brightness), than replace PTC's 3103 and 3109 on the supply module by another type with codenumber 4822 116 40261. Ensure that the PTC's do not touch each other after mounting. Adjust R3390 (PBL) again on 40 mVolt +/- 0.5 DB. by means of HIFI testcassette. See Service Manual of VR632, 732, 733 and 833 page 3-3 chapter 2.6.2. Remove connector from cable of erase-head and solder the wires directly on the erasehead. Check also whether metal-flakes are present in the flatcable connection of the audio-sync head.Note: touching the wires can already hide the complaint!

Philips Philips

VR813 VR813

Eject during recording/playback, LP mode End Time not found when using VPT method of setting the Timer.

Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR813 VR813 VR813 VR813

If "PAUZE" is pressed during "REC", tape is ejected and set Int eject/shutdown/clock pulsing etc No colour. No display ok otherwise

Philips Philips

VR813 VR813

Sometimes no colour in PLAY mode Tape will not load, Mechanism cycling, and erratic Display.



Totally dead. No output voltage of supply (KSM-800), or far too low



After a long time, display flickers



AUDIO level too low



Audio not recorded; previous audio not erased



On timer screen March instead of May.

Replace software version by 037G. If a Turbo-drive with Fast-Forward problems is brought-in for service, Check first of all whether thooth-wheels 116 and 117 sufficiently grip in each other. If these tooth-wheels rattle-over-each-other during fast forward, replace following components: p Check/replace C 2082 (5322 126 10223; DECK electronics). See Service Manual page 3-15 Check gearwheel (Pos.20/2; 4822 443 63946) on right flap. When switching on the power supply, time and date appear slowly on the display. Also the ':' between hours and minutes flickers rather slowly.Solution: Check whether the erase-oscillator is active. If so, these signals radiate via the CTL-head and might Replace the Lamps along with the Lamp Holders. Service Code 4822 255 30232. Replace kit 4822 310 31954. Kicker gear item 129 wrongly timed - not present in basic models Check/replace C 2082 (5322 126 10223; DECK electronics). See Service Manual page 3-15 coupling gears between main cam & worm had parted - fit new kit L Add 1mH coil and 10uF capacitor in parallel to collector of Q8E1 and R8E5. Change L8E1 (coil) from 1mH to 100uH. Change C8E1 (capacitor) from 0.22uF to 1uF. Tr7242 BC848B sm leaky caused all the problems Check the setting for outgoing signal (E1) in the installation menu. The output signal can be switched between Y/C and CVBS. If the TV set does not support Y/C via scart, use the CVBS setting. Check/replace C 2082 (5322 126 10223; DECK electronics). See Service Manual page 3-15 VCR VR948 is supplied togheter with Synchro-edit cable. Please add the codenumbers below to your Service Manual. Cable 3,5 mm Male - 2,5 mm Male: 4822 321 62605 Replace kit ES7118; 4822 310 31963. Replace C2622 on Motherboard.

Philips Philips Philips

VR833 VR833 VR833

Rattle during fast-forward Rattling capstan and unstable picture Right flap no damping.

Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips Philips

VR833 VR838 VR838 VR838 VR838 VR838

Set cannot be operated Display Lamps go out after a 5-10 mins Does not accept cassette No tape movement in play/FF/Rew Rattling capstan and unstable picture Wont accept tape - no resistance VCRs placed underneath TV that exhibit coloured interference. Erases mono sountrack in play, Ffwd speed slow, rew missing, bargraphs show max with no sound etc

Philips Philips

VR863 VR948

Philips Philips

VR948 VR948

Only black and white video / menus Rattling capstan and unstable picture

Philips Philips Philips

VR948 VR948 VR967

Synchro-edit cable Tape damage No recording and no playback



Output switches automatically to Y/C

When the VCR is connected to the EXT-2 SCART of a TV that supports easylink, the output of the VCR is automatically switched to Y/C to perform the best picture quality. This setting cannot be overruled. Therefore it is necessary to use a FULL SCART CABLE Resolder 2012, replace switching transistor. REMARKS: Bad soldering of 2012, therefore frequency too high and 7040 and resistor burned. Replace 7022; if still not OK, resolder 5006, 7030, 7027, 7032. It is not possible to switch on the VCR with the Remote Control if thelatter has been switched-off by means of the stand-by button on the VCR. Switch-on the VCR by means of the stand-by button. This phenomena can be caused by a bad contact between the turbo drive mechanism and the family board. The mechanism is grounded by the cental ground-screw, which is mounted at the bottomside of the set. Check if this screw is present and if it is well tig Replace fuse and shuttle knob on front flap. REMARKS : There can be defective jog/shuttles where in case the shuttle ring is moved to the right and a pressure is put on the jog, there is a short circuit between +5V and ground. Remove glue under 2623. Glue under 2623 is conductive. Remove glue under 2350 and 2348 Level of pin 19, 7340 is varying because of conductive glue under 2350 and 2348. It is not possible to switch on the VCR with the Remote Control if the latter has been switched-off by means of the stand-by button on the VCR. Switch-on the VCR by means of the stand-by button. This phenomena can be caused by a bad contact between the turbo drive mechanism and the family board. The mechanism is grounded by the cental ground-screw, which is mounted at the bottomside of the set. Check if this screw is present and if it is well tig C2036 47 50v in psu pri - difficult to gain access to psu R3330 3k6 in psu pri & C2351 3300u IC23 TDA8841 IC82 KP1010B & IC81 KA78R05 in psu o/c audio head High res wickman fuse 80mA in -28v supply

Philips Philips

VR967 VR967

Power supply defective Set does not start from Low Power Standby



Switching-on VCR with Remote Control.



White dots / stripes during playback

Philips Philips Philips

VR969 VR969 VR969

5V fuse 1011 blown Bad picture in play-back; during search, large noise bands Black and white stripes in the picture



Switching-on VCR with Remote Control.

Philips Philips Proline Proline Proline Pye Pye

VR969 VR969/05 14PV330 TVC140

White dots / stripes during playback Dead - quietly tripping when scoped St/by led flashes & mech tries to move on its own No Pback pic - E-E ok

TVC140 Anam Sw off aft 5 mins in video mode or E-E only DV105/05 No playback sound DV15 Display int or missing

Pye Questar Roadstar Roadstar Saisho Saisho Saisho Saisho Saisho Saisho Salora Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung

DV605 VR100C VCR7200 VCR7200 VR1000 VR1600 VR3400 VR3400 VR805S VR805S SV9900 C15A P130R PI30 PI30R PI990 PI990 PI990 SI / SX7220 SI1240

Child lock removal No display Display only Int rewind Capstan Motor replacement Drum runs slow then fails INT LOSS PB LUMA Poor FFwd/Rew at ends - sometimes won't at all Cassette Housing jammed No sound in e-e, pback or rec Dim display Stuck in st/by with tape inside Dead IC702 KA8301 blown On playback of pre + recorded tape noise lines may appear on monitor :

Press select and standby together on handset. Check C3, 12, 13 &C38 in psu F803 1.25A fuse o/c, Q805 2SC2310 leaky - replaced with a beefier TIP31 Idler bent - SEME VDC7455 NLA - use MOTOR4156 SEME 4.50 and modify mounting plate IC01 BU2716S R52 ON LUMA PCB Reel idler split Large cam wheel on rh side has lug broken off due to it being forced Power plug on rf conv int, cleaned & tightened plug contacts C446/447 56 16v - 47 works Clean mode sw PSU volts high - C104 33 35v Remove C856 on Pre amp PCB Change R857 from 2K to 680 Ohm Overheating smell from psu - C017 330 25v, C014 33 35v hi esr but s/c on capst drive chip M56730ASP - sus motor faulty too

No operation - 1 red led lights/drum spins Accepts tape but when ejected goes back in again of its own accord Lighthouse end sensor led Distorted picture during search mode Change R309 from 4.7K to 10K on Syscon/Servo PCB Slow drum rotation Add Cap and Res in parallel IC301 Tape runs at very high speed with sound still present No capstan

Dry Joint on Deck Joint PCB sits behind capstan motor CN213 connections faulty 10 25v cap on motor pcb leaked & corroded track


SI1240 SI1260 Automatic shutdown due to incorrect position of loading SI1560 motor when switched from FF to REW SI1240 SI1260 VI1560 Intermittent changing of channels by itself: SI1240 SI1260 VI1560 SI1260 SI1260 SI1260 SI1260

Change value of R282 on the servo board


Fit new type REMOCON module SBX1610-82

Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung

Loading motor driver IC206 Failure ( KA8301 ) Accepts tape but nothing else - won't eject Auto stop: may occur from static electricity Blank raster/no pback, no drum or capst No drum or capst

Fit shorting link between W109 - W110 to improve motor ground. 15v supply to load motor low - D212 u/s - tested ok Delete C706 of F/Timer PCB Sw5v missing at D109 1N4001- o/c used 1N5401 5v supply low - D109 u/s - tested ok

Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung SAMSUNG Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung

SI1260 SI1260 SI3240 SI3240 SI3260 SI3260 SI3260 SI3260 SI7230 SR801K STLV24P SV140I SV203B SV203B SV210B SV213 SV213B SV213B SV215B

No mechs - display ok & op light lights Whirring noise, burning smell, no operation hum bar across col content in e-e & rec INT LOADING JAMS GOES OUT OF SYNC ETC Capst speed too fast No capstan in play - ok in ffwd/rew Poor e-e pic with cogging housing keeps going in & out with or without tape in it - plays ok if rec tab removed unstable in LP mode only No E-E video or pback vid - sound ok Tape doesn't lace around head when in play mode NOT FULLY EJECTING TAPES Won't accept/eject tapes, loading motor can be heard running. Dead with mains fuse blackened Int reverts to st/by Chews tapes on eject Int accepts tape, jams on eject, no auto stop Dead & squealing

D212 1N4001 on main pcb near housing o/c KA8301 motor drive chip IC206. A BA6209 was fitted as a replacement 33v reg chip REPLACE RH SIDE COGS ETC Pt No 62203-0025-01 Capst motor faulty D108 1N4001 in motor supply cct o/c - also check/replace D109 & 110 C4112, C4110 & C4120 in IF can small switch under loading gear was intermittent IC201 KA8334 capstan drive chip C353 470 o/c Retaining waser on main plastic slide plate off - found & refitted DRY JOINTS ON SP602 END SENSOR Cracked loading motor coupling. Order whole loading assembly, part number AC59-90001A from CPC Chopper tr. Q1502, 2SC4517A s/c all ways, Chopper driver tr.Q1501, 2SC3203 leaky b/e. Dry joints end sensors Replace load sw ass'y S601 & reel idler item T236 Dry joints tape end sensors S601/2 & check centre LED 601 ZD1S30 30v zener s/c due to dry joints on caps in psu near bridge rect EEPROM corrupt - reprog using orig R/C; Hold test button (front RH side of VCR) for 5 sec. Use FFWD & Play buttons to set - enable 8,10,27,35 and 40. To reset centre tracking hold test button & press speed button. (using good spec tape)then press and hold test and 5. Capstan motor bearings partly seized - clean & lub large black brake lever that bears on the take up spool. It can come partly unclipped from the deck and stops the cassette from seating properly. the gears in the clutch assembly separate slightly,you should be able to push them together again ,making sure the 3 lugs fit in the 3 holes ,then put tiny drops of glue in the holes to secure Also Q1SR01 2SC4517 s/c, R1SR10 2R7 o/c, Q1SR12 2SC3203 s/c, R1SR11 0R68 o/c, D1SR11 1N4148 leaky & ZD1SR1 zener s/c Samsung produce mod see vcr clinic Nov 02 Cap C1SS33 & diode D1SS33 C1SS35 & C1SS34 1000u 25v

Samsung Samsung Samsung

SV220 SV220 SV220

All front LEDs lit, head sw point out, no UK spec Int stops in play - noisy FFWD & Rwind Poor take up



No Ffwd or Rew

Samsung Samsung Samsung

SV221B SV222 SV222/426

Dead with tape stuck inside - 1.6A fuse o/c Dead Loads tape - Ffwds then ejects - fault clears aft 1/2hr

Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung

SV222B SV224B SV231BV SV231BV SV233B SV23B SV241K SV241X

Dead Won't easily accept tape No record sound - pback sound ok Sound absent in rec & pback Dead Int crackle on E-E & rec sound Dead Dead

Q1SR01 & Q1SR12, diode D1SR11, zener ZD1SS1, cap C1SR12 & res R1SR11 Start sensor PT602 9PT493F is sus R3A19 never been soldered Audio head R1SS10 2R7, Q1SR01 C4517A, DSS132 UG2D9940 diode, C1SS133 330R 25v, R1SR11 0R68 saqfety res, C1SR14 4n7, Q1SR02 C3202 Fit Samsung improved tuner VA1 varistor s/c C1SS35 1000uF /10V cap Check ZD1SS1 43v zener psu sec also replace Q1SR012SC4517A, Q1SR02 KTC3203, D1SR11 1N4148, D1SD11 F1T4, R1SR11 0R68 2w, R1SS10 2R7 2w & C1SR12 22 16v non pol pt no 2401-000905 2 x 2200 caps in 5v line in psu C524 1nf sm 8 Mhz. Xtal near the CPU Master gear had small plastic lug broken off - replace WVE code 79140N damaged print front panel Dry joints TU & supply reel sensors Xtal in micro cct int Mode switch Slack tape due to take up spool braking - Brake Main Right item T208 replaced Check pinch roller & lh brake ass'y C240 sm C37 1000 16v Lever pinch cam (T228) incorrectly seated Earth spring at back of deck not contacting T Up reel sensor dry jointed Mode sw SW601 AC34 22001E IC701 52 pin flat pack IC on front panel supply reel sensor - can check output by scoping R678/682 22k on respective sensor should go between almost 0v & 5v Play a known good tape, press TEST sw followed by SPEED button on remote, & finally turn off the power.

Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung

SV245B etc SV300W SV301 SV301 SV301 SV301K SV301K SV301K SV30I SV4000 SV401K SV421K SV421K SV421K SV421K SV425 SV603B SV615B SV615B SV6303 SV6303B

Dead with PSU blown PSU int wont run Low sound record Switches off aft 1 hour play Won't accept tapes Broken slide lever is common problem No r/c Stops aft 2 - 3 secs all modes Goes dead aft few hrs play Int mech functs Chews tapes when ejected before the start is reached Chews tapes Chews tapes in rew & crunching noise at end of tape Display dim or missing No rew or ffwd White dashes on pback Wont accept cassette or perm trying to eject Int deck jamming in loaded posn Random deck functs - display erratic Stops after a couple of hours Head switching point adj



No eject,ffwd, rew or play

Replace split centre gear assembly Toshiba part BY730111 or SEME part VDV7720 unable to spot until removed Reset the EEPROM values Press "TEST" tact switch (SW718) on front edge of main PCB, then press & hold "MENU" button on R/C for 5 secs, this brings up "OPTION DIODE" screen which consists of series of numbers (01 to 48). Highlight following nos using left/right, up/down buttons on remote... 6,7,8,10,12,13,15,16,22,23,24,27,35,37,39,46,50,54. Then press "OK" on remote to "save" & go to standby to exit. PSU comps - D1SR11, Q1SR02, Q1SR01, R1SR11 & R1SS10 all u's. Could be due to ZD1SS143v zener in 33v line but in this case caused by capstan drive chip - had hole blown in it Caps CISS35 & 36 in psu C35 1000u 10v & C36 470u 10v EEPROM corrupt - Press test button, then hold menu button for 5 secs to bring up Option Setting. Set as for model in manual & reset head sw aft. If test button is inoperative use Record key. Replace R668 & 669 4k7 sm Pt no 121606591 End sensor not connected properly



Various inc, no pback pic, int front controls, no sound e-e, thought tape was in when it wasn't

Samsung Samsung Samsung

SV630B SV637B SV637B

Dead with tape stuck inside Dead Dead - psu pulsing

Samsung Samsung

SV651/655 etc Scorpion II Incorrect key operation, no pic, wrong menu language etc SV801K Dead apart from 4 dashes in display TI14C52S/XE U S51A Chassis TI14CS TVP3350IT TVP3350IT TVP5050 TVP5050 TVP5050IST TVP5050IST VI1860 VI-300 VI306 VI346

Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung SAMSUNG

Shuts down in Play FF/RW Wont accept tape - if tape is inserted when vcr in st/by, will accept No tuning Shuts down aft couple of secs when tape inserted Dead Reverts to st/by aft pic appears for a few secs St/by only with tape stuck inside Stuck in pause No e-e (blue screen) int vid glimpsed in tuning Dead Dim display STUCK IN STANDBY

RM611 and RM601 270R Resistors. These supply 5V to the sensors. resolder RM641 180R feed to Cassette LED (never been soldered) No activity on bus lines - crack in print to proc If tape inserted when sw off, it would be ejected when sw on. R/H end sensor faulty Opto coupler Centre lighthouse led inop Pinch lever faulty - 15003BL CHS Slider supply gear F520 cracked pt no SAMSAC6680142A Check electrolytics in IF can - care when replacing can STR11006 s/c, C110 100 hi esr, -27v zener s/c - (make sure heatsink is properly fitted to STR) C38 100 in psu REPLACE C33 330MFD25V

Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung

VI375 VI375 VI395 VI395 VI510 VI510T VI610 VI610 VI611 VI611 VI611 VI611 VI611 VI611 VI611 VI611 VI611 VI617 VI621 VI710 VI710 VI710 VI710 VI711 VI711 VI8220 VI910 VI910 VI910

Dead Dead - F102 2A & F101 1.6A o/c dead no power up No take up as idler wheel not engaging No display AV mode has blnk raster No display for 5 mins e-e sigs dist - pback ok Hum bar on E-E mode only Int loss of display No display Operate light off aft 5 secs Stuck on chan 1 & no tuning Tuning drift Will stop from record or play after about 1 hour Won't sw off - st/by led & ch ind stays on Pulling/hum bar on e-e - pback ok Hum bar Blank raster in e-e & no sound in pback Clock time innacurate No e-e pic when in rec No rec or erase - pback ok Dead - may be int No R/C operation EJECTS TAPES ON FF + REW Dead Int shuts down in pback Loads tape then off - no lights or head/capst

IC101 STR11006 s/c, R101 2R7 o/c, ZD101 22v zener s/c, C110 100 50v, R638 & R664 100R sm o/c, dry joints ZD606 27v zener, D101 leaky .If R630/631 7R5 1w are burnt replace IC602 STR11006 s/c, C110 100 25v low. Burnt print around D686 zener repaired and various tracks/ sm res repaired or replaced only 14v across pins 1 & 3 of CN101 (16.5v). C116 1000 Check R101, ZD101, C113 & C110 Reel motor twitches only - faulty VID2407 CHS 12.78 Check C3, 12, 13 &C38 in psu Clean relay contacts (at back of pcb by I/p skts) C3, 12, 13 47 in psu 33v supply reservoir cap C4 47 Check voltage at pin 18 PRST VTG 33V if low check C4 (47UF) 100V Remove glue around C3, Q1 - had become conductive No -24v - s/c across Q1 - replaced & scrape away brown gunge cass IR lighthouse led wired incorrectly by last repairer IC901 33v zener & C2 47 50v replaced but sill low - D2 1N4007 o/c (had corroded leg) C2 47 63v in psu & 33v reg IC901on pcbv behind clock Check pulses at Q610 should be 5V p-p if low check spool carriers for dirt Q2 2SA634 in psu s/c - used TIP42A in lieu 33v tuning volts low - C4 (52v smoother) u/s - gives only 20v C8 100uF, C6 2200Uf, C15 22uF, C4 33uF, C2 47uF,C3 47uF, C5 2.2uF in psu PC9v supply low at pin 2 CN301. Q109 KSC2328Y o/c C112, 111 1 in psu rec 9v low because PC12v low - Q105 2SB772 o/c b-c No rec9v Q110 KSA928 o/c - replaced but overheats - LO504 block osc on audio pcb burnt out - ok aft replacement No osc at XT601 4Mhz Xtal traced to C612 22 (A test prod on Vdd pin 32 of front would initiate power RM701 (R/C preamp) pin 3 only mush - replaced preamp/sensor from scrap vid cured it MODE SWITCH C2 4700 35v IC1 3132V on psu IC2 78M05 psu

Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung

VI910 VI910 VI910 VIK306 VIK306 VIK306 VIK306 VIK306 VIK310 VIK310 VIK310 VIK310 VIK310 VIK310 VIK310 VIK310 VIK316

No capstan rotation or sound in e-e No head rotation Rolling picture Display pulses on/off with TV interference No display No functs No pback pic & drum fast speed Powers up for a few secs then dead Damages tapes int & eject too soon aft rew, slack tape on eject and ejcts when stop pressed int Dead - blown mains fuse Dead - volts on sec of psu very low Display dim Int mech jam & revert to st/by Mechs alignment out Pic flicker & wow on sound When ejecting cass symbols keeps flashing & capst motor keeps turning Dead

Q23 2SC3399 o/c IC2 SD3143 servo pcb Insufficient Back tension Arm bearing sticky Replace C152 50v, C32 470 16v, C38 100 10v, C36 330 16v, C13 22 50v C38 100 10v, C15 22 50v in psu C35 470 16v in psu Drum drive pin 7 IC201 too high at 5v - chip faulty C35 470 16v & check other caps in psu Mode sw Replace STR11006 chopper, R010, C110 ALSO C109, C122 & C101 (After fitting upgrade kit) STR11006 chopper chip faulty C120 100 16v in psu Mode sw After realigning housing goes in/out on its own - dry joint BOT sensor on main pcb (acts as tape inserted sensor) Replace clutch, tension band, p roller Mode sw Check caps C35 470 16v, C33 330, C34 470 Check R22 2R7 surge lim, R17,18,20 62k & R19 33k startup res, chopper tr Q01 2SK903 - if s/c check R25 0R47 2w, C13 22 50v & C15 2 50v. If chopper has blown also change IC02 PC121 or ON3171 AL5.8V rectifier (D3L20U) breaking down under load. It was pulsing around 2.5v-3v C35 100 25v & C38 470 16v C38 100 10v REPLACE C35,C37 AND C38 Tape sensor dry joints C110 100 25v, C122 22 250v, C120 100 16v all hi esr C117/118 330 25v, C116 1000 25v, C114 2200 10v, C113 47 50v all hi esr C502 100 next to audio chip IC501 s/c Servo chip IC201 Faulty RH plate of cass housing - plastic mount cracks Mode sw & main slide ass'y

Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung SAMSUNG Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung

VIK316 VIK316 VIK316 VIK316 VIK316 VIK320 VIK320 VIK320 VIK320 VIK320 VIK326 VIK326

Dead Dead dead - psu o/ps low or pulsing Dim display VARIOUS POWER SUPPLY PROBLEMS Housing shuffles with no cassette inserted Int timer rec & other functs Patterning on Pback only psu pulsing - s/c across PC12 o/p Servo drift in rec & play (like no ctl pulses) Failure to accept tape Guides won't load fully

Samsung Samsung SAMSUNG Samsung Samsung Samsung SAMSUNG Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo

VIK326 VIK326 VIK326 VIK326 VIK326 VIK326 VIK326 VIK326 VIK346 VIK350 VIK350 VQ366 VXK336 VXK336 14CT1 P90 deck TLS9024 TLS924 VH335E VHR1100 VHR1100 VHR1300 VHR1300E VHR135E VHR135E VHR135E VHR135E VHR135E VHR135E VHR135E VHR135E VHR135E VHR135E VHR150

Int blue screen in E-E No chans would tune NO DISPLAY AT SWITCH ON DIM THEREAFTER No playback pic - blank raster only St/by only- display flashes slowly - psu noisy Tripping psu VERY DIM OR NO DISPLAY Wont accept tape Mechs jammed & out of time grinding noise in play When powered TU reel turns, cass housing shuffles & reverts to st/by Dim display Dead - psu tries to start Display dim Won't accept tape if tv sect running Take up clutch sticks int in drive Int tape chewing Int shut down & error code "E3" (Capst) Plays slow & cuts out with wow Capst speed varies Tracking errors Int stops/warble on sound/poor tuning screeching noise in pback Hum bars e-e & drum fast Int dead/mechs Int FFwd/Rew Int loss of front panel ctl Int low gain tuner Int no play Int operate in Ffwd/Rew Int take up in play / rew Int timed recs No mech operation Chews tapes in rev search

Bad conns psu plug no o/p pin 13 IC401 - chip faulty REPLACE C38 IN POWER SUPPLY 100MFD10V Dry joints head amp conn CN302 AT5.9v low - C35 470 16v C35 470 16v REPLACE C37/38 100MFD10V AND 47MFD50V C35 470 in psu - replace even if it checks ok When reset goes out of time again aft a few days - replace RH side of housing Pt no 5562203-0025 1.86 CHS loading block replaced - damaged teeth Lift side chassis replaced & dry jioints led tower C38 100 in psu C35 470uF 16V (Psu secondary). C38 110 10v in psu replace led tower Mode sw 1 tooth out Fit service kit Capstan bearings duff C501 res cap o/c tracking 100k slider pot o/c supply & T Up guide rollers - replacement is best 33v reg zener GZA32 main operating cam coupling gear not meshing due to detached from deck moulding fit screw in to hold it in place o/c winding on mains tfmr Dry joints CN301 & 302 Mode sw dry joints CN702 between 2 front pcbs dry joints in can Idler not free to rotate - lub Failure of cam slide ass'y 613 094 9240 item 29 idler sticks on shaft - lub Rec prot sw int No drum - stator winding board replaced Tape piling up on rh side of drum - excess friction on lower drum

Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo

VHR150 VHR150 VHR190 VHR190 VHR190 VHR190 VHR190 VHR190E VHR190E VHR2300 VHR235 VHR244 VHR245 VHR251 VHR251 VHR251E VHR267 VHR274 VHR274 VHR274 VHR274 VHR274E VHR274E VHR274E VHR275 VHR275E VHR275E VHR276 VHR276 VHR276E VHR276E VHR277

Crackle on sound in rec/pback - LP only No or slow rew/ffwd Dead FM sig goes aft 20 mins Goes fwd when rew selected Int r/c No capstan motor rotation Int accept tape Int/no RC operation int stop in pback & rec No drum rotation at sw on & won't accept tape No rec col Half loads a cassette then ejects it Int speed and failure to eject Poor e-e pback pics - humbar/rolling ok via scart Pic disappears in pback after few mins with own recs tape stuck - no mechs Continually winds/rew when tape inserted, eject difficult Incorrect deck functs - eg play causes Fwd or Rew to occur Rewind poor - stops before beginning Sw between pic & blue screen in pback Dead - mains fuse o/c, chopper tr s/c Dead & no display No display - otherwise ok Chews tapes in play Int shuts down when tape inserted Tape stuck - reverts to st/by Sw off when going into rec (usually aft rew) Won't accept tape - housing shuffles in/out No E-E or pback pic Wont accept tape - lift shuffles in & out Dead - most psu volts appear present

IC210 audio chip Plastic stop for clutch mode select arm missing - fitted screw in lieu D5101 14v rect s/c fault finding on fm module difficult - replacement from Sanyo reasonable price Pt no 613 123 6110 LB1688 motor dr chip - not available sep - buy whole motor ass'y Dry joints CN712 (front panels connector) Replace LB1688 motor drive IC on the capstan motor board. (Available from Grandata) mode sw (refit with housing down) dry joints between conns linking front panel pcbs dry joints on drum pcb around connector Always 13v low pins 6 & 8 CN541 - IC521 STK5446 Osc X1001 not osc - replace Xtal Flap lever 040C broken and spring 040B replaced dry joints in psu 2 x 1 caps in rf converter Check tension band lever PR512 1A fuse in sec of psu had risen to 1R Fishy smell led to C5113 47 35v in psu - leaky & legs corroded, also C5113 330 16v hi esr C5113 (47MFD 35VW) on secondary side of power supply which was high ESR. Relace clutch ass'y No ctl pulses - BU2896K IC351 Dry joints chopper tfmr No always 5v supply - Q5101 2SC22747F series reg tr R5120 4R7 burnt/replaced & C5105 470 16v leaked over board Arm lever load pt no 613-164-4762 Mode sw or load motor stiff No +13v supply due to D5110 in psu dry jointed Mode sw replaced mode sw No 12v supply - R5110 27R safety res o/c - check dry joints chopper tfmr Mode sw PR512 1A cct prot o/c - its demise could be due to previous water down aerial lead

Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo


Int shuts down during rec Poor sound on rec/pback Crackling &/or humming on sound Stops in rec - pback ok Tape looping on eject or any mode sw symptom fault Cuts out in ff & rew & slack tape on eject No sound pback or sync

PR512 0R1 in psu high res ACE head suspect CP PR512 0R1 CHS Code 11929YE gone slightly hi res CP PR512 0R1 CHS Code 11929YE gone slightly hi res CP PR512 0R1 CHS Code 11929YE gone slightly hi res Replace mounting clutch pt no 613-175-0661 No CTL pulses from IC351 - I/P at pins 21/22 ok - chip faulty hold the "preset" button for > 3secs to set the RF out channel & test signal, & hold in channel up and down together for more than 3 seconds to start auto tuning. When auto tuning has stopped, press the ok button. R5002 650k o/c Piece broken off RH side of cass housing - if found, can screw/glue back ACE head o/c loading motor had dead spot - motor has integral plug conn Bad conns full erase head - should read approx 1R Mode Switch, New PSR512 and Re-time. Loading motor replaced Pt no 645 029 7014 (faulty if draws more than 30mA) Load motor drawing excess current & read 15R - new motor (Motor4366) from SEME 6.93 read 6R X3002 Xtal adj to IC302 dry joints Prot PR512 PR512 D3120 in display drive leaky PR512 fusible res PR512 safety res gone hi Turn the VCR off to standby Hold the preset button in for at least 3 seconds. The VCR will show 52 which is the default output. Use Ch - + to alter. Press preset again to store. The tuning bars will appear in this mode C5115 & C5117 33 in PSU sec (not PSR512 this time) C2015 47 6.3v under head drum Mode sw take up spool sensor reflective surface faded & dirty - clean or replace IC101 LA7395 Mode sw dry joints CN712 Reel sensor

Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo

VHR278E VHR279 VHR279 VHR279 VHR279E VHR279E VHR279E VHR279E VHR279E VHR286 VHR287 VHR287 VHR287 VHR287E VHR287E

Auto tune & RF sequence Dead Eject inop with tape stuck inside Failure to erase prev rec sound Int loading/unloading or sticking mechs Int rec sound - sometimes prev sound track Jammed tape Poor tape loading - int jams Tape stuck in fully loaded Int loses time Int cuts out on rec/play int off when rec selected & no display some display segments perm lit Hum on pback sound int shut down in rec mode

Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo

VHR287E VHR288 VHR289 VHR290 VHR291 VHR291E VHR291E VHR291E VHR291E

RF Adj Tape stuck - starts to load then reverts to st/by Sound of prev soundtrack still present on new rec Int wont accept/chews tapes Shuts down in SP/LP after about 1/2 hour Int col rec Int failure to accept tape - ok on power reset Int failure to power up/down Int stops in Play

Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo


NO E-E NO SYNC No e-e sound/pic or sync det No mono sound rec Noise on Nicam , not on FM audio Whine on sound after re-assembly Whining noise on NICAM

T6901 ON SYNC SUB PANEL DRY T6901 on sync det sub pcb dry joints Check T2001 and Q2001.- coil o/c Move ribbon cable from control panel away from Nicam pcb long ribbon cable should be stowed in front section of case to avoid pick up Check dressing of white flat cable from front Turn the VCR off to standby Hold the preset button in for at least 3 seconds. The VCR will show 52 which is the default output. Use Ch - + to alter. Press preset again to store. Bad conn (one end lifted from print) on sm component in tuner/IF can CHECK D5009 D5009 GZB16C zener s/c (always 13v) loading belt Push retaining pin back against sub slide & fit circlip on other side earth lead from switches not connected IC4001 LC7412-8017 SLIDE BAR MISSALIGNED WITH REEL BRAKE PIN PRESS SLIDE BAR PIN THROUGH MECH PLATE AND FIT WASHER + CIRCLIP ON TOP Tuner/IF module internal s/c IC511 zener psu sec s/c sticky capstan brake - replace pad Check mode sw Mode sw Capst brake faulty R1 o/c Dry joints STK7226 reg & R5001 2R7 o/c IC1001 LA7223 Mode sw Replace missing spring in brake trigger area Half load lever metal pin bent - replace arm eeprom -30v supply high - D5102 GZS33X zener o/c Clean reel opto coupler - (tape counting comes from ACE head) Half load arm failing to move clear because metal pin has listed. Replace arm lever Check caps in psu

Sanyo Sanyo SANYO Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo

VHR296 VHR298E VHR3100 VHR3100 VHR3100 VHR3100 VHR3100 VHR3100 VHR3100 VHR3300 VHR315 VHR315 VHR315 VHR315 VHR315E VHR315E VHR3300 VHR3300 VHR3300 VHR3300 VHR3300 VHR3300 VHR3300 VHR3300 VHR3300 VHR335

Modulator setting No sound e-e or rec through scart or RF DEAD Dead No rev search No rew Power & Eject buttons not working on front When tape inserted carriage moves back & fro then sw off Capst motor runs fast if tape manually inserted INT FF OR REW Dead - blows PR511 N38 cct prot Dead & tripping Slack tape on eject Tape jammed inside Cassette jams Tape loops on eject Dead Dead F5101 400mA shattered Dist pic in e-e - patterning & loss of sync Int failure to accept tape Int tape damage - tape spills when stopped Mechs jams Prog ind flashing & no tuning store Stops int in Play/Rec -tape counter ok Total jam of the tape loading mech Accepts tape but will not funct apart from twitching

