Logical Topology

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Module 04

Networking Basics
Logical Topology

Switching Before you can understand specific network transport systems, such as Ethernet and Token Ring, you must be familiar with the concept of switching. Switching is a component of a networks logical topology that determines how connections are created between nodes. . Every network transport system relies on one of these switching mechanisms. The three methods for switching are as follows: Circuit switching Message switching Packet switching Circuit Switching In circuit switching, a connection is established between two network nodes before they begin transmitting data. Bandwidth is dedicated to this connection and remains available until the users terminate communication between the two nodes. While the nodes remain connected, all data follow the same path initially selected by the switch. When you place a telephone call, for example, your call goes through a circuit-switched connection. Because circuit switching monopolizes its piece of bandwidth while the two stations remain connected (even when no actual communication is taking place), it is not an economical technology. Some network applications that cannot tolerate the time delay it takes to reorganize data packets, such as live audio or videoconferencing, benefit from such a dedicated path, however.When you connect your home PC via modem to your Internet service providers access server, that connection uses circuit switching. WAN technologies, such as ISDN and T1 service, which are discussed in Chapter 7, also use circuit switching. Finally, ATM, which is discussed later in this chapter, uses circuit switching as well.

Message Switching Message switching establishes a connection between two devices, transfers the information to the second device, and then breaks the connection.The information is stored and forwarded from the second device once a connection between that device and a third device on the path is established.This store and forward routine continues until the message reaches its destination.All information follows the same physical path; unlike with circuit switching, however, the connection is not continuously maintained. E-mail systems use message switching. Message switching requires that each device in the datas path have sufficient memory and processing power to accept and store the information before passing it to the next node. None of the network transmission technologies discussed in this chapter uses message switching.

Packet Switching A third method for connecting nodes on a network is packet switching. Packet switching breaks data into packets before they are transported. Packets can travel any path on the network to their destinations, because each packet contains the destination address and sequencing information. Consequently, packets can attempt to find the fastest circuit available at any instant.They need not follow each other along the same path, nor must they arrive at their destination in the same sequence as when they left the transmitting node.

ETHERNET Ethernet is a logical topology originally developed by Xerox in the 1970s and later improved by Xerox, Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), and Intel. This flexible technology can run on a variety of network media and offers excellent throughput at a reasonable cost. Ethernet is, by far, the most popular logical topology for LANs today, and its popularity continues to grow. Ethernet has evolved through many variations, and continues to improve.As a result of this history, it supports many different versionsso many, in fact, that you will probably find the many variations a little confusing. Ethernet networks may differ at the Physical layer. Here we will learn how Ethernet networks may differ at the Data Link layer. First, however, you will learn about CSMA/CD, the network access method that all Ethernet networks have in common.

Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) The defining characteristic of Ethernet is its access method, or its method of controlling how network nodes access the communications channel. The access method used in Ethernet is called Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD).All Ethernet networks, independent of their speed or frame type, rely on CSMA/CD.To understand Ethernet, you must first understand CSMA/CD. Take a minute to think about the full name Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection. The term Carrier Sense refers to the fact that Ethernet NICs listen on the network and wait until they detect (or sense) that no other nodes are transmitting data over the signal (or carrier) on the communications channel before they begin to transmit. The term Multiple Access refers to the fact that several Ethernet nodes can be connected to a network and can monitor traffic, or access the media, simultaneously. In CSMA/CD, when a node wants to transmit data it must first access the transmission media and determine whether the channel is free. If the channel is not free, it waits and checks again after a random (but very brief) amount of time. If the channel is free, the node transmits its data.Any node can transmit data once it determines that the channel is free. But what if two nodes simultaneously check the channel, determine that its free, and begin to transmit? When this happens, their two transmissions will interfere with each other; this is known as a collision. In this event, the network performs a series of steps known as the collision detection routine. If a stations NIC determines that its data has been involved in a collision, it will immediately stop transmitting. Next, in a process called jamming, it will issue a special 32-bit sequence that indicates to the rest of the network nodes that the stations previous transmission was faulty and that they should not accept those data frames as valid. After waiting, the node will determine if the line is again available; if it is available, the line will retransmit its data.

