Comp1617 kf117

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Coursework Of

Network Architectures And Services (COMP1617)

On Network Simulation-OSPF (Using Opnet Modeler 16.1) & Submarine Cable Communication (Research Review)

Submitted By, Faizan Kitab Student Number: 000723487 Student ID: KF117 Submitted To, Dr. Maryam Roshaneai


Introduction Submarine Cable Communication is done with the help of submarine power cables that make it possible to transmit and receive intelligence via oceans or seas. These cables are laid in the abyssal zone of huge water bodies connecting two land based transreceiving stations. They are indeed responsible in developing a safe network between countries and continents. These cables can support a data rate between 40Gbps and 10Tbps and have latency of few milliseconds only and similar to speed of light. Submarine cables can be laid to connect a distance of 8000 miles using cable lengths of 13000 miles using repeaters across the span to prove effective communication. History Todays submarine cables have evolved with time since mid 18th century. Every new technology aspect introduced in the field has summed up to a success story for an effective World Network like Internet. The evolution of Submarine cable communication can be summarized as under, 1840: - Telegraph cables were laid between harbors via rivers 1843: - Improvement to early telegraph cables by use of gutta percha insulation 1850: - Introduction of an international telegraph link between England and France. 1858: - By means of ship known as Great Eastern, 1st Trans-Atlantic cable was laid between Newfoundland and Ireland, which was then replaced in 1866 because of its defects. 1884: - 1st underwater telephone cable was laid connecting San Francisco and Oakland. 1920: - Multimedia communication via short-wave radio superseded submarine cables was made possible. 1956: - Introduction of repeaters in cables, TAT-1 trans-Atlantic telephone cable was first to feature it. 1961: - Network globalization by means of submarine cables 1986: - A fiber optic submarine cable connects UK and Belgium. 1988: - TAT -8, the first trans oceanic fiber optic cable put in service. Nowadays we are using fiber optic submarine cables so in the case, further research will be emphasized on the same.

Structure Of Submarine Cables:

Image 1

1. A polypropylene or polyethylene yarn acting as wire containment and protection layer 2. Mylar tape jacket (optional in some cables) 3. A steel wire to enforce protection 4. Waterproof aluminum layer 5. A Polyethylene or Polycarbonate jacket 6. A copper or aluminum-conducting layer 7. Petroleum jelly to hold optic cables and maintain separation in between 8. Optical fibers These cables are very small in size with an unarmored cable having a diameter of 1720mm whereas an armored fiber optic cable can have diameter up to 50mm. The length of submarine cable however varies and depends upon the two land based sub stations. One of the longest submarine cables, SEA-ME-WE 4 system is stretched over 13000 miles in ocean. Installation: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Installation of modern submarine cables is processed in the following manner. Pre-laying analysis on impact of cables on environment Survey is performed for the proposed route Cables are designed to suit environmental conditions Cables are installed in water bodies Specially designed ships are used to lay submarine cables on seabeds, which are under guidance of route survey mechanisms A water jet is used to cut a 1m water trench in sea to insert cable (Speed of laying ship varies with the type of cable installing, weather scenario and other environmental conditions.) In shallow water zone, divers are used to implant cables where as in case of deep water areas, remotely operated vehicles are used 6. Laid cable positioning and a post-lay survey report is compiled

Precaution: Cables should not be buried over 10m from seabed to safeguard their future from fishing activities Maintenance And Monitoring Issues: Installed submarine cables should be monitored timely to recover faults caused by some natural or human activity. Monitoring is done either underway, using specially designed vehicles or planned for long-term observations depending upon the use and nature of cables. Moreover oceanic observations are considered which help in detection of oceanic changes and natural hazards. As per statistics, 70% of cable faults are caused due to anchoring and fishing Shark and fish bites account ~40 cable faults per installation Earthquakes and current abrasions result in 12% of cable faults Faults in cables laid in depth of 1000m or more are from natural hazards

In case a link or cable is realized to be faulty, a special ship is put into use that can result a costly activity if a maintenance ship isnt nearby and can consume a long time as well. For this reason, the majority of submarine cables are installed under ring topology so as network shall remain active even if one link or stretch is broken. Applications: Submarine cables empower the world connectivity. Major networks between countries and continents are made with the help of such cables. Communication using these cables is preferred, as it proves cheaper than other mediums like satellite. Submarine cables carry more than 95% of worlds voice traffic and 100% of transoceanic Internet traffic. Future Technology: The future technology in submarine cables is expected to develop cables with greater reliability and capacity. It is expected to have cables that can even detect physical and chemical changes, which can prove beneficial to coastal and maritime defenses. There is some work done over submarine cables so as cables can act as oceanic observatory devices. The submarine survey vehicles featuring docking modules and environmental sensors can be used to download data. Summary And Tentative Conclusions: Submarine cable communication is an impressive way of data communication. If the submarine fiber optic cables go cheaper, they can be implanted in many other smaller networks, certainly proving faster and efficient. There is a huge scope in future of fiber optic cables and technology can be enhanced in many proposed ways. The growing Internet traffic and rise in intercontinental bandwidth can be satisfied effectively by means of addition of submarine cables.