Sanyo SANYO Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo

VHR335 VHR335E VHR335E VHR335E VHR335E VHR350A VHR350E VHR390 VHR390 VHR390E VHR390E VHR390E VHR390E VHR4350 VHR4350 VHR4350 VHR4350 VHR4350E VHR4350E VHR4350E VHR4350E VHR4350E VHR4350E VHR495E VHR5200 VHR5200 VHR5200E VHR5240 VHR7200 VHR7200 VHR7250

Sluggish op/sw from lP to SP & no head lock DROP OUT ON MACRO TAPES No eject No pback col - rec col ok on another machine Slow & erratic Pback Horizontal jitter with noise in sympathy from head motor Dead Dead after slow start up Poor pback pic Dead - no clock & whining No capst phase ctl No functs Shuts off in rew Wow on sound & int stopping when heated Damages tapes Goes into FFwd at sw on Int loss of drum servo phase lock Chews tapes on eject Goes straight to ffwd at sw on No ffwd/rew - int Tape loops on eject The whole display flashing Wow on sound after several hours Blue screen on pback of some tapes & creasing top of tapes Display rapid flashing No display No deck functs No drum rotation when play selected No mechs, reverts back to st/by when any button pressed Wow & flutter & noisy rew Cuts out in Play aft 5 secs

Change C5106(47mfd 50v), C5107 (47mfd 25v) and C5101(1000mfd 16v) all in the power unit and clean off electrolyte DISCONNECT D1004 Slide plate item MB41 under load motor broken Output pin 3 comb filter DL101 low - L1008 15 choke s/c (reads 0R5 instead of 1R7) Always 13v supply low at 10.5v. C5101 1000 16v had explode & D5114 1SS244 o/c IC351 BU2890BK dig servo chip Start up res R5005 & 6 560k o/c C5011 1 psu pri, C5104 100 in psu sec (all volts only half normal) C5101 C5101 1000 16v, C5104 1000 10v leaking ok at pin 15/26 IC351but wrong at pin 44 - BU2890DK sm chip u/s C5104 1000 10v, C5101 1000 16v reel sensor dirty Capst mot drive chip gets hot - replace capst motor ass'y Check mode sw, brake pads & Capstan flywheel also brake arm Capst motor Int conns on drum motor pg coil Brake tension on capstan too high Capst motor Check cam slide ass'y - mod type available Clean sticking capst brake The -40v & -45v low; C5104 47 leaky Capst motor Pinch roller &/or back tension band C5104 47uF 50 volt o/c leaked all over the board C5104 47 in psu leaky also D5109 D5110 1N4148 Dead spot on capst motor SW5v rail low - 2SC3807 Q5402 Loading belt stretched Capst bearing dry/tight - relub mode sw

Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo

VHR7250 VHR7260E VHR766E VHR766E VHR767E VHR767GD VHR7700 VHR7700 VHR7700E

Won't accept tape - no drum Goes straight into play when tape inserted & no Rec (ejects tape when rec selected) No functs except load Odd symptoms inc loses sync in e-e & pback - worse in SP mode, ffwd & rew slow No mechs apart from cassette load Dead - psu running & PR512 ok Dead - clock only dead except for clock Sw off within a sec of sw on

13v supply low due to dry joints D5105, D5106 Rec tab sw bad contacts - clean No sw 5 or 12v - Q513 2SC4483 or 2SD1207 also check Q1501 BU2896K servo IC R5110 27R in Ever 37v supply next to chopper tfmr AL5.8v was 3.2v; D3001 leaky No sw 5v - Q5402 o/c Q5402 12v sw in centre of main pcb Q5402 2SC4484 leaky - fit beefier tr ie TIP41C Q5001[2SK1460] chopper fet was s/c and replaced also Q5004 [2SC2274] was replaced with a BC639. D5103 on the secondary was s/c caused by opto coupler PC120 ALWAYS 5V LOW (3.8V), REPLACE Q501 BC639 CPC*PS13041053 C520 470 16v in psu plus C510 leaking C5105 (470uf/16v), C5106 (1000uf/6v3), D5104 (ISS244) , R5120 (4r7) and a good clean up tape riding up past ACE head - new head reqd replace mode sw & loading motor IC351 BU2896k servo chip Q5001 2SK1460 Caused by D5001 mains bridge rect s/c PR512 in A5v supply now uprated to 1.5A CPC pt no FF00987; C5114 10 16v hi esr C3525 047 50v - connected to pin 29 IC351 (read ok) Mains I/p choke melted & sm bridge rect s/c & 2.5A fuse o/c Check IC351 sm servo chip which goes s/c - (visible thro hole in bottom when metal base removed) Loading motor excessive current (over 50mA with no load) - SEME MOTOR4363 13.95 Dry joints osc X6701 Check PR512 fusible & start up res R5011 390k in psu pri Loading motor Replaced the loading motor (CHS code-11935WM 6.76UKP's). Head drum stiff to turn, lub bearing & invert spacer on lower bearing Check s/c sm diode in psu sec near chopper trfmr

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VHR774E VHR774E VHR774E VHR774E VHR775 VHR775 VHR775E VHR776 VHR776E VHR776E VHR776E VHR777E VHR777E VHR777E VHR778 VHR778E VHR779 VHR779E VHR779E VHR789

Dead DEAD Dead - no 12v rail No display damaging tapes in play int accept a cassette & noisy load/unload Keeps sw off - drum/capst motors fast Dead Dead - mains fuse blown Display disappears when any mode selected No functs - tape loads & head spins fast Dead Dead with cp PR512 1.25A 125v blown Int shuts down - lights go out when funct selected Int loss of sound on Nicam rec Dead Int accept/eject tape Int no eject Poor tracking Dead - mains cap stays charged

Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo SANYO Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sentra Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp

VHR789 VHR789E VHR789E VHR789E VHR789E VHR790 VHR795E VHR795E VHR796 VHR798 VHR874E VHR874E VHR899 VHR899 VHRD4890E VHRD4890E VHRD4890E VHRD500E VHRH790E VHRH791 VHRH791 VHRM290E VR3723 VCR7620L 37VT24H VC108 VC483 VC484HM VC583 VC583 VC682SH VC750 VC750HM VC780HM

No mechs - tape stuck inside Dead Head drum spins at sw on then reverts to st/by Int eject/shut down - display may dim Wont accept tape Dead aft power cut Int chews tapes Mechs jammed tape stuck - no mechs Chews tapes Dead NO CLOCK OPERATION Dead Slow to accept tapes Crackling on sound Patt & hiss on sound in standard mode Tripping Dead Rewinds fully laced tape then reverts to stby Dead No take up Dead - no o/p from psu Int rew Dead Slack tape on eject No take up as idler wheel not engaging Int stops in play esp towards end of tape No or distorted sound on right hand channel incorrect or no functions Very Int No playback / record or E-E No play operation - reel idler not meshing with reel TUNING DRIFT Int chews tape/no tape shuffle when stopped Loading arms not fully loading

Loading motor part no 11935WM. 8.19UKP Chas Hyde. Also blown R3001 3.3ohm safety resistor and drive chip IC 302 LB1643. R5002 /5003 start up res 560k Loading motor faulty Loading motor int s/c windings - should be 40R Loading motor s/c Check 2 x start up res 150k & 2 x 1M5 res that they are fed from(from mains rect) Clean mode switch load arm jams due to bent peg on cam follower (part of arm) PR512 in psu o/c tension band spring loose & jamming gears IC Prot PR541 1A o/c (causes no rec if hi res) CHECK PR541 FOR O/C SANY6131388888 D5012 on psu pri Loading motor faulty Dry joints filter XF02 on Nicam Pcb UHF Modulator C5013 22 10v, C5010 1 25v, C1 47 50v, C10 330 6.3v D5102 RK34 s/c Loading motor ( measured only 2R) R5002/R5003 1M5 - care needed not to move mode sw posn Replace clutch ass'y & arm ass'y R5002 1.5 Mhz open cicuit. Primary side of power supply Mode sw or slide cam Pt no 613-094-9240 800mA fuse on mains tfmr pcb o/c Idler not coming across in unload mode - change idler or retension idler spring mode sw Clean take up reel sensor mirror Dry joints IC702 pins 2, 3, 15, 16 Can be caused by faulty mode switch or cog jumping Dry joints at plug socket CC on Video chroma PCB Mode sw C1411 LEAKY replaced mode sw & belts/idler Reciprocating spring in loading gear broken

Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp

VC787H VCA100 VCA100 VCA105 VCA105 VCA105 VCA105 VCA105 VCA105 VCA105 VCA105 etc VCA105 etc VCA105 etc VCA105 etc VCA105 etc VCA105 etc VCA105 etc

No sound/pic in E-E - sound present when test signal on Goes in to Fwd Search when FFwd pressed Int refuses to play/rec (symbol shows) Capstan motor fast Clicking noise from loading block Machine would power on and initialise, then shut down with no functions and no display No sigs in e-e mode Shuts down aft tape inserted & powered up Tape damage - Loading arms not fully returning Tape jams on eject Back tension lever is stuck on wrong side of the take up guide Capstan motor will not rotate Chroma processor IC501 improvement Clock loses time Intermittent tape loading or unloading intermittent no eject Half load lever moving irregularly Slow rewind VCR will not fully eject: or will not accept a tape:

Vid at pin 3 IC2201 but no supply at pin 9 as D2201 zener s/c mode sw Poor rivetting between pin 10 IC801 to AE4 Capst control chip on motor pcb - means new motor ass'y Worm gear teeth damaged Replace Timer IC5001 IC951 33v reg s/c Timer IC5001 (remove all plugs from front timer pcb to check - should then play pre rec with tab removed) Timing between sector gear I tooth out - replace damaged sector gear & back tension post lever/gear (Possible root cause) Modified latching bar (item 319) & clutch operating lever (item 321) on housing Excessive wear of the tension adjusting lever C6 leaked causing open circuit print clean and repair track and Replace C6 (10UF ) 25V IC501 replaced (TA8644N) Clock ref across pins 30, 31 of IC5001 changes freq Replace cam switch Pt No QSW-R0026GEZZ Brake torque take up reel is to high due to contamination of the slow brake lever Replace cassette switch and sensor PWB with improved Pt No DUNTK3194HE00 Tension release lever (item 52) flexes during unlacing causing a delay in the timing of the tension arm: the delay causes the arm to jam the supply pole base (76) which upsets the unload sequence, resulting in IC801 powering down. Check FG pulses at motor pcb Printed FG coil - if low replace motor pcb (available separately)

Sharp Sharp

VCA105 etc VCA111 VCA111 VCT310 VCT510 VCA111HM VCA615HM

When pressing STOP or EJECT while in play or record mode: causes the VCR to power down Drum speed excessive The cass intermittently ejects tape the cass tape gets jammed when record mode is selected tape ejects Capstan motor bearing altered after Serial No's starting 503

Sharp Sharp

Pinch roller assy has become deformed replaced New Pt No's Capstan motor RMOTN2019GEZZ Screw XHPSD26P06000

Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp

VCA140 VCA140 VCA140 VCA5011 VCA140HM VCA30 VCA30 VCA310 VCA36HM

Capstan motor starts/stops aft 20 mins Int chews tape Capstan Motor stop after approx 10 mins play or rec int chews tapes/lines/poor sound Int Ffwd/Rew - idler gear not engaging Poor Pback/E-E, & roll Accepts cassette then ejects it several times then behaves Carries on in fwd search aft 'Play' pessed with sound After replacement of IC801 or models with serial No higher than 41163191 the RF output on/off switch no longer works Int stop Int start up - psu just whistles No functs or display Remote functions as if door open even when closed During reception (E-E) or in LP mode Sibilance can be detected Low sound/noise bars/poor rew Buzz on pback - int

Drive chip hot - replace motor - note vcr ser no for correct type Check movement of load arm Friction between the capstan spindle and bearing half load arm int seized due to hardened grease also replace p roller Mode sw C4401 47 10v Replaced slipping loading belt Capstan motor

Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp


To restore feature Fit Pt No RHIX0867GEZZ Check drum earth spring is present Bad conns C907 in psu - resoldered + C906, plug conns at PA & replace C913 47 16v psu pri C913 47 16v in psu pri Disassemble handset and adjust PWB to enable door switch to be centralised in its recess Add R630 & change values of C601, C619, C620, R605, R617, R620 Excess friction on ACE head - relace head C603 pressing against mechs - reposition Remove sliding door and apply Molykote grease to 2 protruding tabs on the remote door C5909 SMD cap wrong value Replace with 8pF D904 leaky Incorrect volts IC803 BA6238AM - D805 s/c (12v zener) Sensor lever item 322 pt no MLEVP0248AJ00 bent causing it to cover sensor perm. Replacement the only cure R905 in psu Faulty capstan motor Capstan motor faulty (not stiff bearings) Timer chip IC5001 RHIX0581 Mode sw C9 dry joint

VCA50 VCA72 Remote control door difficult to open VCA50 VCA72 RF blue mute and menu screen appear grey: VCA5011 Hum bar in e-e/rec; pback ok VCA5011 Won't accept tape VCA50HM VCA55 VCA55 VCA55HM VCA615 VCA63 VCA63 Cassette housing shuffles in/out at sw on Dead Stays at Fwd search speed aft Play is pressed No/slow playback - FFwd/Rew ok Display shows zeros only Fails to eject; loads/unloads when stop pressed Int dead

Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp


Tracking errors, capst speed slow, poor col & when pause pressed goes into FFwd & locks up Poor FF & Rw Shuts down aft 20 mins with whistling - ok when cool Slack tape on eject Tape stuck in cassette housing Off tune slightly in e-e Won't accept tape E-E mode poor sync/ragged verts/roll Soft picture when using AI function Audio level on the E-E channels are lower than the T.V. channels Stops int Int timed recs No capst Tries to load without cassette in No capstan Crackle & hiss on right chan Int loss of mechs Plays back at high speed Int functs & tape stuck Dead with whine from psu No r/c Following interruption in mains supply Nicam fails to work Noisy E-E pic when cold Rew int Damages top tape edges Int functions LP symbol perm lit Q901 blows intermittently & chopper tfmr buzzes Dead

No drum PG signal Pin 52 IC801. IC702 no I/p pin 28 from head drum. Head drum's pick up coil faulty - able to reconnect it. reel brakes and springs and dirty capstan C913 47 16v Clean or replace mode sw & check idler Rack sliders at RH side had come adrift due to plastic spigots broken off. Order code for side pieces item 302 frame R pt no LHLDX1025AJ00 OK when 'tune/normal' sw in 'tune' posn. Adj bottom IF coil on IF module plastic piece that opens the tape flap had come out along with its spring, this sits inside the carriage. Someone had tampered with it! C2527 10 16v Replace R2363 VRD-MN2BE332J

Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp

Replace R1735 with a 8.2K ohm Take up reel sensor contaminated with grease Mode sw replaced cured it Electro on motor pcb eaten thro' print Lighthouse LED s/c 10 25v cap on motor pcb leaked & corroded track bad joint pin 24 TB1204F Nicam chip Gear ass'y NGERH1128GEZZ Check wfrm pin 3 capst motor - should be 2v p-p. If not, try moving sensor on motor closer. If this fails a new expensive motor is likely to be reqd Capst motor int seizes - lub shaft Change caps in psu (may read ok) IR rec outputting garbage - new Rec req Fit a resistor Pt No VRDRA28E563J between C1788 and 3rd solder joint in from edge of PCB by IC1791 CQ601 047 50v, CQ602 22 50v in RF/det can FFwd/Rew idler hole had enlarged - replace Take up torque too high - replace pulley reel Check dry joints plug/skts AO & OA Micro chip Dry joints opto coupler IC901 Chopper tr Q901 2SC4231 s/c, 4R7 2w R904 o/c - replace & add heatsink to Q901

Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp


Dead Int accepts tape & int stopping Capst motor goes in rev or not at all Dead, no display If clock set in 12Hr mode and record time starts before 12 ( am or pm ) and stop time after 12 video continues recording past stop time . ( This will only happen if numeric keys on remote are used to set timer ) Child lock removal (pin no n/k) Childlock removal clock gained 1 min per day Dead & tripping after metal object inserted INTERMITTANT NO COLOUR NO COLOUR ON PLAYBACK OR RECORD E-E OK Patterning all modes & int col DEAD, POWER SUPPLY TRIPPING NO PLAYBACK VIDEO BUT SOUND OK Re-alignment of mechs Interference on e-e & pback No rec/erase sound - bias osc freq & amp too high Tripping psu Accepts tape then ejects it Capst int runs in reverse Dead - PSU volts low & pulsing NO E-E SOUND No erase - bias osc not running

4R7 2W res o/c, Chopper Tr 2SC4231 s/c fit MJF18004 in lieu Check end sensors Pt no 0233GEZZ dry joints on capst motor socket C907 47 400v mains smoother & R904 4R7 2w

Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp SHARP SHARP Sharp SHARP SHARP Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp SHARP Sharp