CSMA/CD process

On an Ethernet network, an individual segment is known as a collision domain, or a portion of a network in which collisions will occur if two nodes transmit data at the same time. When designing an Ethernet network, its important to note that, since repeaters simply regenerate any signal they receive, they repeat collisions just as they repeat data.Thus, connecting multiple parts of a network with repeaters results in a larger collision domain. Higher-layer connectivity devices, such as switches and routers, however, can separate collision domains. Collision domains play a role in the Ethernet cabling distance limitations. For example, if the distance between two nodes on a segment connected to the same 100BaseT network bus exceeds 100 meters, data propagation delays will be too long for CSMA/CD to work. A data propagation delay is the length of time data take to travel from one point on the segment to another point.When data takes a long time, CSMA/CDs collision detection routine cannot identify collisions accurately. In other words, one node on the segment might begin its CSMA/CD routine and determine that the channel is free even though a second node has begun transmitting, because the second nodes data is taking so long to reach the first node. In Fast Ethernet, data travel so quickly that NICs cant always keep up with the collision detection and retransmission routines. Because of the speed employed on a 100BaseT network, the window of time for the NIC to both detect and compensate for the error is much less than that of a 10BaseT, 10Base2, or 10Base5 network.To minimize undetected collisions, 100BaseT buses can support a maximum of three network segments connected with two hubs, while 10BaseT buses can support a maximum of five network segments connected with four hubs.This shorter path reduces the highest potential propagation delay between nodes.

LOCALTALK Now that you have learned about Ethernet, a very common logical topology, you will learn about some less common logical topologies, including LocalTalk. LocalTalk is a logical topology designed by Apple Computer, Inc. specifically for networking Macintosh computers. It has been included with the Macintosh operating system since 1984, and it provided a simple, cost-effective way of interconnecting Macintosh devices. However, LocalTalk is only capable of 230 Kbps maximum throughput - much less than the 10-Mbps or 100-Mbps throughput of an Ethernet network. Also, LocalTalk is not easily supported by non-Macintosh devices. And, since Macintosh computers are capable of using Ethernet as a network access method, Ethernet is usually preferred over LocalTalk. An instance in which LocalTalk might still be appropriate is for a home network that requires simple configuration and does not require high throughput.Although you may never need to build a LocalTalk network, the essential details of this logical topology are included here in case you must modify or troubleshoot one. LocalTalk uses a transmission method called Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA). It is similar to the CSMA/CD used in Ethernet networks, except that a node on a LocalTalk network signals its intent to transmit before it actually does so. In this way, collisions and the need for data retransmittals are (mostly) avoided.At the Physical layer, LocalTalk networks require twisted-pair wiring and, in fact, use the same type of cabling used for telephone connections.They may rely on a star or,more often, a bus physical topology.Their maximum segment length is 1000 feet, or approximately 305 meters. Up to 32 nodes may be connected to any single LocalTalk network before data errors begin to occur.

Collision Avoidance

TOKEN RING Token Ring networks are generally more expensive to implement than Ethernet networks. Proponents of the Token Ring technology argue that, although some of its connectivity hardware is more expensive, its reliability results in less downtime and lower network management costs than Ethernet. On a practical level,Token Ring has probably lost the battle for superiority because its developers were slower to develop a highspeed standard.Token Ring networks can run at either 4, 16, or 100 Mbps.The 100-Mbps Token Ring standard, finalized in 1999, is known as

High-Speed Token Ring (HSTR). HSTR can use either twisted-pair or fiber-optic cable as its transmission medium.While it is as reliable and efficient as Fast Ethernet, it is less common because of its more costly implementation. Token Ring networks use the token-passing routine and a star-ring hybrid physical topology. Recall from the discussion of the ring topology earlier in this chapter that a token designates which station on the ring can transmit information on the wire. On a Token Ring network, one workstation, called the active monitor, acts as the controller for token passing. Specifically, the active monitor maintains the timing for ring passing, monitors token and frame transmission, detects lost tokens, and corrects errors when a timing error or other disruption occurs. Only one workstation on the ring can act as the active monitor at any given time. In token passing, a 3-byte token circulates around the network.When a station has something to send, it picks up the token, changes it to a frame, and then adds the header, information, and trailer fields. The header includes the address of the destination node. All nodes read the frame as it traverses the ring to determine whether they are the intended recipient of the message. If they are, they pick up the data, then retransmit the frame to the next station on the ring. When the frame finally reaches the originating station, the originating workstation reissues a free token that can then be used by another station.The token passing control scheme ensures high data reliability (no collisions) and an efficient use of bandwidth. It also does not impose distance limitations on the length of a LAN segment, unlike CSMA/CD. On the other hand, token ring passing generates extra network traffic.

Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) is a logical topology whose standard was originally specified by ANSI in the mid-1980s and later refined by ISO. FDDI (pronounced fiddy) uses a double ring of multimode or single mode fiber to transmit data at speeds of 100 Mbps. FDDI was developed in response to the throughput limitations of Ethernet and Token Ring technologies used at the time. In fact, FDDI was the first network transport system to reach the 100-Mbps threshold. For this reason, you will frequently find it supporting network backbones that were installed in the late 1980s and early 1990s. A popular implementation of FDDI involves connecting LANs located in multiple buildings, such as those on college campuses. FDDI links can span distances as large as 62 miles. Because Ethernet and Token Ring technologies have developed faster transmission speeds, FDDI is no longer the much-coveted technology that it was in the 1980s. Nevertheless, FDDI is a stable technology that offers numerous benefits. Its reliance on fiber-optic cable ensures that FDDI is more reliable and more secure than transmission methods that depend on copper wiring.Another advantage of FDDI is that it works well with Ethernet 100BaseTX technology. One drawback to FDDI technology is its high cost relative to Fast Ethernet (costing up to 10 times more per switch port than Fast Ethernet). If an organization has FDDI installed, however, it can use the same cabling to upgrade to Fast Ethernet or Gigabit Ethernet, with only minor differences to consider, such as Ethernets lower maximum segment length. FDDI is based on a ring physical topology similar to a Token Ring network, use.However, unlike Token Ring technology, FDDI runs on two complete rings. During normal operation, the primary FDDI ring carries data, while the secondary ring is idle.The secondary ring will assume data transmission responsibilities should the primary ring experience Physical layer problems. This redundancy makes FDDI networks extremely reliable.

A FDDI network

Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) is a logical topology that relies on a fixed packet size to achieve data transfer rates up to 9953 Mbps. It was first conceived by researchers at Bell Labs in 1983 as a higher-bandwidth alternative to FDDI It is typically used on WANs, particularly by large data carriers such as telephone companies and Internet service providers. Like Token Ring and Ethernet, ATM specifies Data Link layer data packaging and Physical layer signaling techniques. But what sets ATM apart from Token Ring and Ethernet is its fixed packet size.The fixed packet in ATM, which is called a cell, consists of 48 bytes of data plus a 5-byte header. This fixed packet size allows ATM to provide predictable traffic patterns and better control over bandwidth utilization. However, recall that a smaller packet size requires more overhead. In fact,ATMs smaller packet size does decrease its potential throughput, but the efficiency of using cells compensates for that loss. Compare ATMs maximum throughput of 9953 Mbps with Fast Ethernets maximum throughput of 100 Mbps. Even though an ATM cell is a fraction of the size of an Ethernet frame,ATMs throughput is significantly faster. Another unique aspect of ATM technology is that it relies on virtual circuits. Virtual circuits are connections between network nodes that, while based on potentially disparate physical links, logically appear to be direct, dedicated links between those nodes. The significant benefit to using circuit switching is that it allows ATM to guarantee a specific quality of service (QoS). QoS is a standard that specifies that data will be delivered within a certain period of time after their transmission. ATM networks can supply four QoS levels, from a best effort attempt for noncritical data to a guaranteed, real-time transmission for time-sensitive data. This is important for organizations using networks for time-sensitive applications such as video and audio transmissions. For example, a company that wants to use its physical connection between two offices located at opposite sides of a state to carry its voice phone calls might choose the ATM logical topology with the highest possible QoS to carry that data.Without QoS guarantees, data may arrive in the wrong order or too slowly to be properly interpreted by the receiving node.

An ATM Network Comprises ATM Switches and Endpoints

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