REFERENCES Image 1:: Wikipedia Book Referred: 150 Years of Submarine Cable Systems from Morse Code to Cyber Talk - by Barnes, Devos, Gable and Le Moul Internet Source: #International Cable Protection Committee Ltd Official #Submarine Cable Infrastructure MR1395.appi.pdf #Submarine Power Cables f0c12576170043c298/$file/submarine%20power%20cables.pdf # Submarine Cable Solutions, Laying and Challenges 633947857ca7.pdf

INTRODUCTION In this paper, a network of eight routers is analyzed under OSPF routing to observe the changes in traffic sent under OSPF. OSPF OSPF is an interior routing protocol that works under link state routing algorithm for a packet-switched network like Internet. OSPF was defined as version 2 in RFC 2325 on its introduction. The main application of OSPF lies in the fact that it is capable of allowing dynamic routes, meaning, a router can extract a route from another router and it can guide another one with a route. It is a very efficient algorithm that can even support classless IP address ranges. Though a router to support OSPF should have better resources like processor and main memory. The routes are guided using a process called Link State Advertisements (LSAs). OSPF compiles the route information from the network and selects a designated router that can prove efficient for the data flow. This is however done to reduce the frequency and the quantity of LSAs. The routes selected by OSPF depend upon the cost of paths under network. Lowest cost paths are given preference. The cost of a path depends on many factors like the configured costs of outbound links and the configured costs of terminals where LSAs are received. Network Design: Eight slip8_gtwy Router have been used to form the network of routers as show in Figure 1. To connect the routers, PPP_DS3 functioning under 44.736 Mbps speed have been used. Reasons For parameters: slip8_gtwy Routers are fully compatible to OSPF routing. PPP_DS3 are commonly used for Point-To-Point connection in IP Network and have a good support for higher bandwidth.


Figure 1

As mentioned in introduction part, OSPF works on scheme of cost per path. As per the coursework specifications, following are the costs for links in network. R_A------R_B = 20 R_B------R_C = 20 R_C------R_A = 20 R_A------R_D = 5 R_C------R_E = 5 R_D------R_E = 5 R_D------R_F = 5 R_E------R_G = 5 R_G------R_F = 10 R_F------R_H = 10 R_G------R_H = 10 As seen in Figure 1, traffic demands have been set from Router A to Router C and from Router B to Router H. Network Traffic Demand Management is a very healthy activity observed in huge networks to overcome network failures in high load situations. Its usually decided on the basis of probability. The alphabet o in green background on every link makes it sure that the routing used in OSPF. In this simulation, there are two scenarios used to compare the results under two different situations. Viz. Scenario No_Areas: This is the original design of network as already discussed under Figure 1.

Scenario - Q4_No_Areas_Failure: This is the duplicate scenario to original design from Figure 1. Here the link connecting Router D and Router E have been put under failure state after time duration of 100 seconds from simulation. The Scenario diagram can be observed from Figure 2 below,

Figure 2

The only addition to this scenario is introduction of Failure Recovery Definition where link between Router D and Router E has been set as FAIL. SIMULATION RESULTS: Effect On Link State Database Of Router A: If we analyze and compare the content of link state database for both the scenarios, there are total 8 entries under Router Links LSA field for both the cases but the last four entries show the differences.

Link State Database Content For No_Areas Scenario

Link State Database Content For Q4_No_Areas_Failure Scenario

The changes observed while comparing both the cases are, 1. The designated router differs in both the cases that can be observed from Link State ID field. 2. Advertising Router is not the same for the specific designated router.

3. Sequence numbers are different which means that the different LS packets are being sent. 4. The difference in LSA age by a value of 1 signifies the variation of flooding procedure at every hop. 5. Cost to some links has changed in OSPF as well. Effect On Routing Table Of Router A: On comparing the two IP Forwarding tables from the two scenarios, following observations were made,

IP Forwarding Table For Router A No_Areas Scenario

IP Forwarding Table For Router A Q4_No_Areas_Failure Scenario

Its only insertion time that has varied from one scenario to another. This is because the shortest path from Router A to any other router doesnt follow path Router D Router E. Investigation On Traffic Sent (bits/Sec) under OSPF routing for two scenarios: Following graph was observed from the network simulation statistics of the two scenarios.

The graph clearly shows that the OSPF protocol traffic sent with respect to time is more by some proportion in case of Q4_No_Areas_Failure scenario. This was totally expected, as the link failure between two Routers in Q4_No_Areas_Failure Scenario would affect the network flow. Moreover, the link that was put under failure state, i.e. link between Router D and Router E had a cost of 5, which means the lowest cost in this network. The other links connected to Router D and Router E were weighted as shortest paths in network as well. The failure of link between these two routers subjected more traffic to OSPF for advertisement and flow. Another thing to be noticed is, the link failure in second scenario was initiated after 100 seconds and the notch in the graph signifies the load on OSPF protocol traffic at sudden. Conclusion And Recommendation: By simulating the results for OSPF protocol traffic, its easier to manage the network as we can determine if the OSPF can handle the network load and data flow. By all the experimentation and network analysis, we come to conclusion that, OSPF is an adaptive routing protocol that works better when in hierarchical routing environment and following characteristics should be considered, Hierarchical routing structure should be created for network.

Its better to have a contiguous backbone and all areas under network should have a good connection to the same.

Furthermore, to balance the OSPF protocol traffic we should consider, Number of routers used in a particular area and those areas inturn connected to ABR. The number of neighboring routers to any router in OSPF network and the total number of areas that it can support also plays a vital role.

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