Change IC801 Pt No RH-IX1205GEN8 Press & hold lock key on r/c - lock symbol then displayed, Press & hold st/by on r/c & front of vcr for 3 secs. VCR will shut down & clear child lock Simultaneously press the standby buttons on the front panel and the remote control. not osc xtal ; one of sm caps in osc never fitted "-25v" line missing; R995 10R sm o/c DRY JOINTS ON X501 CHECK C512 FOR S/C X501 IC201 POSSIBLE R995 SMD O/C SITS ADJACENT TO CHOPPER TX SHARVRSCY1JF100Y CHECK X501 FOR DRY JOINTS Connect jumper between TP703 & TP704 before commencing RF modulator faulty Print repaired at C623 at base of bias osc IC901 opto coupler FX0007GE Start & end sensors replaced Dry joints Socket P702 (Capst motor plug) Q921 2SB709 sm leaky REPLACE IF PCB SHARRIFU0672GEZZ IC701 micro not sw bias on - micro faulty Put vcr into standby, press and hold menu until display shows CH36 (or other ch)...use cursor up key to step up rf channel...press set...then press stop on r/c. Lighthouse LED CHECK R995 FOR O/C OR HIGH VALUE Xtal X501 on main pcb dry joint X501 Xtal dry joint BA6977S IC702 drum drive chip

Sharp Sharp SHARP Sharp Sharp Sharp


Setting RF Modultor Won't accept tape DEAD WITH TRIPPING NOISE No playback colour No E-E pic & no col Pback Int stops in play - drum motor stops

Sharp Sharp


No mech operation - psu ok No sound erase

Dry joint Q9903 on psu sec Q651, Q652, R658 4R7 1/4w, C652 01 sm Check for +5V on collector Q703, if not present check/replace Q703,Q704. SMD Q703 B-E s/c could be 2SA1037KQ (marked FQ) or 2PB709AR (marked BR) SMD Q704 o/c could be UN2212 (marked 8B) or DTC124EK (marked 25) They are located near the IR remote sensor. D915 20v zener s/c in start up cct REPLACE R658 1OHM AND Q651 2SC3203 then goes into FFwd and stops (will eject) - drum pulsing - drive chip IC702 BA6977S Q651 2SC3203 osc tr leaky, R658 4R7 o/c, Q652 DTC323 No drum FG pulse from drum motor IC BA6977S - chip u/s Q652 digital DTC323 s/c leaving osc running continuously 2SK2848 power mosfet & IC902 AN8027 brought set to life but no mechs & reverts to st/by. R904 4R7 input buffer res o/c Q652 DTC323TK sm dig tr (bias sw) R658 burnt out,replace and also Q652.There is a Sharp technical bulletin Check back tension not too low R904 4R7 o/c; Q901 2SC4231 s/c - replace & fit heatsink (Pt No PRDAF1065UMFW) or find one in your spares box! Dry joints at plug AC on capst motor Worked ok when power reset next day REPLACE R955 10,OHM RESISTOR SHARVRSCY1JF100J 5v rail low - C925 470 10v, C929 330 10v 5v supply was only 3v on power up from cold - C925/929 (470uF 10v) also C921 (100uF 25v),C930 (47uF 25v) & C928 (470uF 25v) in PSU. No bias at FE head due to 8v bias volts missing - Q950 faulty Dry joint pin 4 plug AU on main pcb NICAM chip Press "Childlock" on R/C - when display changes to 4 dashes waiting for correct code press St/by on R/C & front panel together Q961 2SC2001LK Pt no 27756QA WVE 1.34 White plastic leverdouble action (pt no 27864R) WVE attached to pinch roller (pt no 27864M) broken off - supaglued back

Sharp Sharp SHARP Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp SHARP Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp


Dead, no display tho psu working Dead NOT ERASING Goes into Rew when tape inserted no erase of old soundtrack - no bias osc No play - load arms only go halfway & return Snowy pback - counter runs fast Dead - no display Didn't erase prev recs No rec/Pback sound Aft short time tracking lines appear in pback & sw between SP/LP Dead No take up No E-E on Scart o/p DEAD Motor pulsing & no display when cold Crushed whites on Pback No rec pic - old rec still present Background hiss on Pback int loss of hi-fi sound in rec (1 chan only) Childlock removal when PIN not known Dead - no 5v Eject button pushed in Mechs jammed

Sharp Sharp Sharp


Tape edge damage Using PDC on timed recs Won't accept tape

Adj height of 1/2 load arm up 1/2 a turn Must have tuner/if on to rec PDC info Faulty end sensor (tested ok) UNIT IS PROBABLY IN CHILD LOCK. TO RELEASE PRESS AND HOLD THE "KEY" BUTTON UNTILL "----" APPEARS IN THE DISPLAY THEN ENTER THE CODE OR PRESS THE STANDBY BUTTONS ON BOTH THE UNIT AND REMOTE AT THE SAME TIME Q704 sm - 1 leg never soldered Q652 sm (underside) DTC323TS s/c, R658 4R7 o/c. Replaced C655 47, moved Q651 away from Coil L651. Rear of main pcb Not sensors this time - pin 79 IC701 micro (end sensor I/p) had internal s/c IX1420UMN8 at 27UKP reqd 1/ Put vcr into standby, 2/ Press and hold menu button for 3-5 seconds, 3/ Display will show rf ch, 4/ Use up/down keys to select required rf channel, 5/ Press SET to store. 1/ Put vcr into standby, 2/ Press and hold menu button for 3-5 seconds, 3/ Display will show rf ch, 4/ Use up/down keys to select required rf channel ,5/ Press SET to store. AT9v has ripple - C905 2200 Check and lightly oil idler shaft , replace mode switch . Worm wheel 19 lost teeth - replaced & main cam/belts Idler & take up spool out of mesh - adj height of reel with plastic screw Inner sw on cass housing dirty and check for dries sillage on main pcb - replaced motor & ribbon cable and loss of cotinuity to mute tr caused loss of sound Drum PG pulses missing - PG coil on drum pcb o/c - resoldered conns to coil restored pulses Check T Up reel soft brake for contamination Q603 leaky in PSU secondary IC751 12v reg low - 33v tuning reg IC1005 s/c, R760 220R o/c; D757 15v overvolts diode s/c probably all caused by STRM6523 chopper chip Cam timing keeps jumping out due to broken tooth on supply load pole gear brakes perm on - pulley on change over from search to play had ridden down spindle. Fit washer & locking tab on spindle to prevent it Clean mode sw

SHARP Sharp Sharp Sharp


ONLY AUTOTUNE MENU APPEARS Dead - no display No playback as tape was being erased Tries to load a tape when one not in



RF out adj

Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp/ Finlandia Sharp/ Finlandia

VCN311 VCT310 VCT310HM VCT310HM VCT310HM VCT310HM VCT510 VCT510HM VCT72 VT3700 VT3700H VT750 etc VHSLY1 VHSSLY

RF adj Hum bar on rec Damages tapes on eject . Jams when tape loading No FFwd Won't accept tape - ok if loaded by hand but stops short on eject No capstan rotation or sound in e-e Accepts tape but won't fully load - unloads Poor take up torque & tape spills Trips off in any mode but will FF/Rew but not play No tuning/sound or accept cassette Mechs jams & sw off aft 5 secs Slow on pback & rew Accepts tape and quickly ejects it

Sharp/ Granada Sharp/ Granada Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony

VCA40/ VHSHY4 VHSFY1 DHR1000NP ED10 EVA300 EVC2000E EVS550E 8mm EVS550E 8mm EVS550S H-Mech

No mech operation due to no capstan rotation No cahn store Laces up but nothing else No display Cassette compartment door inop Dead Dead No sound e-e or Pback Dead with all PSU o/ps low Loading problems

Change elect cap 10 on motor pcb & check for corrosion causing o/c print Pin 2 IC5002 should be -31v but was high at -42v. Zener D955 dry joint Ribbon cable to ops panel PS601 under psu module - replaced with 1R w Cct prot N5 at rear of top pcb o/c C11, 12, 13 in psu module Replace C14/15/16/18 elecs in Psu secondary, a couple had leaked badly. Link JW4 in Psu (secondary) was badly corroded C11 2,200u 16v, C12 330u 16v, C14 & 15 1000u 16v, C16 & 18 470u 10v & C36 1000u 16v front loading block. Replace using improved type, part no. A-6759-623-A. Mechanism does not stop at tape beginning or end. Caused by defective photo diode detector, grease on photo diode detector, or broken light conductors in mecha lift. Clean or replace relevant part. Poor contact in mode switch (S901). Replace using improved type, part no. 1-762-49011 Lead from take up spool rotation det opto PH452 dry joint I2C bus line between main micro & syscon micro low due to faulty 6.2v prot zener Broken conn on load motor skt under bottom pcb Dry joints tuner TU101 damaged TG8 arm & pinch pressing gear. Replace both gears with improved parts: TG8 Arm Driving, part no. 3-977-445-02; Pinch Pressing, part no. 3-977-441-03. insufficient oil on the reel table shafts. Replace thrust washer, & oil both sides with diamond oil. Part Nos: washer 3-977-509-01; oil 7-661-018-18 faulty EEPROM IC304 part no 8-759-502-00. It is mounted on the front panel behind the display tube Check/replace all the 2.2uF & 4.7uF electrolytics (little blue tant types) in servo stages (Drum & Capstan) next to the servo I.C.'s & check back tension change L401 IC351 servo chip faulty (you dont want to replace this 44 pin sm )

Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony

H-Mech H-Mech KV21FV1U KV21V5U KV21V6U KV21V6U

No eject, no loading & jammed tape. Tape eject, error code 10, 11, 12, or misc mech problems, possibly intermittent Int deck shutdown Won't accept tape or respond to any command No video deck functs Recordings - snow only


S Mech

No playback or loading

Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony

S Mech SL615UB SLC5E SLV -SE 200 SLV200UX

Slow rewind, or stops near tape end No chan store except Chan 1 Tracking noise bar moves up pic + hor shake making double pic No response to commands aft 5 mins Head sw bar present in rec only

Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony

SLV225 SLV225 SLV270 SLV270 SLV270 SLV-270 SLV-270 SLV270 Mk2 SLV270 Mk2 SLV270UB SLV270UB SLV270UB SLV280 SLV280 SLV315 SLV315 etc SLV353 SLV353 SLV353 SLV353/373 SLV373 SLV373 SLV373 SLV373 SLV373 SLV373 SLV373 SLV373 SLV373 SLV373UB SLV401 SLV401 SLV415 SLV415

No deck functs just shuffling brakes until shut down Playback has lines like hor hold off Dead Dead apart from faint whine No display & deck solenoid clicking DEAD, SOLENOID MAY RATTLE. ALL SUPPLY RAILS LOW no display - toroid on deck clicks Buzz on e-e & rec sound Half loads then stops with no functs except eject

make sure the pin is correctly located under the eject gear or it won't eject check it is set to play PAL C1325 1 100v, C1326 47 25v C1326 16 25v PSU o/p varying - C1326 47 25v

REPLACE C1326 47uF 25v C1325 1uF 100v change in PSU ; C1325 (1uF/100V)+C1326 (47 uF) Filter F385SFE6.0 CC243 sm cap leaky Supply lines had ripple - replaced C1736, 1737 220 25v which were o/c & all other dead after powered off except scream from drum caps in psu for good measure No display & solenoid chattering C1325 (1uF 100V) & C1326 (47uF 25V) in psu pri hi esr No display and deck solenoid chattering C1325 (1uF 100V) & C1326 (47uF 25V) hi esr in PSU pri Chassis uses a Sanyo mech Chews tape on eject The capstan brake pad becomes sticky Tape won't load load motor Dead C111 Int start: No sound: Tape damage: Half load arm becomes very tight on shaft removed clean and oil After full rew if play selected - ejects Leader overlapping sensor or Q001 supply reel sensor PH001 o/c No sound rec for first 20 mins C275 47 16v in bias osc Wont erase tapes Bias ok at full erase head - hard wire lead to head Wont sw off & only play/ffwd/rew Rotary control on front set to cont play Chews tape - poor stopping at end of tape Felt pad of brake shoe become partly detached Excess back tension & int stop in rec/play Item 227 Arm S Take Up under master cam - small spigot sheared off Int chews tape Capst motor base plate warped - new motor reqd No col pback of pre-recs, own recs ok on same vcr but no col Wfrm at pin 19 IC801 HA118016NT chroma proc chip wrong. Should be 4.5v when played back in another vcr squarewave. Print pin 6 CN004 head amp broken No drum rotation - int at first - just 'kicks' Replace C013/14/15 01yellow caps on mech pcb No pback own recs (ie no rec) - pre-recs ok fm lum signal low at pin 18 IC001 - chip faulty No rew or rev search damaged teeth on master cam (Fine inner teeth on in suface near centre) P6 in display & no rew Replace PH001/PH002 reel opt couplers pt no 8-759-144-33 Stops in Ffwd & rew reel sensor Tape loop on eject Worn brake on take up reel Col int lost CV801 on YC board Eject int does not work Replace Clutch Base (SEME Pt No. VID1245) Dead or shows just bright "Mon" in display X1 xtal 4.19Mhz on front pcb Drum servo hunting esp when cold Drum motor drive chip AN3814K

Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony

SLV415 SLV415 SLV415 SLV415 SLV415 SLV415 SLV425 SLV425 SLV425 SLV425 SLV425 SLV425 SLV425 Panasonic G MECH SLV474 SLV615 SLV615 SLV615 SLV615 SLV615 SLV615 SLV615 SLV625 SLV625 SLV625 SLV625 SLV625 SLV625 SLV625 SLV625 SLV625 SLV625

Ejects when play pressed & no r/c functs Goes into Ffwd when tape inserted Head drum twitches . Hall sensor on drum motor US . Head twitches No pic, smell of burning & no drum only pulsing Poor sync Dead Dead Int won't power up (LED remains red) No rec sound Poor Pback pic int reverting to blue screen Starts to lace then unlaces & ejects

Jog/shuttle sw on front - may be possible to clean or replace No other functs work - Jog/Shuttle sw on front Poor sync . Modulator faulty . Hall effect sensor on drum can be cause - good reading- 200-300R between any 2 pins, faulty >1500R Not drum or drive chip - C014 01 (or C013 or 015) replace modulator 270k start up res sm o/c; TDA4605 u/s and several electrolytics in psu (220 & 470) C5030 47 CIC130 sm chip faulty - not for the faint hearted! CY1255 47 63v o/c CIC2520 pin 6 sig dist (ok at pin 4) - CC2527 sm 10n cap faulty o/c solenoid

Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony

STARTS TO LACE THEN UNLACES AND EJECTS When replacing heads Damages tapes on eject Dead apart from a couple of digits in display Loss of playback picture screen going to blue mute But Hi-Fi sound ok. No pback pic only blue screen NO PICTURE BUT HI FI SOUND OK No reverse functs Won't come out of pause once selected Chews tape on eject Clock wont set with handset Cuts out in rec/pback E-E sound very low intermittent power cut off when a button is pressed on the front panel Knocking noise in playback no display, stby led on(red only) No o/p from one head No Rec/E-E sound Noisy in rew/ffwd & 'knock' during play

OC SOLENOID Pan NVG33 etc cheaper than Sony ones Half load arm sticking - clean & lub Replace C208, C218, C201 in psu sec (may read ok on esr meter) Check HA118019NT head amp chip. Head amp o/p wfm has signal superimosed on it - HA118019NT chip u/s HEAD AMP HA118019NT Not end sensor but 100 pin syson/servo chip Mode sw (Note - front controls may not work with bottom removed) No 9v supply - Q203 burnt out Reset hset by removing batteries Sensors HP001 & 2 sus - check by replacement Proc chip on hi-fi sub panel HF22 - running hot replace cap 3300uF 16V in PSU and clean leakage under it Timing belt stretched 5.8v supply low at 5.4v, replace cap 2200uF 10V in PSU bad joint on lower drum Dry joints conn CN0306 on Nicam module Toothed drive belt cleaned

Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony

SLV625 SLV625 SLV625 SLV625 SLV625U SLV625UB SLV625UB SLV625UB SLV6UV SLV715 SLV715 SLV715 SLV715 SLV715 SLV715 SLV715 SLV715 SLV715U SLV715UB

Pulling pic E-E until warmed up Shuts down with "L" in display Tries to load then unloads Wont accept a cassette fully in Failure to eject Dead - no display St/by only Tape chewing No E-E sigs - just blue screen Blank raster in E-E & Pback until heated Blank screen on pback Dead - when service kit fitted to psu no 12v o/p (No R/C or sigs) No display & fishy smell No head rotation No Hi Fi Sound - may come on dist after a while No rev operation or rew Supply loading pole dropped off dead - no o/ps from psu Dead

Replace all 9 elects in IF unit HP001 & HP002 optocouplers type PS6002 Bad conns drum motor LH carriage release lever bent Mode sw or BA6238A load mot dr chip C202 3300 in psu leaked - also check other psu caps Replace 7 elects in psu Check pinch roller - Q203 2SA943Q in 9v supply dry joint L2 9v feed choke inside IF can C207 1200 10v leaked, C202 560 25v, C108 1 400v, C211 047 50v, C218? 120 16v all hi esr Remove both 4 pin sharp devices and clean PCB, use a small drill to clear the conductive crud from their holes. Caused by resistive leakage on pcb near C208 & 209 - ok once pcb cleaned & C208/9 replaced C220 100 50v had leaked on pcb causing corroded print no volts to drive chip due to cp N20 Replace all 1uF; 2.2uF; 10uF caps on Hi Fi Audio ( HF 9 ) board all 14 of then are sus R003 5k6 on board MD49 fit replacement - large sensor pcb underneath removed first replace all electros in psu secondary Check for dry joints & elects in psu - Cap kit = A-675-957-4A Replace following hi esr caps -C108 1uF 400v;C211 0.47uF 50v (fitted a 1uF 100v);C219 1uF 50v (fitted a 1uF 100v);C218 120uF 10v (fitted a 100uF 16v);C214 120uF 16v (fitted a 100uF 16v);C217 220uF 10v (fitted a 330uF 16v);C206 470uF 16v;C216 470uF 10v (fitted a 470uF 25v) Dry loints on lower drum pcb replace IC204 PQ09RH11 ( 9V 1.5A regulator) Q201 and D216 are used to switch the IC off. If you disconnect pin 4, IC204 should switch itself on No MTR12v - Q602 2SB733 cracked open s/c on 12v line traced to capstan motor tho measured ok in & out of cct capstan motor faulty

Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony


Dead Loads tape, threads, head spins then stops & unthreads no drum rotation (No 9V output from pin 2 IC204)

Wont accept tape - powers down High speed rew only - will not carry out other mechs Dirty heads symptom - improves when drum slowed by hand int Dry joints drum motor stator plug/skt No drum or capst 1st time tape loaded Check for electrolyte gunge around the 5 pins of 9v reg

Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony


Int ejects & sw off Interference on pback pic Dead - smell of fish Unlaces as soon as tape starts to lace Dead with st/by LED lit but no display or life Int E-E St/by only - no display

dry joints IC201 pins Elna caps in psu - C207 820 10v leaked Fit psu repair kit from CHS Dry joints to drum motor Backup cap OF33 0FD2 5.5v on display pcb leaked/corroded track & check C604 back up batt on front panel R216 10R in PSU hi res in psu reducing 35v to 7v Back up cap 0F22 on display pcb leaked & corroded pcb reset line Pin 16 proc being held low approx 3V. Caused by leaky back-up cap C604. Replace ribbon lead, part no. 1-696-440-11, connector CN4021, part no. 1-563-619-21, & C604, part no. 1-125-705-11. Replace all 3 items at same time & clean cct board around back-up cap C604 back up battery on front panel C207 2200 16v in psu C13 1 63v in IF Check back up battery 0F22 5.5v backup cap had leaked on pcb causing hi impedance leakage 0.22Fd backup cap behind front display leaked & corroded print Select Audio menu & turn off audio mix mode Dr joints IC801 & IC802 on RG40 board (+ & -ve 12V regs). Vid from tuner reaching sw/scart pcb 1056, but +&- 5v supply missing. Check 2 X 0R47 res on board T012 on sec side of mains Tx for o/c PS121 N25 1A cct prot Sony mod fit split spacing washer on LH side of spindle buckled anti-record leaf switch located under deck ass'y o/c. Straightening provided the cure. Fit replacement pinch roller ass'y A6759615A Checked pri caps - ok - replaced psu control chip UC3844A to cure it Loading motor not completing its cycle due to tarnished commutator on motor managed to repair motor Q5101 2SC4483 in psu o/c Excess capst brake friction - replace brake lever ass'y No +13v supply due to D5110 in psu dry jointed No 36v to tuner - D5103 leaky, R5110 o/c

Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony

SLV825/835 SLV825UB SLV825UB SLV825UB SLV835 SLV835 SLV835UY SLVAV100 SLVAV100

Int wont sw on & no display No display - st/by only On/st/by leds flash alternatively when mains powered Poor pic E-E with bent verticals Display fades aft power up, LED goes red & no mechs St/by only with no disply Dead apart from st/by led - no display Echo on playback sound No pic or sound on E-E & Pback - can be int

SLVAV100UX No pic from RF or scart SLVE10UX Dead SLVE10UX Tape jams way in cassette housing SLVE15U SLVE20 SLVE200 SLVE200 SLVE200 Ejects tape when going to rec Tape rises up capstan in rev search Dead with no o/p from psu Shuts down when tape inserted -worse when cold Won't accept tape, cassette symbol perm lit

SLVE200/250 Int slack tape on eject SLVE200/250 Tape stuck - reverts to st/by SLVE200UX No pic or menus - rf or scart

Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony SONY SONY Sony Sony Sony SONY Sony Sony

SLVE205 SLVE210 etc SLVE220 SLVE220 SLVE220 SLVE220 SLVE220 SLVE220 SLVE220 SLVE220 SLVE220 SLVE220 etc

Tape jammed - loading motor overheating Jams at lace up Capstan servo problems Cuts out in rec - pback ok Cuts out in record but plays Ok. DEAD DRONING NOISE ON PLAYBACK Int stops & switches off in Rec mode only Int tuning loss & hum on e-e & rec sound Setting RF Modultor SWITCHES OFF ON RECORD Dead - clock shows briefly at power up

metal peg in lever that operates back tension arm had slipped out of cam - reposition & superglue Check tension band for sticking on supply reel - if so replace Caused by IC351. Replace with part no. 1-801-270-11. PR512 1A fuse increased resistance - on psu towards front - can be reached from underneath PR512 1000ma fuse had increased in value (On PSU towards front ) CHECK CIRCUIT PROTECTOR J5131 REPLACE IC101 PR512 1R res in psu (risen in value) PR512 From stby, press and hold "Preset" on front panel for 3 secs, rf chan no will appear in display, alter using "Channel" + and - and press "Preset" to store. REPLACE PR512 SONY180156700 1A fuselink J5130 in 5v supply hi res (2R5) Caused by faulty C5117. Replace with part no. 1-126-162-11. PR512 on CP-1 board goes high res or O/C. Replace with 1.25A 125V comp part no. 1801-567-11. Important: Replace PR512 whenever a unit comes in for repair, regardless of symptom. cct prot PR501 hi res set in s/by press & hold "preset" for 3 secs Adjust via "chan+" press preset to store Static disharge brush under drum lub (No need to remove deck) PS600 2A fusible link Split worm on loading motor pt no 3-977-436-01 Cracked sleeve on load motor worm pt no X3947-577-1 L600 68H pin 8 psu module int o/c (in UNREG 30V feed) Due to shiny lower drum - improved with duraglit Pinch roller not engaging - circlip missing Mode sw Due to sticky back tensiion band sticking to supply reel CHECK CONDITION OF FELT ON BACK TENSION ARM Drum too slow - motor faulty Slide crescent damaged & broken soft brake Caused by IC351. Replace with part no. 1-801-496-11.

SLVE220/280 Hum on sound

Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony SONY Sony Sony Sony

SLVE220/280 Hum on sound, shuts down in record, and no operation. SLVE220UB Int cuts out SLVE220UY SLVE225 SLVE230 SLVE230 SLVE230 SLVE230 SLVE230UY SLVE25 SLVE250 SLVE250 SLVE25UY SLVE25V SLVE275 SLVE280 RF modulator - resetting Squealing from drum Dead with psu pulsing (after coins inserted) Int failure to eject cassettes - just whirrs & shuts down Int jams on eject RF o/p int reverts back to chan 22 Rewind poor on last 15 mins No pback - just Blue screen - ok in search Int chews tape - slack tape on eject Int leaves loop of tape out on eject LEAVES LOOP OF TAPE ON EJECT Cuts out aft few secs in play Rewind poor or inop - no pic rev search Capstan servo problems

Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony


Dead Poor rec sound & int rec PSU & display pulses every sec Int reverts to st/by in Rec Int stopping in play/rec then dead Int wont eject Int refuses to eject a tape with whirring then sw off Dead aft an hour or so playing Capstan motor int rotation Clicking noise & unsteady pic in play Int noises, shows "L", slack tape on eject No eject Won't open cassette front flap when tape inserted Won't play , loops tape , shows 'L' in display very int Int goes dead with no display Droning noise on playback audio No rec - m/c sw off Slack tape on eject No record - sw off with no erase Shuts down int in rec mode Wont accept tape Chews tapes when fully loaded & sw off

PR512 o/c in spite of being uprated to 2A N25 cct prot JS130 cct prot had been replaced with Wickman fuse - use correct cct prot PR512 cct prot gone hi res can also cause excess audio buzz Fuse PR512 o/c Load motor gear cracked - order as cpt unit with motor Loading motor worm cracked MA2821in psu pri, C202 3300mfd &C208 1500mfd leaky & C108 1mfd in the primary PS450 N5 fuse hi res Arm ass'y trigger gear (item 932) missing Mode sw pt no 3-946-958-01 mode sw Post broken - same as used in Aiwa HVF11 series see explopded view in CHS cat Replace mode switch 3-946-958-01 Pin 1 CN1 on front display panel dry joint Fusible link PR512 in psu PR511 fusible unable to cope with current replace main take-up brake assy (pt 613-159-2193) available from Seme. PR512 CP in 5v rail increases from 0R3 to 0R6 PR512 gone hi res loading gear take up item 819 broken Cam follower shaft snapped off - by the press block ass'y pinch - pt no A6759615A

Int stops & noisy in FFwd/Rew - housing not going fully down Slack worm drive on cassette motor - slightly bend metal bracket holding worm gear Replaced part 303 Chassis block ass'y pt no A-6739-096-A & 202 pendulum arm ass'y No play - slipping clutch effect pt no X-3727-776-1 also mode sw pt no 1-571-920-11 No RF o/p in e-e & pback - SCART OK IC101 XLH7776K audio proc chip on pcb HF34 Tape jammed in loaded posn Press block assy 'pinch' part no A6759-615-A - cam follower shaft snapped off Replace C103/204 1 100v in psu also check 3 x 150k res near C103. PSU removed Dead from bottom after removing jog/shuttle panel Dead & no display after mains failure C103 (1mfd, 100v) and C204 (1mfd, 50v) in metal can psu. TU tape guide buckling - held by flimsy spring arrangement. TU spring unit pt no - 3960Tape chewing & tracking 68801; Supply - 3960-68701

Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony


No take up & ejects at high speed aft initially sticking Dead Dead Dead Dist sound e-e & L2 posn Nicam sound crackles on one chan in E-E Sound dist & low in E-E - not quite so bad on scart Tape chewing & gross tracking error

Capst pulley split, & broken damper arm rh side of housing (secures torsion spring) - not available as spare part - whole housing must be ordered R154 2M2 (1/8th watt) resistor in primary of power supply O/C C204 1 50v, C103 1 100v in psu can Check caps in psu & check dc-dc converter by replacement IC102 sm scart sw chip BA7632AF-E2 - 7 from Sony Pt no 8759 44569 IC102 BA7632F sm audio sw chip noisy (pcb on top lh side of vcr) IC102 BA7632AF-E2 sm on smaller scart pcb rear LH - not the easiest to change TU guide buckling - held in place underneath by bronze spring unit Pt no 3960-68801 (TU) 3960-68701 (supply) Cam follower lower spigot broke off press block ass'y pinch - pt no A6759 863B C103 1uF, C204 1uF, C202 1000uF and C203 2200uF. All inside metal can on PSU board plastic cog slips out of alignment - fit Maint Kit H-MECH pt no A-7040474-C If 1st 5 digits of carriage ser no between 60203-60531 change carriage for improved typeA-6751-496-H (See Nov99 TV) replace housing Fit gear kit mod which inc gear that drives carriage C253 1200 10v part number.....3-973-667-11 for the special spacer washers Check centre LED, both end sensors, rec safety switch, & R264/5 39k sm res Can use Pan VDP1660 with a bit of adj on ass'y 12v present at pins 2 & 10 of BA6209 drive chip when cassette inserted, break in continuity to motor at plated hole Toothed pulley dropped off capstan flywheel - glued back on Driving gear from main deck (item 262) damaged teeth. Fit replacement gear set which includes gear 262 & mating master cam 261 which MUST also be replaced CP PS601 1.6A pt no 1-532-841-21 Bad joints tuner module earths This is normal if earthing strap not fitted (FFwd & Rew OK) dry joint earth tag next to agc pot

SLVE70UX SR Deck jams SLVE70UY SLVE710 SLVE710 SLVE710 SLVE710 SLVE710 SLVE710 SLVE710 SLVE710 Dead Carriage jumps out of time once a month Carriage out of alignment Cassette flap catches on cassette at eject Cassette housing out of time Display flashes, capstan twitches, cass loads/unloads aft 10 mins Housing mod spacer washer Int refuses to accept tape (thinks one is already in) Loading motor plastic lug - obtaining

SLVE710 No loading - motor ok when ext powered SLVE710UX H deck Chewed tape due to lack of take up tension

Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony


Cass Mechs jammed Dead E-E & Rec int snowy/no sound , just buzz - loop thro' ok No PLAY or STOP with bottom cover removed Tuner low gain

Sony Sony Sony Sony

SLVE720 SLVE720 SLVE720 etc SLVE720 H mech SLVE720/820 Samsung SLVE720UX SLVE720UX SLVE720UX SLVE720UX SLVE730

Tuner low gain - ok on loop thro' & pback Won't accept tape Front control inop, & no pback pic (head sw) Noisy in pback & rec when heated (scraping noise)

Dry Joints tuner/receiver module mode sw C701 470u bulges & corrups eeprom - ensure fit correct polarity (board markings may be wrong) & reload eeprom settings Capstan motor faulty C701 fitted wrong way round & pcb markings wrong - causing it to die - corrupts EEPROM - Sony Tech bulletin available on how to restore EEPROM settings Dry joints CN601 psu connector Dry joints earths on edges of IF module Check HiFi setting is not set to 'Mix' with R/C Dry joints tuner earths Back tens arm catching tape - adjust tension spring Caused by R151, R152 or R153, C153, C154. Check & replace as necessary. Part no.s: R151/2/3: 1-249-725-11; C153: 1-126-967-11; C154: 1-126-960-11. C153 47 50v & C154 1 50v in psu Caused by faulty C242. Replace with part no. 1-109-982-11. Slider assy broken - pt no 3-977-442-03 C153 (47uF/50V) in PSU metal box C153 47 in psu pri & check other caps whilst psu can is removed C153 47u 50v hi esr inside psu can C153 hi esr REPLACE C207 1000MFD63V IN POWER SUPPLY SONY112691651 Capst belt tension wrong - should use torque screwdriver to set up Dry joints on IC201 end sensor Take up side load cantilever load arm jamming in plastic slot under deck. Bend lever to prevent jam IC151 TDA16846 power chip faulty - also replaced feedback opto coupler Mode sw replaced - cleaning didn't work Loading motor Change eject gear item 262 AND main cam item 261 resolder joints on IC on head motor

Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony

Various inc no display, no front control, no Pback Display int Int loss e-e sound & pic (not always together) Sound dist with background noise Tuner gain int Chews tapes int

Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony SONY Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony


Dead Dead apart from single squawk at sw on No Col Tape stuck dead, after mains has been removed Dead Dead Dead apart from squealing noise from psu chopper trfmr DIM DISPLAY Capst motor graunching at end of tape Fails to eject No rew or rev search Ejects tape after insertion/loading Dead even after fitting Sony psu mod kit Won't accept tape - works ok if manually wound in No operation due to Fuse PS201 blown Cassette doesn't go all the way down when accepted Head drum won't rotate

Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony SONY Sony Sony Sony Sony


Mechs operates correctly until you eject & then reinsert tape Hi Fi sound int although stereo ind stays lit Cassette housing jammed or damaged Front control operate wrong functs, no display, e-e or sound head sw out Int rec/pback Display absent NO CLOCK DISPLAY No display - ok in all other respects Dead Int shutdown when a function is selected Cassette stuck in & no mechs

Wont accept tape 2nd time until mains is reapplied - mode sw Replace all purple elects on audio board HF9 Cassette flap damper too sluggish - disable or remove damper C701 470mf 10v (panel marked wrong fit other way) & reset option bytes - details in vault Check 2 x 10 50v caps in psu Q612 never been soldered Q607 2SD774 IN POWER SUPPLY Q612 in psu dry jointed (power saving - display off) R602 220k in psu pri Dry joints drum motor plug CN1 under deck of MD56 pcb main load cam at an angle with respect to deck - slider B bent - replace with pt no 3-053878-01 EEPROM corrupt - Press test button, then hold menu button for 5 secs to bring up Option Setting. Set as for model in manual & reset head sw aft. If test button is inoperative use Record key.Replace R668 & 669 4k7 sm Pt no 121606591 Go to "Other options" menu & turn mod on C153 47 50v & C154 1 50v in psu 47 50v cap on pri side of psu Replace item K200 Holder clutch ass'y pt no AC61-21012A (SEME VDC7733) & possibly Gear Centre Ass'y SEME VPAR73366 Take up brake assy broken & spring dropped off - can be repaired Gear, TG8 Arm Driving P/N 3-977-465-01 common problem. Also Gear, Pinch Pressing P/N 3-977-445 02 is often damaged as well. C228. Check its value - it should be 390pf. If not, replace it with part no. 1-163-131-00 Pinch roller suspect R156 o/c in psu - replace R156 & 157 2M2 No capst reverse functs - cap motor Incorrect Eprom data. Press R switch on front of PCB then hold Menu button for 5 seconds and enter option data. Option data is 4,5,6,8,9,10,11,12,14,18,25,26,29,33,38,40,41,46,49,50,53,60,61,62,63,72. C153 ( 47uF 50V) and C154( 1uf 50V ) in primary side of power unit

Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony

SLVESE720/8 20 Scorpion II SLVF900 SLVF900B SLVF900UX SLVSE210 Samsung SLVSE30UX

Incorrect key operation, no pic, wrong menu language etc RF modulator enabling Dead - no display Dead with no display Int tangles tape in Play & search in both directions Damaged tape - int

Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony


Mechs - small plastic lever broken Poor picture on own recordings Chewing tapes - tape ends up around back of heads Dead Chews tapes on eject

Sony Sony

SLVSE720/SV 651 Incorrect front functs SLVSE80 Dead

Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Sony Tatung Tatung Tatung Tatung Tatung Tatung Tatung Tatung Tatung Tatung Tatung Tatung Tatung Tatung Tatung Tatung Tatung Tatung Tatung Tatung Tatung Tatung


Tape loading inop No pback - head speed wrong, shuts down aft I min Won't accept cassette Int sound rec no bias osc Snowy pic & no sound

Low 12v supply to loading motor - Q201 2SB1240 in front of psu faulty - fitted BD180 in lieu CTL pulses missing - IC160 Syscon IC U/S CXP88460-013Q Pt no 875291008 The record protect lever (item 755) is broken, part number 3-977-513-01. Supply low at pin 1 LA7294 IC201- Q2001 leaky No CTL pulses pin 4 LA7123 pulse amp IC352 - chip faulty CTL pulses of low amplitude - ACE head dirty Clutch ass'y tight, lub didn't improve so used small round file to enlarge hole slightly CXP80116 IC501 sys contr chip sm Replace NVM memory chip & reprog EEPROM IC1099 EEPROM IC1099 Capstan motor faulty Xtal X801 faulty or dry joints Rubber damper pt no U153091 R5 100k in psu Worse on own recs - reel drive clutch pt no 250814 Tuning volts low - Q1001 2SA1038 stab tr faulty D801-4 rect diodes dry joints SAW filter in IF mode sw pt no QSW-R0026GEZZ Check FG gen on motor is seated correctly Loading motor drive chip IC802 BA6209 u/s, a new one went same way due to faulty loading motor Int wind solenoid op due to mode sw Cam switch eeprom IC1002 replaced and reprog TA1232N video proc chip IC4001 NV memory chip sus - replace back tension band ripple on pin 22 micro. R904 0R27 safety res o/c, D907 1N4003 s/c IC801 system/servo chip faulty (expensive)

SLVX20series Blue screen only in pback SLVX325 SLVX50DH DVR744N TVC563 TVC563 TVR2121 TVR6111 TVR6111 TVR6122 TVR6122 TVR6122 TVR6141 TVR6151 TVR7121 TVR7121 TVR7121 TVR7211 TVR7211 TVR744 TVR744N TVR774N TVR844N TVR912 TVR912/914 Slack tape on eject Loss of capst servo (cyclic interference) No E-E sound St/by only Won't stop at a chan when in search mode Cassette stuck, limited operation of loading motor Int operation/display No Ffwd/Rew No tuning volts Sound Flutter Tuning drift & long time to select chan Dead Int ghosting e-e/rec Int shut down in rev search Pulsing capstan speed Tape stuck - sw to st/by aft 2 secs Ffwd/Rew int Int ffwd rew No e-e sound and slow AFC action Rec pic all noise & Patt - Sound, E-E & Pback ok No sound E-E Improper loading & slack tape on eject Play stops aft 1 sec, counter erratic jumps between SP & LP on own recs in LP

Tatung Tatung Tatung Tatung Tatung Tatung Tatung Tatung Tatung Tatung Tatung Telefunken Telefunken Telefunken Texet

TVR932S Matsui TVR933 TVR933 TVR933 TVR933 TVR933V TVR933V etc TVR933X TVR935V TVR952 TVR952V

Slack tape on eject lack of lum and tearing in rec. E-E ok No eject & no reel brakes Snowy e-e with low lum tape stuck - st/by only Shut down aft 3 secs in any mode Mechs erratic - won't eject or accept commands Int eject - switches on/off by itself No tuning or pback pic Cass housing jams at end of eject Int accept/eject tape

Supply clutch split washer had dropped off IC4001 Mode sw AGC o/p pin 2 IC4001 low & cramped - chip faulty no capstan rotation - motor faulty R1013 o/c - feed to t up reel sensor Lighthouse LED or mode sw Lift shuffle on its own - LED D1001 low emission 32v supply missing - R529 100R o/c FL arm/lever 621C2500010 warped and catching housing slider mode sw CP41 -220 micro in secondary Check caps in pri, 2SA1020 transistor & diode in psu sec This model does not have a modulator - o/p via scart only! Tower LED jamming cassette - had moved, resited & glued Can remove long zinc arm to brake lever by easing it up & off the cam - making swapping the wishbone easier - alighnment of deck done in housing up posn (Translated without knowing what I am talking about!) Normal for this model D229 1N4148 Pinch roller cause Replace 2 electrs in pri side of PSU 10uf (50v), 100uf (25v) Press "A" button on hset to get into tuning menu then press AV to get back to SYS4 then its back to PAL 2 primary caps CP007,CP008 and CP041 DP066 1N5822 on PSU sec s/c IC101 6v reg KIA78006 IC101 7806 6v reg - can use 5v reg with 2 1N4148s in place of W109 6v o/p low at 2v - KIA78006A reg faulty Replace the 6 volt regulator in the psu as it was only giving out 2.5 volts IC5003 reg s/c, D5004 1SS244 on pri side leaky D504 1N4148 in psu pri leaky C5109 47 25v in -23v line under psu cage

M9560 R5000 Display missing M9560 R5000 PSU tripping at intervals 4 - 6 secs M9560/FV90 No RF o/p via modulator DVT9254P Accepts cassette halfway then ejects No eject - replacement of wishbone after main cam pulley loses its cam follower lug No still pic Slack tape on eject Int play - goes to st/by & noise bar bottom of screen in slow Dead & ticking PSU Sw o/p between SECAM & PAL Dead aft display prev started getting dimmer Dead after mains cut Dead Dead - no 5 or 6v supply Dead except for modulator No front display & tape stuck Dead - no o/p from psu Dead No R/C operation & int goes into Ffwd/Rew on its own

Thomson Thomson Thomson Thomson Thomson Thomson Thomson Thomson Thorn Thorn Thorn Thorn Thorn Thorn Thorn

R4000 series R6000 V321 VHT6080 VPH6557 VPH6590U VPH6787 VTH6021U VR172L VR172L VR172L VR172L VR182LV VR194LV VR202LV

Thorn Thorn Thorn

VR204NV VR212LVA VR414

Dead with low whine from psu Dead Dead

C5101 & C5108 in psu IC10 KTA7806 in separate psu only producing 2v instead of 6v - reg faulty Replace CP19 1000mfd CP11 33mfd in PSU Opto ICP02 PS2561, BDP01 S1WB s/c, LP01 burnt & o/c both in psu, Q406 2SA1266 s/c, ZD702 KIA574 leaky, ZD505 27v s/c, R581 6R2 o/c all on main pcb, Check or replace CP19 (1000mfd 10v), CP22 (470mfd 25v) and CP25 (100mfd 16v) Supply reel clutch replaced & TU reel clutch due to clicking in play Chans 1, 2 & 4 don't rec. ok manually - sus PDC - turn PDC off 32.5v supply low at 18v at coll Q406 2SA1266. Transistor leaky Q405,[ KTC3205] in the bias circuit had a slight leak b/e - for good measure change the pnp transistor Q404, [KTA1266] No +13v supply due to D5110 in psu dry jointed 1) Play alignment tape. 2) Press SW703 button on Main PCB with pincers to set adjust mode. 3) Press SP/LP button on R/C then adjust is operated automatically. 4) Turn Power off. 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 18, 25, 26, 29, 30, 33, 38, 40, 41, 46, 49, 50, 53, 60, 61, 64 also need to set up head sw point STK7253 & check caps in psu STK7253 9v o/p low 9v rail low ( 7.5v ) STK7253 regulator U.S. TP03 BD202 s/c - DP011 zener s/c - fuse FP02 o/c TT52 BD435 5v reg on main pcb TW56 BC585B rec supply tr faulty sw 12v supply low at 1.5 - 6v. DP08 crowbar zener & DP07 6v8 zener faulty U2559B servo ctl reset chip IT46 No 5v to micro - dry joints TT52 transistor Replace IT46 (U2559B) servo control Pt No 70010170 BP08 test point only 13v (33v) - ZTK33B DP04 XK03 2.4v backup batt on key display pcb REPLACE DP08 AND DP07 BOTH ZENER DIODES IN THE POWER SUPPLY CN77 22 50v (base of TN81 5v switch) enter chan no then prog posn & HOLD the 2nd digit until it stores interference on pback CTL pulse at tp BT23. Capst motor faulty TT68 (BC557) o/c

Thorn Thorn Thorn Thorn Thorn Thorn Thorn


Dead Dead No Fwd, Rew & chews tapes Timed recs - only recs chan 3 Tuning lost when tape inserted Sound poor with hum in PBack Tape stuck - reverts to st/by

Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba TOSHIBA Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba

631UK 631UK V109/209B V109B V109B V110 V110B V110B V110B V110B V110B V110B V110B V110B V110B V110B V110B V110B V110B

Head sw point adj NVRAM settings No mechs - clock ok No col in pback No PB colour . dead - no clock Drum speed varies & eject slow erases pre-recs erratic deck functs carried out slowly Locks up going from ffwd - play or play - stop No display or mechs No functions 5V logic supply low at 4.5V Only receive chans below 43 Pulsing pic in e-e SLOW DECK FUNCTIONS AND CUTTING OUT Striations in pback- e-e & pback sound dist to store tuning info varying capstan speed when heated Will not accept cass No capstan rotation

Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba

V110B/V210B Fuse FP01 630mA blows for no apparent reason V110B/V210B Patt/dist pback & e-e/int col etc V110B/V210B To do a full reset V110B/V210B V204 V204 etc V204 etc V204 etc V204 etc V204 etc V204 etc V204 etc V204 etc V204 etc V204 V254 V404 V454 V204 V254 V404 V454 V204 V254 V404 V454 V804 V854 V204B V204B V204B V204B V204B V204B etc V204B etc V204B etc V204B etc V204B etc Tuning drift or no tuning at higher freqs Int functs - ejects, shuts down Buzzon sound some chans Chews tape or erratic capstan Dead - psu pulsing primary Dead with pulsating psu Head sw lines & wont adjust No col pback No eject No pback or e-e pic Wow on sound in LP on own recs Dead PSU supplies OK No colour video streaking on playback:

CP01 01 -replace with 4700pf 275v DT53 2.7v zener in Vid 5v supply leaky Hold 'timer' & '-' buttons whilst applying ac power DP04 ZTK33B reg Check/replace electrolytics in psu Excess vid mod - adj orange pot in tuner/mod Poor conns capst motor connector U4614B chopper cont chip IP001 Capst motor B560 s/c across 14v line Stored in eeprom ST24CO4/CB1 IT003 - chip faulty 15nf 50v cap connected to pin 21 of YC proc B470 loading ass'y gears worn - replace with improved version No supply to RF modulator - CW001 100 Wear on supply & TU reels - replace Supply = 70031328, TU = 70031335 EEPROM IT003 ST24C04/CB1 faulty: no data at pin 6 and the DC voltage is wrong at 0.8V instead of 4.8V CV21 (0.015uF) at IV001 pin 2 leaky or if additional 27pF cap is fitted between pins 21 & 25 it maybe touching a ground point: Adjust C552 using non metal tool and refer to Service Date for V804B page 2-4.7 for Cat 1 models there is no Tp501 test pin so use pin 63 of IT001 CP007 10 & CP008 100 in psu CP007 10 50v in psu REPLACE CP007 100MFD50V CP007 10 50v, CP008 100 25v on psu primary Check t/up or supply spools for wear ST2404/CB1 eeprom IT003 (no data pin 6 & dc volts only 0.8v (4.8v) CV21 0.015 pin 21 IV001 leaky or additional 27pf cap between pins 21 & 25 touching print RP051 39R fusible o/c discard cover on component side of psu DT102 1N4001 in capst supply bad connection

Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba TOSHIBA Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba

Inaccurate clock: Dead Dead & ticks DEAD OR LOW DISPLAY No display or mechs Sound varies Dead - psu ok No col, vid streaking in pback No display Shuts down when hot Stops 1/2 way during loading - int

Toshiba Toshiba

V204B etc Cat 1 Dead no POWER GOOD signal at BP002 pin 5 V204B etc Cat 1 No audio playback No video on playback , E-E and OSD . I2C SDA and SCL at tuner-modulator pins 10 & 11 have correct DC and timing V204B etc Cat pulses on them but no burst of data when remote operated . 1 Service mode EEprom reads 00 . V204B etc Cat 1 Power cuts out very intermittently V204B V254B Dead no POWER GOOD signal at BP002 pin 5 V204B V254B No audio playback V204B V254B Power cuts out very intermittently V205 V205B etc Cat 1&2 V205B etc Cat 1&2 V205B etc Cat 1&2 V205B etc Cat 1&2 No RF or E-E sound / pic - sound in AV only Crushed whites on Pb ( via modulator only ) . Dead or pulsing outputs from PSU . Dim clock . Intermittent Video & Audio mute , E-E and PB .

DP052 ( BAV20 ) u/s Replace Pt No 70011966 CS012 (0.22uF) at pin 12 of IS001 o/c

Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba

Tuner-modulator faulty . PtNo 70012019 IP001 ( U4614B ) switching control ic u/s Pt No 70011972 DP052 ( BAV20 ) u/s Replace Pt No 70011966 CS012 (0.22uF) at pin 12 of IS001 o/c IP001 ( U4614B ) switching control ic u/s Pt No 70011972 12VS rail to the tuner, modulator and IF was missing. I traced it back through TW003, TW002 and TW 001 to CW001 (100uF10V), which read 60 ohms. TW003 2SC2236-Y 12v regulator low OP ( 11v ) . PtNo A6325549 . CP007 10uF 50v or CP008 100uF 25v , if no better replace IP001 U4614B PtNo 70011972 . Power unit is availiable as a complete replacement unit . CP041 220uF 25v . QT102 ( QT001 on Cat2 HiFi ) 17.7Mhz Xtal faulty . PtNo 70012188 .

Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba

V205B V215B V255B V3 Cat1 No picture on either E-E or PB . V209 No mechanical action V210B No col pback & black lines V211 V211B V211B/411B Playback of test cassette OK but Cyclic wow every 4 secs Wont accept tape Dead FP01 630mA o/c

No supply to RF modulator . CW001 100uF in TW001 base cct faulty . STK7253 Multi regulator chip CV13 47n 63v (pin 12 IV08) Control head dirty Strange no picture disturbance IT18 U2561B FG/CTL pulse amp chip pt no 70010166 Change CP01 filter cap from 01 to 00047

Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba

V212 V212 V212 V212 V212 V212 V312 V412 V213 V413 V513 V212 V312 V412 V213 V423 V513 V212/3 V212B V212B V212B V212B V212B V212B V212B etc V212B etc V212B etc V212B etc V212B etc V212B etc V212B etc V212B etc V212B etc V212B etc V212B etc V212B etc V212B etc V212B etc

AFTER GOING FROM REW TO PLAY OR FF TO PLAY SOMETIMES MECHANISM LOCKS AND VCR SHUTS DOWN E-E pic shows in pback No e-e or pback sound Playback pic pulls from side to side Will either not load or Eject

REPLACE BOTH CAM SENSORS ( PHOTO-INTERUPTERS ) IW20 shift reg chip MC1409 RP86 o/c, 14v reg s/c in psu & check caps Dust on plastic cap beneath drum Loading motor u/s


Tape speed slow: Capstan motor bearings seizing

Try separating motor and greasing , if still poor replace motor . Pt No 70011046

Toshiba Toshiba TOSHIBA Toshiba TOSHIBA Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba

No display Capstan running continuously won't turn on Dead DEAD E-E & Loop thro' snowy INT REWIND No rf output Poor pic lock in play RF out adj Dead, no display all o/p volts at normal Erases sound of prev recs in play Failure to erase prev soundtrack/patt Int poor pback in SP - loss of o/p from 1 head Int reverts to st/by, buzzing & no display Int/slow/jerky eject Loads cass, drum starts, no play then goes to st/by and ejects tape No display - wont turn on, capst runs cont No e-e or pback sound - wont stop on search tuning No e-e/pback pic No functs - goes to st/by aft 2 mins No mechs No pback col - rec col ok Playback speed slow

Replace IT25 U2559B Pt No 70010977 DP71 BA158 33v rect on psu sec leaky CHECK TP91 IN POWER SUPPLY FOR S/C 12v to booster missing - TP91 14v reg BCP53-16 s/c e-c REPLACE NYLON POST K156 TOSH70030994 Loss of 5 & 12v supplies; RP86 27R in psu o/c Clean dust from cylinder cage on base of motor Using the remote---press green button for 8seconds----adjust using + and - buttons--store by pressing exit or E button DP15 ZPD3V9 s/c - not shown on cct - under RP33 ww res bias osc perm on - CL05 001 in osc stage o/c RL02 10R o/c, TL01 BC337 s/c Tapping head pre-amp may clear - CQ05 &/or 06 trannies int o/c TP91 reg BCP53-16 & RP91 1R5 dead spot on load motor pt no 70011062 Dry joints pins 8, 9, 10 of conn BT06 (+5v supply to logic/servo chip IT01 missing) U2559B reg IT25 holding 5v supply low Audio mute is activated - no field sync pulses pin 31 IA40 - TDA8128 chip IA01 faulty IW20 shift reg chip MC14094D Cam 1 opto GT22 pt no 70010960 Cam gear B710 jammed with stripped teeth also replace supply soft brake stby 12v low at 9.6v - DP86 10v zener & RP86 27R o/c capst motor bearings - replace motor pt no 70011046

Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba

V212B etc V212B etc V212B etc V212B etc V212etc V212etc V212etc V212etc V212etc V212etc V212etc V213 V213 V213 etc V213 etc V213B V213B V213B V213B V213B V218 V218B V218B V218B V219B V226 V226B V226B

psu trips aft 1/2hr Slow rew & fast ffwd snaps tape in ffwd/rew & no counter Wont load a tape - 7v capst supply drops Dead - psu buzzing Dead with drum rotating e-e overload on whites & pback dist white Erratic mechs & clock Field jitter/rolling pback pic Slack tape on eject Triangular interference spots in pback Poor e-e/pback video (low contrast/pulling) Poor rec sound e-e pic & sound pulses on /off Tape loads round drum, no cue/revue, tape unloads leaving slack tape Dead with faint whistling sound from psu Jerky tape on load & unload No record - just snow No sound mute in search int Shows e-e when playing tape int won't start up from mains on High pitched noise from psu LP050 int failure to power up from off int rec col Static blips on pback - may be int & work ok if vcr tilted No Pback or E-E sound - ok in Rec Dead - no Power Good 5v at pin5 BP002 conn No playback or e-e sound - rec sound ok

DP08 6.2v zener TP81 & 83 MPS750 sm in psu leaky no FG o/p pin 15 U2565B chip IT40 pt no 70010979 DP31 1N4001 faulty even tho measures ok L2726 load motor dr chip TP83 MPS750 14v sw tr leaky CN13 chip cap 220 (between pins21 & 22 IN01) CP81 1000 in psu Dust build up on drum flywheel vanes replace spring K188 pt no 70050638 drum spindle static discharge - clean brush under drum CW97 vid coupling cap 10 low cap Audio o/p = 1.1v (1.4v) R023 22k changed to 18k (sm) (not official) II40 TDA5930 vid if chip on main pcb Photo coupler GT23 pt no 70010961 Z821 in Always 14v supply pt no 23144480 Load motor faulty - winding resistance was 10R - should be 200R + ok aft dust brushed from lower drum ok aft dust brushed from lower drum ok aft dust brushed from lower drum TW020 start up volts low. RP024 47k hi res CP041 2200pf pt no 24285222 TW020 not receiving correct start up volts - check RP004/05/06/07/08/10/11/24 CV061 0.047 leaky connected to pin 54 vid proc chip IV001 Drum earthing bracket on bottom of motor int contact - Toshiba supply mod'd type IS001 BA7795LS RP052 1k hi res IS001 BA779LS audio rec/pback chip DP071 BAV20 diode in PSU faulty , Check RP071 47R fusible . PtNo 70012434 ( diode ) 70040125 ( resistor ) . Dry joints drum stator coils DP067 6v2 zener s/c, CP FP044 N10 o/c All supplies 2/3rds normal - IP50 opto coupler

Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba

V226B V426B V3 Cat1 Continuously auto tunes . No 33v to tuner . V228 Drum speed int speeds up when heated V228B Dead V228B, V428B No pic, mechs & dim display

Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba

V229B V229B V229B

Interference on pback like tadpoles No display, won't accept tape, operate LED flashes Tape spilling

clean the brass sprung earth tab at the back middle portion of the deck. check 33 cap in pri of psu Check centre clutch ass'y after removal of deck - top gear splits causing jam

Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba

V229B V429B V709B V729B White flashing interference specks on pback V232B Dead V232B V254 V254B V254B V254B V254B V254B V254B V254B V254B Int revert to st/by & dim display Looping on rew - capstan slow to stop Dead Dead aft being unplugged Dim display Int dead & dim display Int trip in pback No col No sound e-e Poor pic, no col

Poor cylinder earth - mod'd plate available or add earth wire CP007 10 & CP008 100 25v CP051 1uF 63V, CP041 220uF 10V, CP071 47uF 50V, CP093 47uF 50V, CP082 47uF 50V add 100 6.3v cap across Cap+5v supply; +ve to cath DT107, -ve to jumper JT035 CP008 100 25v, CP041 220 10v, CP051 1 50v, CP054 10 50v CP007 10 50v, CP020 100 25v, CP041 220 10v, CP051 1 50v, CP054 10 50v, CP071 47 50v all hi esr CP041 220 10v CP041 220 DT102 ICV100 reset micro CV021 (pin 21 IV001)



Part numbers for ribbon cables ( some suit certain machines only ) . 6 pin from main PCB to loading motor & cam switch - 14 pin from main PCB to keyboard / display PCB 70011980 . 12 pin from main PCB to 70011821 . key / display 70011818 . Tape stuck in Vcr . Unloading gear will not lift cassette housing . Cam lever K470 has spigot broken off and cannot engage with FL slider drive . E-E & Pback pic dist - sound ok No display but plays a tape Speed too fast in play Dew sensor always on e-e pic breakup - sound ok Int fails to record sound No capstan rotation or sound in e-e No display - ok otherwise No display, led or functs

Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba

V3 V300 V300 V300 V300B V300B V300B V300B V300B V300B

Replace K470 with improved part . PtNo 70031477 . C826 1200 16v, C822 47 16v, C823 1 50v, C824 220 16v Replace IC820 (STK7251) , Z803 (N10 ICP) and Z810 (DC - DC Convertor 23107550) Broken track found when capst motor dismantled - resoldered Dry joints on load motor pcb C826 1200 16v, C822 47 16v, C823 1 50v, C824 220 16v lead between ACE & erase head pt no 70160889 Dry joints Q506 Z803 N10 o/c Connector PX02B (front of top pcb)

Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba

V300B V300B V300B V300B V300B V300B V300B V300B etc V300B etc V300B etc V300B etc V309 V309B

No functs - ejects then reloads No pback sound No reel motor - tape spills in FFwd/Rew No tuning Pback of pre-recs jittery Sound warbles Thick lines on pic Dew sensor perm showing - 'd' Int audio erase Patterning on e-e Warble on sound Will not accept cass if cass in will not play No mechs - clock ok

Q505 2SD1413 dry joints Z701 connector Q625 2SB1187 o/c b-e Z801 CTX066 s/c, Z803 N10 o/c Adj PG1 & PG2 top pcb rhside IC501 TD6361N C825/822 47 &C824 220 on small daughter pcb on psu module dry joints conns on loading motor pcb poor conns plug on ACE head L811 in psu shorted turns - pt no 23221817 Servo chip TD6361N IC501 Timing gears out if no obvious reason suspect loading motor Missing 9v supply from STK7251 - chip u/s

Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba TOSHIBA Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba

V312 V312 V312B V312B V312B V312B V312B V321B V404 V404 V404B V404B V411B V411B V411B V411B V411B V411B

Line across pic on pback & groaning noise from head drum almost disappeared when head touched with finger Remove dust from underside of drum motor with a fine brush Tuner drift dry joints tuner esp earth lands Dead apart from head spinning faster than normal DP15 3v9 zener across RP33 in psu s/c (not shown on cct diag) Check data/clock pins 2 & 3 SDA5642 IW31 (vcrs without OSD) if ok dis pins 2 & 3 No functs - accepts cassette normally IW31. If vcr works IW31 is u/s - pt no 276TX4341 No RF o/p crack in print by modulator Sw between play/e-e in pback IT01 shift reg chip corrupt data - replace IW85 pt no 70011398 Depress green or 'B' button on hset for 8 secs until display shows RF chan, adj with '+' To Ad RF Mod Freq & fine tune with autotrack button. Press 'Exit' or 'E' to store Drum motor unstable Clean dust off optocoupler & 'windows' on head disc Dead - no Power Good 5v at pin5 BP002 conn PSU o/ps low & pulsing - CP008 100 25v, CP007 10 50v TICKING POWER SUPPLY REPLACE CP08 100MFD25V Dead - psu faulty CP007 & CP008 Wow on sound - tension band quivers Incorrect seating of cam slider - replace all parts Audio buzz in playback Bent verts & weak sync Buzz in pback Int sw between SP/LP No capstan rotation No drum - just twitches Poor earth connection from ACE head at connector BS01 on main signal board: CA02 100 on OSD pcb - use 16v type Poor earth con ACE head conn BS01 IT10 pulse amp chip U2561B 10 cap on motor pcb leaking If capst CTL drive present pin 3 plug 152 on capst motor replace whole drum ass'y



No or poor pback col

TV37 BC558 earthing spring on lower drum worn through. To replace, mark posn of plastic enclosed magnet on lower drum wrt upper drum and dismantle. Make new spring and refit CA09 10 on OSD pcb - use 35v type Fit repair kit TL01 Pt no 70903796 contents: TLOl 70010131 Transistor, BC337-40, LLO1 70011369 OCS Transformer, RL0l 24871479 Resistor, Chip 4R7, RLO2 70041491 Resistor, Fusible 47R ,CLO4 70041490 Capacitor,Chip 2n7, CLO7 70041223 Capacitor, Polyester 56nF TL01 BC337 faulty, RL02 18R 1/4w o/c. Mod kit reqd pt no 70903796 incs:- TL01,LL01 tfmr, RL01 4R7 sm, RL02 47R fusible, CL04 2n7 cap, CL07 poly cap 56n. Earth spring on head motor bearing worn thro -further text available Check/replace elects in psu pri DP32 1N4001 in capst supply slightly hi res Will play tape with sound but no pic - CW001 on main pcb rear RH corner CP041 in PSU - also check/replace CP007 & 008 Add 100 6.3v cap across 5v supply on comp side of pcb ; +ve to DT107 cathode, -ve to jumper JT035 (ground) 5v supply only 1.2v - FP02 630ma fuse o/c Dust off opto-couple assembly under motor ACE head Capacitor across start sensor us CP2 cct prot on servo/logic pcb o/c C7 0047 if agc decoupler o/c R463 drum discrim pot is noisy poor conn at ACE head pl/skt check for o/c lead at full erase head - if no bias osc increase C27 to 8200pf TU reel opto faulty C1 across start sensor s/c C1 across start sensor s/c Q504 in e-e supply leaky Check volts at pin 6 IC401 - if low D206 is leaky IC811 load coil L814 s/c turns pt no 70121102 Exchanged worn bushes from a capst motor from a Sharp scrapper No low reset pin 16 ICX01 due to QX03 2SC2458Y faulty Check "Auto/B+W" sw on back of machine

Toshiba Toshiba

V411B V411B

Static Sparklies on Pback Weak vid & bent verts



Fails to erase prev sound

Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba

V412B V417B V423 V423B V426 V426 V454B V513B V513B V513B V55 V55B/57B V55B/57B V55B/57B V55B/57B V55B/57B V55B/57B V55B/57B V55B/57B V55B/57B V55B/57B V610B V611 V611B V611B

No erase of previous soundtrack For static sparkles on PB picture Dead aft power cut FFwd & Rew slow - torque low "AUTO" shows in display perm when plugged in Display dim Tape damage - capst motor slow to stop Blank raster e-e & pback Drum unlocked warbly sound Low sound rec/pback Int rew/rev search Dead - no display or funct lights Dist verts/poor sync changes with pic content Drum servo slow to lock Int rec sound Int rec sound with col patterns on pic Int stops in play/rec Int stops in rew/rew search Intstops in play/ffwd & reverts to rew Noisy pic - like worn heads Speed slow in pback Dead - no Ever +6.5v supply Wow & flutter on pback caused by capst bearings Dead - no display No col Rec/Pback - ok in E-E

Toshiba Toshiba

V611B V631

pback no col with flashes - e-e has pulsing col Front control inop, & no pback pic (head sw)

STK7253 faulty - volts incorrect C701 470u bulges & corrups eeprom - ensure fit correct polarity (board markings may be wrong) & reload eeprom settings EEPROM corrupt - Press test button, then hold menu button for 5 secs to bring up Option Setting. Set as for model in manual & reset head sw aft. If test button is inoperative use Record key. Replace R668 & 669 4k7 sm Pt no 121606591 IC801 LA73024 44 pin sm chip Incorrect Eprom data. Press R switch on front of PCB then hold Menu button for 5 seconds and enter option data. Option data is 4,5,6,8,9,10,11,12,14,18,25,26,29,33,38,40,41,46,49,50,53,60,61,62,63,72. Eprom corrupt. Rest Eprom as per manual. Press R button, which may not be fitted bin some machines. (Function as Test button.) IC801 dragging down clock/data lines - IC faulty CLEAN AND TIGHTEN CONTACTS ON FE HEAD Check sw5 & 12v - if low check D3 No sw5v at pin 6 CN3 - CP4 is o/c D3 slightly leaky R501 o/c, D408 leaky D408 leaky Dry joint Q1 Loading mode sensor pt no 70673470 If -30v missing fus res R2 in psu is o/c C405 o/c D408 leaky IC101 If no sw5 &12v & pin 9 CN3 (ctl in) is 3.2v (1.8v) IC602 faulty Reel TU sensor Add extra IR filter Centre gear as'y cracked pt no BY730111 Replace all psu elecrolytics ( use high temp types ) C810 15 10v & C813 47 16v in psu Tape rides up p roller on initial shuffle - pinch roller worn STRD6202 C813 47mfd & C809 10mfd o/c on sub panel in psu 0R56 o/c CP Z822 in Ever 6v supply o/c IC801 clock gen stopped - may be R802 75k 1/2w o/c

Toshiba Toshiba

V631/632 Scorpion II V631UK

Incorrect key operation, no pic, wrong menu language etc No SCART or RF video O/P aft TV connected to SCART

Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba TOSHIBA Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba

V632UK V632UK V632UK V657B V65B/66B V65B/66B V65B/66B V65B/66B V65B/66B V65B/66B V65B/66B V65B/66B V65B/66B V65B/66B V65B/66B V65B/66B V65B/66B V65B/66B V701UK V703 V703 V703 V703B V703B V703B

Incorrect front functs No display & incorrect function plus no test mode. No SCART or RF O/P CHROMA BREAKTHROUGH FROM PREVIOUS RECORDINS Chan light only - wont sw on Chan light only - wont sw on Counter runs in stop Drum runs in reverse Half loads then unloads Int drum Int ejects & sw off No clock display No CTL pulse amp TP401 No drum rotation - just twitches No rec - OTR & remote ok No st/by - TU reel & capst run continuous Play stops aft 3 secs - no counter Remote does not work in ordinary light Reel drive snatchy Dead or int functions Dim display Tape chews on insertion of cassette Dead Dead Dead - no display

Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba TOSHIBA Toshiba TOSHIBA Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba TOSHIBA Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba

V703B V703B V703B V703B V703B V703B V703B V703B V703B V703B V703B V703B V703B V703B V703B V703B V703B V703B V703B V703B V703B V703B V703B V705B V705B V705B V705B V705B

Dead - reset at pin 68 IC501 low & 8Mhz timer clock not running Dead No display Dead with STRD6202 s/c & F801 o/c Dim display Dim display Dim display & sluggish operation/tape chewing Int lock out at start of play Int mono sound rec & erase Lines on Pback No display No display No display - works ok No display or mechs - psu whistles No functs & dim display No playback or test sig No playback thro' RF or scart NO REWIND LEAVES LOOP ON EJECT PLAY OK Poor pback sound, no e-e & no scart sw POWER SUPPLY PULSING WON'T ACCEPT TAPE Pulsing PSU & wont accept tape Sound poor with wow Tape loads then guides 1/2 unload & sw off Tape loads, drum twitches & goes to st/by DEAD Dead - no display Dead aft power cut e-e vid overloaded/smearing - no pback col Goes to st/by when FF or Rew selected etc

no ac pulses from psu - TLP721 photocoupler IC801 Pt no A8645130 AC clock generator IC801 (in PSU) has stopped but IC is ok. R802 75K feed res O/C happens when psu caps faulty - fit service kit 70904175 & check IC804 & IC821 C813 47 16v in pwr ctl cct C810 15 10v, C813 47 16v on U803 pwr ctl panel Check caps in psu esp C813 47 63v IC503 TA8789AF (no o/ps pins 15 & 16) poor conns full erase head - solder leads direct to head C813 47 on psu sub panel Cct prot ZX10 ICP-N5 Z832 dc-dc converter faulty & ICPN10 Z831 o/c No -24.5v supply - ZX10 prot o/c Ever 14v line missing Z821 cct prot o/c Do not use until 15 50v & 47 16v in psu replaced - special types cct prot ZP681 ICP-N5 (no 5v supply at Q688/685) o/c cct prot Z681 N5 NO REVERSE ON CAPSTAN MOTOR. REPLACE C527/C528 ON MAIN PCB UNDER MECHANISM 1MFD 50V PQ12RF1 12v reg IC834 on PIF pcb REPLACE C813 47MFD16V C813 47 16v Capstan motor & pinch roller replaced ZI11 mode sensor photocoupler pt no 70128691 Loading motor B630 faulty - spikes from motor corrupt micro CHECK RT089 ON LOGIC BOARD 1 OHM C808 100 25v in psu Replace caps in PSU primary CP007 (10uF 50V) and CP008 (100uF 25V) Also check and replace CP093 (47uF 50V) and CP071 (47uF 50V) CV016 1 50v connected to pin 16 IV001 YC proc faulty Supply reel sensor insert test tape; In stop mode press ch up & dn together & hold for >5secs; Within 2 secs (!) press play on remote control. Display will blink for 10secs while auto adj happens. If ok it will stop blinking and go to still mode then playback mode. If error then goes to stop mode (according to the s/manual)



Head switching adj

Toshiba TOSHIBA Toshiba Toshiba TOSHIBA Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba

V705B V705B V705B V705B V705B V705B V705B V705B etc

Int accepts tape INT NOT REWINDING TO START OF TAPE No e-e or pback sound Reverts to st/by at sw on - wont accept tape SWITCHES TO STANDBY DURING PLAY Tape loads & goes to fwd search then stops & ejects instead of rev search White flashing pic Int dead at sw on

Faulty cam sw B432 pt no 70031401 REPLACE SUPPLY SPOOL CARRIER DW011 2.7v zener leaky (MPX audio 9v supply only 2v) TW003 12v reg 2SC2236-Y o/c on main pcb DRY JOINT ON DRUM SENSOR GT001 Start sensor GT006 PT493F pt no 70010181 RV011 100R s/c - connected to pin 11 lum proc chip U4614B chopper cont chip IP001

Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba

V705B V726B V856B V3 Intermittent dead at start-up . IP001 U4614 pin 11 jumping Cat2 between 8v & 10v . V709B V709B V710 V710 V710 V710UK V711 V711 V711B Chews tapes Dead apart from flashing red LED & PSU pulsing Dead with st/by led pulsing & faint fast tripping sound Int sound E-E Pback stops aft few secs or mins Dead, st/by led pulsing & faint tripping sound from psu No clock display, Z802 cp o/c & IC801 STK791 overheating Won't accept tape Crackling sound on hifi pback

IP001 faulty . PtNo 70011972 . Gear centre assy has cracks which can be seen when flexed VDC7720 from SEME CI5535 2200 10v D15531 F1T4 & C15535 1000 10v Dry joint Xtal XT4N1 on sub board check clutch D15531(or DISD31) F1T4 & C15535 (or CIS535) 1000, 10v C808 (330mfd 25V) in PSU Cassette sw on cass housing dirty Incorrect entry guide posn or head sw point psu supplies ok but power on/off pin 6 plug 806 3.3v (0 or 5v). No -33v at pin 66 of timer micro. DC-DC conv Z801 on logic pcb U601 u/s The reason for its demise 6.6v rail rises to 8v when heated due to C808 330 in psu Z613 o/c, IC802 STK5383 dry joints lower head conns of drum Replace loading block 6Mhz filter ZD02 type TCF1073 - replace with type TCF1083 Mode sw Mode sw Reel motor int (current should be 90mA in play) incorrect logic levels pins 19 & 20 IC601 - chip faulty due to bad contact earthing screws IC604 (Reel sensor chip) duff due to bad contact earthing screw

Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba

V711B V711B V711B V711B V711B V71B/73B V71B/73B V71B/73B V71B/73B V71B/73B

dead Dead - power light lit only Int snowy pback pic Mechs jammed due to sluggish load motor Popping noise on Nicam Goes to pause when rev search selected Half loads then stops Int stops in play/rec No Ffwd/rew No Ffwd/rew/counter/ Play or rec - shuts down

Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba

V71B/73B V71B/73B V71B/73B V71B/73B V720 V720

No motor functs, shuts down aft 10secs No servo lock in rec or servo ctl in pback Playback fast - p.roller disengaged Record fast - hence pback slow Loops of tape left in machine Red LED rapid flashing

IC603 (reel sw chip) overheats - faulty - due to bad contact earth screws Servo chip IC501 - check earthing screws - may have caused its demise Mode sw Mode sw "Centre Gear" assembly (SEME part VDC7720 need strip down to replace C35 1000u leaky (+5.8v from psu sec) Centre gear item K221 split CHS pt no 15001GA

V720UK DX9R No take up Accepts tape but keys have no effect apart from eject which brings up "Test". Play via R/C works but pic snowy with bad tracking. No sound E-E or Pback Dead Display dim E-E pic snowy Display very dim Auto head sw adj not working, dim display & dropout on playback Capst motor runs in reverse in st/by Capstan motor runs in reverse in st/by Dead

Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba

V725K V726 V726 V726 V726/727B V726B V726B V726B V726B

EEPROM corrupt - reset - list available from Tosh tech dept CP007 10 50v & CP008 100 25v CP041 220 10v CP051 1 50v in -32v rail CP041 220 10v & CP051 1 50v CP051 1 16v CT031 47 16v leaky CT031 47 16v leaky CP007 10 50v, CP008 100 25v Replace the following electrolytics in the PSU which were all high ESR. CP051 1uF 50v 105C (fitted a 1uF 100v) CP041 220uF 10v 105C (fitted a 330uF 16v) CP007 10uF 50v 105C CP0007B in psu corroded leg CP041 220 10v in psu Tuner faulty C102/3/4/5 2200pf 50v decoupling caps leaky TW003 12v reg chip on main pcb

Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba

V726B V726B V726B V726B V726B V726B

Dead Dead Display dim No functs & auto tune displayed Squelching noise on e-e stuck in st/by but responds to r/c


V726B V727B V856B V857B No rec col

Diode DV029 LL4488 sm leaky - check volts pin 29 ICV01 - should be 2.1v if lower diode is faulty

Toshiba Toshiba

V726B, V727B V856B, V857B No col record V727 Int E-E pic - comes back when panel flexed

DV029 sm type LL4448 leaky RV048 an SMD Zero ohm resistor, which was intermittent

TOSHIBA Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba

V727 V727 V727B V727B V727B

INTERMITTANT LOSS OF COLOUR ON PLAYBACK No clock display Dead Dead Sound in E-E dist/whistles & appears misaligned

REPLACE 5.1V ZENER DW005 RP058 (100R safety) o/c in -42v feed (far end of Psu pcb) CP007 10 50v, CP008 100 25v, CP041 220 10v CP008 100 25v, CP041 220 10v hi esr Check C102 - 5 for leakage - 2,200pF 50v types should be fitted for C102 & 105 With playback alignment tape in machine press stop, press and hold chan up & down buttons ON MACHINE for 5 secs, press play on RCU, led display on machine will flash on & off, then press play. QN201 osc dry joints DP044 a 10volt zener short circuit Replace reel clutch with Samsung clutch C.H.S. part No.15005GA at 50p - need to remove brakes, idler gears from top & gears & metal slide plate from under deck check earthing spring at back of deck - solder wire from deck earth to spring C1SS35 & C1SS34 1000u 25v

Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba

V727B V728 V728B

To adj head sw points Int E-E sound Dead - blows FET tr P3NA90 in psu every so often

Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba

V729B V729B V730UK

No take up Poor pback pic - dots & dashes Dead - tripping psu - red LED may be pulsing

Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba

V752UK V77B V77B V804 V804 V804 V804 V854 V8048 V804B V804B V804B V804B V804B

Press 'SW713' on front of main PCB once, then press and hold down menu button on remote control for at least 5 seconds. If this doesn't work press front controls until "Test" shows in display (eject in this case), then hold menu on R/C. This shows code Front controls not correctly responding, clock not running tho' screen on TV and settings can be changed with cursor keys on R/C. OK button stores could be set, E-E sound & pback sound just buzz each change, then press Menu to save all changes Blank unmodulated raster in e-e & no pback Attempts to load then stops - dry joints Q203 top pcb front rhs Tuning drift or no tuning leaky 01 cap across C025 in VT line to tuner Dead R591 in series with 5v reg o/c Deck mechs jams cam lever beneath main loading cam at rear rh side broken - pt no 70363446A No load or Unload - other functs ok Cam lever K470 which operates main cam broken Dead IC803 STRD6802 S/C D803 SIWBA60 may be S/C No col on own recs, E-E & good recs pback ok Cassette loads but will not lace around head, no head rotation & then ejects Herringbone Pattern No Rec col No time remaining displayed & only 1/2 unloads b4 sw off when playing pre-recs One level meter shows max when hifi rec played Check elects on comb filter panel & 3 sm caps on drum amp under drum ass'y Load drive assy pt no 70031394 (only 2v instead of 12v across motor) C823 1000 10v ever 6v supply smoother o/c 3 sm caps o/c 2 x 10uf @16v & 22 uf @ 16v under video head drum. Supply reel sensor o/p low at 4v p-p (8v) replace sensor Z102 pt no 70011793 PNR amp has s/c cap - C928 lh chan or C929 rh chan 10 16v

Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba TOSHIBA Toshiba

V804B V804B etc V804B etc

Switches off aft it accepts tape, loads then unloads & then ejects tape 2cm band white noise across pic on pback Dead

End sensor legs touching together - may be int Drum slip ring ass'y - replace pt no 70031451 STRD6802 IC803 s/c; D803 S1WBA60 s/c IC431 Comb filter u/s Pt No 70011841 No video output from pin 2 IC201 ( TA8892N ) Pt No 70011884 check fuseholder or dry joint junct D801/2/chassis Modified sw available reel motor adj R51 rf agc cont dry joints cam sw skt on main pcb & at cam pull up resistors timer chip ICX01 Capstan flywheel cracked - reqs replacement of motor crack in print at lh bottom edge near lower drum Can be caused by PDC - disable if poss 47nF 250v cap next to STRD6202 chopper chip faulty CLOCK IC US TC47C410 IC401 BA72675 MSP3410 sound proc chip ICD03 on MPX board Idle kick lever item K440 had become detached - refitted back tension lever bent Cam lever beneath broken No 12.5v pin 1 AN7805F IC598 reg. 18R safety res R591 o/c dry joint Xtal XD01 in MPX module REPLACE C964 330MFD16V ON MAIN PCB C964 33 16v in audio sect of main pcb Cam lever K470 broken - when replaced, wouldn't sit down in posn due to load slider ass'y B490 under deck 1 tooth out of time due to tape being forced out by customer Press CH + & - on the video together for 4 seconds, then Play on the remote C436 1 s/c - connected to pin 8 TL8843P IC431 REPLACE C214,215 AND 216 TOSH2420610,70042101 AND 70041298 dry joints tuner earths

V804B V854B No colour playback : but picture has random areas of colour V804B V854B V81/83B etc V81/83B etc V81/83B etc V81/83B etc V81/83B etc V81/83B etc V813B V813B V813B V813C V81B V83B V854 V854 V854 V854 V854B V854B V854B V854B No picture in E-E or playback F803 fuse goes o/c Int cam sw problems Int stops in play/rec low gain e-e Tape immediately loads around drum when sw on & goes to st/by Wont accept cassette - sw to staft 10 secs Chews tape No record or recs for 2 secs with 2 sec gap repeatedly Timer recordings don't always work Dead DEAD POWER SUPPLY OK RF BOOSTER OK No col in Pback No audio - rec indicators full on No take up Pic jumps in pback Wont accept tape Dead - no display or mechs Int e-e sound with screeching NO E-E OR PLAYBACK SOUND no e-e, rec or pback sound

Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba TOSHIBA Toshiba

V854B V855B V855B V855B V855B

Tape stuck Head switching out No pback col POOR PICTURE ON PLAYBACK WITH HEAVY BLACK BANDS snowy pic in loop through & Pback

Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba

V856 V856 V856B V856B V856B V856B V856B V856B V857B

Int failure to rec & play - blank screen int rec col Dead No E-E or Pback pic No e-e or pback video No Playback sound/pic - E-E ok Poor Pback (comet tails) Reverts to st/by aft 2 secs Dead

YC signal present at pin 46 o/p of IV001 proc chip but missing where it re-enters at pin 47. RV048 sm shorting link near tuner/mod o/c CV30 0.047 pt no 70041704 leaky TP001 BUL310 s/c, CP007/8 hi esr, RP021 2k2 1/3w fusible o/c, RP018 1R5 or 0R62 w fusible o/c Vid o/p pin 11 IV011 vid proc did not reach TV011 buffer Tr as RV011 100R o/c Pt no 24872101 check if vid sig pin 1 of IV001 reaches TV011 - if not RV011 100R sm is o/c IV001 LA7447BM chip faulty - no vid o/p at pin 11 Lower drum replacement temp cured but CP051 1 50v in psu was cause (o/c) TW003 12v reg 2SC2236-Y leaky CR007 10 50v, CR008 100 25v chopper transistor BUL310XT the control chip IP001 U4614B, bridge recs (4 IN4007's), RP018 0R62 0.25 watts safety resistor, RP019 2.2K 0.25 watts safety resistor, CP008 100mfd 25v CP007 10mfd 250v and 1amp FP001 fuse. CR041 220 10v & CR051 1 IR001 U4614B 2SC2236-Y 12v reg on main pcb (normal volts = c 12.2v, b 12.8v, e 12.1v CP051 1 in psu low cap TP001 Power Tr Heatsink lifted away from board & forced Tr legs loose. Fit PSU repair kit Ferg pt no 20343140 or Thomson Pt no 35065920 Pinch roller bearing rough - replace C816 2200u 10v hi esr Top half of clutch ass'y had crack in its shaft Q801 STRD1706 s/c, R809 0.33 o/c, IC LA6324 s/c, D816 EOA02-05E leaky caused by faulty C812 100uF 25V, D816 in psu leaky EQA02-05E 0.5W zener with value min 4.55V max 5.55V. (works with 5v6 zener) Ic-Protector Z802 (N20) o/c on servo&logic board, caused by s/c diode in dc/dc converter-unit Z801 (in metal shield). Replaced diode with 1N4148. Replace caps C2 - 5 33 50v on head drum pcb CPZL62 o/c (140mA current measured thro it seems ok) Z803 cct prot o/c, dc-dc conv Z801 s/c (due to high o/p IC820 in psu)- check cap hasn't fallen off inside dc-dc conv D802 bridge rect int o/c F804 1.6A fuse o/c Change 10 & 100 cap on psu pri & check RP018 1R

Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba

V857B V857B V857B V857B V857B V857B V3 Cat 2 V858B V860UB V860UK

Dead - PSU blow up Dim Display Int dead on power up Reverts to st/by aft 5 secs Static type dots on pback Pop then dead Head sw varies on rec Int power up No take up, afterwards refusing to eject

Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba

V880MS V880MS V88D V93 V93/V300B etc V93B V93B VE12R

Dead Dead with int or no display No play - ffwd/rew ok caused by no head rotation No display or e-e - ok otherwise No display, e-e; pback ok Int blows F802 1.25A & F803 1.6A fuses at sw on Wont accept cassette - no test sig Dead after power cut

Toshiba Toshiba Triumph Triumph Triumph Triumph Vantage

VE32 VE32 VR9500 VR9500 VR9511 VR9511 VTL24T Time lapse

Dead after mains removed No display No display No functs when cassette inserted Display only Won't sw off Int shows "FAULT" in display - ok when unplugged & reconnected to mains

CO007 10 & CO008 100on psu pri CP041 220 sec psu u/s R501 68R w STK5326 reg IC501- no 5v o/p pin5 - chip u/s No P.Con 12v pin 5 CP501; STK5422 reg chip u/s Power mute tr Q502 faulty tho' measured ok - used BF337 Mode sw

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